February 7, 2016
February 7, 2016
Saint Cecilia Parish February 6-7 Ash Wednesday February 10 And the dust returns to the earth as it once was, and the life breath returns to God who gave it. - Ecclesiastes 12:7 3105 Madison Road Cincinnati, OH 45209 (513) 871-5757 www.stceciliacincinnati.org www.facebook.com/stceciliacincinnati Rev. Jamie Weber, Pastor 871-5757, ext. 201 / jweber@stceciliacincinnati.org Barb Browarsky, Rectory Secretary 871-5757, ext. 202 / bbrowarsky@stceciliacincinnati.org Cody Egner, Director of Religious Education 871-5757, ext. 215 / cegner@stceciliacincinnati.org Mike Goedde, School Principal 533-6060 / mgoedde@stceciliacincinnati.org Robert Kellison, Music Dir./Stewardship 871-5757, ext. 208 / bkellison@stceciliacincinnati.org Marta Misleh, Pastoral Associate 871-5757, ext. 207 / mmisleh@stceciliacincinnati.org Vince Woodall, Director of Business Affairs 871-5757, ext. 204 / vwoodall@stceciliacincinnati.org ANNULMENTS Joe Fondacaro, 871-5757 ext. 222, jfondacaro@stceciliacincinnati.org BAPTISMS Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 BEREAVEMENT Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 BOOSTERS & GYM SCHEDULING Vince Woodall, 871-5757, ext. 204 vwoodall@stceciliacincinnati.org BULLETIN Vince Woodall, 871-5757, ext. 204 vwoodall@stceciliacincinnati.org COMMUNICATIONS Steve Sullivan, steveco@fuse.net CUB SCOUTS Jeff Krietemeyer, 324-6497 DAY OF ADORATION Laurie Kamp, 871-5757, ext. 243 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & LECTORS Dave Rosselot, 396-6022 FESTIVAL Doug & Joy Kornish Dkornish@cinci.rr.com, Jkornish@cinci.rr.com FLEA MARKET Anita & Carl Dalessandro, anitacarl@fuse.net FOCCUS MARRIAGE PREP Susan Kellison, suekellison13@gmail.com GIFT BEARERS Joanne Brinkman, 871-3230, jmbrinkman@zoomtown.com GIFT CARD PROGRAMS Doug & Joy Kornish, giftcards@stceciliacincinnati.org GIRL SCOUTS Sharon Krietemeyer, jskrietemeyer@hotmail.com GREETERS Nancy Worrall, nanworrall@aol.com 2 HOSPITALITY Geneva McPherron, 731-9547 LEGION OF MARY Barbara Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 MOM’S GROUP Holly Hemak, moms@stceciliacincinnati.org OAKLEY FOOD PANTRY & COMMUNITY DINNER Stan Messerly, 731-2500 PARISH COUNCIL Jason Hemak, jason.hemak@gmail.com PRO-LIFE Jennifer Elliot, 561-1457 PTO Patricia Donnelly & Renee Dawson, 533-6060 SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Fr. Jamie Weber, 871-5757, ext. 201 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Tom Schimian, 871-5757, ext. 203 SERVERS Ron Case, 399-9331, rwmsc@yahoo.com VISITATION GUILD 871-5757, ext. 209 HOME DISTRIBUTORS/VISITS Fr. Jamie Weber , 871-5757, ext. 201 VOCATIONS Sr. Mary Evelyn, 351-6176, maryevelynrsm@fuse.net WEDDING COORDINATOR Marta Misleh, 871-5757, ext. 207 mmisleh@stceciliacincinnati.org WEDDING RESERVATION Bob Kellison, 871-5757, ext. 208 bkellison@stceciliacincinnati.org WELCOME COMMITTEE Angela Egner, (413) 854-7253, angelaegner15@gmail.com WORSHIP COMMISSION Tricia Beiersdorfer, tricia.beiersdorfer@gmail.com YOUNG ADULT GROUP Janelle Allen, 313-2196, janelle.r.allen@gmail.com WEEKEND MASSES: Sat. 4 PM & Sun. 8 & 10 AM DAILY MASSES: Mon.-Sat. 9 AM, Wed. 6:45 AM THE ROSARY: Mon.-Sat. 8:40 AM DAILY COMMUNION SERVICE: Mon.-Sat. 8 AM HOLY DAY MASSES: 9 AM, 12:10 PM & 5:30 PM LATIN MASSES: Second / fourth Tues. of the month, 9 AM CONFESSIONS: Mon.-Sat. 9:30 AM, Wed. 7:05-7:15 AM and 7:05-7:50 PM, Sat. 3-3:30 PM, Sun. 7-7:30 AM and 9-9:30 AM ADORATION: Wed. 9:30 AM-8 PM HOLY HOUR: Wed. 7-8 PM STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Fri. 9:30 AM BAPTISMAL PREPARATION: Noon, every second Sunday of the month in the Parish Center. Must be a registered parishioner in a parish. MASS SCHEDULE FOR ST. MARGARET-ST. JOHN: Visit smsjparish.com/mass_schedule. MASS SCHEDULE FOR ST. ANTHONY: Visit stanthonychurch.net. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK Saint Cecilia W EEK LY SCHEDULE SA I N T C E C I L I A RO M A N C AT H O L I C PA R I S H MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8 (Saints Jerome Emiliani & Josephine Bakhita) 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Joyce Burtschy Off Nancy Hogan TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Gladys Stratman Off The Stratman Family 6:30 PM Palm Burning Service WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 (Ash Wednesday) 6:45 AM Families of Saint Cecilia Parish 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Special Intention of Susan Tew by – Emily & Jerry Davis 12:10 PM Wm. Luke Leonard Off Meg Coogan 5:30 PM Jim O’Toole Off Norm & Ethel O’Connor THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 (Our Lady of Lourdes) 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Polly Sandmann Off Nancy Hogan FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Margaret Huth Off Chris & Mary Lou Huth SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Robert “Dizz” Brown Off Gerald Rouse 4:00 PM Wm. Luke Leonard Off Margie Wimberg SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 (First Sunday of Lent & Blessing of Wedding Anniversary Couples) 8:00 AM Families of Saint Cecilia Parish 10:00 AM Couples Celebrating 25 Years Or More Of Marriage FE B RUA RY 6 -7, 2 016 THE R EADINGS FOR THIS WEEK The Pastor’s Corner Ash Wednesday We begin our journey in Lent this year on Feb. 10. Lent is a time of repentance. During Lent, we abstain from things that harm our relationship with God, especially practices that become habitual and take over our lives. Also, a lot of us give up things we crave, which is a means for developing a spiritual discipline that gives one fortitude to overcome temptation. It is a time to turn away from focusing our lives on our own wants and needs and turn toward focusing our lives on the Gospels. Please join us on our Lenten journey by coming to our Lenten Mission. This will be Feb. 15-17 at 7:00 pm in the church. I hope to see you all there. Amen? Amen! ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES 6:45 AM | 9:00 AM | 12:10 PM | 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Communion Service with Ash Distribution No adoration or holy hour on Ash Wednesday His say-so Isaiah 6:1-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Psalm 138:1-5, 7-8 Luke 5:1-11 “If You say so, I will lower the nets.” – Luke 5:5 One of the most crucial decisions in life is to do what we don’t understand, just because God said so. This is walking by faith, not by sight (2 Cor 5:7). In this way, we let the Lord raise us above our human limitations. Children who refuse to do something just because their parents tell them to do it will seriously deprive themselves. It’s the same with us who are God’s children. We don’t know everything we need to know. We don’t know the future. We can’t read people’s minds. We can’t even know ourselves that well. We are doomed to be captive to our human limitations unless we have the faith to obey the all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving God. The truly great people in history obeyed God when they didn’t understand. Noah couldn’t understand why God wanted him to build an ark. Moses didn’t see how he could free his nation from slavery. Isaiah didn’t understand why he should prophesy to a nation that God knew wouldn’t listen (Is 6:8-10). Ananias didn’t think it was a good idea to visit Saul, who was in town to arrest Christians (Acts 9:13ff). Joseph didn’t see why he should refrain from divorcing Mary (Mt 1:19). Mary didn’t understand how she could remain a virgin and conceive Jesus. Trust not in your own understanding (Prv 3:5). Obey God. • Prayer: Father, may I go against my “better” judgment and do Your will. • Promise: “By God’s favor I am what I am.” – 1 Cor 15:10 • Praise: “How deep are the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How inscrutable His judgments, how unsearchable His ways!...To Him be glory forever. Amen” (Rm 11:33, 36). (Reprinted with permission from “One Bread, One Body” at www.presentationministries.com) 3 SA I N T C E C I L I A RO M A N C AT H O L I C PA R I S H A C L O S E R L O O K A T O U R FA I T H KNOW YOUR SAINTS Saint Colette (1381-1447) CATECHESIS (kat’i-ke’sis) n. What are the essential elements of Christian marriage? (1) Unity: Marriage is a covenant that by its very nature brings about bodily, intellectual, and spiritual union between a man and a woman; (2) Indissolubility: Marriage