www.labbs.org.uk IN THIS ISSUE:
www.labbs.org.uk IN THIS ISSUE:
The magazine of the Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers www.labbs.org.uk March 2009 IN THIS ISSUE: OVER HERE! CHAIRMAN SIGNS OFF Jacqui Edwards looks back over the last two years as her time as Chairman comes to a close p.2 A retrosp ective and an u p d ate QUARTETS Westminster Chorus are on their way CLUBS IABS CONVENTION 2008 Isca Sound, Enigma and Finesse Did you ever go across the sea to Ireland? p. 11 CHOOSING MUSIC Find out who did, inside. Liz Garnett s gu id ance on choosing suitable music. p.5 p.12 Harmony InSpires Green Street Blues Avonbelles Pennine Chimes Harton Harmonisers Tyneside Ladies The Pitchpipers p.6-7, 10-11 Whooping it up in Sligo p.8-9 LABBS ROUND-UP CELEBRATIONS IN SPAIN Barbershop in Harmony, Fellowship of Directors w eekend , Coast to Coast s new MD, the other First Lad ies of LABBS and a note abou t the Support Fund p.2-5 ADS AND NOTICES Advertisements, obituaries, and notices p.13-15 Taking tim e ou t in Mad rid p. 16 MARCH 2009 FROM PAGE 2 VOICE BOX LABBS CHAIRMAN Hello everyone I cannot believe that m y tw o years as Chairm an is alm ost over and that this is m y last article for Voice Box. They say that time goes quickly when you are having fun! Some exciting things have been happening during these two years; amongst the highlights are: The formation of a new Spanish Association of Barbershop Singing (more on p.16) Barbershop in H arm ony w as form ed in Ju ne 2007 and is now w ell established w ith one joint event last year and others planned for 2009 (see below) We are w orking tow ard s becom ing a charity and thu s being eligible to join Making Mu sic We now, at long last, have a Funding Officer (Chris Raper from The White Rosettes). Jacqui Edwards I cannot reiterate enou gh how gratefu l I am to everyone w ho w orks so hard for the Association to m ake it w hat it is. The Execu tive, the Prelim s./ Convention Team and the E&J Com m ittee are the ones w e all know abou t of cou rse bu t there is a w hole p halanx of p eop le ou t there beavering aw ay behind the scenes throu ghou t the year. We are going from strength-to-strength w ith a grad u ally grow ing m em bership and I hop e that trend continu es for a long, long time. I have m anaged to visit 33 clu bs (inclu d ing Coast-to-Coast) since March 2007 and have encou ntered w ond erfu l hosp itality from everyone. I wish I could have visited you all and to those I missed sorry, but a visit every two weeks for two years was ju st im p ossible! Du ring these visits I have realised ju st how m u ch w e all d o for charity particu larly, it w ou ld seem, the noncom p eting choru ses. I know w e p u sh for singing excellence (and that is as it shou ld be) bu t an enorm ou s am ou nt of p leasu re com es from just singing together, from the friend ship s form ed and from the charity events u nd ertaken and the charities benefit enormously too of course. H op efu lly in the next ed ition of Voice Box w e w ill hear of the su ccess of ou r w ond erfu l am bassad ors The Cheshire Chord Company (cu rrent Eu rop ean Cham p ions), The W hit e Roset t es, Gem Connect ion, Amersham A Cappella, Hav oc, Not eO rious and Fiz z ! at the Eu rop ean Convention in H olland . Very best w ishes to Havoc w hen they sing on the World H armony Council Jamboree Show in Anaheim in July see you there girls! Thank you all for making the last two years so wonderful! Yours, in harmony, Jacqui Edwards UPDAT E Rep resentatives of LABBS, BABS and Sw eet Ad elines International (Region 31) are continu ing to m eet regu larly. With a collective voice of over 6000 m em bers w e are w orking to p rom ote and raise the profile of barbershop singing in the UK. One Voice CD This w ond erfu l CD, featu ring quartets and choruses from all three organisations, is now available (see p. 14). Marketing Workshop. This is being held on 4th April 2009 in Birm ingham and w ill focu s on, am ongst other things, the m arketing of the Barbershop in H arm ony Week in Sep tem ber and the p rovision of tools for p u blicity officers. Fu rther d etails and registration inform ation available from: debbie.watson7@ntlworld.com Arrangers Workshops. An Improvers Day is being held on 26th Ap ril. Details on LABBS w ebsite: www.labbs.org.uk An A dvanced W eekend is being held on 13th/ 14th Ju ne w ith David Wright in attend ance. By invitation only. Sing Barbershop Aw areness Week. This w ill ru n from 12th 20th Sep tem ber 2009. We hop e that all choru ses in each Association w ill hold events across the UK d u ring this w eek w ith the aim of increasing p u blic and m ed ia aw areness of ou r form of singing - concerts, singing in p u blic p laces, rad io sp ots, singing w orkshop s, anything that m ight w ork in you r area and if you have any great id eas please let u s know . Be innovative and please share you r id eas w ith us all. Sing Barbershop Show at The London Palladium This is on Su nd ay 20th Sep tem ber 2009 and is in conju nction w ith Macm illan Cancer Su p p ort. Am ongst those d efinitely ap p earing, to d ate, w ill be LABBS cu rrent gold m ed al choru s The Cheshire Chord Com p any and gold m ed al qu artet N oteOriou s and After H ou rs/ Pitch Invasion Octet. This is a hu ge u nd ertaking for the three organisations and w e all hop e you will support it wholeheartedly. Jacqui Edwards on behalf of Barbershop in Harmony MARCH 2009 PAGE 3 VOICE BOX P RESENTATION OF LABBS TROPHY In 1984, Sheila Rice (Ed u cation Ad visor), Marilyn Penketh (Arrangem ent Category Sp ecialist), Margaret d e Wolf (Interp retation Category Sp ecialist) and Sand ra Land ey (Stage Presence Category Specialist) travelled to Providence, Rhod e Island in ord er to attend the 25th International Contest and Convention of Harmony, Incorporated. To com m em orate this sp ecial anniversary, LABBS d onated a silver p late w hich is aw ard ed annu ally to the highest p laced , non-m ed allist choru s, scoring in Presentation. Med als are aw ard ed to the first fou r placed choruses. In N ovem ber 2008, at the International Contest and Convention held in Ap p leton, Wisconsin, the LABBS trop hy w as p resented to the Sounds of the Seacoast, from Portsm ou th, N ew H am p shire by Marilyn Penketh. The choru s, und er the d irection of Wend y McCoole, sang This Joint Is Jumping and A uld Lang Syne and p laced fifth w ith an average score of 75%. The annu al Fellow ship of Directors Workshop (organised by LABBS) gives