5TH INTERNATIONAL CAMLOG CONGRESS 26TH – 28TH JUNE 2014 VALENCIA, SPAIN THE EVER EVOLVING WORLD OF IMPLANT DENTISTRY TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword 3 Scientific Committee / Speakers & Moderators 5 Program Overview 7 Program Friday 8 Program Saturday 9 Event Location: Palau de les Arts 11 Workshops 12 Poster Competition 14 CAMLOG Party 17 Partner Programs 18 Hotels 21 About Valencia 24 Travel to Valencia 27 Important Information, Links 29 General Terms & Conditions 30 Registration Form 31 CamlogConnect Competition 2 FOREWORD Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues, The CAMLOG Foundation is committed to excellence in implant dentistry. This is achieved by promoting scientific knowledge and training with the sole purpose of giving patients the benefits of implant treatment. Since 2006, the CAMLOG Foundation has supported a variety of advanced training and further education projects and has also sponsored numerous research undertakings. One result of these projects is the creation of an international network for scientists, practitioners and companies to exchange ideas, with the objective of increasing knowledge and developing a leading position in the progress of clinical implant dentistry. And this is precisely the motto of the 5th International CAMLOG Congress: “The Ever Evolving World of Implant Dentistry”. The Congress will be held from 26th to 28th June 2014 in the wonderful city of Valencia (Spain). As presidents of the Congress, it is our great pleasure to present the audience with a host of internationally renowned speakers, who will be presenting the latest scientific achievements and practical progress in implant dentistry. The scientific program was put together on the basis of evidence-based treatment protocols in the context of therapeutic decision-making. Special emphasis was placed on the practical feasibility and relevance of these treatment recommendations. The “Hands-on” workshops offered as part of the Congress are also to be viewed in this context. The Congress location, the Palau de les Arts in the Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias, designed by the famous architect, engineer and artist Santiago Calatrava, offers a resplendent backdrop for portraying beauty, technology and scientific progress. And for those who not only appreciate hard work but also know how to celebrate, yet another legendary Party will be held on a magnificent Spanish hacienda – typical Iberian lifestyle. Hasta la vista in Valencia 2014! Prof. Dr. Fernando Guerra Congress president Prof. Dr. Mariano Sanz Congress president Prof. Dr. Jürgen Becker President CAMLOG Foundation 3 4 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE SPEAKERS & MODERATORS Prof. Dr. Fernando Guerra Prof. Dr. Mariano Sanz Congress presidents PT ES Prof. Dr. Gil Alcoforado Prof. Dr. Jürgen Becker Prof. Dr. Juan Blanco Prof. Dr. Carlo Maiorana Dr. Alex Schär Dr. Paul Sipos Prof. Dr. Thomas Taylor Prof. Dr. Dr. Hendrik Terheyden Dr. Pascal Valentini Prof. Dr. Dr. Fumihiko Watanabe PT DE ES IT CH NL US DE FR JP Dr. Karl-Ludwig Ackermann Prof. Dr. Gil Alcoforado Dr. Rodrigo Andrés Garcia Dr. Thomas J. Balshi Prof. Dr. Jürgen Becker Dr. Regina Becker Dr. Mario Beretta Dr. S. Marcus Beschnidt Prof. Dr. Juan Blanco Dr. Claudio Cacaci Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erhan Çömlekoǧ lu Prof. Dr. Dr. Monika Daubländer Dr. Marcus Fecteau Dr. Ilaria Franchini Prof. Dr. Fernando Guerra Dr. Arndt Happe Dr. Frederic Hermann Dr. Jan Klenke Dr. Sebastian Kühl Prof. Dr. Yasemin Özkan Prof. Dr. Carlo Maiorana Prof. Dr. Piotr Majewski Dr. Eric Normand Dr. Mario Roccuzzo Dr. Ralf Roessler DE PT ES US DE DE IT DE ES DE TR DE CA IT PT DE CH DE CH TR IT PL FR IT DE PD Dr. Dr. Daniel Rothamel Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Robert Sader Prof. Dr. Irena Sailer Prof. Dr. Mariano Sanz Dr. Ignacio Sanz Martín Dr. Ignacio Sanz Sánchez Dipl. Ing. Florian Schober Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz Dr. Paul Sipos Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf Smeets Dr. Dr. Andres Stricker PD Dr. Frank Strietzel Dr. Ken Tajima Prof. Dr. Thomas Taylor Prof. Dr. Dr. Hendrik Terheyden Dr. Pascal Valentini Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried Wagner Prof. Dr. Dr. Fumihiko Watanabe Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Weber ZT Sascha Wethlow Prof. Dr. Daniel Wismeijer Dr. Dr. Manfred Wolf Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolfart DE DE CH ES ES ES CH DE NL DE DE DE JP US DE FR DE JP US DE NL DE DE 5 6 PROGRAM OVERVIEW PRE-PROGRAM: THURSDAY, 26TH JUNE CONGRESS PROGRAM: 27TH – 28TH JUNE PRACTICAL WORKSHOPS – ENGLISH THEORETICAL WORKSHOPS – GERMAN FRIDAY SATURDAY WORKSHOP I Simplified approach in implant planning with a new workflow in designing using 3D-printing and surgical templates WORKSHOP V Welche chirurgischen Maßnahmen führen zu langfristigen Erfolgen? – Welche Materialien und Techniken funktionieren zuverlässig? SESSION I Multifactorial decision-making SESSION IV Clinical research for daily practice – supported by