Company Profile
Company Profile
arrsfrq (flrn4 cTcd aT qrr6 qn <E wffiq6 fudrq ,DTdq, qFFF clrad ql6n) rcr{, 9 EErS{AE qW qd, d ffi-UOOO: lvlanak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar lvlarg, New Delhr-1 '10002 Our Ref: CMD-V(CRSyCRS 20150692/R-76000078 Dated:24-09-201 5 Subject : Inclusion of Additional Model AJANTA MANUFAUTURING LIMITED ORPAT NAGAR, 8-A, NATIONAL HIGHWAY, VILLAGE:VANDHIYA. NR.SIKARPUR CROSSING. TALUKA:BHACHAU, GUJRAT INDIA Authorized Representative Mr. Kishor Nayakparaj Ajanta Manufauturing Limited Orpat Nagar, 8-A, National Highway, Village:Vandhiya, Nr.Sikarpur Crossing, Taluka:Bhachau, Gujrat lndia Dear Sir, This has reference to your request for inclusion of models of SELF BALLASTED LED LAMPS FOR GENERAL LIGHTING PURPOSES as per IS 16102(Part-1):2012 in Registration No. R-76000078 already granted to you which is operative from 01 September 201 5 and valid upto 3l August 2017. It is intimated that the additional Models as per details given below have been agreed Registration No. R-76000078 w.e.f. 16 September2015: 2. Product IS No Brand Inclusion of Additional Models (w.e.f. 16.09.2015) Factory Address to be included in your SELF BALLASTED LED LAMPS FOR GENERAL LIGHTING PTJRPOSES lS 16102(PaF I ):2012 OREVA 1 IW-DX LED, gW-DX LED, 5W-DX LED, 7W-DX LED AJANTA MANUFAUTURINC LIMITED ORPAT NAGAR, 8.A, NATIONAL HICHWAY, VILLAGE:VANDHIYA, NR.SIKARPUR CROSSING, TALUKA:BHACHAU, GUJRAT INDIA 3. In view of the above, you are pemitted to mark your product'SELF BALLASTED LED LAMPS FOR GENERAL LIGHTING PURPOSES' having above mentioned Brand/Additional Models with the words 'Self Declaration Conforming to ISl6l02(Part-1):2012,R-76000078'w.e.f, 16.09.2015. Other terms and conditions ofthe Registration Scheme shall remain same. Kindly acknowledge receipt ofthis letter. Thanking you, G-*.'iZ* SCientist-E(CM D-V) 'l'elef'ax : +91-l l-2323 0856 Ir-mail: & i{r;iirq* q1&3 HFr6 flira, s dir{ lVanak Bhavan, Bt,nl&lj sr lfinl&}1 $IAUnAfin$ ({ 116 ts{ xri ri fund - ttoooz 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar l\larg, New Delhi-110002 tllg/Phoner +91'1 1'23230856/23230i0131/23233375/23239402 h-ffi/FM: +91 I 1 -23230856 i'fa/E-mail: d+mir/Webs ite : www.bis org.ln Date:28-09-2015 Our Rel: CMD-5/CRS 2015-1 132lR-76000086 Subjcct : (irant of l{cgistra{ion Manuf4cturing Untt : AUTHORISI]D R]]PRL,SEN'I'ATIVI]: AJANTA MANUFACI'URING LIMITED ORPATNAGAI{, 8-A, NATIONAIHIGHWAY, VILI,AGE : VANDHIYA, NR. SIKARPIJR CROSSING, TALUKA : BHACIIAI], GTJJRA'I, INDIA. MR, KISI.IORNAYAKPARA Orpatnagar, 8-A, National I'Iighway, Village Vanclhiya, Nr. Sikarpur Crossing, l'aluka : Bhachau. Cujrat. India. : Dear Sir, to inform you that it has been decided to 1.Wi1h refcrcnce to your Application, wc arc plcased grant you registration as per dctails givcn bclow : PRoDUCT:FIXEDCE'NERAI.P(JRl,osLLEDI.t:MlN^IRFS(LI1DTUBE'LIGHT) IS NO : BI{AND : IS 10322(PAR'| 5/SEC 1):2012 OREVA 'lonEr,:T5-20WLEDTtJBEI,IGI1.f,.l5-l5wLl]D.IIJBELIGHT,T5-l0wI-ED TL'Rljl;ICII'f FACTORY AJANTA MANI.