Kids 4 Truth Training Manual


Kids 4 Truth Training Manual
Kids 4 Truth Training Manual
Tabl e of Cont ent s
What Kids Learn4
Curriculum Components5-6
Sample Curriculum Unit7-10
Curriculum Explanation Flyer - Defenders
How Awards Are Earned12-13
Sample Club Night14-15
Small Groups
Small Group Guide & Description
Effective Use of Small Group Time
Goals - Setting Goals and Expectations
Helping Teachers to Interact and aid
Forgotten Materials? - Remain Effective!
Record Keeping
Attendance Sheet22
Award Record Sheet - Defender
Where We Are Flyer24
Parental Involvement - Outside Service
Discoverers Insights26-27
Curriculum Explanation Flyer - Discoverers 1C
Program Format
Program Format - Fine Tuning
Program Format - Flexibility30
Program Format - Components
Outreach Strategies33-34
Integrating Internet Resources into your Program
EquipU Resource Site38-39
Website & Dynamation Reference Guides
Contact Information41
C ur ri c ul um - W ha t Kids L ea r n
Every two session years (six themes are covered every session year) the boys and girls will learn answers to the
same questions primarily by memorizing the answers. A few of the questions change over the years, but for the
most part, they stay the same. The answers are developed deeper and deeper for every level.
The boys and girls learn these 120 essential truths 3-4 times during their Kids 4 Truth session years. This is an effort
to ensure they get the best quality learning experience.
Obviously, we believe in review! But we also believe that review does not have to be boring. The curriculum
includes several elements beyond memorization – including theme-based stories that help apply the doctrine to
everyday living.
T H E M E 1 : G O D ’ S W O R D – T H E B I B L E . God gave holy men His words to write down.
Key Truth: The Bible is the only
Book that is God’s
Word to us.
Key Verses: 2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
2 Peter 1:21
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy
Recommended for 3-, 4-, young 5-yr-olds
Recommended for 1st- and 2nd-graders
Recommended for 3rd- and 4th-graders
Recommended for 5th- and 6th-graders
Question 1. What is the Bible?
A. The Bible is the Word of God.
A. The Bible is the only inspired Word of
1 Peter 1:23b – The word of God…liveth
and abideth for ever.
A. The Bible is the inspired Word of God.
1 Peter 1:23 – Being born again, not of
corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by
the word of God, which liveth and abideth
for ever.
A. The Bible is the only inspired Word of
God, the Old and New Testaments, and is
above all other books in wisdom, power,
and authority.
1 Peter 1:23 – Being born again, not of
corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by
the word of God, which liveth and abideth
for ever.
Question 2. How do we know that the Bible really is the Word of God?
A. The Spirit of God helps us know for
sure that the Bible is God’s Word.
A. The Spirit of God assures us that the
Bible is true and that it is God’s Word.
1 Corinthians 2:12 – Now we have
received…the spirit which is of God; that
we might know the things that are freely
given to us of God.
Q. How do we know that the Bible is
the Word of God?
A. The Spirit of God tells us that the Bible
is true and that it is God’s Word.
1 Corinthians 2:12 – Now we have
received, not the spirit of the world, but
the spirit which is of God; that we might
know the things that are freely given to us
of God.
A. Many things show that the Bible is
God’s Book, but only by the Spirit of God
can we know for sure that the Bible is true
and that it is God’s Word.
1 Corinthians 2:12 – Now we have
received, not the spirit of the world, but
the spirit which is of God; that we might
know the things that are freely given to us
of God.
C ur ri c ul um Com ponent s
We keep the Kids4Truth curriculum exciting, relevant, and applicable by using a variety of different components
in each unit and theme. The following is a list of some of the components and a brief description of what that
component is.
Level 1
Level 2
Memorize It! – This is the main
foundation of the curriculum in
Memorize It!
Memorize It!
a question and answer format.
The children work to memorize
the content then they recite the
answers as their Kids 4 Truth
leader prompts them with
Commentary – This is the
content to help clarify the truth
being taught in the “Memorize
It!” section.
Fast Fact – This is a related
Bible or historical fact.
Did You Know? – This is like
the fast fact, only it comes in the
form of a question.
Brain Stretcher – This is a
thinking question - no answer is
Heart Question – This is a
subjective question to help the
worker guage where the child is
at, spiritually speaking.
Signature – The place for the
Kids 4 Truth worker to sign once
the learner has completed the
Place for Sticker – Helps to
increase the “kid-value” of the
Continuing Story – This is a
parallel story that interconnects
with the truth being taught.
Level 3
Level 4
Memorize It!
C ur ri c ul um Com ponent s
Review – First 5 Questions and
Final Test – Second 5 Questions and Answers
Bonus Q&A – These are the
extra questions and answers at
the end of each unit that further
teach doctrinal truth. These
bonus questions and answers
also serve to provide additional
award potential for those motivated achievers.
Talk About It – This is a question designed to be discussed
in the home. Moms and Dads
can use these questions as great
“diving boards” into meaningful
dialogue with their children.
TruthQuest – A small assignment within the unit like a fill-inthe-blanks task.
Web # – This is the number that
ties the current page to “extra
stuff” on the web.
Big Christian Word – A brief
definition of one of the key
words used in the commentary
Awesome Quotes – Quotes
from famous people
Random - This is an area that is
designed to help the child visualize the truth being taught.
w e b n u m b e r :
0 2 0 1 1 0
w e b n u m b e r :
0 3 0 1 1 0
w e b n u m b e r :
0 4 0 1 1 0
Adventure 1: God’s Word: The Bible
Patches you can earn:
Adventure Key Truth
best Being, and He wrote the greatest and
best Book!
Patrick Henry: “The Bible is worth all oth-
The Bible is the only book that is
God’s Word to us.
er books which have ever been printed.”
God has spoken to mankind through His
When it comes to spiritual matters, the
The Bible is the Christian’s guide for truth.
Word, the Bible. God has given us a Book
so that we can know Him. God’s Holy Spirit
Bible is the source of all truth.
The Bible is the foundation for everything
Key Passages
2 Timothy 3:16 – All scripture is given
by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness:
2 Peter 1:21 – For the prophecy came
not in old time by the will of man: but holy
uses the words and teachings of the Bible
we ought to believe. That’s why it is the
men of God spake as they were moved by
to accomplish His perfect will throughout
very first section in the Kids 4 Truth Clubs.
the Holy Ghost.
the whole world.
In this section, you will memorize ten of
The Bible teaches that everything is all
the most important truths about the most
about God. All of life comes from Him. All
important Book that ever was written, or
of life exists for Him. Without Him, there
ever will be written.
would be nothing. He is the greatest and
Begin Adventure!
The Bible Is God’s Book
everything God wants us to know about
Him right now. It is God’s Book. If we didn’t
believe that, then any other book might be
Adventure 1: God’s Word: The Bible
Mission: 1
used as a guide book for what we ought to
Memorize It!
Did you know that the Bible is one book
made up of 66 smaller books? The Bible
Q. What is the Bible?
A. The Bible is the only inspired
Word of God, the Scriptures of the Old
was written by about 36 different authors
over a period of 1,600 years. Some of
If we did not believe that the Bible was
and New Testaments, and is above all
God’s book, we would arrive at some very
other books in wisdom, power, and
wrong conclusions about Who God is.
authority. 1 Peter 1:23 – Being born
again, not of corruptible seed, but of
incorruptible, by the word of God,
which liveth and abideth for ever.
some were very well-educated scribes,
and one was a doctor named Luke. Some
God gave us His Word to teach us about
were even fishermen and shepherds. God
caused each one of the authors to write His
Millions of books exist all over the
world, but there is one Book that is better
perfect Word just the way He wanted it to
and greater than all the rest. The Bible is
be written.
Treasure Hunts
w e b n u m b e r :
the authors were kings, some peasants;
Construction Zones
0 4 0 1 0 1
Q. How does God accomplish His
Could there be confusion about Who
God is in someone’s heart and mind if he
or she refuses to accept the Bible as God’s
Word? Why, or why not?
will in the world?
A. Just as God used His Word to create
the world, so God uses His Word to carry
out all His plans in the world. Isaiah 55:11
– So shall my word be that goeth forth out
of my mouth: it shall not return unto me
What have you learned in the last
month about God from His Word that has
changed you?
