appendix Strohpolis - Architekt Dirk Scharmer
appendix Strohpolis - Architekt Dirk Scharmer
appendix Strohpolis Construction, building process its builders and the new home. architectural of fice architectural office WAND4 Dipl.-Ing. architect Dirk Scharmer Auf der Rübekuhle 10, 21335 Lüneburg Tel. +494131-727804 Fax. +494131-727805 Email: St r o h p o l i s Project name: Strohpolis foundation Owner: Wohnungsgenossenschaft Sieben Linden eG Design/ architect: Dirk Scharmer, architectural office WAND4 Location: Altmark/ Germany Posts Type of use: community residential building Floor area: 539 sqm Type of straw bale method: non-load-bearing Ceiling beams Number of floors: 3 Year of completion: 2005 Foundation: concrete without steel setting-up the first floor Floor: gravel, sealing, cellulose insulation, timber flooring or flagstones Exterior wall construction: Centre distance from 1,5 to 3,5m, horizontal boards in 1m vertical distance, straw bales (0,49x0,36x0,85m), earth plaster inside and outside. slabs of 1./2. floor Interior wall construction: Unburnt clay bricks t=10cm, earth plaster on both sides Roof construction: Purlin roof, insulated with straw bales, earth plaster on both sides, burnt clay roof tiles R-Value of wall: 0,15 W/m2K completed wood construction Manufacturing process: Built by volunteers and professionals Outer walls insulated with straw Page 2 St r o h p o l i s /18 urt 6 berg no arre Sp cm Schott siehe Skizze Brett NH 2,4/20 cm 3/12cm Bretter NH gurt nter enu parr 2,4/16 cm Schilfrohr 6/6 cm S Kalkputz Schalung Schilfrohrmatte 10mm Lehmputz 200 30mm 3,12 KN Lehmputz 5,07 KN Lehmputz mit Langstroh mit Langstroh Glasfasergewebe 320 Luftdichtung St Bohle NH 6/20cm Fensterrahmen Weichfaser reb geklebt e1 0 /1 22 mm 2 Stopfwolle Fensterbank Eiche Fensterrahmen Brett Fensterbank Lärche 3/33cm NH 3/10cm Baupapier luftdicht angeschlossen Bohle NH 6/14 (EG/OG) 6/12 (DG) Schilfrohr 200 Brett NH NH 3/20cm Brett NH NH 3/20cm Fussbodenaufbau: Hobeldiele 28mm, fallende Breiten, Lärche Trittschallplatten 21mm + eingelegte Unterkonstruktion Trittschallplatten 21mm Lehmschüttung 5mm 15 Sockeltemp. Splittschüttung Stellbrett Nut-Federbretter, diagonal 45mm mit Haftgrund 35mm Wasserschenkel Eiche Brett NH 2,4/8 cm Bohlenbelag Randholz Deckenscheibe Schlüsselschraube M10 Deckenbalken 14/16 Lärche 4/16 cm 1 cm Fuge Schott siehe Skizze Brett NH 2,4/20 cm Latte NH 3/5cm 40 Schilfrohr Gipsfaserplatte Glasfasergewebe 15mm Bretter NH 2,4/16 cm 320 2 0/1 e1 eb Schilfrohr Str Weichfaser 22 mm Fensterrahmen Fensterrahmen Luftdichtung geklebt Fensterbank Eiche 200 Brett NH 3/10cm Fensterbank Lärche 3/33cm 320 Baupapier luftdicht angeschlossen Bohle NH 6/14 (EG/OG) 6/12 (DG) Brett NH NH 3/20cm Brett NH NH 3/20cm Schilfrohr Ständer 14/20 200 Lehmputz 30mm 140 Brettriegel 3/20 Fussbodenaufbau Kalkputz Hobeldiele Fussbodenaufbau: 28mm e = 1,00 m 10mm Lagerholz Hobeldiele Lehmputz 2 30mm be re St /1 12 NH 8/14 28mm, fallende Breiten, Lärche Trittschallplatten Lagerholz NH 10/10 21mm + eingelegte Unterkonstruktion Trittschallplatten Feuchtesperre 21mm Gefitas Lehmschüttung Kapillarbrechende Schotterschicht 5mm 20cm 15 Sockeltemp. Splittschüttung Stellbrett Nut-Federbretter, diagonal mit Haftgrund 45mm 35mm Wasserschenkel Eiche Brett NH Lärchenschwelle 2,4/8 cm Eichenschenkel Bohlenbelag Randholz Deckenscheibe Schlüsselschraube M10 Deckenbalken 14/16 Schott 200 Lärche 4/16 cm 1 cm Fuge siehe Skizze Brett NH 2,4/20 cm Latte LuftdichtungNH 3/5cm Eichenbohle 24/6 Gipsfaserplatte 15mmD75 einseitig Bulldog Dübel FAZ 16/25 40 Schilfrohr Glasfasergewebe detail Bretter NH 2,4/16 cm Weichfaser 22 mm 900 geklebt 2 frostfrei Luftdichtung 0/1 e1 eb Schilfrohr Fensterrahmen Str Page 3 St r o h p o l i s foundation roof timber construction Page 4 St r o h p o l i s straw harvest straw bales roof smoothed straw bale wall Page 5 Installation of the straw bales into the walls St r o h p o l i s clay plaster preparing the clay for plaster spraying the first layer of clay rush mats covering the wood with rush mats rounded detail straw bale wall with and without clay plaster Page 6 St r o h p o l i s carpenters at the Topping-out ceremony workshop One professional trains lay persons putting the unburnt clay bricks into the walls The plastering team female walking skilled worker Page 7 St r o h p o l i s east elevation rounded embrasures community room south ornaments Page 8 St r o h p o l i s south view west view east view north view Treppenhaus 6.13 m2 Balkon NO 6.15 m2 Abstell 4.67 m2 Bad 6.03 m2 Raum 13 12.6 m2 Kochen/ Essen 19.66 m2 Bad 5.7 m2 Diele 8.67 m2 Raum 15 13.38 m2 Raum 16 13.65 m2 Wohnen 16.4 m2 12.18 m2 2. floor Balkon NO 6.13 m2 Balkon NW 16.56m2 Abstell 4.67 m2 Bad 6.03 m2 Kochen/ Essen 19.66 m2 Diele 8.67 m2 DU 2.51 m2 Raum 8 13.38 m2 WC 2.92 m2 Raum 12 12.73 m2 Flur II 6.54 m2 Flur I 5.70 m2 Raum 7 15.42 m2 Raum 18 15.93 m2 Raum 17 Treppenhaus 11.65 m2 Raum 6 12.6 m2 Raum 19 8.5 m2 Flur II 6.54 m2 Flur I 5.70 m2 Raum 14 15.42 m2 Küche 3.97 m2 Raum 9 13.65 m2 Wohnen 16.4 m2 Raum 11 15.69 m2 Raum 10 12.18 m2 Balkon Sued 34.66 m2 1. floor Treppenhaus 11.65 m2 Abstell 4.67 m2 Bad 5.4 m2 Raum 1 12.6 m2 b.Bad 6.03 m2 Flur I 5.70 m2 Küche 8.65 m2 Kochen/ Essen 23.92 m2 Eingangsbereich 24.39 m2 Raum 2 15.42 m2 Bad 4.8 m2 Speicher/ HT 9.07 m2 Raum 4 17.44 m2 Raum 5 15.91 m2 Raum 3 13.38 m2 ground floor Page 9