December 2010


December 2010
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community
December 2010
Schwaben Keller - Opens 2:00 pm
Main Hall
Christmas Luncheon
Christmas Show /Choir
German Christmas Show
Schwabenhalle Patrizius, Vivian Lindt,
Jessica-Sarah, Gletscherfetzer
Main Hall
New Year’s Eve
Spaghetti Dinner
Miss Schwaben
Bericht des Präsidenten
Für die Inhalte der aktuellen
Anschrift der Redaktion
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
Peter Speckner
Graphische Gestaltung
Catherine Thompson
Please forward all newsletter
submissions to:
Wera Dennis
Telephone (519) 894-6695 or
Betrachtet man das Wetter, ist es kaum zu
glauben, dass dies der Bericht für den Monat
Dezember ist.
Wir hatten und haben immer noch sehr viel
Glück mit dem guten Wetter dieses Jahr. Kann
es noch länger anhalten? Wir müssen warten
und sehen was passiert.
Im November fanden in unserem Klub die
Wahlen statt und ich freue mich mitteilen
zu können, dass wir wiederum einen vollen
Vorstand haben. Ich bedanke mich bei jedem
oder jeder, der in seiner oder ihrer Position für
die nächsten 2 Jahre weitermacht. Ich gratuliere
unserem neuen Präsidenten, George Kraehling
und wüsche ihm alles Gute für seine Arbeit als
unser Präsident. Ein Dankeschön geht an den
Wahlausschuss für gut geleistete Arbeit.
Am 13. November waren Betty und ich zum 60.
Jubiläum des Transylvania Clubs eingeladen.
Wir gratulieren unseren Freuden zu diesem erreichten Höhepunkt und danken dem Präsidenten,
Fred Lowrick und seinen Mitarbeitern für unsere Einladung. Wir wüschen euch noch viele
solcher Jubiläumsfeiern.
Am 14. November feierten wir den Volkstrauertag
im Woodland Cemetery. Ein kalten, windiger Nachmittag, jedoch die große Anzahl der
Anwesenden trotzte dem Wetter und nahm
an einer sehr bewegenden und ehrwürdigen
Feier teil. Kaffee und Kuchen wurden später im
Alpine Club serviert.
Wir bedanken uns bei Herrn Gerhard Griebenow
und Frau Helen Schramek und all den freiwilligen Helfern, die bei der Organisation dieser
Veranstaltung mitgewirkt haben.
Glückwünsche gehen auch zu unserer eigenen
Frauengruppe, die am 20. November ihr
75. Jubiläum feierte. Dazu möchte ich der
Präsidentin, Frau Mary Hild und Ihrem Vorstand
für die Einladung zu dieser Veranstaltung herzlich danken. Ich wünsche euch allen noch
viele dieser Jubiläumsfeiern und alles erdenklich
Gute für die zukünftigen Erfolge.
Ich glaube, dass ich in der Dezember 2009
Ausgabe der Nachrichten, den Präsidenten,
Fred Lowrick und die ganze Mitgliederschaft des
Transylvania Clubs für 2010 zu unserem Klub
willkommen geheißen habe. Wir wissen nunmehr, dass dies nicht geschah, jedoch in 2011
werden sie nunmehr unsere Klubräumlichkeiten
nutzen. Im Namen des Schwabenklubs nochmals ein recht herzliches Willkommen an unsere
Freunde aus Transylvania und besten Erfolgt
für die Zukunft.
In Erwartung, dass dies für die Nachrichten
wohl mein letzter Bericht als Präsident sein wird,
möchte ich meinem vorherigen und derzeitigen
Vorstand und allen Schwabenklubmitgliedern
recht herzlich für die erhaltene Unterstützung
während meinen Amtszeiten als Präsident bedanken. Es war mir eine Ehre und ein Privileg in
dieser Kapazität dienen zu dürfen. Betty und ich
freuten uns über die Zeit in welcher wir den Klub
repräsentieren durften und wenn wir uns auch
manchmal etwas überfordert fühlten, werden
wir uns bestimmt gerne daran erinnert und die
Erfahrung und die vielen Freundschaften, die
wir machten, schätzen.
Zum Abschluss wünschen, der Vorstand des
Schwabenklubs, meine Frau Betty und ich,
allen Mitgliedern und Freunden ein frohes
Weihnachtsfest und ein gesundes und glückliches Neues Jahr.
