WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 WISSENSCHAFTLICHE BUCHGESELLSCHAFT including the imprints LAMBERT SCHNEIDER KONRAD THEISS PHILIPP VON ZABERN FOREIGN RIGHTS CATALOGUE SPRING 2016 1 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Contact WBG – Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Ms Isabella Erb Foreign Rights Manager Hindenburgstraße 40 64295 Darmstadt Germany Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de Phone: +49 (0)6151 3308 159 Fax: +49 (0)6151 3308 212 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de 2 WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 History. .....................................................................................................................................................4 Archaeology ........................................................................................................................................... 26 Theology ................................................................................................................................................ 37 Earth Sciences........................................................................................................................................ 42 Natural Sciences .................................................................................................................................... 47 Education............................................................................................................................................... 49 Music ..................................................................................................................................................... 50 Modern Language Studies ..................................................................................................................... 51 Art History ............................................................................................................................................. 55 Architecture........................................................................................................................................... 57 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de 3 WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 The Roots of Xenophobia Die Angst vor dem Fremden.Die Wurzeln der Xenophobie by Erhard Oeser © Autumn 2015 Imprint: WBG 480 pages, 80 b/w images ISBN 978-3-8062-3151-9 Why do so many people fear and reject strangers? Xenophobia has accompanied man from his very beginnings. While it can be constitutive for groups, societies and states, its aggressive form has led time and again to the most terrible excesses. Erhard Oeser examines xenophobia from the early beginnings of mankind up to Islamic State and the attacks in Paris in January 2015. He analyzes the various shapes of xenophobia and traces the turning points when rejection of strangers reverts to violence and the desire of annihilation. He searches for mechanisms that make a return to a peaceful co-existence possible: It is of great importance to talk to each other again instead of about or against each other. In view of today’s many escalating confrontations this important work calls for a return to constructive dialogue and debate - instead of leaving the stage to populists and radicals. Erhard Oeser is an Austrian philosopher of science. Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de 4 WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 The German Forest A History of Ideas Der deutsche Wald. Eine Ideengeschichte by Johannes Zechner © April 2016 Imprint: Zabern 432 pages, 10 b/w images ISBN 978-3-8053-4980-2 It all started with Tacitus: The Roman historian portrays in his “Germania” the area to the East of the Rhine River rather unflatteringly as “horrifying because of those woods”. He goes on to report how Arminius of the Cherusci became the “liberator of Germanic lands” through his victory in the “battle of the Teutoburg Forest”. When a German national consciousness started to evolve around the year 1800, poets and philosophers alike referred to this very myth of the German forest. The forest as unspoilt nature becomes the German ideal and is contrasted to the rotten, urban civilization of France. This opposition remains formative – up to National Socialist times. Johannes Zechner devotes himself to this central German theme and presents its characteristics and peculiarities from Romanticism to National Socialism. His work is a great history of ideas that critically reconstructs this concept of identity. Johannes Zechner studied history, political science and philosophy and worked as a research assistant at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the German Historical Museum in Berlin. 5 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Beer A History from the Stone Age to the Present Bier. Eine Geschichte von der Steinzeit bis heute by Gunther Hirschfelder and Manuel Trummer © March 2016 Imprint: Theiss 271 pages, 17 b/w images ISBN 978-3-8062-3270-7 The history of beer is a history of our civilization. Since the Neolithic Age, man has been brewing beer. Time and again, ingredients, brewing methods, quality and purity laws changed fundamentally. Who was consuming beer and when and why has also changed over the course of the centuries. Beer was central for religious rituals of the early civilizations of Mesopotamia as well as for a typical worker’s pub in the German Empire. Even today, the history and development of beer is not over yet: Modern society has discovered beer anew as a lifestyle-product. Gunther Hirschfelder is professor for Comparative Cultural Studies at the University of Regensburg. Manuel Trummer is a research assistant at the University of Regensburg. 6 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Notes from the War of Extermination The Eastern Front 1941/42 in the Records of General Heinrici Notizen aus dem Vernichtungskrieg. Die Ostfront 1941/42 in den Aufzeichnungen des Generals Heinrici by Johannes Hürter (ed.) © Mai 2016 Imprint: WBG 272 pages, 4 b/w photos, 2 maps ISBN 978-3-534-26769-9 Gotthard Heinrici’s notes on the war between Germany and the Soviet Union are unique in that they are exceptionally honest for the work of a combatant. The letters and diaries of this general, who commandeered a battalion and later an army, offer deep insights into the events of the first year of the war. It was here that Hitler tried to implement his criminal plans of destroying “Jewish bolshewism” as well as the conquering of “Lebensraum” in the East. The annihilation hit Jews, communists, soldiers, civilians, cities and the countryside of the Soviet Union, and Germans as well. Heinrici recorded it all. Through Johannes Hürter’s careful editing and annotations the reader is presented with an authentic picture of the impressions and emotions of a Wehrmacht general. Johannes Hürter is a research assistant at the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich as well as professor for history at the University of Mainz. 