

The Newsletter of
Carers’ Resource
Harrogate 01423 500555
Ch ices
Skipton 01756 700888
Issue 94
Bradford 01274 449660
March 2016
Ripon 01765 690222
Calls for greater recognition of working
carers and their needs has been
discussed in the House of Commons,
thanks to a visit to the capital by
Carers’ Resource Director Chris Whiley.
Here, Chris reports back on the momentous
meeting which resulted in two mentions of
Carers’ Resource in the House.
“An initial conversation with Philip Davies, the
Conservative MP for Shipley, about the challenge
of getting employers to think about employees who
may be carers resulted in an invitation to London to
meet MP Priti Patel, the Employment Minister.
This opportunity to push the need for more support
for carers at work was too good to miss. Stella Elson,
Manager of our CReate (Carers’ Resource
Employment Advice Training Enterprises service
funded by the Big Lottery), and I decided we would go
armed with a proposed initiative for a national quality
mark for employers who are Carer Aware.
We set off early on Monday, 1 February, and all
went smoothly (just a little hiccup when we were
waiting outside Portcullis House for Philip Davies and
unbeknown to us he was waiting for us inside!).
Once we found each other, we were whisked along
the streets of Westminster to another office block,
and after the normal security checks we were taken
to the Minister’s office.
Priti Patel was very aware of the issues facing
carers, and she told us that as there are fewer people
unemployed one of the government’s priorities now
is to support people to stay in work. And she received
our suggestion of a national Carer Aware quality
mark for employers with enthusiasm. She accepted
a national scheme would have more credibility than
a local one, and she would investigate how this might
happen and get back to us. A great coup for carers
and Carers’ Resource!
She was interested to hear about our geographical
reach supporting carers in inner-city and sparselypopulated rural areas, and expressed an interest in
working with us in the future.
All too quickly our meeting was over as she was
Email Web
expected in the House of Commons to answer
employment questions.
Here are the quotes from Hansard: Speaking in the
House of Commons, MP Philip Davies said: “More
and more people, particularly women, are taking on
caring responsibilities.
“I thank the Minister for meeting me and Carers’
Resource from my constituency about this particular
issue. Does she agree that it is important for employers
to have more carer-friendly employment practices and
that we need to do more to encourage that to happen
in order to get the best for those people?
MP Priti Patel said: “It was with great pleasure that
I met Carers’ Resource from his constituency. I discussed
how we can support and work collectively with that
organisation to support more women with caring
responsibilities to get employment and also to work with
employers to do more to support getting people into
work – carers in particular. I look forward to working with
Carers’ Resource to see what more we can do to pilot
more initiatives locally.”
Since the meeting we have pursued a contact with
Asda, passed to us by Philip Davies. We are also
holding an event at Harrogate’s RHS Garden Harlow
Carr in May for business leaders to help raise
awareness about carers in the workforce.
All I can say is – watch this space!”
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service available to anyone
registered with a North
Yorkshire GP. North Yorkshire
Mental Health Out of Hours
Helpline 0333 0000 309.
Your pharmacist can help you
with queries you may have
about your medicines. You, or
the person you care for, may be
taking several different
medicines, especially if you
have a condition such as
diabetes or asthma. It’s
important your medication and
doses are reviewed regularly,
about once a year.
Pharmacists are experts and
often have extended hours, and
no appointment is necessary.
Citizens Advice Bureau
0344 411 1444
Debt Advice Foundation
0800 043 4050
Debt Support Trust
0800 085 0226
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Payplan 0800 280 2816
Step Change 0800 138 1111
Independent living need not
mean soldiering on or feeling
too proud to ask for help.
Sometimes people can worry
about the cost or upheaval of
possible changes but some
adjustments can help us
manage daily living – and help
us feel the better for it.
Even small domestic or
personal changes can make a
huge difference to your
independence. Finding your way
through a maze of information
can be daunting – aids and
equipment, home alterations
and grants, assistive technology,
healthcare and mobility advice –
it’s not always easy. Contact
Carers’ Resource to discuss your
needs and we’ll do our best to
point you in the right direction.
Details are on page 1 and 3.
Page 2
Prevention matters for
mental health
Prevention is key to creating
a mentally healthier nation, a new
report has revealed.
The Five Year Forward View for
Mental Health, which sets out a
new five-year strategy for the NHS
in England, highlights the need to
address acute care and for more
emphasis on prevention.
It highlights the fact that treatment
for mental health must mirror that
of our approach to cancer. It says
that as efforts to improve cancer
survival rates show, care and
treatment in physical health has for
decades focused on preventing and
diagnosing physical problems early.
Working with
GPs to help
Our Primary Care Liaison Officer
Melanie Evans runs a new carer
drop-in at Sunnybank Medical
Centre, in Wyke, Bradford, for
carers registered at this surgery,
on Tuesdays, 10am to 12pm.
Patient Services Manager Jude
Faulkner said the centre was keen
to promote the drop-in. She says:
“We know carers do a brilliant job
by looking after their loved ones,
and helping to provide regular
access to Carers’ Resource, close to
their home, is one way we can
support them.”
It also calls for a Prevention
Concordat programme (an
agreement) that will enable all
health and wellbeing boards to
support local needs and produce
mental health prevention plans.
