February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016
T he Sac r a ment of R ECONCILIATION Let go of your sins and embrace Christ’s love and forgiveness. Every day at St. Cecilia 3105 Madison Road Cincinnati, OH 45209 (513) 871-5757 www.stceciliacincinnati.org www.facebook.com/stceciliacincinnati Rev. Jamie Weber, Pastor 871-5757, ext. 201 / jweber@stceciliacincinnati.org Barb Browarsky, Rectory Secretary 871-5757, ext. 202 / bbrowarsky@stceciliacincinnati.org Cody Egner, Director of Religious Education 871-5757, ext. 215 / cegner@stceciliacincinnati.org Mike Goedde, School Principal 533-6060 / mgoedde@stceciliacincinnati.org Robert Kellison, Music Dir./Stewardship 871-5757, ext. 208 / bkellison@stceciliacincinnati.org Marta Misleh, Pastoral Associate 871-5757, ext. 207 / mmisleh@stceciliacincinnati.org Vince Woodall, Director of Business Affairs 871-5757, ext. 204 / vwoodall@stceciliacincinnati.org ANNULMENTS Joe Fondacaro, 871-5757 ext. 222, jfondacaro@stceciliacincinnati.org BAPTISMS Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 BEREAVEMENT Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 BOOSTERS & GYM SCHEDULING Vince Woodall, 871-5757, ext. 204 vwoodall@stceciliacincinnati.org BULLETIN Vince Woodall, 871-5757, ext. 204 vwoodall@stceciliacincinnati.org COMMUNICATIONS Steve Sullivan, steveco@fuse.net CUB SCOUTS Jeff Krietemeyer, 324-6497 DAY OF ADORATION Laurie Kamp, 871-5757, ext. 243 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & LECTORS Dave Rosselot, 396-6022 FESTIVAL Doug & Joy Kornish Dkornish@cinci.rr.com, Jkornish@cinci.rr.com FLEA MARKET Anita & Carl Dalessandro, anitacarl@fuse.net FOCCUS MARRIAGE PREP Susan Kellison, suekellison13@gmail.com GIFT BEARERS Joanne Brinkman, 871-3230, jmbrinkman@zoomtown.com GIFT CARD PROGRAMS Doug & Joy Kornish, giftcards@stceciliacincinnati.org GIRL SCOUTS Sharon Krietemeyer, jskrietemeyer@hotmail.com GREETERS Nancy Worrall, nanworrall@aol.com 2 HOSPITALITY Geneva McPherron, 731-9547 LEGION OF MARY Barbara Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 MOM’S GROUP Holly Hemak, moms@stceciliacincinnati.org OAKLEY FOOD PANTRY & COMMUNITY DINNER Stan Messerly, 731-2500 PARISH COUNCIL Jason Hemak, jason.hemak@gmail.com PRO-LIFE Jennifer Elliot, 561-1457 PTO Patricia Donnelly & Renee Dawson, 533-6060 SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Fr. Jamie Weber, 871-5757, ext. 201 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Tom Schimian, 871-5757, ext. 203 SERVERS Ron Case, 399-9331, rwmsc@yahoo.com VISITATION GUILD 871-5757, ext. 209 HOME DISTRIBUTORS/VISITS Fr. Jamie Weber , 871-5757, ext. 201 WEDDING COORDINATOR Marta Misleh, 871-5757, ext. 207 mmisleh@stceciliacincinnati.org WEDDING RESERVATION Bob Kellison, 871-5757, ext. 208 bkellison@stceciliacincinnati.org WELCOME COMMITTEE Angela Egner, (413) 854-7253, angelaegner15@gmail.com WORSHIP COMMISSION Tricia Beiersdorfer, tricia.beiersdorfer@gmail.com YOUNG ADULT GROUP Janelle Allen, 313-2196, janelle.r.allen@gmail.com WEEKEND MASSES: Sat. 4 PM & Sun. 8 & 10 AM DAILY MASSES: Mon.-Sat. 9 AM, Wed. 6:45 AM THE ROSARY: Mon.-Sat. 8:40 AM DAILY COMMUNION SERVICE: Mon.-Sat. 8 AM HOLY DAY MASSES: 9 AM, 12:10 PM & 5:30 PM LATIN MASSES: Second / fourth Tues. of the month, 9 AM CONFESSIONS: Mon.-Sat. 9:30 AM, Wed. 7:05-7:15 AM and 7:05-7:50 PM, Sat. 3-3:30 PM, Sun. 7-7:30 AM and 9-9:30 AM ADORATION: Wed. 9:30 AM-8 PM HOLY HOUR: Wed. 7-8 PM STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Fri. 9:30 AM (and during Lent, 2:15 PM & 7 PM) BAPTISMAL PREPARATION: Noon, every second Sunday of the month in the Parish Center. Must be a registered parishioner in a parish. MASS SCHEDULE FOR ST. MARGARET-ST. JOHN: Visit smsjparish.com/mass_schedule. MASS SCHEDULE FOR ST. ANTHONY: Visit stanthonychurch.net. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M ASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS W EEK Saint Cecilia W EEK LY SCHEDULE SA I N T C E C I L I A RO M A N C AT H O L I C PA R I S H MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Special Intentions of Bud Lung by Tommy Holt TUESDAY, MARCH 1 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Jane Lange Off Kathy Allen WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 6:45 AM Families of Saint Cecilia Parish 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Kathy Wagenknecht Off Emmaus Prayer Group 9:30 AM All-Day Adoration (9:30 AM-8 PM), Holy Hour (7-8 PM with Confessions) THURSDAY, MARCH 3 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Special Intentions of Thomas & Leona Fischer (65th Wedding Anniversary) by The Children FRIDAY, MARCH 4 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Charles Collins Off Bill & Mary Ann Wever 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross SATURDAY, MARCH 5 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Wm. Luke Leonard Off Margie Wimberg 4:00 PM Andy Perrino Jr. Off Nicholas & Paula Perrino SUNDAY, MARCH 6 (Fourth Sunday of Lent) 8:00 AM For The People 10:00 AM Wm. Luke Leonard Off Patty Mock FE B RUA RY 27-28, 2 016 THE R EADINGS FOR THIS WEEK The Pastor’s Corner Be Reconciled with the Lord Pope Francis said Catholics should go to confession because everyone needs forgiveness for their sins, for the ways “we think and act contrary to the Gospel.” Here at St. Cecilia, confessions are heard every day. I am in the confessional after every daily Mass and then before all Masses on the weekend. One of the best ways to prepare for confession is to do a daily examination of conscience. There are so many links online to help you do this. Here is one to help you get started. It helps you get used to doing a nightly examination of conscience: www.traditionalcatholicpriest.com/2014/06/26/10suggestions-for-a-good-traditional-catholic-nightly-examination-of-conscience/ My hope is that you take the step to come to confession during Lent—even if it’s been years since you’ve been. I will be there to help walk you through it and give you that sense of relief and comfort. Our Lord is merciful, so do not be afraid. In this penitential season, confession is the best way to cleanse ourselves from sin and start off with a new commitment to Christ. Amen? Amen! “Whoever says he is without sin is a liar or is blind.” - Pope Francis The Third Sunday of Lent Exodus 3:1-8, 13-15 1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12 Psalm 103:1-4, 6-8, 11 Luke 13:1-9 “A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he came out looking for fruit on it.” –Luke 13:6 If we don’t bear fruit, we will be cut down (Lk 13:9) and thrown into the fire to be burnt (Jn 15:6). If we don’t bear fruit by leading others to Christ, we will not live with Christ in eternity. We can be sure of bearing fruit by living in Jesus the Vine (Jn 15:5), and dying to self. “Unless the grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat. But if it dies, it produces much fruit” (Jn 12:24). Dying and living go together. We must die to self in order to live in Christ and bear fruit. Bearing the fruit of evangelization is not primarily a matter of instruction or persuasion but of dying and living. This means everyone can and must bear fruit. Today, in Catholic Churches throughout the world, catechumens are receiving the prayers called the First Scrutiny. They are dying to self, as did the Samaritan woman when Jesus scrutinized her heart (Jn 4:4ff). Let us join the catechumens in death so we can join them in new life. Through our Lenten mortification—almsgiving, prayer, and fasting (see Mt 6:1ff)—let us die to self and prepare for risen life and the amazing fruitfulness of Pentecost. (Reprinted with permission from “One Bread, One Body” at www.presentationministries.com) 3 SA I N T C E C I L I A RO M A N C AT H O L I C PA R I S H A C L O S E R L O O K A T O U R FA I T H KNOW YOUR SAINTS St. Oswald (d. 992) CATECHESIS (kat’i-ke’sis) n. What is charity? Charity is the power by which we, who have been loved first by God, can give ourselves to God so as to be united with him and can accept our neighbor for God’s sake as unconditionally and sincerely as we accept ourselves. [1822-1829, 1844] Jesus places love above all laws, without however abolishing the latter. Therefore St. Augustine rightly says, “Love, and do what you will.” Which is not at all as easy as it sounds. That is why charity, love, is the greatest virtue, the energy that inspires all the other virtues and fills them with divine life. (YOUCAT question 309) Love your faith even more. Sacred Heart Radio. 