RacePlayMichiana - Michiana Bicycle Association


RacePlayMichiana - Michiana Bicycle Association
R pm
Vol. 4/No. 3
june-july 2014
News for
Sports & Fitness
to YOU from
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Adventure on the East Race
Ur ban Adve ntur e Game s
SUNBURST pre-race
is Here!
Michiana’s fitness
Stay in the Game and prevent injury
community unites
with a warm-up and stretch.
with the 31st Sunburst Races—
Welcome Runners and Walkers!
run. Bike. Swim.
In any combination! Race Previews
fill the pages for
Keep them going longer
summer workouts that
with a relaxed, positive
reward sweat with a
multi-sport training
simply good time.
raceplaymichiana. com
Page 3
June-July 2014
Race & Train
It’s Like Christmas in May!
Welcome Sunburst runners, walkers, sponsors,
volunteers and spectators! Well, I call it a holiday anyway
as I know first-hand how staff and volunteers began
six-plus months ago, making their lists and checking them more than twice to ensure
Sunburst morning is a gift for all.
Participants of course have done their best to be “good”—sticking to their training
regimen by day with visions of PRs dancing in their heads at night.
I worked as the Sunburst coordinator for a few years under Race Director Molly
Sullivan. I loved every minute of it and left only because I had this crazy idea—
amid the energized whirlwind of packet-pickup Friday 2010—to start a newspaper that
would bring the sum of our fitness communities together, just like Sunburst.
This issue is brimming with running, triathlon and cycling news. It is all ahead of
us—a big woo-hoo! (insert own fist pump.) So I hope after Sunburst you will read on.
For now, I am passing along a few last-minute, please-be-aware-of Race Day tips your
Sunburst hosts want to make sure you know.
Race on! Editor, Jan Spalding
Race Day No no’s (For your safety!)
NO dogs, rollerblades, baby joggers/strollers, or
participants under the age of 6 in any Saturday event.
NO re-entry to the concourse. Once participants exit the
concourse, they may not return.
NO bib, no entry into finish area.
wear your bib!
You MUST wear your bib in the front for timing and
photo identification. Results/photos will be available on
the sunburstraces.org website. For photos, click
on the marathonfoto.com logo.
use your bib!
Downtown—Free Parking at Main & Colfax and
Leighton garages on Sunburst weekend.
Stadium—Free parking for spectators south of the
Joyce ACC. Only registered event participants are
allowed in the concourse.
Finish area/restrooms
Restrooms available for spectators just inside Gate B.
Snap the QR code on your race bib for immediate results
and for social media sharing. (Be sure to download your
app prior to the race.)
flag system
Flags will be out at all water stops to indicate race
conditions:Green = Go
Yellow = Caution
Red = Hazardous (i.e. extreme heat)
Black = Race canceled/timing turned off
Pre-Race Prep Stretch it Out
We are in the prime of race season. As a contributor to RPM one of my goals is
to help you stay in the game by preventing injury. While there is debate as to how
much stretching is good, there is general consensus that some stretching is
beneficial to running performance and injury prevention.
THE MUSCLES—There are five primary muscle groups to work when stretching:
quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, hip flexors and groin. Making sure to hit each of
these both pre and post race is a good idea.
THE CATEGORIES—We will be covering two types of stretches suitable for our
context, dynamic and static. Dynamic stretches are moving exercises, helpful
because they don’t wear out a muscle while still increasing its flexibility and
mobility. Static stretches effectively hold a position for a period of time in order to
put greater emphasis on lengthening muscle fibers.
THE STRETCHES—Cardio first! As a reminder, it’s critical to warm up for 3-5
minutes prior to stretching in order to increase blood flow to the muscles you will
be stretching. A short jog will usually suffice. Also, these stretches are in a specific
sequence that will progress from upper legs to lower.
Fairly simple move, gently
pulling the ankle toward your
glute and pushing your hip
forward. Try to remain as vertical
as possible. In pre-race stretches
these should last no longer
than 3 seconds, alternating
feet 6-8 times. This is active
stretching which won’t tire your
muscles pre-race. Pulling with
the opposite hand seems to be
gentler on tendons and a more
natural motion. For post-race, you will want to hold
each side for a minimum of 30 seconds performing
static stretches while making sure to breathe naturally
With your toes
pointed out at
45 degree angles
press down into
a squat position
and place your
forearms against
your quadriceps
(thighs). Push out
against your legs
with your forearms. Pre-race push for 3 seconds and
then relax, repeating 6-8 times. The static stretch post
race simply increases the resistance to as long as you
like (minimally 30 seconds) with breathing being a
A bimonthly
resource for
sports and fitness
news in our
3. Hip-Flexor Stretch
publisher/editor Jan Spalding
raceplaymichiana@sbcglobal.net 574.220.7771
Next issue date Aug.-Sept. 2014
Visit RacePlayMichiana.com for
Print and electronic distribution information
Advertising rates n Current and back issues
“RPM,” RacePlayMichiana,”“News for Sports & Fitness Enthusiasts”
and the RPM logo are trademarks of Jan Spalding. All rights reserved.
Typically known as “runner’s stretch,” this is a great
one as you make sure your knee and ankle are in line
vertically. Push down with the rear leg’s hip toward
the ground, again for the 3 second intervals and then
release the pressure, repeating 6-8 times. Flip legs and
repeat. After your race is once again the same move
with minimal 30 second intervals. The closer you can
get your hip to the ground the greater the stretch.
From the hip-flexor stretch place the knee of the back
leg on the ground. Then extend your front leg so that
your heel is on the ground and begin to lean forward
attempting to move your chest toward your quad. In
the pre-race regimen, down for 3 seconds and then
just move your upper body up for 3 seconds, repeating
this sequence 6-8 times. This stretch works WONDERS
in the post-race setting where you can hold again for
minimally 30 seconds on each leg.
Our final stretch is based on a yoga position called
“Downward Dog”. Get into a plan position and then
push your weight back towards your heels, extending
your glutes up. Once in this position for pre-race
pedal your feet back and forth at a comfortable pace
12-16X. After you have taken home the gold, you can
pedal at a slower interval and then press your weight
into both feet for 30 seconds. There is also the option
of stacking one foot on top of the other ankle to get
more weight into the stretch for a greater stretch. It is
absolutely essential to focus on breathing throughout
this process.
More “active” stretching examples are
available on my YouTube channel (Youtube.com/dvukmiro, search “stretches”.)
Dan Vukmirovich is an Insanity
Certified & P90X Qualified
Trainer as well as a Team
Beachbody Coach.
Race & Train—Running
Page 4
June-July 2014
Color Runs Making a Splash in Michiana
August 16
Color Run for Freedom Park 5K
Young Ampitheater, Plymouth IN
Saturday, 10am start
PLYMOUTH, IN— A color run seemed to
offer just the right mix of all-inclusive fun
for organizers of Plymouth’s all-inclusive
playground project.
“We took on a color run this year
instead of a timed run to include strollers
and people in wheelchairs and anyone
with a disability who just wants to have
fun and help raise money and awareness
for the new park,” said race director Sandi
Allen, also a member of the Freedom Park
The course will start at Young
Ampitheater by Plymouth High School
and run through Plymouth Park on paved
trails and quiet roads.
Participants are encouraged to wear
white costumes (white T-shirt provided,)
and simply come out to enjoy a fun
morning. Register as a group and come
up with your own creative team name,
then help each other get as colorful
as possible.
Of course kids are welcome —so
“We want the park to be
welcome that those age five and under
inclusive to children of all
run—or are strolled—free and do not
special needs. Right now we
need to register.
Freedom Park is a $1.1 million project
have nothing that is handicap
initiated by Plymouth residents who
recognized a need for a park that is welSandi Allen
coming to individuals of all abilities. “We
Freedom Park Color Run
know activity is crucial for overall health
“It is a huge project,” Sandi admits, but
and well-being and this park will provide
a really neat idea and one we hope
all abilities a better quality of life,”
event will bring more awareness to.”
Sandi said.
Planned is a fully
accessible playground, splash
park and picnic area. Within will
be features like a sensory
garden with different textures
and smells exciting for all
children and adults with various
disabilities and a music garden
with sounds, especially
soothing to all children.
“We want the park to be
inclusive to children of all
special needs. Right now we
have nothing that is handicap
accessible,” Sandi said. With
the help of sponsors and
participants the committee will
continue to accrue funding for
the project that, once built, the Color Run for Freedom Park in Plymouth is a fundraiser for the
City of Plymouth has agreed to $1.1 million park and playground that will be accessible to
individuals with all abilities.
Come get dirty with us!
Kids 5K
ELKHART—The Colors for Kids 5K will
bring new meaning to fitness fun for
participants of this first-time event
hosted by the Boys & Girls Club of
Elkhart. The pre-event party begins at
8:30 with live music, dancing,
warm-ups and giveaways.