-IFAC'I'I]RING LIMTII]D ADDRESS:ORPATNAGAII,8-A,NAflONALIIIGrIWAY'VILLAGII:VANDFIIYA' .IALUKA INDIA NR. SIK,AI{PUR CROSSING, : BHACI{AU. GUJRAT, 2.l.heRegistrationisbcinggrantedlbryourunitlocatedattheaddressandforthebrandand modcls mentioned a1 serial no 1 above' 3.,rhenumberassignedlolhisl{egistralionisR-T6000086whichhasbcenmadeoperative Number should invariably be from 03-09-2015 and is valid uptJOZ-09-ZOtf Thc Registralion referred to in your future correspondence' w'ffi 4. The rights and privileges under the registration shall not be exercised by any other factory I organization a1 any other location. This registration is not transierable. In the event ofshifting ofthe manufacturing machinery from the registered premises to some other place use ofthe Registration Numbcr shall be stopped and BIS shall be informed. 5. You shall comply with the provisions of Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 and Rules and Regulations framed there under and as amendcd from time to time. 6. You shall apply selfdeclaration on those articles lbr which registration has been granted. You shall display the words'Sclf Declaration - Conforming to IS 10322(PART S/SEC 7):2072, R-760C0086' both on product and packaging as per stipulated Labeling Rcquirements enclosed at Annexure-I. You may also rel'er to Order for Labeling requirer4ents rcL lllS/DGO/(405) datcd 31 July 2014 available on BIS website. 7. You shall not usc the registration in any manner which contravenes the provisions of llureau of Indian Standards Act,1986 and Rules and Rcgulations framed there under and as amendcd from timc to 1ime. 8. Upon expiry o1'validity, stoppagc or suspension or canccllation ofrcgistration, you shall discontinue lbrthwith the self declaration of conformity to the relevant Indian Standard(s) and withdraw all promotional and adverlising matter which contains any reference thereto. 9. As per your dcclzLration, MR. KISIIOR NAYAKPAR is your authorized representative. Any intended changc in thc name ollhe Indian representative ought to be broughl to our nolice immediately. i0. You are requcsted to lurnish the Agrecment for grant of I{cgistration duly executed on a non-judicial slamp papcr oflts.100/- incorporating the terms and conditions of the BIS Registration grantcd to you as per the formal available on BIS website. It may be notcd that for consideration ofrencwal ofyour registration, you shall have to apply to BIS at lcast one month in advancc bcfore expiry ofthe validity period. Application Form for Renewal (FORM IX) is available on IllS website. 11. 12. Kindly acknorvlcdge receipt ofthis letter. Thanking you, '[) a Yo,,,Yh{#try, (Reena Garg) Sc-'E' (CMD-5) - t. b. h geaerai, ali*.x,klnss ' rea! ...'it;i:;:-,"#r;r+#;1I-,#[? ]r': iha Eqi:Pird:ri shzli !:e cui'5i: a::d i:gibl:. a-":r shzil :.' i lnlFm ...;=.,.,r^^ --- ., . 