NewsletteR - Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides


NewsletteR - Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
February | 2012
It happened just after his touch football
game ended. Before that point, Gerry
had known about his health problems,
but he never imagined they would
boil over and disrupt the life he had
set up for himself: his job as a welder
and franchise owner, father, husband,
and provider.
me going out on my own without my
cane. I really wanted to be able to
use the bus and get out more and I
figured a Dog Guide would allow me
to do that. So I started researching
and found Lions Foundation of
Canada,” says Gerry.
After learning about the Canine Vision
Dog Guide program, Gerry put in an
application. A few months later he
travelled to Lions Foundation to train
with his new Dog Guide, Houston.
“My life is changing tremendously.
Houston gives me the freedom to go
places I couldn’t go before and he
gives my wife peace of mind. I finally
have the confidence to venture out
again and do the things I used to do,”
shares Gerry.
He told his kids he was not feeling
well and that one of them would have
to drive his car home from the game.
That quickly turned into a trip to the
hospital where it was revealed that
Gerry had suffered a stroke caused
by a blood clot that had broken off
and lodged itself in his brain. The clot
cost him his vision and consequently
altered the dynamics of his life. “The
most difficult thing for me was that
my role of provider was taken away
because I could not work the jobs I
had,” says Gerry.
Returning home, Gerry knew his life
had taken a drastic turn but he was
determined to readjust and regain his
mobility. He turned to a white cane
first and used it to learn his daily
routes, but once he felt he knew the
routes well enough he opted to leave
Gerry and his CVC Dog Guide, Houston
the cane at home. This proved to be
unsafe and Gerry’s family felt uneasy
when he would go out on his own.
“My wife didn’t feel comfortable about
Canine Vision Dog Guides like
Houston are trained to help their
handlers navigate daily routes and
provide them a safe means of moving
about freely in their community and
If you or someone you know could
benefit from a Canine Vision Dog
Guide, please email Alex Ivic, Client
Services Supervisor.
“Casting Call”
Dog Guide Wish List
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
Thanks to PJ’s Pets
Walk Success
Donate Rewards Points
Ride for
Dog Guides 2012
Leafs Draws - Winners
DG Grads - Giving Back
Message from the
Executive Director
Message from the
Executive Director, Sandy Turney
Chairperson Lynne Coulter
Lions Foundation of Canada was
started by an inspired and visionary
group of Lions in the early 1980s
who saw that the Lions of Canada
could give leadership to their own
defined project. After becoming an
official Lions charity, LFC launched
the Canine Vision Canada program
so that Canadians with visual
impairments could receive a service
dog from a leading Canadian school.
The school has retained a leadership
position, now providing the broadest
possible range of Dog Guides to
numerous Canadians each year.
What makes this possible is the
Lions and Lioness’ commitment to
their leadership of the project. We
really value our status as an official
Lions project and thank those clubs
that are making what we do possible.
With donations declining in so many
areas of the charitable sector, we
need the continued support of Lions
and Lioness’ more than ever.
Thanks to my fellow Board of Directors
for placing their confidence in me by
providing the opportunity to serve
another year. We derive enormous
satisfaction from the results of the
combined efforts of staff, volunteers,
donors and other supporters, all of
whom provide our clients greater
safety, independence and mobility.
I would like to introduce and welcome
our newest Board members who will
each serve a three-year term:
Sandy Turney,
Executive Director
•Rosemary Small, B.C.
•Dave Dalby, Alberta & NWT
•Gordon Ziegler, Saskatchewan.
•Doreen Burton, NFLD & Labrador
More information about your Board
can be found on our new website,
Have you taken the time to surf our
new website? It is a wonderful tool
which enables our Foundation to
communicate with all Canadians. It
is also a valuable educational and
promotional tool. Please use it to
help our Foundation help others.
Did you vote during the “FIDO”
campaign? What a tremendous
idea, and what tremendous results.
Thanks to all who participated.
Even though we are in the middle of
winter, it is time to plan your Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides. The national
Walk date is May 27th, but you can use
whatever day serves your community
best. Please see the Walk website
for more information.