7 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 The Shoa in the Kraków District German Occupation and Jewish Acts of Self-Assertion in Tarnów 1939-1945 Die Shoah im Distrikt Krakau Deutsche Besatzung und jüdische Selbstbehauptung in Tarnów 1939-1945 by Melanie Hembera © May 2016 Imprint: WBG 352 pages, 16 b/w images ISBN 978-3-534-26786-6 The city of Tarnów in Galicia near Kraków was one of the most important centers of Polish Jewry with a Jewish population rate of almost 50%. Life in this both economically and culturally prospering city changed radically with the invasion of the Wehrmacht in September 1939: Harrassment, sanctions and the destruction of synagogues started forthwith. Around 30,000 Jews lived in Tarnów before the first deportations started in June 1942 – at the end of the war only a few hundred had survived the shoah. Melanie Hembera has written the first comprehensive account of the “Judenpolitik” (“Jewish policy”) in Tarnów between 1939 and 1945 as well as on the mass killings which were disguised as resettlement efforts. It is an exemplary study based on extensive and basically unpublished sources that show how a huge, flourishing Jewish community was virtually extinguished. Melanie Hembera is a research assistant at the Research Center Ludwigsburg which is dedicated to the investigation of crimes committed in the Nazi era. 8 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 In the Shadow of Auschwitz German Massacres of Polish Civilians 1939-1945 Im Schatten von Auschwitz. Deutsche Massaker an polnischen Zivilisten 1939-1945 by Daniel Brewing © April 2016 Imprint: WBG 400 pages ISBN 978-3-534-26788-0 Germany’s brutal occupation of its neighbor Poland lasted for 2,078 days. In historical retrospect it oftentimes seems as if there had been mainly two groups of victims: At first Polish Jews, and later German deportees. However, around a million non-Jewish Poles fell victim to German terror. Daniel Brewing’s innovative study is dedicated to the first-ever scientific analysis of the massacre of Polish civilians under national socialist rule. Using contemporary German and Polish sources, reports and testimonies of survivors as well as court records he illuminates the complex historical processes that led to these crimes. Daniel Brewing is a research assistant for history at the University of Aachen/Aix-la-Chapelle. He was a scholarship holder of the German Historical Institute in Warsaw, of the United States Holocaust Museum and the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah. 9 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 The Naval War 1914-1918 The Imperial Navy during the First World War Der Seekrieg 1914-1918. Die Kaiserliche Marine im Ersten Weltkrieg Selected by Christian Jentzsch, Jann M. Witt © March 2016 Imprint: Theiss 192 pages, 110 b/w images, maps ISBN 978-3-8062-3272-1 The First World War was not exclusively fought onshore. German war ships were engaged in battle from the Baltic Sea to East Asia. Two well-known naval historians portray the naval war fought from 1914 to 1918. Highlights include the initial achievements of the imperial navy like the sinking of a British squadron near the coast of Chile in 1914, the battle of Jutland in 1916, the November revolution of 1918 in Germany that was initiated by mutinying sailors and - at the end - the scuttling of the German fleet in Scapa Flow in 1919. Numerous photographs, many of them as yet unpublished as well as maps top off this highly readable book. Jann M. Witt is a historian focusing on maritime history and works for the German naval corps. Christian Jentzsch is a historian focusing on maritime history and head of a naval college. 10 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 1866 Bismarck’s War Against Habsburg 1866. Bismarcks Krieg gegen die Habsburger by Klaus-Jürgen Bremm © March 2016 Imprint: Theiss 312 pages, 26 b/w images, 2 maps ISBN 978-3-8062-3287-5 The German War of 1866 turned out to be decisive in the struggle for hegemony between Prussia and Austria. The war which climaxed in the victory at Königgrätz 150 years ago was won by Bismarck’s rational realpolitik and Moltke’s outstanding military competency. Or so popular opinion would have us believe. Bismarck’s victory, however, was not at all inevitable and Prussia’s triumph meant an end to the idea of German unity within a Greater German Solution. Bismarck paved the way for the German Empire but only in its Lesser German Solution. Klaus-Jürgen Bremm presents all the aspects of the war: Its prehistory and escalation, the various battles as well as warfare in these times of new weaponry. He presents the reception of the unfolding events in the participating states and shows how this war shaped the further development of Europe. Klaus-Jürgen Bremm is a historian who specializes in military and technological history. 11 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Mondo Veneziano Of People and Palaces at the Grand Canal Mondo Veneziano. Menschen und Paläste am Canal Grande by Heidrun Reinhard © March 2016 Imprint: Lambert Schneider 272 pages, 43 b/w images, 2 maps ISBN 978-3-650-40136-6 Venice is famous for its palazzi – and the most well-known are situated along the Grand Canal. What are the stories behind these houses and their oftentimes famous inhabitants? Heidrun Reinhard throws a light on those who have left indelible traces in this city. She takes the reader on a journey from the palace of the famous doge Francesco Foscari to the big merchant families from Augsburg and Nuremberg who lived in the Fondaco dei Tedeschi. She writes about Richard Wagner who died in the palazzo Vendramin-Calergi and the poet Gabriele d’Annunzio who resided in Casetta Rossa during the First World War. An absorbing portrait of Venice emerges that revives the proud republic of yore as well as the ruined Venice of the 19th century. Heidrun Reinhard studied art history and German literature and worked as an editor and author. “Mondo Veneziano” is the result of intensive studies on her second home Venice. 12 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Louis XIV The Commander-in-Chief from Versailles Ludwig XIV. Der Kriegsherr aus Versailles by Martin Wrede © Autumn 2015 Imprint: Zabern 300 pages, 10 b/w images ISBN 978-3-8062-3160-7 Louis XIV, le Roi de Soleil, shaped his epoch more than anyone else. He is the embodiment of the early modern, absolutist monarch. Under his reign, between 1643 and 1715, France became Europe’s supreme cultural power. Every European sovereign tried to emulate the display of splendor and the European aristocracy conversed in French. However, Louis XIV lost the political hegemony over Europe. He expanded the French frontiers in several wars while at the same time creating a European alliance that showed him his limits. Louis’ contemporaries never doubted his magnificence. His real political achievement is more difficult to assess, however. Neither was he a proper commander-in-chief nor a legislator. Yet, he embodied the power and authority of the state. Without him, European history would have taken a different course entirely. Martin Wrede takes stock of his reign and influence on the shaping of France. Martin Wrede is professor for Early Modern History at the University of Grenoble. 13 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Regulating Power Form and Rules of Political Counseling in the Middle Ages Kontrolle der Macht. Formen und Regeln politischer Beratung im Mittelalter by Gerd Althoff © January 2016 Imprint: WBG 360 pages ISBN 978-3-524-26784-2 Counseling has been central to the exertion of power since Antiquity. The consensual rule of the Middle Ages is based on the principle that decisions should be taken unanimously and through counseling. Due to its confidential nature, it is naturally not easy to retrace the counseling process in historic sources. Medieval rule depended on its opacity and lack of formalities. In recent times research interest in this topic has seen tremendous increase. In this overview Gerd Althoff systematically analyzes sources that focus on counseling. Concentrating on the Early and High Middle Ages he describes the rules of counseling and shows how it offered ways of political participation. Althoff’s approach offers many new insights into the theory of medieval rule and its exercise. Gerd Althoff, born in 1943, is professor for medieval history at the University of Münster. 