2009 - SEALS Digital commons
2009 - SEALS Digital commons
Co MMEi.CE RHODES UNIVERSITY 2009-GRADUATION CEREMONY 1820 SETTLERS NATIONAL MONUMENT THURSDAY 16 APRIL AT 18:00 CHANCELLOR G.J. Gerwel, B.A.(Hons), D.Litt. et Phil., LL.D. (Honoris causa) VICE-CHANCELLOR S.Badat, B.Soc.Sc.(Hons), Celi.H.E.Sc.&Tech.Policy, Ph.D., D.Phil. (Honoris causa) DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (ACADEMIC & STUDENT AFFAIRS) S.G. Mabizela, M.Sc., Ph.D. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Congregation is requested to stand while the Choir sings Vis Virtus Veritas and the Procession enters the Auditorium. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT) P.G. Clayton, Ph.D., F.I.C.S., M.C.S.S.A., M.A.C.M. CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL The Hon. Mr Justice R.J. W. Jones, B.A., LL.B. PRESIDENT OF CONVOCATION The Rev. T.S.N. Gqubule, Ph.D., D.O. (Honoris causa) DEANS Professor F.T. Hendricks, B.A., M.Soc.Sc., Ph.D. Professor R.T.F. Bernard, Ph.D. Professor J. Campbell, B.A., LL.B., LL.M. Professor G.J. Euvrard, M.A., H.D.E., B.Ed., D.Litt. et Phil. Professor A.C.M. Webb, Ph.D. Professor R.B. Walker B.Pharm., Ph.D., M.P.S. Dr V.A. de I<.Ierk, M.A., H.E.D., Ph.D. Professor M.D. Vermaak, B.A.(Hons), Drs.Phii. Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Dean of the Faculty of Science Dean of the Faculty of Law Dean of the Faculty of Education Dean of the Faculty of Commerce Dean of the Faculty of Phannacy Dean of Students Dean: International Office The Chancellor will constitute the Congregation. The Vice-Chancellor will welcome the Congregation. Ms Lynette Marais will address the Congregation. The Dean of the Faculty will present the candidates for the award of Diplomas and the Degrees of Bachelor, Bachelor with Honours, Master and Doctor of Philosophy. REGISTRAR S. Fourie, B.Th., B.D., D.Th. VIS VIRTUS VERITAS Quae paris cives animo vigentes Athcae praebens rationis artes Alma te mater canimus libenter Nos Rhodienses. You who produce citizens of vigorous intellect, as you offer to Africa the arts and skills which come from reason - we who are Rhodians gladly hymn you, our Alma Mater. Veritas semper pretiosa nobis Praesit et pellat procul omne furtum Neu sinat quemquam male consulentem Discere falsa. May truth be always preciolls and preside over us and may it drive far away all deceit, nor may it allow anyone with evil intent to learn what is false. Quicquid est foedum cohibere, quicquid Integrae vitae proprium tueri Gaudeat Vilius studiosa pacis Visque benigna. May viliue and courage, eager for peace, together with well disposed strength, rejoice to restrain whatever is disgusting and to uphold whatever belongs to the fullness oflife. Purpura cincti ct memo res parentum Cuique nitamur dare iustum honore111 Neminique umquam licet invidentes Astra petamus. Clad with purple and remembering our fathers, let us strive to render to everyone with honour which is due and without envying anyone let us aim for the stars. The Public Orator, Professor Paul R Maylam, will present: Lynette Marais for the Degree of Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa. The congregation will stand and sing the National Anthem. The Chancellor will dissolve the Congregation. The Congregation is requested to stand while the Choir sings Gaudeamus Igitur and the Procession leaves the Auditorium. With the exception of the commencement and conclusion of the Ceremony and the singing of the National Anthem, members of the Congregation are requested to remain seated throughout the proceedings. FACULTY OF COMMERCE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF COMMERCE ACKERMANN, Melissa ADAM, Zubair ALEXANDER, Anthony Budge AMUTENY A, Helena Namutenya ANDREW, Stephen Graham, with distinction in Information Systems ARGUILE, Wayne Peter ARNOTT, Gary William ASIYA, Zodwa Mildred BAHADUR, Ismail Ahmed BARCLA Y, John Henry BELEMU, Kamana Dorica BELL, Harland Shinglewood BENEL W A, Kolisa BENZA, Aaron Roy Kudakwashe BETELA, Naledi Vuyisa BIDZHA, Mashudu Lucas, with distinction in Economics BLACKBEARD, Warren BLAIR, Gregory Trevor BOATENG, Aba Johanna BOKA, Tendai BOOTH, Chloe Wendy BRINK, Jon Jerome BROWN, Gerald BROWN, Leigh-Ann Woodcroft BROWNLEE, Greg Daniel BRUKMAN, Thomas Simon Howard BUFE, Duane Walter CARSE, Bradley James CHAMBERS, Glynn Kyle CHANCE, Camilla Jane CHIMEDU, Muteuro CHINDEKA, Ronald Tendai Vingi CLAYTON, Bradley John Palmer 2 CLOETE, Colin Blair CLOETE, Lauren Anne, with distinction in Economics COLEGA TE, Reginald Mark COOPER, Astrid Sara CROXON, Stephen Aynsley CURRAN, Patrick DASTILE, Ntombizandile DAZELEY, Amy Louise DESAI, Adam Shiraz, Posthumous A ward DHA Y A, Asmita DI PALMA, Fausto Riccardo DLAMINI, Nomzamo Nonkululeko DOBREV, Kiril Vladimirov, with distinction in Information Systems DORASAMY, Chloe, with distinction in Accounting DOYLE, Svet-Laurice Tsane DU PLESSIS, Loren DUBE, Phindile Petronella DUBE, Phumuzile Sisana Samantha DUDLEY, Sasha Beth DUNCAN, Rory John EDWARDS, Barry Robert EJUMU, Norah Aganyo ELLERBECK, Daniela ERASMUS, Chivonne Izelle ERASMUS, Stephan Steytler FITZMAURICE, Kate FORD, Justin Brian FRANSMAN, Thirston Francios FRASER, Digby Roy FREGONA, Mathew Dominic GANYEKA, Allen GODLONTON, John Robert GROENEW ALD, Annestine Lucille GWEWERA, Lorraine Hazvinei HAGEMANN, Lauren Lyn HARTLEY, Craig Grant HAUPT, Alexander 3 HELLIWELL, Ian John HELLIWELL, Ross HISLOP, Jennifer Anne HLANTI, Msawenkosi Madoda HLUBI, Zwelakhe Siboniso Innocent HLUNGWANE, Andisiwe Nonzame Rosemond HOUZET, Dayle Peter HUANG, Jie JALILE, Nqabakazi Zimbini JUNKIN, Kyle Chan KAKNIS, Pantelis KAMPI, Lerato KAPOSE, Charlotte Ngumeritiza KA TJIMUNE, Charles Tezee KATSIDZIRA, Nyaradzai Gwynett KEAN, Helen KEELEY, Bryden James KES~A VE, Hiten Yasvant KHUMALO, Nompumelelo Mercy KIDIA, Nayan Erwin KIESER, Tracy Diane KLEE, James David KNOX, Mark Gavin KOCKOTT, Sally Anne KOEBERG, Richenda KORKIE, Louisa Maria KUNDISHORA, Wushe Raymond KURZEWSKI, Anne Claire, with distinction in Information Systems LETEBELE, Orateng Charlene LINDE, Kathryn Leigh LOUW, Rodney Steven LUCK, Alison May MADZIW A, Shephard Peter MAGEDE, Nicolla Anesu Zvichaninzii MAGQW ASHE, Papama MAGRATH, Rees Edward MAHARAJ, Gaurav Dane 4 MAKIN, Samantha Kirsten MAKONI, Chiedza Vivien MANN, Amy Honor MARANGXA, Chwayita MARTIN, Kate Ann MATSANGA, Nyasha MAZANHI, Tapuwa Prudence MBALEKWA, Siyabulela MEISE, Dale James MHLAMBI, Mavundla John Zane MHLANGA, Kudakwashe Ruth Gwynne MHLAULI, Andile MILLER, Ryan Ian MKUTUKANA, Akhona MLONYENI, N cikazi MNGOMA, Msimelelo MNQETA, Busisiwe MODISE, Motsei MOFOKENG, Diphapang Isaac MOHAMED, Sarah Shirazali Hassam, with distinctions in Economics and Information Systems MOODLEY, Candice MOORE, Allison Robin MOSS, John Eustace MOXHAM:, Tanja Elsa Ida MPOFANA, Sanelisiwe MSIMANGA, Khulekile Mfundo MTHIMKHULU, Nosimilo Amanda MULLINS, Walter Brian MUNGAI, Kenneth MUNGONI, Joel Takunda MUNJOMA, Marceline Valerie MURINGA, Nelson Junior MURISA, Christine Tararama MUTALE, Daniel Gerald Tapiwa MUTUKW A, Ruvimbo Trish NDANYENGW A, Martha Ndinelago 5 NDLOVU, Nokuthula Ruramisai NDZOVELA, Musa Glen NETSHAULU, Takalani Elton NETSHIFHEFHE, Itumeleng Seth NGEMA, Bongiwe Susan NOGXINA, Thobeka NOJILANA, Nosiphiwo NONTSHINGA, Asa NTULI, Sabelo Mthokozisi NY AZEMA, Alois Gwinyai O'FLAHERTY, Caroline Elsje P ARIZA, Gillian N yasha P ARKAR, Naazneen PATSIKA, Shungu Joel PEARCE, Serena Ann PERKS, Catherine Teresa, with distinction in Information Systems PETER, Athenkosi PHILIPSON, Dominique POWER, Sean Bradley RAMELA, Tebogo William RINGANI, Hlalelani Andronica RODRIGUES, Justin Colin ROSKILL Y, Cara-Lee ROSS, Mark Desmond SACHIKONYE, Nolwandle Kudakwashe SALZWEDEL, Ryan Michael SA VAGE, Kim Mary, with distinction in Information Systems SCHLENKRICH, Lisa SCHMIDT, Karl Friedrich SCHW ARZ, Daryl Gerard SEAGER, Adam Anthony Lingen SERE, Petunia Lehlohonolo Latani SHONGWE, Mzwandile Sibusiso SIBSON, Brett Stephen SIGAUKE, Julian SMETHERHAM, Stewart Charles SMITH, Byron Joe Lindsay 6 SOB UKWE-WHYTE, Akyere Andiswa, with distinction in Economics SOLL, Warren Kent SONQISHE, Sisonke Nomawethu Tsibia SPEARMAN, TatTyn Leigh STANLEY, Kelly Joan STEVENS, Christo TAYLOR, Mandy Gillian TENNENT, Nicola Gail, with distinctions in Economics and German Studies and Legal Theory THABETHE, Emmanuel Sibusiso THERON, Andrew Charles THOBIAS, Jerome Carlos Tangeni TONGO, Yanga TRENT, Claire Louise UNSWORTH, Candice Mistral VAN ROOI, Sylvester Rouchade VAN ROOYEN, Michelle Euphemia V AN SCHALKWYK, Paul Frederick VAN WELLEN, Dimitri-Jonathan VAN WYK, Jean Louis VERCUEIL, Maaike Delene WATSON, James William WATSON, Nicolas Durward WELLS, Wesley Kendal WHITFIELD, Craig Ryan WILLIAMS, Bruce Kenneth WILMOT, Chloe.Margo, with distinction in Organizational Psychology WILSON, Hannah Joan WINGATE, Cara Jessica WRIGHT, Helen Caryl ZENGEY A, Allan Tawanda ZULU, Thembinkosi 7 DOWNARD, Miles Rory FERREIRA, Natalie Joy GUNN, Cathryn Denise HUSSEY, Jenna Catherine JOKONY A, Rumbidzai Acquilina KHUNGA, Mpendulo Theodosius LIMEMA, Thabo Wisdom Martin MALUNGA, Collins Fari MASOKA, Gamuchirai Edith MUFAHOTHE, Mabedi Ruby NOFUYA, Aphindiwe PHEKUN, Cenuska SCHMIDT, Cassandra Audra SOKO, Nomsa Annmoline TINARWO, Louisa Ruvimbo Eva DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ECONOMICS AGUSTONI, Lorenzo Angelo, with distinctions in Economics and Management AHMED, Muhammad Shiraan, with distinction in Economics BALOGUN, Ibikunle Omokorede Ibidayo ELLIS, Thomas Stephen GUMEDE, Nondumiso Beryl HITTLER, Candice Genevieve Bronwyn, with distinction in Economics KAULULE, Ntazana Siame, with distinction in Economics KEMP, Andrew Patrick KIBUULE, Innocent Kiyimba LOUW, Janelle, with distinction in Economics MAD YINI, N tandazo MATABISW ANA, Sisa, with distinction in Economics MCNAUGHTON, Alexis Graham MOKOENA, Motshidisi Suzan MOLOJW ANE, Gorata Lekhutlile MUNY A W ARARA, Belinda Paidamoyo MZAMO, Sivuziwe Mangaliso, with distinction in Economics NDABA, Nonhlanhla Nomthandazo NKUMANDA, Monica Nozuko RAMAGAGA, Odirile Thato RAZIY A, Ayanda SCHADY, Stuart William, with distinction in Economics SONO, Idah Thato VAN DER LINGEN, Dale Anthony, with distinction in Economics VAN NIEKERK, Craig Gardner ZIOLCZYK, Lukasz Dawid DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS SCIENCE BITSANG, Kabelo KLEYNHANS, Danielle Merlyn, with distinction STYLIANOU, Christina Kleanthous, with distinction STYLIANOU, Michelle Alexandra, with distinction WINN, Michael, with distinction POSTGRADUA TE DIPLOMA IN TAXATION DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ACCOUNTANCY ";' AMOD, Muhammad Yasin BALKARAN, Natisha BENNETT, Russell Stephen CONRAD, Norbert Carl 8 ATKINS, Michael David BELL, Matthew Andrew George COURTNEY, Sinead Leslie KAMBASHA, Masiiwa Tinei KA VIKAIRIU A, Harrison Kapitire LA UFS, Christel LORD, Jake Macfarlane MOHLOMI, Elizabeth Lomile PASIO, Michael SEEDAT, Imran TAYLOR, Candice Joy 9 , .1 TSHOLO, Siyabulela TUCKER, Andrea Jean POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTANCY COCKBURN, Amy Jean DAYA, Bhavini J anmadas FREY, Gavin Gerald LUNGA, Bancamile Hlobisile MSIMANGO, Siyakudumisa Siphephelo NDJARAKANA, Komao Lydia SHAPALO, Jennifer Ndapwohoni . STEWART, Christine Daphne TIEKAM, Mayur Isvarlal WANENGE, Tinashe DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF COMMERCE WITH HONOURS ADAMS, Lisa Alexandra, in Infonnation Systems ALEXANDER, Christie Anne, in InfOlmation Systems, with distinction ATKINSON, Miranda Ruth, in Management, with distinction BAINES, Stephen Ryan, in Information Systems BLACK, Ryan James, in Economics BOARDMAN, Shelley Elaine, in Economics BRIGGS, Wesley Lewis, in Economics BRUNE, Paula, in Management BULUBE, Hombisa Thembelihle Nontando, in Economics CHAPLIN, David Bradley, in Economics COCKERELL, Mark Andrew, in Organizational Psychology DOIG, Gregory Graham, in Economics DOMONEY, Daniel, in Management EVANS, Lisa, in Economics FORD, Evan Ross, in Financial Accounting FORSTER, Richard Davison, in Management GORDON, Goscelin Lucy, in LawlManagement HENDERSON, Michael Christopher, in Information Systems 10 ~~- ... HODGSON, Nicholas Alan, in Information Systems JACOBS, Clare Ashleigh, in Management KALIIKA, Michael, in Management KAMBASHA, Kudakwashe, in Information Systems KERR, Gordon Roy, in Economics KW ATSHA, Lindiwe Mapule, in Economics, with distinction LOUBSER, Lindel Helene, in Financial Accounting, with distinction MABEZA, Kundai Cornelius, in Management MAKATU, Ntakadzeni, in Management MAZVIMA VI, Vimbiso, in Information Systems MCCANN, Sarah, in Economics MEHTA, Chin tan Deepak, in Information Systems MELLON, Joanne Linda, in Management MHANGO, Chokani Lowani, in Economics MLALAZI, Elaine Sidingo, in Information Systems MORAR, Derwina Kalpa, in Economics MOTALA, Amina Sadiq, in Management MPOFU, Bukhosi Dumoluhle, in Management MUGOVA, Trevor Takunda, in Economics NAIK, Amar, in Financial Accounting, with distinction NDZUZA, Phakama, in Information Systems NKOPANE, Teboho, in Management NQOJELA, Pamela, in Economics PA TEL, Keyur, in Management PETRO V, Pavel, in EconomicslMathematical Statistics, with distinction PHILLIPS, Ross Graham, in Management POTTS, Donald Patrick, in Economics ROBSON, Caryn Leigh, in Management SHIVJI, Taizeen, in Management, with distinction SLOMAN, Keagan Lovel, in Management STARKEY, Randall Ashley, in Economics with distinction SURRIDGE, Trevor Mark, in German/Information Systems TARMOHAMED, lIm"an Shamsher, in Economics VERMEULEN, Lize-Marie, in Management ZWANE, Thuletho Tercia, in Economics 11 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ECONOMICS WITH HONOURS BROCK, Robert Nicholas, in Information Systems, with distinction FOSS, Jeremy John, in Economics, with distinction GIDDEY, Dane Lee, in Economics GQUBULE, Baba Tamana, in Economics HODZI, Natasha Ruvimbo Siduduziwe, in Information Systems JARAMBA, Toddy, in Economics KAMBADZA, Tinashe Harry Dumile, in Economics LONG, Christopher Michael, in Economics MAGWIZI, Brenda Thandekha, in Economics MAPENDA, Rufaro, in Economics MBANO, Sharon, in Economics MUTOGO, Cathrine, in Economics MZEZEW A, Tatenda Masimba, in Economics NEL, Adrian Paul, in Economics/Politics NY AMA YI, Gillian Gamuchirai, in Information Systems SAVANHU, Tatenda, in Economics STEVENS, David Paul, in Economics, with distinction WENTZEL, Sean Luke, in Economics DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FOURIE, Dawie, PG.Dip. Media Management (Rhodes), in Business Administration, in the Rhodes Investec Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An examination of an incentive system to maximize performance in an automobile manufacturing environment. HELMUTH, Angelo Rowen, Nat.Dip. (PE Technikon), in Business Administration, in the Rhodes Investec Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Economic diversification of a mining town: A case study of Oranjemund. 12 KOYANA, Gwyneth Puseletso, B.Proc., LL.B. (Natal), in Business Administration, in the Rhodes Investec Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: A case study of strategy implementation at a major Eastern Cape component supplier company in the automotive industry. MALULEKE, Yinywane Leon, in Business Adminstration, in the Rhodes Investec Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Evaluation of an implemented quality management system (QMS) at one of the South African government departments: Employee perceptions of the effect of the QMS intervention. MUNGONGE, Goliath, in Business Administration, in the Rhodes Investec Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: A case study of strategic leadership in the creation and development of a privately owned newspaper in Zambia. NOMPOZOLO, Nikiwe Nomapelo, M.B., Ch.B. (MEDUNSA), in Business Adminstration, in the Rhodes Investec Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The value of shared corporate services in improving patient care. PETRUS, Henry George, B.A. (UWC), in Business Adminstratiofl, in the Rhodes Investec Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An investigation into causes of success and failure of small businesses sponsored by the Department of Social Development. PITTORINO, Leonardo Andres, in Business Administration, with distinction, in the Rhodes Investec Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The relationship between culture, commitment and performance in a South African electricity utility. QWESHA, Babalwa, in Business Administration, in the Rhodes Investec Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Restructuring of the Port Elizabeth hospital complex: A perspective from the planned management approach. 13 BUNTING, Mark Bevan, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes) PG.Dip.Acc., in Financial Markets, with distinction, in the Department of Economics and Econonuc History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Share price management using opportunistic accounting choices: A study of South African listed companies. SAMKANGE, Tichaona, Nat. Dip. (Harare Polytechnic), in Business Administration, in the Rhodes Investec Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An evaluation of the brand campus concept implemented at Mercedes-Benz South Africa: A case study. SAUNDERS, John, B.Sc. (UPE), in Business Adminstration, in the Rhodes Investec Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An assessment of the relationship between organizational climate and organizational conmutment within the IT department of a telecommunications company. J WARD, Philip Henry, B.Soc.Sc. (UCT), B.Proc., PG.Cert.Ad.Tax (UNISA), in Business Administration, in the Rhodes Investec , -Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The relationship between innovation and leardership in First National Bank of South Africa. ELLIOTT, Kevin Andrew, B.Com. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Financial Markets, with distinction, in the Department of Economics and economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The development of the stock market and its effect on economic growth: The case of SADC. WATKINS, Deidre Ann, B.A. (Hons), M.Sc. (Rhodes), in Business Administration, in the Rhodes Investec Business School. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An assessment of the environmental compliance monitoring capacity of the Department of Minerals and Energy, Eastern Cape. HOMPASHE, Dunusani Macdonald, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Financial Markets, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Is inflation targeting a viable option for a developing country? The case of Malawi. DEGREE OF MASTER OF COMMERCE ANDREWS, Karen Anne Hope, B.Com. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Clinical Psychology, with distinction, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: NOlTIlative indications for Xhosa-speaking unskilled workers on the trail maldng test and the stroop test. BARNOR, Joel Aflah, B.Com. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Financial Markets, with distinction, in the Department of Economics and Econonuc History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An analysis of the money market linkages between South African and selected major world econonues. 14 DLAMINI, Samuel Nkosinathi, B.A. (Swaziland), B.Com. (Hons) (UJ), in Financial Markets, in the Department of Econonucs and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Bank Credit Extension to the private sector and inflation in South Africa. HOVE, Tagara, B.Sc. (UWC), B.Com. (Hons) (UCT), in Financial Markets, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Bond market development in emerging econonues: A case study of the bond exchange of South Africa (BESA). } HOWARTH, Grant Dale, B.Bus.Sc. (Rhodes), in Financial Markets, with distinction, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Modelling daily return variations in developing market currencies. 15 JOHNS, Michael Ryan, B.Econ. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Financial Markets, with distinction, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Macroeconomics convergence within SADC: Implications for the formation of a regional monetary union. MUGOV A, Terrence Tafadzwa, B.Bus.Sc. (Rhodes), in Financial Markets, with distinction, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Interdependence and business cycle transmission between South Africa and the USA, UK, Japan and Germany. KWANGWARE, Debra, B.Com. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Financial Markets, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The impact of macroeconomic and financial factors on the performance of the housing property market in South Africa. NDORO, Tinashe Tsungai Raphael, B.Com. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Organizational Psychology, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Attitudes and perceptions towards TB in Grahamstown East in a time of HIV / AIDS. MAKWIRAMITI, Anthony Munyaradzi, B.Com. (Fort Hare), B.Com. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Financial Markets, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The implementation of the new capital accord (Basel II): A comparative study of South Africa, Switzerland, Brazil and the United States. RABANA, Phomolo, B.Com. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Financial Markets, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Intergration between the South African and international bond markets: Implications for portfolio diversification. MHLANGA, Godfrey, B.Com. (Hons) (Fort Hare), in Financial Markets, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The covariation of South Africa and foreign equity returns during bull and bear runs: Implications for portfolio diversification. SCHLENKRICH, Lara, B.Bus.Sc. (Rhodes), in Information Systems, in the Department of Information Systems. Degree by thesis. Thesis: An investigation of social computing. MOYO, Solomon Simbarashe, B.Com. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Financial Markets, with distinction, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: A comparative analysis of the divisia index and the simple sum monetary aggregates for South Africa. MTSHA WULANA, Lungiswa Bukeka, LL.B. (Rhodes), in Taxation, in the Department of Accounting. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Gains from illegal activities: An analysis of the taxation consequences. V AN ROOYEN, Jonathan Christiaan, B.Com. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Financial Markets, with distinction, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Land reform in South Africa: Effects on land prices and productivity. WILLIAMSON, Gareth Alan, B.Com. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Financial Markets, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Interest rate risk management: A case study of GBS Mutual Bank. 17 16 DEGREE OF MASTER OF ECONOMICS REYNOLDS, Kian Andrew, B.Com. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Economics, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The Economic potential of small towns in the Eastern Cape Midlands. STOTT, Joan, B.Bus.Sc. (Rhodes), in Economics, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Preservation or exploitation: A study of the development of the mining rights legislation on the Witwatersrand Goldfields from 1886 to 2008. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY VICE-CHANCELLOR'S AWARDS Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Senior Research Medal Peter Vale Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Senior Teaching Medal Russell Harold Kaschula Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Medal Heila Betrie Sisitka Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Award for Community Engagement Vice-Chancellor's Book Award Daniel Alban Wylie ACADEMIC HONOURS MUNTHALI, Spy Mbiriyawaka, B.Soc.Sc, M.A. (Malawi), in Economics, in the Department of Economics and Economic History. Degree by thesis. Thesis: An institutional analysis of community and home based care and support for HIV/AIDS sufferers in rural households in Malawi. Supervisor: Professor ACM Webb. Co-supervisors: Dr KJ Kelly and Dr T Mutambara. 18 . . ... _- -=======~~~~~~.~- -------~---'---. ABEL, Sarah Ruth ABRAHAMS, Philip John MUlTay BIGGS, Rory BRICKHILL, Liam Timothy BREIER, Daniel Robert CHILES, Sarah Anne CLOETE, Ingrid Susan COATES, Megan Patricia CONIBEAR, Anne Claire COOKE, Kayleen Jeanne COWIE, Bradley DORASAMY, Chloe DU PREEZ, Elizabeth Inge ELEY, Clive William GOODRICK, Glen GROGAN, Patrick Meredith HALL, Leila Marie Elisabeth Helen HARDING, St0l111 Thyra HARRY, Cairen HOLLAND, Emma Huntsman HORSMAN, Mark Glen HYDE, Andrew Nicholas JAPP, Kevin Simon JOHNSON, Eleanore KENYON, Amy KLEYNHANS, Danielle Merlyn LOMBARD, Erica Louise MBAO, Wamuwi MCQUAID, Christopher Finn MILLIN, Jonathan James MOHAMED, Sarah Shirazali Hassam MORBI, Fatema Hooneid MULLER, Andrea NOMOYI, Siyabulela NOTTINGHAM, Alastair Timothy PONJOU TASSE, Flora SANDBERG, Dale Mary SIEBORGER, Ian STYLIANOU, Christina Kleanthous TRISTRAM, Waide Barrington TYFIELD, David Anthony WILSENACH, Rouan Moorcroft WRIGHT, Imogen Abigail ACADEMIC COLOURS ADAMI, Kelly Anne JHUNDOO, Henusha Devi ALEXANDER, Christie Anne JOHNSON, Hailey Elizabeth ANDREWS, Anthony Leonardo KARRIM, Qudsiya Sydney KWATSHA, Lindiwe Mapule APPEL, Misty LANDERS, Samantha Mle ATKINSON, Miranda Ruth LEE, Brendon BAILLIE, Vicky Lynne MARSH, Melissa Joanne BARFORD, Kirsty-Lee MASTER, Miqdad Ghulamabbas BODILL, Samantha MCDOUGALL, Timothy Patrick BOSWORTH-SMITH, Sadie MCGREGOR, Emily Skye Elizabeth MCLEA, Harriet Katharine BROCK, Robert Nicholas Thandiwe BROMLEY, Candice Leigh MELLY, Brigitte Leigh CLIFFORD-HOLMES, Jai Kumar MENEZIES, Jade Michele CLUVER, Frances Rose Mannix MKHABELA, Hlawulani COCKBURN, Ingrid Louise Noluthando COLLETT, Gary Reece MOODLEY, Megandrie COLLETT, Jenna Lara MOYO, Buhle COOPER, Leanne Claire MURRA Y, Pamela Elizabeth COX, Robyn Jane PARKIN, Melissa Madeleine CROMHOUT, Mary Elizabeth PATCHA Y, Sharisaan CRYMBLE, Leigh PETROV, Pavel DANIEL, Dustan William PIENAAR, CharI DEALL, Michael John REID, Luke Jabulani DELPORT, Lindi Lou RICHARDSON, Alexandra Vanessa EHRLICH, Philippa Louise RICHTER, Teri FAULKNER, Katelyn Terri SAHD, CUliis Lee FORBES, Ross William SCHEEPERS, Shariane Tanith FOSS, Jeremy John SCI-HER, Thorsten Ewald FOX, Peta Ann SCISCIO, Lara FOXCROFT, Terence Robert SHAPIRO, Stacey-Leigh FURMAN, Katherine Elizabeth SHIVJI, Taizeen GANIWALLA, Shaheed Imtiaz SIMAK, Geraldine Josephine GODLONTON, Ross Brian SPRING, Joseph Stephen GOSS, Sheldon Edward STARKEY, Randall Ashley GOUWS, Nicole Lyn STEVENS, David Paul GREYLING, Elizabeth Sophia STOPFORTH, Penny GRIMMER, Ashley STYLIANOU, Michelle Alexandra HEIDEMAN, Vicky Joanna SUTHERLAND, Graeme Wakfer HERRIDGE, Kristy Lynn TENG, James Wei Jie JACOBS, Carmen TENNENT, Nicola Gail JACOBSOHN, Jade Leigh THOMPSON, Alice Lynne ii TURK, Brendan Kerr VERMEULEN, IIke WARD, Catherine Dale WELLS, Bridget Leigh WEYER, Dylan James WEYL, Philip Sebastian Richard WINN, Michael ACADEMIC HALF COLOURS AGUSTONI, Lorenzo Angelo BARRETT, Dennis Ian BASSON, Wade BEHRENS, Michelle Christine BOOTH, Jenny Marie BO ULLE, Catherine Ann BRODERICK, Lucy Mea BULL, Katherine Anne CALD ER, Amanda Jane CARTER, Emmylou CARTWRIGHT, Peter Mark CLARKE, CaIyn Lee CONNOR, Ashleigh Louise COOMBES, Candice Anne COOMBES, Matthew John CRYMBLE, GregOly Arnold CRYMBLE, Tegan DANIELS, Ryan Joseph FAKEE, J ameel FORTEATH, Shaun FREER, Patrick David Leacroft GARSON, Christie Nicole GARUS-OAS, Appoloritha Penlope GENNRICH, Jessica Nezar GIBBS, Sarah-Anne GILL!, MaIiina GREEN, Amy Sarah GRUNDLING, Megan HADDON, Christine Mikaella HAIDULA, Alina Fimaneka I-IEINE, Shannon Jane HO, Lance St John HODKIN, Claire Lindsay HOHLS, Samantha Lee HULLEY, Judy-Leigh INGLE, Gail Ella IRVINE, Philippa Margaret JACOB, Blessing JOLLANDS, Jessica Kathleen JOSEPH, Nadine KIMUNGU, Latifa Hakim KNIGHTS, Michelle Aileen Anne KURZEWSKI, Anne Claire LEE, Deva LEIMAN, Layla Diana LLOYD-JONES, Glyn Francis Michael LOTTER, Jac1yn Oehley LUTCHMUN, Thashveen LUYT, Catherine Diane MAGNUS, Laura MATHIAS SEN, Caitlin Wedege MATIZA, Patrick MATTISON, Timothy Paul MA WENI, Rutendo Muchaped.zei MCCONNACHIE, Christopher John Charles MCCONNACHIE, Kathlyn Therese MENDES, Adriano MIDZI, Linda Zvikomborero MOELLER, Katrin Verena MORFORD, Cristie Olivia MORGAN, Casey Lloyd MOSS, Nicholas Andrew MTHOKO, Hafeni Tulimewawa Wilhelmina Lyatenda MUDZAMI, Yvonne Tendai MUSUWO, Leonard Shingai MW ANANDIMAI, Rudo Stefanie MW ANSA, Mumamba Chitumwa NAKAZWE, Kapembwa NOWERS, Lynn Colleen iii O'GRADY, Cathleen Jeannette O'HAGAN, Kyle Leonard ORPEN, Judith Kathleen Lisle PARKINSON, Matthew Cameron PERCY, Luke PHILLIPS, Michael Brent PICKERING, Joanna Kingwill PISTORIUS, Juliana Maryna PURDON, Carly RICHARDSON, Amy Elizabeth ROGERS, Richard Warner ROSS, Kerryn ROTH, Heather Frances RUSSOUW, Rosaline Cheryl SACHIKONYE, Tsitsi Shamiso Anne SELKIRK, Catherine Elizabeth SENEKAL, Monique L'Oreal SIDDLE, Christine Elaine SIMLEIT, Carla Leigh SMEDLEY, David Alan SMIT, Tamlyn Dale SMITH, Jade SMITH, Tracey Leigh STACK, Lee Christopher STAPLES, Jessica Ruth STERRENBERG, Jason Neville STEYN, Ruth Elizabeth STUART-CLARK, Lucy Bena TAYLOR, Jessica Mary THOMPSON, Aimee TOMAN, Michael Peter TOMBE, Sekai Lana TRISTRAM, Uvedale Roy TYAMZASHE, Vusani UNSWORTH, Shannon Jade VALE, Elizabeth Nosizwe VAN RENSBURG, Caitlin Margot VAN WYK, John Robert WALES, Nora-Lee WALSH, Kim WILLIAMSON, Frances Catherine WOOLLGAR, Clayton KUli ZIMBA, Catherine ZIPP, Gisela Lesley AWARDS OF SCHOLARSHIPS, BURSARIES AND PRIZES Abe Bailey Travel Scholarship: N Makhubu Alfred Beit Scholarships: PDL Freer, DI Barrett, CW Mathiassen, RJ Daniels, T Lutchman Allan Gray Senior S'cholarship - Honours: TL Alexander, N Madyini, T MashabaJle Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships - Honours: A Bofilatos, CA Boulle, SA Chiles, L Chivese, R Dhilwayo, L Gmeiner, LME Hall, E Johnson, SK Kabangu, R Koeberg, D Lee, N Mashele, SSH MohaJned, NL Msimanga, L Mthembu, W Muswera, T Poulos, NS Pswarayi, CL Schultz, C Sibana, A Thompson, FM Tohlang, MT Wambui, LM Watson, CM Wilmot Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships - Masters: J Alexander, B AnllStrong, TA Beckerling, KL Barford, J Barnard, FRM Cluver, JL Collett, AC Conibear, L Crymble, A De Coning, HV De Klerk, TM Dewhurst, N Elliott, AF Gibson, JA Grobbelaar, IZ Gundhla, AE Hobson, NI Hoffinann, SP Howell, J Jacobsohn, HD Jhundoo, HE Johnson, SMJ Jones, LE Koskenkangas, J Majakwara, D Makaza, DSC