There has been growing
momentum for mental health
illnesses, and sensitive and helpful
media coverage has increased, as
highlighted by the BBC’s In the
Mind series. The NHS has now
vowed to transform mental health
services with extra £1bn a year,
and the report states “prevention
matters – it’s the only way that
change can be achieved”.
Grants for
parent carers
It can be a struggle financially,
emotionally and physically for
families raising a child with a
disability or serious illness.
The Family Fund may be able
to help with grants or services.
It will look at any grant request
that relates to the needs of a
disabled or seriously ill child or
young person and their family.
It could be for sensory toys,
kitchen appliances, bedding or
clothes, computers or tablets, or
a family break. For full eligibility
criteria check the website or
telephone 01904 621115.
If you’re an older person who needs a little support
or if you know someone who does please contact us
Royal Voluntary Service Bradford – 07590776037
Our friendly volunteers can call round for a weekly chat, help on a trip
out to a park or café, or maybe give a lift to an appointment.
We’re here to help you carry on the things you enjoy.
Registered Charity 1015988
Choices: Carers’ Resource – Harrogate | Craven | Bradford | Airedale
Welcome to the new-look Choices
After speaking to some of you at groups, and via an email questionnaire
to a sample of carers, we have taken on your comments and ideas to
help us freshen up this long-standing and well-received newsletter.
It is now full colour. The ‘inserts’ have been replaced with a centrespread of
groups, drop-ins, lunches and activities right across our patch (pages 6 & 7)
– many of you said you would like to see what’s on offer in other areas.
You like to read ‘real stories’ about carers. This edition features Diane
(page 5), who cares for her husband with dementia; Margot (page 9), who
set up a business with support from us; and 11-year-old Callum (page 11)
is proud to talk about his role as a young carer. There is a mix of local and
national news and information, which you like, – such as our front-page
story about our London visit to push for greater recognition of working
carers, and an update on the controversial benefits cap (page 8).
The new design is clear and clean, and colour
photographs really brighten the pages.
Choices will continue to develop. To share your views
on this edition please contact Editor Carolyne Coyle
(contact details opposite).
Happy reading!
Chris Whiley, Director, Carers’ Resource
l If you could help us reduce mailing costs and could
easily receive Choices on email, please contact your
local Carers’ Resource office and ask for your details to
be amended. Thank you.
Care Act
one year on
Carers Trust has been reviewing
the Care Act to look at what
difference it has made to unpaid
The new act, which came into
force on 1 April 2015, gave carers
rights on a par with the people
they care for, which includes an
entitlement to an assessment.
It takes into consideration the
carer’s health and wellbeing,
family relationships, balancing
home life with education or work.
If eligible, they are entitled to
support funded by the local
authority. Also, all local authorities
must provide advice and
information, and prevent carers’
needs from getting worse.
There are more than five million
unpaid carers in England, often
working around the clock to care
for a loved one, who due to
illness, disability, mental health or
addiction, cannot manage without
their support.
Carers Trust is working with
former care minister Paul Burstow
to analyse evidence received. The
findings will be reviewed by a
panel of experts and advisers, and
a report is expected in summer.
Can you help us develop new
projects and shape services by
giving us your feedback?
As a member of the Carers
Panel you can voice your
opinions, criticisms and
suggestions by answering one-off
questions or short surveys.
You will be able to affect
decisions concerning carers,
to comment on the services that
help you, and give valuable
opinions on issues important
to you.
We will communicate with the
panel via email – we may send
you single questions, such as
“what’s the hardest thing about
being a carer”, or short
We can share your relevant
comments with local and national
policy makers, to help make sure
services reflect carers’ needs.
Comments will be anonymous in
any written work we may share.
To join e-mail:
stating ‘Carers Panel’ in the
subject field, for details call
Carolyne Coyle (01274) 449660.
Carers’ Resource is an independent
and nationally-recognised Yorkshire
charity which gives tailored
information and support to carers,
those in need of care and support,
and the professionals who work
with them. Our services support
people to remain independent, and
have choice and control to improve
their lives or situations.
Carers’ Resource is a company
limited by guarantee.
Reg charity number 1049278.
Contributions (50-500 words) are
welcomed but may be edited.
The views expressed do not
necessarily reflect policy of the
Carers’ Resource. Reference to any
service does not imply
The deadline for submissions for
next issue is May 2, 2016 and can be
sent to the editor, Carolyne Coyle,
or by post to the Bradford office
(address below).
11, North Park Road,
Harrogate, HG1 5PD.
Tel: 01423 500555
Fax: 01423 507777
Griffin House, Broughton Hall
Business Park, Skipton, BD23 3AN.
Tel: 01756 700888
15, Park View Court, St Paul’s Road,
Shipley, BD18 3DZ.
Tel: 01274 449660
Fax: 01274 449673
Community House, Sharow View,
Allhallowgate, Ripon HG4 1LE.
Tel: 01765 690222
Choices is produced by Carers’
Resource and designed and printed
by Avenue Printing House,
42-44 Wharfedale Avenue,
Harrogate, HG2 0AU.
Telephone 01423 562924.
Choices: Carers’ Resource – Harrogate | Craven | Bradford | Airedale
Page 3
Regal chicks fly the flag for carers
We are marking the Queen’s 90th birthday with our
commemorative fundraising chicks.
Once again we have teamed up with Cadbury and
our volunteer knitters have created woolly Easter
chick covers for the confectionary giant’s creme
eggs. On sale in our offices and other outlets for a
donation of £1.50, funds will go towards ongoing
support for the growing number of carers.
