Newsletter - Clermont Chamber
Newsletter - Clermont Chamber
Newsletter December, 2008 Upcoming Events December 2 - Networking@Noon Union Township Civic Center December 3 - Creating and Sustaining a Strong Brand, Clermont Chamber Your Company should attend “Going Green: The Value to Your Business” if: December 4, 2008 5:00pm - 8:00pm Holiday Inn Eastgate This is the holiday event you don’t want to miss! December 9 - Going Green the Value to Your Business, Oasis Conference Center December 16 - Networking@Noon 1:00pm - 2:00pm, Buffalo Wings & Rings Eastgate Mall Note: Time and Location Change December 17 - New Member Orientation & Prospective Member Reception, Clermont Chamber December 18 - MorningMixer The Banker’s Club January 6 - Networking@Noon Union Township Civic Center January 20- Networking@Noon Union Township Civic Center For more information about these Chamber events please call 513.576.5000, or visit us online at Member Quote “The chamber and staff do a great job bringing the business community together through chamber events. We hosted a Morning Mixer at our place and had a great time. I highly recommend hosting an event. There’s no better way to get people in your door without kicking and screaming.” Mike Bober, IDEOPIA ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ You want to invest in a greener future. It is easy being Green. You want to increase your awareness of what you can do today and in the future to integrate sustainability into your core business practices, while better serving employees, consumers and the planet Your stakeholders and board members demand you implement a thoughtful environmental plan as part of responsible corporate governance You would benefit from incorporating green strategies and environmental themes in your marketing and advertising You desire to hear from green leading businesses about corporate initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint, while increasing their competitive advantage Ikea’s Kitalena Mason will share how IKEA promotes, encourages and practices efforts to save our environment. Melink founder, Steve Melink, will share how going green has been the most rewarding experience of his professional career, and will ingrain into your thinking the triple bottom line of financial, environmental, and security impact of going green. Tuesday, December 9, 7:15 a.m. - 9:00a.m. Oasis Conference Center, 902 Loveland-Miamiville Road, Loveland Chamber Members $30 / Non Members $45 Don’t miss this opportunity to meet with these two forward -thinking Greater Cincinnati Green Leaders and focus on the value of going green to your business. Reservations may be made online at, or by telephone at 513.576.5000. Dr. James F. McDonough, Richard Martin and E.C. Nurre Funeral Home Inc. Honored at 2008 Pacesetter Event James F. McDonough 2007 Pacesetter and Cindy Jenkins, 2004 Pacesetter Richard Martin the 2007 Martha Dorsey Pacesetter pictured with Martha Dorsey Bob Hobson and Ed Nurre of the 2007 Corporate Pacesetter E.C. Nurre Funeral Home Inc. More Photos From The 2008 Pacesetter Event 3M Precision Optics, Inc. Auxier Gas, Inc. Batavia Transmissions LLC Brower Insurance Agency LLC Bryan Equipment Sales, Inc. Center Bank Chase Bank Child Focus, Inc. Cincinnati Bell, Inc. Clermont 20/20, Inc. Clermont County Board of Commissioners Clermont County Convention & Visitors Bureau Clermont Senior Services, Inc. CRESA Partners The Crowell Company Dualite, Inc. Duke Energy Fifth Third Bank Gordon Construction, Inc. Grant Career Center Great Oaks Institute of Technology & Career Development H. C. Nutting Company - A Terracon Company Hill Top Research Corporation Holiday Homes, Inc. Holiday Inn Cincinnati - Eastgate Horizon Certified Development Company International Paper International TechneGroup, Inc. Jeff Wyler Automotive Family Kamphaus, Henning & Hood CPAs, Inc. KeyBank Kinker-Eveleigh Insurance Lykins Companies McGill Smith Punshon, Inc. Mercy Hospital Anderson Mercy Hospital Clermont Miami Township The Midland Company Milacron, Inc. The City of Milford Miller-Valentine Group The Myers Y. Cooper Company National Bank &Trust National City Park National Bank Potterhill Homes Professional Engineering Group LLC RiverHills Bank Sauls Construction Company Siemens PLM Software Spirit of America National Bank Sun Chemical Performance