Degree Congregations Brochure


Degree Congregations Brochure
Degree Congregations 2016
An occasion to remember
Thursday 21 January at 11am and 3pm
Friday 22 January at 11am and 3pm
Order of Proceedings
Welcome by the President and Vice-Chancellor
About the University of Leicester
Congratulations from the Chancellor
A message from the Students’ Union
A Guide to the Ceremony
A Guide to Academic Dress
Music at Leicester
History of the Mace
Honorary Awards
University Distinguished Teaching Fellows
Ceremony Details
Prizes and Awards
Welcome to your Alumni Association 38
Congratulations on your graduation
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 3 Order of Proceedings
Organ Recital by Simon Headley, Cathedral Organist,
Leicester Cathedral, and music from the
University Brass Ensemble, conducted by
Kieran O’Riordan (see page 13)
Academic Procession
(The congregation is asked to stand)
National Anthem
(The congregation is invited to join in the singing of the
National Anthem)
Opening of Congregation by the Chancellor
The Right Honourable The Lord Grocott
(The congregation is asked to sit)
Welcome from the President and Vice-Chancellor
Professor Paul Boyle
Conferment of Degrees
Welcome by the
President and Vice-Chancellor
As President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Leicester, it is a great pleasure to
welcome you all to these degree congregations.
This is a time of celebration for all of us and I very much hope that you find it an
enjoyable and memorable occasion. Each congregation is an opportunity to mark your
achievements and acts as a bridge between the end of your studies and the beginning
of the next stage of your lives, be it further study, a working career, or perhaps a
chance to travel and learn more about the world around you.
Across the degree ceremonies we have graduates who have engaged with the University
in different ways. Many will have studied on campus full-time or part-time, while others
from all over the world will have completed distance learning programmes and may
be visiting the University for the first time. It is a particular pleasure for me to extend a
warm welcome to all of you on behalf of everyone at Leicester.
The University of Leicester is a leading international university which is committed to
delivering excellence in research and teaching. A degree from this University is a major
achievement which I am confident will benefit you throughout your careers.
Leicester graduates now number over 135,000 worldwide and we are very proud of
their many achievements. I wish you every success for the future now that you have
joined this remarkable group and I hope that you will wish to keep in contact with the
University of Leicester by attending events organised by the Alumni Association, by
visiting us, and possibly by studying with us in the future.
Conferment of Honorary Award and Response^
Musical Interlude
Conferment of Degrees
Address by the Chancellor
Closure of the Congregation by the Chancellor
Professor Paul Boyle CBE FBA FRSE FAcSS
Academic Procession
(The congregation is asked to stand until the procession
has left the Hall)
^ There will be no honorary award on Thursday morning
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 5 Congratulations from the Chancellor
About the University of Leicester
A University College was established in
Leicester as an enduring war memorial for
the people of Leicester, Leicestershire and
Rutland following the First World War. It
admitted its first students, nine women,
in 1921 and remained a small society of
about 100 students until 1945. In the
period that followed, the College gained
recognition from the University Grants
Committee and every aspect of its life
began to develop rapidly. On 1 May 1957,
the College gained full degree-awarding
powers and was granted its Royal Charter,
becoming the University of Leicester.
The University has now established itself as
a prominent member of the international
academic community, with worldwide
links in teaching and research. It is
internationally-renowned for the discovery
of the remains of Richard III and the
revolutionary technique of DNA genetic
fingerprinting. It houses the biggest
university-based space research group
in Europe. Leicester also has specialist
research centres in Bioengineering,
Medical Humanities and Landscape and
Climate, with others under development.
The University is committed to offering an
extensive programme of undergraduate
and postgraduate degree courses which
are firmly rooted in a strong research
culture. The University continues to
invest in new methods of teaching and
learning, using the latest communications
technology for the benefit of its students.
During the past two decades the University
has experienced a period of significant
growth, particularly in respect of
postgraduate students. There are around
21,000 students registered on accredited
programmes, with almost half of these
registered for postgraduate qualifications.
The University is committed to widening
participation and offers a diverse range of
foundation degrees, continuing education
courses and professional development
programmes. Students from approximately
150 countries are currently studying at the
The University works closely with business
and industry and, particularly in the
fields of Medicine, Biological Sciences,
Physical Sciences and Engineering, has
established links with company research
and development programmes. It has an
international reputation for research across
a wide range of activities. Academic staff
of the University act as advisers to the
British and international governments and
other organisations.
The quality of the University’s graduates
is one of its major assets and those
graduating today demonstrate not only
their personal achievements but also the
University’s success and high academic
standards. They will be well placed to make
a contribution to society in the 21st century
and to demonstrate the benefits of higher
education to the wider community.
The Right Honourable The Lord Grocott is a Leicester graduate and former academic,
television presenter and Labour MP. As MP for the Wrekin he served as Deputy
Shadow Leader of the House, adviser to the Leader of the Opposition and Foreign
Affairs Spokesman. He was Parliamentary Private Secretary to Tony Blair from 1994 to
2001. He stepped down from the Commons in 2001 and was made a life peer, and
from 2002 to 2008 he served as Government Chief Whip in the House of Lords. He
was installed as the University’s Chancellor in January 2013.
This is a memorable occasion, celebrating achievements of which
you should be very proud. Your degree from Leicester will stand
you in great stead going forward in your careers, whatever path
you choose to follow. I greatly enjoyed my time at Leicester
where, indeed, I met my wife, and it is a well-known fact that
students make life-long friends whilst at university. Today is also
a day for celebration with the families and friends who that have
supported you during your studies. Good luck in the future,
many congratulations and enjoy your day.
The Right Honourable The Lord Grocott
The Chancellor
A message from the Students’ Union
Congratulations to you on this very special day. Graduation is a
wonderful way to celebrate the completion of your studies and
reflect on your time at the University of Leicester. This will be a
special day for us all, as I and the rest of the officer team will
be graduating alongside you. It’s a day to celebrate with family,
friends and loved ones, so really do make the most of it.
The award you receive today will stay with you for the rest of
your life, and it may well be the most valuable and beneficial
investment you will ever make. Wherever you go, whatever
you do, your award from the University of Leicester will be with
you, so treasure it. I hope you will look back at your time at the
University with fondness. On behalf of everyone at Leicester
Students’ Union I want to wish you all the best for the future.
Please stay in touch as we’re always happy to hear from you
and find out how things are going. The very best of luck for
whatever the future may hold.
Rachel Holland
Students’ Union President 2015-2016
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 7 A Guide to Academic Dress
A Guide to the Ceremony
The degree congregation brings
together the University community for
the purpose of conferring degrees on
our qualified students.
It is a time of celebration and pride,
where, together, we mark graduands’
achievements as they come to the end of
their journey with us.
This January, students will be graduating
from the University across four ceremonies
held over two days.
The Academic Procession
Each ceremony commences with a
procession, which comprises senior
University officers, local dignitaries,
members of Council and Senate and
recipients of honorary degrees.
The University’s Chancellor is the
last to ascend to the stage, preceded
by the University Mace Bearer, and
once the platform party is in position,
the National Anthem is sung and
the Chancellor declares the degree
congregation open.
The main and most important part of the
ceremony is the conferring of degrees.
Students are invited across the stage one
by one to be presented to the Chancellor,
or the President and Vice- Chancellor, or
a Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
The award given to each graduating
student is based on the level of their
study and subject of their course (see
the guide to academic dress on page 9).
Honorary Graduates
The ceremonies may also incorporate
the conferring of honorary degrees
and awards. These are given to leading
figures who have made an outstanding
contribution in their field.
Student Prizes
In recognition of students’ academic
and other achievements, a number of
prizes are awarded. A full list of this year’s
awards can be found on pages 36 and 37.
Teaching Fellows
In recognition of inspiring contributions
to teaching and curriculum innovation
and development, Distinguished
Teaching Fellowships are also awarded
at some degree ceremonies.
The wearing of academic robes may be traced back
to medieval Europe, when all students were in clerical
orders. Today the robes worn by graduating students,
academics and dignitaries form a distinctive element
of the graduation regalia.
Academic dress comprises a gown, a coloured
hood and a hat, the shape and colour of all of
which differ from institution to institution. Gowns
for graduating students at Leicester are traditionally
black, except those for recipients of a PhD, which
are red. The colour and pattern of hood varies
depending on the award received.
Members of the academic procession wear the
academic dress associated with the university from
which they graduated, creating the rich variety of
colours seen at the ceremony.
Council: The Council is the
University’s supreme governing
body. It has 25 members, a
permanent majority of whom are
lay members, which means that
they are neither staff nor students
of the University. Council is chaired
by a Pro-Chancellor.
Senate: The Senate is the
University’s principal academic
board. Senate is concerned with
directing and regulating the
academic life of the University.
Honorary Fellow
Doctor of Laws
Doctor of Letters
Doctor of Medicine
Doctor of Music
Doctor of Science
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Clinical Psychology
Doctor of Education
Doctor of Engineering
Master of Arts /
Master of Philosophy
Master of Business
Master of Education
Master of Laws
The Chancellor: The office
of Chancellor is held by a
distinguished individual from
academia or public life.
President and Vice-Chancellor:
The President and Vice-Chancellor
is the chief executive officer of
the University.
Provost and Pro-Vice-Chancellors:
The Provost and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
each have responsibility for major
areas of policy; some are also Heads
of College. They assist the President
and Vice-Chancellor.
Registrar and Chief Operating
The Registrar and Chief Operating
Officer is secretary to Council
and head of the professional
services and is responsible for the
administration of the University.
Doctor of Social Science
Master of Research
Master of Science
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 9 History of the Mace
Music at Leicester
Music at the University of Leicester is organised by the University
Music Association (MA) which is affiliated to the University’s Students’
Union. Seven groups make up the Association: Band and Gig, Big
Band; Chamber Choir; Chorus; Concert Band; Orchestra; Voices.
Music at Leicester is a student-led activity. Currently the Concert
Band and Big Band are conducted by students and some items
are conducted by students in the programmes of Orchestra and
Chorus. In all, more than 300 students are involved in music at the
University. Each group gives one main concert per term but there
are many other performances, including lunchtime Sound Bites at
Embrace Arts, events at local residential homes, charity and student
balls given by Big Band and a myriad of carol singing events leading
up to Christmas. The University Gospel Choir, ‘Voices’, competes in
University Gospel Choir of the Year.
Thursday 21 January at 3pm
and Friday 22 January at 11am
Leicester University Chorus
The Lion King: The Broadway Musical,
Choral Medley arranged by Mark Brymer,
(published by Hal Leonard).
The University Chorus is a friendly, welcoming
and fun-filled choir for all of those who love to
sing; it requires no auditions. It covers a wide
range of musical genres from classical to pop and
songs from musicals. Concerts have included Les
Miserables, Handel’s Messiah, Hairspray and Karl
Jenkins’ Requiem.
There are performance opportunities at the University, so any
students who come to study here can continue their musical
interests. There are currently music scholarships, financed by alumni
of the University and by the Philharmonia Orchestra, which are
awarded each year on a competitive basis, with tuition provided by
visiting teachers. There is also a conducting class, where potential
leaders of the various groups are identified and taught individually
and in Philharmonia Master Classes.
Programme of Music
The following selection of music will be performed prior to
the beginning of the degree congregation:
Arr. Kamen
Sonata from
Der Bänkelsängerleider
Oliphant Chuckerbutty Paean
Karl Jenkins arr. Small
Palladio (1st Movement)
Percy Whitlock
March: Dignity and Impudence
Percy Grainger arr. Stanhope
Shepherd’s Hey
David Johnson
Trumpet Tune
George Gershwin arr. Giles
Four tunes for Five, by George!
John Ireland
Alla Marcia
Kieran O’Riordan
Valedictory Fanfare
Johannes Brahms
Gaudeamus Igitur
The National Anthem
Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Te Deum Prelude
William Walton
Crown Imperial
Thursday 21 January at 11am
and Friday 22 January at 4pm
The University of Leicester
Chamber Choir
A Hymn for St Cecilia by Herbert Howells
(published by Novello)
The Seal Lullaby by Eric Whitacre
(published by Chester Music)
The University of Leicester Chamber Choir is a
small, auditioned choir for talented singers. It
performs a mixture of both sacred and secular
choral works in various locations throughout
Leicester and further afield, including performances
in both Peterborough and Derby Cathedrals.
Ceremonial maces derive from the maces originally used as weapons.
From the middle of the 13th century, maces were carried by the
Sergeants-at-Arms to protect the monarch, but with the demise of
heavy armour, they began to take on a ceremonial role. Cities and
organisations throughout the country were increasingly granted the
right to have their own ceremonial maces.
For many universities, the ceremonial
mace is a feature of official processions,
particularly on occasions such as degree
ceremonies. At these events, the
University Mace represents the internal
authority of the officiating officer to
confer degrees, the independence of
the University from external authority,
and the historic and ceremonial
significance of graduation itself.