Since this is an untimed race
where participants are encouraged to
just enjoy the fun, groups will be
released to the course every three to
five minutes beginning at 9am. Those
who want to run are asked to stay to
the right while walkers are encouraged to stay left, said Ryon
Wheeler, executive director for the
Elkhart Boys & Girls Club that is
hosting the event.
“At the end of the 5K we will all
gather for the countdown to the mass
color throw. This creates a spectacular
color cloud,” Ryon said. Every participant will receive their own color packet to participate in the color throw.
June 28
Downtown Elkhart
Saturday, 9am race/walk start,
10:40am Color Throw
Help raise funds
and awareness for
the children in our
community who
go without gifts
on Christmas.
Register online
Before August 11
$40 each runner $160 per team (4)
After August 11
$55 each runner | $220 per team (4)
You don’t have to be a
track star to run!
Just walk and have fun.
Page 5
June-July 2014
Race & Train—Running
Lululemon Appearing
Beyond Zen Studio in Granger has recently added
the Lululemon line of fitness and yoga clothing.
Studio owner Bridgette VanSchoyck-Clark opened
the pilates, yoga and massage studio in Toscana
Park earlier this year and has recently brought this
popular fitness fashion to Michiana.
Paint the Town YELLOW
n Enjoy a post-work 5K walk along the
river in downtown South Bend.
prevention programs. In fact, Tracy encourages all to “yellow it up” as much as
possible as the awards will be given for
the “best dressed in yellow” participants.
“There will be chalk stations along
SOUTH BEND—Lace up your running
shoes, but not too tight for this endof-the-work-day music-filled
When Suicide Prevention
Director Tracy Schneider
chose a date for their new
Fun Run/5K Walk
Paint the Town Yellow event
Downtown South Bend
she found it coincided
Thursday evening, 6pm
beautifully with DTSB’s “Seitz
& Sounds” event planned
along the banks of the St.
Joseph River.
“We decided not to time
the course for people to write messages
this event,” said Tracy who also race
or a name to remember someone who
directs their more competitive Race to
Save Lives 5K in November. “We wanted was lost to suicide.
“We hope it is something people
to encourage a laid back after-work vibe
look forward to after a day at work
for everyone and treat people to Bar-Band
also raise awareness for youth
Que and music on the river.”
programs,” Tracy said.
The out-and-back course will start
at Seitz Park on Niles Avenue and head
“We decided not to time this event.
south toward IUSB on the riverwalk.
We wanted to encourage a laid back
Yellow Ribbon is a youth suicide
after-work vibe for everyone and
prevention program the Center would
treat people to Bar-B-Que and
like to bring into more area schools.
Proceeds will go toward this mission
music on the river.”
and participants are encouraged to
Tracy Schneider
wear yellow in support of youth suicide
Suicide Prevention Center
Two Rivers Running Company to Open in June
ELKHART IN—Great news for Elkhart
runners and walkers—and their feet!
Steve Peterson, owner of Elkhart Bicycle
Shop, has announced the opening of
the Two Rivers Running Company. The
running and walking shoe specialty store
will be downtown at 411 E. Jackson and
right next door to Steve’s wellestablished bike shop.
The predicted midince-June opening
will be good for downtown business,
believes Steve who has been wondering
about the vacant building next door with
just such a business in mind. The way the
purchase of the building worked out was
serendipitous, he said.
No stranger to Elkhart’s vibrant
running community, Steve had heard
plenty of requests over the years for a
service-focused running/walking shoe
store in Elkhart. Needless to say, he is
excited for the new adventure. “It will be
different. People who buy bikes often
don’t come back for a few years. Runners
and walkers bring the dynamic of a more
frequently returning business,” he said.
Future customers are being kept up
to date on the Two Rivers Running
Company Facebook page. So chime in on
your favorite brands, companies
and what you would like to see in the
new store.
August 2, 2014
Notre Dame
8:30 am
10k Run
1 - Mile Fun Walk
5k Run/Walk
Family FunFest
Page 6
Race & Train—Running
1,000 Miles in Memory
Airforce Sons Make “the Tour” for their mom
LAPORTE, IN— If you’re
traveling 1,000 miles to
run a 5K race there must
be something special
about it. “People’s
participation in the
Aug. 22-24
Tour de La Porte literally
tourdelaporte.org saves lives. The Tour,
The Foundation and IU
Health La Porte Hospital give hope,
comfort and life back to cancer patients,
their caregivers and loved ones,” said Ryan
Sobecki, US Air Force Security
Forces, Rapid City, SD.
The Sobecki family—Ryan, brother
Eric and dad Jeff—began sponsoring Tour
de La Porte in 2010 after their mom Linda,
who was cared for at La Porte Hospital,
passed away from cancer.
“When my mom was going through
treatment she asked if we would run in
the Tour de La Porte. I flew from Texas at
the time and ran the race while my mom
walked it,” said Eric Sobecki, a B-1 Pilot
also in the US Air Force in South Dakota.
“This event was an inspiration to my mom
and may have just helped her make it
another year,” Eric said.
“Not only did the Foundation help my
mom extend her battle with cancer and
ease her pain in her time of need, but
June-July 2014
Spud Run Celebrates
with Miss Indiana
NORTH LIBERTY, IN—To celebrate its 10th
running, the North Liberty Chamber is
loading the toppings onto this year’s
annual Spud Run. Kicking it off, Terrin
10th Annual
Thomas, Miss Indiana herself, will sing the
National Anthem to start the race which
June 14
takes place during the annual Potato
Creek Fest. The chip-timed course runs
through downtown North Liberty.
Post-race festivities include overall male and female awards and overall male/
female masters (40-plus) awards in the 5K. There will be age-group awards for male/
female in the 5K and top three male/female awards in the 1-mile fun run for kids 12 and
Plenty of door prizes too this year, including several drawings for four Chicgao Cubs
tickets and parking pass at $5 per chance. (June 23, Cubs vs. Padres and July 31, Cubs
vs. Rockies games.) Chances will be sold prior to race day.
Collect your special 10th Anniversary Spud Run t-shirt and reusable goody bag and
help support local kids with muscular dystrophy attend camp, says race director Kent
Register through active.com or contact Kent VanDyne at 574-261-0906, or email us
at spudrun5k@yahoo.com
Spud Run 5K
Eric (left), and Ryan Sobecki (right), both in the US
Airforce, South Dakota, pause with their dad
Ryan. Both sons make the trip home for Tour de
LaPorte to run in memory of their mother.
they probably also saved my dad’s life by
helping to ease the financial burden, pain,
shock and stress of my mom’s illness,”
Ryan said.
Both men agree that living far away
was difficult during their mom’s illness,
but that the sense of community generated by Tour de La Porte helped ease their
“It’s a great event! All funds raised
stay locally to assist local families and the
event has grown to be one of the best
charity events around,” Eric added.
“When my mom was going through treatment she asked if we would run in the Tour
de La Porte. I flew from Texas at the time and ran the race while my mom walked it.”
—Eric Sobecki, B-1 Pilot, US Air Force
Give Medals,
Give Hope
Super Hero LifeWalk Adds 5K to 2014 Event
Super Hero Lifewalk, 5K
Saturday, 8am race start
Pccniles.com (use partners button)
NILES, MI—A timed 5K run has been added this
year to the annual one-mile Life Walk that
benefits the Niles Pregnancy Care Center.
The race route will start at Niles High
School, travel around Plym Park and finish at the
Riverfront Amphitheater in time to participate in
the LifeWalk festivities.
For many years, participants of LifeWalk have
wanted to add a 5K to attract the athletes in the
area, said race director Jamie Boling. “We are finally able to put that to the pavement.”
Benefitting the resources of the Pregnancy Care Center, participants will enjoy postrace refreshments, food, awards and some carnival fun with sno-cones, hot dogs and a
bounce house for children. Medals will be awarded for top three finishers in each age
category and one overall female and male winner. Register directly through signmeup.
com/98879. And PS for spectators: the Golden Malted Carbon Waffle truck will be at the
start of the race for the spectators to enjoy.
Dart for the Arts—Same Great Event, New Date
July 12
Lerner Theater, downtown Elkhart
You can make a difference in the life of a child at Memorial Children’s Hospital.
The medal donation program connects Sunburst Race runners with
patients at Memorial Children’s Hospital in a very powerful way.
Each year, we ask runners to donate medals from prior races,
not just Sunburst. We will have cards available so runners can write a brief
inspirational note to the child who will receive the donated medal.
It’s a really moving moment to see a child’s face light up when he or she
sees the medal and hears words of encouragement from a runner.
Bring your old or new medals to the Sunburst registration tent
on May 30 between noon and 8 p.m.
ELKHART—Speed or only a little speed, everyone
loves the community spirit of this 5K run that
benefits Premier Arts, the in-house theater group
at the Lerner. The race has moved from April to its
new mid-July date so participants can enjoy the
warm weather and enjoy a summer morning run.
“The course has a slight grade on Main Street,
but otherwise pancake flat and includes one lap
through Wellfield Gardens, which should be just
lovely at this time,” says race director Paula Turk of
Stone Soup Promotions.
