Fremantle Herald
Fremantle Herald
FREMANTLE HERALD o olume aturda a fremantleherald com Fremantle’s own INDEPENDENT newspaper L ig h ts o u t! by CARMELO AMALFI A tra c li hts are to e removed alon the oe tock d i h t and tirlin route into remantle and rade separations are to occur in order to speed up the ourne for trucks etter o ed to remantle eaconsfield ast remantle ilton orth remantle Connor amson outh remantle and hite Gum alle Cli treet remantle h a mail ne s fremantleherald com • T P Locals opposed to Roe say more freig t s ould go on rail not trucks • B TT M LEFT Senator Scott Ludlam grills transport bureaucrats you can watc t e w ole t ing by visiting is website • B TT M RIGHT map of t e Pert Freig t Link T e lower green line is Roe Hwy t e red section t e yet to be built Roe and t e blue yellow and green t e bits of Stock Rd Hig St and Stirling Hwy Tydeman Rd t at finis t e route into t e port at ort Fremantle As a result man feeder road intersections are likel to e cut o and local tra c diverted he construction of oe throu h etlands rade separations alon tirlin and the trenchin of i h t are set to chan e the face of the southern su ur s e ectivel dividin the port cit somethin the deletion of the old eastern pass route had een desi ned to avoid THE cruel, heartless command from Canberra is “get back to work!”. Pensioners, struggling families, the unemployed and disabled, our children at school and university and even our family pets all face the Tax Axe. But your friendly Chook is here to help. Each week we deliver our papers to well over 80,000 letterboxes in East Fremantle, Fremantle, Melville and Cockburn. Call now Grilled At a senate estimates hearin earl this eek Greens senator cott udlam rilled federal transport department ureaucrats over the erth rei ht ink plans ra n up A overnment o cials the feds are kickin in illion in fundin he remantle ased senator e pressed dis elief hen told o cials didn t kno hether oe as to e uilt at round level or was to be elevated over sensitive etlands cost pro ections have alread een pu lished and that di erence alone ould run to hundreds of millions of dollars. ou put a toll on there for the truckies one o cial su ested Senator Ludlam noted the federal overnment had committed fundin despite the pro ect havin Has the Tax Axe got you? no usiness case nor an plannin environmental or herita e approvals he A overnment had refused to release ke information to the pu lic ecause it as a top secret national securit matter he uipped hen told of the plan for no li hts alon the len th of the do le ed route he asked ill ou put a over there ho are people oin to et over armion treet cials replied the frei ht route could e sunk or it could pass over the local road. ounds like ou are oin to close o armion treet hich the local communit mi ht e deli hted ith he said dril to no response Senator Ludlam later told the Herald he didn t realise it as so ak “Abbott wanted to announce a free a pro ect and arnett has een desperate to et this ack o the round ithout the faintest idea a out ho to uild it or the stren th of communit opposition the are oin to face t sets up a pointless con ict • continued page 3 Our readers trust us to do this, as do our advertisers who pay us. And we love to pay you to help out. It’s not that much. But in the long cold winter ahead every penny counts. Get pensioner parents to help. Tell your kids “the party’s over!” Everyone can muck in for a little fun and be paid for it. Join our huge army of 300+ wonderful, friendly walkers and get fit too. We have areas to go each week. Don’t miss out! Call Marie right now on 9430 7727 or email distribution@ A free feed up for grabs 1 / 3 3 0 S outh T ce For details see Competitions Banovich Pharmacy Natural Health Caring for our community for over 45 years... Seasons change and so do you. It’s that time of year when the sun is shining a little less bright. Don’t let your body do the same. The changes in seasons can have a profound effect not only on our social life, but also on our health, energy and mood. When your body is functioning optimally it can adapt to these changes with ease. However, if it is not, it can become prone to seasonal allergies, colds, flu, you name it. Come see the Natural Medicine team at Banovich Pharmacy to make the transition into this winter a happy, healthy and pleasant one. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Meet the team Ki Swales ND Adv Dip Nat. Adv Dip West Herb Med. Restoring vitality from the inside out, Ki is a passionate and dedicated naturopath who treats all health conditions holistically. She specialises in digestive disturbances such as bloating, indigestion, IBS, food allergies and intolerances. As well as dealing specifically in t e management of stress related conditions including anxiety, depression, sleep disorders and fatigue. Ki uses a combination of herbal remedies ower essences and nutritional supplements in her treatment. Alison Zagar ND Adv Dip Nat. Has worked as part of the Banovich team for over 10 years as resident homeopath. She completed her post graduate studies in Mumbai in India and treats ailments using classic homeopathy through individual treatment plans. Banovich Pharmacy Shop 8-9, 195 Hampton Road, South Fremantle (next to Peaches) 9335 4884 A trip with a truckie by CLARE KENYON M ADDINGTON Caltex is busy early Tuesday morning. Truckies are coming and oin fillin up on fuel co ee and fried food eter a son from remantle Container pecialists has ust dropped o a tonne container filled ith stoves for caravans and heads ack to ase at ous Head. Dawson doesn’t look like a stereot pical truckie clean shaven short hair e has a fantastic ocker sense of humour is married and has spent close to ears makin a dent in his seat. n this occasion a son is drivin a si metre tall semi side loader to remantle a ourne that t picall takes minutes do n oe and each i h a s if he s luck e sets o at am After decades of dormanc the oe e tension is ack ith a serious chance of actually being built. Prime minister on A ott has o ered to chip in million of federal cash to make it happen de t and deficit a son sa s the re prett ood a out the environment he re not oin to ust o in ith d namite and start droppin thin s on the round the ould sort of protect the environment think t s a catch ome people are oin to like it other people are not don t think the can put it an here else ra c starts to ank up on inana ree a efore outh Street as it merges into two lanes. his is a reat invention a son sa s drippin ith sarcasm h the didn t make it three lanes in the first place he sa s shakin his head ell it s cost a ain he sa s ans erin his o n uestion ut that s the pro lem the uild for no and not the eneration to come in ears time the roads ill e chock a block.” e points out the si ns trucks use left lanes ell ever one is lood in the left lane so ou can virtuall ork out hen the make this e tension ever one is onna e on it he sa s o h should ust heav vehicles pa for it Flower thieves strike again by CLARE KENYON iconic o ers outside an Applecross Chinese restaurant on Canning Hwy were stolen last Sunday to o ner inda Chen s disma he si o set up surroundin the restaurant as filled ith red eraniums and cost around s Chen sa s a trail of pottin mi sho ed someone had du four plants from one o and carried them to a parked car on illcock treet s Chen sa s people kne of the o ers and that the o ners had spent time carin for them nce customers had finished their meals the ould pose in front of the o ers for photos e ant to create a areness for people to keep an e e out he theft follo s the thievin of valua le crotons in the same area • Linda C en is asking readers to keep an eye out for red geraniums going cheap—they might be hers. Photo by Matthew Dwyer GUITARS FROM $129 Penny Lane’s Music 42 Duke St East Freo ( end of George St) Mon to Fri 11am - 7 .30pm Sat 9am - 5pm Page 2 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 disaster not ithstandin on the condition a truckies toll is introduced makin it A s first pa road he total cost for the km e tension is estimated at million reckon the e tension ill be a good idea,” Dawson says as e rum le do n oe ust to take the tra c o each i h a ut don t appreciate this toll ver one should e tolled ecause ever one ill use it ut it this a Clare this is the thin ed e of the ed e e haven t ot tolls in A don t think e need them on t e pa in for it the oss ill e pa in and he is ust oin to pass it onto the consumer so ever one ill end up pa in for it At am a son ets o the hi h a and points to here the e tension ill start ou can see the trees and etlands in the distance hich environmentalists ant to save he e tension ill run for km startin at inana ree a trammellin throu h the eelier etlands to meet up ith tock oad at the intersection of orrest oad in Cool ellup ook in this da and a e 1+3 wray ave, fremantle ph 6219 5056 wear + wares 31 angove st, north perth ph 9328 6690 Where do you see Fremantle in 10 years time? We have put together our 10-year long term financial plan 2015–25 and we’re interested to hear what you think. The plan captures the essence of the City’s strategic plan 2010–15 which has seen the City focus on delivering seven key imperatives to revitalise and renew Fremantle. Visit • Truckie Peter Dawson reckons Roe Once on Leach Highway, 22 minutes into the journey, cars whiz past. Dawson nods to his fellow truckies, some doubles and 40-feet high, others are semis like his ornin tra c is building. Dawson isn’t driving fast, not at the 70km speed limit at least. A car cuts in front. “See that? That happens every day, you just cop it all the time.” “You’re virtually driving for three people ‘cause you’re higher up, so you can keep an eye on what the car in front is doing.” On any given day without the extension, trucks hurtle down Leach through Bateman, Brentwood, Melville, Myaree, Willagee and into Fremantle. Dawson says if a toll is put on Roe 8, nothing will change. will be good but not if a toll is c arged Photo by Matthew Dwyer “They call it a rat-run, that’s what they’ll be doing. “Unless they just put in a ban and say trucks aren’t allowed to come o this road so the have to use Roe Hwy. But people ill al a s find another a around.” Once Dawson passes Carrington Street, the lanes merge into two again so he slows ri ht do n ra c ehind uilds up. Cars continue to cut in front: he’s travelling 45 in a 70 zone. e passes his favourite co ee kiosk on the left, but doesn’t stop for his usual Muzz Buzz this morning. Just past it are houses that could be bulldozed if plans to widen High Street go ahead. Dawson says trucks need a wider turning circle than there is now: “A couple of trucks have tipped over f the containers L ig h ts o u t fo r p o rt ro u t e • from page 1 Senator Ludlam describes federal backing for Roe 8 as “a massive lapse of judgement and demolishes the last of the ‘budget emergency’ myth.” ith container tra c throu h Freo estimated to double by 2030, and Liberal governments putting all their freight planning into roads, not rail, he predicts “an utter nightmare” for motorists and North Fremantle residents. “When it hits Tydeman Road it will be a catastrophe because suddenly you will hit a rank of several sets of tra c li hts t will completely seize up that part of town.” Fremantle Labor MLA Simone McGurk says removing lights at Marmion St was never mentioned during consultation over the widening of High Street. “As more is known about the Abbott government’s Perth freight link, the more worried taxpayers and the local community should be,” she warns. “This is a massive change to the current design, and has never been part of the community consultation. “The Perth freight link is a confirmation the i eral plan for moving freight and dealing with congestion has one solution— just build more and wider roads.” are doubles and top heavy, if they turn a [sharp] corner they will tip over, it’s not just about speed.” He turns onto Port Beach road, just before 9am. The journey is quicker than usual, but Dawson says runs never usually go this smoothly. “Look around you,” he says as we cruise through the terminal. The expansive area is littered with towering container stacks, some 40 or 50 metres high. “This was all ocean once, where we are driving now. Keep your photos, it will be interesting to see what it will look like in 20 years’ time.” Dawson gets his next job from CCS: “Gidgegannup!” he says excitedly. “They have great pies out there.” END OF FINANCIAL YEAR PERSIAN RUG PUBLIC AUCTION Collection of Authentic Hand Knotted Rugs from villages, tribes and cities of ancient Persia including; Masterpieces, Full Room Size Rugs, Scatter Rugs, Hallway Runners, Wall Hangings, Tapestry and many more. Sizes range from 90x60cm, 150x100cm, 200x135cm, 300x200cm, 350x250cm, 400x300cm & others from Qum, Tabiz, Mashad, Heriz, Isfahan, Balouchistan, Bohkara, Hamadan, Kashan & Nain. Don’t miss out one of Perth’s largest Persian rug auctions this year! Correction LAST week we reported Roe 8’s projected $850 million cost was equivalent to “$1.7 million per metre”. Heh, not quite. Our mathschallenged sub-editor—yeah, that’s the dope, above—forgot to use all his fin ers hen calculatin the cost t s actuall closer to $170,000 per metre. Still a lot of money for a metre of road, but 10 times less than what we’d reported. Clearly, a future beckons our subbie as a national Treasurer. MAKE IT THE PERFECT TIME TO ESCAPE TO ROTTNEST Todds Auctions has been appointed to liquidate a collection of over 140 lots of authentic hand woven Persian rugs & runner by public auction. All items have been unpacked and will be on display for public to view prior to auction and will be sold one by one until the entire collection is sold with many items to be sold unreserved, 100% clearance is anticipated! Amazing collection of beautiful work of art including some antique pieces, many tribal pieces, and some top end investment items included in the sale too. Viewing is a must. Please Note: 16.5% buyers premium applies including GST, cash, method of payment, major credit cards, personal cheques with ID, bank transfer. MONDAY (public holiday) 2 JUNE at 2pm Public viewing from 12 noon prior to Auction SOUTH PERTH CIVIC CENTRE Cnr South Tce & Sandgate St, South Perth Auctioneer - Adam Todds 0419 833 542 TODDS FURNITURE AND AUCTIONS PERFECT Very lim availabi ited lit y. D O N ’T D EL AY BOOK TO D AY ! OVERNIGHT ESCAPE $270 per couple Additional nights $150 per night incl breakfast Available from Sunday - Friday only Return ferry tickets from fremantle Accommodation for 2 people (room type dependent upon availability) • Validity from 27 April - 31 August 2014 • • • • T : +61 8-9292 5161 | E : WE CREATE.... EXPERIENCES Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 - Page 3 herald letters The Paper That Lives Here est. 1989 Newspaper House 37-45 Cliff Street Fremantle WA 6160 PO Box 85 North Fremantle, WA 6159 Ph: 9430 7727 Fax: 9430 7726 news ublisher The Herald Publishing Co. Pty Ltd ditor-in-chief Andrew Smith irectors Andrew Smith & Pip Thomson ACN: 009 416 620 EDITORIAL EXCLUSIVE - Only 45 Available LIMITED EDITION PRINTS OF KIM & KANYE’S WEDDING. Phone 0438 933 250 For the true Kardashian collector. Local Marketing Nerd’s Customer Attraction System a Winner In these tough economic times a low-cost marketing system that can deliver real results can literally be a life saver. Overpriced so-called ‘ marketing gurus’ are way out of reach for the vast maj ority of small business owners. L ocal ‘ under the radar’ marketing warrior Peter ‘ X ’ says his marketing program kicks the big boys’ butts hard. “ Som e sy stems requi re a budge t the siz e of V atican C ity to attract new customers. M ine doesn’ t, and y ou’ ll be abl e to buy y ourself a small car w ith the money y ou sav e” , says Peter. H e’s available (after hours & weekends only) on 0419 906 12. Denture Clinic Repairs While You Wait Veterans Affairs Rod Herbert Denture Clinic 199 High Street, Fremantle 9335 3317 Government of Western Australia Local Government Advisory Board Local Government Advisory Board Metropolitan Local Government District Inquiries The Local Government Advisory Board (the Board) is an independent statutory body established under section 2.44 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act). The Board is required, under the Act, to consider proposals submitted to it by the Minister for Local Government, local governments, or electors that orders be made, under section 2.1 of the Act, for changes to local government districts. The Board has established the Metropolitan Local Government District Inquiries (MLGDI) and this is a further Notice of Inquiry advising that the Board has accepted another four proposals and will inquire into each one as part of the MLGDI. The proposals have been lodged by: 1. The City of Subiaco (Proposal Number 22) 2. The Town of Mosman Park (Proposal Number 24) 3. The Shire of Kalamunda (Proposal Number 25) 4. The City of Perth (Proposal Number 26) The above proposals also affect the following local governments: Belmont (City) Mosman Park (Town) Swan (City) Claremont (Town) Nedlands (City) Victoria Park (Town) Cottesloe (Town) Peppermint Grove (Shire) Vincent (City) Cambridge (Town) Perth (City) Fremantle (City) Subiaco (City) The Board will consider these factors: communities of interest; physical and topographic features; demographic trends; economic factors; the history of the area; transport and communication; matters affecting the viability of local governments; effective delivery of local government services and any other matter considered relevant to the inquiry. The Board has prepared an information paper which explains the inquiry process, provides guidance on how to prepare a submission and includes a submission form. The Board will also accept submissions by email or over the telephone. The specific details of each proposal (including detailed maps) and the information paper are available on the Board’s webpage: The website includes an online submission form. The map and information paper may also be requested by contacting the Department of Local Government and Communities on (08) 6551 8700 or Freecall 1800 620 511 for country callers. Written and email submissions must be forwarded to the Local Government Advisory Board: GPO Box R1250, PERTH WA 6844 Email: or Fax: (08) 6552 1555 The closing date and time for receipt of submissions is 4.00pm on Thursday, 26 June 2014. adcorp F92503B Page 4 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31 2014 Rail over Roe I HAVE recently