Race Programme - Hurley Regatta
Race Programme - Hurley Regatta
Race Programme Please note that the programme timings are very tight, so to avoid disappointment please be at the boat marshalling area 15 minutes before your race time. Races with FL beside them may have a fastest loser position available for the next round. Race Time 10 Heat Class Next Race 1 09:00 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Little & Large Cobra H Kilsby & M Kilsby D Feast & J Feast E Davis & L Bleyswyck 2 09:05 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Open Novelty Race C Currie & G Gilbert S Deller & A Marlow M Smyth & T Smyth H Casey & C Dow 3 09:10 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Ladies & Gents Canoe W Brewer & C Pearson N Shields & J Shields S Burness & P Burness J Jennings & C Jennings 4 09:15 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Little & Large Tandem Dinghy O Feast & J Feast E Davis & T Davis G Burfitt & P Burfitt 5 09:20 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Open Novelty Race W Brewer C Pearson V Procter & T McLennan V Bosley & J Feasey T Love & R Soreney Cobra 24/53 FL Blue Canoe 32/39 FL Coloured Canoe Dinghy Blue Canoe 52 FL 71 32/39 FL www.hurleyregatta.co.uk Race Time Heat Class 6 09:25 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Little & Large Cobra A Kilsby & H Kilsby H Reife & C Reife Ty & P Burness 7 09:30 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Bath Race Afro-dizzy-acts The Donuts Hurricane 1 The Artists 8 09:35 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 9 09:40 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Gents Single Scull J Shields C Jennings 10 09:45 H3 L1 L2 L3 L4 Open Novelty Race C Nunan & J Nunan C Cooper & S Beverley J Bowers & H Bowers D Hearne & L Hearne 11 10:00 H3 L1 L2 L3 L4 Little & Large Cobra J Beverley & B Beverley R Relfe & E Reife G Burfitt & P Burfitt www.hurleyregatta.co.uk Coxed Dinghy A Hyman & J Hyman P Burfitt & I Burfitt LE1 Next Race Cobra Bath 24/53 FL 57 Dinghy Scull 54 Blue Canoe 32/39 Cobra 24/53 FL 11 +RUL]RQ%XLOGLQJ +RQH\/DQH +XUOH\ 6/5- A World of Opportunities Delivering Care, Security and Justice Services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ace Time Heat Class 12 10:05 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Thames Dongola The Donuts Peter & Co. LE2 13 10:10 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Little & Large Tandem Dinghy H Kilsby & H Kilsby A Smyth & M Smyth G Hyman & A Hyman 14 10:15 H4 L1 L2 L3 L4 Open Novelty Race S Gilbert & D Currie T Drew & S Richards A Welman & A Langstone LE3 15 10:20 H4 L1 L2 L3 L4 Little & Large Cobra O Feast & J Feast A Smyth & T Smyth J Hyman & A Hyman 16 10:25 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Gents Single Scull N Towers P Hanks 17 10:30 H1 L1 L2 L3 Ladies Tandem Dinghy C Nunan & H Kilsby C Pope & A Arthington G Junnings & S Elliott www.hurleyregatta.co.uk Next Race Dongola Punt 70 Dinghy 71 Blue Canoe 32/39 FL Cobra 24/53 FL Scull 54 Dinghy 61 13 Race Time 14 Heat Class Next Race 18 10:35 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Bath Race Bubbly Babes Maidenhead Marauders Hurricane 2 We Love Alan Shearer Bath 57 19 10:40 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Damsel in Distress E Burfitt & M Burfitt A Cherry & G Barnicoat A Machin & T Neiman H Casey & C Dow Blue Canoe 63 FL 20 10:45 H1 L1 L2 Dragon Boat Team 1 Team 2 21 10:50 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Single Punting A Schwab E Emery LE4 22 11:00 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Poddling in Canoes G Barnicoat & R Gregory M Goodman & A Ness S Burness & P Burness T Love & R Soreney 23 11:05 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Intermediate Dinghy J Kilsby H Mullins E Burfitt 24 11:10 