Newsletter - Clermont Chamber


Newsletter - Clermont Chamber
The Chamber Exists Because of
Our Volunteers. We have many
exciting volunteer opportunities
for 2009. See enclosed volunteer
September, 2008
October Legislative Luncheon features Mandated
Sick Leave Proposal
Nobody really wants to see Ohio workers, already struggling
with rising prices in a tough economy, having to worry about
keeping their jobs and income when they or their children get
sick. But is a union-backed ballot initiative that would require
Ohio businesses with as few as 25 employees to provide seven
days paid sick leave to each worker the answer?
Upcoming Events
September 2 - Networking@Noon
Union Township Civic Center
September 4 - Gather on the Green
Stonelick Hills Country Club
Brian Dunn, Campaign
Manager Ohioans for
Healthy Families
September 4 - Chamber After Hours
Stonelick Hills Country Club
September 16 - Networking@Noon
Union Township Civic Center
September 18 - MorningMixer
September 24 - New Member
Orientation and Prospective Member
Reception, Clermont Chamber
September 24 - Steps to Stating a New
Business, Clermont Chamber
Anthonio C. Fiore, Esq.
Director of Labor and
Human Resources Policy
Ohio Chamber of
Failing to be passed by the Ohio General Assembly in May, the
Ohio Healthy Families Act (Mandated Sick Leave Proposal),
crafted by the Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.),
is heading to the ballot in November. The Clermont Chamber is
making an effort to educate the business community about the
impact of this proposal.
Join us at Receptions Conference East on Friday, October
3, 11:15 – 1:00, when the Chamber will present both sides of
this issue. Brian Dunn, Campaign Manager for the Ohioans
for Healthy Families, a growing statewide coalition of citizens
and organizations who are leading the effort to make Ohio the
most family-friendly state in America, will present the proponent
position. Anthonio Fiore, Director of Labor & Human Resources
Policy for the Ohio Chamber of Commerce will present the
opponent position. The Ohio Chamber is a leader of the
coalition called Ohioans to Protect Jobs and Fair Benefits.
Come and educate yourself about the mandated sick leave proposal and how
it will impact your business. Chamber Member price is $35. Non Chamber
Members are welcome to attend at $45. Register by calling the chamber 576September 25 - Chamber Tailgate
5000 or online at For further information about this
Clermont County Convention & Visitors Mandated Sick Leave Proposal visit or www.
September 24 - IRS Tax Workshop
Union Township Civic Center
For more information please call
Member Quote
2008 Women’s Day , Healthy Women, Healthy
Business : Financial Fitness
The Clermont Chamber of Commerce
is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual
Women’s Day, to be held on October 9th at
Receptions Conference Center East from 11
a.m. - 5 p.m. Once again the day will feature
a fashion show sponsored by Dillard’s
“The chamber networking events
and joint events with other area
chambers are a great way to
meet other area business people
in a relaxed setting!”
Eastgate and emceed by Sandra Ali from Channel 5, and this year we will feature
several breakout sessions revolving around this year’s “Financial Fitness” theme.
We are looking for models for the fashion show. If you attended the event last
year, you’ll know that the fashion show models were all local business women
and it was great fun for all involved!
Please call the Chamber at 513.576.5000 if you are interested in being a model
or if you would more information about Women’s Day.
ew Business
Development Critical
to United Way Eastern
Area Campaign
3M Precision Optics, Inc.
Auxier Gas, Inc.
Batavia Transmissions LLC
Brower Insurance Agency LLC
Bryan Equipment Sales, Inc.
Center Bank
Chase Bank
Child Focus, Inc.
Cincinnati Bell, Inc.
Clermont 20/20, Inc.
Clermont County Board of Commissioners
Clermont County Convention & Visitors Bureau
CRESA Partners
The Crowell Company
Dualite, Inc.
Duke Energy
Fifth Third Bank
Gordon Construction, Inc.