Pigments Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP-Attorneys Total Quality Logistics, Inc. University of Cincinnati Clermont College Wal-Mart Supercenters / Sam’s Club The Village of Williamsburg Workforce One of Clermont County 2 A DA Amendments Act: What Companies Need to Know On November 12, 2008, Patricia Anderson Pryor, at Taft Stettinius & Hollister, LLP provided an informational program for Chamber members on the federal ADA Amendments Act. During this session, employers learned about the changes made by this new law, which goes into effect on January 1, 2009. The ADA Amendments Act expands the number of individuals who can claim to be disabled and protected by the Americans With Disabilities Act. This means more legal pitfalls for the unwary employer. Individuals with back injuries, carpal tunnel, diabetes, cancer and a host of other impairments will find it easier to claim they have a disability and seek an accommodation after January 1. The biggest change under the new law is that employers will be restricted from taking action against an individual because of an actual or perceived impairment regardless of whether the impairment rises to the level of a disability. During the November 12 session, Ms. Pryor provided practical advice to employers to help prevent future discrimination claims under the ADA Amendments Act. Training supervisors, revising job descriptions to accurately capture essential functions and establishing a process to provide reasonable accommodation were among the suggested steps employers should take. While all of this sounds good, the real question from above is about results. The John Melvin addresses questions that are of concern to those owning and/or operating small Ohio SBDC at the Clermont Chamber has businesses. John is the director of the Ohio Small Business Development Center at the one full time counselor/director. For FFY Clermont Chamber of Commerce. 2008, the clients for this SBDC acquired over $11 million in loans to help with I have heard about the services of the Small Business Development Center, property and equipment acquisitions and but I don’t know how those services might benefit my business or how they operating capital. There were thirty- three benefit the local economy. Please explain. new businesses started by SBDC clients. Between these start-ups and the growth of Answer: existing clients, there were 157 new jobs Because the Small Business Development Center is a program offered created and 973 jobs retained. in partnership with the Small Business Administration and the Ohio Department of Development, it operates on a federal fiscal year (FFY) basis New businesses included consulting firms rather than a calendar year basis. It is a program that has been around for in Williamsburg, Milford, Mariemont and 27 years and is offered through over 1100 centers across the United States. Terrace Park; a packaging business in Mister Small Business Evendale; service businesses in Ross, The Ohio program has the following Mission: Accelerate Ohio’s economy by Batavia, Loveland and Milford; a beverage helping entrepreneurs start, sustain and grow their businesses. drive-thru in Madeira; a construction company in Batavia; a new hardware Typically, we support businesses with information, one-on-one coaching store in Withamsville; and a lumber retailer and counseling, training, and connectivity to other programs such as in Miami Township. One of the more ITAC (international trade assistance) or PTAC (procurement technical prominent opportunities was presented by assistance). assisting the owner of Freeman Schwabe Machinery to acquire a location in Union In FFY 2008, we offered thirteen training programs focused on web sites, Township and to move that company and its marketing, start-up businesses, networking and an IRS/State of Ohio Tax twenty jobs from Northern Kentucky. Workshop. One hundred fifty-nine entrepreneurs participated. In their evaluations, 97% rated the training received as above average or better. In summary, the local SBDC program is a confidential, free service open to any forThe core service for the SBDC program is the one-on-one counseling. The profit small business. It is a program that local program provided service to over 325 clients. Eighty of those were provides demonstrable results for its clients extended