Congress Programme - World Filtration Congress


Congress Programme - World Filtration Congress
Congress Programme
11th World Filtration
Congress & Exhibition
April 16-20, 2012 – Graz – Austria
hosted by
The Austrian Chemical Society GÖCH
11th World Filtration Congress · April 16 – 20, 2012 Graz – Austria
Congress Welcome
As Chairman of the WFC11 and on behalf of the
Austrian Chemical Society – Gesellschaft
Österreicher Chemiker, GÖCH – I have pleasure
in welcoming you to the 11th World Filtration
Congress in GRAZ, AUSTRIA, APRIL 16-20,
2012. The Austrian Chemical Society has a long
tradition in organising major national and international events and we will work hard to organise a unique event for
the world wide filtration and separation community.
The WFC11 in Austria will embrace the international F&S community
five days from Monday to Friday. The first day is foreseen for 4 technical SHORT COURSES presented by leading experts. Three and a
half days are planned for the technical CONGRESS and EXHIBITION.
More than 350 technical presentations are expected and a major
international Exhibition featuring 100 exhibitors from the world wide
filtration and separation industry as well as manufacturers of particle
measurement instruments and equipment of related industries.
The afternoon of the last day is reserved for a post-congress PLANT
TOUR to the ANDRITZ Headquarter in Graz followed by a wine
tasting tour. On the tour you will be introduced to major workshops
and the manufacturing process at ANDRITZ. After that participants
can enjoy the beautiful landscape of Styria and relax at the wine
tasting tour to the 300 year year-old Episcopal Seggau Castle.
In GRAZ, a Unesco World Heritage Site, the Mediterranean atmosphere
of the Old Town, the striking modern architecture and the great cultural diversity together create a unique and fascinating mix. As Graz
is located in a valley surrounded by mountains, with the river Mur
flowing through the heart of the City you will enjoy its mild spring
climate. In 2003 the City of Graz was Europe’s Cultural Capital and
it offers delegates and visitors alike a unique experience in art, culture
and history in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. It is also ideally
situated to offer interesting sightseeing visits within short distances.
The new international airport Graz-Thalerhof with its domestic and
international flights is located only 10km from the new Congress
Venue. The Central Railway Station has both Austrian and international
connections with fast and frequent services to the Capital Vienna.
We look forward to welcoming you to the 11th World Filtration
Congress in Austria!
Prof. Wilhelm Höflinger
Vienna University of Technology
WFC11 Congress Chairman
Scientific Committee
WFC11 Congress Chairman
Prof. Wilhelm Höflinger, Vienna University of Technology · Austria
WFC11 Congress Secretary
Prof. Gerd Mauschitz, Vienna University of Technology · Austria
WFC11 Scientific Committee Chairmen
Prof. Wilhelm Höflinger, Vienna University of Technology · Austria
Prof. Richard Wakeman, Consultant · Great Britain
Prof. Gerd Mauschitz, Vienna University of Technology · Austria
Prof. Allan Kuo-Lun Tung, Chung Yuan University · Taiwan
WFC11 Scientific Committee Members
Dr. Harald Anlauf, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology · Germany
Prof. Jan Baeyens, University of Warwick · Great Britain
Dr. Roger BenAim, Scientific Advisor IFTS · France
Prof. Rolf Berndt, RBFM Consulting · Germany
Dr. Reinhard Bott, Bokela · Germany
Dr. Roger de Bruyne, Belgium
Prof. George Chase, University of Akron · USA
Prof. Liang-Yin Chu, Sichuan University · P.R. China
Prof. Ching-Jung Chuang, Chung Yuan University · Taiwan
Prof. José Coury, Federal University of Sao Carlos · Brazil
Prof. Enrico Drioli, University of Calabria · Italy
Ulrich Esser, Bayer · Germany
Prof. Anton Friedl, Vienna University of Technology · Austria
Prof. Rolf Gimbel, IWW · Germany
Prof. Nigel Graham, Imperial College London · Great Britain
Prof. Michael Harasek, Vienna University of Technology · Austria
Dr. Haio Harms, Lenzing · Austria
Lloyd Holliday, Outotec · Great Britain
Prof. Kuo-Jen Hwang, Tamkang University · Taiwan
Prof. Eiji Iritani, Nagoya University · Japan
Dr. Tadeusz Jaroszczyk, USA
Prof. Chikao Kanaoka, National College of Technology · Japan
Prof. Gerhard Kasper,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology · Germany
Prof. Esko Kauppinen, VTT Processes · Finland
Prof. Kristian Keiding, Aalborg University · Denmark
Ir. Hermanes H. Kleizen, Dutchap bv · Netherlands
Prof. Gernot Krammer, Andritz · Austria
Dr. Thomas Langeloh, Bokela · Germany
Prof. Markus Lehner, Montanuniversität Leoben · Austria
Prof. Dietmar Lerche, L.U.M. · Germany
Prof. Wallace Leung,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University · P.R. China
Prof. Andrew Livingston, Imperial College London · Great Britain
Prof. Richard Lydon, Clear Edge Group · Great Britain
Prof. Ingo Marini, Vienna University of Technology · Austria
Prof. Petr Mikulasek, University of Pardubice · Czech Republic
Prof. Karoly Molnar, Budapest University · Hungary
Prof. Hermann Nirschl,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology · Germany
Prof. Marianne Nyström,
Lappeenranta University of Technology · Finland
Dr. Dietmar Oechsle, EBG Innowa · Germany
Dr. Thomas Peters, Consulting · Germany
Dr. Christophe Peuchot, I.F.T.S. · France
Prof. Urs Peuker, Technical University of Freiberg · Germany
Dr. Jaroslav Pridal, Mikropur · Czech Republic
Dr. Graham Rideal, Whitehouse Scientific · Great Britain
Prof. Siegfried Ripperger,
Technical University of Kaiserslautern · Germany
Prof. Wolfgang Samhaber, Johannes Kepler University Linz · Austria
Prof. Peter Scales, University of Melbourne · Australia
Prof. Hans-Joachim Schmid, University of Paderborn · Germany
Prof. Eberhard Schmidt, University of Wuppertal · Germany
Prof. Radmila Secerov Sokolovic, University of Novi Sad · Serbia
Prof. Peter Stelter, Heinkel Process Technology · Germany
Dr. Steve Tarleton, Loughborough University · Great Britain
Prof. Hans Theliander, Chalmers University · Sweden
Prof. Chi Tien, Syracuse University · USA
Prof. Paolo Tronville, University of Torino · Italy
Dr. Barry Verdegan, Cummins Filtration · USA
Dr. Jean-Francois Vicard, Stratene · France
Prof. Eugène Vorobiev, Technical University of Compiègne · France
Dr. Matthias Waldenmaier,
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies · Germany
Prof. Stanislav Wronski, Warsaw University of Technology · Poland
Prof. Nanping Xu, Nanjing University · P.R. China
Prof. Yang Zhao,
Hefei General Machinery Research Institute · P.R. China
11th World Filtration Congress · April 16 – 20, 2012 Graz – Austria
Graz – The Cultural Capital
Graz - World Heritage Site and the second largest City in Austria with
250.000 inhabitants – was selected as it meets the needs for a successful WFC11 in every way. Situated southeast from the Alps between
Central Europe, Italy, and the Balkan States, Graz stands out with its
Mediterraneanclimate, its historically influenced town scape, and the
beautiful surrounding landscape.
WFC11 will feature a major Exhibition of filtration and separation
equipment and services over three days from Tuesday to Thursday. It is
the largest and most important Filtration Event in 2012 world-wide.
Exhibitors from the world-wide filtration and separation industry,
manufacturers of particle measurement instruments as well as related
industries will feature the latest innovations and technology.
Graz is located in the very heart of Europe - this is of benefit to all
participants, who will be able to reach Austria and Graz easily either
by plane, car or train.
The Exhibition will be open to WFC11 visitors and delegates
from April 17-19, 2012.
Central Europe’s best preserved City
wasn’t added to the UNESCO list of
the World Cultural Heritage for no
reason. Here you’ll find Renaissance,
Gothic and Baroque and ultramodern architecture in blissful harmony.
The messecenter Graz – located directly in the City Centre – is
Austria’s most modern Centre for Congresses & Exhibitions. The
WFC11 Exhibition will be in direct proximity to the Congress. Stands
are alotted on as first come – first serve basis.
Attractive "Shell Scheme Stand Packages" are available for exhibiting
Exhibition Opening times:
17. April 2012
Wednesday 18. April 2012
19. April 2012
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Ground floor
First floor
In Summer 2011 Graz was also appointed UNSECO City of Design.
The Old Town of Graz – Exuding Southern Charm
Since the middle Ages, a friendly and prosperous town has been
growing around the Schlossberg hill; a town cherished by its inhabitants. In fact, it was the unique ensemble of architectural styles spanning
from Gothic, Baroque, Renaissance, Art Nouveau to modernity that
made UNESCO add Graz to its World Cultural Heritage list. In the
narrow lanes, on the bustling plazas and in the tranquil inner courtyards: the relaxed Mediterranean atmosphere can be felt everywhere
in this charming City.
H10 H13
H26 H27
Congress Rooms
web point
Futuristic architecture alongside medieval houses, alleys and squares,
cultural and culinary enticements at
every step and all these delights conveniently located near each other.
Around each corner you’ll discover
something new: hidden alleys, picturesque courtyards, ornate facades
and magnificent buildings.
You will appreciate the excellent infrastructure of the ultramodern venue
centrally located in the City Centre
and enjoy the picturesque Old Town
with it’s southern charm, the attractive cultural programme, the quality
and diversity of the cuisine.
F4 F5
F10 F13 F15
F11 F14 F16
Coffee Bar
Poster Area
Entrance Area
First flo
s Room
s Room
WFC 11 Exhibition · April 17 – 19, 2012 Graz – Austria
Meet these Exhibitors
For further information see:
4 Short Courses presented by leading experts in the F & S field on April 16, 2012
Four parallel pre Congress short courses presented by leading experts in the F & S
field will be held on April 16, 2012 immediately prior to the WFC11 Congress.
These one day courses offer participants top-level knowledge transfer and a unique opportunity to benefit from all aspects of filtration & separation technology.
Short Course I – The Solid-Liquid-Separation Process
Scope: Filter Media – Cake Washing and Deliquoring – Filter Testing – Membranes &
Membrane Filtration – Cake Filters – Selection, Analysis & Simulation of SLS Equipment –
Filtration Principles – Computer Software – Centrifugal, Pressure and Vacuum Filters
9.00 h
9.15 h
10.00 h
10.45 h
11.15 h
12.00 h
12.45 h
13.00 h
14.00 h
15.00 h
15.30 h
16.15 h
17.00 h
lntroduction – The Solid/Liquid Separation process; overview of the course.
Filter Media – Woven fabrics, wirecloths and composites; properties and applications characteristics.
Principles of Sedimentation and Filtration – Sedimentation and cake filtration
fundamentals (including compressible cakes), laboratory tests and their relevance to
process scale filters, importance of correct filter media selection.
Filter Cake Washing and Deliquoring – Fundamentals and applications of cake
washing and cake dewatering (deliquoring).
Membranes and Membrane Filtration – Membranes - types (e.g. polymeric, ceramic and metallic types), characteristics, operational properties.
Discussion – An open-floor question and answer session.
Industrial Filtration Equipment – Overview of the technologies and principles
of pressure and vacuum filters and filtering centrifuges.
Coffee Break
Testing and Standards for Liquid Filtration Media – Test methods and standards that apply to filter media, liquid filtration, and filter applications.
Selection and Simulation of SLS Equipment with Computer Software
Generic equipment types, approaches to selection and simulation, use of computer
software (methodology, selection charts, and data analysis) showing simple and
advanced procedures.
Discussion – An open-floor question and answer session.
Professor Richard Wakeman is a consultant chemical engineer with some 40 years
experience of working with industry internationally. He is an Emeritus Professor at
Loughborough University (UK), a Visiting Professor at Pardubice University (Czech
Republic) and a University Professor at Chung Yuan University (Taiwan) and has been a
Visiting Fellow at Mumbai University (India). He is the Honorary Secretary of The Filtration Socie-ty
and a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and the Royal Academy of Engineering.