MDs and Mu sic Team Mem bers an op p ortu nity to air p roblem s and find solu tions, share techniqu es and generally su p p ort each other. This year, there w ere sessions as d iverse as a p otted history of Barb er sh o p , Ch o r u s St a ck in g , Coaching, Cop yright, H ealthy Singing, Vocal Anatom y and Warm Up s. Jiggle, a N ovice Qu artet from Secon d City Sou nd , m ad e an ap p earance as w illing gu inea p igs w hilst Section Lead ers and MDs practised their coaching skills. From left to right: Club President, Heidi Berger, MD Wendy McCoole and LABBS Marilyn Penketh w ith the trop hy. Harmony, Incorporated will celebrate its 50th anniversary in November 2009 by returning to Providence, Rhode Island where it all started in 1959. FELLOWSHIP OF DIRECTORS WEEKEND Jeanne O Connor and Lynn Randall of Village Vocal Chords (from Chicago Harmony Inc Gold Medallist Chorus) joined Marilyn Penketh and Karen Palmer to run the 2009 Fellow ship of D irectors w eekend in January and it was a huge success. CONTRIBUTED BY MARILYN PENKETH Directors is vital to them and this w eekend p roved really u sefu l. H ow ever, the best MDs say that you never stop learning and the w eekend includ ed lots of u sefu l m aterial for established MDs and exp erienced Section Lead ers and one of them com m ented that this w eekend w as: "The best I have attended in 10 years!" Of the forty p lu s d elegates, a few attend ed as in ter ested on looker s (not Mu sic Team m em bers or MDs) and they w ere m ad e w elcom e. It w as a great to see w hat it s like from the other side of the risers, said one, and I ve got lots to take back to share with my chorus. It w as a very bu sy w eekend w ith m u ch to d igest - bu t there w as lots of tagsinging and laughter too. CONTRIBUTED BY JEAN LEWIS m ad e their first trip to the USA [see above]. From that tim e, the LABBS/ H arm ony Inc p artnership has been m u tu ally beneficial as both organisations d evelop ed and m oved w ith the times. The delegates were very ap p reciative of the p art that Jeanne and Lynn p layed in the w eekend . They treated us as equals and w ere so w illing to share everything that they knew and yet w ere also w illing to listen to our problems w ith sincerity and an open mind, said one hap p y cu stom er. What pow erhouses of energy, said another, What a depth of know ledge! What a w onderful, approachable, entertaining time they gave us! Sp ecial thanks to Rosam u nd e Pop e for her hard w ork; the w eekend ran very sm oothly thanks to her organisational skills. Som e d elegates had recently step p ed off the risers to take over w hen MDs had left their choru ses and w ere having to learn very qu ickly; the Fellow ship of In su m m ing u p the w eekend , Jeanne O Connor said how p leased she w as to m ake the trip to the UK in H arm ony Inc s 50th year. She recalled attend ing H arm ony Inc s Convention in its 25th year w h en LABBS rep resen tatives Left to right: Jeanne O Connor, Karen Palmer, Lynn Randall, Rosamunde Pope, Marilyn Penketh MARCH 2009 VOICE BOX FIRST LADIES OF LABBS So far there have been tw o Voice Box articles on the five Fou nd er Mem bers of LABBS w ho w ere recognised at Conv en t io n 2008: Bu n n y Ba in b r id g e (Tynesid e); Dap hne Pow ell (Read ing); Lee Westlake (Teignm ou th); Margaret d e Wolf (Liverp ool); Rhiannon Ow ensHall (Liverpool) There w ere, of cou rse, m any others w ho help ed to get LABBS established ; the five of u s exchanged lengthy em ails and had conversations w hen I w as in the UK in an attem p t to establish w ho they w ere and to try and ensu re that no one has been overlooked . I am su re that there w ere others so I w ill say that early members included the following: Anne Burrow s (Craw ley): H elp ed establish Arrangem ent Category; her hu s- We shou ld also like to thank the other lovely Bru nel lad ies w ho got u p on Su nd ay m ornings, once a m onth, w hen all sensible p eop le w ou ld still be blissfu lly sleeping, to d rive from Devon or Cornw all to Leicester and w ho w ere su ch assets to the choru s. Ou r thanks also go to Dick for his very valu able inp u t, esp ecially the m oves for one of ou r Convention songs (and for teaching u s how to ru n) and for organising the am azing sand castle com p etition on the beach in Sp ain, on ou r trip to La Cala in 2007. We have w ond erfu l m em ories of you all. I am happy to say that w e have been amazingly lucky once again in our search for a Chorus D irector and are now happily singing under the direction of the incredibly talented Peter Nugent, w ho w orks u s hard , bu t m akes rehearsals great fun at the same time. As I am su re lots of you know , Peter sang baritone in the gold m ed al qu artet, QED, and sings regu larly w ith Great CONTRIBUTED BY MARGARET DE WOLF band , Frank, help ed to establish LABBS Pauline Taylor (Avonbelles): Interp reStage Presence. tation Ju d ge; her hu sband , Ken (MD Great Western Choru s), help ed estabMD Craw ley Lad ies D orothy Tew son lish LABBS Interpretation Category (Teignm ou th): First LABBS PRO; Balance and Blend (now inclu d ed in Sing- Sheila Riddington (Leicester): LABBS ing) Judge; founded the Chordettes. Chairman; regular Council attendee Ellen Tew son (Craw ley): First LABBS Sheila Rice: help ed establish ArrangeSecretary ment Category; MD Avonbelles. Janet Phillips (Leicester): First LABBS Tess McCormick (Brighton): p resented Chairm an; resigned throu gh ill-health first LABBS Trop hy, the Brighton Rose after three months Bowl, on behalf of her Club. Marjorie Gordon (Tynesid e): Mem bership Secretary Mary Hunt (Craw ley): d esigned the first LABBS logo UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Coast to Coast w ere very sad to say goodbye, at the end of last year, to our lovely D elyth Knight, w ho resigned due to pressures of w ork and other family and barbershop commitments. We shou ld like to thank her for all her hard w ork and the fu n and the friend ship w e enjoyed w ith her for three years. PAGE 4 Western Choru s as w ell as d irecting The Chord ettes. Peter is interested in all asp ects of mu sic, inclu d ing singing, d irecting, arranging and m u sic technology, and I am su re he w ill take Coast to Coast from strength to strength. We are hop ing to attend the Irish Convention later this year, w here w e w ill be very vociferou s in ou r su p p ort for Peter s new qu artet, Steel. We are also hop ing, of cou rse, to enjoy lots of singing and lots of lau ghs w ith ou r