President’s Report
Judging by the weather it is hard to believe that
this is a December month report. We certainly
have been and are very lucky all year and right
now with good weather. Can it last a little longer? We will just have to wait and see.
November was election month for our club and
we are happy to report that we have again a full
slate of board of directors. I would like to thank
everyone that is staying on in his or her position
for another 2 years. I congratulate our new incoming President Mr. George Kraehling and I
wish him all the best as he goes about in serving
us as our President. We thank the election committee for a job well done.
On November 13, Betty and I were invited and
attended the 60th Anniversary celebration of the
Transylvania Club. We congratulate our friends
on this milestone event and I thank President
Fred Lowrick and his staff for the invitation for
Betty and myself. We wish you many more anniversary celebrations.
November 14, we celebrated Volkstrauertag at
Woodland Cemetery. A cold, windy afternoon,
however, a large turn out braved the weather and
was treated to a very moving and solemn celebration. Coffee and cake was later enjoyed at The
Alpine Club. We thank Mr Gerhard Griebenow
and Mrs Helen Schramek and all the volunteer
helpers for their efforts in coordinating this event.
Congratulations also go to our very own Ladies
Auxiliary who celebrated their 75th Anniversary
on November 20th. Here to I would like to thank
President Mrs Mary Hild and her committee for
the invitation to attend this special celebration.
Ladies, I wish you many more anniversaries and
all the very best in your future successes.
I believe in the December 2009 issue of our
Nachrichten, I welcomed President Fred
Lowrick and the entire Transylvania membership to our club for 2010. We now know that
this did not come about, however, for 2011 they
will be joining us at our facility. On behalf of
our Schwaben Club, I once again extend a warm
welcome to our Transylvania friends and wish
them success for their future.
In the anticipation that this might well be my last
Presidential report for our Nachrichten, I would
like to thank my former and present board of directors and all Schwaben Club members for your
support during my terms as your President. It
was my honour and privilege to be able to serve
you in that capacity. Betty and I enjoyed the
time as our club’s ambassadors and even so if
we felt sometimes to be a little over extended, we
definitely will remember and cherish the experiences and the many friendships that we made.
In closing, the Board of Directors of The
Schwaben Club, my wife Betty and I would like
to wish all our members and friends a Merry
Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year!
Philip Neidert
Manager’s Report
“What’s Going On”
A busy end of the year is upon us, with lots of
Christmas dinners, parties, and shows coming
up; and of course New Years Eve. I hope everyone has a fun Holiday Season here at the Club
and at home with your Families. 2011 promises
to be an exciting year and I look forward to lot
more special events in the coming year. Watch
the Bulletin Board and the Nachrichten regularly
for more information on upcoming events.
To all of you and your families, I wish you the very
best this Christmas. Have a safe and joyous time.
Don Egley
Geburtstage Für Dezember
Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs,
die im Monat Dezember Geburtstag feiern
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im
neuen Lebensjahr.
Demko, Ervin
Edel, George
Eberl, Rolf
Dupuis, Nancy
Gaysek, Karin
Temniuk, Anita
Frey, Heinrich
Bauer, Elisabeth
Speckner, Shelley
Schuster, Josef
Doepner, Hans
Tworuschka, Peter
Adam, Vanessa
Cook, Adam M.
Watchorn, Joanne
Lorfing, Rudolf
Wettlaufer, Wayne
Kahnke, Wolfgang
Cormier, Robert
Gerber, Stefan
Weber, Elizabeth
Pless, John
Petsch, Johann
Furbacher, Maria
Zai, Michael
Zimmermann, Steve
Kraehling, George Jr.
Schaadt, Susanne
Gruber Barbara
Kindergruppe and
And yet another month gone! November was
quite a busy month for our Kindergruppe and
Jugendgruppe. This month we had 3 performances, our Kindergruppe prepared their new
dance for the Ladies 75th Anniversary and lots of
new dancers joined our Jugendgruppe!
We would like to congratulate the Frauengruppe
on their 75th Anniversary. What an accomplishment and milestone to reach. We thank the ladies for their continued support and for including us in this special day. As a gift to honour the
ladies in the Frauengruppe, we had shawls made
to showcase on this momentous night. We hope
everyone enjoyed the evening and we look forward to next year!
Be sure to join us at this year’s Christmas
Celebration on Sunday, December 12, 2010. All
our dance groups have come together and developed a program along with our choir. It will be
an afternoon you are sure to enjoy!
