February 21, 2016
February 21, 2016
SA IN T C EC ILI A PA R ISH O A K L E Y February 20-21 Pray the S t at ions of the Cross We adore Thee, O Christ, and we praise Thee. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Fridays in Lent at 9:30 AM, 2:15 PM, and 7 PM in the church Christ on the Cross, 1640 Jan van Boeckhorst 3105 Madison Road Cincinnati, OH 45209 (513) 871-5757 www.stceciliacincinnati.org www.facebook.com/stceciliacincinnati Rev. Jamie Weber, Pastor 871-5757, ext. 201 / jweber@stceciliacincinnati.org Barb Browarsky, Rectory Secretary 871-5757, ext. 202 / bbrowarsky@stceciliacincinnati.org Cody Egner, Director of Religious Education 871-5757, ext. 215 / cegner@stceciliacincinnati.org Mike Goedde, School Principal 533-6060 / mgoedde@stceciliacincinnati.org Robert Kellison, Music Dir./Stewardship 871-5757, ext. 208 / bkellison@stceciliacincinnati.org Marta Misleh, Pastoral Associate 871-5757, ext. 207 / mmisleh@stceciliacincinnati.org Vince Woodall, Director of Business Affairs 871-5757, ext. 204 / vwoodall@stceciliacincinnati.org ANNULMENTS Joe Fondacaro, 871-5757 ext. 222, jfondacaro@stceciliacincinnati.org BAPTISMS Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 BEREAVEMENT Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 BOOSTERS & GYM SCHEDULING Vince Woodall, 871-5757, ext. 204 vwoodall@stceciliacincinnati.org BULLETIN Vince Woodall, 871-5757, ext. 204 vwoodall@stceciliacincinnati.org COMMUNICATIONS Steve Sullivan, steveco@fuse.net CUB SCOUTS Jeff Krietemeyer, 324-6497 DAY OF ADORATION Laurie Kamp, 871-5757, ext. 243 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & LECTORS Dave Rosselot, 396-6022 FESTIVAL Doug & Joy Kornish Dkornish@cinci.rr.com, Jkornish@cinci.rr.com FLEA MARKET Anita & Carl Dalessandro, anitacarl@fuse.net FOCCUS MARRIAGE PREP Susan Kellison, suekellison13@gmail.com GIFT BEARERS Joanne Brinkman, 871-3230, jmbrinkman@zoomtown.com GIFT CARD PROGRAMS Doug & Joy Kornish, giftcards@stceciliacincinnati.org GIRL SCOUTS Sharon Krietemeyer, jskrietemeyer@hotmail.com GREETERS Nancy Worrall, nanworrall@aol.com 2 HOSPITALITY Geneva McPherron, 731-9547 LEGION OF MARY Barbara Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 MOM’S GROUP Holly Hemak, moms@stceciliacincinnati.org OAKLEY FOOD PANTRY & COMMUNITY DINNER Stan Messerly, 731-2500 PARISH COUNCIL Jason Hemak, jason.hemak@gmail.com PRO-LIFE Jennifer Elliot, 561-1457 PTO Patricia Donnelly & Renee Dawson, 533-6060 SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Fr. Jamie Weber, 871-5757, ext. 201 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Tom Schimian, 871-5757, ext. 203 SERVERS Ron Case, 399-9331, rwmsc@yahoo.com VISITATION GUILD 871-5757, ext. 209 HOME DISTRIBUTORS/VISITS Fr. Jamie Weber , 871-5757, ext. 201 WEDDING COORDINATOR Marta Misleh, 871-5757, ext. 207 mmisleh@stceciliacincinnati.org WEDDING RESERVATION Bob Kellison, 871-5757, ext. 208 bkellison@stceciliacincinnati.org WELCOME COMMITTEE Angela Egner, (413) 854-7253, angelaegner15@gmail.com WORSHIP COMMISSION Tricia Beiersdorfer, tricia.beiersdorfer@gmail.com YOUNG ADULT GROUP Janelle Allen, 313-2196, janelle.r.allen@gmail.com WEEKEND MASSES: Sat. 4 PM & Sun. 8 & 10 AM DAILY MASSES: Mon.-Sat. 9 AM, Wed. 6:45 AM THE ROSARY: Mon.-Sat. 8:40 AM DAILY COMMUNION SERVICE: Mon.-Sat. 8 AM HOLY DAY MASSES: 9 AM, 12:10 PM & 5:30 PM LATIN MASSES: Second / fourth Tues. of the month, 9 AM CONFESSIONS: Mon.-Sat. 9:30 AM, Wed. 7:05-7:15 AM and 7:05-7:50 PM, Sat. 3-3:30 PM, Sun. 7-7:30 AM and 9-9:30 AM ADORATION: Wed. 9:30 AM-8 PM HOLY HOUR: Wed. 7-8 PM STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Fri. 9:30 AM (and during Lent, 2:15 PM & 7 PM) BAPTISMAL PREPARATION: Noon, every second Sunday of the month in the Parish Center. Must be a registered parishioner in a parish. MASS SCHEDULE FOR ST. MARGARET-ST. JOHN: Visit smsjparish.com/mass_schedule. MASS SCHEDULE FOR ST. ANTHONY: Visit stanthonychurch.net. M ASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS W EEK Saint Cecilia W EEK LY SCHEDULE SA I N T C E C I L I A RO M A N C AT H O L I C PA R I S H MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 (The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle) 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM James Huth Off Chris & Mary Lou Huth TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 (Saint Polycarp) 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Joan Guntzelman Off Norm & Ethel O’Connor WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 6:45 AM Families of