Irish friend s (old and new ). STOP PRESS Coast to Coast are d elighted to be hosting a w orkshop on Su nd ay 28th Ju ne, w ith ou r gold m ed al qu artet Noteorious. With our chorious they w ill ru n a fu n d ay w here you can learn and p erform a song. Yes lad ies, it can be d one in ju st one d ay! Leave the chores behind and have a d ay of fu n, friend ship and singing. The venu e w ill be in the Leicester area and w e look forw ard to seeing you there! Peter N u gent, Coast to Coast s new Chorus Director. Pauline Beckford and Vera Evans (Craw ley): gave valu able su p p ort and assistance I hop e that you have all enjoyed you r history lesson! CONTRIBUTED BY MARION MORLEY Coast to Coast m eets on the 3rd Su nd ay of the m onth at the Y Centre in Leicester across the road from the railway station. Membership is open to all LABBS members and rehearsals run from 11.30a.m. to 3.30p.m. New members are always welcome MARCH 2009 PAGE 5 VOICE BOX FIN DIN G SUIT ABLE MUSIC Advice from LABBS Music Category D irector, Liz Garnett on how to select material that is most suitable for your chorus or quartet. CONTRIBUTED BY LIZ GARNETT than those that p resent the song once through and straight to the tag. leap to take on the role and m ake it to u se a Presentation tu rn of p hrase believable. Complexity of embellishment. The barbershop style featu res homoThe su ccess of A good rule of thumb for When p eop le choose m u sic to sing in con- phonic textures that is, that leap d ep end s identifying how well a test, they think a lot abou t its su itability in the chord s resu lt from not only on ou r term s of style: Is it barbershop , in the term s everybod y singing the p articu lar song s p ersona over- ability to enter d efined by the contest and jud ging system sam e w ord s in the sam e laps with your own identity is to into the sp irit of w e have ad op ted from the Barbershop rhythm at the sam e tim e. consider the karaoke test. Could the song bu t also you sing this song at a karaoke Harmony Society? Arrangers vary this texhow well the song night out without everyone tu re to ad d exp ressive fits u s as p erform laughing ? Bu t there is an equ ally im p ortant d im en- nu ances or rhythm ic ers in the first sion to su itability, and this one ap p lies to d rive to songs bu t this p lace. We need to all the m u sic w e sing, not just for contest: ad d ed interest also ad d s p erform ance ask ourselves how hard the audience is su itability to perform er. H ow ever great a challenges. The m ore often you see the going to have to w ork to su sp end their song and arrangem ent is in itself, it w ill d ifferent p arts in an arrangem ent sing- disbelief as they listen. To give obvious only produce a thrilling performance if it is ing in d ifferent rhythm s, the hard er the exam p les, it w ou ld sou nd as od d to a good fit for your quartet or chorus. ensemble will have to work to make the hear a qu artet of seventeen-year-olds chord s line up to p rod u ce the classic rem iniscing abou t their p ast glories in So, how d o you d ecid e if a song or ar- barbershop ringing sound. Back in the Old Rou tine as it w ou ld rangement is suitable for you? to hear a qu artet of 50-year-old s singComplexity of harmony. Barbershop mu- ing the 1980 hit song Grand m a w e Level of Difficulty sic has classic harm onic m oves that w e Love You . If you are choosing a song that you intend resp ond to intu itively as a resu lt of ou r to invest a lot of rehearsal tim e in (e.g. for p erform ing and listening exp erience. A good ru le of thu m b for id entifying contest or as a m ajor featu re in a show ), Arrangers m ay also choose to u se m ore how w ell a p articu lar song s p ersona you need to p ick som ething that is w ithin u nu su al chord s to p lay w ith ou r exp ec- overlap s w ith you r ow n id entity is to you r grou p s grasp bu t that has enou gh tations and thu s ad d em otional im p act consid er the karaoke test. Cou ld you su bstance to make you to ou r p erform ances. sing this song at a karaoke night ou t raise you r gam e a litH ow ever, these m ore without everyone laughing ? However great a song and tle. The m u sical eleu nu su al chord s can be arrangement is in itself, it will ments to consider are: hard er to tu ne, and inonly produce a thrilling Your personality performance if it is a good fit for d eed hard er to u nd erRange. If the singers stand , since w e encou nyour quartet or chorus. can t sing the highest/ ter them less often. low est notes of their p arts w ith good qu ality then there s no Character of the song p oint attem p ting the song it w ill alw ays Every song has its ow n p ersona: the show you r w eaknesses rather than you r virtu al character w hose p oint of view it strengths rep resents. The lyric tells u s qu ite a lot Song s p ersona abou t this age, sex, situ ation in life. Length. The longer a song is, the m ore m u - The m u sic also tells u s qu ite a lot a sical and vocal stam ina it requ ires. Also, sw ing tu ne gives a d ifferent feel of tim e Opportunity for the longer an arrangem ent is, the m ore and p lace from a Charleston rhythm . convincing performance likely it is to d isp lay com p lex em bellishing That p ersona is inevitably going to be d evices as it progresses to su stain interest. d ifferent from the p ersonalities of So, m ed leys and arrangem ents w ith long early-twentieth-centu ry British w om en, rep eated sections are inherently hard er so w e have to m ake an im aginative LABBS SUPPO RT FUN D CONTRIBUTED BY VIV GARNER The LABBS Su p p ort Fu nd is ad m inistered by the LABBS Ex- w ho has sp ecial need s. Fu nd s can be m ad e available to su ch ecutive and is there to assist LABBS members. a member (often as a carer is needed). If you have been a LABBS m em ber for at least a year you are To ap p ly for assistance p lease contact Viv Garner (LABBS entitled to requ est assistance to enable you to attend LABBS Treasu rer) in the first instance. You can reach her via em ail : Barbershop events if for health reasons you need support. labbs@garneruk.plus.com The fu nd is for the benefit of any m em ber w ho is p hysically d isabled , w hether on a p erm anent or tem p orary basis, and If in doubt ASK! MARCH 2009 VOICE BOX LEARN TO SING CONTRIBUTED BY CELIA NICKSON Ridgew ay Harmony, as w as, have w ritten in to report on the success of their Learn to Sing course and to inspire others, as their new name suggests, w ith the sound of harmony. cou rse of ou