started following the Roe 8 Extension proposal, thanks in part to your excellent and ongoing coverage. I am disappointed that in this time of fiscal austerit overnments oth state and federal, could contemplate the construction of this road instead of using the money to upgrade the pre-existing railway line and port facilities in Kwinana. Apart from the environmental damage that would occur from running a highway through the Beeliar wetlands, the simple fact is that ith the su stantial shift in frei ht tra c from remantle to Kwinana expected to occur in the ne t fe ears the rationale ehind this project could collapse, leaving the pu lic ith an e pensive hite elephant—a toll road. As ell as this in uildin transport infrastructure it is vital we consider our future needs and the challenges we face in the 21st century, particularly in regard to climate change and as an appropriate response we should, wherever possi le preference rail over road Mark Smith South St, Hilton When will we wake up? MAY I comment on your frontpage headline “The bell tolls for wetlands” (Herald, May 17, 2014). he headline is correct ut for entirel di erent reasons o are the stop signs shown. I suggest our unstoppa le human impact and the dail uoted climate chan e are responsi le for the continuin loss of shallow, transient wetlands on the an coastal plain realise no that no od dares to mention this. When are we locals, if ever, going to realise that falling ground atera les and ever decreasin rainfall are the reasons that North ake is alread a oner covered weeds? i ra ake after mm of rainfall is only three-quarters slightly covered with water towards the southern end o species of lack cockatoos have little to do with shrinking wetlands health either. o to the km illion four lane e tension s it ased on a sound usiness plan id an planner researcher or reporter ever tell us a out the t pe of frei ht in those hundreds of containers travelling daily from the port along High treet id an od ever report hether the return-to-port containers are filled ith valua le income producing, WA-made export products? If, however, all the freight is mostl in ard ound could it e that it is essentiall a temporar Chinese phenomena hich needs export orders to keep hundreds of millions employed to survive? f A consumers confidence falls e ill not u an more Imports will drop and the Roe 8 e tension ecomes a costl hite elephant ecause onl fe containers are coming and the rest is private local tra c After all our o n costs, will only go up since we must grow, as we are told. I hope it is all sustaina le Otto Mueller indelya Rd, Murdoch Live trade stinks ALIGHTING from the train at remantle station last hursda evening I was met with an overpowering stench so dreadful that fellow travellers pulled scarves over their faces in an attempt to escape the smell. ard to e plain to our edish visitors why this country remains entrenched in such a cruel and unnecessary industry—they were completel taken a ack the unpleasant odour which wafted on the ree e to our home as ell as the whole idea of exporting live sheep and cattle. remantle as a cit eared to ard tourism heep ships don’t exactly enhance the visitors’ experience. Three generations of our famil attended a ui ni ht on aturda to raise funds for top ive ports ello ui oers a ree it feels this nasty industry is ramping up under the Coalition overnment leaving those of us who deplore animal cruelty feeling even more powerless. hen ill chilled meat ecome the preferred method of export? espite ar uments to the contrar most o s in the rural sector ould e preserved if animals were processed locall and it can also e financiall via le n the interim more lam s to the often inhumane slau hter and no end in sight. Cheryl Pratt Solomon St, Fremantle Let’s play! YOUR front page article last week (Herald, May 24, 2014) a out kids for ettin ho to play creatively is timely for eaconsfield primar school here has een an on oin conversation at the school a out ho to improve play options for children in the school and local community. e have recentl een presented ith a lank canvas here some derelict houses ere finall demolished on the school grounds et een the main school campus and the oval on Hampton Road. Ideas include nature play options similar to the nature play park in Kings Park and even a in fo to connect to the oval We have already raised some funds to contri ute to the pro ect and a local architecture firm C A is donating services towards planning. Now we need people to donate time, services and raw materials. If you can help, please get in touch. More than happy for my contact details to e pu lished or other ise contact the school. Rohan McDougall P&C president eacons eld primary school The Ed says: Sadly cut for length. Editor: Andrew Smith Chief of Sta & roduction Editor: Steve Grant Hobart Desk / Editorial roduction Brian Mitchell ournalists Jenny D’Anger, Carmelo Amalfi, David Bell hotographer Matthew Dwyer Cartoonist Ange, Chatfield Story eadline Wed. noon ADMINISTRATION Business e elopment irector Bryan Zemunik Reception Alana Christian, Emily Templeton-Knight ADVERTISING irector Natalie Hug Assistant to irector Melanie Buljan Real Estate: Natalie Hug isplay Ad ertising Elin McCarthy, Myra Oudendijk Ad Copy Control Rosie Smith, Julie Rainbow Trades & Ser ices: Daisy Smith, Bryan Zemunik Classifieds Daisy Smith Ads eadline Tues. noon R CT roduction Manager Matthew Eeles Graphic esign Nibha Mehra, Fernanda Herrmann, Helena Tay ACC TS irector Christine Smith Assistants Janelle Tester, Molly Brown STR B T Manager Marie King Assistants: Stephanie Campbell, Dave D’Anger & an army of locals! Transport Ron Fowler WEBSITE Administrator Matthew Eeles rogrammer Stephen Pollock We publish four separate editions every weekend which carry local and regional news and advertising. Beaconsfield, East Fremantle, Fremantle, Hilton, North Fremantle, O’Connor, Samson, South Fremantle, White Gum Valley , papers (Sept 20 ) Atwell, Aubin Grove, Beeliar, Bibra Lake, Cockburn, Coogee, Coolbellup, Hamilton Hill, Hammond Park, Jandakot, Munster, North Lake, South Lake, Spearwood, Success, Yangebup 22, 0 papers (Sept 20 ) Applecross to Bicton Alfred Cove, Applecross, Ardross, Attadale, Bicton, Booragoon, Brentwood, Melville, Mount Pleasant Myaree, Palmyra eeming to ardinya Bateman, Bull Creek, Kardinya, Leeming, Murdoch, Willagee, Winthrop , 0 papers (Sept 20 ) *Some areas delivered fortnightly. Total erald circulation 81,373 S T 20 We also publish the Perth Voice, which is letterbox-delivered every week to more than 37,700 homes and businesses through Perth’s inner-northern suburbs (Leederville, Perth, Mt Lawley, etc) Total oice circulation 37,702 S T 20 *CAB Audited herald think ing allow ed Listen and learn, Mr Collier O N Wednesday evening WA education minister Peter Collier will host a public meeting at the Fremantle town hall, responding to the gathering storm of community concern about high school options. This is an issue that can no longer be managed behind closed doors: Fremantle parents are watching too closely for that. But for all the public scrutiny, we are still entering the danger zone. e are the uick fi he minister will likely use the forum “for parents to have their say” to soften us up for a merger between Hamilton and South Fremantle SHSs, for that to happen on the South Fremantle SHS site and to call it “Fremantle College” or the like. All sorted. No surprises there; we understand school closures have been on the cards for many years as enrolments at both South Fremantle and Hamilton have steadily dropped. Best of both worlds Decadal, structural changes in secondary education mean schools do need to be much bigger to provide the diversity of courses that families want, oncampus. This goes for vocational and academic options, and particularly for parents who would like the best of both worlds to give their children the opportunity to follow their interests and talents. Unfortunately, even if every student from Hamilton SHS and South Fremantle SHS were to enrol in the amalgam, it would still be a relatively small school, far short of the critical mass for the breadth of courses students enjoy elsewhere. To tap the areas of growth in the region, the school would need to be further south. Combining small schools does not automatically create a school with stronger academic and vocational standards. Adding a Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program to the amalgam has also been touted and while it would be a step in the right direction, it would still not provide an academic program for the general student body and would have to be quite large to have an impact. e t eek e should all ask for the feasibility study that eshes out all options Was this ever done? The online community survey the government released missed an opportunity to scope all the main options, which is both a shame and concerning. Teachers and parents have been putting their shoulders to the wheel in local high schools for too many years to let this opportunit pass heir e orts have earned great respect. Our all-volunteer, High School Options for Fremantle parent group has spent countless hours poring over hundreds of pages of data from the WA education department. We have spoken to hundreds of families, school and government representatives. Most parents involved have young children; 0 All Gold Diamon , Pearl & excludes d Jewellery Myriad Diamond s 0 hes All Watc 0 r& All Silve teel S s s Stainle ery Jewell , My Imenso excludes ini, Ellani, rg o e G aki Kagi, rodite, Mis Apm, Aph fremantle realists ray beattie marcus beilby ken wadrop TRACI GAMBLIN started High School Options for Fremantle to lobby for better secondary schooling options in the area. In this week’s THINKING ALLOWED she urges parents to attend a meeting with WA education minister Peter Collier to make sure his department is looking at all the options, not just a quickand-easy merger. they are the future of Fremantle education. We believe a two-pronged approach is the safest bet: allowing more locals into John Curtin (children living even a stone’s throw away are not considered local intake) and a strong, comprehensive school with academic and vocational courses to the south. Some parents would like this located at the current South Fremantle SHS site, while others are keen for the government to build a new, state-of-the-art school in the bigger southern catchment, of the ilk of Shenton College, as was established after school closures in the western suburbs. This would create more diversity in the student populations at both schools and the si e to o er the courses and options students deserve. We must not rule out any options or allow them to be taken o the ta le ithout serious and fair review. We must demand that the minister consider each option against the community’s requirements. This week, Fremantle council wisely voted to support this sentiment. Thirty-four years on from a watershed exhibition, the work of three significant realists is revisited opening night 30 may 6:30pm sat 31 may - thur 17 july 1 Finnerty St Fremantle | Open 7 days 10am–5pm | +61 8 9432 9555 Fremantle Arts Centre is supported by the State Government through the Department of Culture and the Arts Expediency If we make the most of the current public interest in this debate and take it up to government, we can resist the threat of political e pedienc which could cost Fremantle region children—and the wider community—for generations. There is a strong case that something needs to change, as distressing as this can be. It seems everyone agrees that that we must raise our sights. We need to be very careful not to accept the option the government might see as the easiest and least e pensive Instead, we can inspire the minister and the premier of this once-in-a-generation opportunity to secure investment in Fremantle schools, to e act real chan e and create a proud legacy for this region’s children. DISTINCTIVEJEWELLERS END OF FINANCIAL YEAR fremantle arts centre exhibition Beautiful Preloved Designer Children’s Clothing, Toys and Accessories at bargain prices $ 6 PINTS 12 BEERS ON TAP LITTLE CREATURES - JAMES SQUIRES & HEINEKEN ASK ABOUT OUR HALF PRICE MEAL SPECIALS FULLY LICENSED - NO BYO OPEN WEDNESDAY TO SUNDAY From 0 -10 years 5:30pm to 10pm - TEL: 9314 2444 398 SOUTH STREET O’CONNOR Sale ends 30th June 2014 SHOP 12 KARDINYA SHOPPING CENTRE cnr South St & Northlake Rd, Kardinya Ph: 9331 7488 | Shop 5, Atwell Arcade High St Mall, Fremantle 9433 3970 Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 - Page 5 Kitchens, Bathrooms & Laundries Remodelled Designed + installed by WA’s longest registered builder. 63 years Building Experience Complete service from start to finish. I supply all materials & charge at cost All mature age top tradesmen All trades included. Kitchens normally 2 day change over. No mess No problems “I will assist & advise you during the entire Cupboards made process. Leave the to measure work to me.” Low overheads Malcolm Malcolm Builder Ph: 9498 7110 | 0417 170 931 • Geo Pearson speaks as MP Matt Taylor and Cr ick Pa olli look on • Standing room only at t e Melville primary sc ool all Hu n dreds t ry t o Striker difference by CLARE KENYON A REVIEW has found developers are delighted but elected councils are fuming over the way joint development advisory panels are working. Geoff Pearson from Striker Balance Action group unearthed the previously-unknown survey, conducted almost nine months ago, and presented it at Wednesday night’s packed public meeting. It showed the process is weighted heavily in developers’ favour, with JDAPs consistently overriding community concerns about amenity. JDAPs started in July 2011, with three members appointed by the government and two being local elected councillors. Straight away, the appointed members outnumber elected representatives. MELVILLE Mayor Russell Aubrey and developer Tuscom did not attend a packed public meeting Wednesday to oppose a major new development approved for the old Striker Pavilion site in Alfred Cove. But Bateman Liberal MP Matt Taylor and local Labor MLC Sue Ellery—both vocal opponents of the scale of the project—were there, as was councillor Nick Pazolli. triker alance Action Group chief Geo arson says the turnout of nearly 200 usually quiet and reserved locals shows “the community is still very angry” about the approval, “and wants something done about it”. He says the group realises its chances of a legal appeal are slim but locals are starting to wake up to the fact their rights to have a say in their own community are being eroded by the powers of JDAPs. “Now we need to bring it to the attention of all politicians.” The application for 87 apartments at the Kitchener Road site, next to low density homes, was approvd by the local JDAP in April, over the objections of residents and the council. W H A T ’S N E W The panels have the power to consider and approve development applications worth more than $7 million. Melville councillor and local JDAP member Mark Reynolds says decision making appears to be heavily weighted on state guidelines irrespective of council planning schemes. “My belief is that JDAP was set up to streamline the decisionmaking process to get favourable decisions which would normally have gone to SAT and incurred large legal costs,” he says. Cr Reynolds says the JDAP casts a clinical eye on design aspects and doesn’t consider social impacts. “I think it’s good a couple of politicians got involved [against the Striker development] because they can make a change,” he says. A HERALD PROMOTIONAL FEATU RE SOLAHAUS An investment in earth’s future Brett Claughton “Solahaus is committed to improving the environment by providing quality sustainable energy solutions to the community. We offer a free on site assessment of your energy use “Buying the cheapest system is often the most expensive choice,” he says. “There are huge differences in quality of product and warranties, reliability of service and results. Les and I live here and we believe in what we do. We look for solutions that really work for people: to give them real value for the budget they can afford.” Solahaus uses systems with proven reliability for our unique Australian conditions. Using the highest quality brands such as Solarworld, SMA and the great value Guangye PV-Tech, ensures your system will produce clean, cost-effective energy for years to come. All Solahaus products are backed by full warranties, handled in Australia and installations are carried out to the highest safety standards. from $2890* SOLAHAUS Solahaus WA Brett 0422 718 577 Les 0411 074 197 Before the rebate goes. Before electricity prices increase - again! 2.5 kw from $3990* Massive forman 25 ce 1.5 kw Brett and Les pride themselves on providing an outstanding service. After installation and hand over, there is ongoing support to ensure your system runs at optimum efficiency and you’re 100% happy. Call today. YEARS ar w HURRY! ACT NOW “We also provide tailored solutions to businesses. The average payback on a commercial solar system is approximately 3 years and every Kw installed is equivalent to planting 200 trees, so you’ll be reducing your company’s environmental impact while enjoying excellent returns,” Brett explained. rant y Solahaus is a local company owned and operated by Brett Claughton and Les Brooker. There are some cowboys in the solar industry; but these well known Fremantle experts are dedicated to providing advice you can trust and the very best solar technology. so we can give you the system that’s best for your home’s requirements,” said Brett. per Make the move to solar energy - the smart choice for reducing your power bills and your impact on the environment. Western Australia has the ideal climate to take advantage of solar energy, with more sunshine than any other state. And with the Federal Government talking about removing the solar rebate, which will increase the cost, there’s never been a better time. 5 kw! from $6840* * Based on standard installation, single storey, single phase, tin roof, metro area, subject to inspection and western power approval. Price subject to the client qualifying for the govt rebate (STC scheme). ASK US FOR A FREE QUOTE TODAY! Page 6 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 Brett: 0422 718 577 Les: 0411 074 197 Les Brooker Stress Free Solar in 10 easy steps 1 Get angry about 2 Start researching the waste of fossil fuels, climate change and your skyrocketing power bills. how much power you use? Best systems, Value for money? Suppliers you can trust? Or just call Brett or Les at Solahaus. 