Dezember 2004 - The Fundraising Institute


Dezember 2004 - The Fundraising Institute
Fundraising Newsletter 12/2004
Alles Gute im neuen Jahr!
Kindernothilfe bekommt 1 Million Euro von Einzelspender.
Ein Einzelspender aus Süddeutschland hat der Kindernothilfe gestern
eine Spende von 1 Million Euro in Aussicht gestellt. Das Geld werde
am Montag überwiesen, so ein Sprecher der Bank. Der Spender will
nicht genannt werden. Die Spende war durch einen Aufruf von Radio
Regenbogen (Mannheim) zustande gekommen. (31.12.2004)
Deutsche Wirtschaft ruft zur Spende für Flutopfer in Südostasien auf.
Die deutsche Wirtschaft und das Handelsblatt rufen unter dem Motto
"Wirtschaft hilft" zu einer Spendenaktion für die von der
Flutkatastrophe betroffenen Menschen Südostasiens auf. Das
Markenzeichen der Spendenaktion ist eine Weltkarte, welche die
Verbundenheit der deutschen Wirtschaft mit den Betroffenen und ihr
globales Verantwortungsgefühl symbolisiert.
Solarserver (31.12.2004)
Proxy power: Part 5
Foundations say proxy activism can boost returns, mission.
Getting involved in shareholder resolutions can involve social,
environmental and corporate issues that are complex and may seem
remote from the philanthropic issues foundations face, activists say.
Philanthropy Journal (30.12.2004)
Spendenaktion über das Handy - Abbuchung über Rechnung.
"Nachbar in Not"-Aktion: Handybesitzer können relativ
unkompliziert mit dem Drücken weniger Tasten ihre Spende
Der Standard (30.12.2004)
Spende aus Tönen.
Intendant Andreas Kuntze hätte auch Geld unter den Musikern
sammeln können, doch es steht der Nordwestdeutschen Philharmonie
besser an, ein Benefizkonzert zu geben. Anlass ist das 100-jährige
Bestehen von Rotary International“.
Mindener Tageblatt (30.12.2004)
Corporations donate millions for quake aid.
U.S. corporations are donating millions of dollars in cash and
supplies to victims of the tsunamis along the Indian Ocean, easily
eclipsing the initial $35 million in aid earmarked by the U.S.
Boston Globe (30.12.2004)
Gates Foundation Gives $3M Tsunami Aid.
Forbes (30.12.2004)
Choose to support a charity instead of fruitless resolutions.
Cape Argus (30.12.2004)
I know a charity when I see one.
Top private schools must soon show that they benefit the public in
order to keep their charitable status. But as former Harrow scholar
Matt Hill recalls, such schools exist to serve the rich.
Guardian Unlimited (30.12.2004)
A Guide to Getting Started in Corporate Philanthropy.
Business guru Charles Handy, writing in Harvard Business Review,
summarized the value of philanthropic businesses by saying, “A
good business is a community with a purpose.” Six steps to setting
up a corporate philanthropy program.
Business Knowledge Source (30.12.2004)
Assistance rushing in.
Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Jianchao said that the country will
significantly increase emergency assistance to tsunami-hit countries.
China Daily (30.12.2004)
Are We Stingy? Yes.
The American aid figure for the current disaster is now $35 million,
and we applaud Mr. Bush's turnaround. But $35 million remains a
miserly drop in the bucket, and is in keeping with the pitiful amount
of the United States budget that we allocate for nonmilitary foreign
aid. According to a poll, most Americans believe the United States
spends 24 percent of its budget on aid to poor countries; it actually
spends well under a quarter of 1 percent.
Editorial der New York Times via Common Dreams (30.12.2004)
Deutsche spendeten zehn Millionen Euro - Briten 28 Millionen.
Angesichts der katastrophalen Fluten in Asien haben Bundesbürger
rund zehn Millionen Euro für die Opfer gespendet. Im Vergleich zu
den Briten ist das allerdings recht kläglich: Im Königreich kamen
bereits umgerechnet 28 Millionen Euro zusammen. Inzwischen
haben viele deutsche Unternehmen Geld- und Sachspenden
Der Spiegel (30.12.2004)
Universities are seeking highest top-up fees.
The vast majority of universities are planning to charge the
maximum £3,000 a year top-up fee for three-year degree courses, a
survey undertaken by The Independent reveals.
Independent (30.12.2004)
SAP-Gründer Plattner liest Deutschlands Reichen die Leviten.
