Purpose, vision, objectives and goals of Children`s Sunday School


Purpose, vision, objectives and goals of Children`s Sunday School
Purpose, vision, objectives and goals of Children’s Sunday School
The Purpose of Children’s Sunday School
Helping children understand God’s Word and respond to it.
Vision of Children’s Sunday School
Children know and love God as well as obey and serve Him
Goals of Children’s Sunday School
Lead children to Christ
Help children to grow in Christ
Equip children to witness for Christ
Objectives of Children’s Sunday School
To teach children God’s word and His character.
To teach Jesus as the Son of God sent to save us from sin.
To lead children to receive Jesus as their personal Savior.
To encourage children to read and memorize God’s word.
To encourage application of God’s word, evidenced in obedience and service
To learn how to witness for Christ.
To build fellowship among children at church.
Philosophy of Children’s Sunday School Ministry
Our aim is to provide a stimulating and nurturing environment to enhance the spiritual and
emotional and social development of each child.
Our ministry emphasizes formal and informal communication of God’s love and grace, as well
as biblical truths.
Our goal is to foster a healthy sense of worth and facilitate a secure identity in Christ through
trust-building, open communication, encouragement, guidance and praise.
Our program strives to forge partnership with parents in the spiritual growth of their children.
Our challenge is to provide spiritual guidance with tolerance and allowance for spiritual
freedom and questioning.
Through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit and our commitment to the philosophy, we will
create in the children a desire to know our Lord in a personal way and to grow in their Christian
life through knowledge of God’s word and examples provided by the Sunday School staff.
Job Qualification and Description of Children’s Sunday School Teachers
Over eighteen years of age
Exhibit evidence of a consistent spiritual life
An active participant in the life of Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church
Be in agreement with the doctrine/statement of Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church
Be in agreement with the stated philosophy of the Children Sunday School Ministry
Communicate spiritual truths in a n appropriate manner to children
Accept responsibility of being a role model to children
Keep attendance and Bible memorization records
Attend training meetings
Show warmth to children and parents
Behave in a positive, appropriate and pure manner toward children at all times
Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of class
Be the last one to leave the classroom
Maintain a clean classroom after each lesson
Ensure sufficient supply of curriculum and materials for each lesson
Will prepare lesson as needed during the week prior to class
Pray for the children
Communicate with superintendent and parents regarding issues in class and in cases of
children’s absence due to illness or usual circumstances
Tips for Effective Teaching
1. Prayers: For
Personal spiritual life: be suitable vessel for His use
Love and patience for students
Teachable hearts of children
Individual child’s spirit growth
God’s wisdom, guidance and empowerment
Protection of self and family
2. Preparation:
Familiarize yourself with the Bible passage
Know lesson objectives
Plan and order activities to reach objectives
Have all materials ready before class preferably 2 days in advance
Know the development characteristics and unique needs of students
3. Positivity:
Use positive words, even in correction
Smiles go a long way and enthusiasm is infectious
Encourage cooperation and not competition among students
Affirm worth of each student.
Speaking and looking at them at their eye level – not talking down
Show joy and have fun with them
4. Proclamation of God’s Word:
Focus on proclaiming the truth, love and the Good News – not babysitting
Always read from Bible – His Word is powerful
Watch out for teachable moments – be flexible with lesson plan
5. Personal testimony and witnessing:
Our attitude and actions testify to God’s love, and truth
Show God’s grace and love to each child
Children enjoy hearing about your walk, struggles and victories with God
6. Parental involvement:
Get to know and communicate with parents
Encourage parents to be involved in nurturing spiritual growth of children
7. Praise: more praising of God and children in class
The Children’s Sunday School Staff is always available to support your
teaching ministry in prayer, resources and any help you might need.
Sunday School Teaching Resources
What Sunday School Teacher Needs to Know:
You are Called by God
God has brought you to this work
God will sustain you in this work.
God will perfect you through this work.
God is glorified when we do what we thought was impossible---when He performs great work
through us.