Dr. Steve Tarleton is a mechanical engineer and a Senior Lecturer at Loughborough
University. He has nearly 30 years experience of working in filtration and separation,
and has lectured and consulted throughout the world. He has been Secretary of the
EFCE Working Party on Filtration and Separation.
The presenters are internationally recognised experts who have both been Chairmen of The Filtration Society. They have authored several books and some 500 technical articles. They are the
principals of Filtration Solutions, the publisher of the FILTRATION journal, Filter Design Software,
and The Dictionary of Filtration and Separation. Their work has been published widely and recognised by awards from the Institution of Chemical Engineers, The Filtration Society, and the
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Short Course II – Fine Dust Separation
Scope: Evaluation and Selection of Dust Collection Equipment – Wet Scrubbers – Centrifugal
Collectors/Cyclones – Electrical Precipitators – Fibrous Filter/Deep Bed Filters – Raw Gas
Characterisation and Conditioning – Fabric Filter/Surface Filters
9.00 h
9.15 h
10.00 h
10.45 h
11.00 h
11.45 h
12.30 h
13.00 h
14.00 h
14.45 h
15.30 h
15.45 h
16.30 h
17.15 h
Introduction – Particulate Matter (PMx); Dust Separation; Air Cleaning; Overview
of the course.
Evaluation of Dust Collection Equipment – Particle size characterisation, concentration measurement, overall and fractional collection efficiency.
Centrifugal Collectors (Cyclones) – Mode of operation, basic designs, applicacation, collection efficiency, pressure drop.
Fibrous Filters (Deep-Bed Filters) Mode of operation, basic designs, application,
collection efficiency, pressure drop.
Fabric Filters (Surface Filters) – Mode of operation, basic designs, application,
operating characteristics, design calculations.
Questions and answers – An open-floor question and answer session.
Wet Scrubbers – Mode of operation, basic designs, design calculations, application,
droplet separation.
Electrical Precipitators
Mode of operation, basic designs, design calculations, application, operating characteristics.
Coffee Break
Selection of Dust Collection Equipment – Comparision of the different techniques, strength and weaknesses, fields of application, selection procedure.
Raw Gas Conditioning – Additional techniques for enhancing dust separation
equipment (Electrical and acoustic enhancement, additive dosing, precoating,...).
Discussion – An open-floor question and answer session.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Eberhard Schmidt is Full Professor for Safety Technology /
Environmental Protection at Wuppertal University. His academic degrees he earned
1991 and 1998 at Karlsruhe University. From 1993 to 1994 he was affiliated with the
Joint Research Centre in Ispra/Italy. In the years 1998 and 1999 he was with Degussa
company in the department of process engineering / particle technology.
He is Co-Chairman of the FILTECH Conference and was Scientific Secretary of 10th World
Filtration Congress, He has published more than 100 technical papers, books, patents, etc. and
consulted and lectured throughout the world.
Short Course III – Membrane Filtration & Separation
Scope: Types of Membranes – Membrane Separation – Principle Membrane Formation and
Preparation – Membrane Modification – Membrane Characterization – Membrane Module
Design – Membrane Filter Operations – Membrane Fouling Monitoring and Mitigating
9.00 h
9.15 h
10.00 h
10.45 h
11.15 h
12.00 h
12.45 h
13.00 h
14.00 h
15.00 h
15.30 h
16.15 h
17.00 h
Introduction – Introduction to membrane filtration and separation; overview of
the course.
Types of Membranes – Membranes - types (e.g. polymeric, ceramic and metallic
types), characteristics, operational properties.
Membrane Filtration and Separation Principles – Membrane filtration and
separation fundamentals; transport phenomena in membrane processes.
Membrane Formation and Preparation – Membrane formation mechanisms
and membrane preparation methods (e.g. by stretching, dip-coating).
Membrane Modification – Hydrophilic, super-hydrophobic and anti-fouling
modifications using plasma, ozone and/or grafting.
Discussion An open-floor question and answer session.
Membrane Characterization – Pore size, pore structure, surface charge, internal,
thickness and retention efficiency.
Coffee Break
Membrane Module Design – Basic membrane configuration (flat sheet, spiral,
tubular, hollow fiber,… ), selection and design.
Membrane Fouling Monitoring and Mitigating – On line monitoring of
membrane fouling and strategies for fouling mitigating.
Discussion – An open-floor question and answer session.
Prof. Dr. Kuo-Jen Hwang is a full Professor at Tamkang University, Taiwan since 1997.
He was the Head of Department of Chemical Engineering at Tamkang University from
1997 to 2001. He is now the Chairman of the Working Group of Solid-Liquid
Separation in the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers and the Taiwan representative of the International Delegates on Filtration (INDEFI). His research interests focus on solid-liquid
separation, membrane filtration and powder technology.
Prof. Dr. Allan Kuo-Lun Tung is the Director of the R&D Centre for Membrane Technology
(CMT) at Chung Yuan University in Taipei, Taiwan. He was elected as a member of the
Council of the Filtration Society in 2008 with a specialty of research and development
on membrane filtration applications for more than 20 years. Allan is also serving as the
managing committee member of the membrane technology specialist group in international water association (IWA), Taiwan representative Secretary of Asia Pacific Desalination Association
(APDA), and and executive committee member of International Recycling Society (IRS).
Dr. Wu Chen is a Research Scientist with the Dow Chemical Company, USA. He has over
25 years of industrial experiences in solid/liquid separation, solid/gas separation and filtration markets. He also has expertise in bioseparation and membrane processes. He is
a Fellow member of the American Filtration & Separation Society (AFS) and currently
coordinating the AFS Education programs. He also teaches the solid/liquid separation course at the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers continuing education program.
Short Course IV – Centrifuges for Solid-Liquid-,
Liquid-Liquid- & 3-Phase-Separation
Scope: Overview on centrifugal equipment used in industry – Apparatus design and operation
– Fundamentals of sedimentation in centrifuges – Apparatus selection criteria – Cake filtration
in centrifuges – Process-applications – Cake washing and dewatering
9.00 h
9.30 h
10.00 h
10.45 h
11.00 h
11.30 h
11.45 h
12.30 h
13.00 h
13.30 h
14.30 h
15.00 h
15.45 h
16.00 h
Introduction – Centrifuges in industrial applications; overview on technologies and
equipment used.
Settling theory – Basics, applied centrifugal force, settling area, sedimentation regimes
The decanter – Working principle, clarification, dewatering regimes, 3-phase
separation .
Processes using a decanter – From waste treatment to industrial biotechnology.
The separator – Working principle, fine particle separation, liquid-liquid separation,
working with high solids load
Processes using a separator – From fuel separation to pharmaceuticals
Pretreatment of suspensions – Flocculation, body feed, pH-alteration
Filtration Theory – Basics, Applied Centrifugal Force, Filtration and Dewatering
Peeler centrifuges – Working principle of discontinuous filtration centrifuge,
filtration theory, cake washing and dewatering, heel cake removal
Processes using peeler centrifuges – Working principles, filtration & dewatering
16.30 h Pusher centrifuges and other continuous filtration centrifuges
Working principles, filtration and dewatering
17.00 h Break
17.15 h Processes using pusher centrifuges – Mining and minerals, salt separation,
plastics and fibres
17.45 h Screen-Bowl centrifuges – Coarse particles, high solids load continuous filtration
18.15 h Open issues – What's left to discuss?
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Michael H. Kopf lectures Down-Stream Processing at Mannheim University and is Process Specialist and Product Manager of PIERALISI Group, Italy. He is
member of the Process-Net "Mechanical Liquid Separation"
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Bruno Hegnauer is process specialist for filtration centrifuges and filters
and is member of the Innovation Management of the ANDRITZ KMPT GmbH, Germany.
He is member of the Process-Net Working Party "Mechanical Liquid Separation".
Congress Overview & Session Survey
Session Survey
WFC11 features more than 350 technical papers from 42 countries , key-note lectures and short courses presented by leading
experts as well as a major Exhibition which is open to delegates and trade visitors. Late abstracts are still welcome.
Monday - April 16, 2012
08:00 – 09:00
Registration for the Short Courses
09:00 – 18:00
Short Courses I - IV
Congress Registration & Poster Installation
Tuesday - April 17, 2012
08:00 – 18:00
Congress Registration
09:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 11:00
Opening Ceremony
11:00 – 12:00
Plenary Lecture: EVOLUTION IN SEPARATION - Technical development by mutation and selection
12:00 – 13:15
13:15 – 14:30
Fundamentals I
Filter Media I
SLS Adsorptive
14:30 – 15:00
15:00 – 16:15
Application of
Membranes I
Key-Note 1
Coffee Break + Exhibition
Fundamentals II
Water &
Waste Water I
SLS Filter
Testing I
Key-Note 2
16:15 – 16:45
16:45 – 18:25
M1 – Modelling
Gas Filtration
Nanoparticle &
Fundamentals I Depth Filtration I
Cyclone I
Nanoparticle &
Depth Filtration II
Cyclone II
Coffee Break + Exhibition
New Membranes
& Materials I
Welcome Reception for Delegates & Exhibitors
Wednesday - April 18, 2012
08:00 – 18:00
Congress Registration
09:00 – 18:00
09:00 – 10:15
Fundamentals II
L9 – Filtration
& Filter Aids
Solid-LiquidSeparation I
Solid-LiquidSeparation II
10:15 – 10:45
10:45 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:45
Separation I
Separation II
Discussion at the Poster Area
Discussion at the Poster Area
Key-Note 3
New Membranes Water Treatment
& Materials III
Cleanable Dust
Filtration II
Solid Gas
Separation I
Solid Gas
Separation II
Discussion at the Poster Area
Lunch + Exhibition
15:15 – 15:45
15:45 – 17:50
Vacuum and
Pressure Filter I
G9 – Heating, VenCleanable Dust Nanoparticle & tilating, Air ConDepth Filtration III ditioning (HVAC)
Filtration I
Coffee Break + Exhibition
12:45 – 14:00
14:00 – 15:15
New Membranes Water Treatment
& Materials II
Cleanable Dust
Filtration III
Mist & Droplet
Separation I
Filter Testing I
M10 – Membrane
New Membranes
Electrostatic &
& Materials IV
Wet Separators
Mist & Droplet
Separation II
Filter Testing II
Coffee Break + Exhibition
Enhanced SLS
11th World Filtration Congress · April 16 – 20, 2012 Graz – Austria
Thursday - April 19, 2012
08:00 – 18:00
Congress Registration
09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 10:15
Vacuum and
Pressure Filter II
Enhanced SLS
10:15 – 10:45
10:45 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:45
Solid-LiquidSeparation III
Solid-LiquidSeparation IV
Discussion at the Poster Area
Filters I
Filter Media I
Filter Testing III
Separation III
Separation IV
Filters II
Solid Gas
Separation III
G21 – Simulation
of Filtration
Processes I
Discussion at the Poster Area
Lunch + Exhibition
SLS Applications
& New Products
Water &
Waste Water I
SLS Filter
Testing I
SLS Filtration
Applications I
Water &
Waste Water II
15:40 – 16:10
15:45 – 17:25
Coffee Break + Exhibition
12:45 – 14:00
14:00 – 15:40
Fouling I
M14 – Membrane
Bioreactor &
Water Treatment
Key-Note 4
Coffee Break + Exhibition
Fouling II
Filters III
Filter Media II
G24 – Simulation
of Filtration
Processes II
Congress Party
Friday - April 20, 2012
09:00 – 10:15
Congress Registration
SLS Filtration
Applications II
10:15 – 10:45
10:45 – 12:00
12:00 – 13:00
Application of
Membranes II
M17 – Enhanced
Control I
Pleated Filter Media I
Coffee Break + Exhibition
SLS Filter
Testing III
Simulation and
L24 – Water &
Waste Water
Water Treatment
Control II
Filter Media III
Pleated Filter
Media II
Closing Session
Post Congress Plant Tour
Congress Party
The WFC11 Gala Evening will be held on Thursday April 19, 2012 in the historical Congress Centre one of Europe's most beautiful
venues. WFC11 delegates will enjoy the unique atmosphere in an extraordinary venue with classical and jazz music as well as first
class Styrian cuisine. The 4-Day Congress ticket includes a ticket for the Gala Evening.
