UU Minerba: Mengejar Nilai Tambah


UU Minerba: Mengejar Nilai Tambah
APRIL 2014
“UU Minerba:
Mengejar Nilai Tambah”
Cerita Misdar, Cerita Pomalaa
SCV Mewariskan Jiwa Sosial
Makan Ikan untuk Jantung Sehat
Pembaca yang budiman,
Dear readers,
Dalam lima tahun terakhir, terjadi “gonjang-ganjing” dalam industri
pertambangan kita. Pemicunya adalah larangan ekspor mineral mentah paling lambat lima tahun sejak UU No. 4 Tahun 2009 tentang
Minerba disahkan, atau 12 Januari 2014. Mengikuti UU tersebut, perusahaan tambang wajib membangun pabrik pengolahan (smelter).
Intinya, Indonesia tidak lagi berjualan mineral mentah.
The last five years has seen turbulent times for our mineral industry.
This was triggered by a ban on the export of unprocessed minerals,
which was to take effect five years, at the latest, after Law No. 4 of
2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining was enacted. The deadline for this
was 12 January 2014. The Mining Law requires companies to build
their own smelting facilities, therefore sending the message that
Indonesia is no longer interested in selling unprocessed minerals.
UU tersebut dimaksudkan terutama untuk meningkatkan penerimaan
negara dan memberikan nilai tambah dalam bentuk lapangan kerja
dan penyediaan bahan baku bagi industri dalam negeri (industri hilir).
Tak syak, semangat yang memayungi UU Minerba adalah nasionalisme
untuk menggantikan UU No.11 Tahun 1967 tentang Ketentuanketentuan Pokok Pertambangan.
UU No. 11 Tahun 1967 itu dinilai menempatkan negara dalam posisi
yang lemah. Kini, sudah saatnya negara dan korporasi tambang
berdiri sama tinggi. Yang jadi masalah, menurut sejumlah pengamat
tambang, aturan tersebut kurang memperhatikan kesulitan yang bakal
dialami perusahaan tambang.
Setelah tiga tahun UU Minerba dicanangkan, kegiatan pengolahan
dan pemurnian di dalam negeri belum juga menunjukkan hasil yang
signifikan. Sebaliknya, volume ekspor mineral mentah justru naik.
Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara bahkan menyebutkan, ada
sejumlah komoditas mineral yang sama sekali belum memiliki pabrik
pengolahan di dalam negeri.
Isu pelarangan ekspor mineral mentah makin panas dengan terbitnya
Permen ESDM No. 7 Tahun 2012 tentang Peningkatan Nilai Tambah
Mineral Melalui Kegiatan Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Mineral. Pasal
21 Permen ini menyatakan, larangan ekspor mineral mentah sudah
harus dilaksanakan selambat-lambatnya 3 bulan sejak Permen itu
dikeluarkan, 6 Mei 2012. Padahal UU Minerba 2009 menyatakan jatuh
tempo adalah 5 tahun sejak UU tersebut disahkan. Namun akhirnya
Permen ESDM tersebut dibatalkan oleh MA setelah ada permohonan
gugatan dari pengusaha penambangan bauksit di Kalimantan Tengah,
Alias Wello.
The Law was created to increase state revenues and add value to the
industry in terms of providing employment and supplying domestic
(downstream) industries with raw material. No doubt, the spirit of
the 2009 Mining Law was nationalism, replacing Law No. 67 on Basic
Principles of Mining.
The former law was considered to place the state in a weak position.
It was now time for the state and mining corporations to be equals.
The problem, according to mining analysts, is that the Law had little
regard for the many problems that mining companies.
After three years of enacting the Mining Law, in 2012, domestic processing and refining industries showed insignificant progress. Instead,
the volume of unprocessed mineral exports actually increased. The
Directorate General of Minerals and Coal even stated that several
mineral commodities had no domestic processing facilities at all.
The issue surrounding the ban on unprocessed mineral exports
heated up further with the release of Minister of Energy and Mineral
Resources (MoEMR) Regulation no. 7 of 2012 on Increasing Added
Value of Minerals through Mineral Processing and Refining. Article
21 of the MoEMR Regulation stipulated that the ban on unprocessed
mineral exports was to take effect within 3 months of the date the
Regulation was issued, 6 May 2012. This conflicted with the 2009
Mining Law which stipulated that the deadline was 5 years from the
time the law was enacted. The regulation was later annulled by the
Supreme Court following a lawsuit by Central Kalimantan bauxite
mining businessman, Alias Wello.
Kami berharap Anda akan memahami secara cepat duduk perkara
pembangunan smelter dan larangan ekspor mineral mentah. Kami
sajikan berita-berita lain yang menarik, seperti aksi kemanusiaan tim
Vale dalam membantu musibah banjir di Manado (Interaksi), cerita dari
Pomala (Profil), dan kiat menjaga kesehatan jantung (Sehat Selamat).
We hope it helps you to quickly understand the issues related to
the development of smelters and the ban on raw mineral exports.
We also present to you with other interesting articles such as the
humanitarian action of a team from Vale in assisting flood victims
in Manado (Interaction), a story from Pomala (Profile) and tips to
maintain a healthy heart (Safe Health)
Selamat membaca.
Pelindung/Patron: Board of Directors PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, Penasihat/Advisor: Basrie Kamba (Director of Communications & External Affairs), Penanggung jawab/Editors in Chief: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (GM Communications), Busman Dahlan Shirat (GM Community Relations) Redaksi Pelaksana/
Managing Editor: Sihanto B. Bela, Redaksi/ Editors: Rohman Hidayat Yuliawan, Nala Dipa Alamsyah, Nuki Adiati, Maman Ashari, Eko Rusdianto,
Fotografer/Photographer: Doni Setiadi, Desain & Tata Letak/Design & Layout: Sandy Pauling, Alamat Redaksi/Address: Jl. Ternate No. 44 Sorowako,
Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Telp. 021-5249100, Ext. 9628 & 3656, Fax. 021-5289587.
Redaksi Halo Vale menerima sumbangan naskah dari pembaca. Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan populer. Panjang naskah maksimal satu setengah halaman kuarto, spasi satu setengah. Sertakan foto atau ilustrasi baik gambar maupun grafik jika diperlukan. Saran dan naskah dikirimkan ke alamat email editor: Sihanto.Bela@vale.com dan internal.communication@vale.com.
Readers are welcome to contribute articles for publication in Halo Vale. Articles should be written in prose that is easy to understand, with a line-space of
1.5 and a maximum length of 1.5 A4 pages. Include photos or illustrations, drawings or graphs, if necessary. Please send suggestions and articles to the
editor at Sihanto.Bela@vale.com and internal.communication@vale.com.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Pemberlakuan UU Minerba dinilai
para pengamat memberikan nilai
tambah berlipat ganda bagi negara.
UU tersebut juga ibarat tonggak
kedaulatan terhadap perlindungan
sumber daya sekaligus peningkatan
ekonomi Indonesia. Seperti apa
cerita di balik pemberlakuannya
dan benefit yang akan diperoleh
The enforcement of Mineral and Coal
Mining Law assessed by the analysts
can give added value for the country.
The law may protect natural resources
and increasing Indonesia’s economic
sector as well. What was the story
behind its enforcement and the
benefits to be gained by Indonesia?
Cover Design:
Sandy Pauling
Setelah Lima Tahun Menunggu 05
The five-year wait 11
Membangun Smelter Tidak Mudah 16
Building Smelters Not Easy 19
Antara Regulasi Tambang, 22
Penataan IUP, dan Kewenangan
Daerah Between the Mining Regulation, 24
Mining Permit Structuring and
Regional Authority “UU Minerba: Untuk Mengejar 26
Nilai Tambah”
“Mineral and Coal Mining Law: 28
Struggling for Value Added” KINERJA I PERFORMANCE
CSMS Diharapkan Berikan Nilai 30
Lebih CSMS Expected to Provide Added Value 32
Kinerja PT Vale Dinilai Memuaskan 34
PT Vale’s Performance Deemed 36
Satisfactory Setiap Warga Bisa Jadi Pewarta Everyone Can Be a Reporter ATMOSFER I ATMOSPHERE
Earth Hour 2014
Earth Hour 2014
Cerita Misdar, Cerita Pomalaa
The Story of Misdar, the Story of the Pomalaa Project
SCV Mewariskan Jiwa Sosial 60
SCV Passes Down Social Conscience 62
Makan Ikan untuk Jantung Sehat 65
Eat Fish for a Healthy Heart 68
Tiga Belas Hari Membantu Bencana 38
Manado Thirteen Days Assisting Manado 41
Disaster Victims
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Halo Vale merupakan bacaan yang selalu saya tunggu-tunggu kemunculannya. Saya senang dan banyak mendapat pengetahuan dari
ulasan-ulasannya. Apalagi bahasa dan kontennya semakin disajikan
dengan gaya populer. Saya usul agar pada edisi-edisi selanjutnya,
Halo Vale punya rubrik khusus resensi buku-buku baru yang menarik.
Ini bisa menjadi panduan bagi mereka yang suka membaca atau
menambah minat baca karyawan.
S ti van Benny M amahit [ Mi n i n g D ep ar t m en t ]
I always eagerly anticipate the newest edition of Halo Vale magazine. I
enjoy reading and gaining knowledge from the magazine’s informative
coverage, particularly as it is written in a popular language that is easy
to understand. I suggest that in future editions, Halo Vale include reviews of interesting new books. This will provide a guide for those of
us who enjoy reading and increase an interest in reading among
S t i va n B e n ny M a m a h i t [M i n i n g D e pa r t m e n t ]
Terima kasih masukannya. Sementara kami tampung dan akan pertimbangkan
kehadiran beberapa rubrik baru yang memang banyak diusulkan pembaca, termasuk
rubrik yang Anda usulkan. Sampai saat ini redaksi belum punya rencana mengubah
atau menambah rubrik karena keterbatasan halaman.
Thank you for your input. For the time being, suggestions for any new columns as
requested by many readers will be considered, including the column that you have
suggested. Currently, however, there are no plans to change or add columns due to
space limitations.
Selamat dan sukses buat Halo Vale yang telah terbit hingga beberapa
edisi dengan isi yang makin menarik dan inovatif. Selain versi hardcopy, apakah Halo Vale juga tersedia dalam versi softcopy? Bila ada
versi softcopy tentu lebih hemat, karena makin sedikit Halo Vale yang
dicetak. Saya sangat sayang melihat Halo Vale yang sudah dicetak
dengan baik tapi berceceran karena berlebih. Selain itu, dengan versi
softcopy, Halo Vale berpotensi menjadi lebih interaktif seperti majalahmajalah online yang ada sekarang, yang bahkan sudah ada video di
Umar K asmon [Laborator y and SH]
Congratulations and well done on the successful publication of several
editions of Halo Vale packed with interesting and innovative content.
Besides its print version, is Halo Vale also available in digital format?
Soft copies of Halo Vale will no doubt cost less, as fewer magazines
need to be printed. It seems wasteful to see nicely printed copies of
Halo Vale scattered about due to a surplus of them. Also, having digital
copies of the magazine allows it to be interactive like many online
magazines we see today, some of which even carry embedded videos.
Umar K asmon [Laborator y and SH]
Halo Vale tersedia pula dalam versi softcopy. Pembaca dapat mengaksesnya melalui
situs vale.com/indonesia di bagian “Publikasi”. Sebenarnya kami telah melakukan
penyesuaian agar sejalan dengan kebijakan penghematan biaya, yakni dengan
mengurangi jumlah oplah dan spesifikasi cetak yang lebih hemat.
Dalam kesempatan ini saya ingin menyampaikan kritik tentang Halo
Vale yang selalu terlambat sampai ke tangan karyawan. Bahkan hal
ini telah terjadi sejak Inkomunikasi. Apakah majalah ini memiliki perjalanan birokrasi yang berbelit-belit di departemen untuk sampai
kepada kami? Sebab, saya menerima Halo Vale edisi 5 bulan September pada pertengahan Oktober.
Kedua, mengapa untuk mengirimkan kuis hanya bisa melalui email
Vale. Padahal tidak semua karyawan memiliki email Vale. Dengan
kebijakan ini, kami seakan tidak punya kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi mengirimkan kuis. Terima kasih.
Reny Noviana Poly [Proc tech Analyst]
Rantai pasca-produksi memang merupakan tantangan yang masih dihadapi redaksi
sampai saat ini. Namun kami berusaha agar tiap edisi Halo Vale dapat sampai di
tangan pembaca setiap 2 bulan. Mengenai kuis, pembaca dapat berpartisipasi dengan
mengirimkan fotokopi jawaban melalui DP 23B atau alamat redaksi. Jadi jawaban
tidak mesti dikirimkan melalui email Vale.
Halo Vale is available in digital format and readers can access it from the “Publications”
page of the vale.com/indonesia website. We have in fact made some adjustments, in
accordance with cost-cutting policies, by reducing our circulation and applying costefficient print specifications.
I would like to take this opportunity to criticize Halo Vale for being constantly late in reaching employees. In fact, this has happened since
it was still called Inkomunikasi. Is there a long and winding bureaucratic process in the department through which the magazine must pass
before reaching us? I received Halo Vale’s September Edition 5 in midOctober.
Secondly, why can quizzes only be sent through Vale email, when in
fact not all employees have Vale email? By having this requirement, it
seems we have no chance of participating in quizzes. Thank you.
Reny Noviana Poly [Proc tech Analyst]
The post-production chain is indeed a challenge that the editorial team must face to
this day. However, we will endeavor to have readers receive Halo Vale every 2 months.
With regards to the quizzes, readers can participate by sending a photocopy of their
answers through DP23B or editor’s address, so they do not need to be sent through Vale
Kirimkan kritik, saran, dan tanggapan Anda tentang Halo Vale ke internal.
communication@vale.com atau kirimkan surat ke DP 23B. Surat yang dimuat
akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik. Pengirim surat pembaca yang dimuat,
silahkan mengambil suvenir di Communications & External Affairs Department pada hari dan jam kerja.
Send your opinion, comment and feedback about Halo Vale to internal.communication@vale.com or letters to DP 23B. For each letter published will receive a souvenir.
For letter senders, kindly pick up your souvenir at Communications & External Affairs
Department during the days and working hour.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Setelah Lima Tahun
Pelarangan ekspor mineral mentah sebagaimana
diamanatkan UU No. 4 Tahun 2009 tidak mudah
dilaksanakan. Apa alasannya?
Kegiatan pemuatan nikel matte produksi PT Vale di Pelabuhan Balantang,
Malili, Luwu Timur. Produk yang dikirim kepada pelanggan di Jepang
merupakan produk yang telah diolah sejak PT Vale berproduksi 1978.
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Kapal Aeriko milik Cina itu sudah berada di Laut Sulawesi pada
10 Januari 2014 silam. Posisinya hanya beberapa kilometer dari
Pelabuhan Pomalaa, Sulawesi Tenggara. Namun kapal barang curah
(bulk carrier) berbobot mati 63 ribu ton lebih itu tidak mendapat
izin mengangkat sauh. Padahal kapal yang dioperasikan oleh
Erli International Ship Management Co itu, yang bermarkas di
Shanghai, telah dipenuhi bijih nikel dan siap kirim ke Pelabuhan
Aeriko merupakan 1 dari 10 kapal berjenis bulk carrier yang tidak
diizinkan keluar perairan Indonesia oleh bea cukai setempat.
Gara-garanya, Aeriko memuat ribuan ton mineral mentah dua
hari sebelum jatuh tempo pelarangan ekspor mineral mentah
sebagaimana diamanatkan oleh UU No. 4 Tahun 2009 tentang
Minerba, yakni 5 tahun sejak UU tersebut disahkan pada 2009.
Karena itulah, sepekan sebelumnya, banyak kapal kargo Cina buruburu menyelesaikan prosedur pengapalan sebelum jatuh tempo
pelarangan ekspor mineral mentah tersebut.
Atas penahanan tersebut, Duta Besar Cina untuk Indonesia Liu
Jianchao kontan angkat bicara. Dia melayangkan surat kepada
Kementerian Perhubungan, Kementerian ESDM, dan Kementerian
Perdagangan, dengan tembusan kepada pemerintah Sulawesi
Tenggara. Jianchao keberatan atas penahanan kapal-kapal tersebut,
karena mengakibatkan kerugian jutaan dollar AS. Dia meminta
pemerintah Indonesia untuk mempertimbangkan kembali
Beberapa bulan sebelum UU Minerba disahkan, pemerintah
Indonesia sebenarnya sudah gencar mengingatkan perusahaan
tambang berorientasi ekspor mineral mentah untuk menihilkan
aktivitas tersebut dan membangun pabrik pengolahan (smelter).
Ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah produk mineral
(hilirisasi). Pro dan kontra pun muncul.
UU Minerba 2009 memang mewajibkan komoditas pertambangan
diolah di dalam negeri sebelum diekspor. Namun UU itu memberikan pengecualian kepada perusahaan pemegang Kontrak Karya
(KK) dan Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara
(PKP2B) untuk menjalankan kewajiban tersebut paling lambat
tahun 2014. Bagi pemerintah Indonesia, waktu lima tahun hingga
2014 lebih dari cukup untuk merealisasikan seratus persen
kebijakan hilirisasi tersebut.
Kenyataannya, setelah tiga tahun UU Minerba dicanangkan sejak
2012, kegiatan pengolahan dan pemurnian di dalam negeri belum
juga menunjukkan perkembangan yang signifikan. Sebaliknya,
volume ekspor mineral mentah justru naik. Direktorat Jenderal
Mineral dan Batubara bahkan menyebutkan, ada sejumlah
komoditas mineral yang sama sekali belum memiliki pabrik
pengolahan di dalam negeri.
Sebagai contoh, total produksi bauksit pada 2011 sebesar 40,7 juta ton,
sebanyak 39,7 juta ton diekspor mentah. Yang diolah di dalam negeri
hanya 0,03 juta ton. Sedangkan produksi mangan mentah meningkat
8 kali lipat dan tembaga 11 kali lipat dari 2008 hingga 2011.
Termutakhir, catatan Kementerian Perdagangan, dari 2012-2013
ekspor bijih tembaga dan konsentratnya mencapai 918 juta
kilogram pada 2012, naik jadi 1,03 miliar kilogram pada 2013.
Sedangkan ekspor bijih besi dan konsentratnya sebesar 8,6 miliar
kilogram pada 2012, naik menjadi 17,4 miliar kilogram pada 2013.
Ekspor bijih nikel dan konsentratnya bervolume 33 miliar kilogram
pada 2012, melesat naik jadi 47 miliar kilogram pada 2013. ”Dan
kita tahu, 60-70 persen mineral itu diekspor ke Cina. Bodohnya kita,
kenapa volume ekspor naik, harga justru turun?” kata pengamat
energi Marwan Batubara. Tak heran, kata Marwan, bila perusahaan
tambang besar yang belum memiliki smelter berteriak kencang
dan sengaja mengenjot produksi sebelum ekspor mineral mentah
Dok. PTVale/ Basrie Kamba
Kapal pengangkut nikel ore milik Cina di lepas pantai
Kolonodale, Sulawesi Tengah. Foto diambil pada Mei 2012.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Isu pelarangan ekspor mineral mentah makin panas dengan terbitnya Permen ESDM No. 7 Tahun 2012 tentang Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Mineral Melalui Kegiatan Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Mineral.
Pasal 21 Permen ini menyatakan, larangan ekspor mineral mentah
sudah harus dilaksanakan selambat-lambatnya 3 bulan sejak Permen
itu dikeluarkan, 6 Mei 2012. Padahal UU Minerba 2009 menyatakan
jatuh tempo adalah 5 tahun sejak UU tersebut disah-kan. Namun
akhirnya Permen ESDM tersebut dibatalkan oleh MA setelah ada
permohonan gugatan dari pengusaha penambangan bauksit di
Kalimantan Tengah, Alias Wello.
Terkait pelarangan ekspor mineral mentah ini, isu-isu yang muncul
adalah tentang perusahaan kecil bakal gulung tikar, maraknya pemutusan hubungan kerja, berkurangnya pemasukan negara, dan
tidak mudah membangun smelter. ”Membangun smelter membutuhkan waktu 3-4 tahun, karena perlu uji kelayakan dan perhitungan
ekonomi,” ujar juru bicara PT Freeport Indonesia, Daisy Primayanto
seperti dilansir Tempo.co (6 Februari 2014).
Freeport disebut sedang melakukan uji kelayakan untuk membangun
smelter tembaga di dua tempat, Gresik, Jawa Timur, dan Timika, Papua.
Proyek senilai 3 miliar dollar AS itu, merupakan kerja sama Freeport
dengan PT Indosmelt dan PT Indovasi Mineral Indonesia.
Meski demikian, ada beberapa perusahaan telah siap menyambut
kebijakan hilirisasi pemerintah. Sebut saja PT Antam. Perusahaan ini
menggandeng perusahaan tambang asal Australia, Direct Nickel
Limited, yang pada 31 Mei 2012 mulai membangun pabrik pengolahan nikel berkapasitas 10 ribu ton per bulan senilai Rp3,8 triliun.
