2009 - SSAAM


2009 - SSAAM
SSAAM Provincial Committee
Our Provincial Committee met at Portage La Prairie on February 2nd, April 6th, June 8th, October 5th, and
November 2nd. It was another productive year for our Provincial Committee. With the groundwork established
through the activities of recent members of the Provincial Committee, the 2009 representatives made progress
with a number of initiatives. The reports enclosed will provide a summary of the current status of specific
initiatives as they will continue into our next fiscal year.
Thank you to everyone for dedication, support and hard work on behalf of SSAAM and ultimately the children in
Provincial Executive Members:
Candace Borger
Judy Dandridge
George Corbett
Jacqueline Gosselin
Wilma Ritzer
Cheryl Dyer-Vigier
Lisa Martin
Kim Campbell
Helga Berger/Tammy Mitchell
Desiree Narvey
Regional and Partner Representatives:
Jacqueline Gosselin
Janice Hill
Dean Grove
Lynn Corey/Bev Szymesko
Rochelle Rands/(Mike Mauws)
Lesley EblieTrudell
Marilyn Taylor
Wendy Church
George Corbett
Kim Campbell
Judy Dandridge
Judy Dandridge/Janice Hill/Cheryl Dyer-Vigier
Lisa Martin
Lesley EblieTrudell
Past President
1st Vice President
2n Vice President
Professional Development
Public Relations/Communication
Advocacy & Public Policy
South Central
South East/lnterlake
Manitoba Education
Healthy Child
Manitoba Safe Schools
Early Childhood Committee
Inclusive Ed. Consultation
New SSAAM Member Orientation
Student Service Forum
Mental Health Issues in Manitoba Schools
SSAAM Annual General Meeting
President's Report
December 4,2009
When I spoke to you as "President Elect" at this time last year, my comments included two points that serve
as the focus of many Provincial Committee discussions and reflect our SSAAM Mission Statement:
Advocacy for children, families, and professionals
Networking to strengthen opportunities & to support shared priorities
A year later, there has been a great deal of work accomplished by the Provincial SSAAM Committee. I wish to
extend my thanks to the members of the Provincial Committee who have accomplished much in a short time.
4- Membership Survey - Lisa Martin & Doug Anderson
•4- Web site development - Kim Campbell
4- Representing SSAAM at Student Service Forum May 2009
4- Revising SSAAM Constitution & Membership
4- Proposal development to meet the needs of Immigrant families led by Jacqueline Gosselin
4- Proactive Survey of Membership vied by Lisa Martin
4- Joint invitation from MSBA & SSAAM to MASS, MTS, MASBO, and MAPC for strategic plan to address
common priorities identified through resolutions
4- External Funding Review Committee - Barb Melnychuk/Janice Hill
4- Document - Student Specific Planning: A Handbook for Developing and Implementing lEPs - Desiree
Narvey & Wilma Ritzer
4- Document - Educational Assistants in Manitoba Schools - Mike Maws and Cheryl Dyer-Vigier
4- Document - Transition Information Guide for Families - Janice Hill
-4- Mental Health & Spiritual Care Focus Group - Lesley Eblie-Trudel
4- Document - Supporting Positive Behaviour in Manitoba Classrooms - Judy Dandridge & Wilma Ritzer
4Advisory Committee Representation:
4- English as an Additional Language Advisory Committee - Geroge Corbett
4- University of Winnipeg Education Consultation Group - Candace Borger
4- Former Ministers:
Honourable Peter Bjornson; Minister of Education, Citizenship and Youth &
Honourable Kerri Irvin-Ross; Chair, Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet and Minister of Healthy of Living
Judy Dandridge, George Corbett, Tammy Mitchell, and Candace Borger
4- University of Winnipeg - Candace Borger and Judy Dandridge
4- University of Manitoba - George Corbett and Candace Borger
4- MASS - Candace Borger, George Corbett and Judy Dandridge
4- MSBA - Candace Borger, George Corbett and Judy Dandridge
4- Mental Health, Addictions and Spiritual Care - Judy Dandridge and Lesley Eblie-Trudel
This past year has been an extremely active and important year for our membership, and being part of the
activity as your president has been an honor.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Dandridge
Annual General Meeting
Second Vice-President's Report, Provincial SSAAM
4 December 2009
Activities to date:
• Attended Provincial SSAAM meetings, 2 February, 6 April, 8
June, 5 October, and 2 November
• Attended meeting with representatives from the University of
Manitoba, 3 November 2009, to share SSAAM Resolutions
• Coordinated meetings of the SSAAM working group developing
a proposal to support learners who are Newcomers to
Manitoba, June 26, August 28, September 14, and November
• Attended meeting with Proactive to review preliminary results
of survey, November 25
• Compiled & prepared proposed amendments to SSAAM
Constitution for 2009 AGM
Respectfully submitted,
Jacqueline Gosselin
Second Vice-President, Provincial SSAAM
W>M J -' . DAS
5 A AM
Past-President's Report
SSAAM Annual General Meeting
Friday, December 4, 2009
> Participated in executive meetings and conference calls as scheduled
^ Prepared slate of officers in collaboration with other executive members as
chairperson of nominations committee
> Solicited awards nominations for Certificates of Recognition and Honorary Life
Membership and organized awards ceremony on Thursday, December 3, 2009
> Forwarded letters of appreciation to employers acknowledging the contributions of
executive members
> Represented SSAAM on University of Winnipeg Education Consult Group
> Participated in meetings regarding the SSAAM survey with Larry Bremnar,
Proactive with other SSAAM executive members (July 16, Nov.25)
> Participated in meetings to review and discuss issues related to SSAAM
-Former Ministers of Education & Healthy Living & representative from Healthy
Child Manitoba, May 20, 2009
-Dean of Education, University of Winnipeg, June 17, 2009
-Representatives from Manitoba Association of School Superintendents &
Manitoba School Boards Association, October 9. 2009
-Associate Dean of Education and faculty representative University of Manitoba,
November 3, 2009
Respectfully submitted,
Candace Borger
Annual General Meeting
First Vice-President's Report, Provincial SSAAM
4 December 2009
Activities to date:
• Attended Provincial SSAAM meetings, 2 February, 6 April, 8
June, 5 October, and 2 November
• Attended meeting with the Minister of Education & the Minister
of Healthy Living, 20 May 2009, to share SSAAM Resolutions
• Attended meetings with representatives from MASS & MSBA, 9
October 2009, to share SSAAM Resolutions
• Attended meeting with representatives from the University of
Manitoba, 3 November 2009, to share SSAAM Resolutions
• Member of the SSAAM working group developing a proposal to
support learners who are Newcomers to Manitoba
• Provincial SSAAM representative on Safe Schools Manitoba
• Provincial SSAAM representative on the Funding Review team,
in partnership with Manitoba Education Citizenship and Youth
• Compiled & Collated SSAAM Resolutions for 2009 AGM
Respectfully submitted,
George Corbett
First Vice-President, Provincial SSAAM
(Prepared without audit)
{with prior year's figures for comparison)
Conference fees
Membership fees
Bank charges
Computer services
Executive meetings
Office expenses
Regional support
SSAAM conference
SURPLUS, beginning of year
SURPLUS, end of year
Funds in the Royal Bank - chequing account
- GIG matures April 13, 2010
See Notice to Reader dated November 18, 2009
Page 2
Chair, Professional Development
December 4, 2009
• Represented SSAAM on the Student Services Forum Planning Committee
via teleconference
• Provided gifts to SS Forum presenters on behalf of SSAAM
• With Doug Anderson (former Past President, SSAAM) developed survey
distributed at 2008 AGM
• Collated & collated data to share with SSAAM Executive
• Along with Candace Borger, Judy Dandridge and Cheryl Dyer-Vigier,
worked with Larry Bremner from Proactive, Inc to develop and distribute
the online survey
• Worked with team to develop presentation of survey data to 2009 AGM
• Coordinated Annual Conference: speaker & venue, Pre-conference,
Awards Reception & hospitality facilities
To those who completed the survey, thank you for your help in setting direction
for SSAAM in the future.
I have greatly enjoyed working with the dedicated and feisty folks on the SSAAM
Executive this year.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Martin
Student Services Coordinator
Park West School Division
Brandon, Manitoba
December 2009
Historian's Report
Submitted by Desiree Narvey, Student Services Coordinator, St. James-Assiniboia School Division
In the past, historical documents and artifacts of the Student Services Administrators Association of
Manitoba have been housed in binders and file cabinets at the Portage la Prairie School Division Office.
In addition, many Executive members had maintained personal collections of photographs they had
taken at memorable SSAAM functions. This year our Executive decided not only to maintain these
historical records, but to convert many of them to personal data files (PDFs) so they could be accessible
to everyone. This decision proved to be timely, since SSAAM's website was being redesigned to meet
the needs of all members.
To date, the following PDFs that have been prepared for the SSAAM website:
SSAAM during the 70s
SSAAM during the 90s
SSAAM Executives from 1977-2002
SSAAM 2003
SSAAM: 25 Years (2002)
The remaining documents will be scanned, converted to PDFs, and placed on the SSAAM website during
this upcoming year.
Provincial Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba
Advocacy & Public Policy
AGM Report
Attended provincial SSAAM meetings
Assisted with preparation for the provincial SSAAM conference & AGM
Attended provincial SSAAM conference and AGM
Attended consultation sessions with like-minded stakeholder organizations as per
SSAAM executive direction
Respectfully submitted,
Helga Berger & Tammy Mitchell
DSFM SSAAM Regional Report 2009
The DSFM has a geographical region that encompasses a number of the other regional
SSAAM groups. It is comprised of Robert Buck, Sylvie Huard-Huberdeau and Jacqueline
Gosselin. A representative attends SEICA, Metro and Provincial SSAAM. During the 0809 school year, the Department's consultant position was vacant. Anne-Marie LapointeLafond has who has joined the Department in September 2009 has been assigned to the
DSFM regional group.
Issues for francophone schools continue to revolve around recruiting clinician
staff to support programming particularly in School Psychology and Speech and
Language Pathology. We presently have a vacancy in both School Psychology
and SLP. A student in School Psychology who has received a bursary from the
DSFM through the Northern and Rural Bursary Initiative is completing the second
year of the program.
A second issue for us is to be able to access and offer appropriate staff training
and support Student Services teams as our staff changes. Student Services
personnel, clinicians and coordinators visit teams in their schools as often as
necessary and also communicate regularly via teleconference.
We have developed a divisional Positive Behaviour Continuum and we are
providing workshops to school counselors on various preventative programming
to implement in schools.
We have established an agreement with WEVAS allowing us to translate the
presentation materials so that trainers can now provide deliver the 2 day training
to staff in the French language.
We have been begun reviewing our Threat Assessment Protocol and will try to
identify the best way possible to develop capacity in that area.
A committee is working on a policy to address cyber conduct and cyberbullying.
Divisional guidelines have been developed for Pandemic planning and school
staffs are reporting absences to their respective Regional Health Authorities with
regard to the H1N1 issue.
We have a working committee in place to address the needs of francophone
Newcomers and have been collaborating with the Bureau de ['education
francaise and the Department of Education to develop support documents.
An annual paraprofessionals professional development day is held the fall and
various workshops are offered.
Submitted by Jacqueline Gosselin
Northern SSAAM Regional Report 2009
The northern SSAAM group has met once by teleconference to welcome our newest
members, and to set our meeting schedule for the remainder of the year.
• We welcome Marlene Gregory, Candace Bergeson, Barb Melnychuk and Andrea
Marginet as members to our team through MECY's Rural and Northern Initiative.
Their expertise and support is greatly appreciated. Barb Melnychuk and Leslie
Goerzen joined us as ME reps on Northern SSAAM.
• We have new Student Services Co-ordinators in our school divisions this year.
Ruth Fiege-Koroma has moved to Frontier Area 2. Replacing Ruth in Frontier
Area 1 is Margaret Merrigan. New to Frontier Area 4 replacing Joanne Metcalfe
is Doreen Alexander. Tammy Brant from Frontier Area 3 will connect with us as
her schedule permits.
• Issues for our northern schools continue to revolve around recruiting and retaining
clinician staff to support programming.
• A second issue for us is to be able to access and offer appropriate staff training as
our staff changes. We will attempt to work on this issue by utilizing a variety of
course delivery methods and by integrating special education program training
into other larger northern conferences.
• Several schools have been working in the area of Threat Assessment and will
continue to try and develop capacity in that area.
• School staffs are working closely with Regional Health Authorities with regard to
the H1N1 issue.
• The group discussed the External Funding Review Recommendations and had a
variety of thoughts on what this might look like in northern communities.
• We are trying to utilize teleconference and videoconference to help overcome
issues related to travelling distance and training. The group will try to run a
meeting by videoconference in the new year.
Submitted by Dean Grove
Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba
Annual General Meeting
Brandon, MB
December 4, 2009
A Year at a Glance in South Central
There have been a number of staff changes throughout the year in South Central SSAAM. With the sudden passing
of John Rennie in November 2008 (Curriculum Coordinator of the Portage la Prairie School Division), Donna
Mestdagh-Mueller joined our team in January 2009, as the Strategic Initiatives Learning Coordinator for Portage
School Division. Mike Mauws stepped in to fill the Assistant Superintendent role in Portage in January 2009 when
Larry Taylor retired, so Dave Judson stepped into the role of Student Services Administrator for the remainder of
the year. And I, Rochelle Rands, left Pine Creek School Division at the end of June 2009, to take over the position of
Student Services Administrator for Portage la Prairie School Division. Pine Creek School Division welcomed Tracey
Wood from Winnipeg, as their new Assistant Superintendent / Student Services Coordinator and Leslie Norrie has
assumed Cheryl Dyer-Vigier's role in Prairie Spirit School Division, as Cheryl eases into retirement. As well, Shari
Block (MECY) left us, but we were pleased to welcome Freya Martinet in September 2009.
All other members have remained the same including: Carol Braun and Julie Weber (Borderland), Debra Loewen
(Garden Valley), Wilma Ritzer (Prairie Rose), Pauline Lafond-Bouchard and Jaclyn Koskie (Red River), and Cindy
Kutzner (Western), Jean Hallas (MECY).
Our meetings for the year were held on: January 22, February 27, March 6, April 8, May 22, and June 18
September 18, October 23, and December 11.
Major topics of discussion at SCSAAM meetings included:
"Working Together" Parent Brochure
Integrated Clinician Outcomes -Alan Hawkins presented to us on September 18.
Blind and Visual Services-Freya Martinet presented to us on September 18.
Special Needs Categorical Funding Review -We will be inviting Tim Thorne out to talk more about this to our
Absenteeism Report
Educational Assistants
EAL Students
Youth Justice
Guest Speakers:
Jan Wooley (Regional Director) and Micheline Durand (Program Director) -Children's Services from Family
Services and Housing presented on Children's Special Services, Transition Programs, Supportive Living, and
Residential Services
Alan Hawkins presented to us in September 2009
Micheline Durand attended our October Meeting to update the group on transitioning.
PD Opportunities:
October 2, 2009 Cindy Strickland -Assessment, Dl, and Ethical/ Moral/Social Development (Borderland)
October 13 2009 a one day Co-Teaching Workshop was held in Carman and attended by approximately 70
classroom and resource teachers in South Central. A half day working session will be allocated by each
participating school division, and another half day session will be held for reflection and presentation to admin.
A Brandon University Masters Cohort in administration, counselling, and resource has been established in Winkler
thanks to the organization of Deb Loewen.
Trevor Calkins to Portage -November 25 & 26 and Prairie Spirits the rest of that week
Rachel's Challenge -Pine Creek School Division, Prairie Spirit
EAL Presentation by Diana Turner to Pine Creek Staff
Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Rands
Metro SSAAM Annual Report 2009
The Metro SSAAM group met 6 times in 2009. The topics of interest raised and discussed were:
January 30/09•
Audrey North (MECY Consultant for FASD) met with the group and school divisions gave
an overview of how they were students with FASD.
The Innovative Learning Centre from U of W presented to the group on how they are
partnering with schools to help achieve parity in graduation and Post-Secondary
education for aboriginal students and new Canadians
Discussion about newcomers without guardians who come to register at schools. Need
to check Visa status and have a formal intake. Students can attend as a visitor for a
March 20/09
Presentation by Joanne Muller (MECY Analyst and Secretary to the Board of Reference)
on the clarification of Pupil File Guidelines. CUM file and Support File must be sent to
the receiving school. Parent signature and permission are not needed to send support
file to the receiving school.
The idea of an Assistive Technology Committee was suggested and formed
Volunteers were obtained for the proposal on newly immigrated families
April 24/09
Presentation by Sandy Loewen (Pediatric Clinician's Network) presented on the
Manitoba Outcomes Services by Therapists (MOST).
Ben Amayaw and Cynthia Stewart presented on supports to new immigrants through
the Manitoba Immigration and Intrgration Programs
June 12/09
Retirement presentations to Sandy McCaig (Winnipeg SD) and Yvette Yestrau (Louis Riel
October 9/09
Presentation by Tim Thorne on the External Funding Review Implementation
Presentation by Allan Hawkins on the Integrated Clinical Services Outcomes
November 13/09
Discussion with Kirsten Wirth, Clinical Coordinator St. Amant School-Age ABA
Programming about school concerns and questions around roles and responsibilities,
parent perceptions, ABA support/programming, training process and communication
Student Services Administrators Association of Manitoba
Westman-Parkland Report
December, 2009
-Our regional group met five times, February 11, April 9, May 28, October 16 and
December 2, 2009.
-The following guests have attended our meetings:
Arnie Novak, Chair of Graduate Studies and Field Research for Brandon University. He
presented discussion topics fro Bridging Coursed offered to first and second year teachers
who are interested in pursuing Special Ed. Certification.
Audrey North from MECY presented the FASD document.
Jody Allen from the Assiniboine Regional health Authority completed an
interview/discussion for community research.
-Discussion on the following topics: Butterfly Harness for school buses, SEDA
conference, gifted and enrichment programs in schools, Children Special Services
summer gap program, Child and Family Services offering parenting programs for both
Brandon and rural areas, M course designation and SSAAM surveys.
-A sub committee worked on Coordinator Evaluations checklists and forms.
-Fort la Bosse school division hosted a regional workshop on DI with Diane Heacox on
Sept. 28, 2009.
-The EA of Manitoba Organization pamphlet was distributed, as well as the Transition
-We hope to invite Joanne Muller to our next meeting to talk about Pupil Files.