Our Ceremonial Mace and Staves
In November 1957, Gerald Benney, a
leading London designer and one of the
most outstanding and influential British
Goldsmiths of the second half of the
20th century, was engaged to design and
produce a University Ceremonial Mace
and ten Usher’s Staves. The Mace and
Staves were presented as part of a gift to
the University from Leicester City by the
Lord Mayor and City Council of Leicester
on 1 May 1958. The robes for the Chancellor and two Pro-ViceChancellors were also presented to the University on this occasion.
The Mace, which at the time was considered to be of modern
design, is three feet, eight inches in length and has a rectangular
head with rounded edges formed in silver. It was made in
sections and then assembled with the head containing the City’s
coat of arms on the reverse of a panel bearing the University
arms. The Staves are seven feet long, having a rectangular and
hollow head containing a fire-gilt book seen from both sides. The
head is supported by a forked pillar on a black beech stem with a
ferrule of silver.
They were first used on the visit of HM The Queen on 9 May 1958
to open the new Students’ Union Building. Gerald Benney was
awarded an Honorary MA by the University on 30 March 1965.
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 11 Honorary Awards
The University will confer honorary degrees on the following individuals in recognition
of their outstanding achievements.
Mohammad Shahid Raza (Doctor of Laws)
Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha (Doctor of Laws)
Muhammad Shahid Raza serves as Head Imam at Leicester Central Mosque and is a
leading Muslim cleric and teacher. He is awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws
for services to the understanding of Islam in Leicester and in the UK as a whole.
Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha is founder of King Power Group, one of Asia’s leading duty free
retailers, and is the Chairman of Leicester City Football Club. He is awarded the honorary
degree of Doctor of Laws for his impact on international business and his charitable
Muhammad Shahid Raza was born and educated in Eastern India, and he received his
higher Islamic training there. In 1978, he was invited by the Islamic Centre in Leicester to
serve as its Head Imam. In Leicester he has established a tradition of inter-faith dialogue by
welcoming to the Centre many groups and individuals from different faith communities.
He has also actively participated in the formation of the Federation of Mosques in the
city, one of the first organisations in the UK to facilitate intra-faith dialogue within the
Muslim community. From 1978 to 1984 he served as Head Teacher at the Islamic Centre
evening school, and used this opportunity to impart moral and Islamic education to
young people. He still serves in the capacity of Head Imam and leads the Friday prayer
at the Leicester Central Mosque. In 1984, he moved to London to live, and joined The
Muslim College, at the time a pioneering institution in Western Europe for the training
of Imams and community leaders. Here he designed and conducted the first in-service
training course for Imams. He is currently Executive Secretary and Registrar of The Muslim
Law (Sharia) Council UK, and is engaged in a number of initiatives directed towards the
wider community in Britain, Europe and North America through his association with
organisations such as the InterFaith Network UK and the InterFaith Youth Trust, London.
In the 2008 New Year’s Honours he was awarded the OBE for services to the Muslim
community in Leicester.
Michael Smith (Doctor of Laws)
Michael Smith was founder and Chairman of Shoe Zone shoe retailers. He is awarded the
honorary degree of Doctor of Laws for his impact on local and national business.
Michael Smith was born locally and was educated at Uppingham School. He qualified
as a Chartered Accountant before working as Finance Director of Drury Holdings from
1965 to 1972, and Francis Parker from 1972 to 1979. His grandfather was a footwear
manufacturer and owned shares in BensonShoe, a shoe store company. In 1980, Michael
Smith and his brother were able to buy out BensonShoe, which by then had 48 stores;
they then went on to acquire other local shoe companies, such as the Oliver Group,
Shoefayre and Stead and Simpson. The Shoe Zone name was adopted in 2000, and
Michael Smith served as the company’s chairman until 2014. He also served as a NonExecutive Director of the Market Harborough Building Society and General Commissioner
of Taxes (Leicester Division), including a period as Chairman. Shoe Zone currently owns
500 stores in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, sells 20 million pairs of shoes annually
and has 4,000 employees. The Shoe Zone Trust was established under Michael Smith’s
chairmanship in 2005, and to date has made charitable donations of over £1 million.
Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha was a pioneer in the establishment of the duty free business
in Thailand and has become one of Thailand’s leading businessmen. He began his travel
retail career in Hong Kong, returning to his native Thailand to open the country’s first
downtown duty free shop as a joint venture with the Tourism Authority of Thailand,
before expanding into Cambodia, Macau and China, as well as to Thailand’s international
airports. Today, King Power Group operates the duty and tax free businesses at the
country’s two airports and in city centres, and is the master commercial concessionaire
at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport. The group has complemented its highly successful
core retail activities with other tourism and travel-related businesses, including theatre,
restaurant and hotel management and in-flight duty free sales, and it employs over
10,000 people. It is also committed to raising funds and actively participating in projects
for the less privileged in society through the King Power Foundation. In addition to his
business interests, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha has a passion for sport, especially polo
and football. He established an outdoor polo field in Thailand, ranked as one of the top
international facilities, and has served as the President of Thailand Polo Association (TPA).
He acquired Leicester City Football Club in 2010.
University Distinguished Teaching Fellows
Distinguished Teaching Fellowships will be conferred on the following at these
Nichola Gretton
(Educational Designer, Leicester Learning Institute)
For her leadership in the design, development and delivery of innovative curricula
and other teaching and learning enhancement projects that have made a substantial
difference to the student learning experience
Dr Lynnette Matthews
(Educational Developer, Leicester Learning Institute)
For her outstanding contribution to the promotion of an effective learning experience
for students and to the support of the development of teaching excellence across the
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 13 Order of Procession
Thursday 21 January, 11am
Thursday 21 January
Two Marshals
The Students’ Union Sabbatical Officers
Academic and Related Staff
Two Marshals
Members of Council and Members of Senate
Distinguished Honorary Fellows of the University
Dr Michael Chamberlain, OBE
Mrs Jean Humphreys
Mr Ian Imlay
Public Orators
Professor Gordon Campbell, FBA
Dr Paul Jenkins
Mr Nigel Siesage
Registrar and Chief Operating Officer
Mr David Hall
City Mace
The Lord Mayor of Leicester
Councillor Ted Cassidy, MBE
Professor Julie Coleman
Professor Mark Peel
Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council
Dr Bridget Towle, CBE, DL
President and Vice-Chancellor
Professor Paul Boyle, CBE, FBA, FRSE, FAcSS
University Mace
The Right Honourable The Lord Grocott
College of Social Sciences,
Arts and Humanities
Presented by the Head of College,
Professor Julie Coleman
Doctor of Philosophy
Hawzhen Rashadaddin Ahmed
Mona Rashid Saeed Bin Hussain Al-Ali
Ayman Saleh Mohammad Amin Al-Barasneh
Abdulhameed Muhatlis M Alenezi
Anwar Alnuaim
Rachel Bates
David John Benjamin
Natasha Coveney
Andrew Thomas Croft
Adam Jonathan Daubney
Emma Dwyer
Petrina Foti
Rasha Gazzaz
Michael Wallace Heaton
Catharina Carmel Hendrick
Amy Kristine Hetherington
Ian Higgins
Rose Erin Holyoak
Sabyn Javeri
Da Kong
Chung-Ju Lin
Matthew Parker
Jabbar Hassen Saeed
Kinda Skea
Kristan Ann Tetens
Emily Anne Whewell
Christina Winkler
Michael Lawrence Young
Doctor of Social Sciences
Christos Mantas
Athanasios Thanasouras
Master of Research
Michael John Black
Bradley Davies
Richard Ferrell
Master of Arts
Archaeology and Heritage
Victoria Baldwin
Daniel Eichinger
Michael Joseph Foster
Elizabeth Oliver
Christina Margareta Nilsdotter Reid
Angela Gayle Savenye
Bart Van Gils
Deborah Anne Frearson
Michaela Freedman
Alicia Gooden
Jodie Hannis
Katrien Gwennola Rosa Janin
Iain Ross Maitland Jones
Anna Katharina Moosbauer
Robert Harry Pearce
Nathaniel James Baden Rawes
Nicole Hadar Shasha
Archaeology of the Roman World
Saskia Baumann
Haley Kathryn Flagg
Ben Haslam
Christopher James Perry
Art Museum and Gallery Studies
Sairi Aikawa
Mako Akishinonomiya
Yu-Chen Chang
Rachel Elizabeth Clauss
Helene Fehringer
Monica Arantxa Garcia Goicoechea
Eunji Gong
Chenli Guo
Tianyuan Ji
Yipu Jiang
Sofia Katharaki
Chih-Li Ko
Pia Catherine Laipert
Fengtian Li
Lingman Li
Nan Li
Shu-Ting Liu
Ningjing Shen
Ming-Fang Sun
Kexing Tang
Valerie Maxime Van Doorn
Ashley Watson
Zoe Rebecca Wolstenholme
Pingting Zhang
Beibei Zhao
Yangyang Zhao
Contemporary Sociology
Hio Weng Anthea Lao
Jaiman Nozad Mohammed
Jonathan Michael Sly
Digital Heritage
Valentina Fois
Darren Patrick Milligan
Diplomatic Studies
Ivan Binenfeld
