Applefest Attracts Largest Crowd Ever


Applefest Attracts Largest Crowd Ever
O F F I C I A L N E W S PA P E R :
Town of Warwick
Village of Warwick
Warwick Valley Central School District
Village of Florida
Florida Union Free School District
Florida Public Library
Albert Wisner Public Library
Warwick Fire District
Florida Fire District
Pine Island Fire District
V O LU M E 1 2 0 , N U M B E R 1 8
WA R W I C K , N E W YO R K , W E D N E S D AY, O C TO B E R 6 , 2 0 0 4
Applefest Attracts Largest Crowd Ever
Richard Klein/The Warwick Valley Dispatch
Huge crowds took to the streets in the Village of Warwick. On Railroad Avenue, the crowds were shoulder to shoulder for most of the day.
In 14 years it has never rained on Applefest and once again
it was a gorgeous day for this year’s event on Sun., Oct. 3. Like
the crafts and vendors, the crowds and people were aplenty.
"This crowd is larger than ever before at Applefest," comment-
ed Town of Warwick Police Chief Thomas McGovern.
There were 286 craft vendors and 45 food vendors.
One of the many non-profit organizations - Chicks with
Sticks - raised several hundred dollars for the Susan G.
Koman Foundation for Breast Cancer Research. A big hit
among patrons were the apple filled cups covered with hot
caramel, which were offered by the Warwick Lions Club.
more photos on page 10
Warwick Celebrates the Spirit of the Purple & Gold
By Katie Bisaro
Katie Bisaro/The Warwick ValleyDispatch
The 2004 Homecoming King and Queen: Seniors Erik Johnson and Erica Santiago reign over their adoring subjects
on Main St. during the annual Homecoming Parade.
Entered As Second Class Matter
Warwick, N.Y. 10990
Publication No.666800
The skies may have been gray on Sat., Oct. 2, but purple
and gold were the colors of the day as Warwick Valley High
School celebrated Homecoming. The excitement was evident all week with each day being a new theme and students
gathering in the bus garage every evening to build floats. The
junior and senior girls practiced for the Powder Puff football
game and the band marched in the school parking lot at 8
a.m. every morning in preparation for the parade.
The weekend festivities kicked-off on Fri. night with a
Pep Rally followed by the Powder Puff game. In addition to
all the other Homecoming activities of the week, each class
at the high school was busy raising money for various charities. At the Pep Rally the results of their efforts were
announced with an impressive $2000 plus being raised for
the four charities chosen by each class.
The sophomore class won an award for raising the
most money, but the real winners were the charities and
causes that benefited from the students’ generosity. The
freshman class donated its proceeds to the Make-A-Wish
Foundation. The sophomores raised over $1,000 for the
Anthony Quinn Scholarship Fund in memory of the
WVHS Swim Coach, who tragically passed away last winter in a car accident. The junior class contributed to the
Brian Ahearn Children’s Fund and the senior class honored
their friend and classmate, Katelyn Knebel, who lost her
valiant battle with cancer last month, by raising money for
Katelyn’s Cause.
The traditional crowning of the Homecoming King
and Queen also took place at the Pep Rally. Seniors Erik
continued on page 3
Federal Disaster Aid Sought for Warwick Farms
U.S. Rep. Sue Kelly urges the U.S. Department of
Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman to provide disaster
assistance from the USDA directly to growers in Warwick
and throughout Orange County to help them compensate
for losses they have suffered from heavy rains and weatherrelated disasters.
In a Sept. 21 letter to Veneman, Kelly wrote that local
farmers "suffered devastating damage that the heavy rains
of Sept. 8 and 9 have inflicted on the already weatherstressed agricultural crops." Kelly added that "many acres
of vegetables, orchards and row crops are under water,
making timely harvest impossible of many late summer
and fall harvested crops."
Kelly noted that Hudson Valley growers "have already
experienced several weather-related disasters this season
even before the latest setback. This past spring, freezing
temperatures, hail damage and frost plagued the entire
state of New York. With the Hudson Valley among the
hardest-hit regions, many apple and onion growers suffered a total loss of crop production."
On Sept. 16, Governor George Pataki formally
requested disaster assistance from the USDA for 42 New
York counties, including Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and
Westchester in Rep. Kelly's Congressional District. Kelly
asked Veneman to expedite the Governor's request.
"By increasing disaster assistance, small and medium-
size family farms will receive the aid they need to continue
to survive," Kelly wrote. "Additional assistance will not
only further reduce debt but it would also help the growers
to make investments in some of the marketing, processing
and value-added projects they are currently exploring."
Kelly stressed to Veneman that it is vitally important
that disaster assistance go directly to local farmers in order
to avoid any bureaucratic delays. There is no time to waste
in the effort to help Warwick Valley and other Orange
County farmers "compensate for losses sustained because
of excessively wet weather and other damaging conditions
this growing season," Kelly wrote.
Rte. 94 Fall Clean-up Needs Volunteers
Fall is here again and the Knights of Columbus will be
cleaning-up Route 94 between Warwick and Florida on
Sat., Oct. 23. This year the Knights of Columbus are asking for volunteers, adults and teenagers, to assist in cleaning-up one of the town’s main thoroughfares.
The Knights will provide construction helmets and
orange colored vests for the volunteers. Please bring a pair
of work gloves, as there may not be enough to go around.
Warwick Police Blotter
September 21
Two 18-year-old males from Highland Falls, N.Y. were
arrested and charged with Petit Larceny, Criminal Trespass
3rd, and Conspiracy 6th, following an incident on Covered
Bridge Rd. Both were released to reappear in Town Court.
A 20-year-old male from Warwick, was arrested and
charged with Disorderly Conduct following an incident on
Oakland Ave. He was released to reappear in Village Court.
September 23
A 19-year-old male from Warwick, was arrested and
charged with Unlawful Possession of Marijuana following
an incident on Evan Rd. He was released to reappear in
Town Court.
Wearing old clothes and boots is also suggested.
Plan to arrive at St. Edward’s Hall in Florida, directly
behind St. Ed’s Church between 7:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. on
Oct. 23 for coffee, juice and donuts. The clean-up will
begin at 8:30 a.m. which will last for a few hours. Water
will be provided on the road.
For more information call Bill Edwards at 469-4807 or
Ralph Mollo at 469-4652.
Michael S. Lewis, 38, of Greenwood Lake, was arrested
and charged with Aggravated Unlicensed Operation 3rd
following an incident on Lakes Rd. He was released to
reappear in Town Court.
September 25
Anestis Karathanasis, 26, of Warwick, was arrested and
charged with Grand Larceny 4th and Aggravated
Unlicensed Operation 3rd following an incident on
Grissom St. He was released to reappear in Town Court.
September 26
A 17-year-old male from Warwick, was arrested and
charged with Aggravated Unlicensed Operation 3rd following an incident on State Hwy. 17A. He was released to
reappear in Town Court.
By Michael P. Sweeton
Warwick Town Supervisor
For Town info, log onto or
tune to Cablevision Municipal Channel 12.
The Town of Warwick will enact a Town-wide
Halloween curfew against congregating and loitering from 8 p.m. Sat., Oct. 30 to 6 a.m. Mon., Nov. 1.
The Warwick PD will be actively enforcing the curfew to ensure a safe, enjoyable evening for our
young trick-or-treaters.
Congratulations to Cheryl Rogowski on her
recent award from the McArthur Foundation.
Cheryl’s commitment to embracing the changing
face of agriculture is an inspiration to all of us.
Seymour Gordon, the Chairman of the Town’s
Agriculture and Open Space Preservation Board,
will be honored with Cornel Cooperative Extension’s
Outstanding Friend of Agriculture Award on Thurs.,
Oct. 21. Congratulations to Seymour for all he has
done to protect farming in Warwick. For dinner
tickets please call CCE at 344-1234.
The next regular meeting of the Town Board
will be held on Thurs., Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Warwick Town Hall, 132 Kings Highway.
Rabbitt Secures Funding for Warwick DPW
Annie Rabbitt, Deputy Supervisor of the Town of
Warwick, announced that she has secured $115,000 for a
new dump truck.
"I am pleased to have been able to obtain this crucial
funding, which will provide our town with a brand new,
state-of-the art dump truck," Rabbitt said. "Our present
equipment is old and worn. The new truck will allow the
Department of Public Works to serve our community
more safely and efficiently."
Rabbitt explained that she appealed to State Senator
Thomas Morahan, who recently responded to her request
for funds. "I applaud Senator Morahan for his timely
action in this matter," she said. " He clearly understood the
needs of the people of Warwick, and came to our aid as
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soon as the State Budget was passed."
"Annie has done an exceptional job in getting funds to
improve the Department of Public Works," said Warwick
Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton. "We are thrilled that
she was able to secure this funding through Senator
Morahan. Her contributions to the department have
improved our operations tremendously."
Court Dismisses Charges
Against Annie Rabbitt
By Eileen Patterson
On Oct. 1, New York State Supreme Court Justice
Joseph Cannizzaro dismissed charges of fraud made
against Annie Rabbitt by her opponent Bonnie Kraham.
The two women are opposing candidates bidding for the
open Assembly seat in Orange County. The date of the
decision is significant because that is the date that all litigation must be complete so that the New York State Board
of Elections can certify the ballots.
With the certification of ballots, it becomes official
that Kraham will run on the Democratic line and Rabbit
will run on the Republican and Conservative lines.
Justice Cannizzaro found that there was no fraud committed by Rabbitt, her family, or her campaign manager. In
his decision, the Justice wrote, "The court finds that the
petitioners (Kraham) have failed to establish that the
respondent candidate’s designating petition was permeated
with fraud." Kraham alleged that Rabbitt’s family members
continued from page 1
Johnson and Erica Santiago reigned as this year’s "King"
and "Queen" and were attended by princes and princesses
chosen from each class: Seniors – Jeff Jacobsen, Kate
Stewart, Dave Woglom, Jen Culkin, Darren Oviedo and
Lisa Balczuk; Juniors – Ryan Darcy, Lonni Peterson,
Warren Huffman, Anna Stanewicz, Phil Murphy and Haley
Rawson; Sophomores – Ben Catanzero, Christine Heflin,
James Davies, Liz Stephen, Zach Leentjes and Amanda
Torres; and Freshmen – Matt Culkin, Allison Schell, Steven
Krell, Jill Barbuto, Kevin Connolly and Kayleigh
On Saturday the class floats, vehicles carrying the
homecoming court, sports teams and busses with the band
all made their way to Walsh’s Restaurant on Rte. 94 where
the Homecoming Parade stepped off at noon. The parade
made its way through the Village to the reviewing stand in
front of WVT Communications to the cheers of the enthusiastic crowd. The 80-plus member WVHS Marching
Band, under the direction of Band Director Chris Persad,
and led by Drum Majors Andrew Reighard and Samantha
Bisaro, stirred the crowd with their music and set the festive mood.
had fraudulently signed her name to witness statements on
voter petitions.
Rabbitt’s campaign manager, Gen Winstanley, was also
named in the charges brought by Kraham. Those charges
were also dismissed. Kraham’s committee hired a handwriting analyst to confer with their charges but did not call
the analyst to testify. Mrs. Winstanley said, "The handwriting expert must be the same one Dan Rather used."
Rabbitt and her campaign management are happy
about the decision and excited to continue her campaign.
In a written statement, Annie Rabbitt said, "Justice has
truly prevailed. This case was nothing more than a smear
attempt by a desperate rival. It is unconscionable that these
people would falsely accuse me and my family of fraud." A
representative from Rabbitt’s campaign added, "It is a wonderful decision for all residents of the 97th district."
A telephone call, placed by The Dispatch, to Kraham’s
campaign manager was not returned as of press time.
On the reviewing stand, Principal Dick Phebus,
District Superintendent Dr. Joseph Natale, Mayor Michael
Newhard, Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton and several
members of the School Board presided over the celebration
and judged the floats. This year’s float theme was "Board
Games." The freshmen recreated the game "Operation,"
illustrating the fate of a Kingston player at the hands of
Wildcat surgeons. The sophomore efforts went into the
classic board game of "Candy Land," which featured a hapless Kingston football player mired in a Molasses Swamp.
The juniors had the likes of Miss Scarlett and Colonel
Mustard with their float depicting the game of "Clue"….it
was the Wildcat, on the field, with the football. The seniors
rounded out the board game extravaganza with a clever
imitation of "Monopoly." In the end, the judges placed the
Freshmen and Juniors in a tie for third, second place went
to the Seniors and the big winner for the 2004
Homecoming Float competition was the Sophomore Class.
After the parade, the crowd reassembled at the football
field for the game against the Kingston Tigers. In the end
the Tigers prevailed, winning 42-13. The disappointment
of losing the football game however, did not overshadow
the excitement of the week: the floats that were built, the
money raised for good causes and the camaraderie and
spirit that is Homecoming.