Saint Cecilia Parish 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Fr. Nick Lohkamp Off The Brueneman Family 9:30 AM All-Day Adoration (9:30 AM-8 PM), Holy Hour (7-8 PM with Confessions) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM David Wiedemer Off Kathleen Wesseldyk FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Deceased Members of St. Cecilia Parish 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Charles Collins Off Gary & Donna Hockaday 4:00 PM Dot George Off Ellen Moore SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 (Third Sunday of Lent) 8:00 AM For The People 10:00 AM Special Intentions of Mary Lou Boylan by Teresa DeZarn, David & Will Jackson FE B RUA RY 2 0 -21, 2 016 THE R EADINGS FOR THIS WEEK The Pastor’s Corner Why Pray the Stations of the Cross? Eight Reasons from Pope Francis The Stations of the Cross are an ancient tradition in the Catholic Church going back to the fourth century when Christians went on pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Like many of our Catholic traditions, the Stations of the Cross can be rich, deep, and meaningful, but at the same time we can lose sight of their significance and how to relate them to our everyday lives. Continuing the idea of Pope Francis as our spiritual director this Lent, here are eight reasons from our Holy Father on why we should pray the Stations of the Cross. 1. THEY ALLOW US TO PLACE OUR TRUST IN HIM. 2. THEY PUT US INTO THE STORY. 3. THEY REMIND US THAT JESUS SUFFERS WITH US. 4. THEY COMPEL US TO ACTION. 5. THEY HELP US MAKE A DECISION FOR OR AGAINST CHRIST. 6. THEY REVEAL GOD’S RESPONSE TO EVIL IN THE WORLD. 7. THEY GIVE US THE CERTAINTY OF GOD’S LOVE FOR US. 8. THEY GUIDE US FROM THE CROSS TO THE RESURRECTION. “O, Our Jesus, guide us from the Cross to the resurrection and teach us that evil shall not have the last word, but love, mercy and forgiveness. O Christ, help us to exclaim again: ‘Yesterday I was crucified with Christ; today I am glorified with Him. Yesterday I died with Him, today I live with Him. Yesterday I was buried with Him, today I am raised with Him.’” – Pope Francis, Good Friday Address, April 18, 2014 Let us follow the words of the Holy Father and make the most of this opportunity to draw ourselves closer to Our Lord and the Savior of the world. Amen? Amen! An In-tents Experience Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18 Philippians 3:17—4:1 Psalm 27:1, 7-9, 13-14 Luke 9:28-36 “I am talking about those who are set upon the things of this world.” – Philippians 3:19 During their forty years in the desert, God accompanied the Israelites, dwelling in a tent called the Meeting Tent (see Ex 40:2). When it was time to journey on, the Lord rose in a cloud which hovered over the Meeting Tent. When the cloud moved, the people packed up the Meeting Tent and followed the cloud. When the cloud stopped, the people pitched the Meeting Tent, and God descended from the cloud to dwell in the Tent in the midst of the people (Ex 40:34-38). God’s sacred presence on Mount Horeb (Sinai) prefigures His presence on Transfiguration Mountain (Ex 24:15; Lk 9:29, 35); so also does the cloud in the Meeting Tent prefigure the sacred presence of God at the Transfiguration (Ex 40:34ff; Lk 9:34). The Old Covenant, represented by Moses and Elijah (the law and the prophets), joins the New Covenant, that is, Jesus and the apostles. Though Peter wants to erect three tents, he did not need a tent to enter the Presence of God; he was already standing in the Presence of God inside the new transfigured Meeting Tent and cloud. Standing with their feet on the earth and their heads in God’s Presence, the apostles’ minds were no longer set upon the things of the world (see Phil 3:19). At each Mass we attend, we are like the apostles on Transfiguration Mountain. Our feet stand on earth, but the Lord comes down from heaven in the Eucharist. At Mass, we are partly in heaven and partly on earth. Attend Mass daily, or as often as possible, and “be intent on things above rather than on things of earth” (Col 3:2). • Prayer: Father, in this time of Lent, help me to focus on heavenly things rather than on things of earth (Col 3:1ff; Jn 3:1ff; Phil 3:19). • Promise: “We have our citizenship in heaven.” – Phil 3:20 • Praise: Praise You, Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth! (Reprinted with permission from “One Bread, One Body” at www.presentationministries.com) 3 SA I N T C E C I L I A RO M A N C AT H O L I C PA R I S H A C L O S E R L O O K A T O U R FA