Istvan Nemeth
Shali Evelyn Ngali
Torben Nilsson
English Language and Linguistics
Eman R R Alharbi
Ahlam Alodaib
Fatimah Abdullah Mohammed Alsaiari
Tingting Cai
Amina Isse
Thi Cung Mi Nguyen
Dana Ali Mustafa Sheikh
Cecilia Chuma Sibalatani
Zhuqing Zheng
English Local History and
Family History
Katie Lewitt
Kelsey Alanna Shea
English Local History
Andrew Richard Butler
Peter John Leonard
English Studies
Clare Elizabeth Abbott
Stephanie Collins
Lydia Helena Jones
Christopher Leaver
Francesca Lauren White
European Urbanisation
Daniel Levandovsky
Film and Film Cultures
Satsuki Kitajima
Julie Dawn Lane
Zihan Lu
Xinhao Tang
Di Wan
Heritage and Interpretation
Charlotte Brooks
Kelly Jayne Morrison
Meghan Schreiner
Lamprini Tsitsou
Historical Archaeology
Jillian Norma Barteaux
Laura Kathryn Bibby
Austin Fennessy
Dawn Lorraine Fulkerson
David M Givens
Goran Abdulla Hama Ali
Jenny Simpson
Christopher David Annett
Aiste Fedotovaite
Alexander Daniel Hatcher
Jim Hulbert
Zaryan Dhahir Kareem Kareem
Christopher William Larkin
Huimin Li
Jamie Jill Nikstad
Laura Jane Redfern
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 15 Human Rights and Global Ethics
Rasha Mohammad A Altakhayneh
Marissa Audra Faith Carmichael Edwards
Veronica-Lynn Fletcher
Anna Iordanidou
Isaac Sharka Degan Lappia
Bukola Ogun
Nereyda Beatriz Rojo
Karolina Zych
International Communication and
Fayola Rosa Oluremi Hudson Francis
Xiaofan He
Chunghui Wang
International Relations and World
Rasha Aljoundy
Thomas James Arnold
Rima Awni Al Kaissi
Joshua Benjamin Ballard
MacHrine Birungi
Evangelos Christodoulou
Shane Stuart Cordell
Thomas Ernest Maurice Deprez
Yasemin Develi
Pietro Ferri
Michelle Barbara Grant
Mohamud Hussein Khalif
Abdullah Eren Kilic
Andrew Knight
Vasileios Kovaios
Michael John McLellan
Rachael Nussbaum
Ifeoluwapo Faith Oladejo
Mary Patricia O’Sullivan
Faria Sarah Parker
Adam Alastair Sloan Prangley
Sana Rahim
Sharmen Rahman
Saniya Rakhanova
Nathan David Rings
Anna Greta Sofia Roininen
Christian Scheinpflug
Edmund Michael Emrys Spanner
Henrietta Addobea Tetteh
Mark Wheatley
Zihao Zhang
International Security Studies
Claude Emmanuel Bridgewater
Ashley Martin Goane
Ross Goldberg
Lorna Gordon
James Anthony Groom
Davide Gualini
Mohamed Omar Hashi
William Henry
Ross Malcolm Hill
Nikesh Jani
Craig Jarvis
Gethin John Jones
Alexios Kontozamanis
Omar Mohamed Marsa
Amy Patching
Mohamud S.A. Salim
Hedayatullah Siddiqi
Ayman Tawfiq Hamed Tawalbeh
Jackson Ndungu Waweru
Learning and Visitor Studies in
Museums and Galleries
Laura Bahtovic
Sharon Peiling Chen
Laura Comparini
Anna Downie
Sharon Healy
Katherine Ann Low
Madoka Maki
Maria Hallie Russell
Zoe Sima Silverman
Virginia Smith
Modern Literature
Kelsyn Rhiannon Delaney
Hannah Drury
Emily Gussin
Kristin Dawn Jones
Lois Lamb
Anthony Marianne
Alexander Merrick
Natalia Mon
Eleanor Samuel
Meng Wang
Xiaoting Yang
Museum Studies
Margaid Elizabeth Ainsworth
Aisha Abdulla Almisnad Almohannadi
Dimitrios Apostolou
Alexandra Bennett
Jennifer Helen Benton
Daniela Jillian Simpson Borys
Anna Victoria Botonakis
Anna Caroline Boyer
Kelsey Bradfield
Jaclyn Bradley
Lorna Brooks
Bryan John Brown
Lorah Rilee Brown
Lauren May Butler
Oliver John Goss Carey
Mei Wah Chan
Jing-Yu Chen
Komal Dilip Chitnis
Kristen Leigh Cholley
Ann Eilish Clohessy
Evangeline May Collins
Simon John Curtis
Adam Dale
Conan Daly
Kaitlyn Tyler Dehart
Benjamin Aultman Doty
Rachel English
Shan Gao
Glenn Greer
Catherine Louise Griffin
Evie Grouta
Jennifer Emma Hall
Amy Elizabeth Haller
Bianca Harrisskitt
Matthew Harrop
Ashley April Louise Hazell
Samantha Heale
Lauren Andrea Holt
Angharad Rhiannon Howell
Shu Huang
Hyosung Jang
Samantha Naiomi Jenkins
Yixiu Ji
Rhiannon Caroline Jones
Minju Kang
James Kenny
Codie Kish
Annabelle Klachefsky
Laura Stephanie Kolowratnik
Hyeeun Kwon
Victoria Jane Lambert
Nerea Larretxi
Sabina Pettit Mac Mahon
Sarah Elizabeth Matthews
Nicola Louise McColgan
Aaron David McIntyre
Sophie Meeks
Zhe Meng
Stratton Kedric Meyer
Tarquin Maria Mittermayr
Suzanne Moase
Charlotte Louise Morgan
Abigail Morris
Jennifer Morris
Nicola Christine Moss
Joanna Ruth Munholland
Thalia Neilson
Evmorfia Oikonomidou
Anthony Babatunde Olaide-Mesewaku
Hannah Celine O’Reilly
Megan Elizabeth O’Riordan
Olivia Elaine Perdew
Michael Emerson Place
Sierra Polisar
Rebecca Pye
Vasiliki Roinioti
Marie Fatima Bella Rose
Ayodele Roseman
Amalia Siamou
Josien Smit
Hanna Mariel Gwendolyn Smyth
Mallory Stecklein
Myrto Stournara
Shuk Ming Annie Tai
Jordan Taylor
Emma Louise Thompson
Claire Elizabeth Tran
Alanna Turpin
Amanda Ann Vella
Daniel Vincent
Aikaterini Vlachaki
Alec Ward
Nicole Kay Warren
Stephanie Jane Warren
Ya-Huei Wei
Lucy Jayne Wheeler
Anna-Sofia Wiking
Kit Wong
Josephine Faye Wood
Tory Wooley
Beiqi Xu
Daniele Yantos
Yuk Pui Hosanna Yau
I-Hsin Yeh
Xiaoyu Zhang
Mohan Zhu
Politics and the EU
Stephen Vitkovitch
Psychodynamic Counselling and
Shahad Pervaz Mohammed
Karen Sarai
The Classical Mediterranean
Alexander John Locker
Ruben Montoya Gonzalez
Amy Wale
The Country House: Art, History and
Sophie Bradley-Franklin
Maria Elizabeth Clarke
Elaine Johnson
Laura Jane Wick
Translation Studies
Meshal Hamdan D Aladeem
Mohammad Albalawi
Maryam Ali Mohammed Al-Fazari
Mateb Alshammari
Marycarmen Alvarez Garcia
Jie Deng
Jiayu Dong
Sijia Feng
Xianwei Gu
Azusa Ito
Gonzalo Iturregui Gallardo
Hanyi Jia
Panayiotis Paraskevas Joannou
Sian Louise Jones
Yi-Ching Juan
Sicong Li
Mengyue Lin
Anna Lyons
Xiaoqing Ma
Shango Mohammed Hoshman Mohammed Tofiq
Sima Ahmed Muhammed Muhammed
Shiyu Nie
Muhanad Falah Abood Rabei
Sisi Sun
Yini Wang
Wei Yan
Kan Yao
Ruoyan Zeng
Huijuan Zhai
Urban Conservation
Susan Billington
Ana Maria Jaimes Lopez
Julia Prudzynska
Urban History
Samuel Thomas Adrian Grinsell
Victorian Studies
Ruth Clewlow
Mariette Paula Cracknell
Richard Luke Fallon
Kotaro Murakami
Yukiko Muta
Yuki Shimizu
Jessica Amy Smith
Master of Science
Digital Heritage
Rallou Avramidou
Edward Lawless
Museum Studies
Jennifer Mary Ayley
Eleni Boumpari
Nigel Stephenson Cook
Caitlin Pilon
Arts Foundation Degree
Drug and Alcohol Counselling
Richard Reid
Drug and Alcohol Counselling and
Edyta Magdalena Kanik
Managing Voluntary and Community
Cheryl Edwards
Nicola Jane Greene
Anita Iredale
Barbara Lynn North
Social Research
Laurandeep Atwal
Djihad Drari
Thara Harbham
Anqi Hu
Razina Mogra
Postgraduate Diploma
Heritage and Interpretation
Julia Kristen Clarke
Museum Studies
Alan John Kinroy
Postgraduate Certificate
Edwin Harris
Alison Kennell
Athanasia Mavroudi
The Country House: Art, History and
Angie Clarke
Bachelor of Arts
Ancient History and Classical
Maria Teresa Ambrosio
William Neil Ashley Summerson
Douglas Campbell Anderson
Philip R Bushill-Matthews
Peter John Carver
Virginia Del Olmo Leal
Paul William Howlett
Tina Ann Kilnan
Kip Andrew King
Lyn Rudder
Christopher Lachlan Stewart-Moffitt
History and Politics with a Year
Emily Plant
Ryan Fripps
Stephen Anderson
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 17 Order of Procession
Thursday 21 January, 3pm
Thursday 21 January
Two Marshals
Students’ Union Sabbatical Officers
Academic and Related Staff
Two Marshals
Members of Council and Members of Senate
Distinguished Honorary Fellows of the University
Dr Michael Chamberlain, OBE
Mrs Jean Humphreys
Mr Ian Imlay
Public Orators
Professor Gordon Campbell, FBA
Dr Paul Jenkins
Mr Nigel Siesage
Registrar and Chief Operating Officer
Mr David Hall
Honorary Graduand
Mr Mohammad Shahid Raza, OBE
Professor Julie Coleman
Professor Mark Peel
Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council
Dr Bridget Towle, CBE, DL
President and Vice-Chancellor
Professor Paul Boyle, CBE, FBA, FRSE, FAcSS
University Mace
The Right Honourable The Lord Grocott
College of Social Sciences,
Arts and Humanities
Presented by the Head of College,
Professor Julie Coleman
Doctor of Philosophy
Joseph Boniface Ajefu
Rania Mohammed I Alsaggaf
Andrew Ashwin
Wusmyah Abdullah M Binothman
Syed Kalim Hyder Bukhari
Ayse Ulkuhan Demir
Joanna Marie Roberts
Georgia Solomonidou
Haiyan Xu
Masters in Education Research
Sabrina Stotland-Nitzan
Master of Arts
Applied Linguistics and TESOL
Reem Rashed Alharby
Aisha Ali
Sumaya Ramadan Abdalla Aoghala
Amnah Sanjoor Jaman Bait Khalifa
Bernadette Charles-Ottley
Abderrazak Mohammed Said Chouchane
Ross Paul Clark
Dunstan Clarke
Travis James Compton
Fiona Elizabeth Cumming
Emma Jane Dolan
Laila Jamil El-Khatib
Wayne Edward Griffin
Mark Christopher Hambleton
Samantha June Hawkins
Michael David Hollenback
Marnie Kirsten Ker
Edgar David Martinez Garcia
Paul James Robert Mathieson
Douglas Loyola Mulvaney
Rihan Hassan Mohammed Mustapha
Jeanine Lucienne Mysliwiec
Lachlan Page
Kalpesh Pandya
Kevin John Patton
Nicola Jayne Pegg
Michael Simon Rich
Spiwe Thandabani Roenning
Andrew Bailey Rushton
Kelma Petula Shillingford
Sandrine Sjolund
Svetlana Smith
Edward Stallard
Cindy Anne Stieger-Mountstephen
Kleanthy Stylianaki
Georgina Taylor
Lysa Tiffany Warren
Louise Catherine Wilkinson
Margaret Wilson
Communications, Media and
Surabhi Aggarwal
Mai Yousuf Al Zahed Al Abd
Deon Diana Da Silva
Emer Antonia Matthey
Franchesca Sadé Peters
Melissa Ramnarine
Bassant Salem
Sarita Singh
Anoopkumar Vaswani
Communications, Media and Public
Ijeoma Esther Aduba
Hinah Akhtar
Patricia Omoyemen Aligba
Chinyere Clara Anurukem
Sarah Beresford Black
Christine Mary Brew Appah
Stephen Chetcuti
Kevin O’Bryan Clarke
Vincent Defait
Gyongyi Nadinka Horvath
Anne Wambui Kahura
Eleni Lykisa
Nathan McGinnis
Waswa Joshua Mmali
Jeanine Maria Mootie
Abdullahi Ibrahim Noor
Cindy Raghubar
Denise Scanlon Brettschneider
Priya Siewsankar
Ernesto Yeboah
Monika Zarucka
Education: Learning and Teaching
Alan Barnes
Jennifer Bosworth
Sharon Bromiley
Max Buczynski
Sean Campbell
Abdelhamid Chachi