Grant Career Center
Great Oaks Institute of Technology & Career Development
Hilltop Research Corporation
Holiday Homes, Inc.
Holiday Inn Cincinnati - Eastgate
Horizon Certified Development Company
International Paper
Jeff Wyler Automotive Family
Kamphaus, Henning & Hood CPAs, Inc.
Kinker-Eveleigh Insurance
Lykins Companies
McGill Smith Punshon, Inc.
Mercy Hospital Anderson
Mercy Hospital Clermont
Miami Township
The Midland Company
Milacron, Inc.
The City of Milford
Miller-Valentine Group
The Myers Y. Cooper Company
National Bank &Trust
National City
Park National Bank
Potterhill Homes
RiverHills Bank
Sauls Construction Company
Siemens PLM Software
Spirit of America National Bank
Sun Chemical Company Colors Group
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP-Attorneys
Total Quality Logistics, Inc.
University of Cincinnati Clermont College
Wal-Mart Supercenters / Sam’s Club
The Village of Williamsburg
Workforce One of Clermont County
uxier Gas Thinks PINK!?
Join us for our Homecoming!
To Promote Early Detection and
Awareness of Breast Cancer
Auxier Gas has
“In order for our
joined forces with
area to thrive
the American
Breast Cancer
we first must
have stable
(ABCF) to
families,” says help promote breast cancer awareness.
John R. Nelson, Auxier’s newest propane delivery truck
is a “Pink-Ribbon” truck and is painted in
the trademark pink of the breast cancer
awareness campaign. As part of Auxier
Gas’ effort to be actively involved in our
local communities, Auxier Gas will make
a donation to the American Breast Cancer
Foundation for each gallon delivered to their
customers by the Pink Ribbon Truck. The
“Children need to be prepared for truck will be making deliveries throughout
the greater Cincinnati area.
school and life, and individuals
Not only is Auxier Gas making a donation
and families must be financially
but they are giving their customers the
stable. United Way is helping
opportunity to make a contribution as
achieve those goals by focusing well. Customers just have to add their
on education, income and health. contribution to their total and Auxier Gas
will happily forward the contribution on to
“As chair of our Eastern Area
the American Breast Cancer Foundation.
To Celebrate this program and to thank our
campaign, I know that new
customer we are hosting a Homecoming
business development is critical
Bar B Q with the Think Pink Grillers and
and imperative. We have lost
the Pink Truck on September 20th, 2008 at
some great and significant
Auxier Gas in Batavia. There will be door
supporters with the downsizing
prizes, including a Weber Gas Grill, games
of 3M, closing of Batavia
for the family, a cornhole tournament and
Transmissions, and moving of
photographs available with the Pink Truck!
Indiana Insurance to name a few. The American Breast Cancer Foundation,
who is celebrating 10 years of Early
“There has been a 30-year trend Detection, contracted with Auxier Gas for
the new truck, and it is the only one of its
of decrease in donors. While
kind in southwest Ohio. The truck which
dollars are rising in the same
time period, that rate of increase holds 3,200 gallons of propane is not
only pink, but it is green, in regards to the
is flattening. We cannot expect
environment. The Pink Ribbon truck runs
the same people to keep giving
on propane, so it is a low emission vehicle
more. “
that is not as harmful to the environment as
gasoline or diesel.
Under John’s leadership, Matt
Auxier Gas, founded in 1946, continues
to be an active partner in the community
Van Sant, Clermont Chamber
President/CEO and 2007 Eastern and hopes to raise money and awareness
Area United Way campaign chair, about breast cancer and early detection.
Auxier Gas will also make a donation to
is heading up the campaign’s
the Shriner’s Burn Hospital for Children
New Business Development
this year. Doug Auxier said “The company
initiative. “I encourage every
wanted to do something special this year
business in the community that
that would have a great impact on the
is not currently participating in
community…by supporting the American
our campaign to join us this year, Breast Cancer Foundation and Shriner’s
Hospital for Children, we are able to help
those in need”
“This is an investment in the
Human Resources Manager/Site
Manager, International Paper,
and chair, United Way of Greater
Cincinnati – Eastern Area 2008
future of our area.”