The Mayor’s Office
By Mayor Michael Newhard
Village of Warwick
Applefest was a great success! The weather, picture perfect, made the day all the better. Thank you to
Betty (Apple Betty) Garrison who did a remarkable
job organizing this year’s event. Of course, thank you
to the Applefest Committee, Chamber of Commerce,
EMS providers and police force who all worked to
make the day run smoothly.
I would like to thank all our Warwick volunteers. As I walked around Applefest, I saw so many
of our local volunteer organizations, men and
women up to their elbows in batter or apple something! Thanks for taking the time out for your organization and for your community.
Congratulations to Cheryl Rogowski, recipient
of the MacArthur Fellowship. We are proud of your
accomplishments. This is truly a deserved award.
The purple and gold banners on Main Street are
a visual way to recognize our community connection
and pride toward our schools.
Please remember school is open. Please obey
speed limit regulations, and be aware that there are
new "stop signs" posted on Forester Avenue at the
intersection of Burt Street and McFarland Drive.
Warwick in Bloom continues to meet on a
monthly basis. This is a great committee of volunteers. Anyone interested in participating, please call
Heidi at 986-7210.
Please remember the Village of Warwick has a
leash law, and please respect your neighbor and
neighborhood by curbing your dog.
Family Dentistry
Eugene A. Tomosivitch, D.D.S
Leonard G. Episcopio, D.D.S
Katie Bisaro/The Warwick ValleyDispatch
The winning Homecoming Float, built by the sophomore class, featured a Kingston player mired in 'Molasses
Swamp' from the classic board game, Candy Land.
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Letters to the Editor
Jennifer O’Connor
Managing Editor
Marion Moraski
Art Director
Michael McVey
Contributing Editor
Anne Ruszkiewicz
Scott Webber
Lon Tytell
Editorial Assistants
Evelyn Lord
Dave DeWitt
Evelyn Card
Eugene Wright
Collen McAvey
Katie Bisaro
Eileen Patterson
Richard Klein
The Warwick Valley Dispatch has been your
hometown newspaper since 1885 and is the only
newspaper printed in the Town of Warwick.
The Dispatch is the official paper for the Town of
Warwick; Villages of Warwick and Florida; the
Warwick Valley Central School District; the
Florida Union Free School District; Warwick, Pine
Island and Florida Fire District; Albert Wisner
Public Library and the Florida Public Library.
Visit our website:
Dispatch Newspaper Available Online
You can use the internet to read a free electronic
version of The Warwick Valley Dispatch. Visit, and click on the Warwick
Valley Dispatch link. You will be taken to a preview page of the current weekly edition, available
for download in Adobe PDF format.
Letters to the Editor
We welcome Letters to the Editor. All letters
should be approximately 400 words or less due
to space limitations. For verification purposes,
letters must be signed with full name and telephone number. Anonymous or unsigned letters
will not be published.
Letters may also be edited for length. Send letters to the Warwick Valley Dispatch, P.O. Box
594, Warwick, N.Y. 10990, or fax to 987-1180 or
Have A Good Story?
Do you know of a good news story or need coverage of an event? To make a request call
986-2216, e-mail or fax
your request to 987-1180.
The Warwick Valley Dispatch reports the death
of current and former residents of the Town of
Warwick as a community service. We do not
charge a fee for obituary listings. For more
information contact the office at 986-2216.
Classified Ads
The rates are $12 minimum charge per insertion for up to 12 lines. The deadline is noon on
Monday. Copy for the advertisement and check
should be mailed to: The Warwick Valley
Dispatch, P.O. Box 594, Warwick, N.Y. 10990. To
place an ad, call 986-2216.
The Dispatch has the best rates in Town for display ads. To inquire about display advertising,
call 986-2216 or e-mail
Deadlines are noon on Friday.
Subscription rates for Orange County residents
are $24 per year. For those residing outside
Orange County, the rate is $26 per year. College
students and those serving in the military
receive a special rate of $18 per year. To subscribe to the Dispatch, call 986-2216 or mail a
check to The Warwick Valley Dispatch, P.O. Box
594, Warwick, N.Y. 10990.
Publishing Information
The Warwick Valley Dispatch (USP # 666800),
located at 2 Oakland Ave., Warwick, N.Y., is
published weekly on Wednesday.
George F. Ketchum founded the Warwick Valley
Dispatch in 1885. The Dispatch has been published and edited by Mr. Ketchum and Miss
Florence L. Ketchum; by Eugene and Betty Jane
Wright; and at the present by E. F. Wright.
Second-class postage is paid at Warwick, N.Y.
Postmaster: send address changes to The
Warwick Valley Dispatch, P.O. Box 594,
Guidelines for Effective Letters
Everyone has a right to express an honest opinion, but we
would like to remind readers of a few simple rules for writing
effective letters.
Less is more! The shorter your letter the more likely it is to be
read. Civility is more persuasive than invectiveness. That is, honey
catches more flies than vinegar.
When you read a letter that angers you or that you disagree
with, we warmly encourage you to write a response following the
guidelines suggested above. Our pages are always open to lively
debate, but play fair.
Needless to say, misinformation and gratuitous insult will not
survive the editor’s pen.
All letters should be approximately 400 words or less due to
space limitations. Letters must be signed with full name and contain a telephone number for verification purposes. Anonymous or
unsigned letters will not be published.
Letters may be edited for length and style. The deadline
for sending letters is 12 noon on Mondays. Letters may be mailed
to the Warwick Valley Dispatch, P.O. Box 594, Warwick, NY 10990,
or faxed to 987-1180. Letters may also be emailed to:
Volunteers & Community Pull Together for Kings Karnival
On behalf of the Kings Elementary PTA, I would like to take
this opportunity to thank everyone who was involved in our
annual Kings Karnival. Despite the less than desirable weather due
to Hurricane Ivan, we were still able to have a modified event by
moving indoors. We appreciate all those who braved the elements
to attend and enjoy the games, prizes, food, crafts and fun.
No event put on by the Kings PTA is possible without the support of our many volunteers. We would like to thank the dozens of
parent and teacher volunteers who gave of their time and talent to
help make the Kings Karnival a success. Your support is truly appreciated. We would also like to acknowledge the energy and enthusiasm displayed by the many Middle School and High School volun-
teers who also spent their time on a rainy Saturday working at the
Karnival – they set a fine example for the students at Kings.
Finally, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the merchants and
businesses of Warwick, Chester, Sugar Loaf and Florida for their
generous donations of goods and services to our popular raffle
table. The willingness of these businesses to help out a local school,
year after year, brings true meaning to those new banners on
Warwick’s Main St. – Great Community, Great Schools. Thank
you very much for your continued support.
President, Kings PTA
Heartfelt Gratitude for Successful Gala
It is with heartfelt gratitude and tremendous excitement that
I would like to acknowledge the Friends of the Albert Wisner
Public Library’s tremendous success in planning this year’s
Moonlight Over Warwick Gala. The Committee under the leadership of Colleen Larsen and Sharon Scott presided over a delightful evening. The sold out crowd enjoyed dining and dancing as
well as a silent auction of over seventy items donated by local businesses and individuals.
This event was an important opportunity for the supporters
of the library to share their enthusiasm for our work and commitment to our plans for a new library. That $8,000 was raised in one
festive and fun evening was a bonus. Quality communities need
quality libraries and this community is certainly committed to
establishing a quality library in Warwick. Thanks to all the
Friends, Donors and Guest who made this evening possible. We
are already looking forward to and planning for next year’s
Moonlight Over Warwick Gala, scheduled for October 15, 2005.
Warwick Superintendent Keeps His Word
I would just like to publicly thank Dr. J. Natale for his communication with parents of Warwick Valley’s high school and
middle school cross-country teams and for being true to his word.
Our children are growing up at a time when we need to be
extra vigilant about security and the threat of terrorism. Dr.
Natale has clearly stated his policy about not permitting school
activities when the Federal Department of Homeland Security
issues an "orange" alert.
On August 1, 2004, the DHS and FBI jointly posted an advisory elevating parts of New York City to "orange." This advisory
was not 100% clear on the specific areas of the city that were
affected. As a result, the cross-country teams were not being permitted to attend two meets that, in the world of this sport, are
extremely important to the coaches and runners. (Last year, the
Manhattan College Invitational meet hosted 325 schools from 15
states and over 9,800 runners.)
When contacted by concerned parents, Dr. Natale returned
phone calls, was willing to listen, and further researched the advisory. Upon discovering that the advisory affected only one small
section of Manhattan, not near the meet in the Bronx, Dr. Natale
re-evaluated the situation and allowed the teams to participate.
As parents, we can appreciate and are thankful for his concern
about the safety of the children as well as the school staff. We also
understand that, in the event the "orange" alert does affect an area that
a school group wishes to visit, they will not be permitted to attend.
So, thank you, Dr. Natale for your communication, concern,
and for being true to your word.
The ‘Queen’ Proclaims
Recently, I was chosen as "Queen for a Day" at "Ladies Night
Out." I was treated so kindly and generously by the members of
the Warwick Merchants Guild. I’m honored and most grateful.
I’d like to say, too, that we are so fortunate to have such wonderful shops, restaurants and salons at our disposal. They knock
themselves out to provide the community with interesting and fun
At all of our SACHA meetings and functions I urge our members and participants to patronize our local merchants. Save gas
money and time driving to the mall. Shop and eat locally.
Again, my thanks to the Warwick Merchants Guild and my
friends for a lovely honor.
continued on page 5
In celebrations section of the Sept. 29 issue of The Warwick Valley Dispatch, Donna Gove of Warwick, NY is the mother of Tami Woelke.
The Warwick Valley Dispatch is Available Online
You can use the internet to read a free electronic version of our Newspaper. Visit, and click on the Warwick
Valley Dispatch link. You will be taken to a preview page of the current weekly edition, available for download in Adobe PDF format.
Letters to the Editor
continued from page 4
Our Deepest Appreciation
The family of "Frank James Fish"
would like to express our deepest appreciation to our relatives, neighbors, and friends
who paid their respects to our "Beloved
Frank." Thank you for remembering Frank
in your daily prayers, and the many mass
We would especially like to send our
heartfelt Thank You and recognize the following individuals who have played a "special role." To Dr. John Dermigny who saw
Frank through his courageous fight with
Parkinson’s Disease, providing the absolute
best medical care, the house calls and being
by our side in ICU. To Dr. Pennings and Dr.
Khanna who were assigned to his care
while at St. Anthony Community Hospital
and always giving Frank the very best medical attention and care. The first floor
Nursing Staff of St. Anthony Hospital/ICU
and Emergency Room who were assigned
to Frank, you all are dedicated professionals, very compassionate and always
respectable, seeing that Frank was always
comfortable throughout his stays.
We will never forget the entire staff at
Hospice of Orange & Ulster Counties. To
Frank’s nurse, Joanne Toombs and also
Ellen Connellis you were angels sent from
above. Thank you both for your bedside
care, especially the arrangements and emotional support you both gave my son
Michael and I the day Frank passed. To
Father McAndrews of
St. Anthony
Community Hospital, who were with my
son Michael and I, offering prayers for
Frank. To the Florida Volunteer
Ambulance Corps, Mobile Life Services,
and EMS for the many trips to our home
Services/Nancy/Nyack, Total Home Care
Services, the techs and staff of Hill-Rom
Bed Company. To T.S. Purta Funeral
Home, especially Joyce, Todd and Tim for
your compassion, professionalism, and for
making our loss easier by allowing Frank’s
funeral to be a tribute and a celebration of
his life. To Father Trevor Nichollas for the
beautiful and touching sermon. To Soloist
Mark Gargiulo for a "job well done" with
the music, your voice was powerful and
filling the Church of St. John’s. To the Holy
Name Society and the American Legion
Post #1250 for the touching prayer service.
To the Goshen Historic Trotting Horse
Museum for the use of your facility after
the funeral and to Ceil’s Catering for the
hot and delicious home cooked meal and
stopping by the house the day Frank passed
away and also Thank You to Cam House
for mowing our lawn. My son Michael and
I were Frank’s primary "Caregivers’ to the
very end, we gave Frank a special gift – to
be taken care of in his own home while giving and allowing Frank his dignity to his
last hour on earth.
Frank will always be remembered as a
reputable man with character, class a smile
to greet the day, a warm grin and a twinkle
in his eye. Our own pain of losing Frank,
his absence, will always bear heavily in our
hearts, but we have the comfort of knowing through faith that "Our Frank is with
God the Father, free from pain and at eternal rest."
Thank You for Making Warwick Map Possible
I would like to thank the Warwick
community for supporting the 2004
Warwick Map. Those of you who’ve sponsored the publication should be commended; without you, this map would not have
been possible. Within the 4-week time
frame, we were able to meet the Applefest
The maps were a complete success!
They were flying out of their holders on
Sunday, a sight that made these new gray
hairs and bags under my eyes all worth
while. I am now extremely addicted to coffee, and need some time to recover.