Melihat pro dan kontra pelarangan ekspor mineral mentah tersebut,
pemerintah Indonesia bergeming. Dirjen Pajak Fuad Rahmany, sehari sebelum jatuh tempo pelarangan mineral mentah diberlakukan,
11 Januari 2014, menyatakan, pemerintah tidak takut kehilangan
potensi pajak akibat penghentian ekspor tambang mentah. ”Pajak
pasti berkurang, tapi kita enggak mau mineral kita dikeruk habishabisan dan dibawa ke luar negeri,” ujar mantan Ketua Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal ini, seperti dilansir (kompas.com, 11 Januari 2014).
Pajak Merosot
Perhitungan Fuad, potensi kehilangan pajak dari pelarangan aturan
ekspor tambang mentah tidak signifikan. ”Totalnya sekitar Rp15 triliun.
Sebanyak Rp3 triliun dari pos pajak dan Rp12 triliun bea keluar. Itu enggak besar. Kita juga bisa mencari pemasukan dari pos selain tambang ,”
ujar Fuad.
Permen No. 7 Tahun 2012 kemudian digantikan Permen No. 11
Tahun 2012, diikuti Inpres No. 3 Tahun 2013 tentang Percepatan
Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Mineral Melalui Pengolahan dan Pemurnian di Dalam Negeri pada 13 Februari 2014. Dalam Permen No. 11
Tahun 2012 disebutkan, pemegang izin usaha pertambangan (IUP)
masih diperbolehkan mengekspor mineral mentah dengan sejumlah catatan seperti berkomitmen untuk membangun smelter, beritikad baik untuk menjaga lingkungan, dan areal tambangnya berstatus clear and clean (tidak tumpang-tindih).
Aktivitas tambang bauksit di Kepulauan Riau (ilustrasi).
Munculnya pro kontra pelaksanaan UU Minerba Tahun 2009, menurut pengamat ekonomi dari Universitas Indonesia Zenathan Adnin,
karena lambatnya pihak swasta menyikapi regulasi ini. “Padahal UU
Minerba sudah dirilis sejak 2009, tapi mereka lambat meresponsnya,” ujar Zenathan Adnin.
Namun belakangan, sikap tegas pemerintah untuk melaksanakan
tanpa kompromi amanat UU Minerba Tahun 2009 sepertinya melunak. Melalui dua kementeriannya, terbit Permen ESDM No.1
Tahun 2014 tentang tentang Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Mineral
Melalui Kegiatan Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Mineral di Dalam
Negeri dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. 6/PMK.011/2014
tentang Bea Keluar Progresif untuk Ekspor Mineral.
Dalam Permen ESDM 1/2014 disebutkan, pemerintah memberikan
batas waktu pembangunan smelter sampai tiga tahun ke depan
atau sampai 2017. Sedangkan dalam Permen Keuangan dilansir
kebijakan bea keluar progresif bertahap dengan kisaran 20-60
persen hingga akhir 2016 bagi pengekspor mineral mentah.
Dalam opini Irwandy Arif, Ketua Indonesia Mining Institute yang dimuat Bisnis Indonesia, 30 Desember 2013, ada dua hal yang dapat
dilakukan pemerintah agar industri nikel Indonesia berkesinambungan. Pertama, diperlukan perencanaan dan pengawasan terhadap
pembatasan ekspor bijih nikel. Kedua, pemerintah perlu menciptakan
iklim investasi yang merangsang masuknya pelaku usaha yang mau
berinvestasi untuk pembangunan jangka panjang.
Di sisi lain, pengurangan ekspor bijih nikel tidak akan menurunkan
pendapatan negara dalam jangka pendek. Namun justru memberikan keuntungan yang jauh lebih besar bagi Indonesia untuk jangka panjang ketika diterapkan kewajiban pendirian smelter. []
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Keterangan: IUPK: Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus I WIUPK: Wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus
Pasal 83
b. Luas 1 (satu) WIUPK untuk tahap kegiatan operasi produksi
pertambangan mineral logam diberikan dengan luas paling
banyak 25.000 hektare.
Pasal 112
(1) Setelah 5 (lima) tahun berproduksi, badan usaha pemegang IUP
dan IUPK yang sahamnya dimiliki oleh asing wajib melakukan divestasi saham pada Pemerintah, pemerintah daerah, badan usaha milik
negara, badan usaha milik daerah, atau badan usaha swasta nasional.
g. Jangka waktu IUPK Operasi Produksi mineral logam atau
batubara dapat diberikan paling lama 20 tahun dan dapat
diperpanjang dua kali masing-masing 10 (sepuluh) tahun.
Pasal 102
Pemegang IUP dan IUPK wajib meningkatkan
nilai tambah sumber daya mineral dan/atau
batubara dalam pelaksanaan penambangan,
pengolahan dan pemurnian, serta pemanfaatan mineral dan batubara.
Pasal 103
(1) Pemegang IUP dan IUPK Operasi Produksi wajib melakukan pengolahan dan pemurnian hasil
penambangan di dalam negeri.
Pasal 129
(1) Pemegang IUPK Operasi Produksi untuk pertambangan mineral logam dan batubara wajib
membayar sebesar 4% kepada Pemerintah dan
6% kepada pemerintah daerah dari keuntungan
bersih sejak berproduksi.
Pasal 170
Pemegang kontrak karya sebagaimana dimaksud
dalam Pasal 169 yang sudah berproduksi wajib
melakukan pemurnian sebagaimana dimaksud
dalam Pasal 103 ayat (1) selambat-lambatnya
5 tahun sejak Undang-Undang ini diundangkan.
Pasal 106
Pemegang IUP dan IUPK harus mengutamakan pemanfaatan tenaga kerja setempat, barang, dan jasa dalam negeri sesuai dengan
ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.
PERMEN ESDM NO. 1 TAHUN 2014 tentang Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Mineral
Melalui Kegiatan Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Mineral di Dalam Negeri
Pasal 5
(1) Pemegang IUP Operasi Produksi Mineral Logam dan lUPK Operasi Produksi Mineral Logam wajib melakukan pengolahan dan pemurnian hasil penamba-ngan di dalam negeri sesuai dengan batasan minimum pengolahan dan pemurnian Mineral Logam tertentu.
(3) Pengolahan dan atau pemurnian hasil penambangan yang diproduksi oleh pemegang IUP Operasi Produksi dan lUPK Operasi Produksi dapat dilakukan secara lang sung atau melalui kerja sama dengan pemegang lUP Operasi Produksi lainnya, IUPK Operasi Produksi
lainnya, dan atau pemegang IUP Operasi Produksi khusus untuk pengolahan dan atau pernurnian.
Pasal 6
(1) Kerja sama pengolahan dan/atau pemumian sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 5 ayat (3) dapat berupa:
a. Jual beli Bijih (raw material atau ore) atau Konsentrat; atau
b. Kegiatan untuk rnelakukan proses pengolahan dan atau pemurnian.
Pasal 9
Kewajiban pengolahan dan/atau pemurnian untuk Mineral Logam, Mineral Bukan Logam, dan Batuan dalam ketentuan Peraturan Menteri ini tidak
berlaku bagi pemegang IUP Operasi Produksi dan IUPK Operasi Produksi
Mineral Logam, Mineral Bukan Logam, dan Batuan yang hasil penambangannya digunakan langsung untuk kepentingan dalam negeri.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
PERMEN PERDAGANGAN NO. 4 TAHUN 2014 tentang Ketentuan Ekspor
Produk Pertambangan Hasil Pengolahan dan Pemurnian
Pasal 3
Produk pertambangan yang berasal dari mineral logam sebagaimana tercantum dalam Lampiran 2 yang sudah mencapai batasan minimum pengolahan hanya dapat diekspor sampai dengan tanggal 12 Januari 2017.
Pendapatan negara
(dalam juta dollar AS)
Volume ekspor (dalam
kilo ton)
Ekspor Nikel Indonesia
(Pendapatan Negara & Volume)
Ekspor ore (termasuk pajak ekspor)
Ferronikel & matte
Harga nikel
Sumber: GTIS, laporan keuangan PT Vale, dan PT Antam, LME (diolah
Steven Brown)
600.000-700.000 ton per tahun dalam lima tahun
Indonesia telah menjadi eksportir terbesar bijih nikel dunia dengan volume
tan pendapatan negara, khususnya pajak dan
terakhir (30% dari suplai dunia) Namun, hal itu tidak seiring dengan peningka
dalam peningkatan pendapatan negara lantaran
royalti yang kian merosot. Intinya,
dunia, kenyataan tersebut tidak membuat
nilai jualnya yang rendah. Sebagai negara yang memiliki
Indonesia memiliki
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
PRODUKSI NIKEL DI INDONESIA (METRIK TON) Pertambangan nikel di Indonesia booming sejak 2006. Meski demikian pertumbuhannya banyak ditopang oleh ekspor bijih besi Pasca
keluarnya UU Minerba (2009), pertumbuhan perusahaan tambang nikel kian besar, meski ada kewajiban untuk memproduksi bahan mentah
tersebut di dalam negeri.
Indonesia telah melampaui sebagai pemasok bijih besi dunia dari 10% menjadi 30% saat ini. Dengan volume ekspor dari 200.000 ton
menjadi 600-700.000 ton setiap bulannya. Namun kenyataan itu, tidak memberikan peningkatan yang signifikan, khususnya perusahaan
tambang yang telah memiliki smelter maupun pendapatan pemerintah dari pajak dan royalti juga jatuh.
Intinya adalah memasok pasar nikel melalui ekspor bijih memiliki nilai keuangan yang terbatas, terutama karena ekspor bijih menerima
persentase yang rendah dari harga LME. Meskipun memiliki beberapa sumber nikel terbaik dunia, Indonesia tidak mendapatkan nilai
maksimal. Sebaliknya, yang terjadi adalah tak lebih dari deposito bijih besi kelas tertinggi yang cepat habis.
Mendorong lebih banyak smelter adalah solusi meningkatkan pendapatan Indonesia. Hal ini akan memastikan potensi nikel di Indonesia
diubah menjadi pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih besar dan kekayaan bagi semua.
Olahan Ni
Ore yang tidak diolah
Undang-undang Minerba 2009
Ekspor Nikel
(ton Nikel Ore atau yang diolah)
20062007200820092010201120122013 f
Sumber: Dokumentasi PT Vale/Steven Brown
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
The five-year wait
Law No. 4 of 2009 banning the export of raw
minerals is not easy to implement. Why?
The Aeriko, a Chinese-owned freighter, was anchored in the
Celebes Sea on 10 January 2014, a few kilometers from Southeast
Sulawesi’s Pomala Port. But the 63,000 DWT bulk carrier operated
by Shanghai-based Erli International Ship Management Co was not
given permission to leave despite being loaded with nickel ore,
ready for shipment to Guangzhou Port.
A few months before the 2009 Law on Mineral and Coal Mining (or
“2009 Mining Law”) was enacted the Indonesian government had,
in fact, reminded mining companies with ventures in unprocessed
mineral exports to discontinue their activity and start building processing plants, or smelters. This down streaming was expected to add
value to mineral products. This move had triggered plenty of debate.
Aeriko was 1 of 10 bulk carriers prevented from leaving Indonesian
waters by local customs authorities. The authorities reasoned that
Aeriko was carrying thousands of tons of unprocessed minerals two
days before the law banning raw mineral exports (Law No. 4 of 2009
on Mineral and Coal Mining) was to take effect – five years from the
time the legislation was enacted on 12 January 2009. This was also
the reason a large number of Chinese cargo ships were rushing to
have their shipping procedures completed in the week prior to the
law taking effect.
The 2009 Mining Law requires mining commodities to be processed
domestically before they can be exported. But companies holding
Contracts of Work (KK) and Coal Contracts of Work (PKP2B) were
exempt from the regulation and had until 2014 to implement it. The
Indonesian government considered five years, until 2014, more
than enough time for companies to comply with the down streaming policy.
Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Liu Jianchao raised questions
on the detaining of the vessels in letters sent to the Ministry of
Transportation, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and
the Ministry of Trade, with copies to the government of Southeast
Sulawesi. Jianchao expressed displeasure with the vessels being
held up, costing millions of US dollars in losses. He asked the
Indonesian government to reconsider its decision.
In reality, after three years of implementing the Law, domestic
processing and refining capacities had shown no significant
improvements by 2012; instead, there were sizeable increases in the
volume of raw mineral exports. The Directorate General of Minerals
and Coal even stated that some mineral commodities had no
domestic processing facilities at all.
For example, from the total production of bauxite in 2011 of 40.7
million tons, 39.7 million tons were exported in unprocessed
form. Only 0.3 million tons was processed onshore. Meanwhile,
raw manganese production increased 8 fold between 2008 and
2011while copper went up 11 fold.
Rizhao Port in Shandong Provinces, China is one of the
enterance of nickel ore export from Indonesia.
Most recently, the Ministry of Trade reported that exports of copper
ore and its concentrates, which reached 918 million kilograms in
2012, increased to 1.03 billion kilograms in 2013. Exports of iron ore
and its concentrates increased from 8.6 billion kilograms in 2012 to
17.4 billion in 2013. Exports of nickel ore and its concentrates went
up from 33 billion kilograms in 2012 to 47 billion kilograms in 2013.
“And we know that 60-70 percent of the minerals are exported to
China. Then we are stupid enough to wonder why export volumes
are increasing while prices are decreasing,” said energy observer
Marwan Batubara. It is no wonder, Marwan pointed out, that large
mining firms lacking smelters; were the loudest to complain and
deliberately increased their production before raw mineral exports
were banned completely.
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Debate surrounding the export ban heated up further with the release of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Regulation No. 7 of 2012 on Increasing Added Value of Minerals through
Mineral Processing and Refining. Article 21 of the MoEMR Regula-tion
stipulated that the ban on unprocessed mineral exports was to take
effect within 3 months of the date the Regulation was issued, 6 May
2012. This conflicted with the 2009 Mining Law which stipulated that
the deadline was 5 years from the time the law was enacted. The regulation was later annulled by the Supreme Court following a lawsuit
by Central Kalimantan bauxite mining businessman, Alias Wello.
MEMR Regulation No. 7 of 2012 has since been replaced with
MEMR Regulation No. 11 of 2012 and Presidential Instruction No.
3 of 2013 on Accelerating the Increase of Added Value of Minerals
through Domestic Mineral Processing and Refining on 13 February
2014. MoEMR Regulation No. 11 of 2012 stipulates that holders
of Mining Business Permits (IUP) are still permitted to export raw
minerals provided they complied with several requirements, such as
demonstrating their commitment to develop a smelter, having the
goodwill to protect the environment and ensuring that their mining
area had a “clear and clean” status (that did not overlap others).
Issues surrounding the ban on raw mineral exports mainly related
to the possibility of small-scale companies closing down, company
workers being laid off and state revenues falling, as well as the
difficulty of building smelters. “Building a smelter can take 3 to
4 years due to the need for feasibility studies and economic calculations,” said PT Freeport spokesperson Daisy Primayanto (Tempo.co,
February 6, 2014) .
Freeport is said to be conducting feasibility studies for the development of two copper smelters: one in Gresik, East Java, and the
other in Timika, Papua. The $3 billion development will be a collaborative project between Freeport, PT Indosmelt and PT Indovasi
Mineral Indonesia.
However, other companies have stated that they are ready to comply with the government’s down streaming policy. Take for example
PT Antam. On 31 May 2012, in collaboration with Austra-lian mining
firm Direct Nickel Limited, it began development of a IDR3.8 trillion
nickel processing facility which would have a capacity of 10,000
tons a month.
The Indonesian government has been unmoved by the debate
surrounding the export ban. A day before the ban was to take effect
(11 January 2014), Director General of Tax Fuad Rahmany said the
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
government was not scared of potential tax losses due to the ban
on raw mineral exports. “Tax revenues will surely decline, but we
don’t want to see our minerals being completely depleted and
taken offshore,” said Fuad, who was the former head of the Capital
Market Supervisory Agency (kompas.com, January, 11, 2014).
Less Tax
Based on his calculations, the potential tax loss resulting from the
ban on unprocessed mineral exports is insignificant. “The total is
only IDR15 trillion, or IDR3 trillion from taxes and IDR12 trillion from
export duties. It’s not a large amount. We can regain this from state
revenues collected from non-mining areas,” Fuad said.
According to economic observer Zenathan Adnin from Universitas
Indonesia, debate around the implementation of the 2009 Mining
Law was caused by the private sector’s sluggish response to the
regulation. “The Law was enacted in 2009, but they have been slow
to respond,” said Zenathan Adnin.
Recently, however, the government’s uncompromising resolve seems
to be wavering. This is apparent from MoEMR Regulation No. 1 of
2014 on Increasing Added Value of Minerals Through Domestic Mineral Processing and Refining, and Minister of Finance Regulation No. 6/
PMK.011/2014 on Progressive Export Duties for Mineral Exports.
In MEMR Regulation 1/2014, the deadline for the development of
smelting facilities has been extended by three years to 2017. In the
Finance Minister’s regulation, duties on exports will be progressively
increased from 20 percent to 60 percent by the end of 2016.
Irwandy Arif, Chairperson of the Indonesia Mining Institute, was
quoted by Bisnis Indonesia on 30 December 2013 as saying the
government can do two things to guarantee the sustainability of
Indonesia’s nickel industry. Firstly, it needs to plan and supervise the
restriction of nickel ore exports. Secondly, the government should
create a conducive investment climate encouraging businesses to
commit to long-term developments.
Irwandy said restricting nickel ore exports would not reduce state
revenues in the short term. On the contrary, it would provide
substantial long-term benefits particularly when it becomes
compulsory for companies to build smelters. []
Note: IUPK: Special Mining Business License I WIUPK: Special Mining Business License Areas
Article 83
b. The maximum area granted for 1 (one) Special Mining Business
License Area (WIUPK) at the operational stage of metal minerals
mining production is 25,000 (twenty five thousand) hectares.
g. The maximum period of time granted to a Production and
Operational Special Mining Business License (IUPK) for
metal minerals is 20 (twenty) years and can be extended two (2) times 10 years
Article 112
(1) After 5 (five) years of production, businesses holding IUPs and
IUPKs whose shares are held by foreign parties are obligated to
divest their shares to the Government, local governments, stateowned companies, regional government-owned companies, or
national private businesses.
Article 102
Holders of Mining Business Licenses (IUPs) and
Special Mining Business License (IUPKs) are
obligated to increase the added value of mineral and/or coal resources when conducting
their mining, processing and refining activities
and utilizing mineral and coal..
Article 103
(1) Holders of Production and Operational IUPs and
IUPKs are obligated to process and refine mining
products domestically.
Article 129
(1) Holders of Production and Operational
IUPKs for metal and coal minerals are obligated
to pay, out of their net profit from the time of
production, 4% (four percent) to the Government and 6% (six percent) to the local
Article 170
Holders of Contracts of Works as stipulated in Article
169 who have started production are obligated
to refine their product, as stipulated in Article 103
clause (1), within 5 (five) years of this Law being
Article 106
Holders of IUPs and IUPKs must prioritize the use of local manpower,
domestic products and services, as stipulated in rules and regulations.
on Increasing Added Value of Minerals Through Domestic Mineral Processing and Refining
Article 5
(1) Holders of Production and Operational IUPs for metal minerals and Production and Operational IUPKs for metal metals are obligated
to process and refine mining products domestically, and observe the minimum level of processing and refining as determined by metal
(3) The processing or refining of mining products by holders of Production and Operational IUPs and Production and Operational IUPKs
may be carried out directly or through cooperation with other holders of Production and Operational IUPs, Production and Operational
IUPKs, and/or holders of Production and Operational IUPs specializing in processing and/or refining.
Article 6
(1) Cooperation in processing and/or refining as stated in Article 5 clause (3) may be in the form of:
a. Trading in raw material/ ore or concentrate; or
b. Activities in processing and/or refining.
Article 9
The obligations to process and/or refine metal minerals, non-metal minerals
and rocks as stipulated by this Ministerial Regulation does not apply to holders
of Production and Operational IUPs and Production and Operational IUPKs for
metal minerals, non-metal minerals and rocks, whose mining products are used
directly for domestic purposes.
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
on the Export of Processed and Refined Mining Products
Article 3
Mining products from metal minerals stipulated in Attachment II that have fulfilled the minimum level of processing requirement may
only be exported until 12 January 2017.
Indonesian revenues
from nickel exports
(USD, millions)
Nickel contained in
exports of matte,
FeNi, and ore
Estimated Indonesian nickel exports
(revenues and volumes)
Ore exports (incl. export tax)
FeNi & Matte
LME nickel
Source: GTIS, PT Vale and PT Antam financial reports, LME, and
analysis (Steven Brown)
in Indonesian nickel revenues. Indonesia has gone from
The massive increase in ore exports has not led to a meaningful increase
today. It has gone from less than 200,000t of nickel
supplying less than 10% of the world nickel market to
have not increased in a meaningful fashion. Of course,
000t. 600-700,
exports to
also falling.
as company revenues fall, government
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
NICKEL PRODUCTION IN INDONESIA (METRIC TON) Nickel mining in Indonesia has been booming since 2006. However all the growth has come via direct ore export operations. Most nickel
mines in Indonesia today have started after the 2009 mining law, despite clear obligations for domestic processing.