89.5 FM & 740 AM The last acts in the life of this saint make for an amazing story. In truth, they merely underscore the holiness he exhibited throughout his life. Born into a military family in 10th-century England, Oswald was a nephew of the archbishop of Canterbury, who raised him and played a crucial role in his early education. Oswald continued his studies abroad in France, where he became a Benedictine monk. Following his appointment as bishop of Worcester, and later as archbishop of York, he founded monasteries and introduced many reforms. He supported—and improved— scholarship at the abbeys he established, inviting leading thinkers in such fields as mathematics and astronomy to share their learnings. He was widely known for his sanctity, especially his love for the poor. The final winter of his life was spent at the cathedral in Worcester that he so loved. At the start of Lent in February of the year 992, he resumed his usual practice of washing the feet of 12 poor men each day. On Leap Year Day, February 29, he died after kissing the feet of the 12th man and giving a blessing. The news of Oswald’s death brought an outpouring of grief throughout the city. – www.americancatholic.org Participating in the Jubilee Y e ar of Merc y The Corporal Works of Mercy are found in the teachings of Jesus and give us a model for how we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in disguise. They “are charitable actions by which we help our neighbors in their bodily needs” (USCCB). They respond to the basic needs of humanity as we journey together through this life. This week we reflect on the third Corporal Work of Mercy: SHELTER THE HOMELESS There are many circumstances that could lead to someone becoming a person without a home. Christ encourages us to go out and meet those without homes, affirming their worth and helping them seek a resolution to the challenges they face. 4 • See if your parish or diocese is involved with a local homeless shelter and volunteer some time. • Donate time or money to organizations that build homes for those who need shelter. • Many homeless shelters need warm blankets for their beds. If you can knit or sew, that would be an extra-loving gift. • There are millions of children and families who are on the move, fleeing from war, illness, hunger and impossible living conditions, and searching for peace and safety. Engage parish groups of children, youth, young adults, and families in doing some research on the causes and challenges that these families face to survive. Contact Catholic Social Services or diocesan offices of peace and justice for help with your research. Seek ways to provide shelter for the homeless locally, regionally, nationally or internationally. FE B RUA RY 27-28, 2 016 PA S T O R ’ S R A M B L I N G S MOELLER TUTORS: Our students are so lucky to have the Moeller students (photo, left) come and tutor them after school. The high school students spend time helping the children go over spelling words, read out loud, and complete other learning activities. It is great to see that the children appreciate the time and attention they are getting from their tutors. 1 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE: The statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe (photo, left) was gifted to the parish on behalf of the Hispanic community. It was placed on the altar on her feast day, and there was a procession of families and children that brought up flowers. The statue will be given a prominent place in the school. 1 BENGAL PICTURE: Knowing that I am a big Bengals fan, a friend of St. Cecilia gave me a very nice print of a Bengal tiger (photo, left). What makes this extra special is that the artist for this piece is a former 1st-round draft pick of the Bengals, quar- terback Greg Cook. Greg Cook was the rookie of the year as a Bengal before suffering a career-ending injury in his second season. Greg, among many things, was quite the artist and sold his art to the public. I have to admit I never knew he was a talented artist and feel grateful to have one of his prints. 1 DEACONS: Parishioners Nathan Beiersdorfer (photo, above left) and Rob Brock (photo, above right) have been accepted to the diaconate formation program of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Both have been preparing by getting a master’s in theology at the Athenaeum of Ohio. They will now enter the Aspirancy phase to further discern their formation. Please keep them both in your prayers. 