39 - Fremantle Herald
39 - Fremantle Herald
FREMANTLE HERALD Fremantle’s own INDEPENDENT newspaper Volume 25 No 12 Saturday March 22, 2014 www.fremantleherald.com Letterboxed to Fremantle, Beaconsfield, East Fremantle, Hilton, North Fremantle, O’Connor, Samson, South Fremantle and White Gum Valley Singing life into language by JENNY DʼANGER THE sounds are gentle and haunting and you don’t need to understand the words to hear the emotion. Kalyakoorl is the first CD to be released sung entirely in Noongar and WAMi awardwinning duo Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse (guitar) will launch it at Fremantle’s Fly By Night Musicians’ Club on Friday April 4 at 7.30pm. The title means forever and is full of evocative, beautiful songs written in the language of her people, says Williams. Her adopted parents were also Aboriginal but Williams didn’t know anything about their heritage or her own till she was 41 Cliff Street, Fremantle Ph: 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 Email: news@fremantleherald.com • Guy Ghouse and Gina Williams. Photo by Gareth Andersen | Supplied 12, following the death of her adoptive father. “I grew up with parents that were indigenous but didn’t identify,” she says. “I never grew up connecting to country. “I became aware I had to learn more about my culture and language.” Williams’ grandmother and mother were part of the stolen generation, forbidden from speaking their own language. Once she’d learned all she could about her family, Williams set about learning Noongar. “Language is the final piece of my puzzle,” she says. “I found my family and all that…but language holds that together.” The former journalist turned signer/songwriter is passionate in • continued page 3 Bankwest victim seeks senate spot by DAVID BELL FORMER National Hotel owner Sean Butler is running for the senate, wanting a royal commission into banks after being “screwed” by the system. • Sean Butler Despite running a successful business and never missing a payment, the Attadale man lost four properties (including his home and the nearly refurbished National Hotel) after Bankwest insisted an immediate repayment of his loans. He says selling just one of the properties—the Lighthouse hotel in Bunbury—could have paid back the loans but the bank stopped him from doing it, only to then sell it underpriced and stick him with an enormous receivership bill. Mr Butler—who now rents— says he decided to run for parliament “when I found out how many other people were affected” by Bankwest’s actions. Despite the massive losses he’s more resolute than bitter: “I lost my house, I lost my life savings... I’m determined to keep going.” So far he’s prompted a senate inquiry—with the help of the Herald’s “Bastardwest” front page story of last year, he says—but he wants a full royal commission. Running with the Australian Voice Party alongside Brian Parkes, he says the main platform is to call for honesty and accountability from the big end of town and fairness for workers and small businesses. “Small businesses are getting screwed, workers are getting screwed” and too many rights are being eroded, he says. Cheaper workers are being flown in on 457 visas and small businesses like his get the rug pulled out from under them by banks, for no reason. “I’m a capitalist but it’s swung too far, it’s crony capitalism, it’s anti-competitive,” he says. “That’s in no-one’s interest. “You’ve got small businesses laying people off all over Australia • continued page 3 Herald delivery rounds are available in FREO, NORTH FREO, BEACY, SOUTH FREO & SAMSON. Good pay. Easy exercise. Call Marie 9430 7727 Find the Fake Ad & WIN a Chance for a Feast for 2 306 South Tce, Fremantle For details, please see competitions. 2013 HIA KITCHEN & BATHROOM AWARD WINNERS Winner: Excellence in Showroom Display Winner: Regional Kitchen Project of the Year Winner: Renovated Kitchen Project of the Year Winner: New Kitchen Project of the Year Winner: Renovated Kitchen Project Up to $30,000 Winner: Renovated Kitchen Project - $30,001 - $40,000 Winner: Renovated Kitchen Project - $50,001 & Over Winner: New Kitchen Project - $35,001 - $60,000 Winner: New Kitchen Project of the Year Winner: New Bathroom Project Up to $15,000 Designed for you since 1982 www.westerncabinets.com.au Mon to Fri 9-5pm & Sat 10-1pm 1/9 Sundercombe St, Osborne Park Phone (08) 9445 2677 www.westerncabinets.com.au Banovich Pharmacy Natural Health Caring for our community for over 45 years... Freo in war doco by STEVE GRANT NEW TO BANOVICH PHARMACY: Full Iridology Analysis complete with Iris Photograph Iridology is the assessment of the body according to the iris, one of the most complex structures of the human anatomy. Iridology allows the practitioner to map the different organs and body systems and investigate signs of disharmony within the body. It is an invaluable tool for screening digestive disorders, blood sugar irregularities, inflammation and nervous system stress. Get your irides photographed as a supplement to your initial Naturopathic consultation with Ki, and begin your journey toward optimal health and vitality today. Meet the team Ki Swales ND K A Dip Nat. Adv Dip West Herb Med. Adv Restoring vitality from the inside out, Ki is R a passionate and dedicated naturopath who treats all health conditions holistically. w She specialises in digestive disturbances S such as bloating, indigestion, IBS, s ffood allergies and intolerances. Ki also deals specifically in the management d of stress related conditions including o anxiety, depression, sleep disorders and a ffatigue. Ki uses a combination of herbal rremedies, fl ower essences and nutritional supplements in her treatment. AS the last view of home for many soldiers heading to the European bloodbath of WWI, Fremantle will come in for a special mention during an international TV series coinciding with the centenary of Gallipoli. Renowned historian Tony Robinson (perhaps still best known as Baldrick in Blackadder) will return to the port city in May as part of his new Tour of Duty series, being produced by Sydney production company WTFN. Series director Matthew Thomason told the Herald that as part of his visit, Sir Tony will ask locals to drag out memories and memorabilia for a community day on May 25 at Cantonment Hill’s Army Museum. Dardanelles The series will air in 2015, the centenary of the disastrous Dardanelles campaign where 8000 Australians were killed at Gallipoli as entrenched Ottoman forces pushed them back into the sea. While Australia will focus on Gallipoli, Mr Thomason says the crew will look at various conflicts, including Vietnam and Korea. And it’s not just the soldiers they’re interested in. “We’re looking for the stories of the homefront, and how people coped,” he says. Tangney “For example, have you seen the big mural on the Norfolk Hotel of Dorothy Tangney? Well, Dorothy Tangney worked hard for war brides who, if they married an Allied serviceman who deserted them, found that they couldn’t get divorced.” Mr Thomason says the series will also explore people’s fears of invasion, noting they’d come across bomb shelters built in backyards in Tasmania. Alison Zagar ND Adv Dip Nat. Has worked as part of the Banovich team for over 10 years as resident homeopath. She completed her post graduate studies in Mumbai in India and treats ailments using classic homeopathy through individual treatment plans. Shop 8-9, 195 Hampton Road, South Fremantle (next to Peaches) 9335 4884 banovichpharmacy@westnet.com.au Page 2 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 www.ritmocalientedanceacademy.com.au Banovich Pharmacy and Bachata NEW ! VENUE Best classes in Perth Let’s Dance! • Tony Robinson talks history in Fremantle. Photo • Fern convenor Billy Amesz. Photo by Steve Grant Routed compo by CARMELO AMALFI A “PATHETIC” $265,000 is what FERN will be paid to get out of the way of Main Roads’ $120 million High Street widening project. As the department prepares to resume 36,000sqm of A-class reserve for a six-lane road, s u p p o r t e r s o f F re m a n t l e ’ s sustainable success story are furious at the prospect of moving to a contaminated site just down the road at Booyeembara. Freo Road 2 Rail campaigner Louise Edmonds says the Main Roads offer to FERN is nowhere near the $750,000 it needs to relocate: “The irrigation infrastructure alone is worth about $100,000,” she says. FERN convenor Billy Amesz says Main Roads committed to compensating FERN for the full cost of acquiring suitable land and rebuilding the site, “like for like”. Main Roads has up to $5 million in its compensation envelope, which must also cover a new public golf club, carparks and landscaping. Mr Amesz says FERN is organising its own appraisal of its assets and transfer costs. He’s disheartened by the loss of a mature mulberry, which Mr Amesz says is rare as it produces both black and white varieties. “You put one of each in your mouth and the combination is… .”he trails off, licking his lips. Mayor Brad Pettitt says it’s “clear Main Roads will go ahead with the widening”. “Council will have to decide whether to hand over the A-class reserve voluntarily,” Dr Pettitt told the Herald. Main Roads can resume the land if the council does not give it up voluntarily. Dr Pettitt says the proposed new FERN site at what was to be the fourth stage of Boyeembara Park was previously landfill, and is contaminated with asbestos. He says it will be cleared by the WA environment and conservation department in the next few weeks. Bigger than the current FERN site, it will be safe to grow food, Dr Pettitt says. But Louise Edmonds says major remedial work is needed and any work which involves digging will be expensive and possibly expose potentially dangerous asbestos fibres. She says Main Roads initially agreed to fund some remediation and FERN supporters want the council to know, “we are standing strong and firm to demand a High Street upgrade solution that satisfies the needs and desires of the Fremantle community”. The council held a special meeting Thursday to discuss Main Roads’ compensation package. Indian Food & Cultural Fair FREMANTLE ESPLANADE SUNDAY 23rd MARCH 2014 FROM 11am - 3pm Dance classes starting 2 April Tantalising traditional dishes, singing, dancing and music. Taste the different varieties of Home Cooked Vegetarian Dishes from the diverse regions of India Call Liliana ADMISSION IS FREE EVERYONE IS WELCOME or email: lilianas@iinet.net.au Contact: Dr Kunalan 0410 423 358 - Jeyakumar 0408 916 658 Sidarth 0408 592 550 - Kumar 0417 929 934 Partner not required 0419 945 257 It’s ‘all-out war’ by CARMELO AMALFI IN the words of former mayor June Barton it is “all out war” at Melville city council, with three councillors targeted by the majority for wanting more transparency and freedom to speak openly about council issues. Cr Barton, a 25-year council veteran—made the comment to colleagues at Tuesday’s boisterous council meeting while objecting to the aggression meted out to her and Susanne Taylor-Rees and Nick Pazolli. Cr Pazolli had moved three amendments to the council’s controversial draft code of conduct, all of which were voted down. Things got ugly around the council table in front of two members of the public and the media after city ward Cr Duncan Macphail criticised the trio for not attending a workplace practices meeting in October. “That meeting was held two days before the local government election,” Cr Barton said. “I attend most meetings.” Cr Macphail continued, quoting from, “the front page of the Fremantle Herald, volume 24 number 41, Saturday, October 12, 2013”, as “evidence” supporting his allegation of misconduct • June Barton—a 25-year council veteran and former mayor being targeted for wanting to speak freely. against certain councillors. In that article, Cr Barton had called for councillors to have more freedom to speak openly to the press and constituents, and not be gagged. “That sort of conduct is why we have and must have and I will say unfortunately we need to have a code of conduct,” Cr Macphail said. Cr Barton objected: “If I had been charged with murder, I would have had a fairer trial, to be honest. I am very disappointed at the aggressiveness of tonight’s meeting. “We should be debating … the code of conduct, instead of that it’s all-out war and it’s certainly not necessary.” Mayor Russell Aubrey described Cr Barton’s objection Song preserves Noongar tongue • from page 1 her drive for more people to learn the language of this land: with as few as 250 people able to speak it fully remaining in the world, she sees her songs as a small step in the right direction. “[Noongar] is not critically endangered, it’s flat lining,” she warns, adding the death of every Aboriginal elder is another step towards its extinction. Her songs have a universal theme of love, loss and joy and follow four principles: koort (heart), moort (family), boodja (land) and koorlangka (children). “All the songs on the album are informed by one of those principles,” she says. Williams and Ghouse played to packed houses at the recent Nannup Festival and they will join Archie Roach for a national tour later in the year. “[Their] music…this is where the ancient meets the contemporary…it’s beautiful…I love it,” Roach says. Kalyakoorl also features • Gina Williams and Guy the talents of Russell Holmes (piano), Roy Martinez (bass), Arunachala Satgunasingam (percussion) and introduces Williams’ daughters Lauren and Bella McGill on backing vocals. Tickets $36 at the Fly door, Parry Street, Fremantle. as “unfair comment”. Cr Barton withdrew, saying she was offended by Cr Macphail’s veiled accusations. The meeting ended with Cr Trish Phelan suggesting the trio attend another session on the new code with governance and legal o cers: “There are only three people in this room who seem to have a problem with it,” she said. “They are the ones who need the session.” At the start of the meeting Cr Phelan had said she was dismayed, having read Cr Pazolli’s reasons for suggesting changes, “that a fellow councillor could even imagine that council, representing the community, could be encouraged to make a decision that would subjugate the interests of ratepayers”. “The idea that any council, past, present or future, would make decisions for itself or individuals … is totally delusional, and indeed is offensive to the people in this council,” she said. “I am absolutely appalled we are even discussing this.” Cr Pazolli asked Cr Phelan to withdraw the reference to “delusional”, but she did not because, “I was referring to an idea not a person and ideas haven’t actually complained tonight so I have nothing to apologise for”. VACANCIES NOW FOR KINDY, PRE PRIMARY, YEARS 3 - 4 Current Annual Fees: Primary $2490, Kindergarten $2370, Sibling Discounts Available FOR ALL REGISTRATION DETAILS PLEASE SEE THE COLLEGE WEBSITE Founded in 1989, New Life Christian College is passionate about children achieving academic, emotional, social, spiritual and physical success as they grow. Educating with excellence as preparation for life for children in Kindergarten to Year 7. 9430 6635 www.newlife.wa.edu.au WE’RE ADAMANTLY OPPOSED TO FORCED AMALGAMATION OF COUNCILS SUPPORTING LOCAL COMMUNITIES TO KEEP THEIR LOCAL COUNCIL Bank man’s senate bid • from page 1 and the banks are making record profits.” He says getting some fairness in the system will help the economy overall by keeping employers in business: “I was paying hundreds of thousands in tax, now I have nothing.” While successful minor parties are rare, he says “even if we don’t get in, it can catalyse the other parties into doing something”. Australian Voice party was one of the 30 micro parties in maths maestro Glenn Druery’s minor party alliance at the last election. Preference-wise it’ll send its votes this time round on to the anti carbon-taxers Freedom and Prosperity party, the Sustainable Population Party, the pro-housing affordability Building Australia Party, and the Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party. Despite the trouble with the National—won a heritage award for its restoration before it was sold from under him—he has no hard feelings for new owner Carnegies. “I’ve got no grudge against the people who’ve bought it,” he says, and when it opened, “I went there and had a meal”. “It’s a beautiful old building: I wish the owner well.” Show your support and find out more at: Lynn MacLaren Greens MLC WA @lynnmaclaren Email: southmetro2@mp.wa.gov.au Website: lynnmaclaren.org.au greenswa.org.au Authorised by L.MacLaren MLC. 445 Hay St Perth WA 6000 Authentic Italian Dishes Homemade Pasta • Fresh Local Seafood and Produce Excellent Customer Service TUESDAY NIGHT IS GNOCCHI NIGHT JUST $20.00 A la carte menu available at all times JOIN US AT SOUTH FREMANTLE FOOTBALL CLUB Steak or Fish + Chips & Salad JUST $20.00 Thursday 20th March Unit 4, 93 Petra St, East Fremantle | Phone 9339 0199 Open Tuesday - Sunday 6.30pm - Late & Wednesday - Friday Lunch* New trading hours as of Tuesday 18 March SENATOR SCOTT LUDLAM A STRONG ALTERNATIVE VOICE STANDING UP FOR WA VOTE 1 GREENS Authorised by J. McColl. The Greens (WA). 445 Hay Street, Perth 6000. greenswa.org.au Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 3 herald letters The Paper That Lives Here est. 1989 Newspaper House 37-45 Cliff Street Fremantle WA 6160 PO Box 85 North Fremantle, WA 6159 Ph: 9430 7727 Fax: 9430 7726 news@fremantleherald.com www.fremantleherald.com Publisher: The Herald Publishing Co. Pty Ltd Editor-in-chief: Andrew Smith Directors: Andrew Smith & Pip Thomson ACN: 009 416 620 EDITORIAL Living in our 70s FINE FURNITURE it’s German for Excellence WE are inner-city residents of Fremantle in our 70s. Just for the record, we were in favour of the Esplanade skate park and attended meetings to show our support. Unfortunately we were unable to attend the meeting regarding the proposed Arthur Head project but again are very much in favour of the council’s decision to continue with plans for the rejuvenation of the area. H & IL Johnston Marine Tce, Fremantle The hardest word to say? Handwerk Fine Furniture by Steffen Linke | 0424 609 694 info@handwerk.com.au | www.handwerk.com.au H AY E S AU C T I O N E E R S P T Y LT D Auctioneers & Valuers - Fine Art - Antiques - General Household The Property of a Professional Gentleman Antique Auction ON SITE AT HISTORIC ‘SUTTON LODGE’ 247 Thomas Street, Subiaco Quality Furniture, Fine Art, Marble Lamps and Statuary, Bronzes, Decorative Items, Silver and Objets D’art rd Sunday 23 March - 10am View Thur 20 Mar 10am-4pm Fri 21 Mar 10am-6pm Sat 22 Mar 10am-6pm Refreshments will be served See website for catalogue & preview Thursday prior www.hayesauctioneers.com.au Fortnightly Antique Auctions. Free Valuations 16.5% BUYERS PREMIUM APPLIES 122 Burswood Road, Burswood • Ph: 9355 2111 • Mob: 0408 190 948 WELL, Adele, I wonder when the apology to you will come? Brian Samson A Freo hero JAMES CALLIGARO (Herald, March 15, 2014) promoted my best-selling book, Fremantle Impressions. Other Fremantle writers, readers and just plain browsers owe James at New Edition bookshop similar huge debts. He is a Fremantle hero who has sacrificed his house and other securities to keep New Edition on the rails. Though the business is sound he has been crushed by huge rent increases. The Fremantle story. The Fremantle Dymocks suffered an earlier rent increase with closure to follow. Fremantle—the city of writers—is now without a bookshop. All writers will wish a new version of New Edition good luck when it opens in a few months on a different High Street site in a few months. Ron Davidson Fothergill St, Fremantle Imagine the heartache I AM wondering whether these anti-vaccination mothers (Herald letters, March 15, 2014) have any idea what life was like before vaccinations. I grew up in the 1930s. My mother was quite rightly worried about infections. I remember us three children had chicken pox, measles and German measles, one after the other. We were all quite sick but made full recoveries, partly I believe because of her good care. Luckily only one brother got mumps. Diphtheria, scarlet fever and polio, although not so prevalent, were always around somewhere. The transmission of these infections was not always well understood. My mother, being vigilant, banned us from going to some crowded places for fear of infection. Later, I was a social worker in the section of a hospital treating patients battling disabilities resulting from having contracted polio. Page 4 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 The physiotherapist, occupational therapist and I worked with families to alleviate their problems. I remember one beautiful teenager who was so brave but died from her severe disabilities. I urge these anti-vaccination mothers to imagine the worry and hard work of being a mother before vaccinations. Roma Lewi Orana Cres, Brentwood Reserve accomodation YOUR article on the homeless (Herald, March 15, 2014) is not confined to Fremantle, Cockburn and Kwinana. Applecross foreshore has been home to at least four young people this summer, including a gentleman who is obviously suffering mental problems. There has also been a man living in his car. It is easy to pretend it isn’t happening: sadly this is not the case. Corinne O’Hehir Grosse Rd, Applecross Police peddle oppression MY name is James and I have recently been issued three fines ($200 total) by police for riding through Fremantle on my push bike on Friday March 14. As a Fremantle resident and passionate cyclist I am deeply upset by the aggressive and unreasonable behaviour of Fremantle police. I was under the impression Fremantle was a bike-friendly city where cyclists can enjoy riding without feeling like a criminal. I was fined $50 for not having a bell! I can deal with the $50 for no helmet, but no bell is going too far. I feel oppressed and persecuted for being a cyclist in Freo. As health issues such as heart disease and obesity are on the rise, cyclists should be encouraged and given incentives to ride their push bikes in our great city. Is there any way Fremantle can relax the bell laws? James Dolin Fremantle Stop the dogs HMMM, now let me see: we have a little stretch of beach called South Beach, sandwiched in between two greater dog beaches, and apart from that, a little stretch of smelly, pee-ridden sand (well this time of year it is) called Bathers Beach...and that’s it. So how has it come about that people still allow dogs onto South Beach? It’s about time the Fremantle council stop dogs using the beach a few metres north of South Beach altogether when they can instead use the dog beach just a few metres away to the south of South Beach. This is madness. Robin Tennant Edmund St, Fremantle Editor: Andrew Smith Chief of Sta & Production Editor: Steve Grant Hobart Desk / Editorial Production: Brian Mitchell Journalists: Jenny D’Anger, Carmelo Amalfi, David Bell Photographer: Matthew Dwyer Cartoonist: Ange, Chatfield Story Deadline: Wed. noon ADMINISTRATION Business Development Director: Bryan Zemunik Reception: Alana Christian, Emily Templeton-Knight ADVERTISING Director: Natalie Hug Assistant to Director: Melanie Buljan Real Estate: Natalie Hug Display Advertising: Elin McCarthy, Myra Oudendijk Ad Copy Control: Rosie Smith, Julie Rainbow Trades & Services: Daisy Smith, Bryan Zemunik Classifieds: Daisy Smith Ads Deadline: Tues. noon PRODUCTION Production Manager: Matthew Eeles Graphic Design: Nibha Mehra, Fernanda Herrmann, Helena Tay ACCOUNTS Director: Christine Smith Assistants: Janelle Tester, Molly Brown DISTRIBUTION Manager: Marie King Assistants: Stephanie Campbell, Dave D’Anger & an army of locals! Transport: Ron Fowler WEBSITE www.fremantleherald.com Administrator: Matthew Eeles Programmer: Stephen Pollock We publish four separate editions every weekend which carry local and regional news and advertising. Beaconsfield, East Fremantle, Fremantle, Hilton, North