Autumn?... - Online Brochures


Autumn?... - Online Brochures
The official issue of Newsletter of EYP-UA November 2011
Lyubov Dvoretskaya
ello again, my dear EYPers!
I hope that since our last issue you didn’t waste time
and appreciated your parents’ involvement in your
EYP life. And I, in turn, took the time
to research more on it and provide you
with more true-to-life stories about our
fabulous, extraordinary, loving and
caring EYParents.
Last issue we admired the way Lyudmila since”. And her mother confirmed:”It was minding me of my other responsibilities in
Ivanovna, THE mother of Nata Tarasevich, 2006, as far as I remember. I read an article life, such as my studies and supporting my
helped to make the 1st Chernihiv Regional at, and emailed it to my daughter family, but at the same time she has allowed
me to enjoy EYP
Session of EYP-Ukraine as great as it was. with a hint «just in case it will be
fully during the
So now we know for sure that parents are
were shocked to discover most active years
head-organiser’s best friends. And this time
of my EYP career
we’ll make sure that parents can actually be
that some of the topics
- 2008 through
the ones to lead you into the magical world
discussed at the EYP
2010 - when I
of EYP.
sessions was the possibility to managed to atLet me introduce to you Uliana Danilei- and ask Uliana Danileiko some
questions. (And I just couldn’t legalise prostitution? Having tend over 8 sesko, the mother of Nastia Ianovitskaya.
but add some of Nastia’s com- my kid talk about the politics sions each year.
Nastia is very experienced and active
makes me feel so-o-o old - as
EYPer, well-known in Europe for being a ments)
you inmama of a grown-up!»
wonderful Chairperson, Editress and the
EYP life
session President. Who would have thought
since the beginthat we owe the pleasure of having Nastia as changed since Nastia became one
of the most active EY- ning of Nastya’s EYP life, or joined later?
a member of EYP-UA to her
Pers in Ukraine? If yes,
Uliana: I wish I could say that I was inmother? But it’s true! After a
I feel like a kid,
from the very beginning. In reality,
quick chat with both Nastia
as I never know
it totally independently.
and her mother I understood
What was your first impresthey are real EYP family to the
after Nastya came back from
many new people her first session?
It was Nastia’s mom who will bring from her
through the EYP and
Uliana: Cool place for smart kids. That’s
first found out about EYP, trips.»
I tell everyone about the EYP. As the
even before Nastia herself did.
go by I have more arguments to prove
When I asked them both how
and when they found got to know about
EYPigeon: What is the hardest part of beEYP, Nastia told me: “The fact that EYP allows us to learn new things. In addition
has become a major part of my life is largely
Uliana: May I mention the financial side
thanks to my mom’s active involvement. I EYP leaflets all over the house, Nastia actually creates monthly/ of it? We consider it being a great investowe her not only my life, but
annual travel itinerary ment into our kid’s future. On another
also that wonderful experiIt was 2006, as
- so we stop repeating note, it’s hard to see your kid growing up so
ence of EYP, since it was prefar as I remember. questions like «Where quickly. Should I say that we were shocked
cisely my mother who found
I read an article
are you going this to discover that some of the topics disthe application form to EYP
time?». I feel like a kid, cussed at the EYP sessions was the possibiland encouraged me to apply.
as I never know what ity to legalise prostitution? Having my kid
At the beginning I was hesi- and emailed it to my
presents and souvenirs talk about the politics makes me feel so-o-o
tating «Mom, come on! This daughter with a hint
organisation is way too seri- «just in case it will be of Nastia will bring from old - as mama of a grown-up!
her trips. We learned
Nastia: I need to emphasise that my
ous! It’s the European Youth
financial support has been quite
Parliament! I doubt I have any
Each month when we were
chances of getting in...» and
Nastia: My mother planning monthly expenses and our fammy mother replied «Give it a try, dear. You
won’t loose anything if you just apply». And has been able to cope with my EYP addic- ily budget she would always ask «Honey,
so I did. I have been in love with EYP ever tion pretty well. Occasionally she was re- please, tell me how many sessions you will
attend next month, so that I know
whether or not I can buy myself a
new dress». It may sound a bit sad
and unfair, but like any mother she
has always put the interest of her
child first. Even more overwhelming was her moral support.
