St. Jerome Church - St. Jerome Catholic Church
St. Jerome Church - St. Jerome Catholic Church
St. Jerome Church 2402 33rd Street - Kenner, Louisiana 70065 Phone: (504) 443-3174 Fax: (504) 443-5499 Ministry of Concern - (504) 441-5014 Website: E-mail: We, the people of St. Jerome, share the mission of the Catholic Church to love and to worship God, our Father. We share the peace of Christ and the hope of eternal salvation with people of all cultures, races, nationalities and ages, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to developing and carrying out those programs and activities that will enable us to achieve that goal together. PASTORAL/CLERICAL STAFF Rev. Quentin Moody, Pastor Mrs. Gail Bordelon, Director of Rel. Education Mrs. Martha Narváez, Parish Secretary Mrs. Martha Brown, Receptionist Permanent Deacon: Deacon Lieu Tran Office Hours: 9AM - 5PM (Monday -Friday) PASTORAL COUNCIL Mike Buisson, Craig Comeaux, Linda DiMaggio, Ron Reinhardt, Gail Bordelon, Clarisa Merle, Carole & Ray Schoenstein, Martha Narváez, María Granizo, Kathy Faia, Mari San Martín RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND FORMATION: Courses/Clases, Retreats/Retiros, RCIA, Neo-Catechumenate, Religious Ed K-12 grades (Tuesday & Wednesday) MINISTRIES AND GROUPS Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, Liturgy Committee, Unity-Hospitality Committee, Building and Maintenance Committee, Liturgical Ministries: Altar Servers, Ushers, Choirs, Eucharistic Ministers, Proclaimers, Altar Society, St. Jerome Council 6746 - 3310 Florida Ave. (469-6736) PRAYER AND DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration: Wed. (9:45 AM-2PM) & 1st. Saturday of each month (9:30 - Noon) Rosary: Daily at 8:30 am/Novena: Perpetual Help (Tuesday after 9am Mass) - Grupo Carismático (Viernes 7:00 PM) Other Services: Citizenship Classes. SACRAMENTAL LIFE EUCHARIST/MISA Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. (English) Sunday 10:00 a.m. (English) Domingo (Spanish) 8:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri & 1st Sat. 9:00 a.m. (in Chapel) PENANCE (CONFESSION/RECONCILIATION): Saturday 3:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. Monday 8:30 to 8:55 AM (in Chapel) Anytime by appointment. Can be arranged anonymously. Baptism Preparation: (Infants through six years old) throughout the year except during Lent. Eucharist Preparation program For 1st graders and older. Communion to Shut-Ins or those hospitalized May be arranged by calling the church office. Confirmation Preparation Program For 9th graders and older. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK (ANOINTING) Upon request for the seriously ill, infirm, those undergoing major surgery, and/or confined to their homes. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Please contact the parish priest before going to the funeral home. The church is the proper and preferred place for the funeral liturgy. MATRIMONY Schedule a meeting with the parish priest or deacon a minimum of six months before the wedding date. Also, call for the possible validation or blessing of a marriage. QUINCEAÑERA REQUIREMENTS - Participating in Religious Formation Classes and/or attending Catholic Schools, Please call the church office. Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 7, 2014 “If two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father.” — Matthew 18:19 “Si dos de ustedes se ponen de acuerdo para pedir algo, sea lo que fuere, mi Padre celestial se los concederá”. — Mateo 18:19 TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME REFLECTION BEFORE CONFESSION Our Lord, the night before he was crucified, went into the Garden of Olives to wait for the soldiers who were coming to take him. While he waited there in the dark, he prayed for all the men and women and children that have ever been or will be in the world. He saw all these sins and asked that they might be laid on him; he asked that he may be punished for them, just as if he had committed them himself. So frightful a penalty made him sweat great drops of blood, which covered his face and the pain in his heart was like the pain of a dying man. IF YOU HAD BEEN THERE, WOULD YOU NOT HAVE DRAWN NEAR TO HIM AND BEGGED HIS PARDON? Fr. Moody ARCHBISHOP AYMOND HAS ASKED THAT THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION WILL BE AVAILABLE ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. WE WILL HAVE CONFESSIONS HEARD IN OUR CHAPEL BETWEEN 6PM & 7PM. PLEASE MARK THAT DAY ON YOUR CALENDAR. DON’T MISS THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY! BARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING AN USHER? ALL ADULTS ARE INVITED NO MATTER WHAT AGE YOU ARE. ALL ARE WELCOME TO SERVE. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE. THIS IS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE THE LORD SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 Archbishop Gregory Aymond will celebrate the annual liturgy for the Victims and Survivors of Violence and Sexual Abuse at the 11:00a.m. Mass in St. Louis Cathedral. This is an opportunity for us as a community of faith to pray for reconciliation and healing, and to ask God’s help as we strive to build a better community free from violence and its causes. He is asking families to bring a photo of their loved ones to process into Mass with these images. Please call the Church Office so we can forward your family name to the archbishop’s office. The Family Life Apostolate will be sponsoring an appreciation and enrichment dinner to all involved in marriage preparation in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Tuesday, June 2, at 6:00pm in Schulte Auditorium. Archbishop Aymond will join us. Contact information by mail to Family Life Apostolate, or email to: before September 15, 2015 LORD, TEACH ME TO PRAY Is a three part prayer series for Men and Women based on Ignatian Spirituality. All parts of the series are being offered separately for men and women throughout the archdiocese. On Tuesdays starting on Sept. 9 at 1:00 pm in meeting room 1 at OLDP, and on Tuesdays starting on Sept. 23 at 7:00 pm at the home of Denise Balint. To register, contact Marilyn Ducasse at 833-3470, or go to, or call Denise Balint at 451-3760 or Cindy Jensen at 813-3036. VIGESIMO TERCER DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO NUESTRO SEÑOR, LA NOCHE ANTES DE SU CRUCIFIXION Se recogió en el Huerto de los Olivos a esperar a los soldados que habían de aprenderle. Y mientras ellos venían, Jesucristo esperaba y hacía oración en la oscuridad, por los pecados de todos los hombres, mujeres y niños que habían vivido y que vivirían en el mundo. Vió y pidió que pesaran sobre El sus pecados y que por ellos fuese El, castigado y que el castigo fuese tan grande com si El lo hubiese cometido. Tan horrorosa pena le hizo sudar gotas grandes de sangre que resbalaban por su rostro y su dolor fue semejante al de un hombre que va a morir. ¿SI ESTUVIERAS ALLI, NO TE HUBIESES ARRASTRADO HASTA EL LUGAR DONDE SE ENCONTRABA JESUS Y LE HUBIERAS PEDIDO PERDON? Fr. Moody EL ARZOBISPO AYMOND HA PEDIDO QUE EL SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACION SE CELEBRE EN TODAS LAS IGLESIAS EL MIERCOLES 17 DE SEPTIEMBRE LAS CONFESIONES EN NUESTRA CAPILLA SERAN DE 6:00A 7:00PM. NO PIERDAS ESTA OPORTUNIDAD. POR FAVOR MARCA TU CALENDARIO . ¿ESTA USTED INTERESADO EN FORMAR PARTE DEL GRUPO DE ACOMODADORES? TODOS LOS ADULTOS SON BIENVENIDOS, NO IMPORTA LA EDAD. PARA MAYOR INFORMACION POR FAVOR LLAME A LAS OFICINAS DE LA IGLESIA. ESTA ES UNA MUY BUENA OPORTUNIDAD DE SERVIR AL SEÑOR. DOMINGO 12 DE OCTUBRE 2014 El Arzobispo Gregory Aymond celebrará La Liturgia anual para las Víctimas y Sobrevivientes de la Violencia y el Abuso Sexual con una misa a las 11:00a.m. en la Catedral de San Luis. Esta es una oportunidad para nosotros como comunidad de fe para orar por la reconciliación y la sanación y para pedir la ayuda de Dios en nuestro esfuerzo por construir una comunidad libre de violencia y sus consecuencias. El Arzobispo pide a las familias que traigan fotografías de sus seres queridos para ser parte en ésta liturgia. Por favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia para incluir el nombre de su familiar en la lista a enviarse a la oficina de la Arquidiócesis. El Apostolado de Vida de la Familia, Será el patrocinador de la cena de Apreciación y de enriquecimiento a todos los involucrados en la preparación al matrimonio en la Arquidiócesis de Nueva Orleans. Se celebrará el día martes 2 de Junio a las 6:00p.m., en el Auditorio Schuelte. El Arzobispo Aymond compartirá con nosotros. Para mayor información puede contactarnos por correo al Apostolado de Vida de la Familia o a la página de internet: antes del 15 de Septiembre SEÑOR ENSEÑAME A ORAR Es una serie de tres partes para hombre y mujeres que desean conocer la base en la Espíritualidad de San Ignacio. Toda la serie se ofrece por separado a hombres y mujeres en toda la Arquidiócesis. El martes 9 de Septiembre a la 1:00pm en el cuarto #1, y el