the CAMLOG Foundation WORKSHOP II Practical treatment concepts for periimplant complications WORKSHOP VI Prävention und Erhaltungstherapien in der Implantologie – aktueller Wissensstand und Ableitung praktischer Anwendungen WORKSHOP III Maxillary sinus grafting: state of the art WORKSHOP IV Microsurgical techniques in plastic periodontal tissue management WORKSHOP VII iSy – ein intelligentes System für mehr Effizienz in der Implantologie SESSION II Surgical concepts and recommendations SESSION III Prosthetic concepts and recommendations CAMLOG PARTY Una gran fiesta en familia IN ADDITION, A “SYMPOSIUM DE ESPAÑA Y PORTUGAL” (IN SPANISH), AS WELL AS JAPANESE WORKSHOPS (IN JAPANESE) WILL BE HELD. PLEASE, CONTACT US IF INTERESTED. For further information, please see pages 12 – 13. For further information, please see pages 12 – 13. SESSION V Controversial topics SESSION VI Complications – what can we learn from them? Panel discussion with volunteers from the plenum CONGRESS LANGUAGE: ENGLISH For further information, please see pages 8 and 17. For further information, please see page 9. 7 PROGRAM – FRIDAY, 27TH JUNE 2014 TIME TOPIC 08.45 09.00 Congress opening Welcome SESSION I 09.15 09.35 09.55 10.15 10.35 10.55 11.15 MULTIFACTORIAL DECISION-MAKING MODERATOR: W. WAGNER How to approach implant therapy in periodontal susceptible patients Is guided surgery always indicated? What is the strategy for tilted implants and immediate loading? Is a change of biotype needed? Functional and esthetic considerations Age factor in the treatment of the edentulous patient Treatment strategy for lost implants Discussion 11.30 COFFEE BREAK SESSION II 13.50 SURGICAL CONCEPTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS MODERATOR: P. VALENTINI Implant positioning – evidence-based consensus Vertical implant positioning in the animal model Biological reactions on implant positioning – an important success factor Practical implication of 3D implant positioning and immediate placement Number and position of implants in the edentulous patient – evidencebased consensus Strategic implant positioning in the implant-supported rehabilitation of the edentulous jaw Discussion 14.00 LUNCH 12.00 12.15 12.35 12.55 13.15 13.30 8 SPEAKER TIME TOPIC SPEAKER 15.00 15.15 15.35 15.55 16.10 16.30 16.50 17.00 PROSTHETIC CONCEPTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS MODERATOR: F. WATANABE Time to loading – evidence-based consensus Clinical application of immediate loading Practical implication of delayed loading Platform switching – evidence-based consensus Clinical relevance of platform switching Platform switching in clinical studies Discussion End of first day M. Sanz P. Sipos M. Beretta F. Strietzel C. Cacaci F. Guerra 20.00 CAMLOG PARTY “Una gran fiesta en familia” SESSION III M. Sanz F. Guerra D. Wismeijer C. Maiorana Th. Balshi K. Tajima M. Fecteau M. Roccuzzo F. Schwarz J. Becker W. Wagner A. Happe S. Wolfart I. Franchini PROGRAM – SATURDAY, 28TH JUNE 2014 TIME TOPIC SESSION IV CLINICAL RESEARCH FOR DAILY PRACTICE – SUPPORTED BY THE CAMLOG FOUNDATION MODERATOR: J. BECKER 09.30 Accuracy of template-based guided implantology 09.40 A prospective clinical trial on short dental implants in the posterior maxilla and mandible 09.50 Prevention of marginal bone loss and of biological width around individualized, non-detached modified zirconia abutments 10.00 Neurosensory disturbances of the oral and maxillofacial region associated with implantation 10.10 Insertion torque and final stability of implants after sinus lift procedures 10.20 Short implants in the posterior maxillary region as an alter-native to sinus floor elevation 10.30 CAMLOG Foundation Research Award ceremonies and poster award ceremonies 11.00 COFFEE BREAK SESSION V 12.50 CONTROVERSIAL TOPICS MODERATOR: G. ALCOFORADO To augment or not to augment, that is the question Short implants – predictable alternative or unnecessary risk? One time one abutment – feasible? How, when and where? Digitized – immortalized: what is the impact of digital technology on daily practice? Discussion 13.00 LUNCH 11.30 11.50 12.10 12.30 SPEAKER TIME TOPIC SESSION VI COMPLICATIONS – WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THEM? MODERATORS: M. SANZ/T. TAYLOR Voluntary audience members can sign up to join the discussion on stage. Experts: pre-selected audience members Case presentations 14.00 S. Kühl Y. Özkan M. E. Çömlekoǧ lu M. Daubländer P. Majewski 16.00 Closing remarks 16.15 End of the 5th International CAMLOG Congress 2014 SPEAKER R. Andrés Garcia E. Normand K.