June 2009


June 2009
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community
June 2009
Bericht des Präsidenten
Wilmot Rod & Gun Club
Schwaben Dancers Fundraiser
Schwaben Hall
Tag der Donauschwaben
5,6,7-Sep - Labour Day Weekend
Main Hall
The Golden Keys
9-17-Oct All Halls
Halloween Party
Schwaben Hall
The Golden Keys
Ladies’ Auxilliary Gründungsfest
Main Hall
The Golden Keys
Christmas Lunch
Main Hall
New Year’s Eve
The Golden Keys
As of the July issue, there are 2 ways to receive the
1. It can be mailed to your home at a cost of $10.00
for the remainder of 2009. Please call the office at
519-742-7979 before June 30 to put your name and
address on the mailing list.
2. Pick up the Nachrichten at the Schwaben Club
at a cost of $1.00 per issue.
We hope that our members will help the Club cover
the cost of this valuable newsletter.
Für die Inhalte der aktuellen
Anschrift der Redaktion
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
Peter Speckner
Graphische Gestaltung
Catherine Thompson
Please forward all newsletter
submissions to:
Wera Dennis
Telephone (519) 894-6695 or
Am 25. April war „Club Clean Up“ und ich möchte
mich bei allen, die mitgeholfen haben, bedanken.
Bedauerlicherweise waren es sehr wenige und wir hätten uns über ein paar mehr gefreut. Ich weiß leider
nicht, warum wir ein Problem haben, Unterstützung
von unseren Mitgliedern zu bekommen, als alle anderen
Klubs immer mehr Helfer haben als sie brauchen.
Am Abend des 25. Aprils waren Betty und ich Gäste im
Alpine Club für deren Jubiläumsfeier und die Krönung der
Miss Alpine. Es ist Dana Jacklitsch. Gegessen wurde bei
Kerzenlicht, da der Strom, durch einen Sturm kurz vor
dem Essen, für ein paar Minuten ausfiel. Hut ab vor den
Mitarbeiter des Alpine Clubs, die trotzdem ein wunderschönes Essen servierten. Ich bedanke mit beim Präsidenten,
Bill Poje, für die Einladung an Betty und mich.
Am 3. Mai fand unser „Mother’s Day Luncheon“ statt
und es war eine sehr schöne Feier, wofür ich mich bei
allen Helfern, die dazu beitrugen dies erfolgreich zu
gestalten, bedanken. Wir haben unsere Kindergruppe
und deren Eltern vermisst, da diese beim Kinderfest in
Brampton teilgenommen haben. Wir hoffen jedoch, dass
sie nächsten Jahre wieder in unserem Klub mitfeiern.
Am 9. Mai wurde eine „Viennese Gala“ in unserem
Schwabenklub abgehalten. Ein erster Versuch und eine
wunderschöne Veranstaltung. Unser Ball war verblüffend
schön, die Dekorationen hervorragend und unsere
Tänzer beinahe professionell. Das Essen, geschmackvoll
angerichtet, und die Musik, gespielt von den Variations,
trugen zu einer elegante Atmosphäre bei.
An diesem Abend war unsere Halle in ein „Cruise
Ship“ auf der Donau in der Nähe von Wien, umgewandelt. Wir bedanken uns bei den Donau Dancers
für deren erste Galaveranstaltung und hoffen, dass sie
schon Nummer zwei planen. Es war einfach „Super“.
Germanica 2009 wurde im Concordia Club am 16. Mai
abgehalten und gemäß allen Berichten, war es erfolgreich.
Am 16. Mai feierte unser früherer Präsident, Hans
Schaadt und seine Frau, Susie, ihren 50. Hochzeitstag.
Ich gratuliere ihnen zu diesem besonderen Jubiläum und
im Namen aller Mitglieder des Schwabenklubs
wünsche ich ihnen noch viele glückliche Jahre
Der Bericht des Präsidenten für den nächsten
Monat besteht wahrscheinlich nur aus den
Worten „Präsident im Urlaub“, da Betty und
ich eine Reise nach Deutschland planen.