“We choose a different theme each Easter to add a
different and eye-catching dimension to the chicks,”
says Anne Wells, our Events and Fundraising Manager.
“This Easter, the focus of our volunteers’
imagination – and knitting sticks – has been the
Queen’s 90th birthday.” More than 1,000 covers have
been made this year – including a limited edition in
red, white and blue. Since the first chicks were
knitted eight years ago more than 10,000 have been
sold across Yorkshire, generating more than £15,000.
Anne adds: “We are delighted to be able to draw
upon the generosity of Cadbury, who have backed this
initiative every year since day one, and take an active
interest in the work that we are able to do as a result.”
Watch out for scammers – think twice and stay safe
Crooks are using clever schemes to defraud millions of
people out of their savings and hard-earned cash
Scammers combine
sophisticated technology and
persuasive tricks to get their hands
on money or personal information.
Many insist you wire money
there and then, or pressure you to
make an important decision on the
Don’t fall for such tactics – and
don’t sign up for anything without
checking it out. At least speak to
trusted friends and family about it
first and get their opinion.
Be cautious of anyone
approaching you with advice on
how to invest your pension.
From April 2015, the over 55s
have greater freedom in how they
can access their pension pots. If
you have a defined contribution
pension, you are no longer
restricted to simply buying an
annuity. Instead, you can
withdraw some or all the money
as a lump sum.
Page 4
There are criminals who will try
to take advantage by tricking
people into cashing in their
pension and handing over the
money for them ‘to invest’.
If you’re considering investing
your pension pot, talk to an
adviser regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority (FCA). You can
find an Independent Financial
Adviser through
Some 85 per cent of victims of
doorstep scams are aged 65 and
over, according to National
Trading Standards.
This is when someone comes to
your door with the aim of getting
money out of you, or trying to
gain access to your home to steal
items from inside.
Before answering the door,
Action Fraud advises to:
Lock: secure all your other outer
doors as the person at the door
may intend to distract you while
an accomplice gets in through a
back door
Stop: think about whether you’re
expecting anyone
Chain: put the door chain on or
look through the window or
spyhole to see who’s there
Check: ask for an identity card and
examine it carefully – you can
always tell the caller to come
back another time (when
someone will be with you).
Put up a ‘no cold callers’ deterrent
sign on your door or window.
These are on the rise and a
common way to con people out of
money. People also suffer from
cold calls, such as unsolicited
sales calls, which can feel pushy
and intrusive.
If you fall victim to any of these
scams – don’t feel embarrassed.
Report it to Action Fraud (the UK’s
national fraud and cyber crime
reporting centre) on their website or the
helpline 0300 123 2040.
Choices: Carers’ Resource – Harrogate | Craven | Bradford | Airedale
The hardest part about being a
carer is the loneliness, says Diane
Diane Smith cares for husband Barry, 72, who has
Alzheimer’s. His symptoms include short-term
memory loss, anxiety, and some mobility issues.
The 70-year-old, who lives in a remote village
outside Skipton, says: “He also struggles to
communicate when he’s feeling stressed and can’t
get his words out. He can’t read or write any more,
and has a fear of the dark and being out in it.”
Barry ran a business supplying paper, ink and
varnishes to print companies until he took early
retirement at 58 when his appendix and bowel burst
suddenly and had to have two operations.
A former keen road cyclist, he got himself fit again
on his bike and went on a Cuba riding holiday with a
Lancashire group. While away he had a bad fall from
the bike and broke his wrist, and it was several days
before he was taken to hospital and put in plaster.
On return, he had a further two operations to the
wrist, which included fitting a metal rod.
“All this has caused great distress to him as he can’t
ride anymore,” says Diane. “He loved going out on
his bike but now it’s impossible. We’ve got an
exercise bike which we will both be using to keep fit.”
She cannot remember how she initially found
Carers’ Resource but says the support she’s had has
been ‘exceedingly helpful’. Diane has an Emergency
Plan in place so someone would be contacted to help
Barry should anything untoward happen to her.
She benefited from the Carers Wellbeing Grant and
bought new lace supplies, a bobbins case, thread, and
lace patterns books. “It was such a lovely treat which
has given me a great deal of happiness,” she says.
Diane contributed towards the Carers’ Resource
20th anniversary quilt and decorated three leaves
with various types of embroidery, and made a square
with Hardhanger as the central pattern. She knitted
Easter chicks and festive woollen decorations for our
fundraising initiatives.
The couple has been trialling our innovative
App4Care mobile app which keeps carer and cared-
New hospital
Carers and professionals can find
information and support at two new
hospital drop-ins.
Carers’ Resource Development
Worker Sarah Baker will be at Airedale
Hospital on ward 4 in the café area,
1pm to 4pm, first Wednesday of the
month. At Bradford Royal Infirmary
she will be on ward 29, Dementia Café,
the first Tuesday of the month, 11am to
3pm. Contact Sarah for details on
(01274) 449660.
for connected. Diane found it useful for keeping in
touch with Barry when he went to pottery sessions at
The Hive in Shipley. She used the app to monitor his
movements when he managed to get himself there
and back via bus and train.
“He’s now lost confidence to go to the group and
ideally we’d like to find something nearer, or maybe
an artist or volunteer who can come to the house to
do painting or pottery with him,” says Diane.