Indonesia has gone from supplying less than 10% of the world nickel market to approximately 30% today. It has gone from less than
200,000t of nickel exports to somewhere in the region of 600-700,000t. Meanwhile, revenues have not increased in a meaningful fashion.
Of course, as company revenues fall, government revenues from taxes and royalties are also falling.
The point is that the current approach of supplying the nickel market through ore exports has had limited financial value, mainly since the
ore exports receive a low percentage of the LME price. Despite having some of the world’s best nickel resources, Indonesia isn’t getting
optimum value. Instead, we’re seeing the highest grade deposits being rapidly depleted.
Encouraging more home processed nickel would almost certainly increase Indonesian revenues. This would ensure Indonesia’s nickel
potential is converted into greater economic growth and wealth for all to share.
Processed Ni
Unprocessed Ore
2009 mining law
20062007200820092010201120122013 f
Source: PT Vale’s Doc/Steven Brown
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Membangun Smelter
Tidak Mudah
Sebanyak 185 proposal pembangunan smelter masuk
ke pemerintah. Tak semua akan diloloskan.
Ketentuan UU Minerba Tahun 2009 agar perusahaan tambang memiliki smelter (pabrik pengolahan) dianggap terlalu berat. Sebenarnya, seberapa sulit membangun smelter? Jawabannya memang
sulit. Membangun pabrik pengolahan bahan tambang mentah
bukan melulu menyangkut perizinan dan sumber tenaga, tapi juga
kelayakan dari sisi bisnis bagi investor. Catatan Kementerian Energi
dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyebutkan, setiap smelter
menelan biaya rata-rata 2-10 miliar dollar AS atau Rp1,9-9,5 triliun,
bergantung pada kapasitas.
Hingga menjelang akhir 2013, dalam catatan Kementerian ESDM,
sedikitnya 185 proposal pembangunan smelter diajukan dengan
nilai investasi 555 miliar dollar AS atau senilai Rp5.233,6 triliun. Dari
jumlah proposal yang masuk itu, pemerintah akan menyeleksi dan
memilih investor yang benar-benar punya dana. Pemerintah juga
mempertimbangkan kecukupan bahan baku. Jadi belum tentu
rencana 185 smelter itu direalisasikan semuanya.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Data yang dirilis Kementerian ESDM pada pertengahan Januari
2014 lalu menyebutkan, baru 66 perusahaan pemegang IUP (izin
usaha pertambangan) atau baru sekitar 27% dari 250 pemegang
IUP yang siap dan serius membangun smelter. Sebagai contoh,
investasi smelter tembaga, menurut Syanrir AB, Direktur Eksekutif
Indonesia Mining Association (IMA) dinilai mencengangkan.
PT Indosmelt, misalnya, yang berencana membangun smelter
berkapasitas 350 ribu ton konsentrat yang dapat menjadi 100 ribu
ton katoda tembaga dan asam sulfat—bahan bagi industri pupuk—
perlu modal sedikitnya 700 juta dollar AS.
Pikiran itu diamini Dito Ganinduto, anggota Komisi VII DPR. “Idenya
bagus, karena hilirisasi tidak tergantung swasta. Ini hampir sama
dengan pemerintah membangun kilang sendiri, tapi harus dipikirkan mekanismenya,” kata dia (inilah.com, 12 Desember 2013).
Menyangkut jaminan pasokan bahan baku sendiri, sebagai contoh,
smelter tembaga belum ada peminatnya. Calon investor PT Nusantara Smelting, misalnya, meminta jaminan pasokan tersebut. Saat
ini, smelter tembaga di Indonesia yang beroperasi adalah milik PT
Smelting Gresik yang mengolah 30% konsentrat tembaga yang
dipasok dari Freeport dan Newmont Nusa Tenggara. Padahal Indonesia memiliki cadangan 4,2 miliar ton bijih tembaga. []
“Hingga menjelang akhir 2013,
catatan Kementerian ESDM,
sedikitnya ada 185 proposal
pembangunan smelter diajukan
dengan nilai investasi 555 miliar
dollar AS atau senilai Rp5.233,6
Realisasi investasi Minerba: 4,3 miliar dollar AS.
Realisasi investasi pembangunan smelter: 346 juta dollar AS.
Realisasi investasi Minerba: 8,8 miliar dollar AS.
Realisasi investasi pembangunan smelter: 4,8 miliar dollar AS.
Dalam Pengerjaan
PT Indoferro
Pengolahan pig iron dan nickel pig iron.
Kapasitas: 500 ribu ton per tahun.
Lokasi: Cilegon, Jawa Barat.
Investasi: 800 juta dollar AS.
PT Krakatau Posco
Pengolahan bijih besi.
Kapasitas: 3 juta ton per tahun.
Lokasi: Cilegon, Jawa Barat.
Investasi: 6 miliar dollar AS.
Patungan PT Krakatau Steel dan Pohang Iron and Steel
Company (Posco) Korea Selatan.
PT Dairi Prima Mineral
Pengolahan bijih seng.
Kapasitas: 1 juta ton per tahun.
Lokasi: Dairi, Sumatera Utara.
Investasi: 400 juta dollar AS.
Merupakan anak perusahaan PT Bumi Resources Minerals.
• PT Meratus Jaya Iron and Steel
Pengolahan bijih besi.
Kapasitas: 315 ribu ton per tahun.
Lokasi: Batulicin, Kalimantan Selatan.
Investasi: 150 juta dollar AS.
Patungan PT Antam dan PT Krakatau Steel.
PT Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ore
Pengolahan bijih besi.
Kapasitas: 1 juta ton per tahun.
Lokasi: Kotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan.
Investasi: 300 juta dollar AS.
PT Agincourt Resources
Pengolahan bijih tembaga/emas.
Kapasitas: n/a.
Lokasi: Pahae, Tapanuli Utara, Sumatera Utara.
Investasi: n/a.
Merupakan anak perusahaan G-Resources Group Ltd.
PT Aneka Tambang
Pengolahan bijih bauksit.
Kapasitas: 300 ribu ton per tahun.
Lokasi: Sanggau, Kalimantan Barat.
Investasi: 492 juta dollar AS.
Patungan dengan PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina (ICA).
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Dalam Rencana
PT Bosowa Metal Industri dan PT Central Omega Resources
Pengolahan pig iron dan nickel pig iron.
Kapasitas: 500 ribu ton per tahun.
Lokasi: Cilegon, Jawa Barat.
Investasi: 800 juta dollar AS.
PT Central Omega
Pengolahan feronikel.
Kapasitas: 320 ribu ton per tahun.
Lokasi: Morowali Utara, Sulawesi Tengah.
Investasi: 300 juta dollar AS.
• PT Antam
- Proyek feronikel Halmahera, kapasitas 27 ribu ton nikel per
tahun, investasi 1,6 miliar dollar AS.
- Proyek feronikel Pomalaa, investasi 486 juta dollar AS.
- Proyek pig iron Mandiodo, kapasitas 120 ribu ton per tahun,
investasi 398 juta dollar AS.
- Proyek Chemical Grade Alumina (CGA) Tayan, kapasitas 300
ribu ton per tahun, investasi 450 juta dollar AS.
- Smelter Grade Alumina (SGA) Mempawah, kapasitas 1,2 juta
ton per tahun, investasi 1 miliar dollar AS.
• PT Nusantara Smelting dan PT Jinghuang Indonesia (telah mendapat izin).
• PT Weda Bay Nikel (studi kelayakan).
Berbagai sumber/ diolah
Dairi & Pahae, Tapanuli Utara
(Sumatera Utara)
(Kalimantan Barat)
Batulicin & Kotabaru
(Kalimantan Selatan)
Cilegon (Banten)
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
(Jawa Timur)
(Sulawesi Selatan)
(Sulawesi Tenggara)
Building Smelters Not Easy
The government has received 185 proposals for the construction
of new smelters. Not all will get a green light.
The need for mining companies to have smelters (processing facilities) as stipulated by the 2009 Mining Law is considered a difficult
task to fulfill. But is a smelter hard to build? The answer, yes, it is.
Developing a factory processing raw mining products does not only
involve obtaining the necessary permits and manpower; it is also
about assessing the venture’s business feasibility as determined by
the investor. According to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
(MoEMR), a smelter costs $2-10 billion, or IDR1.9-9.5 trillion on
average, depending on capacity.
As of the end of 2013, the MEMR has received at least 185 proposals
for the construction of smelters, with a total investment of $555
billion or IDR5,233 trillion. The government would select and
choose the proposals from investors with solid financing. The
government would also take into account the supply of raw
material. So, the 185 smelters may not all go ahead.
According to MEMR data released in mid-January, only 66 IUP
holders – or about 27% of 250 IUP holders – are prepared and
serious about building smelters. The investment for a copper
smelter is astonishing, said Indonesia Mining Association (IMA)
Executive Director Syahrir AB. For example, PT Indosmelt’s plans to
build a smelter with a 350,000-ton concentrate capacity producing
100,000 tons of copper cathodes and sulfuric acid – material for
fertilizer manufacturing – will require capital of at least $700 million.
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
“As of the end of 2013, the
MEMR has received at least 185
proposals for the construction of
smelters, with a total investment
of $555 billion or IDR5,233
This idea was well received by Dito Ganinduto, a member of the
House of Representative’s Commission VII. “It’s a good idea so down
streaming is not dependent on the private sector. It is almost like
the government builds its own factory, but we need to think of a
good mechanism for this,” he said (inilah.com, December, 12, 2013)
With regards to raw material, there has been no interest in supplying
copper smelters, for instance, and prospective investor PT Nusantara
Smelting is asking that there be such guarantees. The copper smelter currently operating in Indonesia is owned by PT Smelting Gresik
that processes 30% copper concentrate supplied by Freeport and
Newmont Nusa Tenggara. Meanwhile, Indonesia has a deposit of 4.2
billion tons of copper ore. []
Realized investment in energy and coal mining: $4.3 billion.
Realized investment in smelter development: $346 million.
Total target for investment in energy and coal mining: $8.8 billion.
Target for investment in smelters: $4.8 billion.
On Going:
PT Indoferro
Pig iron and nickel pig iron processing.
Capacity: 500,000 tons a year.
Location: Cilegon, West Java.
Investment: $800 million.
PT Krakatau Posco
Iron ore processing.
Capacity: 3 million tons a year.
Location: Cilegon, West Java.
Investment: $6 billion.
A joint venture between PT Krakatau Steel and Pohang Iron and Steel Company (Posco) of South Korea.
PT Dairi Prima Mineral
Zinc ore processing.
Capacity: 1 million tons a year.
Location: Dairi, North Sumatera.
Investment: $400 million.
A subsidiary of PT Bumi Resources Minerals.
• PT Meratus Jaya Iron and Steel
Iron ore processing.
Capacity: 315,000 tons a year.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Location: Batulicin, South Kalimantan.
Investment: $150 million.
A joint venture between PT Antam and PT Krakatau Steel.
PT Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ore
Iron ore processing.
Capacity: 1 million tons a year.
Location: Kotabaru, South Kalimantan.
Investment: $300 million.
PT Agincourt Resources
Copper/gold ore processing.
Capacity: n/a.
Location: Pahae, Tapanuli North, North Sumatera.
Investment: n/a.
A subsidiary of G-Resources Group Ltd.
PT Aneka Tambang
Bauxite ore processing.
Capacity: 300,000 tons a year.
Location: Sanggau, West Kalimantan.
Investment: $492 million.
A joint venture with PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina (ICA).
In The Pipeline
PT Bosowa Metal Industri dan PT Central Omega Resources
Nickel processing.
Capacity: 10,000 tons a year.
Location: Jeneponto, South Sulawesi.
Investment: $200 million.
PT Central Omega
Ferronickel processing.
Capacity: 320,000 a year.
Location: Morowali Utara, Central Sulawesi.
Investment: $300 million.
• PT Antam
- Halmahera ferronickel project, with a capacity of 27,000 tons
of nickel a year and an investment of $1.6 billion.
- Pomalaa ferronickel project, with an investment of $486
- Mandiodo pig iron project, with a capacity of 120,000 tons a
year and an investment of $398 million.
- Tayan Chemical Grade Alumina (CGA) project, with a capacity
of 300,000 tons a year and an investment of $450 million.
- Mempawah Smelter Grade Alumina (SGA), with a capacity of
1.2 million tons a year and an investment of $1 billion.
• PT Nusantara Smelting and PT Jinghuang Indonesia (granted permission).
• PT Weda Bay Nikel (feasibility study).
Variety Sources
Dairi & Pahae, Tapanuli Utara
(North Sumatera)
(West Kalimantan)
Batulicin & Kotabaru
(South Kalimantan)
Cilegon (Banten)
(South Sulawesi)
(Southeast Sulawesi)
(East Java)
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Antara Regulasi Tambang, Penataan
IUP, dan Kewenangan Daerah
Pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah dan KPK bekerja sama
mengindentifikasi ribuan IUP di Indonesia. Tujuannya menyeragamkan
prosedur, data, dan mencegah kerugian negara.
Selain perihal kewajiban perusahaan tambang untuk memiliki pabrik
pengolahan, terbitnya UU Minerba juga sejalan dengan target
pemerintah untuk menata Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP). Pasalnya,
dalam 10 tahun terakhir – pasca keluarnya UU Otonomi Daerah
- penerbitan IUP oleh pemerintah daerah kian tak terkontrol dan
memunculkan imbas negatif. Khususnya tumpang tindih lahan dan
kerusakan lingkungan akibat praktik penambangan IUP yang tidak
memperhatikan aspek keseimbangan alam dominannya.
Data Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM
pada Februari 2014 menyebutkan terdapat 10.918 IUP di Indonesia.
Sebanyak 12 provinsi diidentifikasi memiliki IUP terbanyak, di antaranya Bangka Belitung (1085 IUP), Kalimantan Barat (682 IUP),
Kalimantan Tengah (866 IUP), Kalimantan Timur (1.443 IUP), Sulawesi
Tengah (443 IUP), dan Sulawesi Tenggara (472 IUP). Sebanyak 6.041
telah berstatus clean & clear (CNC) dan 4.877 sisanya berstatus non
CNC dimana 3.136 berada di 12 provinsi tersebut.
“UU Minerba mencoba melakukan perubahan tata kelola tambang
minerba. Salah satu yang harus ditata ulang adalah izin-izin yang
tumpang tindih tersebut,” ujar Staf Ahli Bagian Hukum dan Perundang-undangan Kementerian ESDM, Sony Heru Prasetyo.
Persoalan tak cuma sampai di situ. Selain status CNC, persoalannya
adalah juga teridentifikasi perusahaan pemegang IUP yang belum
memiliki Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) ternyata cukup banyak.
Data Ditjen Pajak Maret 2014, disebutkan terdapat 3.202 perusahaan
pemegang IUP yang belum teridentifikasi NPWP-nya.
Dari hal itu, dalam catatan Ditjen Minerba, sejak 2005-2013, muncul
piutang negara tercatat sebesar Rp.1.308 miliar yang terdiri dari
iuran tetap Rp31 miliar atau 2,3 persen dan royalti sebesar Rp1.277
miliar atau 97,6 persen. Sedangkan jumlah piutang pada 12 provinsi
mencapai Rp. 905 miliar atau 69 persen dari total piutang. Yang terdiri
dari iuran tetap sebesar Rp. 23 miliar dan royalti sebesar Rp882 miliar
rupiah. Piutang ini berasal dari 1.659 perusahaan dari total 7.501 IUP
yang ada di 12 provinsi tersebut.
”Jangan biarkan
tumpang-tindih lahan
ini jadi bom waktu
yang akan merugikan
kita semua,”
Todung Mulya Lubis (Pakar Hukum)
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
sinarbumi. com
Aktivitas penamban gan nikel di Kabaena, Sulawesi Tenggara.
“Selama ini yang terjadi ada perbedaan data jumlah pemegang IUP
antara Ditjen Minerba dengan Pemerintah Daerah. Maka itu, tujuan
percepatan keluarnya peta kawasan tambang tersebut mengingat
potensi kerugian negara akibat oknum kepala daerah di provinsi dan
kabupaten terbilang tinggi,” ujar Ketua Tim Kajian Sumber Daya Alam
Litbang KPK Dian Patria.
Kewajiban Reklamasi
Sementara, menurut ahli geologi Nadjamuddin Nawawi merebaknya
penerbitan IUP terjadi karena dua hal. Pertama, banyak daerah yang
berorientasi mengejar pendapatan asli daerah lewat sektor pertambangan. Kedua, masih banyak pemerintah daerah yang tidak memahami prosedur penerbitan IUP dan disharmonisasi antar kepala
daerah dalam penerbitan izin karena batas administrasi daerah yang
kadang tidak jelas.
Alhasil, yang terjadi tumpang tindih tadi. Dan lokasi IUP banyak yang
terletak di wilayah hutan lindung. Di luar itu, ada hal penting lainnya
dalam penerbitan IUP, yakni status IUP eksplorasi menjadi IUP operasi
produksi, harus disertai dengan kajian indikasi prospek dan nilai ekonomis. “Karena hal ini adalah petunjuk undang- undang,” tambah dia.
Umumnya IUP operasi produksi yang dikeluarkan pemerintah daerah
yang terjadi selama ini, termasuk untuk jenis tambang galian C, tidak
memenuhi aspek tersebut. “Hak dan kewajiban juga harus jelas, misalnya perusahaan tambang harus melakukan reklamasi,” ungkap dia.
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Tak ayal, melihat fakta ini, Kementerian ESDM bersama Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dan menggandeng kementerian terkait
lainnya seperti Keuangan, Perdagangan, Dalam Negeri, dan Pemerintah Daerah gencar mengidentifikasi ribuan IUP sejak Februari 2014
silam untuk menyelamatkan keuangan negara dari praktik bisnis di
sektor tambang.
Soal tumpang tindih ini, lihatlah catatan KPK dari kunjungan
identifikasi IUP di Kalimatan Tengah pada Februari silam. Tumpang
tindih IUP dengan kawasan hutan terjadi pada 20 ribu hektar
kawasan hutan lindung, hampir 4.000 hektar hutan konservasi dan
379 ribu hektar kawasan HP (hutan produksi), HPK (hutan produksi
dapat dikonversikan), dan HPT (hutan produksi terbatas). Dari hasil
kajian KPK, tidak satupun daerah di provinsi ini mencantumkan data
jaminan pascatambang. Sedangkan data jaminan reklamasi, hanya
dicantumkan oleh 20 IUP dari 845 IUP senilai Rp5,5 miliar.
Tenaga Pengawas
Selain soal reklamasi, Sony Heru Prasetyo juga menambahkan faktor
ketersediaan inspektur tambang di daerah. Sehingga komposisi
IUP dan tenaga pengawasnya cukup ideal. ”Yang terjadi saat ini
inspektur tambang di daerah sangat sedikit sekali jumlahnya dan
tidak sesuai dengan jumlah izin yang dikeluarkan,” tambah Sony.
Sedangkan dalam perspektif pakar hukum Todung Mulya Lubis,
pemerintah daerah boleh saja menggunakan kewenangannya
memberikan dan mencabut IUP karena hal tersebut diatur dalam
UU Otonomi Daerah, namun aspek tumpang tindih lahan juga
perlu menjadi perhatian serius untuk diselesaikan, khususnya oleh
pemerintah pusat untuk dikoreksi. ”Jangan biarkan soal tumpangtindih lahan ini jadi bom waktu yang akan merugikan kita semua,”
ujar dia (Koran Tempo, 29 Juni 2012). []
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Between the Mining Regulation,
Mining Permit Structuring and
Regional Authority
The central government, local governments, and KPK (Corruption
Eradication Commission) work closely to identify thousands of IUP
(mining permit) in Indonesia. The objective is to unify procedures,
data, and prevent losses.
The mining companies are required to have a processing plan. In
addition, the Government issued the Mining Law in line with the
Government’s target to organize mining permits (IUP). In the last 10
years, after the issuance of the Regional Autonomy Law, issuance of
mining permits (IUP) by local governments becomes increasingly
uncontrollable. As a result, land overlaps emerge and the severity of
environmental damage increases due to mining practices with no
consideration of the aspect of the natural balance.
According to the data from the Directorate General of Mineral and
Coal of the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, in February
2014, there were 10,918 mining permits (IUP) in Indonesia. A total
of 12 provinces were identified as having the largest number of
IUP, including Bangka Belitung (1,085 IUP), West Kalimantan (682),
Central Kalimantan (866), East Kalimantan (1,443), Central Sulawesi
(443), and Southeast Sulawesi (472). A total of 6,041 IUP have the
status of clean and clear (CNC) while the remaining 4,877 have the
status of non-CNC, in which 3,136 are in the 12 provinces.
“The objective of the Mining Law is to change the governance
of Mineral and Coal Mining. Permit overlapping should be
reorganized,” said the Legal and Legislation Senior Advisor of the
Ministry of Energy, Sony Heru Prasetyo.