SF1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Dragon Boat 48 55 Dongola Punt 77 Blue Canoe 72 Dinghy 78 Cobra Little & Large Cobra Winner H1 Winner H3 Fastest Looser Overall from H2 & H4 68 www.hurleyregatta.co.uk —we help people achieve healthy skin IT’S NOT ABOUT SKIN CONDITIONS It’s about the people living with them WE UNDERSTAND … that the more you know the easier it is to take control in challenging situations … and living with a skin condition is no exception. We see the challenges you and your family and friends face as our own, why? Because at LEO Pharma we have over 100 years’ experience in developing care solutions for people living with skin conditions including psoriasis, actinic keratosis, eczema and others, we understand what it’s like. As a dedicated global dermatology company, with our UK/IE affiliate based in Hurley, our mission is to help people achieve healthy skin and our focus on patients stems from listening to people living with skin conditions. Want to know more: ... about living with psoriasis? Visit www.psoriasisthinktwice.co.uk by LEO Pharma LEO Pharma, Horizon, Honey Lane, Hurley, Berks, SL6 6RJ © LEO · LEO Pharma · UK · July 2014 · ALL LEO TRADEMARKS MENTIONED BELONG TO THE LEO GROUP ·2000/10245 www.leo-pharma.co.uk Race Time Heat Class Next Race 25 11:15 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Ladies & Gents Canoe V Bosley & M Burfitt S Elliott & N Pierro S Hanks & P Hanks LE6 26 11:20 H3 L1 L2 L3 L4 Bath Race Sink or Swim Poseidon Adventure Hurricane 3 LE7 27 11:25 H5 L1 L2 L3 L4 Open Novelty Race L Bleyswyck & T Davis N Shields & J Shields P Bennington & K D’Mellow LE8 28 11:30 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Open Cobra V Bosley M Barnicoat L Csima 29 11:35 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Single Punting R Gregory N Towers LE9 30 11:40 H3 L1 L2 L3 L4 Little & Large Tandem Dinghy D Feast & J Feast J McLennan & T McLennen I Facer & N Facer www.hurleyregatta.co.uk Coloured Canoe 52 Bath 57 Blue Canoe 39 FL Cobra 76 FL Dongola Punt 77 Dinghy 71 17 Race Time 18 Heat Class 31 11:45 FINAL Novice Scull L1 C Whysall L2 A Hyman L3 L4 32 11:50 SF1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Open Novelty Race Winner H1 Winner H3 Fastest Looser Overall 2nd Fastest Looser Overall 33 12:00 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Thames Dongola Hurley Hayseeds Bazinga LE10 34 12:05 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Paddleboarding M Barnicoat L Csima D Hearne 35 12:00 H2 L1 L2 Dragon Boat Team 3 Team 4 36 12:15 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Damsel in Distress C Nunan & J Nunan H Parkman & D Hearne C Hyman & A Hyman H Kilsby & M Kilsby 37 12:20 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Intermediate Dinghy J Cadwallader S Beverley LE11 Next Race Scull Blue Canoe 60 Dongola Punt 70 FL Cobra 65 FL Dragon Boat 48 55 Blue Canoe 63 FL Dinghy 78 www.hurleyregatta.co.uk Temple Golf Club The friendly and welcoming golf club with a beautiful course within minutes of Hurley Flexible membership packages Great year round golf venue Expert coaching for all levels Junior & lady golfer friendly New Members and Visitors Welcome TQƂPFQWVOQre Email: secretary@templegolfclub.co.uk Tel: 01628 824795 www.templegolfclub.co.uk Use this special Hurley Regatta voucher to come and visit us. Play 18 holes of golf and then enjoy a cup of coffee, a sandwich from our bar snack menu and the wonderful view for just £25 per person. Voucher valid for up to 4 golfers on weekdays or weekend afternoons (subject to availability) Call us on 01628 824795 to arrange your visit. Voucher valid throughout 2014 Name: Address: Email: Race Time Heat Class Next Race 38 12:25 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Open Cobra G Barnicoat R Gregory C Whysall 39 12:30 SF2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Open