Oh, and people do enjoy the swanky
registration set up inside the Lerner, she adds.
At right, Katie Fenstermaker finishes strong at the 2013
Dart for the Arts in downtown Elkhart.
Page 7
June-July 2014
Adams Junior Coordinates 5K for “Hannah”
n Nearly 500 participated in the inaugural
Hannah & Friends 5K last year. This year
Michaela Lewis plans for even more.
SOUTH BEND—This will be the second year
for the Hannah & Friends 5K Run & Fun
Walk which welcomes serious runners as
well as people with disabilities to join in
the fitness fun and festivities.
The chip-timed 5K course wraps
around the Hannah & Friends 40-acre
neighborhood near Clay High School.
“We want participants to see where
Hannah &Friends residents live,” said Adams High School student and race
coordinator Michaela Lewis. Michaela and
cross country/track teammate Aubrey Curl
planned and introduced the successful
event last year.
“Last year we were hoping to have a
few hundred participants and then were
surprised to have nearly 500 at the event,”
Michaela said. This year the group would
like to see 500 to 600 participants
running, walking and cheering.
Michaela’s initiative to develop
an event to raise money for Hannah &
Friends also brought awareness to the
organization’s services in the community.
“We want to take the ‘dis’ out of
disabilities,” said Michaela, whose love for
her aunt with
10K, 5K run, 5K walk
Dowagiac, MI
DOWAGIAC, MI—Hosted in
conjunction with Dowagiac’s Summer in the City
festival, Steve’s Run holds a “tradition like no other” in Michiana. The original road ‘n trail course’s 40th running starts in downtown Dowagiac and
finishes at Lion’s Park.
In addition to Steve’s Run 10K and 5K run/walk, Southwest Michigan also hosts
the 1K Dogpatch Derby at 8:35am, just $1 with day-of registration.
The course is known – and loved -- for its intriguing combination of wooded trail
and quiet paved roads that travel through the campus of Southwestern Michigan
College. Along the route are the well-known “Fire Up” signs, encouraging runners on
and also posted in memory of loved ones who have survived or been lost to cancer.
All funds raised from the race will be donated to the Mayo Clinic Cancer Research
and/or the Steven Briegel Scholarship.
Race coordinator and Adams High School junior
Michaela Lewis joins up with friends prior to the
inaugural Hannah & Friends 5K last year. The track
and cross country runner returns this year to help
stage the event.
Down Syndrome has fueled her passion.
Post-race festivities will include expo
booths, food and awards handmade by
Hannah & Friends residents. Awards will
be given to top three in each age group.
June 28
Hannah & Friends neighborhood, South Bend, IN
GameDay Chase
5K & 10K
August 16 St. Patrick’s County Park
Registration 8-8:45am; 9am start
5K chip-timed run on park trails and roads
3K Wacky Walk- Nature Scavenger Hunt for all ages
Group discount for “Wild Herds!”
Sport your favorite wildlife gear!
Tech shirts
Age division awards for run
Random prizes
DJ! More age divisions this year!
Gourmet quiche from Victorian Pantry!
Home-made cookies and more!
Benefitting projects and programs of
St. Joseph County Parks
On-line Registration & Info
Sponsored by
The Friends of
Bendix Woods &
Spicer Lake
Page 8
June-July 2014
Race In the Park, Walk in the Woods—Wild Fun
SOUTH BEND, IN—For Waylon Peterson of
South Bend, Running Wild is a family
event. “Of the many races our family does
each year, Running Wild 5K is one of the
best! We love running through the woods
and we know it is for a great cause.”
What else
can be said for
the family-fitness,
St. Patrick’s
family-fun combo?
County Park
Along with the
Wacky Scavenger
Hunt 3K Walk, the
The success of Running Wild has been,
well, wild, growing to more than 300
participants in just two years.
Even the more serious participants
dress up in their wildest gear (i.e. leopard
prints and various styles of animal ears,
tails, etc.) for the chip-timed 5K that runs
through wooded and open field trails,
park roads, grass and gravel. Tech-shirts
for pre-registered participants, sweet agegroup awards (pure maple syrup from
Bendix Woods County Park) for top three
in each age category and new this year, a
registration discount for kids in the 5K.
If you prefer a more relaxed pace the
Wacky Scavenger Hunt 3K Fun Walk is
mostly on paved surfaces and will also
allow leashed dogs.
Running Wild is organized by the St.
Joseph County Parks Foundation, Friends
of Bendix Woods, Spicer Lake and St.
Joseph County Parks. Proceeds benefit
park facilities, programs and bus transportation for school programs at the parks.
(Three registrations fund a school bus!)
Return participants will admit Running
Wild’s homemade post-race refreshments
—homemade cookies, trail mix, egg bake
and more—may be worth the registration
fee alone.
Despite Construction, LOGAN will be on Campus
8/2 n 10K, 5K, Walk n ND Campus
NOTRE DAME, IN—Campus construction may hinder planning, but nothing can really
get in the way of the 1,700-plus participants and volunteers who make LOGAN’S
Run an annual summer tradition held the first Saturday in August.
Work on Stepan Drive on the University of Notre Dame campus impacts the
10K, 5K and1-mile courses of the event, says Jill Langford, race director. But
hopefully by June a new home for the start and finish line will be found, she says.
She does assure the event will take place entirely on campus, “So the tradition
will continue.” The RunWithLogan.com website will be constantly updated.
A pre-race pasta party Friday night, morning-of pancake breakfast and postrace family fun fest celebrate and raise money for LOGAN Center and its mission to
support people with disabilities
in achieving their desired quality of life.
MRA Group Runs
All runners welcome.
n 5:30pm Tuesdays, meet between the
College Football Hall of Fame and the
Chocolate Cafe.
n 8am Saturday morning at ProForm
Bike-Run-Swim (rain, shine & snow).
Most of the runners and walkers will
be out for at least an hour and some
go longer. Water and some kind of
energy or recovery drink after the run
and provided and even food!
MISHAWAKA 5:45pm Thursdays, meet in
Beutter Park by the river walk.
NOTRE DAME A couple times a week, a
small group of runners departs from
the Rockne gym on the Notre Dame
campus at 5:30pm. Six to 8 miles are
run at about a 7:30 to 8-minute pace.
The days vary by week. Contact Scott
Mainwaring at smainwar@nd.edu if
you are interested.
PLYMOUTH 12:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays, Plymouth Products, 1800 Jim
Neu Dr. Contact Don at 574.274.9860
as start time often changes.
Page 9
June-July 2014
UAG Plans Mishawaka Start/Finish; New Race Divisions
Urban Adventure Leadership Committee Member
For the past
five years the
Urban Adventure Games have
been held on
the last weekend of July.
The 6th annual
event is no exception.
On Saturday, July 26, however, UAG
will have a new home. This year the race
start/finish line will live at Kamm Island
Park in Mishawaka, relatively far from its
two previous hosts in South Bend—the
Stanley Coveleski Regional Stadium and
the former College Football Hall of Fame.
“Urban Adventure was established in
2009 through the Convention & Visitors
Bureau as a way to bring more recognition to all the great things to do in the
South Bend and Mishawaka communities,” said Lynn Kachmarik, Urban
Adventure Race Director. “By moving the
start and finish lines around Michiana, it
allows our competitors to see different
areas of St. Joseph County and it allows us
to keep our race fresh with new locations
and fun challenges.”
Fun, Open, Elite Divisions
Additionally, participants have the
option to register in new race divisions
that have been condensed from four
June 29
“My favorite part of Urban Adventure is seeing the excitement and creativity of the UAG
creators. They have great passion for the event and that trickles into the volunteers and
Seth Ponder two-time UAG participant.
categories to three, now
labeled Fun, Open and Elite.
The divisions have restructured fitness levels and age
requirements—changes the
race committee thinks will not
only bring unprecedented
strategy to the race routes,
but will also level the playing
field for first-time racers and
veteran competitors alike.
South Bend resident Seth
Ponder is looking forward to
entering this local race for the Are they really reading a map or just taking a breather? Seth Ponder and partner Jesse Vida strategize “mid-field” at the 2013 Urban
third time.
“My favorite part of Urban Adventure Games.
Adventure is seeing the excitefinishing the route swimming
ment and creativity of the UAG creators.
That experience has fueled Seth’s
They have great passion for the event and competitive fire for the upcoming UAG
that trickles into the volunteers and
and he hopes his wife is up for it again,
sponsors,” Seth said. “It makes me proud
too. He believes together they have an
that our town is able to have an event
advantage over other teams.
that draws people from dozens of states
“Sarah and I have three boys under
and how lucky I am that it is in my
the age of five, which allows us to perfect
our time management strategy, problem
In 2012 Ponder participated in the
solving skills and keeps us in good shape.”
co-ed open division with his wife
“I think it is great for Mishawaka.
