Europass Curriculum Vitae - AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Europass Curriculum Vitae - AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information Surname(s) / First name(s) Address(es) DI Dr. Tötzer Tanja AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Energy Department Giefinggasse 6 | 1210 Vienna | Austria Telephone(s) +43 (0)50550-4548 Fax(es) +43 (0)50550-4599 E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender Geschäftsfeld Eintrittsdatum AIT Mobile Austrian 22.08.1974 female Sustainable Buildings and Cities 01.05.2002 Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Page 1/3 - Curriculum vitae of May 2002 onwards Scientist Projects such as: • VIsion Step I - Realising Villach’s Smart City Vision – Step I (Smart Energy Demo – fit4set – Austrian Climate and Energy Fund) (2012-2015) • UFT-ADI - Urban fabric types and microclimate response – assessment and design improvement. (ACRP Austrian Climate and Energy Fund, 2011-2013) • Support of the development of the Austrian mobility concept (Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, BMVIT, 2010-2011) • Ex-Kyoto - Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit: Untersuchung der Auswirkungen der KyotoInstrumente auf Innovation in Österreich (F&PD research project, 2009-2011) • F&M@aspern: Freiraum und Mikroklima: Grundlagen für Klima-sensitive Planung in Aspern (2010-2011, Haus der Zukunft plus) • PLUREL - Peri-urban Land Use Relationships - Strategies and Sustainability Assessment Tools for Urban-Rural Linkages (EU-project, 6th FP, 2007-2010) • Ageing Society. Altern in der Stadt: Seniorenfreundliche Wohnumfelder und Mobilitätsoptionen als Aufgabe der Stadtpolitik (research programme of the Vienna University of Economics and Business and the City of Vienna (MA27) „Altern in der Stadt: Aktuelle Trends und deren Bedeutung für die strategische Stadtentwicklung“, 2008) Ageing Society: Senior friendly residential environment and mobility options as a task of urban policy (research programme of the Vienna University of Economics and Business and the City of Vienna (MA27) „Ageing in the city: current trends and its consequences for strategic urban development“, 2008) • future.scapes - Global change and its influence on landscape and society. Scenarios of future transition and solution strategies to mitigate negative effects (research programme proVISION for nature and society, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, BMWF, 2006-2008) • REMOS – Regional effects of large infrastructure. Development of a regional monitoring system for assessing the impacts of large infrastructure projects. (ARC-research project) • Geoland – Integrated GMES Project on Land Cover and Vegetation (EU-project, 6th FP) • Systemforschung im urbane Raum, ‘The role of environmental innovations within the urban innovation system of Vienna’, research programme in cooperation with the City of Vienna (2004-2006) For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 • • • Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH 2002-2005 Lecturer Project “Computing based studio - GIS” University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna 2001-2002 Freelancer, junior scientist Main project: Vienna Airport Mediation: Scientific support of the mediation process for expansion of the Vienna International Airport. Spatial analyses of the environmental, economic and social impacts on the region ARC Seibersdorf research, Business unit: Regional Studies 1998-2001 Scholarship holder, PhD Student, Junior Scientist Main project: STAU: City-Suburb-Relations in the Urban System of Vienna: Development of Settlement Patterns, Interaction Patterns and Flow of Goods. Development of a GIS-based-model of the system of spatial elements and relations in the Vienna Region. Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Vienna ARCS, Business unit: Environmental Planning July, Aug 1996 Internship Freie Planungsgruppe Berlin GmbH (FPB)”, Berlin, Germany Dates July 1995 Occupation or position held Internship Name and address of employer Zentralität Neu: Zusammenhänge zwischen Zentralität und aktuellen Prozessen sowie Konzepten der Regionalentwicklung (ÖROK, 2004) Flughafenregion Wien-Bratislava – Ausgangssituation und regionale Entwicklungsperspektiven für ein Flughafensystem Wien (VIE)-Bratislava (BTS) (Flughafen Wien AG) (2003-2004) MASURIN: Management of Sustainable Revitalisation of Urban Industrial Sites and Areas. EC, 5th Framework Programme and contributing to the implementation of the Key Action 4 "City of Tomorrow"; (2001 - 2004) Lower Austrian provincial government, Section R/4 Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Page 2/3 - Curriculum vitae of 2006 Dr. (comp. to PhD) Thesis Title: “Spatial change – spatial planning in transition? Study on the efficiency of spatial planning for implementing a sustainable settlement development” University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria 1992-1998 DI (comp. to MSc), University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Thesis Title: “Industriestadt Ternitz. Chancen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung“ University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, field of study: landscape architecture and landscape planning Technical University, Vienna, field of study: spatial planning Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) German Other language(s) Understanding Self-assessment Listening European level (*) English French Reading Speaking Spoken interaction Spoken production C1 Proficient User C2 Proficient User B2 Independent User C2 A2 Basic User A2 Basic User A2 Basic User Writing A2 Proficient User C1 Proficient User Basic User A2 Basic User (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages / siehe Beilage Technical skills and competences Her scientific interest lies in the field of sustainable development of urban regions, participatory planning processes and GIS-based spatial analyses of interrelations in spatial systems (settlementdynamics in suburban regions, transition of landscape in rural areas, spatial impacts of large infrastructure projects). Her main areas of research are related to policies and instruments for sustainable regional development. A further research focus of her concentrates on sustainability and innovation research, especially on environmental innovations and the interaction between innovation and environmental policies. She has essential experiences in regional planning, in GIS-based analyses and modelling and in supporting regions in dealing with local impacts of global change. She has been working over the past years in several inter- and transdisciplinary projects where she was in charge of collaborating with researchers from different disciplines and of communicating and developing visions and scenarios together with local practitioners (REMOS, STAU, future.scapes, VIE mediation). Computer skills and competences MS Office, ArcGIS, SPSS Page 3/3 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Publikationen in referierten Fachzeitschriften 2011 Tötzer T., Sedlacek S., Knoflacher M. (2011) Designing the future—A reflection of a transdisciplinary case study in Austria. Futures. The journal of policy, planning and futures studies. Volume 43, Issue 8, Oct 2011, Futures 43 (2011) 840–852 2009 Tötzer, T., Loibl, W. und Steinnocher, K. (2009) Flächennutzung in Österreich, jüngere Vergangenheit und künftige Trends. Wissenschaft und Umwelt, 12, 8-20 2007 Tötzer, T., Ömer-Rieder, B. (2007) Aspects of sustainability in innovation processes: results from a business survey in the Vienna region, Austria. Progress in Industrial Ecology - An International Journal, 4, 1/2, 122-140 2004 Tötzer, T., Gigler, U. (2004) Barriers and Incentives for revitalising