lasts “until death do us part”; (3) Openness to offspring: Every marriage must be open to children; (4) Commitment to the spouse’s welfare [2360-2361, 23972398] If one of the two spouses deliberately excludes one of the four points listed above at the time of their wedding, the Sacrament of Matrimony does not take place. (YOUCAT question 416) Colette did not seek the limelight, but in doing God’s will she certainly attracted a lot of attention. She was born in Corbie, France. At 21 she began to follow the Third Order Rule and became an anchoress, a woman walled into a room whose only opening was a window into a church. After four years of prayer and penance in this cell, she left it. With the approval and encouragement of the pope, she joined the Poor Clares and reintroduced the primitive Rule of St. Clare in the 17 monasteries she established. Her sisters were known for their poverty—they rejected any fixed income—and for their perpetual fast. Colette’s reform movement spread to other countries and is still thriving today. Colette was canonized in 1807. – www. americancatholic.org The Best Catholic Content, All in One Place We are excited to announce that our parish has subscribed to a dynamic new online platform called FORMED. Every parishioner will have 24/7 access to the best Catholic content on any device with internet access, including your computer, smartphone, and tablet. With FORMED you’ll find inspiring talks and video programs that explain the Catholic faith, explore the deepest meaning of marriage, and receive Bible studies on a variety of topics. And you’ll find presenters like Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Edward Sri, Dr. Mary Healey, Chris Stefanick, Dr. Scott Hahn, and Bishop Robert Barron. They’re all part of our parish subscription. It truly is the Catholic faith—on demand. It’s easy to get “formed”: Go to www.FORMED.org. You should see the registration box for parishioners. Type in the parish code–YX2P22. Now set up a username and a password. Now you are all set to use all the great programs on FORMED.org anytime by simply logging in. If you have any questions, please contact our director of religious education, Cody Egner. 4 FE B RUA RY 6 -7, 2 016 PA S T O R ’ S R A M B L I N G S MADRINA: A madrina is a godmother in Latino culture who greatly cares for and looks after her godchild. The role of madrina at St. Cecilia is similar in that she is called to lead families in the direction of Catholic schools. The school madrina invites parents to consider Catholic education, welcoming them into the school family and guiding them in their child’s faith and educational journey. As of this year, we will have a madrina who will help us with our new families. Lilia Bucio (photo, above), mother of two students at St. Cecilia, will be the madrina. She has already helped bring so many families to the sacraments at St. Cecilia. 1 PRE-K VISIT: I recently visited the pre-kindergarten class to prepare them to attend their first school Mass (photo, left). I spoke to the class about reverence, what to expect, and how special and lucky they are to attend Mass with the rest of the school. I let them pass around the crucifix we use for the procession, see my vestments, and touch the gold book. They said that the reason the book was so beautiful and gold was because it had Jesus in it. I can’t wait to visit their classroom again. 1 RCIA CLASS ABOUT THE MASS: During a Wednesday evening class (photo, bottom of page), I was able to talk to the RCIA catechumens about the power and the beauty of the Mass. Many baptized Catholics do not realize how exciting each part of the Mass truly is. My goal was to invigorate a greater appreciation for the worship by explaining the Mass in very simple terms. From what I was told, I did a good enough job to go to the class again sometime, and maybe the school as well. We’ll see. 1 SOUNDPROOFED: Last week I put a soundproofing unit outside of my confessional. The unit (photo, left) creates “white noise” to mask over sounds. This unit was recommended to me by my friend Kevin Keelan. Many churches in the diocese use such devices to cover over the voices of those confessing their sins. It has been brought to my attention that our confessionals are not soundproof and are in need of some “fix” to protect those confessing. 