Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Family Catholic Church Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016 MISSION STATEMENT “As a family of many families, Holy Family Catholic Church nurtures our universal commitment to celebrate our faith, to love our families and to serve communities.” DECLARACIÓN DE MISIÓN “Como una familia de muchas familias, La Iglesia Católica de la Sagrada Familia nutre nuestro compromiso universal para celebrar nuestra fe, para amar a nuestras familias y para servir a las comunidades.” HORARIO DE MISAS MASS SCHEDULE Lunes–Viernes…………..8:00am Jueves (Capilla)……….....6:00pm Sábado (ingles)…….…….5:30pm Monday–Friday……..….8:00am Saturday…..……..……...5:30pm Sunday Domingo English…………………..7:00am Spanish (Chapel)……...…8:00am English…………...……..10:00am Spanish……...…….……12:00pm Parroquia (ingles)...……..7:00am Capilla (español)…….…..8:00am Parroquia (ingles)..……..10:00am Parroquia (español)….…12:00pm Children’s Liturgy is available during the Sunday 10:00am Mass. EXPOSICIÓN DE EL SANTISIMO BLESSED SACRAMENT EXPOSITION Parroquia Viernes………9:00am - 5:00pm Friday…..….9:00am - 5:00pm SACRAMENTOS SACRAMENTS Bautismo: Necesita una clase Baptism: A pre-baptismal class is required. Call the Parish Office for more information. Marriage: Couples intending to marry should contact the Parish Office six (6) months prior to the marriage date to begin the process of paperwork and pre-marriage preparation classes. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturdays (Church)………4:00pm Celebración de Quinceañeras La joven o los familiares deberán contactar la parroquia con un mínimo de seis (6) meses para acordar una fecha según el calendario parroquial. Pastor: Rev. Fr. Juan Serna S.T.L. Hospital Chaplain Rev. Fr. Edwin Musico Deacon: Rev. Mr. Felipe Vallejo Holy Family Pastoral Staff Parish Administrator Ed Dyrda Administrative Assistants Vickie V. Gibson Ann Tognetti Religious Education Roselia Vargas pre-bautismal. Favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para mas información. Matrimonio: Parejas que desean casarse deben llamar a la Oficina Parroquial seis (6) meses antes del día del matrimonio. Reconciliación (Confesión): Sábados (Parroquia)…….4:00pm PARISH OFFICE Open Monday through Friday, from 9:00am until 5:00pm. Phone #..................(209) 545-3553 Fax #......................(209) 545-3332 Email: holyfamilymo@yahoo.com Website: holyfamilymodesto.org Holy Family Catholic Church - 4212 Dale Road, Modesto, California 95356 Our Lady of San Juan de Los Lagos Chapel - 4643 Flint Avenue, Salida, California 95368 Pentecost Sunday “Pastor’s Weekend Message” Pentecost is the coming of the Holy Spirit over the whole Church. Nine days ago our Church celebrated the Ascension of our Lord Jesus to Heaven. As Jesus promised, he would have sent the Holy Spirit of God, the Consoler, for all us to share a spirit of confidence, trust and faith in Jesus alone and know that God is always with his people. Although this happened two-thousand years ago, the Feast of Pentecost or fifty days after the paschal feast, the Great Resurrection, the Jews started celebrating this feast three thousand years ago. They celebrated the First Fruits of the Harvest. We, in God’s Church today, ought to celebrate the Spirit gifts and its fruits in our lives. Pentecost is not just an event of the past, but it is a present reality of God’s Spirit alive in our Church. We have received the Spirit through our lived sacramental life and we are called to live, share and give of the gifts and fruits received. Pray for a daily Pentecost in your life in order to received and live a life of holiness and truth. On this Pentecost Sunday and New Harvest day may you be blessed with God’s Holy Spirit: for His Love and Mercy endures. The Holy