Mark your calendar… on Saturday, January 22,
2011 at 5:00pm our Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe
is hosting our First Annual Spaghetti Dinner. This is
a social evening with a baked goods sale and silent
auction for everyone to enjoy. Tickets are $10.00
each and available through any Kindergruppe/
Jugendgruppe parent/guardian.
We would like to welcome Kyla and John Hild
and their children Samantha and Alyssa to the
Wishing everyone a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Lisa Schaadt
Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe President
Happy Anniversary
It was an event 75 years in the making. And what
a night it was. There was no better way to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Frauengruppe
of the Schwaben Club.
It started as every good party does - with the food.
And what a wonderful meal it was. The meal began with two salad options; caeser and garden.
Then the main course; breaded chicken filets and
pork roast, with red cabbage, mashed potatoes
and gravy, and cooked carrots. And dessert was
the always delicious Grand Marnier torte. All in
all, an absolutely fabulous meal.
The entertainment began with performances by
the Kindergruppe and the Jugendgruppe. Both
performances were wonderful, with both groups
wearing newly-created shawls made especially
for this occasion. Then speeches of both thanks
and congratulations from the Presidents of the
Frauengruppe (Mary Hild) and the Club itself
(Phil Neidert).
The next performance was a special concert by
the Swiss Choir from Milverton. They sang a
number of songs in beautiful harmonies, and
even their dirndls and suspenders were a perfect
addition to the show. Then the band started up,
and who could be better for this occasion than
the Golden Keys. They got everyone up and
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dancing, and never let go. After a session of
dancing, the remaining dance groups performed.
The Schwaben Dancers started with their Rope
Dance, and ended with their Oma Tanz. A surprise ending to the Oma Tanz had dancers taking flowers from the fallen Oma and handing
them out to Frauengruppe members. The Donau
Dancers also put on a wonderful performance,
adding a air of grace to the evening.
The Golden Keys finally took over, and finished
off the rest of the night. Everything about the evening was excellent. From the napkins with 75th
Anniversary stickers on them, to the colorful labels on the wine bottles themselves. And to top
it off, there were beautiful flowers of congratulations all around the room, offered by all the dance
groups and the Club committee. There were even
special photos presented by the Kinder & Jugend
Gruppen, and also by the Schwaben Dancers.
It was the perfect way to celebrate an important milestone of one of the most important
Untergruppen of the Schwaben Club. I wouldn’t
have missed it for the world, and can’t wait for
their next important anniversary.
Peter Speckner
Cultural Director
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Is R chase!
The Cookbook of
the Frauengruppe
of the Kitchener
Schwaben Club is
now available.
A great gift for
family and friends
Wonderful recipes
from the Alte Heimat
and the Neue Heimat
Available at the Club office or Frauengruppe meetings
and during Oktoberfest in the Halls 519-742-7979
Doors Open 5:30 pm
Dinner 6:30 pm
Show Begins 8:00 pm
Members $35
Non-Members $40
Show Only $25.00
Tickets available at the Schwaben Club
office or by calling 519-742-7979
The Volkstrauertag was held on November
14, 2010 at the German Soldiers’ Cemetery in
Kitchener. The burial site located at the Woodland
Cemetery is the resting place for 187 German
prisoners of war whose remains were transferred
to this location from all over Canada. Hundreds
of fellow Germans and many Donauschwaben
gathered to take part in this annual event. The
Donauschwaben Alliance of Canada and the
Vereinigung der Donauschwaben Toronto had the
honour to lay wreaths at this occasion. It was
a deeply emotional ceremony as many reflected
on their homeland and what they have lost. The
Canadian Soldiers that have died in Afghanistan
were also included in this ceremony.
On the Nachrichten photo page, the first photo is
the President of the Dachverband of Canada (on
the right), Tony Baumann and the Vice President,
Joe Groh (on the left). The second photo is the
President of the Vereinigung der Donauschwaben
Toronto, Joe Folk and his wife, Emma.
We look forward to next year, which will mark the
40th Anniversary of this memorial day ceremony.
Joe Groh
Vice President , Alliance of the Danube Swabians of Canada
hosted by OUR CLUB!
The committees are now being
formed to help with planning for
the Schwaben Club’s big event in
2012. We need lots of volunteers
to help organize this event, so that
our fellow American and Canadian
Schwaben Verband members
will have the best time possible.
Planning and logistics are starting
immediately. Please leave your
name with the list in the office, or
email it to:
We need all the help we can get, so
everyone is welcome to join!
