SMS Siemag AG - ALU


SMS Siemag AG - ALU
MedIA PArtNer
2012 – Fair preview
of exhibitors
Dubal’s DX+ technology:
Greater productivity per
potroom area, lower cost
per installed tonne
Dubai Aluminium
Danieli: "A success
story that we want
to extend further"
Volume 88 · October 2012
International Journal for Industry, Research and Application
SMS Siemag’s aluminium business continuing
to gain imortance
The Universal Caster
State-of-the-art continuous horizontal casting
Visit us at
Hall 9, Booth No. 9C20
October 9 to 11
Düsseldorf, Germany
Leading technology in the aluminum casthouse
There are many benefits in one-stop-shopping of industrial goods. At Hertwich Engineering we provide customer
oriented service throughout the project duration and
service life of equipment. We design and build plants to
meet both, our own stringent standards and individual
customers specifications. Based on many years of experience, we cover the full range of equipment in a modern
aluminum casthouse.
Batch homogenizing plant
Excellent metallurgical properties of cast product
Q No cracks or shrinkholes
Q No surface oxides
Q Consistent geometry of product for easy
stacking and bundling
Range of cast products
Foundry ingots
Q Full size T-bars
Q Bus bars, anode stems
Q Extrusion and forging billets
Q SSM (thixo) billets and other shapes
Major benefits
Hertwich Engineering is well-known for leading edge
technology. Our valued customers deserve to get the
best value for money. Commitment to innovation, solid
engineering and own R&D are instrumental for staying
ahead with continuous improvements and new products.
Weinbergerstrasse 6
5280 Braunau, Austria
Phone: +43 7722 806-0
+43 7722 806-122
Volker Karow
Editor in Chief
wie nie zuvor
Aluminium 2012 – a
more impressive showcase than ever before
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Wenn die ALUMINIUM 2012 am 9. Oktober
ihre Tore öffnet, präsentiert sich die globale
Aluminiumindustrie zu einer beeindruckenden Leistungsschau wie nie zuvor. Fast 1.000
Aussteller werden sich in Düsseldorf verr
sammeln, alle Wertschöpfungsstufen werden
vertreten sein. Natürlich sind auch die Ausrüstungspartner der Branche breitest vertreten und eine ganz wichtige Säule dieser Messe. Der Veranstalter Reed Exhibitions hat mit
dem Umzug nach Düsseldorf die organisatorischen Voraussetzungen geschaffen, damit
die Messe weiter wachsen kann – sowohl
hinsichtlich der Ausstellerfläche als auch mit
Blick auf die Besucherzahlen. 20.000 Besucher plus X erwartet Reed für dieses Jahr – bestätigt sich dies, wäre das ein schöner Erfolg
und kräftiger Zuwachs gegenüber 2010.
Die Messe selbst findet zu einer Zeit statt,
in der der Konjunkturhimmel nicht mehr ganz
so strahlend blau scheint. Jüngsten Zahlen
des Branchenverbandes GDA zufolge hat
sich die Aluminiumkonjunktur leicht abgekühlt. Die Erzeugung von Halbzeug fiel im
ersten Halbjahr um 2,3 Prozent, in der Weiterverarbeitung ging die Produktion um sechs
Prozent zurück. Die Nachfrageschwäche
südlicher Euroländer führt dazu, dass die Unternehmen mangels auskömmlicher Absatzchancen in ihren jeweiligen Heimatmärkten
verstärkt auf den deutschen Markt drängen.
Damit wird die Staatsschuldenkrise in Europa
auch in der deutschen Realwirtschaft spürbar.
Hinzu kommt, dass sich die Nachfrageimpulse aus den Schwellenländern abschwächen.
Dennoch zeigt sich der GDA zuversichtlich,
dass sich die negative Entwicklung der ersten
sechs Monate nicht fortsetzen wird.
Leicht positive Nachrichten meldet der
deutsche Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. Im ersten Halbjahr 2012 stieg die Maschinenproduktion um vier Prozent. Auch für 2013 rechnet
die Branche mit einem leichten Produktionszuwachs. Wichtig dafür wird sein, dass China
seine Rolle als globale Konjunkturlokomotive
Wie immer die kurzfristigen Konjunkturr
aussichten sind: Mittel- und langfristig bleiben
die Aussichten für die Branche positiv: Die
globale Nachfrage wächst Branchenexperten
zufolge mit jährlich sechs bis sieben Prozent.
Wichtigster Antreiber dieser Entwicklung ist
der Transportsektor, sprich Auto, Bahn und
Luftfahrt, wo der Trend zum Leichtbau aus
Umweltgründen unumkehrbar ist.
Die Redaktion der ALUMINIUM freut sich
auf die Gespräche mit den Ausstellern. Auch
der Giesel Verlag wird mit einem kleine Stand
(11F01) präsent sein. Schauen Sie vorbei – das
Team aus Vertrieb, Anzeigen und Redaktion
freut sich auf Ihren Besuch.
When ALUMINIUM 2012 opens its gates on
9 October, the global aluminium industry will
present a more impressive show of strength
than ever before. Almost 1,000 exhibitors will
gather in Düsseldorf and every stage of the
value chain will be represented. Needless to
say, equipment suppliers to the industry will
also be very broadly represented and constitute a vital pillar of this trade fair. With the
relocation to Düsseldorf the organiser, Reed
Exhibitions, has provided every organisational prerequisite for the fair to grow still more
– both as regards exhibition area and also with
a view to visitor numbers. Reed expects to see
some 20,000 visitors plus X this year – and if
that is confirmed this would be a great success
and a substantial increase on the number of
visitors recorded two years ago.
The fair itself is taking place at a time when
trade prospects are not quite as bright. The
latest figures from the German Aluminium
Association (GDA) indicate that aluminium
trade has cooled off slightly. In the first half
of this year the production of semis fell by
2.3%, while in the further processing sector
the decrease was as much as 6%. Weak demand from the southern European countries
has forced companies, for lack of encouraging
sales possibilities in their own domestic and
regional markets, to bring increasing pressure
to bear on the market in Germany. The national debt crisis in Europe is now having an impact
on the real economy in Germany. Moreover,
the rate of demand from emerging countries
has also slowed down. Yet, the GDA remains
confident that the negative development of
the first six months will not continue.
There is slightly better news from the plant
and mechanical engineering industry in Germany. In the first half-year of 2012 machinery
production increased by 4% compared with
the same period a year earlier. The sector also
anticipates a slight rise in production in 2013.
Important for that is that China maintains its
role as the driving force for global trade.
Those are the short-term prospects. However, prospects for the aluminium industry in
the medium and long term are positive: according to experts global demand will grow at
a rate of 6-7%. The most important driving
force for that development is the transport
sector, namely automotive, rail and aviation,
where the trend toward lightweight construction is irreversible for environmental reasons.
The editors of ALUMINIUM look forward
to the forthcoming talks with the companies
exhibiting at the fair, and their equipment
partners. Giesel Verlag too will be there with
a small stand (11F01). Do drop by – the team,
including Marketing, Advertising and Editorial, will be very pleased to see you.
A L U M I N I U M 2 012 – b e e i n dru cke n de Le i st u n gs s ch a u wi e n i e z u vor
A l um i n i um 2 012 – a mo re i mp re s s i ve s h owc a s e t h a n e ve r b e fo re ......... 3
A K T U E L L E S • N E W S I N B R I E F ...................................... 6
A l um i n i ump re i s e • P ro du k t i o n s dat e n de r de u t s ch e n Al -In du st ri e ..... 12/14
Ex t r us i o n – a n i n du st ri a l s yst e m fa c i n g gl o b a l i s a t i o n , Pa rt II .............. 16
Al umi n i u m – re s s o u rc e n spa re n d u n d e n e rgi e e ffi z i e n t
A l umi n i u m – re s o u rc e -c o n s e rvi n g a n d e n e rgy e ffi c i e n t ......................21
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U • FA I R P R E V I E W
I n t e r vi e w wi t h Ma rk u s Je s s b e rge r, e ve n t di re c t o r,
R e e d Ex h i b i t i o n s De u t s ch l a n d Gmb H .............................................. 26
Leichtbau beschert Automobil-Zulieferer neue
Wachstumsmärkte • Li gh t we i gh t c o n st ru c t i o n o p e n s u p
n e w g rowt h ma rke t s fo r t h e a u t o mo t i ve s u p p l y i n du st ry ....................33
Dan i e l i : “A s u c c e s s st o ry t h a t we wa n t t o e x t e n d fu rt h e r” ..................38
S e l e m a – E n gi n e e ri n g wi t h h i gh a dde d va l u e ...................................46
A ch e n b ach Bu s ch h ü t t e n : Z u k u n ft s i de e n fü r op t i ma l e R e s s o u rc e ne f fi z i e n z vo n Al u mi n i u m-Wa l z we rk a n l a ge n • Fo rwa rd-l o o k i n g
c o n c e p t s fo r o p t i mu m re s o u rc e e ffi c i e n c y o f a l u mi n u m ro l l i n g m ills .....48
O t t o J un ke r: N e u e n t wi ck l u n ge n fü r Al u mi n i u m-Wa l z we rke u n d
- S t ran g p re s s we rke • N e w de ve l o p me n t s fo r a l u mi n i u m ro l l i n g
mi l l s a n d e x t ru s i o n p l a n t s .............................................................50
A l u. He a t : Me h r E ffi z i e n z i n de r W ä rmebe h and l u ng • Mo re e ffi c i e n c y i n h e a t t re a t me n t ..............................54
A nd ri t z Me t al s : Ko mpl e t t a nl a ge n a u s ei n e r
Ha n d • Co mp l e t e p ro c e s s e s fro m a s i n gl e s o u rc e ..............................54
S R S A mste rda m – E i n t a u chp yro me t e r u n d Th e rmo s ch u t z ro h re
st e t s a u f La ge r • Th e rmo c o u p l e s a n d t h e rmo c o u p l e
p ro t e c t i o n t u b e s a l ways i n st o ck ....................................................56
Inserenten dieser Ausgabe
SMS Siemag’s aluminium business continuing to gain importance.......... 58
List of advertisers
ASCOspeed: Neue Funktionalität verbessert Geschwindigkeitsmessung • Ne w fu n c t i o n a l i t y t o i mp rove s p e e d me a s u re me n t s ............63
ABB Schweiz AG, Switzerland
B WG : S t r i p p l a n t e x p e rt i s e c o u p l e d wi t h t h e rma l p ro c e s s c a p a b ility ....68
Alteco Aluminiumtechnologie, Austria
Form SpA, Italy – Acquisition Advert
Alu Menziken Extrusion AG, Switzerland 47
Amag Austria Metall AG, Austria
Andritz AG, Austria
Assan Alüminyum, Turkey
A.t.i.e. Uno Informatica Srl, Italy
August Mössner GmbH + Co. KG
Aumund Fördertechnik GmbH
Beuth Verlag GmbH
Bloom Engineering GmbH
Bruker Elemental GmbH
Buss AG, Switzerland
BWG Bergwerk- und
Walzwerk-Maschinenbau GmbH
Castool Tooling Systems, USA
Coiltec Maschinenvertriebs GmbH
Bartz Maschinenbau GmbH
Combilift Ltd, UK
Cometal Engineering SpA, Italy
Compes SpA, Italy
Ce n t ur i al – E i n e n e u e Sch n e i dma s ch i n e n -Ge n e ra t i o n vo n K a mp f
Centurial – A new generation of slitting lines made by Kampf............68
L i n d e p rä s e n t i e rt Sch me l z - u n d O x yf u e l -Te ch n o l o gi e n
L i n d e p re s e n t s me l t i n g a n d O x yfu e l t e ch n o l o gi e s .............................70
EK W: S t at e -o f-t h e -a rt mo n o l i t h i c s fo r t h e a l u mi n i u m
s me l t i n g i n du st ry – e c o n o mi c vi a b i l i t y a n d re l i a b i l i t y ........................72
A l um i n i um & Art : “ E x p a n di n g t h e h o ri z o n
o f e x p e r i e n c e , re de fi n i n g vi e wi n g h a b i t s ” ........................................78
He r t w i ch E n gi n e e ri n g: Maß ge s ch n e i de rt e Ho mo ge n i s i e ru n gs an l ag e n a u s e i n e r Ha n d, Te i l 2 : N e b e n e i n ri ch t u n ge n z u m
Han d h a b e n , P rü fe n , Sä ge n u n d Ve rp a cken • Ta i l o r-ma de
h o mo g e n i s i n g p l a n t s fro m a s i n gl e s o u rc e , P art 2: Auxiliary
equipment for handling, testing, sawing and packing ..........................80
M ar x e r hä l t Au ft ra g vo n Mi b a fü r Ko mp a k t -Ti e ge l o fe n
M ar x w i n s o rde r fro m Mi b a fo r c o mp a c t i n du c t i o n fu rn a c e ................86
MFW: Einbindung einer Profilstrahlanlage in den automatischen
Materialfluss • Integration of a profile blasting unit into the
automatic material flow ................................................................86
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Alu M e n z i ken – Ko mp l e xe S t ra n gp re s s pro d uk t e mi t
eng st e n Tol era n z e n un d h o ch we r t i ge n O b e r f l ä ch en ...........................86
CTI Systems S.A., Luxembourgh
Erbsl ö h Alu mi ni u m – Di e un e n d l i ch e L ei ch ti gke i t
des De s ig n s • T he i n f i n i t e e a s e o f d e s i g n . . . . . . . .................................90
CyTec Zylindertechnik GmbH
Danieli Fröhling Josef
Fröhling GmbH & Co. KG
SMS M eer – N i cht n ur b e i G roß p re s s e n e r st e Wa h l • Fi rst
cho ice, not on l y f or l arg e p re s s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. 91
De Winter Engineering, The Netherlands
Didion International Inc., USA
S+C: Kom pe t e n z u nd Kund e n o r i e n t i e r un g i m Fok u s • Th e
fo cus i s on com pe t e n c e an d c ust o m e r o r i e n t a t io n ............................92
Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH
Dubai Aluminium Co. Ltd, UAE
D ubal ’s propr i et a r y DX+ t e ch n o l o g y: g re at e r p ro du c t i vi t y
per pot room a rea , l owe r c o st p e r i n st al l e d t o nn e .............................96
Ebner Industrieofenbau GmbH, Austria 18/19
Eisenmann AG
Elster GmbH
Alumi n i u m B a hra i n – O n e o f t h e t o p t e n p e r f o rme rs ........................98
Emirates Aluminium, UAE
Ried ha m m e r – B a k i n g f ur n a c e s f o r an o d e s o f hi gh e st qu a l i t y .............98
Endress + Hauser Messtechnik
GmbH & Co. KG
Neues HMR-Abstichsystem für Isal • New HMR tapping system at Isal .. 100
Evertz Hydrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Bus s AG – N eu e Kn e t e rg e n e ra t i o n f ür A n o d e n m a s s e n • N e w
kneade r gen era t i on f o r an o d e p a st e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... 102
extrutec GmbH
Fata Hunter SpA, Italy
FLSmidth Hamburg GmbH
M a s ch i n en fabr i k G u stav Ei r i ch : I n d ust r i e l l e M i s ch t e ch n i k fü r
Kohlen st of f m asse n • I n d ust r i a l mi x i n g t e ch n o l ogy fo r c a rb o n p a st e ... 104
Frenzelit Werke GmbH
Getriebebau Nord GmbH & Co. KG
innova t her m – H i gh an o d e qua l i t y an d l ow e n ergy c o n s u mp t i o n ....... 106
Heinrich Georg GmbH
Innovative Gewebeprodukte von Mühlen Sohn
Innovative fluidising fabrics from Mühlen Sohn. ............................... 108
Hertwich Engineering GmbH, Austria
HPI High Performance
Industrietechnik GmbH, Austria
Rus al t o boost ove ra l l s me l t e r e f f i c i e n c y . . . . . . . . ............................... 110
Hofmann Wärmetechnik GmbH, Austria
Novel i s st re n g t hen s g l o b al p o s i t i o n as s ust a i n a b i l i t y l e a de r .............. 112
IMS Messsysteme GmbH
Innovatherm Prof. Dr.
Leisenberg GmbH & Co. KG
P ro mat G m bH – S p e z i a l i st für Wä r m e d ä m m un g • Sp e c i a l i st
fo r th e r m a l i nsu l a t io n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... 114
H y dro m i t Vor t rä g en a uf d e r A L U M I N I U M 2 012 Co nfe re n c e
H y dro w i t h presen t at i o n s a t A L U M I N I U M 2 012 Co n fe re n c e ............... 114
Eis enm a nn : S pe z i a l i st für Wä r m e b e h a n d l un g vo n R ä de rn
un d D r u ckg u sst e i l en • S p e c i al i st i n h e at t re at me n t o f
w hee l s a nd di e ca st p a r t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... 116
P SI M e t a l s – Lü cke n l o s e Pro z e s s o p t i mi e r un g mi t in t e gr i e rt e m
Energiem a n a gem e nt • C o m p l e t e p ro c e s s o p t i mi s a t i o n
w ith i nt e g ra t e d e n e rg y ma n ag e me n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... 117
Advan ce d ref ra ct or y s o l ut i o n s f ro m Ere d i S c a b i n i ............................ 118
Inotherm Industrieofen- und
Wärmetechnik GmbH
36 + 126
Kampf Schneid- und
Wickeltechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Kind & Co. Edelstahlwerk
Linde AG
LOI Thermprocess GmbH
Marx GmbH
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Met-Tech GmbH
Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik
GmbH & Co. KG
Novelis PAE, France
CTI Sy st e m s l i e f er t vo l l a ut o ma t i s ch e n L a g e r b e tri e b
für Al u coi l s a n Ku m z • CTI S yst e ms s up p l i e s Kumz
w ith a wa re h ou se s yst e m f o r al umi n i um c o i l s . ............................... 120
El ster er wei t e r t B re n n e r s o r ti me n t • E l st e r e x t e n ds ra n ge o f b u rn e rs .. 114
PSI Metals Non Ferrous GmbH
KMF-K i ppt rom m el öf e n f ür ef fi z i e n t e s R e c yc l i n g
New K M F t i l t i ng ro t ar y f ur n a c e s f o r e f f i c i e n t re c yc l i n g .................... 123
Promat GmbH
Reed Exhibitions China, PRC
Otto Junker GmbH
Outotec GmbH
Presezzi Extrusion SpA, Italy
Frenz el i t – F l e x i bl e A l u- G i e ß r i n n e i s o Th e r m A L -Fl e x
Frenz el i t – F l e x i bl e l aun d e r j o i n t i s o Th e r m A L - Fl e x ......................... 123
Refratechnik Steel GmbH
Reisch Maschinenbau GmbH, Austria
D e W i nt e r – H i t z eb e st ä n d i g e , s e l b st e i n st e l l b are O f e n t ü ra b di ch t u n g
D e W i nt e r – H e a t - re s i st an t , s e l f - a d j ust a b l e d o o r s e a l i n g o f fu rn a c e s . 124
Riedhammer GmbH
H ofma nn W ä r m et e ch n i k: A n e w c o n t i n uo us throu g h pu t f u r n a ce f o r al umi n i um c a st i n g s . . . . . ............................... 126
C O M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 8
Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH
I mpre ssu m • Im pr i n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... 145
Vo rs ch a u • P rev i ew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... 146
Schmidt + Clemens Group
Schwartz GmbH
Seco/Warwick S.A., Poland
Selema Srl, Italy
Shanghai Jieru, PRC
Sicoa AG, Switzerland
SMS Siemag Aktiengesellschaft
SRS Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Storvik AS, Norway
Telsonic AG, Switzerland
ThermoCalc Software, Sweden
Trimet Aluminium AG
Turla Srl, Italy
Unifour B.V., The Netherlands
Wagstaff Inc, USA
L I E F E R V E R Z E I C H N I S • S U P P L I E R S D I R E C T O R Y ........... 132
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Hydro fährt Rheinwerk hoch
nächsten Jahres wieder in Betrieb nehmen
und die Produktion damit von heute 50.000
auf 150.000 Jahrestonnen ausweiten. Für die
derzeit 680 Mitarbeiter des Rheinwerks endet
damit eine lange Zeit der Unsicherheit über
die Zukunft der Hütte und ihre Arbeitsplätze.
Seit März 2009 sind die Mitarbeiter in Kurzarbeit.
Oliver Bell, Vorstandsmitglied bei Norsk
Hydro und Leiter des Geschäftsfeldes Walz-
Thomas Ernsting
Der norwegische Konzern Hydro wird die
Aluminiumproduktion am Standort Neuss
(Rheinwerk) wieder deutlich hochfahren.
Hintergrund der Entscheidung ist zum einen
die von Brüssel genehmigte Kompensation
der im Strompreis enthaltenen CO2-Kosten
und zum anderen ein neuer Stromvertrag mit
dem schwedischen Energiekonzern Vattenfall, der dem Rheinwerk für die kommenden
fünf Jahre günstigere Strompreise sichert.
Bis Mitte nächsten Jahres wird die Produktion des Rheinwerks auf zwei Drittel der Kapazität hochgefahren
Dabei geht es um eine jährliche Liefermenge
von 2,2 Terrawattstunden Strom (250 MW).
Seit ein früherer Langzeitvertrag Ende 2005
ausgelaufen war, hatte das Rheinwerk Strom
lediglich auf kurzfristiger Basis eingekauft.
Konkret wird Hydro zwei seiner drei Ofenlinien, mithin 318 Elektrolysezellen bis Mitte
produkte erwartet, dass die Bundesregierung
im Oktober oder November die Brüsseler
Entlastungsregel umsetzen und die Kompensationszahlungen anweisen wird. Er machte mit
Verweis auf die hohen Stromkosten hierzulande zugleich deutlich: „Die Aluminiumproduktion in Deutschland bleibt ein schwieriges
Geschäft.“ Das Rheinwerk sei vor allem durch
seine heutige Ausrichtung auf die Metallverr
sorgung der benachbarten Walzwerke Alunorf
und Grevenbroich überlebensfähig. Dieser
Verbund von Rheinwerk-Alunorf-Grevenbroich schaffe Synergien im Zusammenspiel
mit den Recyclingaktivitäten und der werkseigenen Gießerei, deren Kapazität bei 370.000
Tonnen liegt.
Die dritte Ofenlinie des Rheinwerks bleibt
weiterhin kalt. Bell begründet diese Entscheidung damit, dass die Kompensation der CO2Kosten auf die jetzt angestrebte Tonnage gedeckelt sei. Das Rheinwerk, so Bell, sei eine
hoch effiziente Aluminiumhütte – und zugleich ein prägnantes Beispiel für Carbon Leakage, also der durch den CO2-Emissionshandel bedingten Verlagerung von industrieller
Produktion und klimarelevanter Emissionen
ins Ausland. Die CO2-Kosten der Stromerr
zeugung hätten zu Produktionsstilllegungen
und der Gefährdung von Arbeitsplätzen hierr
zulande geführt, während gleichzeitig Metall
aus dem Ausland importiert worden sei, das
keinen Sonderbelastungen durch Emissionszertifikate ausgesetzt ist.
Mit dem Hochfahren der Produktion sind
umfassende Investitionen am Standort Neuss
verbunden. Zum einen soll das Recycling
ausgebaut werden, um auf diese Weise einzuschmelzendes Kaltmetall durch kostengünstigeres Flüssigmetall zu ersetzen. Zum anderen
erfordert die Wiederinbetriebnahme der stillgelegten Elektrolyseöfen Investitionen, zum
Beispiel in die Neuauskleidung der Öfen, in
Gleichrichter, Druckluft Dampf etc. Bernhard
Eich, Werkleiter des Rheinwerks beziffert die
Kosten des Hochfahrens auf zehn Millionen
Neuausrichtung bei Schmidt + Clemens
Die Schmidt+Clemens-Gruppe mit Stammsitz
in Lindlar setzt die Ende Mai begonnene organisatorische Neuausrichtung konsequent
um. Die angestrebte weltweite Matrixorganisation verbunden mit einer ressortorientierten
Steuerungs- und Entscheidungsstruktur gewinnt weiter an Profil. Abgesehen von der
für Oktober geplanten Zusammenführung der
deutschen Gesellschaften S+C Extrusion Tooling Solutions, S+C Märker sowie Schmidt
+ Clemens zu einem Unternehmen wurde
nun die Geschäftsführung komplettiert. Neben den Geschäftsführern Jan Schmidt-Kray-
er (Vorsitz), Henning Kreisel (Finanzen) und
Thomas Hellige (Vertrieb) wurde zum 1. September das neue Geschäftsführungsressort
„Produktion und Technik“ mit Dominic Otte
besetzt. Otte war bisher in verantwortlicher
Position bei einem weltweit operierenden
Familienunternehmen der Klimabranche tätig
und verfügt über mehrjährige Erfahrung im
internationalen Produktionsbereich.
Ziel sei ein kontinuierliches Wachstum der
gesamten S+C-Gruppe sowohl in vorhandenen wie in neuen Märkten mit neuen, innovativen Produkten. „Gerade auch die kleineren
Geschäftsbereiche Strangpressen und Veredelung von Schmiedeprodukten profitieren
von der neuen Organisation. Hier wollen wir
uns kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln“, sagte
Schmidt-Krayer. Der Grundstein für die alte
Unternehmensstruktur wurde bereits vor 40
Jahren gelegt. Diese Struktur hat sich überr
lebt, da sie mit dem Wachstum der Gruppe
und der fortschreitenden Internationalisierung
nicht mehr Schritt halten konnte.
S+C ETS ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9I40.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Hydro to ramp up aluminium
smelter in Neuss, Germany
Norsk Hydro is about to ramp up its primary
aluminium production at its Neuss plant in
Western Germany. “Improved framework
conditions, including expected CO2 compensation in Germany, are giving relief to this efficient smelter. When the expected CO2 compensation is in place, we aim to resume some
of the curtailed production in Neuss, increasing production to around 150,000 tonnes per
year during the first half of 2013,” said Oliver Bell, executive vice president of Hydro’s
Rolled Products division. He expects compensation payment for CO2 costs to be authorised
by the German Federal Government in October or November this year.
In preparation to restart two out of three
potrooms in Neuss, Hydro has secured favourable power contracts with Swedish energy
group Vattenfall, totalling 2.2 TWh (250 MW)
annually over five years. The power contracts
are a combination of new and existing power
arrangements, the latter adapted for supplying the Neuss smelter. The plant has sourced
power on short-term basis since the previous long-term contract expired at the end of
The primary aluminium production in
Neuss is dedicated to source Hydro’s rolled
products business at the neighbouring Alunorf
rolling mill (Hydro share 50%) and in Grevenbroich where Hydro operates a cold rolling
and foil rolling mill.
Since March 2009, Neuss has operated at
a lower production level of 50,000 tonnes a
year, in response to the weak global demand
and prices for aluminium on the one hand
and high electricity prices in Germany on the
other hand. Against this background, Mr Bell
commented: “Aluminium production in Germany remains a difficult business.”
Robust, longlife geared
motors for the
metal industry
European alufoil manufacturers
optimistic for the full year 2012
After a slow start into 2012 the European
manufacturers of aluminium foil saw clear
signs of recovery in the second quarter. According to the European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA), 411,500 tonnes were de-
livered in the first six months, which is a decrease of 2% against the corresponding period
a year earlier.
Thinner gauges mainly for flexible packaging and household foil were down 2% while
thicker gauges typically used for semi-rigid
containers and technical applications dipped
almost 8%. A major boost came from exports
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
which leapt by almost 10%, indicating a recovery in demand from emerging markets and
others outside Europe.
However, these figures mask a better performance in the second quarter, where deliveries were above the year
before, indicating more
steady demand from inside
Europe. Stefan Grimm, executive director of EAFA,
commented: “The outlook
for alufoil production in
2012 is optimistic for the
third and fourth quarter. We
are confident that total production for the whole year
will match results from last
year. The second quarter results were very encouraging
after a period of negative
figures.” However: “There is an increasing
demand for short term deliveries, rather than
longer term ordering which can affect these
results,” he went on.
EAFA will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 11E52
Gear Unit
22941 Bargteheide
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 1
Fon: +49 (0) 45 32 / 289 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 45 32 / 289 -22 53
Wirtschaftsverband Großhandel Metallhalbzeug mit informativem
und unterhaltsamen Programm auf der ALUMINIUM 2012
Wie der Wirtschaftsverband Großhandel Metallhalbzeug (WGM) für die Aluminiumindustrie und den Aluminiumhandel feststellt, ist die
für das zweite Halbjahr 2012 prognostizierte
wirtschaftliche Belebung bisher ausgeblieben,
die allgemeinen Konjunkturindikatoren haben sich eher verschlechtert. Welche Faktoren
beeinflussen die Branche gegenwärtig? Wie
werden sich Aluminiumhandel und -industrie
in den kommenden Monaten entwickeln? Wo
liegen die Risiken? Welche Entwicklungspotenziale und Chancen existieren? Welche
Herausforderungen bestehen? – Diese Fragen
stehen im Blickpunkt des WGM-Konjunkturgesprächs auf der ALUMINIUM-Messe in
Düsseldorf. Gesprächsteilnehmer sind Oliver
Bell (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der Hydro
Aluminium Deutschland GmbH), Hans Peter
Schlüter (Inhaber der Trimet Aluminium AG)
und Andreas Nickelsen (Gesellschafter der alpha metall GmbH und Vorstandsvorsitzender
des Beuth Verlages
Die DIN-Taschenbuch-Reihe 450 stellt die normativen Grundlagen für den Werkstoff Aluminium
bereit. Mit Erscheinen der Bände 450/3 und 450/4
sind nun alle vier Teile der Reihe erhältlich.
DIN-Taschenbuch 450/3
Hüttenaluminium, Aluminiumguss,
Schmiedestücke, Vormaterial
Das neue DIN-Taschenbuch ersetzt das DIN-Taschenbuch 452, das zuletzt 2005 herausgegeben
wurde. Es enthält 27 DIN-EN-Normen zu den
Sachgebieten Hüttenaluminium, Aluminiumguss,
Schmiedestücke und Vormaterial. Veränderungen
gegenüber der Vorgängerausgabe wurden
berücksichtigt, wie etwa bei den Teilen 3 und
4 von DIN EN 573 „Aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen“. Über inhaltliche Parallelen und
Zusammenhänge zwischen den europäischen und
entsprechenden nationalen Normen geben übersichtliche Tabellen Auskunft. Die Normen sind
erstmalig auch in englischer Übersetzung als DIN
Handbook 450/3 erhältlich (ISBN 978-3-410-23271-
des WGM). Im Rahmen des Gesprächs werden
zudem die Ergebnisse der WGM-Geschäftsklimaumfrage exklusiv präsentiert. Pressevertreter, WGM-Mitglieder und interessierte
Messebesucher sind als Zuhörer herzlich eingeladen. Ort und Termin: WGM-Gemeinschaftspavillon, Halle 11, 10. Okt., 10:30 Uhr.
Drehscheibe der Wirtschaft, Dienstleister zwischen Industrie und Kunde, Impulsgeber für
Entwicklung – an allgemeinen Bezeichnungen
für den Großhandel mangelt es nicht. Was aber
steckt hinter diesen Begriffen? Und welche
Kompetenzen zeichnen den NE-Metallhalbzeughandel aus? Diese und weitere Fragen
diskutieren Player des Halbzeughandels mit
Vertretern der Presse. Pressevertreter, WGMMitglieder und interessierte Messebesucher
sind als Zuhörer herzlich eingeladen. Ort und
Termin: WGM-Gemeinschaftspavillon, Halle
11, 09. Oktober, 10:30 Uhr.
1). Der Inhalt gliedert sich in die Bereiche:
• Grundnormen • Zusammensetzung • Technische Lieferbedingungen • Eigenschaften •
Grenzabmaße und Formtoleranzen • Prüfnormen
DIN-Taschenbuch 450/3, 1. Auflage 2012, 378 Seiten, A5, broschiert. EUR 85,- ISBN 978-3-410-225102, E-Book im Download: EUR 85,- Kombi (Buch +
E-Book): EUR 110,50.
DIN-Taschenbuch 450/4
Oberflächenbehandlung –
Anodisieren, Beschichten
Dieser Band enthält insgesamt 26 DIN-, DIN-ENund DIN-EN-ISO-Normen zum Anodisieren von
Aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen. Die Normen behandeln die technischen Lieferbedingen
und Anforderungen für die Oberflächenbehandlung von Aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen
sowie deren Prüfung.
DIN-Taschenbuch 450/4, 1. Auflage 2012, 410 Seiten, A5, broschiert. EUR 96,- ISBN 978-3-410-169604, E-Book im Download: EUR 96,- Kombi (Buch +
E-Book): EUR 124,80.
Get-Together – WGM & Friends
Ein besonders Highlight auf der ALUMINIUM: das Get-Together – WGM & Friends mit
Drinks, Snacks und Live Musik, zu dem der
WGM und die sieben am Gemeinschaftspavillon teilnehmenden Unternehmen einladen.
Ort und Termin: WGM-Gemeinschaftspavillon, Halle 11, 10. Okt., 17:00 bis 22:00 Uhr.
Die ALUMINIUM neigt sich dem Ende, die
„Akkus“ der Teilnehmer sind leer und so
manchen Messebesucher ergreift eine leichte Melancholie des letzten Messetages. Dem
setzt der WGM sein „Katerfrühstück“ entgegen. Der WGM freut sich über alle Besucher, die noch einmal über Geschäfte reden,
Gleichgesinnte treffen und die Schwermut des
Messeendes vertreiben wollen. Ort und Terr
min: WGM-Gemeinschaftspavillon, Halle 11,
11. Oktober, 10:30 Uhr.
Key to Aluminium Alloys
Die 10., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage des
Aluminium-Schlüssels erscheint als Jubiläumsausgabe erstmals in gebundener Form. In bewährter
Weise enthält das Buch alle wichtigen Informationen rund um den Bereich der Aluminiumlegierungen auf der Grundlage der europäischen
Normungsergebnisse. Der Inhalt ist übersichtlich
geordnet und behandelt die folgenden Themen:
• Bezeichnungen, Zustandsbezeichnungen und
Erzeugnisformen • Europäische Produktnormen
(Tabelle) • Chemische Zusammensetzung • Mechanische, physikalische und technologische Eigenschaften.
Die 10. Auflage erscheint vollständig zweisprachig in Deutsch / Englisch.
Beuth Wissen. Von Werner Hesse. 10., vollständig
überarbeitete Auflage 2012, ca. 700 Seiten, A4,
gebunden, ca. EUR 248,- ISBN 978-3-410-22550-8,
E-Book im Download: ca. EUR 248,- E-Kombi (Buch
+ E-Book): ca. EUR 322,40.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Alcoa and aluminium helped advance space
exploration another step recently when
NASA’s Curiosity rover landed on Mars following its 352-million-mile journey from
Curiosity is a car-sized, six-wheeled robot
made mostly of aluminium, which makes the
craft light, durable and fast. Incorporated into
the assembly of Curiosity are high-strength
precision aerospace fasteners manufactured
by Alcoa Fastening Systems in California.
Inconel 718 bolts and standard hexagon nuts
produced at Alcoa’s Newbury Park facilities
and Keensert Inserts manufactured at Alcoa’s
Torrance plant were used in the construction
of the rover.
Alcoa’s high-strength fasteners connect the
many structural components and attach equipment securely to the vehicle, and the threaded
inserts are essential in transferring high tension and high loads into the lightweight base
structure. Both the Inconel 718 bolts and nuts
can withstand temperatures of up to 650° C.
The Inconel 718 bolts also have excellent
strength properties at elevated temperatures
making them ideal for spacecraft, rocket motors and turbines.
“More than 90 percent of aerospace alloys
in use today were invented by Alcoa, and our
fasteners, forgings or other products can be
found on virtually anything that flies,” Alcoa
chairman and chief executive Klaus Kleinfeld
points out.
Alcoa space-age achievements
Alcoa aluminium alloys and propellants have
helped make many space milestones possible,
from the first manned flight and the first moon
landing to the Space Shuttle and International
Space Station programmes.
The tiny lunar module Eagle used in the
US Apollo space programme in the 1960s
was built almost completely of aluminium, offering precious weight savings. Twenty years
later when the space shuttle Columbia made
its maiden flight, Alcoa was on board with
powdered aluminium fuel that helped launch
significantly reduced and numerous manufacturing steps were eliminated. It’s an example
of how next-generation aluminium alloys continue to push the boundaries of innovation.
Alcoa continues its technology leadership
in patented aluminium lithium alloys which
allow airframes to build dramatically lighter
and lower-cost aircraft versus composite alternatives. Earlier this year, the company an-
NASA /JPL-Caltech
Alcoa on Mars
The Curiosity rover is a mobile robot for investigating Mars‘ past or present ability to sustain microbial life
the shuttle and aluminium components in the
main engine’s liquid hydrogen pump.
In 2010 Alcoa aluminium lithium plate was
featured in NASA’s first full-scale friction-stir
welded and spun-formed tank dome designed
for use in large liquid propellant tanks. Alcoa
engineers were part of the consulting team
providing materials expertise that helped
develop this groundbreaking technology. By
using a lighter weight material, the number
of pieces needed to create a tank dome was
nounced an expansion of its aluminium-lithium capabilities at three locations around the
world to meet growing demand in the aerospace market for its newest alloys, which provide the best strength-to-weight performance
in Alcoa’s aerospace alloy portfolio combined
with better stiffness and corrosion resistance.
Alcoa Europe will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9D30
Phone: +49 9273 72-0
Visit us at
Aluminium 2012 in Düsseldorf /Germany
Flexible launders lengthen maintenance intervals
and increase process reliability
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
09. - 11. October 2012, Hall 10, Booth B50
Schweizer Aluminiumindustrie: Starke Verluste – ungewisse Aussichten
Der starke Franken und die schwache europäische Konjunktur haben das erste Halbjahr
der Mitgliedsfirmen des Schweizer Aluminium-Verbandes negativ beeinflusst.
Trotz steigender Produktivität und Investitionen in neue Maschinen und in die Entwicklung immer komplexerer AluminiumLeichtbauteile, mit denen die Schweizer Aluminiumfirmen vor allem im Transportwesen
international eine starke Position einnehmen,
verzeichneten die Verbandsmitglieder im ersten Halbjahr 2012 drastische Auftragseinbußen. Insgesamt ging das Auftragsvolumen bei
den Schweizer Presswerken im ersten Halbjahr 2012 um 9,4 Prozent auf 30.186 Tonnen
zurück. Beim Auftragseingang im Inland betrug der Rückgang 13,5 Prozent, der Export
sank um 6,0 Prozent.
Laut einer Umfrage unter den Vorstandsmitgliedern des Verbandes wurde eine befriedigende Produktionsauslastung vor allem
durch Ablieferungen in die Anwendermärkte Bauwesen, Verpackungen, Flugzeug- und
Automobilindustrie erzielt. Dank innovativer
Strukturguss-Leichbauteile aus Aluminium für
neue energieeffiziente und umweltschonende
Fahrzeuge entsprachen die Aufträge hier, insbesondere von deutschen Pkw-Herstellern,
den Erwartungen.
Stark rückläufig (minus 13-20%) gegenüber
dem ersten Halbjahr 2011 verhielt sich hingegen die Nachfrage bei den Halbzeugen in der
Solar-, Elektro- und Maschinenbauindustrie.
Ein Grund ist die schwache europäische Konjunktur. Die gestiegenen Exporte nach Asien
und Nordamerika konnten die Abschwächung
in Europa nicht kompensieren. Zudem gab es
in diesen Anwendermärkten auch Betriebsverlagerungen von potenziellen Kunden, die
mit ihrer eigenen mechanischen Fertigung ins
Ausland abwanderten. Diesen Trend bekamen
im Bauwesen auch die Schweizer Oberflächenveredler zu spüren.
Der Anpassungsdruck bleibt groß. „Bei
den meisten Auftragsverhandlungen werden
derart massive Preissenkungen von den Kun-
den verlangt, dass sich selbst bei Erhalt des
Auftrags kaum mehr rentabel wirtschaften
lässt“, erklärte Verbandsgeschäftsführer Marr
cel Menet.
Der ungünstigen Währungs- und Konjunkturlage in Europa begegnet die Schweizer AluBranche auch im laufenden Halbjahr durch
weitere betriebliche Effizienzsteigerungen,
das Ausweichen auf günstigere Lieferanten
und Produktionsverlagerungen ins Ausland.
Vor diesem Hintergrund setzt sich der Aluminium-Verband Schweiz zusammen mit den
exportorientierten Industrieverbänden auf
politischer Ebene für eine Erleichterung der
Rahmenbedingungen ein. „In erster Linie führen wir in Bern parlamentarische Gespräche
zu den zentralen Themen – faire Strompreise,
Steuererleichterungen sowie vereinfachte
Innovationsförderung – und machen unsere
Mitgliedsfirmen durch Informationsveranstaltungen und Kontaktplattformen in diesen
Bereichen verstärkt fit“, erläuterte Verbandspräsident Markus Tavernier.
Asia’s growing demand boosts Aluminium China’s international success
for the wide selection of exhibitors on site that
includes raw materials, semi-finished products
and processing or production equipment.
Aluminium China 2013 will help Asia’s
top buyers to satisfy their demand by building
this robust sourcing platform to focus on new
product innovations and competitive selections. Because many of the attractive industry
projects that are unique to Asia require highly
specific product types and innovations, an increase of imports from relevant suppliers will
Reed Exhibitions
In 2013, Aluminium China, the leading aluminium sourcing platform in Asia for industry
professionals and buyers from a wide array
of application industries will be the most
important exhibition on the industry’s trade
show calendar. This sister event of the ALUMINIUM Show in Germany uniquely covers
all the key market Asia and will presumably
host over 15,000 industry professionals and
buyers from China, Japan, Indonesia, Korea,
India, Russia and more with a strong demand
be key to satisfying this demand. China and
Southeast Asia today have a greater need for
equipment; in Korea, Indonesia, Thailand and
Malaysia the demand is for plate and sheet
while Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore all face
calls for more aluminium structures.
The organisers of Aluminium China 2013
will invite 500 targeted top buyers from China
as well as buyer delegations from selected application industry sectors in Asia and organise
match making sessions with international exhibitors providing attractive business opportunities for both sides.
For Aluminium China 2013 the blend of
material exhibitions, high profile conferences
and complementary trade exhibitions will
again enhance the event’s success. The China
Aluminium Fabrication Forum, organised by
the China Metal Information Network, and a
new edition of the Lightweight Automotive
Forum, will give participants a synergetic opportunity to source and display diversified exhibits while learning more about the key issues
affecting today’s aluminium industry.
Aluminium China 2013 will take place
from 2 to 4 July 2013, at the Shanghai New
International Expo Centre. For more details,
About 12,000 industry professionals visited the Aluminium China 2012 this year
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Handling aluminium slabs the easy way
solution to this manual process.
Together with a Swedish customer, SMB has created an alternative
solution: the tilting cradle for the
ingots centres the slab, which weighs
up to 15 tonnes, and tilts it gently
from the horizontal to the vertical
position. The subsequent transport
through the roller conveyor system
and the downstream cross conveyor
enables the buffering of up to three
slabs. Safety control systems, combined with an automatic controller,
monitor this system and enable the
smooth removal of the slabs. The
overall concept, which was developed and designed with a modern
3D CAD tool, as well as its mechanical and electrical implementation
was executed by the SMB team. As
a result of the collaborative partnership with the end customers, the
team managed to hand over the
plant ready for production in just
seven months.
Images: SMB
The German SMB Sondermaschinenbau Wildau GmbH & Co. KG is a medium-sized company that assumes the development and design
of complex commissions in the steel and nonferrous metals industries, among others. The
engineering services focus on transport and
packaging systems, special technologies and
special designs. The product range comprises
transport and handling systems, charging machines, manipulators and adjustment equipment. There is also extensive experience in
the construction and installation of transport
solutions before and after the rolling stand,
including coil transport and packaging lines
for coils.
The company has developed a special transport solution for ingots in the casthouses of
aluminium smelters. As is generally known,
ingots are cast vertically. After the cooling
process, they have to be moved from the horizontal to the vertical position. Conventionally,
the slab is tilted manually with a special crossbeam by the indoor crane. Here, occupational
health and safety aspects as well as capacity
loads of the indoor crane require a flexible
the spirit of the aluminium®
Systems for aluminium Extrusion control, management and optimization
A.t.i.e. Uno Informatica S.r.l. Via Macon 30 23900 Lecco Italy
,7 54(9 :.:89 ,7<0,8 80*/ (28 9=60
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ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Meet us.
Produktionsdaten der deutschen Aluminiumindustrie
Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm
Press- & Ziehprodukte**
(in 1.000 t)
+/in % *
(in 1.000 t)
+/in % *
(in 1.000 t)
+/in % *
(in 1.000 t)
+/in % *
Jan 12
* gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat, ** Stangen, Profile, Rohre; Mitteilung des Gesamtverbandes der Aluminiumindustrie (GDA), Düsseldorf
Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm
Press- und Ziehprodukte
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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World market perspectives and challenges
Extrusion – an industrial system facing globalisation, Part II
Bruno Rüttimann, Horgen; Mario Conserva, Brescia
Like other industries, the extrusion industry too is undergoing a significant transformation due to globalisation of business.
The regionally confined action scope
of local competitors is confronted with
imports from far-flung, low-cost regions.
Although this threat will be of rather
transient character it has already had a
decisive effect on the competitive structure in mature, slow-growing high-cost
economies, namely the US. What are the
extrusion market perspectives for the next
few years? How will the different world
regions perform? What have extruders in
high-cost countries to expect? What are
the challenges of the next decade? Part I
was published in ALUMINIUM 9/2012.
India: still a modest market
but with huge growth potential
The Indian aluminium extrusion industry
has been characterised in recent years by a
steady growth not subject to global economic
fluctuations, with the financial crisis having
no effect on the Indian extrusion market (Fig.
9). It is a highly fragmented system, comprising mainly small and medium-sized units. The
equipment, consisting of mainly locally developed technology, is mostly outdated; thus
it cannot produce world class products, and
therefore cannot compete on international
markets. The demand is not yet driving much
attention to quality, whereas the price sensitivity is very high.
The local production system includes about
Fig. 9: Aluminium extrusion production trend in India
600 presses installed in 230 plants of about
65 companies, most of which have an annual production capacity between 5,000 and
10,000 tonnes. Domestic production has
shown a satisfactory growth rate in recent
years, reaching 400,000 tonnes in 2011, still
a very modest value given the size of the
country but which reflects the limited domestic demand. Building and construction is the
largest consumer of extrusions; this is also
due to the choices of the Indian government
which has put strong emphasis on infrastructure and housing development. India’s car
industry is growing at a yearly rate of about
15%, with the strategy in mind to become
a major car component manufacturing hub.
New metro rail projects are being launched;
for this reason the transport sector is a growing
market for aluminium extrusions. The manufacturing sector is characterised by steady
growth rates, while relevant investments are
also proposed in the power sector with a big
thrust to solar and wind energy segments.
Finally, the electronics and telecom industries are growing, with interesting prospects
for extruded aluminium components in these
areas of application. In short: the outlook for
the extrusion industry in India is very positive
as excellent growth is expected in the consumer industry. Currently, the domestic production sector has not reached a satisfactory
level of competitiveness, also due to the heavy
import duties on semi-finished aluminium
products. The extrusion sector in India requires
major technological up-grades if India wants
to become a player in the global market.
Source: metalworld
Brazil: a closed but dynamic market
Within the BRIC quartet, Brazil too shows a
very dynamic evolution of extrusion demand
resulting in a CAGR of 11% attaining 330,000
tonnes in 2011 (Fig. 10). Nevertheless, the
Brazilian extrusion industry is mainly focussed on developing its home market. Exports in 2011 amounted to only 6,000 tonnes
and were mainly directed to Argentina and
Paraguay. Imports in 2011 reached a level of
14,200 tonnes, the lion’s share coming from
China, USA, Germany, Argentina and South
Africa. The isolation of Brazil’s extrusion industry seems also due to its geographic dislocation. Indeed, Brazil, together with other
South American economies, are having within
the major world economic area the lowest
globalisation degree as research studies have
shown [4, 5]. Brazilian extrusion growth is
mainly driven by the building and construction
industry, representing 54% of extrusion sales,
followed by consumer goods (17%), transport
(12%), and machinery/equipment (9%). The
extrusion capacity in 2011 reached 450,000
tonnes with 162 presses and an average investment rate of ten new presses a year over the
last ten years.
Russia: still suffering
from ancient heritage
Russia is one of the largest primary aluminium
suppliers but with a semis-product industry
lagging behind. The extrusion industry accounts for 38 main companies and about 80
Fig. 10: Extrusion market in Brazil (kt)
DataSource: ABAL
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
South, as well as major cities in the Urals and
Siberia: Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk. Despite the fact that the industry still
lacks modern technology the government fosters exports of value-added semis rather than
only primary aluminium (Fig. 12).
The Gulf region: ready for
downstream investment
Source: CRU
Fig. 11: Extrusions demand in Russia
extrusion lines. More than half of the extrusions destined for the home market are used
in the building and construction sector. In 2010
the aluminium market was characterised by
high growth, and this is largely due to the fact
Fig. 12: Russian extrusions exports to Europe
that in Russia since January 2010 new customs duties have been imposed on imports of
aluminium products; the Russian government
is trying to increase the investment attractiveness of the country and encourage foreign
producers to localise their production in Russia. The production volume in 2010 amounted to 150,000
tonnes, and for the year 2015 it
should reach 280,000 tonnes (internal demand Fig. 11). Such a
growth market is associated with
the high demand for aluminium
sections in consumer markets, the
main ones being the retail, office
and residential real estate, production of aluminium components for
several applications, as well as the
automotive industry. The largest
geographic markets in Russia for
aluminium extruded sections are
Central (Moscow), North West,
Source: CRU
Fig. 13: Gulf Aluminium Council – primary aluminium production
Source: GAC
Coming finally to the Gulf countries, the aluminium production industry in the Gulf, which
started in 1971, has become the major nonoil industrial sector and contributor to the
economic growth of the GAC (Golf Aluminium Council) countries. It is the new economic
driver in the Gulf region, whereby 80% of its
aluminium production is exported globally,
overcoming the lack of cheap primary metal
to industries in developed and developing
world economies. The creation of a new world
pole for primary aluminium has been possible
due to the very low energy cost, fundamental
for future smelter projects. The five existing
smelters have an annual capacity of around
3.5 million tonnes of primary aluminium,
which corresponds to about 8% of the total
world production (Fig. 13). On completion of
the Ma’aden project and Emal expansions,
production by 2014 will reach about five million tonnes a year and the Gulf region will
then be producing 10% of the world’s primary
The growth of aluminium applications has
led to the creation of a number of downstream
industries in the Gulf and together with the
smelters, the aluminium industry’s investment
in the region amounts to USD40 billion. Primary aluminium production and aluminium
processing activities (extrusion, rolling and
casting) are significantly increasing and contributing to the growth of the GAC’s overall
aluminium market. Due to the expansion of
the construction sector as well as the beverage can market, big rolling mill projects are
on stream, and upcoming capacities will be
dedicated to the local and export markets.