Tickets: 55 Euros including 20% Austrian VAT. A Ticket includes: Free access to the Gala evening, musical entertainment, buffet,
wine, beer and softdrinks. WFC11 Congress delegates receive their tickets when they register onsite. Additional tickets for accompanying persons and visitors can be purchased onsite.
The Stefaniensaal was opened in the presence of Crown Prince Rudolf and Princess Stefanie on 4 November 1885. The Venue is
situated adjacent to the Town Hall on the Grazer Hauptplatz in the Old Town. Also housed in the building is the Graz Casino.
Tuesday - April 17, 2012
Opening Ceremony 10:00 -11:00
Stimuli-responsive microcapsule membranes fabricated by microfluidic technique, L.-Y. Chu*, R. Xie, X.J. Ju, L. Liu, W. Wang, Z. Liu, Sichuan University, China
11:00 -12:00 h
EVOLUTION IN SEPARATION - Technical development
by mutation and selection, Dr. Harald Anlauf - Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany -
SLS-Fundamentals I
13:15-14:30 h
Filtration of fibre/particle mixture, E.S. Tarleton*, R.J.
Wakeman, K. Chellappah, Loughborough University, UK
High-level deliquoring of activated sludge by stepup ultrahigh-pressure expression combined with
reversible flocculation, E. Iritani*, N. Katagiri, T.
Washizu, Nagoya University, Japan
Determination of pressure dependence of average
specific cake resistance based on single step-up
pressure filtration test, E. Iritani*, N. Katagiri, M.
Tsukamoto, Nagoya University, Japan
Filter Media I
13:15-14:30 h
Assembling of cellulose based filter sheets with high
ion exchanger filling degrees, S. Lösch*, U.A. Peuker,
Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Combined particle filtration and ion exchange with
new yarn wound filter cartridges made of phosphorylized natural fibres, B. Gemende*, A. Gerbeth, N.
Pausch, H. Müller, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau;
M. Leiker, Produktions- und Umweltservice GmbH (PUS); J.
Hofmann, Institut für Nichtklassische Chemie e.V. - Leipzig
University; A. Krahmer, Textilforschungsinstitut ThüringenVogtland e.V. (TITV), Germany
Innovative filter materials made from fluoropolymers
– the right choice for a large number of applications,
B. Neubauer*, Solvay Specialty Polymers, Belgium; R.
Bastnagel, Solvay Specialty Polymers, USA; M. Gebert,
Solvay Specialty Polymers, Italy
SLS Adsorptive Separations
13:15-14:30 h
Using polymer-based spherical activated carbons
for recycling ultra pure water in semiconductor
industry, R. Schönfeld*, Blücher GmbH; S. Fichtner, C.
Schrage, Germany
Adsorption of pharmaceutical compounds on polymer-based spherical activated carbons for water
treatment, R. Schönfeld*, Blücher GmbH; S. Fichtner, C.
Schrage, Adsor-Tech GmbH, Germany
Enhancement of fiber structured sepiolite clay by
gravity separation, C. Yalin*, M. Özer, B. Benli, Istanbul
Technical University, Turkey
Modelling Membrane Processes
13:15 - 14:30 h
Shear effects on fouling layer compressibility in a
high pressure membrane bioreactor, M.K. Jørgensen*,
M.T. Pedersen, M.L. Christensen, K. Keiding, Aalborg
University, Denmark
Mass transfer measurements in a multiphase flat
sheet microfiltration system, N. Thi Tuyet Dang*, W.
Samhaber, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Crossflow microfiltration of oil from synthetic
effluent water, Y.H.D. Alanezi*, CTS, PAAET, Kuwait; R.J.
Wakeman; R.G. Holdich, Loughborough University, UK
Application of Membranes I
13:15 - 14:30 h
Purification of plasmid DNA using affinity microfiltration, N. Katagiri*, D. Shimokawa, T. Suzuki, E. Iritani,
Nagoya University, Japan
Cell membrane electroporation: Innovative technology for selective separation of bio-compounds,
E. Vorobiev*, N.I. Lebovka, University of Compiègne, France
13:15-14:30 h
Fine particle emissions from pulde-cleaned filters,
Prof. Gerhard Kasper - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
(KIT), Germany
SLS-Fundamentals II
15:00 - 16:15 h
Effects of compressibility on MBR sludge filtration,
K. Keiding*, Grundfos; M.L. Christensen, Aalborg
University, Denmark
Compressibility of membrane bioreactor sludge:
Modeling cake build-up and specific cake resistance, T.V. Bugge*, M. L. Christensen, K. Keiding, Aalborg
University; A.D. Enevoldsen, P.E. Jørgensen, DHI Water,
Environment and Health, N. Heinen, Alfa Laval Nakskov
A/S; J. Bengtsson, Alfa Laval Copenhagen A/S, Denmark
Investigation of skin formation during filtration of
micro crystalline cellulose, T. Mattsson*, M. Sedin, H.
Theliander, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Cyclones at high solids loading: Pressure drop and
particle motion, C.W. Chan, University of Nottingham;
J.P.K. Seville, J. Baeyens*, University of Warwick, UK
CFD study on the influence of particle shape on
cyclone separator collection efficiency, M. Valverde
Ramirez, J.A.S. Gonçalves*, J.V.M. Zoccal, J.R. Coury, N.A.
Gomez-Puentes, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
SLS-Filter Testing I
16:45-18:25 h
Device and method for sizing and counting 5-500 nm
particles in colloidal suspensions, H.G. Van
Schooneveld*, D.C. Grant, M.R. Litchy, CT Associates, Inc.;
J. Farnsworth, TSI, Inc., USA
Prototype SFS test rig, G.H. Kleizen, H.H. Kleizen*,
Dutchap B.V., Netherlands
A simplified method for filter media characterization, W. Chen, Dow Chemicals, USA
Centrifugal SLS
Water & Waste Water I
15:00 - 16:15 h
Industrial sludge dewatering using geotextile tubes,
Z. Lin, S. Wu*, A. Chien, ACE Geosynthetics Enterprise Co.,
Ltd., Taiwan
The microbubble-flotation with CGA technology –
an alternative for water treatment?, D. Voß*; S.
Schabel, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
15:00-16:15 h
Geomimetic membrane: A new route to develope
novel inorganic membranes, Prof. Kuo-Lun Tung Chung Yuan University, Taiwan
Gas Filtration Fundamentals I
15:00-16:15 h
Modelling of the coalescence of the droplets during
mist filtration by means of two-color latticeBoltzmann model, J.M. Gac*, L. Gradon, Warsaw
University of Technology, Poland
Filtration measurements for silver nanoparticle
agglomerates, J. Buha*, J. Wang, EMPA, Switzerland;
H. Fissan, Institute for Energy and Environmental
Technology (IUTA), Germany
Wettability and mobility of micro droplets on
coated fibres in fibre filters, C. Funk*, B. Winzer, W.
Peukert, University Erlangen, Germany
Nanoparticle & Depth Filtration I
15:00-16:15 h
Improvements in measurement and simulation of
submicron particle deposition at microstructured
filter media, A. Hellmann*, K. Schmidt, S. Ripperger,
Kaiserslautern University of Technology; M. Berges, S.
Sticher, Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the
German Social Accident Insurance (IFA), Germany
Measurement of x-ray profiles – a new method for
the evaluation of separation behaviour of concentrated nontransparent dispersions, A. Zierau, A. Fedur, T.
Sobisch*, D. Lerche, LUM GmbH; M. Holke, IAP e.V., Germany
16:45-18:25 h
Numerical and experimental investigation of the
separation of suspension flows inside conical disc
stack separators, E.D.L. Böndel*, H. Sauter, MAHLE
Industriefiltration GmbH; M. Piesche, University of
Stuttgart, Germany
Coupling centrifuge drainage with microwave
drying operation: Description of cake desaturation
before drying, M. Valat, W. Jomaa, A. Sommier,
University Bordeaux; P. Ginisty*, X. Apaolaza, IFTS, France
Increasing of performance of pusher centrifuges by
prethickening,B.Hegnauer*,Andritz KMPT GmbH,Germany
Is it possible to reduce costs for pilot centrifuge
testing by lab scale tests?, T. Detloff*, S. Küchler, T.
Sobisch, D. Lerche, LUM GmbH, Germany
New Membranes & Materials I
16:45-18:00 h
Novel production process for polymer ultrafiltration membranes: nanoparticles as pore - forming
template, C.R. Kellenberger*, N.A. Luechinger, A.
Lamprou, R.N. Grass, W.J. Stark, Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Membrane hydrophilization using electron beam
and plasma techniques, A. Schulze*, A. Boulares-Pender,
M. Went, I. Thomas, B. Marquardt, A. Prager-Duschke,
Leibniz Institute of Surface Modification e.V., Germany
One step vinyl-polymerization as an approach for
membrane modification, W. Samhaber, I. Nischang, K.
Danzberger*, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Leveraging a new class of nanofiber membrane for
liquid filtration applications: Introduction to nanoweb materials, A. Doucouré*, S. Jaganathan, J. Wertz, D.
Healey, J. Manns, Hollingsworth & Vose, USA
Air filtration modelling through polymeric nanofiber based filters, W. Sambaer*, M. Zatloukal, Tomas
Bata University Zlin; D. Kimmer, SPUR a.s., Czech Republic
Designing composites for figure of merit with
nanofibers, M. Bittner, M. Malý*, P. Popp, M. Vanícek,
Elmarco, Czech Republic
Cyclone I
15:00-16:15 h
Minimizing pressure drop in cyclone separators –
measurements and numerical simulations, D.
Kahrimanovic*, S. Puttinger, S. Pirker, Christian-Doppler
Laboratory on Particulate Flow Modelling; G. Aichinger,
Siemens Metals Technologies, Austria
Crossflow Processes
16:45-18:00 h
New concept in dynamic polishing filtration: SOFI 2.0,
P. Rantala*, Aalto University, S. Aho, Sofi Filtration Ltd., Finland
Characterisation of resuspended filter cake particles during a regeneration process, T. Quadt*, E.
Schmidt, University of Wuppertal, Germany
2011 18,
Tuesday April 17 – Wednesday
Effect of surface roughness of filter media on the filtration flux, H. Satone*, University of Hyogo; M. Morita, M.
Anzai, R. Takeda, T. Mori, J. Tsubaki, Nagoya University, Japan
Microfiltration flux characteristics in reversing shear
flow, H.G. Gomaa*, University of Western Ontario, S. Rao,
A.M Al Taweel, Dalhousie University, Canada
Separation of filter aids by hydro cyclone classifier,
A. Scheidel*, J. Voigt, K. Sommer, Technical University
Munich; N. Schmid, BASF SE, Germany
New Membranes & Materials II
09:00-10:15 h
Constructing efficient filtration membranes with
ceramic nanofibres, H.-Y. Zhu*, X.B. Ke, Queensland
University of Technology, Australia
Nanostructuring of cellulose acetate hollow fiber
membranes: Bio-fouling and specific functionalization, M.R. Kulterer*, V.E. Reichel, K. Tradt, V. Ribitsch,
Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Austria; S. Hribernik,
University Maribor, Slovenia; J. Potreck, Pentair X-Flow BV,
Nanoparticle & Depth Filtration II
16:45-18:00 h
Studies on filtration of aerosol particles in nonuniform fibrous filters, A. Jackiewicz*, A. Podgórski, L.
Gradon, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Using nanofiber media to filter nano-aerosol under
low peclet number and transitional flow regime,
W.-F. Leung*, C.-H. Hung, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, P.R. China
Application of nanofiber technology for filtering
submicron particles in face mask and personal protective equipment, W.-F. Leung*, C.-H. Hung, The Hong
Kong Polytechnic University, P.R. China
CNT penetration through a screen filter and nano-fiber filter: Numerical modeling and comparison with
experiments, Y.K. Bahk*, J. Buha, J. Wang, ETH Zurich EMPA,
Switzerland, S.C. Kim, D.Y.H. Pui, University of Minnesota, USA
Cyclone II
16:45-18:00 h
An experimental and numerical study on the fractional collection efficiency of cyclone, J.-D. Chung*,
S.-G. Lee, P.-G. Choi, H.-G. Gong, J.-W. Kim, H.-C Lim, Y.-C.