Look up Luke 8:12, and answer the
Word of God? _______________________
Why not? _________________________
The Bible Is God’s Book
I please, and it shall prosper in the thing
whereto I sent it.
Q. What is the greatest theme of
following questions:
Who does not want you to believe the
void, but it shall accomplish that which
Q. By what other name is the Bible
A. The Scriptures, which means “holy
writings.” Some other religions call their
books the “Scriptures” too, but God’s
inspired words are the only true “holy
the Bible?
A. The greatest theme of the Bible is
the Lord Jesus Christ. John 5:39 – [Jesus
said,] Search the scriptures; for in them ye
think ye have eternal life: and they are they
which testify of me.
Tournament Training
Q. Does the Bible ever teach error
or falsehood?
A. No. God’s word is true and without
error because God tells only the truth.
Adventure 1: God’s Word: The Bible
Psalm 119:160a – Thy word is true from
the beginning. Psalm 19:7 – The law of the
Memorize It!
Q. What is the Bible?
A. The Bible is the only inspired Word of
LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the
testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise
that it is God’s Word. 1 Corinthians 2:12
– Now we have received, not the spirit of
God, the Scriptures of the Old and New
the world, but the spirit which is of God;
Testaments, and is above all other books
that we might know the things that are
in wisdom, power, and authority. 1 Peter
freely given to us of God.
1:23 – Being born again, not of corruptible
seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of
God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
Q. How did God give us the Bible?
A. God inspired holy men to write down
inspired words exactly as He wished.
Q. How do we know that the Bible
really is the Word of God?
A. Many things show that the Bible is
God’s book, but only by the Spirit of God
the simple.
Q. What does the Bible teach?
A. The Bible teaches us Who God is and
what we must believe about Him. Ecclesiastes 12:13 – Let us hear the conclusion of
the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his
commandments: for this is the whole duty
of man. 2 Peter 1:21 – For the prophecy came
not in old time by the will of man: but holy
men of God spake as they were moved by
the Holy Ghost.
can we know that the Bible is true and
Training Complete!
Recite all 10 Answers fro
Q. Can we be sure that what the
Bible teaches is still good and true for
us today?
m Training and this page for the Tournam
ent Signatu
Q. Can we truly know God without
the Bible?
Q. How does God want us to feel
about the Bible?
A. No, we cannot. Romans 10:17 – So
A. He wants us to love it, enjoy it,
then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing
believe it, and desire to obey it! Psalm
spoken directly to us. Matthew 5:18 – For
by the word of God. [you cannot know
God without faith]
119:97 – O how love I thy law! it is my
verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth
A. Yes; as much so as though God had
pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise
pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Q. Why did God give us the Bible
A. So that we might believe in Christ.
2 Timothy 3:15 – And that from a child
thou hast known the holy scriptures, which
are able to make thee wise unto salvation
meditation all the day. Psalm 1:2 – But his
Q. What authority does God’s Word
have over me and others?
delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his
law doth he meditate day and night.
A. The Bible is our highest and final rule
for what we should believe and how we
should live. 2 Timothy 3:16 – All scripture
is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Adventure Complete!
through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
Adventure 1: God’s Word: The Bible
Congratulations! You're completing this theme: God's Word — The Bible!
+ Bonus
Adventure 1: God’s Word: The Bible
The unit begins with the title and
ends with a worker’s signature
A Defender Child can earn up to five (5)
award patches per Adventure (doctrinal
theme). Each curriculum book contains
six different Adventures, meaning the
child can earn up to 30 award patches
as he/she works through the TruthBook! Note: Some Kids 4 Truth Clubs
may require the child to memorize and
recite both the question and the answer.
Ask your Kids 4 Truth Leader if you are
Truth Quest:
Memorize It!
#1 – Theme Awards
Tournament Training Page
Work through the first 5 Missions (1-5) by earning an
official Kids 4 Truth worker signature at the end of each
Mission. Mission Signatures are earned by completing the
TruthQuest part of the Mission and reciting the answer of
the Memorize It! part of the Mission to your Kids 4 Truth
worker. Each Mission must be completed in order.
Bonus Q&A
short section for child to for children who
excel in learning.
look up a passage and
answer the questions.
Final Tournament Page
#2 – Sword Awards
Work through the second 5 Missions (6-10) by earning an
official Kids 4 Truth worker signature at the end of each
Mission. Mission Signatures are earned by completing the
TruthQuest part of the Mission and reciting the answer of
the Memorize It! part of the Mission to your Kids 4 Truth
worker. Each Mission must be completed in order.
#3 – *Shield Awards
Memorize and recite the answers to the first five questions and answers of the Top Ten Q&A. To earn this
award you must recite these answers consecutively at
one time. The 10 Memorize It! part per adventure are
referred to as the Top Ten Q&A. You will find these first
five questions and answers of each Adventure on the
Tournament Training
pages. #4 – *Adventure Completion Awards
Memorize and recite the answers to the second five Top
Ten Q&A at one time. You can find these second five
questions right after the Tournament Training page on the
Final Tournament page.
The second
patch earned
for each theme
is the sword.
The fourth patch
earned for each
theme is the sword.
The first patch in each row is
the Doctrinal Theme Patch.
These should be place in the
order that the child learns the
themes - if they miss or skip
theme, do not leave a blank
row. The Theme they earned
should begin the next row.
#B – *Adventure Bonus Awards
Memorize and recite the answers to 15 of the Bonus
Questions and Answers at the end of each Mission.
These answers must be said in groups of three-at-a-time.
You will receive an initial from your Kids 4 Truth worker
next to each group of three as you progress through
these Bonus Q&A. You may choose any 5 groups of 3
Bonus Questions and Answers within the Adventure to
The shield is
the third patch
earned for each
Bonus Patches are given
for the Bonus Q&A and
when the director sees
fit. They are evenly
spaced on the bottom
back of the standard.
C lub M eet i ng E v ent s Guide
The events/activities on this guide may be adjusted to your club and schedule.
W E L C O M E & P R AY E R
(about 5-10 minutes)
(about 15-20 minutes)
This is the time when the Director/Teacher gives the lesson for the evening. We recommend this early in the meeting while the children are fresh and ready to listen (before they get restless).
This time includes the lesson introduction, main lesson time, and an application. The teacher uses this time to
teach the primary truth for that lesson and to try to advance, by God’s grace, the knowledge objectives and
attitude objectives outlined in the TruthTime Teacher Lesson Plans (TTLPs). These TTLPs also include suggested
teaching objectives, filled-out lesson content, explanatory illustrations and object lessons, Bible drills, etc., in order
to help the leader/teacher flesh out the lesson at a level the kids can process personally.
Notes: Information for the TruthTime portion is found in the Teacher TruthTime Lesson Plan (TTLP). Most churches
keep levels 2-4 together for the TruthTime portions. Level 1 children are usually taught using Discoverers TTLPS.
(about 25-30 minutes)
Small group time is a recitation time. Small Group Time is not a teaching or lesson time. The teaching or lesson is
done during the Truth Lesson Time - many times levels are combined for the Truth Lesson and the lesson is taught
by the K4T Director, Children’s Pastor, or one of the workers/leaders (some clubs rotate this responsibility). During
small group time the child reviews any memory work he/she has worked on during the week, works to memorize
portions of the curriculum, fills out blanks in the TruthBook, and recites any memory work to the small group leader/
The job of the small group leader/teacher is to listen to the children recite their Memorize It! Q&A, ask the child the
heart questions so that you know where the child is at understanding that truth, make sure the child has completed
the “TruthQuest” work, and help the child memorize the Memorize It! sections as there is time. The small group
leader/teacher should fill out award coupons and sign the official K4T signature line for each unit that the child
completes. Their basic job is to help the child earn the awards by reciting the Memorize It! Q&A.
It is suggested that each small group leader/teacher has a notebook or folder with attendance sheets, award
record sheets, pens, stickers, and supplies. It is best, if possible, for the small group leader to work with the same
children each week. This allows the small group leader to “know” the learning abilities, needs, background, and
understanding of the child.
