our lady of perpetual help our lady of perpetual help
our lady of perpetual help our lady of perpetual help
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP 5250 CETRAL AVE. RIVERSIDE, CA 92504 OFFICE (951) 689-8921 FAX (951) 689-3619 SCHOOL (951) 689-2125 E-MAIL: olph.riv@sbdiocese.org WEBSITE: olphriverside.org OFFICE HOURS / Horas de Oficina/ Văn Phòng Giáo Xứ Monday - Friday 9am-12pm & 1-5pm Sunday 8:30-11am SACRAME+TS / Sacramentos Weddings/Bodas Baptisms/Bautizos 689-8921 ext. 20 CATECHETICAL FORMATIO+ /Formación Catequética Religious Ed (Eng) & Confirmation: Mary Fisher 217-2676 Rel. Ed (Span) / Catecismo: Eva Jaimes 686-4077 Religious Ed (Viet): Sr. Hang Le 689-8921 ext. 32 RCIA: Charlie Sinatra 354-7116 Catecismo para Adultos: Jorge Macias 358-9272 SEPTEMBER 25, 2011 EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS SATURDAY / SABADO/ Thứ Th Bảy B y 5:00pm English SUNDAY / DOMINGO / Chúa Nhật Nh t 7:30am English 9:00am English 11:00am Español 1:00pm Español 3:00pm Tongan (1st Sun/month) 5:00pm Vietnamese 7:00pm English (Youth Mass) DAILY EUCHARIST / DIARIO / Ngày Thường Th ng 8:00am English RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES /Giải Gi i Tội T i 8:30am Saturdays / Sabados / Thứ Bảy and by appointment LITURGICAL MI+ISTRIES / Ministerios Litúrgicos Altar Servers: Dawn Varga 909-223-4931 Monaguillos: Claudia Sanchez 781-0865 Lectors: Mildred Polk 801-1779 Lectores: Rubi Albiter 785-6913 Liturgy: Lucille Breckenridge 682-5309 Environment: Margaret Tyrrell 780-6647 Euch. Ministers: Chris McAdams 683-6329 Eucaristia: 11am Victor Madrid 909-208-8401 1pm Raul y Bertha Juarez 687-1689 Ushers: Mike Koury 687-5328 Ujieres: 11am Elva y Martin Villalobos 689-7728 1pm Maria Garcia 750-3558 PASTORAL MI+ISTRY / Ministerio Pastoral Bereavement: Marie Hoesman 778-9191 Visit of the Sick: Lincon Mena 689-8921 Comunion a los Enfermos: Raul Juarez 687-1689 COMMU+ITY-BUILDI+G & SERVICE/ Servicio y Comunidad Our Lady’s Guild: Jean Fortuna 687-3423 Golden Agers: Marie Hoesman 778-9191 Catholic Daughters: Ginger Bentley 687-8049 Fellowship: Flora Helepiko 489-9755 Knights of Columbus: Mike Yasmer 204-5873 Welcoming Ministry: Juanita Wielenga 681-8849 Small Faith Communities: Donna Nurre 684-7922 Pro-Life / Pro-Vida: Margaret Moses 369-8726 Food Pantry/Dispensa de Comida : Frank Whatley 684-4298 Church Cleaning/ Limpieza de Iglesia: Nereyda Navarro 354-5788 PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY / Oración y Estudio Bíblico Devotions: Marie Fiveash 359-1739 Grupo de Oración: Rosario Vasquez 237-1054 Grupo de Mujeres: Rosalia Sanchez 352-9047 Grupo de Hombres: Cresencio Puente 687-4659 Pastoral Coordinator Dr. Sarah Elder Priests Fr. Timothy Do Fr. Charles Patron Deacons Nam Bui Rogelio Gonzalez School Principal Ann Meier RE Coordinators Sr. Hang Le Mary Fisher Eva Jaimes Secretary Karla Romero Office Administrator Lillian Kalmar Pastoral Council Micheale Gibbons Facilitator Shannon Gibbons Recorder Tom Deike Cecilia de la Riva Ivan de la Riva Claudia Sanchez Hau Ton Le Lupe Maldonado Atu Vaipulu Finance Council Jorge Amezcua Marie Hoesman Mike Koury Atu Vaipulu Finance Report for Month of August Reporte de Finanzas: Total Income/ Ingresos $59,047.91 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time SEPTEMBER 25, 2011 One of the most amazing passages in Scripture is in today’s Epistle to the Philippians. Most scholars agree that in Philippians 2, 5-11, St Paul was quoting a hymn that was already sung by Christians before he wrote his letter. And the letter is dated 62 AD or before. So this was a hymn sung by some of the very earliest Christians. This beautiful hymn reveals the deep pattern of the life of the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, the Son of God. The Son had great privilege and power—he was “in the form of God”. Then we see that he