Chung, E.-W. Lee, Hoseo University; M.-S. Shin, Chungnam
National University, Korea
Efficiency research on series-type cyclone, J.D.
Wang*, C.-M. Shao, M.H. Li, J. Li, China North Vehicle
Research Institute, P.R. China
Experimental studies on the efficiency of cyclonetype equipment for the removal of aerosol agglomerates from diesel exhaust gases, T.D. Hoang*,
Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam; M.G.
Schnitzlein, CEI Group, Germany
Wednesday April 18, 2012
SLS-Fundamentals III
09:00-10:15 h
Determination of the filtration resistance of pulp
suspensions from the analysis of flow in a freeness
tester, M. Rueff, E. Mauret, J.-B. Vassas, J.-C. Roux*, J.-F.
Bloch, Grenoble INP – Pagora, France
Numerical analysis of particle sedimentation –
micro and macro behaviour, O.N. Olatunji*, J. Tomas,
Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany
New separation opportunities for suspension with
deterministic ratchets, Y.S. Lubbersen*, J.P. Dijkshoorn,
Wetsus – Centre of Excellence of Sustainable Water Technology; M.A.I. Schutyser, R.M. Boom, Wageningen
University, Netherlands
Filtration Post-treatment
& Filter Aids 09:00-10:15 h
Investigations on back flush and pulsation flow
cleaning of polymer woven filter media, C. Leipert*,
H. Nirschl, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
The modelling of washing processes under the
influence factor of back mixing in two liquid
systems, M. Wilkens*, U.A. Peuker, Technical University
Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Preparation and characterisation of complexing
membranes for the removal of heavy metal ions
from aqueous solutions, L. Lebrun* , H. Bessbousse, T.
Rhlalou, J.-F. Verchère, University of Rouen, France
Water Treatment I
09:00-10:15 h
Large scale micro- and ultrafiltration of water, S.
Ripperger*, Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Water defluoridation using nanofiltration: The first
world unit, Thiadiaye (Senegal), M. Pontié*, Laboratory
GEPEA, France
Performance of small-scale electrodialysis unit for
removal of nitrate impurities from industrial
wastewater, E.A. Abdel-Aal*, Central Metallurgical R&D
Institute; M.H.H. Mahmoud, R.M. Abdel-Hamed, A.T.
Kandil, Helwan University, Egypt
Cleanable Dust Filtration I
09:00-10:15 h
Effects of post-coating by generating a thin secondary particle layer on surface filtration, Q. Zhang*,
E.Schmidt, University of Wuppertal, Germany
Conclusions on the operation behaviour of bag
house filters by comparison of flat filter discs and
filter bags, O. Kurtz*, J. Meyer, G. Kasper, Karlsruhe
Institute of Technologie (KIT), Germany
Solid-Liquid Separation I
10:45-12:00 h
Use of analytical centrifugation for prediction of
dead-end filtration of mineral suspensions, M.
Loginov, N. Lebovka, E. Vorobiev*, University of
Compiègne, France
Impact of pulsed electric field on the solid-liquid
expression behaviour of sugar beet slices, H.
Mhemdi, N. Grimi, O. Bals, E. Vorobiev*, University of
Compiègne, France
Expression of linseed: impact of process parameters on oil quality, E. Vorobiev*, N. Rombaut, R. Savoire,
J. Castello, B. Thomasset, J.L. Lanoisellé, University of
Compiègne, France
Numerical investigation of constant pressure filtration, R.M. Waigaru*, Loughborrough University, UK
A new test device to investigate new applications
for continously operated pressure and vacuum filters, G. Grim*, Andritz KMPT GmbH, Germany
Theoretical analysis of electroosmotic dewatering
of hypertonic substances using Terzaghi-Voigt
combined model, T. Tanaka*, M. Iwata, Osaka
Prefecture University, Japan
Effect of surfactants and borax on the specific cake
resistance and filtration rate of industrial minerals, B. Benli*, Ö.Ö. Taspinar, Istanbul Technical University,
Ion exchange system for simultaneous removal of
ammonia and organics, T-H. Kim*, W. Park, M.-J. Lee,
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea (ROK)
Filtration of mycelium suspension from fermentation broth, L.P. Ramteke, S.U. Deulgaonkar*, B.N. Thorat,
Institute of Chemical Technology Mumbai, India
Mathematical modeling of rotating disc contactor in
extraction of lubricating base oil using furfural and
a co-solvent and computing of the energy saving
value, S.M. FakhrHoseini*, A. Mehrkesh, Islamic Azad Univer
Influence of test dusts on the aging behavior of
different cleanable dust filter media, M. Stecher*, G.
Mauschitz, W. Höflinger, Vienna University of Technology,
Nanoparticle & Depth Filtration III
09:00-10:15 h
Skin effect in surface filtration of nano-aerosol by
nanofiber media, W. Leung*, C.-H. Hung, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, P.R. China
Particle capturing characteristics of the multi-layer
composite filter media with a layer of nano-size
filaments, K.-J. Choi*, Clean&Science, USA
The influence of particle rebound on the collection
process on single fibers, T. Müller*, J. Meyer, G. Kasper,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning (HVAC) 09:00-10:15 h
Predicting the energy use and operation cost of
HVAC air filters under variable-air-volume operation,
J.F. Montgomery*, S.I. Green, S.N. Rogak, K. Barlett,
University of British Columbia, Canada
The effect of dust type, face velocity and pleat
density on the pressure drop and fractional efficiency of full scale V-shaped HEPA filters, I.S. AlAttar*, E.S.Tarleton, Loughborough University; R.J.
Wakeman, UK; A. Husain, Kuwait Institute for Scientific
Research KISR, Kuwait
Microbial aerosol filtration: Influence of humidity
and temperature on HVAC filters colonization and
consequences on the filters release, A. Forthomme, Y.
Andrès, A. Joubert, L. Le Coq*, Ecole des Mines de Nantes;
X. Simon, D. Bémer, P. Duquenne, INRS - Institut National
de Recherche et de Sécurité, France
Solid-Liquid Separation II
10:45-12:00 h
Experimental verification of the coalescence performance in flow through multilayered fibrous
media, A. Krasinski*, Warsaw University of Technology,
Filtrate turbidity as an indicator of filter cloth integrity, M. Mannila*, R. Tuunila, A. Häkkinen, Lappeenranta
University; J. Sinkko, B. Ekberg, Outotec (Filters), Finland
Requirements to eliminate gel particles in different processes, K. Brandt*, S. Strasser, Lenzing AG,
Understanding the central role of the two calciumpools in sludge on its centrifugal dewaterability to
avoid stickiness problems in centrifuge-dryers, B.
Peeters*, L. Vernimmen, Monsanto Europe N.V.; R. Dewil,
Lessius Mechelen; I. Y. Smets, Catholic University Leuven,
Solid/liquid separation of suspensions obtained
from selective leaching of metal dust generated in
the stainless steel industry, E. Hietanen*, T. Sainio, A.
Häkkinen, Lappeenranta University of Technology; A.
Keeki, Aalto University, Finland
Wednesday April 18, 2012
Clarification of colloidal suspension by adding
composite flocculants in powder form, T. Tanaka*, H.
Kadooka, M. Iwata, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Olefin metathesis in a nanofiltration membrane
reactor in toluene, G. Nasser, D. Delaunay, T. Renouard,
M. Rabiller-Baudry*, University Rennes, France
The removal of humic acid from peat water using
chitosan as a low cost adsorbent, M. A. Zulfikar,
Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia
On electrostatic interactions during nanofiltration
of iron/phosphate chelates in 5.9 mol.L-1 phosphoric acid medium, M. Rabiller-Baudry*, H. Diallo, K.
Khaless, B. Chaufer, University Rennes, France
Comparative assessment of filter media for arsenic
removal from drinking water: Commercially available and perspective hybrid sorbents, Z. Maletskyi*,
T. Mitchenko, H. Shevchuk, P. Stender, Y. Kolomiyets,
National Technical University of Ukraine, Ukraine
Membrane Separation I
10:45-12:00 h
Stimuli responsiveness of block copolymer membranes, S. Rangou*, A. Jung, M. Gallei, K. Buhr, P. Merten,
V. Filiz, S. Bolmer, C. Abetz, V. Abetz, Helmholtz-Zentrum
Geesthacht, Germany
Assembling wormlike micelles into mesoporous
membranes, C. Stegelmeier*, A. Exner, S. Förster,
University of Bayreuth, J. Perlich, HASYLAB/DESY, Germany
Use of raft polymerization for the synthesis of high
molecular weight diblock copolymers, C. Efe, M.
Rikkou-Kalourkoti,C.S.Patrickios*,University of Cyprus,Cyprus
Recovery of antioxidants from by-products of the
food industry with membrane processes, B.
Feketeföldi*, A. Dunkl, M. Suppan, V. Ribitsch, Joanneum
Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Austria
Metallic microfilters with pore size down to 0.2
micrometer, O. van Donselaar*, A. Harbiye, H. Knol, Stork
Veco BV, Netherlands
Combined electrically-enhanced aqueous extraction and membrane filtration to recover oil from
oil meals, J.-L. Lanoisellé, L. Ding, L. Li, D. Clausse, E.
Vorobiev*, University of Compiègne, France
Study on treatment and reuse of petrochemical
wastewater with high salinity by membrane distillation technology, X. Zhang*, Z. Hou, Z. Li, J. Luan, Y. Yang,
Environmental Protection Research Institute-SINOPEC, China
Features of ultrafiltration applying low doses of coagulant, O. Svetleishaya, T. Mitchenko*, P. Stender, Z.
Maletskyi, National Technical University of Ukraine, Ukraine
Efficient filtration via chaotic advection in a tubular membrane module, T. G. Kang*, Korea Aerospace
University; G.T. Park, S.W. Kim, Boo-Kang Tech Co., Ltd.,
Sang-Kyu Choi, Korea Institute of Machinery and
Materials, Korea (ROK)
Effect of different pretreatments on permeate flux
for passion fruit microfiltration, R.C.C. Domingues,
S.B. Faria Junior, R.B. Silva, G.O. Prado, V.L. Cardoso,
M.H.M. Reis*, Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil
Cleanable Dust Filtration II
A Study on the characterization of zeta potential of
tubular membrane, Y.-P. Fang, K.-W. Lai, C.-J. Chuang*,
Chung Yuan University, Taiwan
Total removal of microalgae in seawater by submerged microfiltration, J.-B. Castaing, S. Plantier, A. Masse,
N. Sabiri, P. Jaouen, M. Pontié*, Laboratory GEPEA; J. Haure,
IFREMER, Lab. Conchylicole des Pays de la Loire, France
Energy efficient concentration of clarified thin
sugar juice through multistage-NF/RO membrane
technology, M. Harasek*, S. Gul, Vienna University of
Technology, Austria
Modeling microfiltration of baker's yeast suspensions
by neural networks, A. Jokic*, B. Ikonic, J. Grahovac, S.
Dodic, S. Popov, Z. Šereš, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Experimental investigation of sintered metal fiber
hot gas filter, Z. Ji*, L. Yang, Q. Xu, China University of
Petroleum, P.R. China
Effect of the bag arrangement on the dust removal performance of the bag filter, F. Qian*, Z. Chen,
Anhui University of Technology; Y. Ye, X. Zhang, Anhui FLT
Liquid-Filtering Equipment Ltd, China
10:45-12:00 h
Comparative characterization of cleanable dust filter media with regard to energy consumption and
filtration efficiency, T. Laminger*, F. Lebl, W. Höflinger,
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Advantages and possible applications of a novel pulsless filtration system, S.D. Sharma*, K. McLennan, M.