Spirit is Lord and Giver of life. Blessings, Fr. Juan, your Pastor How can we show others the mercy of God? We say that God is compassionate, but we ignore the poor. We say that God loves us and has mercy on us, but we hold grudges against our friends. Our actions need to authentically reflect God's mercy. Click below to explore the different ways that you can live out that mercy every day! For more resources: http://wwwmigrate.usccb.org/ beliefs-and-teachings/how-weteach/new-evangelization/ jubilee -of-mercy/ Thank you to Linda Graham for your donation May Altar Flowers Boletos para Nuestra Fiesta en Salida Hoy, se repartirán los boletos para la rifa del día de nuestra celebración a la Virgen de San Juan de los Lagos. Favor de ayudarnos. Raffle Tickets for our 18th Annual Salida Fiesta We will soon be handing out raffle tickets for our 18th Annual Fiesta in Salida. This Fiesta is a celebration to honor our Lady of San Juan de Los Lagos. Upcoming English Baptism Dates June 4, August 6, September 3 For more information, please contact Vickie in the Parish Office 545-3553. 2 “Mensaje Pastoral del Parroco” Pentecostés es la venida del Espíritu Santo sobre toda la Iglesia. Hace nueve días nuestra Iglesia celebraba la Ascensión de Nuestro Señor Jesús al cielo. Como El prometió, El envía al Espíritu Santo para que todos nosotros tengamos confianza, seguridad y fe en Jesús y que Dios siempre está con su Pueblo. Aunque esto sucedió hace dos mil años, la Fiesta de Pentecostés, o sea cincuenta días después de la fiesta pascual, el gran día de la resurrección, los judíos ya celebraban esta fiesta desde hace tres mil años. Ellos celebraban los Primicias o primeros frutos de la Cosecha. Para nosotros, la Iglesia de Dios hoy, nosotros tenemos que celebrar el Espíritu presente en nuestras vidas. Este día es una buena oportunidad para pedir y reconocer los dones y frutos del Espíritu entre nosotros. El evento de Pentecostés no solo paso una sola vez y se quedo en el pasado. ¡No! de hecho el Espíritu Santo está presente y real en nuestro presente. Hemos recibido el Espíritu por medio de la vida sacramental y también porque somos llamados a vivir, compartir y dar de los dones y frutos recibidos. Oren por un Nuevo Pentecostés cotidiano en cada una de nuestras vidas para en si recibir y vivir una vida de santidad y verdad. En este día de Pentecostés y de Cosecha que usted sea bendecido con el Espíritu Santo de Dios abundantemente. El Espíritu Santo es Señor y Dador de vida. Bendiciones, Padre Juan, su párroco Un mensaje de parte de el joven, Diego Gómez……… Gracias por su apoyo en esta recaudación de fondos, ya que fue de gran ayuda para el Proyecto de Eagle Award. Durante la recaudación de fondos, $979.13 fue donado en total y la meta estimada fue de alrededor de $850. Gracias por su ayuda y que Dios les bendiga. A few words of appreciation from Diego Gomez…….. Thank you for your support in this fundraiser as it was a tremendous help towards my Eagle Award Project. During the fundraiser, $979.13 was donated and the monetary goal was $850. This was attainable only with your help. Thank you and many blessings. Holy Family Catholic Church Community & Appreciation Dinner Saturday, June 4, 2016 Dinner, Entertainment and Door Prizes There is no charge for this event! Limited to the first 400 reservations! See bulletin insert for more details. Fechas de Bautismos Mayo 28 , Junio 4 & 5, Junio 25 y Julio 10 Para mas informacion, habla con Vickie en la Oficina Parroquial al 545-3553. Pentecost Sunday 3 Holy Family Ministry of Prayer, Healing and Hope Please pray for the healing of our sick: Por favor de orar por los enfermos: Monica Faraone Lobo & Family, Marie Faraone Otsuka & Family, Bernie Dyrda, Diane Beattie, Sister Loretta Wiesner, Luis Espinoza, Elaine Erwin, Faraone