Role as a Sunday School Teacher
Prioritizing the study and application of God’s Word in personal daily life.
Pray for each child regularly.
 A deeper understanding of God, salvation and recognition that God desires a
relationship with them, passion for God’s word, good witness to others etc.
Plans classroom responsibilities
Participates in Pre-Class Prayer (10:30-10:45a.m.)
Shares God’s love and Word with children
5 Tools of Discipline
1. Setting Limit: clearly defined behavioral limits create a comfortable structure that helps children
comply with classroom expectation (tell them what behavior you expect).
2. Co-Leadership: develop a plan with committee member regarding discipline issues.
3. Transitions: activities refocus children so they are prepared to listen to the next teaching time. It
can be a song, game, finger play exercise or stretching that is used as a bridge between every
teaching time.
4. Nurturing Love: prevention of many discipline issues occurs when a child knows that he or she is
5. Prayer: through prayer God equips us for every discipline issue that may arise. Ask God for His
intervention in a child’s heart, as well as your heart, to develop your knowledge and love for
How to prepare the Bible story presentation:
1. Begin your preparation with prayer.
2. Identify the main truth: this is the one truth you want every child to understand and remember.
Be familiar with the main truth and know how it fits into your story.
3. Teaching points: these points outline the Bible story. Select teaching points appropriate to your
age group.
4. Opening/Closing sentences: plan the specific words to open and close the Bible story. Write
them down to avoid rambling when teaching.
5. Individualization: identify ways to adapt the Bible story to the characteristics of your classroom’s
age group (such as dialogue, speaking softly or loudly, making a sound, using facial or hand
6. Questions: these questions help clarify the Bible story.
a. Order the questions along the same sequence of the Bible story.
b. Focus on the facts and the main truth and teaching points.
c. Avoid “Yes” or “No” answer.
d. Ask fewer questions of younger children.
Scripture Verse Memorization
Plan to introduce the Scripture verse to the children.
Clarify difficult concepts.
You are encouraged to memorize the Scripture verse prior to class day.
You may sing the verse to a familiar tune.
Recording: record the class reciting the verse together. Listen. Record again. Repeat several
6. Treasure hunt: have individual words taped under chairs or table in the room. Children find the
words and lay them out in the correct sequence.
7. Erase words: print the verse on the board. Say the verse together several times. Erase one
word at a time.
Finger Plays
Finger plays are short rhymes spoken out loud accompanied by hand and body motions. They are very
useful for transition times. Regularly plan to use a finger play with those children who are ready for the
next part of the schedule while you wait for the slower children. Finger plays can prevent behavioral
Hymn or Christian Songs Time
1. Emphasizes and express the Christian faith.
2. Helps and trains a child to express praise and thanksgiving to God.
3. Provides a foundation for true worship.
How to Prepare Hymns in the Lesson
Select a hymn truth related to the Bible story.
The hymn truth that express a character trait of God.
Ask God to lead you to choose those hymns or songs.
Clarify words that are difficult.
Write out three brief introductory sentences for each hymn. (“God is love. Let us praise God
with joyful voices!”)
6. Plan an activity use some simple action. For example: finger play, clapping hands, keeling,
standing, changing location, singing louder/softer, or using shaker, rhythm sticks etc.
Quiet Time
Provide a specific time for little bodies in your classroom to rest and settle down. Introduce the children
to the important lifelong habit of having a time of quiet during which one thinks about God. Spiritual life
cannot be developed in an over-active, frenzied state. This short quiet period provides an opportunity
for each child to grow in spirit while resting his or her body.
Remind the children to recall the scripture verse or specific aspect of the Bible story. “This is our quiet
time. God said in Psalm 46:10, ‘Be still, and know that I am God.’ We are going to be very still and
listening to God. You may think about God and the Bible story you heard, but we will not talk or
Large Muscle Activity Time
Children need opportunities to expend energy and exercise their bodies, particularly when they are
required to sit quietly for periods of time.