Dolan, A. Ilyushechkin, CSIRO Energy Technology, Australia
Developing back-pressure cleaning of nanofiber
filters, W.-F. Leung*, C.-H. Hung, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, P.R. China
Solid Gas Separation I
10:45-12:00 h
14:00- 15:15 h
Separation Challenges for the Biotechnology: SMART
is one Answer, Dr. Karsten Keller - Solae/Dupont, USA
Experimental study on the collection efficiency of
nanoparticles of TiO2 by fibrous cellulose filter,
J.V.M. Zoccal, F.O. Arouca, J.R. Coury, J.A.S. Gonçalves*,
Federal University of São Carlos; F.O. Arouca, Federal
University of Uberlândia, Brazil
Structure formation of block copolymer membranes,
V. Abetz*, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
Deposition of charged aerosol nanoparticles on
wire screens, M. Alonso*, F.J. Alguacil, National Center
for Metallurgical Research CSIC; V. Gomez, Instituto de
Nanociencia de Aragón INA, Spain; C.H. Huang, Yuanpei
University, Taiwan
Room-temperature and cryogenic-temperature
electron microscopy characterization of self-assembled block-copolymer nanoporous membranes, L.
Oss-Ronen*, J. Schmidt, Y. Cohen, Y. Talmon, TechnionIsrael Institute of Technology, Israel
Measuring suspended particle size with high accuracy, A. Brems*, R. Dewil, University of Leuven, Belgium;
Y. Brems, J. Baeyens, University of Warwick, UK
Theoretical basics of transport through the block
copolymer self-assembled membranes: structure,
permeability, convection instability, I. Erukhimovich*,
Institute of Organoelement Compounds RAS; Y. Kriksin,
Institute for Mathematical Modeling RAS, Russian Federation
Evaluation of the behavior of regenerated cellulose filter media during gas filtration, P.M. Barros, E.H.
Tanabe, M.L. Aguiar*, Federal University of São Carlos,
10:45-12:00 h
Performance of an aerosol generator for preparation of nanoparticles by atomization, F.O. Arouca*,
Federal University of Uberlândia; N.R. Feitosa; J.R. Coury,
Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
Simulating permeability of 3-D fibrous media, H.M. Fu*, Y.-Y. Li, Y.-F. Diao, Donghua University, P.R. China
Characterisation of zeolites and microporous
materials by dynamic vapour sorption methods, P.
Miao*, M. Naderi, J. Khoo, D.J. Burnett, Surface
Measurement Systems Ltd., UK
Membrane Separation II
Study of the influence of the velocity of filtration
in the formation and removal of the dust cake,
D.M. Nunes, F.O. Arouca*, J.J.R. Damasceno, Federal
University of Uberlândia, Brazil
Performance of polypropylene and cellulose filters
in high pressure gas filtration, E.H. Tanabe, J.R. Coury,
M.L. Aguiar*; Federal University of São Carlos; M.D.M.
Innocentini, University of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Fabrication of depth-type filter media through
direct growth of carbon nanotubes on quartz
fibers, P. Li*, Y. Zhang, F. Wei, Tsinghua University, Ch
New Membranes & Materials III
14:00-15:15 h
Water Treatment II
14:00-15:15 h
Membrane reuse: First step to cradle to cradle
(C2C) approach, M. Pontié*, Laboratory GEPEA; Q. Trong
Nguyen, Rouen University, France
Membrane technology in water treatment applications, W.M. Samhaber*, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Experience with MBR-systems for cleaning highly
loaded organic waste water, B.S. Mayr*, EnviCare
Engineering GmbH, Austria
Cleanable Dust Filtration III
14:00-15:15 h
Filtration efficiency at high filter face velocity, B.
Lohrengel*, Heilbronn University, A. Reinhardt, N.
Maheswaran, Mahle Industriefiltration GmbH, Germany
Solid Gas Separation II
10:45-12:00 h
Study of regeneration of different filter media,
M.S. Rocha*, Federal University of Espírito Santo; M.L.
Aguiar, Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil; A.C.M.
Rodrigues, University of Sao Carlos
Optimization of bag house filter performance by
using fast detection systems, R. Herzog, R.
Heidenreich*, W.-P. Frenzel, Institute for Air Handling and
Refrigeration ILK, Germany
Energy analysis of the hybrid filtering process on a
modified VDI 3926 type 2 test apparatus, F. Lebl*, T.
Laminger, W. Höflinger, Vienna University, Austria
Mist Droplet Separation I
14:00-15:15 h
Temporal evolution of the saturation profile of an
oil-mist filter, D. Kampa*, S. Wurster, J. Buzengeiger, J.
Meyer, G. Kasper, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),
Germany; B. Mullins, Griffith University, Australia
Wednesday April 18 – Thursday
April 19,
2012 Programme
First measurements of large drop re-entertainment
from an oil-mist filter, S. Wurster*, D. Kampa, J. Meyer,
G. Kasper, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),
Germany; B. Mullins, Griffith University, Australia
Experimental & simulation study of liquid storage
and transportation within a filtering mist filter, T.
Laminger*, W. Höflinger, Vienna University of Technology,
Filter Testing I
14:00-15:15 h
Electric charge of aerosols - Influence on filter efficiency, D. Bémer*, S. Chazelet, A. Masson, M.-C. CadavidRodriguez, INRS, France
Determination of filter efficiency with optical online
particle measurement in hot gases up to 450°C
and in chemically aggressive gas components, M.
Schmidt*, S. Schütz, Palas® GmbH, G. Lindenthal,
Consulting for Particle Technology, Germany
PM removal for particulate air filters for general
ventilation, T. Carlsson*, M. Johnsson, Vokes Air, Sweden
Vacuum & Pressure Filter I
15:45-17:25 h
Backwash - suitable depth filters with fixed filtration matrix for effective filtration in the range of 1
µm to 10 µm, K. Defren*, Pall GmbH, Germany
Next generation of vacuum belt filter media – pore
size versus permeability as selection criteria, C.
Maurer*, Sefar AG, Switzerland
Cost reduction in anodizing process by using New
automatic filter, J. Baumgartinger, T. Lemberger*,
Lenzing Technik GmbH, Austria
Filtration with ultra thin filter cake on a patented
automatic pressure filtering system, S. Strasser, S.
Schöpf*, Lenzing Technik GmbH, Austria
Force Enhanced Solid Liquid
15:45-17:25 h
Simulation in magnetic field enhanced centrifugation, J. Lindner*, K. Menzel, H. Nirschl, Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology (KIT), Germany
Separation of particles from high viscosity fluids
with an open gradient magnetic separator (OGMS),
A. Vetter*, S. Ripperger, Kaiserslautern University of
Technology, Germany
Viscosity effects in high gradient magnetic separation
technique, K. Menzel*, J. Lindner, H. Anlauf, H. Nirschl,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Preparation, characterization and testing of
magnetic nanocomposite for removal of benzene
from water sources, S.M. Alfaduhl*, King Abdulaziz City
for Science and Technology - KACST, Saudi Arabia
The use of membrane filtration to study cell protein trafficking, M. Faupel*, F. George, S. Bischoff, M.
Baudry, Rhenovia Pharma, France
Dielectric properties of Chitosan-ENR-Zeolite mixed
matrix membrane, W. Taweepreda*, A. Vichianchom,
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Membrane Special Applications
15:45-17:00 h
Reverse osmosis, nanofiltration and seeding technology for an economical and environmental sustainable purification of landfill leachate, T. Peters,
Consulting for Membrane Technology, Germany
Filtration performance of on-line laminated MB
micro- and nano fibers/membrane, P.P. Tsai*, C.
Woods, J. Wyrick, The University of Tennessee, USA
Sustainable energy optimization of membrane
bioreactors, C. Thiemig*, Microdyn-Nadir GmbH; Stefan
Krause, University of Applied Science Darmstadt, Germany
Membrane separation of fullerene nanoparticles
from water, S.-R. Chae*, University of Sydney, Australia;
D. Jassby, Y. Xiao, S. Lin; P.K. Park, Cheil Industries Inc.; J.O. Kim, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea
(ROK); M.R. Wiesner, Duke University, USA
Electrostatic & Wet Separators
15:45-17:00 h
Hydrodynamic and mass transfer processes of the
grid-structured plastic packing hiflow plus, V.
Wolf*, M. Lehner, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria; K.
Hoffmann, RVT Process Equipment GmbH, Germany
DC-Corona discharge; Application in gas and water
treatment, P. Letonja, T. Friedrich, M. Siebenhofer*, Graz
University of Technology, Austria
Mist Droplet Separation II
15:45-17:00 h
Filtration properties of compressed air filters at rated flows between 50 m³/h and 3000 m³/h, W. MoelterSiemens*, A. Kerssenboom, H. Finger, S. Haep, Institute for
Energy and Environmental Technology (IUTA), Germany
Pressure drop in mechanical fibrous filters loading
with liquid aerosols, M. Dalemo*, Absolent AB, Sweden
Filter Testing II
15:45-17:25 h
Looking for the minimum efficiency of fibrous air
filters during their service life, P. Tronville*,
Politecnico di Torino, Italy; R. Rivers, EQS Inc., USA
Vacuum and Pressure Filter II
15:45-17:00 h
Ultrathin nanoporous silicon membranes for bioseparations, F. Montagne*, M. Klein, N. Blondiaux, R. Pugin,
Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology CSEM,
Separation and consolidation behaviour of flocculated versus non-flocculated dispersions: A reliable
laboratory classification test, T. Sobisch, A. Zierau,
D.Lerche*, LUM GmbH, Germany
A new experimental set-up for high throughput
screening of flocculents, A.M.C. Janse*, P. van Hee, J.A.
Vente, H. Robers, T. Verkaik, E.J.A.X. van de Sandt, DSM
Biotechnology Center, Netherlands
Membrane Fouling I
09:00-10:15 h
Microfiltration characteristics of Bacillus Subtilis
broth products, K.-J. Hwang*, C.-Y. Wang, Tamkang
University, Taiwan
Fouling characterization of membrane contactors
used for the recovery and concentration of ammonia from undigested pig slurry, A. Zarebska*, B.
Norddahl, K.V. Christensen, University of Southern
Denmark, Denmark
Membrane fouling during micro- and ultrafiltrations of whey proteins: Assessment of a reaction
mechanism for ß -Lactoglobulin, T. Steinhauer*, U.
Kulozik, Technical University Munich, Germany
Electrostatic precipitation mechanisms beyond
electric fields, M. Kaul*, E. Schmidt, University of
Wuppertal, Germany
Thursday April 19, 2012
Functionalized nanoporous membranes from photocleavable block copolymers, J.-M. Schumers, C.-G.
Gamys, C.-A. Fustin, J.-F. Gohy*, Catholic University of
Louvain, Belgium
Compaction of suspended particles with dual ionic
thermosensitive polymers incorporating a hydrophobic component, T. Kawachi, S. Sakohara*, Hiroshima
University, Japan
Can bubble columns be an alternative to fibrous
filters for nanoparticles collection?, A. Charvet*, D.
Thomas, N. Bardin-Monnier, Nancy University; D. Bémer,
INRS Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité, France
Improvements in the quick and reliable determination of HEPA and ULPA filter classes, S. Schütz*,
M. Schmidt, Palas® GmbH, Germany
New Membranes & Materials IV
Chemical Enhanced Solid
Liquid Separation 09:00-10:15 h
09:00-10:15 h
Hi-bar steam pressure filtration – a hybrid separation
process for mechanical dewatering and thermal drying, R. Bott*, T. Langeloh, E. Ehrfeld, Bokela GmbH, Germany
Removal of chloride from fly ash by dissolution
and displacement washing in a vertical filter press,
T. Kinnarinen*, A. Häkkinen, Lappeenranta Univesity of
Technology; M. Penttilä, Ekokem-Palvelu Oy, Finland
Pilot scale study on coarse- and fine-pore filtration
of activated sludge, B. Özdemir*, O. Yenigun, Bogazici
University, Turkey
Membrane Bioreactor
09:00-10:15 h
Long-term performance and monitoring of a 10m³
pilot plant using textile filter modules for direct
activated sludge separation, B. Gahleitner, C. Loderer,
W. Fuchs*, University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences IFA-Tulln, H. Schuster, M-U-T GmbH, Austria
Comparison of different membrane types applied
in pilot scale MBR system for process water cleaning in aquaculture, A. Gerbeth*, B. Gemende,
University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, A. von Bresinsky,
Fischwirtschaftsbetrieb; R.-P. Busse, Busse GmbH; U.