3 Sit back and feel confident that you’ve chosen professionals you can trust. Local experts who will guide you well. 4 Make your choice and skip the next 5 steps - Brett and Les will look after them. Flip the switch 10 and start harvesting the sun’s energy for your home and business. Watch your power bills disappear. You might even make money on what you supply back to the grid. THINKING SOLAR? CHOOSE Quality, Experience, Service, Support SOLAHAUS Are you over 45? We are here to help you stay fit! OPEN DAY 14th JUNE FREE TO ALL • COME AND TRY US! As we mature, it is more important than ever to exercise regularly in order to feel our best every day. M • din Lang needs some grunt workers to elp im spread some mulc Photo by Steve Grant ad ab o u t m u lc h i n g of dozen trees to liven it up. After chatting with the enviro-gurus at Fern, word got out and there was so much support he’s created Friends of Hollis Park. “I went to Fern and they said to speak to the South Fremantle precinct and they said to speak to (councillor) Andrew Sullivan,” Mr Lang told the Herald. The council’s pulled out a bunch of invasive weeds in preparation for a big mulching day on Saturday June 7, from 10am-2pm. Mr Lang says he’ll need by STEVE GRANT A FEEL-GOOD plan to liven up Hollis Park with a few plants has snowballed for South Fremantle’s Adin Lang. A regular user of the path between South Beach and Hampton Road the account manager says its “postapocalyptic” landscape was so depressing he came up with an idea to plant a couple volunteers to help plant some native species on June 21, but is really keen to get people handy with a shovel next weekend. Meanwhile, last week we reported the Freofarm plan for the nearby old tip site had been shifted elsewhere due to “local opposition”. Freofarm member Cathy Hall got in touch to say the reasons for ditching the site “were varied, however local objection was not one.” [Ed says: It was the science that did it.] W H A T ’S N E W The human body is truly amazing. The number of functions it performs at any given moment to keep us in optimal health is mind boggling. Sometimes we can take our good health for granted and forget what a precious asset it is. A busy lifestyle, poor diet, stress, lack of exercise and inadequate sleep can put the body out of balance and lead to health problems. Taking a preventative approach to your But what happens if you look after yourself but still feel unwell? There may be other factors at work preventing you from reaching peak health. Lee Rieniets, director of local company Realsearch, Normal price $50. Offer valid till 30/6/14. Advanced payment required by credit card or bank transfer. We welcome all ages and have special, discounted Pensioner and Student memberships available to help keep fitness affordable and accessible to everyone. Call us today because you deserve the best! At Angelic Fitness, it’s ALL ABOUT YOU! JUNE SPECIAL Keep warm with a free coffee & first month FREE 95B Hampton Road, Fremantle Phone 6219 5266 A HERALD PROMOTIONAL FEATU RE believes that monitoring your own health will become more important in years to come. As the founder of Rener Health Centres, Lee has spent the past 56 years as a scientist, biochemist and naturopath researching the human body. He is passionate about educating and empowering people to take control of their own health. wellbeing can be an effective way to head off any potential health scares and ensure good health for life. Angelic Fitness is a fitness studio that is perfect for you! We are a Ladies Only Gym with supportive and nurturing staff who will show you how to use all equipment in our special low impact 30 min circuit. Local naturopath empowers patients with health report Lee has observed the worrying increase of many illnesses, in particular auto-immune diseases. He believes the critical factor to improve worldwide health is water quality. Our bodies consist of 80% water, so it stands to reason that having access to a clean water supply is essential for optimum health. The problem is that even though around 70% of the earth is covered by water, only three tenths of 1% is useable for humans to drink. And of this amount, approximately 80% of this water is contaminated. 0439 941 478 PO Box 308 Melville 6956 During his many years in the health field, Lee devised a simple health questionnaire, which provides patients with a detailed and easy to understand health assessment. He is now offering this service to the wider community. “This is a proven, common sense way of looking at your health,” said Lee. “I can either email or mail the questionnaire to you. Once completed, please return it for analysis. Please note due to the volume of calls our practitioners are currently receiving, there may be a waiting period of up to 2 weeks for your test results,” he added. Realsearch Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 - Page 7 Ho ldi n g b ac k t h e t i de • by STEVE GRANT ELASTIC hair ties are a menace. • s ag strangled by a air tie on East Fremantle s fores ore Last year Friends of East Fremantle Foreshore member Wendy Wisniewski came across a shag, strangled by one of the colourful ties near the boat ramp opposite the Leeuwin Barracks. endy isniewski and Bella ing are ready to clean up East Fremantle s fores ore Photo by Steve Grant “Since I saw that travesty, every single da ithout fail find at least one hair elastic whilst out walking,” Ms Wisniewski told the Herald. Indeed, she found one minutes before our interview. She says many probably get washed into drains and end up in the river, while joggers using the popular path around the river might also contribute to the problem. The hair ties join a tsunami of rubbish which she says has made the foreshore look “third world” at the moment. A clean-up day jointly organised by the Ba’hai community and Friends is on Sunday June 8, 9.30-11.30am. LUNCH SPECIAL Monday to Friday 11am to 3pm Your choice of 3 dishes 17 $ 95* *Not available on public holidays or with any other discount offer. 9336 7161 42 Mews Road Fishing Boat Harbour, Fremantle Friendly Service + Delicious Food | Relaxed Atmosphere contact: Page 8 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 Sir Tony tours a port pub by JENNY D’ANGER THE heritage, limestone walls and cosy intimacy of the Norfolk Hotel’s basement made it the perfect place to film on Robinson’s latest series, Tour of Duty, commemorating 100 years of Anzac. The Time Team presenter was looking his 68 years after a hectic schedule that saw him in New Zealand and a number of towns and cities in the eastern states before heading to Fremantle. But the recently knighted Sir Tony was ever the n lish entleman fieldin uestions from fans and posing for photos, before and after shooting. “I have been interested in history since I came out of the womb,” the man who will always be Baldrick told the Herald. “How can you know who you are if you don’t know your antecedents.” With everyone jumping on the 100th anniversary of the WWI bandwagon, Tour of Duty, with its focus on Anzac and Gallipoli, is a chance to do somethin di erent o inson sa s The Norfolk’s mural of Dorothy Tangney and the Fremantle army museum on Cantonment Hill were Sir Tony’s drawcard to the port city. an ne Australia s first female senator and longest serving federal Labor MP (25 years) was a staunch advocate for war brides, who were often abandoned by their GI husbands. Divorce was only possible in the US, making it prohibitively expensive for post-WWII Australian women to make a fresh start. Born in Fremantle, Ken Brown’s mum was a war bride and he told a heartbreaking tale of his father being shipped out, only to be wounded in battle and sent back to the US. His father wrote and sent money for two years, but his wife received neither. “My grandmother took the money for her gambling habit, and destroyed the letters,” Mr Brown told the Herald efore filmin ot underway. Many years later he shook hands for the first time ith his dad ho had remarried and discovered the truth in a teary, but heartwarming, family reunion between his parents, who by then were in their 80s. Tour of Duty airs on Pay TV’s history channel next year. herald arts • Some of the characters from Jessica Berry’s Wanderkin. Below, reading to friends and family. Photos supplied MELVILLE JEWELLERS high quality jewellery & watch repairs 25 years experience unique nfinity Celtic & tree of life jewellery designed by your local jeweller Michael bring in your design & we can make it come alive MELVILLE JEWELLERS Shop A Stammers S C 2 Canning wy Palmyra 9339 3793 Wanderlust F BY JERRY MAYER Directed by TREVOR DHU ARTS JENNY D’ANGER An Anaward award winning romantic brimming with hilarious comedy comedy brimming with hilarious as well well as moving moments moments as REMANTLE’S Jessica Berry has a university degree in thing-making, otherwise known as a BA in visual arts. “Majoring in textiles,” she tells the Herald. Like most artists she’s held down a variety of jobs including a stint at the now-defunct Kulcha and at a tea shop in the markets. Along with exhibitions of her own art she’s worked as an art curator. And, being a Freo-ite, she serves a cat and rides a pink bicycle. Berry recently entered a new venture as an author, with a delightful kids’ book Wanderkin, which uses photography and hand-crafted characters, all created by the author. The colourful illustrations are mini-stage sets: “Like a still from a film a treasured nostal ic memory, a tiny realm within the snow dome of our fancy,” Berry says. It’s a charming tale of a girl, a boy and a rabbit as they follow a utter that ies into their tea party. Their journey takes them into adventure, discovery, mystery, raver onder and findin “Terrific… an illuminating illuminating look all, all, we we carecare about “Terrifi c… an lookatataalong-term long-termmarital maritalrelationship…Above relationship…Above people which Reporter about these people whichmakes makesfor foraaterrific terrificevening eveningofoftheatre”….Hollywood theatre” …Hollywood Reporter H AR Presented Presented byby THEATRE BOHARBOUR U R T H EAT R E @ @ CAMELOT CAM EL O ENTERTAINING THE COMMUNITY BETWEEN THE RIVER & THE SEA SINCE 1963 EN T ER T AI N I N G home, Berry says. The idea for the book, hich took five ears to come to fruition, came as Berry and her then young son created adventures with toys and household objects: “We used to play with whatever was around the house, I thought it was charming.” It was that magic and charm she wanted to recreate in her book: “I wanted to capture things unknown with things known.” The book is a one-woman show, with Berry writing and creating the characters, taking photos, and even setting up her own publishing company Berry Books. The rather cute blue monster was crocheted by Berry, who also painted the faces and made the clothes for the children. The tiny rabbit was found in an op-shop and she immediately knew she wanted him for her stor e reall fit in ith the style.” Berry raised money for her project through crowd-funding website Pozible: “I had 100 sales even before the book existed,” she says. “Crowd funding is really good because it gives you a bit of a peer review.” Wanderkin is available at etsy. com or and it can be found in some local school libraries following a visit and reading by the author. “The exciting thing for me is to have my book in a library for kids to borrow,” Berry beams. H AY E S AU C T I O N E E R S P T Y LT D T T H E CO M M U N I T Y BET WE EN T H E R I V ER & T H E S EA S I N CE 1963 By special withre. ORiGiN™ w w arrangement w .h arb ou rt heat or THEATRICAL B y special arrangement with ORiG iN ™ TH EATRICAL JU N JUNE E 6, 7,6,1 7, 1,11, 13,13, 14,14, 18, 18, 20 20 & & 21 2014 2014 @ @ 7.30 7.30ppm m M atMatinees inees JU JUNE N E 88& 1515 @ @ 2.02.00pm 0p m and Bookings 9255: 3336 w w or w . T AZ T ix . com . au BOOKINGS 9255or 3336 $25.5$25.50 0 F / $2F/$23.50 3 .50 C / C/$20.50 $20.50 S tStud u d Harbour Theatre Members & H arb o u r T h eat re M em b ers Friends of MosArts book @ & F ri en9433 d s 6260 o f M o orsA rt s b o o k @ 9 4 33 6 2 6 0 o r t i c k et s@ h arb o u rt h eat re.o rg .au MosArts | The Beating Heart of Mosman Park MosArts | The Beating Heart of Mosman Park HARBOUR THEATRE now at CAMELOT, 16 LOCHEE ST, MOSMAN PARK H AR BO U R T H EAT R E now at CAM EL O T , 16 L O CH EE S T , M O S M AN PAR K 'PSKVTUDFOUTBEBZ ZPVSQBSUOFSTIJQDBO IFMQDIJMESFOCVJME UIFJSPXOCSJHIUFS GBJSFSGVUVSF $BMMOPX ARTS & CRAFTS MARKET 25TH & 26TH OCTOBER 10AM - 4.30PM daily York Town Hall 81 Avon Terrace, York Stallholder enquiries welcome: #ATHOLIC-ISSION CATHOLICMISSIONORGAU Warm Up this Winter! Hot Stone Back Massage & Facial Indulge yourself with our winter warmer package Auctioneers & Valuers - Fine Art - Antiques - General Household Antique Auction e UNRESERVED S election 1 8 th , 1 9 th and early 2 0 th c E nglish and C ontinental furniture, antique and modern j ewellery, antique silver, ceramics including M oorcroft, D oulton G allant er ro fig re g n ng e or e r r n err r no and carnival, collection of coins incl gold and special issues, stamps incl early r n fine r en er n o er e ne e n o onne o ro e n n ng n ng re on g e r e er er nn rg oo er o o r n n rr or n er n ogr n rn g n n er n r g n ng n n o o Sunday 8th June - 10am r ne ne n ne Refreshm ents will be served See website for catalogue & preview Thursday prior Next Antique Auction Sun 21 June Fortnightly Antique Auctions. Free Valuations 16.5% BUYERS PREMIUM APPLIES 22 Burswood Road, Burswood • h 2 • Mob 0 0 0 rge 95 lu Your Sp $ Slip into a state of complete tranquility whilst enjoying a hot stone back massage & AHA facial treatment to cleanse, hydrate and protect your skin this winter. 0! Save $4 Gift Vouchers Also Available 905 Beaufort St, Inglewood 9471 8381 Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 - Page 9 Goodchild Meats WINTER COLLECTION Goodchild Meats Great prices. Perfect meat. Lamb Pork Blade Roast $8.99 kg Lamb Leg Roast $9.99 kg Free Range Pork Leg Roast $8.99 kg Premium Mince $8.99 kg Lamb Forequarter Chops $9.99 kg Pork Spare Ribs $15.99 kg Whole Porterhouse MSA $11.99 kg Lamb Loin Chops Bulk $12.99 kg Free Range Pork Loin Chops $13.99 kg Whole Fillet MSA $22.99 kg Lamb Easy Carve Leg $16.99 kg Pork Fillet $15.99 kg Whole Rump MSA $8.99 kg Lamb Leg Boneless $15.99 kg Free Range Pork Forequarter Chops Whole Scotch Fillet MSA $22.99 kg Lamb Shanks $8.99 kg Pork Collar Butt $10.99 kg Whole Scotch Fillet Budget $19.99 kg Lamb Spare Ribs $6.99 kg Pork Medallion Steaks $16.99 kg Whole Gerello Sliced $11.99 kg Lamb French Rack $31.99 kg Gravy Beef $8.99 kg Lamb French Cutlets $31.99 kg T-bone Steak $15.99 kg Lamb Chump Chops $15.99 kg Porterhouse Steak $17.99 kg Free Range Whole Chicken Lamb Mince $9.99 kg Rump Steak $11.99 kg Free Range Chicken Breast Fillets $14.99 kg Lamb Rack $18.99 kg Topside Roast $8.99 kg Free Range Chicken Drumsticks $4.99 kg Side of Lamb $7.99 kg Hamburger Mince $6.99 kg Free Range Chicken Wings $4.99 kg $8.99 kg Beef Chicken $7.99 kg $7.99 kg WA Grown & Produced Lamb, Pork, Beef & Chicken Goodchild Meats WHOLESALE BUTCHERS Everyday low ! prices for you 3 Boyd Cr, Hamilton Hill Ph: 9336 2511 Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm Sat 8am - 1pm EFTPOS & C/Card facilities available We are here Page 10 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 H @ Herald ome The best property guide south of the Swan 60s flair A modest, but funky 60s exterior belies an amazing six-bedroom home. Jenny D’Anger’ takes a look. See page 13 It’s time to stop hiding your study. Streamline your home workspace with furniture you’ll want to show off. Enjoy 15% off selected Living Edge products in-store and online until June 30.* 274 Newcastle Street, Northbridge 1300 132 154 Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 - Page 11 North Fremantle North Fremantle North Fremantle 5/10 Swan Street 17 Corkhill Street 9 Higham Road CONTACT Ann-Marie Hickey m 0417 179 234 Clare Hickey-Shand m 0424 593 136 t 9339 1006 Great Location Get Excited! • Fabulous terrace style townhouse in prestigious Northbank location • Open plan kitchen and dining with stone benchtops and quality appliances • Two large spacious double bedrooms plus additional study/sitting room • Modern and contemporary features with timber flooring • Parking for two cars • Walking distance to all North Freo has to offer! BED 2 BATH 1 CAR 1 Fabulous Family Living! BED 4 BATH 2 CAR ? Luxury Living! BED 4 BATH 3 CAR 2 PRICE $749,000 • Character 1930’s cottage with fantastic extension over three split levels • Four generous bedrooms, 2 bath and three separate living areas • High decorative ceilings, jarrah floorboards, travertine tiles and fireplaces • Separate studio/pool retreat spilling onto magnificent heated pool & luxury spa • One of North Fremantle’s most desirable streets! PRICE $1.55M • Three level, elegant home on one of North Freo’s most sought after streets • Quality features and fittings throughout • Gorgeous open plan living with bifold doors to pool and alfresco • Two separate living areas, one with kitchenette • State of the art kitchen and appliances • Just metres to the river and parklands in friendly neighbourhood! PRICE $1.995M INSPECT Sat 12.15 - 1 CONTACT Nathan Hewitt m 0411 695 313 t 9339 1006 INSPECT Sat 10 - 10.45 CONTACT Nathan Hewitt m 0411 695 313 t 9339 1006 Attadale Attadale CONTACT Nathan Hewitt m 0411 695 313 t 9339 1006 Alfred Cove 71A Stock Road 42 Farrin Street INSPECT Sat 1.15 - 2 28B Latham Street CONTACT Ann-Marie Hickey m 0417 179 234 Clare Hickey-Shand m 0424 593 136 t 9339 1006 New Family Wanted! BED 4 BATH 2 CAR 2 Provincial Flavours BED 4 BATH 2 CAR 2 Timeless Styling BED 3 BATH 2 CAR 2 • Fantastic family home on 1115sqm • Four beds plus separate study and two separate living areas • Gourmet kitchen with stone benchtops and quality appliances • Amazing entertainer’s alfresco area with aluminium shutters • Sparkling below ground pool, mature fruit trees and double garage/workshop • Lifestyle and location just one street from river! PRICE $1.590M • This well-proportioned home offers generous accommodation with expansive living spaces • Fruit trees, vegie patch, private outdoor spaces • Large multiple living zones • Huge country style kitchen • Highly regarded riverside precinct • 557 sqm lot PRICE FROM $895,000 • Timelessly styled easy-care home in desirable riverside precinct • Oversized living room • Huge country kitchen • Massive rear alfresco perfect for year round entertaining • Spacious, private