Praesidentenbericht - the Schwaben Club!


Praesidentenbericht - the Schwaben Club!
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community
Happy 80th Birthday Schwaben Club
February 2011
February 6
February 12
Film Afternoon-Peter Alexander ‘Das
Weisse Roessl am Wolfgangsee’
Valentine’s Tribute Concert – “The Beatles”
February 19
80th Gründungsfest
Schwaben Hall
All Halls
March 19
Day Tripper
Band – The Golden Keys
Main Hall
Band – Variations
April 6
German Spring Concert-Axel Becker,
Duo Mosaique, Marcel, Romy & Pfälzer Buam
Landestrachtenfest (Toronto, ON)
Mother’s Day Luncheon
Schwaben Hall
April ?
May 1
Main Hall
May 14
Various Groups
Viennese Gala Ball
Main Hall
Band - TBA
June 12
Annual Picnic
August 13
3rd Annual Schnitzengiggle
Wilmot Rod & Gun Club
Schwaben Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
September 3-4 Tag der Donauschwaben (Mansfield, OH)
September 10 Kirchweih
Main Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
October 7-15 Oktoberfest
All Halls
Bands – The Golden Keys & TBA
October 28 or 29 Halloween Dance
Schwaben Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
November 19 Frauen Gründungsfest
Main Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
December 11 Christmas Luncheon
Main Hall
Various Groups
December 31 New Year’s Eve Ball
Main Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
Neues Mitglied New Member
Ein herzlich willkommen:
Irene Langlois
Für die Inhalte der aktuellen
Anschrift der Redaktion
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
Peter Speckner
Graphische Gestaltung
Catherine Thompson
Please forward all newsletter
submissions to:
Wera Dennis
Telephone (519) 894-6695 or
Der Monat Januar ist fuer unser Klub mit vielen
Veranstaltungen prall gefuellt. Das Jahr begann mit unserer erfolgreichen Sylvesterfeier. Viele unter unseren
Mitgliedern schaetzen unseren Klub als den Ort, das
alte Jahr ausklingen zu lassen! Ich war sehr froh, so viele
Mitglieder vom Transylvania Klub begruessen zu duerfen. Eine vollbesetzte Halle, gutes Essen, sowie wunderbare Musik von den Saxons rundeten den Abend aus.
Wenn Sie nicht mal eine Sylvesterfeier im Schwaben
Klub erlebt haben, dann fragen Sie andere Anwesenden
und Sie werden ueberzeugt sein, naechstes Jahr dabei zu
sein. Ich moechte mich bei allen freiwilligen Helfern,
sowie bei der Kuechenpersonal und Bedienung fuer die
schoen geschmueckte Halle, die schmackhaft praesentierte Bueffettische und Gastbetreuung bedanken.
Am 8. Januar kam der Schwaben Klub an die
Reihe, den alljaehrlichen Kameradschaftsabend
zu gastieren. Dieser Abend gab alle hiesigen deutsche Organisationen und Vereine
die Gelegenheit, sich durch gemuetliche
Kameradschaft kennenzulernen. Wie in meiner Festrede erwaehnt worden war, geniesse
ich und meine Frau Mary insbesondere diese
Veranstaltung. Es war fuer mich eine Freude, altbekannte von den verschiedenen Organisationen
wiederzusehen, sowie neue Bekanntschaften
zu machen. Leider konnte der Vorsitzender
der Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Gerhard Griebenow,
wegen eines Todesfalls in seiner Familie in
Deutschland, an den Abend nicht teilnehmen.
In seiner Abwesenheit fungierte seine Frau
Claudia als Vertretung. Ein herzliches Beileid
geht an Gerhard und seine Familie.
Wir waren sehr stolz auf unsere vier Tanzgruppen,
die uns mit verschiedenen Auffuehrungen unterhalten haben. Die Jugendgruppe hat uns besonders
imponiert und die Gruppe waechst stetig.
Am 22. Januar gab es das erste FundraisingSpaghetti-Essen fuer unsere Kinder-und
Jugendgruppen…..und was fuer ein Erfolg!
Die Halle war bis zum letzten Stuhl besetzt
und wir haben gut gegessen. Wir wurden auch
von den Kinder-und Jugendgruppen mit einigen Tanzeinlagen unterhalten. Es war schoen,
so viel Unterstuetzung von den Mitgliedern zu
sehen. Diese Jugend ist unsere Zukunft und sie
schaetzt die Unterstuetzung von den Mitgliedern
und Freunden.
Als ich diese Zeilen schreiben, gibt es noch
eine Veranstaltung in diesem Monat Januar.