I T H KNOW YOUR SAINTS St. Polycarp (d. 156) CATECHESIS (kat’i-ke’sis) n. How many children should a Christian married couple have? A Christian married couple has as many children as God gives them and as they can take responsibility for. [2373] All children whom God sends are a grace and a great blessing. That does not mean that a Christian couple is not supposed to consider how many children they can raise responsibly, given the health of each spouse and their economic or social situation. When a child comes “nevertheless,” that child should be welcomed with joy and willingness and accepted with great love. By trusting in God, many Christian couples find the courage to have a large family. (YOUCAT question 419) Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna (modern Izmir, Turkey), disciple of St. John the Apostle and friend of St. Ignatius of Antioch, was a revered Christian leader during the first half of the second century. St. Ignatius, on his way to Rome to be martyred, visited Polycarp at Smyrna, and later at Troas wrote him a personal letter. The Asia Minor Churches recognized Polycarp’s leadership by choosing him as a representative to discuss with Pope Anicetus the date of the Easter celebration in Rome—a major controversy in the early Church. Only one of the many letters written by Polycarp has been preserved, the one he wrote to the Church of Philippi in Macedonia. At 86, Polycarp was led into the crowded Smyrna stadium to be burned alive. The flames did not harm him and he was finally killed by a dagger. The centurion ordered the saint’s body burned. The “Acts” of Polycarp’s martyrdom are the earliest preserved, fully reliable account of a Christian martyr’s death. He died in 156. – www.americancatholic.org Participating in the Jubilee Year of Mercy THIS WEEK, WE SHALL REFLECT ON THE SECOND CORPORAL WORK OF MERCY. The Corporal Works of Mercy are found in the teachings of Jesus and give us a model for how we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in disguise. They “are charitable actions by which we help our neighbors in their bodily needs” (USCCB). They respond to the basic needs of humanity as we journey together through this life. GIVE DRINK TO THE THIRSTY Many of our brothers and sisters in Christ do not have access to clean water and suffer from the lack of this basic necessity. We should support the efforts of those working towards greater accessibility of this essential resource. 1 We take it for granted that we have access to clean water. Donate to help build wells for water for those in need. 1 Organize a group of children involved on a sports team (e.g., soccer) or a summer camp. Invite them to collect bottled water to distribute at a shelter for families. If parents can be involved, ask them to accompany their children in delivering the water to the families. 1 Do the same for youth and young adult groups. 1 Make an effort not to waste water. Remembering to turn off the water faucet when you are brushing your teeth or washing dishes can help, especially in regions suffering from drought. 4 FE B RUA RY 2 0 -21, 2 016 PA S T O R ’ S R A M B L I N G S BELOVED CLASS: Our director of religious education, Cody Egner, held his first Beloved class (photo, above) on Feb. 6. This class fulfills part of the marriage prep at St. Cecilia. It is part of the new FORMED program that we are offering. We treated the couples to lunch at Skyline, and it was nice to talk to them and get to put names with faces. I can’t wait for our future meetings to hear about what they thought of the new class. What I heard at lunch was very positive, and I feel blessed that Cody, his wife, Angela, and their assistants, Ryan and Kristen Leep, newly married parishioners, could offer such a program for our couples. 1 WELCOME, CHILDREN OF GOD: Welcome to our newly baptized— Amelia Rose Jessen, daughter of Anthony and Annie Jessen, and Sarah Knox Bauer, daughter of Aaron and Melinda Bauer (photos, below). 1 SMSJ CHILI BOWL: Some of our parishioners participated in the St. Margaret-St. John Chili Bowl last month. Parishioner Carolyn Cook won first prize. Bob Ranz, also a St. Cecilia parishioner, came in third. In 2nd place was Barb Ferrara of St. Margaret-St. John (photo, bottom left). Great job, everyone! I can’t wait to have a taste of these chilis someday. 1 REST IN PEACE: Joan Guntzelman (photo, below) passed away Feb. 1. Joan graduated from St. Mary’s High School in Cincinnati in 1955 and then entered the Sisters of Charity at Mt. St. Joseph. Her brother was a son of the parish, Rev. Louis J. Guntzelman. 