Fremantle, O’Connor, Samson, South Fremantle, White Gum Valley 19,743 papers (Sept 2013)* Atwell, Aubin Grove, Beeliar, Bibra Lake, Cockburn, Coogee, Coolbellup, Hamilton Hill, Hammond Park, Jandakot, Munster, North Lake, South Lake, Spearwood, Success, Yangebup 22,670 papers (Sept 2013)* Applecross to Bicton Alfred Cove, Applecross, Ardross, Attadale, Bicton, Booragoon, Brentwood, Melville, Mount Pleasant Myaree, Palmyra Leeming to Kardinya Bateman, Bull Creek, Kardinya, Leeming, Murdoch, Willagee, Winthrop 38,960 papers (Sept 2013)* *Some areas delivered fortnightly. Total Herald circulation: 81,373 SEPT 2013* We also publish the Perth Voice, which is letterbox-delivered every week to more than 37,700 homes and businesses through Perth’s inner-northern suburbs (Leederville, Perth, Mt Lawley, etc) Total Voice circulation: 37,702 SEPT 2013* *CAB Audited herald thinking allowed Sun sets on support claims I N recent weeks the mayor, most councillors, senior council o cers and the Sunset Events company have constantly asserted in public statements, briefing documents and social media there is majority public support in Fremantle for the development of a large tavern and music venue on the A-class reserve at Arthur Head. Such assertions are a grossly misleading assessment of the so-called responses in the “community consultation process”. Any fair examination of the formally submitted responses and public meetings readily reveals there was no such degree of support, neither quantitatively nor qualitatively, but rather massive opposition. Responses in support are predominantly from outside Fremantle and lack substance. Close examination reveals that of the 268 responses suggested to be in support of the development, 234 consist of mainly one-line responses (some go up to four) by a single individual. Facebook These were almost entirely generated on specific days as a direct result of Sunset Events advertising on the company website and Facebook page in support of its proposal. Sunset Events instigated its advertising campaign to generate supportive comments on its corporate website on January 12 under the heading “NEW Sunset Events VENUE! HELP US PLEASE!” and directed readers by link to the comment form on the City of Fremantle website. The vast majority of these “supporting” responses show little consideration of the issues and were from outside Fremantle and East Fremantle (at least 74 per cent from outside) and clearly lack an appreciation of the area in question. Responses against came from the Fremantle area, were carefully considered and were supported by greater numbers. Responses against the proposal, which the city listed and treated as an individual or single response included: MARYROSE BAKER is the convenor of the Fremantle Inner City Residents Association. She says Fremantle council has misrepresented the levels of public support and opposition for plans for a tavern at J-Shed, and argues opposition is massive and widespread throughout the port city. • a petition of 200 signatures opposing the proposal collected by the Fremantle Inner City Residents Association (FICRA). This petition was not originally acknowledged by the senior council o cer in the o cial report on the community consultation for this development and was only incorporated into a second draft at FICRA’s insistence; • a 10-page submission from the Fremantle Residents and Ratepayers Association, representing ratepayers and residents from across the city opposed to the proposal; • a 4-page submission from the Fremantle Society, representing members from across the city and beyond, opposed to the proposal; • a 7-page submission from FICRA, representing residents in the inner city, opposed to the proposal. Some 800 innercity residents and a very well attended FICRA meeting held on January 15 considered and authorised the submission. • an elaborate one-page submission from the Fremantle Volunteer Heritage Guides Association, representing some 30 to 40 volunteer guides who operate at the Round House, opposed the development. According to the council’s corporate services director, those five considered and detailed submissions, from organisations with a combined membership of more than one thousand people, were counted as just five votes and given no more weight than one-line submissions from Sunset Events’ Facebook friends. In addition to this, it was later discovered several letters opposing the proposal, including one from the Royal Western Australian Historical Society (Inc), had not been counted at all because they had been mislaid by the council. They were only found at all when it was pointed out they had not been included in the published lists of submissions. Any fair tabulation of the responses opposing the Sunset Events proposal, as represented by the submissions listed above, Denture Clinic Repairs While You Wait Veterans Affairs Second store COMING SOON to 83 George St East Fremantle! clearly demonstrate there was (and is) much greater opposition to the proposal than there was support. The treatment of the submissions against the proposal has been grossly misleading. Moreover, almost all the individual responses tabled against the proposal and in addition to those listed above, were lengthy and gave detailed consideration to the issues. Just about all responses in support of the proposal gave no detailed consideration to the proposal whatever, the vast majority being merely one- or two-line responses directed from the Sunset Events website. The level of opposition to the proposal in Fremantle was made most evident at the special electors’ meeting on Monday, February 24 in the Fremantle Town Hall with 200 people attending. Open 9.30 - 5.30 Saturdays & weekdays & 10 - 5 Sundays 105 South Terrace, Fremantle 9430 4999 Electors beautiful clothing + exquisite homewares + fresh flowers FICRA called this meeting by tabling a request, as directed under the Local Government Act, with 100 signatures to council. The meeting was widely advertised and open to the public, though only Fremantle electors could vote. A motion was passed by 176 in favour and seven against calling upon the council to reject the Sunset proposal. On a question from the floor, as to where people were from, approximately one half were from the inner-city and the other half from the broader Fremantle council area. The meeting again clearly demonstrated the massive opposition to the proposal from throughout Fremantle already evident in any fair assessment of the submissions. The council and its o cers involved in the promotion of the proposed large tavern at J-Shed have adopted a grossly misleading assessment of public attitudes in Fremantle to this development at Arthur Head. It raises real issues as to due process, representation of the electorate, and the farce of community consultation. www.indiandem.com.au 50% off summer clothing sale starts saturday 1+3 wray ave, fremantle ph 6219 5056 31 angove st, north perth ph 9328 6690 wear + wares www.pekho.com SPEARWOOD Stalls, fun activities, food and drinks for all! G FETE! FUNDTHRAISIN 2014 30 MARCH 9AM - 2PM • Family portraits photo shoots by Advanced Life Photography. Choose from an A3 pencil sketch or a 10x13 family portrait, along with a key ring and a wallet sized portrait for $15. • “Happy Feet” will be attending to say hello to all the boys and girls!! • Lots of activities for the children such as face painting, a bouncing castle, mini cupcake decoration, as well as playing in our great outdoor area!! • Sausage sizzle, bites to eat and refreshments. • Stalls from local community members. See you there! Phone: 9434 3167 267 Rockingham Road, Spearwood • littlepeoplesplace@westnet.com.au 25 years exp. Rod Herbert Denture Clinic 199 High Street, Fremantle 9335 3317 INTRODUCING REALITY THE NEW FRAGRANCE BY KALVIN CLEIN IN STORES NOW. Normal - from $15 per m2 Persian - from $20 per m2 Silk Persian - from $30 per m2 OTHER SERVICES AVAILABLE Cleaning Fringes (hand washed) Deodorising Pick Up & Delivery (extra) 26 Murphy St, O’Connor • 0499 774 652 www.pressurevac.net.au Open Saturday only 8am-12noon Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 5 Kitchens, Portelli Bathrooms on border warpath by CARMELO AMALFI & Laundries COCKBURN councillors are in open conflict over boundary reform, with Steve Portelli demanding that Lee-Anne Smith (right) excuse herself from mergerrelated talks because she cannot be trusted. Remodelled Designed + installed by WA’s longest registered builder. 63 years Building Experience Complete service from start to finish. All trades included. Kitchens normally 2 day change over. I supply all materials & charge at cost All mature age top tradesmen No mess No problems “I will assist & advise you during the entire Cupboards made process. Leave the to measure work to me.” Low overheads Malcolm Malcolm Builder Ph: 9498 7110 | 0417 170 931 Cr Portelli says Cr Smith has admitted to receiving private briefings from Kwinana, whose submission recommends northwards expansion to Coogee, with Fremantle expanding south to take the rest, and Cockburn simply ceasing to exist. Cr Smith confirms she’d received a briefing from Kwinana CEO Joanne Abbiss and mayor Carol Adams, after she’d missed a community briefing. “They gave me exactly the same briefing and the same powerpoint they showed the community,” she said. “I did not receive a financial briefing. I just wanted more information.” She’s refusing to step aside, saying there is nothing underhand about talking to neighbouring councils. In state parliament, Cockburn Labor MP Fran Logan again called on the Barnett government to keep its mitts off one of “Australia’s most financially viable” local governments. But WA local government minister Tony Simpson accused councils such as Cockburn of wasting ratepayers’ money in fighting the changes. Cockburn has spent $70,000 so far opposing its proposed dissolution. NEW D N BRA 2 A D Z T A R M O P S NEO • Kulbardi CEO Kim Collard, ICG CEO Kali Balint and Jennie Hutchinson from Svitzer. Kulbardi’s red letter day A FREMANTLE company has helped broker a major breakthrough for Aboriginal business. Last month stationery and o ce equipment supplier Kulbardi made its first delivery to marine contractor Svitzer’s Fremantle o ce. Last week it also signed a deal to supply oil and gas giant Chevron’s St George’s Terrace o ce tower. Kulbardi is majority-owned by Noongar elder Kim Collard’s family trust, and Mr Collard is its CEO. He says indigenous businesses have had a tough time in Australia, often facing attacks from both the white and black communities. Kulbardi also breaks the mould of Aboriginal companies focusing on employment or training services, he says, competing with conglomerates on a purely commercial basis. Kulbardi is a joint venture with giant o ce supplies company Quick Corporate, the deal brokered by Kali Balint’s Fremantle-based Inidigenous Consulting Group. Roe 8 on radar by CARMELO AMALFI NEW WA treasurer Mike Nahan says Roe Highway stage 8 will be completed to overturn the planning “bastardry” of previous Labor governments. When Labor MP Rita Saffioti asked when the Barnett government would commit funds to its construction, he replied, “how many sleeps to Christmas? Wait and see.” The Riverton MP told parliament Wednesday Roe 8 had been a defining difference between the Liberal and Labor parties for more than a decade. He described Labor’s decision to axe the Fremantle eastern bypass—the southern extension of Stirling Highway through White Gum Valley—as one of the worst acts of planning bastardry in WA, followed closely by the “spaghetti junction” where Roe 7 and Kwinana Freeway now meet. He says he will work with premier Colin Barnett and “compatriot” Alfred Cove MP Dean Nalder to start Roe 8, even if opposition MPs and protestors sit in front of bulldozers. Dr Nahan says Labor also chose the site for the new Fiona Stanley Hospital in Murdoch, creating traffic congestion that is costing millions of dollars to manage. The M in Jap azda2 is m a rely o n, so you ade c n of bu the quali an forwa ild and lo ty rd t ok resaleo excellen t value . 5 Star Safety with 6 Airbags Sporty 1.5lt Petrol Engine BT-50 XT 4x4 Cab chassis > 2.5m alloy tray > 3. 2lt turbo dies > 6 speed manual > 3.5t towing capa el > Trailer sway co ntrol > Bluetootcity h Drive 34,9 9 0 aw ay $ USB/Aux Input SPECIAL ECIAL Factory PRICE PRIC Alloy Wheels Cruise Control SPECIAL PECIAL PRICE PRIC SPECIAL PRICE Cool Air Conditioning SPECIAL PRICE HURRY! from $15,690 Drive Away Melville Page 6 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 BT-50 XT-R 4x4 Dual Ca > Automatic > turb b o diesel > 17” alloy wheel s > sat nav > Side steps > dual zone climat e control Drive 46,8 9 0 aw ay $ 9319 1500 www.melvillemazda.com.au 385 CANNING HWY, MELVILLE 032514-315 WHAT’S NEW A HERALD PROMOTIONAL FEATURE ? What are the options my child for at high school? The greater Fremantle region will see a brand new high school open within the next 12 months. Fremantle Christian College, a new, independent, non-government junior and senior high school is preparing to start in 2015. The first intake will be Year 7 students, subject to approval from the Minister of Education. The high school will be built on a site near the corner of Carrington Street and Rockingham Road where the primary school, New Life Christian College, currently operates. The recent decision to re-brand New Life “The response to our proposal has been very encouraging. I don’t think I realised when we started this process how well the news would be received by the wider Fremantle community. Families in the region are looking for education options, especially when it comes to high schools. In the current set up, many parents are forced to look outside the Fremantle area to secure a place for their child at a secondary school that offers the things they are seeking,” Julie explained. The application for a change of registration is currently sitting with the “Families in the region are looking for education options, especially when it comes to high schools.” Christian College and incorporate it into the larger Fremantle Christian College will give the college a clear regional identity and fresh new beginning. “Changing the registration of New Life Christian College to facilitate the development of a high school is something that has been discussed in recent years by the governing bodies of the college. Regular enquiries from parents has raised the discussion again, leading to this application,” said chair of the steering team, Julie Hollett. Julie Hollett with Joel, Emerson and Jude. values with clear boundaries, in a spirit of excellence, to deliver these outcomes.” The fees for Year 7 students in 2015 have been set at $3700. Sibling discounts are applicable where two or more children are enrolled in the primary school. Information nights for Fremantle Christian College are scheduled and parents across the area are encouraged to register their interest or to request further information by emailing fremantlecc@gmail.com non-government schools’ regulation committee. Mrs Hollett says she is quietly confident that the proposal will be approved, allowing Fremantle Christian College to launch with a class of Year 7 students next year. Fremantle Christian College is committed to providing open enrolment, high quality education in a safe, inclusive learning environment for all students. “This is what every parent is looking for,” Mrs Hollett said. “And Fremantle Christian College is dedicated to upholding positive Information Night Thursday 10 April 7.30 - 8.30pm Everyone is welcome. Refreshments will be served. For a confidential chat about the secondary college, please call experienced educator and steering team member, Mr Mike Smith, on 0419 147 722. Fremantle Christian College 110 Rockingham Road HAMILTON HILL For enquiries or to register your interest please call or email: Mr Mike Smith on 0419 147 722 or fremantlecc@gmail.com Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 7 Quality Fresh Fruit and Vegetables EVERYTHING YOU NEED UNDER ONE ROOF GRISSINI BREAD STICKS RISCOSSA POTATO GNOCCHI 1 1 $ 69 $ 99 500g LONGOBARDI PEELED/DICED TOMATOES SANT’ ALBERTO PASTA 89 69 ¢ FILIPPO BERIO EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL 700g can ¢ 3 KING OSCAR SARDINES $ 99 1 99 19 $ $ 99 12 $ 99 kg $ 49 250g 5 $ 99 500g pkt 14 $ 99 3lt 2 BE PUR COCONUT WATER 3 $ 99 320g 1 CASHEWS SALTED FILIPPO BERIO OLIVE OIL 185g can $ 99 1kg bag 750ml $ 99 105g CHICCO D’ORO COFFEE 90 1 $ 99 SIRENA TUNA IN OIL 1 195g MONDO DORO PREMIUM LEG HAM 3lt $ 99 100g ESPRESSO COFFEE BEANS WATTLE VALLEY GREEK FETTA 2 99 FRAMAR CORNICHONS BABY GHERKINS 500ml FRIENDSHIP $ DANISH BLUE CHEESE 2 16 $ 500g COLAVITA BALSAMIC VINEGAR 125g S.PELLEGRINO SPARKLING MINERAL WATER 4KG POTATOES 2 $ 69 4kg bag 1lt LETTUCE 99 ¢ ea PRE PACKED BROWN ONIONS 99 ¢ 2kg bag Follow us on Facebook 19 WRAY AVENUE, FREMANTLE • PH 9430 8590 OPEN 7 DAYS MON - FRI 7.30 - 6.30pm SAT 7.30am - 6pm SUN 8am - 6pm Page 8 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 ‘Unapprovable’ approved “YOUR GATEWAY TO THE STARS” weekly classes running now FREE TRIAL LESSON by CLARE KENYON A PROPOSED five-storey hotel for Pakenham Street in Fremantle’s West End sailed through a council committee this week. Deemed “unapprovable” by mayor Pettit in November, the reworked application includes the partial demolition of a 1930s warehouse to make way for 73 apartments, a cafe, a conference room and a roof terrace. Countering criticism of the lack of proposed car bays—a “car stacker” from an early iteration has been replaced with bike racks—Cr Jon Strachan says residents are more likely to use public transport and bikes rather than cars. Cr Rachel Pemberton initially moved to amend the top floor, concerned that seeing the fifth storey from the street might change the feel of the conservationlisted area, but failed to win support. • Confidence Building • Developing Theatre Skills • Use Of Creative Space & Imagination • Acting Techniques (Method Acting) • Character & Emotional Expression • Drama/Improv Games • Use Of Costumes/Props • Script Work • Stage Productions & Lots More Council planning and development director Philip St John acknowledged Fremantle Society concerns but says the plans are a better heritage outcome as the extra height allows the developer to preserve more of the facade. “What we have now is a much better building and allows for the heritage facade to keep on living,” mayor Brad Pettitt said. “I support Cr Pemberton’s intent, but the intent doesn’t work on this occasion.” Dr Pettitt promised it wouldn’t open the way for further changes to the West End. Privacy gets the chop by STEVE GRANT TIM BAILEY can no longer hang out his washing in his undies. Five weeks ago East Fremantle town council ripped out a hedge separating his property and Kitson Park, ruining the privacy of his tiny backyard. “We don’t use out here any more because the 20 people who use the steps every day can look straight into our backyard,” he fumed to the Herald. “My kids don’t want to go out here because they say strangers are looking at them.” He says wife Fiona had been contacted by a council staffer who’d said only that a few weeds and some palm trees damaging the steps would be removed. No-one mentioned the metre-high hedge getting the chop, he says. • Tim Bailey is fuming. When he rang to complain he says he was told the council was working on a master plan for the park and no assurances about remedying the loss of privacy could be offered. He stuck up his own fence, earning the ire of council officials, who threatened to prosecute him as it was on council land. Eventually a compromise of sorts was reached, with safety bunting erected to prevent people tumbling over the steep drop into his property. The council’s planning manager Jamie Douglas told the Herald the hedge was removed to check the structural integrity of the wall. Only then could they work out what to do with the area, which is undergoing a major upgrade. He says it’s a great, but underutilised park and the works should make it a great place for locals to hang out and enjoy its river views. He says plans will go before the council on April 1 and, yes, Mr Bailey’s privacy will be one of the considerations. Mr Douglas insists Mr Bailey was told about the removal of the hedge, which is an invasive weed. Give your business some extra juice! With our new 4 Week Business Booster package. Here’s what you get... 5000 Flyers Double sided colour DL flyers. Including production. Delivered to your specified suburbs Three 10x3 Ads Appearing in our Who? What? Where? feature. 