Pre-ifa publications
Pre-ifa publications
Stanislaw Pietrzko, Publikationen Books Q. Mao, S. Pietrzko: Control of Noise and Structural Vibration A MATLAB®-Based Approach Springer, London 2013 ISBN: 978-1-4471-5090-9 (Print), 978-1-4471-5091-6 (Online) S. Pietrzko: Contributions to noise and vibration control technology AGH/ITEE, 2010 ISBN: 978-83-7204-786-1 S. Pietrzko: Verfahren zur Identifikation der Dämpfungsmatrix mechanischer Systeme. Dissertation der ETH Zürich. EMPA Dübendorf, 1992, 145 S. Papers Pietrzko S.J., Mao Q. (2013): Vibration identification and sound insulation of triple glazing. Noise Control Engineering Journal, Volume 61, Number 3, 1 May 2013 , pp. 345354(10). Mao Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2012): Free vibration analysis of a type of tapered beams by using Adomian decomposition method. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 219, Issue 6, 25 November 2012, pp. 3264–3271. Mao Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2012): Experimental measurement of radiation modes. Journal of Vibration Engineering, 25(3), pp. 330–334. Boczkowska A., Awietjan S.F, Pietrzko S.J., Kurzydlowski K. (2012): Mechanical properties of magnetorheological elastomers under shear deformation, Elsevier, Journal of Composites, Part B 43, (2012), pp. 636-640. Mao Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2011): Design of shaped piezoelectric modal sensor for a type of non-uniform beams using Adomian-modified decomposition method. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 22, (2), 149-159. Pietrzko S.J., Mao, Q. (2011): Vibration identification of triple pane insulating glazing. 25th conference of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (NOISE-CON 2011), Portland Or., USA, 25-27 July 2011, 14 pp. Pietrzko S.J., Mao Q. (2011): Control of structural sound radiation and vibration using shunt piezoelectric materials. Journal of System Design and Dynamics 5, (5), 752-764. 1 Mao Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2010): Experimental study for control of sound transmission through double glazed window using optimally tuned Helmholtz resonators. Applied Acoustics 71, (1), 32-38. Mao Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2010): Design of shaped piezoelectric modal sensor for beam with arbitrary boundary conditions by using Adomian decomposition method. Journal of Sound and Vibration 329, (11), 2068-2082. Mao, Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2010): Design of shaped piezoelectric modal sensor for beam with general boundary conditions. 17th International Congress on Sound & Vibration (ICSV17), Cairo, Egypt, 18-22 July 2010, 8 pp. Mao Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2010): Free vibration analysis of stepped beams by using Adomian decomposition method. Appl. Mathematics and Computation 217, (7), 34293441. Pietrzko S.J., Mao Q. (2010): Control of structural sound radiation and vibration using shunt piezoelectric materials. 10th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MOVIC 2010), Tokyo, Japan, 17-20 August 2010, 3C11 (13 pp.). Mao Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2009): Experimental study for passive control of sound transmission through a double glazed window using optimally tuned Helmholtz resonators. The 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Kraków, Poland, 05-09 July 2009, 8 pp. Mao Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2009): Active control of a beam for generating points of zero displacements and zero slopes. Solid State Phenomena 147-149, 861-868. Nguyen C. H., Pietrzko S.J. (2009): Vibroacoustic simulation of a triple glazed window as an example of a multilayered structure. The 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Kraków, Poland, 05-09 July 2009, 8 pp. Pietrzko S.J., Mao Q. (2009): Noise reduction in a duct using passive/semiactive shunt loudspeakers. The 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Kraków, Poland, 05-09 July 2009, 8 pp. Pietrzko S.J., Mao Q. (2009): Reduction of structural sound radiation and vibration using shunt piezoelectric materials. Solid State Phenomena 147-149, 882-889. 