1 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: On Jan. 24, the Sacrament of Baptism was celebrated for two babies. Please welcome Beau Michael (photo, below left), son of Matt and Carly Athey, and Vail Marie (photo, below right), daughter of Lenval and Lindsay Isaacs. 5 SA I N T C E C I L I A RO M A N C AT H O L I C PA R I S H PA R I S H N E W S & N O T E S FRASSATI SPEAKER SERIES at the UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Palms to Be Collected HOW TO BURST THE CATHOLIC BUBBLE Every year before Ash Wednesday, we collect the palms from previous Palm Sunday services and then burn them as part of our closing of Ordinary Time. Please bring in your palms, and place them in the bins that are located at all the doors. (WITHOUT MAKING A MESS) PR ESEN TED BY Father Nathan Crombly, CSJ 7PM | FEBRUARY 11 at the Tangeman Center Great Hall + Palm-Burning Service UC SOCIET Y OF SAINT PAUL | UCSSP.COM Lenten Meditation Books Living Lent with Mercy meditation books will be available after the Masses this weekend. These “mercy books” contain brief daily meditations that will help you grow closer to Christ as you celebrate and experience God’s mercy during this Lenten season. We are now just a week and a half away from the beginning of Lent. To close out Ordinary Time, we will have a halfhour prayer service on Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 6:30 p.m., just before the annual Mardi Gras Ice Cream Social. This prayer service will include the solemn closing of the back altar doors, the addition of violet décor to the sanctuary and the singing of the last “Alleluia.” The prayers will conclude with the burning of last year’s palms. The ashes of the palms will be used for the Ash Wednesday Masses. Pray the Stations of the Cross During Lent Beginning this Friday, and continuing on every Friday during Lent, we will pray the Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m. in the church. During this special devotion, through meditation and prayer, we will walk with our Savior on His way of suffering from the time he was condemned to death until he died and was buried. Making this devotion part of your Lenten commitment to prayer will help you grow closer to Christ. 6 FE B RUA RY 6 -7, 2 016 PA R I S H N E W S & N O T E S Seminary Welcome Weekend for Men Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Cincinnati is hosting a welcome weekend for men, college age or older, who want to learn about discernment and priesthood. The weekend takes place Friday through Saturday, March 4-5. Attendees will spend the night at the seminary and participate in community liturgies as well as prayer, social time, and talks about discernment and seminary life. For information or to register, please contact the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Vocations Office at (513) 421-3131, ext. 2890, or vocations@catholiccincinnati.org or Rev. Thomas McQuillen, Dean of Men, Mount St. Mary’s Seminary at (513) 233-6171 or tmcquillen@athenaeum.edu. Meet and Greet This Weekend Please join us for a New Parishioner Meet & Greet Social held after all of this weekend’s Masses. We will meet up in the parish center (on Gilmore Ave., right behind the rectory). This is a great chance to meet other new parishioners and ask any questions you may have about the parish. There will be great food and drinks, and each family will receive a St. Cecilia welcome bag with lots of resources inside! To RSVP or if you have any questions, please contact Angela Egner at angelaegner15@gmail.com or (413) 854-7253. Baptism Classes Parents can now pre-register for the Baptism class on the parish website. All but three of the classes will be held on the second Sunday of the month. Classes for February, March & May will be held on the first Sunday. Classes meet at noon in the parish center. Contact Erin DiMuzio at esdimuzio@fuse.net with any questions. The DarkesT Hour A Tenebrae service performed by THE CHOIR OF SAINT CECILIA On Good Friday, March 25, the St. Cecilia Choir will perform The DarkesT Hour live at 7:00 PM. This is