MS_AR Devel 2006


MS_AR Devel 2006
A Day in the Life of Mount Sinai
For the year ending December 31, 2006
Letter from Kenneth L. Davis M.D., President and Chief Executive Officer
and Dennis S. Charney, M.D., Dean
A Day in the Life of Mount Sinai
Architects of Anatomy
3:04 AM
Compassion on the Frontlines
7:31 AM
Books to Bedside
12:20 AM
Pioneering Collaborative Care
1:19 PM
Champions of Global Health
2:46 PM
Recipe for Prevention
5:37 PM
From Rescue to Recovery
7:03 PM
On the Cutting-Edge of Emergency Care
10:38 PM
Thinking Outside the Body
11:59 PM
New Day, New Beginning
10:05 AM
Boards of Trustees
Giving to The Mount Sinai Medical Center
Letter from Peter W. May, Chair of the Boards of Trustees
Letters from Frederick A. Klingenstein and James S. Tisch,
Co-Chairs of the Development Committee
1852, faced with a world in transition and a community in need, nine visionary
philanthropists seized the opportunity to make a tangible impact and founded Mount
Sinai. That pioneering spirit continues to motivate Mount Sinai’s brilliant physicians and
researchers, talented students, and dedicated staff more than 150 years later. Each new
day, each new challenge, drives us to re-examine traditional paradigms and to explore
innovative ways of treating and preventing disease.
Our relentless quest to heal the sick and combat illness leaves no time for rest.
At any hour of the day or night, visitors will find Mount Sinai a vibrant, steady hub of
Kenneth L. Davis, M.D.
Dennis S. Charney, M.D.
activity – in the operating room, at the nursing station, in the classroom, the laboratory,
the library.
Just past midnight, when many of us are grateful to lay the day to rest, Mount Sinai’s heart transplant specialists are gearing
up to perform a painstakingly complex surgery that will stretch well past dawn and give a patient with heart failure the sight
of another sunrise. While the night wears on, our devoted nurses keep faithful watch over the critically ill patients of the
Intensive Care Unit.
As morning breaks, attending physicians and residents report for rounds and visit patients, collaborating to assess
symptoms and consider the best course of treatment. Later, faculty physicians confer with outpatients while early afternoon
finds researchers in the emerging pathogens laboratory absorbed in experiments that could reveal how the influenza virus
is transmitted in humans. Alzheimer’s patients participating in clinical trials return in mid-afternoon for their next scheduled
evaluation and treatment.
Heroes of 9/11 come throughout the day to receive free health screenings and treatment through Mount Sinai’s World
Trade Center Health Effects Treatment Program. An evening surge of patients swells the occupancy of the Emergency Department
while our hardworking students sip coffee to fuel their studies late into the night.
Meanwhile, on the cusp of a new day that promises to begin it all again, Mount Sinai’s devoted staff of obstetricians,
nurses, and midwives joyfully welcomes new life into the world.
With this year’s Development Report, we invite you to accompany us through the joys, successes, and challenges of a typical
day at Mount Sinai, and to witness some of the remarkable science that flourishes on the periphery of the patient experience,
making miracles possible.
Most sincerely,
Kenneth L. Davis, M.D.
Dennis S. Charney, M.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer
The Mount Sinai Medical Center
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Architects of Anatomy
12: 20 A M
During the night, a
patient undergoes
open-heart surgery
in the expert hands
of Anelechi
Anyanwu, M.D.,
ost heart transplants at The Mount Sinai Medical Center take place between
midnight and 8 a.m., the culmination of a precisely orchestrated process
that can deliver a donor heart on as little as two hours notice. Two teams
Director of Heart
of Mount Sinai surgeons are rushed into place: one to operate on the recipient
and Heart-Lung
and the other to prepare the donor. Why the late hour? Screening of the potential
and a skilled team
donor heart usually takes place in the daytime, when consultants, counselors
of Mount Sinai
and donor coordinators are readily available to document the donor’s condition and
family’s consent.
Last year, Mount Sinai performed 12 adult and five pediatric heart transplants.
Anelechi Anyanwu, M.D., Director of Heart and Heart-Lung Transplantation, has also revived the Medical
Center’s heart-lung transplant program. “No other center in New York offers this procedure,” he notes.
Mount Sinai performed two heart-lung transplants in 2006 – the first in New York in five years. Three
additional patients are now being screened for the operation.
It may be difficult to imagine yourself or a loved one needing and receiving a transplanted heart. But at
Mount Sinai, equally effective, less dramatic treatments for heart failure are also increasingly available.
For example, Dr. Anyanwu and his team also implanted 20 heart-assist devices last year. “Assist devices
are like artificial heart pumps,” explains Dr. Anyanwu. “They are implanted in people with heart failure
to replace or aid the failing heart.”
His greatest challenge? “Getting the word out,” says Dr. Anyanwu. “Things are changing and we have
new heart pumps, new devices, new procedures. Even if they are too sick for a heart transplant, there are
new ways we can help people with heart failure.” Unfortunately, many heart-failure patients – and their
physicians – don’t know they have an option. At Mount Sinai they do.
Compassion on the Frontlines
3:0 4 A M
Mount Sinai
nurses take a
proactive approach
to patient care.
Here, Nandini
Paranjape, R.N.,
ll is quiet in the Neurosurgery Intensive Care Unit at this early hour. But the
nurses on shift remain alert and vigilant, intensely attuned to the needs of the
patients filling their 14-bed unit.
consults with
“Nurses really are the coordinators of patient care,” says Nadine Rosenthal, R.N.,
her colleague
Director of Nursing of Surgical, Medical Specialties and Emergency Services. “They’re
about a patient in
the Neurosurgical
Intensive Care
the ones who are by the bedside 24/7.”
From facilitating an onsite wedding for a severely ill patient to helping develop
a new protocol for dialyzing patients, Mount Sinai nurses are actively engaged on
the frontlines of clinical care, and continue to proactively expand their roles to ensure
their patients feel comfortable and safe.
Patients admitted to Mount Sinai are in the best of hands. Mount Sinai Nursing recently received the
coveted Magnet Award for 2004 through 2008. The highest level of recognition for excellence in nursing
care, the Magnet designation is awarded to four percent of all hospitals nationwide. This honor reflects
the success of Mount Sinai Nursing in creating a culture of teamwork and patient-centered care. In addition,
130 Mount Sinai nurses have been named R.N. Magnet Champions, an honor that exemplifies excellence
in nursing practice.
“Mount Sinai nurses have such warmth and understanding of the patients,” remarks Edgar Cullman, Sr.,
a Trustee of Mount Sinai and sponsor of the Joseph F. Cullman, Jr. Institute for Patient Care. “It’s remarkable
how they can be so patient and so loving with someone they’ve never met before and may never meet again.”
“When I was a new nurse, you weren’t supposed to show your connection to human feelings,” recalls
Carol Porter, R.N., M.P.A., Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President for Patient Care Services. “But patients
need to know that we feel what they feel.”
Books to Bedside
7 : 3 1 AM
Ramiro Jervis,
M.D., Assistant
Professor of
Medicine, conducts
rounds with
Internal Medicine
residents Raymond
Biety, M.D.,
Manjula Dhayalan,
aking rounds is an integral part of the learning experience at every medical
school, specifically the hands-on learning time known as residency. At the
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, the Internal Medicine Residency Program
is expanding to enhance its status as one of the top in the country.
The Advancing Idealism in Medicine curriculum was developed by residents
and faculty in response to a well-studied national trend: the tendency of student
M.D., and Ellen
doctors to lose touch with their original motivation as they progress through their
Rule, M.D.
training. Dennis Abraham, M.D., Chief Resident in the Department of Medicine,
The Global Health Initiative within
the Department of Internal Medicine
enables residents to spend time
working in a number of international
sites, including:
explains: “It’s not surprising that your focus shifts as you start to deal with paper-
work, red tape, administration – all the logistical issues of practice in the real world.”
Dominican Republic
A key element of this pioneering program, the Global Health Initiative facilitates resident involvement
South Africa
Sri Lanka
in international medical efforts aimed at improving the plight of others. The Initiative allows students to
spend a significant amount of time in the third year of residency overseas, learning how things operate in
different countries, such as India, Belize, and Rwanda.
“A few years ago, when I was a medical student, we didn’t have a lot of students taking advantage
of international electives,” says Pilar Stevens-Cohen, M.D., Chief Resident in the Department of Internal
Medicine. “Now it’s become more and more popular.”
The residency emphasizes an interactive, evidence-based approach to learning, which challenges residents
to understand the existing medical literature on diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment when caring for patients.
“On a daily basis the residents who admit patients overnight sit in front of our department chairs and
program directors and defend how they treated the patients based on the literature that’s available,” explains
Dr. Abraham. “It’s actually a fun, educational way to push residents to ask the central questions involved
in each patient’s care.”
Pioneering Collaborative Care
10: 05 A M
Keith Benkov,
M.D., Associate
Professor of
Pediatrics and
examines one
hoosing a physician, whether primary care or specialist, can be one of
life’s most important – and potentially challenging – health care decisions.
Should my priority be state-of-the art medicine, or an atmosphere of comfort
It started with unexplained weight
loss and a general feeling of fatigue.
of the many
and compassion? What if I need a specialist – do I have to start my search all over
patients who
again? The nearly 400,000 patient visits to Mount Sinai’s Faculty Practice Associates
noticed about a condition that doctors
Practice Associates
(FPA) in 2006 alone is a powerful testament to Mount Sinai’s success in addressing
in Mount Sinai’s Faculty Practice Associates
each year.
this challenge.
visit the Faculty
The FPA is the clinical practice arm of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and
brings to our patients the best of Mount Sinai – a unique blend of clinical excellence,
cutting-edge research, and world-class medical education. The FPA is comprised of more than 780
That’s what a 59-year old patient first
quickly diagnosed as Type 2 diabetes.
“What impressed me most,” he recalls,
“was how attentive they were. They
really took my personal circumstances
into account.” Days away from leaving
physicians drawn from the School’s full-time faculty, most of whom are also involved in one or more of
on a much-needed vacation, he was
Mount Sinai’s extensive clinical and basic-science research projects. There are likely to be between 1,000
grateful that his doctors were able to
and 2,000 of these projects underway at any given time, many of which are funded by individual donors.
delay starting some of his medication
until he returned, when they could closely
“Our faculty members can offer access to the latest drugs and procedures before they are widely
available,” according to Louis Russo, M.D., CEO of the Faculty Practice Associates and Professor of Neurology
monitor drug interactions and adjust
dosages as necessary.
at Mount Sinai.
“I wasn’t just a case to be treated,” he
The FPA facilitates collaboration among specialists and caregivers to ensure comprehensive, accessible
says. “There was good human interaction.
patient care. A multidisciplinary team is customized for each patient, with a single integrated-practice
I wouldn’t have gotten such first-class
management system that is used throughout the FPA. If patients need to be admitted to the hospital, all their
treatment anywhere else.”
FPA physicians are on the scene. The FPA is working with the Medical Center to develop a “single patient
identifier” system and to integrate paperless medical records, all of which will make the transition even
more seamless and effective for the patient.
Champions of Global Health
1 : 1 9 PM
Mary Klotman,
M.D., Co-Director
of the Emerging
Pathogens Institute
and Professor
of Medicine and
ne of the most notorious pathogens of our time is the Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which causes AIDS. Today, it may be
difficult to imagine a world without HIV, but in the early 1980s, the virus
had only recently surfaced. While death rates from HIV have declined in New York,
in her lab where
tracing the path of this deadly virus reinforces the critical nature of Mount Sinai’s
she researches
work on one of the most alarming global health threats of our time.
HIV and other
infectious diseases.
Established in 2004, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine Emerging Pathogens
Institute reflects the growing priority of research in this area. “An emerging pathogen
is any new or re-occurring old microbe that has the ability to spread and create
a bigger problem than anticipated,” explains Mary Klotman, M.D., who along
with Adolfo García-Sastre, Ph.D., co-directs the Institute at Mount Sinai. Under their leadership, the Institute
will investigate and track pathogenic bacteria and coronaviruses such as the one that causes SARS
(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), and new strains of influenza – more critical than ever in this age
of potential pandemics and the threat of bioterrorism.
A BioSafety Level 3 Lab, scheduled for completion in 2007, brings Mount Sinai into the top tier of research
Rachel Pollina is the Supervisor of
centers in this field. The BioSafety Lab will incorporate special engineering features and containment
the BioSafety Level 3 Lab, where
equipment to allow researchers to work safely with organisms considered to be potential bioterrorism threats
special equipment and clothing allow
or emerging pathogens. Moreover, the Lab will enable the Medical Center to expand the range and depth
researchers to work safely with
of its research in this area, perhaps opening the door to new funding eligibility.
emerging pathogens.
While the National Institutes of Health (NIH) provides substantial support, according to Peter Palese, Ph.D.,
Chair and Professor of Microbiology and Professor of Medicine/Infectious Disease, the majority of the Lab’s
funding still comes from the School of Medicine and from private donors and foundations. Most recently,
an important grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation provided support for potentially groundbreaking
research on the avian flu virus led by Drs. Palese and García-Sastre.
Recipe for Prevention
2:4 6 P M
Giulio Maria
Pasinetti, M.D.,
Ph.D., Professor
of Psychiatry,
Neuroscience, and
Geriatrics and Adult
Development, in
his lab where
ach year, Mount Sinai School of Medicine has more than 400 clinical trials
in progress. Prompted by promising research findings, investigators enlist
participants for ongoing studies designed to determine whether new vaccines,
drugs, and other therapies are safe and effective for treating patients.
Presently, our Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) has nine such trials
he conducts his
in various phases underway. Two early-stage studies will build on basic science research
conducted under the leadership of Giulio Maria Pasinetti, M.D., Ph.D., which
research on
Alzheimer’s disease.
suggests nutrition may influence the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
One clinical trial intends to bolster research suggesting that moderate consumption
of red wine, specifically Cabernet Sauvignon, may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.
Investigators, drawing on promising preclinical results, will assess the effects of grape seed-derived
compounds in patients with mild to moderately severe Alzheimer’s disease. In addition to their medication,
participants will receive grape seed extract, which Dr. Pasinetti recently demonstrated reduces memory
deterioration and Alzheimer’s disease-type brain degeneration.
“The study provides a potentially new and exciting pharmacological strategy for Alzheimer’s disease
prevention and treatment,” explains Dr. Pasinetti, Professor of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, and Geriatrics
and Adult Development, and Director of the Neuroinflammation Research Laboratories. Other ADRC
studies are also exploring the potentially therapeutic effects of nutriceuticals in combating Alzheimer’s.
Additional research by Dr. Pasinetti suggests that restricting caloric intake, specifically carbohydrates,
may slow and possibly prevent Alzheimer’s by inhibiting the buildup of harmful plaque in the brain.
His findings indicate cutting calories may simultaneously reduce brain plaque and trigger an increase in
a protein associated with longevity, defending the brain against decay.
“We hope these findings further unlock the mystery of Alzheimer’s and bring hope to the millions
of Americans suffering from this disease,” says Dr. Pasinetti.
From Rescue to Recovery
5 : 3 7 PM
Britt Hatfield, M.D.,
M.P.H., Instructor
of Community and
Preventive Medicine,
discusses treatment
he Mount Sinai Medical Center’s response to the World Trade Center
disaster started on September 11, 2001, when hospital staff prepared for a
wave of injured survivors that never materialized. Since then, Mount Sinai has
options with
Firefighters, first responders, and other
Patricia Fitzpatrick,
taken the lead, through monitoring, screening, and research, in confronting
heroes of 9/11 have sought out Mount
a 48-year-old
health issues that have emerged in the disaster’s wake. Mount Sinai has tracked
Sinai’s WTC Worker and Volunteer Medical
New York City
the health of more than 12,000 individuals via the WTC Worker and Volunteer Medical
Screening Program since its inception.
firefighter who
Screening Program, the largest multi-center clinical program providing
Douglas Ducko, 39, served as a volunteer
medical examinations and monitoring for those who worked at Ground Zero and
rescue worker at Ground Zero. Now
worked at Ground
Zero for 17 days.
other affected sites.
suffering from breathing problems,
In September 2006, The Mount Sinai Medical Center released a report that
persistent, and widespread than was previously thought. At least 70 percent of workers tested from 2002 to
2004 reported new or substantially worsened respiratory problems while or after working at Ground Zero.
sinusitis/rhinitis, chronic nasal congestion,
and headaches, Mr. Ducko visits Mount
Sinai’s expert physicians and other
But these are just the workers whose status was monitored by the program. Mount Sinai’s Chair of the
specialists in the program every month –
Department of Community and Preventive Medicine, Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., estimates that 40,000
traveling to New York City from his home
rescue and recovery workers were exposed to caustic dust and airborne toxic pollutants.
in Sarasota, Florida at his own expense.