EYPigeon: Do you usually check
out photos, videos and reports from
sessions Nastya’ has been to on FB?
Uliana: Yes, we do. After each
session Nastia calls a family meeting where she shows us all the photos and tells us all the stories, which
allows us to live through the EYP
session - creating the «presence effect». Once I was actually able to
watch the live stream session - while
at work. And my kid said hello to
me over the internet!!!
Nastia: She was always so genuinely happy for me whenever I was
selected to a session. And after I
returned she would eagerly listen
to all my stories. She is really happy
that I have this opportunity in my
life, and while I didn’t have a job
to support my own travels, she was
happy to provide that support for
me and I really appreciate it. MY
EYPigeon: If you had the chance
to give one peace of advice to all
Ukrainian EYPers out there, what
would it be?
Uliana: It really helps to plan, to
prioritise and to create budgets. We
agreed to make annual budgets to
prioritise our travel expenses, and
it works.
P.S. As I read out my answers to
this interview to Nastia, Nastia’s
«awkward turtle» was crawling all
over the place. She says the «awkward turtle» started to multiply... :)
And that was one more story of a
great EYParent.
eciphering “HR” some may erroneously think that it stands for
“Hadonic Ration”, “hall reverb”,
“hair rinse”, “hair roller” or even
“hair root”. However, the vast majority would definitely say that it is, of course,
“Human Resources”! Usually HR is defined in
big companies as a term used to describe the
individuals who make up the workforce of an
organisation. Taking a quick look into the history we can find out that it was coined as late as
the 1960s. The origins of the function arose in
organisations that introduced ‘welfare management’ practices and also in those that adopted
the principles of ‘scientific management’. From
these terms emerged a largely administrative
management activity, coordinating a range of
worker related processes and becoming known,
in time, as the ‘personnel function’. Human resources progressively became the more usual
name for this function, in the first instance in the
United States as well as multinational or international corporations, reflecting the adoption of a
more quantitative as well as strategic approach
to workforce so-called coordination, demanded
by corporate management to gain a competitive
advantage, utilizing limited skilled and highly
skilled workers. In simple words HR is a department that takes care of everything connected
with people in an organisation/ company, so as
to create generally friendly and efficient atmosphere among its members/staff. Do you know how many EYPers are there
among the young Ukrainians? Hopes so, and in
case not there are some people that possess this
information – they are the Human Resources
You may not notice us but we d o exist. Who
are “we”? HR Department consists of the following agents: A1 – Artem Gumeniuk; O2 - Olga
Popoych; A3 – Anna Lachyhina; O4 – Oleg
Plakhtiy, and the current narrator – agent K1 –
Kristina Chelmakina. However, some agents are
currently working abroad (Mr. O4) on a special
mission of HR Department and helping out the
fellow National Committee - EYP Poland. Others (Ms. O2 and Ms. A1) work as double agents
and are involved in two fields – HR and PR.
Agent A1 devotes his time fully recruiting new
people to EYP-Ukraine. There is this one thing
that ties the incredible 5 together - sincere love
to people. Though love is not our only activity.
Human resources department performs the
following functions:
- Recruiting new members to EYP-Ukraine:
reviewing the applications, conducting interviews with newcomers, subscribing new members to the mailing group;
- Keeping track and updating the database of
all the EYPers in Ukraine;
- Congratulating leadership members on the
- Organising General Assemblies of EYPUkraine in cooperation with other departments
and holding developing training for the members;
- Organising events to attract newcomers for
the activities to of EYP;
- Holding socializing events for the members;
We want to do things with you and for you,
thus personal contact has a special value within
our department. It never is too later to join HR
and implement personal ideas, so feel free to
drop a line to and receive your
immediate “Welcome”. Our agents already are
working on the task of warmest welcome for
We can’t wait to meet you personally at the
next EYP event ;)
Next time I promise to offer
you even more info on how our
parents contribute to our crazy,
fun, challenging and overall
amazing EYP life.
Remember, OUR EYParents
deserve to be famous!