Unsere neue Miss Schwaben wird am 29. gekroent. Dieses Jahr wird diese Veranstaltung als
Maskenball gefeiert. Die Tanzgruppen bemuehen sich, diesen Abend erlebnisvoll zu gestalten. In der Vergangenheit ist diese Veranstaltung
leider ziemlich schlecht besucht gewesen und wir
hoffen dieses Jahr auf Ihr zahlreiches Erscheinen,
damit ich im Februarbericht nur Positives ueber
den Abend zu berichten habe.
Im Monat Februar haben wir auch zahlreiche
Veranstaltungen. Am 12. Februar haben wir
einen besonderen Valentinabend mit Essen und
“Beatles”-Unterhaltung. Am 19. Februar feieren
wir das 80-jaehriges Bestehen des Schwaben Klubs,
worauf ich mich sehr freue, Sie alle zu sehen.
Zu guter Letzt moechte ich Sie daran erinnern,
fuer unseren Klub zu werben Mund-zu-Mund
Werbung ist die Beste ihrer Art. Erinnerungen
kommen nicht von ungefaehr…kommen Sie mal
raus und Ihren Klub unterstuetzen!
President’s Report
Well, January has been a busy month with a
number of events at our club. We started off with
our very successful New Year’s Eve Celebration.
Many of our members have learned that this
is the place to ring in the new year. I am also
thrilled to see many of our Transylvania friends
also coming out each year to enjoy the evening.
The full hall, great food, and the great music
provided by the Saxons, made it a very successful evening. If you have not come out to one of
our New Year’s celebrations then ask those who
have and I’m sure you will be convinced to join
us for 2011. I want to thank all the volunteers,
organizers, kitchen staff and servers who each
year do a terrific job decorating the hall, presenting such attractive and delicious buffets, and providing great service.
On January 8th, it was our club’s turn to host
Kammeradschaftsabend. This is an evening of
fellowship with members from all the German
organizations in the Region. As I mentioned in
my remarks at the event, it is an evening that
Mary, my wife, and I have come to enjoy very
much. It was wonderful spending time with people we have come to know over the years from
across the various clubs and organizations as well
as having the opportunity to make new friends.
Unfortunately Gerhard Griebenow was not able
to join us due to the recent passing of his father.
Gerhard is the chair of the Co-operative Council
of German-Canadian Clubs. We are very thankful for having his wife Claudia fill in so aptly in
his absence and we send our heartfelt condolences to Gerhard and Claudia. We were pleased
to showcase our four dance groups at this event.
We were entertained by the Kindergruppe, the
Jugendgruppe, the Schwaben Dancers, and our
Donau Dancers. Our growing number of youth
dancers did us particularly proud.
On January 22nd we had our first Spaghetti night
fundraiser for our Kinder and Jugend dance
groups. What a huge success! The hall was full,
we had a great meal, and we were also entertained by the two dance groups. It was wonderful to see all the folks who came out to support
them. These youth are our future and having
such wonderful support coming from members
and friends must have made them feel proud. I
hope future fundraising events for these groups
will continue to be as successful.
As I write this we still have one more event
this month. Our Miss Schwaben evening is on
January 29th. A masquerade party is the theme
and organizers and dance groups have been busy
preparing for this special evening. Unfortunately
this event has had low attendance by our members over the past several years. It is my hope
that in the February issue I can report that we
had an increase in the number attending.
We also have several other events in February.
On February 12th we have our Valentine’s Day
Concert where we will be entertained by a
Beatles tribute band. On February 19th is our
club’s 80th anniversary celebration and look forward to seeing you at that event.
Finally, don’t keep our club a secret. Spread the
word that this is the place to be. You can’t make
memories sitting at home.
George Kraehling Jr.
Manager’s Report
“What’s Going On”
January was a very cold month ….but February is
heating up here at the Schwaben Club with a very
on Sat., Feb.12th. Bring your Valentine to see DAY
TRIPPER which in Canada’s premier BEATLES
tribute band. You will enjoy a great dinner and then
the show with all your favourite Beatles tunes. You
won’t want to miss this one.
Then on the 19th we celebrate the 80th
Gruendungsfest of the Schwaben Club. Just think
the club has been here for you for 80 years, growing
stronger and stronger. Thank you for your continued
support for the club as we move forward to 100.
Don Egley
February 6...Film Nachmittag
Geburtstage Für Februar
Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs,
die im Monat Februar Geburtstag feiern
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im
neuen Lebensjahr.
Gruber, Frank
Brumm, Adam
Kalau, Johanna
Marzinko, Ruth Anne
Klenk, Michael
Speckner, Siegfried
Birl, Edmund
Mackenzie, Kyle
Schummer, Gerda
Frank, Nicholas
Kraehling, Anneliese
Vogel, Franz
Nessner, Andreas
Kauck, Ingrid
Frey, Julianne
Brumm, Julianne
Petsch, Katharina
Groh, Elisabeth
O’Reilly, Peter
Adam, Joan
Willemsen, Tara
Kraehling, Katharina
Grau, Christopher
Gellner, Rosemarie
Schlosser, Edward
Putschli, John
Haase, Heidi
Beckett, Tim
Greetings from the Frauengruppe! We are in the
heart of winter and many of our members will
get a chance to go somewhere warm. Remember
that there is no birthday meeting in January and
I had an opportunity to attend the Kindergruppe
spaghetti supper fundraiser on Jan 22nd. What
a great evening! The meal was delicious and the
hall was full! Congratulations on your success!