Perhaps the most disturbing statistic, however, is that 40 percent of those who came to Mount Sinai
“I could pay a doctor down there $200
for medical screening did not have health insurance – and thus had to find and pay for treatment on
to give me an aspirin,” Mr. Ducko says,“
their own.
or I can pay $200 to fly up here where
To fill this gap, Mount Sinai is spearheading the WTC Health Effects Treatment Program, a consortium
they really know what they’re doing.”
of health-care providers that will provide treatment for uninsured rescue, recovery, and clean-up workers
and others who are ineligible for federal aid. The program is supported by a unique new fund, the
9/11 Neediest Medical Campaign, which was launched by contributions of $1 million each from
The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund, the New York Community Trust, the Ford Foundation,
and the Open Society Institute. Other contributors include the Altman Foundation, the United Way of
New York City, and Trinity Church.
On the Cutting-Edge of Emergency Care
7 : 03 P M
Andy Jagoda, M.D.,
Medical Director
of the Department
of Emergency
Medicine, oversees
ith its reputation for competent, compassionate care, Mount Sinai’s
Emergency Department (ED) is highly trusted and heavily used by a diverse
community. In 2007, the ED anticipates more than 85,000 visits, maintain-
the Emergency
Department at
Mount Sinai,
ing its 8 percent annual growth rate for the third consecutive year.
“We’re a key piece of a successful system,” points out Andy Jagoda, M.D., Medical
where the busiest
Director of the Department of Emergency Medicine. Ninety percent of the Medical
time of day falls
Center’s internal medicine inpatients are admitted through the ED.
between 4 PM
and 8 PM.
The ED is finding creative ways to cope with the growing demand for its
The Emergency Department’s
competitive academic program is
known for its creativity and breadth.
Its innovative simulation center enables
residents and other trainees such
as nurses and physician assistants
services. One promising innovation is an observation space for patients who don’t
require full admission but do need several hours of care. Already in use is the “fast
track” area, where low-acuity problems such as a sprained ankle can be quickly assessed and treated.
to hone skills they may not pick up
in Mount Sinai’s daily routine of
Also, Mount Sinai currently boasts the only fully paperless ED in New York City – which means
urban emergencies. For example, says
no misplaced records that slow down the process. In fact, patients arriving at the ED are likely to see a
Dr. Jagoda, “Managing a drowning
physician within 38 minutes.
child is a core competency in emergency
Perhaps the most striking advance is the ED’s proactive customer service approach. Dr. Jagoda explains:
“When you come into the Department, you’re welcomed by a greeter. There’s no registration booth –
we register patients at the bedside.” Patients are promptly greeted, triaged, and facilitated through the
medicine. Our residents may never
have to resuscitate a drowning child
in this urban Emergency Department,
system. All staff are trained in this approach; clerks as well as senior physicians are equally likely to offer
assistance to a weary family member in search of a loved one.
Over the last decade, Mount Sinai has also built an impressive academic presence. Now home to the
but they must have that skill before they
leave this training program.”
most competitive emergency medicine training program in New York City, the ED is the only emergency
medicine residency in New York, and one of only 10 programs nationwide, to receive research project
funding from the National Institutes of Health.
“We’ve come a long way,” says Dr. Jagoda. “Our challenge is to keep up with our success.”
Thinking Outside the Body
1 0 : 3 8 PM
The day is not
over yet. Once
classes are
medical students
study for their
t’s almost closing time; the librarians in the Gustave L. and Janet W. Levy
Library are re-shelving books. Only a few students are still scattered throughout the library. Scott is poring over articles on the 1918 influenza pandemic.
Eager to meld his clinical studies with collaborations within the wider community
upcoming exams
to promote health, prevent disease, and protect the environment, Scott found his
in the Gustave L.
place in the M.D./M.P.H. program at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. “It was very
and Janet W.
important to me that the program I choose have an awareness of and a concern for
Levy Library.
the human condition,” recalls Scott.
David Muller, M.D., Dean of Medical Education, strongly advocates developing
programs that emphasize the humanistic side of medicine. “Science is critically
important but without the social context it is just another academic pursuit,” he explains. “Our biggest
challenge is to produce socially conscious doctors who leave here ready to take on medicine’s greatest
scientific, clinical, and social problems.”
The M.D./M.P.H. track, offered through the Department of Community and Preventive Medicine,
is just one of the School’s innovative combined programs. The Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)
Roberto Posada, M.D., Professor of
of the Graduate School of Biological Sciences prepares students for careers that bridge clinical medicine
Pediatric Infectious Diseases, lectures
and scientific research. As they simultaneously pursue their Ph.D. and M.D., MSTP students develop broad
to first-year Microbiology students in
backgrounds in basic life-science disciplines.
The Dr. Alvin S. Teirstein Lecture Hall.
A new Master’s track in Bioethics, offered jointly through Mount Sinai and Union Graduate College, will
combine online and in-person instruction and prepare students to resolve ethical issues that inevitably
arise in the practice of medicine, while instilling a sense of social responsibility.
Meanwhile, the Seniors and Mentors (SAM) program pairs teams of first-, second-, and third-year
The recent renovations to this auditorium
were made possible through a gift from
Trustee Mrs. Henry J. Gaisman, in honor
of Dr. Teirstein.
students with elderly patients living in the community. “As the students become more advanced,” explains
Dr. Muller, “they gradually transition from community support to health advocate to healthcare provider
for these patients.”
New Day, New Beginning
11 : 5 9 P M
Michael Brodman,
M.D., Professor
and Chair of
the Department
of Obstetrics,
Gynecology, and
t’s a girl!”
The clock says it’s the end of the day. But for a baby born at Mount Sinai,
it’s a new beginning. Last year, the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology,
Throughout pregnancy, expectant
and Reproductive Science welcomed approximately 5,800 newborns, and more
mothers and their families can benefit
Science, holds
than 200,000 babies have been born at Mount Sinai since the first one was delivered
from the Midwifery Program at The
a healthy baby
here in 1856.
Mount Sinai Medical Center. This group
girl just minutes
after she was
Babies set their own schedules, and Mount Sinai is prepared to meet them,
24 hours a day, every day.
It takes a team of dedicated professionals to bring a child into the world, and
Mount Sinai has them all. Here, extensive clinical programs include the traditional
obstetrics and gynecological services along with a spectrum of subspecialties.
Mount Sinai’s maternity ward is the busiest in Manhattan, and well on the way to becoming not only
the birthing center of choice for routine deliveries, but also the premier provider of high-risk obstetrics.
In 2006, Mount Sinai received a pledge of $1 million from Alexandra and Steven Cohen to construct an
of experienced professionals focuses
on the overall wellness of mother and
child, and provides patients with the
best of both worlds: the art of midwifery
and the medical expertise patients have
come to expect from Mount Sinai.
Midwives are highly educated and
Ante-Partum Unit that will provide specialized care for women with complicated pregnancies in a space
trained healthcare professionals who
designed to meet their unique needs. As a result of recent trends in child-bearing and advances in infertility
provide prenatal, labor, delivery, and
technology, the rate of high-risk pregnancies and multiple births is growing, and Mount Sinai’s services are
post-delivery care, in addition to
evolving to meet these new demands.
well-woman gynecology. A midwife
The Mount Sinai Medical Center is proud of its expert professionals, high-tech services, and modern
patient-care facilities. But nothing surpasses the joy evoked by the babies born at Mount Sinai. For loved
ones who can’t visit in person, a section of Mount Sinai’s website features a “digital nursery” that allows
is always on-site at Mount Sinai’s labor
and delivery unit – 24 hours a day,
seven days a week.
proud parents to share pictures of their newborns with family and friends all over the globe.
Boards of
Andrew M. Alper
Diane A. Fogg*
Lewis P. Jones
Robin Neustein
Leon D. Black
Richard A. Friedman
Ellen Katz
Bernard W. Nussbaum, Esq.
Harvey R. Blau
Robert Friedman
Michael Klein
Kalmon Post, M.D.*
Thomas R. Block
Mrs. Henry J. Gaisman
Frederick A. Klingenstein
Richard Ravitch
Christopher W. Brody
Arne Glimcher
Henry R. Kravis
Elliot J. Rayfield, M.D.*
Charles R. Bronfman
Donald J. Gogel
Marc Lasry
Arthur Richenthal
Henry Calderon
Clifford H. Goldsmith
Jo Carole Lauder
Judith O. Rubin
Peter A. Cohen
David S. Gottesman
John A. Levin
Hon. Robert E. Rubin
Cynthia Colin
Judah Gribetz, Esq.
Patricia S. Levinson
Eric M. Ruttenberg
James W. Crystal
Michael S. Gross*
Vicki LoPachin, M.D.*
Andrew M. Saul
Jean C. Crystal
Vicki Gross*
Tony Martell
Stephen L. Schwartz
Edgar M. Cullman
George J. Grumbach, Jr.
Peter W. May
Daniel H. Stern
Edgar M. Cullman, Jr.
David A. Hamburg, M.D.
David Mimran
Thomas W. Strauss
Susan R. Cullman
Carla Harris
Eric Mindich
Maura Surnamer*
Glenn R. Dubin
Andrew D. Heineman, Esq.
Cheryl Minikes*
James S. Tisch
Joel S. Ehrenkranz, Esq.
John B. Hess
Michael Minikes
Michael J. Urfirer
Steven G. Einhorn
John D. Howard
Jack Nash
Michael A. Wiener
Blaine V. Fogg, Esq.
Carl C. Icahn
Joshua Nash
John S. Winkleman
* Ex Officio
Life Trustees
Robert Bendheim
William M. Ellinghaus
William T. Golden
Carl M. Mueller
Frederic S. Nathan, Esq.
Arthur Ross
Mrs. Marvin H. Schur
Alfred R. Stern
Arthur O. Sulzberger
The combined Boards
of Trustees of The Mount
Sinai Medical Center, Inc.;
The Mount Sinai Hospital;
and Mount Sinai School
of Medicine
$2.5 million and over
$500,000 to $999,999
American Red Cross
American Cancer Society, Inc.
Estate of Anny Birnbaum Brieger
Anonymous (1)
Fundación ProCNIC
The Brookdale Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Stone
James S. Tisch and The Tisch Family
Estate of Enid A. Haupt
Group/Ramapo Trust/
Lilian Hertzberg Trust
Stephen L. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Icahn
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen
Foundation, Inc.
Lewis B. Cullman and the
$1,000 AND OVER TO:
The Mount Sinai Medical Center
$1 million to $2.49 million
The Mount Sinai Alumni
Mount Sinai Children’s Center Foundation
Aetna, Inc.
Alzheimer’s Association
Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman
Nancy P. Aronson
Estate of Eleanore W. Backer
Ellison Medical Foundation
Robert Bendheim
Food Allergy Initiative
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation
The Annenberg Foundation
Food Allergy Project, Inc.
The Chemotherapy Foundation, Inc.
Biomedical Research Alliance
Mrs. Henry J. Gaisman
The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
of New York
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
$250,000 to $499,999
The Cullman Family
Genetic Disease Foundation, Inc.
of America, Inc.
The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
Estate of Harriet G. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. George Hall
John A. Hartford Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Einhorn
JEHT Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hess and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Friedman
W.M. Keck Foundation
on behalf of their family foundations
Genzyme Corporation
The Klingenstein Family
Please note that pledges to
Harriet Heilbrunn
The Betty and Norman F. Levy
Mount Sinai are recognized
Eli Lilly and Company
at the time payments are made.
T.J. Martell Foundation for Leukemia,
Cancer and AIDS Research
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross
The Beatrice and Samuel A. Seaver
The Martha and Alexis Stewart
the Hess Foundation, Inc.
The Emily Davie and
Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation
Carole J. and Irwin Lainoff I
Jack Martin Fund, Inc.
John and Betty Levin*
Leni and Peter W. May*
Leon Lowenstein Foundation, Inc.
Mount Sinai Children’s Center
I. Jimmy Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nash and
The Nash Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minikes
Robin Neustein
New York Crohn’s Foundation
Onconova Therapeutics, Inc.
Robert Price
Teammates for Kids Foundation
Pfizer Inc.
Rowe Family Foundation
Samuel Waxman Cancer
Richard Ravitch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rubin
Donald W. Reynolds Foundation
Morris and Alma Schapiro Fund
Robin Hood Relief Fund
Josephine B. Sokolski
Arthur J. Samberg
UJA Federation of New York
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Saul
Zymo Genetics
Charitable Foundation
Research Foundation
Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.
The Louis B. Mayer Foundation
Estate of Alan V. Tishman
Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation
Jonathan D. Duskin and Karen E. Blakely
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McInerney
Vector Research LTD.
Associated Medical Schools of
Alexza Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel S. Ehrenkranz
Merck & Co., Inc.
The Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz
Altman Foundation
Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.
The Morgan Contracting Corporation
Altria Group, Inc.
Michael Evans
The Mount Sinai Alumni, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George Weissman
American Cancer Society
Exact Sciences
Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc.
J. L Werther Research Foundation
Axiom Real-Time Metrics
American Geriatrics Society, Inc.
Foundation for Digestive Health
National Alliance for Research on
Zena and Michael A. Wiener
Bard Urological Division
William Wiener Trust
Geri Bauer Foundation
$100,000 to $249,999
American Heart Association
Ann and Steven Ames
Harriett Ames Charitable Trust
Schizophrenia and Depression
New York
Dr. Robert C. Atkins Foundation
Fund For Public Health In New York, Inc.
National Hemophilia Foundation
Gloria Wolosoff
Becton Dickinson and Company
The G&P Foundation For
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
T.Y. Wong Foundation
Beldon Fund
The New York Community Trust
Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals
Bioheart, Inc.
Cancer Research
Lita Annenberg Hazen Charitable Trust
Fredric Garonzik
Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation
Sanfurd G. Bluestein, M.D.
Anonymous (1)
General Electric Co.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Boston Scientific Corporation
Arthritis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold R. Glimcher
The Olive Branch Fund of the Fraser-
Association of American Medical
Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Goldsmith
Parker Foundation
Christopher W. and Barbara C. Brody*
$50,000 to $99,999
Leo Oppenheimer and Flora
Oppenheimer-Haas Foundation
Association of Directors of
Brodsky Family Foundation
Charles R. Bronfman
Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah M. Callaghan
Katie Danziger and Steven G. Horowitz
Parexel International Corporation
Acorda Therapeutics, Inc.
Canandaigua Wine Company, Inc.
Astellas Pharma US, Inc.
Trust of Henry Hottinger
The Carl and Lily Pforzheimer
After School Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Cavallo
Autism Speaks
Jewish Home & Hospital
The Troy Aikman Foundation
Patricia D. and James E. Cayne
The Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia &
Johnson & Johnson
Estate of Florence Posner
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Alper
Celera Diagnostics
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Price
The Altschul Foundation
Center for Social Epidemiology
Juvenile Diabetes Research
Protein Design Labs, Inc.
Ambulatory Pediatric Association
Estate of Gertrude Rabkin
The American Academy of Allergy,
The Children’s Aid Society
Geriatric Academic Programs
Parkinson Foundation, Inc.
Harvey Beker
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Blau*
Foundation Inc.
Foundation, Inc.
Adele and Leonard Block Foundation, Inc.
Ellen and Howard C. Katz
The Louis and Rachel Rudin Foundation, Inc.
Bracco Diagnostics, Inc.
Trust U/W of Dr. Percy Klingenstein
Robin Hood Foundation
Eli and Edythe L. Broad Foundation
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Edwin Roos Charitable Annuity Trust
Carnegie Corporation of New York
The Jacob and Valeria Langeloth
Celgene Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Chasanoff
f/b/o Julie Roos
Edwin Roos Charitable Annuity Trust
f/b/o Peter Roos
Asthma, and Immunology
American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychology
Richard M. and Peggy Block Danziger I
American Heart Association
Bonnie M. Davis, M.D. and
Lev Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
The Henry Cornell Foundation
William M. Mandl Living Trust
Sanofi-Aventis U.S., Inc.