“awkward turtle” - a motion performed by stacking one’s hands on top
of one another, extending the thumbs
and rotating the thumbs slowly. Performed after a friend has said/done
something awkward, either to ease
the tension or further humiliate the
is speakingAuthor
Kristina Chelmakina,
Head of HR Department
EYP abroad
Lyubov Dvoretskaya
Yegor Vlasenko
reetings from your EYP-abroad guide! Our too
short, but, oh, so eventful summer has finished, but
here comes not less eventful autumn. I’m sure, this
beautiful and a bit gloomy time of the year makes
you think of good old granny Europe, with its
fairy-tale streets and gothic cathedrals. But I think it will be
much better for our physical and mental health to go a
little southeast from Kyiv, all over to the Black Sea and
across, to get the warmest welcome from EYP Georgia.
So, our second stop is Georgia, the country of traditions, wine, hospitality and democracy. And, believe
me, as I’m saying from my own experience, it all applies
as well to their National Committee. Let’s get acquainted –
EYP Georgia.
Location: Georgia, Tbilisi. With regional
representatives in Batumi, Gori and Zugdidi.
Year of founding: 2007
President: Mariam Chikhladze
Wherever and whenewer you
go to a session in Georgia, it can
be considered as your personal
holiday. And most certainly not because of the lack of seriousness of the
session, but because of the Georgian
attitude towards guests. I bet you
didn’t know the meaning of the
word “hospitality” before
went to Georgia.
When going to the sessions of EYP-Georgia, always remember to take with you the following:
- Good mood;
- Photo camera (it’s so beautiful in Georgia that you’ll try to
take picture of everything around you);
- Swimmong-suite (just in case);
- Phone numbers of at least two organizers and one official
(one more time, just in case);
- A bottle of water (you don’t have to bring it from Ukraine,
just remember not to drink tap water, for the last last time - just
in case)))
- Ukrainian passport and everything else that makes you
Ukrainian (keep in mind that in Georgia being Ukrainian is an
Somehow, Georgian EYP manages to combine the officiality
and lightheartedness of the sessions which gives you the perfect
opportunity to fully enjoy your EYP experience and the country
you are in. The “officialty” part goes from the fact that most of
their sessions are usually supported on the level of national authorities (don’t forget to be polite when greeting Georgian minister of something at the opening ceremony!), and “lightheartedness” part goes from the depth of Georgian soul.
Actually it’s easy to notice the similarities of our National
Committees. Besides the obvious resemblance of organizational
structure and session year plans, both our NCs have very considerate and caring attitude to our international guests, good balance between work and fun of EYP and mutual love for Supra
(though our Supra is a person, and no one else but our beloved
vice-president on PR, but she is just as much of a celebration as
Georgian Supra is).
There are also two more very special features of EYP-Georgia:
- Every time you go home after their session, you always want
to come back to Georgia;
- Friendship that you’ll find there will remain with you for
your whole life.
Of course, to form your own opinion of National Committee
of every EYP-country you should go there yourself. But I promise
that Georgia will not be the country to disappoint you.
I assure you, Europe is bigger than it seems but a lot closer to
us than you may think, and EYP-Georgia is a live example.
hose who have been to Georgia know that this
country has its own, special spirit which can
be found in everything – in land, in wine, and
in its incredible people. Traditions and values
here are not on paper – they live in the hearts
of Georgians, making these people generous friends and
high-class hosts. Nothing can describe this better than
traditional Georgian celebration, the supra. Its strict order
of toasts and ceremonies don’t make the feast boring
and official – on the contrary, these traditions create the
atmosphere of warm unity and great fun. To experience
supra, tourists often attend special ceremonies held in
the traditional Georgian restaurants. However, there is
another way, much more true and soulful – just befriend a
Georgian! (Be yourself and this will happen much sooner
than you expect).
What to expect from the feast itself?
1) Tons of delicious Georgian food and oceans of wine
and chacha (be aware, it can be twice as strong as vodka);
2) Lots of people, including friends, relatives, neighbors
and so on:)
3) Tamada, a toastmaster of the party and its most respected person. Tamada leads the supra, and all his orders
are obligatory. A true tamada can drink liters of wine
without getting drunk at all.
4) Lots of toasts on all possible topics! But be prepared
to drink to God, Georgia, friendship, and beautiful ladies –
these toasts are a must at every supra.