10cm H x 11cm W colour ad Feature Article 100 word story or photo appearing along with your advert each week. A great way to tell your story HE NG T I T C PE RES T PA S MELVILLE REC CENTRE (Cnr Stock Rd & Canning Hwy) WEDNESDAYS JUNIORS (5yrs - 8yrs) 4:30pm - 5:30pm & (9yrs - 11yrs) 5:30pm - 6:30pm SENIORS (12yrs - 16yrs) 6:30pm - 7:30pm Please Contact Emma Perks - Managing Director 0407 387 299 emma@star-gate.com.au www.star-gate.com.au CAR WASH & DETAILING OLD OR NEW WE SHINE THEM ALL! • Wash and Shine PICK UP & • Comprehensive Detailing DELIVERY E FROM HOM • New Car Paint Protection OR WORK • Leather Treatment Log on • Engine Clean and see our special • Add value for re-sale packages www.realshine.com.au 1/109 Garling St, O’Connor Phone 6161 3144 UT HE F T R FO ING D I V P RO URE You are inviited Y d to havee yo your say ay on fu futu turee town to w plaann wn nnin ingg fo forr Ea East st Fre rema mant ntle le.. T e Co Th Coun unci c l wi ci w lll be ru r nn n ingg a co comm mmun unitty coonssul u ta tation on pro rogr g am which ch wilil co c mm mmence c in Ma March. h h. C un Co unci cill ha hass un unde deerttak aken enn a Tow wn Pl P an anni ning ngg Rev evie iew w wh w ic ich ha hass exxam amin ined ed thee cur urre rent nt Loc o al Pla lann n ingg Sttrateegyy and pro r po p see cha hang nges ges ttoo the h Tow wn Pl Plan anni an ning ng Sch chem eme. e. The Tow ownn Pl Plan anni ning ng Rev evieew wi willl gui uide de the the h deve de velo lopm p en pm entt an andd grrow o th of Ea East st Fremaant n le for o the nextt 10 years andd beyond. A ra rang ngge of com ommu muni mu n ty dis ni ispllay a eveent ntss ha have v bee ve een or o ga gani niseed. #1 Saturday 15/3/14, 2.30 - 4.30pm, East Fremantle Tennis Club, Petra St. #2 Sunday 16/3/14, 9 – 11am, FoodWorks, Silas St. Commercial Precinct #3 Thursday 20/3/14, 2.30 – 4.30pm, Glasson Park, George St. #4 Saturday 22/3/14, 9 – 11am, Glasson Park, George St. #5 Saturday 22/3/14, 12.30 – 2.30pm, Fresh Provisions, Canning Hwy. #6 Tuesday 25/3/14, 9 – 11am, Glyde-In, Glyde St. All this for $1500 Normally valued at $2560. Save $1060 Campaign is for one edition. Additional editions at $660 gst included. To book your package today or for more information Phone 9430 7727 TOWN OF EAST FREMANTLE advertising@fremantleherald.com advertising@perthvoice.com Herald The FREMANTLE .com Perth Voice .com TOWN PLANNING REVIEW Look out for information on these events and opportunities and have your say on the Council’s website: www.eastfremantle.wa.gov.au or for more information on the community displays please contact Warren Giddens from ConsultWG on 0457 025980 or email hello@consultwg.com.au Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 9 Hazards focus by STEVE GRANT FREMANTLE councillor Rachel Pemberton was knocked off her bike this week, the second time in three months she’s been skittled. Dismissing the incident on South Terrace as a “genuine accident”, Cr Pemberton says it nonetheless highlights that improved cycling rates in the city must be matched by more driver awareness. “My fall was broken by the car, which gently lowered me down onto the street,” she laughed. “We have spent a lot of time and effort making Fremantle more bikefriendly, and that’s why I wanted to make mention of this incident in the middle of bike week—to highlight to drivers that they have to be aware that there are more cyclists around now. “We are really pleased the rate of cycling has been going up.” Coincidentally, the bike-mad councillor attended workshops this week aimed at making the city’s cycling infrastructure safer. “We spent a lot of time o n Wr a y Avenue, as it’s an area prone to problems,” she said. T h e r e was general agreement to look at “soft treatments” to reduce tra c speed. These could include a roundabout at the intersection with Attfield Street, pedestrian crossings, changed surfaces or bike logos to alert drivers. Another hotspot is the southern end of the old Fremantle tra c bridge, listed as the 18th busiest cycling area in Australia in last year’s “super-Tuesday” bike count. “But it’s a disaster,” Cr Pemberton says, adding she’s been asking Main Roads for minor safety amendments for 18 months. “We rode there and tried to cross, and realised there was no easy way.” • Fremantle councillors and staff take a tour of the city’s cycling hotspots. Photo supplied LUNCH SPECIAL Monday to Friday 11am to 3pm Your choice of 3 dishes 17 $ 95* 1m matters by STEVE GRANT DRIVERS who come within a metre of cyclists on suburban roads will face fines up to $2500 under a law introduced into WA’s parliament by the Greens this week. The one-clause law seeks to introduce a new section into the road tra c act making it an offence to drive within a metre of cyclists on roads where the speed limit is 60kph or below, and 1.5m for all other roads. Fremantle-based Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren says current laws are vague, only telling drivers to leave a “safe” distance. She says her bill will be a cheap way to reduce accidents involving cars and lead to better driver education. Last year 1300 people were hospitalised for bike accidents in WA, with 90 per cent hit by cars. 9336 7161 42 Mews Road Fishing Boat Harbour, Fremantle Friendly Service + Delicious Food | Relaxed Atmosphere contact: jfs@arach.net.au Page 10 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 www.meterboxsecurity.com.au E: meterboxsecurity@bigpond.com 2544928 2544928 *Not available on public holidays or with any other discount offer. by CLARE KENYON THE Striker Balance Action group has fallen short of raising enough funds to mount a legal challenge against the development of the old Striker Pavilion in Alfred Cove. Organiser Geoff Pearson held a stall out the front of his house Wednesday evening, hoping to raise enough money to force a 14-day “stay” on a state administrative tribunal hearing due to determine the development on Friday. Mr Pearson was hoping to use the stay to explore options to fight the decision, which has angered the neighbourhood because it breaks Melville council’s rules on height and bulk. The group raised $4160 but Mr Pearson says it isn’t enough to mount the challenge. On March 10 the local development assessment panel approved the 84-apartment complex proposal, despite overwhelming community opposition and breaches of local planning guidelines. The decision must go before the SAT for rubber-stamping. The action group this week flooded ministers’ o ces with calls and letters • “Donate here to stop the madness”—Geoff Pearson and members of the Alfred Cove community have failed to raise enough cash for a legal challenge. Photo by Clare Kenyon objecting to the project. “We are not throwing in the towel just yet, we will reassess our options and make a last-ditch effort to get some decency happening here,” Mr Pearson said. Councillor Cliff Collinson’s house in King Street was built in 1910 and is on the list already. He says the mix of old and new is what makes East Fremantle so special and it’s important to preserve history, even if it’s not of statewide heritage significance. “I don’t think the list will change too much,” Cr Collinson told the Herald. “My house is a category A house so I am not worried about it, it becomes borderline with the B and C categories. “Personally I would like to save all the categories, I think Cs are still part of our heritage too, but unfortunately we are losing them under the current system.” A member of the council planning committee, he says applications still come in for the demolition of turn-of-the-20thcentury weatherboard workers’ cottages. “To me these are the ones I feel most upset about losing,” he says. “If we update everything and get the lists upgraded there is much more protection against people who want to demolish.” Town mayor Jim O’Neill says the lists help the council decide what’s most important. All owners of properties on the lists, or proposed to be on them, will be advised. Doomed town review by CLARE KENYON EAST FREMANTLE is reviewing its local heritage list, as it faces the all-but certain likelihood it will soon cease to exist as a municipality. The town council is keen to review its municipal heritage inventory and create a town planning scheme heritage list ahead of amalgamation with Fremantle. The list will guide planning and development in the town both before and—the council hopes—after amalgamation. www.ritmocalientedanceacademy.com.au Protest strikes out Let’s Dance! NEW ! VENUE Best classes in Perth and Bachata Dance classes starting 2 April Partner not required Call Liliana 0419 945 257 or email: lilianas@iinet.net.au T T O H E S ACH BEACH H EACH HOACH HOT H HOTELH HOTEL HOTEL SOOTEL SOUTEL SOUTEL SOUTH SOUTH C L B O T E H OUTHL SOUTH SOUTH B OUTH BEAUTH BEACTH BEACH BEACH BEACH H EACH HO CH HOTE H HOTE C H A HOTE H HOTEL HOTEL SHOTEL SO TEL SOU EL SOUT L SOUTH SOUTH B OUTH BE UTH BEA TH BEAC T O E C S H L O U T H O E S H A C L U O O T E H C E A L S H B BEA OTE TEL EAC HOT CH H EL SO H BE ACH H HO SOUTEL SOUTH SOUTH B OUTH BE UTH BEA TH BEAC H BEACH BEACH H EACH HOACH HOT CH HO S B O T U E H A T EL H HOACH HOT H HOTEL HOTEL SHOTEL SOOTEL SOUTEL SOUTEL SOUTH SOUTH BSOUTH BE UTH BEA H BE UTH BEACTH BEACH BEACH BEACH H EACH HO CH HOT H HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL SOOTEL SO L SO TEL SOU EL SOUTHL SOUTH SOUTH B UTH BEA TH BEACTH BEACH BEACH BEACH H EACH H U O H O T CH H EACH HO CH HOTECH HOTEL HOTEL SHOTEL SOOTEL SOUTEL SOUT L SOUTH SOUTH BOUTH B TH B UTH BEAUTH BEA 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BE H BE UTH BEA TH BEAC H BEACH BEACH H EACH HO CH HOT H HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL SOOTEL SO A C H T E B U H O H H A C B S U T E H O C H A H S B L O T U E H A E EL BE LS UT SO TH EAC OU HB ACH 396 South Terrace, South Fremantle Ph: 9335 2088 - sbh.net.au Weddings, Parties, Anything! NEW N SEASO OW N K STOC TORE IN S The perfect outfit for any occasion Welwyn Ave Shopping Centre, MANNING - 9450 4533 Expansive range of shoes, bags and jewellery • • • • • • • • • • • • Banana Blue Black Pepper Frank Lyman Marco Polo Meredith Mesop Seven Sisters Verge Vivid Wooden Ships Yarra Trail Vigorella O’ Briens Clothing Co | 33 Welwyn Avenue, Manning | 9450 4533 Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 11 FREMANTLE CENTRAL PHARMACY *OFFER VALID FROM 21/3/14 UNTIL 2/5/14 OR WHILE STOCKS LAST, SUBJECT TO STOCK AVAILABILITY. PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE By Givenchy EDP 100ml 79 Mademoiselle Ricci By Nina Ricci EDP 80ml CRAZY PRICE! $ $ EDT 75ml $ CRAZY PRICE! $ Echo By Davidoff EDP 100ml $ EDT 75ml CRAZY PRICE! $ $ EDT 100ml $ By YSL EDT 90ml EDP 100ml $ CRAZY PRICE! 79 Daisy EDT 100ml 49 Youth Dew Champs-Elysees By Guerlain EDT 100ml EDP 67ml CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! 59 $ $ By Selena Gomez Tresor By Lancome EDP 100ml $ EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ EDP 90ml For Women $ CRAZY PRICE! 89 CRAZY PRICE! 59 Je Reviens 89 49 EDT 75ml CRAZY PRICE! $ $ 79 Nero Assoluto EDP 100ml $ First 19 OPEN 7 DAYS By Roberto Cavalli EDP 75ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 89 Ma Griffe EDP 100ml 39 EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 49 Samsara By Guerlain EDP 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 79 Down Town By Calvin Klein EDP 90ml CRAZY PRICE! $ Poême By Lancôme EDP 100ml 69 CRAZY PRICE! $ CRAZY PRICE! 59 Burberry Brit Mon-Sat 8.30am - 7pm Sun/Pub Hol 10am - 7pm Page 12 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 29 Shalimar By Guerlain 29 By Guerlain 79 Opposite Bank West & Commonwealth Bank $ Guilty Intense Champs-Elysees Gucci EDP 75ml Shop 1, Cnr Cantonment & Queen Streets PH 9335 2786 EDP 100ml CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! 45 CRAZY PRICE! Pretty Hot EDP 100ml $ 79 By Elizabeth Arden 59 Vivamore $ CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! $ 59 EDP 100ml EDT 75ml EDT 100ml 69 $ 49 By Kenzo By Vivienne Westwood CRAZY PRICE! By Ralph Lauren $ CRAZY PRICE! 79 Flower 90ml Cheeky Alice 49 Ralph CRAZY PRICE! $ CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! $ CRAZY PRICE! EDP 100ml EDT 65ml $ 69 By Versace EDT EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! Yellow Diamond Viva La Juice $ By Marc Jacobs $ 99 Bvlgari Omnia Green Jade 89 Madame Rochas EDP 100ml CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! $ $ D&G Pour Femme EDP 75ml 33 Narciso Rodriguez For Her 39 CRAZY PRICE! 25 EDT 100ml $ $ CRAZY PRICE! Anais Anais $ 79 Guess Girl Opium CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! $ 39 Volupte 89 Gucci Rush 89 EDT 100ml EDP 75ml EDP 100ml Hugo Boss Cerruti 1881 Pour Femme EDT 100ml Nuit 95 Romeo Gigli CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! $ $ EDP 75ml CRAZY PRICE! EDP 80ml 39 Armani Code EDT 100ml By Paco Rabanne CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! Oscar Lady Million 79 79 Honey By Marc Jacobs Clinique Aromatics Mont Blanc Elixir EDP 100ml Individuelle Femme 69 49 $ CRAZY PRICE! By Oscar de la Renta $ EDP 100ml CRAZY PRICE! EDP 75ml CRAZY PRICE! $ Agent Provocatuer Gucci Flora Organza 89 White Linen EDP 60ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 69 Dolce & Gabbana The One Desire EDP 75ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 89 Ralph Lauren Romance EDP 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 45 CRAZY PRICE! $ 89 STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY Fremantle Central Pharmacy only carries and sells 100% genuine designer fragrances. Our products are sourced from reputable suppliers. All our products are backed by a 100% Guarantee of Authenticity. TOP BRANDS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES *OFFER VALID FROM 21/3/14 UNTIL 2/5/14 OR WHILE STOCKS LAST, SUBJECT TO STOCK AVAILABILITY. PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE Rochas Man Mont Blanc Presence EDT 100ml EDT 75ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 39 Hugo XY EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 49 Dunhill Custom EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 49 Azzaro Pour Homme EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 39 Rocawear 9IX EDT 100ml 49 Issey Miyake Pour Homme EDT 125ml 39 EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! 39 $ CRAZY PRICE! $ $ 69 Boss Number One EDT 125ml CRAZY PRICE! $ EDT 125ml CRAZY PRICE! Paco Rabanne Pour Homme EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 45 Spicebomb By Victor & Rolf EDT CRAZY PRICE! 39 D&G The One Men EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! 69 $ EDT 100ml Bang By Marc Jacobs EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 59 Altamir By Ted Lapidus EDT 125ml CRAZY PRICE! $ Nautica Voyage 49 One Man Show EDT 100ml 38 CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! $ 18 Tsar By Van Cleef & Arpels EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! 39 Acqua Di Gio For Men EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! 29 $ YSL Pour Homme 1 Million $ EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 39 By YSL EDT 100ml 79 By Paco Rabanne EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 79 “We Are NOT The Warehouse Chemist !” CRAZY PRICE! $ By Davidoff EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! EDT 90ml 39 Cerruti 1881 Pour Homme EDT 100ml 89 $ XS Pour Homme By Paco Rabanne EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ $ Blue Jeans By Versace 25 Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male EDT 200ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 39 Tommy Hilfiger EDC Spray 100ml CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! $ 45 $ 39 Hummer Black EDT 125ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 29 89 Bvlgari Man Extreme EDT 100ml Aramis EDT 110ml CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! $ $ 59 Givenchy Pi EDT 100ml CK Eternity For Men EDT 200ml CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! $ 49 $ 59 James 55 19 Trussardi Uomo EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 69 Drakkar Noir EDT 200ml CRAZY PRICE! $ CRAZY PRICE! 59 EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ $ CRAZY PRICE! Armani Eau De Nuit CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! 35 Burberry Brit Rhythm 26 Adventure EDT 100ml $ EDC SPRAY 120ml EDT 100ml 65 Silver Scent Intense Grey Flannel Lapidus CRAZY PRICE! EDT 75ml EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 90ml 89 $ Tuscany Uomo Kouros $ 39 Guess Seductive Homme Blue $ 89 45 Moschino Uomo $ 100ml $ CRAZY PRICE! $ CK Euphoria For Men $ EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! CRAZY PRICE! $ CRAZY PRICE! Invictus By Paco Rabanne EDT 59 Bvlgari Aqva Pour Homme EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 45 Fahrenheit By Dior EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 89 Dolce & Gabbana Pour Homme EDT 125ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 59 Givenchy Gentlemen EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 49 Dune for Men EDT 100ml CRAZY PRICE! $ 89 Lok Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 13 The 2014 F D O L R I D U G HERITAGE FESTIVAL SUNDAY MARCH 30TH 10.00am – 4.00pm Stirling Square Guildford ACKNOWLEDGING 100 YEARS TBREAK OF WW1 SINCE THE OU Plus CHILDREN’S PIONEER GAMES & ACTIVITIES VINTAGE TRANSPORT & MACHINERY SWAN ANTIQUE & COLLECTABLES FAIR HISTORICAL EXHIBITIONS RIFLE FIRING & DRILLS LOG CHOPPING & CRAFT DEMOS ART, CRAFT & PRODUCE MARKETS MUSIC, DANCE, FOOD STALLS AND MUCH, MUCH MORE Proudly presented by The Guildford Heritage Festival Council Inc What’s the most valuable tool in a tradie’s toolbox? The Herald of course. Be seen in thousands of newspapers every week. Contact the Herald today on 9430 7727 or email trades.services@fremantleherald.com Prison beckons for backpackers by CLARE KENYON BACKPACKERS will soon be bedding down in a place most people were desperate to stay out of. Fremantle council’s planning committee this week approved plans to redevelop part of the heritage-listed prison for cheap accommodation. After being on the table for almost four years, the 172-bed proposal by Youth Hostels Australia received unanimous support. It includes re-using rooms and spaces within the former women’s division and demolition of the jewellery workshop to make way for a new single-storey building. Deputy mayor Josh Wilson says it’s an encouraging proposal: “The Fremantle Prison is the only world heritage-listed site in WA and it’s a source of incredibly high tourism visitation. “This plan will allow a deeper experience of that for people who want to stay in Fremantle.” Residents living nearby expressed concerns about parking, with the council saying the situation would bee monitored and they’d be looked after. Freo Council pledges submits literary support merger plan FREMANTLE council’s formal submission to the WA local government advisory board will largely mirror the WA government’s preferred proposal, which is to amalgamate with East Fremantle town council and expand south—gobbling up half of what is currently Cockburn—and east to Stock Road. There are minor differences with the government’s proposal along boundary alignments. The only councillor opposed to the submission, finalised Wednesday, was Hilton councillor Bill Massie who preferred North Lake Road as an eastern boundary: the council’s Stock Road submission will see O’Connor and Samson, both key suburbs in his Hilton ward, carved off into Melville in return for Fremantle getting Palmyra and Bicton. Mayor Brad Pettitt told the Herald a North Lake Road boundary would have taken too many people out of Melville. “Ultimately it’s a jigsaw puzzle and we are trying to fit the pieces together,” he said. Cr Jon Strachan asked “what’s next?” and CEO Graeme Mackenzie replied o cers would now work on options for ward boundaries in the bigger Fremantle, and get them back to the council by May. THE City of Fremantle has pledged to sponsor WA’s premier literary award— the TAG Hungerford—for the next six years. The award provides $12,000 to unpublished WA authors and the chance to get their manuscript published with Fremantle Press. It has been around since 1990 with the principal sponsor changing five times. Last year, the prize was bumped up from $6000 to $12,000. “There is a lot of prestige and respect around this award, and we didn’t want reduce this by not having a similar cash reward,” says Fremantle Press CEO Jane Fraser. Mayor Brad Pettitt says the award is a tangible way for the community to foster and celebrate WA’s literary culture. Asylum and climate for talks by CLAIRE KENYON HUMAN rights abuses, climate change and animal welfare will be discussed at an Indian Ocean conference to be held in Fremantle this month. Caroline Fleuy and Lisa Hartley at the Centre of Human Rights Education at Curtin University are amongst the speakers. The pair will present their findings that asylum seekers living in Australia waiting for claims to be processed are battling stress, fear and huge mental health strain. They put the stress down to the former Labor government’s no work rights policy for asylum seekers on bridging visas arriving after August 2012, who instead must rely on a government payment of $220 per week that must cover rent, food and other living costs. “We spoke to 29 people living in Perth, Sydney and Melbourne who are living in the community but don’t have rights to work,” Dr Hartley told the Herald. “It means they are isolated and stuck in their homes because they can’t even afford public transport, “It is di cult to get exact numbers from the government but it seems there are 20,000 people in similar situations enduring mental stress because of the situation. “They are either subject to a policy of mandatory detention or are detained in Australia unable to do anything to fill their days. “We believe it is important the voices of those most affected by government policies are heard.” As many asylum seekers move through the Indian Ocean region, the panel will also discuss the legal, political and social issues they face as they seek refuge. The conference is at the Esplanade Hotel March 25 to 28 and will cover a range of topics under the banners of culture, sustainability and security. PUBLIC AUCTION Over two days - On - Site FREMANTLE Sat 29th and Sun 30th March 11am Free parking and access at rear 43 Queen Victoria Street, Fremantle By public demand 3 x 20 ft containers have been hand selected to be liquidated by Auction to the highest bidder. Consisting of Quality French Antique Style and Modern Furniture including: Dining Tables, Dining Chairs, Bookcases, Coffee tables, Sofas, Sideboards, Armchairs and more. Accessories including: Soft furnishings, Rugs, Lamps, Mirrors, Stone and ornaments etc. Public Viewing: Thursday 27th 12pm - 6pm and Friday 28th 11am - 4pm Viewing Auction days Saturday 10am till 11am Sunday 10am till 11am Please note: buyers premium 16.5% applies including GST AUCTIONEER: MAT DONELLY 040 888 1722 MIKE TUDOROWSKI 9430 5599 Page 14 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 DETAILS & PICTURES TO BE ONLINE SOON www.donellyauctions.com.au herald A food If you’re tired of battling the crowds and lacklustre produce at the supermarket on the weekend, or if you would like to meet your neighbours and feel a part of the community then come to the Cooby Farmer’s Market Community Day, Tempest Park, Coolbellup, Saturday March 29th. Including fresh, organic produce, delicious food and coffee, and quality craft, this is a great opportunity to have a fun, family day out and be a part of the dynamic Coolbellup community. Inspired by the fantastically successful Cooby Fest event, and proudly presented by Cooby Now and the Coolbellup Community Association the first Cooby Farmer’s Market Community Day, is an exciting community project working to realise the vision of a connected, vibrant community in Coolbellup. Join the fun at the Cooby Farmer’s Market Community Day, from 10am to 3pm, Saturday March 29th Find us at www.facebook.com/groups/ coobyfarmersmarket or contact coobyfarmersmarket@gmail.com. FFOOD JENNY D’ANGER JE STREETCAR Named Desire was pulling in shortly so time was of the essence. Clancy’s Fish Pub Canning Bridge is the sort of place to kick back, relax and take your time in. But it’s also so damn e cient and good at what it does you can count on getting in and out fast if that’s what you want. With tickets to Tennessee Williams’ play at the State Theatre burning a hole in my pocket (starring the wonderful Sigrid Thornton) speed is exactly what I wanted. Fisher brothers Joe and John opened this, their second fish pub, 12 years ago. It struggled for a while, overshadowed by the iconic Fremantle original. But it’s well and truly come into its own with its own set of regulars and plenty of Applecross and Mt Pleasant locals chowing down or simply enjoying a drink in pleasant surroundings. Watching almost gridlocked tra c heading out of the city, while cars heading in moved freely, I’d figured the freeway wasn’t going to be too bad and our sense of urgency was reduced considerably, helped by Clancy’s easy ambience, and cheery staff. We kicked off by sharing fried polenta bites, with sage salt, parmesan, roast red pepper and a chilli mayo ($8.50). The fingers of polenta were fantastic: crisp on the outside and moist and fluffy inside, and wonderfully flavoursome—as was the mayo. Who? What? Where? Cooby Farmer’s Market A HERALD PROMOTIONAL FEATURE Come to the Inaugural Cooby Farmers’ Market! A Stellaaa! performer My dinner mate ordered the quinoa (kin-waaaa!), chickpea and cauliflower fritters ($18). The large patties sandwiched a lightly fried field mushroom and were drizzled with a grilled zucchini and tomato relish. The patties had and interesting texture, crunchy on the outside due to frying but soft and moist on the inside due to the quinoa. They tasted fantastic and were something neither of us had tried before and would gladly return for. Clancy’s is famous for its fish and chips ($21.50) so I stuck with tradition and as always wasn’t disappointed. The beer-battered fish pieces were lightly crisp while the fish was moist and flavoursome and I really don’t think you can go past Clancy’s when it comes to a bloody great chip. In line with dining trends towards smaller shared serves Clancy’s has a good selection, including jerk chicken skewer ($14.50), prawn cocktail ($13.50) and sticky bourbon pork ribs, with corn fritters ($14.50), along with its older standards such as black angus steak ($32.50) and chicken breast ($27.50). A group of lads at the next table ordered a seafood platter and I was in awe as it arrived with great skewers of tiger prawns standing proudly on a mountain of assorted seafood. With my tram car approaching it was time to leave—reluctantly. Clancy’s Fish Pub 903 Canning Highway, Mt Pleasant 9364 7322 kitchen open 7 days from 11.30am Saturday, March 29, 10-3PM Tempest Park Prospero Crescent, Coolbellup (Cricket & Football oval) Fruit, vegies, delicious food stalls, craft, music… All there for you to enjoy! PROUDLY PRESENTED BY COOBY NOW & THE COOLBELLUP COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION COOLBELLUP! GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED BY: -- ANOTHER REASON TO Ann Bashi Brown m. 0423 556 389 ann.bashibrown@harcourts.com.au Peter Tinley AM MLA Member for Willagee www.facebook.com/groups/coobyfarmersmarket coobyfarmersmarket@gmail.com Lumos & Larder A TA S T Y C O M B I N AT I O N cafelumos 7 days a week 7am-3pm leonards larder Mon-Sat 7am-6pm Sun 7am-5pm leonards larder coffee food catering 16 Minilya Ave, White Gum Valley www.cafelumos.com.au | 9335 5332 THE Friday Night Dinner Feasts Pop Up Pizza Night COOL ROOM Monday Night FREE @ The Cool Room Car Park Starts 6pm - 28 March FUNCTION ROOM 9336 2455 Food with Flair MONDAY NIGHTS gourmet breakfast brunch & lunch Thursday - Sunday 8am - 3pm & Friday Evenings from 6pm Bar Orient 39 High Street, Fremantle Ph: 9336 2455 www.barorient.com Cnr Onslow & Holland Sts, Fremantle • Phone 0422 039 482 Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 15 SAVE 3.08 $ $ 3 Herbal Essences Shampoo or Conditioner 300mL SAVE 3 2 07 Primo Shortcut Bacon 175g $ 2 $ 99 ea $ SAVE 2.57 $ 57 ea ea Mars Large Bitesize 280g-380g Lindt Lindor Lantern Chocolate Balls Assorted 400g $ SAVE 10 $ 10 ea iday! On Sale Fr ¢ SAVE 90 89 ¢ ea $ SAVE 3.40 3 $ 39 ea Glen 20 Spray Disinfectant 300g Yoplait 98% Fat Free & Formé Yoghurt 150g Manager’s Specials are only available at the below Coles stores: • Fremantle • Gateway On Sale Friday 21st March until Tuesday 25th March 2014. Page 16 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 • Beeliar • • Phoenix varieties, 382818_2103 herald arts • Jon Denaro J ARTS A JENNY D’ANGER JE ON DENARO tinkered with making “weird” objects from a young age, especially when his air force dad was away and he had access to his shed. Featuring music by Handel, Brescianello, Geminiani and Telemann. FREE EVENT! Making micro waves hands, long and slender, are rarely still as he enthuses about his work. He and partner Bec Juniper bought the house a few years ago, transforming the old cottage into the sort of sprawling, eclectic abode often associated with artists. Denaro and Juniper’s works are strewn about with abandon, and there are works by fellow artists, such as Theo Koning, to be seen. He has had his fair share of commissions from corporations, developers and local councils, including Burswood Casino, along with Margaret River, Melville and Busselton councils. They are lucrative, but with his latest solo exhibition Biomimic he’s turning his back on public art, “[which] is very limiting here. They are not at the point to say you are a good artist, do what you like. “I want to express my sculpture,” Denaro says passionately, stressing the “my”. Biomimic is a new world view as we leave the era of communication, he says. “We are entering the biological era… We are going to be heavily influenced by biology.” There’s a strong connection between the sea and the human body and Biomimic represents the micro-organisms found in the humans that bear a striking resemblance to those in the ocean. “I think what makes us want to be in the ocean, on the ocean, is because we have all that in us,” Denaro says. Biomimic is on at Linton and Kay Galleries, St George’s Terrace, Perth, March 11 to 25. 