Malamis, TM Mangwengwende, TWE Marais, CL Marshall, TG Matumba, T Mazorodze, W Mbao, HN Mkhabela, B Moyo, M Mumba, M Munsaka, M Nyathi, T Nxasana, SA Paphitis, AMM Phiri, F Ponjou Tasse, L Sciscio, I Vernleulen, JAV Walters Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships -Doctoral: AF Afolayan, LP Aipinge, EL Allan, L Allan, OOS Arojjo, ATF BernaJ'd, FA Chaibva, WJU Chidawanyika, YK Gandu, KC Idahosa, IV B Jari, MA Jimoh, B Magure, M MutOlwa, AG Nindi, D Ocwich, AI Okewole, 00 OIadeinde, FJ Otten, C Pade, A Padmanabhanunni, BW Price, JR Short, EL Steenkamp, M Tukulula, CRD Van Der Mescht, K Wa Kasongo Andrew Mellon Foundation Humanities Doctoral Postgraduate Scholarships: LJ Corkin, L Gumboreshumba, LA Kelland, B Magoqwana, K Mapana, MT Mavura, A Moyo, T Murisa, R Pithouse, A Sarimana, M Williams Atlantic Philanthropies Scholarships: AR Childs, AC Muller, N S Ngcamu, M Oelofsen, T Seobi, BM Zuma A Trevor Williams Scholarship: No award Best Chemistry II Prize: MJ Coombes Betty Shuttleworth Scholarship: CE Hodgson BDO Spencer Steward Prize: C Laufs Charles Bryars Scholarship: JM Pistorius, J du Plessis, PM Cartwright, Z Mkwanazi Conrad Dylan Cambray Scholal'ship: SL Tombe David Adolph Bradlow Scholarship for Humanities: EL Lombard Dean of Students Leadership Award: RJ Barnett, L Crymble, MR Freeman, PM Jakubek, T Mlambo, FH Morbi, MRS Tayub Desmond Goddard Bursary: To be awarded Douglas Rivett BUI'sal-Y: CW Eley Dr Kendall Scholarships: SA Chiles, B Cowie, EI Du Preez, CW Eley, PM Grogan, LME Hall, MG Horsman, A Kenyon, SSH Mohamed, RM Wilsenach Dr Maryam Babingida Scholarship: NC Wilson Dutch Language Union Bursary: Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship fOl' South African History: S Kerseboom, K van Zyl Ernst & Young Award for the best Information Systems II (Accounting - Professional) Student: NA Moss Guy Butler Research Award: To be awarded Henderson Postgraduate Scholarships - Masters: SR Abel, ST Ambrose, JMH Ban)" CL Bromley, MP Coates, K Cooke, JD Filmalter, JC Lawson, W Tristram, I Wright • Henderson Postgraduate Scholarships - Doctoral: RH Bennett, G Coombs, J-A De la Mare, JOG Kemp, M Vlok, JS Van Dyk Henry Bradlow Scholuship for Science: AC Conibear Honours Degree Scholarships: LA Agustoni, MS Ahmed, W Basson, MD Berndt, ML Bidzha, R Biggs, JM Booth, CA Boulle, MA Burke, A Candotti, SA Chiles, J CliffordHolmes, IS Cloete, LA Cloete, NH Colvin, B Cowie, KV Dobrev, C Dorasamy, EI Du Preez, CW Eley, CA Fisher, S Forteath, CN Garson, L Gmeiner, G Goodrick, SE Goss, PM Grogan, AF Haidula, LME Hall, CHarry, CA Hartzenberg, NG Hathorn, CJ Hazle, CS Hazle, SJ Heine, HC Henninger, ZK Hinis, CGB Hittler, CL Hodkin, MG Horsman, AN Hyde, PM Irvine, KS Japp, E Johnson, N Joseph, GIB Kahn, NS Kaulule, A Kenyon, T Khan, GJ Krastin, AC Kurzewski, D Lee, LD Leiman, JO Lotter, J Louw, LM Luyt, KF Mackintosh, CA Makanjee, M Mann, A MaJtin, S MatabiswaJla, TA Mayson, JR McCafferty, KA McKenzie, A Mendes, SSH Mohanled, PJ Mollel, NL Msimanga, TS Murray, SM Mzamo, M Naidoo, NA Nel, S Nomoyi, KL Nottingham, JKL Orpen, D Parker, MC Parkinson, RA Peel, JM Peirce, L Percy, CT Perks, MB Phillips, C Pienaar, T Poulos, HB Pratt, JK Robeltson, MC Rose, KRoss, RC Russouw, DM Sandberg, KM Savage, SW Schady, CL Schultz, BR Sebopela, ML Senekal, DA Smedley, A Sobukwe-Whyte, JS SpI;ng, IN Sterrenberg, KF Taylor, NG Tennent, S Thomas, A Thompson, LJ Uplink, DA Van Der v Lingen, AH Van Wezel, NL Wales, R Wartenberg, JP Watenneyer, CM Wilmot, RM Wilsenach Ian Mackenzie Scholarship for Environmental Studies: To be awarded Irvin and Johnson Postgraduate Bursary in Fisher·ies Science: To be awarded Jane Osborne Scholarship: J Barnard, S Smit Joe Levy Scholarship: NJ Young Leon Gluckman Memorial Scholarship in Drama: To be awarded Master's Degree Scholarships: SR Abel, KA Adami, CA Alexander, ST Ambrose, ALS Andrews, M Appel, MR Atkinson, VL Baillie, KL Barford, S Bodill, SE Bosworth-Smith, NL Bradshaw, LT Blickhill, RN Brock, LM Brodelick, CL Bromley, FRM Clilver, M Coates, IL Cockburn, GR Collett, JL Collett, AC Conibear, KJ Cooke, LC Cooper, RJ Cox, ME Cromhout, LC Crymble, DW Daniel, BJ De Wet, LL Delport, NJ Du Preez, PL Ehrlich, KT Faulkner, RW Forbes, JJ Foss, PA Fox, TR Foxcroft, KE Furn1an, SI Ganiwalla, RB Godlonton, NL Gouws, LF Grant, ES Greyling, A Glimmer, KL Henidge, C Jacobs, JL Jacobsohn, HD Jhundoo, HE Johnson, LJ Kaplan, Q Kanim, DM Kleynhans, LM Kwatsha, SM Landers, B Lee, EL Lombard, LH Loubser, MJ Marsh, MG Master, W Mbao, TP McDougall, ES McGregor, HKT McLea, LR McMichael, CF McQuaid, BL Melley, JM Menezies, JJ Millin, HN Mkhabela, M Moodley, FH Morbi, B Moyo, A Muller, PE Murray, A Naik, AT Nottingham, MM Parkin, S Patchay, P Petrov, F Ponjou Tasse, LJ Reid, AV Richardson, T Richter, CL Sahd, ST Scheepers, TE Schier, L Sciscio, SL Shapiro, T Shivji, I Sieborger, GJ Simak, RA Starkey, DP Stevens, CA Stirling, P Stopforth, CK Stylianou, MA Stylianou, GW Sutherland, JWJ Teng, AL Thompson, WB TlisiTam, BK Turk, A Van Heerden, JS Vandeleur, I Venneulen, CD Ward, BL Wells, DJ Weyer, PSR Weyl, M Winn, IA Wlight, GP Zorn Muir·head Bursar·y : JJ Millin Otto Beit Scholar"ship : C Hatry Patrick and Margaret Flanagan Scholarship: MJ Marsh Professor B R Allanson Scholarship : Raymond Pullen Memorial Scholarships for Arts Drama: HM Richter Fine Art: IE Bronner, T-L Nicol, E Sippel Music: Z Mkwanazi Rhodes Foundation Scholarship (Most Outstanding Graduate) : R Biggs Rhodes Governor's Scholarship (Most Outstanding Undergr"aduates in the Humanities, Science, Pharmacy and Commer·ce Faculties): PDL Freer, MJ Coombes, CW Mathiassen, NC Wilson Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Honours: R Biggs, CW Eley, MG Horsman, KS Japp, MC Parkinson, L Percy, RM Wilsenach Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Masters: LC Cooper, T Goble, PW Greenway, EL Lombard, LJ Reid, TJ Richardson, I Sieborger, GW Sutherland, RE Terlazzo Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Doctoral: BM Grogan, W Wilhelm Rhodes University Scholarships: PDL Freer, DI Barrett, MJ Coombes, MAA Knights, CW Mathiassen, T Lutchman, KA Bull, NC Wilson, CJ O'Grady, NA Moss Rob & Trish Midgley Law Prize: SHaken SASOL Centenary Honours Degree Scholarships in Physical Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology 01· Biotechnology: A Kenyon, ME Sithole Sir Basil Schonland Scholarship: A Muller Thelma Henderson Bursary: T Mushwana Thomas Alty Scholarship: W Mbao William Francis Barker Bursary: No award A Trevor Williams Prize for Physics I : PDL Freer Physics II : MJ Coombes Accenture Information Systems Honours: CA Alexander Information Systems II : ER Stalmans Adams and Adams Law Prize: CJC McConnachie Alastair· Kerr Prize: IS Cloete Alexander Ogg Pr·ize for Physics : KR Henninger Altruism Awar·d for the Unselfish Support of Fellow IS Honours Students: Aschman Scholarship: KL Robinson Avlynne Bowen Award for· Phar·macy II : AJ Calder B A Putterill Prize: No Award Bancr·oft Medal for the Outstanding MSc in the Field of Mineral Exploration (Sponsored by Anglo-American) : No Award Basil Schonland Physics Prize: IA Wlight Beth Cumming Memorial Prize: BC Fitzpatlick Bill Branford Prize for Linguistics: RC Russouw Brian Peckham Memor·ial Prize: EH Holland Bronze Medal of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science (S2A3) : JOG Kemp BSG Best Information Systems Honours Research Pr·oject : CA Alexander, RB Godlonton, GG Nyamayi, TM Sunidge, M Tlou Ocean Tech Team: BSG Special Award for the Best IS Honours All Round Performance in Academic and Non-Academic Spheres: RB Godlonton Butterworth Book Prizes for Law: Penultimate Year: CJC McConnachie Final Year: PJM Abrahams Buiierworth Management Accounting III Prize: C Dorasamy Catherine Foxcroft and Gar)' Ter·ry Prize: AJ Duncan Centre of Excellence Prize fOl· the best Computer· Science Research Student: KR Glass, MP Thinyane D C S Oosthuizen Memorial Prize for Philosophy: SA Paphitis David Williams Memor·ial Prize for Mathematics III : R Biggs Deloitte & Touche Prizes for Postgraduate Diploma in Taxation: Best Research Essay: No Award Most Innovative Choice of Topic or Resear·ch Design: I Seedat Dr Adolph Schrauder Memorial Prize in Sociology: MB Phillips Dr Kur·t Gillis Prize for Psychology Masters: AS van der Merwe Dr Valentine Cuenod Memorial Prize fOl· French III: ODPM Lemercier Duerden Scholarship: I Venneulen DuncanlWhiteley Biochemistry Prize : LC Cooper E D Mountain Prize: AF Haidula, C Pienaar Ernest Wild Prizes Psychology II : L-A Bruce vi vii Psychology III : MG Horsman Ewer Prize in Zoology and Entomology: ST Ambrose F P Muirhead and M B Rosenberg Memorial Prize for Microbiology III: A Mendes Frank Rostron Bursary: AA Campher Fred Cooper Prize for Company Law: CJC McConnachie Gavin Stewart and John Pattem Prize: L Dada George M Gruber Physics IElIIE2 Prize: K Mafundikwa Gladys Blackbeard Scholarship: J-L Hulley Grahamstown Training College Bursaries - English: L-J Verhamme, LJ Wills - Music: YR Matibe Grant and Marjorie McKerron Scholarship (Law) : CJC McConnachie Heather Drummond Memorial Prize for Poet"y : DA Tyfield Helmut Weigert Memorial Prize for Mathematics I: Dr Barrett IBM Best Information Systems Honours Resea,'ch Project: C Jacobs IDI Technology Solutions P"izes Compute," Science Honours: JJ Millin Computer Science I : PDL Freer Investec Top MBA Student Award: Investec Best MBA Dissertation Award: Investec MBA Good Fellowship Award: J C van Hille Awa,'d in Zoology and Entomology: CA Coombes Janinne Franke Prizes Best Computer Science Honours Project: F Ponjou Tasse Computer Science II : MAA Knights Jardine Prize: CW Mathiassen Joe King Prize: MS Ahmed John and Audrey Foxcroft Beethoven Prize: J du Plessis John O'Meara Prize for Organisational Psychology III: HF Roth Johnson and Johnson Award for Chemistry I : K Mafundikwa, RJ Daniels Jonathan Marks Prize: AL Thompson JVL Rennie Prize: FH Morbi Judge Schock Prize: EH Holland Junior Captain Scoti Medal: Juta Prizes Law Prize: EH Holland Management Prizes Bachelor of Business Science IV: No Award Management Honours: MR Atkinson, T Shivji Management III : AC Kurzewski Postgraduate Diploma in Enterprise Management: CS Page Kevin Carlean Memorial Scholarship (Journalism) : KT McConnachie Kieron George Chambers Memorial Bursary: TC Munedzimwe Konrad Kulesza Awud: No award KPMG Award for Accounting Honours: LH Loubser KPMG/Len Verster Accounting II Prize: NA Moss Lannon Best Information Systems Honours Reseuch Essay Award: Leslie Kent Award for Geology: S Bax Lillian Britten Prize for Botany: SE Goss Louis Dubb Prize: NG Tennent viii Margaret Smith Bursary in Ichthyology and Fisheries Science: No award Matthew Jones Memorial Shield: JM Booth Mattie Shuttleworth Speech Prize: CA Fisher Mavis Hill Prize for Music: No Award Mel Field Award for the Best IS Tutor: Merck Prizes Biotechnology Honours: HE Johnson Chemistry III : CW Eley Microbiology Honours: B Moyo Michael Kapelus Memorial Prize for Pharmacy: K-L Barford Milner Memorial Essay Prize: No Award Best Biochemistry II Prize: CE Siddle Neville (Robbie) Robertson Scholarship: YM Chilimanzi Nederlandse Taalunie Bursary: T Bakkes, LL Coetzee, C Coetzee, E Fen'eira, SR Meintjes, R Prince, A Tarr Norman Harris Prize: E Carter Oxford University Press Prize for English Literature: EL Lombard Patrick Mynhardt Prize: TV Jacobs, AN Lech Pearce Rood Prizes (Law) - Legal Theory 1- RS Mwanandimai - Legal Theo,"y II - CM van Rensburg - Legal Theory III - NG Tennent - LLB 3 - CJC McConnachie Pricewaterhouse Coopers Prizes PDipAcc 01' BAcc IV - A Naik BCom or BAcc III - C Dorasamy Professional Provident Society Prizes Honours Research Essay Top Honours StudentPurvis Prize: LF Grant Rapportryers Bursa,'y: T WeIman R G McKerron Prize for Law of Delict: ST Harding R L Threlfell Memorial Prize: SSH Mohamed Rhodes University Chamber' Choir Music Award: No Award Rob Antonissen Memorial Award: JM Pistorius Robert B Lloyd Bursary: PM Cartwright Rodney Davenport History Scholarship: JK Clifford-Holmes Rowney Prize: E Sippel Royal Society of St George Prize: CA Boulle Rupert Onderwysstigting Prize for Music: No Award S A Breweries P"ize for Biochemist"y III : A Kenyon SAP Africa Prizes Computer Science III : B Cowie Best Progress in Computer Science: B Lusithi Sasol Prize foro Biochemist,"y : A Kenyon Schwarz Memorial Prize for Geology : JM Gaisford Shirley Ritchie Prize: MA Groenink Sigma Aldrich Award for Chemistry Honours: AC Conibear Sole Memorial Prize for History Masters: RG Marshall Spilkin Prize for Law: IS Cloete ix Spoor and Fisher Prize for Intellectual Property Law: ST Harding Steyn Maal"tens Memorial Prize for Afrikaans: A du Plessis Sydney Cruise Memorial Prize for Mathematics II : MJ Coombes South African Institute of Chartered Accountants: Southern Region Prizes: Advanced Accounting: A Naik Advanced Auditing: A Naik Taxation: A Naik Advanced Management Accounting: A Naik South African Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences Medal for Academic Excellence Pharmacy Year I: K Mafundikwa Pharmacy Year II: AJ Calder Pharmacy Year III: L Magnus Pharmacy Year IV: HD Jhundoo Terence Bear"d Prize for Politics: IS Cloete UPB Prizes Linguistics I : RE Steyn ~ H R Management: To be awarded Best Information Systems III Student: SSH Mohamed Viv de Klerk Prize for Linguistics II: GL Zipp VS Forbes Prize: SE Goss, SA Chiles VWSA Management Scholarship: CM Wilmot WD Terry Memorial Prize: NC Wilson William Barker Memorial Prize: Winifl"ed Maxwell Prizes History I : DC Knowles Most Progress in History I : AE O'Donoghue x THE PURPLE AND THE WHITE Surgit' 0 Rhodienses gloriae memores Voce magna cantate famamlaudantes. Vestrum reboent, splendorem montes Palmam vos feratis semper Rhode, colores nostros cole tu. Adfinem vitae durabit amor Desideriumque Rhodi. Rise, Rhodians in recognition of renown. Sing out loud in praise of high repute. Let the hills ring with your splendour. May you always win the highest honour. Rhodes, cherish our colours. To the end ofl(/e the desire and longing For Rhodes will endure. N itemur causae favere iustae. Scmpcrquc honores fovere tuos, Ludis pcrfrui, rectumque sequi PUl1'mrae candorique fidi. Rhode, colores 110StroS cole tu. Ad/illem vitae dura bit am or Desideriumque Rhodi. We must strive to favour the just cause, And always to cultivate your reputation, to relish spoli and follow the right path, To put faith in the PUlVle and white. Rhodes, cherish our colours. To the end ofl(/e the desire and longing For Rhodes will endure. GAUDEAMUS IGITUR Gaudeamus igitur,juvenes dum sumus; (Rep) Postjucundamjuventutem, post molestam senectutem, Nos habebit humus, nos habebit humus. Let us live then, and injoy While the bloom of youth we see After young days' pastime glad After old age drear and sad Underealih we'll be. Ubi sunt qui ante nos in mundo fuere? (Rep) Vadite ad superos, transite ad inferos, Ubijam fucre, ubi jam fuere. Where are they who years before Here on earth did dwell? Seck among the gods above, From those below go seek thereof Where they now do dwell. VivatAcademia, Vivant Professores, (Rep) Vi vat membrum quodlibet, vivant membra quaelibet, Semper sint in flore, semper sint in flore. Long live this University Long life 10 those who learning nourish! Long live each member great and small, Long life to Rhodians one and all Let them ever flourish! Vivat et respublica, et qui illam regit; (Rcp) Vivat nostra civitas, Maecenatum caritas, Quae nos hic protegit, quae nos hic protegit. Long livc our country also, Long life to those who guide it, Long live our town in strength and heal th Long live our patrons by whose wcal th We are here provided! ti::iuC2:JtO-? L~ t~RM~" RHODES UNIVERSITY 2009-GRADUATION CEREMONY 1820 SETTLERS NATIONAL MONUMENT FRIDAY 17 APRIL AT 10:30 CHANCELLOR G.J. GerweL B.A.(Hons), D.Litt. et Phil., LL.D. (Honoris causa) VICE-CHANCELLOR S.Badat, B.Soe.Sc.(Hons), Celi.H.E.Sc.&Tech.Policy, Ph.D .. D.Phil. (Honoris causa) ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Congregation is requested to stand while the Choir sings Vis Virtus Veritas and the Procession enters the Auditorium. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (ACADEMIC & STUDENT AFFAIRS) S.G. Mabizela, M.Sc., Ph.D. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT) P.G. Clayton, Ph.D., F.1.C.S., M.C.S.S.A., M.A.C.M. CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL The HOI1. Mr Justice R.J.W. Jones, B.A., LL.B. PRESIDENT OF CONVOCATION The Rev. T.S.N. Gqubule. Ph.D., D.O. (Honoris causa) , DEANS Professor F.T. Hendricks, B.A., M.Soc.Sc., Ph.D. Professor R.T.F. Bernard, Ph.D. Professor 1. Campbell, B.A., LL.B., LL.M. Professor G.1. Euvrard, M.A., H.D.E., REd., D.Litt. et Phil. Professor A.C.M. Webb. Ph.D. Professor R.R Walker B.Pharm., Ph.D., M.P.S. Dr V.A. de Klerk, M.A., H.E.D., Ph.D. Professor M.D. Vermaak, B.A.(l-Ions), Drs.Phil. Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Dean of the Faculty of Science Dean of the Faculty of Law Dcan of the Faculty of Education Dean of the Faculty of Commerce Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Dean of Students Dean: International Office REGISTRAR S. Fourie, B.Th., B.D., D.Th. VIS VIRTUS VERITAS Quae paris cives animo vigentes Africae praebens rationis aties Alma te mater canimus libenter Nos Rhodienses. You who produce citizens of vigorous intellect, as you offer to Africa the alis and skills which come from reason - we who are Rhodians gladly hymn you, our Alma MarC!: Veritas semper pretiosa nobis Praesit et pellat procul omne furtum Neu sinat quemquam male consulcntem Discere falsa. May truth be always precious and preside over us and may it drive far away all deceit, nor may it allow anyone with evil intent to learn what is false. Quicquid est foedum cohibcre, quicquid Integrae vitae proprium tueri Gaudeat Vilius studiosa pacis Visquc benigna. May virtue and courage, eager for peacc, together with well disposcd strength, rejoice to restrain whatever is disgusting and to uphold whatever belongs to the fullness oflife. Purpura eincti et memores parentum Cuique nitamur dare iustum honorem Neminique umquam lice! invidentes Astra petamus. Clad with purple and remembering our fathers, let us strive to render to everyone with honour which is due and without envying anyone let us aim for the stars. The Chancellor will constitute the Congregation. The Vice-Chancellor will welcome the Congregation. Dr Humphrey Zokufa will address the Congregation. The Deans of the Faculties will present the candidates for the award of Certificates; Diplomas and the Degrees of Bachelor; Bachelor with Honours; Master and Doctor of Philosophy. The Dean of Teaching and Learning will present Heila Betrie Sisitka for the award of the Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Medal. The congregation will stand and sing the National Anthem. The Chancellor will dissolve the Congregation. The Congregation is requested to stand while the Choir sings Gaudeamus Igitur and the Procession leaves the Auditorium. With the exception of the commencement and conclusion of the Ceremony and the singing of the National Anthem. members of the Congregation are requested to remain seated throughout the proceedings. FACULTY OF EDUCATION ADVANCED CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION (Environmental Education) GQAMANE~ Bongile Wandile JURGENS~ Eunice Sarah~ with distinction LYNERS~ Hadley-John MAGAJANA~ Bulelani Theophilus MAKHOHLISO~ Mntunaye Douglas MAQHANQA~ Nomfane1o Laricia MTSHIZANA~ Zukiswa HLALELENI~ NXALA~ Edeltrude Nomvuyo NXAZONKE-SIGABI, Zingisa Hester PAULOS, Sibusiso Bigboy PLANGA, Nomthandazo Pearl QINA~ Sphokazi Sophia RALA, Mninimzi VENA~ Lunga Solomon ADVANCED CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION (Mathematics Education) CAINE, Princess Nomaroma~ with distinction Nomfuneko Stella DWANGU, Nontshiya GAULEKAP A~ Faith Nomava GEBUZA, Nobabalo JORDAN~ Tozama Nomagqibelo KLASI~ Nolitha Letticia LANGENI, Noluthando Gloria MANGWE, Buyisile MATIWANE, Khayalethu Macdonald MAYEKISO~ Abegail Khayakazi MBONGO~ Xolani MDLELENI~ Nontuthuzelo MILlS I, Bomkazi MKO~ Phumza MPOTULO, Nomnikelo MTSI, Lizeka Valerie, with distinction NAZO~ Pumla NDOKWANA, Bulelani NJOMI~ Primrose NJOZA, Nonceba Patricia NKANGANE, Hombazana NKONDILE~ Gertrude Nomnikelo PATO, Isabella Nontobeko SAPEP A, Phikiwe SOBEKWA~ Lulama Cynthia DANISO~ ADVANCED CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION (English Language Teaching) BESMAN~ Shirley Bruce Simphiwe COKO~ Zukiswa DAVEY~ Martha Magdalena GCILISHE~ Tantaswa Brenda GODUKA~ Sindiswa Leonora KEPE, Mzukisi Howard KHALA, Noluvuyo MAGADLA, Sizeka MALI, Phumzile Pringle MANGE, Thembisile MANYATHI, Vuyiswa Patricia MAPUKATA, Nwabisa Felicity MARALA, Thandiwe Xoliswa Pearl MATAKANE, Euphimia Nobuzwe MATODLANA, Mncedisi Wellington MEMANI, Zithulele Elliot MINI, Goodman MKIVA~ Nompumelelo NEL, Charmaine Amanda NKOBO, Stella BUSHULA~ 2 3 TAMBODALA, Zane1e Cynthia TOBEKO, Ntombentsha Virginia XALABILE, Mpiyakhe Sydney XINTI, Sizeka ADVANCED CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION (TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION) GATYA, Thenjiwe Julia LETUKA, Ntombosindiso MATOLA, Nontsikelelo MDABULA, Nancy Nonyameko MNUKWA, Vuyani MOLOI, Maureen Puleng MVAMBO, Malibongwe MVUNYISWA-MPAKATI, Nikiwe NANTO, Nandipha NDUMNDUM, Lulamile Try NGCEBETSHA, Nolundi Nancy NKALANE, Manko Lucy NTLOKWANA, Nomasabatha Eucenia SITHOLE, Nonkwekwezi Fortunate STUNGULA, Mirriam Noziphiwo TWANTW A, Nomathamsanqa Euponia YEKANI, Nomawushe Margaret ADVANCED CERTIFICATE IN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION KRETZMANN, Hana Elize Caroline, with distinction PEU, Johannes FACULTY OF PHARMACY DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF PHARMACY ABDUL RAHIMAN, Muhammad Nisaar Ibrahim AULEEAR, Shabneez Banu 4 BAKSH, Mohammed Amin BARFORD, Kirsty-Lee, with distinction BEEHARRY, Nuzhat Begum Naim BHATT, Megha Vinayak CHANDlKA, Lerina CHETTY, Tamara CHIRUME, Comfort Simbarashe CILLIERS, Derek Wessel DESAI, Shaheena Ismail DHLAMINI, Tapiwa Anold DO CABECO, Chante1 Cristovoa DOSHI, Sameer Madhusudan DUBE, Masimba FAUZEE, Ayeshah Fateemah Beebee GANIWALLA, Shaheed Imtiaz, with distinction GORlMANI, Muyengwa Tinashe Alwn GORONGA, Tendai Paidamoyo GO VENDER, Nareesha GUNGAH, Yashil GURUWO, Batsirayi GWATA, Netsai Joyce HINZE, Kimberly Eleanor JHUNDOO, Henusha Devi, with distinction JOKHOO, Javed Actar mGATHPAL, Vishen KARA, Dimple Pravinkumar KHUDU, Gontse Laone LAMB AT, YousufKhalid LUYT, Catherine Diane MABUZA, Nomvula Mapule MAINA, Nicole Wamaitha MANGWARARA, Tendayi Ruth MANYAU, Maude Chido Pinky MAPENDA, Runyararo MAPIPA, Sobabini Mafungwashe MASAKA, Tinashe Blessing MASTER, Miqdad Ghulamabbas, with distinction 5 MATIKI, Nyasha MCSHANE, Carmen Evadne MOODLEY, Megandrie, with distinction MOOSAJEE, Arwa Shabbir MOTS I, Ray Tinodaishe MOYO, Thabani MTSHABE, Qaqamba Linda MUBVAKURE, Lawrence MUDZAMI, Clara Rachel MUGARI, Rumbidzai Edith MUPFUMIRA, Rudo , MVERE, Imi Anesu NAICKER, Keshnee NAIDOO, Shivani NCUBE, Mthabisi Arnold NDLOVU, Busisiwe Denise NGHIFINDAKA, Emma NGONDO, Sharon Tendai NGULU, Tonata Shambekela NTINI, Lorraine NYAMASVE, Brian Tatenda PILLAY, Nadia Ramona RUMUMA, Netsai Shaleen SHAIK, Salma SIAW, Richard Kwabena SIBANDA, Cynthia Sannelle SIBANDA, Thandolwethu Jane SITHOLE, Gondayi Terence SKEEF, Geron Duncan SULEMAN, Nadeem Ismail TAYUB, Mohamed Ronax Sattar THARMAHOMED, Shaakira THOROGOOD, Clinton Thome TOURABALY, Shamia Zeenat ZIMBA, Thembinkosi Pavel 6 FACULTY OF EDUCATION DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (IN-SERVICE) BLAVI, Nonkululeko Ethel DAMA, Nonkonzo Xobiso DUNJWA, Andisa Cedric DYANTYI, Nozodwa Patience MAFUYA, Khathazile Catherine MTOLO, Vuyokazi Clemence NDUM-NDUM, Tembelani NGQELENI, Nomfusi Letticia SANQELA, Nocawe Priscilla SIQWEPU, Nombeko SITOLE, Bukelwa SULELO, Boniswa Amelia VAN DE VYVER, Margaretha, with distinction FACULTY OF LAW DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LAWS ABRAHAMS, Philip John Murray, with distinction ALLEN, Melanie Victoria BARNARD,Johan BECKER, Kate Margaret BREIER, Daniel Robert, with distinction BRERETON, David James CAGNETTA, Stefania Anna-Marie CHAZA, Shingirirai Tshiamo CHIZHYUKA, Mpande Mukamakuzu CHRISTIE, Melanie Tatika CULLEN, John Simon DZAKWA, Xoliswa GRAVETT, Claudia HAKEN, Sarah HARDING, Stonn Thyra, with distinction HEIDEMAN, Vicky Joanna, with distinction HILLIER, Jaylynne Hayley 7 HOLLAND, Emma Huntsman, with distinction HUNGWE, Tafadzwa Charles JANI, Pride JEFFERSON, Monique Bridget JUDD, Megan Louise KACHAMBWA, Keith Mafadzo KAKA, Sabeeha KASERE, Geraldine Nyasha KOGA, Nomatter Amanda LEWIS, Candice Beth MAHLANGU, Jabulile Fortunate , MAHOMED, Khalifa Soraiya MARABINI, Michael Giulio MATOMBO, Sharon Chenai MCCANN, Tamryn Samantha MCDOUGALL, Timothy Patrick, with distinction MDEE, Aziza Khauhelo Mwanahawa MOGAJANE, Brenchley Kgosiegorogile MOODLEY, Sesha Melissa MUKOZHO, Mawande Vuyolwethu MUNGWASHU, Sthembiso Handinawangu NLEYA, Pheello Sesame OKAI-TETTEY, Barbara Dede Ama PEPPER, Kyle RAMDEYAL, Deuhita SAKUTUKWA, Chioneso SAMBO, Julian SCHRAMM, Anja SCHULTZ, Karen Jade SCHULZ, Allan Charles SMITH, Roxann SOONIKE, Linda Lorraine Genevieve THACKWELL, Robert Colin TIMMER, Megan Jane TSHABALALA, Kutloano VAN DER BEND, Linda-Louise YOUNG, Robert Clive 8 ZINDOGA, Walter Tanyaradzwa FACULTY OF EDUCATION POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION NGAUJAKE, Vaja POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION (Intenllediate Phase) BANDLOW, Kay Penelope DEACON, Katherine Amle, with distinction DEAN, Tara-Lyn, with distinction DJAN, Daniella Afia Serwah DUMMER, Robyn Lindsay, with distinction GREENER, Caitlin Ann HERSCOVITZ, Sebastian Samuel HIBBERT, Megan LLOYD, Louise MOTALA, Muhalmned Sadiq NCUBE, Wayne Tendai Mambo NGQINA, Sakhumzi Stephen SKWEYIYA, Nomathamsanqa Ethel SPENCE, Andrea Louise STURGEON, Natalie Katherine, with distinction TO UZEL, Sandra Elizabeth VON HASSELN, Nicole WELSH, Fallon Alice POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION (Further Education and Training, and Senior Phase) AUGUST, Shelley AZIAKPONO, Philomina BALDWIN, Rosalind Leonie, with distinction BANNATYNE, Victoria Gayle BARNARD, Gaynor, with distinction 9 BARRELL, Abigail Joanna, with distinction BLATCH, Stephen Hewitt BOTHA,Jana BRINKMANN, Samantha Jean BROCCO, Ricardo Giovanni CHEESMAN, Shay Cally CHIMEDU, Muteuro CLORAN, David Phillip CONRADIE, Werner EFFIONG-ADESINA, Uduak Elizabeth ENSLIN, Melissa . FALUYI, Olusegun Oluwole FERREIRA, Leanne Jayne GREENBERG, Meghan Nicole HAMMOND, Cindy-Lee HANTON, Sarah May, with distinction HARMAN, Laura Elizabeth JAMES, Ashleigh JARVIS, Leigh Sarah JONES, Vernon Angus LANCASTER, Rupert Giles Swinburne LE ROUX, Keri, with distinction MAKINGS, Julie Clare, with distinction MCKERSIE, Ceileigh Elise MLILO, Ntando RENTON, Wesley Gordon RETIEF, Liza-Mari RICE, Nolene ROSELT, Eleanor Donna SCHALKER, Paul, with distinction SEYMOUR, Sarah Jane Massingham SHARIFF, Reshma SIGA, Thenjiwe SIWELA, Yvonne Fikile SLIGCHER, Adriaen Hannen Austin SNYDERS, Frans Johannes SPENGLER, Jonathan Robert 10 TAYLOR, Amy Moana, with distinction THOMAS, Ian Maitland VAN SCHALKWYK, Paul Frederick POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HIGHER EDUCATION BEZUIDENHOUT, Lyndrianne Peta DE VOS, Mark Andrew, with distinction JERE, Albertina Kaimbo MATTISON, Miriam Christina MSINDO, Enocent , with distinction PAMPHILON, Simon Dominic SNOWBALL, Jeanette Dalziel, with distinction ZSCHERNACK, Swantje DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION WITH HONOURS AKUMBI, Jeremia AMUNIME, Heinrich AUSIKU, Lahja Ndatila AUW A, M:atheus DENUGA, Hildred Malilo DILLU, Johanna Mwayolomhiva FLORIAN, Engombe HAIHAMBO, Victoria Ndapunikwa HAMBATA, Jesaya Shihepo HANEMAAIJER, Febby Chibuye HANGULA, Rachel Ndevapewa M weulunda HASHEELA, Tuyeimo HEITA, Saltiel HOMATENI, Ndafuda Liina IIPINGE, Walter ISHIPOSHA, Kristiana JOBA, Shadrick Siyumbwa KABENDE, Josephine Muzuki KAFITA, Abraham KAKUV A, Kavand 11 KAMUPINGENE, Laurencia Tjenuu KARUAIHE, Victoria KASHIKATU, Lukas KASHUW A, Chuma Agnes KASUTO, Else KAURORA, Helga LISHO, Imelda Manga MAMILI, Simataa MATAKALA, Molly Kahundu MAVENJONO, Israel Mapuruakani MBIDHI, Simeon , MULENAMASWE, Stadams Kasokonya -MUNGONGI, Elina Kasiku MUTABELEZI, Petuho Wernick MWIYA, Chris Kamwi NANGOLO, Filemon NDJALO, Elifas Nghifikepunye NGHIKEMBUA, Anneli Ndapanda NUUYOMA, Esther NYAMBE, Alfred Masule PAULUS, Maria Ndinelago Nuusiku SHAAKUMENI, Simson Ndadaleka SHEEHAMANDJE, Dalia Nefundja SHIKALEPO, Tuthigilwa Petrus SHIKONGO, Gottlieb Nuunyango SHIKUKUTU, Faustinus SHIVOLO, Praksedis Nyanyukweni SHOOP ALA, Hendrina Ndilimeke SHOOVALEKA, Eveline Mwadina SIMATAA, Steven Mutemwa WILHELM, Matheus Naiteta ZOKKA, Thomas Kayele 12 DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATION ANGULA, Alina Hambelela, B.Ed. (Hons) (Rhodes), in General Education Theory and Practice, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The implementation of project work by selected Grade 10 Life Science teachers in Namibia. AUSIKU, Charity Makwiliro, B.Ed. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Mathematics Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An investigation into the persistence of traditional teaching methods in Grade 9 mathematics classrooms in Rundu: A case study. AVIA, Ndiyakupi, B.Ed. (Hons) (Rhodes), in General Education Theory and Practice, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Grad~ 10 Life Science teachers' understanding and development of critical thinking skills in selected schools in Namibia. CHOMBO, Stanley Chombo, B.Ed. (Hons) (Rhodes), in General Education Theory and Practice, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Investigating teachers' perceptions about the value and implementation of arts at the low..er primary phase: A case study in selected schools in Namibia. CIMI, Phumlani Viwe, H.D.E, B.Sc. (Hons) (FOli Hare), in Science Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An investigation of perceptions and conceptions of Grade 7 learners on the use of wild food plants (imifino): A case study. or DAVIES, Sian May, B.Tech. (P.E. Tech), in Environmental Education, with distinction, in the Department of Education. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Exploring the potential of a stratified ontology for developing environmental education materials in community-based coastal marine envirollllental education processes. 