-L. Ackermann F. Hermann M. Sanz F. Guerra R. Sader J. Becker H. Terheyden H. P. Weber J. Blanco I. Sailer PLEASE, ALSO VISIT OUR INDUSTRY AND POSTER EXHIBITION THE CONGRESS LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH. SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION INTO GERMAN, FRENCH, SPANISH AND JAPANESE 9 10 EVENT LOCATION: PALAU DE LES ARTS The Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias − the city of the arts and sciences − was designed by the architect, engineer and artist Santiago Calatrava, who was born in 1951 near Valencia. He was already instructed in drawing and painting during his childhood. He started studying at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris and later enrolled at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura in Valencia. In addition to studying architecture, he also took courses in urban development. Attracted by the mathematical clarity of historical architecture, and the feeling that his studies in Valencia had not given him any firm direction, he then enrolled for further studies in structural engineering at the ETH in Zurich / Switzerland. and sports activities. It also includes the Planetarium and an IMAX cinema with eye-shaped layout as well as the science museum, Príncipe Felipe. The Palau de les Arts (opera and concert building) which was erected in 2005, completes this ambitious project. At its highest point, the building is 75 meters high, spread over up to 14 floors, with three further levels below the ground floor. The building is 230 meters long and covers a total area of 40,000 m². This makes it the largest opera building in Europe. The 5th International CAMLOG Congress will be held in this architectural highlight. Calatrava's early interest in art and his esthetic flair proved to be consistent features of his work and have made him a prominent figure in temporary architecture. The Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias is a complex of futuristic buildings, unique in style, and now one of Valencia's main tourist attractions. As part of the restored eastern border of the city, it is located in what used to be the Túria's river bed, converted into a wonderful park landscape with recreational, cultural 11 INFORMATION ON THE WORKSHOPS WORKSHOP THURSDAY At the previous CAMLOG Congress, the workshops were completely sold out within only a few weeks. We have therefore decided to extend the portfolio and are pleased to offer you four practical and three theoretical workshops in Valencia, all with excellent speakers and exciting topics. Due to the limited number of places, we expect to be booked out early. Therefore, please register as soon as possible! Date: Thursday, 26th June 2014 Location: Palau de les Arts or other location Language: The workshops will not be translated into other languages. Note for Workshop IV: own loupe (>3.5) is mandatory 12 PRACTICAL WORKSHOPS THEORETICAL WORKSHOPS WORKSHOP I 10.00 – 16.00 hrs Simplified approach in implant planning with a new workflow in designing using 3D-printing and surgical templates Theory and hands-on PC and plastic models I. Sanz Martín, I. Sanz Sánchez, F. Schober WORKSHOP V 14.00 – 17.00 hrs Welche chirurgischen Maßnahmen führen zu langfristigen Erfolgen? – Welche Materialien und Techniken funktionieren zuverlässig? D. Rothamel, A. Stricker WORKSHOP VI WORKSHOP II 10.00 – 16.00 hrs Practical treatment concepts for periimplant complications Theory and hands-on prepared plastic mandible with soft-tissue mask, defects and calculus contamination J. Becker, R. Becker WORKSHOP III 11.00 – 17.00 hrs Maxillary sinus grafting: state of the art Theory and hands-on plastic models, utilizing piezo surgery P. Valentini 14.00 – 17.00 hrs Prävention und Erhaltungstherapien in der Implantologie – aktueller Wissensstand und Ableitung praktischer Anwendungen R. Smeets, R. Rössler WORKSHOP VII 14.00 – 17.00 hrs iSy – ein intelligentes System für mehr Effizienz in der Implantologie. M. Wolf, J. Klenke, S. Wethlow WORKSHOP IV 11.00 – 17.00 hrs Microsurgical techniques in plastic periodontal tissue management Theory and hands-on pig jaws, ears, rubber dam M. Beschnidt Costs: € 290.– incl. meals and materials Participants: max. 20 persons per workshop, Language: English Costs: € 90.– incl. coffee break Participants: min. 30 persons per workshop, Language: German 13 POSTER COMPETITION PROCEEDINGS AND OBJECTIVES PRESENTATION As part of the 5th International CAMLOG Congress 2014, scientists, dentists and dental technicians are invited to submit their empirical / non-empirical original research results and/or case studies for the poster competition. The competition covers topics from the fields of basic research, preclinical and/or clinical studies as well as case reports. The poster exhibition is open throughout the entire Congress. Authors are requested to stay with their posters during the coffee and lunch breaks on Friday, 27th June 2014. POSTER REGISTRATION The award ceremony will be held on Saturday, 28th June 2014. The three best posters will be awarded cash prizes as follows: EUR 2,000 for 1st place EUR 1,500 for 2nd place EUR 1,000 for 3rd place. To register posters, a summary must be submitted per e-mail by 31st March 2014 to (Reference: Poster ICC 2014). Confirmation of receipt will be sent within five working days. Only summaries submitted in English will be considered. The text of the summary must not exceed a total of 2,300 characters (including blanks) for title, content, authors and institutions. All submissions will be “peer-reviewed”. The authors will be informed of acceptance of their posters by e-mail no later than 1st May 2014. All accepted posters must be registered on site at the special poster registration desk, and a CD-ROM containing a PDF file of the poster handed in. AWARD CEREMONY In addition, the winner is given the opportunity of briefly presenting his/her poster to the plenum as part of the award ceremony. The Congress fee of EUR 530.