14 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 The Vikings Die Wikinger by Claudia Banck © August 2015, 2nd edition Imprint: Theiss 176 pages, 106 images ISBN 978-3-8062-3222-6 They were the terrorists of the Middle Ages, oftentimes considered to be a punishment from God. They appeared out of nowhere in their agile long-boats and terrified Europe. Armed to the teeth they conquered huge swathes of land and ruthlessly eliminated everyone who happened to come their way. Then again – were the Vikings really just a bunch of heathen barbarians with horned helmets who drank mead from skulls and destroyed Europe’s cultural centers? In her differentiated and well structured book Claudia Banck debunks these ideas. She presents an overview of Viking history and lifestyle. They were not only successful as robbers and conquerors but also as clever traders, daring pioneers and skilled artisans. Claudia Banck studied history and Scandinavian studies. She is an expert on the historic, archaeological and literary sources of the Viking Era. 15 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Food and Drink in the Middle Ages Essen und Trinken im Mittelalter by Ernst Schubert © January 2016, 3rd edition Imprint: Zabern 443 pages, 28 b/w images ISBN 978-3-8053-4974-1 Food and drink is a fundamental topic of humanity, the more so in times when food was not available in abundance and people often suffered severely from a lack of it. Ernst Schubert turns this subject into a comprehensive cultural history of the Middle Ages and a study of medieval mentalities. He writes about meat and butchers, beer and wine, herrings and dried cod, about courtly feasts as well as about the meager fare of the common man and about famines. There is an abundance of colorful detail and many references to the sources used for this study. At the same time the author does away with many romantic prejudices about medieval times and shows what everyday life was really like in the Middle Ages. His presentation is a broad and vivid account of a huge spectrum of medieval life. Ernst Schubert (1941-2006) was professor for the regional history of Lower Saxony and director of the Institute for Historical Regional Research at the University of Göttingen. 16 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Athanasius the Great The Unfaltering Saint Athanasius der Große. Der unbeugsame Heilige by Manfred Clauss © February 2016 Imprint: Zabern 256 pages, 20 b/w images ISBN 978-3-8053-4957-4 Athanasius the Great was bishop of Alexandria and is one of the Church Fathers. During his lifetime a unified church was starting to emerge. Athanasius became a passionate opponent of Arianism and advocate of the doctrine of Nicaea. Combining his two perspectives as a theologian and as a historian Manfred Clauss reconstructs the argument on Arianism that was central in this formative period of church history. The unfaltering saint Athanasius was banned five times as bishop of Alexandria and then recalled time and again. Manfred Clauss presents a differentiated and gripping portrait of a great figure of early Christianity. Manfred Clauss was professor for Ancient History at the University of Frankfurt. 17 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Night Life in Ancient Rome Nachtleben im alten Rom by Karl-Wilhelm Weeber © January 2016 Imprint: Theiss 168 pages, 31 b/w images ISBN 978-3-8062-3271-4 Ancient sources and literature tell us a lot about the pulsating life in the metropolis of Rome. But what was its nightlife like? Did most people sleep which, in fact, seems very likely considering the very modest means of artificial lighting in those times? This assumption is probably true as far as life in the country is concerned. The city, however, offered „night owls“ various opportunities for enjoyment. The upper class usually organized entertainment in their own homes while the lower classes frequented taverns and bars. That prostitution was very much a part of Roman nightlife is revealed in the accounts about the “imperial whore” Messalina. In an introductory chapter Karl-Wilhelm Weeber delimits the general conditions of Roman nightlife: Who had to work at night? Were the city’s streets lighted? How secure was it to be outside at night? What about noise? If you believe the complaints of inhabitants about the noise then Rome was definitely “the city that never sleeps”. Karl-Wilhelm Weeber was headmaster of a secondary school in Wuppertal. He is now teaching Ancient History at the University of Wuppertal and Didactics of Ancient Tongues in Bochum. 18 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Nero Nero. Inszenierung der Macht by Holger Sonnabend © March 2016 Imprint: Zabern 240 pages, 10 b/w images ISBN 978-3-8053-4953-6 Nero is one of the most distinctive and prominent rulers of Antiquity. Due to scheming by his mother he became emperor of the Roman Empire at an early age. This was followed by fourteen years of rule during which he was trying to balance political duties and his love of art. Holger Sonnabend presents a gripping biography of Nero that sums up the newest trends in research. Apart from the various phases of his rule the author also illuminates lesser-known aspects of both the politician and the artist. This multifaceted picture is rounded off by a discussion of the question as to how Nero became the figure that, today, we consider him to have been. After all, Nero was much more than just the crazy tyrant that authors of the time portrayed him to be. Holger Sonnabend is professor for Ancient history at the University of Stuttgart. 19 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Myth Alarm! 20 Popular Errors about the Ancient Romans Alles Mythos! 20 populäre Irrtümer über die alten Römer by Cornelius Hartz © March 2016 Imprint: Theiss 192 pages ISBN 978-3-8062-3273-8 Was Rome indeed founded in 753 BC as a popular German rhyme would have it? Did all Romans speak Classical Latin? A toga belongs to a Roman like the laurel wreath to Caesar, or doesn’t it? Speaking of Caesar – was he not murdered by a certain Brutus? Anyway, what were they like, those ancient Romans? Were they an especially cleanly people who visited the public baths on a daily basis? Or is the opposite true? After all, they did not know soap but supposedly used urine for cleaning their teeth and laundering their clothes. In this highly entertaining book, Cornelius Hartz debunks 20 popular myths about the Ancient Romans and Ancient Rome. Cornelius Hartz studied classical philology and works as an editor, author and translator in Hamburg. 20 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 From Jupiter to Christ Religious History in Roman Times Von Jupiter zu Christus. Religionsgeschichte in römischer Zeit by Jörg Rüpke © March 2016, 2nd edition Imprint: WBG 304 pages ISBN 978-3-534-26757-6 Already sold to England and Italy The religious history of the Roman Empire is of paramount significance for the religious history of Europe. During this epoch the Mediterranean developed into an intensely interlinked cultural area that enabled the quick dissemination of ideas. It was then and there that the first expansion of Christianity took place. Previous accounts of religious history confined themselves to the description of individual cults and religions. Jörg Rüpke, however, argues that what makes this epoch stand out is the societal significance of religion. No longer is religion simply an answer to individual human problems (illness, insecurity, death) but it becomes a comprehensive setting for man’s conduct of life and for framing group identities and political legitimation. Jörg Rüpke is professor of Comparative Religion at the University of Erfurt and a member of the European Academy of Sciences. 21 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Herod King of Juda Herodes. König von Judäa by Jürgen Zangenberg © April 2016 Imprint: Zabern 112 pages, 100 images ISBN 978-3-8053-4950-5 Herod is held by some as one of the great rulers of Antiquity; others consider him to be no more than a ruthless killer of innocent women and children. There are more sources available about him than about any other king of the Hellenic East: Apart from the account of Josephus, there remain his breathtaking constructions like the fortress at Masada or the luxurious palaces of Jericho and Jerusalem as well as the founding of new cities such as Caesarea Maritima. Hellenic architects and artists from Italy helped Herod become one of the boldest builders of this era. Sources and archaeology present a multifaceted picture of the son of an Arab woman and an Idumaean who had converted to Judaism. He became indispensable to the Romans as an expert of the region and guarantor of its stability. The senate named him “Friend of the Roman People”, Augustus received him into his circle of closest confidants. He remained in power for almost 40 years – an unequalled career in those troubled times. Jürgen Zangenberg is professor for New Testament and Early Christian Literature at the University of Leiden. 