13 A case study of Grade 10 English Language educators teaching visual literacy. DU TOIT, Peter Andrew, B.A. (Hons) (UPE), in General Education Theory and Practice, with distinction, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: A case study: Exploring students' experiences of a participative assessment approach on a professionally-orientated postgraduate programme. LUWANGO, Luiya, B.Ed. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Mathematics Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Critical reflective teaching practice in three mathematics teachers. GUMEDE, Sibusisiwe Marie-Louise, B.Sc. (Botswana) in Environmental Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Environmental Education policy support in southern Africa: A case study of SADC REEP. MAGAMBO, Joseph, Licencie en Lettres (National University of Rwanda), in English Language Teaching, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Investigating perceptions of students' language needs at a Rwandan institute of higher leanling. , HAINGURA, Rudolph, H.E.Dip. (Namibia), B.Ed. (Hons) (Rhodes), "in Environmental Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Enhancing learner centred education through the Eco-Schools framework: Case studies of Eco-Schools practice in South Africa and Namibia. MALUNGUZA, Julius, B.Ed. (Hons) (Wits), in Science Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An investigation of the challenges facing Grade 10 science learners in making sense of mechanics problems: A case study. HAUFIKU, Amon, B.Ed. (Namibia), in Mathematics Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An investigation of lower primary teachers' content knowledge of mathematics in Ohangwena region of Namibia. MAMBINJA, Sindiswa, B.Ed. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Environmental Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Schoolgrounds as a place for environmental learning. ILUKENA, Alex Mbonabi, B.Ed. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Mathematics Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: A needs analysis for the implementation of a complementary qualification in mathematics education for teachers of mathematics in Namibia: A case study. KALAKE, Matistso Lomile, B.Sc. (Lesotho), in Infonnation Communication Tec1mology Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Enabling and constraining factors in the implementation of ICT: A case study of three secondary schools in Lesotho. LEASK-SMITH, Lyn Ann, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in English Language Teaching, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: A picture's worth a thousand words: 14 MATEYA, Muhongo, B.Ed. (Potch), ACE (Rhodes), in Mathematics Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Using the Van Hie1e theory to analyze geometrical conceptualisation in grade 12 students: A Namibian perspective. ':' MAZINGISA, Bongani Eric, B.Ed. (Hons) (Pretoria), in Environmental Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: How can school gardens be used for teaching environmental activities in the Technology learning area at Senior phase? MBANE, Nombeko Precious, B.Ed. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Infomlation Communication Technology Education, in the Department of 15 Education. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Secondary school learners' perceptions of the value of integrating ICT into the curriculum: An exploratory study in the Grahamstown Circuit. MOOSE, John, Secondary Teachers Dip. (Zambia), B.Ed. (TUT), in Environmental Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Recontextualising issues in the "NISTCOL" environmental education curriculum module for Primary Diploma by Distance Learning in Zambia. I MUTUKU, Elizabeth, B.Sc., PGDE (Namibia), in Mathematics Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework , .and thesis. Thesis: Understanding the differences in marking performances of JSC Mathematics markers in Namibia: A case study. SINVULA, Leonard Masene, in Education Leadership and Management, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The role of leadership in a successful rural secondary school in Namibia: A case study. NESHUKU, Christian Nangolo, B.Ed. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Mathematics Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An exploration of problems experienced in the interpretation of word problems by grade 12 learners. SNOW, Janet Patricia, Dip.Cur.Anim. (Pretoria), in Environmental Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: InfOlmation and communication technology driven teaching and learning opportunities in suppOli of environmental education processes. NGHlUEUELEKUAH, Soini Tuhafeni, B.Ed. (Hons) (Rhodes), in General Education Theory and Practice, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Continuous assessment in Oshikwanyama: A case study. 16 SHEKUPAKELA-NELULU, Rauna Nelao, B.Ed. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Educational Leadership and Management, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An investigation into the role of student participation in school governance: A Namibian perspective. SHONHAI, Venencia Fortunate, B.A. (Hons) (UNISA), in Environmental Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Social learning processes of HIV/ AIDS women caregivers on their use of traditional foods and medicinal plants: A case study of Raphael Centre and Keiskamma Art and Health Centre communities of practice, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. MUYEGHU, Augustinus, H.E.Dip. (VISTA), B.Ed. (Hons) (UNISA), in Mathematics Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The use of the Van Hie1e theory in investigating teachings strategies used by grade 10 geometry teachers in Namibia. PIEPMEYER, Gernot Maximilian, B.Sc., H.D.Ed. (NMMU), in Education Leadership and Management, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Organizational culture and innovation: The case of the Namibian National Institute for Educational Development. RASI, Ethe1win Nandi, B.Ed. (Rhodes), in Environmental Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Contextualizing the NCS through the use of school gardens in the Butterworth area. I TALJAARD, Sandra, B.Sc. (Pretoria), in Environmental Education, with distinction, in the Depaliment of Education. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An investigation into the development of environmental education as a field of practice in South African national parks. TUNDZI, Kenneth Simphiwe Viyisa, B.Ed. (Hons) (UNISA) in Environmental Education, in the Department of Education. Degree 17 by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Use of the school garden for grade 7 biodiversity activities in the Natural Sciences learning area. A case study of Mount Zion junior secondary school. FACULTY OF PHARMACY DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE (PHARMACY) MOGATLE, Seloi, M.Pharm. (Hons) (Robert Gordon University), in Phannaceutics, in the Faculty ofPhamlacy. Degree by thesis. Thesis: African traditional medicines - antiretroviral drug interactions: The effect of african potato (Hypoxis hemerocallidea) on the pharmacokinetics of Efavirenz in Humans. SUNKEL, Vanessa Ann, B.Sc. (Rhodes), in Pharnlaceutical Chemistry, in the Faculty of Pharmacy. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The investigation of novel marine microorganisms for the production of biologically active metabolites. DEGREE OF IvIASTER OF PHARMACY RAMELA, Thato, B.Phann. (Rhodes), in Pharmacy, in the Faculty of Pharmacy. Degree by thesis. Thesis: AIl illustrated infonnation leaflet for low-literate HIV/AIDS patients on antiretrovial therapy: Design, development and evaluation. FACULTY OF LAW DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS DUBE, Memory, LL.B. (Fort Hare). Degree by thesis. Thesis: Liberalisation and regulation of trade in the Southern African Development Community (SADC): A ctritical analysis of the SADe Trade Protocol's provisions and its implementation. GEWALD, Rieka Susan, B.A., LL.B. (Rhodes). Degree by thesis. Thesis: The possibility of psychotherapeutic privilege in South Africa. 18 "--- MOUTZOURIS, Maria, B.A., LL.B. (Rhodes). Degree by thesis. Thesis: Sending and receiving: Immunity sought by diplomats committing criminal offences. OOSTHUIZEN, Beverley-Claire, B.A., LL.B. (Rhodes). Degree by thesis. Thesis: Rights, duties and remedies under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. An investigation into the CISG's compatibility with South African law. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY KRUGER, Rosaan, B.A. (Hons), LL.B. (Potch), PGDHE (Rhodes). Degree by thesis. Thesis: Racism and law: Implementing the right to equality in selected South African equality courts. Supervisor: Professor JR Midgley. WOKER, Tanya AIm, B.A, LL.B., LL.M. (Natal). Degree by thesis. Thesis: Regulating franchise operations in South Africa: A study of the existing legal framework with proposals for reform. Supervisor: Professor GB Glover. FACULTY OF PHARMACY DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY OLTMANN, Camlen, M.Sc., B.Pharm. (Rhodes), in Pharmacy Administration and Practice, in the Faculty of Pharmacy. Degree by thesis. Thesis: A critical realist account of a mentoring programme in the Faculty of Pharmacy at Rhodes University. Supervisor: Professor CM Boughey. Co-supervisor: Professor WT Futter. TETTEY-AMLALO, Ralph Nii Okai, B.Pharm., M.Sc. (Pharmacy) (Rhodes), in Phannaceutics, in the Faculty ofPhannacy. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Application of dermal micro dialysis and tape stripping methods to detenlline the bioavailabilitylbioequivalence of topical keto pro fen fonl1Ulations. Supervisor: Professor I Kanfer. 19 FACULTY OF EDUCATION DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ATEBE, Humphrey Uyouyo, B.Sc.Ed., M.Ed. (Lagos), in Mathematics Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Students' van Hiele levels of geometric thought and conception in plane geometry: A collective case study of Nigeria and South Africa. Supervisor: Professor M Schafer. TOGO, Muchaiteyi, M.A. (Zimbabwe), in Environmental Education, in the Department of Education. Degree by thesis. Thesis: A systems approach to mainstreaming environment and sustainability in universities: The case of Rhodes University, South Africa. Supervisor: Professor H Lotz-Sisitka. MITCHELL, Leslie Roy, B.Sc. (Manchester), M.Ed. (Malawi), in Education, in the Centre for Higher Education Research Teaching and Learning. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Discourse and the oppression of non-human animals: A critical realist account. Supervisor: Professor CM Boughey. NY AMBE, Kamwi John, B.A., H.E.D. (Namibia), M.Ed. (Alberta), in Education, in the Depariment of Education. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Teacher educators' interpretation and practice of learnercentred pedagogy: A case study. Supervisor: Professor PD Wilmot. Co-supervisor: Dr CO Smith. SHAVA, Soul, B.Sc. (Hons) (Zimbabwe), M.Ed. (Rhodes) in Environmental Education, in the Depariment of Education. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Indigenous knowledges: A genealogy of representations and applications in developing contexts of environmental education sand development in southern Africa. Supervisor: Professor R O'Donoghue. Co-supervisor: Professor H Lotz-Sisitka. THOMSON, Carol Irene, B.A. (Natal), B.A. (Hons) (UNISA), M.A. (Natal), in Education, in the Centre for Higher Education Research Teaching and Learning. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Changing words and worlds? A phenomenological study of the acquisition of an academic literacy. Supervisor: Professor CM Boughey. Co-supervisor: Professor H van der Mescht. 20 21 VICE-CHANCELLOR'S AWARDS Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Senior Research Medal Peter Vale Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Senior Teaching Medal Russell Harold Kaschula Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Medal Heila Betrie Sisitka Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Award for Community Engagement Vice-Chancellor's Book Award Daniel Alban Wylie ACADEMIC HONOURS ABEL, Sarah Ruth ABRAHAMS, Philip John Murray BIGGS, Rory BRICKHILL, Limn Timothy BREIER, Daniel Robert CHILES, Sarah Anne CLOETE, Ingrid Susan COATES, Megan Patricia CONIBEAR, Anne Claire COOKE, Kayleen Jeanne COWIE, Bradley DORASAMY, Chloe DU PREEZ, Elizabeth Inge ELEY, Clive William GOODRICK, Glen GROGAN, Patrick Meredith HALL, Leila Marie Elisabeth Helen HARDING, Stonn Thyra HARRY, Cairen HOLLAND, Emma Huntsman HORSMAN, Mark Glen HYDE, Andrew Nicholas JAPP, Kevin Simon JOHNSON, Eleanore KENYON,Amy KLEYNHANS, Danielle Merlyn LOMBARD, Erica Louise MBAO, Wamuwi MCQUAID, Christopher Finn MILLIN, Jonathan James MOHAMED, Sarah Shirazali Hassam MORBI, Fatema Hooneid MULLER, Andrea NOMOYI, Siyabulela NOTTINGHAM, Alastair Timothy PONJOU TASSE, Flora SANDBERG, Dale Mary SIEBORGER, Ian STYLIANOU, Christina Kleanthous TRISTRAM, Waide Barrington TYFIELD, David Anthony WILSENACH, Rouan Moorcroft WRIGHT, Imogen Abigail ACADEMIC COLOURS ADAMI, Kelly Anne JHUNDOO, Henusha Devi ALEXANDER, Christie Anne JOHNSON, Hailey Elizabeth ANDREWS, Anthony Leonardo KARRIM, Qudsiya Sydney KWATSHA, Lindiwe Mapule APPEL, Misty LANDERS, Samantha Mle ATKINSON, Miranda Ruth LEE, Brendon BAILLIE, Vicky Lynne MARSH, Melissa Joanne BARFORD, Kirsty-Lee MASTER, Miqdad Ghulamabbas BODILL, Samantha MCDOUGALL, Timothy Patrick BOSWORTH-SMITH, Sadie MCGREGOR, Emily Skye Elizabeth MCLEA, Harriet Katharine BROCK, Robert Nicholas Thandiwe BROMLEY, Candice Leigh MELLY, Brigitte Leigh CLIFFORD-HOLMES, Jai Kumar MENEZIES, Jade Michele CLUVER, Frances Rose Mannix MKHABELA, Hlawulani COCKBURN, Ingrid Louise Noluthando COLLETT, Gary Reece MOOD LEY, Megandrie COLLETT, Jenna Lara MOYO, Buhle COOPER, Leanne Claire MURRAY, Pamela Elizabeth COX, Robyn Jane PARKIN, Melissa Madeleine CROMHOUT, Mary Elizabeth PATCHA Y, Sharisaan CRYMBLE, Leigh PETROV, Pavel DANIEL, Dustan William PIENAAR, Charl DEALL, Michael John REID, Luke Jabulani DELPORT, Lindi Lou RICHARDSON, Alexandra Vanessa EHRLICH, Philippa Louise RICHTER, Teri FAULKNER, Katelyn Terri SAHD, Curtis Lee FORBES, Ross William SCHEEPERS, Sharlane Tanith FOSS, Jeremy John SCI-HER, Thorsten Ewald FOX, Peta Ann SCISCIO, Lara FOXCROFT, Terence Robert SHAPIRO, Stacey-Leigh FURMAN, Katherine Elizabeth SHIVJI, Taizeen GANIWALLA, Shaheed Imtiaz SIMAK, Geraldine Josephine GODLONTON, Ross Brian SPRING, Joseph Stephen GOSS, Sheldon Edward STARKEY, Randall Ashley GOUWS, Nicole Lyn STEVENS, David Paul GREYLING, Elizabeth Sophia STOPFORTH, Penny GRIMMER, Ashley STYLIANOU, Michelle Alexandra HEIDEMAN, Vicky Joanna SUTHERLAND, Graeme Wakfer HERRIDGE, Kristy Lynn TENG, James Wei Jie JACOBS, Carmen TENNENT, Nicola Gail JACOBSOHN, Jade Leigh THOMPSON, Alice Lynne ii WEYER, Dylan James WEYL, Philip Sebastian Richard WINN, Michael TURK, Brendan KelT VERMEULEN, Ilke WARD, Catherine Dale WELLS, Bridget Leigh ACADEMIC HALF COLOURS AGUSTONI, Lorenzo Angelo BARRETT, Dennis Ian BASSON, Wade BEHRENS, Michelle Christine BOOTH, Jenny Marie BO ULLE, Catherine Ann BRODERICK, Lucy Mea BULL, Katherine Anne CALDER, Amanda Jane CARTER, Emmylou CARTWRIGHT, Peter Mark CLARKE, Caryn Lee CONNOR, Ashleigh Louise COOMBES, Candice Anne COOMBES, Matthew John CRYMBLE, Gregory Arnold CRYMBLE, Tegan DANIELS, Ryan Joseph F AKEE, Jameel FORTEATH, Shaun FREER, Patrick David Leacroft GARSON, Christie Nicole GARUS-OAS, Appoloritha Penlope GENNRICH, Jessica Nezar GIBBS, Sarah-Anne GILLI, Martina GREEN, Amy Sarah GRUNDLING, Megan HADDON, Christine Mikaella HAIDULA, Alina Fimaneka HEINE, Shannon Jane HO, Lance St John HODKIN, Claire Lindsay HOHLS, Samantha Lee HULLEY, Judy-Leigh INGLE, Gail Ella IRVINE, Philippa Margaret JACOB, Blessing JOLLANDS, Jessica Kathleen JOSEPH, Nadine KIMUNGU, Latifa Hakim KNIGHTS, Michelle Aileen Anne KURZEWSKI, Anne Claire LEE, Deva LEIMAN, Layla Diana LLOYD-JONES, Glyn Francis Michael LOTTER, Jaclyn Oehley LUTCHMUN, Thashveen LUYT, Catherine Diane MAGNUS, Laura MATHIAS SEN, Caitlin Wedege MATIZA, Patrick MATTISON, Timothy Paul MA WENI, Rutendo Muchapedzei MCCONNACHIE, Christopher John Charles MCCONNACHIE, Kathryn Therese MENDES, Adriano MIDZI, Linda Zvikomborero MOELLER, Katrin Verena MORFORD, Cristie Olivia MORGAN, Casey Lloyd MOSS, Nicholas Andrew MTHOKO, Hafeni Tulimewawa Wilhelmina Lyatenda MUDZAMI, Yvonne Tendai MUSUWO, Leonard Shingai MWANANDIMAI, Rudo Stefanie MWANSA, Mumamba Chitumwa NAKAZWE, Kapembwa NOWERS, Lynn Colleen iii O'GRADY, Cathleen Jeanneiie O'HAGAN, Kyle Leonard ORPEN, Judith Kathleen Lisle PARKINSON, Matthew Cameron PERCY, Luke PHILLIPS, Michael Brent PICKERING, Joanna Kingwill PISTORIUS, Juliana Mmyna PURDON, Carly RICHARDSON, Amy Elizabeth ROGERS, Richard Warner ROSS, Kerryn ROTH, Heather Frances RUSSOUW, Rosaline Cheryl SACHIKONYE, Tsitsi Shamiso Anne SELKIRK, Catherine Elizabeth SENEKAL, Monique L'Oreal SIDDLE, Christine Elaine SIMLEIT, Carla Leigh SMEDLEY, David Alan SMIT, Tamryn Dale SMITH, Jade SMITH, Tracey Leigh STACK, Lee Christopher STAPLES, Jessica Ruth STERRENBERG, Jason Neville STEYN, Ruth Elizabeth STUART-CLARK, Lucy Bena TAYLOR, Jessica Mary THOMPSON, Aimee TOMAN, Michael Peter TOMBE, Sekai Lana TRISTRAM, Uvedale Roy TYAMZASHE, Vusani UNSWORTH, Shannon Jade VALE, Elizabeth Nosizwe VAN RENSBURG, Caitlin Margot V AN WYK, John Robert WALES, Nora-Lee WALSH, Kim WILLIAMSON, Frances Catherine WOOLLGAR, Clayton Kurt ZIMBA, Catherine ZIPP, Gisela Lesley AWARDS OF SCHOLARSHIPS, BURSARIES AND PRIZES Abe Bailey Travel Scholarship : N Makhubu Alfred Beit Scholarships: PDL Freer, Dr Barrett, CW Mathiassen, RJ Daniels, T Lutchman Allan Gray Senior Scholarship - Honours: TL Alexander, N Madyini, T Mashabane Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships - Honours: A Bofilatos, CA Boulle, SA Chiles, L Chivese, R Dhilwayo, L Gmeiner, LME Hall, E Johnson, SK Kabangu, R Koeberg, D Lee, N Mashele, SSH Mohamed, NL Msimanga, L Mthembu, W Muswera, T Poulos, NS Pswarayi, CL Schultz, C Sibana, A Thompson, FM Tohlang, MT Wambui, LM Watson, CM Wilmot Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships - Masters: J Alexander, B Arnlstrong, T A Beckerling, KL Barford, J Barnard, FRM Cliiver, JL Collett, AC Conibear, L Crymble, A De Coning, HV De Klerk, TM Dewhurst, N Elliott, AF Gibson, JA Grobbelaar, IZ Gundhla, AE Hobson, NI Hoffinann, SP Howell, J Jacobsohn, HD Jhundoo, HE Johnson, SMJ Jones, LE Koskenkangas, J Majakwara, D Makaza, DSC Malamis, TM Mangwengwende, TWE Marais, CL Marshall, TG Matumba, T Mazorodze, W Mbao, HN Mkhabela, B Moyo, M Mumba, M MWlsaka, M Nyathi, T Nxasana, SA Paphitis, AMM Phiri, F Ponjou Tasse, L Sciscio, I Vernleulen, JAV Walters Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships -Doctoral: AF Afolayan, LP Aipinge, EL Allall, L Allan, OOS Arojjo, ATF Bernard, FA Chaibva, WJU Chidawanyika, YK Gandu, KC Idahosa, IV B Jari, MA Jimoh, B Magure, M Mutorwa, AG Nindi, D Ocwich, AI Okewole, 00 Oladeinde, FJ Otten, C Pade, A Padmanabhanunni, BW Price, JR Short, EL Steenkamp, M Tukulula, CRD Van Der Mescht, K Wa Kasongo Andr'ew Mellon Foundation Humanities Doctoral Postgraduate Scholarships: LJ Corkin, L Gumboreshumba, LA Kelland, B Magoqwana, K Mapana, MT Mavura, A Moyo, T Murisa, R Pithouse, A Sarimana, M Williams Atlantic Philanthr'opies Scholarships: AR Childs, AC Muller, N S Ngcamu, M Oelofsen, T Seobi, BM Zuma A Trevor Williams Scholarship: No award Best Chemistry II Prize: MJ Coombes B,eti:y Shuttleworth Scholarship: CE Hodgson BDO Spencer Steward Prize: C Laufs Charles Bryars Scholarship: JM Pistorius, J du Plessis, PM Cartwright, Z Mkwanazi Conrad Dylan Cambray Scholarship: SL Tombe David Adolph Bradlow Scholarship for Humanities: EL Lombard Dean of Students Leadership Award: RJ Bamett, L Crymble, MR Freeman, PM Jakubek, T Mlambo, FH Morbi, MRS Tayub Desmond Goddard Bursary: To be awarded Douglas Rivett Bursary: CW Eley Dr Kendall Scholarships: SA Chiles, B Cowie, EI Du Preez, CW Eley, PM Grogan, LME Hall, MG Horsman, A Kenyon, SSH Mohamed, RM Wilsenach Dr Maryam Babingida Scholarship: NC Wilson Dutch Language Union Bursary : Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship for South African History: S Kerseboom, K van Zyl Ernst & Youug Award for' the best Information Systems II (Accounting - Professional) Student: NA Moss Guy Butler Research Award: To be awarded Henderson Postgraduate Scholarships - Masters : SR Abel, ST Ambrose, JMH Barry, CL Bromley, MP Coates, K Cooke, JD Filmalter, JC Lawson, W Tristram, I Wright • Henderson Postgraduate Scholarships - Doctoral: RH Bennett, G Coombs, J-A De la Mare, JOG Kemp, M Vlok, JS Van Dyk Henry Bradlow Scholarship for Science: AC Conibear Honours Degree Scholarships: LA Agustoni, MS Ahmed, W Basson, MD Berndt, ML Bidzha, R Biggs, JM Booth, CA Boulle, MA Burke, A Candotti, SA Chiles, J CliffordHolmes, IS Cloete, LA Cloete, NH Colvin, B Cowie, KV Dobrev, C Dorasamy, EI Du Preez, CW Eley, CA Fisher, S Forteath, CN Garson, L Gmeiner, G Goodrick, SE Goss, PM Grogan, AF Haidula, LME Hall, C HalTy, CA Hartzenberg, NG Hathorn, CJ Hazle, CS Hazle, SJ Heine, HC Henninger, ZK Hinis, CGB Hittler, CL Hodkin, MG Horsman, AN Hyde, PM Irvine, KS Japp, E Johnson, N Joseph, GIB Kahn, NS Kaulule, A Kenyon, T Khan, GJ Krastin, AC Kurzewski, D Lee, LD Leiman, JO Lotter, J Louw, LM Luyt, KF Mackintosh, CA Makanjee, M Mann, A Martin, S Matabiswalla, T A Mayson, JR McCafferty, KA McKenzie, A Mendes, SSH Mohanled, PJ Mollel, NL Msimanga, TS Murray, SM MZalno, M Naidoo, NA Nel, S Nomoyi, KL Nottingham, JKL Orpen, D Parker, MC Parkinson, RA Peel, JM Peirce, L Percy, CT Perks, MB Phillips, C Pienaar, T Poulos, HB Pratt, JK Robertson, MC Rose, KRoss, RC Russouw, DM Sandberg, KM Savage, SW Schady, CL Schultz, BR Sebopela, ML Senekal, DA Smedley, A Sobukwe-Whyte, JS Spring, IN Sterrenberg, KF Taylor, NG Tennent, S Thomas, A Thompson, LJ Uplink, DA Van Der v Lingen, AH Van Wezel, NL Wales, R Wartenberg, JP Watenneyer, CM Wilmot, RM Wilsenach Ian Mackenzie Scholarship for Environmental Studies: To be awarded Irvin and Johnson Postgraduate Bursary in Fisheries Science: To be awarded Jane Osborne Scholarship: J Barnard, S Smit Joe Levy Scholarship: NJ Young Leon Gluckman Memorial Scholarship in Drama: To be awarded Master's Degree Scholarships: SR Abel, KA Adami, CA Alexander, ST Ambrose, ALS Andrews, M Appel, MR Atkinson, VL Baillie, KL Barford, S Bodill, SE Bosworth-Smith, NL Bradshaw, LT Brickhill, RN Brock, LM Broderick, CL Bromley, FRM Cluver, M Coates, IL Cockburn, GR Collett, JL Collett, AC Conibear, KJ Cooke, LC Cooper, RJ Cox, ME Cromhout, LC Crymble, DW Daniel, BJ De Wet, LL Delport, NJ Du Preez, PL Ehrlich, KT Faulkner, RW Forbes, JJ Foss, PA Fox, TR Foxcroft, KE Furnlan, SI Ganiwalla, RB Godlonton, NL Gouws, LF Grant, ES Greyling, A Grimmer, KL Herridge, C Jacobs, JL Jacobsohn, HD Jhundoo, HE Johnson, LJ Kaplan, Q Karrim, DM Kleynhans, LM Kwatsha, SM Landers, B Lee, EL Lombard, LH Loubser, MJ Marsh, MG Master, W Mbao, TP McDougall, ES McGregor, HKT McLea, LR McMichael, CF McQuaid, BL Melley, JM Menezies, JJ Millin, HN Mkhabela, M Moodley, FH Morbi, B Moyo, A Muller, PE Murray, A Naik, AT Nottingham, MM Parkin, S Patchay, P Petrov, F Ponjou Tasse, LJ Reid, A V Richardson, T Richter, CL Sahd, ST Scheepers, TE Schier, L Sciscio, SL Shapiro, T Shivji, r Sieborger, GJ Simak, RA Starkey, DP Stevens, CA Stirling, P Stopforth, CK Stylianou, MA Stylianou, GW Sutherland, JWJ Teng, AL Thompson, WB Tristram, BK Turk, A Van Heerden, JS Vandeleur, I Venneulen, CD Ward, BL Wells, DJ Weyer, PSR Weyl, M Winn, IA Wright, GP Zorn Muir'head Bursary: JJ Millin Otto Beit Scholarship : CHarry Patrick and Marguet Flanagan Scholarship: MJ Marsh Professor B R Allanson Scholarship : Raymond Pullen Memorial Scholarships for Arts Drama: HM Richter Fine Art: IE Bronner, T-L Nicol, E Sippel Music: Z Mkwanazi Rhodes Foundation Scholarship (Most Outstanding Graduate) : R Biggs Rhodes Governor's Scholarship (Most Outstanding Undergraduates in the Humanities, Science, Pharmacy and Commerce Faculties): PDL Freer, MJ Coombes, CW Mathiassen, NC Wilson Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Honours: R Biggs, CW Eley, MG Horsman, KS Japp, MC Parkinson, L Percy, RM Wilsenach Rhodes University Postgl'aduate Scholarships - Masters: LC Cooper, T Goble, PW Greenway, EL Lombard, LJ Reid, TJ Richardson, I Sieborger, GW Sutherland, RE Terlazzo Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Doctoral: BM Grogan, W Wilhelm Rhodes University Scholarships: PDL Freer, Dr Barrett, MJ Coombes, MAA Knights, CW Mathiassen, T Lutchman, KA Bull, NC Wilson, CJ O'Grady, NA Moss Rob & Trish Midgley Law Prize: SHaken SASOL Centenary Honours Degree Scholarships in Physical Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology or Biotechnology: A Kenyon, ME Sithole Sir Basil Schonland Scholarship : A Muller Thelma Henderson Bursary: T Mushwana Thomas Alty Scholarship : W Mbao William Francis Barker Bursary: No award A Trevor Williams Prize for Physics I : PDL Freer Physics II : MJ Coombes Accenture Information Systems Honours: CA Alexander Information Systems II : ER Stalmans Adams and Adams Law Prize: CJC McConnachie Alastair Kerr Prize: IS Cloete Alexander Ogg Prize for Physics: KR Henninger Altruism Award for the Unselfish Support of Fellow IS Honours Students: Aschman Scholarship : KL Robinson Avlynne Bowen Award for Pharmacy II: AJ Calder B A Putterill Prize: No Award Bancroft Medal for the Outstanding MSc in the Field of Mineral Exploration (Sponsored by Anglo-American) : No Award Basil Schonland Physics Prize: IA Wright Beth Cumming Memorial Prize: BC Fitzpatrick Bill Branford Prize for Linguistics: RC Russouw Brian Peckham Memorial Prize: EH Holland Bronze Medal of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science (S2A3) : JOG Kemp BSG Best Information Systems Honours Research Project: CA Alexander, RB Godlonton, GG Nyamayi, TM Surridge, M Tlou Ocean Tech Team: BSG Special Award for the Best IS Honours All Round Performance in Academic and Non-Academic Spheres: RB Godlonton Butterworth Book Prizes for Law: Penultimate Year: CJC McConnachie Final Year: PJM Abrahams Butterworth Management Accounting III Prize: C Dorasan1Y Catherine Foxcroft and Gary Terry Prize: AJ Duncan Centre of Excellence Prize for the best Computer Science Research Student: KR Glass, MP Thinyane D C S Oosthuizen Memorial Prize for Philosophy: SA Paphitis David Williams Memorial Prize for Mathematics III : R Biggs Deloitte & Touche Prizes for Postgraduate Diploma in Taxation: Best Research Essay: No Award Most Innovative Choice of Topic or Research Design: I Seedat Dr Adolph Schrauder Memorial Prize in Sociology: MB Phillips Dr Km·t Gillis Prize for Psychology Masters: AS van der Merwe Dr Valentine Cuenod Memorial Prize for French III: ODPM Lemercier Duerden Scholarship: I Vernleulen DuncanlWhiteley Biochemistry Prize: LC Cooper E D Mountain Prize: AF Haidula, C Pienaar Ernest Wild Prizes Psychology II: L-A Bruce vi vii Psychology III : MG Horsman Ewer Prize in Zoology and Entomology: ST Ambrose F P Muirhead and M B Rosenberg Memorial Prize for Microbiology III : A Mendes Frank Rostron Bursary: AA Campher Fred Cooper Prize for Company Law: CJC McConnachie Gavin Stewart and John Pattern Prize: L Dada George M Gruber Physics IElIIE2 Prize: K Mafundikwa Gladys Blackbeard Scholarship: J-L Hulley Grahamstown Training College Bursaries - English: L-J Verhamme, LJ Wills - Music: YR Matibe Grant and Marjorie McKerron Scholarship (Law) : CJC McConnachie Heather Drummond Memorial Prize for Poetry: DA Tyfield Helmut Weigert Memorial Prize for Mathematics I : DI Banett IBM Best Information Systems Honours Research Project: C Jacobs IDI Technology Solutions Prizes Computer Science Honours: JJ Millin Computer Science I : PDL Freer Investec Top MBA Student Award: Investec Best MBA Dissertation Award: Investec MBA Good Fellowship Award: J C van Hille Award in Zoology and Entomology: CA Coombes Janinne Franke Prizes Best Computer Science Honours Project: F Ponjou Tasse Computer Science II : MAA Knights Jardine Prize: CW Mathiassen Joe King Prize: MS Ahmed John and Audrey Foxcroft Beethoven Prize: J du Plessis John O'Meara Prize for Organisational Psychology III : HF Roth Johnson and Johnson Award for Chemistry I : K Mafundikwa, RJ Daniels Jonathan Marks Prize: AL Thompson JVL Rennie Prize: FH Morbi Judge Schock Prize: EH Holland Junior Captain Scott Medal: Juta Prizes Law Prize: EH Holland Management Prizes Bachelor of Business Science IV: No Award Management Honours: MR Atkinson, T Shivji Management III : AC Kurzewski Postgraduate Diploma in Enterprise Management: CS Page Kevin Carlean Memol'ial Scholarship (Journalism) : KT McConnachie Kieron George Chambers Memorial Bursary: TC Munedzimwe Konrad Kulesza Award: No award KPMG Award for Accounting Honours: LH Loubser KPMGlLen Verster Accounting II Prize: NA Moss Lannon Best Information Systems Honours Research Essay Award: Leslie Kent Award for Geology: S Bax Lillian Britten Prize for Botany: SE Goss Louis Dubb Prize: NG Tennent viii Margaret Smith Bursary in Ichthyology and Fisheries Science: No award Matthew Jones Memorial Shield: JM Booth Mattie Shuttleworth Speech Prize: CA Fisher Mavis Hill Prize for Music: No Award Mel Field Award for the Best IS Tutor: Merck Prizes Biotechnology Honours: HE Johnson Chemistry III : CW Eley Microbiology Honours: B Moyo Michael Kapelus Memorial Prize for Pharmacy: K-L Barford Milner Memorial Essay Prize: No Award Best Biochemistry II Prize: CE Siddle Neville (Robbie) Robertson Scholarship: YM Chilimanzi Nededandse Taalunie Bursary: T Bakkes, LL Coetzee, C Coetzee, E Ferreira, SR Meintjes, R Prince, A Tarr Norman Harris Prize: E Carter Oxford University Press Prize for English Literature: EL Lombard Patrick Mynhal'dt Prize: TV Jacobs, AN Lech Pearce Rood Prizes (Law) - Legal Theory I - RS Mwanandimai - Legal Theory II - CM van Rensburg - Legal Theory III - NG Tennent - LLB 3 - CJC McConnachie Pricewaterhouse Coopers Prizes PDipAcc or BAcc IV - A Naik BCom or BAcc III - C Dorasamy Professional Provident Society Prizes Honours Research Essay Top Honours StudentPurvis Prize: LF Grant Rapportryers Bursary: T Weiman R G McKerron Prize for Law of Delict: ST Harding R L Threlfell Memorial Prize: SSH Mohamed Rhodes University Chamber Choir Music Award: No Award Rob Antonissen Memorial Award: JM Pistorius Robert B Lloyd Bursary: PM Cartwright Rodney Davenport History Scholarship: JK Clifford-Holmes Rowney Prize: E Sippel Royal Society of St George Pdze : CA Boulle Rupert Onderwysstigting Prize for Music: No Award S A Breweries Prize for Biochemistry III: A Kenyon SAP Africa Prizes Computer Science III : B Cowie Best Progress in Computer Science: B Lusithi Sasol Prize for Biochemistry: A Kenyon Schwarz Memorial Prize for Geology : JM Gaisford Shirley Ritchie Prize: MA Groenink Sigma Aldrich Award for Chemistry Honours: AC Conibear Sole Memorial Prize for History Masters: RG Marshall Spilkin Prize for Law: IS Cloete ix Spoor and Fisher Prize for Intellectual Property Law: ST Harding Steyn Maartens Memorial Prize for Afrikaans : A du Plessis Sydney Cruise Memorial Prize for Mathematics II : MJ Coombes South African Institute of Chartered Accountants: Southern Region Prizes : - Advanced Accounting: A Naik - Advanced Auditing: A Naik - Taxation: A Naik - Advanced Management Accounting: A Naik South African Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences Medal for Academic Excellence Pharmacy Year I: K Mafundikwa Pharmacy Year II: AJ Calder Pharmacy Year III: L Magnus Pharmacy Year IV: HD Jhundoo Terence Beard Prize for Politics: IS Cloete UPB Prizes - Linguistics I : RE Steyn - H R Management: To be awarded Best Information Systems III Student: SSH Mohamed Viv de KIerk Prize for Linguistics II : GL ZipI' VS Forbes Prize: SE Goss, SA Chiles VWSA Management Scholarship: CM Wilmot WD Terry Memorial Prize: NC Wilson William Barker Memorial Prize: Winifred Maxwell Prizes History I : DC Knowles Most Progress in History I: AE O'Donoghue THE PURPLE AND THE WHITE Surgit' 0 Rhodienses gloriae memores Voce magna cantate famam laudantes. Vestrum reboent, splendorem monies Palmam vos feratis semper Rhode, colore,\' nostros cole tu. Adfinem vitae durabit amor Desideriumque Rhodi. Rise, Rhodians in recognition of renown. Sing out loud in praise of high repute. Let the hills ring with your splendour. May you always win the highest honour. Rhodes, cherish our colours. To the end o(/(fe the desire and longing For Rhodes will endure. Nitemur causae favere iustae. Semperque honores fovere tuos, Ludis perfrui, reetumque sequi Purpurae candorique fidi. Rhode, colOl'es 110stros cole tu. Adjinem vitaedurabitamor Desideriumque Rhodi. We must stri ve to favour the just cause, And always to cultivate your reputation, to relish spoli and follow the right path, To put faith in the purple and white, Rhodes, cherish our colours. To the el1d ofWe the desire and longing For Rhodes will endure. GAUDEAMUS IGITUR x Gaudeamus igitur,juvenes dum sumus; (Rep) Postjucundamjuventutem, post molestam senectutem, Nos habebit humus, nos habebit humus. Let LIS live then, and injoy While the bloom of youth we see After young days' pastime glad After old age drear and sad Under earth we'll be. Ubi sunt qui ante nos in mundo fuere? (Rep) Vadite ad superos, transite ad inferos, Ubijam fuere, ubijam fuere. Where are they who years before Here on earth did dwell? Seck among the gods above, From those below go seek thereof Where they now do dwell. VivatAcademia, Vivant Professores, (Rep) Vivat membrum quodlibet, vivant membra quaelibet, Semper sint in flore, semper sint in flore. Long live this University Long life to those who learning nourish! Long live each member great and small, Long life to Rhodians one and all Let them ever flourish! Vivat et respubliea, et qui illam regit; (Rep) Vivat nostra civitas, Maeeenatum earitas, Quae nos hic protegit, quae nos hie protegit. Long live ollr country also, Long life to those who gllide it, Long live our town in strength and health Long live our patrons by whose wealth We are here provided! .sc.etI(£ • 4,,! -f ~ ... ~l \ ~ RHODES UNIVERSITY 2009-GRADUATION CEREMONY 1820 SETTLERS NATIONAL MONUMENT FRIDAY 17 APRIL AT 14:30 CHANCELLOR GJ. Gerwel , B.A.