r ow n. In the Au tu m n, w e fou nd a hall in Cu m nor, sent ou t notices to all the local p ap ers and behind the scenes many people worked hard to ensu re w e had all the p acks and m u sic and som e excellent coaches. Like m any choru ses, w e had been losing m em bers for a w hile, says Celia N ickson, PRO, bu t w e had seen Oxford H arm ony break into Cu m nor w ith their m en s grou p and had heard of other barbershop s choru ses having a singing cou rse to sp read the w ord abou t barbershop singing. With great trep id ation w e d ecid ed to hold a three w eek singing Enqu iries came in and the nu m bers kep t rising. At one p oint w e w ere w ondering if all the people would be able to fit in the hall, bu t the cou rse w as a su ccess w ith 59 p eop le attend ing. Existing members learned new songs along with new skills and those w ho had com e fresh to barbershop had fu n and learned abou t breathing, p ostu re and sound formation. C OME BACK TO SINGING At the beginning of 2008 Green Street Blues w ere a very depleted chorus of just thirteen members. They are starting 2009 w ith 24 full members and another nine w aiting for their auditions. This is all d u e to the p henom enal su ccess of ou r Come Back to Singing course that took p lace in N ovem ber, says Cat Finch. Over five w eeks Tim m Barkw orth, national voice coach and MD of The Belles of 3 Spires joined forces w ith Green Street s MD, Peter Kenned y, and ran us through our paces. We w ent throu gh a lot of bu bbling and consequ ent d ribbling like babies the first w eek, sirening like banshees and im p ersonating Eliza Doolittle p ractising her vow els/ d ip hthongs the 2nd w eek and trying not to sou nd like Rolf H arris with our noisy breathing the 3rd week. By the end of the cou rse w e had a p olished and skilled p erform ance for ou r new m em bers to show off to fam ilies and friends in our end of course concert. H ARMONY DAY EVENT About 70 men and 100 lady barbershop singers enjoyed a Harmony D ay at the D erw ent Hotel, Torquay, in November. The event, organised by Sou th Exeter-based BABS choru s Iscap ella Close H arm ony Choru s, w as attend ed by seven other barbershop choru ses from arou nd the region for PAGE 6 a day of coaching and singing. Tw o of the UK s lead ing barbershop singing coaches, Mike Taylor and Paula William s, led the w orkshop sessions, w hich concentrated on the vital elem ents in p rod u cing good singing, su ch as p ostu re, breathing, resonance and free vocal production. Those of u s w ho had been w ith the chorus for a while were amazed at the speed that songs w ere being picked u p and excited by the lovely sou nd w e w ere making. Once the cou rse w as over w e w ere really p leased that 15 p eop le d ecid ed that they w ou ld like to join ou r choru s. We now have 31 m em bers and have relau nched ourselves as Harmony InSpires. Ou r first sing ou t on Decem ber 17th w as a great su ccess. CONTRIBUTED BY CAT FINCH By p itching the cou rse as Come Back to Singing, nearly all the lad ies attend ing w ere alread y accom p lished singers from variou s other form s of choru ses, so w e are thrilled that so m any of them have d ecid ed to ad d their exp ertise to the talents of Green Street Blues. Many thanks to Tim m for all his hard w ork and , if he can tolerate the d rive from Sheffield again, he is m ore than welcome to check our progress anytime he likes. CONTRIBUTED BY JENNY REEVES Choru ses from Exeter, Tau nton, N ew ton Abbott and Plym ou th, inclu d ing The Rivertones, River City Choru s and Western Ap p roach all benefitted from the fluent and interactive style of the tw o tu tors, and the d ay finished w ith each choru s p u tting into p ractice w hat they had learned d u ring the d ay. It cu lm inated in an eight-part harm ony rend ition of the classic song Misty su ng by all 170 p articip ants. Peter Shru bsall, MD of Iscapella and the m ain instigator of the event com m ented that the concep ts p u t forw ard by the tu tors had d em onstrated the im m ense im p rovem ent in voice qu ality that cou ld be achieved by ju st one day of practical training. MARCH 2009 A VON CALL IN ON CAMBORNE In N ovember, the Avonbelles competed in the Camborne Music Festival in Cornw all and w hat a fabulous weekend it was. They w on the fem ale ad u lt vocal class w ith 256 m arks ou t of 300 and received som e very favou rable com m ents from the ad ju d icator. The trop hy w e w ere p resented w ith w ill sit nicely in ou r cabinet, says PRO Mand y Rogers. We also received a Certificate and the Margaret Reynold s Baton in a very nice p resentation box. PAGE 7 VOICE BOX think w e ve ever had an au d ience to w ave good bye to as ou r coach p u lled away. We felt like royalty. As you can im agine, the afterglow w as riotou s and ou r hotel valiantly p u t u p w ith u s and the noise level. The next CONTRIBUTED BY MANDY ROGERS m orning w as slightly qu ieter of cou rse bu t this d id n t last long and w e p artied on the coach on the w ay hom e, only stop p ing briefly to entertain the p u blic in a gard en centre in Exeter, w here again w e w ere asked to retu rn next year. In the evening they w ere asked to retu rn as sp ecial gu ests to entertain the au d ience before the Male Voice Choru s com p etition. Ou r original rep ertoire was Let the River Run, Georgia, and How Deep is The Ocean which brought a tear to one lad y s eye, its su ch an em otional song, says Mand y, bu t in the evening we substituted It s Raining M en for Georgia w hich w ent d ow n a storm to rap tu rous applause. We tru ly felt like rock stars: p eop le were trying to board the coach when we w ere leaving to w ish u s w ell! I d on t A NGELIC CHIMES CONTRIBUTED BY GILL CHARLES Pennine Chimes (Bradford) are proud to announce that they have been declared Angels in the local press! They offered them selves u p for au ction to raise m oney for Myelom a Cancer Research at a recent charity ball. Angelo Clarke, brother-in-law to Pennine members Pat and Christine, is currently in remission from Myeloma (cancer of the blood.) H e and his w ife H elen organised their second annu al fu nd -raising event to say thank you to the charity that help ed him throu gh his illness. An im p ressed gu est at the ball bid nearly £200 to hear the choru s sing for her, at her chosen venu e, to wow her friends no doubt! MARCH 2009 PAGE 8 VOICE BOX A CROSS THE SEA TO I RELAND There w asn t room in the last issu e of Voice Box to inclu d e the articles and