Covance, Inc.
Jeffrey Mann and The Mann Foundation
Hattie Segal
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Crystal
March of Dimes Birth Defects
The Shendell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Angelo
Lois Silverman
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Sosnoff
Estate of Jacqueline Aron
Daiichi Medical Research, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mark*
* Member of The Associates
Member of the Committee of 1000
• Deceased
Cooley’s Anemia Foundation, Inc.
Covance Periapproval Services, Inc.
The Commonwealth Fund
American Diabetes Association, Inc.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels
Cynthia Green Colin
American Brain Tumor Assiciation
Children’s National Medical Center
Cure Autism Now
and Nutrition
American Institute for Cancer Research
Kenneth L. Davis, M.D.
American Society of Nephrology
Dawkins Productions, Inc.
American Urological Association
Dendreon Corporation
Dinyar S. Devitre
Glenn R. Dubin and Eva AnderssonDubin, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fisch
National MPS Society, Inc.
Fried, Frank, Harris, Schriver & Jacobson
National Multiple Sclerosis Society-NYC
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Friedlander
John and Wendy Neu Family
Mary Frieman
Foundation, Inc.
Rowland & Sylvia Schaefer Family
$25,000 to $49,999
Foundation for Clinical Research
The Foundation for Health in Aging
Estate of Andrew Scheld
3M Pharmaceuticals
Abraham B. and Sarah Frank Funds
Schering Sales Corporation
Abbott Laboratories
Juergen A. Friedrich and
Kathy and Richard S. Fuld, Jr.
New York Academy of Medicine
Scios Inc.
Access Nursing Services
J. Lester Gabrilove, M.D.
New Yorkers For Children
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Segal
American Foundation For AIDS
Genentech, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Seslowe
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Northstar Neuroscience Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Sheinberg I
American Liver Foundation
Vicky and Donald D. Gabay
The William and Miriam Olsten
Anonymous (2)
Mark T. Gallogly and
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Simons
Apollo Management, L.P.
Vicki R. and Michael S. Gross
Anke Beck-Friedrich
The Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman
NY Foundation for Medical Research
Elizabeth B. Strickler
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Grumbach, Jr.
The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, Inc.
Sinclair Pharmaceuticals Limited
Aramark Servicemaster Facility Services
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gillespie, III
Hamilton Thorne Biosciences, Inc.
Ovation Research Group
Alexandrine and Alexander Sinsheimer
Arts for Healing, Inc.
Ruth Kissane and Davidi Gilo I
Hemophilia of Georgia, Inc.
Estate of Elmer Pader
The Bachmann Strauss Family Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Gogel
Samuel J. and Ronnie Heyman*
Paragon Biomedical, Inc.
Mary and David M. Solomon*
Bard Medical Division
The Arnold P. Gold Foundation
The Irma T. Hirschl Charitable Trust
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
Martin and Toni Sosnoff Foundation
BattelleCRO, Inc
Herman Goldman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Penn
St. Jude Medical Foundation
Daniel G. Bergstein
Gary F. Goldring
ICON Clinical Research, Inc.
Personality Disorder Research Corp.
Stanley Medical Research Institute
Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Berkowitz
The Cheryl and Edward S. Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Julius H. Jacobson, II
Pharmaceutical Research Associates, Inc.
Starlight Starbright Children’s
Berlex Laboratories, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
Phillips-Van Heusen Foundation, Inc.
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
PKD Foundation
Karelsie Foundation
Posen Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Kravis
Eric Lane and Sarah Dillon
Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder
Jane C. Bressler
W. L. Gore and Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Stern
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Emil and Ruth Green Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Strauss*
Karen E. Burke, M.D., Ph.D.
Joyce Green Family Foundation
Premium Financing Specialists
Synteract, Inc.
Frank Cardile
Guardsmark, Inc.
Lorraine Price Charitable Remainder
Talecris Biotherapeutics
CDX Laboratories, Inc.
Marc Haas Foundation
Telik, Inc.
Clinsys, Inc.
Milton and Miriam Handler Foundation
Annuity Trust
Hallie Cohen and Francis N. Levy
Illana and Lawrence Raia
United Hospital Fund of New York
Joyce and Barry J. Cohen*
Patrick C. Hanlon
LifeCell Corporation
The Renco Group, Inc.
United Jewish Communities Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hannan
Longport Inc.
Ingeborg and Ira L. Rennert
United Way of Tri-State, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua J. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Madoff
Roche Laboratories, Inc.
van Ameringen Foundation, Inc.
Con Edison
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Havemeyer, III
Marathon Medical, PLLC
Robert A. Rosania
Susan L. West
Coram, Inc.
Andrew D. Heineman, Esq.I
The Elizabeth B. and Arthur E. Roswell
Whitehall Foundation Incorporated
Credit Suisse First Boston
Walter W. Hess, Jr.
Norman and Rosita Winston Foundation
Filomen M. D’Agostino Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Heyer
Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Co.
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Mindich*
Hattie Ruttenberg
Estate of Rudolph E. Wlesko
The Ambrose Monell Foundation
Janet L. Ruttenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Woolard
Danya International, Inc.
Idenix Pharmaceuticals
Mulago Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Sacks
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Zaklad
Arnold Dunn
Harry P. Kamen
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic S. Nathan
Satellite Healthcare, Inc.
Effective Information Technologies
Erica B. and Michael A. Karsch
National Alliance for Autism Research
Satter Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Zises
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fallon
The Fritz and Adelaide Kauffmann
National Children’s Alliance
Saugatuck Group Properties, LP
Diane and Blaine V. Fogg I
Hunter’s Hope
Foundation, Inc.
Kendle International, Inc.
P.B.O. Fund, Inc.
Stryker Endoscopy
Alson Capital Partners, LLC
Andrew S. Borrok
Kidney & Urology Foundation of America
PDK Labs, Inc.
Estate of Rhoda Sturmak
Altana, Inc.
Bovis Lend Lease LMB, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Kohn
Perry Capital, L.L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Symonds
Douglas D. Altchek, M.D.
Brain Lab, Inc.
Tivia and Richard Kramer
Phadia US Inc.
Synthes Corporation
American Academy of Pediatrics
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Briger
C.L.C. Kramer Foundation, Inc.
Predix Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc.
Tiffany & Co.
American Association for the
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Krasnoff
The Price Family Foundation, Inc.
Gail Kreitman and Jeffrey Toll
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Lasry
Pro Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Toys “R” Us Children’s Fund, Inc.
American Express Company
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Lauder
Q Investments, L.P.
Thomas E. and Diane Tuft*
American Express Foundation
Buccellati, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Lauder
Quintiles, Inc.
American Psychological Association
Padric Pearse Caffrey Cancer Fund
Muriel Levy•
R.Y. Management Co., Inc.
UCB Pharma, Inc.
American Society of Transplantation
Mrs. Margaret M. Cahn
Peter G. Livanos
Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Rachesky*
Michael J. Urfirer and Doni Fordyce
Stephen Anbinder
Jennifer Corn Carter
Estate of Esther Lobar
Ramius Capital Group, LLC
Vitaid LTD
Anonymous (4)
Barbara Bertozzi Castelli
The Cameron and Hayden Lord
Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Richman
Vox Medica, Inc.
Jody and John Arnhold*
Mr. and Mrs. James Chao
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rittmaster
The Arthritis Foundation,
Richard Chapman
Lupus Research Institute, Inc.
Rolex Watch U.S.A., Inc.
Judith Platt Wartels
Helen and Rita Lurie Foundation
Fanny and Stephen Rosenak Foundation
The Honorable Julia B. Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Artzt
Clarion Capital Partners, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Mack
Mark C. Rosenthal and Lisa Roumell
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wasserstein
Atkinson Koven Feinberg, LLP
Client Business Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Madoff
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Rothschild
Joseph H. Wender Foundation
Debra and Glenn R. August
Deborah B. Marin, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Rozen
Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Wertheimer
AXA Foundation Fund
Estate of Phyllis C. Coffey
The Honorable and
The Shelley and Donald Rubin
Westat, Inc.
Pauline Gilbert Bader
Lisa Pevaroff and Gary D. Cohn*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. White
Lynn and Avi Barbasch, M.D.
Simon and Eve Colin Foundation, Inc.
Harry Winston, Inc.
Geri Bauer
Connetics Corporation
Murray and Janice Wallerstein Baxter I
Ronald Cordover
The Ruttenberg Family
XTL Biopharmaceuticals
Nancy Benzel
Angela Crosdale, M.D. and
Uzi Zucker
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bergstein
Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. John S. Martin, Jr.
Issac and Mark Massry Philanthropic
Foundation I
Foundation, Inc.
The Howard and Jennifer Michaels
Family Foundation
New York Chapter
Laura S. Tisch and
Stafford R. Broumand, M.D.*
The Children’s Aid Society
Glenn F. Agoliati, M.D.
Henry and Lucy Moses Fund, Inc.
Carolyn J. and Curtis J. Schenker
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Berkman
CTI Clinical Trial Services
National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Schlein
The Milton & Jena Berlinski Foundation
National Organization For Rare
Jerome Serchuck
Bonnie Wehnau and Paul E. Bernstein I
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey C. Bible
Susan R. Cullman and John J. Kirby
BioForm Medical, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Cullman, Jr.
Serono Symposia USA, Inc.
Disorders, Inc.
May and Samuel Rudin Family
Study of Liver Diseases
$10,000 to $24,999
The New York Physicians Foundation, Inc.
David E. Shaw, Ph.D.
Henry Nias Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Bernice Baruch Shawl
3M Company
Laura S. and Lloyd C. Blankfein*
Cushman and Wakefield, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lucio A. Noto
Holly and David Sherr
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Aaron I
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Blauner
David Da Silva
Novalar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Alfred M. Snydacker Trust
Audrey S. Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Block
Greg A. and Susan Danilow*
Olympus America, Inc.
Terry and Seymour Sobel Foundation
S. Daniel Abraham
Bloomberg, LP
Marvin H. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orenstein
The Speyer Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Peter Agoston
Sergio Lagunes and
Davis Brody Bond, LLP
P & G Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stossel
Arthur S. Ainsberg
Paramount Communications, Inc.
Stroock Stroock & Lavan
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP
* Member of The Associates
Member of the Committee of 1000
• Deceased
Blue Ridge Capital, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Blumenthal
The Edmond de Rothschild
Deloitte Services, LP
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Goldberg
Jennie L. and Richard K. DeScherer*
Suzanne Golden and John A. Golden*
Allan S. Deutsch, D.M.D.
William T. Golden
District Attorney Queens County
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Goldfein
Holly and Joel Dobberpuhl
Rachel Golding
Jean and Louis Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
Robert I. Goldman Foundation
Estate of Anna Druck
Adam J. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Ehrlich*
Barry S. Goodman, D.D.S.
Emwiga Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Ezrin
The Goodman Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fascitelli
The Herman E. and Estelle Goodman
Ferndale Laboratories, Inc.
The Mount Sinai Boards of Trustees
Fight for Sight, Inc.
Alan C. Greenberg
In 2006, friends and supporters of Mount Sinai rallied to champion our
Fineman Realty Partners
Steven A. Greenberg
mission and to make the year one of the most successful in our history.
Bruce J. Fingeret
The Paul B. Greetin and
We received more than 11,000 gifts – from 7,951 individuals, alumni, faculty,
Ralph Fink
Beryl S. Greetin Foundation, Inc.
staff, corporations, and foundations – totaling nearly $128 million. This year,
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Fischman
Guardian Service Industries, Inc.
James W. Fishel
John Hall
Flagship Patient Advocates, Inc.
Gary Hall, Jr. Foundation for Diabetes
reflecting a twenty-two percent increase over last year’s donor pool.
Evan L. Flatow, M.D.
Estate of Paul Hallingby, Jr.
Collectively, our donors, both new and familiar, provided more than seven
David B. Ford
Stephanie Field Harris
percent more funding than in 2005. Such generosity enabled us to fund patient
Forest Laboratories, Inc.
Carolina Herrera Boutique
Kathleen Garson Frank
Rhoda R. Herrick
Robert Friedman and
Joseph Hertzberg
of our most critically ill patients and their families, sponsored innovative research
Marlene Hess and James D. Zirin
projects such as exploring the risk of an avian flu pandemic, and established
Sandra and Robert B. Friedman
Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc.
new medical education programs and scholarships to attract the most talented
Mr. and Mrs. Zev Furst
Hunter Douglas, Inc.
Gallagher Benefit Services
InterCity Tire (Bermuda) Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Garfinkle
International Partnership for
Elissa Gretz Friedman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ginzburg
Microbicides, Inc.
Mount Sinai proudly welcomed 1,439 new supporters into our community,
care initiatives which met the unique physical, psychological, and spiritual needs
and diverse student body to the School of Medicine. Without the abundant
support of our ever-expanding philanthropic community, Mount Sinai could
not continue to succeed and grow at such a remarkable pace. I invite you all
Glendale Partners, LP
Thomas C. and Barbara Israel*
to celebrate with us the triumphs of 2006 – and to continue working alongside
Glycomimetics, Inc.
Jim Jacobs Charitable Foundation
us to achieve even greater success in the year to come.
GNYHA Ventures, Inc.
James A. Jacobson
Estate of Steffi Godschalk
Greg D. Jakubowsky
Daniel Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Jamgochian
Ruth Estrin Goldberg Memorial
Dr. and Mrs. Henry C. Jarecki
For Cancer Research
The Johnson Foundation
The Bertha and Isaac Liberman
JVJ Pharmacy, Inc. dba
Proskauer Rose LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Nash
Prostate Action, Inc.
Foundation, Inc.
National Emphysema/
Prudential Financial
Beatrice Schuman
Quality King Distributors, Inc.
The Seymour Schuman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Quamme
Mr. and Mrs. Barry K. Schwartz I
Quintiles Canada, Inc.
The Donna and Marvin Schwartz
Adolph and Ruth Schnurmacher
Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Frank D. Kane
David A. Liebowitz*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Kaplan
Leonard Litwin
Sylvia G. Kaplan
Joseph I. Loonan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Katz*
Lucky Magazine
Stuart Z. Katz
Janine Luke
Neurocontrol Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Recanati
Edythe Kenner •
Mr. and Mrs. William Mack*
Neurocrine Biosciences
Helen Rehr, D.S.W.
Lonnie and Thomas H. Schwartz I
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Kern
Madison Avenue BID
Reis Wein Family Charitable
SCIREX Corporation
Edward R. Koller, Jr.
Major League Baseball Players Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Newman, Jr. I
for Children
Orin S. Kramer
COPD Association
S. Arthur and Dorothy R. Neufeld
SeniorBridge Family Companies, Inc.
North Fork Bank
Kammi and Brad Reiss
Robert G. Sharp
Stephanie and Ronald J. Kramer
Ruth G. Malis
North General Hospital
John C. Robertshaw
Myra Shaw Cancer Research Fund
Martin H. Kreston•
Mr. and Mrs. Christian B. Malone
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Sunny and Abe Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shear
Jeannette and H. Peter Kriendler
Manhattan Surgical Associates, LLP
Bernard W. Nussbaum, Esq.
Amir and Rosita Manocherian Family
Octapharma USA, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Rosenthal I
Joan and Howard I. Oestreich I
Leo Rosner Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Sherman
Charitable Trust
Noah H. Kushlefsky
Foundation, Inc.
Murray B. and Beatrice Sherman
Charitable Charitable Trust
Nicole Latimer
Ross G. Markman and Rise B. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Denis J. O’Leary
Pamela and Stuart M. Rothenberg
Jackie and Bippy Siegal
The Leonard and Evelyn Lauder
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Marks
OMJ Scientific Affairs, LLC
Carolyn and Marc Rowan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sillerman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Marshall
Omnicare Clinical Research, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Burton R. Rubin
Adrianne W. and William Silver*
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lauder
Matzel and Mumford Organization
Meyer Orbach
Lois C. Rubin
Patti Silver
Thomas H. Lee and Ann Tenenbaum
McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Ruttenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. LeFrak
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McMahon
Orthopaedic Research and
S.L.E. Foundation
Paul Singer
The Samuel J. and Ethel LeFrak
Medline Industries, Inc.
Peter M. Sacerdote Foundation
Joanna and Aaron T. Sirulnick*
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher
Education Foundation
Medtronic, Inc.
Otis Elevator
Philip J. Sabra, M.D.