'usLq:n u'rcr'*/se speoi:ied. Ias'flrciio13:,s.aies'rerds dc aoi h.ive ..o colo.rr. Ii a,: L:sirr.,ctional s:.'egu,ard is ia colour, the coiour sh pe ln accoidanee z;ih ihe iso 386.i se;!es.. Markings "rh,, a= eagraved or "otra-iu*j#'t"'icLr ai,?i"ii.'_#.iTl;:,=ff ill#:p',?,#:::TJ:J::.i."HJ,iffi ffi . 3. The . a) o) o d,:iabiii! -,fm,-king shalibs as p;r,$.,ro..dup gir.n Each *:qgired prinied o! scr.c3aedinaddflg slrall be ,'#*."11; -.e1* iesit; conducred by r$bing tre narking by traird rr.jr\or:i lT::1i:ii:::*::":.I,,.".".j:* slvirh.arveaoi#h;#J;il;#:'"#:t#i,::"j rrrreteice a$o 3I"':"1::i::11T-llrf . place ''r a or on a different sampte tof il" *+;;:;":"-T::,'^:il:; a piece-ofaloth soaked with,rtrc pefoJeuirr soirit (retroleum spirit _-,_^_. _.1with t-fetrolarm soiritis .^;.;+ ;. .a;-e.€eni;r.ade;.;fi"fi;;liii.::il:_1I,j:; [il,1TJi ,1.: AEEE3IIC€ .a) b.l 'c) d) i.,. Where -,$e conrplianc-. statensnt-is ggi.*"i abbve. the sirrue sliau ir" n,.r*u-..tty-ar;;-9q t, vay oi o ."pr.u... n .. :lic/stictej a: in z a) ;i:; .'r*?".1',h'"1,'"1,oi in i anqer so as to rernai:r oathispiochc:tilitheend.ef.Jrel.ifeofti.,"'proarrl'ii"'J.opi"":iirsepara.te,abelslotis 2015 o, r". . p:;i;l;r,*;;;",'ii. ".1;T." {at= oi ier:ase oi Brs rogo, ll1Til#l:"1..p:cember != above-staiemen: shall^ also be priqied on -.he packagiog ar pirminen.. - Jh: be a,,tix-ed try way lt caiiol. The of .,,:.rlper prooi oon-r#o-,,"fie itltdi; cf aay on iii ::l=::""n.t . =ra,-eriui l-- .,...: .DacKaEinE. 5. . Tire com?liEnca sipi.cneni on iile produci as weit packaging _t: es the apron:inen; locaiion sLril! be efixedl;naikeC z: ore a.ivotherp;3,;s:",hriil The display ofrvo:ds be oi a , ,iirimum fcrn-r ,ir" o::iz-o, ";;rE "i.,frl":*"".r,.. lr"'"f ,rr. ,i-"" bra::ci name pirichevdr is f-::T.:.:I * ruY/s-'-' s'roJec;:c a inln!R} !1r" ltla,r (.: oi6 i-onisizer However, it sha.rl be.simiia.j i il siz"e of othei ee;iificaiioe 1 . T case cF;,'.roduei"which arc ioo small in size anci ihe s.raieneni cairnoi be mar-keo oa ihe p:od',:ci, the shall be -orcC.uct srali pi:rely aesi:ieiic grouads. acc.6;;ilil;1;ir;H #G; eiven oir rire packa.sing aid ;t= 0e.rer:o.,,ed io r.h; paekagiirg.o: accc.r r ra.ryir:g docuheni! cr :reiter be omi:,:d itci .:$ L7 6+- No PA / /of 20!5 Superintending Engineer (Electrical) R & B Department Nirman Bhavan, 3rd Floor, sector No. LolA, Gandhinagar - 382 010 oate:fil plzors S. K. Pa Tele No. i- 079-23253514 Fax No. :- 079-23254176 ndya B.E.(Elect.) Superintending Engineer (Elect,) R & B Department,Gandhinagar.. To, M/S Ajanta Manufacturing Limited (ORVA Group) Orpat nagar , 8A National Highway, Vandhiya, Tal- Bhachau Dlst Kutch Gu.iarat lndia Su Request for lnclusion in S.O.R. for the Year 2015/2016 b:- (1.) Ex. Engg. Rajkot.. Elect. Ref:- Div Office Letter No. 15oo dt 2,1712015 Sir, After reviewing your company details brought withthe S.O.R.