Athlete Guide - Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon


Athlete Guide - Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon
Dear Parents and Young Athletes:
Congratulations on registering for the Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon! In order to make the event both
enjoyable and safe please review the following information.
Below is a TENTATIVE Wave Time List with start times for each wave based on different age groups.
Waves are organized by age with the oldest kids starting first and then each wave gets younger as
the race goes on. Participants MUST start with their assigned wave (no exceptions).
This is a tentative schedule dependent on confirmed lanes in the pool. The FINAL PARTICIPANT
WAVE LIST, with your child’s name, specific wave assignment, and bib number, will be sent out on
Wednesday May 18, 2016.
Once the Final Participant Wave List is sent, please check your child’s race day age against
the age group wave placement to be sure he/she is in the proper wave.
E-mail if there is an error.
Please bring your child with their bike and helmet to one of the participating stores below, or at the
race on race day, for a mandatory bike and helmet check. You will not be able to get your race packet
unless you have the proper stickers proving your bike and helmet have been checked. If the bike or
helmet is not in proper working order your child will not be allowed to participate.
“Pre-Race Bike and Helmet Check” will be at five (5) locations before the race starting on May 7 –
May 21:
Inspect your child’s bike for general condition with emphasis on tires. Also, it is mandatory that the
ends of the handlebars have plastic plugs (called bar end plugs). Bike helmets must be approved
by CPSC or SNELL (label inside). Look for sharp edges on the pedals. We strongly recommend
taking the bike to the pre-race inspection BEFORE the race (see above information). If the bike is
deemed unsafe your child will not be allowed to participate.
Attending one of the Pre-Race Checks will help speed up the registration process the morning of the
race. The Pre-Race Checker will give you stickers that will show you have been pre-checked for
safety. If you cannot make it to the pre-race locations, please give yourself time the morning of the
race for a bike check and proper fitting helmet inspection.
You MUST get the stickers from one of the above locations in order to bypass the “Bike and
Helmet Check Station” on Race Day. The line in the morning could BE AN HOUR WAIT in
addition to the registration line. PLEASE it is highly recommended to go to the Pre-Race
*Also, please make sure your child’s footwear is suitable for running and riding. No flip-flops or
sandals or other open-toed shoes.
There will be a non-mandatory, but highly advisable, Orientation Meeting for parents and athletes on
Saturday, May 21st at the De Anza College pool beginning at 4:00 pm.
De Anza College has a $3 parking fee, which is in effect for the Saturday Orientation Meeting and the
event itself. Lot C can be used for the Orientation parking, Lots A & B must be used for race day
parking (Lot C will be closed). Parking citations WILL BE issued by the college for not having a
parking receipt. Parking pass machines are in the lots.
Bring your child to the event NO LESS than one (1) hour before his/her age-group wave start time.
One hour should give you time to pick up your packet, t-shirt and goodie bag, get body marked, set up
your transition area, and get ready for your swim wave. Please allocate extra time if you have not
attended a pre-race bike and helmet check. If you are late and miss your assigned wave we
cannot guarantee your child will be able to participate.
STEP #1:
If you have not had a Pre-Race Bike and Helmet Check (or have lost your prerace check stickers) you must be checked at the Bike and Helmet Check tent
located in Lot C and obtain the proper stickers. This line could be an hour long!
Please go to a pre-race bike check location if possible.
STEP #2:
Take your bike and helmet with the approved stickers you received from the
Bike and Helmet Check to the tables marked “Registration” where you will
receive your child’s race packet which includes a bib, access wristbands, and
goody bag.
STEP #3:
There are 2 areas your child will be marked: arms and hands. Your child’s bib
number will be marked on both upper arms; and wave # will be on the wrist.
To lessen confusion and help volunteers, your child’s hand will be marked with
the NUMBER OF LAPS required for both Bike and Run
Marked as follows:
6 & Under
For BIKE put the letter B
and the number of laps
For RUN put the letter R
and the number of laps
For Transition Area Setup ONE ADULT will be allowed to accompany the
athlete ONLY PRIOR to the race. A wristband for Transition Area entry will be
in the Race Packet. NO WRISTBAND = NO ADMISSION. This is for the
SAFETY of your child and other participants in the race.
