ACIPSS-Newsletter /2011


ACIPSS-Newsletter /2011
- collecting intelligence news of today
that will become intelligence history of tomorrow =============================================================
3 June 2012
(weekly @ is for transmitting purposes
Disclaimer: Please see at the end of this newsletter!
Contributors: Oliver PLAUDER
Table of contents:
China verhaftet mutmaßlichen US-Spion
Deutsche U-Boote ohne Atomwaffen an Israel geliefert
Egypt's Mubarak sentenced to life, protests erupt
Charles Taylor sentenced to 50 years in prison for war crimes
Syrien: USA veröffentlichen Fotos von möglichen Massengräbern
Barack Obama, der Herrscher über die Todesliste
Pazifik-Fokus der US Navy
PACAF releases report on Alaska F-16 squadron move
Russia, India Sign Multi-Role Transport Plane Deal
Carter: DOD Puts Strategy Before Budget for Future Force
Secretary of the Navy Names Joint High Speed Vessel USNS Millinocket
Congress Will Allow Energy Dept to Reclassify Nuke Info
White House Responds to Report on Obama's Role in Targeted Killings
Obamas Militär 2.0: Der Schattenkrieger
US-Militär will "Spy-Rocks" in Afghanistan einsetzen
Russland: US-Spion zu zwölf Jahren Haft verurteilt
Russian Arms For Syria Not For Use Against Civilians – Putin
Borey Submarine Contract Signed - Shipbuilding Corp.
2082/12 Report: Obama Knew of Cyber Attacks on Iran
2083/12 Russia Toughens Iran Stance, Still Opposes US Missile Defense
2084/12 Allegations on Iran's activities in Parchin baseless
2085/12 Tehran Sent Troops to Syria - Iranian Officer
2086/12 Powerful 'Flame' Computer Virus Hits Iran, Mideast
Pentagon: Iran Helps Assad Regime, Al-Qaeda Foments Violence In Syria
Clinton Tells Russia Its Syria Policy Leading to Civil War
Actions outside UN Security Council Likely in Syria
4 Dead as Syrian Troops Shell Massacre Town
Security Council Briefed on Syrian 'Low Point'
Pentagon Supports Diplomatic, Economic Pressure on Syria
US Expels Syrian Diplomat Over Houla Massacre
Islamist, Oldliner Confirmed for Egypt's Presidential Run-off
UN Says Civilian Death Rate in Afghanistan is Unacceptable
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UN: Civilian Casualties Drop in Afghanistan
US: No Commando Spies in North Korea
F-35 fighters best suit Taiwan's air defense needs
UN warns of worsening global displacement over next ten years
Pakistan Denies Return of US Trainers
Pakistani Doctor's Family Says Trial A Sham
India test-fires 2 Akash missiles, one successful
Neue Dokumente aus dem
Dänischer Geheimdienst
Spitze von Polizei und
Liechtenstein ist kein
Vatikan aufgetaucht
nimmt zwei Terrorverdächtige fest
Geheimdienst in Frankreich ausgetauscht
sicherer Hafen mehr
UK court backs Assange extradition to Sweden
Government scraps 'secret inquests' plan
Two men charged over pipe bomb find in Dungannon
Derry man in court over Maureen Avenue bombs find
Four in court over 'terror training camp' near Omagh
UN doctors to examine Marian Price
Gerry Adams says dissident republican talks offer is genuine
Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness offers to meet dissidents
Loyalist group PAD threatens to shoot 'scumbag' drug dealers
Garda mole gave police secrets to IRA, claims Witness Q
Extension for Smithwick Tribunal
Jordan shooting informant 'killed'
Wie die Stasi 20 Jahre lang einen Freiburger bespitzelte
Koalition distanziert sich von Verfassungsschutz-Spitze
Geheimdienst-Kontrolle geht Grünen noch nicht weit genug
Strache und Graf - ein Missverhältnis
Kolumbien: Der Drogenbaron als Telenovela
Fidel hatte 48 (!) Doppel-Agenten in den USA
Somalia:End of transition period represents ‘historic starting point’
Deal Between Mali Tuaregs, Islamists Breaks Apart
Briefing: Ruptures and repercussions in Mali
UGANDA: No more amnesty certificates for rebels
DR Congo: 10.000 displaced by the latest violence in North Kivu
Wie Spionagewurm Flame Experten jahrelang narren konnte
Der Spion aus dem Internet BILD
Diplomaten-Depeschen von Wikileaks - Die CIA als Kronzeugin
Spionage: Groß angelegter Cyber-Angriff im Nahen Osten
Surf-Verhalten: Webseiten spähen Millionen Nutzer auf
Israelischer Eichmann-Verfolger Aharoni mit 91 Jahren gestorben
Congress’s Contempt Power, and More from CRS
Instead of Ramping Up, Declassification Activity Slowed in 2011
Declassification of the Historical Backlog – A Correction
Move to Declassify FISA Court Rulings Yields No Results
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Das braune Exil in Argentinien
Von Zeppelinmotor bis „Ostseerocker“
Media alerts
--------------------------------------------------------------China verhaftet mutmaßlichen US-Spion
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(focus) Es ist der größte Spionageskandal zwischen China und den USA seit
fast 30 Jahren. Ein Agent soll als Sekretär eines Vizeministers die
Amerikaner mit Infos aus der wichtigsten Geheimdienstbehörde Chinas
versorgt haben.
Die chinesischen Behörden haben nach
Hongkong einen mutmaßlichen US-Spion
am Freitag (Ortszeit) unter Berufung
soll der Mann einen ranghohen Posten
Peking gehabt haben. Es handelt sich
zwischen den USA und China seit rund
Medienberichten aus den USA und
festgenommen. Wie die „New York Times“
auf informierte Kreise berichtete,
im Ministerium für Staatssicherheit in
um den wohl größten Spionagefall
drei Jahrzehnten.
--------------------------------------------------------------Deutsche U-Boote ohne Atomwaffen an Israel geliefert
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(welt) Die Bundesregierung verteidigt die Lieferung von U-Booten nach
Israel, betont jedoch, dass die Boote unbewaffnet geliefert wurden. Zuvor
wurde bekannt, dass Israel die Boote mit Atomwaffen bestücke.
Berlin verteidigt die umstrittene Lieferung von deutschen U-Booten an
Israel. "Die Bundesregierung steht mit der Lieferung von U-Booten an Israel
in der Kontinuität ihrer Vorgängerregierungen", sagte Regierungssprecher
Steffen Seibert am Sonntag "Spiegel Online". "Die Lieferung erfolgt ohne
Bewaffnung; an Spekulationen über die spätere Bewaffnung beteiligt sich die
Bundesregierung nicht."
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--------------------------------------------------------------Egypt's Mubarak sentenced to life, protests erupt
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(reuters) Hosni Mubarak, toppled by an uprising last year after 30 years
ruling Egypt, was sentenced to life imprisonment on Saturday for his role
in killing protesters after a trial that sets a precedent for holding
Middle East autocrats to account.
But it was not enough for thousands of Egyptians who poured onto the
streets afterwards in a nation already on edge before a deciding
presidential vote in two weeks. Some wanted Mubarak executed, others feared
the judge's ruling exposed weaknesses in the case that could let the exmilitary strongman off on appeal.
(b) Zorn in Ägypten nach Mubarak-Urteil:
--------------------------------------------------------------Charles Taylor sentenced to 50 years in prison for war crimes
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(guardian) Judge at court in The Hague says ex-Liberia president's crimes
were of the 'utmost gravity in scale and brutality'.