-Review Committee, your requestfor listingthe " oREVA" Brand in ensuing S.o,R. has been considered & items / products befitting on merits were brought on the list of S.O. R. for the the fnoncidl yedr 2075-2076upto 37/03/2016 fo( use in various Government works executed by Electrical wing of R.&B. Department, Gujarat State Category Description Sr.No. 1 lndoor light 2 l|,4oCel no: ORD[-R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R11, ORDt Sq4,5Q5,SQ6,Sq7,SQ8,SQl1 Out door IED Street Lisht (ORSL-12W,30W,34W), T-8 tED ( 24W, 48W) 3 tED Flood tisht ( ORFLD-2oW to 100W) 4 5 MCB,MCCB,& RCCB T-5 & T-8 Fixture (lndoor & Outdoor) 6 Modular Switches (JSH-3087)) & Accessories LED Tissino Type t swtches & Accessories The above inclusion shall hold good tillthe product confirms lS/BS specifications. ln case there is any change in Design / Size / Shape ofthe product, this office should be informed to the same immediately. Failure may lead to cancellation of this inclusion. . Kindly arrange to send a set of literature ofthe products, to this office as well as to the office of the Executive Engineers of all Divisions, shown below. Please send the Price-Lists to this office periodically as and when the rates are revised.The Department reserves the rights to raw the inclusion at any point of time without assigning any reasons thereof Superintending Engineer (Electrical) R & B Department, Gandhinagar qffis{r orqfaq qft+s{r riqrmfi fu-qrqfi E-o.r$, d}o' ffiur frqFr, ftqfur Tfi, 6ftq_q-3rkr Rffi,$qrd ri.r.c ailtrT q. ;# tiqfdr 6r qtq drII rtfrT it'. @ i.? /Appl.tpru/E&M//oREvA/ r{ dl qfrE frRr€d q{srfu6 fu€ s-Jclf-d I 3nS.Vs. 15-16 -tqra n-cioglzlr 6Is g dt3rB.w. grtr reec dEfr{ 6-qi6 1 1 2 M/s Ajanta Manufacturing Ltd.( OREA Group) Ajanta OREVA House, 2'd floor, Thaltej Cross Road, S.G. Highway, 3 ..OREVA " 4 LED Lighting,( 5 6 7 T6 3rECr(r Lamps, Sensor Lamp, Hi Bay Light , Down/ IS:16102 (P-1) 2012 IS:10322: (P-5 / Ahmedabad-38054, Panel Light, Surface Ceiling Light, Street Light, Tub Light, Flood Sec.l) 2012 Gujrat,India Light, Spot Light, ) qrfr Eti ft-{m n d ff< s{ il6 qrq drn ; LED T-5 , T-8 Tube Light Fixtures (15 w to 100 w. CFL (2 w, to 110 w.) , CFL T-5 & T8 Tube Lights , ModularAlon Modular Switches Sockets, MCB, MCCB ,RCCB cw- IS:15111;2002 783s389 cwL- IS:3854;1997 3774880 CMII- IS:1293:2005 3786180 CM/L29030s2 IS:60898:P-1: 2002 (\ \* rtgffi +@*\fi7qr) qffiqcr frqrqcc {6r{, A olg-f{qlur Gqm. Mur q+q L\{W@*tu^ PIU APPROVAL aTqfaq qffis{r ttq e-a ,etttr riqrd6' cfurq-{r Ftr_qlqrd t cREvA/ 115-16 .1c6 ft-{io of}oz{le ftgf, Hrqft or-g+fi oTrirT qs vtrsotq q-dn n frgd o.rd i-g d6 Mur fr'nrT + q-qfu'd fuqd w.d.GIt{. fu ffi-6 01-08-2014 * q,Trsrft'a t', d einm q-i G frRrE gk6r d o{IEIrs c{ rws Ajanta 3Tdcr d 1 /Wl\ppl.l Hq oqio te ptutu&Mt Manufacturing Ltd.