Not only do we support the groups within our
club but we also support the community.
Once again we have made donations to both
hospitals and the radio station.
At our January meeting we welcomed two new
members. They are Lena Herold and Marion
Nuxoll. Welcome!
By the time this is written we will have crowned
a new Miss Schwaben. We say good-bye to
Mishi and congratulations to our new Miss.
Hope to see many of our members at the club’s
Anniversary celebration. Susan Cook, Secretary
Susan Cook
When Friends Come
Every year, all the German clubs and organizations in Waterloo Region come together and
celebrate their shared heritage. This year, the
honour was held by the Schwaben Club to host
Kameradschaftsabend. And what a wonderful
evening it was!
The evening started with a brief welcome by
our President, and then came dinner. The first
course were salads; both Caesar and House.
Then came the main entrée: schnitzel, mashed
potatoes, mixed vegetables and Schwaben
beans. For those that don’t know yet, there’s a
new Chef in the kitchen. This meant that many
of the dishes had a new twist to them which
would be expected, since any new chef would
need some time to learn how to prepare our signature dishes the traditional way. The meal finished with a Hazelnut Torte, an excellent ending
to the dinner.
Then came the entertainment. First, a brief
speech by our President. He talked about the significance of the event, and described some unique
details specific to the Schwaben Club. Then
our Kindergruppe came out and stole the show.
Everyone in the audience, especially those from
other clubs, were surprised and pleased with both
and the size and the quality of the group. And
when the Jugendgruppe came out next,
it was even better. They showcased their
speed and precision, much to everyone’s delight. What most people don’t
know (unless you were there), is that
most clubs do not have multiple dance
groups. They might have one children’s
and one adult, but we are lucky at the
Schwaben Club to have 4 (four) dance
groups. So it was extra special to have
the chance to show them off.
The Blue Waves took over, and the dancing began. The floor was always full, as everyone enjoyed the polkas and waltzes they played. Then
the first band break, and more dance groups.
The Donau Dancers were next, and they were
fantastic. Their combination of traditional and
non-traditional dance was very entertaining.
When they were finished, the Schwaben Dancers
came on to finish off the quartet of groups that
we were showcasing. Doing their normal high-
energy numbers, they ended with a triple Kreutz
König greatly impressing everyone.
The Blue Waves took over again, and guided us
through the rest of the evening. While I can’t say
the evening was perfect, it was very enjoyable,
and wonderful to have all our German brethren in
one room. Can’t wait till next year!
Peter Speckner
Cultural Director
Website: / Link:
new year’s eve
aghetti Dinner
Ringing in the New Year!
It happens every year,
and every year it gets
better. That’s right!
We’re talking about
the New Year’s Eve
Ball at the Schwaben
Club. There really is
no better place to celebrate the start of a
new year, than with
friends and family at
the Club. If you didn’t
make it, then here’s
what you missed.
A great party always
starts with great decorations, and this one
was no exception.
With elegant centerpieces, and balloons
adding a festive touch
– it was definitely a
environment. As the guests
breads, crackers and
cheeses awaited them.
The perfect things
to build a big appetite. Once dinner was
ready, things really
got going. First came
the salads, and there
were a lot them. Tomato, cucumber, herring and
Caesar – just to name a few. After salads, came
the soup. Served directly to the tables, it was a delicious carrot flavour. Light, yet very yummy.
Then the main course was served, and it was very
much worth waiting for. And with two separate
serving areas in
the hall, no one
had to wait too
long to get food.
There was pasta
in tomato sauce,
pasta in a cream
sauce, beans, varieties of potatoes, and roast
beef. A really,
really big roast
beef. It was all fantastic, an actual wonder
to behold. Especially
the beef! when you
reached the end of
the Hot line, standing
before the hip of beef,
it truly was a sight to
see. And even better
to eat. While guests
finished the entrées,
the servers brought
out the desserts. Once
again, the selection
was something to remember. Fresh fruits,
mousse cups, tortes,
pies, and squares galore. If the first four
courses didn’t fill you
up, then dessert definitely would’ve finished you off.