“Casting Call”
It is also time to plan awards and
recognition for club and community
members. It is often said that things
which get rewarded, get done. Let’s
recognize and reward those special
supporters and volunteers. Let’s
make a difference.
Dog Guide Wish List
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
Thanks to PJ’s Pets
Walk Success
Donate Rewards Points
Lynne Coulter,
Ride for
Dog Guides 2012
Rest In Peace
PDG Rowland William 1918-2011
Rowland William passed away
November 1st, 2011 at the age of
93. Rowland was a member of
Dauphin Lions Club in Alberta for 60
years, joining in 1949. During this
time, Rowland was elected District
Governor of 5M12 and was the first
Lion elected into the 5M13 Hall of
Fame. He also helped to organizer
17 Lions’ clubs during his term as
governor. Our deepest sympathies
go out to Rowland family and fellow
Leafs Draws - Winners
DG Grads - Giving Back
Fido wraps up search for Canada’s top dog in support of
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
response to
Casting Call
results in
larger donation.
Camila Gonzalez, a local teen
from Brampton, Ontario can claim
victory as her dog Speedy has been
declared the winning dog in the
Fido Casting Call™. From October
6th to November 17th, more than
23,000 Canadians entered their
dogs into the Fido Casting Call at Speedy
was voted into the top spot by
Canadians during the six-week contest.
“Fido fans and dog lovers across
Canada truly demonstrated to us their
creativity and passion they have for
their dogs with the huge effort they
made to garner votes,” said Steven
Sarfin, Senior Director, Marketing,
Fido. “The enthusiasm from the
participants and voters completely
exceeded our expectations. We’re
thrilled to support Dog Guides and
their efforts to enrich the lives of
Canadians with disabilities.”
“Casting Call”
Dog Guide Wish List
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
Thanks to PJ’s Pets
Walk Success
Donate Rewards Points
Ride for
Camila & Speedy, winners of Fido’s Casting Call
With an overwhelming amount of
support and interest from Canadian
dog lovers, Fido will donate $220,000
to Lions Foundation of Canada Dog
Guides. This total includes an initial
commitment of $200,000, as well as
an additional $20,000 donation due
to the immense support this program
received from Fido fans. Dog Guides
will use the funds to train and place
11 Dog Guides with Canadians with
“We are thrilled to be a part of the Fido
Casting Call contest. It has helped
bring an amazing level of awareness
to Dog Guides and the many ways
these well trained dogs help so many
people with disabilities,” says Sandy
Turney, Executive Director, Lions
Foundation of Canada Dog Guides.
“Fido’s commitment to helping our
organization and the thousands
of Canadians whose lives can be
changed with the assistance of a Dog
Guide is greatly appreciated. Thank
you Fido, and thank you to all of the
Dog Guides 2012
Leafs Draws - Winners
DG Grads - Giving Back
Growing Support
The Lions Foundation has been
very fortunate to receive several
grants and significant donations
over the last few months, most
of which are assisting with class
expenses. A very special thank you
to the following for their generosity
and support of Dog Guides:
Dog Guide Wish List
• Fido
•The Fenella Foundation
Dog Guide Wish List
Growing Support
The Wish List is a unique way to make a contribution to the Dog Guide program.
If you wish to contribute an item or make a donation towards the purchase of
an item, please contact (905) 842-2891 or (800) 768-3030. Please call if there
is something specific that you can provide that may not be on this list.