( OREVA Group) Ajanta OREVA House, 2'd floor, Thaltej Cross Road, S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad-380054, Gujrat, India Hl{t B-grkd fuqd qrqff ful w "OREVA " qragrfuo fu€ 3ifu-d di tS lfn Lighting,( Lamps, Sensor Lamp, IIi Bay Light, Down/ Panel Light, Surface Ceiling Light, Street Light, Tub Light, Flood Light, Spot Light, ) LED T-5 , T-8 Tube Light Fixtures (15 w to 100 w ,CFL Q w. to 110 w.) CFL T-5 & T-8 Tube Lights ,. ' Modutar/trlon Modular Switches /Socket,MCB, MCCB ,RCCB .6\ lid.r EqI-E 3r5+({ ft-{{ur 6Tfu+l d 3rgflr Tf,E Er-iT ldqTrr q..Tfud !flBft o1 3t-geTwr vtrtid sqdFr tg org+qq fu-qr qrdT i q-df<=T 1z- frq rrd + qdf{ qrq aFn:- fuqd inqfi o1 @rfrrA, G{r-6n orerrrT si-q ot$ frrorm qR +ff B d ei-gd<i liiw ft-qr qr woar t T6 3r5dr-{r'qrft *i d ft-{io' * df{ q{ qr vsrst o1 qr$.vs'.er$. qflu'-q+ ot Atrdr d Tie E\, T6 qrq drn t fs-d Tfi-+f,{ur d fur AEr-dr d go qre Td 3rnfi orir dTT sq-q-{Tq rrt lnflr fu€/ffi.r/gr$,T 3nfr qc .rfi qfurffi-d d'i t, gs 6rqt.a-q o} t t 3- sqorer otr+ drn t qi-{ 6r{ot <rrfc q6 sr:+fi fu{F o-{i -ig i+nn w€[fl:- BiqrE 3t-Jfrqq ft!-{rr ilftrfir d qm'erkox stri-q-{r 6q5qaq go(, /, tffi"r gooqio 95'6 fWappl./nrurccwronrver ftqFr, f{qiur Li6",oe'qfnr 115-16 .iqTd krin qFdftfr a-a, "iqr-er dvra ffi6 qfi r5\oLll6 M/s Ajanta Manufacturing Ltd.( OREA Group) Ajanta OREVA House,2'd floor, Thaitej qz frqi6 Cross Road, S.G. Highwey, Ahmedabad-38054, Gujrat, India of sf-d Em */.' fqd o4-os-rs A €<.f t q-++ei 3Tfrftffi cffiqcT €ard+', fr6 f{qf,r fuF1, qord*.dlcrd, {<)r, ue-eg{, -srfuq-i ftEr. HrrR, qr1 ortr q+flrl t I 34- d*, doftofro ft7d +rsa dcrd of or)r q-drTp, *iqFftq cffiqrT ri*. doftofro ft.olr{{ ordqrf,{ {i*, d6 ffiq furFr frrlqi rin r .Fit6-1,2 qiqrs Zr<h ,zvd'< 7 -orfuwTvaeg< /fiqt /Htqr./nq ft'lqt riqFr {rq. qR'qts{r erT,oq ailqrd Eft oft q.fl{rai }ft6 1 qqqr enq erqi erfuc-{er srtr fr/qi sq€qFr srsffit oi qfud otffeT"r oir sErri-r:- B6nE 3r-5drfi fu+<q I crfuor t G/qD r-qlqfi F PIU APPROVAL {6,r{, qEq @r Brrrr, ffq 25Kdr a-4. dvm ANNEXURE E;ICLOSURE OF LETTER N0. 3552 E/M-14E/TC-15E/l!!/15-16 s4fff q,r ail ( Rr< lqfifts qf 6r arq s sdl ln6 Deted- eG.{s"qrl.r qjqtt-d *.q(.c{. o Fq{ M I 15 6 M/s Ajanta Manufacturing Ltd., Orpat lndustrial Estate Raikot Morbi Highway Morbi lndoor Commercial Lighting (LED) A"Surface Panel Liqht (Squar€/Round)91 1 2t 1 6t20t24t32t 401 4AW B- Down Light & PanelLight (Square/Round)6t9t 1 2t 1 5t 1 6t I 7 -12-2015 1l tso-9001 '2008 vt)t- 18 918 I 8120 t24t2Et 30t32W c- celling Light (2x2)- 40/48W Gujarat-363641 D- LED Lamp -3/3.5/4/5/6nlABl1O 111 11211311411A124130 W E-LED Night Lamp-0.2/0.5/1/2W F.LED MR-3/5/7W G-LED Tube Light- T-5/T-a- 511al13l15l2al26w 11t2t3t4Ft) H- Spot Light- 3/s/7W, 3/5/10/ 11/18 (Cob Type) l- Driverfor LED Outdoor Luminaires (LED) Convetional Light Lighl lw'2ew J- Hiqhway Lamp- 25135/45W 1- Street Light A-Plaste Bodyfype llP-231 -1213134W. 