ONLY for the 6 & UNDER age-group: ONLY ONE ADULT will be allowed into
the Transition Area DURING THE RACE to assist your child. A wristband will
be issued at packet pick-up to the designated parent. NO WRISTBAND = NO
ADMISSION. No other age-group parent or family member will be allowed
in the transition area. Again this is for the safety of all participants. There
needs to be space for all of the participants to move around safely in transition.
No parents on the pool deck except as permitted by the Swim Venue Leader. This is for the safety of
the participants. For the younger athletes 6 & Under, ONE parent who is prepared to swim with
him/her will be permitted; no others will have pool deck access.
It is under the discretion of the Lifeguards and Swim Volunteers to pull your child from the pool if they
do not think it is safe. NO CHILD WILL BE FORCED TO SWIM. They will be allowed to continue the
triathlon once everyone in their wave has exited the water. Any child that is pulled from the swim is
NOT eligible for awards but will still receive a medal.
We will have a table at poolside for eye glasses. If a swim aid is going to be used you must bring it.
The only permitted swim aids are a personal flotation device (swim vest) or a kick board; be
sure your child can swim if he/she loses grip on the kick board.
Swim Drop Off Process
1. Drop athlete at pool area approximately 20 min before wave start
• Do this AFTER Registration
• Do this AFTER setting up Transition
2. We will be staging athletes up to three waves in advance of their start times
3. Once we call for a swim wave, athletes will be guided to a seating area on one side of the
pool. Parents/guardians will then need to go around to THE OTHER SIDE OF THE POOL.
• Swim volunteers will not be able to look up start times for specific athletes. They will
only know the start times for each wave. The athlete’s wave start and time will be in
their registration packet.
• Registration volunteers will write the athlete’s wave number on the inside wrist. Please
make sure this is done.
4. If your athlete has special swim needs (i.e not a strong swimmer, apprehensive, etc) be sure
to mention this to the swim volunteer at intake. The swim volunteer will then make sure this
information is passed on appropriately.
• Only parents/guardians with special access bracelets are allowed in the
staging/seating area with their athlete. All others MUST go around to the viewing side
of the pool.
5. Prescription glasses – if your athlete needs glasses to move from the pool deck to the
transition area then the athlete should hand the glasses to a volunteer just before getting in the
water. The volunteer will then return the glasses to the athlete when they get out of the water.
1. Athlete should wear snug fitting swim suit only (no cotton or loose fitting shirts)
• Cotton gets wet and is heavy and a swim hazard in the water
• Snug fitting rash guards are ok as long as the athlete has experience swimming with
them beforehand
2. Athlete should be prepared to swim with their own goggles or swim cap if they use them.
3. Don’t leave shoes on deck
4. Pool area is not shaded, be sure to apply sunscreen before dropping athlete off
5. Make sure athlete is well hydrated
6. Make use of the porta-potty near registration BEFORE entering the pool area
7. Two athletes to a lane; Any swim stroke is allowed; flip turns are allowed
8. Lifeguards and/or volunteers will be assigned to monitor the lanes
We encourage all athletes to participate and have FUN, however on occasion some become
apprehensive with the swim and change their mind about doing it at the last minute.
This is OK, NO ONE has to get in the water for any reason if they don’t want to.
ANY Parent/guardian trying to force an unwilling athlete to swim will be immediately removed.
Anyone not wanting to swim will simply be held on the swim deck until the last person in their wave
has exited the water. The non-swimmer will then be allowed to continue the event by moving from the
swim deck to the transition area. (Their race number will be noted and they will not be eligible for
After the swim, the athlete will ride his/her bike around the course. The number of loops is determined
by age. ALL ATHLETES MUST wear their helmet the entire time they are on the bike. Please also
make sure shoe laces are not undone or loose.
Slap bracelets will be put on each athlete’s wrist for each lap COMPLETED. This will help keep track
of the number of bike loops he/she has done. When an athlete comes back from riding on the bike
course, the bike needs to be put back in the same spot where it was set up before the swim.
The slap bracelets will look like this:
The Run Course will be around the perimeter of the track. Armbands will be put on an athlete’s wrist
for each lap COMPLETED.
NOTE: Due to the location of the entrance onto the track and the finish line – the actual run distance
is an additional 200 yards. Athletes cannot enter the Finish Line chute until they have the proper
number of armbands that match the number on their RIGHT hand. If an athlete does not complete the
proper number of laps they will be disqualified.
The Finish Line will be at a corner of the track and flow into the post-race expo and activities on the
grass field adjacent to the track.