a solemn reflection on Passion Week—the suffering and death of Christ—with readings and music, and the extinguishing of light. This service has been recorded by the St. Cecilia Choir. The CD is on sale for $10 with all proceeds supporting the St. Cecilia Music Ministries. Call Bob Kellison at 871-5757, ext. 208, for a copy. Make The DarkesT Hour a part of your Holy Week. This is also a great evangelization tool for someone you may know. 7 SA I N T C E C I L I A RO M A N C AT H O L I C PA R I S H PA R I S H N E W S & N O T E S S A I N T C E C I L I A PA R I S H L E N T E N M I S S IO N 2 016 I NC A R NATE M ERC Y E X PE R I E NC I N G T H E L OV E O F C H R I S T FEBRUARY 15-16-17 with Reverend Monsignor C. Eugene Morris, S.T.L. S.T.D. (cand.) Program begins each evening at 7 p.m. in the church Confessions from 6-6:45 p.m. on Evening 2 and 3 8 FE B RUA RY 6 -7, 2 016 PA R I S H N E W S & N O T E S Merciful Savior, Merciful Church: Lenten Reflections on the Jubilee Year Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center will present a Lenten Evening of Reflection on Friday, Feb.12, at 7:15 p.m. Led by Fr. David Endres, Assistant Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West/Athenaeum of Ohio, the evening will include Mass, Exposition, Reflection and Benediction. Come join us and begin your Lenten preparations to commemorate the Death and Resurrection of Our Lord. For more info: www.olhsc.org or (513) 351-9800, ext. 302. Supercharge Your Soul Dresser Project 2016 For several years, our parish has generously contributed to a “dresser project.” Through this project, we collect baby items that will be donated, through Pregnancy Center East, to a mother who has made the choice of life for her unborn child. Many parishioners find this to be a very positive way to express their support for the pro-life movement. This year’s dresser can be found in the vestibule with a list of suggested items. We are collecting baby items from Jan. 16 through Feb. 7. Your participation is most welcome and greatly appreciated! Fast and Abstinence Guidelines for Lent Persons ages 18-59 are to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. When fasting, you are allowed one full meal a day. Two other light meals are permitted, but eating between meals is not permitted. Liquids are allowed at any time. Persons ages 14 and up are to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all Fridays of Lent. Sunday, February 28, 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. The Holy Spirit Center A day of formation, prayer, and reflection for young adults, ages 18-35, led by Father Nathan Cromly. You will walk away with a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith and how it relates to us today. Bring your friends—this will be a great day for new and seasoned Catholics alike! Register now at eagleeyeministries.org/programs/retreats. Price is $30 until February 20. Sisters of the Precious Blood to Host Come and See Weekend Are you feeling like God is gently nudging you, calling you to an adventure? If so, we invite you to a weekend of prayer, reflection, conversation, and fun with the Sisters of the Precious Blood. Come hear our stories and maybe discover the life to which God is calling you. Join us at Salem Heights in Dayton, Feb. 26-28. Register online at vocations@ cppsadmin.org or call Sr. Patty Kremer at 937-609-0653. Congratulations! St. Cecilia graduate Jack Smith achieved 2nd Honors from Archbishop Moeller High School for the Second Quarter of the 2015-2016 Academic Year. Another St. Cecilia grad, Calvin Brigger, a sophomore at St. Xavier High School, received 2nd Honors for his academic achievements in the 1st Semester Honor Roll. S A I N T C E C I LI A P A R I S H FISH FRY & BAKE F R IDAYS IN L EN T: F EB RUARY 12 - MARC H 18 5:00-8:00 P M IN T HE S C HO OL C AF E T E R IA Help the Boosters support our kids’ sports programs at Saint Cecilia 9 SA I N T C E C I L I A RO M A N C AT H O L I C PA R I S H S T E WA R D S H I P P r a y, M i n i s t e r, a n d G i v e F r o m W h a t Yo u H a v e STEWARDSHIP OF PRAYER February Papal Prayer Intentions Please keep in prayer Doris Orejula and Marvin Goedde that they may receive God’s