• President’s Choice Foundation
•Toyota Canada
Special thanks to the following for their recent contributions to the Wish List:
• Unitron Canada
• PJ’s Pets and Pets Unlimited for the vehicle for the breeding program
• An anonymous donor for providing funding for retiling and installing light
sensors in washrooms for our clients
• Tiny Township Lions Club for an x-ray machine
• Passport to Freedom for a washer and dryer for the breeding program
• Nylabone for donating dog toys
• Several children and vet clinics for collecting dog toys for the dogs in
• Greey-Lennox Foundation
• Leonard and Gabryela Osin
• Ontario Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Contractors
• Passport to Freedom
• PJ’s Pets
“Casting Call”
• Alcon Canada
• Alice and Murray Maitland
Mattresses for client rooms (replacements)
Hot water heater fuel economizer
Energy efficient light fixtures for CVC rooms
Harnesses for Special Skills program
Computer monitors for client rooms (5)
Microwave (industrial for kitchen)
$ 300
Bedding for client rooms (new sheets, duvets and towels)
Paper supplies (copy paper, paper towels, paper napkins)
Dog toys (Kongs and Nylabones)
Gift cards to grocery stores for food for clients in trouble
Gift cards to gas stations and office supply stores
Dog Guides Out & About
Thanks to PJ’s Pets
Walk Success
Donate Rewards Points
Ride for
Dog Guides 2012
Leafs Draws - Winners
DG Grads - Giving Back
PJ’s Pets and Pets Unlimited
donation of $2. Customers who make
a donation write their name on a Dog
Guides logo card, which is posted on
the windows throughout the store.
For the past seven years, Lions
Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
has been very fortunate to be the
official national charity of PJ’s Pets
and Pets Unlimited. Since 2005,
PJ’s customers have donated over
$360,000 towards the Dog Guide
training programs.
This past November store windows
quickly became covered with the Dog
Guide logos as thousands of people
purchased the card, all of which
totaled $35,000 in donations!
Thank you to the many PJ’s staff and
customers who opened their hearts
and generously supported Dog
Guides during this campaign. These
Each year, PJ’s stores hold a funds were used to purchase a much
fundraising campaign throughout the needed vehicle for the breeding
month of November. Cashiers ask program.
We are truly grateful
every customer if they would like to for PJ’s ongoing commitment and
support Dog Guides with a minimum enthusiasm!
Another great way to help support
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog
Guides is to hold a ‘dress down’ day
at your company. Typically, dress
down days entail designating a
day for all employees to wear
semi-casual clothing by making a
small donation to a charity. Most
offices require a two to five dollar
donation to participate and collect
the donations on the designated
day. If this is something you think
your office would like to participate
in, please email Jennifer Yapa.
Dog Guides Out & About
“Casting Call”
Dog Guide Wish List
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
Thanks to PJ’s Pets
Walk Success
Donate Rewards Points
Ride for
Dog Guides 2012
Special Skills Dog Guide, Nixon
visited Santa to see if he had
been naughty or nice (and to
snap a quick photo). Phil, his
handler, was not surprised to
learn that Nixon had been a
perfect Dog Guide!
Long time volunteer Wenda
attended the Tiny Township
Polar Plunge in support of Dog
Guides with two future Dog
Guides. It was a chilly dip on
January 1st in the name of Dog
Autism Assistance graduates,
Izak and Honour, are now
attending school together.
Honour is a great audience to
Izak’s fine tuned recorder skills!
Autism Assistance graduates,
Adam and his Dog Guide
Shasta, enjoy the magic of
Disney On Ice in December
with their family.
Leafs Draws - Winners
DG Grads - Giving Back
Walk Success
Theresa Japp & the Eston 95 Lions Club
The Eston 95 Lions hosted their first Purina® Walk for
Dog Guides in 2011 under the leadership of LFC Chair,
Theresa Japp, with amazing success. Theresa has always
been interested in the Dog Guide programs at a club level,
but her involvement increased after participating in an
LFC fundraiser. For years, Theresa had purchased LFC
Toronto Blue Jay Draw tickets with one of her friends, and
in August 2005 she won the grand prize. On top of travel,
accommodations and tickets to a Blue Jays game, she
was given a tour of the LFC training facility in Oakville.
“To see the beginning of where our money goes… from a
small town where you bake pies and fundraise, and then
give your money – it was just full circle,” she said.
After sharing her experience at Dog Guides with the rest
of the Eston Lions Club, the group collectively agreed
to become regular supporters of Lions Foundation of
Canada Dog Guides. Since then, Ms. Japp has become
the LFC Chair for District 5-SKS. Last year, she hosted
the inaugural Eston Purina® Walk for Dog Guides. The
Walk was a huge success with 39 registered walkers and
a number of dogs on leash and even a few in costumes to
add to the afternoon’s festivities. This small town raised an
astounding $8,044.
