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SMS Siemag AG - ALU
AL U MIN IU M 9 Official media partner of 17th Arabal Conference Special: The aluminium industry in the Gulf / Arabal 2013 Interview with Emal CEO Saeed Fadhel Al Mazrooei Kizad aluminium cluster taking shape EPCM – a vital activity in the world of aluminium 89. Volume September 2013 © Emal Best technology for the rolling industry in the Gulf Volume 89 · September 2013 International Journal for Industry, Research and Application 9 Air Cooled Open Mould Ingot Caster – Hertwich OMC series III State-of-the-art open mould ingot casting Leading technology in the aluminum casthouse There are many benefits in one-stop-shopping of industrial goods. At Hertwich Engineering we provide customer oriented service throughout the project duration and service life of equipment. We design and build plants to meet both, our own stringent standards and individual customers specifications. Based on many years of experience, we cover the full range of equipment in a modern aluminum casthouse. Major benefits Hertwich Engineering is well-known for leading edge technology. Our discerning customers deserve to get the best value for money. Commitment to innovation, solid engineering and own R&D are instrumental for staying ahead with continuous improvements and new products. Advantages of primary cooling by air – Hertwich OMC series III Q Safety, no water explosion hazard Q Optimized pouring trough for minimum melt turbulence, no oxide formation, no dedrossing required Q uniform shrinkage during solidification Q mould temperature adjustable prior metal pouring Q enhanced air cooling for optimum solidification (eutectic alloys) Q air cooled moulds are not subject to temperature shock Q no exposure to water - almost unlimited service life of moulds Q less maintenance Downstream equipment includes automated stacking, marking, strapping, colour coding, weighing and labelling. HERTWICH ENGINEERING GMBH Weinbergerstrasse 6 5280 Braunau, Austria Phone: +43 7722 806-0 Fax: +43 7722 806-122 E-mail: Internet: EDITORIAL Volker Karow Chefredakteur Editor in Chief Die Aluminiumwelt trifft sich in Abu Dhabi Aluminium world to meet in Abu Dhabi ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 Zum zweiten Mal in diesem Jahr blicken wir in unserem Special auf die Golfregion. Nach der Aluminium Middle East 2013 im April in Dubai steht im November ein zweites Großereignis vor der Tür, dann in Abu Dhabi: die Arabal Conference 2013, dieses Jahr ausgerichtet von Emirates Aluminium. Der Veranstaltungsort ist vorausschauend gewählt: In Abu Dhabi entsteht mit Kizad ein riesiges Industriegebiet, das sowohl heimische wie ausländische Investoren und unterschiedlichste Branchen anziehen will. Dieses Industrieprojekt ist weit sichtbarer Ausdruck dessen, dass sich die Golf-Staaten im globalen Wirtschaftsgeschehen längst nicht mehr nur auf Öl und Gas exportierende Länder reduzieren lassen. Stattdessen sind sie auf dem Weg zu wirtschaftlich diversifizierten Gesellschaften, die ihrer Bevölkerung neue Entwicklungsperspektiven eröffnen. Die dreitägige Veranstaltung steht im Zeichen jüngster und künftiger Entwicklungen und Projekte aus dem Upstream- und Downstream-Sektor der Aluminiumindustrie am Golf. Darüber hinaus wird der Bogen zu den globalen Marktfragen und wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen der Branche gespannt – bis hin zu Aspekten des LME-Warehousing, das in jüngster Zeit durch die Ereignisse um Goldman Sachs besondere Aktualität erfährt. Details des Programms können in dieser Ausgabe nachgelesen werden (S. 32). Dass die Konferenz von Emal ausgerichtet wird, versteht sich fast von selbst. In Abu Dhabi ansässig spielt Emal eine zentrale Rolle beim Aufbau des Aluminiumclusters in Kizad. Obendrein entsteht derzeit Emals dritte Ofenlinie, mit der das Unternehmen seine Hüttenproduktion auf 1,3 Mio. Tonnen fast verdoppeln wird. Den Konferenzteilnehmern bietet sich Gelegenheit zu einer Besichtigungstour, die einen bleibenden Eindruck von diesem Produktionsstandort hinterlassen wird. ALUMINIUM sprach jüngst mit Emal President und CEO Saeed Fadhel Al Mazrooei über die Entwicklung des Unternehmens, seine Marktstellung, die Erwartungen an die Arabal-Konferenz und die Integration von Dubal und Emal zu Emirates Global Aluminium. Auch für die Ausrüster der Aluminiumindustrie sind die Golf-Staaten von wachsender Bedeutung geworden. Das betraf in den letzten Jahren zum einen die Anbieter von Maschinen und Anlagen für Anodenfabriken, Hütten und Gießereien, zum anderen die Ausrüster für Strangpresswerke. Inzwischen sind mit Oman Aluminium Rolling Co. und dem Ma’aden-Alcoa-Walzkomplex zwei Flagschiffprojekte für Walzprodukte hinzugekommen, die kurz vor Fertigstellung stehen. For the second time this year our Special is looking at the Gulf region. Following Aluminium Middle East 2013 in Dubai, a second major event is fast approaching and will take place in November: the Arabal Conference 2013, this year hosted by Emirates Aluminium. The venue has been chosen with foresight: in Abu Dhabi a superlative industrial development project – Kizad – is nascent which aims to attract both domestic and foreign investors and the most varied industry sectors. This industrial project is a highly visible demonstration that nowadays the Gulf States are much more than oil and gas exporting countries. Instead, they are on the way towards becoming economically diversified societies which are opening up new development prospects for their population. The three-day event will be taking place against the background of recent and future developments in the Gulf region. Naturally, the focus is on regional projects in the upstream and downstream sectors of the aluminium industry. Moreover, an approach will be made to global market questions and the economic challenges faced by the industry – including aspects related to LME warehousing which has recently become particularly topical in the light of events surrounding Goldman Sachs. For details of the programme see page 32. That the conference is being organised by Emirates Aluminium is almost self-explanatory. Located in Abu Dhabi, the company plays a central role in building up the aluminium cluster in Kizad. On top of everything else Emal’s third potline is under construction, with which the company will almost double its aluminium output to 1.3 million tonnes. Conference participants will be offered the opportunity to be taken on a site tour which will certainly leave them with a lasting impression of this smelter complex. Recently ALUMINIUM had the opportunity to talk with the president and CEO of Emal, Saeed Fadhel Al Mazoorei – about the company’s development, its market position, what is expected from the Arabal Conference, and the merger of Dubal and Emal into Emirates Global Aluminium (see pp. 26-30). For equipment suppliers to the aluminium industry the Gulf countries have become increasingly important. In recent years that has concerned on the one hand suppliers of plant and machinery for anode plants, smelters and casthouses, and on the other hand suppliers of extrusion plants. Meanwhile, with Oman Aluminium Rolling Co. and the Ma’adenAlcoa rolling complex two flagship projects for rolled products have been added, both of them nearing completion. 3 I N H A LT EDITORIAL Di e Al u mi n i u mwe l t t ri fft s i ch i n Ab u Dh a b i A l umi n i u m wo rl d t o me e t i n Ab u Dh a b i ........................................... 3 A K T U E L L E S • N E W S I N B R I E F • E V E N T S ................... 6 - 10 WIRTSCHAFT • ECONOMICS A l - P re i s e / P ro du k t i o n s da t e n de r de u t s ch e n Al u mi n i u mi n du str ie ..... 12/ 14 26 A l umi n i u m S.A. i n c re a s e s p ro du c t i o n , re du c e s c o st s .......................... 16 A l umi n i u m – Th e t ra n s p o rt a t i o n ma t e ri a l o f t h e fu t u re ...................... 19 Pr i ma ry a l u mi n i u m i n du st ry du ri n g t h e fi rst h a l f o f 2 013 , Par t II ........ 20 A L U M I N I U M I N D U S T R Y I N T H E G U L F • A R A B A L 2 0 13 I n t e rvi e w wi t h E ma l p re s i de n t a n d CE O , Sa e e d Fa dh e l Al M a zro o e i : “ We c a n c o mp e t e wi t h a n y c o mp a n y i n t h e wo rl d” ............ 26 17 th Ara b In t e rn a t i o n a l Al u mi n i u m Co n fe re n c e 2 013 ......................... 32 B e st t e ch n o l o gy fo r t h e a l u mi n i u m ro l l i n g i n du st ry i n t h e G ulf ........... 34 38 K i z ad a l u mi n i u m c l u st e r t a k i n g s h a p e ............................................ 38 E PCM – a vi t a l a c t i vi t y i n t h e wo rl d o f a l u mi n i u m ........................... 42 In Europe, Middle East and Africa contact: COMEXALE 4 TEL +33-3-83-354649 FAX +33-3-83-355092 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 CONTENTS B ech t e l keeps b ui l d i n g h i st o r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... 46 Al u m i n i u m B a h rai n – O n e o f t h e l arg e st an d most m ode r n a l um i n i um s m e l t e r s i n t h e wo rl d ................................ 48 Su cce ssf u l st a r t - up o f t h e f um e t re at me n t c e n t re a t R a s A l K h ai r al umi n i um s me l t e r ....................................... 50 Hi g h pe r f or m an c e o f ‘ E o l i o s’ p i t ch f ume t re a t m e n t sy st e m at Q at a l um p a st e p l an t ....................................... 54 T E CH N O LO G I E • T E CH N O LO GY 42 K öl l e m a n n G m b H – ma r ke t l e ad e r f o r p e t c o ke p re h e a t e rs .................56 I n t e g ra t i on de r G a t t i e r un g s re ch n un g m ach t R e c yc l i n g n och e f f i z i e n t e r • I n t e g rat e d ch arg e a n d al l o y c a l cu l a t i on m a ke s re c yc l i n g e ve n mo re e f f i c i e n t .............................. 58 Tu r l a t a rget s e qui p m e n t qual i t y a n d p e r f or m a nce fo r c ust o m e r s uc c e s s. . . . . . . . . . ........................................62 B el t e AG – S p e z i al i st f ür d i e Wä r m e b e h a ndl u n g vo n Al u m i n i u m ba ut e i l e n : „Wi r s i n d st ä n d i g b e st re b t , P ro z e s s e we i t er z u en t w i cke l n “ • B e l t e AG – S p e c i a l i st i n t h e h ea t t re a t m e n t o f al umi n i um c o mp o n e n t s : “ We c o n st a n t l y st r i ve t o devel o p o ur p ro c e s s e s f ur t h e r ” . . ........................................66 54 Infrared heat transfer for thin-walled aluminium automotive castings ....69 E u rog u ss 2 014 : „ A n me l d e st a n d d e r Vo r ve ra n st a l t u n g bere i t s e r re i ch t “ • Euro g us s 2 014 : “ L e ve l o f a ppl i ca t i ons f o r p re vi o us e ve n t al re a d y re a ch e d” .............................. 71 Gießtechnisch verbunden: Hybride CFK-AluminiumFügeverbindung für den Leichtbau . . . . . . . . . . ........................................72 ACTech nimmt Stoßwellenanlage zur Entkernung komplexer Gussteile in Betrieb .......................................72 Automated band saws for precise linear cuts ....................................73 Innovative Lösungen für das Strahlen von Gussprodukten Innovative shot blasting solutions for foundries .................................74 A N W E N D U N G • A P P L I C AT I O N Inserenten dieser Ausgabe List of advertisers Aluminium Bahrain, Bahrain 41 Arabal Conference 2013, UAE 33 Aumund Fördertechnik GmbH, Germany 47 Brochot, France 43 Buss AG, Switzerland 57 Castool Tooling Systems, Canada 4 De Winter Engineering, The Netherlands 75 Didion International Inc., USA Dubal Aluminium, UAE 21 100 Emirates Aluminium UAE 13 Eredi Scabini Srl, Italy 51 Fata Hunter SpA, Italy 29 Al u m i n i u m t u be f e i e r t 10 0 J a h re E r f o l g s g e sch i ch t e Al u m i n i u m t u b e c e l e b rat e s c e n t e n ar y . . . . . ........................................76 Fives Solios, France 31 Hertwich Engineering GmbH, Austria 2 O pel st el l t n eue n Vo l l a l u- Dre i z yl i n d e r auf IAA vo r O pel pre sen t s n e w a l l - a l um i n i um 3 - c yl i n d e r a t IAA ...........................77 IMS Messsysteme GmbH, Germany 7 C O M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E . . ................................... 78-82 D O C U M E N TAT I O N Pa t en t e . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................82 I m pressu m • I mp r i n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................98 Vor scha u • P re vi e w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................98 L I E F E R V E R Z E I C H N I S • S U P P L I E R S D I R E C T O R Y .............84 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 Gautschi Engineering GmbH, Switzerland 35 Inotherm Industrieofen- und Wärmetechnik GmbH, Germany 19 , 75 Italtecno, Italy 17 IUL – TU Dortmund, Germany 99 Kizad, Abu Dhabi 27 Maka Systems GmbH, Germany 25 Mino SpA, Italy 15 Precimeter Control AB, Sweden 37 Refratechnik Steel GmbH, Germany 39 Riedhammer GmbH, Germany 45 Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH, Germany 71 Siemens Plc, UK 11 Wagstaff Inc., USA 23 Yxlon International, Germany 9 5 AKTUELLES © Amag Amag voll ausgelastet, Ergebnis schwächer Luftaufnahme vom Amag-Standort in Ranshofen, Österreich Die Amag-Gruppe war im ersten Halbjahr 2013 in den drei Segmenten Metall, Gießen und Walzen voll ausgelastet. Die Auftragslage entwickelte sich im zweiten Quartal trotz eines schwierigeren Konjunkturumfeldes zufriedenstellend. Die gesamte Absatzmenge konnte in den ersten sechs Monaten dieses Jahres auf 181.900 Tonnen (+1%) gesteigert werden, wobei der Zuwachs im Segment Wal- zen (+4%) die Rückgänge in den Segmenten Gießen und Metall (-2% bzw. -1%) ausglich. Gegenüber dem Vorjahresquartal blieb die Absatzmenge mit 93.700 Tonnen annähernd stabil. Der Halbjahresumsatz 2013 ging gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum um fünf Prozent auf 412,4 Mio. Euro zurück – vor allem bedingt durch den um acht Prozent niedrigeren durchschnittlichen Aluminiumpreis. Das Ergebnis vor Zinsen, Steuern und Abschreibungen (Ebitda) verringerte sich um 9,4 Prozent auf 65,4 Mio. Euro. Amag konnte Anfang 2013 einen Großauftrag von EADS gewinnen, der die Lieferung von Aluplatten und -blechen für Struktur- und Außenhautteile vorsieht. Das Auftragsvolumen beträgt bis zu 100 Mio. Euro. Der Werksausbau, mit dem die Produktionskapazität in Ranshofen um 50 Prozent ausgeweitet wird, liegt laut Unternehmen voll im Plan. Das neue Walzwerk werde im zweiten Halbjahr 2014 in Betrieb gehen, so Vorstandschef Gerhard Falch. Amag geht für das dritte Quartal von weiterhin voll ausgelasteten Kapazitäten aus. Ende Juli lag der LME-Preis für Aluminium bei 1.800 Dollar je Tonne. Auch bei diesem niedrigen Preisniveau könne die AlouetteHütte in Kanada aufgrund ihrer sehr guten Kostenposition „einen wesentlichen Ergebnisbeitrag liefern“, so das Unternehmen. Aufgrund des niedrigeren Aluminiumpreises und hohen Margendrucks erwartet der Vorstand ein niedrigeres Gruppenergebnis als im Vorjahr. Das Ebitda werde in der Bandbreite von 116 bis 121 Mio. Euro liegen. Deutsche Aluminiumindustrie wächst in Erzeugung und Verarbeitung Hüttenaluminium (+15,1%) und 315.718 Tonnen Recyclingaluminium (-4,1%). GDAGeschäftsführer Christian Wellner dazu: „Im ersten Halbjahr 2013 hat die deutsche Hüttenaluminiumproduktion den höchsten Wert seit der Wirtschaftskrise 2008/09 erreicht. Damit bleibt die Erzeugung von Aluminium ein wichtiger Wertschöpfungsbestandteil der Aluminiumindustrie in Deutschland.“ Die Erzeugung von A l u m i n i u m h a lb z e u g – Walz- und Strangpressprodukte sowie Drähte und Schmiedeteile – betrug 1,266 Mio. Tonnen (+3,2%). Die Produktion von Aluminiumguss – Sand-, Kokillen- und Druckguss – sank dagegen deutlich, und zwar auf 403.412 Tonnen (-7,2%). Im Juni wurden dagegen 76.075 Tonnen und damit so viel Die Produktion von Walzprodukten legte im ersten Halbjahr 2013 zu © ALUMINIUM Die deutsche Aluminiumindustrie hat sich im ersten Halbjahr 2013 gut behauptet. Die Produktion konnte in vielen Bereichen deutlich zulegen. Für das zweite Halbjahr erwartet die Branche weiteres Mengenwachstum. Die Erzeugung von Rohaluminium stieg auf 549.081 Tonnen und damit um 3,3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum. Die Menge teilt sich auf in 233.363 Tonnen 6 wie im Vorjahresmonat produziert. 175.378 Tonnen (+0,5%) wurden in der Weiterverarbeitung hergestellt. Sie gliedert sich in die Segmente Folien und dünne Bänder (+0,2%), Tuben, Aerosol- und sonstige Dosen (+5,7%) sowie Metallpulver (+5,0%). Das konjunkturelle Umfeld war im ersten Halbjahr relativ schwach und durch eine hohe Unsicherheit gekennzeichnet. Nach Ansicht von Andreas Postler, Leiter Volkswirtschaft und Statistik beim GDA, hat sich die deutsche Aluminiumindustrie in diesem Umfeld jedoch gut behauptet. „Unsere Industrie hat ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in den letzten Jahren durch Modernisierungen und Restrukturierungen deutlich gesteigert. So konnten unsere Unternehmen im ersten Halbjahr 2013 – trotz einer rückläufigen Mengenkonjunktur – in vielen Segmenten Marktanteile gewinnen.“ Postler erwartet eine Fortsetzung dieser positiven Entwicklung: „Das konjunkturelle Umfeld hellt sich wieder auf. Für das zweite Halbjahr gehen wir von einer leicht anziehenden Mengenkonjunktur aus.“ ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 NEWS IN BRIEF Deliveries of aluminium foil products moved ahead in Q2 2013, confirming that the recovery in demand seen in 2012 continues. Overall production for the year to date reached 419,800 tonnes, a rise of 2.5% compared with the first half of 2012. Exports too maintained momentum, increasing by 3.2% in Q2 2013, helping first half sales outside the European market to an impressive 6.6% rise. Q2 results showed thinner gauges, used largely for flexible packaging and household foils, once again led the way with a rise of 2.3%. Thicker gauges, used typically for semirigid containers and technical applications, dropped back by just 1.8%, indicating recovery is more uneven for these products. Total deliveries were 210,400 tonnes, which is an increase of 1.3% compared with Q2 2012. Manfred Mertens, EAFA vice-president and Roller Group chairman, commented: “While the outlook is still somewhat uncertain there are clear signs that the trend is upward, although there may still be some negative quarters in some areas, the ‘downs’ seem to be smaller and the ‘ups’ larger.” Alufoil Trophy 2014 – a chance to ‘shine’ in aluminium foil! ing on the launch of this year’s competition Guido Aufdemkamp, director Communication at EAFA, said: “The Alufoil Trophy 2014 is a special opportunity for companies to bring worldwide attention to their latest ideas and products. We look forward to an exciting and hotly contested competition.” Entries will be accepted until 29 November 2013. More details on The launch of the Alufoil Trophy 2014, organised by the European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA), offers companies the chance to enter and place the spotlight on their latest innovations and technologies using alufoil, in the most prestigious competition of its kind. Five categories for entries provide ample scope for all kinds of creativity and technological developments – across the entire range of industrial applications and covering the most crucial challenges for alufoil and aluminium closure manufacturers. The categories are: Marketing & Design, Consumer Convenience, Resource Efficiency, Product Preservation and Technical Innovation. Comment- © EAFA Alufoil: production and deliveries on the rise Improve your product quality! IMS measuring systems are designed for online, non-contact operation in the measurements of: • Thickness and thickness profile • Wedge and crown • Flatness • Width and position of material • Dimension and geometry • Edge defects and holes • Coat thickness and coat profile • Speed and length • Force and strip tension Competence in aluminium measurement Your measurement task is our specialisation! IMS Messsysteme GmbH Dieselstraße 55 | 42579 Heiligenhaus | Germany | phone: +49 2056 975-0, fax: -140 | ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 7 AKTUELLES © Trimet Trimet präsentiert sich auf der IAA Strukturbauteile für Pkw Auf der Internationalen Automobil-Ausstellung (IAA), die in diesem Jahr vom 12. bis 22. September in Frankfurt am Main stattfindet, präsentiert sich die Trimet Aluminium SE als leistungsstarker Partner der Automobilindustrie. Der mittelständische Werkstoffspezialist behauptet sich mit Produkten und Dienstleistungen aus einer Hand als Systemlieferant der Branche. Der steigende Bedarf nach Strukturteilen erweist sich für Trimet als Wachstumstreiber. Marktentscheidend sind unter anderem die Speziallegierungen, die Trimet im eigenen Forschungslabor entwickelt. Trimet hat im vergangenen Jahrzehnt für rund 200 Mio. Euro die beiden Produktionsstandorte in Harzgerode und Sömmerda ausgebaut, um das Produktportfolio zu erweitern und den wachsenden Kundenstamm aus der Scholz-Gruppe kündigt Restrukturierung an australischen Recyclinggruppe CMA eingestellt werden. Auch das Standortportfolio in Europa wird bereinigt, Randaktivitäten wie die Aluminiumproduktion sollen abgestoßen werden. Im Übrigen werden die klassischen Instrumente zur Ergebnisverbesserung und Entschuldung eingesetzt: Kosteneinsparungen und Stellenabbau, der bereits im zweiten Halbjahr erfolgen soll. Die Euler Hermes Rating hat unterdessen das Rating der Scholz AG auf B herabgestuft; der Ausblick wurde von „stabil“ auf „unbestimmt“ gesetzt. Die Recyclingbranche ist derzeit in einer schwierigen Marktverfassung, gekennzeichnet durch niedrige Verkaufspreise und partielle Überkapazitäten. Einer der größten Aluminiumrecycler in Deutschland, die Firma Oetinger, ist insolvent, während die Scholz AG ein umfassendes Restrukturierungs- und Entschuldungsprogramm ankündigt, das bis 2015 umgesetzt werden soll. Die Scholz-Gruppe, die mit einem Ausstoß von fast 10 Mio. Tonnen an Sekundärrohstoffen zu den Marktführern beim Handel und der Aufbereitung von Eisen und NEMetallen in Europa zählt und 2012 einen Umsatz von 4,7 Mrd. Euro erwirtschaftete, will sich künftig auf das Kerngeschäft Recycling von Eisen- und NE-Metallen konzentrieren und ihr Beteiligungsportfolio bereinigen. So soll das Asiengeschäft deutlich reduziert und die Geschäftsbeziehungen zur 8 Hydro-Ausschreibung für Tonerde-Logistik Hydro hat in Deutschland eine Online-Ausschreibung für die Logistik zur Oxidversorgung des Rheinwerks in Neuss platziert. Interessierte Dienstleister sind aufgefordert, nachhaltigere Lösungen mit einer weiteren Minderung der spezifischen CO2-Emissionen vorzuschlagen. Automobilindustrie zu bedienen. Zu den Schwerpunkten im Automotive-Geschäft zählen Getriebe- und Kupplungsgehäuse für Direktschaltgetriebe. Zudem ist Trimet seit 2009 Alleinlieferant von Fahrwerksteilen für einen namhaften deutschen Automobilhersteller. Die im Kokillenguss hergestellten Fahrwerksteile werden in Deutschlands modernster Schwerkraftkokillenguss-Anlage am Standort Harzgerode produziert. Als wesentlicher Wachstumstreiber zeigt sich immer mehr der steigende Bedarf der Automobilindustrie an Strukturteilen. In Verbindung mit den von Trimet anwendungsspezifisch entwickelten Aluminiumlegierungen ist dies zu einer weiteren tragenden Säule im Automotive-Bereich geworden. „Unsere eigene Metallbasis, das damit verbundene Werkstoff-Knowhow und die Ausrichtung auf komplexe Gussteile mit großer Bearbeitungstiefe erweist sich auch für unsere Kunden als nachhaltige Strategie. Der steigende Bedarf stärkt die Standorte und schafft neue Arbeitsplätze“, sagt Trimet-Vorstandsmitglied Thomas Reuther. Trimet versorgt alle namhaften Automobilhersteller und -zulieferer mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen und Leichtbauteilen. Mit einem Maschinenpark von 530 bis 4.100 Tonnen deckt das Unternehmen ein breites Produktportfolio bei seinen Kunden ab. Vom zweiten Halbjahr 2014 an soll der geplante Kontrakt die gesamte Logistik für jährlich 300.000 Tonnen Tonerde abdecken. Der Dienstleister transportiert dabei Aluminiumoxid von den Ladestellen in Stade und vom Rotterdamer Hafen. Er ist verantwortlich für alle Zwischenlagerungs- und Umschlagsaktivitäten bis hin zum Einblasen des Oxids in die Silos im Rheinwerk. Außerdem umfasst der Auftrag innerbetriebliche Umfuhren von Sekundäraluminiumoxidmengen. Der Logistikvertrag soll auch Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten Rechnung tragen. „Hier sehen wir noch großes Potenzial und deshalb steht für uns die Ausarbeitung eines ganzheitlich, innovativen Logistikkonzeptes sowie eine langfristige Partnerschaft mit dem Logistikdienstleister im Vordergrund“, sagt Irmtraud Pawlik, in der Geschäftsfeldleitung von Rolled Products verantwortlich für das Rheinwerk. Die Ausschreibung betrifft ein Volumen von mehreren Millionen Euro und startet exklusiv auf der Ausschreibungsplattform Cargoclix. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 NEWS IN BRIEF Dubal products rated Rio Tinto abandons for sustainable builddivestment of ing by LEED and DGNB Pacific Aluminium mine and an alumina refinery. Media have recently reported that Rio Tinto plans to sell 13 aluminium facilities in Australia, Europe and the US, as it looks to trim its Alcan business. The Anglo-Australian company did not disclose how much it expects to raise from the sales. Tom Albanese, Rio’s chief executive, said: “The assets identified for divestment are sound businesses that are well-managed with productive workforces. But they are no longer aligned with our strategy, and we believe they have a bright future under new ownership. We can choose the most opportune timing to divest these assets, which may not occur until the economic climate improves.” Products manufactured by Dubai Aluminium Mining giant Rio Tinto has abandoned the (Dubal), UAE, have been declared suitable for plan to sell its loss-making aluminium operasustainable building practices, as per the crite- tions in Australia and New Zealand. “Followria defined by the US Green Building Coun- ing a comprehensive review we have detercil’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental mined that the divestment of Pacific AluminDesign (LEED) rating system and the Deutsche ium for value is not possible in the current Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB, environment and it will be reintegrated into the German Sustainable Building Council). the Rio Tinto Alcan group,” the company Both declarations, which follow a rigorous says. Pacific Aluminium’s operations include assessment process by an independent agen- four aluminium smelters as well as a bauxite cy, attest to Dubal’s commitment to sustainability and environment protection. “This is a major development for Dubal, as more than 60 percent of our annual production comprises aluminium billets that are used extensively by extruders to produce construction components – such as window and door frames,” says Walid Al Attar, executive vice president for Marketing and Sales. “The international Q Digital X-ray inspection of multiple parts and sizes rating by LEED and DGNB Q High-resolution images in 2D and 3D places these products in a strong position to be speciQ Digital radiography and computed tomography fied by end-users in the buildup to 600 kV ing and construction industry Q Manual, semi-automatic and fully automated worldwide.” inspection The two sustainability ratings are an important differentiator in the local market, where billets account Please contact our sales for the major proportion of organization: annual sales. Al Attar points Essener Bogen 15, out that new laws have been 22419 Hamburg, Germany enacted in Dubai, whereby Phone +49 40 527 29 - 101 or visit us at the incorporation of able measures will be mandatory in all new construction projects in the Emirate as of next year. “The suitability of our products is tangible evidence of Dubal’s support for the government’s green building agenda, simultaneously confirming the success of our efforts to produce ‘green metal’ as part of our overall strategy to minimise the impact of our business on the environment,” he says. Whatever your task ... we have the solution Technology with Passion ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 EVENTS Weltleitmesse „Schweißen & Schneiden“ lädt nach Essen ein Globales Innovationsschaufenster öffnet vom 16. bis 21. September 2013 Als internationales Innovationsschaufenster bietet die Messe das optimale Umfeld für die Vorstellung neuer Produkte, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen. Alle großen Industrienationen und namhaften Hersteller sind in Essen vertreten. Die größte Ausstellergruppe stellt Deutschland mit 379 Unternehmen, gefolgt von China (170 Aussteller), Italien (96) und den USA (41). Die ausländische Beteiligung liegt insgesamt bei rund 61 Prozent – ebenfalls ein sehr guter Wert, der das Renommee der Messe als wichtigste internationale Branchenplattform für Wissenstransfer, Networking und Nachwuchsförderung unterstreicht. Viele Länder nutzen die Fachmesse, um auf nationalen Gemeinschaftsständen die Leistungskraft ihrer Unternehmen kompakt zu präsentieren. Dazu zählen die USA, die mit zwei Ständen in den Hallen 7 und 8 vertreten sind, sowie China mit drei nationalen Auftritten in den Hallen 7, 8.1 und 9.1. Weitere Gemeinschaftsstände werden von Frankreich, Japan, Taiwan, Italien sowie erstmals Südkorea unterhalten. Zu den innovativen Exponaten der Schweißen & Schneiden zählen Geräte, Anlagen und Werkstoffe – nicht nur für das Schweißen und Schneiden, sondern auch für verwandte Verfahren wie Löten, Wärmebehandlung oder Thermisches Spritzen. So demonstrieren 13 Mitgliedsunternehmen der Gemeinschaft Thermisches Spritzen e.V. (GTS) an einem Gemeinschaftsstand in Halle 5 verschiedene leistungsfähige Beschichtungsverfahren, die hoch beanspruchte Oberflächen vor Verschleiß und Korrosion schützen. Junge innovative Unternehmen feiern Messepremiere. Seit ihrer Premiere 1952 ist die Schweißen & Schneiden auch eine Plattform für den fachlichen Austausch, der in diesem Jahr zu- 10 © Messe Essen Es ist wie bei den Olympischen Spielen: Alle vier Jahre wird die Schweißen & Schneiden zum globalen Treffpunkt der fügetechnischen Fachwelt. 2013 kommen die internationalen Experten der Füge-, Trenn- und Beschichtungstechnik bereits zum 18. Mal in Essen zusammen. Vom 16. bis 21. September präsentieren rund 1.000 Aussteller aus mehr als 40 Nationen ihre Innovationen. Die Messe Essen und ihr ideeller Partner DVS (Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V.) erwarten zudem rund 55.000 Besucher aus über 100 Ländern. Schweißen & Schneiden 2009. Auch dieses Jahr erwartet der Veranstalter volle Hallen. As in 2009 the organiser of Schweißen & Schneiden expects full halls sätzliches Gewicht bekommt. Unmittelbar vor der Messe lädt das International Institute of Welding (IIW) vom 11.-15. September 2013 zu seiner Jahresversammlung im Congress Center Essen. Zu dieser Veranstaltung sowie zur zweitägigen IIW-Konferenz „Automation in Welding“ (16.-17. Sept. 2013) werden rund 1.000 Experten aus aller Welt erwartet. Wäh- rend der Messe werden außerdem renommierte Fachleute auf dem DVS Congress 2013 Forschungsergebnisse, Marktentwicklungen und Lösungen für Hersteller und Anwender der Füge-, Trenn- und Beschichtungstechnik vorstellen. Der DVS Congress 2013 findet im Forum auf dem DVS/GSI-Gemeinschaftsstand in Halle 12 statt. Schweißen & Schneiden is inviting to Essen It is just like the Olympic Games: every four years, Schweißen & Schneiden becomes the global meeting place of the expert world of welding technology. In 2013, the international experts in joining, cutting and surfacing technology will come together in Essen for the 18th time already. From 16-21 September, around 1,000 exhibitors from more than 40 nations will present their innovations. Moreover, Messe Essen and its ideal partner, DVS (German Welding Society), are expecting around 55,000 visitors from more than 100 countries. As an international innovation showcase, the exhibition will offer the best environment for the introduction of new products, processes and services. All the major industrial nations and notable manufacturers will be represented in Essen. The largest group of exhibitors will be provided by Germany with 379 companies followed by China (170 exhibitors), Italy (96) and the USA (41). The foreign participation will be around 61% in total – also a very good value which highlights the reputation of the fair as the most important international sectoral platform for know-how transfer, networking and the promotion of the next generation. A lot of countries will also use the top-ranking trade fair in order to present the efficiency of their companies in a compact way on national cooperative booths. These will include the USA which will be represented with two booths in Halls 7 and 8 as well as PR of China with three national appearances in Halls 7, 8.1 and 9.1. Further cooperative booths will be set up by France, Japan, Taiwan, Italy as well as, for the first time, South Korea. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 Focus on Precision, Yield and Green Set the benchmark in Aluminum Rolling! We know what we’re talking about when it comes to aluminum rolling. During the past five decades we have supplied hundreds of new and modernized mills that set the benchmark for producing quality strip in an efficient manner. The market is ever changing and now demands highest yield and tolerances while minimizing environmental impact. Siemens VAI is at the forefront of this challenge. full range of vertically integrated supply packages. With specialized technologies for thickness, profile and flatness control, the strictest quality and tolerance demands are met for all downstream product requirements. At every stage of a mill’s productive lifetime, we have the right solution to ensure that your mill performs at its peak level. Our portfolio includes: New plants and mill modernizations On the basis of immense process knowhow and engineering experience, Siemens VAI works with our customers to meet their targets for productivity, quality, yield and flexibility. Complete equipment supply As a total solution provider, maximum mill performance is assured with the latest equipment design, advanced technological packages, sophisticated electrical, automation, environmental systems, and a Worldwide, around-the-clock services Electrical and automation systems Consultancy services and mill audits Customized mill products Be the leader in the field – with SIROLL ALU solutions from Siemens VAI, a global supplier but your local partner. Answers for industry. WIRTSCHAFT Aluminium im Monatsrückblick Ein Service der TRIMET Aluminium SE Die LME 3-Monatsnotierung konnte sich nach dem regelrechten Ausverkauf im vergangenen Monat wieder erholen und notierte im Hoch wieder oberhalb der Marke von € 1.400 per Tonne. Unerwartet gute Konjunktur- und Wirtschaftswachstumszahlen aus dem Euroraum beflügelten alle LME-Basismetallnotierungen und auch die Sorge um den Liquiditätsengpass Chinas schien mehr als unbegründet. Nachdem die LME-Lagerhausbestände im Juni ein neues Allzeithoch bei 5,45 Millionen Tonnen markierten, erlebten sie im Juli einen wei- teren Anstieg auf 5,49 Millionen Tonnen, sodass die umstrittene LME-Lagerhauspolitik weiterhin für sehr viel Zündstoff und erhitzte Gemüter unter den Verbrauchern sorgte. Daher werden die Stimmen nach einem Eingreifen in das Geschehen immer lauter. Auf- bzw. Abschlag für 3-Monatstermin Letzten 6 Durchschnittswerte LME Juli Juni Mai April März Februar 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 33,88 Euro 30,36 Euro 24,80 Euro 25,22 Euro 30,79 Euro 31,22 Euro 50 0 –50 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Aluminium High Grade, Kasse Letzten 6 Durchschnittswerte LME Juli Juni Mai April März Februar 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1.351,17 Euro 1.376,16 Euro 1.410,51 Euro 1.424,60 Euro 1.475,92 Euro 1.538,20 Euro 2.500 2.000 1.500 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1.000 Aluminium Lagerbestände Letzten 6 Monatsendwerte LME Juli Juni Mai April März Februar 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 5.478.525 t. 5.435.600 t. 5.202.000 t. 5.157.625 t. 5.237.400 t. 5.162.050 t. 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 0 Alle Angaben auf dieser Seite sind unverbindlich. Quelle: TRIMET Aluminium SE – aktuelle LME-Werte unter oder per TRIMET-App auf das iPhone. 