healing grace. All requests are honored for two weeks with the individual’s or family’s approval. Contact Barb Browarsky at the parish office, (513) 871-5757, ext. 202, with Mass and sanctuary devotional candle intention requests. Each month, Pope Francis asks Catholics to pray for special intentions. For February, we pray that we may take good care of creation—a gift freely given—cultivating and protecting it for future generations. And, that opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter between the Christian faith and the peoples of Asia. So Why Latin? Part 1 Beginning Ash Wednesday and continuing through Lent, we will sing the Holy, Holy and Lamb of God in Latin as well as include the Greek Kyrie Eleison. Why? We know that Latin is still the official language of the Church and its liturgy; and we recall that our true purpose of the Mass is to call us out of the ordinary, to respond to God with reverence and awe, and to join our prayers to the offering of Christ. Second, we want to recall the history and tradition of using the Latin language. And third, we want to see how Latin can remind us of the mystery and holiness of the Mass. Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group All are invited to pray the rosary for peace throughout our world. Every Wednesday from 1–2 p.m. in the last two pews of church. STEWARDSHIP OF MINISTRY St. Vincent de Paul Society As we start a new year, we want to share how your generous donations in 2015 helped our community through the work of our St. Vincent de Paul chapter. First we need to know what the Church teaches about Latin and the liturgy. The Second Vatican Council never condemned or forbid the use of Latin in the liturgy. Unfortunately, after 1965 there was a dramatic change that gave this impression. We went from using almost all Latin at Mass to almost totally excluding it. Vatican II also stated that while the use of the vernacular was now permitted, “care must be taken to ensure that the faithful may also be able to say or sing together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertain to them.” (Sacrosanctum Concilium #36, 54). The US Bishops then outlined that “each worshiping community in the United States, including all age groups and all ethnic groups, should, at a minimum, learn Kyrie XVI, Sanctus XVIII, and Agnus Dei XVIII, all of which are typically included in congregational worship aids.” (Sing to the Lord; Music in Divine Worship #75) The role of music in the Catholic Church is to serve the needs of the liturgy—not to overpower it, seek to entertain, or draw attention to itself. It is to help members of the gathered assembly to join themselves with the action of Christ and to give voice to the gift of faith. 10 • Spent nearly 1,000 volunteer hours (with no reimbursement for miles traveled) to make 190 home visits and 156 aged/long-term daycare visits. • Helped 326 people with grocery, utility or rent assistance totaling $23,726. • Helped 422 families with Food from the Heart Campaign and Thanksgiving food donations of $3,105. • Helped countless more families with donated clothes and household items collected on Bundle Sunday. God bless you all! Ours is a truly generous, goodhearted parish! We look forward to doing more of these good works in this Year of Mercy. If you or a friend or family member in the area needs assistance with rent, utilities, food or even obtaining a job or GED, please call our parish office at 871-5757, ext. 203. Someone will call you back within one day. Coming up: Bundle Weekend, April 16-17. Get into those closets now, and find any gently used clothes you can pass along to those in need. Oakley Food Pantry You can drop off food items at any of the St. Cecilia church doors or in the vestibule during the day or on Tuesdays from 10-11 a.m. at the pantry at the United Church of Christ at 4100 Taylor Avenue directly across the street from the school. FE B RUA RY 6 -7, 2 016 S T E WA R D S H I P P r a y, M i n i s t e r, a n d G i v e F r o m W h a t Yo u H a v e Volunteer Your God-Given Talents Stewardship involves sharing talent. God has given each individual unique skills and talents so that together we can do the work of our