1 VOLLEYBALL: Our annual volleyball game (photo, below) was played on Friday, Feb. 5. It was the closing event for Catholic Schools Week. The game is between the staff and 8th-grade students. We have a very competitive crew at our school! This is something I look forward to every year. 1 FR. STAN NEIHEISEL, REST IN PEACE: Fr. Stan Neiheisel was a beloved pastor who lived 55 years as a priest. He recently served as resident priest for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati at St. Stephen Church on Eastern Avenue. Prior to that, he served as teacher, chaplain, principal and pastor in Dayton, Middletown and Cincinnati. Fr. Stan (photo, left) was a wonderful man who had a gift for making everyone feel included. He was one of the first priests to welcome me as a newly ordained and always had a smile on his face when he greeted you. I will miss Fr. Stan. 5 SA I N T C E C I L I A RO M A N C AT H O L I C PA R I S H PA R I S H N E W S & N O T E S The Light Is On For You Tuesday, Feb. 23, 7-9 PM Encounter the joy and peace of Christ in the sacrament of Confession. Come and pray. Empty your heart of pain and sadness. Let Christ extend His love and forgiveness to you. “In His mercy, Jesus never tires of stretching out his hands to lift us up.” – Pope Francis A Year of Mercy Presentation IMMACULEE ILIBAGIZA Rwandan Genocide Survivor Monday, February 22 7:00 PM Xavier University Cintas Center Schiff Family Conference Center (3800 Victory Parkway) FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC For more information, contact Catholic Social Action at (513) 421-3131, ext. 2660, or csa@catholiccincinnati.org Let’s play ball. Lions B A S E B A L L 6 Stabat Mater Lenten Vespers and Choral Concert will be held on Sunday, Feb. 28, at 7 PM in the chapel of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. The service will be led by Fr. Anthony Stephens, CPM, a member of the faculty. A setting of the Stabat Mater by Emanuele d’Astorga for choir, soloists and strings will be sung by the Athenaeum Chorale. The public is invited to attend. Into the Breach: A Day of Encouragement, Prayer, and Fellowship for Men Saturday, March 19, 9 AM – 1 PM The Good Shepherd Catholic Montessori Join us on the Feast of Saint Joseph for a morning of inspiring speakers, fervent prayer, and strong fellowship as we seek to grow as Christian men who live their fatherly, spousal, and brotherly love in the image of the True Man, Jesus Christ. Call 513-2714171 for information or to register. Baseball sign-ups are going on now for Grades 1-5. Registration fee is $60 per player. Contact Ann Herzner at 748-1265 for information packets or with any questions. FE B RUA RY 2 0 -21, 2 016 PA R I S H N E W S & N O T E S Pray the Stations of the Cross During Lent On every Friday during Lent, we will pray the Stations of the Cross at 9:30 AM, 2:15 PM and 7:00 PM in the church. During this special devotion, through meditation and prayer, we will walk with our Savior on His way of suffering from the time he was condemned to death until he died and was buried. Making this devotion part of your Lenten commitment to prayer will help you grow closer to Christ. MOVIE NIGHT: Mary of Nazareth Monday March 7 | 6:30-9 PM In the school cafeteria. Food & beverages provided (including beer and wine). Join us for this epic portrayal of the life of Mary, mother of Christ, from her childhood through the Resurrection of Jesus. Fast and Abstinence Guidelines for Lent Everyone ages 18-59 are to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. When fasting, you are allowed one full meal a day. Two other light meals are permitted, but eating between meals is not permitted. Liquids are allowed at any time. Those ages 14 and up are to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all Fridays of Lent. Lenten Lunch with the Lord Join us at Saint Peter in Chains Cathedral for a Lenten scripture study on Tuesdays, Feb. 16 & 23, and Mar. 1, 8, & 15. Theologian Msgr. Frank Lane will share insightful reflections on the upcoming Sunday Scripture readings. On Mar. 8, Ceil Dorger, Ph.D., will present “Art of the Passion,” a presentation of some of history’s most significant images of Christ’s passion and crucifixion, ending with a poignant interpretation of the last seven phrases Christ uttered from the cross compiled from the four Gospels. The sessions are free and open to the public and are held in Synod Hall from noon–1 PM. Call 513 421-5354 for more information. A