Update from South East Interlake (SEICA)
Greetings from SEICA! Our group meets monthly at Larter's Golf Course in St. Andrews with
frequent field trips when necessary and regular spring excursions to Gimli
The highlight of the year included, hosting a regional workshop on the topic of "Resiliency",
featuring, Dr. Scott Larson, a member of Reclaiming Youth At-Risk Group and Straight Ahead
Ministries (Thanks to Seine River School Division for organizing this event!)
We have tackled a number of topics in the group this year including:
S English as an Additional Language
Occupational & Physiotherapy Services to School Divisions
<S Applied Behavioural Analysis
S Reading Intervention & Life Skills
iS Mental Health Services in (Rural) Schools
S Alternative Education & Programs for Students At-Risk
S Pandemic MINI Planning
iS Feedback on provincial documents
S Attendance Reporting
S MECY Student Services Visits
We have had MECY representation from Bette Anne Turner, but have also had Tim Thorne,
Leslie Goerzen & Lorna Martin share various provincial initiatives and perspectives at our
We look forward to an exciting new year with visits to school divisions both in and around our
region, to showcase divisional highlights and programs that increase student success
Respectfully Submitted,
Lesley ©
Lesley EblieTrudel
Sunrise School Division
Provincial SSAAM Resolution
December 2009
THAT WHEREAS the Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba
(SSAAM) is committed to providing provincial leadership and informed advocacy to
support appropriate educational programming for all students.
WHEREAS we accomplish this mission through the implementation and expansion of:
• Collaborative professional learning communities
• The use of validated, evidence-based practices
• Ongoing partnerships
WHEREAS the members of SSAAM have actively advocated for supports and services
for students with exceptionalities for over 25 years, and throughout this time, we have
observed many significant changes in the service delivery for students in our schools.
WHEREAS the Amendment to the Public Schools Act, Appropriate Educational
Programming Regulations and Standards, supports our mission to improve the
educational and community-based support for all students in our charge.
WHEREAS while many improvements have occurred, we are still faced with several ongoing challenges in meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse student population
across our province.
BE IT RESOLVED that SSAAM enter into a strategic planning process that incorporates
the results of the recent SSAAM membership survey, and encompasses the previous
resolutions in the four main areas of:
1. Students Severely At Risk (including students with mental health issues, students
with severe behavioural issues, and students of newly immigrated families,
particularly those from war-torn countries)
2. Policies and Practices that Impede Shared Ownership and Shared Responsibility for
Children among the Governmental Departments of Education, Health, Justice, and
Family Services and Housing
3. Staff Qualifications and Recruitment (including certification of resource teachers and
special needs teachers, pre-service learning in special education, and the
recruitment of school clinicians)
4. Adequate Funding to School Divisions to meet the requirements in the Appropriate
Educational Programming Regulations (including increased funding for students with
L2 and L3 funding, increased funding for student services administrative costs, and
increased funding for student services grants)
19 November 2009
November 2, 2009
Portage la Prairie School Division Office
535 - 3rd Street N.W.
Attendees: Judy Dandridge, Candice Borger, Marilyn Taylor, Desiree
Narvey, Jacqueline Gosselin, Wilma Ritzer, Tammy Mitchell,
George Corbette, Lynn Cory, Rochelle Rands, Cheryl DyerVigier, Lisa Martin, Dean Grove (via phone)
Janice Hill, Bev Helga Berger, Bev Szemesko, Kim Campbell,
Lesley Eblie Trudel, Terra Johnston
Additions to/Approval of Agenda moved by Wilma, 2nd Jacqueline carried
Letter from Doug
Approval of Minutes of October 5, 2009 moved by Lynne 2nd by Cheryl
Business Arising from Minutes
Transition Guide for families - Jan providing feedback to Brent
• A reminder note was sent by Brent
• Northern People were going to send individually
• Central report made by Rochelle
Terms of office - constitution - Jacqueline (circulated)
• Changes were made
• A complete "old" constitution & the constitution with changes will
be provided at the AGM
Proactive Survey - Lisa
• 67 were completed
• Meeting booked on November 25th to meet proactive (Cheryl,
Candance, Judy & Lisa) anyone else is welcome
• Meet later that day 3:30 pm at the Garage Cafe on Provencher
(dinner costs will be covered) open to all
• The following morning to complete preparations on the Dec. 4th
9:00 am meeting at 1 Braintree (Candace's office just off Whitewold &
Proposal Development - Jacqueline
• Meeting occurred with MASS and School Board Association
• Some excitement about the topic
• Encouraged us to continue
• Next meeting November 19th 9 am
Membership Drive
• Should be done regionally on an annual basis
• Regional reps could begin discussion at the regional level
• Lynn & Cheryl will man the membership table at the AGM
Should be presented at the "New Administrators" presentation
Judy will ask Kim to update the current Brochure and will send out
the final Membership Brochure with the Constitution & Pre AGM
Send out Membership information to MASS & MSBA.
George & Tammy will look at updating the Membership Brochure
and make recommendations to the constitution committee via a
conference call as it will change some roles in our constitution
The key question is - how do determine who should vote
email from Carolyn Duhamel re: consultation - Thank You
Invitation for representative to MECY - EAL Advisory Committee
November 27th in Winnipeg, George will represent SSAAM.
Question was raised about who is the Advisory Committee
Doug's letter regarding mental health - Report was submitted to MECY
and shared with other relevant government departments
MSBA & SSAAM to MASS, MASBO, NTS and MAPC re: partnership
• MAST would like to invite other groups to attend
• Judy shared the letter from SSAM & MSBA to invite other
groups to attend
New Business
10:00 A.M. SMHRT Dr. Jay Miles & Marg Synyshyn
Provided overview of services and package of material
Majority of services are Winnipeg Based
• 14 beds of which 50% are available to rural
• School age autism resource (teachers are available to
SMHRT - Student Mental Health Resource Team
• Psych resource attached
• Mental Health component
• Teacher component
• Referral required - need parental consent
• Often diagnostic in nature
• Sometimes involves consultation
• Circle of Care Planning Process by MECY is being reviewed
• Looking at 24 hour plan of wrap around service
• EBD serice has been expanded to include a consultative
• Rural vs Urban
Although is an Urban program the teacher portion can be
requested for consultation to the rural (1.5- 2 hr distance).
These teachers have extensive experience in the mental
• Could be accessed through tele-health
• Supports Itinerant Psychiatric services - to be accessed
through regional mental health.
• Make a referral to SMHRT central intake - then you can
access the assistance of the teacher.
Are services readily available for rural students in In-House?
• Depends on availability of bed and safety concerns of
other patients & client
• You could use the Crisis Stabilization Unit in Brandon.
Could the Intensive Unit liaise with the Brandon Unit?
• Probably
• MATC is not a crisis facility - there is a wait list
• Need to rely on community mental health workers.
• There is pd available through SMHRT at no costs
• Up to the manager to decide how to access.
Is there a scope of practice for Community Mental Health?
• The range of service is determined locally
How do you proceed when student has a mental health diagnosis
and behaviour issues impede participation at the local school?
• Would likely fit the SMHRT goals and need a wrap
around plan.
• There is a complete strategy being looked at for mental
health for children from birth to adult
• A challenge that is faced in how do we educate the
people who work with the students with behavioural
issues on a day to day basis?
Request from SMHRT - can we look at having a limited number of
people (EAs) working with students when at all possible.
At what age can a child determine they want to access mental
health support even if parents refuse?
• 16 usually unless a psychiatrist says they are
competent to make the decision
Who can deem a child as competent - psychiatrist or possibly a
clinical psychologist or possibly a family doctor
Nominations for Honorary Life Membership & Certificate of Recognition
- Candace
o Marge Damon
o Mike Mauws
o Sandy McCaig
Moved by Candace 2nd by George that accommodation & mileage for
Bob Madill be provided if he is attending - carried
Starfish Pins availability for awards evening - moved by Candace, 2nd
by Lynn that Candace order lapel pins - carried
Nominations for Officers for Provincial Executive 2010 - Candace
• Still a work in progress
• Currently looking for 2nd vice president and secretary
Resolutions 2009 - George
• DRAFT resolutions circulated - other suggestions include
• George will circulate a draft of a resolution that SSAAM
enter into A Strategic Planning Process as outlined in page
one of his report by Wednesday.
s to be Judy by November 13th.
• Email will be sent by Judy to all membership with the
package of resolutions, constitution, slate of officers, and
membership brochure, etc..
Officer and Committee Reports
7.1 Officer Reports - President, Vice-Presidents, Past President
• As circulated (highlights include)
• Positive Behaviour In Manitoba Classrooms was excellent maybe we need to look for HS that do this well and find
exemplars (Document to be released in Spring)
• Meeting will occur tomorrow with the Dean of U of M
7.2 Treasurer's Report - Wilma Ritzer
• No Report -full report in December
7.3 Professional Development & SSAAM Conference- Lisa and Jacqueline
• 38 registrations to date
• Dr. Hammond has selected a book by Michael Linger Playing at
Being Bad
• Each region to bring two give aways
• Any regional takers for hospitality room? - possibly contests
• Entertainment at Wine & Cheese? Lisa will arrange
7.4 Communications/Public Relations -Kim Campbell
• No Report
7.5 Advocacy & Public Policy - Helga Berger/Tammy Mitchell
• Attending meeting at the U of M tomorrow
7.6 Historian - Desiree Narvey
• Still working through "the box"
7.7 Manitoba Safe Schools - George Corbett
• No Report
7.8 Early Childhood Committee - Kim Campbell
• No Report
7.9 Inclusive Ed. Consultation - Judy Dandridge
Meeting at end of November
Regional/Partner Reports
8.1 D.S.P.M.-Jacqueline Gosselin
• New school in Thompson
• Workshops available to classroom teachers on Positive Behaviour
• WEVAS has been translated to French
• Work in areas of New Comers
8.2 Metro -Janice Hill
Report circulated
8.3 Northern - Dean Grove
• Nathan Ory - SAG presentation
• Video conferencing on going
• Clinician and Clinician support remains an issue
8.4 Parkland/Westman-Lynn Cory/Bev Szymesko
• Report to Judy to be circulated
• Looking for clarification of Summer GAP
• Request from ARM A
• LD document to come out in 2010
• Discussion around "M" designation
8.5 South Central - Rochelle Rand
• Micheline Durand (Family Services & Housing - transition
planning for children
• PD session on Co-Teaching
• Allan & Tim's power point presentation were shared
• Requested that Tim come out and make presentation to group
8.6 South East/Interlake - Lesley Eblie Trudel
No Report
8.7 MECY - Marilyn Taylor
• As circulated
• Note the November 30th date for Autism Spectrum Disorder
• EA document has been presented at EA Conference SAG - it was
well received
• Marilyn will send email when it is online
• New Project - Core competencies workshop overviews for School
Administrators went over well.
8.8 Healthy Child Manitoba - Terra Johnston
• No Report
Professional Development / Sharing
• CEC brochure is out
• Yes I Can Awards due November 20th
• CCDB - Dr Robert Brookes (please forward email to your schools)
• Let George know if you need anyone trained in WEVAS (5 day training)
• Prairie Spirit School Division is using SSAAM conference in lieu of
Student Services workshop
Meeting Dates: AGM in December 4th, February 1, March 1
Adjournment: moved by Tammy that we adjourn. 2:33 pm
October 20, 2009
Proposed amendments to the Constitution
of Student Services Administrators of Manitoba (SSAAM)
for the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday, December 4, 2009
Submitted by
Jacqueline Gosselin
Second Vice-President
Provincial Committee
Article III - Membership
Section III.3 Honorary Life Membership
3. Procedures:
a) The Past President will call for nominations for candidates for honorary life
membership from SSAAM members, to be submitted prior to October 15.
b) All nominations made by SSAAM members will be presented to the SSAAM
Provincial Executive for consideration and approval.
c) Candidates approved by the SSAAM Provincial Executive will receive recognition at
the next annual conference.
d) Candidates will receive complimentary registration, accommodations and travelling
expenses from the last place of employment within Manitoba.
Article IV - Awards
Section IV.1 SSAAM Certificate of Recognition
3. Procedures:
a) The Past President will call for nominations for candidates for a SSAAM Certificate of
Recognition from SSAAM members, to be submitted prior to October 15.
b) All nominations made by SSAAM members will be presented to the SSAAM
Provincial Executive for consideration and approval.
c) Candidates approved by the SSAAM Provincial Executive will receive recognition at
the next annual conference.
Candidates will receive complimentary registration, accommodations and travelling
expenses from the last place of employment within Manitoba.
Article V - Officers
Section V.2 Provincial Committee
1. The Provincial Committee of SSAAM shall consist of:
a) a Provincial Executive that will be elected at the Annual General Meeting by SSAAM
members in good standing. The Provincial Executive shall include: President, First
Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past
President, Professional Development Chairperson, Public Relations Chairperson, Public
Relations Chairperson, and Advocacy and Public Policy Chairperson.
1. The Provincial Committee of SSAAM shall consist of:
a) a Provincial Executive that will be elected at the Annual General Meeting by SSAAM
members in good standing. The Provincial Executive shall include: President, First
Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past
President, Second Vice President, Professional Development Chairperson, Public
Relations Chairperson, and Advocacy and Public Policy Chairperson.
b) Table Officers of SSAAM shall include: President, First Vice-President, Second VicePresident, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, Second Vice President
Section V.5 Duties of Provincial Committee and Provincial Executive Officers
6. The Immediate Past President
a) shall serve as chairperson of the Nominations Committee
b) shall receive nominations prior to October 15 for Certificates of Recognition and
Honorary Life Memberships and organize the plan for presentation of those awards
at the annual general meeting of SSAAM.
c) shall ensure that letters be sent to the school divisions of all executive members
upon appointment and end of terms acknowledging the work of their employee on
the SSAAM executive on behalf of the students of Manitoba.
Section V.5 Duties of Provincial Committee, Provincial Executive Officers and
Table Officers
6. The Immediate Past President
a) shall support and advise the President and the Provincial Committee as to strategic
directions and ongoing issues
b) can be delegated by the President to represent SSAAM
c) shall serve as chairperson of the Nominations Committee
d) shall receive nominations prior to October 15 for Certificates of Recognition and
Honorary Life Memberships and organize the plan for presentation of those awards
at the annual general meeting of SSAAM.
e) shall ensure that letters be sent to the school divisions of all executive members
upon appointment and end of terms acknowledging the work of their employee on
the SSAAM executive on behalf of the students of Manitoba.
7. The Second Past President
a) shall provide mentorship to the President and the Provincial Committee
b) can be delegated by the President to represent SSAAM
change the numeration of the following from 7-11 to 8-12
8. Public Relations/Communications Chairperson
9. Professional Development Chairperson
10. Advocacy and Public Policy Chairperson
11. Historian/Archivist
12. Regional/Organizational Representatives
Article VI - Duties of Provincial Committee and Provincial Executive
Section VI.1 Provincial Committee
The Provincial Committee shall meet prior to the annual meeting of SSAAM and at least
three other times during the school year. It shall approve payment of all bills. It shall
approve appointments, as recommended by the President, of officers to fill vacancies.
It shall act upon matters of business that may arise between annual meetings of
Section VI.2 Provincial Executive
The Provincial Executive shall meet at the call of the President in case of emergency.
Change to:
The Provincial Committee shall meet on the first Monday of February, March, May, June
October, and November following the annual meeting of SSSAM. It shall approve
payment of all bills. It shall approve appointments, as recommended by the President, of
officers to fill vacancies. It shall act upon matters of business that may arise between
annual meetings of SSAAM.
Section VI.2 Provincial Executive
The Provincial Executive shall meet at the call of the President in case of emergency.
Section VI.3 Table Officers
The Table Officers shall meet a minimum of four times between Provincial Committee
meetings or at the call of the President as needed or in case of emergency to direct the
operations of the Provincial Executive and to oversee the implementation of Provincial
Committee goals.
SSAAM Executive
November 2009
H1N1 Vaccine - Correspondence was recently sent to school divisions
concerning H1N1 Vaccine information to be distributed and shared with schools
and parents.
Attendance Initiative - an intergovernmental working group led by MECY is
developing an action plan to address attendance issues that cross jurisdictions.
There will also be further consultation on a framework for an action plan.
Rural and Northern Initiative - A workshop providing an introduction to the topic
of Learning Disabilities is being offered to R & N school divisions and is
appropriate for classroom teachers, resource teachers and administrators. The
rural and northern consultants are available for consultation and professional
development support at the school division or school level. Please contact them
Augmentative/Alternative Communication Interest group - met on
September 30th from 9:00-3:30 in 217B -1181 Portage Avenue. Interested
Speech Language Pathologists were to contact Andrea Marginet for further
information (362-2011) or <Andrea.Marginet@gov.mb.ca>.
Mental Health - The Student Mental Health Resource Team (SMHRT) from the
Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre will be holding seminars on several
mental health topics for schools again this year. The first one will be held on
Monday, November 30 on the topic of Autism Spectrum Disorder assessment.
Sessions can be attended in person at 1181 Portage in Winnipeg, through videoconferencing, or on the internet via Li-Stream. A jetter regarding registration will
'be sent out to all SSA's with session andI contact information.
Special Needs funding - Tim Thorne recently provided a presentation on the
next steps for special needs funding to SSAAM Executive. At their request a
letter and PowerPoint presentation was recently sent to all Superintendents and
SSAs. The implementation of the fifth recommendation, to implement a review
and reporting process between MECY and school divisions to verify attendance
and continued eligibility for Level II and III funded students, will begin in 20092010.
Student services administrators have been asked to lead a conversation with
their school division colleagues concerning the review and reporting process
identified in the attached PowerPoint and provide feedback.
In addition, MECY is asking for volunteer school divisions to participate this year;
the experiences of these school divisions will inform the process in future years.
Please contact Tim Thorne at 945-1732 <tim.thorne@gov.mb.ca>, if you have
any questions, feedback or wish to volunteer.
Core Competency Workshops - To better meet the priority learning needs of
school divisions and individual educators, in 2009-2010 the Core Competency
Workshops will be offered upon request by Superintendents or Student Services
Administrators to school divisions/regions; and as a Summer Institute in August
MECY currently offers the following Core Competency Workshops:
Planning for Student Diversity
Assessment to Support Student-Specific Planning
Developing and Implementing an Individual Education Plan
A Classroom Approach to Support Positive Behaviour
Planning for Behaviour
Please see the letter sent to Superintendents and Student Services
Administrators (September 11, 2009) for a brief description of the available
CCWs and for contact information to discuss scheduling, or
contact Bette-Ann Turner <Bette-Ann.Turner@gov.mb.ca>; 204-945-8261.
