Firmen Report
Firmen Report
Firmen Report BIMEHC Präsentation Beschreibung: Cameroon has just few government run mental health care facilities. *support programme for People Living With HIV & AIDS (PLWHA) *Activities are expanded to cover other areas such as Human Rights an advocacy for underprivileged groups, income generating activities, capacity building workshops, watershed protection, sustainable agriculture, enterpreneurship, education and livehoods.Babungo Integrated Mental Health Care... Visit our website for more! Über uns: BIMEHC maintains a staff of 12 persons, who are devoted and experienced in the different fields of activities. The staff also includes volunteers from VSO who have supported the organisation immensly in its efforts towards enhancing better livelihoods for the targeted beneficiaries. BIMEHC´s strategy focuses on an combination of local and external resources to enable local people, especially the poor and underprivileged to improve their... Visit our website for more! Vision: A society in wich all persons especially the underprivileged, are accepted and have access to basic health care, economic resources and social facilities enabling them to live a satisfying life. ABIB Rating Security & Traceability Index NOT Verified Ethics & Reputation Index NOT Verified Business & Technical Index NOT Verified 1 of 3 Firmen Report Fakten Indikatoren Unternehmensgröße: 11-50 Angestellte Jahresumsatz: Jahresgewinn: Investmentvolumen: Weniger als 5.000 USD Anzahl der Angestellten: Anzahl der Angestellten in der Produktion: Anzahl der Angestellten in der Verwaltung: Anzahl der Freiberufler: Anzahl der Niederlassungen: 0 Zusätzliche Schulungen für Angestellte?: 2001 aktiv tätig seit: Letzte Schulung: Leistungen/Produkte: Gründungsjahr: 2003 Eigentümer / Manager: Eigentümer: Manager: Herr John Tumenta Tweke, Leistungen/Produkte: Über uns: Funktion:*mental health care*preventive and curative care*rehabilitation and reinsertion*community based care*psychotherapy and conflict resolution*referral system and contra referral*vaccination programme*health educationprogramme of telemedicie (tele-psychiatry)*HIV&AIDS support group*microfinance activities for disadvantaged groups Produkte: Main objektive: *to promote an provide traditional and modern mental ans primary health care for disadvantaged groups in Cameroon*to promote access to mental and primary health care for disadvantaged groups *to holistically assist and care for people with mental health and primary health care problems ans their families by the use of... Visit our website for more! Unternehmenstyp: Local Non-Profit Organization Rechtsform: Sektoren: Health, Subsektoren: Rehabilitation, Health Centres, Nursing, Art der Aktivitäten: Dienstleister Geschäftssprache: English, French, 2 of 3 Firmen Report Orte Primärkontakt Adresse: Straße: Postleitzahl: Postfach: Stadt: Mbenjeh Babungo Bezirk: Land: Kamerun Telefon: Handy: E-mail: P.O. Box 6 Ndop Fax: Webseite: Niederlassungen: Karte: ABIB Location Index NOT Verified ABIB 365° Rating NOT Verified 3 of 3