In addition to the CNC status, many companies with mining permits
are identified without Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP). From
the data of the Taxation Office, in March 2014, there were 3,202
companies holding the IUP with unidentified NPWP.
Dok. PTVale/ Basrie Kamba
Chinesse bulkcarrier surounding
Kolonodale sea, Central Sulawesi
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
The miners operate trucks and machinery in the coal
mines at Palaran district, Samarinda, East Kalimantan.
In this context, the Directorate General of Mining recorded, since
2005-2013 State Receivables was recorded to be Rp1,308 billion,
which consisted of Rp31 billion of fixed fees or 2.3 percent and
royalties of Rp1,277 billion or 97.6 percent. Meanwhile the number
of receivables in the 12 provinces reached Rp905 billion, or 69
percent of total receivables, which consisted of fixed fees of Rp23
billion and royalties of Rp882 billion. These receivables came
from 1,659 companies of the total of 7,501 IUP holders in the 12
Based on this fact, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
together with the Corruption Erradiction Commission (KPK),
working closely with other related ministries such as the Ministry
of Finance, Commerce, the Internal/ Home Affairs, and the local
governments since February 2014 are aggressively identifying
thousands of IUP with the objective to rescue the State Finance
from the business practices in the mining sector.
the procedures for IUP issuance and the disharmony between the
regional heads in the issuance of permits due to the unclear administrative boundaries.
As a result, overlapping occurs as mentioned before. Several IUP are
located in protected forest areas. Another important matter related
to the issuance of IUP concerns the status of IUP from exploration to
production operations. This status change must be accompanied by
a study on the indication of prospect and economic value. “This is
regulated by the law,” Nadjamuddin added.
Generally, production operations IUP issued by the local government covers mining in the category of C. “Rights and obligations
should be clear, for example, mining companies must perform
reclamation,” Nadjamuddin said.
“Currently, there have been discrepancies between the data of the
Directorate General of Mineral and Coal and the local governments
regarding the number of IUP holders. Thus, the the the map of
mining areas needs to be released as soon as possible, given the
high potential of losses due to the violations conducted by the
provincial and regional head of the districts,” the Chairman of the
Natural Resources Research and Development Assessment of KPK,
Dian Patria said.
Land overlaps can be seen from the notes resulted from IUP
identification visits in Central Kalimantan conducted by KPK
in February. Mining permits were issued on a 20 thousand
hectares of protected forest areas, around 4,000 hectares of forest
conservations, and 379 thousand hectares of HP (production forest),
HPK (convertible production forest), and HPT (limited production
forest). From the results of the study KPK, none of the areas in
the province included the post-mining guarantee. Meanwhile the
reclamation guarantee were only provided by 20 of the 845 listed
IUP holders with the value of Rp5.5 billion.
The Obligation for Reclamation
Supervisory personnel
According to geologists Nadjamuddin Nawawi, there are two
reasons why the outbreak of IUP issuance occurred. First, many
regions are oriented to pursue local revenue through the mining
sector. Second, most of the local governments do not understand
Apart from the reclamation, Sony Heru Prasetyo also discussed
about the availability of mine inspector in the region. “The number
of mine inspector in the region is very low, not in line with the
number of permits issued,” Sony said.
In the perspective of Todung Mulya Lubis, a legal expert, the local
government may only use its authority to provide and repeal IUP as
regulated in the Regional Autonomy Law. Land overlaps need to be
seriously addressed, particularly by the central government. “This
problem of land overlaps may become a time-bomb with potential
losses for all of us, let’s not allow this to happen,” Todung said (Koran
Tempo, June, 29, 2012). []
Nickel Mine activity in one area at Southeast Sulawesi
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
“UU Minerba:
Mengejar Nilai Tambah”
Nilai tambah itu bisa terwujud dalam bentuk keuntungan finansial,
ekonomi, PDRB, PDB, lapangan kerja dan ketahanan mineral.
Ada komentar menyebutkan, realisasi pelarangan ekspor mineral
justru menjadi pukulan bagi Indonesia. Devisa negara menyusut
tajam, ekonomi melemah karena investor menutup usahanya, dan
jumlah pengangguran di sektor tambang bakal melonjak. Benarkah?
Mari kita hitung kemungkinan itu berdasarkan skenario yang
dirancang pemerintah.
Dalam opini Irwandy Arif, Ketua Indonesia Mining Institute yang
dimuat Bisnis Indonesia, 30 Desember 2013, Saat ini negara
mendapat pendapatan dari kegiatan tambang nikel melalui pajak
dan royalti yang besarnya sangat tergantung kepada harga nikel di
pasar dan nilai produk nikel yang diekspor tersebut. Jumlah ekspor
hanya menjadi salah satu dari faktor tambahan.
UU Minerba 2009 tidak berdiri sendiri. Regulasi ini punya turunan yang
dapat meminimalisir dampak buruknya. Pertama, pemerintah telah
membuat regulasi kenaikan royalti untuk produk energi dan mineral—
PP No. 9 Tahun 2012 tentang Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak Sektor
Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. Tarif royalti dari sektor Minerba selama ini dianggap berkontribusi sangat kecil bagi devisa negara.
Dalam kurun waktu beberapa tahun terakhir, pendapatan negara dari
pertambangan nikel justru cenderung berkurang meskipun volume
ekspornya bertambah. Hal ini terjadi karena mayoritas nikel yang
diekspor masih dalam bentuk bijih (15% dari nilai harga penjualan
nikel murni).
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Sebagai contoh, ketika harga nikel dunia melambung tinggi pada
tahun 2007, besarnya pendapatan negara dari dua perusahaan
penghasil utama nikel olahan, yakni PT Vale dan PT Antam, lebih dari
dua kali lipat dari perkiraan pendapatan total yang diperoleh negara
di tahun 2012 dari seluruh kegiatan pertambangan nikel (bijih) di
Padahal pada 2012 tersebut, total volume produksi tambang nikel
mencapai dua kali lipat produksi 2007. Hal ini sangat menunjukkan
betapa pentingnyanya peningkatan nilai tambah dan harga nikel
terhadap jumlah pendapatan negara. Akhirnya, pada 2013, harga
nikel menjadi semakin rendah sehingga besarnya pendapatan
negara dari pertambangan nikel hampir tidak ada nilainya sama
sekali meskipun tingkat produksi mencapai rekor tertinggi.
Respon Positif
Tak kalah menarik adalah hasil riset lembaga pemeringkat Fitch
Ratings yang dirilis pertengahan Januari 2014 silam. Disebutkan,
larangan ekspor mineral tambang mentah dari Indonesia tidak
berdampak signifikan bagi bisnis industri di Cina. Fitch Ratings
menyebut industri aluminium sebagai sampel. Memang, Cina sangat
bergantung pada pasokan bauksit dari Indonesia sebagai bahan
baku industri aluminiumnya. Namun Fitch Ratings menilai, Cina telah
mengantisipasinya sejak lima tahun silam. “Bauksit yang telah masuk
ke Cina cukup sampai satu tahun produksi. Sebab tahun 2013 lalu,
impor bauksit di Cina naik 80 persen, sementara produksi alumina di
Cina hanya naik 18-20 persen. Sementara mereka mendapat pasokan
dari India, Papua Nugini, dan Australia,” ungkap Laura Zhai, Associate
Director Fitch Ratings. Juga disebutkan, kebijakan pemerintah
Indonesia tersebut tidak berdampak signifikan pada harga alumina
global dan mineral lainnya.
Menurut Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Resources Studies Marwan
Batubara kewajiban hilirisasi bagi perusahaan tambang akan
memberi nilai tambah berlipat ganda bagi negara. “Nilai tambah itu
bisa terwujud dalam bentuk peningkatan nilai yang bersifat tangible
dan intangible, seperti berupa keuntungan finansial, ekonomi,
PDRB, PDB, lapangan kerja, dan ketahanan mineral,” ujar dia. Dia
mencontohkan bila pengolahan dan pemurnian dilakukan di dalam
negeri untuk nikel, bauksit, timah, besi dan tembaga, maka masingmasing nilainya akan naik sekitar 18, 30, 20, 4, dan 12 kali lipat. Angka
itu belum termasuk keuntungan pengolahan produk samping,
seperti adanya unsur logam tanah jarang dan logam radio aktif dari
limbah tambang timah, atau unsur platina dan paladium dari limbah
konsentrat tembaga. []
“Aturan ini diterima oleh pasar,
dan dampaknya adalah rupiah
menguat terhadap dollar Amerika
Bayu Krisnamurthi
(Wakil Menteri
Namun Wakil Menteri Perdagangan Bayu Krisnamurthi justru menilai
positif pasca-pemberlakuan penuh UU Minerba. “Aturan ini diterima
oleh pasar, dan dampaknya adalah rupiah menguat terhadap dollar
Amerika Serikat,” ujar dia sehari pasca-jatuh tempo UU Minerba, 13
Januari 2014. “Dollar AS dibuka dengan posisi kembali menyentuh
level Rp11.000, setelah sempat nangkring cukup lama di level
Rp12.000,” tambah dia.
Mark juga mengatakan, Cina sebenarnya tidak mampu memproduksi
nikel berkualitas baik. Pasalnya, bahan baku terbaiknya selama ini
disuplai dari Indonesia, yang memiliki grade antara 1,8-1,9 persen
nikel dengan volume 75 persen dari total stok Cina. Sementara,
Filipina sebagai andalan pemasok untuk Cina, hanya memiliki grade
1,4-1,5 persen nikel. Itu pun dengan volume hanya 10-20 persen dari
total stok Cina. “Artinya, perbaikan harga nikel dunia hanya tinggal
menunggu waktu,” Mark menegaskan.
Mark Selby, Senior Vice President of Business Development Royal
Nickel Corp juga berkomentar positif. “Kebijakan Indonesia seperti
tektonik bagi pasar nikel. Sebab, 25-30 persen suplai global nikel
mentah telah dihentikan melalui kebijakan ini. Tentu ini akan memberikan harapan bagi pasar nikel. Kita lihat dalam bulan pertama
dan puncaknya pada semester kedua 2015,” ujar Mark Selby
seperti dilansir Mining.com, akhir Januari 2014 lalu.
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Bulldozers scoop soil containing various rare-earth elements to be loaded
onto a ship at the port in Lianyungang, in China’s eastern Jiangsu Province.
“Mineral and
Coal Law:
Struggling For
Value Added”
The added value that can be
realizedsuch as a financial benefit,
economy, GRDP, GDP, employment,
and mineral independency.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
There are people who say that banning unprocessed mineral exports
will harm Indonesia. Foreign exchange will decline, the economy will
weaken due to investors closing down their businesses, and unemployment in the mining sector will increase. Is this true? Let us calculate the possibility of this happening based on a scenario designed
by the government.
The 2009 Mining Law is not an isolated piece of legislation. It has
secondary legislations minimizing its negative impact. First, the government has created a regulation increasing royalties on energy and
mineral products – Government Regulation No. 9 of 2012 on Non-tax
Revenues in the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector. Royalties from
mining and coal has so far contributed very little to state revenue.
Irwandy Arif, Chairperson of the Indonesia Mining Institute, was
quoted by Bisnis Indonesia on 30 December 2013 as saying the state
currently receives revenues from nickel mining businesses through
taxes and royalties. The amount of these depend largely on the
market price for nickel and nickel product exports, despite the fact
that export products are merely an additional factor.
In the last few years, state revenue from nickel mining has been declining, although export volumes have been increasing. This is because
nickel is exported in the form of nickel ore, which has a value 15%
lower than pure nickel.
the rupiah against the US dollar,” he said a day after the Mining Law
was fully implemented on 13 February 2014. “The US dollar opened
at IDR11,000 after stagnating at IDR12,000 levels for quite a long
time,” he said.
For example, when world nickel prices skyrocketed in 2007, state
revenue from the two main producers of processed nickel – PT Vale
and PT Antam – was more than double the total amount of state revenue estimated to come from the entire ore mining industry in Indonesia for 2012. That year, the total production of the nickel mining
industry was twice that of 2007. This demonstrates the impor-tance
of nickel added value to state revenues. The drop in nickel prices in
2013 meant state revenues were extremely low, despite the fact that
production levels were at a record high.
Mark Selby, Vice President of Business Development Royal Nickel
Corp, also made some positive comments. Indonesia’s policy “was
like a tectonic shift in the nickel market” because it stopped 25 to 30
percent of the world’s raw nickel supplies, which would surely give
hope to the nickel market. “By the second half of 2015 we expect
severe nickel shortages to emerge and will start seeing the first signs
this month,” Mark Selby said, as reported by Mining.com, at the end
of January 2014.
Positive Response
No less interesting are the research results of rating agency Fitch
Ratings in mid-January 2014. The company reported that Indonesia’s
ban on unprocessed mineral exports will not have a significant impact on the industry in China. Taking the aluminium industry as an
example, Fitch Ratings, concluded that although China depended
heavily on bauxite supplies from Indonesia for raw material, China
has in fact anticipated this situation for the last five years. “Bauxite
that has entered China is enough for one year of production. Last
year, China’s bauxite imports increased by 80 percent while its alumina production rose just 18 to 20 percent. Meanwhile, it was receiving
supplies from India, Papua New Guinea and Australia,” said Fitch
Ratings Associate Director Laura Zhai. The report also mentioned
that the Indonesian government’s policy would not have a significant
impact on global prices of alumina and other minerals.
Deputy Minister for Trade Bayu Krisnamurthi sees the full implementation of the Mining Law in a positive light. “This regulation has been
accepted by the market and the effect has been a strengthening of
Mark also said that China does not, in fact, have the capability to manufacture good quality nickel. This is because its best raw material
supplies with a grade of 1.8 to 1.9 percent nickel come from Indonesia, providing 75 percent of China’s total stock. Meanwhile, the Philippines, which is China’s main supplier, only has 1.4 to 1.5 percent
grade nickel, supplying only 10 to 20 percent of China’s total stocks.
Mark said this indicated that improvements in world nickel prices are
only a matter of time. According to Executive Director of Indonesian
Resources Studies Marwan Batubara, the downstream policy for
mining companies will give added value to the country. “The added
value that can be realized in tangible and intangible form, such as
a financial benefit, economy, GRDP, GDP, employment, and mineral
independency,” he said. He gave an example, when processing
and refining are done domestically for nickel, bauxite, tin, iron and
copper, then each mineral value will rise about 18, 30, 20, 4, and
12-fold. That number does not include the benefits of processing
mineral byproducts, such as rare earth metals and radioactive metals
from tin waste, platinum and palladium or elements from copper
concentrate waste. []
onesia’s ban on
14, FR said Ind industries.
mid January 20
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Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
CSMS Diharapkan
Berikan Nilai Lebih
Pemerintah mengapresiasi upaya PT Vale dalam
meningkatkan standar keselamatan kerja.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
“K3? Yes…yes…yes! CSMS? Yes…yes…yes!” Terdengar teriakan
penuh semangat lebih dari 400 audiens di Gedung TAB, Sorowako,
19 November 2013. Hari itu, berlangsung pencanangan CSMS
(Contractor Safety Management System). Dipandu Amri AK,
Direktur Pengawasan Norma Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja,
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, yel-yel itu seolah
menyerukan komitmen PT Vale dan perusahaan kontraktor
rekanannya untuk menyukseskan CSMS.
Acara berlangsung meriah dan interaktif. Selain dihadiri jajaran
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi serta Kementerian
ESDM beserta dinas-dinas terkait di tingkat Provinsi Sulawesi
Selatan dan Kabupaten Luwu Timur, tampak Asisten III
Pemerintahan Kabupaten Luwu Timur, jajaran manajemen dan tim
CSMS PT Vale, dan perwakilan kontraktor nasional dan lokal.
Setelah bekerja lebih dari tiga bulan—mulai dari menyusun
mekanisme dan aturan hingga sosialisasi—Tim CSMS resmi
menerapkan mekanisme dan standar baru K3 (keselamatan dan
kesehatan kerja) untuk pekerja kontraktor. CSMS diharapkan
dapat memuluskan misi PT Vale sebagai perusahaan tambang di
Indonesia yang zero harm dan zero accident dalam operasionalnya.
Amri mengatakan, persoalan K3 di sektor pertambangan Indonesia
masih mengkhawatirkan. Data Ditjen Pengawasan Norma K3
menyebutkan, setiap hari sedikitnya delapan pekerja tambang
mengalami kecelakaan kerja.
Di sisi lain, jumlah ahli K3 masih berjumlah 63.000 orang. Sementara
jumlah pekerja tambang di Indonesia yang mencapai 1,6 juta orang
(2013). ”Tentu hal ini menjadi tantangan yang tidak mudah,” Amri
Dari sisi regulasi, menurut Amri, pemerintah sebenarnya telah
menerbitkan sejumlah instrumen untuk memayungi K3 agar lebih
serius diterapkan di perusahaan-perusahaan tambang. Sebut saja
Permenaker Nomor 5 Tahun 1996 tentang Sistem Manajemen
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja. Yang terakhir, Peraturan
Pemerintah Nomor 50 Tahun 2012 tentang Penerapan Sistem
Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja. ”Regulasi-regulasi
tersebut merupakan jembatan bagi seluruh perusahaan, termasuk
tambang di Indonesia, untuk menerapkan sistem manajemen K3,”
tambah Amri.
Pemerintah juga telah menyiapkan pegawai pengawas K3 dari
Dinas Ketenagakerjaan dan Transmigrasi di tingkat provinsi dan
kabupaten dalam penerapan K3. ”Pengusaha dan manajemen
perusahaan dapat mengandalkan pegawai pengawas K3 di daerah
tersebut untuk berkonsultasi dengan mereka. Saya berharap, CSMS
bisa dimanfaatkan juga oleh PT Vale untuk mendapatkan nasihatnasihat teknis,” ujar Amri.
Penerapan CSMS PT Vale, menurut Amri, merupakan langkah
maju perusahaan menuju operasional yang aman dan sehat.
Hal senada diamini Ilham Munandar, Inspektur Pertambangan
Direktorat Tambang dan Mineral Kementerian ESDM. ”CSMS ini
sinergis dengan visi pertambangan Indonesia yang aman dan
pro-lingkungan. Seperti kita ketahui, globalisasi membuat seluruh
standar bisnis menjadi tinggi. Termasuk soal keselamatan dan
kesehatan kerja,” ujar dia.
Ilham menambahkan, inisiatif dan penerapan CSMS di PT Vale
diharapkan dapat membuat pekerja semakin aman dan selamat.
Sekaligus menjadi inspirasi perusahaan tambang lainnya di
Indonesia. Semua itu akan memberi nilai lebih, khususnya bagi
iklim investasi di Indonesia.
Lebih Disiplin
Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Vale Bernardus Irmanto mengatakan,
inisitif CSMS merupakan salah satu upaya PT Vale menuju operasi
pertambangan yang zero harm dan zero accident. “Kami menyadari,
usaha pertambangan tidak luput dari risiko kerja. Kami berharap,
dengan CSMS ini bekerja aman dan selamat sejalan dengan
produktivitas yang semakin baik,” ungkap dia.
Rahmania Jaisman, Safety Officer PT Hexindo Adiperkasa,
perwakilan dari kontraktor, mengatakan, dengan adanya CSMS
sistem K3 lebih terarah. “Bila memang dari kontraktor ada zero
accident selama setahun, kami berharap bisa mendapat rewards dari
Vale. Semoga dengan adanya CSMS ini, Vale maupun kontraktor
semakin disiplin mengacu kepada standar-standar K3,” tambah
wanita yang akrab disapa Nia ini.
Acara ditutup dengan penandatanganan Piagam Pencanangan Hari
CSMS oleh dan atas nama Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan Mineral
dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, Direktur Pengawasan Norma K3
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, Presiden Direktur PT
Vale, dan Asisten III Pemerintahan Kabupaten Luwu Timur. []
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
CSMS Expected to
Provide Added Value
The government appreciates PT Vale’s efforts to
improve occupational safety standards.
“K3? Yes…yes…yes! CSMS? Yes…yes…yes!” The enthusiastic
yells came from a 400-strong audience in the TAB Building in
Sorowako in November 19th, 2013. That day, the Contractor Safety
Management System (CSMS) was launched. Led by Amri AK, the
Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration’s Director of Work
Health and Safety Norms Supervision, the yells seemed to echo
the commitment of PT Vale and its contractors in making CSMS a
It was an exciting and interactive event. Besides officials from the
Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, the Ministry of Energy
and Mineral Resources, and their related offices at the South
Sulawesi Provincial level and Luwu Timur Regency level, the event
was also attended by Luwu Timur Regency Assistant III, PT Vale’s
management and CSMS teams, and representatives from local and
national contractors.
After working for more than three months from establishing
mechanisms and rules to introducing the system the CSMS team
was officially implementing new work health and safety (K3)
standards and mechanisms for contractor employees. The CSMS is
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
expected to support PT Vale’s mission to become a mining company
with a zero-harm, zero-accident record in its Indonesian operations.