Several aluminium extrusion plants have
been established in the GAC. According to
recent market overviews there are about 22
major aluminium extrusion plants with a total
production capacity currently of about 400,000
tonnes. All the GAC countries are focused on
growth within the construction sector, making
this market very attractive to aluminium industry players. KSA, followed by the UAE, are
the largest contributors to the GAC extrusions
demand. The GAC total internal demand for
extrusions is expected to increase at a CAGR
of 8% from about 265,000 tonnes in 2010 to
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
over 400,000 tonnes in 2015 and for this reason the overall GAC extrusions market is one
of high investment potential (Fig. 14).
Outlook: the global competition scenario
As we have seen, the various macro-economic
regions show different behaviours of market
operators. In order to understand where competition potentially will head to, it is necessary to understand the different evolution of
market dynamics as well as to understand the
focus of local extruders on home or international markets. The reasons why Brazil, Russia,
India, China and the Gulf countries are acting
and performing differently is the result of systemic interaction of variables within a complex socio-economic system. The key variables
that influence the market dynamics are:
• Political regime and determination
• Economic environment
• Trade agreements and barriers
• Internal market growth
• Size of home market
• Presence of upstream business
• Technological level
• Capacity loading
• Cost structure.
For the emerging economies, especially the
large ones, the internal home market will primarily absorb the whole of the downstream
capacities and only spare capacities will secondarily be allocated to exports on a contingent basis. The threat derived from low-cost
globalisation has to be seen as coming from the
installed semis overcapacities such as extrusion and rolling (Fig. 15).
Within this context we have to distinguish
two different types of countries: on the one
hand large countries with the primarily mission to develop their home market and allocate excess capacities only on an opportunistic
basis to exports, and on the other hand small
countries with a very competitive cost structure, which are installing overcapacities destined to be exported strategically. The virtual
latent threat for high-price economies from
low-cost countries will mainly become realistic during an extended economic down-swing
when huge low-cost capacities will flood international markets within already established
and proven trade networks [6, 7]. It is advisable for high-price economies to carefully
monitor the import channels.
The mature economies, on the other hand,
are facing tough times in markets characterised
by local overcapacities and limited growth.
Takeovers, production plant shutdowns and
product-mix optimisations are clear signs that
the structural clean-up is still ongoing in Europe
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Source: VME
Fig. 14: Extrusions demand in the Gulf region
and the USA. The independent extruders and
extruder groups have to rethink their business
models and strive for operational excellence.
It might look anachronistic, but politics should
not wait as in the US, but must immediately
impose antidumping trade barriers as soon as
unfair competition is perceivable, competition
which could ruin a whole industrial system,
as the ‘American-Chinese extrusion case’
showed. The fragmented supply structure of
the extrusion industry allows an intense and
close co-operation of extruders with its customers to foster innovation and to implement
efficient supply chains, which is vital to the
whole downstream OEM industry.
During the last six decades the Western
World acquired through hard work and prosperous growth a high living standard, becom-
ing the heart of economic activity. Now, the
economic centre of gravity is shifting and it
emerges clearly that mature economies will
have to face continuous pressure from lowcost countries. Due to the time lags of the different emerging economies the pressure will
last for many decades: “It’s our turn now” revealed a delegate from an emerging country at
the First International Extrusion Forum. That
says it all – and he is right.
The world’s extrusion system is undergoing
a significant transformation. Although the
fragmented regional structure will remain
due to its intrinsic transaction characteristics,
globalisation of markets creates an eclectic
Fig. 15: Overcapacity and size of economy
competition environment with new industry
logics and business models. The disintegration
of upstream-supported extrusion groups in
the mature market economies is a response
designed to deal with global competition. The
newly formed extrusion groups have to face at
arms length both local SME extruders and new
market entries by low-cost operators from the
emerging countries with low-cost exports.
Innovation, customer service and technological as well as operational leadership will
be decisive for survival within the new world
order of power shifting from the mature to
the emerging economies. Any new application
opportunity in new markets, e. g. solar applications, has to be seized. For that, creative
companies are developing new products and
adapting mature products to fit new uses. An
extruder attentive to market changes will also
evolve his traditional business model by adding even more value to the service rendered to
customers by tailored finishing, getting away
from the basic commodity extrusion and cutto-length; lean optimisation of the supply chain
will be even more decisive in the future.
The value proposition of the new down-
stream business consists exactly in exploiting the mutual interdependency with the
final stage of the value chain. The economic
world has definitely changed and will change
even more at a sustained pace. Companies in
high-cost, low-growth economies which have
transformed their operational structure and
business model to adapt to the new macroeconomic environment will survive in the
mature economies, while others will follow
definitively the law of natural selection within
the present regime of overcapacity.
Published by Procedia Environmental Sciences, Elsevier 2011
5. Rüttimann B., ICOAE 2011 International Conference on Applied Economics, Perugia: Measuring
Spatial Extension of Economic Globalisation, Published by Journal of European Economy, 2012
6. Rüttimann B., The Globalising Aluminium Industry
– Part 1/3, ALUMINIUM 7-8/2011, Giesel Verlag
7. Rüttimann B., Aluminium – die Entwicklung eines
komplexen Marktes, 3. Dow Jones Aluminium Forum, Frankfurt 2012
Dr. Mario Conserva has been working for more than
40 years in the aluminium industry. Currently he is
vice president of Alfin – Edimet Spa and responsible
manager for the Edimet magazines Aluminium and
Alloys and Pressure Die-casting & Foundry Technology. He is the author of over 400 articles and technical reports and of two manuals on aluminium.
Bruno G. Rüttimann, Dr.-Ing. MBA, has been working
for more than 20 years in the aluminium industry.
Today he is lecturer at the ETH Zürich and teaches
Lean Six Sigma principles at Inspire Academy. As
a consultant he advises institutions and companies
with regard to globalisation, strategy and business excellence. Contact:
4. Conserva M., Larsen F., Assessment of the impact
of the tariff on the competitiveness of the independent
EU aluminium extruders, Bruxelles Sept. 2009
5. Conserva M., The Aluminium Industrial System
after the Crisis, Aluminium Two Thousand International Congress, Bologna May 2011
6. Conserva M., Pomari A., Innovative Extrusions for
value adding applications, 10th International Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar and Exposition
ET, Miami May 2012
7. Rüttimann B., 1st Conference on Spatial Statistics
2011, Twente Enschede: An Entropy-Based Inequality Risk Metric to Measure Economic Globalisation,
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ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Aluminium – ressourcensparend und energieeffizient
Aluminium – resource-conserving and energy efficient
Innovative products and technologies will
be the focus of visitors’ attention when
the global aluminium industry gathers at
the ALUMINIUM trade fair in Düsseldorf
from 9 to 11 Oct. Both, products and technologies, are based on a material that is
characterised by conservation of resources
and energy efficiency and which also contributes to the sustainability of consumption and production. With the world’s
largest aluminium trade fair about to open
its doors, it is only appropriate that a specialist journal like ALUMINIUM takes the
opportunity to summarise some of the features that the material has to offer.
Particularly in the transport sector aluminium
can take full advantage of its special strength –
it low specific weight. According to widely
accepted studies, a weight saving of 100 kilograms in a car due to the use of lightweight
constructional materials leads to an average
fuel saving of 3.5 litres of petrol per 1,000
kilometres. Worldwide, seven million tonnes
of aluminium were used in car components
in 2006. The resultant weight saving will thus
enable 55 billion litres of crude oil to be saved
during the life of these vehicles.
The trend to lightweight aluminium construction for road vehicles is apparent both in
commercial vehicles and passenger cars. More
and more aluminium components are being
used, increasingly in the body as well: for example, the body of the Audi TT coupé only
weighs 206 kilograms thanks to an aluminium
content of 140 kilograms. If an all-steel construction were to be used, the body would be
48 percent or almost 100 kilograms heavier.
Wenn die weltweite Aluminiumindustrie sich vom 9. bis 11. Oktober auf der
ALUMINIUM-Messe in Düsseldorf versammelt, stehen innovative Produkte und
Technologien der Aussteller im Fokus
des Besucherinteresses. Ihnen zugrunde
liegt ein Werkstoff, der sich durch die
beiden Schlüsselkategorien „Ressourcenschonung“ und „Energieeffizienz“
auszeichnet und damit einem nachhaltigen Konsum und eine nachhaltigen Produktionsweise befördert. Angesichts der
bevorstehenden weltgrößten AluminiumMesse ist es nur angemessen, sich einige
Highlights, die dieser Werkstoff zu bieten
hat, auch in dieser Zeitschrift dem Leser
noch einmal vor Augen zu führen.
Vor allem im Transportsektor kann das Leichtmetall seine besondere Stärke – sein geringes
spezifisches Gewicht – voll ausspielen. Eine
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Gewichtsersparnis von 100 Kilogramm im
PKW durch Leichtbaumaterialien führt anerkannten Studien zufolge zu einer durchschnittlichen Einsparung von 3,5 Liter Benzin
pro 1.000 Kilometer. Allein 2006 wurden
weltweit sieben Millionen Tonnen Aluminium
in Pkw-Komponenten verbaut. Die damit err
zielte Gewichtseinsparung ermöglicht es über
die Lebenszeit dieser Pkws, 55 Milliarden Liter Rohöl einzusparen.
Der Trend zum Aluminium-Leichtbau im
Straßenverkehr zeigt sich sowohl bei Nutzfahrzeugen wie bei Pkw. Es werden immer
mehr Bauteile aus Aluminium eingesetzt, zunehmend auch in der Karosserie: die des Audi
TT Coupé wiegt bspw. nur 206 Kilogramm –
dank eines Aluminiumanteils von 140 Kilogramm. In reiner Stahlbauweise wäre die
Karosserie 48 Prozent bzw. knapp 100 Kilogramm schwerer.
Im Flugzeugbau wird das Leichtmetall
traditionell in hohem Maße eingesetzt. Auch
wenn heute viel von kohlefaserverstärkten
Kunststoffen und Composites die Rede ist:
Aluminium ist und bleibt das Material erster
Wahl. Die Aluminiumindustrie hat in den verr
gangenen Jahren intensiv daran gearbeitet,
die Wandstärken von Aluminiumblechen in
Flugzeugkomponenten noch dünner und damit gewichtsparender auszulegen. Darüber
hinaus treibt die Branche die Entwicklung
neuer, noch leichterer Aluminiumwerkstoffe
voran. Bei 7000er-Legierungen für den Flugzeugbau sind so Gewichtsersparnisse bis zu
15 Prozent möglich. Bei neuartigen Aluminiumlegierungen können durch die Zugabe von
Scandium oder Lithium sogar Gewichtsvorr
teile von mehr als 25 Prozent erzielt werden.
Im Flugzeugbau ist und bleibt Aluminium das Material erster Wahl
Aluminium is, and remains, the material of choice in aircraft construction
tränkedose eine neue Dose walzen, aus einem
Fensterprofil eine neues Profil strangpressen –
oder jeweils andere hochwertige Produkte
herstellen. Dies schont Primärrohstoffe für
die Bedarfe künftiger Generationen.
Drei Viertel des weltweit jemals verarbeiteten Aluminiums befinden sich heute noch
im Material- und Wertstoffkreislauf. Dies
zeigt: Gebrauchtes Aluminium ist eine wertvolle Rohstoffquelle zur Metallversorgung der
verarbeitenden Betriebe, gerade auch in ei-
Traditionally, there has been widespread use
of the light metal in aircraft construction.
Even though there is much talk nowadays
about carbon fibre reinforced plastics and
composites, aluminium is, and remains, the
material of choice. The aluminium industry
has worked intensively in the past to further
reduce the gauge of aluminium sheet used
in aircraft components, thereby saving more
weight. In addition, the sector is pushing
forward with the development of new, even
Wie kein zweites Metall zeichnet sich Aluminium durch seine besonderen Recyclingqualitäten aus. Zum Einschmelzen gebrauchten
Aluminiums sind nur fünf Prozent der zur
Ersterzeugung des Metalls erforderlichen
Energie nötig. Modernste Recyclingöfen, bei
denen heiße Schwelgase aus der Schrottkammer abgezogen und direkt in der Heizkammer mit verbrannt werden, kommen auf noch
bessere Energiewerte. Aluminium ist damit ein
hervorragender Energiespeicher.
Im Gegensatz zu anderen Werkstoffen
kann Aluminium ohne Qualitätseinbuße immer wieder aufs Neue für hochwertige Produkte eingeschmolzen werden. Ein qualitativer
Unterschied zu Primärmetall aus Bauxiterz
besteht nicht. Aus einem Getriebegehäuse
lässt sich daher ein gleichwertig neues Getriebegehäuse gießen, aus einer gebrauchten Ge-
Aluminium – ein Kreislaufmetall
Gebrauchtes Aluminium kann ohne Qualitätsverlust unendlich of wieder eingeschmolzen und zu neuen
hochwertigen Produkten verarbeitet werden
Aluminium scrap can be melted down and repeatedly turned into new high-grade products without any
loss in quality
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Aluminiumprodukte für
nachhaltigen Konsum
Mit seiner spezifischen Werkstoffcharakteristik ist Aluminium dazu prädestiniert, ökologisch nachhaltigen Konsum zu unterstützen.
Leicht, korrosionsbeständig, fest, Strom und
Wärme gut leitend, gesundheitlich unbedenklich – das alles ermöglicht vielfältige, ressourr
censchonende Anwendungen mit einem hohen Produktnutzen.
So trägt die Licht-, Gas- und Dampfbarriere
von Aluminiumfolie zu einer deutlich längeren Haltbarkeit von Lebensmitteln, Getränken
und Pharmazeutika bei. Aluminium reicht als
hauchdünner „Systempartner“ in Verbundverpackungen in einer Stärke von 0,006 mm
aus, diese Barrierefunktion zu erfüllen und
so wertvolle Ressourcen zu schonen. Laut
Weltgesundheitsorganisation verderben fast
ein Drittel der Lebensmittel in Entwicklungsländern, weil geeignete Verpackungen fehlen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es nicht hoch
genug einzuschätzen, dass zum Beispiel 1,5
Gramm Alufolie in einer Verbundpackung
mit einem Gewicht von 28 Gramm einen Liter Milch mehrere Monate lang ohne Kühlung
vor Verderb schützt.
Im Gütertransport auf der Straße kann
durch den Einsatz von Aluminiumbauteilen
das Leergewicht von Lkw reduziert und damit die potenzielle Nutzlast erhöht werden,
ohne dass das zulässige Gesamtgewicht eines
Fahrzeugs überschritten wird. Dies erlaubt
den Transport von mehr Gütern mit weniger
Fahrzeugen und entlastet das Verkehrsaufkommen.
Weil Aluminium die ausgeprägte Eigenschaft besitzt, sich mit Sauerstoff zu verbinden, überzieht sich die blanke Oberfläche des
Metalls und seiner Legierungen an der Luft
oder im Wasser spontan mit einer dichten,
undurchdringlichen Oxidschicht. Dies macht
den Werkstoff auch ohne Schutzanstrich ge-
gen Witterungseinflüsse weitgehend korrosionsbeständig und verhilft zu einem langen
Produktleben, ohne Schutzanstrich und aufwendige Wartung – ein Vorteil, der vielfach
bei Fenstern, Türen, Dacheindeckungen, Fassaden und Brücken genutzt wird. Auch dies
trägt zur Ressourcenschonung bei.
Aluminiumfassaden erfüllen modernste
Wärmedämmstandards für die Errichtung von
Energie-Passivhäusern, die mit extrem geringem Energieaufwand sowohl im Winter wie
im Sommer behagliche Raumtemperaturen
schaffen. Unter Einsatz von Solarkollektoren
und Solarstromanlagen, deren Unterkonstruktion meist aus Aluminiumprofilen besteht, lassen sich sogar Null-Energiehäuser
Aluminium spielt in der Klimatechnik
eine wichtige, wenn auch meist unsichtbare
Rolle. So werden vielfach Aluminiumfolien
und Aluminiumbänder zur Wärmedämmung
genutzt, wobei der eigentliche Dämmstoff
Luft oder Vakuum ist. Den blanken Aluminiumoberflächen kommt jedoch die Aufgabe zu,
Wärmestrahlung zu reflektieren. Aluminium
dient zum Beispiel auch als Fassadenelement,
wenn bspw. eine zusätzliche Verglasung einer
wärmegedämmten inneren Fassade vorgesetzt
wird. Bei Fußboden- und Deckenheizungen
dienen Aluminiumbleche zur Verteilung der
Wärme von den Heizrohren auf das Mauerr
werk bzw. in den Raum. Energieverluste werr
den dadurch minimiert.
lighter aluminium alloys. The 7000 Series alloys used in aircraft construction make weight
savings of up to 15 percent possible. Novel
new aluminium alloys containing additions of
scandium or lithium can even achieve weight
savings in excess of 25 percent.
Recycling properties unmatched
Aluminium has recycling properties that are
unmatched by any other metal. Only five percent of the energy required to extract aluminium initially is required to melt down aluminium scrap. State-of-the-art recycling furnaces
in which the hot pyrolysis gases are extracted
from the scrap chamber and subjected to direct
combustion in the heating chamber achieve
even better energy figures. Aluminium is thus
an excellent energy store.
In contrast to other materials, aluminium
scrap can be melted down and repeatedly
turned into new high-grade products without
any loss in quality. There is no difference in
quality to that of primary aluminium produced
from bauxite ore: casting is used to convert
old gearbox casings into new gearbox casings
of the same quality, ingots made from used
beverage cans are rolled into canstock for
making new cans, and billets made from old
window profiles are extruded into new profiles – or different high-grade products in each
case. This conserves primary raw materials to
meet the needs of future generations.
nem rohstoffarmen Land wie Deutschland,
mit einer seit Jahrzehnten gut funktionierenden Logistik. Aluminium ist quasi ein „err
neuerbarer Rohstoff“.
Die produktbezogenen Materialkreisläufe
von der Gewinnung über die Verarbeitung
und Nutzung bis hin zur Rückgewinnung des
Metalls sind heute weitgehend geschlossen.
Dies gilt seit langem in langlebigen Anwendungen bei Automobilen oder Gebäuden –
mit Recyclingraten von rund 95 Prozent –
und inzwischen auch für relativ kurzlebige
Produktanwendungen in der Verpackung. In
Deutschland werden Recyclingraten von mehr
als 80 Prozent erreicht.
Aluminiumfolie trägt durch ihre ausgezeichnete Barriereeigenschaft zu einer längeren Haltbarkeit von
Lebensmitteln und Pharmaprodukten bei
Aluminium foil’s barrier property contributes to foodstuff and pharmaceuticals having a significant longer
shelf life
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Today, three-quarters of all of the aluminium ever produced
can still be found somewhere within the material loop. This
shows that used aluminium is a valuable raw-material source
for metal processing plants, particularly in a country like Germany that has few natural resources but a logistics system that
has functioned well for decades. Aluminium is thus a ‘renewable raw material’.
Nowadays, the material loops comprising extraction,
processing and use of the metal through to its recycling are
closed as far as possible. This has been the case for a long time
with long-life aluminium applications in cars or buildings –
with recycling rates of about 95 percent – and is now also the
case for product applications with relatively short service lives
in the packaging sector. Here, recycling rates of over 80 percent have been reached in Germany.
Take Note –
Saws worth noting
Aluminium products for
sustainable consumption
With its specific material properties, aluminium is predestined
to support ecologically sustainable consumption. Light, corrosion resistant, strong, a good conductor of electricity and heat,
and no health risk – all of these make manifold resource-conserving applications with a high degree of product benefit possible.
Aluminium foil’s barrier to light, gases and vapours contributes to foodstuffs, beverages and pharmaceuticals having
a significantly longer shelf life. As a ‘system partner’ in composite packaging, a wafer-thin layer of aluminium 0.006 mm
thick suffices to provide this barrier function and thus conserve
valuable resources. According to the World Health Organisation, 30 percent of the foodstuffs in developing countries perish through lack of suitable packaging. With this in mind, the
fact that, for example, 1.5 grams of aluminium foil in a composite pack weighing 28 grams is enough to protect a litre of
milk from deteriora-tion for several months without the need
for refrigeration cannot be rated highly enough.
When transporting goods by road, the use of aluminium
components can reduce the dead weight of a truck and thus
increase the possible payload without exceeding the permitted total weight of a vehicle. This allows more goods to be
transported with less vehicles and this reduces the volume of
Special aluminium façades meet the latest thermal insulation standards for the construction of passive energy houses,
which achieve comfortable room temperatures both in winter
and summer using extremely little energy. If solar collectors
and solar power plants are used, the supporting structures of
which are usually made of aluminium profiles, it is even possible to build zero-energy houses.
Aluminium plays an important though often mostly invisible
role in air conditioning technology. Aluminium foil and strip
is often used for thermal insulation, whereby the insulation is
actually air or a vacuum. However, the bright aluminium surfaces have the task of reflecting thermal radiation. Aluminium
is also used as a façade element if, for example, an additional
layer of glass is placed in front of a thermally insulated inner
façade. With underfloor and ceiling heating, aluminium sheet is
used to distribute the heat from the heating coils to the brickwork or into the room. This minimises energy losses.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Interview with Markus Jessberger, Event Director,
Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf
Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf
„Die Zielsetzung ist klar:
mehr internationale Besucher
und mehr Besucher aus den
wichtigsten Anwendungsfeldern
der Aluminiumbranche“
“The objective is clear:
more international visitors and
more visitors from the most
important application fields in
the aluminium industry”
ALUMINIUM: Herr Jessberger, in Kürze startet die ALUMINIUMMesse in Düsseldorf. Wie laufen die Vorbereitungen?
Jessberger: Wir sind mit den Vorbereitungen und dem Buchungsstand
sehr zufrieden. Wir rechnen mit einem über 20-prozentigen Wachstum der Fläche gegenüber Essen. Das Düsseldorfer Messegelände
bietet mehr Platz,
deshalb können viele Aussteller jetzt
realisieren, die ihrer Marktpräsenz
entspricht. Das führt
natürlich dazu, dass
wir pro Aussteller
eine deutlich verr
haben. Bei der Zahl
der Aussteller werr
den wir deshalb
etwas moderater
wachsen und fast
die 1.000er-Marke
erreichen. Was uns
Markus Jessberger: „Unsere Kunden haben die
neue Hallenstruktur sehr gut angenommen.“
grundsätzlich hilft,
ist der hohe Anteil
Markus Jessberger: “Our customers have accepted
the new hall layout very well.”
an deutschen Ma-
ALUMINIUM: Mr Jessberger, the ALUMINIUM trade fair will soon
be starting in Düsseldorf. How are the preparations progressing?
Jessberger: We are very satisfied with the preparations and the level
of bookings. We estimate that the area available will be some 20
percent larger than in Essen. The Exhibition Centre in Düsseldorf offers more space, so many exhibitors can now design and create stands
appropriate for their market presence. The result, of course, is that
on average we have a substantially larger area per exhibitor. So the
number of exhibitors has grown rather more moderately, although it
has almost reached the 1,000 level. What has helped us, basically, is
the large proportion of German plant and machinery manufacturers,
who are benefiting from the strong dollar and are hoping to make
further deals at the fair.
ALUMINIUM: Have the crisis in the financial markets and the concerns about the euro-zone had much effect on bookings?
Jessberger: Actually, no. The dark clouds which everyone sees on
the horizon are shedding their rain elsewhere. Not on our trade fair,
and clearly also not across the sector. It is raining in some gardens,
to stay with the metaphor, but not over the aluminium branch as a
whole, our fair, or our exhibitors.
ALUMINIUM: What expectations have you regarding the change of
venue from Essen to Düsseldorf?
Jessberger: In Essen, since 1997 ALUMINIUM became what it is today: the world’s largest trade fair for the aluminium industry. That is
a hard act to follow. However, in Essen we came up against capacity
limits. Thanks to the larger area available in Düsseldorf, large and
medium-sized exhibitors can position themselves better. Moreover,
Fotos: Reed Exhibitions
Interview mit Markus Jessberger, Event Director,
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A-6820 Frastanz | T +43 5522 51710-0 |
ALUMINIUM Düsseldorf 2012: Please visit us in Hall 12, Booth G40
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Extrusion Handling Systems
Heat Treatment Applications
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
schinen- und Anlagenbauern, die vom stärkeren Dollar profitieren
und auf weitere Abschlüsse auf der Messe hoffen.
ALUMINIUM: Haben sich die Finanzmarktkrise und die Unruhe in
der Eurozone auf die Buchungen ausgewirkt?
Jessberger: Eigentlich nicht. Die dunklen Wolken, die alle am Horizont sehen, regnen woanders. Nicht auf unsere Messe, und offenbar
auch nicht quer durch die Branche. Es regnet in einzelnen Gärten,
um im Bild zu bleiben, aber nicht auf die ganze Aluminiumbranche,
unsere Messe oder unsere Aussteller.
ALUMINIUM: Welche Erwartungen verknüpfen Sie mit dem Wechsel des Standorts von Essen nach Düsseldorf?
Jessberger: In Essen ist die ALUMINIUM seit 1997 zu dem geworr
den, was sie heute ist: die weltweit größte Fachmesse für die Alu-
miniumbranche. Das lässt man nicht einfach hinter sich. Allerdings
sind wir in Essen an Kapazitätsgrenzen gestoßen. Große und mittlere
Aussteller können sich aufgrund der größeren Fläche in Düsseldorf
besser positionieren. Zudem haben wir die Möglichkeit genutzt, die
Hallenplanung noch gezielter nach der Angebotsstruktur zu gruppieren. Wir haben in den einzelnen Hallen Erweiterungsflächen, wo
wir zukünftig noch wachsen können.
ALUMINIUM: Wie reagieren die Kunden auf das neue Messegelände?
Jessberger: Wir hätten diesen Wechsel nach Düsseldorf nicht gemacht, wenn es nicht einen breiten Konsens der Aussteller und auch
Besucher gegeben hätte, in dieser Region zu bleiben. Die Düssel-
we also took the opportunity to group the hall plans even more selectively according to the supply structure. In the individual halls we have
extension areas into which we can expand still more in the future.
ALUMINIUM: How are the customers reacting to the new exhibition centre?
Jessberger: We would not have changed to Düsseldorf if there had
not been a broad consensus among exhibitors and visitors too, to
stay in this area. The Düsseldorf exhibition centre has outstanding
infrastructure, with exceptionally good accessibility by air, road or
rail. Our customers have accepted the new hall layout very well. They
are taking advantage of the opportunity to place themselves in their
competitive environment or key market. Of course, after the event of
2012 there will be some few adjustments, some small corrections to
be made, but basically the new exhibition centre is being very well
ALUMINIUM: How will the visitors find their way to and around the
new ALUMINIUM exhibition centre?
Jessberger: The Düsseldorf fair centre is doing all that it can to make
the change easy for us. In advance, we included the North and East entrances in our initial concept. All the entry points will be approached
by shuttle bus from the parking lots available. Ordinary visitors will
use the North entrance and start off in Hall 9. The East entrance will
as a rule be used by participants in the Congress that we are organising
together with the GDA.
ALUMINIUM: Will the new location in the capital of NRW (North
Rhine Westphalia) have a positive effect on the number of visitors?
Jessberger: The theme of ‘New and more visitors’ is right at the top of
our agenda. We aspire to 20,000 visitors, or even more. The objective
is quite clear: more international visitors and more visitors from the
most important application fields in the aluminium industry. But we
must not forget the exhibitors themselves. They too will ‘visit’ the
stands of their colleagues, but are not counted in any visitor statistics.
This always accounts for a so-termed phantom number of visitors
whom we can never count, because they are actually exhibitors. If
actually the visitors too accept this and come in the numbers hoped
for, then on 12 October I’ll be the happiest man in the world.
ALUMINIUM: Where do you see any further potential for the growth
of the ALUMINIUM fair?
Jessberger: In the aerospace field we are well covered, and in the
very dynamic automobile sector we are even better set up. I really
believe that there is no notable automobile manufacturer who is not
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
dorfer Messe hat eine hervorragende Infrastruktur mit ausgezeichneter Erreichbarkeit mit Flugzeug, Auto oder Bahn. Unsere Kunden
haben die neue Hallenstruktur sehr gut angenommen. Sie nutzen die
Möglichkeit, sich in ihrem Wettbewerbsumfeld oder Schwerpunktmarkt zu positionieren. Wir werden natürlich im Nachgang zur Verr
anstaltung 2012 noch ein bisschen justieren. Da wird es noch kleinere
Verschiebungen geben, aber grundsätzlich wird das neue Messegelände sehr positiv angenommen.
ALUMINIUM: Wie orientieren sich die Besucher auf dem neuen
Jessberger: Die Messe Düsseldorf tut momentan alles, um uns den
Wechsel leicht zu machen, Wir haben von vornherein die Eingänge
Nord und Ost in unser Eingangskonzept eingeplant. Alle Eingänge
werden mit einem Shuttlebus angefahren, von den Parkplätzen, die
zur Verfügung stehen. Der normale Besucher wird den Eingang Nord
nutzen und mit der Halle 9 beginnen. Den Osteingang nutzen in der
Regel wohl die Teilnehmer des Kongresses, den wir mit dem GDA
zusammen veranstalten.
ALUMINIUM: Wird der neue Standort in der NRW-Landeshauptstadt positive Auswirkungen auf die Zahl der Besucher haben?
Jessberger: Das Thema „Neue und mehr Besucher“ steht ganz oben
auf unserer Agenda, wir streben 20.000 Besucher plus X an. Die
Zielsetzung ist ganz klar: mehr internationale Besucher und mehr Besucher aus den wichtigsten Anwendungsfeldern der Aluminiumbranche. Wir dürfen aber auch nicht die Aussteller an sich vergessen. Diese „besuchen“ auch die Stände ihrer Kollegen und tauchen in keiner
sending his top design and production manager to our fair to find
out about the latest ideas there. There are some aspects concerning
aluminium production, processing, manufacturing and final application which until now we have almost not touched upon at the fair,
or only in part. We are trying to promote the sectors of building and
construction – among both exhibitors and visitors. Another example
is the theme of internal logistics, which has lots of potential but which
we have not made much use of yet.
ALUMINIUM: Are you also benefiting from Composites Europe
which is taking place in parallel?
Jessberger: The two events are closely related, even though of course
each keeps a wary eye open in the halls of the other. For our visitors, however, it is decisive to find the best solution for what they
are interested in. We learn every day that it is seldom a question
of individual materials, but rather of finding intelligent solutions in
the material mix. In that respect composite materials and aluminium
work together.
ALUMINIUM: In previous fairs you have placed great stress on special shows and key subjects. What new surprises will you have this
Jessberger: The larger exhibition centre offers us opportunities which
we intend to use. Also new is the Competence Centre for surface
treatment, where GSB international and VOA are making a joint
presentation for the first time. The pavilions for traders or welders,
the recruiting area and the magnesium pavilion – all these are things
not seen before in this form and which will make it much easier for
visitors to find their way round and not have to search too long, but
to pinpoint their key topics and interests. What is not new but we
are very pleased to see getting on so well, is the co-operation with
the German Association of the Aluminium Industry, the GDA, for
the international congress ‘Aluminium – Material for the future’. We
have put together an excellent programme, and will deal explicitly
with topical themes such as lightweight construction in the automotive sector.
ALUMINIUM: Aluminium is processed and used in many markets,
and therefore also features in many trade fairs. How is the ALUMINIUM fair holding up in this competitive environment?
Jessberger: The success story of recent years shows that we are well
established. We are doing everything necessary for our exhibitors
and visitors to regard ALUMINIUM as the number-one obligatory
event in the field. For anyone who wants to survey the international variety of the aluminium industry in its full depth and breadth,
ALUMINIUM is indispensable. As an event manager who is active
in a large milieu with numerous competing trade fairs, each of them
covering just part of the field, you wish that the exhibitors and visitors prefer and select the trade fair you are responsible for. However,
there are selective aluminium markets which have some success at
other exhibition venues, such as the solar industry.
ALUMINIUM: How do you view the long-term development of the
ALUMINIUM fair, perhaps as far as the year 2020?
Jessberger: The fair will definitely grow, because the demand for aluminium and for modern technologies will increase even more than
in the past. We will strive to keep pace with that. For the time being
we are not planning to extend the duration, since with the move
to Düsseldorf we have already responded to the cost-saving trend
among visitors. One-day visits to the fair are now possible thanks
to the optimum position of the exhibition centre. In due course we
will extend the daily opening times in order to enable people to stay
longer at the event.
ALUMINIUM: Mr Jessberger, many thanks for this discussion. N
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Besucherstatistik auf. Von daher gibt es immer
eine sogenannte Phantomzahl an Besuchern,
die wir nie zählen können, weil es eigentlich
Aussteller sind. Wenn tatsächlich auch die
Besucher das so annehmen und auch in der
gewünschten Zahl kommen, dann sehen Sie
am 12. Oktober den glücklichsten Menschen
der Welt vor sich.
ALUMINIUM: Wo sehen Sie noch weiteres
Wachstumspotenzial für die ALUMINIUMMesse?
Jessberger: Bei Luftfahrt- und Raumfahrt sind
wir gut abgedeckt, im sehr dynamischen Automobilbereich sind wir sogar sehr gut aufgestellt. Es gibt, glaube ich, keinen namhaften
Automobilhersteller, der nicht seine Top-Manager aus Konstruktion und Produktion auf
unsere Messe schickt, um sich dort neueste
Anregungen zu holen. Es gibt einige Teilaspekte rund um die Aluminiumproduktion,
Verarbeitung, Herstellung und letztendlich
Anwendung, die wir bisher auf der Messe fast
nicht oder nur zum Teil abbilden. Wir streben
an, den Bereich Bau und Konstruktion auszubauen – bei Ausstellern wie Besuchern. Ein
weiteres Beispiel: Das Thema Intralogistik
bietet ausreichend Potenzial, das bei uns noch
wenig genutzt wird.
ALUMINIUM: Profitieren Sie auch von der
parallel stattfindenden Composites Europe?
Jessberger: Beide Veranstaltungen befruchten sich gegenseitig, auch wenn natürlich der
eine oder andere etwas argwöhnisch in die andere Halle schaut. Aber für unsere Besucher
ist entscheidend, dass sie für ihr Thema die
beste Lösung finden. Wir lernen tagtäglich
dazu, dass es nie um den einzelnen Werkstoff
geht, sondern darum, intelligente Lösungen im
Materialmix zu finden. Da liegen CompositeWerkstoffe und Aluminium im Trend.
ALUMINIUM: Mit Sonderschauen und Themenschwerpunkten haben Sie bei den verr
gangenen Messen Ausrufezeichen gesetzt.
Mit welchen Neuigkeiten überraschen Sie in
diesem Jahr?
Jessberger: Das größere Messegelände bietet
uns Chancen, die wir nutzen. Neu ist auch das
Competence Center für Oberflächenbehandlung, wo sich GSB international und VOA
erstmals gemeinsam präsentieren. Der Händler- oder Schweißer-Pavillon, die Recruiting-
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Area und der Magnesium-Pavillon – das sind
alles Dinge, die es bisher in dieser Form nicht
gab und die es dem Besucher deutlich leichter
machen, sich zurechtzufinden und nicht lange
suchen zu müssen, sondern punktuell seinen
Schwerpunkt, sein Interesse abdecken zu können. Was nicht neu ist, worüber wir aber sehr
froh sind, dass es sich so positiv angelassen
hat, ist die Kooperation mit dem Gesamtverr
band der Aluminiumindustrie GDA beim internationalen Kongress „Aluminium – Material for the Future“. Wir haben ein exzellentes
Programm zusammengestellt. Dort gehen wir
auf Trendthemen wie Leichtbau im Automobilsektor explizit ein.
ALUMINIUM: Aluminium wird in vielen
Märkten verarbeitet und ingesetzt und ist
deshalb auch auf vielen Messen präsent. Wie
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
behauptet sich die ALUMINIUM-Messe in
diesem Konkurrenzumfeld?
Jessberger: Die Erfolgsgeschichte der letzten
Jahre zeigt, dass wir uns etabliert haben. Wir
tun alles dafür, unseren Ausstellern und Besuchern die ALUMINIUM als die Pflichtverr
anstaltung Nummer 1 darzustellen. Wer die
internationale Vielfalt der Aluminiumbranche
in ihrer ganzen Tiefe und Breite sehen will,
für den ist die ALUMINIUM unverzichtbar.
Wenn man in einem großen Umfeld mit vielen
Wettbewerbsmessen, die jeweils Teilsegmente
abdecken, aktiv ist, wünscht man sich, dass
alle nur zu dir gehen. Aber es gibt Aluminium-Teilmärkte, die an anderen Messeplätzen erfolgreich sind, wie etwa die Solarindustrie.
ALUMINIUM: Wie sehen Sie die langfristige
Entwicklung der ALUMINIUM-Messe, etwa
bis zum Jahr 2020?
Jessberger: Die Messe wird definitiv wachsen. Denn die Nachfrage nach Aluminium
und nach moderneren Technologien wird
noch mehr steigen als in der Vergangenheit.
Wir werden versuchen, dem zu entsprechen.
Mit einer Laufzeitausweitung kalkulieren wir
momentan nicht, denn wir haben ja mit dem
Gang nach Düsseldorf dem Trend der Kosteneinsparung bei den Besuchern entsprochen.
Eintägige Messebesuche sind durch die optimale Lage des Messegeländes möglich. Eventuell werden wir die täglichen Öffnungszeiten
ausweiten, um eine längere Verweildauer auf
der Veranstaltung zu ermöglichen.
ALUMINIUM: Herr Jessberger, vielen Dank
für das Gespräch.
Leichtbau beschert AutomobilZulieferer neue Wachstumsmärkte
Lightweight construction opens up new growth
markets for the automotive supply industry
A study published by Ducker Worldwide in
cooperation with the European Aluminium
Association (EAA) shows that the amount of
aluminium used per car produced in Europe almost tripled between 1990 and 2012, increas-
ing from 50 kg to 140 kg. This amount could
grow by another 40 kg by 2020 if the trend
towards light-weighting construction is set to
continue in small and medium-sized cars.
Another study presented early this year
Zwischen 1990 und 2012 hat sich der Aluminiumanteil in europäischen Automobilen von
50 kg auf 140 kg nahezu verdreifacht. Bis
2020 könnte diese Menge auf 160 kg oder
sogar 180 kg steigen, wenn auch Fahrzeuge
der Klein- und Mittelklasse dem Trend der
Oberklasse in Bezug auf den Einsatz von Aluminium verstärkt folgen. Das ist das Ergebnis
einer Studie von Ducker Worldwide in Zu-
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ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
by the management consultancy McKinsey
concluded that by 2030 controlling CO2 emissions will ensure triple digit growth rates for
lightweight automotive construction. Accordingly, so as to compensate for the increase in
vehicle weight due to electric power trains and
fuel efficient engine technology, automobile
manufacturers will have to increase the ratio
of lightweight components in vehicles by 2030
from 30 to 70 percent.
Consequently, a new growth market will
be created for the supply industry and plant
construction. The experts predict that based
on the development in prices for raw materials, the annual sales of lightweight components
from high-tensile steel, aluminium and carbon
fibre reinforced plastics (CRP) will grow by
2030 from around 70 billion to over 300 billion euros.
At the twin fairs ALUMINIUM and Composites Europe, which are taking place in
Düsseldorf from 9 to 11 October 2012, the
spotlight will be on these lightweight construction solutions of CRP and aluminium for the
automotive sector. The dual exhibition will
thus offer an insight into the developments
which the authors of the study predict for the
years to come.
The experts from McKinsey conclude that
the more expensive the vehicle, the better
the opportunities for growth for lightweight
materials such as aluminium and CRP. Accordingly, hybrid metal-plastic combinations with
a high ratio of aluminium and / or magnesium
and a small proportion of carbon and / or glass
fibre reinforced plastics will make the running
in the luxury category, since 5 to 14 euros in
cost per kilogram of reduced weight will also
make this worthwhile. By comparison, fibre
sammenarbeit mit der European Aluminium stehen genau solche Leichtbaulösungen aus
CFK und Aluminium für den AutomotiveAssociation (EAA).
Eine Studie der Unternehmensberatung Bereich im Fokus. Das Fachschau-Duo bietet
McKinsey, die zum Jahresbeginn vorgestellt damit bereits jetzt einen Einblick in die Entwurde, kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Re- wicklungen, die die Macher der Studie für die
gulierung des CO2-Ausstoßes bis zum Jahr kommenden Jahre anmahnen.
Je teurer das Auto, desto besser die Wachs2030 für ein dreistelliges Milliardenwachstum im automobilen Leichtbau sorgt. Dem- tumschancen für die Leichtbauwerkstoffe
nach müssen die Automobilhersteller den
Anteil von Leichtbauteilen im Fahrzeug
bis 2030 von 30 auf
70 Prozent steigern,
um die Zunahme des
F a h r z e u gg ew i c ht s
durch Elektroantrieb
und kraftstoffeffiziente Motorentechnik
zu kompensieren.
Für die Zulieferindustrie und den Anlagenbau entsteht dadurch ein dynamischer
W a c h s t u m s m a rkt :
Jahresumsatz Alcoa liefert das Aluminium für das Tesla-Modell S
Foto: Tesla
mit Leichtbauteilen Alcoa supplies the aluminium for the new Model S from Tesla
aus hochfestem Stahl,
Aluminium und karbonfaserverstärktem Aluminium und CFK, schlussfolgern die
Kunststoff (CFK) dürfte je nach Rohstoffprei- McKinsey-Experten. Demnach werden sich
sentwicklung bis 2030 von rund 70 Mrd. Euro in der Oberklasse hybride Metall-Kunststoffauf mehr als 300 Mrd. Euro wachsen, prognos- Kombinationen mit hohem Aluminium- bzw.
Magnesiumanteil und einem kleinen Anteil
tizieren die Experten.
Unternehmen wie Audi oder BMW gehen an Carbon- bzw. glasfaserverstärkten Kunstbeim Leichtbau voran und bauen neue Alu- stoffen durchsetzen, da sich hier auch Kosten
miniumgießereien, um dem steigenden Be- von fünf bis zu 14 Euro pro Kilogramm Gedarf an Leichtmetall-Gussteilen befriedigen zu wichtsabnahme rechnen. Im Luxus-Segment
können. So wird BMW bis zum Frühjahr 2013 werden dagegen zunehmend faserverstärkte
die Leichtmetallgießerei in Landshut mit dem Kunststoffe eingesetzt.
Neubau einer Druckgießerei sowie einer
Kernmacherei erweitern. Die Produktionskapazität am Standort wird von bisher 58.000
Tonnen auf eine Kapazität von 69.000 Tonnen jährlich erweitert. Auch Audi als Aluminium-Pionier im Automobil investiert in eine
neue Fertigungsstätte. In Münchsmünster wird
2013 neben einem Presswerk mit Transferr
pressen und Fertigungslinien für formgehärr
tete Karosserieteile sowie einer mechanischen
Bearbeitung von Fahrwerkkomponenten eine
Aluminiumdruckgießerei eröffnet. „Druckguss-Komponenten sind ein zentrales Element unserer Leichtbaustrategie. Eine eigene
Druckgießerei ermöglicht uns, die dafür notwendige Technologie weiterzuentwickeln und
die Versorgung mit Aluminium-Druckgussteilen nachhaltig sicher zu stellen“, sagt AudiProduktionsvorstand Frank Dreves.
Auf dem Messedoppel ALUMINIUM und
Composites Europe im Oktober in Düsseldorf Kokillengießanlage bei Trimet
Gravity die casting facility at Trimet
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
reinforced plastics will be increasingly used in the luxury segment.
Tesla Model S: Aluminium reduces the total weight by half
AHC Oberflächentechnik
Martinrea Honsel
Alcoa (Stand 9D30), which is also
one of the exhibitors in Düsseldorf, supplied the aluminium for
the new Model S from Tesla Motors. Structural components, outer
skin, doors, hoods, luggage compartment – virtually all the visible
metal parts of this electric runabout consist of aluminium which
reduces the overall weight of the Bodenprofil für den Mercedes SL von Martinrea Honsel
vehicle by half, which in turn in- Floor profile from Martinrea Honsel for the Mercedes SL
creases energy efficiency and thus
the range. 5,000 units of the vehicle, which can Tesla Model S: Aluminium reduziert
accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in less than six Gesamtgewicht um die Hälfte
seconds and, with its fully electric drive, can
achieve a range of up to 480 kilometres, are Das Aluminium für das neue Model S von
to be sold by the end of the year.
Tesla Motors hat Aluminium-Flagschiff Alcoa
geliefert (Messestand 9D30). Strukturbauteile,
Oil slump made from recycled aluminium Außenhaut, Türen, Hauben, Kofferraum –
praktisch alle sichtbaren Metallteile des ElekTrimet Aluminium (Stand 9G30) has invested troflitzers bestehen aus Aluminium, wodurch
around 160 million euros over the past dec- sich das Gesamtgewicht des Wagens um die
ade in its automotive division at the company’s Hälfte reduziert – was wiederum Energieeflocations in Harzgerode and Sömmerda in fizienz und damit die Reichweite erhöht. Bis
order to expand its product range and serve Jahresende sollen 5.000 Einheiten des Fahrits growing customer base. The company – to- zeugs, das in weniger als sechs Sekunden von
gether with its partner BMW – is currently Null auf Hundert beschleunigt und mit vollpressing ahead with the expansion of the elektrischem Antrieb auf bis zu 480 Kilometer
gravity die casting facilities at the Trimet fac- Reichweite kommt, verkauft werden.
tory in Harzgerode in order to produce vehicle
parts for the new BMW 5 Series. This project Ölwanne aus Recyclingaluminium
requires an investment volume of 13 million
euros. The gravity die casting foundry is being Trimet Aluminium (Messestand 9G30) hat im
expanded to include two new casting stations, vergangenen Jahrzehnt rund 160 Mio. Euro
in ihr Automotive-Geschäft an den Standorten Harzgerode und
Sömmerda investiert,
um das Produktportfolio zu erweitern
und den wachsenden
Kundenstamm zu bedienen. Aktuell wird
gemeinsam mit dem
BMW der Ausbau der
im Trimet Werk Harzgerode für Fahrwerksteile des neuen 5er
BMW vorangetrieben,
Aluminium-Gussteil, PFA-PFA-beschichtet (links), Hart-Coat-PFA-beschichtet
(rechts). Die wasserabweisende Eigenschaft der Schichten ist gut zu erkennen.
was mit einem Investitionsvolumen von 13
Aluminium-cast part: PFA-PFA coating (left) and Hart-Coat-PFA coating
(right). The water-repellent property of the coatings is easily recognisable.
Mio. Euro verbunden
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
ist. Die Kokillengießerei wird um zwei Gießplätze sowie zwei Bearbeitungslinien und eine
Röntgenanlage erweitert, um aufgrund der
erfreulichen Entwicklung bei BMW die steigende Nachfrage nach dem 5,5 Kilogramm
schweren vorderen und hinteren Gussknoten
zu bedienen. Der Ausbau wird Anfang 2013
abgeschlossen sein und zu einer weiteren
deutlichen Steigerung der Produktion im Trimet Werk Harzgerode führen. Darüber hinaus
wird Trimet angesichts der weiter steigenden
Nachfrage in seinen beiden Automotive-Werken jeweils eine weitere Druckgussmaschine
Am Standort in Harzgerode hat Trimet
zudem für eine Fahrzeugölwanne die neue
Legierung trimal-04 aus recyceltem Aluminium entwickelt, die auf die übliche Wärmebehandlung verzichten kann. Dadurch wird ein
Wärmebedarf von rund 120 Megawattstunden
monatlich eingespart und jährlich 24 Tonnen
an CO2-Emission vermieden.
Gegossene und stranggepresste
Alu-Bauteile für Mercedes SL
Mit Martinrea Honsel (Messestand 11D60)
präsentiert sich in Düsseldorf ein Zulieferer,
der die gegossenen Längsträger sowie Schweller- und Bodenprofile aus Aluminium für
den neuen Mercedes SL liefert. Bei dem Supersportwagen besteht nahezu die komplette
Karosserie aus dem Leichtmetall. Die Längsträger wiegen trotz einer Abmessung von jeweils 1.120 mm x 585 mm x 360 mm nur 14
Kilogramm und sind äußerst stabil, um den hohen Crash-Anforderungen gerecht zu werden.
Die im Fahrzeug links und rechts verbauten
Elemente werden im Niederdruckkokillenguss hergestellt, das sich durch turbulenzarme
Befüllung der Gussform auszeichnet. Hierbei
wird das erforderliche feinkörnige und porenarme Gefüge erreicht, um das Teil wärmebehandeln und verschweißen zu können.
Die jeweils drei Einzelprofile der Bodengruppe werden rechts und links in der AluKarosserie des SL verbaut. Die geringen
Wandstärken bewirken, dass das Bauteil
extrem leicht ist und die Gewichtsvorgaben
des Kunden ideal erfüllt. Die Profile werden
mittels Reibrührschweißen miteinander verr
bunden; einer Fügetechnik, die erstmalig für
Mehrkammerprofile im Bereich des Karosseriebaus eingesetzt wird.
Beschichtungen schützen vor Korrosion
Die AHC Oberflächentechnik (Messestand
13K35) hat zwei neue Schichtsysteme entwickelt, die die Möglichkeiten der korrosions-
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Hybridgeschmiedeter Verbund
aus Aluminium und Stahl
Auf der ALUMINIUM präsentieren sich
Aussteller, die bereits jetzt mit innovativen
Lösungen den automobilen Leichtbau vorantreiben. So hat die Leiber Group (Messestand
12G55) kürzlich einen hybridgeschmiedeten
Antriebsflansch vorgestellt, bei dem ein Verr
bund aus Aluminium und Stahl eine Gewichtsersparnis von 47 Prozent möglich macht. Mit
dem neu entwickelten „Hybridschmieden“
ist es dem Unternehmen gelungen, zusätzlich
Gewicht zu reduzieren und den Einsatz von
Leichtbaukomponenten zu ermöglichen. Dank
der Schmiedeverbindung entstehen hochfeste
Teile aus Aluminium und Stahl, die mehr als
4.000 Nm dynamisch standhalten.
Aluminiumschaum für
nachhaltige Produkte
Das Unternehmen Constellium (Messestand
11E15) entwickelt innovative Aluminiumprodukte für eine große Bandbreite von Märkten
und Anwendungen, so auch für den Transportsektor. Ein spezielles Produkt ist der Aluminiumschaum „Corevo“, der in zahlreichen
„grünen“ Anwendungen genutzt werden
kann. Mit einem Luftanteil von 70 Prozent
eignet sich dieses Aluminiumschaum-Material
hervorragend als Leiter für Hitze und Kälte
bei Flüssigkeiten oder Gasen. Beispielsweise
ersetzen Kühleinheiten aus Corevo konventionelle Autokühler und reduzieren bei höherer
Effizienz deren Größe und Gewicht.
required weight targets. The production process is particularly designed for tight tolerances
to meet the requirements for friction steer
welding. This is also the first application of
friction steer welding in a configuration with
multi-chamber profiles for body structure.
festen Ausrüstung von funktionellen Aluminium-Oberflächen – insbesondere von Gusslegierungen – erweitern und unter dem Namen
„Gliss-Coat“ auf den Markt kommen. Dabei
handelt es sich um eine Kombination aus Harteloxal plus PFA bzw. um eine PFA-Doppelschicht. Derart beschichtete Alu-Gussteile
können starken Säureangriffen in Form von
Dampf und von Flüssigkeiten über einen ausreichend langen Zeitraum widerstehen. Mögliche Einsatzgebiete der Beschichtung sind
abgasführende Bauteile in Kfz-Motoren zum
Schutz vor sog. innermotorischer Korrosion.