2 Kim S.M., Pietrzko S.J., Brennan M.J. (2008): Active vibration isolation using an electrical damper or an electrical dynamic absorber. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 16, (2), 245-254. Mao Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2008): Research on volume displacement sensor. 19th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-9, 2008, 10 pp. Mao Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2008): Active control of a beam for generating points of zero displacement and zero slopes. 14th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials, MSM 2008, Bialystok, Poland, July 14-17, 2008, 8 pp. Pietrzko S.J., Mao Q. (2008): New results in active and passive control of sound transmission through double wall structures. Aerospace Science and Technology 12, (1), 42-53. Pietrzko S.J., Mao Q. (2008): Reduction of structural sound radiation and vibration using shunt piezoelectric materials. 14th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials, MSM 2008, Bialystok, Poland, July 14-17, 2008, 8 pp. Belloli A., Niederberger D., Pietrzko S.J., Morari M., Ermanni P. (2007): Structural vibration control via R-L shunted active fiber composites. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 18, (3), 275-287. Nguyen C.H., Pietrzko S.J. (2007): Vibroacoustic FE analysis of an adaptive plate with PZT actuator/sensor pairs connected to a multiple-mode, electric shunt system. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 43, (15), 1120-1134. Nguyen C.H., Pietrzko S.J. (2007): Vibroacoustic FE analysis of a piezo-shunted adaptive plate bonded to an air cavity. 18th International Conference of Adaptive Structures and Technologies (ICAST 2007), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October 3-5, 2007, 11 pp. Pietrzko S.J., Batko W. (2007): Neue Sensoren für die Messung der Abstrahlmoden als Element des aktiven Lärmminderungssystems. 33. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2007), Stuttgart, Deutschland, März 19-22, 2007, 693-694. Pietrzko S.J., Mao Q. (2007): Novel sensing systems for active control of sound radiation and transmission. 8th Conference on Active Noise and Vibration Control Methods, Krakow, Poland, June 11-14, 2007, 296-311. 3 Pietrzko S.J., Mao Q. (2007): Some results on control of sound radiation using shunt piezoelelectric materials. 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV14, Cairns, Australia, July 9-12, 2007, 8 pp. Mao Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2006): Measurements of local volume displacement using a piezoelectric array. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 92, (4), 556-566. Nguyen C.H., Pietrzko S.J. (2006): FE analysis of a PZT-actuated adaptive beam with vibration damping using an electric multiple-mode shunt system. ISMA 2006, International conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, September 18-20, 2006, 461-472. Nguyen C.H., Pietrzko S.J. (2006): FE analysis of a PZT-actuated adaptive beam with vibration damping using a parallel R-L shunt circuit. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 42, (14-15), 1231-1239. Pietrzko S.J., Mao Q. (2006): Control of sound transmission through double wall partitions using optimally tuned Helmholtz resonators. ISMA 2006, International conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, September 18-20, 2006, 3423-3434. Pietrzko S.J., Mao Q. (2006): Design of radiation mode sensors by means of piezoelectric fibers. ACTIVE 2006, Sixth International Symposium on Active Noise and Vibration Control, Adelaide, Australia, September 18-20, 2006, 8 pp. Mao Q., Pietrzko S.J. (2005): Control of sound transmission through double wall partitions using optimally tuned Helmholtz resonators. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 91. Pietrzko S.J., Moll P. (2005): Model based control of acoustical and vibratory systems. II (second) ECCOMAS thematic conference on smart structures and materials, Lisbon, Portugal, July 18-21, 2005, 18 p. Belloli A., Kornmann X., Pietrzko S.J. (2004): Vibration control via shunted embedded piezoelectric fibers. Smart structures and materials 2004: damping and isolation, San Diego, CA, USA, March 15-18, 2004, SPIE proceedings series, vol.5386, p. 528-537, 528537. Belloli A., Niederberger D., Pietrzko S.J. (2004): Structural vibration control via R-L shunted active fiber composites. 15th Int. conference on adaptive structures and technologies ( ICAST 2004), Bar Harbor, ME, USA, October 25-27, 2004, 20 p. 4 Nguyen C.H., Pietrzko S.J. (2004): Piezoelectric-mechanical-acoustic couplings from a PZT- actuated vibrating beam and its sound radiation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 18. Nguyen C.H., Pietrzko S.J., Bütikofer R. (2004): The influence of temperature and bonding thickness on the actuation of a cantilever beam by PZT patches. Smart Materials and Structures 13. Niederberger D., Morari M., Pietrzko S.J. (2004): A new control approach for switching shunt damping. Smart structures and materials 2004: damping and isolation, San Diego, CA, USA, March 15-18, 2004, SPIE proceedings series, vol. 5386, p. 426-437, 426-437. Niederberger D., Pietrzko S.J., Morari M. (2004): Noise control in a duct system with online-tuned shunted piezoelectric materials. Smart structures and materials 2004: damping and isolation, San Diego, CA, USA, March 15-18, 2004, SPIE proceedings series, vol. 5386, p. 405-413, 405-413. Kaiser O.E., Pietrzko S.J., Morari M. (2003): Feedback control of sound transmission through a double glazed window. Journal of Sound and Vibration 263, Nguyen, C. H., Pietrzko, S. J., Bütikofer R. (2003): Actuation transfer in a PZT-actuated beam under effective working conditions. 10th Int. congress on sound and vibration, Stockholm, Sweden, July 7-10, 2003, p.195-202, 95-202. Niederberger D., Morari M., Pietrzko S.J. (2003): Adaptive resonant shunted piezoelectric devices for vibration suppression. Smart structures and materials 2003: Smart structures and integrated systems, San Diego, CA, USA, March 3-6, 2003, SPIE proceedings series, vol. 5056, p. 213-224, 213-224. Nguyen C. H., Pietrzko S.J. (2002): Analytical and FEM-investigations with experimental validation of a PZT-actuated vibrating beam and its sound radiation. Int. conference on noise and vibration engineering (ISMA 2002), Leuven, Belgium, September 16-18, 2002, p. 157-166, 157-166. Nguyen C.H., Pietrzko S.J. (2002): FEM-investigations of piezoelectric-mechanicalacoustic coupling fields. 20th CAD-FEM Users Meeting - Int. congress on FEM technology, Friedrichshafen, Germany, October 9-11, 10 p. Pietrzko S.J., Bütikofer R. (2002): Flula - Swiss aircraft noise prediction program. Acoustics 2002 - innovation in acoustics and vibration, the Australian acoustical society annual conference, Adelaide, Australia, November 13-15, 2002, 8 p. 5 Seba B., Pietrzko S.J. (2002): Active noise control of a double-glazed panel. Int. symposium on active control of sound and vibration (Active 2002), Southampton, UK, July 15-17, 2002, 8 p. Kaiser O.E., Julius A.A., Pietrzko S.J., Morari, M. (2001): Uncontrollable modes in double wall panels. 17th Int. congress on acoustics, Rom, 2.-7. September 2001. Publ. in: Rivista Italiana di acustica 25 (2001) 1-3, 2 S. Moser E.M., Faller C., Pietrzko S.J., Amberg M., Kurz K., Eggimann F. (2001): Neural network modeling of plasma processes. In: Muster, W., Schläpfer, K. (Eds.), Nachhaltige Material- und Systemtechnik: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Fritz Eggimann, Empa, Dübendorf, 101-110. Pietrzko S.J. (2001): Vibroacustical identification of a double wall panel. 17th Int. congress on acoustics, Rom, 2.-7. September 2001. Publ. in: Rivista Italiana di acustica 25 (2001) 1-3, 2 S. Prajna S., Kaiser, O.E., Pietrzko S.J., Morari M. (2000): Robust active control of a vibrating plate. 140th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (Noise-Con 2000), Newport Beach, Calif., 3.-5. Dezember 2000, 6 S. Cantieni R., Pietrzko S.J., Deger Y., Wiberg U. (1999): Modal investigation of a dam. Fourth European conference on structural dynamics ( EURODYN '99), Prag, 7.-10. Juni 1999, Bd. 2, S. 1001-1006, Moser E.M., Faller C., Pietrzko S.J., Eggimann F. (1999): Modeling the functional performance of plasma polymerized thin films. Thin Solid Films 355, 49-54. Pietrzko S.J. (1999): Vibrations of double wall structures around mass-air-mass resonance. 137th Meeting of the acoustical society of America and 2nd convention of the European acoustics association, Berlin, 14.- 19. März 1999, 4 S. Pietrzko S.J. (1999): Modal testing and analysis of a double wall structure under operating conditions. 6th Int. congress on sound and vibration, Technical University of Denmark in Lingby, 5.-7. Juli 1999, 6 S. Pietrzko S.J., Kaiser O. (1999): Experiments on active control of air-borne sound transmission through a double wall cavity. Int. symposium on active control of sound and vibration ( ACTIVE 99), Fort Lauderdale, USA, 2.-4. Dezember 1999, 8 S. 6 Cantieni R., Pietrzko S.J., Deger Y. (1998): Modal investigation of an office building floor. 16th Int. modal analysis conference, Santa Barbara, Calif., 2.-5. Februar 1998, 7 S. Cantieni R., Wiberg U., Pietrzko S.J., Deger Y. (1998): Modal investigation of a dam. 16th Int. modal analysis conference, Santa Barbara, Calif., 2.-5. Februar 1998, 7 S. Pietrzko S.J. (1998): Tieffrequentes Schwingungsverhalten einer Doppelverglasung. 24. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik DAGA 98, ETH-Zürich, 23.-27. März 1998, 2 S. Pietrzko S.J. (1998): Vibroacoustical modeling and modal analysis of a double wall panel. 16th Int. congress on acoustics and the 135th meeting of the acoustical society of America, Seattle, 20.-26. Juni 1998, 2 S. Pietrzko S.J. (1998): Vibroacoustical modeling for active control of sound transmission through a double-glazed panel. 4th Int. conference on motion and vibration control (MOVIC'98), ETH Zürich, 25.-28. August 1998, 5 S. Pietrzko S.J., Cantieni R., Deger Y., Wiberg U. (1998): Modal testing of the Norsjö Dam. Int. conference on noise and vibration engineering (ISMA 23), K.U. Leuven, Belgien, 16.-18. September 1998, Vol. II, 7 S. Pietrzko S.J. (1997): Neural networks for modeling aircraft noise radiation. 3rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics conference, Atlanta, 12.-14. Mai 1997, Beitrag AIAA 97-1661. Link M., Rohrmann R.G., Pietrzko S.J. (1996): Experience with automated procedures for adjusting the finite element model of a complex highway bridge to experimental modal data. 14th Int. modal analysis conference (IMAC), Dearborn, Mich., 12-15 Februar 1996, S.218-225. Pietrzko S.J. (1996): Resonance and antiresonance dynamic behavior of large mechanical systems. 21st Int. conference on structural dynamics and modal analysis ( ISMA), Leuven, Belgium, 18-20 September 1996. Pietrzko S.J. (1996): Vibroacoustic behaviour of a double-glazed window; modal testing and model employing general parameters. Inter-Noise 96, Liverpool, UK, 30 July- 2 August 1996. 7 Pietrzko S.J., Cantieni, R. (1996): Modal testing of steel/concrete composite bridge with servo- hydraulic shaker. 14th Int. modal analysis conference (IMAC), Dearborn, Mich., 1215 Februar 1996, S.91-98. Pietrzko S.J., Cantieni R., Deger Y. (1996): Identification of a reference mathematical model of an arch bridge using full-scale forced modal testing and finite-elementmodelling. SPIE's symposium on smart structures and materials, San Diego, Calif., 26-29 Februar 1996. Pietrzko S.J., Cantieni R., Deger Y. (1996): Forced modal test of the Vieux Emosson gravity dam, reciprocity-based experimental determination of dam-foundation interaction, FE-modelling and updating. 2nd Int. conference on structural modelling, test, analysis, correlation and updating, Cumbria, UK, 3-5 July 1996. Pietrzko S.J., Hofmann R. (1996): Mathematical modeling of aircraft noise based on identified directivity patterns. 2nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics conference, State College, Pa., 6-8 May 1996 (AIAA Paper 96-1768). Cantieni R., Deger Y., Felber A., Pietrzko S.J., De Smet, C.A.M. (1995): Bestimmung der dynamischen Eigenschaften von Brücken - Kombination von Theorie und Experiment. D-A-CH-Tagung 1995: Aktuelle Probleme des Erdbebeningenieurwesens und der Baudynamik, Graz, 2-3 November 1995. Cantieni R., Deger Y., Pietrzko S.J. (1995): Bridge model updating through combining of theory and experiment. ERRI conference on maintenance of railway bridges and civil engineering structures, Ede NL, 4-6 October 1995. Cantieni R., Pietrzko S.J., Deger Y. (1995): Updating of existing structures' FE-models based on modal testing. IABSE symposium on extending the lifespan of structures, San Francisco, 1995, IABSE reports, Vol.73/2, S.1581-1586. Cantieni R., Rohrmann R. G. Deger, Y. Pietrzko, S.J., Rücker W. (1995): Modal analysis of the Westend-Bridge in Berlin - Experiment and finite element analysis. Int. symposium on NDT in civil engineering (NDT-CE), Berlin, 26- 28 September 1995, DGZfP Berichtsband 48.1(1995),S.335-343. Deger Y., Cantieni R., Pietrzko S.J., Rücker W., Rohrmann R.G. (1995): Modal analysis of a highway bridge: experiment, finite element analysis and link. 13th Int. modal analysis conference (IMAC), Nashville, Tenn., 13-16 February 1995, Vol.2, S.1141-1149. 8 Deger Y., Felber A., Cantieni R., Pietrzko S.J. (1995): Optimization of finite element models of large structures based on dynamic test results. Int. symposium on NDT in civil engineering (NDT-CE), Berlin, 26- 28 September 1995, DGZfP Berichtsband 48.1(1995),S.345-352. Molina F.J., Cantieni R., Pietrzko S.J. (1995): Traffic response of a bridge as predicted from modal-test data. 13th Int. modal analysis conference (IMAC), Nashville,Tenn., 13- 16 Februar 1995, Vol.2, S.1171-1177. Pietrzko S.J. (1995): Transformation of a damped mechanical system into lumped- mass chain-like tridiagonal system. 13th Int. modal analysis conference (IMAC), Nashville,Tenn., 13- 16 Februar 1995, Vol.1, S.84-90. Slastan J., Pietrzko S.J. (1995): Experimental modal analysis of RC-beams damaged by cracks. Int. RILEM conference on the behavior of concrete structures, Kosice, Slovakia, 5-8 September 1995. Cantieni R., Deger Y., Pietrzko S.J. (1994): Modal analysis of a concrete arch bridge: experiment - finite element analysis - link EMA/FEM. International bridge conference Warsaw 94, Warsaw, Poland, 20-22 June 1994. Cantieni R., Deger Y., Pietrzko S.J. (1994): Modal analysis of a concrete arch bridge: linking experiment and analysis. 4th International conference on developments in short and medium span bridge engineering, Halifax, Canada, 8-11 August 1994, S.557- 567. Cantieni R., Deger Y., Pietrzko S.J. (1994): Modal analysis of a concrete gravity dam: experiment, finite element analysis and link. 12th Int. modal analysis conference (IMAC), Honolulu, Hawaii, 31 Jan-3 Feb 1994, S.442-448. Cantieni R., Deger Y., Pietrzko S.J. (1994): Untersuchung grosser Tragwerke mit dynamischen Methoden: Aarebrücke Aarburg. Bericht zum 12. int. FIP Kongress (FIP 94), Washington D.C., 29.05- 2.06.1994, 7S. Cantieni R., Deger Y., Pietrzko S.J. (1994): Modal analysis of an arch bridge: experiment, finite element analysis and link. 12th Int. modal analysis conference (IMAC), Honolulu, Hawaii, 31 Jan-3 Feb 1994, S.425-432. Deger Y., Cantieni R., Pietrzko S.J. (1994): Analisi modale di un ponte ad arco: sperimentazione, analisi di elementi finiti e collegamento. Conferenza degli utenti europei dei prodotti MSC, Torino, Italia, 19-20 Settembre 1994. 9 Deger Y., Cantieni R., Pietrzko S.J. (1994): Modal analysis of a steel/concrete composite bridge: linking finite element analysis and experimental data. ISMA 19, tools for noise and vibration analysis, Leuven, Belgium, 12- 14 September 1994, Vol. II, S.777-787. Deger Y., Cantieni R., Pietrzko S.J. (1994): Modal analysis of an arch bridge: experiment, finite element analysis and link. 2nd international conference on computational structural technology, Athens, Greece, 30 Aug-1 Sep 1994, S.87-94. Molina F.J., Pietrzko S.J., Cantieni R. (1994): Direct use of the experimental modal data of a bridge for the prediction of its response to a moving vehicle. Engineering foundation conference on vehicle/road and vehicle/ bridge interaction, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 5-10 Juni 1994. Pietrzko S.J. (1994): A sensitivity based method for the identification of the viscous damping matrix of a lumped-mass mechanical system. 12th Int. modal analysis conference (IMAC), Honolulu, Hawaii, 31 Jan-3 Feb 1994, S.568-574. Pietrzko S.J., Cantieni R. (1994): Modal testing of a gravity dam-influence of the exciter placement on the quality of the identified modal parameters. 12th Int. modal analysis conference (IMAC), Honolulu, Hawaii, 31 Jan-3 Feb 1994. Pietrzko S.J., Cantieni R. (1994): Modal testing of a steel/concrete composite bridge with servo - hydraulic shaker. ISMA 19, tools for noise and vibration analysis. Leuven, Belgium, 12- 14 September 1994, Vol. III, S.947-956. Pietrzko S.J., Hofmann R., Bütikofer R., Rosenheck A. (1994): The Swiss aircraft noise simulation model. Symposium on aircraft noise abatement receiver technology, 16-20 May 1994. Cantieni R., Deger Y., Pietrzko S.J. (1993): Modalanalyse einer Schwergewichtsmauer Vergleich von Messung und Rechnung. D-A-CH-Tagung der Gesellschaften für Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, Weimar, 29-30 September 1993. Cantieni R., Pietrzko S.J. (1993): Modal testing of a wooden footbridge using random excitation. 11th Int. modal analysis conference (IMAC), Kissimmee, Fla., 1-4 February 1993. Deger Y., Cantieni R., Pietrzko S.J. (1993): Modal analysis of a concrete gravity dam FE-modeling versus experiment. International workshop on dam safety evaluation, Grindelwald, 26-28 April 1993. 10 Pietrzko S.J. (1993): On the exciter placement for the modal testing of a gravity dam. International workshop on dam safety evaluation, Grindelwald, 26-28 April 1993. Slastan J., Pietrzko S.J. (1993): Changes of RC-beam modal parameters due to cracks. 11th Int. modal analysis conference (IMAC), Kissimmee, Fla., 1- 4 February 1993. Slastan J., Pietrzko S.J. (1993): Effectiveness evaluation of RC-Beam strengthening usingCFRP- laminates by means of modal analysis. 5th International conference and exhibition on StructuralFaults + Repair 93, Edinburgh, 29 June-1 July 1993. EMPA Nr. UE 20772. Pietrzko S.J. (1992): The inverse sensitivity problem of reconstructing the viscous damping matrix for a lumped-mass system. 17th Int. seminar on modal analysis at the KU Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium, 23-25 September 1992. Pietrzko S.J., Eichenberger E., Plüss S. (1992): Aircraft noise simulation with statistical modelling of flight path dispersion. 6th International FASE-Congress 1992, Zürich, 29-31 July 1992. Pietrzko S.J. (1990): Mathematical background and physical interpretation of some structural frequency response functions. 15th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, Heverlee, Belgium, 19-21 September 1990, 14 pp. Pietrzko S.J., Hofmann R.F. (1988): Prediction of A-weighted aircraft noise based on measured directivity patterns. Applied Acoustics 23, (1), 29-44. Pietrzko S.J. (1987): Eine auf Simulationsverfahren basierende Fluglärmprognose. 4. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Zurich, Switzerland, 09.-11. September 1987, 8 S. Giergiel J., Pietrzko S.J. (1982): Vibrations of viscoelastic rods with distributed mass for a longitudinal impact. Mechanika 1, (1), 75-81. Pietrzko S.J., Wszołek W. (1981): A simulation of DC drive control systems with mechanical resonance system. Hybridní výpočetní technika a simulace systémů : 18. seminár MEDA, Prague, Czech Republic, 227-232. 11