gardens with extra parking for boats and caravans • Minutes’ walk to local shops, Tompkins Reserve and the river PRICE $795,000 INSPECT Sat 11.15 - 11.45 CONTACT Nathan Hewitt m 0411 695 313 t 9339 1006 m 0417 881 772 t 9339 1006 INSPECT Sat 1 - 1.40 CONTACT Todd Grierson m 0417 881 772 t 9339 1006 North Fremantle 154C Forrest Street 11 Eucla Court 7/10 Kwong Alley R E FO AS LE R E FO AS LE R E FO AS LE • Walk to the river from your front door • Great cul-de-sac location • Three double bedrooms plus separate study • Impressive quality fixtures, fittings and features throughout the home • Plunge pool with swim jets • One of North Freo’s most sought after addresses – close to everything! CONTACT Todd Grierson Fremantle North Fremantle Brilliant Mix of Space and Style! INSPECT Sat 12 - 12.40 BED 3 BATH 3 CAR 2 Modern Comfort... BED 3 BATH 2 CAR 2 Live the High Life... BED 2 BATH 2 CAR 2 PRICE $1100 PW • 9 star energy efficiency rating and will benefit your pocket as well as make your lifestyle • Theatre Room • Open plan kitchen, dining, lounge overlooking yard • Walk in robe, large ensuite • Split system A/C PRICE $740 PW • Modern and secure complex in the heart of North Fremantle • Spacious open-plan living and dining, • Internal laundry with plenty of storage • Two balconies with a view to Fremantle harbour • Walking distance to North Fremantle train station, river plus shops, pubs and restaurants PRICE $640 PW INSPECT Sat 11 - 11.30 CONTACT Nadia Hubbard m 0434 093 173 t 9339 1006 INSPECT Wed 4 June 5 - 5.15 CONTACT Nadia Hubbard m 0434 093 173 t 9339 1006 INSPECT By Appointment CONTACT Nadia Hubbard m 0434 093 173 t 9339 1006 Page 12 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 herald at home I’ve SOLD all my properties in Room for the Brady bunch record time Let me give my full attention to yours! “The Authority in Fremantle Property” AT HOME JENNY D’ANGER Contact me for a free appraisal report POLLY HOWLEY S 0424 484 295 HADOW boxes were popular in the 1960s. Just about every home had one, small boxlike shelves to hold tiny ornaments. Often they were on the wall next to that other ‘60s icon— in ducks That this Cawston Raod Attadale home has essentially retained its ‘60s feel is apparent from the lovely skillion roofline, and the giant shadow-box indo ankin the front door The six-bedroom home has been considerably revamped from the original but the vendor s love a air ith the Brady Bunch era is apparent in myriad details, including a soaring wall of lovely gold and tan-hued stone in the downstairs lounge. Chocolate-coloured jarrah oors lo throu hout this lovely home, upstairs and down. The vendor’s kids had a hand in choosing wallpaper for a feature wall in their bedrooms. You can see they have mum’s air for interior desi n ith choices creating an ambient retreat that is tastefully youthful, but not childish—well, maybe the horse one is a bit, but hey that was the really, really S PECIAL IS TS IN THE S AL E OF FINE HOM ES little one. What I’d initially thought was the main bedroom has a wall of glass onto a pretty, and private, courtyard. But the real main is found at the rear of the house, next to a very funky bathroom, with a gloriously deep tub with garden views, and a speccy feature wall of tiny black and white tiles lidin lass doors o the bedroom lead to the swimming pool, allowing cooling midnight dips on hot summer nights, safe in the knowledge no-one can see over the high garden walls. With a swathe of grass, and a cute elevated cubby house (with its own astroturf alfresco area), the kids are well catered for in this neat garden. Head upstairs and you’ll find a spacious open plan living/kitchen/dining area. G o O n… H ave a Bid With a multitude of windows, many louvred for cooling cross ree es it seems to oat above the many trees in the surrounding area, with views to the distant hills and sections of the river. City lights twinkle through tree tops at night and the kids love it. Their mum’s personal favourite is watching approaching storms sweep in with majestic fury. With a brood to feed, you can rest assured the kitchen is full of practicalities, with sweeping benches, plenty of timberfronted drawers and a huge pantry, which is the size of the original kitchen, the vendor tells me. Something she takes great delight in reminding herself of, she adds. Black and white Bizazza By HAYDEN GROVES REIWA Deputy President W ith about 5% of residential property in WA sold by the auction method, most folk clearly opt for sale by “Private Treaty” when it comes to selling their home. This method of a seller declaring an asking price (either fixed, a price range, no price or price guide) invites offers to buy, usually at a price below the advertised price (if any) and negotiations begin from there. Almost always the settled sale price is a figure below the original asking price. ... auction is the fairest and most transparent method of purchasing real estate. Selling by auction gives sellers the converse opportunity. A considered marketing campaign that includes an auction aims to move the buyers’ expectations on price from a level marginally below the market price upwards and through competition sell at auction above the seller’s reserve price. Obviously, not all auctions end so optimistically. Many are passed-in, some fail to attract a single bid but the important point here is that in almost every case, the auction process itself teases out the eventual buyer. Properties offered for sale by auction provides the seller three opportunities to sell; prior to auction, under the hammer on the day or after auction and on this basis alone an auction offers clear advantages. A buyer fearful of being bid up on the day in competition will be keen to secure the property prior to auction on agreed terms. Or buyers not able to bid at Italian mosaic tiles make an art work of one bench, while the other is a lovely grey Essa stone (hey probably call it charcoal mist or something). Nearby, a generous balcony invites one to take breakfast, lunch and dinner alfresco whenever you can. This is a fantastic family home, with Attadale primary school within walking distance and Santa Maria College just up the road. The foreshore is a pleasant walk away, and there are plenty of choices when it comes to shopping or dining close to hand. 59 Cawston Road, Attadale $2.285 million Frank Bove 0408 437 636 Acton Real Estate Applecross 9316 8088 FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL OFFICE SUITE MELVILLE PROFESSIONAL CENTRE CNR STOCK RD & MARMION ST REFURBISHED AREAS FROM 67-70 SQM AMPLE ONSITE PARKING FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT SONIA FAIRHEAD 9336 7867 Give your business some extra juice! With our new 4 Week Business Booster package. Here’s what you get... 5000 Flyers Double sided colour DL flyers. Including production. Delivered to your specified suburbs auction (they have to sell their property in order to buy for example) can negotiate a sale post auction if it fails to sell on the day. For unusual properties, those that are difficult to accurately assess value or highly desirable, rare properties are ideal candidates for an auction. The “no price” marketing campaign in the lead up to auction day provides the sellers with “coal-face” insight into buyers’ opinions of value via their agent - invaluable in determining a reserve price. And once a desirable property passes the reserve price, a skilled auctioneer ought to be able to achieve the highest possible selling outcome. For buyers, an auction is the fairest and most transparent method of purchasing real estate. REIWA member Auctioneers must abide by an Auction Code of Conduct that outlaws “dummy” bidding and the auctioneer should always declare a seller’s bid. This gives buyers confidence in the auction process who are able to set their limits and compete in an open forum. Sale by Private Treaty gives buyers no such opportunity in the event where multiple offers are presented to a seller. Most sellers who choose to sell by auction are keen to meet the market and given many buyers are often reluctant to bid, those that do have a great opportunity to acquire a property for a most reasonable price. Three 10x3 Ads Appearing in our Who? What? Where? feature. 10cm H x 11cm W colour ad Feature Article 100 word story or photo appearing along with your advert each week. A great way to tell your story All this for $1500 Normally valued at $2560. Save $1060 Campaign is for one edition. Additional editions at $660 gst included. To book your package today or for more information Phone 9430 7727 Herald Herald Herald Voice Herald FREMANTLE FREMANTLE FREMANTLE The Perth FREMANTLE FREMANTLE FREMANTLE – Fremantle’s Paper – – Fremantle’s Paper – .com Fremantle’s Paper – –– Fremantle’s Fremantle’s Paper – –– Fremantle’s .com These comments are the writer’s own and do not necessarily reflect the current opinions and policies of the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia. Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 - Page 13 dethridgeGROVES REAL ESTATE dethridgeGROVES Real Estate 9336 1166 | 3 Norfolk Street, Fremantle | NEW NEW Sat & Sunday 1.15pm - 2.00pm POA • Architect inspired 3x2 with multiple living areas & elevated valley position • Wide welcoming central passageway with beautifully portioned rooms • Reminiscent of classic housing yesteryear yet built in FREMANTLE 2003 • Easy stroll to Boo Park, local primary school & Fremantle 46a HOPE STREET, WHITE GUM VALLEY - Linda Digby 0402 122 267 Sat 12.00-12.40pm $850,000 • Renovated to a high standard • 2 storey, 2 bdrm &1.5 bathroom • A/C + double remote garaging Sat 1-1.40pm • Near new 4x2 double storey home with 2 living spaces opposite Valley Park • Emanating character charm with ornate fire place, chandelier plus more • Energy efficiency includes solar panels and 3000ltr plumbed water tank • Outdoor living, kids cubby & dbl garage on rear block plus gated driveway NEW Sat & Sun 2.15-3.00pm POA Sat & Sun 11-11.45am POA • Privately tucked away 3 bedroom villa • Inviting & innovative 2 bedroom unit • New kitchen & multiple open living areas • Quality contemporary features • Inviting c/yard with double u/c parking • Lush & tranquil outdoor setting 14/15 WATKINS STREET, FREMANTLE Linda Digby 0402 122 267 32 JENKIN ST, SOUTH FREMANTLE Shirley Baker 0418 915 120 $785,000 - $825,000 • 2 levels, 2 dble bdrms & 2 balcony’s • Secure garage parking and storage • Close to Esplanade & inner city Freo 11/1 NORFOLK ST, FREMANTLE Shirley Baker 0418 915 120 Sat 1.30-2.00pm $1,500,000 • Rare late 1800’s limestone home • Grand historic home with 4 car bays • A stroll away from Fremantle’s heart FREMANTLE 215 HIGH STREET, FREMANTLE Christine Majeks 0402 762 6012 3/60-62 POINT WALTER RD, BICTON Linda Digby 0402 122 267 Sat 12.15-1.00pm $845K-$865K • Beautifully refurbished 1950’s home • Interactive open living with alfresco • 517sqm with double garaging/w’shop 132 SAMSON ST, WHITE GUM VALL. Lauri Curtain 0422 478 150 $565-$585K Sat 12.30-1.00pm Please Call for Details 3/84 HUBBLE ST, FREMANTLE Linda Digby 0402 122 267 1/61 HIGH STREET, FREMANTLE Christine Majeks 0402 762 6012 Hayden Groves 0411 615 582 NEW PRICE $755,000 Call to View • Wonderful 1960’s brick & tile home • 3 bdrm, new kitchen, classic bthrm • Solar panels and eco gardens + studio 144 SOUTH STREET, WHITE GUM VAL Jan Ladhams 0438 251 051 Hayden Groves Principal Sat 12.00-12.45pm • 2 bedroom brick & tile townhouse • Elegant charm with modern updates • Updated, secure & spacious • 3 levels, 3 bdrms, 3 bthrms + 2 living areas • Within easy reach of River & George St • Exceptional quality with perfect location FREMANTLE Call to View POA 12a NANNINE AVENUE, WHITE GUM VALLEY - Lauri Curtain 0422 478 150 NEW FREMANTLE Sat & Sun 11.00am-11.45am Shirley Baker 0418 915 120 EOI above $2.1M • Tucked away 789 sqm vacant lot • Close to Fremantle’s heart • Opportunity to subdivide 24 PRICE STREET, FREMANTLE Hayden Groves 0411 615 582 Linda Digby 0402 122 267 Page 14 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 Lisa Garic 0428 945 946 Call to View $1,395,000 • Prestigious South Beach Estate • 4 bdrm, 2 master suites + 3 living zones • Open plan living, alfresco & pool 13 BREAKSEA DR, NORTH COOGEE Shirley Baker 0418 915 120 Christine Majeks 0402 762 601 Margo Pinkerton 0418 942 858 Jan Ladhams 0438 251 051 Call to View $799,000 • Secure 3 storey end town-house • 3 bdrm, 3 bthrm & private courtyard • Fabulous South Beach location 22/197 HAMPTON RD, STH FREO Shirley Baker 0418 915 120 Mary Burns 0413 749 944 Lauri Curtain 0422 478 150 dethridgeGROVES Real Estate 9336 1166 | 3 Norfolk Street, Fremantle | NEW NEW Saturday 11.00am-11.45am Price Guide $1,000,000+ Saturday 12.00pm-12.45pm Price Guide $1,050,000+ • Wonderfully eclectic easily managed single level home in quiet near city locale • Easy strolling distance from the markets, shops and local eateries • Vast open plan living spaces with banks of Jarrah framed windows and doors • Quietly tucked away on 370 sqm of land with two car bays & secured gardens 160A HIGH STREET, FREMANTLE - Hayden Groves 0411 615 582 • Standing proud nicely elevated off the street on generous 736 sqm of land • C1912 built brick four bedroom dwelling house recently used as office space • Side access zoned R35 availing opportunity for subdivision / development • Wonderful port, ocean & island views from return verandahs & front rooms 8 STIRLING STREET, FREMANTLE - Hayden Groves 0411 615 582 NEW Call to View $750,000 • Stylish north facing townhouse • 3 generous bdrms, 2 bthrms & 3 w/c’s • Close to all of Fremantle’s attractions 9/88 HAMPTON RD, FREMANTLE Shirley Baker 0418 915 120 Sat 12-12.45pm $2,250,000 • Fabulous historic family residence • Generous space & great character • Spacious cottage in the garden 8 KNUTSFORD STREET, FREMANTLE Mary Burns 0413 749 944 Sat 10.00-10.40am $549,000 • Delightful 2 storey 2brm townhouse • North facing balcony + close parking • Ideal for FIFO or first home buyers 6/1 BELLEVUE TCE, FREMANTLE Shirley Baker 0418 915 1201 Sat & Sun 10-10.45am POA • Well appointed 2 year old 3X2 home • Quality fittings, open living & alfresco • Dble garage on rear 410sqm + driveway 46a NICHOLAS CRESCENT, HILTON Lauri Curtain 0422 478 150 NEW PRICE Call to Inspect $1.150m -$1.250m • Rare opportunity for project Buyer • Limestone with overlay on 658sqm • Potential for ocean views 60 SOLOMON STREET, FREMANTLE Margo Pinkerton 0418 942 858 Call to View $1.675M • Elegant 3 x 2 + study penthouse • Huge wrap around balcony • Sensational sea & city views 16/20 ENDERBY CL, NTH COOGEE Shirley Baker 0418 915 120 Call to Inspect $655K-$675K • Very private near new 3x2 • Stylish family home with interactive living • Sort after estate in Beaconsfield 19 BUTTERWORTH PLCE, BEACONSFIELD Lisa Garic 0428 945 946 Call for Details EOI • Well positioned 381 sqm allotment • Stone wall & boundary fences in place • Potential ocean and Garden Island views 5 AGNES ST, BEACONSFIELD Mary Burns 0413 749 944 Sat 11-11.40am $455,000 • First home buyer alert! • Stylish, spacious, safe and secure • 79sqm including balcony & parking 48/57 BEACH ST, FREMANTLE Shirley Baker 0418 915 120 Call to View From $625,000 • Generous 84sqm apartment + parking • Upper most level with 1 bdrm & study • Close to West End, Harbour & Notre Dame 28/5 BANNISTER STREET, FREMANTLE Margo Pinkerton 0418 942 858 Call to View $749K-789K • Renovated & extended 3 x 2 home • Modern light filled open plan living • Low maintenance living 128 SOUTH ST, WHITE GUM VAL Lisa Garic 0428 945 946 Sat 1.15-2.00pm $299,000 • 2nd floor city centre 1 bedroom unit • Renovated kitchen & bathroom • Ideal for 1st home buyers & investors 204/23 ADELAIDE ST, FREMANTLE Lauri Curtain 0422 478 150 dethridgeGROVES Real Estate 9336 1166 | 3 Norfolk Street, Fremantle | Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 - Page 15 E S A ITH T. E L W SI E R NOW EPO L D A E N K R FI ECU $10 S ST JU In your element. Contemporary beachside living. Your new home 1 Bedroom South Beach apartments available from just $385,000. Ideal for First Home Buyers. Welcome to life at Elements—modern, stylish living just 200m from stunning South Beach and only minutes from Fremantle’s famous cappuccino strip and nightlife. Be in your element. Page 16 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 Sales Office Open: By Appointment. 25 O’Connor Close, South Beach. Sharon Grey - Pindan Realty + 0417 926 385 Glenn O’Connor-Smith - ACTON + 0413 545 044 FOR SALE ALL OFFERS ABOVE $649,000 PRESENTED BY 4PM TUESDAY 17 JUNE 2014 QUAINT COTTAGE FULL OF CHARM 2 18 Tydeman Road, NORTH FREMANTLE 1 1 1 107m2 OPEN Saturday 31st May 11am - 11.45am Renovated and extended character cottage Remote garaging from ROW access Super convenient location Ducted reverse cycle air conditioning FREMANTLE OFFICE Brad Glover & Simone Glover M 0422 388 885 M 0417 977 525 P 9339 7777 nt Pe E le US ab HO D vail NT OL se A PE S hou b Su FOR SALE $1,299,000 WHEN OCEAN VIEWS MEET LUXURY 13/30 South Beach Prom, NORTH COOGEE Brand new apartment set in a tranquil beachside paradise Open plan architectural design with 3 comfortable sized bedrooms European stainless steel appliances Gourmet chef’s kitchen with stone benchtops 3 2 2 245m2 OPEN Saturday 31st May TBA FREMANTLE OFFICE Brad Glover & Simone Glover M 0422 388 885 M 0417 977 525 P 9339 7777 FREMANTLE OFFICE 177B South Terrace South Fremantle Never look back Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 - Page 17 herald 8,000 Full Colour DL Flyers c ompetitions Intoducing our brand new puzzle competition! $999 Every week for the next 6 weeks, the Herald will be giving readers the chance to win one of 3 bottles of 666 Pure Tasmanian Vodka. Incl. Print & Delivery Thirty years ago, the idea of making vodka in Tasmania would not have been considered, but today the folks at 666 Pure Tasmanian Vodka understand that any location with the perfect combination of high quality local grain, pure air, pure water, and enough local ingenuity can make some of the best vodka in the world. 666 Pure Tasmanian Vodka was launched in early 2010 by a local guy who believed if Australia can make some of the best beer and wine in the world, then surely it can also make a world class vodka. Tasmania has some of the purest air on our planet, the water 666 Pure Tasmanian Vodka uses to make its vodka from Cape Grim is certified as the purest rainwater on the globe. Tasmania has some of the highest quality grain produced anywhere, as well as local people willing to ignore what ‘should’ be done, and focus on what ‘can’ be done. And that is to make one of the best vodkas in the world. 