New Resource Teacher Orientation Workshops - Two-day workshops for
beginning resource teachers will be offered in English (October 15-16, Winnipeg;
October 29-30, Brandon) and in French for educators working in French
Immersion settings (October 29-30, Winnipeg).
Day One will provide an overview of general roles and responsibilities,
Appropriate Educational Programming regulations and standards, related MECY
policies and guidelines, assessment to support student-specific planning,
funding, record-keeping and pupil file management. Day Two will focus on the
student-specific planning process and Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Please see the letter sent to Superintendents and Student Services
Administrators September 2009, or contact:
Bette-Ann Turner (English) at 204-945-8261; <Bette-Ann.Turner@gov.mb.ca> or
Anne-Marie Lapointe-Lafond (French) at 204-945-8358; <Anne-Marie.LapointeLafond@gov.mb.ca>.
School Counsellor Certificate Guidelines - The Professional Certification Unit
of the Education Administration Services Branch has posted new optional
certification guidelines for School Counsellors on their website. The new
guidelines and contact information can be found at:
Document Update - The support document Educational Assistants in
Manitoba Schools will be posted online in both English and French by early
November. Notice of the posting will be sent to stakeholders who participated in
the consultation process and the Educational Stakeholder organizations as well
as School Division Administration.
The support document, Student-Specific Planning: A Handbook for
Developing and Implementing Individual Education Plans (lEPs) will be
distributed and posted online in both English and French in December 2009.
Metro SSAAM Report
November 2/09
On out October 9th meeting we had 2 presentations:
Tim Thorne- External Funding Review Implementation
Allan Hawkins- Integrated Clinical Services Outcomes
Next meeting on November 13 we will have Kirsten Wirth from ABA talk to the group around clarifying
the roles of the schools and ABA when working with a child supported by ABA. Tim is sharing individual
SD concerns and experiences with her in preparation for her meeting with us. Tim shared written
information with the group on ABA
We have an Assistive Technology Committee who is meeting to talk about what software different SD's
are using and ways we may be able to purchase it in a more cost effective way.
Janice Hill
First Vice President's Report
Provincial SSAAM Executive Meeting
2 November 2009
Activities to Date:
Attended meeting on 20 May 2009 between SSAAM and the Hon. Peter
Bjornson, Minister of Education, and the Hon. Minister of Healthy Living, Keri
Irvin-Ross to review the resolutions passed by the membership
Attended Safe Schools Manitoba committee meetings as the representative
of Provincial SSAAM
Attended working group meetings on 26 June, 28 August and 14 September
to develop a proposal re newcomers to Manitoba who are war affected
Attended meetings with representatives from Manitoba Association of School
Superintendents and Manitoba School Board Association, 9 October 2009
Respectfully Submitted by,
George Corbett
First Vice President
November 2, 2009
President's Report
Judy Dandridge
October 9: meeting with MSBA & MASS
George, Candace, Judy
Common topics between three groups
Develop letter to be sent to MTS, MASBO, MAPC to propose joint review of resolutions
October 8:
Consultation re: Towards Inclusion: Supporting Positive Behaviour in Manitoba Classrooms
(with Wilma Ritzer)
• Conference call George, Candace, Jacqueline re: constitutional amendments proposed
Distribute Proactive Survey on behalf of SSAAM membership
October 20, 2009
Proposed amendments to the Constitution
of Student Services Administrators of Manitoba (SSAAM)
for the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday, December 4, 2009
Submitted by
Jacqueline Gosselin
Second Vice-President
Provincial Committee
Article III - Membership
Section III.3 Honorary Life Membership
3. Procedures:
a) The Past President will call for nominations for candidates for honorary life
membership from SSAAM members, to be submitted prior to October 15.
b) All nominations made by SSAAM members will be presented to the SSAAM
Provincial Executive for consideration and approval.
c) Candidates approved by the SSAAM Provincial Executive will receive recognition at
the next annual conference.
d) Candidates will receive complimentary registration, accommodations and travelling
expenses from the last place of employment within Manitoba.
Article IV - Awards
Section IV.1 SSAAM Certificate of Recognition
3. Procedures:
a) The Past President will call for nominations for candidates for a SSAAM Certificate of
Recognition from SSAAM members, to be submitted prior to October 15.
b) All nominations made by SSAAM members will be presented to the SSAAM
Provincial Executive for consideration and approval.
c) Candidates approved by the SSAAM Provincial Executive will receive recognition at
the next annual conference.
Candidates will receive complimentary registration, accommodations and travelling
expenses from the last place of employment within Manitoba.
Article V - Officers
Section V.2 Provincial Committee
1. The Provincial Committee of SSAAM shall consist of:
a) a Provincial Executive that will be elected at the Annual General Meeting by SSAAM
members in good standing. The Provincial Executive shall include: President, First
Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past
President, Professional Development Chairperson, Public Relations Chairperson, Public
Relations Chairperson, and Advocacy and Public Policy Chairperson.
1 . The Provincial Committee of SSAAM shall consist of:
a) a Provincial Executive that will be elected at the Annual General Meeting by SSAAM
members in good standing. The Provincial Executive shall include: President, First
Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past
President, Second Vioff President, Professional Development Chairperson, Public
Relations Chairperson, and Advocacy and Public Policy Chairperson.
b) Table Officers of SSAAM shall include: President, First Vice-President, Second VicePresident, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, Second VJ03 President
Section V.5 Duties of Provincial Committee and Provincial Executive Officers
6. The Immediate Past President
a) shall serve as chairperson of the Nominations Committee
b) shall receive nominations prior to October 15 for Certificates of Recognition and
Honorary Life Memberships and organize the plan for presentation of those awards
at the annual general meeting of SSAAM.
c) shall ensure that letters be sent to the school divisions of all executive members
upon appointment and end of terms acknowledging the work of their employee on
the SSAAM executive on behalf of the students of Manitoba.
Section V.5 Duties of Provincial Committee, Provincial Executive Officers and
Table Officers
6. The Immediate Past President
a) shall support and advise the President and the Provincial Committee as to strategic
directions and ongoing issues
b) can be delegated by the President to represent SSAAM
c) shall serve as chairperson of the Nominations Committee
d) shall receive nominations prior to October 15 for Certificates of Recognition and
Honorary Life Memberships and organize the plan for presentation of those awards
at the annual general meeting of SSAAM.
e) shall ensure that letters be sent to the school divisions of all executive members
upon appointment and end of terms acknowledging the work of their employee on
the SSAAM executive on behalf of the students of Manitoba.
7. The Second Past President
a) shall provide mentorship to the President and the Provincial Committee
b) can be delegated by the President to represent SSAAM
change the numeration of the following from 7-11 to 8 - 12
8. Public Relations/Communications Chairperson
9. Professional Development Chairperson
10. Advocacy and Public Policy Chairperson
11. Historian/Archivist
12. Regional/Organizational Representatives
Article VI - Duties of Provincial Committee and Provincial Executive
Section VI.1 Provincial Committee
The Provincial Committee shall meet prior to the annual meeting of SSAAM and at least
three other times during the school year. It shall approve payment of all bills. It shall
approve appointments, as recommended by the President, of officers to fill vacancies.
It shall act upon matters of business that may arise between annual meetings of
Section VI.2 Provincial Executive
The Provincial Executive shall meet at the call of the President in case of emergency.
Change to:
The Provincial Committee shall meet on the first Monday of February, March, May, June
October, and November following the annual meeting of SSSAM. It shall approve
payment of all bills. It shall approve appointments, as recommended by the President, of
officers to fill vacancies. It shall act upon matters of business that may arise between
annual meetings of SSAAM.
Section VI.2 Provincial Executive
The Provincial Executive shall meet at the call of the President in case of emergency.
Section VI.3 Table Officers
The Table Officers shall meet a minimum of four times between Provincial Committee
meetings or at the call of the President as needed or in case of emergency to direct the
operations of the Provincial Executive and to oversee the implementation of Provincial
Committee goals.
Portage la Prairie School Division Office
535 - 3rd Street N.W.
Attendees - Lynn Cory, Judy Dandridge, Lisa Martin, Rochelle Rands, Jacqueline Gosselin,
George Corbett, Jan Hill, Tammy Mitchell, Lesley Eblie Trudel, Dean Grove, Wilma
Ritzer, Marilyn Taylor, Desiree Narvey, Cheryl Dyer-Vigier, Candace Borger
Regrets - Helga Berger, Bev Szemesko
Additions to/Approval of Agenda - Revised Agenda was accepted Lynn 2nd by Lisa
Approval of Minutes of June 8th Moved by Jan 2nd by Tammy - carried
Business Arising from Minutes
Proactive Survey - Lisa
o Met Proactive in July
o Draft was circulated to committee who met with Proactive in July
o Recommendations were made for Lisa to take back to Proactive
o Challenge is - Who do we send it to (MECY list (divisionally provided), SSAM
(membership list), & Regional SSAAM groups
Proposal Development- Jacqueline
o Group met June, August, September
o Good discussion around "New Comers"
o Proposal will depend on meetings with MASS & MECY
o Suggestions include protocols or procedures that include numerous agencies
o Challenges include the number of different groups of "New Comers" that need
to be represented
o What about a "Plan B" of actual state vs desired state - what do people need?
o Long term effects on citizenship and adult life
o How do we dealing with the bridging of children 14-21 yrs of age
o The importance of an intersectoral approach which includes groups like
Labour, Immigration, Advanced Education, Adult Literacy, Health & Justice
o How do we write a resolution that addresses the issues in a more appropriate
Transition Guide for families - Jan
o Jan will send to us to share with regional groups for feed back by the first week
of November
o Q-raised about is the language parent friendly
Correspondence that is addressed to Superintendents but should likely
include SSAs — Marilyn has addressed this issue
Pandemic Planning
o Every on is working on this
o How are roles going to need to change in the event of a pandemic situation
o Chinook School Division in BC has a continuity plan www.chinooksedge.ab.ca
o Idea was shared regarding the writing of a script for front line workers
o Costs are high for the products required
MAST - Carolyn Duhamel - dates to meet
MECY - Towards Inclusion consultation request: SSAAM & Region Rep
—things have been sorted out regarding representation at the consultation meeting
Consultation will be done electronically
Send names to Brenda Henderson
Community Living, Anne Kresta invitation to participate in panel
Honourable Peter Bjornson - acknowledge delegation
Assistant to Minister of Healthy Living - acknowledge correspondence
MASS resolutions
5.1 Honourable Kerri Irvin-Ross- A letter was read by Judy that Leslie wrote on our
o Response was received and will meet with Leslie & Judy in November
New Business
Terms of office executive - Constitution - Jacqueline/Judy
Currently terms are 1 year only
Should we approach membership to make executive positions a 2 year
o Should we add a position for Membership
o Discussion occurred
• Jacqueline needs to bring a change to Constitution to AGM in
• Table officer
Decision to have meeting with Judy, George, Candace & Jacqueline to review constitution - Jacqueline
will coordinate this committee
Tim Thorne 9:30 A.M. - moved to be done first
Tim shared the power point slides (copy attached to today's minutes) - blue ink
indicates SSAAM discussion
• Guiding Principles of process
• Collaborative
• Positive
• Continuous improvement
• Outcomes-focused.
• Proposed
• Process to verify attendance & eligibility
• Opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions
Will NOT be an:
• Audit, evaluation of programming, alternate to appeal process, or
linked to Categorical Grants
Key Components - to be discussed and finalized
• School divisions identified within a regular cycle (will be looking for
volunteer school divisions to "test drive" the model this school year)this is not a PILOT it is a test run...
• Collaboration prior to visit
o Students who MECY/School Division might like to be seen
o Programs you would like to highlight at the visit
o Times & dates
o Participants in process - parents, Secretary-Treasurers,
Superintendents, School Principals (who do you want to
School Visits - opportunity to see students and programs a good
Observation of Level II & Level III funded students
o Key part of process
o Students will be identified ahead of time
Observation of special programs
Conversations between MECY staff & school/school division staff
Follow-up summary
o Short summary
o Report would include
• Schools visited
• Students observed
• Special Programs observed
needs to happen for this to be a valuable process?
The categorical grant review was helpful - it seems this would be a
Opportunity to showcase what we are doing - makes the work we do
? Are you saying that following some school visits we could bring
those people together to talk about the process - A-yes (quite open to
who participates)it would a chance to talk about the visits. This is an
opportunity to go back to divisions and ask - Who needs to be
involved in this process? It is an opportunity to share information
about what is involved and what is the role of the people involved.
Important to highlight that there is time for divisional people to have
time to think about process before jumping in - it may be seen as fear
or opportunity - "fear meets opportunity"
Important to have time to take this back to school divisions to think
about how we as a division will approach this collaboration.
Q- How much time needed to process this? A-timeline in the
presentation looks good.
Feed back by end of October is tight - It was decided that timeline
could go to mid November- Send in your names if you are
interested as soon as possible.
People will take it back to their divisions
If it is a divisions year to meet and report on Categorical Grants - you
may choose to wait
It is a good opportunity to participate this year.
Q-what are you looking at for time frame of visits. A-based on a
balance that works for each division
Is this information going to Superintendents-SSAM are asked to share
this info with Superintendents - Marilyn has asked that this
information be sent to both SSAM & Superintendents
Communication with Superintendents is important- MECY will
arrange a letter to SSAAM and Superintendents-power point will be
sent as well
How do we involve parents in a way that is not "appeal like process"possibly meet with parents ahead of time, maybe a member of a
ACSL or Trustee. Having parents that could represent parents as a
population rather than as a self interest parent?
How do we do this in a reasonable and respectful way - everyone will
have their own "agenda" and we need to be prepared.
Decide what you want from the sessions, you may want to be limit
participation and then decide how to expand the focus
groups/participants involved, i.e. parent groups, EAs, trustees,
secretary-treasurers, principals, resource teachers etc.
Keep it solution focused! - helps keep discussions on track "How to
present passion in a positive manner".
Maybe the first round needs to be more of a controlled group of key
How do we give parents a voice? - how do we involve them effectively
(part of feed back at school level but not necessarily at divisional table
for discussion
This is about open discussion in how do we move this forward
Marilyn added that this is key in our divisional process
• We need to be cognizant of who we as SSAAM invite to the table for
this process
• This is NOT an appeal process - participants need to be aware of this
before participating.
• This DOES NOT include URIS - Group A, or EBD III
Next Steps
• Consult with your divisions
• Let MECY know if you want to volunteer or not
• Begin Process
Allan Hawkins - Integrated Clinical Services Outcomes Program
• Involves Speech Language, Social Work, OT/PT, & Psych
Allan reviewed the ICSOP - power point is attached to SSAAM minutes
• Based on functional behavioural assessments
• Links to EIS and Health-with all permissions in place
• MET # is given at "first contact" with a clinician (birth - age 21)
• Links to government priorities
• Longitudinal information on children
• Provide managers with current statistical data
• Links to CTI regions
• ? will this help with kids on INAC system - A beginning discussions around
provisions of MET #s
• Everyone is trained in same manner - consistency across the province
• Improves professionalism when work is outcome based.
• Currently some clinical groups have presented challenges in servers, cds, etc.
therefore moving to a "web based" system will help
• ? is there a move to review the SLP outcomes - does it need to be updated A
- Leslie Goertzen is the contact. There was discussion around the challenges
with SLP outcomes - possibly the statement about "ongoing reviews" will be
beneficial as the types of needs of children have changed since the original
SLP outcomes were created
• Compliant with privacy legislation
• Standardized internationally
• User Friendly - limits keystrokes
• Encourages Best Practice
Next Steps.
• Field clinician testing in Jan. 2010
• A Release of information to collect data could look like
• / understand that information about my child will be
o Recorded at (name of school division) for service coordination
o Used in collecting nen-identifiable data for program evaluation
and research
• Q -When will it be available in French - A -translation dept wants things in final
version before translation begins
« Q - is a written copy of OT/PT outcomes available - A -not at this time
• Q - How are health being inserviced. A-Health has said yes this is going to
happen and training will be occurring. Not sure if all Health Authorities are all
up to speed
• Q - has it been articulated to the Superintendents? A- it has in the past - a
letter will be coming in the future
Request to consult focus group - Rudy Ambtman (private consultant)
like to meet with some SSAs
Divisions need a more formal request for participation
Superintendents need to be involved
Possibly he should approach MASS
Judy shared the letter received
As an organization we do not have a position at this time, therefore we will
decline to participate at this time
Threat Assessment - what model are people using?
Community Living panel request - participant volunteer
Training sessions available - contact Allan Hawkins
Should be field available late fall and clinician's likely be able to log on by late
Many are using Kevin Cameron
Candace reported that they will be doing a Level II training with Kevin Cameron
March 9/10
Officer and Committee Reports
7.1 Officer Reports - President, Vice-Presidents, Past President
Judy shared May meeting notes
New coordinators was well attended
A sub committee group met Proactive
Candace shared info about Honorary & Life Membership
7.2 Treasurer's Report-Wilma Ritzer
June 8th & October report was circulated
Closing balance as of May 31, 2009 is $16,690.12
Closing balance as of Sept 31, 2009 is $16,377.18
Membership was discussed - come prepared to discuss it at next meeting
7.3 Professional Development & SSAAM Conference- Lisa and Jacqueline
Proactive will make changes as we requested - final draft next week
Invites went to other organizations i.e. Ontario, Saskatchewan CFS,
Authorities etc..
Hospitality Room - Thank you to Metro
• What region would like to take on the roll to host (Lisa will get all the
supplies) Possibly a "theme"
• Do we want to do the give-a-ways (2 gifts per region)
• Lunch on Wednesday is for those attending the Wednesday morning
session only (Deaf & Hard of Hearing)
7.4 Communications/Public Relations -Kim Campbell
7.5 Advocacy & Public Policy - Helga Berger/Tammy Mitchell
7.6 Historian - Desiree Narvey
Has 7 pdf files to go on Web site - WOW!
7.7 Manitoba Safe Schools - George Corbett
Meeting next week - report will be forwarded
7.8 Early Childhood Committee - Kim Campbell
7.9 Inclusive Ed. Consultation - Judy Dandridge
Information was circulated
Met in Sept 28/09 - a resolution was drafted
Recommendation was made for a steering group to be established
Possibly add 2 reps (Justice & Child Protection)
7.10 Mental Health Issues in Manitoba Schools 7.11
Student Service Forum - Lisa
MECY is not going to host a Student Services Forum this year
Regional/Partner Reports
8.1 D.S.P.M.-Jacqueline Gosselin
Divisional Inservice for 2 days on Behaviour
Action Plan for year is Behaviour, Resource Teacher Development, Evaluation
of Writing, New Comers, Student Files, etc.