Stephen John Corry-Bass
Lorraine Therese Curotto
Helen Dixon
Vicki Giffard
Phillippa Guest
Margaret Ann Heap
Lucy Rose May Jervis
Catherine Jane Johnson
Bryce Adam Martin
Natalie McKeown
Toni Melanie Jane Merriman
Lisa Newell
Katy Elizabeth Nichols
Charlotte Pitt Miller
Sophie Rachel Pugh
Susan Elizabeth Salisbury
Lee Carl Swales
Juliet Ann Taylor
Laura Ann Westwood
Marcia Joan White
Globalisation and Communications
Jingjing Cai
Ka Man Chan
Yizhe Chen
Qi Cui
Qianru Li
Yuanlin Li
Yu Ma
Mekar Andaryani Pradipta
Shi Qiu
Meiqing Shao
Yulin Tian
Mohd Tajuddin Khairi Tundak
Lingling Wan
Kexin Wang
Jaymi-Lee Wilmin
Xue Xiao
Yun Xie
Dingming Yu
Xinyu Zhang
Xiaoqi Zhao
Jie Zhu
International Education
Nasreen Mohammed Abdullah
Sadia Mohmmed A Alghamdi
Mohammed Salem M Alzahrani
Assel Bazilgalamova
Kathryn Elizabeth Bieber
Xiaohan Chen
Neriman Coskun
Kai Yan Kwok
Yang Liu
Molly Anne McCollum
Thanh Thu Nguyen
Tongxi Pan
Kathryn Victoria Russell
Li Shi
Ning Wang
Yanruiyao Wang
Mass Communications
Tahani Salim Musa Al Shaibi
Abigail Afi Anani
Dean Bissoondial
Louise Margaret Mary Byrne
Boli Cao
Qing Chen
Xiaoshan Chen
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 2015 19 Yan Chen
Lin Cheng
Keith Clement
Qian Cui
Yichen Cui
Minghuan Deng
Melanie Melissa Dore
Joel Down
Jingjing Du
Lina Fan
Yuqi Fan
Nan Feng
Qingqing Ge
Hope Celeste Amanda Granville
Yaqi Guo
Yuhan Guo
Akiela Hope
Tianyang Hou
Jianjun Hu
Shan Hu
Zhihao Huang
Stelios Ilia
Tao Jia
Shuming Jiang
Stephanie Khalil
Janice King-Thomas
Dandan Li
Jiawen Li
Minglu Li
Nai Li
Tianyi Li
Yao Li
Yiyang Li
Yongxuan Li
Bingqing Liang
Zixuan Liang
Meier Lin
Chenlu Liu
Dan Liu
Yu Liu
Xinyu Luo
Tian Nong
Gamze Ozdemir
Maria-Elena Phillips
Wei Qian
Xue Qiao
Shuyang Ren
Faysal Seker
Liang Shan
Xinchi Shen
Xing Sheng
Catherine Frances Shepherd
Jie Song
Wenxin Song
Yue Song
Yuxiu Song
Sarah Jane Spendiff
Anika St. Louis
Xinchang Tan
Daijiazi Tang
Lu Tong
Ivana Vasic
Waithaka Waihenya
Mengjiao Wang
Nuannuan Wang
Weiying Wang
Xi Wang
Yue Wang
Xin Wen
Haining Wu
Na Wu
Yawen Xiang
Xiaodan Xie
Ruxue Xin
Chen Xu
Yuchao Xu
Zhouchao Xu
Ziming Xu
Likun Yan
Fan Yang
Jiao Yang
Jingru Yang
Ruobing Yang
Zi Yang
Tianyuan Yu
Hao Zhai
Mingli Zhang
Wen Zhang
Yu Zhang
Qiannan Zhao
Zhiqi Zhao
Ruyue Zheng
Yi Zhou
Media and Advertising
Toby Brace
Si Chen
Katherine Day
Qiang Deng
Meichen Dong
Yameng Du
Ishmael Cairo Paul Evans
Xing Gao
Yue Geng
Xiaoqi Guo
Yajie Huang
Jiayue Jiang
Tianyu Jiang
Nisha Khan
Qian Li
Ran Li
Zhongtao Li
Ni Lu
Xiao Lu
Zehong Lyu
Yueru Ma
Yuhua Peng
Yanling Ren
Yue Shang
Yan Shao
Qi Shi
Xinyue Shu
Yu Si
Jiawen Sun
Xiaoying Tang
Dian Wang
Songaohan Wang
Xiaozhen Wang
Kwan Yuet Wong
Xiaoli Wu
Zhen Xie
Wenjing Xin
Saina Xu
Shuoyi Xu
Weinan Yu
Yaguang Yu
Hengyu Zhang
Huayu Zhang
Qi Zhang
Xiaolin Zhang
Yunyao Zhang
Hao Zhe
Liuxi Zheng
Jiajie Zhu
Media and Public Relations
Musaab Faleh S. Alharbi
Nur Adhib Angayomi
Xinzi Bai
Samantha Bianchi
Pollyanna Boucherat
Max Bryson
Feng Chen
Yanting Chen
Chenxia Cui
Peili Ding
Ying Gao
Shangjie Guo
Yiming Guo
Dou Hong
Hongmei Huang
Ying Huang
Mengdi Lang
Adam Ramsay Law
Disang Li
Feichengcheng Li
Mingyang Li
Yating Li
Ajeng Ratih Liestiyorini
Junyan Liu
Lian Liu
Pengyuan Liu
Sisi Liu
Yutong Liu
Xi Lu
Yiping Lu
Daria Lukianova
Lichuan Ma
Wanqing Ma
Anqi Mao
Yan Mei
Rafaela Orphanides
Yue Pan
Ziyan Pan
Yang Peng
Vatsaporn Pholasilp
Chun Qing
Yijin Ren
Hao Tang
Ainur Tashmakova
Jiawei Wang
Runpei Wang
Ruqian Wang
Xiaotong Wang
Ye Wang
Yue Wang
Zhennan Wang
Danyi Wu
Yue Wu
Yishu Xiang
Yue Xiang
Di Xiao
Ruilei Xie
Congcong Xu
Tingjun Xu
Xinyue Xu
Shanshan Xuan
Zhaofeng Yan
Xiaomeng Yang
Jing Ye
Alinuer Yimin
Xiaofei Yu
Xueting Yu
Omer Faruk Zararsiz
Jiaziqi Zhang
Liyang Zhang
Xingming Zhang
Yixin Zhang
Shuman Zhou
Media, Culture and Society
Denisse Rosell Evora Sousa
Songdong He
Danielle Angharad Rowley
Luvdhy Wahyu Sarwo Edy
New Media and Society
Naziru Mikail Abubakar
Gloria Otito Adebo
Lin Bo
Peiyao Chen
Yang Chen
Zi Chen
Xue Cheng
Loveness Chimombe
Katia Cvetkova
Fan Feng
Hai Feng
Meiling Fu
Ian Gatt
Dawei Hu
Qiongyue Hu
Binyan Huang
Sibei Huang
Xiufeng Jia
Jiayang Li
Qi Li
Qian Li
Xuehan Li
Shihui Liang
Tianjiao Lin
Jianwei Liu
Jingyu Liu
Chen Long
Haoming Lu
Lan Ma
Xing Nie
Xiaoqi Peng
Neemah Persad-Celestine
Ruijie Ren
Jiaping Shen
Zhenni Tang
Jingyu Tao
Feng Tian
Bo Wang
Haisu Wang
Jiadi Wang
Mengliu Wang
Rui Wang
Shuhan Wang
Xi Wang
Xiaolei Wang
Lisi Wu
Miao Xiao
Jialuo Xu
Yanzhuo Xu
Shuoxun Yang
Yi Yang
Shibo Yin
Xinying You
Xiaofei Yu
Xuan Zhan
Jian Zhang
Wenjie Zhang
Xiaoshan Zhang
Yingao Zhang
Yue Zhang
Liuyang Zhao
Bingyu Zhong
Yujing Zhou
New Media, Governance
and Democracy
Fanisile Africa Boso
Christopher Lawrence Francalanza
Eric Kimani Gachoka
Steve Hernandez
Dafirmabo Kayode Iyalla
Nsamwa Deborah Kaluba
Muhammad Qadir Ahmed
Uthman Alfaleh
Badryah Almesfer
Mohammed Sami Omar Alsaadi
Aala Abdulaziz M Alzahrany
Mohamed Hasif Jazila Bin Sakri
Lili Dong
Yutong Du
Richard James Hoskins
Marianna Ioannou
Xia Jin
Hanjie Li
Ruhan Li
Junyan Lin
Xinxing Ma
Elizabeth MacIe
Laura Joy Newton
Maria Nikolaou
Dimitra Patroklou
Sidney Edwin Rodrigues
Shuangfei Shi
Peiyi Sun
Thi Minh Chau Tran
Thi Thanh Hien Van
Suparaporn Wattanacharoenchai
Jing Zhang
Master of Science
Applied Criminology
Debra Collis
Lauren Haylett
Daniel Paul Langston
Alexander Edward Murphy
Emily O’Neill
Joshua James Owen
Daniela-Alexandra Sens
Danielle Ruth Tofiluk
Dylan Waite
Banking and Finance
Hawar Abdulbasit Abdulkareem Abdulkareem
Ying Bai
Ahmed Taha Bilal
Md Shehub Bin Hasan
Jiali Bu
Thi Van Anh Cao
Jiecong Chen
Mengjie Chen
Yi Cui
Thi Ngoc Trang Dau
Bitao Dong
Li Dong
Yiping Feng
Jingwen Gao
Yang Gao
Namam Mohammed Tal H. Rashid H.
Bingdao Han
Jintao He
Can Huang
Sardar Shaker Ibrahim
Mengyuan Jia
Ke Jin
Ruofei Li
Xuanqing Li
Yi Li
Tian Liang
Junfan Lin
Jiali Liu
Ruixiang Liu
Jiana Lou
Yuhao Luo
Jiangfeng Ma
Zhiyong Mei
Badir Saad Ziaed Miftah
Abdulkareem Ismael Mohammed Mohammed
Kanar Kamal Salih Najiballa
Jixing Ouyang
Yuting Peng
Laura Alejandra Pinzon Duran
Zhang Qi
Sihan Qin
Ziyan Qin
Li Ren
Mariela Antonova Shaleva
Wan Su
Yijie Su
Hanyu Sun
Ngoc Dieu Linh Vi
Nam Hoai Vu
Dan Wang
Renjian Wang
Tianchao Wang
Weiwei Wang
Yingzhi Wang
Yufei Wu
Tingting Xuan
Xu Yan
Hongyue Yang
Peihua Yao
Ge Yin
Yeqiang Ying
Huan Zhang
Huiyin Zheng
Yingran Zhong
Jia Zhu
Jiahao Zhu
Business Analysis and Finance
Olubunmi Agift Ajala
Fangyuan Chu
Yanglan Gan
Jieyun Guo
Yujiao Huang
Junjie Li
Zi Lian
Chulin Mai
Ricardo Ariel Martinez Pineros
Jinxia Shi
Ziliang Wan
Kehui Wang
Ziqing Wu
Xiaoyu Zhou
Wanting Zhu
Clinical Criminology
Alexandra Bellingham
Haley Jazmine Carter
Cheryl Anne Evans
Rebekah Elizabeth Evans
Elizabeth Francksen
Holly Rose Ilbury
Maren Katharina Kornblum
Hannah Paisley
Yiyun Wu
Criminology and Criminal Justice
James Edmondston
Joseph Giordmaina
Thomas Donald Horn
David John Brunning
Micah Campbell
Thomas De Vere
Jaspreet Gakhal
Ayesha Chohany Juddoo
Jamie Kyle Lawrence
Sayran Khalid Mohammad Ameen
James Moretti
Daniel Owusu
Nahoko Saito
Lu Wang
Mohamed Ismael Mohamed Elshiekh
Chinyelu Chinelo Okafor
Educational Leadership
Benal Buge Bekisoglu
Kika Coles
Nina Grace De Franco
Aderemi Esther Emmanuel-Oki
Christopher John Jenkins
Ahmed Maqbool
Deborah E Mardner
Cheryl Morris
Geetha Narayanan
Financial Economics
Mohammed Bara Adamu
Asma Khalifa Khatar Al-Badri
Mohamad Zuhir Alsadi
Fuyao Bi
Haohong Chen
Leiru Chen
Ruinan Duan
Runfeng Fu
Maria Fernanda Gallego
Yi He
Yue He
Priscillia Novia Aryany Hoo
Zhaojie Hu
Huan Huang
Yibin Huang
Samir Ismayilov
Fangyuan Kang
Ariel Yi-Fei Lee
Jun Li
Qiao Li
Tianjiao Li
Xiaoguang Li
Yuanyuan Li
Ziyi Li
Yingbin Liu
Xuyin Lou
Thu Binh Nguyen
Jorge Perez Castellote
Chadapa Rattanakiatchai
Victor Rozario
Khaladdin Nizami Rzayev
Muhammad Faisal Sajjad
Xiaoli Shi
Xiaoting Shi
Abdul Rahman Sowe
Ren Tao
Jing Wang
Meng Wang
Xiao Wang
Yiru Wang
Yongli Wang
Bojie Wu
Jieben Wu
Zhiting Wu
Xiao Xia
Mingjian Xu
Huiling Yang
Danli Yao
Futing Yuan
Ze Yuan
Jingyuan Zhang
Changhao Zhou
Financial Risk Management
Mhd Nour Alaswad
Simona Calatozzo
Athina Chouzouri
Rong Jiang
Shengzhi Li
Yujun Lin
Jingwen Liu
Minyi Lu
Haiyao Qi
Yajing Qian
Jayne Jelagat Silamoi
Yu Tian
Chi Thi Mien Tran
Man Zhang
Police Leadership and Management
Kirkwood Jeremy Andrews
John Louis Olivera
Brenton Gevaughn Smith
Security and Risk Management
Stuart Rusk Black
Steven Thomas Boyle
Augustus Jonathan Brotherton-Ratcliffe
Hermann Busch
Jon Christian Cermak
James Cutler
Gurnam Dahri
Triantafyllos Giovanekos
Sahle Habteyes Nida
Christos Koziaris
Guy Lund
Raymond Andrew McLeod
Ricky John Mossop
Kashif Munir
Thomas Danzuma Nabonadam
Alexander Stefan Neumueller
Michael Chigozie Onwukwe
Benard Odhiambo Otieno
Kenneth Page
Thomas James Phillipson
Owie Russell
Bakhtiar Safi
Daniel Paul Seasman
Matthew Sinden
Peter Robin Jabez Smith
Ivor Terret
David Graham Wall
Alexander Michael Yates
Security, Conflict and
International Development
O’Neil Alexander Bogle
Paul John Brooker
Charles Edward Bain Dalziel
Janice Drewe
Hagen Christian Grager
Ioannis Kostoulas
Martin Kevin Laffey
Mounire Mejout
Rheanne Scott
Emily Jennifer Simms
David Smith
Remi Emiel Van Doorn
Terrorism, Security and Policing
Joanna Burgon
Madoka Rei
Peter Robert Sims
Daniel James Stamp
Learning Technologies
Catherine Amy Jones
Teaching English for
Academic Purposes
Owen Connor
Edward David Cowling
Clare Maxwell
Niamh Mullen
Jemma Faye Clair Robinson
Bachelor of Arts
Blagovesta Aleksandrova
Alexander Parker
Chin Ho Tang
Media and Sociology
Sangyun Sheng
Security and Risk Management
Christopher Ayre
Kevin John Hogg
Michael Jackson
Stephen Keith Newton
Tara Jane Taylor
Mark Thomas Wardle
Christopher Paul Williams
Bachelor of Science
Communications, Media and Society
Jiaming Jiang