Liberia's former president, Charles Taylor, has been sentenced to 50 years
in jail for being "in a class of his own" when committing war crimes during
the long-running civil war in neighbouring Sierra Leone.
Judges at a UN-backed tribunal in The Hague said his leadership role and
exploitation of the conflict to extract so-called "blood diamonds" meant he
deserved one of the longest prison sentences handed down so far by the
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--------------------------------------------------------------Syrien: USA veröffentlichen Fotos von möglichen Massengräbern
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(morgenpost) Die US-Botschaft in Damaskus
hat Aufnahmen veröffentlicht, die
Massengräber zeigen sollen. Der USGeheimdienst bestätigt die Authentizität.
Eine Woche nach dem Massaker mit mehr als
100 Toten im syrischen Hula hat die USBotschaft in Damaskus im Internet
Satellitenaufnahmen veröffentlicht, die
Massengräber in der Region zeigen sollen.
Auf der Seite der Botschaft im sozialen
Netzwerk Facebook war eine Montage aus
Bildern vom 18. und 28. Mai zu sehen.
Auf der zweiten Aufnahme ist aufgeschüttete Erde zu erkennen, die auf
Massengräber hindeuten könnte. Ein führender US-Geheimdienstmitarbeiter
bestätigte die Authentizität der Satellitenbilder.
--------------------------------------------------------------Barack Obama, der Herrscher über die Todesliste
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(welt) Barack Obama hat den Drohnenkrieg gegen Terroristen intensiviert. Er
behält sich vor, persönlich über Leben und Tod zu entscheiden – zivile
Opfer nimmt er in Kauf. Ein Bericht aus dem Situation Room.
Die Nachrichtendienste haben sie zusammengestellt, die neueste
Feindesliste: 15 Al-Qaida-Verdächtige im Jemen mit Verbindungen in den
Westen. Die Fahndungsfotos und Kurzbiografien erinnern stark an die Seiten
eines Schüler-Jahrbuchs. Einige der Verdächtigen sind sogar Amerikaner.
Zwei weitere sind kaum im Teenageralter, darunter ein Mädchen, das dem
Aussehen nach noch nicht einmal 17 Jahre alt sein dürfte.
--------------------------------------------------------------Pazifik-Fokus der US Navy
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(nzz) Verteidigungsminister Panetta hat auf einer Asienreise erste Details
der neuen strategischen Ausrichtung der USA im Pazifikraum bekannt gegeben.
Unter anderem sollen künftig 60 Prozent der Flotte dort operieren.
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Die USA werden im Rahmen ihrer neuen Verteidigungsstrategie bei der
Stationierung ihrer Kriegsmarine das bisherige Gleichgewicht zwischen dem
Atlantischen und dem Pazifischen Ozean aufgeben und eine Mehrheit der
Kriegsschiffe im Pazifik operieren lassen. Dies erklärte
Verteidigungsminister Panetta am Wochenende in einer Rede an der jährlichen
Asien-Sicherheitskonferenz des Internationalen Instituts für Strategische
Studien (IISS) in Singapur, in welcher er erste Details zur neuen
amerikanischen Verteidigungsstrategie bekannt gab.
--------------------------------------------------------------PACAF releases report on Alaska F-16 squadron move
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(usaf) Pacific Air Forces today released a report on the Air Force's plan
to move people and aircraft associated with the 18th Aggressor Squadron
from Eielson AFB near Fairbanks, Alaska, to Joint Base ElmendorfRichardson, near Anchorage, Alaska.
Pacific Air Forces led a 26-member Site Activation Task Force (SATAF) team
which traveled to both installations in April to study the overall impact
of the F-16 squadron move scheduled for FY13. The team validated that,
after an initial outlay of $5.6 million in FY13, the move will result in
manpower savings of 81 military positions and cost savings of $14.6 million
over the next five years, through a combination of manpower and efficiency
savings generated by consolidating operations and maintenance supervision
overhead and base support functions.
--------------------------------------------------------------Russia, India Sign Multi-Role Transport Plane Deal
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(rian) India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and Russia’s United
Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Transport Aircraft division have signed a
contract to produce 205 multi-role transport aircraft (MTA), the Indo-Asian
News Agency (IANS) has reported.
The 15-20 ton-class aircraft will be supplied to the Russian Air Force (100
planes), the Indian Air Force (45 planes), with the remaining 60 exported
to third parties the report said. Their joint venture firm, Multirole
Transport Aircraft Ltd (MTAL), also signed the venture deal.
--------------------------------------------------------------Carter: DOD Puts Strategy Before Budget for Future Force
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(DOD) The Defense Department has placed strategy before budget in facing
present and anticipated threats while building its joint force for the
future, Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said here today.
Carter discussed DOD’s budget priorities for the 21st century at the
American Enterprise Institute’s Marilyn Ware Center for Security Studies,
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as President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2013 National Defense Authorization
Act makes its way through Congress.
“While we've been fighting [in Iraq and Afghanistan] the world has not
stood still, our friends and enemies have not stood still, and technology
has not stood still,” the deputy defense secretary said.
--------------------------------------------------------------Secretary of the Navy Names Joint High Speed Vessel USNS Millinocket
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(DOD) The future USNS Millinocket is the first naval vessel to be named in
honor of Millinocket, Maine. Founded in 1901, Millinocket’s main source of
revenue for residents came from working at what was, at the time, the
world’s largest paper mill. During the Great Depression, showing a great
sense of community, mill workers coordinated to reduce the number of hours
individual employees worked, ensuring all employees kept their jobs and
were able to provide for their families.
Last February the USS Stephen W. Groves was decommissioned after almost 30
years of active service. The ship was named for Ensign Stephen W. Groves,
a native of East Millinocket, Maine and a naval aviator who was
posthumously awarded the Navy Cross for his brave actions during the Battle
of Midway during World War II.
--------------------------------------------------------------Congress Will Allow Energy Dept to Reclassify Nuke Info
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(fas) Congress is poised to amend the Atomic Energy Act to allow certain
nuclear weapons-related information that is classified as Formerly
Restricted Data (FRD) to be restored to the Restricted Data (RD) category.
FRD and RD are both classified under the Atomic Energy Act, but FRD
generally pertains to the utilization of nuclear weapons, whereas RD mostly
deals with nuclear weapons design information.
Last year, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu wrote to Congress to propose
legislation that would permit moving FRD back into the RD category,
something that is currently not permitted by the Atomic Energy Act, in
order to provide improved security. (Dept of Energy Wants to Reclassify
Some Info as ‘Restricted Data’, Secrecy News, January 17, 2012.)
--------------------------------------------------------------White House Responds to Report on Obama's Role in Targeted Killing
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) The White House responded Tuesday to a major U.S. newspaper report
about President Barack Obama's role in the U.S. war against al-Qaida,
including decisions to place suspected terrorists on a list of people to be
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In a report published Tuesday, The New York Times newspaper said that since
he came to office, Mr. Obama has assumed an unprecedented role in
personally overseeing a "shadow war" against al-Qaida, including making
final decisions whether to place individuals on a "kill list."
--------------------------------------------------------------Obamas Militär 2.0: Der Schattenkrieger
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(spiegel) Zehntausende Soldaten am Boden - das ist vorbei. Im Kampf gegen
Amerikas Feinde setzt Barack Obama auf Drohnen, Spezialkommandos und
Cyberwar. Der Präsident steuert den Schattenkrieg persönlich, entscheidet
selbst über Leben und Tod. Eine riskante Strategie.