“This is proof that with a little organization and a supportive
and hard working group we can achieve goals well
beyond our dreams. Please consider this an invitation
to plan your own Walk in your own community and feel
the gratitude and honour our club feels in supporting LFC.
To get word out to our communities I believe the schools’
involvement, sending letters, and newspaper coverage
helped immensely. It couldn’t be easier; I hope your club
or your zone gives it a try. Lives are changed because
we stepped up and took a chance and it paid off big time,”
says Ms. Japp.
Collect Points When You Shop?
Many stores provide a great opportunity for you to support
Dog Guides. By donating some or all of your points to
Lions Foundation of Canada, you enable the Foundation to
use the points towards purchasing supplies and products
that are needed for the clients or for ongoing fundraising
Shoppers Optimum Points
To donate your Shoppers points, go to,
click on “donate your points” and simply
select Lions Foundation of Canada as the
HBC Rewards
When you shop at the Bay, Zellers, Home
Outfitters and, you can
collect points on the Lions Foundation’s
Rewards program. To enroll, go to:
and register as a member using
Public ID# 1724181.
Air Miles
If you have existing Air Miles, Dog Guides
can always use them towards a gift
certificate or item for a fundraising event,
like one of the auctions. They can also
be redeemed towards flights for clients
traveling to the Oakville training school.
Canadian Tire
Canadian Tire money is always popular
since there are hundreds of items that can
be purchased and used for vehicle and
ground maintenance and housekeeping
supplies. Money can be sent directly to
the Foundation.
“Casting Call”
Dog Guide Wish List
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
Thanks to PJ’s Pets
Walk Success
Donate Rewards Points
Ride for
Dog Guides 2012
Leafs Draws - Winners
DG Grads - Giving Back
People who ride motorcycles do
so for many reasons: some for the
feeling of being free on the open
road with the wind rushing past them,
for economical or environmental
reasons, or for the fellowship and
camaraderie that comes with sharing
the interest with fellow riders. Many
still, for the simple reason that riding
a motorcycle is just plain exciting!
Whatever the reason, Lions
Foundation has an event for you!
The Ride for Dog Guides is a relatively
new event that was started in 2010
by the Salt Water Retreads in Nova
Scotia in partnership with the Lions
Club of Ensfield/Elmsdale district.
The idea for this fundraiser came
from Randy and Kelly Pidgeon, Salt
Water Retread members that joined
the Lions Club. While looking for a
new event the Club could organize,
they felt that members from both
groups had enough interest to put
on a local charity motorcycle ride.
“The first year we had 99 riders attend,
which really blew our minds. We
were pleased with the turn out and
support,” says Kelly. Bruce McLeod,
President of the Ensfield/Elmsdale
district Lions Club feels that the
event helps the Retreads and Lions
club work towards a common goal
as all members wanted to use
the funds raised to support Lions
Foundation of Canada in providing
Dog Guides.
2012 will mark the Salt Water
Retreads 3rd annual Ride for Dogs
Guides and will be held on Saturday
July 21st. In addition to this ride,
Lions Foundation of Canada has
confirmed 2 more locations:
2nd Annual Oakville to Breslau, ON:
Saturday, June 25, 2012
1st Annual Wasaga Beach, ON:
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Plans are in the works for a Montreal
location as well, with an August date
to be confirmed. The Foundation is
looking for organizers and motorcycle
enthusiasts to organize additional
locations to help this fun and easy
event grow. If you, your Lions Club,
business or other community group
is interested in establishing a Ride
for Dog Guides in your home town,
please email Heather Fowler or call
(519) 648-3307 Ext. 222.
“Casting Call”
Dog Guide Wish List
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
Thanks to PJ’s Pets
Walk Success
Donate Rewards Points
Ride for
Dog Guides 2012
Leafs Draws - Winners
DG Grads - Giving Back
Western Canada
Matching Program
Whenever someone applies for a Dog Guide we want to ensure they can safely
and suitably work with a Dog Guide in their community. Applications come from
many sources, with word of mouth being one of the most frequent ways that
applicants find out about Dog Guides. Due to our growing number of classes,
the waiting lists for Special Skills Dog Guides and Hearing Ear Dog Guides are
shorter than usual, which means wait times for a Dog Guide are less than usual.
