W E L C O M E - B I E N V E N I D O S
W E L C O M E - B I E N V E N I D O S
7800 Vineland Ave. — Sun Valley, CA 91352 — (818) 765-3350 Fax (818) 765-3170 The parish is staffed by the MISSIONARIES OF ST. CHARLES SCALABRINIANS. They are a community of Religious Brothers and Priests committed to the pastoral care of migrants and refugees in the world. La parroquia está a cargo de los MISIONEROS DE SAN CARLOS SCALABRINIANOS. Es una comunidad religiosa de hermanos y sacerdotes, cuya misión pastoral es el cuidado de los migrantes y refugiados. LEADERSHIP: Father Richard Zanotti, c.s. (Pastor); Fr. Ariel Durian, c.s. (Associate Priest) Sister Ma. De Los Remedios Aguilar, s.j.s. (School Principal) Parish School / Escuela Parroquial…………………….765-4897 Religious Education / Catecismo.……………………...982-4248 Evangelization Office / Oficina de Evangelización……765-3189 Sisters’ Convent / Las Hermanas………………………764-9857 Food outreach and St. Vincent de Paul………………...982-2372 Parish Nurse/Enfermera Parroquial…………………….764-6570 Youth Minister (Alberto Piña)………………………....765-3189 OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Friday : 8:00am-8:00pm / Saturday: 8:00am-4:00pm Closed on Sundays E-Mail: parishoffice@olhr.org Website: www.olhr.org MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm (English). Sunday: 8:00am (Spanish); 10:00am (English); 12:00, 2:30 & 5:00pm (Spanish). Weekdays: 8:00am (English). 6:30pm (Spanish) - Wednesdays at Zapopan Mission. RECONCILIATION Saturday: 11:00am to 12:00noon; 4:30 to 5:30pm & 6:30 to 7:30pm. MARRIAGES: Arrangements must be made with a parish priest at least six months in advance. MISAS EN ESPAÑOL Domingo: 8:00am, 12:00, 2:30 y 5:00pm. De Lunes a Viernes: 6:30pm (Los Miércoles en Zapopan). CONFESIONES Sábado: de 11:00 am a 12:00 mediodía; de 4:30 a 5:30pm y de 6:30 a 7:30pm. BAUTISMOS: Pase a la Oficina Parroquial para fijar la fecha del bautismo por lo menos un mes antes de la fecha. MATRIMONIOS: Las parejas deben presentarse por lo menos con seis meses de anticipación de la fecha en que piensan casarse. El primer paso es asistir a la Sesión de Información Matrimonial que se lleva a cabo los segundos Viernes de cada mes a las 7:00 pm en el Salón 16 de la escuela parroquial. INTENCIONES DE MISA: Favor de pasar personalmente a la oficina del Santo Rosario o Zapopan por lo menos con tres semanas o un mes de anticipación a la fecha que desean. CAPILLA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE ZAPOPAN 7824 Lankershim Blvd. - North Hollywood, CA 91605 (818) 503-8920 MISAS Domingo: 8:30am & 11:30am; Miércoles: 6:30pm. BAPTISMS: Call the parish office at least one month in advance. Confesiones: Domingo: 8:00am y 11:00am Miércoles: de 5:00 a 6:00pm MASS INTENTIONS: You may come to the parish office personally at least 3 weeks or one month in advance of your intended date. Horario de Oficina: Martes, Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes: de 3:00 a 8:00pm; Sábado: de 8:00am a 4:00pm Cerrado los Lunes ALL PARISHIONERS should register at the Parish Office. Use the regular Sunday Envelopes for your offering. Your donation is tax deductible. TODOS LOS FELIGRESES son invitados a inscribirse en la Oficina Parroquial. Use los sobres dominicales para su donativo, que usted podrá deducir de los impuestos. WELCOME - BIENVENIDOS Rest in peace MARISOL CASTRO Mexican Catholics mourn loss of brutally slain editor Mexico City, México, Sep 28, 2011 / 03:03 am (CNA).Catholics in Mexico are grieving the death of Maria Elizabeth Macias Castro, a 39-year-old editor who was kidnapped and murdered by drug cartels in the border state of Tamaulipas. Lay Scalabrinian Macias, a member of the Community of Scalabrinian Lay Movement and editor-in-chief of newspaper Primera Hora, was found dead on Sept. 24 after she went missing two days prior. “After two days of research and dramatic silence, her lifeless body was found in a street in the city of Nuevo Laredo where she was born,” Father Francisco Pellizzari, Scalabrinian spiritual counselor for North America, told Fides news agency. The Tamaulipas attorney general's office reported that a threatening message—“attributed to a criminal group”—was found next to her dismembered body and read “this happens to the media which is against us.” Macias was known for using social networking sites to report on certain criminal organizations. “The state government expresses its deepest condolences to the relatives and loved ones affected by these lamentable acts,” the office said, noting that an investigation is currently underway. Father Rui