Amri said the situation regarding work health and safety (K3) in
Indonesia was still very worrying. According to figures from the
Directorate General of Work Health and Safety Norms Supervision,
at least eight mining workers are involved in accidents every day.
Meanwhile, there are only 63,000 K3 experts but up to 1.6 million
mining workers in Indonesia (2013). “Obviously, this is a great
challenge to deal with,” Amri said.
In terms of regulations, Amri said, the government has in fact issued
several edicts encompassing K3, which are intended to encourage
mining companies to implement it more seriously. Take for example
Manpower Ministerial Decree No. 5 of 1996 on Work Health and
Safety Management Systems and, more recently, Government
Regulation No. 50 of 2012 on the Application of Work Health and
Safety Management Systems. “These regulations form a bridge
enabling all companies including those in mining in Indonesia to
implement the K3 management system,” Amri added.
The government has also prepared K3 supervising officers from
the provincial and regency levels of the Office of Manpower and
Transmigration for the implementation of K3. “Companies and
company managers can rely on regional K3 supervising officers for
consultative purposes. I hope the CSMS can also be used by PT Vale
as a way to gain technical advice,” Amri said.
PT Vale’s implementation of the CSMS, according to Amri, was a step
forward for the company in its efforts to achieve a safe and healthy
operation. Similarly, Ilham Munandar, Inspector for Mining at the
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources’ Mining and Minerals
Directorate, said: “The CSMS is in synergy with Indonesia’s mining
vision, which is to be safe and pro-environment. As we know,
globalization has made business standards much higher, including
in terms of work health and safety,” he said.
Ilham added that the CSMS at PT Vale was initiated and
implemented to make employees safe and secure; it has also
become an inspiration for other mining companies in Indonesia.
The system provides added value, which is particularly important in
Indonesia’s current investment climate.
More Discipline
PT Vale Vice President Director Bernardus Irmanto said the CSMS
initiative is one of the company’s efforts at achieving a zero-harm,
zero-accident mining operation. “We are aware that there are workassociated risks in the mining business. We hope that the CSMS
will make working safer and more secure, and bring with it better
productivity,” he said.
Rahmania Jaisman, Safety Officer for PT Hexindo Adiperkasa, who
represented contractors, said the CSMS ensures a better focus on
work health and safety systems. “If in fact contractors can achieve
zero accidents a year, we hope this will be rewarded by Vale.
Hopefully, the CSMS will encourage Vale and its contractors to be
more disciplined in following K3 standards,” she added.
The event ended with the signing of a charter launching CSMS Day
by and on behalf of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources’
Director of Engineering and Environment for Minerals and Coal; the
Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration’s Director of Work Health
and Safety Norms Supervision; the president director of PT Vale; and
assistant III of the Luwu Timur regional government. []
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Jejak Kinerja PT Vale 2013
PT Vale mendapat penghargaan SBA, Aditama, dan
peringkat biru PROPER 2012-2013.
PT Vale dinilai pemerintah dan kaum profesional sebagai
perusahaan yang memiliki visi lingkungan dan kemampuan
menyusun strategi jangka panjang yang baik. Untuk itu
PT Vale diganjar Sustainaible Business Awards (SBA) untuk
kategori strategi dan visi terbaik, penghargaan emas dari
Kementerian ESDM (Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral)
untuk pengelolaan lingkungan pertambangan, dan
rapor biru untuk PROPER (Program Penilaian Peringkat
Kinerja Perusahaan dalam Pengelolaan) dari Kementerian
Lingkungan Hidup.
Untuk penghargaan SBA—yang digagas Indonesian
Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBC-SD)—PT
Vale dinilai menghargai upaya-upaya dan kepemimpinan
dalam praktik bisnis secara berkelanjutan. Khususnya dalam
visi dan strategi jangka panjang. Penghargaan diserahkan
oleh Kepala Bappenas, Armida Alisjahbana, dan diterima
Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Vale, Bernardus Irmanto, di Hotel
Shangri-La, Jakarta.
Menurut Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal,
Mahendra Siregar, yang hadir pada acara tersebut,
perusahaan-perusahaan yang memiliki visi keberlanjutan
membuat Indonesia mampu bersaing di kancah bisnis
global. “Bagi Indonesia, ini tidak hanya keputusan sukarela,
tapi merupakan bagian dari aksi global, dan Indonesia
menjadi bagian di dalamnya. Strategi keberlanjutan adalah
suatu kewajiban yang harus dilakukan pelaku usaha,” ujar dia.
Untuk penghargaan emas (Aditama) dari Kementerian
Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, ada enam aspek yang
dinilai menyangkut pengelolaan lingkungan, yakni
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
pengelolaan batuan penutup, erosi dan sedimentasi,
pembibitan, reklamasi, revegetasi, sarana penunjang, dan
pemantauan lingkungan pertambangan. PT Vale dinilai
telah memenuhi semua persyaratan itu.
Sementara nilai biru untuk PROPER 2012-2013, PT Vale
meraihnya bersama 1.039 perusahaan lainnya atau 57,98%
dari 1.812 perusahaan peserta. Peringkat Biru menunjukkan,
perusahaan telah melakukan upaya pengendalian potensi
pencemaran dalam melindungi lingkungan. Dengan kata
lain, kinerja perusahaan telah sesuai dengan peraturan
yang berlaku. Tercatat, di peringkat Emas terdapat 12
perusahaan (0,67%), Hijau 113 perusahaan (6,31%), Merah
611 perusahaan (34,1%), dan Hitam 17 perusahaan (0,95%).
Menurut Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Balthasar Kambuaya,
dengan PROPER diharapkan dapat mendorong pelaku
bisnis di Indonesia untuk menerapkan konsep ekonomi
hijau sehingga dapat menambah daya saing, memberi nilai
tambah perusahaan, dan mengurangi dampak terhadap
lingkungan dan ketimpangan sosial.
Program unggulan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup ini
memang bertujuan menilai ketaatan perusahaan dalam
menjalankan bisnisnya berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip
pembangunan berkelanjutan, efisiensi energi, konservasi
sumber daya, dan beretika. Sertifikat PROPER bagi PT Vale
diserahkan Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan, Syahul Yasin Limpo,
di Makassar dan diterima Senior General Manager Corporate
Services Abu Ashar dan Senior Coordinator Provincial
Government, Asriani Amiruddin, mewakili manajemen PT
Vale. []
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
PT Vale’s Performance
Footprint of 2013
PT Vale receives the Aditama SBA awards and a
blue mark for PROPER 2012-2013.
The government and professionals see PT Vale as a company
with a good environmental vision and an ability to manage
long-term strategies. This was evident when PT Vale
received a Sustainable Business Award (SBA) in the category
of best vision and strategy, a gold award from the Ministry
of Energy and Mineral Resources for mining environment
management, and a blue mark for PROPER (Program
Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan dalam Pengelolaan,
or Program for Assessing Company Performance in
Management) from the Ministry of Environment.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
The SBA, initiated by the Indonesian Business Council for
Sustainable Development (IBC-SD), was awarded to PT
Vale for its efforts and leadership in sustainable business
practices, particularly in terms of its long term vision
and strategies. The award was presented by Head of the
National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Armida
Alisjahbana and accepted by PT Vale Vice President Director
Bernardus Irmanto at Jakarta’s Shangri-La Hotel in Jakarta.
This leading program from the Ministry of Environment
is aimed at assessing companies’ compliance with principles
of sustainable development, energy efficiency, resources
conservation, and ethics. The PROPER certificate for PT
Vale was presented by South Sulawesi Governor Syahul
Yasin Limpo, in Makassar, and accepted by Senior General
Manager Corporate Services Abu Ashar and Senior
Coordinator Provincial Government, Asriani Amiruddin, on
behalf of the management of PT Vale. []
Head of the Investment Coordinating Board Mahendra Siregar, who was at the event, said companies carrying sustainability as a vision allows Indonesia to be competitive on a
global scale. “For Indonesia, this is not just a voluntary act;
it is part of a global action, with Indonesia being a part of
that. The strategy of sustainability is compulsory for anyone
doing business,” he said.
The gold Aditama award from the Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Resources is based on an assessment of six aspects
related to environmental management: the management of
covering rocks; erosion and sedimentation; nursery; reclamation and revegetation; support facilities; and monitoring.
PT Vale is considered to have met all the requirements.
The blue mark from PROPER 2012-2013 was awarded to PT
Vale as well as 1,039 other companies or 57.98% of 1,182
participants. The blue mark indicates that a company has taken measures to control potential pollution in order to protect the environment. In other words, the company’s performance is in accordance with existing regulations. Twelve
companies (0.67%) received a Gold mark; 113 companies
(6.31%) received Green; 611 companies (34.1%) received Red,
and 17 companies (0.95%) received Black.
According to Minister of Environment Balthasar Kambuaya,
PROPER certification encourages Indonesian businesses
to apply green economic principles to increase their
competitiveness, add value to their respective companies,
reduce their impact on the environment, and reduce social
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Foto-foto. Nala Dipa Alamsyah
Tiga Belas
Tim tanggap darurat PT Vale
terjun ke lokasi banjir Manado.
Yopie (41) tampak menyapu sisa-sisa banjir. Peluhnya bercucuran. Tubuhnya penuh cipratan lumpur.
Yopie merupakan satu dari 32 orang tunanetra penghuni asrama Panti Sosial Tumou Tou di daerah
Paal IV, Kecamatan Tikela, Manado. Pagi itu dan hari-hari sebelumnya pasca-banjir Manado, Yopie
dibantu tiga petugas kantor panti tunanetra membersihkan tempat tersebut. “Berhari-hari saya dan
teman-teman melakukan pekerjaan ini, tapi sepertinya tidak bersih-bersih,” ujar Yopie tersenyum miris.
Paal IV merupakan daerah di Manado yang mengalami kerusakan terparah akibat banjir yang
menerjang pada Rabu pagi, 15 Januari 2014 silam. Termasuk area panti tunanetra yang dihuni
sekitar ratusan orang itu. Ketinggian air berada di atas jendela, bahkan ada yang sampai di langitlangit bangunan. Alhasil, tak satu pun isi kantor dan asrama panti yang lolos dari air. Pemandangan
serupa tampak pada rumah-rumah warga sekitarnya.
“Airnya cepat sekali naik waktu itu, tapi untung pagi hari. Kalau tidak, mungkin teman-teman tidak
bisa menyelamatkan diri lari ke bukit di belakang panti,” timpal Ismail (28), penghuni panti tunanetra
Ketika Halo Vale bersama Tim ERG (Emergency Response Group) PT Vale datang
ke lokasi ini, hari keenam pasca-banjir, bangunan panti masih dikepung
lumpur setinggi betis. Perabotan, dokumen, dan perkakas kantor panti
lainnya tak ada yang selamat.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Paal IV menjadi target operasi Tim ERG Vale berdasarkan informasi yang
diperoleh dari FKPA (Forum Komunikasi Pencinta Alam) Sulawesi Utara.
Mereka pula yang menjadi pemandu tim di lapangan. “Tempat ini
dipilih karena mereka belum mendapat bantuan, merupakan fasilitas
sosial, dan dihuni para tunanetra. Kami kira ini area yang tepat untuk
misi kemanusiaan Vale,” ujar Meiky Kolodam, salah satu anggota FKPA.
Pengobatan gratis
kepada warga Kecamatan Tikela
Tim FES PT Vale membantu warga
membersihkan fasilitas vital Puskesmas
Kecamatan Singkil.
Kehadiran Tim ERG Vale di Paal IV memang tepat. Bantuan untuk daerah bencana itu, yang berada di perbatasan Manado dan Kabupaten
Minahasa Utara, memang terlambat. “Sampai hari keempat banjir, bantuan logistik baru datang. Sedangkan medis atau tenaga bersih-bersih
untuk panti belum ada,” tambah Ismail.
Di lokasi itu, selama tiga hari berturut-turut, Tim ERG Vale bergotong-royong membersihkan lumpur dan sampah di kompleks, yang memiliki
lima bangunan utama. Mulai dari kantor, ruang belajar, aula, mushala, hingga ruang makan. Tim juga berinisiatif mengganti langit-langit ruang
belajar. “Ruangan ini memang kami perlukan agar anak-anak asrama bisa kembali berkegiatan. Kalau menunggu dari pusat akan lama, karena
kami perlu membuat proposal dan menghitung nilai kerugian tempat ini,” ungkap Hamzah, Kepala Divisi Advokasi Panti Sosial Tumou Tou
sambil membersihkan lumpur.
Rentan Penyakit
Di area yang sama, Tim Medis Vale memberikan pelayanan kesehatan dan pengobatan bagi korban banjir. Selama empat hari mereka menyisir
lokasi. Mencari titik-titik pengungsi yang membutuhkan pengobatan. Alhasil, sedikitnya 400 warga menikmati layanan kesehatan. Salah
satunya adalah Hapsa (55), warga Paal IV lingkungan 3. Sudah tiga hari wanita setengah baya ini menderita diare. ”Ini baru pertama saya
mendapatkan pengobatan. Sebelumnya tidak ada bantuan medis, karena lebih banyak bantuan logistik,” ujar dia.
Menurut dr Christina N.S. Nanulaitta, Koordinator Tim Medis Vale, diare merupakan penyakit yang rentan diderita korban banjir, selain gatalgatal, infeksi pernapasan, flu, batuk, dan infeksi karena luka gores atau tertusuk benda tajam. ”Pada pekan pertama korban banjir banyak
membutuhkan makan dan pakaian bersih. Pada pekan selanjutnya, mereka lebih membutuhkan bantuan medis dan air bersih, karena wabah
penyakit mulai menyebar,” ujar Christina.
Dalam misi kemanusian ini, Tim Vale membawa stok obat paten dan vitamin untuk kurang-lebih 2.000 pasien. Sedangkan perlengkapan
penyelamatan dan evakuasi, terkumpul di satu unit Command 2 milik Fire & Emergency Service.
Tim Gabungan
Tim ERG Vale bertolak ke Manado pada 18 Januari 2014. Tim terbagi dalam tiga gelombang. Tim pertama, yang dipimpin Manager Fire and
Rescue Koesharjanto, terdiri atas 3 personel FES, 2 anggota DSS, dan 1 orang dari External Relations. Sedangkan tim kedua terdiri atas 3
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Pemberian paket obat kepada
Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
personel RS Inco dan 1 anggota DSS. Sementara tim ketiga, yang membawa unit Command 2, menempuh jalan darat Sorowako-Manado yang
berjarak 1.200 kilometer, dikawal 2 personel FES.
Pada pekan pertama, selain melakukan operasi mandiri dipandu FKPA, Tim ERG Vale membagi tim untuk bergabung dengan tim ERG
perusahaan tambang lainnya dari Freeport, Berau Coal, Total E & P Indonesia, Nusa Halmahera Minerals, Maeres Soputan Mining, dan Tambang
Tondano Nusajaya. Di lokasi bencana, tim ERG gabungan ini berkoordinasi dengan Kementerian ESDM (Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral) dan
BNPB (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana).
Banjir Manado telah menyebabkan 60.000 jiwa lebih mengungsi, belasan nyawa melayang, dan kerugian materil mencapai Rp1,8 triliun.
Bencana juga menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi tim penyelamat dan relawan, termasuk Tim Vale. “Banyaknya akses jalan yang putus, langkanya
logistik di pasar, hingga minimnya informasi daerah terdampak dan situasinya, membuat tim mengalami keterbatasan dalam membantu
korban,” ujar Koesharjanto.
Kendati demikian, selama 13 hari dari 18-30 Januari, Tim Vale mampu menyisir lokasi-lokasi terdampak yang belum banyak dijamah bantuan.
Dalam catatan Halo Vale, Tim Medis Vale menyebar di 4 titik seperti Paal IV (Tikela), Dusun Ternate Tanjung dan Ketang Baru (Singkil) serta
Malendeng (Tikela). Sedangkan distribusi bantuan dilakukan ke Desa Kembes (Minahasa Utara) dan Malendeng (Tikela). Sementara evakuasi
korban longsor dilakukan di 2 titik, Tinoor (Minahasa Utara) dan Tomohon.
Pada hari-hari terakhir di lokasi bencana, Tim Vale memberikan bantuan berupa paket obat kepada Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dan
Puskesmas Kelurahan Kombos Timur, Kecamatan Singkil, Manado. Paket obat dan vitamin tersebut mencukupi untuk 1.000 pasien.
Menurut GM Emergency Response and EHS PT Vale Budiawansyah, Tim Vale dikirim untuk merespons permintaan Kementerian ESDM agar
perusahaan tambang aktif terlibat dalam pemulihan kondisi suatu lokasi yang mengalami bencana nasional. Selain banjir Manado, Tim ERG Vale
juga pernah melakukan misi kemanusiaan dalam bencana tsunami Nias (April 2005), gempa Yogyakarta (Juni 2006), gempa Padang (September
2009), dan erupsi Gunung Merapi (November 2010). []
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Thirteen Days Assisting
Manado Disaster Victims
PT Vale’s emergency response team traveled to flood stricken
areas in Manado.
Yopie (41) was sweeping remains of the flood, sweat trickling down
his mud-splattered body. Yopie was one of 32 visually impaired
residents of the Tumou Tou Social Housing dormitories located in
Paal IV, an area in Tikela Subdistrict, Manado. That morning as well
as on previous days immediately after the Manado floods Yopie
was assisted by three personnel from the residence for the visually
impaired in carrying out his cleaning duties. “My friends and I have
been doing this for days, but it doesn’t seem to get any cleaner,”
Yopie said with a wry smile.
“The floods rose very quickly at the time, but luckily it happened in
the morning; otherwise, our friends would not have been able to
escape to the hill behind the residence,” said Ismail (28), who also
lives at the residence for the visually impaired.
Paal IV is the area of Manado that suffered the worst damage in
the floods on Wednesday morning, 15 January 2014. Within this
affected area was the social housing complex, inhabited by about
hundreds people. The depth of the floods exceeded window-height
and in some places even reached the ceiling of buildings. As a
result, none of the contents of the social housing offices and dorms
were spared from the waters. A similar situation was evident at the
houses of other residents.
Paal IV has become a target for the operations of Vale’s ERG Team
based on information provided by the North Sulawesi FKPA (Forum
Komunikasi Pencinta Alam, Nature Lovers Communication Forum),
When Halo Vale and PT Vale’s Emergency Response Group (ERG)
team arrived at this location six days after the floods the residence
was still surrounded by calf-high mud. Furniture, documents and
other office equipment could not be saved.
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
who acted as on-field guides for the team. “We chose this place
because they have not received assistance, and because it is a social
facility housing people with visual impairment. We think this is the
right area for implementing Vale’s humanitarian mission,” said Meiky
Kolodam, a member of FKPA.
Susceptible to Disease
In the same area, Vale’s medical team also provided health services
and medication for flood victims. Combing the area for four days,
the team searched for displaced people needing medication. As a
result, at least 400 people received health treatment.
One of these people was Hapsa (55), a resident of Area 3 of Paal
IV. For three days Hapsa had diarrhea. “This is the first time I’ve
received medication. Prior to this, there was no health assistance,
only logistical assistance,” she said.
According to Dr Christina N.S. Nanulaitta, the coordinator of Vale’s
Medical Team, diarrhea is one of the diseases to which flood
victims are susceptible. Other diseases include itching, respiratory
infections, flu, coughs and infections caused by grazes or wounds
from sharp objects. “In the first week, flood victims need plenty of
food and clean clothes. In the following weeks, they require more
medical assistance and clean water because diseases begin to set
in,” said Christina.
During this humanitarian mission, Vale’s team brought sufficient
patented medicine and vitamin supplies for about 2,000 patients.
Meanwhile, rescue and evacuation equipment was assembled in
the Command 2 unit belonging to the Fire & Emergency Service.
Joint Team
Vale’s ERG Team departed for Manado on 18 January 2014. The
team went in three groups. The first team, led by Fire and Rescue
Manager Koesharjanto, consisted of 3 FES personnel, 2 DSS
members and 1 person from External Relations. The second team
consisted of 3 personnel from Inco Hospital and 1 member of DSS.
The third team, bringing Command 2 unit, traveled 1,200 kilometers
by land from Sorowako to Manado and was accompanied by 2 FES
In the first week, besides conducting an independent operation
with the guidance of FKPA, Vale’s ERG Team also split up to join
forces with the ERG teams of Freeport, Berau Coal, Total E & P
PT Vale’s ERG team clean ed up the
mud and fixed the social facilit ies
with reside nts in four flood
affect ed areas in Mana do.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Indonesia, Nusa Halmahera Minerals, Maeres Soputan Mining and
Tambang Tondano Nusajaya mining companies. At the disaster site,
this joint ERG team coordinated with the Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Resources and the National Board for Disaster Management
The Manado floods displaced more than 60,000 people, killed
dozens of victims and inflicted material losses of up to IDR1.8
trillion. The disaster also posed a challenge for rescue teams and
volunteers, including Vale’s team. “Many roads were cut off and
inaccessible, logistical supplies were scarce on the market and
minimal information was available regarding the situation in the
affected area. This meant the team was limited in its ability to assist
victims,” said Koesharjanto.