Manchmal muss John Brennan den US-Präsidenten aus Abendveranstaltungen
herausholen. Oder ihn anrufen, wenn er gerade mit Frau und Töchtern
unterwegs ist. Und manchmal steht Brennan, ein Mann wie ein Schrank,
plötzlich in der Tür zum Oval Office im Weißen Haus. Barack Obama weiß in
diesem Moment, was nun kommt: Er muss über Leben oder Tod entscheiden.
--------------------------------------------------------------US-Militär will "Spy-Rocks" in Afghanistan einsetzen
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(gulli) Im Jahr 2014 plant das amerikanische Militär sich aus Afghanistan
zurückzuziehen. Nichtsdestotrotz will man die Überwachung des Landes nicht
vollständig aufgeben. Wie das Online-Magazin Wired berichtet, sollen über
das ganze Staatsgebiet sogenannte „Spy rocks“ verteilt werden. Die kleinen
getarnten Geräte sind in der Lage, Objekte in ihrer Nähe zu registrieren
und entsprechende Vorgänge zu melden.
Bei den „Spy rocks“ handelt es sich um sogenannte „Unattended Ground
Sensors“, sprich unbeaufsichtigte Bodensensoren, die ihre Umgebung auf
Unregelmäßigkeiten überprüfen. So ist ein Modell dazu fähig, Menschen in
Umkreis von rund 800 Metern und Fahrzeuge sogar auf 2.100 Meter Entfernung
zu erkennen. Möglich ist dies durch ihre Ausstattung mit seismischen und
akustischen Sensoren.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Russland: US-Spion zu zwölf Jahren Haft verurteilt
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(hintergrund) Wegen Spionage für die USA ist ein früherer Oberst des
russischen Generalstabs in seinem Heimatland zu zwölf Jahren Lagerhaft
verurteilt worden. Der ehemalige Offizier habe mit der Weitergabe von
strategischem Kartenmaterial Landesverrat begangen, entschied ein Gericht
in Moskau am Donnerstag nach Angaben der Agentur Itar-Tass.
Der Mann habe seit 1994 systematisch Dokumente zusammengetragen und sei
nach einem konspirativen Treffen mit US-Agenten in Weißrussland
festgenommen worden, hieß es. Zu Jahresbeginn hatte der damalige russische
Präsident Dmitri Medwedew bekanntgegeben, dass im vergangenen Jahr 41
Spione verhaftet worden seien.
--------------------------------------------------------------Russian Arms For Syria Not For Use Against Civilians – Putin
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(rian) Russia is not supplying arms to Syria which can be used against
protesters, Russian President Vladmir Putin said on Friday.
“As for arms supplies, Russia is not supplying arms that could be used in
civil conflicts,” Putin said during a joint news conference with German
Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on Friday.
Representatives of the Human Rights First, a U.S.-based advocacy group,
told UN journalists on Thursday that a Russian ship allegedly carrying
weapons had docked at the Syrian port of Tartus, which hosts a Russian
naval base, on the weekend.
--------------------------------------------------------------Borey Submarine Contract Signed - Shipbuilding Corp.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(rian) Russia’s Defense Ministry and United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC)
have signed a contract for the delivery of five new Borey class (Project
955) strategic nuclear submarines, USC spokesman Alexei Kravchenko said on
“I have information that the contract for five subs has been signed,”
Kravchenko told RIA Novosti.
He did not specify when the contract was signed but said that the signing
was confirmed on Monday.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Report: Obama Knew of Cyber Attacks on Iran
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) A prominent U.S. newspaper says U.S. President Barack Obama has been
orchestrating secret, sophisticated cyber attacks on Iran's main nuclear
The New York Times cited anonymous sources close to the program who said
the order - given just after Obama took office in January 2009 - was a
major expansion of America's cyberweapons program.
The Times reports the cyber attack program began under former president
George W. Bush, who encouraged Obama to keep it going, and the new
president did so.
--------------------------------------------------------------Russia Toughens Iran Stance, Still Opposes US Missile Defense
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) International negotiations over Iran's alleged nuclear weapons
program are stalled, according to experts on the issue, and there are deep
divisions about what to do next.
The latest negotiating session, bringing together representatives from the
United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, Germany and Iran, was held
last month in Baghdad. Very little progress was achieved with the next
meeting scheduled in Moscow for mid-June.
--------------------------------------------------------------Allegations on Iran's activities in Parchin baseless
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(irna) Iran's IAEA envoy, Ali-Asghar Soltaniyeh, dismissed here on
Wednesday the West's accusations on Iran’s efforts to remove the remaining
of its illegal activities in Parchin military site, calling the allegations
as baseless.
Soltaniyeh made the remarks in a meeting with some press reporters after a
briefing at an IAEA technical meeting.
“Third parties should not interfere in Iran and IAEA technical cooperation
to resolve the nuclear issue; this kind of noise and allegations are
baseless,” the envoy underlined.,s-activities-inParchin-baseless/80161470
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--------------------------------------------------------------Tehran Sent Troops to Syria - Iranian Officer
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(rian) A senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander has admitted that
Iran has sent its troops to help the regime of embattled Syrian President
Bashar al-Assad fight opposition forces.
“Before our presence in Syria, too many people were killed by the
opposition but with the physical and non-physical presence of the Islamic
republic, big massacres in Syria were prevented,” Ismail Gha’ani, the
deputy head of Iran’s Quds force, a shadowy branch of the Revolutionary
Guards in charge of overseas operations, said in an interview with the
semi-official Iranian Student’s News Agency (ISNA), according to a report
by the Persian-language GozaraNews website.
--------------------------------------------------------------Powerful 'Flame' Computer Virus Hits Iran, Mideast
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(rfe) Experts say they have discovered a complex virus, dubbed "Flame" or
"Skywiper," which is infecting and stealing information from computers in
Iran and the Middle East.
The news is certain to stoke speculation that the virus is part of a
growing list of examples of intelligence agencies waging cyberwar on
foreign governments or other targets.
--------------------------------------------------------------Pentagon: Iran Helps Assad Regime, Al-Qaeda Foments Violence In Syria
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(rttnews) The Pentagon has alleged that Iran is supporting the Bashar-alAssad regime in Syria, and that al-Qaeda terrorists are in the country for
their own purposes.
The allegation was made by U.S. Defense Department spokesman Capt. John
Kirby at a Pentagon press briefing on Thursday.
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"We remain deeply troubled and concerned by the ongoing violence in Syria
and by the horrific acts of the Assad regime against its own people," Kirby
told reporters.
--------------------------------------------------------------Clinton Tells Russia Its Syria Policy Leading to Civil War
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(rian) U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Russia on Thursday
that its refusal to sanction UN action against Syria could see the outbreak
of a civil war in the Middle Eastern country.
The Russians "are telling me they don't want to see a civil war. I have
been telling them their policy is going to help to contribute to a civil
war," she told students on a visit to the Danish capital of Copenhagen.
--------------------------------------------------------------Actions outside UN Security Council Likely in Syria
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(rian) The worst and most likely scenario in Syria might be the option of
acting outside of the UN Security Council’s authority, the U.S. ambassador
to the UN, Susan Rice, said on Wednesday.
If all other ways to resolve the crisis fail, the world nations will have
to decide whether they are ready to act “outside of the authority of this
Council,” Rice told journalists after a closed Council meeting in New York.