Sarah. He returned in 2013 with his
Kamm Island had cool activities last year,”
former college roommate, Jesse Vida,
said Seth. “We’ll have to spend more time
to compete in the men’s open division
in Mishawaka prior to the event to learn
where they finished in 10th place, despite the shortcuts.”
flipping their kayak on the East Race and
St. Patrick’s County Park
Sunday, 7am – noon
SOUTH BEND—Paddlefest is an annual
canoe and kayak event that promotes
family recreation on the river, canoe
and kayak racing for those more
serious about racing and the health of
Michiana’s greatest natural resource,
the St. Joseph River. Events are geared
for youth and recreational paddlers as
well as serious racers, including
n youth pond race (ages 5 – 12)
n 16-mile marathon,
n 8-mile half marathon
n duathlon (3-mile run, 2-mile paddle)
n 2-mile fun race
Come out and try something new
and enjoy a day on the river, says
Paddlefest director Ted Beatty,
celebrating the event’s 13th year.
Kayaks and canoes will be available for
those who do not bring their own so
truly, all are welcome.
Participants receive t-shirt, a great
riverside lunch and awards ceremony.
Contact info@paddlefest.org for more
details and questions or visit the
paddlefest.org website.
Run for the Res
One Mile Fun
Saturday, September
September 6,7,2014
8:00 am start
8:00 am start
Finishes at
proceeds benefit the operations of the Mishawaka Reservation
benefit the operations of the Mishawaka Reservation
Register online at Active.com
at Active.com
more info and
a downloadable
entry form:
For more information and a downloadable entry form:
or call
or call:
Make checks payable to Mishawaka Res
Make checks payable to the Mishawaka Res
Scout Lane, Mishawka, IN 46544
Mail to Mishawaka Res13950
Mail to: Mishawaka Res
13950 Scout Lane
Page 10
n Runs/Walks
6/1 Potato Creek State Park Cross County
North Liberty, IN
6/7 Randy Miner Memorial Country Run
1-mile and 4-mile road races
Heritage Park, Etna Green, IN
6/8 Bike the Bend, 30-plus mile
vehicle-restricted family street/trail bicycle tour
South Bend, IN
6/8-14 Michiana Bike to Work Week
South Bend, IN
6/14 Warsaw Aqua Mile Open Water Swim
Center Lake, Warsaw, IN
6/14 Lakes Festival Run for Others 5K, Water
Waddle 1-mile kids run
Village of Winona, IN
6/14 Bike 31: One & Done
24-mile loop leisure ride
Lakeville, South Bend, IN
6/14 Ideal Beach Triathlon, relays, Kids Triathlon
Long Sprint–400yd swim, 14mi bike, 3-mi run
Short Sprint–150yd swim, 8.5mi bike, 1mi run
Heaton Lake, Elkhart, IN
June-July 2014
Race & Event Calendar
n Cycling n Triathlon/Swimming n Adventure n Trail Run n Mountain n Kids Event
6/14 Manitou Monster Sprint
Kids Triathlon (Teen, Youth, Pee-Wee)
Adult—400-meter swim, 13mi bike, 3mi run
Rochester, IN
6/14 Spud Run, 5K run/walk,
1-mile fun run
North Liberty, IN
6/14 Super Hero Life Walk, 5K run
Niles, MI
pccniles.com (partners button)
*6/14 Komen Race for the Cure 5K
Potawatomi Park, South Bend, IN
* Date previously listed incorrectly
6/19 Paint the Town Yellow Fun Run
(6pm start) Downtown South Bend, IN
6/21 Courthouse Classic 5K
Downtown courthouse, Middlebury, IN
6/21 15th Annual Pumpkinvine Bike Ride
Goshen & Shipshewana, IN
6/28 Optimist Sprint Triathlon, adult & youth
Adult—.25-mi swim , 13.8 mi-bike , 3.7mi run
Youth - 110yd. swim, 4.8mi bike, 2.8mi run
Winona Lake Park, Winona Lake, IN
warsawoptimist.org (See ad page 6)
6/28 Hannah & Friends 5K run/fun walk
South Bend, IN
6/28 Mishawaka Summerfest 5K run/walk
Mishawaka High School, Mishawaka, IN
6/28 Colors for Kids 5K
Downtown Elkhart, IN
6/29 Paddlefest
St. Patrick’s County Park, South Bend, IN
7/19 Sister Lakes Triathlon
International—1000m swim, 21mi bike, 10K
Sprint—500m swim, 13mi bike, 5K run
Olympic Aquabike—1000m swim, 21.6mi bike
Sprint Aquabike—500m swim, 13mi bike
Dowagiac, MI
7/26 Urban Adventure Games
Mishawaka, IN
(See ad page 14)
7/26 Steve’s Run 10K, 5K, Dogpatch Derby
Southwest Michigan College, Dowagiac, MI
stevesrun.swmich.edu (See ad page 11)
7/5 Diamond Lake Triathlon, sprint
500-yd. swim, 12-mi. bike, 3-mi. run
Cassopolis, MI
7/12 Dart for the Arts 5K run/walk
Central Park, Elkhart, IN
7/12 TCU Kid’s Triathlon
25- or 50-yd swim, 12mi bike, 3mi run
Potawatomi Park, South Bend, IN
sbpark.org (See ad page 13)
7/13 Rum Village Park Time Trial
South Bend, IN
Friday, June 13 thru Friday, Aug. 1
8/1-3 Amishland & Lakes Ride, 14 100 miles
The Howe School, Howe, IN
(See ad page 18)
8/2 LOGAN’s Run 10K, 5K run/walk, 1-mile family
fun walk
University of Notre Dame campus
(See ad page 5)
8/2 Eagle Lake Triathlon, Kids Triathlon
Long Sprint–800-yd. swim, 17.2-mi. bike, 5.3-mi. run
Short Sprint–200-yd. swim, 6.9-mi. bike, 1.4-mi. run
2- or 3-person Team Relay for each
Kids Triathlon – 25-yd. swim, .75-mi. bike, .5-mi. run
Eagle Lake, Edwardsburg, MI
OCTOBER 18, 2014
Every Friday for 8 weeks you can run a 5K race!
Runs are timed and tracked by your bib number.
At the end of the 8 weeks, prizes are awarded to
the most improved, most attended, fastest and more.
Runners meet at Memorial Health & Lifestyle Center
(downtown on the corner of Main & Jefferson)
at 6 a.m. every Friday from June 13 to August 1.
Cost is $35 for members and $50 for non-members.
Non-members can use locker rooms.
5K Fridays
$10 OFF
One of the most scenic courses in the Midwest
Great post race cookout for all participants
„ Boston Marathon qualifier
„ Best priced race in the Midwest
„ Tech Shirts for all participants
„ Field closes at 4,500 participants
For details, contact Sarah at
or 574-647-2654
for more information.