engagement clients (clients who initially requested counseling and for the communities it serves. prior to FFY 2008 and continued that counseling into FFY 2008). It is in this area of in-depth counseling that the program can make the most difference For information about SBDC assistance, contact John for a business. Melvin at 576-5007 or john.melvin@clermontchamber. com Typical counseling services for an existing business include marketing, financial analysis, access to capital, loan packaging, human resources, operational planning, strategic planning and buying or selling a small business. Taft’s Labor & Employment Group invites you to its ANNUAL LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW UPDATE The Schiff Conference and Banquet Center (located in the Cintas Center at Xavier University) Thursday, December 4, 2008. 9:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. To be followed by lunch, provided by Taft There is no charge for this seminar. Approved for 3.0 hours of CLE and HRCI credit. REGISTRATION: Please register via e-mail or telephone to: Sue Schmid: or 513.381.2838, Ext. 245 Parking passes will be distributed to registered attendees. Campaign Reform Legislative Luncheon January 30, 2009 11:15am - 1:00pm Receptions Conference Center Eastgate $38.00/Members, $50.00/NonMembers Call 513.576.5000 for more information 3 As 2008 is winding down the Clermont Chamber would like to thank those members who helped make 2008 a successful year! Board of Directors Members: Chairperson: Chip Gerhardt Government Strategies Group Karen Arnold Integrated HR Solutions Vice Chair: Andy McCreanor Clermont 20/20 Inc. Brent Dapper WesBanco Secretary: Cindy Jenkins Clermont Senior Services Inc. Chris Edwall Action International Treasurer: Greg Niesen RiverHills Bank Michelle Edwards KeyBank Members: Heather Hoop Express Employment Professionals Marvin Blade Duke Energy Ken Geis Cincinnati United Contrators Kraig Gordon Gordon Construction John Greiwe Miller-Valentine Group Margaret Jenkins OSU Extension Clermont County Glenda Neff University of Cincinnati-Clermont College Mike Roth Sandler Training by Roth & Associates Donna Szabo Great Oaks Institute of Technology & Career Development Annual Meeting Members: John Nelson International Paper Cindy Huxel Miami Township Lesa Milders Wright - Lamb Agency Steve Hood Kamphaus Henning & Hood CPAs Dave McNutt The Midland Company Mark Helphinstine VonLehman Technology Alonzo Leach Heaven & Earth Cleaning Services Chairperson: Tom Rocklin Siemens PLM Software Susan McHugh The Community Press Carl Hartman Sports Zone USA + Signs & Banners Joe Kresser Prepaid Legal Services Erick Harback Park National Bank Jeff Lykins Lykins Companies Andrea Earick Great Oaks Institute of Technology & Career Development Chuck Welch Lochard & Associates LLC Events Committee Chairperson: Linda Pilon Kamphaus Henning & Hood CPAs Sandy Bradford Duke Energy Members: Sam DeBonis Park National Bank Jenifer Fox-Gerrits Life Management Strategies LLC Business Expo Chairperson: Greg MacMillan Technegraphics Inc. Members: Staci Jenkins Thompson Hine LLP Alisa Lambert Tri-Helath Corporate, Bethesda Care Eastgate Carolyn Rolfes Potterhill Homes Robert Brookens ProForma Business Solutions Mary Makley Wolff Miami Township Jenny Conley KeyBank Gather on the Green (Golf Outing) Ambassadors Jason Dimaculangan Landmark Insurance Agency LLC Chariperson: Tom Young Strategic Employee Benefits Chairperson: Sue Lamb Wright-Lamb Agency 4 Barbie Doran Relevant Works Cathy Sahlfeld Workforce One of Clermont County Co-Chariperson: Bill Haggerty JRG Staffing, LLC Members: Lisa Parker HealthSource of Ohio Debbie Slabach Potterhill Homes Chris Winnenberg Express Employment Professionals Stefanie Warren Park National Bank Issues Management Membership Development Chairperson: Alan Freeman D & S Consulting Chairperson: Sherry Spencer National City~Anderson Towne Center Members: Members: Denny Begue Brower Insurance Agency, LLC Ken Hare Image First Solutions George Brown Clermont Senior Services, Inc. Carl Hartman Sports Zone USA + Signs & Banners Mary Ellen Hall Hill Top Research Corp. Julie Highley Horan Associates, Inc Bob Manning Lykins Companies Kevin Quinn LaserSmith Larry Rubenacker Park National Bank Susan Stockman HORAN Government Affairs Events Michael Shumaker Focused Quality