1 hour Chamber concert Sun 23 Mar, 2pm 6pm Tuesday 18 March, Fremantle Town Hall Perth Concert Hall Paul Dyer director/harpsichord Shaun Lee-Chen violin Andrew Nicholson flute Tickets $42* Tickets on sale at the door on the day Sing along with the WASO Chorus. of the concert. Reserved seating BOOK NOW Call 9326 0000 quoting 1090 Visit waso.com.au *Transaction fees may apply. Mutima Arthouse & Studio invites you to The Many Beings by Herman Isaac Opening Friday 21st March 6.30pm Mutima Arthouse, 11 Captains Lane, Arthur Head (3 houses down from the Round House) LIVE MUSIC Phone 9430 2414 Open Tuesday-Sunday. Runs until 6th April www.mutima.net Proudly supported by the Fremantle Herald www.fremantleherald.com fremantle arts centre waapa direct Featuring third year Music Theatre Students and percussion ensemble Defying Gravity New Legal Deposit Requirements If you live or work in WA and publish content new laws require you to deposit your publications with the State Library of Western Australia. You can help preserve our State heritage by depositing copies of your books, music, film, documents and data with the State Library. By depositing you will be promoting your creations and safeguarding them in a trusted archive. Help us collect and protect today’s artistic, commercial, technical and scientific works and make tomorrow a better place. Website: www.slwa.wa.gov.au Telephone: (08) 9427 3348 Email: legal.deposit@slwa.wa.gov.au and Bachata www.ritmocalientedanceacademy.com.au But he wasn’t always headed for a career as a sculptor: he’d studied to be a town planner before joining the air force and studying engineering. “I think I went to the military to make myself something real,” he says. “[But] I got to a point where I looked around and thought…I don’t fit in here.” His preferred medium is found objects, whether old metal picked up during bush trips or old painted timber found in shipyards—bits and pieces he reshapes into delicate sculptures. His muse is Dick Van Dyke’s tinkering inventor character in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. “He made weird things…I think it’s what I have become,” the 52-year-old says with a smile. Talking to Denaro, sitting in the lush and semi-wild garden of his Hamilton Hill home, it’s hard to imagine him in the blokey world of the air force. His rangy frame is full of energy despite lounging in a garden chair, his sculpor’s BAROQUE NEW ! VENUE Best classes in Perth Let’s Dance! Dance classes starting 2 April fri 28 mar | 7pm | $15 +bf See the stars of tomorrow today Partner not required Call Liliana 0419 945 257 or email: lilianas@iinet.net.au 1 Finnerty St Fremantle | fac.org.au | 7 days | 10am–5pm | +61 9432 9555 Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 17 FOR SALE T H H FR 2 IS OM O 2N SA E O M D T P 3. M U E 00 A R N - RC DA 3. H Y 45 PM 6 Fothergill Street FREMANTLE WA 6160 LIKE WALKING ON TO A MOVIE SET! 5 5 2 ACCOMMODATION FEATURES: • 4 Bed, 4 Bath, 2 Car • Self-contained studio • Spectacular views of Fishing Boat Harbour • Walking distance to Fremantle town centre • Private courtyard for outdoor entertaining • Potential for Bed and Breakfast business • Period finishes • High ceilings • Large sized bedrooms • 582m² W PORTEOUS WILLIAM PORTEOUS PROPERTIES INTERNATIONAL Page 18 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 MARK DIMMOCK 0404 048 277 mark@porteous.com.au Office 9386 8800 www.porteous.com.au @ Herald ome The best property guide south of the Swan H Magical views and an eclectic garden in a heritage precinct—how very Freo. See page 20. Are you nurturing a New Business? Let the Herald advertise your business to thousands of potential clients in 94,800 local homes & businesses. We have three fabulous startup packages: 1. Got a Story to Tell? Our “What’s New” offer gives you a free* half or quarter page to tell it. 2. On a tight budget? Ask about our 6 plus 2 free offer for new businesses. 3. Love competition(s)? Book three ads, then offer Herald readers a prize. We’ll write the story and get your name out there. * Conditions apply WE ALSO PRINT & DELIVER LEAFLETS! PERSONAL SERVICE! RELIABLE DELIVERY YOU CAN TRUST! Phone 9430 7727 advertising@fremantleherald.com Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 19 herald AT A HOME JJENNY D’ANGER F OTHERGILL Street is one of the old port city’s oldest intact streets, and the heritage precinct is lined with a mouthwatering buffet of heritage homes, some dating back to the 1880s. Can you ride a scooter? And this four-bedroom beauty, sitting on 562sqm, is up there with the best. It sits high on its elevated block and from the grand, wrap-around verandah you can see across Freo rooftops to the ocean. The home’s pedigree has been meticulously maintained, while at the same time it’s a thoroughly modern abode, with some fantastic shabby chic touches vis-a-vis the decor, including paintwork and sections of brick that’s a feature on interior walls. High ceilings, deep skirting, ceiling roses and fireplaces abound whether in the bedrooms or the semi-open kitchen/dining/living area. The kitchen is far from olde worlde however: this is an ultra-modern domain, despite the old open fireplace and beautifully aged french doors to the garden. Meal preparation will be a breeze with stainless steel benchtops, a massive double pantry, and plenty of soft-close drawers. The french doors lead to a Why not get paid for it by becoming a part of the Herald’s distribution service? The Herald is looking for an enthusiastic scooter driver to deliver the Herald on Fridays & Saturdays. If you are over 25 and have a current drivers license call to express your interest today. *Only large rounds available. Min 2200 papers. Phone Marie King on 9430 7727 or you can email marie.king@fremantleherald.com Sitting pretty delightful ghtful and private garden and a built-in BBQ kitchen—just the thing for alfresco dining. While sausages sizzle, guests can kick back under the shelter of the many trees in this amazing garden, with its limestone terraces and interesting nooks and crannies and eclectic mix of pots and plants, including a massive iron dish suspended from a tree. The main bedroom is at the front of the home, with ocean views from the massive bay window. Push up the huge sash windows and you can step out for a closer view, or simply enjoy cooling sea breezes. The lounge is a sweeping U TH OF ND ER FE ER W R A N TE D O N A $358,000 SPEARWOOD COMMERCIAL UNIT IN GREAT LOCATION $387,000 NEW TO MARKET 3 Bedroom duplex half in the quietest little cul de sac next 123m2 Plus 60m2 mezzanine plus a kitchen and to a park. The neighbour is renovating madly so this is the bathroom make this unit worth a look. Set in a small block “Buy of the Century”. Room for a patio out the back but of units to all that’s necessary for a business plus opposite it’s got just that hint of needing some little garden guru to make this a palace. Culleys!!!! 93b Doolette St 0428 916 651 Rachel Meyer 0428 916 651 U O ND FF E ER R Rachel Meyer SOUTH FREMANTLE $1,150,000 LARGE BLOCK EXQUISITE HOUSE There is room out in the back garden to build a granny fl at or have a pool. Rear garden already has a cute studio with approval for more. A 4 bedroom renovated house boasts Jarrah fl oors 2 living areas and a kitchen fit for Manu and me!!! 25 Lefroy Rd Rachel Meyer space, replace, space with its own fi fireplace jarrah floors and french doors to the verandah. Head up the futuristic, iron staircase and you’ll find a mezzanine sitting room, but the real magic is through a door to a small balcony. The views are breathtaking, sweeping across a swathe of Freo and South Freo to take in Garden and Rottnest Islands, the maritime museum and the port. Massive Bali-style timber doors off the courtyard lead to a two-storey studio apartment. The ground floor houses a spacious bedroom, bathroom and laundry. Why Use a Property Manager? O’CONNOR Unit 3/12b Hines Rd at home SOUTH FREMANTLE A SOUTH FREMANTLE ICON Built in the late 1890’s for a local dentist with 10 children, the 2 storey residence is still in great condition and has plenty of charm. On a 595m2 block it is even more appealing. A great example of Victorian Georgian architecture here. Open Saturday 11 - 12 22 Scott St 0428 916 651 Rachel Meyer For That Little Bit Extra Rachel Meyer 0428 916 651 rachel@propertygallery.com.au $1,600,000 0428 916 651 Experience, Commitment, Results Peter Cave 0414 726 135 peter@propertygallery.com.au For a FREE APPRAISAL Call now on 9430 9430 231 South Terrace, South Fremantle www.propertygallery.com.au Page 20 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 9430 9430 P roperty Management is more about managing the tenancy than it is about managing the property. This makes sense given the tenant is the one living in and caring for the property, whereas the property manager usually visits it a handful of times per year. This being the case, the property manager’s primary role is managing the tenancy agreement as expressed by the terms of a lease and regulated by the Residential Tenancies Act. For tenancies longer than three months, much of the risk and responsibility attached to the management process is borne by the Managing Agent. the Residential Tenancies Act (the “Act”) applies automatically (whether there is a formal lease or not) and it is madness not to utilise the services of a competent property manager for a rented property. Management fees are not exorbitant and are normally tax deductible. And for the sake of saving a relatively small portion of the rental income in management fees, the risks of self management are significant. A sound working knowledge of the Act is essential as is the capacity to properly Upstairs you’ll fi nd the openfind o plan living, with a spacious kitchen and a balcony looking across tree tops, and down to the port. This close to Fremantle it’s an easy stroll to all the delights on offer, or head to the thriving Wray Avenue strip. And Fremantle primary school and John Curtin College of the Arts are handy too. 28 Fothergill St, Fremantle EOI around $2 million Michael Couani 0413 872 902 Locate Real Estate 9335 9007 open Sat, March 22 12–12.45pm By HAYDEN GROVES REIWA Deputy President reference check a prospective tenant. But, perhaps most importantly, much of the risk and responsibility attached to the management process is borne by the Managing Agent. And now that almost all prospective tenants are exclusively reliant on the internet to find a property, owners without access to the favoured websites find it difficult to attract a tenant in the first place. There is great value in having an Agent act at “arm’s length”. Many a self managing landlord has fallen into the trap of sympathising with their defaulting tenant and allowing rent arrears to build up over time. Acting at arm’s length affords the property manager a “no excuses” approach to rent payments and the lease agreement more broadly. Self management often works well and for extended periods, but when a tenancy goes wrong, it is costly and stressful and it has been my experience that with all things considered, it is not worth the risk. These comments are the writer’s own and do not necessarily reflect the current opinions and policies of the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia. Attadale Bicton North Fremantle 41a Farrin Street 11 Barker Place 11 Eucla Court CONTACT Ann-Marie Hickey ann-marie@yardproperty.com m 0417 179 234 Clare Hickey-Shand clare@yardproperty.com m 0424 593 136 t 9339 1006 Casual Riverside Lifestyle • Privately nestled in one of the suburbs family friendly streets • Master suite and central living downstairs with separation from upstairs living/bedroom/study • Workshop/storage off garage • Private alfresco overlooking lush easy-care gardens • Minutes stroll from the river BED 3 BATH 2 CAR 2 Unparalleled River Views! BED 4 BATH 2.5 CAR 4 New Listing! BED 3 BATH 3 CAR 2 PRICE $1.075M • Just metres to Quarantine Park and Bicton Baths • Magical views from every room • Versatile floor plan with multiple living and entertaining zones • Abundance of space with rooms of grand proportions • Spacious alfresco area opening onto living and dining areas • Once in a lifetime opportunity for this prime real estate! PRICE OFFERS • Sophisticated, light, bright and spacious living, dining and kitchen areas • Impressive quality fixtures, fittings and features throughout the home • Three double bedrooms, three bathrooms and additional study • Gorgeous courtyard with leafy green trees • Fantastic plunge pool with hydro jets • Location is one of the best – just steps to the river, ocean and all North Freo has to offer PRICE $1.59M INSPECT Sat 1.00 - 1.40 CONTACT Todd Grierson todd@yardproperty.com m 0417 881 772 t 9339 1006 INSPECT Sat 1.15 - 1.45 CONTACT Nathan Hewitt nathan@yardproperty.com m 0411 695 313 t 9339 1006 East Fremantle Attadale Attadale 2 Tingira Circle 2/36 Swan Road 84 Swan Road By The River BED 3 BATH 2 CAR 2 • The perfect easy-living pad in a sought after precinct • Generous accommodation with study off entrance • Separate living space • Ducted r/c a/c • Oversized garage/extra storage • Private walkway to the river PRICE $960,000 INSPECT Sat 12.00 - 12.40 CONTACT Todd Grierson todd@yardproperty.com m 0417 881 772 t 9339 1006 Breathtaking City and River Views • Sensational river and city views from your living, alfresco and master bed • Entertainer’s balcony with opening glass sliders to living room • Two separate generous living areas • Modern open plan kitchen with glass splashback and family sized pantry • Blackbutt timber flooring, reverse cycle a/c and ducted vacuum • Sought after location – close to schools, cafes, transport and river! INSPECT Sat 12.15 - 12.45 CONTACT Nathan Hewitt nathan@yardproperty.com m 0411 695 313 t 9339 1006 BED 3 BATH 2 CAR 2 Fabulous Family Living! BED 3 BATH 1 CAR 2 PRICE $1.195-$1.215M • Absolutely striking contemporary renovation made for family living • Impressive open plan living and dining overlooking substantial sized decking area and family friendly backyard • Outdoor kitchen with built in bbq, sink and stone breakfast bar • Stylish timber portico entrance with private front courtyard • Open plan renovated kitchen with state of the art appliances • Warm and inviting family retreat in one of the best locations! PRICE $1.26-$1.29M INSPECT Sat 2.00 - 2.30 CONTACT Nathan Hewitt nathan@yardproperty.com m 0411 695 313 t 9339 1006 INSPECT Sat 2.45 - 3.15 CONTACT Nathan Hewitt nathan@yardproperty.com m 0411 695 313 t 9339 1006 We’re on our game... All up for the ball” East Fremantle v South Fremantle on Fremantle Oval 1910 State Library of Western Australia 003362d Because of the very nature of what we do, we have contact with hundreds of people looking to buy, sell and lease property locally. This invaluable network gives us a unique perspective of what’s happening in the local market so we can keep you up to date with the latest happenings and the best advice. Sale appraisal 0424 593 136 Rental appraisal 0435 891 846 Office 9339 1006 yardproperty.com Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 21 FREMANTLE ACT NOW FOR YOUR SIGNATURE WATERFRONT OPPORTUNITY Rivershores is the premier luxury apartment residence of Fremantle and the Western suburbs. It combines awardwinning architecture, peerless views and riverside ease. Here you can appreciate a quality home, the vibrant atmosphere of Fremantle and one of the world’s great rivers. Enviably located on the prestigious Northbank, Rivershores considers and enhances sophisticated living. Miele appliances, stone benchtops, intelligent joinery, wine fridges, coffee machines and steam ovens combine with state-of-the-art video intercoms, solar heating and convenient luggage trolleys on demand. Add double bay parking, stunning landscaped gardens, a modern gymnasium and expansive pool area and the opportunity is compelling. A LIMITED SELECTION OF SUPERIOR RESIDENCES STILL REMAIN. BE FAST TO SECURE YOUR OPPORTUNITY. FREMANTLE’S MOST PRESTIGIOUS ADDRESS OPEN FOR INSPECTION ON SATURDAY BETWEEN 10.30-12 OR FOR A PRIVATE VIEWING CONTACT AGENTS BELOW 2 DOEPEL STREET, NORTHBANK, NORTH FREMANTLE. Glenn O’Connor-Smith M: 0413 545 044 E: glenn.oconnorsmith@acton.com.au Allan Van Herwaarde M: 0411 159 377 E: nbrealty@bigpond.com rivershoresapartments.com.au ACTON FREMANTLE 253 CANNING HIGHWAY, EAST FREMANTLE PH: (08) 9319 3022 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU Page 22 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 S E R U EC W O N LLING ! T S A F SE In your element. Contemporary beachside living. Your new home NOW SELLING! 1, 2 & 3 bedroom South Beach apartments & beach houses from an affordable $385,000 Welcome to life at Elements—modern, stylish living just 200m from stunning South Beach and only minutes from Fremantle’s famous cappuccino strip and nightlife. Be in your element. ElementsSouthBeach.com.au Sales Office Open: Sat & Sun 1-3pm or by appt. 25 O’Connor Close, South Beach. Sharon Grey - Pindan Realty + 0417 926 385 Glenn O’Connor-Smith - ACTON + 0413 545 044 Another quality development by Built by Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 23 dethridgeGROVES REAL ESTATE dethridgeGROVES Real Estate 9336 1166 | 3 Norfolk Street, Fremantle | dgre.com.au 1(: 1(: Saturday 11.00am-11.45am Call for Details 6DW6XQGD\SPSP0LGV 6RSKLVWLFDWHG[VLQJOHVWRUH\KRPHZLWKRXWVWDQGLQJXSJUDGHJDUDJLQJ 9HUVDWLOHOD\RXWZLWKVSDFLRXVFHQWUDOOLYLQJSHDFHIXOQRUWKHUQ$WULXP 6HYHUDOIHDWXUHVLQFOXGHWLPEHUÁRRULQJVRODUSDQHOVUDLQWDQNZLQHFHOODU ,GHDOO\SRVLWLRQHGLQWKH9DOOH\FORVHWR*ROIFRXUVHSRSXODUFDIp )HDWXULQJDIXOO\VHOIFRQWDLQHGVWXGLRZLWKVHSDFFHVVVPDOOFRXUW\DUG 5HOD[HG´GRZQ6RXWKµFKDUPHPDQDWHVIURPWKLV[FRWWDJHRQVTP 6KDGHGGHFNVIURQWDQGUHDURSHQSODQOLYLQJDQGFRXQWU\VW\OHNLWFKHQ )UDPHGE\QDWLYHJDUGHQVZLWKDGRXEOHFDUSRUWLQWKHKHDUWRI+LOWRQ <$/*22$9(18(:+,7(*809$//(</LQGD'LJE\ 6803721675((7+,/721/DXUL&XUWDLQ 1(:35,&( 1(: 6DW6XQDPDP2IIHUVKLJK Saturday 2.00pm-3.00pm 'RXEOH%ULFNDQG7LOH·VKRPHZLWKDSSHDOLQJVWDWHO\VWUHHWSUHVHQFH ODUJHEHGURRPVIRUPDOGLQLQJVSDFLRXVRSHQOLYLQJDUHD 8SGDWHGDQGUHQRYDWHGWRFUHDWHDPRGHUQDQGVW\OLVKUHVLGHQFH &LW\FHQWUHVFKRROVVKRSSLQJDQGWKHULYHUDOOZLWKLQYHU\HDV\UHDFK 5DUHODWH·VEXLOWWZRVWRUH\OLPHVWRQHEULFNWHUUDFHKRPH 3URILWDEOHEXVLQHVVHQWHUSULVHRUDJUDQGKLVWRULFKRPHZLWKFDUED\V 6HYHUDOOLYLQJVSDFHVODUJHEHGURRPVNLWFKHQVDQGEDWKURRPV $VWUROODZD\IURP)UHPDQWOH·VKHDUW +,*+675((7)5(0$17/(6KLUOH\%DNHU +,*+675((7)5(0$17/(&KULVWLQH0DMHNV Call to View $795K-$825K Sat 2.30-3.15pm Mid $600,000s 6HFXUHVWRUH\HQGWRZQKRXVH &KDUPLQJEULFNWLOHGXSOH[ EGUPEWKUPSULYDWHFRXUW\DUG UHQRYDWHGEGUPVORXQJHNLWFKHQ )DEXORXV6RXWK%HDFKORFDWLRQ (DV\DFFHVVWR6RXWK%HDFK)UHR FREMANTLE +$037215'67+)5(2 Shirley Baker 0418 915 120 025$1&2857%($&216),(/' Mary Burns 0413 749 944 Sat 11-11.45am $775,000 Call for Details Call to View $595K- $625K EGUPTXLQWHVVHQWLDOFRWWDJH Elevated, kitchen, updated bthrm $UFKLWHFWXUDOKLVWRULFVLJQLILFDQFH &KDUPLQJEGUPWLPEHUFRWWDJH .LWFKHQGLQLQJXSGDWHGEDWKURRP VTPDOORWPHQWLQDJUHDWORFDWLRQ :5$<$9(18()5(0$17/( Mary Burns 0413 749 944 $+23(67:+,7(*809$//(< Mary Burns 0413 749 944 Call to View Call to View FREMANTLE Call to View $1.675M Call to View Price Guide $1,000,000+ Mid to High $800K High $900,000s (OHJDQW[VWXG\SHQWKRXVH +XJHZUDSDURXQGEDOFRQ\ 6HQVDWLRQDOVHDFLW\YLHZV 7XFNHGDZD\VTPYDFDQWORW &ORVHWR)UHPDQWOH·VKHDUW 2SSRUWXQLW\WRVXEGLYLGH (1'(5%< &/ 17+ &22*(( Shirley Baker 0418 915 120 5HVWRUHG2x2 contemporary home 2FHDQJDUGHQLVODQGYLHZV (OHYDWHGVTPJUHHQWLWOH [QHDUQHZQRUWKIDFLQJDSW ,QWHUDFWLYH RXWGRRU LQGRRU OLYLQJ VTPLQFOXGLQJFDUVSDFHV 35,&(675((7)5(0$17/( Hayden Groves 0411 615 582 /,9,1*6721(67%($&216),(/' Mary Burns 0413 749 944 526(676287+)5(0$17/( Lauri Curtain 0422 478 150 Hayden Groves Principal Shirley Baker 0418 915 120 Linda Digby 0402 122 267 Page 24 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 Lisa Garic 0428 945 946 Christine Majeks 0402 762 601 Margo Pinkerton 0418 942 858 Jan Ladhams 0438 251 051 Mary Burns 0413 749 944 Lauri Curtain 0422 478 150 dethridgeGROVES Real Estate 9336 1166 | 3 Norfolk Street, Fremantle | dgre.com.au 1(: 1(: 6DWXUGD\SPSP32$ 6DW6XQGD\SPSP&DOOIRU'HWDLOV 6SDFLRXVRSHQSODQOLYLQJNLWFKHQEHGURRPVEDWKURRPVJDUDJH 7KLVFRQWHPSRUDU\UHVLGHQFHLVRIWKHKLJKHVWVWDQGDUG 6RODUSDVVLYHSULQFLSDOVGHOLJKWIXOZDOOHGJDUGHQ /RFDWHGLQWKHFDWFKPHQWDUHDRIKLJKO\VRUWDIWHUVFKRROV 5HQRYDWHGDQGH[WHQGHG[VLQJOHOHYHOIDPLO\KRPHRQVTP ,QGRRURXWGRRUFRQQHFWLYLW\ZLWKOLYLQJDUHDVDQGRXWGRRUOLYLQJVSDFHV 5HWDLQHGFKDUDFWHUFKDUPHQKDQFHGE\HFOHFWLFUHF\FOHGPDWHULDOV 6XUURXQGHGE\VKDGHWUHHVPDWXUHJDUGHQEHGVNLGVFXEE\SOXVPRUH $+2//$1'675((7)5(0$17/( 0DU\%XUQV 7+251(77675((7+,/721/DXUL&XUWDLQ 6DWXUGD\SPSP0LGWR+LJKN 6DWSPSP0LGWR/DWHV 'HOLJKWIXOEHGURRPDSDUWPHQWZLWK6ZDQ5LYHURFHDQKDUERXUYLHZV /RFDWHGLQDZHOOPDQDJHGDQGPDLQWDLQHGFRPSOH[ :DONWRWKHULYHUIRUHVKRUHFDIpVDQGUHVWDXUDQWV $IIRUGVDVHFXUHJDUDJHIRUDFDUELNHVDQGH[WUDVWRUDJH 35(672132,175'($67)5(0$17/(0DU\%XUQV ·VEULFNWLOHKRPHWKDWRIIHUVZRQGHUIXOHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\ ([FHOOHQWFRQGLWLRQEGUPQHZNLWFKHQFODVVLFEDWKURRP +LJKGHFRUDWLYHFHLOLQJVWHUUD]]RDQGSROLVKHGÁRRUERDUGV /RFNXSJDUDJHFORVHWRVFKRROVVKRSVDOORI)UHR·VDWWUDFWLRQV 6287+675((7:+,7(*809$//(<-DQ/DGKDPV ALMOST SOLD OUT... ER D UN FFER O FREMANTLE ER D UN FFER O HILTON LD O S SOUTH FREMANTLE R DE R N U FFE O D L SO BEACONSFIELD FREMANTLE LD O S LD SO FREMANTLE HAMILTON HILL &DOOWR,QVSHFW 6DWSP.. ,QYHVWRUVEHRQ$/(57 6W\OLVKVSDFLRXVVDIHDQGVHFXUH VTPLQFOXGLQJEDOFRQ\SDUNLQJ 3HUIHFWRUGHU·VEULFNWLOHKRPH EGUPEWKUPORXQJHNLWFKHQ &UHDWLYHO\UHIXUELVKHGH[WHQGHG %($&+5')5(0$17/( 6KLUOH\%DNHU +$037215'%($&216),(/' -DQ/DGKDPV 10.15 - 11.00am Offers Over $795K &DOOWRYLHZ)URP 5HQRYDWHGH[WHQGHG[KRPH 0RGHUQOLJKWÀOOHGRSHQSODQOLYLQJ /RZPDLQWHQDQFHOLYLQJ ,FRQLFEULFNDQGVWRQH& 3URIIHULQJVTP]RQHG5 0XOWLSOH SRVVLELOLWLHVIRUVXEGLYLVLRQ 6287+67:+,7(*809$/ /LVD*DULF (//(1675((7)5(0$17/( +D\GHQ*URYHV R DE R N U FFE O ER D UN FFER O FREMANTLE HAMILTON HILL Sell with the No. 1 ranked Agent in Freo 2011, 2012, 2013* * Source REIWA - Sales Volume CALL FOR A MARKET APPRAISAL phone: 9336 1166 www.dgre.com.au We know Freo. dethridgeGROVES Real Estate 9336 1166 | 3 Norfolk Street, Fremantle | dgre.com.au Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 25 herald competitions World Class at WAAPA WIN 1 OF 2 DOUBLE! PASSES Friends to the end Have you ever loved an animal? Have you ever wondered why they are so loyal? Based on a true story from Japan, Hachiko is a theatrical celebration of the remarkable joy and companionship that an animal can bring to our lives and a perfect family outing for the April school holidays. Simplicity, beauty and gentle poetic storytelling in this carefully crafted Spare Parts production ensures both children and adults alike will be drawn into the true story of a dog that waited at a Tokyo train station every day for nine years for his master to return. Utilising Japanese inspired papercraft puppetry, the production brings Hachiko the dog and his owner, Professor Ueno, to life. The inseparable pair is joined by a host of other characters including the hopelessly obsessive dog-catcher and the nosy neighbour, which are played skilfully by performers Jessica Harlond-Kenny and St John Cowcher. At 50 minutes and suitable for ages 5 and above Hachiko is a show for the whole family to share and an experience that will stay with you long after you leave the theatre. Performed at Spare Parts’ home theatre in Fremantle, Hachiko runs from April 12 to 26 with two shows daily (except Sundays and public holidays) at 10am and 1pm and a special Thursday evening performance April 24 at 6.30pm. Due to Easter and Anzac Day, there are no shows on April 18, 21 and 25. Book online at sppt.asn. au or call 9335 5044. The WA Academy of Performing Arts’ world-class music theatre and percussion students return to Fremantle Arts Centre for a night of soaring songs and mesmerising rhythms. A family-friendly favourite on the FAC calendar, WAAPA Direct is a once-a-year opportunity for audiences to catch the stars of tomorrow in the spectacular surrounds of the Front Garden. WAAPA’s internationally-renowned music theatre course also continues to produce Australia’s leading performers and this is the perfect chance to see the stars of tomorrow perform classics from Broadway and the West End before they take to the world stage. WAAPA’s award-winning Defying Gravity percussion ensemble is one of Australia’s best-loved and most active new music ensembles and has developed a national following through broadcasts on ABC Classic FM and their pulsating live shows. Friday 28 March | Doors 6pm | Show 7pm | Front Garden | Bar Open. Tickets $15+bf from Oztix or Reception. Kids 16 and under free (no ticket required). HOW TO ENTER FACEBOOK: Leave a private message at www.facebook.com/fremantleherald including the codeword HERALDFREMARTS, address & phone. ONLINE: Visit www.fremantleherald.com & follow the prompts. POST: Include your name, suburb, phone & email and post your entries to Herald Fremantle Arts Comp, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 TERMS & CONDITIONS: Competition closes 1.4.14 with announced in the 5.4.14 edition. HOW TO ENTER FACEBOOK: Leave a private message at www.facebook.com/ fremantleherald including the codeword HERALDSPARE, address & phone. ONLINE: Visit www.fremantleherald.com & follow the prompts. POST: Include your name, suburb, phone & email and post your entries to Herald Spare Parts Comp, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 TERMS & CONDITIONS: Competition closes 1.4.14 with announced in the 5.4.14 edition. Sizzling Salsa or sensual Bachata It’s not often you get the chance to learn the moves of sizzling salsa or sensual bachata with a genuine legend of the dance world. As one of Western Australia’s finest salsa and bachata dancers, Liliana Sputore embodies the essence of ‘Ritmo Caliente’ or hot Latin rhythm. As a dance instructor, Liliana’s focus is on teaching you to dance in a fun and supportive environment. There is a wide variety of classes available from beginners through to more advanced. The new term starts on Wednesday evening 2nd April at Fremantle tapas restaurant Deca BONUS! ding Send a selfie of you rea Herald the of tion edi st late r you ry eve into ry ent atic for autom ail current competition. Em itions@ your selfies to compet . om d.c ral fremantlehe GET SNAPPING! Bodega, 85 Market Street (in the fantastic downstairs function room). While everyone should IMMEDIATELY sign up for the next course so as not to miss out on a spot, two lucky Herald readers have the chance to WIN a 7 week salsa or bachata course with Liliana, just by entering this competition. “What happens if you win and you’ve already booked?” Save your booking for the next level or give a friend the most fun and sensuous gift of the year. For more info, please call Liliana on 0419 945 257 or visit www. ritmocalientedanceacademy.com.au. French Film Festival Winners Congratulations Ryan Skorzewski of South Fremantle, Lisa Perriam of Mount Hawthorn, Sally Vernon of East Fremantle, Sarah Jame of North Fremantle, Carolyn Bloye of Mount Lawley, Richard Fijolek of Fremantle, Wayne G’Froerer of South Fremantle, Paula Vuleta of Alfred Cove, Robyn Howe of Yokine and Gillian Noonan of Kardinya. You have each won a double pass to a Perth session of the French Film Festival. Page 26 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 HOW TO ENTER WIN 1 OF 7W 2 COU EEK RSES Spice up your life with Latash’s kitchen Win one of two hampers including 9 varieties of pastes. Latasha’s Kitchen is a WA-based producer of authentic curry pastes, sauces and condiments. Ms Menon established her reputation over the 10 years she ran her popular café, and held cooking classes from a studio kitchen in Leederville but now everyone can enjoy the authentic flavours of Latasha’s Kitchen in the comfort of your own home. The inspiration behind Latasha’s Kitchen is director and foodie Latasha Menon, whose uncompromised passion and knowledge of her craft sparked her desire to help others create their own authentic cuisine. “Only the freshest and most authentic ingredients are painstakingly sourced to produce my products at the very highest levels of quality. Our range is also incredibly easy and versatile to use.” Latasha said. Latasha’s Kitchen has a variety of products include: Home-style Curry Paste, Vindaloo Masala Paste, Zingy Tomato Chutney, Green Coriander Sauce, Date and Tamarind Chutney, Butter Chicken Sauce, Rogan Josh, Coriander Curry, Kuruma Masala Paste, Indonesian Turmeric, Tandoori, Home-style Seafood Curry Sauce, Vindaloo, Rendang. The Latasha’s Kitchen take-home ranges of exotic condiments are produced in small batches under the watchful guidance of Latasha. All Latasha’s Kitchen products are made in Australia from local and imported fresh ingredients, and premium herbs and spices. Most of the range are gluten and preservative free and do not contain any artificial fillers or flavour enhancers. Products are available through many stores around the metro area as well as the Latasha’s Kitchen website www.latashaskitchen.com.au. HOW TO ENTER FACEBOOK: Leave a private message at www.facebook.com/fremantleherald including the codeword HERALDRITMO, address & phone. ONLINE: Visit www.fremantleherald.com & follow the prompts. POST: Include your name, suburb, phone and email and post your entries to Herald Ritmo Competition, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 TERMS & CONDITIONS: Competition closes 17.3.14 with winners notified by mail. FACEBOOK: Leave a private message at www.facebook.com/fremantleherald including the codeword HERALDKITCHEN, address & phone. ONLINE: Visit www.fremantleherald.com & follow the prompts. POST: Include your name, suburb, phone & email and post your entries to Herald Kitchen Comp, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 TERMS & CONDITIONS: Competition closes 1.4.14 with announced in the 5.4.14 edition. Winners must be able to collect prize from Perth Voice office in Fremantel. CD Winner Adbuster Winner Congratulations Rob Jenkins of Fremantle. You have won the Herald’s CD prize pack insluding the new John Butler Trio album. Your prize is available to collect from the Herald office. Congratulations Mrs P de Haer of Kardinya. You have won a feast for 2 at The Turban after spotting last week’s fake ad. If you spot this week’s fake ad send your entries to Herald Adbuster, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 by Tuesday. DEVON BRICKLAYING BBQs, Piers, Air Specialising in Air Conditioning: • service & repair • design/installation • reverse cycle • evaporative Call Rob Fences, Letter Boxes, Garden Walls, Retaining Walls, Extensions Houses. Insurance work. 0412 944 808 0423 074 700 AH: 9497 7550 BUILDING DARREN JAMES BUILDERS Registered Builder No. 13548 • Granny Flats • Renovations • Additions • New Homes • All Built in Double Brick Built & supervised by registered builder. Fully Insured. 0404 954 580 dbush44496@aol.com BRICK PAVING AU27963 Professional Service fully guaranteed by qualified tradesman. We also do soakwells. No job too small * Recommended by BGC Blokpave Brickpaving & Bricklaying • good rates • free quotes • no job too small Ph Angelo Registration no. S1411 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM SPECIALISING IN: RENOVATIONS/ADDITIONS all sizes inc 2nd storey NEW HOMES DESIGN & BUILD OPTIONS 0419 366 397 andypollardhomes.com.au andy@andypollardhomes.com.au ASBESTOS REMOVAL Qualified Cabinetmakers Member Cabinet Makers Association of WA • Fine Furniture Design / manufacture • Bespoke kitchens and wardrobes www.handwerk.com.au Top Quality guaranteed on every job Call Steffen 0424 609 694 BRICKPAVING DUVAL For Reliable Quotes & Service On All Brickpaving Call Rob on: 9434 1774 or 0417 180 581 JRC BRICK PAVING Reliable Service Competitive Rates ALL ASPECTS OF BRICK PAVING Jerome 0431 912 934 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM Licensed, insured, professional & thorough: 9335 1111 BATHROOM SERVICES To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 BUILDING BATHROOM BIGGEST SELECTION OF VANITIES • TAPS • SPAS FLOOR & WALL TILES FREE QUOTES ON BATHROOM RENOVATIONS 9339 8113 Showroom 325 Canning Hwy, Palmyra HKW Residential & Commercial • bathroom renovation • decks • pergolas • framing • eaves • timber flooring • window rejuvenation • door installation • fencing • cladding • general maintenance Organic & Non-Toxic Carpets Cleaned, Deodorised & Dry in 1-2 Hours Leather & Upholstery Specialists Stain Removal & Protection Domestic - Real Estate Commercial 0411 876 664 www.hkwcustomcarpentry.com.au Designs Renovations Sustainable Concepts Building Maintenance 9433 1077 www.sos-services.com.au Building License # 13954 cleaningsolutions@westnet.com.au Centrally located near Cockburn Gateway From South of the River to Warnbro Independently Owned & Operated • All aspects of interior/exterior carpentry • Renovations & extensions • All aspects of maintenance & repairs • Handyman service Michael 0423 942 621 • Interior/exterior designer • Custom cabinetry & furniture design • Drafting • Home styling & colour consulting Yvette 0403 644 199 www.reddoorconcepts.com.au DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL KITCHENS BATHROOMS LAUNDRIES WARDROBES QUALITY TRADESMAN ALL WORK GUARANTEED OBLIGATION FREE QUOTES LOCALLY OWNED, OPERATED DARRYL 0401 969 700 OFFICE 9418 2295 FAX 9418 2215 “FOR THE FINISH YOU’LL EXPECT” duvalinteriors@yahoo.com.au GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR RED SHIELD APPEAL To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 CARPENTRY GLOVER CARPENTRY Qualified Carpenters with Police Clearance All Internal/External Carpentry Undertaken Renovations/Extentions No Job Too Small PROFESSIONAL & QUALITY WORK GUARANTEED Call for a FREE QUOTE 0451 126 025 All work carried out by fully qualified professional tradesmen. Quality guaranteed. From the ground up you name it we do it. Call now for advice & quotes. Graham McIntyre 0420 572 474 mac_ca@windowslive.com Phone 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 Call 0424 287 949 Part of a Worldwide Network ATTENTION To find out how you can get huge discounts on a 52 week booking CALL TODAY! Expert Carpet Steam Cleaning Guaranteed prompt reliable service. FREE QUOTES GET 2 ADS FREE! NEW TRADIES! To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on 9430 7727 Domestic Cleaning Regular House Cleaning Commerical Cleaning Office Cleaning Husband & Wife Operated 0430 806 868 • Tile & Grout Cleaning • Using Latest Truck Mount • Fabric Protection • Green Stamp Certified • Upholstery Cleaned • Flood Work Specialist • Bond Refunds Contact GRAEME 0418 957 690 C areway Cleaning Services COMMERCIAL Offices • Schools • Churches RESIDENTIAL Regular House Cleaning Vacating Cleaning POLICE CLEARED • INSURED www.careway.com.au 0433 789 865 COMPUTERS From $25 per room save $10 per room We clean Carpets & Upholstery, Commercial, Domestic & Rugs. Phone 9467 2544 0419 914 194 or book via email agcarpetclean@upnaway.com minimum $55 BACKHOES MINI EXCAVATOR BLOCKS CLEARED, LAWNS & RUBBISH REMOVED, DRIVEWAYS REMOVED, SMALL TREES LOPPED AND STUMPS REMOVED. SAND SUPPLIED P & A Hughes & Son Phone Peter 0418 942 821 a/h 9332 4026 Ritchie Bobcat services • Bobcat & Truck Hire • Block Clearing • Lawn & Rubbish removal • Site Works & Compaction • Driveways Removed Sand, Soil, Limestone Supplied ritchiebobcatservices@gmail.com www.ritchiebobcat.com.au Doug: 0418 921 347 Bayview Dingo Mini Bobcat Service including Soil, Lawn and Rubbish Removal, Trenching, Post Hole Boring, Sand and Soil Deliveries and Brick Pack Shifting A BOBCAT SPECIALIST 9430 7727 CONCRETE CS CONCRETING bentech computers Specialising in new PC’s, Laptops & Networking. Computer servicing, repairs, upgrades & virus removal. Outstanding customer service 100 Wray Ave, Fremantle 9430 9243 • Bobcats • 1½ - 6 Tonne Excavators • Lawn & Rubbish Removed • Driveways Removed • Paving Prepared • Supply Sand etc. • 10 & 20 metre Trucks A BOBCAT SPECIALIST Over 20 Years Experience 9337 5409 LEADER IN INDUSTRY FOR THE LAST 20 YEARS Servicing Fremantle areas for the last 25 years • exposed aggregate • liquid limestone • house pads • garage & shed floors • extensions • pathways Any size, shape or colour! Call Sam on 6219 5374 or 0448 880 973 www.cs-concreting.com.au cs_concreting@hotmail.com electrical services. No job too small. All types of electrical work including: • power & lighting • smoke alarms • safety switches • shed & patio wiring etc Lic: EC008038 Nick Bozikovic 0407 478 464 A FOX ELECTRICAL EC 008887 All your Power & Lighting Needs • New Homes • Renovations • Additions • Property Maintenance RCD’s & Smoke Alarms • Emergencies Reasonable Rates, Reliable Service 0404 359 799 afoxelectrical@westnet.com.au Email: bayviewdh@westnet.com.au • Bobcat, 20m3 Truck & Trailer • Big & Small Jobs • Driveways & Crossovers Prepared • Lawn & Rubbish Removal • Sand & Limestone Deliveries • Soakwells, Concrete & Bitumen LINC 0402 223 636 WARNING: Don’t call any electrican until you read this Not all Electricians are the same... most contractors don’t turn up when they say, if at all & when they do they are often rude, unpleasant & leave you with an unfair bill, a messy house & feeling really annoyed. Hi, I’m Dave from “My Sparky”. I know good, reliable tradies are hard to find, that’s why I guarantee you’ll have me arrive on time. I’ll be courteous, respectful & in uniform. I will only do the best quality work - no short cuts, then clean up after the job & leave you with a smile. If you’re not happy at the end you’ll receive $50 cash, on me. Dave 0406 45 88 45 TESTIMONIALS “Very happy with Dave - on time, great.” Chris - South Fremantle “I am happy to recommend “My Sparkie.” He is honest & reliable. Thelma - Attadale “Prompt & helpful - Especially for a small job.” Gwen - Hammy Hill Licensed Contractor EC8007 Fremantle eco-Electrics ALL ELECTRICAL WORK • safety switches & smoke alarms • LED lights, fans, power points • security sensor lighting • re-wires & safety certificates • quality workmanship guaranteed 0451 048 552 6262 9046 fremantleecoelectrics@yahoo.com NO CALL OUT FEE EMPIRE BOBCAT & TRUCK Site Clearing, Earthworks, Soakwells, Retaining Walls, Slabs, Decks & Stairs including Suspended, Exposed Concrete, Liquid Limestone Justin 0428 024 011 mfp@outlook.com.au • • • • Lawn & Waste Removal Site Cleans & Earth Works Block Clearing Soil, Sand & Limestone Deliveries • Pad, Paving & Driveway Removal & Levelling FIXED HOURLY RATE 0411 88 99 22 bobcat@empirebc.com.au GET 2 ADS FREE! NEW TRADIES! To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on 9430 7727 B.J. 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ELECTRICAL CEILINGS EST 1995 The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM info@briteshine.com.au www.briteshine.com.au Phone Brian “25 YEARS EXP” LOCAL PROFESSIONAL HELP FOR: Tradies! Carpets & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning INTERIORS McIntyre Carpentry & Maintenance Sustainable Outdoor Solutions 0429 051 554 For a free quote call mcm AAA Bathroom Renovations INTERNATIONAL Renovators Owner/Builders 0435 004 147 heath.ics@gmail.com Cleaning Solutions 0412 860 566 To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 Phone Heath for a quote CABINET MAKING 0417 955 329 9418 3731 R&G Wilkinson NO CHEAP RUBBISH!! 9273 4049 - 0415 966 469 Builders/Owner builders welcome 0418 906 735 - 30 years exp.- TV ANTENNAS Renovations, fit outs, pergolas, decking, cladding, extensions, cedar lining, skirting, doors and more. 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DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL INSURANCE WORK Phone: 9495 2965 Fax: 9495 2964 email: fjp@iinet.net.au FREE MEASURE & QUOTE Floor Sanding Specialists Quality Fine Level Sanding Restoration to old floors Choice of finish Supply & lay new timber flooring 9331 4531 0422 631 075 Member of TFA CALL STEVE FOR A FREE QUOTE Garage Doors New Doors New Motors Free measure and quote All brands repaired All areas serviced No Call Out Fee KROM FENCING FA C T O RY D I R E C T CALL Asbestos Removal Colorbond & Hardi Fence Concrete Retaining Walls Plinths (Metal Retaining) Pool Fencing Colorbond Gates 1800 202 808 GARDENING DIY GATES OR WE INSTALL FREE MEASURE & QUOTE Office 9409 4005 Fax 9409 4010 Mobile 0426 954 134 kromfencing@live.com.au www.kromfencingwa.com.au Quality • regular maintenance & cleanups • specialised & heavy pruning • small tree lopping • mulching • native plantings • all landscaping & retic • garden design Call our friendly team now for prompt professional service 0421 954 590 Added Care Gardening Prompt, reliable & caring service in: ~ garden clean ups ~ maintenance ~ mulching ~ rubbish removal ~ weeding ~ pruning ~ lawn mowing Satisfaction Guaranteed 0428 222 202 Your • Hardifence • Colorbond Fencing • Retaining Walls • Yard Maintenance • Decking Insurance jobs welcome Baptiste Zimmermann 0417 839 054 tbys@outlook.com Specialised Outdoor Services Gutters cleaned & down pipes checked FREE Roof Inspection All roof repairs 9433 1077 (Pensioner Discount/Insured) A1 Total Maintenance MIKE 0477 222 115 garden time Garden Maintenance clean ups pruning planting mulching rubbish removal mowing fully insured prompt & reliable we care for your garden 0401 753 812 BY OPENING THE DOOR TO US, YOU’RE HELPING US OPEN THE DOOR TO OTHERS. To donate by credit card, call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or visit salvationarmy.org.au RED SHIELD APPEAL LANDSCAPING Touchstone Landscaping www.sos-services.com.au • All Building Repairs • Paving Repairs • Fencing • Floor Tiling • Roof Repairs • Mobile Welding • Painting • Limestone Work • Retic • Gutter Cleaning • Landscaping All aspects of Landscaping • limestone work • paving • lawn & synthetic lawn • planting schemes Fully Insured Free Onsite Consult Call Tony 0457 591 143 A/H 9499 4097 Landscape Constructions • Paving • Decking • Synthetic / Instant Lawns • Retaining • Retic • Fences • Water features • Garden Design & Install Covering all aspects of landscaping Quality construction and Design 22 years Exp / Cert Hort Phone Craig 0417 358 851 GET 2 0407 443 925 ADS FREE! Roy 0403 895 585 Planting Pruning Mulching Weeding Reticulation Clean Ups Rubbish Removal Lawnmowing GET 2 ADS FREE! NEW TRADIES! To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on 9430 7727 GLASS SERVICING S&G GLASS • 24 Hour 7 Days Glass Repair • Insurance Work • Glass Table Top • Shower Screens • Mirrors • Robes • Aluminium Windows & Doors • Security Windows & Doors (Lic 12324) • General Glazing & Maintenance For a free quote and friendly service call Sam on: 0411 142 955 All Hours 6/153 Rockingham Road, H/Hill • 24 Hour Emergency Repairs • Insurance Work Made to Measure & Repairs to: • Aluminium Doors/Windows • Patio Enclosures • Flyscreens/Security Screens • Shower Screens/Mirrors 21 Roper St, O’Connor 9331 1499 www.gtglass.net.au Handyman all maintenance • leaks • fencing • painting • doors & locks • skirting • decking •wall removal • flooring • blind installation • gutter cleaning & much more FREE QUOTES Quality, Reliable & Prompt Service All Building Repairs • Kitchen & Bathroom • Retaining Walls/Paving • Carpentry Work • Limestone/Fencing Patios/Pergolas • Demolition Works • Flooring/Decking • Wall & Floor Tiling • Painting • Ceiling & Stud Walls Eric 0418 383 619 ericfazio@bigpond.com ROD’S TOTAL HOME MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS NOTHING TOO SMALL 0413 545 595 A/H 9339 8069 FIX IT Handyman Services • Home repairs & maintence • Fence painting • Small tiling jobs • Ceiling & wall patching • Skirting, painting, floor board repairs, regrouting, minor carpentry & more Call Michael 0409 427 724 m_wooldridge@optusnet.com.au ALL GLASS REPAIRS • general glazing • mirrors • pet doors• tabletops • frameless shower screens • energy efficient glazing • security glazing • shelves 149 South Terrace, Fremantle (Cnr Price St) 9336 2615 Free Quotes To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 Phone 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 Page 28 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 NEW TRADIES! To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on 9430 7727 KITCHENS FLAT PACK KITCHENS Ron Liebrand 0418 695 235 Meg Liebrand 0438 068 257 P/F: 9437 3344 livopro@bigpond.com • commercial • domestic • auto • safes Quality Security Guaranteed COMMERCIAL LAUNDRY Superior Linen Superior Service Commercial Laundry and Linen Hire Service We are now servicing the South West and Metropolitan areas! Enquire today and see the difference! Phone 08 9534 7677 Email: superiorlinen@tributegroup.com GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM LIMESTONE Paradise LIMESTONE No Job