OCTOBER 18, 2014
n Runs/Walks
Race & Event Calendar
n Cycling n Triathlon/Swimming n Adventure n Trail Run n Mountain Bike n Kids Event
8/3 TK Lawless County Park Cross Country
Vandalia, MI
8/9 Potato Creek Trail Runs
Potato Creek State Park, North Liberty, IN
8/9 Lake Max Triathlon, Youth Triathlon
400-meter swim, 12-mile bike, 5K run
Kids (5-7) 50-meter swim, 1-mi. bike, .5 run
Kids (8-11) 75-meter swim, 2-mi. bike, 1-mi. run
Culver Academy campus, Culver, IN
culver.org/lakemaxtriathlon (See ad page 12)
8/9 Wawasee Triathlon, Duathlon
1/4-mile swim, 13.25-mile bike, 5K run
Lakeside Park, Syracuse, IN
8/16 Bloom and Zoom Bike Ride, 10-, 20-, 40-, 60-,
or 100-mile ride options
Central Park, Elkhart, IN
bloomNZoom.org or stonesouppromotions.com
8/16 Color Run for Freedom Park
Plymouth, IN
freedomparkin.com (See ad page 9)
6/8-14 Aquaman Triathlon, Duathlon
Sprint—500-meter swim, 18K bike, 5K run
Olympic—1.5K swim, 40K bike, 10K run
Duathlon—5K run, 40K bike, 5K run
Three Rivers, MI
8/17 Winona Lake Trail Cross County
Winona Lake, IN
June-July 2014
8/17 3 for 3 Triathlon
Michiana Family YMCA, South Bend, IN
michiana3for3.org (See ad page 14)
8/28 Running Wild 5K, 3K FunWalk
St. Patrick’s County Park, South Bend, IN
sjcparks.org (See ad page 7)
9/6 Game Day Chase 10K, 5K
Downtown South Bend, IN
michianarunners.org (See ad page 7)
9/13 Marine Mud Run
Mishawaka, IN
mclstjoevalley.org (See ad page 4)
8/28 Be Healthier Switchback 5K
Warsaw, IN
9/20 Chasing the Cure for Ovarian
Cancer 10K, 5K run/walk,
5K P Pump & Run, 1-mile fun run
Doyle Community Center, Sturgis, MI
8/22-24 Tour de LaPorte bike events
Tour de LaPorte run/walk events/trail run
8/22–Trail Run
8/23–Half Marathon, 10K, 5K; Road Bike
Time Trial; Mountain Bike Time Trial
8/24–Distance Cycling
LaPorte, IN
tourdelaporte.org (See ad page 18)
8/30 Barron Lake Triathlon Racing for Steve-o
Sprint and Olympic options, relays
Olympic–1,500-meter swim, 40K bike, 10K run
Sprint– 200ydswim, 13.2-mi. bike, 2.5-mi. run
2- or 3-person Team Relay for each
Howard Township Fire Department, Niles, MI
barronlaketri.com (See ad page 11)
8/31 Imagination Glen Time Trial
Portage, IN
9/4 Bike Michiana for Hospice
South Bend, IN
bikemichianaforhospice.org (See ad page 20)
9/6 Run for the Res 5K, 1-mile walk
Hums Elementary School, Mishawaka, IN
mishawakares.org (See ad page 9)
1st Annual Barron Lake Triathlon
August 30th, 2014
Barron Lake • Niles, Michigan
Sprint: 200 meter swim, 13.2K Bike, 2.5K Run
Olympic: 1500 meter swim, 40K Bike, 10K Run
(Individual, 2 Person and 3 Person Team Relay options available)
10/18 Fall Frolic 10K, 5K, 2K (timed)
kids obstacle course
The Montessori Academy, Mishawaka, IN
tml-el.org (See ad page 5)
10/18 Indianapolis Marathon, Half
Marathon, Marathon Relay, 5K,
Kids Marathon
Indianapolis, IN
indianapolismarathon.com (See ad page 10)
10/25 Haunted Hilly Half Marathon , Frightening
5K and Monster Mile,
Bonneyville Mill County park, Bristol, IN
9/20 Mash the Creek 10K, 5K Trail Race
Potato Creek State Park, North Liberty, IN
9/27 The Color Run Kaleidoscope Tour
Downtown South Bend, IN
11/8 Race to Save Lives, 10K, 5K, 5K Walk of Hope
Mishawaka, IN
9/27 Tour de NIMBA/Season awards
Potato Creek State Park, North Liberty, IN
11/27 Turkey Stampede 10K run, 5K run/walk,
1.3-mile walk
North Side Gym, Elkhart, IN
9/28 Apple Cider Century
Three Oaks, MI
9/28 Tri the Creek
Olympic-1000m swim, 22mi bike, 10K trial run
Sprint -500m swim, 11mile bike, 5K trail run
Sprint KayaTri, Olympic Aquabike, Sprint Aquabike
Potato Creek State Park, North Liberty, IN
12/6 Spruce Scoot, half marathon, 10K, 5K
Eby’s Farm, Bristol, IN
RACE DIRECTORS If you host a
Michiana race you would like to have listed for
free in the RPM Race & Event Calendar, contact:
10/11 Sandhill Crane All- Trail Run
half marathon, 10K, 5K
TK Lawless County Park, Vandalia, MI
Steve s Run
The race starts at 8:30 a.m.
on Front Street in Downtown Dowagiac between
the Gazebo and Caruso’s Candy Kitchen.
Page 12
June-July 2014
Local Triathletes Host Barron Lake Event for Steve-O
NILES, MI—Many of
Michiana’s best
triathletes have
come together to
host The Barron
Aug. 30
Lake Triathlon
Niles, MI
BarronLakeTri.com presented by Gurley
Leep Hyundai
Subaru, honoring world-champion
triathlete Steve Smith.
Among the cast are organizers Pete
and Sheri Colan, SpinZone; race director
Paula Turk; swim course director Bev
Buysse; bike course director Ken Glick,
ProForm; run course directors Chris and
Keri Pawielski of Inertia Cycleworks
and on transition area and setup, Roger
Antoniu. Amy Kuitse and Tim Legg are
helping Steve’s daughter Sarah Cira coordinate details for Racing for Steve-O.
The event on the Saturday of Labor
Day Weekend will benefit Racing for
Steve-O, a not-for-profit foundation
created to build on Steve’s vision to help
kids with special needs participate in
recreational activities.
The Barron Lake Tri is filling the void
of the longtime Niles Triathlon with plans
ProForm Hosts Free Tri Clinic
SOUTH BEND—Barron Lake Triathlon and Pro-Form
Bike Shop present local professional triathlete
Kaleb VanOrt for a free clinic on Saturday, July 26
at 3pm. The presentation will be informative to
first-timers, newbies as well as experienced
triathletes. Topics will include:
n Nutrition—pre-race nutrition and recovery
n Race preparation—Training up to the event, rest
& recovery
n Equipment—Apparel
n The Transition Area
n Question & Answer session
*Please bring a chair if you’d like to sit.
ProForm Bike Shop: 2202 South Bend Ave.,
South Bend, IN 46635 n 574-272-0129
FMI BarronLakeTri.com
Local pro triathlete Kaleb VanOrt will
present clinic information.
Ever feel like
you’re running
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to “bring back the
While most of
the courses will be
the same, much
attention has been
devoted to making
where needed,
said Sarah Cira,
adding additional
focus has been on
safety and putting
riders and
volunteers out on
the course.
The Olympic
Don’t worry, that’s his dive. After shoulder surgery world-champion triathdistance is a
lete Steve Smith taught himself to jump in sideways for his warm-up swims,
1500-meter swim, keeping the pressure off his shoulder. He never reverted to the old way when
40K bike and 10K he started competing again and a photographer at the Tuscaloosa, AL National
run. For the sprint, Championship just happened to catch Steve-o on the dive.
a 200-yard swim,
8.3-mile bike and 2.4-mile run have been Teams for Steve-O
measured. (See more detailed course
Beyond the competition, the Barron
descriptions at barronlaketri.com.)
Lake Tri organizers invite athletes to join
A silent auction which Sarah says,
Team Steve-O to start their own fundrais“companies have been very generous,”
ing campaign. By raising more than $5oo
will add to the festivities of the day. And
for the Racing for Steve-o Foundation,
as you might expect from Michiana’s finthe registration fee will be refunded and
est triathlete’s, “it’s a big party afterward”
participants will be upgraded to a VIP
with local corn, watermelon and other
Team Steve-O racer, which includes a spegreat food for recovery and fun.
cial designated bike rack, closer reserved
Also, see information at left for a free
parking and a DJ Multi-sport Training
triathlon clinic presented by pro triathlete Plan. To learn more about starting a team,
Kaleb VanOrt.
visit racingforsteveo.org/join_our_team.
Page 13
June-July 2014
Tri Season has Plenty to Offer
Max Out on your Swim, Bike, Run
FMI diamondlaketri.com
8/2 eagle lake
Edwardsburg, MI
6/14 Ideal Beach
Elkhart, IN
Long Sprint—400-yard swim, 14-mile bike,
3-mile run
Short Sprint—150-yard swim, 8.5-mile bike,
1-mile run
2 or 3 person Team Relay for each
Kid’s Triathlon
The Ideal Beach triathlon swim starts
on Heaton Lake’s sandy beach. Both
courses are flat and fast on both the bike
and run. The short race is the perfect
venue for a first triathlon.
FMI idealbeachtri.com
7/5 Diamond Lake
Cassopolis, MI
Sprint— 500-yard swim,
12-mile bike,
3.1-mil run
2 or 3 person Team Relay
The swim is in a quiet cove off the
south end of Diamond Lake. The bike
course has one grade but no hills to climb
with a rolling country course. The run
goes out and back along the lake with
the turn-around at the Cassopolis High
Long Sprint—
swim, 17.2mile bike,
5.3-mile run
Short Sprint—200-yard swim, 6.9-mile bike,
1.4-mile run
2 or 3 person Team Relay for each
Kids Triathlon—25-yard swim, .75-mile bike,
.5-mile run
This spirited triathlon starts at Eagle
Lake Marine. Both swims are a triangle
with a boat-ramp exit. The long bike starts
flat and has two hills with a ½-mile uphill
grade. The runs are mostly flat or gently
rolling with plenty of shade with one little
hill at mile 4.2 on the longer run. The runs
follow the lake and the course is a favorite
training run for many local racers.
The sprint bike has two small hills
and three sharp turns early on the course
so keep your head up in the first mile, says
race director Roger Antoniu.
The kids triathlon swim is lined with
life guards and parents are welcome to
accompany their children on the bike and
run or opt to have a shadow for them on
the course.
FMI eaglelaketri.com
8/9 Culver Academy CULVER.ORG
What started
as a community-focused.
wellnessinspiring event
two years ago has
grown to be one of the larger triathlons
in the area. This year, with the addition
of the kids triathlon, Culver wellness
director, race Director and triathlete
Dana Neer said they may see up to 400
The Culver Academy campus is
much of the big draw, with plenty of
wide space to accommodate the numbers and beautiful Lake Max to swim in,
ride around and run alongside.
In its inaugural year, 2012, Lake Max
Tri was named by the USAT as one of
the best upcoming triathlons. Dana and
organizers are constantly encouraged to
build on that reputation.
The USAT-certified course is a
400-meter swim, 12-mile bike and
5K run.
Kids Tri new this year
All events for the inaugural Kids
Triathlon will stay on the Culver campus,
with ages 5–7 swimming 50 meters,
biking 1 mile and running .5 miles. The
age 8–11 group will swim 75 meters,
Celebrating 7 years of helping Michiana
through massage therapy
and fitness conditioning.
July 12, 2014
Potawatomi Park Pool
For kids ages 5-14
Race Start 8am
Entry fee: $22 by June 30, 2014 ~ Register Early!
South Bend Parks & Recreation n 321 E. Walter Street n South Bend, IN 46614
For entry forms call 574-299-4765 or visit www.sbpark.org
bike 2 miles and run 1 mile.
Proceeds for the kids event will go
to the Culver Boys & Girls Club. Proceeds
from the sprint event go local
organizations such as the Kiwanis Club,
Lion’s Club, Culver alumnae club that
provide event volunteers.
Along with a lakeside post-race party—complete with rock band and beer
garden featuring local micro-brew from
Evil Czech,— Dana says, “We also have a
chef-prepared meal of a great variety—
grilled chicken, pastas, salads, our original energy cookie, fruit, desserts and
much more. It’s really the best place to
have a race.”
Race start at Lake Max Triathlon on the Culver
Academy campus in Lake Maxinkuckee.
3522 Grape Road
Mishawaka, Indiana 46545
Phone: 574-252-5929
Building Everyday Champions
Page 14
June-July 2014
Warsaw Youth Tri Open to 50
“We hope to see the parent athletes bring
their kids, have a good time and hook them
on the multi-sport lifestyle as something
they do with their family.”
Ron Donkers, race director Optimist Sprint Triathlon
WARSAW, IN—Last year’s “test drive” for the
Warsaw Sprint Youth Triathlon worked
out so smoothly that Warsaw Breakfast
Optimist Club planners have doubled to
50 the number of youth participants they
are allowing to race this year.
The 11-12 and 13-14 youth division
was introduced last year to build one
of the area’s oldest triathlon events into
something athletes with younger children
can train together for during the year,”
said Ron Donkers, race director. “We hope
to see the parent athletes bring their kids,
have a good time and hook them on the
multi-sport lifestyle as something they do
with their family.”
The kids event is planned so their
modified course finishes about the same
time as the adults. After the12 waves of
adults the two co-ed youth waves take off.
“We don’t charge much for the kids
because we want it to be family friendly.
And as an Optimist group, we want to
see the local youth to get involved with
triathlon,” Ron said.
The youth race will be timed with the
data available, but the emphasis is
participatory, so no awards will be given
based on time and all receive finisher
Last year’s successful introduction of the Warsaw
Optimist youth triathlon lead organizers to open
50 spots for the upcoming June 28, 2014 race
which coincides with the adult race.
“The idea of this youth race is to
expose them to the lifestyle, encourage
them. They will have plenty of time to be
competitive when they turn 15.”
The Winona Park venue is an ideal
setting for all ages, even if they are just
watching the race. Ron expects about
500 adult participants this year—many
who have made the Warsaw Sprint Tri an
annual goal.
Participants and spectators look forward to the tradition of great food—
pirogis, BBQ chicken, pizza, fresh fruit—
which is part of registration with
spectators welcome to join in for $7. It’s
a feast, Ron says, but many racers admit
they look forward to eating well.
Your Local
Watersports Authority
Triathlon SCUBA
justaddh2o.us.com l 574.217.7724
17911 SR 23 l South Bend, IN
Just north of the Ironwood Martin’s Plaza
Lifetime Sports Begin Early in Life
n The 14-year tradition of the TCU
Kid’s Triathlon caters to the family
SOUTH BEND—Perhaps it is the “event”
of the TCU Kid’s Triathlon that gives it
endurance. After 14 years the race for
14-years-and-younger aspiring swimmers, cyclists and runners still attracts
250 to 350 participants annually.
“We are an event, not just a race,”
says race director Paula Garis, special
events supervisor with South Bend
Parks & Recreation. “We always see large
family participation here not only for
the race, but for the festival atmosphere
and additional activities like face painting and balloon artists.” Healthy food,
sponsor booths, special activities hosted
by Memorial Health & Lifestyle Center,
bounce house fun and even massage
therapists certainly do make the morning an event.
The Kids Triathlon is strictly that—
for children up to the 13-14 age group,
with a life-jacket division for non-swimmers.
“There are children who don’t have
aquatic access, so we want them to
have a good experience with water,”
Paula said. From its inception the idea
has been to promote having a great
experience with
the three lifetime
they continue to do
them all together or
enjoy them separately, she said. All
participants receive
medals, but the
race is also timed
and awards are
presented five deep
to age groups, male
and female.
“There are
children who don’t
olds the swim is 25 have aquatic acyards or one lap
cess, so we want
and 50 yards or two them to have a
laps for the 13-14s. good experience
The timed swim
with water”
takes place in the
Paula Garis,
Potawatomi Park
TCU Kid’s Triathlon
race director
n All participants
Swim. Bike. Run.
n For 5– to 12-year-
ride 1.3 miles on a route that travels
through the park.
n The run is a ½-mile also in the park
and zoo. “We do allow parents, siblings
or friends who are 16 years or older to
run that last half-mile with the kids. It is
always fun with they do join in.”
Duathlon Again Part of Wawasee Tri
Aug. 9 n Lakeside Park, Syracuse, IN n WawaseeKiwanis.org
SYRACUSE, IN—In addition to its traditional bike-run-swim race, the 7th Annual
Kiwanis Wawasee Triathlon will host its 2nd annual duathlon (run, bike, run.) “We
added the du because we know there are many people who aren’t strong swimmers but want to participate in the multi-sport race,” said Tami Vandal, race director.
Expecting up to 300 participants this Aug. 9 the race is still considered “small”
and great for people just wanting to try a triathlon. “It’s a good one to get your feet
The event also allows teams, for people who just want to try a leg of the race.
The out-and-back ¼-mile swim is in Syracuse Lake with the 13.25-mile bike
riding out of town and back with a few hills along the way. The run travels past the
golf course and finishes back in the park.
Proceeds benefit the local Kiwanis programs.
Page 15
June-July 2014
3 for 3 “Starter” Triathlon Returns
10 Reasons to Get a Massage Today
From ANGIE REITZ, Triumph Fitness & Massage
Relieves pain—Massage helps bock the
Michiana Family YMCA
South Bend, IN
Upcoming 3-for-3 Triathlon at the Michiana Family YMCA will
benefit local adult cancer survivors through the LIVESTRONG at
the YMCA program.
nervous system pain receptors and
increases blood flow to the muscles.
Arthritis pain can be reduced as joint
mobility is increased taking pressure off
Prevents injury and illness—Tense muscles
can restrict circulation and tight muscles can pull the body out of alignment.
Regular massage can prevent chronic
conditions from taking hold.
Aids in injury recovery—Massage brings in
SOUTH BEND—Here’s a triathlon perfect for active families or for anyone who has ever
wanted to take on a triathlon challenge—with a little less challenge. Since many
people do not have access to train in open water, this course was designed to have the
swim portion take place in the Y’s pool, said Dani Elgas, director of healthy living for the
Michiana Family YMCA.
And for those who don’t even want to get wet, they can choose the option to kayak
on the river in lieu of the swim.
Another option for lightening the load is the relay for adults in which three people
may team up to swim, bike and run. (Kayaking will not be an option for relay teams.)
This year all proceeds will go to the LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program for adult
cancer survivors and offered at the Michiana Family YMCA.
So think: 3 for 3 —swim, bike, run for your mind, body, spirit.
new blood flow to the muscles
increasing circulation and breaks up
scar tissue promoting healing the tissue
and bones.
Improves mobility and flexibility—Increasing
oxygen, nutrient flow and blood
circulation to connective tissue, massage can loosen muscle knots while
soothing and lubricating overworked
joints for increased flexibility.
Reduces stress—Who hasn’t felt stressed
at some point? Massage calms the body
and helps relax the mind and in turn
reduces blood pressure and cortisol
levels. Alleviating stress can improve
illness and make a major difference in
overall health.
If the shoe fits, we’ll sell it.
We consider the
n gait
n alignment
n abilities
Before we ever
consider the shoe.
Enhances and maintains good health—
Massage is to the body what a tune-up
is to a car. In addition to lowering heart
rate and blood pressure, massage also is
an immune system booster.
Improves posture—Poor posture can lead
to over-stretched , over-tightened and
sore muscles. Massage can improve
body posture by helping train the muscles to be in the right position and give
the proper support the spine needs.
Increases attitude and alertness—Improved
attitude and increased alertness comes
along with reduced stress and pain.
Better nights sleep—Massage increases the
amount of serotonin in your body and
increases the “feel good” endorphins
that help relax and make you feel good
and promotes restful sleep.
