English Newsletter - Mosque Foundation
English Newsletter - Mosque Foundation
mada II 1431 Issue 36 W W W. M O S Q U E F O U N D AT I O N . O R G November 2015 – Muharram - Safar 1437 Issue 97 Message From The Imam HIJRAH Sh. Jamal Said Brothers and Sisters, says, In the passage of time there lies great mystery and miracle. Allah “Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are indeed Signs for men of understanding,” (3:190). Oh Allah make us among your servants who awaken themselves from the lull of infatuation of the worldly life and become witnesses to Your signs and miracles! As this lunar year comes to a close it is sealed like an envelope never to be opened on our journey of no return until the Day of Judgment when you and I will all stand before our Lord to account for every year, every day, and every hour we spent on this Earth. Allah says, “Oh you who believe, fear Allah, and every soul must consider what he (or she) has sent ahead for tomorrow. And fear Allah. Surely Allah is fully aware of what you do,” (59:18). This verse invites us to ask ourselves, ‘Who do I fear? Who’s pleasure do I seek? What has occupied me? What has overwhelmed my thoughts and feelings? What is it that motivates me to act? Is it a matter that will serve me in the next life? Or will it only serve me in this life? Or neither?’ Indeed, tomorrow will be a day filled with joy for those who prepared for it and grief and sorrow for those who have procrastinated. Sisters and Brothers, this year, like every year we have witnessed, had its many bitter and few and fleeting sweet moments as is nature of this life. Our Ummah suffered great tragedies and small victories. Many people were born and many have died. As this hijri year begins, so does a new page in our own life story, a blank canvas, ready to be filled with the blackness and whiteness of our deeds. Who will fill this new year with committing major sins and persisting in committing minor sins? Who will continue in their arrogance, envy and slander? Who will be among those who humble and purify themselves by accounting for their deeds? Oh Allah make us among those who account for their own souls before they are accounted for by You! We begin the year with a choice endowed to us by our Creator millions of years ago when He created our father Adam and his wife Hawa; choosing to grasp firmly to the rope of guidance and adorn our books with good deeds or loose our grasp and soil our books with evil deeds. This choice was made hundreds of years ago on the momentous occasion from which we derive our calendar when the Messenger of Allah (S) and his righteous Companions (R) migrated to Madinah, marking the beginning of a new era for the Muslim Ummah. On this occasion, we are reminded of the words of Prophet (S)’s uncle when he came to him to dissuade him from calling to Islam offering him worldly gains, “If you continue page 2 PERMIT 107 BRIDGEVIEW, IL 60455 PAID PRESORT STD U.S. POSTAGE continue page 1 HIJRAH MF BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. Hussein Ata 2. Oussama Jammal 3. Jamal Said 4. Habes Abdallah 5. Abdallah M Shuaibi 6. Kalid Baste 7. Fahim Aref 8. Jehad Materiyeh 9. Ahmed Kamni 10. Aisheh Said 11. Banan Said 12. Marwan Elsafadi 13. Jafar Ahmad 14. Safaa Zarzour 15. Mohamed Aduib 16. Montaha Salem 17. Muin Abu Sharara 18. Ziad Zatar 19. Karen Danielson EDITORIAL BOARD Hussein Ata Sh. Jamal Said Sh. Ahmed Arafat Tareq Abu-Ammer Aisheh Said Mohamed Chehade Banan Said Abdel Baset Hamayel N ove m be r 2 0 1 5 Vol. 06, Issue 97 Copyright © 2015 by The Mosque Foundation. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Community Pulse is published monthly in the United States by The Mosque Foundation. Editorial and executive offices are located at 7360 W. 93rd Street, Bridgeview, IL 60455. Subscription rates in U.S. and possessions: 1 year (12 issues) FREE. Send address changes to: The Mosque Foundation, 7360 W. 93rd Street. Bridgeview, IL 60455. Printed in U.S.A. 2 November 2015 – Muharram - Safar 1437 want money we will give you until you become the richest among us. If you want position and fame we will make you our dignitary so that we will not do anything without consulting you. And if you are seeking to be a king we will make you our king.” The Prophet responded to his uncle: “O uncle, I swear by Allah! If they were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand in order to have me leave this call I will not stop preaching and spreading Islam until Allah reveals it or I die for it.” Peace and blessings be upon you, oh Messenger of Allah ! The greatest caller to truth! He taught us to remain persistent in standing for truth, no matter the cost. Today, those who call to the truth are rare and even those who do have little of the patience required to follow through. However, his companions (R) followed in his example when they migrated to Madinah, leaving behind their families, wealth, lands, and homes seeking the pleasure of their Creator . Hasan al-Basri, a great Muslim scholar, once said, “Oh son of Adam, you are no more than a number of days, every time a day passes, so does a part of you.” Let us take great measures to ensure we take advantage of the guidance that Allah has chosen to bestow upon us by planting good seeds so that our baskets will be full on the day of harvest. To be among those who will reap the delectable fruits of their harvests, you must first begin with an evaluation of our fara’id, those acts of worship that are obligatory, from salat to zakat to siyam. Should you find a shortcoming in their performance, be hasty in rectifying it. Second, cease committing acts that we have been forbidden from, repent to Allah and perform good deeds to wipe away the evil of these actions. Seek every opportunity to do good as outlined in the Sunnah of our beloved Messenger , such as asking Allah to bestow mercy and forgiveness to the believing men and women, both those alive and those who have passed. Prophet Muhammad promised we will receive a good deed for every believing person we prayed for as related by Obadah (R). Volunteer your money and time for the sake of Allah , which is an easy way to adorn your time with good deeds and earn the pleasure and blessings of Allah . Third, evaluate your words and actions with a keen eye, the eye of a blameful soul. Each night evaluate the actions of the morning and in the morning, evaluate the actions of the night. Aside from developing a habit of evaluating your time, do your best to recite daily from the Quran. Start with the recitation of a few verses a day, so that you do not overwhelm yourself and give up too quickly. Every month or so you can increase the number of verses to ensure you are consistent in performing good deeds which is most pleasing to Allah . Keep yourself among those people who value their time and encourage you to do good by remaining connected to the Masjid. Be wary of timewasters; both people and actions! Be resolute in attending every Friday prayer, jama’ah prayer, and attending a weekly circle of remembrance and reminder. Finally, become a person of thikr by grasping every opportunity to remember Allah and send peace and blessings upon His Messenger . Ask Allah for forgiveness persistently during the day and night for those things that you do know you did and those that you do not. Those who ask for forgiveness are those who fear Hellfire the most. Keep track of every opportunity to gain expiation of sins such as fasting the days of Tasooa’a and Ashoora’, the 9th and 10th of Muharram which are just around the corner. Brothers and Sisters, let us take advantage of our every heartbeat and every breath in this worldly life to earn a home in the next life, the final destination and abode. Let us be among those whose hard work paid off reclining on the beds of al-Jannah surrounded by what no eye of man has witnessed, no ear has heard, and no mind could have imagined. Oh Allah! Make our last deeds our best deeds and the conclusion of all our deeds good and the best of our days the Day we shall meet You! Allahuma Ameen. November 2015 – Muharram - Safar 1437 Keys to Enliven Your Salah, Part 1 Sh. Ahmed Arafat Have you ever felt that your performance in salat was reduced to mumbled words? Or that mindfulness and connectedness was absent during your prayer? Well, you are not alone! Many people express the same concerns and desire to experience more meaningfulness during salat which supports their spiritual growth. The goal of this series is to illustrate different ways, or keys, to rescue and enliven salat. The first key is to approach salat as a form of Munajah, or an intimate conversation with Allah . Missing the sense of Munajah will cause your performance in salat to be automatic, machine-like movements. The following are examples drawn from the Sunnah which illustrate the power of Munajah in the salat of Prophet Muhammad : started (1) After the first Takbirah, Prophet Muhammad with “Du’aa’ al-‘Istiftah” or an opening prayer. There are a variety of opening ‘ad’iyah Prophet Muhammad was reported to have used. Here are some examples: “I turn my face in complete devotion to One Who is the Originator of the heaven and the earth and I am not of the polytheists. Verily my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds; There is no partner with Him and this is what I have been commanded (to profess and believe) and I am of the believers.”[Muslim] (3) Rising from ruku’, Prophet Muhammad would add: “Our Lord, praise is Yours, abundant, good and blessed praise that fills the heavens and the earth and what lies between them, and whatever else You please. (You Allah) are most worthy of praise and majesty, and what the slave has said - we are all Your slaves. O Allah, there is none who can withhold what You give, and none may give what You have withheld. And the might of the mighty person cannot benefit him against You.” [Muslim] (4) Besides “Subhana Rabbiya al-A’la” during his sujud (prostrating position), Prophet Muhammad would add: “O Allah, to You I have prostrated and in You I have believed and to You I have submitted, and You are my Lord. My face has prostrated to the One Who created it and formed it, and brought forth its hearing and sight. Blessed be Allah the best of Creators.” [Muslim] (5) Between each Sajdah, Prophet Muhammad would say: “O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, heal me, and provide for me.” Or “My Lord, forgive me.” twice [Abu Dawud] In our next section we will briefly explore Surat al-Fatihah and how Prophet Muhammad approached it as a form of Munajah with Allah . “Glory be to you, O Allah, and all praises are due unto You, and blessed is Your name and high is Your majesty and none is worthy of worship but you.”