SAP-Gründer Hasso Plattner fordert von den Reichen in Deutschland
mehr soziales Engagement und Spendenfreude. Er selbst geht mit
gutem Beispiel voran und investiert 200 Millionen Euro in ein ITInstitut an der Uni Potsdam - und muss dfür noch Millionen an
Steuern bezahlen.
Der Spiegel (30.12.2004)
Spenden: 50 Euro für zwei Monate Überleben.
Wettlauf um Spenden: Doch woher wissen die Organisationen in
Österreich, welchem Land sie mit welchen Mitteln helfen sollen?
Die Presse (30.12.2004)
Silvester: Spenden auf der Partymeile.
Der Silvesterpfad in Wien wird im Schatten der Flutkatastrophe
etwas weniger aufwendig gestaltet. Teilnehmer sollen spenden.
Die Presse (30.12.2004)
World poverty must be cut, Blair told.
A coalition of British charities, campaign groups, trade unions and
celebrities will today demand that Tony Blair makes dramatic
changes in government policy to significantly reduce world poverty.
Guardian Unlimited (28.12.2004)
Spenden: "Da geht es um akuteste Nothilfe".
Sie waren schon in Bangladesch, Afrika, Russland: Doch in Sri
Lanka erwartet die Rettungsteams aus Österreich eine
Herausforderung der besonderen Art. "Diesen Menschen wurde alles
Die Presse (28.12.2004)
U.S. seventh in world giving.
The U.S. ranks behind six other countries in private philanthropy, a
new Johns Hopkins study says.
Philanthropy Journal (28.12.2004)
Donor matching
New advisory service aims to help donors focus their giving.
A philanthropic advisory service has been launched to match donors
with nonprofits that share their values.
Philanthropy Journal (27.12.2004)
Nonprofits find fundraising from individuals profitable niche.
Despite the struggling economy, energy spent cultivating individual
donors paid off for 220 nonprofits that raised $35.2 million this year,
a fundraising group says.
Philanthropy Journal (27.12.2004)
Share of dollars raised that solicitors pocket hits historic low.
Professional solicitors and telemarketers that help North Carolina
charities raise money keep 45 cents of every dollar they bring in, a
share has hit a new low, a new study says.
Philanthropy Journal (27.12.2004)
Proxy power: Part 4
Foundations use proxies to link investments, program interests.
The gap that can exist between a foundation’s investments and its
program interests became clear two years ago to the chief financial
and investment officer at the Nathan Cummings Foundation, an
insight she says led the foundation to become a more active
shareholder, and to treat its stock as an asset to protect its
philanthropic mission.
Philanthropy Journal (27.12.2004)
Katholische Kirche kündigt Mitarbeitern
Die Konjunkturmisere ist in den Bistümern angekommen.
Mitgliederschwund und sinkende Steuern zwingen die katholische
Kirche in Deutschland zum verschärften Sparkurs - betriebsbedingte
Kündigungen inklusive.
Der Spiegel (27.12.2004)
A time for giving, a time for sharing.
Christmas has come to China, but the old Western holiday has taken
on a brand new Eastern face.
China Daily (24.12.2004)
Weihnachtsaktion: "Die Mühe wird übermäßig vergolten".
Vor 13 Jahren war Florin ein Straßenkind in Bukarest. Pater Georg
Sporschill und sein Sozialprojekt Concordia haben ihn gerettet. Nun
hilft er selbst - als Erzieher und Streetworker.
Die Presse (24.12.2004)
Kunstaktion: "Adotieren Sie einen Studenten".
Weimarer Studenten kosten nur 300 bis 600 Euro monatlich,
lieferbar sind die Modelle "Business", "Economy" und "Proviant".
Kunstprofessorin Liz Bachhuber, 51, erzählt, wie man die
Patenschaft für einen Studenten der Bauhaus-Uni Weimar
übernehmen kann.
Der Spiegel (24.12.2004)
Eine Frage von Leben und Tod.
Prominente bitten Kanzler Schröder in einen offenen Brief um
Bekämpfung der weltweiten Armut.
Der Spiegel (23.12.2004)
Elderly are most charitable.
More than one third of households headed by a 70-year-old give to
charity, compared to just over 18% of those headed by someone in
their 20s, the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) said.
UTV Internet (22.12.2004)
$4 Billion Charitable Marketplace Focus of National Conference.
Leaders of local and national workplace giving campaigns will
convene in Las Vegas next month for a conference aimed at
increasing choice for American workers who "give at the office" in
what has become a charitable marketplace worth over $4 billion.
CSR Wire (22.12.2004)
Recycle your old mobile for charity.