Lesson Resources- Lesson Plan forms and Activity Examples
Bible Story
Main Truth:
Teaching Points:
Opening Sentence:
Closing Sentence:
Scripture Verse (variation):
Hymn Time
Into #1
Intro #2
Intro #3
Intro #1
Intro #2
Intro #3
Children’s Sunday School Ministry Policies and Guidelines
Attendance Records
The teachers are required to take attendance each Sunday. This is a way to convey how much we care
about children’s attendance and also to provide a way to identify the children who need follow-up at
home. Such record is helpful for ordering curriculum for the next quarter.
Bible Memorization
One of our goals is to help children commit God’s word to memory. Due to the various translations
available, for clarity sake, we recommend using NIV translation in Bible verse memorization.
Celebration of Special Holidays
We encourage our staff to highlight the biblical aspect in the celebration of holidays. Please do not use
jack-o-lanterns, witches, ghosts, cats, Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny which is associated the secular
celebration of the holidays. Please use themes, publicity, decorations and activities which are consistent
with the biblical intent and meaning of the holiday if you choose to celebrate in class and remove
decorations as soon as the holiday is over.
Class Schedule
Sunday School for children is offered from 10:45 A.M. to approximately 12:20 P.M. during the Mandarin
and Cantonese Adult Worship. There will be Sundays when the Worship Service runs over time or
changed due to combined worship (i.e. Easter and Thanksgiving). We strongly encourage all teachers to
be present at around 10:30 A.M. for pre-class prayer time and definitely no later than 10:45 A.M.
Classes should not be dismissed until the adult worship ends.
Preschoolers should be in their classroom until their parents or the designated pick-up persons come for
them. Parents must give teachers prior approval for school-age children to leave the classroom without
an adult. Teachers are responsible for the safety of their students.
Classroom Maintenance
All materials should be put away after class. Please remind children to pick up take-home curriculum or
materials after class. Classroom furniture should be put away and kept in such a way to allow cleaning
crew to vacuum floor and clean room efficiently.
You can use the copiers in the hallway of basement for making copies.
Crafts and Classroom Supplies
Classroom supplies and crafts materials are stored in the closet in the hallway next to the ladies’ washroom. A limited amount of classroom supplies is also kept in individual classrooms. Please check
inventory in your classroom to ensure you have the necessary supplies for your lesson. Any additional
requests for materials and supplies need to be made to the superintendent with advance (1 wk) notice.
Curriculum Materials
All curricula for each quarter are ordered through the Children’s Sunday School Committee Curriculum
leader. They will be available for pick up at least 2 weeks prior to the new quarter. If there is any
concerns or issues with the teaching materials please contact the Children’s Sunday School
Emergency Procedures
There are emergency procedures posted in each classroom for vacating the room in the event of an
Extra-curricular Activities
When extra-curricular activities, (i.e. picnic or a party at your home) are planned to enhance relationship
building with students, the Sunday School Superintendent needs to be consulted. All activities must
have at least two adults present and parent completed forms (Field Trip Permission and Medical Release
Form in Appendix) on file by the Superintendent prior to activity.
First Aid Kit
A basic first aid kit is available in the kitchen and lower level washrooms. If uncertain with the severity
of the injury or treatment, please contact the parent immediately. Parents must be notified anytime a
child has a head bump (even if he-she seems fine) or if any first aid is received.
Parent and Youth Assistants in Classroom
Parents and youth can be enlisted to assist in classroom when need arises. All youth assistants must
complete training before serving as assistant in the program.
Placement and Promotion
All children are placed in classes corresponding to their current school grade levels. This provides the
most similar development span of abilities within a given classroom. For the same reason, we also
promote children at the end of the Sunday School program year at the end of August. Children will go to
the new class on the first Sunday of September and remain there until promotion in the following year.
The Pre-school class is for children who are already 3 before September 1st and Kindergarten is for
children who are attending Kindergarten in the schools where they live at time of September promotion.
When expenses have been incurred by the teachers for the ministry, reimbursements will be made.
Please obtain a reimbursement form from the superintendent. Please use WCAC’s tax exempt number
in purchase.
Please use discretion when providing snacks to children in Sunday School. There is an ongoing problem
with rodents in our facility, please clean up any food dropped on floor and no food items should be left
exposed in classroom. Try to avoid sugary food and nuts out of consideration for issues such as safety,
behavior, allergies and ease for clean-up. Please serve water only for drinks. In order to be consistent in
all classrooms, please do not bring treats for children’s birthday and do not encourage families to do so.
Staff Training
The Children’s Sunday School Committee provides ongoing teacher training for its ministry staff at its
end of quarter staff meetings and special training sessions as needed. Teachers are expected to attend.
Staff Meetings
There is a quarterly meeting for teachers, current and ensuing quarters, of same class to pray,
communicate student needs, concerns and issues pertinent to that class. It is held over a simple lunch
after Sunday School during the last or 2nd to the last Sunday of a quarter.
Student Information Form (In Appendix)
Every child needs to have a completed student information form on file in the church office. For a new
student, please have the parent or student fill out the form and then return the completed form to the
superintendent for record keeping.
Student’s Spiritual Commitment Form (In Appendix)
Whenever a child in your class has made a special spiritual commitment in prayer, the teacher should
help the child fill out a spiritual commitment form (in the appendix). A copy of the form has to be on
record with the Sunday School Superintendent and a copy should be sent home with the child.
Student’s Personal Supplies
All students are provided with curriculum and classroom materials. However, they should be asked to
bring their own Bible. All toys brought in should be put away before class. Any personal bags, purses,
electronic devices and belongings also should be placed in such a way that they do not pose as
distractions to the children during class.
Substitute Teachers
In the event that a substitute is needed, the teacher should check with the teacher pool of the same
class to locate a substitute and make arrangement for transferring the particular curriculum and
materials to the substitute. If there is problem finding a substitute, please let the superintendent know
as soon as possible. Any change in teaching assignment should be reported to the superintendent.
Developing Spiritual Growth in Children
Teaching Bible Truths to Children
Helping children learn biblical truths is an extremely important task and can potentially impact their lives
in incredible ways. It is a tremendously rewarding experience that comes with challenges. Fortunately,
God has promised to help us accomplish this task with the instruction of the Holy Spirit and His
guidance. “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all…” (James 1:5 NIV)
Always begin this task with prayers to God for His wisdom, the Holy Spirit’s empowerment and
guidance. The following are recommended ways to communicate biblical truths to children.
Learning by Doing
Children learn best when they are challenged to exercise their five senses in the learning process.
Incorporating activities to engage their seeing, touching, tasting, smelling and hearing senses in lesson
will facilitate their learning and internalizing of the truth.
Attitude and Commitment
Learning is mostly caught than taught. When the teachers/assistants exude joy and love to the children
as well as love for God and enthusiasm for His word, the children will want to know God and His word
more readily. Children look up to their loving teachers as their role models. The love and commitment
to God of the teaching staff is most effective in influencing the children to grow spiritually. Preparation
for the lesson should always include prayer for a positive attitude and love for the children so one can
share God’s love with them effectively.
Teaching God’s Attributes to Children
Children are curious about God. Teachers have the responsibility to provide them with healthy guidance
that will satisfy their curiosity. Talking about God around the children, reading from the Bible and giving
personal testimonies of God’s love and faithful are good ways to introduce God to them. There will be
occasions when children come up with questions that the teachers don’t have answers for or cannot
fully explain the answers. Teachers should let them know that there are things about God that no one
knows because He is God, greater than any man or woman on earth. At the same time, children need to
be assured that there are things about God that we do and can know through reading the Bible as well
as that He desires for us to know Him.
Leading a Child to Christ
Most children, even the young 3-year olds can understand Jesus as their friend and helper. The plan of
salvation in Jesus is simple and clear enough that some children can understand and respond to it at
their level of childlike faith.
The teacher of children has the God-given opportunity and responsibility to nurture a child’s
understanding of salvation. Teachers should be sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in leading a
young child to Christ, for unless God Himself is speaking through His Spirit to the child, there can be no
genuine heart experience. It is also the teacher’s responsibility to ask questions that will show the
degree of understanding the child has about salvation and the level of commitment he or she has to that
belief. (Avoid closed ended questions.)
Any presentation of the plan of salvation has to be clear and complete:
1. God loves you
2. You have done wrong things- sinned
3. God says that sin must be punished
4. God sent Jesus to take the punishment for your sin
5. Tell God you have sinned and want to stop doing wrong things.
6. Ask Jesus to be your Savior
7. Then you are a member of God’s family
Be familiar with key Bible passages. God’s word is powerful. Use the Bible in sharing the salvation
message with children: John 3:16. Romans 3:23, 5:6, 1 Corinthians 15:3 and 1 John 4:14. Use the
simplest translation version possible and avoid symbolism. Phrases such as “born again” or “asking
Jesus into your heart” create misconceptions in children’s minds.
Explain key terms to children: sin- wrong doing or disobeying God’s rules, saved – to become a part of
God’s family, forgive – to take away the punishment for wrong doing, everlasting life – to live now and
forever with Jesus, our God, our best friend and helper.
Talk to children individually instead of talking to a group. Always allow for free choice. The response
needs to be a genuine response to God – not because the child wants to please you. Allow the Holy
Spirit to lead, don’t feel that a child must make a decision even if he/she shows some curiosity to know
Focus on God’s love, His grace and His forgiveness. Always stress God’s love never ends just because we
do wrong things or disobey Him. He is always ready to forgive once we feel sorry for sinning.
Contact the parents and the Sunday School superintendent to inform them of the child’s decision for
Helping Children with Special Needs
The Hyperactive Child
A clinically hyperactive child is different form a child who can’t sit still for very long. The hyperactive
child reacts to life in the way you would respond to being closed in a room with the television, radio,
stereo system and two vacuum cleaners all turned up full blast. Sounds like too much for you? A
classroom often seems like “too much” for the hyperactive child.
Hyperactive children are unable to sort out and concentrate on one thing at a time. They are in constant
motion mentally and often physically as well. Since such children cannot sit and listen or even work on
one project for any length of time, they leap from one distraction to another, and often distracts others
at the same time.
Assist hyperactive children in choosing primarily quiet activities which help keep their energies
channeled. Hyperactive children function best with a minimum of distraction and in an activity which
captures their attention.
As you show love to hyperactive children, be aware of the needs of the other children in your class at
the same time. If your teaching is to have maximum effectiveness, you cannot allow one of a few
children to distract others unnecessarily or reduce your classroom to chaos.
Hyperactive children need your special love and patience. Such children often need extra adult guidance
and attention. Thus, it is wise to plan for an extra helper when a hyperactive child is part of a group.
Look for a kid, loving person who will focus on this child’s special needs.
Talk privately and in a loving and understanding manner with parents. Get firsthand information on the
most effective ways to care for their child. You will find the parents highly appreciative of your concern
for the child’s well-being. Since they know their child better than anyone else, they will likely be able to
suggest approaches which have proven helpful.
The Aggressive Child
The child who most needs love and acceptance is often the one whose behavior makes others feel
anything but loving’ Unfortunately, a natural tendency to withhold love from such a child is likely to
produce even more aggressive, unacceptable behavior as the child desperately seeks to be noticed.
As with any other child, the rule of thumb is to accept the aggressive child as he or she is, not
requiring that the child change in order to earn your affection. But every tie there is positive
behavior, be sure the child knows you appreciate his or her efforts. Your good example of
showing love to aggressive children by encouraging and affirming them will also help teach all
children ways to relate to each other.
If an aggressive child upsets or harms another child, you will need to be firm but friendly.
Remove the aggressive child from the situation. Clearly explain the behavior necessary in order
to return to the group. You must inform the aggressive child’s parents, the victims parents, and
the Director of Children’s Ministries every time a child is harmed.
Dealing with an Extremely Frustrated or Aggressive Child
1. Help him to identify his feelings
2. Diffuse the intensity before it overwhelms him
3. Coach him on appropriate behavior.
Teachers need to be watching for signals or body clues that indicate the frustration level is rising:
jerky movements
loud voice
invading space of others
becoming upset
When “pre-bite” or “pre-hit” behaviors are observed, move in and re-direct him to a soothing
activity. The room environment should include:
a quiet reading corner
soft music
play-dough or glue
dolls (used alone)
When diffusing him, explain his feelings to him:
“You are starting to feel upset.”
“Your heart is pounding.”
“You are getting excited.”
“Your body is telling you that you need some alone time.”
When a child does bite/hit...
Hold him firmly by both shoulders and look him straight in the eyes:
“Stop! It is not okay to bite! Biting hurts! ________is crying because of you hurt her very much!
It is not okay to bite! When you are angry, you need to use words!” (Say this very firmly!)
After a bite or hit, stay with him! Help him diffuse the adrenaline rush he has just experienced, in
a positive way--but not an attention-getting way.
“You need something to calm you.”
Example: Walking the halls with him.
While walking, talk through identifying his feelings and how he should respond. “Next time
you’ll need to remember to...” Coach him again and give him the exact words to use. Teach him
what to do.
Other general comments:
• strive to have one adult basically watching him and intervening with him--instantly ready to
• do some modeling of conflict-resolutions each week--perhaps with puppets. Let puppets exhibit
feelings; then tell what to do when kids have those feelings.
• Set limits (Both through adults and puppets)
“It is not okay to bite/hit”
“I will not let you bite/hit”
“The rule is that you use words to say how you feel”
• Privately notify his parents, the victims parents, and the superintendent of Children’s Sunday
School every time a child bites or hits.
The Shy Child
A shy child may often feel insecure and afraid. It is important that such a child feels secure and
loved. Encourage the children in your program to help others feel welcomed and important. This
will happen as the leaders do it and teach by their good example. Do not refer to a child as “shy.”
(The child may try to live up to the label you place on him or her.)
Avoid insisting that a shy child talk in a large group. Never shame the child into responding! A
quiet child will usually feel more comfortable to talk in a small group where every child is freely
participating. Such a child may eventually respond in a large group after having many successful
experiences in small, informal groups.
Create situations where the shy child has the chance to successfully express him or herself
individually or in small groups. Encourage the child to tell about things with which he or she is
familiar and secure. Direct questions to the shy child that he or she can successfully answer. The
child may only be able to give short replies, but each successful expression will build acceptance
and security.
Be sure that quiet children receive your personal attention and encouragement. It’s easy to
overlook them. Consistently help shy children feel welcome and important without being made
the focus of group attention. Look for signs of growth that you can quietly share with parents that
will encourage the child to open up and feel more comfortable.
The Non-Persistent Child
The “I can’t” attitude is built on fear of failure. Children need the freedom to fail without loss of
acceptance or status. Teachers can help children understand that “failure” is part of learning.
Often it is necessary to discover what does not work, in order to find out how to accomplish the
“I can’t” is often the student’s way of saying, “Give me the attention I need to feel I can do this.
Help me try a new experience,”
Some phrases you can use to help children are:
“It’s so hard to try something when you’re not sure you can do it.”
“That does look hard. How much of it do you think you can do?”
“Make a start and see how it goes. Your work doesn’t have to be perfect.”
“This is a good place to practice something like this, No one will give you a grade or
criticize what you do.”
Avoid comments like “Do the best you can.” or “It’s easy.” Comment on some positive aspect of
the child’s work, such as color choice, interesting choice of shapes, use of materials.
Acknowledge the child’s feelings and be sure the child knows you’re on his or her side.
Reinforce the child with gentle praise at times when persistence to a task is exhibited. Quietly
share moments or instances of the child’s personal success with parents so they can reinforce the
child at home.
The Antagonistic or Bored child
Challenging children is a special task! Provide choices both in things to do and ways to do them.
Increase interest through new experiences in the classroom, discover the child’s interests, and
then seek ways to incorporate activities that will appeal.
1. Strive to involve these children in the planning of class activities and projects.
2. Ask for their input as to what they would enjoy doing in the class.
3. Create ownership and leadership opportunities that require active individual participation.
4. Discuss the behavior privately with the parents to determine reasons for the child’s negative
attitude and how home and church can work together to create a positive environment for the
WCAC Children’s Sunday School Student’s Information Form
Child’s Name: __________________________ (Chinese: ____________________)
Child’s Birthdate: _________________ School Grade Level: _________________
Known Allergies: ____________________________________________________
_____________ ___________________
Primary Parent or Guardian: ___________________________________________
Phone #: ___________________ Email Address: ___________________________
Secondary Parent or Guardian:
Phone #: ___________________ Email Address: ___________________________
Designated person(s) to pick up the child: ________________________________
In case we cannot reach you during an emergency, I (we) the undersign give
permission for our child to be treated by a licensed physician, and for said
physician to administer whatever care is necessary, including anesthesia, for the
child’s safety and care.
For the parents of the child, I am willing to participate as
Sunday School teacher
Sunday School teaching assistant
Signature of Parent or Guardian: ________________________ Date___________
Field Trip Permission Form
Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church
Please signify your permission for your child to participate in the field trip by completing,
signing and returning this form to your child’s teacher or sponsor. If you do not return this
permission form, your child will not be permitted to participate in the field trip.
Child’s Name:______________________________________________________________
Date of field trip:____________________________________________________________
Leaving church at: ____________________Returning to church at: ___________________
Items required for trip: _______________________________________________________
Permission slip must be returned no later than _____________________________________
Teacher/Sponsor: ____________________________________________________________
Please Sign and Return This Portion to:
Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church
Wheaton, IL 60187
I give my permission for my child _________________________________________________
to go on a field trip to: ______________________________on__________________________
Has your child ever tested positive to an H.I.V. test? __________________________________
Yes _______ No _____ If yes, please explain: _______________________________________
Any allergies? ________________________________________________________________
I understand my child is in good health to participate in this event.
Signature of Parent or Guardian: _________________________ Date ____________________
Field Trip Medical Release Form
Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church
Wheaton, IL 60187
Please signify your permission for your child to participate in the field trip by completing,
signing and returning this form to your child’s teacher or sponsor. If you do not return this
permission form, your child will not be permitted to participate in the field trip.
Child’s Name: _________________________________________________________________
Date of field trip: ___________________ Destination: _________________________________
Leaving church at: ________________________ Returning at approximately: ______________
Items required for trip: __________________________________________________________
Permission slip must be returned no later than: _______________________________________
Teacher /sponsor: _____________________________________________________________
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS PORTION TO:
Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church
Wheaton, IL 60187
I understand my child is in good health to participate in this event
Child’s Name: _______________________________________________________
Person to contact in case of emergency:____________________________________
Has you child ever tested positive to an H.I.V. test?___________________________
Yes ________No _______if yes, please explain:_____________________________
Any allergies: ________________________________________________________
Home phone: _________________Business phone:___________________________
In case we cannot reach you during an emergency, I (we) the undersign give permission
for our child to be treated by a licensed physician, and for said physician to administer
whatever care is necessary, including anesthesia, for the child’s safety and care.
Signature of Parent or Guardian: ____________________________Date___________
Student Spiritual Commitment Form
Please fill this out for children who make a spiritual commitment so that appropriate prayer and
follow up can be made. Please keep one copy for yourself as you pray and return the others to the
Sunday School Superintendent.
Date: ___________________________________________________
Name of Student: __________________________________________
Age of Student: ___________Grade of Student: _________________
Birthdate of Student: _______________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________________
Parents or Guardians: _______________________________________
Children’s Ministry Member: ________________________________
Student’s Spiritual Commitment:
a. ________Became a Christian
b. ________Rededicated his/her life
c. ________Wants to know more about becoming a Christian
d. ________Considering vocational Christian service
e. ________Other:
If you select e. above, please provide the detail: _______________________________________