For more information or to make a
contribution, please contact Auxier Gas at
513-724-7700 or or visit
the ABCF at
uarantee Your Employees Are Informed
Voters This November With Clermont
Business Votes
Recently, the Clermont Chamber of
Commerce partnered with the Ohio
Chamber and the U.S. Chamber to
create a customized political and
advocacy webpage, called Clermont
Business Votes.
The purpose of Clermont Business
Votes is to educate our members
and their employees about the
economic effects of legislative and
judicial proposed actions, such as the
current Mandated Sick Leave issue,
and to prepare them to participate in
the political process in an informed
Among other things, the site provides
all of the tools needed to register to
vote, find out how candidates stand
on business issues, and track the
performance of Ohio elected officials.
ake History in 2008: Be a
By Judy Miller, Board of Elections
The Clermont County
Board of Elections
Poll after poll indicates that employees expects a record turnout
of 80 percent for the
welcome the input of their employers
2008 presidential
and consider information provided by
election on Tuesday,
their employer about candidates and
elections to be more credible than from November 4, 2008. The
many other sources, including political Board is pulling out all
the stops in an effort to
recruit additional poll
That’s where Clermont Business Votes workers. Recruiting
new poll workers is not
comes in. The real value of the site is
best captured when employers do two as easy as you might
think, so the Board of Elections is implementing
some new recruiting methods to encourage potential
poll workers to step forward. Upbeat commercials
Communicate to their
aired on Time Warner Cable television in August
employees how the actions taken by
elected officials impact the company and spotlighting some real local poll workers. Clermont
County water and sewer bills also included pollworker
therefore, each individual employee’s
information in August
livelihood, and
voters and potential voters.
Help employees learn where
the candidates seeking to represent
them stand on these issues.
Signing up and volunteering to be a poll worker is
an enjoyable and rewarding way to be part of the
election process. You will become a part of history by
While the Internet has not – and won’t
participating in the 2008 presidential election! You will
in the near future – replace traditional By linking directly to the Clermont
be paid a minimum of $130 for attending the two
media vehicles such as radio and
Chamber website, www.
hour training course held at the Board of Elections
television as the most effective and selecting
means for a political campaign to
the Clermont Business Votes button on and then working Election Day.Polls are open from
6:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. in Ohio. Poll workers are
communicate with large numbers of
the right side of the home page from
the backbone of our election system and help to
potential voters, the Internet is now
your Intranet site or by making your
an essential part of almost every
employees aware of the site and inviting ensure that all elections are conducted in a fair and
accurate manner, and they serve to help safeguard
them to visit it, your employees can
the integrity of the election process.
become better educated voters who,
According to an April 2006 survey
on Election Day, make the best choices
If you are a registered voter in Clermont County, sign
by the Pew Internet & American Life
for their jobs and their families. It’s
up to be a poll worker today! We guarantee you a
Project, the percentage of Americans not about telling whom to vote for, but
who go online everyday is now 44%, making sure they’re fully informed when rewarding day! Call 732-7275 or go to the Web site for more information
and a 2003 study by the Center for
they do vote.
Survey and Research Analysis at the
University of Connecticut
Don’t delay; your
found that 68% of voters who use
are waiting to
the Internet are likely to research a
candidate’s position online.
hear from you!
The reason voters turn to the Internet
for this type of information is because
most crave more information about
candidates than they can get from TV
commercials or unsolicited direct mail
This new landscape presents a great
opportunity for employers, who, in their
employees, have a group of voters and
potential voters who have a shared,
personal stake in the outcome of public
policy debates and, therefore, the
outcome of elections. Furthermore,
employers also have at their
disposal the internal communications
infrastructures that enable them to
communicate effectively with these
Dear Clermont Chamber
It's impossible for lawmakers to know how every bill they consider will
affect your company, and they want and need to understand how a
legislative proposal will impact your business and employees.