freely “emptied himself”—he became obedient, vulnerable, and even a slave “doulos” (verse 7). But then, after an obedience which even included death, God “highly exalted him”, so that all creation bends before him. He is no longer a slave but Lord “kurios” (verse 11, the same word we still use in the mass Kyrie eleison). St Paul urges the Christians at Philippi to have the same attitude as Christ. Don’t stand on your dignity, holding tight to your status and achievements and claiming your rights, he says. As baptized Christians, we participate in the Spirit of Christ (verse 1), and this should make us Christlike and servant-like, just as He was a servant. If even God didn’t stand on his rights, who are we to do so? Humility, emptying oneself, servant-hood—these virtues are not prized in our secular culture, and sometimes not even in the Church! But in God’s eyes they are the greatest! Let’s ask for the gift of humility, and the ability to give great honor to each other by our courtesy and appreciation of each other in large ways and small ways this week. Reflection by Dr. Sarah Total Expenses/ Gastos: $57,140.59 Net Profit/ Ganancias: $1,907.32 RELIGIOUS ED A+D CO+FIRMATIO+ CLASSES HAVE BEGU! REGISTER TUESDAYS A+D THURSDAYS 1pm to 5pm in the office Mary Fisher 217-2676 6:30 to 8pm—OLPH Hall All Youth between ages of 14 and 18 are invited! Join us this Thursday and every Thursday for some young Catholic fun! Our Bishops have three basic goals for the youth ministry: 1)To help you follow Jesus Christ and His way 2) To help you find ways to participate in the Church community 3) To help you grow into your full potential, personally and spiritually Our Bishop Barnes has declared this year: LITURGICAL FORMATION DAY AT OLPH - NOVEMBER 12 The Diocese will offer workshops for Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ministry to the Sick, Ushers, Altar Server Coordinators and Sacristans. These can help those already involved in ministry as well as those who are just beginning. Participants pay $5. You must register in our parish office by Oct. 31st. After that date, fee is $15 if space is available. BAPTISMS I+ E+GLISH Next Baptisms: Sunday, October 9th at the 9am Mass. If you are interested in baptizing, please pick up a registration packet in the office. Pre-Baptism classes begin Monday, Sept. 26th! You must be registered by first class! PA+CAKE BREAKFAST +EXT SU+DAY The Knights of Columbus will host a Pancake Breakfast for our parish and all the proceeds will benefit our parish. Sunday, September 25th in the Parish Hall. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR OUR MINISTRY TO THE SICK Can you donate one hour of your time to visit with the sick or homebound? We will train you and provide material you need. Our Lord tells us visiting the sick is one of the few things He will use to judge those who are worthy to spend an eternity with Him. “...I was sick and you took care of me” Call and leave your name and number in the office at 689-8921 ext. 20. Vigesimo-sexto Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario Septiembre 25, 2011 Uno de los mejores pasajes de la Biblia se encuentra hoy en la carta a los Filipenses. La mayoría está de acuerdo que en Filipenses 2, 5-11, San Pablo estaba hablando acerca de un himno que ya cantaban cristianos antes de que él escribiera la carta. Y la carta tiene la fecha de 62 AD o antes. Asi que este era el himno cantado por algunos de los primeros cristianos. Este bello himno revela un diseño profundo de la vida de la Segunda Persona de la Santisima Trinidad, el Hijo de Dios. El Hijo tuvo gran privilegio y poder—el era de “condición divina”. Luego vemos que el libremente “tomó la condición de servidor”—el se convirtió obediente, vulnerable, y hasta esclavo “doulos” (verso 7). Pero luego, después de una obediencia que incluía la muerte, Dios “lo