Day in the Life As the Betts Family Lived in the Mid-19th Century Join Cathy Schneider, parishioner and research team member, at the Betts House on Saturday, Feb. 27, from 1-3 PM for an amusing and educational presentation on laundry and cleaning in the 1800s. This portion of the exhibit is entitled A Day in the Life ... As the Betts Family Lived in the Mid-19th Century. Visit www.thebettshouse.org for more details. The museum is located at 416 Clark Street in the West End. Admission is $2. Museum is open that day from 12:30-5 PM. FISH FRY & BAKE COD + TILAPIA + FISH TACOS + PIZZA + LOTS OF SIDES Desserts & Carry-Outs Available Fridays in Lent. Help the Boosters support our kids’ sports programs at Saint Cecilia. 7 SA I N T C E C I L I A RO M A N C AT H O L I C PA R I S H PA R I S H N E W S & N O T E S Restoring all Things in Christ: The Repairs to the Organ Continue Last month the pipes and chests from the swell and solo chambers were removed and taken to the Bunn-Minnick studio for repair, cleaning and restoration. Below are a few pictures that document the need to repair this 88-year-old instrument. The project will be completed by Holy Week. If you would like to contribute to the renovation costs ($95,000), mark your donation Organ Restoration. Top row, from left: Filthy primary disks and leather on solo chest with signs of leaking, broken stopper, which prevented the wooden pipes from speaking properly, a broken stopper. Middle row, from left: Solo bombarde boots lined up for repair at Bunn-Minnick, solo bombarde boots split at the seams, shade pneumatics with weak rubber-cloth in need of obvious repair. Bottom row, from left: Removal of the solo main chest through the swell shade opening, wooden pipes that were split and in need of immediate attention, and pipe washing at Bunn-Minnick. 8 FE B RUA RY 2 0 -21, 2 016 PA R I S H N E W S & N O T E S THE EIGHTH GRADE Eighth Grade Sleepy Bee Dinner FUNDRAISING DINNER You are cordially invited to attend a Washington DC Fundraising Dinner hosted by the St. Cecilia 8th grade class at the Sleepy Bee Cafe on Thursday, March 10th at 6PM. Chef Emma Cotter and her team have a wonderful menu prepared for the evening. 3098 MADISON ROAD, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, AT 6PM You are cordially invited to attend a Washington, DC, Fundraising Dinner hosted by the St. Cecilia th graders DIRECTLY ACROSS eighth-grade class atbe thehonored Sleepy Beewith Café your on Thursday, March Chef Emma and her We would presence as 10, ourat86PM. lookCotter forward to ensuring team have wonderful prepared for the evening. thata you have menu a wonderful dining experience. The cost of the evening is $40 per person FROM CHURCH th We would be honored with your presence as our eighth graders look forward to ensuring that you with proceeds from the night going to assist 8 graders with their year end trip to have a Washington wonderful dining experience. The cost of the is $40 per person with proceeds from the night going to assist eighth DC scheduled April 21stevening to April graders with their year-end trip to Washington, DC, scheduled April 21-24. The eighth graders are excited to be hosting you and th 24 . Eighth graders are excited to be hosting you the many that have helped make their at St. Cecilia possible. We hope that you can join us! The menu for the andothers so many that havetohelped toeducation make their evening and the reservation form are below. education at St. Cecilia possible. We hope that you For and menu selections must be made in advance. These, along with check canplanning join us!purposes, On thereservations, other sidepayment, of this sheet is the made out to St. Cecilia School, can be mailed to or dropped off at St. Cecilia School using the enclosed form or confirming and menu for the evening. The reservation form is paying online using PayPal by accessing the link at the parish website at www.stceciliacincinnati.org. All reservations should be below. made no later than Friday, March 4. Your dinner include thepurposes, following: reservations, payment, Forwill planning THURSDAY MARCH 10 5:30PM ENTREE DESSERT ENTREE (select one) (select one D ESSERT ESSER T (select one) menu selections must be made in ) salmon advance. These, check made out to • Chicken skewers with honey along yogurt with• Herb-crusted • Chocolate pudding pie -orand walnuts, Gougeres stuffedcan withbe mailed to or dropped -orSchool St. Cecilia • Chili-rubbed flank steak with roasted sun-dried tomato tapenade and fresh • Lemon tart