Corevo Schaum
Corevo foam
two production lines, and an X-ray unit in
order to meet increasing demand for the 5.5
kilogram front and rear cast joints required as
a result of the encouraging business performance at BMW. The expansion work is set to be
completed by the beginning of 2013 and will
lead to a further significant increase in production at the Trimet factory in Harzgerode. In
addition, Trimet will install a further die casting machine at each location to cater for the
continuously increasing demand at its automotive factories.
At its location in Harzgerode, Trimet has
also developed the new alloy trimal-04 out of
recycled aluminium that does not require the
standard heat treatment. This alloy is being
used to produce an oil slump for automotive
production. This results in a saving of around
120 megawatt-hours per month for heating
purposes and prevents 24 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.
Aluminium castings and
profiles for Mercedes SL
One of the suppliers on display in Düsseldorf
is Martinrea Honsel (Stand 11D60), which
supplies the cast side members as well as the
aluminium side and floor profiles for the new
Mercedes SL. Almost the complete body of the
super sports car is made from this alloy. The
side members, which are 1,120 mm x 585 mm
x 360 mm in size, weigh just 14 kilograms and
are exceptionally stable so as to comply with
the high crash requirements. The elements
fitted on the left and right in the vehicle are
produced by means of the low pressure die
casting process, which is characterised by
low-turbulence filling of the die. The required
fine-grained and pore-free structure is thus
achieved, so as to be able to heat treat and
weld the component.
The longitudinal members connect the
rear and the front part of the vehicle and are
situated on the outside of the body structure.
The three profiles for the right and left floor
structure have thin walls in order to meet the
Hybrid welded combination
of aluminium and steel
Exhibitors who are already promoting innovative solutions for lightweight automobiles
will be on display at the ALUMINIUM. For
example, the Leiber Group (Stand 12G55) recently presented a hybrid welded drive flange,
which makes possible a saving in weight of
around 47 percent through a combination of
aluminium and steel. With their newly developed hybrid welding process, Leiber has succeeded in additionally reducing the weight and
enabling the use of lightweight components.
Thanks to the welded connections, high-tensile components of aluminium and steel, which
resist over 4,000 Nm dyn are produced.
Coatings protect against corrosion
AHC Oberflächentechnik (Stand 13K35) has
developed two new coating systems, which
extend the possibilities for corrosion-proof
finishing of functional aluminium surfaces, in
particular cast alloys, and are being marketed
under the name Gliss-Coat. This consists of a
combination of hard anodised aluminium plus
PFA, respectively of a PFA double coating.
Aluminium castings coated in this way can resist concentrated acid attacks consisting of vapours and fluids over a sufficiently long period
of time. Possible applications for the coating
are, for example, components in car engines
that conduct exhaust gases, so as to protect
against so-called internal engine corrosion.
Aluminium foam for sustainable products
The company Constellium (Stand 11E15) develops innovative aluminium products for a
broad scope of markets and applications, including aerospace, mass transportation and
automotive. A special product is ‘Corevo’: an
aluminium foam that can support sustainable,
‘green’ technologies in a variety of different
application areas. Consisting of 70 percent air,
the aluminium foam material is an excellent
conductor of heat and cooling for either liquids or gases. In cars, for example, a cooling
unit made from Corevo could replace the conventional radiator, reduce its size and weight
while, at the same time, boosting its efficiency.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Via Stacca, 2 - 25050 Rodengo Saiano (Brescia) Italy - Tel. +39 030 681621 - Fax +39 030 6816288
E-mail: - A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Danieli Aluminium Strip Division
“A success story that we want to extend further”
With the entry of Danieli Fröhling and Danieli Wean United
into the field of aluminium hot and cold rolling some years ago,
a new ‘drive’ has been brought to the market. ALUMINIUM
talked to Jörg Schröder, CEO of Danieli Fröhling and executive
vice-president of the Danieli Aluminium Strip Division, and
Detlef Neumann, executive vice-president of Danieli Fröhling,
about the group’s aluminium flat product business, its competitive strengths, technological concepts and recent projects.
Images: Danieli
ALUMINIUM: Mr Schröder, Mr Neumann, Danieli has brought together its aluminium rolling activities in the Danieli Aluminium Strip
Division. What are the aims of this reorganisation?
Schröder: The Danieli Aluminium Strip Division consists of product
lines and companies within the Danieli group, which cover our range
of services – from hot to cold rolling mills, from plate stretching to
stretch bend levelling and from edge trimming to slitting and cut to
length. The Division aims to ensure that we strategically extend and
develop further our product portfolio within the complete process
chain for flat products. The sector is still in the process of extension. The
latest accession of the Danieli group, the company Olivotto-Ferré, an
Italian furnace manufacturer specialising in industrial heat treatment
facilities for ferrous and non-ferrous metals, adds further to this.
ALUMINIUM: Innoval Technology is also part of the new Division,
since the company belongs to the Danieli group.
Schröder: With Innoval we are concluding a collaboration that has
lasted many years. The company brings with it extensive process
know-how in the sectors of heat treatment, rolling and cutting. For
example, the team has overhauled and optimised more than 80 flatness and cooling systems worldwide – incidentally, all of them systems
coming from renowned competitors. Here, in many cases remarkable
improvements were achieved.
Neumann: We are
therefore more than
a pure plant and
machinery manufacturer. We supply to
the customer not just
a rolling mill and
an assurance that it
works properly, but
rather, we can also
productionfollow-up and optimising services.
Schröder: That is
a main difference
from our competitors and represents
added value for our
customers. Thanks
to Innoval we can
support and assist
our customers seJörg Schröder: “We strive to be among the leading
with new
suppliers in the market in terms of performance
products, since new
and excellence”
product lines have to be considered along the entire process chain.
That begins with casting, continues with heating, heat treatment, hot
and cold rolling and extends up to the cutting – all of them processes
whose adjustment parameters set different requirements from one
alloy to another. All this demands genuine production knowledge,
which thanks to Innoval we can bring to bear.
ALUMINIUM: With this service, which customer group do you want
to address?
Schröder: First of all, Danieli itself benefits from the collaboration
with Innoval: for example, we worked together to develop further
our HI RES cooling system. As regards external customers, there are
of course many very experienced rolling plant operators, especially
in the established Western industrial regions, who have their own
process know-how accumulated over many years. However, we see
more and more newcomers from the Eastern and Asian market regions, who want to develop from the start so as to bring the best
products to market. These are the ones who benefit most from our
process-monitoring services. But Innoval also enjoys great popularity
among market leaders and is often commissioned to carry out optimisations, analyses and audits.
Neumann: In turnkey plants as well, where new market participants
have no set opinions about process technology, Innoval can offer
support. We can talk to such customers about their production and
planned products and, building on this, undertake the planning of the
plant as a whole.
Schröder: When one is planning a full plant layout and has accepted
responsibility for this, the individual areas have to be matched and coordinated with one another. The Aluminium Strip Division contributes
towards ensuring that this functions smoothly. That does not mean
that we have to cover all areas with our own Danieli products. If the
customers wants to include a specific plant manufacturer for part of
the plant in a turnkey project, we can
of course comply
with that wish. However, our divisions
Danieli Engineering
and Danieli Construction are adding
their expertise in the
turnkey areas for
these jobs.
the new Division
also an expression
of the market success that Danieli has
achieved in recent
years with a series
of aluminium rolling
mill orders?
Schröder: Above all
it is an expression
of the direction in Detlef Neumann: “We are more than a pure plant
which we want to and machinery manufacturer”
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
SINCE 1947.
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
of view there will always be a sufficiency of
projects on the market. We market technology,
and to do that we have to develop further continuously. Anything else is free competition,
which will decide who will be the winner.
ALUMINIUM: How important is the aluminium sector to the Danieli group today?
Schröder: With order volumes of several hundred million euros, it has now grown to reach
a very substantial size. With Danieli Fröhling
the aluminium business has dominated for a
long time: in that sector we have been able to
double our turnover over the past few years
and the number of people we employ has
increased from 80 to 140. However, that is
not all due to the aluminium business but to
the company’s overall success, including the
steel and copper sectors. These three product
groups have their market fluctuations, which
are fortunately as a rule staggered in time.
Neumann: Our success is also demonstrated
by the fact that here in Meinerzhagen we have expanded our workshop
and, because of the orders received in the last two years, we have also
added more assembly shops nearby. Meanwhile, we have also obtained
planning approval to increase the size of our office space.
ALUMINIUM: Recently, a number of rolling mill contracts have been
received from European customers, from Aleris in Duffel, from Amag
in Austria and Kumz in Russia. Above all, however, the action is in
Asia. It must therefore be correspondingly important to have a local
presence there with production sites.
Schröder: We do. As Danieli China we have two production and assembly sites in Beijing and in Changshu near Shanghai, which work
mainly for the Chinese market. Besides, in Thailand we have a large
production site and an assembly shop, in which for example the first
Diamond foil rolling stand in operation was assembled for Nikkei
Siam. In Thailand, around 2,000 people are employed, who work for
the Asian market outside China. In India a further location is currently being built. And, of course, we have our large workshop, one
of the most modern in the world for metallurgical plant engineering,
develop. In all business activities of the Danieli group we strive to be
among the leading suppliers in the market in terms of performance
and excellence. It is therefore important to develop and offer technologies that are advanced compared with the present market standards
– and that allow our customers to take the next step forward following their specific needs. For our core products ‘cold rolling mills’ and
‘shearing machines’, as Danieli Fröhling we don’t need a superimposed Strip Division. But when, as the Danieli group, we have to develop further the entire process chain throughout entire plants, central
co-ordination is indispensable.
Neumann: The new Division also reflects the fact that in recent years
the aluminium business has developed dynamically and this has made
Danieli even more diversified. In the coming years the aluminium
business will continue gaining in importance. Many aluminium companies are following the trend towards lightweight construction in automotive engineering and in the transport sector as a whole. As suppliers of processes and plant and machinery manufacturers we want
to be part of that with our technological solutions.
ALUMINIUM: Suppliers to the aluminium industry and in particular semis companies have
in recent years benefited from a real investment boom, especially in Asia. Do you expect
that boom to continue?
Neumann: In fact, a great deal has been invested in Asia and particularly China. The
boom will not continue unrestrictedly, but
will eventually settle into a certain degree of
normalisation. However, the need for growth
in the developing countries, also outside Asia,
will persist for a long time and offers us the
opportunity to participate in satisfying it
for years to come. The establishment of the
Aluminium Strip Division certainly does not
mean that we have over-expanded artificially.
Above all, we have set ourselves up differently
in order to be able to act more flexibly and
better as a group.
Schröder: As the Danieli group our size and
diversification are such that from our point Official commissioning of the 4-high Diamond Mill at Nikkei Siam Aluminium in August 2012
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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AM er
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Alu Halle E25
AMAG hat sich als hochqualitativer Aluminiumproduzent, der die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette
von Primäraluminium bis zum Guss- und Walzprodukt mit besonderer Ausrichtung auf umweltfreundliche Produktion abdeckt, in zahlreichen Branchen einen Namen gemacht. Mit einer Vielfalt
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
in Buttrio where, for example, the rolling mill
for Aleris Duffel was built and assembled under our supervision. Furthermore, the Danieli
group has local service workshops in various
places to be close to our customers with after
sales service and assistance.
Neumann: The core components for rolling
mills are of course made in Italy and in Germany, here in Meinerzhagen. Rolling stands up to
40 tonnes are all produced in Meinerzhagen
while the larger ones, such as the Aleris stand
with individual stand weights of 120 tonnes,
are built in Buttrio. High-tech machinery and
aggregates such as shears, coilers, coiler drums
or bending blocks of rolling stands are made
in our European workshops.
ALUMINIUM: Let’s talk in more detail about Layout of the cold rolling mill at Kumz
your successful market entry into the field of
Schröder: The hot mill at Kumz is a preliminary rolling stand and a
aluminium rolling mills. Everything began with the 2010 contract for
finish-rolling stand, both of reversing design. The preliminary rolling
Nikkei Siam…
stand is also fitted with a twin coiler, so that finish-rolling can be c
Schröder: …where in August this year the first coil was rolled and
arried out on the unit. The contract for the Amag hot rolling mill,
a few days later the Preliminary Acceptance Certificate was signed.
including a plate stretcher, is another positive milestone for us beAt Nikkei Siam the mill is a 4-high universal foil stand for material
cause together with the Russian contract these are the only contracts
thicknesses up to 50 μm. The project then led to the 6-high Diamond
awarded for hot rolling mills recently on the European continent.
Strip Mill contract for Aleris Duffel, presently under installation,
ALUMINIUM: What factors are this success in the hot and cold rolling
and finally to the contract for a 6-high Diamond cold rolling mill for
sector based on? Why do customers buy from Danieli? ‘Diamond Mills’
Kumz. The mill at Kumz is the world’s widest 6-high aluminium cold
is, after all, just a trade name, although a sparkling on, to be sure.
rolling mill. The unit can produce strips up to 2,850 mm wide in a
Schröder: At the time we chose that trade name very deliberately, in
thickness range from 8.0 to 2.0 mm. This is a success story which we
order to stress the technological claims with which we started in the
want to extend further.
field of cold mills. We are not about price competition, but rather,
ALUMINIUM: Recently Danieli has also been successful with hot
technological competition. We are concerned explicitly and in detail
rolling mills. For example, you also received from Kumz a contract to
with the technological objectives of the customer, for which we aspire
supply a new 1 + 1 hot mill, while Amag in Austria too has earmarked
to work out a tailor-made solution. Our projects are noted for the fact
its planned hot rolling mill for Danieli.
Danieli Edge Trimming Line at China Southwest Aluminium
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
since become very successful in the market: we have already sold six
that the engineering fraction of each plant is relatively high, because
of those oilers. At China Southwest Aluminium one operates at up to
new, customer-specific aspects always have to be taken into account.
1,600 m/min. At such a speed, to apply oil with no break and uniformly
ALUMINIUM: Which technologically advanced features distinguish
with a small oil layer thickness and a tolerance deviation of better
your equipment?
than ± 10 percent is a particularly stiff challenge for the machine. The
Schröder: Take as an example our patent pending coolant spray system
HI RES. In the rolling process it must be enoil is applied electrostatically, i.e. using existsured that during rolling the individual spray
ing charge differences, which entails having a
Danieli order list of slitting
nozzles cover a constant minimum area even
heated distribution system in the spray beam,
after regrinding. The technological solution
an appropriate arrangement of the electrodes
and edge trimming lines
we developed deals precisely with that aspect.
and careful temperature control throughout
Another example is the development of a systhe system.
Two of the core products of Danieli Fröhling
tem for reducing adjustment hysteresis. This
ALUMINIUM: As shown by your order list
are slitting lines (SL) and edge trimming lines
concerns the question of how to minimise the
alone over the past two years, Danieli Fröhling
(ETL), with cuts up to 120 and speed up to
friction between the chocks and the roll housis not only successful with aluminium cold roll1,800 m/min. Since 2003 the company has
ing, and establish a stable situation in the rolling mills, but also with more traditional prodsupplied 40 complete cutting machines. Since
ing stand. Yet another example concerns the
ucts such as high-speed edge trimming and
2010 15 slitting and edge trimming lines have
EDT rolls (Electro Discharge Texturing), i.e.
slitting lines for aluminium.
been sold.
the production of a very fine surface structure
Neumann: We have been marketing those
• Weiqiao, China: 2 ETL + 1 SL
in the strip. For that we developed a special
machines for decades and enjoy a very good
• Luoyang Wanji, China: 1 ETL + 1 SL
technology, in which we take into account the
reputation for them. Since 2003 we have sup• Nanshan Light Alloy, China: 2 ETL
various process requirements.
plied 40 complete cutting machines, and in the
• Zhongfu, China: 1 ETL + 1 SL
Neumann: Four years ago we also decided to
last two years alone 15 slitting and edge trim• Alcoa Ma’aden, Saudi Arabia: 1 ETL + 2 SL
develop further the electrostatic oiler – trade
ming lines. We were the first to manufacture
• Novelis Korea: 1 ETL
name DF ColoumbOpt – ourselves, because we
slitting lines with 120 cuts. Already in 1997 we
• Novelis do Brasil: 1 ETL
built the first edge trimming line for Alumin• Hindalco, India: 1 ETL
were not satisfied with the oilers available on
ium Norf, operating at a speed of 1,500 m/min,
the market. This development of our own has
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
and today the unit works steadily at 1,650 m/min. Currently we are
building machines with speeds up to 1,800 m/min. What started with
a typical trimming line about 15 years ago, which was used just to trim
the strip edge, has now been adapted to trimming lines for up to four
finished strips. This kind of combined trimmer with a slitting function
can operate at the same high speed as the conventional trimming lines.
This approach is the more interesting, the wider are the strips. It is a
difficult task to control two recoilers instead of one and regulate them
so that the strip does not tear.
Schröder: We design our machines specifically and tailor-made for the
customer, and constantly strive to develop them further. Our customers do appreciate that. From Alcoa Maaden, in 2010 we had two orders
for cutting units for the first extension stage, and a short time ago we
received a further order for a slitting machine for the second extension
stage, the automotive line. We are very proud of such repeat orders,
since they demonstrate that our work for the first order was good.
ALUMINIUM: What is the special feature of Danieli Fröhling slitting
Neumann: Our machines are very much in demand for thin, wide strip
that has to have up to 130 slits at a cutting speed of up to 800 m/min
– that’s the benchmark in the market and our customers know that it
takes a lot of detailed and specific know-how to design and manufacture this kind of technologically advanced machine. All these machines
are equipped with vacuum rolls for smooth strip braking before the
recoiling process. Of these we have now supplied and commissioned
more than 30. We developed the vacuum roll jointly with a customer
in the early 1990s and since that time, we are now offering the fourth
generation of that braking technology. Compared with plate brakes
the vacuum roll has the advantage that a relative movement during
braking takes place only on one side of the strip, and this, indeed, a
small one. That reduces the probability of scratches, which in turn is
extremely important for products such as litho strip, bright material
or foil stock.
The drum shears we design, which are used in cut-to-length units
but also in slitting or trimming machines for the so-termed in-line preparation of the strip, not only allow cutting at speeds of 200 m/min or
more, which saves a lot of time and so increases productivity. They are
also noted for the fact that for example for lithographic material the
blades only have to be re-ground after ten million cuts.
Schröder: We use CNC slitting heads with CNC knife shift adjustment
in a closed loop mode during operation in order to provide best cutting conditions with virtually the least possible burr at the cutting
ALUMINIUM: Since a few years ago the market for aluminium plate
stretchers has revived, and Danieli has opportunities there as well.
Schröder: Those machines are mainly needed for products for the
aviation industry. In recent years the aviation market has developed
markedly, and accordingly plate stretchers are again called for. About
a year and a half ago the Danieli Aluminium Division received an
order for a 60-MN plate stretcher from Dalian Huicheng in China, and
more recently another order for a 80-MN plate stretcher from Amag.
The challenge with such machines consists in the secure clamping of
the plates, with the least possible damage in the clamping area. In
such machines extremely high forces are brought to bear, which have
to be mastered.
ALUMINIUM: As a complete system supplier, your product range also
includes fume purification for rolling plants.
Schröder: We have been cooperating for some years with the company
Monz and we manufacture Dan Eco2 fume cleaning and oil recovery
systems at Danieli Fröhling. These units guarantee extremely low limiting emission values, far lower than the limiting value of 50 mg C/m3
specified in Germany. At present we have three orders on our books:
one for Aleris and two for the hot and cold rolling plant of Kumz.
Nowadays such a unit is part of every new rolling plant; the recovery
of the oil is also very economical. The units pay for themselves in
between 1.5 and two years.
Neumann: A year ago we also decided to develop a multi-plate filter
of our own, in order to be able to supply the technology independently
and not be dependent on other manufacturers.
ALUMINIUM: Mr Schröder, Mr Neumann, many thanks for this discussion.
Danieli will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 11G70
Danieli supplies twin coil finishing mill and 80-MN plate stretcher to Amag
Amag rolling GmbH has placed a combined
order with the Danieli Aluminium Group for the
construction of a twin coiler finishing mill and a
80-MN plate stretcher in Ranshofen. The order
comprises the supply of the mechanical equipment and the automation system as well as the
installation activities on site. The orders are part
of the Amag investment volume of some 220
million euros, which makes this project one of
the largest expansion projects undertaken in the
European aluminium industry.
The twin coiler rolling mill is designed to produce hot rolled coils, heavy and light plate, clad
panels in thicknesses of 3 to 160 mm and widths
of up to 2,300 mm. Considering the specific product mix of Amag, the twin coiler rolling mill is the
basis for a production of up to 225,000 tonnes of
final products a year. The product range covers
aluminium alloys of all series from 1xxx to 8xxx
including automotive and aircraft applications.
The main equipment of the rolling line comprise entry/exit coiler with belt wrapper, rolling
stand and side trimming shear for coil production
and 160 mm heavy shear for cut-to-length plate.
The mill will operate with the Danieli Automation
Level 1 and Level 2 system.
The rolling stand has a 50-MN roll force and
is equipped with top-mounted electro-mechanical
screw down, bottom-mounted HAGC, a work-roll
bending system, and a twin drive motor configuration.
The side trimming shear is mounted between
the mill stand and the exit coiler in order to cut
the strip edges in-line. The heavy shear, capable
of operating with plate up to 160 mm thick, will
be used to crop off the head and tail ends during
rolling, and to cut the plate to length at finishing
thickness. Plates are removed from the line by
means of a dedicated stacker.
At the same time, Amag has also awarded
Danieli a contract for a 80-MN plate stretcher to
be installed in the new plate treatment line for
relieving the internal plate stress. The stretcher is
designed to handle 25,000 tonnes of plate alloys
a year in the thickness range of 25 to 152.4 mm
(6 inch) and 2,300 mm in width. The product
range covers aluminium alloys of all series from
2xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx and 7xxx.
Both projects are expected to start up in late
2014, with complete commissioning in the first
quarter of 2015.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Selema – engineering with high added value
factured a new aluminium strip electrolytic degreasing line. The plant – the first in the world
with these features – is able to degrease very
thin strips (thickness up to 0.10 mm) at high
speed. It uses an innovative acid degreasing
and electrolytic cell pre-treatment technology,
without the use of chrome, and features an
acid recovery system that is able to neutralise
the acids and transform them into water with
the abatement of special wastes.
Already in April this year, Selema carried
out the first tests on the foils degreasing line
designed for the Taiwanese customer China
Selema is not just a producer of special
equipment and plants for processing
metals but also an engineering company
with high added value both technical and
in terms of the flexibility and versatility of the solutions. The company’s core
business are the industrial plants for the
processing and treatment of flat-rolled
coiled metals: aluminium, copper, brass
and stainless steel. The four main areas
of operation are industrial plants, special
equipment, revamping and after-sale
Selema foil degreasing line
In mid-July Guala Closures, a global leader
in the production of closures for drinks and
pharmaceutical products, inaugurated the extension of its Magenta plant that aims at the
processing of the aluminium closures for wine,
spirits, oil and vinegar used by all Guala plants
After studying the company’s need to increase the effectiveness of the production and
product quality, Selema designed and manu-
n Rollin
g mills cold/hot
n Roll grin
grinding machines
n Continuous
n Le
v llers/
ing machines
n Dr
Steel Aluminium Corporation (CSAC). The
high-performance line meets customer’s precise requirements: treat very thin aluminium
(up to 12 μm), ensure the total elimination of
oils and oxides and guarantee high production speed (300 m/min).
The line is made up of an entry section
for the automatic loading of the coils on the
decoiler. The aluminium strip is subsequently
levelled by a pure tension leveller, to then pass
hase and sup
n Slit
ting lines
n Cutt-to
to-length lines
n Coiler
Co s
n Coi
oill ca
n Rollfo
n Tu
Tube we
welding machines
n Extrusi
n presse
n Joining presses
n Packing lines for str
ase ask for
for our sales
C LTEC Maschine
asch envert
ertriebs GmbH
mbH · Silberkaute 4 · 57258 Freudenberg
ne +4
+ 9 (0) 273
2 4/271190
· Fax +49 (0) 2734/271195
o ec
e · emai
Wir stellen aus: ALUMINIUM 2012, Halle 11, Stand 11K30
through the degreasing section (patented).
Under the jet of nozzles, the aluminium strip
is treated with an alkaline solution in order
to obtain the required surface quality. At the
end of the process the strip is rewound in coils,
ensuring the maximum precision.
Only recently Selema has introduced a new
concept in tension levelling lines: ‘Proflexroll’,
a large diameter expandable roller with variable profile. Proflexroll is a patented device
which allows any type of flatness defect in the
incoming material to be corrected, for strips
with thickness up to a maximum of 0.5 mm.
According to the defect present in the material it is possible to modify the profile of the
roller for excellent product quality. Compared
to the traditional tension levelling system
the Proflexroll, with its selective action which
can be limited to a specific area of the strip,
ensures greater precision of flatness. The time
of elongation of the strip on the Proflexroll is
several hundred times greater and therefore
causes no residual internal stress in the material, says the company.
Proflexroll also offers advantages in terms
of reduction in maintenance, in the noise level
of the plant, in production scrap and energy
consumption. Using the closed-loop drive system with differential-gear reducer it is also
possible to achieve further savings in energy.
Maintenance costs are cut significantly with
the Proflexroll. Elimination of the yielding
rollers and small diameter levellers, typical
of traditional lines, also means elimination of
the lubrication system with Isopar, often with
flammable fluids and with the need for a firefighting system. Reducing maintenance work
and therefore machine downtimes to replace
mechanical parts also means indirectly increasing the production capacity of the plant.
For full optimisation of the process the
Proflexroll system, combined with the TDR
(Tension Detector Roll) system, enables the
line to detect automatically the defect in the
strip and to set, again fully automatically, the
change of the profile without intervention by
the operator.
The use of a pure tension levelling line with
the Proflexroll system finally allows a drastic
reduction in the size of the plant: compared to
the 8 metres of the traditional tension levelling unit the one with Proflexroll has a total
length of only 4.5 metres, including the entry
and exit bridles.
Selema will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 11K40
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
4-Way Handling
Aluminium Recycling
lohnt sich —
die Umwelt dankt’s.
• Space saving, safe
and productive
• Robust and versatile
• Capacities from
2.5 – 25 tonnes
• Diesel / LPG /
AC Electric
Stand 12 E 30
Without Combilift
With Combilift
Contact us for:
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FREE warehouse
design service
Combilift Ltd Gallinagh Co. Monaghan Ireland
Tel: +353 47 80500 UK: 07870 976 758 E-mail:
Swiss Aluminium Technology
Alu Menziken Extrusion AG
Hauptstrasse 35
CH-5737 Menziken
Tel. +41 62 765 21 21
Selema degreasing and pre-treatment lines
have been designed to obtain perfectly treated
fully respecting the surrounding environment.
electrolytic degreasing.
Selema Srl (Italy)
ph. +39.0362.850701 - e-mail:
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Achenbach Buschhütten: Zukunftsideen für optimale
Ressourceneffizienz von Aluminium-W
Verbundeffekte zwischen zukunftsweisendem
Engineering, eigener Fertigung und einem
Service & Support über die gesamte Lebenszeit einer Anlage hinweg, Optimierung und
Modernisierung eingeschlossen, werden bei
Achenbach optimal genutzt. Hinzu kommen
Synergieeffekte aus den Erfahrungen im Bau
von Maschinen und Anlagen für die Verarr
beitungs- wie für die Veredelungsindustrie,
die technologisch genutzt werden. Diese Position ist im Markt einzigartig und führt zu
dem breiten Spektrum an Vorteilen für den
Betreiber von NE-Metall-Walzwerkanlagen
und Folienschneidmaschinen von Achenbach.
Dies gilt sowohl für die hervorragende Qualität der Walz- und Schneidprodukte als auch
für die hohe Produktivität der Maschinen
und Anlagen. Der Einsatz ausschließlich erstklassiger Komponenten stellt darüber hinaus
sicher, dass beides auch für anspruchsvollste
Produkte der Fall ist sowie unter Maximalbelastung und im Dauerbetrieb gegeben ist. Der
Name Achenbach steht im Markt nicht zuletzt
deshalb traditionell für hohe Verfügbarkeit
und maßgeschneidertes Design und damit
nachhaltig für maximalen Kundennutzen.
Kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung bei
Achenbach stellt sicher, dass dieser Vorsprung
nicht nur gehalten, sondern systematisch weiter ausgebaut wird. Dazu gehört auch, dass die
Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz im Betrieb
der Walzwerke und Folienschneidmaschinen
seit einigen Jahren durch verschiedene Entwicklungsprojekte und kontinuierliche Optimierungsmaßnahmen stetig gesteigert wurde.
Die Effizienz wird einerseits durch einen sparr
samen Einsatz von elektrischer Energie beispielsweise durch Rückspeisung von Bremsenergie erreicht. Andererseits ermöglicht die Entwicklung einer Walzwerktechnologie in Richtung isothermischer Walzprozesse, optimaler
Walzen- und Lagerkühlung, feinst geregelter
Walzölfiltration, minimierten Hallenluftausstoßes und eines rückstandsfreien Recyclings
von Walzöldämpfen die große Effizienzsteigerung im Walzwerkanlagenbetrieb in Bezug
auf Energieverbrauch und Ressourceneinsatz.
Die folgende verfahrenstechnische Innovation
im Hause Achenbach verdeutlichen dies.
Im Rahmen eines vom Bundesministerium
für Wirtschaft geförderten Projekts wird die
Effizienz der Dunstabsaugung durch Einsatz
modernster strömungstechnischer Simulationsmethoden aktuell weiter optimiert. ©
Achenbach Buschhütten: Forward-looking concepts for
optimum resource efficiency of aluminum rolling mills
use of electric energy, e. g. by recovering braking energy. On the other hand, the development of isothermal rolling mill processes, optimum roll and roll bearing cooling methods,
micro-filtration of rolling oils, minimised air
circulation and residue-free recycling of fume
exhausts facilitates a considerable increase of
efficiency in rolling mill operation with regard
to energy consumption and use of resources.
As an example, the below described Achenbach innovation emphasises this aspect.
Within a project –
funded by the Federal
Ministry for Economy –
the efficiency of fume
exhaust systems is
further optimised by
using highly-modern
fluid simulation methods. Therefore, the
complex geometry of
a fume hood including
the surroundings has
been modelled by a
tetrahedron net (Fig. 1)
which forms the basis
for the calculation of
a flow profile (Fig. 2,
Fig. 1: Tetrahedron net for fluid simulation of a fume hood (Images: Achenbach)
next page). Finally, the
machines, not only regarding the high-class most efficient solution for an optimum fume
quality of the rolled and slitting products, exhaust system is taken from the manifold
but also in view of the high productivity of simulations. In any case, the highest state-ofmachinery and systems. By exclusively using the-art development for saving energy is alfirst-class components, this is secured for de- ways considered when designing the individumanding products as well as under maximum al components. Integrated plant heat recovery
load and in continuous operation. Tradition- and low-temperature process technologies are
ally high system availability, tailored design further characteristics of modern rolling mill
and therefore sustainably high customers’ machinery.
Regular and professional maintenance of
benefit – this is what Achenbach stands for in
all rolling mill components are decisive factors
the market.
Continuous research and development at for the economic use of valuable resources
Achenbach guarantee its leading position not like electric energy and rolling oil. Apart from
only to be maintained, but also systematically tailor-made service jobs, Achenbach offers a
extended. Moreover, various developments cost-optimised service and support package
and sustainable optimisation projects during demanding a saving potential of up to 30 perthe last years have paid tribute to the increas- cent by inspection and targeted optimisation
ing importance of high energy and resources measures.
efficiency in the operation of rolling mills and
Achenbach will be exhibiting at
foil slitting machines. On the one hand, effiALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 11G14
ciency of a rolling mill is achieved by economic
Achenbach perfectly uses the synergetic effects of trendsetting engineering, in-house
manufacture and service & support throughout the entire lifetime of the machinery including optimisation and modernisation. Moreover,
synergies of experience in building machinery
and systems for the processing and the finishing industry are technologically used. This
market position is unique and opens a wide
range of benefits for the users of Achenbach
non-ferrous metal rolling mills and foil slitting
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Abb. 2: Simulationsergebnis einer bestimmten Haubengeometrie (Momentaufnahme)
Fig. 2: Simulation result of a special hood geometry (snapshot)
Dazu wird die komplexe Geometrie einer
Dunsthaube inklusive des Umfelds durch ein
Tetraedernetz modelliert (Abb. 1), das die
Basis für die nachfolgende Berechnung der
Die Auslegung der einzelnen Anlagenkomponenten berücksichtigt dabei zudem immer die
modernste Technik zur Energieeinsparung.
Auch integrierte Wärmerückgewinnung und
Niedertemperaturprozesstechnik sind Charakteristika moderner Walzwerkanlagen.
Nicht zuletzt spielt die regelmäßige und
professionelle Wartung aller Walzwerkkomponenten für den sparsamen Umgang mit Ressourcen wie elektrischer Energie und Walzöl
eine herausragende Rolle im Walzwerkanlagenbetrieb. Neben maßgeschneiderten Serr
viceeinsätzen bietet Achenbach seinen Kunden auch aktiv ein kostenoptimiertes Service
& Support-Package zu diesem Thema an. Mit
dem Ziel der ressourcenoptimiertern Walzwerktechnik hat das Unternehmen den Anspruch, durch Inspektion und Optimierungsmaßnahmen ein Einsparpotenzial von bis zu
30 Prozent zu realisieren.
Strömungsverläufe (Abb. 2) bildet. Aus einer
Vielzahl derart simulierter Varianten wird für
den konkreten Bedarfsfall die effizienteste
Lösung des Dunstabsaugsystems ermittelt.
Achenbach ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 11G14
Otto Junker: Neuentwicklungen für
-Walzwerke und -Strangpresswerke
Otto Junker: New developments for
aluminium rolling mills and extrusion plants
Susanne Dobler
Seit mehr als 85 Jahren ist Otto Junker als
weltweit führender Anbieter von Thermoprozessanlagen und Induktionsschmelzöfen etabliert. Im Geschäftsbereich Thermoprozessanlagen gibt es aus der jüngeren Zeit einige
interessante Neuentwicklungen mit hohem
Nutzwert für die Aluminium-Walzwerke und
Hohe Aufmerksamkeit erlangte 2011 das
„Mathematische Modell“ für Bundglühöfen:
Bei einem vom Bundesumweltministerium
geförderten Innovationsprojekt konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Erwärmung von
Aluminiumbandbunden in Echtzeit mit einer Genauigkeit von besser als 1,5 Prozent
der Zieltemperatur berechnet werden kann.
Daraus ergibt sich für den Betreiber eine signifikante Einsparung bei den Energie- und
sonstigen Betriebskosten.
Anfang 2012 konnte Otto Junker mit dem
zum Patent angemeldeten KombiGas-Anwärmofen den Energiebedarf bei Anwärmen
von Strangpressbolzen deutlich reduzieren:
Gegenüber dem Stand der Technik kann der
Brennstoffeinsatz im Teillastbetrieb um bis zu
15 Prozent reduziert werden. Diese Einsparung wird durch einen einfachen und zuverlässigen Handgriff erreicht: Die seit vielen
Jahren auf dem Markt etablierte Vorwärm-
Aluminiumcoils vor dem Glühofen
Aluminium coils ready for annealin
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
²2 RWK$
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
kammer nach dem Jet-Heating-Prinzip, die
bisher ausschließlich mit den Abgasen der
Flammzone – also passiv – beheizt wurde,
ist nun zusätzlich aktiv beheizt: Zu diesem
Zweck sind Hochgeschwindigkeitsbrenner mit
integriertem Rekuperator installiert. Damit
kann die Vorwärmkammer in abgasschwachen
Lastzuständen mit voller Anwärmleistung bis
nahe der Ziehtemperatur weiter betrieben
werden. Der Wirkungsgrad beträgt dann 80
Versuchsstand zur Entwicklung eines
kombinierten Luft-Wasser-Abkühlsystem
für einen Aluminium-Bandschwebeofen
Otto Junker verfügt über einen Versuchsstand
zur Entwicklung eines kombinierten LuftWasser-Abkühlsystems für einen AluminiumBandschwebeofen. Dieser Versuchsstand im
Industriemaßstab ermöglicht es, Aluminiumbänder und -platten zu erwärmen und anschließend auf verschieden Arten (Wasser,
Nebel, Luft) abzukühlen. Durch die verschiedenen Kühlungsarten kann ein sehr großer
Bereich von Wärmeübergangswerten nahezu
stufenlos eingestellt werden. Für unterschiedliche Legierungen und Abmessungen können
mit dieser Anlage so die optimalen Kühlkurven
zum Erreichen der geforderten mechanischen
Eigenschaften ermittelt werden.
Otto Junker ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10E15
For more than 85 years Otto Junker has been
on record as a globally leading supplier of thermoprocessing equipment and induction melting furnaces. In the thermoprocessing equipment segment the company has recently come
up with a number of interesting innovations
which have proved to be of high user benefit
for aluminium rolling mills and aluminium extrusion plants.
The ‘mathematical model’ for coil annealing furnaces attracted much attention in
2011. In the course of an innovation project
supported by the German Federal Environment Ministry, it was demonstrated that the
temperature increase in aluminium strip coils
can be calculated in real time with an accuracy
of better than 1.5 percent of the target temperature. For the operator, this translates into
substantial savings of energy costs and other
operating expenditures.
With the launch of its KombiGas preheating furnace (patents pending) in early 2012,
Otto Junker was able to significantly reduce
energy consumption in heating extrusion billets. Compared to the prior art, the system
provides for a reduction in fuel consumption
by up to 15 percent in part load operation.
This efficiency gain is achieved by a simple
device: the pre-heating chamber working on
the ‘jet heating’ principle (a technology established in the market for many years) is now
heated actively instead of only ‘passively’ (i.e.
with exhaust gas from the flame zone) as it
used to be previously. To this end, the unit
has been equipped with high-speed burners
featuring integrated recuperators. As a result,
the preheater can remain in operation and delivers its full heating output nearly up to the
target temperature even in operating modes
characterised by reduced exhaust gas flows.
In this condition, it attains an efficiency of 80
Test rig for development of a
combined air-water cooling system for
an aluminium strip flotation furnace
This industrial-scale test rig enables us to heat
aluminium strip and plate and to cool them afterwards using diverse media (water, fog, air).
Thanks to these different cooling methods,
a broad range of heat transfer coefficients can
be set in a virtually continuous (i.e. stepless)
manner. The system can thus be employed to
determine the optimum cooling curves for
achieving specified mechanical properties
with different alloys and product dimensions.
Versuchsstand zur Erwärmung und Abkühlung von Aluminiumbändern
Test rig for heating and cooling of aluminium strip
Otto Junker will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10E15
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Alu.Heat: Mehr Effizienz in der Wärmebehandlung
Alu.Heat ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 14G50/06
Alu.Heat: More efficiency in heat treatment
Entdecken, wonach im Leichtbau gesucht
wird: Unter dieser Prämisse führt das Freiberr
ger Unternehmen Alu.Heat im Kundenauftrag
Wärmebehandlungsversuche durch, die die
mechanischen Eigenschaften des Aluminiumbauteils in puncto Gewichtsersparnis und Festigkeit maßgeblich verbessern.
Für eine hohe Wirtschaftlichkeit hat sich
das Unternehmen vor allem auf die Minimierung der Verzüge nach dem Lösungsglühen
spezialisiert und ein neues Abschreckmedium
mittels Wasser / Luft zum Patent angemeldet.
Mit der Zielsetzung einer maximalen Reproduzierbarkeit werden die Versuche bereits zu
Beginn unter Berücksichtigung der Produktionsinfrastruktur des Kunden durchgeführt.
Die technologische Grundlage bildet dabei
die Pilot-Wärmebehandlungsanlage mit den
derzeit in der Praxis eingesetzten Abschreckmedien. Das ermöglicht den Kunden der Alu.
Heat eine intensive Forschungsarbeit, ohne
den laufenden Serienprozess unterbrechen
zu müssen. Die Versuchsergebnisse sind wissenschaftlich dokumentiert und werden dem
Kunden direkt digital übermittelt.
Zur Kontrolle der geforderten Materialeigenschaften kann auf modernste Prüfverfahren zurückgegriffen werden. Alle Arbeitsschritte unterliegen dabei strengsten Qualitätskriterien gemäß der DIN ISO 9001/2008.
Messebesucher können sich auf dem Alu.
Heat-Stand über Fallbeispiele mit Versuchserr
gebnissen aus der Praxis sowie neue Wärmebehandlungsmöglichkeiten informieren.
Discover what is sought in lightweight design: with this in mind the company Alu.Heat
performs heat treatment tests by customer
order which have significantly improved the
mechanical properties of aluminium parts in
terms of weight reduction and strength.
To achieve high cost effectiveness the company is particularly specialised in minimising
distortion after solution treatment, and a new
quenching technique with water / air has a patent pending. With the objective of maximum
reproducibility tests are performed right from
the start bearing the customer’s infrastructure
in mind. The technological basis here is the pilot
heat treatment facility using current quench-
ing means. This allows Alu.Heat customers an
intensive period of research without interrupting their day-to-day series process. The test
results are documented scientifically and are
communicated digitally to the customer.
Required material properties can be
checked in the latest testing methods. All
process steps underlie strict quality criteria
according to DIN ISO 9001/2008. Interested
trade fair visitors can expect interesting case
examples with real test results as well as new
possibilities in heat treatment.
Alu.Heat will be exhibiting at ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 14G50/06
Andritz Metals: Komplettanlagen aus einer Hand
Andritz zählt zu den wenigen globalen Komplettanbietern, die alle Technologien und Prozesse zur Herstellung von Aluminiumband
aus einer Hand liefern können (Maschinen
und Anlagen, Elektrik und Automation sowie
Services). Dies garantiert die Minimierung
von Schnittstellenproblemen sowie einen optimalen, reibungsfreien Gesamtprozess.
Seit über 50 Jahren bedient speziell die
Andritz Sundwig GmbH in Hemer den Aluminiummarkt mit dieser Palette an Walzwerkausrüstungen. Jüngste Referenzen erstrecken
sich auf Aufträge für die Wärmebehandlung
und Oberflächenbehandlung für Automotiveund Luftfahrt-Werkstoffe sowie eine Längs-
Andritz Metals: Complete processes from a single source
Andritz Metals is one of the few single source
suppliers worldwide capable of providing all
technologies and processes involved in the
manufacturing of aluminium strip on a comprehensive basis (mechanical, process, electrical equipment, electric and automation as well
as life cycle services). This ensures interface
minimisation as well as consistent optimisation
of the overall process.
Especially the Andritz Sundwig GmbH in
Hemer, Germany, has been providing this
type of equipment to the aluminium market
for more than fifty years. Most recent refer-
ences were contracts for supplying a heat treatment line, a chemical surface treatment line
for automotive and aerospace materials and
a slitter line for Alcoa’s expansion project in
the USA.
Andritz Metals has recently commissioned
a recoiling and tension levelling line for aluminium strip at Elval in Greece, operating at
strip speeds up to 1,000 m/min. Based on this
success another order to supply a side trimming line for strip speeds up to 1,500 m/min
has been won. Early this year Andritz gained
Amag in Austria as a new customer by finish-
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
only qualityy
generates quality
visit us at
Hall 12 Booth 12H48
Super Thermal eĸcency aimed for ProducƟon
Save The Planet
yearly up to 500 tons CO2 or 1ϲ0 cars eƋuivalent * less environmental polluƟon
up to 100.000 euros of yearly savings on gas and maintenance costs
enƟrely engineered͕ manufactured and dryͲtested at durla srl
5Ͳyear guarantee on internal rollers duraƟon
14 Nm3ͬton natural gas consumpƟon
81й thermal eĸcency
* 180 g CO2ͬ<m Ͳ 18.000 <mͬyear
teilanlage für ein Erweiterungsprojekt von
Alcoa in den USA.
Andritz Metals hat jüngst eine Aufwickelund Streckbiegerichtanlage für Aluminiumband bei Elval in Greece in Betrieb genommen.
Die Anlage arbeitet mit Bandgeschwindigkeiten bis zu 1.000 m/min. Auf diesem Erfolg
aufbauend konnte ein weiterer Lieferauftrag
für eine Besäumanlage mit Bandgeschwindigkeiten bis zu 1.500 m/min gewonnen werden.
Anfang dieses Jahres erteilte Neukunde Amag
dem Unternehmen Andritz den Auftrag zur
Revision ihrer Automotive-Behandlungslinie
im Rahmen des aktuellen Amag-Investitionsprogramms.
Im März dieses Jahres erwarb Andritz die
Bricmont Inc. von der Inductotherm-Gruppe.
Andritz Bricmont liefert Ofensysteme für die
Aluminium- und Stahlindustrie und ergänzt
damit das bestehende Industrieofen-Programm des Geschäftsbereichs Andritz Metals.
Mit der Akquisition von Bricmont verstärkt
Andritz seine Präsenz auf dem nordamerikanischen Markt, China und Indien.
Andritz ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9G40
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Aufwickelgruppe der Anlage für Elval
ing the revamp work on their automotive treatment line within their 2012 expansion project.
In March this year Andritz has acquired Bricmont Inc. from the Inductotherm Group. Andritz Bricmont supplies furnace systems to the
aluminium and
steel industries
the existing furnace product
portfolio of the
Andritz Metals
business area,
which is one
of the leading
global suppliers of complete
lines for the
production and
processing of
cold-rolled carbon steel, stainless steel and
metals. With
Recoiler section of the Elval line
the acquisition
of Bricmont, Andritz is thus strengthening its
presence in North America, China, and India.
Andritz will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9G40
SRS Amsterdam – Eintauchpyrometer und Thermoschutzrohre stets auf Lager
SRS Amsterdam BV wurde 2003 durch die
jetzige Firmenchefin und alleinige Anteilshaberin Petra Beckers gegründet. Der Firmensitz ist Amsterdam, wo das Unternehmen
auch einen ausgiebigen Vorrat an Produkten
auf Lager hält. Permanent sind circa 5.000
Marshall-Eintauchpyrometer sowie 400 bis
500 Syalon-Thermoschutzrohre in verschie-
densten Abmessungen auf Lager. Ein weiteres
Lager befindet sich im Amsterdamer Hafen,
wo weitere 3.000 bis 4.000 Thermoschutzrohre aus keramisch beschichtetem Grauguss
vorrätig sind, die typischerweise für die Temperaturmessung in Schmelzöfen eingesetzt
werden. Diese Vorratspolitik macht SRS zu
einem flexiblen Lieferanten, der schnell auf
Kundenwünsche reagieren kann. Ein sicheres
Gefühl für die Anforderungen am Markt und
technische Erneuerungen tragen zusätzlich
dazu bei, dass SRS Amsterdam die umgehende
und zuverlässige Lieferung aller Standardprodukte in ganz Europa garantieren kann.
Weltweit einzigartig ist die Fähigkeit, Syalon-Keramikschutzrohre bis zu einer Länge
von zwei Metern herzustellen. Dadurch ergeben sich neue Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für
diese industrielle Hochleistungskeramik.
SRS – thermocouples and
thermocouple protection
tubes always in stock
thermocouple protection tubes. This stock
policy, combined with a strong affinity for the
technical requirements of customers, makes
SRS Amsterdam a reliable partner, guaranteeing fast deliveries of all standard products.
Worldwide unique is the ability of producing Syalon ceramic thermocouple protection
tubes up to a length of two metres. This new
length opened the way to new applications for
this industrial high-tech ceramic material.
Founded in 2003, SRS Amsterdam BV is run
by Petra Beckers, director and main share
holder. The company is located in the heart of
Amsterdam where SRS holds extensive stock
of more than 5,000 Marshall thermocouples
and 400 to 500 Syalon thermocouple protection tubes in different dimensions. A large
warehouse at the Amsterdam harbor covers
another 3,000 to 4,000 heavy-duty cast iron
SRS Amsterdam ist Aussteller auf
der ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9H18
SRS Amsterdam will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9H18
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Besuchen Sie uns:
Aluminium Düsseldorf
9. - 11. Oktober 2012
Halle 10, Stand C14
10. - 11. Oktober 2012
Foyer OG, Stand 04
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
SMS Siemag’s aluminium business continuing to gain importance
Today’s SMS Siemag AG has its roots in
supplying mechanical equipment for rolling mills. Over the years, the company
has developed into a system provider
whose activities have always been geared
to plant engineering and construction
for the metallurgical industry. The main
focus was, and still is, on rolling mills and
strip-processing lines for the steel industry. Even as recently as ten years ago the
aluminium industry only accounted for
turnover of about 30 million euros and
played a somewhat minor role. This scenario has changed in recent years because
orders received from the steel industry
have declined as a result of market conditions and there has been an investment
boom in the aluminium industry, which
has led to SMS Siemag posting record
results for orders received for aluminium
plants totalling several hundred million
euros a year.
Rolling mills were the driving force for this
enormous growth in orders. Although the
company already had a separate department
dedicated to sales to the light metal industry,
from an organisational point of view its aluminium industry activities were incorporated
within its Steel division for design and order
processing purposes. Encouraged by the trend
in orders and the resultant focussing on the
light metal, the company then
created a new Aluminium
business division headed by
Michael Schäfer and Heinz
Niehues with effect from 1
January 2012; the unit brings
together the company’s hot
and cold rolling plant activities
for aluminium and is responsible for its own results and
cost management. The move
demonstrates how important
the aluminium business is for
SMS Siemag.
What changes have resulted from the new organisation?