Too Small • Feature limestone walls & letterboxes • Retaining Walls • Excavation & Bobcat Services • Soakwell Installations • Limestone Garden Edging • Colorbond Fencing • Slate Clattering • Stump Grinding Neat & Professional Workmanship FOR FREE QUOTES CALL AARON 0401 203 121 aaron_emery@ymail.com PEST CONTROL PLUMBING GIVE PESTS THE OLD HEAVE HO! • Termite Treatments • Inspections • Ants • Fleas • Cockroaches • Spiders • Bees • Rats & Mice 20% OFF in July & August 0402 326 468 Matthew’s All domestic & commercial pest & weed control FREE QUOTES RN: 7318 0434 493 537 PLASTERING PLASTERER For a clean reliable job at SENSIBLE PRICES. Quality Workmanship OVER 20 YEARS LOCAL EXPERIENCE Call Robin 9339 5671 Mobile 0413 480 425 painting contractors Proud employer of an apprentice. Phone Bruce 0418 928 456 T. DICARLO PLASTERERS Established 1970 • New Homes • Renovations • Rendering • Patching bruce@colourificpainting.com.au www.colourificpainting.com.au No job too big or small ALL PAVING Call David 0424 175 568 A reliable service for all your plumbing & gas work. Call Alex Barry for prompt reliable service 0411 452 742 PL7158 GF9661 All Plumbing Services • WůƵŵďŝŶŐΘ'ĂƐ • All Gas Fitting ůŽĐŬĞĚƌĂŝŶƐ 0 ,ŽƚtĂƚĞƌ & Servicing • Customer Satisfaction ƵƌƐƚWŝƉĞƐ Guarantee ůĞĂŶΘZĞůŝĂďůĞ • No charge ŽŵƉĞƚŝƚŝǀĞZĂƚĞƐ if we can’t fix it WĞŶŝƐĐŽƵŶƚƐ Phone ĂůůdLJƌŽŶĞ 0404 835 503 ϬϰϬϰϴϯϱϱϬϯ PL 7980 GF 11268 W>ϳϵϴϬ'&ϬϭϭϮϲϴ www.greenstoneplumbing.com.au All types of plastering, small or large jobs. Call Tom 9339 2562 Friendly service, quality job with old fashioned values. Over 25 Years of Experience REG. PRACTITIONER 6519 CONTRACTOR 7859 0415 940 607 0418 902 246 Same day emergency service 9430 7727 0405 088 190 or 9437 4688 Ph/Fax 9434 6405 glenn@glennturnerpainter.com.au glennturnerpainter.com.au John Cole 9310 3660 0412 198 966 john.cole2@bigpond.com Painting & Renovations Registered trades person. David Lowe 0401 747 368 9382 1463 PL: 7916 GF: 014502 PLUMBING PLUMBING GASFITTING DULUX ACCREDITED PAINTING CONTRACTORS • internal/external • tradesmen only • local resident • registered painter 2542 • senior discounts plumbing & gas NO CALL OUT FEE • Hot Water Systems • Leaking Taps • Blocked Drains, Toilets & Pipes • Annoying & Noisy Water Hammer • Anodes • Taps, Pans & Cistern • Water Filters • Gas Bayonets • Water Saving Devices GUARANTEED Same Day Service for Emergencies 9335 1552 GAS 10208 PL 6703 ASHTON’S PAINTING SERVICE Riverside Plumbing & Gas John interior/exterior neat & tidy free quotes Fox PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE Mobile: 0421 981 528 REG: 6304 PL: 6901 GF: 8742 FREE QUOTES Contact Wayne 0407 864 984 Local, Honest and Reliable • No Call Out Fee • Police Cleared • All Work Guaranteed PL 6067 GF 4483 Phone Christian 0412 137 747 All plumbing fixed & no call out fee IF WE CAN’T FIX IT WE DON’T CHARGE YOU! • hot water systems • blocked drains • leaking toilets • gas appliances • leaking taps • burst pipes Clean, Tidy, Courteous with Quality Work Guaranteed 0401 939 332 0408 934 039 Custom Design and Construction in Pergolas, Patios, A Frames, Gables, Carports, Alfresco & Gazebos, Resheeting & Timber Decking Cedar Lining Hot Water Installs + Service All Gas Appliances + Bayonets Blocked Drains • Burst Pipes Renovations • Retic Cut Ins Back Flow Prevention 10% PENSIONER DISCOUNT CALL GARRET QUALITY OUTDOOR IMPROVEMENTS Hot Water Systems Blocked Drains • Burst Pipes Flick Mixers • Toilets Gas Installations & Repairs Taps • Kitchens Bathrooms & Renovations All work guaranteed Fully insured - No call out fee To advertise phone today on PERGOLAS Design & Construct Service 0422 673 766 9433 3777 colourific Established 1984 Reg # 3284 Accredited Dulux Painter PL 7515 GF 013344 Sewer Conversion. Sewer Junction Cut-in. H.W.S. Repair & Install 24 Hour Emergency H.W. www.freopest.com.au Painting Services Reasonable prices. Good discounts for pensioners. Work guaranteed. All Class Plumbing and Gas All at competitive prices 24 hours emergency work 10% discount for pensions Aged pensioner discount Call Michael Residential & Commercial Ikea & Other ‘Flatpack‛ Specialist. Kitchen, Laundry, Wardrobes & Benchtop Installation. 24 HOUR CALLOUT all locks repaired, replaced or unlocked LAUNDRY SERVICES 0400 113 107 F&W Solutions LOCKSMITH PAINTING DL S Contact Doug ALL AREAS ABN 36 339 876 764 GUTTER CLEANING Gardening Residential 0409 835 723 0451 053 230 mj.bygrave@hotmail.com Aluminium Slat (wood look) or Colorbond Gates & In Fill Panels We do all insurance & private quotes trades&services HANDYMAN No Job Too Small Free Measure & Quote Call Mike • • • • • • GARDENING GARAGE DOORS COLORBOND Fencing and Gates LOWEST PRICE IN WA herald SOUTHSIDE PLUMBING • Hot Water Systems • Blocked Drains • Burst Pipes • Toilet & Cisterns • Leaking Taps • Gas Installations 0437 904 948 PL7680 No call out fee! GF 13358 P Property Plumbing & Gas Pty Ltd PL7971 GF015728 PL7409 GL7917 Perth Exit Plumbing Helping Locals & Helping the Environment All Plumbing Services Plumbing Renovations Hot Water Systems Servicing Taps or Replace Blocked Drains Toilet Systems No Call Out Fee Ring Steve 9330 4312 or 0406 352 020 trades.services@fremantleherald.com herald trades&services PLUMBING ROOF PLUMBING ROOFING SOAKWELLS PLUMBING & GAS ISSUES? ROOF PLUMBING & RIDGE CAPPING FRANK’S ROOFING SOAKWELLS Let us solve your problems... DHM Plumbing & Gas Services • Hot water units installed, serviced & maintained • All types of taps serviced & installed • Water & gas leaks rectified • Drains unblocked • Toilet pans, cisterns serviced & installed • Alterations & renovations SAME T DAY HO ! • Solar hot water units WATER serviced & maintained • Back flow prevention devices serviced & installed • Resonable call outs & hourly rates • All work guaranteed • Police clearance • Friendly, courteous & we keep all appointments • Payment on completion Tony 0415 175 009 dhmplumbingandgas@hotmail.com www.dhmplumbing.com.au PL 7883 - GL 012815 RU W EW 150987 TH NE ABN 54218337759 N & E S R Payments by EFTPOS, CASH, OPMA YEA EFT & Major Credit Cards X Gutters, Extra Downpipes, Valleys, Roofs, HP Cleaned • Ridgecaps repointed • Broken Tiles replaced • Overflow spouts Fast service, Free quotes, all work guaranteed CALL PHIL 0427 502 214 GET 2 ADS FREE! NEW TRADIES! To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on 9430 7727 J.Munro NO CALL OUT FEE PENSIONER DISCOUNTS Call Jack 0418 949 472 ROOFING GF014750 REMOVALS 9337 1601 24 Hours Mob 0409 105 559 Quality Work www.pavedrain.com.au Specialised Outdoor Services All Roof Replacements & Maintenance We service Govt. schools in Roof Works. 9433 1077 www.sos-services.com.au • Wall & Floor Tiling • New & Renovations DIRECT IMPORT & LAY Tiler Direct Client • Good price, High Quality • Package offers available Two Men and Truck 7 DAYS A WEEK & SHORT NOTICE ☎ 0458 883 333 www.cockburnremovals.com.au Building Licence # 13954 1/435 Yangebup Rd, Cockburn Central AAA Acton Roofing SERVICE WITH A SMILE • ALL ROOF REPAIRS & LEAKS Tile/Tin/Asbestos • GUTTERS & DOWNPIPES Clean/Repair/Replace • ROOF COATING & CLEANING • SKYLIGHTS/ROOF VENTS Liam 0412 830 775 STOP WATER LEAKING THROUGH WALLS USING RESISTANT ADDITIVES. PHONE TREVOR OR EUNICE ROSS TERRY’S REMOVALS $105 per hour+ GST 0419 915 459 Established since 1986 1986 Estabished since 2 Men - Large Truck 20 yrs experience 0458 872 333 RETICULATION A QUALITY RETICULATION SERVICES WINTER SPECIALS New Installations, Add-Ons, Services & Repairs Including Replacing Control Boxes, Solanoids etc. Call now for prompt & professional services 0414 097 538 ALLWEST BORES & RETICULATION ✓ repairs to submersible & centrifugal bores ✓ installation of new bores and wells ✓ reticulation installations & repairs Call now for a free quote Mob: 0406 763 676 To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 GET 2 ADS FREE! WE REMOVE & DISPOSE OF: ✓ Old Tiles ✓ Iron ✓ Asbestos NEW TRADIES! WE SUPPLY & INSTALL To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on ✓ Colorbond, Zincalume ✓ Skylights, Whirly Birds ✓ Insulation, Gutters ✓ Tile Roof Restoration WorkSafe Asbestos Demolition Lic Builders Registration Number 13172 Cockburn Roofing Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED • Ridgecapping Specialists • Gutters & Downpipes • Leaks/Reroofing • Install Gutter Guard & Whirly Birds • All types of roof maintenance Leon 0403 184 723 cockburnroofing@bigpond.com.au • gutters • downpipes • roof leaks • asbestos removal • reroofing All work guaranteed Fully Qualified Tradesmen Only Ron: 0403 842 218 Fax: 9434 6221 Email: swanriverroofing@live.com.au 9430 7727 RUBBISH REMOVAL 2,3 & 4m bins. All bins with ramps. Friendly local owner/operator. Phone Leo. Pay by Cards, Cash or EFT 9314 1222 0418 940 121 • 2+10 Cubic Meter Skip Bins • Environmentally Friendly • Rapid Response • Competitive Rates • Fully Insured • Bobcats & Excavators • Hiab & Tail Lift Trucks We Place Bins Where Others Can’t ☎ 9437 1999 A/H 0411 722 892 www.southernbins.com.au SEWING MACHINES Port Sewing Centre Repairs to all sewing machines and overlockers. All aspects of Carpentry Ph 9335 6113 Dean • • • • SERVICE Est. East Frem. 1982 Fully Insured Pensioner discounts Free quote Call your local contractor Owen Ritson 9339 6645 0421 118 704 TRENCHBUSTERS PTY LTD SOUTHERN BINS SINGER PFAFF 0413 057 979 TREE SERVICES Ring a Bin OWEN’S TREE ROOF CARPENTER • pergolas • second story additions •extentions • re-roofing No Mess Guaranteed! 0415 900 932 www.thetreefirm.com.au North Fremantle 29 www.abtrees.com.au • Family owned & operated • Fully qualified • Fully insured • All aspects of tree work • Free quotes • Mulch sales Andrew 0411 051 272 Ben 0424 150 899 Since 1851 North Fremantle 31C 1800 509 804 9364 6352 6352 OTHERWISE THE WORK IS ILLEGAL 9430 6553 Fremantle 6A We Do It All - Then We Clean Up Shower Shower Regrouting Regrouting If your re-roof is more than $20,000 (inc GST) your re-roofing Company must be a Registered Building Company. This means Licenced with The Builders Registration Board. 16 Essex St, Fremantle www.roofandwalldoc.com.au Fremantle 14 M: 0421 439 229 T: 9414 1112 READ THIS Experienced Removalists When You Need Your Trees Trimmed, Pruned, Shaped or Removed - Call: (Main Floor & Bathroom) Free Quotes Pensioner Discounts ROOF & WALL DOCTOR 0418 906 735 Do you live in or around any of these areas? TILING (Pensioner Discount) Plumbing & Gasfitting • Blocked Drains • Hot Water Systems • Leaking Taps • Toilets & Cisterns • Gas Applications • Burst Pipes PL1954 FLEXI CEMENT Q FR RIDGECAPPING UOT EE ES • Roofcoating • Reroofing tiles & tin • Gutters & Downpipes • Pensioner discounts + Fix leaks All aspects of Drainage & Stormwater Management Downpipes, Driveways, Spoon Drains, etc. We also repair existing soakwells and brickpaving. For advice and recommendations call Deane TREE SERVICES KENT’S TREE SERVICE Stump Grinding • over 25 yrs exp • fully insured • free quotes & advice • removal or verge pick-up “Service is our Motto” THE “TREE GP” NOW AVAILABLE FOR TREE SURGERY Kent 0411 284 833 Foxys e r T elopping To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 WALLS ROOF & WALL DOCTOR BRICK & BRICK & LIMESTONE LIMESTONE Beaconsfield 42A RISING DAMP FRETTING MORTAR TUCKPOINTING OLD RENDER REMOVED LIMESTONE REPOINTED HERITAGE RESTORATION 9430 6553 23 Years Experience Builders Registration Number 13172 WASHER & DRYER A1 WASHER REPAIRS • Repairs to most makes of washer & dryers • In home repairs • 12 months guarantee • Senior citizen’s discounts SEC Lic. South Fremantle 50 0409 088 832 WINDOW CLEANING AVANTI WINDOW CLEANING RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Fully Insured Police Clearance Reliable & Efficient Attention to Detail East Fremantle 33 East Fremantle 35 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Alex Doran 0414 797 712 & STUMP GRINDING FREE QUOTES • FULLY INSURED Since 1862 58 Adelaide St, Fremantle To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 Phone 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 DANGEROUS TREES OR ANNOYING STUMPS REMOVED SAFELY AND PROMPTLY. TREES TRIMMED & SHAPED. • Yard Clean-ups and Junk Removal • Gutter Cleaning 9433 4156 0407 473 626 If so and you’d like to join the Herald distribution team call Marie King on 9430 7727 trades.services@fremantleherald.com Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 29 NOTICEBOARD WHAT’S ON • CLASSES • ACTIVITIES • SPIRITUAL SERVICES • SUPPORT GROUPS ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS DANCE Course FREE! Learn Latin & Ballroom dances that can be used socially at Weddings or wherever a dance opportunity arises. Patient expert teachers who make it easy. 5 hours over 5 weeks. Dance only with your partner. One pays $100 & partner is FREE. (singles $65). Burswood Starts March 12 Wed 8pm. O’Conor March 11 Tue 7pm. Wayne 0414 310 823 www.cutlersdance.com.au AIKIDO Wed’s 7.30 - 9.00pm Sat’s 9 -10.30am @ Fremantle PCYC, 32a Paget St Hilton. Info: Web: www.aikidowa.org David 0428 536 835 ARE YOU EXPERIENCING LOW INCOME, DEPRESSION, SOCIAL ISOLATION OR HEALTH PROBLEMS? Give Life a Dance! is a 4 week program of Wu Tao classes that reduce stress and improve physical and emotional health. $20 for the 4 classes. Program starts 2.00pm Saturday 5th April. Replants 96 Wray Avenue Fremantle. Contact Michelle 0417 989 397 email taodancer@gmail.com to register BEGINNERS SALSA & JIVE/Swing Course FREE! Dance only with your partner. One pays $100 & partner is FREE. (singles $65). Burswood Starts March 12 Wed 7pm. O’Conor March 10 Mon 7.15pm. Wayne 0414 310 823 www.cutlersdance.com.au BRAHMA KUMARIS MEDITATION Session Tuesdays 7-8pm, 42 Glyde St East Fremantle 0499 310 302 CARBOOT SALE - ST DAVID’S CHURCH Simpson Street, Ardross. Saturday 29th March, 11am-2pm. $10 per bay. Details and bookings phone Jessica 6-8.30pm 9364 2015 CHOIR Bicton. Fun, easy. Beginners welcome. MaryAnn 9316 9716 DANCE CLASSES FOR ADULTS. Modern Jive (Latin and jive combination). Melville Bowling Club, Tuesday Nights, 7:30pm. Easy to learn and great fun. Call Megan 0421 457 588 or visit www.megaroc.com.au FREE REIKI Lecture Evening in East Fremantle on Wednesday 26th March from 7-9pm. Wonderful way to find out about Reiki Energy. Phone 0414 459 274 for further information FUN & HEALTH. Join us for Hydrotherapy. Melville Aquatic Centre. Fridays 12 noon. Qualified physio. Private health cover, full rebate. Auriel Downs 9523 1052 GRATEFUL thanks to St Jude for prayers answered. Sue JAZZ FREMANTLE Graham Wood Quintet. Sunday 23 March, 4 - 7pm. Navy Club, 64 High Street, Fremantle. Visitors $20 Enquiries: 9330 3491. Sponsor: HEALTHWAY - Act-Belong-Commit www.jazzfremantle.com.au LAKESIDE VILLAGE SOCIAL CLUB has a Happy Hour on Fridays at 5:30-6:30pm and a Golden Hour on Mondays 5-6pm. These are held in the Club and The Lodge on Bibra Drive, not far from Murdoch University. Would any students or readers be willing to give some time to serve drinks and assist some of the older people, as part of their Community programme & commitment? If interested contact Keith 0433 406 766 “PIES 4 EYES”-freshly baked apple pies + choc banana & Mexican cheese and pumpkin pies. Proceeds of sale for Fred Hollows Foundation, 7.30am-12 noon on Sunday 30th March. Where? Grey St, Fremantle. Pre-orders 9430 4028 PAINTING CLASS WITH PHIL DOUGHTY - join Phil on Fridays from 11am at the Ottey Centre 2 A South Lake Drive, South Lake. Discover your inner Artist. Cost Pensioners $5 Employed $10 Call Phil 0412 856 267 SING SING SING Groups and individual lessons choir. Melville and Fremantle. Beginners welcome. Call Joanna 9339 5631 TAMLA MOTOWN, MYAREE. Friday 4th April 7.30 till late, come & dance to the best in Motown & other Soul music at Rhein Donau Club (known locally as the German club), 110 North Lake Rd. Myaree. Entry $10 at the door. Great food available & free parking. For more info email soulsourcemusic@tpg.com.au or call 0450 011 704 HERALD NOTICEBOARD spread the word. Write (to PO Box 85 North Fremantle, 6159), drop (at 41 Cliff St, Freo), fax (9430 7726) or email (news@ fremantleherald.com) but please do not phone. Please keep your notices short and to the point (we reserve the right to cut free notices). Deadline is noon Tuesday. UP TO 93,600 copies from just $13 per ad in the Herald Classifieds email your classies to news@fremantleherald.com 1-12 words for just $13 For every extra 4 words add $2 Booking deadline 12 noon Tuesday ART & CRAFT ART CLASSES at seaside studio Fremantle. Painting and drawing Tuesdays. Beginners to experienced artists welcome.World’s End Studio. 0410 915 707 tessajoy@ hotmail.com CHILDCARE BABYSITTING (daytime) you come to me. 6 months - 3yrs old. Unable to go through a day care, don’t have any reliable help but need a few hours to yourself, please call Deb 0434 522 238. Police Clearance and Working with Children Check COMPUTERS APPLE, laptop, PC repairs. Virus removal. Experienced professionals. 3/211 South Street 9431 7549 WEBSITE lacking traffic? I can help with SEO social media lessons. 0425 284 015 www. perthbusinesshelp.com.au WHY Trust your computer to any old back yard computer person? Are you looking for service you can trust? Bentech Computers have been in Fremantle for 10 years providing friendly helpful knowledge and experience to all our valued clients. We can help with all of your home and office computer needs ranging from PC’s & Laptops to network and broadband setup. Can’t make it down to us? Bentech Computers can come to you and provide the same level of quality & customer service that we offer in our shop but in the comfort of your home or office. Whether you’re after a new computer or just advice on choosing an internet provider we are always here & happy to help. Bentech Computers 100 Wray Ave, Fremantle. Ph 9430 9243 EXPERT SERVICES ACCOUNTING and taxation services for businesses and individuals. Email Judit@stptax. com or Tel: 9329 9998, 1/1 North Lake Road, Alfred Cove AIRCONDITIONING Evaporative, summer service, pads and repairs. 0408 865 183 ALL Electrical Services, Domestic Commercial & Industrial. All payments accepted. EC10883 Please contact Keith-0449 160 105 ARCHITECT. Approachable, practiced, prompt. Award winner. Affordable design service. Yes, different. Patrick Healey (R1008) 9499 1888 IMPRESS your customers and prospective customers with a beautifully designed and informative enewsletter! We can look after all your communication needs as well as social media posts to achieve your business goals! www.mooveonline.com.au Contact info@mooveonline. com.au or call Leonie on 0401 677 401 today! BOOKKEEPING NKJJ Services. Data Entry, Rec’n MYOB, Quickbooks nkjjservices@optusnet.com.au Jenny 0407 927 183 BOOKKEEPING. Registered BAS agent. Cert IV Bookkeeping/ Accounting. Efficient, effective and accurate, with a hands on approach, quality individually tailored service to large & small business. Over 22 years exp in bookkeeping/admin, 11+ MYOB exp. Services: accounts pay/rec, payroll, super, BAS/ IAS, bank recon. Please call Antonella at AV Bookkeeping 0404 842 483 or email info@ avbookkeeping.com.au BRICKLAYER 1st class. Small, medium jobs. 9335 4715 or 0400 505 302 BRICKPAVER Any Size Job Considered 25 Yrs Exp. 0402 034 348 BUILDER - Professional builder specialising in all renovation work, all insurances and quality assured work. Ablewestconstruction.com.au Brent 0407 928 538 herald EXPERT SERVICES EXPERT SERVICES BUILDING additions, granny flats, new homes. Practical, stylish, affordable design service. Save with our owner builder help or builder tenders. Patrick Healey, Architect (1008) 9499 1888 or 0412 956 967 GARDEN Rescue Service, Comprehensive Clean-Ups. Rubbish Removal, Bush and Tree Pruning, Weeding, Congested Flower Beds Areas Renovated. Ring Phil anytime 0417 966 277 BUILDING Renovations & home maintenance, walls removed, windows, kitchens, patios, pergolas. Ph Ray 0417 947 943 rayhatton1150@ gmail.com BW ROOF Plumbing: re-gutter, downpipes, roof leaks, new and old houses. Phone Benn 0433 694 266 CARPENTER, Handyman, Multi-skilled, Renovator. 25 years local experience. Repairs specialist Matt 0423 426 202 CARPET & Vinyl layer, repairs & re-stretching. Call Dave 0409 666 062 CLEAN Green- Go Eco Clean. Environmentally responsible. Reliable, Efficient, Pristine Results. Registered Business. For your FREE quote phone Alla Hayes 0481 307 797 CLEANER - Vicky’s Green Clean 0401 009 518. Enthusiastic, energetic and reliable home and office cleaning using environmentally friendly products and practices. Perfect for the eco motivated and ideal for those with chemical sensitivities, asthma & allergies CLEANER Efficient and reliable. Police cleared. $30 p/h. 0410 523 871 CLEANER Fast, Efficient, Reliable. Police Cleared. References. 0401 883 377 CLEANER - Friendly, reliable and efficient home and window cleaning. Regular and vacate cleans. Police cleared. Call Prema 0421 128 220 CLEANER Professional reliable 15 years experience. $30 per hour. Contact 0433 008 920 PLEASE call Mana on 0474 137 408 for professional cleaning services. For all types of properties - houses, units. Please call to book in a time and date CLEANING Home Cleaning Fast and Efficient two women team. Reasonable rates. Call Ariel & Kali 0449 639 646 or 0412 784 240 CLEANING services. Two females. $30 an hour per cleaner. Reliable, efficient and thorough. Police Clearance, inspection. Vacating rental properties included. 0449 824 554 CLEANING With A Sparkle 0457 332 871 CURTAIN Making, Tracks, Pelmets, Swags. Call 9498 7260 DRAFTING Service. All South. Additions; Boundary Walls Plans; Pergolas; All for Council Approval. No job to small. Ph 0447 870 177 FENCING Replace repair all types fencing, gates and welding. Amir 0401 962 511 FINANCIAL DIRECTOR ON CALL. Experienced Financial Director available on part time basis to small and medium businesses at a fraction of the cost of a full time FD. For more detail on services offered phone Brink on 0416 471 707 or email brink.vanwyk@bvg.net GARDEN & Reticulation Maintenance. Free quotes. Planting, mulching, pruning, weeding, hedging, mowing. Gutters & outdoor area clean-ups. Rubbish removal. Damian 0437 318 304 GARDEN A1 Service. Regular customers welcome. Weeding, pruning, mulching, retic, repairs etc. Ph Nick 0410 126 756 GARDEN Designs and makeovers of ageing gardens. Native plant specialist. Small jobs OK. Maintenance – weeding, pruning, planting, mulching. Certificate IV Horticulture. MaryAnn 9316 9716 NEW lawns & retic, artificial lawns, planting & mulching. Free quotes. Ph Dan 0421 794 615 GARDEN Rescue Service Back Working. Weeding Pruning Removal of Trees Bushes. Green area cleanups sorted. Help to rationalise maintenance procedures. Ring Phil anytime 0417 966 277 heraldclassifieds Page 30 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 GARDENER, handyman, gutters. Phone Michael 0435 221 013 or 9433 6171 GARDENER/ HANDYMAN. Weeding, Pruning, Retic. etc. Cheap rates, reliable. 9418 5271 GARDENING All Aspects of Landscape/Gardening, new gardens, planting and mulching, new lawns, retic, garden maintenance, free quotes, Adam 0417 916 198 GATES Repair or replace. All type gates. Pool gate, metal and wood. Amir 0401 962 511 GUTTERS Free roof inspection with every gutter clean. Pensioner Discount 9433 1077 HANDYMAN All jobs. Home maintenance. Pride in work. John 9331 3101 or 0409 681 036 HANDYMAN All South Handyman. Welding, gates, fences, all metal work, Built/ repaired. Soakwells, paving, painting and decking. No job too small. Call Amir 0401 962 511 HANDYMAN - Decking, Wood working, Picture hanging services, Tree pruning and light tree removal, odd jobs. Ring Pierre 0428 387 303 HANDYMAN for your Home and Garden, Maintenance and Repair. Tom 0497 629 522 HOME maintenance. Carpenter / Cabinet Maker/ Doors/ Locks Tiling and Painting. Call Jeff 0469 228 608 IRONING Fast, Efficient. Freo and surrounding areas. Michelle 0427 339 253 IRONING Lady, reliable, professional service, pick up and deliver $40 p/h 0412 907 795 IRONING Pick up & deliver. $40 per basket. Next day return 0420 766 911 IRONING Services. Ironing/ Washing(inc drying). Pickup and delivery available. 