24l48W (T6 Base) B- Aluminum Body lype (lP-67) 1 5120 t25t30131 I 40 I 55n 0W 2- Flood Light (lP-6s) -20130/50 1419-1455 SaverTube Light (J 5)- 10/ 11t12t14l1At21t24t2AW, r B 36\N 2-Tubes- Al1Al11l12l14l1Al 2l I 24l2AW 3- CFL-2U/3U/4UlTwlsler/Lotus/ C rcle/G 24lluini J5 /PL 4- Street Light ( CFL Base)- 40/751 100h 10W 5- Commrcial Lisht (PL Base)-36/72l200W 419423(r) 1- Power 441(V) 424(wl 1' lway/2 Way Switch 2 3 Modular Switches 6PJ16A (with & wiihout lndicator) Be I Push Switch (with & wiihoui hdicaio0 187(A)-r87(E) LED lndicator Lighi 4- 324 DP (with & witho'rt lndicatoo 5- 611O|2OA-2l3l5l6ll)fiiyersal Pin Socket (with & withoui Shuttered) 6- Dimmer (450W)/ Fan Regulator -4l5 Step(1NI,2l\,4) 7- Blank Plaie-11\I 8- TV SockeyTelephone /l\,4odem / Computer Jack 9- lnner & cover Plate- 1l\,4/21\,'ll 1139(A) i203{B,C) 3M/4L1/6 M/8 M/1 2t\4/1 6tV/1 8tll Non Modular Switches 10- I\,4otor StarteF25A 11-Angle / Baiten Holder, Celling Rose, Pulg Top with LED lndicaior 1- lWay/2 Way Swltch-6N16A 2- Bell Push Switch 3- Lndicator Light 12't-144lcl 1101-1112 4- 32A' DP S- 611A120A -2l3l5laluniversal Pin Socket (with & wlthout Shuttered) 6- Oimrner (450W)/ Fan Resulator -4l5 Step(1[.,1,2M) 7- TV Sockeiflelephone /[,4odem / Computer Jack 8- Kitkal Furb W rt$/ qdiFt 614 \{. (B.zqi rloliolao, r*,ru, (!,rr{;r.r tii,r) (lr'il, ) qltrndl nrlrlr{fi 120r-1203(A) (.1)(,i--,,, t,ri4)) ({,i(,r) .xdl4lnr.!rlrt4.iII, aa.n (no/rio) 9d .r'l' l /'ll 1F +*q qusrc s{Ytv / Phone KENDRIYA BHANDAR No'(079)-23261484 Ph of Personal) Service Tax No.:AMFc5403FSD008 Tan : AHMM-11548F : (unoei tnenegis of Govt. of lndia Ministry AN rSo eo01:2oot ."r,'iJoI.n;"'.;;; Fax No : (07e)-23260124 (Gujarat) No. 119/3, "J" Type, Sector-20, Gandhinagar-382020 E-mail : kendriyabhandar6l484@gmail com PAN No' MAFC5403F CST : 24560302369 Dt. 13/9/05 GST : 24060302369 Dt. 05/9/05 E'mail : info@kendriyabhandargujarat'org ujarat.qrg www.kendriyabhandarg Date Ref. No. : TO WI{OMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN This to take on record that M/s. AJANTA MANUFACTURING L{MITED, works operating irom Orpat Nagar, S-A, National Highway, Vadhiya, Nr. Sikarpar (ii'ossing, Ta. Bhachau, Dist. Kutch, Gujarat is registerr:d with KENDRIYA BHANDAR - Gandhinagar (Gujarat ) for a period up to 3L/03/20L7 tor the supply of All type of Office CFL,T-S Tube Light, LED Lamp, T-5 &T-B Led Tube Lights, Down Panel Light, Surface LED Ligh! Street Lights, MCB, Electric Room Heater Switch & Socket Vitrified Tiles, Home Appliance other related products to various institutions and oft:,ces in the Guiarat State and other state. to send all enquiries, order BHANDAR - Gandhinagar r rhich is supplied by them. You are therefore requesled in the name of KENDRIYA The Registration is valid up to 31.03.2016 Yours Faithfully, Specimen signature of M/s. Ajanta Manufacturing LTD. ( MR. l.0.Patel) TIN.2401tl300270