Lehman Brothers
Mr. and Mrs. Sanjeev Mehra
The Overbrook Foundation
Saks Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan D. Leight
Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Saul I. Sanders I
Lee and James C. Slaughter I
Mr. and Mrs. Hugues B. Lepic
Ursula Merkin•
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Pantzer
Saratoga Partners
Society for Neuroscience
Robert H. Lessin
Helen Mettler
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
Mr.• and Mrs. Joseph E. Saul
Society for PSP
Leukemia Research Foundation
Milberg Factors, Inc.
Thomas S. Pernetti, Jr.
Arnold Scaasi and Parker B. Ladd
M. James Spitzer
Nancy and John Levene
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Mimran
PharmaNet, Inc.
The Schafer Family Foundation
Michael H. and Judy Steinhardt*
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart D. Levi
Dr. and Mrs. Joel S. Mindel
The Laurence Polatsch Memorial Fund
Richard M. Schaffer, M.D. and
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Levin
Mission Pharmacal
James H. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Hirschell E. Levine
Benjamin Mizrachy, M.D., P.C.
PPD Development, LP
Schering-Plough Research Institute
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Levinson
JP Morgan Chase
Presutti Laboratories, LLC
Alex Schmelzer
Stony Wold-Herbert Fund Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Levinson
Mount Sinai Patient Advocacy Fund
PriceWaterhouse Coopers, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schneider
Lauri Strauss Leukemia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Levinson
Carl M. and Suzanne C. Mueller
Promptcare Home Infusion Inc.
Grace and Edith Schneider
Robert Liberman
Donald R. Mullen, Jr.
Proneuron Biotechnologies, Inc.
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Nagler
University Chemists
* Member of The Associates
Member of the Committee of 1000
• Deceased
Lyris A. Schonholz, M.D.
Memorial Fund
& Flom, LLP
Louise A. Stern
Sun Farm, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zelman
Jack Bienenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Danziger
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. Friedland
The Daniel M. Ziff Foundation
Bioarray Solution
Wendy de Monchaux
Carole and Michael Friedman
David S. Taub
Ezra K. Zilkha
Emily and Leonard Blavatnik
Pamela Beth Deichman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Friedman
TEVA Neuroscience
Maxine Zinder
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Bloomingdale
Fernando Delasotta, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dze Yuen Fu
Charles G. Thalhimer and
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Zinterhofer
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Bommarito
Janice M. DeLuise I
Frieda and Roy L. Furman
Stacey Fabrikant and Robert Zirinsky*
Roxanne Brandt
Ruth White Dessauer and
Melissa and Casey L. Gard
Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America
& Subsidiaries, Inc.
Family Foundation
Henry T. Dessauer I
GCI Group
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Tighe
The Brenner Family Foundation
Transaction Innovation Corporation
The Honorable John Breaux
Ruth C. Dickler
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Treetops Foundation
Rebecca C. Brightman, M.D.
Elizabeth Miller and James Dinan
Dr. and Mrs. Roy G. Geronemus
The Brookdale Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Z. Dolen
The Geszel Family Foundation
The Brooklyn United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hillel Drazin
Debra F. Stone and David H. Glaser*
DUSA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Jonathan L. Glashow, M.D.
Raymond Tuppatsch
$5,000 to $9,999
The Ruth Turner Fund, Inc.
Harold Turobiner
Dr. and Mrs. Austin W. Abramson
U S-Israel Binational Science Foundation
Abt Associates Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde R. Brownstone
Helene Ebenstein, LCSW
Lili Goldberg
The Jack M. and Rose Ullman
Allen R. and Frances Beatty Adler*
Noreen and Kenneth Buckfire
The Eckert Family Foundation
Laurie G. and Jeffrey A. Goldberger
ADP Foundation
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Victoria Eckert-Zoellner and
Susan L. and Jeffrey Goldenberg
Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.
Aircast, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Buntrock
Unilever United States, Inc.
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Cancer Research and Prevention
United States Surgical Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Louis M. Aledort
United Way of New York City
Alexandra Investment Management.
Foundation, Inc.
Univision Network LP
Robert E. Zoellner
Roanne P. Goldfein and Jay M. Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Eichel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goodstein
Eileen Fisher, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Gottesman
Cancer Service Network Inc.
Endocrine Fellows Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gottesman
Richard A. and Pamela Cantor, M.D.
Robert and Nancy Englander*
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gould
Ashok Varadhan
Allen & Company, Inc.
Centerbridge Partners LP-Bills
Epiphany Community Nursery School
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grasso, Jr.
The Virtue Foundation
Aloka Company
Mr. and Mrs. Clive Chajet
Estate of Jack Epstein
Adrienne and Barry W. Gray
Visiting Nurse Service Home Care
Amelior Foundation
James S. Chanos
Ethicon, Inc.
Eric Gribetz and Carin Gribetz, M.D.
The Svetlana and Herbert M. Wachtell
Anonymous (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Charbonneau
Sara and Charles L. Fabrikant I
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Gross*
Harriet and Arthur H. Aufses, Jr., M.D.I
Dr. and Mrs. Jin K. Chun
Linda A. Fairstein, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart K. Gross
Wathne Ltd.
Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition
Circle of Service Foundation, Inc.
David H. and Carol Arlene Feinberg*
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Grossman
B & H Way Foundation
Frederick D. Ballou
Sue K. and Stuart P. Feld
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grubman
Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP
Baron Capital, Inc.
Barbara E. Cohen and Richard Griffiths
Saul R. Fenchel, Esq.
Samuel L. Guillory, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Weiskopf
Joan and Leonard Baron Foundation, Inc.
Collagenex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Fields
Joseph Gurwin Foundation, Inc.
Weitz & Luxenberg, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Baron*
Commerce Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Barry K. Fingerhut*
Mr. and Mrs. James Haber
Nina W. Werblow Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Connors
Five Millers Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Haber
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wertheim
Baumol Family Foundation, Inc.
Corgentech, Inc.
Fortress Investment Group, LLC
Nancy B. Hahn
White & Case, LLP
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Cynthia Coudert
Ernst and Elfriede Frank
Clark P. Halstead
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Wilpon
Caryn and Marc Becker
Council for Nail Disorders
Helen and Nathaniel Wisch, M.D.I
Carolyn E. and Laurence D. Belfer
Amanda Cyrulnik
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Franklin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Harris
Natalie Wolf
Mostafa A. Ben-Halim
Constantine M. Dakolias and
Norman and Margot Freedman*
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Harrison*
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy R. Wolstencroft
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Berdon
Mark E. Freitas
Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Harvey
Monique Cusson
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Harris
Mrs. Horace Havemeyer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Kreindler
Raymond C. Mikulich and Karen Karlsrud
Pharmion Corporation
Barbara Rubin Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Don Healy
Estate of Louis Kroll
Missoni USA, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Phelan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rubin
David B. Heller
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis S. Lane*
Lori and David Moore
The Picower Foundation
Michael Rubinoff
Jane Heller
Jeffrey and Nancy Lane*
Thomas J. Moran
Estate of Laurette V. Pizer
Saks Fifth Avenue
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Herbert
Laparoscopic Surgical Center of NY, LLP
Morgan Stanley and the Morgan Stanley
Kurt and Louise Pliskin and The Pliskin
Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Herrmann, Jr.
The Lautenberg Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Ledoux
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic M. Poses
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Salmon
Lauren Howard*
Albert M. Lefkovits, M.D., P.C.
MTV Networks
Alan H. Posner
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saltz
Hudson News Distributors, LLC
Maria Lemos
George C. Mulry, III
Powers & Frost, L.L.P.
Madjid Samii, M.D., Ph.D.
Morton P. Hyman
Lenox Hill Radiology Management, LLC
Christine E. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Prince
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Saphir
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hynes
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lerner
Myogen, Inc.
Sidney S. Prince Trust
Joseph E. and Norma G. Saul
Ingenix, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Lester
Steven Nagelberg, M.D.
Mortimer J. Propp
Investcorp International, Inc.
Carol Levitt
National Broadcasting Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pufahl
Sbarro, Inc.
iStar Financial, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Levy
National Cancer Cytology Center
Malva E. Rabinowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Schaffer
Eleanore Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Levy*
Brooke Garber and Daniel M. Neidich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rachesky
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Scheckman
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Jaffin
Merry Lewis
Neurochem, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rahr
Robert H. Scheibe
Estate of Pauline Jandorf
Linque Management Co., Inc.
David Neuwirth
Harley and Robert M. Raiff*
Theodore Schell and Rita C. O’Connor
Carol Judelson
Jennifer and Marc Lipschultz
New York Oncology, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Schlechter
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Kaneb
Howard A. Lipson and
Judith and Bruce M. Newman*
Elliot J. Rayfield, M.D.
Steven A. Schulman
Christina M. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Rechler
Jody Schwartz
The Donna Karan Company
Sallie Mae Fund
Foundation, Inc.
Ruth Kaufmann
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Lobell
Nuclear Medicine Associates
Allan and Reda R. Riley Foundation
Esther R. Schwinger
Laurie D. and Nikos Kefalidis
Mr. and Mrs. David Londoner
Ocera Therapeutics, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Right
Settlement Health
Thomas Kenny
Steven Lorch and
Octagen Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Riley
Barbara Sevde
Kristen M. O’Hara
Jonathan Rinehart I
Arlene Shechet and Mark Epstein
Susanna Kochan-Lorch
Elaine Kessel
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kessler
Ana Lorenzo
Gordon S. Oppenheimer, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Sicher
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kesten
Ninah and Michael Lynne*
Orphan Therapeutics, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Robbins
Kenneth Sidel
The Kiev Foundation, Inc.
M.S.T. Waterproofing Restoration, Inc.
Oscar De La Renta, Ltd.
Elihu And Susan W. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Silber
Unsup Kim, M.D.I
Leslie Maltz
Janice Paneth
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rosen
Renee R. and Murray Silverstein
Estate of Mary B. Klack
Eskandar Manocherian Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay H. Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Rosenberg
Patricia B. Silverstein
Mr. and Mrs. Merrick R. Kleeman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mara
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Patterson
Barbara Goodstein and
Florence and Philip M. Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Marrone
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford R. Peck
Robert B. Rosenblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Slone
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Klepper
Mr. and Mrs. Hamish Maxwell
Penn State Associates
Daniel Rosenblum
Mr. and Mrs. Orin Snyder*
Michael E. Koester
Mr. and Mrs. Terence S. Meehan
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Perelson
The Juliet Rosenthal Foundation, Inc.
Jonathan Sobel
Elizabeth and Douglas Korn
Noel E. Meller
Randi and Bruce D. Pergament
Charles J. Roussel and
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Spilker
Robert M. Kornreich
Leib and Hermann Merkin
Joseph Kramer and
Dr. Jane Ellen Kramer
Lannie Wallach Lipson
Matching Gifts Program
Foundation, Inc.
Marlene N. Meyerson
* Member of The Associates
Member of the Committee of 1000
William H. Perlow, M.D. and
Leon Kavaler
• Deceased
Wendy D. Marber I
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spohler
The Sam and Jennie Rovit
St. John’s Riverside Hospital
Memorial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Stecher
Robert K. Steel Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Weber
American International Group Inc.
Eleanor and Robert Cayre
Edgewater Management, Inc.
Arnold Steinberg
Dr. Monica Weinberg and Andrew S.
The Andalex Group
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kendall Chalk
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Effron
Jean Louis Atlan
Charmer Industries Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Eisenberg*
Lillian Steinberg
Susan B. Margules and John Steinhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Weinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Aufses, III
Chester Valley Pharmaceuticals
Ebrahim Elahi, M.D.
Alfred R. Stern and Barbara R. Biben I
Dr. and Mrs. Martin J. Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Bader
Chubb & Son Inc.
Scott A. Elias and
Thomas D. Stern and
Mr. and Mrs. Barry P. Weiss I
Sheila Baird
Phoebe and Bernard Cohen, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Weiss
Bancker Construction Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Wexler
Maryam Banikarim and
Gary Cohen
Denise R. Stern, D.M.D.*
Stiefel Foundation For
Dermatological Research
Williams Trading, LLC
Jane and Peter R. Strasser I
Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman
& Dicker, LLP
Lawrence Strauss
Anna C. Mewbourne-Elias
Mount Sinai Hospital Elmhurst
Medical Staff Fund
Bobbi and Barry S. Coller, M.D.I
Norman Ember
Madeline and Stephen D. Barkin
Epstein, Becker and Green, PC
Klara Baron
Edward Conard and Jill A. Davis
Estate of Bernice W. Erichson
Andrew M. Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Strong I
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Winkleman
Beiersdorf Inc.
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
European Molecular Biology Oranization
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O. Sulzberger
Nathaniel Wisch, M.D., Steven
Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Bell
Conor Medsystems, Inc.
Falconhead Capital, LLC
Maura and Joel M. Surnamer
Gruenstein, M.D. & Robert Klafter,
Bellmarc Administrative Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Alan B. Copperman
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Farkas
Suthererland Asbill & Brennan
M.D., P.C.
Jeffrey Benjamin and Brenda Cotsen
Neil Costa and Lynn Ahrens I
Fastaff Nursing
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Swarzman
Ouidad Wise
Allison and Larry Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Cowen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Feinblatt
Robert F. Tannenhauser
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witmer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Berkowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Brahm Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Feinstein*
TAP Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Woldenberg
Michael J. Berman and Vicoria Hagan
The Gerald and Daphna Cramer
Jeremy M. Levin and
Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation
Erving and Joyce Wolf Foundation
Kimberly Berres
R.S. Tehrani
Brian F. Wruble
Jill Bilodeau
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Crawford
Sandra and Neil Feldstein I
Family Foundation
Margery E. Feldberg I
Elaine Wynn
Bliss Exterminator Company
Rabbi Darcie and Jonathan F. Crystal
Sidney S. Feuerstein, M.D.
Jeremy R. Torstveit, M.D.
Andrew Zacks
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Block
Cullman & Kravis, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Fields
Robert I. Toussie
Max Zankel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Blumenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. D’Amanda
Arthur M. Figur, M.D.
Dorothy C. Treisman
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zaro
Bolton Medical Inc.
Daniel D’Amato
Warren Fink, M.D.
Stephen S. Trevor and Ronnie D. Planalp
Mr. and Mrs. Al Zenna
Arnold Bortman Family Foundation
Marilena D’Amone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fischer*
Derek Trulson and Jennifer R. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Zucker
BrainstormUSA, LLC
The Dana Foundation
Fischer Travel Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Brice
Mr. and Mrs. David E. R. Dangoor
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander E. Fisher*
UBS Warburg
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Brimigion
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Davison
Michael D. Fleisher
Joann Urquhart, M.D.
Murray H. Bring
Diagnostic Radiology and
Jeanne E. and Darren Fogel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Tishman
Verus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
$2,500 to $4,999
Vitamin Science, Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Radiation Oncology
Footsteps in the Sand
Jonathan S. Bromberg, M.D., Ph.D.
Mark N. Diker
David H. Ford
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
Richard Adelson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bronfman
Helen K. and Chester Dilman I
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ford, III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Waldman
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ades I
Bull’s Head Foundation, Inc.
Fred and Rita Distenfeld
The Ford Foundation Matching Gift
The Leo S. Walsh Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Adler
Harriet and Thomas Burnett I
Eleanor T. Doblin I
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond N. Wareham
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Africk
The Ed Lee and Jean Campe
JRS Dryfoos Charitable Lead Trust
Tracy Pollan and Michael J. Fox
The Robert C. and Nani S. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Aibel
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eberts
Jeffrey S. Freed, M.D.
Jana Edelbaum and Michael Abbott
Cora S. Freidus I
Marjorie Alfus
Foundation, Inc.
Cargo Ventures, LLC
Mark Friedman
Adrienne Gordon and Gary Herman*
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Friedman
Daniel M. Herron, M.D.
Joan C. Fu
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Hess
Elaine and James J. Fuld I
Mr. and Mrs. John Hill I
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Fuld, Jr.
Rachelle R. Holden I
Mr. and Mrs. David Ganek
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Holzman
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gantcher
The Home Depot Foundation
Lois Gelernt
Redlich Horwitz Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Ginzberg I
John D. Idol
Toby B. Gitelle
Tamara R. Igel
Gloria and Sol Gittelman I
Intendis, Inc.
Rudolph W. Giuliani
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jaffe
For more than thirty years I have been privileged to serve on
Mr. and Mrs. Justin G. Gmelich
Barry W. Jaffin, M.D.