Pedro, a friend of Macias's, remembered her as “a woman of great faith and commitment to justice.” As a member of the Central Committee of the Lay Scalabrinian Movement, she “worked with great affection and loyalty” at the Casa del Migrante in Nuevo Laredo and “maintained daily contact with many of us in the movement,” Fr. Pedro added. The Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles, or Scalabrinians, is an international community of religious and lay Catholics in 30 countries who help serve local migrants. The group was founded in 1887 by Italian bishop Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini. Macias's death is the latest in a series of brutal attacks in Mexico on media members and activists opposed to the country's increasingly hostile drug trafficking climate. According to the United Nations, the country is considered to be among the most dangerous for journalists as over a dozen have been killed by cartels so far this year. ABORTION IS NOT A WOMAN’S FIRST CHOICE Call Pregnancy Counseling Center in Mission Hills. They’ll help you through a difficult decision: (818) 895-2500, (818) 895-8441 MASS CARDS When a person is sick, in need of a prayer, or when grief strikes hard in the friend’s family with the death of a loved one, one of the best way to offer support and soothe the pain is to enroll that person in the Perpetual Mass League of the Scalabrinian Missionaries. Stop by the parish office and ask for a Mass Card. The secretary will further explain the advantages 1 of such love offering. TWENTY-EIGHT SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - VIGESIMO OCTAVO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO OCTOBER 9, 2011 Marriage and Family Life Conference Saturday, October 15, 2011; 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Speakers: Greg and Jennifer Willits; Carmelite Sisters A conference for the entire family! Greg and Jennifer Willits will speak on topics for couples and the Carmelite Sisters will provide workshops for children and teens. Conference concludes with a family Mass. The cost of the conference is $45 per couple and $10 per child, or pay what you can. Financial assistance is available. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by Saturday, October 8th. God is love Any Young Adults or Adults wanting to know more about Youth Ministry, or call to serve in Youth Ministry, please call the Youth Ministry office. Generation in Action Apologetics Conference Teen Youth Group October 21-23, 2011; Friday 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Saturday 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m., Sunday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Speakers: Patrick Madrid and Jesse Romero Catholic apologists Patrick Madrid and Jesse Romero will offer an entire weekend of conferences aimed at teaching us how to defend the sacred truths of our Catholic faith. The cost for the entire weekend is $120, or pay what you can. Financial assistance is available. Day rates also available. Meals will be provided. Please RSVP by Friday, October 14th. St. Joseph Campus of Sacred Heart Retreat House 507 N. Granada Avenue., Alhambra, CA 91801 (626) 289-1353 ext. 302 (818) 765-3189 Office: Room 16 Sundays: 6-8:00pm. Parish Hall PREGNANCY COUNSELING CENTER in Mission Hills is having their annual fall Gala, “Take my Hand” at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on October 22. Come and enjoy an inspiring and informative evening. Tickets also include a tour of the newly renovated Library. For information, please call Nancy at (818) 895-2500. DO YOU HAVE A CHILD WITH DISABILITIES such as walking, learning, interacting with others, or having seizures. You may receive help with diagnosis and services. Call (818) 778-1900. BECOME A BIG BROTHER: Make a difference in the life of a child by becoming a Big Brother. Catholic Big Brothers matches fatherless youth with adults who provide friendship and guidance. For information on this program call (800) 463-4066. VALLEY FAMILY CENTER located in San Fernando, under the direction of the Sisters of Charity. Counseling services include: marriage, family, child and teen counseling,victims of abuse, children and adults. All services are in English/Spanish. Call to make an appointment (818) 365 -8588. 