If you know someone that is interested or would benefit from a Dog Guide, please
have them email Alex Ivic for more information.
“Casting Call”
Dog Guide Wish List
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
Below is a brief summary of the steps that all Dog Guide applicants go through in
order to apply for and receive a Dog Guide:
1. Applicants complete and submit an application along with other
supporting documentation. Applications for each program are
available on our website, by e-mail, or by mail.
2. Requests are sent out to three references, including a veterinarian
(when possible).
3.A trainer will conduct an in-home visit. This is an opportunity to
determine an applicant’s needs and answer questions.
4. Our Acceptance Committee will then meet to discuss all of the
information present from the file and in-home visit.
5. If accepted, they are placed on our wait list until we have a Dog
Guide that matches their needs.
6.Applicants are then invited to attend class to train with their Dog
Guide 1-2 months before class is scheduled.
7. Applicants reside at our training centre in Oakville, Ontario for 10
to 26 days, depending on type of Dog Guide they are training with.
Lets spread the word and help more Canadians with disabilities!
Emma & her SRD Dog Guide, Bamboo
Thanks to the terrific support
of many clubs in the Western
provinces, the matching program
was a great success! We are
delighted that clubs were able to
reach the $75,000 goal towards
the sponsorship program. An
anonymous donor matched this
collective donation to sponsor
Dog Guide teams for clients in the
western provinces.
We have had several clients
graduating from the west this year
and more are lined up to receive a
Dog Guide in the coming months.
Although the matching program
has ended, the Foundation is still
in need of sponsors for all five
If you, your club, or company
are interested in the Dog Guide
sponsorship program, please email
Julie Jelinek.
Thanks to PJ’s Pets
Walk Success
Donate Rewards Points
Ride for
Dog Guides 2012
Leafs Draws - Winners
DG Grads - Giving Back
Riley with his AAD Dog Guide, C.T.
Connie Pratt is a busy mom.
Residing in the small town of
Okotoks, Alberta, with a population
of 22,000, Connie lives with her
husband Colin and three children,
Ashleigh, Jesse, and Riley. Riley
received an Autism Assistance Dog
from Lions Foundation of Canada
in 2010. His Golden Retriever,
C.T., was generously sponsored by
several Canadian Tire owners and
Canadian Tire Jumpstart charities.
C.T. accompanies Riley everywhere
in the community and has improved
Riley’s independence and quality of
Based on the success of Riley and
C.T. as a working team, Connie
felt the need to give back to Lions
Foundation of Canada. When she
heard about the Purina® Walk for
Dog Guides being organized in
her home town, Connie knew she
wanted to get involved. Connie’s
family easily raised $400 that year
and enjoyed the scenic 5km Walk
organized by local resident Audrey
Jeffery. A Walk is not a difficult
event to pull together and most
organizers are thrilled to keep it
growing each year. Okotoks started
with just 12 people the first year and
raised $4,382! For 2012, Connie
hopes to help the Walk grow to
break $5,000 and see many more
people attending.
Joining in this community event for
2012 is Nicki Anderson and her
family, who also acquired an Autism
Assistance Dog for their son Brody.
The Andersons had lived in Calgary,
Alberta and attended the Calgary
Walk last year. They have since
moved to Okotoks and are excited
to participate in this community
fundraiser for this year.
Connie, Riley and C.T. are also
planning to attend the Purina® Walk
for Dog Guides in Okotoks and
have offered to help any way that
they can. Remember, it is not too
early to plan a Purina® Walk for Dog
Guides in your community if there is
not one already in place. For more
information on how to organize one,
or to join one already organized,
please email Dave Nash.
Maple Leaf Draws
Thank you to everyone who
supported our December 2011
Toronto Maple Leaf’s draw.