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Our 75th Gründungsfest was a wonderful evening of delicious food, singing and dancing! It
was great to see the hall so full of members and
friends and family.
Our chef Rick and staff once again prepared an
outstanding meal and for that we extend a very
big Thank You! Our Miss Schwaben Mishi said
grace before dinner and our President Mary Hild
greeted everyone. Our head table as well as our
honoured guests were introduced by our vicepresident Elisabeth Klenk. Two past presidents,
Judy Hanke and Elfriede Hamberger were honoured with a rose. Mary Hild was presented with
a lovely framed picture of our group by Lisa
Schaadt on behalf of the Kinder and Jugend
groups . We were also honoured with beautiful
flower arrangements from the Schwaben Club
committee and all of our dance groups. Phil
Neidert, President of our club also extended his
good wishes.
Our special entertainment was the Swiss Singers.
Their performance was enjoyed by all and they
seemed to also enjoy their evening with us. Our
dance groups also performed their usual entertaining dances. The little ones were adorable in
their shawls and braids. The Jugendgruppe continues to grow and do a great job. The Schwaben
dancers looked really great in their trachts and
shawls. The Donau Dancers made a great
showing as our final performers of the night.
Everyone danced the night away to my favourite
band The Golden Keys.
When I look around at all the hard work and
the commitment by our young members I have
great hope for our future. We have a strong group
of dedicated people from the parents who take
the time to bring their children, to our dance instructors, all our dancers, and all the members
who are willing to take on positions on our committees. It is so encouraging to see the next generation working together to keep our club strong
and keep our heritage alive.
I have to also say Thank You to the ladies who
helped set up on Friday. The hall looked wonderful. And a very big Thank you to everyone
who came out to celebrate with us. Your sup-
port at our events is truly appreciated. Don’t
forget the Christmas luncheon is on December
12th. Come out for food, entertainment and
Santa! Our Frauengruppe Christmas supper is
Wednesday, December 15 at 6 pm.
Susan Cook
December 27th, 2010
Love, Mom (Johanne), Dad (Jeff), Jake,
Ivy, family and friends!
Donau Dancers
New Executive as of Jan. 1 2011
Mary Kraehling
Vice President
Walter Marzinko
Elizabeth Schiketantz
Ed Ries
Dance Instructor
Monica Anstett
Costume Director
Mary Kraehling
Congratulations to the new Committee!
Justus, Philip
After a year long battle with heart disease,
Philip passed away suddenly on Sunday,
November 21, 2010 at St. Mary’s Hospital
at the age of 78 years. Predeceased by
his first wife, Elizabeth Netling (1989)
and survived by his wife Helen Prohaska.
Father of Edith McQuarrie and husband
Ray of Markham. Grandfather of
Christopher and Kevin. Brother of John,
Henry, Jacob and Margit and families, all
in Hungary. Philip is predeceased by his
parents, Fulop and Anna Justus and also by
sisters, Mary and Eva. Philip was a member
and choir member at the Schwaben Club.
and the
are having a
January 22, 2011
5:00 pm
Schwaben Club
Silent Auction
Bake Sale
Bryan Adams-Bon Jovi
Tribute Show
What has 9 guitars, 7 amps, and 5 monitors?
The Bryan Adams-Bon Jovi Tribute Show on
November 13.
It started off with a great meal of schnitzel or
chicken, oven-roasted potatoes, mixed vegetables, finishing off with strudel.
Bryan Adams was the first act. I don’t know
much about Bryan Adams but I found his show
very entertaining. As usual, the backup musicians were talented pros. Bryan aced every song
and carried the entertainment further by walking through the crowd.
I know even less about Bon Jovi but the show
was also extremely entertaining.
Both musicians had the crowd singing and dancing. I really appreciated that the dancers did their
thing at the back of the hall and not in front of the
stage. Sitting at eye-level with someone’s wiggling
and jiggling behind is not the most enjoyable way
to spend an evening.
I congratulate the Schwaben Club on making
another good choice of tribute shows. I am
ready to buy my ticket for the Valentines show,
a tribute to the Beatles. Should be great. See
you there!
TRACHT, Pale blue skirt with 3 petticoats,
black apron, vest and blouse.
For more information: Petra Hamm
To add an item please contact the Schwaben Club at
519-742-7979. or send an email to
Happy 40th Birthday!
December 14th, 2010
From your family
and friends!
Catherine Thompson
Roving Reporter
Website: /
Link: Newsletters/Nachrichten /
Click on the month you wish to view
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1