Irina Slepneva
Hanqiu Xu
Wenxin Yin
Arts Foundation Degree
Security and Risk Management
Funso Akintokun
Daniel Danao
Vincent Gerard Glover
Nicholas Richard May
Jonathan Samuel Newsham
Randall Benjamin Samuel
Henry Spencer
Vojtech Vohanka
Andrew Robert Williams
Jordan Christopher Wyatt
Waleed Khamis Zahir Al Amri
Hajah Nur Shaumiqah Haji Md Sahrifulhafiz
Javed Iqbal
Samuel George Lock
Pius Tobechukwu Onwuchekwe
Ekrem Ozyesil
Dk. Nabilah Thurayya Pg Hj Tajuddin
James William Russell
Postgraduate Certificate
Action Research
Samantha Clare Amer
Jessica Brook
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 23 Order of Procession
Friday 22 January, 11am
Two Marshals
Friday 22 January
Students’ Union Sabbatical Officers
Academic and Related Staff
Two Marshals
College of Science and
Members of Council and Members of Senate
Presented by the Head of College,
Professor Martin Barstaw
Distinguished Honorary Fellows of the University
Dr Roger Bettles
Dr Michael Chamberlain, OBE
Dr John Foster, OBE
Mrs Jean Humphreys
Mr Ian Imlay
Public Orators
Professor Gordon Campbell, FBA
Dr Paul Jenkins
Mr Nigel Siesage
Registrar and Chief Operating Officer
Mr David Hall
Honorary Graduand
Mr Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha
High Sheriff of Leicestershire
Mr Gordon Arthur
Professor Philip Baker
Professor Martin Barstow
Professor Jon Scott
Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council
Dr Bridget Towle, CBE, DL
President and Vice-Chancellor
Professor Paul Boyle, CBE, FBA, FRSE, FAcSS
University Mace
The Right Honourable The Lord Grocott
Doctor of Philosophy
Tariq Ziyad Y Abolibda
Matthew William Adamson
Essa Ismaeil Ahmed
Imtiaz Alam
Mohammad Hamed Mhasen Alshira’H
Jasdeep Singh Anand
Adeyinka Oluyemi Aturamu
Lee Aucott
Shane Barber
Martin Albert Bourne
Sarah Louise Bugby
Muhammad Fayyaz
Amy Elizabeth Furniss
Peter Richard Hague
Stelios Joannou
Oliver James Knevitt
Mumin Mehmet Koc
Nor Rizuan Bin Mat Noor
Luis Guillermo Mendoza Luna
Hastyar Omar Mohammed
Prem Chandra Pandey
Mariam Pirashvili
Simon Paul Preval
Alison Helen Tasker
Marcel Tilly
Fuat Usta
Frederique Jos Vanheusden
Conor Wildy
Abdulcabbar Yavuz
Hualong Zheng
Master of Philosophy
Suzanne Victoria Knight
Rosalinde Alison Nicholls
Wanwan Qu
Monika Cingelova
Marco De Virgilis
Harpreet Duhra
Amy Gibson
Krishan Joshi
Ishmael Kanu
Boago Michael Kebaitse
Zhekai Pu
Nicole Alecia Smith
Nigel Hugh Smith
Antonio Jose Sosa Hernandez
Juliane De Souza Mota Yadav
Jia Yang
Advanced Computer Science
Diyar Abdlkarim Abdlqadr Abdlqadr
Rana Alosaimi
Hajar Ali M Assiri
Vikram Bandaru
Mohamed Elfatih
Umar Shafiu Haruna
Mirzhan Irkegulov
Xiaolong Lin
Ruibin Liu
Renas Wrya M.Saeed
Danny Tsechansky
Xuzheng Wang
Ziqian Wang
Shuwen Yu
Shuyun Zhang
Yichen Zhao
Tong Zhou
Dizhong Zhu
Advanced Computer Science
with Industry
Bala Kamalesh Vejju
Advanced Control and Dynamics
Shuheng Guo
Shahe Liu
Chuanjin Zhang
Advanced Distributed Systems
Master of Research
Muhammet Camci
Dheeraj Kumar Ralhan
Master of Science
Actuarial Science
Kaiva Marija Berzina
Elisabeth Florence Cannizzo
Afaf Almehmadi
Advanced Electrical and
Electronic Engineering
Faraedoon Waly Ahmed Ahmed
Nikesh Reddy Basani
Pengtao Liu
Habib-Ur Rehman
Jing Ren
Jiakang Sun
Vigneshkumar Thumati Kannan
Siwei Xie
Taha Abdal Mohammed Ameen Zebari
Fan Zhang
Advanced Engineering
Yiqian Hou
Romain Isaac
Shan Jiang
Bingbing Liu
Yimiao Ning
Cheng Peng
Ziyao Shao
Fanli Shen
Zhenfeng Shu
Cheng Wang
Hao Yang
Kun Yu
Lingfeng Zhang
Advanced Materials Engineering
Aakash Brahmbhatt
Christian Ifeanyichukwu Chiadikobi
Xianghui Miao
Advanced Mechanical Engineering
Aqeel Abdulhussein Ganem Ganem
Han Han
Dong Liang
Dwarakanath Menon
Shwan Othman Mustafa
Yin Tang
Ajith Tavazhi Padinjakkara
Tiancheng Wang
Yilei Wang
Zhiwei Xu
Yan Zhen
Yu Zhou
Advanced Software Engineering
Saif Al Ghafri
Makhzoom Alghamdi
Lana Hameed Ahmed Alkly
Sultan Mohammed S Alshahrani
Afaf Habeeb Alshammary
Bbadraddin Adnan B Alturki
Amna Berek S Bamaqa
Cesar Andres Bastidas Osses
Lawan Garba
Ningzi Geng
Paul Pulis
Jens Manuel Stutte
Manoj Vadehra
Andrea Vassallo
Agile Software
Engineering Techniques
Yiannis Kakouris
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 25 Applied Computation and
Numerical Modelling
Areej Ali Mohammed Ageel
Thomas Mudway
Cancer Chemistry
Gregory William Roberts
Chemical Research (Biological
Araz Sabah Hussein
Lankun Ma
Harsimran Kaur Minhas
Chemical Research (Green Chemistry)
Odeh Abdullah O Alshammari
Widad Ali Abdullah Ambusaidi
Francesca Bevan
Emily Durham
Bo Li
Yao Lu
Lixuan Ren
Jinting Xu
Yaoqi Yin
Chemical Research (Physical Chemistry)
Abdulelah Alsulami
Hana Hassan Husien Faqih
Mbang Eze Obeten
Cloud Computing
Amen Adnan Khabeer Al-Khafaji
Emmanuel Asimadi
Huiying Han
Dler Osman Hasan Hasan
Amani Ibraheem
Arthi Krishnan
Jidong Yang
Cloud Computing with Industry
Uditi Sharma
Data Analysis for Business Intelligence
Eleni Antoniou
Sinuo Chen
Muhammad Ayub Khan
Andreas Lytras
Chenxiao Mao
Rosangela Medina
Mehul Pandya
Kyriaki Psara
Bhavin Parbhu Tandel
Lin Xu
Li Zhou
Embedded Systems and Control
Emhemed Omar Salem Aljoat
Gilbert Kiplangat Gilbert Bett
Juncheng Ge
Lu Liu
Avinash Dustin Subit
Xiaopu Wang
Environmental Informatics
Nabillah Haji Unus
Angella Meris Kabira
Financial Mathematics
and Computation
Antria Christoforou
Luke Eley
Huan Guo
Liuting Jiang
Kalia Kasi
Wangwang Lin
Nan Ling
Imene Merabet
Iosifina Mikeou
Seyedeh Zahra Rezaei Lalami
Pengfei Wang
Tianyi Wang
Wenxing Wang
Xi Wang
Zezhong Wang
Wei Wei
Yian Yu
Sibo Zhao
Qian Zhou
Xueke Zhu
Forensic Science and Criminal Justice
Arjunpaul Singh Jabbal
Geographical Information Science
Ashti Ismael Abdulrahman Abdulrahman
Ruqaiya Al-Habsi
Fraser Baker
Afroditi Eleni Brimpari
Edward Cashman
Richard Andrew Peter Hackett
Mohammad Abdullah Jalil Jalil
Collins Lotuk Lomor
Dimitrios Ntouloulis
Global Environmental Change
Christopher John Feeney
Keira Siobhan Gaynor
Shawnm Hama Amin Hussein Hussein
Phillip Thomas Stokes
James Roy Taylor
Information and
Communications Engineering
Yanlin Chen
Jiarui Fan
Zhaodi Hu
Udoka Idongesit Inwang
Yu Ji
Jing Li
Bokan Jamal Othman
Fuad Adam Rwabuhungu
Lu Yang
Yong Tong Yi
Xiaoyu Zhu
Mathematical Modelling in Biology
Beri Braim Swara
Software Engineering for Financial
Christopher George Butler
Zhuangyang Chen
Zhiwen Fu
Ranran Gu
Quanzheng Liu
Lu Peng
Andrian Sarapuu
Qunxiao Wang
Puheyan Xu
Ziwei Yang
Wenxu Yu
Lishan Zang
Dong Zhang
Xiaozhou Zhang
Xiaokang Zhao
Software Engineering for Financial
Services with Industry
Ashna Joseph
Space Exploration Systems
Lakshay Aggarwal
Samuel Benjamin Brown
Oliver James Hardy
Rachel Anna Henson
Azhen Hasan Jarjes Jarjes
Gerard Moreno-Torres Bertran
Ameer Farhan Zailani
Sustainable Management of
Natural Resources
Cody Ryan Keesee
Sophie Natasha Ordish
Web Applications and Services
Marielli Asprou
Andreas Constantinou
James Edward Thomas Exton
Sarbast Hussein Ali Hamza
Hassan Bapeer Hassan Hassan
Constantinos Mavris
Adam Matthew Smith
Georgios Theodosiou
Web Applications and Services
with Industry
George Peter Maria Sethu Pandian
Postgraduate Diploma
Actuarial Science
Ibrahim Fareed Mahmoud Abdalla
Sophie Roberts
Ian Peter Wright
Postgraduate Certificate
Quarry Management and Operations
Fabian Baumann
Marcelo Castro
Chris Fleming
Thibaut Gelly
Jonathan Hanno
Andreas Kuehni
Amarit Maneesaovanop
Peter Mole
Thomas Charles Morrison
Philippe Rey
Marine Sepulcre
Matthew James Sharpe
Oliver Simon
Ivan Slavic
Yong Boon Teo
Nathan Bevan Thomas
Francisco Toscano
Massimiliano Volpones
George Scott Whittaker
Bachelor of Science
Amy Ruth Hare
Steven Mark Thomas
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
David Emmanuel Cole
Bachelor of Engineering
Leart Pireva
College of Medicine,
Biological Sciences and
Presented by the Head of College,
Professor Philip Baker
Doctor of Science
Eric Arthur Gerald Duffey
Doctor of Medicine
Omer Saad Al-Taan
Seok Ling Ong
David Sidloff
John Benjamin Wild
Doctor of Philosophy
Sara Abdulrahman M Aldossary
Hanan Alrashidi
Mohammad Ahmad M Althubiti
Greer Kaylie Arthur
Abdolreza Ashtarikiani
Tammy Colleen Ayres
Evangelia Bakali
Benjamin Simon Braim
Cecilia Maria Casadei
Marialuisa Crosatti
Stuart David Desjardins
Daniel Philip Fothergill
Kassahun Tegegne Gesese
Jack David Godfrey
Tamanna Haq
Joseph John Henson
Cordella Uleta Fiona Kelly Hill
Mohamed-Eyad Issa
Michael Jay
Karzan Khowaraham Karim
Elizabeth Ellen Klavins
Christina Jeffrey Kovoor
Robyn Ruth Lotto
Gail Dorothy Elizabeth MacOnachie
Giles Nolan McCathie
Agampodi Shanthi Jeewaka Ruwan Mendis
Hishyar Azo Najeeb
Toyosi Aduke Obasanjo
Sangar Mahmoud Osman
Depesh Pankhania
Nikil Patel
Chetan Patokar
Nicholas John Rutley
Asel Sarybaeva
Vitor Silva Entrudo Fernandes
Maria Soler Artigas
Meng Sun
Eleanor Frances Swan
Robert Edward Turnbull
Carika Weldon
Sardar Mohammed Weli Weli
Doctor of Clinical Psychology
Nicol Aphale
Louise Maria Brittenden
Colm Gallagher
Lisa Jayne Ingleby
Hannah Istead
Alice Eleanor Liddell
Catherine Martin
Noreen Naz
Tim Siggs
Mandy Underwood
Doctor of Psychology
Elizabeth Ann Trubshaw
Master of Research
Applied Health Research
John McAdam
Ugochinyerem Ihuoma Mercy Ofor
Jennifer Louise White
Master of Arts
Social Care Studies
Ruth-Ann Brown
Social Work
Emma Astra Aldwinckle
Tania Kate Baggott
Tadia Clarke
Kirsty Leigh Clayfield
Sereena Daddral
Katy-Maria Di-Lena
Tina Ffrench
Ruth Goodman
Patrice Deanne Hanley
Charlotte Hodgson
Georgina Hunter
Poonam Ashok Jansari
Nicholas Jeffreys
Elizabeth Lowe
Cynthia Mafuwa
Kudzai Timothy Magenga
Nico Mittan
Liam Moseley
Rebecca Murphy
Robert Pochin
Neelum Shahzady
Suzanne Slack
Debra Smith
Peter Swainston
Susan Walker
Claire Wright
Master of Science
Haneen Abdulmuti Ali Alharbi
Thomas Humphrey Barry
Samuel Ian Brook
Darwin D’Souza