Meyer-Blumenroth, Microdyn-Nadir GmbH, Germany
Baghouse Filters I
09:00-10:15 h
Development of a baghouse filter for domestic
wood-fired heaters, S. Schiller*, H.-J. Schmid, University
of Paderborn, Germany
Measurement of the particle emission of an industrial pulse-jet fabric filter following filters cleaning, A. Ginestet*, D. Pugnet, CETIAT, France
To study of punch density, pulse pressure and face
velocity on pulse jet filtration performance, A.K.
Choudhary*, R. Dwivedi, National Institute of Technology
Jalandhar, India
Filter Media I
09:00-10:15 h
Morphology of nanofiber structures in ultrafine
particles filtration, D. Kimmer*, I. Vincent, J. Fenyk, D.
Petras, SPUR a.s.; M. Zatloukal, W. Sambaer, Tomas Bata
University Zlin; V. Zdimal, Institute of Chemical Process
Fundamentals of the AS CR, v.v.i, Czech Republic
Effects of humidity on the removal efficiencies for
submicron particles for clean and real world loaded
air filters, M. Schröter*, W.L. Gore & Associates GmbH,
Germany; W. Poon, W.L. Gore & Associates Inc, USA
Thursday April 19, 2012
Enhanced production efficiencies by process integration of hot gas filtration, J. Baeyens*, University of
Warwick, UK; A. Brams, R. Dewil, Catholic University of
Leuven, Belgium
Filter Testing III
09:00-10:15 h
Test of cleanable filter media with different test
powders - influence on the results, M. Schmidt*,
Palas® GmbH, Germany
Adsorption of TIC and TIM (toxic industrial chemicals/materials), H. Finger*, W. Mölter-Siemens, S. Haep,
D. Bathen, Institute for Energy and Environmental
Technology (IUTA), Germany
Birth of a new testing protocol - ASHRAE 199, R.
Burkhead*, Blue Heaven Technologies, USA
Impact of water activity on oil expression from oilseeds, E. Vorobiev*, R. Savoire, M.-A. Lazouk, A. Kaddour,
J.-L. Lanoisellé, E. Van-Hecke, B. Thomasset, University of
Compiègne, France
Purification of crude biodiesel using polymeric
commercial membranes, M.J. Alves, S.M. Nascimento,
I.G. Pereire, V.L. Cardoso, M.H.M. Reis*, Federal University
of Uberlandia, Brazil
Influence of interfacial effects on the dewatering
behaviour of ultrafine particle packings, S. Stein*, J.
Tomas, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Germany
Supported liquid membranes (SLM)s for facilitated
transport of Chromium (III), L. Lebrun*, M. Hlaibi,
University of Rouen, France; A. Benjjar, O. Kama, T. Ejjadi,
University Hassan II, Morocco
Liquid expression from biosolid porous particles:
mathematical model, M. Petryk*, D. Mykhalyk, State
University Ivan PULU'Y de Ternopil, Ukraine; E. Vorobiev,
University of Compiègne, France
The viscosity effects in the porosity of granular
materials in the moving bed washing process, L.
Rodríguez Machín*, V.S. Ocaña Guevara, R. Pérez
Bermúdez, I. López, L. Gómez, Central University "Marta
Abreu"de Las Villas, Cuba; B. Hoffner, W. Stahl, Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Modelling of solid liquid separation using deep
bed filtration, W. Yang*, P. Skjetne, SINTEF Materials and
Chemistry, Norway
Solid-Liquid Separation III
10:45-12:00 h
Waste polymer fibrous as filter media for oily
water separation, R.M. Šecerov Sokolovic*, S.M.
Sokolovic, D.S. Sokolovic, University of Novi Sad , Serbia
Anisotropic media, T.S. Braamhaar, H.H. Kleizen*,
Dutchap B.V., Netherlands
Flow-through reactor for testing photocatalytic
activity of multifunctional filter cloth, J. Pridal*, J.
Pridal, A. Urban, Mikropur s.r.o.; Z. Cejka, ProSpon spo.
s.r.o; L. Bacakova, Institute of Physiology, Czech Republic
Electrodewatering of sewage sludge in a twosided drainage cell, M. Citeau, O. Larue and E.
Vorobiev*, University of Compiègne, France
Removal and separation of fine particles from
recovered paper, G. Hirsch*, H.-J. Putz, S. Schabel,
Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
Comparative study of different heavy metal chelating acrylic micro and nano fibers prepared by
various amine compounds modifications, A. Haji*,
Islamic Azad University, M. Abdouss, A Mousavi
Shoushtari, Amirkabir University of Technology , Iran
Citric acid modified acrylic micro and nano fibers
for removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous
media, M. Abdouss*, A. Mousavi Shoushtari, A. Simakani,
S. Somaye Akbari, Amirkabir University of Technology, A.
Haji, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Nano-structural surface modified PP nonwoven as
anion absorbent by amination of plasma activatedacrylic acid grafted fiber, A. Mousavi Shoushtari*, M.
Abdouss*, S. Rahmani, E. Kowsari, Amirkabir University of
Technology, A. Haji, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Solid-Liquid Separation IV
10:45-12:00 h
Comparison of solid concentration profiles in
batch settling tests between Newtonian and nonNewtontian suspensions, B.A. Moreira; M.V.D. Silva,
R.E.A. Faria; F.O. Arouca*, J.J.R. Damasceno, Federal
University of Uberlândia, Brazil
10:45-12:00 h
Fractionation of purple cactus pear betalains
(Opuntia ficus-indica) by membrane process. First
stage: Microfiltration, B. Cancino*, A. Ramírez,
Catholic University of Valparaiso; C. Vergara, P. Robert, C.
Sáenz, University of Chile Santiago, Chile
Influence of static mixer on cross-flow microfiltration of wheat starch suspensions, B. Ikonic*, A. Jokic,
Z. Zavargo, Z. Šereš, J. Gyura, J. Dodic, University of Novi
Sad, Serbia
A new process for the removal of colloidal particles from waste liquid by use of particle immobilization in gel, T. Tanaka*, M. Iwata, Osaka Prefecture
University, Japan
Analysis of mechanism of inclined dead-end ultrafiltration of protein solution, N. Katagiri*, D. Nakano,
E. Iritani, Nagoya University, Japan
Heavy metals removing by iron-nanosilicte, A.
Khalesi*, Iran University of Science and Technology; P.
Khalesi, M. Manochehri, University of Islamic Azad, Iran
Nanofiltration operating conditions and fouling
challenges in drinking water treatment, A.Fuqaha*,
A. Friedl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Separation of iron ions from aqueous solution by
using Iranian gypsum, B.K. Moghaddam, A.R.
Azadmehr*, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran
Separation performance of SRNF membranes for
organic solvent mixtures, J.W. Samhaber, L. Wessely*,
Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Application of natural bentonite as a cationic filter
for lead removal from aqueous solution, H. Karimi,
A.R. Azadmehr*, Amirkabir University of Technology
Dynamic model of a supported ionic liquid membrane module for single gas transport, N.
Nemestóthy*, P. Cserjesi, P. Bakonyi, K. Bélafi-Bakó,
University of Pannonia, Hungary
Modification of biofiltration process using carbonated ceramic, D.W. Abbood*, H.A. Mehdi, H.T. Himed,
Mustansiriya University Baghdad, Iraq
Application of kapok nonwoven and electrospun
PVDF nanofiber web to oil/water separation, S.J.
Doh*, Y.H. Yoon, D.Y. Lim, Y.O. Cho, KITECH Korea Institute
of Industrial Technology, Korea (ROK)
Effect of fluorescence on turbidity measurement, P.
Brugger*, R. Beneš, Anton Paar GmbH, Austria
Membrane Separation IV
Membrane Separation III
10:45-12:00 h
On the use of microwaves to accelerate ageing of
an ultrafiltration PES membrane by sodium hypochlorite to establish representative ageing of what
happened at industrial scale, C. Lepéroux, M. RabillerBaudry*, D. Delaunay, H. Diallo, L. Paquin, University
Rennes, France
Fabrication of a novel γ-Al2O3/Ag/stainless steel
screen support for Palladium-based alloy membrane, M.-C. Lin*, Y.-H. Chia, Y.-L. Lin, T.-W. Huang, ITRI
Industrial Technology Research Institute; J.Y. Uan, National
Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Role of modified activated carbon by H3PO4 and
K2CO3 from natural adsorbent for removal of lead
(II) from aqueous solutions, M. Manoochehri, A.
Khalesi*, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Investigation of efficiency of new Fe-modified
nano porous (Fe-MCM-41) for removaling Nd3+, M.
Manoochehri, A. Khalesi*, S. Aseman Lajevardi, R.M.
Hamze KhanlouIslamic, Azad University, Iran
Removal of arsenic from drinking water by high
pressure membrane filtration, Z. Lazarova*, AIT
Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Purification of yellow water by membranes, Z.
Lazarova*, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Separation of substances from aqueous media by
electrically facilitated pressure-driven membrane
filtration, Z. Lazarova*, AIT Austrian Institute of
Technology, Austria
Concentration of bio-ethanol through Poly[1-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propyne] membranes during temperature-difference controlled evapomeation, T.
Uragami*, Kansai University, Japan
The role of UV disinfection in biofouling prevention
of veverse osmosis membranes, O.A. Mohammed*,
ISSC, Iraq; A.O. Sharif, University of Surrey, UK
Determination of the modified fouling index (MFI)
and the compressibility of cake-layer on a membrane's surface during the ultrafiltration process
for oily wastewater treatment, I. Petrinic*, A. Muric,
University of Maribor, Slovenia; M.L. Christtensen, Aalborg
University, Denmark
Baghouse Filters II
10:45-12:00 h
New device for in situ testing of filter media in pulse
jet filter plants design and operating details - startup procedure and experimental results, F. Popovici,
Evonik, Italy; G. Gasparin*, Evonik Fibres GmbH, Austria
Impact of operating parameters on industrial pulsejet filtration process, A. Mukhopdhyay*, National
Institute of Technology Jalandhar, India
Fabric filter operating results with 10 m long filter
bags and low purging pressures, C.-V. Rasmussen*,
H.V. Pedersen, FLSmidth Airtech, Denmark
2011 Congress Programme
Thursday April
19, 2012
Solid Gas Separation III
10:45-12:00 h
Synthetic filter media with high mechanical efficiency, W. Rupertseder*, A. Seeberger, A. Jung, T. Ertl,
IREMA-Filter GmbH, Germany
Characterization of nanoparticle aggregate deposits produced by filtration: Influence of aggregate
morphology and filtration velocity, F-X. Ouf *, F.
Gensdarmes, A. Yu, S. Fauvel, IRSN - DSU; D. Thomas,
Nancy University, France
Pressure drop and liquid distribution in a venturi
scrubber, J.A. Gonçalves*, V.G. Guerra, J.R. Coury, Federal
University of São Carlos; R. Béttega, Federal University of
Uberlandia, Brazil
Film fraction in venturi scrubbers with different
throat diameters, J.A. Gonçalves*, A.P. Guerra, J.R.
Coury, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
Catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides on catalytic
filter based on V205-W03/TiO2, J.-H. Choi*, J.-H. Kim,
Gyeongsang National University; Y.-S. Cho, Korea (ROK)
SLS-Fundamentals IV
14:00-15:15 h
Effect of the design of filter fabric on solid/liquid
separation, M.P. Sikka*, National Institute of Technology
Jajandhar, India
Long-term fouling of ceramic filter media in the
dewatering of hematite concentrate, R. Salmimies*,
A. Häkkinen, Lappeenranta University of Technology; B.
Ekberg, Outotec (Filters) Oy, Finland; J. Kallas, Tallinn
University of Technology, Estonia
Compressive strength and capillary pressure:
Competing properties of compressible sediments
that determine breakthrough pressure, A.D.