Lord. Put your faith and love into action. Volunteer for things that interest you. Build lasting friendships and become part of the family of Saint Cecilia Parish. Check the directory on page 2 or contact the parish office at 871-5757, ext. 202, and we can put you in touch with the people with whom you should chat. Eucharistic Exposition Adorers Every Wednesday we are privileged to adore Jesus in Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please prayerfully consider giving some time to the Lord each week. New adorers are needed throughout the day on Wednesday. If you can’t commit to a definite adoration time, perhaps consider becoming a substitute adorer. Please call (513) 871-5757, ext. 243, to sign up. Men of Saint Cecilia Are you looking for a simple way to get involved in parish life? Our usher ministry is in need of additional men to help with collections during our weekend Masses as well as Holy Days. This could be a great opportunity for you to become more active within the church without a time consuming commitment. Please contact Dale Bogard at (513)410-6183 or d.bogart@cinci.rr.com. Join the Parish! It just got a lot easier. If you are interested in becoming a registered member of St. Cecilia Parish, go to the New Parishioner Registration link on the home page of our updated website (www. stceciliacincinnati.org), fill it out, and hit Submit! And you’re good to go. STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCE 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) Archbishop Schnurr sends his thanks to everyone from St. Cecilia Parish who has pledged to the 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal. If you have not yet made your pledge, please consider doing so this week. These important local ministries depend on our help each year. You will find extra pledge envelopes in the pews for your convenience this weekend. To make a pledge securely on-line, please visit CatholicAppeal.net. Or text to donate: Text the phrase “2016CMA” to 555-888 (standard data and message rates may apply). Thank you! On-line giving. An easy way to give the way you want. Make a commitment. Register for on-line giving. Visit www.stceciliacincinnati. org. and click on the Online Giving link on the home page. Create your account. It’s that simple. Contact Vince Woodall at (513) 871-5757, ext. 204, if you need any help setting up your account. COLLECTIONS for WEEK ENDING JANUARY 24 Envelopes/Loose Change $7,460.00 Online Giving $1,803.00 | TOTAL $9,263.00 I S E RV E R S C H E DU L E F O R T H E W E E K O F F E B RUA RY 8 -14 I MONDAY 9:00 am - B. Valdes-Johnston & M. Ramirez TUESDAY 9:00 am - St. Edmund Campion ASH WEDNESDAY 9:00 am - C. Brereton, C. Herzner & B. S. Dalessandro 12:10 pm - D. Schnuck & A. Krietemeyer 5:30 pm - J. Weber THURSDAY 9:00 am - L. Davis & L. Whittaker FRIDAY 9:00 am - St. Edmund Campion & Drew Hilgefort SATURDAY 9:00 am - E. Garcia & M. Ramirez 4:00 pm - C. Brereton SUNDAY 8:00 am - W. Merusi & J. Pearson 10:00 am - J. Misleh, E. Misleh & O. Lewis 11 NAEGELE, KLEB & IHLENDORF Funeral Home, Inc. 3900 Montgomery Rd. • Bernie Naegele, Parishioner & Director & Tara Fridley, Director 631-2240 • www.naegelefuneralhome.com Open 24 Hrs. 871-2114 PRAY for PEACE Madison & Edwards Rd. • PLUMBING • HEATING • COOLING • ELECTRIC Saint Cecilia parishioner Saint Cecilia parishioner Saint Cecilia parishioner Saint Cecilia parishioner SUSAN M. KELLISON SUSAN M. KELLISON SUSAN M. KELLISON SUSAN M. KELLISON 513.324.9077 513.324.9077 513.324.9077 513.324.9077 susan.kellison@era.com susan.kellison@era.com susan.kellison@era.com susan.kellison@era.com Call for aa FREE home market analysis Call a FREE home market analysis Call forfor FREE home market analysis Call for a FREE home market analysis Call us today for a lunch and tour! CONDO SALE 321-OAKT STUDIO STUDIO CONDOFOR FOR SALE 2324 2324MADISON MADISON RD. 