Wejdan Ali A Ibrahim
Bethany Rebecca Jose
Evangelos Ladas
Prithika Sritharan
Thomas Tennant
John Jr Ukeri
Kyoko Watanabe
John Arrington Williams
Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology
Ismail A.Mhamed A.Almhamed A.Almhamed
Nazil Qadir Ahmed
Ibrahim Khaled Abdullah Alhabib
Fatemah A S K S A Almousawi
Rupal Paresh Betai
Josephine Ann Cordery
Fangxiao Dong
Burhan Zain Fakhurji
Kirsty Ford
Nikkitha Ganesh Umesh
Priyanka Ghosh
Mohan Harihar
William Oliver Bentley Harrison
Mohamed Hassan
Alice Catriona Hardie Haworth
Philip Martyn Higgs
Jesus Hita Millan
Haddijatou Jobe
Rajesh Karattil
Adam Lightfoot
Fangfei Liu
Gemma Llargués Sistac
Trifa Rahim Mohammed Amin
Laura Viviana Pacheco Gonzalez
Alina Popa
Dinesh Singh Shah
Carolina Sportelli
Ammarah Tariq
Niranjan Varma
Chronic Disease and Immunity
Abdulwahab Saeed A Alahmari
Eman Mohammad H Alkoot
Abdullah Alruwaili
Jasraj Singh Bhachu
Emma Bradley
Vasco Andre Marques Claro
Eleana Hadjisolomou
Rada Hosin
Jingting Ma
Chris Norman
Musjarena Abd Mulok
Zainab Faik Ali Ali
Tressa Maria Budzilko
Venkata Chamala Anil
Zainab Shakir Mahmood
Domitila Bruno Mgeni
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 27 Grace Ogechi Njoku
Chia Sadiq
Jamal Salih
Jane Vincent
Forensic Psychology
Julie Marie Allen
Rebecca Mae Bealey
Nasima B-Lahouari
Corinna Elizabeth Bradley
Ben Gilbey
Laura Grainger
Beverley Grierson-Jackson
Molly Samantha Hierons
Alex Levy
Antonia Morris
Kacee Celeste Morton-Simons
Megan Hope Norwood
Daniel Roddy
Scott Rogers
Katarzyna Maria Zelek
Infection and Immunity
Herish Haji Ababakir
Azzah Saeed E Alharbi
Mohammed Saleh E Alshammari
Ahmad Abdulaziz A Alzamami
Ifunanya Ngozi Nnedinma Ezechukwu
Ukechukwu Frank
Mohamed Jobran R Helal
Karwan Idrees Jarjees Jarjees
Ettiyeb Elmukhtar Ali Lagha
Somtochukwu Stella Mezue
Imam Mohammed Abdullah A
Stephanie Adanna Okafor
Adna Osman
Faizal Patel
Valeria Quimper
Rugaia Rajab Rafieda
Hangao Omar Haji Sanjawy
Sonia Mushtaq Suleman
Kelly Tyloo
Emma Louise Whittle
Dina Zailaey
Medical Statistics
Aneesah Akhtar
Billie Sue Arndt
Lauren Anne Barnett
Sarah Batson
Shangzhi Chen
Yogini Chudasama
Nada Elbeltagi
Peter John Fletcher
Peter John Godolphin
Catherine Golding
Christopher Gresty
Rosie Harris
Emily Louise Jarvis
Peter Oluwaseun Koleoso
Caroline Amy Kristunas
Miriam Susanna MacDonald
Susan Martin
Kieran Samuel Alexander Meteyard
Kirby Elizabeth Morgan
Anesh Panchal
Alison Pullan
Nirav Ratia
Theodosia Salika
Karan Vadher
Qingning Wang
Sarah Jane Watts
Jonathan Michael Wessen
Molecular Genetics
Najwa Al Balushi
Nahid Ali Mohammed Al Dhahouri
Ruqaya Salam Sulaiman Al Hashami
Noor Ramadan A Bafana
Fiona Victoria Cattermole
Shehzan Yunus Dada
Reza Ebrahimighaei
Jack Anthony Knight
Emma Margaret Mitchell
Despina Nathanael
Hongjian Shen
Molecular Pathology and
Therapeutics of Cancer
Rabab Al Sunni
Bader Alenezy
Muhanad Musaad M Alhujaily
Mohammed Rashid Zghair Al-Notazy
Brian Bempong
Husain Bin Haider
Oliver William Johnston
Ioannis Lamprou
Chung Ming Liu
Kevin Malonza Mwangi
Patrick Malonza Mwangi
Ashley James Samuel Seal
Mohammed Ibrahim Sholan
Paul Stanton
Aaminah Naushad Zannar
Occupational Psychology
Donna Amey
Trusha Bharadwa
Simonette Farrugia
Ashley-Anne Knight
Katherine Jing Qi Koh
Daniel Mason
Andrew Charles Morris
Harpreet Kaur Panesar
Karen Jane Salter
Joanne Sarah Shields
Stephanie Anne Snade
Say Hoon Tan
Hannah Claire While
Mellissa Wilson
Pain Management
Charlotte Halmshaw
Zivanai Ndoro
Randall Stricker
Sarah Louise Thody
Psychological Research Methods
Zana Hasan Babakr
Emma Louise Bennett
Fatma Celik
Amy Clark
Benjamin Michael Craddock
Emma Geijer Simpson
Wendy Elizabeth Harvey
Danielle Hett
Laura Llames Maria
Lovedeep Kaur Rai
Trishna Uttamlal
Psychology of Work
Elizabeth Burton
Rachel Anne Linda MacCulloch
Adriana Sammut
David Shakespeare
Dimitrios Tarnaras
Postgraduate Diploma
Clinical Sciences (Diabetes)
Alicia Ramnath
Bachelor of Science
Biological Sciences
Mohammed Aziz-Ur Rehman
Emily Hopley
Biological Sciences (Biochemistry)
Melissa Brettle
Biological Sciences
(Physiology with Pharmacology)
Lily Francesca Patrick
Biological Sciences (Zoology)
Sze Hang Cheung
Medical Biochemistry
David Liam Davies
Emma Charlotte Walklett
Medical Genetics
Zachariah Bolton
Laura Alexandra Matei
Medical Physiology
Kadeem Hyde
Matthew Shield
Bachelor of Medical Science
Hashim Abu-Own
Ruth Elias Jones
Udai Godhania
Salim Shaukat Abdullah-Akbarali
Kamruddin Kapasi
Ravi Kamlesh Lakhani
Shannon Chung Wooi Lim
Chandhini Rajan
Order of Procession
Friday 22 January, 3pm
Two Marshals
The Students’ Union Sabbatical Officers
Academic and Related Staff
Two Marshals
Members of Council and Members of Senate
The Distinguished Honorary Fellows of the University
Dr Roger Bettles
Dr Michael Chamberlain, OBE
Dr John Foster, OBE
Mrs Jean Humphreys
Mr Ian Imlay
The Public Orators
Professor Gordon Campbell, FBA
Dr Paul Jenkins
Mr Nigel Siesage
Dr Angus Cameron
The Registrar and Secretary
Mr David Hall
Honorary Graduand
Mr Michael Smith
The Chairman of Leicestershire County Council
Councillor David Snartt
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Mark Peel
The Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council
Dr Bridget Towle, CBE, DL
The President and Vice-Chancellor
Professor Paul Boyle, CBE, FBA, FRSE, FAcSS
The University Mace
The Chancellor
The Right Honourable The Lord Grocott
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 29 Friday 22 January
College of Social Sciences,
Arts and Humanities
Presented by Dr Angus Cameron, Interim
Head of the School of Management
Doctor of Philosophy
Nevi Agapiou
Zeynep Burcu Akbaba
Hend Abdullah A Alregab
Reza Beheshti
Adham Ibrahim
Amee Kim
Ayman M A A Omar
Konstantin Stoborod
Irem Tore
Fatma Banu Vardar Tosunoglu
Doctor of Social Sciences
Frances Anne Murray Allen
Katherine Jane Atkinson
Christos Papademetriou
Master of Philosophy
Obaid Khalfan Almutawa
Master of Social Sciences
Fiona-Louise Berry
Tung Shing Tommy Cheng
Master of Laws
International Commercial Law
Omar Alhumaid
Pitsanu Apiratmontri
Fatma Nursima Arslan
Elena Christofi
Yingying Du
Edward John Eley
Tugba Ergul
Thanasis Fiakas
Maria Georgiou
Yanping Hu
Wei Huang
Nizar Naser Hussein Hussein
Ying Chung Bonnie Lau
Mengtian Luo
Faisal Muhammed
Pooniavadee Mooniama Parasuramen
Claudia Perdomo Pelaez
Saman Eric Ratnayake
Fawaz Faouzi Simbawa
Olufunmilayo Subair
Laura Tini
Rakesh Kumar Verma
Can Wang
Chengyuan Wang
Ansel Yau Kei Wong
Xuan Wu
Peishi Xie
Yixuan Yang
Zixi Yang
Gabija Zabaleviciute
Yujia Zhai
International Human Rights Law
Kenneth John Ingram
Zoe Chaetana Miller-Vedam
International Law
Huda Omar M Bashmill
Charlotte Elizabeth Mills
Kimberley-Anne Fox
Matthew Ilyya Hardman Jones
Master of Business Administration
Kaspa Oche Abah
Ahmed Abd El Hakem Abd El Ghaffer
Ramy Abd El Hamid
Sherif Abdulfattah
Rukayat Aderonke Abdul-Ganiyu
Talar Sarkis Abrahamian
Mohammed Abu
Adeline Aghajanian
Edwin Alejandro Aguilar Vargas
Mohammed Jauffer Shakeel Ahamed
Aidarus Omar Ahmed
Asra Ahmed
Molabowale Akin-Taiwo
Babatunde James Akwe
Salem Al Rashid
Moustafa Alam
Talal Nafea R Alharbi
Emam Ehap Emam Ali
Narjis Al-Lawati
Christopher Garry Allen
Abdulla Mesfer Al-Marri
Mona Almotery
Ziad Alnajem
Mahmoud Abbas Al-Quqa
Mohammed Abdel Fattah Ahmad Alsaleh
Abdullah Alshammari
Mohammad Saleh Omar Al-Sharawi
Abdulla Yousef Ahmed Alshareef
Ian Douglas Anderson
Galateia Androulaki
Alexandros Anestis
Nisrine Aoude
Nazar Gadkarim Ali Arabi
Janette Archer-Headley
Olakunle Adeyanju Ariori
Elvis King Arneson
Richard Kweku Arthur
Mohamad Asfari
Samir Asmar
Elie Atallah
Kenechukwu Nchedo Atuchukwu
Eissa Mousa Ahmed Ayashy
Bukola Opeyemi Babatunde
Brekmans Bahizi
Clement Fynn Bandoh
Roy Barakat
Keith Bartolo
Kelly Maria Bell
Daniel Livesey Billington
Michael Binder
Welathanthrige Hiran Shamal Boteju
Riyadh Bsiso
Gavan Thomas Buckley
Kyle Prince Nicholas Campbell
Che Kwan Agnes Chan
Izhar Mohammed Chaudhary
Kai-Ling Chen
Yi-Wen Chen
Yu-Chieh Chen
Clayde Chidaushe
Pui Shan Chiu
Andreas Christoforou
Carlo Ciscaldi
Odette Georgia Clayton-Kenlocke
Martin Daniel Dadzie
Abu Agla Dafallah
Simone Ruby Margo Davis
Georgios Dimakidis
Wilhemina Dodd
Sean Donaghey
Christopher Ebberley
Bernhard Edegger
Kirsti Jayne Edmead
Hazim Ejaz
Wafic El-Hinawi
Magdy Natig Mahmoud Saleh Enaba
Issa Fararjeh
Alvaro Andres Fernandez Diaz Granados
Dilini Fernando
Delpha Frater
Mohamed Maged Habib Garada
Maria Carmen Gonzalez Carballo
Shana Ann-Marie Goulbourne
Waseem Gul
Semere Dargie Gurmue
Dietmar Habacher
Emmanuel Afrassah Haizel
Shady Hajjar
Mohamed Yacoub Hajwanai
Hassan Hannouf
Camille Hanson
Mahmoud Samy Hassan Hosny
Tracey-Ann Marie Haynes
Hamza Akl Helmy
Hanan Osman Hendi
Yu-Wen Hsu
Godwin Omoarebu Idoje
Rosamond Ellen Idun
Mircea Adrian Ilies
Becky Omonikhe Iyoke
Sharon Michael Jayawardana
Garreth Jones
Melissa Ann Dane Jones
Chhavi Kakkar
Solomon Kalule
Maxi Sampath Perera Kandana Arachchige
Mohannad Issam Katerji
Edy Khalife
Lucia Ghebrenegus Kidane
Davor Kirin
Clare Elizabeth Kirk
Iordanis Konstantilakis
Konstantinos Kranias
Warren Lyle Krawchuk
Caroline Njeri Kuria
Emmanouil Kypraios
Thalia Livadiotou
Phillipa Livingston
Ann Long
Chen-Ta Lu
Gary Paul Lynn
Ehab Madanat
Martin Maher
Yassir Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
Bhaskar Kumar Mallubhotla
Saed Ayed Mattar
Paul Lindsay McAllister
Edward Martin McAndrew
Theodore Malcolm Mercredi
Khalid Mohamed Elmahadi
Mohamed Farah Mohamed
Anusha Indika Mohotti
Lawrence Mufwinda
Mayfield Muir-Daniels
Ruth Mukhwana
Evalisto Kivuli Murugi
Rose Batsigira Mwakwere
Violet Watiri Mwangi
Mwila Lwele Mwanza
Probby Mwela
Chamunorwa Clayton Ndoro
Kareem Nigm
David Noble
Linda Frema Nyarko
Lawrence Ofori-Addo
Ifenna Ndidi Ogbu
Doreen Ohene-Mensah