Stickland*, H.-E. Teo, G.V. Franks, P.J. Scales, University of
Melbourne, Australia
Computational investigation of particle retention
at woven filter materials, J. Barth*, S. Ripperger,
Kaiserslautern University of Technology
Dynamic Filtration
14:00-15:15 h
Washing of highly concentrated suspensions by
means of filters with overlapping discs, D. Goldnik*,
S. Ripperger, Kaiserslautern University of Technology, German
Antibacterial HEPA filter using PAN/silver nanoparticle hybrid nanofibers, N. Hoda*', M. Karaagacli, Ö.
Topel, Akdeniz University, Turkey
Purification of continuous or batchwise process
streams with the dynamic cross-flow filter, G. Grim*,
Andritz KMPT GmbH, Germany
Desulfurization of gasoline over nano pore cobalt
loaded Y-type zeolite at ambient conditions, M.
Dastanian*, S.M. Fakhrhoseini, E. Golabi, Islamic Azad
University; F. Seyedeyn-Azad, University of Isfahan, Iran
Dynamic cross flow filtration with the DYNO Filter –
comparison of technologies and operating results,
E. Ehrfeld*, R. Bott, T. Langeloh, BOKELA GmbH, Germany
Simulation of Filter Process I
10:45-12:00 h
An enhanced porous sub-model for small particle
collection within fibrous air filter media, J. Weber*,
University of Stuttgart; M.J. Lehmann, MANN+HUMMEL
GmbH, Germany
2D-simulation of depth filtration in pleated filter,
N. Bardin-Monnier*, P.-C. Gervais, D. Thomas, Nancy
University, France
10:45-12:00 h
Correlations between floc characteristics and drainability properties: How to define a good flocculation? P. Ginisty*, IFTS; V. Lafitte, J. Olivier, J. Vaxelaire,
ENSGTI, France
Investigations about breakage of protein crystals
during filtration processes, B. Cornehl*, H. Nirschl,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Innovative and sustainable process for mineral acids
neutralization: Comparison of filtration properties
of sludge generated by milk of lime and grinded
calcium carbonate treatment, P. Ginisty*, IFTS; M.
Bergonzo, Provalva SA, France
Avoiding activated sludge stickiness through addition of polyaluminiumchloride (PACI), B. Peeters*, L.
Vernimmen, Monsanto Europe N.V.; R. Dewil, Lessius
Mechelen; I. Y. Smets, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium
SLS Filtration Applications &
New Processes
Size enlargement of ultrafiltration pressurized
modules in water treatment by membrane:
Giganem®, O. Lorain*, I. Duchemin; J.M. Espenan,
Polymem SA, France
New developments in hollow fiber nanofiltration,
B. Blankert*, F. Knops, R. Dekker, Pentair X-Flow,
14:00-15:15 h
Modelling and Simulation of filtration processes - a
practitioner’s overview, Dr. Andreas Wiegmann - Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, Germany
SLS Filter Testing I
15:45-17:25 h
Liquid metal filtration – New approaches, U.A.
Peuker*, C.G. Aneziris, D. Trimis, Technical University
Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Diagnosing problem particles in conventional gravity filtration processes, R. Macdonald, A. Perrault, B.
Jefferson, P. Jarvis*, Cranfield University, UK
New options to better evaluate efficiency and
capacity of combustion engine fuel filters, C.
Peuchot*, N. Petillon, IFTS, France
New reference materials to calibrate automatic
particle counters, C. Peuchot*, N. Petillon, IFTS, France;
R. Fletcher, NIST, USA
Prediction of lifetime performance of filtration
media, A. Jena, K. Gupta*, Porous Materials, Inc., USA
New design for filterability and compressibility
test cell, J.P. Féraud*, L. Salemi, D. Ode, J.L. Pabion, CEA
Marcoule, France
SLS Filtration Applications II
Freeze concentration: Selective separation of
organic and inorganic substances from aqueous
systems, A. Stuhlbacher*, P. Enderle, M. Koinigg,
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Austria
Prediction of adsorption and break through curves
by direct numerical simulation, E. Glatt*, A.
Wiegmann, Fraunhofer Institute ITWM, Germany
15:45-17:25 h
Filter Media II
15:45-17:00 h
New microscopic methods for characterizing micro
filtration membranes, H. Reingruber*, A. Zankel, P.
Poelt, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Characterization of the surface charge at the filter
media/aqueous solution interface, T. Luxbacher*,
Anton Paar GmbH, Austria
Virtual filter media – Recent advances in modeling
of particle collection in fibrous oil filter media, M.J.
Lehmann*, MANN+HUMMEL GmbH, Germany
The design and validation of woven filter media
using geodict CFD modeling, M. Knefel*, GKD Gebr.
Kufferath AG, Germany
Removal of SO2 using internal circulating fluidized
bed in the semi-dry flue gas desulfurization, Y.-O.
Park*, H.-J. Park, KIER Korea Institute of Energy Research;
Y.-H. Kim, Pukyong National University, Korea (ROK)
Membrane Bioreactor &
Water Treatment 14:00-15:15
Next generation diesel fuel filter, M. Wieczorek, W.
Haberkamp*, B. Verdegan, Cummins Filtration Inc., USA
The non-aqueous filtration and washing of oil sand
- developing a process for sustainable processing
of Canadian oil sands, E. Schmidt*; U.A. Peuker,
Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Y. Zheng,
Siemens AG, Germany
Pre-treatment of debarking waste water before
biological treatment, T. Leiviskä*, A. Sarpola, J.
Tanskanen, University of Oulu, Finland
Membrane Fouling II
15:45-17:25 h
Fouling behavior of dairy wastewater in shearenhanced nanofiltration process, J. Luo, L. Ding, M.Y.
Jaffrin*, University of Compiègne, France
Contribution of sticky properties to deposit formation, Q. Derekx, P. Bacchin, University of Toulouse; D.
Veyret, European Commission, Joint Research Centre,
Institute of Energy; K. Glucina, Suez Environnement; P.
Moulin*, University Paul Cézanne Aix Marseille, France
Limiting and critical fluxes versus cleanability of a
polyethersulfone membrane of skim milk ultrafiltration, N.W. Diagne*, M. Rabiller-Baudry, University
Rennes, France
Effect of scaling salts co-existence on scaling propensity prediction during full scale reverse osmosis, E.
Alhseinat*,R. Sheikholeslami,University of Edinburgh,Scotland
Baghouse Filters III
15:45-17:00 h
Parameters affecting the dust cake formation in filtering elements at high, M. Lupion*, M. Rodriguez-Galan,
B. Alonso-Fariñas, B. Navarrete, University of Seville, Spain
Experimental measurement of axial gas flow distribution in pulse-jet bag filter, M. Saleem*,
University of the Punjab, Pakistan; S. Tahir, Graz University
of Technology, G. Krammer, Andritz AG, Austria
Flue gas cleaning with filter media of high-tech
fibres for biomass combustion, R. Heidenreich*,
Institute for Air Handling and Refrigeration ILK; E. Schmalz,
STFI, H. Rudolph, FILK, Germany
Filter Media II
15:45-17:00 h
Modifications of nonwoven filtering materials by
bioactive nanofibres, I. Krucinska, E.Gliscinska*, B.
Gutarowska, Technical University of Lódz; J. Krzyzanowski,
I. Lysiak, Filter Service Ltd.; B. Brycki, Adam Mickiewicz
University, Poland
Enhanced performance of cabin air filter media
with a bicomponent spunbond nonwoven, A.
Maltha*, E. Berkhout, L. van der Molen, M. Koerntjes,
Colbond B.V., Netherlands
X-ray tomography investigations of the influence
of micro and nano fibers on non-steady filtration
process, J. Michalski*, S. Jakubiak, P. Zywicki, A.
Jackiewicz, L. Gradon, K. Kurzydlowski, Warsaw University
of technology, Poland
Thursday April 19 – Friday April 20, 2012
Manufacturing and joining of advanced metallic filter media for demanding environments, O. Andersen*,
C. Liebert, C. Kostmann, G. Stephani, Fraunhofer Institute
for Manufacturing and Advanced Materials, Germany
Simulation of Filter Processes II
15:45-17:00 h
Simulation of soot filtration on the nano-, microand meso-scale, L. Cheng, S. Rief, A. Wiegmann*,
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM; J.
Adler, L. Mammitzsch, U. Petasch, Fraunhofer Institute for
Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS, Germany
Models and methods for the simulation of filter elements, H. Andrä, O. Iliev, M. Kabel, R. Kirsch*, Z. Lakdawala,
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, Germany
Deformation and the change of filtration properties
of weaves - a computational approach, S. Rief*, E.
Glatt, A. Wiegmann, M. Kabel, H. Andrä, Fraunhofer
Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, Germany
The poly-disperse hybrid-model EUgran+, simulating particle agglomeration, separation and filtration, D. Schellander*, S. Schneiderbauer, S. Pirker,
Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Emission Control I
09:00-10:15 h
Use of water droplets and additives for dust control, U. Klenk*, M. Parey, E. Schmidt, University of
Wuppertal, Germany
Flue gas SO2 -removal in circulating fluidized beds,
S. Mammoudi, J. Baeyens*, J.P.K. Seville, University of
Warwick, UK
Pleated Filter Media I
09:00-10:15 h
Influence of geometric and kinetic parameters on
the performance of pleated filters, P. Hettkamp*, J.
Meyer, G. Kasper, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),
Aerosol deposit characterization in pleated filter
via single photon emission computed tomography,
P.-C. Gervais*, N. Monnier, D. Thomas, Nancy University, S.
Poussier, G. Karcher, NanCycloTEP, France
SLS-Testing III
10:45-12:00 h
Accelerated screening for selection of demulsifiers
and flocculants by multisample analytical centrifugation, T. Sobisch*, D. Lerche, LUM GmbH, Germany
SLS Filtration Applications II
09:00-10:15 h
Clarification filters for liquids - Principles, classification, selection, R. Berndt*, RBFM Consulting, Germany
Filtration inside wind turbines - Challenges now
and in future, A. Reinhardt*, E.D.L. Böndel, L. Christmann,
G. Hesse, MAHLE Industriefiltration GmbH, Germany
Challenges for current and future water/diesel separation systems, D. Winkler*, S. Schütz, P. Trautmann, J.
Reyinger, U. Staudacher, MANN+HUMMEL GmbH, Germany
Application of Membranes II
09:00-10:15 h
Membrane gas permeation systems for the production of renewable gaseous fuels, M. Harasek*, A.
Makaruk, M. Miltner, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Benchmark tests of commercially available hollow
fibre membranes for water filtration, D. Oechsle*,
M. Herb, S. Hoffacker, InnoWa Membrane GmbH, Germany
Neck-size distributions of through pores in polymer
membranes, C. Agarwal, A. Goswani, Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre, India; D. Pattyn, B. Rimez*, Porometer,
Belgium; P. Ares, Nanotec Electronica, S.L., Spain
Selection of feed sensors to optimise process and
capacity of discontuous filtration centrifuges, B.
Hegnauer*, Andritz KMPT GmbH, Germany
Effect of oil viscosity on filter performance in
lubrication oil system, V.-M. Heiskanen*, T. Mäkelä, P.
Kapanen, Parker Parker Hannifin Filter Division Europe; J.
Rinkinen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Simulation and Scale-Up
10:45-12:00 h
Emission Control II
10:45-12:00 h
Evaluation of the efficiency of four techniques used
for the reduction of particulate and gaseous atmospheric pollutants emitted by domestic heating
systems using biomass, I. Fraboulet*, INERIS; L. Robert,
CERIC; S. Bachellet, CTIF; M. Bondot, Cheminées Axis; T.
Mallereau, Cheminées Chazelles; M.L. Rabot Querci, Supra,
France; E. Henriksen, Applied Plasma Physics AS, Norway
Recovery of ethyl acetate and ethanol from the outlet gas streams of packaging industries company
(PIC), S. Emeish*, Al-Balqa' Applied University, Jordan
Filtration process on blast furnace gas allowing
the optimization of CO2 capture, M. Wagner*, A.