Thank you.
SkiffleBoom Publishing
Avanti Raises Funds for
Breast Cancer
One in eight women will develop
breast cancer in her lifetime. Chances are,
almost all of us will be touched by this disease in one way or another, whether it’s
mother, daughter, wife, friend, or other
family member who battles against it.
Avanti and French Dressing Jeanswear
(FDJ) are committed to helping to find a
cure for breast cancer. That’s why they are
proud to sponsor Pink Ribbon Days
throughout October. Working in conjunction with participating retailers across
North America, FDJ will donate $1 to
breast cancer research and awareness every
time a customer tries on a pair of FDJ
pants. In Oct. 2003, over $45,000 was
raised through Pink Ribbon Days.
This is the fourth year that Avanti has
been a part of Pink Ribbon Days. "The
program gives us a chance to do something
for this very worthwhile cause," said store
owner Donna Roberto Martin. "We invite
our customers to come to Avanti to try on
a pair of FDJ pants. The more pants that
are tried on, the more money we raise."
Avanti, located on Two Jockey Hollow
Road, New Milford, is open Tuesdays
through Fridays, from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and
Saturdays from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. For more
information, call 986-6891.
Use of Little League Fields
Meeting to be Held
In an effort to resolve the issue
between Warwick Little League and the
various travel teams involving field use and
modification, the Village Board of Trustees
are having a working session. The meeting
is open to the public. Interested residents
are invited to attend. The meeting will be
held at the CliftonBrown Field in
Memorial Park at 10 a.m. on Mon., Oct. 11.
Warwick’s Own Historic
Throw Available
The Historical Society’s Harvest to
WVT Communications. John Sanford & Son
Holly Walking Tour on Sat. and Sun., Nov.
Insurance is generously underwriting the
21 and 22 will offer Warwick’s own
cost of the event program.
Historic Throw. Popular several years ago,
Applications for tickets can be found
this year’s version has been fashioned in
at most shops in Downtown Warwick.
blue tones reflecting the age of homespun
Space is limited and early application for
fabric. The Clock Tower, Albert Wisner
tickets is strongly encouraged. Tickets are
Library in 1927, the 1810 Old School
$15 for adults, $10 for seniors over 65, and
Baptist Meeting House, 1847 Reform
$7 for youth 5-17 years.
Church, Shingle House, Sly
Barn and the 1866 Christ
Church are featured.
Historic Throw will be on sale
and available for $40 to participants of the Walking Tour along
with other items at the Holiday
Shop located at the 1810 House.
Six of the Society’s buildings decorated for both
Thanksgiving and Christmas
will be showcased. Hot cider
and gingerbread men, musical
performances, photo opportunities, displays of vintage clothing and more will make this a
truly festive event that will coincide with the Merchants Guild’s
“Annual Home For The
Holidays Celebration.”
The Society is grateful for
the support of its first two museum building sponsors of the
Harvest to Holly Tour. The Old
School Baptist Meeting House
Co-Chairs Denis Kellman and Barbara
has been adopted by The Bradner
Kohlberger display Historic Throw.
Family and The 1810 House by
Congratulations to The Times Herald Record’s GO Healthy Editor
Beth Quinn, and her friends, for hosting a “Colonoscopy Party” at
St. Anthony Community Hospital.
In support of their efforts and to help promote the importance of
colorectal screenings, St. Anthony Community Hospital and
Timber Ridge Medical Associates are sponsoring a
Free Colorectal Cancer Screening
Why should 57,000
people die this year
from colorectal
cancer when it is
often preventable
and curable when
detected and
treated early?
Sundays, Oct. 10 & 17; 9am - 1pm
Please call 845-987-5122 Mon-Fri, 7am - 3pm, for an appointment.
St. Anthony Community Hospital
15 Maple Avenue, Warwick, NY
4th Floor, Endoscopy and Physician Office Suite
Colorectal screenings are for men and women over 50.
Early detection could save your life.
Make your appointment today!
Bon Secours Charity Health System
15 Maple Avenue, Warwick, NY •
Pride Soaring High at Florida
By Colleen McAvey
The Village of Florida was alive with the colors of
orange and blue for the S.S. Seward Spartan Homecoming
on Sat., Oct. 2. From the Village streets to the soccer field,
Florida’s 2004 Homecoming was a huge success. Tractors
(donated from Chester Valley Equipment) pulling the high
school parade floats was only the beginning of a day filled
with family, friends and neighbors, who were all out to
enjoy their children and Village pride.
The "Kings" and "Queens" rode atop convertibles as
the crowd cheered their names and took pictures. Next
came the floats with the theme of "Super Heroes." The
Freshman Class of 2008 won first place for their float,
which was dedicated to the Armed Forces, FDNY, NYPD
and S.S. Seward heroes - their own teachers and staff. The
Juniors took second place with their hero sandwich. The
Sophomores, who came in third, challenged the crowd and
judges to see the hero in themselves. Fourth place went to
the hardworking Senior Class who toasted the judges with
Snapple iced tea.
Later in the afternoon, with the smell of hot dogs in
the air, the Florida Varsity Girls Soccer Team defeated
Tuxedo 3-0. The Lady Spartans are now 9 - 0 overall and 6
- 0 in their league. They shared something in common
with their opponents - their coach DiMartino, was the
Tuxedo coach last year.
The girls enjoyed cookies made by Coach D's wife, and
they invited the Tuxedo team to enjoy hot dogs and soda
with them. There was even a birthday cake and "Happy
Birthday" was sung to two members of the Tuxedo girl’s
squad and one member of the Florida Lady Spartans. Once
again the small Village of Florida shows us all how to live
well, how to enjoy the basic things in life and to ensure
those students who grow beyond her borders, that Florida,
N.Y. is a great place to come home to.
Colleen McAvey/The Warwick Valley Dispatch
Theresa Space took this return down to the goal and scored a beautiful shot for the Lady Spartans.
Florida School Builds Pride With K’NEX
S.S. Seward is helping create a sense of pride for everyone in the community through an exciting new program
with K’NEX. The "Building School Pride" program is an
in-school building program that will bring to life the math,
science and technology concepts and lessons that the students will study in class.
S.S. Seward’s Computer six class will be participating in
this one-of-a-kind curriculum opportunity and building the
K’NEX Ultimate Big Air Ball Tower in class. This challenging, hands-on activity will help demonstrate shapes and
angles for math classes; examine simple machines and the
Bernoulli Principle in action for science classes; and teach
the building process in technology classes by exemplifying
the design process, applying shapes to structural design and
illustrating a mechanical system.
"This is an opportunity for students to join together
and have fun building a project that teaches important,
fundamental concepts," says Principal Dr. Clement
Ceccarelli. "Putting their masterpiece on display for the
entire community to see gives them a great sense of pride
and accomplishment in their work and what they are
Once Computer six has completed the Ultimate Big
Air Ball Tower set, the class will deliver and present their
Ultimate Big Air Ball Tower to Toys "R" Us at 88 Dunning
Rd. in Middletown, NY, as part of the birthday festivities
for Toys R’ Us spokes-giraffe, Geoffrey.
A specially built K’NEX display, complete with an area
to post the school’s name and signatures of all the children
who helped build the model, will be featured in the Toys
"R" Us store. Students are encouraging friends and family
to share in their experience and check out their accomplishment! The model will be on display throughout the
holiday season.
Village of
By Mayor Jim Pawliczek
For the past six weeks, many of you have heard
the noise of heavy-duty construction equipment
echoing throughout the Village.
After several days and numerous complaints, I
asked Adrian Mateosian, the Village Building
Inspector, to investigate. He reported the work is being
done on a 32- acre site on Glenmere Avenue owned by
Jan and Elizabeth Jansen. Approximately half of the
property is in the Village and half is in the Town of
Warwick. The parcel has been stripped of trees, clearcut and the elevations changed as much as 15’ to 20’.
A massive excavator, with a hydraulic hammer,
with the potential to crush thousands of tons of rock
each day, was causing the constant tap-tap-tap. A
rock fabricator, dump trucks and a front-end loader
caused additional noises. Most of the work being
done is on the property located in the Town of
Warwick. On Aug. 27th I notified the Town of
Warwick’s Building Inspector of these conditions.
On Aug. 30th he informed me the Town of Warwick’s
attorney stated the operation was considered a permitted agricultural use in a residential zone.
On Sept. 3rd an officer from the Department of
Environmental Conservation said they would be doing
a site visit. On Sept. 13th, the DEC contacted the
Village and indicated the visit would be within a day or
two. At that time, the officer stated a Draft
Environmental Impact Study (DEIS) is required if
more than one acre of land is cleared and that the maximum amount of product that could be removed within any one-year period is 750 cubic yards. He also stated the owner would be told to cease operation until a
site plan and a plan for the utilization of the stone
being excavated had been submitted and approved.
On Sept. 14th the Orange County Planning
Department indicated that no plans had been filed to
date for their review. On Sept. 23rd DEC Officer
Robert Martin contacted the Village to state the property owner had been told to cease operation. On
Sept. 29th Officer Martin indicated the project was
not under the jurisdiction of the DEC.
In recent years, the Village of Florida and the
Town of Warwick have both adopted Master Plans
and revised Zoning Laws at much expense and effort.
This appears to have been a waste of time and money
if this property owner can continue, unabated, without permits, environmental impact studies, planning
board review or municipal approval. At this writing,
the tap-tap-tap continues to permeate through the
Village without regard for neighbors, environment,
zoning laws or the impact this will have on our
Village and Glenmere Avenue. A greater shame is
that now taxpayer dollars must be spent to bring
someone, who should, and does, know better into
compliance with zoning regulations.
Scheuermann Farm
& Greenhouses
Route 94 • Warwick NY • (845)986-1591 • Daily Hours, 9-6
Specializing in Homegrown & Local Produce
Fresh Produce • Mums
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Full Line of Pumpkins &
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Vegetables in Season: Homegrown Tomatoes • Winter Squash • Pears
•Summer Squash • Corn • Onions • Beets • Lettuce • Carrots Peanut
Butter Almond & Cashew Butter • Sauces • Dressings • Eggs
Stop in and see us at 73 Little York Road, just off
County Route 1, Pine Island, NY
Ice Cream &
Snack Bar
Available in our Road Stand: Jams, Jellies & Many Condiments
‘To Tickle Your Tummy’
(845) 258-4221
‘Men Who Cook’ Event Set for Oct. 9
They may be auto dealers, doctors, town supervisor,
village mayor, fathers and husbands by day, but for one
evening in October they’ll all be celebrity chefs in an event
to benefit Warwick Daycare Center Inc. On Sat., Oct. 9,
Warwick Daycare Center will hold its Annual Men Who
Cook fundraising event at the American Legion on
Forester Avenue in Warwick.
At this fun-filled event men from the community act
as "celebrity chefs" as they prepare and serve their favorite
dish to all event attendees. With the purchase of their ticket, attendees have the opportunity to sample prepared
dishes ranging from roast leg of lamb (prepared by Dr. Alex
Joanow of Horizon Family Medical) to an exquisite entrée
prepared by Alberto of Zana D’s Restaurant.
Additional chefs include (but are not limited to)
Village Mayor Michael Newhard, Leo R. Kaytes/Leo Kaytes
Sr. (Leo Kaytes Ford), Frank Petrucci (Country Chevy
Oldsmobile), Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton, Paul
Bausch (AFLAC) as well as Tony Ajello, Jerry Keller, Peter
Meyer and Dan Thompson (parents and friends of WDC).
Aside from the satisfaction of supporting Warwick
Daycare Center, Inc., a not-for-profit organization that
offers quality care and programming to our community’s
children for more than 35 years, the men will be competing for the "King of the Kitchen Award" which is presented
to the chef whose dish garners the most votes on the
evening of the event. A cookbook containing each chef ’s
special recipe will also be available for purchase.
"We’re so excited by the enthusiasm in which these men
and our community as a whole have embraced this fundraising endeavor," says Maxine Meyer, Executive Director of
Warwick Day Center, Inc. "Monies raised from this event
First row from left: Mayor Michael Newhard, Frank Petrucci, Tony Ajello; second row: Paul Bausch and Leo Kaytes Jr.
Not present: Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton, Leo Kaytes Sr., Jerry Keller, Alberto of Zana D’s Restaurant, Dr. Alex
Joanow, Peter Meyer and Dan Thompson.
will benefit the center as we offer a Tuition Assistance
Program, expand those programs we offer the children,
make physical improvements and purchase new equipment.
My sincere hope is that everyone will join us and sample the
wares of these magnificent Men Who Cook."
For information on becoming a Celebrity Chef or purchasing tickets contact Tristin at 986-4706. Space is limited
and reservations are encouraged.
Orange County 4-H
Member Goes to National
Orange County 4-H Dairy member,
Jodi Edsall, of Pine Island recently earned a
place on the New York State 4-H Dairy
judging team that competed in the
National Judging Contest at the World
Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin on
Mon., Sept. 27. Jodi placed 3rd overall to
make the team of four. The Orange County
team placed fourth overall (the fifth in a
row that Orange County has place in the
top five) with Jennie Gibbs of Slate Hill,
being tenth individually. Also on the team
were Ashley Post, Slate Hill and Jennifer
Simpson, Port Jervis.
The Orange County 4-H Dairy
Program is part of Cornell Cooperative
Extension. For information on the program call 344-1234.
Fourth Place Team Overall (from left):
Jodie Edsall, Jennie Gibbs, Ashley Post and Jennifer Simpson.
What’s Happening at the
Florida Library
Come to the Florida Public Library at
1 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 9, to meet three beautiful and friendly alpacas from Shalimar
Alpaca Farms in Warwick. You can pet the
alpacas and learn where they come from
and how their fleece is used in modern
fashion creations.
Enjoy books and stories in both
Spanish and English every Sun. afternoon
at 2 p.m. in the Florida Public Library
during Bilingual Family Storytime. The
theme this Sun. is "Fall is for
Friends/Otoño es para Amigos!" This is a
program for all ages.
Florida Public Library presents Books
& Beyond, a drop-in program for children
in grades K – 5 starting Oct. 12 on Tues.
afternoons at 4 p.m. Our theme for this
six week group of programs is Birds. This
week learn about migration and make a
bird feeder for the ones that stay! No registration is required; just drop in and join
the fun!
Florida Public Library’s YA Discovery
is for young adults in grade six and up on
Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., starting
Oct. 12. Come and enjoy a series of ethnic
cooking programs along with special
activities like Chinese Calligraphy, African
Drumming and much more. This week,
learn and taste Japanese Tempura
The Curious Incident
The library welcomes visiting scholar
Chris Godwin, Dept. Chair of English at
SUNY Orange to explore the quirky murder mystery The Curious Incident of the
Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon.
Godwin is well-known at local libraries for
her incisive and inclusive discussions of
novels. The Curious Incident is about a
mathematically gifted and socially helpless
autistic teenager who stumbles upon a
murder one evening and takes it upon
himself to solve this mystery.
The book, narrated by Christopher, a
fifteen year old autistic savant who is
obsessed with Sherlock Holmes, weaves
together an old-fashioned mystery, a coming-of-age story, and an exciting excursion
into a mind incapable of processing emotions. Both teens and adults are welcome.
The book is available for loan now at the
library. Pick up a copy today and register
for the discussion on Sat., Oct. 16 at 2 p.m.
For more information call the library at
Seniors Club Seeks New Members
The Golden Jet Set, a Seniors Club in
the Upper Greenwood Lake area of
Hewitt, N.J., is seeking new members 55
years of age and older.
The Club meets the first and third
Thursday of each month in the Upper
Greenwood Lake Volunteer Ambulance
Corps building located on Warwick
The meeting starts with a social hour
and refreshments at 11 a.m., followed by a
short business meeting at 12 noon.
For more information call Richard
Wirth at 973-853-4061 or just drop in at a
meeting. You will be made to feel welcome.
Be sure to wish
Theresa Bogdanski
Closing Swimming Pool Properly for Easy Spring Opening
By Eileen Patterson
The leaves are changing color and the air is getting
colder - it’s a sure sign of fall. For pool owners, it’s a sure
sign of one more chore before settling down for winter.
Experts agree that in the Hudson Valley, it’s best to close the
pool before the leaves start blowing around. Now that the
night time temperature is dropping into the 40’s and the
daytime temps are in the 60's to low 70's, you should begin
gathering your supplies for closing the pool.
Waiting any longer may result in a layer of leaves inside
the pool which will increase the risk of an algae bloom in the
spring. Start by thoroughly vacuuming and brushing the
pool and be sure to remove leaves, debris, and any organic
matter from the pool. If this clutter remains in the pool,
you’ll be faced with a quite a slimy mess in the spring.
Test and Balance the Water
One week before closing the pool test and balance the
water with a test kit from a pool supply store. You want to
aim for a pH level between 7.2 and 7.6 and a total alkalinity of 80-120ppm. Consider adding a long lasting algaecide,
which will help keep the water clear. This algaecide can be
added immediately prior to adding the cover. If you are
not sure of how to test the pH or alkalinity bring a water
sample to a pool chemical dealer, who will recommend all
of the necessary chemicals.
Lower the Water Level
The amount of drainage should correspond to the
type of pool you own. Vinyl-lined in-ground pools should
be drained to one inch below the skimmer mouth. Plaster
pools with solid covers should be drained between one to
six inches below the skimmer mouth or tile. Paint-finished
pools with solid covers should be drained six inches below
the skimmer mouth and pools with mesh covers or no covers should be drained 18–24 inches below the skimmer
mouth. The water level should leave room for expansion to
accommodate ice build-up. Draining above ground pools
entirely will destroy the integrity of the vinyl liner because
they are supported by the water in them.
For an in-ground pool, you do not have to drain any
water out of the pool provided that underground pipes are
properly blown out and plugged. If the pool has decorative
ceramic tiles at the water line, lower the water below the tiles.
Pools that are drained too low cause undue stress on the
pool cover thereby shortening its life as well as exposing the
pool liner to the air and causing it to prematurely dry out.
Preparing the Filter for Winter Storage
After an extensive backwashing, shut off all pool
equipment and drain the pump, filter, heater and hoses.
Inspect the filter unit for wear and tear, remove the multiport valve and check the filtering media. Replace with new
media every three years, or when it can't keep the pool
Drain DE filter tanks and leave backwash valve open.
It is not recommended to acid wash DE filters at the time
of the pool closing. It’s best to do this in the spring so that
you can immediately run pool water through the system.
Using muriatic acid on a DE filter just prior to storing it
will result in degradation of the filter parts over the winter.
Sand filters should be unplugged with the filter drain plug
left off. Make sure the multi-port valve has no water in it
and blow it out with a compressor or shop vac. Also make
sure that pump is completely drained of any water. Remove
any drain plugs from the pump.
It is a good idea to store small plugs or parts in the
pump basket. This way you will be able to find them easily
in the spring. Disconnect pump/filter unit if possible and
store in a garage or shed away from the risk of freezing. If
you have a sand filter or moving the unit is not possible,
securely cover the unit.
Closing an In-ground Pool
The challenging part of closing an in-ground pool
comes next. The underground lines need to be completely
drained of water. If water remains and freezes, the lines
could burst, making for an expensive repair job come
spring. In addition to the winter closing chemicals, it is
recommended that you add pool anti-freeze to the pool
directly prior to closing. This non-toxic blue product will
help protect underground pool lines from damage. Never
use car anti-freeze – it is not designed for swimming pool
use and is extremely toxic, presenting a poisoning danger
for small children and animals. Blow out all return jet
pipes using an air compressor or shop vac.
Another option is to screw the compressor fitting into
the drain plug of the pump. This will give a good seal and
allow the entire system to be emptied from that one spot.
Keep the air blowing until the air bubbles start to become
visible from the return jets in the pool. Put a plug in the fitting under the water when bubbles are blowing at full
force. This will mean that most of the water is out of the
pipe and it’s important to make sure the plug is in tight.
From the suction side, blow out all skimmer pipes in a
similar fashion. Put a plug in the skimmer when bubbles
start to become visible. Applying teflon tape on the plug
threads before installing insures a tight seal. Make sure
there is something in the skimmer to allow for water
expansion when it freezes - usually a closed empty plastic
bottle will work. Water can easily freeze in a skimmer and
crack the plastic.
Blow out main drain line. When you see bubbles coming out of the drain, plug the pipe on your end or close the
gate valve. This is as much protection as you can give to a
main drain line. By doing this you will cause an "air lock"
in the line which should stop water from entering the pipe
from the pool side. Put duct tape on all exposed pipes to
prevent anything from getting into them.
Preparing the Cover
Inspect and clean the cover if necessary. Gather water
bags, sand bags or milk jugs, and fill them. Roll the cover
out over the pool and weight it down securely. During the
fall season and before the winter hits, it is a good idea to
pump off excess water from the cover. It is inevitable that
the cover will collect leaves and water during the off season,
but late fall and early winter maintenance will reduce the
time spent opening the pool and extend the life of the
Before installing the cover, mix any granular winterizing chemicals in a bucket so that they are totally dissolved
before pouring into the pool. Granules settling on the pool
floor may stain the liner. If you are using any liquid winterizing chemicals, pour them in the pool as well. Make
sure one of your winterize chemicals consists of a shock
product and the chlorine level in the pool should be over
3.0. Blow up and install the air pillow. Air pillows are not
mandatory but are a good idea in case the water in the pool
freezes, expands, and breaks the pool wall.
Store Chemicals Away from Children
Remember to store swimming pool chemicals in a
cool dry and secure place away from children and pets. All
pool accessories need to be removed and stored for the
winter. This includes ladders, steps, floats, solar reels, and
solar covers. Also take out the return directional and skimmer accessories. Remove rope and floats from pool and put
with the rest of the supplies. Remove dive board and ladders. Put in a safe spot - a shed or the garage.
The final step should be to remember to lock the pool
gate for the winter!
Mt. Alverno Participates in National Assisted Living Week
It began with Grandparents Day, celebrated this year on
Sept. 12, which marked the beginning of the 10th Annual
National Assisted Living Week, Sept. 12 – 18. On the Warwick
Health Care Campus of the Bon Secours Charity Health Care
System, Mount Alverno Center Adult Home celebrated the
week with a series of entertaining events. These events included visits by the Warwick Quilters, an antique show, volunteers
teaching games, local officials discussing citizenship, trivia
games, teas, old movies and other discussions and activities.
The weeklong celebration culminated with a resident/family
picnic that included live music and entertainment.
"We are grateful to our dedicated staff and to all the people in our community who volunteered to participate in the
events we scheduled for National Assisted Living Week," said
Administrator Kathie Deak. "Residents at Mt. Alverno have
the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities every
week and life doesn’t stop when you come here." Deak
explained that Mt. Alverno has an activities program, a library,
computer center, beauty shop, chapel and garden area. The
attitude of the staff at the center plays no small part in making sure that the residents are comfortable and at home.
During the family/resident picnic at the conclusion of
National Assisted Living Week, Deak welcomed the families
and surprised them with the fact that many of the staff members, on hand that Saturday and helping to make the event a
success, were giving up their usual day-off. "They love their
jobs," she said, "and they love our residents." The dedicated
staff members have also introduced many innovative ideas
and activities for their residents such as a daily afternoon high
tea and a Friday happy hour. For additional information
about Mt. Alverno Center, Schervier Pavilion, Day-At-A-Time
and St. Anthony Community Hospital visit:
Heavy rain forced the family/resident picnic indoors but did not dampen the spirits of residents and family
Raymond Hose Company to Dedicate New Firehouse
In 1896 thirty-five brave men formed the Raymond Hose
Company No. 2. The company was named after Mr. Raymond the
president of the Fabric Fire Hose Co. who gave them use of suitable
quarters in the old ladder factory building on Factory Street.
Conditions of the quarters were not good so in January of 1901 at
a cost of $1,600.00, new quarters were purchased on Howe Street.
On Jan. 29, 1901 the Village formally turned over the new building
to the Raymonds.
The Raymonds became known as the "Shanty Town Fire
Company" and also earned the nickname the "Red Coat Defenders"
because of the color of their first uniforms.
After 103 years, on Aug. 3 at their monthly meeting, a motion
was made to close the Fire Station at 7 Howe Street and relocate to
the new Fire Station at 200 West Street. The men proudly lowered
the flag and proceeded to march to their new quarters.
"The Red Coat Defenders" proudly invite the community to
their formal dedication and open house of the new firehouse at 200
West Street on Sun., Oct. 10 from 12 noon until 5 p.m. The dedication ceremony will commence at 1 p.m.
Raymond Hose Fire Company’s Station
Hit the Trail at the Library
If you are a hiker, backpacker or just
love to wander the trails that crisscross the
Hudson Valley, the library is offering a program for you. On Wed., Oct. 13, at 7 p.m.
the Albert Wisner Public Library will present Hit the Trail: the Right Gear and Leave
No Trace Ethics with Tony Russo.
Tony Russo is a NYS licensed Guide
and a member of the NYS Outdoor Guides
Association. He is a member of the
Adirondack Mountain Club and the
Hudson River Trail Association, the New
York/New Jersey Trail Conference and also
the Leave-No-Trace organization and the
Catskill 3500 Club. Aside from a career as
an Environmental Consultant, Tony has
been hiking, canoeing, kayaking and backpacking for more that 30 years. Tony will
offer suggestions for choosing the right
gear for the outdoors and he will discuss
techniques that hikers can use to reduce
evidence of their presence on the trail to
retain the natural beauty. Seating is limited and registration is required at 986-1047.
This event is part of the One Town
One Book, the third annual town wide reading project sponsored by the three libraries
located in Warwick Township, Albert
Wisner Public Library, Florida Public
Library and Greenwood Lake Public
Library. The book this year is “A Walk in the
Woods: Rediscovering America on the
Appalachian Trail” by Bill Bryson.
Published in 1998, this is a personal memoir
of the author’s "thru-hike" of the
Appalachian Trail and a delightful, often
laugh out loud chronicle of the experiences
and people he meets along the trail. This
book was chosen in part because the
Appalachian Trail crosses through Warwick
Township and there is great enthusiasm for
the outdoors in the community.
Campaign Focuses on ‘The
Purpose Driven Life’
Glenwood Baptist Church of
Glenwood, New Jersey is participating with
churches around the world in the 40 Days of
Purpose Campaign from Oct. 9 – Nov. 21.
The 40 Days of Purpose Campaign is based
around the New York Times best-selling
book, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick
Warren. The campaign will focus on the
question "What on earth am I here for?"
The Purpose Driven Life has sold over
11 million copies and has been on the New
York Times best seller list for over 84
weeks. The book is written by Rick
Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in
Lake Forest, California. It is not a traditional "self-help" book. Instead, the book
delves into five purposes in life as found in
the Bible: worship of God, fellowship, dis-
Chamber to Hold
Mixer at Creamery
Humane Society
Celebrates 50 Years
The Warwick Valley Chamber of Commerce will hold
an After-Hours Business Mixer at Bellvale Farms Creamery
on Thurs., Oct. 14, from 5 to 7 p.m. on Route 17A on top
of Mt. Peter in Warwick. This will be a great opportunity
to sample home-made ice cream (from the Buckbee Dairy
Farm), while enjoying an incredible fall foliage view.
Chamber members: $8 and ‘not-yet’ members: $10.
R.S.V.P. to Chamber office at 986-2720. Bring your business cards!
The Warwick Valley Humane Society is celebrating its
50th Anniversary at a fundraising brunch on Sun., Oct. 24,
beginning at noon at the Landmark Inn on Route 17A in
Warwick. Invitations are extended to all friends and supporters of the humane society at $25 per person with reservations required by Oct. 15. Send check or money order
payable to Warwick Valley Humane Society, P.O. Box 61,
Warwick, NY 10990. For more information call 986-2473.
cipleship, ministry and evangelism.
Saddleback Church is leading a worldwide campaign titled "40 Days of Purpose"
built around The Purpose Driven Life. This
campaign builds on a similar program held
in 2002, and Glenwood Baptist Church is
participating once again. In addition to
Sunday worship at 11 a.m., small groups
will meet at the church and in homes in
order to study The Purpose Driven Life
Glenwood Baptist Church is located at
1863 Route 565 in Glenwood, NJ. The
church is just minutes from Pine Island,
NY and Vernon High School. For information, please contact Glenwood Baptist
Church at 973-764-7681.
Rabbitt Campaign
Annie Rabbitt, Republican and Conservative candidate for the New York State 97th Assembly District,
announced a fundraiser to be held Wed., Oct. 20 at the
Harness Racing Museum & Hall of Fame, 240 Main Street,
Goshen from 6 – 8 p.m. Donations can be mailed to
Citizens for Rabbitt, c/o Gen Winstanley, P.O. Box 1195,
Greenwood Lake, N.Y. Tickets may be purchased at the
door with advanced notice, $50 per person. For more
information, contact Gen Winstanley at 477-8847.
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Applefest: Largest Crowd Ever
At the center of historic
Railroad Avenue, we are proud
to present the best of
antiques, art, jewelry, oriental
rugs, pottery, those
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Richard Klein/The Warwick Valley Dispatch
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Richard Klein/The Warwick Valley Dispatch
Victoriana, Art,
Unique Design Items/Furnishings
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Country & Informal Furniture, etc.
Handcrafted Furniture
Gail Ball, Ltd
Vintage/Estate Jewelry
16-18 Railroad Avenue
Warwick, New York
(845) 986-5520
Phyllis R. Briller/The Warwick Valley Dispatch
The people came aplenty as the cars were bumper-tobumper in traffic on Rte. 17A from Mt. Peter heading
to Applefest.
Eileen Patterson /The Warwick Valley Dispatch
Chicks with Sticks knitted away for this annual event.
S3NY Presents ‘Jump for Joy - Jazz for Families’ & ‘The
Art of Improvisation’
heritage in "Jump for Joy - Jazz for Families". In this special program designed for children K-5 and their parents,
the group talks about and demonstrates their instruments,
their approaches to improvisation, and the basic building
blocks of music (harmony, rhythm and melody) in a fun,
interactive performance that will have everyone dancing in
their seats, if not the aisles.
In the evening performance of "The Art of
Improvisation" at 7:30 p.m., S3NY will explore the full
range of improvisation, from traditional approaches to the
multi-dimensional aspects of the present day. This program is abundantly illustrated through the performance of
original works by the members and others and is a fascinating and exhilarating look inside the minds (and fingers)
of these world-class performers.
The String Trio of New York (S3NY) returns to the
Warwick Valley Community Center on Sat., Oct. 9 with a
matinee performance of "Jump for Joy - Jazz for Families"
at 2 p.m. and "The Art of Improvisation" at 7:30 p.m.
These performances are a continuation of the Jazz
Connections - Sounds of the City lecture/performance
Hailed as "one of the world's greatest guitarists"
( and chosen as one of "66 great sixstringers" (Down Beat), James Emery is well-known both
in the jazz world, a world in which he lives, eats and
breathes; as well as in the community of Warwick where he
resides with his family. Somehow he always finds the time
to be involved in the community. Emery plays guitar and
composes for S3NY, and is joined by his colleagues Rob
Thomas (violin) and John Lindberg (bass). Together the
trio makes magic happen and plans to continue exposing
new audiences to the beauty and magic of jazz.
In a 2 p.m. performance, S3NY will share the rich jazz
Tickets for performance are $10 for adults and $5 for
children. Pre-paid reservations are requested. All proceeds
from the performance will go to the Warwick Valley
Community Center located at 11 Hamilton Avenue,
Warwick. For more information or to reserve tickets call
the WVCC at 986-6422.
Funds for this residency have been provided by
Chamber Music America with support from the JPMorgan
Chase Residency Regrant Program, a program of the
JPMorgan Chase Foundation, and the Chamber Music
America Residency Endowment Fund. This project is
made possible in part with funds from Orange County
Tourism/Orange Arts and the county of Orange and with
public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts,
a State agency.
McLaughlin’s Portraits of Local Barns
Karuna Kresge-McLaughlin is now
showing vibrant paintings of local barns
at the Tuscan Café, South Street, Warwick.
In the show, various barns in the
Warwick area are depicted in radiant
color. Ms. McLaughlin regards herself as a
"colorist," working with acrylics producing vibrant impressions of what she sees.
She has created artistic images of, among
others, the Houston, Manno, and
Pennings barns on Route 94. Also in the
show are the Bollenbach, Baird, and
Meadowburn barns. The paintings will be
on display for three weeks.
Karuna Kresge-McLaughlin
Find your balance
as you juggle your life.
Gentle Yoga Classes
Wednesdays, 5pm or 8pm
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St. Anthony Community Hospital, 4th floor
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All levels welcome. $75 fee for series.
For registration and information
please call 845.987.5676
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15 Maple Avenue, Warwick, NY
Ye Jolly Onion Inn
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by Scott Webber
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October 3, 1934:
• Samuel Anderson, a restaurateur from Brooklyn,
opened the State Restaurant and Luncheonette in the
Crissy Building on Main Street. He has converted the old
Book Shop into a modern restaurant.
$35.99 BUFFET
Every Fri & Sat, 5PM to 10PM
w/ coffee $8.99
w/coffee $9.99
Bradley’s Corner
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Rt.6 Bradley’s Corner, Middletown
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October 4, 1944:
• On page one of The Dispatch it was reported that the
state mourned the death of one-time Governor Alfred E.
Smith who died at age 70 in New York City.
• The Methodist Church met in the Village Hall while
their church (the present day Clocktower) was being
remodeled by Contractor Harold Conklin.
• Miss Ella N. Cox resigned as kindergarten/first grade
teacher to take a job in the Kingston Public School System.
She came here in 1937 and taught for the first two years in
the Edenville School before it was closed. She has taught in
the Warwick Schools since.
• A large group of Pine Island residents were planning a
trip to New York City on Oct. 8 to march in the 8th Annual
Pulaski Day Parade. They were to go by car to Goshen and
from there take the 11:11 train to the city. The Rev. John S.
Felczak was the honorary Pine Island Grand Marshal.
• Dairy Farmers John Bollenbach of Florida and Allen T.
Jones of Highland Mills were mighty proud of their latest
purchase, a Royal Colantha Wayne V, a famous registered
herd sire. The reason: This sire’s index on 11 mate daughter comparisons is 16,983 pounds of milk, 3.78% fat, and
642 pounds of fat. The increase of daughters over dams was
greater from this sire than from any other sire used in artificial insemination in New York State.
October 7, 1964:
• Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Rampe of Cornwall have opened
a new pharmacy in Greenwood Lake. Rampe was a graduate of the Albany College of Pharmacy.
• Mildred Keener, a nurse in the operating room, was
honored at a dinner for her 25 years of service to St.
Anthony Community Hospital.
• Cheryl Rudy, Miss Tri-County 1964-1965, was selected
to model the latest fashions at Penney’s Department Store
at the Mid-Valley Mall in Newburgh. Cheryl is from
• Clarence Kimble, head payroll clerk for the Lehigh and
Hudson Railroad, retired on Sept. 30 after 43 years with the
• Christel Joan Bachman and Emil Robert Krahulik were
married Oct. 3 at Our Lady Queen of Peace R.C. Church in
West Milford, N.J.
October 3, 1979:
• A group of 45 people from St. Stanislaus R.C. Church in
Pine Island went by bus on Oct. 2 to attend a mass offered
by Pope John Paul II at Yankee Stadium. They had seats in
left field.
• The Warwick Town Board worked on the 1980 Budget
and town officials submitted their requests for salary
increases. Town Clerk Mildred Stewart asked for $15,000
compared with her current $11,794; Town Highway
Superintendent John Filipowski, $20,000 from $15,037; the
two Town Justices, Bernard Spindel and Daniel Coleman,
each $5,000 from $4,264.
• The traffic light at Main and West Streets has been
installed and is working.
• Superintendent Filipowski expects that the Town will be
paying $1 for a gallon of gasoline in 1980 compared with
68 cents now.
October 7, 1992:
• The Warwick Town Planning Board denied an application for a ShopRite Shopping Center on 10.6 acres that was
formerly intended for development as a Lloyd’s Shopping
Center at the corner of Route 94 and Warwick Turnpike.
The applicant must go to the Town Zoning Board of
Appeals for variances.
• New Milford Postmaster Casper Hann retired on Sept.
30, after 17 years in that post.
• Bulldozers were busy clearing an old cow pasture of
trees for development of the tract as a park-ride bus lot for
250 cars on Route 17A just outside the Warwick Village
• The Warwick Valley Wildcats football team defeated
Wallkill 27-0.
Exciting Trips for Schervier Pavilion’s Program
What will they think of next? Each week, Jean
Trampler, RN, director of Schervier Pavilion’s adult day
health programs; Gerri "Gigi" Gates, CNA, and Marge
Grassfield, LPN, plan day trips and other events that will
not only be interesting and fun for their patients, but will
also have therapeutic value. The most recent excursions,
right on the heels of a successful trip to Monroe’s Museum
Village, included a day at Warwick’s annual Senior Picnic
and a visit to Goshen’s Harness Racing Museum and Hall
of Fame. The museum is adjacent to the historic track.
The tour guides at the museum divided the visitors
into two small groups so that everyone would have a front
row position. The museum’s displays, including one of the
famous sire Hambletonian, tell the history of the sport
enjoyed by harness fans throughout the world. The museum also houses a 3-D harness racing simulator, which
allowed some of the Day-At-A-Time visitors an opportunity to safely experience the excitement of driving in a harness race.
The Day-At-A-Time staff had prepared sandwiches for
everyone in advance and museum officials offered a conference room for the luncheon. After lunch, the visitors had an
opportunity to purchase souvenirs from the gift shop and
then everyone headed for the adjacent track to watch the
harness drivers exercise their horses. "We picked the perfect
day," said Jean Trampler, who reported that there were more
horses on the track that afternoon than usual.
Schervier Pavilion is a 120-bed skilled nursing facility
licensed by the New York State Department of Health and
accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation. For
those who choose to live at home, however, Schervier
Pavilion also offers Day-At-A-Time, an innovative medical
adult day care program that provides nursing services, medication administration, ongoing evaluations, and stimulating activities tailored to each individual's needs and abilities.
The Day-At-A-Time staff is actively planning more
trips for the remainder of the year. Some of the suggestions
being considered include apple picking at a local orchard
and a Christmas shopping trip. The staff has also scheduled
another luncheon at a local restaurant. Other suggestions
and invitations are welcomed. "We’re always on the move,"
smiled Director Jean Trampler. To learn more about DayAt-A-Time or to arrange a tour call 845-987-5767.
Jim Wilson, Karen Lundy, Efford Benedict and Marge Zieger pose for a photograph during their recent tour of
Goshen’s Harness Racing Museum and Hall of Fame.
Spirits are Lifted High at
UAME Church Fundraiser
By Lon Tytell
On the first Sunday in February, 1906, the first worship
was held in the new building on McEwen Street for the Union
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Now almost a hundred
years later, the current building needs to be replaced.
Six months ago, Rev. Ronald L. Ivey, then the Pastor of
the U.A.M.E. Church in Warwick met with Sisters
Channabel Morris, Denise Smith, and Gloria WashingtonMines, with the idea of the Faith Project. Its purpose was
to hold an event called "The Gospel Explosion," which was
held on Oct. 2 at the Paramount Theater in Middletown.
All proceeds of this event benefited the building of a
new church at the current church's location. The current
parsonage attached to the Union A.M.E. Church would be
removed to incorporate the new building facility. The congregation which has increased to a tremendous number
over the years would have a modern facility in which to
worship. Room would be available for more educational
and social activities and the ministries sponsored by the
Union A.M.E. Church. Federal and state grants will be
applied for to help this worthy cause.
"The Gospel Explosion" was quite successful. The Rev.
Mashona Davis, present pastor of the Union A.M.E.
Church served as a late replacement for the Emcee of the
evening. She was accompanied by Rod Blackstone, a professional musician, who entertained the audience by
singing and playing keyboard.
Minister Jennifer Jordan demonstrated a great range
in voice as she had the audience standing up and clapping
to her music. She sang songs about the importance of worship and how the Savior has helped her. The Warwick
Valley Chorale performed a repertoire of spiritual songs. Their
harmonious voices filled the theater with a sense of awe.
The Immanuel Mime Ministry featured a young,
vibrant group of performers who acted out several songs in
mime with white painted faces and white gloves. A
comedic act by 19-year-old Sharael Nicole Moore dressed
as an elderly woman had the audience in stitches. The theater rocked with energy as Doris Leggert-Switzer and three
other performers dressed in white attire, sang songs about
miracles working, healing, and encouragement.
Revelation S. E. E. D. was the final act of the evening.
This group of women, who each served many years in Federal
prison, had received redemption while incarcerated. They
shared their experiences in testimonials and songs.
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Remarkable Quartet - The Revelation S.E.E.D. took center stage to give their inspirational and incredible living
testimony of hope through powerful soulful music.
Our Own Carrots, Lettuces, Radish, Cilantro,
Beets, Spinach, Peppers, and Much More...
Local Jersey Tomatoes & Fresh Local Jersey
Truly Professional - The Warwick Valley Chorale, the oldest continuously choral organization in Orange County
under the direction of Dr. Stanley Curtis, wowed the audience.
A Weekend of Fun at Sugar Loaf ’s Fall Festival
It's fall festival time again! The Sugar Loaf Chamber
of Commerce is pleased to announce their upcoming
annual Fall Festival will be held, rain or shine, on
Columbus Day Weekend, Oct. 9, 10, and 11 from 10 a.m. –
6 p.m. All three days feature visiting craft vendors, food
booths, craft demonstrations and live music.
`Over 12 different bands will be performing on the
stage at Bertoni Gallery over the three days. Children’s
Entertainment Programs along with musical styles repre-
sented include jazz, rock 'n roll, acoustic, gospel and more!
Craft demonstrations will be ongoing all three days,
located throughout the 50 resident shops and restaurants.
These demonstrations include:
jewelry making,
decoupage, hair braiding, embroidering, pillow-making
and various painting demonstrations. The Sugar Loaf
Chamber of Commerce will be raffling exciting products
from Sugar Loaf merchants. Programs highlighting schedules for all these events will be distributed at the festival.
As always, it's a beautiful time of year to combine
apple-picking, wine-tasting, autumn color gazing, with
another visit to Sugar Loaf. Our 50 resident shops are open
year round, with most stores open Tues. – Sun., 11 a.m. – 5
p.m. For more information about the Fall Festival or to
receive a free Sugar Loaf Brochure, call the Sugar Loaf
Chamber of Commerce (845) 469-9181 or visit our website:
A Place for Chocolate Lovers in Sugar Loaf
By Lon Tytell
theme can be prepared for special events such as weddings,
birthdays, corporate gifts, and affairs. The photographs
that accent portfolio work for models, weddings, and
equine settings are available for purchase.
Entering the NY Chocolate Gallery in Sugar Loaf, you
see the eye appealing photographs of self taught photographer, Ed Marciante, displayed on the walls, while experiencing the aroma of scrumptious chocolate.
Ed and his brother, Paul, along with partner Edward
Maceyko, have set up a shop sure to be a hit. Bulk chocolate, boxed chocolate, nuts, fudge, and candy yearn to be
tasted. The chocolate and fudge can be purchased as regular or sugar free. The approximately fifty varieties of
chocolate and ten varieties of fudge invite you to come
back several times.
Gift items and gift baskets relating to a chocolate
Inside the New York Chocolate Gallery.
The New York
Chocolate Gallery
Come visit our unique combination...
New Location: Across from Barnsider Parking Lot
Jams • Glassware • Animals • Special Orders
Hours: Tues-Sun 12-5 • (845) 469-1233
1362 Kings Highway, Sugarloaf, New York
Finest New York Cheesecake
Gourmet Pies • Cannolis • Italian Sorbets
Scott’s Meadow, 1364 Kings Highway, Sugar Loaf, NY
Open Fri-Sun • 845-469-2028
• Clothing
• Body Jewelry
Thanksgiving to
Warwick Lions Annual
5K Sponsor Dinner
By Lon Tytell
It was a special night at the Landmark
Inn on Thurs., Sept. 30, as the Warwick
Lions hosted their fifth annual 5K Race
Sponsorship Dinner. Sponsors of this very
successful race helped contribute money
that generates income for Lion's Quest.
The Warwick Lions use the proceeds from
this race to train teachers to implement
this life skills program throughout the
Warwick School District. This year proceeds from the 5K Race was 10,800 dollars.
Two guest speakers made this a
delightful evening. Ken Stewart, a visually
impaired Warwick runner, who has participated in the 5K Race, related his experience as an Olympic torch bearer in NYC.
The audience learned how Ken was selected for this honor and about the wonderful
people he met who overcame many challenges in their lives.
Superintendent for Curriculum and
Instructional Services WVCSD, spoke of
how the Lion's Quest Program is implemented into the school system. The goals
of the school district mirror some of the
concepts stressed by Lion's Quest.
Cross country track coaches, Tim St.
Lawrence, Rich Furst, Michael Potter, and
the sponsors of the 5K Race, were presented gifts of appreciation by Lions, Carol and
George McManus, who have chaired the
5K Race for 13 years.
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Sponsors Are Appreciated - The sponsors of the 5K Race were treated to a great dinner and received a gift for their efforts in supporting this year's Labor Day event.
Celebrating in Style at
Winslow Therapeutic Center
Winslow Therapeutic Center will be
hosting its biggest event of the year on Sat.,
Oct. 23, - the 30th Anniversary "Boots N’
Britches" Celebration. This is a celebration
you don’t want to miss! Everyone will be
decked out in Western attire: boots, britches, cowboy and cowgirl hats and more.
There will be dancing, dinner, an auction and plenty of entertainment! Some of
the children who ride at Winslow will be
riding the horses in the arena with the
assistance of our outstanding instructors.
The Quadrille Team will also put on a
Winslow has been offering unique and
often life changing horse experience to
children and adults in our community for
30 years. Every day children and adults
improve their physical, cognitive, social
and emotional well being by relating to the
horses in a therapeutic environment.
Winslow averages 150 riders per week year
round, ranging from 5-93 years in age.
Winslow is proud to honor Jonah
Mandelbaum, President and Chief
Executive Officer of MJJ Builders in
Warwick with a Winslow Award, which he
will receive at the celebration. The Winslow
Award honors an individual or organization whose value and concern for human
life-eloquently demonstrated through their
leadership, accomplishments and commitment-serves as an inspiration to others.
The following tables are now being
Host table, Patron table,
Benefactor table, Sponsor table, and an individual seat. All contributions to the dinner
are used in support of Winslow Therapeutic
Riding Unlimited, Inc. and are tax
deductible as provided by law.
Commemorative Journal Ads are also available for front and back cover, Gold, Silver,
and Platinum pages, and full and half pages
(black and white) are also available.
So c’mon, get out your chaps, belts,
hats, boots, denim, skirts and bandanas!
Come show your support and celebrate the
miracles that happen through the healing
power of horses. Tickets are available now
and space is limited. Call (845) 986-6686
to reserve your seat.
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Passing through Nature to eternity. -Shakespeare
Michael J. Patterson Jr. of Florida, N.Y. passed away at
home suddenly Sun., Sept. 5, 2004. He was 24.
"How far we travel in life matters far less than those we
meet along the way." (Henri Nowen)
Growing up in Florida Michael always sought out new
adventures. He was so full of life. Michael thrived at playing baseball, excelled at skiing and snowboarding, enjoyed
the thrill and exuberance of mountain climbing. He loved
to travel and Michael shared his inner passion for his beautiful music with his loving friends and family. Michael was
a graduate of S.S. Seward’s class of 1998, attended SUNY
Orange and was an up and coming entrepreneur of his
own home improvement business.
Michael touched the lives of everyone that he met.
Michael is survived by his loving parents Patricia and
Michael J. Patterson Sr. of Florida; one sister Jessica and
brother-in-law Keith Bonne; one brother Joseph Patterson;
his maternal grandparents, Carol and Salvatore Grieco of
North Bergen, N.J.; his paternal grandmother Martha
Tenny of Atlantic Highlands, N.J.; his aunts and uncles,
Gail and Michael Apicella of Hazlet, N.J., Barbara and
Michael Knecht of Florida, N.Y., Salvatore Grieco of
Howell, N.J., Stephen and Kim Grieco of London, UK,
Carol and John Geraghty of Edison, N.J., Tony and Liz
Petrone of Straudsburg, Pa.; cousins, Christian, Michael,
Sharon and Amy Apicella, Lauren and Michael Knecht,
Salvatore and Paul Grieco, Grace and John Patrick
Geraghty, Jennifer Petrone; many other cousins, aunts and
uncles as well as many friends from all walks of his life.
Michael will be forever missed but never forgotten. He
will forever live in the hearts of all who knew him.
Visitation was Tues., Sept. 7 at T.S. Purta Funeral
Home, Florida.
A Mass of Christian Burial was held Wed., Sept. 8 at St.
Joseph’s, Florida.
Burial was in St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Florida.
Memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis,
TN 38105-1905.
Kenneth F. Parmerter of Florida, N.Y. a retired selfemployed excavating contractor entered into rest Sun.,
Sept. 5, 2004 in Lake Placid, Florida. He was 74.
He was the son of Folger and Margorie Knapp
Parmerter. He was born Dec. 18, 1929 in Florida, N.Y.
Survivors include his wife, Frances H. Parmerter, three
sons, Kenneth and his wife, Susan of Henderson, N.C.,
Henry Parmerter and his wife, Evelyn of Florida, N.Y. and
Gary Parmerter and his wife, Hitt of Greensboro, N.C.; two
grandsons, Christopher and Michael; two granddaughters,
Sarah and Kendra; two brothers, Richard of Florida, N.Y.
and Robert Parmerter of Schnevis, N.Y.; one sister, Shirley
Carr of Florence, S.C. and several nieces and nephews. He
was predeceased by a sister, Jean Agnes Parmerter.
Ken was a U.S. Army Korean War Veteran, having
served from 1950-1952 in the 11th Airborne Division. He
was a member of the Florida Presbyterian Church; 51 year
member and past Chief of the Florida Fire Dept.; six year
Cub Scout Master for Troop 44, Florida, N.Y. and an avid
pilot, having built his own P51.
Memorial services will be held on Sat., Oct. 2 at the
Florida Presbyterian Church.
Burial will be in Warwick Cemetery at the convenience
of the family.
Arrangements are under the direction of the T.S. Purta
Funeral Home, Florida, N.Y.
To send a condolence online, or for directions please
go to
Murray Weber of Vernon, N.J. died Sept. 10, 2004 at
his residence. He was 74.
Born in Union City, June 5, 1930, he was the son of
Nathan and Bertha Schlanger Weber.
He is survived by his wife, Siglinde Horrer Weber of
Vernon, N.J.; five children, Ronald Weber, Thomas Metzler,
Patricia Hallman and her husband, Anthony, Virginia
Metzler and Christopher Metzler; four grandchildren;
Nicholas, Crystal, Tyler and Monica; one brother, Melvin
Weber, a sister, Sophie Friedman, and several nieces and
Mr. Weber served with the Army during the Korean
War. He was a self employed insurance agent with M & L
Insurance in Bloomfield, N.J.
Funeral services were held Mon., Sept. 20 at the
Lazear-Smith & Vander Plaat Memorial Home, Warwick.
Interment was in Warwick Cemetery.
Evelyn Frances Atkins Welling, of Flagler Beach,
Florida died on Sept. 14, 2004 in Snellville, Georgia.
The daughter of the late Frank Atkins and Margaret
Beseth Atkins, she was born July 13, 1910 in Liberty, N.Y.
She was the widow of William R. Welling.
Long-time residents of Warwick, Mrs. Welling and her
husband retired to Flagler Beach, Florida in 1960. An avid
artist, environmentalist and animal lover, she spent countless hours enjoying nature and her lovely retirement home.
A long-time member of the Audubon Society and a contributing member of the Flagler County Humane Society,
Mrs. Welling found such joy in all of God’s creatures.
Evelyn’s strength and determination provided inspiration
to all who knew and loved her.
She is survived by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Richard F.
Atkins of Warwick. She was the beloved Aunt of Susan
Atkins Davidson and her husband, Alan of Woodbridge,
CT, Linda Frances Atkins Oettinger and her husband,
William of Catskill, N.Y., Frank Randolph Atkins and his
wife, Haydee of Monroe, N.Y. Great Aunt of Amy
Davidson, Brad Davidson, Jared Oettinger, Taice Oettinger
and Richard Atkins. She is also survived by her beloved
companion and best friend "Tuffy."
She was predeceased by her loving brother, Richard
Atkins of Sullivan County-Catskill, N.Y., and two infant
brothers, Louis and Robert Atkins of Liberty, N.Y.
Funeral services were held Sat., Sept. 18 at the Lazear-
Smith & Vander Plaat Memorial Home, Warwick. Pastor
Chris Yount, of the United Methodist Church officiated.
Interment was in Warwick Cemetery.
Memorials donations may be made to the Warwick
Valley Humane Society, 48 Public Works Road, Warwick,
N.Y. 10990 or a charity of your choice.
Walter G. Dyche of Warwick, formerly of Suffern, died
Sept. 28, 2004 at Arden Hill Hospital. He was 78.
Born Jan. 16, 1926 in New York City, he was the son of
William and Ellen Foley Dyche.
He was married to Bernadette Weisbrod.
Mr. Dyche served with the United States Navy during
World War II. He was employed by Saks Furniture, Bronx,
N.Y. before retiring. He was a former pitcher, #19, with the
New York Giants Ball Club, a member of the Association of
Professional Ball Players, and a member of Teamster Union
Local 138.
Survivors include his wife, Bernadette Dyche of
Warwick; two sons, Dean C. Dyche of East Stroudsburg, Pa.
and Jeffrey J. Dyche of Davenport, Fla.; four daughters,
Lori A. McCormick of Denville, N.J., Lisa Ann Weisbrod of
Pine Island, Annie C. Zdrodowski of Dunellen, N.J. and
Holly L. Zdrodowski of Sugar Loaf; seven grandchildren
and one great-grandchild; and two sisters, Harriet Kern of
Bogota, N.J. and Marge Ciavarella of Georgia.
He was predeceased by his first wife, Martha Christie
Dyche in 1990.
Funeral services were held Fri., Oct. 1 at Lazear-Smith
& Vander Plaat Memorial Home, Warwick.
Cremation was private.
Memorial contributions may be made to Disabled
American Veterans, 200 Atlantic Avenue, Lynbrook, N.Y.
Grazina Di Gregorio of Warwick, formerly of Yonkers,
died Sept. 29, 2004 at St. Anthony Community Hospital.
She was 90.
Born Aug. 10, 1914 in Worcester, Mass., she was the
daughter of Giuseppi and Lucia Di Domenico
She was married to Angelo Di Gregorio.
A homemaker, she was a parishioner of St. Stephen
R.C. Church, Warwick.
Survivors include her husband Angelo Di Gregorio of
Warwick; one daughter RoseMarie Di Gregorio of
Warwick; one son Joseph Di Gregorio of Warwick; and one
sister Melina Tedeschi of Ohio.
She was predeceased by two sisters, Antoinette
Molinari and Rosetta Marotta.
Visitation was Fri., Oct. 1 at Lazear-Smith & Vander
Plaat Memorial Home, Warwick.
A Funeral Mass was held Sat., Oct. 2 at St. Stephen
R.C. Church.
Burial was in Warwick Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made to the American
Cancer Society, 419 East Main St., Middletown, NY 10940.
NAME: JP CARPENTRY, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed
with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 08/11/04. Office
location: Orange County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the
LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a
copy of process to the LLC, 1402 Cortland Drive, Newburgh, New
York 12550. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.
NAME: B.L. STURM LLC. Articles of organization were filed with the
Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 06/14/04. Office location:
Orange County. SSNY has been designed as agent of the LLC upon
whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of
process to the LLC, 202 Boulevard, Cornwall, New York 12518. For any
lawful purpose.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 120-5.F.
of the Code of the Village of Warwick, and Section 7-728 of the
Village Law, that the Planning Board of the Village of Warwick, New
York, will hold a Public Hearing on the 21st day of October, 2004 at
7:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard that day at
the Village Hall, 77 Main Street, Warwick, New York, on the application of Sheila B. Warner for a 2 lot subdivision of lands lying adjacent
to NYS Route 94 and 17A (Maple Avenue) within said Village and
shown generally on the tax maps as section 202, block 3, lot 3, and for
such other purposes as may lawfully come before the Board. A copy
of the plan is available for public inspection at the office of the
Planning Board during regular business hours. All persons interested
are invited to attend. The meeting is open to the public.
Warwick, New York
August 19, 2004
Notice of Complete Application
Application ID: 3-3354-00526/00001
Permit(s) Applied for: 1 – Article 24 Freshwater Wetlands
1 – Article 17 Titles 7 & 8 Private/Commercial/Institutional SPDES
1 – Article 15 Title 5 Stream Disturbance
Project is located: in WARWICK in ORANGE COUNTY
Project Description: The applicant proposes to modify a portion of
the 100 foot adjacent area of Freshwater Wetland WR-28 (Class II) in
continued on page 17
continued from page 16
conjunction with the construction of a 21,000
square feet office/commercial facility, the Warwick
Professional Park, on a 15.8 acre parcel. The project includes demolition and removal of several
existing structures, construction of seven buildings
in two phases, and construction of associated septic disposal system, paved parking areas and
drainage improvements. Activity proposed within
the adjacent area is construction of an outfall from
the proposed stormwater detention basin with
overland discharge to the Wawayanda Creek, Class
B(t). No disturbance is proposed within the
Freshwater Wetland and no disturbance to the
stream is proposed. The total area of disturbance to
the adjacent area of the wetland is approximately
0.04 acre. The project is located on the south side
of Kings Highway (County Route 13), 500 feet east
of Belcher Road in the Town of Warwick, Orange
County. A stormwater management plan has been
prepared and is available for review.
State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR)
Project is an Unlisted Action and will not
have a significant impact on the environment. A
Negative Declaration is on file. A coordinated
review was performed.
SEQR Lead Agency Warwick Town Planning
State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA)
A cultural resources survey has been completed. Based on information provided in the survey report, the New York State Office of Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP)
has determined that the proposed activity will have
no impact on registered or eligible archaeological
sites or historic structures. No further review in
accordance with SHPA is required.
Availability For Public Comment
Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than
Contact Person
NEW PALTZ, NY 12561-1696
(845) 256-3054
to Section 145-93 B of the Code of the Village of
Warwick, and Section 7-725 of the Village Law,
that the Planning Board of the Village of Warwick,
New York, will hold a Public Hearing on the 21st
day of October 2004 at 7:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard that day, at the
Village Hall, 77 Main Street, Warwick, New York,
on the application of Galloway Road Associates,
LLC, for Final Site Development Plan Approval for
final site plan approval for removal of existing
buildings, construction of new buildings, and consolidation of lots for mixed commercial use of the
premises, located on the lands lying at 60-62
Galloway Road within said Village, and shown
generally on the tax maps as sections 214, block 10,
lot 2.1 & 3, and for such other purposes as may
lawfully come before the Board. A copy of the plan
is available for public inspection at the office of the
Planning Board during regular business hours. All
persons interested are invited to attend. The meeting is open to the public.
Warwick, New York
August 19, 2004
The Plotholders of the Florida Cemetery
Association will hold their annual meeting
Thursday evening, October 21, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. at
the home of James Sturr, Sr. at 15 Maple Avenue,
Florida, New York. There will be election of three
trustees. Reports will be given and various other
business transacted. A Trustees’ meeting will follow at which time officers for the coming year will
be elected.
Raymond F. Green, President
Two Dogs Abandoned
On Mon., Oct. 4 at 5 a.m., two female
pit bull terrier mix breeds were discovered
tied to a tree at the Town of Warwick
Recycling Center. Warwick Police contacted
animal control and both dogs were admitted
to the shelter. One is all tan with a short
muzzle and the other is brindle in color with
a long snout. Both are short hair adult dogs.
"Unless we find out something about
the background of these two dogs, due to
Call 986-2216 • Deadline 12 Noon Fridays
$800...1 BR...Warwick
$1100...2 BR...Warwick
$1250...3 BR...Warwick
$1600....2 BR...Warwick
$3350....4 BR...Warwick
Call Warwick Country
Realty, Inc. For
Additional Information
RENTAL 2004-2005
Enjoy a memorable vacation week at Westgate Lakes
Orlando, FL, between
Disney World & Universal
Studios – 2-bedroom unit.
Pools and Lake, owner
privileges and discounts.
Call Warwick owner for
additional information
in Florida, N.Y. on 1-1/2
acres. Available Oct. 15.
$1150/mo. plus utilities
and one month security.
Call 845-651-7717.
S M A L L A R T I S T,
tucked away in Warwick
Village. $175 a month. Call
986-7811 or 986-7149
Help Wanted
Waitress/Waiter, Full- or
part-time. Experience preferred. Call 258-4277, after
12 noon.
Thrift Shop
Episcopal Church is open
every Saturday from 9:30
a.m. to 12 noon at 50 South
St. in Warwick. Clothing,
baby clothes, toys, household items, books and magazines. Clean saleable donations welcome. 986-3440.
3-22 tfn
CARS, TRUCKS, METALS – Need auto parts?
Call Specht’s 986-1052.
Reg. dlr. 7092957.
Orange County Civil Service
A Civil Service Examination is scheduled for Sat., Nov. 13 for the following title:
#69637 – Supervising Account Clerk – OC
Applications must be received no later
than Oct. 15.
For applications and further information send a legal size, stamped, self-
addressed envelope to: Orange County
Department of Personnel, County
Government Center, Goshen, NY 10924.
Please mention the number and title of
the examination you are interested in.
Exam information is also available at
overcrowding at the shelter, both dogs may
have to be euthanized after the seven day
holding period," states humane society
president, Suzyn Barron. "We cannot create cage space that simply does not exist,"
she added.
Anyone with information is asked to
contact the Warwick Valley Humane
Society at 986-2473 or on their confidential
animal cruelty line, 987-7336.
Village Realty
of Orange County
62 N. Main Street,
Florida, NY 10991
Tel: 845-651-4466
Fax: 845-651-4536
FLORIDA - Presently set up as 2 family but can easily
be converted to one family. New roof, new siding, 3 or
4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, patio on .75 acres.
Big enough to meet all your real estate needs...small enough to care.
Sit in your rocker on the front porch of this charming log home and enjoy
the privacy and wildlife at the end of the cul-de-sac. Spacious country
kitchen, great room with fireplace, two bedrooms, two full baths, walk-out
basement with atrium doors to rear yard, is plumbed for 3rd bath. Perfect
for in-law suite or family room. Barns are set up for horses; zoning will
allow five. Can be converted to other uses.
Lovely Country Ranch on 2.8 acres.
Great space for retiree or 1st time
home buyer. Finished basement for
in-law 1 BR, LR, plus nice size KIT.
Square footage includes finished
basement. Furnace approx. 6 yrs
old. Roof approx. 5 yrs old.
Wonderful Park-like Property.
Garage now being used as workshop. A must see to appreciate!
Offered at: $339,000
15 Oakland Avenue, Warwick NY 10990
3 St. Stephens Lane, Suite 2, Warwick, NY 10990 • fax 845-988-5898
email: •
Serving Warwick Since 1985
24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
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Panco Oil Co. has been a family tradition since 1907,
supplying Warwick’s energy needs for almost thirty years.
With four locations in Orange County, we’re always nearby
to answer your call - any season, any day, any hour.
At Panco your comfort is our business.
Wildcat’s Unable to Deliver
Homecoming Victory
Warwick Football Defeated by Kingston 42-13
By Gregory Sirico
The Warwick Wildcat’s were defeated by the Kingston
Tigers in the 2004 Homecoming game 42 – 13. The Cat’s
were unable to overcome early mistakes to defeat the
non–conference opponent. Tim Marion and Craig
Monahan led the defense with a combined total of 13 tack-
les. The Cat’s rallied back from two early scores to close the
gap to 14 – 13 in the first quarter but never got any closer.
The Wildcat’s will take their 2 – 2 record (1 – 0) in
league to Minisink Friday where they will challenge the
Minisink Warriors for a share of first place in the division.
The Cat’s have defeated Minisink seven out of their last
nine meetings. Kick– off is scheduled for 7 p.m.
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Sports Fans!
Brought to you by
Eric Nilsestuen
Since the NFL expanded to 16 games each season
and changed several rules to make it easier for offenses to
put points on the board, there has been an explosion of
scoring. But surprisingly, the record for points by one player in a single season – which was established back in 1960
– has not been seriously threatened. Any guesses who
holds the mark? The answer is Green Bay running back
Paul Hornung, who did double duty as the team’s kicker and
thus totaled 176 points in that 12-game season. A member
of the Hall of Fame, Hornung was also a Heisman Trophy
winner at Notre Dame in 1956.
Do you know which stadium is the oldest in the United
States? The answer isn’t Fenway or Wrigley or any of the
great old ballparks. It happens to be Harvard Stadium, which
opened in 1893. By the way, it took 101 years since then for
a Division 1-A football venue to be named after a woman.
Marshall University in Huntington, W.Va. opened the 2004
season in Joan C. Edwards Stadium, which was renamed for
the woman who donated more than $50 million to the school
and the community.
Wheaties cereal has been known for featuring famous
athletes on its boxes since the early 1950s. But the same
can’t be said of the well-recognized red and white KFC
buckets of chicken, which featured only the company’s
founder, Colonel Sanders. But that changed in the summer
of 2004, when for the first time a person other than the
Colonel was featured. Any idea which athlete replaced
Colonel Sanders on a limited edition of commemorative KFC
buckets? The answer is NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr.
I bet you didn’t know...that being an independent agent
means we can get the best coverage and best price from a
number of top Insurance companies...Stop in or call and see
for yourself.
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68 Main St • Warwick • 986-2211
Katie Bisaro/The Warwick Valley Dispatch
The Warwick Wildcats play Kingston in the 2004 Homecoming game.
All State Football Player of the Week Josh Horowitz
By Gregory Sirico
The Bill Garcia All State Insurance company is proud
to honor Josh Horowitz as this weeks’ Wildcat football
player of the week. The 6’ 220 lb. senior football captain
and Offensive Center has been the anchor of the Cat’s
offensive line, leading the conference in rushing. Josh’s
quickness and strength has been the key to his ability to
control the other team’s nose guard and get the ground
game in gear.
Josh stepped up as the Warwick Center this year after
three years in the tackle position. Josh maintains a solid B
grade point average and plans to pursue football in college
next year. Josh is a member of the Wildcat’s Weight Lifting
team and a two year member of the Purple Champions
1000 lb. Club achiever, as well as a member of the Warwick
Ski Team.
Josh Horowitz is the son of Dr. Jeff and Anna Horowitz of
Warwick. Bill Garcia All – State Agency of Warwick is proud
to honor Josh Horowitz and other student athletes who have
set the bar for academic and athletic excellence.
Josh Horowitz
Boys Varsity Soccer Remains Undefeated
By John Van Pelt
The Warwick Boys Varsity Soccer Team improved to 60 with a 1-0 win over Section IX rival Monroe-Woodbury.
Monroe entered the match 5-1 with their only loss
coming against Section 1 power New Rochelle. The game
was played in soggy field conditions that affected the ‘Cats
ability to pass the ball through the midfield.
Due to the field conditions, Monroe was able to keep
Warwick in their end most of the first half. However, the
outstanding team defense, led by Goalie Bobby Blaskovich
and senior backs Jeff Paulik, Patrick O’Connor and Tim
Gillen as well as juniors Connor Franklin and Connor
Leech, did not allow Monroe to get a lead.
Late in the first half Adam Lloyd and Ryan Hallisey
combined on a free kick to give Warwick a 1-0 lead. In the
second half the ‘Cats kept the pressure on the Crusaders,
but did not get a second goal. Patrick Aiken, Austin Leech,
Mike Stubeck and Patrick Gallagher all had quality chances
at Monroe’s goal.
Warwick’s team defense continued to do a great job
and the ‘Cats remained undefeated. Also, the Wildcats have
not been scored on in their last four games. The Wildcats
also have moved up to eighth in the New York State Boys
soccer State rankings.
On Sat., Oct. 9, the ‘Cats will host Middletown under
the lights at the Warwick Town Park. The game
begins at 7 p.m.
Florida Farmers Market every
Tuesday across from Big V, Rte. 94 and
17A, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., sponsored by Florida
Chamber of Commerce in cooperation
with the Cornell Cooperative Extension. For
information call Dottie Ehlers 651-7450.
Oct. 12, 7 p.m., Tuscan Café, 5 South St.,
Permit before registering. To register call
George Arnott 469-9482.
The Moving Company Dance Center
Grand Opening Celebration Sat., Oct. 16,
8 p.m., at the new location, Kutz Camp,
Bowen Camp, Warwick. Performances by
students and guests. Reception to follows;
free to the public, but reservations
required. Call 986-5359.
Chess Club - The Tuscan Café, 5
South St., Warwick each Wednesday, 5:30
p.m. All levels welcome.
Hit the Trial with Tony Russo: The
Right Gear and Leave No Trace Ethics One Town One Book program at Albert
Wisner Public Library, 7 p.m. Call 9861047. Tony Russo a licensed Guide with
over 30 yrs. experience hiking, canoeing,
kayaking and backpacking will offer advice
on choosing gear and discuss proper trail
The Sterling Forest Ski Patrol will
hold its Third Annual Roswell Hunter
Memorial Golf Outing Wed., Oct. 6, 11
a.m. at the Mansion Ridge Golf Club,
Monroe. For more information call Robin
Redden, Chairperson: 201-934-1493.
Amazing Reptiles - Children’s program at Albert Wisner Public Library,
4:15-5 p.m. Call 986-1047 to register. Meet
a variety of reptiles including lizards, turtles, snakes and a baby alligator. Learn
unique characteristics and adaptations for
surviving in the wild.
MARTA, the Mid-Hudson Area
Retired Teachers Association will come
together 12 noon at The Barnsider, Kings
Highway, Sugar Loaf, Wed., Oct. 6.
Luncheon of own menu price. For information call 496-6117.
Penny Social sponsored by Florida
Presbyterian Church, One North Main St.,
Florida, Fri., Oct. 8. Viewing will begin 7
p.m. and calling starts 8 p.m. Good prizes
and free refreshments.
Philosophy Night – Discussion on
Dualism, 7:30 p.m., Tuscan Café, 5 South
St., Warwick
John S. Burke Catholic H.S. 3rd
Annual Hall of Fame Induction
Ceremony & Dinner, Fri., Oct. 15, 6 p.m.,
Owen Murphy Inn, Goshen. $75 per person. For ticket information call 294-2830.
Giant Rummage Sale Fri., Oct. 15,
8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sat., Oct. 16, 8:30
a.m.-1 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church,
on the Square, Goshen. Clothes, jewelry,
kitchen items, linens, bric-brac, toys and
furniture; pumpkins and chrysanthemums. Look for the big white tent.
Chicken Barbecue to honor the
Florida Fun Fest Award recipients Sat.,
Oct. 9, beginning 3 p.m., Walter R. Sturr
Memorial Park. Cost: $10/person.
Children 6 and under are free.
"My Space Party" – four bands, 1 DJ,
$1 admission, Sat., Oct. 9, 5 p.m., Tuscan
Café, 5 South St., Warwick.
Free Colorectal Cancer Screening
for men and women over 50 sponsored
by St. Anthony Community Hospital and
Timber Ridge Medical Associates Sun.,
Oct. 10, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Early detection
saves lives. Registration is required. To
make an appointment call Mon.-Fri. 9875122.
Fish & Chips Dinner – Sat., Oct. 16,
continuous serving 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $10;
children under 10 $6. New Milford
Methodist Church Hall, 5 Jockey Hollow
Rd., New Milford. Take-outs available. No
tickets sold at the door. Call 986-3974 for
Hudson Harmony Chorus of the
Sweet Adelines International presents
"The Rising Star Talent Showcase" featuring the Hudson Harmony Chorus, the
Middletown Youth Chorus and Area High
School Student Participants in a vocal
scholarship awards contest (with audience
participation) Sat., Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m.,
Paramount Theater, Middletown. Cost:
Seniors/Students. For discounts and information call 294-0658.
Manga/Anime Swap - Young Adult
program at Albert Wisner Public Library,
Mon., Oct. 11, 2:30-4 p.m. Call 986-1047
to register. Are you bored with your current Japanese cartoon collection? Bring
your stuff in for a borrowing swap with
other teens.
Open Mike – Naked Albert, Tues.,
Defensive Driving Class Sat., Oct.
16, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Warwick Town Hall
(front door) Kings Highway, Warwick.
Cost: $39. To register call George Arnott
Five-hour Pre-licensing Course
required for NYS Driver license applicants, Sat., Oct. 16, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.,
Warwick Town Hall (front entrance),
Kings Highway, Warwick. Cost: $30.
Enrollees must hold a NYS Learners
Show with Two Bands – Night
Terrors and Skeleton Breath, Sat., Oct. 16,
7:30 p.m., Tuscan Café, 5 South St.,
Annual Used Book Sale sponsored by
Friends of Florida Public Library at
Seward Senior Center, Florida, Sat., Oct.
16, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. For information call
Free Colorectal Cancer Screening
for men and women over 50 sponsored by
St. Anthony Community Hospital and
Timber Ridge Medical Associates Sun.,
Oct. 17, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Early detection
saves lives. Registration is required. To make
an appointment call Mon.-Fri. 987-5122.
Mothers of Multiples Dinner - The
Orange County Parents of Multiples Club
will meet for a "moms’ night out" at a local
restaurant Tues., Oct. 19, 7 p.m. The club
also holds infant/toddler/preschooler playgroups on both weekdays and weekends.
Parents of twins, triplets, and more are
invited to join for fun and mutual support.
For information call Tara at 496-5996.
Amnesty International Meeting
Tues., Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m., Tuscan Café, 5
South St., Warwick.
MARTA Fall Luncheon at Eagle’s
Nest Wed., Oct. 20, 12:30 p.m. Michael
Brown, a nephew of Amy Bull Crist, will
speak on the topic "Orange County’s
Founding Family." Cost $20/person. To
make reservations call 783-9330.
Defensive Driving Class Thurs. Oct.
21, 5-10 p.m. American Legion Hall,
Forester Ave. (side door). Cost: $39. To register call George Arnott 469-9482.
Warwick Liberty Girls Excel on the Soccer Field
The Warwick Liberty Girls had a
great 2003-04 season! Their accomplishments included reaching the quarter
finals of the New York State Cup
Tournament. On their way they won two
thrilling matches on penalty kicks, only
to then lose to the eventual State Cup
champions from North Port.
The team is coached by Tom
Dempsey, with the help of assistant
coach, Kevin Allen, and trainer, Minor
del Rio. They practice three times a week
and play their league games on Sundays,
as well as participate in many regional
This fall the Liberty Girls are playing Division I U-12 in the East Hudson
Youth Soccer League and will again compete in the New York State Cup tournament. None of this would happen without the tremendous support of all those
involved with the team – the parents,
who are committed to the Liberty Girls
and the active schedule they keep; and the
Warwick Soccer Club board, volunteers,
and president, Dan Chester, who all help
Liberty with the fields and/or gym time.
Liberty Girls thank all their supporters and, of course, their trainer –
Minor del Rio – who spends much time
working with the team. The Warwick
Liberty team invites any girl interested in
playing a higher level of soccer and who
is an experienced player looking for a
good team to participate in a Liberty
practice or training session. Open tryouts take place throughout the year, but
there are few team openings so time is of
the essence.
For more information, call the team
manager, John Desibia, at 986-6590, or email:
Hardware for Hard Work! - The
Warwick Liberty Girls proudly
display the following awards
they won during the 2003-04
Soccer Season: 1st Place – U-ll
Fall Division I Trophy, 1st Place
– U-ll Indoor Winter
League/Turf City, 2nd Place – U12 Spring Division I Trophy, and
LaGrange Cup Championship.
Meet the Miracle Makers
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They’re your neighbors, they’re your little league coach,
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They’re also the exceptional professionals who consistently
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Our doctors, nurses, and entire staff know that great service from great people
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