p hotograp hs covering the 2008 Convention of the Irish Association of Barbershop Singers in Sligo so here they are now to whet your appetite for this year. FROM THE NORTH CONTRIBUTED BY JO BRAHAM At the beginning of October w e d u sted off the p assp orts, and set off for Sligo to the IABS Convention. Wow , those Irish barbershop p ers su re know how to p arty! Bu t in tru e After Hours style, and in keep ing w ith ou r nam e of cou rse, w e kep t u p w ith them till the early hou rs of Su nd ay m orning. We d id have som ething to celebrate, so that w as ou r excu se! We com peted in the International Quartet Competition and flew the flag for LABBS by coming out on top! Woo hoo, 4 pints of Guinness please! For the first tim e, IABS combined the lad ies and the m en s qu artet com p etition so w e w ere u p against the m en too. This w as d u e to the low nu m ber of entrants from the fairer sex. So c m on girls, it s a great exp erience of com p etition, esp ecially in the run up to LABBS Convention, and a cracking weekend of socialising and song. Consider it for 2009. It would be great if there w ere lots of LABBS qu artets to really boost the com p etition. Food for thou ght, eh? FROM THE MOUNTAINS OF M OLD CONTRIBUTED BY RITA GUNNIGLE Mountain Harmony (Mold ) com p eted at IABS last year and had a lot of fu n. Seven Convention virgins Carol, Ju d e, Lynn, Angela, Jane, Debbie and H eather all had a fabu lou s tim e and Ed na H u ghes p enned this poem to commemorate the trip. Across the sea to Ireland our Chorus went one day, We started out before the dawn and soon were on our way, Alas we did not get too far before news was relayed, We'd have to make a detour - our sailing was delayed. For several hours we passed the time by spending lots of money, And our coach had a bit of a scrape: it really was not funny. All aboard the Seacat, some folk were turning green, But only a few miles to go now and the Irish coast is seen. Saturday dawns, its grey and damp but soon we'll be on stage, We're going to perform our very best 'cos we've practised for an age. Our time on stage flies by so fast ,the songs are sung, we've done the deed, Smiling sweetly at the judges to gain the points we need. Results are in, we've done quite well, we're floating on a cloud. Everyone is hap p y and Derek says he s p rou d " All too soon the w eekend s p assed and on the coach w e p ile, Home across the sea again, singing all the while. A ND FROM BROMLEY Velvet Harmony took tim e ou t from the 2008 LABBS Convention and flew (w ith an abru p t land ing at Knock that w e w on t forget in a hu rry!) to the Irish Association of Barbershop Singers Convention in Sligo. We w ere hap p y to im p rove on ou r last p erform ance and com e 7th ou t of eleven International Choru ses w ith a score of 61%. The contest w as m ixed so w e had the novel exp erience of being beaten by the Cotton Tow n Choru s a BABS cham p ion choru s - no sham e there! The d ay of the com p etition w as a fine, soft d ay - Irish for p ou ring ! There w as no room for carrying brollies betw een ou r changing room and the bu ild ing w here w e w ere to sing, so w e kep t ou r hair d ry on the w ay over w ith a fetching array of hood s, show er cap s and shop p ing bags w hich w ere very glam orou s above ou r sp arkling green stage gear! Jacqu i Edw ard s, LABBS Chairm an, (w ho flew ou t w ith u s to lend her bass voice onstage and her d elightfu l com p any for the weekend - thanks again, Jacqu i) looked p articu larly chic in a little p lastic su p ermarket number. Being last on, w e had a fu ll and ap p reciative hou se that gave ou r Mu sical Director, N eil Watkins, an esp ecially w arm welcome. We did our best to live up to it! After the contest, w e d escend ed on the tow n for d inner and , afterw ard s, serenad ed the bem u sed chefs and nearly brought the kitchen to a standstill. Later, at the Afterglow , a cou p le of ou r Section Lead ers sang a song ap iece w ith After Hours, who lit up the hotel lobby in their fabulous purple dresses. CONTRIBUTED BY KATE SHENNAN Sligo is a little tow n w here old fashioned shop s and d rinking holes ru b shou ld ers w ith a glossy shop p ing m all and a snap p y new cafe w here the peat-tinted river ru shes u nd er the tow n centre Brid ge. Exp loring its d elights had to be fitted in around registration, rehearsals and com p etition bu t w e fou nd tim e to exp lore the p u bs and hit the shops. On Su nd ay, som e of u s w ent in gloriou s su nshine to check ou t the Gu inness and seafood chow d er at Strand hill beach w ith its w hite sand , Atlantic breakers and su rfers. Ou r Kiw i m em ber had to be restrained from stealing a w etsu it and board and throwing herself into the waves! We ll have to go back - for m ore singing, and that su rfing d em o! MARCH 2009 PAGE 9 VOICE BOX - SLIGO 2008 After Hours show off their medals after winning the quartet competition. Mountain Harmony, gathered on the steps of the Southern Hotel Six teas and a Gu inness chaser p lease! some of the ladies of Velvet Harmony relaxing in Strandhill. IABS CONVENTION 2009 Come join us for our 21st anniversary Convention at The Helix DUBLIN October 2-4th 2009 Looking forward to seeing all our barbershop friends return! MARCH 2009 VOICE BOX M AGIC MOMENTS This personal look at barbershop was sent in by the Humber Belles w ho asked for it to be reprinted from their club magazine. It w as w ritten by 18 year-old Mary Butcher. As I w atch the Belles w arm u p in their Sections, each so effortlessly p oised and read y for their w eekly sessions, I am stru ck by only one thought: I am home. It is all p art of the intim acy of being involved w ith a barbershop chorus. I have alw ays know n that harm ony is m y thing. From a very you ng age I astou nd ed m y p arents w ith an ability t o im p r ov ise co m p lex co u n t er m elod ies to alm ost every nu rsery rhym e su ng at m e. Ironically, at ou r w eekly H u m ber Belles p ractices I am transp orted back to these tim es w ith m any of ou r favou rite nu rsery-rhyme warm-u p s. Bu t far from being the im p rom p tu , relaxed , a cap p ella singing I had assu m ed , the intricacies of a barbershop choru s have been revealed to m e. We stand before ou r au d ience as one beautifully polished sound but the intense am ou nt of training p u t in by every ind ivid ual to achieve this is rem arkable. Behind the stage is an efficiently ru n organisation w ith a tru ly incred ible m anagem ent of team