rollercoaster harga nikel


rollercoaster harga nikel
JULI 2013
Bisnis Nikel dalam Pusaran Badai
Inisiatif di Tengah Krisis
Ambil Jeda di Sela Kerja
Pembaca yang budiman,
Dear readers,
Phanta Rei, hidup terus mengalir, kata Heraclitus, filsuf besar Yunani
yang hidup sekitar 535-475 SM. Menurut Heraclitus, perubahan selalu
ada di alam semesta. “Tidak ada orang yang pernah mengarungi arus
yang sama dua kali,” kata dia.
Phanta Rei, everything flows, said Greek philosopher Heraclitus, who
lived from 535 to 475 BC. According to Heraclitus, there is always
change in the universe. “You cannot wading twice into the same
stream,” he said.
Demikian pula dalam dunia bisnis. Tidak pernah ada usaha yang terus
berada di atas atau terus berada di bawah. Selalu ada pasang-surutnya.
Apalagi dalam perdagangan global sekarang ini, begitu banyak faktor
yang ikut bermain.
The same goes for the world of business. There is not a single
enterprise that will continually be looking up or going down. A
company will always have its ups and downs; and in today’s world of
globalized trade, there are so many factors affecting this.
Apa yang terjadi dengan harga nikel tiga tahun belakangan ini
merupakan contoh konkrit. Resesi ekonomi yang mendera Amerika
serta Eropa sejak 2008 telah menciutkan pesanan nikel. Di sisi lain,
negeri tirai bambu Cina, “pemangsa” terbesar nikel selama ini, mulai
gencar membangun pabrik pengolahan nikel untuk memenuhi
kebutuhannya. Harga nikel pun merosot. PT Vale ikut terkena
dampaknya. Laba perusahaan tahun 2012 merosot dibandingkan
tahun sebelumnya.
One example is the shift in nickel prices in the last three years. The
economic recession affecting the US and Europe since 2008 has
shrunk nickel demand. On the other hand, China the Bamboo Curtain
state which has historically been the biggest consumer of nickel has
started building its own nickel processing plants to meet its own
demand, inevitably causing a slump in world nickel prices. This has
had a significant impact on PT Vale, which saw its 2012 profits drop
from the previous year.
Halo Vale kali ini menurunkan laporan utama mengenai kemerosotan
harga nikel dan dampaknya bagi kita. Termasuk kebijakan manajemen
untuk mengatasi situasi yang ada, baik dalam bentuk artikel maupun
The main report in this first edition of Halo Vale for 2013 explores the
decrease in nickel prices and what this means to us all. It discusses the
steps taken by management to handle the situation, presented here
as articles and in interview format.
Yang menarik, dengan inisiatifnya sendiri-sendiri, beberapa
departemen mampu menghemat pengeluaran sampai ratusan juta
rupiah. Kesadaran semacam ini patut diacungi jempol. Benarlah leluri
Cina yang mengatakan bahwa di balik krisis tersimpan peluang, dan
bahwa daripada mengutuk kegelapan lebih baik menyalakan lilin.
Interestingly, several departments through their own initiative have
implemented cost cutting measures, saving the company hundreds
of millions of rupiah. This kind of awareness deserves a thumbs-up
and reinforces the old Chinese adage that behind a crisis lies an
opportunity, and that it is better to light a candle than to curse the
Seperti biasa, kami sajikan pula artikel-artikel lain. Dalam rubrik
“Atmosfer” ada tulisan mengenai pengelolaan baru sampah di
lingkungan kita yang patut didukung. Rubrik “Kinerja” menyajikan
tulisan mengenai Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi PT Vale yang resmi
berstandar nasional. Sementara dalam “Sehat Selamat” kami turunkan
tulisan mengenai aktivitas sederhana yang bisa memperkecil risiko
Karena satu hal, Halo Vale. Meski demikian kami tetap berupaya
menyajikan berita-berita yang bermanfaat bagi Anda semua. Terima
kasih atas masukan dan dukungan Anda semua selama ini.
Selamat membaca.
As usual, we have other articles as well. In the “Atmosphere” column
we explore waste processing activities in the neighborhood which
are worth supporting. The “Performance” column discusses PT Vale’s
Professional Certification Agency (LSP) which is now officially a
national-standard body. In the “Safe and Healthy” column we present
you with some simple movements to reduce the risk of injury.
For certain reasons, there was a delay in the publication of the first
edition of Halo Vale 2013. Nonetheless, it is our hope that what we
present here will still be beneficial to you. Thank you for your feedback
and continual support.
Pelindung/Patron: Board of Directors PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, Penasihat/Advisor: Basrie Kamba (Director of External Relations & Corporate Affairs),
Penanggung jawab/Chief Editor: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (General Manager Communications), Redaksi/Editors: Sihanto B. Bela, Rohman Hidayat
Yuliawan, Nala Dipa Alamsyah, Nuki Adiati, Maman Ashari, Eko Rusdianto, Fotografer/Photographer: Doni Setiadi, Desain & Layout/Design & Layout:
Sandy Pauling, Alamat Redaksi/Address: Jl. Ternate No. 44 Sorowako, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Telp. 021-5249100, Ext. 5987 Fax. 0215289587.
Redaksi Halo Vale menerima sumbangan naskah dari pembaca. Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan populer. Panjang naskah
maksimal satu setengah halaman kuarto, spasi satu setengah. Sertakan foto atau ilustrasi baik gambar maupun grafik jika diperlukan. Saran dan naskah
dikirimkan ke alamat email editor: dan
Readers are welcome to contribute articles for publication in Halo Vale. Articles should be written in prose that is easy to understand, with a line-space of
1.5 and a maximum length of 1.5 A4 pages. Include photos or illustrations, drawings or graphs, if necessary. Please send suggestions and articles to the
editor at and
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Seperti wahana rollercoaster,
harga nikel pernah melambung
sekaligus pernah terjerembab.
Apa penyebabnya?
Like a rollercoaster, there were
times when nickel prices soared
and plunged. What are the
reasons for this?
Cover Illustration:
Sandy Pauling
Bisnis Nikel dalam Pusaran Badai 05
Nickel Business Caught in a Storm
Rollercoaster Harga Nikel
Nickel Price Rollercoaster
Lompatan Besar Negeri Ketua Mao 17
The Great Leap Forward by The Land of
Chairman Mao
Fokus pada Faktor Internal
Focus on Internal Factors
Situasi Menekan, Perlu Bersama
Mencari Solusi 28
Pressing Situation Calls for Solutions
from All 30
Inisiatif di Tengah Krisis 32
Initiatives amidst the Crisis
Kiprah PPE Automation dalam
Project-project Besar
PPE Automation’s Contribution to Major
Beban Pokok Meningkat,
Laba Turun
Cost Up, Profit Down
LSP PT Vale Berlisensi Nasional 45
PT Vale’s Professional Certification
Agency Nationally Licensed
Satu Dekade Luwu Timur
A Decade of Luwu Timur
Dari Pameran Properti hingga Aksi
From Property Exhibitions to Clean-up
Memilah Sampah, Menjaga
Lingkungan Sorting Rubbish, Protecting the
Made Nuryadi: Belajar Matematika
dengan Riang
Made Nuryadi: Happily Studying
VVC: Suara Merdu dari Sorowako 63
VVC: Melodious Voices from Sorowako 65
Ambil Jeda di Sela Kerja 67
Taking a Break During Work
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Saya senang ada rubrik “Sehat Selamat” di Halo Vale. Saya kira rubrik
kesehatan di mana pun akan berguna, karena memberi pencerahan
tentang cara hidup sehat. Rubrik ini sendiri sudah cukup bagus, tidak
terlalu panjang dan juga tidak terlalu pendek, serta menggunakan
bahasa yang mudah dimengerti oleh awam. Masukan sedikit, lebih
baik jika setiap edisi ada data riil yang ditampilkan terkait kondisi
kesehatan masyarakat atau karyawan PT Vale. Misalnya, jika diulas
tentang hipertensi, perlu ditampilkan data hipertensi di kalangan
karyawan atau keluarga.
D r. K ristiawan Basuki, Mkes [Occ up at i on al Healt h S p ec i ali s t R S
P T I nco ]
Terima kasih atas masukannya. Baik sekali untuk menambah kualitas tulisan “Sehat
Selamat” di edisi-edisi mendatang.
Menurut saya, ada baiknya Halo Vale menyajikan tulisan seputar
kontribusi perusahaan terhadap negara dan masyarakat. Saya
yakin, tidak semua karyawan tahu apa saja yang sudah dilakukan
perusahaan. Apalagi majalah ini tidak hanya dibaca oleh karyawan
PT Vale, tapi juga sampai ke tangan masyarakat. Jika kita mendapat
informasi yang benar, setiap karyawan bisa menyampaikan kepada
masyarakat apa saja kontribusi kita terhadap sekitar, dan tidak mudah
terpancing desas-desus yang belum tentu benar.
Mi chael And y Dev yard y [ Leg al D ep ar t m en t ]
Masukan yang bagus dan akan menjadi bahan pertimbangkan kami di redaksi Halo Vale.
I was pleased to see the “Safe Health” column in Halo Vale. I think a
health column will always be useful because it gives us insight to
healthy living. The column itself is quite good neither too long nor
too short and written in a style that is easy to digest. Just some minor
feedback: it would be good if each edition had some real data on the
health of the community or of PT Vale employees. For instance, if the
topic was hypertension, we could have data on the prevalence of
hypertension among employees or families.
D r. K r i s t i awa n B a s u ki , M ke s [O c c u pat i o n a l He a l t h S pe c i a lis t RS
PT Inco]
Thank you for the feedback some good suggestions for improving the quality of “Safe
Health” articles in future editions.
I think it would be a good idea for Halo Vale to include articles about
what the company has contributed to the state and the community.
I am sure not all employees know what the company has done.
Mareover this magazine is read not only by PT Vale employees but
by other members of the community as well, it can still be a valuable
source of accurate information for employees who want to know
what we have contributed to those around us, and therefore be less
tempted to believe in rumors which may be untrue.
M i c h a e l A n d y D ev ya rd y [Le ga l D e pa r t m e n t ]
This is good feedback worth considering by the editorial team at Halo Vale.
Overall, tiga edisi Halo Vale jauh lebih baik dan sudah memenuhi
keinginan pembaca. Improvement yang perlu ditambahkan mungkin
tebal halaman. Kalau bisa setebal majalah Garuda oke banget,
mengingat penerbitan Halo Vale tidak konsisten waktunya. Kuisnya
bisa ditambah lagi. Misalnya, ada kuis mengenai safety dan kesehatan,
lalu teka-teki silang mengenai Vale secara umum, sudoku, dsb. Ya,
seperti Reader’s Digest begitu. Kalau kualitas fisik majalahnya dibuat
seperti Reader’s Digest atau majalah Garuda mungkin lebih enak. Kalau
yang sekarang sudah bagus, cuma terlalu keras sehingga tidak lentur
untuk dibolak-balik.
There have been major overall improvements in the last three editions
of Halo Vale and this has been very satisfying for readers. But the
magazine could be even better if it was thicker; considering it is
published irregularly, Halo Vale could potentially be as bulky as Garuda
magazine, and this would be great. It could contain more quizzes on
health and safety, for instance crossword puzzles on Vale and general
topics, Sudoku puzzles, etc. It could potentially be like Reader’s Digest.
If it had the physical qualities of Reader’s Digest or Garuda magazine,
it might be more enjoyable to handle. It is already quite good, but just
needs to be less stiff so readers will find it easier to flick through the
L i l i Nuria Lub is [ EHS Dep ar t m en t ]
Konsistensi jadwal terbit Halo Vale menjadi prioritas kami sekarang ini. Soal spesifikasi
cetak akan kami pertimbangkan. Saran Anda memberi motivasi bagi kami untuk terus
Li l i N u r i a Lu bi s [E H S D e pa r t m e n t ]
Improving the consistency of Halo Vale’s publication is currently our top-most priority.
We will consider the print specifications you have requested. Your suggestions will
motivate us to keep improving.
Dear Halo Vale. Mau tanya dong, sebenarnya Halo Vale terbit berapa
kali dalam setahun, ya? Oh ya, apakah Halo Vale bisa menulis semacam
biografi singkat karyawan yang pengalamannya menginspirasi banyak
orang? Many thanks dan sukses selalu.
Dear Halo Vale. I’d like to ask a question please. How many times a year
is Halo Vale actually published? Oh, and could Halo Vale please write
short biography-type pieces on employees whose work can be an
inspiration to others? Many thanks, and good luck.
M a rlina S ilamb a [Proc urem en t D ep ar t m en t ]
Kami berusaha agar Halo Vale terbit minimal empat edisi dalam setahun. Untuk
usulan biografi karyawan, kami akomodasi dalam rubrik “Profil”. Terima kasih.
M a r l i n a S i l a m ba [P ro c u re m e n t D e pa r t m e n t ]
We try to publish at least four editions of Halo Vale a year. Employees’ biographies
can be found in our “Profile” column. Thank you.
Kirimkan kritik, saran, dan tanggapan Anda tentang Halo Vale ke internal. atau kirimkan surat ke DP 23B. Surat yang dimuat
akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik. Pengirim surat pembaca yang dimuat,
silahkan mengambil suvenir di External Relations Department pada hari
dan jam kerja.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Send your opinion, comment and feedback about Halo Vale to or letters to DP 23B. For each letter published will receive a souvenir.
For letter senders, kindly pick up your souvenir at External Relations Department
during the days and working hour.
Bisnis Nikel dalam
Pusaran Badai
Awan hitam lesunya pasar nikel masih menggantung. Satu
per satu perusahaan tambang nikel menelan pil pahit
merosotnya laba bersih. Bahkan para pemain kecil sudah
rontok sejak 2009.
Lihatlah yang terjadi dengan Norilsk. Produsen nikel dunia
nomor wahid asal Rusia ini tak kuasa menahan badai
fluktuasi harga dan lesunya pangsa pasar. Seperti dilansir awal Mei lalu, laba bersih Norilsk tahun 2012
melorot hingga 37% dengan perolehan hanya 2,2 miliar
dolar AS. Angka ini juga masih susut karena selain nikel,
Norilsk memproduksi platinum, tembaga, dan emas.
Alhasil, pendapatan Norilsk dari penjualan logam hanya di
angka 8,8 miliar dolar AS atau turun 14% dari tahun 2011.
Norilsk pun terpaksa menerapkan subsidi silang melalui
unit tambang emasnya. Unit ini, meski tumbuh hanya 9%,
mampu mendongkrak kas unit global. Selain harga jual nikel
jauh dari harapan, biaya produksi Norilsk juga membengkak
6% menjadi 3,3 miliar dolar AS.
Kisah senada juga menimpa Xstrata Nickel. Masih dari
catatan, produsen nomor empat dunia yang
bermarkas di Toronto, Kanada ini, membukukan laba bersih
1,18 miliar dollar AS pada 2012, turun 79% dari tahun
sebelumnya. Penurunan ini sebagian besar merupakan
konsekuensi lesunya bisnis aluminium, nikel, dan platinum.
dok. nytim m
Ini sebuah dilema. Harga nikel terus merosot di tengah
biaya produksi industri tambang yang kian membesar.
Sementara, tingginya suplai nickel ore ke Cina berkontribusi
dalam penyusutan harga nikel dunia.
Para pekerja di smelter Nori
lsk di Rusia. Harga nikel
yang merosot membuat
pendapatan penjualan
logam Norilsk merosot 14%
pada 2011.
Terbang ke Indonesia, PT Vale juga tak luput merasakan
pahitnya kenyataan ini. Laba bersih 2012 menyusut 79%
dibanding tahun sebelumnya atau tinggal 67 juta dolar
AS. Angka ini juga dipicu naiknya biaya produksi 9,8% atau
802,8 juta dolar AS dengan realisasi harga jual 13.552 dolar
AS per metrik ton atau 10.572 dolar AS untuk harga jual
nickel matte PT Vale berkadar 78%.
Kabar baiknya, PT Vale mampu meraih laba bersih kuartal
pertama 2013 sebesar 31,5 juta dolar AS, dengan angka
produksi mencapai 18.514 metrik ton. Produksi ini naik 49%
dibanding periode sama tahun sebelumnya sebesar 12.431
metrik ton.
Namun perolehan itu belum dianggap mampu membuat PT
Vale keluar dari badai ketidakpastian bisnis. Pasalnya, harga
nikel di London Metal Exchange (LME) hingga tulisan ini
diturunkan (26/6) bertengger di harga tidak jauh lebih baik,
yakni 13.555 dolar AS per ton (10.572 dolar AS untuk harga
jual PT Vale).
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Aktivitas penambangan nikel PT Vale di Sorowako. Laba PT Vale
pada 2009 pernah merosot hingga 52% dibanding tahun 2008.
Fluktuasi harga nikel memang begitu dinamis sepanjang
2010-2012. Pernah menembus angka 24.099 dolar AS pada
2010, lantas merosot tajam menjadi 17.526 dolar AS pada
2012 atau terkoreksi 24%.
Bila dirunut ke belakang, ketidakpastian pasar ini mirip
masa-masa sulit yang terjadi pada 2009. Seperti kita
ketahui, ketika itu laba bersih PT Vale merosot 52%
dibanding tahun 2008.
Bukan hanya PT Vale yang menderita di Indonesia. Tahun
2012 PT Aneka Tambang juga mengalami penurunan
laba sebesar 52% atau sebesar Rp604,3 miliar dibanding
tahun sebelumnya yang mampu menembus angka Rp1,3
triliun. Penyebabnya, selain rendahnya harga nikel adalah
merosotnya volume produksi.
Yang menarik, terdapat perbedaan karakter pemicu gejolak
pasar antara 2012-2013 dan 2009. Pengamat dari Paramitra
Alfa Sekuritas, Pardomuan Sihombing, mengatakan,
kelesuan harga pada 2009 akibat dinamika pada instrumen
pasar modal, baik itu saham, obligasi, maupun komoditas
itu sendiri. Krisis finansial AS juga masih menusuk kuat
sektor riil.