Ich wünsche allen Mitgliedern einen schönen
Sommer, bleiben Sie gesund und munter und
mit Gottes Hilfe sehen wir uns alle wieder im
Phil Neidert
President’s Report
April 25th was Club Clean Up and I would like
to thank those individuals who came out to help.
Unfortunately, the numbers were few and more
hands would have been appreciated. I don’t
know what our problem is in getting support
from our members, as all other clubs are getting
more help than the can use.
On the evening of April 25th Betty and I were
guests of the Alpine Club for their Anniversary
and the crowning of Miss Alpine. She is Dana
Jacklitsch. Dinner was by candlelight, thanks in
part to a storm that shut down the hydro just a
few minutes before.
Kudos to the Alpine Staff for serving a beautiful meal despite the inconvenience. I thank
President, Bill Poje, for the invitation for Betty
and myself.
May 3rd, our Mother’s Day Luncheon was a
very nice celebration and I want to say thank
you to everyone who helped in any way to make
it successful. We missed our Kindergruppe and
parents, as they were attending Kinderfest in
Brampton. We do hope that next year they will
again be in our Club.
May 9th, A Viennese Gala at our Schwaben
Club. A first time attempt and what a beautiful
event it was. Our ball was absolutely stunning,
the decorations outstanding and our cast of performers just short of professional. The food and
music, as provided by the “Variations” was also
very classy.
On this night our Hall was transformed into a
cruise ship on the Danube near Vienna.
We thank the Donau Dancers for their first time
Gala and we hope that they are already planning
number two. It was simply “Super”.
Germanica 2009 was celebrated at the Concordia
Club on May 16th and from all reports it proved
to be successful.
On May 16th, Past President, Hans Schaadt and
his wife, Susie, celebrated their 50th Wedding
Anniversary. I congratulate them this milestone
anniversary and on behalf of all our members of
the Schwaben Club, wish them many more years
of happiness together.
Next month President’s Report might just read
“president on Vacation” as Betty and I are planning a vacation in Germany.
I wish all members a pleasant summer, stay safe
and healthy and God willing, we will see each
other in September.
Philip Neidert
Manager’s Report
“What’s Going On” June 2009
Thank you for all those working on keeping the
Schwaben Club spruced up and a Special thanks
to President, Phil Neidert, Nick Lang, Wolfgang
Kahnke, Manfred Blum and Matthew Norlock
for painting the Main Hall and upper Hallway.
It was long overdue and looks great.
Business is steady and an eye on the bottom
line will be kept. Customers and members are
enjoying the food prepared by our Kitchen Staff
and, the service is very good with the fabulous
job our servers are doing. I am very happy with
everyone’s performance.
Enjoy the summer and I will update you on
events as they come along.
Don Egley
Got it & want to sell it?
Need to buy it? Need a service?
Check out the Schwaben Classifieds on page 11
Geburtstage Für Juni
Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs,
die im Monat Mai Geburtstag feiern
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im
neuen Lebensjahr.
Mueller, Margareth
Lutz, Fred
Zuzan Ruth
Metz, Barbara
Kraehling, Anton
Wagner, Christina
Becker, Heinrich
Albrecht, Elisabeth
Putschli, Joey
Bromberg, Werner
Marx, Karl
Offak, Michael
Beiler, Elisabeth
Konarski, Karl
Bauer, Walter Jakob
Prohaska, Helen
Lapins, John
Senger, Rudi
Gross, Irene
Nuxoll, Josef
Schied, Katharina
Justus, Philip
Faust, Katharina
Hamburger, Elfriede
Schade, Gerhard
Bischoff, Bertha
Lehn, Stephanie
Dyck, Irma
Gehrs, William
Distler, Mary
Federer, Maria
Hoedl, Josef
Ein recht herzliches Willkommen an alle neuen
Mitglieder des Kitchener Schwabenklubs:
A heartfelt welcome to all of the new Members
of the Kitchener Schwaben Club:
William G. Oliver
Robert Cormier
Warum stehen Schwaben abends mit dem
Bauch am Kachelofen?
Um das Mittagessen aufzuwärmen.