(Hons), D.Litt. et Phil., LL.D. (Honoris causa) VJCE-CHAN CELLO R S.Badat, B.Soc.Sc.(Hons), Cert.H.E.Sc.&Tech.Policy, Ph.D., D.Phil. (Honoris causa) DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (ACADEMIC & STUDENT AFFAIRS) S.G. Mabizela, M.Sc ., Ph.D. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Congregation is requested to stand while the Choir sings Vis Virtus Veritas and the Procession enters the Auditorium. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT) P.G . Clayton, Ph.D., F.l.C.S. , M.C.S.S.A., M.A.C.M. CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL The Hon. Mr Justice RJ .W. Jones, B.A., LL.B . PRESIDENT OF CONVOCATfON The Rev. T.S .N. Gqubule, Ph.D. , D.D. (Honoris causa) DEANS Professor F.T. Hendricks, B.A. , M .Soc.Sc., Ph.D. Professor R.T.F. Bernard, Ph.D. Professor J. Campbell, B.A. , LL.B., LL.M. Professor G.J. Euvrard, M.A ., H.D.E., B.Ed., D .Litt. et Phil. Professor A.C.M. Webb, Ph.D. Professor R.B. Walker B .Pharm ., Ph.D. , M.P.S. Dr V.A. de KJerk, M .A., H.E.D. , Ph.D. Professor M.D. Vennaak, B.A.(Hons) , Drs.Phil. Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Dean of the Faculty of Science Dean of the Faculty of Law Dean oCthe Faculty of Education Dean of the Faculty of Commerce Dean of the Facu Ity of Phannacy Dean of Students Dean: International Office REGISTRAR S. Fourie, B.Th. , B.D., D.Th. The Chancellor will constitute the Congregation. The Vice-Chancellor will welcome the Congregation. Professor Anusuya Chinsamy-Turan will address the Congregation. The Dean of the Faculty will present the candidates for the award of the Degrees of Bachelor, Bachelor with Honours, Master and Doctor of Philosophy. VIS VIRTUS VERITAS The congregation will stand and sing the National Anthem. Quae paris cives animo vigentes Africae praebens rationis artes Alma te mater canimus libenter Nos Rhodienses. You who produce citizens of vigorous intellect, as you offer to Africa the alis and skills which come from reason - we who are Rhodians gladly hymn you, our A tma MateI': Veritas semper pretiosa nobis Praesit et pellat procul omne furtum Neu sinat quemquam male consulentem Discere falsa . May truth be always precious and preside over us and may it drive far away all deceit, nor may it allow anyone with evil intent to learn what is false. Quicquid est foedul11 cohibere, quicquid fntegrae vitae proprium tueri Gaudeat vuws studiosa pacis Visque benigna. May virtue and courage, eager for peace, together with well disposed strength, rejoice to restrain whatever is disgusting and to uphold whatever belongs to the fullness oflife. Purpura cincti et memores parentum Cui que nital11ur dare iustum honorem Neminique umquam licet invidentes Astra petamus. Clad with purple and remembering our fathers , let us strive to render to everyone with honour which is due and without envying anyone let us aim for the stars. The Chancellor will dissolve the Congregation. The Congregation is requested to stand while the Choir sings Gaudeamus 19itur and the Procession leaves the Auditorium. With the exception of the commencement and conclusion of the Ceremony and the singing of the National Anthem, members of the Congregation are requested to remain seated throughout the proceedings. FACULTY OF SCIENCE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ANDERSON, Malcolm Neil BASSON, Wade, with distinction in Biochemistry BAX, Seamus BIGGS, Rory, with distinctions in Ap'plied Mathematics and Mathematics BOBBINS, Kerry Leigh BOOTH, Jenny Marie, with distinction in Entomology BOSMAN, Devlin Michael BRAND, Michael . BRAS SINE, Eleanor Iseult BRENNAN, Hillary Xanthe BUCHANAN, Gwynlyn Reine1te BURFORD, Eva-Maria CARVER, Alistair Hugh COOPER, Nicola Jane COWIE, Bradley, with distinctions in Computer Science and Mathematics CROUS, Lara DAVEY, Ryan James DAVIDSON, Ashley-Kate DE GRAY BIRCH, Casey DELL, Lynne DHANANI, Karim Colin Hassan DOW, Samantha-Lee EDKINS, Grant Lester ELEY, Clive William, with distinctions in Chemistry and Mathematics EUVRARD, Benjamin Mxolisi FITZPATRICK, Brian Colin FLEMING, Darryl Leonard FORTEATH, Shaun, with distinction in Biochemistry FOULKES, Susan Elizabeth GANES, Sevana 2 GARAPO, 'Simbarashe Terence, with distinction in Infonnation Systems GODLONTON, Jennifer Wendy GOSS, Sheldon Edward, with distinctions in Botany and Geography GURA, Khanyisa HAIDULA, Alina Fimaneka, with distinction in Geology HANDLEY, Jonathan Murray HAZLE, Candice Janine, with distinction in Psychology HAZLE, Cannen Simone, with distinction in Psychology HENNINGER, Helen Clare, with distinction in Mathematics HENNINGER, Katharine Rose HODGSON, Ivan Mark HODKIN, Claire Lindsay, with distinctions in Human Kinetics & Ergonomics and Microbiology HUNTER, Craig Scott HYDE, Andrew Nicholas, with distinctions in Mathematical Statistics and Mathematics JACOBSZ, Wessel Louis JAPP, Kevin Simon, with distinctions in Chemistry and Mathematics JOHNSON-MARSHALL, Anneka Jay JONES, Sara Sharon KEEVEY, Garreth Paul KENYON, Amy, with distinctions in Biochemistry and Chemistry I<HAN, Taariq, with distinction in Information Systems KRUGER, Jerraleigh Lorin KRUID,Jan LANDEY, David LEE, Lauren Cornelia LODGE, Jamie Alexandra LOUBSER, Alexei LUSITHI, Bonele LUYT, Leslie Michael, with distinction in Computer Science MACFARLANE, Sally Ann MAFUMA, Tendai Simbarashe MAGANO, Nomasonto Lettie MAKANJEE, Che Azad, with distinction in Chemistry 3 MALCOMESS, Grant Carl MATERECHERA, Fenji Margaret MATIWANE, Nozici MCCAFFERTY, James Ross, with distinction in Ichthyology MENDES, Adriano, with distinctions in Biochemistry and Microbiology MILANZI, Lesedi Alaser MOGOTSI, Keoikantse Moses MOKHATHOLANE, Moses Dibomo MOSS, Shelley Lynne MQUTENI, Thokozani MURRAY, Taryn Sara, with distinction in Ichthyology . MWILA, Katayi NASE,Pumza NDIMANDE, Thokozani Ernest NGCOBO, Nkanyiso Luthando NHLAPO, Thulile Faith NHLEKO, Zoliswa Nombule1o NKOHLA, Luyanda NOMOYI, Siyabule1a, with distinctions in Mathematical Statistics and Mathematics NOTTINGHAM, Kathryn Lois, with distinction in Chemistry NOWERS, Kathleen Lynn NTSUNGUZI, Lubabalo PANGABANTU, Thandokazi Leonora PARKER, Denham, with distinction in Ichthyology PARKINSON, Matthew Cameron, with distinction in Ichthyology PEEL, Richard Anthony, with distinction in Ichthyology PIENAAR, CharI, with distinctions in Botany and Geology PIETERSEN, Ryan Michael PRANSCHKE, Georg-Christian QUTU, Bavulele RAV ALA, Nisha RIDDIN, Nicholas Alwyn SCOTT, Shane Elvin SHEPPARD,Bron~lJane SINGH, Dale Alexander 4 SITHOLE, Mandisi Eugene SMEDLEY, David Alan, with distinction in EnvirOlIDlental Science SMITH, Emma Ruth STANTON, Wade Derek STERRENBERG, Jason Neville, with distinction in Biochemistry TAYLOR, Theresa Mary THORNYCROFT, Micheen Barbara TURNBULL, Chantelle VAN CITTERT, Matthew James VAN DER MERWE, Michelle Charme VAN NIEKERK, Robyn VENTER, Kirsty J enna VOGEL, Emma Jayne WARTENBERG, Reece, with distinction in Ichthyology WATERMEYER, Jessica Patricia, with distinction in Environmental Science WEBBER, Graham WILLMER, Tarryn WRIGHT, Nigel John Hickson ZEISBERGER, Roxanne Josie DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (INFORMATION SYSTEMS) BERKLAND, Ross Conrad BERNDT, Mark Denver, with distinction in Information Systems GOODRICK, Glen, with distinctions in Computer Science and Information Systems JURY, Ryan Lucas KARABO, Gaone KASI, Bridget Sizuldsa LIDONDE, Edinah Shiazala MAUMBE, Tapiwa MOLLEL, Patricia Jacob, with distinction in Infornlation Systems MTHUPHA, Bokang ROYLE, Matthew George SHIELS, Ross David 5 SHONGWE, Nelisa Sayinile Qhubeka SWAINE, Mark Jolm VAN DYK, Mark Anthony Jason XUBA, Nomthunzi DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS ABEL, Sarah Ruth, in Chemistry, with distinction AMBROSE, Shan Taryn, in Marine Biology, with distinction APPEL, Misty, in Computer SciencelElectronics, with distinction BAILLIE, Vicky Lynne, in Microbiology, with distinction BAKER, Kathleen Victoria, in Geology .. BARRATT, Megan Jane, in Biochemistry BODILL, Samantha, in Zoology, with distinction BOULLE, Michael Joseph, in Geography BRASSINE, Mathilde Chloe, in African Vertebrate Biodiversity BROMLEY, Candice Leigh, in Chemistry, with distinction CHARLTON, Jane Laura, in Biochemistry/Computer Science CHURCHES, David John, in Ichthyology & Fisheries Science COATES, Megan Patricia, in Chemistry, with distinction COCKBURN, Ingrid Louise, in Biochemistry, with distinction COLLETT, Oliver John Philip, in Physics CONIBEAR, Anne Claire, in Chemistry, with distinction COOPER, Leamle Claire, in Biochemistry, with distinction COPLEY, Robert James, in Information Systems CRIPWELL, Devin Matthew, in Human Kinetics & Ergonomics CROMHOUT, Mary Elizabeth, in Biotechnology, with distinction D'SOUZA, Sarah, in Chemistry DASTILE, Xolani Collen, in Mathematical StatisticslMathematics DE BRUYN, David Daniel, in Computer Science/Electronics DOCHERTY, Jacqueline Frances, in Psychology, with distinction EDWARDS, Sean Leonard, in Biotechnology FAULKNER, Katelyn Terri, in Marine Biology, with distinction FEARON, Janine Lee, in Botany FEARON, Joc1yn Joe, in Biodiversity and Conservation FORBES, Ross William, in Zoology, with distinction FOULIS, Alan John, in Ichthyology & Fisheries Science 6 FOXCROFT, Terence Robert, in Computer Science/Infonnation Systems, with distinction FRYER, Lindi, in Geology GAV AZA, Takayedzwa, in Computer Science GODLONTON, Ross Brian, in Information Systems, with distinction GOSLING, Amanda Karen, in Biodiversity and Conservation GREENBERG, Wayne, in Mathematics GRIMMER, Ashley, in Ichthyology & Fisheries Science, with distinction HEIN, Liesel, in African Vertebrate Biodiversity HENRY, Lucia, in Biotechnology HERRIDGE, Kristy Lynn, in Information Systems, with distinction HUTTON, Dale Sean, in Biodiversity and Conservation JACOBS, Carmen, in Information Systems, with distinction JOHNSON, Hailey Elizabeth, in Biotechnology, with distinction JOUBERT, Jennifer, in African Vertebrate Biodiversity KING, Shirley Anne, in Microbiology KOK, Anlland Du Preez, in African Vertebrate Biodiversity KOTA, Zukiswa Thozama, in Environmental Science LEE, Brendon, in Ichthyology & Fisheries Science, with distinction MACKAY, Melanie Claire, in Information Systems MAKUKE, Bonno, in Geology MALIZA, Siyabonga, in Ichthyology & Fisheries Science MAMBO, Prudence Mutsa, in Microbiology MARTIN, Wony Christa, in Geology MASILO, Thabo, in Mathematical StatisticslMathematics McCLURE, Alice Patricia, in Environmental Science MCGREGOR, Emily Skye, in Environmental Science, with distinction McQUAID, Christopher Finn, in Mathematics, with distinction MELLY, Brigitte Leigh, in Geography, with distinction MEYER, Annalene, in Chemistry MIDGLEY, Craig, in Ichthyology & Fisheries Science MILLIN, Jonathan James, in Computer Science, with distinction MOODLEY, Hanika, in Biotechnology MOODLEY, Thrineshen, in Chemistry 7 MORBI, Fatema Hooneid, in Environmental Water Management, with distinction MORRISON, Roxann, in Biochemistry MOSTERT, Esther Anna, in Zoology MOYO, Buhle, in Microbiology, with distinction MUDIMBA, Bwini Chizabubi, in COll;lputer Science MULLER, Andrea, in Applied Mathematics, with distinction MUNDY, Matthew Blondel, in Biodiversity and Conservation MUNNIK, Kate Caroline, in Ichthyology & Fisheries Science MUSVIBE, Ray Strong, in Computer Science MUTSVUNGDMA, Lorraine Zvichapera, in Biochemistry MZOBE, Pearl Nonjabulo, in Environmental Water Management . NAMBIAR, Shari, in Biotechnology NCUBE, Sinini Paul, in Computer Science NDAKUNDA, Shange-Ishiwa Tangeni, in Computer Science NDUMBU, Loide Naitsuwe Nandigolo, in Biodiversity and Conservation NGWAILE, Deliwe Precious, in Information Systems NOTTINGHAM, Alastair Timothy, in Computer Science, with distinction O'CONNOR, Ryan Anthony, in Geography OLDS, Alexis Amy, in Biodiversity and Conservation PATCHAY, Sharisaan, in Information Systems, with distinction PENGELLY,Rosalind Fiona, in Human Kinetics & Ergonomics PEREIRA DA CONCEICOA, Lyndall Louise, in Entomology PETZER, Darrin Michael, in Geography PONJOD TASSE, Flora, in Computer Science, with distinction RAINER, Jordan Alexander, in Biotechnology RICKERTS, Aletia Somoulia, in Environmental Science ROBEY, James, in Marine Biology ROBEY, Kate, in Geology SAHD, Curtis Lee, in Computer Science, with distinction SCISCIO, Lara, in Geology, with distinction SHILONGO, Ema Etuna, in Geology SIMAK, Geraldine Josephine, in Environmental Science, with distinction SINCHEMBE, Mwaka Clothilda, in Environmental Science 8 SLATTER, Craig John, in Biotechnology SNYMAN, Denise Christine, in Infonnation Systems SSESSANGA, Nicholas, in Physics & Electronics TLOU, Mercutio, in Infomlation Systems TOWNSHEND, Katherine Jean, in Geography TRISTRAM, Waide Barrington, in Computer Science, with distinction TURK, Brendan Kerr, in Environmental Science, with distinction TYALIMPI, Vumile Mike, in Physics VAN DER MERWE, Dylan Ryan, in Computer Science VERMEULEN, nke, in Marine Biology, with distinction VORSTER, Schalk Will em, in Infomlation Systems WALTON, Shaun Michael, in Entomology WARD, Catherine Dale, in Environmental Science, with distinction WEYER, Dylan James, in Environmental Science, with distinction WEYL, Philip Sebastian Richard, in Entomology, with distinction WRIGHT, Imogen Abigail, in Physics, with distinction DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE ABBOO, Sagaran, Nat.Dip.Med. Tech. (PE Technikon), in Biochemistry, in the Department of Biochemis1:ry, Microbiology and Biotechnology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Phenolic compoundsjn water and the implications for rapid detection of indicator microorganisms using B-n-Galactosidase and B-D-Glucuronidase. BENNETT, Anthea Iona, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Ergonomics, in the Department of Human Kinetics and Ergonomics. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The effect of load and technique on biomechanical and psychophysical responses to level dynamic pushing and pulling. BERNATZEDER, Andrea Katinka, B.Sc. (UCT), B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Fisheries Science, in the Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Salinity induced physiological responses in juvenile dusky 1mb, Argyrosomus japonicus (Sciaenidae). 9 BIRKHOLZ, Sharon Alice, B.Sc. (Hons) (Pretoria), in Geography, in the Department of Geography. Degree by thesis: Thesis: HumanRiver Relationships in the Kat River Catchment and the implications for Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM): an exploratory case study. DESAI, Sheena Dhiksha, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Ergonomics, in the Department of Human Kinetics and Ergonomics. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The effect of load and technique on biomechanical and perceptual responses during dynamic pushing and pulling. BOOTH, Tara Loran, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Marine Biology, in the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The ichthyofauna associated with Taylor's Intertidal Salt Marsh, Kariega estuary, Eastern Cape, South Africa. DORBOR, Stephen Baysah, B.Sc. (Liberia), in Exploration Geology, in the Department of Geology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: A comparative review ofkimberlites of the Man Craton (West Africa) and the Kaapvaal Craton (South Africa): Towards a genetic model. CHIMVINGA, Joseph, B.Sc. (Zimbabwe), in Exploration Geology, in . the Department of Geology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: . A review of exploration models and techniques for granite hosted uranium mineralisation with special reference to Rossing-type uranium deposits in the Damara Orogeny of Namibia. DALY, Ryan, B.Sc. (UCT), B.Sc. (Hons) (NMMU), in Marine Biology, in the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Trophodynamics of mesozooplankton in the vicinity of the subtropical convergence in the Indian sector of the Southenl Ocean. DAVENPORT, Nicholas Ashbury, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Environmental Science, with distinction, in the Department of Environmental Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The contribution of municipal commonage to local peoples' livelihoods in small South African towns. DE LA MARE, Jo-Anne, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Microbiology, with distinction, in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Understanding the complexity of metabolic regulatory systems: An investigation into the regulation of hydantoin-hydrolysis in Pseudomonas putida RU-KM3 s. 10 ELLENDER, Bruce Robert, B.Sc. (NMMU), B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Fisheries Science, with distinction, in the Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The impact of angling on smallmouth and largemouth Yellow fish, Labeobarbus aeneus and Labeobarbus kimberleyensis, in Lake Gariep, South Africa. FRITH, Kelly-Anne, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Biotechnology, with distinction, in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Polymers, catalysts and nanostructures: A hybrid approach to biomolecule detection. FOULKES, Philip James, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Computer Science, with distinction, in the Department of Computer Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: A grid-based approach to the remote control and recall of the properties ofIEEE1394 audio devices. GLOVER, Elistan Nicholas, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Mathematical Statistics, with distinction, in the Department of Statistics. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Analytic pricing of American put options. GREEN, Alistair John, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Fisheries Science, with distinction, in the Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The protein and energy requirements of the South African abalone, Haliotis midae. 11 1 HOOSSEIN, Shafick, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Environmental Science, with distinction, in the Department of Environmental Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The development of sustainability criteira to facilitate the selection of sanitation technologies within the Buffalo City Municipality (Eastern Cape Province, South Africa). HWATA, Joseph Maduviko, B.Sc. (Zimbabwe), in Exploration Geology, in the Department of Geology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Use of mineral chemistry in diamond exploration in Southern Africa. ILONGO LA HIMBAPEYA, Herve, Dip. (Lubumbashi), in Exploration Geology, in the Department of Geology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The Neoproterozoic Katangan Copperbelt: Systematic overview of geology, with emphasis on exploration models in southern Democratic Republic of Congo. KEMP, Justin Oliver Gordon, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Fisheries Science, with distinction, in the Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Mariculture as a means to add value to the east coast rock lobster Panulirus homarus rubellus subsistence fishery: A physiological approach to define transport and growout protocols for wild caught juveniles. KGOPA, Ananias Hodi, B.Sc. (Hons) (Limpopo), in Biochemistry, in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Molecular and biochemical analysis of the diet of the black rhinoceros. LOTZ, Stefanus Ignatius, B.Sc. (Hons) (Stellenbosch), in Physics, with distinction, in the Department of Physics and Electronics. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Predictability of geomagnetically induced currents using neural networks. JONES, Roy William, Nat.Dip. (Technikon SA), in Entomology, in the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The impact of water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Sohns-Laubach (Pontederiaceae) on the biodiversity of Lake NseziNseleni River System. MAHLASELA, Zuko, B.Sc. (Hons) (Fort Hare), in Applied Mathematics, in the Department of Mathematics. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Finite fuzzy sets, keychains and their applications. KACHIGUNDA, Taurai, B.Sc. (Zimbabwe), in Exploration Geology, in the Department of Geology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Nickel sulphide segregation in ultramafic rocks. MAROVA, Takashaya, B.Sc. (Hons) (Zimbabwe), in Exploration.. Geology, in the Department of Geology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An integrated exploration approach for lode gold deposits in buried Archaean Greenstone Belts: A case study from South West Zimbabwe. KANDJOU, Kaunahama, B.Sc. (Namibia), B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Fisheries Science, in the Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Effect of salinity on the stress response of juvenlie white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus. KELLY, Janet Erica, B.A., B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Human Kinetics and Ergonomics, in the Department of Human Kinetics and Ergonomics. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The effect of progressive resistance training on the blood lipid profile in post-menopausal women. 12 MBAMBISA, Gcineka, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Chemistry, with distinction, in the Department of Chemistry. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Synthesis and electrochemistry of octapentylthiophthalocyanine complexes of manganese, titanium and vanadium. McMANUS, Jeannine Stephanie, B.Tech. Nature Conservation (NMMU), in Zoology, with distinction, in the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The spatial 13 ecology and activity patterns of leopards (Panthera pardus) in the Baviaanskloof and greater Addo Elephant National Park (GAENP), Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Thesis: The geological evolution and copper mineralization of the Kangaluwi Area of the Southern Irumide Belt, Zambia. MILES, Shaun Graeme, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Computer Science, in the Department of Computer Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Evaluating identity and access management as an enabler of next generation networks. NAIDOO, Merle, B.Sc. (Hons) (Durban Westville), in Geography, in the Department of Geography. Degree by thesis. Thesis: A situational analysis on the public participation processes in integrated water resources management in the Kat River Valley, Eastern Cape, South Africa. MILLWARD, Tanya Yvonne, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Chemistry, in the Department of Chemistry. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Studies towards the synthesis of novel tridentate ligands for use in ruthenium metathesis catalysts. NDEBELE, Nothabo Elizabeth, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Mathematical Statistics, in the Department of Statistics. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Clustering algorithms and their effect on edge preservation in image compression. MMONWA, Kolobe Lucas, B.Sc. (Hons) (Limpopo), in Zoology, in the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Phylogeography and Epifauna of intertidal seaweeds on the coast of South Africa. NEMUKULA, Aluwani, B.Sc. (Venda), B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Biochemistry, in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Purification, characterization and pharnlaceutical applications of a fructosyltransferase, from Aspergillus aculeatus, in the synthesis of short chain fructooligosaccharides. MODIBANE, Kwena Desmond, B.Sc. (Hons) (Limpopo), in Chemistry, with distinction, in the Department of Chemistry. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Synthesis and photophysical properties of antimony and lead phthalocyanines. MONTOYA-MAYA, Phanor Hernando, B.Sc. (Hons) (Jorge Tadeo Lozano Universidad), in Ichthyology, in the Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Dynamics of larval fish and zooplankton in selected South and West coast estuaries of South Africa. MULUMBA, Patrick William Mugwanya, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Computer Science, with distinction, in the Department of Computer Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: A common analysis framework for simulated streaming-video networks. MWALE, Giddy, B.Min.Sc., (Zambia), in Exploration Geology, in the Department of Geology. Degree by coursework and thesis. NGCAMU, Nokubonga Slindele, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Ergonomics, with distinction, in the Department of Human Kinetics and Ergonomics. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Awkward working postures and precision perfonnance as an example of the relationship between ergonomics and production quality. NGCOFE, Luncedo Dalithemba Sanelisiwe, B.Sc. (Hons) (Fort Hare), in Geography, in the Department of Geography. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Assessment and monitoring of land degradation using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS): A case study of Qoqodala within the Wit-Kei catchment in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. NGWIRA, Chigomezyo Mudala, B.Sc. (Zambia), B.Sc. (Hons) (UCT), in Physics, with distinction, in the Department of Physics and i 1 14 15 j RICHTER, John Peter Frank, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Computer Science, in the Department of Computer Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: An investigation into the design and implementation of an Internet-Scale Network Simulator. Electronics. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Geomagnetically induced current characteristics in Southern Africa. NOMBONA, N6lwazi, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Chemistry, with distinction, in the Department of Chemistry. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Electrochemical studies of titanium, manganese and cobalt phthalocyanines. j OTTEN, Frederick John, B.Sc. (KwaZulu-Natal), B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Computer Science, in the Department of Computer Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Using semantic knowledge to improve compression on log files. RODGERSON, Joanne Kelly, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Mathematics, in the Department of Mathematics. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Contributions to the study of a class of optimal control problems on the Matrix Lie Group SO(3). PALMER, Bronwyn Jane, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Geography, in the Department of Geography. Degree by thesis. Thesis: A GIS assessment of development and land use change in the coastal zone of the Ndlambe and Ngqushwa local municipalities, Eastern Cape, South Africa. RUSERE, Jeremy, B.Sc. (Zimbabwe), in Exploration Geology, in the Department of Geology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The role of structure and host-rock composition during the emplacement of Archaean lode gold mineralization in the Midlands and Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe. PARADZA, Masimba Wellington, B.Sc. (Midlands State University), B.Sc. (Hons) (UCT) in Physics, in the Department of Physics and Electronics. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Development of a neural network based model for predicting the occurrence of spread F within the Brazilian sector. SEGWABE, Tebogo, B.Sc. (Botswana), in Geology, in the Department of Geology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The geological framework and economic potential of the coal-bearing Karoo Strata in the Central Kalahari Karoo Basin, Botswana. PIETERS EN, Adrian Marc, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Geography, in the Department of Geography. Degree by thesis. Thesis: A fluvial geomorphological study of river rehabilitation in the Kouga region, Eastern Cape. POWELL, Michael John, B.Sc. (Natal), Dip Nature Conservation (Technikon Pretoria), in Environmental Science, with distinction, in the Department of Environmental Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Restoration of the degraded subtropical thickets of the Baviaanskloof: The role of carbon stocks and spekboom survivorship. 16 RIDDIN, Tamsyn Louise, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Biochemistry, in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Investigating the enzymatic mechanism of platinum nanoparticle synthesis in sulphate-reducing bacteria. STERLEY, Jessica Anne, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Marine Biology, in the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Trophodynamics of carnivorous zooplankton in the region of the subtropical convergence within the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean, with particular emphasis on Chaetognaths. ~ TALWANGA, Matiki, B.Sc. (Hons) (Fort Hare), in Mathematics, with distinction, in the Department of Mathematics. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The principle of inclusion-exclusion and mob ius function as counting techniques in finite fuzzy subsets. 17 ,TRAAS, Graham Ronald Louis, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Ichthyology, in the Department of Ichthyology and Fisherie~ Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The conservation and management of freshwater fishes in the Greater Addo Elephant National Parle. TSILO, Lipontseng Cecilia, B.A. (Lesotho), B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Mathematical Statistics, in the Department of Statistics. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Protein secondary structure prediction using neural networks and support vector machines. TUKULULA, Matshawandile, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Chemistry, , with distinction, in the Department of Chemistry. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The design and synthesis of Novel HIV-I Protease Inhibitors. UWAMAHORO, Jean, B.Sc. (Kigali) B.Sc. (Hons) (UCT), in Physics, with distinction, in the Department of Physics and Electronics. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Forecasting solar cycle 24 using neural networks. VLOK, Marli, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Microbiology, with distinction, in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Understanding the function of Helicoverpa armigera stunt virus pl7 in the virus lifecycle. I I DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ANDREWS, Allen Hia, M.Sc. (California State University), in Ichthyology, in the Department of Ichthyology & Fisheries Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Lead-Radium dating of two deep-water fishes from the southern hemisphere, Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Orange Roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus). Supervisor: Dr PD Cowley. Co-supervisor: Professor G Cailliet. BOTHA, Melissa, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Biochemistry, in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Characterisation of the Plasmodium Jalciparum Hsp40 chaperones and their partnerships with Hsp70. Supervisor: Professor GL Blatch. BOWNES, Angela, M.Sc. (Rhodes), in Entomology, in the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Evaluation of a plant-herbivore system in determining potential efficacy of a candidate biological control agent, Cornops aquaticum for water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes. Supervisor: Professor MP HilL Co-supervisor: Professor MJ Byrne. WATT-PRINGLE, Peter Andrew, B.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Ichthyology, in the Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Movement behaviour of three South African inshore sparid species in rocky intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats. DIAZ DIAZ, Eliecer Rodrigo, Licentiate in Marine Science (Universidad Catholica Del Norte, Chile), in Zoology, in the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Hierarchical spatial structure and levels of resolution of intertidal grazing and their consequences on predictability and stability at small scales. Supervisor: Professor CD McQuaid. WOOLLEY, Lindsey Dawn, B.Sc. (Hons) (UJ), in Fisheries Science, in the Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The development of a practical diet for juvenile dusky kob, A rgyrosom us japonicas, for the South African mariculture industry. GANTO, Mlungiseleli Macdonald, B.Sc. (Hons) (UWC), M.Sc. (UCT), in Chemistry, in the Department of Chemistry. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Application of Baylis-Hillman Methodology in the construction of complex heterocyclic targets. Supervisor: Professor PTKaye. 18 19 GLASS, Kevin Robert, B.Sc. (Hons) (RAU), in Computer Science, in the Department of Computer Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Automating the conversion of natural language fiction to multi-modal 3D Animated Virtual Environments. Supervisor: Professor SD Bangay. HENNINGER, Tony Oskar, M.Sc. (Rhodes), in Marine Biology, in the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Aspects of the ecology and biology of the isopod, Exosphaeroma hylocoetes, (Barnard, 1940) in three temporarily open/closed Southern African estuaries. Supervisor: Professor AN Hodgson. Co-supervisor: Professor PW Froneman. IDOWU, Mopelola Abidemi, M.Sc. (Ibadan), in Chemistry, in the Department of Chemistry. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Photophysical and photochemical behaviour of metallophthalocyanines: Effect of nanoparticIes and molecules of biological importance. Supervisor: Professor T Nyokong. SA WUNY AMA, Tendai, M.Sc. (Zimbabwe), in Hydrology, in the Institute for Water Research. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Evaluating uncertainty in water resources estimation in SouthelTI Africa: A case study of South Africa. Supervisor: Professor DA Hughes. THINYANE, Mamello Patience, M.Sc. (Rhodes), in Computer Science, in the Department of Computer Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: A knowledge oriented, context sensitive architectural framework for service deployment in marginalized rural communities. Supervisor: Professor A Terzoli. Co-Supervisor: Professor PG Clayton. WALTER, Cheryl Tracy, M.Sc. (Rhodes), in Microbiology, in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Establishing experimental systems for studying the replication biology of Providence virus. Supervisor: Professor RA Dorrington. KASCHULA, Sarah Alice Hart, M.Sc. (Wits), in Environmental Science, in the Department of Environmental Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The impact ofHIV/AIDS on household food security and food acquisition strategies in South Africa. Supervisor: Professor C Shackleton. MKIZE, Nolwazi, B.Sc. (Fort Hare), M.Sc. (Rhodes), in Entomology, in the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Insect pests of cultivated and wild olives, and some of their natural enemies, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Supervisor: Professor MH Villet. NAKIN, Motebang Dominic Vincent, M.Sc. (UNITRA), in Zoology, in the Depaliment of Zoology and Entomology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Effects of marine reserves on the biology of rocky intertidal limpets along the southeast coast of South Africa. Supervisor: Professor CD McQuaid. 21 20 VICE-CHANCELLOR'S AWARDS Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Senior Research Medal Peter Vale Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Senior Teaching Medal Russell Harold Kaschula Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Medal Heila Betrie Sisitka Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Award for Community Engagement Vice-Chancellor's Book Award Daniel Alban Wylie ACADEMIC HONOURS ABEL, Sarah Ruth ABRAHAMS, Philip John Murray BIGGS, Rory BRICKHILL, Liam Timothy BREIER, Daniel Robert CHILES, Sarah Anne CLOETE, Ingrid Susan COATES, Megan Patricia CONIBEAR, Anne Claire COOKE, Kayleen Jeanne COWIE, Bradley DORASAMY, Chloe DU PREEZ, Elizabeth Inge ELEY, Clive William GOODRICK, Glen GROGAN, Patrick Meredith HALL, Leila Marie Elisabeth Helen I-IARDING, Storm Thyra HARRY, Cairen HOLLAND, Emma Huntsman HORSMAN, Mark Glen HYDE, Andrew Nicholas JAPP, Kevin Simon JOHNSON, Eleanore KENYON, Amy KLEYNHANS, Danielle Merlyn LOMBARD, Erica Louise MBAO, Wamuwi MCQUAID, Christopher Finn MILLIN, Jonathan James MOHAMED, Sarah Shirazali • Hassam MORBI, Fatema Hooneid MULLER, Andrea NOMOYI, Siyabulela NOTTINGHAM, Alastair Timothy PONJOU TASSE, Flora SANDBERG, Dale Mary SIEBORGER, Ian STYLIANOU, Christina Kleanthous TRISTRAM, Waide Barrington TYFIELD, David Anthony WILSENACH, Rouan Moorcroft WRIGHT, Imogen Abigail . ~ ~ I,' ACADEMIC COLOURS ADAMI, Kelly Anne JHUNDOO, Henusha Devi JOHNSON, Hailey Elizabeth ALEXANDER, Christie Anne KARRIM, Qudsiya ANDREWS, Anthony Leonardo KWATSHA, Lindiwe Mapule Sydney LANDERS, Samantha Mle APPEL, Misty LEE, Brendon ATKINSON, Miranda Ruth BAILLIE, Vicky Lynne MARSH, Melissa Joanne BARFORD, Kirsty-Lee MASTER, Miqdad Ghulamabbas MCDOUGALL, Timothy Patrick BODILL, Samantha BOSWORTH-SMITH, Sadie MCGREGOR, Emily Skye Elizabeth MCLEA, Harriet Katharine BROCK, Robert Nicholas Thandiwe BROMLEY, Candice Leigh MELL Y, Brigitte Leigh CLIFFORD-HOLMES, Jai Kumar MENEZIES, Jade Michele MKHABELA, Hlawulani CLUVER, Frances Rose Mannix Noluthando COCKBURN, Ingrid Louise COLLETT, Gary Reece MOOD LEY, Megandrie COLLETT, Jenna Lara MOYO, Buhle COOPER, Leanne Claire MURRAY, Pamela Elizabeth COX, Robyn Jane PARKIN, Melissa Madeleine CROMHOUT, Mary Elizabeth PATCHAY, Sharisaan CRYMBLE, Leigh PETROV, Pavel DANIEL, Dustan William PIENAAR, Charl DEALL, Michael John REID, Luke Jabulani DELPORT, Lindi Lou RICHARDSON, Alexandra Vanessa RICHTER, Teri EHRLICH, Philippa Louise SAHD, Curtis Lee FAULKNER, Katelyn Terri FORBES, Ross William SCHEEPERS, Sharlane Tanith FOSS, Jeremy John SCHIER, Thorsten Ewald FOX, Peta Ann SCISCIO, Lara FOXCROFT, Terence Robert SHAPIRO, Stacey-Leigh SHIVJI, Taizeen FURMAN, Katherine Elizabeth GANIWALLA, Shaheed Imtiaz SIMAK, Geraldine Josephine SPRING, Joseph Stephen GODLONTON, Ross Brian STARKEY, Randall Ashley GOSS, Sheldon Edward GOUWS, Nicole Lyn STEVENS, David Paul STOPFORTH, Penny GREYLING, Elizabeth Sophia GRIMMER, Ashley STYLIANOU, Michelle Alexandra HEIDEMAN, Vicky Joanna SUTHERLAND, Graeme Wakfer HERRIDGE, Kristy Lynn TENG, James Wei Jie TENNENT, Nicola Gail JACOBS, Carmen JACOBSOHN, Jade Leigh THOMPSON, Alice Lynne TURK, Brendan Kerr VERMEULEN, lIke WARD, Catherine Dale WELLS, Bridget Leigh WEYER, Dylan James WEYL, Philip Sebastian Richard WINN, Michael ACADEMIC HALF COLOURS AGUSTONI, Lorenzo Angelo BARRETT, Dennis Ian BASSON, Wade BEHRENS, Michelle Christine BOOTH, Jenny Marie BOULLE, Catherine Ann BRODERICK, Lucy Mea BULL, Katherine Am1e CALDER, Amanda Jane CARTER, Emmylou CARTWRIGHT, Peter Mark CLARKE, Caryn Lee CONNOR, Ashleigh Louise COOMBES, Candice Anne COOMBES, Matthew John CRYMBLE, Gregory Arnold CRYMBLE, Tegan DANIELS, Ryan Joseph FAKEE, J ameel FORTEATH, Shaun FREER, Patrick David Leacroft GARSON, Christie Nicole GARUS-OAS, Appoloritha Penlope GENNRICH, Jessica Nezar GIBBS, Sarah-Anne GILLI, Martina GREEN, Amy Sarah GRUND LING, Megan HADDON, Christine Mikaella HAIDULA, Alina Fimaneka HEINE, Shannon Jane HO, Lance St John HODKIN, Claire Lindsay HOHLS, Samantha Lee HULLEY, Judy-Leigh INGLE, Gail Ella IRVINE, Philippa Margaret JACOB, Blessing JOLLANDS, Jessica Kathleen JOSEPH, Nadine KIMUNGU, Latifa Hakim KNIGHTS, Michelle Aileen Anne KURZEWSKI, Anne Claire LEE, Deva LEIMAN, Layla Diana LLOYD-JONES, Glyn Francis Michael LOTTER, Jaclyn Oehley LUTCHMUN, Thashveen LUYT, Catherine Diane MAGNUS, Laura MATHIAS SEN, Caitlin Wedege MATIZA, Patrick MATTISON, Timothy Paul MAWENI, Rutendo Muchapedzei MCCONNACHIE, Christopoer John Charles MCCONNACI-UE, Kathryn Therese MENDES, Adriano MIDZI, Linda Zvikomborero MOELLER, Katrin Verena MORFORD, Cristie Olivia MORGAN, Casey Lloyd MOSS, Nicholas Andrew MTHOKO, Hafeni Tulimewawa Wilhelmina Lyatenda MUDZAMI, Yvonne Tendai MUSUWO, Leonard Shingai MW ANANDIMAI, Rudo Stefanie MW ANSA, Mumamba Chitumwa NAKAZWE, Kapembwa NOWERS, Lynn Colleen iii ii O'GRADY, Cathleen Jeannette O'HAGAN, Kyle Leonard ORPEN, Judith Kathleen Lisle PARKINSON, Matthew Cameron PERCY, Luke PHILLIPS, Michael Brent PICKERING, Joanna Kingwill PISTORIUS, Juliana Maryna PURDON, Carly RICHARDSON, Amy Elizabeth ROGERS, Richard Wamer ROSS, Kerryn ROTH, Heather Frances RUSSOUW, Rosaline Cheryl SACHIKONYE, Tsitsi Shamiso Anne SELKIRK, Catherine Elizabeth SENEKAL, Monique L'Oreal SIDDLE, Christine Elaine SIMLEIT, Carla Leigh SMEDLEY, David Alan SMIT, Tamryn Dale SMITH, Jade SMITH, Tracey Leigh STACK, Lee Christopher STAPLES, Jessica Ruth STERRENBERG, Jason Neville STEYN, Ruth Elizabeth STUART-CLARK, Lucy Bena TA YLOR, Jessica Mary THOMPSON, Aimee TOMAN, Michael Peter TOMBE, Sekai Lana TRISTRAM, Uvedale Roy TYAMZASHE, Vusani UNSWORTH, Shannon Jade VALE, Elizabeth Nosizwe VAN RENSBURG, Caitlin Margot VAN WYK, John Robert WALES, Nora-Lee WALSH, Kim WILLIAMSON, Frances Catherine WOOLLGAR, Clayton Kurt ZIMBA, Catherine ZIPP, Gisela Lesley AWARDS OF SCHOLARSHIPS, BURSARIES AND PRIZES Abe Bailey Travel Scholarship : N Makhubu Alfred Beit Scholarships: PDL Freer, DI Barrett, CW Mathiassen, RJ Daniels, T Lutclmlan Allan Gray Senior Scholarship - Honours: TL Alexander, N Madyini, T Mashabane Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships - Honours: A Bofilatos, CA Boulle, SA Chiles, L Chivese, R Dhilwayo, L Gmeiner, LME Hall, E Johnson, SK Kabangu, R Koeberg, D Lee, N Mashele, SSH Mohamed, NL Msimanga, L Mthembu, W Muswera, T Poulos, NS Pswarayi, CL Schultz, C Sibana, A Thompson, FM Tohlang, MT Wambui, LM Watson, CM Wilmot Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships _ Masters: J Alexander, B Arnlstrong, T A Beckerling, KL Barford, J Barnard, FRM Cliiver, JL Collett, AC Coni bear, L Crymble, A De Coning, HV De Klerk, TM Dewhurst, N Elliott, AF Gibson, JA Grobbelaar, IZ GundhIa, AE Hobson, NI Hoffinann, SP Howell, J Jacobsohn, HD Jhundoo, HE Johnson, SMJ Jones, LE Koskenkangas, J Majakwara, D Makaza, DSC MaIanlis, TM Mangwengwende, TWE Marais, CL Marshall, TG Matumba, T Mazorodze, W Mbao, HN MkhabeIa, B Moyo, M Mumba, M Munsaka, M Nyathi, T Nxasana, SA Paphitis, AMM Phiri, F Ponjou Tasse, L Sciscio, I VemleuIen, JAV Walters Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships -Doctoral: AF AfoIayan, LP Aipinge, EL Allan, L Allan, OOS Arojjo, ATF Bernard, FA Chaibva, WJU Chidawanyika, YK Gandu, KC Idahosa, IV B Jari, MA Jimoh, B Magure, M MutOlwa, AG Nindi, D Ocwich, AI Okewole, 00 Oladeinde, FJ Otten, C Pade, A Padmanabhanunni, BW Price, JR Short, EL Steenkanlp, M Tukulula, CRD Van Der Mescht, K Wa Kasongo Andrew Mellon Fouudation Humanities Doctoral Postgraduate Scholarships: LJ Corkin, L Gumboreshumba, LA Kelland, B Magoqwana, K Mapana, MT Mavura, A Moyo, T Murisa, R Pithouse, A Sarimana, M Williams Atlantic Philanthropies Scholarships: AR Childs, AC Muller, N S Ngcamu, M Oelofsen, T Seobi, BM Zuma A Trevor Williams Scholarship: No award Best Chemistry II Pdze: MJ Coombes B,etty Shuttleworth Scholarship : CE Hodgson BDO Spencer Steward Prize: C Laufs Charles Bryars Scholarship : JM Pistorius, J du Plessis, PM Cartwright, Z Mkwanazi Conrad Dylan Cambray Scholarship: SL Tombe David Adolph Bradlow Scholarship for Humanities: EL Lombard Dean of Students Leadel"ship Award: RJ Barnett, L Crymble, MR Freeman, PM Jakubek, T Mlambo, FH Morbi, MRS Tayub Desmond Goddard Bursary: To be awarded Douglas Rivett Bursary: CW Eley Dr Kendall Scholarships: SA Chiles, B Cowie, EI Du Preez, CW Eley, PM Grogan, LME Hall, MG Horsman, A Kenyon, SSH Mohamed, RM Wilsenach Dr Maryam Babingida Scholarship: NC Wilson Dutch Language Union Bursary: Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship for South African History: S Kerseboom, K van Zyl Ernst & Young Award for the best Information Systems II (Accounting - Professional) Student: NA Moss Guy Butler Research Award: To be awarded Henderson Postgraduate Scholarships - Masters: SR Abel, ST Ambrose, JMH Barry, CL Bromley, MP Coates, K Cooke, JD Filmalter, JC Lawson, W Tristranl, I Wright Henderson Postgraduate Scholarships - Doctoral: RH Bennett, G Coombs, J-A De la Mare, JOG Kemp, M VI ok, JS Van Dyk Henry Bradlow Scholarship for Science: AC Conibear Honours Degree Scholarships: LA Agustoni, MS Ahmed, W Basson, MD Berndt, ML Bidzha, R Biggs, JM Booth, CA Boulle, MA Burke, A Candotti, SA Chiles, J CliffordHolmes, IS Cloete, LA Cloete, NH Colvin, B Cowie, KV Dobrev, C Dorasamy, EI Du Preez, CW Eley, CA Fisher, S Forteath, CN Garson, L Gmeiner, G Goodrick, SE Goss, PM Grogan, AF Haidula, LME Hall, CHarry, CA Hartzenberg, NG Hathorn, CJ Hazle, CS Hazle, SJ Heine, HC Henninger, ZK Hinis, CGB Hittler, CL Hodkin, MG Horsman, AN Hyde, PM Irvine, KS Japp, E Johnson, N Joseph, GlB Kahn, NS Kaulule, A Kenyon, T Khan, GJ I(rastin, AC Kurzewski, D Lee, LD Leiman, JO Lotter, J Louw, LM Luyt, KF Mackintosh, CA Makanjee, M Mann, A Martin, S Matabiswana, T A Mayson, JR McCafferty, KA McKenzie, A Mendes, SSH Mohamed, PJ Mollel, NL Msimanga, TS Murray, SM Mzamo, M Naidoo, NA Nel, S Nomoyi, KL Nottingham, JKL Orpen, D Parker, MC Parkinson, RA Peel, JM Peirce, L Percy, CT Perks, MB Phillips, C Pienaar, T Poulos, HB Pratt, JK Robertson, MC Rose, KRoss, RC Russouw, DM Sandberg, K.M Savage, SW Schady, CL Schultz, BR Sebopela, ML Senekal, DA Smedley, A Sobukwe-Whyte, JS Spring, IN Sterrenberg, K..F Taylor, NG Tennent, S Thomas, A Thompson, LJ Uplink, DA Van Der v Lingen, AH Van Wezel, NL Wales, R Wartenberg, JP Waternleyer, CM Wilmot, RM Wilsenach Ian Mackenzie Scholarship for Environmental Studies: To be awarded Irvin and Johnson Postgraduate Bursary in Fisheries Science: To be awarded Jane Osborne Scholarship: J Barnard, S Smit Joe Levy Scholarship: NJ Young Leon Gluckman Memorial Scholarship in Drama: To be awarded Master's Degree Scholarships: SR Abel, KA Adami, CA Alexander, ST Ambrose, ALS Andrews, M Appel, MR Atkinson, VL Baillie, KL Barford, S Bodill, SE Bosworth-Smith, NL Bradshaw, LT Brickhill, RN Brock, LM Broderick, CL Bromley, FRM Cliiver, M Coates, IL Cockburn, GR Collett, JL Collett, AC Conibear, KJ Cooke, LC Cooper, RJ Cox, ME Cromhout, LC Crymble, DW Daniel, BJ De Wet, LL Delport, NJ Du Preez, PL Ehrlich, KT Faulkner, RW Forbes, JJ Foss, PA Fox, TR Foxcroft, KE Funnan, SI Ganiwalla, RB Godlonton, NL Gouws, LF Grant, ES Greyling, A Grimmer, KL Herridge, C Jacobs, JL Jacobsolm, HD Jhundoo, HE Jolmson, LJ Kaplan, Q Karrim, DM Kleynhans, LM Kwatsha, SM Landers, B Lee, EL Lombard, LH Loubser, MJ Marsh, MG Master, W Mbao, TP McDougall, ES McGregor, HKT McLea, LR McMichael, CF McQuaid, BL Melley, JM Menezies, JJ Millin, HN Mkhabela, M Moodley, FH Morbi, B Moyo, A Muller, PE Murray, A Naik, AT Nottingham, MM Parkin, S Patchay, P Petrov, F Ponjou Tasse, LJ Reid, A V Richardson, T Richter, CL Salld, ST Scheepers, TE Schier, L Sciscio, SL Shapiro, T Shivji, I Sieborger, GJ Simak, RA Starkey, DP Stevens, CA Stirling, P Stopforth, CK Stylianou, MA Stylianou, GW Sutherland, JWJ Teng, AL Thompson, WB Tristram, BK Turk, A Van Heerden, JS Vandeleur, I Vemleulen, CD Ward, BL Wells, DJ Weyer, PSR Weyl, M Winn, IA Wright, GP Zorn Muirhead Bursary: JJ Millin Otto Beit Scholarship : C Harry Patrick and Margaret Flanagan Scholarship: MJ Marsh Professor B R Allanson Scholarship : Raymond Pullen Memorial Scholarships for Arts - Drama: HM Richter - Fine Art : IE Bronner, T -L Nicol, E Sippel - Music: Z Mkwanazi Rhodes Foundation Scholarship (Most Outstanding Graduate) : RBiggs Rhodes Governor's Scholarship (Most Outstanding Undergraduates in the Humanities, Science, Pharmacy and Commerce Faculties): PDL Freer, MJ Coombes, CW Mathiassen, NC Wilson Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Honours: R Biggs, CW Eley, MG Horsman, KS Japp, MC Parkinson, L Percy, RM Wilsenach Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Masters: LC Cooper, T Goble, PW Greenway, EL Lombard, LJ Reid, TJ Richardson, I Sieborger, GW Sutherland, RE Terlazzo Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Doctoral: BM Grogan, W Wilhelm Rhodes University Scholarships: PDL Freer, Dr Barrett, MJ Coombes, MAA Knights, CW Mathiassen, T Lutchman, KA Bull, NC Wilson, CJ O'Grady, NA Moss Rob & Trish Midgley Law Prize: SHaken SASOL Centenary Honours Degree Scholarships in Physical Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology or Biotechnology: A Kenyon, ME Sithole vi Sir Basil Schonland Scholarship: A Muller Thelma Henderson Bursary: T Mushwana Thomas Alty Scholarship : W Mbao William Francis Barker Bursary: No award A Trevor Williams Prize for Physics I: PDL Freer Physics II : MJ Coombes Accenture Information Systems Honours : CA Alexander Information Systems II : ER Stalmans Adams and Adams Law Prize: CJC McConnachie Alastair Kerr Prize: IS Cloete Alexander Ogg Prize for Physics: KR Henninger Altruism Award for the Unselfish Support of Fellow IS Honours Students: Aschman Scholarship : KL Robinson Avlynne Bowen Award for Pharmacy II : AJ Calder B A Putterill Prize: No Award Bancroft Medal for the Outstanding MSc in the Field of Mineral Exploration (Sponsored by Anglo-American) : No Award Basil Schonland Physics Prize: IA Wright Beth Cumming Memorial Prize: BC Fitzpatrick Bill Branford Prize for Linguistics: RC Russouw Brian Pecldtam Memorial Prize: EH Holland A Bronze Medal of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science (S2 3) : JOG Kemp BSG Best Information Systems Honours Research Project: CA Alexander, RB Godlonton, GG Nyanlayi, TM Surridge, M Tiou Ocean Tech Team: BSG Special Award for the Best IS Honours All Round Performance in Academic and Non-Academic Spheres: RB Godlonton Butterworth Book Prizes for Law: Penultimate Year: CJC McConnachie Final Year: PJM Abrahams Butterworth Management Accounting III Prize: C Dorasamy Catherine Foxcroft and Gary Terry Prize: AJ Duncan Centre of Excellence Prize for the best Computer Science Research Student: KR Glass, MP Thinyane DeS Oosthuizen Memorial Prize for Philosophy: SA Paphitis David Williams Memorial Prize for Mathematics III : R Biggs Deloitte & Touche Prizes for Postgraduate Diploma in Taxation: Best Research Essay: No Award Most Innovative Choice of Topic or Research Design: I Seedat Dr Adolph Schrauder Memorial Prize in Sociology: MB Phillips Dr Kurt Gillis Prize for Psychology Masters: AS van der Merwe Dr Valentine Cuenod Memorial Prize for French III: ODPM Lemercier Duerden Scholarship : I Vermeulen DuncanIWhiteley Biochemistry Prize: LC Cooper E D Mountain Prize: AF Haidula, C Pienaar Ernest Wild Prizes Psychology II: L-A Bruce vii Psychology III : MG Horsman Ewer Prize in Zoology and Entomology: ST Ambrose F P Muirhead and M B Rosenberg Memorial Prize for MicI'obiology III : A Mendes Frank Rostron Bursary: AA Campher Fred Cooper Prize for Company Law: CJC McConnachie Gavin Stewart and John Pattern Prize: L Dada George M Gruber Physics !ElIlE2 Prize: K Mafundikwa Gladys Blackbeard Scholarship: J-L Hulley Grahamstown Training College Bursaries - English : L-J Verhanlme, LJ Wills - Music: YR Matibe Grant and Marjorie McKerron Scholarship (Law) : CJC McConnachie Heather Drummond Memorial Prize for Poetry: DA Tyfield Helmut Weigert Memorial Prize for Mathematics I: DI Barrett IBM Best Information Systems Honours Research Project: C Jacobs IDI Technology Solutions Prizes Computer Science Honours: JJ Millin Computer Science I : PDL Freer Investec Top MBA Student Award: Investec Best MBA Dissertation Award : Investec MBA Good Fellowship Award: J C van Hille Award in Zoology and Entomology: CA Coombes J aninne Franke Prizes Best Computer Science Honours Project: F Ponjou Tasse Computer Science II : MAA Knights Jardine Prize: CW Mathiassen Joe King Prize: MS Ahmed John and Audrey Foxcroft Beethoven Prize: J du Plessis John O'Meara Prize for Organisational Psychology III : HF Roth Johnson and Johnson Award fOI' Chemistry I : K Mafundikwa, RJ Daniels Jonathan Marks Prize: AL Thompson JVL Rennie Prize: FH Morbi Judge Schock Prize: EH Holland Junior Captain Scott Medal: Juta Prizes Law Prize: EH Holland Management Prizes Bachelor of Business Science IV: No Award Management Honours: MR Atkinson, T Shivji Management III : AC Kurzewski Postgraduate Diploma in Enterprise Management: CS Page Kevin Carlean Memorial Scholarship (Journalism) : KT McConnachie Kieron George Chambers Memorial Bursary: TC Munedzimwe Konrad Kulesza Award: No award KPMG Award for Accounting Honours: LH Loubser KPMGlLen Verster Accounting II Prize: NA Moss Lannon Best Information Systems Honours Research Essay Award: Leslie Kent Award fOI' Geology: S Bax Lillian Britten Prize for Botany: SE Goss Louis Dubb Prize: NG Tennent Margaret Smith Bursary in Ichthyology and Fisheries Science: No award Matthew Jones Memodal Shield: JM Booth Mattie Shuttleworth Speech Prize: CA Fisher Mavis Hill Prize for Mnsic : No Award Mel Field Award for the Best IS Tutor: Merck Prizes Biotechnology Honours: HE Johnson Chemistry III : CW Eley Microbiology Hononrs: B Moyo Michael Kapelus Memorial Pdze for Pharmacy: K-L Barford Milner Memorial Essay Prize: No Award Best Biochemistry II Prize: CE Siddle Neville (Robbie) Robertson Scholarship: YM Chilimanzi Nederlandse Taalnnie Bursary: T Baldces, LL Coetzee, C Coetzee, E Fen"eira, SR Meintjes, R Ptince, A Tarr Norman Hards Pdze: E Carter Oxford University Press Pdze for English Literature: EL Lombard Patrick Mynhardt Prize: TV Jacobs, AN Lech Pearce Rood Pdzes (Law) _ Legal Theory I - RS Mwanandimai _ Legal Theory II - CM van Rensburg _ Legal Theory III - NG Tennent _ LLB 3 - CJC McConnachie Pricewaterhouse Coopers Prizes PDipAcc or BAcc IV - A Naik BCom or BAcc III - C Dorasamy Professional Provident Society Prizes Honours Research Essay Top Honours StudentPurvis Pdze : LF Grant Rapportryers Bursary: T Welman R G McKerron Prize for Law of Delict: ST Harding R L Threlfell Memorial Prize: SSH Mohamed Rhodes University Chamber Choir Music Award: No Award Rob Antonissen Memorial Award: JM Pistotius Robert B Lloyd Bursary: PM Cartwtight Rodney Davenport History Scholarship: JK Clifford-Holmes Rowney Prize: E Sippel Royal Society of St George Prize: CA Boulle Rupert Onderwysstigting Prize for Music: No Award S A Breweries Prize for Biochemistry III: A Kenyon SAP Africa Prizes Computer Science III : B Cowie Best Progress in Computer Science: B Lusithi Sasol Pdze for Biochemistry: A Kenyon Schwarz Memorial Prize for Geology : JM Gaisford Shirley Ritchie Prize: MA Groenink Sigma Aldrich Award for Chemistry Honours: AC Conibear Sole Memodal Prize for History Masters: RG Marshall Spilkin Prize fOI" Law: IS Cloete ix viii Spoor and Fisher Prize for Intellectual Property Law: ST Harding Steyn Maartens Memorial Prize for Afrikaans: A du Plessis Sydney Cruise Memorial Prize for Mathematics II : MJ Coombes South African Institute of Chartered Accountants: Southern Region Prizes: - Advanced Accounting: A Naik Advanced Auditing: A Naik - Taxation: A Naik - Advanced Management Accounting: A Naik South African Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences Medal for Academic Excellence Pharmacy Year I: K Mafundikwa Pharmacy Year II: AJ Calder Pharmacy Year III: L Magnus Pharmacy Year IV: HD Jhundoo Terence Beard Prize for Politics: IS Cloete UPB Prizes Linguistics I : RE Steyn - H R Management: To be awarded Best Information Systems III Student: SSH Mohamed Viv de KIerk Prize for Linguistics II : GL Zipp VS Forbes Prize: SE Goss, SA Chiles VWSA Management Scholarship : CM Wilmot WD Terry Memorial Prize: NC Wilson William Barker Memorial Prize: Winifred Maxwell Prizes History I : DC Knowles Most Progress in History I: AE O'Donoghue THE PURPLE AND THE WHITE Surgit' 0 Rhodienses gloriae memores Voce magna cantate famam laudantes. Vestrum reboent, splendorem montes Palmam vos feratis semper Rhode. colores nostros cole tu. Adfin em vitae durabit amor Desideriumque Rhodi. Rise, Rhodians in recognition of renown. Sing out loud in praise of high repute. Let the hills ring with your splendour. May you always win the highest honour. Rhodes. cherish our colours. To the end oflife the desire and longing For Rhodes will endure. Nitemurcausae favere iustae. Semperque honores fovere tuos, Ludis perfrui, rectumque sequi Purpurae cando rique fidi. Rhode. colores nostros cole tu. Adfinem vitae durabit amor Desideriumque Rhodi. We must strive to favour the just cause, And always to cultivate your reputation, to relish sport and follow the right path, To put faith in the purple and white. Rhodes. cherish our colours. To the end oflife the desire and longing For Rhodes will endure. GAUDEAMUS IGITUR x Gaudeamus igitur,juvenes dum sumus; (Rep) Postjucundamjuventutem, post molestam senectutem, Nos habebit humus, nos habebit humus. Let us Ii ve then, and in j oy While the bloom of youth we see After young days' pastime glad After old age drear and sad Under earth we'll be. Ubi sunt qui ante nos in mundo fuere? (Rep) Vadite ad superos, transite ad inferos, Ubijam fuere, ubijam fuere. Where are they who years before Here on earth did dwell? Seek among the gods above, From those below go seek thereof Where they now do dwell. VivatAcademia, Vivant Professores, (Rep) Vivat membrum quodlibet, vivant membra quaelibet, Semper sint in flore, semper sint in flore. Long live this University Long life to those who leaming nourish! Long live each member great and small, Long life to Rhodians one and all Let them ever flourish! Vivat et respublica, et qui illam regit; (Rep) Vivat nostra civitas, Maecenatum caritas, Quae nos hie protegit, quae nos hie protegit. Long live our country also, Long life to those who guide it, Long live our town in strength and health Long live our patrons by whose wealth We are here provided! I'rfL7S RHODES UNIVERSITY 2009 GRADUATION CEREMONY 1820 SETTLERS NATIONAL MONUMENT FRIDAY 17 APRIL AT 18:00 CHANCELLOR G.J. Gcrwcl, B.A.