Sementara itu, seperti disebut Wall Street Journal, pasar
komoditas logam periode 2012-2013 dipicu hal yang lebih
kompleks. Bukan cuma efek krisis finansial global yang
belum sirna, tapi juga daya serap pasar, surplus komoditas,
dan melemahnya pertumbuhan pembangunan.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Konstelasi ekonomi dunia pasca-krisis finasial global 2008
memang masih meninggalkan luka. Prediksi Bank Dunia
periode 2012 hingga tahun ini, pertumbuhan ekonomi
dunia tak lebih dari 4%, yang artinya masih jauh dari zona
Dilema Pasar Nikel
Pada dekade 1990-an animo pasar nikel begitu tinggi,
sementara stok pas-pasan. Tak heran, pada akhir dekade
1990-an itu pebisnis nikel dunia berduyun-duyun
melakukan ekspansi. Menjelajah benua mencari cadangan
baru sekaligus meningkatkan kapasitas produksi. Hasilnya,
secara perlahan, pasokan nikel dari area baru di Finlandia
dan Britania Raya mampu menyumbangkan stok nikel dunia
hingga 48% atau sebesar 60.000 metrik ton. Sedangkan area
Australia dan Kaledonia Baru menyumbangkan 39% atau
35.000 metrik ton.
Situasi itu bak gayung bersambut. Sejak 2005 kebutuhan
Cina terhadap baja antikarat melesat hingga 15,4% dari
volume produksi nikel dunia. Angka ini terus bertambah
secara signifikan dalam tahun-tahun berikutnya. Permintaan
Cina ini kemudian menjadi salah satu faktor penting yang
mempengaruhi konstelasi pasar nikel.
Namun peluang pasar itu tidak serta merta membuka
peluang bisnis bagi pemain lama. Cina sebagai kekuatan
ekonomi baru memilih membangun pabrik-pabrik
pengolahan nikel yang rata-rata berkapasitas 100 ribu
metrik ton per tahun. Negeri ini juga berburu nikel di
daratan Asia. Salah satu wilayah yang menjadi andalannya
adalah Indonesia.
Wajar hal itu terjadi. Data US Geological Survey
menyebutkan, dari 80 juta metrik ton cadangan nikel
dunia, hampir 4 juta metrik ton tersimpan di Indonesia. Ini
menempatkan Indonesia di peringkat ke-6 dunia dengan
deposit nikel terbesar di dunia.
Cina melirik Indonesia lantaran faktor geografis yang
lebih dekat, regulasi Indonesia soal ekspor nickel ore (nikel
mentah) masih menjadi perdebatan, dan mudahnya
mendapatkan izin usaha penambangan. Siapa tidak tergiur?
Konstelasi ini kemudian membuat pebisnis nikel berada
dalam posisi dilematis. Di satu sisi, tidak ada cara lain
untuk memperlebar margin keuntungan selain menaikkan
volume produksi. Di sisi lain, surplus stok nikel dunia yang
menggelembung justru dapat menjadi bumerang di tengah
kelesuan penyerapan pasar.
Catatan LME, sejak 2012 telah terjadi surplus stok nikel
sebanyak 141.690 metrik ton. Angka ini menggemuk
dibanding tahun sebelumnya sebesar 90.516 metrik ton.
Tingginya surplus ini dapat menekan harga nikel yang
semakin dalam mengingat permintaan pasar nikel dunia
saat ini terkonsentrasi ke Cina.
Meski masuk dalam pusaran badai, PT Vale tidak mau
menyerah dengan keadaan. Berbagai siasat dilakukan untuk
kembali memulihkan kinerja perusahaan. Presiden Direktur
dan CEO PT Vale, Nico Kanter, optimistis perusahaan dapat
mencapai target peningkatan produksi 2013 sebesar 10%
lebih tinggi dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.
Untuk mendukung target tersebut, PT Vale menganggarkan
belanja modal sebesar 216 juta dolar AS. Sebanyak 120
juta dolar AS untuk sustaining, 50 juta dolar AS untuk
pertumbuhan, dan 40 juta dolar AS untuk riset dan
pengembangan. Suntikan dana segar itu seiring dengan
program efisiensi dan optimalisasi biaya di seluruh lini bisnis
PT Vale. []
Pengapalan nikel PT Vale di Teluk Bone, Balantang, Malili. Tahun 2013
ditargetkan volume produksi meningkat 10% dibanding 2012.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Nickel Business
Caught in a Storm
This is a dilemma. Nickel price continues to slide down
while production cost remains high. On the other hand,
increasing supply of nickel ore to China is contributing to
the decreasing of nickel price.
A big black cloud still hangs over a lackluster nickel market.
One by one nickel mining companies are going through
the experience of seeing net profits slump. In fact, smaller
players have been long gone since 2009.
help that production costs increased by 9.8%, or $802.8
million, with actual sales prices at $13,552 per metric tons
or $10,572 per metric tons for PT Vale’s product with 78%
nickel content.
Look what happened to Norilsk. The world’s number one
nickel producer from Russia was incapable of preventing
price fluctuations and reduced market demand. As reported
by in early May, Norilsk’s net profit in 2012
dropped 37% to just $2.2 billion. This figure can be further
reduced because Norilsk produces not only nickel but
platinum, copper and gold as well.
The good news is that PT Vale managed to reap a net profit
of $31.5 million in the first quarter of 2013, with production
reaching 18,514 metric tons. This is a 49% increase
compared to the 12,431 metric tons recorded in the same
period the previous year.
Norilsk’s revenues from metals sales reached just $8.8
billion, or 14% lower than 2011 figures. Norilsk has had to
cross subsidy revenues from its gold manufacturing division
the only unit to see revenue growth at 9% to bolster the rest
of the company’s global units. In addition to lower nickel
sales, Norilsk’s poor performance was worsened by higher
production costs, which went up 6%, to $3.3 billion.
Xstrata Nickel also suffered a similar fate. According to, the world’s number four manufacturer, based
in Toronto, Canada, recorded a net profit of $1.18 billion
in 2012, down 79% from the previous year. The drop was
mainly a result of sluggish demand in the aluminum, nickel
and platinum markets.
In Indonesia, PT Vale too has not been spared the harsh
reality of the marketplace. In 2012, the company’s net profit
shrank 79% from the previous year to $67 million. It did not
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Unfortunately this has not been enough to deliver PT
Vale from the current storm of business uncertainty. Until
the release of this report (26/6), nickel price is still sliding
down—not getting better from $13,555 metric tons or
$10,572 for PT Vale’s product.
Nickel sales prices have been in a state of flux through 2010
to 2012, peaking at $24,099 in 2010 before dropping 24% to
$17,526 in 2012.
Historically, the uncertainty is similar to the situation in
2009, when PT Vale’s net profit dropped 52% from 2008
Today, PT Vale is not the only company to suffer; in 2012,
PT Aneka Tambang also experienced a 52% decrease in
profits, dropping to IDR604.3 billion from IDR1.3 trillion the
previous year. The reason for this, besides low nickel prices,
was low production volume.
Norilsk’s mining and factory covered by
snow in winter season. Norilsk’s revenues
from metals sales reached $8.8 billion, or
14% lower than 2011 figures.
There is an interesting difference between what triggered
market volatility in 2009 and in 2012-2013. An observer
from Paramitra Alfa Sekuritas, Pardomuan Sihombing,
said sluggish prices in 2009 resulted from the dynamics
occurring in all capital markets that is, in share, bond and
commodities markets. The US financial crisis also had a great
effect, as it impacted on the real sector.
The commodities markets for metals in 2012-2013,
according to the Wall Street Journal, are affected by more
complex factors. In addition to the ongoing global financial
crisis, there are also issues of market absorption, commodity
surpluses and a weakening growth of development.
Meanwhile, the effects of the 2008 global financial crisis
remain. The World Bank has predicted that over 2012 and
2013, global economic growth will not exceed 4%, which is
far from the “safe zone”.
Dilema at Nickel Market
In the 1990s, demand for nickel was extremely high, while
supply was just enough. Not surprisingly, the end of that
decade saw nickel manufacturers around the world expand
their businesses, exploring the continents in search of new
reserves and increasing their production. The result was a
steady increase of nickel stocks from new regions in Finland
and the UK; these eventually reached 48%, or 60,000 metric
tons, of global nickel supplies. Meanwhile, Australia and
New Caledonia contributed 39%, or 35,000 metric tons.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
The development proved timely as 2005 saw China’s
demand for stainless steel rise to 15.4% of the world’s nickel
production. This figure continued to increase significantly
in following years. China’s demand has since become an
important factor affecting the shape of the world’s nickel
This situation placed nickel companies in a problematic
position. On one hand, there was no way of increasing
profit margins apart from raising production; on the other
hand, a surplus of nickel stocks on the global market could
potentially become a boomerang when markets are slow to
absorb it.
The market opportunities that arose, however, did not
necessarily equate to business opportunities for “old
players”. As a new economic power, China chose to build
its own nickel processing plants which had capacities of
100,000 metric tons a year. The country also sought nickel
from Asia, and Indonesia became one of its mainstays for
The LME recorded that since 2012, there has been a surplus
of 141,690 metric tons of nickel. This is higher than the
previous year of 90,516 metric tons. This level of surplus
keep nickel prices down, considering the nickel market is
currently focused on China.
This was a natural development. According to US Geological
Survey, from a total of 80 million tons of the world’s
nickel reserves, almost 4 million metric tons are located
in Indonesia, making it the country with the world’s sixth
largest nickel deposit.
China looked to Indonesia because of its close geographical
proximity, the fact that Indonesia’s regulations on nickel
ore exports were still being debated, and because of the
ease with which companies could acquire mining business
permits. Who could resist this?
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Despite being caught in the storm, PT Vale will not be
defeated by the circumstances. A variety of strategies are
being implemented to improve the company’s performance.
PT Vale’s Director and CEO, Nico Kanter, is optimistic that the
company can reach its target of raising production in 2013
by 10% from last year.
To achieve this target, PT Vale has a capital expenditure
budget of $216 million, consisting of $120 million for
sustaining operations, $50 million for growth, and $40
million for research and development. The introduction
of fresh funds corresponds with the efficiency and cost
optimization programs conducted at all levels of the
company. []
Rollercoaster Harga Nikel
Seperti wahana rollercoaster, harga nikel pernah melambung sekaligus
pernah terjerembab. Apa penyebabnya?
Pada 2003-2007, harga nikel melonjak dan sempat
mencapai 52.179 dolar AS per metrik ton pada Maret 2007.
Kemudian harga nikel mencapai titik terendah 9.025 dolar
AS per metrik ton pada 24 Oktober 2008.
Harga nikel dunia dikeluarkan oleh London Metal Exchange
(LME), bursa berjangka komoditas logam terbesar di dunia.
Harga nikel PT Vale juga mengacu pada harga yang dirilis
LME. Misalnya, pada 22 Mei 2013 harga nikel di LME 15.165
dollar AS, maka harga nikel PT Vale 11.282 dolar AS atau
78% dari harga LME. Ini sesuai kadar nikel dalam nickel
matte yang diproduksi PT Vale.
Lantas apa yang menentukan harga nikel di LME? Banyak
faktornya. Faktor permintaan terhadap nikel, tentu saja.
Nikel terutama digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan
baja nirkarat (stainless steel). Baja nirkarat dipakai untuk
membuat kendaraan bermotor, gedung pencakar langit,
perangkat elektronik, dan sebagainya.
Jika industri otomotif berkembang, permintaan nikel
meningkat. Jika pembangunan massal terjadi, permintaan
nikel tinggi. Kemajuan industri dan pembangunan tentu
terkait erat dengan kondisi ekonomi suatu negara, bahkan
ekonomi dunia.
Hingga kini, negara raksasa ekonomi dunia AS masih
menghadapi ketidakpastian anggaran. Ini memaksa
pemerintahnya mengurangi belanja. Bisa kita bayangkan,
jika negara seperti AS harus mengencangkan ikat pinggang,
dampaknya “barang dagangan” dari negara lain akan susah
masuk. Padahal AS menjadi tujuan utama ekspor negara
seluruh dunia. Selain itu, krisis utang Eropa juga masih
terjadi sampai saat ini. Turunnya permintaan stainless
steel dari AS dan Eropa ini menjadi salah satu penyebab
merosotnya harga nikel.
Ketika AS dan Eropa dilanda paceklik, kepada negara Asia
kita berharap. Konsumsi nikel industri stainless steel Cina
menyerap sekitar 2/3 permintaan nikel dunia. Organisasi
Kerjasama Pembangunan Ekonomi (OECD) meramalkan,
pertumbuhan ekonomi Cina masih naik dari 8,2% pada 2012
menjadi 9,3% tahun ini.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Suasana di lantai London Metal Exchange. Tempat inilah yang menjadi
“kiblat” standar harga komoditas logam dunia, termasuk nikel.
Pemerintah Cina punya rencana memindahkan 20-25 juta
penduduknya dari desa ke kota setiap tahun. Kebijakan ini
tentu memerlukan pembangunan perumahan dan layanan
transportasi. Semua itu membutuhkan tembaga, nikel, dan
bijih besi.
juta metrik ton, atau 53% total bijih nikel mentah yang
diimpor Cina, berasal dari Indonesia. Kuartal pertama 2013,
data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM)
menyebutkan, realisasi ekspor nikel telah mencapai 15,9
juta metrik ton.
Surplus Nikel
Ahmad Ardianto, Ketua Umum Perhimpunan Ahli
Pertambangan Indonesia (Perhapi), mengatakan, tingginya
realisasi ekspor dilakukan pengusaha untuk menjual hasil
produksinya sebelum pemberlakuan larangan ekspor.
Hukum ekonomi dasar menyebutkan, jika pasokan tinggi
dan permintaan rendah, harga akan turun. International
Nickel Study Group (INSG) menyatakan, pasokan nikel tahun
ini mencapai 1,86 juta metrik ton, sementara permintaan
nikel primer baru 1,77 juta ton. Itu artinya akan ada surplus
90.000 metrik ton. Angka kelebihan pasokan tersebut
memang sudah membaik dari tahun sebelumnya yang
surplus hingga 110.000 metrik ton.
Ekspor bijih nikel mentah ke Cina dari Indonesia dan Filipina
punya dampak negatif terhadap pasokan bijih nikel olahan,
seperti yang dihasilkan PT Vale. Pada 2011, lebih dari 25
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Pemerintah RI berencana memberlakukan larangan ekspor
mineral dalam kondisi mentah mulai tahun 2014. Tingginya
angka ekspor nikel menyebabkan melimpahnya stok bahan
baku, sehingga harga nikel anjlok. Ardianto menambahkan,
tingginya ekspor nickel ore belakang ini seharusnya menjadi
perhatian pemerintah.
Harapan Masih Besar
Analis Standard Bank Plc menyatakan, nikel merupakan
komoditas logam yang paling terkena dampak melemahnya
perekonomian dunia. Namun Standard Bank dan BNP
Paribas SA memperkirakan, harga nikel akan membaik
seiring turunnya suplai di pasar.
Analis PT Investa Saran Mandiri, Kiswoyo Adi Joe, seperti
dikutip Bisnis Indonesia, mengatakan bahwa harga nikel
mulai membaik seiring dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Nikel, lanjutnya, tidak seperti batubara. “Batubara itu energi,
dia sebagai pengganti gas dan minyak. Kalau mineral logam
mau diganti apa? Logam itu bahan baku,” kata dia.
Sedangkan Hendra Sinadia, Sekretaris Eksekutif Indonesian
Mining Association (IMA), seperti dikutip,
mengatakan, penurunan harga mineral tidak akan
berlangsung lama. Dia optimistis pada kuartal ketiga dan
keempat 2013, permintaan mineral dari Cina dan negara
Asia yang lain kembali bangkit. Apalagi tahun 2014 nanti
adalah batas waktu larangan ekspor mineral mentah dari
Indonesia. Ini membuat produsen pengolah bijih mineral akan
memperbanyak pasokan bahan baku. ”Saya optimistis harga
kembali naik karena pengaruh kebijakan dalam negeri,” tutur
dia. []
Dalam Dolar AS Per Metrik ton
Fluktuasi Harga Nikel
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Nickel Price Rollercoaster
Like a rollercoaster, there were times when nickel prices soared
and plunged. What are the reasons for this?
The period between 2003 and 2007 saw nickel prices climb
steadily, peaking at $52,179 per metric ton in March 2007,
before plunging to a low of $9,025 per metric ton on 24
October 2008.
World nickel prices are issued by the London Metal
Exchange (LME), the world’s largest metal commodity
futures exchange. PT Vale’s nickel prices are also determined
by figures from the LME. For instance, on 22 May 2013, nickel
on the LME cost $15,165, so PT Vale’s nickel was priced at
$11,282 that is, 78% of the LME price. This corresponds with
the amount of nickel in the nickel matte produced by PT
So what determines nickel prices on the LME? There are
many factors, including, of course, demand. Nickel is
primarily used as raw material for stainless steel, which is
used to make vehicles, skyscrapers, electronic equipment
and many other things.
If the automotive industry is growing then nickel demand
will go up. If mass development takes place, there will be
a high demand for nickel. Industrial and developmental
progress no doubt relates to a country’s economic condition
indeed, to the global economic condition.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Until now, economic giant USA is still facing budgetary
uncertainties, causing the government to impose spending
cuts. If a big country like the US has to cut its spending,
just imagine how difficult it would be for “commodity” from
other countries to enter the US add to this the fact that US
is the main export market for many economies. Then there
is the ongoing European debt crisis. The slump in stainless
steel demand from both the US and Europe is one of the
reasons for the drop in nickel prices.
When the US and Europe experience a “famine”, it is to
Asia that we shift our hopes. Nickel demand from China’s
stainless steel industry makes up about 2/3 of the world’s
nickel demand. The Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD) predict that China’s economic
growth will continue to increase from 8.2% to 9.3% this year.
The Chinese government plans to relocate 20 million to 25
million people from the countryside to urban centers each
year. This policy will no doubt indicate major developments
in housing and transportation, all of which require copper,
nickel and iron ore.
2012 World Supply/Demand Balance
Nickel Surpluses
Basic laws of economy state that when supply is high
and demand is low, prices will drop. According to
International Nickel Study Group (INSG), nickel supplies
this year will reach 1.86 million metric tons; meanwhile,
demand for primary nickel is currently at 1.77 million
tons, which means there will be a surplus of 90,000 metric
tons this is an improvement from the previous year, when
the surplus reached up to 110,000 metric tons.
Exports of raw nickel ore to China from Indonesia and
the Philippines have a negative effect on supplies of
processed nickel ore, such as those manufactured by PT
Vale. In 2011, more than 25 million metric tons, or 53%
of the total of China’s nickel ore imports originated from
Indonesia. In the first quarter of 2013, the Ministry of
Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) stated that actual
nickel exports had reached 15.9 million metric tons.