Novelty Race Winner H2 Winner H4 Winner H5 3rd Fastest Looser Overall 40 12:35 H4 L1 L2 L3 L4 Bath Race Kendall-Blays Here We Go Again Sue’s Gals The Floaters 41 12:40 42 12:45 H1 L1 L2 Novelty Tug of War Heave-Ho The P Team Tug of War Rafts 44 43 12:50 H2 L1 L2 Novelty Tug of War The Booze Brothers LE12 Tug of War Rafts 44 44 12:55 FINAL Novelty Tug of War L1 Winner H1 L2 Winner H2 Tug of War Rafts FINAL Coxed Scull L1 M Burfitt & C Burfitt L2 G Barnicoat & A Cherry L3 L4 Cobra 76 Blue Canoe 60 FL Bath 57 Scull Lunch 1pm to 2pm (see next page for details of lunchtime entertainment) www.hurleyregatta.co.uk 21 22 Arena & Marquee Programme Time Event Entry Fee Notes No. in Team www.hurleyregatta.co.uk 1:00pm Raft Building n/a Watch 15 teams of raft builders at work n/a 1:00pm Ed’s Ceilidh Band n/a In the marquee n/a 2:15pm Pet Dog Racing (on a lead) 2:30pm Smartie Artie 3:00pm Pet Dog Racing (off the lead) 3:00pm Face Painter Free Children’s face painter n/a 3:00pm Children’s Events Free a) Water carrying (team of 4) b) Ball and Bucket race (individual) a) 4 b) 1 4:00pm Egg Throwing Free 180 competitors entered last year - come try and beat the record! 2 5:00pm Raft Race teams re-assemble n/a Raft race teams must re-assemble in the arena with buoyancy aids, for licensing 4 6:30pm Ed’s Ceilidh Band n/a In the marquee n/a 6:30pm SOAS Ceilidh Band Included The School of Oriental & African Studies (London) Ceilidh Band entertain in the marquee n/a 7:30pm Steve Carroll Included Steve Carroll entertains in the marquee, plus air guitar competition with prizes n/a £2.00 Free £2.00 Bring your dog to the arena and take part Children’s entertainer in the marquee Bring your dog to the arena and take part 2 + dog n/a 2 + dog Arena Events Pet Dog Racing (2:15pm “on a lead” and 3:00pm “off the lead”) There will be up to 6 heats and the winners of each heat will go into the Final. To enter either of the Pet Dog Races, take your dog along to the Arena at 1:30pm and give your dog’s name to the collecting ring marshal. Entry is £2 per dog per event and both races can be entered at the same time. Children’s Event - Water Carrying A team of 4 must co-operate to win this race, transporting water over various obstacles and balancing along planks of wood. There is a chance of getting slightly damp in this event! Entries are free. Come to the Arena at 3pm and register your entry. Children’s Event - Ball and Bucket Race This is a very simple race where competitors race backwards and forwards placing a ball in every bucket. The problem is you may only carry one ball at a time. Entries are free. Come to the Arena at 3pm and register your entry. Egg Throwing The egg throwing competition continues this year - we are still trying to beat the record 180 entrants that we had 6 years ago. Although we call this egg throwing we actually use water balloons. With luck some of the previous winners will be competing again this year. Be prepared to get a bit wet! Entries are free. Come to the Arena at 4pm and register your entry. www.hurleyregatta.co.uk 23 This Year’s Major Charity Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service was founded by John and Fiona Devine, who from their personal experience have an inspirational vision of the care and services families need when their child has a life-limiting or life-threatening condition. They set up this small, local charity, named after their son, Alexander, who died aged 8 from a brain tumour. During the four years that Alexander was ill they realised the desperate need for specialist children’s palliative care in Berkshire and the additional pressure families are put under without a central point of expertise, respite and care. The charity’s emphasis is on providing care and support in the families’ own community. Four years