[AlTirmithi] “O Allah, put a great distance between me and my sins, as great as the distance You have made between the East and the West. O Allah, cleanse me of sin as a white garment is cleansed from filth. O Allah, wash away my sins with snow and water and hail.” [Bukhari & Muslim] (2) Besides “Subhana Rabbiya al-‘Atheem” during his ruku’ (bowing position), Prophet Muhammad would add: “O Allah, to You I have bowed, in You I believe, to You I have submitted and in You I put my trust. You are my Lord. My hearing, my sight, my blood, my flesh, my bones and sinews are humbled before Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.” [Muslim] 3 First Day of School After a long summer break, students of Al-Siddiq School finally returned for the new school year of 2015-2016. Students expressed their excitement to start their first day at school. Upon arrival, students were greeted with candy and pencils just to start their day off with a smile. We pray that this year will be a successful one for all bi’thinillah! Eid Gift Shop Every year, Al-Siddiq School sets up a Eid Gift Shop where students are afforded an opportunity to buy their loved ones a small gift for Eid. Students express great enthusiasm in buying gifts for their family members and friends. 4 November 2015 – Muharram - Safar 1437 November 2015 – Muharram - Safar 1437 Hajj Day On September 20, 2015, Al-Siddiq School held their Annual Mock Hajj. This year it was held outdoors for change. Brother Islam Jaber served as the main speaker guiding students through each Hajj station. Step by step, he accompanied students explaining briefly different steps of performing Hajj including tawaf, sa’ee, and standing at ‘Arafa. The most exciting part for many of the younger students was seeing a live sheep as they learned the story of Ibrahim (A) and his son Ismail (A). Before completing their mock pilgrimage, students were each given a cup of Zamzam water with a date. Hajj Mabroor to Al-Siddiq School’s staff and students and to Sister Abeer Wazwaz. May Allah (SWT) accept from you and us! Eid Field Trip On September 27, 2015, Al-Siddiq School divided students into 5 groups to attend separate field trips. Students attended either of Fair Oaks Farm, Safari Land, Go Bananas, Paintballing, and Starved Rock. Each group returned with big smiles and thoroughly enjoyed their time. We pray that our students and their families enjoyed a blessed Eid with their families and loved ones! 5 En El Nombre de Allah, El Misericordioso El Compasivo Queridos hermanos de fe es una bendicion poder compartir con ustedes este articulo en este mes de Al- Muharram, cual es uno de los cuatro meses benditos de Allah El Todopoderoso, en el calendario lunar islamico. Al- Muharram es conocido tambien como El mes de Allah; en una hadiz Abu Huraira (que Allah este complacido con el) reporto del profeta(saws) fue preguntado cual es lo mas exelente despues de la oracion prescrita,y cual es el ayuno mas exelente despues de el mes de Ramadan. El (saws) dijo: la oracion ofrecida en la mitad de la noche y el ayuno mas exelente despues de el mes de Ramadan, es el ayuno en el mes de Allah Al-Muharram.(sahih muslim #2612). Cuando el profeta(saws) emigro de Mecca a Al-medina, el profeta(saws)vio a los judios ayunando ese dia. El(saws) les pregunto porque estaban haciendo eso y ellos le dijeron la razon; que Allah le habia dado al profeta Moises(as)liberacion de el faraon en ese dia y ellos ayunaban ese dia por el gozo de ser salvados. El profeta(saws) dijo; en este gozo de el profeta Moises (as), los musulmanes tienen derecho de observar el ayuno mas que los judios. El profeta(saws)observo el ayuno en el dia 10 de Al- Muharram. El (saws) dijo que si el fuese a vivir el proximo ano el (saws) ayunaria el dia 9 de Al-Muharram tambien, para asi ser diferentes de los judios.En otra hadiz , El profeta(saws) ordeno a los musulmanes a observar el ayuno de Ashura y anadiendo el dia 9 al dia 10 o ayunar el dia 10 y el dia 11 de Al-Muharram a lo contrario de los judios. (Musnad Ahmad, vol.4,p-21)En otra hadiz dice, que el ayuno en ese dia de Ashura expiara los pecados del ano que viene. (Muslim) El dia de Ashura, el dia 10 de Al-Muharram cae en el dia 23 de Octubre, un Viernes y seria bueno anadir el dia Jueves, 22 de Octubre o el dia Sabado, 24de Octubre. Ustedes tienen la oportunidad de elejir hacer este ayuno voluntario para su beneficio; es una bendicion para losque buscan acercarse a Allah (SWAT)y desean recibir cual enorme recompenza de Nuestro Creador, El Misericordioso, El Generoso, El Compasivo. Inshallah este articulo sea de beneficio para ustedes pues asi como la hadiz de el profeta Mohammad(swas) dijo :”Ninguno de vosotros cree, hasta que quiera para su hermano, lo que quiere para si mismo.”(Al-Bukhari y Muslim) Pense en mis hermanos de fe y con la ayuda de Allah (SWAT) decidi escribir sobre este articulo. Quiera Allah (SWAT) darnos la oportunidad de hacer acciones buenas que nos ayuden aumentar nuestra fe,Amen. Su hermana en Islam, Celia Snowber 6 November 2015 – Muharram - Safar 1437
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