Congratulations to the following
Grand prize winner:
Mr. Ryan of Stratford, Ontario
Secondary prize winners:
Kemble Lions Club
Walden Lions Club
Fergus Lioness Club
Dereham Lions Club
Whitby Lions Club
Port Perry Lions Club
South Porcupine Lions Club
Strathroy Lions Club
Grand prize winner:
Ms. McKay of Bonnyville, Alberta
Secondary prize winners:
• Rycroft Lions Club
• Bow Island Lions Club
A special thank you goes out
to Central West Specialized
Developmental Services, Appleby
College, Unitron, and all the
volunteers and staff who helped
with our fall mailing. We truly
appreciate all your support.
“Casting Call”
Dog Guide Wish List
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
Thanks to PJ’s Pets
Walk Success
Donate Rewards Points
Ride for
Dog Guides 2012
Leafs Draws - Winners
DG Grads - Giving Back
Congratulations Graduates
AAD Graduates
Yuki & Kingston
Michael & Drake
Vincent & Wallis
Ayden & Iggy
Jacob & Fuji
Matheiu & Melba
Rebekah & Jetson
Brooklyn & Knight
Anson & Fido
Ashley & Ameer
Blake & Armani
William & Massey
Nolan & Jynx
Kennedy & Keeley
Christopher & Voss
Calgary, AB
Cambridge, ON
Oakville, ON
Aurora, ON
Guelph, ON
Bergeronnes, QC
Cobourg, ON
Leduc, AB
Port Perry, ON
Fredericton, NB
Susan and John McCracken, NB
Placentia, NL
Placentia Lions, NL
Oakville, ON
Rouge Valley Chapter IODE, ON
Burlington, ON
Woolwich Lions, ON
Burlington, ON
Georgetown Lions, ON
Sudbury, ON
CVC Graduates
Judy & Fido
Stan & Doc
Hubert & Vero
Gerry & Houston
Sanita & Jarvis
Leeann & Madison
Emily & Shadow
Clifford & Claude
Angela & Dapple
Hans & Tim
Mark & Jones
Heidi & Allie
Tracy & Abbie
Regina & Isa
Victor & Knago
Victoria, BC
St. John’s, NL
Botwood, NL
Dundas, ON
Brampton, ON
Welland, ON
St. Catharines, ON
Roblin, MB
Mississauga, ON
Mississauga, ON
Hamilton, ON
Tignish, PEI
Brampton, ON
Aurora, ON
Scarborough, ON
Fido; Newcastle Lions, ON; Zone 19I 3, BC
Enfield/Elmsdale Lions, NS; Rotary Club of Orangeville, ON
Corner Brook Lions, NL; Truro Lions, NS
Dunnville Lions, ON; Jim and Nancy Moore, ON
Craig Jarvis, ON; Totten Insurance, ON
Matt and Evelyn Lawless, ON; Danielle Fannader, ON
Pat and Ron Jaskula, ON; Bernace Davies, ON
Cross Country Concrete, ON: Wheat City Lions, MB
Alcon Canada, ON: Louise Spicer, ON
Robert Purdy, ON
Don McGowan, ON: Alcon Canada, ON
Tom Moreau and Diane Brockman, ON: St. Margarets Bay Lions, NS
Dan Forsythe, ON
Straffordville Lions, ON
Mount Hope Lions, ON
“Casting Call”
Dog Guide Wish List
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
Thanks to PJ’s Pets
Walk Success
Donate Rewards Points
Ride for
Dog Guides 2012
Leafs Draws - Winners
DG Grads - Giving Back
Congratulations Graduates
HED Graduates Stephen & Brook
Amanda & Tilley
Erin & Fiona
Debbie & Bart
Linda & Quantum
SRD Graduates Daniela & Jetta
Emma & Bamboo
Fiona & Fido
Gail & Audi
Crystal & Hudson
Sarah & Wookie
Christine & Wonder
Cindy & Jimmy
Janice & Frisco
Richard & Raza
SSD Graduates Dinah & Chase
Cheryl & Tess
Sharon & Gretta
Debbie & Arthur
Scott & Aisla
Graham & Juliet
Pina & Walter
Brandon & Silver
Kristen & Fido
Massimo & Sandy
Cookstown, ON
Pet Country Estate, ON, Barrie South, Gilford and Thornton Lions Clubs,
Peterborough, ON
Newcastle, ON
Quota Club of Peterborough, ON
Pet Country Estate, ON, Barrie South, Gilford and Thornton Lions Clubs,