And last but definitely not least:
It feels amazing!—In addition to all the
health benefits mentioned above you
can ask almost anyone who has had a
massage how wonderful, relaxed and
stress free you can feel after a massage
therapy session.
3522 N. Grape Road
Mishawaka, IN
Asics n Saucony
n Brooks n Nike n Mizuno
Page 16
June-July 2014
Amishland & Lakes Ride
One of the longest-running Bicycle rides in the area
Love Your Bike!
n Sleek Michiana-made Raptor stand
keeps your pride-and-joy handy, safe and
on display
SHIPSHEWANA, IN—Riders from up to 20
states come for the Amishland & Lakes
Tour, sponsored by the Michiana Bicycle
Association. Home base for the tour is the
Howe Military Academy campus where
the surrounding area provides bike riders
with unique ride opportunities:
n The country roads have little traffic, except for the occasional horse and buggy.
n The campus has dorm rooms, a gym for
sleeping bag camping, showers, a dining
hall and plenty of space for tent and trailer camping.
n There are also many hotels and B&B’s in
the area to provide off-campus accommodations for riders.
n Plus, it is also a short hop from the campus to the lake country of Michigan.
Warm-up routes
On Friday afternoon there are two
warm up routes (14 and 32 miles) with the
longer route going into Shipshewana. This
year there will be a mini-SAG stop halfway
between Howe and Shipshewana.
The Tours
The Amishland portion of the ride
is Saturday when the tour heads south
into the Amish countryside over scenic
and relatively flat roads. Riders have a
choice of 25, 36, 50, 63 or 100 mile routes.
The local Amish have become informal
participants in the event, many setting
up stands to sell baked goods, drinks and
even root beer floats to ride participants.
The Lakes portion of the tour is on
Sunday when riders head north into the
lake country of southwestern Michigan.
Distance options are 22, 33, 46 or 62
miles. This year there will be live music at
the Sunday Sturgis SAG stop.
SAG food is a highlight of the ride
with an emphasis on locally grown fresh
fruits such as blueberries, watermelon
and muskmelon. After the ride on Saturday there will be an ice cream social with
free ice cream and live entertainment.
It is hard to explain to the uninitiated the joy of owning a high-quality
light-weight bicycle. For most of us,
it cost more than our first car and we
spent several hundred dollars to shave
off an additional pound and a half.
Whether it is a road bike, a triathlon
bike or a mountain bike, when we come
home from a great ride we all face
the problem of “What to do with our
None of us would ever, under
any circumstance, put a kickstand on
our two-wheeled work of art. A small
group of riders elect to hang their bikes
upside-down from the rafters of the garage. But most agree that the hassle of
putting it up and taking it down makes
them less likely to just get out there and
ride, ride, ride. The vast majority of us
just lean these beauties against a wall
in the garage and inevitably scuff the
seat or scratch the frame. Wouldn’t it be
great if we could “put the bike away” in
the same sense that we put our tools in
a toolbox or our car in the garage?
An avid bicyclist and collector in
Michiana has developed a bicycle stand
that is as elegant and simple in design
as the bicycle itself. Inspired by the
bicycle stands originally crafted for high
wheel bicycles, the Raptor stand uses
the weight of a modern bicycle to press
downward and cause the two wings
to come up and grasp two sections of
the rear tire. The three points of contact
firmly hold the bike upright.
Many cyclists appreciate the fact
that Raptor stands are 100 percent
American-Made products. But RPM
The Raptor stand— a wild favorite at bicycle
shows and swap meets— is fabricated here in
Michiana by Amish craftsmen.
The Raptor stand uses the bicycle’s weight to
press downward and cause two wings to come
up and grasp the rear tire. Three points of
contact hold the bike upright.
readers will also enjoy the fact that they
are made right here in Michiana and are
fabricated by Amish craftsmen. Widely
sold at bicycle shows and swap meets,
Raptor stands come in a variety of colors
and widths to accommodate the tires
on road bikes, mountain bikes and hybrids. FMI go to bicycledisplays.com or call
Jim at (574) 387-6433.
Page 17
June-July 2014
After 40 years of Cycling, Plenty of Good Tricks in the Bag
After 40 Years of racing you would
hope I know a few tricks.
Yes, it has been 40 years since my first
amateur racing license was purchased.
Back at that time the governing body
was the ABLA. Since that time two name
changes and now we have USA Cycling.
Think about it? In 1974 the United States
had no professional cyclist so the name
Amateur Bicycle League of America was
true for all of us. I keep with that old license an advertisement from a magazine
that has a Christmas Special Masi Sale
with a complete Campy Bike for $699.
rewrap your handlebars tape the foam to
the bars (see photo) then wrap over the
foam with bar tape. It helps to use a bar
that has a large flat top like TTT Ergonova.
Now you have sweet cushy spots to hold
on to and take up road shock.
When riding keep bend in your arms!
Every year I see cyclists riding with locked
elbows and stiff arms. When your arms
are straight and stiff road vibration goes
to your back, neck and hands. Do not get
a shorter stem, do not lower your bars or
raise them. It is simple—bend at the waist
a bit to put more bend in your arms.
in over the steering wheel (see photo.)
The holes in race numbers are not to be
used to pin numbers on! They are so you
can put string through them to have a
collection. Pins go through number into
material then back out through number.
No more than three inches between
pins please. Now take clothing off
steering wheel and your number is
laying flat and is not a parachute like the
guy next to you.
Old water bottles have a purpose.
Racing numbers—how to pin it on!
Do your hands get numb when you ride?
Old water bottles with the top cut off can stash
supplies and be stored in you seat bag.
Use your steering wheel as your manikin for
pinning on your race number.
Tape foam to handlebar before wrapping tape to
absorb shock.
I hope to help with this problem. Find
some 1/8-inch foam and cut it into two
3-inch by 8-inch pieces. Before you
Did you drive to a race? Great then
you have what you need to pin your number on like a tour rider. A car’s steering
wheel is a cyclist’s friend. Pull your jersey,
skinsuit, Speedo or what ever you race
Cut the top off an old water bottle (see
photo.) Put your new bottle in the seat
tube bottlecage and your new stash in
a seat bag. Bottle Stash carriers are also
good for wind or rain vest, tires folded up
just in case—and of course still fit in your
bottle cage for easy grabbing.
When your arms are straight and
stiff road vibration goes to your
back, neck and hands. Do not get a
shorter stem, do not lower your bars
or raise them. It is simple—bend at
the waist a bit which will put more
bend in your arms.
Speed, waterproofing and a more quiet ride.
Inspiration comes from all over and
different places. I walked into Outpost
Sports and a cyclist was picking up his
new carbon framed bike. I heard him
ask about the cables running under the
bottom bracket and would not water get
in this area? He is right! So I went over to
the shop tech and Mr. Hillman and it hit
me! Put clear packing tape over the area.
It will stop water and dirt from getting
into the openings of your bike and
protects the cables. It makes your bike
quiet and faster and more aerodynamic.
I went home and did mine and noticed a
five watts increase as I rode and it is super
quiet. Thanks James.
Until next time, get out and ride. Do
not kill yourself every time you ride. Enjoy
an easy ride with friends. Remember not
to text and ride.
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More than sweets! Serving Fresh Soups Salads and Sandwiches made
with Organic Produce and All Natural Meats when available.
Page 18
June-July 2014
An Event Tough to Bypass: Bike 31
n It’s all about access. The creative minds
at Bike Michiana Coalition and Visit South
Bend/ Mishawaka have brought us a fun
one-and-done event.
LAKEVILLE—Twenty-four miles. Wide,
open, pristine roads. A suggested $10
donation per rider. A new south-side
perspective. And not a single pothole.
Bike 31 is a unique ride opportunity to tour the new stretch of the US 31
highway before it opens. Cyclists will
enter at Pierce Road/SR 4, just north of
Lakeville, and can choose their distance
within the 24-mile loop.
“From 8am to noon, riders can come
an go as they please. It’s a one-and-done
experience,” said Meghan Huff, sports
sales manager with Visit South Bend
Mishawaka. The event will mark the final
day of Bike to Work Week.
Simply for the fun and exclusivity
of it, the event was dually inspired and
planned by Meghan and Judy Lee with
Bike Michiana Coalition. “It is a great opportunity for the Michiana community
to experience a once in a lifetime event
to ride the finished portion of the new
highway with smooth roads and no car
traffic,” Judy said.
There are distances for riders of
all skills—from elite to an easy family
outing. Along the way will be bike safety
signs reminding cyclers of the safe and
enjoyable way to ride—and yes, helmets
are required.
The suggested $10 donation fee will
go to Bike Michiana Coalition to support
their popular Bike Safety classes for area
3rd-grade students and to other entities
that need the information, such as the
Center for the Homeless. The all-volunteer program also supported by
Michiana Bicycle Association and Bike
the Bend has taught and fitted nearly
1,000 children with new helmets.