exaltó”, para que toda la creación se postrara ante el. El ya no es un esclavo pero Señor “kurios” (verso 11, la misa palabra que todavía usamos en la misa Kyrie eleison). San Pablo le pide a los filipenses que tengan la misma actitud de Cristo. No se aferren a su dignidad, dependiendo de su estatus y logros y alegando por sus derechos, el dice. Como cristianos bautizados, participamos en el Espiritu de Cristo (verso 1), y esto debe hacernos más como Cristo y más serviciales, al igual que él fue un sirviente. Si Dios mismo no peleo por sus derechos, ¿quienes somos nosotros para hacerlo? Humildad, el estar vacio, servidumbre-estas son virtudes que no son celebradas en nuestra cultura secular, ¡y a veces ni en la iglesia! Pero en los ojos de Dios ¡son los mejores! Pidamos el don de humildad, y la abilidad de honrarnos unos a otros por medio de cortesía y aprecio demostrándolo en grandes maneras y en pequeñas maneras esta semana. Reflexión por Dra. Sarah DIA DE FORMACION LITURGICA AQUI EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA Sabado, 12 de noviembre La Dioces ofrecerá talleres de formación para Lectores, Ministros de Eucaristía, Ministerio a los Enfermos, Ujieres, Sacristanes y Coordinadores de Monaguillos. Estos talleres son buenos para las personas ya sirviendo en un ministerio y para los que comienzan a hacerlo. Los participantes deben pagar $5.00 en la oficina parroquial para registrarse antes del 31 de octubre. Despues de esa fecha, el costo es de $15 si aún hay lugar. ¡REGISTRESE PRONTO! 6:30 a 8pm—Salón Parroquial ¡Todos los jóvenes entre 14 y 18 años están invitados! ¡Los esperamos este jueves y todos los jueves para actividades católicas divertidas! Nuestros Obispos tienen tres metas básicas para el minsterio de jóvenes: 1)Para ayudarte a seguir a Jesucristo y Su camino 2) Para ayudarte a encontrar maneras de participar en la comunidad parroquial 3) Para ayudarte a crecer a tu potencial, personalmente y espiritualmente. Nuestro Obispo Barnes ha declarado este año: PREPARACIO+ MATRIMO+IAL Estas clases son un requisito para todas las parejas que han apartado su boda por la iglesia. Las clases serán los lunes, 3, 10, 17, 24 de octubre y 7 de noviembre a las 7pm. Costo es de $50 por pareja y debe registrarse en la oficina. Para más información, llame al 689-8921 ext. 20. PROGRAMA PARA ADULTOS QUE +ECESITA+ LOS SACRAME+TOS DE BAUTIZO, PRIMERA COMU+IO+ Y/O LA CO+FIRMACIO+ Comienza mañana lunes, 19 de septiembre a las 7:00pm en el Salón 7. Las clases serán todos los lunes. Costo de la clase: $30. Para más información: Jorge 358-9272 Puede apuntarse después de Misa este domingo. ESTUDIO BIBLICO EN ESPAÑOL PARA ADULTOS –¡ya comenzo! ¡TODOS LOS MIERCOLES! Todos están invitados al Estudio Biblico en español. Nos reunimos todos los miercoles de 6:30pm a 8pm en el segundo piso del Centro de Ministerios en el Salón A. Traiga su Biblia. CATECISMO Y CO+FIRMACIO+ ¡CLASES YA COME+ZARO+! REGISTRESE LOS MARTES Y JUEVES 1pm a 5pm en la oficina Eva Jaimes 689-8921 ext. 22 CHÚA NHẬT XXVI THƯỜNG NIÊN TWENTY SIXTH SUNDY IN ORDINARY TIME September 25, 2011 Hôm nay chúng ta nghe diễn lại lời của tiên tri Ezekiel về thói quen của dân bị lưu dày tại Babylon, họ có một thói quen hay đổ lỗi của chính họ cho kẻ khác – về tổ tiên hay thượng đế của họ. Do đó tiên tri Ezekiel giảng dạy rằng mỗi cá nhân phải chịu trách nhiệm cuộc sống của chính mình, “Nếu kẻ gian ác bỏ đàng gian ác nó đã đi, và thực thi công bình chính trực, nó sẽ được sống.” muốn dạy chúng ta điều quan trọng không phải là nói nhiều, lý luận hay, diễn giải lưu loát mà phải biết thực hành và đem những điều tốt ra chỉ dẫn cho những ai lầm lỗi. Đó là chúng ta biết thi hành những điều tốt trong cuộc sống hằng ngày. Những điều tốt đó chính là những việc làm mà lương tâm chúng ta không bị cắn rứt. Những điều tốt Thiên Chúa muốn là thành thật, có nói