General Chairman of the Association of Indonesian
Mining Professionals (PERHAPI), Ahmad Ardianto, said
the huge amounts of exports resulted from businesses
wanting to sell their products before the government
puts into effect the ban on raw mineral exports in 2014.
The high level of nickel exports meant there was an
abundance of raw material, therefore resulting in a drop
in nickel prices. Ardianto said such high levels of nickel
ore exports in recent times should be an issue of concern
for the government.
Indonesian Ore Exports
Indonesian Matte & FeNi
Non Indonesian Supply
Rush hours at London Metal Exchange.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Global Supply Increase of Nickel (2007-2012)
Indonesia Ni Ore
Nickel Supply (kt Ni)
Indonesia Processed Ni
35.9 %
1.9 %
1.3 %
Source: GTIS, Brook Hunt
High Hopes
Standard Bank Plc analysts have singled out nickel as
the metals commodity most affected by the weakening
global economy, but both Standard Bank and BNP Paribas
SA predict that prices will improve once global supplies
PT Investa Saran Mandiri analyst, Kiswoyo Adi Joe, was
quoted by Bisnis Indonesia as saying that unlike coal, nickel
prices will improve along with economic growth. “Coal is
a type of energy, which can replace gas and oil. What is a
substitute for metals? Metals are raw materials,” he said.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Executive Secretary of the Indonesian Mining Association
(IMA) Hendra Sinadia was quoted by as saying
that the drop in mineral prices will not last long. He was
optimistic that in the third and fourth quarters of 2013,
demand for metals from China and other Asian economies
will increase, particularly as 2014 marks the start of
Indonesia’s ban on raw mineral exports. This will encourage
mineral ore producers to increase their supplies of raw
material. “I am optimistic prices will go up in response to the
domestic policy,” he said. []
Konsumsi Nikel Dunia 2012 & Prediksi 2020 (kilo ton)
2012 World Primary Nickel Consumption & 2020 Forecast (kilotons)
Kinerja PT Vale dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir
PT Vale Performance in Last 5 Years
Volume Produksi
Production Volume
(metric tons)
Realisasi Harga Jual
Actual Average Selling
Price (U$)
Biaya Produksi
Cost Production
67.329 (- 7,5%)
11.227 (- 36%)
75.989 (+ 13%)
16.568 (+ 47%)
66.900 (- 12%)
18.296 (+10%)
70.717 (+5,7%)
13.552 (-26%)
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Lompatan Besar
Negeri Ketua Mao
Dulu AS dan Eropa juara konsumsi nikel dunia.
Sejak 2007, Cina mengambil alih.
Tahun 1958-1960, Partai Komunis Cina di Republik Rakyat
Cina di bawah Mao Zedong membuat suatu program yang
dinamakan “Lompatan Jauh ke Depan”. Tujuannya adalah
membangkitkan ekonomi Cina melalui industrialisasi secara
besar-besaran dan memanfaatkan jumlah tenaga kerja
Program ambisius Ketua Mao tersebut ternyata gagal.
Namun semangatnya tetap menginspirasi kebijakan
pemerintah Cina di kemudian hari. Kini, negeri tirai bambu
ini menjadi raksasa ekonomi Asia yang diperhitungkan di
Cina sebelum 2006 hanyalah konsumen nikel dunia kelas
teri. Konsumsinya hanya 18% dari volume produksi nikel
dunia. Meski masuk dalam lima besar, tapi masih jauh
tertinggal dari konsumsi AS dan Eropa (54%) dan Jepang
Catatan US Geological Survey pada 2008, terdapat 25
produsen nikel dunia. Dengan urutan pertama diduduki
Rusia (22%) ditambahkan Australia dan Kanada dengan
total pasokan 50% kebutuhan dunia. Sedangkan jumlah
negara konsumen sebanyak 46 negara dengan tiga terbesar
adalah Jepang, Cina, dan AS dengan volume mencapai lebih
dari 50 persen.
Namun kenyataan berbalik 180 derajat lepas 2006. Cina
berhasil menggeser posisi Jepang. Secara berturut-turut
sejak 2007 konsumsi nikel Cina mencapai 27%, 2008 (29%),
2011 (42%), dan 2012 sebesar 45% dengan volume 15,9
juta metrik ton. Di sisi lain, kebutuhan nikel di AS dan Eropa
mengalami kelesuan.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Faktor pemicu tingginya konsumsi nikel Cina tak lain adalah
pesatnya industrialisasi, khususnya produsen baik di hilir
dan hulu yang berhubungan langsung dengan permintaan
baja nirkarat. Sebut saja material konstruksi, otomotif, dan
komponen elektronik. Tak ayal, hingga 2011, Cina mampu
memproduksi 39% kebutuhan baja nirkarat dunia dengan
tren kenaikan 20% berdasarkan data periode 2006-2011.
Untuk menggerakan roda industrialisasinya, Cina juga
melakukan pembangunan infrastruktur di area-area
baru. Menggeser penduduk dari desa ke kota, termasuk
mengembangkan area menjadi kawasan industri. Tak heran
strategi ini juga menyedot kebutuhan baja nirkarat yang
begitu tinggi.
Rilis 27th International Ferro-alloys Conference, yang digelar
pada November 2011 di Berlin, menyebutkan, sebanyak 55
persen penduduk Cina masih tinggal di pedesaan. Namun
dalam 40 tahun ke depan, pemerintah Cina diperkirakan
mampu menggeser 420 juta penduduknya untuk bermigrasi
ke perkotaan. Dengan jumlah penduduk mencapai 1,3
miliar jiwa dan pertumbuhan pendapatan per kapita berada
di level 15-20% sejak lepas krisis 1997—terbaik di seluruh
Cina juga berambisi sebagai negara nomor satu penyuplai
baja nirkarat dunia. Langkah itu dicicil pelan tapi pasti. Pada
sembilan bulan pertama 2011, contohnya, Cina berhasil
menjual 62 persen volume baja nirkarat ke luar negeri.
Namun, sebaliknya, negara ini perlahan mengurangi impor
baja nirkaratnya hingga tersisa 19 persen.
Central Chinese Television Tower, salah satu gedung
tertinggi dan termegah di Beijing.
Proyek pembangunan Beijing National Stadium.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Pembangunan Shanghai Tower di Pudong District. Gedung setinggi 632
meter ini merupakan salah satu bangunan pencakar langit di Cina.
Catatan Indonesia Mining Association menyebutkan, pada
2012 angka pertumbuhan produksi baja nirkarat dunia
mencapai 35,3 juta metrik ton. Sebanyak 62% diambil Cina.
Angka ini merupakan rekor tertinggi produksi baja nirkarat
sampai sejauh ini. “Tiga faktor kunci yang bisa menaikkan
harga komoditas di paruh kedua 2013 ini: Cina, Cina, dan
Cina,” kata Bart Melek, analis logam TD Securities.
Pertanyaan: mungkinkah industri baja nirkarat Cina kolaps
lantaran kehabisan bahan baku? Rasanya tidak. Pasokan
nickel pig iron dan ferronickel sebagai bahan baku baja
nirkarat ke Cina tumbuh pesat sebesar 36% persen dalam
tiga tahun terakhir. Cina juga mengandalkan pengolahan
nickel ore asal Indonesia.
Berdasarkan data pemerintah, ekspor nickel ore dari
Indonesia ke Cina pada 2012 mencapai 35 juta metrik ton.
Naik satu juta ton dibanding tahun sebelumnya, dan lompat
jauh dari tahun 2010 yang hanya di angka 8 juta metrik ton.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Para pekerja konstruksi sedang memasang plat baja di
pembangunan gedung Changxing Island, Shanghai.
Di sisi lain, suplai nikel dari Indonesia mencapai 23%.
Mayoritas ekspor tersebut dalam bentuk bijih nikel
sebanyak 18%, sedangkan produk nikel jadi hanya
5%. Sementara itu ekspor bijih nikel mencapai 68%
dari kebutuhan dunia (naik 36% dari tahun 2007). Cina
mendapat porsi dominan ekspor nickel ore dari Indonesia
Dari pengolahan nickel ore ini, produsen nikel Cina
diperkirakan mampu menghemat 3.000 dolar AS per
metrik ton. “Suplai biji mentah dari Indonesia ke Cina yang
sangat tinggi ini, secara tidak sadar membuat Indonesia
berkontribusi terhadap rusaknya harga pasar,” ujar Wakil
Presiden Direktur PT Vale, Bernardus Irmanto.
Di sisi lain, Cina disebut-sebut mampu mengolah 8 juta
metrik ton nickel ore per tahun. Mungkin hal ini pula yang
membuat Cina mampu memproduksi sendiri 350 ribu
metrik ton baja nirkarat untuk menyuplai kebutuhan
konstruksi dalam negeri. []
The Great Leap Forward by
the Land of Chairman Mao
Europe and the United States used to be the world champions
of nickel consumption. Since 2007, China has taken over the title.
This ambitious program of Chairman Mao’s failed
dismally, but its spirit continued to inspire China’s future
governments and their policies. Today, the country behind
the Bamboo Curtain is an Asian economic giant which
others must reckon with.
Before 2006, China was a small consumer on the global
nickel market. It consumed just 18% of the world’s
nickel production and, although among the top five, its
consumption was well below that of the US and Europe
(54%) and Japan (25%).
In 2008, US Geological Survey recorded 25 manufacturers
of nickel in the world. Most were located in Russia (22%),
followed by Australia and Canada, which combined met
50% of global demand. Meanwhile, 46 countries were listed
as consumers, the largest being Japan, China and the US,
which together absorbed more than 50 percent of the total
China’s high nickel consumption was triggered by none
other than rapid industrialization, particularly in upstream
and downstream manufacturing industries that related
directly to stainless steel demand for example, the
construction sector and manufacturers of automotive parts
and electronic components. By 2011, China produced 39%
of the world’s stainless steel, rising 20% between 2006 and
To oil the wheels of industrialization, China has had to
develop infrastructure in new areas. Relocating people from
the countryside to cities, developing areas to make new
industrial zones are all strategies requiring large amounts of
stainless steel.
The 27th International Ferro-alloys Conference held
in November 2011 in Berlin stated that 55% of China’s
population currently lives in the countryside. However, the
next 40 years will see the Chinese government move 420
million village-dwellers into the cities. With a population
of 1.3 billion and per capita income growth of 15% to 20%
since the 1997 crisis the best in the world.
In the years between 1958 and 1960, the Communist Party
in Mainland China under Mao Zedong implemented a
program known as “The Great Leap Forward”. The aim was to
build the Chinese economy through rapid industrialization
and the utilization of a cheap labor force.
Workers in China were completing the construction of Beijing National Stadium
to be used for 2008 Oliympic games. China’s demand of stainless steel for
infrastructures rises tremendously since 2006.
Changes started happening after 2006, when China
replaced Japan as the world’s number one nickel consumer.
In 2007, China’s nickel consumption constituted 27% of
the world’s total. This continued to rise in 2008 (29%),
2011 (42%) and 2012 (45%), during which a volume of
15.9 million metric tons was recorded. Meanwhile, nickel
demand from the US and Europe experienced a significant
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
China also has ambitions to be the world’s leading stainless
steel supplier. This goal is being achieved slowly but
steadily. In the first nine months of 2011, for example, China
managed to sell 62% of its stainless steel overseas; on
the other hand, it has gradually reduced its stainless steel
imports to just 19%.
The Indonesia Mining Association states that stainless steel
production grew a record high of 35.3 million metric tons in
2012, of which 62% was absorbed by China. “Three factors
can contribute to raising the price of this commodity for
the second half of 2013: China, China and China,” said TD
Securities metals analyst, Bart Melek.
The question is: can China’s stainless steel industry possibly
collapse from running out of raw material? It seems not.
Supplies of nickel pig iron and ferronickel, as raw material
for China’s stainless steel, have grown a rapid 35% in the last
three years. China also relies on nickel ore from Indonesia.
Government figures show that nickel ore exports from
Indonesia to China reached 35 million metric tons in 2012.
This is one million tons more than last year, and a great
jump from 2010 figures of just 8 million metric tons.
On the other hand, Indonesia nickel export amounted to
23% of world metal market share. Most of nickel supply—
amounted to 18%—is the nickel ore, while processed ore
supply only 5%. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s nickel ore export
contribute 68% of world supply (an increase of 36% from
2007 supply). China imports the largest volume from
Indonesia’s nickel ore supply.
From the processing of this nickel ore, it is estimated that
Chinese nickel manufacturers can save up to $3,000 per
metric ton. “It is these extremely high supplies of raw
ore from Indonesia to China that makes Indonesia an
involuntarily agent to the destruction of market prices,” said
PT Vale Vice President, Bernardus Irmanto.
On the other hand, it is believed that China has the capacity
to process 8 million metric tons of iron ore a year. This may
be why China can produce 350 thousand metric tons of
stainless steel on its own to meet domestic construction
market demands. []
Night view from Shanghai’s skyscrapers. Massive construction
of infrastructures in China contributes to stainless steel
consumption that touched 15.9 million tons in 2012.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Fokus pada Faktor Internal
Dalam situasi sulit, fokus pada efisiensi biaya dan keselamatan kerja
menjadi semakin penting.
Seperti dibahas dalam tulisan sebelumnya, kondisi
perekonomian dunia, terutama Eropa dan AS, sedang sulit.
Krisis ekonomi dunia berdampak pada merosotnya harga
nikel. “Kondisi pasar, seperti halnya harga dan pasokan
komoditas, berada di luar kendali kita dan bisa berdampak
pada arus kas,” kata Peter Poppinga, Executive Officer Base
Metals and Information Technology sekaligus Komisaris PT
Vale, dalam Buletin Manajemen yang dirilis Februari 2013.
Memang ada komponen yang berada di luar kuasa PT Vale.
Namun banyak hal yang bisa dilakukan perusahaan dan
seluruh karyawan untuk melewati masa-masa sulit. Menurut
Poppinga, dengan terus berfokus pada keselamatan kerja,
efisiensi biaya, dan peningkatan produksi, kita dapat terus
menutup kesenjangan defisit arus kas dan mewujudkan
arus kas positif. Tuas-tuas tersebut ada dalam kendali kita.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Pesan Poppinga itu bukan tanpa alasan. Catatan 2012,
keuntungan perusahaan turun hampir 80% menjadi 67,5
juta dolar AS dibanding capaian laba tahun 2011 sebesar
333,8 juta dollar AS. Selain melemahnya harga nikel di pasar
dunia, turunnya laba PT Vale disebabkan naiknya harga
komponen produksi, terutama bahan bakar. Harga minyak
bakar bersulfur tinggi (high sulfur fuel oil/HSFO) naik 8%
dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Upaya untuk menurunkan
konsumsi HSFO terus diupayakan PT Vale.
Sejak beroperasinya PLTA Karebbe pada Oktober 2011,
pemakaian HSFO untuk high speed diesel (HSD) menujukkan
penurunan terhadap beban pokok produksi. Konsumsi
HSFO untuk HSD turun menjadi 55 juta liter pada 2012 dari
85 juta liter pada 2011. Sebagai informasi, HSD digunakan
untuk mengoperasikan alat berat dan pembangkit listrik
Sejumlah area produksi PT Vale juga melakukan upaya
untuk menekan biaya, sekaligus meningkatkan kinerja
operasional. Langkahnya macam-macam. Di PPE, misalnya,
insinyur-insiyur in house dilibatkan untuk proyek upgrading
alat di kiln dan furnace. Bagian warehouse membuat inisiatif
agar departemen/project melakukan pengecekan material
di gudang yang masih bisa dipakai sebelum belanja
barang. Selain itu, ada program Operation & Maintenance
Improvement Program (OMIP) yang fokus pada kestabilan
Dalam ketidakpastian pasar, memang tidak ada pilihan
selain berhemat. Perusahaan mengambil langkah-langkah
penting, bahkan drastis, untuk menghemat pengeluaran
dan mengoptimalkan biaya. Beberapa di antaranya adalah
pengetatan perjalanan dinas dan pembekuan rekrutmen
tenaga kerja baru, kecuali untuk menggantikan karyawan
purnabakti atau mengundurkan diri.
Kebijakan efisiensi itu senada dengan yang dikatakan
pengamat pasar modal Felix Sindhunata. ”Hal terpenting
adalah efisiensi biaya produksi. Bagi yang mampu
beroperasi dengan efisien, akan memperoleh margin yang
tinggi,” ucap Felix.
Penataan material sisa proyek di Warehouse.
Utamakan Keselamatan
Bukan hanya soal pengendalian biaya produksi, Poppinga
juga mengingatkan pentingnya keselamatan kerja. Bagi
perusahaan, insiden kecelakaan layaknya sebuah gunung
es. Yang terlihat hanyalah biaya perawatan dan pengobatan
di rumah sakit. Sebenarnya, biaya ini hanya 10% dari seluruh
biaya yang dikeluarkan perusahaan, sementara 90% adalah
biaya-biaya lain yang tidak terhitung secara langsung,
seperti kerusakan alat, biaya perbaikan kerusakan,
gangguan produksi, biaya akibat hilangnya hari kerja
karyawan, dan tentu reputasi perusahaan.
“Mempertahankan fokus kita pada penilaian risiko setiap
saat sebelum memulai suatu kegiatan, mematuhi proses
dan prosedur dengan disiplin operasional, dan menaati
golden rules adalah cara paling andal untuk mencapai
kondisi nirbahaya,” tulis Poppinga. []
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Focus on Internal Factors
When times are tough, it becomes even more important to focus on
cost efficiency and safety.
As mentioned, the global economy particularly in Europe
and the US is going through tough times and economic
crises have contributed to falling nickel prices. “Market
conditions, such as those affecting prices and commodity
supplies, are beyond our control and may impact on
cash flow,” said Peter Poppinga, PT Vale’s commissioner
and Executive Officer for Base Metals and Information
Technology, in the February 2013 edition of Buletin
There are factors beyond PT Vale’s control, but there are
many things that the company and its employees can do to
get through difficult times. Poppinga said that by focusing
on work safety, cost efficiency and increasing production,
we can continue to cover the deficit in cash flow, and
generate a positive cash flow. The instruments to do this are
within our control.