Despite the circumstances, Vale’s team spent 13 days from 18th
to 30th January reaching affected areas that had not yet received
assistance. According to Halo Vale ‘s records, members of Vale’s
Medical Team dispersed to 4 different locations: Paal IV (Tikela),
the hamlets of Ternate Tanjung and Ketang Baru (Singkil) and
Malendeng (Tikela). Meanwhile, assistance was distributed to
the villages of Kembes (Minahasa Utara) and Malendeng (Tikela).
Evacuation of mudslide victims took place at two locations: Tinoor
(Minahasa Utara) and Tomohon.
Over the last few days at the disaster site, Vale’s Team provided
packages of medication to the North Sulawesi Provincial Health
Office and the Community Health Center (Puskesmas) of Kombos
Timur Village, Singkil Subdistrict, Manado. The medication and
vitamin packages were sufficient for 1,000 patients.
According to PT Vale’s Emergency Response and EHS GM,
Budiawansyah, Vale’s team was sent in response to the Ministry of
Energy and Mineral Resources’ request calling mining companies
to be actively involved in the rehabilitation of areas affected by
national disasters. Besides the Manado floods, Vale’s ERG Team has
also been involved in humanitarian missions that assisted victims of
the Nias tsunami disaster (April 2005), the Yogyakarta earthquake
(June 2006), the Padang earthquake (September 2009) and the
Merapi volcanic eruption (November 2010). []
PT Vale’s medical team provided
health services and medication
for flood victims.
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Setiap Warga
Bisa Jadi Pewarta
Kemampuan menulis membuat
penyampaian informasi lebih akurat,
menarik, dan berimbang.
Citizen journalism atau jurnalisme warga punya sejarah agak panjang.
Abraham Zapruder, seorang warga biasa yang merekam detik-detik
penembakan Presiden AS John F. Kennedy pada November 1963,
disebut-sebut sebagai perintis jurnalisme warga. Di Indonesia, khalayak mulai membincangkan peran masyarakat dalam penyampaian
informasi saat bencana tsunami menghantam Aceh pada 2004. Nama
Cut Putri, yang merekam terjangan arus tsunami dari lantai 2 rumah
kerabatnya, langsung masyhur.
Video amatir Cut Putri yang ditayangkan stasiun televisi nasional
membuka mata dunia internasional terhadap kedahsyatan tsunami
Aceh. Sekaligus menyadarkan bahwa warga berperan penting dalam
menyebarkan informasi yang penting dan akurat.
Terlebih dengan keberadaan internet dan media sosial, memungkinkan setiap orang untuk melaporkan kejadian kepada khalayak ramai.
Singkat kata, setiap warga bisa jadi pewarta. “Terkadang, berita yang
disampaikan oleh warga lebih mudah ditangkap oleh publik karena
menggunakan bahasa yang sama. Ada unsur lokalitas yang sulit ditampilkan oleh jurnalis profesional dari media mainstream,” kata GM
Community Relations Busman Dahlan Shirat.
Ternyata minat warga Luwu Timur untuk menjadi jurnalis warga cukup
tinggi. Demi mewadahi aspirasi tersebut, PT Vale mengadakan workshop “Citizen Journalism” di dining room Taman Antar Bangsa (TAB),
25-26 Maret 2014. “Saat ini, siapa pun bisa mengakses internet, tapi
belum tentu bisa menuliskan peristiwa yang dia lihat atau dia alami
untuk di-posting di internet. Banyak orang belum bisa mengungkapkan gagasan ke dalam tulisan,” ungkap Busman saat membuka acara.
Bukan Hanya Narsis
Workshop yang terbuka bagi karyawan PT Vale dan masyarakat
umum tersebut mendatangkan narasumber Pepih Nugraha,
wartawan senior harian Kompas. Peserta berasal dari berbagai
kalangan, seperti pelajar dan mahasiswa, staf Humas Pemda Luwu
Timur, ibu rumah tangga, pemuda dan anggota dari berbagai
komunitas seperti Ikatan Keluarga Vale Indonesia (IKVI), Asosiasi
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Ibu Menyusui Indonesia (AIMI) Sorowako, dan Sicma. Dari kalangan
karyawan, peserta berasal dari berbagai departemen, antara lain DSS,
Utilities, ETDS, External Relations, dan Yayasan Pendidikan Sorowako.
“Awalnya, peserta kami batasi 40 orang saja, tapi ternyata yang mendaftar lebih dari 60 orang. Ini membuktikan antusiasme warga untuk
mendalami citizen journalism,” kata Iskandar Siregar, Senior Coordinator Provincial Government & Media Relations PT Vale. Sepanjang dua
hari pelatihan, peserta diberikan berbagai materi seputar teknik penulisan hingga kiat menggali ide melalui metode mind mapping.
Peserta juga mendapat latihan menulis yang hasilnya dibacakan di
depan peserta lain.
“Sejak berkenalan dengan blog pada 2008, saya baru sadar kalau
ternyata saya suka menulis. Tapi saya hanya curhat pengalaman
isi Suara Siswa lebih bermutu. Dan karena saya memang bercita-cita
menjadi jurnalis, pelatihan seperti ini sangat berguna,” kata Mayang
Tri Putri, Pemimpin Redaksi Suara Siswa yang duduk di kelas XI. Selanjutnya, enam siswi tersebut akan membagi wawasan yang mereka dapatkan dari workshop kepada 27 orang pengurus publikasi sekolah.
Bergabung di Komunitas
“Warga yang punya sikap literasi yang tinggi dan suka membaca
pasti bisa menjadi jurnalis warga,” kata Pepih Nugraha, penulis buku
Citizen Journalism: Pandangan Pemahaman, dan Pengalaman. Dia
mengaku agak terkejut dengan antusiasme warga Sorowako dan
sekitarnya untuk mempraktikkan citizen journalism.
“Daerah ini bisa dibilang terpencil tapi potensinya sangat besar.
Saya berharap kegairahan masyarakat untuk menulis tidak berhenti
di pelatihan ini saja, tapi akan semakin tajam dan berkembang,”
kata penggagas kanal jurnalisme warga Kompasiana yang kini
menghimpun lebih dari 127.000 jurnalis warga dari berbagai penjuru
tanah air dan luar negeri.
Menyampaikan informasi juga bisa dipandang sebagai bentuk
voluntarisme. Warga, tanpa mengharap imbalan materi,
memberitakan peristiwa secara sukarela. “Menyampaikan informasi,
sekecil apapun, merupakan kontribusi seseorang terhadap
masyarakat luas. Dengan bekal menulis yang cukup, maka seorang
warga dapat memberitakan peristiwa secara akurat, menarik, dan
berimbang,” kata GM Communications Teuku Mufizar Mahmud.
Workshop dipuncaki dengan deklarasi Komunitas Pena Sorowako.
Aktivitas komunitas ini akan diwadahi dalam situs penasorowako.com.
Bagi Anda warga Luwu Timur yang ingin menyalurkan hobi menulis,
silakan mendaftar menjadi kontributor dengan mengirimkan surat
elektronik ke admin@penasorowako.com untuk mulai menjadi
seorang jurnalis warga. []
pribadi yang rata-rata panjangnya dua paragraf. Sudah lama saya
mencari pelatihan seperti ini, tapi baru ada sekarang,” kata Yunita
Rachmuddin, Instrument Engineer dari ETDS & Central Engineering
“Setelah mendapat pelatihan, saya ingin bisa menulis hal-hal yang
penting dan bermanfaat, bukan sekadar narsis seperti selama ini,”
lanjut ibu yang bisa menghasilkan 2-4 tulisan dalam sebulan itu. Keterampilan menulis juga diperlukan Yunita untuk mengelola newsletter suatu organisasi wanita Islam.
Bagi enam siswi SMA YPS, bekal teknik menulis yang mereka dapatkan selama mengikuti workshop mendukung proses belajar dan kemajuan Suara Siswa, majalah sekolah yang mereka kelola. ”Saya ingin
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Everyone Can Be a Reporter
Writing skills enable the provision of accurate, interesting
and balanced information.
The history of “citizen journalism” goes back a long way. Abraham
Zapruder, a regular citizen who recorded the moments when
American President John F. Kennedy was shot in November 1963, is
considered a forerunner of citizen journalism. In Indonesia, the public
played an important role in relaying information when a massive
tsunami struck Aceh in 2004. Cut Putri, who recorded the tsunami’s
impact from the second floor of her relative’s house, quickly became
a household name.
Cut Putri’s amateur video clip which was broadcast by national
television stations showed international audiences the severity of the
tsunami’s impact; it also demonstrated the significant role of regular
citizens in relaying important and accurate information.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
With the prevalence and widespread availability of the internet
and social media, it is in fact possible for any person to relay a
report to the public. Everyone can be a reporter. “Sometimes the
news provided by citizens are more easily received by the public
because it uses the same language. Often there are local nuances
that professional journalists from mainstream media find difficult to
employ,” said Community Relations GM, Busman Dahlan Shirat.
It turns out there is great interest among East Luwu residents in
becoming citizen journalists. To accommodate these aspirations, PT
Vale held a “Citizen Journalism Workshop” in the Taman Antar Bangsa
(TAB) dining room on 25-26 March 2014. “Currently, anyone can
access the internet, but not everyone can write about an incident
or event they have witnessed and post it on the internet. Many
people don’t yet have the skills to express their ideas in written form,”
Busman said at the opening of the workshop.
Not Just Narcissism
The workshop, which was open to employees of PT Vale and the
public, featured senior journalist Pepih Nugraha from Kompas
daily. Workshop participants consisted of students, Luwu Timur
government public relations staff, housewives, youths and members
of various associations such as the Vale Indonesia Family Association
(IKVI), the Indonesian Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (AIMI)
in Sorowako and Sicma. PT Vale employees who participated in the
workshop came from the DSS, Utilities, ETDS and External Relations
departments as well as Sorowako Educational Foundation (YPS).
“Initially we limited the number of participants to 40, but discovered
that more than 60 had enrolled. This shows the public’s high
degree of enthusiasm to engage in citizen journalism,” said Iskandar
Siregar, PT Vale’s Provincial Government & Media Relations Senior
Coordinator. During the two-day workshop participants were
introduced to a range of material, including writing techniques
and idea-formation strategies using mind maps. Participants also
practiced writing and then read their results to each other.
“I became aware that I enjoyed writing after becoming familiar with
blogs in 2008. But I only wrote about personal matters, which would
be about two paragraphs long, on average. I have long searched for
training like this, and this is the first time I have encountered it,” said
Yunita Rachmuddin, an instrument engineer from ETDS & Central
Engineering Department.
“After the training, I hope to write about important and useful things
instead of being just narcissistic, as I have done,” said Yunita, who
makes 2 to 4 blog entries a month. She also needs writing skills for
managing the newsletter of the Islamic women’s organization.
The six YPS senior high school students who attended the workshop
said the writing strategies they had learned would support their studies and the development of Suara Siswa, a school magazine they
manage. “I’d like Suara Siswa to have better content quality. I would
also like to become a journalist one day, so training like this is
particularly useful,” said Mayang Tri Putri, Chief Editor of Suara Siswa
and a Year XI student. The six students will share the knowledge
gained from the workshop with 27 members of their school
publication’s management.
Join The Community
“Citizens who have high literacy and enjoy reading can definitely
become citizen journalists,” said Pepih Nugraha, author of Citizen
Journalism: Pandangan, Pemahaman, dan Pengalaman (“Citizen
Journalism: Views, Understandings and Experience”). He admits he
was surprised by the high degree of enthusiasm shown by residents
around Sorowako who were keen to practice citizen journalism.
“This area may be considered isolated but it has huge potential. I
hope people’s enthusiasm to write will not stop when this workshop
ends, but continues to grow and sharpen,” said the initiator of
Kompasiana, citizen journalism site, which brings together more than
127,000 citizen journalists from around the country and overseas.
Providing information can also be considered a form of volunteerism,
as citizens who do not expect material reward contribute information
to others voluntarily. “Providing information, no matter how small,
is a person’s contribution to the wider public. With sufficient writing
skills, a citizen can report on an event in an accurate, interesting and
balanced manner,” said Communications GM, Teuku Mufizar Mahmud.
The highlight of the workshop was a declaration by the Sorowako
Pen Community. This group would compile all its activities on
penasorowako.com. If you are a resident of Luwu Timur and enjoy
writing as a hobby, please enroll as a contributor by sending an email
to admin@penasorowako.com and start becoming a citizen journalist. []
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
HR Sosialisasi Buku
Benefit Karyawan
Perlu rutin menggelar pertemuan
sejenis untuk mendengar masukan
dari karyawan.
Guna melakukan pemerataan informasi terkait hak-hak
pekerja, HR Process & Industrial Relations Management PT
Vale melakukan sosialisasi Buku Benefit Karyawan pada
16-17 Desember lalu di Gedung Ontaeluwu. Hari pertama
sosialisasi dihadiri karyawan staf senior, sedangkan hari
kedua ditujukan bagi karyawan tingkat staf.
Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menjawab masukan karyawan
akan perlunya transparansi kebijakan dan menjaring
masukan untuk HR dan manajemen. Khususnya mengenai
aturan benefit karyawan yang dijalankan.
Acara yang berlangsung interaktif tersebut dipandu
oleh Tri Rachman Batara, Internal Communications
Specialist. Bertindak sebagai pemateri adalah Manager of
Compensation & Benefit I Wayan Gede Dewantara dan GM
HR Process & Industrial Relations Respati Bayu Aji.
Wayan menyampaikan poin-poin penting yang diatur
dalam buku benefit karyawan, yang berlaku sejak 1 Januari
2014. Misalnya soal pengaturan dan ketentuan pemberian
kompensasi, promosi, penyesuaian jenjang, kerja shift,
pemakaman, pinjaman perumahan, hingga soal pendidikan
anak keluarga PT Vale.
Pada sesi tanya-jawab, beragam pandangan muncul dari
audiens. Mulai soal sistem penilaian kinerja dan kompetensi
yang berhubungan dengan penyesuaian tunjangan,
promosi, mutasi, maupun rekrutmen pekerja. Ada pula yang
mempertanyakan soal penghitungan uang lembur bagi
pekerja shift di hari libur.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Ada pula audiens yang memberikan masukan agar peningkatan kompetensi karyawan menjadi prioritas perusahaan.
“Sebab ini merupakan salah satu nilai perusahaan, value our
people,” ujar audiens.
Melihat banyaknya masukan dari audiens tersebut, HR berencana melakukan perbaikan sistem yang lebih baik ke
depan. Selain itu, akan digelar kegiatan lanjutan melalui
pertemuan sejenis untuk mendengarkan masukan dari
Menurut Muhamad Fadli dari Departmen MSE (Mechanical
Services Engineer), pertemuan ini sangat bagus dan penting bagi karyawan dan manajemen agar informasi merata
dan transparan. Namun, akan lebih baik bila pembahasan
dilakukan secara case by case sesuai PKB dan buku benefit
Buku benefit karyawan PT Vale dapat diakses melalui
laman HR di intranet dengan alamat: http://pti-appsrv7/
HumanResources/doclib.aspx. []
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
HR Introduces Employee
Benefit Book
Similar routine gatherings are important for gaining feedback from employees.
PT Vale’s Human Resources (HR) Process & Industrial
Relations Management has introduced an Employee Benefit
Book to better disseminate information to employees
regarding their rights. The introduction was held on 16-17
December at the Ontaeluwu Building. The first day was
attended by senior staff members, while the second day saw
staff-level employees.
The event was a response to employee feedback calling for
more transparency on company policies and was also aimed
at gathering feedback for HR and management, particularly
about guidelines on existing employee benefits.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Moderated by Internal Communications Specialist Tri
Rachman Batara, the interactive event featured presentations by Manager of Compensation & Benefit I Wayan Gede
Dewantara and HR GM Process & Industrial Relations Respati
Bayu Aji.
Wayan explained some important points in the employee
benefit book which would start to take effect as of 1 January
2014. These include rules and regulations on compensation,
promotions, level adjustments, shift work, funerals, housing
loans, and education benefits for the children of PT Vale
The question and answer session featured various opinions
from the audience on a variety of issues, starting from
competence and performance evaluation systems relating
to allowance adjustments, promotions and mutations,
to the recruitment of new employees. There were also
questions on the calculation of overtime payment for shift
workers working during holidays.
The audience also suggested that the company place
priority on upgrading employees’ competence. “This one of
the company’s values, value our people,” the audience said.
The amount of audience feedback has prompted HR to
improve its systems. There will also be similar events to
follow up from this one so more employee voices can be
According to Muhamad Fadli from the Mechanical Services
Engineering Department, the meeting was very good and
very important for both employees and management
personnel as it allowed information to be disseminated
evenly and transparently. However, it would be even better
if the discussions followed a case-by-case format based
on the existing collective labor agreement (PKB) and new
benefit book.
PT Vale’s employee benefit book can be accessed
through the HR’s intranet pages at http://pti-appsrv7/
HumanResources/doclib.aspx. []
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Earth Hour 2014
Setelah Satu Jam,
Terapkan Gaya Hidup Hijau
Tahun ini event mengusung empat fokus.
Siapa tak kenal Spider Man? Manusia laba-laba yang lihai melompat
dari gedung tinggi ke gedung tinggi untuk menangkap penjahat
dan menyelamatkan dunia. Tahun ini, Spider Man menjadi duta
Earth Hour, suatu gerakan global untuk menangkal perubahan
iklim. Spider Man mengajak warga dunia untuk berkontribusi dalam
misi penyelamatan Bumi.
Menjelang akhir Maret setiap tahun, gerakan Earth Hour
menyatukan masyarakat dunia untuk berkomitmen menghemat
energi dengan cara mematikan lampu dan alat elektronik selama 1
jam. Tahun ke-6 di Indonesia, Earth Hour 2014 diselenggarakan 29
Maret 2014 lalu pukul 20.30-21.30 waktu setempat.
Mengusung tagline “Use Your Power”, bukan hanya Spider Man
yang punya kekuatan super. Tiap individu juga punya kekuatan
untuk melakukan perubahan. Cukup satu jari untuk mematikan
saklar lampu di siang hari, cukup sebelah tangan untuk membuang
sampah pada tempatnya, cukup satu manusia untuk menanam
sebatang pohon, dan masih banyak lagi.
Kampanye Kreatif
Hanya ada dua kota di Sulawesi Selatan yang berpartisipasi
dalam Earth Hour: Makassar dan Sorowako. Warga Sorowako
patut berbangga menjadi bagian dari 7.000 kota di lebih dari
160 negara di dunia yang ambil bagian dalam aksi penyelamatan
Bumi. Kampanye Earth Hour di Sorowako dilaksanakan sejak akhir
Februari hingga penghujung Maret 2014.
Mengulang sukses tahun lalu, kampanye keliling dilakukan di
sekolah-sekolah, baik sekolah dalam lingkup Yayasan Pendidikan
Sorowako (YPS), sekolah negeri, maupun sekolah swasta. Kampanye
berlangsung mulai 26 Februari hingga 7 Maret 2014.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Di TK YPS, misalnya, puluhan siswa dan siswi antusias menyaksikan
video potongan aksi Spidern Man dan tayangan Earth Hour di
Sorowako tahun 2013. “Kampanye ini sejalan dengan character
building siswa TK YPS yang salah satunya adalah menjadi agen
penyelamat lingkungan. Kami sangat mengapresiasi gerakan Earth
Hour,” kata Pettaoti, guru TK YPS.
Windyar Cahyani, guru pendamping di sekolah yang sama
mengatakan, kampanye ini menguatkan program “Kamis Bersih”
atau Thursday Clean yang dilakukan TK YPS. Setiap Kamis, para
siswa membantu cleaner atau gardener untuk membuang sampah
atau memungut daun-daun kering.
Dari satu gerakan kecil di Sidney, Australia, tahun 2007, kini Earth
Hour menjelma menjadi kampanye global yang melibatkan warga
dunia. Bahkan, Earth Hour telah mewujud menjadi suatu kampanye
kreatif yang merangkul semua kalangan. Tahun lalu, kampanye di
Sorowako terpilih menjadi salah satu kampanye paling kreatif di
Indonesia karena menyentuh lebih dari 4.000 siswa sekolah.
Bijak Kertas, Hemat Air
“Tahun 2014, ada empat fokus dalam Earth Hour. Bijak membuang
dan mengolah sampah, gunakan transporasi umum, bijak penggunaan kertas dan tisu, serta hemat energi dan air. Jadi event Earth
Hour di seluruh kota, termasuk Sorowako, akan terpusat pada
empat isu tersebut,” kata Andi Batari Astini Sjamsu, Senior Coordinator of External for Government Relations yang menjadi Koordinator Earth Hour Kota Sorowako.
Untuk aksi “Bijak Kertas”, karyawan PT Vale dan masyarakat diminta
mengumpulkan sampah kertas. Setelah ditimbang, terkumpul
130 kg kertas bekas yang akan disumbangkan ke Sorowako
Green Community, kelompok usaha yang mengolah sampah
kertas menjadi karya seni. Usai penimbangan kertas, masyarakat
diajak membersihkan Dermaga Sorowako. Sementara anak-anak
menggambar di atas kertas bekas yang baru terpakai satu sisi dan
membuat prakarya dari hasil gambar masing-masing.