22 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Dangers at Sea Pirates of the Antiquity Gefahr auf See. Piraten in der Antike by Heidrun Derks © April 2016 Imprint: Theiss 112 pages, 46 color images, 2 b/w images, 3 maps ISBN 978-3-8062-3313-1 Starting at around 1000 BC the Mediterranean region saw the development of mighty civilizations and gorgeous cities. The source of their wealth was the sea. Seaworthy ships had removed the dangers of the sea paving the way for thriving economic activity. Trade with raw materials, food and luxury goods flourished, and competition increased. On the other hand, economic and political interests got into conflict. The Mediterranean was not only of interest to captains and traders but to pirates as well. What is known about the pirates of the first millennium before Christ? Heidrun Derks attempts to track their history in this fascinating book. Heidrun Derks is director of the Museum Kalkriese. 23 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Classical Mythology Klassische Mythologie by Steffen Unger © May 2016 Imprint: Theiss 176 pages, 80 images ISBN 978-3-8062-2806-9 The era of Greek-Roman Antiquity has left its marks to this day. Many European languages are based on Ancient Greek and Latin, while legal and technical achievements of this epoch continue to shape our lives. Phrases like “Achilles heel” and “milky way” go back to the traditional tales of Zeus, Athena, Hercules or Achilles. Steffen Unger reveals the connection between modern times and classical mythology by presenting a multitude of tales with their fascinating characters. Steffen Unger is a historian. He works as an author and editor and has published on ancient history for many years. 24 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 The World of Signs A History of Writing Eine Welt aus Zeichen Die Geschichte der Schrift by Martin Kuckenburg © October 2015 Imprint: Theiss 192 pages, 110 color images ISBN 978-3-8062-2627-0 From the early written cultures of the Ancient Orient to the writing systems of the Maya and Aztecs to the Latin alphabeth - Martin Kuckenburg presents the most important scripts of the old and new worlds: Their variety of signs, their diverse and unique structures. How did a particular script develop? And what was its significance for the society using it? Script opened up unforeseen opportunities for mankind: It did not only create information storage independent of human memory but also made communication and intellectual exchange between people independent of personal encounter. Illustrated with impressive pictures this work shows the beauty of various scripts and narrates thrilling stories of discovery and deciphering. Martin Kuckenburg studied pre- and protohistoric history and ethnology and works as a journalist. He has authored several works of archaeological and historical nonfiction. 25 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Rome in Full View Depictions of the City in Literature and Archaeology Rom im Blick. Darstellungen der Stadt in Literatur und Archäologie by Ulrich Schmitzer © March 2016 Imprint: WBG 296 pages, 22 b/w images ISBN 978-3-534-26768-2 No other city of the Antiquity has been accorded with so much attention in classical literature as Rome. The literary sources show a plethora of different cities, depending on perspective and intention. Each author develops his own, unique picture of Rome. Virgil and Ovid show the city from a distance while Horace’s Rome is to be found only in a select few of his satires. Martial and the authors of the imperial era focus on favors accorded by the emperors and the wishes of the people. Juvenal shows the reader a gloomy, foreboding city. Is it thus possible to retrace the reality of the city of Rome as regards urban development by focusing on the descriptions of writers from the Antiquity? Ulrich Schmitzer is pursuing this fascinating question in connection with philological, archaeological and urbanistic research. Ulrich Schmitzer is director of the Institute for Classical Philology of Humboldt University in Berlin. 26 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Archaeology of Wars The Battlefields of German History Archäologie des Krieges. Die Schlachtfelder der deutschen Geschichte by Thomas Brock © November 2015 Imprint: Zabern 240 pages, 110 color images ISBN 978-3-8053-4875-1 Since the Stone Age mankind has been embroiled in armed conflict. What is it that remains once the war is over? A new branch of archaeology specializing on battlefields has recently emerged, opening up completely new perspectives on wars and their aftermath. Finds reveal the terrifying events of former times and give us a closer understanding of the people and their fates that often remain hidden behind historic facts. Identification tags identify nameless dead, remaining munition retraces the course of battles, weapons, perpetrators and victims re-emerge. In this unique work, archaeologist Thomas Brock meticulously presents and interprets the central battlefields of German history as well as some theaters of war outside its territory. Thomas Brock studied Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology and journalism at the University of Hamburg. He works as an archaeologist, author and museum education officer. 27 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Gods, Offerings and Sanctuaries Roman Religion in Cologne Götter, Gaben, Heiligtümer. Römische Religion in Köln by Alfred Schäfer © April 2016 Imprint: Zabern 128 pages, 70 color images ISBN 978-3-8053-4949-9 Religion in the Antiquity was neither mute nor immobile. The attention of the Gods was not to be captured in silent prayer but with clear signals. Apart from prayer, singing, music and dance an important role fell on sacrificial offerings and material presents. Temple-offerings made from stone, ceramics, metals or glass attest to how religious communication was seen in Antiquity. Using Cologne as an example, this book presents the significance of Roman religion in urban everyday life. By focusing on outstanding religious monuments archaeologist Alfred Schäfer shows how Roman religion functioned in a big city. Numerous digitalized images of Cologne in Roman times embed the sacrificial offerings into their topographical context and present a comprehensive picture of public and private sanctuaries. Alfred Schäfer is a research assistant at the Roman-Germanic Museum in Cologne and assistant professor at the University of Cologne. 28 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 The Parthians The Forgotten Great Power Die Parther Die vergessene Großmacht by Uwe Ellerbrock and Sylvia Winkelmann © October 2015, 2nd edition Imprint: Zabern 290 pages, 55 color images ISBN 978-3-8053-4828-7 The Empire of the Parthians existed for almost 500 years and - at the time of its widest expansion - it stretched from today’s Syria to India and from the Caspian Sea to the Gulf of Persia. Their wars with Rome have been the source of many legends. Uwe Ellerbrock and Sylvia Winkelmann convey in this unique depiction of the Empire of the Parthians an extensive overview of its historical and cultural development. Uwe Ellerbrock PhD is a passionate collector of Parthian coins. Sylvia Winkelmann is an archaeologist with a special focus on Iran, Middle Asia and North West India. 29 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Mycenaean Palaces Art and Culture Mykenische Paläste. Kunst und Kultur by Josef Fischer © June 2016 Imprint: Zabern 144 pages, 100 color images ISBN 978-3-8053-4963-5 In the Late Bronze Age Mycenaean civilization flourished on the Greek mainland as well as on the islands of the Aegean. This first European civilization experienced its greatest phase during the so-called Mycenaean Koine Era (approx. 14001200 BC). Its political landscape was shaped by several independent principalities centered around so-called palaces. History, archaeology and culture of these palaces are illuminated in this work using hitherto neglected sources: their architectural development as well as their furnishings, their function as seats of power as well as centers of administration, economy and religion. Another focus is on the area surrounding the palaces, the settlements and necropolises as well as its integration into the Mycenaean traffic system. An outlook on the later use of the palaces rounds off this richly illustrated work. Josef Fischer is a research assistant at the Institute for Cultural History of the Antiquity at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. 