off at St. Cecilia School using the chilies and basil chimichurri mozzarella Served with coffee enclosed form or confirming and paying online IDES (select one) • Dinner rolls SLEEPY BEE CAFÉ link at the parish using PayPal by accessingSSIDES • Salad: Sleepy Bee greens with lemon • Smashed redskin potatoes website at www.stceciliacincinnati.org. All 3098 MADISON RD vinaigrette -orreservations should be made no later than CINCINNATI, OH 45209 • Green beans with citrus Friday, March 4th. APPETIZERS APP PPE ETIZERS and 5HVHUYDWLRQV$UH5HTXLUHG—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r a y, M i n i s t e r, a n d G i v e F r o m W h a t Yo u H a v e STEWARDSHIP OF PRAYER Please keep in prayer Linda Wendt, Sheila Woodard, Gabriel Thompson and Family, that they may receive God’s healing grace. Contact Barb Browarsky at the parish office, (513) 871-5757, ext. 202, with Mass and sanctuary devotional candle intention requests. All requests are honored for two weeks with the individual’s or family’s approval. SANCTUARY DEVOTIONAL CANDLE INTENTION: From Feb. 21-27, for Tensi Smith and Family by Emily & Jerry Davis February Papal Prayer Intentions Each month, Pope Francis asks Catholics to pray for special intentions. For February, we pray that we may take good care of creation—a gift freely given—cultivating and protecting it for future generations. And that opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter between the Christian faith and the peoples of Asia. So Why Latin? Part 3 God Speaks in Whispers ... and we live in a loud world. Hearing God’s voice amidst the noise and busy-ness of our lives can be difficult. But He is always there to guide and help us, and He has given us other people and resources to help us, as well. If you think God may be calling you to religious life and you need someone to talk to, give us a call at 421.3131, ext. 2890. Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group All are invited to pray the rosary for peace throughout our world. Every Wednesday from 1–2 PM in the last two pews of church. Having recalled last week the history and tradition of Latin, we see that it can be a reminder of the sacredness of what takes place at Mass. The Mass is supposed to have a sense of mystery. We can never fully comprehend what takes place in the Eucharist. Contrary to many beliefs, the Second Vatican Council did NOT abolish or discourage the use of Latin in preference to the vernacular. According to the Constitution on the Liturgy, the use of the Latin language is to be preserved. Besides the vernacular, “the faithful must also know how to say or sing, in Latin also, those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertain to them.” (Instruction on Music in the Sacred Liturgy, Sacred Congregation of Rites, 5 March 1967) Obviously, the readings, homily and many of the prayers should be in English in order to be understandable. When the bishops asked for the entire Mass in the vernacular, Pope Paul VI granted this, but continued to insist on the people being able to pray the “ordinary parts” (that is, those that remain the same in every Mass, such as “Kyrie,” “Gloria,” “Credo,” “Sanctus,” “Pater Noster,” “Agnus Dei”) in Latin according to the simple Gregorian chant modes. Now that the faithful from different countries come together ever more frequently through televised Masses from around the world, it is important that we know how to sing at least some parts of the Ordinary of the Mass in Latin in order to promote unity among all Catholics. And since music and singing have pride of place in the liturgy, it is important that the voices of the faithful be heard in the liturgical actions themselves. Finally, in an address tailored to the needs of the United States in 1998, St. Pope John Paul II summed up the position of the Church. “The use of the vernacular has certainly opened up the treasures of the liturgy to all who take part, but this does not mean that the Latin language, and especially the chants which are so superbly adapted to the genius of the Roman Rite, should be wholly abandoned.” Thus, from the Council to the present, the Magisterium of the Church has had the consistent intention to preserve the use of Latin and Gregorian chant in the Mass, even when offered in the vernacular. To be continued... 