1 PRIEST OF THE YEAR: The Knights of Columbus have graciously awarded Msgr. Frank Lane the Priest of the Year Award (photo, bottom left), which is the Archbishop T. Elko Religious Award. I was glad that I was able to attend the dinner and presentation on Tuesday evening. He is the most deserving priest for this award. Congratulations, Msgr. Lane! 1 MY WINTER CABIN: I was able to take a couple of days and spend time at my cabin (photo, below) over the weekend. It was great to sit inside by the fire reading and relaxing with the beautiful scenery surrounding me. I am so grateful to have a place to get away. 5 SA I N T C E C I L I A RO M A N C AT H O L I C PA R I S H PA R I S H N E W S & N O T E S FISH FRY & BAKE COD + TILAPIA + FISH TACOS + PIZZA + LOTS OF SIDES Desserts & Carry-Outs Available Fridays in Lent. Help the Boosters support our kids’ sports programs at Saint Cecilia. Movie Night at St. C Student Scholars Join us on Monday, March 7, at 6:30 PM for a FREE screening of Mary of Nazareth in the school cafeteria. Food & beverages provided (including beer and wine). An epic portrayal of the life of Mary, mother of Christ, which traces her life from childhood through the resurrection of her son, Jesus. The following students from St. Cecilia earned honors for the second quarter at Purcell Marian High School. Way to go, Cavaliers! The Darkest Hour On Good Friday, March 25, the St. Cecilia Choir will perform The Darkest Hour live at 7 PM. This is a solemn reflection on the suffering and death of Christ with readings and music, and the extinguishing of light. This service has been recorded by the St. Cecilia Choir. The CD is on sale for $10 with all proceeds supporting the St. Cecilia Music Ministries. Call Bob Kellison at 871-5757, ext. 208, for a copy. Make The Darkest Hour a part of your Holy Week. DEAN’S LIST: Owen Lewis & Christina Heffner FIRST HONORS Cierra Brown Tara McGrath William Merusi Christopher Bird Raven Cox Joshua Hume Keith Long Stormi Terrell Elizabeth Heffner SECOND HONORS Raymond Hahn II Andrew Palmer Sanam Dhillon Abel Edwards Danielle Williams Kennedy Gentry Tyler Hopkins Jordan Meeks Benjamin Poe Cameron Nowlin Banquet for Life 2016 Pregnancy Center East cordially invites you to attend “An Evening with Laura Ingraham” on Thursday, April 14, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel downtown. Honorees for the evening are Rosemarie and Declan O’Sullivan. 5:30 p.m. Social | 7- 9 p.m. Dinner and Program You can sponsor a table for 10 at $500.00. You can also reserve a dinner at $50.00. Special $4 parking in SP+ garage. Enter at 212 W. 4th St. or 229 W. 5th St. Visit BanquetForLife2016.eventbrite.com for online reservations. Let’s play ball. Lions B A S E B A L L 6 SAVE THE DATES! JULY 15-16-17 Planning has started for this summer’s festival. Want to get involved? We’d love to have you join the team— contact our festival chairs, Doug & Joy Kornish, at dkorinsh@cinci.rr.com or jkornish@cinci.rr.com if interested. The flea market collections begin March 6 & 20 and April 3 & 17, 11 AM - 2 PM, at the garage behind the church. Contact Anita & Carl Dalessandro at anitacarl@fuse.net with flea market questions. Baseball sign-ups are going on now for Grades 1-5. Registration fee is $60 per player. Contact Ann Herzner at 748-1265 for information packets or with any questions. FE B RUA RY 27-28, 2 016 S T E WA R D S H I P P r a y, M i n i s t e r, a n d G i v e F r o m W h a t Yo u H a v e STEWARDSHIP OF PRAYER So Why Latin? Part 4 Please keep in prayer Linda Wendt, Sheila Woodard, Gabriel Thompson & family, and the McPherron family that they all receive God’s healing grace. Contact Barb Browarsky at the parish office, (513) 871-5757, ext. 202, with Mass and sanctuary devotional candle intention requests. All requests are honored for two weeks with the individual’s or family’s approval. These past weeks we have discussed the history and tradition of Latin and how it can help add to the reverence and sacredness of the Mass. One reason for the introduction of the vernacular was to encourage us to a full and active participation in the Mass, yet we always need to rise above the profane and familiar, to open our eyes to the