– is also waived for the main author of an accepted poster. PUBLICATION The participants agree that the registered poster may be published after the Congress as a PDF file on the CAMLOG Foundation website (www. 14 TECHNICAL DETAILS Language: English Maximum size: portrait: width 90 cm (35.4 inches), height 128 cm (50.4 inches). Posters must not exceed this size. Title: at top end of poster, first letter of each word in capital letters. Authors: list in capital letters, SURNAME, INITIALS, Underline name of presenter. Listing of institution, department, city, country. Logo: authors may include the logo of the institution where they are employed, and/or the institution which supports their project financially. Address: Ms, Mr, academic title, first name, surname, city, e-mail address. Main section: Objectives, materials and methods, results, including summary of statistical data and conclusions using text, graphs, numbers. 15 16 CAMLOG PARTY – FRIDAY Una gran fiesta en familia – that is our Congress party evening in a nutshell. Again, we have come up with some very special ideas for you: allow us to entice you to an enchanting hacienda, enjoy the Spanish flair, delicious food, the traditional arts and captivating music. Celebrate a pleasant evening with your friends before the action starts. One highlight follows another. You will be impressed by the live band. The night will be short, the atmosphere unique. Don't miss our family celebration under any circumstances! Begin: 20.00 hrs Costs: € 110.– per person You will be given further information at the end of May 2014. 17 PARTNER PROGRAMS DISCOVER VALENCIA BY BICYCLE HISTORIC VALENCIA AND THE GOTHIC QUARTER The heritage of Valencia's varied past is manifested by the compact Old Town and is easy to explore on foot. A stroll through the picturesque, old, narrow streets lets you see the impressive stone witnesses of days gone past; for example, the city gate of the silk exchange or the bell tower. And, of course, you should not miss the big market hall, where you will be invited to a small tapas tasting. Look forward to your highly individual tour of the UNESCO world heritage and enjoy the cultural and culinary aspects of Valencia's historic quarter! Spatial distance between history and modernity is luckily shorter in Valencia than the distance in time – additionally optimized by the dried out river bed of the Túria, which today is home to an 11 km long city park. Cycling along the “River of Culture” is a definite treat, far away from road traffic. We hope you enjoy your discovery tour on two wheels through the multifaceted areas of Valencia! Costs: € 30.– per person (incl. guide, bicycle hire, drink) Date: Friday, 27th and Saturday, 28th June 2014 Time: 10.00 hrs to approx. 13.00 hrs Languages: German and English 18 Costs: € 20.– per person (incl. guide, tasting, drinks) Date: Friday, 27th June 2014 Time: 10.00 hrs to approx. 14.00 hrs Languages: German and English EXPERIENCE NATURE IN THE ALBUFERA NATIONAL PARK VALENCIA SEASIDE – “CHILL-OUT” ON A CATAMARAN CRUISE CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y DE LAS CIENCIAS Sun – sea – chill-out on deck or in the net. It does not necessarily spell water sports – the pleasure version has a lot going for it! Soft music on deck or basking in the sun in the catamaran net and gently floating over the sea … or, if it takes your fancy, a short swim during the cruise – simply fantastic. Enjoy a relaxing cruise on a catamaran along the coast of Valencia. The spectacular Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias Center is Europe's largest cultural and recreational center. Embedded in the Túria- Park, architectural masterpieces of the architects Candela and Calatrava join to create a unique ensemble. A walk along the water basin opens up fascinating perspectives. You will visit the impressive science museum and experience the Oceanogràfic from close up: the largest aquarium of marine and coastal life in the oceans. Enjoy the attractive offerings of the fascinating outer and inner worlds of the Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias. Experience unadulterated nature. The Albufera National Park south of Valencia is one of Europe's most significant biotopes. The shores of a large lake are lined with fields of high reeds intersected by waterways. The clear waters of the lake and the protection of the reeds form an ideal habitat for over 250 bird species. Discover the beauty of nature in a traditional barge. Enjoy lunch on an unbelievable natural beach. And you may well succumb to the temptation of a walk along the beach after enjoying a self-prepared paella or a refreshing swim in the ocean. Costs: € 70.– per person (incl. guide, cooking paella, entry fee) Date: Friday, 27th June 2014 Time: 10.00 hrs to approx. 