C lub M eet i ng E v ent s Guide
(about 10-15 minutes)
This is a time to prepare songs to sing in front of the adults. We believe it is important for the children to get up
in front of the adults and minister with not only songs but also say some of the Memorize It! portions they have
learned. It is good for the children and good for the adults to hear what the children are learning. Kids 4 Truth has
written original songs to go with each theme. In addtion to these songs we have also provided a list of hymns of
the faith that go along with each theme. All of these songs are available in the Kids 4 Truth Songbook.
(about 5-10 minutes)
This is the time when children receive their award patches. We like to do this at the end of each club night. This
allows the child to “immediately” be recognized for the hard work he/she has done. Each child who has earned an
award that night is called to the front and given back his/her standard with the award patch already applied. We
mention the patch and theme the award was earned for. After all award recepients are called to the front the group
gives a round of applause for a job well done
(*optional - if time allows 5-10 minutes)
Review Games are a great way to help the children continue to learn, get energy out, and keep the children motivated and excited. It can be timely and appropriate to close the meeting with a review game to see what the kids
have retained from the lesson. Final scoring (including the earlier games and Q&A times) is a fun way to end up, and
it is good for parents to see the children answering questions, having fun, and excited about learning God’s Word
as they pick up their children. (This is also a good “filler” that reinforces your teaching time if the adult meeting
runs over.) One can download a PowerPoint review game from the EquipU site (Treasure Trivia) or we recommend
review games by Ed Dunlop:
(*optional - if time allows 15-20 minutes)
An optional add-in meant as a fun time of working out excess energy and giving the children some time together
interacting with one another and their teachers. Games do not necessarily have to be relevant to the lesson, but at
least some connection is nice.
(*optional - if time allows or can be included as part of small group time - 10-15 minutes)
Some clubs prefer to fill in the TruthBooks together as a group. The leader of this portion of the meeting leads the
group through a unit in the TruthBooks. This can be done with just one level or the entire club together.
The leader will:
1. Read or talk through the commentary section (or have another worker or child read)
2. Have children look up the passages and fill in the blanks in their TruthBooks as they answer the questions
3. Discuss the heart and brain stretcher, and bonus questions.
Note: This portion is recommended when you use the program with bus children or can be done as a part of small
group time if you have a large percentage of your children not doing the TruthBook work at home.
Small group time is a recitation time. Small Group Time is not a teaching or lesson time. The teaching or lesson is
done during the Truth Lesson Time - many times levels are combined for the Truth Lesson and the lesson is taught by
the K4T Director, Children’s Pastor, or one of the workers/leaders (some clubs rotate this responsibility). During small
group time the child reviews any memory work he/she has worked on during the week, works to memorize portions
of the curriculum, fills out blanks in the TruthBook, and recites any memory work to the small group leader/teacher.
The job of the small group leader/teacher is to listen to the children recite their Memorize It! Q&A, ask the child the
heart questions so that you know where the child is at understanding that truth, make sure the child has completed
the “TruthQuest” work, and help the child memorize the Memorize It! sections as there is time. The small group
leader/teacher should fill out award coupons and sign the official K4T signature line for each unit that the child completes. Their basic job is to help the child earn the awards by reciting the Memorize It! Q&A.
It is suggested that each small group leader/teacher has a notebook or folder with attendance sheets, award record
sheets, pens, stickers, and supplies. It is best, if possible, for the small group leader to work with the same children
each week. This allows the small group leader to “know” the learning abilities, needs, background, and understanding of the child.
Take a few minutes with your group to pray and prepare your hearts for the recitation and study time. You may want
to have a running prayer journal for your small group.
Review or make sure each child knows where they are studying. Using the downloadable materials, make copies for
those children who forgot their Truthbook. Encourage the children to bring their Bible, Truthbook, and Standard to
each K4T Club Meeting. Encourage the children to work hard and try to quote at least “_____” units tonight.
Listen to each child quote his/her Memorize It! portions of the Truthbook.
• Before signing off on each until, make sure the child has completed the TruthQuest portion of the unit
and ask the Heart Question.
• Asking the Heart Questions will let you know if the child is understanding the materials.
Explain any portion of the unit the child does not understand.
Help the children memorize their Memorize It! portions of the units. You may need to be creative and think of a
rhyme, use “you say what I say”, or make hand motions for words in the verse or Q&A.
Sign the signature line of each unit when completed
Fill out the award coupons, and sign the Final Sign-Off page when an award patch is earned. Be sure to put the
standard and award coupon in the designated place for the Awards Person to apply the award patch before
the end of the night.
AT T E N D A N C E & AWA R D R E C O R D - K E E P I N G
Mark the attendance sheet for each child. Make sure to note if the child brought his/her Bible, Truthbook, and Standard. This will help to encourage the child to bring these items each week. A surprise small reward like a sticker,
small trinket, or small piece of candy given occassionally to those who have brought all three items consistently will
help the child to remember to bring his/her supplies.
Mark the award record sheet with the date under the appropriate patch earned for each child as he earns each
award. Using the date will help you to encourage the child who needs some extra help or attention to earn an
Effec t i v e Us e of S m a ll Gr oup Tim e
Small Group Time is when the group is broken down into multiple smaller size units to recite and work on the
TruthBook sections. There are several ways of conducting small group time in order to make the time effective
for your individual church, choose a method that works well for the needs of your ministry. Small groups can
assemble around a table, pull chairs into a small circle, or meet in a separate room.
• This method is good for children who work well on their own, are working on their own pace, have a Bible
knowledge base, or have help at home.
Children sit with their small group leader and work individually or quiz/help each other learn the Truths and
complete the fill in the blank portions of the TruthBook. As the child completes each unit and has the Memorize
It! portion ready to recite he/she will go to the small group leader and recite the Truth. Once the Truth is recited
and the blanks are filled in the TruthBook, the small group leader will mark the Award Record sheet and award any
patch coupons. After the child recites he/she should continue on to the next unit in the TruthBook.
Discussion Group:
• This method works well with children who are from unchurched families, groups with younger children,
churches who want to keep all children learning on the same Truth at the same time, or Children’s Church or
Sunday School programs.
The group works together in the TruthBook to read the commentary sections, look up the passages and answer the
questions. They discuss the “brain stretcher” and “heart questions” as a group. They can also work together as a
group to memorize the Memorize It! portions. The idea is for the child to recite the Memorize It! portions by the
next service. Be sure to plan some time at the beginning or the end of each small group time (discussion group) for
the children to recite what they have memorized. Achiever children can still memorize the bonus questions if desired.
**Flexible Option:
Use Multiple Methods within your club
Do not be afraid of using multiple small group methods within the same club. You may find it beneficial to
use the traditional method for your older church children and the discussion method for younger children or
children from unchurched families. Simply place each child in the small group according to the small group
method you want him/her to use.
Tricks, Tips or
Things to Rember
We recommend that all small groups start with a word of prayer and that the worker keep good records for
attendance and awards. This will help you know how you can best minister to the child.
* Tip
It is helpful to have the same small group leader with the same children each week. This allows the leader to
get to know the personality, learning methods/needs, and background for the child.
Things to Remember
Remember to encourage the children in your small group by mailing postcards for their birthday, when they
do a good job, or when they miss a couple weeks. Sending a postcard will go a long ways in building a
bridge of ministry with the child.
* Trick
Watch your attendance sheets and award record sheets! When you see that a child has faithfully attended
several weeks but not earned any awards that child probably needs some help and encouragement. A child
who has not attended for several weeks probably needs a postcard or phone call of encouragement.
Goals - Setting Goals and Expectations
Traditional Club (Individual Pace Study)
One of the most common questions a director faces when beginning his club is “How much work must a child do each week?” Some
people may think that a child should do one unit a week; however, they are incorrect if they want a child to finish the TruthBook within their
curriculum year. Each TruthBook (levels 2-4) contains 60 units plus 12 review units for a combined total of 72 units. If a child only does one
unit a week, it would take 72 weeks to go through the TruthBook.
The TruthTime Teacher Lesson Plan (TTLP) Schedule worksheets taught us that a club studies each doctrinal theme for “x” weeks and then
goes on to the next doctrinal theme. The number of weeks each theme is studied is determined by this equation:
Number of weeks in
curriculum year
Number of
doctrinal themes
Number of weeks your club will
study each doctrinal theme
We recommend that you keep your children on this same schedule. Move the children on to the next doctrinal theme when you begin
teaching on that theme during the TruthTime Lesson. This will keep the children learning within the same doctrinal theme you are preaching
on. Added advantages of doing this are:
Keeps the children motivated to learn
Challenges the child to continue working
Keeps the less motivated, new child, or academically challenged student from getting too far behind
Helps the child to create and meet short-term goals.
So what happens when the “Achiever” child earns all his/her patches before you are ready to go to the next theme? A director has several
1. Allow the child to go to the next theme. (Remember, if you do this the child will continue to get further ahead of the group.
2. Ask the child to help another child (by doing this the child must slow down and “think” about what he/she is doing and
creates a “mentor-like” child.
3. Allow the child to go back and earn patches he/she missed.
The amount of work a child needs to do is dependent upon his/her goal for the year. We realize that not every child will earn every award
patch. There is nothing wrong with that as long as the child is doing his/her best. The chart on the left below shows what work should be
done each week in order to earn 2, 3, 4 or 5 award patches. Shaded areas indicate an award is earned.
Recommended Weekly Goals
Levels 2-4
9 month curriculum year
Week 2 awards
2 units
3 units
3 units
5 units
2 units
2 units
2 units
5 units
1 unit
3 units
3 units
review 1
2 units
2 units
2 units
review 2
2 units
review 1
review 1
1 unit
review 1
review 2
Recommended Weekly Goals
Levels 2-4
12 month curriculum year
Week 2 awards
1 unit
2 units
2 units
3 units
1 unit
2 units
2 units
2 units
1 unit
1 unit
1 unit
3 units
2 units
2 units
2 units
2 units
1 unit
2 units
2 units
review 1
1 unit
1 unit
1 unit
review 2
1 unit
review 1
review 1
2 units
review 1
review 2
Goals - Setting Goals and Expectations
Focused Group Study
One of the most common questions a director faces when beginning his club is “How much work must a child do each week?” Generally
the answer In this scenario is very simple: one unit per week. Each week you will cover one Doctrinal Truth and the goal is for the child to
memorize this one Truth during the week. Some churches will work during small group time to fill out the TruthBooks and memorize the
Truth together. This works well with churches who:
1. Are using the program as an outreach to unchurched children.
2. Have children they know will not work on the Truths at home during the week.
Do not want to “add extra work” to families who have busy lifestyles.
Recommended Theme Goals
Levels 2-4
Basic: Each child memorizes one Truth per week.
Advanced: Children know the Truths well enough to do first review (quote first 5 at one time.)
Achiever: Children Know the Truths well enough to quote both reviews (recite first five together and recite second five together.)
Yearly Goals
Levels 2-4
all truths
all truths plus one
review per theme
all truths plus both
reviews per theme
He lpi ng Teac her s t o int er a c t a nd a i d
Teachers need resources in order to be effective. Be sure to provide the resources and materials they need in
order to succeed. Here are a few suggestions:
EquipU Registration
Be sure every worker knows how to register for the EquipU site and know how to use the site. Many of the resources such as attendance sheets, award record sheets, coloring sheets, and curriculum explanation flyers are available
for anyone to download and print from the EquipU site. Allow your workers to download and print the resources
they want to use or see the resources that we have available.
1. Print and distribute the EquipU Tutorial Flyer so workers can register for the site.
2. Encourage all workers to watch the EquipU Tutorial Video - this quick video takes only 2-3 minutes to
3. Show the EquipU Tutorial Video in your worker training.
Train your workers
Well-trained workers are happy workers. Workers who do not know what they are doing confuse both the children
and other workers. Be sure all your workers attend training or have been trained by you or a worker who you are
confident about his training.
1. Attend Kids 4 Truth Regional Training events on an annual basis. We provide new information and
resources at every training event.
2. Watch the Kids 4 Truth Training videos or DVD
3. Send one or two trusted workers to a Regional Training Event and have them come back and train your
4. Host training at your church. (contact our office for information regarding training events.)
Provide Resources
1. Provide a notebook for each small group leader that contains: pencils or pens, stickers, attendance
sheets, award record sheets, curriculum explanation flyers, where we are flyers, etc. We suggest that
you use a standard pencil pouch to house the small items.
2. Coloring Sheets - download and print coloring sheets and have them available for your workers to
photocopy. This saves last minute confusion and frustration when a worker doesn’t show or needs
copies made.
3. Review Games - provide PowerPoint or Overhead review games for your workers to use. The EquipU
site contains a game you can download or a link to where you can purchase these games.
4. Postcards - provide postcards for your workers to use to encourage the children in their small group.
5. Stickers - children love stickers and this is an easy, inexpensive way to immediately reward a child for
a job well done.
6. Songbook, music cd, and powerpoint slides of Kids 4 Truth music. Help the choir director by providing him/her with the items needed to succeed. Hint: the songbook provides copyright permission
to copy the songs for the children in your club.
Forgotten Materials? - R e main Ef f e ct ive!
It happens...sometimes Junior forgets his TruthBook. What do you do as a director so that Junior still gets the most
out of small group time? Below are several ideas of things you can do to keep Junior moving ahead and help
Junior to remember to bring his TruthBook to club each week.
Downloadable Curriculum
Purchase a downloadable copy of each of the TruthBooks used in your Kids 4 Truth Club. Print your copies and put
a copy the small group leaders notebook along with attendance and award record sheets. When a child forgets
his/her TruthBook he/she can use the copy in the notebook. If you have more copies than you have small group
leaders, the copies can be put into a notebook and marked “LOANER”. Using the downloadable copies will keep
your new TruthBooks clean and neat for new children who join your program.
Downloadable TruthCards
Purchase a downloadable TruthCard file for each TruthBooks used in your Kids 4 Truth Club. Print copies and put
them on a ring. The child can study the Memorize It! portion he/she is working on from the TruthCards when the
TruthBook is forgotten.
Encourage Responsibility
Encourage children to be responsible in bringing their club supplies by trying one of these methods:
1. Encouarage the use of Bible Covers or Cinch Bags: Children are encouraged to keep their Bible, TruthBook and Awards Standard together in a Bible Cover or Cinch Bag. Having supplies kept together in
one place is easier and keeps the TruthBooks nicer than carrying each item separately. We designed
the TruthBook to fit in a medium size Bible cover with the Bible and Standard. Bible Covers and Cinch
bags (draw string back pack bags) are available on the online store for your convenience and makes
great Birthday or Christmas presents.
2. Encourage responsibility by rewarding the children for faithful attendance and bringing their clubs’
supplies (Bible, TruthBook, and Award Standard).
1. The child receives the bonus patch or a prize for attending and being responsible for “x”
number of weeks while you study each doctrinal theme. For example: If you study each
doctrinal theme for 6 weeks and the child attends faithfully and brings all clubs supplies for
4 out of the 6 weeks he/she is rewarded.
2. Hold a contest: If everyone in the club attends faithfully and brings all clubs supplies for “x”
number of weeks while you study each doctrinal theme. For example: If you study each
doctrinal theme for 6 weeks and the child attends faithfully and brings all clubs supplies for
4 out of the 6 weeks he/she is will reward the entire club by having a pizza
or ice cream party, allow the children to throw a “pie” in the director’s face, etc.
3. Immediate reward (this works well with little ones): Each time the child attends and brings
all clubs supplies (Bible, TruthBook, and Awards Standard) he/she is rewarded with a small
piece of candy or gum.
4. Occasionally reward all children who are in attendance and have brought all clubs supplies
with a special prize or fast food coupon.
Tricks, Tips or
Things to Rember
Make your “loaner” TruthCards last longer by laminating them before punching the hole and putting them on a
*Things to Rember
Remember to mark your attendance sheet with details of Bible, TruthBook, and Standard. This will help when
you want to reward the child for responsibility.
Many fast food restaurants are happy to share “free item” coupons with your ministry. For example: Some
Sonic Drive-In restaurants will give you “free ice cream or tator tot” coupons. These are great incentives to
use in your club.
Attendance Sheet
Group: _______________________
Arial Van Wrinkle
123 Our Street
Our Town, ST 12345
Name & Contact info
Add the contact information for each child in the left-hand column. Add the date across the top. Place a checkmark in the correct box beside each item each week. Encourage the children to get checkmarks in all four boxes each week.
5/ 5/ 5/
4 18 25
God’s Word-The Bible
6/ 6/ 6/
2 9 23
The Goodness of God
The Trinity
Truthbook 1 - Adventures 1-6
The Greatness of God
God’s Creation
God’s View of You
If you achieve all 5 patches for each Adventure in this
TruthBook, you will receive the Gold Award at the end
of the year.
If you achieve the first 4 patches for each Adventure in
this TruthBook, you will receive the Silver Award at the
end of
the year.
If you achieve the first 3 patches for each Adventure in
this TruthBook, you will receive the Bronze Award at the
end of
the year.
Yearly Awards: #B – *Adventure Bonus Awards
Memorize and recite the answers to 15 of the Bonus
Questions and Answers at the end of each Mission.
These answers must be said in groups of three-at-a-time.
You will receive an initial from your Kids 4 Truth worker
next to each group of three as you progress through
these Bonus Q&A. You may choose any 5 groups of 3
Bonus Questions and Answers within the Adventure to
#4 – *Adventure Completion Awards
Memorize and recite the answers to the second five Top
Ten Q&A at one time. You can find these second five
questions right after the Tournament Training page on the
Final Tournament page.
#3 – *Shield Awards
Memorize and recite the answers to the first five questions and answers of the Top Ten Q&A. To earn this
award you must recite these answers consecutively at
one time. The 10 Memorize It! part per adventure are
referred to as the Top Ten Q&A. You will find these first
five questions and answers of each Adventure on the
Tournament Training
pages. #2 – Sword Awards
Work through the second 5 Missions (6-10) by earning an
official Kids 4 Truth worker signature at the end of each
Mission. Mission Signatures are earned by completing the TruthQuest part of the Mission and reciting the
answer of the Memorize It! part of the Mission to your
Kids 4 Truth worker. Each Mission must be completed
in order.
#1 – Theme Awards
Work through the first 5 Missions (1-5) by earning an official Kids 4 Truth worker signature at the end of each Mission. Mission Signatures are earned by completing the
TruthQuest part of the Mission and reciting the answer of
the Memorize It! part of the Mission to your Kids 4 Truth
worker. Each Mission must be completed in order.
Instructions: Write the child’s name and phone number in the column on the left. As the child earns each award, place the date in the corresponding box under the award he has earned. The date
will remind you as the worker when the child earned his last award so that you can keep him motivated. Instructions for how each award is won are listed on the right side of this page.
Ben Werkin
C o m m u n ica t io n - W h e r e We Ar e Flye r
P a r e n t a l I n vo lve m e n t - Ou t sid e Se r vice
Getting your parents on board will help your program succeed. There are several ways to help your parents.
Promo/Intro DVD
1. Show the Kids 4 Truth Promo/Intro DVD to the adults in your ministry.
2. Tell them about the program and your heart for it.
3. Many parents have no idea what their child is learning at church. Take the time to tell them why this
program is being used and why it is important to you.
Kids 4 Truth Brochures
Give parents a copy of the Kids 4 Truth brochure. This gives them something to review and look over so
they know what is happening in your program.
Parent Night
1. Consider hosting a parent night when parents can observe or learn more about the program.
2. Give parents a parent packet that contains information on: how awards are earned, what doctrines are
covered, what supplies their child should have, what is expected of their child, how they can help
their child, and how they can help your program.
3. Let parents know the resources that are available to them: EquipU site, Online Store, Kids 4 Truth Main
Site, and Kids 4 Truth Devotional site.
4. Coming soon! WebNumbers site!
Children’s Choir and/or Program
Consider having your children sing for the adults several times throughout the year. Have the children not
only sing, but also recite some of the work they have memorized.
Family Devotions
1. Encourage your families to have a devotional time together. This time is an excellent time to review
the work the children are memorizing and working on.
2. Families with multiple children can review the children together using a review game. This not only
encourages the children to learn the Truths, but also helps the children to learn the Truths.
Special Events
1. Let parents know when you are having a special event or contest.
2. Let parents see how the children are doing during a special event by posting a chart, poster, etc.
Tricks, Tips or
Things to Rember
Let parents know when your program will not meet. Parents who work with their children are often frustrated if your
program is cancelled. Avoid misunderstanding or hard feelings by planning ahead and letting parents know you are not
meeting because of a special service or activity. You can let parents know via an annoucement in church, announcement
in the bullentin, note home, email, or phone call.
Remember: notes home often do not make it. These are often lost on the floor, floorboard of the car, out in the parking
lot, or left in the Bible.
Discov er er s - I ns ight s
DISCOVERERS - It’s a whole other world!
If you have worked in the Kids 4 Truth program even a short amount of time you have already learned that the
Discoverers level is set up differently from the other levels. This is mainly because these children cannot read,
have shorter attention spans, and are getting just the beginning nuggets of each doctrinal Truth. It is important to
remember several things when working with this level:
1. These children cannot read.
2. These children have a short attention span.
3. You need to help these children memorize the Truths
4. These children will not totally understand the depth of each Truth. That is okay! We are going to give them a
nugget that they can grasp.
5. These children will not share with their parents what they have learned, what they are supposed to recite, or
where you are in their TruthBook.
6. Many workers are used to teaching Bible Stories to children at this age. That is well and good, but during Kids
4 Truth we are going to focus on Bible Doctrine. Yes, children this age can learn and comprehend simple Bible
Doctrine Truths.
7. Many preschool workers are used to little preparation time, many times picking up a lesson at the last minute
and merely reading it to the children. We want more for both your workers and children. We want everyone
to learn the Truths including your teachers. With just a few minutes each week your teachers can have a
successful lesson and program.
DISCOVERERS - Lesson Plans
Because Discoverers have attention spans that are shorter and do not have the knowledge base of elementary
children, we have written lesson plans specifically for this age group. These lesson plans contain several
1. Basics - gives the teacher a birds eye view of what will be taught in this lesson
2. Welcome/Lesson Introduction = Opening Activity - something to help break the ice, start settling the
children down, and introduce the topic for the service.
3. Intruction & Reinforcement - main teaching lesson. We have included more information that you can
possibly teach in a 10-minute lesson. We want you to pick and choose the items you want to teach.
4. Application & Assessment - a time to personalize what is being taught in this lesson. This includes
discussion time questions.
5. Activity/Coloring Time - an activity, craft, or coloring project that reinforces the lesson.
6. Getting Back to God - wrap up thoughts for the service/lesson.
7. Other Club Night Activities - ideas for other events you can include in your schedule.
8. Award Time - Give honor and praise to those who have worked hard and memorized their
9. Appendix or “If Time” - additional ideas you can include.
10. Closing - Refreshments, prayer, and dismissal.
11. Group Memory Techniques - a reminder of some memory techniques you can use in teaching the
12. Group Memorize It! Suggestions - suggestions on how to order your memory times.
Discov er er s - I ns ight s
DISCOVERERS - It’s a whole other world!
Because Discoverers attention spans are short (at best 10 minutes) it is important to keep your schedule moving
from one event to another. Remember to be energetic and excited about what you are teaching as these little
ones with catch that energy and excitement about learning the Truths of God’s Word. Below are several successful
sample schedules for Discoverers. Choose a schedule that works for you and your ministry.
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
10 minutes
Welcome/Lesson Introduction and
10 minutes
Welcome/Lesson Introduction &
10 minutes
Group Memorize It! 1
10 minutes
Instruction & Reinforcement
10 minutes
Activity/Coloring Time
10 minutes
Group Memorize It! 1
10 minutes
Choir Time (or game)
10 minutes
5 minutes
Restroom and Drink Break
10 minutes
10 minutes
Group Memorize It! 2
Group Memorize It! 2 or Small
10 minutes
Instruction & Reinforcement
10 minutes
Activity/Coloring Time
5 minutes
Application & Assessment
10 minutes
Choir Time
5 minutes
Group Memorize It 3
5 minutes
Memorize It! 3 or Story
5 minutes
Getting Back to God
5 minutes
Application & Assessment
5 minutes
Award Time & Dismissal
5 minutes
Getting Back to God
5 minutes
During this time...
Group Memorize It! 1: Focus on Verses, Q&A, or Key Truth (just one of these components at this time.)
This should alternate each week so that the child can quote this in the next segment.
Group Memorize It! 2: Focus one of the other aspects not covered earlier in the night. (Verses, Q&A or
Key Truth – this alternates each week)
Group Memorize It! 3: Focus on the last aspect not covered earlier in the evening. (Verses, Q&A, or
Key Truth – this alternates each week.)
Coloring Sheet/Craft Time: The children should be called over one at a time to the worker and see if
they can say the Memorize It portion you just focused on. Mark books accordingly.
Tricks, Tips or
Things to Rember
Preschool children have very short attention spans. Normally 10 minutes is the LONGEST you can keep
their attention for one activity.
Preschool children will need a restroom break.
Preschool children cannot read and need help memorizing the Truths.
Preschool children need to move.
You need energy when teaching preschool children.
You need to prepare for teaching preschools just as you must prepare to teach older children.
Discov er er s - I ns ight s
DISCOVERERS - It’s a whole other world!
Communication is key when getting Discoverers Parents on board with your program. Discovers will not tell their
parents what they are learning, where they are in the TruthBook, what they have recited, or what they are supposed
to work on. It is almost impossible to catch each parent as they pick up their child and tell them where you are
working and what their child needs help with. You can overcome this issue by using the “Where We Are” sheets.
We Did!
2 Your child recited the items checked below.
Key Truth
Theme Verse
1 During this class, we taught the theme circled
child recited the items checked below.
Theme Verse
Key Truth
Bonus Memory Verse
Question 1
Question 2
2 Your child recited
all checked
at once below.
Question 3
for Bonus Patch
Question 4
Key Truth
2 Your child earned the awards circled below!
Theme Note:
Verse Circle specific theme patch.)
3 Your child earned the awards circled below!
(Worker Note: Circle specific theme patch.)
3 Your child earned the awards circled below!
(Worker Note: Circle specific theme patch.)
Theme Patch & Seal
Bonus Patch
Recited bolded
Recited bolded items
items above
above all at once
Theme Awards
Earned by reciting 3 items above
Theme Awards
Earned by reciting 3 items above
PARENTS: Detach and bring this portion with your
child if they are ready to recite next time.
PARENTS: Detach and bring this portion with your
child if they are ready to recite next time.
PARENTS: Detach and bring this portion with your
child if they are ready to recite next time.
Circle the theme patch you've been working on and
check the items your child is ready to recite below.
Child's Name
Child's Name
My child is ready to recite:
Key Truth
Theme Verse
My child is ready to recite:
Key Truth
Key Truth
Key Truth1
Theme Verse
Q. 2
Theme Verse m
Question 4
Q. 3
Q. 4
Bonus Memory Verse
6 BOLD items all at once for Bonus Patch
1 WH
Your child recited the items checked below.
Theme Verse
Key Truth
Bonus Memory
1 Questions
1 2 Theme Verse 1
at once
Question 3
3 4
for Bonus Patch
Question 4
9 items all at once
5 earned
for Bonus
& Sealbelow!
Your child
the awards
(Worker Note: Circle specific theme patch.)
2 Your child earned the awards circled below!
(Worker Note: Circle specific theme patch.)
2 You
Theme Patch & Seal
Bonus Patch
Bonus Seal
Recited bolded
Patch & Seal Recited bolded
Bonus items
Patch &Recited
Seal Bonus
items above
above all at once
Memory Verse
Recited bolded
Recited bolded items
items above
above all at once
Today, we taught the theme circled below.
Today, we taught the theme circled below.
Next class, we will teach the theme circled below.
Your child recited the items checked below.
Bonus Seal
Recited Bonus
Memory Verse
Today, we taught the theme circled below.
4 Next class, we will work on the theme circled
Next class, we will teach the theme circled below.
4 Next class, we will work on the theme circled
1 During this class, we taught the theme circled
Key Truth
Theme Verse
3 WH
Next class, we will teach the theme circled below.
PARENTS: Detach and bring this portion with your
child if they are ready to recite next time.
4 PARENTS: Detach and bring this portion with your
child if they are ready to recite next time.
Circle the theme patch you've been working on and
check the items your child is ready to recite below.
Circle the theme patch you've been working on and
check the items your child is ready to recite below.
Key Truth
Question 1
1 3
Q. 1
Q. 2
Question 4
1 3
Theme 3Verse
Bonus Memory
Verse Q. 3
Question 5
e car
6 BOLD6items all at once
Q. for
5 Bonus Patch
Q. 6
Theme Verse 1
Theme Verse 2
9 items all at once for Bonus Patch & Seal
9 ite
P r og r am F or m at - F ine Tuning
While some churches are looking for a curriculum that encourages individual work that allows children to work at their own
pace (Individual Study), other churches are looking for curriculum that keeps all children learning the same memory work each
week (Focused Group Study). The Kids 4 Truth curriculum is flexible enough to adjust to either teaching/learning style.
Differences between Focused Group Study and Individual Study:
Focused Group Study
Individual Study
Most Popular Curriculum
10-12 weeks per doctrinal theme
6-8 weeks per doctrinal theme
TruthTime Lessons
Utilizes all 120 TruthTime Lesson Plans.
Focuses on each doctrinal theme 10-12 weeks.
Utilizes only some of the TruthTime
Lesson Plans. Focuses on each doctrinal
theme 6-8 weeks.
Child Expectations
1 unit per week
2-3 units per week
Workbook sections
Can be done several ways:
1. At home during the week
2. Individually during small group time
3. As a group discussion during small group
4. Up front as a large discussion group time
Workbook sections normally completed
individually at home or during small
group time.
Most Popular Curriculum
3 curriculum years (9 -12 month years)
Commonly used with just 1 theme for summer
2 curriculum years (9 - 12 month years)
Most Popular Services Used
Sunday School/Children’s Church
Children’s Club - Wednesday or Sunday
Most Commonly Used With
Bus Children
Outreach Programs
Children who need to be motivated (not individual learners)
Church Families
Children who consistently attend
Children who work well individually
We know that the selection and start-up of a new children’s ministry can be an overwhelming prospect. In order to make that
transition easier, we have compiled a step by step guide for each of the above methods that will aid in using the Kids 4 Truth
curriculum in your ministry. Included in these guides are worksheets, tips, hints, and flexible options. Please contact Kids 4
Truth (866-754-4272 ) if you have any questions about customizing the program to meet your needs.
P r og r am F or m at - F lex ibilit y
We designed the Kids 4 Truth program and/or curriculum to be flexible enough to adjust to almost any situation or scenario.
Whether your church has one child or one thousand, has abundant or minimal workers, has a comfortable or strained budget,
has workers with ample or no background/training; we believe you can use Kids 4 Truth. Sometimes the flexiblity of a
program can be liberating and sometimes it can be overwhelming. We want to make you comfortable in choosing how you
want to use the program.
Below are a listing of recommendations and flexible options. Without feeling “tied” to the choices you choose, please circle
the ways/items you “think” you would like to use. This will give you a starting point when setting up your program.
Recommendations and Flexible Options for Traditional Club - Individual Pace Study Track
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Add Ons
Award Standards with
No award standards and
Wall Progress Chart
Award Patches applied to
another product
Stickers for each unit
Year End Award Pins
Year End Certificates
Downloadable TruthBooks
Downloadable TruthCards
TruthBooks stay at church
TruthCards to work at home
Downloadable TruthCards
9 months (36 weeks)
12 months (48 weeks)
custom number of weeks
2 - 9 month curriculum years
for a total of 72 weeks.
2 - 12 month curriculum years
for a total of 96 weeks
number of weeks x 2 years
Individualized Study
2 years - no matter the
length of your curriculum
Recommendations and Flexible Options for Focused Group Study Track
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Add Ons
Award Standards with
No award standards and
Wall Progress Chart
Award Patches applied to
another product
Stickers for each unit
Year End Award Pins
Year End Certificates
Downloadable TruthBooks
Downloadable TruthCards
TruthBooks stay at church
TruthCards to work at home
Downloadable TruthCards
52 weeks taking off two
weeks at Christmas and
1-2 weeks other times.
9 months (36 weeks)
12 months (48 weeks)
Focused Group Study
Individualized Study
12 month curriculum year
144 weeks = 3 - 48 week
9 month curriculum year
120 weeks = 3 - 40 week
9 month curriculum year
72 weeks = 2 - 9 month
3 month (Summer program)
One theme for 10-12
(Use each TruthBook for 1.5
(take summer months off)
(take summer months off covers 2 units per week)
(good option for summer
P r og r am F or m at - Com ponent s
A typical Kids 4 Truth program has four major elements: TruthTime Lesson, Small Groups/Discussion (memory &
recitation time with whiteboard activity), Choir, and Awards. Some churches use additional elements such as
Review Gaming or Physical Activities (gym time). The table on the left below gives our recommendations for a
service schedule. Using the worksheet on the right map out what you envision for your service schedule.
My Service Schedule
Sample Service Schedule
(5-10 minutes)
Welcome, Prayer, and Songs
(20 minutes)
(30 minutes)
Small Groups/Discussion Time
(15 minutes)
(10 minutes)
Review Game/Physical Activity
(5 minutes)
Awards and Dismissal
The TruthLesson is typically taught by one person to the children in a general session with levels 2-4 together in the
same room. The TruthLessons are available to download free of charge from the EquipU site.
Small Groups & Discussion Time:
The children are typically broken down into small groups with each group having a worker who is the leader. During
this time the children work as a group to fill in the blanks in their TruthBooks.
**Flexible Option:
Using TruthBooks as a Small Group Discussion
Afraid your children won’t do the TruthBook work at home, will rusth through the work, or do not have help/reinforcement
at home? You may want to work through the TruthBook together as a group reading the commentary section, looking up
the scripture passage and answering the questions, and discussing the brain stretcher and heart questions together.
It is beneficial for the group leader to have a TruthBook even if the children do not. If your church has decided not to use
TruthBooks for the children to use individually, the leader may choose have a group discussion pulling information from
the TruthBook.
**Flexible Option:
Using TruthBooks as a Large Group Discussion
Don’t have enough workers for small groups or prefer to use the discussion group? You can do this as a large group as
a part of the general session with the entire group following the TruthTime Lesson. Let the children sing a song or move
about before beginning the discussion time to get out the wiggles. Be sure to involve as many children as possible in the
discussion so that the children are engaged in the discussion time. This is a great option for those using the program in a
Children’s Church Service.
Kids 4 Truth encourages using Christian songs and hymns as a teaching tool to reinforce Bible doctrines being taught
to boys and girls. We think it is important for the club kids to interact publicly in the local church setting at least a
few times throughout the year. For this reason, we include at least two song suggestions per each doctrinal theme at
each level. We suggest that the children learn the songs and sing them in front of your congregation. We also suggest
that the group recite some of the Kids 4 Truth Q&A so the adults can hear what they’re memorizing.
P r og r am F or m at - Com ponent s
We want to honor God-focused hard work. We want to honor learning truth above all else. Kids 4 Truth is all
about God, and we are all about helping kids learn to channel their time and energy into the most rewarding of all
disciplines: Theology. Believing that, if kept in perspective, awards can be a help rather than a hindrance, we have
developed a general system that can be adapted to suit the needs and preferences of your own club.
Review Game
Physical Activity
Tricks, Tips or
Things to Rember
We recommend that you include a time for the children to recite any memory work he/she has ready. This can be
done during the small group time or at the beginning or ending of the service. Some churches choose to do this
before, at the very beginning, or at the end of a service and allow “verse listeners” to come in “just for this part”
allowing them to be part of the adult service. This is often done during the song service or small prayer group time.
If you have chosen not to use the award patches, you can track this progress by using the Progress Chart. These
charts are available to purchase in a printed format on our online store or as a free download on the EquipU site.
Be sure to include an award or incentive to a child who completes all memory work for one doctrinal theme. This
will encourage the children to memorize the Truths you are teaching. Awards/Incentives can be anything from an
award patch, piece of candy, small prize, or “prize dollars (bucks)” to an ice cream or pizza party, Bible, special
activity, or scholarship toward a camp or retreat.
Ou tr eac h St r at egi es
Many churches desire to use their Kids Club as an outreach to the community. Some programs focus on activities
and events to pull in children from the community. Others desire to do more and pull in not only the children but
also adults.
Outreach Ideas:
• Choir Time: Consider having a choir time. Have the children sing for the adults in the sanctuary several times throughout the year. This will provide a wonderful opportunity for parents to invite other
parents who do not attend church, but their kids attend K4T to visit the church. Be sure and provide
an evangelistic message the nights the children sing in the sanctuary.
• Bus Ministry: Use the K4T curriculum as a focal point for your bus ministry outreach, that way you
have two impacts upon children that do not have the support at home, i.e. K4T clubs and church
transportation. Your program on the bus can incorportate the curriculum so that it helps these children learn the Truths.
Here are a couple of ideas for helping such children:
1. Take their books with you and visit them in their homes. Organize other K4T workers who
want to help such children: Pair them up, give them the Truthbook(s) they need, the
child(ren)’s address(es), and pray for them as they spend some time in the child(ren)’s home
working with them on their Truthbook(s). This could be done once a week (on a Saturday
morning or afternoon, a Sunday afternoon, etc.). This will help children learn essential truths
about our great God and Savior, build important relationships with the children and the
parent(s), help prevent these kids from becoming discouraged, and make for better stewardship of the dollars invested in the excellent Truthbooks.
2. Incorporate the K4T curriculum into your current children’s church ministry, or begin one.
Instead of having the children do a coloring page or play games, etc. after the lesson, have
them work on their Truthbooks. If your unchurched K4T kids do not currently come on Sunday, this would be an appropriate way to motivate them to start coming. This may require
more workers than you currently have involved in your children’s church ministry. You may
consider recruiting mature teens and older adults (who may not typically be involved in this
type of ministry) to come in and help the kids with their Truthbooks on a rotational basis.
Or, if there are not enough workers for this, you could break the kids up into groups and
have each group work together on one answer. To make this even more effective, you may
want to switch to using the K4T lessons that you may not currently use in the club for your
children’s church lesson material.
• Special Event Weeks: Plan special events/promotions throughout the year. It works well to have one
promotion per doctrinal theme.
• Exciting Review Game or Activity: Add excitement and interest to your club by having exciting
weekly review games or activities.
Tricks, Tips or
Things to Rember
Successful Special Events:
1. Dress up Crazy Weeks - Crazy Hat, Crazy Sock, Crazy Team Color, etc.
2. Crazy Summer Fun - see EquipU site for details on this fun summer-long event.
3. Snowball Mania - all those who earn patches get to throw a snowball or wet sponge at a leader
4. Pie Night - earn so many patches and throw a pie in a leaders face
5. Popsicle Frenzie - if the entire club earns “X” number of patches during a theme the club earns a popsicle party.
Want to use a choir time but don’t want to give up a group activity and don’t have time for both events? Consider rotating
every other week between choir and activity times.
Ou tr eac h St r at egi es - P r om ot ion
Promotional Ideas:
• Flyers:
1. Download the free flyer and add your own content.
2. Canvas your area with flyers about your Kids 4 Truth Club.
3. Flyers can also be put in your church bullentin.
• Postcards:
1. Send a mailing to those in your church or in your area by using either our colorful pre-printed
postcards or the free downloadable postcards.
2. Send postcards to children as encouragement. Don’t forget to encourage them when they
miss, do a good job, or just on occassion so they know you love them.
3. Send postcards to children and workers for their birthdays! Everyone likes to be
remembered on their birthday.
• Posters:
1. Download and print posters with your meeting time and place.
2. Hang these posters around the church/school.
3. Distribute posters to your church membership to place in their businesses. Grocery stores,
gift shops, hair salons, laundry mats, and barber shops often have bullentin boards where
you can hang posters.
• Vinyl Banners:
1. Let the community know of your program by displaying a vinyl banner outside the church.
2. Create identity within your program by displaying level banners and clubs banners in your
meeting areas.
• Bullentin Board Packets
1. Find pre-printed graphics for bullentin boards on our online store. Each packet will
decorate at least 1 bullentin board if not more depending on your design.
• Brochures
1. Distribute Kids 4 Truth Brochures to your church membership to get them onboard with your
2. Brochures are available to download and print free of charge from the EquipU site or you
can purchase them pre-printed on the online store.
3. Distribute Kids 4 Truth Brochures in your bus ministry to bring in bus children to your
• Graphics Zip File
1. Purchase and download the graphics zip file to create your own posters, postcoards, flyers
and objects for your program.
2. Note: remember to follow licensing guidelines.
• Registration Packets
1. Make registration fun by creating registration packets to give away as children register for your
club. Registration packets can include K4T pencil or pen, balloons, candy, and other trinkets.
2. Make these packets special by making a different packet for each level. For example: level 2
packets would include a red pencil, red balloon, candy, and red eraser.
3. Consider including K4T branded items like pencils, pens, and bookmarks to add interest and
excitement for your program. A parent letter is another good thing to include.
Tricks, Tips or
Things to Rember
EquipU site:
Look for free downloadable posters, postcards, and flyers in the subfolder Artwork under the General Documents folder.
Online Store:
Find vinyl banners, pre-printed postcards, bullentin board packets, and graphics zip files on the online store.
I n t e gra t in g I n t e rn e t - Dynamat ions and PP T
Kids 4 Truth has produced several multi-media presentations called “Dynamations” and powerpoint
presentations that can be used to memorably teach the Truths. Below is a chart that shows where we
recommend using each file.
1) God’s Word – The Bible
2) The Greatness of God
3) The Goodness of God
4) The Trinity
5) God’s Creation
6) God’s View of You
7) God’s Law
8) Jesus Christ
• Authenticity of Scriptures PPT file
• Chosen Dynamations
10) God’s Purpose for
His Children
• DynaBox Dynamation
• Attributes of God’s Greatness and Goodness PPT file
• Creation Dynamation
• Watchmaker Dynamation
• Creations’s Voice Dynamation
• Contact Dynamation
• Arrival Dynamation
• Life of Christ Dynamation
• Nativity Dynamation
• Christmas Message
11) God’s Work, Past
and Present
• Memorial Dynamation
9) God’s Gift – Salvation
• One Dynamation
• God and His Gospel PPT file
12) God’s Plan for
the Future
Dynamation files are located on the main Kids 4 Truth website at:
Powerpoint Presentations are located under Lesson Plans with each doctrinal theme on the EquipU website.
I n t e gra t in g I n t e rn e t - We b Nu mb e r s
I n t e gra t in g I n t e rn e t - We b Nu mb e r s
The WebNumbers project is designed to highlight important parts of your TruthBooks, and it features your
“Memorize It!” Q&A portions, TruthBook commentary sections, activities, links to resources and dynamations, and
bonus material related to the topic you are studying.
Each of the 120 Q&A for levels 2-4 has a WebNumber page that includes a home page and links to both Kids Pages
and Adult Pages:
HOME PAGE – Includes the main Q&A (“Memorize It” Portion) and commentary portion from the TruthBook. Some
pages include content that is not printed in the TruthBooks such as additional Fast Facts, Awesome Quote, What’s
Wrong With This?, Seeing it Clearly, etc.
KID PAGES - The WebNumbers Kid Pages include activities, crafts, and puzzles that help children learn the current
“Memorize It!” they are studying in their TruthBooks. The child will pick out something they want to do, click on it,
and that activity, craft, or puzzle will pop up in another window. Children, workers or parents are encouraged to
print and make copies of these pages. For your convenience, you will find an answer key on the second page of
each activity, craft, or puzzle.
ADULT PAGES - The adult portion of each WebNumbers page will give you (the worker or parent) additional
resources for teaching. You will find links to resource articles, links to our popular dynamations (dynamic animated
multimedia presentations), and links to PPT presentations. For your convenience, at the lower right corner of each
WebNumber page, you will find a link to the corresponding TTLP (Teacher TruthTime Lesson Plan) for each unit in
the TruthBook. (Please note: we may not fully endorse all content or articles on other websites that we link to for
helpful resource articles.)
I n t e gra t in g I n t e rn e t - EquipU - an es s ent i a l
The EquipU site is an essential resource if you want a successful program. We highly recommend that
every worker in your club join the EquipU site. This site is free and contains many valuable resources that
workers can download and use free of charge.
Home - This page tells about the EquipU site, what is the latest downloads, and blog posts.
Clubs Blog - Notes and Articles from our Staff to you. This may include new products, sales information,
ideas for your club, or staff introductions.
Forums - an interactive area where you can share ideas, thoughts, questions, and suggestions. All users can
feel free to respond to any forum post. You will also find information and notes from our staff regarding
training events and speaking engagements. Earn a $15 gift certificate for posting the most creative, interesting,
or helpful post of the month. Each month our staff will choose the winning post and award them with the
Downloads - this is where most users spend the bulk of their time. This is our resource library. Once you click
on this tab a library of folders show up on the left side of the page. Each folder contains helpful resources for
your club.
Clubs Site - this tab takes you to the clubs site (
Main Site - this tab takes you to the main Kids 4 Truth site (
Online Store - this tab takes you to the online store. Anyone is welcome to order products from our online
Devotions - this tab takes you to the Kids 4 Truth devotional site ( This site has
free daily devotionals written especially for children. Our theme is “It’s All About God.”
Online Chat - when this tab shows green an operator is online and available to answer your questions. This
is very helpful when looking for a resource that you cannot find as the operator will send you the link to that
resource. When the tab is red, you may leave a message for our staff and someone will answer you shortly.
Edit Profile - click this link to change your password, add information about yourself, and change your
Topic of the Week - join the online forums by participating in the Topic of the Week. Each week Sarah will
write an article and encourage feedback from our churches.
Equ i pU - h t t p: / / e qu ipu . k ids 4 t r u t h . co m
Join the Kids 4 Truth EquipU site!
Learn more about the Kids 4 Truth curriculum and program by “joining” the EquipU site. This free site contains valuable resources for
workers and parents.
Learn how awards are earned, watch online training and tutorials, and find coloring sheets and crafts. Download teacher lesson
plans, calendars, certificates, attendance sheets, award record sheets, and much more. Participate in forums by sharing your
questions or ideas with other churches. Read the latest news about new resources, products, and ideas from the Kids 4 Truth
Executive Team by reading the Clubs Blog.
“Joining” the site is easy.
1. Go to the EquipU site: .
2. Click on the “Join” link.
CreateUser.aspx?ReturnUrl=/Default.aspx )
Second Page Display:
3. Create a Sign in Name
(User name)
4. Put in your email address.
(only one user name is allowed per
e-mail address.)
5. Confirm your email address by entering it
6. Mark if you agree with the
statement of faith.
7. Click the “Join Now!” button.
8. Check your email for an email with your
password from
Gu ides
Website Reference Guide
Kids 4 Truth Home
Kids 4 Truth Clubs
Kids 4 Truth EquipU
Kids 4 Truth Store
Kids 4 Truth Devotionals
World Trade Hope
Bob’s Blog
Dynamation Reference Guide
Creation One
Chosen Series
Life of Christ
Creation’s Voice
Lady Lucy
Christmas Message
Contact Information
The people who run this organization are all authentic Christians with a desire to fortify
young hearts and minds worldwide with important truths about God, mankind, and
We are available to answer your questions. Please feel free to contact us.
Kids 4 Truth International
16657 E. 23rd Street #246
Independence, MO 64055
Toll-Free: 866-754-4272
Local: 816-841-4954
Executive Director: Bob Roberts –
Clubs Program Administrator: Marrena Ralph –
Financial Manager: Julie Gillen –
You may learn more about our board of directors and executive team on our website at:
Websites: – main website – clubs site (valuable information about the
clubs) - equipu teachers’ resource site – daily devotional site – clubs resources site (for those using clubs materials) – WebNumbers site – Bob’s Blog
Board of DirectorsExecutive Team
Bob Roberts, President
Bob Roberts, Executive Director
Todd Tabler, Secretary
Rob Gillen, Technical Lead
Dave Hawkins, Treasurer
Marie Tabler, Creative Director
Rob Gillen
Marrena Ralph, Clubs Program Administrator
Will Galkin
Julie Gillen, Financial Coordinator
John Hutcheson Sr.
Todd Tabler, Video Expert
Gary Leffler
Joy McCarnan, Executive Editor
Matt Williams
Sarah Roberts, Administrative Assistant
Jon KoppRusty Ralph
Monty Kauffman, Promotion