Delebecque, B. Ryckelynck, Air Liquide CRCD; J-M. Veber,
ArcelorMittal, France
Filter Media III
10:45-12:00 h
Product development of an aerosol separator
based on metal foam and basic research of metal
foam filtration properties, R. Poss*, A. Tillmann,
Alantum Europe GmbH; S. Hiel, T. Warth, M. Junker,
Stuttgart University, Germany
Development and modelling of a novel combined
washing and thickening process, J. Jeras, M. Feist, H.
Anlauf, H. Nirschl*, Karlsruhe Institute of Technologie
(KIT), Germany
Product development of an aerosol separator
based on metal foam and basic research of metal
foam filtration properties, R. Poss*, A. Tillmann,
Alantum Europe GmbH; S. Hiel, T. Warth, M. Junker,
Stuttgart University, Germany
A simplified model for predicting performances of
industrial filter press, E. Babini, D. Collini, F.
Kaswalder*, F. Paris, DIEMME SpA.; G. Montante, F.
Magelli, A. Paglianti, Bologna University, Italy
Characterization of metallic micro sieves for the
removal of fine particulate matter from gas streams, E. Stahl*, J. Robert, G. Deerberg, Fraunhofer Institute
UMSICHT, Germany
Calculation method to predict differential pressure of pleated filters for cleaning of hydraulic oils,
E.D.L. Böndel*, A.H. Hassine, M. Pracher, MAHLE
Industriefiltration GmbH, Germany
Progress in low pressure plasma coatings for gas
and liquid filter media, F. Legein*, Europlasma, Belgium
Water & Waste Water II
Pleated Filter Media II
10:45-12:00 h
Water composition modeling of iron removal in
rapid sand filtration, D. Vries, K.J. Raat, B. Hofs, KWR
Watercycle Research Institue, F. Schoonenberg Kegel*, G.J.
Zweere, Vitens N.V., Netherlands
Clogging of mini-pleat and plane air filters by graphite nanoparticles aggregates simulating combustion aerosol: experimental and theoretical
description of filter pressure drop and cake porosity, S. Artous, L. Bouilloux, P. Marchal, F-X. Ouf*, IRSN DSU, France
Separation of functional peptides from micellar
casein hydrolysate by means of electro membrane
filtration, A. Holder*, S. Scholz, A. Post, J. Hinrichs,
University of Hohenheim, Germany
Photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B by
TiO2/ZnO nanofibers under visible light irradiation,
C.C. Pei, W.-F. Leung*, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, P.R. China
Comparison of filtration performance for pleated
and non-pleated filter elements in gas-solid filtration and its effects on the design of complete filter units, C. Soretz*, Coperion GmbH, Germany
Stability and performance of RO and NF membranes in supercritical carbondioxid, M. Prielhofer*,
W.M. Samhaber, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Behavior of two filter media for to remove arsenic
from drinking water, S. Garrido*, M. Pina, Instituto
Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua (IMTA); I. López I, R.
Rodríguez, D. De la O, Sistema Municipal de Aguas y
Saneamiento Torreón, Mexico
Notice: The Programme lists countries and regions and is
subject to amendments. Errors and ommissions excepted.
Programme as by March 9 , 2012
Enhanced Membrane
Separation 09:00-10:15 h
Flux enhancement by gas sparging in cross-flow
filtration of titanium dioxide suspension, W.-C.
Chang, T.-W. Cheng*, Tamkang University, Taiwan
10:45-12:00 h
Water Treatment III
10:45-12:00 h
Tap water production from humic groundwater by
ozonation and microfiltration, J. Sallanko*, University
of Oulu, Finland
Removal of dissolved ammonia from wastewater
employing hollow fiber membrane contactor, G.K .
Agrahari*, S.K. Shukla, N. Verma, P.K. Bhattacharya, Indian
Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
Sustainable fugitive dust suppression at bulk solid
manipulation using biodegradable surfactants for
water spraying systems, J. Faschingleitner,J. Wolfslehner*,
W. Höflinger, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Performance of pleated nanofiber filters, W.-F.
Leung*, C.-H. Hung, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
P.R. China
Friday April 20, 2012
The effect of softener on a salty taste appearance
of permeate water in reverse osmosis membranes,
O.A. Mohammed*, ISSC, Iraq; A.O. Sharif, University of
Surrey, UK, J.K. Bayesh Al-quraishi, Ministry of Health, Iraq
Register online at
Plant tour to Andritz & Wine tasting tour
City Walk
On April 20, 2012 WFC11 delegates have the possibility to participate
at the WFC11 post Congress plant tour to the ANDRITZ Headquarter in
Graz followed by a wine tasting tour. The ANDRITZ GROUP is a global
market leader for customized plant, systems and services for hydropower, the pulp and paper, steel and other specialized industries
(solid/liquid separation, feed and biofuel).
On the tour you will be introduced to major workshops and the
manufacturing process of Andritz products.
A city tour is not only about information and dates, above all it is fun
and full of exciting stories.. And there are indeed many sights with
facinating stories in Graz, one of the world's best preserved and
finest historical city centres, rich in monuments testifying to its glorious past. The guided walk trough Graz will reveal its fascinating
combination of old and new, of tradition and modernism.
Date: Monday, April 16, 2012 from 14.00-16:00 h
Date: Friday, April 20, 2012 from 15:00-17:00 h
(9,50 € per person incl. guided walking tour)
Wine Tasting Tour to Seggau Castle
The plant tour is followed by a wine
tasting to Seggau Castle. Beneath
poplars and chestnut trees, where
the Klapotetz beats time, life revolves around wine. An internationally
more and more popular variety of
local white wine reach the peak of
maturity amidst the gentle hills of
southern Styria. Wine-tasting and a cellar tour of the 300 year-old
Episcopal Seggau Castle will help you acquire a taste for it. A hearty
snack of assorted homemade Styrian delicacies amidst the vineyards
is highlight of this tour.
Date: Friday, April 20, 2012 from 13:00-21:00 h
13:00-13:30 h
Bus Transfer from the Congress Center to the
ANDRITZ Headquarter
13:30-15:00 h
Andritz Plant Tour
15:00-21:00 h
Wine-Tasting Tour to Seggau Castle
21:00 h
Arrival in front of the Congress Center in Graz
Price: € 58,50 per Person incl.: guide, bus transfer to Andritz and
Seggau Castle, plant tour at Andritz, wine tasting at Seggau Castle,
cold snack and a glass of wine
The number of participants for this tour is limited.
Day Trip to Riegersburg Castle
Riegersburg, situated on a volcano rock, proudly overlooks the soft
hills of Eastern Styria with it’s peak at 482 meter above sea level. The
first knight who is known to have build a castle, was a Rüdiger von
Hohenberg in 1138 and the castle was name after him:
„Ruotkerspurch”. In the late 16th century, the castle was extended
in the style of Renaissance by the Barons of Stadl. From that period
are the splendid rooms and the arcades of the inner yards. The most
impressive sight is the Knights Hall with its ornate intarsia in the
wooden doorways and the ceiling. Unconquered for centuries, is she
still today a remarkable fortress and an extraordinary experience.
Today the fortress is easily accessible via a lift.
Date: Monday, April 16, 2012 from 10:00-18:00 h
Price: (81,00 € per person incl.: guide, bus transfer, entrance fee
and guidedtour at the castle, the elevator up and down the castle
hill, cold snack)
Travel & Accomodation
The Star Alliance™ Members Airlines are the Official
Airline Network for WFC11.
Registered participants plus one accompanying person
travelling to the event are automatically granted a discount
of up to 20%, depending on fare and class of travel booked.
Discounts are offered on published business and economy class fares, excluding website/internet fares, senior
and youth fares, group fares and Round the World fares.
To obtain the Star Alliance™ Conventions Plus discounts,
please visit and follow the instructions
Participating Airlines for this event are: ANA, Air Canada,
Air China, Asiana Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines,
Continental Airlines, Croatia Airlines, EgyptAir, LOT Polish
Airlines, Lufthansa, SWISS International Air Lines, Scandinavian Airlines, South African Airlines, TAP Portugal,
THAI, Turkish Airlines, US Airways, United, Blue1, bmi.
Please note: For travel from Japan and New Zealand special fares or discounts are offered by the participating airlines on their own network.
When making your travel plans, please present confirmation of your registration, or proof of attendance.
Hotels in Graz
Graz offers a wide range of hotels of all price classes.
Most hotels are conveniently located in the city center
only 10-20 minutes by food or tram to the Congress Center. An early
reservation is recommended.
You can conveniently choose and book a hotel using the Online
Hotel Reservation Button. A pdf with the hotel list is also available.
For all queries regarding your hotel reservation please contact:
Mrs. Almut Fuchs-Fehringer
Graz Tourismus und Stadtmarketing GmbH
Phone +43 316 8075 42
Fax +43 316 8075 55
© Steiermark Tourismus / Bernhard Bergmann
Congress Registration Form
Return to:
Congress: April 16–20, 2012
Exhibition: April 17– 19, 2012
Filtech Exhibitions
PO Box 12 25
40637 Meerbusch – Germany
Register online:
Fax: +49 (0)2132 93 57 62
or register online:
WFC11 Congress Secretariat
Ticket (1/2 day)
Early Bird until 12.12.2011
The 4-day Ticket Congress registration includes
Congress Proceedings featuring all papers
Refreshments during breaks and Lunch voucher/s
Welcome Reception on April 17
The Congress Party with banquet & drinks on April 19
Public transport ticket for the City of Graz
Short Courses
I –
II –
IV –
Entrance to the WFC11 Exhibition from April 17-19
WFC11 Exhibition Catalogue
The day-tickets include proceedings, lunch & refreshments and the
public transport ticket, Welcome Reception on April 17, entrance
to the WFC11 Exhibition from April 17-19, WFC11 Exhibition Catalogue Speakers will be automatically registered at the early bird rate.
Early Bird until 12.12.2011
Normal Price from 13.12.2011
€ 470,–
€ 470,–
€ 470,–
€ 560,–
€ 560,–
€ 560,–
€ 470,–
€ 560,–
The Solid/Liquid Separation Process
Fine Dust Separation
Membrane Filtration & Separation
Centrifuges for Solid-Liquid-,
Liquid-Liquid- and 3-Phase-Separation
The Short Course registration includes
Short Course Notes
Lunch & Refreshments during breaks
Normal Price from 13.12.2011
Entrance to the WFC11 Exhibition
WFC11 Exhibition Catalogue
Welcome Reception April 17, 2012
Public transport ticket for the City of Graz
Pre-/Post Congress Programme (To book fo more than 1 person please indicate the number of participants):
Andritz Plant Tour & Wine Tasting in a typical Buschenschank Date: 20.04 2012 from 13:00-21:00 h. 58,50 € per
person incl.: guide, bus transfer, plant tour to Andritz, wine tasting at Seggau Castle, cold snack and a glass of wine).
Persons _______
Graz City Walk 16.04. 14.00-16:00 h
Graz City Walk 20.04. 15:00-17:00 h
(9,50 € per person incl. guided walking tour)
Persons _______
Day-Trip to Riegersburg Castle 16.04. 10:00-18:00 h (81,00 € per person incl.: guide, bus transfer,
entrance fee and guidedtour at the castle, the elevator up and down the castle hill, cold snack)
Persons _______
Last Name
First Name
Street/PO Box
Post Code, Town, Country
Terms of Payment
Credit Card Payment (CVC required)
Card Number:
Cardholder verification code (CVC):
Cardholder Name:
Expiry date (MM/YY):
Bank transfer in EURO funds (code: WFC11 & your name) to:
Filtech Exhibitions Germany – Deutsche Bank Düsseldorf – Bank Account: 8818866
– Sort Code: 30070010, BIC/SWIFT: DEUTDEDDXXX – IBAN: DE28300700100881886600
Rules and Regulations
Substitutions may be made at any time but please advise the organi zer of a change of name. If you find it necessary
to cancel the registra tion completely, please notify the organizer immediately. Provided written notice is received
January 5, 2012 a full refund will be given less a 10% administration charge. Provided written notice is given by
February 4, 2012 a 50% refund will be given. It is regretted that no refunds can be given for registration cancelled
after this date. The organizers responsibility is limited to the rules and regulations according to the legal regulations.
All prices incl. 20% Austrian VAT.
WFC11 Congress.
With my signature I acknowledge the rules and regulations of the