August 14, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
August 14, 2016 - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE PARISH & SCHOOL GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Sunday, August 14 Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass for children ages 4-2nd grade & 3rd-4th grade Nursery ages 1-3 during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass, Teachers’ Lounge Mass 9 a.m. Mass 11 a.m. Monday, August 15 Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Baptism Preparation Session 6 p.m., Pastoral Center Tuesday, August 16 Parish & School 2750 Burton St. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 WEEKEND LITURGIES Saturday 5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, August 17 Saturday 4 p.m. Communion Service 8:30 a.m. SPACE Rehearsal 7 p.m., Church Thursday, August 18 Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Friday, August 19 Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Saturday, August 20 Mass 5 p.m. Sunday, August 21 Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass Nursery ages 1-3 during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass Mass 9 a.m. Mass 11 a.m. Monday, August 22 Communion Service 8:30 a.m. PARISH OFFICE 616-949-4170/FAX 616-949-5295 Msgr. Ernest P. Schneider, Pastor ext. 246 Deacon Ed Harwood, Pastoral Associate ext. 241 Sr. Rosanne Szocinski, O.P., Pastoral Associate ext. 249 Beth Kolenda-Spencer, Director of Faith Formation ext. 243 Jillian Langford, Youth Minister ext. 247 Barbara Rewa, Music Director ext. 240 Mary Harwood, Asst. Music Director/Technology ext. 216 Tuesday, August 23 Communion Service 8:30 a.m. The following people will be remembered at all Masses celebrated Monday, August 15— August 21. † Janet McDiarmid † Mary Kay Ursul † Charles Donnelly † Tim Sullivan, Sr. † Harry Kryger † John Schoendorff † Virginia Twilling † Adam Murphy St. Paul the Apostle † Nancy Gould † Lawrence Inman, Jr. Living & Deceased Members of the Kowalski & Cwayna Families Intentions of Jack & Mary Lou Gavin & Fran Kelly Intentions of the Jay Bufton Family LAST COLLECTION 8/7/2016 $33,164.50 Peggy Marshall, Parish Manager ext. 245 Jennifer Trudeau, Finance Manager ext. 217 Susana Zavala, Administrative Assistant ext. 244 Bulletin Submissions SCHOOL OFFICE 616-949-1690/FAX 616-949-0836 Lori Salva, Principal ext. 222 Bridget Bissell, Administrative Assistant ext. 221 Lenore Burnett, Office Assistant ext. 213 We are committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ which calls us to proclaim our beliefs through love for and service to our community. Strengthened by the sacraments and our celebration of the liturgy together we are dedicated to ministering to the spiritual, education, and social needs of all. As a caring people, we seek to teach, heal, reconcile, and to grow in the image and likeness of God. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 14, 2016 MINISTRY SCHEDULE, AUGUST 20 & 21 ALTAR SERVERS Mary Jane Aalders Bernie Agacinski Deborah Bangert Frank Bozek Dan Burch Terry Conklin John Deederly Sandra Elmer Dennis Fallon Jackie Ghysels Bev Liptak Marie Mailloux Thomas Maue Wayne Morford Fred & Maureen Murphy Rita Quinn Louis Rabito Allen Rice Cecilia Schafer Joe Spielmakar Nancy Stone Mary Woodworth Mike Woodworth Elizabeth Zucco And all those we know and love who are ill. If you are seriously ill or will be hospitalized, please call to have your name added to the Prayer List. Names are kept on the list for four weeks. Please call or email Deacon Ed with an update once a month. PERPETUAL PRAYER CYCLE This week, Joe Russo will be praying for the needs of our parish. Call him with your intentions at 949-5589. Next: Tim & Julie Sullivan SACRAMENT INFORMATION To schedule a Baptism, please fill out the form under the Sacraments tab at or call the Parish Office. Couples desiring Marriage should be registered parishioners and must complete the marriage preparation requirements. Please fill out the form under the Sacraments tab or contact the Parish Office to begin the process. For spiritual care for homebound, nursing home, or hospitalized parishioners or to schedule the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact Deacon Ed. If you or a family member are hospitalized or placed in a facility for care or rehabilitation and want a visit or spiritual care, please contact Deacon Ed. HIPPA laws do not allow clergy or churches to receive information other than from yourself or a family member. Also, if you make it known that you are Catholic when entering the hospital or facility, Communion Ministers and Catholic Chaplains can visit you. For information about First Communion, First Reconciliation, Confirmation, or if you are interested in becoming Catholic (RCIA), please contact Beth Kolenda-Spencer. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Burton Heights Body Shop See their ad on the back of the bulletin and remember to patronize our advertisers who make our bulletin possible! 