martes 23 de Septiembre a las 7:00pm en la casa de Denises Balint. Para registrarse, llame a Marilyn Ducasse al 833-3470 o visite la página de internet o llame a Denise Balint al 451-3760 o Cindy Jensen al 813-3036 . SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 Reflecting on God’s Word During the first few months of marriage, the honeymoon period, the one we love may seem perfect to us. He or she can do nothing wrong. Soon, though, reality sets in and we start accumulating hurts. We may hurt one another knowingly or unknowingly. It’s much the same in a family or a community. Sooner or later our love for one another is tested by sin and human weakness. Will we put up with the other’s behavior or confront it? Which choice reflects true love? Today Paul recalls some signs of true love; he reminds us what those who love will not do. The other Scriptures bring out some of the surprising signs of true love. Loving one another just might involve nagging, confronting, fighting, or telling family secrets. It will certainly involve mutual respect and acceptance, along with a healthy dose of prayer for each other. And true love will seek constantly to call forth the best in the ones we love.—Virginia Stillwell Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. WEEK SCHEDULE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH Piano & Guitar Classes (1:30-2:30) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH Clases de Liturgia (7:00PM) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH Bible Study (Spanish) (7:30 PM) Rel. Ed. classes for K-5th grades (6:00 PM) WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH EXPOSITION AND ADORATION (9:30-2PM) Rel. Ed classes for 6th-12th grades (7 PM) Neo-Catechumenate (7:30 PM) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH Neo-Catechumenate FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH Grupo Carismático SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH 4:00PM Vigil Mass AA MEETING– EVERY NIGHT (SAT-SUN 8-9 PM) WHILE IN PRAYER, PLEASE REMEMBER OUR LOVED ONES SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (#6746) 3310 Florida Ave 504-469-6736/504-352-7107 Friday Lunch Specials(11AM—1PM) Fish Plate, Shrimp Plate, Grill Shrimp Salad, Combo Plate (Phone in orders available) Pescado y Camarones Fritos, Ensalada de Camarones a la Parrilla Living God’s Word We might hope for a change of heart from someone we love or a member of our community. But first we must change our own hearts by forgiving and accepting the other in true love. True love begins with recognizing our own “faults” and softening our hearts toward the ones we love. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. August 30 - 31 2014 Recorded Contribution Loose Collection Total $ 2,751.00 $ 2,327.44 $ 5,078.44 Building & Maintenance $ 50.00 PLEASE PRAY FOR: Vita Thibodeaux, Dana Ness, David Kritikos, Stephanie & Gregory Frazier, Steven D. Murphy & Family, Vivian Guarisco, Carol Oliver, Angel Ramos, Lisa Devenport, Craig Dorran, Robert Munter, Julian Largaespada, Andrea Godoy, Brenda Teppen, Jean Garaudy, Bárbara Smagacaz, Terry Gleason,,Michael Ayala, Stephanie Matherne, Grace Wallace, Lori Freese, Hattie & Steven Bailey, Artie Kirsch, Mr. & Mrs. Joe DuLuca, Allen Weiner, Blake Graff, Brent & Michelle Smith, Vita Elmer, Charles Stansbury, Nick, Gahchan, Ted Fraiche, Nelson & Wilma Normand, Janice Racca, Joseph Thibodeaux, Aida del Carmen Méndez, Katelyn West, Mitch Leger, Beverly Phelps, Carrie Bourque, Sheila Cadow, Mary Babin, Brenda Becnel, Regina Sandoval, Diane Ladner, Margarita Mesa, Roberto Otorno, Christine & Marcia Graff, Allen Jolly, Jr., Althea Alcock, Nedime Sherif, Luis Campuzano, Jr., Josie Partys, Ismais Rende, Clair Klein, Adriana Stillwell, Audrey Gurtler, Lodge Hensley, Melvin & Marie Barnewold, Diane McCarthy, Deanna Perkins, Mary Ann Mount, Nancy Geraci, Claire Ricciardo, Mike Johnson, Baby Elizabeth Ward, Wayne McWorthy, Mary L. Blanchard, Bonnie & Carmel Orillion, Dorothy Gabriel, A.Varela, Roger & Marilyn Bombardler, Sr, Maria N. Madere & those in hospitals, nursing homes & confined to their homes. MASS SCHEDULE Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios Durante los primeros meses de casados, el per- íodo de la luna de miel, nuestro cónyuge puede parecernos perfecto. Él o ella no puede hacer nada que esté mal. Pronto, sin embargo, llega la realidad y empezamos a acumular heridas. Podemos herirnos mutuamente a propósito o sin proponérnoslo. Es básicamente lo que sucede en una