2 3. Oscar & Gloria Martinez 3. Isaac Garcia & Lourdes Martinez 3. Jose Rojas & Herminia Martinez Saturday, October 8 8:00am. 5:30pm. Augusto Canchela † / Norma Gomez † / Nene Leyva, Healing Salvador P. Calara † / Gabriel Murillo † / Lyle Agagon, Birthday PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS By Cardinal Roger Mahony Sunday, October 9 (28th Sunday in Ordinary Time) Good and gracious God, you have called us through our Baptism to discipleship with your Son Jesus Christ, and have sent us to bring the Good News of salvation to all people. We pray for you to grant us more priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters, and lay ministers to build up your Church here within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the world. Inspire our young men and women by the example of Blessed Junipero Serra to give themselves totally to the work of Christ and His Church. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen. 8:00am. Jose A. Garcia † / Isidro & Manuel Avila † / Rosario Medida † 10:00am. Eleanore Sheahan † / George Lopez † / Michael A. Gonzalez † / Manuel J. Relatos † / Pedro Lopez † / Agnes Slimak, Health / Manuel Limgenco, Healing 8:30am. (Zapopan) Ntra. Sra. De Zapopan 11:30am. (Zapopan) Ntra. Sra. De Zapopan 12:00pm. Arnoldo Peña † / Abigail Saldivar † / Teofilo Bretado † 2:30pm. Congregacion Guadalupana / Teresa Tlaseca † / Ceidi Martinez, Birthday 5:00pm. Jose F. Garcia † / Nemesia De Piñon † / Michael Armendariz † Monday, October 10 8:00am. 6:30pm. Victoria Paniagua, Birthday / Pablo & Natalia Diaz † / Eleanore Sheahan † Concepcion Renteria † / Maria Cordera † / Carmen Montes † LA HORA DE LA MISERICORDIA Tuesday, October 11 8:00am. 6:30pm. Juan Castillo † / Eleanore Sheahan † / Casimira Marquez † Carmen Montes † / Daniel J. Silva † / San Antonio De Padua, Accion de gracias Tenemos Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia, oraciones de adoración, meditación del viacrucis y peticiones personales. Sábados a las 3:00pm, Capilla del Santo Rosario. Wednesday, October 12 8:00am. 6:30pm. Segunda C. Canchela † / Eleanore Sheahan † / Casimira Marquez † (Zapopan) Michael Armendariz † PREPARING FOR THE NEW TRANSLATION OF THE MASS The Liturgy of the Word On the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2011, Catholic parishes in the United States will begin praying the texts of the Mass using a new English translation of the Roman Missal. This week, we explore what the Liturgy of the Word is about. We know from the Gospels that Jesus himself listened to the inspired word of God and let it shape and form him. Through the liturgy, we do the same. The readings we hear at Mass can teach us, but that is not their primary function. Rather, the scriptures are meant to reveal the Lord to us, to let us experience God’s presence, and to form us in our Christian identity. In the readings proclaimed at Mass, we hear the voice of Christ himself, and we recognize the story of God acting in the past and in our own lives as well. The homily helps us to see these connections more clearly. Then through the Profession of Faith (Creed) and the Prayer of the Faithful, our response to the readings prepares us to enter into the Eucharistic Prayer that follows. Thursday, October 13 8:00am. 6:30pm. Jenita Guzman, Thanksgiving / Victoria Panis † / Bartolome Cornejo † Jose & Eduardo Rios † / Adan Herrera Jr. † / Michael Armendariz † Friday, October 14 8:00am. 6:30pm. Silvestre De La Rosa † / Eleanore Sheahan † / Corazon Ocampo, Birthday Carmen Montes † / Ismael Tirado † / Atilano Enriquez † Saturday, October 15 (St. Teresa of Jesus) 8:00am. 5:30pm. Eleanore Sheahan † / Bishop Patrick Ahern † / Fr. Ignacio Gutierrez, Birthday Salvador P. Calara † / Andres Galicia † / Tessie Cornejo, Thanksgiving WORDS OF WISDOM “There are times when silence makes an eloquent statement.” 3 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Servicios: Nuestra Señora del Santo Rosario 7800 Vineland Ave. Sun Valley, CA. 91352 (818) 765-3350 Consulado Mexicano, Los Ángeles, CA. Matricula Consular Pasaporte Información (213) 351-6800 REQUISITOS PARA MATRICULA Y PASAPORTE CONSULAR DOCUMENTOS MATRICULAS CONSULARES PASAPORTES Primera Vez Renovación Mayor Menor Mayor Menor de edad de edad de edad de edad 1. Acta de nacimiento 2. Identificación oficial 3. Comprobante de domicilio 4. Fotografías 7. Pasaporte anterior 5. Permiso OP7 6. Acta de matrimonio solo mujeres casadas Primera Vez Renovación Mayor Menor Mayor Menor de edad de edad de edad de edad 8. Matricula consular Pasaporte: 3 años $74.00 6 años $101.00 Matricula Consular: $27.00 con vigencia de 5 años. Se acepta efectivo (traer importe exacto). LA CRISTIADA ¡ATENCION FUTURAS QUINCEAÑERAS! “La Cristiada” es una presentación audiovisual sobre la persecución de la Iglesia Católica en la década de 1920. Nuestro