(Hons), D.Litt. et Phil., LL.D. (Honoris causa) VICE-CHANCELLOR S.Badat, B.Soc.Sc.(Hons), Celi.H.E.Sc.&Tech.Policy, Ph.D., D.Phil. (Honoris causa) DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (ACADEMIC & STUDENT AFFAIRS) S.G. MabizeIa, M.Sc., Ph.D. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT) P.G. Clayton, Ph.D., EI.C.S., M.C.S.S.A., M.A.C.M. CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL Thc Hon. Mr Justice R.J.W. Joncs, B.A., LL.B. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Congregation is requested to stand while the Choir sings Vis Virtus Veritas and the Procession enters the Auditorium. The Chancellor will constitute the Congregation. The Vice-Chancellor will welcome the Congregation. Professor Dennis Brutus will address the Congregation. PRESIDENT OF CONVOCATION The Rev. T.S.N. Gqubulc, Ph.D., D.D. (Honoris causa) DEANS Professor F.T. Hendricks, B.A., M.Soc.Sc., Ph.D. Professor R.T.E Bernard, Ph.D. Professor J. Campbcll, B.A., LL.B., LL.M. Professor G.J. Euvrard, M.A., H.D.E., B.Ed., D.Litt. et Phil. Professor A.C.M. Wcbb, Ph.D. Professor R.B. Walker B.Pharm., Ph.D., M.P.S. Dr V.A. de Klerk, M.A., H.E.D., Ph.D. Professor M.D. Vermaak, B.A.(Hons), Drs.Phil. Dcan of thc Faculty of Humanities Dean of thc Faculty of Sciencc Dean of the Faculty of Law Dcan of the Faculty of Education Dean ofthc Faculty of Commerce Dean of the Faculty ofPharn1acy Dcan of Students Dcan: Intcrnational Office REGISTRAR S. Fourie, B.Th., B.D., D.Th. VIS VIRTUS VERITAS Quae paris cives animo vigentes Africae praebens rationis aIies Alma te mater canimus Iibentcr Nos Rhodienses. You who produce citizens of vigorous intellect, as you offcr to Africa the arts and skills which come from reason - we who arc Rhodians gladly hymn you, our Alma Mater. Veritas semper pretiosa nobis Praesit et pellat procul omne fUlium Neu sinatquemquam male consulentem Discere falsa. May truth be always prccious and preside over us and may it drive far away all deceit, nor may it allow anyonc with cvil intent to learn what is false. Quicquid est foedum cohibere, quicquid Integrae vitae proprium tueri Gaudeat virtus studiosa pacis Visque benigna. May virtue and courage, eager for peace, together with well disposed strength, rejoice to restrain whatcver is disgusting and to uphold whatever belongs to the fullness oflife. Purpura cincti et memo res parcntum Cuique nitamur dare iustum honorem Neminique umquam licet invidentes Astra petamus. Clad with purple and remembering our fathers, let us strive to render to everyone with honour which is due and without envying anyone let us aim for the stars. The Dean of the Faculty will present the candidates for the award of the Degrees of Bachelor, Bachelor with Honours, Master and Doctor of Philosophy. The Vice-Chancellor will present Daniel Alban Wylie for the award of the Vice-Chancellor's Book Award. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & Student Affairs) will present Russell Harold Kaschula for the award of the Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Senior Teaching Medal. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Development)" will present Peter Vale for the award of the Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Senior Research Medal. The Public Orator, Professor Paul R Maylam, will present Dennis Vincent Brutus for the Degree of Doctor of Literature, Honoris Causa. The congregation will stand and sing the National Anthem. The Chancellor will dissolve the Congregation. With the exception of the commencement and conclusion of the Ceremony and the singing of the National Anthem, members of the Congregation are requested to remain seated throughout the proceedings. FACULTY OF HUMANITIES DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS ABRAHAMS, Kathryn Maureen Murray ALLAN, Lorenza Francesca ASMAL, Raeesa BAKER, Julia BARGE, Jessica Caitlin BEETON, Joanna Lauren BEKKER, Debra Jane BENGIS, Lara Kirsten BEZUIDENHOUT, Illze Claudia BLIGNAUDT, Elmien Erina Esther BOAST, Jessica Ruth BOULLE, Catherine Ann, with distinction in English BOWLES, Robyn Margaret BRADFORD, Dylan Luke BROWN, Gaelin Kate BRUTSCH, Nicole Aline BUDAZA, Mzoxolo BURKE, Matthew Ainslie, with distinction in English BURSEY, Grant Julian CAMPBELL, Mary Jean CANDOTTI, Alessandro, with distinctions in English and Philosophy CARBY, Shellique Helen CHILES, Sarah Anne, with distinctions in Anthropology and Geography CHUMA, Asanda CHUWA, Anne Mary Linus CLARK, Candice CLIFFORD-HOLMES, Jai Kumar, with distinctions in History and Philosophy CLOETE, Ingrid Susan, with distinctions in Legal Theory and Politics COBBLEDICK, Gary Bruce 2 COLVIN, Nicola Helen, with distinction in Philosophy COZENS, Nicole Corinne CRA WFORD, Jo-Anne Lesley CRA WFORD, Kirsten Ingrid DAVIDSON, Neil DAVIES, Sarah Jean Tibbott DAVIS, Byron James DE LA HARPE, Victoria Claire DE VRIES, Lesley DHLAMINI, Sifiso Trevor DIPPENAAR, Thinus DOBSON, Melissa Jeanne DRESEN, Monika Pamela DRURY, Emma Kate DU PLESSIS, Anzet DU PLOOY, Gabriella DU PREEZ, Elizabeth Inge, with distinctions in Gennan Studies and Latin DUBE, Nompumelelo Sihle DUNLOP, Lesanne Susan DUNLOP-JONES, Jeffrey Ian EBELTHITE, Shaun EDDY, Catherine Theresa EDEY, James Andrew EVANS, David Rhys EVANS, Matthew Thomas Spencer EVANS, Michelle Leigh FENNER, Victoria FISHER, Chris Adrian, with distinction in Drama FISHER, Sarah FORBES, Tara Sonia FREEMAN, Malcolm Robert FULTON, Stacey Nicolla FURUSA, Phillip Tendai GARSON, Christie Nicole, with distinction in Human Kinetics & Ergonomics GILLMER, Danae-Lynn 3 GLOVER, Matthew Bain GMEINER, Lauren, with distinctions in Drama and Psychology GORDON-BENNETT, Lindy GRAINGER, Catherine Elizabeth GREYVENSTEIN, Rudi GRIFFIN, Joni-Ann GROENEWALD, Craig Robert GROGAN, Patrick Meredith, with distinctions in Gennan Studies and History GROUT, Lauren Cheryl GUPTAR, Roshnee Jennifer Vera HALL, Leila Marie Elisabeth, with distinctions in English and Journalism & Media Studies HAN SRAJ , Prashianne HARRISON, Kinneah HARRY, Cairen, with distinctions in English and Journalism & Media Studies HART, Bridget Cecily HARTLEY, Christopher John, with distinctions in English and Philosophy HARTZENBERG, Carol Anne, with distinction in Anthropology HATHORN, Nicole Gillian, with distinction in Infonnation Systems HAWORTH, Jade Lee HEINE, Shannon Jane, with distinction in Psychology HERBERT, Emma Vict01;a HINIS, Zoe Kara, with distinction in English HLUNGW ANI, CliffNhlamulo Msengi HOFFMANN, Karl Gunter HOROWITZ, Mara Nomvulu IRVINE, Philippa Margaret, with distinctions in Geography and Philosophy JACOBS, Linda Ruth JACOBS, Tristan Victor JARDIM, Sonia Pereira JERE, Mwabi Mary JOHNSON, Eleanore, with distinctions in English and History JOSEPH, Nadine, with distinction in Drama 4 JOUBERT, Rodain Pierre JOUBERT, Timothy Lawrence JUKES, Nicola-Ann KAEFLEIN, Clare Frances KAPLAN, Lilian Pearl Leah, with distinction in English KEMP, Christopher Roy KING, Thomas William KLOOSTERMAN, Marlous KNIGHT, Harriet Estella Fuller KOEN, Thea Willa KOMEN, Nadine KRASTIN, Gavin James, with distinction in Drama KUNJU, Hleze Welsh, with distinction in Instrumental Music Studies LA WRENCE, Belinda Louise Olivia LE ROUX, David LECH, Agatha Natasha LEE, Deva, with distinction in English LEIMAN, Layla Diana, with distinction in English LENFERNA, Georges Alexandre LENNARD, Georgia May LETSEKHA, Tebello LONI, Kholosa Siphe LOORINGH-VAN BEECK, Kim Gabrielle LOTHIAN, Julie-Anne LOTTER, Jaclyn Oehley, with distinction in Psychology LOWEN, Claire Margaret MABEKA, Pumelela MACKINTOSH, Kirsten Fraser, with distinction in Philosophy MAGOR, Nicole MALAN, Luana Jenita MANASE, Fungai MANY ANI, Tracey Zhoronie MAPONYA, Kabelo Mashaole MARTIN, Derralyn Claire MASOLA, Athambile MATHER, Caryn Abby 5 MA WDSLEY, Kirsten Louise Hutton MAYSON, Tamara Ann, with distinction in Information Systems MBALULE, Natasha MCKENZIE, Kerry Anne, with distinction in Drama MDANGA VI, Pumeza Pamela MEIKLE, Lloyd James Robert MEYER, Kate Millicent MGANDELA, Siphiwe MHLUNGU, Gugulethu MID LANE, James Peter MILLS, Sarah Jane MKAZA, Linda Olive MNGOMEZULU, Nosipho S'thabiso Thandiwe MOBBS, Alice Maureen MOHLOMI, Setumo-Thebe MOKGOKO, Mma-Tshepo Hilda MOODLEY, Piroshin MOSTERT, Cindy Natalia MOTLOGELW A, Leuta John MQALO, Ntombesizwe MSIBI, Nomkhosi MSIMANGA, Nondumiso Lwazi, with distinction in Drama MSINDO, Sandisile MTHEMBU, Lumumba, with distinction in English MULEMBA, Kapijimpanga MULLIN, Megan Frances MURRA Y, Torran Greer MVERE, Rudo Amanda NAIDOO, Ivana NDHLOVU, Bongiwe NDLOVU, Nobukhosi Ntombikayise NEL, Nicola-Ann, with distinction in English Language & Linguistics NICHOLSON, Sarah Lyndl NJOV ANE, Thandokazi NY AMENDE, Zandile NY ASULU, Takondwa Janice 6 NYATHI, Nomagugu Melinda O'BRIEN, Lauren Leigh ORPEN, Judith Kathleen Lisle, with distinction in English Language & Linguistics PATEL, Shereen Hanif PEARSON, Christine Mary PEIRCE, Julia Michelle, with distinction in Psychology PERCY, Luke, with distinctions in English Language & Linguistics and Psychology PHAMODI, Sekoetlane Jacob PHETWE, Puso PIENAAR, Sandra Michelle PONGWENI, Runyararo Alexander PONONO, Mvuzo POTTS, Tiffany Kelly PRATT, Holly Beth, with distinction in English Language & Linguistics PRESTON, Jenna Kate PROCTOR, Laura RAFF AN, Cameron Anderson RANDLES, Gareth John Meyrick RAPHUTI, Tshegofatso Lerato REINDERS, Scott Charles RICE, Nicole Alexandra RICHARDS, Ella Fleur ROADNIGHT, Daphne Lorraine ROBERTSON, Jade Kelly, with distinctions in Human Kinetics & Ergonomics and Psychology ROSE, Matthew Calvin, with distinction in Economics ROSS, Kerryn, with distinction in Human Kinetics & Ergonomics RUDD, Brigit May RUSSOUW, Rosaline Cheryl, with distinction in English Language & Linguistics SALOMON, Lara Aislinn SCHLUTER, Jessica SCHOEMAN, Estelle Elizabeth-Anne 7 SCHULTZ, Clea Lindsey, with distinctions in English and Instrumental Music Studies SCOTT, Samantha Jayne SEBOPELA, Boitumelo Ruth, with distinction in IsiXhosa (Second Language) SEHLOHO, Moliehi Lecadia SEKHOTO, Karabo Eulalia SENEKAL, Monique L'Oreal, with distinction in Drama SESOKO, Kabelo Ashley SHARIFF, Reshma SHEPP ARD, Laura Diane SHONE, Donnae Hayley SHONE, James Patrick SILVA, Bianca Maria SIMBAO, Aaron Zenzo SINGH, Tashne Tanya SITTIG, Lara Kimberley SMITH, Victoria Ella Florence SNELGAR, Jonathan Mark SOLE, Perrin Louise SOL WANDLE, Nomawethu SP ARG, Mark Raymond SP ARKE, Candice Lee SPECKMAN, Ashton-Lee SPEIRS, James SPENCE, Andrea Louise SPRING, Joseph Stephen, with distinctions in English Language & Linguistics and Geography STADLER, Leigh Tessa STEPHENSON, Justin John STEVENSON, Kieron lain DIAxon STEW ART, Amy Natalie STOFFBERG, Kendra SUTHERLAND, Thomas TAONGAI, Chipo TAU, Sethunya Harriet Hlobisa TAYLOR, Alice Grace 8 TAYLOR, Kim Frances, with distinctions in Drama and English THOMAS, Stuart, with distinction in English THOME, Karen Alexis THOMPSON, Aimee, with distinctions in Human Kinetics & Ergonomics and Organizational Psychology THOMPSON, Peter De Lisle TIMM, Lindy Michelle TOWNSHEND, Matthew John TSELAPEDI, Thapelo TURNER,Amy V AN JAARSVELDT, Ilze V AN KERCKHOVEN, Richard Graeme VAN SOELEN, Liza VAN WEZEL, Amy Hester, with distinction in Classical Civilization VAN ZYL, Jessica Ruth VERHAMME, Lisa-Jane VICE, Amy Wynne VLOK, Bryan Malcolm VON HASSELN, Nicole WAKEFIELD, Geoffrey WAKEFORD, Kim Jaclyn WALES, Nora-Lee, with distinction in English WANG, Lei WATSON, Lauren Maria WHITE, Megan WHITING, Ross Michael WIENAND, Jonathan WILMOT, Kirstin Dianne WILSENACH, Rouan Moorcroft, with distinctions in Computer Science and English ZOELLER, Martin Phillip 9 DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS ALEXANDER, Georgina Elizabeth, in International Studies ANTROBUS, Jacinta Leigh-Ann, in Psychology BARTON, Jesse Tatjana, in Classical Civilization BISCHOFF, Helina Marguerite Woineshet, in Frenchiinternational . Studies BONSU-AMOAKO, Nana, in Journalism & Media Studies BOSWORTH-SMITH, Sadie Elizabeth, in Psychology, with distinction BRADFIELD, Sarah-Jane, in Politics , BRADSHAW, Nikki Lea, in Organizational Psychology, with . distinction BRAINCH, Jessica Rose Mary, in Psychology BRICKHILL, Liam Timothy, in English, with distinction BRUYNS, Timothy Peter, in English CHUTEL, Lynsey Ebony, in Journalism & Media StudieslPolitics CLUVER, Frances Rose Mannix, in Psychology, with distinction COLLETT, Jelma Lara, in English, with distinction COX, Robyn Jane, in Linguistics & Applied Language Studies, with distinction CRYMBLE, Leigh, in Linguistics & Applied Language Studies, with distinction DAHL, Kerynn Michelle, in German Studies DAVIES, Christopher David, in English DAVY, Nicole Angela, in Anthropology DE WET, Emma Lungiswa, in Drama DEALL, Michael John, in Psychology, with distinction DELPORT, Lindi Lou, in Psychology, with distinction DICKERSON, Melanie Kate, in Organizational Psychology DU PLESSIS, Kim Michele, in Environmental Science/Geography DU TREVOU, Megan Ann, in Anthropology DUBB, Alexander Taylor, in Development Studies FERREIRA, Tarryn-Jade, in Linguistics & Applied Language Studies FOBE, Mila Pamella, in African Languages FOX, Peta Ann, in Classical CivilizationiEnglish, with distinction 10 FURMAN, Katherine Elizabeth, in International StudieslPhilosophy, with distinction GILBERT, Emilie Margaret, in French/International Studies GIUDICI, Regina, in Linguistics & Applied Language Studies GOUWS, Nicole Lyn, in Psychology, with distinction GREYLING, Elizabeth Sophia, in Anthropology/Sociology, with . distinction GUNYA, Daniel, in Politics HAXTON, Robert Peter, in Drama JACOT-GUILLARMOD, Robert Charles, in History JAMIESON, Emily Ann, in Journalism & Media Studies JEAREY, Rebecca Jane, in English KAJURA, Peace Tumusiime, in Development Studies KEEBINE, Kutlwano Tshepiso, in Industrial & Economic Sociology KHUNYELI, Ramotsamai ltumeleng, in Journalism & Media Studies LALLA, Varsha, in International Studies LE ROUX, Jonathan, in English LINDSAY, Carey Lee, in Art History LOCHNER, Eben Jakobus, in Art History LOMBARD, Erica Louise, in English, with distinction MACEMBE, Xolile Gladman, in African Languages MACHAKA, Racheal, in Anthropology MACKAY, Mitchell Ian, in International Studies MACKENZIE, Megan Patricia, in Politics MAFU, Bulelwa Nelisa, in International Studies MAJOZI, Nkululeko, in International Studies MAKHETHA, Mookho Margaritta, in Journalism & Media Studies MATHAMBO, Hugh Hinton, in Industrial & Economic Sociology MAZIBUKO, Njabulo Calvin, in Anthropology MBAO, Wamuwi, in English, with distinction MBENGO, Nomatshawe Josette, in African Languages MCLEA, Harriet Katharine Thandiwe, in JOUlnalism & Media Studies, with distinction MCLEAN, Neville Terence, in Psychology MCMICHAEL, Luke Raymond, in Enviromnental Science/Law, with distinction MDLONGWA, Sibusiso, in Organizational Psychology 11 MIDGLEY, Peter Nicholas, in Anthropology MKHABELA, Hlawulani Noluthando, in International Studies, with distinctiolL MOGANO, Lydia Lehlogonolo, in Psychology MOLAPO, Lipuo Marcelina, in Development Studies MORRISON, Alice Ruth, in Psychology MTI, Sehlule Nontutuzelo, in Economics MULLER-DEIBICHT, Anja, in International Studies MURRAY, Pamela Elizabeth, in Psychology, with distinction MWILU, Lwanga Racheal, in Journalism & Media Studies PARKER, Caitlin Mignonne, in Environmental Science , PATERSON, Kate Janet, in LawlPolitics PHAKEDI, Kelebogile Thandi, in Drama PHILLIPS, Jonathan William, in Psychology PRINSLOO, Estelle Helena, in Politics RAMA, Jessika, in Psychology RITCHIE, Nikki, in English SANDBERG, Dale Mary, in English, with distinction SCHEEPERS, Ella Philda, in International StudieslLaw SCHEEPERS, Sharlane Tanith, in Psychology, with distinction SIBINDI, Felicity, in History SIEBORGER, Ian, in Linguistics & Applied Language Studies, with distinction SMIT, Leanne Maree, in Linguistics & Applied Language Studies SMITH, James Gareth, in Philosophy SPELLAS, Jacqueline Nicole, in AnthropologylHistory STRUGNELL, Jenna-Lee, in Psychology STURGEON, Bianca Tarryn, in Psychology SUTHERLAND, Graeme Wakfer, in English, with distinction T ABATA, Nolufefe Tandeka, in Development Studies TENG, James Wei Jie, in Psychology, with distinction THALAKGALE, Kholofelo Molatela, in Journalism & Media Studies THOMPSON, Alice Lynne, in Drama, with distinction TRUTER, Victoria Zea, in English TWEDDLE, Martin Christopher, in Computer Science/Music & Musicology UTEDZI, Archbold, in International Studies 12 VAN DER MEULEN, Julia, in Human Kinetics & Ergonomics VAN HEERDEN, Andre, in LawlPhilosophy, with distinction WALKER, Timothy Charles, in International Studies WATERHOUSE, Claire, in French/International Studies WELLS, Bridget Leigh, in Organizational Psychology, with distinction WIENECKE, Barbel Christine, in Organizational Psychology ZORN, Gwendolyn Philippa, in Philosophy, with distinction DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS ACHESON, Kerry-Anne, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Counselling Psychology, with distinction, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The phenomenological experience of posttraumatic growth in the context of a traumatic bereavement. BAILLIE, Michael David, B.Journ. (Rhodes), in Politics, with distinction, in the Department of Political and International Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Sacrificial violence and the (re) production of masculine identity in South Africa: A girardian analysis. BALT, Christine, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Drama, with distinction, in the Department of Drama. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: "A dark revolt of being ": Abjection, sacrifice and the Real in performance art, with reference to the works of Peter van Heerden and Steven Cohen. BARBALI, Silvana Claudia, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Anthropology, with distinction, in the Department of Anthropology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Coping with xenophobia: Senegalese migrants in Port Elizabeth. 13 BOUGHEY, Thomas John George, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Politics, in the Department of Political and International Studies. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The binding roots of free-speech: An apostic argument for free-speech outside of the nation-state discourse. CHEMANE, Bonginkosi Reginald, B.A., M.Ed. (UNISA), Ph.D. (Zululand), in Clinical Psychology, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Integrating spirituality and psychotherapy: Experiences of a sample of terminally ill patients. COOK, Shashi Chailey, B.F.A. (Rhodes), in Art History, in the , Department of Fine Art. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Redress: Debates informing exhibitions and acquisitions in selected South African public art galleries (1990 -1994). DE JAGER, Melissa, B.A. (Hons) (UNISA), in Clinical Psychology, with distinction, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The development of a parental alienation syndrome interview protocol. DEINTJE, Wesley Clifford, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Drama, in the Department of Drama. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Anatomies of Violence: Performing violence, suffering and sacrifice on the postBrecthian body. An autopsy of three South African re-imaginings of Shakespeare. DEWA, Nonhlanhla, B.Sc. (Hons) (National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe), in Journalism and Media Studies, in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Interrogating gender constructions in the daily sun: An analysis of the coverage of the 'charter for a man' campaign against gender violence between November and December 2007. ELEY, Georgina Jane, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Linguistics & Applied Language Studies, with distinction, in the Department of English Language and Linguistics. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Clem's Sunter's transfonnationalleadership discourse: A linguistic analysis. 14 ELLIS, Hugh, B.Journ. (Rhodes), in Journalism and Media Studies, in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Conceptualisations of 'the community' and 'community knowledge' among community radio volunteers in Katutura, Namibia. ELPHICK, Marie-Clair, B.Soc.Sci. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Clinical Psychology, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Crossing the border: Constructions of borderline personality disorder within the South African context. A discourse analytical study. ESPINOSA, Marianna Judith, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Research Psychology, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Melanie Klein: A psychobiographical study. <'FIKE, Lauren Nicola, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Clinical Psychology, with distinction, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Cross-cultural normative indicators on the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) Associate Learning and Visual Reproduction subtests. FLETCHER, Haley Kim, in Politics, in the Department of Politics and International Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Conflict, contradiction and crisis: An analysis of the politics of AIDS policy in post-apartheid South Africa. FOSS, Lisl, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Counselling Psychology, with distinction, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Connecting with inner knowledge in preparation for the world of work. FREN(H, Rebecca Suzannah Christine, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in German Studies, in the School of Languages. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The devil in disguise - a comparative study of Thomas Mann's Dr Faustus (1947) and Klaus Mann's Mephisto (1936) 15 focussing on the role of art as an allegory of the rise and fall of Nazi Germany. GOGA, Safiyya, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Politics, with distinction, in the Department of Political and International Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The silencing of race at Rhodes: rituals and anti-politics on a post-apartheid campus. l GREEN, Bryony Rose Humphries, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in English, in the Department of English. Degree by thesis. Thesis: A book history study of Michael Radford's filmic production William , Shakespeare the merchant of Venice. MANDLA, Veliswa Maureen, B.A.Ed (Vista), B.A. (Hons) (UPE) in African Languages, in the School of Languages. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Intercultural communication in three Eastern Cape HIV/AIDS clinics. HACKSLEY, Timothy Christopher, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in English, with distinction, in the Department of English. Degree by thesis. Thesis: A critical edition of the poems of Henry Vaux (C. 1559 - 1587) in MS. Folger BD with STC 22957. MANSON, Katherine Elizabeth, B.A. (Hons) (Leeds), in Politics, with distinction, in the Department of Political and International Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Comparing-and contrasting liberal, communitarian and feminist approaches to tensions between Customary and Constitutional Law: The case of polygamy in Swaziland. HAMASAKA, Clayson, B.M.C. (Zambia), in Journalism and Media Studies, in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The impact of the broadcast legislative reforms on the newsroom staff s perceptions of the Zambia national broadcasting corporation (ZNBC) , s editorial operations and news content. 16 KEAL, Duncan Newton, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Geography, in the Department of Geography. Degree by thesis. Thesis: An investigation of changing socio-economic conditions, opportunities and development interventions in small Eastern Cape towns in South Africa. MAKHUBU, Nomusa Mary, B.F.A. (Rhodes), in Art History, in the Department of Fine Art. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The "Other" Africans: Re-exmaining representations of sexuality in the work of Nicholas Hlobo and Zanele Muholi. GUMBORESHUMBA, Laina, Dip. Ed. (Zimbabwe), Nat. Cert. Music (Ministry of Higher Education and Technology), B.A. (Hons) (Wits), in Ethnomusicology, in the Department of Music and Musicology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Understanding fonn and tecluiique: Andrew Tracey's contribution to knowledge of lamellophone (mbira) music of Southern Africa. HAWKES, Jonathan David, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Philosophy, with distinction, in the Department of Philosophy. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Challenging retributivist intuitions. HILDYARD, Leigh Tracy, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Anthropology, in the Department of Anthropology. Degree by thesis: Thesis: Staging heritage: Tourism and khoisan culture in the Cacadu district municipality of the Eastern Cape MAPI, Thandeka Priscilla, B.Soc.Sci. (Hons) (Fort Hare), in African Languages, in the School of Languages. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Incorporating indigenous knowledge in the teaching of isiXhosa to Pharmacy students at Rhodes University. I MARQUIS, Danika Ewen, BJourn. (Rhodes), in Journalism and Media Studies, in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Ties that bind: A critical discourse analysis of the coverage of the millennium development goals in the Mail and Guardian. . 17 MARSHALL~ Richard Graham, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes)~ in History, with distinction, in the Department of History. Degree by thesis. Thesis: A social and cultural history of Grahamstown, 1812 to c1845. MARTENS~ Claire~ B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Environmental Science~ in the Department of Environmental Science. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The governance and management of commonages in three small towns in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. MAYIGA, John Bosco, B.Phil. (Makerere), in Journalism and Media Studies, in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: A study of professionalism and the professionalization of journalists in Uganda from 1995 to 2008. McMICHAEL, Christopher Bryden~ B.A. (UKZN), B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Politics, in the Department of Political and International Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The political significance of popular illegalities in post-apartheid South Afica. MOORE, Jesse Alexander, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Philosophy, in the Department of Philisophy. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The difficulty of living well: Effort and failure in the good life. MOTSHWENENG, Elizabeth Poppie, B.Sc. (Hons) (MEDUNSA), in Clinical Psychology, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Anger management and its application to a case of narcissism. MUDZAMIRI, Wonder Tariro, B.Com. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Journalism and Media Studies, in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Framing economic news: an examination of coverage of the Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR)strategy in Business Day. community in Southern Africa: Exploring the Zion Christian church as the building block for deeper notions of regional community. ROBINSON, Brendon Kimbale, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in English, with distinction, in the Department of English. Degree by thesis. Thesis: No other world: The poetry of Don Maclennan. SENTHEBANE, Teboho Margaret, PG.Dip. Media Management (Rhodes), in Journalism and Media Studies, in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: An investigation of newsroom convergence at the Moafrika Media Company in Lesotho and its implications for gatekeeping: A qualitative case study. SERRAO, Olivier George, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in International Studies, in the Department of Political and International Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: The national interest of national identity: South Africa and the foreign policy of identity construction and rhetorical practice. STUURMAN, Sonwabo Happyboy~ B.A., PDIS (Rhodes), in Sociology, in the Department of Sociology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The role of the ward committees as an interface betweerr local government and cOlmnunity: A case study of Makana municipality. SUNDBERG, Dianne Agnes, B.Th. (UNISA), B.A. (Hons) (UCT), in Sociology, in the Department of Sociology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Exploring the consequences of perceptions of the Divine, and the church, in the making of self-identity: A case study of congregants from Roman Catholic and charismatic communities in East London, South Africa. RADEBE, Zandisiwe, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in International Studies, in the Department of Political and International Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: State sovereignty & alternative THORPE, Jennifer Elizabeth, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Politics, with distinction, in the Department of Political and International Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Harnlful scripts. Raunch femininity as the disguised reiteration of emphasized feminine goals: 18 19 An exploration of young women's accounts of sexually explicit forms of public expression. VAN DER MER WE , Adele Shanette, B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Counselling Psychology, with distinction, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: A comparison ofWISC-IV test performance for Afrikaans, English and Xhosa speaking South African grade 7 learners. VERHAGE, Alicia Ingrid, B.A. (North Park Univeristy), in International Studies, in the Department of Political and International Studies. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: A critical assessment of the INGO response to child soldiers. WHITE, Colin Stewart, B.A., LL.B. (UNISA), in History, in the Institute of Social and Economic Research. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The rule of Brigadier Oupa Gqozo in Ciskei: 4 March 1990 to 22 March 1994. population without tertiary education on four tests used to assess malingering. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY CUNDILL, Georgina Naomi Ramsay, M.A. (Rhodes), in Environmental Science, in the Department of Environmental Sciences. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Learning, governance and livelihoods: Toward adaptive co-management under resource poor conditions in South Africa. Supervisor: Professor C Fabricius. McGREGOR, Jamie Alexander, B.A. (Hons), in English, in the Department of English. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Myth, music and modernism: The Wagnerian dimension in Virginia Woolfs Mrs Dallowayand The Waves and James Joyce's Finnegans Wake. Supervisor: Professor DA Wylie. WILLIAMS, Alison Elizabeth, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Genllan Studies, in the School of Languages. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The evolving image of the Gernlan Democratic Republic as reflected in the works of Jurek Becker and Christa Wolf. WILLIAMS, Jenna Elizabeth, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in English, with distinction, in the Department of English. Degree by thesis. Thesis: A changing didacticism: The development of South African young adult fiction from 1985 to 2006. WILMOT, Gregory Thomas Charlton, B.A. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Counselling Psychology, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Student-athlete's attitude fornlation towards sport or other psychology services. WONG, Andrea Jane, M.A. (DCT), in Clinical Psychology, with distinction, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by coursework and thesis. Thesis: Normative indicators for a black, Xhosa speaking 20 21 VICE-CHANCELLOR'S AWARDS Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Senior Research Medal Peter Vale Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Senior Teaching Medal Russell Harold Kaschula Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Medal Heila Betrie Sisitka Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Award for Community Engagement Vice-Chancellor's Book Award Daniel Alban Wylie ACADEMIC HONOURS ABEL, Sarah Ruth ABRAHAMS, Philip John Murray BIGGS, Rory BRICKHILL, Limn Timothy BREIER, Daniel Robert CHILES, Sarah Anne CLOETE, Ingrid Susan COATES, Megan Patricia CONIBEAR, Anne Claire COOKE, Kayleen Jeanne COWIE, Bradley DORASAMY, Chloe DU PREEZ, Elizabeth Inge ELEY, Clive William GOODRICK, Glen GROGAN, Patrick Meredith HALL, Leila Marie Elisabeth Helen HARDING, Stonn Thyra HARRY, Cairen HOLLAND, Emma Huntsman HORSMAN, Mark Glen HYDE, Andrew Nicholas JAPP, Kevin Simon JOHNSON, Eleanore KENYON,Amy KLEYNHANS, Danielle Merlyn LOMBARD, Erica Louise MBAO, Wamuwi MCQUAID, Christopher Finn MILLIN, Jonathan James MOHAMED, Sarah Shirazali Hassam MORBI, Fatema Hooneid MULLER, Andrea NOMOYI, Siyabulela NOTTINGHAM, Alastair Timothy PONJOU TASSE, Flora SANDBERG, Dale Mary SIEBORGER, Ian STYLIANOU, Christina Kleanthous TRISTRAM, Waide Barrington TYFIELD, David Anthony WILSENACH, Rouan Moorcroft WRIGHT, Imogen Abigail ACADEMIC COLOURS ADAMI, Kelly Anne JHUNDOO, Henusha Devi ALEXANDER, Christie Anne JOHNSON, Hailey Elizabeth ANDREWS, Anthony Leonardo KARRIM, Qudsiya Sydney KWATSHA, Lindiwe Mapule APPEL, Misty LANDERS, Samantha Mle ATKINSON, Miranda Ruth LEE, Brendon BAILLIE, Vicky Lynne MARSH, Melissa Joanne BARFORD, Kirsty-Lee MASTER, Miqdad Ghulamabbas BOD ILL, Samantha MCDOUGALL, Timothy Patrick BOSWORTH-SMITH, Sadie MCGREGOR, Emily Skye Elizabeth MCLEA, Harriet Katharine BROCK, Robert Nicholas Thandiwe BROMLEY, Candice Leigh MELLY, Bligitte Leigh CLIFFORD-HOLMES, Jai Kumar MENEZIES, Jade Michele CLUVER, Frances Rose Mannix MKHABELA, HIawulani COCKBURN, Ingrid Louise Noluthando COLLETT, Gary Reece MOOD LEY, Megandrie COLLETT, Jenna Lara MOYO,Buhle COOPER, Leanne Claire MURRA Y, Pamela Elizabeth COX, Robyn Jane PARKIN, Melissa Madeleine CROMHOUT, Mary Elizabeth PATCHA Y, Sharisaan CRYMBLE, Leigh PETRO V, Pavel DANIEL, Dustan William PIENAAR, CharI DEALL, Michael John REID, Luke Jabulani DELPORT, Lindi Lou RICHARDSON, Alexandra Vanessa EHRLICH, Philippa Louise RICHTER, Teri FAULKNER, Katelyn Terri SARD, Curtis Lee FORBES, Ross William SCHEEPERS, Sharlane Tanith FOSS, Jeremy John SCHIER, Thorsten Ewald FOX, Peta Ann SCISCIO, Lara FOXCROFT, Terence Robert SHAPIRO, Stacey-Leigh FURMAN, Katherine Elizabeth SHIVJI, Taizeen GANIWALLA, Shaheed Imtiaz SIMAK, Geraldine Josephine GODLONTON, Ross Brian SPRING, Joseph Stephen GOSS, Sheldon Edward STARKEY, Randall Ashley GOUWS, Nicole Lyn STEVENS, David Paul GREYLING, Elizabeth Sophia STOPFORTH, Penny GRIMMER, Ashley STYLIANOU, Michelle Alexandra HEIDEMAN, Vicky Joanna SUTHERLAND, Graeme Wakfer HERRIDGE, Kristy Lynn TENG, James Wei Jie JACOBS, Cannen TENNENT, Nicola Gail JACOBSOHN, Jade Leigh THOMPSON, Alice Lynne ii TURK, Brendan KelT VERMEULEN, lIke WARD, Catherine Dale WELLS, Bridget Leigh WEYER, Dylan James WEYL, Philip Sebastian Richard WINN, Michael ACADEMIC HALF COLOURS IRVINE, Philippa Margaret JACOB, Blessing JOLLANDS, Jessica Kathleen JOSEPH, Nadine KIMUNGU, Latifa Hakim KNIGHTS, Michelle Aileen Anne KURZEWSKI, Anne Claire LEE, Deva LEIMAN, Layla Diana LLOYD-JONES, Glyn Francis Michael LOTTER, Jaclyn Oehley LUTCHMUN, Thashveen LUYT, Catherine Diane MAGNUS, Laura MATHIAS SEN, Caitlin Wedege MATIZA, Patrick MATTISON, Timothy Paul MA WENI, Rutendo Muchapedzei MCCONNACHIE, Christopher John Charles MCCONNACHIE, Kathryn Therese MENDES, Adriano MIDZI, Linda Zvikomborero MOELLER, Katrin Verena MORFORD, Cristie Olivia MORGAN, Casey Lloyd MOSS, Nicholas Andrew MTHOKO, Hafeni Tulimewawa Wilhelmina Lyatenda MUDZAMI, Yvonne Tendai MUSUWO, Leonard Shingai MWANANDIMAI, Rudo Stefanie MWANSA, Mumamba Chitumwa NAKAZWE, Kapembwa NOWERS, Lynn Colleen AGUSTONI, Lorenzo Angelo BARRETT, Dennis Ian BASSON, Wade BEHRENS, Michelle Christine BOOTH, Jenny Marie BOULLE, Catherine Ann BRODERICK, Lucy Mea BULL, Katherine Anne CALDER, Amanda Jane CARTER, Emmylou CARTWRIGHT, Peter Mark CLARKE, Caryn Lee CONNOR, Ashleigh Louise COOMBES, Candice Anne COOMBES, Matthew John CRYMBLE, Gregory Arnold CRYMBLE, Tegan DANIELS, Ryan Joseph FAKEE, J ameel FORTEATH, Shaun FREER, Patrick David Leacroft GARSON, Christie Nicole GARUS-OAS, Appoloritha Penlope GENNRICH, Jessica Nezar GIBBS, Sarah-Anne GILLI, Martina GREEN, Amy Sarah GRUND LING, Megan HADDON, Christine Mikaella HAIDULA, Alina Fimaneka I-IEINE, Shannon Jane HO, Lance St John HOD KIN, Claire Lindsay HOHLS, Samantha Lee HULLEY, Judy-Leigh INGLE, Gail Ella iii O'GRADY, Cathleen Jeannette O'HAGAN, Kyle Leonard ORPEN, Judith Kathleen Lisle PARKINSON, Matthew Cameron PERCY, Luke PHILLIPS, Michael Brent PICKERING, Joanna Kingwill PISTORIUS, Juliana Maryna PURDON, Carly RICHARDSON, Amy Elizabeth ROGERS, Richard Warner ROSS, Kerryn ROTH, Heather Frances RUSSOUW, Rosaline Cheryl SACHIKONYE, Tsitsi Shamiso Anne SELKIRK, Catherine Elizabeth SENEKAL, Monique L'Oreal SIDDLE, Christine Elaine SIMLEIT, Carla Leigh SMEDLEY, David Alan SMIT, Tamryn Dale SMITH, Jade SMITH, Tracey Leigh STACK, Lee Christopher STAPLES, Jessica Ruth STERRENBERG, Jason Neville STEYN, Ruth Elizabeth STUART-CLARK, Lucy Bena TAYLOR, Jessica Mary THOMPSON, Aimee TOMAN, Michael Peter TOMBE, Sekai Lana TRISTRAM, Uvedale Roy TY AMZASHE, Vusani UNSWORTH, Shannon Jade VALE, Elizabeth Nosizwe VAN RENSBURG, Caitlin Margot VAN WYK, John Robert WALES, Nora-Lee WALSH, Kim WILLIAMSON, Frances Catherine WOOLLGAR, Clayton Kurt ZIMBA, Catherine ZIPP, Gisela Lesley AWARDS OF SCHOLARSHIPS, BURSARIES AND PRIZES Abe Bailey Travel Scholarship : N Makhubu Alfred Beit Scholarships: PDL Freer, Dr Barrett, CW Mathiassen, RJ Daniels, T Lutchman Allan Gray Senior Scholarship - Honours: TL Alexander, N Madyini, T Mashabane Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships - Honours: A Bofilatos, CA Boulle, SA Chiles, L Chivese, R Dhilwayo, L Gmeiner, LME Hall, E Johnson, SK Kabangu, R Koeberg, D Lee, N Mashele, SSH Mohamed, NL Msimanga, L Mthembu, W Muswera, T Poulos, NS Pswarayi, CL Schultz, C Sibana, A Thompson, FM Tohlang, MT Wan1bui, LM Watson, CM Wilmot Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships - Master"s : J Alexander, B ' Am1strong, TA Beckeriing, KL Barford, J Barnard, FRM CIiiver, JL Collett, AC Conibear, L Crymble, A De Coning, HV De Klerk, TM Dewhurst, N Elliott, AF Gibson, JA Grobbelaar, IZ Gundhla, AE Hobson, NI Hoffinann, SP Howell, J Jacobsohn, HD Jhundoo, HE Johnson, SMJ Jones, LE Koskenkangas, J Majakwara, D Makaza, DSC Malam is, TM Mangwengwende, TWE Marais, CL Marshall, TG Matumba, T Mazorodze, W Mbao, HN Mkhabela, B Moyo, M Mumba, M Munsaka, M Nyathi, T Nxasana, SA Paphitis, AMM Phiri, F Ponjou Tasse, L Sciscio, I Vermeulen, JAV Walters Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholar"ships -Doctor"aI : AF AfoIayan, LP Aipinge, EL Allan, L Allan, OOS Arojjo, ATF Bernard, FA Chaibva, WJU Chidawanyika, YK Gandu, KC Idahosa, iv B Jari, MA Jimoh, B Magure, M Mutorwa, AG Nindi, D Ocwich, AI Okewole, 00 Oladeinde, FJ Otten, C Pade, A Padmanabhanunni, BW Price, JR Short, EL Steenkamp, M Tukulula, CRD Van Der Mescht, K Wa Kasongo Andrew Mellon Foundation Humanities Doctoral Postgraduate Scholarships: LJ Corkin, L Gumboreshumba, LA Kelland, B Magoqwana, K Mapana, MT Mavura, A Moyo, T Murisa, R Pithouse, A Sarimana, M Willian1s Atlantic Philanthropies Scholarships: AR Childs, AC Muller, N S Ngcamu, M Oelofsen, T Seobi, BM Zuma A Trevor Williams Scholar"ship : No award Best Chemistry II Prize: MJ Coombes B,etty ShuttlewOl"th Scholarship: CE Hodgson BDO Spencer Steward Prize: C Laufs Charles Bryars Scholarship: JM Pistorius, J du Plessis, PM Cartwright, Z Mkwanazi Conrad Dylan Cambray Scholarship: SL Tombe David Adolph Bradlow Scholarship for Humanities: EL Lombard Dean of Students Leadership Award: RJ Barnett, L Crymble, MR Freeman, PM Jakubek, T Mlan1bo, FH Morbi, MRS Tayub Desmond Goddard Bursary: To be awarded Douglas Rivett Bursary: CW Eley Dr Kendall Scholarships: SA Chiles, B Cowie, EI Du Preez, CW Eley, PM Grogan, LME Hall, MG Horsman, A Kenyon, SSH Mohan1ed, RM Wilsenach Dr Maryam Babingida Scholarship: NC Wilson Dutch Language Union Bursary: Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship for South African History: S Kerseboom, K van Zyl Ernst & Young Award for the best Information Systems II (Accounting - Professional) Student: NA Moss Guy Butler Research Award: To be awarded Henderson Postgraduate Scholar"ships - Masters : SR Abel, ST Ambrose, JMH Barry, CL Bromley, MP Coates, K Cooke, JD FilmaIter, JC Lawson, W Tristram, I Wright Henderson Postgraduate Scholarships - Doctoral: RH Bennett, G Coombs, J-A De Ia Mare, JOG Kemp, M VI ok, JS Van Dyk Henry Bradlow Scholarship for Science: AC Conibear Honours Degree Scholarships: LA Agustoni, MS Ahmed, W Basson, MD Berndt, ML Bidzha, R Biggs, JM Booth, CA Boulle, MA Burke, A Candotti, SA Chiles, J CliffordHolmes, IS Cloete, LA Cloete, NH Colvin, B Cowie, KV Dobrev, C Dorasamy, EI Du Preez, CW Eley, CA Fisher, S Forteath, CN Garson, L Gmeiner, G Goodrick, SE Goss, PM Grogan, AF Haidula, LME Hall, CHarry, CA Hartzenberg, NG Hathorn, CJ Hazle, CS Hazle, SJ Heine, HC Henninger, ZK Hinis, CGB Hi1:tler, CL Hodkin, MG Horsman, AN Hyde, PM Irvine, KS Japp, E Johnson, N Joseph, GIB Kahn, NS Kaulule, A Kenyon, T Khan, GJ Krastin, AC Kurzewski, D Lee, LD Leiman, JO Lotter, J Louw, LM Luyt, KF Mackintosh, CA Makanjee, M Mann, A Martin, S Matabiswana, TA Mayson, JR McCafferty, KA McKenzie, A Mendes, SSH Mohamed, PJ Mollel, NL Msimanga, TS Murray, SM Mzamo, M Naidoo, NA Nel, S Nomoyi, KL Nottinghan1, JKL Orpen, D Parker, MC Parkinson, RA Peel, JM Peirce, L Percy, CT Perks, MB Phillips, C Pienaar, T Poulos, HB Pratt, JK Robertson, MC Rose, KRoss, RC Russouw, DM Sandberg, KM Savage, SW Schady, CL Schultz, BR Sebopela, ML Senekal, DA Smedley, A Sobukwe-Whyte, JS Spring, IN Sterrenberg, KF Taylor, NG Tennent, S Thomas, A Thompson, LJ Uplink, DA Van Der v Rhodes Governor's Scholarship (Most Outstanding Undergraduates in the Humanities, Science, Pharmacy and Commerce Faculties): PDL Freer, MJ Coombes, CW Mathiassen, NC Wilson Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Honours: R Biggs, CW Eley, MG Horsman, KS Japp, MC Parkinson, L Percy, RM Wilsenach Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Masters: LC Cooper, T Goble, PW Greenway, EL Lombard, LJ Reid, TJ Richardson, I Sieborger, GW Sutherland, RE Terlazzo Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Doctoral: BM Grogan, W Wilhelm Rhodes University Scholarships: PDL Freer, Dr Barrett, MJ Coombes, MAA Knights, CW Mathiassen, T Lutchman, KA Bull, NC Wilson, CJ O'Grady, NA Moss Rob & Trish Midgley Law Prize: SHaken SASOL Centenary Honours Degl·ee Scholarships in Physical Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology or Biotechnology: A Kenyon, ME Sithole Sir Basil Schonland Scholarship: A Muller Thelma Henderson Bursary: T Mushwana Thomas AIty Scholarship : W Mbao William Francis Bal'ker Bursary: No award A n'evor Williams Prize for Physics I: PDL Freer Physics II : MJ Coombes Accenture Information Systems Honours: CA Alexander Information Systems II : ER Stalmans Adams and Adams Law Prize: CJC McConnachie Alastair Kerr Prize: IS Cloete Alexander Ogg Prize for Physics: KR Henninger Altruism Award for the Unselfish Support of FeIIow IS Honours Students: Aschman Scholarship: KL Robinson Avlynne Bowen Award for Pharmacy II: AJ Calder B A Putterill Prize: No Award Bancroft Medal for the Outstanding MSc in the Field of Mineral Exploration (Sponsored by Anglo-American) : No Award Basil Schonland Physics Prize: IA Wright Beth Cumming Memorial Prize: BC Fitzpatrick Bill Branford Prize for Linguistics: RC Russouw Brian Peckham Memorial Prize: EH Holland Bronze Medal of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science (S2A3) : JOG Kemp BSG Best Information Systems Honours Research Project: CA Alexander, RB Godlonton, GG Nyamayi, TM Surridge, M TIou Ocean Tech Team: BSG Special Award for the Best IS Honours AlI Round Performance in Academic and Non-Academic Spheres: RB Godlonton ButterwOl·th Book Prizes for Law: Penultimate Year: CJC McConnachie Final Year: PJM Abrahams Butterworth Management Accounting III Prize: C Dorasamy Catherine Foxcroft and Gary Terry Prize: AJ Duncan Centre of Excellence Prize for the best Computer Science Research Student: KR Glass, MP Thinyane D C S Oosthuizen Memorial Prize for Philosophy: SA Paphitis David Williams Memorial Prize for Mathematics III : R Biggs Deloitte & Touche Prizes for Postgraduate Diploma in Taxation: Best Research Essay: No Award Most Innovative Choice of Topic or Research Design: I Seedat Dr Adolph Schrauder Memorial Prize in Sociology: MB Phillips Dr Kurt Gillis Prize for Psychology Masters: AS van der Merwe Dr Valentine Cuenod Memorial Prize for French III: ODPM Lemercier Duerden Scholarship : I Venneulen DuncanlWhiteley Biochemistry Prize: LC Cooper E D Mountain Prize: AF Haidula, C Pienaar Ernest Wild Prizes Psychology II: L-A Bruce vi vii Lingen, AH Van Wezel, NL Wales, R Wartenberg, JP Watenneyer, CM Wilmot, RM Wilsenach Ian Mackenzie Scholarship for Environmental Studies: To be awarded Irvin and Johnson Postgraduate Bursary in Fisheries Science: To be awarded Jane Osborne Scholarship: J Barnard, S Smit Joe Levy Scholarship: NJ Young Leon Gluckman Memorial Scholarship in Drama: To be awarded Master's Degree Scholarships: SR Abel, KA Adami, CA Alexander, ST Ambrose, ALS Andrews, M Appel, MR Atkinson, VL Baillie, KL Barford, S Bodill, SE Bosworth-Smith, NL Bradshaw, LT Brickhill, RN Brock, LM Broderick, CL Bromley, FRM Cliiver, M Coates, IL Cockburn, GR Collett, JL Collett, AC Conibear, KJ Cooke, LC Cooper, RJ Cox, ME Cromhout, LC Crymble, DW Daniel, BJ De Wet, LL Delport, NJ Du Preez, PL Ehrlich, KT Faulkner, RW Forbes, JJ Foss, PA Fox, TR Foxcroft, KE Furnlan, SI Ganiwalla, RB Godlonton, NL Gouws, LF Grant, ES Greyling, A Grimmer, KL Herridge, C Jacobs, JL Jacobsohn, HD Jhundoo, HE Johnson, LJ Kaplan, Q Karrim, DM Kleynhans, LM Kwatsha, SM Landers, B Lee, EL Lombard, LH Loubser, MJ Marsh, MG Master, W Mbao, TP McDougall, ES McGregor, HKT McLea, LR McMichael, CF McQuaid, BL Melley, JM Menezies, JJ Millin, HN Mkhabela, M Moodley, FH Morbi, B Moyo, A Muller, PE Mun·ay, A Naik, AT Nottinghanl, MM Parkin, S Patchay, P Petrov, F Ponjou Tasse, LJ Reid, AV Richardson, T Richter, CL Sahd, ST Scheepers, TE Schier, L Sciscio, SL Shapiro, T Shivji, I Sieborger, GJ Simak, RA Starkey, DP Stevens, CA Stirling, P Stopforth, CK Stylianou, MA Stylianou, GW Sutherland, JWJ Teng, AL Thompson, WB Tristram, BK Turk, A Van Heerden, JS Vandeleur, I Vernleulen, CD Ward, BL Wells, DJ Weyer, PSR Weyl, M Winn, IA Wright, GP Zorn Muirhead Bursary: JJ Millin Otto Beit Scholarship : CHarry Patrick and Margaret Flanagan Scholarship: MJ Marsh Professor B R AIlanson Scholarship : Raymond Pullen Memorial Scholarships for Arts Drama: HM Richter Fine Art: IE Bronner, T-L Nicol, E Sippel Music: Z Mkwanazi Rhodes Foundation Scholarship (Most Outstanding Graduate) : R Biggs Psychology III : MG Horsman Ewer Prize in Zoology and Entomology: ST Ambrose F P Muirhead and M B Rosenberg Memorial Prize for Microbiology III : A Mendes Frank Rostron Bursary: AA Campher Fred Cooper Prize for Company Law: CJC McConnachie Gavin Stewart and John Pattern Prize: L Dada George M Gruber Physics IElIIE2 Prize: K Mafundikwa Gladys BIackbeard Scholarship: J-L Hulley Grahamstown Training College Bursaries - English: L-J Verhamme, LJ Wills - Music: YR Matibe Grant and Marjorie McKerron Scholarship (Law) : CJC McConnachie Heather Drummond Memorial Prize for Poetry: DA Tyfield Helmut Weigert Memorial Prize for Mathematics I : DI Barrett IBM Best Information Systems Honours Research Project: C Jacobs IDI Technology Solutions Prizes Computer Science Honours: JJ MiIIin Computer Science I : PDL Freer Investec Top MBA Student Award: Investec Best MBA Dissertation Award: Investec MBA Good Fellowship Award: J C van Hille Award in Zoology and Entomology: CA Coombes Janinne Franke Prizes Best Computer Science HonoUl's Project: F Ponjou Tasse Computer Science II : MAA Knights Jardine Prize: CW Mathiassen Joe King Prize: MS Ahmed John and Audrey Foxcroft Beethoven Prize: J du Plessis John O'Meara Prize for Organisational Psychology III: HF Roth Johnson and Johnson Award for Chemistry I : K Mafundikwa, RJ Daniels Jonathan Marks Prize: AL Thompson JVL Rennie Prize: FH Morbi Judge Schock Prize: EH HoIland Junior Captain Scott Medal: Juta Prizes Law Prize: EH HoIland Management Prizes Bachelor of Business Science IV: No Award Management Honours: MR Atkinson, T Shivji Management III : AC Kurzewski Postgraduate Diploma in Enterprise Management: CS Page Kevin Carlean Memorial Scholarship (Journalism) : KT McConnachie Kieron George Chambers Memorial Bursary: TC Munedzimwe Konrad Kulesza Award: No award KPMG Award for Accounting Honours: LH Loubser KPMG/Len Verster Accounting II Prize: NA Moss Lannon Best Information Systems Honours Research Essay Award: Leslie Kent Award for Geology: S Bax Lillian Britten Prize for Botany: SE Goss Louis Dubb Prize: NG Tennent viii Margaret Smith Bursary in Ichthyology and Fisheries Science: No award Matthew Jones Memorial Shield: JM Booth Mattie Shuttleworth Speech Prize: CA Fisher Mavis Hill Prize for Music: No Award Mel Field Award for the Best IS Tutor: Merck Prizes Biotechnology Honours: HE Johnson Chemistry III : CW Eley Microbiology Honours: B Moyo Michael Kapelus Memorial Prize fo.' Pharmacy: K-L Barford Milner Memorial Essay Prize: No Award Best Biochemistry II Prize: CE Siddle Neville (Robbie) Robertson Scholarship: YM Chilimanzi Nededandse Taalunie Bursary: T Bakkes, LL Coetzee, C Coetzee, E Ferreira, SR Meintjes, R Prince, A Tarr Norman Harris Prize: E Carter Oxford University Press Prize for English Literature: EL Lombard Patrick Mynhardt Prize: TV Jacobs, AN Lech Pearce Rood Prizes (Law) - Legal Theory I - RS Mwanandimai - Legal Theory II - CM van Rensburg - Legal Theory 111- NG Tennent - LLB 3 - CJC McConnachie Pricewaterhouse Coopers Prizes PDipAcc or BAcc IV - A Naik BCom or BAcc III - C Dorasamy Professional Provident Society Prizes Honours Research Essay Top Honours StudentPurvis Prize: LF Grant Rapportryers Bursary: T Weiman R G McKerron Prize for Law of Delict: ST Harding R L Threlfell Memorial Prize: SSH Mohan1ed Rhodes University Chamber Choir Music Award: No Award Rob Antonissen Memorial Award: JM Pistorius Robert B Lloyd Bursary: PM Cartwright Rodney Davenport History Scholarship: JK Clifford-Holmes Rowney Prize: E Sippel Royal Society of St George Prize: CA BouIle Rupert Onderwysstigting Prize for Music: No Award S A Breweries Prize for Biochemistry III: A Kenyon SAP Africa Prizes Computer Science III : B Cowie Best Progress in Computer Science: B Lusithi Sasol Prize for Biochemistry: A Kenyon Schwarz Memorial Prize for Geology : JM Gaisford Shidey Ritchie Prize: MA Groenink Sigma Aldrich Award for Chemistry Honours: AC Conibear Sole Memorial Prize for History Masters: RG Marshall Spilkin Prize for Law: IS Cloete ix Spoor and Fisher Prize for Intellectual Property Law: ST Harding Steyn Maartens Memorial Prize for Afrikaans: A du Plessis Sydney Cruise Memorial Prize for Matbematics II : MJ Coombes Soutb African Institute of Chartered Accountants: Soutbern Region Prizes: - Advanced Accounting: A Naik - Advanced Auditing: A Naik - Taxation: A Naik - Advanced Management Accounting: A Naik South African Academy of Pbarmaceutical Sciences Medal for Academic Excellence Pbarmacy Year I: K Mafundikwa Ph,armacy Year II: AJ Calder Pharmacy Year III: L Magnus Pharmacy Year IV: HD Jhundoo Terence Beard Prize for Politics: IS Cloete UPB Prizes - Linguistics I: RE Steyn -. H R Management: To be awarded Best Information Systems III Student: SSH Mohamed Viv de KIerk Prize for Linguistics II : GL Zipp VS Forbes Prize: SE Goss, SA Chiles VWSA Management Scholarship : CM Wilmot WD Terry Memorial Prize: NC Wilson William Barker Memorial Prize: Winifred Maxwell Prizes History I : DC Knowles - Most Progress in History I: AE O'Donoghue x THE PURPLE AND THE WHITE Surgit' 0 Rhodienses gloriae memores Voce magna cantate famam laudantes. Vestrum reboent, splendorem montes Palmam vos feratis semper Rhode. colores l1ostroS cole tu. Ad.finem vitae durabit am or Desideriumque Rhodi. Rise, Rhodians in recognition of renown. Sing out loud in praise of high repute. Let the hills ring with your splendour. May you always win the highest honour. Rhodes. cherish our colours. To the end Of/fie the desire and longing For Rhodes will endure. N itemur causae favere iustae. Semperque honores fovere tuos, Ludis perfrui, rectumque sequi Purpurae cando rique fidi. Rhode. colores nostros cole tu. Adfinem vitae durabit am or Desideriumque Rhodi. We must strive to favour the just cause, And always to cultivate your reputation, to reI ish sport and follow the right path, To put faith in the purple and white. Rhodes. cherish our colours. To the end of/ife the desire and longing For Rhodes will endure. GAUDEAMUS IGITUR Gaudeamus igitur,juvenes dum sum us; (Rep) Postjucundamjuventutem, post molestam senectutem, Nos habebit humus, nos habebit humus. Let us live then, and injoy While the bloom of youth we see After young days' pastime glad After old age drear and sad Under earth we'll be. Ubi sunt qui ante nos in mundo fuere? (Rep) Vadite ad superos, transite ad inferos, Ubi jam fuere, ubi jam fuere. Where are they who years before Here on earth did dwell? Seek among the gods above, From those below go seek thereof Where they now do dwell. VivatAcademia, Vivant Professores, (Rep) Vi vat membrum quodlibet, vivant membra quaelibet, Semper sint in flore, semper sint in flore. Long live this University Long life to those who learning nourish! Long live each member great and small, Long life to Rhodians one and all Let them ever flourish! Vivat et respublica, et qui iIIam regit; (Rep) Vivat nostra civitas, Maecenatum caritas, Quae nos hic protegit, quae nos hic protegit. Long live our country also, Long life to those who guide it, Long live our town in strength and health Long live our patrons by whose wealth We are here provided! ~ z~ O~ ~~ ~z >~ ~ 'C/'J p::: ~ ~ ;5 'C/'J ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~~ ~.oJ u~ 0 m -~ 0 .oJ o zQ < o Oz~ ~ ~ 0.... 00 N ~V) ~5 ::J~ O~ 0 ~ :::; ~ V) <~ ~- Cj - " CHANCELLOR G.J. Gerwel, B.A.(Hons), D.Litt. et Phil., LL.D. (Honoris causa) VICE-CHANCELLOR S.Badat, RSoe.Se.(Hons), Celi.H.E.Sc.&Tech.Policy, Ph.D., D.Phil. (Honoris causa) DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (ACADEMIC & STUDENT AFFAIRS) S.G. Mabizela, M.Sc., Ph.D. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Congregation is requested to stand while the Choir sings Vis Virtus Veritas and the Procession enters the Auditorium. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT) P.G. Clayton, Ph.D., F.1.C.S., M.C.S.S.A., M.A.C.M. CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL The I--Ion. Mr Justice R.J.W. Jones, RA., LL.R PRESIDENT OF CONVOCATION The Rev. TS.N. GqubuIc, Ph.D., D.D. (Honoris causa) DEANS Professor F.T Hendricks, B.A., M.Soc.Sc., Ph.D. . Professor R.TF. Bernard, Ph.D. Professor J. Campbell, B.A., LL.B., LL.M. Professor G.J. Euvrard, M.A., H.D.E., REd., D.Litt. et Phil. Professor A.C.M. Webb, Ph.D. Professor R.B. Walker B.Phann., Ph.D., M.P.S. Dr V.A. de Klerk, M.A., H.E.D., Ph.D. Professor M.D. Vennaak, RA.(Hons), Drs.Phil. The Chancellor will constitute the Congregation. The Vice-Chancellor will welcome the Congregation. Ms Sibongile Khumalo will address the Congregation. Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Dean of the Faculty of Science Dean of the Faculty of Law Dean of the Faculty of Education Dean of the Faculty of Commerce Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Dean of Students Dean: International Office REGISTRAR S. Fourie, B.Th., B.D., D.Th. VIS VIRTUS VERITAS Quae paris cives animo vigentes Africae praebens rationis artes Alma te matercanimus libenter Nos Rhodienses. You who produce citizens of vigorous intellect, as you offer to Africa the arts and skills which come from reason - we who are Rhodians gladly hymn you, our A {ma Mater. Veritas semperpretiosa nobis Praesit et pellat procul omne furtum Neu sinat quemquam male consulentem Discere falsa. May truth be always precious and preside over us and may it drive far away all deceit, nor may it al low anyone with evil intent to learn what is false. Quicquid est foedum cohibere, quicquid Integrae vitae proprium tueri Gaudeat vilius studiosa pacis Visque benigna. May viliue and courage, eager for peace, together with well disposed strength, rejoice to restrain whatever is disgusting and to uphold whatever belongs to the fullness oflife. Purpura cincti et memores parentum Cuique nitamur dare iustum honorem Neminique umquam licet invidentes Astra petamus. Clad with purple and remembering our fathers, let us strive to render to everyone with honour which is due and without envying anyone let us aim for the stars. The Dean of the Faculty will present the candidates for the award of Diplomas and the Degrees of Bachelor, Bachelor with Honours, Master and Doctor of Philosophy. The Public Orator, Professor Paul R Maylam, will present Sibongile Khumalo for the Degree of Doctor of Music, Honoris Causa. The Public Orator, Professor Paul R Maylam, will present Issa Gulamhussein Shivji for the Degree of Doctor of Laws, .. Honoris Causa. The congregation will stand and sing the National Anthem. The Chancellor will dissolve the Congregation. The Congregation is requested to stand while the Choir sings Gaudeamus Igitur and the Procession leaves the Auditorium. With the exception of the commencement and conclusion of the Ceremony and the singing of the National Anthem, members of the Congregation are requested to remain seated throughout the proceedings. FACULTY OF HUMANITIES LICENTIATE DIPLOMA IN SCHOOL MUSIC MOYO~ Susan Andile, with distinction WILDE~ Angela Jane~ with distinction. DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCE BARLOW~ Murray William Tessa Jane ,BATEMAN, Crystl~ with distinction in Organizational Psychology BATYASHE~ Zinzile BEUKES, Jenaleigh Rushenda BINNIE~ Gregory Neil BOSHOFF~ Anton Matthew BOZO~ Bongiwe BRUCE~ Vaughn Michael CANNON, Michael-John CARBUTT~ Adrian Terence CHANDLER, Biddy Lee CHIGOMA~ Mercy Yeukai CHIGUMlRA~ Nyaradzo Esther ClMA~ Tembisa Luwis CLACK~ Jayde Vincent COLLETT~ Heloise Nancy COLLINS, Paul Lynton DAVIS, Rosemary Joy DAY, Robert Edmund DHLAMINI~ Siyabonga Lomini DOVI, Natsai Jestina FLEISHMAN~ Tahna Danielle GREEN, Lauren Anne GUVEYA~ Kelvin Munyaradzi HAMUKOMA~ Lweendo Natasha Ruth HANDLEY~ Katherine Mary HASSIM~ Raeesa BATCHELOR~ 2 HATTINGH~ Keri HETULA, Lindelwa Glenda HILLS, Craig Clifford Seymour HLOPHE~ Nondumiso HODGES~ Sian Hazel HOPE~ Callan Kerr HORSMAN~ Mark Glen, with distinctions in Infonnation Systems and Psychology KADZUNGE~ Tinah Tinani KAHN~ George Ivor Butela~ with distinction in Philosophy KAMINSKI, Alexander Michael KANENGONI~ Agnes Maruva KGOSINYANA, Nomatheko Mary KIRKPATRICK, Megan KOKO~ Nosipho Eunice KRUGER~ Monique Margaret KUCHENA, Rhoda KUPHU, Khayalethu Given LANGLEY~ Kyle Anthony LUSU, Ziyongama Yanela Siphokazi MAGOLELA, Melda MAGWERE~ Tapuwa MAHACHI, Nigel Tawanda MANN, Meike, with distinction in English MARTIN, Ann, with distinction in Organizational Psychology MASAWI, Lewis Tungamirai MATIYELA, Sibaphiwe MAWIRE, Chido Faith MBABA, Sinethemba MBANDAZAYO, Kwezilomso IvICGAW, Laurian Jean MCGEARY, Ross MCWILLIAM~ Megan Anne MDLHULI, Mkateko Lybon MELLING, Danielle Frances MENG,Meng MIDLANE, Claire Elizabeth 3 MITOCHI, Chimwemwe MOLOKOMME, Nokuthula Sharon MOTAUNG, Thato MOUTON, Nharyma Natasha MPAMBANI, Nomalizo Patricia MQALO, Sandiswa MUDARIKWA, Rutendo Shylyn MUOANIWAH, Prudence Natsai MUPUP A, Saara Nuusiku MUSHAMBADOPE, Hazvineyi MUSHWANA, Tinyiko , NAIDOO, Michelle, with distinction in Geography NTULI, Mbali NXUMALO, Sethabile NXUMALO, Thabang NYAKOTYO, Tafadzwa PARKIN, Shauna Courtney PHILLIPS, Michael Brent, with distinctions in Psychology and Sociology POULOS, Tessa, with distinction in Organizational Psychology RAMA, Benita RIPPON, Tamsyn ROGAN, Mark Hilton SAMUEL, Spencer Gerald Innes SANGO, Melindah SAWUTANA, Athenkosi SEHMI, Gurleen Kaur SIHIYA, Sanelisiwe SMITH, Megan Chrystal SONGATSHU, Charlotte Nomzekelo STEWART, Mark Lawrence STROUD, Daniel Thomas TAURAI, Joseph Stuart THOMAS, Andrew David TINGO, Nombuyiselo Casey TISSINGTON, Matthew Bruce TOHLANG, Francis Moeketsi 4 UPPINK, Lindi Jean, with distinction in