Of course, with full
stomachs comes with
need to work some of that off. That’s where the
Saxons come in. They were the band chosen to
guide us through the evening leading up to the
new year. They cracked jokes, kept us dancing,
and kept the mood light and fun throughout the
night. And when midnight finally hit, a rousing
rendition of “Auld Lang Syne” help spread the
mood as people hugged their friends and family
While there may not have been as many peo-
ple attending as last year, this was a wonderful
celebration to attend. The food was better, the
company friendly, and the atmosphere electric.
If the rest of 2011 goes even half as well as our
New Year’s Eve Ball – it will be an amazing year.
See you all next year.
Peter Speckner
Cultural Director
The Power of Spaghetti
It’s found all over the world. Everybody knows
what it is. Most people like it in one variety or
another. It’s wholesome, filling, and delicious
So when the Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe of
the Schwaben Club
decided to host a
major Fundraiser what else would you
expect to be served!
With the everexpanding
numbers in both the
Kindergruppe and
Jugendgruppe, the
need to raise money
to cover costs such as costumes, parties, and other subsidies increases. Not that anyone’s complaining. Watching more and more kids come
out to dance in our groups is a wonderful blessing. It just requires a bit of money to run it all.
So, hosting a fundraiser anchored by a Spaghetti
dinner seemed just the way to go.
Then came the challenging part - organizing all
the volunteers and the event itself. It would have to
be fun, have lots to offer, and be priced just right.
Funny how everything came together just right!
The volunteers came in the Friday evening before to prepare the sauce. They came in again
early Saturday afternoon to cook
the noodles, make the salad and
decorate the hall. Families also donated prizes for the Silent Auction,
and desserts for the Bake Sale. Lots
of desserts!
By the time the guests started arriving, they got to see a beautifully
decorated hall, a massive dessert
table (filled with cookies, cakes,
tortes, cupcakes, pies, and numerous other very yummy-looking
items), and a wide variety of items
up for bidding (from power tools
to golf clubs, beauty products to
Build-a-Bear). There was a little
something for everyone.
People lined up around the hall
to get a heaping plate of spaghetti
with a roll, and a side of Caesar salad. They even
set out large spoons so people could eat their pasta the proper way!
After the meal was
finished, both dance
groups performed a
few of their signature
dances as a thank
you to the audience.
It is always great to
see the youngsters
having fun like that.
Finally, it came time to announce the winners of
the auction.
Since the winner was the last person who entered a bid for a particular item (thereby being the highest bidder), I could’ve sworn I saw
people hovering near the items of their choice,
pouncing back everytime they were outbid. And
even though I’m sure some people didn’t get
what they wanted (I’m one of them), it truly was
all in good fun.
All in all, it was an excellent time from start to
finish. Great food, a worthy cause, and a little
something for everyone. No wonder it was almost a full hall! I wish both groups much success
in all their future endeavors, and can’t wait till
the 2nd Annual Spaghetti Dinner in 2012.
Peter Speckner
Cultural Director
I would like to thank Joe Adam for the lovely
pictures he sends to the Nachrichten. He is at
every event with his camera and snaps great
pictures. Our Nachrichten would not be as
enjoyable without his contribution.
Thanks Joe!
Cathy Thompson, Graphic Design
Leibersperger, Peter
Passed away peacefully on Tuesday,
January 18, 2011 at St. Mary’s Hospital, at
the age of 81. Beloved husband of Elisabeth
(nee Mueller). Loving father of Christine
Bieber (Ralph). Grandpa of Colleen Bishop
(David) and Erin Bieber. Dear brother
of Maria Marhula. He will be missed by
his brother-in-law Philipp Mueller (Otti),
sister-in-law Helga Bretz (Manfred) and
his nephew and nieces. Predeceased by
his sister Christine, his parents Jacob and
Magdalena Leibersperger and brother-inlaw Frank Marhula.
Munz, Barbara
Passed away peacefully at Grand River
Hospital of KW Health Centre on Friday,
January 21, 2011, at the age of 90 years.
Beloved wife of the late Philip Munz (1977).
Dear mother of Kurt Munz and his wife
Lynda of Kitchener. Cherished grandmother
of Philip, Sarah, Kaitlynn and Elizabeth.
Dear sister of Käthe Schlosser and her
husband Edward of Kitchener. Predeceased
by her parents Georg and Barbara
Hutfloetz; sister Rosina (Peter) Wiandt and
by her brother Georg (Barbara) Hutfloetz.
GOLDEN BOOKS, 700 (approx) children’s
Golden Books. Old ones, newer ones,
shaped ones, unique ones. 519-569-7824
To add an item please contact the Schwaben Club at
519-742-7979. or send an email to
Josef Ziegler
Check out the
Schwaben Club
on Facebook....
Schwaben Club
Single - $45
Family - $75
Retired Single (65+) $37.50
Student (with ID) $22.50
Members, please
pay your 2011
dues promptly at
our office. Also,
please update your
address and contact
information on file if
it is out if date.
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1