Welcome to the Clermont
Chamber's business advocacy
action center. In partnership with
the Ohio Chamber of
Commerce, here you will find
information about decisions from
the Statehouse to the
courthouse that have an impact
on your life and your business.
Ohio Business Votes provides you easy to use tools for quickly and
effectively communicating with your elected officials. Make your voice
The purpose of this information
is to educate Ohioans about the
economic effects of legislative and judicial actions and to
prepare them to participate in the political process in an
informed manner.
From e-Advocacy to campaigns and elections to Ohio
government and elected officials, you are sure to find guidance
and direction as we work to make Clermont County a great
place to locate, operate and grow a successful business.
Please take time to study this information and most of all, be
sure you exercise your most precious right to vote.
Balancing border security, trade a delicate act, experts say
Aug 13, 2008 — The Dallas Morning News
Power-plant critics attack plans for Alliant facility in Cassville
State official backs 2nd license for nuclear waste disposal
firm Permit would allow higher level material at site in
Andrews County
Aug 13, 2008 — Houston Chronicle
Matthew D. Van Sant
Federal Candidates & Elections
Affordable Health Care
Government Regulations
State Candidates & Elections
Education Reform and Workforce
Voting Information
Election Toolbox
Energy Reliability and Security
Labor and Workforce
Small Business
Trade Expansion
Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
September 25, 2008
11:30 AM to 1:00PM
Aug 13, 2008 — Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Register to Vote
Tailgate Luncheon
Workforce Development
Event Location:
Clermont County Convention & Visitors Bureau
401 East Main Street, Batavia
Lunch compliments of :
Clermont County Convention &
Visitors Bureau
Mandated Sick Leave Proposal
Please RSVP to 513.576.5000 by
September 18, 2008
Mister Small Business
John Melvin addresses questions that are of concern to
those owning and/or operating small businesses. John
is the director of the Ohio Small Business Development
Center at the Clermont Chamber of Commerce.
elcome to Harbourwood!
This month we have three questions that require
only brief answers:
I have been told that it is impossible right now to get a commercial loan. Is that true?
What is the most important thing I should be doing to position my business for better results in 2009?
What training classes will the SBDC be presenting in the last part of this year?
There is no question that commercial lending has
tightened considerably as 2008 has unfolded. Some lenders
have quietly withdrawn from considering new loans, especially
for start-ups. Others have tightened their standards, but are
still open for business. A few are still operating status quo.
Established businesses with good track records can expect to
answer a few more questions, but will likely find the positive
answers they want on loans for expansion or new equipment.
The Ohio 166 and SBA 504 loan programs are each still
posting strong results. Give me a call if you would like insight
into your personal situation. (576-5007)
Now is an excellent time to be reviewing your results
for the first seven plus months of 2008 and developing a
solid business plan for 2009. The Number One reason that
businesses fail is that they do not plan properly. In a difficult
marketplace, the need for planning is only further amplified. If
you have never completed a strategic plan, now is the time to
do so. If you have a strategic plan that is working, then focus
on the operational and marketing aspects for 2009.
The SBDC has a broad-ranging set of free classes
now being scheduled for the last four months of the year:
IRS/State of Ohio Tax Workshop : September 24
Steps to Starting a New Business : September 24
**401k Rule Changes : Date to be determined
Operating an Online Business : Date to be determined
Will the Real BRAND Stand Up? : Date to be determined
Steps to Starting a New Business : November 19
**The session on 401k rule changes should be of particular
interest since recent changes have placed significant new
burdens on employers. (Dates and times should be available
on all classes by the end of August, with most being in late
October or early November.) Register for classes at 576-5000.