Ross Watkins O’Leary
Ibrahim Omari
Vanessa Opoku
Sandra Lucia Ospino Rodas
Isaac Ishmael Yugi Owilla
Spyridoula Papathanasiou
Savita Pareek
Roopa Patil
Roryn Rumandung Patuanan
Stanley Aubyn Paul
Madusha Samurdhi Perera
Christos Petrou
Kerstin Jacquine Petty
Sirin Poneinkeo
Leroy Alexander Porteous
Rosemond Afi Quao
Charmaine Rankine
Ardin Richardson
Gregory Robertson
Charbel Saad
Sabine Saad
Sahimi Bin Saaidi
Sedick Sadien
Stavros Sarinas
Paul James Scott
Dawn Scrafield - Griffiths
Erik Seman
Temitope Oreoluwa Senbanjo
Josep Francesc Serrano Margaleff
Chien-Hung Shih
Ibrahim Mohammed Siddiqui
Maria-Eleni Sioka
Krishnakumar Sivashanmugam
Mahmoud Slama
Trent Sommerville
Oluyinka Olubunmi Soola
Sami Soudah
Francesco Spadoni
Mark Spiteri
Christina Spyropoulou-Spears
Stephanos Stephanou
Gergana Stoyanova
Abimbola Moses Sulola
Javed Syed Fasiuddin
Ahmed Elsayed Moussa Taman
Ambrose Tati
Esnart Tembo
Miguel Teperino
Andrea Josephina Gilbertha Thomas
Barbara Elfreda Thompson
Eva Ackon Thompson
Lynsey Margaret Tinto
Krip Torpucksa
Olympios Toumazou
Hsin-Yi Tu
Laura Tukhina
Omar Turjman
Panagiota Tzavella
Nduka Lewis Ukpabi
Antonios Panayotis Vassos
Paula Michele Vaughan
Parichat Virasanti
Arziki Simfa Wakawa
Lili Wang
Yoshiyasu Yamamoto
Maria Yiallourou
Man Yiu Hong Billy
Wai Ki Yuen
Harry Zarrabi
Obada Zein Sabto
Ying Zhang
Robert Zsobrak
Master of Science
Accounting and Finance
Murad Aghamammadov
Guleshan Mohsin Hamid Aldoski
Rashed Sulaiman Othman Alfaleh
Farhad Rafaat Ali Al-Kake
Umair Tariq Bajari
Yingzhao Cao
Jingxiao Chen
Liuxin Chen
Luyi Chen
Ningning Chen
Xiangya Chen
Yue Chen
Yang Chenzhi
Sofia Constantinou
Hongmin Dai
Jialu Dai
Jorge Luis Del Barrio
Ran Ding
Tianyu Ding
Xiaofang Ding
Wenxian Dong
Xinyuan Dong
Mingyue Gao
Kovan Muhyadeen Ali Gawdan
Siting Gong
Di Guan
Bao Guo
Victoria Hackett
Yanlu Hu
Huihui Huang
Vusal Ibadzade
Guangxin Jia
Han Jiang
Yue Jiang
Yaxue Jin
Meiqi Jing
Haoyuan Lei
Han Li
Mengbo Li
Mengyao Li
Shunan Li
Xiaolan Li
Xueqi Li
Yuan Li
Yunzhan Li
Tingting Lin
Ke Liu
Peilin Liu
Yang Liu
Yangqian Liu
Yi Liu
Lu Lu
Sirinawinda Mahathep
Jinghua Niu
Yang Ou
Yu Pu
Meimei Qi
Mengle Qi
Shiyao Ruan
Nikhil Manoj Samnani
Dandan Shang
Chen Sheng
Surong Song
Haocheng Sun
Weiru Sun
Rong Tian
Chaomin Wang
Dongyang Wang
Lice Wang
Lin Wang
Yue Wang
Ziqian Wang
Guoshuang Wu
Mingru Wu
Xiaochen Wu
Xinyue Wu
Zhe Xing
Chengjia Xiong
Jiayi Xu
Yiqing Yang
Na Yao
Yijing Ye
Wenting Yu
Zhong Yuan
Kaixin Zhang
Le Zhang
Linke Zhang
Nan Zhang
Qi Zhang
Wei Zhang
Xi Zhang
Yanjing Zhang
Wei Zhao
Ye Zhao
Zhirou Zhao
Chujie Zhou
Yin Zhu
Emergency Planning Management
Jennifer Dawn Smith
Ahmed Saad Zaky Aboelmaaty
Washira Ano
Itxaso Bermeosolo
Changqin Chen
Haozhe Chen
Hui Chen
Yujie Chen
Kennedy Chishimba
Xinyu Cui
Mengyun Dai
Ruohan Dai
Florynce Adzo Damalie
Wei Du
Innocent Tafara Dzinotyiweyi
Liqun Fan
Shibo Fang
Jiayu Feng
David Fritz
Gilbert Gyima-Danso
Teemu Petteri Halminen
Zhoujiayue Han
Shixue He
Khalil Hocine
Qiu Ying Hong
Han Hu
Shixian Huang
Xiaofei Huang
Xiaoting Huang
Yao Jiang
Ho Lam
Da Li
Hanwen Li
Jonathan Liemann
Jie Liu
Rongyan Liu
Rui Liu
Tao Liu
Jeff Lubinda
Qianhui Ma
Yinghua Ma
Rohit Makol
Pablo Ernesto Martínez Torres
Amier Omar Abdelaziz Nader
Ketan Nandeshwar
Hoa Phuong Nguyen
Batyr Nyganov
Ayodele Olorunfemi Okusanya
Mads Werner Olsen
Osondu Joshua Onwuzuruigbo
Shivam Patel
Jingjing Peng
Olawale Emmanuel Popoola
Chen Qian
Zijian Qian
Jing Shi
Kai Song
Zilin Tan
Lihao Tang
Nofizal Teuku
Yidan Tian
Jaymin Girdhar Vadukar
Georgios Vompiris
Melanie Alexis Walters
Chenyu Wang
Na Wang
Nan Wang
Lei Wei
Mengting Wei
Akeliah Subira Welcome
Di Wu
Peidi Xu
Nichang Yang
Xuan Yu
Wen Zeng
Bijia Zhang
Junying Zhang
Yanqiu Zhang
Zhexin Zhang
Zhiqiang Zhang
Zheyu Zhao
Human Resource Management
and Development
Abigail Obianibeli Offor
Human Resource Management
and Training
Ali Abbas Alaradi
Abdulmajeed Mushabbab A Alqahtani
Alexandra Asimakopoulou
Darren Borg
Stefan Borg
Ke Chen
Yanhan Chen
Rongrong Cui
Hairu Du
Xue Gao
Yiqian Gao
Yuan Gao
Ran Hong
Yan Hu
Victoria Udochukwu Ifitezue
Talar Jalal Karim
Yuqing Li
Zheyu Li
Xiaoyang Ma
Janet Lee McKay
Sofia Mertziou
Laurence Montesin
Manassawee Ngamsanga
Viet Hung Nguyen
Chenyang Qiao
Yichen Qiao
Jingran Ren
Jie Sheng
Marva Soares Bucknor
Naeela Suleman
Ling Sun
Yue Tai
Elena Tampouri
Xiaoge Tang
Priyanka Vedi
Weijin Wang
Fan Wei
Nengmin Wei
Shaun Patrick James Willcoxson-Staines
Ka Yin Wong
Jingyu Wu
Qin Wu
Wai-Yee Wu
Wenqing Xiang
Fan Yang
Jingjin Yang
Yihui Yao
Sin Man Simmy Yeung
Chun Lun Ying
Yao Zhai
Yi Zhang
Jingmin Zhao
Zehuan Zhao
Jiexuan Zhu
Antonios Zontos
Ye Zou
Industrial Relations and
Workplace Learning
Nicholas Ofei
Diyar Muhammed Sidiq Abdalla
Ibrahim Mohammed Althomali
Christina Maud Amissah
Graziella Attard
Ruyu Bai
Xuerong Bao
Olga Virgilia Salomao Chambal
Hefei Chen
Wanwen Chen
Wenjing Chen
Robert Degabriele
Chuan Gao
Shan Gao
Harshit Goel
Karin Elisabeth Greven-Linden
Danvinder Heer
Yu-Chen Hsu
Yiyang Huang
Greta Bendowa Nesty Johnson
Jihwan Kim
Lingzheng Kong
Bingze Li
Yapeng Li
Yan Liu
Zhen Lu
Zihe Lu
Junjia Ma
Vignesh Kandhasamy Malaiyandi
Narmin Mammadova
Jody Louise Martin
Liyangyang Mo
Chinelo Ifeoma Moghalu
Yaowalak Naonontong
Thelma Nartekie Nartey
Mohamad Noureddine
Helen Uche Ogbeifun
Boris Ovsak
Fei Pei
Yizhan Peng
Eva Peresztegi
Christopher Edwards Roberts
Dineth Nimantha Samaragunarathne
Felicia Samuel-Adama
Abhay Saraswat
Yufei Shan
Gursimran Singh
Zhenhong Song
Chang Su
Yuhan Tong
Eva Verdaguer Olivella
Danchen Wang
Qiuxiang Wang
Wei-Ju Wang
Xin Wang
Yuhan Wang
Zhao Wang
Zhisong Wang
Xiaoxin Weng
Chung-Wei Wu
Xiao Wu
Jianping Xu
Jing Xu
Liu Yang
Charikleia Zachariadi
Steven Zammit
Ziwei Zhang
Lu Zheng
Xiaoqi Zhou
Duanmu Zhu
Yuqing Zhuang
Ziwei Zong
Management, Finance and Accounting
Oluwafunmike Asmau Abdulazeez
Rui Chang
Cong Chen
Nan Chen
Xi Chen
Yu-Chuan Chen
Nawaz Chowdhury
Wen Ding
Tiexin Dong
Xin Du
Botian Gu
Julia Hatz
Jialing He
Samira Hosseini
Chia-Lu Hsu
Tingliang Jin
Aydan Karimova
Qi Li
Ting Li
Dongxue Lin
Waitong Lio
Zhixuan Liu
Pei-Chi Lu
Jiancong Mai
Sifan Meng
Huan Min
Aida Mukangaliyeva
Andhitya Mulyasari
Wenxin Nie
Siyi Ren
Nur Rizqin Sabri
He Sun
Lin Sun
Yinqiu Sun
Yumeng Sun
Yongdong Tan
Ying Tao
Siranard Vittayanugool
Jingyi Wang
Yang Han Wang
Yilin Wang
Ying Wang
Yue Wang
Jing Wen
Leyi Wu
Yixin Xiong
Xiao Yang
Yitong Yang
Yunzhen Ye
Xuan Yue
Bingyu Zhang
Chao Zhang
Duo Zhang
Lei Zhang
Li Zhang
Yixin Zhang
Lijing Zhao
Xinyu Zheng
Jia Zhou
Dating Zhu
Yunyu Zhu
Anjolaoluwa Similoluwa Adesanya
Saleh Ahmadov
Robin Ajder
Latifah Almughayribi
Andreas Amorin
Paschalis Antoniou
Aspasia Baltopoulou
Jessica Louise Blake
Usman Talat Butt
Tak Chun Howard Chan
Chun-Chia Chang
Xiulin Chen
Ying-Hsuan Chiang
Wei-Hsuan Chiu
Kit Yee Choi
Wan-Yu Chu
Esme Suet In Chun
Shang-Ye Chung
Wingming Chung
Pei-Lun Dai
Xiuming Feng
Reo Goto
Feng Guo
Yiannis Hadjiyiannis
Muhammad Zaidani Bin Haji Mohd Zaini
Syed Ahmed Hashmi
Cristina Hernandez Diaz
Mei Ki Ho
Cheng-Hsun Hsieh
Fang-Tzu Hu
Yaxing Hu
Onruethai Isariyaphan
Bongkoj Jerdsermanun
Qi Jiang
Maria Kanaki
Boyu Kong
Sukunya Kosanan
Wing Yan Cindy Kwok
Chun Ming Law
Huan Li
Meng Ying Li
Kuei-Mei Lin
Wei-Chun Lin
Yen-Chun Lin
Yaming Liu
Yihang Liu
Lifei Lu
Ping-Han Lu
Sixuan Lu
Yeyu Luo
Chrysi Maniadaki
Panagiotis Mikeos
Sarah Josephine Olofsson
Simeon Adesola Olugbemiga
Sibel Orhan
Fatos Ozkan Erciyas
Chuanjie Pang
Yen-Chieh Peng
Arum Prasasti
Bo Shan
Weiwei Shao
Yujia Sun
Rashi Surana
Sanapa Tangsophon
Chin-Yu Wang
Guohao Wang
Lei Wang
Tingting Wang
Yin - Hsuan Wang
Yixuan Wang
Zhen Wang
Yao Xiao
Fulin Yang
Liyuan Yang
Yin Yang
Yirou Yang
Zhiqi Yang
Gaqi Ye
Yulu Ye
Hongkai Zhang
Xi Zhang
Zhiyi Zhou
Puqiao Zhu
Fengxin Zhuge
Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management
Emmanuel Andres Artusa
Iwona Brejnak
Christopher Francis Burrell
William Michael Casey
Denise Marsha Jeanor Corsel
Paul Andrew Davidson
Anthony Robert Dixon
Nicholas Harding
Steven Richard Hawthorn
Lindsay Fyffe Jardine
Blair Laird
Richard Logan
John Gregory McCormick
Aiyabei Michael Kiplagat
Fabian Omar Morris
Mark Pearson
Nicola Danielle Pickering
Pryiadarshni Laxhmi Rai
Michael Graham Rowland
Abigail Claire Salter
Pieter Gert Wessel Smit
Andrew Speirs
Steven James Sullivan
Barnaby Towle
Stephen John Waldock
Chamunoda Zambuko
Management Studies
Vikram Ravindran
Management Studies
With A Year Abroad
Wahchi Vong
Bachelor of Science
Human Resource Management
Joy Adebimpe Adeagbo
Shernelle Brome
Ben-Hur Santos Pegado Da Cruz
Amarjit Dhaliwal
Kerem Gurman
Effie Kapyepye
Lai Ying Mok
Ann Marie Moulds
Carsten Sten Olsen
Biljana Prunk
Ingrid Sylvia Psaila
Puseletso Ramohapi
Stephanie Sant
Rosalind Juliette Alicia Shallow
Bachelor of Laws
Agnieszka Maria Czok
James Gibbs
Lakhveer Kour
Nisheel Lakhani
Jenusha Nagulendran
Hamdi Omar
Alexander Pohl
Camilo Ernesto Sarabia Olaya
Shariika Saseetharan
Tammer Sawwaf
Fatima Zarah Shagari-Mukhtari
Law with a Year Abroad
Hermon Betelihem Bahru
Law with French Law and Language
Leon Martin Donnelly
Taddy Oulai
Law (Senior Status)
Evan Pound
Karen Faye Shedden
Abraham Olamiju Tuyo
Bachelor of Arts
Management Studies (Marketing)
Han Yang
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 35 Prizes and Awards
College of Medicine, Biological Fraser Baker
ESRI (UK) GIS Prize 2015
Sciences and Psychology
Brian Bempong
Sir Sydney King Cancer Research Fund 2015
Jasraj Singh Bhachu
MSc Chronic Disease and Inflammation
Departmental Prize 2015
Shehzan Yunus Dada
GE Healthcare Prize 2015
Emily Louise Jarvis
Diane Jackson Memorial Prize 2015
Ashley-Anne Knight
Rob Stammers Prize 2015
Caroline Amy Kristunas
Royal Statistical Society Prize 2015
Gemma Llargués Sistac
Sir Sydney King Cancer Research Fund 2015
Megan Hope Norwood