0434 522 238 LANDSCAPE GARDENING All aspects of garden care. Maintenance and Development. New Garden Design and Install. Christine and Larry Pryor mob. 0415 258 783 LAWN mowing. Whipper snipping. Free Quotes. Dave 0437 787 755 LEAFLET Distribution made easy. Call the Herald and we’ll do the rest. Target particular suburbs; we can handle any size distribution. Just pick up the phone & dial 9430 7727 and ask for Marie King LOCAL Bloke. All aspects of handyman work and building supervision by a qualified Carpenter. Call Nathan on 0477 066 641 PAINTER REG 3648. Domestic, Commercial, Rentals. 0417 982 804 Robin PAINTER Reg 7655. All aspects of painting. Ph: 0414 739 313. Chris PLASTERING Internal and External. 25 years experience. Reliable and friendly service. No job too small. Phone Tony 0415 748 774 PROFESSIONAL ORGANISER. Declutter, Organise, Simplify your home, office or life. Need some help? Susan Deeley at your service. $50 hr thelivingwell.net.au ph 9494 2079 REMOVALS Small/med/large moves. 1 or 2 men. Cheap rates. 0438 259 978 RETIC Repaired or Installed, including dripline systems. Garden Advice. Call Sam 0431 993 152 RETICULATION All repairs Servicing and Installations. Plus Landscape and Garden Advice. Garden Management Plans Available. 30 Years Experience. Ph Mark Scrine Cert. Hort 0417 093 578 ROOFING All roof replacements and roof maintenance. Pensioner Discount 9433 1077 RUBBISH Removed. Large or small loads 7 days. Ph 9457 3323 or 0419 918 928 classifieds EXPERT SERVICES JUNK Removal. All shed, house and yard junk removed. Geoff 0414 694 656 SECRETARIAL Services, Highly qualified and experienced Jan 9332 6456 SEWING Cushion covers for home, boat, van, mattresses etc. Fabrics avail. Foam Sales 9330 1199 SIGNWRITER Traditional hand painted signs. Shopfronts, banners, signboards, windows, vehicles. 40 yrs exp Michael 0432 539 143 TILER, Bathrooms, Splashbacks, Walls, Floors, Repairs. Chris 0402 960 802 WALL and Floor Tiler. Qualified Tradesman All Aspect of Wall and Floor Tiling. Specialising in Bathroom Renovations. John 0424 263 060 WILLS And Probate. Experienced Solicitor. Friendly advice. Reasonable fee. FITZLAW 9337 3852 mob 0401 199 372 jf@fitzlaw. com.au WINDOW Cleaning. Also Available weekends. 2 storey specialist. Call Jamie 0438 382 345 WINDOW Cleaning. Professional, Police Cleared, Insured, Local. Adam or Melanie 9310 7340/ 0419 968 811 FOR SALE BED Overlays. Thick premium quality. More comfort, less aches and pains. Foam Sales 82 Norma Rd, Booragoon 9330 1199 DRESSING table, cabriole legs, 3 mirrors, 6 drawers, excellent quality: $150 & Leather armchair, matching ottoman, as new, bone colour, very comfy: $180 & Organ technics, 2 keyboards, stool, very good condition: $90 - Please call 9337 5523 FOAM Cushions, mattresses etc cut to size and covered. Foam Sales 82 Norma Rd Booragoon 9330 1199 HONEY, Unprocessed honey delivered free in 10x1 kg tubs $70. Austen 9437 1774 NEW and pre-loved Designer and quality clothing for women and men. Silver Linings Fashion, Shop 4, Westgate Mall, Cantonment St, Fremantle (opposite Woolstores) 0430 475 682 PACKING Boxes from $1.85, paper, bubble wrap, robes. Can deliver. 9417 2000 PACKING BOXES. Various sizes, from 50 cents to $1. Pick-up only. 0419 716 929 PELMET Boxes. $15/meter made to order, DIY cover. Foam Sales 82 Norma Rd Booragoon 9330 1199 GARAGE SALE ATWELL 8 Jouissance Bend. 9am on Sunday 23/03. Kids toys, some household. Coffee table and machine FREO’S Great Grey St Garage Sale - Sun 30th March 8am12noon. Vintage, up-cycled and children’s clothing, furniture, books, plants, food, tools, homewares, art, bric a brac & more! The Herald Supports Recycling After youʻve read it recycle it... HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION HOLIDAY House for rent Pemberton/Northcliff area. Ideal for couples/families. Peaceful bushland with walks. 0417 940 261 LOST & FOUND FOUND Camera at Point Walter Cafe. Please call Janelle at the Herald to verify/ collect. 9430 7727 MARRIAGE CELEBRANTS ANNE Roberts Registered Celebrant. Beautiful ceremonies designed the way you want. Ph 9335 6063 / 0431 945 645 CAROLINA Allen CMC simple ceremonies to suit you. Ph 0409 291 616 MUSICAL GUITAR Lessons, easy going teacher 20 yrs exp. Simple method. I Come 2u. 0439 597 507 PIANO Tuner. Professional tuning services offered. Regular tuning $165. Call Ronald 0416 065 983 SERENATA Strings. Classical quartet or trio for weddings, functions or parties. Email hug1@iinet.net.au Call Hans 9335 6980 evenings PETS CLIPPER Dog Clipping and Hydrobath and Blow Drying. 0411 705 246 DOG Walking and pet feeding, quality 1on1 service, 0412 664 032 www.megansdogwalking.com PHOTOGRAPHY WEDDINGS, Events, Documentary. Experienced Photographer. Various packages. James: 0414 451 957. Website: jameskerrphotography.com PUBLIC NOTICES ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, want to drink? That’s your business. Want to stop? That’s ours. Ring all hours 9325 3566 office, Michael 0418 904 102, Lisa 0404 926 367 SHARED ACCOMMODATION PALMYRA Large furn room in friendly 3 bedroom home, close to shops & transport. $190/pw incl expenses 0419 020 190 SITUATIONS VACANT BARISTA. Busy Cafe in Success looking for honest, exp’d, passionate & hardworking Barista. Must be avail weekends & have serving exp. CV to: brushfoot.cafe@ iinet.net.au JUNIOR - Pasta Addiction Café needing counterhand and to help pack up alfresco. MonThur after school until 6.00 pm. If you can only work 2-3 okay also. Ph: Tihana 0403 919 690 PART TIME Support Worker / Carer. We are looking for an experienced and flexible support worker south of the river to assist a woman with a disability both in home and in the community. Thurs and Fri 10.30 – 6.30 (times may vary) Some overnights and leave relief. You must have good communication skills, be reliable and able to use your initiative. You will also need to be able to work with respect in someone’s home. Duties include some personal care, in home support, and accessing the community. Police clearance, reliable car and valid driver’s licence essential. For more information, please contact Karen 0414 915 554 SITUATIONS WANTED WORK from Home. No Selling. Training Provided. 08 9647 1074 SPORT & FITNESS GLOVEWORKX Boxing and Fitness Gym. Classes run daily, no experience needed, expert friendly help, everyone welcome. -Learn self defence -Build Strength and Stamina -Loose weight -De-Stress. Centre (NEW). 6am Early Bird fitness class. 10am Women’s Only Class. Personal Training also available. www.gloveworkxboxing.com 0415 199 653 TO LET FREMANTLE - Spacious room at rear of Yoga Centre available to lease (commercial use). Adjoining Bathroom & Kitchen. Own entry. Contact Nikki 0411 796 354 HAMILTON HILL 3 bed home. Close to shops, school, transport. Employed. References. 430 p/w. 0413 914 918 PALMYRA, 2 bedrooms Plus Living Area & Ensuite/Wc Upstairs; in Owners Private Home, partly furnished.$440 pw, utility bills included, walking distance to Woolworths, on 501 Bus Route, 10 min to Freo. Ph 0447 870 177 TUITION AAA To Infinity Tutor. Mathematics (inc. 3AB, 3CD and Specialist Math), Physics, and Engineering tuition in your home. Specialising in Years 10 to year 12, WACE, University and TAFE. Focusing on clear explanations, problem solving and exam preparation. Experienced, professional and dedicated tutor. Phone Denton 0425 898 598 or 9418 7703 ENGLISH not your first language? I can help! Qualified CELTA teacher can come to your home. Only $15/hr. 9418 7453 ENGLISH, Literature and ESL tuition. Years 8-12 and university. Qualified and experienced teacher. Applecross. 9316 2817 ENGLISH/LITERATURE. Highly qualified experienced teacher. WACE marker. Ring Kath 9335 8974, khjordan@ cygnus.uwa.edu.au EXPERIENCED female Primary School teacher available to tutor English and Maths in Melville area. Ph: 0407 383 433 FRENCH Tuition Hamilton Hill. Jeanne-Marie chaanappel@ gmail.com MATHEMATICS tuition. Years 8-11 from High School Teacher. Phone Russell 9339 0445 MATHS, Physics, chemistry tutor, 35 years experienced, approachable. comes to you 0409 036 498 MATHS, Physics. Experienced supportive Female Teacher. B.S.C. (Physics), Dip Ed. (Maths). Suravi 0402 447 584 TUITION for primary school students. Experienced and qualified teacher. Literacy, numeracy and preparation for NAPLAN. North Fremantle. Phone Lindi 0431 633 623 WANTED TO BUY BOXES Removal type. Cash paid. Will pick up depending on quantity/location. 9417 5234 MEDALS and militaria bought by genuine local collector phone 0407 982 215 TOOLS, China, bric/brac, antiques, records, books, jewellery, clocks, H/hold goods. Cash paid. Sheds, garages, cleared out, deceased estates. Call SHEDBUSTERS 9337 3953 or 0414 451 203 WOMEN’S & men’s new / pre-loved designer clothing & accessories. Silver Linings Fashion, Shop 4, Westgate Mall, Cantonment St, Fremantle (opposite Woolstores) 0430 475 682 mind A COURSE IN MIRACLES Psychology of the mind with spiritual guidance. Relationship Counselling: 8wk Groups: Healing Inner Child, and Spiritual Awakening. www.paulandfabian. com 0402 414 826 in Fremantle or teleconferencing AYURVEDA AND YOGA WELLNESS CENTRE. We have returned from a successful yoga & ayurveda retreat in Rishikesh, India restored and rejuvenated & available for consultations & treatments. New retreat dates for next Rishikesh, India Retreat 24th Feb to 9th March 2015. Ph Leah 9331 1018/ 0438 693 855 or Nikki 9433 1018/ 0411 796 354 www. yogavedawellness.com ABUNDANCE Life Coaching. “Regain your Personal Power and Create desired Success & Happiness”. Life Coaching, Energy Healing, NLP, Time Line Therapy, Hypnosis, Intuitive Development Groups, Meditation Groups, Inspirational Speaking. Ph Catherine 0408 563 746 or visit www. soulabundance.com ART Therapy. Connecting to your Inner Awareness. Finding new understandings, solutions, healing. Elspeth 0410 853 441. Cottesloe AYURVEDIC Yoga. Massage available in Fremantle. Phone Sucha 0411 127 778 BOWEN THERAPY BOWEN Therapy is a gentle yet dynamic form of bodywork that has great success in treating muscle & soft tissue injuries. In particular, neck, shoulder, back, sciatic, leg, knee & ankle pain. Also great for pregnancy, fatigue & general wellness. ‘Treat Yourself to Better Health through Bowen Therapy.’ Health Rebates Apply. Ph: Laura 9433 6538 body COUNSELLING and Psychotherapy. Creating new ways of thinking and behaving, to make sense of emotional pain and distress. Resolving and managing difficulties in Relationships & all issues of Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Self-confidence, Trauma/Grief. Effective, gentle, confidential. Karin Sephton, nationally accredited Psychotherapist,15 yrs experience, registered clinical member PACAWA/ PACFA 21219. Some rebates apply. www.karin-sephton.com 0409 298 727 COUNSELLING and Psychotherapy. Expertise in relationships, depression, anxiety, sexual difficulties, sexual abuse, grief and loss. Confidential and professional, in a safe and comfortable setting. Tel: Emily 0406 076 887 COUNSELLING And support services. Ever Forward Counselling specializing in relationship advice, child/ adolescent and general support. Concession rates available. 7b Silas St. E Fremantle, www. everforwardcounselling.com or ph: 0452 238 374 COUNSELLING changes lives…professional counselling for individuals, couples and families in a safe, supportive environment. Contact Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) on 0468 957 061 SOUTH Freo Counselling: over 15 years experience in all aspects of counselling practice - children, adolescents, parents, couples, individuals. South Tce, South Fremantle. Call Karen: 0435 084 229 or email: southfreocounselling@ amnet.net.au HYPNOSIS TO give YOU control of your weight loss and other issues. Clinical Hypnotherapist at Medec Health Care. Member PHA and ANHR 9316 9888 KINESIOLOGY can help you obtain optimal health, emotional wellbeing, reduce stress and optimize your learning potential. Call Karole Internal Balance Kinesiology 0411 798 454. Health Rebates may be available. Quote the ad and get $10 off first session BALINESE Massage. Deep Tissue. Hot Stone Massage. $65/hr strictly non sexual Please call Rika 0410 036 760 Melville NATUROPATH & FERTILITY BRITT Barkman ND. Healthy egg, healthy sperm, healthy baby. Nourish yourself, your partner and your future family. Wellspring Naturopathic Clinic www. wellspringnaturopathic.com. au 9314 7005 NEW morning, afternoon yoga classes. 10am Tues, Thur, Fri. 1.30pm Mon, Wed. Experienced teachers, Air Conditioned, Free parking. Full schedule online. Beginners welcome. www.jyoga.com.au 0418 923 791, 146 Carrington St O’Connor The Herald Supports Recycling. After youʻve read it recycle it... spirit herald COLOUR INTRODUCTION to Mindfulness Wellness Information Session, March 24th 6.30-8.00pm. Experience a mindfulness meditation and learn techniques to use every moment of the day to combat stress. Contact sashawray@ live.com or 0402 550 469 to register. www.wihc.com MASSAGE Amazing self healing alleviates stress/ neck/ shoulder/ back, tension/ pain/ migraines. Zen shiatsu therapeutic massage. Trained in Japan. Non sexual. Elspeth 0410 853 441 body riches massage & spa centre FREMANTLE’S leading specialists in remedial massage. Open 7 days. Specialising in: Deep tissue, Trigger point, Injury, Sports. Swedish, Relaxation, Aromatherapy. Pregnancy, Reflexology, Hot stone. Add a signature spa treatment to your massage choice; in our exquisite tropical outdoor spa massage room. We offer: All health fund rebates, Gift vouchers, Double treatment rooms. www. bodyriches.com.au Phone: 6262 2667 or 0409 339 313 TANTRIC Massage to reenergize 6 days 9:00am 8:00pm. Fremantle. Lis 0431 291 118 or 6460 6547 REIKI Are you in need of relaxation? Reiki provides inner peace & balances energies from stressful situation. Helps overcome emotional difficulties, & physical symptoms. Psychic over 20 yrs I utilise this to bring healing to areas most needed. Visit leading Reiki and Massage healers to rejuvenate the soul. Gift vouchers avail. South Lake www.callingspirit.com.au Ph: 9417 7117 MASSAGE Professional. Feel the difference. 9316 2587 / 0409 430 245 Christina MASSAGE Relaxation or Swedish full body work 7 days Call Amy 0449 174 765 MASSAGE Swedish, remedial, deep tissue, relaxation, pregnancy massage. N/S. REIKI healing, am able to provide psychic insight with Reiki. $60 per hour. Phone Miranda on 0419 189 496 MASSAGE Thai Traditional healing, Aromatherapy, Herbal, Hot Stone, Sport injury, Qualified & experienced. 7 days. Patcharee. 0439 611 410 MEDICAL Intuitive & Shamanic Energy Healing workshop part 1 starting in April. Ongoing Qigong & Meditation classes and energy Healing. Jeanette: 0409 080 658 jeanettejeha.com heraldclassifieds mind body PROFESSIONAL room available, for counselling or alike. Fremantle area, reasonable rates. Call Karin on 0409 298 727 SATSANG. Daily satsang with Vishrant. Visit www.vishrant.org or call Dakini 0438 831 883 for more info WAVES Yoga by the Sea. South Beach Park. Mon - Fri 6am. Mon - Sat 7.15am. Evenings by booking- 0409 323 240 or FB waves yoga by the sea. $15/ $10conc March 22 - March 29, 2014 ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20) The Sun is in Aries. The Moon is in Sagittarius. That’s a lot of fire, passion and enthusiasm igniting life. It is your spark that inspires. Even though others may whinge and complain at your apparently unruly methods, you aren’t actually unruly. They would be lost without you. Would you like to be a radio announcer? Radio Fremantle is conducting a training course with Murdoch University for year 2014 commencing 25th March through to 8th May Tue and Thur evening from 7pm to 9pm. Places are limited so enrol now to be sure of a position. For course details call 94942100 and see web: www.radiofremantle.com FREM AN FREM TLE Volume 23 No 15 Saturday April 14, 2012 www.fremantleherald.com ANTL E Fremantle·s own INDEPENDENT newspaper Volum e 23 o Fremantle Street, Saturday N 13 41 Cliff 9430 7726 www.fremMarch 31, 2012 7727 Fax d.com Ph: 9430 antleheral antleheral d.com Fremantle news@fremLetter paper Email: NT news, North Fremantle, e EPENDE Hilton “She laughed and everybody ntl by BRENDAN FOSTER 6 Gum Valley, Frema Fremantle, · own IND Eastlaughed.” ·s White Àeld, 0 772 eet nsÀ Fremantle ntle and L NT E assault after snipping a lock of hair from a festival-goer at last weekend’s Fremantle Street Arts Festival. per mantle, Madcap wspa mimeFreartist Rodolphe Couthouis—aka T ne ton, NorthleyFlochard—was a spent m Valconviction, but was NDENgiven e, Hil Gu$125 in court costs. ite DEPEt Fremantlslugged Wh“Everything is over and I’m a 41 Cliff Street, Fremantle Ph: 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 Email: news@fremantleherald.com EM AN TL E boxed · own ·s to Frema Vo ntle, Beaco INDEPENDE O’Co lum nnor, NT news Saturd e 23 Samson, nsÀÀeld, East South Frema Frema paper ay N o 14 ww ntle andntle, Hilton, w.fremApril North White Gum ValleyFremaantle, ntle, n antle 7, 2012 Str x 943 Frema The street artistffwas ntle, Beaco A FRENCH busker has Fa rald.com Cli the7 cops to Frema Samson, South gobsmacked41 when772 boxed guilty pleaded nor, to a charge of tlehe Letter 0 to an O’Con phoned, asking him head down o 12 e 23 N Volum March 24, 2012 Saturday antleherald.com www.frem FR Letterboxed to Fremantle, BeaconsÀeld, East Fremantle, Hilton, North Fremantle, O’Connor, Samson, South Fremantle and White Gum Valley heral : 943 rem Ph to the Fremantle police station so ws@f : necharged with assault. he could ailbe Em Herald understands The Fremantle city council—the festival’s organiser—tried to head things off by offering the will aggrieved woman a free haircut nts las, 41 Cliff Street, Ph: 9430 Fremantle 7727 Email: news@frem Fax 9430 antleheral 7726 d.com d.com ille e Melv fee-fre s goe reside rgo Letter box Frem ed to an O’C Frema tle·s ow onn ntle, n or, Sam Beacon INDE PE son and 50 bucks, but she wouldn’t , SousÀeld, NDEN E pe rden th Fre East have a bar of it. LVILL build s, ga s T ne , Eas ntle and free man!” he laughed. “I am not a mantlFrema to BRAD MEthisby use t lemust “I was thinking ·s wspa JEFFEho hoop sÀeld ma e and ntle, ll be by RIES cos l up be ab TWO antle Beacon th Fre haircut criminal.” tbaMr a joke—are you kidding?” pe Wh Hilton local ske d cub ring theof forma the the hill, and now Liber ite Gu , No r Fremmantle, son, Sou dema Mr Couthouis says a woman Couthouis said. “Iba spent long du al MPs top,” Mr nding I feel dsaan ce ncil m Valrth Fre enimme Sam Fre she toutthe shutd who later insisted on his being time at the ofÀ ce, trying nd a ien are cou red “It can Francis said. we’re at or, ley mantl own ven thoofÀthe diate ed to go two the sh down wi charged had burst out laughing solution, trying to Àostin nd a lawyer, box O’Conn comp e, ways —ifC to sla inconion SMR the by STEV n waste to us...w other side or from here, Letter andtog happen. when he snipped off a ringlet plant worrying what’s Vale,going cat at E GRAN e’ve put roll back a pla sayin ed AMEN the T gpliattem while performing his Àrst show all our “It’s so stupid and ap ridiculous.” vesptsCanning the smel DME receiv s for table. ” cards on on pro 41 Fremantle NT 49 sailed Blah Blah Blah on Easter Saturday. ap Àncil “Ins to have Originally told to ls front thefailed to place Em Ph: 943 C council cou x licationthis throu itio want e. direction rand night. 2 has ng ail: Wednesday gh “During the show, when I can tap Fremantle Magistrates Court on run add week from 201 m the or planni , and 0 t yea 400 app new Their for the out Lasof om The chang I’d be disapthem ws@f 7 nts theif we don’t n me see someone without hair on his May 11 he pleaded case to chan ces. tha empt anydemand sough es to the city plann pointed re rald.c Aalcomm get it.” head, I look at someone with long be broughtenviro forward decisi to Thursday more adj ng up t ust toggi prethe bigge ing schem council’s the unity odou on nor has up by pos e, nmen clo hair, and think I can help regist the WA April 12 as he was duet depar to Ámi y outes, r ered r hotlin pro CY O’Const to hit Frematouted as a tempo r who set BRAD maybe B clinic nt. comp tmentme S he told that night.That the person with no hair,” rary operahom “minolaints thismore than 120 e THE docto Hospital GP gency w now nor’s harbo ntle since will art to extennew ERIE d ldSMRC decision he tional ur was JEFF J “I go dep der the bui be sent the Herald. to my bag and they year: The r ’sasofÀ The Frenchman m minis y built, Fremantlehospital’s emer un by was expecUnlicenc yesterday said ino to can cial e. g ter WA in regist odou by John Day “m lonered plann and next to get my scissors out, wouldn’t be changing his routineide tednts (Frida r hotlin af winni after poorcome justbe10. CARM says the t will be overr thee ol for appro ing y March Janda e res 30,res” and s” so SMRC of them ’t alcohpiece CO . ng themost woman and cut a little of anytimeRiver soon: “I kot didMP it 50 times fr from ELO has a nce says acting 2012) CK eria d can departmen l patients when counc unanimous val drug and , etc” Joe Àxtu gol so on, ena . crit ton MP CEO AM s. BU support the his hair andwith put it onladies his head. during occup my shows and neverFranc had aisurt per ird sRNTim Youe plant Despite illors. a she Mike a tor and AL tain ng non-critica g clinic close says s, , local bad health app owne le, Naha FI ical re’s ’S col worki two “It treoutils,-th am dmen his suppo amen did it verys.slowly—three d jointly problem,” heysaid. seems liken—w a cer mp mecounc of the ,“Ithe gover two rt for the of isspa the meet ho exa comm metro issues bulk-billin Max Kamienems and Liber by tio lec nd nmen a piece an art en recall pre nted t, Cr Jon Strach prese impo isnplefacilit al-Na times I look at an her, lookper at him, so unity lot of problem hair. e, efartant For than 2.4 re tha Kami cts seats— for t’s mostof ce— pol d, and d houra clinic memo Prof Professor social probl into a 732-si Rodolphe Flochard—surrenders to apol hair-raising charge of assault. Photo by Steve Grant marginal tional is run n of nty areher y. call g mo“If the itan callin yarCouthouis—aka she canneede see whatfrank I’m doing. Fre her • er “I didn’t cut Ànger off.” dema Áagat of gnature an a with RRRC nt prem walk “This ts for ry. nding coa hig wh be ma on a maxim petition ier r cov tens festival photos by Matthew pages 6 and 7. the patien store s. storey Fre Dwyer on st n onehoo and to ntlpcease ich nin tions will nancially or froofsay thous s• More um six in livi the issue Colin Barnett that can’t kwaste old tion, It was tment ratherwill landseof person, going to be À for the g archit mantl s ma poweopera Woo tores Wools drug addic bac more tha not suppo ncil So deal once and will ng They lty depar yo tonne be sent net“Ibal cour sta of a noyear, som ect An e cou s of uth re rted is never it takes an hour “Coli shopping for all. with will be or on’t the casua out a new GP.and won’t toLo ncillor result b allow will s rthe landÀ if ’s tio centre (the it up,” n said he’s going garn ll per to be on can e landowdrew ball, grouning viable ate ed 10 storey inbea0pu ts. site than seek the system” a yea Mr Co and Coun negat d the clinic beHowln, enviro to take basket ty.the live estdim up “If he can’tFrancis told Áoor care. c ind help the ners Sulliva ,00 shi new r and s). appointmen nmen impact en hande businaess.” faced as cillors remai “mess per e, ust $55 s wilng n say t and dev clinic ned stony cenortundmu appropriate timto hget ett . Prof Kami Dr Trenna Turne in Ho rial m relo hope Lan something take it up, the Herald. pro e rep ff local seuthi staelo while thethe petition tre and s receive truth is, no GP ged to Th act there’s cate after being m and ped was s, but on pe Valareas e aro fee Chook dC l wit the vanta od