30 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Ephesus Archaeology and History of an Ancient Metropolis Ephesos Archäologie und Geschichte einer antiken Weltstadt by Sabine Ladstätter © May 2016 Imprint: Zabern 144 pages, 100 images ISBN 978-3-8053-4962-8 Ephesus was one of the most important cities of the Antiquity. The philosopher Heraclitus and the geographer Artemidorus hail from there. It started out as a small Neolithic village, became a central town in the Bronze Age and later developed into a Greek city in which an independent culture evolved. It reached its zenith in the Roman Era and Late Antiquity. The city hosted the temple of Artemis, one of the most significant places of worship of the Antiquity. The monumental temple was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and attracted lots of pilgrims and visitors. Sabine Ladstätter, who has been directing the excavations in Ephesus since 2010, presents the history of this UNESCO World Heritage Site by means of recent research findings, which are in part published in this work for the very first time. Three-dimensional reconstructions and up-to-date aerial photographs complete this interesting presentation. Sabine Ladstätter has been director of the Austrian Archaeological Institute since 2009. In 2011 she was named “Austrian Scientist of the Year”. 31 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Pergamon History and Constructions of an Ancient Metropolis Pergamon. Geschichte und Bauten einer antiken Metropole by Wolfgang Radt © May 2016, 3rd edition Imprint: Zabern 392 pages, 73 color images, 98 b/w images, 77 drawings ISBN 978-3-8053-4989-5 Pergamon is one of the most significant archaeological sites of Antiquity and played an important role as residence of the Attalid dynasty from around 280 to 133 BC. Pergamon gained fame about 100 years ago when archaeologists excavated the so-called Pergamon Altar which is the main attraction of Berlin’s Pergamon Museum. Since then German excavations have gone on continuously. Recent years have seen extensive works concerning restauration and reconstruction, especially of the temple of Trajan. Their results extend to all fields of classical art, architecture and culture. This book discusses the history of Pergamon’s “discovery” and the territory and history of the surrounding area. The main part is dedicated to the Antiquity, followed by the Byzantine era and a chapter about destruction and conservation of ancient ruins as well as biographical notes of the main excavators of Pergamon. Wolfgang Radt, born in 1940, was scientific director of the Istanbul Department of the German Archaeological Institute and head of the excavation team in Pergamon from 1971 to 2004. 32 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Glass From the Beginnings to the Early Middle Ages Glas Von den Anfängen bis ins frühe Mittelalter by Christiane Herb and Nina Willburger © February 2016 Imprint: Theiss 112 pages, 109 color images ISBN 978-3-8062-2858-8 The authors show the interesting history of glass from its beginnings in Mesopotamia and Egypt in the third millennia BC to the Early Middle Ages. Over the centuries, the multifold application of this material was demonstrated time and again: from transparent or translucent glass to fully opaque products; glass in the form of jewelry, vessels, window panes and mirrors. The authors present a general overview of the cultural and historical significance of glass and focus on several outstanding findings of each era. Chrstiane Herb focuses her research on the history of glass production. Nina Willburger works at the Landesmuseum Württemberg in Stuttgart. 33 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Treasures of Antiquity Fascinating archaeological finds Schätze der Antike Faszinierende Funde der Archäologie by Frank Hildebrandt and Stephan Faust © September 2015 Imprint: Zabern 160 pages, 120 color and b/w images, 1 map ISBN 978-3-8053-4919-2 Treasures have been forever fascinating and exert an irresistible pull on the human imagination. For archaeologists, however, they are much more than simply the metals out of which they consist but valuable keys to the exploration of old cultures. How did they get into the ground? To whom did they belong? What do they tell us about long bygone times? Following these and other questions the wellknown archaeologists Stephan Faust and Frank Hildebrandt recount the histories behind significant treasures of gold, silver and bronze from the Bronze Age to late antiquity. In this gorgeously illustrated book they portray famous but also less well-known treasures and the background to their discovery: from Heinrich Schliemann’s “Priam's Treasure” or the gold of the Skythians to the silver find of Hildesheim. Stephan Faust is professor at the archaeological institute of the University of Hamburg. Frank Hildebrand is curator of the antiquities collection at the Museum for Art and Crafts in Hamburg. 34 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Classical Archaeology Klassische Archäologie by Tonio Hölscher © December 2014, 4th edition Imprint: Theiss 368 pages, 178 b/w images, 2 maps ISBN 978-3-8053-4876-8 Already sold to Italy and Greece This title offers - in concentrated form - an overview over the most important areas of Greek and Roman archaeology. There are representations of: Political, social and cultural history, historical geography and division into periodization, basic facts on art and culture in the Antiquity, important terms, methods and resources which are used in scientific research. This book helps university students as well as interested laymen to quickly acquire basic knowledge as a foundation for further productive studies. This new edition has been extensively updated and complemented by topics like Etruria and new technological developments in archaeology. Tonio Hölscher was professor for classical archaeology at the University of Heidelberg. 35 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Latin Epigraphy An Introduction Lateinische Epigraphik. Eine Einführung by Manfred G. Schneider © July 2015, 3rd edition Imprint: WBG 160 pages, 34 b/w images ISBN 978-3-534-26755-2 This introduction offers a systematic depiction of the epigraphic method and its results, its history and the current research status. After introducing various classes of inscriptions, the author presents an extensive collection of examples (photo or drawing, critical edition, translation, annotation). The reader is thus shown how a critical edition evolves out of archaeological, mostly fragmented remnants by using the epigraphic method: Reading the inscriptions, writing out the abbreviations and using necessary or useful additions. Manfred G. Schmidt is head of “Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum” at the Academy of Sciences of Berlin-Brandenburg. 36 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Belief and Doubt Modern Man and God Glauben im Zweifel. Der moderne Mensch und Gott by Norbert Scholl © March 2016 Imprint: Lambert Schneider 232 pages ISBN 978-3-650-40145-8 God and natural science: Are they reconcilable? For many people today the answer is clear: God is a relic from an archaic time and superfluous in modern society. On the other hand there is a growing longing for a higher being and a desire for an individual belief that is not tied to the rigidity of the church. With these thoughts in mind Norbert Scholl attempts an “update” of the notion of God. He shows that God is quite compatible with the insights of natural sciences and why believing in God is no irrational act. He develops a modern notion of God which overcomes old formulas and symbols and gives prayer a new meaning. Norbert Scholl was Professor of Catholic Theology and Religious Education at Heidelberg University of Education. He has been Emeritus Professor since 1996. 