old-industrial Sites in Innter-City Location - lessons learned in European case studies. Territorium, 2, 16-25 Tötzer, T., Gigler, U. (2004) Principles of sustainable multi-stakeholder development processes: lessons learned in case studies on revitalising inner city industrial sites in Europe. alfa SPECTRA Central European Journal of Architecture and Planning FA STU, 2, 25-29 2003 Loibl, W., Tötzer, T. (2003) Modeling Growth and Densification Processes in Sub-urban Regions – Simulation of Landscape Transition with Spatial Agents. Environmental Modelling and Software, 18, 6, 485-593 Bücher und Buchbeiträge 2009 Tötzer, T., Loibl, W. (2009) Ansprüche einer alternden Bevölkerung an Wohnen, Wohnumfeld und Mobilität - Zukunftsthemen für die Wiener Stadtpolitik. HanappiEgger, E., Schnedlitz, P. (Hrsg.), Ageing Society, Altern in der Stadt: Aktuelle Trends und ihre Bedeutung für die strategische Stadtentwicklung, Facultas.wuv, 606-662 2008 Tötzer, T., Gigler, U. (2008) Mechanisms leading to the transformation of open space in the metropolitan region of Vienna, Austria: is there a need for a new management paradigm? (Mécanismes à l'origine de la transformation des espaces ouverts dans l'agglomération de Vienne, Autriche: un nouveau paradigme de gestion est-il nécessaire?). Berlan-Darqué, M., Luginbühl, Y. and Terrasson, D., Landscape: from knowlege to action (Paysages: de la connaissance à l'action), éditions Quae, 121-133 (123-136) 2007 Loibl, W., Tötzer, T., Köstl, M. and Steinnocher, K. (2007) Simulation of polycentric urban growth dynamics through agents - Model concept, application, results and validation;. Koomen, E., Stillwell, J., Bakema, A. and Scholten, H. (Eds.), Simulating Land-Use Change. Progress and Applications;, Springer-Physica Verlag, Netherlands, 219-235 2005 Loibl, W., Ömer-Rieder, B., Tötzer, T. und Hesina, W. (2005) Zusammenhänge zwischen Zentralität und Konzepten der Regionalentwicklung. Österreichische Raumordnungskonferenz (ÖROK), Zentralität und Raumentwicklung. Schriftenreihe Nr. 167, ÖROK Eigenverlag, Wien, 116-126 Weichhart, P., Fassmann, H., Hesina, W., Loibl, W., Ömer-Rieder, B. und Tötzer, T. (2005) Zentralitätspolitik - Empfehlungen für eine Umsetzung des Zentralitätskonzepts durch die öffentliche Hand. Österreichische Raumordnungskonferenz (ÖROK), Zentralität und Raumentwicklung. Schriftenreihe Nr. 167, ÖROK Eigenverlag, Wien, 127-151 Page 4/3 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 2003 Hesina, W., Tötzer, T. (2003) Mediation als vorbereitendes Konfliktlösungsverfahren für Infrastrukturprojekte. Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus dem Mediationsverfahren Flughafen Wien. ÖROK (Ed.), ÖROK-Schriftenreihe Sonderserie Raum & Region: Raumordnung im Umbruch – Herausforderungen, Konflikte, Veränderungen – Festschrift für Eduard Kunze, ÖROK Eigenverlag, Wien, 190-196 Konferenzbeiträge 2008 Haase, D., Kabisch, S, Haase, A., Filatova, T, van der Veen, A., Tötzer, T., Loibl, W., et al. (2008) Actors and factors - bridging social science findings and urban land use change modeling. Sànchez-Marrè, M., Béjar, J., Comas, J., Rizzoli, A. and Guariso, G. (Eds.), Position Paper to the iEMSs 2008, 4th Biennial Meeting of iEMSs, 1-13 Knoflacher, M., Tötzer, T. (2008) Verkehrsknoten Flughafen: welche Rahmenbedingungen sind für eine Einbindung von Flughäfen in ihre Umgebung nötig? Schrenk, M., Popovich, V., Engelke, D. und Elisei, P. (Eds.), Real Corp 008 Proceedings/Tagungsband, May, 19th - 21st, Vienna, 153-157 Tötzer, T. (2008) Relationships between urban-periurban rural regions: first findings from the EU-projekt PLUREL. Gulinck, H. (Ed.), Catholic University of Leuven, Rurality near the city, February, 7th-8th, Leuven, Belgium, 7-10 Tötzer, T., Loibl, W. (2008) Actors as factors for land use change: Effects of demographic change on land use across Europe. Sànchez-Marrè, M., Béjar, J., Comas, J., Rizzoli, A. and