The armbands will look like this:
Awards are handed out to the TOP 5 boy and girl in EVERY AGE!! Since this is a longer process then
only awarding based on multi-year age groups, we start handing out awards as soon as we can
dependent on the majority of an age group having completed the event. Since we are not sure when
each age group will be finished, please listen for announcements for when the award ceremonies will
be held but they should start around 9:30-10:00 and then continue thereafter as a majority of each
AGE GROUP finishes. PLEASE listen for announcements throughout the morning at the finish line for
upcoming award categories.
Parents/Athletes will not be allowed to remove a bike from the Transition Area without showing the
volunteers that the race number on the bike matches the race number on the athlete or bib. This is to
prevent inadvertent removal of the wrong bike. When leaving the Transition Area watch out for
those who may still be racing. Please be considerate.
We will have food products at the finish line area that may contain nut products. If your child has any
food allergies please monitor what he/she eats.
We understand your enthusiasm for your child’s participation but we ask that you be courteous to
other parents and to participants. Please be aware of the race course flow and DO NOT go on the
race course or in the transition area, and please follow the directions of the VOLUNTEERS in their
red shirts!
Use sun block, 15 SPF or higher is recommended. Bring some water to hydrate your child before the
event. We will have water on the course, in the Transition Area, and at the Finish Line.
We are looking forward to seeing you all, rain or shine, on May 22.
Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon & Threshold Racing
If you have any questions you can e-mail us at:
Also, please support our wonderful sponsors! There is a complete list below, or go to our
website under sponsors.
Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon Partner Charities
The Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon proceeds will support the following local charities which provide
support and services to youth in our community.
Girls on the Run is a physical activity-based, positive youth development program for girls in the 3rd through 8th
grade. Girls on the Run inspires girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based
curriculum which creatively integrates running. The Girls on the Run program combines training for a 5K (3.1
miles) running event with lessons that encourage positive emotional, social, mental and physical development.
Girls on the Run of Silicon Valley has 92 program sites this spring throughout Santa Clara and Santa Cruz
counties. At Girls on the Run, the finish line is just the beginning, as our ultimate goal is to provide the girls with
tools and resources that develop their ability to think critically, a skill that will serve them well for a lifetime. To
learn more, please visit our website at
Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen provides nutritious prepared meals that are delivered and served to
disadvantaged individuals with a special concern for families, seniors, and the homeless. In 2016, we will serve
over 350,000 meals to over 200,000 individuals.
The Sharks Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the lives of underserved youth and families in the community
with an emphasis in the areas of education, health and safety, and character development. The Foundation
supplies emergency aid when appropriate, executes unique and relevant programming, supports the
advancement of youth hockey, and provides financial support and resources to organizations that enrich the
lives of those in need. To donate and more information:
The mission of the Silicon Valley Children's Fund is to improve educational and life outcomes for foster youth.
Our programs offer scholarships, academic coaching and mentorship support to help our youth successfully
complete high school, achieve their higher education dreams and become self-reliant contributing members of
our community as adults.
In 2010, Caroline “Liner” Lee was on the TV show, Wipeout. In 2012, she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon
cancer. In 2013, she decided she wanted to give back and founded Wipeout Cancer. Wipeout Cancer started
as an initiative to increase cancer awareness and give back to the cancer community with a goal of raising
$50,000 in 5 years. Why $50,000? That’s how much Liner won on Wipeout. Why 5 years? This is the
standard time measure of cancer survival rates. Within 3 years, Wipeout Cancer reached the fundraising goal of
$50,000! In 2016, Wipeout Cancer shifted from purely fundraising to providing sporting opportunities for kids
with cancer. Wipeout Cancer’s primary fundraising event is Sports Day for Charity with 3 unique events to
choose from. Participants can choose from a Bike Ride, Reverse Coed Quads Grass Volleyball Tournament or
Kids Obstacle Course. Join us on July, 30, 2016 in Santa Clara, CA to raise funds and have fun!
Visit for more information.
Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon Sponsors
Our 2016 Norcal Kids Triathlon Series PRESENTING Sponsor this year is once again UBS!
Thank you for your very generous support. Individuals around the world look to UBS to provide them with the
advice, expertise and opportunities they need to protect and grow their wealth. Leading companies and
institutions in more than 50 countries rely on their financial resources, expertise and infrastructure to help them
grow their businesses, manage their risks and invest for the future. See how their unique global presence and
capabilities can help you achieve your financial goals.