ASIST is available in French
WEVAS is now available in French
8.2 Metro -Janice Hill
First meeting in on Friday Oct. 9/09
8.3 Northern - Dean Grove
Personnel changes
Beginning meeting in October
Working with CTI - for clinicians
Thank you to MECY for Rural & Northern Bursary
Will promote SSAAM membership drive
8.4 Parkland/Westman-Lynn Cory/Bev Szymesko
First meeting Oct. 16/09
8.5 South Central - Rochelle Rand
Allan and Freya presented at our first meeting in September
Co-Teaching workshop starting in October
MECY rep is Jean Hallis however, Freya will work with us when Jean is not
8.6 South East/lnterlake - Lesley Eblie Trudel
First meeting on Sept. 21/09
Will be rotating meetings
Hosting Scott Larson (Resiliency) on Oct 22/09 - spots are available at a cost
of $85 - contact Lesley
Challenging all other regions for the Give-a-ways at SSAAM conference
(favourable representation of our region
Pandemic Planning in progress
8.7 MECY-Marilyn Taylor
Written report was circulated - highlights include
• Attendance Initiative
• New attendance recording announcement just released
• Mini core competency workshops for Principals
• Rural & Northern consultations beginning
• AAC group has met
• EA document will be on website by early November
• IEP document in December 2009
• Website is being updated
8.8 Healthy Child Manitoba -Wendy Church
Professional Development/ Sharing
Starfish pins may be available
Meeting Dates: November 2, February 1, March 1
Adjournment: Moved by Candace 3:35 pm
Agenda Items for next meeting - come prepared to discuss
o Membership
o Constitution
SSAAM Executive
October 2009
Pandemic Planning Correspondence - A package was sent to school divisions
concerning school division response to influenza-like illness, including H1N1 flu on
July 20, 2009. Samples of school division plans from an urban and rural school division
accompanied the package.
Attendance Initiative - the Attendance Research Initiative external consultation
has been completed. A report by Probe Research is on the MECY Website. In
response to the report there will be an intergovernmental working group to
address issues that cross jurisdictions. There will also be further consultation on
a framework for an action plan. One of the first actions will be a directive from
MECY in respect to reporting attendance in Manitoba schools. This should be
sent to the field in early October.
New Student Services Administrator's Workshop - was held on August 31,
2009 at PSSB in partnership with SSAAM. This was a successful full day with 10
participants. Package available to SSAAM upon request.
New Administrators - Planning In Education Orientation Workshop
Opportunity for "newer" and aspiring administrators attended a workshop on
school and divisional planning and reporting was held on September 23, 2009 in
Winnipeg. Feedback was very positive.
Rural and Northern Initiative - Correspondence regarding consultative support
and professional development for rural and northern school divisions was sent to
school divisions on August 17, 2009. A workshop providing an introduction to the
topic of Learning Disabilities is being offered to R & N school divisions and is
appropriate for classroom teachers, resource teachers and administrators. The
rural and northern consultants are available to deliver this workshop at the school
division or school level.
Augmentative/Alternative Communication Interest group - met on
September 30th from 9:00-3:30 in 217B -1181 Portage Avenue. Interested
Speech Language Pathologists were to contact Andrea Marginet for further
information (362-2011) or <Andrea.Marginet@gov.mb.ca>.
Provincial Advisory Committee on Child Abuse (PACCA) - is offering a free
educational workshop entitled "Youth Self-Harm" on October 15, 2009. A letter
was recently sent to school divisions as well as other partners and is intended to
support service providers and their invited partners who work with you. The
keynote presenter, Dr. Laurence Katz, is from the Child and Adolescent Mental
Health Department at the Health Sciences Centre. The afternoon will consist of a
panel discussion on the topic of youth self-harm with representatives from
Manitoba Justice, Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth, First Nations and
Child Welfare.
Mental Health - Educating Students with Mental Health Issues Working Group the report was shared with other government departments as many of the
recommendations were relevant to other non-MECY initiatives, and during
2008/09 several of the initiatives have already been implemented.
Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet requested that the recommendations be
shared with Manitoba Health and Healthy Living to provide input into the broader
provincial plan for all age groups over the next several years.
Special Needs funding - Deadline for the fall additions/deletions round was
October 2. If you have questions about funding history information, funding reread dates, or verification of receipt of divisional information, please contact Judy
at 945-6064 or <judy.mcconnell@gov.mb.ca>. Please direct all other funding
questions to Tim Thorne at 945-1732 <tim.thorne@gov.mb.ca>, Allan Hawkins at
945-2757 <allan.hawkins@gov.mb.ca> for EBD Level 3, or Marilyn Taylor at
945-7921 <marilyn.taylor@gov.mb.ca> for URIS Group A applications.
Core Competency Workshops - To better meet the priority learning needs of
school divisions and individual educators, in 2009-2010 the Core Competency
Workshops will be offered
upon request by Superintendents or Student Services Administrators to
school divisions/regions; and
as a Summer Institute in August 2010.
MECY currently offers the following Core Competency Workshops:
Planning for Student Diversity
Assessment to Support Student-Specific Planning
Developing and Implementing an Individual Education Plan
A Classroom Approach to Support Positive Behaviour
Planning for Behaviour
Please see the letter sent to Superintendents and Student Services
Administrators (September 11, 2009) for a brief description of the available
CCWs and for contact information to discuss scheduling, or
contact Bette-Ann Turner <Bette-Ann.Turner@gov.mb.ca>; 204-945-8261.
New Resource Teacher Orientation Workshops - Two-day workshops for
beginning resource teachers will be offered in English (October 15-16, Winnipeg;
October 29-30, Brandon) and in French for educators working in French
Immersion settings (October 29-30, Winnipeg).
Day One will provide an overview of general roles and responsibilities,
Appropriate Educational Programming regulations and standards, related MECY
policies and guidelines, assessment to support student-specific planning,
funding, record-keeping and pupil file management. Day Two will focus on the
student-specific planning process and Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Please see the letter sent to Superintendents and Student Services
Administrators September 2009, or contact:
Bette-Ann Turner (English) at 204-945-8261; <Bette-Ann.Turner@gov.mb.ca> or
Anne-Marie Lapointe-Lafond (French) at 204-945-8358; <Anne-Marie.LapointeLafond@gov.mb.ca>.
School Counsellor Certificate Guidelines - The Professional Certification Unit
of the Education Administration Services Branch has posted new optional
certification guidelines for School Counsellors on their website. The new
guidelines and contact information can be found at:
Document Update - The support document Educational Assistants in
Manitoba Schools will be posted online in both English and French by early
November. Notice of the posting will be sent to stakeholders who participated in
the consultation process and the Educational Stakeholder organizations as well
as School Division Administration.
The support document, Student-Specific Planning: A Handbook for
Developing and Implementing Individual Education Plans (lEPs) will be
distributed and posted online in both English and French in December 2009.
An organization committed to
advocacy and support
The Student Services Administrators'
Association of Manitoba
... believes in a philosophy of lifelong
learning and caring.
... believes that all students have the right to
be educated according to their needs.
... is a leading advocate in ensuring
appropriate educational planning for all
... promotes collaboration and coordination
in the provision of programs and services to
all students.
... advocates for best practices in education,
and facilitates opportunities for professional
development and support of all its members.
... communicates its beliefs to other
educators, other pertinent organizations,
and the community at large.
You can help us make that happen!
The Student Services Administrators' Association
of Manitoba (SSAAM) relies on the strength and
commitment of its members. The provincial
organization serves its members in six regions:
a Division Scolaire Franco-Manitobaine
a Metro Winnipeg
a Northern
a South Central
a South East/Interlake
a Westman/Parkland
These regions are coordinated by a Provincial
Committee that is composed of three groups: a
Provincial Executive that is elected each year by
the general membership, Regional
Representatives who are chosen each year by the
various regions and selected educational partners
that currently include one representative each
from Healthy Child Manitoba and Manitoba,
Education, Citizenship and Youth . The
Provincial Committee is responsible for
developing and implementing the SSAAM
constitution, identifying provincial issues,
promoting membership in and partnership with
our organization and advocating for best practices
for students and teachers. SSAAM is committed
to leadership in education through partnering to
build strong communities.
Membership in SSAAM:
SSAAM currently offers two types of
membership for interested educators: Active
membership and Associate membership. The
eligibility requirements and rights of each are
described on the following panel of this
Active Membership: Eligibility and Rights
1. Active membership is open to educators whose
primary duty is: /
a) to administer and coordinate student
services and programs at the divisional
level, arid
b) to provide consultation and support for
special education, resource and general
education teachers.
Active membership entitles active members:
a) to attend all general meetings of the
b) to attend all regional meetings of the
c) to vote on all questions presented to the
d) to hold office;
Associate Membership: Eligibility and Rights
Associate membership is open to:
a) SSAAM alumni who have accumulated a
minimum of at least two years
membership, who have retired or moved
on to other functions and who have a
keen interest in the support and
development of SSAAM as an
b) educational and clinical personnel who
are not eligible for active membership
but whose responsibility is the
professional preparation and/or
supervision of teachers, consultants, and
clinicians in the area of special
Associate membership entitles associate
a) to attend all general meetings of the
b) to serve as committee members as
appointed by the Executive.
Student Services Inclusive Education Committee
May 25, 2009
1:00 p.m. - 3:00.m.
Room 217B-1181 Portage Avenue
Attending: Edie Wilde, Pat Talbot, Anne Kresta, Judith Cameron, Sandy McCaig,
Joan Zaretsky, Marilyn Taylor, Joanna Blais
Regrets: Mark Robertson, Susan Schmidt, Judy Dandridge, Helen Robinson-Settee,
Jan Stewart
Business from last meeting - Suggested Revisions to the Building Guidelines
document were sent to the Public Schools' Finance Board, (copy of suggested
changes attached for your information).
Updates (information provided by participants).
Attached : Healthy Living, MASS, MECY, MSCA, ACL, MAPC
Planning for next year
a) resolution prepared by SSAAM
".. the Minister of Education, Citizenship and Youth .... Establish an
interdepartmental Advisory Group that includes representatives from each
Department as well as MASS and SSAAM. This advisory group would meet
twice a year to identify means to provide seamless service and seamless
financial support between departments to the children in Manitoba."
Request by SSAAM to defer discussion until Fall meeting
Discussion regarding the goal of providing advise on documents and initiatives.
Suggested initiatives:
Report from the Attendance Review
Report on the Rural and Northern Initiative
Jordon's Principle
Documents (revision of the IEP Handbook, Learning Disabilities Resource
and new Behavior Support Document)
Service delivery issues (ie. 18-21 services)
Disabilities Framework
b) Student Services Conference - Topic deferred to next meeting
Other items:
• professional development activities supplied by MTS can be found on the MTS
• MTS is sponsoring a Summer Institute re Student Services in July, registration
still available
• Diversity and Inclusion Conference is being supported by a number of
organizations in the fall 2010
Meeting Dates (please mark your calendars)
September 28, 2009
November 30, 2009
February 22, 2010
April 26,2010
Room 307 - 1181 Portage Avenue
Room 217A -1181 Portage Avenue
Room 217A - 1181 Portage Avenue
Room 217B - 1181 Portage Avenue
All meetings will be from 12:00 - 3:00
Light lunch will be provided
Please be reminded the committee members should be sending an update electronically
prior to the meeting.
Manitoba School Counsellors' Association
Information Update
1. We are anticipating that certification will be announced shortly. A
few of the executive members will prepare a media release response and
statement on behalf of MSCA. We are working with MTS to teach a twoday pd session as an introduction for school counsellors.
2. There are some nomination forms attached. If you know of a school
counsellor who you would like to nominate, please send it to Cathie
Eliasson, Awards Chair or to Jan Stewart (ja.stewart@uwinnipeg.ca)
3. The University of Winnipeg has a PBDE program and we are teaching
several school counselling courses this summer and the following
academic year. Several school counsellors and MSCA members will be
teaching the courses. (Introduction to School Counselling, Early Years
School Counselling, Senior Years School Counselling, Developmental
Teaching, Teaching and Counselling Children Affected by War).
4. Our journal is going National. This coming year we will be
launching "The Canadian Journal of School Counselling." The journal is
peer reviewed and editors are both practitioners and academics from US
and Canada. The review process will be a teaching process and we
encourage students to submit papers.
Jan Stewart
Student Services Inclusive Education Committee
Information Update
Date: May 2009
Submitted by: Joanna Blais and Marilyn Taylor
Organization: Manitoba Education
Major Activities/ Announcements
Attendance Initiative - MECY, in response to growing concerns about attendance issues has contracted a research
firm to begin investigating the issue of attendance. A draft of the report has been submitted to the Minister.
Student Services Forum - May 8, 2009
The Student Services Forum is a partnership between Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth (MECY) and the
Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba (SSAAM).
The theme of this year's Forum was "Working Toward Universal Design for Learning".
The opening Plenary Session Inclusion: From Intention to Reality was presented by a team from Munroe Junior High
School, River East Transcona School Division.
The closing Plenary Session was a presentation and performance by the Manitoba School for the Deaf Hand
Drumming Group.
In addition, fifteen breakout-sessions were offered throughout the day.
Approximately two hundred and eighty-five educators from across Manitoba attended.
Response to the Forum was very positive; over 80% of all Feedback Form responses rated the Forum as Good or
Distribution of the Resource for Schools with Deaf/Hard of Hearing students - April
Revision of the IEP document scheduled for 09-10
Consultation on EA document, final draft will be sent to stakeholders for final comment by end of May
Development of a Learning Disabilities Resource - ongoing
Development of a Behavior Support Document - ongoing
Professional learning opportunities
ASL training via on line and in September through the U of M
Core Competency Workshops for student service administrators, teachers, clinicians, resource teachers
provided this spring.
The CCW Summer Institute (2009) will be offered in:
Winnipeg ( Robert Fletcher Building) August 11-14; and
Brandon (Ag Centre) August 18-21
Four full-day workshops (each of which has previously been provided in 2007-2008 and/or 2008-2009) will be
Planning for Student Diversity (Day One)
Assessment to Support Student-Specific Planning (Day Two)
A Classroom Approach to Support Positive Behaviour (Day Three)
Planning for Behaviour (Day Four)
Information will be sent to school divisions in early June.
Registration will occur via the MECY Workshop Registration System.
Online Course for ASD
Introduction to LD Workshop being held for R & N S.D. May/June and through the fall 9/10
Workshops being provided in AEP, Low Vision Adaptations, Anxiety, EBD 3 -Circle of Care, URIS, Access
Software and Technology, transition, FASD, risk management and threat assessment, etc
Mental Health Working Group
Report was submitted to the ADMs of Health, FSH and Education. Healthy Child and Health have been reviewed the
report in light of a larger strategy in respect to Mental Health in Manitoba. A presentation to the Human Services
Committee is scheduled for May 26th
Please note this information is intended for the members of the Student Services Inclusive Education Committee, chaired by MECY.
Student Services Inclusive Education Committee
Information Update
Date: May 25, 2009
Submitted by: Mark Robertson
Organization: Healthy Living and Populations
Major Activities/ Announcements
Healthy Buddies™ pilot program launched
Healthy Buddies™ empowers students to live healthier lives by providing them
with knowledge about, as well as encouraging positive attitudes towards three
components of health: physical activity; eating healthy; and, feeling good about
20 schools are participating in the pilot. Half of the selected schools will
implement Healthy Buddies™ in the 2009/2010 academic year while the
remaining selected schools will implement Healthy Buddies™ in the 2010/2011
academic year.
Low Cost Helmet Program - Approx 8,400 helmets have been purchased and
distributed this year- 52,000 helmets distributed over last 4 years. All schools in
Manitoba have received a letter regarding the program.
Disability, Health and Wellness Conference was held May 11/12, 2009. The
focus of the conference was wellness and health promotion from the perspective
of Manitobans with disabilities/chronic conditions, including seniors with
ShoutOut Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and Heterosexism was
released by the Rainbow Resource Centre. The 44-page booklet discusses
sexual orientation, phobias and gives pointers on where and how to get the
support youth need to stay healthy — physically and emotionally.
Please note this information is intended for the members of the Student Services
Inclusive Education Committee, chaired by MECY.
Student Services Inclusive Education Committee
Manitoba Association of Parent Councils (MAPC)
Information Update
Date: May 25th, 2009
Submitted by: Judith Cameron, President, MAPC, CHSF Representative
Organization: Manitoba Association of Parent Councils (MAPC)
Major Activities/ Announcements
MAPC AGM and Conference was held on May 1 and 2, 2009 at the Victoria Inn
in Winnipeg; Keynote speaker was J.Kevin Cameron, Threat Assessment
Consultant from Calgary. Over 70 members were in attendance. Greetings came
from Minister Bjornson, Hugh McFayden, Ian Band, Pat Issak, Erma Braun and
MAPC Executive for the next two years are ; Judith Cameron, President, Alanna
Rawluk, Vice President, Linda Meads, Treasurer and Khalid Mahmood,
Secretary. Judith was also voted in as the MAPC representative to CHSF
(Canadian Home and School Federation)
Board Retreat was held on May22, 23 and 24, 2009 in Winnipeg. Review of
Goals document, policy manual and strategic planning professional development
was undertaken.
Completed MAPC Northern Tour with visits and presentations made to parents,
administration and staff of Kelsey School Division (The Pas), and Flin Flon
School Division (Flin Flon) as well as at OCN (The Pas)
Was invited by Mystery School Division, Superintendent, Hugh Fraser to visit
Thompson and meet with senior administration regarding their need to explore the
issue of dealing effectively with difficult parents. An evening session was held
with admin staff and Naomi Kruse, Executive Director for MAPC and Judith
Cameron, President MAPC on May 20th in Thompson, MB.
Work has begun on the development of a parental survey based on a template
provided by Alberta Home and School Association, to explore issues, concerns
and successes of Parent Advisory Councils with in the province. An advisory
committee has been struck to aide in the development and delivery of the survey
Our office will be closed throughout the summer months, (end of June until end
of August) although we are still available to address concerns and/or take on
Advocacy cases as needed
Naomi Kruse, Executive Director and President Judith Cameron will be attending
Summer Institute in Hecla in August
Meeting with our MECY funding representative, Marilyn Robinson and with
Minister Peter Bjornson is scheduled for June/July for MAPC Executive and
Please note this information is intended for the members of the Student Services
Inclusive Education Committee, chaired by MECY.