Economics USHER, Kimberley Ann USSHER, Ian Clifford V AN DER MERWE, Erika VAN RENSBURG, Clare WELCOME, Sherilize Rox-Ann WELMAN, Megan WILLIAMS, Amy Pauline WILSON, Cindy-Lee ZVINAVASHE, Primrose Rudo DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF FINE ART BRODERICK, Lucy Mea, with distinction in Art History & Visual Culture and Studio Practice CROCKER, Claire Louise DE WET, Bevan Jordan, with distinction in Studio Practice DU PREEZ, Nicole Jane, with distinction in Studio Practice GRANT, Lucas Forrest, with distinction in Studio Practice KAPLAN, Luke Jode, with distinction in Studio Practice KHUMALO, Mongi, with distinction in Studio Practice KRUGER, Aimee Gamet LONG, Jenna-Lee Chloe MULLINS, Martha Sophia Johanna MURRAY, TaraJo NSELE, Busisiwe Nsikakazi Zzmansele SIPPEL, Elizabeth STIRLING, Cole Andrew, with distinction in Studio Practice VAN DER MERWE, Monique VANDELEUR, Jessica Susan, with distinction in Studio Practice DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF JOURNALISM ADAMI, Kelly Anne, with distinction ANDREWS, Anthony Leonardo Sydney, with distinction BERRY, Lindsey Moira BRADFIELD, Candice Leigh 5 BUSH, Demelza Candice CALDERWOOD, Daniel Jon CAMPBELL, Jennifer CAMPHER, Angelique Antionette CASH, Jessica Audrey DANIEL, Tracey Jane DEXTER, Michael Jolm DUNCAN, Tamsyn Lee EDMEADES, David Robert EHRLICH, Philippa Louise, with distinction ELS, Joni , FITZGERALD, Katherine Annette GRAY, Gabrielle GREENSHIELDS, Bronwyn Jane GRIFFITHS, Hailey Jean HUYSAMEN, Tijana Constance HYMAN, Nicole JACOBS, Christie JACOBS, Shelley Rae JANGARA, Juliana KARRIM, Qudsiya, with distinction KEET, Claire LANDERS, Samantha Mle, with distinction LOPEZ GOMEZ, Gretel MATOMELA, Luxolo MCLEAN, Nicolene Cindy MENEZIES, Jade Michele, with distinction MPETE, Boitumelo MUELLER, Hayley Lynne NASH, Ashleigh Larissa NEILSON, Claire Jane O'HANLON, Kim Angelique ORIGGI, Stefania PARKIN, Melissa Madeleine, with distinction REID, Luke Jabulani, with distinction RICHARDSON, Alexandra Vanessa, with distinction SCHEPPERS, Kelebetsing 6 SCHIER, Thorsten Ewald, with distinction SCHUMACHER, Ines Larissa SHAPIRO, Stacey-Leigh, with distinction SINGH, Rulleska SMITH, Jac1yn SWAILE, Ashleigh Pamela TAINTON, Lindsey THORPE, Lindsey Lee VOSLOO, Tasmin Alison WAKEFIELD, Adam WALSH, Kiernan Patrick WHITEHEAD, Candace WILTER, Caitlin Jay DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC FLANAGAN, Dean Gregory LULUA, Daniel Feni MARSH, Melissa Joanne, with distinction SKIPPER, Elizabeth Mary FACULTY OF COMMERCE POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT AMIRA, Daniel Nicholas ANDREWS, Cameron Kysle BENNETT, Tanya Barbara BEUTHIN, Jenna Rae BLACK, Ewan David CHINGWENA, Sharon Mazvita, with distinction DELPORT, Suzanne Marie EARLE, Nicola Lynne HLANGANI, Busisa JONES, Lauren Francis KANENGONI, Agnes Maillva LAHANA, Claire Lindsay 7 LOVEGROVE, Lauren Nicole MARLTON, Jennifer Louise MATUNGA, Andrew Kudakwashe MDLONGWA, Edward Thabani MILLER, Caitlin Mary MUTERO, Chiedza Charllotte PAGE, Christin Susan, with distinction SAUROMBE, Taurai Terence SIBANDA, Zenzo SP ARG, Mark Raymond STEVENS, Patrick Sean WAGHORN, Ross Raymond Campbell FACULTY OF HUMANITIES POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT BONN, Noxolo GANCA, Felicia Zoliswa POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MEDIA MANAGEMENT BARLOW, Peter Roy, with distinction GAUSI, Chikondi Towera HANCOX, Timothy Stanley KABW ATO, Levison Marlon, with distinction KHW A TSHA, Mandisa Hellen MAKWABE, Siyavuyisana MA VUSO, Winile Sizakele MKUDU, Malvem Muchineripi MKUZIWADUKA, Sintha Cynthia, with distinction MPOFU, Cynthia NTANTISO, Nokulunga Leane NYAMATORE, Nyasha PILLAY, Ashvini, with distinction RIDDIN, Lindsey Grace POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL STUDIES POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN JOURNALISM AREFF, Ahmed BUTHELEZI, Mohau Samson DAVIDS, Rhoda GXOLO, Nobhongo LANG, Tara Cheyne LEGODI, Lesetja Freddy LOUDON, Alexander James LUTI, Nwabisa MAKHASI, Sinethemba Thulile Michelle MATUTU, Nolulamo MUVONDORI, Michael PIENAAR, Cilnette, with distinction SANER, Nicola Claire, with distinction SULELO, Zimkhitha THOM, Makhosazana Malegutla THONJENI, Khayalethu 8 CHANDIA, Margaret ENABOR, Ehiremen Omololu GALANIS, Helen Xanthe GAULLIER, Paul HIERRO, Lara KAKAZA, Simnikiwe Freda MAUNGANIDZE, Ottilia Anna MDANGAYI, Pumeza Pamela MGIBE, Dibanisa Derrick MTSOLONGO, Tokozile Busisiwe MUDA V ANHU, Shingairai Belinda NDHLOVU, Bongiwe SELIN, David 1 9 j i I DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCE WITH HONOURS COLLETT, Gary Reece, in Psychology with distinction COOKE, Kayleen Jeanne, in Geography with distinction DANIEL, Dustan William, in Infornlation Systems with distinction DZAMBO, Nadine, in Development Studies ELLIOTT, David James, in Information Systems GOOSEN, Estelle Aurelia, in Organizational Psychology HASSANALI, Alafia, in Economics HECHTER, Shanna, in Organizational Psychology HERBST, Taryn Ann, in Philosophy JACOBSOHN, Jade Leigh, in AnthropologylEnvironmental Science with distinction KASERE, Gayle Farai, in Sociology MUKOROMBINDO, Yeukai Chido, in International Studies/Socio 10gy NYOKA, Bongani Bryan, in Politics PATTISON, Stuart Browett, in Organizational Psychology PICKERING, Priscilla, in Economics PRIGGE, Dean Scot, in Psychology RICHTER, Teri, in Psychology with distinction STOPFORTH, Penny, in Psychology with distinction STUCKENBERG, Tristan Micheal, in Geography TANYANYIWA, Precious, in Industrial & Economic Sociology TEJA, Farzana Altaf, in Management WILLIAMS, Jessica Ann, in Organizational Psychology YANKEY, Kosi Ama, in Industrial & Economic Sociology DEGREE OF MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCE BOCKLE, Ingrid, B.Soc.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Indusni.al Sociology, in the Department of Sociology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Managerial perceptions of corporate social responsibility and social practices present at Mcdonald's South Africa. MAGOQWANA, Babalwa Mirianoa, B.Soc.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Industrial Sociology, in the Department of Sociology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Call-centres as a vehicle to improve customer satisfaction in local government: A case study of front-line workers in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality. PIO, Elizabeth Cathrine, B.Soc.Sc. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Geography, in the Department of Geography. Degree by thesis. Thesis: An assessment of the experience of small town local economic development in the Easteln Cape Midlands. RAZAFIMBOLA, Sandimampita, B.Soc.Sci. (Hons) (Rhodes), in Organizational Psychology, in the Department of Psychology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: The development and evaluation of a cohesion-building programme for a South African male collegiate basketball team. DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC McCONNACHIE, Boudina Elizabeth, B.Mus., RULS (Rhodes), with distinction, in the Department of Music and Musicology. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Legal access to our musical history: An investigation into the copyright implications of archived musical recordings held at the International Library of African Music (ILAM) in South Africa. . .. /PhD 10 11 DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY SILOVE, Melanie Jessica, B.A. (UCT), M.Sc. (Oxon), in Psychotherapy, the in Department of Psychology. Degree by coursework and full thesis. Thesis: Ethical decision-making in the therapeutic space: A psychoanalytical view. Supervisor: Dr G Ivey. Co-supervisor: Professor DJA Edwards. SMITH, Julie Anne, M.Soc.Sc. (Natal), in Development Studies, in the Institute of Social and Economic Research. Degree by thesis. Thesis: Social policy, welfare in urban services in South Africa. A case study of free basic water, indigency and citizenship in Eastwood, Pietennaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal (2005-2007). Supervisor: Professor GD Ruiters. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S AWARDS Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Senior Research Medal Peter Vale \ Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Senior Teaching Medal Russell Harold Kaschula Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Medal Heila Betrie Sisitka Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Award for Community Engagement Vice-Chancellor's Book Award Daniel Alban Wylie ACADEMIC HONOURS ABEL, Sarah Ruth ABRAHAMS, Philip John Murray BIGGS, Rory BRICKHILL, Liam Timothy BREIER, Daniel Robert CHILES, Sarah Anne CLOETE, Ingrid Susan COATES, Megan Patricia CONIBEAR, Anne Claire COOKE, Kayleen Jeanne COWIE, Bradley DORASAMY, Chloe DU PREEZ, Elizabeth Inge ELEY, Clive William GOODRICK, Glen GROGAN, Patrick Meredith HALL, Leila Marie Elisabeth Helen HARDING, Storm Thyra BARRY, Cairen HOLLAND, Emma Huntsman HORSMAN, Mark Glen HYDE, Andrew Nicholas 12 JAPP, Kevin Simon JOHNSON, Eleanore KENYON, Amy KLEYNHANS, Danielle Merlyn LOMBARD, Erica Louise MBAO, Wamuwi MCQUAID, Christopher Finn MILLIN, Jonathan James MOHAMED, Sarah Shirazali Hassam MORBI, Fatema Hooneid MULLER, Andrea NOMOYI, Siyabulela NOTTINGHAM, Alastair Timothy PONJOU TASSE, Flora SANDBERG, Dale Mary SIEBORGER, Ian STYLlANOU, Christina Kleanthous TRISTRAM, Waide Barrington TYFIELD, David Anthony WILSENACH, Rouan Moorcroft WRIGHT, Imogen Abigail ACADEMIC COLOURS ADAMI, Kelly Anne JHUNDOO, Henusha Devi ALEXANDER, Christie Anne JOHNSON, Hailey Elizabeth ANDREWS, Anthony Leonardo KARRIM, Qudsiya Sydney KWATSHA, Lindiwe Mapule APPEL, Misty LANDERS, Samantha Mle ATIGNSON, Miranda Ruth LEE, Brendon BAILLIE, Vicky Lynne MARSH, Melissa Joanne BARFORD, Kirsty-Lee MASTER, Miqdad Ghulamabbas BODILL, Samantha MCDOUGALL, Timothy Patrick BOSWORTH-SMITH, Sadie MCGREGOR, Emily Skye Elizabeth MCLEA, Harriet Katharine BROCK., Robert Nicholas Thandiwe BROMLEY, Candice Leigh MELL Y, Brigitte Leigh CLIFFORD-HOLMES, Jai Kumar MENEZIES, Jade Michele CLUVER, Frances Rose Mannix MKHABELA, Hlawulani COCKBURN, Ingrid Louise Noluthando COLLETT, Gary Reece MOODLEY, Megandrie COLLETT, Jenna Lara MOYO,Buhle COOPER, Leanne Claire MURRA Y, Pamela Elizabeth COX, Robyn Jane PARIGN, Melissa IVfadeleine CROMHOUT, Mary Elizabeth PATCHA Y, Sharisaan CRYMBLE, Leigh PETROV, Pavel DANIEL, Dustan William PIENAAR, CharI DEALL, Michael John REID, Luke Jabulani DELPORT, Lindi Lou RICHARDSON, Alexandra Vanessa EHRLICH, Philippa Louise RICHTER, Teri FAULKNER, Katelyn Terri SAHD, Curtis Lee FORBES, Ross William SCHEEPERS, Sharlane Tanith FOSS, Jeremy John SCI-HER, Thorsten Ewald FOX, Pela Ann SCISCIO, Lara FOXCROFT, Terence Robert SHAPIRO, Stacey-Leigh FURMAN, Katherine Elizabeth SHIVJI, Taizeen GANIWALLA, Shaheed Imtiaz SIMAK, Geraldine Josephine GODLONTON, Ross Brian SPRING, Joseph Stephen GOSS, Sheldon Edward STARKEY, Randall Ashley GOUWS, Nicole Lyn STEVENS, David Paul GREYLING, Elizabeth Sophia STOPFORTH, Penny GRIMMER, Ashley STYLIANOU, Michelle Alexandra HEIDEMAN, Vicky Joanna SUTHERLAND, Graeme Wakfer HERRIDGE, Kristy Lynn TENG, James Wei Jie JACOBS, Carmen TENNENT, Nicola Gail JACOBSOHN, Jade Leigh THOMPSON, Alice Lynne ii TURI<., Brendan Kerr VERMEULEN, Ilke WARD, Catherine Dale WELLS, Bridget Leigh WEYER, Dylan James WEYL, Philip Sebastian Richard WINN, Michael ACADEMIC HALF COLOURS AGUSTONI, Lorenzo Angelo BARRETT, Dennis Ian BASSON, Wade BEHRENS, Michelle Christine BOOTH, Jenny Marie BOULLE, Catherine Ann BRODERICK, Lucy Mea BULL, Katherine Alme CALDER, Amanda Jane CARTER, Emmylou CARTVilRIGHT, Peter Mark CLARKE, Caryn Lee CONNOR, Ashleigh Louise COOMBES, Candice Anne COOMBES, Matthew John CRYMBLE, Gregory Arnold CRYMBLE, Tegan DANIELS, Ryan Joseph F AKEE, J ameel FORTEATH, Shaun FREER, Patrick David Leacroft GARSON, Christie Nicole GARUS-OAS, AppolOlitha Penlope GENNRICH, Jessica Nezar GIBBS, Sarah-Anne GILLI, Martina GREEN, Amy Sarah GRUNDLlNG, Megan HADDON, Christine Mikaella HAIDULA, Alina Fimaneka HEINE, Shannon Jane HO, Lance St John RODIGN, Claire Lindsay HOHLS, Samantha Lee HULLEY, Judy-Leigh INGLE, Gail Ella IRVINE, Philippa Margaret JACOB, Blessing JOLLANDS, Jessica Kathleen JOSEPH, Nadine KIMUNGU, Latifa Hakim KNIGHTS, Michelle Aileen Anne KURZEWSKI, Anne Claire LEE, Deva LEIMAN, Layla Diana LLOYD-JONES, Glyn Francis Michael LOTTER, Jaclyn Oehley LUTCHMUN, Thashveen LUYT, Catherine Diane MAGNUS, Laura MATHIASSEN, Caitlin Wedege MATIZA, Patrick MATTISON, Timothy Paul MA WENI, Rutendo Muchapedzei MCCONNACHIE, Christopher John Charles MCCONNACHIE, Kathryn Therese MENDES, Adriano MIDZI, Linda Zvikomborero MOELLER, Katrin Verena MORFORD, Cristie Olivia MORGAN, Casey Lloyd MOSS, Nicholas Andrew MTHOKO, Hafeni Tulimewawa Wilhelmina Lyatenda MUDZAMI, Yvonne Tendai MUSUWO, Leonard Shingai MWANANDlMAI, Rudo Stefanie MWANSA, Mumamba Chitumwa NAKAZWE, Kapembwa NOWERS, Lynn Colleen j iii I Abe Bailey Travel Scholarship: N Makhubu Alfred Beit Scholarships: PDL Freer, Dr Barrett, CW Mathiassen, RJ Daniels, T Lutchman Allan Gray Senior Scholarship - Honours: TL Alexander, N Madyini, T Mashabane Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships - Honours: A Bofilatos, CA BoulIe, SA Chiles, L Chivese, R Dhilwayo, L Gmeiner, LME Hall, E Johnson, SK Kabangu, R Koeberg, D Lee, N Mashele, SSH Mohamed, NL Msimanga, L Mthembu, W Muswera, T Poulos, NS Pswarayi, CL Schultz, C Sibana, A Thompson, FM Tohlang, MT Wambui, LM Watson, CM Wilmot Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships - Masters: J Alexander, B Armstrong, TA Beckeriing, KL Barford, J Barnard, FRM Cluver, JL Collett, AC Conibear, L Crymblc, A De Coning, HV De Klerk, TM Dewhurst, N Elliott, AF Gibson, JA Grobbelaar, IZ Gundhla, AE Hobson, NI Hoffinann, SP Howell, J Jacobsohn, HD Jhundoo, HE Jolmson, SMJ Jones, LE Koskenkangas, J Majakwara, D Makaza, DSC Malamis, TM Mangwengwende, TWE Marais, CL Marshall, TG Matumba, T Mazorodze, W Mbao, HN Mkhabela, B Moyo, M Mumba, M Munsaka, M Nyathi, T Nxasana, SA Paphitis, AMM Phiri, F Ponjou Tasse, L Sciscio, I Venneulen, JAV Walters Andrew Mellon Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships -Doctoral: AF Afolayan, LP Aipinge, EL Allan, L Allan, OOS Arojjo, ATF Bernard, FA Chaibva, WJU Chidawanyika, YK Gandu, KC Idahosa, B Jari, MA Jimoh, B Magure, M Mutorwa, AG Nindi, D Ocwich, AI Okewole, 00 Oladeinde, FJ Otten, C Pade, A Padmanabhanunni, BW Price, JR Short, EL Steenkamp, M Tukulula, CRD Van Der Mescht, K Wa Kasongo Andrew Mellon Foundation Humanities Doctoral Postgraduate Scholarships: U Corkin, L Gumboreshumba, LA Kelland, B Magoqwana, K Mapana, MT Mavura, A Moyo, T Murisa, R Pithouse, A Sarimana, M WilIian1s Atlantic Philanthropies Scholarships: AR Childs, AC Muller, N S Ngcamu, M Oelofsen, T Seobi, BM Zuma A Trevor Williams Scholarship: No award Best Chemistry II Prize: MJ Coombes ~,etty Shuttleworth Scholarship: CE Hodgson nDO Spencer Steward Prize: C Laufs Charles Bryars Scholarship: JM Pistorius, J du Plessis, PM Cartwright, Z Mkwanazi Conrad Dylan Cambray Scholarship: SL Tombe David Adolph Bradlow Scholarship fOl· Humanities: EL Lombard Dean of Students Leadership Award: RJ Barnett, L Crymble, MR Freeman, PM Jakubek, T Mlambo, FH Morbi, MRS Tayub Desmond Goddard Bursary: To be awarded Douglas Rivett Bursary: CW Eley Dr Kendall Scholarships: SA Chiles, B Cowie, EI Du Preez, CW Eley, PM Grogan, LME Hall, MG Horsman, A Kenyon, SSH Mohamed, RM Wilsenach Dr Maryam Babingida Scholarship: NC Wilson Dutch Language Union Bursary: Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship for South African History: S Kerseboom, K van Zyl Ernst & Young Award for the best Information Systems II (Accounting - Professional) Student: NA Moss Guy Butler Research Award: To be awarded Henderson Postgraduate Scholarships - Masters: SR Abel, ST Ambrose, JMH Barry, CL Bromley, MP Coates, K Cooke, JD Filmalter, JC Lawson, W Tristram, I Wright Henderson Postgl-aduate Scholal"ships - Doctoral: RH Bennett, G Coombs, J-A De la Mare, JOG Kemp, M Vlok, JS Van Dyk Henry Bradlow Scholarship for Science: AC Conibear Honours Degree Scholarships: LA Agustoni, MS Alm1ed, W Basson, MD Berndt, ML Bidzha, R Biggs, JM Booth, CA BouIle, MA Burke, A Candotti, SA Chiles, J CliffordHolmes, IS Cloete, LA Cloete, NH Colvin, B Cowie, KV Dobrev, C Dorasamy, EI Du Preez, CW Eley, CA Fisher, S Forteath, CN Garson, L Gmeiner, G Goodrick, SE Goss, PM Grogan, AF Haidula, LME Hall, CHarry, CA Hartzenberg, NG Hathorn, CJ Hazle, CS Hazle, SJ Heine, HC Henninger, ZK Hinis, CGB Hittler, CL Hodkin, MG Horsman, AN Hyde, PM Irvine, KS Japp, E Jolmson, N Joseph, GIB Kalm, NS Kaulule, A Kenyon, T Khan, GJ Krastin, AC Kurzewski, D Lee, LD Leiman, JO Lotter, J Louw, LM Luyt, KF Mackintosh, CA Makanjee, M Mann, A Martin, S Matabiswana, TA Mayson, JR McCafferty, KA McKenzie, A Mendes, SSH Mohamed, PJ Mollel, NL Msimanga, TS Murray, SM Mzamo, M Naidoo, NA Nel, S Nomoyi, KL Nottingham, JKL Orpen, D Parker, MC Parkinson, RA Peel, JM Peirce, L Percy, CT Perks, MB Phillips, C Pienaar, T Poulos, HB Pratt, JK Robertson, MC Rose, KRoss, RC Russouw, DM Sandberg, KM Savage, SW Schady, CL Schultz, BR Sebopela, ML Senekal, DA Smedley, A Sobukwe-Whyte, JS Spring, IN Sterrenberg, KF Taylor, NG Tennent, S Thomas, A Thompson, LJ Uplink, DA Van Der iv v SMITH, Tracey Leigh STACK, Lee Christopher STAPLES, Jessica Ruth STERRENBERG, Jason Neville STEYN, Ruth Elizabeth STUART-CLARI(, Lucy Bena TAYLOR, Jessica Mary THOMPSON, Aimee TOMAN, Michael Peter TOMBE, Sekai Lana TRISTRAM, Uvedale Roy TY AMZASHE, Vusani UNSWORTH, Shannon Jade VALE, Elizabeth Nosizwe VAN RENSBURG, Caitlin Margot VAN WYK, John Robert WALES, Nora-Lee WALSH, Kim WILLIAMSON, Frances Catherine WOOLLGAR, Clayton Kurt ZIMBA, Catherine ZIPP, Gisela Lesley O'GRADY, Cathleen Jeannette O'HAGAN, Kyle Leonard ORPEN, Judith Kathleen Lisle PARKINSON, Matthew Cameron PERCY, Luke PHILLIPS, Michael Brent PICKERING, Joanna KingwiII PISTORlUS, Juliana Maryna PURDON, Carly RICHARDSON, Amy Elizabeth ROGERS, Richard Warner ROSS, Kerryn ROTH, Heather Frances RUSSOUW, Rosaline Cheryl SACHIKONYE, Tsitsi Shamiso Anne SELKIRK, Catherine Elizabeth SENEKAL, Monique L'Oreal SIDDLE, Christine Elaine SIMLEIT, Carla Leigh SMEDLEY, David Alan SMIT, Tamryn Dale SMITH, Jade AWARDS OF SCHOLARSHIPS, BURSARIES AND PRIZES Lingen, AH Van Wezel, NL Wales, R Wartenberg, JP Watenneyer, CM Wilmot, RM Wilsenach Ian Mackenzie Scholarship for Environmental Studies: To be awarded Irvin and Johnson Postgraduate Bursary in Fisheries Science: To be awarded Jane Osborne Scholarship: J Barnard, S Smit Joe Levy Scholarship: NJ Young Leon Gluckman Memorial Scholarship in Drama: To be awarded Master's Degree Scholarships: SR Abel, K.A Adami, CA Alexander, ST Ambrose, ALS Andrews, M Appel, MR Atkinson, VL Baillie, KL Barford, S BodilI, SE Bosworth-Smith, NL Bradshaw, LT BrickhiIl, RN Brock, LM Broderick, CL Bromley, FRM Cluver, M Coates, IL Cockbum, GR Collett, JL Collett, AC Conibear, KJ Cooke, LC Cooper, RJ Cox, ME Cromhout, LC Crymble, DW Daniel, BJ De Wet, LL Delport, NJ Du Preez, PL Ehrlich, KT Faulkner, RW Forbes, JJ Foss, PA Fox, TR Foxcroft, KE Funnan, SI Ganiwalla, RB Godlonton, NL Gouws, LF Grant, ES Greyling, A Grimmer, KL Herridge, C Jacobs, JL Jacobsohn, HD Jhundoo, HE Johnson, U Kaplan, Q Karrim, DM K.1eynhans, LM Kwatsha, SM Landers, B Lee, EL Lombard, LH Loubser, MJ Marsh, MG Master, W Mbao, TP McDougall, ES McGregor, HKT McLea, LR MCMichael, CF McQuaid, BL Melley, JM Menezies, JJ Millin, HN Mldmbela, M Moodley, FH Morbi, B Moyo, A Muller, PE MUlTay, A Naik, AT Nottinghanl, MM Parkin, S Patchay, P Petrov, F Ponjou Tasse, LJ Reid, AV Richardson, T Richter, CL Sahd, ST Scheepers, TE Schier, L Sciscio, SL Shapiro, T Shivji, I Sieborger, GJ Simak, RA Starkey, DP Stevens, CA Stirling, P Stopforth, CK Stylianou, MA Stylianou, GW Sutherland, JWJ Teng, AL Thompson, WB Tristram, BK Turk, A Van Heerden, JS Vandeleur, I Vernleulen, CD Ward, BL Wells, DJ Weyer, PSR Weyl, M Winn, IA Wright, GP Zorn Muirhead Bursar), : JJ Millin Otto Bcit Scholarship: C Harry Patrick and Margaret Flanagan Scholarship: MJ Marsh Professor B R Allanson Scholarship: Raymond Pullen Memorial Scholarships for Arts Drama: HM Richter Fine Art: IE Bronner, T-L Nicol, E Sippel Music: Z Mkwanazi Rhodes Foundation Scholarship (Most Outstanding Graduate) : R Biggs Rhodes Governor's Scholarship (Most Outstanding Undergraduates in the Humanities, Science, Pharmacy and Commerce Faculties): PDL Freer, MJ Coombes, CW Mathiassen, NC Wilson Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Honours: R Biggs, CW Eley, MG Horsman, KS Japp, MC Parkinson, L Percy, RM Wilsenach Rhodes Univel'sity Postgraduate Scholarships - Masters: LC Cooper, T Goble, PW Greenway, EL Lombard, LJ Reid, TJ Richardson, I Sieborger, GW Sutherland, RE Terlazzo RllOdes University Postgraduate Scholarships - Doctoral : BM Grogan, W Wilhelm Rhodes University Scholarships: PDL Freer, Dr Barrett, Ml Coombes, MAA Knights, CW Mathiassen, T Lutchman, KA Bull, NC Wilson, CJ O'Grady, NA Moss Rob & Trish Midgley Law Prize: SHaken SASOL Centenary Honours Degree Scholarships in Physical Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology or Biotechnology: A Kenyon, ME Sithole Sir Basil Schonland Scholarship : A Muller Thelma Henderson Bursary: T Mushwana Thomas Alty Scholarship : W Mbao William Francis Barker Bursary: No award A Trevor Williams Prize for Physics I : PDL Freer Physics II : Ml Coombes Accenture Information Systems Honours: CA Alexander Information Systems II : ER Stalmans Adams and Adams Law Prize: CJC McConnachie Alastair Kerr Prize : IS Cloete Alexander Ogg Prize for Physics: KR Henninger Altruism Awar'd for the Unselfish Support of Fellow IS Honours Students: Ascbman Scholarship: KL Robinson Avlynne Bowen Award for Pharmacy II: AJ Calder B A Putterill Prize: No Award Bancroft Medal for tbe Outstanding MSc in the Field of Mineral Exploration (Sponsored by Anglo-Amel'ican) : No Award Basil Schonland Physics Prize: IA Wright Beth Cumming Memorial Prize: BC Fitzpatrick Bill Branford Prize for Linguistics: RC Russouw Brian Peckham Memorial Prize: EH Holland Bronze Medal of tbe South African Association for the Advancement of Science (S2A3) : JOG Ken1p BSG Best Information Systems Honours Research Project: CA Alexander, RB Godlonton, GG Nyamayi, TM Surridge, M Tlou Ocean Tech Team: BSG Special Award for the Best IS Honours All Round Performance in Academic and Non-Academic Spheres: RB Godlonton Butterworth Book Prizes for Law: Penultimate Year: CJC McConnachie Final Year: P JM Abrahams Butterwor'th Management Accounting III Prize: C Dorasamy Catherine Foxcroft and Gary Ten), Prize: Al Duncan Centre of Excellence Prize for the best Computer Science Research Student: KR Glass, MP Thinyane D C S Oosthuizen Memorial Prize for Philosophy: SA Paphitis David Williams Memorial Prize for Mathematics III : R Biggs Deloitte & Touche Prizes for Postgr'aduate Diploma in Taxation: Best Research Essay: No A ward Most Innovative Choice of Topic or Research Design: I Seedat Dr Adolph Schraudcr Memorial Prize in Sociology: MB Phillips Dr Kurt Gillis Prize for Psychology Masters: AS van der Merwe Dr Valentine Cuenod Memorial Prize for French III : aD PM Lemercier IDuerden Scholarship: I Vermeulen Duncan/Whiteley Biochemistry Prize: LC Cooper E D Mountain Pl'ize : AF Haidula, C Pienaar Ernest Wild Prizes Psychology II : L-A Bruce vi vii Psychology III : MG Horsman Ewer Prize in Zoology and Entomology: ST Ambrose F P Muirhead and M B Rosenberg Memorial Prize for Microbiology III : A Mendes Frank Rostron Bursary: AA Campher Fred Cooper Prize for Company Law: CJC McConnachie Gavin Stewart and John Pattern Prize: L Dada George M Gruber Physics IEl!lE2 Prize: K Mafundikwa Gladys Blackbeard Scholarship: J-L Hulley Grahamstown Training College Bursaries - English: L-J Verhamme, LJ Wills - Music: YR Matibe Grant and Marjorie McKerron Scholarship (Law) : CJC McConnachie Heather Drummond Memorial Prize for Poetry: DA TyfieJd Helmut Weigert Memorial Prize for Mathematics I: DI Barrett IBM Best Information Systems Honours Research Project: C Jacobs IDI Technology Solutions Prizes Computer Science Honours: 11 Millin Computel" Scicnce I : PDL Freer Investec Top MBA Student Award: Investec Best MBA Dissertation Award: Investec MBA Good Fellowship Award: J C van Hille Award in Zoology and Entomology: CA Coombes Janinne Franke Prizes Best Computer Science Honours Project: F Ponjou Tasse Computer Science II : MAA Knights Jardine Prize: CW Mathiassen Joe King Prize: MS Ahmed John and Audrey Foxcroft Beethoven Prize: J du Plessis John O'Meara Prize for Organisational Psychology III: HF Roth Johnson and Johnson Award for Chemistl), I : K Mafundikwa, RJ Daniels Jonathan Marks Prize: AL Thompson JVL Rennie Prize: FH Morbi Judge Schock Prize: EH Holland Junior Captain Scott Medal: Juta Prizes Law Prize: EH Holland Management Prizes Bachelor of Business Science IV: No Award Management Honours: MR Atkinson, T Shivji Management III : AC Kurzewski Postgraduate Diploma in Entel"prise Management: CS Page Kevin Carlean Memorial Scholarship (Journalism) : KT McConnachie Kieron Geol"ge Chambers Memodal Bursary: TC Munedzimwe Konrad Kulesza Award: No award KPMG Award for Accounting Honours: LH Loubser KPMGlLen Verster Accounting II Prize: NA Moss Lannon Best Information Systems Honours Research Essay Award: Leslie Kent Award for Geology: S Bax Lillian Bdl:ten Prize for Botany: SE Goss Louis Dubb Prize: NG Tennent viii Margaret Smith Bursary in Ichthyology and Fisheries Science: No award Matthew Jones Memorial Shield : JM Booth Mattie Shuttleworth Speech Prize: CA Fisher Mavis Hill Prize for Music: No Award Mel Field Award for the Best IS Tutor: Merck Prizes Biotechnology Honours: HE Johnson Chemistry III : CW Eley Microbiology Honours: B Moyo Michael Kapelus Memorial Prize for Pharmacy: K-L Barford Milner Memorial Essay Prize: No Award Best Biochemistry II Prize: CE Siddle Neville (Robbie) Robertson Scholarship: YM Chilimanzi Nederlandse Taalunie Bursary: T Bakkes, LL Coetzee, C Coetzee, E Ferreira, SR Meintjes, R Prince, A Tarr Norman Harris Prize: E Carter Oxford University Press Prize for English Literature: EL Lombard Patrick Mynhardt Prize: TV Jacobs, AN Lech Pearce Rood Prizes (Law) - Legal TheOl)' I - RS Mwanandimai _ Legal Theory II - CM van Rensburg - Legal Theory 111- NG Tennent - LLB 3 - CJC McConnachie Pricewaterhouse Coopers Prizes PDipAcc or BAcc IV - A Naik BCom or BAcc III - C Dorasan1Y Professional Provident Society Prizes Honours Research Essay Top Honours StudentPurvis Prize: LF Grant lRapportryers Bursary: T WeIman lR G McKerron Prize for Law of Delict: ST Harding R L Threlfell Memorial Prize: SSH Mohan1ed lRhodes University Chamber Choir Music Award: No Award Rob Antonissen Memorial Award: JM Pistorius Robert B Lloyd Bursary: PM Cartwright Rodney Davenport History Scholarship: JK Clifford-Holmes lRowney Prize: E Sippel Royal Society of St George Prize: CA BoulIe Rupert Onderwysstigting Prize for Music: No A ward S A Breweries Prize for Biochemistry III: A Kenyon SAP Africa Prizes Computer Science III : B Cowie Best Progress in Computer Science: B Lusithi Sasol Prize for Biochemistry: A Kenyon Schwarz Memorial Prize for Geology : JM Gaisford Shirley Ritchie Prize: MA Groenink Sigma Aldrich Award for Chemistry Honours: AC Conibear Sole Memorial Prize for History Masters: RG Marshall Spilkin Prize for Law: IS Cloete ix Spoor and Fisher Prize for Intellectual Property Law: ST Harding Steyn Maartens Memorial Prize for Afrikaans: A du Plessis Sydney Cruise Memorial Prize for Mathematics II : MJ Coombes South African Institute of Chal"tered Accountants: Southern Region Prizes: ~ Advanced Accounting: A Naik ~ Advanced Auditing: A Naik Taxation: A Naik ~ Advanced Management Accounting: A Naik South African Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences Medal for Academic Excellence Pharmacy Year I: K Mafundikwa Pharmacy Year II: AJ Calder Pharmacy Year III: L Magnus Pharmacy Year IV: HD Jhundoo Terence Beard Prize for Politics: IS Cloete UPB Prizes Linguistics I : RE Steyn - H R Management: To be awarded Best Information Systems III Student: SSH Mohamed Viv de I(lerk Prize for Linguistics II: GL Zipp VS Forbes Prize: SE Goss, SA Chiles VWSA Management Scholarship: CM Wilmot WD Terry Memor"ial Prize: NC Wilson William Barker Memorial Prize: Winifred Maxwell Prizes - History I : DC Knowles Most Progress in History r : AE O'Donoghue x THE PURPLE AND THE WHITE Surgit' 0 Rhodienses gloriae memores Voce magna cantate famam laudantes. Vestrum reboent, splendorem montes Palmam vos feratis semper Rhode, co 10 res nostros cole tu. Adfinem vitaedurabitamor Desideriumque Rhodi. Rise, Rhodians in recognition of renown. Sing out loud in praise of high repute. Let the hills ring with your splendour. May you always win the highest honour. Rhodes, cherish our colours. To the end o/life the desire and longing For Rhodes will endure. Nitemurcausae favere iustae. Semperque honores fovere tuos, Ludis perfrui, rectumque sequi PUl1)urae cando rique fidi. Rhode, colOl'es nostros cole tu. A dfinem vitae durabit amor Desideriumque Rhodi. We must strive to favour the just cause, And always to cultivate your reputation, to relish sport and follow the right path, To put faith in the purple and white. Rhodes, cherish oUf'colours. To the end o/life the desire and longing For Rhodes will endure. GAUDEAMUS IGITUR Gaudeamus igitur,juvenes dum sumus; (Rep) Post jucundam juventutem, post molestam senectutem, Nos habebit humus, nos habebit humus. Let us live then, and injoy While the bloom of youth we see After young days' pastime glad After old age drear and sad Under earth we'll be. Ubi sunt qui ante nos in mundo fuere? (Rep) Vadite ad superos, transite ad inferos, Ubijam fuere, ubi jam fuere. Where are they who years before Here on earth did dwell? Seek among the gods above, From those below go seek thereof Where they now do dwell. VivatAcademia, Vivant Professores, (Rep) Vivat membrum quodlibet, vivant membra quaelibet, Semper sint in flore, semper sint in flore. Long live this University Long life to those who leaming nourish! Long live each member great and small, Long life to Rhodians one and all Let them ever flourish! Vivat et respublica, et qui illam regit; (Rep) Vivat nostra civitas, Maecenatum caritas, Quae nos hie protegit, quae nos hic protegit. Long live our country also, Long life to those who guide it, Long live our town in strength and health Long live our patrons by whose wealth We are here provided!
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