37 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 The World of Buddhism From India to Japan Die Welt des Buddhismus. Von Indien bis Japan by Hermann-Josef Frisch © January 2016 Imprint: Theiss 208 pages, 170 color images ISBN 978-3-8062-3277-6 Follow the author Hermann-Josef Frisch in this extraordinary book on his journey through the world of Buddhism: Discover icy high plateaus in the Himalaya in Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan adorned with colorful prayer flags, explore India and China and subtropical South East Asia with its golden pagodas and the ruined city of Angkor. Experience Buddhism in the industrial centers of Japan. This book presents a topography of Buddhism and portrays its significant religious locations. A focus lies naturally on the religious diversity of the area in question. Buddhist religion is as diverse as the countries and peoples it thrives in. With his exceptional photographs the author visualizes the manifestations of Buddhism in its various facets in the different countries. Hermann-Josef Frisch is a retired clergyman and teaches didactics of religious studies at the University of Bonn. In more than 50 journeys he explored various Buddhist countries. 38 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Speaking about God and Faith Current Theories and Intellectual Profiles Glauben denken. Zur philosophischen Durchdringung der Gottrede im 21. Jahrhundert by Klaus Viertbauer/Heinrich Schmidinger (eds.) © April 2016 Imprint: WBG 400 pages ISBN 978-3-453-26773-6 Talking and writing about God has always been embedded into the framework of the respective philosophical approaches and cultural environments of the time. In contemporary pluralistic society this process is therefore very multifaceted. This work offers an orientation into this polymorphy. Renowned theologians explain which form they have chosen when talking about God and which methodic and philosophical foundation they based their decision on. This book is thus a unique and representative compendium, informing about current approaches in contemporary German-speaking theology. It allows for comparisons and offers an access to the works of the authors. With contributions by Kurt Appel, Edmund Arens, Georg Essen, Roland Faber, Johannes Hoff, Markus Knapp, Armin Kreiner, Klaus Müller, Friedo Ricken, Thomas Schärtl, Perry Schmidt-Leukel, Hansjürgen Verweyen, Klaus von Stosch, Klaus Viertbauer, Saskia Wendel, Jürgen Werbick und Josef Wohlmuth. Klaus Viertbauer is a research assistant at the Catholic Private University of Linz. Heinrich Schmidinger is professor for Christian Philosophy at the University of Salzburg. 39 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 Marriage, Partnership and Sexuality From Sexual Morals to the Ethics of Relationships Ehe, Partnerschaft und Sexualität Von der Sexualmoral zur Beziehungsethik by Konrad Hilpert © September 2015 Imprint: WBG 176 pages ISBN 978-3-534-74012-3 With Pope Francis an intensive discussion about cohabitation outside of church marriage has recommenced. Should remarried or same-sex couples be allowed to partake of the Holy Communion? Should it be permissible for them to be active in church or be employed by institutions of the church? Is it possible for the Catholic Church to view partnerships like these in a positive light? These and other questions were discussed in a synod in Rome in autumn 2014 that is going to be continued in October 2015. Konrad Hilpert’s book is coming out just in time for the Roman synod in 2015. The well-known theologian advocates new, up-to-date relational ethics that do justice to varying life realities. Konrad Hilpert, born in 1947, was professor for moral theology at the University of Munich. He is one of Germany’s foremost moral theologians. 40 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 A Religious History of Israel From Prehistoric Times to the Beginnings of Christianity Religionsgeschichte Israels Von der Vorzeit bis zu den Anfängen des Christentums by Michael Tilly and Wolfgang Zwickel © September 2015, 2nd edition Imprint: WBG 220 pages, 1 b/w image ISBN 978-3-534-15927-7 Already sold to Japan The people of the Bible - how did they live and what did they believe in? In this unique and interdisciplinary book two well-known experts introduce the reader to the most significant epochs, people, problems and theories. With numerous textual sources and archaeological findings, Michael Tilly and Wolfgang Zwickel outline the religious history of the Holy Land from the beginnings of human settlements 10,000 years ago to the rise of Christianity in the second century AD as well as the formation of the rabbinate. It thus becomes clear how our world came to be shaped by Judaism and Christianity. A commentated bibliography of sources rounds off this important work. Michael Tilly is Professor for New Testament Studies and Judaism of the Antiquity at the University of Tübingen. Wolfgang Zwickel is Professor for Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeolgy at the University of Mainz. One of his research interests revolves around the cultural history of Israel. 41 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 Meadows Die Wiese by Bruno P. Kremer © February 2016 Imprint: Theiss 192 pages, 337 color images ISBN 978-3-8062-3101-4 On seeing green pastures and colorful meadows, when strolling through a park or hiking on alpine pastures: Meadows are for many of us the epitome of nature in its purest stage. Interestingly enough, however, natural meadows are very rare in Central Europe. Even though meadows and pastures belong to the most common habitats in our present cultural landscape, as ecosystems, they are relatively young. Bruno P. Kremer portrays meadows and pastures in all seasons. Readers are led through the various types of meadows and the abundant flora and fauna of meadows. Bruno P. Kremer taught at the University of Cologne. He has published extensively on environmental education and regional studies. 42 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 Urban Planning An Illustrated Introduction Stadtplanung. Eine illustrierte Einführung by Gerd Albers and Julian Wékel © July 2016, 3rd edition Imprint: WBG 192 pages, 202 color images ISBN 978-3-534-26244-1 This introduction explains the basics of urban planning. Furnished with maps, graphics and city views it presents a lively picture of our cities, their transformation in recent years as well as their future development. This book has been very popular with students, planning officials and architects. Its third edition has been updated with a perspective on sustainability. Gerd Albers is professor at the University of Munich and is considered to be the doyen of German urban planning. He served as president for the German Academy of urban and rural development. Julian Wékel was a leading planning expert on the urban development of Frankfurt and Hamburg and served as Berlin’s topmost urban planning official. He is currently professor at the University of Darmstadt. 43 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 East Africa Geography – History – Economy – Politics Ostafrika. Geographie – Geschichte – Wirtschaft - Politik by Andreas Eberth and Andreas Kaiser (eds.) © April 2016 Imprint: WBG 208 pages, 120 color images ISBN 978-3-534-26775-0 East Africa – Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi – is one of the most dynamic regions on Earth and this is not restricted to economic growth only. Investments from abroad have driven an upturn and brought about modern developments – these are, however, not always of a sustainable nature. What is more, East Africa is one of the most visibly affected regions of the world when it comes to climate change. This book offers an abundance of information about this multifaceted and fascinating region. The authors cover all relevant topics from biogeographic and climatic conditions, economic and agricultural developments to cultural and social features of the respective countries. Andreas Eberth is a research assistant at the Institute for the Didactics of the Natural Sciences at the University of Hannover. He is chairman of ELIMU – Education for East Africa. Andreas Kaiser is a research assistant at the University of Freiberg. He is board member of ELIMU – Education for East Africa. 