“At Bike 31 and Bike the Bend we’ll
see these children who have earned
South Side, South Bend, IN
8am — noon Leisure Ride
visitsouthbend.com or
their new helmet and pledged to wear it
properly every time they ride their bike
at Bike 31 and Bike the Bend,” Judy said.
“It is a great opportunity for the Michiana community to experience a once in a lifetime event to ride the finished portion of the new highway with smooth roads and no car traffic.”
Judy Lee, Bike Michiana Coalition
Would you would like to receive RacePlayMichiana electronically?
Contact raceplaymichiana@sbcglobal.net to join.
Join the Fun!
AUGUST 22-24, 2014
Soldiers Memorial Park
La Porte Indiana
Friday, August 22
Early Packet Pick-up
Trail Run
Rotary Club
Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday, August 23
Half Marathon & 10K Run
5K Run or Walk
Mini TDL Fun Run
Road Bike Time Trial
Mountain Bike Time Trial
Tour de La Porte, a three day cycling,
running, and walking event that raises
funds aimed at improving quality of life
for cancer patients in our community.
All of the proceeds raised through TDL
go directly to assisting patients.
Sunday, August 24
Distance Cycling
AUGUST 1-3, 2014
Page 19
June-July 2014
Keep Kids Tri Training Positive
n As the new “kid” on the block,
youth tris are in demand, but don’t
demand too much out of your kid.
Level 1 USAT Coach, triathlete
It’s that time of year—warm weather,
sunshine and kids triathlons throughout
the country! When looking at the number
of different organized sports our kids can
be involved in, triathlon really is the new
“kid” on the block. We are not as likely to
find organized clubs for youth triathlon so
most of the “coaching” falls on the parents.
Typcially, one of the parents is a triathlete
so there is a knowledge and enthusiasm
for the sport.
The enthusiasm we have as parents
may not be matched by our children, so
it is important to recognize what they
want to do with their triathlon experience.
What we can want for them is that their
excitement and enthusiasm to participate
goes on for as long as possible. We can
help by having a relaxed approach to their
participation, provide positive encouragement in a safe environment and listen and
watch what they are saying and doing.
Most kids get involved in triathlon
because it looks like fun. If you are the
parent-coach you want to under-coach as
your child starts to get involved. Ask yourself, “What do they really need to know?”
“Are there things they can figure out and/
or do naturally on their own?”
You might also consider anyone
else—an aunt, uncle, friend— who could
help your child, instead of mom, to keep it
fun, safe and positive.
The more positive we are the more
likely our children are to stay involved
with triathlon or any other sport of their
interest. A staggering 70 percent of all
kids quit their sport by their 13th birthday. This alone should help convince us
as their parents and other adults supporting them, that being positive is key.
Being positive does not mean that a little
pushing is not okay, but we do not want
to critique every aspect of their swim,
bike, and run.
Point out improvements, demonstrate
technique, encourage involvement in a
variety of sports and be good role model
and good observer.
The enthusiasm we as
parents have for the
sport may not be matched
by our children . . . We
can help by having a
relaxed approach to their
participation, provide
positive encouragement
in a safe environment and
listen and watch what
they are saying and doing.
Watch their behavior then gage your
When we watch and listen to our
children there are lots of messages in their
actions. Take notice to where they spend
their energy out of their school day. If it
is playing computer games you are going
to want take more of a gradual approach
to getting them out the door to ride their
bike on Saturday morning. Keep it short
and gradually progress the distance so
you can positively show them improvements and keep them “coming back for
If the child is outside playing until
dark every night you may need to hold
back on how much you let them do so the
“training” does not become a burden and
it still feels like playing in the backyard.
In both cases when our kids want to
participate—because they have been
given a positive and encouraging environment—we are helping them develop
lifelong skills. As cliché as it may sound
it does help them develop the ability to
work together in a group, focus on a task,
develop friendships, develop an unconditional commitment to their own health
and more. Fun remains the key early on
and when you think about it aren’t we still
doing it because it is fun?!
Courage and Respect—a Winning Tool for Coaching
n A character-building initiative by Michiana Echo Soccer Club is making a winning
impression on its players
Eric Baker likes the definition of
courage. “Showing courage is standing
up for others. Something may be difficult,
but you still do it, not for yourself but for
others—that makes it more motivating,”
said the aspiring Eagle Scout and 7thgrade soccer player.
The packet he received from his
Michiana Echo Soccer Club coach this
year also included a definition for perseverance. “Even if you are going against
someone who is bigger, you keep trying
because that is how you learn. You try
again and again and eventually you are
the one the other team fears,” Eric said.
The packet was a club-wide initiative
to focus training and game play on values
of courage and respect. Right down to
the end-of-the-game handshake, says
Eric. “You don’t just do it—you really
mean it.”
In addition to building good soccer
players the Echo character-building
initiative aims to develop personal skills,
emphasizing sportsmanship and individual excellence in a team environment,
says Michiana Echo Soccer Club President
Doug Sakaguchi. An ultimate goal is to
prepare players to serve their communities in the future.
We had to keep it simple, so we chose
to focus on courage and respect. The
end product is a two-page “tool” easily
reviewed and taught by coaches.
“The reality is that the large majority
of youth soccer players will never play
competitive soccer beyond high school.
If we can teach them traits to help them
succeed in other aspects of their lives,
then we are serving a much larger and
more important purpose,” Doug said.
In the meantime, work on the field
has been productive under the new
focus. The players are learning ways to
show respect by valuing the other team.
If you foul someone, you help him up. If a
team is making clean, good tackles, you
play harder—instead of reacting with a
foul, Eric explains. “It will give you a good
reputation as a team.”
“They want us to use more mental
strategy to win. We tried it and won the
first game, “ Eric said. “That gave us
confidence and we kept getting better.”
“Even if you are going against someone who is bigger, you keep trying because that is how
you learn. You try again and again and eventually you are the one the other team fears.”
Eric Baker
Eric Baker, a 7th grader at Schmucker Middle
School and Michiana Echo U13 player, poses
with dad, Will. Both enjoyed the team’s
championship win at an Ohio tournament
earlier this spring.
Race & Train
Page 20
June-July 2014
This Counts Keeps You on the Move
n Capitalizing on the fun side of social media, SJRMC’s This Counts campaign makes
calorie-counting the subject of choice
Join the Movement.
ThisCounts. rg
A fitter, healthier life is just within reach and every movement can help
you get there. Whether it’s taking the stairs or having a living room
dance party with the kids, it all counts! Start small and keep going.
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. Just Move.
Join the Movement.
Now this is fun! The St. Joseph Regional Medical Center is challenging
Michiana to use
Visit ThisCounts.org to submit your video, picture or message about
how you move every
day. Your submission
might even be chosen for
its phone-induced hobbies of creating video snippets, snapping
and composthe next This Counts commercial.
ing cheeky messages to highlight the calorie-burning moments of their day. The This
Counts campaign was launched to motivate people to be mindful
Start whereto
are. Use
what youwith
what you
can. Just
everyday moves—then post them to show how simply staying Do
” move.
The idea of “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” is a way let
people know a healthier life can be achieved with every extra movement
A fitter, healthier life is just within reach and every movement can help
whether it is opting to take the stairs or having a flash dance party
in the
you get there. Whether it’s taking the stairs or having a living room
living room.
dance party with the kids, it all counts! Start small and keep going.
Visit ThisCounts.org
or message
about how you move
Start where you to
Use what
have. Do
what you
can. Just Move.
every day—and while you are there, enjoy watching how others do it. Your submission
picture or message about
might even
chosen for thetonext
how you move
Your submission
be chosen
RPM in themight
first even
have an active
the next This
if not uber-active
your chance to let Michiana see the crazy lengths you
go to get your movement goals in.
INSIDE JOKES—JV Peacock (right) awarded himself and a few others with the Outpost Tuesday Night
Ride group the ARAM award—Always Reads A Map. Others like Kevin Kruggel (left) were bestowed the
CRAM award (Can’t Read A Map) or the more obstinate WRAM—Won’t Read A Map.
Wrap It Up!
Sean Wojtowski of Indulgence Pastry Shop & Cafe in South Bend shares this delicious recipe in wrap form.
ThisCounts. rg
SJRMC-207_14479-SJRMC-CORP-DanceMObHandout_FINAL_3.indd 1
Start where you are. Use what you have.
Do what you can. Just move.
SJRMC-207_14479-SJRMC-CORP-DanceMObHandout_FINAL_3.indd 1
5/15/14 3:53 PM
Tilapia, Pesto, Butter, Whole Wheat Wrap
Boursin Cheese, Spinach, Red Peppers
Green Peppers, Tomatoes, Peppercorn Dressing
5/15/14 3:53 PM
Cover tilapia in pesto.
Saute tilapia covered in pesto with butter.
Spread Boursin cheese over whole wheat wrap.
Add spinach, diced red peppers, green peppers and
Add cooked tilapia
Have a healthy recipe that is so good it doesn’t even taste
Add peppercorn dressing
“healthy?” Share it with RPM readers!
Send to: raceplaymichiana@sbcglobal.net.