“If someone could come and go for a walk with him
too, that would also be beneficial for us both. Caring
can be very lonely. It’s isolating. I don’t drive and we
have to plan the days we get out around how Barry’s
feeling on the day, and if he’s up to driving to the
specific places he feels comfortable driving to.”
With two daughters and a son living away and with
families of their own, Diane says she’s grateful for her
fellow lace-making friends who come to her house
every week to enjoy their hobby.
“I’m very lucky in that someone will daily call me or
come round, even just to check I’m OK, so that’s good.”
She emails her brother in Cambridge on her iPad, a tool
which she also used great to find recipes, lace patterns
and for keeping in contact ‘with the outside world’.
We are
Dementia Friends
Staff at Carers’ Resource are
being trained to become official
Dementia Friends.
Led by Dementia Champion
Sam Dawson, Carers’ Resource
Head of Care Provision, the aim is
to increase staff’s knowledge and
awareness of the condition and
what it can entail, and how to
better support carers looking after
someone with dementia.
After the training they become
a Dementia Friend.
Choices: Carers’ Resource – Harrogate | Craven | Bradford | Airedale
Page 5
Carers’ Groups and Activities: Airedale, Bradford,
Dates: Approximately every
6 weeks
Time: Early evening
Where: Various venues in Skipton
and Airedale.
Carers, cared for and former carers –
early evening meal out in venues
across Airedale and Skipton. Contact
volunteer Tracey on 07497 4574687.
Dates: 1st Thursday of the month
(7 April, 5 May, 2 June, 7 July)
Times: 1pm – 3pm
Where: Christ Church Hall, Main
Street, Darley, Harrogate, HG3 2Q
Carers and those they care for
who have memory problems.
Social get together. £4.50 for two
Dates: 1st Wednesday of the
month (6 April, 4 May, 1 June)
Time: 10.30am – noon
Where: The Coffee Lounge,
Queen Street, Bingley, BD16 2JS
For carers.
Dates: 1st Tuesday of the month
(5 April, 3 May, 7 June, 5 July)
Time: 10:30am – 12.30 pm
Where: Carers’ Resource
Harrogate Office, 11 North Park
Road, Harrogate HG1 5PD
Carers and former carers.
Dates: Tuesdays in 4 week blocks:
5, 12, 19, 26 April; 10, 17, 24, 31
May; 14, 21, 28 June and 5 July
Time: 10am – noon
Where: Carers’ Resource Skipton
Office, Broughton Hall Business
Park, Broughton, Skipton BD23 3AN
Carers only. Produce art work of
your own choice, no experience
needed. All materials supplied and
refreshments. We do not work in
oils but most other mediums
catered for. Small friendly group.
Cost: £28 per 4 week block, full
cash payment required on first
day of the block. Contact Anne
Brennand 01756 700888
Dates: 1st Wednesday of the
month (6 April, 4 May, 1 June,
6 July)
Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Where: Carers’ Resource, 11 North
Park Road, Harrogate HG1 5PD
Support group for parents and
carers of people with autism.
Dates: 3rd Wednesday of the
month (20 April, 18 May, 15 June,
20 July)
Time: 11am – Noon
Where: Cedar Court Hotel, Park
Parade, Harrogate HG1 5AH
Carers and former carers.
Dates: 2nd Tuesday of the month
(12 April, 10 May, 14 June, 12 July)
Time: 10am – 11.30am
Where: Utopia, Broughton Hall
Business Park BD23 3AN
Carers, cared-for, former carers
and vulnerable adults coffee
Dates: Last Thursday of the month
(28 April, 26 May, 30 June, 28 July)
Time: 2pm – 4 pm
Where: Carers’ Resource
Harrogate Office, 11 North Park
Road, Harrogate HG1 5PD
Carers and former carers.
Dates: Every Friday
Time: 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Where: Clayton Village Hall, Reva
Syke Road, Clayton, Bradford,
BD14 6QN
Dominoes, cards, pool table and
more. £1 to cover refreshments.
Transport can be arranged.
Contact Carol on 07846 344071
for details.
Dates: Every 4 – 6 weeks
Time: Early evening
Where: Various venues across the
Harrogate area
Carers and those no longer caring.
Cared for also welcome. An
opportunity to socialise with other
Cost: Variable but we try to take
advantage of early bird and
special offers.
Page 6
For information: contact Sheila
Constable on 01423 500555
Dates: Friday 29 April, Friday 27
May, Thursday 30 June
Time: 2pm
Where: Abbeyfield, 12 Riddings
Road, Ilkley LS29 9BF
Carers, cared-for and former
carers get together.
Dates: Last Mon/Tues (alternate)
of the month (Tuesday 26 April,
Monday 23 May, Tuesday 28 June,
Monday 25 July)
Time: Noon
Where: Three Horse Shoes,
41 Main St, Ingleton LA6 3EH
Carers, cared-for and former
carers lunch group.
Dates: 1st Friday of the month
(1 April, 6 May, 3 June, 1 July)
Time: 10am – 11.30am
Where: Poppy Field Tea Rooms,
Cavendish Court, Keighley
BD21 3DY
Carers, cared-for and former
carers coffee morning.
Dates: 1st Monday of the month
(4 April, 2 May, 6 June, 4 July)
Times: 2pm – 4 pm
Where: Hewitson Court, Stockwell
Road, Knaresborough HG5 0QE
Carers and former carers.
Dates: 1st Friday of the month
(1 April, 6 May, 3 June, 1 July)
Times: 1pm – 2 pm
Where: The Willow, Park Road,
Pateley Bridge HG3 5JS
Carers and former carers.
Dates: 2nd Tuesday of the month
(12 April, 10 May, 14 June, 12 July)
Time: 2.30 pm
Where: Ripon Community House,
Sharrow View, Allhallowgate,
Ripon HG4 1LE
Carers’ support group.
Please phone Harrogate office
on 01423 500555 to confirm
attendance one week ahead
of the date.
Cost: £2
Choices: Carers’ Resource – Harrogate | Craven | Bradford | Airedale
Craven, Harrogate, Ripon and districts
For more information: contact
Carol Brown or Christine Marshall
on 01423 500555,,
Dates: 2nd Monday of the month
(11 April, 9 May, 13 June, 11 July)
Time: Noon
Where: The Lion Hotel, Duke St,
Settle BD24 9DU
Carers, cared for and formercarers lunch group.
Dates: Friday, 15 April
Time: 1pm – 3pm
Where: Carers’ Resource, Shipley
Office, Unit 15 Park View Court,
St. Paul’s Road, Shipley BD18 3DZ
For all carers. An interactive
workshop to help build confidence
and self-esteem.
Cost: FREE
To book contact Candy Squire-Watt
on 01274 449660,
Dates: Thursday, 12 May
Time: 1pm – 3 pm
Where: Carers’ Resource, Shipley
Office, Unit 15 Park View Court,
St. Paul’s Road, Shipley BD18 3DZ
For all carers. A friendly and informative workshop for anyone who is
thinking about going back to work,
and doesn’t know where to start!
Cost: FREE
To book contact Candy Squire-Watt
on 01274 449660,
Dates: Thursday, 9 June
Time: 1pm – 3pm
Where: Carers’ Resource, Shipley
Office, Unit 15 Park View Court,
St. Paul’s Road, Shipley BD18 3DZ
For all carers. An interactive
workshop to help you identify
symptoms of stress, how to
manage it and coping mechanisms.
Cost: FREE
To book contact Candy Squire-Watt
on 01274 449660,
Dates: 2nd Wednesday of the
month (6 April, 4 May, 8 June)
Time: 1.30pm – 2.30pm
Where: Carers’ Resource office,
15 Park View Court, St Paul’s
Road, Shipley, BD18 3DZ
Dates: Every Thursday
Time: 2pm – 4 pm
Where: Carers’ Resource, Shipley
Office, Unit 15 Park View Court,
St. Paul’s Road, Shipley BD18 3DZ
All welcome.
Dates: 2nd Wednesday of the month
(13 April, 11 May, 8 June, 13 July)
Time: 10.30am – Noon
Where: Interlude Tea Room and
Café, 27 Westgate, Shipley
BD18 3QX
Dates: 1st Thursday of the month
(7 April, 5 May, 2 June)
Time: 10am – 11.30am
Where: Silsden Methodist Church,
Kirkgate, Silsden, BD20 0PA
Carers and cared-for welcome.
Contact Grace on 07932 848900
for details.
Dates: 1st Wednesday of the month
(6 April, 4 May, 1 June, 6 July)
Time: Noon
Where: Bay Horse, Snaygill,
Skipton BD20 9HB
Carers, cared-for and former
carers lunch group.
Dates: 2nd Tuesday of the month
(12 April, 10 May, 14 June, 12 July)
Time: 10am – Noon
Where: The Hub, Stone Grove,
Steeton BD20 6TQ
For carers and over 50s. Activities,
speakers and company.
Cost: £2, including refreshmemts.
Dates: 3rd Friday of the month
(15 April, 20 May, 17 June, 15 July)
Time: Noon
Where: Gamekeepers, Long Ashes
Park, Threshfield, Skipton
BD23 5PN
Carers, cared-for and former
carers lunch group.
Dates: Every Thursday
Time: 1.30pm – 2.45pm
Where: St Andrew’s Church,
Otley Road, Undercliffe,
Bradford, BD2 4QP
Relaxed singing group run by
Alzheimer’s Society for people
with dementia/memory loss and
their carers, led by a trained leader.
Places limited call Stephanie
Crabtree on (01274) 586008.
Dates: 4th Tuesday of the month
(26 April, 24 May, 28 June)
Time: 1pm – 3pm
Where: Parklands Medical
Practice, Park Road, Bradford,
Contact: Stephen Greenwood
(01274) 675721 email
Dates: 3rd Monday of the month
(18 April, 16 May, 20 June, 18 July)
Time: 2pm – 3pm
Where: Sant’ Angelo Restaurant,
High Street, Wetherby LS22 6LT
Carers and former carers, social
get together.
Choices: Carers’ Resource – Harrogate | Craven | Bradford | Airedale
Page 7
Hospital scheme
continues to grow
Our Home from Hospital Service (HfH) is entering its
FOURTH year of providing vital support to people who
would struggle to cope after being discharged from
hospital. Service manager Shelley Marshall reports.
We are delighted to have been given recurrent funding from Bradford
City, District and Airedale/Wharfedale CCGs – meaning we can continue
to grow and develop the service, and not have to re-apply annually.
I’m very proud of the team. It’s their hard work, dedication and
willingness to support clients in so many different ways that’s made the
service such a success.
