December 10, 2014 Pilgrim Call Nativity Newsletter
December 10, 2014 Pilgrim Call Nativity Newsletter
Pilgrim Call Newsletter Of First Congregational Christian Church 014 r 10, 2 e b m Dece 602 Issue t temen a t S n king issio by ma d o G Our M lorify in a dg with nor an Christ s eks u s “To ho e fJ hat se o t s h e t l i p a disci y of f orld.” munit ting w r m u o h c a g carin ds of he nee t e v r to se Note from Pastor Tice Christmas is What You Make It, by Tim & Bev LaHaye All-Church Events Thursday, Dec. 11 @ 6:30 Cantata Practice Sunday, Dec. 14 @ 9:00 SHARP, Cantata Practice ~ 10:00 One Service with Cantata in the Sanctuary ~ Jesus’ Birthday Party ~ 4:00 Christmas Caroling ~NO Youth Group Monday, Dec. 15 at 6:30 Men’s Bible Study ~Locks changed, start security alarm Dec. 20 at 6:30 AM, Man-2-Man Sunday, Dec. 21 @ 10:00 One Service in the Sanctuary ~ ”Fill the Pantry” for KUO ~ The Way 5:30-7:30 Wednesday, Dec. 24 @6:45 Christmas Eve Service Sunday, Dec. 28 @ 10:00 One Service in the gym FOR UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN Christmas can be the most fun time of the year for a family with the right attitude. If you are troubled by the pagan baggage associated with December 25—like materialism and commercialism—you may lose a golden opportunity to promote family joy and togetherness. Why not look at Christmas as a reality of our American life? Consider the assets the season offers your family, and make it a teaching experience as well as a blessing. Christmas is a time to promote family togetherness. We probably spend more nights at home with the family during the holidays than at any other time of the year. Making gifts for various family members teaches your children to think of the desires and needs of others. Spending time and thought selecting or making a gift for a loved one is healthy for children. Often they will delight more in watching the recipients open their gifts than they do in opening their own. Our family communicated the spirit of Christmas to our children by adopting three or four poor or shut-in families. We shared in selecting foodstuffs for their Christmas dinner, wrapped gifts, and delivered them together. Even though we are not a family of musicians, we sang a few carols at their homes. One year, our shy Junior High son was a bit reluctant to participate, later he commented that this special act of giving brought a new meaning to Christmas. Christmas is a time when hearts are open to the Christ the season celebrates. Even in our over-secularized culture a person cannot escape the message, “Unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” This is an excellent time to pray for lost loved ones, neighbors, and friends. Christmas is what you make it. Be glad you know the real meaning of Christmas and make the most of it. Attendance for Sunday, December 7th One Service: Adults—102, Children—7 Total—109 Leaders for Sunday, December 14th, 2014 Lay Leader: Gage Holder Advent Candle: Kim & Mark Herr, Karen Caylor Greeters: Kevin & Angie Love, Susan & Ernie Cottingham Jr. Church: Children will stay in the Service Prayer Concerns December 3—Patsy Roberts, please pray for healing and recuperation due to a bad fall in late October. December 1—Jim Ball, who has been in the hospital, but was released last week. Please pray for Jim to recover his strength following rehab in the hospital. November 30—Melissa Hopson’s daughters. Please pray for healing for Ava, who has infection in her left eye, nose, and lymph nodes in her neck. She is doing better. Please keep Melissa’s oldest daughter, Raven Wall, in your prayers. God knows what her needs are. Continue with Prayers November 19—Family of Judy Herr, Kim & Mark Herr’s mother. Please pray for the family upon her passing. November 16—Norma Knack, Pam Nierman’s mom, please continue to pray for Norma. She has pain all throughout her body. November 9—Todd Herren, son of Cindy Pyle. Todd had a chest x-ray for an injury at work and they discovered an inflammation on his lung. Please pray for discernment, healing, and peace. Continued prayers for: Craig Cook, Sherry King’s mother, Sandy Smith, Sonie Durbin, Frieda Williams, Ellen Johnston, Steve Cooprider (Matt Johnston’s dad). Continued prayers for cancer challenges: Stephanie Standridge, David Reeves, Linda Trent, Helen Willoughby, Sandra Bargerhuff (in remission), Jan Hendrix, Jerry Sexton, Bill Schoby, Linda (Mandy Behler’s friend). Please continue to pray for these members and friends of people in our congregation who are facing cancer treatments, those who have finished treatments, and those in remission. Prayer Concerns Note In an effort to keep the prayer concerns most current, after two weeks the “Prayer Concern” will be moved to “Continue with Prayer” for two more weeks. After a one month time period we will remove the prayer concern or call to check and update it. If you have an update or would like your concern to be kept on our list longer please call the office. Thank you! **Please also remember our privacy notice about making sure you have permission for us to print someone’s name & condition. Pray for the Military Soldiers of our Church David Carey Riley Johnson Adam King Andrew Reed Aaron Knight Richard Young Annual Meeting At the Annual Meeting last Sunday, the proposed 2015 budget and the newly revised By-laws were passed with a unanimous vote on each. The board members for 2015 were presented and thanked for their future service to our church. The CE board will be meeting at 1:00 this Friday, Dec. 12 for the final meeting of 2014. Lunch will be provided. Look forward to seeing our members and any guests that would enjoy joining the meeting. ~Stacey Final Cantata Practices ALL PARTS AND AGES The Christmas Cantata will be this Sunday, Decemth ber 14 at 10:00 in the Sanctuary. There will be dress rehearsals for ALL PARTICIPANTS on Thursday, Dec. 11 at 6:30 PM. and on Sunday, Dec. 14 at 9:00 SHARP. Thank you in advance, to all of the actors, singers, and helpers who are bringing the story of Good King Wenceslas alive! Spaghetti Dinner Thanks! Our "Happy Birthday Jesus Party" will be held immediately following the Christmas Cantata this Sunday, December 14th in Pilgrim Hall. We will be celebrating