Issue 140 - Rome International School


Issue 140 - Rome International School
Issue #140: April 17 2015
General Information
In This Issue:
• General Information
Welcome back to Term 3
Community news round-up
Summer programmes with a
difference: sign up today!
• Elementary News
Talent Show next week
New environmental project
Music festival highlights
• Middle/High School Coming up
Grade 10 visit to Senzatomica
• Lunch Menu
20 - 24 April: New Summer Menu!
Welcome back to Term 3!
We hope our families, students and staff had a restful spring break! The first
week of term 3 has gotten off to a busy and productive start - Grade 9 have spent
the week in Torino as part of their History course, students have been rehearsing
for the Elementary Talent Show to be held next Tuesday 21 April, and High
School teachers are working to prepare Grade 11 and 13 for their respective study
leave prior to the final IGCSE and IB DP exams.
There is also plenty to look forward to this term. Our PTA have started work on the
popular May Fair, coming up on 23 May 2015 and the PE department is getting
ready for Sports Day taking place on 30 April. Grades 3 to 6 are also starting to
look forward to their residential trips in May/June.
We look forward to keeping you up to date on all that is happening through the
Community news
Exclusive agreement with LUISS Associazione Laureati
As part of our continued commitment to deliver and maintain educational and
organisational excellence, we are pleased to announce that RIS has established
special terms and conditions with LUISS University’s Associazione Laureati. If you
are interested in learning more, please contact the Admissions Office.
This is the latest in a series of agreements reached with LUISS, one of our closest
and strongest partners. In October 2014, Mr Serra, Executive Vice-President at
LUISS confirmed the University’s commitment to RIS and their families by
announcing that students who score 33 points in the Diploma Programme will be
granted entry to LUISS undergraduate courses taught in English and Italian.
Follow u k
on Face
LUISS basketball team success
We are pleased to share the success of ASD LUISS’ basketball team who, for the
first time, have entered the playoffs for the Seria A2! This is a historic achievement
for the Associazione Sportiva LUISS as expressed by coach Andrea Paccarié.
Click here to read more.
PTA bake sale - Monday 20 April Support our PTA by giving your child some loose change to buy delicious
homemade treats this coming Monday!
Page 1
General Information
RIS Summer Programmes
An unforgettable experience
Summer Camp - ages 2 to 14
30 June to 24 July
08.30 - 16.30
At the Summer Camp (ages 2 to 5; 6 to 11) students will be given a choice of
activities each day from creative arts and crafts, sports, drama, cooking and
music in a student centered learning environment packed with excitement and
Middle School Summer Camp (ages 12 to 14) is all about learning in a fun and
enjoyable way. Activities include: weird science, journalism, music lab and drama,
sports and cultural trips.
Take a look at the course programme and descriptions in more detail by
downloading the brochure.
Please email for course fees and to book
your child’s place.
Summer School - ages 16 to 19
13 to 31 July
The RIS Summer School aims to provide participants with a rich programme
designed to prepare them for university-level study, providing academic
challenges and enrichment through a series of courses and talks delivered by
expert teachers and speakers.
The Summer School is open to RIS students as well as students from abroad.
The course will run for five days, from Monday to Friday, and there are four
courses, 15 hours of lessons in total, available each session. We are also offering
Italian Language lessons or English for Academic Writing.
For information on the course structure please read the Summer School
Please email for course fees and to book
your child’s place.
Page 2
Elementary School
Enjoying our
climbing wall
Students across Early
Years and Elementary
have been having lots of
fun using the new climbing
Although it may look
deceptively easy, it is a
fantastic way to help
students’ develop their
inner strength and to
improve motor skills.
As we have received plenty of interest in auditioning for the Talent Show this year,
this event has been postponed until Tuesday 21 April. There are two sessions
scheduled to help with parking and seating. The first group will perform at 09.10
and the second group at 14.40.
Parents of students not performing are welcome to attend either the first or second
session. Please click here to download the full programme.
Help us become an eco-school!
RIS is implementing an Environmental Project which
starts with Earth Week in the Early Years and
Elementary School on Monday 20 April. RIS is fortunate to be working with Mr Roberto Guida,
parent and Head of Special Projects at GALA, the
Official Green Energy Supplier of the Milan EXPO
2015. The theme for the Expo is ‘Feeding the Planet:
Energy for Life’. Its primary concern is with ‘being able
to guarantee healthy, safe and sufficient food for
everyone, while respecting the Planet and its equilibrium’. The Environmental
Project aims to raise environmental awareness of issues and concerns
surrounding this theme to allow pupils to make informed decisions.
Students can participate in ‘Wear Green for Earth Day’ on Wednesday 22 April for
1 Euro. All monies raised will contribute to the Project Fund which will be used to
achieve the overall objective to make RIS an ‘Eco-School’.