5) Lots of singing and dancing – Georgian party is for
sure not only about table talks! Everyone is free to invite
for a dance any partner without any distinction as to age,
status or type of relationship. Dance in Georgia means fun
and friendship.
Even being the only non-Georgian at the party, don’t be
shy or timid – you are a guest here, not a stranger. Speak
from your heart, drink till the end – and you’ll have a time
of your life!
And remember, if you haven’t experienced supra – you
haven’t seen a real Georgia.
EYP abroad
Lyubov Dvoretskaya
Yegor Vlasenko
1) How long have you
been involved into EYP?
2) Among the EYP sessions attended , which one was the coolest?
3) What are your first associations with
4) What makes a real Georgian? (5 features/skills/characters)
5) Imagine that you have to say a toast
to EYP-UA on behalf of the whole EYP
Georgia . You’re holding a glass of
red wine and saying...
1.Since 2008 (the year when Georgia officially became the
member of EYP Community)
2.Hard to pick one out of around 20 amazing sessions,
but as for the “coolest” one I’ll go for “Khmelnitsky 1st
RS’09” which totally exceeded my expectations, especially
the crazy Farewell Party, which later became legendary (check
3.Beautiful ladies and wonderful
4.I don’t want keep to stereotypes, but still I’ll try to pick the
5 features:
- Should be able to dance/sing
- Should be able to supply friends with sufficient amount of
drinks (mostly wine) and be able to lead the table as a toastmaster;
- Should be able to host friends at home coming from all over
the world and provide tours around Georgia;
- Should have a clear understanding of “derivative financial
instruments” and hedge accounting (Wait a second, that’s not
true, I guess...);
- Should be in love with Ukraine!
5. Honestly speaking, I’ve personally seen how the tireless
efforts from the organisation’s leadership have turned into a
success story, which is now called EYP-Ukraine. I know how efficiently Board members worked to achieve all this. I won’t go
into the details, but what I’ll wish you is to maintain the enthusiastic about what you’re doing, guys, don’t give up growing, advancing and improving, keep turning your success into
the organisation’s success and vice versa. What I am expecting
is that Ukrainian people should be proud of EYP-Ukraine for
“producing” so many successful people for their country by
lighting the “sparkles” on the right time.
Ruslan Tsulukidze
Privit Ukraino!
1) For 3 years;
2) Batumi International Forum 2009. Why? Because of
real EYP spirit and enthusiasm!
3) Ukrainian EYPers are the future of Ukraine; creative
and hardworking team; patriot youth;
4) a) Hospitable, b) Patriot, c) cheerful, d) friendly,
e) reliable;
5) .... My dear EYP-Ukraine! I have
honour to say a toast to EYP-UA on behalf of the EYP-Georgia. We really appreciate your kind attitude to our country.
We are happy that we have a chance
to share our ideas, to see our common
values, and to have friendly relationship.
The representatives of EYP-UA are
more than welcome to Georgia:)
Akaki Kukhaleishvili
1) I have been involved in EYP for 4 years.
2) First Batumi International Forum, as it was an
extraordinary session spent in different, sometimes
extreme conditions.
3) Best Friends, very sociable, active, spontaneous
and enthusiastic.
4) Georgian traditions, dancing, singing, drinking WINE(!), hospitality plus
strong motivation for country development and a good mood.
5) To our UA friends, wishing EYP UA
to become one of the most successful
and important youth organizations, creating a strong platform for UA’s European
democratic future. And wishing its members
a lot of energy, ideas and creativity for
building new and prosperous country.
Nino Sioridze
Nu vsoo, k delu...
1) since 2008
2) 1-st Batumi International Forum, ‘cause there I had
the time of my life in EYP
3) cheerful, interesting, friendly atmosphere
4) Georgian is a man of principle; quick-witted; proud;
debauchee (a person who likes to spend time with partying with friends); talkative;
5)I think that toast in English isn’t that sonorous but
I’ll try:
.... my dear friends I would like to say a toast for our
“long-term” friendship, that has started long time ago,
exists today and will be invariable for ever an ever...
Salome Tsimakuridze
1) It’s approximately 2 years; EYP is a part of my life.