the birth of Jesus and the “reason for the season”, with cake and punch. Please make your way to Pilgrim Hall after Worship for the joyous celebration! Thank You to Our Fabulous Chefs! Thank you to our fabulous chefs who made the spaghetti dinner for the Annual Meeting, and to the Hedrick’s for heading it up. We appreciate the wonderful meal, and especially the yummy cheesecake! Thank you! P.S. Please support the following businesses who generously donated food; Fazzolis and Olive Garden. The Way (Grades 6-12), will be meeting this Sunday at 4:00 to go caroling to our homebound members. We will NOT meet during our regular time at 5:30. Great job serving and cleaning up after the Annual Meeting. Thank you! I would like to thank the following servants for helping prepare the delicious meal on Sunday. Tori and Rusty for making an awesome cheesecake. They listen well. Parker and Josh for pounding the crust so beautifully with such grace (LOL) and Molly for her inventiveness and independence which turned out a “not so bad” chocolate cheesecake. Nick, Ron & Nancy for all of their advice and help on making a great spaghetti sauce. Special thanks goes out for all the elves (yutes) who helped clean up and serve others. The hands and feet of Jesus were present this weekend and I am so grateful and honored to serve you all. Thanks to all who helped, I couldn’t have done it without you. Love, Buffey. Christmas Eve Service Please join us Wednesday evening, December 24th for our traditional candle light Worship Service. The pre-service music will begin at 6:45 p.m. followed by our beautiful Christmas Eve Service of Celebration, Scripture, Song, Prayer, Communion and Candlelight. Invite family and friends as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Adopted Families Looking for ways to give this Christmas season? We will be adopting a couple of families for Christmas this year. Please check the board in the lobby for specific needs/wishes. Or we have another great option—gift cards! We as a church family would like to shower some of our own, who are finding themselves in need of a little help, with gift cards. Please choose from the following list as they are close to the recipients homes. Please write the amount on each card. All families/individuals: Gift cards McDonald’s—$10 Speedway Gas Cards—$20 Meijer— $20 Kroger—$20 Save-a-lot—$20 Christmas Poinsettias If you wish to order a Christmas Poinsettia, please fill out this form or call the Church Office 452-8285. The Poinsettia’s cost $20.00. When ordering, please indicate the person(s) in whose memory or honor the flowers are given, as well as those persons who are giving the flower. Please send your check made out to First Congregational and order form (either by mail or via the offering plate) for $20.00 and note clearly in the memo line “Christmas Poinsettia”. Cash may be turned in with this slip. All flowers may be picked up following the Christmas Eve Service. To be assured of your Poinsettia, all orders should be received by Friday, December 19th. Thank You! Given By: _______________________________________________________________________ In Memory of or Honor of (Please Circle One): _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Check_______ Cash_______ Given By: _______________________________________________________________________ In Memory of or Honor of (Please Circle One): _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Check_______ Cash_______ Man-2-Man Breakfast NOT THIS SATURDAY It is December 20th at 6:30 AM Sorry about the misprint in the Sunday Bulletin A Heart for Adventure—Men’s Event January 10th from 5:00-7:00 PM At East Street Studios, 18880 N. East St in Westfield Dr. Jimmy Sites, who hosts the award winning outdoor TV show, Spiritual Outdoor Adventures, will be the speaker for this men’s event, “A Heart for Adventure-Living Your Life on Target.” The cost is only $10.00 and includes live music, speaker Jimmy Sites, Chick-fil-A dinner, and door prizes. For tickets or more information, please go to Men’s Bible Study The Monday evening Men’s Bible Study will meet on Monday, December 15th at 6:30 at the church. Security System Training We are almost ready to activate the new Security System. The 3 outside doors in the lobby area and west end will have their locks changed on Monday, December 15th. You will need to have a new key and training in order to enter the building while no one is there and it is locked up. A training session will be offered on Saturday, December 13th at 10:30 AM for anyone who would like to be issued a key. Another session will be offered after the Man-2-Man Breakfast on Dec. 20th. Please let Dave Nierman or Nancy Phillips know if you will be attending either session. CD Collection Give Away For most of our youth and young families, CD’s are becoming a thing of the past, so we are cleaning up the CD collection from the youth area. There is a crate of CD’s in the lobby that you are welcome to peruse and take any that you would like. The CD’s that are not taken will be donated to the Nearly New Shop. Open House for Danielle Amsbury You are invited to a Graduation Open House for Danielle Amsbury on Sunday, December 14th from 1-4 at the Elliott House. She is graduating mid-term. Congratulations Danielle! Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 83 Kokomo, Indiana First Congregational Christian Church 505 W. Mulberry Kokomo, IN 46901 Come Worship With Us On Sunday Mornings! 10:00 One Service 11:15 Jesus’ Birthday Party Contact Information: Phone: (765)452-8285 Nearly New: 459-8121 E-Mail: Web Site: Facebook:FirstCongo-Kokomo, IN. Office Hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM There will be only ONE SERVICE AT 10:00, this Sunday, December 14th. The Christmas Cantata will be presented during the service and Jesus’ Birthday Party will follow the service, in Pilgrim Hall. Christmas Caroling This Sunday December 14 at 4:00 “Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Glory to the Newborn King”. Come & sing Christmas carols to our homebound members and friends on December 14th at 4:00. Please use the sign-up sheet in the lobby so that we know how to plan for food and travel. Come and help spread some Christmas cheer!!