12 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 WIRTSCHAFT Produktionsdaten der deutschen Aluminiumindustrie Primäraluminium Sekundäraluminium Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm Press- & Ziehprodukte** Produktion (in 1.000 t) +/in % * Produktion (in 1.000 t) +/in % * Produktion (in 1.000 t) +/in % * Produktion (in 1.000 t) +/in % * Juni 33,0 -8,0 54,6 6,9 161,0 20,6 49,1 -0,3 Juli 34,8 -5,0 56,0 7,1 166,4 0,9 46,9 -7,4 Aug 34,9 -5,8 47,2 2,9 161,4 1,2 44,9 -11,8 Sep 33,6 -4,4 52,5 -4,3 164,5 8,1 44,6 -17,2 Okt 35,2 -2,5 53,3 -0,3 162,5 9,4 46,1 -7,4 Nov 34,2 -2,9 53,4 -6,4 152,9 0,1 42,5 -20,1 Dez 35,1 -2,1 43,4 -7,0 117,2 7,4 23,3 -22,8 Jan 13 35,4 0,3 52,2 -3,5 159,3 9,5 42,8 -7,6 Feb 33,8 4,4 52,6 -5,3 158,9 6,5 44,3 -7,2 Mär 39,9 17,0 54,4 -5,0 163,1 -1,7 45,5 -9,8 Apr 40,3 20,2 53,9 1,0 173,1 17,6 48,7 8,2 Mai 42,3 23,1 51,5 -5,1 163,2 1,5 45,3 -7,4 Juni 41,7 26,2 51,1 -6,3 162,9 1,2 48,4 -1,4 * gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat, ** Stangen, Profile, Rohre; Mitteilung des Gesamtverbandes der Aluminiumindustrie (GDA), Düsseldorf Primäraluminium Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm 14 Sekundäraluminium Press- und Ziehprodukte ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ...since 1840 manufacturer of high performance Hot, Cold and Foil Rolling Mills for Aluminium strip MINO O S.p.A. SpA Via Torino, 1 – San Michele – 15122 ALESSANDRIA – ITALY Tel. +39 0131 363636 Fax x +39 0131 361611 - E-mail: w w w. m i n o. i t ECONOMICS Aluminium S.A. increases production, reduces costs G. Djukanovic, Podgorica Aluminium S. A., located in St Nicolas at the north coast of the Gulf of Corinth, started production in 1966 as a Pechiney plant, then under the name ADG. Later it was a base for the development of the aluminium manufacturing industry in Greece with numerous facilities all over the country. Today annual turnover amounts to more than €2bn. Over 40,000 people are directly and indirectly employed in the sector. In 2003 ADG became part of Alcan after the Canadian company took over Pechiney in France. Alcan sold it to the Greek private company Mytilineos Group in 2005. Aluminium S.A. achieved a steady production in the past two years of 164,000 tpy of aluminium (124,000 tonnes of alloyed billets and 40,000 tonnes of slabs) and around 800,000 tpy of metallurgical grade alumina. According to a company presentation sales amounted to €506m and Ebitda to €21m in 2012, whereas sales were €521m in 2011 and Ebitda €32m. In recent years, since it became a fully owned subsidiary of Mytilineos Group, Aluminium S.A. has not published separate financial reports. In view of market uncertainty and falling aluminium prices, the management took the initiative to develop a strategic growth plan. The so-called ‘Future’ programme, launched in 2011, refers to the implementation of a new, ambitious plan for cutting operating costs, and to a preliminary agreement for the acquisition of the bauxite operations of S&B, the largest bauxite mining company in Greece. The Future programme – scheduled for completion by the end of this year – focuses on ten key areas that the company is addressing. In 2012 the group launched a new ‘Mellon’ programme (‘Mellon’ = ‘Future’ in Greek), a large-scale cost-saving programme in order to further internationalise the group’s metallurgy and mining business activity. The Mellon programme will remain a key priority for the group in 2013, as it works as a crucial safety 16 valve in the challenging business environment of limited liquidity. According to this programme cost savings of €110m a year are planned and some €90m of cost benefits have already been achieved. The remaining amount mainly relates to bauxite sourcing and to production mergers. In November 2011, Mytilineos Group and S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. announced the initial agreement for the gradual acquisition of S&B’s bauxite operations by Mytilineos’ © Metka Aluminium S.A., earlier known as Aluminium of Greece (AoG) and Aluminium de Grèce (ADG), is the sole vertically integrated aluminium producer in Europe with all production facilities concentrated in one location. It is the largest alumina producer in Southern and Eastern Europe and the second largest primary aluminium producer next to Romanian Alro. View of the cogeneration plant at Aluminium S.A., with two HRSGs and two gas turbines subsidiary Aluminium S.A. However, following completion of thorough due diligence, a final agreement was not reached. Evaluating the challenges presented by the domestic and international environment, the two companies will continue to pursue ways to improve the competitiveness of bauxite mining activities, whereas their commercial collaboration will continue without impediments. Aluminium S.A. has full ownership of Delphi-Distomon bauxite mines, the second largest in the country, with current annual production of around 650,000 tonnes. It is located in the nearby Amfissa region and employs some 100 people. Despite the fact that the area is rich in bauxite with over 100m tonnes of proven reserves (of a total of 650m tonnes in Greece), the company started importing tropical bauxite in 2000 (about 200,000 tpy) that is mixed with Greek bauxite in a process called ‘sweetening’. The reason for this is to facilitate the process because Greek bauxite has a relatively high content of silica which is more difficult to process. Commercial contracts with Glencore The Mytilineos Group signed a USD2bn deal in July 2008 to provide Swiss-based trader Glencore International (now Glencore Xstrata Plc) with all surplus alumina over a ten-year period. AoG will deliver more than 5m tonnes of alumina to Glencore during the period. Production of alumina will amount 770,000 to 800,000 tpy during the FY2012-2014 period with a selling price of 13.5% of the LME 3-month aluminium price, which refers to the contract price and market price for remaining volumes sold in the spot market (according to National Securities). The alumina refinery operates at full capacity of 800,000 tpy; around 60% of the production is sold to third parties, mainly to Glencore for the contract-linked price of about 14% of the LME 3-month aluminium price (according to Eurobank Equities Research). In January 2013 Aluminium S.A. signed a new contract with Glencore for the sale of 75,000 tonnes of aluminium in billets and slabs, for a total of USD200m. The metal will be exported to the EU and US markets from January 2013 to June 2014. Production costs decreasing Alumina production costs have been exceeding USD300/t in recent years while Aluminium S.A. has been ranked in the third quartile. After implementing significant cost reduction measures the cash production costs now stand at around USD250/t (2013 estimate) which corresponds to the first to second quartile of the global alumina cost curve. The smelter costs were ranked in the fourth quartile of the global cost curve until recently. The management expects that after full and successful implementation of ‘Mellon’, production costs will be around USD2,000/t. This would place the company in the second quartile of the cost curve. However, it is more realistic to expect costs hardly below USD2,200/t (3rd quartile), mainly due to relatively high electricity prices. In 2013 production costs are expected to be around USD2,300/t, according to company reports. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ECONOMICS Major investments in environment protection © Mytilineos Group Since the construction of the cogeneration power plant was completed in 2008 (€191m) investments of Aluminium S.A. have comprised bauxite residues recovery facilities and filter presses, with the installation of two additional presses in the last few years. At the same time, studies have been carried out to examine the potential for the utilisation of bauxite residues in other industry sectors. The company’s goal is to discharge the full quantity of bauxite residues ashore, in an area specially set aside for this within its terrain. Other investments aim at increasing aluminium production to 174,000 tpy in 2014 and alumina production to 810,000 tpy. Electricity costs According to the Regulating Authority for Energy (RAE) procedure issued in May 2012, the provisional electricity price for Aluminium S.A. is 42 €/MWh (plus €6/MWh tax and transfer costs, according to Eurobank Equities Research). It is estimated that at this price DRYPLUS Aluminium S.A. has been subsidised by some €10m annually. Another €10m a year could be saved by using steam from the cogeneration plant. Application of the provisional price, according to the rationale of the RAE decision, refers to all operating hours of Aluminium S.A., in the light of the single-zone tariff that matches its consumption profile for the entire period of the day; this will remain in force until the final decision by the arbitrators to whom Aluminium S.A. and PPC (the national electricity dis- Less Sludge – Less Costs Weniger Schlamm – Weniger Kosten DrasƟc reducƟon of sludge volumes from anodizing lines Überragende Reduzierung der Schlammmengen von Eloxal-Linien With DRYPLUS you reduce by 50% the volume of aluminium hydroxide sludge! Mit DRYPLUS reduzieren Sie 50% des Aluminiumhydroxid-Schlamms! Standard Standard With Dryplus Mit Dryplus Dry percentage of the sludge [%] Anteil des Trockenschlamms [%] 20% 45% Sludge producƟon [tons/year] SchlammprodukƟon [Tonnen/Jahr] 1300 578 80 80 € 104.000 € 46.222 Considered Parameters (waters treatment from an anodizing line with 30.000 A installed capacity) BerücksichƟgte Parameter (Wasserbehandlung einer Eloxal-Linie mit einer Kapazität von 30.000 A) EsƟmated Cost for sludge disposal [€/ton] Geschätzte Kosten für die Schlammentsorgung [€/Tonne] Cost for disposing of the sludge [€/year] Kosten für die Schlammentsorgung [€/Jahr] Total Saving [€/year] - Ersparnis [€/Jahr] € 57.778 Technical and Įnancial data are indicaƟve and only provided for informaƟonal purposes. Italtecno will be keen to submit a tailor-made proposal. Feel free to ask! Technische Daten und Kosten sind indikaƟv und nur zu InformaƟonszwecken bereitgestellt. Italtecno wird Ihnen gerne ein persönliches Angebot unterbreiten. Fragen Sie uns einfach! Via Gino Marinuzzi 38 - 41122 Modena (Italy) - Tel. +39 059 280362 - Fax +39 059 280462 - - ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 17 Exemplary in safety Aluminium S.A. has a long tradition in safety performance since it was part of the Pechiney group, and the management is very proud of that. It is regarded as one of the safest aluminium plants in the world for workers, with only few accidents a year (and only one injury at work in 2006) . In December 2012 a new collective agreement was made between the management of Aluminium S.A. and the company’s labour union. The agreement resulted in preserving all employment positions and the production capacity of the plant as well as significant cost streamlining on a viable and long-term basis. Technical features Aluminium S.A. uses tried and tested Pechiney technology, a point-feeder system, enclosed pot cells and pre-baked anodes. Potlines A and B (since 1986) operate at 70 kA (520 pots) and potline C at 90 kA (since 1971, 260 pots). Since 1995 the plant has been equipped with central computer control and graphic tracking of the production process in all potlines. Current efficiency is 93% and electricity consumption is 13,200 kWh/t. Consumption of anodes is 405 kg/tAl, aluminium fluoride is 10 kg/t, alumina 1,900 kg/t, so the plant has the lowest specific consumption of raw materials and consumables compared to all other producers in the region. Aluminium S.A. processes around 1.4m tonnes of Greek bauxite and 200,000 tonnes of imported (tropical) bauxite; it produces around 800,000 tpy of alumina (460,000 tpy for export) and 164,000 tpy of primary metal (around 90,000 tpy for 18 the Greek market). The anode plant has a production capacity of 90,000 tpy of anodes. Average pot life is 100 months (more than eight years), which is one of the best results for this type of cell and technology in the world. The plant’s port is capable of accommodating and serving ships of tonnages up to 50,000 tonnes. It is equipped with three electric rail cranes, the alumina ship loader and all necessary storage facilities for raw materials and products. The loading installations for the alumina cargo to be exported (bulk cargo) can achieve loading rates exceeding 600 tph. The smelter uses Tardis equipment for its dross handling. Tardis is a fully patented process of rapid cooling and