From the Cultural Director
I would like to take this opportunity to say my
hat’s off to some of our Untergruppen for hosting or attending some special events recently.
Well done to all!
To the Schwaben Dancers – For hosting a wonderful social Sunday afternoon with bake sale
to help raise funds for your group and the
To the Kinder/Youth Group – For attending and
participating in Kinderfest in Brampton – it was
a great opportunity for our children to participate and see other children enjoying the traditions of our dancing!
To the Frauengruppe – For hosting a lovely
Mother’s Day luncheon once again!
To the Donau Dancers – For hosting and performing at the enchanting Viennese Ball Gala to
help raise funds for your group.
It’s wonderful to see all these groups take the
time and effort to come up with unique, traditional and new events, while not only trying to
raise funds for their groups, but to continue to
present and show our members and guests that
they, members of the Schwaben Club are very
much committed to ensure we continue with our
club and traditions.
And of course, a big thank you to our members
and guests for coming out enjoying and supporting our groups and our club.
Volunteers needed!!!!
On June 20th and June 21st, we will be participating in the KW Multicultural Festival
at Victoria Park by hosting a food booth. We
will be selling Goulash, Spaetzle, Sausage,
Sauerkraut, pastries and non-alcoholic drinks.
We need lots of volunteers to cook ahead, and
to take shifts at the actual event to cook, set up,
serve, and tear down. Please let me know if you
are interested in volunteering by contacting me
at 519 742-3495.
Tag der Donauschwaben – Labor Day Weekend
Sept. 5th, 6th, and 7th
Carpathia Club – Sterling Heights, Michigan
We are looking at renting a bus – which would
leave early Saturday morning and come back
Monday, Sept. 7th.
2 day pass for the festival is $15.00 per person, average hotel cost will be approx. $100.00 US (double occupancy) per night…bus pricing per person
still to be determined (dependent on the number
of people interested in going on the bus)
If you are interested, please call me at 519 742-3495
On a personal note:
For about 6 years now, I have had the pleasure of
being dance instructor for the Donau Dancers.
Some of my reasons for taking on this role and
for doing it so long, include my love of dancing,
to continue with the ability to present some of
our cultural and traditional dances via performances to our members and the public, and the
best reason of all, are the very special friends that
I have made since being a part of this group.
However, after much thought and reflection, I
made the very difficult decision to step back from
this role as dance instructor, and just to participate
as a dancer. Two months ago I advised the Donau
Dancers that I will be resigning from my position
as dance instructor, which would be effective after
our fundraiser, the Viennese Gala event.
At the end of this very enchanting and successful
Viennese Gala event, the Donau Dancers, honoured me with their heartfelt thanks for being
their instructor, presented me with lovely gifts,
and their sincere wishes for me to now relax and
to continue to enjoy our dancing together. It was
very special for me and so touched my heart.
Thank you again to my dear friends, the Donau
Let’s keep on dancing!
Monica Anstett
Cultural Director
Donations towards the newsletter:
M. Bruckler
M. Schilling
K. Becker
E. Resch
Vielen Dank für die Spenden.
Mother’s Day Luncheon
Am 3. Mai fand in unserem Schwabenklub
das alljährliche “Mother’s Day Luncheon”
statt. Wir hoffen, dass allen Anwesenden das
Essen gut geschmeckt hat und dass sie einen
recht schönen Nachmittag in unserem Klub
verbringen konnten. Für Unterhaltung sorgte der Schwaben-Chor, sowie die Schwaben
und Donau Dancers. Die Kindergruppe war
leider nicht dabei, da sie bei einem Kinderfest
in Brampton teilgenommen haben. Wir hoffen
aber, dass sie nächstes Jahr wieder mit uns feiern werden.
Allen, die bei den Vorbereitungen zum
Muttertagsessen mitgeholfen haben, ein recht
herzliches „Dankeschön“.
Wera Dennis
Volunteers Needed
The Schwaben Club is looking for volunteers
is who would want to help to distribute the
Nachrichten newsletter. Options for distribution would include attaching stamps and mailing labels and dropping off at the post office,
OR perhaps physically delivering/dropping
off the newsletter to the house of people on the
mailing list.