conferencista será el Sr. Ruben Quezada, director del Centro de Recursos Católicos en el sur de California. Acompáñenos el Martes, 18 de octubre 2011 de 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. en el Centro de San Jose, 507 N. Granada Ave., Alhambra, CA 91801. Para más información por favor comuníquese con nosotros: (626) 289-1353 ext. 302 o sjcprogcoordinator@carmelitesistersocd.com. Avisamos a todas las quinceañeras que están planeando celebrar sus quince años el próximo año 2012 que tendremos celebraciones de quince años privadas/individuales. Para mas información y fechas favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial (818) 765-3350 (Santo Rosario) o al (818) 503-8920 (Misión de Zapopan). MINISTERIO DE SANACION se reúne todos los martes a las 7:00pm en el salón 16. Para mas información acerca del ministerio, favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial. 4 CENTRO DE CONSEJERIA (“Valley Family Center”) ubicado en San Fernando, bajo la responsabilidad de las Hermanas de la Caridad. Ofrece servicios de consejería para familias, matrimonios, niños y adolescentes, víctimas de abuso, violencia doméstica. Todos los servicios en Inglés y en Español. Llame para hace una cita: (818) 365-8588. Descanse en paz MARISOL CASTRO Hola Amigas y Amigos Laicos Scalabrinianos, Una triste noticia ha tocado nuestro corazón y nuestra familia del Movimiento Laico Scalabriniano de la Provincia San Juan Bautista. El día Miércoles 22 de septiembre Marisol Castro, laica Scalabriniana del grupo de Nuevo Laredo, México, fue secuestrada por un grupo de narcotraficantes “dueños” de esa región fronteriza. Después de 2 días de búsqueda y de dramático silencio, su cuerpo sin vida ha aparecido en una avenida de la ciudad de Nuevo Laredo, misma que la vio nacer y donde Marisol vivía trabajando como editora y diseñadora de un periódico local. La confusión y el terror de estos días y los que siguen hacen que las noticias filtren a “contadota” o casi nada a nivel oficial. Por lo que se pudo saber hasta ahora, su cuerpo llevaba un letrero en que los carnífices lapidariamente avisaban no con pluma y lápiz, sino con una vida inocente, que “eso pasa a los medios de comunicación que se oponen en contra de ellos.” Laica Scalabriniana Quisiera pedir a todos ustedes una oración y un recuerdo especial por nuestra amiga y miembro del comité central del MLS, que con cariño y fidelidad servía en nuestra casa del Migrante de Nuevo Laredo y se mantenía diariamente en contacto con varios de nosotros en el MLS, cumpliendo con el encargo que se le había encomendado en el MLS. Seguramente Marisol, seguirá comunicándose con nosotros, de una manera distinta y que todos conocemos y practicamos. Oremos por su eterno descanso agradeciendo a Dios por haber puesto en nuestro camino claro un ejemplo de sencillez y servicio. Descansa en Paz, Marisol: tus Amigas y Amigos del Movimiento Laico Scalabriniano. Padre Francisco, CS ¿SABIA USTED? Laicos Scalabrinianos organizan viaje a los La lucha contra el abuso de ancianos Cada una de las Oficinas del Procurador de los Condados de Santa Bárbara, Ventura y Los Ángeles lucha contra el abuso a personas mayores. El Procurador del Condado de Los Ángeles, la División Contra el Abuso a Personas Mayores tiene fiscales y defensores de las víctimas trabajando en estrecha colaboración con la policía y con los proveedores de servicios para detener el abuso y pedir cuentas a los abusadores. Los defensores también ayudan a reconstruir las vidas de los ancianos y adultos dependientes, evitando mayores daños a los ancianos y adultos dependientes que sufren de abuso físico, abandono y abuso financiero. El Procurador del Condado de Los Ángeles tiene un folleto útil sobre maltrato a personas mayores disponible en la página web: http://da.lacounty.gov/pdf/ elderabuseadvocacy.pdf Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina del Ministerio de Ayuda al (213) 637-7650. CASINOS DE LAUGHLING Sábado, Octubre 29, 2011 Salida: 6:00am. Costo: $35.00 por persona Para mas información, favor de llamar a Félix (818) 824-0305 o Carlota (818) 786-6438 FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF THE PARISH - RECURSOS ECONOMICOS DE LA PARROQUIA Last Sunday’s collection / Colecta del domingo pasado: H O L Y R O S A R Y C H U R C H: Z A P O P A N M I S S I O N: $8,591.76 $1,436.00 5 (St. Vincent De Paul): $2,018.26 $ 458.00
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Sun Valley, CA 91352 Phone: (818) 765-3350 / Fax: (818) 765
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