5:00 Jimmy Chavez, Molly Leonard, Logan McCahill 9:00 Kylie Halverson, Lauren Halverson, Elizabeth Jervis 11:00 Daniel Mancinelli, Maria Pozza, Max Trudeau READERS 5:00 Jack Hartmann, Patty Korte 9:00 Kevin Furmaga, John Gonser 11:00 Bob Kreha, Beth Wojciuch EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 5:00 Renee Frazho, Mary Hartmann, Paul Korte, Sarah Kurth Julia Nellet, Joe Rossi, Florence Tartaglione, Anne Valentine 9:00 Elaine Allison, Mike Duffy, Robert Ellis, Fritz Gast, Linda Graham, Susan Miller, Jane Payne, Amy Quillan 11:00 Sandra Elmer, Mo Murphy, Dan Springer, Kathy Swain, Sharon Tietema, Val Williams, Stacey Wykoski *1 volunteer needed USHERS 5:00 Fred Gilhoran, Charlie Jilek, Ray Vella, Tom Wysocki *1 volunteer needed 9:00 Todd Jervis, Todd Mellema, Al Puglessi, Ed Roubal, Patrick VanderVeen 11:00 Gary Mancewicz, Dick Wittkowski, Michael Wittkowski, Rick Wittkowski *1 volunteer needed VIDEO TECHNICIAN Nate Trudeau ALTAR CARE Lisa & Molly Leonard Please logon to the scheduler app or contact the Parish Office to volunteer or to request a sub. If you are having trouble accessing the scheduler, please contact Mary Harwood. BISHOP DAVID J. WALKOWIAK ASKS US TO PRAY FOR OUR SEMINARIANS We especially pray for: Patrick R. Byars University of St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary 1000 East Maple Ave. Mundelein, IL 60060 Faithful God, help us to live out our mission in the Church. Help your people know their vocation in life and prepare for it. Give those whom you call to be priests and religious the grace to respond generously and to persevere faithfully. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Because the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on a Monday this year, it is not a Holy Day of Obligation. TIME TO REGISTER FOR REP! Religious Education registration materials were sent out to all families last week. REP includes children from age 3 (Sunday school) through high school (youth group). Religious Ed classes for 1st-6th grades are filled on a first come, first served basis, so register early to increase your chances of getting your first choice! Schedules and additional information for all age levels will be sent closer to the beginning of the school year via email. If you did not receive a form or need more information visit or contact Beth KolendaSpencer. FALL STUDY OPPORTUNITIES There will be a four part Monday evening class to discuss 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley starting on September 12 at 7 -8:30 p.m. If you would like to participate, please contact Mary Ann Mancewicz at 9572617 or or Patty Korte at 949-3516 or The Monday/Tuesday Bible Study with Sr. Rosanne will begin on September 19/20. The Monday session will meet 9:4511:30 a.m. and the Tuesday session will meet 1-2:45 p.m. The study for the fall will be Follow Me — Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John. This is a nine week study. The final week will be November 14/15. If you plan to attend the Fall Bible Study, please contact Sr. Rosanne by Wednesday, August 31. Materials will be ordered September 1. Cost is $20. Books will be available at the first class. Please bring your bible and Catechism of the Catholic Church. Our winter session will be a study of First Corinthians and will begin in January. Questions? Contact Sr. Rosanne. PARISH MINISTRY & CATECHETICAL CONFERENCE Devote a day to growing and learning in faith at the 2016 Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference. The keynote address — “Must We Forgive: Prodigals, Mothers, and God” — will be delivered by Amy Florian, a nationally recognized speaker and teacher specializing in liturgy and bereavement. All adults in the Diocese of Grand Rapids are welcome to attend the conference on Saturday, September 24, 8:45-4:30 p.m. at West Catholic High School. Cost is $40. Attendance counts for continuing education hours for anyone with a Catechist Certificate. Register online at AUGUST 14, 2016 The St. Paul family offers our condolences to Beth & Mark Spencer on the loss of her father, Gerald Daniels; and to John & Cathy Cole on the loss of their daughter-in-law, Kathleen Cole. Please keep the deceased and their loved ones in your prayers. Congratulations to Melissa Gary & Stephen Cook who celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage on August 6, 2016. ELECTRONIC GIVING St. Paul offers online giving to make stewardship even easier. Your gift can be given on a recurring basis or as a onetime gift using your credit card or through your checking or savings account. Please visit and click on the My eOffering logo to register for electronic giving. Contact the Parish Office if you have any questions or need assistance. Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure. CHURCH TEMPERATURE During the summer months, we receive a variety of opinions regarding the temperature of the church. Some people would like it cooler and some would like it warmer. Each week at the staff meeting, we discuss our experience with the temperature and any comments that we’ve received and make adjustments as seems appropriate. Due to the size and design of the space, maintaining an even temperature is difficult. It is cooler in the rear of the church as that is where the vents are located. It gets warmer toward the front. If you have a concern about the temperature, please email our Parish Manager Peggy Marshall. As you can appreciate it, it is difficult for me to discuss the temperature issue in the time before and after a Mass. Thank you for your understanding, Fr. Ernie ST. ROBERT EMPLOYMENT MINISTRY Those seeking work are invited to attend employment and networking resource meetings held at St. Robert in Ada. The group meets every other Wednesday from 9:30-11 a.m. Individual coaching is available from community members with many years of experience in the hiring process. Upcoming meetings are on August 17 & 31. Please contact Bill Weitzel at 616-446-1873 with questions or for more info. BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS If your group has information or an event for the bulletin, please email it to Mary at no later than Friday one week before the weekend you would like it published. Anything received after the deadline will be included as space and publishing dates allow.
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