What classes would you like to see us put on the schedule for
For information about SBDC assistance or the executive
roundtable programs,
contact John Melvin at 576-5007 or john.melvin@
On Friday, August 8, Robert and Jolynn Harbour opened their home
to almost 200 guests in a benefit for the Clermont County Board of
In conjunction with the Clermont Chamber of Commerce, Robert
Harbour wanted to showcase his new outdoor retreat center with a
grand opening. Because his sister, Jolynn, receives services from
MRDD, he decided to ask all guests to bring a small gift that could be
given to someone from MRDD. Special guests who attended included
Congresswoman Jean Schmidt, Angie Fairbanks from the Cincinnati
Regional Chamber, MRDD Board President Wanda Downey, Lou
Etheridge representing Goshen Township and several members of the
Goshen Chamber of Commerce.
Harbourwood is a retreat center for weddings, parties, corporate
meetings, and more located at 2430 Moler Road, Goshen, OH 45122
(just minutes from State Route 28 off Woodville Pike)
Mark your calendar now for the League’s Twelfth Annual
Suffragist Dinner
Join the Clermont Community in honoring this year’s outstanding
women at the 12th Annual Suffragist Dinner on Thursday, September
18, 2008, 5:30 p.m. at Receptions Conference Center East.
Professor Marianna Brown Bettman, the first woman to win the trial
practice prize at UC Law, and first woman elected to the Ohio First
District Court of Appeals in 1992, is the featured speaker.
Register by mail: LWVCC • PO Box 733 • Milford OH 45150
Or online:
For further information contact Amy Brewer at 576-1461
Call the Clermont Chamber
today to receive a complimentary quote on your
workers’ compensation group rating.
TI Marks 25th Anniversary
New Product Development Best Practices
Yielding Breakthrough Improvement for
Global Clients
International TechneGroup Incorporated (ITI) marked
twenty five years in business in August, 2008. The
company was founded in August 1983 by the late Dr.
Jason “Jack” Lemon. Dr. Lemon was also the founder
of Structural Dynamics Research Corporation (SDRC;
now Siemens).
With global headquarters in Milford, OH (USA) ITI
maintains development, sales, and support offices and
representation throughout North America, Europe, and
Asia Pacific. ITI’s list of clients includes such leading
organizations as: Hitachi, Samsung, Ford, Caterpillar,
Volvo, LG, Johnson Controls, Boeing, Honeywell,
General Electric, Motorola, Toyota, Honda, P&H
Mining, Siemens, John Deere, Fiat, Seagate, Whirlpool,
Cummins Engine, ANSYS, PTC, GM, AlliedSignal,
Lockheed Martin, Whirlpool, Xerox, Kodak, TRW,
Hyundi, IBM, Pratt & Whitney, Dassault Systemes,
Autodesk, DuPont, and many other industry leaders.
Even prior to the company’s beginning senior ITI
principals were instrumental in pioneering and applying
many of the methodologies, technologies, and tools now
considered standard throughout engineering and new
product development processes world-wide.
“The manner in which new products are created is
continually evolving,” explains Michael Lemon, ITI
Chairman & CEO. “We are identifying and refining
best practices in order to help clients fully leverage the
best available technologies and processes. Twentyfive years ago ITI was founded on a vision to deliver
sustainable improvements based on making better
decisions during the very early stages of a product
development process – accurate decisions about
the product that would ensure its ultimate success
and eliminate time and cost over-run associated with
changes. Today we continue to reach new levels in that
area,” continued Lemon. “Our success over the years
is a testament to these basic principals along with the
expertise and dedication of the people who make up the
entire ITI family of employees world-wide. While we are
certainly proud of our accomplishments over the past
quarter century, we are even more excited by what the
future holds for us at ITI.”
For more information contact, Robert Farrell,
Mulberry Square
The Myers Y. Cooper Company
Save the Date
to the Holiday
event of the year!
When: Thursday, December 4, 2008
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Where: Holiday Inn - Eastgate
4501 Eastgate Blvd.
Cost: $35.00 per person
he Chamber Exists Because of Our
008 Hotdog In
Paradise Chamber
Board members, committee chairmen, committee members, -they all
come together to work on initiatives and programs that are the core
of our work for our business community.