There is a reason behind Poppinga’s statements. In 2012,
the company’s profits dropped almost 80% to $67.5 million
compared to $333.8 million in 2011. In addition to weaker
nickel prices on the world market, PT Vale’s profits dropped
as a result of higher prices of production components,
particularly fuel. High sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) prices increased
8% compared to the previous year. PT Vale continues in its
efforts to reduce HSFO consumption.
Since the Karebbe hydroelectric power plant started
operating in October 2011, the use of HSFO as high speed
diesel (HSD) declined in terms of production cost. The
consumption of HSFO as HSD decreased to 55 million liters
in 2012 from 85 million liters in 2011. HSD is used to operate
heavy equipment and thermal electricity generators.
Several production areas within PT Vale have also conducted
cost suppressing measures, while increasing operational
performance. There were many ways this was done. In PPE,
for instance, in-house engineers were involved in projects to
upgrade kiln and furnace equipment. The warehouse
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
division started an initiative requiring departments/ projects
to check for usable materials in storage before procuring
goods. There was also the Operation & Maintenance
Improvement Program (OMIP) which focused on operational
Amidst market uncertainty, there is no choice but to be
frugal. The company has taken important steps including
drastic ones to cut spending and optimize costs. These
include stricter terms for work-related trips and the
hirefreeze, except to replace retiring or resigning employees.
The efficiency programs are in line with those suggested
by stock market observer, Felix Sindhunata. “The most
important thing is product cost efficiency. Those who can
operate efficiently will reap bigger margins,” Felix said.
Put Safety First
Apart from controlling production costs, Poppinga also
noted the importance of work safety. For the company,
accidents are like an iceberg: the only things visible are
hospitalization costs and medication expenses. In fact, this
constitutes only 10% of what it costs the company; the
remaining 90% consists of other costs calculated indirectly,
such as damage to machinery, costs of repairs, disruption of
production, costs associated with loss of employee workdays, and, of course, of company reputation.
“Maintaining our focus on continuous risk valuation before
starting an activity, obeying processes and procedures
with operational discipline, and obeying ‘golden rules’
are the most reliable ways in which to achieve no-danger
conditions,” Poppinga wrote. []
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Situasi Menekan, Perlu
Bersama Mencari Solusi
Inilah perspektif board of director tentang situasi terkini perusahaan dan upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan oleh entitas PT Vale.
Bernardus Irmanto, Wakil Presiden Direktur
Di Brasil dan Kanada memang terjadi pengurangan karyawan. Itu
sesuatu yang tidak kami tutup-tutupi. Namun hal itu didasarkan
pada kajian yang mendalam akhir tahun lalu. Kajian itu mengukur
produktivitas tenaga kerja di seluruh unit bisnis Vale. Salah satu
temuannya adalah jumlah tenaga kerja di seluruh Vale terus
bertambah. Tapi kenaikan itu tidak berdampak pada meningkatnya
produktivitas. Penambahan jumlah tenaga kerja terutama terjadi
di area-area yang tidak bersentuhan langsung dengan produksi,
misalnya di area support. Andai kenaikan itu terjadi di area produksi,
mungkin terjadi pula kenaikan produksi. Namun yang terjadi adalah
Nico Kanter, Presiden Direktur
Situasi saat ini benar-benar menekan. Kita tidak sendiri. Banyak
perusahaan bernasib sama karena keuntungannya sangat
bergantung pada kondisi pasar. Namun yang membedakan kita
dengan mereka adalah kita punya komitmen. Kita mau bekerja
sama untuk mencari solusi dari situasi tidak menguntungkan ini.
Kesalahan masa lalu adalah kita berhemat saat krisis, tapi
longgar lagi ketika keadaan normal—seperti siklus pengetatan
ikat pinggang. Kita sudah berbisnis selama 40 tahun, fluktuasi
telah dialami berkali-kali, tapi kenapa kita bisa loss? Seharusnya
perusahaan tidak seperti itu. Harusnya sustainable. Berhemat
bukan hanya dapat kita lakukan, namun perlu kita jadikan budaya
perusahaan. Intinya, kita perlu mengontrol komponen internal.
Komponen eksternal tidak dapat kita kontrol, karena dikontrol
Salah satu agenda penting perusahaan tahun ini yakni renegosiasi
Kontrak Karya. Ini suatu tantangan yang cukup berat, karena
perusahaan berhadapan dengan UU Minerba yang baru. Area
Kontrak Karya kini dibatasi hanya 25 ribu hektar. Sementara kita
punya 190 ribu hektar lebih di tiga provinsi dan telah beroperasi
lebih dari 30 tahun. Renegosiasi ini berhubungan dengan rencana
investasi Vale sebesar 2 miliar dolar AS. Perusahaan melihat ada
dua poin krusial yang menjadi pertimbangan utama, yakni soal luas
areal Kontrak Karya yang baru dan durasi. []
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Di Indonesia, kita juga mengusahakan efisiensi dan meningkatkan
produktivitas. Caranya tentu saja tidak serta-merta mengurangi
karyawan. Di satu sisi kita mengalami tekanan, namun di sisi lain
kita punya rencana pengembangan bisnis. Karena itu, manajemen
di Indonesia diberi kesempatan melakukan langkah-langkah untuk
mempertahankan karyawan dan menjalankan bisnis dengan
pengelolaan tenaga kerja untuk merealisasikan pengembangan.
Kalaupun ada penambahan tenaga kerja, itu hanya untuk
menambal karyawan yang pensiun, dan itu tidak signifikan.
Pada detik ini dan saat
ini, saya mengatakan
seperti itu. Tapi jika faktanya
bisnis terus menurun dan
tekanan semakin besar, saya
tidak berani mengatakan
kalau pengurangan
karyawan tidak akan terjadi.
Karena itu, jangan kita acuh
dan cuek. Mungkin hal itu bisa saja terjadi dan kita
semua merasakan
dampaknya. Namun saya
yakin tidak ada orang yang
ingin itu terjadi. Karena itu,
di tengah tantangan bisnis
ini, kita perlu motivasi
kolektif agar tidak ada lay
off. Bahkan saya percaya
kita mampu survive”. []
Josimar Pires, Chief Operation Officer
Meski tahun ini kita memasang target produksi lebih tinggi
dibanding tahun 2012, yang perlu kita ingat bahwa angka
kecelakaan kerja masih tinggi. Artinya, kesadaran atas keselamatan
kerja perlu menjadi budaya. Kita perlu taat pada prosedur
Febriany Eddy, Chief Financial Officer
Saya sempat berdiskusi dengan beberapa pengamat. Mereka
mengatakan bahwa harga nikel tahun 2013 tidak akan anjlok.
Namun kenyataannya pada bulan Mei ini berada di harga rata-rata
14.000 dollar AS. Padahal bulan sebelumnya di harga 15.000 dolar
AS. Kecenderungan penurunan harga ini seperti tahun 2008. Dari
situasi ini, mengindikasikan kita tidak pernah tahu dan dapat
memprediksi harga nikel ke depan itu seperti apa.
Mari kita melakukan simulasi. Jika harga nikel hingga akhir
tahun stabil berada di harga rata-rata 14.000 dolar AS, sementara
penjualan kita mampu sebesar 980 juta dolar AS, biaya produksi
mencapai 741 juta dolar AS, sedangkan belanja modal, riset dan
aktivitas pembiayaan mencapai 96 juta dolar AS, maka kas PT Vale
berada di minus 71 juta dolar AS. Jika harga LME 15.000 dolar AS,
kita masih negatif 39 juta dolar AS. Artinya, perusahaan sudah tidak
sehat. Seharusnya perusahaan sehat dapat menghasilkan kas yang
cukup untuk investasi dan operasinya.
Lalu apa yang dapat kita lakukan untuk menekan angka
kecelakaan kerja tersebut? Beberapa di antaranya yang dapat
diimplementasikan, misalnya melakukan inspeksi kerja, penerapan
Golden Rules dengan disiplin, dan contractor management system.
Semua pekerja perlu mengikuti prosedur keselamatan kerja,
tidak ada toleransi untuk keselamatan kerja, pekerja juga dapat
menolak pekerjaan bila itu berisiko karena standar keamanan dan
keselamatan kerja tidak terpenuhi.
Sedangkan dalam perencanaan operating factor diharapkan dapat
mencapai 80,5%. Sampai Mei 2013 ini operating factor telah
mencapai 77,7%. Pencapaian ini tak lepas dari peran Departemen
Mining yang dapat memberikan nickel ore dengan grade bagus.
Saya optimistis, target produksi dapat tercapai. []
Yang terjadi saat ini adalah asumsi harga tahun lalu untuk
perencanaan bisnis 2013, yaitu di angka 18.500 dolar AS. Otomatis
bujet yang kita susun sudah tidak relevan. Saya bukannya menakutnakuti Anda. Tapi inilah situasi yang kita hadapi bersama. Kita perlu
mencari solusi bersama. Ini bukan tanggung jawab hanya satu
departemen, tapi seluruh departemen. []
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Pressing Situation Calls
for Solutions from All
Here are the perspectives of PT Vale’s Board of Directors concerning the
company ’s current situation and what can be done by company personnel.
Nico Kanter, President Director
We are in a very pressing situation. We are not alone; many
companies are going through the same ordeal, with profits relying
heavily on the market. What distinguishes us from them, however, is
that we have a commitment. We are willing to work together to find
a solution to these unfavorable conditions.
Our past mistake was that we were frugal in times of crises. But
when conditions were normal, we became relaxed it was like going
through “belt-tightening” cycles. We have been in the business for
40 years and experienced fluctuations repeatedly, how could we
still suffer a loss? A company should not be like this. It should be
sustainable. Being prudent is not just something we should be able
to do; it should become a company culture. In essence, we need to
control our internal components. External components are beyond
our control, because they are controlled by the market.
One of the important agendas this year is the renegotiation of the
company’s Contract of Work. This is a great challenge as we are
faced with the new Law on Mineral and Coal Mining which restricts
Contract of Work areas to 25,000 hectares. Meanwhile, we have
more than 190,000 hectares spread across three provinces, which
we have operated for more than 30 years. These renegotiations
relate to Vale’s planned investments of $2 billion. The company sees
two crucial points for consideration: the Contract of Work’s area size,
and its duration. []
Bernardus Irmanto, Vice President Director
There have been employee redundancies in Brazil and Canada; that
is no secret. But those measures were based on thorough analyses
made late last year. The analyses measured workers’ productivity
across all of Vale’s business units. One of the studies’ findings
was that the number of employees across Vale has continued to
increase. But the increase was not followed by a rise in productivity.
Most of the additions occurred in areas that were not directly
related to production, such as in support. If the additions had
occurred in production-related areas, then perhaps production
would have increased. In fact, it was the opposite that happened.
In Indonesia, we strive for efficiency and increased productivity. The
way we do this of course is not by simply laying off employees. On
one hand we feel the pressure; but on the other, we have plans to
expand our business. For this reason, the management in Indonesia
has been given the opportunity to take measures allowing it
to retain its employees, operate the business by managing its
workforce, and realizing expansion plans. If any recruitment does
take place, it would merely be to replace retiring employees, and
this would be insignificant.
At this very moment and precise time, I can say that. But the fact
is, business is continuing to go downhill and pressure is increasing,
so I wouldn’t dare say it won’t happen. That’s why we should not
be indifferent or oblivious to the situation. It could happen and if
it does, we will all feel the impact. But I am sure no one wants that.
And for this reason, in the midst of all these business challenges, we
need a sense of collective motivation to prevent any lay-offs. In fact,
I believe we will survive. []
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Febriany Eddy, Chief Financial Officer
I have had discussions with several observers who have told me
that nickel prices would not drop in 2013. In fact, the average price
for May was $14,000 down from $15,000 the previous month. This
downward trend is similar to the one in 2008. This goes to show that
we can never know, or ever predict what nickel prices will be like in
Let us make a simulation. If nickel prices are steady at $14,000
until the end of this year, and we are able to make sales of $980
million, while production costs amount to $741 million and capital
expenditure, research and financing activities are at $96 million,
then PT Vale will have a negative cash flow of $71 million. If the
LME pegs prices at $15,000, we still come out with negative $39
million. This means the company is no longer healthy. A healthy
company should be able to generate enough cash for investing and
What we have done is assume last year’s prices of $18,500 to make
business plans for 2013. So the budget we have made automatically
becomes irrelevant. I am not trying to scare you, but this is the
situation we are facing. We need to find a solution together. It is not
the responsibility of just one department, but all departments. []
Josimar Pires, Chief Operation Officer
Although our production target for this year is higher than for 2012,
we must remember that the occurrence of workplace accidents
remains quite high. This means that work safety awareness is yet to
become a culture. We must obey safety procedures.
So what can we do to reduce the number of workplace accidents?
We can implement several things, such as conducting work
inspections, following the Golden Rules in a disciplined manner, and
conducting a contractor management system. All employees must
follow work safety procedures. There is no tolerance for unsafe work;
workers can refuse to do a job if it is risky because it fails to meet
work safety and security standards.
In terms of planning, our operating factor is expected to be 80.5%.
As of May 2013, the operating factor has reached 77.7%. This
achievement is thanks to the Mining Department, which has been
able to produce nickel ore with a good grade. I am optimistic that
we can achieve our production target. []
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Insiatif di Tengah Krisis
Aksi cerdas dari operation hingga supporting.
Pasar boleh lesu, namun karyawan tetap bertekad
merealisasikan target perusahaan 2013. Kata kuncinya
adalah meminimalisir delay operation, khususnya di Mining
dan Process Plant.
Untuk itu, menurut Act. Senior General Manager Mines and
Exploration Department Basri Kambatu, Mining Department
melakukan improvisasi dan meningkatkan produktivitas
dalam sistem kerja, mengetatkan perawatan alat, dan
mengutamakan keselamatan kerja.
Salah satu implementasinya adalah pengangkutan material
di area tambang dengan teknik dua sisi (double side loading).
“Sebelumnya, alat muat melakukan pengisian hanya satu
sisi (single side loading) sehingga menimbulkan antrean. Ini
kami anggap membuang waktu. Dengan sistem ini, menjadi
lebih efektif dan efisien,” ujar Basri.
Mining Department juga menerapkan open system dalam
pengaturan kendaraan tambang. “Dengan open system,
setiap truk ditugaskan secara otomatis lewat field computer
system (FCS) yang dioperasikan oleh dispatcher melalui
ruang kendali. Dengan demikian produktivitas alat muat
akan maksimal dan terdistribusi secara merata setiap jam.
Sistem open system ini meminimalkan waktu kerja yang
terbuang,” tegas Basri.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Kualitas hasil tambang juga menjadi perhatian Mining
Department. Menurut Manager Production and Cost
Control PT Vale, Indra Manik, dari perolehan sebelumnya,
kualitas bijih nikel menunjukkan tren bagus. ”Meski untuk
mendapatkan grade yang tinggi kami memerlukan waktu
dan titik tertentu. Dari data hingga April lalu, grade yang
kami dapat mencapai 99% dari yang direncanakan untuk
ditambang,” kata Indra.
Ada pula inisiatif bernama ”Run of Mine (ROM) Pile”, yang
berkaitan dengan tempat penyimpanan hasil galian
tambang sebelum disaring. Kini lokasi ROM Pile berdekatan
dengan screening station. ”Jadi kalau diperlukan bisa
langsung disaring. Sistem ini membuat proses dari mining
ke produksi lebih singkat,” ungkap Indra. Hingga akhir April
lalu, Mining Department berhasil memproduksi sekitar
2,7 juta metrik ton SSP (screening station product) dan
mengirimnya ke stockpile.
Beralih ke Process Plant, di bagian kiln dan furnace ada
inisiatif meningkatkan capacity factor lewat kolaborasi
kinerja operator dan mesin yang prima. ”Inisiatif ini
akan tercapai bila grade dari mining bagus, jam operasi
bertambah, dan ketersediaan alat untuk perawatan,” ujar
GM of Reduction Kiln & CTS M. Jinan Syakir.
Implementasi double side system di area tambang.
Kiln Pereduksi di Process Plant PT Vale, Sorowako. Untuk
memaksimalkan kapasitas produksi, dilakukan upgrading kiln
yang dilakukan insinyur-insinyur in house.
Untuk mendukung kinerja Process Plant, perusahaan juga
membuat terobosan dengan menambah kapasitas furnace
2 dari 75 MW menjadi 90 MW sejak tahun lalu. Ini membuat
furnace 2 PT Vale menjadi tanur listrik dengan kapasitas
tertinggi di dunia.
Di sektor ini juga tampak inisiatif yang dilakukan Process
Plant Engineering yang mengambil bagian dalam proyekproyek besar otomasi di furnace 1, kiln 2, dan kiln 4 rebuild,
dan Process Plant PLC (programme logic control) upgrade
dengan memanfaatkan resource yang ada (in house). Dari
inisiatif ini, biaya perusahaan dapat lebih hemat ratusan ribu
dolar AS per proyek, lantaran dikerjakan insinyur in house.
Sebelumnya, untuk proyek-proyek krusial, PT Vale kerap
mengandalkan konsultan luar.
Menggunakan Material Sisa
Sektor supporting juga tak mau kalah. Salah satunya
dilakukan oleh Warehouse Support yang merilis program
Initiative of Excess Material Reutilization. “Inisiatif ini
bertujuan agar project/departemen berinisiatif melihat
stok material sisa di warehouse dan menggunakannya
sebelum belanja komponen. Inisiatif ini juga berguna bagi
departemen/project karena akan terjadi cost avoidance dari
penggunaan material sisa,” ujar GM of Procurement Contract
& Warehouse, Deddy Aulia.
Pengawas Warehouse sedang melakukan inventarisasi material
sisa yang dapat digunakan kembali untuk proyek lain.
Procurement & Warehousing Specialist Gelora Ginting
mengakui, angka cost avoidance dari inisiatif ini hampir
mencapai 1 juta dolar AS. “Meski disebut material sisa,
barang-barang ini masih berfungsi dan kondisinya bagus.
Ini aset perusahaan. Intinya, kalau ada stok barang, kan,
tidak harus belanja barang yang sama?” ujar Gelora.
Selain menghemat biaya, menurut Manager of Warehouse
Support Yusuf Teja Kusuma, inisiatif ini juga membuat
pembukuan di Warehouse jadi rapi. ”Selama ini, barang
yang dipesan dan ada di project/departemen yang
tahu cuma project manager dan timnya. Tapi dengan
implementasi sistem ini, mereka berkewajiban melaporkan
dan mengembalikan material sisa kepada Warehouse,”
ungkap Yusuf.
Terkait safety, memasuki 2013, karyawan Departemen
Mining & Explorations berkomitmen untuk menggunakan
bus karyawan untuk pergi dan pulang kerja. Langkah
konkritnya, antara lain, meniadakan area parkir untuk
sepeda motor di kantor Mining Harapan per 1 Januari 2013.
Inisiatif ini didorong oleh kejadian meninggalnya seorang
karyawan Departemen Eksplorasi akibat kecelakaan motor
di jalan umum. “Ini bentuk perbaikan kinerja safety dalam
mengurangi risiko kecelakaan di area kerja,” ungkap Basri
Kambatu, Acting. Senior General Manager Mines and
Exploration Department. []
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Initiatives amidst
the Crisis
Smart actions abound, from operations
divisions to supporting sectors.
The market may be in a rut, but employees are still
determined to achieve the company’s targets for 2013. The
key is to minimize operational delays, particularly in the
mining and process plants.
To achieve this, Basri Kambatu (Act. Senior General manager
Mines and Explorations Departement). Senior General
Manager, said the Mining Department has improvised
and increased productivity of its systems, imposed stricter
equipment maintenance, and prioritized work safety.
One way of implementing this has been to move material
in the mining area using a double-side loading technique.
“Previously, loading was done on a single side, which
resulted in long queues. We considered it a waste of time.
The new system is more effective and efficient,” said Basri.
The Mining Department has also applied an “open system”
in managing mining vehicles. “An open system means
trucks automatically take orders from a field computer
system (FCS) operated by a dispatcher in a control room.
The productivity of loading equipment can therefore be
maximized and equally distributed each hour. The open
system minimizes the amount of work-time wasted,” said
The Mining Department also attends to product quality.
Production and Cost Control Manager, Indra Manik, said
previous results have showed a pleasing trend in terms of
nickel ore quality. “Getting high-grade ore takes time, and
it only occurs at certain points. Our records show that as of
April, the grades we obtained accounted for 99% of what we
had planned to mine,” Indra said.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul
Juni i 2013
Then there is the initiative known as the “Run of Mine
(ROM) Pile” which concerns the stockpiling of run of mine,
or ungraded ore. The ROM Pile is now located near the
screening station. “So, if necessary, screening can be done
straight away. This system shortens the mining to product
process,” said Indra. As of last April, the Mining Department
produced about 2.7 million metric tons of screening station
product (SSP) that was sent to the stockpile.
At the Process Plant, workers at the kiln and furnace sections
came up with the initiative to raise the “capacity factor”
through excellent collaborative performances by operators
and machinery. “This can be achieved if mining grades are
good, operating hours are increased, and maintenance
equipment is available,” said M. Jinan Syakir, GM of
Reduction Kiln & CTS.
To support Process Plant’s performance, the company made
a breakthrough decision last year by increasing the capacity
of Furnace 2 from 75MW to 90MW, making Furnace 2 the
electric furnace with the highest capacity in the world.
In another initiative in this sector, Process Plant Engineering
workers participated in large automation projects at furnace
1, kiln 2, and kiln 4 rebuild, and in upgrading work at Process
Plant Program Logic Control (PLC); all of these utilized inhouse resources. This initiative helped the company save
hundreds of thousands of US dollars per project, because it
was done by in-house engineers. Previously, PT Vale relied
on external consultants for implementing crucial projects.
held by the project/ department were the project manager
and his or her team. This new system now requires them to
report and return any excess material to the Warehouse,”
said Yusuf.
With regards to safety, Mining and Explorations Department
employees have committed since early 2013 to using
the company bus for traveling between home and work.
A concrete way this was achieved was by removing the
parking area designated for motorbikes at the Mining
Harapan office as of 1 January 2013.
This initiative was triggered by the death of an Exploration
Department employee in a motorbike accident on the road.
“This represents an improvement in safety performance, as
it reduces the risk of accidents in the work area,” said Acting.
Senior General Manager Mines and Exploration Department,
Basri Kambatu. []
Using Excess Material
The supporting sector refused to be outdone by the
operations division. One initiative was the Excess Material
Reutilization program instigated by the Warehouse
Support division. “The aim of this initiative is for projects/
departments to check the warehouse for leftover material
then use that before making goods procurements. This
initiative is also useful for departments/ projects because
of the cost avoidance that can be achieved,” said GM of
Procurement Contract & Warehouse, Deddy Aulia.
Procurement & Warehousing Specialist Gelora Ginting
said cost avoidance from this initiative amounted to
almost $1 million. “Despite being termed ‘leftovers’,
these goods still function well and are in good condition.
These are company assets. Essentially, if there are goods
available in stock, why should we buy the same thing?”
Gelora asked.
Manager of Warehouse Support, Yusuf Teja Kusuma,
said that besides cutting costs, this initiative tidied up
Warehouse’s bookkeeping. “In the past, the only people
who knew what goods had been ordered and what was
Workers choosing excess material in the warehouse.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Kiprah PPE Automation dalam
Project-project Besar
Murah meriah ala lokal berstandar internasional.
Otomasi memegang peranan penting dalam produksi
nikel PT Vale. Pasalnya, sistem kerja alat saat ini serba
computerized. Dengan otomasi kinerja produksi stabil,
kualitas terjaga, aman, dan mudah melakukan pemecahan
masalah (trouble shooting) karena semua dimonitor secara
real time.
Sistem otomasi telah diadopsi PT Vale sejak awal beroperasi.
Di Process Plant, otomasi awalnya tergabung dalam PCSI
(Process Control System & Instrumentation). Seiring waktu,
PCSI dipecah menjadi beberapa departemen, seperti
Maintenance, Proctech, dan Process Plant Engineering (PPE).
Pada saat awal berdiri, otomasi lebih familiar disebut
instrumentasi. Khusus PPE, sejak tahun lalu, berganti nama
menjadi Automation. Perubahan ini sesuai dengan standar
internasional. “Otomasi lebih luas, bukan hanya menyangkut
instrumentasi, tapi juga human machine interface (HMI),
programmable logic control (PLC), dan control network,”
papar Indin Hasan, Manager Process Plant Automation.
Saat ini di Process Plant sedang berlangsung sejumlah
proyek besar, dan tim PPE mendapat kepercayaan ambil
bagian mengerjakan scope otomasi di dalamnya. ”Saat
ini kami mengerjakan upgrading hardware dan software
otomasi di Furnace 1, kiln 2, kiln 4 rebuild, dan Process Plant
PLC upgrade secara keseluruhan. Semua memanfaatkan
resource yang ada,” kata Indin Hasan menambahkan.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Menurut GM of Maintenance System & Engineering
Slamet Suryanto, sejak dua tahun terakhir, secara bertahap
pengerjaan otomasi dikerjakan sendiri oleh insiyur-insiyur
PT Vale (in house).
“Ada dua manfaat dari pengerjaan otomasi secara in house.
Pertama, sebagai implementasi cost optimization. Kedua,
familiarisasi alat otomasi secara cepat, karena dikerjakan
atau disupervisi oleh insinyur-insinyur PT Vale sendiri. Bila
terjadi problem, problem tersebut dapat ditangani dengan
mudah. Sebelumnya kami sangat bergantung kepada
konsultan,” ungkap Slamet.
Alhasil, biaya proyek pengembangan dan perawatan
otomasi jauh lebih efisien daripada sebelumnya. Tingkat
keamanan dan keselamatan kerja juga lebih terjaga karena
selalu dipantau oleh internal resources yang ada.
Project-project tersebut dikerjakan bersama oleh 7 personel
PPE, 3 personel seconded, dan didukung tim Central
Engineering. Tim PPE juga telah merampungkan scope
otomasi pada proyek Coal Conversion Project 1 (CCP 1).
Proyek ini akan dilanjutkan dengan CCP 2 dengan scope
pekerjaan 40% dari total scope otomasi.
Ditanya tantangan terberat mengerjakan proyek-proyek
tersebut, Indin menyebutkan, tantangan terberat adalah
jumlah resource yang terbatas. ”Tentu sangat berat
mengerjakan proyek-proyek di atas dengan jumlah
personel cukup sedikit. Apalagi ada kebijakan pembatasan
jumlah personel (head account). Namun kami tidak boleh
menyerah,” kata Slamet.
Dia menambahkan, ”Hari Sabtu dan kadangkala hari Minggu
engineer kami harus masuk kerja untuk menyelesaikan
tugas-tugas yang sudah direncanakan. Di samping itu,
kami tidak boleh meninggalkan tugas utama memberikan
bantuan teknis kepada Operation dan Maintenance.”
Sebagai informasi, proyek rebuild merupakan salah satu
proyek yang dikenal kompleks, rumit, dan time critical.
Pengerjaannya selama ini dikerjakan oleh konsultan luar. []
Seorang pekerja sedang melakukan monitoring
di control room Process Plant.
Pekerja sedang melakukan pengecekan instalasi otomasi di calcine transfer car.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Programming coal con
vertion installation in
control room.
PPE Automation’s Contribution
to Major Projects
Cheaper locally made thet meets international standards
Automation plays an important role in nickel production at
PT Vale. Machinery systems these days are all computerized.
Automation ensures the stable performance of quality,
security and the production process, and makes
troubleshooting easier because everything is monitored on
a real-time basis.
Automation systems have been adopted by PT Vale from
the very start of operations. At Process Plant, automation
was initially part of PCSI. Over time, PCSI was broken up into
several departments, such as Maintenance, Proctech and
Process Plant Engineering (PPE).
Automation was originally known as Instrumentation.
For PPE, the switch to Automation occurred last year. The
switch was made to align with international standards.
“Automation is broader; it is not limited to instrumentation,
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
but includes human machine interface (HMI),
programmable logic control (PLC) and control network as
well,” said Process Plant Automation Manager, Indin Hasan.
Several major projects are currently in progress at Process
Plant, and the PPE team has been trusted to handle the
scope of automation. “We are currently upgrading the
automation hardware and software of Furnace 1, Kiln 2 and
Kiln 4 Rebuild and conducting an entire upgrade of Process
Plant PLC. All of this is being done using existing resources,”
Indin Hasan added.
According to GM of Maintenance System & Engineering,
Slamet Suryanto, the last two years have seen automation
being done in-house that is, by PT Vale engineers in stages.
“There are two advantages of doing the automation in
house. Firstly, it is a means of cost-optimization. Secondly,
Worker fixing automation installation in kiln.
it results in faster familiarization of automated equipment
because it was performed, or supervised, by PT Vale’s
engineers themselves. If a problem arises, it can be easily
solved. Before, we had to rely heavily on consultants,” said
As a result, the automation maintenance and development
project has become much more cost efficient. Also, the level
of work security and safety has been better maintained
because it is constantly being monitored by existing internal
The projects were conducted by a team of 7 PPE personnel
and 3 seconded personnel supported by the Central
Engineering team. The PPE team has also completed the
scope of automation at the Coal Conversion Project 1
(CCP1). This will be followed by CCP2, where the team will
perform 40% of the total scope of automation.
In response to questions about what constituted the
main challenge to the projects, Indin singled out a lack of
resources. “It is, of course, very difficult to complete those
projects with so few people, particularly as there is a policy
limiting the number of personnel. But we should not give
up,” said Slamet.
He added, “On Saturdays and sometimes on Sundays, our
engineers must go to work to finish their planned tasks.
Meanwhile, we are not allowed to be neglectful of our main
duty of providing technical assistance to the Operation and
Maintenance division.”
The rebuild project is well known for being extremely
time-critical, complex and complicated. It has always been
performed by external consultants in the past. []
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Beban Pokok Meningkat,
Laba Turun
PT Vale membukukan rekor produksi triwulan tertinggi
sepanjang masa, namun laba turun.
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk menggelar Rapat Umum Pemegang
Saham Tahunan (RUPST) pada Selasa, 23 April 2013, di lantai
8 Ritz-Carlton Pacific Place, Jakarta. Seluruh Dewan Komisaris
dan Dewan Direksi PT Vale hadir dalam RUPST tersebut.
Presiden Komisaris Ricardo Carvalho memimpin RUPST
didampingi Presiden Direktur & CEO Nico Kanter, Wakil
Presiden Direktur Bernardus Irmanto, COO Josimar Pires, dan
Director of Legal & Corporate Secretary Ratih Amri. Acara,
yang diikuti para pemegang saham dan tamu undangan,
dihadiri pula oleh dua mantan Presiden Direktur, Rumengan
Musu dan Tony Wenas.
Dalam RUPST disampaikan bahwa PT Vale membukukan
rekor produksi tertinggi sepanjang masa pada triwulan
keempat 2012 sebesar 21.306 metrik ton nickel matte.
”Setelah memastikan pasokan listrik memadai dengan
beroperasinya PLTA Karebbe, Perseroan memutuskan untuk
meningkatkan kapasitas nominal tanur dari 75 megawatt
menjadi 90 megawatt. Didukung kinerja operasional yang
prima, penambahan kapasitas tersebut merupakan tonggak
baru bagi PT Vale dengan mencatat rekor produksi triwulan
tertinggi,” kata Nico Kanter di hadapan para pemegang
Laba turun
Produksi meningkat, tapi tidak demikian dengan laba
perusahaan. PT Vale mencatat laba 67,5 juta dolar AS pada
2012, lebih rendah hampir 80% dibandingkan 2011 sebesar
333,8 juta dolar AS. “Beban pokok pendapatan tahun 2012
meningkat 10 persen, terutama karena kenaikan harga
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
minyak bakar bersulfur tinggi dan meningkatnya biaya bahan
pembantu terkait dengan perbaikan tanur pada semester
pertama 2012,” papar Nico Kanter. Sebanyak 74% dari laba
bersih digunakan untuk dividen, dan sekitar 10% atau
sebesar 6,7 juta dolar AS digunakan untuk cadangan umum.
Dalam RUPST dilaporkan pula nilai dividen interim yang
dibayarkan pada 27 Desember 2012, yakni sebesar 25 juta
dolar AS. Maka total pembayaran dividen kepada pemegang
saham tahun 2012 sekitar 50 juta dolar AS.
Dividen untuk pemegang saham Indonesia akan dibayarkan
dalam rupiah, setara dengan jumlah dolar AS berdasarkan
kurs tengah Bank Indonesia per 17 Mei 2013. Sedangkan
dividen bagi pemegang saham non-Indonesia dibayarkan
dalam dolar AS.
Pergantian Komisaris dan Direksi
RUPST juga menyetujui perubahan susunan Direksi dan
Komisaris PT Vale. Kevin Graham diangkat sebagai komisaris
menggantikan Conor Spollen. Pemegang saham juga
menerima pengunduran diri Michael O’Sullivan dan Fabio
Bechara sebagai direktur. Keduanya dipromosikan dan segera
menempati posisi baru dalam Grup. Dalam kesempatan itu,
RUPST menyetujui pengangkatan kembali Josimar Pires dan
pengangkatan Febriany Eddy menggantikan posisi Fabio
Bechara. []
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Cost Up, Profit Down
PT Vale posts record high quarterly production,
but profits are down.
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk held its annual shareholders’ meeting
on Tuesday, 23 April 2013, on the 8th floor of the RitzCarlton Pacific Place, Jakarta. The meeting was attended by
all members of PT Vale’s Board of Commissioners and Board
of Directors.
President Commissioner Ricardo Carvalho chaired the
meeting, accompanied by President Director and CEO Nico
Kanter, Vice President Director Bernardus Irmanto, COO
Josimar Pires, and Director of Legal & Corporate Secretary
Ratih Amri. Apart from shareholders, the meeting was also
attended by former president directors Rumengan Musu
and Tony Wenas.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
The meeting revealed that during the fourth quarter of
2012, PT Vale posted the highest quarterly production the
company has ever had, at 21,306 metric tons of nickel in
matte. “After determining there was sufficient power with
Karebbe hydroelectric power plant now in operation the
decision was made to increase the nominal capacity of the
furnace from 75 megawatts to 90 megawatts. Thanks to
excellent operational performance, the additional capacity
resulted in a milestone for PT Vale as it posted the highest
quarterly production ever recorded,” Nico Kanter told
Profits Drop
Although production was up, this was not the case with
the company’s profits. PT Vale recorded a profit of $67.5
million in 2012, almost 80% lower than the 2011 figure of
$333.8 million. “The cost of revenue in 2012 increased by
10 percent, particularly due to higher prices of high-sulfur
fuel oil and rising costs of supporting material associated
with furnace repairs conducted in the first semester of 2012,”
explained Nico Kanter. Seventy-four percent of net profit
was used as dividend and about 10 percent or $6.7 million
was used as a general reserve.
During the meeting it was reported that $25 million in
interim dividends was paid on 27 December 2012, bringing
the total dividend paid to shareholders that year to about
$50 million.
Dividends for Indonesian shareholders will be paid in the
rupiah equivalent of the US dollar based on Bank Indonesia
exchange rates at 17 May 2013. Dividends for nonIndonesian shareholders will be made in US dollar amounts.
Change of Commissioner and Directors
The annual shareholders meeting also approved some
changes to PT Vale’s board of directors and commissioners.
Kevin Graham is now a commissioner, replacing Conor
Spollen. The meeting accepted the resignation of Michael
O’Sullivan and Fabio Bechara from the board of directors;
both have been promoted to new positions in the Group.
The meeting approved the reappointment of Josimar Pires,
and the appointment of Febriany Eddy replacing Fabio
Bechara. []
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Febriany Eddy
Kevin Graham
Susunan direksi PT Vale
President Director
: Nico Kanter
Vice President Director : Bernardus Irmanto
Chief Operating Officer
: Josimar Pires
Chief Financial Officer
: Febriany Eddy
Susunan komisaris PT Vale
President Commissioner
: Ricardo Carvalho
: Kevin Graham
Vice President Commissioner : Arief T. Surowidjojo
: Mark Travers
: Jennifer Maki
Independent Commissioner : Irwandy Arif
: Harumasa Kurokawa
Independent Commissioner : Idrus Paturusi
: Mikinobu Ogata
: Peter Poppinga
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Berlisensi Nasional
Target 2013, melakukan pengujian langsung
sebanyak lima angkatan.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) PT Vale resmi berlisensi
Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi pada 21 Mei 2013 silam.