People interested in volunteering should give/
leave their name and contact info either at the
Schwaben Club office, or sendtheir information it to Wera at
(519) 894-6695 or werardennis@hotmail.com
Stag & Doe
for Andrea Adam
and Peter Speckner
June 13, 2009 7:00 pm
Keller, Schwaben Club
for information and tickets:
Shelley Speckner Email: shelley_speckner@hotmail.com
Colin Andrechek - Phone (519) 572-1590
Email: fuzzy69@rogers.com
Website: www.kitchenerschwabenclub.com / Link: Newsletters/Nachrichten / Click on the month you wish to view
Fleeing from a brutal Soviet Red Army
onslaught, the Wilhelm Gustloff is ready
to leave port jammed with over 10,000
German refugees, naval personnel and
wounded soldiers. The vessel is designed
to hold a maximum of 1,880 passengers
and crew. Of the refugees, a staggering four thousand are infants, children
and youths on their way to promising
safety in the West. Minus 18° Celsius (0°
Fahrenheit) weather grips the Oxhöft
Pier in Gotenhafen (Gdynia) on Tuesday
the 30th day of January 1945.
For the first time in four years, the former flagship of Nazi pleasure cruising has
started its engines. It‛s setting course
for Kiel on mainland Germany - far away
from the continued disintegration of the
Eastern Front.
See the screening of
Tuesday, June 9th,2009
Schwaben Club
Sitzen ein Berliner, ein Bayer und ein Schwabe
im Biergarten.
Dem Berliner fällt eine Fliege ins Bier: Er ordert
sofort ein Neues.
Dem Bayern fällt eine Fliege ins Bier: Er holt sie
raus und trinkt weiter.
Schließlich fällt dem Schwaben eine Fliege ins
Sofort holt er sie raus und ruft: „Rausschpucka,
Happy 3rd Birthday
Matthew Schaadt
June 9, 2009
7:30 p.m.
Doors Open 7:00 p.m.
No Admission Charge
Wishing you a fun filled day!
Hugs and kisses,
Mom, Dad and big sister Deanna
May 9th 2009, the Donau Dancers hosted a
Viennese Ball Gala at the Schwaben Club.
This was our first attempt at (possibly) an annual
affair. The fundraiser was attended by approximately 140 guests, who enjoyed what turned out
to be an excellent evening of fine music, fabulous food, and precision dance performed by the
dance group.
Four Cellists from Eastwood Collegiate provided a masterful atmosphere during cocktail hour
and dinner, to set the mood for the evening.
Rick and the kitchen staff, out-did themselves
again, serving a formal, plated meal of Soup, Salad,
Rouladin, Roast Chicken, Potatoes Parisienne,
Fresh Garden Vegetables, topped of with a Fruit
Flan and of course, Coffee and Tea. The dinner
was absolutely delectable and well received.
Following dinner, our guests danced to the sounds
of The Variations who also did a great service to
the evening, with music suited to the event.
To begin the night, the Donau Dancers started
things off with the traditional Polonaise, after
which everyone was invited to join in on the
dance floor, for the first of what would prove to
be many waltzes throughout the night.
Later in the evening, the group also performed
a five-part Quadrille, to the music of Johann
Strauss - (something we worked very hard on,
for the past few months) - under the direction
of Mr. Horst Kessler. The hard work paid off, as
out performance was graciously appreciated by
the gathering.
The group sold tickets for a raffle to be held later
in the evening, which yielded some very nice prizes! Congratulations to Vanessa Adam, who was
the winner of the “grand prize”, of a first-class
VIA Rail trip for two, anywhere in the Windsor
to Montreal corridor! (valued up to $3500.)
All in all, it was a splendid evening of dining,
dancing, fun, and most of all, camaraderie.
It was nice to see so many of our Club
Membership in attendance, in an atmosphere as
elegant as we hoped it would be!