Marie Curie Cancer Care, the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation,
the Royal National Institute of the Blind, the Children's Hospice
Association Scotland and Northern Ireland Hospice Care have
teamed up to run the eco-friendly fundraising appeal, ensuring that
every mobile donated generates vital funds for good causes. (22.12.2004)
U.S. slashes aid to food programs Charities estimate $100 million in
In one of the first signs of the effects of the ever-tightening federal
budget, in the past two months the Bush administration has reduced
its contributions to global food aid programs aimed at helping
millions of people climb out of poverty.
San Francisco Chronicle (22.12.2004)
Charitable giving becoming a trend of times.
The simple act of charity has become a new impetus to push forward
social development in China, social science experts said yesterday in
Beijing at the Second China Philanthropy Forum.
China Daily (22.12.2004)
Charities bill gets a warm welcome.
The publication yesterday of the charities bill, which will deprive
public schools of their charitable status unless they can show they are
a "public benefit", and sets out controls for street fundraisers, was
welcomed by the voluntary sector as "the best Christmas present we
could have hoped for".
Guardian Unlimited (22.12.2004)
CDU muss wegen einer Spende über 500 000 Euro Strafe zahlen.
Die CDU muss im Zusammenhang mit der Spendenaffäre der
hessischen Landespartei eine weitere Strafe in Höhe von rund
511000 Euro zahlen. Dabei geht es um Großspenden der
Nahrungsmittelfirma Ferrero, die über mehrere Jahre nicht in den
jeweiligen CDU-Rechenschaftsberichten veröffentlich wurden.
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (22.12.2004)
30000 Euro-Spende für den Aufzug.
Gelsenwasser unterstützt Projekt der Fürstenhofschule mit der
größten Einzelgabe 80 000 der kalkulierten 90 000 Euro gespendet Zuschuss für Uhland- und Barbaraschule.
Westfälischer Anzeiger (22.12.2004)
Hamburger Wahrzeichen "Rubbeln für den Michel".
Süßer die Kassen nicht klingeln. Auch für Deutschlands klamme
Kirchengemeinden ist Weihnachten ein schönes Fest. Bauschäden,
marode Orgeln, Heizkosten fordern hohe finanzielle Opfer.
Hamburgs berühmtes Wahrzeichen, die St. Michaeliskirche, wurde
von einem pfiffigen Management aus den roten Zahlen geführt.
Der Spiegel (21.12.2004)
E-Fundraising: Da wird Masse bewegt.
Weihnachtszeit ist Spendenzeit: Immer mehr Non-ProfitOrganisationen nutzen das Netz, um an milde Gaben zu kommen.
Neue, kreative Strategien und eine zahlungskräftige Klientel treiben
die Zahlen im E-Fundraising nach oben.
Der Spiegel (21.12.2004)
The Not-for-profit Principle.
What makes social entrepreneurs different from, say, Richard
Branson or Anita Roddick? Some demographic differences have
been noted in the 2003 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report,
which found that women and people from ethnic minorities are more
likely to become social rather than commerical entrepreneurs. Social
entrepreneurs also tend to be well-educated and financially better-off.
However, when it comes to the practical aspects, there aren’t so
many differences.
Charity Times (gefunden am 21.12.2004)
Philanthropic ‘stage-hand’
Retiring Guilford College fundraiser has seen big changes in
In 1968, when he hired Charlie Patterson for his first fundraising job,
the president of Meredith College in Raleigh told him he could take
graduate classes at nearby N.C. State University. “What he failed to
tell me was that development work is a 24/7 job,” Patterson says.
“Needless to say, I never got across the street.”
Philanthropy Journal (20.12.2004)
Clinch endete mit einer Spende.
Mountainbiker und Jagdpächter einigten sich nach unliebsamem
Vorfall am Muckenkogel letztlich gütlich und überließen den
Streitwert dem SOS Kinderdorf.
NÖN Online (20.12.2004)
Eine dicke Spende rettet Meyer den Job.
Merkel und Meyer haben vereinbart, dass dieser gut 80.000 Euro von
250.000 Mark, die er als Abfindung von RWE erhielt, an SOSKinderdörfer spendet.
sz-online (20.12.2004)
Freundeskreis übergibt 70.000 Euro Spende.
Der "Verein der Freunde der Fachhochschule Karlsruhe" überreichte
dem Rektor offiziell eine Spende von 70.000 Euro. Mit dem Geld
soll die Laborausstattung der Hochschule erneuert und ausgebaut
werden. (20.12.2004)
Die Braven: Wer wieviel gibt.
Größte Spender bei "Licht ins Dunkel".
Der Standard (17.12.2004)
Das kann man abschreiben.
Steuerliche Absetzbarkeit von Spenden in Österreich.