s coord inating everything from rep ertoire to costu m es to the balancing of sections. Dedication is definitely key. In Janu ary, I m et u p w ith m y team (The N acred Ram s) from the Card en Arm s in Tilston to officially receive their sp onsor m oney. Attached is a p hoto of m e and m y team d isp laying a chequ e for £1253. This d oes not inclu d e the £285 I raised w ith the help of LABBS m em bers. A sp ecial thank-you goes to 'A Tou ch of TLC' for their collection of £35. Again m any thanks. Christine Milner, Club-at-Large BRIEF FROM THE NORTH-EAST Beryl Cooke has written in to report that The Harton Harmonisers enjoyed a bu sy and p rod u ctive Christm as season w ith sing-ou ts at a Chu rch and a H osp ice follow ed by a Christm as N ight Ou t Their annu al Christm as Concert - w ith gu ests Peers of H arm ony (BABS choru s) and their Qu artet Very Old Gold w as a great su ccess. The program m e inclu d ed H arton H arm onisers ow n qu artet and octet Affinity and H arton Sou l and the au d ience joined in w ith the carol singing. The choru s p lans to com p ete at local festivals in Febru ary and March and Beryl ad d s, We also m ay have a bu d d ing MD in ou r m id st as And rea (one of ou r you nger m em bers) joined Mike at a Directors Ed u cation Day in Janu ary. She has ou r su p p ort! CONTRIBUTED BY THE HUMBER BELLES choru s that continu es to p u t in the effort, attention and care requ ired of su ch a d em and ing skill: A choru s that I am excep tionally prou d to be a part of. It is barbershop harm ony at its finest alongsid e the com pany of the w arm est, m ost excep tionally talented p eople I have ever m et. And so m y 'm agic m om ent' of this w eek and ind eed m any w eeks to come: joining the Humber Belles. The effect is both overw helm ing and rew ard ing. The H u m ber Belles have established a com p etitive, passionate MS CH ALLEN GE UPDAT E IN PAGE 10 Bu nny Bainbrid ge rep orts that Tyneside Ladies (TLC) are still w aiting to and hop ing for an MD to knock on their d oor but are continu ing into their 36th year w ith the sam e enthu siasm that they celebrated their 35th w ith d inner and entertainm ent at Kirtly Hall! Over the Christm as p eriod the choru s p erform ed at a great variety of venues a m u d d y Victorian m arket (com p lete w ith big w heel and icescu lp ting contest), a gard en centre, and the local shop p ing centre. Their final singou t of 2008 w as their annu al p u b craw l, singing carols for their su p p orted charities: Breast Cancer Detection, Macm illan N u rses and the North-East Air Ambulance. SNOWY RETREAT The Pitchpipers (Havant) retreat w ith Jeanne O Connor and Lynn Randall of Village Vocal Chords (see also p.3) took place on a snow y w eekend in February. Und er their exp ert coaching, w e w orked , w e p layed , w e lau ghed , w e sang, w e even cried . It w as a tru ly am azing exp erience and a great p rivilege too. Every one of u s cam e aw ay from this fabu lou s trip m otivated , hap p y and eager to bu ild on the solid fou nd ations that Jeanne and Lynn gave us. As this inspirational w eekend com es to a close, three w ord s still float arou nd m y head tonight: qu ality, u nity, friend ship . H ow fortu nate w e are that ou r craft encom p asses all three. If you have not tried it yet, I urge you to organise a couple of days aw ay with your chorus. ~MaryAnne Beames, PRO MARCH 2009 PAGE 11 VOICE BOX ISCA SOUND CONTRIBUTED BY JENNY REEVES Isca Sound qu artet, w ho are m em bers of The River City Choru s based in Exeter, entered the Tau nton and Som erset Mu sic Festival in N ovem ber. They w ere d elighted to be aw ard ed a d istinction for singing ShBoom and All I Have To Do Is Dream. The ad jud icator commented that he rarely got a chance to hear Barbershop singing, esp ecially d one so w ell, and hoped that he would have a chance to hear more in the future as he travels arou nd the cou ntry. It w as a w ond erfu l d ay for the qu artet and for promoting barbershop singing. Great idea Use a concertina folder, marked up with members names, as an in-box for notices, music, hand-outs etc. That way, if someone misses a rehearsal or meeting they can pick up the information they need when they are next in. (Sent in by Jenny Brotherston, Reading) G REETINGS FROM ENIGMA CONTRIBUTED BY STEPH RAMSEY As you w ill know , w e are fairly accid ent-p rone and 2008 brou ght one broken lim b (Row ena), three op erations (Step h & Su e B) and Su e H falling in the River Tham es We had a really bu sy year w ith p erform ances from Cheshire to and she d oesn t even d rink! Sittingbou rne, Gillingham to Leicestershire, via Berkshire, Su rrey and beyond , and 2009 is stacking u p to be ju st as hectic w ith m u - In ad d ition, of cou rse, w e w ere bu sy w ith ou r choru s, Signatu re, p rogressing throu gh the Rad io 3 Choir of the Year sic festivals and performances! au d itions. It w as great fu n (and hard w ork!), and w e w ere very p leased to have been selected for the Ad u lt Choir finals w e d id n t w in, bu t there is alw ays another year, and The Cottontow n Choru s certainly d id Barbershop proud! Looking back, it w as Janu ary last year that w e last w rote an article for Voice Box. So where did the rest of 2008 go? Unfortu nately w e had to m iss Convention in H arrogate bu t, belated ly, w e w ou ld like to congratu late all the m ed al w inners, We hop e they all enjoy their gold en year. Finally, w e w ou ld ju st like to exp ress ou r sincere cond olences to the fam ily and friend s of Uli from The Jazz Firm . The qu artet is su rely one of the LABBS Qu artet greats and Uli w ill be sad ly m issed . FINESSE MAKE-OVER When w e first p u t ou t an ad vert to all the LABBS Clu bs and Qu artet Cham p ions to find a rep lacem ent for ou r irrep laceable Debbie w e w ere really hop ing to find som eone exp erienced , m u sical, talented , fu n, w ith a fabu lou s voice and the right chem istry to becom e a d ear friend . I know , w e d id n't w ant m u ch, bu t in finding Nicky Salt all our hopes and expectations were met! N icky com es to u s w ith a fantastic Barbershop p ed igree. She is a LABBS Singing Ju d ge, an accom p lished qu artet Bass singer w ith Rap p ort and Flau nt , an exp erienced singing coach in her sp are tim e and the cu rrent Chair of Phoenix A Cap p ella Show case Chorus. We have had a cou p le of rehearsals so far, w ell, I u se the w ord rehearsal in the loosest sense, in that they have m ostly involved chatting