sacred, which should inspire awe. The US bishops outlined that “each worshiping community in the United States, including all age groups and all ethnic groups, should, at a minimum, learn Kyrie XVI, Sanctus XVIII, and Agnus Dei XVIII, all of which are typically included in congregational worship aids.” (Sing to the Lord, Music in Divine Worship #75) For many years now, we have been singing the parts of the Mass in Latin as a parish and as a school community to allow and encourage authentic Catholic liturgy and participation. Bishops across the country are now beginning to specifically require their parishes and schools to do this. St. Cecilia is a national leader in liturgical music. In the preface of the Mass we pray: “Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord.” This sursum corda—the lifting of our hearts—is a requirement for real participation in the Mass. The music and prayers of the Mass are to create a sacred atmosphere and raise us up. As one theologian expressed it: “Do we better meet Christ by soaring up to Him or by dragging Him down into our world?” Yes, having prayers and songs in English allows for greater participation, but does it draw us out of our ordinary lives into an encounter with Christ? Does it increase reverence, an appreciation of the sacred? Does it bestir the human spirit and evoke a sense of eternity? Today, as we do at every Mass, we are celebrating the Roman liturgy of the Church. There is a unity among Roman Catholics throughout the world, and Latin remains the official language of the Roman Catholic Church and its liturgy. By adding the knowledge of Latin chants to the vernacular, we join a long history and tradition. And we recall that our true purpose of the Mass is to call us out of the ordinary, to respond to God with reverence and awe, and to join our prayers to the offering of Christ. Pray the Stations of the Cross Fridays in Lent at 9:30 AM, 2:15 PM, and 7 PM STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCE 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) Each year, the Catholic Ministries Appeal offers us the opportunity to live as disciples of Christ by supporting ministries serving people throughout our archdiocese. Please join with your fellow parishioners of St. Cecilia Parish and all the other parishes in the archdiocese as we all work together to support the CMA. To date, our parish has pledged $23,489.00 towards our goal of $30,305.00. For more information and to pledge securely online, please visit CatholicAppeal.info. Or text to donate: Text the phrase “2016CMA” to 555-888 (standard data and message rates may apply). Thank you! COLLECTIONS for WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 15 Envelopes/Loose Change $10,033.00 Online Giving $2,788.00 | TOTAL $12,821.00 Education Fund $297.00 St. Vincent de Paul Society $1,940.00 I S E RV E R S C H E DU L E F OR T H E W E E K OF F E BRUA RY 29 - M A RC H 6 I MONDAY 9:00 am - C. Herzner & J. Escobar TUESDAY 9:00 am - St. Edmund Campion WEDNESDAY 9:00 am - M. Ramirez & B. S. Dalessandro THURSDAY 9:00 am - E. Garcia, L. Davis & D. Schnuck FRIDAY 9:00 am - St. Edmund Campion & D. Hilgefort SATURDAY 9:00 am - R. Case & W. Merusi 4:00 pm - C. DiMuzio SUNDAY 8:00 am - R. Peddicord & J. Pearson 10:00 am - L. Whittaker, D. Bonomo & D.Hillebrand 7 NAEGELE, KLEB & IHLENDORF Funeral Home, Inc. 3900 Montgomery Rd. • Bernie Naegele, Parishioner & Director & Tara Fridley, Director 631-2240 • www.naegelefuneralhome.com Open 24 Hrs. 871-2114 PRAY for PEACE Madison & Edwards Rd. • PLUMBING • HEATING • COOLING • ELECTRIC Saint Cecilia parishioner Saint Cecilia parishioner Saint Cecilia parishioner Saint Cecilia parishioner SUSAN M. KELLISON SUSAN M. KELLISON SUSAN M. KELLISON SUSAN M. KELLISON 513.324.9077 513.324.9077 513.324.9077 513.324.9077 susan.kellison@era.com susan.kellison@era.com susan.kellison@era.com susan.kellison@era.com Call for aa FREE home market analysis Call a FREE home market analysis Call forfor FREE home market analysis Call for a FREE home market analysis Call us today for a lunch and tour! CONDO SALE 321-OAKT STUDIO STUDIO CONDOFOR FOR SALE 2324 2324MADISON MADISON RD. 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Our Location Has Changed! 