16.00 hrs Languages: German and English Costs: € 90.– per person (incl. guide, lunch, transfer) Date: Saturday, 28th June 2014 Time: 10.00 hrs to approx. 14.00 hrs Languages: German and English Costs: € 30.– per person (incl. guide, entry fees, snack) Date: Saturday, 28th June 2014 Time: 10.00 hrs to approx. 14.00 hrs Languages: German and English 19 Visit the Quintessence stand at the Camlog Congress in Valencia Otto Zuhr | Marc Hürzeler PLASTIC-ESTHETIC PERIODONTAL AND IMPLANT SURGERY A Microsurgical Approach Hardcover, 872 pages, 1,905 colored illus Order-No.: 18221 NEW PUBLICATION € 320,– BESTSELLER Giovanni Zucchelli MUCOGINGIVAL ESTHETIC SURGERY In this book, the authors provide the first comprehensive overview of the basic principles, indications and clinical techniques of plastic-esthetic periodontal and implant microsurgery. It is an exemplary blend of scientific knowledge and practical experience. All salient issues are analyzed on the basis of the available scientific literature and the current clinical evidence. The microsurgical procedures presented in the book are explained step-by-step in meticulously illustrated case examples. Checklists for the necessary materials, instruments and work steps are added to facilitate practical implementation of the microsurgical procedures. Last but not least, the authors provide instructions on how to manage all major complications of each procedure. This book is without doubt one of the foremost oral surgery publications in recent years and is a must for every implantologist and periodontist. 20 Hardcover in a slipcase, 826 pages, 2,000 colored illus, Order-No.: 19881 € 300,– This beautifully illustrated book explains the art and science of esthetic surgical techniques on the mucogingiva around natural teeth and implants. The author draws upon his extensive experience to show readers how to diagnose and treat mucogingival defects, with detailed coverage of the diagnosis of and the surgical options for covering varying degrees of gingival recession. The text features protocols for the treatment and preparation of root caries and noncarious lesions as well as the surgical procedures to cover exposed root surfaces and increase the volume of the affected gingiva. Throughout, the author places special emphasis on minimizing patient recovery time and postoperative discomfort while achieving the patient‘s esthetic goals to the best extent possible. This comprehensive volume is a must-read for those seeking to learn or refine mucogingival surgery techniques. HOTELS We have attempted to give you an interesting choice of recommendable hotels. We visited over 20 hotels in person, rated them and discovered that there are indeed major differences. The star ratings and prices are not really indicative of the conditions in the individual hotels. All hotels recommended here by us offer an excellent price-performance ratio and a superior standard within their star rating category. Definitely worth mentioning are the two 5-star hotels Westin Valencia and Balneario Las Arenas. Both offer excellent and luxurious standards and differ greatly from the other hotels. Please, note that we were only able to reserve a limited number of rooms in some hotels. To make the choice of hotel easier for you, we have classified the hotels into four categories: A Hotel on the beach: with bicycle or taxi to the Palau de les Arts B Hotels near the Palau de les Arts: can be reached in less than 10 minutes on foot C Hotels, located centrally between the Palau de les Arts and the Old Town: both are easy to reach on foot in 15 minutes D Hotels in the Old Town: to the Palau de les Arts with bicycle or taxi Applicable to all hotels: price per room/night, incl. breakfast, VAT, WLAN. All single rooms are double rooms for single use. 1 A BALNEARIO LAS ARENAS***** The Las Arenas belongs to the exclusive club Leading Hotels of the World. With its preferred location direct by the sea, the hotel combines the architectural beauty of the historic sea resort Las Arenas with the elegance and comfort of modern design. Location: 3.7 km to the Palau Single room Double room Single room Double room € 169.– (view of city) € 189.– (view of city) € 210.– (sea view) € 230.– (sea view) 21 HOTELS 2 B SH VALENCIA PALACE ****S 3 B PRIMUS VALENCIA **** 4 B CONFORTEL AQUA **** Our tip for a short distance to the Congress and a super price-performance ratio. With its prominent location, this hotel lies between two symbolic streets of the city. The direct vicinity offers numerous shopping and entertainment options. A look at the website of the hotel and its 262 rooms gives a good idea of the hotel. Centrally located hotel, direct on the river bank of the Túria, offers over 239 comfortable and tastefully decorated rooms. Officially ranked a 5-star hotel, it corresponds more to a 4-star hotel according to our unofficial ranking. The location is ideal for participants wishing to spend an extra night and being within walking distance to both the Congress and the Old Town. 5 B CONFORTEL AQUA *** Modern design at a