and laughing! Mind you the hard work is about to begin CONTRIBUTED BY HELEN OWEN and w e can t w ait. We have a show to d o for the Knights of H arm ony in Ap ril and ou r first com p etition exp erience w ill com e in May in Gateshead , w hen w e w ill com p ete in SAI Region 31 Quartet Contest. We are alread y really looking forw ard to being back in the sw ing of things at LABBS in Cheltenham , catching u p w ith old friend s, m aking new ones, singing in the bar and competing in the quartet semi-finals! Please excuse the pun, but we really do feel like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Tow ard s the end of 2008, Finesse w ere d istrau ght at losing Debbie and could n t im agine what the future would hold. We could only have dreamed that 2009 w ou ld d aw n qu ite so brightly w ith so m u ch fu n and excitem ent w aiting to be had ! MARCH 2009 PAGE 12 VOICE BOX W ESTMINSTER CHORUS ARE COMING! Westminster Chorus, the dynamic US chorus w ho w on the 2007 International Gold medal, will be in the UK in July. The story behind their visit: tw o of their m em bers w ere u nable to take p art in the 2007 choru s final, becau se they sang w ith another choir that w as booked to com p ete at the Llangollen International Eisted d fod . Their choir w on the p restigiou s Choir of the World Trophy - the very sam e that Cam bridge Chord Company memorably won in 2004. Their p ositive rep orts back to Westm inster Choru s got the ball rolling. Abou t a third of the choru s also sings w ith 2008 gold m ed al choru s the Masters of Harmony, therefore in 2009 both cham p ion choru ses w ill sit ou t the International Com p etition. They w ill, of cou rse, sing at the 2009 International Convention, but under much less pressure; in addition the Convention w ill be close to their hom e, so their travel costs will be much reduced. 2009 is therefore a u niqu e year for them - possibly the only chance they w ill have to com p ete at Llangollen - w hich is ind eed w hat they w ill be d oing. This is a great op p ortu nity to see this su perb grou p , w ho are changing the face of barbershop music. Fortu nately, they are in the UK for a w eek and have therefore set up a full itinerary: Wednesday 8th July Reading Show and Afterglow hosted by Thames Valley Chorus. Thursday 9th July - Llangollen Evening show appearance Friday 10th July Llangollen Folk Song Choir competition Saturday 11th July Llangollen Barbershop and Male Voice Choir com p etitions, and hop efu lly Choir of the World com p etition (for choral class w inners) Sunday 12th July Leeds Master class and Afterglow hosted by the White Rosettes, Llangollen are offering good d eals for grou p bookings and with the potential for Westminster to win both daytime comp etitions on Satu rd ay they w ill u nd ou bted ly leave a fabu lou s im p ression of barbershop m u sicianship everyw here they sing. The Tham es Valley Choru s and the White Rosettes events w ill also give p eop le the chance to m eet the choru s u p close. Whether you want to sit back and enjoy a full show performance or learn the techniqu es that m ake this choru s so su ccessfu l, you w ill not w ant to m iss these rare op p ortu nities to see Westminster in the UK! For more on the Eisteddfod see: www.eisteddfod-ryngwladol.co.uk SEE Westminster chorus At The concert hall, TOWN HALL Reading on 8 July 2009 at 7.45pm BOOK EARLY AND Don t m iss ou t! Box Office: 01189 60 60 60 Are you thinking of camping or caravanning at LABBS Convention ? If so please contact John Calvert to make arrangements: jfredc@btinternet.com MARCH 2009 VOICE BOX PAGE 13 MARCH 2009 PAGE 14 VOICE BOX 26 great tracks from BABS/LABBS/SAI including: Sound Celebration ~ Grand Central Chorus & guests South Rampart St Parade ~ White Rosettes Lover Come Back ~ Signature Love Me ~ After Hours My Girl~Cambridge Blues Bring Him Home ~ Soundcrew From This Moment ~ Sound Bites What ll I Do ~ Eu4ia That Old Feeling ~ Vocal Zone Land of Light/Flower of Scotland ~ Aberdeen Chorus Softly As I Leave You ~ Gem Connection Don t Break the H eart That Loves You ~ Finesse When Day Is Done ~ Cottontown Chorus Paintin This Old Tow n Blu e ~ The Jazz Firm Original Dixie-land One Step ~ Forth Valley Chorus After Today ~ Matrix If I Give My Heart to You ~ Phoenix What Would I Do Without My Music ~ Surrey Harmony and many more This new CD showcases the cream of British barbershop. Get your copy NOW by sending a cheque to Viv Garner 23 King Street, Potton, Beds. SG19 2QZ. Cost: £10 plus £1 p&p but ask about bulk buys. 01767 261520 or labbs@garneruk.plus.com MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR labbseditor@googlemail.com Thanks for all of you r feed back on the last issu e: evid ently, colou r p ictu res p aint a thou sand words. Send all copy to: Jean Lewis 95 Shaw Drive Walton on Thames KT 12 2LR TeL 01932 227239 If ou r Fou nd er Mem bers w ill ju st slow d ow n enou gh for m e to catch u p w ith them there w ill be another First Lad ies of LABBS article in the next issu e. It has been su ggested that w e m ight d o a best-on-the-w eb featu re. If you have any favourite barbershop-related websites, forums or tools, please let me know. Advertising rates: £50 for a full page £25 for a half page £15 for a quarter page £10 for a small ad I have enlisted som e help for the first tim e this issu e. Margaret d e Wolf is obviously a glutton for punishment and I am very grateful! For new PROs, there are som e gu id elines for contribu tors to Voice Box on the LABBS w ebsite and som e hints and tip s below . As w ell as clu b and qu artet new s review s of LABBS w orkshop s, training sessions, CDs or live barbershop show s are alw ays w elcom e, as are great id eas , Convention Mem ories and gold m ed al mom ents : keep em com ing! All the best, Jean. NB Payment to be sent with copy. Please make cheques out to LABBS DEADLINES for 2009 Last Friday in April (for June issue) Last Friday in July (Sept issue) Friday after Convention (Christmas issue) Send articles well in advance of deadlines if possible. This especially applies to handwritten articles. If you do not want your article to be edited please just say so when you send it in and your wishes will be respected. This may, of course, mean that your article is omitted in its entirety as there is not enough space to print everything. Photographs should be at a resolution of at least 200-300 dots-per-inch so do not compress them and please do not embed them in Word documents or pdf