Solutions Chuck Welch Lochard & Associates LLC Chariperson: Al Pearlman Burkhardt & Company Chris Smith Uible Management Inc. Ken Woodruff SeaMaster Cruises Members: Marketing Networking@Noon Chairperson: Meredith Delaney University of Cincinnati Clermont College Chairperson: Carrie Blonigen Clermont County MRDD Members: Members: Lisa Davis Clermont County MRDD Susan Ambrovitz Ideopia Tara Dawson Child Focus Inc. Anita Barron Pet Alliance Ray Courts All-Star Sportswear Jason Dimaculangan Landmark Insurance Agency LLC Pat Murray Brower Insurance Agency Kevin Quinn LaserSmith Susan Stockman HORAN Andy Watson Brower Insurance Agency LLC Chuck Welch Lochard & Associates LLC Chris WInnenberg Express Employment Professionals Ken Woodruff SeaMaster Cruises Lynn Baird Village of New Richmond Nancy Ball Boys and Girls Clubs of Clermont County Brice Kasee Chase Bank Patricia Pryor Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP-Attorneys Jennifer Harcourt Harry Snyder Chick-Fil-A Great Oaks Institute of Technology & Career Development Joe Moon Live Oaks Career Development Campus Government Affairs Task Force Chariperson: Warren Walker Duke Energy Members: Michael Cain Primerica Financial Services Inc. Kevin Cassidy NovaCare Rehabilitation Ted Groman Clermont County Department of Job & Family Services Scott Dooley Haberer Registered Investment Advisor Paul Hillman Paychex Inc. Angela Ott WorkforceOne of Clermont County Joseph Kresser Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. Carrie Owings Milford Miami Township Chamber of Commerce Bobby Perry Sam’s Club - Eastgate Harold Perlstein Adaptive InfoSystems Debbie Schneider Intrinzic Marketing & Design Inc. Pacesetter Chairperson: Sam DeBonis Park National Bank Member: Sandy Bradford 5 Duke Energy Small Business Development Council Sally Tamborski KeyBank Tina Mills Law Firm of Tina R. Mills, LLC Erin Turner Martin Franchises, Inc. Mark Hoeller & Stephanie Lunsford National City Chairperson: Bob Dameron WesBanco Bank Tailgate Hosts Members: Geno’s BBQ Jana Alverson Lynn McInturf Associates Nadine Albenze-Smith Record Express LLC Hilton Garden Inn Royal Oak Country Club Tony Bonomini Northern Kentucky University Denny Begue Brower Insurance Agency Clermont County Convention & Visitors Bureau Gary Littleton & Ernie Delamanta Quest Marketing Solutions Joe Schiesler KeyBank MorningMixer Hosts Peggy Stookey Legacy Connection Beechmont Racquet & Fitness Chick-fil-A Women’s Initiative Miami Township Civic Center Chairperson: Jenifer Fox-Gerrits Life Management Strategies LLC The Golf Club at Stonellick Hills Members: Nancy Ball Boys and Girls Clubs of Clermont County Anita Barron Pet Alliance Lindsey Cummings Dillard’s Dianna Davidson Dillard’s Michelle Edwards KeyBank Dana Heller WorkforceOne of Clermont County Jennifer Justice-Haley Mercedes Benz of Cincinnati Collision Center Stephanie Kirschner McGill Smith Punshon Inc. (MSP) Alisa Lambert Bethesda Care Eastgate Jenny Matthews Chard Snyder & Associates Cathy Sahlfeld WorkforceOne of Clermont County Susan Stockman HORAN Ideopia Grant Career Center Chamber After Hours Hosts Holiday Inn Cincinnati - Eastgate The Golf Club at Stonelick Hills Latitudes, Chamber Night at the Reds Transportation Women’s Initiative Networking Hosts Beechmont Racquet & Fitness The Bridge Cafe Thanks also to: Brad Forsythe Best Practice Advisors LLC Clermont County Board of MRDD Gordon Food Service Marketplace Sam’s Club Eastgate Union Township Civic Center John Melvin with the Small Business Development Center would like to thank the following individuals who worked with him on seminars in 2008. Randy Carter RiverHills Bank Doug Kossel Kossel & Associates Teresa Dempsey State of Ohio Department of Taxation Carmen Krupar Cybervise Limited Janet Ferguson Brand Shine Marketing & Public Relations Amy Grothaus Turner HR Partners International September - October New Members City BBQ Toby Stoller 878 Eastgate North Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45245 Phone: (513) 201-3030 Restaurant 2009 MorningMixer Schedule for Clermont County Locations Joyce A. Gundling, CPA LLC Joyce Gundling 2070 Anderson Cove Lane Cincinnati, Ohio 45244 Phone: (513) 528-6777 Accounting, Auditing Valor Construction Company Inc. Kevin Hayslip 1128 Ohio Pike Amelia, Ohio 45102 Phone: (513) 474-3472 Contractors - General