In closing, the Donau Dancers would like to
thank the many sponsors for their donations
to the evening, and particularly VIA Rail,
Manulife Financial (who provided fresh flowers), Darlene Clausing, and Ed Ries for creating the fabulous backdrop for the photo area,
Colleen and Dave Hoerner of “I-Do” -Special
Occasion Decorating and Consulting, for their
expertise , materials, and direction in decorating the hall (to make it look as magnificent as
it did.), “Decorating Dreams” for the chair covers, ALL of the Staff at the Schwaben Club,
and especially to YOU, our guests, who made
this elegant evening a complete success! “Many
Joel Wideman
Secretary / Donau Dancers
Kindergruppe and
This month we travelled to Mississauga and participated in the 15th Annual Kinderfest at Hansa
Haus. We had a fantastic time and the children
got to see many different types of dancing performed by children their own age. We would
like to thank the Weiss-Blau Bayern Juniors for
their invitation and hospitality. Thank you also
to Jennifer Offak for travelling this distance with
us to perform with the children.
In June, we look forward to winding down for
the summer and finishing our dancing year with
a performance at the Multicultural Festival in
Victoria Park, June 20, 2009. Our parents will
also be volunteering in our food booth so please
come out and support our dance groups at this
local event.
Our group will also be fundraising at our club’s
picnic Sunday, June 28, 2009 with a raffle and
a Lemonade Stand. We look forward to a fun
filled day and hope to see you all there.
Another big decision our group has finally made is
in regards to the making of new dresses. We have
purchased material and will begin making the new
tracht’s mid June. We hope to have the new outfits
completed for our trip to Detroit in September.
Practice for Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe is
Thursday’s at 6:30pm. If you are interested in our
group please feel free to contact me for more information. Thank you to our members for their continued support!
Lisa Schaadt
Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe President
The Schwaben Dancers:
The Schwaben Dancers have had a busy month
with performances. On May 22nd, we performed
at St. Mary’s High school, as part of a multi- cultural evening. Some of the other performances
from that night included: Irish dancers, Belly
dancing, a Percussion group, a rap performer
and much more. The Schwaben Dancers were
proud to be involved in our community by being
a part of such a celebration of different cultures.
We hope to perform for the highschool again
next year for their multicultural evening.
Our next performance was the next evening on
May 23rd, at the Alpine Dancers fundraising
event “Ein Abend im Alpenland”. The Alpine
Dancers served a meal of Schnitzel, potatoes and
beans, and strudel for dessert. The Golden Keys
put on a good show as always. There were many
performances that night, including one from the
Alpine Dancers, their Youth group, Concordia
and Cleveland. The Schwaben Dancers had a
wonderful time, and we appreciated the invitation to dance.
The Schwaben Club Picnic is quickly approaching and will be a wonderful family afternoon
filled with lots of fun activities for kids, including
face painting, colouring, balloon toss, wheelbarrow races and much more. There will be musical
entertainment, and a wonderful meal put on by
the Schwaben Dancers. The Kindergruppe will
be running a lemonade stand as a fundraiser.
We invite you to come out with your family and
friends and enjoy a wonderful afternoon of fun
for the whole family.
Below is a list of food that we will be serving at
the picnic:
Kids Hot Dog Meal
Includes a juice box, goldfish and a popsicle
Kids Goulash Meal
Includes a juice box, goldfish and a popsicle
Goulash Meal
Katelyn Borch
A Schwaben Wedding
Sunday, May 24th may not have been the date
of an actual Club event, but it was important
to many Club members nonetheless. It was the
date of the Wedding Shower of Andrea Adam &
Peter Speckner, and we believe it was a wonderfully successful event. And this article/letter is
our attempt to thank everyone that participated,
helped, contributed, and generally made that
event a fun and special occasion to attend.
It was our hope from the beginning to have a
traditional Schwaben Wedding Shower - not that
either of us knew what that meant. Turns out
not many people in our families knew very well
either. So a little research was necessary to find
out exactly what a traditional Schwaben Shower
entails. Luckily, our families knew enough experienced members of the Club that were more
than ready to share with us the secrets of the
“Shower”. And a special thank you to Mary
Hild for the recipe of those excellent Schwaben
hamburgers. It was great to finally get a chance
to try them, and I hope everybody that attended
enjoyed them as much as we did.