Peresmian dilakukan langsung oleh Kepala Badan Nasional
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) Adjat Daradjat. Dengan lisensi
tersebut, LSP PT Vale yang dirintis tahun 2009 memiliki
akreditasi P1 atau Pihak Pertama. Artinya, berkedudukan
langsung di bawah koordinasi BNSP. Namun yang paling
membanggakan adalah LSP PT Vale menjadi yang pertama
di industri pertambangan di Indonesia.
Acara peresmian LSP PT Vale digelar di Gedung Ontaeluwu,
Sorowako. Dihadiri Direktur Standarisasi Kompetensi
Kemenakertrans Kunjung Masehat, Kepala Dinas Naker &
Transmigrasi Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Saggaf Saleh, Wakil
Bupati Luwu Timur Thoriq Husler, Presdir & CEO PT Vale Nico
Kanter, Direktur Eksekutif LSP PT Vale Eko Nugroho, dan
Muspida Luwu Timur.
Dari 923 unit standar kompetensi kerja yang diregistrasikan
LSP PT Vale kepada Dirjen Pembinaan, Pelatihan, dan
Produktivitas Kemenakertrans, 742 unit telah disahkan.
Sedangkan 181 unit berstatus disamakan dengan Standar
Kualifikasi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI).
Saat ini LSP PT Vale telah menghasilkan 86 assesor di
berbagai lini kerja, seperti process plant, mining, MEM,
rumah sakit, dan sekuriti. Sebanyak 19 orang dinyatakan
sebagai calon assesor. LSP PT Vale juga telah memiliki 9
tempat uji kompetensi (TUK)—2 TUK dibangun akhir Mei.
Menurut Ketua BNSP Adjat Daradjat, sertifikasi kompetensi
ini memiliki nilai tambah bagi perusahaan dan karyawan.
“Ketika ada pengakuan terhadap kompetensi dan kualitas,
nilai karyawan akan terdongkrak. Begitu pula reputasi
perusahaan, di mana bisnisnya dijalankan oleh orang-orang
yang kompeten. Menurut saya, ini sebuah terobosan bagi
sebuah perusahaan tambang,” tambah Adjat.
Prioritas Karyawan Non-staf
Sejauh ini, LSP PT Vale berfokus pada peninjauan
kompetensi teknis pekerja non-staf yang berjumlah 2.055
orang. Mereka adalah para karyawan di bidang mekanik
pemeliharaan alat berat, teknisi elektrik, instrumentasi,
mekanik pemeliharaan pabrik, petugas pergudangan,
petugas pemadam kebakaran, operator alat berat, operator
pabrik peleburan, dan operator utilities. “Hal ini dilakukan
karena mereka merupakan ujung tombak perusahaan,”
ungkap Direktur Eksekutif LSP PT Vale Eko Nugroho.
Presdir & CEO PT Vale Nico Kanter mengatakan,
pembentukan LSP merupakan amanat regulasi pemerintah,
sekaligus implementasi komitmen manajemen dalam
meningkatkan kompetensi sumber daya pekerjanya. “Usaha
ini merupakan wujud manajemen atas dedikasi dan kualitas
karyawannya,” ungkap Nico Kanter. Pembentukan LSP
diatur dalam PP No. 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Badan Nasional
Sertifikasi Profesi.
Rencananya, tahun 2013 ini LSP PT Vale akan melakukan
pengujian langsung sebanyak lima angkatan. “Harapan
saya, LSP PT Vale dapat menjaga standar, proses yang lebih
teliti dan akurat, sekaligus menghasilkan assesor yang
berkualitas,” tambah Adjat. []
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
PT Vale’s Professional
Certification Agency
Nationally Licensed
The target for 2013 is to conduct five lots of direct testing.
The Professional Certification Agency (LSP) of PT Vale
was officially licensed on 21 May 2013 by the head of the
National Professional Certification Authority (BNSP), Adjat
Daradjat. The license gives LSP, which was initiated in 2009,
a P1 (First Party) accreditation. This means the agency is
under the direct coordination of BNSP. Most impressive,
however, is that PT Vale’s LSP is the first of its kind in the
Indonesian mining industry.
The ceremony for LSP’s inauguration was held at the
Ontaeluwu Building, Sorowako, and attended by the
Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration’s Director
for Competency Standards, Kunjung Masehat; Head of
the South Sulawesi Provincial Office of Manpower and
Transmigration, Saggaf Saleh; Luwu Timur Deputy Regent,
Thoriq Husler; PT Vale President Director and CEO, Nico
Kanter; PT Vale LSP Executive Director Eko Nugroho; and
members of Luwu Timur’s Regional Consultative Leadership.
From 923 competency standards registered by PT Vale
LSP at the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration’s
Directorate General of Training and Productivity
Development, 742 have been passed; 181 units have the
status of being equivalent to the Indonesian National Job
Qualification Standards (SKKNI).
PT Vale LSP has produced 86 assessors working in the
process plant, mining, MEM, hospital and security sections,
among others. There are 19 candidate assessors. PT Vale LSP
also has 9 competency test venues, 2 of which will be built
in May.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
According to BNSP Head Adjat Daradjat, the competence
certificate adds value to the company and its employees.
“When there is acknowledgement of competence and
quality, employees will have added value. The same goes for
the reputation of the company, which is run by competent
people. I think this is a breakthrough for a mining company,”
Adjat added.
Non-staff Employees Prioritized
So far PT Vale LSP has focused on reviewing the technical
competence of 2,055 non-staff employees. These are
mechanics working in heavy equipment maintenance,
electrical and instrument technicians, factory maintenance
mechanics, storage workers, firefighters, heavy equipment
and smelter operators and workers in the utilities division.
“We do this because they are at the forefront of the
company,” said PT Vale LSP Executive Director, Eko Nugroho.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
President Director & CEO Nico Kanter said LSP was
established in response to government regulations, as
well as an implementation of management’s commitment
to improving the competence of human resources.
“This demonstrates the management’s dedication to
improving the quality of employees,” Nico Kanter said.
The establishment of LSP is regulated by Government
Regulation No. 23 of 2004 on the National Professional
Certification Authority.
This year, PT Vale LSP plans to conduct five lots of direct
testing. “I hope PT Vale LSP can maintain the standards
and meticulous and accurate processes required, as well as
produce high-quality processors,” Adjat added. []
Satu Dekade Luwu Timur
Karnaval budaya, pesta rakyat, hingga jalan santai.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Meski masih belia, Kabupaten Luwu Timur yang dimekarkan
tahun 2003 dari Luwu Utara telah menjadi penyangga dan
penopang utama ekonomi Sulawesi Selatan. Hal tersebut
diungkapkan Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan Syahrul Yasin
Limpo pada upacara peringatan satu dasawarsa Luwu Timur
di lapangan Andi Nyiwi, Malili, 4 Mei 2013.
Faktor penting berkembangnya Luwu Timur, kata Syahrul,
adalah penyelenggaraan pemerintah yang baik. Juga
terciptanya kedamaian, keamanan, dan ketertiban dalam
kehidupan masyarakat. “Inilah yang menjadi spirit utama
masyarakat Luwu Timur,” katanya.
Menurut Syahrul, Luwu Timur memiliki sumber daya
manusia yang beragam, kebudayaan yang majemuk, serta
lingkungan yang baik seperti hutan, danau, hingga laut.
Kekayaan alam Nikel yang saat ini sedang diolah PT Vale
membuktikan berjalannya roda pemerintah dan baiknya
hubungan investor dengan masyarakat.
Menurut Syahrul, pendapatan per kapita Luwu Timur
mencapai Rp30 juta. “Ini karena SDM kita semakin baik, dan
kita menciptakan lapangan kerja sendiri. Pengangguran tiap
tahun juga turun,” katanya.
Di kesempatan itu, Syahrul mencanangkan dimulainya
pembangunan enam proyek irigasi, tambak, dan
pengendalian banjir di Luwu Timur. Termasuk di dalamnya
normalisasi Sungai Pongkeru, bangunan free intake di Wotu,
serta rehabilitasi jaringan irigasi Kalaena.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Pemerintah juga menyerahkan 38 unit kendaraan roda dua
untuk kepada kepala desa dan penyuluh desa, mengadakan
proyek bedah rumah sebanyak 900 unit rumah, bantuan
Getarbangdes (Gerakan Terpadu Pembangunan Pedesaan),
dan pemberian dana hibah bagi pembangunan infrastruktur
124 desa dengan nilai Rp100 juta per desa.
Bupati Luwu Timur Andi Hatta Marakarma mengatakan,
pencapaian dalam kurun satu dasawarsa tersebut hanyalah
titik awal untuk menentukan rencana pembangunan
selanjutnya. “Spirit-nya, semua elemen harus saling
mendukung. Masyarakat dan pemerintah haruslah berdiri
layaknya keluarga. Tak boleh ada sekat antara bawahan dan
pimpinan,” katanya.
Rangkaian perayaan, yang mengambil tema “Satu
Dasawarsa, Satu Tekad, Satu Tujuan Menuju Kesejahteraan
Bersama Masyarakat Bumi Batara Guru”, menghadirkan
parade perkemahan seni, parade lampion, karnaval budaya,
jalan santai, pesta rakyat, dan tabligh akbar oleh KH Fikri
Haikal, putra almarhum Da’i Sejuta Umat KH Zainuddin MZ.
Puncak perayaan dihadiri perwakilan kepala daerah seTanah Luwu, anggota DPRD Sulsel, perangkat daerah,
manajemen PT Vale, dan dipadati ribuan warga dari 11
kecamatan di Luwu Timur. Hadirin antusias menyaksikan
berbagai pertunjukan, mulai dari tari kolosal oleh pelajar
SMP hingga pertunjukan tari tradisional. []
A Decade of Luwu Timur
Curtural carnival, folk festivities, to leisure walks.
Despite its youth, Luwu Timur Regency resulting from the
expansion of Luwu Utara in 2003 has become the economic
backbone of South Sulawesi. This was articulated by
South Sulawesi Governor Syahrul Yasin Limpo during the
ceremony commemorating Luwu Timur’s 10th anniversary
at the Andi Nyiwi field in Malili on 4 May 2013.
Syahrul said good governance has been an important factor
contributing to Luwu Timur’s development; it has also
brought peace, security and orderliness. “This is the main
spirit of Luwu Timur’s community,” he said.
Syahrul said Luwu Timur is home to diverse human
resources, cultures, and environments, with its richness
of forests, lakes and seas. The processing of nickel one of
the region’s natural resources by PT Vale is proof of this
good governance and of the positive relationship between
investors and the community.
He said that Luwu Timur’s income per capita currently
stands at IDR30 million. “This is a result of better human
resources and of creating our own employment.
Unemployment has also been dropping every year,” he said.
During the ceremony, Syahrul announced the start of six
irrigation, fish farming and flood-control developments in
Luwu Timur. These include the dredging of Pongkeru River,
the construction of a free intake building in Wotu, and the
rehabilitation of the Kalaena irrigation network.
The government has handed over 38 motorcycles to village
leaders and counselors, conducted structural renovations
to 900 houses, provided assistance for “Getarbangdes”
program (Gerakan Terpadu Pembangunan Pedesaan,
Integrated Movement for Village Development) and
supplied infrastructure development grants for 124 villages
at IDR100 million per village.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Luwu Timur Regent Andi Hatta Marakarma said the
achievements of the decade were only the starting point for
further development plans. “The spirit is that all elements
must be supportive of each other. The community and the
government must engage with each other like family; there
should not be barriers between superiors and staff,” he said.
The ceremony, which went by the theme “One Decade,
One Resolve, One Goal for the Prosperity for All in Batara
Guru Country”, consisted of an art camp parade, lantern
parades, cultural carnival, leisure walks, folk festivities and
a mass religious sermon by KH Fikri Haikal, son of the late
KH Zainuddin MZ, who was known as “Da’i (Preacher) of a
Million People”.
The peak of the celebration was attended by representatives
of regional heads from across Tanah Luwu, members of the
South Sulawesi Regional People’s Representative Council,
regional officials, PT Vale management and thousands of
community members from Luwu Timur’s 11 subdistricts. The
audience enthusiastically followed the various shows and
performances from colossal dances by junior high school
students to traditional dances. []
Lantern parade and leisure walks (right),
activities in Luwu Timur’s one decade anniversary.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Dari Pameran Properti
hingga Aksi Bersih-bersih
Karyawan PT Vale mengadakan aksi sosial.
Federasi Serikat Pekerja Kimia, Energi, dan Pertambangan, Minyak
Gas Bumi dan Umum (FSP-KEP) PT Vale berdiri tahun 1980. Dalam
perjalannya, mereka bukan hanya mengurus kesejahteraan
karyawan, tapi juga menggalang berbagai aksi sosial.
Pada April 2013, FSP-KEP PT Vale menggelar pameran perumahan
selama satu minggu di lapangan Camp Site, Sorowako, bekerja
sama dengan bank swasta. “Kami ingin masyarakat benar-benar
mamahami dan mengerti sebelum memutuskan berinteraksi
dengan bank dan membeli rumah,” kata Andi Karman, Ketua FSPKEP.
FSP-KEP juga melakukan kegiatan menanam pohon untuk
mendukung Hari Bumi dan mengadakan sunatan massal di
Sorowako dan Wasuponda. Kegiatan dilakukan bekerja sama
dengan pemerintah setempat dan perusahaan. “Kami adalah
karyawan. Tapi di luar itu kami adalah masyarakat yang memiliki
hubungan sosial,” ujar Andi Karman.
Menurut Andi Karman, kegiatan sosial memberi pemahaman
kepada masyarakat bahwa serikat pekerja bukan hanya
memperjuangkan nasib karyawan, tapi juga ikut memikirkan
masyarakat. “Saya kira kegiatan sosial akan menanamkan rasa
memiliki antara karyawan, masyarakat, dan perusahaan,” katanya.
Hal sama dilakukan oleh Serikat Pekerja Buruh Indonesia (SPBI).
Mereka menggalakkan aksi bersih-bersih di sekitar lingkungan
kerja dan masyarakat. ”Tahun ini kami berencana untuk melakukan
bersih-bersih danau,” kata Lukman Hakim, Ketua SPBI. SPBI
terbentuk pada Februari 2011.
Dua bulan sebelumnya, Februari 2013, Department Security
and Services (DSS) PT Vale melakukan pengecatan kantor Desa
Pongkeru, Posyandu, dan Puskesmas pembantu di Kecamatan
Malili. Bekerja sama dengan pemerintah dan tokoh masyarakat
setempat, kegiatan melibatkan sekitar 50 personel DSS.
Bulan Mei, DSS kembali melakukan pengecatan sebuah sekolah
dasar di Desa Karebbe, Kecamatan Malili. ”Kami melakukan ini
untuk membuktikan bahwa selain tugas utama DSS menjaga aset
perusahaan, bagi masyarakat kami adalah mitra yang baik,” kata
Syairuddin, Manager Security System and Services DSS.
Kegiatan sosial DSS tak pernah tercatat. Menurut mereka, kegiatan
DSS bukan untuk pamer atau gagah-gagahan, melainkan bukti
pengabdian. ”Kami membersihkan, melakukan aksi donor darah,
memperbaiki jalan, dan lain-lain. Kami melakukannya dengan
senang dan gembira,” ujar Syairuddin.
DSS selalu menjadi mitra kepolisian bila diperlukan. Misalnya,
melakukan patroli di perumahan warga, membantu menyelesaikan
kasus pencurian atau peristiwa kriminal lainnya. “Kami punya tim
K9 untuk anjing terlatih. Jadi untuk mengendus dan mencari pelaku
kriminal, kami biasa membantu kepolisian,” ujar Syairuddin.
Selama ini DSS dipandang sebelah mata oleh sebagian masyarakat,
karena dianggap mementingkan perusahaan. Pandangan tersebut,
kata Syairuddin, tidak sepenuhnya salah. ”Kami memahami itu,
tapi di lain sisi kami adalah anggota masyarakat seperti warga lain
ketika jam kerja usai,” katanya.
Karena itu, pada 2013 DSS memberikan sosialisasi berkendara
yang benar, termasuk penggunaan helm. Sosialisasi bekerja
sama dengan kepolisian setempat. DSS memilih sosialisasi di
sekolah-sekolah karena sebagian besar pengendara adalah remaja
yang suka berkendara secara ugal-ugalan. ”Kami ingin memberi
pengertian, kalau mereka kecelakaan ada serangkaian efek yang
timbul. Dari keluarga hingga sahabat,” kata Syairuddin. []
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
From Property Exhibitions
to Clean-up Action
PT Vale employees conduct social activities.
PT Vale’s Federation of Chemical, Energy, Oil and General Mining
Workers’ Union (FSP-KEP) was established in 1980. Over the years,
the Union has not only looked after the welfare of employees but
conducted social activities as well.
In April 2013, PT Vale’s FSP-KEP conducted a week-long property
exhibition at Camp Site field in Sorowako in collaboration with
private banks. “We would like the community to be fully aware and
really understand what a situation entails before they decide to
interact with banks and buy a house,” said FSP-KEP Chairman Andi
FSP-KEP also conducted a tree-planting activity to commemorate
Earth Day and hosted mass circumcision events in Sorowako and
Wasuponda. In conducting the activities the Union collaborated
with local authorities and the company. “We are workers, but
outside of that, we are all members of the community with social
relationships,” said Andi Karman.
Andi Karman said social activities allowed the community to see
that the union did not only fight for workers’ rights but cared about
the community as well. “I think social activities will instill a sense of
belonging among workers, community members and the company,”
he said.
Similar activities were conducted by the Indonesian Trade Union
(SPBI), which conducted clean-up activities around the work area
and in the community. “This year we plan to clean up the lake,” said
SPBI Chairman Lukman Hakim. SPBI was formed in February 2011.
Last February, PT Vale’s Security and Services Department (DSS)
helped to paint offices at Pongkeru Village, the local posyandu
(integrated services post) and secondary puskesmas (community
health center) in Malili Subdistrict. The activity involved about 50
DSS personnel as well as local authorities and community figures.
In May, DSS painted a primary school in Karebbe Village, Malili
Subdistrict. “This demonstrates that aside from conducting our
main duty at DSS, which is to secure company assets, we can also
be a good partner to the community,” said Security System and
Services Manager Syairuddin.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
DSS’ social activities have not been recorded, as the department
considers the activities were not something about which to boast;
instead, they were proof of dedication. “We cleaned, donated blood
and fixed roads, among other things. We did all of this very happily,”
Syairuddin said.