Mount Sinai’s Boards of Trustees, as my father did for many years.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence S. Godin
Jed Johnson Associates
Long before I followed in his footsteps, he taught me and my
Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Goldmacher
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. R. Anthony Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Jones
Stuart O. Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Jones
in Mount Sinai’s mission and over time his passion for this
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Goldstein
The Jordan Company, L.P.
institution became ours.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gomberg
David Kabiller
The Allan S. Gordon Foundation
Richard I. Kandel I
Throughout the years, my family has remained staunch
Peggy B. and Martin J. Granoff
Herb Kaplan and Linda Nash
in its support of Mount Sinai and proud of the changes we have
Beverly Green I
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Katich
Stewart H. Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Katz
Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gribetz
Janet and Simon Katz I
Group Health Incorporated
Jeffrey Katz I
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Guitman
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Katz
Marni and Bruce M. Gutkin
Jane and Robert Katz Foundation
As Mount Sinai continues to redefine the future of healthcare and
The Hain Celestial Group
Wayne E. Keathley I
medical education, I am filled with great pride to know that my
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hardiman
Martha B. and George A. Kellner I
family and I have a hand in making progress possible.
Mr. and Mrs. King Harris
Lawrence A. Kestin
Health First Management Services, LLC
Kidville NY, LLC
Health Insurance Plan of
Julia and Sam Kim
Development Committee
The Mount Sinai Boards of Trustees
brother the value of community, of philanthropy. Dad believed
witnessed. Our commitment to Mount Sinai has given me and
my family the chance to give back in a meaningful way and to
touch the lives of those who come here seeking help and hope.
Louise King I
Greater New York
Heinz Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kittredge
Hepatitis Resource Network
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Klapper
John A. Herfort and Diane S.
Eve and David S. Kleger I
Frank Klein•
* Member of The Associates
Member of the Committee of 1000
• Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mark
Mr. and Mrs. Martin I. Klein*
Dorothy Marks
Scott Kleinman
Lloyd Mayer, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Koestler
Medarex, Inc.
Kos Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Mellis
Serene Kreiner Trust
J. Mendel, Ltd.
Barry and Christina Kringstein
Alan Mentle and Jessica Feder
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Krupinski
Metropolitan Neurosurgery
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Kubie
Development Committee
The Mount Sinai Boards of Trustees
Association, PA
Leslie A. Kuhn, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Miller
Jill and Barry S. Lafer I
Susan and J. Gregory Milmoe I
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lauren
Sara and William Mittler Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Leavitt
Harold A. Mitty, M.D.
More than 150 years ago, Mount Sinai’s Jewish founders established this remarkable
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. LeBoff
MKG Construction & Consulting
institution as a symbol of profound commitment to their community. Now, as Mount
Mark G. Lebwohl, M.D.
Adriana and Robert E. Mnuchin I
Sinai pursues bold new initiatives for growth, we have the opportunity to follow
Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Jeffrey Modell Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Lehrer
Margret Monkarsh-Itskowitch and
Fred Leighton Ltd.
Stanley Itskowitch
in the footsteps of the great men and women who have supported Mount Sinai
throughout the years and to secure its future as a world-leader in medical education,
Marc A. Letellier, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moran
research, and patient care. Tackling the complexities of modern medicine will
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Levin
Morvillo, Abramowitz, Grand, Iason &
demand an unprecedented level of interdisciplinary collaboration among physicians
Alan Levine and Alison Newman I
Silberberg, P.C.
and researchers. Over the next few years, Mount Sinai will launch several exciting
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Moskin, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Levinson
The Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Levinson
Ruth A. Mueller
promote a multidisciplinary approach to research, education, and patient care.
Lifestyles Magazine USA, Inc.
National Reprographics Inc.
Our institution-wide emphasis on translational medicine will enable us to deliver
Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Locker
National Tay-Sachs &
breakthrough treatments more swiftly from the lab bench to the patient’s beside,
Arthur L. Loeb
Allied Diseases Association
projects to prepare us to better face these challenges. Twelve new institutes will
while our personalized medicine program will allow researchers to predict,
Jaime G. Longhi
Elizabeth and Henry Necarsulmer I
Caroline S. and Erwin J. Lurie I
The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.
Andrea and Matthew J. Lustig
Nelco Foundation, Inc.
Electronic Medical Records system is revolutionizing the way medical information
Phyllis Luxemburg
Jonathan M. Nelson
is stored. Your support enables us to make these and myriad other initiatives
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Madoff
Paula and Melvin J. Nelson I
possible. Together we will ensure that Mount Sinai continues to thrive
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Madoff
NetJets Aviations, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Manocherian
New York Gastroenterology
Marble Collegiate Church
diagnose, and treat disease using a patient’s own genetic makeup. And our
in this new century.
Associates, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Marino
New York Heart Associates, P.C.
Bobbi Mark and Charles Chromow
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newhouse
Christine J. Noble and Steven Zeig
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. Robinson
Jeffrey S. Silberstein
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg S. Weinstein
Edgar D. Altchek, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nussbaum
Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Lester Silver
Windels Marx Lane and Mittendorf, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Altshuler
Mr. and Mrs. David Nussbaum
Sumner B. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin D. Simon
Irma and Sidney Winoker I
American College of Endocrinology
Robert L. Nutt, M.D.
Gloria F. Ross Foundation
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP
Steven J. Wisch and Debi Linhart
American International Group, Inc.
NYC Parents in Action
Steven and Daryl Roth*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Skolnick
Gerald Wolkoff I
Scott A. Ames, M.D.
Obagi Medical Products, Inc
Peter H. Rubin, M.D.
Alan B. Slifka
Wollmuth Maher & Deutsch LLP
Amgen Foundation
Ira M. Olsan Charitable Trust
Lei Shen and Andrew Sabin
William F. Snider
Elizabeth and Earle Yaffa I
Alfred C. Angelone
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Neill
Dr. Ranjit K. Sachdev
Eileen R. Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Yang, Jr.I
Anonymous (8)
Mr. and Mrs. S. Edward Orenstein
Mr. and Mrs. David Sachs
Barry Sommers
Eve and Steven Yavers*
Marcia Anscher•
Ortho Biotech, Inc.
Barry A. Salky, M.D.
Ruth and Lew Sonn
Alma T. Young, MSW, Ed.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Antler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perry
Mr. and Mrs. John Samuelson I
Sprint Foundation
Gaydell Young and Daniel Schindler
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Antmin
Jane Paley and Laurence Price
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sapanaro
Andrew B. Steinau
Kashif Zafar
Norman Apotheker
Sidney A. Sass Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steinberg
Lisa and Martin Zaretsky I
Bernard D. Arbit I •
Mr. and Mrs. Fabio P. Savoldelli
Bernice and Milton Stern Foundation
The Eugene Zitwer Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Arcoro
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Perlstein
Daniel Scavone
Frederick J. Suchy, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zuckerman
Robert Arias
Phipps Houses Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schaffer
The Summerhill Foundation
Donald Schapiro
Solon E. Summerfield Foundation, Inc.
Gloria Louzao and David C. Pichler
Elizabeth Scheuer and Peter Joseph*
Dennis A. and Cynthia Suskind*
Diana Elzey-Pinover and
Harry L. Schick
Mr. and Mrs. Kent M. Swig
P. Schoenfeld Asset Management, LLC
Cynthia L. Tarantino
Bettina and Kenneth A. Plevan I
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Schrader*
Lynne Tarnopol
120 Wooster, LLC
Michael Asch
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Plotch
Edith H. and Marvin H. Schur
Taro Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.
A & D Steel Equipment Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Assentato
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pomerantz
Marilyn and Myron J. Schuster I
Kris J. Thiessen
Debra M. Aaron
Association of the Attending Staff of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pontarelli
Harold Schwartz
Time Warner, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross M. Abelow
The Mount Sinai Hospital
Lina B. Popper I
Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Schwartz
Jill and Michael Toporek
James D. and Wendy Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Atkins
Mark E. Pruzansky, M.D.
Science Applications International
Triax Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Leonard C. Achan, Jr.
Audiovox Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Troubh
Spencer L. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Axelrod
Eugene A. Pinover I
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pufahl
Rica Arnon, M.D. and
Jack G. Rabinowitz, M.D.
Andrew Asch and Gina DelGiudice Asch
$1,000 to $2,499
Esther Ann and Morton Asch
George and Phyllis E. Asch*
Quest Diagnostics
Charles B. Seelig, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Udell
Lillie and Ronald Ades I
Gladys M. Ayala, M.D.
Radiancy, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Segal
Michael P. Valentino and
Marion S. Adler
Anna and Dean Backer
Susan B. and David A. Rahm I
J.J. Segal Foundation
Robin Tiso-Valentino
Arlene J. Adler-Kleiman
Backtec Orthopedic and
George Raptis, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Shimon Shalit
Mr. and Mrs. Lee G. Vance
Advanced Biologics, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ravitz
M. Shanken Communication, Inc.
Louis Vitton
Lilyan H. Affinito
Christine L. Badalamenti
Christopher Reeve Foundation
Stuart Shikiar*
Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Volpert
Alan S. Bahler, M.D.
Robert P. Reichstein, M.D.
David Shorrock
Nicole and David Wachter
Mr. and Mrs. Neale Albert
Banahan Communications
Reliant Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Julius Shulman, M.D., F.A.C.S., P.C.
Vicki and Brian Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Aldoroty
Bank of Scotland
Mrs. Bryan S. Resnick
William A. Shutzer and Fay Shutzer, Ph.D.I
Weil, Gotshal & Manges Foundation, Inc.
His Excellency Ambassador
Timothy Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Richards
Siemens Medical Solutions, USA
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Weiner I
* Member of The Associates
Member of the Committee of 1000
• Deceased
Abdulaziz Nass
Sports Physical Therapy
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barrack
Samuel H. Basch, M.D.
The Big Wood Foundation
Buckeye Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Clarr
Princess D’Arenberg
Julia and Roger R. Baumann
Carina Biggs, M.D.
Deanie R. Buckley
Classic Media, Inc.
DaSilva Architects, PC
Barbara Baumstein I
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Billeris
Herbert and Ann Burger I
Curta Clemente
Datascope Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Bayer
Dr. Henny Billett and
James Byrne
Stewart B. Clifford
Datran Media
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Cohen
The David Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beane
Mr. Michael Edward
Howard L. Beaton, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Birch
CAC Industries, Inc.
Elizabeth T. Cohen
Paula G. Davis Barfield, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Maks Birnbach
Jaclyn A. Calem-Grunat, M.D.
Elliot L. Cohen, M.D.
Peter Dawson
Jerrold M. Becker, M.D.
Janis Bisordi
California Closets
Jeri Cohen Fine Jewelry
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Della Rosa
Beckerman Public Relations
Joyce and Jerry B. Black I
Dr. and Mrs. Martin B. Camins
Jane G. Cohen
The Helen and Philip Delman
Janine Behrman
The Blackstone Group
Cancer & Leukemia Group B Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Cohen
The Beir Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Blank
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Canter
Betsy and Alan D. Cohn I
James P. Demare and Laura L. Zwak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Belfer
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Blank
Capital Counsel, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Cohn
Demeter Asset Management, Inc.
Belkin, Burden Wenig & Goldman, LLP
Jolana Blau
Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel M. Cappello
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey John Colvin
Mr. and Mrs. Domenick Denaro
Jacqueline and Ira• Bellsey I
Ira J. Bleiweiss, M.D.
W. P. Carey & Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Comora
Diamondston Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Benenson
Mr. and Mrs. Yale E. Block
Carnegie Hill Pediatrics, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Dickstein
Carl and Rachel Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Bloom
John J. Carr
Joan Ganz Cooney and
Douglas T. Dieterich, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Berg I
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blumstein
Christopher O. Cassell
Peter G. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Diker
Nels H. and Susan Berg
Body of Art, Ltd.
Cerner Corporation
The Corcoran Group
Robert W. Dillon, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Bergan
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bolotin
Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Chaikin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Cornick
Doak Dermatologics
Marilyn and Richard Berger I
Mark W. Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Chaimonwitz
Mrs. Jan Alvarez Correa
Dorian’s Seafood Market
Rebeca E. Bergofsky
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Borman
The Sara Chait Memorial Foundation, Inc.
Costas Kondylis & Partners LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Dorman
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Bergstein
James T. Botsacos, Sr.
Robert S. Chaloner
Cote De France, Inc.
Doty Family Foundation
Michael J. Bergstein, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Kai P. Chan
Betty and Stuart Cotton I
Mr. and Mrs. John Dougherty
Kathy G. Berkman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Boxer
Chanel, Inc.
The Courtside Charitable Foundation
Alexander Douglas, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berley
Inge C. and Lester R. Brafman
David Chang, M.D., Ph.D.
Pat Covelli Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. F. Jonathan Dracos
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Berlin
Brain and Spine Neurosurgical Institute
David R. Chang
Mr. and Mrs. John Coyle
Judith P. and Karl R. Duchek I
Dr. and Mrs. Aaron J. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bresky
Peter K. Chang, M.D., P.L.L.C.
Steve W. Cozine
Melinda Papp Durham
Brian Berman
Brian Brille
Dennis S. Charney, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Crohn
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Dweck
Martha L. Berman
Patricia Brilliant
Jonathan Z. Charney, M.D., P.C.
Harriet and Steven Croman
Stephen Dweck Jewelry
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Berman
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Brisman
Nancy and Roland Chemtob
William C. Crowley
East Side Women’s OB-GYN
Beth and Ronald A. Bernard I
Robert A. Brodner M.D.
Min-Feng R. Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Crown
Robert A. Bernhard
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bronson
Jean M. Chin, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cruikshank
The Eckroth Planning Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Bernhaut
Mr. and Mrs. David Brooks
Gary S. Chubak, M.D.
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles, M.D.,
Eclipsys Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bernheim
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Brown
Dr. Vincent A. Ciavarra
Susan G. Bershad, M.D.
Gale Meltzer Brudner
Citrin Cooperman & Company, LLP
Jack F. Dalton, M.D.
Michael B. Edye, M.D.
Bethel Nursery School Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brudner
Andrea Clair, M.D.
Dr. Christopher D’Amanda
Mr. and Mrs. Blair W. Effron
BID Fire Systems, Inc.
BSM Pediatrics, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Weston Clarke
The Dancing Gourmet, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Eigen
Foundation, Inc.
Associates, P.C.
Educational Broadcasting Corporation
Irene Eisenberg I
Michael B. Ferdman and
Stephanie Schwartz-Ferdman
Valerie and Steven Eisman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goldberg
Marc Greenberg, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Galant
Alisan B. Goldfarb, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Greenberg
Dr. and Mrs. John Ellie
Marlene and Ralph• Feuerring I
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Galin
Philip Goldfarb
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Greenblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Elmer
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Feuerstein
Mark S. Gallagher and Mary T. Connor
Valerie S. Goldfein
Stuart P. Greenspon and Camilla Trinchieri
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Elmore
Mr. and Mrs. George Fina
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Gallin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Goldman
Adrian J. Greenstein, M.D.
Elmwood Charity Fund, Inc.
Emily Fine
Mr. and Mrs. Valentino Gallo
Jane H. Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Judah Gribetz
Emigrant Bank
Nancy Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Gamzon
Mathilda S. Goldman
Charles A. Gropper, M.D.
The Emmes Corporation
Lillian Finney •
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Gannaway, III
Mr. and Mrs. Avronom Goldman
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Gross
The Endocrine Society
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fischer I
Andrew R. Ganz, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Goldring
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Engdall
Lucy Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gasman
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goldschein
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Engel
John P. Fishwick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaziano
Mrs. Del Rene Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grosz
Donald Engel
Alan Fitts
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Gelfond I
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Goldsmith
Peter Gruenberger and
Margery G. Engel
Desmond S. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. David Geller
John Goldsmith
Bonnie S. Englebardt
Herschel Flax, M.D.
Robert D. Geller, M.D. and
Roberta and Arthur Goldstein I
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gubar
Sylvie M. Epelbaum, M.D.
Susan L. Fleischer I
Sanford H. Goldstein
Edward Guiliano
Epic Systems Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fleishman
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Gellman
Goldstone Fund, Inc.
Agnes Gund and Daniel Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher, III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Genatt
Jennifer P. Goodale
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gursky
Anna Erlich
Thomas M. Flexner
Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Gendelman
Mark F. Goodfriend
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Richard Guylay
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Estey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Floor
General Electric Foundation
Bruce L. Goodman
Moshe Haimov, M.D.
John Eydenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Flower
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goodman
Dr. Diane Halberg and Mr. Joshua M. Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Ezersky
FOJP Service Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor P. Germano
Mr. and Mrs. James Goodman
Elaine Fabrikant
Karen Geller, R.N., J.D.I
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Goodman
Carin I. Lamm, M.D.
Lynn and Martin Halbfinger I
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Fouts
Judith and Neal Gersten
Mr. and Mrs. James Foy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gheewalla
Rachel Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. David Hamamoto
Francis L. Fraenkel
Roger M. Gilbert, M.D.
Roberta R. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Kris Hamburger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Falk
Jeanne T. Frank
Robert S. Gilman
Zmira Goodman
Jonathan M. Harris Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Fallon
Fran-Man Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ginsberg
Roberta and Harold Gootrad I
Anita and I. Douglas Harris I
Mary B. Farrell
Devon Fredericks and Eli Zabar
Glamorise Foundations, Inc.
Marsha Gordon, M.D.
Kristy and Robert L. Harteveldt
Ceil Feinberg I •
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Freedberg
Leslie G. Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Gourlay
Alan R. Hartman, M.D.
Melinda Feinberg
Dillon Freeman
The Honorable I. Leo Glasser
Sheila Marie Gowan
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Harun
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Feldheim
Mr. and Mrs. Natalio S. Fridman
Trudy and Newton Glekel I
Jordan C. Grabel, M.D.
Ellen and Roger Harvey I
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Feldman
Drs. Frederick and Lynn Friedman
Dustin Glick and Pamela Wilder
E. Lee Hennessee and Charles Gradante
Ruth Jaspan Hauser I
Justin N. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Goetz
Hugh A. Grant, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Feldman
Robert L. Froelich
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Golan
Graphic Technology, Inc. Fenn &
Sandra L. Hayes
Michael J. Fellner, M.D.
Renee and Abraham H. Fruchthandler I
Alice Golbert
Serene L. Felt
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Furth
Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Gold
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Gray
Ralph Hazan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fenton
Valentin C. Fuster, M.D., Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldberg
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Green
The Hebrew Home for the Aged
H. Gary Gabriel
Goldberg Nash Family Foundation
Flora Greenberg
Faculty Physicians and Surgeons
Janice L. Gabrilove, M.D.
* Member of The Associates
Member of the Committee of 1000
• Deceased
Fenn/Unique Images
John Hall, Ph.D.
Hays and Company, LLP
at Riverdale
Milton B. Heid
Gail Wasserman and Mark R. Imowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Karp
Alexander Kirschenbaum, M.D.
Ann and Stephen A. Leber I
Marian S. Heiskell
Nabet G. Kasabian, M.D.
Nancy E. Fisher and Marc S. Kirschner I
Michael Lebowitz
Bruce Heller, M.D., P.C.
Independence Care System, Inc.
Gary Kash
Alan M. Kisner, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Leess
Dr. and Mrs. Elliot A. Heller
Industrial Cooling Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kassan
Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Kivell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Leff*
Jacqueline Heller, M.D.
Insmed Incorporated
Maurice Kassimir
Mr. and Mrs. George Klein
Clarissa Lefkowitz
Jean N. Heller I
Integra LifeSciences
Anton and Robin Katz
H.F. Kleiner
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leibowitz
Judith Hellman, M.D.
Interstate Mechanical Services, Inc.
Bruce E. Katz, M.D.
Kleinfeld Bridal Corporation
Roseanne M. Leipzig, M.D., Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Helms, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Iscol
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Katz
Mr. and Mrs. John Klingenstein
Mercedes M. Leon
Michele Hendler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Isenberg
Lila Katz I
Louis and Rose Klosk Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John Lerner
Eleanor B. Henning
J2 Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kobliner
Fran Levene
William Henry
Tikva Schoffman Jacobs, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Koechlin
Diane Levin
Dorothy B. and H. Aaron Henschel I
Lynn Y. Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Katzer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Koenig
David J. Levine, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herring
Sheldon Jacobson, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Katzman
Rose Kokkinos
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Levinson
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Herzfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Jammet
Harriet and David M. Kaufman, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Adam R. Kolker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Levy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Heyman
Jarvik Heart, Inc.
Stephen P. Kaufman
Howard D. Kolodny, M.D.
Mr. and Dr. David W. Levy
Tammy K. Heyman
JBP Security Systems, Inc.
Leon Kavaler, M.D.
Kenneth Kopelman
Judith Levy and Donald Nisonoff
High Five Foundation
Sung Hsuen Jen
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Kay
Carol and Peter• Kornfeld, M.D.
Lois K. Levy
Henry Hirschberg
Chad W. Johnson
Mildred and Bernard H. Kayden I
Carol and Steven B. Kosann I
Lorie Cowen Levy
Elinor H. Hirschhorn and
Suzanne M. Nora and
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Kazam
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Lichtenstein
Kazan, McClain, Abrams,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lieberman
Annette Krassner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Lilley
Michael J. Carroll
David G. Johnson Foundation
Hirschl And Adler Galleries Inc.
Penelope D. Johnston
Steven H. Hirth
Muriel K. Jones
Judy and Earle W. Kazis I
Kraus Family Foundation
Armand and Jean Lindenbaum
Harry Hoffman Fund
Jordan Fashions
Drs. Leo M. and Nadine Keegan
Ellin B. and William L. Kronthal I
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Hoffman
John W. Jordan, II
Rhona J. Keller, M.D.
Geraldine and David Kule I
Fotini C. Livanos
Dr. and Mrs. Saul Hoffman
Judith• and Morton Kalb
Charles F. Kellner
Kusum Family Foundation, Inc.
Nancy and Alan Neil Locker I
Bill Hofstetter
H.J. Kalikow & Company, LLC
Rosanne J. Kellner
Kwiat Inc.
The Longhill Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hogan
Jak V. Kamhi
Kellwood Company
Daniel M. Labow, M.D.
Lorber Charitable Fund
Michael Selig Hokin
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Kamin
Francis M. Kelly
Benjamin V. Lambert
Jeanne H. Losack
The Holland Foundation, Inc.
Lisa C. Kanengiser and
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Kempner
Henry A. Lambert
Ruth D. Lowe I
Ellen and Ian Holzman, M.D.
Fernandez, Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Lamport
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Lowenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Hopkins
Jeanne Kann
Mr. and Mrs. James Kern
David Lance New York, Inc.
The Lowerre Family Charitable Trust
Robert A. Horne and
Margo and Fred Kann I
Harold W. Kerr, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Landis
Dr. and Mrs. Fred D. Lublin
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kann I
Mr. and Mrs. Doron Kessel
Bradford W. Lane
Prof. Susan Petersen Lubow
HP3, Inc.
Nancy and Herbert C. Kantor I
Sharon and Stanley Kesselman I
Larsen Shein Ginsberg Snyder, LLP
Peter Lurye and Eileen Kleiman
Ethelmae C. Humphreys
Irwin Kantor, M.D.
Vadim Khazatsky
Lois M. Lawrence
Ami Lustig
Fern K. Hurst
Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. Kaplan
Harold Kingsberg
Michelle L. Lazerow, Esq.
Gary G. Lynch
Craig Hyman
Harold S. Kaplan, M.D.
Ernest H. Kirchman, M.D.
Taryn and Mark Leavitt
Susan Lyne and George Crile
Laurie Lindenbaum I
Laurence Ginsberg
Barbara A. Lyons
Maternal Fetal Medicine Associates
Dr. and Mrs. Reginald W. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Neisler
I. M. Pei
Gregory M. Macosko
Sir Deryck and Lady Va Maughan I
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Millhiser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Neu
Mr. and Mrs. Owen C. Pell
Ruth Madoff
Tony May
Rosanna Mirante, M.D.
New Jersey Devils
Dr. and Mrs. Deane Penn
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mager
The Leonard Mayer Foundation
The Mirram Group
The New Kalman Sunshine Fund, Inc.
Marlene and Michael Perlmutter I
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mahedy
Joan and Harold C. Mayer, Jr.
Estate of Jenny R. Mlawsky
The New York Times
William H. Perlow, M.D.
Majestic Novelty Yarns Company
Mr. and Mrs. Marc B. Mazur
MMG Agency, Inc.
The New York Times Company
The PETCO Foundation
Maklansky, Grunther, Kurzban, Cohen,
Alan A. Mazurek, M.D.
Modell’s, Inc.
MC Distributors. LLC
Isaac Moinester I
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Newberger
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Piampiano
Martin Maleska
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. McAuliffe
Naomi M. Molner
Adina M. Newman
Morris J. Pinto
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin I
Dr. and Mrs. Sean E. McCance
Louis G. Monti, M.D. and
Francine and Robert T. Neu
The Pittman Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mallement
Patricia McConnell
S. Darwin Noll
Abraham Podolsky
Matthew J. Mallow and Ellen Chesler
Mr. and Mrs. William P. McCormack
Monticello Associates, Inc.
Richard and Jane Novick
Steven M. Podos, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Mandel I
The McGraw-Hill Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Morel
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Novick
Katalin Polgar, M.D.
The JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Eileen T. Nugent I
Ann Coleman Poll I
Gillian Morris and. A.J. Benson
Steven A. Okin
William Poll Inc.
Michele R. Potlow and
Old Oaks Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Abraham Pollack
Mr. and Mrs. Augustus K. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Polley
Zimmer, Hyman & Berson
Linda and Ronald I. Mandle I
Marta E. Delsignore, Ph.D.
Employee Giving Program
Mr. and Mrs. James E. McHugh
Manhattan Orthopedic &
Jacquelyn and Peter J. McKenna I
Sports Medicine
Dr. Robert H. Morris
Robert A. Phillips, M.D. Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Manheimer
McMahon Publishing Group
Lisa E. Rubin and Carl S. Mankowitz, M.D.
Meckler Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Olshan
Laura Popper, M.D.
Elinor Mannucci, Ph.D.
The Medical Group for Women, P.C.
Barbara S. Mosbacher I
Olsten Family C Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Kalmon D. Post
Maple Row Management, Inc.
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation
Nathan Moskowitz, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Olsten
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Potack
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Marcus
Medtronic MiniMed
Movado Group, Inc.
John O’Neill
Bernard S. Potter, M.D.
Sergiu Marcus, M.D., P.C.
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Meer
Frederick C. Mueller I
The Orentreich Family Foundation
Power Express Mortgage Bankers
Jesse Margolin
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Meier
Stephen R. Munger
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Oropello
Premier Air, Inc
Mary Kridel Mark and Melvin Mark, Jr.
Trisha E. Meili and James P. Schwarz
Linda Munzer
Max Ostro
The Roslyn and Michael Prevor
Dr. Marlene Marko and
Susan Mendik
Mr. and Mrs. Phil D. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas I. Ostrover
Dr. Loren R. Skeist
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mercy, Jr.
John B. Murray Architect, LLC
O’Toole Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Price
Joel Markowitz, M.D.
Metropolitan Philanthropic Fund
Murray Hill Radiology and
Alexandra and David B. Packin I
Primary Care Development Corporation
Andrea M. Marks, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Metselaar
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Pagnam
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Prince
The Nancy Lurie Marks
Marleen Meyers, M.D.
Carol Nadel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Paige
Pro-Active Maintenace, LLC
Melissa and Michael E. Meyers
Lorraine Nadel
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard G. Palitz
Professional Physical Therapy-
Martine Castadot and
Sue and Jordan S. Nager I
Barbara E. C. Paris, M.D.
Hiroshi Nakagawa, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Irving H. Parnes
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Profit
Family Foundation
Marks, Paneth and Shron, LLP
Valerie Markwood
Peter S. Midulla, M.D.
Mammography, PC
Midtown, PC
The Marmara-Manhattan Hotel
Jane M. Miglis
National Mah Jongg League, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Ira A. Parness
Prometheus Laboratories, Inc
Howard Marton and Gary F. Marton, PA
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Milberg
National Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
Dr. and Mrs. Bhupendra R. Patel
Renata and Felipe Propper I
Sylvia and Leonard Marx, Jr.
Milestone Capital Managment, LLC
George W. Naumburg, Jr., M.D.
Paul, Hastings, Janofsky and Walker, LLP
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Massapequa Fire Department
Aaron E. Miller, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Neff
Barbara R. Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pruzan
Sandra K. Masur, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Neimeth
Peer T. Pedersen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pufahl
* Member of The Associates
Member of the Committee of 1000
• Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Pundyk
Robbins Wolfe, Inc.
John J. Rothschild, M.D.
Hilda Schneidman I
Mr. and Mrs. L. Kevin Sheridan, Sr.
Andrew Purcell
Robeco USA Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Rothschild
Marjorie and Richard G. Schneidman I
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Sherman
Quadriga Art, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Roberts
RTR Financial Services
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schoenfeld I
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Shifke
Carol A. Quinn and David W. Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. G. Phil Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald N. Rubin
The Schonfeld Family Foundation, Inc.
Robert R. Shreck, M.D.
Richard J. Radna, M.D., Ph.D.
Carol B. Robinson
Katherine Kolbert and
Mr. and Mrs. Joachim H. Schorr
Joel M. Shugar, M.D.
Jamal A. Rahaman, M.D.
Marla and Neil L. Rock I
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Schottenfeld
Mindy and Steven Shulman
Steven N. Rappaport and
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rocker
Rosalinda Rubinstein, M.D., P.C.
Rita and Ian Schrager
SIA Acoustics
The Rogers Family Foundation
Donald Rudikoff, M.D.
Bill Schreiber
Lilian Sicular
Mitchell S. Raps, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan V. Rose
Fiona and Eric C. Rudin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Schulhof
Lillian F. Siegel
Lynn H. Ratner, M.D.
Elliott H. Rose, M.D.
Lizzie B. Rudnick
Diane Wallace and
Robert S. Siffert, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rauch, Jr.
Linda C. Rose I
Louis S. Russo, M.D.
Harold S. Raucher, M.D., P.C.
Frederick P. and Sandra P. Rose
Guy G. Rutherford, Jr.
Donald Schupak
SilverLining Interiors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ruvo
Mr. and Mrs. Axel Schupf
Alexander D. Silverman
Judith A. Garson
Paul Rausnitz
Richard P. Rubinstein I
Lowell M. Schulman I
Catherine Silver
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Rawitt
Marilyn Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Sabin
Jordan Schur
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Silverman
Rebecca H. Rawson•
Seth and Liz Rosen
Harry and Sally Sacks Foundation
Caryn A. Schwab
Patricia and Howard A. Silverstein
Rosa Razaboni, M.D.
Stephen D. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sadaka
Myron Schwartz, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reback
R.S. Rosenbaum & Co., Inc.
Maryam Saeidi and Leila Saeidi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Simon I
Judith and Donald Rechler
Robert Rosenbluth
Yves Z. Salama
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Schwarzman
Anita Simons O.T.R., PLLC
David L. Reich, M.D.
Steven A. Rosendorf
Jonathan Salky
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Schweitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson
Mary Reilly
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Rosenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Michael I. Saltzman
Scientific Environmental Services Co.
Dr. and Mrs. David Sirota
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Reiss I
Merle Rosenfelt and Peter Edelman
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Z. Sandler
Frances A. Scott
Myrna and Leonard Sirowitz I
Renaissance Technologies Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Rosenthal
Sanofi Winthrop Pharmaceuticals
Keith Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Sirulnick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. James Rosenthal
Beatrice and Julio M. Santo Domingo I
Ava Seave and Bruce Greenwald
The Sirus Fund
Milton E. Resnick
James B. Rosenwald, III
Dr. and Mrs. Allen N. Sapadin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Seccuro
SJP Residential Properties
Restaurant Opportunities Center
Pat and John Rosenwald
Alessandro Saracino-Fendi
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Sedler
Richard A. Skolnik, M.D.
Dorothy Rosenwasser I
John and Heather Sargent
Charles J. Seidler, Jr.
Gary I. Slater, M.D.
Restoration Capital Management, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rosenzweig
Margaret A. Satchell, M.D.
Kira Sergievsky
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Slevin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Riano
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rosh
Estate of Lawrence Schacht
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Serock
Bruce Slovin
Ellen Richman
Mr.• and Mrs. Axel G. Rosin I
Eugene W. Schatz
Barbara Serota
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Right
Leo Rosner Charitable Trust
Brian Scheuer
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Shalam
Keith A. Smith
Marcia Riklis
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Ross*
Ruth H. Schiffer
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shanken
Candace Smoller
John Risner and Sharon B. Parent
Jeanette and Mack F. Rossoff I
Hyman Schifrin I •
Kate Shea Foundation
Snowline Hospice of
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Rivlin
Catherine H. Roth, M.D.