Working with staff at Bradford Royal Infirmary and Airedale Hospital
near Keighley, and community hospitals in Bradford, patients who need
some extra support are referred to help prevent readmissions.
The six-week service starts with a checklist to make sure people are
safe, warm and have enough food. We listen carefully to clients to
establish what they think could help them improve their health and
maintain as much independence as possible.
Our team of case workers includes new member Asif Zaman, who
previously worked with another charity supporting vulnerable adults,
and we welcome social work degree student Sian Jackson, our third
student placement. Previous students have remained involved with the
organisation through volunteering, including Shabana Kauser, now a
Carers’ Resource Trustee.
A team of hardworking volunteers also supports our clients.
CASE STUDY: Elderly Mrs B lives alone. She was referred to HfH as
there were concerns about her ability to cope when returning home
as she had no friends/family and was isolated. She felt anxious and
said anti-social behaviour in her community was affecting her health.
HfH liaised with environmental health and a police community
support officer. Mrs B was helped to find a new home, and now her
health has improved and she has new friends.
Shelley Marshall
Asif Zaman
Sian Jackson
Partial success as cap scrapped
The government has abandoned its controversial policy of
imposing benefit cap penalties on full-time carers of adult relatives
The welfare reform minister,
Lord Freud, told peers during a
debate on the welfare bill that all
those who spend more than 35
hours a week in a caring role
would be exempt from the cap.
Carers’ Resource, carers and other
charities which support carers and
their families have welcomed the
U-turn – but say there is still work to
be done to make sure carers get the
support they need.
Director Chris Whiley says the
decision shows there is some
recognition of carers’ roles – and
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what their role means to society as a
whole. “It’s a small victory – but
there is still a way to go to help all
carers get the support and
recognition they deserve,” she adds.
Chris says most people wish to
care for their relative or loved one
themselves and do not necessarily
see themselves as a ‘carer’.
“Many people have had to give
up paid employment due to their
caring responsibilities which in
turn can result in financial
hardship and can grind them
down,” she says.
“We need to offer as much
support as we can to enable them
to have a positive caring journey,
and to care with confidence.”
Carer and Carers’ Resource
volunteer Laura Kelsall welcomes
the decision.
“When they first brought the cap
in it was intended to encourage
people back into work. By placing
carers in that position it implies
they can take up employment, but
for a lot of carers they have
already given up long-term, wellpaid jobs,” she says. “It is difficult
to be a carer anyway without the
additional financial pressure.”
Choices: Carers’ Resource – Harrogate | Craven | Bradford | Airedale
Margot nurtured to grow again
When Margot Craven was faced with redundancy at
the age of 53 she was dealt another devastating blow.
As well as having heart failure, her 86-year-old mum
Barbara, who also has COPD (Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease), was diagnosed with dementia.
While Margot never wanted to be out of work, it did
give her the opportunity help mum recover.
“I’d been in architectural interior design for over 30
years. I’ve been both employed and self employed,”
she says. Working mainly in the south, Margot moved
back to Yorkshire. “At exactly the same time my mum
was diagnosed with heart failure so, in a way,
although I didn’t want to be made redundant I did
have the time to be there for her. She was in hospital
for a long time,” explains Margot.
Margot has now nourished her creative talents to
cultivate a garden-design service after initial and
ongoing input from Carers’ Resource. Our CReate
service, which helps carers return to work, find jobs
and improve their skills, helped her build on her
talents and get her back on her feet.
Candy Squire-Watt, CReate adviser at Carers’
Resource, says: “She’d lost a lot of confidence in
herself and in her own abilities after first being made
redundant, and then after suddenly being thrown into
the world of being a carer and giving all her energy
and focus to her mum.
“As Margot’s mum’s health has improved Margot
has been able to give herself more time and this has
resulted in her setting up a part-time business
working for herself. It’s a wonderful achievement and
she has worked extremely hard.”
Margot combined landscaping skills with an interest
in gardening and horticultural knowledge, to offer a
garden-design service on a domestic scale.
She has carried out several garden redesign projects,
improving clients’ outside spaces and included planting
plans and upkeep advice. Margot says: “Carers’
Keep warm and well
Help and support during the cold weather is
available for people who are vulnerable to winter
conditions – right across our geographical patch.
Warm Homes Healthy People (Bradford and
Airedale) can be contacted for Winter
Warmth support, such as:
l Fuel debt advice
l Home energy efficiency check (changing tariffs,
provider, low level energy saving measures)
l Practical support (bedding and food parcels)
l Home fire safety
Please visit or contact
Carers’ Resource Bradford office on (01274) 449660.
Warm and Well in North Yorkshire involves
Carers’ Resource and numerous
organisations working together to raise
awareness of the impact of cold homes on health
and wellbeing.
Resource has been very supportive in many ways.
“In the early days of caring for mum they opened
doors which seemed to be firmly shut to me. In more
recent times Candy at CReate has nurtured my self
belief and she’d encouraged me to explore avenues
I had previously thought were closed.”
For more information about Margot’s work visit her
There are a number of services available including:
l Referrals to be made into the project if someone is
living in or at risk of a cold home or fuel poverty,
struggling to afford their energy bills, or worried
about winter. (These can be made by
professionals and by individuals themselves.)
l Support for communities to set up winter weather
l Practical and financial help to stay warm and well
at home
l Talks, events and training for residents and
frontline workers
l Campaigns, resources and tops tips on a wide
range of winter issues.