familia o en una comunidad. Tarde o temprano nuestro amor de los unos por los otros se pone a prueba por el pecado y la debilidad humana. ¿Soportaremos el comportamiento de otras personas o las confrontaremos? ¿Cuál de las dos opciones refleja el verdadero amor? Hoy Pablo nos recuerda algunos signos del amor verdadero al advertirnos lo que no harán aquellos que aman. Las otras Escrituras hacen notar algunos signos sorprendentes del amor verdadero. En el amor de los unos a los otros pudieran estar presentes el atosigar, confrontar, pelear o contar secretos familiares. Ciertamente estará presente el respeto y la aceptación mutua junto a una dosis saludable de oración de los unos por los otros. Y el amor verdadero tratará constantemente de buscar lo mejor en las personas que amamos. —Virginia Stillwell Derechos de autor © 2013, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. SUNDAY, SEPTIEMBRE 7TH 8:00 AM Donaldo Escobar (Good Health) 10:00 AM Parish Family 12:00 PM GOOD HEALTH: Leopoldo Guzmán - Angel Ramos Jesús Canizales - Gustavo Izahola REST IN PEACE: Eduardo Aguilar - Pedro Cardoza Concepción Arriaza - Rony Villalta Amarilis Merle-Victor Rafael Merle Torres Rafael, Noris y Elizabeth Ortega. Francisco Alberto Mayorquín –Irma Chin Delia Wehemeyer de Villalta Oscar y Manuel Villalta - Jack Hendricks Gilberto Romero MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH 9:00 AM Ernest Candilora, Jr. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH 9:00 AM Rene Nquyen WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH 9:00 AM All Souls in Purgatory THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH 9:00AM Nancy Geraci FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH 9:00AM Sophie Desforges Gesser SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH 4:00PM Parish Family SANCTUARY LIGHT BURNS THIS WEEK IN CHURCH IN MEMORY OF ALICIA MACHADO Vivamos la Palabra de Dios Pudiéramos esperar que alguien que amamos o un miembro de nuestra comunidad tengan un cambio de actitud. Pero primero debemos cambiar nuestra propia actitud al perdonar y aceptar a la otra persona con verdadero amor. El verdadero amor comienza por reconocer nuestras propias “faltas” y suavizar nuestro corazón hacia las personas que amamos. Derechos de autor © 2013, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. CHINO’S BARBER SHOP 504-471-6134 Los Latinos Plaza 3521 Florida Ave., Kenner Please support the sponsors on the back of our bulletin. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23] Tuesday: 1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 6:12-19 Wednesday: 1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12, 14-17; Lk 6:20-26 Thursday: 1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13; Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 23-24; Lk 6:27-38 Friday: 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Ps 84:3-6, 12; Lk 6:39-42 Saturday: 1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116:12-13, 17-18; Lk 6:43-49 Sunday: Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1-2, 34-38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 • Heating • Welding • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Building Maintenance • Underground Water Mains • Gas Testing Larry’s Income Tax • Water Heaters & Bookkeeping • Underslab Repairs PLUMBING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. Personal & Business Tax • Video Inspection Over 50 Years Experience Refund Loans • Fire Hydrant Parishioner Installation & Repairs 200 N. Woodlawn Ave. • Shop - 4414 Flamingo St. 504-833-1164 WWW.CTTRAINA.COM 3623 Florida Ave. 443-3557 • Storm Drains CLAUDE’S ANA’S ALTERATIONS BARBER SHOP LLC Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. 443-3824 Free professional ad design & my help! 3817 Williams Blvd. M-F 9-6 Sat 9-2 email: ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 469-8104 2538 Williams Blvd., Westland Mall A & H SERVICE CO., INC. Call Julia Elton AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING 3901 Williams Blvd., Suite 20 Kenner, LA 70065 (504) 469-2217 office (504) 415-1494 cell (504) 443-1221 fax 800.438.8931 “If It Was Any Fresher You’d Be Wet At…” SMITTY’S SEAFOOD Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Regular Haircuts Men, Women & Children Keith Reynaud Specializing in Boiled or Fried Seafood Take Out: 469-1945 President 468-1647 2000 W. Esplanade Ave. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Ronald A. 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