Family, Sam Liebelt and Joe Martinez. Mass Intentions / Intenciones de Misa Sunday, May 15th, 2016 8:00am Juan Carlo Medina 10:00am Piera Bartelotti Brad & Colleen Canion Dave Henry Diane Beattie (health and healing) 12:00pm Elisa Ortega Adriana Ortega Maria del Refugio Mendoza Boni Salazar(cumpleaños) Luis Espinoza (salud) Daily Mass Readings - Week of May 15 th , 2016 Monday Jas 3:13-18 / Ps 19:8-10, 15 / Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday Jas 4:1-10 / Ps 55:7-11, 23 / Mk 9:30-37 Wed. Jas 4:13-17 / Ps 49:2-3, 6-11 / Mk 9:38-40 Thursday Jas 5:1-6 / Ps 49:14-20 / Mk 9:41-50 Friday Jas 5:9-12 / Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12 / Mk 10:1-12 Saturday Jas 5:13-20 / Ps 141:1-3, 8 / Mk 10:13-16 Sunday Prv 8:22-31 / Ps 8:4-9 / Rom 5:1-5 / Jn 16: 12-15 Come to Daily Mass It will change your life. 8:00am (Monday-Friday) Ven a Misa Diaria Cambiará tú vida. 8:00am (lunes-viernes) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATIONS Registrations are open but classes are filling up fast. Come to the Parish Office between 1:00pm and 5:00pm (Monday–Friday) to register your children for classes. Registraciones para Educación Religiosa Favor de inscribir sus jóvenes y niños para los sacramentos de Reconciliación, Eucaristía y Confirmación. Cupo esta limitado. Pueden registrar lunes a viernes de 1:00pm a 5:00pm. Pastoral Council Jaime Padilla Roselia Vargas Debbie Garcia Humberto Paniagua Robin Reno Luis Jimenez Linda Graham Jean Smith Deacon Phil Vallejo Finance Council Rosy Jimenez SteveWallace Ed Dyrda Richard Peralta Jose Jimenez Cesar Padilla Rose Sy Orlando Cardenas All bulletin requests must be submitted by the Tuesday before the weekend requested. All requests must be approved by Father. We reserve the right to edit any requests submitted for the bulletin. Today is Catholic Charities Sunday! Today, our parish is participating in Catholic Charities Sunday. Catholic Charities is our Church’s outreach to the most vulnerable families in our community. Through your contribution to Catholic Charities, we will be able to provide services to over 29,000 vulnerable people this year. Your help is needed more than ever. 100% of your contribution stays in this community. On behalf of the thousands of individuals and families served by Catholic Charities, thank you for providing “Help for Today and Creating Hope for Tomorrow.” íHoy es Domingo de Caridades Católicas! Hoy, nuestra parroquia esta participando en Domingo de Caridades Católicas. Caridades Católicas es una fuente de ayuda y apoyo para familias en nuestra comunidad. Por medio de sus contribuciones, podemos proveer servicios a 29,000 personas cada año. Su donación es necesaria hoy más que nunca. Todas sus donaciones se utilizan para nuestra comunidad Diocesana. Gracias (de ante mano) de parte de miles de nuestros hermanos que reciben servicios de Caridades Católicas. Gracias por proveer ayuda hoy y esperanza para mañana. Learn to Play for FREE! The Friday Night Guitarristas are offering FREE guitar lessons to anyone who is interested. All you need is a guitar! Call Sandy Gallardo (543-3740) for more information. ¡Clases de Guitara (GRATIS)! Si le gustaría tomar clases de guitara, por favor comuníquese con Sandy al (209) 543-3740. Solamente necesitaran una guitara. Peticiones del boletín deben ser sometidas el martes antes de el fin de semana solicitada. Las peticiones tienen que ser aprobadas por el Padre. Reservamos el derecho de editar cualquier petición sometida. Pentecost Sunday 4 YOUTH VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 19-22 from 9:00am until 1:00pm This is our 1st Youth (ages 12-18) VBS! Registrations are open and the cost is only $5 per youth. We are in need of adult “superhero” volunteers to help lead groups that week. Please