44 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 The Geological Revolution How the Discovery of Earth’s History Changed our Way of Thinking Die geologische Revolution Wie die Entdeckung der Erdgeschichte unser Denken veränderte by Gottfried Hofbauer © October 2015 Imprint: WBG 160 pages, 40 b/w images ISBN 978-3-534-26728-6 In the 18th and 19th century people’s worldview changed fundamentally. Till then their concept of time had been shaped by the biblical story of Creation which in turn had led to the belief that past and future were of short duration olny. Bishop James Ussher’s calculation that the earth was created on the eve of the 23rd of October in the year 4004 BC was very popular indeed. NOMINATED FOR AUSTRIAN SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEAR 2016 (NATURAL SCIENCES/TECHNOLOGY) With the discovery that rocks bear testimony of the long and eventful history of the earth and after Darwin’s presentation of his concept about the evolution of the different species this perception began to dissolve. And with the loss of trust in biblical history the expectation of the world coming to an end soon faded as well. Gottfried Hofbauer shows how this directed people’s thinking into viewing the future as interminable - a concept that is self-evident for us today - and how scientific insights effectively changed people’s thinking and their awareness of and attitude towards life. Gottfried Hofbauer has been involved in several projects of the German Research Foundation. Recently, he participated in various projects on geoscientific public relations. 45 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 A History of our Environment Sixty Journeys through Time Geschichte unserer Umwelt. 60 Reisen durch die Zeit by Verena Winiwarter and Hans-Rudolf Bork © November 2014 Imprint: Primus 191 pages, 149 color images, 63 b/w images ISBN 978-3-8631-2069-6 Already sold to China Torn between worship and exploitation - these are the two poles between which the relationship of humans towards nature has been vacillating since oldest times. Since then have we been influencing, shaping and transforming our environment. From the earliest societies of hunters and gatherers to the first examples of agriculture, from industrialization to nuclear power stations and tropical deforestation - man has always interfered with the natural cycle. On the other hand, the environment has influenced our development, our behaviour and our history as well. By means of sixty examples, Verena Winiwarter and Hans-Rudolf Bork depict the interdependency between nature and humans in this unique and richly illustrated book. PRIZEWINNER 2015: “BEST BOOK ON THE ENVIRONMENT” BY DEUTSCHE UMWELTSTIFTUNG AUSTRIAN SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEAR 2015 (NATURAL SCIENCES/TECHNOLOGY) Verena Winiwarter is professor for history of the environment and director of the Center for Environmental History at the University of Klagenfurt, based in Vienna. She was president of the “European Society for Environmental History” and was voted “Scientist of the Year 2013” by the club of education and science journalists of Austria. Hans-Rudolf Bork is professor for ecosystems and director of the Center for Ecology at the University of Kiel. From 2008 to 2013 he was president of the “German Society of Geography”. 46 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 Superbrains How Neurotechnology is Revolutionizing Our Lives Das nackte Gehirn Wie Neurotechnik unser Leben revolutioniert by Mario Markus © March 2016 Imprint: Theiss 224 pages, 5 b/w images ISBN 978-3-8062-3278-3 Telepathy from one brain to the next, prostheses and wheelchairs steered by the mind only and the reading of dreams – what was considered to be science-fictional or esoteric only a short while ago seems to be within reach today. We will soon be able to see without eyes and listen without ears – simply by electrical stimulation of the brain. It will be possible to fight illnesses like depression or Parkinson in a more efficient way. This new technology entails a huge ethical responsibility, however. Mario Markus presents the results of current research and explains what is already possible today and what will be possible very soon. He shows how brain research is about to fundamentally change our lives. Mario Markus is a physicist who worked as a researcher at the Max-Planck-Institute for molecular physiology in Dortmund. 47 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 Genius Construction Industrious Ants and Other Architects in the Animal World Genial gebaut Von fleißigen Ameisen und anderen tierischen Architekten by Mario Ludwig © August 2015 Imprint: Theiss 240 pages, 35 b/w images ISBN 978-3-8062-3145-8 Already sold to China Did you know that the biggest building in the world was constructed by tiny animals? The Great Barrier Reef - just like the Chinese Wall - can be viewed from the moon. Animals do not, however, just build their own houses, they construct architecturally clever traps for catching prey. Well-known biologist Mario Ludwig tells us about exceptionally gifted builders and constructors in nature. Gripping, well researched and with a high entertainment factor he depicts how prairie dogs construct metropolises for millions of their kind underneath the surface of the earth, how male animals use their architecture to impress females, or how antlions hunt for prey with their perfidious sand pit traps. Find out what beavers are up to below the water’s surface and what the baya has got in common with social housing. Mario Ludwig is a biologist and has published twenty books so far. He runs a regular radio show on extraordinary facts of the animal kingdom. 48 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 Introduction into Intercultural Education Einführung in die interkulturelle Pädagogik by Georg Auernheimer © December 2015, 8th edition Imprint: WBG 178 pages, 7 b/w images ISBN 978-3-534-26776-7 Already sold to Poland The 8th edition of this standard work presents the newest developments in intercultural education. An overview of the development of the subject is followed by an explanation of key terms like multicultural society, education and cultural identity, acculturation, ethnocentrism, prejudice, racism and intercultural communication. The author then portrays the objectives of intercultural education: social learning, dealing with differences, the ability to communicate, an education guided by multiple perspectives, multilingualism and antiracist education. The book also considers research results of cultural studies and depicts concepts of a multicultural society as well as models of intercultural learning and communication. Georg Auernheimer, born in 1939, was professor for educational science at the University of Marburg and for intercultural socialization and migration at the University of Cologne. 49 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 Forever Yours Great Composers and their Immortal Lovers Ewig dein Große Komponisten und ihre unsterblichen Geliebten by Hans-Georg Klemm © August 2015 Imprint: Lambert Schneider 176 pages, 10 b/w images ISBN 978-3-650-40074-1 What could be more beautiful than love? What could be more moving than music? Music and love are - to use the words of Hector Berlioz - the “two wings of the soul“. Hans-Georg Klemm honours the memory of those “immortal lovers” who were the source of inspiration to composers like Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt or Schumann. Their influence on the creativity of the artists cannot be over-estimated. Without the passion that they ignited, many a master piece like Beethoven’s Moonshine Serenade or Chopin's Nocturnes might not have come forth. The author shows these great musicians from their most private side. Hans-Georg Klemm is a teacher and writer of works of nonfiction. For many years, he has been studying the biographies of Beethoven, Wagner and Mahler. 50 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 Michael Ende Michael Ende by Birgit Dankert © January 2016 Imprint: Lambert Schneider 312 pages, 19 b/w images ISBN 978-3-650-40122-9 “The Neverending Story“ was a worldwide success and brought Michael Ende stardom. “Jim Button” and “Momo” were extremely popular as books and as a puppet theater version, movie and musical. Ende popularized fantastic fiction for children and youths in Germany and fascinated adult readers as well. He was not uncontroversial, however. His critics accused his works of escapism and denial of reality. Birgit Dankert analyzed extensive archived material and spoke to companions of Michael Ende. She retraces his life carefully: His childhood in Munich, the Second World War, an unsuccessful attempt to make his career as a theater actor, the breakthrough as author, crisis and a new start in his later years. She discovers tragic elements as well. Michael Ende saw himself as an artist but he could never attain the much desired recognition as playwright and movie director. He fulfilled the expectations of his fans but remained trapped in a role that was alien to him. Birgit Dankert , born in 1944, was professor of library and information science at the University of Hamburg. 