ago Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service launched Alexander’s Nurses, a team specialising in children’s palliative care and working with families across Berkshire in their homes and, uniquely, these nurses follow the child when they go into hospital either for a planned procedure or, often, at a time of crisis. There are more than 400 families in Berkshire with a child with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition and at present the nearest children’s hospice is either in Oxford or Winchester. As you can imagine, the distance and practicalities of travelling with a very sick child are an extra burden on families, causing even more disruption to the lives of children, their siblings and relatives. Alexander’s Nurses provide truly flexible care and are able to respond to the changing needs of children and their families with great flexibility. Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service is also raising £5m to build the first children’s hospice in Berkshire, at the same time as continuing to provide the Alexander’s Care Team. We have the site – near Maidenhead – we have planning permission and we hope to start building this autumn. Make a donation at www.justgiving.com/adcct/donate/. 24 www.hurleyregatta.co.uk Race Time Heat Class 45 14:00 H3 L1 L2 L3 L4 Damsel in Distress L Csima & R Gregory V Procter & T McLennan LE13 LE14 46 14:05 H1 L1 L2 L3 L4 Intermediate Double Cobra T Nunan & K Nunan E Burfitt & G Burfitt K Prichard & A Redmile 47 14:10 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Ladies Tandem Dinghy T Carter & R Cadwallader C Bosley & V Bosley LE15 48 14:15 H3 L1 L2 Dragon Boat Team 1 Team 3 49 14:20 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Intermediate Double Cobra J Kilsby & S Beverley J Cadwallader & Z Powell LE16 50 14:25 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Poddling in Canoes L Csima & A Cherry S Elliott & N Towers S Hanks & P Hanks LE17 51 14:30 H3 L1 L2 L3 L4 Intermediate Dinghy T Nunan P Swift LE18 www.hurleyregatta.co.uk Next Race Blue Canoe 63 FL Cobra 62 FL Dinghy 61 FL Dragon Boat 73 64 Cobra 62 FL Blue Canoe 72 FL Dinghy 78 25 Race Time 26 Heat Class 52 14:35 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 53 14:40 SF2 L1 L2 L3 L4 54 14:45 55 15:00 Ladies & Gents Canoe Winner H1 Winner H2 Fastest Loser H1 Fastest Loser H2 Next Race Coloured Canoe Little & Large Cobra Winner H2 Winner H4 Fastest Looser Overall from H1 & H3 FINAL Gents Single Scull L1 Winner H1 L2 Winner H2 L3 L4 H4 L1 L2 Dragon Boat Team 2 Team 4 56 15:05 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Junior Tandem Dinghy Coxed J Beverley, H Kilsby & A Kilsby C Facer, I Facer & M Facer LE20 57 15:10 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Bath Race Winner H1 Winner H2 Winner H3 Winner H4 58 15:15 H2 L1 L2 L3 L4 Paddleboarding R Gregory G Barnicoat T Love Cobra 68 FL Scull Dragon Boat 64 73 Dinghy Bath Cobra 65 FL www.hurleyregatta.co.uk &HOHEUDWLRQV When looking to celebrate a special occasion with family, friends or colleagues look no further than The Olde Bell Inn. Our team will take care of you whether you are looking to celebrate a milestone Birthday, Anniversary or just a good excuse for a party! %RRNDWDEOHIRUDWOHDVWIRXUJXHVWVDQGUHFHLYH DFRPSOLPHQWDU\ERWWOHRI KRXVHZLQH 7(DYHQE#FRDFKLQJLQQFRXN The offer is subject to availability and is based on four guests dining from the restaurant menu. No other discounts can be used with this offer. The table must be pre-booked by quoting ’CELEBRATE’. The offer is valid until the 30th November 2014. Race Time 28 Heat Class Next Race 59 15:20 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Intermediate Canadian Coloured Canoe Madie & Alfie J Cadwallader & Z Powell M Barnicoat & A. Barnicoat 60 15:25 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Open Novelty