We’d also like to thank the people that directly
helped in selling tickets, setting up, running, cooking and the overall organization of the Shower.
First, a big thank you to Rose (Harvey) Rehberg,
Shelley Speckner, Joan Adam, Catherine
Thompson, Magdalena, Jade & Vanessa Adam,
Penny Hanke, and Susan (Adam) Cook for the
baking of the cakes and tortes, set up of the hall,
and running of the actual event. It went over
exceptionally smoothly thanks to all your hard
work, and the spectacular sight of all those tortes
put most local restaurants to shame. Another
big thank you to Richard Speckner, Joe Adam,
and Johnny D for their heroic efforts in cooking and getting the hamburger recipe just right.
Numerous ladies commented on the accuracy of
the flavour, and they really, truly were delicious.
Finally, an enthusiastic thank you to all the
people that attended our Shower. Without your
support, none of this would have been possible.
It was very heart-warming to see so many faces,
and to receive so many good wishes. The gifts
we received, especially the vacuum cleaner and
the griddle (and the $) which were from all
the attendees, will be used often and are
very much appreciated.
Andy and I thank you very much for a
wonderful day. It will never be forgotten. We wish we could do it again, but we
look forward to attending and supporting
other couples, should they choose to continue this unique and special tradition.
Dankeschön für alles.
Andrea Adam
& Peter Speckner
Our Great Burger Chefs
1972 FORD THUNDERBIRD, 429 cu in, automatic, chocolate metallic brown, original
engine and tranny, great driver, stored every winter since 1980. $7000.00, CALL
(519) 574-7708
Nana’s Spaetzle Maker Ltd.
Toll-Free: 1-866-868-2820
Phone: 250-868-2820
Fax: 1-250-868-2817
E-mail: info@cookingwithnana.com
BEDROOM SUITE, Koehler double bed with
two dressers, mirror, side table, box spring
and mattress. wood, faux-oak finish, rarely
used. $500.00 OBO, CALL (519) 748-5746
HOSPITAL STYLE BED, Stryker model with
full bedside and foot board controls, Top
of the line model, comes with two mattresses. This bed is a demo model that was
used for one week and then stored. Please
call for more info. Has many valuable uses.
$3000.00, CALL (519) 574-7708
MANUAL WHEELCHAIR used 6 Months $250.00
with extra seating pad.
WALKER with wheels and basket $50.00 or
B.O. Call (519) 621-8524
TAP SHOES, GIRL’S, size 10 childrens.
Black patent with bow tie. $25.00
CALL (519) 893-4758
Cd STANDS (2), one black, one brown.
Wood. Each holds more than 100
Cds. Rotating. $15.00 each CALL
(519) 569-7824
Klein-Betschkerek liegt etwa 17 km nordwestlich
von Temeswar. Die Ortschaft wurde schon 1332
belegt und war
Serben bewohnt.
1748 zogen auch
rumänische Familien
zu. 1785 ist das Gründungsjahr von DeutschKleinbetschkerek als in unmittelbarer Nähe
der raitzischen (serbischen) Siedlung Deutsche
angesiedelt wurden. Bei der Ansiedlung von
Deutsch-Kleinbetschkerek wurde auch ein
Bethaus errichtet. 1810 wurde der Grundstein
der katholischen Kirche gelegt. 1890 kam es zum
To add an item please contact the
Schwaben Club at 519-742-7979. or send
an email to nachrichten@live.ca
Zusammenschluss der beiden Ortschaften unter
der Bezeichnung Klein-Betschkerek. Bis zum
Zweiten Weltkrieg stellten
die Deutschen jedoch stets
die Mehrheit. 1890 lebten
in Klein-Betschkerek 3687
Einwohner, davon 2722
Deutsche, 562 Serben und
403 Rumänen und somit lag
der Bevölkerungsanteil der
Deutschen bei 74%. Infolge der Auswanderung
nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg leben heute noch
etwa 20 Deutsche im Ort.
See you Next Year
at Our
Viennese Ball
father‘s day
From the Kitchener Schwaben Club
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1