Der Standard (17.12.2004)
Proxy power: Part 3
Foundations have options for being more active shareholders.
Playing a more active shareholder role can begin by simply voting
proxies in favor of issues that support a foundation's mission.
Philanthropy Journal (16.12.2004)
Man Gives Charity Social Security Check.
He noted: "Undoubtedly, the Salvation Army will make more
productive use of the money than would be the case if I returned it to
the government." (16.12.2004)
Volunteers make a house of faith into a house of charity.
A few days before Thanksgiving, more than 70 volunteers scurried
around the four-story Mission Church High School Convent with a
wholly secular makeover mission: turn the vacant housing into a
bustling group home for 10 active Little Wanderers.
Boston Globe (16.12.2004)
Gates nonprofit eyes land at Seattle Center.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's search for land near
downtown Seattle to build a large headquarters campus has led it to
an unlikely location: 12 acres of city-owned property next to Seattle
Seattle Times (16.12.2004)
Story 3 From the Refugee Camp: On Charity and Human Contact.
How do you restore someone’s humanity? How can you reach out to
a people that time has forgotten? When it comes to the millions of
Palestinian refugees, the answer is simple: you take the time to listen
to their stories. That was the most valuable lesson I learned at
Talibieh camp.
Al Jazeerah (16.12.2004)
Hungary: Cooking up a charitable curry.
Around 360 guests sampled food from some of Budapest's best
Indian restaurants, enjoyed Indian dance routines from Tüdü's
Fashion Dancers and watched a fashion show staged by Panni Epres.
Budapest Sun (16.12.2004)
"Ein hartes Geschäft".
Hochbetrieb bei Spendensammlern zu Weihnachten.
N24 (15.12.2004)
Spendable Amerikaner.
Pro Kopf 600 Dollar für wohltätige Zwecke.
N24 (15.12.2004)
358 000-Euro-Spende für Wiederaufbau der Frauenkirche übergeben.
Die Stiftung Frauenkirche Dresden hat am Mittwoch von der
britischen Botschaft eine Spende in Höhe von 358000 Euro für den
Wiederaufbau des Gotteshauses entgegengenommen. Botschafter
Peter Torry übergab den Spendenscheck in einer Feierstunde in der
Unterkirche der Frauenkirche an den Bischof der EvangelischLutherischen Landeskirche. Das Geld stammt von einem Galakonzert
zugunsten der Frauenkirche am 3. November in der Berliner
Philharmonie, zu dem die britische Königin Elisabeth II. während
ihres Deutschlandbesuchs geladen hatte.
Freie Presse (15.12.2004)
PGA tour stop nets $400,000 for Maryland charities.
This year's Constellation Energy Classic at the Hayfields Country
Club in Hunt Valley, Md., had record attendance, which means more
money for local charities. (15.12.2004)
Givers Try Top Find Best Charities.
As Christmas approaches, many families get buried under a blizzard
of solicitations from charities seeking money for everything from
community activities to needy villages overseas. What's the best way
to choose among them?
AP via (15.12.2004)
Sir Roger Moore plays Santa for UNICEF.
Webindia123 (15.12.2004)
Short of help, Salvation Army recruits cardboard bell ringers.
For generations, Salvation Army bell ringers have been a symbol of
the Christmas season. But faced with a shortage of volunteers to
stand by kettles during its holiday fund drive this year, the charity is
trying something new across the South: mechanized cardboard
cutouts instead of real people.
Seattle Times (15.12.2004)
10.000 Euro Spende von Marcellino’s an Die Tafeln.
Die Tafeln sammeln überschüssige Lebensmittel, die nach den
gesetzlichen Bestimmungen noch verwertbar sind, und geben diese
an Bedürftige ab. Es gibt immer noch viele Menschen in Deutschland,
die sich ehrenamtlich engagieren. Und Marcellino’s belohnt dieses
Engagement mit 10.000 Euro. (10.12.2004)
Police to give stolen toys to charity.
Netanya police are to seek permission from the city's Magistrate's
Court to donate seized stolen toys to a charity organization after the
holidays, according to a report slated for publication tomorrow in the
Hadashot Netanya local weekly.
Haaretz (9.12.2004)
Proxy power: Part 2
As shareholders, foundations can take a stand.
Foundations hold an estimated $400 billion in U.S. companies but
are not paying much attention to the way those companies do
business, says Doug Bauer, senior vice president at Rockefeller
Philanthropy Advisors in New York City. While 54 percent of
foundations surveyed last year by the Council on Foundations do not
automatically vote with management, for example, 90 percent of that
group have no written policies for voting proxies on social or
environmental issues, he says.