Earth Hour juga mengingatkan warga Sorowako untuk mensyukuri
berkah yang tidak dimiliki kebanyakan daerah lain di Indonesia,
bahkan di dunia, yaitu Danau Matano. Danau terdalam di Asia
Tenggara ini menjadi kebanggaan serta ikon Sorowako. Salah
satu wujud rasa syukur adalah melestarikan sumber air bersih dan
menjaga keindahan Danau Matano.
Pada event bersih danau yang digelar pada Minggu pagi, 23 Maret,
masyarakat diajak untuk memungut sampah plastik di sekitar area
danau. Hermawanto, warga asli Sorowako sekaligus karyawan PT
Vale dari Departemen Construction Services, dan keluarganya
adalah salah satu peserta bersih danau yang tampak paling
antusias. “Sebagai warga asli, saya merasa punya tanggung jawab
lebih untuk menjaga Danau Matano. Bagi saya, danau ini karunia
Tuhan yang luar biasa dan harus kita jaga. Saya selalu berpesan
kepada anak-anak untuk tidak membuang sampah di danau,” kata
Hermawanto yang terpilih sebagai salah satu pengumpul sampah
terbanyak pagi itu. Sorowako Diving Club juga menurunkan para
penyelam mereka untuk mengambil sampah yang tenggelam
hingga kedalaman 5 meter.
Ini Aksiku!
Puncak acara Earth Hour Sorowako 2014 dilaksanakan di gedung
pertemuan Ontaeluwu pada 29 Maret. Pemadaman lampu secara
simbolis dilakukan oleh Wapresdir PT Vale Bernardus Irmanto dan
SGM of Operational Improvement Mario Paventi, tepat pukul 20.30
Ditemani nyala lilin, audiens dari berbagai kelompok usia disuguhi
tontonan menarik, mulai dari tari tradisional hingga musik akustik.
Di sela-sela pertunjukan, panitia memanaskan suasana dengan
mengajak audiens meneriakkan yel “Ini Aksiku! Mana Aksimu?”
sambil bergoyang mengikuti irama “Feel Again” dari One Republic
yang menjadi lagu tema Earth Hour 2014.
Andy Ridley, CEO dan Co-founder Earth Hour, menyatakan, 2014
Earth Hour 2014 boleh dikatakan terbesar dan terpenting. Ya,
setiap orang bisa melakukan hal-hal besar untuk planet kita
tercinta. Dengan kekuatan jari-jari untuk menekan tombol keyboard
komputer, manusia di Bumi bisa membantu penyediaan energi biogas di Nepal, menyelamatkan Sungai Amazon, mencegah konflik
antara manusia dan satwa liar di India, membantu polisi hutan yang
bertugas melindungi cagar alam di Indonesia, dan sebagainya.
Beberapa proyek dipimpin langsung oleh sutradara dan pemeran
utama The Amazing Spider Man 2.
Ya, seperti Spider Man, setiap orang bisa menjadi pahlawan super
untuk menyelamatkan Bumi. Ayo, kita terapkan gaya hidup hijau
dalam keseharian. Sampai jumpa di Earth Hour 2015! []
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Earth Hour 2014
Only an Hour,
Then Make it a
In this year, the event is focused
on four issues.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Who doesn’t know Spider Man, the spider-human who cleverly
jumps from a tall building to another to catch criminals and save
the world? This year, Spider Man becomes the ambassador of Earth
Hour, a global movement to tackle climate change. Spider Man
invites the citizens of the world to contribute to the mission of
saving the Earth.
Towards the end of March each year, the Earth Hour movement
unites the communities of the world to commit to save energy by
turning off lights and electronic equipment for 1 hour. The 6th Earth
Hour in Indonesia was held last March 29, 2014 at 20:30 to 21:30
local time.
With the tagline “Use Your Power”, not only Spider Man has super
strength. Each individual also has the power to make changes. Only
one finger is required to turn off the light switches in the daylight,
only one hand is needed to dispose waste in the waste bin, only
one human is required to plant a tree, and many more.
Creative Campaign
There were only two cities in South Sulawesi participating in Earth
Hour: Makassar and Sorowako. The community of Sorowako should
be proud to be part of the 7,000 cities in more than 160 countries
in the world that took part in the action of saving the Earth. In
Sorowako, Earth Hour campaigns were conducted since the end of
February until the end of March 2014.
Repeating last year’s success, campaigns were conducted in
schools, both in the schools within the scope of Sorowako
Education Foundation (YPS), public schools, and private schools.
The campaigns were performed from February 26 to March 7, 2014.
In YPS Kindergarten, for example, the students enthusiastically
watched the video clips of Spider Man’s actions as well as the
2013 Earth Hour in Sorowako. “This campaign is in line with the
character building conducted to the YPS kindergarten students,
one of which is to be an agent of environmental savior. We greatly
appreciate the Earth Hour movement,” Pettaoti who is a teacher in
YPS Kindergarten, said.
Windyar Cahyani, teacher assistant at the same school said, the
campaign reinforces the program “Clean Thursday” applied by
YPS Kindergarten. Every Thursday, the students help cleaners or
gardeners taking out the trash or picking up the dry leaves.
From a small movement in Sydney, Australia, in 2007, Earth Hour
has now transformed into a global campaign involving citizens
of the world. In fact, Earth Hour has became a creative campaign
that embraces all people. Last year, the campaign in Sorowako was
selected to be one of the most creative campaigns in Indonesia
because it touched more than 4,000 school students.
Wise Use of Paper, Save Water
”In 2014, Earth Hour was focused on four issues. Wise disposal
and processing of waste, usage of public transportation, wise use
of paper and tissue, as well as saving energy and water. Thus, the
event Earth Hour throughout the city, including Sorowako, will
focus on those four issues,” said Andi Batari Astini Sjamsu, Senior
Coordinator of Government Relations.
For the action ”Wise Use if Paper”, employees of PT Vale and the
people of the community were asked to collect waste paper. After
being weighed, 130 kg of waste paper was able to be collected and
was donated to Sorowako Green Community, a business group that
process waste paper into works of art. After weighing the paper,
the people were invited to clean Sorowako Port. Meanwhile the
children drew on the waste paper which were only used in one side
as well as made craft.
Earth Hour also reminded the community of Sorowako to be
grateful for the blessing of Lake Matano, a blessing that most
areas in Indonesia, even in the world, do not have. This lake which
is the deepest in Southeast Asia is a source of pride and an icon
of Sorowako . One form of gratitude is to preserve fresh water
resources and preserve the beauty of Lake Matano.
In the event ”Clean the Lake” held on Sunday morning , March 23,
the people of the community were invited to collect plastic waste
around the lake area. Hermawanto, native of Sorowako as well as
an employee of the Department of Construction Services of PT
Vale and his family was one of the participants of ”Clean the Lake”
who seemed to be the most enthusiastic. ”As a native, I feel I have
more responsibility to preserve Lake Matano. For me, the lake is
an incredible gift of God which we must take care. I always tell the
children not to throw garbage in the lake,” said Hermawanto, who
was selected to be one of the people to collected the most garbage
that morning. The Sorowako Diving Club also fielded their divers to
collect the garbage that sank within the depth of 5 meters.
This is My Act!
The highlight of the 2014 Earth Hour in Sorowako was performed in
Ontaeluwu building on March 29. Lights blackout was symbolically
performed by the Vice President of PT Vale, Bernard Irmanto and
SGM of Operational Improvement, Mario Paventi, in exactly 20:30 of
local time.
Accompanied by candlelight, the audiences of all ages were treated
with interesting performances, from traditional dance to acoustic
music. In between the performances, the committee heated the
atmosphere by inviting the audience to scream out the yell ”This is
my act! Where is your action?” while swaying to the rhythm of ”Feel
Again” from One Republic which became the theme song of Earth
Hour 2014.
Andy Ridley, CEO and Co-founder of Earth Hour, said the 2014 Earth
Hour was considered to be the largest and the most important.
Yes, everyone can do great things for our beloved planet. We have
the power to support a variety of environmental projects through
crowdsourcing and crowd-funding. With the strength of the fingers
to press the computer keyboard, humans on Earth can help bio-gas
energy supply in Nepal, save the Amazon River, prevent conflicts
between the humans and wildlife in India, as well as help rangers
to protect the wildlife sanctuaries in Indonesia, and so on. Some
projects are directly led by the director and the main cast of The
Amazing Spider Man 2.
Yes, like Spider Man, everyone can be a superhero to save the
planet. Come on, let’s apply green lifestyle in our daily life. See you
in Earth Hour 2015! []
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Cerita Misdar,
Cerita Pomalaa
Perlu bijak mendekati masyarakat.
Pomalaa Project PT Vale, mungkin kita sudah sering mendengarnya.
Namun cerita tentang proyek di Sulawesi Tenggara itu, minim orang
tahu. Untuk itu Halo Vale mengangkat profil Misdar. Pria inilah yang
mendapat amanah perusahaan sebagai Goverment and External
Relations di Pomalaa Project.
Pomalaa Project, kata Misdar, sebenarnya sudah berjalan sejak
pertengahan 2000-an. Ketika itu PT Vale menjalin kerja sama
dengan PT Antam. Bisnisnya berupa eksplorasi dan operasi
sejak Agustus 2005. Proyek ini, yang berada di bawah payung
Cooperative Resouces Agreement (CRA), bertujuan untuk
mensuplai biji saprolite ore.
Pomalaa kini menjadi pusat perhatian. Apalagi volume produksi PT
Vale-Antam ketika itu bisa mencapai satu juta ton per tahun. Banyak
pekerja datang ke tempat tersebut. Setidaknya terdapat 68 orang
pekerja PT Vale dan PT Ingold, divisi ekplorasi PT Vale dalam proyek
tersebut. Harapan masyarakat setempat dan pemerintah daerah
pun tumbuh. Namun proyek suplai biji saprolite ore itu berumur
pendek. Hanya tiga tahun berjalan. Pada Juli 2008 berakhir.
Pasca-proyek bersama Antam, PT Vale menjalin kerja sama dengan
Sumitomo Metal Mining. Menurut Misdar, bentuk konkret proyek ini
adalah pembangunan smelter dan refinery berteknologi HPAL (high
pressure acid leach), sebagai upaya memenuhi kewajiban Kontrak
Karya. Saat ini, ada 3 orang karyawan Vale dan 27 kontraktor yang
berada di camp support untuk mendukung proyek ini.
”Bagi saya, kerja di mana pun
pasti ada risikonya. Tapi
sepanjang kita ikhlas, bekerja
maksimal dan bertanggung
jawab, hasilnya insya Allah
membawa berkah buat saya
dan keluarga.”
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Lalu kegiataan apa yang berlangsung di Pomalaa Project sekarang
ini? ”Kami masih fokus ke studi dan mempersiapkan perizinan baik
di pusat maupun di daerah,” ujar pria yang telah menangani Pomala
Project sejak April 2003 ini. Beberapa perizinan itu, antara lain,
analisis dampak lingkungan (Amdal) dan Izin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan
Hutan (IPPKH). ”Dengan kata lain, kami hanya studi di sini. Namun
PT Vale juga telah melakukan mine rehabilitation dan program
Comdev,” ungkap Misdar.
Kok lama sekali studinya? Untuk bisnis jangka panjang dan strategis
seperti itu, lumrah bila PT Vale perlu ekstra hati-hati. Apalagi
Pomalaa Project itu ibarat pilot project. Tantangan pekerjaan bukan
hanya soal pengurusan izin, tapi juga bagaimana melakukan
pendekatan dengan masyarakat.
Dinilai Positif
Di lapangan, Misdar menemui beragam penilaian masyarakat dan
pemerintah setempat atas usaha bisnis PT Vale itu. ”Khususnya
pasca-kerja sama dengan Antam, banyak warga kehilangan mata
pencaharian, kehilangan kesempatan berusaha, dan terputusnya
alih teknologi. Sedangkan dari sisi pemerintah setempat,
kehilangan sumber pendapatan dari pajak dan sebagainya,” ujar
pria kelahiran 10 Agustus 1969 ini.
”Penilaian masyarakat terhadap PT Vale secara umum positif.
Masyarakat merasakan manfaat keberadaan perusahaan, terutama
yang terlibat langsung dalam aktivitas. Namun ada juga yang
mempertanyakan mengapa PT Vale tak kunjung merealisasikan
proyeknya,” ujar Misdar lebih jauh.
Situasi itu semakin kompleks ketika Pomalaa—termasuk di wilayah
konsesi PT Vale—kemudian menjadi wilayah bidikan perusahaanperusahaan tambang yang melakukan eksploitasi dan ekspor
bahan mentah dalam lima tahun terakhir.
Namun upaya itu tidak selalu berjalan mulus. Ada kalanya Misdar
dan tim Pomala Project perlu memutar otak ekstra dalam menyampaikan informasi agar dapat diterima masyarakat. Bahwa PT Vale
memiliki standar ketat dalam usaha tambang dan bisnisnya. ”Misalnya, soal sistem penerimaan tenaga kerja, mekanisme permintaan
bantuan, dan sebagainya. Tidak mudah menjelaskan kepada mereka. Mungkin karena harapan mereka terhadap perusahaan terlalu
besar,” tambah dia.
Soal standar tenaga kerja, Misdar punya pengalaman menarik. Suatu hari dia berbelanja sayur untuk persediaan dapur. Dia meminta
asisten rumahnya agar sayuran itu dicuci dan disimpan di dalam
kulkas. ”Tapi ketika malam saya mau masak, sayuran sudah kaku
dan berwarna hitam karena dimasukannya ke dalam freezer,” ujar
pria penyuka ikan bakar ini geli. Menurut dia, masyarakat awam
perlu waktu untuk mempelajari dan mengetahui sesuatu yang baru.
Teror juga menjadi salah satu tantangan di Pomalaa Project. Pernah
pada suatu malam Misdar didatangi segerombolan pencuri kayu
yang mabuk dan bersenjata tajam di area konsesi. Mereka meminta
akses jalan dibuka agar mereka bisa lolos dari kejaran aparat.
Namun Misdar bergeming. ”Bagi saya, kerja di mana pun pasti ada
risikonya. Tapi sepanjang kita ikhlas, bekerja maksimal dan bertanggung jawab, hasilnya insyaallah membawa berkah buat saya dan
keluarga,” ujar suami Darmawati yang telah dikaruniai tiga anak ini. []
”Yang dapat kami lakukan adalah menyampaikan informasi kepada
masyarakat bahwa penambangan liar menimbulkan dampak buruk
terhadap lingkungan. Sedangkan bila pembangunan pabrik PT Vale
terealisasi, akan mendatangkan manfaat yang lebih,” ungkap Misdar.
Misdar ketika berkunjung ke galeri kelompok gerabah
Pomalaa yang merupakan binaan PT Vale.
Dok. Misdar
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
The Story of Misdar,
the Story of the
Pomalaa Project
Good judgment is vital when
approaching communities.
We probably often hear about PT Vale’s Pomalaa Project, but few people know
the story behind the project located in Southeast Sulawesi. It was for this reason that Halo Vale decided to feature the profile of Misdar, the man appointed
by the company as a Goverment and External Relations employee to deal
with government relations and community relations in the Pomala Project.
According to Misdar, the Pomalaa Project has been underway since the
mid-2000s. At the time, PT Vale collaborated with PT Antam in the business of exploration and operations; this started in August 2005. Placed
under the broad Cooperative Resources Agreement (CRA) umbrella, the
project was aimed at supplying saprolite ore.
Pomalaa then became the center of attention, more so because PT ValeAntam was able to produce up to one million tons a year. Many people
came to work there and at least 68 workers were employed by PT Vale
and PT Ingold PT Vale’s exploration division in the project. The hopes of
local communities and governments grew. But the saprolite ore project
was short lived, ending after three years, in 2008.
With the end of the collaboration with Antam, PT Vale embarked on a venture
with Sumitomo Metal Mining. Misdar said the project involved the construction
of a smelter and refinery utilizing high pressure acid leach technology (HPAL), a requirement under the Contract of Work. Currently, 3 Vale employees and 27 contractors
act as camp support to assist the project.
So what is happening at the Pomalaa Project these days? “We are still focused on studying and preparing licenses, both at the central and local levels,” said Misdar, who has dealt with the Pomala Project
since April 2003. Among these licenses are the environmental impact analysis (EIA) and Forest Area Borrow
To Use Permits (IPPKH). “In other words, we are only conducting studies here. But PT Vale has also carried out
mine rehabilitation work and Commdev programs,” Misdar said.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Why are the studies taking so long? For a long-term, strategic business like this, it is understandable that PT Vale chooses to act cautiously, particularly when the Pomala Project is considered a pilot project. Licensing issues are not the project’s only challenge; it is equally challenging to know
how best to approach community members.
Rated Positive
On the field, Misdar comes face to face with a variety of views from the local community and government officials regarding PT Vale’s business venture. “After the collaboration with Antam, it emerged that many community members lost their jobs, their business opportunities and they experienced a cut in the transfer of technology. Meanwhile, local authorities lost a source of tax revenue and so on,” said Misdar, who was born on 10 August 1969.
“Generally, the community rates PT Vale quite positively. Community members, particularly those who are directly involved in activities, feel
they benefit from the company’s presence. But there are others asking why PT Vale has still not implemented the project,” Misdar continued.
Then there came an added layer of complexity when Pomalaa, which is located in PT Vale’s concession area, later became the target of
several other mining companies that started exploiting and exporting raw material five years ago.
“What we can do is inform the community that illegal mining destroys the environment. If the construction of PT Vale’s factory becomes a reality, they will reap greater benefits,” said Misdar.
Misdar has an interesting experience regarding
employee standards. One day he bought some
vegetables to stock up on his kitchen supplies.
He asked his domestic helper to wash and store the vegetables in the fridge. “But when I was
about to cook that night, the vegetables had stiffened and gone black because they were placed
in the freezer,” he said with a chuckle. He pointed out
that the public needs time to learn and understand
something new.
Terror is another thing that poses a challenge to the
Pomalaa Project. One night, Misdar was approached by
a group of armed, intoxicated log thieves in the concession
area. The demanded that road access be given so they could flee the authorities. Misdar did not give in to their demands. “For me, every job has its risk. But if we work sincerely, maximally and responsibly, the results,God willing,
will be a blessing for me and my family,” said Misdar, the
husband of Darmawati and father of three. []
Dok. Misda r
But efforts like these are not always easy to perform. There are times when Misdar and the Pomalaa Project team must think
extra hard about how to provide information that is acceptable to the community that PT Vale has strict standards in conducting its mining and business operations. “This includes issues such as employee recruitment, assistance request mechanisms,
and so on. It’s not easy to explain these things to them. Perhaps it’s because their expectations of the company are too high,”
he added.
Misdar and the Pomalaa’s craftmen
earthenware vessels.
. Na
la D
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
SCV Mewariskan
Jiwa Sosial
Semangat untuk membantu sesama
dari generasi ke generasi.
Agak sulit melacak jejak sejarah komunitas ini. Pertama, karena
penggagasnya adalah para ekspatriat yang sudah kembali ke
negara masing-masing. Kedua, komunitas ini sudah berusia cukup
tua sehingga tidak banyak yang tahu rekam perjalanannya. Kini,
para pengurus baru berupaya menyebarkan kembali jiwa asih yang
pada dasarnya dimiliki setiap insan.
Sorowako Community Volunteer atau disingkat SCV, berdiri tahun
1977, sembilan tahun setelah PT Vale beroperasi, yang waktu
itu bernama PT Inco. Bermula dari suami-istri ekspatriat, Dr Mik
Hohnen dan Janet Hohnen, yang waktu itu kerap menjelajahi
perkampungan Sorowako dan sekitarnya. Mereka, bersama perawat
berkebangsaan Kanada, memberikan bantuan-bantuan kecil
kepada penduduk setempat.
Sejak saat itu, kegiatan voluntarisme yang dijalankan pasangan
Hohnen diteruskan oleh karyawan maupun istri karyawan PT
Vale yang mayoritas warga negara asing. Kegiatan SCV berfokus
pada pendidikan dan kesehatan, dimotori oleh para perempuan.
Yang paling sering dilakukan adalah penggalangan dana untuk
bermacam donasi, misalnya untuk donasi sarana mengajar di
taman kanak-kanak hingga membantu pengobatan penderita
bibir sumbing. Program lain seperti seminar kesehatan, menjadi
sukarelawan pengajar bahasa Inggris, dan memberi bantuan
kepada korban bencana alam.
Kegiatan milk run, yaitu program pemberian makanan tambahan
bagi bayi dan Balita (bawah lima tahun) berat badan rendah, rutin
dilakukan selama puluhan tahun. Pada Oktober 2009, misalnya,
pengurus dan anggota SCV berkunjung ke rumah satu keluarga
di Wasuponda yang memiliki Batita (bawah tiga tahun) 18 bulan
dengan berat badan hanya 3,5 kg. Batita itu juga tunarungu.