2) To my mind, the coolest EYP session was the 5th Istanbul International Forum. It was fabulously organised, with
high academical level and amazing venues, city tours, parties,
accommodation, etc.
3) My first associations which are connected with EYP-Ukraine
are: well-organised, friendly and unique people who try to do
their best to create awesome sessions in Ukraine.
4) 1. Georgians particularly love being the hosts 2. incredibly friendly 3. traditional 4. reliable 5. have sense of humour.
These are the key points which make a Georgian.
5) I’m holding a glass of red wine (kidding) and saying: wish
EYP-UA fantastic and productive work with genius youth
from all over the world!! Wish EYP-UA continue its successful participation in building more democratic, safe and peaceful
Europe of tomorrow!!! :*
Tornike Zurabashvili
1) I have been involved in EYP for almost 3 years.
2) I guess the best session I attended was Stockholm International Session. This
was on the one hand my first international session as a delegate and it made me
double-excited and one the other, the atmosphere of that particular session was
beyond the normal quality of EYP international sessions. Plus, I got to talk at length
at the General Assembly and then debated with other delegates, who were equally (if
not more) experienced than me in those topics. For a person as motivated as I, participation in Stockholm IS turned out to be very challenging and intriguing time.
3) My first and last association with EYP-Ukraine is and will be Dmytro Honcharenko.
Plurality of ideas and features is what really makes a Georgian nation but these are some
most common features that the majority of Georgians possess. 1. Freedom-loving 2. Creative 3.
Energetic 4. Sociable/friendly 5. Devoted.
5) I wish you a lot of enthusiasm and success in all of your future endeavors. May you continue
giving young Ukrainians the golden sessions and moments, you have been gifted in the past. Your
success as EYP-Ukraine will always be met happily here in Georgia.
Kevin Austin (Kakhi Sanikidze)
1) I have been involved in EYP since October
2010, so pretty much for one year.
2) I think the coolest session for me was Georgian
National Selection in May; I liked it because I was
an Editor and I had an amazing team.
3) I have never been to Ukraine myself but I know
some Ukrainian EYPers and I can say only positive.
They are my lovely friends.
4) That’s hard to answer what makes a real Geor-
gian because everyone understands it in a different
way. I think a real Georgian is patriot, orthodox
Christian, very hospitable, good at dancing or singing, and probably loves wine too much, hehe.
5) I’d like to raise this toast to EYP-UA, to my
amazing Ukrainian friends who made me fall in love
with their country without ever being there. I’d
like to wish them a lot of success and as good new
generation as their old members are.
Oksana Korchak
1) When did you meet each other for the 1st
MILA: It’s actually hard to recall when I met
Katia for the first time because it seems that I
know her for the whole life. But answering the
question, we met for the first time in Dubin in
2007 at the Dubin International Session. And
she didn’t like me.
KATYA: Dublin IS, 2007
2) Describe her in 3 words.
MILA: creative, smart, special
KATYA: ginger, crazy, lovely
3) What are the things you like most about her?
M: she is a reliable and trustworthy friend. She is
also very knowledgeable and wise. I can always ask
for advise and be sure that it will be helpful. And we
share fun. We find the same things funny and we get
each other’s irony. And she is extremely stylish.
K: she doesn’t look like me
4) What are the things you don’t like about her?
M:she is tough to people. including herself
K: that we are different
5) Her favourite drink
M: sambuka. sometimes she drinks becherovka.
sometimes she goes for bloody mary.
K: spirits
6) If she once found herself in a desert island, what
are the thingsshe couldn’t live without?
M: b e aut i f u l
7) Gesture/phrase most frequently repeated by her
M: popustis’. bugagashen’ka.and she’s got a very special facial expression when she starts laughing. She
curls her lips and makes very funny eyes. I just love
at such moments.
K: don’t know
8) What is the most important thing in her life?