contact Nicole Pursch at (209) 872-5997 for more information. VBS (Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones para Jóvenes) 19-22 de julio de 9:00-1:00pm Esta es nuestra primera VBS (Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones para Jóvenes) edades 12-18. Las inscripciones están abiertas y el costo es de solamente $5 por joven. Estamos necesitados de adulto "Superhero" voluntarios para ayudar a liderar grupos de esa semana. Por favor póngase en contacto con la Oficina Parroquial al (209) 545-3553 ext. 7. Gracias. OLOF Catholic School-Accepting Enrollments Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School in Modesto is now accepting enrollment applications for the 2016-2017 school year. The kindergarten through eighth grade Catholic school offers a safe, friendly, family environment. Their students excel in a full range academics with the added advantage of extended Day Care, all while learning and celebrating our Faith. For more information, please call the school office (209) 524-4170. Mass of Hope and Healing with Anointing of the Sick May 28th at 10:00am Celebrant: Fr. Juan Serna S.T.L. Holy Family Church 4212 Dale Road in Modesto MEMORIAL DAY MASSES Monday, May 30 at 9:00am Bishop Stephen Blaire will celebrate a Memorial Mass in the Mausoleum at the San Joaquin Catholic Cemetery. Father Chris from Our Lady of Fatima Church will be celebrating a Memorial Mass in the Chapel/Mausoleum at the St. Stanislaus Catholic Cemetery. EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND. 1st Annual Children’s Vacation Bible School One Day Only! th July 16 from 9:00am-1:00pm Ages 4-11 Cost is $2.00 per child holyfamilyvbs@gmail.com YARD-A-THON Friday, June 10th and Saturday, June 11th Holy Family's Guadalupanos will have a two day yard sale on our Dale Road campus. Bring over any of your unwanted treasures as a donation. You can drop off your donations at the Parish Office when they are open and if you have any big items that you would like to donate give Victor Martinez a call at (209) 409-6455.and he will be sure to send someone over to pick them up. Thank you. YARD-A-THON viernes, 10 de junio y sábado, 11 de Junio Los Guadalupanos de la Sagrada Familia tendrán una venta "“yarda” para dos días en nuestra Parroquia. Favor de ayudarnos con donaciones. Puede traer toda clase de cosas donadas a la oficina parroquial de 9-5pm. Y si tienes alguna cosa muy grande que te gustaría donar favor de hablar con Víctor Martínez al (209) 409-6455 y el se encargará de mandar a alguien a recogerlos. A reminder that next week, we will have our Building Our Future Together second offering. This is an opportunity to fulfill your pledge and commitment. God bless you for your generosity. Solo un recordatorio que el próximo fin de semana tendremos nuestra ofrenda, Construyendo Nuestro Futuro Juntos. Recuerde su compromiso y que Dios los Bendiga. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CATECHISTS NEEDED We are in need of Religious Education catechists to teach ages 7-10 and 13-16. If you can help out for two hours a week, please consider volunteering to be a teacher. Come to the office for more information. Catholic Engaged Encounter of Stockton The Catholic Engaged Encounter of Stockton is for those couples preparing for marriage in the Diocese of Stockton. The cost is $175 for couples to attend. This fee covers facilities, supplies and five (5) catered meals. If you need more information, please visit: www.StocktonEE.org. 2016 Retreat Dates: July 9-10, 2016 at St. Anthony’s in Hughson September 17-18, 2016 at St. Anthony’s in Hughson November 5-6, 2016 at St. Anthony’s in Hughson BODAS COMUNITARIAS 11 de febrero de 2017 Para mas información: (209) 545-3553 WEEKLY OFFERING 5/8/2016 5/10/2015 Difference $5,592 $6,273 <$681>