Betty Louise Schindler
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Shea, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Rizzuto Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Schlesinger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sheehan
Richard L. Snyder
Sasan Roayaie, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rothenberg
Jacqueline Schneider I
Osnass Shein
Susan R. Drossman, M.D. and
Deborah and Clifton S. Robbins
Lawrence J. Rothenberg, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Sheinkopf
Liz Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Rothong
Steven J. Schneider, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sheppard
of New York
EL Dorado County, Inc.
Adam D. Sokoloff
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua N. Solomon
Lee D. and Ruth Solomon
Peter Strauss I
Jane and Preston Tollinger
Monique M. Warshaw I
Mr. and Mrs. Jooyun O. Ybarra
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Solomon
Sally Strauss
Jack Tom, M.D.
Kerry Washington and
Steven J. Yohay I
Robin Solomon, M.S., R.N.
Structural Consulting Services, P.C.
Leo S. Towne
Gerald A. Solovei
Studio Designs, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Tranen
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Waterman
Dennison Young, Jr.
Peter M. Som, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Sturges
Dale and Alexander Troy
Bram Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zarin
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. Sosnow I
Sudler & Hennessey
Mrs. Roger Tuteur I
Kaare J. Weber, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Zeller
The Southwest Freedom Riders, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sullivan
UBS Foundation USA
The Weck Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Karl M. Zero
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart R. Spector
John F. Sullivan
Richard I. Ulin, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Weiler I
Ming-Ming Zhou, Ph.D.
The Honorable and Mrs. Eliot L. Spitzer
Stanford N. Sullum, M.D.
Underneath It All, Inc.
Joan H. Weill
Marvin H. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Jared B. Stamell
Supreme Court Officers
Walter P. Unger M.D.
The John L. and Sue Ann Weinberg
Justin Zises
Elizabeth and Oliver K. Stanton
Evan Lee Ungerleider Foundation
Josephine L. Stayman
Ulana Suprun, M.D.
United Spinal Association
Steven B. Weinfeld, M.D.
Anne Stean
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Survis
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Unterberg
Ruth Weinflash
Adam B. Stein, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Elie S. Sutton I
UNUM Provident Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Weinreich
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stein, Jr.
Amy Swanson
Uptown Pediatrics, PC
Estate of Sarah Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Steinfeld
James Swayne
Van Wagner Communications, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Weisman
Randolph M. Steinhagen, M.D.
Rose Szatkowski
Jonathan M. Vapnek, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. James Stenson
Dr. and Mrs. Pinkus H. Szuchmacher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Varet
Christina Weltz, M.D.
Jane Y. and James A. Stern I
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Tabak
Vascular Surgical Association, PLLC
Patricia Wexler, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stern
Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse &
The Vega Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John White
Venable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron R. Wien
Jeffrey Tarrant
Bryan S. and Meredith Verona
Jennifer L. Wiener
Thomas P. Sterry, M.D.
Marjorie Kalins Taylor
Carlin B. Vickery, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Willis
Lee Stettner
Tenet Healthcare Foundation
Video Ordnance, Inc.
Cynthia E. Wittman and
J. Edward and Helen M.C. Stern
Hirschtritt LLP
Matching Gift Program
Justin Stevens
Geraldine Vogel
William Van Diepen
Drs. Barry D. and Barbara Stimmel
Victoria J. Teodorescu, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Stolar
Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Tepperman
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stolls
Terumah Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Alan B. Wachtel
Saul A. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wagar
Harvey Wolinsky, M.D., P.C.
Stonehill Capital Management, LLC.
Doris M. and Peter S. Tilles Foundation
Pamela Wakoff
Womens Club At Westlake
Mr. and Mrs. Hans G. Storr
Time Warner Global Marketing
Andrew M. Wallach
Savio L. Woo, Ph.D.
Martha W. and Harry H. Straus
Tyler Tinsworth
Burton Wallack I
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Woolf
Laurie M. Tisch
Penny and John S. Wallerstein I
Alan Work
Elton Strauss, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tisch
Edward Walsh
Michael Wyetzner
Fred S. Strauss I
Carole and Marvin Tolkin I
Kevin J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Yagoda
of Kings County
David Moscow
* Member of The Associates
Member of the Committee of 1000
• Deceased
Leslie and Ronald J. Yoo I
Zissu Family Foundation
Zonta Club of Greater Queens
Food Allergy Initiative
T.J. Martell Foundation
Toni and Martin T. Sosnoff
Richard A. and Susan P. Friedman
Jack Martin Fund
M. James Spitzer
Kathy and Richard S. Fuld, Jr.
G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers
Alfred R. Stern and Barbara R. Biben
Charitable Foundation
Bonnie and Tom Strauss
The Noble Deeds Society
Fundación ProCNIC
honors those whose
Mrs. Henry J. Gaisman
Leni and Peter May
Merryl H. and James S. Tisch
philanthrophy has contributed
Genetic Disease Foundation
Estate of Andre Meyer
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Katz
to the successes of The
William T. Golden
Stacey and Eric Mindich
Michael and Zena Wiener
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
Cheryl and Michael Minikes
Katherine and Clifford H. Goldsmith
Estate of Lucy G. Moses
Ruth and David Gottesman
Jack Nash
The Green Fund and The Malcolm
National Hemophilia Foundation
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Joan Taub Ades and Alan M. Ades
Warren Alpert Foundation
Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program
of the American Health Assistance
American Red Cross-September 11th
Recovery Program
Ann and Steven Ames
The Annenberg Foundation
Harriet and Arthur H. Aufses, Jr.
The Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia &
Parkinson Foundation, Inc.
Jayne and Harvey Beker
Harvey and Arlene Blau
Adele Block
Jean C. and James W. Crystal
Edgar and Louise Cullman
Estate of Joseph F. Cullman, III
Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman
Barbara and Maurice Deane
Shelley and Steven Einhorn
The Ellison Medical Foundation
Estate of Eva Feld
Estate of Arthur M. Fishberg
Gibbs Foundation
Antonia and George Grumbach
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyNYC Chapter
The John A. Hartford Foundation
Robin and Shimmin Neustein
Harriet Heilbrunn
Henry Nias Foundation, Inc.
Andrew D. Heineman
Price Family Foundation
Estate of Lilian and Benjamin Hertzberg
The Rapaport Family
John and Susan Hess
Rapaport-Shallat Foundation
The Irma T. Hirschl Charitable Trust
(Rabbi Barton and Jane Shallat)
Carl and Gail Icahn
Richard Ravitch
Joan L. and Julius H. Jacobson, II
Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc.
Elliot and Roslyn Jaffe, of the Food
Charles H. Revson Foundation, Inc.
Allergy Institute
Mr. Arthur Richenthal
Ellen and Howard C. Katz
Arthur Ross
Sharon and Frederick Klingenstein
Robert E. and Judith O. Rubin
The Family of Percy Klingenstein, M.D.
The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels
Marie-Josée and Henry Kravis
Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Ira Kukin
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Saul
Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder
Edie and Marvin Schur
Betty and John Levin
Stephen and Lety Schwartz
Patricia S. and Robert A. Levinson
Beatrice and Samuel A. Seaver
Janet W. Levy
The Family of Henry and Louise Loeb
Eric P. Sheinberg
Leon Lowenstein Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Som
Mrs. Morris Friedman
Arthur Ross
Robert B. Friedman
Janet and Andrew Rothenberg
Members of The 1852 Society
George J. Gillespie, III
H. Onno Ruding
have made commitments to
Ethel Goldenberg
Mrs. Harriet Saporta
Mount Sinai’s future by naming
Clifford H. Goldsmith
Ruth Schetzen
Mount Sinai in their estate plans
Richard F. Goodman
Shirley Schetzen
The naming of centers and
Dr.• and Mrs. Jack Peter Green
Rabbi and Mrs. Barton Shallat
institutes offers a unique
Mrs. Milton Greenberg
Warren and Amalie Sharfman
opportunity for philanthropy
Elsie Hafer
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Shishko
to advance Mount Sinai’s legacy
Allen Adler
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Hagin
Lillian F. Siegel
of achievements in the areas
Arthur S. Ainsberg
Ruth Jaspan Hauser
Gerald• and Ramie J. Silbert
of patient care, research, and
Mr. and Mrs. Sander P. Alexander
Harriet Heilbrunn
Irving I. Silverman
education. A gift of $1,000,000
Fareed Ali and Veleda Kiekow•
Andrew D. Heineman, Esq.
Mr. Herman Smith
to $50,000,000 is required.
Anonymous (7)
Walter W. Hess, Jr.
Margaret Sokol•
Harriet and Arthur H. Aufses, Jr., M.D.
Madeline M. Hitzegrad
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Som
Funds of $2,500,000 and above
Thomas Bagwell and Joanne DiLoreto
Mrs. Edith B. Hitzig•
Anne Stean
The Saul Family Laboratories
Lupe Gentile Bassen
Rosalie Holzman
Vivian and Charles Sukenik
Claire B. and Lawrence A. Benenson
Ranko Kaneko
Phyllis and Herbert• Tick
Made possible through the generosity
of The Saul Family
Rose M. Berger
Helene L. Kaplan, Esq.
Mrs. Roger Tuteur
Funds of $1,000,000 to
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Block
Ellen Katz
The Honorable Julia B. Wasserman
Luigi Bresciani
Harley D. Kaufman, M.D., J.D.
Ruth Weil
Dr.• and Mrs. Fred Brown
Donald S. Kent, M.D.
Richard E. Weinreich
Robert N. Butler, M.D.
Edna and E. Philip Klein, M.D.
Alan R. Weiskopf
Chryssanthos Chryssanthou, M.D.
Frederick and Sharon Klingenstein
Susan L. West
Mrs. Lucius Coleman
Lois M. Lawrence
Cynthia Green Colin
Patricia S. Levinson
Rose Price Cooley
Peter B. Liebert, M.B.B.CH.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Crystal
Erwin and Caroline Lurie
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Cullman
Emily Hope McKeen, Ph.D. and
or establishing a life income gift.
Lewis B. Cullman
Clara Tamura
Mrs. David A. Dreiling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minikes
Mr. and Mrs. Joel S. Ehrenkranz
Frances E. and Frederic S. Nathan
William M. Ellinghaus
Lina B. Popper
Stuart Paul and Sue K. Feld
The Rapaport Family Trust
Jeffrey S. Freed, M.D.
Kenneth Rolfe
Mr. and Mrs.• Sam Friedlander
Edwin G. Roos
• Deceased
Established in 2006
The Steven and Alexandra Cohen
Ante-Partum Unit
Made possible through the generosity
of Steven and Alexandra Cohen
Established in 2006
Established in 2006
Established in 2006
These funds enable the
Established in 2006
Established in 2006
Medical School to recruit
Special and general operating
Endowing named departments
outstanding faculty. In 2006,
funds are given to the Medical
These endowed and non-
honor outstanding medical
and divisions offers the
a professorial chair could be
School and Hospital for patient
endowed funds are created to
and graduate students, faculty,
opportunity to sustain
endowed with a minimum gift
care, education, and research.
support student financial aid.
staff, and research investigators.
excellence in clinical, research,
of $2,000,000.
In 2006, an endowment fund
In 2006, endowed funds could be
In 2006, awards and prizes could
could be established with a
established with a minimum gift
be established with a minimum
minimum gift of $50,000.
of $50,000.
gift of $50,000.
category according to actual
Funds of $5 million and over
Funds of $100,000 and below
amounts received through
December 31, 2006.
The Enid Annenberg Haupt Scholarship
in honor of Dr. James Strain
Dr. Elmer Pader
Cardiology Award
Funds of $1,000,000 and over
Funds of $100,000 and below
The Kalmon D. Post
Neurosurgery Award
Anny Birnbaum Brieger and Clarence E.
Brieger and Edith Birnbaum Oblatt and
George D. Oblatt Fund
Sanfurd G. Bluestein Endowed
Scholarship Fund
educational, and training
programs. In 2006, a department
could be endowed with a
minimum gift of $7,500,000,
and a division with a minimum
gift of $5,000,000.
Hilda and J. Lester Gabrilove, M.D.
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes,
and Bone Disease
Endowed by friends, family and
grateful patients
Genetic Disease Foundation
Francis Crick Professorship
in Human Genetics
Endowed by the Genetic Disease
These awards and prizes
These funds are listed by
Funds of $100,000 to $249,999
Endowed Research Fellowship in
Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Angela Crosdale, M.D. and
Glen Agoliati, M.D. Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Virginia and Harold G. Lash
Scholarship Fund
The Jack Martin Endowed Fund
for Pediatrics at Mount Sinai
Oppenheimer Research Fund
in Urology
Funds of $100,000 and below
Raul Fleischmajer, M.D.
Visiting Lectureship in Dermatology
Leonard I. Malis, M.D.
Endowed Lectureship
The Gordon D. Oppenheimer
Annual Lectures on Urology
The Gordon D. Oppenheimer
Research Fund for Urology
Lois P. Gross
Angela Diaz, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Blau
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Dichter
Dr. Amy Frieman
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Grossman
Benjamin Bleiberg
Douglas T. Dieterich, M.D.
Valentin C. Fuster, M.D., Ph.D.
Cyndi Gruber
Ira J. Bleiweiss, M.D.
Peter R. Dottino, M.D.
Jacob Futterman
Jeffrey Gumprecht, M.D.
Zachary T. Bloomgarden, M.D.
Michael J. Droller, M.D.
J. Lester Gabrilove, M.D.
Jonathan L. Halperin, M.D.
Daisy O. Blum
Billie Joy Eichel
Jordan and Molly Galin
Jesse Halpern
Lauren Abeles
Jeremy H. Boal, M.D.
Ira Eliasoph, M.D.
Ruby Gaynor
Robin Halpern
Molly Abitol
Reece Philip Breyer
Justin Emmer
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Gelb
Glenn S. Hammer, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adair
Rebecca C. Brightman, M.D.
Daniel Erlichman
Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Gendelman
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hannan
David H. Adams, M.D.
Scott E. Brodie, M.D., Ph.D.
Thomas L. Fabry, M.D. and
Eric M. Genden, M.D.
Mariska Hargitay
Christopher J. Ahlborn
Sally Broido
Zach Gerber
Susan Hasson
Roger Ailes
Jonathan S. Bromberg, M.D., Ph.D.
Linda A. Fairstein, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Gilbert
Kyle Hausler
Robert A. Aldoroty, M.D., Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell S. Brown
Jeffrey Farber, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Girgenti
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hecht
Ruth and Louis M. Aledort, M.D.
Stephen B. Brown
Eileen Farbman
James N. Gladstone, M.D.
Marian S. Heiskell
Dr. Evdokia Anagnostou
Ariel Bulva
Sue K. and Stuart P. Feld
Rabbi Glazer
Bruce Heller, M.D.
Nancy P. Aronson
Eileen H. Callahan, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Eidler
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Godfrey
Jon Hendler
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Assentato
Ian Callendar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Findling
Daryl N. Goldberg-Simon
Walter W. Hess, Jr.
Harriet and Arthur H. Aufses, Jr., M.D.
Sharon L. Camhi, M.D.
Martin Finkel, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Goldfein
Drs. Kurt and Rochelle Hirschhorn
Cristian Avila
Kevin Cande
Dean and Ryan Fischer
Martin E. Goldman, M.D.
Stacy L. Coleman and
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Backman
Andrea and Benjamin Cantor
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander E. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Goldsmith
Charlotte Bader
Mark L. Chapman, M.D.
Beth Flannery
Eric S. Goldstein, M.D.
Selma G. Hirsh
Matthew J. Bankert
Peter Charap, M.D. and
Evan L. Flatow, M.D.
Martin S. Goldstein, M.D.
Drs. James F. and Jimmie C. Holland
Samara Flug
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Goldstein
Ian R. Holzman, M.D.
Danielle Barbieri
Cynthia L. Krause, M.D.
Ilona Papp-Fabry, M.D.
Dr. Jack Hirschowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Barkin
Mirna A. Chehade, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine V. Fogg
Nathan E. Goldstein, M.D.
Josie Horowitz
Ben W. Bayer
Mr. and Mrs. Roland M. Chemtob
George Forster, M.D.