M: harmony with herself is very important for her
K: friends
EYP-Ukraine’s pathway
Balkan International
Forum of EYP-Romania
Where: Riviera, Romania
When: 28 June -2 July
Who: Oleksandra Gipsh
Nata Tarasevich
The 68th International
Where: Zagreb, Croatia
When: 30 September –
9 October 2011
Who: DmytroHoncharenko (Chairperson);
RoksolanaPidlasa, Anna
Lachykhina, VitaliiOvsiiuk, EvheniiMan’ko,
AndriiGyrych (delegates)
Iberian International
Forum of EYP-Spain
Where: Girona, Spain
When: 4-11 August
Who: Maria Shcherbak
What: The 11th National
Selection of EYP-Poland
Where: Warsaw, Poland
When: 7-11 September
Who: Oksana Korchak
The 9th National Session of EYP-Norway
Trondheim, Norway
14-16 September 2011
UchennaEgbete (Chairperson)
President - Kateryna
Ashton Kutcher - an American
actor, producer, fashion model.
“Interesting similiraty with Ashton
ave you ever compared yourself to any celebrity?
Now I mean only outward resemblance. Do
your friends compare your friends compare you
to a rockstar, famous actor or politician?
I consider such an activity as trying to find celebrity to whom
you resemble very boring. However, a lot of people find this pursuit quite funny.
Surfing in the internet, I found that such kind of “having
fun” is really popular. There are a lot of articles and forums about
celebrity similarities. Moreover, I found few web-sites specially
designated to find celebrity similarities.
All you need is to upload your photo and wait for a minute…
Done! You see a photo of someone famous and a wording below:
“You look like Lauri Ylonen (frontman of the rock band The Rasmus). Similarity 87%”.. as it was in my case. Of course, sure that
I’m a pretty girl, I hoped to see:
at first - female!
as a wish - some attractive photomodel or actress.
But the result was unexpected and quite interesting...
Later I really found some similar features.
You can see this example here:
Board Member on Human Resources - Kristina Chelmakina
Renee Zellweger – an American actress and producer (“Bridget Jones’s
Diary”, “Chicago”, etc)
“Did anybody tell you that you
look like an actress?”
Member of PR department Olena Grygorieva,
Lauri Ylonen - the frontman of the
Finnish alternative rock band The
“Ania, have you ever
met the vampires?”
“Should I try such «raven» hair style?)”
Board Member on International
Activities - Nataliia Tarasevych
Hayden Panettiere – an American
actress and singer. More known as
the bride of Wladimir Klitschko).
“You may deceive our Ukrainian
Vice-President on Public Relations Anna Suprunenko
Kristen Stewart – an American
actress (Bella Swan in “The Twilight
Saga”, etc)
Member of PR department - Oksana Korchak
Nastya Kamenskih Ukrainian singer.
“Let’s think about career
of singer”
Member of PR department Lyubov Dvoretskaya
Tina Kandelaki - a Russian
journalist, TV presenter and
“I’m sure that you’ll look
great as TV presenter!”
Secretary - Oleksandra Gipsh
Emma Uotson – an
English actress
(Hermione Granger in
“Harry Potter”)
“Enough conceal! Where is your magic
Member of PR,
HR department - Anna
Kate Holmes
- an American
actress (“Batman
Begins”, “Broadway”, etc)
“Ania, your smile surely can be
described as Hollywood smile!”
Member of PR, HR
department - Roksolana
Sarah Jessica Parker - an
American actress and
producer (“Sex and the
City”, etc)
If you want to find a celebrity, who looks like you, or just
to see some interesting and funny look-alikes, there are few
link for you:
PS: Comparing yourself to somebody famous, don’t take
it too serious. Outward resemblance means nothing. What
makes you unique is your inner world. Remember that you
are individuality with your won ambitious, character, style,
beliefs and thoughts. The more natu.ral you look - the more
interesting person you are/
“This girl is really
charismatic one.”
Olena Grygorieva
Autumn issue of EYPigeon , official newsletter of EYP-UA, October 2011
Editing and layout design:
Zhenia Melekhovets
Columnists and authors:
Ania Suprunenko
Olena Grygorieva
Oksana Korchak
Nata Tarasevich
Yegor Vlasenko
Lyubov Dvoretskaya
Kristina Chelmakina
People who contributed to Autumn EYPigeon:
Katia Vynogradova
Mila Pestun
Giorgi Samkharadze
Ruslan Tsulukidze
Akaki Kukhaleishvili
Nino Sioridze
Salome Tsimakuridze
Tornike Zurabashvili
Kevin Austin

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