Carers’ Resource has set up an online form so
people can refer themselves in for support, at:
For information contact the Project Helpline (managed
by Carers’ Resource) telephone 01423 740001.
Choices: Carers’ Resource – Harrogate | Craven | Bradford | Airedale
Page 9
– a new
miracle cure?
Carer Sue Jackson sings the
praises of bursting into song
“Helps stress and anxiety”
“Breathing better”
“Happier, able to switch off from
“It lifted me above the various
aches and pains I have all the
So is this a new wonder drug?
No – these are just a few
comments I’ve had from people
coming to Just Sing! a singing
group I started in Skipton last
Singing is enjoying new
popularity today. There is good
scientific evidence that it helps
people with mental health
problems, lung conditions,
Parkinson’s disease, dementia and
chronic pain. But many choirs
meet in the evening when it can
be difficult for people to get out.
Some people may feel they
won’t be good enough or must be
able to read music. That’s where a
group like Just Sing! fits in. We
are a choir for anyone who wants
to sing.
Half the people who come have
never sung in a choir before, yet
are already singing songs in fourpart harmony.
There are several other singing
groups that meet in the daytime
and welcome anyone who wants
to give singing a try, together with
others that cater for special
groups such as people living with
Why not give it a try?
Just Sing! meets fortnightly on
alternate Tuesdays, at Skipton
Baptist Church, 2pm to 3.30pm
(doors open from 1.40pm).
Admission £3. For details contact
Sue on 01756 796967or e-mail
There are other singing groups
in the region, for more details
visit: the Natural Voice
Practitioners’ Network or see the
panel below.
Singing for the Brain
Organised by the Alzheimer’s Society, it brings
people living with dementia together in a friendly
and stimulating social environment.
There are groups in Skipton, Harrogate, Ripon
and Bradford. Contact the Alzheimer’s Society
01423 813 464 (Harrogate, Ripon and Craven)
or 01274 586 008 (Bradford).
Singing for Fun
A singing group for people living with dementia,
run by Dementia Forward. Meets at Christ Church
Page 10
on the Stray, Harrogate, Thursdays, 11am-1pm.
Contact 01765 601224.
The Singing Teapot
A social singing group for people living with
dementia and their carers in Keighley.
Meets the first Friday of the month, 1.30pm-3pm
at Keighley Healthy Living Centre, 13 Scott Street,
Keighley BD21 2JH. Contact Maggie Marsden
on 07971 527525.
Keely Hodgson
Keely is a Natural Voice Practitioner who runs
singing groups in Ilkley including: AcaBella: a
growing drop-in singing group, meets term-time
Fridays, 1pm - 2.30pm, St John’s Church Hall, Ben
Rhydding (£5 per session). Music Box: Small
informal group, part of Outside the Box Art House
Project based at Outside the Box Café, Ilkley, for
adults with learning difficulties. A fun session,
making music together using voices and a variety
of percussion and musical instruments. Contact
01943 430579 or 07722 175423.
Settle Voices
A community choir for anyone who enjoys
singing. Meets term-time Mondays, 1pm - 3pm,
at the Friends’ Meeting House in Settle.
Choices: Carers’ Resource – Harrogate | Craven | Bradford | Airedale
Decision-makers put through their
paces for Young Carers Awareness Day
Young carers from North Yorkshire marked the day of
action by grilling a panel of decision-makers in a bid
to raise greater awareness about the day-to-day
challenges they face.
Experts from Carers’ Resource were also present to
share their knowledge on subjects ranging from
careers information to benefits and finance advice.
Young Adult Carer Worker, Hettie Flynn, said:
“It made our young carers realise just how severely
cuts may affect them – especially transport cuts for
rural young carers. It also made them think about
being proactive to make changes. It triggered
interesting discussions on subjects such as policy
and youth parliament.”
Callum’s proud to
be a carer
Sporty Callum Filkin is one of
thousands of children in Yorkshire
who care for a sibling who is sick
or has a disability.
As part of national Young Carers
Awareness Day, he proudly shared
his story with the media and was
featured on BBC Look North and
in several newspapers, including
the Yorkshire Post.
Here is Callum’s story:
The 11-year-old helps look after
brother Alfie, three, who has
Down’s syndrome and a heart
defect which has resulted in him
having to be fed through
a tube into his stomach to help
him grow.
Callum’s role includes helping
mum Lisa to change Alfie’s
dressings, to bring him his
medicines, and to help keep Alfie
calm when he gets distressed,
as well as looking after Alfie with
brother Zachary, eight, so mum
can get on with everyday tasks,
such as getting dressed.
And as ‘the man of the house’
one of Callum’s weekly jobs is
putting out the bins.
“It’s a bit hard being a young
carer as you’ve got to do all these
things that you may not like, but
it’s what I do – I just get on with
it,” says Callum.
“I’m a young carer and I’m
proud of it. I have to help, so I do.
“People who know me know I’m
a young carer and I get respect for
it – my best friend says I’m a good
Alfie has been in and out of
hospital for various procedures to
help him develop physically,
including being
fitted with a
gastrostomy tube
to be fed through
his stomach to
help him thrive.
the tube has
recently been
removed as the
toddler kept
pulling it causing
a larger hole, which now has to
heal before it can be fitted again
during another operation.