files. If in doubt please just ask the further away from the deadline the better. Club Secretaries should receive their club copies by the middle of the issue month. Please make sure LABBS Membership Secretary is aware of any address changes and send any enquiries about missing copies to her as she co-ordinates all of the mailings with the printer. MARCH 2009 VOICE BOX PAGE 15 SAD TIMES BETT PIPER PAULINE MULLINS It is w ith great regret and sad ness that w e have to annou nce the d eath of Bett Pip er, friend and avid barbershopper. It is with great sadness that I write to report that Pauline lost her fight w ith Motor N eu rone Disease last N ovem ber. Bett su rrend ered to barbershop in 1990 and took p art in her first convention in H arrogate as a m em ber of the Sid cu p based choru s 'Ap ril Show ers' w hich later becam e 'N ew Dim ension'. Alas, in early 2001, 'N ew Dim ension' cam e to an end and Bett and others joined Velvet H arm ony in Brom ley w here she stayed u ntil the p ressu re of her job and interm ittent p oor health forced her to resign. Bett also joined Coast to Coast in Sep tem ber 1996 and enjoyed all the trip s that w ere taken, the last one being in Spain in 2007. As Velvet H arm ony also lost another great friend Pau line Mu llins tw o d ays after Bett w e can only hop e they are ringing chord s together again, d esp ite both being basses! Sent in by Pam Coke ULI GRIGOLEIT It is with great sadness that The White Rosettes and The Jazz Firm annou nce the d eath of Uli Grigoleit on 12th December 2008. She had been battling w ith cancer for 18 m onths bu t still alw ays had a smile and happy thought for every one she spoke to. Many of you w ill have shared the p leasu re of hearing her fabu lou s tenor voice, w hich help ed to m ake The Jazz Firm 's qu artet g o ld a r e a li t y i n 2003 and help ed to shap e her section w ithin The White Rosettes. She w as a keen coach and a p atient and informative educator. Uli w ill be sorely m issed by the choru s, by The Jazz Firm and all her friend s w ithin the w id er barbershop world. Sent in by Sharon King Pau line w as a m em ber of LABBS for nearly 20 years, singing firstly w ith N ew Dim ension (some of you m ay rem em ber the Sid cu p clu b, long gone bu t fond ly rem em bered at ou r annu al reu nions) and latterly w ith Green Street Blues. To say she was a valued member of the bass section and m ad e a w ond erfu l Sing-ou t Secretary for several years w ou ld be to vastly u nd erstate her contribu tion. She w as alw ays there, alw ays on tim e, alw ays fu n to be w ith, w orked and p layed hard and set a m arvellou s exam p le of commitment and getting the maximum out of life. We shared som e great tim es - Show s, H arm ony Colleges, Sing-ou ts, Retreats and ou r m em orable trip as a choru s to Salt Lake City to rep resent LABBS at the H arm ony Jam boree w as a real highlight; all rem em bered for m u ch lau ghter and joy. H er trad em ark w as lead ing the singing on the Convention coach hom e w ith her ow n u niqu e rend ition of Day-Oh! . Irrep laceable! She w as also a m em ber of Coast to Coast and m ad e m any friend s throu gh their show s and trip s abroad . They looked as if they alw ays had a great tim e - believe me - I ve seen the p hotos! She bore her illness w ith grace and good hu m ou r; a cru el d isease robbing her of her singing bu t never of her d ignity, her sense of fu n, or her care for others. She is sorely m issed and w e send ou r heartfelt cond olences to her family and many friends. Sent in by A lison Z dzylowski who adds, Cliff faithfully attended every barbershop event to enable Pauline to be there. He deserves to be mentioned too. Pauline and Cliff are pictured together. Y VIVA ESPANA CONTRIBUTED BY LYN BAINES Chaotic travelling cond itions cau sed by heavy snow falls in the USA alm ost stop p ed the Missou ri-based Vocal Sp ectru m s ap p earance at the Festival Viam agna Cajam ad rid in in Mad rid in Decem ber 2008. Cancelled flights m eant that the Baritone and the Bass w ere u nable to fly ou t bu t, after a sleep less night for the organiser, replacements were found. It w as said that, by the tim e of their p erform ance, no-one w ou ld have know n that they w ere a scratch qu artet w ith only a cou p le of hou rs rehearsal tim e. They brou ght the hou se down with a faultless performance and the Spanish audience is now firm ly hooked on barbershop . The Investigators , the first all-Sp anish Men's Barbershop Qu artet, ap p eared as the sup p orting act. They w ere instru m ental in m aking the event p ossible and they recently form ed the Sp anish Association of Barbershop Singers. On Su nd ay afternoon, a SABS Jam boree (Afterglow ) p rovid ed an opportunity for the new members to get to know each other and to sing together. Vocal Sp ectru m w as joined by The Investigators to sing as an octet and Ju st4Voices, an cap p ella quartet, also sang. The Investigators Fernando, Jorge, Ramon and Nico For more information on SABS please see their website: www.sabs.es Everyone enjoyed them selves and cou ld not resist a song or two on the Metro on the way home! Members of The Velvetones and The Spangles entertained the travelling public on the way home SABS hopes to organise a similar event in Torrevieja in 2009. Dates for your diary Mar 28th LABBS AGM & Council Meeting Apr 4th Joint LABBS/BABS/Sweet Adelines Marketing Workshop 18th Education Day (Leeds & Bristol) 25th Education Day (Chorleywood) 26th Arrangers Day (Birmingham) May 8-10th Sweet Adelines International Convention, Newcastle upon Tyne 25-28th BABS Convention, Llandudno Messrs. Waurwick, Dalbey, Wahlgren and Slamka. The norm al line-u p for Vocal Sp ectru m is, of cou rse, Tim Waurwick Eric Dalbey , Chris Hallam and Johnny Moroni. It w as alread y p lanned that Mike Slam ka (Crossroad s) w ou ld stand in for Johnny Moroni on the Su nd ay bu t Martin Wahlgren, w ho u su ally sings w ith Sw ed en s Ringm asters, only had time to rehearse his part on the way to Madrid. Printed by Pixel Beach, Reading www.pixelbeach.co.uk See LABBS website for a full list The ed itor reserves the right to ed it any m aterial in the interests of clarity, accu racy, su itability and to fit the sp ace available. The decision of the editor as to the publication of any material is final. Contribu tors are resp onsible for the op inions and facts contained in the m aterial they su bm it and the view s so exp ressed are not necessarily those of the editor, or LABBS.