reasonable price. The directly adjacent affiliated hotel is distinguished by the same virtues as the 4-star hotel but kept to somewhat simpler standards in terms of facilities and services. The price-performance ratio is, however, above average. The hotel with the shortest distance to the Palau is distinguished by its avant-garde, elegant design and its superior location above a shopping complex with a magnificent view. The 184 rooms are comfortable and functional. The hotel also accommodates the Panorama Restaurant “Vertical” awarded with one star by the “Michelin Guide”. Location: 1.3 km to the Palau Location: 1.4 km to the Palau Location: 1.2 km to the Palau Location: 1.2 km to the Palau Single room Double room Single room Double room Single room Double room Single room Double room € 120.– € 125.– 22 € 132.– € 143.– € 95.– € 105.– € 80.– € 90.– 6 C WESTIN VALENCIA ***** 7 C HUSA DIMAR **** 8 D VINCCI LYS **** 9 D VINCCI PALACE **** The Vincci Palace is different. The modern, medium sized hotel offers 76 stylish rooms and is located in the center of the city only a few steps from the Plaza Porta de la Mar and the Paseo de la Ciudadela. Our insider tip for young and forever young participants who also want to enjoy the night life of Valencia. The modern design hotel is located on the perimeter of the city center of Valencia next to the Plaza Cánova. It offers 95 rooms and was completely refurbished in 2009. The exclusive, stylish design is intriguing. Numerous bars, shops and restaurants are located in the vicinity. The Hotel Vincci Lys is located amid the bustling center of Valencia, only two minutes by foot to the railway station and the Town Hall in a quiet pedestrian zone. Shops, restaurants and numerous attractions are located in the immediate vicinity. The hotel with its 101 rooms offers both an elegant and relaxed atmosphere. Impressive, exclusive and the number 1 hotel in Valencia according to the hotel ranking portals. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the historic and cultural city center of Valencia. The 135 rooms combine classical style with new technology. The hotel offers a spacious sauna and wellness area and an impressive courtyard. Location: 2.1 km to the Palau Location: 1.5 km to the Palau Location: 2.1 km to the Palau Location: 2.3 km to the Palau Single room Double room Single room Double room Single room Double room Single room Double room € 200.– € 220.– € 90.– € 100.– € 112.– € 121.– € 112.– € 121.– 23 ABOUT VALENCIA THE CITY OF VALENCIA IS LOCATED SOME 320 KM SOUTH-EAST OF THE CAPITAL MADRID IN THE ESTUARY OF THE RIVER TÚRIA INTO THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA, AND IS SPAIN'S THIRD LARGEST CITY WITH A POPULATION OF APPROX. 795,000. CITY OF THE ARTS AND SCIENCES Considerable urban development has taken place over the last few decades and has made Valencia an attractive place for tourists. This includes the restoration of the historic center and the building of modern administration offices and museums. A modern marina was constructed for the America's Cup held in Valencia in 2007 and 2010. And not to forget, the Formula 1 race track, the “Valencia Street Circuit”, which was constructed in 2008. A tour through Valencia's historic center is more than rewarding. In particular, the Silk Exchange built between 1482 and 1533 (Lonja de la Seda) is worth a visit. It is regarded as being one of the most significant buildings of profane Gothic in Europe. Another attraction is Valencia's cathedral, which was erected in 1262 on the foundations of an old mosque. Different architectural styles make this building rather special. The Gothic tower, Torre 24 del Miguelete, added to the cathedral in the 14th century, is regarded as the city's landmark. But the sights in the historic center of Valencia are not the only attractions for visitors. Small shops offer curiosities and unusual fashion. Numerous bars encourage dancing till the early morning hours. A visit to the Mercado Central is definitely a special experience. It was built in 1920 and is one of Europe's largest markets at 8,000 sqm and nearly 1,000 market stalls. The building with its Art Nouveau architecture is certainly worth a visit. The beauty of the complex is highlighted by daylight entering through various skylights and stained windows. Some 15,000 customers find their food from the region of Valencia here every day, from ham and cheese to fish and shrimps, fruit and vegetables. CITY MAP VALENCIA 6 9 1 7 6 8 2 K CONGRESS CENTER PALAU DE LES ARTS K CONGRESS CENTER PALAU DE LES ARTS 1 cm = 300 m 3 4 5 1 BALNEARIO LAS ARENAS 2 SH VALENCIA PALACE 3 PRIMUS VALENCIA 4 CONFORTEL AQUA 4* 5 CONFORTEL AQUA 3* 6 WESTIN VALENCIA 7 HUSA DIMAR 8 VINCCI LYS 9 VINCCI PALACE 25 26 TRAVEL TO VALENCIA AIR TRAVEL DIRECT FLIGHTS TO VALENCIA ON WEDNESDAYS AND/OR THURSDAYS Valencia offers a large number of direct flights from numerous destinations.