có, không nói không phát xuất từ đáy lòng chúng ta. Chính Chúa Giêsu đã thẳng thắn lên án những người xưa như các Luật sĩ, nhóm Biệt phái, kể cả thời nay cũng có những hạng người đó và chính chúng ta cũng nên xét lại thái độ và hành động hằng ngày của chính mình. Chúng ta chớ nên khoe mình tài giỏi và đừng tự hào tuyên bố là biết hết điều hay lẽ phải mà rất cần sự nương nhờ nơi Thiên Chúa, cần sự cầu nguyện và van xin Ngài ban thêm ơn khôn ngoan để có đủ sáng suốt thi hành mọi điều tốt theo thánh ý Thiên Chúa. LỜI CẦU NGUYỆN VÀ THĂM VIẾNG BỆNH NHÂN Trong Cộng Đoàn chúng ta có một số ông bà anh chị em đang yếu bệnh, hoặc vì tuổi tác già nua cần nhiều lời cầu của ông bà anh chị em. Nguyện xin Thiên Chúa và Đức Mẹ nâng đỡ những người ấỵ. Đồng thời xin thân nhân thông báo cho Trưởng Giáo Khu, Chủ tịch và thành viên Ban Chấp Hành để tiện việc đề cử người thăm USED DRYER FOR SALE I+ PARISH OFFICE $75 or best offer. Make an offer! SE VE+DE U+A SECADORA USADA E+ LA OFICI+A $75 o mejor oferta Hôm nay chúng ta tiếp tục suy niệm trích thư đầy tình thương của Thánh Phaolô Tông Đồ gởi tín hữu Philippians. Thánh nhân viết thư nầy trong nhà tù tại Rome, khẩn cầu anh chị em hãy hiệp nhất và khiêm tốn trong Đức Kitô như Ngài đã khiêm tốn, hạ mình chịu nhiều đau khổ và chết trên thập giá. “Vì thế Thiên Chúa đã tôn vinh Ngài, và ban cho Ngài một danh hiệu vượt trên mọi danh hiệu…” Qua Dụ ngôn trong bài Phúc Âm hôm nay, Đức Giêsu +EW REGISTRATIO+ / +ueva registración Complete this form & drop it in the collection basket THA+K YOU TUCKER FAMILY Our parish community thanks Scott and Adele Tucker and Family for sponsoring the donuts for our Sunday Fellowship for the next several weeks. LIFELI+ES Pregnant & Scared? You have options: 1-800-395-HELP Hurt by an Abortion? You are not alone. For hope & healing contact: English 1-800-794-7863 Español 909-238-4037 RachelsVineyard.org Natural Family Planning 909-475-5351 CHA+GE OF ADDRESS / Cambio de Dirección Llene esta forma y deposítela en la canasta de la colecta NAME/Nombre: ________________________________________________ PHONE / Teléfono: ________________________ ADDRESS / Dirección: ______________________________________________________________________________________ FREE CLINIC IN RIVERSIDE Lestonnac Free clinic, a free clinic based in Orange County, will be offering a dedicated clinic to the Diocese of San Bernardino beginning Sept. 10 at St. Catherine of Alexandria in Riverside. The mobile free clinic will initially be located at St. Catherine of Alexandria-corner of Brockton & Arlington Ave- and will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays as a walk-in clinic. A wide variety of medical services will be available on a first come, first serve basis. CLINICA GRATIS EN RIVERSIDE La Clinica Gratis Lestonnac, una clinica gratis basada en el Condado de Orange, ofrecerá una clinica a la Diocesís de San Bernardino desde el 10 de septiembre en Santa Catarina en Riverside. La clinica gratis móbil inicialmente estará localizada en la Iglesia Santa Catarina –esquina de Arlington y Brockton– y estará abierta de 9 a.m. a 5 p.m. los sabados. No necesita cita. Una gran variedad de servicios medicos se ofrecerán a las personas conforme vayan llegando. Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary—Friday, October 7th Our Lady of Perpetual Help devotions Group invites the community to pray for our nation. Everyone consecrated to the Triumphant Victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and anyone who will be making his/her consecration in December needs to come. Also all prayer groups are welcome. Holy Mass at 8am followed by the Rosary in the Prayer Garden. PRO-LIFE Let’s pray together to prevent more babies from being killed just a few blocks away. Come and pray with us on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:30am outside of abortion