You have been reading messages each month from these volunteers
who are so actively involved in the work of the chamber, making
things happen for the entire membership and business community.
The volunteer committee chairmen are:
Bob Dameron, WesBanco
Small Business Development Committee
Meredith Delaney, University of Cincinnati, Clermont College
Marketing Committee
Jenifer Fox-Gerrits, Life Management Strategies
Women’s Initiative Committee
Patti Fraley, CTTS
Technology Committee
Allen Freeman, Focused Capitol Solutions, LLC
Issues Management Committee
Al Pearlman, Burhardt & Associates
Government Affairs Events Committee
Carrie Blonigen, Clermont County MRDD
Networking @ Noon Committee
Sam DeBonis, Park National Bank
Annual Meeting Planning Committee
Sue Lamb, Wright-Lamb Agency
Ambassador Committee
Gregg MacMillan, TechneGraphics
Business Expo Committee
Linda Pilon, Kamphaus, Henning & Hood CPAs
Events Committee
Tom Rocklin, Siemens UGS
Pacesetter Awards Dinner Committee
Sherry Spencer, National City
Membership Development Committee
George Webb, H.C. Nutting
Infrastructure & Environmental Committee
Tom Young, Johnson Investment Counsel
Gather on the Green Committee
The volunteer council chairmen are:
Mary Makley Wolff, Miami Township
Government Affairs Council
Carolyn Rolfes, Potterhill Homes
Member-Investor Benefits Council
Kraig Gordon, Gordon Construction
Economic Growth Council
Chip Gerhardt, Government Strategies Group
Organizational Development Council
John Greiwe, Miller-Valentine Group
Board of Advisors
The Clermont Chamber would like to thank all of those who
attended the 2008 Hotdog in Paradise. We would also like to thank
those member companies who helped make the event a success.
Food and beverage were donated by Bigg’s, Gordon Food Service
Marketplace, and Sam’s Club. and decorations were provided by
Clermont County Board of MRDD, Kamphaus, Henning & Hood
CPAs and Life Management Strategies, LLC.
lermont Chamber Events
(Networking Opportunity)
The Clermont County Events offer excellent opportunities for
members to network and build business contacts in a social setting,
such as Morning Mixers for the early birds and Tailgating in the
afternoon. Our last Tailgate, “Hotdog in Paradise” was attended by
over 111. Raffles during the Tailgates are always a big hit. We did
not forget the members who like attending functions after work and
before going home for the evening. For them, we have Chamber
After Hour functions and a Holiday Homecoming.
The Clermont Chamber Events Committee is excited about the new
Business Education Quarterly Series. The first in this Series was
on Identity Theft held at the Royal Oak Country Club. Be on the
lookout for our next event in this series.
The Events Committee meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month
at the Chamber Office. The Committee is composed of Clermont
Chamber members who volunteer their time to make these events
worthwhile for the members. We need new ideas and feedback
from you about the events offered. We also need volunteers to
serve on the Committee. The events are exciting and a great place
to meet new and old members. We look forward to seeing you in
the future!
Article submitted by: Events Committee Chair, Linda K. Pilon,
Certified Public Accountant, Kamphaus, Henning and Hood,
Certified Public Accountants, Inc.
July - August
New Members
Adgo Inc.
Derek Eads
3988 McMann Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45245
Phone: (513) 753-0773
Control Systems & Regulators
Bruce Crippen Photography
Bruce Crippen
5686 Windsong Lane
Milford, Ohio 45150
Phone: (513) 919-1213
Buechner Insurance
Brett Buechner
5655 Mellie Avenue
Milford, Ohio 45150
Phone: (513) 831-4544
Insurance Agency : Independent
Jill Burke
30 W 3rd Street, 5th Floor
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Phone: (513) 651-3000
CBS Personnel Service
Gary Wheeler
792 Eastgate South Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45245
Phone: (513) 752-4412
Employment Services
Celly Smellys
Jessica Pohlkamp
8190 Beechmont Avenue #105
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255
Phone: (877) 651-1841
Retailers - Specialty
Management & Accounting Services, Inc.