Student Services Inclusive Education Committee
Information Update
Date: May 25th, 2009
Submitted by: Edie Wilde
Organization: Manitoba Association of School Superintendent's
Major Activities/ Announcements
1. MASS is planning a major conference for November 2010 which will be about
diversity and inclusion with a focus on global citizenship and human rights.
Please note this information is intended for the members of the Student Services
Inclusive Education Committee, chaired by MECY.
External Review of Special Needs Funding
Level II and III Application Process
January 2007
Executive Summary
In August of 2006, Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth decided to review the
Level II and III funding application process. The decision was based on continuing
concerns regarding the funding process that were raised over the past decade. These
concerns were raised in the Manitoba Special Education Review, Final Report (1999),
during the Appropriate Educational Programming consultations in 2004 and 2005, and
ongoing feedback from parents and stakeholder organizations. The concerns being
raised are not unique to Manitoba, but can be observed in all parts of Canada.
The themes that have been raised are summarized in the following list:
. The application process is time-consuming.
. The supporting information provided by school divisions in the application
process is perceived as being negative/labeling.
. Awaiting funding approval is stressful for parents and staff.
. The public requires that the province be accountable for funding dollars.
. Applications should be focused on a student's current functioning and needs.
. These issues are not unique to Manitoba.
Faced with this ongoing feedback, Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth initiated
an External Funding Review. The review process included: a literature review with an
emphasis on the Level II and III funding processes used in the other Canadian
provinces and territories, three consultation sessions (stakeholder groups, student
services administrators and parents), an analysis of the feedback received (group and
individual comments) and the preparation of a final report with recommendations. An
external facilitator was hired to carry out the components of the review. Members of the
Funding Review Team developed five proposals which were incorporated into a
participant package. This information was posted on a web page and written
submissions were requested.
Three consultation sessions were held to explore the five proposals and feedback was
collected through both a group process and individual feedback forms. Group
discussions were organized to provide written comments that were submitted by a
group recorder. Groups were asked to identify proposal strengths, concerns and
implications for school divisions (or parents). The individual feedback forms used a
modified Likert Scale and requested comments on each of the five proposals. The data
has been tabulated and developed into group summaries and feedback charts that
appear in the detailed version of the report.
-2In addition to the three formal consultation sessions, written submissions were accepted
via the internet, fax or Canada Post. Written Submissions were received from The
Manitoba Teachers' Society, The Manitoba Association of School Superintendents, The
Manitoba Association of Resource Teachers, River East Transcona School Division,
Pembina Trails School Division, Flin Flon School Division, Pine Creek School Division
and Division scolaire franco-manitobaine. Summaries of these submissions are found in
the Final Report.
Based on the data obtained and the discussions that occurred regarding the five
proposals, it is apparent that some of the recommendations should be implemented as
soon as possible. Other recommendations are more complex and require additional
discussion with our educational stakeholder partners. Some recommendations will need
to be phased in over time.
The Key Recommendations
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth move forward with the
implementation of Proposal #1. This proposal was well supported by all the groups and
individuals that provided feedback.
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth move forward with the
implementation of Proposal #2. This proposal was also well supported by all groups and
individuals that provided feedback.
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth move ahead with the proposal for the
use of a summary of attendance at the end of each school year (Proposal 3) although
support has varied depending on the group. Several of the consultation participants
favoured using existing data sources (e.g. EIS data, lEP's or FRAME reports) or other
alternative ways to ensure students are in attendance and eligible for funding. These
suggestions should be reviewed to see if they are feasible.
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth develop a working group composed
of representatives of educational stakeholder organizations to develop a revised Level II
and III application form. Proposal 4 was well supported but will take time to consider all
of the issues raised and develop a simpler, more efficient application form.
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth develop a working group to consider
the most appropriate method of verifying that an appropriate program and services are
in place after the initial decision to approve funding. Although this proposal was not
strongly endorsed, it is apparent that some type of verification process is necessary to
ensure funding dollars are resulting in appropriate programming. All of the large
provinces in Canada are developing processes to ensure accountability for funding
dollars. The method chosen for this process must ensure that it is not time consuming
and paper heavy. Random sampling was offered as an alternative.
Portage la Prairie School Division Office
535 - 3rd Street N.W.
Attendees: Lynn Cory, Judy Dandridge, Lisa Martin, Mike Mauws, Jacqueline Gosselin, Kim Campbell, Mari
Taylor, George Corbett, Wilma Ritzer, Jan Hill, Desiree Narvey, Helga Berger, Candace Borger, Tammy Mitche
Lesley Eblie Trudel, Wendy Church, Dean Grove (by phone), Cheryl Dyer-Vigier
Regrets: Tim Thorne, Barb Melnychuk, Bev Syzmesko
Additions to/Approval of Agenda - moved by Lynn Cory, 2nd Candice Borger - carried
Approval of Minutes of February 2, 2009 - moved Jan Hill by 2nd George Corbett- carried
Business Arising from Minutes
Follow up with Linda Burnside, Executive Director of Disabilities Programs,
transition requirements re: assessment data. (Candace)
• Tabled to next meeting
4.2 Survey information - Lisa, Jacqueline & Tammy
• Lisa will compile and send out to everyone individually the survey
• Results of the survey will be discussed at next meeting
Feedback from delegation re: Student Specific Planning: A Handbook for
Developing and Implementing lEPs document
» Desiree reported that the meeting took place
• Doug attended and Wilma had intended to attend as well
• Marilyn reported that all stakeholders attended, feedback has been taken back and
added - speculations are that it will be out by the end of June
Feedback from delegation re: Educational Assistants in Manitoba Schools
• Mike & Cheryl attended
• Well represented by all stakeholders
• A challenging group to coordinate due to different needs and expectations
• It is a support document not a policy document
• Useful information, difficult to satisfy all stakeholders
• Recommendations were left for the development team
• MTS concerns about EAs as part of team
• Core competencies need to be included
• Any looking at basic requirements of training?
• Understanding is that autonomy be respected of local school divisions and how do
help EAs become more proficient in working with students
• Qualifications are left to individual school divisions
• The new EA association of Manitoba is planning a conference each year.
• What is next step?
• Produce it and put it on line
4.5 Volunteers for proposal development
Tim McKay, Jacqueline Gosselin & Monique Pillion will be part of working group
Jacqueline agreed, as a rep of SSAAM group will take lead
It was agreed that we should include representatives from Sunrise, Hanover, Garden Valh
Westman Parkland
» Cheryl will contact Deb Loewen of Garden Valley
• Jacqueline will contact South East man
• Lynn will contact Westman Parkland
4.6 Recommendations re: term deposit (Wilma, Candace)
• Ideas for use of the term deposit ($10,000)
Professional Development
• Some form of National Conference
• Marilyn will check with her provincial partners
• CEC - CASE (Council of Administrators of Special Education) - send our chair person
• Larger scale of our Brandon Conference - Possibly including Saskatchewan and North
Western Ontario
• Cross Canada Networking for Student Services Administrators
• Marilyn does meet with government directors from Ontario & Western Provinces
Research Based - i.e. Functional Life Skills
Web site - Update & functional (requires annual financial commitment)
Student Services Forum in 2010 may be impacted by financial restraints (requires annual finan
Two areas of most interest
Correspondence Received
National Conference
Web page
University of Winnipeg - Laura Sokal - Representative Consultation Grp.- Sent
• Helga is interested in participating
Dean of Education, Brandon University
Dean of Education, University of Manitoba
Dean of Education, University of Manitoba
President, MTS - Pat Isaak
President, MART - Pat Talbot
President, MASBO - Glynn Warnica
President, MASS- Kelly Barkman
President, MAST- Yolande Dupuis
President, MAPC - Judith Cameron
Special Education Coordinator, MFNERC - Margaret Scott
Minister of Education, Honourable Peter Bjornson
Minister of Healthy Living, Honourable Kerri Irvin-Ross
New Business
6.1 Meeting date schedule within constitution - to be held on the first Monday of October,
November, February, March, May & June
Meetings for 2009-2010
October 5, 2009
November 2,2009
February 1, 2010
March 1,2010
May 3, 2010
June?, 2010
Officer and Committee Reports
7.1 Officer Reports - President, Vice-Presidents, Past President
• Judy - Resolutions have been sent out - no responses yet
• George - No report
• Jacqueline - No report
• Candice - confirming that letters went out to Superintendents
7.2 Treasurer's Report - Wilma Ritzer
• Wilma will email treasurer's report to us
7.3 Professional Development & SSAAM Conference- Lisa and Jacqueline
» Wayne Hammond - topic Strength Based Resiliency (uses Canadian Assets
and is from Western Canada) is booked
• Lisa will send choices of specific topics to us for feedback
• Venue is booked
• Wednesday afternoon will be the Imperial Ballroom, rest of the conference will
be in the main hotel
• Lisa will include: Saskatchewan & North Western Ontario
• Wednesday Topics may include
• Dispute Resolution - Joanna & Doug
• Park West SD - Developmental Assets
• Friday morning with MECY
• Give-a-ways will be included again - start looking for "stuff
7.4 Communications/Public Relations -Kim Campbell
• Web site update
• 2 businesses, Web slingers and Modern Earth
• Web Slingers seem best at this time - $100/hour (waiting for quote of how
many hours?)
• What about ongoing updates? - Jayce currently does this for us
• Establish a contract for bid; ask for samples of current web sites they
have done
• Do a mid contract update for accountability
• Discussion around use of Wikki's, Skype, Survey Monkey, web cast
• Decisions
• Moved by Kim 2nd by Tammy that we contract with Web Slingers
to update our website to a maximum cost of $3000- carried
7.5 Advocacy & Public Policy - Helga Berger/Tammy Mitchell
• Waiting for responses from Judy's letter before starting the "road trip"
7.6 Historian - Desiree Narvey
• Electronic version of Archives
• To include, slate officers, pertinent information and include some scanned
• Desiree will take a few files at a time to complete the process
7.7 Manitoba Safe Schools - George Corbett
• Will be sending out information from Mary Hall to all Provincial SSAAM members
7.8 Provincial Healthy Child Advisory Committee previously known as Early
Childhood Committee - Kim Campbell
• Committee has evolved to become the Provincial Healthy Child Advisory Committee
7.9 Inclusive Ed. Consultation - Judy Dandridge
• No Report
7.10 Mental Health Issues in Manitoba Schools • MATC availability for consult (no travel just consult) - Marilyn will email
information regarding process for contact for Judy to invite them to our SSAAM
• Some discussion at Metro SSAAM regarding SMART team - they could be
invited to our provincial SSAAM meeting
Student Service Forum - Lisa
• Registration has gone out - sign up quickly the venue size is limited
• Lisa has ordered Prov. SSAAM mugs for presenters & possible for purchase
• Bring "stuff" for give-a-way
Regional/Partner Reports
8.1 D.S.F.M.-Jacqueline Gosselin
• 1 day workshop in French for teachers receiving students with Autism - June 1st
• Posting of position for Student Services Coordinator - background in Behaviour
• Policy reworking - anything out there? - MASS is collecting the information (Coralee
8.2 Metro -Janice Hill
• Joanne Muller - Pupil File Guidelines, specifically Transfer of Files - must
send support files
• Discussion occurred around challenges being faced around transfer of files and culling of
information in files
• Marilyn will take our concerns back to MECY
• Posters on inclusion - contact Barb Ivanson
8.3 Northern - Dean Grove
• Pupil Files to and from Reserves can be a challenge
• Clinician shortage continue
• Northern SSAAM meeting coming up
8.4 Parkland/Westman-Lynn Cory/Bev Szymesko
• February cancelled - next meeting Thursday
8.5 South Central - Mike Mauws (report circulated)
• Transitioning to Adulthood - presentation and from FS&H
• Is MECY putting together a pamphlet for High Schools? Marilyn said it should be ready for fa
A letter will be coming looking for reps to review the draft.
8.6 South East/lnterlake - Lesley Eblie Tudel
• Spirited discussion regarding membership and how to draw people to the meetings
• Resource teacher and the assessment process - would love to see a support document from
• SSAAM would like to see a document for Resource Teachers - we really appreciated the
Guidance document
• Students at Risk is a key issue at this time
• Regional Conference in South East/lnterlake was discussed
8.7 MECY - Marilyn Taylor - please see Report circulated
Shared copy of results of the survey done at Dec. SSAAM
Take back to your respective groups and bring your comments to the next Prov. SSAM meetii
Letter was shared re: Bill 232 - Anaphylaxis, Bill 11 - Children's Advocate Advanced Advocal
(make sure you have a copy of the letter)
Counsellor certification is in the works - heads up, information to be shared at a later date
Discussion occurred around her General Report
• Attendance initiative - broad based issue
• Integrated Clinician Outcomes - some concerns regarding SLP outcomes (not
addressing the population currently served), how will the data be used in the future.
8.8 Healthy Child Manitoba - Wendy Church
Mandate for Provincial Healthy Child Advisory Committee has been expanded, looking for
representation from Mental Health and EAL
• Priorities established:
Early Childhood - closing the Gap for aboriginal children
Sharing information about early years
Edu-caring initiative, enhancing partnerships between Child Care & Education
Pan Canadian Summit in Montreal was very interesting (Canada is dead last in terms of
supports for early years)
Development a network of Early Childhood Educators is being examined
Need more consistency across province
November Conference will be based on EDI - info was circulated
MASS conference in November will focus on Early Childhood
Conference information was circulated - Putting Science into Action
DVD and Flip booklet being distributed
Triple P & EDI newsletter coming soon
Loosing coordinator of Aboriginal Initiatives
Professional Development / Sharing
Q - is the DSFM session open? Jacqueline will check
Marilyn Friend session - contact Kim
Assessment Fair (April 20th) info to follow - contact George
caolececxce dates - Feb 17th, 18th & 19th Gabor Mate (keynote) possible Wednesday
vm$ ^essvcn,
• George is looking for anyone interested in VMEVAS ttavn \V\ Xjavneis
• Candice will send out request for possible ideas for presenters for a national conference
Meeting Dates: Monday June 8th, 2009
moved by Wilma
Student Services Inclusive Education Committee
April 27,2009
10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
Attending - Joanna Blais, Anne Kresta, Jan Stewart, Edie Wilde, Shirley Bender,
Susan Schmidt, Judy Dandridge, Judith Cameron, Sandy McCaig
Regrets - Marilyn Taylor, Helen Robinson-Settee, Mark Robertson, Edie Wilde
Updates (information provided by participants) See attachments.
Please note:
Feedback request from ACL-Manitoba on a pamphlet they are developing.
Fund raising opportunity in support of ACL Manitoba
MTS - Summer Institute in July 2009
Differentiated Instruction Workshop - Westman Region September 2009
MECY - see attachments including an update on progress toward the
recommendations in the Special Education Review
Review of the document School Building Space Standards - recommendations
made and Joanna will draft a revision.
Next meeting:
May 25, 2009
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Room 217B - 1181 Portage Avenue
Student Services Inclusive Education Committee
Information Update
Date: April 2009
Submitted by: Joanna Blais and Marilyn Taylor
Organization: Manitoba Education
Major Activities/ Announcements
Attendance Initiative - MECY, in response to growing concerns about attendance issues has contracted a
research firm to begin investigating the issue of attendance. The draft of the report has been submitted to
the Minister.
v Distribution of the Resource for Schools with Deaf/Hard of Hearing students - April Revision of the
/ IEP document
Consultation on EA document complete, final draft will be sent to stakeholders early in May
Development of a Learning Disabilities Resource - ongoing
Development of a Behavior Support Document - ongoing
Rural and Northern Initiative
Expand existing support
and services provided to
rural and northern
communities with a focus
on increased support for
educators in school and
school divisions (classroom
teachers, clinicians, special
needs a resource teachers)
to enhance the delivery of
programming for students
with special needs
2. In the 2008/09 school year,
directly and via the internet,
offer professional learning
opportunities based on the
professional learning
support materials
developed by the
department staff in
consultation with rural and
northern educators.
Increase the capability of
the existing distance
learning facility at the
Manitoba School for the
Deaf to include providing
professional learning
opportunities in a number of
areas related to students
with special needs.
Time Line
June 2008
June 2009
Two clinicians started in August 2008; both positions
were filled by clinicians working in rural Manitoba. Office
locations are Dauphin and Winkler
Two Consultants Special Education started January
2009 Office location Winnipeg
Core competency training for resource teachers held in
a summer institute.
25 rural and northern divisions have accessed
professional learning opportunities on various topics
ranging from behaviour management, school wide
safety, learning difficulties, communication disorders
and skill development/training for educators.
June 2008
Business plan complete, equipment purchased, staff
training begun
ASL training - 2 courses completed in 2007-2008, new
offered in January 2009
Core competency in the area of behavior management
and planning for students with special needs to begin in
the spring.
Consultation with school divisions Fall 2009- January
2009staff and outlined priority areas.
Web Cams and microphone ordered for consultant sites
and for loan library
STambour Systems purchased and connected (MSD
classroom, MFNERC, Frontier and Mystery Lake SD
Shared classroom in Thompson and 1181)
ASL training offered via video conferencing in Spring
2008 - 4 school divisions joined from rural and northern
Video linked meetings regarding initiatives, student
consults and professional learning opportunities
occurred in the fall 2008
Professional learning opportunities via video began
February 2009
Please note this information is intended for the members of the Student Services Inclusive Education Committee, chaired by MECY.
Provide increased financial
support to assist with the
hiring of coordinators and
clinicians (as per 2008-09
Funding of Schools).
Provide a bursary program
to support the training of
clinicians who will provide
service in difficult to recruit
Increase the existing
partnerships with Manitoba
First Nations Education
Resource Centre, and the
universities to enable
teachers and clinicians in
rural and northern
communities to access
professional learning
opportunities, formal course
work and professional
supervision to meet
specialist certification
2008/2009 public schools funding announcement
included approximately $250.0 increase in Coordinator
Clinician formula funding targeted to rural and northern
school divisions.
2008/2009 public schools funding announcement
included approximately $350.0 increase targeted to
rural/northern bursary program such as speechlanguage pathology, psychology, occupational therapy,
physical therapy and other specialty areas".
Eight clinician bursaries have been approved, and six
Deaf Studies bursaries for 2009-1J3
School divisions have until June , 2009 to reach return
of service agreements for the 09-10 year
Partnership with MFNERC, Mystery Lake School
Division and Frontier to facilitate a resource centre in
Thompson has been finalized. Staff position is managed
through MLSD. The staff was filled as of November
MFNERC is providing the classroom and some
Frontier SD is providing the technology support
MECY is providing staff funding and some technology
Classroom will be used to provide case consultation
both on site and through video conferencing
Site has had preliminary use as the Resource Centre
staff person is still in training
Open House heldMarch 2008, Minister Farthing
attended via video link through Winnipeg.