clinic at 3772 Tibbetts Ave. Riverside, 92506. For more info call Margaret Moses 951-369-8726 or just come out and pray! VE+TA DE DESAYU+O DE PA+QUEQUES Los Caballeros de Colon tendrán una venta de Desayuno el próximo domingo hasta las 11am. Lo que se recaude será para beneficio de la iglesia. PRO-VIDA Oremos juntos para prevenir que bebes sean matados cerca de aquí. Venga y ore con nosotros todos los martes y viernes a las 8:30am afuera de la clinica de abortos en 3772 Tibbetts Ave. Riverside, 92506. Your DDF dollars have been at work! This year we have a completely remodeled parish hall, with new chairs and tables. YOUR COMMITMENT TO YOUR PARISH IS SO MUCH APPRECIATED. Thank you. you. Don’t quit caring about the parish now! Next project will be: NEW FLOOR in the Church and refurbishing our PEWS! ¡Sus dolares de DDF han estado trabajando! Este año tenemos un Salón Parroquial remodelado, con sillas y mesas nuevas. THANK YOU to everyone who has given to our DDF fund this year, and in years past! SE APRECIA SU COMPROMISO A SU PARROQUIA. Muchas Gracias. ¡No deje de preocuparse por su parroquia ahora! Nuestro próximo proyecto es: NUEVO PISO en la Iglesia y renovar las bancas de la iglesia! ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS a todos los que han dado al fondo DDF este año, y en años pasados! Meet the candidates that will be making decisions that affect your children in public schools. Be informed and take an active role in the education of our children-our future: Conozca a los candidatos que harán las decisions que afectan a sus hijos en escuelas publicas. ¡Infórmese y tome una parte active en la educación de sus hijos-nuestro futuro: CA+DIDATE FORUM FOR THE RIVERSIDE U+IFIED SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIO+ Tuesday, October 4th at 7pm at St. Catherines’s Parish Hall 7005 Brockton Ave. Riverside, CA 92506 VOTE O+ TUESDAY, +OVEMBER 8th! FORO DE CA+DIDATOS PARA LA MESA DIRECTIVA DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR DE RIVERSIDE Martes, 4 de octubre a las 7pm En el Salón de Santa Catarina 7005 Brockton Ave. Riverside, CA 92506 ¡VOTE EL MARTES, 8 DE +OVIEMBRE! All Catholic Schools within the Diocese shall adhere strictly to the policy of non-discrimination which states: The schools of the Diocese of San Bernardino admit students of any sex, race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the respective schools. These schools do not discriminate on the basis of sex,race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of their educational policies, admission policies, financial assistance, and athletic and other school administered programs. Todas las escuelas Católicas dentro de la Diócesis se adherirán estrictamente a la poliza de no discriminación, la cual declara:Las escuelas de la Diócesis de San Bernardino admiten a estudiantes de cualquier sexo, raza, color, o origen nacional y etnico a todos los derechos, privilegios, programas y actividades generalmente concordaba o disponible a estudiantes en las escuelas respectivas. Estas escuelas no discriminan sobre la base de sexo, raza, color, origen nacional ni étnico en la administración de sus polizas educativas, de admission, ayuda financiera, atlética y otros programas administrados por la escuela. WEEK OF September 25-October 1 SU+DAY _______SEPTEMBER 25 8-11:00am Fellowship 8:30-10:30am Grupo de Hombres 9:15am-9:45am Eng. Children’s Liturgy 11:15-11:45 am Sp. Children’s Liturgy 12-12:30pm Viet. Religious Ed 12-1:45pm Viet Rel Ed 1:15-1:45pm Sp. Children’s Liturgy 2-3pm Viet. Language 2:30-4pm Divine Mercy Chaplet 3-4:30pm Viet. Cursillo 3-5pm Viet. Euch Society 7:00pm AA 8:00pm Youth Mass Fellowship DOMI+GO Hall MC-A Hall Room 1 1/2 Hall Rm 2-7, MC-ABD Room 1 Rm 1-7 Chapel Rm 7 Hall Annex Office Mtg Rm MO+DAY 2:45-3:45pm 5:30-7pm 6:00pm 7-9pm 7:00pm 7:00pm SEPTEMBER 26 _ School Dance Class Children’s Choir—Fidel AA Choir-Fidel Sp. Adult Rel Ed Baptism Class __LU+ES____ Hall Church Hall Annex Church Room 7 Room 6 TUESDAY 1:30-2:15pm 2:45-3:45pm 9:30-11:30am 6:30-8pm 7:00-9pm SEPTEMBER 27 MARTES___ School Mass Practice Church School Dance Class Hall Grupo de Mujeres Hall Eng. Rel Ed Hall, School, MC-ABCD Grupo de Oración Church WED+ESDAY ___SEPTEMBER 28 MIERCOLES 2:45-3:45pm School Dance Class Hall 6:30pm Confirmation Hall, Rm 5,6,7 6:30pm Bible Study in Spanish MC-A +EW TRA+SLATIO+ OF THE MASS Reminder: in Advent we will begin using the new translation of the Mass at the English masses! Two of the changes we have already talked about: 1) Instead of “And also with you” we will say “And with your Spirit” 2) During the Confession, we will use the phrase, “through my fault, through my fault, through my own most grievous fault” instead of “through my own fault”. Latin: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. We will let you know more changes! Why is the English translation changing? The translation is changing to make the words closer to the text of the mass in Latin, which is the basis for all the translations of the mass. Latin is the ancient language of the Church, and it is still the Universal language for the Church, from which everyone else translates. (For example, the Code of Canon Law is in Latin too.) You will notice that the Spanish and Vietnamese translations of the mass are already using the phrases we are going to—they are closer to the Latin already. RCIA – RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULT'S Begins Oct. 3rd at 7:00 PM in Room 8 in our parish school The RCIA program is for post-high school adults THURSDAY __ SEPTEMBER 29 9-11am Holy Hour 2:45-3:45pm School Dance Class 6:30-8pm Sp. Rel Ed-Noche de Alabanza 6:30pm Youth Group JUEVES____ Chapel Hall Church Hall * for those interested in becoming a Catholic, * for baptized Christians who would like to join the Catholic Church, * for those adult Catholics who want to make their First Communion FRIDAY __ _____SEPTEMBER 30 ______ VIER+ES 5:30pm Rehearsals Church 6:00pm Bible Study-Eng. Office Mtg Rm 6:00pm School Movie Night outside and/or who want to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, SATURDAY 7:00am 10-12pm 10:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 6-8pm 7-9pm You may be interested or you may have a family member, neighbor or OCTOBER 1 _ Mass in Vietnamese Youth Choir Wedding– Sanchez Wedding– Garcia/Arciniega Quin-Alicia Garcia Choir-Linda set-up Viet. Choir-Tayna SABADO_____ Chapel Room 5 Church Church Church Church Room 5 “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” The Baptismal Font is completed. We thank the Hishmeh family for the original font, the basis for the new one, which they donated many years ago in memory of their son. Also, we thank the members of Our Lady’s Guild and the parish community for their support. * and finally for those Catholics who would like to up-date themselves in Catholic Church spirituality, theology, tradition and liturgy. friend who have interest. For info:Call Charlie Sinatra 951-354-7116 Please remember Rosemary Brown in your prayers. She has been hospitalized with pneumonia and is home now with 24/7 care. Contact Dave Brown (son) 951-329-7294 Food Pantry During the month of August, we were able to provide food for 1,207 families and 243 homeless individuals. These included 144 new applications for the month. We thank all those who provide food and money to support our endeavors. DEVOTIONS For the Continued Gift of Community here at O.L.P.H. Please remember in your prayers the following parishioners or members of their family who are ill or are recovering from illness or surgery: Maria Batres, Bill Callanan, Margaret Chávez, Sandra Chávez, Estela de la Torre, Ruthie Doll, Margarita Ellis, Alice Emerson, Troy W. Félix, David Fortuna, Rogelio Juárez, Kit Kirchoff, Patti Kirchoff, Angelina Lord, Debbie Maldonado, Jim Maldonado, Kathy Martin, Al McAdams, Mary Mendoza, Amalia Moreno, Mario Órnelas, Sylvia Órnelas, Mary Anne Portante, Esther Quilliam, Helen Quiroz, Pedro Quiroz, Jesse Santos, Lorie Santos, Dorie Sebastian, Shirley Shovah, Georgia Smith, Linda Sinatra, Lavinia Vaipulu, Amparo Lopez, Richard Troup, Bill Valdez, Opalani Vaipulu, Dickie Ybarra, Rose Zuccolotto and Fr. Gerry McGuinness. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SCHEDULE SAT, OCTOBER 1- CAPTAI+ 5:00pm Tom Deike SU+, OCTOBER 2 - CAPTAI+ 7:30am Christine Stanley 9:00am Rick Montes READI+GS FOR THE WEEK: September 26—October 2 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Zec 8:1-8; Lk 9:46-50 Zec 8:20-23; Lk 9:51-56 Neh 2:1-8; Lk 9:57-62 Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Jn 1:47-51 Bar 1:15-22; Lk 10:13-16 Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Lk 10:17-24 Is 5:1-7; Ps 80; Phil 4:6-9; Mt 21:33-43 LECTURAS DE LA SEMA+A: Septiembre 26-Octubre 2 Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Zac 8:1-8; Lc 9:46-50 Zac 8:20-23; Lc 9:51-56 Neh 2:1-8; Lc 9:57-62 Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 o Rv 12:7-12a; Jn 1:47-51 Bar 1:15-22; Lc 10:13-16 Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Lc 10:17-24 Is 5:1-7; Sal 80 (79); Fil 4:6-9; Mt 21:33-43 You are invited to come and pray for your need and in thanksgiving: SUNDAY- Rosary after 7:30am Mass MON & TUES—Rosary after 8am Mass WEDNESDAY - Jesus King of All Nations after 8am Mass THURSDAY - Holy Hour after 8am Mass to 11am FRIDAY - Rosary in Prayer Garden after 8am Mass Please pray the Intentions of Pope Benedict XVI for the MO+TH OF SEPTEMBER: General Intention: That all teachers may know how to communicate love of the truth and instill authentic moral and spiritual values. Mission Intention: That the Christian communities of Asia may proclaim the Gospel with fervor, witnessing to its beauty with the joy of faith. $7,611.00 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24 5:00pm +Deacon Sid Gurrola by Gloria Gurrola & Family SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 7:30am Intentions of Birthday of Stephanie Corona by Sandra Ochoa +Romualdo Gawat by Regino & Miguela Tolentino 9:00am Intentions of Birthday of Mercedes A. Burcena Intentions of Ray Mora & Pat Gurrola Intentions of Laura & Jerry Steffes by Sherry Stone +Henry Dominguez by Helen McMath 11:00am +Diacono Ysidro Gurrola de la comunidad 1:00pm Intención de Kelvin Pano de su familia +Diacono Ysidro Gurrola de la comunidad +Martha Escamilla de sus hermanos 5:00pm +Phero Do Xuan Van 7:00pm Pro Populo MONDAY SEPTEMBER 26 8:00am In thanksgiving by Vietnamese Family TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 27 8:00am Intentions of Peace in the Family by Vietnamese Fam. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 28 8am Intentions of Lynda McAndrew by Jean & Andy Fortuna THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29 8:00am +Gioan Pham Tan Dat by his family FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30 8:00am +Gioan Pham Tan Dat by his family SATURDAY OCTOBER 1 5:00pm +Louis Rivet by Shirley Shovah SUNDAY OCTOBER 2 7:30am +Rita Carlos by the family +Leon Manahan by Regino & Miguela Tolentino Intentions of Annette Jackson by Marie Fiveash 9:00am +Deacon Sid Gurrola (26th year of ordination) by Gurrola Family 11:00am +Octavio Gaxiola de Yolanda Cazares Intenciones de cumpleaños de Manuel Vasquez de su familia 1:00pm Pro Populo 5:00pm 7:00pm ALTAR FLOWERS - Cost is $35 Flowers are placed on the altar at foot of Risen Christ statue and your intention placed here. FLORES EN EL ALTAR - Costo es $35 El arreglo se pone al pie de la estatua de Cristo y su intención se pone aqui en el boletín.