Rick Adame
115 N Riverside Drive
Loveland, Ohio 45140
Phone: (513) 774-9600
Accounting, Auditing
OH! KT Creative
Katie Baldasare
1357 Meadowlark Lane
Amelia, Ohio 45102
Phone: (513) 518-2929
Graphic Design
Old Boston Pizza, LLC
Marilyn Fetter
227 West Main Street
Owensville, Ohio 45160
Phone: (513) 732-2940
New Member Orientation
and Prosepective Member
September 24, 2008
8:00am - 9:00am
Clermont Chamber Offices
Long time Chamber members
ew Member Spotlight: are welcome to attend. This
event is a great way to learn
how to use your membership
to grow your business.
VonLehman Technology is a Microsoft
Certified Partner, specializing in IT
Support, Implementation Services,
Disaster/Recovery, Data Back-Up,
complete Network Design, Security
and Staff Augmentation. We are also
resellers for Dell, HP and Microsoft
and have been in business for 14
years with 6 tech engineers that are
all Microsoft Certified – 2 per client.
What this means to you is that you
will receive the IT level to that of a
highly trained engineer on every call,
no vacation or sick days and complete
documentation on every call. Contact
Mark at 891-5911 for a free network &
security review.
Member - to - Member
Free Press Publishing &
is currently offering:
Eastern Cincinnati Mailer
10% discount
Clermont County Mailer
15% discount
Brown County Mailer
15% discount
Adams County Mailer
10% discount
Discount applies to standard
rates. Can not be used with
any other discount or offer.
Contact them by calling
Call 513.576.5000 to RSVP
Referring Members
Has Its Rewards!
Thank you to the following
members for referring a new
Chamber member.
Harvey Golden, My Personal
referred new member
Brad Forsythe, Best Practice
referred new member
The MindSpa
Kraig Gordon, Gordon
Construction Inc.
referred new member
Harvey, Kraig and Brad recevied an
enhanced Business Browser Listing.
Sherry Spencer, National City Anderson Town Center:
referred new members
Benefit Resources
Celly Smellys
Sherry received a $50.00 Chamber
To find out more about the
chamber referral program
please contact Sherri Bowling at
513.576.5014 or sherri.bowling@
Clermont Chamber of Commerce
4355 Ferguson Drive Suite 150
Cincinnati, Ohio 45245
Phone: (513) 576-5000, Fax: (513) 576-5001
Return Service Requested
Preparedness Today Can Save Your Business Tomorrow
By: Kathy Lehr, Clermont County Communications
If a tornado, flood, terrorist attack (or other disaster) damaged or destroyed your business, would your
company be able to survive and recover? The answer to that question depends on whether you have an
emergency plan in place.
September is National Preparedness Month, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security,
designed to increase awareness about the importance of planning for possible emergencies at home and
at work. If you do not have an emergency plan in place, this would be an excellent time to meet with top
managers in your organization and put one into place that is reviewed and practiced with employees.
The first thing you need to do when setting up a business continuity plan is to determine what kinds of
emergencies could impact your company, both internally and externally. Carefully assess how your company
functions and identify operations critical to survival and recovery. Remember that emergency payroll and
expedited financial decision making and accounting systems will be necessary.
Keep copies of important records, such as site maps, insurance policies, bank account records, and employee
information in a waterproof, fireproof portable container. Store a second set at an off-site location. Is your
computer system backed up? Plan what to do if your building is not accessible. Can you run part of your
business from home? Developing relationships with other companies to use their facilities, in case of disaster,
is a good idea.
If you are ordered to shelter-in-place, because of a chemical leak, do you have emergency kits in place for
your employees? Is there a NOAA all hazards radio available to update you on the situation (with extra
For more information on developing, implementing, and practicing a business continuity plan, or sheltering-in-place, visit the
Web site
Thank you to our major event sponsors for their generous support: