Joint Presentation Baden
Joint Presentation Baden
08.–12.04. 2013 Hall 4, Booth E24 Where ideas work. Joint Presentation Baden-Württemberg Where ideas work. Index of Exhibitors Joint Presentation Baden-Württemberg Hall 4, Booth E24 Ätztechnik Herz GmbH & Co. KG Kilbigswasen 4 78736 Epfendorf/N Phone: +49 (0) 74 04 / 92 14-0 Fax: +49 (0) 74 04 / 92 14-30 E-mail: Ätztechnik Herz gehört zu den führenden Herstellern von Formätzteilen und geËTZTEN"ËNDERNuREELTOREELh Ätztechnik Herz is one of the leading manufacturer of etched parts and etched reels. Ätztechnik Herz Laser GmbH & Co. KG Kilbigswasen 6 78736 Epfendorf/N Phone: +49 (0) 74 04 / 92 14-52 Fax: +49 (0) 74 04 / 92 14-99 E-mail: ¯TZTECHNIK(ERZ,ASERIST(ERSTELLERVON0RËZISIONS,ASERSCHNEIDTEILEN"IEGE"E schriftungs- oder Gleitschleifarbeiten sind im Haus möglich. ¯TZTECHNIK (ERZ ,ASER IS A MANUFACTURER OF PRECISION LASER CUT PARTS "ENDING tumbling, or marking processes also possible on site. Apfel Metallverarbeitung GmbH 'ERHART(AUPTMANN3TRs$OSSENHEIM Phone: +49 (0) 62 21 / 87 61-0 Fax: +49 (0) 62 21 / 87 61-25 INFO APFELGMBHDEsWWWAPFELGMBHDE Die Firma Apfel Metallverarbeitung GmbH ist ein professioneller Betriebseinrichter, der Arbeitsplätze der Zukunft unter Berücksichtigung der Ergonomie, Arbeitssicherheit und Betriebsabläufe fertigt. The company Apfel Metallverarbeitung GmbH fits professional companies. They produce workstations of the future allowing to ergonomic, occupational safety and operating procedures. Baublys Laser GmbH Mauserstr. 19 ,UDWIGSBURG Phone: +49 (0) 71 41 / 85 35-0 Fax: +49 (0) 71 41 / 85 35-15 )HR0ARTNERFàRMECHANISCHE'RAVIERMASCHINENUND,ASERBESCHRIFTUNGSSYSTEMEALS Integrationsmodule, Standardmaschinen und kundenspezifische Sonderlösungen. Your partner for mechanical engraving machines and laser marking systems as integration modules, stand-alone machines and customized solutions. Christian Bauer GmbH + Co. KG 3CHORNDORFER3TRAEs7ELZHEIM Phone: +49 (0) 71 82 / 12-0 Fax: +49 (0) 71 82 / 12-3 15 E-mail: Hersteller von standardisierten und kundenspezifischen Federn, z.B.: Tellerfedern, Wellfedern, (un-)geschlitzte Kugellager Tellerfedern. Flügel und Baugruppen für Flügelzellenpumpen. Manufacturer of standardized and customized springs: eg. disc springs, wave springs, slotted ball-bearing disc springs. Vanes and subassemblies for vane pumps. BB Zerspanungstechnik GmbH Breitwiese 3 75203 Königsbach-Stein Phone: +49 (0) 72 32 / 31 87-0 Fax: +49 (0) 72 32 / 31 87-29 E-mail: :ERTIlZIERTE,OHNDREHEREIMIT+ERNKOMPETENZINDERmEXIBLENUNDKUNDENSPEZI fischen Fertigung von einfachen bis komplexen Drehteilen. !SACERTIlEDTURNERYWITHMAINCOMPETENCEINTHEmEXIBLEANDCUSTOMIZEDPRO duction of simple and even complex turning parts. Bilz Vibration Technology AG Böblingerstr. 25 ,EONBERG Phone: +49 (0) 71 52 / 30 91-0 Fax: +49 (0) 71 52 / 30 91-10 E-mail: Hersteller für Produkte zur Schwingungsisolation von Maschinen und Anlagen. Manufacturer of products for Vibration Isolation of machines. Bogner GmbH & Co. KG Präzisionswerkzeugbau & Stanztechnik &ELIX7ANKEL3TRs+ELTERN Phone: +49 (0) 72 36 / 93 90-0 Fax: +49 (0) 72 36 / 93 90-20 E-mail: Herstellung von Stanz-, Biege- und Montageteilen, Entwicklung und Herstellung von vollautomatisierten Stanz- und Montagewerkzeuganlagen. Manufacturing of stamping- and bending parts, mounting parts and development and manufacturing of automated stamping- and mounting tool lines. Böhmler Drehteile GmbH Reutlinger Str.23 75179 Pforzheim Phone: +49 (0) 72 31 / 13 46 0 Fax: +49 (0) 72 31 / 13 46 10 E-mail: Wir entwickeln und produzieren seit Jahrzehnten Präzisionsdrehteile, Kontakte und Montageteile für die Elektronik und Automobilindustrie von 1 - 32 mm Durchmesser. For centuries we develop and produce precision turned parts, contacts and assembled parts for the automotive and electronic industry from 1 - 32 mm diameter. Colorseals e.K. Ziegeleistraße 34a 88697 Bermatingen Phone: +49 (0) 75 44 / 95 62 60 Fax: +49 (0) 75 44 / 95 62 62 E-mail: Ein starkes Team im Bereich: Dichtungen, Hydraulik-Zylinder und Industriebedarf. FB-Elektronik GmbH 7ELLENDINGER3TRs&RITTLINGEN Phone: +49 (0) 74 26 / 9 49 05-0 Fax: +49 (0) 74 26 / 93 34-11 E-mail: $IENSTLEISTERFàRMAGESCHNEIDERTE,ÚSUNGENINDEN"EREICHEN(ARDUND3OFTWARE%NT WICKLUNG)NDUSTRIESTEUERUNGEN,%$,ICHTTECHNIKUND"ESTàCKUNGVON,EITERPLATTEN Service enterprise for customized solutions in evelopment for Hard and Software, custoMIZED INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS ,%$ CIRCUIT BOARDS AND ASSEMBLY OF PRINTED CIRCUIT boards. FISCHER FORTUNA GmbH Gaußstraße 2 ,EINFELDEN%CHTERDINGEN Phone: +49 (0) 7 11 / 78 78 27-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7 11 / 78 78 27-19 E-mail: FORTUNA ist seit über 100 Jahren bekannt für die Entwicklung und Produktion von Präzisions-Maschinenspindeln und schnelldrehenden Aggregaten. Since more than 100 years FORTUNA is well known for the development and production of Precision Machine Tool Spindles and of High-revolution components. HÄRTER Stanztechnik GmbH Gutenbergstraße 8 75203 Königsbach-Stein Phone: +49 (0) 72 32 / 30 46-0 Fax: +49 (0) 72 32 / 42 14 E-mail: Die HÄRTER GruppeIST!NBIETERERSTKLASSIGER,ÚSUNGENIN-ETALLUND+UNSTSTOFF von der Produktentwicklung bis zur automatisierten Serienfertigung. The HÄRTER group provides superior solutions in metal and plastic, from product development up to automated production of serial components. Hoffmann Industrieversicherungsmakler GmbH & Co. KG Mutzenbühlstr. 2-4 78054 Villingen-Schwenningen Phone: +49 (0) 77 20 / 94 10-0 Fax: +49 (0) 77 20 / 94 10-20 E-mail: Risiko- und Haftungsmanagement für Industrie- und Gewerbe. Sonderkonzepte mit eigenen Vertragslösungen für Maschinenbau, Präzisionstechnik, KunststoffTECHNIK/BERmËCHENTECHNIK IMO Oberflächentechnik GmbH Remchinger Straße 5 75203 Königsbach-Stein Phone: +49 (0) 72 32 / 30 06-0 Fax: +49 (0) 72 32 / 30 06-80 00 E-mail: 3PEZIALISTFàRGALVANISCHE/BERmËCHENBESCHICHTUNGENVON"ANDWAREUND%INZEL teilen. Specialist for electroplating systems for reel-to-reel and single-parts. Inductoheat Europe GmbH Ostweg 5 73262 Reichenbach Phone: +49 (0) 71 53 / 5 04-0 Fax: +49 (0) 71 53 / 5 04-3 33 E-mail: +OMPETENTE,ÚSUNGENRUNDUMDIEINDUKTIVE%RWËRMUNG Competent solutions für induction heat treat applications. Kitron GmbH ,ESSINGSTRASSEs'ROBETTLINGEN Phone: +49 (0) 70 22 / 40 77-0 Fax: +49 (0) 70 22 / 40 77-25 E-mail: Kitron ist ein EMS Dienstleister und produziert kundenspezifische Produkte von DERBESTàCKTEN,EITERPLATTEBISHINZUM+OMPLETTGERËTFàR+UNDENINALLER7ELT Kitron is an EMS company which manufactures and delivers anything from fully assembled electronic circuit boards to complete end products for the customers globally. k-labor GmbH Unidekstraße 5 75015 Bretten Phone: +49 (0) 72 52 / 9 65 52-0 Fax: +49 (0) 72 52 / 9 65 52-29 E-mail: 7ERKSTOFF0RàmABORFàR-ETALLE.ICHTMETALLE+UNSTSTOFFEUND%LASTOMERE -ATERIAL4ESTING,ABORATORYFORMETALSNONMETALSPLASTICSANDELASTOMERS Federntechnik Knörzer GmbH 3ANDWIESENSTRAEs0FULLINGEN Phone: +49 (0) 71 21 / 97 84-0 Fax: +49 (0) 71 21 / 97 84-20 E-mail: GMBH Als Spezialist für technische Federn aller Art produzieren wir seit über 30 Jahren Druckfedern, Zugfedern, Dreh- bzw. Schenkelfedern, Biegeteile, Ovaldrahtfedern u.v.m. As a specialist for all kinds of technical springs we have been producing compression, tension, rotation or torsion springs, bent parts, oval wire springs and much more for more than 30 years. Kummer GmbH & Co.KG Enzberger Straße 26 75443 Ötisheim Phone: +49 (0) 70 41 / 95 80-0 Fax: +49 (0) 70 41 / 95 80-99 E-mail: Entwicklungspartner und Hersteller von Stanzwerkzeugen, Präzisionsstanzteilen, elektromechanischen Baugruppen in Metall- und in Metall-Kunststoff-Verbund. Design partner and manufacturer of stamping tools, precision stamping parts, electromechanical assemblies in metal and in metal-plastic-compound. Erich Lacher Präzisionsteile GmbH & Co. KG Erich Lacher Präzisionsteile )M!LTGEFËLLs0FORZHEIM Erich Lacher Präzisionsteile ® Phone: +49 (0) 72 31 / 60 97-0 Fax: +49 (0) 72 31 / 60 97-60 E-mail: $IE &IRMA %RICH ,ACHER 0RËZISIONSTEILE® ist Spezialist für Drehteile, Zahnräder, Schnecken und Kleingetriebe. Willkommen in der Welt der Präzision! 4HECOMPANY%RICH,ACHER0RËZISIONSTEILE® is your specialist for turned parts, spur and worm gears as well as gearboxes. Welcome to the world of precision engineering! Nonnenmacher GmbH & Co. KG Bertha-Benz-Strasse 5 75248 Ölbronn-Dürrn Phone: +49 (0) 72 37 / 44 09 10 Fax: +49 (0) 72 37 / 92 06 E-mail: Microguss, Microguss RP, Kunststofftechnik, Werkzeugbau. Microcasting, microcasting RP, plastics technology, toolshop. RÖHM GmbH Heinrich-Röhm-Str. 50 89567 Sontheim/Brenz Phone: +49 (0) 73 25 / 16-0 Fax: +49 (0) 73 25 / 16-4 92 E-mail: Erstklassige Produkte vom Spezialisten für Spanntechnik. First class products by the specialist in clamping technology. ® Rommel Präzisionsteile GmbH !M+ELTERWIESENBACHs2EMSHALDEN Phone: +49 (0) 71 51 / 9 79 90-0 Fax: +49 (0) 71 51 / 9 79 90-20 E-mail: !LSKOMPETENTER:ULIEFERERUND,OHNFERTIGERDER!UTOMOBILUND%LEKTROINDUSTRIE fertigen wir seit über 40 Jahren Präzisionsteile in Großserien. Unser Maschinenpark umfasst Rundtaktautomaten mit 9, 11 und 12 Fertigungs-Stationen. As a competent supplier and contract manufacturer of automotive and electronics industries, we produce precision parts for over 40 years in large series. Our machinery includes rotary transfer machines with 9, 11 and 12 production stations. Roth Steuerungstechnik GmbH !M$ORFTEICHs"ILLIGHEIM3ULZBACH Phone: +49 (0) 62 65 / 92 11-0 Fax: +49 (0) 62 65 / 92 11-55 E-mail: WWWROTHSTEUERUNGSTECHNIKDEs WWWmOWTROLDE Spezialist für komplette Automatisierungslösungen, für SPS und CNC-gesteuerte Anlagen, Schaltpläne, Schaltschränke und Softwareentwicklung einschließlich App-Programmierung bis hin zur Inbetriebnahme. 3PECIALISTFORCOMPLETEAUTOMATIONSOLUTIONSFOR0,#AND#.#SYSTEMSWIRING diagrams, control cabinets as well as software development including app programming right up to commissioning. Max Schlatterer GmbH & Co. KG Alt-Ulmerstr. 3 89542 Herbrechtingen Phone: +49 (0) 73 24 / 15-0 Fax: +49 (0) 73 24 / 15-2 80 E-mail: %NDLOSE (OCHLEISTUNGSmACHRIEMEN FàR !NTRIEB UND 4RANSPORT 6AKUUMBËNDER Wiegebänder, Sonderbänder, Walzenbeläge. %NDLESS HIGH PERFORMANCE mAT BELTS FOR DRIVE AND TRANSPORT VACUUM BELTS weighing belts, specialized belts, roller linings. Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG 7ILHELMSTRAEs-ENGEN Phone: +49 (0) 75 72 / 6 06-0 Fax: +49 (0) 75 72 / 6 06-55 98 E-mail: Dichtungen und Stanzteile – Wir sind ein international tätiges und nach ISO/TS ZERTIlZIERTES5NTERNEHMENUNDBIETEN)HNENPERFEKTE,ÚSUNGENRUNDUM Ihren Stanzteile- und Dichtungsbedarf. Gaskets and stamped parts – We are an internationally active and ISO/TS 16949 certified company and we offer perfect solutions for your needs of gaskets and stamped parts. Magnetbau Schramme GmbH & Co. KG Schramme Zur Ziegelhütte 1 88693 Deggenhausertal Phone: +49 (0) 75 55 / 92 86-0 Fax: +49 (0) 75 55 / 92 86-30 E-mail: Entwicklung von kundenspezifischen Elektromagneten, Proportionalmagneten, Hydraulikventile, Sensoren für Magnete. Development of customer-specific Electromagnets, Proportional Solenoids, Hydraulic Valves, integrated Sensor Technology. Schwäbische Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH 3EEDORFER3TRs3CHRAMBERG7ALDM Phone: +49 (0) 74 02 / 74-0 Fax: +49 (0) 74 02 / 74-211 E-mail: 37 IST ,ÚSUNGSLIEFERANT FàR ANSPRUCHSVOLLE WERKSTàCKSPEZIlSCHE &ERTIGUNGS systeme zur Metallbearbeitung. SW is mainly suppliers for solutions for demanding, workpiece-specific manufacturing systems for the metal working industry. SICOS BW GmbH Nobelstraße 19 70569 Stuttgart Phone: +49 (0) 7 11 / 21 72 82 80 Fax: +49 (0) 7 11 / 21 72 82 89 E-mail: Sicos BW informiert, berät und vermittelt branchenübergreifend und individuell beim Einsatz modernster und leistungsfähiger Computer und Datenspeicher für die Produktentwicklung von KMU im Industrie- und Technologiesektor. SM-Stahl & Künkel-Wagner Stahl GmbH )M"REITENs$àRBHEIM Phone: +49 (0) 74 24 / 95 74-0 Fax: +49 (0) 74 24 / 95 74-40 %MAILINFO SMSTAHLDEsWWWSMSTAHLDE Experten für Robotic & vollautomatische Oberflächenbearbeitung! – Automatisiertes %NTGRATEN"àRSTENUND'USSPUTZENs!UTOMATISCHE/BERmËCHEN"EARBEITUNG3CHLEI FEN0OLIERENUND3COTCHENs2OBOTIC!NLAGENFàRVOLLAUTOMATISIERTES(ANDLING Experts for robotic & fully automatic surface processing! – Automated deburring, BRUSHINGANDFETTLINGs!UTOMATICSURFACEPROCESSINGGRINDINGPOLISHINGANDSCOT CHINGs2OBOTICSYSTEMSFORFULLYAUTOMATEDHANDLING Storz Hydrauliksysteme GmbH Obere Hauptstraße 64 78573 Wurmlingen Phone: +49 (0) 74 61 / 9 66 53-0 Fax: +49 (0) 74 61 / 9 66 53-29 E-mail: Hydrauliktechnik für Systemlösungen in höchster Präzision. Hydraulics for System Solutions of the highest precision. Stumpp + Schüle GmbH Federntechnik ,INSENHOFER3TRs"EUREN Phone: +49 (0) 70 25 / 1 32 19 Fax: +49 (0) 70 25 / 1 32 10 E-mail: Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vertrieb von Technischen Federn, Biegeteilen und Stanzteilen. Development, production and sales of industrial springs, bent parts and punching parts. Carl Valentin GmbH Neckarstr. 78 – 86 u. 94 78056 Villingen-Schwenningen 0HONEs&AX INFO VALENTINCARLDEsWWWVALENTINCARLDE Die Carl Valentin GmbH ist einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von ThermoUND4RANSFERDRUCKERNDERDAS1UALITËTSSIEGELu-ADEIN'ERMANYhTRËGT5NSERE Erfahrung in Entwicklung, Herstellung und Service garantiert höchste Qualität. Carl Valentin GmbH is one of the global leading companies producing thermal- and thermal transfer printers. Our experience in developing, production and service is a guarantee for highest quality and we are also extremely strong in innovation. Vosseler GmbH Untere Felbenstraße 7 78554 Aldingen Phone: +49 (0) 74 24 / 8 81-0 Fax: +49 (0) 74 24 / 8 81-11 E-mail: Die Vosseler-Gruppe produziert vorrangig einbaufertige Kalt- und Warmumformteile sowie hochwertige Präzisionswerkzeuge. Vosseler is mainly producing ready-to-install cold and hot formed parts as well as high-quality precision tools. wafi Walter Fischer GmbH & Co. KG Georg-Wössner-Ring 1 72172 Sulz am Neckar Phone: +49 (0) 74 54 / 96 76-0 Fax: +49 (0) 74 54 / 96 76-50 %MAILINFO WAlSULZDEsWWWWAlSULZDE wafi fertigt hochpräzise Drehteile nach Kundenvorgabe, aus Messing, Edelstahl und Aluminium. Eigenes Programm an Kabelverschraubungen aus Messing und Edelstahl. wafi is producing turning parts to customers specifications, made of brass, stainless steel and aluminium. Cable glands, made of brass and stainless steel. Wirtschaftsförderung Nordschwarzwald GmbH "LàCHERSTRASSEs0FORZHEIM Phone: +49 (0) 72 31 / 15 43 69-0 E-mail: Tüftler, Unternehmer und Pioniere prägen die Wirtschaft des Nordschwarzwaldes und haben die Region zu einem Standort für Mittelstand und Marktführer, eingebettet in eine EINZIGARTIGE,ANDSCHAFTMITATTRAKTIVEN&REIZEITUND+ULTURANGEBOTENGEMACHT Tinkerers, entrepreneurs, and pioneers shape the economy of Northern Black Forest and making the region to a business location for medium-sized companies and market leaders in the midst of a unique landscape full of attractive leisure facilities and cultural offerings. Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS) Friedrichstraße 10 70174 Stuttgart Phone: +49 (0) 7 11 / 2 28 35-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7 11 / 2 28 35-55 E-mail: Region Stuttgart – der Standort für Hochtechnologie. The Stuttgart Region – the perfect location for high-tech. Economic Region Northern Black Forest Tinkerers full of tradition, creative developers, and successful pioneers settled in the Northern Black Forest Region and shaped the corporate landscape. A Region of Medium-Sized Enterprises and Reference Market Leaders A whole range of highly specialized enterprises settled in the Northern Black Forest Region. They benefit from the existing competences and delightful landscapes together with attractive cultural and leisure time activities. The region is dominated by medium-sized enterprises from the manufacturing industry: many traditional, owner-managed family enterprises could have led their businesses to become market leaders – not least due to a high standard of quality. It is not rare for companies of the region – even for small businesses – to have export rates over 50%. They offer not only products but also excellent services that are optimally tailored to the needs of their customers. Economy Meets Science Universities and educational institutions of Northern Black Forest train specialized personnel. Five additional technology centers and incubators as well as transfer centers enable the region to build bridges between economy and science and as such, strengthen most of the medium-sized enterprises of the region. Best Connections Situated between the industrial hubs of Stuttgart and Karlsruhe, the region consists of the districts of Calw, Freudenstadt, Enzkreis and the City of Pforzheim. It enables the region to cooperate with renowned global companies. Two airports – Stuttgart and Karlsruhe – are located nearby. The extensive rail network allows for an easy transfer of goods. The proximity of the region to the borders of France and Switzerland offers a favorable condition for investment. Regional Economic Development Agency of Northern Black Forest The Regional Economic Development Agency operates in the areas of “marketing”, “networks”, “innovation, qualified staff, and business founders”, “funding for businesses and municipalities”, as well as “service for municipalities”. Wirtschaftsförderung Nordschwarzwald GmbH (Regional Economic Development Agency of Northern Black Forest) Blücherstrasse 32 75177 Pforzheim, Germany Phone: Fax: +49(0)7231.15 43 69-0 +49(0)7231.15 43 69-1 E-Mail: Internet: The Stuttgart Region – Where growth meets innovation Situated at the heart of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg in the southwest of Germany, the Stuttgart Region comprises the City of Stuttgart and its five surrounding counties. With a population of 2.7 million, the area boasts a highly advanced industrial infrastructure and enjoys a well-earned reputation for its economic strength, cutting-edge technology, and exceptionally high quality of life. Global Players and Hidden Champions The region is one of the leading economic areas in Europe. The world or German headquarters of global players such as Daimler, Porsche, Bosch, IBM or Hewlett-Packard are based in the region. However, what characterizes the region best is the well-balanced mix of global brands and extremely innovative, medium-sized companies. Both are highly export-oriented: in fact, the region’s manufacturing companies constantly generate more than half of their sales abroad. Automotive and Mechanical Engineering The Stuttgart Region has a unique cluster of automotive manufacturers, component suppliers, engineering service providers, and research facilities. Furthermore the region is a leading center of mechanical and electrical engineering. Machine tools, robots or laser technology, whether from a world market leader or hidden champion – what characterizes the region’s engineering industry is the development and production of a wide spectrum of innovative and highly specialized solutions fully meeting individual customer demands. The region stands at the top of the European league table regarding emerging industries such as clean energy, fuel cell, nano- and biotechnology. Many extremely innovative companies from these fields have set up operations in the Stuttgart Region in recent years. Excellence in Research & Development The companies in the region invest more on research and development than anywhere else in Europe, accounting for 18 percent of corporate R&D expenditures in Germany. The close cooperation between universities, research establishments and companies benefits all sides – and it goes without saying that it also benefits the regional economy. Therefore, it is no coincidence that Eurostat figures reveal the Stuttgart Region to be Europe’s leading high-tech area. Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS) (Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation) Friedrichstraße 10 70174 Stuttgart, Germany Phone: Fax: +49(0)711.2 28 35-0 +49(0)711.2 28 35-55 E-Mail: Internet: Baden-Württemberg International New perspectives for business and science Baden-Württemberg International (bw-i) is the competence centre for the internationalisation, promotion and development of business, science and research. We lend support to domestic and foreign companies, clusters and networks, research institutions and universities by serving as the central first point-of-contact in all questions relating to internationalisation. Opening up foreign markets for Baden-Württemberg companies and profiling the state globally as an ideal location for industry, business and science are core aspects of our mission. The work we do is aimed at securing and strengthening the position of Baden-Württemberg over the long term – by encouraging foreign investment, helping companies to settle here and promoting cooperative ventures between companies and institutions. Your one-stop agency on the way to success Experience has shown that settling in a new region involves having to deal with a wide variety of questions and obstacles. Baden-Württemberg International (bw-i) supplies the answers and helps you overcome the obstacles – quickly and easily, based on local expertise and knowledge. Our support services include: s 0ROVISIONOFGENERALINFORMATIONON"ADEN7àRTTEMBERGASALOCA tion for business and science, as well as specific location and structural data. s 3UPPLY OF GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND SOCIAL insurance. s 0ROVISIONOFTHEu"ADEN7àRTTEMBERG#LUSTER3URVEYhANOVERVIEW of cluster-related networks and initiatives. s )DENTIlCATION OF SUITABLE BUSINESS AND SCIENTIlC PARTNERS FOR YOUR company. s )DENTIlCATIONOFPOTENTIALSITESANDORGANISATIONOFSITEVISITSINCO operation with regional and local business-promotion agencies. s 3UPPORTWITHADMINISTRATIVEPROCEDURES s 'ATEWAYTOALLACTORSINTHElELDOFBUSINESSPROMOTIONANDDEVELOP ment, such as technology-oriented industrial institutions and sector-specific networks. Facts and figures about Baden-Württemberg – the innovation region No. 1 in Europe Area 35,741 km2 – approx. 10 % of Germany Inhabitants 10.8 million – approx. 13 % of Germany Major cities Stuttgart, Mannheim, Karlsruhe, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Heilbronn, Ulm, Pforzheim, Reutlingen Leading industry sectors s 0RODUCTIONTECHNOLOGYANDMECHANICALENGINEERING s !UTOMOTIVEINDUSTRYANDSUSTAINABLEMOBILITYSOLUTIONS s !EROSPACEINDUSTRY s (EALTHCAREANDMEDICALTECHNOLOGY s ,IFESCIENCES s )#4INDUSTRY s %NVIRONMENTALTECHNOLOGYANDRENEWABLES Gross domestic product (in 2012) 382 billion EUR – 14.6 % of German GDP GDP per capita: 33,500 EUR Exports 179 billion EUR / volume per capita: 16,000 EUR Research and development spending (in 2010) 4.8 % of GDP (German average: 2.8 %) Excellent infrastructure for studying and research s RESEARCHUNIVERSITIES s UNIVERSITIESOFAPPLIEDSCIENCES s "ADEN7àRTTEMBERG#OOPERATIVE3TATE5NIVERSITY with 8 main locations s PRIVATEUNIVERSITIES s -AX0LANCK)NSTITUTES&RAUNHOFER)NSTITUTES (ELMHOLTZ2ESEARCH#ENTRES,EIBNIZ)NSTITUTES s #ONTRACTRESEARCHINSTITUTIONS s 3TEINBEISTRANSFERCENTRES Where ideas work. Agency for International Economic and Scientific Cooperation Haus der Wirtschaft Willi-Bleicher-Straße 19 70174 Stuttgart, Germany Phone: +49(0)711.2 27 87-0 Fax: +49(0)711.2 27 87-22 E-Mail: Internet:,