--------------------------------------------------------------4 Dead as Syrian Troops Shell Massacre Town
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) Rights activists say Syrian forces have again attacked the central
area of Houla where more than 100 people were massacred last week.
The head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdel Rahman,
told VOA Thursday that three people were killed in overnight shelling by
government troops. He said a 14-year-old boy was killed later by sniper
Damascus-based United Nations spokeswoman Sausan Ghosheh said U.N. monitors
based in nearby Homs were traveling to Houla to verify the reports of
renewed attacks.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Security Council Briefed on Syrian 'Low Point'
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) The deputy to international envoy Kofi Annan, Jean-Marie Guéhenno,
has briefed the U.N.'s 15-nation Security Council on the envoy's visit to
Syria, prompting one diplomat to call the current situation a "low point in
the conflict."
After Wednesday's closed briefing, Germany's ambassador to the United
Nations, Peter Wittig, told reporters that he hoped the "flagrant
violations" like the recent massacre in Houla was an "eye opener for some
members of the council." He added that Germany is "against the
militarization of the conflict."
--------------------------------------------------------------Pentagon Supports Diplomatic, Economic Pressure on Syria
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(DOD) The Defense Department supports the U.S. policy of working with
international partners to put diplomatic and economic pressure on Syria’s
government to help stem the humanitarian crisis there, the Pentagon’s press
secretary said here today.
George Little spoke with reporters at the Pentagon about the ongoing and
destabilizing situation in Syria.
“What we're witnessing in Syria are atrocities undertaken by the [Bashar
al-]Assad regime,” he said. “That kind of violence by the regime needs to
stop. We've been clear about that.”
--------------------------------------------------------------US Expels Syrian Diplomat Over Houla Massacre
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) STATE DEPARTMENT - The United States is expelling Syria's most senior
envoy in Washington over what it says is the Syrian government's
responsibility for last week's massacre in the village of Houla. U.N.
observers confirm the deaths of more than 90 people in Houla, including
several families who appear to have been executed in their homes.
State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland says Syrian Charge d’Affaires
Zuheir Jabbour has 72 hours to leave the United States. "We took this
action in response to the massacre in the village of Houla - absolutely
indefensible, vile, despicable massacre - against innocent children, women,
shot at point-blank range by regime thugs, the Shabiha, aided and abetted
by the Iranians, who were actually bragging about it over the weekend," she
--------------------------------------------------------------Islamist, Oldliner Confirmed for Egypt's Presidential Run-off
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------(globalsecurity) Egyptian election officials on Monday confirmed
presidential vote results setting up a polarizing run-off between the
Islamist Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate and one with strong ties to the
rule of former President Hosni Mubarak.
The count from Egypt's first free presidential race last week show the
Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi as the top vote-getter and former prime
minister and secularist Ahmed Shafiq a strong second. They confirm
preliminary results released last week.
The runoff, to be held June 16-17, will offer Egyptians a stark choice
between candidates from divergent paths.
--------------------------------------------------------------UN Says Civilian Death Rate in Afghanistan is Unacceptable
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) NEW YORK - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
(UNAMA) says civilian casualties from the Afghan conflict remain at
"unacceptably high levels" despite a 21-percent drop in conflict-related
deaths during the first four months of this year.
In a report released Thursday, UNAMA said 2011 marked the fifth year in a
row in which civilian casualties increased in Afghanistan. The group said
it documented more than 3,000 civilian deaths last year, three-quarters
linked to violence by anti-government forces.
--------------------------------------------------------------UN: Civilian Casualties Drop in Afghanistan
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - The United Nations says civilian casualties in
Afghanistan have dropped by more than 20 percent in the first four months
of this year as compared to the same period in 2011.
It is the first time in five years that civilian casualty numbers have gone
down. The news comes as international troops are preparing to withdraw from
the country and Afghan forces start to take over responsibility for the
nation's security.
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--------------------------------------------------------------US: No Commando Spies in North Korea
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) PENTAGON - The Pentagon is denying a media report that quotes a top
U.S. commander as saying the U.S. is parachuting special forces into North
Korea to do reconnaissance missions.
The report in The Diplomat - an Asia Pacific current affairs magazine quoted U.S. army Brigadier General Neil Tolley as telling a conference in
the U.S. state of Florida last week that the U.S. sends soldiers to the
north for special reconnaissance of North Korea’s underground military
--------------------------------------------------------------F-35 fighters best suit Taiwan's air defense needs
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(focustaiwan) F-35 stealth fighters are the new-generation combat aircraft
that best serve Taiwan's air defense needs, a military official said
Tuesday, the latest hint that the government may not be as keen to acquire
advanced F-16 C/D fighters as once thought.
The F-35s, with their short takeoff capability, would bolster the country's
defense capabilities, as airports are likely to be destroyed by enemy
forces in the event of war, the official said on condition of anonymity
because of the sensitivity of the issue.
--------------------------------------------------------------UN warns of worsening global displacement over next ten years
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(un) The number of displaced persons worldwide will significantly grow over
the next ten years due to factors such as conflict, natural disasters and
climate change, according to the flagship publication of the United Nations
refugee agency, launched today, which stresses that international
solidarity is needed to address the issue.
“The world is creating displacement faster than it is producing solutions,
and this means one thing only: More people trapped in exile over many
years, unable to return home, to settle locally, or to move elsewhere,”
said the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, in relation
to the publication.
“Global displacement is an inherently international problem, and as such
needs international solutions – and by this I mainly mean political
solutions,” he added.
With its last version published in 2006, the Office of the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) The State of the World’s Refugees (b):
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In Search of Solidarity provides a fresh, in-depth analysis of the plight
of the world's millions of displaced people.
--------------------------------------------------------------Pakistan Denies Return of US Trainers
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) The Pakistani military is denying that U.S. military trainers have
returned to the country, a move that would indicate a thawing of relations
after coalition airstrikes mistakenly killed 24 Pakistani troops last
The Reuters news agency reported Wednesday that "fewer than 10" U.S.
special operations soldiers had been sent back to a training site in
northwestern Pakistan. But in a text message to VOA Thursday, Pakistani
military officials said the report was "incorrect, misleading and
--------------------------------------------------------------Pakistani Doctor's Family Says Trial A Sham
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(rfe) PESHAWAR -- The brother of a Pakistani doctor jailed for helping U.S.
intelligence track down Osama bin Laden has called on the head of
Pakistan's supreme court to intervene to allow an appeal by his brother.
Jamil Afridi told reporters that the trial that convicted his brother was a
sham. Doctor Shakeel Afridi was found guilty of treason in a secretive
tribal court last week and sentenced to 33 years in jail.
--------------------------------------------------------------India test-fires 2 Akash missiles, one successful
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(irna) For 3rd time in 5 days, India today test-fired surface-to-air antiaircraft 'Akash' missiles from 2 Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur
near Balasore in Odisha state, achieving success in one while the data of
the second trial was being analyzed.
'Two Akash missiles were launched from the ITR. While one test was
successful, data for the other is still being analysed,' pti reported
quoting ITR Director M V K V Prasad as said. The double test-fire came
after trials of the indigenous missile, with a range of 25 km and capable
of carrying a warhead of 60 kg to neutralise aerial targets, on May 24 and
(b) Air Force version of 'Akash' missiles successfully test-fired:
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--------------------------------------------------------------Neue Dokumente aus dem Vatikan aufgetaucht
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(augsburger-allgemeine) Die Annahmen, dass der päpstiche Kammerdiener Paolo
Gabriele nicht allein den Vatikan verraten hat, könnten stimmen. Eine
Zeitung bekam weitere vertrauliche Schreiben zugespielt.