51 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 Gorch Fock – A Biography The Man behind the Myth Seefahrt ist not! Gorch Fock – Die Biographie by Rüdiger Schütt © March 2016 Imprint: Lambert Schneider 224 pages, 46 b/w images ISBN 978-3-650-40123-6 He became a mythical figure: Gorch Fock was born in 1880 as Johann Kinau and died in the battle of Jutland in 1916. He stands for courage and a thirst for adventure, noble ideals and the battle for survival on the high seas. His novel “Seefahrt ist not!” turned him into a bestselling author. Ships, schools and beer brands are named after him to this day. The Nazis appropriated his memory – the consequences of which still prevail today. He is either glorified or demonized. But who was Gorch Fock really? Was he a militarist and precursor of a national socialist ideology? Or was he a talented writer and critical observer of an untrammeled industrialization? Rüdiger Schütt shows the man behind the myth for the first time. His book brings to the fore a radically conflicted man who was torn between desire and reality and was ultimately doomed to failure. Rüdiger Schütt is a librarian at the University of Kiel. He has written numerous books on authors of the 19th and 20th century. 52 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 Charlotte Brontë Between Conformation and Rebellion Charlotte Brontë Zwischen Anpassung und Rebellion by Katharina Pink © March 2016 Imprint: Lambert Schneider 272 pages, 20 b/w images ISBN 978-3-650-40121-2 Charlotte Brontë gained success as a writer only late in life. She grew up in poverty and social isolation. The life of this English clergyman’s daughter remained continuously overshadowed by illness and death. This tale of woe is mirrored in her novels which have not lost any of their timeliness over the centuries. Charlotte Brontë wavered between conformation and rebellion, between defiance and obedience. Katharina Pink has written an emphatic portrait that shows Charlotte’s precarious position in a world dominated by men using her letters and diaries to provide an insight into her inner life. Katharina Pink is a lecturer for English literature at the University of Munich. 53 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 Gustaf Gründgens und Klaus Mann Tanz auf dem Vulkan. Gustaf Gründgens und Klaus Mann by Renate Berger © March 2016 Imprint: Lambert Schneider 320 pages, b/w images ISBN 978-3-650-40128-1 Author Klaus Mann’s erstwhile intimate friendship with actor Gustaf Gründgens did not prevent him to later portray him as a ruthless careerist in his work “Mephisto”. The lives of Gustaf Gründgens and Klaus Mann are closely intertwined. It was not only Gründgen’s marriage to Mann’s sister Erika that brought the two together. What linked them even more was the experience of an upheaval which meant the end of individual and artistic freedom. In 1933 both of them became a target for the national socialists who confronted them with censorship and a maximum of control. How differently the two of them dealt with this threat and how former friends turned into embittered adversaries, is shown by Renate Berger in this brilliant double biography. Renate Berger is professor for cultural studies at the University of Arts in Berlin. Her research focus is on female artists from the 18th century to today, art and cultural history of the 1920s, Russian ballet, theories of the avant-garde and history of film. 54 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 The Complete Graphical Works of Alexander von Humboldt Alexander von Humboldt. Das graphische Gesamtwerk by Oliver Lubrich (ed.) © October 2015, 3rd edition Imprint: Lambert Schneider 800 pages, 1.576 color images ISBN 978-3-654-40132-8 Alexander von Humboldt published two dozen books and more than 700 essays and articles. Less known is the fact that the natural scientist and travel writer was also an illustrator and graphic artist. More than 1,500 pictures illustrate his writings and are as diverse as his interests: As an ethnographer and cultural scientist he made sketches of people, buildings and everyday objects. As a botanist, zoologist and anatomist he drew plants, animals and body details. As a geologist, geographer and cartographer he charted mountains, water bodies and continents. This highly acclaimed, extravagantly illustrated work presents Alexander von Humboldt’s complete graphical works in an attractive special edition. More than 1,500 extraordinary illustrations in excellent quality are shown, especially from his world-famous South American travelogue. An introduction by Humboldtspecialist Oliver Lubrich and an appendix with an overview of Humboldt‘s works, descriptions of the illustrations and a chronology complete this beautiful edition. Oliver Lubrich is professor for German Literature and Comparative Literature Studies at the University of Bern. He has edited and co-edited several works by Alexander von Humboldt: Central Asia, Kosmos, and the first German version of Vues des Cordillères, the Chimborazo Diary, the ethnographic and political essays as well as two volumes on Humboldt’s international reception: Alexander von Humboldt in World Literature, Alexander von Humboldt in Cultural Criticism. He is currently directing an edition of Humboldt’s essays (in ten volumes), funded by the Swiss National Foundation. 55 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 Collecting Art A History of Passion and Power Kunst sammeln Eine Geschichte von Leidenschaft und Macht by Hans-Ulrich Thamer © October 2015 Imprint: Zabern 256 pages, 20 b/w images ISBN 978-3-8053-4915-4 Archduke Wilhelm Leopold amassed exactly 1,397 paintings, 343 drawings and 542 sculptures. At the time of her death, Catherine the Great possessed almost 4,000 paintings and tens of thousands of drawings. The industrialist Peter Ludwig of Aachen distributed his treasures to 21 museums worldwide. Passionate art collectors there have been many over the times. They were driven by piety, lust for power and the pride of ownership. Hans-Ulrich Thamer follows the history of collectors and patrons from the late middle ages to today. He examines early ecclesiastical and dynastic collections, baroque cabinets of wonders and the public museums of the 19th century as well as the contemporary expansion of the art market. Not only are the collectors themselves portrayed, but also agents, curators and critics. Hans-Ulrich Thamer is professor for history at the University of Münster. His focus of research is on the cultural history of collections and museums. 56 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG – Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016 Medieval City Fortifications in German-Speaking Territories Die mittelalterlichen Stadtbefestigungen im deutschsprachigen Raum by Thomas Biller © May 2016 Imprint: Zabern 2 volumes, 688 pages, 500 images and maps ISBN 978-3-8053-4975-8 The most obvious attribute of any medieval city was its fortification, its city wall. Thomas Biller’s work is the first systematic and comprehensive presentation on medieval city fortification. In the first volume Biller focuses on all aspects of medieval urban fortifications: Their development from early simple forms to their demise in the age of artillery. He depicts all elements of urban fortifications as well as their funding, construction and maintenance. In the second volume Biller describes all city fortifications whose existence can be confirmed by findings in current and former Germanspeaking territories, including Pomerania, East Prussia, Austria and Switzerland. Thomas Biller (PhD in architecture and PhD in architectural history) is one of the most distinguished researchers on castles in Germany and has written numerous works on architectural history. 57 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de WBG- Foreign Rights Catalogue – Spring 2016 58 Contact: Erb@wbg-wissenverbindet.de