Wiley Prize 2015
Faizal Patel
MSc Infection and Immunity Departmental
Prize 2015
Scott Rogers
Clive Hollin Prize 2015
Emma Simpson
Michael Joseph Prize for Excellence in
Psychological Research Methods 2015
Maria Soler Artigas
College of Medicine, Biological Sciences
& Psychology Prize for Excellent PhD
Performance 2015
Sarah Jane Watts
Diane Jackson Memorial Prize 2015
John Arrington Williams
Best M.Sc. Bioinformatics Student Prize
Christopher George Butler
Dion Global Prize 2015
Computer Science Best Software Project
Prize 2015
Edward Cashman
RICS Prize 2015
Harpreet Duhra
Christopher John Feeney
Department of Geography Best Masters
Student Prize 2015
Dler Osman Hasan Hasan
Computer Science Best Technical Project
Prize 2015
Mirzhan Irkegulov
Computer Science Best Theoretical Project
Romain Isaac
M.Sc. in Advanced Engineering Best
Student Prize 2015
Paul Pulis
Computer Science Best Software Project
Prize 2015
Fuad Adam Rwabuhungu
M.Sc. in Information and Communications
Engineering Best Student Prize 2015
Avinash Dustin Subit
Dunlop Polymer Engineering Division
Engineering Prize 2015
M.Sc. in Embedded Systems and Control
Engineering Best Student Prize 2015
Danny Tsechansky
Computer Science Best Technical Project
Prize 2015
Wei Wei
Financial Mathematics and Computation
Best Project Prize 2015
Ian Peter Wright
Faraedoon Waly Ahmed Ahmed
Juliane De Souza Mota Yadav
Engineering Best Student Prize 2015
Financial Mathematics and Computation
Best Student Performance Prize 2015
Yu Zhou
M.Sc. in Advanced Mechanical Engineering
Best Student Prize 2015
Dizhong Zhu
O-Sys Best Student Prize 2015
Computer Science Best Technical Project
Prize 2015
Actuarial Science (DL) Student Performance
Prize 2015
Actuarial Science Best Student Performance
Prize 2015
Kelsyn Rhiannon Delaney
The Waddington MA Prize in English 2015
Qiang Deng
Best M.A. Media and Advertising
Dissertation Prize 2015
Ed Eley
Felicidad Martinez Purrinos Memorial Prize
for International Commercial Law 2015
School of Law Postgraduate Prize 2015
Richard Luke Fallon
Actuarial Science Best Project Prize 2015
College of Science and
M.Sc. in Advanced Electrical and Electronic
Yian Yu
College of Social Sciences, Arts
and Humanities
Olubunmi Agift Ajala
Best Masters Dissertation Prize 2015
Head of Department’s Prize for Best
Economics Student 2015
Frances Anne Murray Allen
Outstanding Doctorate in Social Sciences
Prize 2015
Hermon Betelihem Bahru
Harvey Ingram LLP Law of Tort Prize 2012
Alexandra Bellingham
M.Sc. Criminology (Clinical) Best Student
Prize 2015
Susan Billington
The David Reeder Dissertation Prize 2015
Michael Binder
Best MBA Student by Distance Learning
Prize 2015
Darren Borg
Ashton Prize 2015
Pollyanna Boucherat
Best M.A. Media and Public Relations
Student Performance Prize 2015
Yang Chen
Best M.A. New Media and Society Student
Performance Prize 2015
Best M.A. New Media and Society
Dissertation Prize 2015
Loveness Chimombe
Best Distance Learning Dissertation Prize
Mariette Paula Cracknell
Professor Philip Collins Prize 2015
Thomas De Vere
M.Sc. Criminology Best Student Prize 2015
The Waddington MA Prize in English 2015
Veronica-Lynn Fletcher
Best Distance Learning Masters Student
Performance Prize 2015
Best Distance Learning Masters Dissertation
Prize 2015
Delpha Frater
Best MBA Student by Distance Learning
Prize 2015
Joseph Giordmaina
M.Sc. in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Best Dissertation Prize 2015
Zhoujiayue Han
Best Full-time MSc Student Prize 2015
Bianca Harrisskitt
Professor Eilean Hooper-Greenhill Prize
Jianjun Hu
Best M.A. Mass Communications Student
Performance Prize 2015
Xiaofei Huang
Best Performing Student in MN7027
‘Financial Risk Management’ Prize 2015
Annabelle Klachefsky
Professor Susan Pearce Prize 2015
Ioannis Kostoulas
M.Sc. in Security, Conflict and International
Development Best Dissertation Prize 2015
Mingyang Li
Best M.A. Media and Public Relations
Dissertation Prize 2015
Zhongtao Li
Best M.A. Media and Advertising Student
Performance Prize 2015
Best M.A. Media and Advertising
Dissertation Prize 2015
Eleni Lykisa
Best Distance Learning Student Prize 2015
Edward Martin McAndrew
Best MBA Student by Distance Learning
Prize 2015
Kelly Jayne Morrison
School of Museum Studies Distance
Learning Prize 2015
Stephen Keith Newton
B.A. Security and Risk Management Best
Dissertation Prize 2015
Mads Werner Olsen
Best Full-time MSc Student Prize 2015
Joshua James Owen
M.Sc. Criminology (Applied) Best Student
Prize 2015
Prize for Best Dissertation in Criminology
Nathan David Rings
Best Distance Learning Masters Dissertation
Prize 2015
Danielle Angharad Rowley
Best M.A. Media, Culture and Society
Student Performance Prize 2015
Best M.A. Media, Culture and Society
Dissertation Prize 2015
James William Russell
M.Sc. Terrorism, Security and Policing Best
Student Prize 2015
Khaladdin Nizami Rzayev
Head of Department’s Prize for Best
Economics and Finance Student 2015
Bassant Salem
Best Distance Learning Dissertation Prize
Dana Ali Mustafa Sheikh
The Waddington MA Prize in English 2015
Hedayatullah Siddiqi
Best Campus-Based Masters Dissertation
Prize 2015
Best Campus-Based Masters Student
Performance Prize 2015
Jonathan Michael Sly
Dr Rees Powell Dissertation Prize in
Sociology 2015
Hanna Mariel Gwendolyn Smyth
Professor Eilean Hooper-Greenhill Prize
Gergana Stoyanova
Best Full-time MBA Student Prize 2015
Ivor Terret
M.Sc. in Security and Risk Management
Best Dissertation Prize 2015
Remi Emiel Van Doorn
M.Sc. in Security, Conflict and International
Development Best Dissertation Prize 2015
Eva Verdaguer Olivella
Best Full-time MSc Student Prize 2015
Georgios Vompiris
Best Specialist Masters student by Distance
Learning Prize 2015
Ashley Watson
Museum Studies Community Leadership
Prize 2015
Lucy Jayne Wheeler
Raymond Singleton Prize 2015
Francesca Lauren White
The Waddington MA Prize in English 2015
Jaymi-Lee Wilmin
Best M.A. Globalization and
Communications Student Performance
Prize 2015
Best M.A. Globalization and
Communications Dissertation Prize 2015
Haining Wu
Best M.A. Mass Communications
Dissertation Prize 2015
Jordan Christopher Wyatt
Foundation Degree in Security and Risk
Management Best Overall Student Prize
Xinyue Xu
Best M.A. Media and Public Relations
Dissertation Prize 2015
Li Zhang
Best Full-time MSc Student Dissertation
Prize 2015
Jiajie Zhu
Best M.A. Media and Advertising
Dissertation Prize 2015
DEGREE CONGREGATIONS 2016 37 Welcome to your Alumni Association
“Your relationship for life is just beginning….”
Your graduation means more than just the culmination of your studies. Today,
you become an alumnus of the University of Leicester and are now part of an
exclusive family. We see this is as a ‘relationship that lasts a lifetime’ and hope
you will feel the same way. So, welcome to the Leicester family!
The University of Leicester adds more than
4,000 new alumni to its family every year,
and this ever-growing network has now
reached over 154,000 members. It’s a great
resource that you can call upon at any time
and the Development and Alumni Relations
Office (DARO) is here to help you make
connections and to keep in touch.
DARO aims to ensure that the graduate
community, both in the UK and Overseas,
enjoys a rewarding and enduring
involvement with their university.
We aim to create and sustain connections
with alumni and hope that you want to get
involved and will want to contribute to your
university for years to come. Whether it is
through your business expertise, by offering
guidance and mentoring, work placements
and internships to current students, or by
making a philanthropic gift to the University,
alumni can have a long-term, positive
impact on Leicester and its students.
Alumni Association
There are a wide range of opportunities
available for you now that you are a
member of the Alumni Association,
including exclusive event invitations, careers
advice, alumni publications, library access
and sports centre membership. You will also
be kept up to date on University and alumni
news with our annual alumni magazine and
social media pages, which are easy to join.
The Development and Alumni Relations
Office is here for you. Please tell us about
your future successes, we would love to
share them with your fellow alumni and
if you feel that you have a contribution to
make to the University please do get in
touch with us.
We’re waiting to hear from you!
Stay in touch and keep
your details updated
t: +44 (0)116 223 1071
 /leicesteralumni
 @leicesteralumni
University of Leicester
Congratulations on your graduation
Did you know we continue to give you
support and guidance after you graduate?
Starting out after university can be tough, but our experts in the
Career Development Service are here to help. Available online,
by phone, or in person, our award winning support includes:
For further information
• Interview and assessment centre preparation
t: +44 (0)116 252 2004
• Helping you gain skills through graduate internships
• Checking your CV and application forms
• Information about the latest graduate jobs
• Guidance on further study options
• Help if you don’t know what to do next…
International Graduates of the University of Leicester also have exclusive access
to GradConnection and GoinGlobal – resources designed to support you find jobs
and internships across the globe.
To access these services along with information about the latest events and jobs
aimed at graduates, visit or login to MyCareers and
upgrade to a graduate account.
The quality of the University’s graduates is
one of its major assets and those graduating
today reflect not only their personal
achievements but also the University’s success
and high academic standards.
© University of Leicester
Leicester LE1 7RH