10 FE B RUA RY 2 0 -21, 2 016 S T E WA R D S H I P P r a y, M i n i s t e r, a n d G i v e F r o m W h a t Yo u H a v e Coming in April—The Prayer: Finding Intimacy With God Series Though prayer is one of the essentials of a thriving faith, we often feel as if we’re talking to ourselves. Or, worse, we’re talking to no one at all. How can something so vital to the faith be so elusive? Now, with the clear teaching and artistry of the Augustine Institute’s Lectio series, Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the discipline of Lectio Divina to show you how to make prayer an effective effort of love and intimacy. The program will begin on April 4 and is FREE. For more info, to watch a video trailer on the series, or to register for the program, go to www.stceciliacincinnati.org and click on the PRAYER link on the home page. Contact Cody Egner at (513) 871-5757, ext. 215, or cegner@stceciliacincinnati.org with any questions. STEWARDSHIP OF MINISTRY Join the Parish! It just got a lot easier. If you are interested in becoming a registered member of St. Cecilia Parish, go to the New Parishioner Registration link on the home page of our newly redesigned website (www.stceciliacincinnati.org), fill it out, and hit Submit! And you’re good to go. Eucharistic Exposition Adorers Every Wednesday we are privileged to adore Jesus in Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM. Please prayerfully consider giving some time to the Lord each week. New adorers are always welcome. If you can’t commit to a definite adoration time, perhaps consider becoming a substitute adorer. Please call (513) 871-5757, ext. 243, to sign up. COLLECTIONS for WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 7 Envelopes/Loose Change $11,640.00 Online Giving $3,253.00 | TOTAL $14,893.00 JAN Love your faith even more. Sacred Heart Radio. 89.5 FM & 740 AM STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCE 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) Archbishop Schnurr sends his thanks to everyone from St. Cecilia who has supported the 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal. If you have not yet made your pledge, please consider doing so this week. For more information and to pledge securely online, please visit CatholicAppeal.info. Or text to donate: Text the phrase “2016CMA” to 555-888 (standard data and message rates may apply). Thank you! Online Giving Register for online giving—an easy way to give the way you want. Visit www.stceciliacincinnati.org. and click on the Online Giving link on the home page. Create your account. It’s that simple. Contact Vince Woodall at (513) 871-5757, ext. 204, if you need any help setting up your account. Envelopes/Loose Cash $33,165.50 | Online Giving $10,319.00 | TOTAL $43,484.50 St. Vincent de Paul $1,568.00 | Holy Day $4,829.00 AT A GLANCE Mass Attendance: 4,385 | New Parishioners/Families: 14 | Baptisms: 4 | Weddings: 0 | Funerals: 0 I S E RV E R S C H E DU L E F OR T H E W E E K OF F E BRUA RY 2 2 -2 8 I MONDAY 9:00 am - D. Schnuck & J. Escobar TUESDAY 9:00 am - St. Edmund Campion WEDNESDAY 9:00 am - C. Brereton & A. Krietemeyer THURSDAY 9:00 am - Z. Schnuck, B. S. Dalessandro & B. Johnston-Valdes FRIDAY 9:00 am - St. Edmund Campion & D. Hilgefort SATURDAY 9:00 am - D. Bonomo & C. Herzner 4:00 pm - L. Whittaker & L. Davis SUNDAY 8:00 am - R. Peddicord 10:00 am - S. Hale, D. Hillebrand & W. Merusi 11 NAEGELE, KLEB & IHLENDORF Funeral Home, Inc. 3900 Montgomery Rd. • Bernie Naegele, Parishioner & Director & Tara Fridley, Director 631-2240 • www.naegelefuneralhome.com Open 24 Hrs. 871-2114 PRAY for PEACE Madison & Edwards Rd. • PLUMBING • HEATING • COOLING • ELECTRIC Saint Cecilia parishioner Saint Cecilia parishioner Saint Cecilia parishioner Saint Cecilia parishioner SUSAN M. KELLISON SUSAN M. KELLISON SUSAN M. KELLISON SUSAN M. KELLISON 513.324.9077 513.324.9077 513.324.9077 513.324.9077 susan.kellison@era.com susan.kellison@era.com susan.kellison@era.com susan.kellison@era.com Call for aa FREE home market analysis Call a FREE home market analysis Call forfor FREE home market analysis Call for a FREE home market analysis Call us today for a lunch and tour! CONDO SALE 321-OAKT STUDIO STUDIO CONDOFOR FOR SALE 2324 2324MADISON MADISON RD. RD. 513-272-5573 Satisfying Customers Since 1884 513-541-4444 SCHUMACHER DUGAN CONSTRUCTION, INC EISER’S DRIVE THRU Oakley’s Drive-thru since 2003 Assisted Living • Rehabilitation • Memory Care General Contractors & Land Development Co. As cold as it gets 4403 Verne Avenue BLEED AREA 4001 Rosslyn Drive, Cincinnati www.HydeParkHealthCenter.com 513-777-9800 “Since 1910” CROP/FOLD LINE 631-2104 TEXT SAFE AREA A Front TOP B Front BOTTOM Schirmer’s Garage 513-871-2200 www.houseofrunntri.com CyanMagentaYellowBlack CLEPPER~KELSCH A PO#CM-66446 A V2 3036 Madison Road 513-631-8367 • habitscafe.com facebook.com/habitscafe WE SELL TIRES! Our Location Has Changed! 