DSS can always be a partner of the police when needed.
For instance, it patrols residential areas and assists with the
investigation of theft and other crimes. “We have a K-9 team with
well-trained dogs; they help us track down criminals and this can
help the police,” Syairuddin said.
There are parts of the community that have little regard for DSS
because the department is considered to work solely in the
company’s interest. This view is not entirely wrong, Syairuddin said.
“This is understandable; but once working hours are over, we are
community members like anyone else,” he said.
For this reason, DSS’ focus in 2013 is to promote good motorcycle
riding skills, including the use of helmets. The activities are
conducted in cooperation with local police. DSS has chosen to
conduct promotional sessions in schools because the majority of
riders are teenagers who are reckless in their driving. “We want to
make them aware that if an accident occurs, there will be a series of
side effects, involving family and friends,” Syairuddin said. []
Memilah Sampah,
Menjaga Lingkungan
Pemilahan sampah sebaiknya dimulai dari rumah tangga.
Siang itu, di kawasan Pontada perumahan karyawan PT
Vale, tampak tiga orang petugas kebersihan terlihat sibuk
memisahkan sampah. Mereka memilah sampah sesuai
jenisnya. Ada plastik, sisa makanan, hingga potongan kayu.
“Ini adalah proses pemilahan. Jadi sebelum truk
mengangkutnya, sampah-sampah yang masih bernilai
ekonomis bisa digunakan kembali,” kata Kelik Kurniawan
Ground Work Services, Generel Fasilities and Services (GFS)
Department PT Vale.
Metode pemisahan itu merupakan salah satu cara
meminimalisir sampah yang tak berguna. Selama ini, kata
Kelik, sampah selalu diperlakukan sebagai hal yang tak
bermanfaat sama sekali. Padahal, sampah bisa bernilai
ekonomis jika diolah dengan baik.
Hal penting lainnya, sampah yang diolah dengan baik akan
menciptakan lingkungan terawat. Udara dan air tanah tak
akan tercemar. “Ada beragam masalah yang bisa timbul
akibat sampah. Salah satunya adalah penyakit,” kata Agus
Nunar Hikmawan, Manager Maintenance Planning GFS.
Sampah yang berserakan membuat pandangan kurang
sedap. Sebagai contoh, di jalan poros antara Wasuponda
dan Sorowako, sampah dibiarkan mengonggok di pinggir
jalan. “Walapun sudah ada papan larangan membuang
sampah, sampah masih ada. Itu, kan, kurang baik,” ujar Kelik.
Atas dasar itulah, PT Vale membangun gudang segregasi
di area GFS. Gudang tersebut, yang ditargetkan selesai
2014, akan memilah sampah non-organik dan organik. Dari
proses pemilahan tersebut, sampah yang masih punya nilai
ekonomis kembali didaur ulang. “Jadi sampah yang benarbenar terbuang atau terbawa ke tempat pembuangan akhir
adalah yang benar-benar tak dapat didaur. Artinya volume
sampah semakin kecil,” kata Agus Nunar.
Di Sorowako, setiap hari volume sampah dari warga
mencapai 2.900 meter kubik. Sekitar 70% adalah sampah
organik, seperti sisa makanan, ikan busuk, dan sayuran.
Sementara 30% sampah non-organik, seperti plastik dan
minuman kaleng.
Melihat jenis sampah tersebut, PT Vale melakukan
sosialisasi pemilahan sampah sejak dari rumah tangga. Pada
September 2012, dilaksanakan pembangunan bak sampah
dengan warna biru untuk non-organik dan hijau untuk
organik. “Tahap awal ini, kami melakukannya di perumahan
karyawan, Salonsa, Pontada, dan Old Camp. Sudah mulai
berjalan, walaupun belum bagus benar,” ujar Agus Nunar.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Kata Agus Nunar, memilah sampah bukan tidak mungkin
akan menjadi kebiasaan. Maka, 10 tahun ke depan
Sorowako akan bebas dari sampah. “Jadi tak ada lagi
teman-teman yang melakukan aksi bersih-bersih di
danau dan tempat umum lainnya,” katanya.
Saat ini, perusahaan juga telah membangun landfill
atau pembuangan akhir sampah di Inalahi. Lahan
pembuangan akhir ini didesain sesuai standar baku mutu.
Permukaan tanahnya dilapisi serat bahan tahan air agar
rembesan sisa sampah tak mengalir ke tanah.
Perlu Inisiatif
Mengelola sampah tidak hanya mengandalkan
perusahaan dan pemerintah. Warga juga perlu aktif. Satu
contoh yang baik diberlakukan di perumahan Sumasang.
Warga di perumahan ini mempekerjakan beberapa orang
untuk memilah sampah sebelum dimasukkan di bak
truk sampah. “Saya kira ini adalah kebiasaan yang perlu
dicontoh oleh masyarakat lain,” kata Agus Nunar.
Bangunan segregasi sampah yang
berada di area GFS.
Contoh lain, di Kecamatan Malili, pemerintah daerah
melalui Bappedalda (Badan Pengendalian Dampak
Lingkungan Daerah) membentuk bank sampah. Bank
ini menjadi tempat masyarakat membawa sampah yang
bisa didaur ulang. Sampah-sampah itu akan ditimbang
dan diberi harga sesuai jenis sampahnya. “Jadi seperti
kertas, masyarakat tidak akan membuang sembarangan,
melainkan seperti menyumbang dan didaur ulang lagi.
Jadi masyarakat dapat nilai ekonominya,” kata Lili Nuria
Lubis, Enviromental Officer EHS Department.
Di PT Vale, proses pemilihan sampah sudah dilakukan
sejak 2006. Bak-bak sampah ditempatkan di beberapa
tempat yang mudah dijangkau. Bak warna untuk kuning
untuk sampah medis, warna merah logam, hijau untuk
sampah umum, warna biru untuk sampah daur ulang,
dan bak hitam untuk limbah B3.
Pemisahan-pemisahan ini, lanjut Lili, mempermudah
proses pemanfaatan. Dia mencontohkan, saat ini sisa
makanan dari catering atau kantin tidak terbuang,
melainkan untuk pakan ternak babi. []
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Sorting Rubbish, Protecting
the Environment
Sorting rubbish should start from home.
That afternoon, in the Pontada housing complex where
PT Vale’s employees live, three waste collectors were busy
sorting rubbish and putting them into groups: plastic, food
waste, wood cuttings, and others.
“This is a sorting process. Before the truck comes to pick
up the rubbish, items considered to still have economic
value can be reused,” said Kelik Kurniawan of Ground
Work Supervisor, General Facilities and Services (GFS)
Sorting is one way to minimize the amount of useless
rubbish. Kelik said that rubbish is currently treated as
something that has no use whatsoever. In fact, rubbish can
have economic value if it is processed properly.
Another important point is that well-processed rubbish can
help create a tidy environment, where air and groundwater
is unpolluted. “There are many problems that can result
from rubbish, including disease,” said Maintenance Planning
GFS Manager, Agus Nunar Hikmawan.
Litter left lying on the ground creates an unpleasant view.
An example of this is the rubbish strewn on the side of
the Wasuponda to Sorowako road. “There are signboards
warning people not to litter, but it still happens. That is
really not good,” said Kelik.
The situation inspired PT Vale to build a segregation
warehouse in the GFS area. Targeted for completion in 2014,
the warehouse will sort rubbish into organic and nonorganic waste. Rubbish that still has economic value will be
recycled. “This way, the rubbish that is thrown out, or taken
to the tip, is waste that really cannot be reused. This means
lower rubbish volumes,” Agus Nunar said.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
The volume of rubbish from Sorowako residents each day
reaches 2,900 metre cubic, of which about 70% is organic,
such as food waste and rotten fish and vegetables. The
remaining 30% is non-organic, such as plastic and canned
Based on these types of rubbish, PT Vale has introduced
rubbish-sorting to households. In September 2012, blue
rubbish bins for non-organic items and green bins for
organic waste were installed. “At this early stage, we are
conducting the program in employees’ housing complexes
in Salonsa, Pontada and Old Camp. The program is currently
in progress, but it’s not yet perfect,” Agus Nunar said.
Agus Nunar said it was not impossible that rubbish-sorting
would one day become a habit. This could mean that in
10 years’ time, Sorowako would be rubbish-free. “Then we
won’t have the need to conduct clean-up days around the
lake and other public spaces,” he said.
The company has so far built a landfill, or rubbish tip, in
Inalahi. The tip was designed according to specific quality
standards. Its ground surface is covered by a water resistant
material that prevents rubbish from seeping into the soil.
Initiative Needed
The managing of waste should not be dependent on the
company and the government. Residents should also
be active. A good example can be seen in the Sumasang
housing complex, where residents employ several people
to sort their rubbish before it is loaded onto garbage trucks.
“I think this is a habit that needs to be followed by other
communities,” said Agus Nunar.
Another example can be found in Malili Subdistrict, where
the local authorities through the District Environmental
Impact Management Agency (Bappedalda) have created a
Rubbish Bank. Residents can bring their recyclable rubbish
to this bank; the rubbish is weighed and priced according
to category. “This way people will no longer throw out
items like paper; instead, they can donate and recycle it. The
community will gain economic value,” said Environmental
Officer of EHS Department, Lili Nuria Lubis.
PT Vale has been sorting its rubbish since 2006. Rubbish
bins are placed in strategic locations that are easy to access.
Yellow bins are for medical waste, red bins for metal waste,
green bins for general rubbish, blue bins for recyclable
waste and black bins for hazardous and toxic waste.
Separating the rubbish, Lili said, simplifies the process
of utilization. For example, leftover food from caterers or
canteens is not thrown out but used as feed for farmed
pigs. []
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
PT Vale’s segregation warehouse behind GFS area.
Made Nuryadi
Belajar Matematika
dengan Riang
Belajar matematika bukan soal angka yang rumit,
melainkan logika.
Made Nuryadi bicara tentang matematika seperti seorang
pendongeng. Dia fasih sekali. “Matematika adalah ilmu yang
menyenangkan. Saya memililih matematika karena tidak ribet,”
Jawaban sederhana itu diungkapkan Made di sebuah ruang kerja
di gedung baru kompleks Yayasan Pendidikan Sorowako (YPS).
Made lahir di sebuah desa kecil, Sidomakmur, Kecamatan Bonebone, Kabupaten Luwu Utara, tahun 1982. Orangtuanya adalah
transmigran asal Bali. Desa itu, menurut Made, cukup nyaman.
Orang-orang hidup berdampingan dan saling menghargai, ada
Jawa, Bali, dan Bugis.
Made menempuh pendidikan SD di kampungnya, dan melanjutkan
SMU di Kota Palopo. Sekolah adalah aktivitas yang sangat
digandrunginya, dan dia selalu juara kelas. Ketika Made berniat
melanjutkan sekolah ke Palopo, orangtuanya membujuk agar dia
bekerja di ladang saja. “Ndak usah sekolah, nanti Bapak belikan
motor,” kata ayahnya. Made memahami sikap ayahnya, sebab biaya
sekolah memang mahal. Belum lagi tambahan uang makan dan
Setamat SMU, Made meneruskan pendidikan di Jurusan Pendidikan
Matematika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Makassar. Dia lulus
dengan IPK 3,76 dengan masa kuliah hanya 3,5 tahun. Tahun 2010
dia melanjutkan S2 pada jurusan yang sama. Lagi-lagi, dia menjadi
lulusan terbaik dengan predikat cum laude. IPK-nya 3,82 dengan
masa kuliah 1 tahun 8 bulan.
Bagaimana Made “menaklukkan” ilmu yang dianggap hantu bagi
kebanyakan orang itu? “Membuat kepala tetap berpikir logis.
Jangan stres melihat angka,” katanya. Jadi matematika bukanlah
persoalan rumus, melainkan pemecahan masalah.
Menantang Streotip
Tahun 2006, setelah melewati masa sulit menyesuaikan diri
sebagai guru SD, Made membuat terobosan baru untuk anak
didiknya. Dia menggunakan permainan atau game dalam metode
pembelajarannya. “Saya ingin merangsang anak-anak untuk
mendapatkan motivasi dan menyenangi matematika,” katanya.
Menurut Made, untuk menumbuhkan kecintaan anak pada
matematika mesti dimulai dari sekolah dasar. Bila siswa sekolah
dasar sudah tak memiliki motivasi belajar matematika, ke jenjang
pendidikan berikutnya akan semakin susah.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Made membuat game sederhana di perangkat komputer dengan
memanfaatkan program MS Words, Excel, Power Point, dan
Macromedia Flash. Targetnya, siswa mengenal matematika secara
fun dan melek teknologi komputer.
Dengan semangat besar semacam itu, tahun 2006 seorang
siswanya meraih juara I Olimpiade Matematika Tingkat Kabupaten
Luwu Timur. Ketika sang siswa menjadi wakil kabupaten untuk
tingkat Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, dia menyabet juara IV.
Tahun 2007, pada Olimpiade Sains Nasional di Surabaya, siswa YPS
merebut medali perunggu. Tahun 2008, seorang siswa mewakili
Sulsel pada Olimpiade Sains Nasional. Tahun 2010, siswanya meraih
peringkat ke-15 dan 17 pada International Mathematics and Science
Olimpiade di Jakarta.
Made terus mengembangkan metode pengajarannnya. Dia
berharap suatu ketika belajar matematika tidak hanya melalui
interaksi guru dan murid, melainkan melalui internet. Salah
satunya melalui jejaring sosial dengan membuat pertanyaan dan
jawabannya. “Itu bisa saja. Anak didik juga tidak akan merasa
tertekan karena menikmatinya,” katanya.
Tantangan Baru
Pada Oktober 2012, YPS membentuk Tim Total Quality Improvement
(TQI). Tim ini beranggotan lima orang. Tugasnya berat, sebab
mereka mesti menyusun strategi pengembangan mutu sekolah,
pengembangan sumber daya manusia, hingga pembentukan
karakter dan budaya sekolah.
Menurut Made, bergabung dalam Tim TQI adalah suatu
kehormatan. Dia membuat serangkaian gagasan untuk diterapkan
di sekolah, mulai dari TK, SD, SMP, hingga SMU. “Tugasnya berat,
tapi saya sangat menikmatinya,” katanya.
Dengan tambahan pekerjaan tersebut, waktu mengajar Made
berkurang. Saat ini dia hanya mengajar pada Senin dan Jumat.
Selebihnya bekerja untuk Tim TQI.
Made juga pernah menjadi wakil kepala sekolah bidang kurikulum,
wakil manajemen representatif untuk Sistem Manajemen Mutu
(SMM) ISO 9001:2008 + IWA 2. “Setiap peluang dan kepercayaan
sekolah pada saya akan saya jalani dengan tekun dan sepenuh hati,”
ujarnya. []
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Nama : Made Nuryadi
Lahir : Desa Sidomakmur, Kec. Bone-bone,
5 Agustus 1982
: Anastasia Telda
Anak : Chasia Fidela Christi (4,5), Ivano
Venansius Christian (3)
: Jl. Cempaka Blok H1/14 Sumasang,
Pendidikan : SMU Negeri I Palopo; S1 Jurusan
Matematika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas
Negeri Makassar; S2 pada fakultas dan
universitas yang sama.
: Guru Matematika Yayasan Pendidikan
Sorowako (YPS) sejak 2004.
1. 2006 : Juara I Olimpiade Matematika tingkat
kabupaten dan juara IV tingkat Provinsi Sulsel.
2. 2007 : Medali Perunggu Olimpiade Sains Nasional di
3. 2008 : Juara II tingkat Provinsi Sulsel dan menjadi
wakil Sulsel pada Olimpiade Sains Nasional
4. 2009 : Juara I, II, dan III Lomba Matematika Jalur OSN
tingkat kabupaten dan memakili Luwu Timur
di tingkat Provinsi.
5. 2010 : Peringkat ke-15 dan 17 pada Internasional
Matemathic and Science Olimpiade di Jakarta.
1. 2008 : Peringkat V Lomba Guru Inovatif tingkat
2. 2009 : Duta Regional Guru Inovatif se-Asia di Malaysia
3. 2011 : Juara I tingkat Sekolah Dasar pada National
Competition of Technologi Integration “Fun
and Creative with Computer in Your Classroom”.
Made Nuryadi
Happily Studying
Studying mathematics is not about complicated
numbers; it is about logic.
Made Nuryadi talks about mathematics like a storyteller. He is very
fluent. “Mathematics is a fun subject. I chose mathematics because
it is not complicated l,” he said.
He gave this simple answer in the office of a new building located
in the Sorowako Educational Foundation (YPS) complex. Made was
born in 1982 in a small village called Sidomakmur in Bone-bone
Subdistrict, Luwu Utara Regency. His parents were transmigrants
from Bali. Made said his village was quite pleasant; people respect
each other and live together in harmony despite having originated
from Java, Bali and Bugis.
Made completed his elementary studies in his village and studied
in a high school (SMU) in Palopo Township. Going to school was
something he enjoyed and he was often class champion. When
Made wanted to continue his studies in Palopo, his parents
encouraged him to work in the fields instead. “You don’t have to
go to school, I’ll buy you a motorcycle,” his father had said to him.
Made could understand his father’s attitude because school was
very expensive and it cost even more if they had to pay for his
accommodation and food.
After graduating from high school, Made continued studies at
the Mathematics Education Department of Universitas Negeri
Makassar’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science. He
graduated with a grade point average of 3.74, finishing his studies
in just 3.5 years. In 2010 he pursued a master’s degree in the same
department and graduated again as the most accomplished
graduate, achieving cum laude with his 3.82 GPA and completing
his studies in just 1 year and 8 months.
How does Made “overcome” the subject that is frightening to most
people? “By making the brain think logically. Don’t get stressed
when you see numbers,” he said. So mathematics is not about
formulas, but about solving problems.
Challenging Stereotypes
In 2006, after having a hard time adjusting to life as a primary
school teacher, Made made a breakthrough. He used games to
teach his students. “I wanted to stimulate them and get them
motivated about enjoying maths,” he said.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Made said that a love for maths must be instilled in children while
they are still in primary school. If primary school children are
unmotivated to learn mathematics, they will only find it harder as
they continue to the next level of schooling.
Made made a simple computer game using Word, Excel, Power
Point and Macromedia Flash software. His goal was to have
his students become acquainted with maths in a fun and
technologically relevant way.