Single mum-of-three Lisa, 45,
says the support Callum has from
Carers’ Resource Young Carers
service in Skipton has been
“When he’s talking to some of
his friends at school they don’t
really understand what’s going on
and how Alfie’s health, him being
in and out of hospital, can have an
impact on his life, and what it
entails,” says the former nurse.
Callum, who is in Year Six at
Glusburn School and wants to be
a sportsman when he grows up,
says he thinks about his youngest
brother all the time.
“Once when we were going
swimming with school I saw an
ambulance go past and I got
really upset. I thought it must be
Alfie because he was really poorly
at the time,” says Callum.
“When I’m at school, when I’m
out, I always think about him and
I hope he’s OK.”
Callum says spending time with
fellow young carers at the Carers’
Resource groups and trips has
Photo courtesy of the Yorkshire Post.
helped him enjoy lots of different
activities, including climbing, raftbuilding, big swings, caving and
the zip wire.
“It’s good to be with kids who
are going through similar things.
I don’t have to explain it to them,”
he says.
“But I don’t feel like I’m missing
out – I do the young carers stuff,
go to youth club, play football and
go to the cinema with my friend,”
says Callum, who also plays
guitar, violin and ukulele.
“Alfie loves music and dancing
and we have fun. We also have
messy play and play with cars
But mum Lisa, of Cross Hills,
says they find it difficult to do
things together as a family, such
as going swimming or going to
watch a film.
“We have a good support
network of friends – you know
who your friends are when
you’re going through times like
this – so we always have
someone who can help look after
Alfie if I need to take Callum or
his brother Zachary somewhere,”
she says.
Choices: Carers’ Resource – Harrogate | Craven | Bradford | Airedale
Page 11
Runners wanted for charity races
If you’d like to challenge yourself and raise money for Carers’ Resource
why not sign up for:
We have five places available, £20 non–refundable registration fee and
no minimum sponsorship, please raise as much as you can for us.
We have four places available £45 non–refundable registration fee and
a commitment to raise £200 minimum sponsorship.
For details contact Anne Wells, our Events and Fundraising Manager
on 01423 500555, or email
Beer Festival pulls in the
Thanks to everyone who helped
at the Harrogate Round Table Beer
Festival where we raised a massive
£3,359 from the cloakroom takings
and a donation from the Round
Table. Pictured right are Helen
Brown, Anne Wells & Jenny Sengel
with just a few of the 1,100 coats
they looked after.
Care Bares
A huge thank you to Andrew
Holland for his cheeky charity
calendar which has raised
£3,000 for Carers’ Resource.
Shipley photographer Andrew
persuaded more than 50
volunteers to bare nearly all to
produce the 2016 calendar.
Dawn-breaking photoshoots
were held at various locations,
such as Saltaire model village
and Shipley Glen Tramway.
Thanks to all involved – the
models, shops and pubs who
helped sell and promote it, and
everyone who bought one of
the 400 calendars.
It also supports Hirst Wood
Regeneration Group in Shipley
which organises various
projects to improve amenities in
Hirst Wood.
Bedroom tax victory for carers
The bedroom tax has been declared discriminatory by Court of Appeal
judges, after a legal challenge by grandparents who care for their
disabled grandson, and a survivor of domestic violence.
Paul and Susan Rutherford care for their profoundly disabled 14-year-old
grandson at their specially-adapted home, which has a room for a
professional care worker to provide overnight care. This was deemed as a
spare bedroom and, as a result, their housing benefit was reduced –
despite there being an exemption for disabled adults in the same situation.
In January, Court of Appeal judges accepted the bedroom tax
unlawfully discriminates against children with disabilities who require
overnight care, as it does not allow for an additional bedroom for their
overnight carer. There are about 60,000 carers currently affected by the
bedroom tax, according to Carers UK.
Andrew Holland
Farewell to Helen
Carers and
group Time
for Me bade
‘farewell and
good luck’ to
volunteer Helen Potts.
She arranged activities and kept
the popular sessions running for
more than 19 months.
Helen has reluctantly given up
her post due to the success of her
new dog-sitting business.
She says: “They are a lovely,
engaging, caring group of people
who are committed to having fun
and smiling despite the hardships
and difficulties life has thrown at
Page 12
them. I feel lucky to have been a
part of something so special.”
The group collectively wrote an
‘acrostic’ poem – spelling the name
of the group vertically – which sums
up what Time for Me is about:
Tea in abundance,
Interesting activities,
Meeting and sharing,
Enjoyment galore,
Friendships and fun,
Out at The Hub,
Relax and refresh,
Monthly gatherings,
Everyone welcome!
Time for Me meets 2nd Tuesday
of the month, 10am - 12pm, at The
Hub, Stone Grove, Steeton, £2 to
cover room hire and refreshments.
l Thank you to all our
supporters – fundraisers, donors,
knitters, volunteers – your
generosity and commitment is
gratefully received.
l If you have ideas about how
you could help fundraise for
carers – big or small, from
running a marathon to running
a coffee morning – please get
in touch.
l As a charity we greatly
appreciate all donations which
help us to support our ongoing
work for the growing number of
carers across our patch.
l To support us please contact
Anne Wells, Events and
Fundraising Manager, on
(01423) 500555 or email
Choices: Carers’ Resource – Harrogate | Craven | Bradford | Airedale