Gibt es im Vatikan noch einen Spion? Anderthalb Wochen nach der Festnahme
des Kammerdieners von Papst Benedikt XVI. sind nach einem Zeitungsbericht
neue vertrauliche Dokumente aus dem Vatikan publik geworden. Die
italienische Zeitung La Repubblica berichtete am Sonntag, ihr seien von
einem anonymen Informanten drei weitere Schreiben aus dem Vatikan
zugespielt worden.
--------------------------------------------------------------Dänischer Geheimdienst nimmt zwei Terrorverdächtige fest
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(vaterland) Die dänische Geheimpolizei PET hat nach eigenen Angaben zwei
Terrorverdächtige festgenommen. Die Brüder seien 18 und 23 Jahre alt und
somalischer Abstammung, hiess es am Dienstag. Ihnen werde vorgeworfen,
einen Anschlag vorbereitet zu haben.
Einer von ihnen sei am Montag in der Stadt Aarhus auf Jütland festgenommen
worden, der andere, als er auf dem internationalen Flughafen von Kopenhagen
gelandet sei.
Die zwei Verdächtigen hätten Gespräche über Methoden, Ziele und den Einsatz
von Waffen für einen «Terrorakt» geführt, erklärte die Geheimpolizei
weiter. Einer von beiden werde zudem verdächtigt, ein Trainingslager der
radikalislamischen Shebab-Miliz in Somalia mit dem Ziel besucht zu haben,
einen Terroranschlag zu begehen.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Spitze von Polizei und Geheimdienst in Frankreich ausgetauscht
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(yahoo) Der neue französische Präsident François Hollande hat wie erwartet
die Spitzen von Polizei und Geheimdienst ausgetauscht, die seinem
konservativen Vorgänger Nicolas Sarkozy nahestanden. Sowohl Polizeichef
Frédéric Péchenard als auch Inlandsgeheimdienstchef Bernard Squarcini
müssten ihren Hut nehmen, teilte Regierungssprecherin Najat VallaudBelkacem am Mittwoch in Paris mit. Auch der Pariser Polizeichef Michel
Gaudin wird abgelöst.
--------------------------------------------------------------Liechtenstein ist kein sicherer Hafen mehr
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(wirtschaftsblatt) Selbst heimische Ex-Finanzminister haben hier ihr Geld
angelegt - doch gar so "sicher" vor behördlicher Behelligung, wie
landläufig angenommen, dürfte die Finanzdrehscheibe Liechtenstein nicht
(mehr) sein: Laut Rene Brülhart, Chef der Liechtensteiner Geldwäschestelle
FIU (Financial Intelligence Unit), sei es "ein großes Missverständnis, dass
bei entsprechenden Vortaten in Liechtenstein nichts verfolgt wird."
Außerdem kooperiert Liechtenstein eng mit ausländischen Polizeibehörden darunter ist das heimische Bundeskriminalamt.
Brülharts Behörde kümmert sich in Liechtenstein hauptsächlich um die
"klassische" Geldwäsche - also Finanztransaktionen, die kriminelle
Machenschaften als Hintergrund haben. Steuervergehen werden durch
Finanzbehörden verfolgt. 369 Verdachtsmeldungen hatte die FIU 2011 zu
bearbeiten - das sind geringfügig mehr als 2010.289 davon stammten von
Liechtensteiner Finanzinstitutionen, die verdächtige Geldflüsse gemeldet
haben. "Der Fokus liegt hier auf einem Frühwarnsystem, um mögliche
Missbräuche rasch zu erkennen", sagt Brülhart.
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--------------------------------------------------------------UK court backs Assange extradition to Sweden
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(reuters) Britain’s Supreme Court
ruled on Wednesday WikiLeaks founder
Julian Assange can be extradited to
Sweden over alleged sex crimes,
leaving the Australian with few
legal options after an 18-month
legal battle.
Judges at Britain’s highest court
rejected by a majority of 5-2
Assange’s argument that a European
arrest warrant for his extradition
was invalid.
However, the court gave his lawyers two weeks to contest their ruling, and
any extradition has been put on hold until Assange decides whether to
challenge the judges’s decision.
--------------------------------------------------------------Government scraps 'secret inquests' plan
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(bbc) The government has scaled back plans
to hold more court hearings in secret,
following criticism from civil liberties
groups and Liberal Democrats.
A proposal to allow inquests involving
sensitive intelligence to take place in
private has been dropped from legislation
to be published later.
Justice Secretary Ken Clarke said the plans had been "refined and
But former director of public prosecutions Lord Macdonald said the
concessions did not go far enough.
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(This section is edited by Oliver PLAUDER, ACIPSS’s expert on the IRA)
--------------------------------------------------------------Two men charged over pipe bomb find in Dungannon
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(bbc) Two men have appeared in court charged with terrorism offences.
The offences relate to the discovery of seven pipe bombs in a car on the
Mineveigh Road in Dungannon on Monday.
Thomas Hamill, 40, and Mark McGilloway, also 40, both from the Springdale
estate in Dungannon are charged with possessing seven improvised explosive
devices and having explosive substances with intent to endanger life.
--------------------------------------------------------------Derry man in court over Maureen Avenue bombs find
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(bbc) A 30-year-old man has appeared in court over the discovery of a
number of bombs in a flat in Londonderry.
The devices were found in a vacant first story flat at Maureen Avenue,
close to the city centre, on Monday.
Among the charges faced by Anthony Thomas Friel, from Gartan Square in the
city, is possession of three improvised explosive devices.
--------------------------------------------------------------Four in court over 'terror training camp' near Omagh
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(bbc) Four people have been remanded in custody in connection with an
alleged weapons training camp in County Tyrone.
Sharon Rafferty, 37 from Cavana Linn in Pomeroy, Sean Kelly, 46 from
Duneane Crescent in Toomebridge and Gavin Coney, 34 from Gorticashel Road
in Greencastle, were remanded in custody.
--------------------------------------------------------------UN doctors to examine Marian Price
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(u-tv) Price, also known by her married name Marian McGlinchey, was to have
appeared before Belfast Crown Court where she faces a charge of providing a
mobile phone to the gang responsible for the killings of Sappers Patrick
Azimkar and Mark Quinsey at Massereene barracks in Antrim in 2009.
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However, it is also said that a prison psychiatrist reported that the 58year-old, Northern Ireland's only woman high risk Category A prisoner, was
too ill to be brought to the Laganside Courthouse.
Defence lawyer Sean Devine told Judge Patrick Lynch QC that the two UN
doctors were to have seen her at the women's wing of Hydebank Prison on
Tuesday, but that "unfortunately the prison service could not accommodate"
that visit.
--------------------------------------------------------------Gerry Adams says dissident republican talks offer is genuine
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(bbc) Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has said his party's offer to hold
talks with dissident republicans is genuine.
One dissident group, Republican Network for Unity, has accused Sinn Fein of
not being serious in its offer of dialogue.
Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness made the offer during a speech at
the Sinn Fein ard fheis on Saturday.
--------------------------------------------------------------Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness offers to meet dissidents
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(belfasttelegraph) Dissident republicans opposed to the peace process are
the enemies of Ireland and are engaged in pointless violence, Martin
McGuinness has said.
