2013 calendar - Maffra Primary School
2013 calendar - Maffra Primary School
Maffra Primary School Newsletter Our email address: Visit our homepage: Phone: maffra.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au http://www.maffraps.vic.edu.au 5147 1236 th ISSUE 17 June 6 , 2013 PRINCIPAL: Chet Dervish 2013 CALENDAR ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL: Amanda Hetherton Tuesday 16 th First Day of Term 3 for Students Wednesday 31 Friday 7 June Report Writing Day – Student Free Day th Monday 10 th Wednesday 12 Thursday 13 Queens’ Birthday Holiday th Year 6 Mini Transition Day at Maffra SC from 10.45am to 1.30pm. Possum Magic at EBBWEC – 1/2A, 1/2H, 2/3B (subsidised cost - $10) th Annual Production Auditions (Call Backs) 3.30pm – 5.00pm. Friday 14 th Maffra SC Year 10 Carnival – Year 5 – Depart at 1.00pm and Return by 2.30pm Finance Subcommittee Meeting at 2.45pm. th Parents and Friends Meeting at 9.15am in Staffroom th SSV Sale and District Winter Sport Round Robin – Year 5/6. Monday 17 Tuesday 18 School Council Meeting at 7.00pm. Tuesday 25 th Wednesday 26 Thursday 27 Friday 28 th th Monday 15 Student Reports Distributed th Mid-Year Instrumental Concert – Strings and Bass Guitar from 6.30pm in Music Room. Mid-Year Instrumental Concert – Keyboard, Guitar, Percussion, Flutes, Jazz and Rock Band from 6.30pm in Library. Last Day of Term 2 – dismiss at 2.30pm. th July Teachers Return from Vacation – Curriculum Day – Student Free Thursday 19 Friday 20 th th Thursday 24 Tuesday 5 Parent Teacher Interviews from 1.30pm – 6.00pm. Classes as normal. September Annual Production ‘The Wizard of Oz’ at Entertainment Centre in Sale. Last Day of Term 3 – Dismiss at 2.30pm. th October Year 3/ 4 Melbourne Zoo Excursion. November Melbourne Cup Day Holiday th Wednesday 6 Friday 8 st th th Year 5/6 Ballarat Camp departs ($50 th deposit due by June 28 ) Year 5/6 Ballarat Camp returns. PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Cross Country Crowd At each of our cross country events we have been delighted to see the amount of support we have had from parents, grandparents and family friends. The crowd that gathered on Friday certainly enjoyed the junior school run and picnic in perfect weather conditions. The efforts of the children were exceptional and your support is greatly appreciated. complimentary tokens which can be used as currency at one of the many food and novelty stalls. They MAY CHOOSE to bring money from home to purchase additional tokens at 3 for $1 with UP TO $5 cash to spend at the carnival. The pricing will vary with the aim of simply covering costs without any profit motive. st On Friday 21 June a group of Year 7 students (ex-Maffra PS) will visit from Maffra SC to do a presentation to our Year 6 students, about what to expect when they make the move to secondary school, and answer any questions that our children may have. This will take place at 12.30pm and will be for the benefit of students who expect to be at Maffra SC in 2014. Instrumental Music As you will see from the invitation which follows in this newsletter, there are two instrumental music concerts in the last week of term two. Parents and other family members are encouraged to attend. Second semester fees are now due and we would appreciate full payment by the end of the term. Chet Dervish School Closure Parents are reminded that there will be no classes tomorrow as the teachers have been allocated this time to write student reports. Monday is a public holiday, so we will see you all back on Tuesday. Possum Magic We have three classes off to the Entertainment Centre on Thursday to see the live theatre performance of, ‘Possum Magic.’ Years 1/2A, 1/2H and 2/3B will head off at 10.15am and return by 1.00pm. This Mem Fox classic was first published 30 years ago and is a much-loved favourite. Please ensure that the $10 subsidised payment is returned with the permission note by Tuesday. Transition to Secondary School There are several activities planned over coming weeks to help prepare students for their transition into secondary schools. On Wednesday Year 6 students will head to Maffra Secondary College at 10.30am in preparation for transition activities including meeting Year 6 students from other feeder schools and a Year 7 classroom experience. They will return at 1.45pm. On Friday Year 5 students will head to Maffra Secondary College at 1.10pm and return at 2.30pm. They will take part in a carnival organised by Year 10 students as part of a leadership development program. The visitors will receive 3 School Photographs If you have ordered any of the photos displayed in the foyer (House Captains, Junior School Council, School Captains and Grade 6 Graduation), and have not paid, please send along your money on Monday. Photos will be ordered on Tuesday and payment is required before we place the order. Polar Fleece Tops Please note that orders have arrived and been distributed to those who have paid. If you indicated that you would like to pick up and pay on arrival, you can call at the office and see Liz or Deb. Polar Fleece Tops are $30. Student Awards Congratulations to the following students who have been recognised for their great achievements, behaviour and attitude over the last week. Kate Harrington - creating a brilliant fantasy mushroom. Andrew Crawford – creating an amazing reflective writing piece from investigation time. . Jana Hennig –being such a fantastic representative for Maffra Primary School at the Cross Country. Xavier Fink – a brilliant story about a ‘magical hat’. Challis Killoran – fantastic spelling skills. Kayla Hughes –a fantastic effort in the junior cross country. Jas O’Neill – one hundred days of flute practice. Bevan O’Doherty - fifty days of guitar practice. Eliza Allen – fifty days of drum kit practice. Mikhail Mahilall – fifty days of alto-sax practice. Bailee Smith – fifty days of percussion practice. Drew Mahoney - an excellent graph on the distance jumped in class. Nikki Wenisch - a wonderful powerpoint on her topic of interest – Terraria. Declan Foster - a fantastic slideshow on Nirvana. Mathew Angliss - great perserverance in creating a net for a 10 sided dice. Logan Radcliffe - fantastic adding with 9’s. Patrick Gardiner - fantastic adding with 9’s. Melissa Higgins - fantastic adding with 9’s. Danielle Charlton - fantastic adding with 9’s. Archie Hair - fantastic adding with 9’s. Archie Hair - sharing ‘planets’ with classmates. Skye Mackenzie - being a brilliant art monitor last week. Amelia Gardiner - great o’clock and half past work during our time unit. Wil Ruthberg - excellent work in mathematics! Ozzy Muir - fantstic work with Mrs Tait and making great improvements. Congratulations to the following students who have achieved certificates in ‘Mathletics’ this week. Silver: Graeme Wade, Isabelle Johnstone, Mitchell Mahoney, Kasey Svenson, Meg Marshall. Bronze: Andrew Crawford, Makayla Sandeman, Chayse Robinson, Dylan Richardson, Alex Kuizenga, Kasey Svenson, Logan Radcliffe, Coby Bronts, Henry Noble. Junior Cross Country Results Grade Two Boys Grade Two Girls Grade One Boys Grade One Girls Prep Boys Prep Girls First Second Coby Jett Bronts Killoran Emily Kheali Jansen Oldham Ozzy Bailey Muir Waller Georgie Charlie Hrehoresen Northway Wil Jack Ruthberg Dowsett Charli Leah Cameron Hawthorne Third Bayden Dowsett Latayah Hone Arki Vardy Zoe Jacobs Brooklyn Little Emily Johnston University of New South Wales Mathematics Competition Peter Ray The University of New South Wales is offering a 2013 International Competition that your child may like to enter. The competition is in Mathematics. The students will sit a supervised examination on Tuesday August 13 th, 2013 which will be sent off to the UNSW for assessment. Each child will receive a graded certificate from the UNSW. The cost to enter the competition is $8.80 per child. If you would like your child to enter, please see Mr Ray for an entry form. P/1S Cooking with Mrs Buchanan MAFFRA SECONDARY COLLEGE MINI-TRANSITION DAY th Woolworths Earn and Learn Remember to collect Earn & Learn Points stickers when you shop at Woolworths. The more we collect, the more our school will benefit. The Woolworths Earn & Learn program ends on Sunday 