Guariso, G. (Eds.), Proceeding of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software iEMSs 2008, July, 7th-10th, Barcelona, Catalonia, 2080-2081 2007 Giesecke, S., Tötzer, T. (2007) What will be the effects of the new European environmental legislation on innovation in the electronics sector? Kungolos, A., Brebbia, C.A., Beriatos, E. (Eds.), Sustainable Development and Planning III. Vol 2, April, 25th - 27th, Algarve, 541-549, Tötzer, T., Köstl, M., Steinnocher, K. (2007) Scenario of land use change in Europe based on socio-economic and demographic driving factors. Schrenk, M., Popovich, V., Benedikt, J (Hrsg.), Real corp 007: 12th International conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society, May, 21st-23rd, Vienna, 141-150 CD-ROM Tötzer, T., Loibl, W. and Sedlacek, S. (2007) From global pressures to local strategies: How can transdisciplinary research contribute to building more sustainable regions? ERSA (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 47th Congress of the European Regional Science Association – Local governance and sustainable development, August, 29th-September, 2nd, Paris, 336-337 Book of Abstracts I and CD-ROM 2006 Tötzer, T., Hesina, W. (2006) The role of scientific support in mediation processes: experiences from the VIE mediation. Schrenk, M. (Ed.), Sustainable solutions for the information society. 11th International Conference on Urban Planning & Regional Development, February, 13th-16th, Vienna, 245248 2005 Gigler, U., Tötzer, T. (2005) Mixed use developments on former industrial sites: Lessons learned in revitalisation case studies across Europe. Oliver, L., Millar, K., Grimski, D., Ferber, U. and Nathanail, C. P., CABERNET 2005 - The International Conference on Managing Urban Land, April 13-15, Belfast, 114-120 Gigler, U., Tötzer, T. and Knoflacher, M. (2005) Case Studies on revitalising inner city industrial sites in Western Europe sustainably: crucial lessons learned in the redevelopment process. Kolleg für Management und Gestaltung nachhaltiger Entwicklung GmbH, Reader der ENCOS 2004 Konferenz "1st European Networks Conference on Sustainability in Practice - The Conditions and Requirements for a New European Level of Capacity Building, April, 1st - 4th, Berlin/Dessau, 144-151 Loibl, W., Köstl, M., Steinnocher, K., Tötzer, T., Hoffmann, C. and Petrini, F. (2005) Page 5/3 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Settlement growth and densification within a peri-urban poly-centric region - driving forces analysis, model development and preliminary simulation results. Proceedings of the 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 23rd-27th, Amsterdam Steinnocher, K., Gangkofner, U., Hoffmann, C., Köstl, M., Petrini-Monteferri, F. and Tötzer, T. (2005) Spatial planning indicators - the geoland approach. Schrenk, M. (Ed.), CORP2005: 10th International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) in urban Planning and Spatial Development and Impacts of ICT on Physical Space, February, 22nd - 25th, Vienna, 185-191 Steinnocher, K., Petrini-Monteferri, F., Tötzer, T. und Weichselbaum, J. (2005) Räumliche Disaggregation von sozio-ökonomischen Daten. Strobl, J., Blaschke, T. und Griesebner, G. (Hrsg.), Angewandte Geographische Informationsverarbeitung XVII, July, 5th - 8th, Salzburg, 702-707 Tötzer, T., Gigler, U. (2005) Mechanisms leading to the transformation of green space in the metropolitan region of Vienna, Austria: is there a need for a new management paradigm? Branduini, P., Sangiorgi, F. (Eds.), European research and action network on intra or peri-urban agricultural spaces, October, 24th - 25th, Gargnano del Garda, 103-109 Tötzer, T., Gigler, U. (2005) Managing change: Lessons learned in case studies on revitalising old industrial sites in European cities. Schrenk, M. (Ed.), CORP2005: 10th International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) in