* Daily flight connections are available from many major cities. Amsterdam Asturia Bari Bilbao Bologna Bristol Brussels Bucharest Cluj-Napoca Dublin Düsseldorf Eindhoven Frankfurt Geneva Ibiza Istanbul Lisbon London Madrid Málaga Malta *See table on right: status July 2013, all data without guarantee. FLIGHT TO MADRID, TRAIN TO VALENCIA Alternatively, you board the Metro at Madrid Airport which takes you to the Atocha railway station in one hour including one change. From there, the AVE high-speed train runs regularly, and takes you to Valencia in 95 – 120 minutes. Costs per person and trip: approx. € 50.– to € 130.– depending on category and time of travel. Bookings and reservations are possible 90 days in advance of travel at: 2:30 h 1:20 h 2:25 h 1:10 h 2:00 h 2:25 h 2:30 h 3:20 h 3:10 h 2:50 h 2:20 h 2:25 h 2:25 h 2:00 h 0:40 h 3:35 h 1:35 h 2:30 h 1:02 h 1:07 h 2:15 h Transavia, Vueling Volotea, Iberia Ryanair Iberia Ryanair Ryanair Ryanair Blue Air, Wizz Air Wizz Air Ryanair Lufthansa Transavia Ryanair Darwin Airlines Iberia, Ryanair Turkish TAP, easyJet easyJet, Ryanair Iberia, Air Europa Ryanair Ryanair Marseilles Milan Moscow Nantes Nottingham Oslo Palma Paris Pisa Porto Prague Rome Rotterdam Santander Sant. de Comp. Sevilla Sofia Trieste Zurich 1:35 h 1:50 h 5:00 h 1:40 h 2:30 h 3:40 h 0:56 h 2:02 h 2:00 h 1:40 h 2:35 h 1:58 h 2:20 h 1:20 h 1:35 h 1:10 h 3:00 h 2:10 h 2:05 h Ryanair Ryanair S7 Volotea Ryanair Ryanair Iberia, Ryanair Air Europa, Vueling Ryanair Ryanair Smart Wings Alitalia, Ryanair Transavia Ryanair Ryanair Iberia, Ryanair Wizz Air Ryanair Swiss Other direct flights, but not on Wednesday or Thursday, from: Cagliari, Manchester, Memmingen, Munich, Temeschwar, Trapani, Vienna and Venice 27 28 IMPORTANT INFORMATION, LINKS CONGRESS FEE Early bird registration until 28th February, 2014 € 480.– Normal registration € 530.– Students University assistant Qualified dental personnel (Copy of I.D. Card required) USEFUL lINKS REGISTRATION AND HOTEL BOOKINGS The CAMLOG Congress is CE-accredited. 13 further education hours (CE hours) are credited for attendance of the Congress. For attending a practical workshop you are credited 5 credits in addition, for attending a theoretical workshop 3 credits. KAD Kongresse und Events KG Hirnbeinstrasse 8 D-87435 Kempten Tel +49 (0) 831 5753 26-0 Fax +49 (0) 831 5753 26-20 e-mail APP € 240.– CONGRESS LANGUAGE The Congress language is English with simultaneous translation into German, French, Spanish and Japanese. CAMLOG PARTY Per person FURTHER EDUCATION Comprehensive information with tours, shops and restaurant overview incl. city map and offers. The Tourist Card (from € 13.50) can be ordered online and gives you numerous rebates on entry fees as well as free use of public transport. € 110.– CONGRESS LOCATION WORKSHOP Workshop practical (incl. meals, materials) Workshop theoretical (incl. coffee break) € 290.– VLC-APP free of charge Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía Avenida del Profesor Lopez Piñero, 1 46006 Valencia ORGANIZER € 90.– General Terms & Conditions Please, note our General Terms & Conditions on page 30. CAMLOG Foundation Margarethenstrasse 38 CH-4053 Basel E ONLINTION: TRA REGIS LOG.CAM WWW RESS.COM CONG 29 GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS CAMLOG CONGRESS 2014 1. Registration must be in writing or online. You will receive written confirmation of your participation at the Congress. Registration is carried out in the sequence registration submissions received. 2. Participation fees are inclusive of legally applicable VAT. 3. Cancellation of Congress attendance: a. Cancellation up to 31st May, 2014: processing charge of € 30.– b. Cancellations from 1st June, 2014: processing charge of € 90.– Cancellations must be sent in writing per fax or e-mail to KAD Kongresse und Events KG: Fax: +49 (0) 831 5753 26-20 e-mail: 4. Photography: photos and videos with snapshots will be taken at the Congress. These images involve the visual display of persons present, whereby the selection of persons is more or less randomized. The images will be displayed on our websites, in print media and in presentations. Registration for the Congress includes consent by the attending person for free publication in the above manner without requiring an express declaration by the person concerned. In individual cases, if the person concerned does not agree to publication of photos of his/her person, please contact the photographer 30 responsible for searching motifs directly. Should the person concerned not agree with an already published photographic image of his/her person, we would ask you to immediately notify us per e-mail, telephone or regular mail with an exact description of the image in question. In this case, the image is removed within a reasonable deadline and no longer published. other reasons. In case of canceled activities, there is no liability beyond the return of the registration fee. The places for partner programs, workshops and the party are limited. The order of receipt of registrations shall prevail. 7. CAMLOG Foundation retains the right to cancel the event for major reasons. In this case, no claims for damages shall be liable. 