666 Pure Tasmanian Vodka, named for the unique Tasmanian Devil as a tribute to the pure and natural environment that is responsible for the quality of the vodka, is grown, harvested, fermented, distilled and bottled in Tasmania using only Tasmanian ingredients, and Tasmanian hard work. 666 Pure Tasmanian Vodka were awarded a Gold Medal at the San Francisco World Spirit awards 2010, the first Australian vodka to ever achieve this recognition. Give Your Message a Helping Hand To discover the great benefits of delivering your flyers with the Herald phone Natalie Hug 9430 7727 HOW TO ENTER: Find the hidden word below then visit us online at & follow the prompts. Terms & Conditions: Competition open to 18+ only. Winners announced each week for the next 6 weeks in the printed and online editions of your Herald. Winner must be able to collect their prize from the Herald office at 41 Cliff Street, Fremantle. Winner must present proof of age when collecting their prize. Support Red Nose Day this June 1300 1 RED NOSE 1300 173 366 T O Y O C B T D E RAYKARZ Rottnest Lodge overnight stay Congratulations Gail McGill of Inglewood, Heather Clarke of Palmyra and Graeme Uren of North Fremantle. You have won the perfect overnight escape valued at $270 thanks to Rottnest Lodge. This includes accommodation for 2 people including return ferry tickets from Fremanlte TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Available Sunday - Friday only. Valid from 27 April, 2014 to 31st August 2014. Accommodation for 2 people only with room type dependent upon availability. Additional nights can be purchased for $150 per night including breakfast. Competition closes 27.5.14 with winners announced in the 31.5.14 edition of your Fremantle Herald Harbour Theatre Congratulations Maureen Wishart of Swanbourne, Lorraine English of Coogee, Senka Elez of Wattleup, Darrlyn Lloyd of South Fremantle and Holly Bryant of Melville. You have each won a double pass to Harbour Theatre’s new show A Love Affair. A Trip to Italy Helen Gray of Parmelia, Joe & Wendy Ingrilli of Kardinya, Celine Fournier of North Fremantle, Bernadette Martin of Coogee, Geo Osborne of Coolbinia, Rosemary Burgess of Bedford, Ryan Scott of Leederville, Ciaran Carnevali of Dianella, Maria Garbagnati of Mt lawley, and Manuela Gimondo of Bedford You have each won a double pass to the new Steve Coogan film A Trip to Italy. Adbuster Winner Congratulations Susan Britten of Leeming. You have won a feast for 2 at Bar Orient after spotting last week’s fake ad . If you spot this week’s fake ad send your entries to Voice Adbuster, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 by Tuesday. ,000 d in up to 120 rs? te n ri p re a s de omp of online rea OW Herald c DID YOU KN eek and reach thousands etition call the w nning a comp e excitement! papers every terested in ru th part of ess is in If your busin y on 9430 7727 and be a a d Perth Voice to WINNERS! BONUS! mail us a selfie of you reading the latest edition of your Herald for automatic entry into every current competition along with your name, phone number and address. mail your selfies to GET SNAPPING! Furniture & Home Ware Get Vintage…..Lowest pricing. Factory Direct. Coffee Table Small $129 Stool $99 each Bedside 2 Drawer $129 Dining Chair $129 each Side Table $99 Bring stylish collections to your homes. UNBEATABLE PRICES AND QUALITY. Not available anywhere else. Factory direct goods. 15 years of furniture manufacturing. Page 18 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 10 Drawer Chest $399 *picture may vary from actual size 0424 450 370 856 Beaufort Street (opp Bunnings), Inglewood Open all days. Sun 11am-4pm BATHROOM SERVICES DEVON AAA Bathroom Renovations Air S p ec ialising in Air Conditioning: • service & repair • design/ installation • reverse cycle • evaporative Call Rob rob@ INTERNATIONAL Renovators Owner/Builders BIGGEST SELECTION OF VANITIES • TAPS • SPAS FLOOR & WALL TILES A /H : 9 4 9 7 7 5 5 0 devonair. com. au A R C L # L 0 9 1 0 9 8 A U T H # A U 2 7 1 8 8 9339 8113 Showroom 325 Canning Hwy, Palmyra AU27963 BRICK LAYING Breakdowns, repairs and maintenance Supply and installation Services offered to domestic, commercial, and industrial customers Clint | 0412 591 144 ANTENNAS TV ANTENNAS BRICKLAYING BBQs, Piers, Fences, Letter Boxes, Garden Walls, Retaining Walls, Extensions Houses. Insurance work. 0412 944 808 Sustainable Outdoor Solutions Designs Renovations Sustainable Concepts Building Maintenance 9433 1077 • Feature walls • Fences • Retaining walls • Garden walls/boxes • Piers • Extensions & renovations • All limestone work DARREN JAMES BUILDERS R egistered B uilder N o. 1 3 5 4 8 Additional TV & phone points installed by ex perienced & professional technicians TV hanging, property & strata management enq uiries welcome Family business established for over 33 years Huge 5 year parts & labour warranty Call 9240 8980 7am - 7pm any day email: info@ antennamasters. com. au or visit: www. antennamasters. com. au guaranteed by qualified Professional Service fully tradesman. guaranteed by qualified We also do soakwells. tradesman. job do toosoakwells small . WeNoalso No job too small Dean Deane Dean 0418 906 735 0418 906 735 * Recommended BGC 735 Blokpave 0418 by906 * Recommended by BGC Blokpave Brickpaving & Bricklaying - 30 years exp.- • good rates • free quotes • no job too small Ph Angelo R&G Wilkinson For Reliable Quotes & Service On All Brickpaving Call Rob on: FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED We eliminate the risk! Free Q uotes O nsite A ppraisals S ample T esting SAFE COMPLETE REMOVAL 047 4 483 866 contact@ waasbestos. com. au GET 2 ADS FREE! NEW TRADIES! To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on 9430 7727 Phone Heath for a quote 0435 004 147 9434 1774 or 0417 180 581 JRC BRICK PAVING Reliable Service Competitive Rates ALL ASPECTS OF BRICK PAVING Jerome 0431 912 934 Cleaning Solutions Organic & Non-Toxic Carpets Cleaned, Deodorised & Dry in 1-2 Hours Leather & Upholstery Specialists Stain Removal & Protection Domestic - Real Estate Commercial Water & Flood Damage Restoration HKW Custom Carpentry Residential & Commercial • bathroom renovation • decks • pergolas • framing • eaves • timber flooring • window rejuvenation • door installation • fencing • cladding • general maintenance For a free quote call 0404 954 580 EARTHMOVING ELECTRICAL Concrete All Areas Bayview Dingo WARNING: Don’t call any electrican until you read this M ini B obcat S ervice including S oil, L awn and R ubbish R emoval, T rench ing, Post H ole B oring, S and and S oil D eliveries and B rick Pack S h ifting Stamped • Exposed Stencil Plain • Spray Liquid Limestone Call David 0424 175 568 Call Jason on 0417 954 745 Email: 0411 876 664 0429 051 554 Centrally located near Cockburn Gateway From South of the River to Warnbro Independently Owned & Operated CEILINGS ALL-CEIL CEILINGS & DRY WALL Guaranteed prompt reliable service. FREE QUOTES A BOBCAToSPECIALIST cats CS CONCRETING L EAD ER IN IND USTRY FOR THE L AST 20 Y EARS Servicing Fremantle areas for the last 25 years • ex posed aggregate • liq uid limestone • house pads • garage & s ed floors • ex tensions • pathways ½ onne E ca ators a n u ish e o ed ri e ays e o ed a in re ared u y and etc etre ruc s ost o e u er Any size, shape or colour! Call Sam on 6219 5374 or 0448 880 973 SPECIALISING IN: RENOVATIONS/ADDITIONS all sizes inc 2nd storey NEW HOMES DESIGN & BUILD OPTIONS 0419 366 397 ALL ASPECTS OF BUILDING WORKS • Extensions • Renovations • Alterations • Additions & Re-roofs Call to discuss your building needs Paul Maddestra 0430 965 243 CABINET MAKING ua ifi d abin mak r • All aspects of interior/exterior carpentry • Renovations & extensions • All aspects of maintenance & repairs • Handyman service Michael 0423 942 621 • Interior/exterior designer • Custom cabinetry & furniture design • Drafting • Home styling & colour consulting Yvette 0403 644 199 Over 20 Years Experience 9337 5409 GET 2 ADS FREE! NEW TRADIES! To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on 9430 7727 CARPET CLEANING Expert Carpet Carpet Expert Steam SteamCleaning Cleaning Steam Cleaning To advertise phone today on Husband & Wife Operated 0430 806 868 C areway Cleaning Services COMMERCIAL fices • c ools • rc es RESIDENTIAL Regular House Cleaning V acating Cleaning P OL ICE CL EARED • INSURED 0433 789 865 0418 957 690 COMPUTERS CARPENTRY Qualified Carpenters with Police Clearance All Internal/External Carpentry Undertaken Renovations/Extentions No Job Too Small PROF ESSIONAL & QUALITY WORK G UARANTEED Call for a F REE QUOTE 0451 12 6 02 5 bentech computers SUMMER SPECIAL rom $ per room sa e 1 per room e clean arpets pholstery ommercial omestic ugs. Phone 9467 2544 0419 914 194 mcm Graham McIntyre 0420 572 474 P hone 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 7 F ax 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 6 Specialising in new PC’ s, Laptops & Networking. Com puter servicing, repairs, upgrades & virus rem oval. Outstanding custom er service 100 Wray Ave, Frem antle 9430 9243 - Block Clearing, Demolition - House Pads, Compaction - Hardstands, Driveways - Waste Removal - Sand/Road Base Delivery Site Clearing, Earthworks, Soakwells, Retaining Walls, Slabs, Decks & Stairs including Suspended, Exposed Concrete, Liquid Limestone Justin 0428 024 011 TESTIMONIALS “Very happy with Dave - on time, great.” Chris - South Fremantle “I am happy to recommend “My Sparkie.” He is honest & reliable. Thelma - Attadale “Prompt & helpful - Especially for a small job.” Gwen - Hammy Hill Licensed Contractor EC8007 Fremantle eco-Electrics The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. • safety switch es & smoke alarms • L E D ligh ts, fans, power points • security sensor ligh ting • re re e er fi e • quality workmansh ip guaranteed 0451 048 552 6262 9046 frem antleecoelectrics@ NO CALL OU T FEE Linc: 0402 223 636 EC10481 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR NO CALL OUT FEE BEST RATES TRUE LOCAL To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 ALL HOURS 0416 740 668 Richard Rendell owner/operator Keeping you in power ELECTRICAL WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM B.J. ELECTRICAL EC006559 SOUTH OF RIVER SPECIALIST All types of Electrical work Phone, Data & Computer points Competitive Rates To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE BRUCE 0419 943 046 LOCAL PROFESSIONAL HELP FOR: DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL Carpets & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning 0412 860 566 31/01/10 31/01/10 Qualified Carpenters 31/01/10 Call Mike on 0439 561 314 thedeckingcompany. fencing - screens gates - planters EARTHMOVING BOBCAT & TRUCK SERVICE BACKHOES MINI EXCAVATOR BLOCKS CLEARED, LAWNS & RUBBISH REMOVED, DRIVEWAYS REMOVED, SMALL TREES LOPPED AND STUMPS REMOVED. SAND SUPPLIED P & A Hughes & Son Phone Peter 0418 942 821 a/h 9332 4026 or book via email minimum McIntyre Carpentry & Maintenance All work carried out by fully qualified professional tradesmen. Quality guaranteed. From the ground up you name it we do it. Call now for advice & quotes. Dave 0406 45 88 45 Electrics Lic: EC 005661 Arc Lic: LO64655 Security Lic: 13291 Specialising in: • S witch board T esting • Installation of H igh W all S plit A ir C onditioners • R epairs to H igh W all S plit A ir C onditioners • H ot W ater S ystems • O ven R epairs 24 HOUR EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Joe De Robertis 0419 955 156 QUAL IF IED CARPENTER - 20 YEARS IN THE TRADE - 20 YEARS IN THE TRADE Tile Tile rout rout Cleanin QUAL IF IED CARPENTER & Grout Cleaning Tile Cleanin Usin atest Truc Truc ount –Usin Using Latest Truck Mounted atest ount Mike Bailey Decking Business Card v3.indd 1 a ric Protection Equipment aMike ric Protection Bailey Decking Business Card v3.indd 1 reen tamp Certified – Fabric Protection reen tamp Certified Mike Bailey Decking Business Card v3.indd 1 Upholster Cleaned –Upholster Health Clean Cleaned – Upholstery lood or or Cleaned pecialist lood pecialist – Flood Specialist ond Work efunds ond efunds – Bond Refunds Contact GRAEME Contact GRAEME GRAEME Contact 0418 957 957 690 0418 690 9430 7727 G LOVER CARPENTRY Bobcats/Excavators/Tip Trucks 287 Marmion Street, Melville WA 6156 M: 0439 561 314 F: (08) 9329WA 9583 287 Marmion Street, Melville 6156 E: 287 Marmion Street, Melville WA 6156 0439 561 314 F: (08) 9329 9583 DECKING M: 0439 561 314 F: (08) 9329 9583 E: Q U A L I F I E D C A R P E NE: T R - 20 YEARS IN THE TRADE Member Cabinet Makers Association of WA • Fine Furniture Design / manufacture • Bespoke kitchens and wardrobes Top Quality guaranteed on every job Call Steffen Phone Brian Domestic Cleaning Regular House Cleaning Commerical Cleaning Office Cleaning Hi, I’m Dave from “My Sparky”. I know good, reliable tradies are hard to find, that’s why I guarantee you’ll have me arrive on time. I’ll be courteous, respectful & in uniform. I will only do the best quality work - no short cuts, then clean up after the job & leave you with a smile. If you’re not happy at the end you’ll receive $50 cash, on me. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK Mob 0412 040 461 CLEANING Not all Electricians are the same... most contractors don’t turn up when they say, if at all & when they do they are often rude, unpleasant & leave you with an unfair bill, a messy house & feeling really annoyed. A BOBCAT SPECIALIST EST 1995 0417 955 329 0424 609 694 9418 3731 BRICKPAVING ASBESTOS REMOVAL Builders/Owner builders welcome • Granny Flats • Renovations • Additions • New Hom es • All B uilt in Double B rick B uilt & supervised by registered builder. Fully Insured. BRICK PAVING B & M’s B & M’s INNOVATIVE INNOVATIVE BRICKPAVING Professional Service fully BRICKPAVING World’s Largest Carpet Cleaning Company CONCRETE Call Barry 0421 826 575 TV Antenna Installation & Service eno ations fit outs pergolas, decking, cladding, extensions, cedar lining, skirting, doors and more. Registration no. S1411 BSQUARED Bricklaying & Limestone CARPET CLEANING Residential & Commercial Building License # 13954 No job too big or small! Phone for a free quote! CHEAP RUBBISH!! NO 9273 4049 - 0415 966 469 CARPENTRY Integrated Carpentry Solutions BATHROOM FREE QUOTES ON BATHROOM RENOVATIONS 0423 074 700 BUILDING trades& serv ic es E C 9 3 1 1 AIRCONDITIONING herald • Home Business PC s • Hardware Software • Internet • etworking • Repairs & pgrades • irus Removal Call 0424 287 949 Part of a Worldwide Network 3:01 PM 3:01 PM 3:01 PM LIMELIGHT ELECTRIX PTY LTD our Local Friendly Electrician • Free Safety Inspections • All Electrical & Data • Split Air Conditioners • Hot Water Systems • Upfront Pricing Promise CALL TODAY EC8480 1300 880 761 9314 6006 ritchiebobcatservices@ gm .au Doug: 0418 921 347 NICK PATULNY ELECTRICAL All Electrical Services Renovations - Rewires RCDS - Smoke Alarms Lights - Power Points TV’s - Oven/Stove 0468 316 479 Element Electrical For fast & reliable HANK’S Electrical Service electrical services. No job too small. All types of electrical work including: • power & lighting • smoke alarms • safety switches • shed & patio wiring etc Lic: EC008038 Nick Bozikovic 0407 478 464 Ritchie A FOX Bobcat ELECTRICAL services • Bobcat & Truck Hire • Block Clearing • Lawn & Rubbish removal • Site Works & Compaction • Driveways Removed Sand, Soil, Limestone Supplied EC: 009193 EC 008887 All your Power & Lighting Needs • New Homes • Renovations • Additions • Property Maintenance RCD’s & Smoke Alarms • Emergencies Reasonable Rates, Reliable Service 0404 359 799 i All Areasj Domestic • Commercial Industrial Installation & Maintenance • competitive rates • reliable, efficient service 0407 317 135 EC 5440 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM trades. serv ic es@ f remantleherald. c om Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 - Page 19 FLOOR SANDING FENCING F.J.P FENCING & INSTALLATIONS pool fencing, sliding gates, automated & manual gates, security fencing, colorbond, powder coating. DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL INSURANCE WORK Phone: 9495 2965 Fax: 9495 2964 email: fjp@ iinet. net. au FREE MEASURE & QUOTE COLORBOND Fencing and Gates Floor Sanding Specialists Quality Fine Level Sanding Restoration to old floors Choice of finish Supply & lay new timber flooring 9331 4531 0422 631 075 Member of TFA CALL STEVE FOR A FREE QUOTE GARAGE DOORS No Job Too Small Free Measure & Quote Call Mike 0409 835 723 0451 053 230 KROM FENCING FA C T R D I R E C T ST RC A • • • • • • STA Aluminium Slat (wood look) or Colorbond Gates & n Fill anels We do all insurance & private quotes FR Garage Doors New Doors New Motors Free measure and quote All brands repaired All areas serviced No Call Out Fee CALL Asbestos Remo al Colorbond & ardi Fence Concrete Retaining alls linths (Metal Retaining) ool Fencing Colorbond Gates GAT S R Residential M AS R & T ce 0 00 Fa 0 0 0 Mobile 0 2 kromfencing li 1800 202 808 Quality Gardening • regular maintenance & cleanups • specialised & heavy pruning • small tree lopping • mulching • native plantings • all landscaping & retic • garden design Call our friendly team now for prompt professional service 0421 954 590 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM GLASS SERVICING ALL AREAS S&G GLASS • 24 Hour 7 Days Glass Repair • Insurance Work • Glass Table Top • Shower Screens • Mirrors • Robes • Aluminium Windows & Doors • Security Windows & Doors (Lic 12324) • General Glazing & Maintenance For a free quote and friendly service call Sam on: All Hours 6/153 Rockingham Road, H/Hill GET 2 ADS FREE! NEW TRADIES! To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on • 24 Hour Emergency Repairs • Insurance Work Made to Measure & Repairs to: • Aluminium Doors/ Windows • Patio Enclosures • Flyscreens/ Security Screens • Shower Screens/ Mirrors Call AM R 0 0 2 Prompt, reliable & caring service in: ~ garden clean ups ~ maintenance ~ mulching ~ rubbish removal ~ weeding ~ pruning ~ lawn mowing Satisfaction Guaranteed 0428 222 202 ALL GLASS REPAIRS • general glazing • mirrors • pet doors• tabletops • frameless shower screens • energy efficient glazing • security glazing • shelves South Terrace, Fremantle (Cnr rice St) Free 2 uotes GET 2 ADS FREE! NEW TRADIES! BY OPENING THE DOOR TO US, YOU’RE HELPING US OPEN THE DOOR TO OTHERS. To donate by credit card, call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or visit RED SHIELD APPEAL HANDYMAN LANDSCAPING A1 Total Maintenance Touchstone Landscaping • All Building