Professional learning opportunities
ASL training via on line and in September through the U of M
Mental Health Working Group
Report was submitted to the ADMs of Health, FSH and Education. Healthy Child and Health have
been reviewed the report in light of a larger strategy in respect to Mental Health in Manitoba,
presentation to the Human Services Committee is scheduled for May
Student Services Inclusive Education Committee
Manitoba Association of Parent Councils (MAPC)
Information Update
Date: April 20, 2009
Submitted by: Judith Cameron, President, MAPC
Organization: Manitoba Association of Parent Councils (MAPC)
Major Activities/ Announcements
MAPC AGM and Conference slated for May 1 and 2, 2009 at the Victoria Inn in
Winnipeg; Keynote speaker is J.Kevin Cameron, Threat Assessment Consultant
from Calgary, numerous workshops including "Roles and Responsibilities of the
PAC", Advocacy Project, Safe Schools and others. Recommendations will be
made to membership on constitutional changes and position statement regarding
Bill 28 Moratorium on School Closures
New executive as of January 2009; Judith Cameron has assumed the Presidency,
Alanna Rawluk is Vice President, Linda Meads retains her position as Treasurer
and Khalid Mahmood has assumed the role of Secretary
Expanding on current presentations and modules for our membership. Currently
we offer; "What is MAPC'V'Roles and Responsibilities of the PAC", "Advocacy
Project". We are working on the development of modules on effective meetings,
volunteer recruitment and retainment, internet safety for children and parents as
well as others.
Board Retreat to be held end of May in Winnipeg for new and returning directors
Completed MAPC Northern Tour with visits and presentations made to parents,
administration and staff of Kefsey Schoof Division (Trie; Pas), and Flin Flon
School Division (Flin Flon) as well as at OCN (The Pas)
In the process of developing a parental survey based on a template provided by
Alberta Home and School Association, to explore issues, concerns and successes
of Parent Advisory Councils with in the province. We are exploring a potential
working partnership with both MERN andMAST to fine tune this survey. An
advisory committee will be struck to aide in the development and delivery of the
survey tool.
A large amount of work has been completed on our internal governance methods,
accountability factors and fiscal responsibilities over the past few months as well
and changes have been implemented
Delivering numerous presentations around the province- to our membership and
their respective school divisions.
Please note this information is intended for the members of the Student Services
MECY Update
Special Education Review
Where are we now?
April 2009
Action Area: Communication
Continue to inform our stakeholder partners about the implementation of the Special
Education Review recommendations and for the ongoing development of Student
Services within Manitoba through a variety of communication strategies.
Parental Information
Develop an information booklet
specifically for parents that
summarizes provincial policy in
special education and references
support services.
Develop a communication strategy
that facilitates
• Working Together: A Handbook
for Parents of Children With
Special Needs and the
accompanying pamphlet to
• Appropriate Educational
Programming: Standards for
Student Services
Appropriate Educational
Programming in Manitoba:
Extending Genuine Learning
and Social Experiences for All
School Communities and
Consultation Summary
Annual Student Services
Student Services website
Established the Student
Services/ Inclusive Education
Consultation Committee with
representatives from major
stakeholder groups. Meetings
held 4 times annually.
Action Area: Policy
Develop a philosophy of inclusion statement and assist schools in implementing this
Continue to develop a legislative base that will ensure that all students receive
appropriate educational programming. This includes Bill 13, the resulting regulations,
standards of service, policy and guidelines as required.
Address issues related to policy development in the area of student services as they
A.S.i; B.1.i;B.3.i
'hilosophy of Inclusion
• Philosophy of inclusion statement.
• Manitoba Inclusion Summit and
Inclusive Education Week
Supporting Inclusive Schools: A
Revise the policy document
Handbook for Student Services.
Special Education in Manitoba.
Appropriate Educational
Programming: Standards for Student
Safe Schools Legislation
In 2004 The Safe School Charter
requires all schools to have
appropriate and current safety
policies that include a code of
conduct and an emergency
response plan.
The Amendment to the PSA:
Appropriate Educational
Programming includes regulations
that affect the discipline, safety and
caring of students .
mpact of Zero Tolerance on
The Amendment to the PSA:
tudents with students with special
Appropriate Educational
Supporting Inclusive Schools: A
Handbook for Student Services.
Service Standards
The Amendment to the PSA:
Appropriate Educational
Supporting Inclusive Schools: A
Handbook for Student Services.
Legislation was given Royal assent
Make changes in order to achieve
on June 10, 2004.
consistency with the Charter of
Amendments to the Public Schools
Rights and Freedoms.
Act: Appropriate Educational
Programming followed
ontinuum of Supports
Supporting Inclusive Schools: A
Students receive supports within a
Handbook for Student Services.
continuum that is available to all
Appropriate Educational
Programming: Standards for Student
The Amendment to the PSA:
Appropriate Educational
-3Action Area: Accountability (Program Renewal Process)
Work with school divisions and educational stakeholders to improve planning in the
area of education for students with special needs.
Refine the process for the development of student services plans.
Develop processes to ensure that Individual Education Plans are addressing student
Tracking Special Education
• Schools and divisions to develop a
cycle of planning and reporting their
Develop a mechanism for tracking
supports: Planning in Education
he actual special education
programs and services being
• Student services plans developed by
divisions as a separate component of
the school plan.
A.5.i;A.5.ii;C.5.;C.6.i rogram Review
Planning in Education Initiative (2003)
Develop and institute a
MECY reviews division plans every
collaborative, consultative review
three years and a sample of school
process where representatives
plans annually, then provides
rom Manitoba Education,
technical support as needed.
Citizenship and Youth work with
Supporting Inclusive Schools: Schoolchool divisions and parents,
Based Planning and Reporting: A
'rogram Quality And Outcomes
Framework for the Development and
Implementation of Annual School
Plans and Reports
Appropriate Educational
Programming: Standards for Student
Learning Outcomes
Integrated within the Planning in
n collaboration with stakeholders,
Education initiative
develop authentic, credible and
lEPs will specify individualized
appropriate indicators of student
learning outcomes for individual
earning outcomes.
Student Services Individual
Education Planning: A Handbook for
Developing and Implementing lEP's
scheduled for revision in 2009
Piloted Student Outcome Rubrics
pilot. Document developed under the
Western Northern Canadian Protocol.
Student Outcome Rubrics: Reporting
on Student Progress
-4Action Area: Educational Supports
Continue to offer professional development activities in the area of student services.
Develop additional documents to support the work of teachers, support staff and
parents in working with students with special needs.
Continue to offer an annual Student Services conference.
Implement appropriate dispute resolution processes.
Effective Practice
Continue to develop documents • Manitoba Sourcebook for School
that provide support to
Guidance and Counselling Services: A
educators including issues of
Comprehensive and Developmental
'motional/behaviour disorders
and FAS/FAE.
• Supporting Inclusive Schools: A
Handbook for Developing and
Struggling Learners
Implementing Programming for
Develop a process to engage
Students with Autism Spectrum
ducators in the field in how to
address the issue of struggling • Listening and Speaking: First Steps into
learners who do not qualify for
Literacy: A Support Document for
M designation.
Kindergarten Teachers and SpeechLanguage Pathologists
• Toward Inclusion: Tapping Hidden
Strengths Planning for Students who
are Alcohol affected
• Towards Inclusion - From Challenges
to Possibilities: Planning for Behaviour
• Over 300 Professional Learning
Opportunities provided annually in the
area of Student Services
Appeal Process
Complete listing of documents
The Amendment to the PSA:
Appropriate Educational Programming
Working Together: A Guide to Positive
Problem Solving for Schools, Families
and Communities and accompanying
Appropriate educational programming in
Manitoba: A Formal Dispute Resolution
Process and accompanying brochure
Assessment and lEPs
In its revised policy handbook
give direction on assessment
riteria, assessment practice
and expectations regarding
• Student Services Individual Education
Planning: A Handbook for Developing
and Implementing lEP's Appropriate
Educational Programming (under
• Standards for Student Services
• The Amendment to the PSA:
Appropriate Educational Programming
Assessment Practices
• Departmental curriculum documents
Assist the field in developing
provide information.
alternative methods to promote • Rethinking Assessment with Purpose in
appropriate assessment
Mind (WNCP).
practice to students with special • Ongoing professional learning
learning needs.
opportunities for educators
Aboriginal Education Effective
Collaborative planning with Aboriginal
educators, First Nation Education
In collaboration with other
Authorities and Manitoba First Nation
stakeholders, develop, pilot and
Education Authority
evaluate culturally appropriate
The Aboriginal Education Action Plan.
programming approaches for
Helping your Child Succeed in School:
Aboriginal students with special
A Guide for Parents and Families of
'earning needs.
Aboriginal Students
ESL Effective Practice
ESL Action Plan 2005-2008 released.
With stakeholders, develop,
pilot and evaluate culturally
appropriate program
approaches for students from
recent immigrant communities
who have special learning
Student Strengths
This attitude is inherent in the
documents being developed.
Effective Research
• Included in the policy and document
Do research in the area of
development process.
'Effective Practice".
Action Area: Human Resources
Continue to address the need for the training of student services staff.
Address shortages of staff in identified areas.
Continue to develop support documents to assist in identifying outcomes and
improving staff development.
Human Resources
uman resources are
\deployed according to needs
and programming goals with
oarticular reference to
educational assistants.
Preparation of school
Professional Development
People who work with
students who have special
learning needs must be
appropriately trained.
Support document in respect to
Educational Assistants in Manitoba
schools is under development.
outcome measures in place for speechlanguage pathology; school psychology
and social work; and outcome measures
are being developed for occupational
therapy and physiotherapy.
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and
Youth announced in 2008 a grant to
support rural and northern school
divisions in the recruitment and
retention of hard to fill clinical positions.
A School Psychologist program has
been re-established for start in Sept.
Establishment of a specialist
certification in Guidance and Counseling
under development
• Professional Learning opportunities built
into the document development process
• other Professional Learning
Opportunities include the annual
Student Services Conference and Core
Competencies workshops for Educators
• Professional learning opportunities,
when approved by Professional
Certification Branch, can be used to
fulfill some of the requirements for
specialist certification.
Action Area: Funding (Fiscal Resources)
Continue to review funding procedures that will assist in better meeting the needs of
all students.
Continue to collaborate with the School's Finance Branch to address particular
issues affecting student services.
ategories of Support
Redefine criteria for categories
of support based on student
Level 1 Support
Base Level 1 funding be
ncreased, and additional Level
1 funding be available in
relation to high levels of need,
as identified through proposed
program review process.
iifted Programs
Adjust FRAME to capture more
discrete financial information.
Equity is a primary focus of
'evisions to the funding model
and accountability processes.
Funding Model
Revise funding with principles of
provincial/ local partnership,
Level I flexibility, portability, and
being needs rather than label
oordinator and Clinician
'rovincial funding be allocated
o support increased levels of
certain clinical and therapeutic
services. Ratios for clinician
grants account for local
chool Counsellor Grants
School counsellor grants should
be extended to Kindergarten to
Senior 4.
• Revisions to definitions for Level II and
Level III funding criteria are ongoing,
application revised to reflect student's
functional needs
Revised to be included in the Student
Services Grant,
Student Services grant encompasses
the previous grants for Level 1 Special
Needs, Students at risk and Early
Behaviour Intervention. Funding
increases announced annually
Included in the Student Services Grant
• The FRAME Committee (MECY and
Stakeholders) continues to review
Exceptional Function Program reporting.
Student Support Services reported in
FRAME to be 18.2% of the expenditures
in schools.
the Student Services Grant Plan
considers socio-economic factors as
well as historic funding patterns.
The grant provides more flexibility and
local decision making.
Piloted Student Services Grant funding.
The grant was simplified by moving to a
per pupil basis with rate differentials for
sparsely populated rural and northern
Grant was increased in 208-09 school
Grant expanded and funding increased
-8Action Area: Intersectoral
The Program and Student Services staff will continue to work with other government
departments, agencies and local organizations to provide a variety of Inter sectoral
projects and programs.
Early Intervention
Priority is given to early
intervention, including both preschool and early school years
identification, assessment and
intervention services.
Children and Youth Secretariat
Role be clearly articulated and
Continue to address issues that
impact on the lives of children
and youth and develop
intersectoral protocols.
The URIS manual be completed
and distributed.
• Schools Program Division continues to
work with federal and provincial
departments (Manitoba Children's
Agenda and Healthy Child Manitoba).
• The Children's Therapy Initiative
• Early Childhood Development Initiative.
• Now known as Healthy Child Manitoba
and is part Family Services and Housing
with a lead role within the Healthy Child
Committee . Legislated as of 2008
• Completed and distributed
• Work between Family Services and
Housing, Education Citizenship and
Youth and Health is ongoing
Information Sharing
Bridging to Adulthood A Protocol for
Intersectoral cooperation
Transitioning Students with Exceptional
includes the provision of
Needs from School to Community -joint
consistent and accurate
information sessions held for FSH,
information to parents.
School Divisions and Community
workers beginning in the fall 2008
Single Window
Increased awareness of the services
A "single window" for accessing
available through various departments
services for children and youth
is developed.
Child Profile System
• This may result from the cumulative
Be developed and ultimately
efforts of various initiatives.
linked to cross-sector funding.
• Community Schools Initiative launched
Explore a school-linked services
and currently being piloted
•oncept where the school is the
physical site for service
January 27, 2009
Judy Dandridge, President
SSAAM, C/O Fort La Bossee SD
Box 1420
Virden MB ROM 2CO
UWECG: University of Winnipeg Education Consultation Group
Dear Judy Dandridge,
In the past, the University of Winnipeg's Faculty of Education has consulted informally
with groups interested in education in Manitoba. The University of Winnipeg wishes to
formalize these relationships by forming a consultation group with interested parties. We
are writing to you to invite your participation in our newly-formed consultation group.
The purpose of the group is to ensure two-way communication regarding innovations,
developments, and challenges related to education in Manitoba.
We propose to meet at least twice annually with members (November and June) and as
needed when issues arise. We are requesting representation from the Manitoba Teacher's
Society, the Manitoba Association of School Superintendents, the Manitoba Association
of School Trustees, the Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba,
Professional Certification & Student Records Unit, and the Manitoba Education Research
We hope you will accept our invitation to join our group. If you would like more
information, please call Laura Sokal at 786-9915 or email Ij .sokal@uwinnipeg.ca. If you
are prepared to send a representative to our June meeting, please forward the person's
name and contact information to Christy Campbell (c.campbell@qiwinnipeg.ca).
Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to your response.
Laura Sokal
Associate Dean of Education
c. Doug Anderson
515 P o r t a g e A v e n u e
| Manitoba
R3B 2E9
P: 2 0 4 . 7 8 6 . 9 4 9 1
| F: 2 0 4 . 7 7 2 . 7 9 8 0
SSAAM Executive
April 6, 2009
Attendance Initiative - A letter was sent February 4, 2009 by Joanna Blais
concerning the School Attendance Review. An on-line survey may be found at
http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/ss survev/index.html. Please forward the link to
any interested staff, families, students, or community members.
Legislative Amendments - Anaphylaxis / Review of services following the
death of a child in care. Letter attached.
Rural and Northern Initiative- The Consultation with Rural and Northern S.D.
has been completed. The information gathered will provide feedback to support
further Rural and Northern work. ^
- />
, n if>., 1
Mental Health - TrVe final educational mental health promotiorl workshop is
scheduled for June 1, 2009 from 1:00 to 3:00 in 217-1181 Portage. The topic is
"Anxiety Disorders in Children and Youth." A letter with additional information will
be sent soon.
Core Competency Workshops - The Core Competency Workshops scheduled
for spring are completed. A letter with information about Core Competency
offerings in summer 2009 and the 2009/2010 school year will be sent after spring
break. Please contact Bette-Ann Turner (945-8261 or betteann.turner@gov.mb.ca) for further information.
Student Services Forum - The Student Services Forum will be held on May 8,
2009 at the Regent Canadlnns. The theme for 2009 is "Working Toward
Universal Design for Learning." Please contact Bette-Ann (945-8261 or betteann.turner@gov.mb.ca ) if you require additional information.
Special needs funding - The letter confirming spring funding dates was sent in
late February / early March. If you have questions about funding history
information, funding re-read dates, or verification of receipt of divisional
information, please contact Judy at 945-2238 or iudy.mcconnell@gov.mb.ca.
Please direct all other funding questions to Tim Thorne at 945-1732 or
Integrated Clinician Outcomes - This is a web-based program that is expected
to be launched in fall, 2009. The project team would welcome the opportunity to
present information on this initiative. MECY contact is Allan Hawkins - please
contact him directly at 945-2757 or allan.hawkins@gov.mb.ca
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Education, Citizenship and Youth
Education Administration Services
507-1181 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G OT3
T 204 945-6899 F 204 948-2154
March 11, 2009
I am writing to provide you with information on two legislative amendments which
occurred this past Fall.
First, Bill 232 (Anaphylaxis Policies) was a Private Member's Bill which amended
The Public Schools Act. A copy of the Bill is attached for your reference. While school
divisions have, since 2004, been required to have policies around anaphylaxis which
are consistent with the policy framework outlined in the Unified Referral and Intake
System (URIS) manual, the purpose of the Bill is to formalize the obligation of a school
board to develop policy in this area.
Second, Bill 11 (The Children's Advocate's Enhanced Mandate Act) amended
The Fatality Inquiries Act, The Child and Family Services Act, and The Ombudsman's
Act. Formerly, upon the death of a child in care, the chief medical examiner was
required to conduct a review of services provided under The Child and Family Services
Act. With the proclamation of Bill 11, responsibility for such a review falls to the
Children's Advocate. The Bill also expands the scope of reviews to include other
publicly funded social services, mental health services, and addiction treatment
services. Monitoring the implementation of any recommendations generated by such a
review now falls to the Office of the Ombudsman.
As programs and services provided by school boards are considered publicly
funded, it is important to be aware that the Children's Advocate now has authority, in the
event of a death to a child in care, to review supports and services which may have
been provided to such a child enrolled in one of your schools. Such a review cannot
express an opinion, or make a determination, with respect to culpability, and is intended
to identify ways in which programs and services might be improved to enhance the
safety and well-being of children and prevent deaths in similar circumstances.
. . .12
spirited enenjq
South Central Report
April 6, 2009
South Central SSAAM met on March 6, 2009 in Carman.