pressing. The equipment, which was awarded a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category, has been designed to maximise aluminium recovery from dross, whilst eliminating the associated dust and fume. The new 334-MW high-efficiency combined heat and power (CHP) plant, or cogeneration plant, is located within the complex of Aluminium S.A. It is connected to the regional gas pipeline that comes from Russia and across Bulgaria to Athens and the port of Piraeus. The plant came into operation in 2008 and is equipped with the latest technology. It operates using natural gas and, apart from electricity, produces steam which is used in the alumina production process. Any surplus electricity produced is fed into the national electricity grid. Author Goran Djukanovic is an independent aluminium market analyst. He is located in Podgorica, Montenegro. Email: © Djukanovic tributor) have referred their dispute (source: Annual report 2012). This information leads to the conclusion that the gas cogeneration power plant, built within the production complex of Aluminium S.A., has not contributed to reducing electricity costs to an extent that would be suitable and profitable for Aluminium S.A. This price per megawatt hour is lower by about €20/MWh than the price that PPC had been charging Aluminium S.A. following a unilateral decision and despite the lack of contract for the period of July 2010 up until mid-May 2012 (date when the decision was made by RAE, deciding on a temporary price). The impact of CO2 emissions charges implemented in 2013 may additionally increase electricity costs by €6/MWh unless the state implements subsidises for energy intensive industries, including Aluminium S.A. Source: Eurobank Equities Research ECONOMICS EU Commission refers Greece to court for failure to recover incompatible aid from AoG In July the EU Commission has referred Greece to the European Court of Justice for failing to comply with two distinct Commission decisions that ordered Greece to recover incompatible state aid from three Greek casinos and from Aluminium of Greece S.A. (AoG). In both cases, over two years after the Commission decisions, the full aid amounts have still not been paid back. The EU Commission requested Greece to recover incompatible state aid in the form of preferential electricity tariffs from AoG. The aid amount is calculated as the difference between PCC’s revenues from the standard tariff between January 2007 and March 2008 and the revenues from the tariff that was actually applied to AoG in the same period. The Commission calculated the aid principal as amounting to 17.4 million euros. The aid given to AoG has not been recovered up to date. The recovery procedure has been suspended by a national court, in clear violation of EU law. AoG has appealed the Commission’s 2011 decisions before the EU General Court. However, no interim measures have been requested nor granted and the appeals have no suspensive effect. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ECONOMICS Aluminium – The transportation material of the future F. Awadhalla, Dubal The diversity of applications for aluminium is huge. It is used in virtually every sector – from cooking pots, through housing and other infrastructure construction, to all types of transportation, military and marine applications. This is reflected in the growing volumes of aluminium used worldwide: the annual growth rate of primary aluminium consumption is 46%. This is double the growth rate of the global population, GDP and IP over the last five years. At present, more than 50% of aluminium consumption is utilised in two sectors: transportation and construction. Analysts predict that aluminium consumption will almost double in the next ten years, with the greatest growth taking place in the transportation and construction sectors. Within the transportation sector, aluminium is used extensively in all sub-sectors – namely aviation, marine transport, space and land transportation. In aviation, about 33,500 new aeroplanes and freighters are required between 2011 and 2030, with a total market value of USD4 trillion. In marine transportation, the usage of primary aluminium in ship-building will grow by 2.2% in the next five years. For space vehicles, the forecast growth in aluminium usage is around 3.5%. The growth trend in land transportation is predicted at 4.3%, with aluminium usage growing from 15 million tonnes in 2015 to 19 million tonnes in 2020. This reflects the increasing use of aluminium as a substitute for other metals in the automotive sector. The reason for this is the numerous advantages offered by aluminium, summarised as follows: • Efficiency – Aluminium is unmatched for its contribution to fuel conservation, due mainly to the associated reduction in vehicle weight. Statistics show that for every 10% reduction in weight a fuel-saving of 5-7% is achieved. The lighter weight of aluminium vehicle bodies also means reduced frequency of charging ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 the battery in hybrid electric cards, which will no doubt make these vehicles more competitive and thus more attractive to consumers. • Sustainability – Aluminium is the most abundant metallic element in the earth because it is infinitely recyclable. Nearly 75% of aluminium produced in 1988 is still in usage and almost 90% of automotive aluminium is covered and recycled without degrading the metal’s properties. © Dubal The importance of aluminium in the transportation sector is without question. In the automotive segment, in particular, the growth in demand and application of aluminium is, for several reasons, on a continuous expansion trend. The article is based on a presentation the author gave at the CRU World Aluminium Conference 2013 in London. Fadi Awadhalla at the CRU conference • Safety – Many people wrongly believe that the lighter weight of aluminium-based vehicles reduces their safety. However, the opposite holds true due to the mechanical properties of aluminium (especially compared to steel). The density of aluminium is one-third that of steel, which means that car manufactures can double the cross-section of metal plates and still produce a lighter-weight vehicle. Also, because of the mechanical folding property of aluminium, it can absorb double the amount of crash energy compared to steel. • Durability – Most aluminium alloys are engineered for extended service life. Moreover, aluminium is known for being long-lasting and rust resistant, which thus reduces the need for rust repair and increases the vehicle life span. • Performance – All car manufacturers look to provide end-users improved performance. Since vehicles made with aluminium are lighter in weight, they perform better overall – they accelerate faster, have a shorter braking distance, and provide full maneuverability and handling for the driver. • Design – Aluminium provides greater flexibility for designers to design the shape desired to perform better in different applications. • Cost-effectiveness – Lighter-weight vehicles boast lower fuel consumption and highly reliable parts with reduced maintenance liabilities. The net result is greatly improved cost of ownership to consumers. At the outset of aluminium usage in the automotive sector, the metal was used primarily in four areas – wheels, engine, transmitter and heat exchangers. The current usage is vastly greater, with aluminium being used in place of steel for many different parts of the vehicle. Based on this, the potential growth of aluminium usage in the automotive industry is set to from 9-16%. Naturally, a key factor in the switch to aluminium usage is the environmental benefits. Statistics show that for every 100 kg reduction in vehicle weight, the fuel consumption declines by 0.3 to 0.5 litre per 100 km. This then reduces CO2 emissions from 0.8 to 1.1 kg per 100 km. In closing, the success of the aluminium industry going forward depends on how efficiently it is managed – from the raw materials (alumina) to power station set up and smelter productivity and value added products in the casting operations. By maintaining our focus on the correct parameters, our industry will continue to grow sustainability – with minimal impact on the environment. Author Fadi Awadhalla is senior casthouse manager at Dubai Aluminium, UAE. Planung, Konstruktion und Ausführung von Industrieofenanlagen Konstantinstraße 1a 41238 Mönchengladbach Telefon Telefax E-mail Internet +49 (0) 2166 / 98 79 90 +49 (0) 2166 / 98 79 96 19 ECONOMICS Primary aluminium industry during the first half of 2013, Part II Rudolf P. Pawlek, Sierre © Emal This overview covers the events of the primary aluminium industry during the first half of the year 2013. While Part I, published in ALUMINIUM 7-8/2013, focused on Africa, America, Australia and Europe, Part II looks at the Middle East and Asia. One of the latest highlights in the aluminium industry was the announcement of Mubadala Development Co. of Abu Dhabi and ICD of Dubai to merge the businesses of Dubai Aluminium and Emirates Aluminium and thus create ‘Emirates Global Aluminium’ – the fifth-largest global aluminium company by production. Ingots from Emal, waiting for shipment MIDDLE EAST & ASIA ABU DHABI: In June Emirates Aluminium (Emal) celebrated the installation of the final steel structure for the potline of its Phase II expansion. With the last of 120 specially designed steel structures in place, all the major civil and mechanical work on the world’s longest single potline of 1.7 km is complete by now, and Emal remains on target to deliver its ambitious expansion plans. The first steel structure was raised in July last year, which means that completion was within the anticipated target of 12 months. The work was done without a single lost time injury – the industry standard for measuring success in health and safety. Emal’s Phase II expansion project will increase aluminium production to 1.3m tpy by the end of 2014, from today’s 800,000 tpy. Early works on the estimated USD4.5bn Phase II expansion began in early 2011, making Emal one of the largest industrial projects in the UAE outside oil and gas and one of the key projects leading to the diversification of the UAE’s economy. BAHRAIN: Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) has begun a bankable feasibility study to determine the viability of the expansion of its sixth potline. The expansion project is expected to add another 400,000 tpy to the company’s current capacity of 890,000 tpy. Alba will use Dubal DX+ technology in the bankable feasibility study. Dubal currently has five pilot DX+ pots which began operating at 420 kA and are now running at 440 kA. DX+ is an updated version of the DX technology which is in use at Dubal and Emal Phase I plants. At the end of December 2012, Alba announced it remains on track in broadening its production capacity by increasing its line current of Potline 5 from AP30 to AP36 technology. The upgrade will enable Alba to boost output since each 1 kA increase is expected to yield 950 tpy of extra aluminium production. The Alba team succeeded in achieving this goal without any significant capital investment. Plans are also underway to achieve the same level of success in Potlines 3 and 4. In June Alba announced that its process technology achieved a significant milestone with the upgrade of Potline 5 to AP37 technology following an increase in the line current to 370 kA. The upgrade increases the smelter capacity by around 10,000 tpy. ➝ Primary aluminium smelters in the Middle East: Nameplate capacities and shutdown capacities on a temporary basis Compiled by R. P. Pawlek, June 2013 Country Location Nameplate Shutdown Capacity Capacity (tpy) (tpy) 800,000 MIDDLE EAST Abu Dhabi Taweelah Azerbaijan Ganja 50,000 Bahrain Askar 900,000 India Jharsuguda 500,000 Korba 900,000 Renukoot 345,000 Hirakud 213,000 Angul 475,000 Kuala Tanjung 265,000 Indonesia 20 Iran Japan Kazakhstan Malaysia Oman Qatar Tajikistan Turkey UAE Arak Arak (2) Bandar Abbas Bandar Abbas (2) Kambara Pavlodar Sarawak Sohar Mesaieed Regar Seydisehir Jebel Ali 90,000 110,000 110,000 147,000 20,000 250,000 120,000 390,000 625,000 450,000 65,000 1,040,000 100,000 60,000 175,000 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ECONOMICS Primary aluminium smelters in China: Nameplate capacities and shutdown capacities on a temporary basis Compiled by R. P. Pawlek, June 2013 Location PR CHINA Aba Baise Yinhai Baotou Shi Baotou East Hope Changjiang Chiping Xinfa Chongqing Tiantai Chongqing Dongsheng Chuangyuan Danjiankou Shi Datong Xian Dengfeng Dianneng Gejiu Dongfang Xiwang Emeishan Faxiang Fukang Fushun Shi Gansu Lonxi Gongyi Guangxi Baise Xinghe Guangyuan Qimingxing Guanlu (old) Guanlu (new) Guanyuan Aostar Guiyang Shi Guizhou Haizhou Hejin Xian Hongjun Honglu Aluminium Huadong Huanghe Huasheng Jiangquan Huaxin Huayu Jiaozuo Shi Jilin Jinning Nameplate Capacity (tpy) 100,000 200,000 610,000 400,000 62,000 550,000 55,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 260,000 65,000 50,000 780,000 355,000 70,000 413,000 350,000 240,000 25,000 320,000 114,000 110,000 220,000 420,000 240,000 410,000 40,000 120,000 1,060,000 150,000 70,000 80,000 112,000 70,000 100,000 420,000 65,000 350,000 Shutdown Capacity (tpy) 20,000 70,000 220,000 60,000 For two consecutive years, Alba has achieved record output through deployment of lean management techniques and operational efficiency initiatives. In January, the company announced that the 2012 production was 890,217 tonnes, which is an increase of 8,907 tonnes on 2011 figures. CHINA: In January Chalco announced it purchased a 23.66% stake in Ningxia Electric Power Group in what the company considers to be a milestone in its cost-cutting efforts. Chalco completed the purchase from Huadian Power International Corp. at the end 22 Jingxi Jnneng Ke’ao Laibin Yunhai Lanjiang Shi Lanzhou Shi Lanzhou Liancheng Linfeng Lintao Linzhou Longlin Longquan Aluminium Longxiang Meishan Qimingxing Mianchi Aluminium Nanping Shi Nanshan Ningxia Ningxia St. Dehua Nongliushi Xinjiang Panshi Xian Pingguo Xian Pingyin Qiaotou Qinao Qinghai Qinghai Huanghe Qinghai Xinheng Qinghai Xinye Qingtongxia Shi Qinyang Qiya Sanmenxia Shi Shandong Aluminium Shandong Donghai Shangdian Shanxian Hengkang Shanxi-Huaze Shenhuo (old) Shenhuo (new) Shihezi Sichuan Emei 160,000 80,000 135,000 250,000 30,000 700,000 260,000 160,000 50,000 240,000 50,000 400,000 55,000 130,000 80,000 73,000 406,000 370,000 50,000 590,000 25,000 140,000 26,000 350,000 90,000 436,000 500,000 500,000 575,000 685,000 500,000 400,000 120,000 78,000 200,000 125,000 220,000 350,000 160,000 420,000 400,000 350,000 20,000 70,000 20,000 32,000 110,000 of 2012, becoming Ningxia Electric’s biggest shareholder. At present, Ningxia has a thermal power generation capacity of 3,874 MW, wind electricity capacity of 1,039 MW and photovoltaic power generation capacity of 103 MW. Ningxia Electric also has a coal reserve of 2.38bn tonnes and a production capacity of 16m tpy. In January the country’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and ten other ministries set out guidelines for the future structure of nine in- Sichuan Qiya Taian Taiyuan Shi Tianyuan Tongshuan Xinguang Tongshuan Tongshun Wanji Aluminium Wujiaqu Xichuan Xiezhou Xinfa Xinjang Yihe Xinjiang Xinjiang Easthope Xinwang Yangquan Shi Yangquan Aluminium Yichuan Aluminium Yinhai Aluminium Yongan Aluminium Yongcheng Xian Yongcheng City Yugang Longquan Yulian Power Yungcheng Shanhe Yuncheng Shi Yunnan Yunnan Dongyuan Yunnan Runxin Yunnan Yongxin Zhaofeng Aluminium Zheijiang Huadong Zhengxing Aluminium Zhengzhou Shi Zhonghe Zhongfu Zhongning Aluminium Zibo Shi Zouping Zunyi Xian 350,000 50,000 100,000 130,000 110,000 150,000 50,000 530,000 740,000 90,000 330,000 175,000 400,000 370,000 860,000 76,000 60,000 68,000 600,000 100,000 60,000 60,000 500,000 600,000 120,000 65,000 220,000 500,000 240,000 50,000 35,000 61,000 70,000 120,000 58,000 495,000 308,000 370,000 55,000 141,000 242,000 40,000 60,000 70,000 dustries, including aluminium, rare earths and steel. According to the guidelines, China aims to have a few aluminium business conglomerates with core competitiveness and international influence by 2015, and have the top 10 smelters accounting for 90% of the country’s total production capacity. Other likely players in consolidating China’s aluminium industry are smelters in Henan province, where combined output of aluminium would be higher than Chalco’s. To meet the top 10 / 90% target, major smelters in Henan province may have to be merged into one, ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 al Casting Confidence Built on innovation and refined through experience, Wagstaff billet and ingot casting technologies are a gateway to profitability. Casthouses around the world rely on the history, experience, and service offered by Wagstaff to foster confidence within the casting operation. That confidence is valuable and necessary to safely cast aluminum and to ultimately maximize profits in the marketplace. The leader in direCT Chill CasTing TeChnology Casting Machines rolling ingot Casting systems Billet Casting systems automation Metal level Control Worldwide service and support To find out how your operation can increase casting confidence Call +1 509 922 1404 || ECONOMICS 24 chasing a 20% stake in a calciner development project as part of a joint venture with Sinoway Carbon Energy Holdings, Hong Kong, for an undisclosed sum. The new venture, known as Sinoway Carbon Co. Ltd, entails the construction of a 560,000 tpy petroleum coke calciner in Shandong, China. Calcined petroleum coke (CPC), is a strategic raw material for the aluminium smelting industry, where it is used in the manufacture of carbon anodes for the electrolytic process. Dubal will be entitled to an annual off-take volume of CPC for its smelting operations. The Sinoway calciner is being built in two equal phases. Construction of the first phase was completed in May. The second phase is scheduled for completion in Q4 2013. The plant will employ Chinese shaft technology – a well-proven, simple-to-install, easy-to-operate system that gives better yield than other technologies at substantially lower capital and operating expense. China has a surplus supply of green petroleum coke (GPC). Indeed, China currently produces more than 40% of annual global GPC/CPC production, with several GPC refineries being in close proximity to the Sinoway development site. Dubal’s investment in Sinoway represents a strategic opportunity to mitigate the company’s supply and quality concerns, thus contributing to business continuity. CPC is one of the main drivers for cost of production, and is hence an important factor in the business equation. With a secure supply of suitable quality CPC from Sinoway calciner, Dubal will be well placed to counter this trend, with direct benefits to the bottom-line. At the beginning of June, in a move that will form a new industrial giant in the UAE, Mubadala Development Co. of Abu Dhabi and the Investment Corp. of Dubai (ICD) announced the creation of Emirates Global Aluminium. This jointly-held, equal-ownership company will integrate the businesses of Dubal and Emal and has plans for significant local growth and international expansion. The accord builds on a successful partnership that started with the formation of Emal in 2006, a joint venture of Mubadala and Dubal. Emirates Global Aluminium will have an aggregate enterprise value of more than US© Dubal as China has dozens of smelters of that similar stimulus package, spurred by local government incentives aimed at creating employment. size. Such talk has been initiated years ago. Henan is China’s largest province for But widespread overcapacity and consequent aluminium production, with the major five cost pressures throughout the aluminium incompanies being Zhongfu Industrial, Shen- dustry are now driving state policies aimed at huo Group, JiaoZuo WanFang Aluminum reversing the trend. In any case, small capacManufacturing Co., Henan Wanji Aluminium ity units have already begun to cut production Co. and Henan Yugang Longquan Aluminum amid low metal prices, particularly in high-cost Co. All of them have a production capacity of areas such as Henan province. Cathode and anode exporters are unlikely 0.7-0.8m tpy. Zhongfu is publicly traded on to be affected by the rule change, since most Shanghai Stock Exchange, while both Shenplants in China’s primary export regions are huo and Jiaozuo are listed on Shenzhen Stock more sizeable. Exchange. In February it was announced that China’s government aims to “vigorously” eliminate obsolete aluminium capacity in 2013 through economic measures such as differential power rates. The decommissioning of technologically backward smelters is a key work area in 2013. Economic measures such as power rates differentiation will be studied and employed so as to raise production input costs to impel obsolete smelters to exit the market. In addition, the authorities aim to set new entry requirements for the aluminium industry, as already exist for secondary aluminium producers. China had 27.65m tonnes of aluminium capacity at the end of 2012, with utilisation rates at only 72%. Only 45% of the total capacities are operated with self-run power stations, while those relying on the state grid’s power are deeply in the red. Metal prices are expected to vary little in 2013, with periodic recovery opportunities depending on global monetary easing and on China’s investment policies. China’s drive to crack down on surplus non-ferrous metal produc- Extrusion billets from Dubal tion capacity will extend to small Early in April it was reported that China concarbon cathode and anode plants as of May. The guidelines place anode block plants sumed 0.5% less energy year-on-year in 2012 with an annual capacity of 80,000 tpy or less, per tonne of primary aluminium produced. and cathode block plants with a capacity of Electricity consumed per tonne of primary 20,000 tpy or less, in the government’s ‘re- aluminium dropped on average to 13,8 kWh stricted’ category, meaning new investment in 2012, down 69 kWh from a year ago, and proposals for such small plants are likely to equal to a reduction in carbon dioxide emisbe rejected. Those operating existing facilities sion of 63 kg/t of aluminium produced. China that fall under the guidelines may face in- thereby saved 1.4bn kWh in 2012. DUBAI: In March Dubai Aluminium (Ducreasing regulatory and cost pressures. Such small capacities proliferated on the bal) announced it has expanded its interest in back of the government’s post-financial-crisis the upstream (raw materials) sector by pur- ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ECONOMICS ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 CNC - Spezialmaschinen © iStock D15bn, and it will be the fifth-largest global aluminium company by production, once Emal’ Phase II expansion project is complete in the first half of 2014. Building on the heritage of Emal and Dubal, the new company will look to expand along the value chain, from aluminium smelting to alumina refining and bauxite mining overseas. Given its scale and growth, Emirates Global Aluminium will also continue to attract downstream manufacturing as well as ancillary businesses related to aluminium smelting and alumina refining, thereby indirectly creating additional jobs. The new company will accelerate employment with 2,000 direct jobs being created by 2020, adding to more than 6,200 direct jobs (Dubal 3,800; Emal 2,500) already in existence. A further 6,000 indirect jobs will be generated, delivering total employment of over 33,000 people by the UAE aluminium sector through the end of this decade. Emirates Global Aluminium will serve over 440 customers in 55 countries, with a joint production capacity of 2.4m tpy of aluminium on the completion of Emal Phase II. Pending required approvals, the formal commencement of joint operations is expected to be completed within the first half of 2014. The combination agreement signed by Mubadala and ICD unifies the Jebel Ali and Taweelah smelter assets, as well as interests in Guinea Alumina Corp. and Cameroon Alumina Ltd. Energy costs for major aluminium producers range from USD255-368/t in the Middle East, while in India electricity prices range from USD514-904/t. INDONESIA: The Indonesian government will completely take over Indonesia Asahan Aluminium, known as Inalum, in November, although negotiations are still ongoing. That is what the Indonesian Industry Minister M.S. Hidayat told journalists in June. He added that the