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As cold as it gets 4403 Verne Avenue BLEED AREA 4001 Rosslyn Drive, Cincinnati www.HydeParkHealthCenter.com 513-777-9800 “Since 1910” CROP/FOLD LINE 631-2104 TEXT SAFE AREA A Front TOP B Front BOTTOM Sarah Beiser Eaton, Parishioner Hyde Park Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 3709 Eastern Avenue 513-533-0392 513-871-2200 www.houseofrunntri.com CyanMagentaYellowBlack CLEPPER~KELSCH A A A PO#CM-66446 A V2 CONTACT CONTACT SUSAN KELLISON SUSAN KELLISON 513.324.9077 513.324.9077 Food, Fun, Sports, Spirits 3036 Madison Road 513-631-8367 • habitscafe.com facebook.com/habitscafe hydeparkpainting.com Remodeling • Drywall • Concrete Gutters • Handyman Your Complete Home Repair Company Funeral Home & Cremation Center Black B Back BOTTOM BARRINGTON OF OAKLEY a Senior Lifestyle community Independent/Assisted/Memory Care LINDA BODEN – Director of Marketing and Sales 4855 Babson Place | Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-561-9100 | F: 513-561-9600 | C: 513-600-4667 WWW.SENIORLIFESTYLE.COM Window Company Gilkey.com Special Discounts for Parishioners 3709 Eastern Ave Cincinnati, OH 45226 513-871-2200 www.houseofrunntri.com Please visit House of Run N Tri to obtain the card balance. A Back TOP 2961 Madison Rd., Cincinnati ~ 513-731-1944 ~ 513-531-0105 ~ www.clepperkelsch.com This gift card may be applied toward any purchase at House of Run N Tri. This card will not be replaced if lost or stolen and the user will not be issued any cash back. CORCORAN & HARNIST Father Jamie’s favorite art and antique store. Please carefully review this digital proof. A signed proof must be submitted before production can begin. OK as is Please reproof with changes indicated 3052 Madision Rd. • 513-631-8886 www.astutefurnishings.com Heating & A/C 1457 Harrison Avenue 921-2227 Windows of St. Cecilia School provided by Gilkey Window Company Call for a FREE in-home consultation or visit our Sharonville Showroom. 3625 Hauck Rd. • 513-769-4527 Date Electrical Contracting & Engineering 3182 Madison Rd, Cincinnati • 513-871-2266 Commercial/Industrial/Design & Build themadisonprintshoppe.com 2867 Stanton Ave., Cincinnati madisonprintshoppe@gmail.com Bring in this bulletin to receive 513-961-7200 10% off your 1st order. www.bizcomelec.com Expires 12/1/2017 John H. 1920 J.H. (Don) 1948 Steve 1975 Four generations and 100 years of family service to Eastern Cincinnati. 3183 Linwood Ave. • Mt. Lookout Square Serving Eastern Hills, Mt. Lookout & Hyde Park 321-0404 dmb@bpbslaw.com Hyde Park 3703 Paxton Avenue, Cincinnati 513-232-3821 Tim Agnello Ted’s Pawn Shop Since 1970 Residential Home Sales “A Pro-Life Business” A N D T R U S T C O M P A N Y Lic. #PB100101, 000 513-484-8076 Y��� C�n���na�� b��� ��n�� 1891. www.TesoroRealty.com 513-631-2112 2739 Madison Road (Corner of Madison & Edwards) Proud to be an Oakley tradition ST. MARGARET HALL since 1965, open Sunday at 11:00. 1960 Madison Rd.*****513-751-5880 Over 871-2930 Smile. George H. 1910 513-533-2005 513-617-9044 ridnercontracting@yahoo.com miospizza.com Ernie, Jack, Ralph & Barb Vilardo 6229 Beechmont Avenue GEO. H. ROHDE & SON Funeral Home Since 1910 Serving individual and business clientele. Proud to be a part of the Oakley Community. InterIor and exterIor PaIntIng 513-531-4200 Over 59 Years Experience & Satisfaction WE SELL TIRES! 3894 Isabella Avenue 513-631-4455 DAN BENNIE Attorney at Law I N C . Good Food...Good Friends...Good Times... Anderson Hills Plumbing Residential-Commerical Schirmer’s Garage P L U M B I N G , A Legal Professional Association 5 1 3 - 6 3 1 - 2 0 0 1 I (the undersigned) accept full responsibility for the layout and accuracy of sample art as represented above or with changes clearly indicated. • Custom-built vinyl windows Signature • Entry and Patio Doors • Many financing options available HALPIN Barron Peck Bennie & Schlemmer “The Difference is Love” Compassionate, loving care served by the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm Rehabilitation, Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living St. Cecilia School MADISON BOWL & DINER OAKLEY 271-1270 COURTESY AUTOMOTIVE 3161 Madison Road gocourtesy.com 50 years of loving care We service all makes and models Sales 513-871-3464 5 1 3 7 3 1 7 7 5 5 DEWEY’S PIZZA THE MORE YOU DEW THE MORE YOU GET DEWEY’S IS GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY. I N T H E H E A R T O F O A K L E Y #77767-JD-1/4/16
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