New Member Orientation & Prospective Member Reception When: December 17, 2008 8:00am-9:00am Where: Clermont Chamber Please RSVP to the Chamber at 513.576.5000. January 22 Eastgate Village March 26 Teen Challenge May 28 Terrace Park Country Club July 23 Beechmont Motorsports September 24 MRDD - Wildey School November 19 Location TBD Electronic Payment Processing Program Saving members one swipe at a time The Clermont Chamber, Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber and Innovative Financial Technologies (Infintech) have joined forces to offer you a merchant services program providing exclusive rates on electronic payment processing. Member companies enrolled in the Chamber’s electronic payment processing program will enjoy exclusive member’s only processing rates – starting as low as 1.49% for swiped transactions and 2.25% for key-entered transactions. Upon enrolling, your business will be part of a group buying rate that will help ensure your processing rates remain competitive and among the lowest offered in the industry. We are so confident in our group buying program that we will pay a portion of your membership if we are unable to reduce or at least match your current processing rates. B ig Changes in Workers’ Comp Coming for All Ohio Employers BWC is changing the rating system in an effort to improve stability within the system. In June 2008, the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) Board of Directors approved a series of proposals to continue group rating reform that they feel will better align premiums with projected levels of risk. Group Rating Sponsors such as the Clermont Chamber of Commerce and Sheakley, our Third Party Administrator (TPA), along with other interested parties have expressed concerns over the potential financial impact these changes will have on Ohio employers during these hard economic times. Due to these concerns the BWC has recommended cap increases in employer premiums for the 2009/10 Group Rating plan year. Sheakley has been one of five TPAs who have been working with the BWC on behalf of our members to ensure the best decisions are being made. If approved, the changes in the rating system will mean the maximum discount for 2009/10 Group Rating Plan Year will now be 80% - not 77% as previously stated. This plan is expected to be presented to the BWC Board of Directors in November, 2008 for final approval. It is our understanding the BWC intends to notify all Ohio employers detailing the capping changes. In the future, the BWC will include the cap detail on the employer 2009/10 premium bills that will be released in July 2009 and will also publish this information on the BWC website. Please note, if you are receiving a 2009/10 Group Rating quote from Sheakley, the caps will be applied to your projected discount. Because these changes are very complicated, having an experienced TPA like Sheakley working for you is extremely important during this transition period. If you have any questions regarding these changes and how they will affect you, please contact Sheakley at 800-877-5055 x2011. Call Infintech at 513.761.1448 and request the Chamber Merchant Program Details. 7 Clermont Chamber of Commerce 4355 Ferguson Drive Suite 150 Cincinnati, Ohio 45245 Phone: (513) 576-5000, Fax: (513) 576-5001 Email: Return Service Requested Looking For Signs of Sustainable Recovery When National Economist Brain Beaulieu visited Clermont County in April 2008, he predicted these events … The price of crude oil would continue to rise - and then fall to half of its high price. Inflation (then relatively calm) would become a problem. The stock market (then relatively calm) would turn decidedly negative. The housing market (then bad) would get even worse and remain weak through 2009. The nation’s economy (then seemingly sound) will falter and remain negative into the first half of 2010. We might not like the current economic reality but no one argues with the accuracy of Brian’s predictions. Brian returns on April 23, 2009 to present “Searching for Signs of a Sustainable Recovery”. You can’t afford to miss his predictions of your future. Thank you to our major event sponsors for their generous support: PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PAID MILFORD, OH PERMIT NO. 522
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