Sukarelawan SCV membawanya ke RS PT Inco dan mensponsori
Kegiatan SCV sempat terhenti pertengahan 2012 lalu, namun
segera terpilih pengurus baru yang berjumlah 18. “Karena ini
organisasi turun-temurun sejak ibu-ibu PT Inco, maka ketuanya
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
harus dari PT Vale. Tapi pengurus dan anggotanya bisa dari
kontraktor atau siapa saja. Yang penting punya semangat untuk
membantu orang lain,” kata Erlina Yuliarti, Ketua SCV periode
2014-2015. Berbeda dari kepengurusan sebelumnya, kali ini SCV
didominasi warga pribumi.
Tahun ini, komunitas yang kerap mengadakan garage sale dan
bazar makanan untuk menggalang dana ini, akan memfokuskan
bantuan kesehatan dan pendidikan ke Desa Matano, Nuha,
Tabarano, dan ke permukiman masyarakat Dongi di Wasuponda.
“Kami akan visit kampoong untuk mengetahui apa saja yang bisa
dibantu di empat desa tersebut,” kata Erlina.
Ada tiga program utama SCV, yaitu program pendidikan berbasis
masyarakat, program kesehatan, dan program wirausaha bagi
kelompok ibu dan perempuan. Bantuan untuk kegiatan pendidikan
anak usia dini, program budaya membaca, dan membantu
pengentasan buta aksara menjadi prioritas di bidang pendidikan.
”Dari pengalaman yang sudah ada, kebanyakan orang bukannya
tidak mampu, melainkan tidak tahu atau kurang ilmu. Maka kegiatan
sosial perlu memperbanyak porsi ke sisi edukasi,” kata Erlina.
Sementara untuk program kesehatan dititikberatkan pada kegiatan
penyuluhan, donor darah, program tanaman obat, dan mengganti
milk run dengan penyuluhan ASI dan gizi Balita. Bagi kelompok
ibu serta perempuan yang tertarik berwirausaha, SCV berencana
mengadakan pelatihan orientasi usaha, program keterampilan, dan
berbagai seminar.
Dalam menjalankan misinya, SCV menggandeng RS Inco dan
Asosiasi Ibu Menyusui Indonesia (AIMI) Ranting Sorowako untuk
kegiatan seperti sosialisasi gizi dan penyuluhan ASI. Di bidang
pendidikan, SCV bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Pendidikan
Sorowako (YPS) memberikan pelatihan bagi guru TK di desa-desa.
Warisan Mulia
Menjadi sukarelawan perlu semangat besar, bahkan pengorbanan.
Tidak jarang para sukarelawan harus meninggalkan keluarga
untuk berkegiatan di lokasi yang jauh. Belum lagi komitmen untuk
meluangkan waktu, menyumbangkan tenaga, ide, dan tentu saja
dana. Tanpa keinginan kuat dan jiwa voluntarisme, cita-cita mulia
SCV mustahil terwujud.
”Ketika bisa membantu orang lain, saya bersyukur diberi
kesempatan berbagi dan melakukan perubahan, walaupun kecil,
agar mereka yang kurang beruntung dapat hidup lebih baik. Saya
sadar, kita tidak hidup sendiri. Maka kita wajib saling membantu,”
kata Erlina yang sehari-hari bekerja sebagai Senior IT Business
Partner di PT Vale.
SCV berupaya menjaga tongkat estafet kegiatan sosial dari generasi
ke generasi. Setelah hampir empat dekade, semangat membantu
sesama itu terus dipompa. ”Secara pribadi, saya punya keinginan
kuat agar organisasi warisan para pendiri dan pengurus lama ini
bisa terus berlanjut,” tutur Erlina.
Karena itu, pengurus SCV kini menyiapkan dokumen sebagai
panduan, terutama cara mengedukasi masyarakat yang akan
berguna bagi pengurus-pengurus berikutnya agar tetap bisa
berkontribusi terhadap masyarakat sekitar Sorowako. Berkontribusi
terhadap perbaikan pendidikan, kesehatan ibu dan anak, serta
perbaikan ekonomi, itu tujuan utamanya. []
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
SCV Passes
Down Social
There is a passion to help others,
from one generation to the next.
It was slightly difficult to trace the history of this community
firstly, because its founders were expatriates who had
returned to their respective countries; secondly, because
very few people know of its journey, due to the community
being quite old. Now, the association’s new managers are
trying to rekindle the spirit of compassion, which can be
found in the heart of every person.
Sorowako Community Volunteer, or SCV, was established
in 1977, nine years after PT Vale called PT Inco at the time
started operations. It started with an expatriate husband
and wife couple, Dr Mik Hohnen and Janet Hohnen, who
often explored the streets of Sorowako and surrounding
areas. Along with a Canadian nurse, they gave small
amounts of assistance to locals.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
Since then, the spirit of volunteerism demonstrated by the
Hohnens was passed down by PT Vale employees and wives
of employees, most of whom were foreigners. The SCV
focuses on education and health, which are driven by the
women in the group. Most of the time, the group conducts
fundraising activities resulting in various donations, from
providing teaching facilities for preschools to assisting with
the treatment of cleft lip patients. Other programs include
hosting health seminars, volunteering to teach English, and
providing assistance to victims of natural disasters.
A milk run program, which involves giving food
supplements to underweight infants and toddlers (i.e.,
under 5 years old), has been conducted routinely for
decades. In October 2009, for example, SCV members
SCV’s management this time will consist pre-dominantly of
indigenous Indonesians.
A frequent organizer of garage sales and food bazaar fundraisers, SCV plans to focus its health and education assistance on communities in the villages of Matano, Nuha and
Tabarano as well as on residents of Dongi in Wasuponda.
“We will visit the villages to see how we can help them,”
Erlina said.
SCV has three main programs: an educational communitybased program; a health program; and an entrepreneurial
program for women. The main priorities for education are
early childhood education, literature reading, and illiteracy
eradication. “Based on experience, it is not that people ‘can’t’
it is more that people ‘don’t know’ or don’t have enough
knowledge. That’s why we should increase the portion of
education in our social activities,” Erlina said.
In the area of health, priority will go to counseling, donating
blood, planting medicinal plants and replacing milk runs
with counseling on breastfeeding and child nutrition. To
assist women’s groups interested in entrepreneurship, SCV
will hold training sessions on business orientation, skills
programs and various seminars.
and organizers visited a family in Wasuponda who had an
18-month-old baby weighing it at just 3.5 g. The toddler
was also deaf. SCF volunteers brought the toddler to PT Inco
Hospital and sponsored the baby’s treatment.
In carrying out its missions, SCV will collaborate with PT
Inco Hospital and the Sorowako Chapter of the Indonesian
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (AIMI) for activities like
nutrition and breastfeeding counseling. SCV will cooperate
with the Sorowako Educational Foundation (YPS) to train
preschool teachers in villages.
There was a period in mid-2012 when the activities of SCV
halted temporarily, but a new group of 18 organizers were
soon elected. “Because this organization has been passed
down from one generation of PT Inco women to the next,
the chair will always come from PT Vale. Other organizers
and committee members, however, can come from contractors or other organizations. The main thing is they are passionate about helping others,” said Erlina Yuliarti, SCV Chairperson for the 2014 to 2015 period. Unlike previous years,
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
A Valuable Heritage
To be a volunteer requires great passion, even sacrifice.
Volunteers must often leave their families so they can be
involved in activities in faraway places. Also, they need to
commit to spending time, energy, ideas and, of course,
money. Without a strong passion for volunteerism, SCV’s
noble ideals cannot be achieved.
“When helping others, I feel grateful for having the opportunity to share and make a change, even a small one, so
those who are less fortunate can live better. I am aware that
we don’t live alone, so we need to help each other,” said
Erlina, who works as a Senior IT Business Partner for PT Vale.
Ha l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
SCV strives to pass on its social activism from generation to
generation. For almost four decades, the spirit of helping
others has continued to thrive. “Personally, I have a strong
desire to maintain the continuation of this organization,
which has been passed down from its founders and
previous management,” said Erlina.
For this reason, SCV’s current management is preparing
guidelines and documents on how to educate the
community, which will be useful for future managers and
allow them to continue contributing to communities
around Sorowako. And that is the main goal: to contribute
to improving education, the health of mother and child, and
the economy. []
Makan Ikan untuk Jantung Sehat
Bagi orang Sulawesi, makan ikan sudah jadi kebiasaan sehari-hari.
Ternyata kebiasaan ini menyehatkan jantung.
Penyakit jantung koroner merupakan penyebab kematian terbanyak di dunia, termasuk di tanah air. Angka kematian penderita
jantung koroner di Indonesia mencapai 7,6 juta jiwa per tahun. Penyakit ini terjadi bila pembuluh darah arteri koroner, yakni
pembuluh darah jantung yang menyuplai makanan bagi sel-sel jantung, tersumbat atau menyempit karena endapan lemak
yang menumpuk di dinding arteri.
Kurangnya pasokan darah karena penyempitan arteri koroner mengakibatkan nyeri dada. Bila darah tidak mengalir sama sekali
karena arteri koroner tersumbat, penderita dapat mengalami serangan jantung yang mematikan. Serangan jantung dapat
terjadi kapan saja, bahkan ketika sedang beristirahat.
Beberapa faktor risiko memicu timbulnya penyakit jantung koroner. Ada yang tidak dapat diubah tapi banyak faktor yang bisa
diminimalkan. Sekitar 82 persen kematian akibat penyakit jantung koroner terjadi pada mereka yang berusia di atas 65 tahun.
Pria memiliki risiko lebih besar terkena serangan jantung dibandingkan wanita.
Risiko wanita terkena penyakit jantung meningkat setelah memasuki masa menopause, tapi jumlahnya masih di bawah kaum
pria. Anak-anak yang memiliki orangtua dengan riwayat penyakit jantung punya risiko lebih besar saat beranjak dewasa. Ras
kulit hitam, Latin, dan Asia juga puna faktor risiko lebih tinggi dibandingkan orang Kaukasia.
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Karena kita tidak dapat mencegah pertambahan usia, tidak dapat memilih jenis kelamin dan ras, serta tidak dapat menghapus
riwayat keluarga, bukan berarti kita harus pasrah menerima nasib. Justru faktor risiko terbesar adalah gaya hidup tidak sehat,
yang tentunya bisa kita ubah.
Pilih Jenis dan Cara Mengolah Ikan
Ikan merupakan bagian penting dari menu makan sehat. Suatu analisis terhadap 20 studi yang melibatkan ratusan ribu partisipan mengindikasikan, konsumsi ikan dapat mengurangi risiko kematian akibat penyakit jantung hingga 36 persen. Itu berkat lemak tak jenuh yang terkandung di dalam ikan yang disebut asam lemak omega-3.
Ikan menangkal penyakit jantung dengan beberapa cara. Omega-3 melindungi
jantung dari ketidakteraturan irama denyut yang berpotensi mematikan. Asam
lemak tersebut juga menurunkan tekanan darah, mengoptimalkan fungsi pembuluh darah, dan menekan kadar trigliserida.
Asam lemak omega-3 dapat mengurangi peradangan di seluruh tubuh.Peradangan bisa merusak pembuluh darah yang memicu penyakit jantung. Sudah sejak lama American Heart Association merekomendasikan konsumsi ikan mi-
nimal dua kali seminggu.
Konsumsi ikan dalam porsi tersebut oleh banyak penelitian disimpulkan dapat
menurunkan risiko penyakit jantung hingga sepertiganya. Selain asam lemak
omega-3, ikan dan berbagai jenis makanan laut lainnya kaya nutrien lain seperti vitamin D, selenium, serta protein.
Tuna dan salmon adalah jenis ikan yang mengandung banyak asam lemak omega-3. Kebanyakan ikan dan makanan laut memiliki kadar omega-3 lebih tinggi dibandingkan ikan air tawar. Beberapa jenis ikan, seperti ikan nila dan ikan lele, mempunyai kandungan lemak jenuh yang relatif tinggi sehingga tidak dianjurkan untuk dikonsumsi secara rutin. Hindari konsumsi ikan hiu,
ikan todak, dan makarel raja karena kandungan merkuri yang tinggi.
Selain jenisnya, cara mengolah ikan juga memengaruhi nilai gizi. Ikan yang direbus, dipanggang, atau dibakar lebih sehat dibandingkan ikan yang digoreng kering. Pilih bumbu yang rendah sodium dan rendah lemak saat memasak ikan.
Jenis makanan lain seperti kedelai beserta olahannya seperti tahu dan tempe, kenari, dan beberapa jenis minyak sayur juga mengandung asam lemak omega-3. Studi epidemiologi skala besar menunjukkan, kelompok dengan risiko penyakit jantung koroner dapat memetik manfaat dari konsumsi asam lemak omega-3 berbasis makanan laut dan tumbuhan. Bagi pasien jantung koroner, ada baiknya berkonsultasi dengan dokter seputar konsumsi suplemen omega-3.
Olahraga dan Kurangi stres
Konsumsi ikan bukan satu-satunya cara untuk mencegah atau memperlambat laju penyakit jantung koroner. Berhenti merokok
adalah anjuran utama, karena nikotin menekan pembuluh darah dan memaksa jantung bekerja lebih keras. Risiko serangan jantung akan menurun saat kebiasaan me-rokok dihentikan.
Aktivitas fisik tak kalah penting. Olahraga rutin 30 menit setiap hari akan memberi perubahan besar dalam kualitas hidup. Jika
Anda penggemar makanan berlemak, ada baiknya pelan-pelan beralih ke makanan sehat, yaitu sayur, buah, dan makanan rendah lemak, rendah kolesterol, serta rendah sodium.
Ha l o Va l e I Ed is i Apr il 2014
Mengelola stres juga perlu untuk menyehatkan jantung. Tak bisa dipungkiri, stres memang bagian dari hidup. Namun jika tidak
dikelola dan dibiarkan menumpuk, stres bisa
berujung pada masalah emosional, psikologi, dan fisik, termasuk penyakit jantung.
Stres memicu tubuh untuk melepas hormon
adrenalin, hormon yang mempercepat irama
napas dan detak jantung serta menaikkan
tekanan darah. Dalam keadaan stres,
kemungkinan besar seseorang akan makan
dalam porsi berlebihan, malas berolahraga,
kurang tidur, merokok, atau minum alkohol,
sehingga kadar gula, tekanan darah, dan level kolesterol melonjak. Studi juga menyatakan bahwa stres mengubah mekanisme pembekuan darah yang meningkatkan risiko
serangan jantung. []
1. Berhenti Merokok
2. Olahraga Teratur
3. Turunkan Berat
Badan Berlebih
4. Makan Makanan
5. Kurangi Stres
Penyakit jantung koroner hingga satu dekade lalu masih “dimonopoli” oleh orang tua, terutama mereka yang berusia 60 tahun ke
atas. Namun sekarang ada kecenderungan penyakit tersebut menjangkiti kelompok usia 40-an. Sebuah penelitian dari University of
Minnessota, Amerika Serikat, membuktikan hal tersebut. Hampir setengah dari partisipan yang meninggal dunia adalah pria di bawah
umur 48 tahun.
Di Indonesia, hal yang serupa terjadi. Data RS Harapan Kita yang menjadi rujukan nasional untuk penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah
menyebutkan, terjadi pergeseran usia pasien jantung koroner. Lima tahun lalu, rata-rata usia pasien 40-60 tahun, kini bergeser ke usia
lebih muda, yaitu 30 tahun. Gaya hidup menjadi penyebabnya. Pola makan yang tidak sehat, kurang beraktivitas, dan tingkat stres yang
tinggi ditengarai menjadi asal mula penyakit jantung koroner di kalangan muda.
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
Eat Fish for a Healthy Heart
For the people of Sulawesi, eating fish is daily practice. It turns
out this habit is good for the heart.
Coronary heart disease is the cause of the highest number of
deaths in the world, including Indonesia, where up to 7.6 million sufferers of coronary heart disease die each year. The disease occurs when the coronary arteries that is, blood vessels that supply blood to the heart are clogged or become narrow due to a buildup of fat along the inner walls
of the arteries.
The lack of blood supply resulting from the narrowing
of coronary arteries causes chest pains. If blood is unable to flow due to the blocked arteries, the patient
may have a heart attack, which can be fatal. Heart
attacks can happen at any time, including when a
patient is resting.
There are several factors that may increase the risk
of coronary heart disease; some of these cannot be
changed, but many can be minimized. About 82 percent of people who die of coronary heart disease are
aged over 65 years old. Men have a higher risk of having a heart attack than women.
The chance of women having a heart attack increases
with the start of menopause, but it is still lower than for
men. Children whose parents have a history of heart disease are at higher risk as they enter adulthood. People of
African, Latin American and Asian descent also have a
higher risk compared to Caucasians.
We cannot avoid becoming older, nor can we
choose our gender, ethnicity or genetic history, but
this does
not mean we should leave things to fate. In fact, the biggest risk
factor is an unhealthy lifestyle which is something we can change.
Choosing Type and Cooking Method for Fish
Fish is an important part of a healthy diet. An analysis of 20 studies
involving hundreds of thousands of participants indicates that consuming fish can reduce the risk of death from heart disease by
36 percent. This is thanks to the unsaturated fat content of
fish known as omega-3 fatty acids.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
There are several ways that fish can prevent heart disease.
Omega-3 protects the heart from disturbances in the rhythm
of the heartbeat, which can be potentially fatal. The fatty
acid can reduce blood pressure, optimize the function of
arteries, and suppress triglyceride levels.
Omega-3 fatty acids can also reduce inflammation in
the body, which can potentially damage arteries and
trigger heart disease. The American Heart Association has long recommended the consumption of
fish at least twice a week; this amount can reduce
the risk of heart disease by one-third, according
to experts. Besides containing omega-3 fatty
acids, fish and other seafood are rich in other
nutrients, such as vitamin D, selenium and
Tuna and salmon are fish with high omega-3 fatty acid content. The omega-3 content of most saltwater fish and seafood is
higher than that of freshwater fish. Some fish,
such as tilapia and catfish, contain relatively high
levels of saturated fat so it is not recommended
to consume them regularly. Avoid shark, swordfish
and kingfish mackerel because they contain high
levels of mercury.
Besides the type of fish, nutrition value is also affected
by how the fish is cooked. Fish that is steamed or grilled is healthier than fish that is fried to a crisp.
Choose spices that are low in sodium and fat when
cooking the fish.
Other types of food, such as soybeans and soybean products
like tofu and tempeh, as well as walnuts and several vegetable
oils also contain omega-3 fatty acids. Large scale epidemiological
studies show that groups with a risk of coronary heart disease
can benefit from consuming omega-3 fatty acids derived rom
sea and plant-based foods. It is recommended that patients
of coronary heart disease consult their doctor regarding their consumption of omega-3 supplements.
Exercise and Reduce Stress
Eating fish is not the only way to prevent or delay the onset of
coronary heart disease. The main advice is to quit smoking, because
nicotine puts pressure on the arteries and forces the heart to work
harder. The risk of a heart attack decreases when smoking stops.
Managing stress is also necessary to maintain a healthy heart. Stress
is, undeniably, a part of life. However, if not managed well and
allowed to pile up, stress can lead to emotional, psychological and
physical problems, including heart disease.
Stress triggers the body to release adrenaline, a hormone that
accelerates heartbeat and breathing rhythms and increases blood
pressure. Under stressful conditions, a person is most likely to eat
excessively, be too lazy to exercise, suffer from lack of sleep and
engage in smoking or drinking alcohol, all of which can result in
a sharp jump in blood pressure and sugar and cholesterol levels.
Studies also show that stress changes the mechanism by which
blood coagulates, thus increasing the risk of a heart attack. []
blogs pot.co m
Physical activity is no less important. Exercising on a regular basis
for 30 minutes a day will make a big difference in quality of life. If
you like fatty foods, it is best to gradually shift to healthy food such
as vegetables, fruit and food with low levels of fat, cholesterol and
1. Quit Smoking
2. Exercise Regularly.
3. Lose excessive
body weight.
4. Eat healthy food.
5. Reduce Stress
Until a decade ago, coronary heart disease was in the domain of the elderly, particularly those aged 60 years and over. Now, there is a
tendency for the disease to affect those in their 40s. A study by the University of Minnesota, US, shows evidence of this with men under
the age of 48 making up almost half the number of participants who had died.
A similar trend can be seen in Indonesia. According to data from Harapan Kita Hospital, which is the national referral hospital for heart and
artery disease, there has been a shift in the age of coronary heart patients. Five years ago, the average age of patients was 40 to 60 years;
now it is 30 years. Lifestyle is the main reason for this. Unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise and high levels of stress are considered the
reasons behind the prevalence of coronary heart disease among young people.
Ed i si Apr i l 2014 I H alo Val e
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H a l o Va l e I Edis i Apr il 2014
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3. Yoni Ratno, 7571
4. Yusuf A. Mustaqim, 7860
5. Patmawati, 6839
6. Hartini, 8953
7. Andi Zulkifli, 8431
8. Ardiansyah, 10924
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