The aluminium sales team has
been strengthened and it acts
independently in the market place within the
framework of a business plan for which it is
solely responsible; it works together with the
Strip Processing Lines, Thermal Process Technology and Logistic Systems division on larger
projects. Michael Schäfer comments: “With
this organisational change we want to show
our customers in the aluminium industry that
we are fully focussed on their metal and the
resultant needs. We are expecting sustainable
growth of our aluminium business in the long
term regardless of economic cycles and the
current boom. Market analyses from the company and experts in the sector all expect there
to be growing demand for rolled aluminium
products in the long term.”
The Electrics and Automation division remains unaffected by the change. However, any
sales for aluminium projects will be integrated
into the new Aluminium division. This will ensure that the company’s aim to be a successful
system supplier in the market place is oriented
to the needs of the aluminium industry. The
same applies to the Strip Processing Lines division.
The rules governing collaboration between
several participating business divisions are
straightforward: “Our aim is to provide the
best practice available on the market,” explains Mr Schäfer. “In concrete terms this
means that if an aluminium industry customer
with whom we have a good working relationship thanks to rolling-mill projects carried out
in the past is planning a project involving a
strip processing line or a heat treatment plant,
our business division team will provide the
support for the project and the customer.”
There have already been first signs of the success of this new approach with an additional
order for an automotive line for the Ma’aden
Alcoa joint venture (see box).
As part of such an approach, the responsibilities and technical expertise of the other
business divisions remain unaffected. The
rolling mill for projects where a new plant is
involved play a certain pioneering role, not
only because of their size but because of their
long delivery time. The Aluminium division
thus has contact with the customer and can
also provide him with support when it comes
to downstream facilities supplied by SMS Siemag. As a further example, Mr Schäfer cites
the new cold-rolling mill at Asas in Turkey,
where SMS Siemag initially received an order for a cold-rolling mill, which was followed
later by an order for a coil-coating line.
Greater focus on aluminium
According to Mr Schäfer, there are diverse
reasons and benefits for a greater focus on
aluminium at SMS Siemag. He is not expecting the high level of orders received in the
last two years to be repeated in the coming
years. However, the medium-term forecast
for the Aluminium division, which includes
the consolidated figures for orders received
by important central units such as Service and
Electrics and Automation, contains positive
forecasts for growth in aluminium demand
worldwide. In this connection, reference can
be made to the long-term planning in the automotive and aerospace industries for new
models whose production will only begin in
a few years’ time.
China will also continue to be an important
market for new rolling mills for SMS Siemag in
the coming years. “There may be slight reductions temporarily because
some of the large plants
that have been ordered
have to go into service and
the marketplace has to first
accept their products,” says
Mr Schäfer. “However, this
will not affect the general
long-term trend.” This is
demonstrated by a company like Nanshan Aluminium, which began producing canstock in 2003 and
has now reached an annual
capacity of over 700,000
tonnes; the company is now
considering further expansion.
Consideration must also be given to the
plans of a newcomer to the aluminium canstock sector: the Zhongwang Group, which is
traded on the Hong Kong stock exchange. This
company is China’s largest extruder with 100
active extrusion lines and SMS Siemag has just
started the design work for a multiple-stand
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Optimistic assessment of
the business situation
SMS Siemag estimates that there are still some
contracts to be awarded this year and next,
and not only in China. Mr Schäfer points again
to the forecast growth in demand.
With beverage cans, production is expected
Images: SMS Siemag
hot-rolling line that includes electrics and automation. The group is planning to increase
its capacity for rolled aluminium products to
three million tonnes in the coming years with
further expansions of its hot- and cold-rolling
Compared with steel, Mr Schäfer also sees
aluminium as the trendsetter from a technological point of view. “When it comes to the
design of cold rolling mills, aluminium has always been rolled wider, thinner and faster”
he says. He points out that the manufacturers
of aluminium sheet, strip and plate place particularly high demands on quality. To a great
extent, this rules out the use of cheap plants.
This in turn increases the fraction of the supply
that is manufactured in-house. Accordingly,
in the past two years SMS’s highly specialised
workshop in Hilchenbach has reported a high
level of capacity utilisation due to orders for
aluminium rolling mills.
Michael Schäfer, head of the Aluminium division:
“One needs more than coordinated mechanics and
electrics to win over the confidence of investors for
projects involving rolled aluminium products today
and in the future”
to increase by almost 30% during the period
2005 to 2015 in Brazil alone, with the FIFA
World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games
in 2016 providing a strong impetus for growth.
For SMS Siemag, canstock is also an important
factor in the sale of rolling mills. Worldwide,
the company has so far supplied nine multiplestand hot strip mills and 13 cold-rolling mills
each with between two and five stands for
plants mainly used to produce canstock.
In future, aluminium in carmaking will no
longer be the reserve of premium brands and
models. Aluminium is even expected to gain a
perceptible share in the compact class. By way
of example, Mr Schäfer cites current investments in new or enlarged plants for automotive strip by Novelis in the USA and China,
as well as the expansion of Alcoa Davenport
in the USA, Aleris in Europe and, last but not
least, Ma’aden Alcoa in Saudi Arabia.
Even if not all aluminium components in a
car are made from rolled products, their share
is still continually increasing. A US study forecasts that the quantity of aluminium flat products in a vehicle will increase from 13 kg in
2008 to 70 kg by 2025. Aluminium is being
used increasingly in the body shell area, for
Selective Cooling Systems for Aluminium Hot- & Cold Rolling Mills
Evertz Hydrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Basaltstr. 4 57562 Herdorf, Germany Tel.: +49 (0)2744 9316 0 Fax: +49 (0)2744 9316 10
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All from one source - the source of Waterhydraulics
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
3D layout of the annealing and coating line at the Ma’aden Alcoa joint venture
example for bonnets, doors and boot lids. This
means the rolled strip has to meet the highest
standards of quality with respect to surface
quality and microstructure. SMS Siemag is
currently experiencing at first hand a further
trend that is occurring in the transport sector
– the trend towards larger strip widths – by
way of a hot- and cold rolling mill for strip
widths up to 2,650 mm that it is supplying to
the Chinese company Guangxi Alnan.
Not only does the global aircraft market account for large demand for aluminium plate
and sheet: planning is very long term here,
so today one can already foresee the demand
for rolled aluminium products for the period
after 2015. The market for aluminium is also
regarded as being secure in this sector now
that the initial euphoria concerning the substitution of composites for aluminium has
subsided following the development of even
lighter and stronger aluminium alloys, which
in addition are cheaper than composites and
easier to recycle.
By supplying one of the world’s largest
aluminium rolling mills to Aleris in Koblenz,
SMS Siemag was not only able to demonstrate
once again its capabilities in dealing with this
challenging metal: other rolling-mill orders
currently being processed are capable of producing rolled products for use in the aerospace
Criteria for success
The use of the highest technological standards
in the design and operation of aluminium rolling mills has always been on of the company’s
outstanding features. Hot-rolling mills are
usually equipped with high-grade actuators.
When it comes to cold rolling of aluminium
strip, SMS can claim to have made such a major contribution to the breakthrough of the
6-high rolling stand in recent years, especially
in China, that this type of cold-rolling mill is
now already regarded as the standard for new
plants. All of this has become so self-evident
that no radically new developments are expected here in the next few years.
From SMS Siemag’s point of view, the
challenge today is to avoid over engineering
when designing rolling mills and to rely on
those designs that are tried and tested and
can be managed sensibly by the user. “One
needs more than coordinated mechanics and
electrics to win over the confidence of investors for projects involving rolled aluminium
products today and in the future,” says Mr
Schäfer. He talks about criteria that, in contrast to the measurable properties of a rolling
mill, could be referred to as soft factors.
Top of the list is the factor ‘quality and
reliability’. At SMS Siemag this means a fourstage approach, starting with a plant layout
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
3D layout of the single-stand aluminium cold-rolling mill for the Ma’aden Alcoa joint venture
based on results from the company’s own
development department, the manufacture of
core components in the company’s own workshop, integrated systems for the electrics and
automation in the form of in-house products,
through to pre-assembly and training – and
all of this at one location. “This specialisation
and centralisation of expertise in the engineering and construction of metallurgical plant is
unique worldwide and is regarded very highly
by our customers,” emphasises Mr Schäfer.
For Alcoa, the joint venture partner of Saudi
investor Ma’aden, this was one of the decisive
factors when placing the order and led to the
company basing a project team in Düsseldorf
throughout the whole of the order processing
phase so as to be close to SMS in Düsseldorf
and Hilchenbach.
When it comes to commissioning and quality, the very fact that SMS Siemag does not
order the electrics and automation from somewhere else and have them sent directly to site
but designs and builds them itself is highly
reassuring for the customer. In practice, the
interplay between mechanics, electrics and
automation begins during the project phase
and thus ensures optimal design of the whole
plant. In the workshop, the stands are not
merely assembled: they are fully connected to
the hydraulics and the condition of all valves
is tested. While the manufacturing of the mechanical components and assembly for an order are taking place, the actual devices for the
electrics and automation are installed in a test
stand practically next door and are subjected
to an integration test.
Customers who choose the optional Plug &
Work equipment package (see ALUMINIUM
10/2007, p. 35) get to know the location from
another interesting angle: while their order is
being processed in the manufacturing department they can experience their future plant
in virtual reality. The simulation is based on
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
the actual engineering drawings and shows the
planned process sequences in real time on large
screens. The future operators sit at precisely
the same control panels that they will find at
their future places of work. During training,
they can make suggestions for optimisation
based on their own experience in rolling. And
all of this while the roll stands are being built
next door. This system leads to a different type
of ‘quality’ that manifests itself in the end in
a significantly shorter commissioning period
and a steeper learning curve at the future location. At the same time, it means commercial
production can begin earlier and there is more
rapid amortisation of the investment.
SMS Siemag sees service as something that
is forward-looking both in terms of enhancing customer satisfaction and safeguarding
its own business. The company sees further
potential here for growth in the aluminium
business which will open up a number of new
orders for plants. In this connection, thought
is being given to setting up centres for service
and spare parts for customers in the aluminium industry – a model that is already being
strongly promoted in the steel industry all over
the world.
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Basic training at the TECacademy
The TECacademy, which is also located in
Hilchenbach, offers different courses of technology training in the fields of metallurgical
plant and rolling mills – e. g. plant maintenance
or electrics and automation; the courses are
independent of orders being placed for equipment. During the courses, the participants,
who are often newly appointed plant operators, learn amongst other things about the basic function of actuators in a rolling mill, cooling lubricants and the basics of automation.
Mr Schäfer summarises: “Customers place
greater value on these soft criteria today than
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
'- )
Long before erection, the automation systems are tested in the new test field of SMS Siemag by means of
on constructional details of the mechanical equipment. It is difficult to express their value in euros, dollars or yen but they are reassuring for the
customer. This also includes the knowledge that
SMS Siemag is not some kind of conglomerate
where one cannot foresee today what the corporate alignment will be in five or ten years’ time:
it is a company that has focussed on the metal
industry since it was formed and will continue to
maintain this passion.”
SMS Siemag will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9C20
SMS Siemag plant for the Ma’aden Alcoa project
The expansion of the hot- and cold rolling mill for
Ma’aden Alcoa’s project in Ras Al Khair in Saudi Arabia is an ongoing example of the successful collaboration between several business units at SMS Siemag,
with the Aluminium division undertaking lead management. For the first phase of the expansion, which
is currently being installed, SMS Siemag is supplying
a four-stand hot-rolling mill with roughing stand and
a four-stand cold-rolling mill complete with automation and all auxiliary devices. This plant is designed
to produce 400,000 tonnes of canstock a year. All
stands were manufactured and pre-assembled in SMS
Siemag’s workshop in Hilchenbach.
In March 2012, SMS Siemag received a follow-up
order for a single-stand cold-rolling mill with an annealing and coating line that is especially suitable for
automotive grades of aluminium. Feedstock for the
new plant will be coils weighing 30 tonnes and up
to 2,100 mm wide and these will be supplied from
the hot-rolling mill of the first phase of the development. The plant will be equipped with a quarto
rolling stand with CVC plus, work-roll bending,
multi-zone cooling and a dry-strip system in order to
meet the requirements for the automotive grades of
aluminium to be rolled.
An annealing and coating line with an annual
capacity of 50,000 tonnes of 5000- and 6000-series
alloys will adjoin the cold-rolling mill; cold-rolled strip
up to 2,100 mm wide in the thickness range 0.8 to
3.5 mm will be annealed and coated in a continuous
process. This line is the result of the collaboration between the Strip Processing Lines and Thermal Process
Technology division. One of the core elements is the
GATV floater furnace with high-performance water
quenching. Uniform mechanical properties such as
grain size and hardness will be obtained in a reproducible manner over the whole length and width of
the strip. High cooling rates immediately after stress
relieving are one of the prerequisites for producing
the quality demanded by the car industry. To achieve
these, the unit will be equipped with a high-performance air-cooling facility and water cooling.
A tension leveller will be used to improve the
strip flatness. A chemcoater will coat the surface of
the strip with a chrome-free passivating agent.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
ASCOspeed – Neue Funktionalität verbessert Geschwindigkeitsmessung
In vielen Anwendungen der Aluminiumindustrie realisiert das ASCOspeed von Micro-Epsilon Optronic eine berührungsfreie Messung
und ersetzt wartungsaufwendige Geber. Als
Geschwindigkeitsmaster verfügt das Gerät
über maximal vier jeweils als Quadratur-Sig-
nale ausgeführte und getrennt skalierbare Kanäle. Ein Temperaturdatenrekorder ist jetzt
Bestandteil eines jeden Gerätes. Er registriert
selbst im ausgeschalteten Zustand eine unzulässige Gerätetemperatur und erkennt damit
rechtzeitig eine Überhitzung durch Abwärme
ASCOspeed – new functionality
to improve speed measurements
ASCOspeed from Micro-Epsilon Optronic
carries out non-contact measurements and
replaces high-maintenance encoders in many
industry applications. This device serves as
speed master and includes a maximum of four
channels that are run as quadrature signals and
can be scaled individually. Every device now
includes a temperature data recorder which
detects out of range device temperatures, even
when switched off, and can identify potential
overheating issues caused by strip or pipe heat
before they occur.
The use of coloured high-performance
LEDs has succeeded in eliminating any disadvantages of previous laser systems. A hardware-based plausibility check, together with
the light structure, leads to improved stability
for use in rolling mills with regards to interference of dust, emulsion or water components.
The new setup system is ideal to meet
standardisation requirements, as up to ten individual device configurations can be stored in
the device itself. This helps to simplify maintenance and spare part management, and saves
time and money for the operating company.
Industrial CFC thickness
measurement system
Images: Micro-Epsilon
Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik presents thicknessControl MTS 8202.LLT (CFC), a highly robust
thickness measurement system with a C-frame
construction for the metalworking sector. The
system measures the thickness of strips and
boards of up to 50 mm. A special carbon re-
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
von Bändern und Rohren.
Mit dem Einsatz farbiger HochleistungsLEDs gelingt es, die Nachteile bisheriger Lasersysteme auszuräumen. Eine in Hardware
realisierte Plausibilitätsprüfung bewirkt im
Zusammenspiel mit der Beleuchtungsstruktur
eine verbesserte Robustheit beim Einsatz in
Walzwerken gegenüber Störungen von Staub,
Emulsion oder Wasser.
Optimal für die Anforderungen zur Standardisierung ist das neue Setup-System, mit
dem bis zu zehn unabhängige Gerätekonfigurationen im Gerät selbst hinterlegt werden
können. Das vereinfacht die Instandhaltung
und das Ersatzteilmanagement und spart dem
Betreiber Zeit und Geld.
Industrielles Dickenmesssystem aus CFK
inforced design results in a wide bandwidth of
applications. In comparison to the classic metal
design, the maximum bandwidth has been tripled to 1,500 mm. The laser profile sensors
for thickness measurements are located at the
tip of the C-frame. The robust construction ensures results in the micrometre range.
The laser profile sensors use a measurement line which offers significant benefits for
tilted and rippled metal strips in comparison
to using point-type lasers for thickness measurements. The integrated calibration technology automatically verifies system precision
within seconds. This measurement system
can be removed from the line and utilised at
a different location mid-process. In addition,
a triple position acquisition feature has been
implemented to monitor how far the C-frame
is inserted into the strip. When a threshold
value is reached, the C-frame is automatically
moved back to a safe distance. An IPC-based
software package is available to display and
analyse thickness measurement values. The
optional ASCOspeed measurement system is
a valuable addition to thickness measurements.
Micro-Epsilon will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 14F25
Mit thicknessControl MTS 8202.LLT (CFK)
präsentiert Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik ein
besonders stabiles Dickenmesssystem in CRahmenbauweise für die metallverarbeitende
Industrie. Das System misst die Dicke von
Bändern und Platten bis 50 mm. Eine spezielle
kohlenstoffverstärkte Konstruktion erlaubt
den Einsatz bei großen Bandbreiten: Im Verr
gleich zur klassischen Ausführung aus Metall
wurde die maximale Bandbreite auf 1.500 mm
verdreifacht. Die Laser-Profil-Sensoren zur
Dickenmessung befinden sich an den Spitzen
des C-Rahmens, die stabile Konstruktion sichert Ergebnisse im Mikrometerbereich.
Die Laser-Profil-Sensoren arbeiten mit
einer Messlinie und bieten dadurch bei verr
kipptem und welligem Metallband deutliche
Vorteile gegenüber der Dickenmessung mit
Punktlasern. Die integrierte Kalibriertechnik
weist in Sekunden automatisch die Präzision
des Systems nach. Das Messsystem kann im
laufenden Prozess aus der Linie entfernt und
an anderer Stelle eingesetzt werden. Darüber
hinaus wurde eine dreifache Positionserfassung realisiert, um Eintauchtiefe des C-Rahmens ins Band zu überwachen. Beim Unterr
schreiten eines Grenzwertes wird der C-Rahmen automatisch in eine Sicherheitsposition
Zur Anzeige und Analyse der Dickenmesswerte steht ein IPC-gestützter Softwarepaket
zur Verfügung. Optional liefert die Geschwindigkeitsmessung ASCOspeed eine wertvolle
Ergänzung zur Dickenmessung mit thicknessControl.
Micro-Epsilon ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 14F25
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
BWG – strip plant expertise coupled
with thermal process capability
Since its founding in 1955, Duisburgbased BWG Bergwerk- und WalzwerkMaschinenbau GmbH has developed
into a globally recognised specialist for
strip-processing lines for the aluminium
and steel industries. BWG has supplied
leading industrial equipment manufacturers with premium products from the start.
It established its Thermal Strip Treatment
division in 2009. Thanks to a technology
transfer with VITS, BWG expanded its
capabilities to include thermal process
technology for strip-processing lines in
the metallurgical field. This provides customers with integrated concepts from a
single source when it comes to plants for
coil-coating and aluminium-annealing.
BWG’s core process technology includes continuously operating strip-annealing lines. The
first continuous annealing line for steel strip
was installed at Corus’ Port Talbot steelworks
in South Wales and its performance and reliability were so impressive that BWG received
an order in September 2000 to supply all of
the strip flow equipment for the continuous
annealing line at the then Corus (now Aleris)
aluminium plant in Duffel, Belgium. The use
of the Pure-Stretch-Levelflex technology to
produce flat strip is also a particular feature
of this plant, which is used to supply strip up
to 2,300 mm wide in the thicknesses range 0.5
to 3.5 mm in accordance with the stringent
requirements of the automotive and aircraft
Based on its experience with the plant in
Duffel, BWG recently modernised or supplied
two further continuous annealing lines for aluminium strip:
• the partial modernisation of the existing
annealing line at Alcan Specialty Sheet in
Neuf-Brisach, France
• the supply of the mechanical and
hydraulic equipment for a new continuous
annealing line for Hydro Aluminium
Deutschland in Grevenbroich.
The aim of the modernisation in Neuf-Brisach
is to improve product quality and increase
plant capacity. The yardstick is provided by
requirements that result from the latest market developments in the automotive industry;
primarily this means having a scratch-free surface as well as achieving specific mechanical
Images: BWG
Continuous strip-annealing lines
Lay-on-Air flotation cooling
properties that will satisfy the developments in
carmaking in the coming years. This presents
a special challenge – especially for the mechanical and electrical equipment supplied by
BWG. One can mention here controlling strip
tension and a semi-automatic chain run-in.
The new annealing line at Hydro Aluminium in Grevenbroich is also orientated towards the requirements of the car industry.
It is designed for high-grade aluminium strip
and sheet that is used amongst other things in
car body shells. BWG’s scope of supply covers the whole of the strip flow including the
There has been a strong increase in the demand for heat treated and hardened aluminium strip in recent years, and given the global
trend towards conservation of resources this
will continue. So in addition to a treatment
process that is geared to the strip flow, BWG
also offers a continuous annealing unit for
the core process; this is a floatation annealing
furnace with subsequent water quenching / air
cooling – a well-proven technology that has already been used successfully for many years by
customers such as Novelis and Amag. As with
the company’s coil-coating lines, BWG’s Layon-Air technology is at the heart of these successes and provides the basis for a high-quality end product that satisfies the requirements
of the automotive and aerospace industries.
Coil-coating lines
Besides annealing lines and the patented Levelflex technologies, which are used in stretch
levelling, stretch-bend levelling and descaling, BWG’s core products include coil-coating
As long ago as the 1980s, BWG supplied
high-speed canstock lines to plants in the UK
and Germany. In recent years, the company
has received several notable orders from the
aluminium industry that have set clear standards.
The development of today’s leading coater
technology began in 2000 with a project carried out by ThyssenKrupp Steel in which an
electrolytic galvanising line supplied by BWG
for the production of high-grade sheet for the
automotive industry was extended to include
a thin-film coating section. ThyssenKrupp decided to co-operate with BWG amongst other
things in order to develop a new generation
of coater. This coater concept was then developed further to satisfy the demands of the
aluminium industry. The new developments
were well received by the industry and led
to a successful product range, starting with an
order from Alcoa Architectural Products for
its plant at Merxheim in France. This unit is
designed to coat aluminium strip up to two metres wide, primarily for use in the architectural
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
surface is dried gently. This approach coupled
with the design of the floater-type furnace ensures an excellent temperature distribution in
the strip as well as in the furnace; with a drying time for the strip of only a few seconds,
this also improves product quality. The same
nozzle technology is also used in the BWG
air-flotation coolers that gently cool the hot,
dry strip down to room temperature without
any significant condensation and then transfer
it to processes for further treatment.
The technical innovations mentioned and
BWG’s furnace technology are also part of
the technology package that Ma’aden and its
US partner Alcoa have ordered for their latest coil-coating line in Saudi Arabia. BWG is
integrating this high-performance line in the
Alcoa Ma’aden plant in Ras Azzour on Saudi
Arabia’s Gulf coast.
Levelflex section at Alcoa Samara
Customised modernisation
the drum in the usual manner or towards the
strip tensioner, which is particularly beneficial
for strip thicknesses of less than 0.3 mm. An
additional novel feature is the incorporation
of an automatic trimming shear that enables
the strip width to be changed on the fly while
the strip is passing through.
With an unsupported strip length of almost
85 metres, the floater-type furnace and airflotation cooler are additional features of the
Alcoa Samara plant. BWG equipped the unit
using its Lay-on-Air nozzle technology, which
allows the strip to be transported uniformly
over long distances without contact, while it
is being dried at the same time. The strip is
transported on a cushion of air in the form of a
sine wave created by air nozzles located above
and below and the lacquer applied to the strip
BWG is also highly regarded by the industry
as an established partner for modernisation
projects and the conversion of existing plants.
The company provided a graphic example of its
capabilities in this area at Novelis in Nachterstedt, Germany. An annealing and lacquering
plant began operation there 15 years ago and
was the first continuous line capable of simultaneously annealing and coating aluminium
strip with a width up to 2,100 mm and thicknesses from 0.6 to 3.0 mm for both automotive
and architectural applications.
In the meantime, changes in Novelis’ corporate structure and in downstream markets
have led to the company changing its original
concept for the plant in such a way that the
product range has been extended to include
canstock; it can now be operated economically with a high degree of flexibility. This
led Novelis to consider using space initially
earmarked for a second coating unit within
the plant, which operates on two levels, to
be used for other purposes. In 2010, BWG
implemented the concept it had developed in
co-operation with the plant operator without
interrupting production of the existing line.
The second continuous line was thus created
within the existing line thanks to the installation of new strip entry and exit areas with
storage and separate strip flow for several
new process steps. Novelis can now process
automotive strip and canstock simultaneously
on both units following the conversion. This
has enabled the productivity of the plant to
be increased significantly.
field with small lot sizes and high flexibility.
BWG built another strip-coating line for
Alcoa Samara Metallurgical Plant in Samara,
Russia. This combined high-speed line for canend stock and architectural strip in widths
up to 2,100 mm and thicknesses from 0.15
to 0.8 mm presented particularly demanding challenges with respect to plant flexibility. In view of the required strip flatness, the
Samara line was additionally equipped with
specially adapted Levelflex stretch-bend levelling technology. The coil-coating units newly
developed by BWG made a significant contribution to the overall success of the plant. In
addition to fully automatic adjustment of the
coating rolls, there is a ‘reversing back-up roll’
for which BWG has filed a patent application.
This makes it possible to either coat towards
View of the BWG plant at Novelis Nachterstedt
BWG will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9E30
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
! "#$
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Centurial – Eine neue Schneidmaschinen-Generation von Kampf
Centurial – A new generation
of slitting lines made by Kampf
Aluminium flat rolled products in the range
from thin strip to heavy gauge strip are used
to produce various products. Heat exchangers, cans, lid and caps for individual packaging as well as food containers are only some
Within the production of the different wide
strips, the final slitting is of high importance.
Two different machine concepts provide the
slitting and winding process on a high level.
Beside the conventional Pit-Slitter, mainly
used for thicker material and for aluminium
strip with higher yield strength, it is the concept of the compact or tight-line slitter that is
of high importance.
These slitters are used for aluminium strips
of a maximum thickness of 1 mm, showing
their significant advantages when processing materials produced on cold rolling mills
with integrated profile control systems. Tight-l
ine-slitters use scissor cut systems with knife
discs and grooved female knives for material
with thickness up to approx. 0.5 mm. In case
of special requirements regarding the quality, properties and conditions of the slit edge,
or for thicker materials one would use block
knives for the slitting cassettes.
Generally the roll profile of the strips is
convex, causing uneven rewind diameters of
the individual finished reels after the slitting.
This given factor is solved different by the
two above mentioned slitting concepts. Within
the pit-slitter the slitted strips are guided in a
deep pit, used as a kind of web accumulator
in which the individual strips create loops with
different lengths. This allows a rewinding of
the strips independent from the web length.
Already in the 1960s Kampf Schneid- und
Wickeltechnik GmbH & Co. KG, located in
Wiehl, Germany, built the first slitters for aluminium strip and gathered wide experience
within these processes. In the 1980s copper
was more and more substituted by aluminium as material for the manufacturing of heat
exchangers within the automotive industry.
This caused a rapidly increasing demand on
small aluminium strips, the so called finstock
material. With the RKW1003 Kampf had
already developed a slitter that was able to
fulfil the requirement of this process. The
RKW1003 was very successfully installed in
many aluminium plants around the world.
The slitters from Kampf use two rewind
stations for the narrow strips. The drive concept of the rewinds allows the usage of the
elastic moment of the material to compensate
Aluminium-Flachwalzprodukte im Bereich
von Dünnband und stärkeren Bändern werr
den für die Herstellung verschiedenster Ferr
tigprodukte benötigt. Neben Wärmetauschern
sind Dosen und Deckel für viele Verpackungsformen sowie Menüschalen einige typische
Beispiele für Endprodukte, die aus Aluminiumband gefertigt werden.
Bei der Herstellung der unterschiedlich
breiten Aluminiumbänder kommt dem abschließenden Schneidprozess, der sogenannten Längsteilung der Bahnen, eine besondere
Bedeutung zu. Zwei verschiedene Maschinenkonzepte leisten den Schneid- und Wickelprozess auf hohem Niveau: Neben den konventionellen Pit-Slittern, die meist bei größeren
Materialstärken und bei Bändern mit hohen
Streckgrenzen eingesetzt werden, hat das
Konzept der Kompaktschneidmaschinen oder
Tight-Line-Slitter eine große Bedeutung.
Diese Schneidmaschinen verarbeiten Aluminiumband bis 1 mm Dicke und zeigen ihre
besonderen Vorzüge bei der Verarbeitung
von Bändern mit geringeren Walzprofilen,
die in Kaltwalzwerken mit integrierter Profilkontrolle hergestellt wurden. Das Längsteilen
erfolgt im Tight-Line-Slitter bei Materialstärken bis circa 0,5 mm vorwiegend durch
Scherenschnitt, das heißt mit Teller- und Nutmessern. Bei dickeren Materialien sowie bei
speziellen Anforderungen an die Qualität und
Beschaffenheit der Schneidkanten werden die
3D-Ansicht der Centurial-Schneidanlage
3D layout of the Centurial slitting line
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
some of the material thickness differences. The material tension combined with a sensitive control of the contact roll pressure enables a
precise guiding of the individual strips and prevents against telescoping of the finished reels.
A special tension reduction system in the area of the upstream
slitting unit ensures a high material edge quality.
And today? The demand on aluminium strip is constantly increasing and especially for finstock the development goes for smaller
width and bigger rewind diameter. This is only one of the reasons
for the engineers at Kampf for a steadily optimisation of the tightline-slitter concept based on a continuous dialogue with the process
specialist of the customers. The latest model is called ‘Centurial’ and
was already successfully installed.
The Centurial is available in three models with rewind diameter
at 1,250 mm, 1,650 mm and 2,100 mm with design speed of 800
and 1,000 m/min. The machine can be adapted to the various requirements of the users by using one or more of the different
available options. The minimum slit width is 10 mm. The best productivity is achieved by using modern drive technology as well as
integrated handling systems. Beside coil cars to load and unload the
coils and finish reels there are preparation stands for scrap winding,
automatic threading units and spool unloading and storage facilities.
The machine can be equipped with an optional roll coater for oil and
wax. Dosing of the coating is precise and reproducible.
The new designed rewind stations of the Centurial have a motorised tracking on linear guiding, which means that the rewinds are no
longer swivelling when the rewind diameter increases but horizontally moving. The advantage is obvious: the contact point as well as
the material length within the machine is not changing at all during
the whole rewind process. In addition it was possible to eliminate
the complex hydraulic control of the swivelling and blocking mechanism.
Also the slitting of Litho-materials is possible with the new Centurial. A special variation of the machine was designed using only PUcoated rolls with individual drives to avoid damages of the sensitive
material surface. When it comes to regular exchanges of the rolls
for regrinding the PU-coating it only takes some minutes for each
individual roll. This advantage is caused by the fact that the roll bearings are not located in the machine frames but in easily accessible
bearing shells. The rolls can be simply disconnected from the drive
by couplings.
Several provisions in and around the Centurial are reducing the
set-up times of the machine and help the operator when handling and
controlling the Centurial. For example there are drives at the slitting
cassettes to move those in and out or the optional core-boxes for
fast and precise loading of empty cores to the rewind shafts. Beside
the centrally expanding rewind shafts there are also shafts available
for coreless winding. Furthermore the user has the choice between
standard flange type mounted rewind shafts or optional shafts with a
fast exchange system.
Also ease of control and operation of the Centurial was part of the
requirement specification. Kampf has developed a visualisation that
is now used in all new machines. The essential data are permanently
shown on the main screen and enable the operator an intuitive use
of the various functions. Shortest downtimes are possible due to a
targeting trouble shooting aid as well as the possibility to perform
regular alignment of the key machine data.
Kampf will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 11E50.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Schneidkassetten mit Rollschermessern ausgestattet.
Das Walzprofil der Bahnen ist in der Regel leicht konvex. Dadurch können sich nach dem Längsteilen unterschiedliche Durchmesser
der Fertigrollen bei gleicher Bahnlänge ergeben. Diese Gegebenheit
wird in den oben genannten Maschinenkonzepten unterschiedlich
gelöst. Der Pit-Slitter führt die geschnittenen Bänder in eine Grube,
die als Materialspeicher dient und eine von der Materiallänge unabhängige Aufwicklung der Bänder zulässt, wobei die Bänder in der
Grube unterschiedliche lange Schlaufen bilden. Alle Bänder werden
auf einer gemeinsamen Welle ohne den Einsatz einer Kontaktwalze
aufgewickelt. Die Entscheidung für das Pit-Slitter-Konzept setzt umfassende Fundamentarbeiten voraus, um die Grube zu erstellen.
Kampf Schneid- und Wickeltechnik GmbH & Co. KG mit Sitz in
Wiehl hat als eines der ersten Unternehmen weltweit sehr früh Err
fahrungen im Bereich der Aluminiumbandverarbeitung gemacht und
bereits in den 1960er Jahren Schneidmaschinen bei Bandherstellern
installiert. Die Umstellung von Kupfer auf Aluminium als Werkstoff
bei Wärmetauschern, speziell bei Kühlern und Klimaanlagen in der
Automobilindustrie, führte seit den 1980er Jahren zu einem schnell
ansteigendem Bedarf an Aluminiumband, dem sogenannten Finstock-Material. Kampf hatte mit dem Tight-Line-Slitter Typ RKW
1003 eine Maschine entwickelt, die dem Anforderungsprofil dieser
Anwendungen entsprach und daher in zahlreichen Installationen
weltweit sehr erfolgreich eingesetzt wurde.
Die Schneidmaschinen von Kampf wickeln die Fertigrollen auf
zwei Wickelwellen. Das Antriebskonzept im Bereich der Aufwicklungen erlaubt es, den Elastizitätsbereich des Materials auszunutzen,
Technology “Made in Germany”!
Bartz offer everything from a single source! Melting and holding
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For example, our latest development, a new tilting rotary furnace
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capable of handling up to 100 tonnes per day, offers top quality and
compliance with the most stringent environmental requirements.
Bartz Maschinenbau GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 14 + 18
56727 Mayen
Tel.: +49 2651 49 30 - 0
Fax: +49 2651 48 75 8
Aluminium 2012
Visit us at:
Stand 10C40
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
sodass ein Teil der Materialdickenunter- Beölungseinheit ermöglicht den Auftrag von
schiede beim Wickeln ausgeglichen werden Ölen oder Wachs über Auftragswalzen. Die
kann. Zudem wird mit dem Materialzug und Dosierung erfolgt präzise und reproduzierbar.
Die Aufwickeleinheiten der Centurial arr
einer feinfühligen Steuerung des Kontaktwalzendrucks eine präzise Führung der einzelnen beiten heute mit einer motorisch gesteuerten,
Streifen erreicht und ein Teleskopieren der linearen Abstellung, das heißt die Abstellung
der wachsenden Fertigrolle erfolgt nicht länger
Fertigrollen verhindert.
Im Bereich der vorgelagerten Schneidparr schwenkend, sondern horizontal. Der Vorteil
tie sorgt ein spezielles Zugnachlasssystem für liegt auf der Hand: Während des gesamten
Aufwickelvorganges verändert sich die geodie hohe Schneidkantenqualität.
Und heute? Die Nachfrage nach Alumi- metrische Konstellation der Wickelelemente
niumbändern steigt weiterhin und
speziell bei Finstock-Materialien
geht der Trend zu immer schmaleren Bänder mit möglichst großen
Wickeldurchmessern. Dies ist einer
der Gründe für die Entwickler bei
Kampf, das Konzept des KompaktSlitter im stetigen Erfahrungsaustausch mit den Prozessspezialisten
der Kunden weiter zu optimieren.
Das aktuelle Modell wurde unter
dem neuen Produktnamen „Centurial“ bereits mehrfach installiert.
Die Centurial ist in drei Größen
mit Aufwickeldurchmessern von Centurial-Schneidkassette mit Antriebseinheit
1.250 mm, 1.650 mm und 2.100 Centurial slitting cassette with drive unit
mm verfügbar und ist für Geschwindigkeiten von 800 und 1.000 m/min ausgelegt. und der Materialführung nicht. Weiterhin
Mit verschiedenen Optionen können die Ma- konnte im Vergleich zu den Vorgängern auf
schinen an die individuellen Anforderungen die aufwendige hydraulische Steuerung der
der Betreiber angepasst werden. Als schmalste Schwenk- und Verriegelungsmechanismen
Schnittbreiten sind 10 mm möglich. Neueste verzichtet werden.
Eine spezielle Ausführung der Centurial ist
Antriebstechnik und ein integriertes Handlingsystem ermöglichen beste Produktivitätserr für die Verarbeitung von Litho-Bändern gegebnisse. Neben den Bundwagen zum An- und dacht. Hierbei werden ausschließlich PU-beAbtransport der Coils gehören zu den Hand- schichtete Walzen mit individuellen Antrieben
lingsystemen Vorbereitungsstationen, um die eingesetzt, um die empfindliche Oberfläche
Mutterrollen von Schrott zu befreien, sowie des Materials nicht zu beschädigen. Wenn
automatische Materialeinziehvorrichtungen die Walzen zum turnusmäßigen Nachschleiund Spulen-Entladestationen. Die optionale fen aus der Maschine ausgebaut werden, sind
diese Wechsel binnen kurzer Zeit möglich.
Ermöglicht wird dieser Vorteil durch Walzenlagerungen in leicht zugänglichen Lagerschalen und nicht im Maschinengestell. Der Antrieb der Walzen kann mittels einer Kupplung
einfach abgetrennt werden.
Einige Einrichtungen in der Peripherie der
Centurial erleichtern den Bedienern den Umgang mit der Maschine und verkürzen signifikant die Rüstzeiten der Maschinen, zum Beispiel ein Fahrantrieb an der Schneidkassette
zum mühelosen Wechsel der Kassetten oder optionale Core-Boxen zum
schnellen und präzisen Bestücken
der Wickelwellen mit leeren Hülsen. Neben zentrisch spannenden
Wickelwellen können auch Wellen
zum hülsenlosen Spannen eingesetzt
werden. Weiterhin hat der Betreiber
die Wahl zwischen Wickelwellen
mit Flanschbefestigungen oder dem
von Kampf entwickelten Wellen mit
einem Schnellwechselsystems.
Auch die einfache Kontrolle und
Bedienung waren Teil des Pflichtenhefts bei der Konzipierung der
Centurial. Hierzu wurde bei Kampf
eine neue Bedienerführung entwickelt, die bereits in allen neuen Maschinen
eingesetzt wird. Die Bedieneroberfläche zeigt
ständig alle wichtigen Maschinendaten an
und ermöglicht dem Operator die zahlreichen
Funktionen der Centurial intuitiv auszuführen.
Ein zielführendes Troubleshooting mit hinterr
legten Bedienanleitungen verkürzt mögliche
Ausfallzeiten ebenso wie die Möglichkeiten
des regelmäßigen Abgleichs der Maschinenkenndaten.
Kampf ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 11E50
Linde präsentiert Schmelz- und Oxyfuel-Technologien
Zur ALUMINIUM 2012 stellt Linde die Oxyfuel-Niedrigtemperatur-Verbrennungstechnologie vor. Weitere Themen am Stand sind die
neue Lösung „Fortschrittliche Prozesskontrolle“ für Aluminiumschmelzen und der Wastox-Verbrennungsprozess für die Erzeugung
von Energie aus recyceltem kontaminiertem
Schrott. Außerdem präsentiert Linde kundenspezifische Eigenentwicklungen, Schutzgaslösungen zur Verbesserung der Produktqualität. Ihre Vorteile liegen in höheren Fertigungsraten und optimierten Ergebnissen sowohl
Linde presents melting
and Oxyfuel technologies
Linde is the market leader of innovative gas
solutions for the aluminium industry. The
portfolio ranges from gases and equipment to
process consulting and services. A focus is set
on the use of oxygen to enhance the combustion process, increase efficiencies and reduce
emissions. At ALUMINIUM 2012 Linde will
present its low-temperature Oxyfuel combus-
tion technology. Further topics will be the new
‘Advanced Process Control’ solution for aluminium melting as well as the Wastox combustion process for energy production from the
recycling of contaminated scrap.
The low-temperature Oxyfuel process,
which has already been successfully installed
in twelve aluminium remelt furnaces, offers
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
an effective solution for the
remelting and alloying, based on
the process of
flameless combustion
instead of air. In
over 150 installations, oxyfuel
increased melting
rates by up to
100%, reduced
fuel consumption by up to
50% and NOx
up to 90%, says
Linde will be exhibiting at ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10A71
bei Einzel- wie Großserienanwendungen.
Die Messe „ist eine großartige Plattform
für uns, einige dieser Technologien zu präsentieren. Besonders die Live-Vorführungen ma-
! !!" ###! !!" chen die Vorteile unserer Lösungen anschaulich“, so Joachim von Schéele, Marketingmanager, Metals and Glass Industries der Linde
Gases Division.
Das Oxyfuel-Niedrigtemperatur-Verfahren, das bereits in zwölf Aluminiumöfen
erfolgreich eingesetzt wird, bietet eine leistungsstarke Lösung für das Recycling, Wiedereinschmelzen und Legierungen auf der
Basis flammenloser Verbrennung mit reinem
Sauerstoff anstelle von Luft. Das Ergebnis
sind verbesserte Schmelzraten mit reduzierter
Metalloxidation, geringem Energieverbrauch
und sehr niedrigen NOx-Emissionen in Dreh-,
Flamm-und Legierungsöfen.
Außerdem bietet Linde zahlreiche weitere
Oxyfuel-Lösungen. In über 150 Anlagen hätten diese Anwendungen die Schmelzraten um
bis zu 100 Prozent gesteigert, betont Linde.
Dabei seien der Energieverbrauch um bis zu
50 Prozent und die Emissionen um bis zu 90
Prozent reduziert worden.
Linde ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10A71
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
State-of-the-art monolithics for the aluminium
smelting industry – economic viability and reliability
Images: EKW
D. Cölle + G. Schiffbauer, EKW GmbH
Fig. 1: Sequence of a corrosion-behaviour up to a high temperature level, shown exemplary at a well
established refractory castable
It should be the aim, and not last evident,
that developments of refractory linings
for the secondary aluminium industry,
particularly the smelting industry must be
created in order to generate optimal solutions for the availability and the ‘ready for
use’ stand-by of the production facilities.
In this context the application of cementous refractory castables in aluminium
smelting, holding and transport aggregates
represent advantageous and reliable materials focusing the reduction of downtime.
The following contribution should introduce in a scarce composed overview into
the available refractory portfolio for the
secondary aluminum-industry.
In recent years the rapid development of high
temperature processes, e.g. in metal smelting
processes, also stimulate the refractory industry in fundamental. Especially in monolithic
refractories owing to its specified production
Product line ‘Classic’
processes and convenient construction, the
generally performance and potential energysaving advantages let increasingly users get
the broad attention and recognition. How
broadly observe, the production of monolithic
refractories output has reached significantly
increased values, and monolithic refractories
related to novel material technologies and, in
consequence, new techniques and methods
are emerging.
ees produce an extensive range of refractory
materials for foundries and the secondary
aluminium industry as well as for non-iron
smelting-processes, the steel industry and cement-manufacturing plants.
Well defined high temperature ceramics
as castables, plastics and dry vibes but also
specific variations for gunning and repair applications both for cold and hot applications
represent (both as unshaped and shaped materials) a wide range from acid via neutral to
basic character, e. g. from silica via alumina to
magnesia. An innovative research and development ensures that the products always correspond to latest standards and will satisfy the
customer and its highest requests of materials
and final products. A continuous development
is responsible for product lines like self-flowing castables of a specified recent generation
and practicability or the successful implementation of new functional ceramics under application of environmentally friendly production
technologies and installation trends on the
EKW GmbH – a specialist for
high-quality refractory products
Product line ‘Classic’
EKW GmbH, located in Eisenberg / Palatinate,
Germany, is a medium-sized company that
was established in 1903 as ‘Eisenberger Klebsand-Werke GmbH’. The company is wellknown as a specialist for high-quality refractory products and enjoys high prestige worldwide. The plant is equipped with advanced
production technologies. Over 140 employ-
The product line Classic is based mainly on
high-quality alumosilicates such as mullite
chamottes. Classic line products are well-established, efficient refractory products based
on reliable and sustainable resources. Specific
binding systems support excellent handling
and processing of the castables, which also
counteract the fast wear which would be
Chemical characterisation
Cold crushing
strength prefiring
temperature 800 °C
Infiltration protection
to thermal
Al2O3 SiO2
CaO Fe2O3 BaO
EKA-GUN I 20/5
dry gunning
dry gunning
dry gunning
27.0 35.0
cast vibration
cast vibration
EKA-GUN 32/4
dry gunning
cast vibration
cast vibration
cast vibration
cast vibration
cast vibration
dry gunning
dry vibrating
Tab. 1: Selected technical data of the product line ‘Classic’
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
caused by the use of modern, standardised
aluminium alloys. Being resistant to mechanical stress from compression and bending as
well as to abrasive applications, such as dross
removal, the Classic line products are ideally
suited to the monolithic lining of smaller melting and holding furnaces. Low thermal conductivity minimises temperature loss which
has a positive effect on unheated peripheral
equipment, such as nozzles and runner systems. Low thermal conductivity also protects
alumosilicate refractories against sudden
changes in temperature (see Tab. 1).
Product line ‘Premium’
Raw materials according to global standards
such as corundum or bauxite are the basis for
our high alumina product line and will meet
highest requirements. Common cementous
systems with their user-friendly and regular
installation procedures as well as new materials with a binding matrix composed of nanotechnology contribute to this product line.
These materials are available and elaborated as specific two-component elements
and contribute to a significant reduction of installation and maintenance intervals.
The Premium line
products are characterised in particular
by their extremely
low amount of
chemical interactions between molten aluminium and
refractories which
allows for stable
and safe operating
of aggregates and
their coupled peripheral equipment
over a longer period of time. Last
but not least, your
economical demands are being met by implementing an additionally optimised resistance
to erosion, which is characteristically caused
by streaming molten mass or impacting solid
and liquid metal or metal loaded with particles
(see Tab. 2).
Product line ‘Superior’
A continuous improvement of existing refractory systems led to the development of
new refractory concepts based exclusively on
synthetic raw materials within binary [Al2O3CaO] and ternary [Al2O3-CaO-MgO] phase
relations. The objective and purpose of the
Superior line is to maximise efficiency factors for plant aggregates, which for example
contributes to the support of charging methods
which use materials that stimulate wear during long melting periods. Including extended
cleaning intervals or reduced furnace loss,
the chemical degree of purity of the material
and the adjusted inertisation both contribute
to an improvement in the quality of molten
mass. The refractory castables dispose of ideal
rheological properties which allows for a reliable installation even in complicated geometric structures with thin wall thicknesses. The
Superior product line has outstanding mechanical properties which are ideally suited to
manufacturing of both large and delicate functional refractory products (see Tab. 3).
Fig. 2: Phase diagram of the binary system CaO-Al2O3 [1]
Product line ‘Premium’
Required Specific
material volume
Chemical characterisation
Cold crushing
strength prefiring
temperature 800 °C
Infiltration protection
to thermal
Al2O3 SiO2 SiC
CaO Fe2O3 BaO
EKA-GUN 41/9
dry gunning
EKA-GUN 40/6
dry gunning
EKA-GUN 60/5
dry gunning
dry gunning
cast vibration
dry vibrating
not applicable
Chemical characterisation
Cold crushing
strength prefiring
temperature 800 °C
Infiltration protection
to thermal
Tab. 2: Selected technical data of the product line ‘Premium’
Product line ‘Superior’
Al2O3 SiO2 SiC CaO Fe2O3 BaO
Required Specific
material volume
cast vibration
cast vibration
cast vibration
cast vibration
not applicable
Tab. 3: Selected technical data of the product line ‘Superior’
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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!" A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
industry has to cope with increasing energy costs and ever changing
environmental regulations, e. g. limitation of CO2 emissions. Therefore
innovative refractory concepts and
material solutions are required in
order to optimise the performance
of industrial processes, for example
smelting or transportation of liquid
An exactly calculated lining
which comprises a combination of
Fig. 3: Sequence of a corrosion-behaviour up to a high temperature level, shown exemplary at a novel, high-purity
refractory castable within the phase system CaO-Al2O3
dense and lightweight refractory
materials enables the realisation of
customer-specific solutions which
eration, e.g. sulphur dioxide. In consequence take into account high material performance
the material was completely penetrated, in and, of course, thermal insulation focuses a
degradation and decomposition
this case applied with an aluminium-alloy type minimisation of service intervals under conWell durable refractories established in smelt- AlSi9Cu3. It has been found that completely sideration of constant levelled refractory
ing technologies of aluminium furnaces based new designed refractory castables based on compositions. And last but not least it is benon alumina aggregates, e. g. bauxite or alumo- pure components within the binary phase dia- eficial when considering the overall energy
silicates, not least on the basis of low costs. gram CaO-Al2O3 (Fig. 2) open new possibilities efficiency. In general the installation concepts
Rarely, however, on that occasion is only to substitute present anti-wedding agents suc- of EKW are based on different ratios of modabout apparent cost reductions. It is evident cessfully due to its physical-chemical character ern available lightweight and new developed
that penetration effects of molten aluminium [3, 4], e.g. well defined and temperature-inde- dense refractory materials with a demonstrable flexibility for industrial applications. And
or gas phases into the ceramic material or pendent microporosity.
structure should be delayed in industrial rouIn principle, calciumaluminates represent moreover, EKW awarded with the ‘Innovation
tines. Typically anti-wedding additives like important constituents of refractory castables Award for Companies in the Raw Materials
BaSO4 (Barite) or CaF2 (Fluorspar) are added and govern their applicability to the service Industry’ of the German state of Rhinelandto the refractory material [2]. Although the temperature. In addition they are potentially Palatinate for outstanding performances in
temperature of liquid aluminium is below useful refractory components also due their 2010 for the development of novel functional
900 °C, certain areas like roof or burner zones behaviour to achieve foreign-ions, e. g. from refractory composites in cooperation with the
of melting furnaces are incriminated by sig- slag or dross. Furthermore exclusive applica- Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg,
nificantly elevated temperatures of approx. tion of particular aluminates as specific coarse Institute of Ceramic, Glass and Construction
1250 °C or higher, e. g. hot spots, possibly and fine fractions instead of bauxite or alumo- Materials, Germany.
caused by higher production rates or to the silicates led in the development of innovative
avoidance of temperature-losses. Anti-wed- refractory solutions with superior properties. References
ding additives characteristically lose their Furthermore, excellent high-temperature staeffectiveness at temperatures between 900 bility with the absence of the usual decompo- [1] Slag Atals 2nd Edition. Edited by Verein Deutand 1250 °C due to decomposition or further sition affection are to be expected in a wide scher Eisenhüttenleute (VDEh) Verlag, Stahleisen
spread application-area (Fig. 3). Additional GmbH, Düsseldorf 1995.
reaction with refractory oxides.