9th June. Thank you for your support and a big thanks to our ‘sticker kids’, Emily, Torrie, Skye and Tanisha for sticking hundreds and hundreds of stickers onto sheets during their lunchtimes!! Mid-Year Instrumental Concerts – Two Concerts - Double the Entertainment Concert Number One th Wednesday 26 June – Violin, cello, trombone and bass guitar students. Concert Number Two th Thursday 27 June – Acoustic & electric guitar, percussion, brass, woodwind and keyboard students, plus the Jazz Band and Rock Band. Each concert will be in three parts. Come to one, two, three or more parts over the two nights. Of course, if you are a performer, you need to come to your part of the concert. Bring lots of friends and family, they are more than welcome. All concerts will be held in the music room or Library which are both heated. th Concert Number One - Wednesday 26 June PART ONE 6.30 pm – Junior Strings – beginner violins. PART TWO 6.45pm – Senior Strings – violins and cellos, string ensemble & electric violins. PART THREE 7.30pm – Trombone and Bass guitars. th Concert Number Two -Thursday 27 June – PART ONE 6.30pm – Keyboard & 6.50pm Acoustic/electric guitars. PART TWO 7.15pm – Percussion & 7.40pm – flutes. PART THREE 8.00pm Jazz Band & Rock Band. On the night please bring; your instrument (not keyboard or percussion students), music (if you need it), friends and family and be on time. Wear casual clothing. Wednesday 12 June 2013 10.30am – 1.30pm ALL YEAR 6 STUDENTS INVITED!!! Catch the bus to MSC from your primary school. (Unless you go to Maffra Primary or St. Mary’s) Meet and get to know the Grade 6 students from other schools Experience being in a Year 7 classroom, trying some Year 7 work and complete the MSC Challenge Honour an Outstanding Teacher Call for nominations for the ASG NEiTA Awards for Inspirational Educators Support Our Inspirational Teachers Our school has been invited to submit nominations for the ASG NEiTA Awards for Inspirational Educators. This is an opportunity for our school to publicly recognise and encourage our great teachers, and give them a well-deserved pat on the back. NEiTA is the only independent national awards program where school parents/grandparents, parent associations, school boards/councils secondary student councils, and community organisations can nominate teachers and principals who contribute excellence. Nominated teachers receive a congratulatory NEiTA Certificate of Nomination and become eligible for NEiTA State and National Awards. It’s easy to nominate. Nominations can be made online, or forms can be downloaded, at www.neita.com.au or call the NEiTA Secretariat for a form by phoning free call 1800 624 487. Showing Appreciation to our Teachers Parents value teachers’ efforts. However, we rarely have the opportunity to publicly express our appreciation. This is our chance to do so by nominating our teachers and leaders for the ASG NEiTA Awards for Inspirational Educators. It’s easy to nominate and show our teachers how much we appreciate and support them. Nominations can be made online, or forms can be downloaded, at www.neita.com.au or request a form from the NEiTA Secretariat by phoning free call 1800 624 487. Nominations can be made by school parents and grandparents, the parent association, school council, secondary student council, and community organisations. Teacher Nominations Due The closing date is fast approaching to nominate teachers for the ASG NEiTA Awards for Inspirational Educators. Be sure to submit your nominations for our school’s outstanding teachers and leaders to NEiTA by 31 July 2013. It’s easy to nominate. Nominations can be completed online, or a nomination form downloaded, at www.neita.com.au or call the NEiTA Secretariat for a form by phoning free call 1800 624 487. Nominations close on 31 July 2013. MAFFRA CARERS’ GROUP Meetings are held at Maffra Hospital 48 Kent Street in the Community Meeting Room from 1-3pm. Meetings provide information and support for people in various caring roles. Pam Stevens, Co-ordinator - Maffra Carer's Group 5145 5417 th Next meeting Monday June 17 2013. All welcome.