3365 Highland Ave. 513-631-4455 3709 Eastern Avenue A A CONTACT CONTACT SUSAN KELLISON SUSAN KELLISON 513.324.9077 513.324.9077 Food, Fun, Sports, Spirits hydeparkpainting.com Remodeling • Drywall • Concrete Gutters • Handyman Your Complete Home Repair Company Funeral Home & Cremation Center Black B Back BOTTOM BARRINGTON OF OAKLEY a Senior Lifestyle community Independent/Assisted/Memory Care LINDA BODEN – Director of Marketing and Sales 4855 Babson Place | Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-561-9100 | F: 513-561-9600 | C: 513-600-4667 WWW.SENIORLIFESTYLE.COM Window Company Gilkey.com Special Discounts for Parishioners 3709 Eastern Ave Cincinnati, OH 45226 513-871-2200 www.houseofrunntri.com Please visit House of Run N Tri to obtain the card balance. A Back TOP 2961 Madison Rd., Cincinnati ~ 513-731-1944 ~ 513-531-0105 ~ www.clepperkelsch.com This gift card may be applied toward any purchase at House of Run N Tri. This card will not be replaced if lost or stolen and the user will not be issued any cash back. CORCORAN & HARNIST Father Jamie’s favorite art and antique store. Please carefully review this digital proof. A signed proof must be submitted before production can begin. OK as is Please reproof with changes indicated 3052 Madision Rd. • 513-631-8886 www.astutefurnishings.com Heating & A/C 1457 Harrison Avenue 921-2227 Windows of St. Cecilia School provided by Gilkey Window Company Call for a FREE in-home consultation or visit our Sharonville Showroom. 3625 Hauck Rd. • 513-769-4527 Sarah Beiser Eaton, Parishioner P L U M B I N G , Date 513-533-0392 Courtesy Automotive welcomes Tom Eppens as assistant Service Manager Tom would like to invite his customers from Schirmers Garage, where he worked for over 38 years, to visit him here for all your automotive needs. 3161 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 www.gocourtesy.com • 513-871-3161 GEO. H. ROHDE & SON Funeral Home Since 1910 Electrical Contracting & Engineering 3182 Madison Rd, Cincinnati • 513-871-2266 Commercial/Industrial/Design & Build themadisonprintshoppe.com 2867 Stanton Ave., Cincinnati madisonprintshoppe@gmail.com Bring in this bulletin to receive 513-961-7200 10% off your 1st order. www.bizcomelec.com Expires 12/1/2017 John H. 1920 J.H. (Don) 1948 Steve 1975 Four generations and 100 years of family service to Eastern Cincinnati. 3183 Linwood Ave. • Mt. Lookout Square Serving Eastern Hills, Mt. Lookout & Hyde Park 321-0404 Serving individual and business clientele. Proud to be a part of the Oakley Community. 513-533-2005 513-617-9044 dmb@bpbslaw.com ridnercontracting@yahoo.com Good Food...Good Friends...Good Times... Anderson Hills Plumbing 513-531-4200 Over 59 Years Experience & Satisfaction miospizza.com Ernie, Jack, Ralph & Barb Vilardo 6229 Beechmont Avenue Hyde Park 3703 Paxton Avenue, Cincinnati 513-232-3821 Tim Agnello Ted’s Pawn Shop Since 1970 Residential Home Sales “A Pro-Life Business” A N D T R U S T C O M P A N Y Lic. #PB100101, 000 513-484-8076 Y��� C�n���na�� b��� ��n�� 1891. www.TesoroRealty.com 513-631-2112 2739 Madison Road (Corner of Madison & Edwards) Proud to be an Oakley tradition ST. MARGARET HALL since 1965, open Sunday at 11:00. 1960 Madison Rd.*****513-751-5880 Over 871-2930 Smile. George H. 1910 DAN BENNIE Attorney at Law I N C . InterIor and exterIor PaIntIng Residential-Commerical Hyde Park Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 A Legal Professional Association 5 1 3 - 6 3 1 - 2 0 0 1 I (the undersigned) accept full responsibility for the layout and accuracy of sample art as represented above or with changes clearly indicated. • Custom-built vinyl windows Signature • Entry and Patio Doors • Many financing options available HALPIN Barron Peck Bennie & Schlemmer “The Difference is Love” Compassionate, loving care served by the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm 50 years of loving care Rehabilitation, Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living St. Cecilia School MADISON BOWL & DINER OAKLEY 271-1270 COURTESY AUTOMOTIVE Welcomes Tom Eppens 3161 Madison Road • 513-871-3167 www.gocourtesy.com 5 1 3 7 3 1 7 7 5 5 DEWEY’S PIZZA THE MORE YOU DEW THE MORE YOU GET DEWEY’S IS GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY. I N T H E H E A R T O F O A K L E Y #78237-JD-2/12/16
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