[2] Afshar S., Allaire C. Furnaces: Improving low
Fig. 1 illustrates exemplary the decomposi- superior physical and mechanical properties,
cement castables by non-wetting additives. JOM
tion behaviour of a typically used anti-wedding for example volume stability, abrasion resist- Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Soagent, applied in a robust and standardised ance or clearly decreased chemical reactivity ciety, 53 [8] 2001: 24-27.
refractory castable. But an effect of volume with aluminium melting phases in comparison [3] Criado E., De Aza S. Calcium Hexaluminate as
degreasing must be observed due to gas gen- to conventional materials let summarise the Refractory Material. Proceedings of the Unitecr ’91,
of Aachen 1991: 566-573.
the product line [4] European Patent Application EP 1 178 023 A1.
High density refractory material containing calcium
hexaluminate. European Patent Office 2002.
S833/,(5 2)
M(TA/ 352'8CT,21 3/A1TS MACH,1(S
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In recent years
concepts and environmentally
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have increasingly
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of attention as the
D. Cölle, EKW GmbH, Research & Development,
G. Schiffbauer, EKW GmbH, Sales & Technical Support, Eisenberg
Corresponding author: D. Cölle. Email:
EKW will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10C45
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
3lease Yisit our Zebsite ZZZmettechde ZZZmettecheu
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Images: Schmidt-Pfeil
Mural relief ‘Without a Title‘
Aluminium and art
“Expanding the horizon of experience, redefining viewing habits”
The artist couple Bernd W. Schmidt-Pfeil and
Heike Rose Schmidt-Pfeil have attracted a
great deal of attention with their aluminium
sculptures and mural reliefs in numerous national and international projects. “Our development as aluminium artists is closely linked
to the latest developments in aluminium casting,” they explain. “We employ modern industrial processes like plasma cutting and
welding to produce our works. We use these
techniques as artistic media to paint and treat
surfaces, like using a paint brush or a pencil,
and thus redefine their original purpose as
purely technical steps in the production process.”
“We use aluminium in our work to convey social phenomena and impressions using
the visual arts. We thus absolve this fascinating metal of its industrial use and raise it to
a higher socio-cultural level. The fact that we
are supported and sponsored in our work by
companies shows that they also understand
and acknowledge this. With our work, we also
regard ourselves as ambassadors for alumin-
ium,” is how Mr Schmidt-Pfeil sums up the
couple’s artistic approach.
Their process for casting clothed figures
in aluminium allows them to maintain every
feature of the structure in the finest detail and
to overcome undercuts and overlaps in the
casting process. “In this way we achieve a
hyperrealistic depiction of our sculptures,” he
Aluminium has deliberately been chosen
as the material for the castings and for the
mural reliefs and installations “because it em-
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Sculpture group in the entrance of an aluminium remelt plant
phasises the subject matter of our art both with regards to its
contents and its aesthetics. Aluminium is a contemporary material that at the same time points to the future with its silvery
surface. Moreover, it offers the opportunity for an artist to
stand out from the rest because the use of aluminium in art is
still the exception,” he adds.
“By adopting an uncharacteristic approach involving classical industrial processes we are redefining viewing habits with
our art,” he continues. Thus, for example, mural reliefs are cut
from plate with plasma cutting equipment and surface treated
using a TIG welder, in other words it is remelted, welded and
various grey tones are applied. “This transformation from an
industrial use for the intended purpose to an unconstrained
artistic application also makes our works interesting for the
aluminium industry. They expand the horizon of experience
on both sides and allow industrial companies, their employees
and business partners to experience a world that is unfamiliar
to them,” he says.
The artist couple are working together with aluminium
companies in a number of different ways. For example, Oerlikon Schweißtechnik GmbH is supporting the couple’s work
by making a modern welding and cutting machine available
free of charge.
Woman in the Wind
been exhibiting the Flowers sculpture by Heike Rose Schmidt-Pfeil in our
foyer since 2010. We are pleased to discuss the work of art with our visitors.
I was able to gain a very interesting insight into all of the work of the two
aluminium artists during a visit to their studio.”
The collaboration has intensified with time. At this year’s ALUMINIUM
trade fair in Düsseldorf, MAW will be displaying the aluminium sculpture
‘Woman in the Wind’ and the mural relief ‘Without a Title’ by the two artists
on its stand 11H50.
With their works of art in aluminium, the Schmidt-Pfeils are thus enjoying wide-ranging recognition from both within and outside the aluminium
Aluminium sculpture on
MAW’s stand at ALUMINIUM 2012
MAW Mansfelder Aluminium Werke supports the couple’s artistic work by supplying rolled aluminium plate
in different sizes and thicknesses. The ‘Flowers’ sculpture located in the company’s foyer is an artistic creation involving aluminium plate. The ‘Woman in the
Wind’ sculpture in the company’s conference room has been
loaned to the company.
MAW managing director Jürgen Eger met the SchmidtPfeils at the ALUMINIUM 2010 trade fair in Essen. “We have
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Maßgeschneiderte Homogenisierungsanlagen aus einer Hand
Teil 2: Nebeneinrichtungen zum Handhaben, Prüfen, Sägen und Verpacken
F. Niedermair, Hertwich Engineering GmbH
Moderne Anlagen verfügen heute über einen
weitgehend automatisierten Arbeitsablauf.
Dieser beginnt an Homogenisierungsanlagen
bei der Zuführung der Stangen. Alle nachfolgenden Arbeitsabläufe – der Ofenbetrieb
selbst, die Be- und Entschickung der Öfen,
Stapeln mit automatischer Spacerzuführung,
Ultraschallprüfung, Sägen, Wiegen, Verpacken – können in den automatisierten Ablauf
einbezogen werden. Die Automatisierung
steigert nicht nur die Produktivität und Flexibilität, sondern bietet darüber hinaus einen
ergonomischen Arbeitsplatz mit einem hohen
Stangentransport und -handling
Abb. 11 zeigt beispielhaft das Stangenhandling an einer modernen Kammerhomogenisierungsanlage. Bei Bedarf lassen sich die Transporteinrichtungen auf die jeweiligen Gegebenheiten vor Ort abstimmen. Der Transportwagen ist für relativ hohe Geschwindigkeiten
konzipiert. Besonders bei Transporten zwischen Homogenisierungsofen und Kühlaggregat kommt es darauf an, den Temperaturverr
lust während des Transportes zu minimieren.
Die Stangen werden mit Hilfe eines Portalgreifers erfasst, transportiert und abgelegt. Auf
dem Transportwagen werden sie hydraulisch
Bei der Stapelbildung arbeitet Hertwich
Tailor-made homogenising plants from a single source
Part 2: Auxiliary equipment for handling, testing, sawing and packing
F. Niedermair, Hertwich Engineering GmbH
Images: Hertwich
Für die Qualität von Strangpressprofilen besitzt die Homogenisierungsbehandlung des gegossenen Vormaterials
entscheidende Bedeutung. Nachdem in
den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten die
bis dahin dominierenden Kammerhomogenisierungsöfen zunehmend von kontinuierlich arbeitenden Durchlaufhomogenisierungsöfen abgelöst wurden, sind modern ausgestattete Kammerhomogenisierungsanlagen jetzt wieder eine ernsthafte
Alternative. Hertwich Engineering, Weltmarktführer auf diesem Sektor, bietet den
Gießereien beide Ofenkonzepte sowie ein
umfassendes Spektrum an Nebenanlagen.
Nachdem im ersten Teil dieses Berichtes
(ALUMINIUM 9/2012) ausführlich auf
die unterschiedlichen Ofenkonzepte eingegangen wurde, werden nachfolgend die
Nebenanlagen vorgestellt.
Abb. 11: Automatischer Stangentransport an einem modernen Kammerhomogenisierungsofen
Fig. 11: Automatic log transport for a modern batch type homogenising furnace
For the quality of extruded profiles, the
homogenising treatment of the cast material is decisively important. After the
replacement over the past two decades of
the until then dominant batch-type homogenising furnaces, to an increasing extent
by continuous homogenising units, batch
homogenising units with the most modern
equipment are now once again a serious
alternative. Hertwich Engineering, the
world market leader in this sector, supplies
casthouses with both furnace types along
with a comprehensive range of auxiliary
equipment. After dealing in detail with the
various furnace concepts in Part 1
of the report (ALUMINIUM
Abb. 12 a: Helikale Prüfung
Fig. 12 a: Helical testing
9/2012), the auxiliary equipment will be
described in what follows.
Nowadays, modern plants operate with a largely automated working sequence. This begins
at the homogenising units with the log entry.
All the subsequent working steps – the operation of the furnace itself, the charging and
unloading of the furnace, stacking with automatic spacer manipulation, ultrasonic testing,
sawing, weighing and packing – can be included in the automated sequence. Automation
not only increases productivity and flexibility
but also provides an ergonomic working environment with high safety standards.
Abb. 12 b: Lineare Prüfung
Fig. 12 b: Linear testing
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Log transport and handling
Fig. 11 shows as an example the log handling
system in a modern batch type homogenising
unit. If necessary, the transport equipment can
be adapted to suit the respective situation on
site. The transfer car is designed for relatively
high speeds. Particularly for transporting between the homogenising furnace and the cooling station, it is important to minimise temperature loss during transport.
The logs are taken up with the help of a
gantry gripping device, transported and deposited.
For forming the stack Hertwich does not
work with heavy frame structures, but uses
individually positioned spacers. The handling
of the spacers used for stacking is also automated. At this point Hertwich uses its tried
and tested ‘Variable Spacer System’ (VSS).
The spacers consist of heat-resistant, squareshaped tubes and are positioned one by one
at defined distances under the layer of logs.
The mobile support beams in the furnace and
cooling station are designed so that no marks
nicht mit schweren Rahmenkonstruktionen,
sondern verwendet einzeln einzulegende Zwischenlagen (Spacer). Das Handling der zum
Stapeln verwendeten Spacer ist gleichfalls automatisiert. Hertwich setzt an dieser Stelle sein
bewährtes „Variables Spacer System“ (VSS)
ein. Die Spacer bestehen aus hitzebeständigen Vierkantformrohren und werden einzeln
in definierten Abständen unter der Barrenlage
positioniert. Die beweglichen Auflagebalken
in Ofen und Kühlstation sind so gestaltet, dass
auf dem Glühgut keine Markierungen infolge
Wärmedehnung bzw. Kontraktion entstehen.
Im Rahmen der Qualitätssicherung sollten die
Stangen immer einer Sichtprüfung unterworr
fen werden, die Oberflächenfehler erkennt.
Um Fehlstellen im Stangeninneren zu entdecken, können die Stangen mittels Ultraschall
kontrolliert werden. Immer anspruchsvollere
Profilanwendungen haben dazu geführt, dass
die Ultraschallprüfung zur Standardausrüstung in einer modernen Gießerei gehört.
Für stranggepresste Sicherheitskomponenten,
wie sie bspw. in der Luftfahrt verwendet werr
den, wird die helikale Prüfung eingesetzt (Abb.
12 a). Bei dieser Prüfmethode wird die Stange
rotiert, während mehrere Prüfköpfe in Achsrichtung entlang der Stange bewegt werden.
Das Stangenvolumen wird so spiralförmig zu
100 Prozent geprüft. Jeder Prüfkopf ist dabei
für einen definierten Längenbereich der Stange zuständig. Die Anordnung mehrerer Prüfköpfe ist notwendig, um eine hinreichende
Kapazität der Prüfanlage zu erreichen. Auf
dieser Anlage werden Fehler ab 1,2 mm FBH
gefunden und dokumentiert. Durch den Einsatz von zusätzlichen, schräg einschallenden
Prüfköpfen können auch Oberflächenrisse
erkannt werden.
Für „normale“ Ansprüche kann ein vereinfachtes Prüfverfahren eingesetzt werden (Abb.
12 b), bei dem zwei Prüfköpfe im Winkel von
90 Grad angeordnet sind. Die Stange bewegt
sich hier in Achsrichtung an den Prüfköpfen
Bei beiden Anlagen werden Fehlerprotokolle erstellt, die mit dem jeweiligen Prüfling
We stand for
Extrusion Technology
Log and Billet Storage and Transport Equipment
Log Preheating Magazine (Horizontal-/ Vertical Design)
Log and Billet Cleaning Devices
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Die Heaters
Ageing Ovens
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Fritz-Reichle-Ring 2
D-78315 Radolfzell
Tel.: +49 (7732) 9391390
Fax.:+49 (7732) 9391399
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
verknüpft bleiben. Hertwich spricht an dieser
Stelle von der „Log-Tracking-Database“. In
der nachfolgenden Sägestation wird das Fehlerprotokoll berücksichtigt. Die Schnitte werr
den so ausgerichtet, dass der fehlerbehaftete
Stangenabschnitt herausgetrennt wird.
Sägen und Verpacken
Für die Vorgänge des Sägens, Wiegens und
Verpackens hat Hertwich seit langer Zeit vollautomatische Lösungen geschaffen, die sich
heute weltweit durchgesetzt haben (Abb. 13).
Sämtliche Transporte, Handlingvorgänge und
Arbeitsabläufe sind voll automatisiert.
mit Beton verpresst sind.
• Nach dem Sägeschnitt sollte das Sägeblatt
frei in seine Ausgangsposition zurücklaufen.
Dazu werden Abschnitt und Reststück beim
Rücklauf etwas zurückgesetzt.
• Der Vorschub des Sägeschlittens muss, der
hohen Schnittgeschwindigkeit entsprechend,
gleichfalls sehr hoch gewählt werden.
Aufgrund der hohen Schnittgeschwindigkeiten und Vorschubwerte ist der Sägevorgang
in wenigen Sekunden beendet. Das wiederum
stellt entsprechend hohe Anforderungen an
die periphere Ausstattung. Vor allem muss
eine ausreichende Abfuhr der relativ großen
Spänemengen sichergestellt sein. Die Säge
Abb. 13: Übersicht über eine voll automatisierte Säge- und Verpackungsanlage für Strangpressbolzen
Fig. 13: Overview of a fully automated sawing and packing plant for extrusion billets
Üblicherweise ist der Ablauf so gestaltet, dass
die gekühlten und geprüften Stangen mit Hilfe
der in Abb. 11 dargestellten Einrichtungen auf
den Zufuhrrollgang der Kreissägemaschine
aufgelegt werden. Die der jeweiligen Aufgabenstellung entsprechenden Sägeparameter
sind in einer Datenbank hinterlegt und können automatisch abgerufen werden. Die Einstellungen erfolgen selbsttätig.
Die Kreissägemaschine selbst ist für Aluminium ausgelegt. (Abb. 14). Die Sägen arbeiten
im Schnittgeschwindigkeitsbereich von circa
1.700 m/min mit HSS Sägeblättern und 2.500
bis 3.000 m/min mit HM Sägeblättern bei
harten Legierungen. Diese Arbeitsweise hat
gravierende Konsequenzen:
• Obwohl die spezifische Schnittkraft des
Aluminiums nur etwa 30 Prozent derjenigen
von Stahl beträgt, müssen die Maschinen mit
einer sehr viel höheren Antriebsleistung ausgestattet sein.
• Die hohen Drehfrequenzen bergen die Gefahr von unkontrollierten Schwingungen, die
das Werkzeug schädigen. Dem begegnet man
durch eine extrem steife Bauweise. Hertwich
Engineering setzt Maschinenkörper ein, die
ist dazu mit einer Späneabsaugung und einer
Spänepresse ausgerüstet. Für die Entsorgung
von Kopf- und Endstücken sowie anderem
Sägeschrott (z.B. Abschnitte mit Fehlstellen)
steht gleichfalls eine automatisierte Schrottentsorgung zur Verfügung.
Die Markierung der gesägten Bolzen kann
mit Tintenstrahl oder einem Matrix-NadelSigniergerät (Hertwich-PinMarkSpeed) erfolgen. Das Matrix-Nadel-Signiergerät schlägt
die Information direkt in den Pressbolzen und
benötigt für 4 x 8 = 32 Zeichen lediglich drei
Die gesägten Bolzen werden gemäß Kundenwunsch gestapelt, wobei Stapler für kurze
und für lange Bolzen zur Verfügung stehen.
Eine Vielzahl der Anlagen verfügen über Bolzenstapler, bei denen lange und kurze Bolzen
(z. B. 1 x 6 Meter und 2 x 0,8 Meter) zugleich
gestapelt werden.
In der nachfolgenden Station werden die
Stapel umreift. Wenn danach die Pakete gewogen und etikettiert sind, stehen sie dem
Versand zur Verfügung. Eine Krananlage sorgt
für den Abtransport. Eine Anlage zum Stapeln, Wiegen und Umreifen zeigt Abb. 15.
are produced on the heat treated material as a
result of thermal expansion or contraction.
Ultrasonic testing
As part of quality assurance the logs are always inspected visually, to recognise surface
defects. To discover defects inside the logs,
they can be checked by ultrasound. More
and more demanding applications of profiles
have resulted in ultrasonic testing becoming
part of the standard equipment in a modern
For extruded safety-relevant components
as used for example in aviation, helical testing is used (Fig. 12a). In this testing method the
log is rotated while a number of testing heads
are moved in the axial direction along it.
Thus, 100% of the log volume is inspected in a
spiral pattern. Each testing head is responsible
for a defined length zone of the log. The provision of several testing heads is necessary in order to provide sufficient capacity for the testing unit. The unit can detect and record defects
from 1.2 mm FBH. By using additional angle
probes, surface cracks can also be detected.
For ‘normal’ purposes a simpler test method can be used (Fig. 12b), in which two test
heads are arranged at 90 degrees relative to
one another. In this case the log is moved past
the testing heads in its axial direction.
In both units defect protocols are prepared,
which remain linked to the test log concerned.
In this context Hertwich speaks of the ‘logtracking database’. At the subsequent sawing
station the defect protocol is taken into account. The cuts are directed so as to remove
any defective log lengths.
Sawing and packing
For the processes of sawing, weighing and
packing, Hertwich has long been using fully
automatic systems which have now become
established all over the world (Fig. 13). All the
transport and handling processes and working
sequences are fully automated.
The sequence is usually designed so that the
cooled and tested logs are placed with the help
of the equipment illustrated in Fig. 11 onto
the saw entry roller table. The sawing parameters corresponding to each job are stored in a
databank and can be called up automatically.
Adjustments also take place automatically.
The circular sawing machine itself is designed for aluminium (Fig. 14). The saws work
in a cutting speed range of around 1,700 m/
min with HSS sawblades or 2,500 to 3,000
m/min with carbide-tipped sawblades for hard
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
This working method has important conse- Die ideale Lösung für jede Produktion
jetzt komplett. Auf dem Weg dahin hat das
Unternehmen weltweit Akzeptanz erfahren –
• Although the specific cutting force for alu- Hertwich stellt der Industrie ein System von es ist heute auf diesem Sektor unbestrittener
minium is only about 30% that of steel, the Komponenten zur Verfügung, mit denen sich Marktführer.
machines must be equipped with much higher sämtliche Aufgabenstellungen beim Gießen
Ein wichtiges Merkmal ist der hohe Autodrive power.
von Strangpress-Vormaterial erfolgreich lö- matisierungsgrad der Gesamtanlage. Damit
• The high rotation frequencies entail a risk sen lassen. Mit Hilfe der verfügbaren Ein- eine solche Anlage störungsfrei betrieben
of uncontrolled vibrations which damage the richtungen kann sich die Gießerei die für sie werden kann – die Störung eines Anlagenteils
tool. This is overcome by an extremely rigid maßgeschneiderte Lösung zusammenstellen. kann die Gesamtanlage blockieren – bedarf es
structure. Hertwich uses machine bodies en- Mit dem jetzt erfolgten Upgrading des Kam- einer außerordentlichen Zuverlässigkeit. Um
cased in concrete.
merhomogenisierungsofens ist dieses System diese sicherzustellen, sind alle Anlagen mit
• After the saw cut, the sawblade
den notwendigen Kontrollinsshould return freely to its starting
trumenten, Diagnosesystemen
position. For this, the cut length and
und weiteren Einrichtungen austhe offcut are slightly withdrawn
gestattet. Darüber hinaus verfüduring the return process.
gen Hertwich-Anlagen neben
• To correspond with the high cutder üblichen Ausstattung über
ting speed, the forward feed of the
eine automatische Prosaw carriage also has to be very
duktverfolgung (Hertwich Log
Tracking – HLT) durch das geThanks to the high cutting speeds
samte System. Diese kennt zu
and feed values the sawing process
jedem Zeitpunkt sämtliche Prois completed in a few seconds. This in
duktdaten und den aktuellen
turn makes severe demands on the
peripheral equipment. Above all,
ein anspruchsvolles Diagsufficiently rapid clearance of the
nosesystem. Jeder einzelne
relatively large quantities of swarf Abb. 14: Bolzensäge
Arbeitsschritt wird mit Hilfe
Fig. 14: Billet saw
see yo
Kind & Co., Edelstahlwerk, KG
Bielsteiner Str. 124 – 130
D-51674 Wiehl
Tel +49 (0) 22 62 / 84-0
Fax +49 (0) 22 62 / 84-175 ·
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
eines speziellen Kontroll- und Diagnosesys- must be ensured. For that purpose the saw is
tems überwacht. Dieses System reagiert bei fitted with a swarf extractor leading to a swarf
jeder Abweichung von den Planwerten un- briquetting press. For the disposal of head and
verzüglich. Eine Fehlermeldung erscheint, die butt ends and other sawing scrap (such as debetroffenen Anlagenteile werden aufgelistet fective sections), an automated scrap disposal
und auf einem Display gezeigt, das Instand- system is also provided.
h a lt u ng s p e r s o n a l
wird selbsttätig zur
Fehlerstelle geleitet.
Insgesamt ist sicherr
gestellt, dass ein
eventuell auftretender Fehler in der
kürzest möglichen
Zeitbehoben werden
• ein automatisches
Wiederanfahrprogramm. Dieser Programmteil bringt die
Anlagen nach einer
Betriebsunterbrechung selbsttätig wieder in die Position, Abb. 15: Anlage zum Stapeln, Wiegen und Umreifen
in der der Automatik- Fig. 15: Stacking, weighing and strapping plant
betrieb wieder aufgenommen werden kann. Der „menschliche The sawn billets can be marked by means of
Faktor“ als Fehlerquelle ist ausgeschaltet.
an ink jet or a matrix needle marking unit
• Sämtliche Software ist vor ihrem Einsatz (Hertwich PinMarkSpeed). The latter prints
im Betrieb mit Hilfe einer 3D-Simulation ge- the information directly on the extrusion biltestet. Auf diese Weise ist eine reibungslose let and takes only three seconds for 4 x 8 =
Inbetriebnahme gewährleistet.
32 characters.
The sawn billets are stacked as desired by
the customer, and stackers are available for
short and for long billets. Many plants have
Franz Niedermair ist Managing Director bei Hert- billet stackers with which long and short billets (e. g. 1 x 6 metres and 2 x 0.8 metres) are
wich Engineering, Braunau, Österreich.
stacked at the same time.
At the next station the stacks are strapped.
After this, when the packs have been weighed
and labelled, they are sent for dispatch. A
Hertwich ist Aussteller auf der
crane carries them away. Fig. 15 shows a plant
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9C20
The ideal solution for every
Hertwich provides industry
with a system of
components with
which every part
of the process
from casting of
extrusion billet
can be carried
out successfully. With the help of the equipment available, a casthouse can put together a
system tailor-made for its needs. With the successful upgrading of the batch type homogenising furnace, the system is now complete.
On its way to this position the company
has achieved acceptance
worldwide and is now
the undisputed market
leader in this sector.
An important feature
is the high automation level of the plant
as a whole. For such a
plant to operate without
problems – a problem
in one part of the plant
can block the entire
operation – exceptional
reliability is essential.
To ensure this, all the
units are equipped with
the necessary control
instrumentation, diagnosis systems and other
devices. Furthermore,
in addition to the usual equipment Hertwich
units have the following:
• Automatic product tracking (Hertwich Log
Tracking, HLT) throughout the system. At all
times this knows all the product data and the
current production status.
• A sophisticated diagnosis system. Each individual working step is monitored with the
help of a special checking and diagnosis system. The system reacts immediately to any
deviation from the planned values. An error
message appears; the parts of the plant concerned are listed and shown on a display, and
the maintenance personnel are automatically
guided to the fault site. Overall, it is ensured
that any fault which occurs can be eliminated
in the shortest possible time.
• An automatic restart program. This program section automatically restores the units,
after any interruption of operations, to a position in which automatic operation can begin
again. The ‘human factor’ as a source of error
is excluded.
• All the software is tested with the help of a
3D simulation before being used operationally. This ensures a smooth start of operations.
Franz Niedermair is managing director at Hertwich
Engineering, Braunau, Austria.
Hertwich will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9C20
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Marx erhält Auftrag von Miba für Kompakt-Tiegelofen
Seit über 45 Jahren ist die Marx-Gruppe
in der Ofenbranche tätig. Das Leistungsspektrum umfasst die Planung und Herstellung von Industrieöfen, Engineering,
Projektierung, Neufertigung, Modernisierung und Umrüstung von Schmelzanlagen
sowie den zugehörigen Service und Kundendienst. Somit konnte über die Jahre
eine große Erfahrung durch Bearbeitung
aller Ofenfabrikate weltweit gesammelt
werden. Nahezu jedes Ofenfabrikat
ist bereits von Marx gewartet, instand
gesetzt, technisch aufgerüstet oder neu
gebaut worden.
Die Marx GmbH & Co. KG, Iserlohn, hat
von der österreichischen Firma Miba Gleitlager GmbH, Laakirchen, den Auftrag zur
Lieferung einer kompakten Induktionstiegelofenanlage zum Schmelzen von hochlegierten
Aluminiumlegierungen erhalten. Der Auftrag
beinhaltet die Lieferung einer kompletten Tiegelofenanlage mit einem Fassungsvermögen
von 1.000 Kilogramm Aluminium und einer
Nennleistung von 500 kW mit Ofenbühne in
kompakter Bauweise. Alle Anlagenteile wie
IGBT-Transistor-Umrichter, Kondensatorengestell, Ofensteuerung Siemens S7, Hydraulikaggregat etc. werden auf oder unter der
Ofenbühne raumsparend platziert. Die Ofenbühne wird mit Absturzgitter abgesichert und
rundum mit Abdeckblechen verkleidet.
Alle Komponenten der Ofenanlage werden
vor der Montage weitestgehend vormontiert,
sodass die eigentliche Montage und Inbetrieb-
nahme in einem engen vom Kunden vorgegebenen Zeitfenster erfolgen kann.
Nachdem Marx bereits mehrere KompaktTiegelofenanlagen in Eisengießereien und
NE-Metallgießereien platzieren konnte, ist der
aktuelle Miba-Auftrag eine Bestätigung der
erfolgreichen ständigen Weiterentwicklung
der Kompakt-Tiegelofenanlagen in Bezug auf
Qualität und Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.
Marx ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10E60
Marx wins order from Miba
for compact induction furnace
The Marx group have been active in the
furnace industry for over 45 years. The
range of services includes the planning
and production of industrial furnaces,
engineering, design, new production,
modernisation and retrofitting of smelting
plants, as well as the associated service
and client support. Thereby great experience has been gained over the years
working with all furnace makes worldwide. Almost every furnace make has
undergone maintenance, repair, technical
modernisation or has been newly built by
Marx GmbH & Co. KG based in Iserlohn,
Germany, has received an order from the
Austrian company Miba Gleitlager GmbH,
located in Laakirchen, for the supply of a
compact coreless induction furnace for melting highly alloyed aluminium. The order covers the supply of a complete unit comprising
a crucible furnace with a capacity of 1,000
kilograms of aluminium and a nominal rating
of 500 kW, together with a furnace platform
of compact design. All plant parts, such as
IGBT transistor converter, condenser rack,
Siemens S7 furnace control, hydraulic unit,
are positioned in a space-saving manner either on or beneath the furnace platform. The
furnace platform itself is secured using an antifall grid and is clad all around in sheet.
As far as possible, all components of the
furnace unit will be pre-assembled prior to installation so that the actual installation process
can be carried out within the tight time frame
specified by the customer.
Marx has already supplied several compact
crucible furnaces to ferrous and non-ferrous
foundries and the current order from Miba
confirms the success of the company’s ongoing development of these units with respect to
quality and cost / performance ratio.
Marx will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10E60
Einbindung einer Profilstrahlanlage
in den automatischen Materialfluss
Die MFW Maschinenbau GmbH aus Altmünster in Österreich liefert seit Jahrzehnten maßgeschneiderte Lösungen
für die Strangpressindustrie. Das Unternehmen ist in der Lage, Layouts für die
gesamte Intralogistik – vor der Presse bis
zum Rezipienten und nach der Presse von
der Reckbank bis zur Verpackung – zu
planen und umzusetzen. Zu den Kunden
zählen marktführende Unternehmen in
Europa. 2011 hat MFW eine vollautomatisierte Durchlaufstrahlanlage an das
Werk Uphusen der Hydro Aluminium
Extrusion Deutschland GmbH geliefert.
Integration of a profile blasting unit
into the automatic material flow
MFW Maschinenbau GmbH in Altmünster, Austria, has for years supplied
tailor-made solutions for the aluminium
extrusion industry. The company is in a
position to plan and implement layouts
for the entire internal logistical system
– ahead of the press as far as the container, and after the press from the stretching
bed as far as the packaging. Its customers include market-leading companies in
Europe. Last year MFW supplied a fully
automated continuous blasting unit to the
Uphusen plant of Hydro Aluminium Extrusion Deutschland GmbH.
The project requirement was to integrate a
blasting unit for the mechanical pre-treatment
of profiles before anodising into the automatic material flow. The transport racks selected
by the control system, carrying the profiles,
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Fotos: MFW
have to be separated out from on-going operations and transferred automatically to the
blasting unit. There, the racks are de-stacked,
the profile layers individually and automatically orientated, pre-treated in the continuous
blasting unit, and then brought together again
and taken in racks to the anodising plant.
An important pre-requisite of the project
Zu einer Strahllage abgelegte Profile
Profiles positioned to form a blasting layer
Die Projektanforderung bestand darin, eine
Strahlanlage für die mechanische Vorbehandlung von Profilen vor dem Eloxieren in den
automatischen Materialfluss einzubinden. Die
vom Leitsystem ausgewählten Transportkörr
be mit den Profilen sind aus dem laufenden
Betrieb auszuschleusen und der Strahlzelle
automatisch zuzuführen. Dort werden die
Körbe entstapelt, die
Profillagen vereinzelt,
richtet, in der Durchlaufstrahlanlage oberr
flächenbehandelt und
anschließend wieder
zusammengeführt und
in Körben zum Eloxalwerk transportiert.
Als wichtigste Prämisse stand über dem
Projekt, die Anlage
trotz der vielen Arr
beitsschritte weitgehend ohne Bediener
zu betreiben, also den
Prozess voll automatisiert durchzuführen.
Daraus ergab sich der Verfahrensablauf: Die
Profile werden über den Automatikkran in
Körben angeliefert, die Profillagen durch einen kombinierten Ein- / Ausstapler entnommen und auf Bändern abgelegt. Die Anlage bildet nun aus dieser Korblage eine sogenannte
Strahllage, die sicherstellt, dass das einzelne
Profil allseitig beaufschlagt wird. Das erreicht
man, indem der Abstand zwischen den einzelnen Profilen mindestens der Profilhöhe
Separatoren erkennen die Lage der einzelnen Profile, übernehmen das Einzelprofil und
legen dieses gezielt ab. Schiefstellungen der
Profile werden dadurch zusätzlich korrigiert.
Die entzerrte Strahllage, die meist annähernd
einer halbe Korblage entspricht, wird nun
durch eine gekapselte Durchlaufstrahlanlage
geschickt, in der die Profile allseitig gestrahlt
werden. Als Strahlprinzip wurde eine Schleuderrad-Strahlanlage gewählt. Um optimale
Ergebnisse zu erzielen, wird der Durchlauf im
Master-Slave-Betrieb durch die vor- und nachgeschaltete Fördertechnik vorgegeben.
Nach dem Austritt aus der Strahlanlage
wird die gestrahlte Profillage fixiert und aufgekippt, sodass restliches Strahlgut abläuft.
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Als Strahlgut kommen spezielle Strahlmittel was that despite the numerous working steps with a master-slave technique by the upstream
in feinster Körnung und hoher Dichte zum the plant has to be operated largely without and downstream conveyor technology.
After emerging from the blasting unit the
Einsatz. Sämtliches Strahlgut wird gereinigt personnel, i.e. the process had to be fully autound in das Strahlmittellager zurückgeführt. mated. This determined the process sequence: blasted layer of profiles is fixed and tilted up
Der Strahlprozess selbst wird vollständig ent- the profiles are delivered to the racks by an so that any residual blasting medium runs off.
staubt und gekapselt, um Lärmemissionen zu automatic crane and then the profile layers The blasting mediums used are special, very
are removed by a combined stacker / de- fine-grained and high-density ones. All the
Die gereinigten Profile werden erneut stacker and placed on belts. From the layer of blasting medium is cleaned and returned to
auf Bandreihen zu einer Korblage verdichtet racks the unit now forms a so-termed blasting the blasting medium store. The blasting process itself is fully dust-protected
über Förderbänder zum komand encapsulated to avoid noise
binierten Ein-/Ausstapler geemission.
sendet. Der Einstapler teilt die
The cleaned profiles are again
Spacer zu und stapelt die fertig
compacted into a rack layer on
gestrahlten Profillagen zurück
belt series and then moved by
in den Korb. Die im System
conveyor belts to the combined
durch das Ausstapeln anfalstacker/de-stacker. The stacker
lenden Spacer werden in der
distributes the spacers and stacks
Station in Umlauf gehalten,
the ready-blasted profile layers
entnommen, gespeichert und
back into the rack. The spacers left
wieder zugeteilt. Fehlmengen
in the system during de-stacking
an Spacern bzw. Überschüsse
are held in the station in rotation,
werden durch einen zusätzremoved, stored and re-allocated.
lichen Spacerkorb gepuffert.
Shortages of excesses of spacers
Eine besondere Herausforr
are buffered by an additional
derung ist der Umstand, dass
spacer rack.
sich der Füllgrad des Korbes
A particular challenge is the
durch die Oberflächenbe- Bandreihen mit Separatoren
Belt series with separators
problem that the surface treatment
handlung der Profile verändern kann. Dies zeigte sich auch im tatsäch- layer, which ensures that the individual pro- can change the fullness level of a rack. This is
lichen Betrieb. Durch eine gute Steuerungs- files are treated on all sides This is achieved found in actual practice. The problem can be
technik und entsprechend mechanische Aus- in that the separation between individual pro- solved by good control technique and an appropriate mechanical design.
files is at least the height of the profiles.
legung konnte diese Aufgabe gelöst worden.
After several months of operation it has
Separators recognise the position of the inNach mehrmonatigem Betrieb zeigte sich,
dass die Anlage zur Zufriedenheit aller arbei- dividual profiles, take up the individual profile been shown that the plant works to the sattet und die Ziele erreicht wurden. Dank des and position them selectively. Oblique profile isfaction of everybody and that its aims have
gesamten planmäßigen Ablaufs konnte eine positions are additionally corrected in this been achieved. Thanks to the overall regularzu einem späteren Zeitpunkt geplante Zusatz- way. The corrected blasting layer, which usu- ity of the process it proved possible to implefunktion vorzeitig realisiert werden, nämlich ally corresponds to half of a rack layer, is now ment an additional function originally planned
die Anpassung der Anlage für den Transport passed through an encapsulated continuous for a later time, namely adaptation of the plant
blasting unit in which the profiles are treated for the transport of tubes, ahead of schedule.
von Rohren.
on all sides. For the blasting principle a centrifMFW will be exhibiting at
ugal blower unit was chosen. To achieve opMFW ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 12E50
timum results, the passage through is effected
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 12E50
Strangpressprodukte mit
engsten Toleranzen und hochwertigen Oberflächen
Alu Menziken zählt zu den Schweizer Traditionsunternehmen der Aluminiumindustrie.
1899 von Alfred Gautschi, einem Pionier der
Branche, gegründet, wurde bereits 1928 eine
350-Tonnen-Vertikalstrangpresse in Betrieb
genommen. Damit begann die Ära des Stranggießens von Rundbarren. 1952 wurde im Werk
Menziken eine Schmelzerei mit Stranggießanlagen nach modernsten Maßstäben errichtet
und sowohl elektrische Tiegelöfen als auch
ein Gasofen (damals mit Koks beheizt) installiert. Dies ermöglichte neben dem Ausbau von
Fenster-, Rolltor- und Geländerprodukten aus
Aluminiumprofilen auch den Einstieg in die
Flugzeugindustrie. Die ersten Profile für diesen Markt wurden seinerzeit für die legendärr
en F50-Flugzeuge von Fokker geliefert.
Aus dieser Tradition heraus investiert Alu
Menziken Extrusion für mehrere Millionen
Schweizer Franken in eine neue Gießerei inkl.
Homogenisierung für Speziallegierungen am
Standort Reinach. Die Kapazität der Anlage
wird circa 15.000 Tonnen betragen und sich
durch hohe Energieeffizienz und eine verr
schlankte Produktion auszeichnen.
Die Leistungsmerkmale der neuen Gießerei lassen sich wie folgt umreißen:
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Alu Menziken
Fahrständer-Bearbeitungs-Center bei Alu Menziken
• Hot-Top- und Wagstaff-Gießanlage für Forr
mate mit Durchmessern von 108 bis 320 mm
• Batch-Homogenisierung mit Kühlkammer
• Unterwasser-Ultraschallanlage nach MILStandard
• Kundenspezifische 1xxx- bis 7xxx- Legierungen
• Speziallegierungen: bleifrei für den Zerr
spanungsprozess; AlMgSi1-Varianten mit sehr
hohen Festigkeiten (Rm ≥ 400 MPa); resistente
Legierungen der Reihe 6xxx gegen interkristalline Korrosion; hoch korrosionsbeständige
Legierungen der Reihe 3xxx und 5xxx
• Spektralanalyse und metallurgisches Labor.
Mit diesen Ausrüstungen ist Alu Menziken
in der Lage, nahezu sämtliche Legierungen
anzubieten. Eine Stärke des Unternehmens
liegt in der kundenspezifischen Legierungsentwicklung. Außerdem bietet Alu Menziken
seinen Kunden an, das Recycling ihrer Pro-
zessschrotte zu übernehmen, um daraus neue
Kundenprodukte herzustellen.
Gut ein Drittel der Gesamtkapazität wird
dem Markt als Strangpressbolzen und als
Rundbarren für Schmiedevormaterial oder für
den Handel auf Wunsch auch lösungsgeglüht
und warmausgelagert angeboten.
Alu Menziken versteht sich als Premiumhersteller von qualitativ hochwertigen
Strangpressprofilen mit engsten Toleranzen
und hochwertigen Oberflächen und zählt zu
den führenden Herstellern in Segmenten wie
Pneumatik und Linearführung, Medizinaltechnik, Automotive, Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau. Diese Strangpressprodukte können
in weiteren Schritten mechanisch bzw. CNC
bearbeitet werden. Mit dem Ausbau der Bearbeitungskapazität bietet das Unternehmen
seinen Kunden einen echten Mehrwert.
Darüber hinaus bietet Alu Menziken auch
die Weiterverarbeitung von beigestelltem Material wie Aluminiumplatten
und Guss an. Der Kundenservice wurde
verstärkt, Bauteile und -gruppen können den Kunden aus Bahntechnik,
Medizin, Solar, Automobil und Maschinenbau angeboten werden. Die
Produktpalette reicht vom Stanzen
(300 mm bis 3.500 mm) über Fräsen,
Bohren, Sägetechnik zum Rohrablängen und Endenbearbeitung bis hin
zum Stangenbearbeitungscenter für
Halbzeuge mit einer Länge von 6.000
Eine besondere Stärke ist die CNCBearbeitung von Halbzeugen mit einer
Länge bis zu sechs Metern. Die Zerr
spanung von Aluminiumprofilen in
Kombination mit den richtigen Aufspannsystemen ermöglicht eine sehr
präzise Bearbeitung. Dafür stehen
fünf vertikale Fahrständer-Bearbeitungs-Center mit einer Spindeldrehzahl von 18.000 Umdrehungen pro Minute zur
Verfügung. Auf diesen Anlagen sind mittlere
bis schwerere Fräs- und Bohrarbeiten möglich. Der Verfahrbereich in der X-Achse von
6.000 mm, in der Y-Achse 800 mm und der
Z-Achse 700 mm decken einen sehr großen
Bereich in den zu bearbeiteten Querschnitten
ab. Durch den Rundtisch bzw. Schwenktisch
können pro Aufspannung bis zu drei Seiten
bearbeitet werden. Durch den Schwenkkopf
wird zusätzlich stirnseitiges (beidseitiges) Bearbeiten möglich. Sofern die Werkstücklänge
es zulässt, kann bei größeren Losgrößen auf
diesen Anlagen auch gependelt werden.
Des Weiteren bietet Alu Menziken Oberr
flächentechnik an: Eloxal bis 13 m, Rohre Inneneloxal und Pulverbeschichtung bis 7.6 m.
Alu Menziken ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 11J60
Please visit us at EuroBlech, Hannover, 23.10 -27.10.2012, hall 12, booth B 50
you‘re in good hands ...
... we have all the pieces.
Innovative solutions from the world‘s leader in surface finishing
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Erbslöh Aluminium – Die unendliche Leichtigkeit des Designs
Als das Aluminium im 19. Jahrhundert
entdeckt wurde, war es so selten und
kostbar wie Gold. Die eindrucksvollsten
Eigenschaften dieses modernen Werkstoffs – Dehnbarkeit, Stärke, Glanz und
natürlich das geringe Gewicht – haben
Designer und Ingenieure seither inspiriert. Welcher Werkstoff bietet mehr
Möglichkeiten, brillante Ästhetik und
moderne Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten miteinander zu kombinieren? Welches Material hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten
mehr Designideen hervor gebracht als
Die Erbslöh Aluminium GmbH, eine 100%ige
Tochter der zur WKW-Gruppe gehörenden
Erbslöh AG in Velbert, ist ein auf die Produktion von hochwertigen Aluminiumteilen spezialisiertes Unternehmen und verfügt über eine
profunde Basis, die Kunden zu schätzen wissen: langjährige Erfahrung in der Werkstofftechnologie, breite Kenntnisse in der Umformund Bearbeitungstechnik sowie ein fundiertes
Knowhow in der Oberflächenveredlung.
In zwei Gießereien und auf sechs Strangpressen werden in Neviges anspruchsvolle
Aluminiumprofile für die Automobilzulieferr
industrie, die Elektro- und Sanitärindustrie
sowie für das Baunebengewerbe produziert.
Glänzerschmelzwerk erweitert
Das 2003 errichtete Glänzerschmelzwerk
wurde im letzten Jahr um einen weiteren Gebäudekomplex erweitert. Das Investitionsvolumen belief sich auf mehr als 15 Mio. Euro.
Mit einem Output von zusätzlichen 22.000
Tonnen verdoppelt sich die Leistung der Gießerei der Erbslöh Aluminium GmbH. 15 zusätzliche Mitarbeiter betreiben nun die nach
den neuesten technologischen Standards eigens für das Velberter Traditionsunternehmen
konzipierten Anlagen. In Bezug auf den Enerr
gieverbrauch wird der neue Gießereibereich
ein Fünftel der Kosten einsparen, wobei die
Energiekosten insgesamt etwa drei Prozent
des Umsatzes ausmachen.
In dem der Gießerei nachgeschalteten Extrusionsprozess werden die Rundbarren auf
sechs modernen Strangpressen zu engtolerierten Profilen mit meist hohen Oberflächenanforderungen verarbeitet. Dies geschieht im
Hause Erbslöh seit mehr als 100 Jahren.
Einer der wichtigsten Märkte für das Unterr
nehmen ist das Automobilgeschäft. In den frühen 1920er Jahren wurde die aufkommende
Erbslöh Aluminium – The infinite ease of design
output of 22,000 tonnes the performance of
the foundry section of Erbslöh Aluminium
was doubled. Now, 15 additional workers operate the equipment designed in accordance
with the latest technological standards specially for the traditional company in Velbert. As
regards energy consumption the new foundry
section will save one-fifth of the costs, so that
energy costs as a whole account for approximately three percent of turnover.
In the extrusion process downstream from
the foundry the round bars are processed on
Erbslöh Aluminium GmbH, a fully-owned six modern extrusion presses to produce closesubsidiary of Erbslöh AG in Velbert which be- tolerance profiles, mostly with strict surface
requirements. And this has
been going on at Erbslöh for
more than 100 years.
One of the most important markets for the company is its automotive business. In the early 1920s
up-and-coming automobile
manufacture was identified as a growth market.
So shaping by extrusion
could be used, for example for window frames,
drip mouldings, decorative trim, running rails and
front bumpers. Meanwhile,
Erbslöh Aluminium has
been producing complex
semifabricates which, after
Hoch glänzende Industrieprofile von Erbslöh Aluminium
(Foto: Erbslöh)
High-gloss profiles for various applications from Erbslöh Aluminium
processes, are incorporated
longs to the WKW Group, is a company that in numerous automobiles, mainly middlespecialises in the production of high-grade category and top-range vehicles.
What customers demand from extruded
aluminium components and has a profound
basis for this, which its customers well know profiles is constantly becoming more strinhow to appreciate: long years of experience in gent. From the original, purely functional
materials technology, an extensive knowledge components, complex surface finishing procof forming and processing methods, and well- esses now create design elements that give the
vehicles contour, radiate value and determine
founded know-how about surface finishing.
In two foundries and on six extrusion press- individuality.
But the design-orientated industry sector
es demanding aluminium profiles for the automobile supplier industry, the electrical and too is well served by the high-grade profile
sanitary industries and for building-related solutions from Erbslöh. Whether for the electronics sector, the furniture industry or for
businesses are produced.
sanitary equipment: wherever the link between gracefulness and functionality is a foGlossy-alloy melting plant extended
cus for developers, surface-finished extruded
The glossy-alloy melting plant built in 2003 aluminium products are the first choice.
was extended last year by a further building
Erbslöh Aluminium will be exhibiting
complex. The investment volume amounted to
at ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 12G07
more than 15 million euros. With an additional
When aluminium was discovered in the
19th century it was as rare and expensive
as gold. The impressive properties of this
modern material – malleability, strength,
brightness and of course its low weight –
have inspired designers and engineers
since then. What material offers more
possibilities for combining aesthetic brilliance and modern design options? What
material has brought out more design ideas in the past decades than aluminium?
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Automobilproduktion als Wachstumsmarkt
identifiziert. So konnte die Formgebung durch
das Strangpressen bspw. für Fensterrahmen,
Regenleisten, Zierleisten, Trittschienen und
Frontschutzbügel genutzt werden. Mittlerweile produziert die Erbslöh Aluminium GmbH
komplexe Halbzeuge, die nach umfassenden
Veredlungsprozessen in einer Vielzahl von
Automobilen verbaut werden, primär bei Mittelklasse- und Premiumfahrzeugen.
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Die Anforderungen der Kunden an Strangpressprofile steigen stetig. Aus den ursprünglich nur funktionalen Bauteilen sind durch
eine aufwändige Oberflächenveredlung Designelemente geworden, die den Fahrzeugen
Kontur geben, Wertigkeit ausstrahlen und den
Wiedererkennungswert bestimmen.
Aber auch der designorientierte Industriebereich wird durch die hochwertigen Profillösungen aus dem Hause Erbslöh bedient. Ob
für den Elektronikbereich, die Möbelindustrie
oder Sanitärausstattungen: Steht die Liason
zwischen edler Anmutung und Funktionalität
im Fokus der Entwickler, gehören oberflächenveredelte Strangpressprodukte aus Aluminium zur ersten Wahl.
Erbslöh Aluminium ist Aussteller auf
der ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 12G07
SMS Meer – Nicht nur bei Großpressen erste Wahl
SMS Meer – First choice, not only for large presses
Just as SMS Siemag is one of the first addresses to approach in connection with the construction of rolling mills, so SMS Meer is one
of the first addresses to contact for the building
of aluminium extrusion plant. The company
offers every extrusion process for every material and alloy, including all the requisite auxiliary equipment and automation systems.
In past years SMS Meer has developed very
dynamically, order intakes having almost trebled since 2003. A particularly prestigious
project was the large press delivered to Shandong Yankuang Light Alloy in May 2011: with
an extrusion load of 150 MN it is at present
the largest front-loading press for light metals
in the world.
Meanwhile SMS Meer has sold a further
150-MN press to China and was awarded the
order for two new large presses by Jilin Liyuan
Aluminium, Jilin Province, China: a 160-MN
front-loading press and a 60-MN direct/indirect tube press. With the two new plants, Jilin
Liyuan Aluminium is continuing its growth
and again setting standards on the market for
large profiles and seamless tubes of aluminium. The company has ordered a similar model
to the 150-MN press supplied by SMS Meer
to Yankuang.
The demand for large presses for the railway sector, particularly in China, is an important driving force for growth in the extrusion
market. It will enable Jilin Liyuan to produce
profiles up to one metre in width. The profiles
can reach lengths of up to 28 metres – corresponding to the wagon length of modern highspeed trains such as the ICE or TGV.
The 160 MN extrusion press now gives
the engineers new design possibilities in the
wagon construction. Until now several profiles
has to be joined together to form one part by
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
So, wie SMS Siemag zu den ersten Adressen
zählt, wenn es um den Bau von Walzwerken
geht, so zählt SMS Meer zu den ersten Adressen für den Bau von Aluminium-Strangpressanlagen. Das Unternehmen bietet weltweit
alle Pressverfahren für alle Materialien und
Legierungen inklusive aller Nebeneinrichtungen und Automationssysteme an.
In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich SMS
Meer sehr dynamisch entwickelt, die Auf-
friction welding. Now the parts can be produced in one extrusion cycle. That saves time,
energy and costs. The integrated aluminium
construction is increasingly being used also
for local commuter and underground trains.
The energy-saving lightweight design and the
high recycling capability are important answers to ecological
The annual production capacity of
the new press is
more than 20,000
tonnes of large profiles. The machine is
scheduled to go into
production in December 2013.
Yet, SMS Meer
is not committed to
large presses alone.
That is demonstrated by the commissioning of or orders
for smaller extrusion
presses during last
year. For example,
in 2011 Shandong
operating six SMS
extrusion presses –
t0&$"%# $ 7
' $#
# ! four of them with an
extrusion load of 11
t3!$#$ 6&$"%# #'#$#)' %$#7+%6$%"7$ ""*
MN and the other
4 6&$"%#
6 $ $"#)$$"7$"#
$ ) $ $
two with 18 MN
t4 $ 7)7 #$#+ 6$ +"!"+6$$7 69"#*
extrusion load each.
