Downloads_Seelen_files/Flyer A4 engl the souls
Downloads_Seelen_files/Flyer A4 engl the souls
The Revenants I Tales of Ghostly Encounters theSouls Die Wiederkehrer I Les Revenants armeSeelen A farmer’s wife from Entlebuch relates how, many times, she was overcome by frightful fear. Near the little Chapel, she saw a ghostlike figure and this always happened shortly before midnight. The figure of a man sat there, clad in black. She asked a Capuchin Father for counsel and he told her: «Don’t be afraid. Don’t say anything to him! He is a poor soul, condemned to wander – he won’t harm you in any way. Pray and walk away!» An alpine farmer from the Isenthal tells about mysterious things he experienced on the alps; about animals who behaved strangely, about hunting misdeeds and about the «Grissjuni», a poor soul who had to remain a wanderer, because during his life, he had treated his fellow-men so badly. And the «Dräckpätscher» is a ghost who appears to this day because during his lifetime he almost strangled a young woman to death in a feeding-trough. A cowherd and natural healer from the Schächental tells us: When he is worried about the safety and health of the animals in his care, he begs God’s protection. He also bans the evil spirits with his own prayers and magic powers. It is said that clear sighted children can see the poor souls. A priest tells us that when he was a young boy, the poor souls appeared to him in the form of silhouettes. On one occasion a poor soul placed his hand on the young boy’s hands. This hand was icy-cold and the boy was terrified. The film transcends a dreamlike reality into the mysterious land of poor souls. Witnesses from rural areas of Central Switzerland tell their tales of enigmatic encounters with persons from hereafter, and about outrages by decedents, which have to be expiated. A strong film which one should definitely see – not only because of its landscape pictures. Neue Luzerner Zeitung This film gets under your skin. Bote der Urschweiz This film has one aim – to move you, but not to explain. Entlebucher Anzeiger In a gentle, loving manner, Beeler’s impressive work documents a culture of sagas and myths sadly now dying out because, in modern reasoning, death is suppressed and taboo. NZZ am Sonntag Authentic testimonials which make us think. Pfarrblatt Urschweiz Perhaps the best and most impressive film made by Edwin Beeler. Willisauer Bote This ethnographic film documents an archaic folk-mythology, whose ancestor cult and animism lead us way back beyond Christianity and folklore. Basler Zeitung CALYPSO FILM LTD I P.O.B. 2418 CH-6002 LUZERN/SWITZERLAND WELCOME@CALYPSOFILM.CH I WWW.CALYPSOFILM.CH WWW.ARME-SEELEN.CH