government had already earmarked Rp7 trillion (USD707m) for the take-over. Originally the government had plans to sell its stakes to other investors, but then changed mind because it wants to turn Inalum into a new state-owned enterprise. Inalum is currently 58.88% controlled by Japanese consortium Nippon Asahan Aluminium and 41.12% controlled by the Indonesian government. TURKEY: In April the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD) announced it has drafted plans to promote the use of pre-baked anode technology in the Turkish aluminium smelter through a USD50m loan to Eti Aluminyum. The money would help to modernise the company’s aluminium smelter located in Konya, in southern Anatolia, by converting the existing Søderberg electrolysis technology to proven pre-baked anode technology. The privately-owned company produces alumina, hydrate, liquid aluminium and other alumina products from its bauxite mining operations, located south of Konya. Eti Aluminyum had promised to develop advanced corporate social responsibility practices, reporting publicly on such policies from 2015. It had also agreed to develop and implement integrated energy and carbon management systems under ISO 50001 standards. The new unit would meet European Union standards and best available technologies. The company’s entire modernisation plan should cost USD232m, and involve the phasing out or upgrading of the old Soviet-designed open cell electrolysis pots. Eti Aluminyum awaits final decision on the loan from the EBRD board of directors. ■ Aluminium ist beständig – wie eine MAKA 5-Achs-Bearbeitung von ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Aluminiumprofilen Aluminiumgussteilen Aluminiumblechen Aluminium-Verbundstoffen Anwendungsbereiche In der Automobil- und Aircraftindustrie, dem Fenster- und Fassadenbau und mehr ... MAKA 5-Achs-Bearbeitungszentren sind innovative High-End Lösungen. Prozessoptimierung, Präzision, Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit stehen für Produktivität und Flexibilität. ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY IN THE GULF Interview with Emal president and CEO, Saeed Fadhel Al Mazrooei © Emal “We can compete with any company in the world” President and CEO Saeed Fadhel Al Mazrooei: “Emal has a strong global market demand, and the local market and the downstream industry in the UAE are also growing.” ALUMINIUM’s editor-in-chief recently had the opportunity to visit Emirates Aluminium (Emal) in Abu Dhabi and talk to president and CEO, Saeed Fadhel Al Mazrooei, about the company’s future development, its Phase II expansion project, the Arab Aluminium Conference 2013 in Abu Dhabi in November, which will be hosted by Emal, and the recent announcement of the unification taking place between Emal and Dubal. Emal is currently expanding its production capacity from 800,000 to 1.3 million tonnes of aluminium and construction work at the site is in full swing. Once Phase II has been commissioned, Emal will be one of the largest single-site aluminium smelter in the world. ALUMINIUM: Mr Al Mazrooei, the Emal site and technical facilities are really impressive compared with the relatively small European smelters. There is a lot of construction work underway for the Phase II expansion. Is everything on schedule? Al Mazrooei: Yes, Phase II will be completed on schedule, and within budget. We will start energising the first cell early in the fourth quarter of this year. First hot metal will be produced at year-end, with full production being reached around mid-2014. Then we will not only have the longest potline in the world – 1.7 kilometres long – but also the best smelter technology available today. ALUMINIUM: … the DX+ technology from Dubai Aluminium. Al Mazrooei: The DX+ technology is a further 26 development of the DX technology and will be used in our Phase II potline. Our Phase I potline uses the DX technology, now at 380 kA, upgraded from the 350 kA previously. This upgrade has boosted our aluminium production from 750,000 to 800,000 tonnes a year. The DX+ cells of the potline under construction will initially operate at 440 kA, and have the potential to operate at 460 kA. For that we have ordered the world’s largest rectifier ever being built. The current efficiency of the DX+ potline will be the benchmark for the rest of the industry. ALUMINIUM: Emal is already one of the most cost-efficient smelters in the world thanks to the low cost of natural gas from Abu Dhabi. This low-cost situation will improve further when the third potline comes on stream. Al Mazrooei: There are three main criteria for our outstanding position. One is energy, ‘clean energy’ as we call it. The second is the DX technology we use. It is the latest technology and has been developed to produce metal in a highly energy-efficient manner. And thirdly we should mention that we have implemented processes and procedures in our plant that promotes high productivity of our workforce. ALUMINIUM: The third potline will boost production to 1.3 million tonnes a year. Most of your production is destined for export. Where do you sell your products? Al Mazrooei: Today our products are sold to over 150 customers in almost 36 countries worldwide. 80 percent of our products are delivered to Asia, the US and Europe. About 30 percent of our products are delivered to South Asia, for example to Korea and Japan. We sell almost 200,000 tonnes a year to the US. We also sell our products to Europe, with Germany our largest market there. The Middle East takes part of the volumes, as do local markets in the Gulf. Our products are ISO 9001 certified so we comply fully with international standards. ALUMINIUM: The Middle East and Asia are on your doorstep whereas the United States and Europe are farther away. Does distance to market hinder your business in any way? Al Mazrooei: We are located in the middle of the world so we are able to deliver to Europe without any problems. The same applies to the US. ALUMINIUM: There are still EU customs duties on imports of aluminium to protect the European smelters. These must be a thorn in your flesh. Al Mazrooei (laughing): EU competitors are trying to protect their business but I think it is necessary to look at the industry as a whole. Downstream manufacturers should benefit from access to international markets. The European smelters were built many years ago and do not have the best energy efficiency. I think the European aluminium industry should encourage the downstream business because that is where the real added value is to be found. The same companies that push for EU customs duties come to the UAE and build new production facilities, albeit targeting the Asian rather than the European market. ➝ Emal potline, based on Dubal technology ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 SPECIAL ARABAL ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY IN THE GULF IS YOUR COMPANY BENEFITING FROM ACCESS TO MOLTEN ALUMINIUM AND RELIABLE LOW COST UTILITIES? KHALIFA INDUSTRIAL ZONE ABU DHABI _ RELIABLE, LOW COST UTILITIES FOR LESS THAN $0.04 PER kWh _ INTEGRATED WITH KHALIFA PORT, SUPPORTED BY WORLD CLASS INFRASTRUCTURE _ 0% TAX ENVIRONMENT AND CUSTOMS DUTIES EXEMPTIONS _ FREE ZONE AND NON FREE ZONE BUSINESS SETUP OPTIONS WITH 100% OWNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES GIVE YOUR BUSINESS THE ADVANTAGE LET’S TALK +971 800 10 20 30 | an ADPC company ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY IN THE GULF Business between the Gulf and Europe is built on long-term relationships and the aluminium business should be based on that concept too. A free trade agreement should really be considered where the most efficient competitors survive and the most economical and environmentally-friendly businesses flourish. ALUMINIUM (provoking): Would you dare to make a prediction when the last aluminium smelter will be shut down in Europe? Al Mazrooei (again smiling): If I could see into the future I wouldn’t be sitting here. But to be serious: in the end it all depends on economics, on the cost of producing aluminium. And there are many cost drivers for European smelters such as electricity tariffs, taxation and environmental costs. But business models have to survive too. You need a business that is sustainable. That is what the Gulf is doing ing at the present market situation we see a lot of overcapacity, imbalance in supply and demand, with rather weak aluminium prices. Is that the right time to expand? Al Mazrooei: That’s the general market you describe. However, when I look at our books there is no reason to complain. Demand for our products is greater than what we can deliver. Last year, demand for our products was around one million tonnes whereas our plant can only produce 800,000 tonnes a year. We are doing well on market penetration. We are market-driven and customer-focused. And from a capex point of view, today is the best time to build a new smelter because investment costs are low. At a time of market stagnation it is easier to find the money for well justified investment projects. And there is good reason that the market imbalances will diminish In April Emal was celebrating 25 million hours worked without a single lost time incident today. Here you find competitive energy prices, the most modern production technology and state-of-the-art equipment for environmental protection; this allows the Gulf smelters to produce on a more efficient basis. ALUMINIUM: The conditions are ideal for you to expand beyond your current project. When I toured the site an hour ago I saw that there is space for a Phase III potline. Al Mazrooei: We have space to grow but every new investment must be built on a strong business case. When Emal seeks finance, it does not go to the governments of Abu Dhabi or Dubai but to the international financial markets. Therefore the business model has to be structurally strong to convince long-term investors to commit themselves financially. We have to justify our business model and to look 20 to 25 years down the road. A Phase III expansion is an option, but at present we are focused on the start-up of our Phase II project. ALUMINIUM: Finance is one thing, but the market conditions have to be right too. Look- 28 over the coming years. But again, we are fully booked and will be producing at full capacity. Furthermore, although the LME price for aluminium is rather low at present, premiums are high and offset the weak aluminium price. ALUMINIUM: Are you confident you will be able to sell the additional volumes from the third potline right away? Al Mazrooei: I don’t think there is an issue for selling. Emal has a strong global market demand, and the local market and the downstream industry in the UAE are also growing. There are already five potential downstream companies planning to operate in the UAE and one is under construction today at Al Taweelah in Kizad, the Khalifa Industrial Zone – Abu Dhabi, and will come on stream soon. ALUMINIUM: You refer to the Al Taweelah Aluminium Extrusion Company… Al Mazrooei: … That will be the starting point of the so-called ‘hot metal road’ between Emal and downstream companies to deliver molten aluminium at further reduced costs and environmental impacts. It will encourage other manufacturing companies to settle in Kizad. Most of the production will go into building and construction but there is a multitude of target markets. ALUMINIUM: Do you expect the automotive industry to settle here too? Al Mazrooei: Not yet. That might happen later. The manufacturing of aluminium wheels and other high-value niche products could be an approach in addition to cable, wire and rod. But most of the production will be for export. ALUMINIUM: Health, safety and environment protection are of great importance to Emal. That applies to other companies too, but from what I’ve read your records are particularly impressive. Al Mazrooei: Yes, we are proud of our records in these fields. Take safety, for an example. Today, early in July, we are looking at 35 million work hours without an accident on the Phase II construction site. That is a record for the industry. We are looking at more than 15 million work hours without a lost-time incident in our operations during the last three years. We do a lot to take care of our employees. For example, just this