Orders during 2011
also came, among
others, from Aluar
$#" %!
Argentino for a
-%/:## "6
$ $3$ 5"
/:## "6,"'
1+. $2
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Doch ist SMS Meer
nicht auf Großpressen fixiert. Das
zeigen auch die
von bzw. Aufträge für kleinere
Strangpressen im
vergangenen Jahr.
So hat beispielsweise Shandong Nanshan 2011 sechs
in Betrieb genommen – davon vier
mit einer Presskraft
von 11 MN zwei
weitere mit jeweils Zum Produktportfolio von SMS Meer gehören auch hochwertige Pressen mit
18 MN Presskraft. geringen Presskräften
Aufträge aus 2011 The SMS Meer product range includes high-grade extrusion presses with low
kamen unter ande- press forces
rem von Aluar Arr
gentino für eine 22-/24-MN-Strangpesse und 22/24-MN press and from Ulusan in Turkey
von Ulusan aus der Türkei für eine 25-/27- for a 25/27-MN press.
Besides its new-press business SMS Meer
Neben dem Neugeschäft widmet sich SMS is also committed to the modernisation of
Meer auch der Modernisierung von Strang- extrusion presses, with the aim of increasing
pressen mit den Zielen höhere Leistung und press force and availability, and improving
Verfügbarkeit sowie bessere Produktivität. productivity. For F. W. Brökelmann AluminFür F.W. Brökelmann Aluminium hat SMS ium, SMS boosted the press force of a 17-MN
Meer die Leistung einer 17-MN-Presse auf 23 press to 23 MN. The billet length too was
MN erhöht. Auch die Blocklänge wurde von increased from 890 to 1,080 mm, so now
890 auf 1.080 mm erweitert. Damit können aluminium profiles with lengths up to 70 m
nun Aluminiumprofile mit Längen bis 70 Me- can be produced. Thanks to new technology
ter hergestellt werden. Durch neue Technik and automation the availability and hence
und Automation steigt zudem die Verfügbarr the productivity of the plant have also been
keit und damit die Produktivität der Anlage. increased. The equipment supplied included
Zum Lieferumfang gehörten ein neuer Zylin- a new cylinder crosshead with accessories,
derholm mit Zubehör, eine Stempel-Verschie- a die shifting device as well as advance and
beeinrichtung sowie Vorschub- und Rückzug- retraction cylinders. The modernisation also
zylinder. Teil der Modernisierung war zudem included a new control and switchgear installation.
eine neue Steuerungs- und Schaltanlage.
SMS Meer
tragseingänge haben sich seit 2003 fast verr
dreifacht. Ein besonderes Prestigeprojekt war
die im Mai 2011 ausgelieferte Großpresse für
Shandong Yankuang Light Alloy: Mit einer
Presskraft von 150 MN ist sie derzeit die größte Frontlader-Leichtmetallpresse weltweit.
Inzwischen hat SMS Meer eine weitere 150MN-Presse nach China verkauft und darüber
hinaus kürzlich von Jilin Liyuan Aluminium
aus Liaoyuan, China, einen Auftrag über zwei
neue Pressen erhalten: Eine 160-MN-Frontlader-Presse und eine 60-MN-Direkt-/IndirektRohrpresse. Mit den beiden neuen Anlagen
führt das Unternehmen sein Wachstum fort
und setzt erneut Maßstäbe im Markt für Großprofile und Nahtlosrohre aus Aluminium. Jilin
Liyuan hat ein ähnliches Modell bestellt wie
die 150-MN-Presse, die SMS Meer an Yankuang geliefert hat.
Der Bedarf an Großpressen für den Eisenbahnsektor, vor allem aus China, ist ein wichtiger Wachstumstreiber im Markt für Strangpressen. Mit der neuen Großpresse kann Jilin
Liyuan Profile bis zu einem Meter Breite herr
stellen. Die Länge der Profile erreicht bis zu
28 Meter – das entspricht der Waggonlänge
moderner Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge wie ICE
oder TGV.
Die 160-MN-Strangpresse gibt den Ingenieuren neue Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten bei der
Waggonkonstruktion. Bisher mussten mehrere Profile durch Reibschweißen zu einem
Bauteil verbunden werden. Jetzt lassen sich
die Bauteile in einem Pressvorgang herr
stellen. Das spart Zeitaufwand, Energie und
Kosten. Die integrierte Aluminiumbauweise
wird zunehmend auch für Nahverkehrszüge
und Untergrundbahnen eingesetzt. Das enerr
giesparende Leichtbaudesign und die hohe
Recyclingfähigkeit sind wichtige Antworten
auf ökologische Forderungen.
Die Jahreskapazität der neuen Presse beträgt mehr als 20.000 Tonnen Großprofile. Im
Dezember 2013 wird die Anlage ihre Produktion aufnehmen.
SMS Meer ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9C20
SMS Meer will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9C20
S + C: Kompetenz und Kundenorientierung im Fokus
Der Bereich Extrusion Tooling Solutions
(ETS) der Schmidt+Clemens-Gruppe (S+C)
hat sich bei Rezipienten, Stempeln und anderen Strangpresswerkzeugen international
einen Namen gemacht. Seit mehr als 50 Jahren versteht sich das Unternehmen als Partner für Werkzeuge, Systeme und Lösungen für
die Strangpressindustrie. Durch die Inbetriebnahme immer voluminöserer Leicht- und
S + C: the focus is on competence
and customer orientation
The Extrusion Tooling Solutions (ETS) division of the Schmidt+Clemens group (S+C)
has earned itself a reputation with recipients,
stamps and other extrusion tools. For more
than 50 years now S+C has seen itself as a
partner for tools, systems and solutions in
the extrusion industry. By bringing ever more
voluminous light and heavy metal extruder
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Friction Stir Welding
mit CySpeed
Starke Spindel trifft starken Roboter...
• innovatives Fügen von Leichtmetallwerkstücken und -Legierungen
• Fräsen von Aluminium, Stahl und Guss
ie m
Erfah uf der
M 20 15
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CyTec Zylindertechnik GmbH • Steffensrott 1 • D-52428 Jülich
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Schwermetallstrangpressen werden immer tung von Strangpresswerkzeugen. Ein wesent- machines on stream ever larger three-dimengrößere, dreidimensional geschmiedete Rezi- licher Pluspunkt der Unternehmensgruppe ist sion forged recipients and stamps are being
pienten und Stempel nachgefragt. In diesem ihre Beratungskapazität. Mitarbeiter mit einem called for. In this market segment there is an
Marktsegment liegt eine Chance für und mit hohen Prozesswissen unterstützen heute die opportunity for and with the S+C group. Beder S+C-Gruppe. Das Unternehmen stellt sich Techniker in den Presswerken bei der Opti- sides the qualitative demands, the company
neben den qualitativen Ansprüchen insbeson- mierung der Rezipienten. In der Konstruktion has in particular confronted the demands for
dere den Forderungen nach kurzen Lieferr werden Programme zur Berechnung von Span- shorter delivery times.
nungen in Rezipienten oder zur Bestimmung
After investing in a new five-axle 30Nach der Investition in ein neues fünfach- der maximal zulässigen Knickbelastung von tonne drill for processing the recipients, last
siges 30-Tonnen-Bohrwerk für die Bearbei- Stempeln eingesetzt. So können speziell auf year further steps were taken to be able to
tung von Rezipienten wurden im letzten Jahr den Kunden zugeschnittene Rezipienten mit supply extruder machines with high-quality
weitere Schritte unternommen, um die Strangpresswerke zeitnah mit hochwertigen Werkzeugen zu
versorgen. Am deutlichsten
sichtbar ist eine neue Schwerr
drehbank, die vor allem zur
Bearbeitung der Innen- und
Zwischenbüchsen im Umbüchszentrum
wird. Im Umbüchszentrum
wurden der Ofen und die
Maschinen so angeordnet,
dass möglichst wenige Materialbewegungen stattfinden,
um die verschlissene Innenbüchse aus den Rezipienten
zu entnehmen und die neue
Innenbüchse passgenau einzusetzen.
Das MES-System Hydra
zur besseren Überwachung
und Steuerung der Fertigung
ist implementiert und unterr Seit mehr als 50 Jahren ist S+C Partner für Werkzeuge, Systeme und Lösungen für die Strangpressindustrie
stützt die Mitarbeiter bei der For more than 50 years now S+C is a partner for tools, systems and solutions in the extrusion industry
Koordination der Bearbeitung der einzelnen Komponenten für einen und ohne Kühlung realisiert werden. Diese tools on short notice. The most visible one is
Auftrag. Im Zusammenspiel mit dem S+C- Ingenieurleistung ist heute bei der Herstellung a new heavy-duty lathe used in particular for
Projektmanagement konnten so im letzten anspruchsvoller Strangpressprofile mit engen processing the inside and connecting linings at
Jahr die bisher größten Rezipienten für Pres- Toleranzen, dünnen Wandstärken oder hoher the re-lining centre where the furnace and the
sen mit einer Presskraft von 100 MN und 150 Ausbringung eine wesentliche Voraussetzung machinery are arranged in such a way that as
MN termingerecht ausgeliefert werden.
für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung in der Pro- few material movements as possible have to
Auf der Materialversorgungsseite richten duktion.
be made in order to remove the worn-out insich die Bestrebungen auf eine weitere Op„Unsere Mitarbeiter arbeiten bereits seit side lining from the recipients and to fit the
timierung der Produktqualität. Ein Lieferan- vielen Jahren in dieser Branche und verfü- new inside linings in exactly.
tenmanagement mit regelmäßigen Audits bei gen neben dem notwendigen Stahl-Knowhow
The MES Hydra for monitoring and control
den Partnern wurde aufgebaut und die Wa- auch über Verfahrenswissen der Kunden. So of production has been implemented and proreneingangskontrollen ausgeweitet. Das Ziel können wir eine bestmögliche Kundenbera- vides support for employees in co-ordination
einer gesicherten Versorgung mit Vormateri- tung und technische Lösungen anbieten“, so the processing of the individual components
al aus Werkstoffen, die den hohen Anforde- Vertriebsleiter Dirk Görtz.
for a coating. In connection with S+C project
rungen der S+C-Gruppe an Warmfestigkeit
Das eigene Werkstofflabor führt nicht management, last year the largest recipients
und Zähigkeit genügen, konnte so erreicht nur Schadensfalluntersuchungen durch. Aus thus far for presses with pressing capacity of
werden. Dies ist unabdingbar, um Rezipienten Fehlerursachen werden Lösungskonzepte 100 MN and 150 MN could be delivered on
und Stempel herstellen zu können, die sich im entwickelt, die beispielsweise in der Auswahl time.
Strangpresswerk auch bei hohen Belastungen geeigneter Werkstoffe oder einer optimierten
On the materials supply sides efforts have
durch eine geringe Neigung zur Rissbildung Wärmebehandlung der Werkzeugstähle be- been directed at further optimising the prodauszeichnen.
uct quality. Supplier management with regustehen.
Im Norden Chinas, unweit von Beijing, lar audits of the partners was set up and the
Das Geschäftsfeld beschränkt sich jedoch
nicht nur auf die Herstellung und Instandhal- wurde Mitte März ein neues Umbüchszentrum incoming goods checks were extended. The
h id
d + Clemens
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
objective of secured supply of source stocks
made of materials holding up to the steep demands of the S+C group on thermal stability
and toughness could be achieved in that way.
It is indispensable to be able to produce recipients and stamps known for their negligible
tendency to form cracks in the extruder machine, even at high levels of stress.
But the division does not limit itself to
producing and servicing extruder tools. A
significant plus point for this corporate group
is its consultancy capacity. Employees with
thorough process knowledge support the
technicians in the extruder plants in optimising their recipients. In design, programmes are used for
calculating tensions in recipients or determining the maximum admissible buckling load
of stamps. In that way, recipients specially tailored to the
customers can be achieved,
with or without cooling. This
engineering feat is nowadays a
basic prerequisite for successful
implementation in production
in the manufacturing of highperformance extruder profiles
with narrow tolerances, thin
wall thickness or high output.
“Our employees have already been working for years in
this sector and, besides possessing the necessary knowledge of
steel, also possess knowledge
of the customer’s process. In
that way we can offer optimum
customer consulting and engineering solutions,” according to
marketing manager Dirk Görtz.
The company’s own materials laboratory not only carries
out claim event examinations.
From the causes of faults, solution approaches are developed
that, for instance, consist of selecting appropriate materials or
optimised thermal treatment of
the tool steels.
In the north of China, not far
from Beijing, in mid-March a
new relining centre was inaugurated. There, recipients from
the Asian region are relined. The tool steels
continue to come from Germany, and carrying out the work is subject there to the same
requirements as at the home site in Lindlar.
Further investments in machinery, processes, technical know-how and new products
are planned for the coming years. In that way
S+C will continue to be the reliable and competent partner and technology leader in the
extruder industry in the future as well.
S+C will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9I40
eingeweiht. Dort werden Rezipienten aus dem
asiatischen Raum umgebüchst. Die Werkzeugstähle kommen weiterhin aus Deutschland
und auch die Durchführung der Arbeiten unterliegt dort den gleichen Anforderungen wie
am Stammsitz in Lindlar.
Weitere Investitionen in Maschinen, Prozesse, technisches Knowhow und neue Produkte sind für die nächsten Jahre geplant. So
bleibt die S+C auch in Zukunft ein Technologieführer in der Strangpressindustrie.
S+C ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9I40
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Latest News
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Dubal’s proprietary DX+ technology
Images: Dubal
Greater productivity per potroom area,
lower cost per installed tonne
Aerial view of the Dubal smelter
From its inception in 1979, Dubai Aluminium (Dubal) has been committed to
continuous innovation in the aluminium
smelting process so as to produce the
world’s best quality aluminium products,
made-to-order and delivered direct to
customers, while achieving maximum
operating efficiencies. This has been
reflected in an on-going quest to use inhouse technology to advance and perfect
Dubal’s processes with a view to achieving higher production volumes, improved
current efficiencies and environmental
These efforts have produced, inter alia, proprietary Dubal DX technology, with the first
generation DX technology cells having been
commissioned in 2005 as prototypes in Dubal’s five-cell pilot operation, known as the
Eagle section. A comprehensive study into the
capabilities of these cells, undertaken by three
of the top world experts in the aluminium industry, confirmed that the cells performed
strongly and steadily, and produced successKPI
Amperage (kA)
Net yolts per pot (V)
Current efficiency (%)
Net specific energy (kWh/kg Al)
AED (AE/pot/day)
PFC emissions (kg CO2eq/t Al)
(June to Dec)
(Jan to June)
Table 1: DX technology performance, Potline 8, Dubal
fully at amperage above 350
kA. In 2007,
following a series of improvements to the
cell design and
anode configuration, potlining, process control, busbars,
and operational
practices, the
second generation DX technology cells was
introduced. In February 2008, 40 of these
improved cells were commissioned at industrial scale within Dubal’s Jebel Ali smelter, in
an operational area known as Potline 8. At
present, this demonstration line runs at above
380 kA, as shown in Table 1. The application
of Dubal’s advanced cell control logic, which
has led to a dramatic reduction in anode effect (AE) frequency and duration, has resulted
in benchmark perfluorocarbon emissions in
Potline 8 – despite the progressive amperage
Dubal’s first technology licence agreement
for DX technology, signed in October 2007,
related to the Emirates Aluminium (Emal)
project at Al Taweelah in Abu Dhabi, to be
constructed in two phases. Commissioning of
Phase 1 (756 DX technology cells with the capacity to produce 750,000 tpy) began in December 2009. The last cell was energised at
the end of December 2010, enabling Emal
Phase I to operate at full capacity from January
2011. The DX cells at Emal have performed
strongly since commissioning, with the application of Dubal’s latest advances in cell con-
trol logic yielding significant reductions in PFC
emissions, as shown in Table 2.
In the meantime, in a quest to decrease the
capital cost per tonne, research and development continued within Dubal’s Technology
Development & Transfer department resulting in a redesign of DX cells to enable operation at even higher amperages and optimised
performance levels. Five new generation cells,
built in the Eagle section at Jebel Ali in 2010,
initially operated at 420 kA and gradually
increased to 440 kA in February 2012. Ultimately DX+ technology cells are expected to
operate at 460 kA.
Inherently similar to DX cells, DX+ technology cells are larger in size: the potshell is
0.3 m wider and 0.6 m longer. However, the
pot-to-pot distance is unchanged at 6.3 m – i. e.
the same as in DX cells. The net result is that
the productivity per square metre of potroom
is increased by more than 17 percent.
DX+ technology is based directly on the
proven, inherently robust DX technology.
The industrial version is targeted to achieve
specific energy consumption of less than 13.3
kWh/kg Al; current efficiency above 95 percent; and an average yield per pot of 3.2 t/
day, with metal purity levels above 99.89 percent. As show in Table 3, the AE frequency
is very low but, more importantly, Dubal’s
proprietary advanced cell control logic re-
DX+ pilot potline
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
DX technology potlines rectifier substations
in Emal Phase I to allow amperage increase
to 380 kA. This will increase the production
capacity of this section by 50,000 to 800,000
tonnes a year by the end of 2012. The combination will boost Emal’s total production
capacity to approximately 1.3 million tonnes
by the end of 2014.
Dubal will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9D20
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Overall, DX+ technology offers similar
advantages to DX technology in terms
Amperage (kA)
of current efficiency, energy consumpNet yolts per pot (V)
tion and environmental performance
Current efficiency (%)
indicators; as well as the added adNet specific energy (kWh/kg Al) 13.1
vantage of higher productivity at a
AED (AE/pot/day)
lower capital cost per installed tonne
PFC emissions (kg CO2eq/t Al)
of capacity. A reduction in pot-to-pot
distance is under consideration, which
Table 2: DX technology performance, Emal Phase I
will offer further increases in production per potroom area.
2011 (Jan to
DX+ technology
has been licensed to
Amperage (kA)
423.4 438.6 439.5
Emal Phase II, which
Net yolts per pot (V)
4.34* 4.32* 4.31*
involves the construcCurrent efficiency (%)
tion of 444 cells in a
Net specific energy (kWh/kg Al) 13.6* 13.5* 13.5*
single potline. AnAED (AE/pot/day)
0.144 0.053 0.060
PFC emissions (kg CO2eq/t Al)
2011, the expansion
project got underway
Table 3: DX+ technology performance, Eagle section, Dubal
in September 2011.
* For the industrial version, the nominal voltage will be lower than the
demonstration cells due to lower externals drop. The nominal voltage
The additional line
for DX+ industrial at 440 kA will be 4.25 Volts and the specific energy
will yield an additionwill be less than 13.3 kWh/kg Al.
al annual production
stricts the average duration of AEs to less capacity of 520,000 tonnes.
than 10 seconds – a world benchmark for low- The Emal Phase II project
also involves an upgrade of DX+ cell
ering PFC emissions.
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) consistently ranks
as one of the largest and most modern aluminium smelters in the world. Known for its
technological strength and innovative policies,
Alba enforces strict environmental guidelines,
maintains high track record for safety, and is
widely regarded as one of the top ten performers on a global scale.
It supports numerous community oriented
programmes and social activities that have
underlined its status as one of Bahrain’s leading industrial organisations that remains committed towards upholding its corporate social
Alba’s inception marks the beginning of
Bahrain’s strategy to diversify its economic
base and reduce its dependence on oil. The
aim was to establish an industry that would
provide valuable export earnings, develop the
country’s resources and create training and
employment opportunities for a large number
of Bahrainis. Alba was therefore incorporated
by Charter in 1968 and officially commenced
operations in 1971 as a 120,000 tpy smelter.
Alba today produces more than 860,000
tpy of the highest grade aluminium, with products including standard and T-ingots, extrusion
billets, rolling slab, properzi ingots and molten
aluminium. Around half of the output is supplied to Bahrain’s downstream aluminium industry, with the rest exported to regional and
international customers.
The Alba plant comprises five reduction
lines, three casthouses, a dedicated carbon
plant, a 550,000 tpy coke calcining plant, a water desalination plant, fume treatment plants,
a marine terminal and a 2,265 MW power
plant, consisting of four power stations. The
plant also features a ten hectare ‘green’ oasis,
with more than 7,600 trees and shrubs, a fruit
and vegetable garden and an artificial lake.
Alba’s early success established a blueprint
Aluminium Bahrain – One of the top ten performers
View of the Alba site
for other non-oil industries to follow, including a thriving downstream aluminium industry. Today, Alba is a major contributor to the
social, industrial and economic development
of the Kingdom of Bahrain, employing over
3,000 people, of whom around 87 percent are
BNP Paribas financial advisor
for Potline 6 project
Only recently Alba has appointed BNP Paribas
as a financial and rating advisor in identifying and assessing financing options in connection with the project to expand the company’s
smelter by including a sixth potline.
Alba’s last major expansion project took
place in 2005 when it added a fifth potline to
its smelter. This expansion required a financing of USD1.7bn. The financing required for
the completion of the new potline is currently
estimated to be on the order of USD2.5bn.
The realisation of the project and the related
financing are subject to the completion of a
feasibility study as well as government and
board approvals. Work on the feasibility study
is expected to commence by the end of this
year. BNP Paribas was selected as financial
and rating advisor to the company due to the
bank’s strong presence in Bahrain along with
its experience within the aluminium sector.
Alba will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9E10
Riedhammer – Baking furnaces for anodes of highest quality
Riedhammer GmbH has long-standing experience in the carbon business. The reference
list is impressive: it includes well over 200
orders for furnaces for producing electrodes,
cathodes and anodes. The largest complete order to date was received from the Kazakhstan
Aluminium Smelter (KAS) in 2008, for an
anode baking furnace. The project was finalised in May this year.
For the KAS project, Riedhammer undertook
the complete planning of the anode baking
facility, supplied the whole plant and subsequently commissioned it. The order covered
three partial contracts: 2008 – the engineering package; 2009/10 – the supply of materials and equipment comprising refractories,
firing system, two furnace tending assemblies,
anode transport system with anode cleaning
machine and the fume treatment plant; 2011
– the contract to install at site the material and
equipment supplied and to commission the
baking furnace facility.
“This was without doubt one of the most
important projects we had ever undertaken
given its commercial significance and our
objective of promoting and establishing opentop technology as well as supplying complete
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
solutions,” says Thomas Janousch, business
unit director of the Carbon Division at Riedhammer.
The furnace has 50 sections, with seven pits
per section. There are three fire groups with a
fire cycle time of 23.5 hours. The unit is fuelled
by heavy oil and has an annual production capacity of 150,000 tonnes of baked anodes.
Erection of the equipment started at the
end of May 2011, and the firing system and
furnace tending assembly were handed over
to the client early in December, after which
the furnace drying out began. Refractory lining
of the furnace had been carried out between
June and November 2011. The conveying
system, second furnace tending assembly and
the fume treatment plant were handed over
in February 2012. Production started at the
end of March, and the first baked anode was
unloaded in April. The complete anode baking facility, engineered, delivered and built by
Riedhammer, was handed over to the client
in May.
of 2013, and the finalisation of the project is
expected by the end of April next year.
The modernisation of ABF-B2 increases
the production of the 16 section anode baking
furnace by 43 percent; fuel consumption will
be decreased by more than 10 percent.
For future projects involving new plants,
Mr Janousch is aiming to act together with
partners as a full-range supplier of anode
plants in order to jointly design, engineer,
procure, construct, commission and start-up
anode plants, mainly comprising the following facilities:
• Recycled processing plant to treat green
and baked scrap returned from the anode
production facilities and anode butts
from the smelters
• Green mill
• Anode-baking furnace and ancillary
• Waste gas cleaning systems to treat the
fumes from the green mill as well as from
the baking furnaces
• Storage area for green anodes
• Area for cleaning and storage of baked
• All equipment to transport and transfer
the raw materials (calcined petroleum
coke and coal tar pitch) from the port to
the anode plant.
A detailed company profile was given in
ALUMINIUM 7-8/2012.
Riedhammer will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9I20
In July this year Riedhammer was awarded
the modernisation of PT Inalum’s closed type
anode baking furnace ABF-B2 at its smelter
located in Kuala Tanjung. The order includes
the modernisation of the refractory lining and
the supply of a new automatic firing system.
The turn key project will be handled by Riedhammer, and the materials and the equipment
will be delivered by the end of 2012. The
construction is scheduled for the beginning
Modernisation of the anode
baking system at PT Inalum
Anode-baking furnace at KAS
New HMR tapping system at Isal
Early in 2012 Rio Tinto Alcan Iceland (Isal)
put into operation five tapping vehicles, one
crucible cleaner, tube cleaner and pre-heater,
supplied by HMR Hydeq of Norway. All the
equipment was integrated to form a complete
tapping system.
HMR’s vehicles tap the metal, transport it
to the furnace or to the metal treatment station, and move the crucible to the cleaning station. All these operations of driving, tapping,
discharging, crucible cleaning and basic maintenance, including changing of tapping tubes
and gaskets, are now one-man operated.
The smelter has full control over the vehicles which are connected via modem with
the process control, which sends information
about the location of the pots to be tapped
Neues HMR-Abstichsystem für Isal
Anfang 2012 hat Rio Tinto Alcan Iceland (Isal)
fünf Abstichfahrzeuge, einen Schmelztiegelreiniger, einen Rohrreiniger und einen Vorr
heizer in Betrieb genommen, der von HMR
Hydeq aus Norwegen geliefert wurde. Die gesamte Ausrüstung ist so miteinander integriert,
dass sie ein vollständiges Abstichsystem bildet.
Die HMR-Fahrzeuge stechen das Metall
ab, transportieren es zum Schmelzofen oder
der Metallverarbeitungsstation und bringen
den Schmelztiegel zur Reinigungsstation. Alle
Vorgänge – Fahren, Abstechen, Entladen,
Schmelztiegelreinigung und Grundwartung
einschließlich des Auswechselns der Abstich-
rohre und Schmelztiegel – werden von einer
Person ausgeführt.
Der Schmelzer hat die volle Kontrolle über
die Fahrzeuge, die über ein Modem mit der
Prozesskontrolle verbunden sind, die wiederum Informationen über den Standort der
abzustechenden Elektrolyseöfen sendet und
mehrere mögliche Fahrten vorschlägt. Der
Fahrer wählt eine Fahrt aus und lädt die Behälternummer, die abzustechende Menge und
weitere Informationen herunter. Die Daten
mit den tatsächlich abgestochenen Mengen
werden zurück an das Hauptkontrollsystem
übertragen, das die Vorgänge und Zeiten protokolliert.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
and proposes several possible trips. The driver chooses a trip and downloads pot number,
amount to be tapped and any additional useful information. The data with the actual
amounts tapped are transferred back to the
main control system, which keeps tracing operations and timing.
The control system is open and flexible, so
that it can be extended to the other equipment
like a crucible cleaning and metal treatment
stations and furnaces. The collected data can
be used to analyse and improve the process.
The tapping system ensures high safety at
work. The molten metal is inside a closed crucible at all times. The vehicles are equipped with
a reverse camera, offer good visibility and low
noise level inside and outside of the cabin. The
operator has no need to get out of the vehicle
while in the potroom.
The vehicle requires no ancillary equipment
like compressed air, overhead crane, tilting
platform, neither staff on the floor. The whole
system is one-man operated. The tapping vehicle can release and retrieve a fully loaded
crucible without the aid of other equipment.
By means of the weighing, system stops automatically when the ordered amount of metal
is tapped. The crucibles used for the vehicle
are enclosed, so the loss of heat from the metal
is marginal and evaporation is non-existent.
The vehicles have a kneeling function, so
they can tilt in any direction to ensure that the
crucibles are emptied efficiently.
At the ladle cleaning station the crucible
Das Kontrollsystem ist offen und flexibel und
kann auf weitere Ausrüstungen wie Schmelztiegelreinigungs- und Metallverarbeitungsstationen oder Schmelzöfen ausgedehnt werden.
Die gesammelten Daten können zur Analyse
und Verbesserung des Prozesses verwendet
Das Abstichsystem bietet hohe Arbeitssicherheit. Das geschmolzene Metall ist stets in
einem geschlossenen Schmelztiegel gesichert.
Die Fahrzeuge verfügen über eine Rückfahrr
kamera, bieten gute Sicht und einen niedrigen
Geräuschpegel. Der Fahrer muss sein Fahrr
zeug während des Aufenthalts in der Elektrolysehalle nicht verlassen.
Die Fahrzeuge benötigen weder weitere
Zusatzausrüstung wie Druckluft, Hängekran,
Kippplattform usw. noch zusätzliches Personal außerhalb des
Fahrzeugs. Das gesamte System
wird von einer Person bedient.
Das Abstichfahrzeug kann einen voll beladenen Schmelztiegel ohne Hilfe oder zusätzliche
Ausrüstung abgeben und aufnehmen. Durch Wiegen stoppt
das System automatisch, wenn
die bestellte Metallmenge abgestochen ist. Die für das Fahrzeug
verwendeten Schmelztiegel sind
geschlossen, sodass der Wärmeverlust des Metalls gering ist und
ein Verdampfen nicht stattfindet. Die Fahrzeuge haben eine
Absenkfunktion, damit sie sich
in jede Richtung neigen können, um sicherzustellen, dass die
Schmelztiegel effizient geleert
An der Pfannenreinigungsstation kann der Schmelztiegel
gesäubert werden, während er
noch heiß ist. Dadurch wird die
Gesamtzahl der in der Schmelzerei benötigten Schmelztiegel
verringert und die Lebenszeit der
Pfannen verlängert. Das Abstichfahrzeug lädt den Schmelztiegel
auf einer Palette ab. Der Schmelztiegel wird aufgenommen und
gekippt, um Metall und Schlacke
in separate Aufnahmegefäße zu
entleeren. Eine Vollprofilmühle,
die von einem Hydraulikmotor
angetrieben wird, entfernt Schlacke und andere Rückstände in
einem Arbeitsvorgang.
HMR Hydeq liefert seine Spezialfahrzeuge weltweit. Derzeit
hat das Unternehmen mit Sitz in
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
For over 50 years BUSS KE and CP series Kneaders have been
the benchmark for reliable, cost-effective compounding of
anode pastes. Now we go one step further.
Hall 9
Stand 9G20/09
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Ardal rund 70 Mitarbeiter einschließlich der Abteilung
für Technologieentwicklung. Das Unterr
nehmen entstammt
einer Abteilung der
Hydro Aluminium
und ist heute Teil
der HMR-Gruppe.
Zu den Kunden von
HMR Hydec gehören sechs der sieben
ßerhalb Norwegens
wurde das vollständige Abstichsystem
kürzlich von Alcoa
Pocos de Caldas
(Brasilien) und Qatalum (Katar) übernommen, wo ein Flotte von
zwölf Fahrzeugen, ein Schmelztiegelreiniger
und Zusatzausrüstung im Jahr 2010 in Betrieb
genommen wurde.
HMR ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9G20/06
can be cleaned while it is still hot. It reduces
the total amount of crucibles needed at the
smelter and extends the lifetime of the ladles.
The tapping vehicle leaves the crucible on a
pallet. The crucible is picked up and tilted in
order to empty metal and dross in separate
skips. A full profile mill, driven by hydraulic
motor, removes dross and other residues in
one operation.
HMR Hydeq delivers its special purpose
vehicles all over the
world. The company,
located in Ardal, has
about 70 employees,
including the department for technology
development. HMR
from Hydro Aluminium; today the company is part of the
HMR group. Among
the customers of HMR
Hydeq are six of the
seven Norwegian aluminium plants. OutPhoto: HMR
side Norway, the
complete tapping system has been adopted lately by Alcoa Pocos
de Caldas (Brazil) and by Qatalum (Qatar),
where a fleet of 12 vehicles, crucible cleaner
and ancillary equipment were commissioned
in 2010.
HMR will be exhibiting at ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9G20/06
Buss AG – Neue Knetergeneration für Anodenmassen
Die Buss AG mit Sitz in Pratteln ist ein führender Anbieter von Ko-Kneteranlagen für
anspruchsvolle Compoundier-Aufgaben. Im
Mai dieses Jahres stellte das Unternehmen
eine neue Knetergeneration für Anodenmassen vor. Die neuen Kneter mit der Bezeichnung
KX erreichen bei gleicher Baugröße einen um
30 Prozent höheren Durchsatz und mischen
die aus Petrokoks und Pech aufbereitete Masse noch besser durch. Sie zeichnen sich zudem durch einfacheren Betrieb, noch höhere
Sicherheit sowie verringerte Betriebs- und
Wartungskosten aus. Außerdem erfordern sie
wegen ihrer höheren Leistung geringere Investitionskosten für Maschine und Gebäude.
Bauartbedingt weisen die KX-Kneter (wie die
Vorgängermodelle) einen zusätzlichen Vorteil
auf: Die als Qualitätskriterium wichtige Dichte
der Anodenmasse lässt sich – anders als bei
offenen Mischern – durch die Prozessparameter wie Drehzahl und Drosselstellung direkt
zeichnen sich die neuen KX-Kneter durch
eine neuartige elektrische Beheizung des
Buss AG – New kneader generation for anode paste
Buss AG, located in Pratteln/Switzerland, is
a market leader in kneaders for demanding
compounding solutions. The company introduced a new kneader generation for anode
paste in May this year. The new KX kneaders
achieve 30 percent more throughput per machine size, and better mixing of the petroleum
coke and pitch used for making anode paste.
They offer greater dependability and safety,
lower operating and maintenance costs; and
they require lower investment costs for plant
machinery and buildings, thanks to higher performance.
These KX kneaders (like their forerunners)
also offer another advantage: in contrast to
open mixers, the anode paste density so important for quality can be controlled by varying process parameters such as the screw speed
and throttling.
Apart from greater throughput, the new
KX kneaders are also distinguished by new
electrical heating of the Buss kneader housing instead of the previous heat transfer oil
system, with temperature control included in
delivery. An innovative dynamic throttling
system, directly upstream of the anode paste
output, does not require any hydraulically actuated flap dies. The KX kneader housing is
now split horizontally, so that the upper half
of the housing can easily be removed by crane
to the service station included; the kneader
screw and both halves of the housing are optimally accessible thereby for maintenance and
upkeep work. The kneader throughput is 60
tonnes per hour.
Christian Hauser, manager Aluminium and
Service, summarises the advances embodied
in the KX kneader development as follows:
“The new Buss kneader generation not only
meets all current needs for anode paste production, but can also handle future demands
for even higher throughputs. Our innovative
KX kneaders are distinguished by a decisively
better price/performance ratio with regard to
investment, operating and maintenance costs
alike, and by a further improvement in anode
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Knetergehäuses aus, die das bisher verwendete Wärmeträgeröl abgelöst hat und die nun
einschließlich der Temperaturregelung zum
Lieferumfang von Buss gehört. Eine kurz vor
dem Austritt der Anodenmasse befindliche
innovative dynamische Drosselung benötigt
kein hydraulisch betätigtes Drosselelement
(Klappendüse) mehr. Das Knetergehäuse
ist erstmals horizontal geteilt, wodurch sich
die obere Gehäusehälfte bequem mit einem
Kran abnehmen und an eine Servicestation
übergeben lässt, sodass dann beide Teile des
Knetergehäuses sowie die Kneterwelle für
Wartung und Instandhaltung gut zugänglich
sind. Der Kneter ist für einen Durchsatz von
60 Tonnen pro Stunde ausgelegt.
Die mit der Entwicklung der KX-Kneter
erreichten Fortschritte fasst Christian Hauser,
Manager Aluminium und Service, wie folgt
zusammen: „Unsere neue Knetergeneration
erfüllt alle aktuellen und künftigen Anforr
derungen und Wünsche beim Herstellen von
Anodenmassen, und sie ist zukunftssicher in
Hinblick auf noch höhere Durchsatzleistungen. Unsere innovativen KX-Kneter zeichnen sich durch ein entscheidend verbessertes
Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis bei Investitions-,
Betriebs- und Wartungskosten aus, und sie err
zeugen Anodenmasse in noch besserer Qualität. Damit können wir unsere starke Position
Buss AG
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Der neue KX-Kneter zum Aufbereiten von Anodenmassen zeichnet sich durch höheren Durchsatz, verbesserte Qualität sowie geringere Investitions- und Betriebskosten aus
The new KX kneader for anode paste compounding offers greater throughput, higher product quality and
less investment outlay and lower operating costs
in diesem zukunftsträchtigen Spezialmarkt
weiter ausbauen.“
paste product quality. That is a firm basis for
further expanding our strong position in this
particularly promising speciality market.”
Buss AG ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9G20/09
Buss AG will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9G20/09
Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich – Industrielle
Mischtechnik für Kohlenstoffmassen
Das Leistungsspektrum der Maschinenfabrik
Gustav Eirich GmbH umfasst die Planung
und den Bau von Maschinen und innovativen
Produktionseinrichtungen, deren Montage
und Wartung. Alle wesentlichen Maschinen
und Geräte für die Prozessgestaltung werden
von Eirich selbst entwickelt und hergestellt.
Durch die hohe Fertigungstiefe können alle
Anforderungen an Flexibilität und Qualität
gewährleistet werden. Der Komplettservice ist
ein zusätzlicher und entscheidender Vorteil:
weltweiter Kundendienst, effizienter Ersatzteilservice, Beratung und Personalschulung.
Eirich ist seit mehr als einem Jahrhundert
im Segment der industriellen Mischtechnik tätig – auch heute ein Kerngeschäft der
Gruppe. Viele Patente geben davon Zeugnis
und sind gleichzeitig ein Indikator für Innovation. Die Intensivmischer sind so robust
angelegt, dass sie problemlos den besonderen
Beanspruchungen in den Anwenderindustrien
standhalten. Die ausgedehnte Kooperation so-
Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich – Industrial
mixing technology for carbon paste
The range of products and services offered by
Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH covers
the planning and construction of machines
and innovative production facilities, along
with their installation and maintenance. The
key pieces of equipment and machinery required to design the process are developed and
manufactured at Eirich. A high vertical range
of production ensures that all international requirements in terms of flexibility and quality
can be met. An additional major advantage is
the complete package of services offered: from
global customer support and efficient spare
parts supply to consulting and staff training.
Eirich has over 100 years’ experience in
industrial mixing technology – one of the company’s core businesses down to the present –
as confirmed by numerous patents which are
at the same time an indicator of innovation.
The company’s intensive mixers are of such
rugged design that they have no trouble coping with the special stresses met in the user
industries. Extensive co-operation with both
researchers and users in the field of mixing
technology provides the basis for potential
synergy effects which lead to process engineering products of international standing.
A core business of Eirich is the construction
of machines and systems for processing carbon
bodies for the manufacture of
• Block anodes and cathodes for the
electrolysis of primary aluminium
• Søderberg compounds for applications in the
fields of primary aluminium and metallurgy
• Graphite electrodes for electric arc furnaces
• Special graphite products
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
wohl mit der Forschung als auch mit Anwendern aus dem Gebiet der
Mischtechnik schafft die Basis für ein Synergiepotenzial, das verfahrenstechnische Produkte mit Weltgeltung hervorbringt.
Ein Kerngebiet von Eirich erstreckt sich auf Maschinen und Anlagen zur Aufbereitung von Kohlenstoffmassen für die Herstellung von
• Blockanoden und Kathoden für die Aluminiumelektrolyse
• Söderberg-Massen für Anwendungen in Aluminiumhütten und in
der Metallurgie
• Graphitelektroden für Elektrolichtbogenöfen
• Graphitspezialitäten
• sowie Produkten aus Kohlefaserwerkstoffen.
Eine der neuesten Entwicklung des Unternehmens ist die EMCMischkaskade: Zur zweistufigen, kontinuierlichen Aufbereitung von
Blockanodenmassen werden erstmals ausschließlich Intensivmischer
eingesetzt. Dadurch ergeben sich deutliche Einsparungen bei der Investition sowie bei den laufenden Betriebskosten. Der EMC-Mischer
weist Kapazitäten von zehn bis 60 Tonnen je Stunde auf und ist laut
Eirich das derzeit modernste System auf dem Markt.
Bis heute hat Eirich weltweit mehr als 220 Maschinen für die Kohlenstoffindustrie geliefert. Auf der Aluminium 2012 präsentiert das
Unternehmen die neue R28/R33 Mixergeneration für Kohlenstoffmassen.
Eirich ist Aussteller auf der
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
7 % # / . 6 % 9 1 5 ! , ) 4 9
Eirich präsentiert auf der ALUMINIUM 2012 die neue Mixer-Generation
R28/R33 für Kohlenstoffmassen
(Foto: Eirich)
At ALUMINIUM 2012 Eirich will present the new R28/R33 generation
of carbon paste mixers
• Products made of carbon fibre materials.
One of the latest developments is the Eirich Mixing Cascade (EMC).
The EMC for two-stage, fully continuous processing of block anode
paste is the first system to exclusively use intensive mixers. It offers
significant savings of investment and operating costs. The EMC is
the most advanced system on the market, says Eirich, and offers capacities from ten to more than 60 tonnes per hour.
Further key products are the continuously operating Eirich Intensive Remixer-Cooler for existing anode paste plants and the batchwise operating integrated preparation system for electrode and cathode paste preparation.
Up to now, Eirich has delivered over 220 machines to the carbon
industry worldwide. At the ALUMINIUM trade fair the company will
present the new R28/R33 generation of carbon paste mixers.
Eirich will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9G05
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
innovatherm – Reproducible high anode
quality and low energy consumption
new or has already been in operation for some Innovative features of the ProBake system
time. The benefits can be summarised using include a burner ramp with durable, ultra-low
the following keywords: automatic operation, NOx pulse burners, which are designed for
operator-friendly, low maintenance, repro- optimum burner efficiency and temperature
ducible high anode quality, and low energy distribution in the flues. Flue temperature
consumption and low emissions. High anode control is carried out using Type S thermocouquality is guaranteed above all by the fact that ples in protective silicon carbide (SiC) tubes.
the temperature control of the flue walls is The protective SiC tubes are very robust and
done automatically.
An additional, optimised control of the
heat transfer in the preheating zone throughout the whole baking
process reduces temvariations
In the past twelve months alone, the compa- perature
ny has received orders for its ProBake firing during anode baking
system from Rio Tinto Alcan for the Kitimat still further and theresmelter in Canada, Hindalco Renukoot in In- fore improves the
dia, Alumar in Brazil and recently from Emir- quality of the anodes
ates Aluminium for the second expansion even more.
The software for the
phase of its smelter. Plants that have recently
commissioned ProBake systems include the complete menu-driven
Boyne smelter in Australia and Aluchemie in operation, monitoring
Rotterdam. The firing system for the smelter and parameterisation
for the Ma’aden Alcoa joint venture in Saudi of the measurement, innovatherm is currently modernising and increasing the capacity of a
Arabia (seven production fires for two anode- control and logging flue-gas cleaning plant at Aluar
baking furnaces!) is due to start-up at the end functions of an anode-baking furnace em- do not need to be replaced as frequently as
braces the following functions: central PID thermocouples sheathed conventionally in
of September this year.
The ProBake firing system is characterised control loops (required firing curve, process stainless steel, which have an average life of
by the latest systems for measurement, diag- optimisation using adaptive models), graphic four months. “This is something that cannot
nosis and control. It offers an efficient mode visualisation (e. g. of temperatures and pres- be ignored because it means that hundreds of
of operation for every type of anode-baking sure sequences), menu-driven operation and thermocouple a year have to be tested and
furnace, whether it be gas or oil fired, or is a message and alarm system.
replaced. In contrast, our SiC tubes last several
years,” says Domenico Di Lisa,
sales director at innovatherm.
The company’s special tube
New firing system at Aluchemie shows significant improvements
design is patent-protected and
is thus an important competiThe renewal of the firing system at Aluchemie in Rotterdam was successfully completed in February this year. intive advantage.
novatherm, in partnership with Royal Haskoning
Another characteristic of
and Tebodin, executed the project and implethe ProBake system is that it
mented the new ProBake firing and control
achieves complete combussystem for two production fires on Furnace No.
tion of tar and volatile organic
4. The existing firing system from a third-party
compounds, which means one
supplier was completely replaced.
can dispense with the need
Following the start of operation, the measfor regenerative thermal oxiured performance has already shown significant
dation (RTO). innovatherm
improvements in terms of lower energy conhas developed a concept that
sumption, lower emissions and a high and reprointegrally combines flue gas
ducible anode quality. Aluchemie is one of the
cleaning and firing. This alworld’s largest anode plants, with a production
lows an interface in the unit
capacity of 600,000 tpy, and the new ProBake
to be eliminated and the firfiring technology has heralded in a new era of
The ProBake firing system has resulted in a significant improvement in performance at Aluchemie
ing process to be optimised
production performance.
further with respect to emis-
Images: innovatherm
innovatherm Prof. Dr. Leisenberg
GmbH+Co. KG is one of the top international addresses when it comes to firing
and process control systems for anodebaking furnaces. Since it was founded in
1991, the company has installed almost
150 production fires on more than 50
different anode-baking furnaces. With
just one exception, all of the anode firing
systems completed in the past two years
have been supplied by innovatherm – regardless of whether it was a greenfield
project or the modernisation of a thirdparty plant.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
The Riedhammer anode baking facility is a key
component in a modern anode production plant.
Our plants offer many advantages such as:
9. – 11.10. 2012
Hall 9, Booth I20
ƒ Customised design
ƒ Excellent anode quality
ƒ Extended furnace lifetime
ƒ Low energy consumption
ƒ High productivity
ƒ Flexible equipment supply
ƒ Safe operation
Klingenhofstraße 72
90411 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 911 5218 0
Fax: +49 911 5218 231
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
sions of troublesome fluorine compounds and
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
The concept was first implemented in 2008
at Aluminij Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina
and the targeted low emission values were
achieved without RTO. A similar integrated
plant from innovatherm is currently being
installed at Aluar in Argentina; however, the
volume of exhaust gas here is 150,000 normal cubic metres and thus three times greater
than at Mostar. A new conditioning tower is
being built at Aluar: the complete dry adsorption unit is being renewed and new filters are
being installed. The capacity of the flue-gas
cleaning plant is also being increased because
two closed furnaces are being converted to
open furnaces. Three fires are being installed
on each of these furnaces.
A company as globally active as innovatherm, with customers in the Gulf, Asia,
Australia, South and North America and occasionally in Europe as well (for example,
Aluchemie), has to be well acquainted with
the widest possible range of national safety
regulations for industrial plants. “Regardless
of where are customers are, they demand the
highest safety standards for production fires
and fuel handling systems, and these are in no
way inferior to standards in Europe, but they
can differ markedly in detail,” says managing
director Detlef Maiwald. The innovatherm
team is familiar with all of these different national safety standards – and thus capable, for
example, of building the main gas skid in an
anode plant, as this is the case at the Kitimat
smelter in Canada, where the safety regulations of the Canadian Standards Association
(CSA) had to be taken into account.
Da Unternehmen Mühlen Sohn ist ein weltweit tätiger Hersteller von technischem Gewebe. Auf der ALUMINIUM 2012 zeigt es
sog. Fluidisiergewebe („Fluitex-Gewebe“), die
vielfältig eingesetzt werden können. Die Anwendungsgebiete reichen von der Aluminiumbis zur Zementindustrie. In Aluminiumwerken
werden Fluidisiergewebe im Primärprozess
eingesetzt, insbesondere beim Transport und
bei der Lagerung von Aluminiumoxid.
Die Feinheit des Pulvers und die hohen
Temperaturen während des Produktionsprozesses stellen große Anforderungen an das
Gewebe. Fluitex-Gewebe ermöglichen selbst
bei widrigen Umständen einen störungsfreien,
effizienten und gleichmäßigen Massenfluss.
Die hervorragenden Transporteigenschaften
senken den Energiebedarf und steigern damit die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Produktion im
Vergleich zu anderen Verfahren, so das Unternehmen.
Zum Einsatz kommt das Gewebe vor allem
in Luftförderrinnen und in Aluminiumoxidsilos, wo eine gleichmäßige Auflockerung des
Schüttgutes benötigt wird sowie die Hitzebeständigkeit des Gewebes notwendig ist. Auf
der Messe stellt das Unternehmen alle drei
Produktvarianten vor: Gewebe aus Polyester,
Para-Aramid- und Meta-Aramidfasern.
Der Klassiker aus Polyester hat eine glatte
Oberfläche und bietet damit effektiven Schutz
gegen Abrieb. Aus Para-Aramidfasern wird
ein extrem hitzebeständiges Fluidisiergewebe
hergestellt. Es hält Temperaturen bis 250 °C
problemlos stand. Kurzfristig kann die Temperatur sogar bis 350 °C ansteigen, ohne das
Gewebe zu schädigen. Über ähnliche Eigenschaften verfügen die Meta-Aramidfasern, die
zusätzlich äußerst säure- und laugenbeständig
Sämtliche Gewebetypen zeichnet eine lan-
ge Lebensdauer sowie einen starken Selbstreinigungseffekt von Poren und Oberfläche
aus. Die spezielle Mühlen Sohn Webtechnik
gewährleistet einen gleichmäßigen Luftwiderstandswert und hohe Formstabilität.
sistance as well as even disaggregation of the
bulk material. The company presents all of the
three product variants at the trade fair: fabrics made of Polyester fibres, of Para-Aramid
fibres and Meta-Aramid fibres.
The classic made of Polyester features a
smooth surface and thus provides effective
protections against abrasion. A high temperature resistant fluidising fabric is made of the
Para-Aramid fibres. It resists temperatures up
to 250 °C without any problems. For short
periods temperatures can rise up to 350 °C
without damaging the fabrics. Meta-Aramid
fibres feature similar characteristics and additionally are most resistant to acids and lyes.
All of the types of fabric are characterised
by a long life time and an excellent self-cleaning effect of the pores and surface. The special
Innovative fluidising fabrics from Mühlen Sohn
The company Mühlen Sohn is a global acting
manufacturer of technical fabrics. At the Aluminium 2012 the company shows its fluidising
fabrics ’Fluitex’, which can be used in many
applications. In the aluminum industry fluidising
fabrics are used within the
primary process, particularly for the conveyance
and storage of alumina.
The grain size of the
powder and the high
temperatures during the
production process are
challenging for the fabric.
Fluitex-fabrics enable a
trouble-free, efficient and
constant mass flow, even
under adverse conditions. Fluitex-Gewebe
The outstanding conveyance characteristics decrease the demand for
energy and thus increase the cost-effectiveness
of the production compared to other techniques, the company says.
The fabrics are used particularly in pneumatic conveying systems and in alumina silos
in which there is a need of temperature re-
Mühlen Sohn
Mühlen Sohn ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10F17
innovatherm will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9H08
Fluitex fabrics
weaving technology of Mühlen Sohn ensures
a constant air permeability and reliable dimensional stability.