Repairs • Paving Repairs • Fencing • Floor Tiling • Roof Repairs • Mobile Welding • Painting • Limestone Work • Retic • Gutter Cleaning • Landscaping All aspects of Landscaping • limestone work • paving • lawn & synthetic lawn • planting schemes Contact Doug 0457 591 143 0407 443 925 Fully Insured Free Onsite Consult Call Tony A/H 9499 4097 To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on 9430 7727 To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 GUTTER CLEANING all maintenance • leaks • fencing • painting • doors & locks • skirting • decking •wall removal • flooring • blind installation • gutter cleaning & much more FREE QUOTES 0400 113 107 F&W Solutions Quality, Reliable & Prompt Service All Building Repairs • Kitchen & Bathroom • Retaining Walls/Paving • Carpentry Work • Limestone/Fencing Patios/Pergolas • Demolition Works • Flooring/Decking • Wall & Floor Tiling • Painting • Ceiling & Stud Walls Eric 0418 383 619 TOTAL HOME MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS NOTHING TOO SMALL 0413 545 595 A/H 9339 8069 FIX IT Handyman Services • Home repairs & maintence • Fence painting • Small tiling jobs • Ceiling & wall patching • Skirting, painting, floor board repairs, regrouting, minor carpentry & more Call Michael 0409 427 724 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM KITCHENS FLAT PACK KITCHENS Ikea & Other ‘Flatpack‛ Specialist. Specialised Outdoor Services Gutters cleaned & down pipes checked FREE Roof Inspection All roof repairs 9433 1077 (Pensioner Discount/Insured) P hone 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 7 F ax 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 6 Page 20 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 LOCKSMITH 24 CALLOUT 24 HOUR HOUR CALLOUT all locks repaired, replaced or unlocked • commercial • domestic • auto • safes DINGO MINI-EARTHMOVER OPERATOR • brickpaving • lawns • retaining walls • reticulation • diamond core drilling Anton Birch cert. hort. 9331 2283 0412 995 919 DL S 0402 326 468 Kitchen, Laundry, Wardrobes & Benchtop Installation. Ron Liebrand 0418 695 235 Meg Liebrand 0438 068 257 P/F: 9437 3344 To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 PAINTING Matthew’s Painting Services Reasonable prices. Good discounts for pensioners. Work guaranteed. FREE QUOTES RN: 7318 0434 493 537 colourific Landscape Constructions • Paving • Decking • Synthetic / Instant Lawns • Retaining • Retic • Fences • Water features • Garden Design & Install Covering all aspects of landscaping Quality construction and Design 22 years Exp / Cert Hort Phone Craig 0417 358 851 painting contractors Established 1984 Reg # 3284 Accredited Dulux Painter Proud employer of an apprentice. Phone Bruce 0418 928 456 LAUNDRY SERVICES COMMERCIAL LAUNDRY Superior Linen Superior Service Commercial Laundry and Linen Hire Service We are now servicing the South West and Metropolitan areas! Phone 08 9534 7677 Email: LAWN MOWING Phone Stuart 0414 570 795 Residential & Commercial Friendly service, quality job with old fashioned values. Over 25 Years of Experience REG. PRACTITIONER 6519 CONTRACTOR 7859 0415 940 607 Ph/Fax 9434 6405 Design & Construct Service No job too big or small ALL PAVING Call David 0424 175 568 20% OFF in July & August All domestic & commercial pest & weed control 9433 3777 PLASTERING PLASTERER For a clean reliable job at SENSIBLE PRICES. Quality Workmanship OVER 20 YEARS LOCAL EXPERIENCE Painting & Renovations Registered trades person. David Lowe 0401 747 368 9382 1463 Reg. No. 2390 For all your painting requirements. hone Bob for a FR T . 0 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM PL7 680 No call out fee! GF 13358 All Class Plum bing and Gas PL 7 5 1 5 G F 0 1 3 3 4 4 Sewer Conversion. Sewer Junction Cut-in. H.W.S. Repair & Install 24 Hour Emergency H.W. All at com petitive prices 24 hours em ergency work 10% discount for pensions 0422 67 3 7 66 Call Robin 9339 5671 Mobile 0413 480 425 T. DICARLO PLASTERERS Established 1970 • New Homes • Renovations • Rendering • Patching All types of plastering, small or large jobs. 0418 902 246 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. To advertise phone today on John Cole 9310 3660 0412 198 966 • H ot W ater S ystems • B locked D rains • B urst Pipes • T oilet & C isterns • L eaking T aps • G as Installations 0437 904 948 • internal/external • tradesmen only • local resident • registered painter 2542 • senior discounts Paradise FOR FREE QUOTES CALL AARON • Termite Treatments • Inspections • Ants • Fleas • Cockroaches • Spiders • Bees • Rats & Mice WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM LIMESTONE o ob Too Small 0 0 20 2 SOUTHSIDE PLUMBING DULUX ACCREDITED PAINTING CONTRACTORS LIMESTONE • Feature limestone walls & letterboxes • Retaining Walls • Excavation & Bobcat Services • Soakwell Installations • Limestone Garden Edging • Colorbond Fencing • Slate Clattering • Stump Grinding Neat & Professional Workmanship GIVE PESTS THE OLD HEAVE HO! Call Tom 9339 2562 RT’S MOWING STUALawn Mowing V ertimowing Garden Cleanups Gutter Cleaning Tree/ Shrub Pruning Palms Defronded FREE QUOTATION PLUMBING Aged pensioner discount Call Michael QUALIFIED HORTICULTURIST Specialist in landscape design and construction PEST CONTROL Quality Security Guaranteed Handyman A.B. Landscapes Enquire today and see the difference! GARDENING Added Care trades& serv ic es ROD’S 21 Roper St, O’ Connor 9430 7727 9331 1499 www. gtglass. net. au Gardening GARDENING 0411 142 955 RT F C G C TRACT RS olor ond encing ardi encing ool encing ates yclone encing icket encing s estos emo al herald 9430 7727 A reliable service for all your plumbing & gas work. Call Alex Barry for prompt reliable service 0411 452 742 PL7158 GF9661 All Plumbing Services • WůƵŵďŝŶŐΘ'ĂƐ • All Gas Fitting ůŽĐŬĞĚƌĂŝŶƐ 0 ,ŽƚtĂƚĞƌ & Servicing • Customer Satisfaction ƵƌƐƚWŝƉĞƐ Guarantee ůĞĂŶΘZĞůŝĂďůĞ • No charge ŽŵƉĞƚŝƚŝǀĞZĂƚĞƐ ifwecan’tfixit WĞŶŝƐĐŽƵŶƚƐ Phone ĂůůdLJƌŽŶĞ 0404 835 503 ϬϰϬϰϴϯϱϱϬϯ PL 7980 GF 11268 W>ϳϵϴϬ'&ϬϭϭϮϲϴ Hot Water Systems Blocked Drains • Burst Pipes Flick Mixers • Toilets Gas Installations & Repairs Taps • Kitchens Bathrooms & Renovations All work guaranteed Fully insured - No call out fee Same day emergency service 0405 088 190 or 9437 4688 PL: 7916 GF: 014502 PLUMBING plumbing & gas NO CALL OUT FEE • Hot Water Systems • Leaking Taps • Blocked Drains, Toilets & Pipes • Annoying & Noisy Water Hammer • Anodes • Taps, Pans & Cistern • Water Filters • Gas Bayonets • Water Saving Devices GUARANTEED Same Day Service for Emergencies 9335 1552 GAS 10208 PL 6703 Riverside Plumbing & Gas John Fox PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE Mobile: 0421 981 528 PL: 6901 GF: 8742 PLUMBING GASFITTING Hot Water Installs + Service All Gas Appliances + Bayonets Blocked Drains • Burst Pipes Renovations • Retic Cut Ins Back Flow Prevention Local, Honest and Reliable • No Call Out Fee • Police Cleared • All Work Guaranteed PL 6067 GF 4483 Phone Christian 0412 137 747 All plumbing fixed & no call out fee IF WE CAN’ T FIX IT WE DON’ T CHARGE YOU ! • h ot water systems • blocked drains • leaking toilets • gas appliances • leaking taps • burst pipes Clean, Tidy, Courteous with Quality Work Guaranteed 10% PENSIONER DISCOUNT 0401 939 332 P Property Plumbing & Gas Pty Ltd PL 7 9 7 1 G F0 1 5 7 2 8 trades. serv ic es@ f remantleherald. c om herald PLUMBING RETICULATION ROOFING trades& serv ic es SOAKWELLS PLUMBING & A QUALITY GAS ISSUES? RETICULATION Let us solve your SERVICES problems... ROOF SOAKWELLS All aspects of Drainage & CARPENTER Stormwater Management DHM Plumbing & Gas Services • pergolas • second story additions •extentions • re-roofing • Hot water units installed, serviced & maintained • All types of taps serviced & installed • Water & gas leaks rectified • Drains unblocked • Toilet pans, cisterns serviced & installed • Alterations & renovations • Solar hot water units serviced & maintained • Back flow prevention devices serviced & installed • No call out fees SAME T DAY HO ! • All work guaranteed WATER • Police clearance • Friendly, courteous & we keep all appointments • Payment on completion Tony 0415 175 009 PL 7883 - GL 012815 EW 150987 ABN 54218337759 Payments by EFTPOS, CASH, EFT & Major Credit Cards PL 8699 GF 011902 WINTER SPECIALS New Installations, Add-Ons, Services & Repairs Including Replacing Control Boxes, Solanoids etc. Call now for prompt & professional services All aspects of Carpentry Dean 0414 097 538 0413 057 979 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR FRANK’S ROOFING The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM FLEXI CEMENT Q FR RIDGECAPPING UOT EE ES • Roofcoating • Reroofing tiles & tin • Gutters & Downpipes • Pensioner discounts + Fix leaks 9337 1601 24 Hours Mob 0409 105 559 Quality Work • Wall & Floor Tiling • New & Renovations DIRECT IMPORT & LAY Tiler Direct Client • Good price, High Quality • Package offers available 1/435 Yangebup Rd, Cockburn Central as nstallations ROOF PLUMBING & RIDGE CAPPING 9498 7970 0427 316 602 Gutters, Extra Downpipes, Valleys, Roofs, HP Cleaned icensed To nstall er ice epair OC OUT ully nsured B ay ayment ption J.Munro Plumbing & Gasfitting • Blocked Drains • Hot Water Systems • Leaking Taps • Toilets & Cisterns • Gas Applications • Burst Pipes NO CALL OUT FEE PENSIONER DISCOUNTS Call Jack 0418 949 472 • Ridgecaps repointed • Broken Tiles replaced • Overflow spouts Fast service, Free quotes, all work guaranteed CALL PHIL 0427 502 214 To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 GF014750 EDWARD’S PLUMBING & GAS • Bathrooms • Renovations • General Maintenance • Applecross & South of the River PL290 9315 3872 0412 957 640 REMOVALS ROOFING ROOF & WALL DOCTOR 15 Year READGuarantee THIS TILE–IRON–ASBESTOS RE-ROOFING COLORBOND/ZINCALUME ROOF RESTORATIONS OTHERWISE THE WORK IS ILLEGAL PROTECTIVE COATINGS WECLEANING REMOVE &– DISPOSE POINTINGOF: If your re-roof is more than $20,000 (inc GST) your re-roofing Company must be a Registered Building Company. This means Licenced with The Builders Registration Board. Old Tiles Asbestos 9430Iron 6553 Govt. reg. 4146 WE SUPPLY 23 Years Experience & INSTALL Member Master Builders Colorbond, Zincalume Skylights, Whirly Birds Insulation, Gutters Tile Roof Restoration Experienced Removalists Two Men and Truck 7 DAYS A WEEK & SHORT NOTICE 0458 881 111 9430 6553 16 Essex St, Fremantle WorkSafe Asbestos Demolition Lic Builders Registration Number 13172 Cockburn Roofing Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED TERRY’S REMOVALS $105 per hour+ GST 2 Men - Large Truck 20 yrs experience • Ridgecapping Specialists • Gutters & Downpipes • Leaks/Reroofing • Install Gutter Guard & Whirly Birds • All types of roof maintenance Leon 0403 184 723 0458 872 333 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM Specialised Outdoor Services All Roof Replacements & Maintenance We service Govt. schools in Roof Works. 9433 1077 (Pensioner Discount) Building Licence # 13954 Free Quotes Pensioner Discounts Liam 0412 830 775 All work guaranteed Fully Qualified Tradesmen Only Ron: 0403 842 218 Fax: 9434 6221 Email: Shower Shower Regrouting Regrouting STOP WATER LEAKING THROUGH WALLS USING RESISTANT ADDITIVES. PHONE TREVOR OR EUNICE ROSS 9364 6352 9364 6352 0419 915 459 Established since 1986 Estabished since Wall & Floor Tiling Specialist Ceramic - Porcelain All Natural Stone Re-Grouting • Quality Assured 30 Years Experience Free Quotes Tim Holland 0416 974 195 All bins with ramps. Friendly local owner/operator. Phone Leo. Pay by Cards, Cash or EFT 0418 940 121 TRENCHBUSTERS PTY LTD SOUTHERN BINS • 2+10 Cubic Meter Skip Bins • Environmentally Friendly • Rapid Response • Competitive Rates • Fully Insured • Bobcats & Excavators • Hiab & Tail Lift Trucks e Place ins here Others Can t 9437 1999 A/H 0411 722 892 SEWING MACHINES Port Sewing Centre SINGER PFAFF Since 1851 Since 1862 Ph 9335 6113 58 Adelaide St, Fremantle To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 P hone 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 7 F ax 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 6 No Mess Guaranteed! 0415 900 932 YO • Family owned & operated • Fully qualified • Fully insured • All aspects of tree work • Free quotes • Mulch sales Introducing an exciting new Herald feature exclusively for Trades & Service advertisers. Andrew 0411 051 272 Ben 0424 150 899 GET 2 ADS FREE! NEW TRADIES! To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on In a busy market it’s becoming more and more important for your business to stand out. 9430 7727 To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 ROOF & WALL DOCTOR BRICK & BRICK & LIMESTONE LIMESTONE RISING DAMP DAMP FRETTING MORTAR FRETTING MORTAR TUCKPOINTING TUCKPOINTING BRICKS REPOINTED OLD RENDER REMOVED LIMESTONE REPOINTED LIMESTONE REPOINTED HERITAGE RESTORATION HERITAGE RESTORATION 9430 6553 NEW TRADIES! To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on 9430 7727 TREE SERVICES OWEN’S TREE SERVICE • Est. East Frem. 1982 • Fully Insured • Pensioner discounts • Free quote Call your local contractor Owen Ritson 9339 6645 0421 118 704 Years Experience 2323Years Experience Member Master Builders Builders Registration Number 13172 KENT’S TREE SERVICE Stump Grinding • over 25 yrs exp • fully insured • free quotes & advice • removal or verge pick-up “Service is our Motto” THE “TREE GP” NOW AVAILABLE FOR TREE SURGERY Kent 0411 284 833 Here’s what you get: WASHER & DRYER A1 WASHER REPAIRS • Repairs to most makes of washer & dryers • In home repairs • 12 months guarantee • Senior citizen’s discounts SEC Lic. • An 8cm high by 13cm wide panel appearing in your choice of areas • A 100 word advertorial • A photograph of you & your team Check out the example below Choose your areas 0409 088 832 WINDOW CLEANING AVANTI WINDOW CLEANING RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Fully Insured Police Clearance Reliable & Efficient Attention to Detail PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Alex Doran Be seen in thousands of newspapers letterbox delivered each week to your target market by taking part in our new monthly “Business Builder” feature designed just for you. Reserve your space today - only one spot available for each category. Govt. reg. 4146 9430 6553 GET 2 Ring a Bin ADS FREE! 2,3 & 4m bins. D L I U B UR BUSINESS! We Do It All - Then We Clean Up WALLS RUBBISH REMOVAL Repairs to all sewing machines and overlockers. • gutters • downpipes • roof leaks • asbestos removal • reroofing SERVICE WITH A SMILE AAA Acton Roofing • ALL ROOF REPAIRS & LEAKS Tile/Tin/Asbestos • GUTTERS & DOWNPIPES Clean/Repair/Replace • ROOF COATING & CLEANING • SKYLIGHTS/ROOF VENTS When You Need Your Trees Trimmed, Pruned, Shaped or Removed - Call: TILING (Main Floor & Bathroom) HOT WATER SYSTEMS TOILET SUITES • LEAKING TAPS GAS FITTING INSTALLATIONS BACK FLOW PREVENTION PL1954 0418 906 735 M: 0421 439 229 T: 9414 1112 ROOF PLUMBING perts n Plum in Downpipes, Driveways, Spoon Drains, etc. We also repair existing soakwells and brickpaving. For advice and recommendations call Deane TREE SERVICES 0414 797 712 Fremantle Herald & Cockburn City Herald Melville City Herald North & South Perth Voice East & West BONUS! Book 4 weeks and get 1 week FREE For more information contact Natalie Hug on 9430 7727 CARPENTRY Men at work WINDOW CLEANING • attention to detail Local Family Business • police clearance • residential/commercial • gutter cleaning available Call Adam or Melanie 9310 7340 0419 968 811 NOW is a great time to insulate your home – and you might not have to pay a cent towards it. The Australian Government is providing a rebate of up to $1600 for the installation of ceiling insulation in homes built before 2003 (and which aren’t already insulated). The rebate will generally cover the cost of insulating the average suburban home, meaning most people won’t be out of pocket at all. The Australian Government will only provide rebates if Registered Installers are used: Locally, Roofing 2000 is one of these installers Hardy’s Handyman Services phone: 0400 000 000 email: trades. serv ic es@ f remantleherald. c om Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 - Page 21 NOTICEBOARD WHAT’S ON • CLASSES • ACTIVITIES • SPIRITUAL SERVICES • SUPPORT GROUPS AIKIDO Wed’s 7.30 - 9.00pm Sat’s 9 -10.30am @ Fremantle PCYC, 32a Paget St Hilton. Info: Web: David 0428 536 835 ALFRED COVE ART SOCIETY will present its 15th Annual Awards of Excellence Exhibition at Atwell Gallery from May 25th until June 2nd. (Open 10am to 5pm -except June 2 -10am to 3pm) The official opening will be on Tuesday 27th May at 7.30pm ARE YOU EXPERIENCING low income, depression, social isolation or health problems? Give Life a Dance! is a 4 week dance and relaxation program that reduce stress and improve physical and emotional health. $20 for the 4 classes. Next program starts 2.00pm Saturday 7th June. Contact Michelle 0417 989 397 email to register BOOK SALE ALL TYPES OF BOOKS. Sat 14th & Sun 15th June 2014. 