Threshold Racing is a collaboration of Race Directors, Professional Triathletes, and Amateur Triathletes, all
striving towards developing the best races for the triathlon community. Threshold Racing along with the Silicon
Valley Triathlon Club are proud to bring you the Norcal Kids Triathlon Series to further the introduction of
triathlon to children in the community. This year they proudly present three separate kids triathlons. This one,
Menlo Park Kids Triathlon and Santa Clara Kids Triathlon. Check out all of their amazing races at
Firstwave Events creates major recreational sporting events that offer participants a compelling athletic
experience. The company aspires to achieve this by offering a combination of physical challenge, entertainment,
celebration and a unique theme at each event. By focusing on only a few large event projects every year (like
this one!), Firstwave Events attempts to maximize the quality of each event. Check out their amazing races at
Athlete Law, a division of LeVine Law Offices, focuses on the documents individuals and families need to be
protected legally, so they can concentrate on the activities and hobbies they love, and know that those they love
are protected. These important documents include: trusts, wills, healthcare directives, and powers of attorney.
Call (408) 350-2380 or email: for more information.
The Silicon Valley Triahtlon Club started the Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon 17 years ago right here at De Anza
College. Silicon Valley Triathlon Club ("SVTC") serves multi-sport athletes of all ages and abilities. Their goals
are to provide education and training through coached programs and clinics, in a supportive, inclusive and
socially engaging team environment. Visit them on-line at
CLIF KID ZBARs are an organic baked whole grain snack made with a nutritious blend of carbohydrates, fiber,
protein, and fat to maintain kids' energy so kids can keep zipping and zooming along. Check out Clif Kid in the
expo area and try one of their tasty ZBARs. Visit them on-line at
Thank you Jamba Juice for providing smoothies to this kids as they finish the race this year. Jamba Juice
started out as a little juice shop with a big idea - that healthy living starts locally. They've made it their purpose to
infuse that thought into everything they do. Their juices, smoothies and bowls are made with high quality, goodfor-you ingredients, supplying 250 million servings of fruits and vegetables a year. Pick up a smoothie in their
pop up shop in the registration area or find a local store by visiting them on-line at
Rio Adobe offers fresh, wholesome and delicious Southwest Style Mexican food at everyday affordable prices.
Thank you Rio Adobe for providing our volunteers with your delicious burritos today! Visit the Rio Adobe
Southwest Cafe at 10525 South De Anza Blvd. in Cupertino or on-line at is an online and retail triathlon store created for triathletes by triathletes. Their goal is to provide
the newest, highest quality and most essential products to triathletes. They are dedicated to customer service
and satisfaction, as well as to offering reasonable prices on unique products specifically designed to enhance
your performance. Learn more and sign up for email specials at Thank you TriSports for the
very generous prizes for our age group winners. This sport is hard enough - your shopping shouldn’t be!
Thank you SLS3 for your very generous race apparel donation for the top awards! SLS3 Intelligent Race
Apparel will change the way you think about what to wear during training and competition. SLS3 Intelligent Race
Apparel is designed to reduce muscle vibration, a major cause of muscle fatigue, improve the feedback between
your body and your brain, increase accuracy and efficiency of your movement, and provide superior comfort and
fit. Check out their awesome products at
Sports Basement is a sporting-goods retailer with six locations in the San Francisco Bay Area. They take pride
in selling the best brands at basement prices. Thank you Sports Basement for providing our kids with bike and
helmet safety checks this year! Find a local store at
Cognition Cyclery is an independently owned and operated bicycle store, carrying only the best quality brands
and merchandise! They bring with us years of experience in the bicycle industry, including the highest quality
bicycle service/repair. They invite you to come in to their store at 903 Castro St., Mountain View and see how
they do this, browse their excellent inventory, or just bring your bike in for service. Thank you Cognition for
providing our kids with bike and helmet safety checks this year! Visit them on-line at
CentriPEDAL is a Fremont-based bicycle store striving to make the Tri-City area a better place to live. Thank
you CentriPEDAL for providing our kids with bike and helmet safety checks this year! Visit them on-line at
Summit Bicycles hires excellent salespeople and expert mechanics who'll ensure that you get the right bike and
a quality machine. They offer the best selection of bicycles in the Bay Area, and fantastic on-site repair
departments. Thank you Summit Bicycles of Burlingame for providing our kids with bike and helmet safety
checks this year! Visit them on-line at
Whole Foods seeks out the finest natural and organic foods available, maintains the strictest quality standards
in the industry, and has an unshakeable commitment to sustainable agriculture. Add to that the excitement and
fun they bring to shopping for groceries, and you start to get a sense of what they’re all about. Thank you Whole
Foods Cupertino for your donation of water and food for the kids as they finish the race today. Check out the
Whole Foods Cupertino store across the street at 20955 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino or on-line at
Thank you Trader Joe’s for your generous donation of water! At Trader Joe’s, it’s not complicated. They just
focus on what matters — great food + great prices = Value. Find your local Trader Joe’s on their
Thank you Noah’s Bagels for the generous bagel donation for our kids today! Noah’s provides guests with
freshly baked bagels, breakfast sandwiches, lunch sandwiches, coffee, catering and so much more. Stop on in.