Thanks to his enthusiasm, one of his students won the 2006 Luwu
Timur Regency Mathematics Olympiad. The student represented
the regency at the South Sulawesi Provincial level, and came fourth.
In 2007, at the National Science Olympiad in Surabaya, YPS won
the bronze medal. In 2008, a student represented South Sulawesi
in the National Science Olympiad. In 2010, his students came 15th
and 17th in the International Mathematics and Science Olympiad in
Made continues to improve his teaching methods. He hopes that
one day mathematics will be learnt not only through teacherstudent interactions, but via use of the Internet as well. One way is
by using social networks to ask questions and find answers. “That
is possible. Students will also feel less pressure because they will
enjoy it,” he said.
New Challenges
In October 2012, YPS formed a Total Quality Improvement (TQI)
Team. With five members, this team has the tough job of designing
a strategy for developing school quality and human resources as
well as school character and culture building.
Made said it was an honor to be part of the TQI Team. He initiated
several ideas to be implemented in schools, from pre-school,
primary, junior high school to senior high school. “It’s a hard job, but
I really enjoy it,” he said.
The additional duties mean he teaches less. He only teaches on
Mondays and Fridays now; the rest of the week is for the TQI Team.
Made has also been a deputy principal for curricular affairs and a
management representative for the ISO 9001:2008 + IWA 2 Quality
Management System. “I will take every opportunity and fully
dedicate myself to every task entrusted to me by the school, and do
this with all my heart,” he said. []
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Name : Made Nuryadi
Born : Sidomakmur Village, Bone-bone
Subdistrict, 5 August 1982
: Anastasia Telda
: Chasia Fidela Christi (4,5), Ivano
Venansius Christian (3)
: Jl. Cempaka Blok H1/14 Sumasang,
Education : SMU Negeri I Palopo (senior high
school); S1 (Bachelor’s Degree) from
the Mathematics Department, Faculty
of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Negeri Makassar; S2
(Master’s Degree) from the same
faculty and university.
: Mathematics teacher at Sorowako
Educational Foundation (YPS) since
1. 2006 : Mathematics Olympiad first prize at regency
level, and fourth prize at South Sulawesi
provincial level.
2. 2007 : National Science Olympiad (Surabaya) bronze
3. 2008 : National Science Olympiad (OSN) second
prize at South Sulawesi provincial level;
represented South Sulawesi at the national
4. 2009 : OSN Stream Mathematics Competition first,
second and third prizes at regency level;
represented Luwu Timur at provincial level.
5. 2010 : International Mathematics and Science
Olympiad (Jakarta) ranked 15th and 17th.
1. 2008 : Innovative Teachers Competition fourth prize
at national level.
2. 2009 : Regional Ambassador for Innovative Teachers
at Asia-level in Malaysia.
3. 2011 : National Technology Integration “Fun and
Creative with Computer in Your Classroom”
Competition first prize for primary school level.
Veritas Voice Community
Suara Merdu dari Sorowako
Paduan suara sebagai hiburan yang menyenangkan.
Bukan cuma tampil ketika 17-an.
“Sshhh...shhhh.....shhhh”. Suara berdesis terdengar dari ruang
A1 HROD PT Vale pada suatu malam, pertengahan Mei lalu.
Ini bukan suara ular yang sedang marah. Inilah cara Veritas
Voice Community (VVC), paduan suara asal Sorowako,
memulai sesi latihan. Mereka membuka saluran pernapasan
dan meregangkan otot.
Leo Agung Arie Purnomo, anggota VVC yang dipercaya
menjadi pelatih, memandu anggota lainnya. Lima menit
kemudian, pria yang bekerja di bagian Central Engineering
PT Vale ini membagikan kertas berisi notasi dan lirik lagu
berjudul “For the Beauty of the Earth”.
“Untuk latihan kali ini kami mencoba lagu baru untuk
menambah koleksi. Karya John Ritter ini yang kami pilih,”
ungkap Erwin Tandiayu, Choir Manajer VVC. Seluruh
anggota VVC kemudian hanyut dalam sesi latihan.
Usia VVC masih muda. Belum genap setengah tahun.
Namun penampilan perdana mereka ketika membawakan
lagu “Laskar Pelangi” di ajang Makassar Choir Festival
tingkat Sulsel dan Sulbar, 23 Maret lalu, mempesona dewan
juri. Mereka berhasil menyabet Grand Champion Runner Up
menyisihkan 11 peserta lainnya.
”Kemenangan itu cukup mengejutkan, karena kami
berangkat nothing to lose saja. Soalnya lomba itu diikuti
kelompok-kelompok paduan suara yang sudah lama berdiri
dan punya portofolio bagus. Ternyata kami kebagian juara,”
ujar Erwin, yang juga karyawan MSE PT Vale ini dengan nada
masih tak percaya.
Meski debut mereka luar biasa, bukan berarti VVC spesialis
pemburu medali. Misi VVC adalah memperkenalkan paduan
suara sebagai salah satu alternatif hiburan. ”Selama ini
paduan suara hanya dikenal kalau ada lomba atau tampil
dalam acara 17-an. Penikmatnya sangat sedikit, karena
dianggap terlalu serius. VVC ingin membuktikan hal itu tidak
benar. Paduan suara itu hiburan yang menyenangkan dan
bisa dinikmati semua orang,” tambah Erwin.
Dari misi itu terbentuk motivasi yang kuat pada anggota
VVC. Mereka seperti tidak pernah kehabisan semangat
untuk melatih kekompakan dan harmonisasi vokal. Mereka
bahkan berpindah-pindah tempat latihan mulai dari
Sorowako, Wawondula, dan Wasuponda. Ini dilakukan untuk
menyegarkan suasana latihan.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Bermula dari Romantisme
Awalnya, beberapa anggota VVC cuma bernostalgia
mengenang masa menjadi anggota paduan suara
mahasiswa yang penuh romantisme itu. Kenangan itu
ternyata berkembang dan berwujud menjadi kelompok
paduan suara. Alhasil, VVC resmi berdiri. Anggotanya kini
30 orang dari beragam profesi. Karyawan kontraktor PT Vale
dan karyawan non-PT Vale di Sorowako, Wawondula, dan
Wasuponda juga menjadi anggota.
Grace Kaspar Mongan, misalnya. Pemilik suara sopran ini
sehari-hari adalah karyawan honorer Kantor Catatan Sipil
Kecamatan Wasuponda. “Saya senang sekali bisa bergabung
dengan VVC. Jadi banyak teman, pengetahuan tentang tarik
suara bertambah, dan saya bisa menyalurkan minat saya,”
ujar dia. Grace ketika kuliah adalah anggota Paduan Suara
Mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin.
Lain lagi dengan Yugustin Posi. Pria yang bekerja di HRPD PT
Vale ini lebih dikenal sebagai penyanyi solo. Gusti, demikian
dia dipanggil, bahkan punya band bernama Rock Mountain,
bagian dari Vale Music Community. Namun Gusti malah
enjoy bergabung di VVC.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
”Penyanyi solo dan paduan suara itu sangat berbeda. Kalau
solo lebih mengutamakan karakter suara, tapi kalau paduan
suara lebih kepada kekompakan dan harmoni. Di paduan
suara saya juga dapat melatih teknik vokal dan pengalaman
baru,” ujar Gusti. Dia pernah menjuarai Festival Pesta Paduan
Suara Gereja se-Indonesia untuk kategori penyanyi tunggal
pada 2007.
Dua Agenda
Tahun ini VVC berencana merealisasikan dua agenda.
Pertama, kembali tampil di arena lomba. Salah satu event
yang akan diikuti adalah Asia Pacific Choir Festival yang
digelar di Manado Oktober nanti. Kedua, menggelar konser
tunggal di Sorowako. “Menggelar konser tunggal adalah
mimpi kami, sekaligus perwujudan dedikasi dan misi
memasyarakatkan paduan suara,” ujar Erwin. Seperti apa
penampilan mereka? Kita tunggu tanggal mainnya Agustus
nanti. []
Veritas Voice Community
Melodious Voices
from Sorowako
Choiring can be an enjoyable pastime not just
a performance at Independence Day celebrations
“Ssss...ssss.....ssss”. Hissing sounds could be heard from PT
Vale’s A1 HROD room one night in mid-May. This was not the
sound of an angry snake. The hissing was in fact made by
members of the Sorowako-based Veritas Voice Community
(VVC) choir who were starting their practice session. They
were opening their airways and flexing muscles.
Leo Agung Arie Purnomo, a VVC member entrusted to be
the group’s trainer, guided other members. Five minutes
later, the employee of PT Vale’s Central Engineering division
distributed annotated sheets of paper with the song lyrics of
“For the Beauty of the Earth”.
“For today’s practice, we are trying a new song to add to our
repertoire. We have chosen this one, by John Ritter,” said VVC
Choir Manager Erwin Tandiayu. The choir members were
soon caught up in their singing.
The VVC is still very young less than half a year old but
during their debut, in which they sang “Laskar Pelangi”
at the South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi-level Makassar
Choir Festival on 23 May, they won the hearts of the judges.
They brought home the Grand Champion runner-up title,
eliminating 11 other contestants.
“The win came as quite a surprise because we went in with
a ‘nothing to lose’ attitude; the other participants were choir
groups that were long established and had good portfolios.
It turns out we got a share of the winnings,” said Erwin, an
employee at PT Vale’s MSE division, who still seems to find
the win hard to believe.
Despite their extraordinary debut, VVC is not in the business
of chasing medals. VVC’s mission is to introduce choiring
as an alternative form of entertainment. “Currently we only
hear choirs at contests or 17th of August (Independence
Day) celebrations. Choirs have a very small following
because it is considered a serious activity. VVC wants to
show that this is not the case. Choiring can be entertaining
and enjoyed by everyone,” Erwin added.
The mission has resulted in the strong motivation of VVC
members. They never seem to run out of energy improving
the cohesiveness and harmony of their vocal chords. In fact
they always change their practice venue, from Sorowako
to Wawondula and Wasuponda. They do this to ensure that
practice is always a refreshing activity.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Starting from Romantic Notions
It simply began with several VVC members longing for
the past, a time when they participated in various student
choirs. The nostalgia continued until it developed into
a choir group, and VVC was born. The group now has 30
members who come from a variety of backgrounds; these
include employees of PT Vale’s contractors and non-PT Vale
employees in Sorowako, Wawondula and Wasuponda.
Take Grace Kaspar Mongan for instance, a soprano who
works as a casual employee at Wasuponda Subdistrict’s Civil
Registry Office. “I am very happy to belong to VVC. I have
lots of friends, my singing technique has improved and I can
channel my interest,” she said. Grace used to be a member of
Universitas Hasanuddin’s student choir.
Yugustin Posi’s story is different altogether. The HRPD
division employee is better known as a soloist. Gusti, as he
is fondly called, has a band called Rock Mountain, which is
part of the Vale Music Community. But he enjoys being with
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
“Being a soloist and a choir member is very different.
A soloist relies a lot on voice character, but choiring is
determined by cohesiveness and harmony. Choiring
allows me to practice my vocal technique and gain new
experiences,” Gusti said. He won the category for solo singer
at the Indonesian Church Choir Festival in 2007.
Two Agendas
This year VVC plans to realize two agendas. The first is to
perform competitively; one of the events they will attend
is the Asia Pacific Choir Festival to be held in Manado in
October. The second is to perform a concert in Sorowako.
“Performing in a concert of our own has been our dream.
It is also demonstrates our dedication and mission of
popularizing choiring,” said Erwin. How will they perform?
We will see in August. []
Ambil Jeda di Sela Kerja
Gerakan sederhana yang mencegah cedera.
Pekerjaan pada umumnya melibatkan jam kerja yang
panjang dan gerakan berulang. Jika Anda mengabaikan
kondisi tubuh, risiko kesehatan dapat Anda alami. Bukan
hanya pekerjaan fisik yang memungkinkan terjadinya
cedera. Risiko cedera juga bisa datang pada Anda yang
bekerja di belakang meja.
Aktivitas sederhana seperti peregangan, bisa memperkecil
risiko cedera di tempat kerja. Semakin lama Anda duduk
atau berdiri tanpa jeda, semakin besar risiko otot kaku,
leher, lengan, tangan, punggung, dan kaki tegang. Kaku
otot ringan mungkin bukan masalah besar, tapi semakin
lama Anda mengalaminya, kondisi otot akan semakin
memburuk. Jika tidak ditangani dengan benar bisa memicu
rasa sakit yang makin parah.
Karena dianggap sebagai langkah penting pencegahan
cedera, senam dan peregangan menjadi rangkaian kegiatan
Pekan Sehat 2013 yang diadakan PT Vale. Pekan Sehat
merupakan bagian dari Health Week 2013, kampanye gaya
hidup sehat yang dicanangkan Vale Global. Kegiatan sejalan
dengan misi perusahaan, yakni mengutamakan kehidupan.
Peregangan Bahu
• Satu telapak tangan di siku.
• Gerakkan siku mendekat dada. Jangan memutar badan.
• Tahan 15-30 detik. Rasakan tarikan di bahu belakang.
• Kendurkan dan perlahan kembali ke posisi awal.
• Ulangi peregangan dengan lengan yang lain.
Peregangan Lengan Atas
Bagi Anda yang bekerja di kantor, penting untuk
membiasakan diri mengambil jeda lima menit setiap satu
jam bekerja. Selama rehat itu, Anda bisa mempraktikkan
gerakan peregangan untuk mengendurkan otot, saraf, dan
ketegangan. Gerakan sederhana berikut bisa Anda lakukan
di sela-sela kesibukan sehari-hari.
• Angkat satu lengan dan lipat di belakang kepala.
• Letakkan telapak yang lain di lipatan siku.
• Tahan peregangan 15-30 detik.
• Kendurkan dan perlahan kembali ke posisi awal.
• Ulangi peregangan dengan lengan yang lain.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Peregangan Dada
Peregangan Punggung Bawah
• Kedua telapak tangan di belakang kepala.
• Tekan tulang belikat dengan menarik siku sejauh mungkin
ke belakang.
• Tahan 15-30 detik.
• Kendurkan dan perlahan kembali ke posisi awal.
• Ulangi.
• Duduk tegak di kursi.
• Tarik satu lutut mendekati dada. Gunakan tangan untuk
menggenggam dan menarik paha belakang. Jaga agar
punggung tetap lurus, tidak membungkuk ke depan.
• Tahan 30 detik.
• Kendurkan dan perlahan kembali ke posisi awal.
• Ulangi peregangan dengan kaki yang lain.
Peregangan Leher
• Wajah lurus ke depan.
• Miringkan kepala hingga telinga mendekati bahu. Jaga
bahu agar tidak naik.
• Tahan 15-30 detik, rasakan tarikan di leher samping.
• Kendurkan dan perlahan kembali ke posisi awal.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Peregangan Paha
• Berdiri tegak, satu telapak di meja atau kursi agar tubuh
• Genggam satu pergelangan kaki dan dekatkan ke bokong.
Jaga punggung tetap lurus.
• Tahan 15-30 detik, rasakan tarikan di paha.
• Kendurkan dan perlahan kembali ke posisi awal.
• Ulangi peregangan dengan kaki yang lain. []
Taking a Break During Work
Simple movements to prevent injury.
Working normally entails long hours of repetitive
movements. If you fail to look after your body, you could
easily risk your health. Injuries may not only result from
physical activities; those of you sitting behind a desk could
just as easily hurt yourself.
Simple activities, such as stretches, can reduce the risk
of workplace injury. The longer you sit or stand without
a break, the more likely you are to have stiff muscles and
tense neck, arms, back and legs. Minor neck stiffness may
not seem to be a problem, but the longer you sustain it, the
worse your muscles will get. If not treated properly, the pain
will worsen.
Because they are considered preventative, exercises and
stretches were featured in the 2013 Health Week conducted
by PT Vale. Health Week is part of Health Week 2013, a
healthy lifestyle campaign promoted by Vale Global.
The activities are in line with the company’s mission of
prioritizing life.
For those of you working in offices, it is important to get
into the habit of taking a five-minute break after every
hour of work. During the break, you can do some stretches
to loosen your muscles and nerves and release tension.
The following are some simple movements you can do in
between your daily duties.
Shoulder Stretch
• Satu telapak tangan di siku.
• One hand holds the elbow of the other arm.
• Bring the elbow closer to the chest without turning the
• Hold for 15-30 seconds. Feel the stretch behind your
• Relax and slowly return to start position.
• Repeat stretch on the other arm.
Upper Arm Stretch
• Lift one arm then bend it behind the head.
• Place the hand of the other arm on the elbow.
• Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.
• Relax and slowly return to start position.
• Repeat stretch on the other arm.
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Chest Stretch
Lower Back Stretch
• Place both hands behind the head.
• Push shoulder blades together by pulling back the elbows
as far as possible.
• Hold for 15-30 seconds.
• Relax and slowly return to start position.
• Repeat.
• Sit on a chair in an upright position.
• Pull one knee up and bring it towards the chest. Use hands
to hold on to the back of the thigh. Ensure back remains
upright and that body does not lean forward.
• Hold for 30 seconds.
• Relax and slowly return to start position.
• Repeat stretch on the other leg.
Neck Stretch
• Look straight ahead.
• Tilt head to one side, bringing the ear towards the
shoulder; ensure the shoulder is not lifted.
• Hold for 15-30 seconds, feeling the stretch of your neck on
its other side.
• Relax and slowly return to start position.
• Tilt head to the other side and repeat the stretch.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i Jul i 2013
Thigh Stretch
• Stand straight, keeping one hand on a desk or chair to
maintain balance.
• Hold one ankle and bring it towards the buttock. Ensure
your back stays straight.
• Hold for 15-30 seconds, feel the stretch on your thigh.
• Relax and slowly return to start position.
• Repeat stretch on the other leg. []
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Pemenang Kuis
Halo Vale edisi 3
1. Affandhi, 8270
2. Rachman, 7965
3. Arniati, SCM
5. Qunn Erlangga, 7616
6. Abdul Muis, 10675
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“Menyelam Plus Mancing”
“Diving While Fishing”
- Weldi Purwanto -
“Manusia Laba-la
“Spider Man”
- Doni Setiadi -
“Naik Sepeda atau Motor?”
“Biker or Rider?”
- Doni Setiadi -
Ed i si J uli 2013 I H alo Val e
Setiap Tantangan
Menawarkan Peluang
Behind a Crisis Lies an Opportunity

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