reins over“limped on” Hospital. • Libera “The dismissive “This wrong with Lan l MPs the to l los ivit detectedpresented, deabus for ing ne s good ley. such as to oth orp it’s entertainntle after disad Road dow tone disregardblatant and democracy. wil forMu a slight egoseubyiessav your suc upsec saysHEN Graem looking and practicising a cynical nerJoe Francislatituder ly [and I’ve] composting e Mack in the voice mh ass. ond Áseiness m the ed by Fremaidea in he tol marke inc comfort for the welfa and Mike I mean social neighbourhood delivering out almos ignor enzie lud s alo of CEO Sci the oor e 32 g of Ear de upein patients alm t ed in them, d the ke Naha g by this tion ng Co of famili re was Freo’s mafor point ReÀ ting e the facilit • nThe y shut half the as he pointed ly oftechirandfor ng neighbourh the “It Herald. The more you lica from non-r includinglly] fre art app disap es in the and want the Herald down medicine— no esiden signatures scaleChtild the been ly Ànd ists and ion of keepi Hid nery andboard, WA pot ckburn n,, with no se wo approach ood canno ercially] SMRC deliver, nicer Marie hoo wh ilar the nor alwaysthe no ,tha intent came ingr mi Cr Josh tlie “The plant lea sim e Exp holistic more chanc ato waste wastte Jo Wilso ts. rkers ill [commen says. o ans ys. soo cos e Alm We roo hav arevin td,” appropriate will behave with coins in ived. your Ànancial immediatel must be t continue. n-t“Th they “Th orters ora stern Sal n said mme es.the at byals welfare—w pri tse dif gtha spaed was conce o-b ALLI a in gov Sch int, a ithat. it Prof Kami closed ey out saint, l was for a y.” e,” ORPO have pac ce Fre ent À e-h . Ski Frema how busker’s She needs it with Herald.of“The jobs Theool Labor has culnag wa were ultimately pos opposition im Mr Naha surviv need to Ànd F ma ext didn’t ma ntl to people in wider n andt acknowledge problems ern cold on THE ty metheSMRC city’s ntle procamantom BRENDAN willing this,” nt a ntl comment herit “Itinjust n—a FOSTER tosom people FREMANTLE, “W ital got they set facingby y “You ‘implementation’,” Mr Tinley nt said. BRADERIES B by the department seized on as of given Bathe ememo ultage-l toelethe ssevidence who are 00, new futu ord waste future to isted dil hythe ent Cr Sulreasonto “Andhous on the a challe one-term MP 0, and that WA e— res rs Beach al, of the millioe of the Freo Hosp NORTH saints, why , but mind erin takenrec not EAST FREMANTLE, build April able nge emerged Beazl base: ion Meanwhile, Mr Buswell has contractors outside of theSund head maladministration. Cir forgot nimKido be rea. uct this opp m, relo series of for maybe $50,00 elopm ?” the liva g the oppos ds. ns from Kim ey’s daugh ing front onc andHILTON, JJEFF e EVIDENCE has 1 in ove ition while he had miees cus will dea rea idea can remai dev a n of go FREMANTLE, WHITE los move ry move Once model y shadow the into accou “the plant it’s say ay, fac to Mr Tinley to the CCC contractor to complete, so the WA and ned maArth ter Hann l referred Ànd. ofplanning dol ort ava to work to introd expe the100 thecost c cen centreepiece ilityconvi cle government yorumouse ing cteds.ting lars.”cat rep Frem Medical clinic itthe Barnett hard to nt he was makin metre set turnedthe the ah—says, be “Fo GUM VALLEY, BEACONSFIELD, tre the ic at nim the piece ane ’s clonced it up.” ilabjobs pow antle Dwyerafter will w Willagee attacked these were paid forprotes twice.” MP Peter Tinley— said. vote on the should should be closed unde locals they’re mi lan of the MP close anWillagee the clin n ds s,” E is council g the Australian and projecthe on with rle, LE ercsta public servants remai sure in Ca r $1dev d is coun new ocean advhas doggedly cost r Homeswest SOUTHThe FREMANTLE intvia TL right by Matthe ive’ cil just ciÀ The amen t,, which millio Cook . the andto beinstructed entup , the n closed (WA) says en NT wil forisdemanding Mrrbui Tinley grilled WA housing pursued thel nthcat o oce ame dmen decisinni allowed g GP withi Photo enture spe Azwho ma • Mayo surv n. AN wit tio ng Roge elo em Pool t pool iation on. get lin “The ors to betwe elia clinic. and MA and de SAMSON, so call her 9430 7727. n l contractor to in honou of Homeswest be name hed N GP uir per throu tal an ldi ‘Jus rk yearpay Homeswest t couldhin nin Vale Assoc are bil build cillrelationship s mo that neighbours minister Troy Buswell in state troubled wa ovedepartment’s Leyrdr Brad nging hospital req poo Pettit illing s can McGu Fake Ad Flens FREM ral-sty n each until its odou resume opera not Optio n’t un e cou thild fac Frai contro gh without ll Medic ter WI byCompr of the Frail d Frail will t ls the at the rÁforwa is bulk-b nt bulk- e Hospi ing hom toeld—now Simon TransÀeld rregardless oftions the art with lookin saves the and $1 millio wouldelimin be one last e weeks e unc ’sCo owthe ts are all this foc plame e BRshare Find a us ns 2 at lelast properties cost ofWhal il a throwversy: Cr Rob week e, runa TransÀ Freo’s g Ad dec&parliament crane the ofand Labor ated”. problems are ChanceMO opera est ntl ing•Kidog ENDA reaabout anythe ygr pow rewants for includ e end movin that used ead . Pho ertain “The patiencan just surviv $150,000 patients who elves to the closu Fittoc r ofaof cts servic s as be oun Fagke stru away line quality work done. totally the efa rom oam REte from butwithent erWIN b replacing asbestos contracts hundreds the Corruption and The MPsof astapi tating worth Artho buildi Nfences. the beach isCrime don Fremas.. impressed e gut& Brad Find Fake Ad &thems WIN a the for 2SM to by statioFeas een fut immin yea usethed. FO,”ST to seeing tha ng tho he was k cast ts— r-old doctor is to or. patients, you ts are seen Pettit saymarked a Fe ctu bythe ate100m eks aandn.the treply Ca RCMr rs. a hotlin “high tin tttnsaid. d usa Buswell says Mr Tinley Mattheures, thousands Commission andclose WA mayo re to theofeigdollars An email ise admit from dog by 231 signa more for rat ER r 40 wo weeek patien Chance g and We d by patien 22-yea ted trust, ndauditor“Engi e has wa rs ce for otherwfor a Feast for 2 accom the if those tures love waget ht-problem?” neers nn peoFin w Dw with the ste of ersarec owns homerke and would was, “what’s The dedicaritable rcial opelast general to importance”—issued to WA20,000 to Gilbe lovers sto nt toinvolved. ing such assur wanting Chan jobbuild yer ee cha a ple rt Fraser Barne usrs nt Fras Va can ove cant e’s ycleing the s aftingreceived pu nlebe cut atletters, one of the “This is a mo minister who until found “I have been given Fremantle date rey housing department ctic property Àt a commeernme tal Oval in access t thesigniÀ r by thr-proÀ the tt ord have erthat cou frompla a was denying than Pra spi m paid thehe its publicly ing.” andations should only a few weeks ago evidence of jobs that were ere and services two years ago, just after ld loshave picke That earne the petiti North non ed bynett gov e Ho t four nt in pretty dd the WA withi neral up and disappoint on’s lac much d him glare from e the Ge Àgo nancial interest. there were any problems at all to the head contractors by the TransÀeld was appointed—said anyndisclosed put rep e Bar mantl had jus a withe 732. pladhis herita down ver weMr Frem Frema ir Fre it Th spital “must be paid as ce to ring presid ge witho n Tinley says henm never within the failed privatisation Ad “It’s department of housing that dama eks allHoinvoices ent Roel ntle Socie told ctice doors. Turner ge.” ent ut e.” minisquite. amag shu hasn’t ty ntlesubmitted without fail” even in L received a letter been passed a furiou Loope until the evidence became so Sellec the head contractor failed to week al Pra t its Trenna that t citing rs, tra exciti k peopl ngand r, Frema to across s scribbwho sly will ofpage For details, see the Competitions p asked to overwhelming he was forcedjob to she it rem complete,” Mr Tinley told the Gener to shu ector ts are on , poo ncontribute. cases of ”non-compliance”. and say s it etio the chamFit be swim think ter, led note enjoy one will ofÀ has “State cer b ber ing ain ming f m Ly “Iblubb gov weeks nic dir patien elderly fro to for a ment spot thend be Helen ing by Fittoc ot where m Choo more left reterlos Cli 000 and t pernme petiti the used on k: ope Fi k about cares onntis arroga two secondwhale ail inin to of the eless there’s a. coat Murra sec Swed Me at the s 20, pos said mot o offens PSA yea com n, let’ n nt, say many , hom and the are itioOlliaurity ish the projec rs. sands,” Murra chaive,” n Wil nical it grum hop ing and 49 y es to sinsult d— n, n and in “But hopctt mana Forp. rily y a e Àle— ployed oun ge in concer for ped. ger es of people it’s govI suppo nin has wo Àtter Lynits sen the se Ma ern ppose on the up beach “I thi unem backgr shorta my to Find mentse fat carefu e nur nd-ha “I e-a ope don ses.” therkeFake m t ough d nk we ting,” l just in set shoul hould ctic ethnic y a GPients are d be year-ohaveChan lf yea at the Ad & WIN add n even th of the thr that two ce The Kidog • Pra she do a case,” she SM he ld for alread e pat some down my res rs. if Fine Chinese Cuisine laugh the a chi a ssed. the o build ed.he fam and a us dow sched “Th for sing the y’re uled bri ldr Feast RC llianting for 2 odo “Th sed . g is loo to llmove clo said. ily reli four-y en; a two ur issu hav hee clo hate se impac nSund at job I’m ay kin I’d we are she told 11.59a es on ear .59am g and to clo now es are woApril m on “I’m rate e a signiÀsure of staff t ofApril 2012— my -old and rrie at1,shu out media,” y dif moves which but sur but that Fool’s incom ram of recyclÀcant this fac abo tting hich isfro encour prised on the decisiodDay. ver says the iÀcat Meditations for a clear mind ut e,” ing impac ility m treatm atio “It’s ner gov age ion WA n not the and wil t the the com ns d by by the ern Mondays (7 - 8.30pm) recommence 23 April env just he sai ent Dr Tur-pro has on our l messa facilit me t for rtage. at nt s for mu the supdecisio ironm on d. indust the wa potent y Forr details, non reques sho s died ggled nit ge: nt has “I the Tuesdays (9.30 - 11am) recommence 24 April ent.” ry in ste • Co tor tor its the eral sen hope ope ial impac “They sent for port n n. yplease stru doc ses gen tal,” see the kee this nci t Comps deligh unc follow er a our doc have $13 per class t on don a clear env and the DE pin pital state,” t, pag ill fury, page g the ’t car hos e Hospi agees to cov ne of and we sai “A sa d. Àrst ironmentputs theC com env e s 2 andreside “O es facilit lot of she ironmabout on the mantl are we’reand let and intere to its mas him,” Embracing Change (Half day course) y are people end at Fre 3 nts’ ent, the st doi us dep change ple e Christ lace vate offeri vis ctic & filter when peo Meanwng hercontin commuof the was Saturday 2 June, 9.30 - 1pm Fin h pri pra oil ng supiting to rep s dif d. power gov nd der ue Lube, e wit wi nit d ing e: e.” sai “It’ the hil ern & WI the Fa $32 (includes morning tea) to ten Full servic por the she t a tim: For stopp pete more.” Pickar ment e, WA worky t for s to “Atment forr N a Chke Ad ng out is the long & adjus our we comt pay say d, the associ local a Fe s e goi braking ance blem for a clean r when es tha safe DEC there mayor ation Learn to Meditate ast s e Tiles Pty Ltd pro undBrake doo servic ctic for y system24 Apr - 15 May (4 weeks) Tues 7 - 8.30pm the y aro will is no of chi test: Ensur pra 2 olving fluid allo guaran Joond ef Troy rt of ator & batter w the “Pa staff sta a rev Brake tee alup, tion: Altern $13 per class or $50 for 4 weeks re’s FREE MEASURE & QUOTE inspecction: the SM ical Local Daikin RC clin but the Electrical inspe since 1996. 25 Queen Victoria St 28 Apr (1 Day)CASat 10 - 5pm $67 includes lunchYour to reIN THE METRO AREA e check Specialist THE tim analysis Bookings essential LL Fremantle Operation for day course 07 IN own Locals rally to P clinic save G Are you a Kidogo calls in the cr ane n th g? Bills bitin YOGA – Hatha Style – Gentle Exercise with experienced instructor at Samson Recreation Centre - 44 McCombe Avenue Samson Thursday 12.00pm – 1.30pm - $90/$72 conc. per term – all levels welcome - further information call 9331 8040 ASHTANGA YOGA - New 5 week Beginner Courses start 7pm Wednesday 26 March, 5:30pm Tuesday 1 April, 7pm Monday 21 April, 9am Saturday 26 April. 10 Wray Ave Fremantle. malayoga.com. au or 0459 151 599 'PSKVTUDFOUTBEBZ ZPVSQBSUOFSTIJQDBO IFMQDIJMESFOCVJME UIFJSPXOCSJHIUFS GBJSFSGVUVSF $BMMOPX #ATHOLIC-ISSION CATHOLICMISSIONORGAU Booking deadline: 12 noon Tuesdays news@fremantleherald.com TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20) Venus continues to explore unusual and unorthodox approaches to love. She is taking you with her. The fact is that orthodox methods aren’t working. It is time to bring your most visionary ideals, face to face with reality. In this meeting, unlikely solutions are likely to arise. GEMINI (May 21 – June 21) Mercury is in Pisces. Fish are nonverbal. Silence is the order of the day. This isn’t your normal mode of communication, so it will take some awareness to stick with it. There will be pressure to come out with opinions before they are fully hatched. Gestate insight patiently and properly. FREMANTLE HERALD HER AL H LD Unkind cut for French artist D A R HE D LrinbsMoPCfs dERA L are o em wap A ocLtoreanlcyrecmrietswrisiasoctgteioe nand foAllrD D 49 R t g c E Emesp ri ircu for s s o cho o h se ol Fre to clo Blank cheque GP O ial street artist? merc Com tors to -T ra ope ce non e la p re t servic proÄ YOGA And AYURVEDA Wellness Centre. Classes Daily. New early morning class with Gerard Crouze 6:00am-7:30am Mon to Fri. Beginners welcome. Vinyasa, Pregnancy and Restorative Classes also available. Ph Nikki 9433 1018/ 0411 796 354. 75 Wray Ave Fremantle. www. yogavedawellness.com Astrology ology sttrro A Herald With h Sudhir 107.9 FM NATURAL Health for all ages. Electrical kinesiology, allergy testing, nutritional deficiency testing, chemical, toxin and VLA testing, urine analysis, tongue and nail diagnosis. 100 point health check. Special offer - only $80, 1.5 hours for the price of 1 hour on your first consult. Just present this ad. www.anaturalself.com.au 6191 0318/ 0409 920 689. 156 Rockingham Rd, Hamilton Hill PHYSIOTHERAPY- In clinic or home visits. After Hours available. Call Now 9336 1110. 26/187 High Street, Fremantle walkontherapy.com.au spirit Meditation & Buddhism Weekly drop-in classes & CALL OUT 24/7El ectr - TV - Wal lH icianMELVILLE - Dig an Leach Hwy - TV ital TV gs 10/2489317 8898 Ante nna OO D s SPE ARW “Stay rap hea p e! Air Cond mer...” s Sum Cool thi ems Split Syst l Mounted Ducted Systems WalL O Cycle ReverseUIS Perth ’AN ’s lar gest sh Buy TIQ owro UES Mon to Fri om ofW NO qu Ph 9431 9.00am - 5.00pm E7311 ty an SAVali 9.00am - 1.00pm Fax&9431 7355 tiqu SatClosed Sunday Tel: AN MRB9 glycolin Air-con: factor Lic. No: DR tion & Po EW g system: Inspec ompuimportstant&safety Dharmapala Buddhist Centre NEW Ph: 9336 6868 •Coolin 72 Marine Tce,C Fremantle Dreport ng check: An ATA CO7877 High Street, Fremantle, Ph: 9430 & steeri teehens BYO (wineInonly) a compr Fully Licensed & NTAIN end r & ive 160 Front-t-end ou C 33Fron ist you l Lunch Wed-Fri 11am-2.30pm Dinner Mon-Sun 5pm-10pm g itionin e sc ‘I ha four ve two -y inco ear-o childre me’ ld an n; a d m tw wo-y -ye y fa oyear mily --o d ililyy re relie olld s on and a my For MU SSE deta L BA s, plea Com ils, R peti etitition se see onss pag the e WE’RE NOW ON FACEBOOK $$$ T Join the Herald on Facebook & be the first to read exclusive editorial content, enter weekly competitions and discover promotional offers for your business. CANCER (June 22 – Jul 22) Though it doesn’t please you to be nudged and prodded, it is the nudging and prodding that is causing you to strengthen your perspective and position. The curse once again contains a blessing. You wouldn’t be prodded so, if you weren’t on to something worth expressing. LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22) The Aries Sun combined with the Sagittarian Moon, makes you very happy indeed. Suddenly you are back in the land of passion and action, after a month of being bewildered and becalmed. Get your mojo on. Practice your chops. The smile is back on your lips. Express your heart. VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22) This is a time of creative friction. As the Sun moves through Aries, life is likely to gently head-butt you into action. The temptation will be there to complain and ask the gods to be a little more kind. The fact is though, that it is the very discomfort of directness that gets you moving. LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23) As the Sun shifts into Aries, so you get to see the wolf in your basement. Beneath Libran charm lies a steely strength that anyone operating on the surface is likely to miss. There’s not much point in putting off your life in some misguided attempt to please others. Get into shape. You can also have your say on local issues and articles published in your printed or online edition of the Herald. INDEMNITY & WARRANTY THE HERALD & PERTH VOICE NEWSPAPERS CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE The advertiser (or agent) indemnifies the Company (and its employees and agents) against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising out of or in connection with the publication of the advertisement (including any relating to defamation, malicious falsehood, infringement of copyright, trademark or design, or breach of the Trade Practices Act 1974, the Consumer Credit Code, or the Fair Trading Act 1987) and warrants that publication of the advertisement will not give rise to any legal, equitable or statutory rights against the Company ad will no breach any laws or regulations including the prohibitions relating to advertising in the Trade Practices Act 1974, the Consumer Credit Code, and the Fair Trading Act 1987. SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21) The North Node of the Moon is about to leave Scorpio. Known in earlier days as the Head of the Dragon, the Node has been pulling you silently and powerfully towards new and transformative experiences, for years. As it moves on, so you may feel like reviewing and regenerating. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21) The Moon begins her week in Sagittarius. She lights you up with energy, passion and emotion. The good thing about this lunar visit is that it is matched by a cooperative solar influence. The Sun is now in Aries, inviting you to come out of becalming waters and get on with it. RIGHT TO REFUSE - The Company has the right to refuse to publish or republish any advertisement without giving any reason. CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19) It is the very things that bite you like a horsefly, that get you to move. Habitually righteous reactions aren’t very helpful. Know when your starter motor is being cranked. Instead of trying to stop it, accept it and go with it. Find the strength that has been hiding. Take life up a notch. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY - No liability will be incurred by the Company by reason of any amendment to or error or inaccuracy in, or the partial or total omission of, an advertisement (single or multiple insertion) or by reason of any delay or default or from any other cause whatsoever. If an error occurs which in the opinion of the Company clearly lessens the value of the advertisement and which is in no way the fault of the advertiser and the advertiser notifies the Company of the error prior to the advertisement deadline on the first day the error was published, then a refund will be provided on the cost of the advertisement proportionate to the company’s opinion of its reduced value. AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Venus continues her residence in your sign. She is amused and enthused by the shift of the Sun into fiery Aries. Life is food. It’s not just a menu to be read – and certainly not a menu to be eaten. It’s time for experience. Let life and love touch you. Learn through doing this time. All advertisements are accepted on the following terms and conditions: ADJUSTMENT AND CLAIMS - The advertiser must notify the Company of any error in the invoice for an advertisement within 30 days from the end of the month in which the advertisement was published. The company will not consider claims for an invoice error lodged outside this period. To advertise submit your classifieds at www.fremantleherald.com PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20) The Sun has moved on into Aries, putting a fiery spark in your water. Though there are still two planets and an asteroid in Pisces, the mood has changed. You are now being moved by a warm undercurrent. It is taking you out of endless longing and into action. Live your wishes. THE HERALD DOES NOT PUBLISH SEXUAL SERVICE ADVERTISEMENTS. PLEASE RESPECT OUR ADVERTISERS IN YOUR RESPONSES © M.J.Dean 2014 NO LOGIN. NO PASSWORDS. NO SIGNUP - HASSLE FREE COMPETITIONS we just love Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014 - Page 31 FREMANTLE 40 WADDELL ROAD, BICTON AUCTION 2 BOUTIQUE OFFICES AUCTION: WEDNESDAY 2ND APRIL 2014 10.00AM ON SITE • Great exposure to the Melville Plaza Shopping Centre and Canning Highway • Choice of two retail and Office Strata Lots available • Areas ranging from 69sqm to 81sqm • Exclusive off-street parking available for each tenancy plus additional customer bays • Option of Leased Investment or Vacant Premises • Ideal for the astute investor or owner occupier THESE PROPERTIES ARE GOING TO AUCTION AND WILL BE SOLD HOME OPEN: BY APPOINTMENT BRETT OLIVER 0425 252 901 brett.oliver@acton.com.au NORTH FREMANTLE 6/12 DOEPEL STREET AT WATER’S EDGE • • • • • • • • • LATE $1.6Ms 3 2 1 3 1 3 Step out to lawn, water, beach & pathways Walk to boat pens, cafes, restaurants, bars & train A bike ride to Port Beach & Port City. Generous 290 sqm of sumptuous living areas Front and rear alfresco balconies Granite kitchen, travertine bathrooms Riverside garden terrace area Communal swimming pool, cabana and entertaining court Study & lobby with river aspect BEACONSFIELD 50 YORK STREET $859,000 SIMPLY BREATHTAKING! • • • • • • • • 4 Glorious Family Home on 573sqm Finished to the Highest Standard Executive Open Plan Kitchen, Granite Tops Fully ducted r/cycle air conditioning Open Plan with Two Living Areas + Dining Massive Rear Pitched Pergola, an all year area Black Butt Flooring, full height Porcelain Tiles High Ceilings, Wonderful Light…Perfect!!! 1 4 HOME OPEN: SATURDAY 22ND MARCH 1.00 - 2.00 HOME OPEN: SUNDAY 23RD MARCH 1.00 - 2.00 HOME OPEN: SATURDAY 22ND MARCH 11.00 - 11.45 NOEL ROGERS 0409 300 600 LORRAINE RASMUSSEN 0412 080 011 noel.rogers@acton.com.au lorraine.rasmussen@acton.com.au MOUNT PLEASANT 56 RIVERVIEW TERRACE STUNNING POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH • • • • • • • • • Up at the crest, lofty and gracious 1014sqm, massive frontage with dual driveways Sacred views of the Canning & Swan Rivers, City & Ranges Central to schools, shopping & bus stop Undulating, bore reticulated, Norfolk pines Picturesque, family size refurbished residence Major alfresco terrace off the family room Private master suite, living room and balcony Undercroft garage, workshop & cellar OFFERS INVITED $2.0M 4 2 3 INSPECT BY APPOINTMENT 3 1014sqm NORTH COOGEE 9 ARABELLA LOOP $1000 PER WEEK STUNNING OCEAN VIEWS • • • • • 5 Stainless steel appliances Open plan tiled spacious living area Ducted reverse cycle air-con Paved courtyard - great for entertaining! Double remote garage 2 2 INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT NOEL ROGERS 0409 300 600 noel.rogers@acton.com.au SAMANTHA MARROT-CASTELLAT 9319 3022 samantha.marrot-castellat@acton.com.au ACTON FREMANTLE 253 CANNING HIGHWAY, EAST FREMANTLE PH: (08) 9319 3022 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU Page 32 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday March 22, 2014
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