The Stormont deputy First Minister hit out at the murder of policemen and
offered to meet and talk with violent groups to challenge their continuing
--------------------------------------------------------------Loyalist group PAD threatens to shoot 'scumbag' drug dealers
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(belfasttelegraph) Claims that a new vigilante group has been set up to
target drug dealers in Londonderry's loyalist areas are causing fear in the
Protestant community, a politician has said.
A DUP councillor has passed on to the police a letter he received claiming
to be from a vigilante group calling itself ‘Prods Against Drugs’ (PAD).
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--------------------------------------------------------------Garda mole gave police secrets to IRA, claims Witness Q
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(belfasttelegraph) A former RUC special branch detective has told the
Smithwick Tribunal about a report stating that a mole in the garda was
passing information to the IRA.
The witness, identified as ‘Q’, gave evidence from Belfast via video-link
to the tribunal, which is examining allegations of garda collusion in the
1989 deaths of two RUC officers, Chief Superintendent Harry Breen and
Superintendent Bob Buchanan (below).
--------------------------------------------------------------Extension for Smithwick Tribunal
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(belfasttelegraph) The Republic’s Justice Minister is to give a five-month
time extension to the multi-million pound tribunal investigating the murder
of two RUC officers by the IRA.
The Smithwick Tribunal has been running for seven years — and had been told
that it would have to finish its work by the end of this month.
--------------------------------------------------------------Jordan shooting informant 'killed'
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(belfasttelegraph) A person who gave information leading to police shooting
dead an unarmed IRA man in Northern Ireland almost 20 years ago was later
murdered, an inquest preliminary has heard.
An inquiry into security force collusion with loyalist paramilitaries by
former Metropolitan Police chief Lord Stevens revealed the material, which
was passed to Belfast coroner Brian Sherrard recently.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Wie die Stasi 20 Jahre lang einen Freiburger bespitzelte
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(badische-zeitung) Sie haben sein Leben auf 400 Seiten festgehalten: Der
geflohene DDR-Grenzsoldat Peter M. wurde mehr als 20 Jahre lang in Freiburg
von der Stasi bespitzelt. In der BZ erzählt er seine Geschichte.
Obwohl das Thema nicht zum Lachen ist, muss Peter M. kurz lachen, als er
den Wehrpass aus seiner Zeit als Soldat der Nationalen Volksarmee (NVA)
zeigt: So erzürnt waren die NVA-Oberen über seine Flucht in die
Bundesrepublik am 18. September 1967, dass sie unter diesem Datum seine
Degradierung vom Unterleutnant zum einfachen Soldaten vermerkten.
Mitbekommen hat Peter M. dies aber erst fast 30 Jahre später, als er 1996
seine 400 Seiten dicke, von der Staatssicherheit – kurz Stasi – angelegte
Akte durchforstete.
--------------------------------------------------------------Koalition distanziert sich von Verfassungsschutz-Spitze
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(thueringer-allgemeine) Der Thüringer Verfassungsschutz gerät nach der
Veröffentlichung des Schäfer-Berichts vor drei Wochen immer stärker unter
Druck. Donnerstag entzogen die Innenpolitiker der Regierungskoalition,
Wolfgang Fiedler (CDU) und Heiko Gentzel (SPD), der Führung des
Geheimdienstes offen ihr Vertrauen.
Erfurt. "Die Spitze des Verfassungsschutzes hat mein Vertrauen nicht mehr",
erklärte der SPD-Politiker im Landtag. Fiedler ergänzte: "Das
Vertrauensverhältnis in die Spitze des Hauses ist sehr, sehr angekratzt."
Beide Politiker sitzen seit Jahren in der Parlamentarischen
Kontrollkommission (PKK), die auf den Thüringer Geheimdienst aufpassen
--------------------------------------------------------------Geheimdienst-Kontrolle geht Grünen noch nicht weit genug
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(tlz) "Umfassende Akteneinsicht", wie sie die Schäfer-Kommission hatte,
fordert der Innenexperte der Grünen, Dirk Adams, auch für die
Parlamentarische Kontrollkommission. Denn diese hat den Auftrag den
Geheimdienst zu kontrollieren, war aber bislang in ihren Kontrollrechten
weitgehend eingeschränkt.
Erfurt. Für Dirk Adams ist das, was die Schäfer-Kommission über die Pannen
beim Geheimdienst und die mangelnde Koordination zwischen den
Sicherheitsbehörden in Thüringen zusammengetragen hat, noch immer
beispielhaft. "Und warum war die Kommission so erfolgreich? Weil sie
umfassende Akteneinsicht hatte." Die wünscht sich Adams er ist Innenexperte
der Grünen auch für das geheimste Gremium des Landtags, die
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Parlamentarische Kontrollkommission (PKK). Das geheim tagende Gremium hat
den Auftrag, den Geheimdienst zu kontrollieren. Aber bisher waren die
Kontrollrechte weitgehend eingeschränkt. Nach dem Desaster um die
rechtsterroristische NSU schworen sich alle Landtagsparteien, dass sich das
ändern müsse. Der Geheimdienst sollte nicht mehr so aus dem Ruder laufen
können wie Ende der 90er Jahre.
--------------------------------------------------------------Strache und Graf - ein Missverhältnis
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(derstandard) Die nebenberuflichen
Stiftungstätigkeiten des Dritten
Nationalratspräsidenten Martin Graf
setzen mittlerweile auch der FPÖ
gehörig zu. Parteichef HeinzChristian Strache ist um Klärung
bemüht. Noch ohne Erfo
Wien - FPÖ-Chef Heinz-Christian
Strache und Martin Graf, derzeit
Dritter Nationalratspräsident,
hatten nie ein gutes Verhältnis. Das
hat sich in den vergangenen Tagen
nicht gebessert, im Gegenteil. Die
Affäre um die 90-jährige Stifterin Gertrud Meschar, die sich von ihrem
Stiftungsvorstand Graf übervorteilt fühlt, schadet nicht nur Graf
persönlich, sondern zunehmend auch der FPÖ.
Meschar selbst hatte es vor einigen Tagen so formuliert: Sie hatte gedacht,
die FPÖ sei eine "anständige Partei". Und wurde eines Besseren belehrt.
Jetzt muss sie das Gericht bemühen, um Graf, der ihrer Stiftung vorsteht,
loszuwerden. Die Affäre wirft kein gutes Licht auf Graf und seine blauen
Kumpanen, die sich in der Stiftung breitgemacht haben. Das fällt auch auf
die Partei zurück. "Anständig" ist keine Eigenschaft, die einem dazu
einfallen würde.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Kolumbien: Der Drogenbaron als Telenovela
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(ftd) Er wird für den Tod von über 4000 Menschen verantwortlich gemacht:
Pablo Escobar gilt als Urvater aller lateinamerikanischer Drogenbarone.
Zwanzig Jahre nach seinem Tod schlachtet nun ein kolumbianischer TV-Kanal
die Lebensgeschichte des skrupellosen Kartellchefs aus - als Fernsehserie
zur besten Sendezeit.
Das Böse kehrt in HD-Qualität zur besten Sendezeit in Kolumbiens Wohnzimmer
zurück: In 63 Folgen zeigt ein Privatsender das Leben und Sterben des
Urvaters aller lateinamerikanischen Drogenbarone. "Pablo Escobar - Patron
des Bösen" heißt die Telenovela, die dem Kanal Caracol traumhafte
Einschaltquoten beschert. Die erste Sendung verfolgten diese Woche nach
Angaben des Senders bis zu 79 Prozent der Fernsehzuschauer des Landes. Auch
auf den Twitter- und Facebook-Seiten des Senders habe die Serie
rekordverdächtige Klickzahlen erzielt, teilte Caracol stolz mit.