3365 Highland Ave. 513-631-4455 3709 Eastern Avenue A A CONTACT CONTACT SUSAN KELLISON SUSAN KELLISON 513.324.9077 513.324.9077 Food, Fun, Sports, Spirits hydeparkpainting.com Remodeling • Drywall • Concrete Gutters • Handyman Your Complete Home Repair Company Funeral Home & Cremation Center Black B Back BOTTOM BARRINGTON OF OAKLEY a Senior Lifestyle community Independent/Assisted/Memory Care LINDA BODEN – Director of Marketing and Sales 4855 Babson Place | Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-561-9100 | F: 513-561-9600 | C: 513-600-4667 WWW.SENIORLIFESTYLE.COM Window Company Gilkey.com Special Discounts for Parishioners 3709 Eastern Ave Cincinnati, OH 45226 513-871-2200 www.houseofrunntri.com Please visit House of Run N Tri to obtain the card balance. A Back TOP 2961 Madison Rd., Cincinnati ~ 513-731-1944 ~ 513-531-0105 ~ www.clepperkelsch.com This gift card may be applied toward any purchase at House of Run N Tri. This card will not be replaced if lost or stolen and the user will not be issued any cash back. CORCORAN & HARNIST Father Jamie’s favorite art and antique store. Please carefully review this digital proof. A signed proof must be submitted before production can begin. OK as is Please reproof with changes indicated 3052 Madision Rd. • 513-631-8886 www.astutefurnishings.com Heating & A/C 1457 Harrison Avenue 921-2227 Windows of St. Cecilia School provided by Gilkey Window Company Call for a FREE in-home consultation or visit our Sharonville Showroom. 3625 Hauck Rd. • 513-769-4527 Sarah Beiser Eaton, Parishioner P L U M B I N G , Date 513-533-0392 Courtesy Automotive welcomes Tom Eppens as assistant Service Manager Tom would like to invite his customers from Schirmers Garage, where he worked for over 38 years, to visit him here for all your automotive needs. 3161 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 www.gocourtesy.com • 513-871-3161 GEO. H. ROHDE & SON Funeral Home Since 1910 Electrical Contracting & Engineering 3182 Madison Rd, Cincinnati • 513-871-2266 Commercial/Industrial/Design & Build themadisonprintshoppe.com 2867 Stanton Ave., Cincinnati madisonprintshoppe@gmail.com Bring in this bulletin to receive 513-961-7200 10% off your 1st order. www.bizcomelec.com Expires 12/1/2017 John H. 1920 J.H. (Don) 1948 Steve 1975 Four generations and 100 years of family service to Eastern Cincinnati. 3183 Linwood Ave. • Mt. Lookout Square Serving Eastern Hills, Mt. Lookout & Hyde Park 321-0404 Serving individual and business clientele. Proud to be a part of the Oakley Community. 513-533-2005 513-617-9044 dmb@bpbslaw.com ridnercontracting@yahoo.com Good Food...Good Friends...Good Times... Anderson Hills Plumbing 513-531-4200 Over 59 Years Experience & Satisfaction miospizza.com Ernie, Jack, Ralph & Barb Vilardo 6229 Beechmont Avenue Hyde Park 3703 Paxton Avenue, Cincinnati 513-232-3821 Tim Agnello Ted’s Pawn Shop Since 1970 Residential Home Sales “A Pro-Life Business” A N D T R U S T C O M P A N Y Lic. #PB100101, 000 513-484-8076 Y��� C�n���na�� b��� ��n�� 1891. www.TesoroRealty.com 513-631-2112 2739 Madison Road (Corner of Madison & Edwards) Proud to be an Oakley tradition ST. MARGARET HALL since 1965, open Sunday at 11:00. 1960 Madison Rd.*****513-751-5880 Over 871-2930 Smile. George H. 1910 DAN BENNIE Attorney at Law I N C . InterIor and exterIor PaIntIng Residential-Commerical Hyde Park Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 A Legal Professional Association 5 1 3 - 6 3 1 - 2 0 0 1 I (the undersigned) accept full responsibility for the layout and accuracy of sample art as represented above or with changes clearly indicated. • Custom-built vinyl windows Signature • Entry and Patio Doors • Many financing options available HALPIN Barron Peck Bennie & Schlemmer “The Difference is Love” Compassionate, loving care served by the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm 50 years of loving care Rehabilitation, Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living St. Cecilia School MADISON BOWL & DINER OAKLEY 271-1270 COURTESY AUTOMOTIVE Welcomes Tom Eppens 3161 Madison Road • 513-871-3167 www.gocourtesy.com 5 1 3 7 3 1 7 7 5 5 DEWEY’S PIZZA THE MORE YOU DEW THE MORE YOU GET DEWEY’S IS GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY. I N T H E H E A R T O F O A K L E Y #78237-JD-2/12/16
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