5. Hotel bookings: you will receive a booking confirmation together with detailed information as soon as the booking process is completed. Please, note that subsequent changes will be subject to a processing fee of € 15.–. The conditions given in the booking confirmation shall apply. The hotel bill must be paid directly in the hotel. The hotels reserve the right to charge cancellation fees for unused bookings of up to 100%. All prices for hotel rooms are subject to possible change. 6. Participation at the party, and the workshops can only be booked in combination with a registration for the Congress. Participation without a Congress booking is not possible. Participation in the partner program and the party is only possible for an accompanying person of a Congress participant with a written booking. CAMLOG Foundation retains the right to cancel certain planned activities if the defined number of participants is not reached as well as for Source of images: Pages: 19 © Ayuntamiento de Valencia | Pages: 14 © with courtesy of Dr. M. Schlee Pages: 12 © swissmeda | Pages: 1, 10-12, 19, 28, 36 © Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, Valencia Convention Bureau, España incoming incentives REGISTRATION FORM – CAMLOG CONGRESS 2014 PERSONAL DATA Ms. Mr. WORKSHOPS – THURSDAY PARTNER PROGRAMS PRACTICAL FRIDAY Workshop I (English) € 290.– Valencia by bicycle € 30.– Workshop II (English) € 290.– Historical Valencia € 20.– Workshop III (English) € 290.– Albufera National Park € 70.– Workshop IV (English) € 290.– Title First name Surname Clinic / Practice / Company Surname / First name Address THEORETICAL ZIP code/City Country Telephone Fax e-mail SATURDAY Workshop V (German) € 90.– Valencia Seaside € 90.– Workshop VI (German) € 90.– Ciudad de las Artes € 30.– Workshop VII (German) € 90.– Valencia by bicycle € 30.– Surname / First name CONGRESS FEES CAMLOG PARTY – FRIDAY Early bird registration up to 28th February, 2014 € 480.– Normal registration € 530.– Students University assistant, qualified dental personnel (Copy of I.D. Card required)* € 240.– Congress participants € 110.– Accompanying person € 110.– Surname / First name Please note the detailed information on the previous pages. Price per person incl. VAT. * Confirmation will only be sent if a copy of I.D. Card has been provided. 31 HOTELS HOTEL PRICE INFORMATION The prices are per room and night, incl. VAT and breakfast. Please, note that the options for the limited room contingents lapse at the end of February 2014 and that no guarantee can be given after this date for availability and prices. Fully booked hotels will be listed on the Congress website in a timely manner. A quick check makes booking easier for you and us. Please, pay your hotel bills directly at the hotel and note our General Terms & Conditions. Date of arrival Date of departure SINGLE ROOM DOUBLE ROOM PAYMENT BALNEARIO LAS ARENAS ***** € 169.– (view of city) € 189.– (view of city) BALNEARIO LAS ARENAS ***** € 210.– (sea view) € 230.– (sea view) SH VALENCIA PALACE ****S € 120.– € 125.– PRIMUS VALENCIA **** € 132.– € 143.– Visa credit card number CONFORTEL AQUA **** € 95.– € 105.– Eurocard, MasterCard date of expiry CONFORTEL AQUA *** € 80.– € 90.– Bank transfer Card owner WESTIN VALENCIA ***** € 200.– € 220.– American Express HUSA DIMAR **** € 90.– € 100.– CVV code VINCCI LYS **** € 112.– € 121.– VINCCI PALACE **** € 112.– € 121.– I herewith accept the General Terms & Conditions and in case of payment by credit card, charging of the entire registration costs against my credit card as given above. Date ACCOMPANYING PERSON Surname / first name 32 In single room In same double room KAD Kongresse & Events KG Bankhaus Jungholz Bank code: 733 624 21 Account 8813 305 IBAN: AT26 3699 0000 0881 3305 BIC: RBRTAT22BHJ Signature Please, send the completed registration form to: Fax: +49 (0) 831 5753 26-20 e-mail: or by mail to: KAD Kongresse & Events KG, Hirnbeinstrasse 8, D - 87435 Kempten WIN AN INVITATION TO TO THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CAMLOG CONGRESS! PRIZES Since its take-off in 2012, CamlogConnect has gained a considerable reputation among CAMLOG users. More than 2,700 dental professionals have already joined the CamlogConnect community. This outstanding success gives us the opportunity of launching a CamlogConnect prize competition in connection with the 5th International CAMLOG Congress. CAMLOG will award 5 prizes for the best cases. The prizes include: To take part in the competition, please submit a CASE, VIDEO or TIP presentation until March 31st, 2014. Participants can be general practitioners, specialists, dental technicians, and students. For editing, translation and layout of the competition material, the CamlogConnect team offers you their full support. t admission to the 5th International CAMLOG Congress in Valencia from June 26th through 28th, 2014 including participation in the party t plus a grant of € 500.– for travel and accommodation cost. For more information about the prize competition, visit: Win & ucias join iVn alen Learn, share & enjoy 33 Rights to changes reserved: X.J6162.09/2013 CAMLOG Foundation | Margarethenstrasse 38 | CH-4053 Basel | Switzerland | 36