--------------------------------------------------------------Fidel hatte 48 (!) Doppel-Agenten in den USA
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(heute) Fidel Castro (85): Laut eines ehemaligen CIA-Agenten soll der
"Máximo Líder" die USA jahrzehntelang an der Nase herum geführt haben – mit
nicht weniger als 48 (!) Doppel-Agenten.
Jetzt ist es fix: Dass Fidel Castro alle Attentate überlebte, war kein
Zufall! Grund: Laut Recherchen des amerikanischen Ex-Geheimagenten Brian
Latell ("Castro's Secrets") hat der Staatschef seinem Erzfeind 48 Spione
untergejubelt – die er persönlich aussuchte und dirigierte.
ist schon schwer, einen Agenten einzuschleusen, aber 48 Schlapphüte ist
Meisterstück", so Aufdecker Latell. Aber nicht nur das: Die kubanischen
informierten Fidel 30 Jahre lang über alle Geheimoperationen der USA –
sogar über JFK-Killer Lee Harvey Oswald.,720034
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--------------------------------------------------------------Somalia:End of transition period represents ‘historic starting point’
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(un) The end of the transition period in Somalia and the adoption of a new
provisional constitution represent an “historic starting point” for the
East African country, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today, calling on
the international community to provide support to the State in its next
political phase.
“My message to this conference and the world is this: Commit to long-term
assistance for Somalia,” Mr. Ban said in his remarks at the second Istanbul
Conference on Somalia, adding that financial resources as well as
engagement with the country are essential to help it tackle some of its
major challenges, including terrorism, piracy and drought.
--------------------------------------------------------------Deal Between Mali Tuaregs, Islamists Breaks Apart
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(VOA) Only days after Tuareg rebels and Islamist fighters announced an
alliance for a new Islamic state in northern Mali, the Tuareg rebels have
backed away from the deal. An analyst says this latest move points to a
dilemma the Tuaregs have faced since the start of this latest rebellion how to handle their relationship with Islamists that fought alongside them.
Malian rebel group the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, or
MNLA, has said it is pulling out of a short-lived alliance with Islamist
militant group Ansar Dine.
--------------------------------------------------------------Briefing: Ruptures and repercussions in Mali
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(irin) While both African and European leaders continue to warn against
partition in Mali, the rival movements backing a new, independent state in
the north of the country have failed to follow through on a joint agreement
to form the Islamic Republic of Azawad, leaving the project uncertain and
raising suspicions that their show of unity masked deep divisions.
The Tuareg-dominated National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA)
was reported to have signed an agreement with the Islamic Ansar Dine
movement in the northern city of Gao on 25 May. But in the days that
followed, contradictory briefings, interviews and communiqués from both
sides have suggested the document prepared after three weeks of talks was
at best preliminary, with disagreements resurfacing as a final communiqué
was worked on.
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--------------------------------------------------------------UGANDA: No more amnesty certificates for rebels
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(irin) Contrary to widespread expectations and public pronouncements, the
Ugandan government has pulled the plug on controversial legislation which
since 2000 has granted blanket amnesty to more than 26,000 members of armed
groups, most notably the notorious Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).
The Act was passed as part of efforts to end hostilities in northern Uganda
and bring the LRA to the negotiating table. Over the following six years,
several detailed accords were drawn up but LRA leader Joseph Kony
repeatedly refused to sign a comprehensive peace agreement.
--------------------------------------------------------------DR Congo: 10.000 displaced by the latest violence in North Kivu
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(un) The latest outbreak of violence in the east of the Democratic Republic
of the Congo (DRC) has displaced more than 40,000 people, the United
Nations refugee agency said today, adding that the distribution of relief
items will soon commence among those uprooted, with most of them having
sought shelter in schools and churches.
According to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR),
most of the population displacement in the volatile North Kivu province is
taking place in Rutshuru territory, north of the provincial capital, Goma.
--------------------------------------------------------------Wie Spionagewurm Flame Experten jahrelang narren konnte
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(derstandard) F-Secure-Experte: "spektakuläres Versagen für gesamte
Obwohl erst kürzlich entdeckt, ist der Spionagewurm Flame keine
Neuentwicklung im Areal der Cyberwaffen. Tatsächlich blieb der Wurm
jahrelang unentdeckt und foppte Sicherheitssoftware wie
Sicherheitsexperten. Mikko Hypponen von F-Secure erhielt die ersten
Versionen des Wurms bereits im Jahr 2010, ohne zu erkennen, was tatsächlich
dahinter steckt.
"Spektakuläres Versagen"
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Neben Flame blieben auch Stuxnet und Duqu längere Zeit unbemerkt, obwohl
die Malware mehreren Antiviren-Firmen bereits früh zur Analyse vorlag. "Das
ist ein spektakuläres Versagen für unser Unternehmen und für die gesamte
Antiviren-Branche", zieht Hypponen in einem Kommentar für Wired Fazit.
--------------------------------------------------------------Der Spion aus dem Internet
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(suedkurier) Russische IT-Experten
bezeichnen ihn als machtvollsten ComputerVirus, den sie je gesehen haben: Das
Sabotageprogramm Flame. Das russische
Antivirus-Unternehmen Kaspersky Lab hat das
Virus entdeckt.
Offenbar spioniert der Schädling seit über
drei Jahren Computeranwender und Netzwerke
im Iran, Nahen Osten und Nordafrika aus.
„Die Komplexität und Funktionalität von
Flame übersteigt alle bislang bekannten Cyber-Bedrohungen“, sagt FirmenChef Eugene Kaspersky.
Der Computerschädling, der für Windows-PCs entwickelt wurde, ist mit 20
Megabyte vergleichsweise groß. Er besteht aus 20 einzelnen SoftwareModulen. Die Flame-Entwickler haben ihr Schadprogramm mit einer NachladeOption ausgestattet, so dass der Schädling ständig um weitere Funktionen
ausgebaut werden kann.;art1003203,5531392
--------------------------------------------------------------Diplomaten-Depeschen von Wikileaks - Die CIA als Kronzeugin
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(taz) Viele der von Wikileaks veröffentlichten Depeschen enthalten
brisante, aber getarnte Informationen der CIA. Eine taz-Recherche offenbart
nun den Tarnnamen des Geheimdienstes.
Diplomaten haben nicht den Ruf, gute Entertainer zu sein. Mit Grund. Sie
versinken gern in nichtssagenden diplomatischen Floskeln und scheuen klare
Meinungen. Doch dass sie auch anders können, haben die inzwischen
legendären diplomatischen Depeschen gezeigt, die Wikileaks Ende 2010
veröffentlicht hat.
Tausende der internen Dokumente beweisen, dass amerikanische
Botschaftsvertreter durchaus die Fähigkeit haben, unverblümt die Wahrheit
zu sagen. Auch wenn es um Politiker in den Ländern geht, in denen sie
gerade arbeiten.
Ein Beispiel hierfür ist der ehemalige amerikanische Botschaft in
Bulgarien, John Beyrle. In einer als geheim eingestuften Wikileaks-Depesche
(b) schreibt der Karrierediplomat nach Washington, dass Sofias
Bürgermeister Boiko Borisov „in schwerwiegende kriminelle Aktivitäten"
verwickelt sei. Ein spannendes Urteil für Bulgarien. Denn Boiko Borisov ist
heute Ministerpräsident des Landes.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Spionage: Groß angelegter Cyber-Angriff im Nahen Osten
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(diepresse) Computer im Iran und mehreren anderen Ländern wurden Ziel eines
„Super-Trojaners". Vermutungen, Israel könnte dahinterstecken, hat
Jerusalems Vizepremier selbst Nahrung gegeben.
Die Stasi würde der Neid fressen: Dieser Spion ist unsichtbar, er
verbreitet sich lautlos und hat er seinen Bestimmungsort erreicht, dann
kann er alles, aber auch alles an Daten abschöpfen, was auf dem Zielrechner
vorhanden ist. Bis zum letzten Byte.
--------------------------------------------------------------Surf-Verhalten: Webseiten spähen Millionen Nutzer auf
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(diepresse) Selbst Behörden setzen fragwürdige Dienste von Facebook, Google
und Co. ein. In den vergangenen Wochen analysierten die Autoren 4500
inländische Webseiten auf sogenannte Spy- und Tracking-Dienste.
Kritiker unterstellen Polizei und Justiz seit einigen Jahren schon
überschießende Neugier beim Beobachten des Kommunikationsverhaltens der
Bürger. Oftmals zu Recht, manchmal auch nicht. Fast vollkommen ausgespart
blieb bisher jedoch der private Sektor. Nun stellt sich heraus:
Österreichische Webseiten spähen von der Öffentlichkeit praktisch unbemerkt
das Surf-Verhalten von Millionen Internetnutzern aus und machen sich – ob
absichtlich oder nicht – zu Handlangern von Datenhändlern.
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--------------------------------------------------------------Israelischer Eichmann-Verfolger Aharoni mit 91 Jahren gestorben
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(blick) Der israelische Geheimagent, der den NS-Verbrecher Adolf Eichmann
identifizierte, ist tot. Zvi Aharoni starb am Samstag im Alter von 91
Jahren, wie israelische Medien am Montag berichteten.
Der 1921 in Deutschland geborenen Aharoni gehörte 20 Jahre lang dem
Geheimdienst Mossad an. 1960 entführte der Mossad Eichmann, der in
Argentinien unter dem Namen Ricardo Klement lebte, nach Israel. Aharoni war
Fahrer des Entführungsfahrzeugs. Ihm gegenüber gab Eichmann sich erstmals
als der Gesuchte zu erkennen.
--------------------------------------------------------------Congress’s Contempt Power, and More from CRS
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(fas) Newly updated reports from the Congressional Research Service include
the following.
Congress’s Contempt Power and the Enforcement of Congressional Subpoenas:
Law, History, Practice, and Procedure, May 8, 2012 (b)
The Financial Action Task Force: An Overview, May 9, 2012 (c)
Reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank: Issues and Policy Options for
Congress, May 7, 2012 (d)
The National Nanotechnology Initiative: Overview, Reauthorization, and
Appropriations Issues, May 22, 2012 (e)
U.S.-EU Cooperation Against Terrorism, May 21, 2012 (f)
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--------------------------------------------------------------Instead of Ramping Up, Declassification Activity Slowed in 2011
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(fas) The total number of pages of government records that were reviewed
for declassification last year, as well as the number that were actually
declassified, declined slightly from the year before, according to the 2011
annual report (b) from the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)
that was published today.
Not only is this trend line unfavorable in itself, it also means that the
goal set by President Obama of reviewing the entire backlog of 25 year old
historical records awaiting declassification by December 2013 is out of
reach and will not be achieved. [Update: This is not quite correct, since
most of the backlog that needs to be processed for release does not require
"review." Only a subset of the backlog is being referred to agencies for
--------------------------------------------------------------Declassification of the Historical Backlog – A Correction
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(fas) Secrecy News stated yesterday that the decline in the number of pages
reviewed for declassification last year (as reported by the Information
Security Oversight Office) means that the goal set by President Obama of
reviewing the entire backlog of 25 year old historical records by December
2013 will not be achieved.
But that is not correct, an Archives official said. Progress in reducing
the backlog is independent of progress in conducting declassification
review since only a fraction of the hundreds of millions of pages of
backlogged records require formal declassification “review.” (In theory,
at least, most of them have already been “reviewed,” and reported as such
in previous ISOO reports).
--------------------------------------------------------------Move to Declassify FISA Court Rulings Yields No Results
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(fas) An initiative that was started two years ago to declassify
significant rulings of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
regarding domestic intelligence surveillance has produced no declassified
records, a Justice Department official confirmed last week.
In response to complaints about the rise of “secret law,” (b) the Justice
Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence
established a new process in 2010 to declassify opinions of the FISA Courts
(including the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court as well as the FIS
Court of Review) that contained “important rulings of law.”
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--------------------------------------------------------------Das braune Exil in Argentinien
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(amerika21) Wie Adolf Eichmann und andere
Naziverbrecher sich über die "Rattenlinie" nach
Südamerika absetzten
Nach der Gründung der Bundesrepublik setzte eine wahre
Völkerwanderung nach Südamerika ein. Über die
sogenannte Rattenlinie flohen Tausende Nazis mit Hilfe
des Vatikans und des Roten Kreuzes über Genua nach
Argentinien. Viele setzten sich auch über
skandinavische Länder ab. Diese Fluchtbewegungen
konnten an den Alliierten nicht vorbeigegangen sein.
Das Nazi-Exil jonglierte zwischen Ost und West, war
Teil des Kalten Krieges, der auch in den entlegensten
Winkeln des Planeten ausgetragen wurde. Die
geflüchteten SS-Leute dienten sich in diesem Machtkampf
allen Seiten als Experten an, aus Gründen der eigenen
Sicherheit und aus Gründen des finanziellen Überlebens. Die
Kriegsverbrechen des Zweiten Weltkrieges waren kein Thema, in Argentinien
am wenigsten.
--------------------------------------------------------------Von Zeppelinmotor bis „Ostseerocker“
--------------------------------------------------------------------------(nwzonline) Das Marinemuseum zeigt eine Bestandsaufnahme der Schnellboote.
Die letzten S-Boote werden in den nächsten Jahren ausgemustert.
Wilhelmshaven - Mit seiner Sonderausstellung „95 Jahre Schnellboote in
deutschen Marinen“ gelingt dem Marinemuseum eine Bestandsaufnahme der
wechselvollen Geschichte dieses Seekriegsmittels. Und die geht ihrem Ende
entgegen. Denn in den kommenden Jahren werden die letzten S-Boote der
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--------------------------------------------------------------Media alerts
--------------------------------------------------------------------------am Mo, 04.06. um 06:20 Spiegel Geschichte
Spione unter See - Das Geheimnis der verschollenen U-Boote
Dauer: 50 min 89
Beschreibung: Im Kalten Krieg kämpften die USA und Sowjetunion auch um die
Vorherrschaft unter See. U-Boote wurden entwickelt und in gegnerischen
Gewässern eingesetzt. Sie wurden auf dem Meeresboden observiert und
fungierten als Spionage-U-Boote. Das Wettrüsten kostete unzählige
Menschenleben. Neun der U-Boote sind auf rätselhafte Weise in den Tiefen
der Ozeane verschwunden.
SPIEGEL TV SPECIAL dokumentiert das Wettrüsten unter See und die Suche nach
den verschollen Untersee-Booten des Kalten Krieges.
Deadline for application: 7 June 2012
This newsletter is EDITED by Stefan Auer and Verena Klug and published by
Staff author: Oliver Plauder
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