They’ll have a fresh bagel and cup of coffee ready for you. Locate a local store on their website:
HERO is the Mountain View based maker of Hero Fuel- the all-natural protein bar for kids. Hero Fuel is
designed specifically to provide active 6-12 year olds with everything they need to be at their best on race day.
Come by and try a free sample! Check out their all natural protein bars at
Sprogs is a SF food company crafting fresh snacks for Healthy Foodies on the move! Sprogs Rice Scooters are
freshly made from non-GMO Northern California brown rice, organic veggies and other yummy gluten-free
ingredients for a convenient and healthy anytime, anywhere snack. Snack Fresh and Snack Local with Sprogs.
Check out their fresh eats at
Inspired by active girls and created by lululemon athletica in Vancouver, BC in 2009, Ivivva celebrates girls by
designing beautiful athletic wear and experiences that connect girls through movement and encourage them to
dream big. Ivivva sparks and connects a global community of brave, compassionate and adventurous girls – to
get involved, support each other and impact the world around them in their own unique way. Visit them at
PODIATRIST, Dr. Douglas Robinson, has been sponsoring this event since its beginning. He also has
supported SVTC from its inception. Located in Campbell on Hamilton Ave, He specializes in keeping your feet
and ankles healthy and in MOTION!!! Visit him on-line at
Pierce footwear supports the mission of all athletes to better themselves and inspire others in their daily active
sporting activities. Their T1 shoe is the first lace-less, sock-less, tongue-less performance running shoe
designed specifically for multi-sport athletes that combines comfort with natural foot dynamics. Adjust on the fly,
feet friendly, amazing, never look back. WE INSPIRE. YOU BRING IT. Check out their shoes in the expo today
or on-line at
Tri-California currently produces the Wildflower Triathlons, the Triathlon at Pacific Grove, Scott Tinley’s Triathlon
in San Luis Obispo, the Alcatraz Challenge Aquathlon/Swim. Tri-California also race directs the Nike Women’s
Marathon in San Francisco, the Giants Race in San Francisco and consults with other events. Stop by their
booth in the expo area and find out more information about their exciting races! Visit them on-line at
Dr. Elizabeth Sordyl uses a modern form of chiropractic called network care. And incredibly gentle and effective
method for children and adults. Network care works to release court tension patterns in the body, which are
stored in and around your spinal column. Parents often ask if Chiropractic is beneficial for children. The answer
is most definitely yes! Whether addressing a specific health related problem or looking to increase overall
health, Chiropractic plays a leading role when it comes to working with your child's health. Visit them in the expo
or on-line at
USA Triathlon is proud to serve as the National Governing Body for triathlon, as well as duathlon, aquathlon,
aquabike, winter triathlon, off-road triathlon and paratriathlon in the United States. Founded in 1982, USA
Triathlon sanctions more than 4,300 races and connects with nearly 500,000 members each year, making it the
largest multisport organization in the world. Thank you USA Triathlon for supporting our event again this year!
Visit USA Triathlon at
The RoadID mission is two-fold: One, to educate outdoor enthusiasts about the importance of wearing ID. Two,
to provide these athletes with innovative identification products that they will want to include as part of their gear.
Thank you RoadID for the gift certificates that are awarded to age group winners. RoadID, It’s Who I am.
Our stores were founded around the philosophy of offering customers the products they wanted to buy at a fair
price, with lots of tender, loving care. We still open our
doors every day today with that in mind. We believe in creating better lives, vibrant neighborhoods, and a
healthier planet. Safeway - Ingredients for life. Visit your local
Safeway store today or find them online at