Attendance: Carol Braun, Julie Webber (Borderland), Debra Loewen (Garden Valley), Dave Judson,
Donna Mueller, (Portage la Prairie), Wilma Ritzer (Prairie Rose), Cheryl Dyer-Vigier, Leslie Norrie
(Prairie Spirit),, Jaclyn Koskie (Red River), Cyndy Kutzner (Western), Rochelle Rands (Pine Creek)
Guests: Jan Wooley and Micheline Durand
1. 10:00-11:00-Timed item: Jan Wooley [Regional Director] and Micheline Durand
[Program Director] -Children's Services from Family Services and Housing - answered
questions/concerns regarding access to services, transitioning students with exceptional
needs from school to community. Discussion included: who should make referral,
confirmation of disability, CSS staff in various areas and the distinction between role of CSS
and CFS.
- Jan -Explanation of her portfolios
- Micheline - intro to her portfolios - CTI updated disc distributed
Presentation handouts - Overview of Children Special Services, Transition programs,
supportive living, residential services, etc.
2. Business arising from the minutes:
The group examined Educational Assistant applications from three divisions as well as
Interview Questions from each. Human Resources recommend a balance between
knowledge questions, at least 3 work-related references, important to have disclosure
3. Reports:
a) M ECY - attached
Shari to ask Allan Hawkins and Freya Martinet to attend next meeting.
b) Treasurer report - Investments up, Net worth around $8000.00
c) PD - Topic on Co-Teaching - 3 sessions - 1 examining new ideas , 2 shaping new ideas to
classroom practice, session 3 - reflection. March 18th next PD meeting here. For next year.
d) Social Secretary- Pauline sent out e-mail last week
e) Provincial SSAAM- report as submitted. Members were unclear as to who is being
surveyed with the Out of Scope survey.
f) Central Region Ad Hoc Committees:
- Healthy Child - no report - meeting next week
- CTI - Cheryl - explained the recent letter regarding the claiming of Surplus funds
and Grant dollars . Divisions should divide Grant request between 08-09 and 09-10
and indicate to purchase equipment or to offset current expenses- Send it to Sheila
Hay at Central RHA (shay@rha-central.mb.ca).
4. New Business
a. URIS - Deb - discussion as to whether a separate plan is required for each division if a
student is temporarily going to another division for a program. The group will ask Marilyn from
MECY to explain what is needed.
b. Audiology Services - In spite of letters from Philip Dunn indicating otherwise services are
still being provided. Call Sheila if you receive a letter stating otherwise
c. Clinical Case Closure Procedure - Clinicians on contract close case as soon as report
completed. A re-open case consent form is recommended if required.
d. Grant Team Visit - Jaclyn described how one member of review team was extremely
critical and suggested divisions should be sharing EDI results with preschools and day care.
Recommendation: Team should notify division in advance of concerns so that data can be
prepared for them. Other teams are more discussion based and sharing of information.
5. Sharing Session
a. MANDT System - Dave_- Annette Brawn had requested a meeting with the group.
Members are heavily invested in WEVAS and are not interested in having her present. Extent
of staff training for WEVAS varies according to divisions.
b. Early Numeracy Budget - Donna - Members were asked to share what they were doing in
this area.
c. Sustaining adult Literacy - Donna - Discussion indicated training ranged from all middle
years teachers in the division being trained to having difficulty establishing carry over to the
classroom. Some have Literacy Coaches in the schools.
d. ASL - Manitoba School for the Deaf Services - Deb described how Tim Thorne had
arranged for a bursary to train an employee. ASL3 was a prerequisite.
e. April 30 Sharing Forum - details to follow along with location
f. Student Services Forum - May 8, 2009 - Winnipeg
Next Meeting: April 8 (Prairie Spirit - Pilot Mound)
February 2, 2009
Portage la Prairie School Division Office
535 - 3rd Street N.W.
Attendances- Lynn Cory, Judy Dandridge, Lisa Martin, Mike Mauws, Jacqueline Gosselin, BarB
Kim Campbell, Marilyn Taylor, George Corbett, Wilma Ritzer, Jan Hill, Desiree Narvey
Regrets — Helga Berger, Candace Borger, Tammy Mitchell, Jane Massey, Bev Syzmesko, Wendy Church,
Dean Grove
Additions to/Approval of Agenda - moved by George Corbett, 2nd by Lynn Cory -carried
• Resolution for Assistive Technology
Approval of Minutes of October 27, 2008 - moved by Mike Mauws, 2nd by Wilma Ritzer -carried
Amended to change Lynn Corbett to Lynn Cory
Business Arising from Minutes
Constitution was distributed and reviewed - has been updated on the web
• Job descriptions were pointed out
• When we as individuals are on committee's we are SSAAM reps not divisional
Resolutions were reviewed and distributed
• Decision was made in past to share resolutions with stakeholder groups
• MASS, MAST, MTS, CoSL and MART hold some areas of similarity in some
resolutions i.e. immigrant children,
• Possible strategy
• Meet with MASS, MAST, MTS, CoSL, MART to discuss common
• Decisions
• Marilyn will raise the request with the Ministerial office to invite parties to
meet on any common resolutions
SSAAM will make a formal request of others to meet to discuss common
Judy will write a letter to MASS, MAST, MTS requesting a meeting to
discuss common resolutions
Two sub committees need to be established
o Resolutions - George Corbett, Candace Borger & Tammy
Mitchell, Kim Cambell
» Judy will email Candace & Tammy
o Proposal - George will ask of METRO, and Mike will ask South
Central for reps to sit on this sub committee
June 8, 2008 - term deposit discussion
• Guest accommodations charged to SSAAM 2008 was approved
• Recommended that the Constitution be changed at the next AGM to include
expenses for accommodation and transportation from the last place of
employment in Manitoba for Honorary Life Membership and SSAAM members
being recognized. Also a change be made to Past President's role to include
confirming attendance and arranging accommodations and travel costs for
SSAAM Honorees - Jacqueline
• No decisions have been made regarding the term deposit
o Willma will contact Candace and bring information to the next SSAAM
o Financial support for school/divisions presenting at Student Services
Forum was one suggestion
Follow up with Linda Burnside, Executive Director of Disabilities Programs,
transition requirements re: assessment data. (Candace)
• No update at this time - table to next meeting
Survey information - Lisa
• 29 returned surveys (13 rural , 2 northern, 12 urban, 1 unsure)
• Regional Reps will take the survey back to regional meetings to try to increase
response rate - get them to Lisa by March 20
• Lisa will send it electronically to each regional reps
Web site feedback - Kim
• Need originals of forms - please send electronically to Kim
• Jayce has been updating it for us
• Web design costs can vary - needs a guideline for budget
Request from MECY for a SSAAM rep to replace Barb Melnychuk on the external
funding review committee
• Jan Hill volunteered
Request from MECY for a SSAAM rep to attend consultation re: document
Student Specific Planning: A Handbook for Developing and Implementing lEPs
Wilma & Desiree volunteered (Feb 18th 9:30-11:30 at 1181 Portage Rm 217)
Request from MECY for a SSAAM rep to attend consultation re: document
Educational Assistants in Manitoba Schools
• Mike Mauws & Cheryl Dyer-Vigier volunteered
Thank you from Bob McDill & Ricki Valencourt
• circulated
email invitation to web conference Cvent Supplier Network Demo
• Judy investigated and found it is not really appropriate for our needs
New Business
Resolution for Assistive Technology
o Discussion around looking for group purchase discount if we order as a larger body
o Rural & Northern Consultant for AAC - Andrea Marginet
• Equipment to try prior to purchase model
• PD sessions may be coming (hopefully 3-4 times per year)
• Marilyn is beginning to explore licensing possibilities
Decision to create a resolution was discussed
Officer and Committee Reports - as given or circulated
7.1 Officer Reports - President, Vice-Presidents, Past President (no report)
7.2 Treasurer's Report - Wilma Ritzer (no report)
7.3 Professional Development & SSAAM Conference- Lisa Martin and Jacqueline Gosselin
Missing books from AGM are on order
Lisa has contacted 4 speakers for Dec. 2009 PD (Tentative topic - Resiliency):
Wayne Hammond was the preference of many -First Choice
Gabor Mate - has been in Manitoba recently
Anne Masten -fairly clinical
Suniva Luthar - more researched base - 2nd choice
• Brochure out in spring term - tentative Date: 2,3 &4th 2009 -Victoria Inn, Brandon
Wednesday afternoon sessions
Park West School Division - Developmental Assets
www.searchinstitute.org (interesting link)
o Dispute Resolution - Joanna Blais & Doug Anderson presentation
was suggested
Discussion around permits and rooms
• CEC looking at Robert Brooks and focus on Resiliency Skills
7.4 Communications/Public Relations -Kim Campbell
Pins - no need to order more at this time
7.5 Advocacy & Public Policy - Helga Berger/Tammy Mitchell - no report
7.6 Historian - Desiree Narvey
Information is stored in Portage la Prairie School Division Office
Electronic version might be helpful, could be put on web site
Records kept chronologically by the AGM year (Dec-Dec)
What to be kept:
Officers by year
7.7 Manitoba Safe Schools - George Corbett
Meeting coming up
One PD day last April - Safe Schools and MECY
7.8 Early Childhood Committee - Kim Campbell - no report
7.9 A.B.A. - no report and it was agreed that it will be removed as a regular item on future
7.10 Inclusive Ed. Consultation - Judy Dandridge (Marilyn Taylor reported)
• Membership includes: MECY, MAST, MASS, MTS, CoSL, MSCA, ACSL, Parent
Coalition, MAPSI, MCEC, Manitoba Health, Healthy Child Manitoba, FS&H, SSAAM
• Terms of reference has been established including:
• Identify issues and concerns that affect kids
• Provide updates on the organization
• Updates on initiatives
• Provide a scheme of consultation
• Meet 4 times per year
• Marilyn shared results of recent survey
These results will be melded with SSAAM survey and reported
7.11 Positive Behaviour Support Sub-Committee -Lisa Martin, Judy Dandridge (Marilyn
Taylor reported)
Original goals have been met in other ways
Other things like core competency training in behaviour, and mental health committee
It was agreed that this committee will be dissolved.
7.12 Mental Health Issues in Manitoba Schools - Doug (Marilyn Taylor reported)
A report is being generated and will be discussed
Monday, October 27, 2008 9:30 am
Portage la Prairie School Division Office
535 - 3rd Street N.W.
Attendance: Candace Borger, Lynn'Coj&etC Judy Dandridge, Lisa Martin, Mike
Mauws, Bev Syzmesko, Jacqueline Gosselin, Barb Melnychuk, Doug Anderson,
Kim Campbell, Jane Massey, Marilyn Taylor
Regrets -Helga Berger, George Corbett, Tammy Mitchell, Wilma Ritzer, Wendy
Additions to/Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes of September 15, 2008
Note from Marilyn Taylor: Jordan's Principle-contact Linda Burnside, Executive Director
of Disability Programs of Family Services & Housing
Business Arising from Minutes
4.1 Follow up with Linda Burnside, Executive Director of Disabilities Programs, transition
requirements re: assessment data. (Candace)
o Thank you card from Debbie Parrott
New Business
6.1 Gerri Zacharias and Kevin Chief, Innovative Learning Centre, University of Winnipeg
o deferred to later meeting
6.2 Loretta Corbeil and Andrew Loughead, NOT Program-Not On Tobacco
o see ppt. presentation attached
o NOT send info, to Marilyn Taylor and she will forward it to appropriate
people at MECY (Health/Phys.Ed.)
Ppt. presentation to be sent out to Prov. Executive with minutes
o A/OTmay wish to approach individual SSAAM regions, including the Metro
Counselling group
6.3 University Program -Audiology and Speech, Language Pathology -Judy
Letter has been sent to all SSAAM people
o Suggest a regional or provincial response-best if there is training in the province
MAST will send letter of support (soft data)
Letter is requesting 'hard data' (i.e. open positions, number of SLP's
nearing retirement, number of students waiting)
o School divisions are encouraged to respond to letter
6.4 Resolutions -Review -Judy
o Judy will gather draft resolutions from various volunteer sources and send them
out to Provincial SSAAM executive to review prior to presentation at AGM
Audrey North, MECY Consultant-FASD Information (1:00 p.m.)
Looking for direction regarding the kinds of support that would be helpful to schoo
divisions related to FASD
o Audrey is available to do workshops and other PD opportunities
Focus on kinds of behaviours, characteristics, etc. and strategies/interventions
that help to address those, rather than focusing on a diagnosis
o Also need an understanding of the implications of a diagnosis of a 'neurological
impairment' so that adults can look past the diagnosis, develop a relationship and
begin to intervene
o Target audiences: EA's, Administrators
o Send feedback to Audrey re: four questions on ppt. presentation by Dec. 1
6.5 ^urvey-Doug and Lisa
Purpose is to gather data to be used to inform SSAAM regarding next steps
Location, size of school division, title, years of experience as SSAAM
member, affiliations, salary, stipend, how do we go about negotiating,
supervision of clinicians, educators, others
Doug & Lisa will send a draft to executive
6.6 Role and Skills of Resource Teacher Subcommittee-Judy and Barb
Meeting Oct. 22 with Bette Ann Turner, George, Judy & Barb
Discussed content of New Resource Teacher Workshops and Core Competency
Workshops, pre-service training at universities
Idea: Resource Teacher Sourcebook modeled after Counselling Sourcebook
o SSAAM will write a letter to Marilyn Taylor making this recommendation
6.7 Mission and Belief Statement-feedback
o Send feedback to Candace if your region has further comments
S"\ 6.8 Website-feedback
Links, PD events, interactive section to post questions/ideas, Brandon University'?
Exceptional Child's Casebook has many websites
Possibility of contracting a web designer to update
o Who is the audience?
Maybe some sections public and other sections limited access (password)
o Kim will explore possibilities for web design contractors, consult with Jace and
bring plan/proposal to Dec. meeting
6.9 Legal Aspects course-aware of approx. 12 people require this course at this time
Officer and Committee Reports
7.1 Officer Reports - President, Vice-Presidents, Past President
o Candace represented Provincial SSAAM at reception at Government House
o Judy-resolutions and committee
Doug-has rec'd one formal nomination for Bill Warren; one for Bob McDill is on its
way; one for Glen Rossi
o Doug-Judy: that we approve nomination of these three, pending receipt of
formal nomination forms
o George-must notify all members of intention for revisions to Constitution
7.2 Treasurer's Report - Wilma Ritzer -report circulated
7.3 Professional Development & SSAAM Conference- Lisa Martin
o Request volunteer to assist with menu choices-follow timeline from last year; food
order for 50% of registrations
Hospitality Room for Wed. only hold about 30 people
o Candace will bring a cake in celebration of SSAAM's (31st)
o Metro SSAAM will take care of Hospitality Room
o Reminder of regional groups to bring door prizes
7.4 Communications/Public Relations -Kim Campbell
7.5 Advocacy & Public Policy - Helga Berger/Tammy Mitchell-no report
7.6 Historian -no report
7.7 Manitoba Safe Schools - George Corbett-no report
7.8 Early Childhood Committee - Kim Campbell
Healthy Child MB Advisory Committee-will send minutes to Candace
o Closing the Gap Working Group
o Gathering research/stories on families living in poverty
7.9 A.B.A. - Monique Pillion -no report
7.10 Inclusive Ed. Consultation - Judy Dandridge-no report
7.11 Positive Behaviour Support Sub-Committee -Lisa Martin, Judy Dandridge-no repoi
7.12 Mental Health Issues in Manitoba Schools - Doug -no report
Regional/Partner Reports
8.1 D.S.P.M.-Jacqueline Gosselin-nothing to add
8.2 Metro - Barb Melnychuk/Candace Borger-nothing to add
8.3 Northern - Dean Grove -absent
8.4 Parkland/Westman-Lynn Cory/Bev Szymesko-nothing to add
8.5 South Central - Mike Mauws-copy circulated
8.6 South East/lnterlake - Jane Massey-will send report to Candace electronically
8.7 MECY - Marilyn Taylor-copy circulated
o Send ideas for topics for Student Services Forum to Marilyn or Lisa Martin (rep)
8.8 Healthy Child Manitoba - Wendy Church -absent
Professional Development / Sharing
o Geneva Conference on Autism in Toronto-Kim C.-excellent conference; also good to
see that Manitoba is so progressive in this area
Meeting Dates: December 3, 4 & 5 (Provincial SSAAM Conference)
Reminder: Send AGM reports to Candace by Monday, November 17
Judy-Mike: meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.
Judy Dandridge
Fort La Bosse School Division
Virden. Manitoba
Telephone: 204-748-2692
Fax: 748-2436
Email: jdandridge@flbsd.mb.ca
June 30, 2009
LJ Division Scoluire
LJ Inlerltike
Honourable Kerri Irviv-Ross
Chair, Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet, and Minister of Healthy Living
219-114 Garry Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4V6
Dear Honourable Kerri irvin-Ross:
Re: Provincial Mental Health Strategic Planning - Regional Stakeholder Consultations
LJ Metro Winnipeg
LJ \'(irtlicrn
LU .S>«/7/; Central
LJ Sou tit east
LJ Westman/Parkland
On behalf of the Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba (SSAAM) we are writing in
regard to the recent Provincial Mental Health Strategic Planning Consultation session, held at the Selkirk
Mental Health Center on May 8, 2009. In preparation for this session our organization was provided with
and asked to review, two consultation papers put forward by the Mental Health Commission of Canada.
The first consultation paper contained eight broadly based goals, and representatives of each organization
attending this session were asked to consider three questions related to the proposed draft goals. The
second consultation paper proposed a Framework for Mental Health Services, however, feedback was not
provided by all participants due to time constraints.
While the consultation opportunity offered to us as a stakeholder organization could have been a critical
mechanism in developing a strategic plan for mental health services in our province, we found the
process to be far too broad and hurried to provide practical and concrete recommendations. Provincial
SSAAM is committed to working with the Government of Manitoba to better respond to the evolving
needs of children and their families. Furthermore, a working group on "Educating Students with Mental
Health Issues" has developed a list of nine specific recommendations for future implementation. We
would welcome the opportunity to share this information in greater detail at the ministerial level. We look
forward to a response at your earliest convenience.
Judy Dandridge
President, SSAAM
c.c. P. Olafson
Lesley Eblie Trudel
SSAAM Executive Representative
School Boards
October 27, 2009
Dear colleagues in education.
The Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba met recently in separate sessions
with representatives of the Manitoba School Boards Association and the Manitoba Association
of School Superintendents. It is clear from the discussions which occurred that we share many
of the same concerns and challenges regarding student services and special needs education in
our province. It is also clear, however, that our collective efforts to effect change in provincial
education policy as it relates to these two areas of need have not been as successful as we would
like them to be.
The old adage that there is strength in numbers would suggest that stakeholder advocacy efforts
regarding student services and special needs education might be more successful if we were to
join hands and speak with a single united voice on those matters of common interest. Therefore,
the intent of this letter is to invite your organization's participation in an inter-organizational
meeting with three purposes in mind:
1. to share organizational priorities in student services and special needs education;
2. to explore the potential for consensus building around the identification of a limited
number of common key advocacy priorities; and
3. to identify a concerted and coordinated strategy to influence provincial education policy
relative to identified common priorities.
The Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba and the Manitoba School Boards
Association would welcome such a dialogue and would be pleased to convene a meeting for this
exchange. A meeting date, time and agenda will be confirmed once we know which
organizations are interested in participating. Because everyone is busy and finding a mutually
convenient date is always a challenge, your prompt reply to this invitation would be very much
Please confirm your availability by e-mailing or calling Carolyn Duhamel at the MSBA office
cduhamel@mbschoolboards.ca, 204-233-1595.
idy Dandridge, President
Student Services Administrators'
Association of Manitoba
Hugh Coburn, President
Manitoba School Boards
10:57:25 a.m.
Education, Citizenship and Youth
Program and Student Services Branch
Robert Fletcher Building
203-1181 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G OT3
T 204 945-7907 F 204 948-2291
July 22, 2009
Mr. Doug Anderson
Assistant Superintendent
The Evergreen School Division
Box 1200
Dear M
Thank you for your participation in completing the Educating Students with Mental
Health Issues recommendation report. As chair of the working group, I am sending
this letter to update you on the status of the report so that you may share this
information with the organization you represented.
The report was finalized and submitted to the Minister of Education, Citizenship and
Youth (MECY) as stated in our Terms of Reference. The report contained
recommendations or specific action items that were not under the mandate of MECY,
and therefore the report was brought to other government departments for review
and feedback. It was clear that many of the recommendations were relevant to other
department initiatives in the area of mental health services across age groups and
geographic regions that are still in progress.
During 2008/09 there were several mental health initiatives that were implemented in
part as a response to the recommendations of this working group. For example,
MECY partnered with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority in creating the Student
Mental Health Resource Team which began in October, 2008. This partnership
included several video conference sessions available to the province on mental
health topics in schools. The Emotionally Behaviourally Disordered Level 3
Committee members increased their focus on their role as the Provincial
Coordination of Services Committee, and were very active in responding to requests
from the field for assistance with 24 hour planning for students, some of whom
present with significant mental health concerns and dangerous behaviours. The
issue of Certification for School Counsellors has been acted upon. ' ,
. . .
spirited cncnjtj
10:57:40 a.m.
Mr. Doug Anderson
Page 2
At a recent Healthy Child Cabinet Committee meeting, the report was presented
within the context of the feedback gained from other department initiatives. Direction
was given to specifically work with our partners in Mental Health and Healthy Living
to advise them of our working group's stated issues and recommendations and
provide input into the broader plan for the provision of mental health services for all
Manitobans over the next several years.
Thank you again for your work on this working group. Please be assured that senior
staff across several departments have clearly heard the concerns of education
stakeholders and appreciated the information contained in the report. I look forward
to our continued collaboration on this and many other issues that face Manitoba
schools. If you have further questions you can contact me at (204) 945-7911 or
Joanna Blais
c. Gerald Farthing
Aileen Najduch
Allan Hawkins
^iL^^tf ST\JO€WT
School Boards
October 27, 2009
Dear colleagues in education.
The Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba met recently in separate sessions
with representatives of the Manitoba School Boards Association and the Manitoba Association
of School Superintendents. It is clear from the discussions which occurred that we share many
of the same concerns and challenges regarding student services and special needs education in
our province. It is also clear, however, that our collective efforts to effect change in provincial
education policy as it relates to these two areas of need have not been as successful as we would
like them to be.
The old adage that there is strength in numbers would suggest that stakeholder advocacy efforts
regarding student services and special needs education might be more successful if we were to
join hands and speak with a single united voice on those matters of common interest. Therefore,
the intent of this letter is to invite your organization's participation in an inter-organizational
meeting with three purposes in mind:
1. to share organizational priorities in student services and special needs education;
2. to explore the potential for consensus building around the identification of a limited
number of common key advocacy priorities; and
3. to identify a concerted and coordinated strategy to influence provincial education policy
relative to identified common priorities.
The Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba and the Manitoba School Boards
Association would welcome such a dialogue and would be pleased to convene a meeting for this
exchange. A meeting date, time and agenda will be confirmed once we know which
organizations are interested in participating. Because everyone is busy and finding a mutually
convenient date is always a challenge, your prompt reply to this invitation would be very much
Please confirm your availability by emailing or telephoning to MSBA offices with attention to
Carolyn Duhamel.
Judy Dandridge, President
Student Services Administrators'
Association of Manitoba
Hugh Coburn, President
Manitoba School Boards
Education, Citizenship and Youth
Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch
1567 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3E 3J5
T 204-945-8806 F 204-945-5060
October 2009
Ms Judy Dandridge, President
Student Services Administrators Association
of Manitoba (SSAAM)
c/o Fort la Bosse School Division
Box 1420
523 - 9th Avenue S.
Virden MB ROM 2CO
requested by
November 6, 2009
Dear Ms Dandridge:
Re: Invitation to Send Representative for the Manitoba Education, Citizenship
and Youth's (MECY) English as an Additional Language (EAL) Advisory
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth would like to invite your association to send
a representative to its EAL Advisory Committee, which is meeting in Winnipeg on
November 27, 2009. A response with the name of your representative is requested by
November 6, 2009. Complete details of the meeting will be provided to your
representative. Use the attached response form to let us know if your organization
wishes to participate on this committee.
As we move beyond the three years of the EAL Action Plan into further work, there is a
continued need for conversation with schools, educational partners and community
groups. This advisory committee will provide advice on the ongoing development and
implementation of supports and services related to EAL learners in Manitoba
Kindergarten to Grade 12 schools. It includes representatives from educational partner
organizations, school divisions, ethnocultural organizations, government departments,
as well as individual educators. With SSAAM's interest in appropriate education for all
students, it is believed that your association can provide valuable insights and feedback.
Information about the background of the EAL Advisory Committee, terms of reference
and operation is attached. For your information, a copy of the relevant documents
including the action plan has been posted on the Manitoba Education, Citizenship and
Youth website at <http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/diversity/eal/index.html>.
spirited enercjM
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Training will cover expenses at current
government rates and within current policies, including teacher substitute costs or feefor-service, travel expenses, meals, accommodation, and preparation time ($20/hourup to two hours per meeting day), where applicable.
If you have any questions, please contact Diana Turner, English as an Additional
Language Consultant, at <diana.turner@gov.mb.ca> or 204-945-7148. Please return
the enclosed fax-back response form by November 6, 2009.
Your time and cooperation are very much appreciated, and your involvement will
contribute to the success of the Department's initiatives for EAL learners. Thank you in
advance for responding to this invitation.
Yours sincerely,
Darryl Gervais
Acting Director
Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch
c Diana Turner
Educating Students With Mental Health Issues Working Group
Revised June 05, 2008
The Working Group is recommending that Government of Manitoba Ministers designate lead
Departments or School Divisions for implementation of each of the recommendations below:
1. There are anecdotal reports from the various school divisions of the province, especially in
rural/northern areas, that there are not enough child/adolescent mental health workers to meet
the demand for service. In metro areas, school divisions suggest that relatively short wait-list
times for youth mental health services may be an under-representation of the actual needs for
service. Students living on First Nations communities receive mental health services from
the Federal Government.
1.1. That the appropriate Government Departments and Regional Health Authorities in
consultation with stakeholders review the wait-list data and whether services for students
with mental health concerns are accessible.
1.2. That the Province meets with the appropriate Federal Government representatives to
discuss access to services for youth with mental health concerns living on First Nations
Kirby Report Recommendation #21: That governments take immediate steps to address the
shortage of mental health professionals who specialize in treating children and youth.
2. Organizations working with children and youth require additional knowledge of mental
health services available throughout the Province and their respective eligibility criteria.
2.1. That an online link be developed for a web-based resource for mental health information
and available services for Government Staff.
2.2. That Provincial Departments host a symposium to promote mental health services and
initiatives. At the symposium there will be a discussion of the online link recommended
in 2.1. Education stakeholders should be included in the planning of joint symposium
presentations. Stakeholders invited to the symposium would include, but not necessarily
be limited to, representatives from the medical profession, the 4 Authorities of Child &
Family Services, Children's Special Services, Justice, MECY, Health, and Family
Services and Housing.
2.3. Medical practitioners and other mental health professionals working with school-aged
youth should be in-serviced by educators on how the education system structures
supports for all students, especially those with special needs.
2.4. That organizations working with children and youth and Government Departments work
together to provide professional development and distribution of information about
mental health services, both inside and outside of schools, as part of an awareness
2.5. Government should host focused conversations with stakeholders to refine a provincial
picture of mental health supports across the province.
Kirby Report Recommendation #24: That provincial and territorial governments encourage
their health, education, and justice institutions to work closely together in order to provide
seamless access to mental health services for children and youth.
3. There is an increase in the number of students with mental health concerns. In addition to the
mental health related outcomes within existing MECY curriculae, mental health promotion
within schools needs to be increased through awareness and capacity building as a proactive
measure in order to reduce the stigma attached to students with mental health concerns.
3.1. Government should provide school divisions with information on prevention of mental
health concerns and promotion of healthy life-styles so educators can be involved in the
early identification of mental health issues.
3.2. The Working Group endorses recommendation #18 of the Kirby report as stated below,
to be implemented in a Manitoba context.
Kirby Report Recommendation #18: That students be educated in school about mental
illness and its prevention, and that the Canadian Mental health Commission (see Chapter 16)
•work closely with educators to develop appropriate promotion campaigns in order to reduce
stigma and discrimination.
4. Educators and all professionals interacting with children and youth need to have regularly
accessible training in working with children and youth with mental health issues.
4.1. Student services staff already hired by school divisions (e.g., school psychologists, social
workers, school counsellors) need to have access to appropriate resources to assist in
interpreting mental health diagnoses/information for the purpose of educational
4.2. That the Government develop a communication strategy about available resources for
educators to learn the "ABC's" of mental health.
4.3. The Working Group endorses Kirby Report recommendation #25 as stated below.
Kirby Report Recommendation #25: That professionals interacting with children and youth
with mental health issues be offered training opportunities to ensure that they can properly
address the mental health needs of their younger clients.
5. Anecdotal reports indicate that existing alternative day treatment educational programs are
not meeting the treatment needs of some students with mental health concerns and dangerous
behaviour. In addition, schools cannot access help for youth with dangerous behaviour who
do not want to participate in educational programming offered by existing services or their
community school.
5.1. Re-define a model of services to meet the demand for a range of mental health support
services that students require, including an expansion of an outreach team for children
and youth with mental health concerns. The outreach team operated by a St. Boniface
Hospital/Louis Riel School Division/MECY partnership may serve as a model, with
school divisions and mental health services.
5.2. Create provincially funded alternative programming for all children and youth who
require it, especially those aged 5 to 12 who present with significantly dangerous
behaviours and cannot be safely maintained in their current school placement.
Alternative programming should provide clear entry criteria that include dangerous
behaviour, intensive assessment services, and transition planning.
6. There is a lack of coordination among stakeholders to allow for collaborative planning for
students with mental health concerns, and there are potential barriers to information sharing.
6.1. A person centered planning process needs to be developed for 24 hour planning,
including a "point person" who would facilitate individual student 24 hour plans.
6.2. The province needs to develop facilitators and a training package to train the "point
6.3. There needs to be more dialogue between educators and other mental health professions
on providing educationally relevant recommendations.
6.4. Create a new standard consent form that allows for interagency sharing of information.
6.5. Expand the 1995 interagency protocol for youth with emotional/behavioural disorders to
include those children and youth with mental health needs and dangerous behaviours.
The protocol needs to be updated and/or revised and needs to include an implementation
plan for 24 hour planning beyond the sole purpose of seeking EBD Level 3 funding.
6.6. That all Regional Health Authorities be requested to provide school divisions, on an
annual basis, a listing of mental health services they provide for children and youth.
6.7. School divisions and communities require assistance to develop a coordinated response
for crisis intervention for students posing a safety risk to self and/or others.
6.8. Government should finalize and distribute the document entitled "Framework for
Suicide Prevention, May 2006".
7. The age restriction for Child and Adolescent Mental Health services depending upon
diagnostic criteria is a challenge. Youth older than the age of 18 but who are still eligible
pupils enrolled in a school division need to be able to access Child and Adolescent Mental
Health services.
7.1. The Working Group endorses the Kirby Report Recommendation #19 as stated below:
Kirby Report Recommendation #19: Determine age cut-offs for mental health services for
children and youth by clinical, rather than budgetary or other bureaucratic, considerations.
Where age cut-offs are employed, link services for children and youth to adult services to
ensure a seamless transition. Where age cut-offs are employed, avoid any "gaps " of time
where individuals are ineligible for treatment under both the children and youth and the
adult systems.
8. Lack of certification criteria for school counsellors.
8.1. Teacher Evaluation and Certification Committee (TECC) should make school counsellor
certification an option including mental health training/skills.
9. Rural/Northern concerns - how do rural/northern school divisions receive equitable mental
health services compared to urban areas?
9.1. Rural and northern communities require equitable services for children and youth with
mental health concerns and dangerous behaviours.
9.2. The Working Group endorses the Kirby Report Recommendation #22 as stated below:
Kirby Report Recommendation #22: That the use of tele-psychiatry be increased in rural
and remote areas, to facilitate the sharing of mental health personnel who specialize in
treating children and youth with these communities. That tele-psychiatry be employed both
for consultations and for the purposes of education and training of health professionals who
work in rural and remote areas.
Room 310
Legislative Building
Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA
Judy Dandridge
President, SSAAM
Student Services Administrators Association of Manitoba
Box 1420
VirdenMB ROM 2CO
Lesley Edlie Trudel
SSAAM Executive Rep
Dear Ms. Dandridge and Ms. Trudel:
On behalf of Honourable Kerri Irvin-Ross, Minister of Healthy Living, I
would like to acknowledge your correspondence regarding the Provincial Mental
Health Strategic Planning Consultation session. Please be assured this
correspondence will be brought to the Minister's attention.
I have forwarded your correspondence to the department to follow up on
feedback to the second consultation paper. I hope this provides sufficient
opportunity for feedback.
Emily Grafton
Special Assistant to the
Minister of Healthy Living
Room 168
Legislative Building
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C OV8
JUL 2 2 2009
Ms Judy Dandridge
Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba
c/o The Fort La Bosse School Division
Box 1420
VirdenMB ROM 2CO
Dear Ms Dandridge:
I would like to thank you and the representatives from the Student
Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba (SSAAM) for the informative meeting
held on May 20, 2009.
The relationship between Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth and
SSAAM has always been one of collaboration and cooperation and I appreciate the very
positive and proactive approach taken by your members in advocating on behalf of
students with special needs.
I am confident that the strong partnership between SSAAM and the staff in
the Program and Student Services Branch will result in progress toward the goals
identified in your resolutions.
In closing, please accept my appreciation for the work of SSAAM and I
wish you and your members all the best in the 2009-2010 school year.
Honourable Peter Bjornson
A D M I N I S T R A T O R S '
F e a t u r i n g
K e y n o t e
S p e a k e r :
D r . W a y n e H a m m o n d
A S t r e n g t h - B a s e d
A p p r o a c h t o A s s e s s i n g a n d
B u i l d i n g
R e s i l i e n c y i n C o m p l e x
C h i l d r e n
a n d Y o u t h
December 3 & 4,2009
Victoria Inn, Brandon
3550 Victoria Ave.
Registration Deadline:
November 21,2009
Dr. Wayne Hammond is the president and executive director of Resiliency Initiatives/
Canada in Calgary. Alberta. Over the past twenty years, he has primarily worked with
high risk youth and their families with a focus on comorbidity, sexually acting out behaviour, substance abuse, violence issues as well other mental health concerns. He
has served in clinical supervisory capacities, worked in a comprehensive residential
treatment centre and has provided clinical services in an inpatient/outpatient forensic
setting as well as an adolescent substance abuse program based in a hospital setting.
He has published several scientific articles and has been an active lecturer regarding
various mental health concerns and the implications of strength-based practice on
working with adolescents and families.
Wednesday., Dec. 2
Thursday, Dec. 3
Friday., Dec 4
9:00 to 12:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Dr. Wayne Hammond
MECY Update
Grand Ballroom A, Vfeuria Inn
Grand Ballroom A, Victoria Inn
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Karen Priestley, Consultant (MECY) will
review the newest document outlining
supports for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
SSAAM Annual General
Grand Ballroom A, Victoria kin
12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Dr. Hammond will introduce participants to his strength-based model of intervention
practice. As opposed to the traditional model of trying to protect and fix the problems
of high-risk children and youth, the presentation will highlight the concept of resiliency,
explore the role of protective factors for thriving, and outline the implications for preventative programming and capacity building. The workshop will explore how community care agencies and educational programs can identify and nurture the protective
factors and capacities of complex children and youth that allow them to cope effectively with everyday challenges, bounce back from adversity, develop realistic goals and
treat themselves and others with respect. Dr. Hammond will also explore the role of
professionals and the need for a culture of a strength-based philosophy of practice and
support as crucial aspects in nurturing positive youth development.
12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Lunch (Courtesy of MECY)
Lunch Provided
Lunch Provided
Imperial Ballroom. Victoria Inn
Brand Bakoom B, Victoria bin
Dr. Wayne Hammond
Grand Balroorn B, Victoria kin
1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Roza Gray, Supt. Of Programs for Park
West School Division will review the
Division's Assets
Imperial Ballroom. Victoria kin
2:15 to 3:30 p.m.
Doug Anderson, Assistant
Superintendent, Evergreen School
Division and Joanna Blais, Director of
Student Services Branch, MECY
will review the Dispute Resolution
process as outlined in The Appropriate
Education legislation.
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Wine and Cheese
Awards Presentation
Hospitality Room
Room, Victoria Inn
Brand Ballroom B, Victoria km
Hospitality Room
Room, Victoria Inn
For Information about the Conference Events, please contact:
Lisa Martin, SSC
(204)842-2107 lmartin@pwsd.ca