Susan Goldstein
Katie Danziger Horowitz
John B. Beadle
Doris Cohen
Gale Fox
Richard J. Golinko, M.D.
In Vitro Team
Drs. Joshua B. Bederson and
Charlotte Cole
Yitzchak Frank, M.D.
Jennifer P. Goodale
Steven H. Itzkowitz, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. William Colfer, Sr.
Lynne Frederick-Hawley
Eleanor J. Goodman
Julia Jacobson
Keith J. Benkov, M.D.
Jean C. and James W. Crystal
Judith Freese
Marsha Gordon, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Julius H. Jacobson, II
Lisa Bensinger, M.D.
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles, M.D.,
Alan H. Friedman, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Peter D. Gorevic, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. David Jaffe
Drs. Frederick and Lynn Friedman
Jean-Michel Gracies, M.D., Ph.D.
Barry W. Jaffin, M.D.
Isabelle M. Germano
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bergstein
Lance Bergstein
John Danias, M.D.
Gerald Friedman, M.D., Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Green
Henry D. Janowitz, M.D.
Alvin Berman, M.D.
Bonnie M. Davis, M.D. and
Jason D. Friedman
Fenella Greig, M.D.
Dr. Barbara Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Friedman
Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gribetz
Thomas H. Kalb, M.D.
Alfred R. Stern and Barbara R. Biben
Elissa Gretz Friedman, M.D.
Dana L. Blanton
Kenneth L. Davis, M.D.
Herbert Biegelman
Samantha Day
Lynn Friedman, M.D.
Randall B. Griepp, M.D.
Irwin Kantor, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Birnbaum
Dr. Michelle E. De La Riva
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Friedman
Sam Grinberg
Mort Kaplan
Douglas R. Birns M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice A. Deane
Robert Friedman and
Hannah Gross
Sally Kaplan
Sam Kase
Simon Lichtiger, M.D.
Joan E. Morgenthau, M.D.
Jamal A. Rahaman, M.D.
Zachary Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Arvin H. Kash
Lauren Long
Jane Morris, R.N.
Robert Rapaport, M.D.
Debbie Schwarz, C.S.W.
Ellen and Howard C. Katz
Steven Lorch and Susanna Kochan-Lorch
R. Sean Morrison, M.D.
Harold S. Raucher, M.D., P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Segal
Horacio Kaufmann, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred D. Lublin
Dr. Alexis Moschcowitz
Elliot J. Rayfield, M.D.
Janet B. Serle, M.D.
Melissa J. Kenzig
David Margulies
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Moss
Mark A. Reiner, M.D.
Betty Shaffet
Bette Kerr
Deborah B. Marin, M.D.
Barbara and Richard D. Moss, M.D.
Griffin Reinhardt-Hepler
Samin K. Sharma, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ertan Kesicier
Michael L. Marin, M.D.
Arden G. Moulton
Mrs. Bryan S. Resnick
Joanna Sheinfeld, M.D.
Elaine Kessel
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mark
Dr. and Mrs. David Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Rogers
Grace Sheridan
Joyce Kim, M.D.
Allison and Jacob Markman
Ramon J. C. Murphy, M.D.
Carmen Rosario
Kevin Sheridan
Patricia Fogg Kinnell
Dr. Marlene Marko and
Charles J. Navetta
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Rosenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. L. Kevin Sheridan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Needleman
Jerome Davis Ross
Spencer E. Sherman, M.D.
Elizabeth Kirkham
Dr. Loren R. Skeist
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kittredge
Lawrence Hass and Maria C. Marquez
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Needleman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rosson
Matthew Sherr
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Klapper
Raymond J. Matta, M.D.
Richard Neufeld, M.D.
Cole Rosson
Helaine Shlasko
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Klingenstein
Leonard M. Mattes, M.D.
Alessandra Noto and Stephen Carlin
Pam Roth
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Sicher
Paul E. Klotman, M.D.
Leni and Peter W. May
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Novick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Rothenberg
Iona Siegel, C.S.W.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Koestler
Lloyd Mayer, M.D.
Heather Nyein
Peter H. Rubin, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Siffert
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Marc O. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Oberman
Janette Ryan
Adrianne W. Silver
Martha Kostyra
Mr. and Mrs. James McCarroll
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oliff
David B. Sachar, M.D.
Lester Silver, M.D.
Lawrence R. Krakoff, M.D.
Nolan McClain
Maria L. Padilla-Meyers, M.D.
Alexandra Sacks
Rosalyn P. Silverstein
Daniel J. Krellenstein, M.D., Ph.D.
Rose McClendon
Staff of Palliative Care Clinical Team
Steven H. Sacks, M.D.
Jonas Singer
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Kurtin
Seamus Barrett McDevitt
Michael L. Parks, M.D.
Takeshi Sakurai, M.D., Ph.D.
Albert L. Siu, M.D.
Daniel M. Labow, M.D.
Alex McGee
Lorraine Pascarella
Barry A. Salky, M.D.
Herschel J. Sklaroff, M.D.
Alison Langleiben
Thomas G. McGinn, M.D.
Jacqui Pastore
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Z. Sandler
Dr. William Slater
Louis S. Lapid, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. McHugh
Jack S. Perkins
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Saphir
Christopher J. Smith, M.D.
Signe S. Larson, M.D.
MaryAnn McLaughlin, M.D.
Jared Pine
Nita Savitz
Keith A. Smith
Rebecca S. Lash
Diane E. Meier, M.D.
Sean Pinney, M.D.
Harry Schanzer, M.D.
David Smoot
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Lauder
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Meier
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pleiness
Thomas D. Schiano, M.D.
Eileen R. Solomon
William Lawson, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Meyer
Steven M. Podos, M.D.
Sam Schneider
Madelyn Solomon
Michelle L. Lazerow, Esq.
Samuel Meyers, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Myron Polkes
Eric Schoenbach
Rachel Spiro
Mark G. Lebwohl, M.D.
Aaron E. Miller, M.D.
Vivian Port
Dr. and Mrs. Neal B. Schultz
Anthony Squire, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Miller
Ethan Portnoff
Sara U. Schwanke
Charles B. Stacy, M.D.
Alice C. Levine, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Kalmon D. Post
Aaron Schwartz
Shane Stegeman and Jermar Larkins
Esther Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minikes
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Present
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Schwartz
Barry B. Stein, M.D., P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Hirschell E. Levine
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Mirsky
Lizzie and Harry Price
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schwartz
Dana Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Levinson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Misthal
Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Prisand
Luke Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Stern
Jack Levy
Benjamin Mizrachy, M.D., P.C.
Torie Pufahl
Myron E. Schwartz, M.D.
Eric H. Stern, M.D.
Richard Lewis, M.D.
Finnley Moore
Kristjan T. Ragnarsson, M.D.
Sophie Schwartz
Louise A. Stern
Drs. Barry D. and Barbara Stimmel
Erving Wolfe
James J. Strain, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wolikow
Matthew D. Strain
Robin Zarel, L.C.S.W.
Elton Strauss, M.D.
Danny Zelikovsky
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Strauss
Elias A. Zias, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strauss
Sharon R. Zisman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Surnamer
Marathon Medical, PLLC
Jonah Susskind
Dr. Annette T. Eichenbaum
Colin Matthew Burke
Alyssa Ann Eidler
Margaret Burke
Sophie Eisler
Michael D. Camara
Samuel K. Elster, M.D.
Myra Cantor
Karen Engel
Manuel J. Carballeira, M.D.
Jack Epstein
Beatrice Adler
Harcourt A. Carrington, Ph.D.
Jacob Erlich
Mother of Barbara Aievoli
Alice P. Chambers
Dr. Elaine Estren
Mickey Eulau
Rose Allen
Shefali Chawla
Peter Taub, M.D.
Melvyn Altman
Wu-Ping Chu
Reby Evans
Alvin S. Teirstein, M.D.
Robert R. Altman
Sylvia Cierny
Sara Ezra
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thea
Ernest Amatniek
Jay A. Cohen
Aaron Falkowitz
David C. Thomas, M.D.
Joseph Anderson
Mervyn Cohen
Warren Feeley
Swan N. Thung, M.D.
Marcia Anscher
Stanford Cohen
Bella Feinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Toll
Muriel Aronson
Mother of The Cohen Family
Max Feldman
Kevin M. Troy, M.D.
Milton Askinas
William E. Colfer, Jr.
Seymour Feldman
Sidney Feldshuh
Scott Swanson, M.D.
Edith Attermann
Louis Conti
Marilyn F. Urken
Dr. Arnold L. Bachman
Henry Cotellessa
Tamar Fellner
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Vorchheimer
Amy Scribner Bader
Damaris Croffoot-Suede
Lucille A. Fennessy
Dr. Jonathan Wachtel
Barbara Barish
Norma D’Ambrosio
Mildred Feren
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wagman
Edna F. Barnes
Cathy Danke
Anthony Ferrentino
Lorain L. Wankoff, Ph.D.
Howard Beatus
Robert Davidson
Salvatore Fertitta
Catharine Warren
Frank Beilin
Lewis Davis
Seymour Finkelstein
Kaare J. Weber, M.D.
Dr. Morris B. Bender
Lydia De Jesus
Marie Fitzgerald
Raul Fleischmajer, M.D.
Allen H. Unger, M.D.
Festa Bennett
Dr. Frank B. De Luca
Michael F. Wein
William Berdy
Joan Delaney
Sylvia Forer
Steven B. Weinfeld, M.D.
Tomi Deutsch Berney
Diane DeLizzo
Morton Frank
Arthur C. Weisenseel, M.D.
Douglas Beverly
Miksa and Viorica Deutsch
Janet H. Freeman
Anthony A. Weiss, M.D.
Gus Bianco
Lea Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wertheim
Herbert Biegelman
Mildred C. Digilio
Jeannette Furlong
Susan L. West
Bruce Birnbaum
Mary and Sidney Dilman
Hilda W. Gabrilove
Zena and Michael A. Wiener
Samuel Blackman
Rita S. Ditchik
Frances Gallagher
Sarah Garfinkel
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Weil
Hannah Blechner
Sandy Ditman
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Woldenberg
Helen Blieden
Carol A. Dooley
Dr. Irwin M. Gelernt
Diane R. Wolf
Jean Bloustein
Officer John Duberry
Max Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Wolf
Robert A. Bonder
Ruth Dukehart
Debra Giacalone
Stephen Wolf
Katherine Boros
Hilda Ehrlich
Pierina Gianni
Dr. and Mrs. H. Richard Winn
Nicole Bruno
Joshua Gibson, M.D.
Irving Holland, D.D.S.
Anita Levine
Anabelle Morritt
Paul Rosenthal
Gary Gillingham
Hedwig Horowitz
Bessie Levine
Edward Morrow
Gloria Rosenzweig
Stefanie Glassman
Sidney L. Horowitz, D.D.S.
Marilyn Levitt
Dr. Eli Moschcowitz
Prof. Florence Roswell
Lawrence I. Glickman
Adrienne Hough
Al Levy
Susan Nadler
A. James Rowan, M.D.
Raymond Golbert
John Howell
Hyman Levy
Jeannette Newman
Yolanda Rowe
Vivian S. Goldberg
Sharon Kalb-Komarin
Norman F. Levy
Fred Newmark
Emily Rubin
Barbara Goldman
Susan Kallenbach
David Liebuwitt
Herbert Norman
Hilda D. Sachs
Robert I. Goldman
The Brother of Sheila Kaminsky
Christopher Lindsey
Wendy Northrup
Rhonie Sacks
Charlotte Goldstein
Ruth Kantor
E. David Litke
Daniel E. Obler
Dr. Fenton Schaffner
Edward Goldstein
Dr. Mitchel A. Kaplan
Muriel Menschel Loeb
Eugene O’Donnell
Laura N. Schatz
Fannie Goldstein
Howard Karlin
Evan Loeffler
John Onacilla
Judith F. Scheibe
Anthony R. Goodman
Robin Karp
Rafael Mira Y. Lopez, M.D.
Sylvia Orans
Mother of Neil Schelberg
Alvin J. Gordon, M.D.
Eleanor Katz
Mitchell Lubel
Or Oved Weiss
Grace and Edith Schneider
Sari Nicole Graber
Philip Kayne
Peter Luglio
David Pagan
Ada Schonbraun
Hilda Gradinger
David Kazan
Albert S. Lyons, M.D.
Janis Paletsky
Dr. Martin Schreiber
David Greenberg
James P. Keady
Roger Madoff
Dr. David Paley
Shirley Schulder
Jonathan Greenberg
Elvin Kennedy
Karen Z. Magidson
Lorraine Pascarella
Ryan Schwartz
Stanley Greenberg
Edythe Kenner
Leonard I. Malis, M.D.
Edward A. Pelisson
Arnold Segal
Sylvia Greenspan
Joyce Kerr
Harold J. Mancusi
Dr. Emanuel Peterfreund
Rose Seligsburg
Allen R. Gribetz, M.D.
Dorothy Kessler
Mildred Mankowitz
Marion Petersson
Fred Serlin
Jane Grinberg
Martha Kessler
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Mann
Laurie Phillips
Kathleen Shea
Lois Grinker
Irwin Ketrover
Terry L. Manning
Gertrude Pinto
Jean Shechet
Nathaniel Grote
Arnold J. Kivelson
Kathleen W. Marcello
Rolande Platt
Sydell Sherman
Leslie Gruenberger
Jared C. Kniffen, M.D.
Shirley Marcus
Arthur Podorefsky
Jacob Shuker
Marjorie Guttag
Reverend Dr. Norma Caroline Evans
Abraham Markowitz
Laurence Polatsch
Arthur Sicular, M.D.
Morris Markowitz
Semen Popelyukhin
Dr. Irwin Siegel
Mickey Hargitay
Mildred Harmatz
Dorothy Krams
Lorraine Mason
Max J. Posner
Matthew Silvan, Ph.D.
Enid A. Haupt
Serene Kreiner
Jean Mateo
Spencer Regan Posner
Martin Silverman
Margaret Heffner
Carol H. Kridel
Cristina Matons
Margery Price
Marcy Sirulnick
Shirley Heft
Arnold Kusnetz
Edna S. Mautner
Kathryn Pufahl
Alan Slater
Mike Helbig
Frank LaTorre
Benjamin V. McGee
Sonia Rabinowitz
Irene Sokol
Lawrence Hellman, M.D.
Paul M. Lauren
Binnie Meltzer
Mack Ramirez
Robert Solomon
Barbara Herman
Ruby Leader
Joel K. Merchant
Paula D. Resnick
Michelina Sorbo
Lilian Hertzberg
Jennie Lebwohl
Gloria Miller
Dr. Bernard P. Robinson
Martin W. Spector
Robert G. Heser
Chester Leef
Sophie Miller
Eileen Roeder
Ruth E. Spink, R.N.
Barbara Hess
Samuel J. LeFrak
Kate Minikes
Pasquale Romanella
Sheldon L. Stedman
David Hochstein
Anne Claire Lester
Margaret Modugno
Mel Rosenblum
Larry Stein
Rose Stein
Meyer L. Zonis
Robert Stenzler
Eleanor Zucker-Wallace, M.D.
Mark Stern
Joseph Zwick
Aurora B. Stewart
The Helen and Philip Delman
Robert Stock
Foundation, Inc.
Sandy Suesserman
Richard Suridis
Jean Sutherland
Rose Szabo
Mrs. Dimitrios Tasigiannis
Ronen Tidhar
Ruth Toback
Alfred Tregalia
Ann M. Trombatura
Jack Ullman
Magda Vasillov
Libby Vogel
Betty Wank
Sandy Weiner
Richard E. Weinreich
Dr. Edwin A. Weinstein
Rose Weiser
Albert Weiss
Douglas West
Deborah Wilde
Freida Wilson
Jeanette G. Winetsky
Albert Wishner
Rosalyn Wolf
Mary Wolinsky
Jodi Ann Wollman
Arlene Wysong
John Youngken
Samuel B. Zinder
Ralph E. Zirinsky
E.Fitz Art
Rosemary McGinn and Sara Daniels
Damion Edwards Photography
The Mount Sinai Development Office
One Gustave L. Levy Place
(212) 659-8500
Box 1049
fax: (212) 987-1763
New York, NY 10029-6574
The Mount Sinai Development Office
One Gustave L. Levy Place
Box 1049
New York, NY 10029-6574