Mühlen Sohn will be exhibiting
at ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10F17
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Production changes and business developments
Rusal in August approved a long-term
programme for the gradual reduction of
primary metal production at four of its
less efficient Russian smelters. This is in
response to the latest indices of the global
market economy, aluminium industry
demographics and also its internal group
production and sales performance.
The plan involves gradual curtailment of
275,000 tonnes of primary aluminium capacity and will be implemented in stages from
2012 to 2018. The aim is to replace less costeffective smelting capacities in the group with
advanced cost-competitive facilities.
Commenting on his company’s latest
business results, Rusal CEO Oleg Deripaska
claimed that during the first half of 2012,
continuing financial problems in the Eurozone and a slower-than-expected growth in
emerging economies had resulted in a further
weakening of global economic recovery. This
challenging macroeconomic environment and
current market conditions, he said, had put a
significant pressure on the aluminium industry, especially in the second quarter of 2012,
leading to a sharp downturn in the LME price
of aluminium. Compounded pressures such as
overall cost increases of certain raw materials and transportation tariffs resulted in lower
posted profits for the first half of 2012.
Mr Deripaska added that the programme
was intended both to maintain Rusal’s global
competitiveness and to reflect the continuing
uncertainty in the world economy, high power
tariffs and metal price downturn. In the framework of the programme, the total capacity curtailments up to 2018 amounting to 275,000
tonnes of primary aluminium production will
involve the company’s smelters at Nadvoitsy
(NAZ), Bogoslovsk (BAZ), Volkhov (VAZ)
and Novokuznetsk (NkAZ). 150,000 tonnes
of the capacity is expected to be curtailed by
the end of 2012, with the remainder reduced
gradually up to 2015 at the NAZ and VAZ
smelting facilities, and of Potrooms No. 3 and
4 at NkAZ by 2018, involving around 15% of
this facility’s total output.
The curtailed capacities will be replaced by
advanced high-efficient smelters in Siberia, in
particular, the company’s Boguchansky facility, currently under construction.
In an interview with Russia Today, Deripaska forecast global aluminium consumption
to rise 6 or 7% this year. But there was still
increased stock in aluminium warehouses and
that sent wrong signals for the players in the
market. Industry needs discipline and proper
caps in terms of output, maybe 5 or even 10%
would create a better situation in that it will
adjust the stock and send a proper signal to
our customers and investors, and also create
opportunities for modernisation, he concluded.
Online trading platform introduced
In a further initiative to support its business
development, Rusal in September launched a
new online trading platform for its wide range
Rusal performance figures and global outlook
Reporting its latest aluminium production performance, Rusal claims that its total aluminium
output amounted to 2.1m tonnes in the first half
of 2012, representing a modest rise of around
3.5% compared to the same period in 2011. The
increase in volumes for the six months ended 30
June 2012 was primarily due to boosted production at three of its Siberian smelters – Sayanogorsk, Bratsk and Novokuznetsk – and the
Kubal works in Sweden.
In the second quarter of 2012, aluminium
production decreased by 0.5% to 1.0m tonnes
compared to the previous quarter. Production
of value-added products continued to grow and
reached 38% of total aluminium production over
the quarter.
Based on its global insight and observations of
the industry, Rusal currently forecasts that world
demand for aluminium will increase by 6% to
47.5m tonnes in 2012. China is expected to remain
as the highest growth market (10% growth), followed by India (9%), North America (6%), Latin
America (5%) and Japan (5%). Consumption of
primary aluminium in Europe in 2012 is expected
to be 2% lower than the 2011 levels.
More than 4.5m tonnes of world aluminium
production will be idled through 2012 because
metal price, based on Rusal’s estimates, is below
the break-even-point for the majority of producers, making production less lucrative.
Overall, Rusal believes, aluminium market supply and demand will become balanced.
Rusal to boost overall smelter efficiency
Bratsk smelter – one Rusal facility posting
increased production figures
of suppliers. All contractors are now able to
obtain comprehensive information regarding
competitive selections and place their bids on a
dedicated ’Suppliers’ section of the company’s
The online platform presents the latest information on Rusal’s competitive tenders and
is divided into sections including: inventory,
transport services, freight, construction and
R&D. The site includes all application documents including the company’s quality standards and requirements, to provide a clear accreditation system.
The new facility is aimed at boosting transparency in selecting suppliers and also to increase the number of bidders.
Rusal’s director for Control, Internal Audit
and Business Coordination, Egor Ivanov, said
the main goal of the company’s production
strategy was to increase manufacturing volumes and broaden the range of value-added
products tailored to customers’ requirements.
The automation of the selection process would
also help in better managing supply chains,
reducing costs, and improving the quality of
goods and services provided by contractors.
Ken Stanford, contributing editor
UC Rusal will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 11K10
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Novelis strengthens global position as sustainability leader
Novelis Inc., world major in rolled
aluminium products, recently posted
significant progress in its commitment
toward reducing its carbon footprint and
delivering on key measures of sustainable
business performance. Among the milestones detailed in its second annual sustainability report is a further 6% increase
in the recycled content of its products to
39% in the first year since announcing its
ambitious goal to achieve 80% recycled
content by 2020.
Other highlights of the comprehensive report
include the following results vs. baseline performance:
• A 19 % reduction in energy intensity –
halfway to Novelis’ 2020 goal of 39%
• An 11% reduction in water intensity,
towards its aim of 25%
• A 7% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, representing significant progress
towards reaching its total goal of halving
Novelis’ absolute GHGs, and
• An 18% improvement towards the company’s target of reducing waste to landfill
to zero.
Already the world’s largest recycler of aluminium beverage cans, Novelis is investing
in new technologies and facilities to process a
broader range of scrap. In the past three years,
the company has committed investments
to boost global recycling capacity by some
810,000 tonnes – at its facilities in Germany,
Korea and Brazil. Its recycling collection systems are also being strengthened, including
the establishment of a new, independent beverage can procurement organisation in North
Commenting on Novelis’ latest sustainability report, John Gardner, the company’s
chief sustainability officer, stresses the company’s progress, such as in reducing greenhouse
gas emissions: “In just the last fiscal year, we
made largely positive improvements in our
sustainability initiatives, while also laying the
groundwork necessary to achieve our 2020
targets. Not only did we make a substantial
step towards our goal for recycled content in
our products but we also achieved reductions
in our four primary environmental targets.
In addition, investments have been launched
totalling some USD1.4 billion in operational
expansions and increased recycling capacity
Bales of aluminium scrap await processing
The Novelis report received an A rating from
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the
world’s most widely used framework for sustainability reporting.
“Sustainability is, without a doubt, driving
our business strategy going forward,” said Phil
Martens, Novelis president and chief executive. “By dramatically increasing the amount
of recycled content in our aluminium sheet
and applying innovation to our product development, we enable consumers to make sensible, environmentally-sustainable purchasing
needed to help both meet expected demands
in the aluminium market and fulfil our recycling target. From increasing our recycled aluminium processing capabilities to restructuring our product portfolio, Novelis is making
considerable changes to achieve our vision of
a sustainable future. We are seeking collaboration with key stakeholders such as our customers and launching other initiatives to
broaden our perspectives as well as to seek
innovative solutions. While we still have much
work to do, we are making steps in the right
direction for the long-term sustainability of
our company and society.”
A critical component of the company’s
sustainability commitment is the newly-created Novelis Sustainability Council, which
brings a wealth of knowledge and experience
in corporate sustainability, with its prestigious
membership including: Matt Arnold, head of
Environmental Affairs, JP Morgan Chase;
Stuart Hart, S.C. Johnson chair in Sustainable
Global Enterprise, Cornell University; Jeffrey
Keefer, former executive vice president, DuPont; Miguel Milano, board member Instituto
LIFE, Fundacao O Boticario de Protecao a
Natureza, and Jonathon Porritt, founder, Forum for the Future.
New UBC procurement organisation
launched for North America
As a part of the continuing strategy, Novelis
announced in July that it is creating a new organisation for the procurement of used beverage cans (UBCs) in North America that will
make the company the largest UBC buyer
in the region. The announcement follows the
company’s decision to withdraw from its Evermore joint venture with Alcoa effective 31
August 2012. Alcoa has taken back full control of Evermore Recycling, now operating as a
part of Alcoa’s Global Packaging group based
in Nashville, Tennessee.
Novelis will procure all UBCs for its recycling plants in Greensboro, Georgia, Berea,
Kentucky, and Oswego, New York, directly
through the new organisation. “This move
is in line with our global strategy to enhance
our scrap procurement and recycling assets to
support our goal of achieving 80% recycled
content in our products by 2020,” said Derek
Prichett, vice president, Global Recycling for
Novelis. “The ability to independently control
our assets and manage our business will provide us with more flexibility to execute our
strategic plans. This is the primary driver behind our exit of Evermore.” As the leading
recycler of UBCs in North America and the
world, Novelis currently buys the equivalent
of 40 billion cans a year, worth an estimated
USD1 billion. Further, the company sees its
global consumption of UBCs growing to more
than 60 billion by 2015.
Ken Stanford, contributing editor
Novelis will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 11E20
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Promat GmbH – Spezialist für Wärmedämmung
Wärmedämmplatten ein.
gend zum Dämmen von Anwendungen, in
denen mit konventionellen Materialien das
Dämmziel nicht erreicht werden kann. Das
schließt die kombinierte Verwendung mit
Promat ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10D70
Promat GmbH – Specialist for thermal insulation
Promat High Performance Insulation ist Spezialist für technische Wärmedämmung von
der Beratung und optimalen Materialauswahl
bis zur Ausführung. Das Unternehmen ist der
weltgrößte Hersteller für Calciumsilikate, die
in nahezu allen Industriebereichen Anwendung finden. Die Produktpalette umfasst dabei sämtliche Rohdichten (von ca. 240
bis 1.600 kg/m3), die mit verschiedenen
Technologien hergestellt werden. Durch
die Übernahme der Firma Microtherm
im Jahr 2010 ist die Promat-Gruppe
zudem Marktführer bei mikroporösen
Mikroporöse Dämmstoffe zeichnen
sich durch eine extrem niedrige Wärmeleitfähigkeit aus, die sogar unter der
von ruhender Luft ist. Dadurch sind
diese Dämmstoffe vorteilhaft überall
dort einsetzbar, wo für die Wärmedämmung wenig Platz zur Verfügung steht
und eine besonders gute Wärmedämmung erforderlich ist. Dafür eignen sich
die Produktgruppen „Promalight“ und
„Microtherm“ besonders gut.
Produkt- und Technologieinnovation
sind entscheidend, um Kunden die technisch besten und zugleich wirtschaftlichsten Lösungen anzubieten. Aufgrund vielfacher Anregungen von Seiten
der Kunden entstanden neue Produktgenerationen im Bereich der mikroporösen Dämmstoffe. Eine dieser Neuentwicklungen ist Microtherm FreeFlow: ein weiches Granulat basierend auf mikroporösem
Pulver, das ein sehr gutes Fließverhalten aufweist. Das Granulat lässt sich hervorragend
zum Füllen von komplexen geschlossenen
Volumina verwenden und bietet ausgezeichnete Wärmedämmeigenschaften bis 1000 °C.
Micro-therm FreeFlow eignet sich hervorra-
Microtherm FreeFlow
Promat High Performance Insulation is a specialist for technical thermal insulation from
consultation and the optimal material selection
through to implementation. The company is
the world’s largest manufacturer of calcium
silicates, which are used in almost all sectors of
industry. The product range comprises all densi-
ties (from approx. 240 to 1.600 kg/m3), which
are produced by different technologies. The
takeover of the Microtherm company in 2010
has made the Promat group the market leader
in microporous products.
Microporous insulation products are characterised by extremely low thermal conductivity values (even below those of still air) and
have great advantages in all applications where
little space is available for thermal insulation.
For that purpose the well-known product
groups ‘Promalight’ and ‘Microtherm’ are suitable at best.
Product and technology innovation are essential for offering customers the best technical and economic solutions. New product
generations have been developed on the basis
of several suggestions submitted by customers in the field of microporous insulation materials. One new development is Microtherm
FreeFlow, a soft granulate with very good
flow properties that is based on microporous
powder. The granulate is excellent for filling closed complex volumes and offers outstanding thermal insulation properties up to
1000 °C. Microtherm FreeFlow is ideal for
insulating applications where conventional
materials cannot achieve the desired thermal
insulation. This includes the combined application with insulating boards too.
Promat will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10D70
Hydro mit V
Vorträgen auf der ALUMINIUM 2012 Conference
Hydro zählt auch in diesem Jahr wieder zu
den großen Ausstellern auf der ALUMINIUMMesse. Nachdem das Unternehmen durch das
Hochfahren der Hütte Qatalum und die Eingliederung von Bauxit- und Tonerde-Aktivitäten in Brasilien weiter gewachsen sei, „freuen wir uns umso mehr darauf, unsere Stammund Neukunden zu treffen, ebenso Industrieund Geschäftsfreunde und andere Dialogpartner”, erklärt Michael Peter Steffen, Leiter
Hydro with presentations at
ALUMINIUM 2012 Conference
Hydro will again be one of the large exhibitors at the ALUMINIUM trade fair. After having grown globally, with the ramp-up of the
Qatalum smelter and the integration of bauxite and alumina operations in Brazil, “we stay
fully committed to meeting our customers, po-
tential customers, peers and other contacts,”
says Michael Peter Steffen, head of Communication for Hydro in Germany.
The top management, sales personnel,
technical and commercial experts of the various business units will show up in Düsseldorf
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
and inform about aluminium casthouse products as well as rolled products and extrusions
for a variety of applications.
From 9 to 11 October, Hydro will give three
presentations at the Aluminium Congress
‘Aluminium – The Material for the Future”,
which takes place on the fairground:
• Asgeir Bardal from Hydro Primary Metal
Technology will report on Hydro’s new reduction cell technology – four years of HAL4e
operation. Date: 9 October at 9:30.
• Henk-Jan Brinkman, head of automotive
research for Hydro´s Rolled Products business
area, will report on Developments in 5xxx and
6xxx series sheet alloys for automotive applications. Date: 10 October at 11:15.
• Volker Saß, project manager at Hydro’s
R&D centre for aluminium rolled products in
Bonn, will report on New multiclad materials.
Date: 10 October at 13:00.
The latter issue deals with the beginning
replacement of conventional materials for automotive heat exchangers by more efficient
multi-clad materials. As new emission standards urge carmakers across Europe to produce
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Aluminium-Lamellenband für Wärmetauscher
Aluminium slat strip for heat exchangers
Kommunikation für Hydro in Deutschland.
Das Topmanagement wird in Düsseldorf
ebenso anzutreffen sein wie die Manager und
Fachkräften aus Vertrieb und technischer Beratung der verschiedenen Geschäftsfelder. Die
Besucher können sich über Aluminium-Gießereiprodukte des Unternehmens sowie über
gewalzte und stranggepresste Halbzeuge für
die unterschiedlichsten Anwendungen inforr
Vom 9. bis 11. Oktober beteiligt sich Hydro
auch mit drei Vorträgen
am Aluminium-Kongress
„Aluminium – The Material for the Future“, der
ebenfalls auf dem Messegelände Düsseldorf stattfindet:
• Asgeir Bardal von
Hydro Primary Metal
Technology berichtet am
9. Oktober ab 9:30 Uhr
über „Die neue Elektrolyse-Zelltechnologie der
Hydro – HAL4e nach vier Betriebsjahren“.
• Henk-Jan Brinkman, Leiter der Automobilforschung für das Hydro-Geschäftsfeld Rolled
Products berichtet am 10. Oktober ab 11:15
Uhr über „Entwicklungen in den Legierungsklassen 5xxx und 6xxx für automobile Blechanwendungen“.
• Volker Saß, Projektleiter im Bonner Forr
schungs- und Entwicklungszentrum der Hydro
Spielen Sie ruhig mit
dem Feuer ...
... mit Promat High Performance Insulation sind Sie auf der
sicheren Seite, wenn es um Feuerfest, Hochtemperatur
oder industrielle Spezialdämmung geht. Als Marktführer
für Calciumsilikate und mikroporöse Produkte haben wir
auch für Ihren Bedarf die optimale Lösung.
Ob für die Stahl-, Eisen-, Aluminium-, Glas- und Keramikindustrie oder für Anwendungen im Energiesektor wie z. B.
in Solaranlagen oder in der Brennstoffzellentechnologie:
Materialauswahl, Konfektionierung, Engineering und Montage - alles aus einer Hand.
Was können wir für Sie tun?
Weitere Informationen senden wir Ihnen gern zu.
Schreiben, faxen oder mailen Sie uns einfach.
Promat GmbH
High Performance Insulation
Postfach 10 15 64
40835 Ratingen
Telefon 02102/493-0
Telefax 02102/493115
Wir stellen aus auf der ALUMINIUM 2012 in Düsseldorf vom 9.-11.10. 2012 in Halle 10, Stand D70 und freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
für Aluminiumwalzprodukte berichtet am
10.Oktober ab 13:00 Uhr über „Neue MultiClad-Werkstoffe”.
Der letzte Vortrag behandelt die beginnende Substitution von konventionellen
Werkstoffen für Wärmetauscher im Automobil zugunsten effizienterer Multi-CladWerkstoffe, das heißt für Bauteile auf Basis
mehrschichtplattierter Aluminiumbänder. Da
neue Emissionsstandards Fahrzeughersteller
in ganz Europa dazu zwingen, emissionsärr
mere Automobile zu bauen, müssen einzelne
Bauteile widerstandsfähiger als bisher gegen
jegliche Korrosion sein; dies gilt speziell mit
Blick auf Abgaskondensate. Saß: „Hier können Multi-Clad-Aluminiumlösungen nach
Maß sogar bessere Dienste leisten als nichtrostende Stähle.“ Entsprechend zeige der Markt
großes Interesse.
less-emitting automobiles, specific components will have to be more resistant against
any corrosion from exhaust gas condensates.
Mr Saß: “This is where tailored multi-clad
aluminium solutions are able to outperform
even stainless steel. Consequently, the market
is showing huge interest.”
Hydro ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9C30
Hydro will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9C30
Eisenmann – Spezialist für Wärmebehandlung
von Rädern und Druckgussteilen
breiten Produktportfolio.
Eisenmann ist seit 1977 im Aluminiumgeschäft tätig. Zahlreiche internationale Herr
steller setzen auf die bewährte Technik des
Unternehmens. So verkaufte der Böblinger
Anlagenbauer bisher mehr als sechzig Wärr
mebehandlungsanlagen für Aluminiumteile
und rund siebzig Bandvorbehandlungsanlagen im Bereich Aluminium, Stahl und Kupfer
Wärmebehandlungsanlage für Aluminiumräder
für unterschiedlichste Anwendungen.
Eisenmann ist in Europa, Amerika und den
BRIC-Staaten mit 3.600 Mitarbeitern vertreten. Das Unternehmen erwirtschaftete 2011
einen Jahresumsatz von rund 600 Millionen
Eisenmann ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10G30
Eisenmann – Specialist in heat
treatment of wheels and die cast parts
The plant engineering specialist Eisenmann
will showcase its thermal and chemical treatment methods at the ALUMINIUM 2012 in
Düsseldorf. Core topics will be heat treatment
Auf der ALUMINIUM in Düsseldorf präsentiert die Eisenmann AG ihre thermischen und
chemischen Behandlungsverfahren für Aluminiumwerkstoffe. Im Fokus stehen die Wärr
mebehandlung von Aluminiumrädern sowie
die Reinigung und Vorbehandlung von Aluminiumbändern.
Im Bereich Coil-Vorbehandlung zeigt das
Unternehmen aktuelle Entwicklungen, speziell bei energie- und wassersparenden Techniken, bei der chromfreien Vorbehandlung im
Bereich Automotive sowie bei Lackierlinien
für Lebensmittelverpackungen und Fassadenblech. Neben Wärmebehandlungsanlagen für
Aluminiumräder hat der Böblinger Anlagenbauspezialist auch Wärmebehandlungsanlagen für Druckgussteile und Zylinderköpfe in
unterschiedlichen Ausführungen in seinem
Heat treatment plant for aluminium wheels
of aluminum wheels as well as the cleaning
and pretreatment of aluminum strip.
The company is presenting the latest developments in coil pretreatment, with a special
focus on energy and water-conserving technologies, chrome-free pretreatment in the
automotive industry and paint lines for food
packaging and sheet metal for building facades.
In addition to heat treatment systems for aluminum wheels, Eisenmann’s broad portfolio
also includes various types of heat treatment
systems for die cast parts and cylinder heads.
Eisenmann has been an active player in the
aluminum industry since 1977. The tried-andtested technology is leveraged by numerous
international manufacturers. The enterprise
has already sold over sixty heat treatment systems for aluminum parts and around seventy
pretreatment systems for aluminum, steel and
copper strip for a variety of applications.
With a workforce of 3,600 in Europe, the
Americas and BRIC countries, the company
posts annual revenues of about 600 million
euros (2011).
Eisenmann will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10G30
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
PSI Metals – Complete
process optimisation
with integrated
energy management
PSI Metals – Lückenlose Prozessoptimierung mit integriertem
The PSI Metals Non Ferrous GmbH will be
presenting solutions for production management in the metal industry at ALUMINIUM
2012. Aluminium producers and processors
can learn how PSImetals supports the optimisation of production processes. Recent solutions for energy management as a substantial
part of a production management solution are
in the focus of PSI’s fair presence.
On the basis of various customer solutions for foundries
PSI is demonstrating how PSImetals optimises not only classical objectives such as output,
adherence to delivery dates
and efficiency, but also the increasingly important cost factor
of energy is integrated from the
procurement through the short
and medium-term planning to
execution in production management and aids in sustainable
PSI Metals is a leading supplier for production management solutions in the metals
industry combining SCM, APS
and MES to optimise production and logistics. The software
solution PSImetals enables
manufacturers of steel and
non-ferrous metals to ensure
their competitive edge by helping them reach the goal of full,
on-time, quality certified delivery of their customer orders,
while respecting inventory,
productivity and cost performance targets.
On the basis of its own software products, PSI AG develops and integrates complete
solutions for energy management (electricity, gas, oil, heat),
production management (metals, automotive, mechanical engineering, mining, logistics) and
infrastructure management for
transport and safety.
PSI Metals Non Ferrous GmbH präsentiert
auf der ALUMINIUM 2012 Lösungen für das
Produktionsmanagement in der Metallindustrie. Aluminiumhersteller und -verarbeiter
können sich darüber informieren, wie mit PSImetals die Produktionsabläufe optimiert werr
den können. Neueste Lösungen zum Energiemanagement als integralem Bestandteil des
Produktionsmanagements stehen dabei im
PSI Metals will be
exhibiting at ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9F10
Fokus. Anhand verschiedener Kundenlösungen für Gießereien zeigt PSI, wie PSImetals nicht nur die klassischen Ziele wie Durchsatz, Termintreue und Effizienz optimiert,
sondern auch den mehr und mehr entscheidenden Kostenfaktor Energie von der Beschaffung über Mittel- und Kurzfristplanung
bis hin zur Durchsetzung in das Produktionsmanagement integriert und zu nachhaltigen
W H E E L – Q U A N T U M L E A P I N T O R S I O N A L T E C H N O LO G Y
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ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Einsparungen verholfen hat.
PSI Metals ist ein führender Anbieter für
Produktionsmanagement-Lösungen in der
Metallindustrie und vereint SCM, APS und
MES zur Optimierung von Produktion und
Logistik. Die Softwarelösung PSImetals verr
schafft Metallproduzenten Wettbewerbsvorr
teile, indem sie die pünktliche Lieferung ihrer
ment (Metals, Automotive, Maschinen- und
Anlagenbau, Rohstoffförderung, Logistik)
sowie Infrastrukturmanagement für Verkehr
und Sicherheit.
Kundenaufträge in der gewünschten Qualität
sicherstellt und dabei Bestands-, Produktivitäts- und Kostenziele berücksichtigt.
Die PSI AG entwickelt und integriert auf
der Basis eigener Softwareprodukte komplette Lösungen für das Energiemanagement
(Elektrizität, Gas, Öl, Wärme, Wasser), unterr
nehmensübergreifendes Produktionsmanage-
PSI Metals Non Ferrous ist
Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 9F10
Eredi Scabini
Advanced refractory solutions from Eredi Scabini
Dense preformed shapes for applications requiring high analytical purity, excellent resistance to abrasion
and outstanding non-wetting properties
Eredi Scabini, founded in 1945 and with
headquarters in Siziano, was one of the
first companies in Italy to introduce unshaped (monolithic) refractories as an
alternative to conventional bricks. Today,
the company specialises in the design and
production of monolithic refractories and
preformed shapes based on its own exclusive formulations. More than 30 percent
of the material produced is transformed
into preformed products for the lining of
furnaces and containers for molten metal
– in a broad range of shapes, which vary
from 0.5 kg to 15 tonnes each.
Preformed shapes offer a number of advantages, and the growing demand for high-quality, ever larger preformed shapes confirms
that Eredi Scabini’s approach is the right one.
The aim is to replace bricks with larger-sized
pieces to reduce the number of joints and construction time, thus increasing furnace life and
productivity on the one hand, and reducing
the resultant costs on the other. The company
claims market leadership in this segment and
points to a customer reference list that includes
well-known companies such as Alcoa, Amag,
Assan, Brembo, Constellium, Elval, Hayes,
Mahle, Impol, Novelis, Ronald and Vedani.
Eredi Scabini’s production facilities are
state of the art. In order to increase its competitiveness in the preform market, the company recently invested in a new furnace with a
capacity of 160 m3 (see photo) that is capable
of guaranteeing precise heat treatment of even
the most complex geometries.
Thanks to its technology, product range
and know-how coupled with a reputation for
listening and responding to customers’ needs,
Eredi Scabini can offer products and solutions
tailored to any plant. This includes a complete
‘turnkey’ service, from the careful analysis of
the specific requirements through to the design, production and installation of the refractories, which is backed up by a comprehensive
after-sales service.
Eredi Scabini’s refractory solutions are
developed entirely in-house. The design is executed with the aid of sophisticated 2D and 3D
CAD and FEA systems. All the monolithics,
including those used for the production of preformed shapes, are produced in the company’s
own plants and are based on exclusive formulations. The company owns the intellectual
property rights to hundreds of concretes, and
is constantly developing new formulations to
fully meet every type of requirement. Furnace
installation and commissioning are carried out
by specialist engineers with the aid of equipment designed by the company itself.
Eredi Scabini offers innovative, high-performance solutions for all types of application
in a range of sectors (steel, aluminium, cast
iron and copper). The solutions are ‘kits’ for
the modular refractory lining of furnaces or
specific plants. They are created and controlled in the company’s plants and then transported to customers’ sites and assembled. A
kit comprises several products, both monolithics and preformed shapes. The quicker and
easier it is to assemble a kit, the greater are
the benefits for the customer. Two of the most
popular solutions for the aluminium industry
are presented below.
Crucible Preformed System (CPS)
This is an innovative solution for lining coreless induction furnaces. Eredi Scabini claims
to be the only company which has introduced
and continually implemented this system.
According to the company, a number of competitors have attempted to adopt this approach
in the past but have abandoned it due to its
complexity: every furnace is a one-off and
must be studied and monitored with great
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
care, precision and expertise. The main features and benefits of the
CPS are:
• Quick and easy installation and furnace start-up so that the
furnace can be put back into production in a matter of hours
• Longer life – on average, twice as long as conventional linings
• Higher productivity than conventional linings, along with less
build-up, easier cleaning, and no maintenance requirement.
The first CPS was installed in 2001, and there are now dozens of
furnaces in operation that use this solution, with capacities up to 15
tonnes. The company points out that wherever CPS has been installed,
it has increased the life compared with a conventional lining.
Advanced Block Technology (ABT)
ABT is a modular preformed, pre-fired solution for lining reverberatory furnaces and channel induction furnaces. According to the company, the main benefits are a 40% saving on total construction costs,
Eredi Scabini has been designing and producing preformed refractories to
replace bricks or monolithics in a wide range of applications for more than
30 years. In response to the increasing adoption of preformed shapes, and to
encourage their use still further, the company has invested in a new 160 m3capacity kiln to ensure precise heat treatment of even the largest and most
complex products
a 50% reduction in plant downtime and a 100% increase in refractory
lining performance.
The company is well aware of the huge potential of its solutions
and is therefore keen to publicise them more widely. It is therefore
running an advertising campaign in the trade press. The campaign
will emphasise that
• Eredi Scabini offers solutions that cover the entire production
chain – from engineering, production and installation through
to monitoring of the plant – thanks to its many years of
expertise, its specialist staff and its in-house production of
• new plants and furnaces deliver significantly better performance
• plant maintenance and production downtimes are minimised.
The company will be exhibiting at Aluminium 2012 in Düsseldorf
in October 2012, where industry professionals will have the opportunity to find out more about the company’s product portfolio and
Eredi Scabini will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10G40
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ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
CTI Systems liefert vollautomatischen
Lagerbetrieb für Alucoils an Kumz
CTI Systems, Mitglied der Paul Wurth Gruppe,
hat sich bei diesem Projekt gegen namhafte
europäische Wettbewerber durchgesetzt.
Ausschlaggebend für die Vergabe eines kompletten Lagersystems an CTI Systems war das
Knowhow im Bereich Mechanik, Elektrik,
Anlagensteuerung mit eigener Software sowie Fertigung der Schlüsselkomponenten im
eigenen Hause, so das Unternehmen.
Der Auftrag umfasst die Konstruktion,
Fertigung, Anlieferung, Montage und Inbetriebnahme. Das Lagersystem besteht im Wesentlichen aus einem Hochregallager mit 470
Plätzen und den entsprechenden Komponenten zum Ein- und Auslagern. Gesteuert werr
den die Einlager- und Auslagerprozesse über
ein hauseigenes Warehouse Management System (WMS). Die Anbindung an die kundenseitige Produktionssteuerung wird über das CTI
Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
Das Lagersystem dient der Zwischenlagerung von Aluminiumcoils aus dem
Kaltwalz- und dem späteren Warmwalzwerk. Produkte aus dem Warmwalzwerk
können eine Temperatur von bis zu
450 °C haben und müssen während der
Lagerung auf 40 °C abgekühlt werden.
Dazu ist das Hochregallager mit einem
natürlichen Kühlsystem ausgestattet. In
den Seitenwänden befinden sich regelbare Öffnungen, durch die kalte Außenluft einströmt und nach unten geführt
wird. Die sich aufheizende Luft steigt im
Lager aufwärts und entweicht durch Öffnungen in der Dachkonstruktion. Im Bedarfsfall können zur Unterstützung des
Luftstroms Lüfter zugeschaltet werden.
CTI Systems supplies Kumz with a
warehouse system for aluminium coils
Kamensk Uralky Metallurgical Works
(Kumz) is one of the largest industrial
operations in Russia, with a tradition that
reaches back over more than 60 years.
After its privatisation in 2000 a great deal
was invested to extend Kumz into one of
the leading companies of Russia’s economy. At the end of last year the contract
was awarded for a new cold rolling mill,
and in mid-April this year the contract
for a new hot rolling mill was signed. CTI
Systems S.A., with its headquarters in
Luxembourg, is to supply the warehouse
system for the intermediate storage of
aluminium coils from the cold mill and
the later hot mill.
CTI Systems, a member of the Paul Wurth
group, prevailed in this project against renowned European competitors. According to
the company, the decisive factor for entrusting
a complete warehouse system to CTI Systems
was its know-how in the areas of mechanical
and electrical engineering, plant control with
software of its own, and the production of key
components in house.
The contract includes the design, manufacture, delivery, assembly and commissioning.
The warehouse system consists essentially of
a high-bay store with 470 positions and the
associated components for storage and recovery. The storage and recovery processes will
be controlled by a Warehouse Management
System (WMS) designed and made by the
company. The link to the customer’s production control system will be ensured by CTI’s
Manufacturing Execution System (MES).
The warehouse system serves for the intermediate storage of aluminium coils from the
cold mill and the later hot mill. Products from
the hot mill can have a temperature of up to
450 °C and have to be cooled during storage
down to 40 °C. For this, the high-bay store
is equipped with a natural cooling system. In
the sidewalls there are adjustable openings
through which cold external air flows in and
is led downwards. The air being replaced rises
through the store and escapes through openings in the roof structure. If necessary, fans can
be turned on to support the air flow.
The coils have maximum diameter 2,600
mm and weight up to 25 tonnes. On the basis
of these data and of material flow data specified by Kumz, a storage and recovery machine
was chosen. Direct insertion into and recovery
from the store takes place by means of eight
floor trolleys moving transversely to the axis
of the storage and recovery machine. Three of
the trolleys are equipped with a hoist system.
Five floor trolleys move along one long side
of the store. These constitute the interfaces
with the equipment supplied by Danieli (cold
and hot rolling mill), Ebner (heat treatment)
and Georg (cutting machines). The equipment
CTI Systems
Kamensk Uralky Metallurgical Works
(Kumz) ist einer der größten Industriebetriebe in Russland mit einer mehr als 60jährigen Tradition. Nach der Privatisierung im Jahre 2000 wurde umfangreich
investiert und Kumz zu einem führenden
Unternehmen der russischen Wirtschaft
ausgebaut. Ende des vergangenen Jahres
wurde der Auftrag für ein neues Kaltwalzwerk vergeben, Mitte April dieses
Jahres die Verträge für ein neues Warmwalzwerk unterzeichnet. CTI Systems
S.A. mit Sitz in Luxemburg wird das
Lagersystem zur Zwischenlagerung von
Aluminiumcoils aus dem Kaltwalz- und
dem späteren Warmwalzwerk liefern.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
and floor trolleys are bridged across by a CTI
automatic crane with coil grips. Along the
other side of the bay store three other floor
trolleys move transversely to the storage and
recovery machine. Two of these are bridged
across by a crane track on which an analogous automatic crane with coil grips runs. Both
crane movement areas are enclosed and can
only be accessed through secure doors.
A coil is inserted into store either directly
by being taken up by a floor trolley with hoist,
or an automatic crane transfers the coil to another trolley. In either case the identity figures
on the coil are scanned and stored in the system. Through a rolling gate in the wall of the
store, the floor trolley then takes the coil to the
store area. The storage and recovery unit then
takes over the coil and moves it to the storage
position assigned to it. Recovery from the store
takes lace in the reverse sequence.
The storage process can be controlled either automatically or manually. As a rule there
is a data exchange between the customer’s
resource management system (ERP) and the
MES. If a storage process has been generated,
the necessary transport and storage tasks are
drawn up and communicated to the WMS.
The latter controls the transport chain (floor
trolley, automatic crane, storage and recovery
machine) and allocates a storage position to
the coil to be stored.
The requirements for recovery from store
are also drawn up by the customer’s ERP system and communicated to the MES. Transport
tasks are again drawn up and transformed by
the WMS into movement commands for the
transport chain. From a separate terminal it is
also possible to carry out storage and recovery
processes. For this, the status of the plant is
displayed graphically to the operator, who can
then select the required transport chain at the
click of a mouse.
The enclosed area under the automatic
cranes is divided into various sections, and
secured. The access doors to individual areas
are monitored by end-position switches. If the
doors are opened without authorisation, all
transport movements in the area concerned
are automatically interrupted. However, by
means of touch-panels adjacent to the access
doors the corresponding areas can be blocked
according to plan. This ensures access for
manual operation (floor trolleys) or for repair
work, without putting the entire plant out of
In choosing the dimensions of the plant as
a whole, the greatest possible availability was
regarded as very important. Only qualitatively
high-grade components are used, for which after-sales-service in Russia is also guaranteed.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Die Coils haben einen max. Durchmesser
von 2.600 mm und ein max. Gewicht von 25
Tonnen. Anhand dieser Daten sowie der von
Kumz vorgegeben Daten zum Materialfluss
wurde ein Regalbediengerät ausgewählt. Die
direkte Ein- bzw. Auslagerung erfolgt über
acht Bodenwagen, die quer zur Achse des Regalbediengerätes fahren. Drei der Wagen sind
mit einem Hubsystem ausgestattet.
Auf einer Längsseite des Lagers laufen fünf
Bodenwagen. Diese stellen die Schnittstellen
zu den Ausrüstungen der Firmen Danieli
(Kalt- und Warmwalzwerk), Ebner (Wärmebehandlung) und Georg (Schneidanlagen) dar.
Überspannt werden die Ausrüstungen und Bodenwagen durch einen CTI Automatikkran
mit Coilzange. Auf der anderen Längsseite
des Regallagers fahren drei Bodenwagen quer
zur Fahrtrichtung des Regalbediengerätes.
Davon sind zwei von einer Kranbahn überr
spannt, auf der ein analoger Automatikkran
mit Coilzange läuft. Beide Kranfahrbereiche
sind eingezäunt und können nur über abgesicherte Türen betreten werden.
Die Einlagerung eines Coils erfolgt entweder direkt durch die Übernahme auf einen Bodenwagen mit Hub oder einer der
Automatikkrane verteilt das Coil auf einen
anderen Bodenwagen. In jedem Fall werden
die Identzahlen auf den Coils gescannt und
im System hinterlegt. Durch ein Rolltor in der
Lagerwand bringt der Bodenwagen dann das
Coil in den Lagerbereich. Das Regalbediengerät übernimmt und verfährt das Coil zum vorr
gesehenen Lagerfach. Die Auslagerung erfolgt
in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
Die Steuerung des Lagerprozesses kann
sowohl automatisch als auch manuell erfolgen. Im Regelfall findet ein Datenaustausch
zwischen der kundenseitigen Ressourcenverr
waltung (ERP) und dem MES statt. Ist ein
Lagerprozess generiert, werden die notwendigen Transport- bzw. Lageraufträge erstellt
und an das WMS übermittelt. Dieses steuert
die Transportkette (Bodenwagen, Automatikkrane, Regalbediengerät) und weist dem einzulagernden Coil einen Lagerplatz zu.
Die Anforderung zur Auslagerung wird
ebenfalls vom kundenseitigen ERP-System
erstellt und an das MES übermittelt. Erneut
werden Transportaufträge erstellt und durch
das WMS in Fahrbefehle für die Transportkette umgesetzt. Von einem separaten Terminal
aus ist es ebenso möglich, Ein- und Auslagerr
prozesse durchzuführen. Dazu wird dem Bediener der Anlagenstatus grafisch dargestellt
und er kann per Mausklick die notwendige
Transportkette auswählen.
Der eingezäunte Bereich unter den Automatikkranen ist in verschiedene Abschnitte
CTI Systems looks back
on 50 years of experience.
Today we supply integrated and automated
intralogistics solutions on high-tech level,
for various industries.
:ith a highly Tuali¿ed team CTI Systems develop
the concepts for tomorrow’s production sites.
Our turnkey solutions provide
high performance
to optimize productivity and ef¿ciency
Visit us
Stand 14F01
Hall 14
=.I. Eselborn - Lentzweiler ‡ 12, op der Sang
L- 9779 Lentzweiler
Tel 22
- 2000 ‡ )a[ 22
- 000
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
eingeteilt und gesichert. Die Zugangstüren zu
den einzelnen Bereichen werden durch Endlagenschalter überwacht. Werden die Türen
unbefugt geöffnet, werden alle Transportbewegungen in diesem Bereich automatisch
unterbrochen. Über Touchpanel neben den
Zugangstüren können die entsprechenden
Bereiche aber auch planbar gesperrt werden.
Damit ist der Zugang für manuellen Betrieb
(Bodenwagen) oder Reparaturen gewährleistet, ohne die Gesamtanlage außer Betrieb zu
Bei der Dimensionierung der gesamten Anlage wurde Wert auf eine größtmögliche Verr
fügbarkeit gelegt. Es kommen nur qualitativ
hochwertige Komponenten zum Einsatz, für
die auch der After Sales Service in Russland
gesichert ist.
Über CTI Systems
About CTI Systems
CTI Systems ist ein führender Anbieter für die
Lieferung und Integration von durchgängigen
automatisierten Fertigungslösungen vor allem
im Schwerlastbereich. Zum Produktprogramm
gehören automatisierte Materialfluss- und Lagersysteme, Anlagen für die Oberflächenbeschichtung, Montagelinien, Softwarelösungen
für die Fertigungssteuerung und Integration
von Fremdmaschinen in die Fertigung.
Mit über 1.000 Anlagen weltweit in Betrieb
und einem hoch qualifizierten Team von 200
Mitarbeitern steht CTI Systems für Qualität,
Erfahrung, Flexibilität und Zuverlässigkeit.
CTI Systems is a leading supplier for the provision and integration of universally automated production solutions, especially in the
heavy-load sector. Its product range includes
automated material flow and storage systems,
equipment for surface coating, assembly lines,
software solutions for production control and
the integration of machinery supplied from
elsewhere into the production process.
With more that 1,000 plants in operation
worldwide and a highly qualified workforce
of 200 people, CTI Systems stands for quality,
experience, flexibility and reliability.
CTI Systems ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 14F01
CTI Systems will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 14F01
lster erweitert Brennersortiment
Mit der Einführung einer neuen Gebläsebrennerserie erweitert Elster-Kromschröder
sein Brennersortiment für den europäischen
Markt. Erstmalig bietet das Unternehmen einen vormontierten Brenner mit angebautem
Gebläse, Gassicherheits- und -regelstrecke
sowie Feuerungsautomat.
Im Rahmen der Brennerserie PBG sind
insgesamt sieben Brennergrößen verfügbar,
welche ein Leistungsspektrum von 70 kW bis
1.100 kW abdecken. Konzipiert für industrielle Anwendungen, können die verschiedenen
Brenner beispielsweise bei der Trocknung,
der Warmlufterzeugung, der Abluftreinigung
oder der Prozessgaserwärmung eingesetzt
Den individuellen Anforderungen der Industrie wird die Serie PBG mit zwei verschiedenen Regelungsmechanismen gerecht, die
für sämtliche Brennergrößen verfügbar sind.
Eine optimale Wärmenutzung des verwendeten Brennstoffes wird mittels der Gleichdruckregelung realisiert. Hierbei werden die
Brenner über den kompletten Regelbereich
mit einem nahestöchiometrischen Gas-LuftVerhältnis betrieben. Durch eine Regelung
nur der Gasmenge bei konstanter Luftmenge
ist es alternativ möglich, sehr hohe thermische
Regelbereiche und eine exakte Regelung im
Niedertemperaturbereich zu erreichen.
Die Ausrüstung des PBG ist speziell auf
den europäischen Markt zugeschnitten und
entspricht den Anforderungen der EN 746-2
für Thermoprozessanlagen. Im Lieferumfang
enthalten sind der Brenner mit angebautem
Elster extends range of burners
With the introduction of a new forced draught
burner series, Elster-Kromschröder is extending its range of burners for the European market. For the first time, the company is offering
a pre-assembled burner with mounted fan,
gas safety and control system and automatic
burner control unit.
A total of seven burner sizes are available
within the scope of
burner series PBG,
covering a capacity range from
70 to 1,100
kW. Designed
for applications
in industry, the
Der neue Elsterr-Brenn
e er mit
m Gebläse, Gassicherasss
heits- und -reg
k sowie
i FFeuerungsautomat
The new Elster burner with mounted fan, gas
safety and control system and automatic burner
control unit
(Image: Elster)
various burners can be used for drying, hotair generation, flue air purification or process
gas heating, for example.
With its two different control mechanisms
which are available for all burner sizes, the
PBG series meets the individual requirements
for industrial installations. An optimal utilisation of the heat generated by the fuel used is
ensured by air/gas ratio control which means
that the burners are operated over the entire control range using a near-stoichiometric gas/air ratio. As an alternative, it
is possible to control the gas volume only
while keeping a constant air volume in
order to achieve extremely high thermal
control ranges and precise control
in the low temperature range.
The equipment of the
PBG is specially tailored to the European
market and meets the
requirements of EN 7462 for thermoprocessing
equipment. The burner with
mounted fan, air pressure switch
DG and air valve, the appropriate
gas control and safety system based
on the tried-and-tested valvario valve
series as well as a burner control unit
B C U 370 for forced draught burners are included in the delivery. The burner unit is completely pre-wired and requires only a single
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
central power supply for all the components.
This comprehensive package allows the installation and commissioning of a fully functional burner system with minimum expense
and effort. The only thing left to do is connect
the power supply, system control signals and
gas supply to the burner system and the burners are ready to use.
Elster will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10C14
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – FA I R P R E V I E W
Ventilator, Luftdruckwächter DG und Luftklappe, die passende Gasregel- und Sicherr
heitsstrecke basierend auf der bewährten
valvario-Ventilbaureihe sowie eine Brennerr
steuerung BCU 370 für Gebläsebrenner. Die
Brennereinheit ist komplett vorverkabelt und
es wird nur eine einzige zentrale Spannungsversorgung benötigt, um sämtliche Komponenten zu versorgen.
Das Gesamtpaket ermöglicht die Installation und Inbetriebnahme eines funktionstüch-
tigen Brennersystems bei minimalem Aufwand. Lediglich die Spannungsversorgung,
die Regelsignale der Anlage und die Gasverr
sorgung müssen noch an das Brennersystem
angeschlossen werden, und schon sind die
Brenner einsatzbereit.
Elster ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10C14
KMF-Kipptrommelöfen für effizientes Recycling
New KMF tilting rotary furnaces for efficient recycling
Die KMF Maschinenfabriken GmbH stellt
drehbare Kipptrommelöfen für nachhaltiges
und wirtschaftliches AluminiumrecycKMF Maschinenfabriken
ling her. Die Öfen der MASTERmaxKMF Maschinenfabriken GmbH
Serie mit integrierten Wiegezellen,
produces hybrid tilting rotary
die einen Tagesdurchsatz von bis zu
furnaces for sustainable and eco130 Tonnen Schrott aufweisen, könnomic aluminium recycling. The
nen saubere und bis zu acht Prozent
furnaces of the MASTERmax
organisch kontaminierte Schrotte mit
series with integrated weighing
minimalem Salzeinsatz effizient umcells provide a daily throughput
schmelzen. Mit der einzigartigen autoof up to 130 tonnes of scrap. They
matischen Beladungsstation öffnet sich
can be charged either with clean
die Tür nur sehr kurz, damit möglichst
scrap or with up to eight percent
wenig Sauerstoff in den Ofen gelangt.
organically contaminated scrap
Nach dem Aluminiumabstich durch
which will be remelted with a
ein rückseitiges Abstichloch wird
minimum of salt addition. Due
die Schlacke vorne ausgekippt. Die
to the unique charging machine
Öfen schmelzen Aluminiumschrott
design the door opening time is
sowohl aus Guss- als auch aus Knetvery short, leading to a minimum
legierungen und führen durch ihre
of oxygen input into the furnace. MASTERmax Kipptrommelofen
MASTERmax tilting rotary furnace
Flexibilität und Effizienz zu kurzen
After tapping through a special
rear side tapping hole the remaining salt slag short pay-back periods.
will be discharged over the front lip. The TRFs
from KMF can remelt both cast and wrought
KMF will be exhibiting at
KMF ist Aussteller auf der
alloys and lead through their flexibility to very
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10H 20
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10H 20
Frenzelit – Flexible Alu-Gießrinne isoTherm AL-Flex
Frenzelit – Flexible launder joint isoTherm AL-Flex
Frenzelit Werke GmbH has been specialising
in the development, production and sales of
gaskets, technical textiles, insulating materials
as well as expansion joints in various material compositions. Due to quality and environmental control systems, all products are
manufactured for highest technical demands
in industrial applications.
A company highlight in the field of technical textiles is the development and processing
of high temperature resistant fibres. Moreo-
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
ver, Frenzelit has set new standards in the
production of modern sealing materials. The
company supplies a complete range of gaskets
and has extensive experience in the design and
manufacture of fabric and elastomer expansion joints.
For the aluminium industry Frenzelit offers
numerous product types like the flexible launder joint isoTherm AL-Flex with different temperature limits up to 1200 °C. Time-consuming and expensive maintenance and service
Die Frenzelit Werke GmbH entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt Dichtungen, technische
Textilien, Isolationswerkstoffe sowie Kompensatoren in verschiedenen Werkstoffvarianten.
Alle Produkte werden in umweltgerechten
Produktionsverfahren für höchste Anforderungen im industriellen Einsatz hergestellt.
Ein Highlight des Unternehmens im Bereich
technischer Textilien ist die Entwicklung und
Verarbeitung hochtemperaturbeständiger Fasern. Mit streckmetallverstärkten ReingraphitDichtungen, mit Weichstoffdichtungen, sowie
mit PTFE-, Metall-, Dispenser- und Siebdruckdichtungen bietet Frenzelit ein abgerundetes
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Dichtungsprogramm. Jahrelange Erfahrung
stehen hinter der Fertigung von Gewebe- und
Speziell für die Aluminiumindustrie bietet
das Unternehmen dichtende und isolierende
Werkstoffe bis zu einem Temperaturgrenzwert von 1200 °C an, etwa die flexible AluGießrinne isoTherm AL-Flex. Mit ihr lassen
sich zeit- und kostenaufwendige Instandhaltungsmaßnahmen und Serviceinspektionen an
der Verbindungsstelle zwischen dem Schmelzgießofen und Gießrinnensystem einsparen.
Zusätzlich wird die Prozesssicherheit erhöht.
Durch den flexiblen und mehrschichtigen Textilaufbau der Gießrinne werden Kippbewegungen des Schmelzgießofens gegenüber dem
Gießrinnensystem kompensiert. Der Materialmix wird auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse der
Kunden ausgelegt. Somit kann auf chemische
und mechanische Anforderungen eingegangen
und isoTherm AL-Flex den örtlichen Einbauverhältnissen anpasst werden.
Das innovative Brandschutzgewebe Mtex
FTR isoliert gegen höchste Strahlungshitze.
Mit Mtex FTR hat erstmals ein beschichtetes
Gewebe eine
A1-Klassifizierung nach
EN 13501-1
erlangt. Neben den klassischen Anw e n d u ng e n
etwa für Einkaufszentren
ist es auch in
Offshore-Anw e n d u ng e n
und in der
bestens geeignet. Wegen der nichtbrennbaren,
vollkommen bindemittelfreien Aluminiumbeschichtung kommt es im Brandfall zu keinerlei Brandtoxizität, die bei Gebäudebränden die Hauptgefahr für den Menschen ist.
Frenzelit ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10B50
inspections at the connection point between
the tilting furnace and
the launder system
can be eliminated with
Process reliability is increased as well. Thanks
to the flexible, multilayer textile structure
of the material, the tilting movements of the
furnace with respect
to the launder system
are compensated for
effectively. The mateFrenzelit
rial blend is designed to
satisfy the customer’s individual requirements.
Thus the company can respond to chemical
and mechanical demands and adapt isoTherm
AL-Flex to the specific situation wherever it
is being installed.