Race Winner SF1 Winner SF2 Fastest Looser SF1 Fastest Looser SF2 61 15:30 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Ladies Tandem Dinghy Dinghy Winner H1 Winner H2 Fastest Looser Overall from H1 & H2 62 15:35 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Intermediate Double Cobra Winner H1 Winner H2 Fastest Looser Overall from H1 & H2 63 15:40 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Damsel in Distress Blue Canoe Winner H1 Winner H2 Winner H3 Fastest Looser Overall from H1, H2 & H3 64 15:45 H5 L1 L2 65 16:00 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Dragon Boat Team 2 Team 3 Blue Canoe Cobra Dragon Boat Paddleboarding Winner H1 Winner H2 Fastest Looser Overall from H1 & H2 Cobra www.hurleyregatta.co.uk Race Time Heat Class Next Race 66 16:05 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Open Double Canoe Coloured Canoe A Temperley & C Kendall-Smith C Pope & A Arthington S Burness & (tbc) LE22 67 16:10 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Junior Single Dinghy G Burfitt C Facer LE24 68 16:15 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Little & Large Cobra Cobra Winner SF1 Winner SF2 Fastest Looser Overall from SF1 & SF2 69 16:20 FINAL Ladies Single Scull L1 A Ness L2 S Hanks L3 L4 70 16:25 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Thames Dongola Dongola Punt Winner H1 Winner H2 Fastest Looser Overall from H1 & H2 71 16:30 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Little & Large Tandem Dinghy Winner H1 Winner H2 Winner H3 www.hurleyregatta.co.uk Dinghy Dinghy 29 The RISING SUN at Hurley Trevor & Lisa wish you the warmest welcome È Warm, Relaxing Restaurant close to the river with a separate dining area away from the main bar È We've been awarded a Cask Marque for our real ales. Come and see why and enjoy our four ever-changing local ales È È È È È Home cooked traditional pub food Check out our Daily Specials Board È Delicious Sunday Lunches “the best in the area” È Large Selection of Fine Wines Log Fire È Beer Garden Dogs Welcome Car Park Outside Smoking Area OPENING TIMES Monday - Thursday: 12 noon - 11pm Friday & Saturday: 12 noon - Midnight Sunday: 12 noon - 10.30pm es Win Fine All Major Credit/Debt Cards Accepted HIGH STREET, HURLEY Local Ales cked l Sto l e W Bar MAIDENHEAD, BERKSHIRE SL6 5LT 01628 825 733 RISINGSUNHURLEY.CO.UK ofas Comfy S Race Time Heat Class 72 16:35 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 73 16:40 H6 L1 L2 74 16:45 FINAL Scratch Dongola L1 S Beverley L2 Entries on the day L3 L4 75 16:50 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Residents Double Canoe T Carter & R Cadwallader S Richards & S Crowe LE25 LE26 76 17:00 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Open Cobra Winner H1 Winner H2 Fastest Looser Overall from H1 & H2 77 17:10 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Single Punting Dongola Punt Winner H1 Winner H2 Fastest Looser Overall from H1 & H2 78 17:20 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Intermediate Dinghy Winner H1 Winner H2 Winner H3 www.hurleyregatta.co.uk Poddling in Canoes Winner H1 Winner H2 Fastest Looser H1 Fastest Looser H2 Next Race Dragon Boat Team 1 Team 4 Blue Canoe Dragon Boat Dongola Punt Coloured Canoe Cobra Dinghy 31 Race Time Heat Class Newcommers Canoe H Bowers & J Bowers LE27 LE28 LE29 Next Race 79 17:30 FINAL L1 L2 L3 L4 Blue Canoe 80 17:40 FINAL Dragon Boat L1 Fastest Team Overall L2 2nd Fastest Team Overall 81 17:50 FINAL Raft Race Barrells, wood & bits of rope Reef Knots & Sticky Tape The Booze Brothers Kendall-Blays Juniper Berries The Donuts Hurley Hayseeds Ship Happens Maidenhead Social Swiftys Dragon Boat Prize-giving in the marquee follows about 15 minutes after the last race The2 Sh1anly1 F2ou1ndation are pleased to sponsor the Hurley Regatta 32 www.hurleyregatta.co.uk