Antigonish, NS
Dundas, ON
Whycocomagh and Area Lions Club, NS
Unitron, ON
Bradford, ON
Calgary, AB
Vancouver, BC
Toronto, ON
Winnipeg, MB
Timmins, ON
Stoney Creek, ON
St. Mathias sur Richelieu, QC
Peterborough, ON
Toronto, ON
Inverary, ON
Welland, ON
Kamloops, BC
St. Catherines, ON
Toronto, ON
Mississauga, ON
Hamilton, ON
Oakville, ON
Toronto, ON
Stoney Creek, ON
Western Match
PJs Pets
“Casting Call”
Dog Guide Wish List
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
Thanks to PJ’s Pets
Walk Success
Donate Rewards Points
Burnbay Lougheed Lions Club, BC
Ride for
Dog Guides 2012
Leafs Draws - Winners
DG Grads - Giving Back
Canadian Tire
“Casting Call”
Gift Shop
Purple Luggage Tag
Dog Guide Wish List
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
Thanks to PJ’s Pets
Walk Success
Donate Rewards Points
2 ea
12 ea
Dog Guides 2012
Leafs Draws - Winners
DG Grads - Giving Back
Ride for
22 ea
PO Box 907
Oakville, Ontario L6J 5E8
(905) 842-2891 / 1-800-768-3030
TTY (905) 842-1585 Fax (905) 842-3373
Charitable Tax #: 13024 5129 RROO1
Kids Purple T-shirt with logo Youth Sizes XS,S,M,L
Hunter Green T-Shirt Sizes S only
Purple T-shirt Sizes S,M,L,XL, 2XL
Charcoal Grey T-shirt Sizes S,L,XL,2XL
Purple Golf Shirt Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL,
White Golf Shirt Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL
Dark Heather (Grey) Hoodie Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL NEW!
Denim ¼ zip Sweatshirt Sizes L,XL, only
Blue with Grey ½ zip Fleece Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL NEW!
Blue Denim Shirt Sizes S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL
Charcoal Grey Toque
Red or Royal Blue Dog Guide Bandana
Red Sling Backpack
Dog Guide Holiday Cards
(package of 10)
Grey & Blue Fanny Pack
new colour
Peace on Earth Holiday Cards (package of10)
Blank All Occasion Cards (package of 10)
Stainless Steel Coffee Mug
new style
Dog Guide Luggage Tag (purple)
Silver Pocket Whistle Keylight
Purple Coolie
Purple Stretch Lanyard
Navy with Red Trim Baseball Cap
Navy Nylon Vest Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL,
Navy/Red spring jacket Sizes L,XL,2XL,3XL only
Navy/Titanium spring jacket Sizes S, M only
25th Anniversary Pin
Pewter Holiday Ornament – Basket of Puppies
Pewter Holiday Ornament – DG 25th Anniversary
$8.00 each
for $20.00
“Ash & Mrs. Hemingway” Children’s Book
Platinum Sparkling Ornament - Wreath
Platinum Sparkling Ornament - Snowflake
Platinum Sparkling Ornament – Tree
$8.00 each
FOR $20.00
Updated Jan 12, 2012
Ganz Plush Bookmarks Golden Retriever or Pink Poodle
Shipping – Purchase total between $0 - $30 = $7.50
Shipping – Purchase total between $30 - $50 = $10.00
Shipping – Purchase total between $50 +
= $15.00
Please ensure your total includes shipping charges
Please make cheques payable to: Lions Foundation of Canada
Please Print:
City________________ Province_________________________ Postal Code___________
Telephone Number___________________________
Please Indicate Method of Payment:
π Cheque – make cheques payable to “Lions Foundation of Canada”
π Cash (do not send cash in mail)
π Visa π Master Card
Card Number_______________________________________ Expiry Date ______/______
Updated Jan 12, 2012