Frenzelit will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10B50
De Winter: Hitzebeständige, selbst einstellbare Ofentürabdichtung
Eine regelmäßige Reinigung der Türrahmen
von Schmelz- und Warmhalteöfen verhindert
die Ansammlung von Krätze und verfestigtem Aluminium. Diese Reinigung ermöglicht
eine optimal Türabdichtung mit Vorteilen wie
korrektem Ofendruck, reduzierter Metalloxidation, kürzerer Schmelzzeit und niedrigerem
Brennstoffverbrauch. In der täglichen Praxis
fehlt jedoch oft die Zeit oder Aufmerksamkeit für diese Reinigung, was dann zu einer
unvollständigen Türabdichtung führt. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat De Winter Engineering
eine hitzebeständige, selbst einstellbare Ofentürabdichtung entwickelt, die auf der ALUMINIUM-Messe im Oktober vorgestellt wird.
Seit 1985 ist De Winter Engineering auf die
Nachrüstung und Modernisierung von bestehenden Schmelz- und Gießöfen und die Konstruktion von kundenspezifischen, robsuten
Industrieöfen spezialisiert. Im Vordergrund
stehen Verbesserungen bei Zuverlässigkeit,
Sicherheit und Zugang des Ofens kombiniert
mit einer Verringerung des Brennstoffverr
brauchs und der Instandhaltungskosten. De
Winter Engineering ist ISO-9001 zertifiziert
und führt derzeit ein OHSAS-18001 Sicherr
heitssystem ein.
De Winter ist Aussteller auf der
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10I15
De Winter: Heat-resistant, selfadjustable door sealing of furnaces
A regular cleaning of melting or holding furnace door frames prevents accumulation of
dross and solidified aluminium. This enables
an optimal furnace door sealing with benefits
such as correct furnace pressure, reduced metal oxidation, shorter melting time and lower
fuel consumption. However, in daily practice
time or attention for this cleaning is often lacking resulting in incomplete sealing of the door.
Against this background,
De Winter Engineering
has developed a heatresistant,
self-adjustable door sealing which
will be presented at the
ALUMINIUM trade fair
in October.
Since 1985, De Winter Engineering is specialised in the upgrade
and revamp of existing
furnaces and in the construction of reliable, tai- De Winter
lor-made furnaces. The
focus is on furnace reliability, safety and access and the reduction of fuel consumption and
maintenance costs. De Winter Engineering is
ISO-900-certified and currently implementing
a safety system according to OHSAS-18001.
De Winter will be exhibiting at ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10I15
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Produce and process
metal more efficiently.
Powerful solutions for metal industries
As a global provider of automation solutions, Endress+Hauser has the necessary expertise
to deliver robust and reliable field devices as well as customized solutions and services. Our
industry-optimized packages enable you to lower energy and process costs efficiently and
comply with environmental requirements.
Pressure measurement without the wear and tear: Thanks to the abrasion-resistant
Cerabar S ceramic diaphragm with long-term stability, even the lowest of pressures in the
Pascal range can be measured accurately and reproducibly, such as in furnace or oven pressure
applications, for example.
Temperature measurement without heat stress: The thermowell of the Omnigrad S,
featuring a ceramic sheath or special alloy, enables measurements with long-term stability,
such as those occurring in blast furnaces or gas treatment plants.
Flow measurement for every application: Available in a wide range of materials and
choices of lining, the Promag is a very robust electromagnetic flowmeter and perfectly suited
to many applications in smelting works, such as leakage detection in cooling water circuits,
for instance.
Instruments International AG
Kägenstrasse 2
4153 Reinach
Phone +41 61 715 81 00
+41 61 715 25 00
A L U M I N I U M 2 0 12 – M E S S E V O R S C H A U
Hofmann Wärmetechnik – A new continuousthroughput furnace for aluminium castings
Hofmann Wärmetechnik GmbH in Austria
has developed to become a furnace manufacturer whose core business nowadays is the
construction of special furnaces and custommade designs. A few years ago the company
again extended its production workshops so
as to be able to build and put into operation
even larger furnaces and equipment. From the
mechanical engineering and electro-technical
design up to production, programming and assembly, all work is carried out on one site.
With a new development Hofmann has set
itself to supply continuous-throughput furnaces
for aluminium castings. The plant described below was set up at an automobile supplier’s foundry in Austria and is working successfully.
The plant is a 2-track design, i. e. two transport frames next to one another are conveyed
through the furnace unit. The plant operator
loads the two frames, each with a six-piece
charge (thin-walled castings), onto the two are cooled by air to the desired temperature.
upstream chain conveyors. After loading, the After cooling, the ageing furnace (AF) is
lower part of the heat treatment line, namecharged by the telescopic
ly the solution-annealing furnace (SAF), is
fork. This furnace
loaded by a lifting mast with telescopic
is configured with
forks. For this process the lifting
two double chain
door is briefly raised and
the telescopic fork places
above the
the charge on the chain
conveyor in the furnace.
s i n c e
The two pairs of forks
then move out of the
furnace again and the
furnace door closes.
After passing through
the SAF the charges are
transferred in a very
short time by another Continuous-throughput
telescopic fork to an air furnace for aluminium
castings (Image: Hofmann)
quench, where the parts
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Technical data on the plant
Temperature precision: ± 3 °C in the SAF at max. 550 °C
Temperature precision: ± 3 °C in the AF at max. 250 °C
7 zones in the SAF (with 7 x 2 charge carriers)
7 zones in the SAF (with 7 x 4 charge carriers)
Cycle time SAF: 9 min
Cycle time AF: 18 min
Cooling times in the air quench from 465 °C to below 200 °C
in 80 sec.
640 castings/shift
Plane dimensions, overall: L x B x H = 21 m x 6.2 m x 7.9 m
through-put times in the AF are twice as long as in the SAF. The
furnace door of the AF opens upward or downward in alternation
for charging and then closes again automatically. The charge passes
through the AF with double the cycle time of the SAF.
After passing through the AF the charge is again extracted by
a telescopic fork and deposited in the cooling tower. In the cooling tower the charge is cooled to around 40 °C and then, again by
means of a telescopic fork, transported to the loading and removal
chain conveyor where the operator can remove the parts from the
transport frames and place new, untreated parts on the frames so
as to start the furnace transit again.
Advantages of the plant design
Owing to the two-level design a very compact and relatively small
plant occupying very little space can process large numbers of
workpieces. Thanks to the telescopic forks in front of and behind
the furnaces loading and unloading times are short. Moreover,
thanks to this design two furnace doors are never open at the same
time, so no air can be drawn through the furnace. The door of
the AF that opens downward and upward keeps heat loss during
charge replacement vey low.
With the individually adjustable air cooling outstanding material
property values can be achieved. Besides, there are no disposal costs
for glycol, polymers or water. The soiling and risk of corrosion normally occurring in this area of the plant can also be avoided.
The plant control system monitors the entire process. By scanning in the part numbers on entry, for each part of a charge a time
and temperature protocol can be produced. Correct allocation is
free from problems.
Each furnace is divided into a number of individually regulated
zones, and the same number of parts is always present in each furnace zone. By virtue of different heating powers in the furnace
zones a variable energy demand (heating up the charge, furnace
doors, etc.) can be optimally compensated.
The electrical heating of the furnace results in good control properties and ensures that expenditure on maintenance is low. The air
circulation in each furnace zone helps to produce the best temperature uniformity.
Hofmann will be exhibiting at
ALUMINIUM 2012. Stand 10E30/45
#-1 )'!
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ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Aluminium smelting industry
8 August 2012. The impact of this ruling raises Ormet’s annual cost of electricity by more
than USD20m in addition to all of the past
increases. The actions taken at Hannibal has
also a negative impact on the operating level
of the Burnside Louisiana refinery affecting an
additional 252 employees.
“The current aluminum market and the
dramatically increasing cost of electricity in
Ohio have forced us to make additional reductions in operating levels at the Hannibal operation. The current issue is that AEP’s electricity rates have increased so much that Ormet
needs additional assistance to keep employment levels up. We have been working very
hard with AEP and the State of Ohio over the
past several months to formulate a solution to
the rising electricity prices, but unfortunately
could not come to agreement for any of the
alternatives developed,” said Mike Tanchuk,
Ormet’s CEO.
Alcoa is to close Italian smelter
Century Aluminum files notice to terminate power contract at Kentucky smelter
mission has deemed an
abuse of dominant position under EU anti-trust
rules. Under its proposal,
the company would allow “the licensees of the
AP aluminium smelting
technology to choose
any supplier whose
PTAs meet certain technical specifications”.
If the enquiries receive a positive welcome
from the aluminium sector, the Commission will
deem that they solve
this competition problem. The commitments
will be made legally binding on RTA, and the
Commission will then close its ongoing antitrust probe into the issue.
Indonesia plans IPO for Inalum
The Indonesian government will invest
USD1.2bn in PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminiun
(Inalum) to increase its output and prepare it
for an initial public offering (IPO), according
to local media reports. Indonesia’s chief economic minister reaffirmed government plans
to take over Inalum from Japanese consortium
Nippon Asahan Aluminium in 2013. NAA
owns 59% of Inalum, and controls and manages the 225,000-tpy plant under a 30-year
deal which will expire in November 2013.
Indonesia owns 41% of the shares. Inalum’s
assets are worth about USD1.23bn, so that
the consortium’s stake the government will
acquire is worthy about USD723 million. The
buyout of the Japanese consortium’s shares
in the aluminium producer will be carried out
between August and September 2012. The official takeover signing is expected in October
2012, followed by a transition period until
2013. The smelter in Ashan, North Sumatra, is
the only aluminium smelter in Southeast Asia,
with about 60% of the output sold to Japan
and the rest used for domestic consumption.
Brussels asks aluminium sector for opinions on Rio Tinto Alcan competition offer
The EU Commission will ask the aluminium
sector what it thinks of an offer from Rio Tinto
Alcan (RTA) to stop insisting purchasers of its
aluminium smelting technology also buy its pot
tending assemblies (PTAs) for processing the
metal. The consultations follow a formal offer
by RTA to stop tying these assembly purchases
to its technology contracts, which the Com-
Alcoa said early in September that it had
started to close its Portovesme plant on the
island of Sardinia. The company announced
in January that it would permanently shut the
smelter by mid-year, citing an uncompetitive
energy position, rising raw material costs and
falling aluminium prices. After negotiations
with the Italian government and local unions
Alcoa agreed to delay the closure until 1 September to give more time to find a potential
buyer. If a letter of intent was signed by 31
August, Alcoa said it would continue operating the smelter until the end of October, but
if the sale subsequently fails to close it would
start curtailing production 1 November.
Obviously there was no letter of intent
signed in due time although media reported
that Glencore International was interested in
buying Alcoa’s 150,000 tpy smelter in Portovesme. However, Alcoa will keep the plant
in a condition that would accommodate a restart by another operator for one year.
Ormet shuts second potline in Ohio
Ormet Corp. has started reducing operations
at the Hannibal smelter to four potlines as it
continues to explore alternatives to mitigate
the impact of the unfavourable PUCO (Public Utilities Commission of Ohio) ruling in the
AEP Electric Security Plan (ESP) rate case on
Century Aluminum Co. reported that its subsidiary, Century Aluminum of Kentucky, has
issued a 12-month notice to terminate its power contract with Big Rivers Electric Corp. for
its Hawesville smelter in Kentucky. During the
12-month notice period, Century is required
to pay a demand charge for power, but is not
obligated to continue operating the plant.
Michael Bless, Century Aluminum’s
president and CEO, said that the Hawesville
smelter “is competitive on the global market
in every category other than the price we pay
for electric power, which is among the highest
The Author
The author, Dipl.-Ing. R. P. Pawlek is founder
of TS+C, Technical Info Services and Consulting,
Sierre (Switzerland), a service for the primary
aluminum industry. He is also the publisher
of the standard works Alumina Refineries and
Producers of the World and Primary Aluminium
Smelters and Producers of the World. These
reference works are continually updated, and
contain useful technical and economic information on all alumina refineries and primary
aluminum smelters of the world. They are
available as loose-leaf files and / or CD-ROMs
from Beuth-Verlag GmbH in Berlin.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
such rates for smelters in the US.” He went
on that the smelter was not economically viable with that power rate and under current
market conditions. “We need a power price
that is reflective of the market, helps the plant
weather these turbulent economic conditions
and allows the plant to be competitive over
the long term. We are committed to exploring all available options to keep the smelter
open both in the short term and long term.
We sincerely hope that an agreement can be
reached to save the smelter and protect nearly
700 critical jobs, and all those who depend on
Bauxite and alumina activities
Limited (SMHL), has
signed an updated Mining Lease Agreement
(MLA) with the Government of Sierra Leone.
Under this agreement
the company’s mining
lease of 321 square km
in the Mokanji area of
Sierra Leone will be
granted for a period
of 20 years from the
effective date, while
the perimeters remain
the same. The updated
MLA brings SMHL
up to date with the
latest legislation in the mining and minerals field in Sierra Leone. Acquired in
2008, the bauxite mine in Sierra Leone has
a resource base of approx. 31m tonnes and
produced over 1.3m tonnes of bauxite in
2011, up from 1.05m tonnes in 2010.
Vimetco subsidiary Sierra Minerals
updates mining lease agreement
Vimetco NV announced that its bauxite producing subsidiary, Sierra Minerals Holdings
On the move
Tito Bothelo Martins Junior, who recently
left Vale S.A. to pursue a position outside the
Vale group, has resigned from the board of
directors of Norsk Hydro ASA with immediate
effect. Martins has been on Hydro’s board of
directors since 2011.
US aluminium recycler Aleris International
has appointed former Montupet technical director Philippe Meyer vice president and chief
technology officer.
Sapa Extrusions North America has named
John Rovi business development manager of
commercial building and construction.
Aleris has appointed Shannon Bennett
vice president, Communications. Bennett will
have responsibility for all internal and external global communications strategy, brand
and reputation management. She was most
recently vice president, corporate communications and public affairs at Supervalu Inc., one
of the largest companies in the US grocery
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Vedanta cuts alumina production
Media in India recently reported that Vedanta
Aluminium Ltd (VAL) has cut alumina production by half at its refinery in Odisha due
to shortage of bauxite. The 1m tpy alumina
refinery at Lanjigarh in the Kalahandi district
operated at about 40-50% capacity for several days, VAL president Mukesh Kumar was
VAL, a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources
Plc, gets about 50% of the required bauxite
from its mines in Chhattisgarh, and buys the
remaining from miners in other states. However,
the supply from these miners has also been hit
as most of them shut operation due to the new
rule on mining lease renewal.
Set up with an investment of USD800m,
VAL requires 300,000 tonnes of bauxite per
month to run the refinery at full capacity. However, due to bauxite shortage, the company has
been running the refinery at reduced capacity since it was commissioned in August 2007.
Vedanta wants to mine bauxite from Niyamgiri
Hills located near its refinery but its clearance
is mired in litigations and protests.
Chalco signs MoU with PT Indonusa
to jointly explore bauxite and alumina
Aluminium Corp. of China (Chalco) could
build the biggest alumina refinery in Indonesia in a joint project with the Southeast Asian
country’s PT Indonusa Dwitama. Both sides
have signed an MoU to explore for bauxite
and build an alumina plant in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Chalco and other Chinese aluminium producers are concerned about the
impact of Indonesian policy to restrict raw material exports from the country. In addition to
a 20% export tax and a quota system already
in place, Indonesia wants to ban unprocessed
raw materials exports from 2014.
Recycling and
secondary smelting
Aluminium can extends lead as most
recycled beverage container in the US
The US recycling rate for aluminium beverage
containers jumped seven percentage points,
from 58.1 to 65.1% for 2011, according to
the Aluminum Association. In other words:
61 billion cans were recycled in 2011, a milestone that marks solid progress toward the
industry’s goal of a 75% rate by 2015. The
higher recycling rate also secures the aluminium can’s position as the most recycled beverage container. Aluminium cans are recycled
at a rate that is more than double that of any
other beverage container.
A large part of the increase in the recycling
rate was driven by imports of used beverage
containers; imports in 2011 increased approximately 25%, underscoring the need for
improved recycling among US consumers as
well as the value of aluminium. Because of
a high demand for recycled aluminium cans
in the United States, the aluminium industry
purchases UBCs from Mexico, Canada and
other countries as many cans get shipped to
those countries.
In 2011, aluminium recovered from purchased scrap in the United States increased
8% to more than 3m tonnes, while at the same
time total US aluminium scrap exports rose
12% to more than 2.1m tonnes.
The amount of energy saved just from recycling cans in 2011 is equal to the energy
equivalent of over 17m barrels of crude oil.
That is the amount of oil needed to fuel more
than one million vehicles on the road for 12
Alcoa now sole owner
of Evermore Recycling
Alcoa has taken full control of Evermore Recycling, the undisputed leader in used beverage can (UBC) recycling, and is now operating
as a wholly-owned entity of Alcoa. Alcoa and
Novelis previously were partners in the joint
venture which purchases more recycled cans
than any other group anywhere in the world;
Alcoa agreed in July to take full control of
Evermore at the end of August.
Alcoa’s Evermore Recycling is now a part
of the company’s Global Packaging group
and will continue to be based in Nashville,
Tennessee. Alcoa’s Evermore Territory managers will continue to work with UBC suppliers throughout North America and beyond
through regional assignments.
The aluminium can is the most sustainable
package in the world and is easily the most
recycled container across the globe. Approximately 75% of all the aluminium ever produced since 1888 is still in use today.
Aluminium semis
tion on recycling aluminium used in the
automotive manufacturing process.
Novelis aluminium is used widely
across Jaguar Land
range, including the
Jaguar XJ, XF and
XK models as well as
the Land Rover Defender, Discovery 4
and Range Rover
models. To meet the
rapid growth in customer demand for
automotive aluminium sheet worldwide, Novelis is more than doubling its global capacity
dedicated to the automotive market.
Jaguar Land Rover and Novelis
sign multi-year agreement for
supply of aluminum sheet
Novelis has been selected by Jaguar Land
Rover as its sole supplier of automotive sheet
products in a multi-year agreement. The carmaker secures rolled aluminium from Novelis
for a wide range of Jaguar Land Rover models, helping to support the carmaker’s strategy
to reduce the weight of its vehicles and thereby decrease CO2 emissions. As a key component of the sole-supplier relationship, Novelis
will recover and recycle all the carmaker’s
aluminium scrap, thus creating a closed-loop
recycling system. Also, Novelis aluminium
will be used in the all-new Range Rover, the
world‘s first Sports Utility Vehicle with a lightweight all-aluminium body structure.
The agreement expands the 20-year history
of close co-operation between the two companies in the development of lightweight aluminium technologies for the automotive marketplace, and further advances their collabora-
Gulf Extrusions exports
to India surge 300%
According to Khaleei Times Gulf Extrusions,
one of the largest aluminium extrusion plants
in the Gulf region, increased exports to India
by 300% in 2012 compared to 2011, establishing the Indian market as a key destination
in the global expansion strategy of the company. The GCC and African markets have likewise contributed to the increase in production
with projected growth rates of 7% and 6%,
respectively, in 2012.
Modar Al Mekdad, general manager, Gulf
Extrusions, was cited: “The surge in demand
in new export markets as well as the consistently strong performance achieved in traditional markets across the Middle East have
prompted Gulf Extrusions to boost its pro-
duction capacity this year. The Indian market
has been particularly impressive with exports
expected to triple this year alone. Gulf Extrusions will continue with its strategy of increasing production capacity to give us greater flexibility to expand in new export markets, reach
new geographical territories and diversify our
product portfolio.”
Gulf Extrusions produces aluminium extruded profiles ranging from architectural sections to components for air conditioning grills,
furniture, marine applications, transportation,
automotive and customised products. It also
extrudes products for several European customers and companies. It recently became the
first extrusion company in the GCC region to
receive the Emirates Quality Mark certification from the Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology.
Rusal to launch innovative wire
rod production for cable industry
UC Rusal has announced that the company’s
production of aluminium alloys containing
rare-earth and transition to create wire rod
for the cable industry, has completed the R&D
stage, facilities setup, so that production has
It produces cable alloys which resist higher temperature and, as a result, have higher
power transmission capacity. The technology
was developed jointly with scientists from
several universities. First tests were carried
out at Tomsk cable plant. By the end of 2010
the project had been awarded a USD3.45m
grant for high-tech productions from the Russian Ministry of Science and Education, and
Rusal has contributed a further USD4.49m to
the project.
A multifunctional casting, rolling and pressing facility currently being installed at Irkutsk
aluminium smelter is capable of producing
2,200 tonnes per month of different sorts of
wire rod from aluminium alloys with rareearth and transition metals. This product is
highly demanded by the cable industry.
Furukawa-Sky and Sumitomo
Light Metals to merge businesses
Furukawa-Sky Aluminium and Sumitomo
Light Metal Industries, Japan’s largest suppliers of rolled aluminium products, have
announced that they will integrate their businesses in October next year. Strictly speaking, it is a take over of Sumitomo by Furukawa-Sky. The companies seek for synergies
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
by combining their resources and assets and
aim to strengthen their competitiveness on
the aluminium roll market – not only in the
domestic business but also on a global scale.
The business integration will enable the two
companies to globally expand in new growth
markets and construct a global supply structure for the customer’s overseas expansions.
Combined domestic capacity is 750,000 tpy
of rolled products, combined sales is over
450bn yen (USD5.7bn). The newly merged
company will control almost 40% of the domestic rolled aluminium market, if the deal is
approved by Japan’s Fair Trade Commission
handle growing customer demand, we initially expanded our business into the wide can
sheet market after completing modifications
to an existing mill in 2009. Our customers are
asking for more of our wide can body sheet,
and our next cold mill expansion will allow us
to produce that volume.”
The proposed expansion will include a mill
capable of producing wider sheet at finished
gauge. A new wide slitter will also be installed
to trim the sheet to finished width. Commercial production will start in early 2015. Wise
Alloys is the nation’s third largest producer
of aluminum can stock for the beverage industry.
Wise Alloys plans to spend almost USD60m
to expand its cold mill operations in Muscle
Shoals, Alabama; the project will add at least
35 new jobs to the plant. Wes Oberholzer,
executive vice president and COO of Wise
Metals Group, the parent company, said: “To
Trimet expands product portfolio
with new casting machine
Trimet Aluminium AG has commissioned a
new ingot caster at the Essen plant. The new
facility, worth 1.5m euros, has a capacity of
32,000 tpy of light metal ingots. With this
extension of the casthouse Trimet meets the
customers’ demand for light metal alloys. 6
to 10 kg ingots can be produced in various
special alloys. This size meets the demand of
many customers in the transportation and the
engineering sector.
Wise Alloys plans cold mill expansion
ing lines at Emirates Aluminium (Emal) in
Al Taweelah, Abu Dhabi, where the world’s
largest aluminum smelter is currently being
built. Installed were two ultrasonic testing
stations, two continuous homogenising plants,
two cooling stations and four billet saws with
downline packaging stations. The scope of supply also included their complete automation
and process integration. The capacity of the
plant is 2 x 165,000 tpy.
Hertwich commissions homogenising
and sawing lines at Emal
Hertwich Engineering, Austria, has commissioned two integrated homogenising and saw-
ow our
our blog
blog at
In Europe, Middle East and Africa contact: COMEXALE
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
„ Hydraulic presses for prebaked
anodes / Hydraulische Pressen zur
Smelting technology
1.1 Raw materials
1.2 Storage facilities for smelting
Lagermöglichkeiten in der Hütte
1.3 Anode production
1.4 Anode rodding
1.4.1 Anode baking
1.4.2 Anode clearing
1.2 Storage facilities for
Lagermöglichkeiten i.d. Hütte
Haderslebener Straße 7
D-25421 Pinneberg
Telefon: 04101 788-0
Telefax: 04101 788-115
Kontakt: Herr Dipl.-Ing. Timo Letz
Herstellung von Anoden
1.4.3 Fixing of new anodes to the
anodes bars
Befestigen von neuen Anoden
an der Anodenstange
1.5 Casthouse (foundry)
1.6 Casting machines
1.7 Current supply
1.8 Electrolysis cell (pot)
1.9 Potroom
1.10 Laboratory
1.11 Emptying the cathode shell
1.12 Cathode repair shop
1.13 Second-hand plant
1.14 Aluminium alloys
1.15 Storage and transport
Lager und Transport
1.16 Smelting manufactures
Contact: Andreas Haeuser,
1.3 Anode production
Förderanlagen für Schüttgüter
Storvik AS
Industriveien 13
Tel.: +47 71 69 95 00 | Fax: +47 71 69 95 55 |
see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2
„ Mixing Technology for
Anode pastes
Mischtechnologie für Anodenmassen
Buss AG
CH-4133 Pratteln
+41 61 825 66 00
„ Open top and closed
type baking furnaces
Offene und geschlossene Ringöfen
D-90411 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0) 911 5218 0, Fax: -5218 231
1.4 Anode rodding
„ Auto firing systems
Automatische Feuerungssysteme
„ Removal of bath residues from
the surface of spent anodes
Entfernen der Badreste von der Oberfläche der verbrauchten Anoden
see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2
„ Unloading/Loading equipment
Buss ChemTech AG, Switzerland
+4161 825 64 62
Solios Carbone – France
Bulk materials Handling from Ship to Cell
„ Conveying systems bulk materials
„ Anode Technology &
Mixing Equipment
„ Bulk materials Handling
from Ship to Cell
Am Scheerleck 7, L-6868 Wecker, Luxembourg
+352 27612 0
+352 27612 109
Contact: Dr. Alfred Kaiser
D-90411 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0) 911 5218 0, Fax: -5218 231
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
Hornstraße 19
D-45964 Gladbeck
Telefon 02043 / 9738-0
Telefax 02043 / 9738-50
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
„ Rodding shop
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
1.4.1 Anode baking
„ Anode charging/Anodenchargieren
see Casting Machines 1.6
„ Anode storage/Anodenlager
see Casting Machines 1.6
1.4.2 Anode clearing
„ Separation of spent anodes
from the anode bars
Trennen von den Anodenstangen
see Casting Machines 1.6
1.4.3 Fixing of new anodes
to the anodes bars
Befestigen von neuen
Anoden a. d. Anodenstange
„ Fixing the nipples to the
anodes by casting in
Befestigen der Nippel mit der
Anode durch Eingießen
see Casting Machines 1.6
1.5 Casthouse (foundry)
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
Hampshire House, High Street, Kingswinford,
West Midlands DY6 8AW, UK
Tel.: +44 (0) 1384 279132
Fax: +44 (0) 1384 291211
Stopinc AG
Bösch 83 a
CH-6331 Hünenberg
Tel. +41/41-785 75 00
Fax +41/41-785 75 01
„ Degassing, filtration and
grain refinement
Entgasung, Filtern, Kornfeinung
Drache Umwelttechnik
Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26
D 65582 Diez/Lahn
Telefon 06432/607-0
Telefax 06432/607-52
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
„ Dross skimming of liquid metal
Abkrätzen des Flüssigmetalls
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
see Casting machines 1.6
„ Ingot Casting Line
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Avenida Cervantes Nº6
48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain
Tel: +34 944 409 420
Sistem Teknik Endüstryel Firinlar LTD. STI.
TOSB – TAYSAD OSB 1.Cad. 14.Sok. No.: 3
Gebze, Kocaeli / Turkey
Tel.: +90 262 658 22 26
Fax: +90 262 658 22 38
Solios Thermal UK
„ Metal treatment in the
holding furnace
Metallbehandlung in Halteöfen
„ Transfer to the casting furnace
Überführung in Gießofen
„ Furnace charging with
molten metal
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
Konstantinstraße 1a
D 41238 Mönchengladbach
Telefon +49 (02166) 987990
Telefax +49 (02166) 987996
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Ofenbeschickung mit Flüssigmetall
Maschinen und Industrieanlagen
Weinbergerstraße 6, A-5280 Braunau am Inn
Phone +437722/806-0
Fax +437722/806-122
„ Melting/holding/casting furnaces
Schmelz-/Halte- und Gießöfen
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
Drache Umwelttechnik
Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26
D 65582 Diez/Lahn
Telefon 06432/607-0
Telefax 06432/607-52
„ Transport of liquid metal
to the casthouse
Transport v. Flüssigmetall in Gießereien
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
„ Treatment of casthouse
off gases
Behandlung der Gießereiabgase
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
1.6 Casting machines
„ Scales / Waagen
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
1.8 Electrolysis cell (pot)
„ Bulk materials Handling
from Ship to Cell
Bulk materials Handling from Ship to Cell
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
„ Calcium silicate boards
„ Sawing / Sägen
GAPCast TM: the Swiss casting solution
see Casting machines and equipment 4.7
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Smelting technology 1.5
Promat GmbH High Performance Insulation
Scheifenkamp 16, D-40878 Ratingen
Tel. +49 (0) 2102 / 493-0, Fax -493 115,
„ Exhaust gas treatment
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Casting machines and equipment 4.7
„ Pig casting machines (sow casters)
Masselgießmaschine (Sowcaster)
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
„ Rolling and extrusion ingot
and T-bars
Formatgießerei (Walzbarren oder
Pressbolzen oder T-Barren)
Solios Environnement
„ Pot feeding systems
für Elektrolysezellen
343 Chemin du Stade
38210 Saint Quentin sur Isère
Tel. +33 (0) 476 074 242
Fax +33 (0) 476 936 776
see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2
1.9 Potroom
„ Heat treatment of extrusion
ingot (homogenisation)
Formatebehandlung (homogenisieren)
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
T.T. Tomorrow Technology S.p.A.
Via dell’Artigianato 18
Due Carrare, Padova 35020, Italy
Telefon +39 049 912 8800
Telefax +39 049 912 8888
Contact: Giovanni Magarotto
„ Anode changing machine
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
„ Anode transport equipment
Anoden Transporteinrichtungen
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
„ Horizontal continuous casting
Horizontales Stranggießen
„ Vertical semi-continuous DC
casting / Vertikales Stranggießen
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
„ Crustbreakers / Krustenbrecher
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
Wagstaff, Inc.
3910 N. Flora Rd.
Spokane, WA 99216 USA
+1 509 922 1404 phone
+1 509 924 0241 fax
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
„ Dry absorption units for
electrolysis exhaust gases
Trockenabsorptionsanlage für
Solios Environnement
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
„ Pot ramming Machine
1.14 Aluminium Alloys
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
„ Tapping vehicles/Schöpffahrzeuge
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
Postfach 1703, 79607 Rheinfelden
Tel.: +49 7623 93-490
Fax: +49 7623 93-546
2.1.1 Extrusion billet
„ Billet transport and storage
Bolzen-Transport- u. Lagereinricht.
1.11 Emptying the cathode
1.15 Storage and transport
Lager und Transport
See Casting Machines 1.6
„ Cathode bar casting units
2.2 Extrusion equipment
see Casting machines 1.6
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
2.1 Extrusion billet preparation
2.1.1 Extrusion billet production
2.2 Extrusion equipment
2.3 Section handling
2.1 Extrusion billet preparation
2.4 Heat treatment
2.5 Measurement and control
Mess- und Regeleinrichtungen
2.6 Die preparation and care
und -pflege
2.7 Second-hand extrusion plant
Gebrauchte Strangpressanlagen
2.8 Consultancy, expert opinion
Beratung, Gutachten
2.9 Surface finishing of sections
von Profilen
2.10 Machining of sections
2.11 Equipment and accessories
Ausrüstungen und Hilfsmittel
2.12 Services
„ Billet heating furnaces
Öfen zur Bolzenerwärmung
see Smelting technology 1.5
Oilgear Towler GmbH
Im Gotthelf 8
D 65795 Hattersheim
Tel. +49 (0) 6145 3770
Fax +49 (0) 6145 30770
Hier könnte Ihr
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
„ Press control systems
Oilgear Towler GmbH
see Extrusion Equipment 2.2
„ Heating and control
equipment for intelligent
billet containers
Heizungs- und Kontrollausrüstung
für intelligente Blockaufnehmer
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Am großen Teich 16+27
D-58640 Iserlohn
Tel. +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-0
Fax +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-43
MARX GmbH & Co. KG
see Melt operations 4.13
2.3 Section handling
„ Section store equipment
Aberle Automation GmbH & Co. KG
Daimlerstraße 40
74211 Leingarten
Tel. 07131 9059-0, Fax 07131 9059-59
see Section handling 2.3
see Section handling 2.3
2.4 Heat treatment
CTI Systems S.A.
Z.I. Eselborn-Lentzweiler
12, op der Sang | L- 9779 Lentzweiler
Tel. +352 2685 2000 | Fax +352 2685 3000 |
Rechbergstraße 46
D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11
KASTO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Industriestr. 14, D-77855 Achern
Tel.: +49 (0) 7841 61-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 7841 61 300 /
Hersteller von Band- und Kreissägemaschinen
sowie Langgut- und Blechlagersystemen
see Section handling 2.3
„ Section transport equipment
Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH
Stadtseestraße 12, D-74189 Weinsberg
Tel. +49 7134 52 220 l Fax +49 7134 52 222
„ Packaging equipment
BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH
Kammerbruchstraße 64
D-52152 Simmerath
Tel. 02473-9277-0 · Fax: 02473-9277-111 ·
Ofenanlagen zum Wärmebehandeln von Aluminiumlegierungen, Buntmetallen und Stählen
Nijverheidsweg 3
NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands
Tel.: +31 315 641352
Fax: +31 315 641852
Sales Contact: Paul Overmans
„ Stackers / Destackers
Stapler / Entstapler
Avenida Cervantes Nº6
48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain
Tel: +34 944 409 420
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
see Smelting technology 1.5
K ThermAL S.A.
„ Transport equipment for
extruded sections
see Section handling 2.3
für Profilabschnitte
„ Section saws
Heat treatment furnaces
see Section handling 2.3
ul. Šwierczewskiego
g 76
66-200 Šwiebodzin
Tel: +48 68 38 19 917
HOFMANN Wärmetechnik GmbH
Gewerbezeile 7
A - 4202 Helmonsödt
Tel. +43(0)7215/3601
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
2.9 Surface finishing
of sections
von Profilen
„ Homogenising furnaces
„ Ageing furnace for extrusions
Auslagerungsöfen für
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
2.11 Equipment and
Ausrüstungen und
„ Inductiv heating equipment
Could not find your
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
Induktiv beheizte
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
Hier könnte Ihr
Am großen Teich 16+27
D-58640 Iserlohn
Tel. +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-0
Fax +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-43
Rolling mill technology
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
2.6 Die preparation and care
und -pflege
„ Die heating furnaces
schwartz GmbH
see Heat treatment 2.4
Nijverheidsweg 3
NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands
Tel.: +31 315 641352
Fax: +31 315 641852
Sales Contact: Paul Overmans
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Nijverheidsweg 3
NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands
Tel.: +31 315 641352
Fax: +31 315 641852
Sales Contact: Paul Overmans
3.1 Casting equipment
3.2 Rolling bar machining
3.3 Rolling bar furnaces
3.4 Hot rolling equipment
3.5 Strip casting units
and accessories
und Zubehör
3.6 Cold rolling equipment
3.7 Thin strip / foil rolling plant
3.8 Auxiliary equipment
3.9 Adjustment devices
3.10 Process technology /
Automation technology
Prozesstechnik /
3.11 Coolant / lubricant preparation
3.12 Air extraction systems
3.13 Fire extinguishing units
3.14 Storage and dispatch
Lagerung und Versand
3.15 Second-hand rolling equipment
3.16 Coil storage systems
Coil storage systems
3.17 Strip Processing Lines
3.18 Productions Management Sytems
Produktions Management Systeme
3.0 Rolling mill technology
see Cold rolling units / complete pllants 3.6
„ Melting and holding furnaces
schwartz GmbH
see Heat treatment 2.4
Schmelz- und Warmhalteöfen
Solios Thermal UK
SMS Siemag Aktiengesellschaft
Eduard-Schloemann-Straße 4
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)
( ) 211 881-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-4902
Warmflach- und Kaltwalzwerke
Wiesenstraße 30
57271 Hilchenbach-Dahlbruch, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 2733 29-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2733 29-2852
Walder Straße 51-53
40724 Hilden, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-5100
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-5200
Elektrik + Automation
Ivo-Beucker-Straße 43
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-5895
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-775895
Graf-Recke-Straße 82
40239 Düsseldorf, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-4902
3.1 Casting equipment
Gautschi Engineering GmbH
Konstanzer Straße 37
CH 8274 Tägerwilen
Telefon +41 71 666 66 66
Telefax +41 71 666 66 77
Kontakt: Sales Departement
LOI Thermprocess GmbH
Am Lichtbogen 29
D-45141 Essen
Telefon +49 (0) 201 / 18 91-1
Telefax +49 (0) 201 / 18 91-321
„ Electromagnetic Stirrer
EBNER Industrieofenbau Ges.m.b.H.
see Annealing furnaces 3.3
„ Homogenising furnaces
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Solios Thermal UK
„ Melt purification units
see Smelting technology 1.5
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Avenida Cervantes Nº6
48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain
Tel: +34 944 409 420
„ Bar heating furnaces
„ Metal filters / Metallfilter
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
3.3 Rolling bar furnaces
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
schwartz GmbH
see Heat treatment 2.4
Solios Thermal UK
„ Roller tracks
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH
see Heat Treatment 2.4
3.4 Hot rolling equipment
Elektromagnetische Rührer
Solios Thermal UK
„ Annealing furnaces
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990,
„ Filling level indicators and controls
Füllstandsanzeiger und -regler
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
EBNER Industrieofenbau Ges.m.b.H.
Ebner-Platz 1, 4060 Leonding/Austria
Tel. +43 / 732 / 6868-0
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Wagstaff, Inc.
see Casting machines 1.6
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
see Cold rolling units / complete pllants 3.6
„ Coil transport systems
see Section handling 2.3
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
„ Coil annealing furnaces
see Section handling 2.3
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
„ Drive systems / Antriebe
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
„ Drive systems / Antriebe
„ Heating furnaces / Anwärmöfen
SMS Siemag
g AG
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
schwartz GmbH
schwartz GmbH
„ Rolling mill modernisation
see Heat treatment 2.4
see Heat treatment 2.4
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
Could not find your
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
„ Process optimisation systems
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
„ Process simulation
„ Coil transport systems
SMS Siemag
g AG
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
SMS Siemag
g AG
„ Spools / Haspel
see Section handling 2.3
SMS Siemag
g AG
„ Roll exchange equipment
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
„ Hot rolling units /
complete plants
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
Rechbergstraße 46
D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
see Section handling 2.3
„ Rolling mill modernization
„ Cold rolling units /
complete plants
SMS Siemag
g AG
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990,
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
3.6 Cold rolling equipment
see Cold rolling units / complete pllants 3.6
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990,
BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH
see Heat Treatment 2.4
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
„ Slitting lines-CTL
Längs- und Querteilanlagen
„ Coil annealing furnaces
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Raiffeisenstr. 24, D-75196 Remchingen
Tel. +49 7232 3661 0
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
see Cold rolling units / complete pllants 3.6
schwartz GmbH
see Cold colling equipment 3.6
3.9 Adjustment devices
„ Strip shears/Bandscheren
see Slitting lines-CTL 3.6
„ Heating furnaces
„Transverse cutting units
See Casting Machines 1.6
see Cold rolling units / complete pllants 3.6
SMS Siemag
g AG
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
„ Trimming equipment
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
3.10 Process technology /
Automation technology
Prozesstechnik /
„ Process control technology
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
see Slitting lines-CTL 3.6
see Cold rolling units / complete pllants 3.6
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
Wagstaff, Inc.
see Casting machines 1.6
„ Thin strip / foil rolling mills /
complete plant
Feinband- / Folienwalzwerke /
Could not find your
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
3.7 Thin strip /
foil rolling plant
„ Strip flatness measurement
and control equipment
Bandplanheitsmess- und
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
„ Rolling mill modernization
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990,
see Cold rolling units / complete pllants 3.6
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990,
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990,
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
„ Strip thickness measurement
and control equipment
Banddickenmess- und
„ Strip Width & Position
Measurement equipment
Bandbreiten- und
3.12 Air extraction systems
see Cold rolling units / complete pllants 3.6
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990,
SMS Siemag
g AG
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
Could not find your
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
„ Exhaust air purification
systems (active)
Abluft-Reinigungssysteme (aktiv)
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990,
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
3.14 Storage and dispatch
Lagerung und Versand
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
„ Strip Tension
Measurement equipment
3.11 Coolant / lubricant
3.16 Coil storage systems
see Cold rolling units / complete pllants 3.6
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
„ Rolling oil recovery and
treatment units
see Section handling 2.3
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
„ Filter for rolling oils and emulsions
Hier könnte Ihr
Bezugsquellen-Eintrag stehen.
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
„ Roll Force Measurement equipment
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Filter für Walzöle und Emulsionen
see Section handling 2.3
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990,
„ Rolling oil rectification units
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990,
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
3.17 Strip Processing Lines
Zone Industrielle
F-45210 Ferrieres
Telefon +33 (2) 38 94 42 00
„ Anodizing Lines
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
„ Colour Coating Lines
see Strip Processing Lines 3.17
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
„ Lithographic Sheet Lines
see Strip Processing Lines 3.17
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
„ Stretch Levelling Lines
see Strip Processing Lines 3.17
„ Strip Annealing Lines
see Strip Processing Lines 3.17
SMS Siemag
g AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
4.1 Work protection and ergonomics
Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie
4.2 Heat-resistant technology
4.3 Conveyor and storage technology
Förder- und Lagertechnik
4.4 Mould and core production
Form- und Kernherstellung
4.5 Mould accessories and accessory
Formzubehör, Hilfsmittel
4.6 Foundry equipment
4.7 Casting machines and equipment
und Gießeinrichtungen
4.8 Handling technology
4.9 Construction and design
Konstruktion und Design
4.10 Measurement technology
and materials testing
Messtechnik und Materialprüfung
4.11 Metallic charge materials
Metallische Einsatzstoffe
4.12 Finshing of raw castings
4.13 Melt operations
4.14 Melt preparation
4.15 Melt treatment devices
4.16 Control and regulation technology
Steuerungs- und
4.17 Environment protection
and disposal
Umweltschutz und Entsorgung
4.18 Dross recovery
4.19 Cast parts
„ Strip Processing Lines
BWG Bergwerk- und WalzwerkMaschinenbau GmbH
Mercatorstraße 74 – 78
D-47051 Duisburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 203-9929-0
Fax: +49 (0) 203-9929-400
4.2 Heat-resistent technology
„ Refractories / Feuerfeststoffe
4.3 Conveyor and storage
Förder- und Lagertechnik
Calderys Deutschland GmbH
In der Sohl 122
56564 Neuwied
see Section handling 2.3
3.18 Production
Management systems
Produktions Management
PSI Metals Non Ferrous GmbH
Software Excellence in Metals
Carlo-Schmid-Str. 12, D-52146 Würselen
Tel.: +49 (0) 2405 4135-0,
Avenida Cervantes Nº6
48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain
Tel: +34 944 409 420
Promat GmbH High Performance Insulation
Scheifenkamp 16, D-40878 Ratingen
Tel. +49 (0) 2102 / 493-0, Fax -493 115,
Rechbergstraße 46
D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11
see Section handling 2.3
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
4.5 Mold accessories and
accessory materials
Formzubehör, Hilfmittel
4.7 Casting machines
and equipment
und Gießeinrichtungen
„ Fluxes
Solvay Fluor GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Allee 20
D-30173 Hannover
Telefon +49 (0) 511 / 857-0
Telefax +49 (0) 511 / 857-2146
GAPCast TM: the Swiss casting solution
Casting Technology / Automation
Tel.: +41 27 455 57 14
„ Mould parting agents
Schröder KG
Postfach 1170
Tel. 02734/7071
Fax 02734/20784
4.8 Handling technology
4.6 Foundry equipment
see Smelting technology 1.5
see Smelting technology 1.5
Molten Metall Level Control
Ostra Hamnen 7
SE-430 91 Hono / Schweden
Tel.: +46 31 764 5520, Fax: +46 31 764 5529
Sales contact: Jan Strömbeck
see Section handling 2.3
„ Manipulators
„ Casting machines
Competence in EMC and ASC casting
Tel.: +41 27 455 54 41
See Casting Machines 1.6
4.10 Measurement technology
and materials testin
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
Wagstaff, Inc.
see Casting machines 1.6
Messtechnik und
ratioTEC Prüfsysteme GmbH
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
„ Heat treatment furnaces
Kuchengrund 18
71522 Backnang
Telefon 07191 9572-0
Telefax 07191 9572-29
Hier könnte Ihr
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
„ Continuous ingot casting
lines and aluminium rod lines
Kokillengieß- und Aluminiumdraht-Anlagen
Gewerbezeile 7
A - 4202 Helmonsödt
Tel. +43(0)7215/3601
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
4.11 Metallic charge
Metallische Einsatzstoffe
HOFMANN Wärmetechnik GmbH
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
In der Au 17
D-88515 Langenenslingen
Tel.: +49 (0)7376/9622-0
Fax: +49 (0)7376/9622-22
Via Emilia Km 310
26858 Sordio-LO
Tel. +39.02.988492-1 .
q p p
Fax +39.02.9810358 .
p p
„ Recycling / Recycling
Chr. Otto Pape GmbH
Berliner Allee 34
D-30855 Langenhagen
Tel:+49(0)511 786 32-0 Fax: -32
WEIMA Maschinenbau GmbH
4.13 Melt operations
„ Melting furnaces
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Smelting technology 1.5
4.15 Melt treatment devices
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Extrusion 2.4.
„ Burner System
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
Büttgenbachstraße 14
D-40549 Düsseldorf/Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 5 00 91-0
Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 5 00 91-14
Hier könnte Ihr
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
Metaullics Systems Europe B.V.
Ebweg 14
NL-2991 LT Barendrecht
Tel. +31-180/590890
Fax +31-180/551040
4.17 Environment protection
and disposal
Umweltschutz und
MARX GmbH & Co. KG
Lilienthalstr. 6-18
D-58638 Iserhohn
Tel.: +49 (0) 2371 / 2105-0, Fax: -11
„ Dust removal
Postfach 110261, D-33662 Bielefeld
Tel. 05205/7503-0, Fax 05205/7503-77,
4.14 Melt preparation
4.18 Dross recovery
„ Degassing, filtration
Entgasung, Filtration
„ Heat treatment furnaces
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
Drache Umwelttechnik
Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26
D 65582 Diez/Lahn
Telefon 06432/607-0
Telefax 06432/607-52
Lakeside House, Burley Close
Chesterfield, Derbyshire. S40 2UB
Tel: UK: +44 (0)1246 383737
Tel: USA: +1 484 713 0070
Materials and Recycling
Werkstoffe und Recycling
WEIMA Maschinenbau GmbH
Could not find your
„ Holding furnaces
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
„ Granulated aluminium
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
Chr. Otto Pape GmbH
Berliner Allee 34
D-30855 Langenhagen
Tel:+49(0)511 786 32-0 Fax: -32
aluminium industry“.
ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Machining +
6.3 Equipment for forging
and impact extrusion
Ausrüstung für Schmiedeund Fließpresstechnik
Bearbeitung +
„ Hydraulic Presses
„ Technical journals
Hydraulische Pressen
6.2 Semi products
„ Wires / Drähte
W. Erdmann GmbH & Co.
Werdohler Str. 40, D-58809 Neuenrade
Postfach 12 60, D-58804 Neuenrade
Tel. +49(0)2392/697-0, Fax 49(0)2392/62044
88. Jahrgang 1. 1. 2012
Verlag / Publishing house
Giesel Verlag GmbH
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Hüttenindustrie und Recycling
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ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
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ISSN: 0002-6689
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Der ALUMINIUM-Branchentreff des Giesel
Special: Aluminiumguss
Special: Aluminium casting
ALUMINIUM berichtet über neue technische Entwicklungen in der Gießereibranche und bei Herstellern von Gießereimaschinen, über Anlagen und Ausrüstungen. Themen
unter anderem:
• Neue Konzepte für Qualität, Produktivität und
Energieeffizienz im Leichtmetallguss
• Aluminium-Querträger aus Grünsandguss
• Abluftreinigung in Aluminiumgießereien
• Innovative Gießereihilfsmittel
ALUMINIUM reports on new technological developments
in foundries and by manufacturers of foundry machinery
and equipment. Topics, among others:
• New concepts for quality, productivity and energy
efficiency in light metals casting
• Aluminium rear subframe produced as a green-sand
• Fume treatment in aluminium foundries
• Innovative foundry products
Weitere Themen
Other topics
• Doppelwalzenguss von Leichtmetallen und Verbundmaterialien für Leichtbauanwendungen
• Automatisches Kleinteilelager – Effizienz
intelligent gesteuert
• Rollgeformte Aluminiumprofile für die Solarbranche
• Twin-roll casting of light metals and composite materials
for lightweight application
• Density-based prediction of the aluminium content in
pressed skulls of aluminium dross – development of an
industrial measurement procedure
5. November 2012
22. Oktober 2012
15. Oktober 2012
Date of publication:
Advertisement deadline:
Editorial deadline:
5 November 2012
22 October 2012
15 October 2012
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ALUMINIUM · 10/2012
Great projects demand
great partnerships
When Emirates Aluminium (EMAL) set out to build its 750,000 tpy primary aluminium smelter in 2007, it
selected Outotec to supply and construct the green carbon and butt crushing plant for the world-class facility.
The plant has been fully operational since 2010.
As EMAL moves ahead with its second-phase expansion project, it has once again placed its trust in Outotec
by awarding it the EPC contract for another green anode and butt crushing plant as well as an anode rodding
shop and hot bath removal for the smelter at Al Taweelah, Abu Dhabi.
Key factors in Outotec’s successful project execution record are its strong local presence and its vast track
record of major turnkey implementation projects all over the world. They are just a few of the reasons why
customers choose to work with us not once, but often over and over again.
We understand how important it is to have someone on the ground locally ready to serve you, which is why we
have offices in 21 countries and a global network of agents. For the complete life cycle of your plant, consider
Outotec innovates, develops and delivers sustainable technology
and service solutions to minerals, metals, chemical and energy
industries. Outotec collaborates lifelong with its customers
in order to optimize the utilization of raw materials and
energy efficiency as well as to minimize the
environmental impact and operating costs.
Outotec Oyj is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.
Visit us at
09 - 11 October 2012
Hall 9
Stand 9 I 22
Visit us at
Hall 9, Booth No. 9C20
October 9 to 11
Düsseldorf, Germany
Solid competence for the aluminum industry
Being able to trust in the expertise and performance of
every team member, is the foundation for success. To our
customers around the world this means being able to count
on a comprehensive offering in the area of aluminum production. From thermal pre-treatment to shaping and refining, we
always meet the constantly rising challenges of the market.
Whether in new plant construction or revamp projects, our
solid process know-how encompasses the complete production cycle, including the integration of the latest electrical
engineering and automation solutions.
Confidence through performance – SMS Siemag.
Eduard-Schloemann-Strasse 4
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany
Phone: +49 211 881-0
+49 211 881-4902