- Ms McLean, Project Co-ordinator
Page 3
Elementary School
RIS insights
Ms Marie Louise Neijts,
Kindergarten teacher,
travelled to Senegal and The
Gambia during the Spring
break. Enjoy a few photos
from her trip. She reports “the
house where I stayed was
located on a sandy road.
Several times I sat in front of
the house and so I kind of
became part of what was
happening in the street.
The trip from Dakar to The
Gambia also gave some nice
picutres. On the ferry from
Barra to Banjul in The
Gambia they transport cars,
goats, chickens, vegetables
and people. The ferry is
always loaded!”
Students participate in music festival
Both Grade 5 classes enjoyed a day out at Ambrit
International School on Wednesday for the
annual music festival. The day began with some
invigorating voice and movement warm-up
exercises. The children then joined their
workshop groups. These included Israeli folk
dance, Maori stick games, ukulele (led by our
very own Miss Jones), Flamenco, songwriting,
African drumming – to name just a few. The
participants attended two workshops each and
then watched all eleven activities in a final grand
What made this such a memorable, fulfilling
experience? Meeting and working with children
from different schools around Rome; hearing and
making new music together; feeling the rhythm
and beat of sounds from all over the world; taking
an active part in this collaborative event. Stevie
Wonder once said: “Music is a world within itself,
with a language we all understand.” This was the
feeling - something special had been shared and
understood - that we brought back to school at the
end of the day.
- Ms Mirsky, Grade 5M
On the streets of Dakar,
On the Ferry from Barra to Banjul
Page 4
Middle/High School
Grade 10 visit to Senza|tomica
Coming up
28 April
Middle School Parent/
Teacher conferences
30 April
Sports day (details tbc)
1 May
Public holiday, school
Study leave
23 April
First day of Grade 13 IB
study leave
27 April
First day of Grade 11
IGCSE study leave
On Thursday 16 April the Grade 10 Global Perspectives class went to Senzatomica, an
exhibition held at Macro in Testaccio. Senzatomica is a pun in English, Senza "without"
in Italian and aware in English. Here are their thoughts:
Andrea Manni
"The visit was useful because it talked about peace and conflict and this is my essay
Mark Frydrych
"It helped us to expand our knowledge about what is happening in the world and how
we can solve humanity's problems"
Amanda Sitati
"I had two emotions, firstly disappointment in that humanity had developed such
weapons and secondly pride because people could create a foundation like
Sensatomica to build awareness"
Cosmo Brachetti
"It was a presentation full of impact that showed the power nuclear weapons although I
felt that much of the information was on the Internet already"
Ginevra de Blasio
“It was impactful because they simulated the sound of a real bomb blast from 80kms. I
thought it was very informative because I learned many new things. It would have
helped to have more interactive exhibits"
Leonardo Gabrielli
"The argument was presented in an effective way with charts, images and relevant
facts so it was easy to understand the topic. I think atomic bombs helped maintain the
peace between the USA and the former Soviet Union”
Aneeka Nizzer
"I remember the sounds and we were able to visualise the atomic bomb and the
aftermath. We developed empathy for the people that had been through Hiroshima and
Nagasaki and the long-term effects on their health. We learned about how it is
nowadays too"
Alessia Sgalia
"We were told really good information and the details about the Cold War really helped"
Kirsty Robinson
"What we experienced was really effective because as well as tackling the issue from a
factual perspective they also approached it from a moral point of view regarding the
right to life, it awakened us"
Jennifer Colledani
"I thought it was very interesting because I learned that more countries than I expected
had atomic weapons, the people's suffering also made me think"
Page 5
20 - 24 April
Early Years
Passato di verdure con
Risotto alla parmigiana
Mezze penne con
crema zucchine
Mezze penne al
pomodoro fresco
Pasta e lenticchie
Bocconcino di pollo al
Polpetine di bovino
Frittatina al forno
Filetto di pesce
Zucchine all’olio
Patate al forno
Carote julienne
Fagiolini all’olio
Bietolina al vapore
Frutta di stagione
Succo di frutta
Frutta di stagione
Pasta alla parmigiana
Insalata di riso
Mezze penne con
Pasta al pomodoro
Pasta e lenticchie
Bocconcino di pollo al
Polpetine di bovino
Frittatina al forno
Filetto di pesce
Zucchine all’olio
Patate al forno
Fagiolini all’olio
Insalata di carote e
Frutta di stagione
Frutta di stagione
Succo di frutta
Middle/High School
A healthy self-service canteen is available to Middle and High School students. The menu published below features next
Pasta alla parmigiana +
Insalata di riso +
Mezze penne con
zucchine e gamberetti +
Pasta al pomodoro
fresco + alternative
Pasta e lenticchie +
Petto di pollo al limone
+ alternative
Polpetine di bovino +
Omelette con verdure +
Filetto di pesce
gratinato + alternative
Fagiolini all’olio +
Insalata di carote e
cetrioli + alternative
Caprese + alternative
Zucchine gratinate +
Patate al forno +
Page 6