urban Planning and Spatial Development and Impacts of ICT on Physical Space, February, 22nd - 25th, Vienna, 39-48 Tötzer, T., Gigler, U. (2005) Managing urban dynamics in old industrial cities: Lessons learned on revitalising inner-city industrial sites in six European case studies. European Regional Science Association, Conference Proceedings ERSA 2005 "Land Use and Water Management in a Sustainable Network Society - CD-Rom, August, 23rd - 27th, Amsterdam 2004 Tötzer, T., Gigler, U. (2004) Mechanisms leading to the transformation of open space in the metropolitan region of Vienna, Austria: is there a need for a new management paradigm? CEMAGREF, Colloque International. De la connaissance des paysages á l'action paysagère, December, 2nd - 4th, Bordeaux, 150-151 2003 Knoflacher, M., Gigler, U., Tötzer, T. and Naefe, B. (2003) Assessment of Sustainability - can it be standardised. May, 15th - 17th, Vienna 2002 Loibl, W., Giffinger, R. and Tötzer, T. (2002) Growth and Densification Processes in Suburban Landscapes - a Spatial Agent – Simulation. Riuz M. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, April, 25th - 27th, Palma de Mallorca, 23-30 Loibl, W., Tötzer, T. (2002) Simulation suburbaner Siedlungsentwicklung im Großraum Wien mittels räumlicher Agenten und Zellulärem Automaten. Manfred Schrenk (Eds.), MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT & IEMAR, CORP2002 Proceedings, February, 27th - March, 1st, Vienna, 167-174 2000 Tötzer, T., Knoflacher, M. (2000) Effizienzüberprüfung von überörtlichen Steuerungsinstrumenten zur Umsetzung einer nachhaltigen Siedlungsentwicklung im Wiener Stadt-Umland. Strobl/Blaschke (Eds.), Angewandte Geographische Informationsverarbeitung XII, Beiträge zum AGIT-Symposium, June, 22nd - 23rd, Salzburg, 497-503 Tötzer, T., Riedl, L. und Steinnocher, K. (2000) Räumliche Nachklassifikation von Landbedeckungsdaten mit MapModels. Manfred Schrenk (Ed.), CORP2000: Beiträge zum 5. Symposion zur Rolle der Informationstechnologie in der und für die Raumplanung, Wien, 367-374 Vorträge 2008 Tötzer, T., Loibl, W. (2008) Population as driver of land use change: regional-statistical analyses in European rural-urban regions. SENSOR-Conference 2008, Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes, 6th-9th April, Berlin Page 6/3 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 2007 Tötzer, T. (2007) Wissenschaftliche Begleitung von Mediationsprozessen, ein Erfahrungsbericht vom Mediationssverfahren am Flughafen Wien. 13. November, TU München 2005 Tötzer, T. (2005) Micro-simulation of sub-urban dynamics. Geoland-User-Meeting, 10. Mai, Innsbruck Tötzer, T., Ömer-Rieder, B. (2005) Aspects of sustainability in innovation processes: results from a business survey in the Vienna region. 11th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, 6th-8th June, Helsinki 2004 Gigler, U., Tötzer, T. (2004) Case Studies on revitalising inner city industrial sites in Western Europe sustainably: crucial lessons learned in the redevelopment process. Encos 2004, 1. - 3. April, Berlin Gigler, U., Tötzer, T. and Knoflacher, M. (2004) Mixed Use Developments on Former Industrial Sites: Lessons from Revitalisation Case Studies across Europe MASURIN – Sourcebook. SUPER Workshop Stadtforschung im 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm der Europäischen Union, February, 12th, Vienna Tötzer, T., Gigler, U. and Knoflacher, M. (2004) Lessons learned in case studies on revitalising inner-city industrial sites in Europe and important questions for future research. Research in spatial planning and development in enlarged Europe, June, 24th-25th, Bratislava 2003 Knoflacher, M., Gigler, U., Tötzer, T. and Naefe, B. (2003) Assessment of Sustainability - can it be standardised? EASY ECO 2 Conference on the Evaluation of Sustainability, May, 15th - 17th, Vienna Page 7/3 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628