Philanthropy Journal (9.12.2004)
Gates Foundation to Expand Education Effort.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced Tuesday that it
will allocate $29.6 million to expand its Early College High School
initiative to more than 25 states.
Los Angeles Times (8.12.2004)
Salvation Army to Accept Credit Donations.
The clang of coins in the Salvation Army's red kettles is being
accompanied by the swipe of credit and debit cards this year as the
charity equips some bell ringers to accept plastic.
Guardian Unlimited (8.12.2004)
Richard Turner: A Lifetime of Giving.
Windy city Media Group (8.12.2004)
Old Capitol Museum fundraising goal is $2M.
Iowa City Press Citizen (8.12.2004)
777.000 Euro Spenden für Lübecker Kirchtürme.
Die Spendenbereitschaft der Lübecker Bürger zur Rettung ihrer
historischen Altstadt-Kirchen ist ungebrochen groß. 777.000 Euro
sind bislang für die im vergangenen Jahr gestartete Aktion "Sieben
Türme sollst Du sehen" gesammelt worden.
Evangelischer Pressedienst (8.12.2004)
IKRK benötigt mehr als 630 Millionen Euro an Spenden.
Das Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz ruft für das kommende
Jahr zu Spenden in Höhe von 970 Millionen Franken (634 Millionen
Euro) auf. Diesen Betrag benötige das IKRK für die humanitäre
Arbeit. Der größte Budgetposten sei der Sudan.
Yahoo! Nachrichten (8.12.2004)
1,1 Mill. Spenden bei Aidsbenefiz.
Die Sat1-Benefizsendung "Hitgiganten Winterspecial" zugunsten der
Deutschen Aids-Stiftung brachte bis kurz vor Mitternacht Spenden in
Höhe von über 1,1 Millionen Euro ein.
gay-industries (7.12.2004)
Sparmaßnahmen: Spendenfreudigkeit geht heuer zurück.
Österreich ist EU-Schlusslicht beim steuerlichen Absetzen von
Salzburger Fenster (6.12.2004)
Whitewashing history
African Americans have played key role in American philanthropy.
Many forms of closet discrimination against African Americans
remain, even in a field like philanthropy. The story of Provident
Hospital in Chicago provides a real sense of what most white
Americans don't know about this important subject of our common
philanthropic history.
Philanthropy Journal (6.12.2004)
Orpheum Theatre continues its fundraising efforts.
Monmouth Daily Review Atlas (6.12.2004)
United States Lags in Philanthropic Giving.
Excluding giving to religion, for which data are unavailable for other
countries, American giving accounted for only 2.5 percent of GDP,
compared to the Netherlands at 4.5 percent and Sweden at 4.4
percent. Other countries with giving rates higher than the United
States included Norway, France, and the United Kingdom. These
figures include both financial donations and volunteer work, which
was valued at the average wage of a community worker.
AScribe (6.12.2004)
Fundraising heißt das Zauberwort der Evangelischen
Rhein Main Presse (3.12.2004)
Fundraising Goes Wireless.
Emediawire (2.12.2004)
Philanthropy Students Practice What They've Learned.
Omaha (1.12.2004)
Finding new fundraising strategies.
Cuts in private and government funds and new restrictions on
fundraising have made it more difficult for charities to help those
they serve.
News 8 Austin (1.12.2004)
Bank of America Charitable Foundation makes $1 million gift to
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill today received a $1
million gift from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation that
will help increase access to a college education for financially needy
students and support a banking and finance center. (2.12.2004)
US: Most charities sell donor lists.
Charity Navigator said a survey it conducted of nearly 3,300 charities
found that only 18 percent have a donor privacy policy in place, 7
percent reserved the right to sell or swap donor names, and 75
percent did not respond to the survey.
Boston Globe (2.12.2004)
Exxon funded climate charity.
An influential think-tank which says that climate change is "a myth"
and that sea levels are not rising has acknowledged receiving
$50,000 from the oil giant Exxon Mobil and receiving the bulk of its
funding from America.
Telegraph (2.12.2004)
Proxy power: Part 1
Foundations flex proxy muscle.
A small but growing movement that believes philanthropy involves
more than giving away money. Shareholder activism, ranging from
voting proxies to talking to corporations and filing shareholder
resolutions, is in keeping with foundations' fiduciary role as investors,
and with their charitable role as organizations with a social mission,
foundation activists says.
Philanthropy Journal (2.12.2004)
State of nonprofits
Donations up, but so is demand.
More than half of nonprofits say their donations increased during the
first nine months of the year, but seven in 10 say demand for their
services also rose.
Philanthropy Journal (1.12.2004)
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