9am to 4pm both days. Pater Noster School Parish Hall. Ent: Evershed St, Myaree. Enq: Margaret 9330 3848 COLOMBIAN CULTURAL CONNECTION is a community organisation which aims to foster Colombian culture and traditions within the local Colombian community in Perth. Come and enjoy its next event NOCHE DE TIERRAS COLOMBIANAS, which will showcase a brand new folk dance show and orchestra performing tropical and salsa music and delicious colombian finger food. This event is a Colombian warming night, bringing the traditional Bambuco Folk Festival and Beauty Pageant to Perth in honour of the Feast of St Peter. On Saturday 7th of June, 2014 at the Croatian Community Centre, Alfred Road, North Fremantle from 7:00pm. Any inquiries please phone Martha Ramirez 0487 641 034 CRAFTERNOON TEA - every Tuesday 12.30-2.30pm at Yangebup Family Centre, BYO craft projects or do a set class and join others for 2 hours of child free fun and afternoon tea cost is $5 and creche is available for $2.50 per child. Enquiries call Ann 0421 482 578 MEDITATION AND SACRED SONG, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of month, 7pm, beginners and experienced welcome, Hamilton Hill, gold coin donation, Susan and David, 9494 2079 PINKIFICATION: RETHINKING PINK. When: 22 May - 7 June. Where: Spectrum Project Space, Edith Cowan University, Building 3.194, Mount Lawley campus. Photographer Deedee Noon investigates the many shades of pink in her upcoming exhibition – Pinkification – featuring 34 photographic portraits of West Australian females aged four to eighty-eight showcasing their favourite colour, pink. Together the Pinkification portraits suggest that the fervent uptake of pink is not a trivial matter. Free Artist talks: Saturday 31 May, 2 pm & Thursday 5 June, 6.30 pm. All welcome SING SING SING Groups and individual lessons choir. Melville and Fremantle. Beginners welcome. Call Joanna 9339 5631 SINGERS WANTED PEPPERMINT is a new, small SATB choir under the direction of Coralie Kan. We sing a mix of songs including pop, ballads, folk and jazz. We rehearse in a relaxed casual atmosphere as we sing for fun and enjoyment first and foremost, as well as to become better singers and make great music. We are currently looking for sopranos, tenors and basses who have some singing experience to join us twice a month on Sunday afternoons at our venue 10 minutes by freewaysouth from Perth. If you would like to give it a try please call Clive on 0414 263 493 TAMLA MOTOWN, MYAREE. Friday 6th June 7:30pm til late. Come and dance to the best in Motown and other Soul music at Rhein Donan Club (known as German Club) 110 North Lake Rd, Myaree. $10 entry at the door. Great food available and free parking. For more info email or call 0450 011 704 TARTAN SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING group meets Monday 1:30pm-3pm at Waylen Bay Scout Hall, The Strand, Applecross, Monday 8-9:30pm at the Uniting Church, corner Banksia & Green St, Joondanna and Thursday 7:30pm-9:30pm at St Stephen’s, corner Mackenzie & Kishorn Rd, Applecross. All welcome- no partners required. For More info, ph Dawn 0414 859 393 or Christine 0407 672 528 TENNIS…Come and join us at Cockburn Tennis Club. Recreation Rd, Hamilton Hill. Lessons with AJ 0450 965 399. Email: tennisclubcockburn@gmail. com or 0478 113 253 WOULD YOU LIKE TO…Speak with poise and confidence, Develop leadership skills, and communicate more effectively in your business and personal life? Come to a meeting at Victoria Quay Toastmaster club at Fremantle Bowling Club, Ellen Street, Fremantle, in Fremantle Park, from 6 pm to 7.30 pm every Wednesday. For more info: Phone 0401 011 212 or 0406 782 795 or visit: HERALD NOTICEBOARD spread the word. Write (to PO Box 85 North Fremantle, 6159), drop (at 41 Cliff St, Freo), fax (9430 7726) or email (news but please do not phone. Please keep your notices short and to the point (we reserve the right to cut free notices). Deadline is noon Tuesday. UP TO 93,600 copies from just $13 per ad in the Herald Classifieds IPAD Drawing and Painting. Learn to draw and paint traditionally - with your iPad. Make artworks like the real thing! 4 Mondays, 9 - 30 June, 5-6.30pm. $42 / $34 conc. Enquiries 9339 3964. www. CLASSES FUN Language clubs for children - French, Spanish, Mandarin, etc. No knowledge required. Visit or contact Vanessa 0468 559 598 COMPUTERS COMPUTER repair, good rates, reliable, experienced, call 9313 8112, 0401 330 230 WHY Trust your computer to any old back yard computer person? Are you looking for service you can trust? Bentech Computers have been in Fremantle for 10 years providing friendly helpful knowledge and experience to all our valued clients. We can help with all of your home and office computer needs ranging from PC’s & Laptops to network and broadband setup. Can’t make it down to us? Bentech Computers can come to you and provide the same level of quality & customer service that we offer in our shop but in the comfort of your home or office. Whether you’re after a new computer or just advice on choosing an internet provider we are always here & happy to help. Bentech Computers 100 Wray Ave, Fremantle. Ph 9430 9243 EXPERT SERVICES ARCHITECT. Approachable, practical, prompt. Award winner. Affordable design service. Yes, different. Patrick Healey (R1008) 9499 1888 BOOKKEEPING NKJJ Services. Data Entry, Rec’n MYOB, Quickbooks, BAS Registered Jenny 0407 927 183 CERTIFIED Bookkeeper, Registered BAS agent. Efficient, effective and accurate, with a hands on approach. Over 22 years exp in bookkeeping/admin, 11+ MYOB, Saga Accpac, Xero and Reckon exp. All aspects of accounts and admin services provided. Please call Antonella at AV Bookkeeping 0404 842 483 or email PROFESSIONAL Bookkeeping Service: Account Receivable /Payable, Payroll, Superannuation, Payment Summaries, BAS, IAS, Reports. MYOB, QUICKBOOK & XERO. Registered BAS Agent. Working close with your tax agent. Please call Nada on 0404 968 820 or email nada.bookkeeping@ BRICKLAYER 1st class. Small, medium jobs. 9335 4715 or 0400 505 302 BUILDER - Professional builder specialising in all renovation work, all insurances and quality assured work. Brent 0407 928 538 BUILDING additions, granny flats, new homes. Practical, stylish, affordable design service. Save with our owner builder help or builder tenders. Patrick Healey, Architect (1008) 9499 1888 or 0412 956 967 BUILDING Renovations & home maintenance, walls removed, windows, kitchens, patios, pergolas. Ph Ray 0417 947 943 CARPENTER 15 years experience Award Winning specialised carpenter/ all rounder. Call Chris for a quote 0428 721 284 email your classies to CARPENTER, Handyman, Multi-skilled, Renovator. 25 years local experience. Repairs specialist Matt 0423 426 202 1-12 words for just $13 For every extra 4 words add $2 Booking deadline 12 noon Tuesday To see more Noticeboards go to ART & CRAFT ☛ CARPET & Vinyl layer, repairs & re-stretching. Call Dave 0409 666 062 Page 22 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 herald EXPERT SERVICES CARPET A Cleaning, specialising in steam injection deep cleaning. Choice magazine preferred method. Quick drying. 0438 411 208 CLEANER - Vicky’s Green Clean 0401 009 518. Enthusiastic, energetic and reliable home and office cleaning using environmentally friendly products and practices. Perfect for the eco motivated and ideal for those with chemical sensitivities, asthma & allergies CLEANER- Friendly, reliable and efficient home and window cleaning. Regular and vacate cleans. Police cleared. Call Prema 0421 128 220 CLEANERS Domestic Cleaning. Regular house cleaning. Commercial office cleaning. Husband & Wife operated. 0430 806 868 CLEANING Home & Office. Experienced, Police Cleared, References. Spotless Guarantee. Fah 0401 883 377 or dreamhomecleaning@ ABSOLUTELEE Clean. Commercial, residential, 20 years experience. 0487 049 520 EXECUTIVE Cleaning offers Home and Office cleaning. Weekly, f/nightly, one-offs, vacates, casual. Enjo Homes Welcome. Now also offering organise and declutter services. Call 0414 663 499 CLEANING/ House & Office/ Ironing. Thai Lady, reliable, efficient service. Policed Clearance. Call Som 0414 069 256 CONCRETE For all your concrete requirements 0419 912 936 CURTAIN Making, Tracks, Pelmets, Swags. Call 9498 7260 DRESSMAKING Alterations. Babs Fashion Design. All occasions bridal/ evening wear, school balls, casual day wear. 9437 3718 FREO Picket Fences. Made to order on-site by qualified tradesman. No prefab. Choose your own style. All joins securely fastened with screws. Jim 0417 096 73 FENCING Replace repair all types fencing, gates and welding. Amir 0401 962 511 EXPERT SERVICES INDEPENDENT inspections and reports, document reviews, design, energy efficiency, owner-builder assistance. Tel: 9316 0186 or email admin@ for free quote IRONING Fast, Efficient. Freo and surrounding areas. Michelle 0427 339 253 IRONING service pick up and return. Maximum 20 items $40. Additional items $2 each. PH: 0439 942 994 FOAM Cushions, mattresses etc cut to size and covered. Foam Sales 82 Norma Rd Booragoon 9330 1199 LANDSCAPE Gardener. Need help to re-style your garden or choose the right plants. Would you like to DIY but need some Garden Design ideas. Call Sharon Attadale Garden Stylist 0432 461 432 HONEY, Unprocessed honey delivered free in 10x1 kg tubs $70. Austen 9437 1774 LAWNCARE. I fix, maintain, and repair damaged, neglected lawns, using 10 years experience and the best professional products, I cut them also - Chris at CB Lawncare - 0406 394 329 LEAFLET Distribution made easy. Call the Herald and we’ll do the rest. Target particular suburbs; we can handle any size distribution. Just pick up the phone & dial 9430 7727 and ask for Marie King PAINTING Services. Painter with 10 years experience. $25 per hour, you supply everything. Save your dollar. Call Andrew. 0439 371 165 PLUMBING & Gas, gutters and down pipes PL7409 GF 7917. Phone 0406 352 020 or 9330 4312 PROFESSIONAL Organiser. Declutter, Organise, Simplify your home, office or life. Need some help? Susan Deeley at your service. $50 hr, 0433 364 654 RESUME Do you need help with a resume call Sue 9414 6128 ROOF Leaks, gutters all repairs. Ins/reg roof plumber/ carpenter. 30y exp. Ph Mike 0408 913 338 ROOFING All roof replacements and roof maintenance. Pensioner Discount 9433 1077 RUBBISH Removed. Large or small loads 7 days. Ph 9457 3323 or 0419 918 928 JUNK Removal. All shed, house and yard junk removed. Geoff 0414 694 656 GARDEN designs and makeovers of ageing gardens. Native plant specialist. Small jobs okay. Maintenance – weeding, pruning, planting, mulching. Certificate IV Horticulture. Mary-Ann 9316 9716 SEWING Cushion covers for home, boat, van, mattresses etc. Fabrics avail. Foam Sales 9330 1199 GARDENING All Aspects of Landscape/Gardening, new gardens, planting and mulching, new lawns, retic, garden maintenance, free quotes, Adam 0417 916 198 GARDENING Occasional / regular, yards cleaned. Garden Design/Makeover. Applex to Freo. Pauls Gardens 0407 988 967 GAS Space Heater servicing and gas appliance installation by qualified Gas Fitter 9337 1665 or 0402 034 348 GATES Repair or replace. All type gates. Pool gate, metal and wood. Amir 0401 962 511 GUTTERS cleaned thoroughly by Sam, including high /steep roofs. Fully insured. Call 0431 993 152 GUTTERS Free roof inspection with every gutter clean. Pensioner Discount 9433 1077 HANDYMAN All South Handyman. Welding, gates, fences, all metal work, Built/ repaired. Soakwells, paving, painting and decking. No job too small. Call Amir 0401 962 511 EXPERT Handyman for professional and reliable services. Call Brian 0448 992 209 HANDYMAN - Maintenance and repairs. Home and garden. Reliable / prompt service. Call Andrew 0413 343 240 SECRETARIAL Services, Highly qualified and experienced Jan 9332 6456 TILE/GROUT Cleaning using latest technology. Bring tiles back like new! 0438 411 208 TILER Bathrooms, Floors, Walls, Splashback Repairs. Chris 0402 960 802 WALL and Floor Tiler. ualified Tradesman All Aspect of Wall and Floor TILING. Specialising in Bathroom Renovations. John 0424 263 060 TILING Specialist. Renovations, waterproofing, leaks, bathroom, kitchen. Friendly service. All types of jobs welcome. Free quote. Jeff 0403 258 621 WILLS And Probate. Experienced Solicitor. Friendly advice. Reasonable fee. FITZLAW 9337 3852 mob 0401 199 372 jf fitzlaw. WINDOW CLEANING: Professional, friendly & reliable window cleaning. Residential & commercial properties. Interior & exterior. Call 0411 554 432 for free quote WINDOW Cleaning. Also Available weekends. 2 storey specialist. Call Jamie 0438 382 345 NEW/ recycled designer/ quality clothing for men & women. Silver Linings Fashion, Westgate Mall, Cantonment St, Fremantle (opposite Woolstores) 0430 475 682 PACKING Boxes from $1.85, paper, bubble wrap, robes. Can deliver. 9417 2000 PELMET Boxes. $25/meter made to order, DIY cover. Foam Sales 82 Norma Rd Booragoon 9330 1199 PLANTS - Variety - Nothing over $5 - must sell Sat 31st May - Sun 1st June - 9am4pm. 5/6 Lucas Street, Willagee HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION HOLIDAY House for rent Pemberton/Northcliff area. Ideal for couples/families. Peaceful bushland with walks. 0417 940 261 MARRIAGE CELEBRANTS ANNE Roberts Registered Celebrant. Beautiful ceremonies designed the way you want. Ph 9335 6063 / 0431 945 645 CAROLINA Allen CMC simple ceremonies to suit you. Ph 0409 291 616 NORMAN W. DeTracy registered marriage celebrant. 9494 2497 or 0458 941 444 MUSICAL EXPERIENCED Male and Female DJs. Weddings, corporate, birthdays, any occasions. Call Chris for a quote on 0428 721 284. Find us at Liquid Culture DJs on Facebook GUITAR Lessons, easy going teacher 20 yrs exp. Simple method. I Come 2u. 0439 597 507 PIANO Tuner. Professional tuning services offered. Regular tuning $165. Call Ronald 0416 065 983 SERENATA Strings. Classical quartet or trio for weddings, functions or parties. Email Call Hans 9335 6980 evenings THE Guitar Teacher. Personalised tuition from experienced tutor/ performer. Individual or group lessons. Some mobile lessons. Phone Larry 0410 717 093 ZPVSQBSUOFSTIJQDBO IFMQDIJMESFOCVJME UIFJSPXOCSJHIUFS GBJSFSGVUVSF $BMMOPX #ATHOLIC-ISSION CATHOLICMISSIONORGAU CLIPPER Dog Clipping and Hydrobath and Blow Drying. 0411 705 246 DOG Walking and pet feeding, quality 1on1 service, 0412 664 032 www.megansdogwalking. com PHOTOGRAPHY WEDDINGS, Events, Business. Contact James 0414 451 957. Check website and Facebook TO LET HAMILTON Hill $430p/w 3x1 House close schools and amenities. Employed references. Edwin 0413 914 918 FREMANTLE Granny Flat for single, student or professional person. Semi Furnished. ph: 9433 6545 or 0417 891 518 PALMYRA 3 x 1, $460 per week. Modern front triplex, L/Up garage, Great entertainment area, quiet location, close to Melville shopping centre/bus. Long Lease, Available now. 0459 439 678 PUBLIC NOTICES TUITION Advertisement of intended Application for incorporation of: FREO HEAVE HO HASH HOUSE HARRIERS AND HARRIETS Notice is hereby given that: KAYE BOWDEN OF 31A MCCOY STREET, MYAREE WA 6154, RETIRED being duly authorised by the above named association, intends to apply to the Commissioner for Consumer Protection on or after 25/06/2014 for incorporation of: FREO HEAVE HO HASH HOUSE HARRIERS AND HARRIETS INC The Association is formed for the purpose of: TO PROMOTE THE SPORT OF SOCIAL RUNNING AAA To Infinity Tutor. Mathematics (inc. 3AB, 3CD and Specialist Math), Physics, and Engineering tuition in your home. Specialising in Years 10 to year 12, WACE, University and TAFE. Focusing on clear explanations, problem solving and exam preparation. Experienced, professional and dedicated tutor. Phone Denton 0425 898 598 or 9418 7703 Signed: Kaye Lynette Bowden ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, want to drink? That’s your business. Want to stop? That’s ours. Ring all hours 9325 3566 office, Michael 0418 904 102, Lisa 0404 926 367 SITUATIONS VACANT CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST. CASUAL/ PT up to 20hrs per week. Flexible hours, own car, energetic, fast learner, works well with very young and very old. Send resumes to info@ au by Friday 20th June. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted DRIVER with a van wanted to deliver Thursdays (North of the River) and Fridays (South of the River). Need police clearance. Call Marie at the Herald on 9430 7727 FEMALE & Male Model 1860yrs Wanted. We are seeking models between the age of 18-60 for Glamour modelling. Successful models will be offered print/calendar/video assignments. Please note that you should be at least 18 years to apply. Please Email us for more information on ENGLISH, English Literature, Essay Writing and History Tutor. ualified teacher. Phone Debra 9498 7316 MATHEMATICS tuition. Years 8-11 from High School Teacher. Phone Russell 9339 0445 MATHEMATICS, Physics, Engineering, y8-10, TEE. ualified Female Teacher 15yrs experience. Suravi 0402 447 584 MATHS, Physics, chemistry tutor, 35 years experienced, approachable. comes to you 0409 036 498 WANTED TO BUY BOXES Removal type. Cash paid. Will pick up depending on quantity/location. 9417 5234 HOME/VILLA/UNIT. East Fremantle through to Applecross. 2x2, 3x2 or 3x1. Preferably under 10 years, ready to buy. No Real Estate (Private). 0402 755 869 NEW/ recycled designer clothing & accessories (men/ women). Silver Linings Fashion, (opposite Woolstores), Cantonment St, Fremantle 0430 475 682 TOOLS, China, bric/brac, antiques, records, books, jewellery, clocks, H/hold goods. Cash paid. Sheds, garages, cleared out, deceased estates. Call SHEDBUSTERS 9337 3953 or 0414 451 203 herald classifieds Booking deadline: 12 noon Tuesdays To advertise email the Herald INDEMNITY & WARRANTY THE HERALD & PERTH VOICE NEWSPAPERS CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE BY OPENING THE DOOR TO US, YOU’RE HELPING US OPEN THE DOOR TO OTHERS. To donate by credit card, call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or visit RED SHIELD APPEAL 'PSKVTUDFOUTBEBZ PETS FOR SALE BED Overlays. Thick premium quality. More comfort, less aches and pains. Foam Sales 82 Norma Rd, Booragoon 9330 1199 FIREWOOD dry, clean, recycled Jarrah. 20 Kilo bags. Burns hot! $15.00 per bag. Local Delivery 10 bags or more. Terry 0412 912 039 GARDEN & RETICULATION. Maintenance. Free quotes. Pruning, weeding, mulching, hedging, planting, mowing. Gutters & clean-ups. Rubbish removal. Damian 0437 318 304 GARDENER/ HANDYMAN. Weeding, Pruning, Retic. etc. Cheap rates, reliable. 9418 5271 c lassif ieds The advertiser (or agent) indemnifies the Company (and its employees and agents) against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising out of or in connection with the publication of the advertisement (including any relating to defamation, malicious falsehood, infringement of copyright, trademark or design, or breach of the Trade Practices Act 1974, the Consumer Credit Code, or the Fair Trading Act 1987) and warrants that publication of the advertisement will not give rise to any legal, equitable or statutory rights against the Company ad will no breach any laws or regulations including the prohibitions relating to advertising in the Trade Practices Act 1974, the Consumer Credit Code, and the Fair Trading Act 1987. All advertisements are accepted on the following terms and conditions: RIGHT TO REFUSE - The Company has the right to refuse to publish or republish any advertisement without giving any reason. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY - No liability will be incurred by the Company by reason of any amendment to or error or inaccuracy in, or the partial or total omission of, an advertisement (single or multiple insertion) or by reason of any delay or default or from any other cause whatsoever. If an error occurs which in the opinion of the Company clearly lessens the value of the advertisement and which is in no way the fault of the advertiser and the advertiser notifies the Company of the error prior to the advertisement deadline on the first day the error was published, then a refund will be provided on the cost of the advertisement proportionate to the company’s opinion of its reduced value. ADJUSTMENT AND CLAIMS - The advertiser must notify the Company of any error in the invoice for an advertisement within 30 days from the end of the month in which the advertisement was published. The company will not consider claims for an invoice error lodged outside this period. herald classifieds Booking deadline: 12 noon Tuesdays Do you live in or around any of these areas? herald Fremantle 14 AYURVEDA AND YOGA WELLNESS CENTRE. Transform your health and improve your vitality with Ayurveda. For a comprehensive consultation contact Leah 9331 5999 / 0438 693 855 or Nikki 9433 1018/ 0411 796 354 East Fremantle 32 North Fremantle 31C Fremantle 6A ABUNDANCE LIFE COACHING. ”When we live in a loving state the doors to abundance freely open”. Life Coaching, Energy Healing, Negative Emotional Release, Intuitive Development and Meditation Groups, Inspirational Public Speaking. Ph Catherine, Dip FP, NLP, author & public speaker. Ph 0408 563 746 or visit www.soulabundance. ACT Mindfully Workshop Jul 11 & 18 for living a more meaningful life when there is chronic pain or stress, with occupational therapist 25 yrs experience. Also offering myofascial trigger point therapy, mindfulness & psychological therapy, naturopathy and ITA energy medicine. Private Health & Medicare Rebates. Sasha Wray B.Sc 0402 550 469 ACUPUNCTURE incorporating ENAR microcurrent, light / colour therapy. Effective for pain, stress relief, mood and hormonal regulation. Practitioner with 25 years clinical experience. Ph Maniisha Bluntschli on 0437 968 277 ART Therapy. Connecting to your Inner Awareness. Finding new understandings, solutions, healing. Elspeth 0410 853 441. Cottesloe Hilton 45A BODYWORK NEW. Body mind - spirit healing, innovative & integrative new healing approach combining latest knowledge of Bodywork with ancient healing. Alleviates pain & tension, processes depression, anxiety & trauma. Re-aligns body for greater flexibility. Restores health, Harmony and assists with personal direction/vision. De-Stress Health. Call Sharon: 0448 267 303 BOWEN Beaconsfield 47 THERAPY BOWEN Therapy is a gentle yet dynamic form of bodywork that has great success in treating muscle & soft tissue injuries. In particular, neck, shoulder, back, sciatic, leg, knee & ankle pain. Also great for pregnancy, fatigue & general wellness. ‘Treat Yourself to Better Health through Bowen Therapy.’ Health Rebates Apply. Ph: Laura 0412 933 534 mind BOWEN Therapy is an effective technique to treat conditions relating to the back, neck and all types of injury. Lyn Sellwood has over 20 years experience in the industry and has relocated her practice to Lifecare Melville Physiotherapy, 15 Maddox Crescent, Melville. Ph: 0409 118 173 for an appointment. Health Fund Rebates apply BOWEN, MASSAGE, REIKI, ORTHO-BIONOMY. Get relief from pain and relax at The Healing Touch.25 yrs exp. Non sexual. PH. Kerrelee 0401 171 957 ANNOUNCING: Maureen Ives, Social Worker, RN and Family Therapist of Integrated Family Counselling at 5 Shuffrey Street, Fremantle. Maureen provides counselling to families and couples. Maureen is passionate about early intervention. She has expertise in working with young families from the ante natal and post natal period through to adulthood. Medicare Rebates available. Phone MondayFriday 9.00 - 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 9433 6538 Mobile 0450 343 808 CONSCIOUS COUNSELLING Way of the Heart. Are you ready for ‘the shift forward’? This professional and compassionate assistance evokes insight, self empowerment and transformation. Christine Farrell Grad Dip Counselling 0424 433 815 COUNSELLING And support services. Ever Forward Counselling specializing in relationship advice, child/ adolescent and general support. Concession rates and home visits available. 7b Silas St. E Fremantle, www. or ph: 0452 238 374 HEALING: CRYSTAL BED SESSIONS. Gentle, nonintrusive and effective. Clears and balances the chakras, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, and so much more. Aids sleep, relaxation and stress.Ph: 9330 7689 HOMOEOPATHY specializing in women’s hormonal health, children and constitutional treatment for chronic conditions. Ph Maxime on 0403 908 414 HYPNOSIS to give YOU control of your life. Weight Loss, Smoking, Anxiety and many other issues. Phone 9316 9888 for Clinical Hypnotherapist at Medec Health Care. Mbr PHA, ANHR KINESIOLOGY Are you struggling to learn? Stressed? Aches and Pains? Hormones going wild? Allergies and Digestive issues? Call Karole 0411 798 454. Health Rebates may be available body VIM SEPHTON REBALANCING BODYWORK VIM SEPHTON is now (after two years rigorous training!) a certified ‘Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist’. He brings his 30 years of experience in working with people to this wonderful new work. This therapy is a subtle and profound healing form which assists the body’s natural capacity for self-repair. The therapy is led by the client’s system and its inherent health which sets the pace of the work and the order in which change occurs. Benefits can include, changes in areas of constriction and discomfort, optimizing overall health. Greater vitality and wellbeing and a movement away from old patterns and dis-ease. As this is a gentle therapy, it’s suitable for all ages, including newborns, the elderly, and people with delicate, degenerative or painful conditions. Vim can be contacted on 0422 980 078 MANUAL therapy for innards and gizzards, liver and kidneys, bladder and prostate. This can ease musculoskeletal and post surgical etc issues. Jan 0431 740 339 BSc Dip APM Dip Ref AccMbr AMT MASSAGE Amazing self healing alleviates stress/ neck/ shoulder/ back, tension/ pain/ migraines. Zen shiatsu therapeutic massage. Trained in Japan. Non sexual. Elspeth 0410 853 441 MASSAGE Are you tired? Stressed? Try massage by experienced Chinese. N/S $60/ hr Mon-Fri 8am-4pm 0418 948 192 MASSAGE Ayurvedic Yoga. Available in Fremantle Phone Suena 0411 127 778 body riches massage & spa centre FREMANTLE’S leading specialists in remedial massage. Open 7 days. Specialising in: Deep tissue, Trigger point, Injury, Sports. Swedish, Relaxation, Aromatherapy. Pregnancy, Reflexology, Hot stone. Add a signature spa treatment to your massage choice; in our exquisite tropical outdoor spa massage room. We offer: All health fund rebates, Gift vouchers, Double treatment rooms. Phone: 6262 2667 or 0409 339 313 MASSAGE, Beautiful, relaxing, swedish or strong remedial. In tranquil Palmyra location. $60/ 1 hour or $75/ 1.5 hours. Non sexual. Sara 0423 135 875 To advertise email the Herald MASSAGE. Chill-out, Destress and leave a different person. Swedish, Deep Tissue, Indian head massage. Nice atmosphere, great music, experienced therapist. 7 days. Lisa 0432 154 196 MASSAGE Deep Relaxation, Full Bodywork $60/75 mins. Mobile, 14 yrs experience. Abhi 9417 5732 Samson 80A REIKI Are you in need of relaxation? Helps overcome emotional difficulties, & physical symptoms. Provide psychic insight (20+ yrs exp.). Hamilton Hill Ph: 0402 235 633 MOBILE MASSEUSE Swedish, deep tissue, relaxation, pregnancy massage. Reiki healing. Ph Miranda on 0419 189 496 If so and you’d like to join the Herald distribution team call Marie King on 9430 7727 THAI Healing Massage. Trained therapies with over 12 years experience, specialising in Thai Traditional Healing Massage, Thai herbal Steam and Hot Stone Therapy, Aromatherapy, Sport injury and Relaxing oil massage. Strictly professional service by appointment only. Contact Patcha on 0439 611 410 spirit MASSAGE Relaxing Swedish or deeper remedial in peaceful Spearwod location. $50 1hr/ $70 1.5hrs. Non sexual, Richard 0413 121 429 MASSAGE: Trade in that old tired wreck or get a tune up. Great results. Jan 0431 740 339 BSc Dip APM Dip Ref AccMbr AMT MASSAGE. Fully recreational and remedial care. 6 days 9:00am - 8:00pm. Fremantle. Lis 0431 291 118 or 6460 6547 NATURAL Health for all ages. Electrical kinesiology, allergy testing, nutritional deficiency testing, chemical, toxin and VLA testing, urine analysis, tongue and nail diagnosis. 100 point health check. Special offer - only $80, 1.5 hours for the price of 1 hour on your first consult. Just present this ad. 6191 0318/ 0409 920 689. 156 Rockingham Rd, Hamilton Hill NATUROPATH- Lost your mojo? Helping tired, exhausted people find wellbeing, vitality and enthusiasm, using natural medicine. NHAA and ATMS registered, Susan Deeley 0433 364 654 RADIANT Woman Coaching: Shift how you feel about yourself and the gift of being born female. Womanhood, motherhood, midlife, fertility issues, pregnancy, childbirth trauma, sacred feminine spirituality. Call Ishara 0415 593 408. REFLEXOLOGY for pain management, hormonal balance, stress relief and more. Reflexology also aids relaxation and restores well-being. Ph Maxime on 0403 908 414 SAND Play Therapy for kids, teens, adults. Words can be too hard sometimes. Jan 0431 740 339 SATSANG. Daily satsang with Vishrant. Visit or call Dakini 0438 831 883 for more info TRAUMA (simple or complex) from injury, accident, illness, surgery etc. Be cared for in body and mind therapy for your heart, body, and soul. Jan 0431 740 339 BSc Dip APM Dip Ref AccMbr AMT. IYENGAR yoga, experienced teachers, individual adjustments, beginners to experienced, Air Conditioned Free parking, change rooms Full Class schedule online www. 0418 923 791 146 Carrington St O’Connor YOGA And AYURVEDA Wellness Centre. Classes Daily. New early morning class with Gerard Crouze 6:00am-7:30am Mon to Fri. Beginners welcome. Vinyasa, Pregnancy and Restorative Classes also available. Ph Nikki 9433 1018/ 0411 796 354. 75 Wray Ave Fremantle. www. YOGA – Hatha Style – Gentle Exercise with experienced instructor at Samson Recreation Centre - 44 McCombe Avenue Samson - Thursday 12.00pm – 1.30pm - $90/$72 conc. per term – all levels welcome further information call 9331 8040 YOGA Nidra - Tuesdays 6pm. Lying down meditation for relaxation. Willagee. 0438 038 766 herald classifieds Booking deadline: 12 noon Tuesdays Astrology strology A Herald With Sudhir May 31 - June 7, 2014 ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Uranus is in Aries, encouraging eccentricity. Mars is just entering the more eccentric part of his journey through Libra. Your drive for freedom might just take some spectacularly strange twists and turns. You aren’t likely to do it by half measure. Shake off the old. Invite in the new. TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20) Venus is in Taurus. What could make a Taurus happier? Not much. The Goddess of Love is your astrological mentor. She is more about attraction and the play of desire than holding steady, so entertain her watchfully. To tread on toes would take sheen from the joy. Enjoy yourself. GEMINI (May 21 – June 21) The Sun is shining brightly on the Twins. This makes you feel cohesive, at one and ready to take the world by storm. There are still strong emotional overtones in the air, so maintain awareness in parallel with your happiness. Hubris is always worth watching out for. Be who you are. CANCER (June 22 – Jul 22) The Moon begins its week in your sign. When the Moon is in Cancer, you feel sufficiently at home in your own skin, that other things going on, are water off a duck’s back. Mercury has also arrived in Cancer. This gives you confidence that your way of seeing makes perfect sense. LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22) The Sun is in airy Gemini, which should loosen and lighten you up. There are however, a lot of undercurrents of feeling also in motion. Dance your dance but do it with plenty of awareness. We don’t want you going down any emotional sinkholes, or provoking unnecessary reactions. VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22) Just as the universe is asking you to sort your communications out, Mercury ducks into Cancer, which is a non-verbal sign. This alters your sense of what communication needs to be, to be effective and successful. Tune in to what you are feeling and to what others are feeling too. LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23) Mars is one third of the way through Libra. With this comes a change of tone. Your motor is less likely to move you to create outward harmony. It will instead move you towards grand schemes, wild ideas and quirkiness. Watch out for unhealthy fixations. Step right out of character. SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21) The Gemini Sun is teasing you stay playful, as you head off on an emotional roll. The best place to point your depth of feeling, is your work, your health and your craft. Passion plus discipline equals mastery. Passion plus discipline plus humour, is even better. Expand your horizons. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21) Life has you very much focussed on the nature of your relationships. With the Sun in Gemini, the challenge just got stronger and clearer. We aren’t whole until we’ve embraced our opposite and made it complementary. You who love focus, must embrace the fact of duality and paradox. CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19) The Sun is in Gemini, supposedly keeping things light and butterfly-like. There are however, deeper themes afoot. You are at the heart of them. As others struggle for their individuality and to also find peace, it is your job to provide the depth of understanding that makes it possible. AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Uranus is like a Zen Master. He provokes awareness and liberation by doing exactly what isn’t on our menu of expectations. He is in Aries, which adds a serious sprinkle of cayenne pepper to the mix. He’s also presently influencing our work lives. Unsettledness must become liberation. PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20) The Moon’s short passage through Cancer has a soothing effect, early in the week. It’s good to have time to feel at home in your own skin. This gives you confidence to move with your feelings. Mars is provoking you stop dreaming and instead move towards what you long for. © M.J.Dean 2014 Sudhir To advertise email the Herald THE HERALD DOES NOT PUBLISH SEXUAL SERVICE ADVERTISEMENTS. PLEASE RESPECT OUR ADVERTISERS IN YOUR RESPONSES Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014 - Page 23 FREMANTLE ARTS CENTRE/BASILICA PRECINCT OFFERS $450,000s COMING SOON, REGISTER YOUR INTEREST 1 1 1 EAST FREMANTLE 18 ALEXANDRA ROAD AUCTION (IF NOT SOLD PRIOR) SUPERB RIVERSIDE LIFESTYLE An exceptional location to live and/or work in a `Turn of the Century` studio property. Flexible zoning allows Residential studio apartment/ Commercial office showroom. In the booming East End, the grand entrance to Fremantle, walking distance to riverside East Fremantle, North Fremantle & Port Beach. A fabulous boutique sized 98 sqm including rear court and carbay, Strategically close to Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle Aquatic Centre & John Curtin Performing Arts. Loaded with potential, surrounded by parking, flexibility of uses is the key. Gorgeous provincial style free standing quality townhouse. Tucked away in a whisper quiet enviable riverside location. Light, bright and spacious with 3 double sized bedrooms and two living areas. This lovely property has been freshly painted and has new carpets throughout. Upgraded kitchen has brand new quality appliances. North facing large rear garden to enjoy with lovely shady trees. Single undercover car space. Highly sought after riverside location in beautiful tree lined street. CALL OR EMAIL TO ARRANGE A PRIVATE VIEWING HOME OPEN: SATURDAY 31 MAY 10.30 - 11.15 OR BY APPOINTMENT NOEL ROGERS 0409 300 600 BEL EDWARDS 0412 115 760 3 1 SOUTH FREMANTLE $1,095,000s TWO DOGS, ONE BOAT, ONE BEACH! • • • • • • • 1 4 1 2 On a valuable 650sqm Green Title landholding close to schools & fresh markets Walking distance to the beach and gastronomic delights of South Terrace! No more stairs, entire single level jarrah floors, high ceilings, wide hallways Quality refurbished offering 4 large bedrooms, 1 bathroom, fabulous kitchen External flat/studio, generous alfresco & entertaining areas overlooking rear gardens Plenty of lawn and parking bay for the boat and caravan Exceptional buying in seachange environment EAST FREMANTLE 32/46 EAST STREET AUCTION (IF NOT SOLD PRIOR) STAR OF THE EAST Floating 4 stories high in the sky, this generous 3 bedroom, yes 3 bedroom end unit is exceptional. Floated by 360 degrees of natural light with rooftop views over the historic George St precinct from every window. Open dining and living space flows onto the deep generous balcony with district & ocean views. Original retro bathroom and kitchen. Separate laundry with river views ! Register your interest in this white hot property today! Don’t delay! 3 1 2 CALL OR EMAIL TO ARRANGE A PRIVATE VIEWING AUCTION THIS SATURDAY 31 MAY 2.30 AND HOME OPEN FROM 2.00 NOEL ROGERS 0409 300 600 BEL EDWARDS 0412 115 760 FREMANTLE CONTACT AGENT FROM $380,000 HAMILTON HILL CONTACT AGENT FROM $570,000 FREMANTLE 16/1 HIGH STREET GOLF ANYONE INVESTMENT POTENTIAL PANORAMIC PENTHOUSE Light & bright 3 bed brick and tile home near the golf course. Freshly painted with clean tiles through the living areas and new carpets in the bedrooms. Main bed has en-suite access to the bathroom and walk in robe. Stainless appliances in the renovated kitchen with easy access to alfresco. Good size courtyard with shady tree & paving garden shed off street parking. All minutes to Fremantle City cafe strip and the beaches - this is a great investment or first home. Part of the Hamilton Hill Revitalisation Strategy Proposed R30 Lot of 808 sqm. Brick and Tile home with four bedrooms and central bathroom, separate enclosed patio. Very liveable clean & tidy with attractive exposed jarrah boards in kitchen dining and front bedroom. Ripe for future subdivision subject to council approval and ratification of Town Planning Scheme proposed rezoning. Large garage/shed at rear with driveway access and concrete paving. Huge back yard and easy side access. Just minutes to the beach and Fremantle. • • • • • 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 3 bedrooms and master has en-suite Spacious gourmet kitchen Reverse cycle air-con Building has intercom entry & card swipe Highly sought after location! 2 2 INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT HOME OPEN: BY APPOINTMENT PETER SMART 0414 887 717 PETER SMART 0414 887 717 IRENA BROWN 9319 3022 $1,500 PW ACTON FREMANTLE 253 CANNING HIGHWAY, EAST FREMANTLE PH: (08) 9319 3022 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU Page 24 - Fremantle Herald, Saturday May 31, 2014