morning we had a crew member meeting where all the staff, 12,000 project workers, was assembled to be informed about the symptoms and risks of dehydration and how to protect against it. We encourage our employees to take care of each other and to be aware of the emergency numbers you can call in case your colleague suffers from dehydration. We take care that our employees are conscious of risks at the workplace. Every new employee undergoes safety induction. We reward them when they do things properly and safely. Then we give them a token; three tokens will give them some credits they can trade in for money. I could list similar success items when it comes to environment protection. We have spent a good deal of money – more than 700 million US dollars for Phase I – in environment-related equipment to minimise our emissions and to monitor them. ALUMINIUM: Do you have also a continuous improvement programme? Al Mazrooei: We have a suggestion scheme that allows workers to make any kind of proposal that is related to the production process or to safety at work. The suggestions go to a committee to check if it is worth being implemented or not. Our employees get a reward for making the suggestion, and get rewarded when it is implemented. Up to date we have had more than 12,000 suggestions with more ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY IN THE GULF than half of them implemented. Our motto is: Everything can be improved. ALUMINIUM: There was recent announcement by your parent company Mubadala that it is going to merge the businesses of Dubal and Emal to create Emirates Global Aluminium. What is the reason behind this decision? Al Mazrooei: Although Dubal and Emal have been separate companies, we have always worked closely together on different platforms, for example on technology, logistics and material supply. We rely on Dubal to procure all our materials and utilise their experience in sales and marketing. When we started the production of Phase I in 2009 our employees were trained at Dubal. So there is a lot of Dubal culture embedded at Emal. The only difference was in the ownership, which has now changed. Mubadala owns fifty percent of both Dubal and Emal. Dubal, which previously owned fifty percent of Emal, transferred its ownership in Emal to ICD, a Dubai Gov- perspective than Emal on its own. ALUMINIUM: What about the brand names ‘Emal’ and ‘Dubal’ as references for high-quality aluminium? Will these brands be replaced by a brand name like ‘Emirates Aluminium’? Al Mazrooei: We have worked hard to establish ‘Emal’ as a brand. Dubal too has its own highly renowned brand backed by thirty years’ effort to establish a strong position in the market. It wouldn’t be wise to give up this goodwill. In future, we will operate under the same umbrella with two smelters at different sites. There will be one sales team, but for two different products – Dubal and Emal. ALUMINIUM: Has this integration already started or will that be implemented at a later date? Al Mazrooei: We are still waiting for endorsements from regulatory authorities in all regions where we sell our products. We hope to have all approvals in place by the end of the first quarter of 2014. Emal has spent more than USD700m in environment-related equipment to minimise emissions from aluminium production ernment investment fund that owns the other half of Dubal. In principle, there will not be much of an operational change. It is mainly the ownership that has changed. ALUMINIUM: Does that mean Emirates Global Aluminium is a kind of holding company? Al Mazrooei: It is a corporation that will look after many types of operation. For example, Mubadala and Dubal have stakes in projects in Guinea and elsewhere. Dubal has a stake in a calciner project in China for the manufacture of carbon anodes. There is a feasibility study underway for an alumina refinery at Al Taweelah. In other words: Emirates Global Aluminium will have a much bigger business 30 ALUMINIUM: I understand you will become CEO of UAE operations. Al Mazrooei: Both for the operations at Emal and Dubal and for any future UAE Project. Mr Abdulla Kalban, formerly president and CEO of Dubal, will be the MD and the CEO of Emirates Global Aluminium and in charge of UAE and global operations. ALUMINIUM: Do you regard this merger as a big opportunity to grow? Al Mazrooei: Yes, that is the goal – to grow, not to shrink, and to realise synergies while we grow. If you look at mergers in Europe or elsewhere, they are mostly executed in order to reduce overhead and cut costs. Our approach is the other way round. Nobody will lose his job, people will maintain their present work but there will be synergies for the system and procedures. ALUMINIUM: Emal is hosting the Arabal Conference in November in Abu Dhabi? What is the principal idea behind this conference? Al Mazrooei: To bring people from the global aluminium industry together. To promote the UAE as an attractive location for industry in general and especially for the aluminium industry. To show potential investors where we stand today and what we can offer. There are many opportunities in the Gulf and the UAE for starting up businesses. As you know, when doing business you have to look at your competitors, at the markets and technologies, and where the business is going to develop. We are looking forward to many company representatives participating in the event. We are targeting particular companies that we want to be part of the conference. There will be a good balance of presentations and time for networking. And of course, part of the programme will be workshops and a site tour for all visitors that are interested in getting an impression of our smelter. ALUMINIUM: So you are not only expecting attendees from the primary aluminium industry, but from the industry as a whole and from all over the world? Al Mazrooei: Yes, from the upstream and downstream sectors, from suppliers and customers, bankers and investors. We want to bring industry experts and decision makers – politicians and senior executives – to Arabal. We are very proud to host this conference and are working hard to make it a unique event – in terms of the material that is presented, the people that will be attending and the speakers. The conference will start two days after another exciting event in Abu Dhabi: the Formula 1 Grand Prix. That will be a good opportunity to combine business with pleasure. ALUMINIUM: A final word about Emal’s market position: do you see Emal as one of the top three smelters in the world? Al Mazrooei: Not only as one of the top three, but as No 1: not in terms of volumes, but the different platforms we have just talked about. We are No 1 on start-up commissioning and ramp-up; nobody has broken our record yet. We are No 1 in project execution: we have the lowest capex per tonne of aluminium. We are No 1 in safety record: we recently won a safety award from the RoSPA, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. I am proud to say that we can compete with any industry and aluminium company in the world. ALUMINIUM: Mr Al Mazrooei, many thanks for this discussion. ■ ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 W Q fr B S e o th T C d fo F w What about the compliance of your Anode Baking Furnace? Qatalum selected Fives Solios’ solutions for its Anode Baking Furnace to comply with the highest standards in terms of safety and emissions Qatalum is operating one of the most efficient and most environmentallyfriendly aluminium smelters in the world. By implementing the best available technology in terms of Firing & Control Systems and Fume Treatment Centers on the Anode Baking Furnaces, Qatalum ensures that the operation of its furnaces is safe and that the stack emissions of condensed and volatile tars, dust and hydrogen fluoride are kept under the most stringent environmental levels. Thanks to its long experience both in Firing & Control Systems and Fume Treatment Centers, Fives Solios offers additional synergies as part of an integrated FCS/FTC design to further improve emissions, OPEX, working and safety conditions for a more reliable Anode Baking Furnace. Fives Solios, designing today the plants of the future Driving progress ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY IN THE GULF 17th Arab International Aluminium Conference 2013 Arabal is the premier trade event for the aluminium industry in the Middle East, and the only conference in the world attended by every single primary aluminium manufacturer in the region. The story began in 1983 with Kuwait Aluminium Co. bringing together the leading figures in Middle East Aluminium to strengthen ties and discuss the issues of the day to provide an overview about the entire aluminium industry. Over the past three decades, the Arabal Conference has grown to attract heads of industry from around the world to attend, speak, and exhibit, and by 2011 Arabal attracted more than 450 delegates. Since its foundation, and until 2009, the conference has been hosted in a different country in the Middle East region bi-annually. As of the 2010 conference in Oman, due to the impact and significant role of Arabal, the steering committee agreed to hold the conference on an annual basis. This year, the conference is hosted by Emirates Aluminium. International ALUMINIUM Journal is the official media partner of the conference. Confirmed speakers Arabal 2013 is proud to confirm the following speakers, who will be participating at this year’s event: H. E. Juma Mohammed Ahmed Al Kait, Assistant Undersecretary for Foreign Trade Affairs, Ministry of Economy. Mohammed Al Naki, Chairman of Arabal. Tim Murray, CEO of Alba. Khalid Abdulla Al-Luhaidan, Vice President, Aluminum SBU, Ma’aden. Yousuf Bastaki, Vice President EHSSQ, Emal. ARABAL CONFERENCE 2013 – Provisional agenda 16:00 Tuesday, 5 November 2013 10:00 12:00 14:00 18:00 19:00 Pre-conference workshop Dubai Aluminium (Dubai) Lunch Site tour to the Emal smelter complex Registration Welcome reception Wednesday, 6 November 2013 8:30 9:00 10:30 11:00 13:00 14:30 15:30 32 Opening address: The Patron; Arabal host; Emal host Session 1 The Global economy and its challenges Economic overview of GCC; European and global marketplace; featuring HE Jumaa Al Kait and his views on the European and GCC relationship Moderator: Mahmood Al Daylami, secretary general Gulf Aluminium Council Coffee break Session 2 GCC smelters – opportunities, investments and future plans Panel discussion with representatives from Emal, Dubal, Qatalum, Maaden, Sohar and Alba Moderator: Raju Daswani, Metal Bulletin Lunch Session 3 Warehousing, financing deals and future of metal exchanges Warehousing rules and the impact on aluminium inventory; featuring first deputy chief executive of Rusal Coffee break 17:15 18:30 19:00 Ali Al Zarouni, Vice President, Smelting Operations, Dubal. Vladislav Soloviev, First Deputy CEO of Rusal. Kamil Wlazly, Senior Metal Analyst, Metals Bulletin. Marco Georgiou, Head of Aluminium Primary and Products, CRU Group. Edgardo Gelsomino, Senior Analyst at Wood Mackenzie. David Wilson, Director, Metals Research and Strategy, Citi Research. Walid Al Attar, VP Marketing and Sales, Emal and Dubal. Joe Lombard, Group Managing Director, Hatch. Mudar Al Mekdad, General Manager, Gulf Extrusions Co. LLC. Hamid Al Zayani, Managing Director, Midal Cables. Khaled Salmeen, CEO and Managing Director, Kizad. Diran Apelian, AlcoaHowmet Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Nick Madden, Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Novelis Inc. ■ Session 4 Aluminium market price outlook Panel discussion with industry pricing analysts from MB, CRU, Wood Mackenzie and Citi Research Moderator: Zaid Aljanabi, senior industry analyst, Emal End of Day Transportation to gala dinner premises Reception, followed by gala dinner Thursday, 7 November 2013 9:00 10:00 10:30 12:00 13:30 14:15 14:45 15:15 Session 5 Casthouse product mix and downstream initiatives in the Mena region Presentation by VP Marketing and Sales of Emal, Dubal and GMD of Hatch Coffee break Session 5 continued Casthouse product mix ... Presentations on successfully established downstream projects and on the industrial infrastructure in the Mena region Lunch Session 6 Environmental drivers Presentations on R&D for aluminium products in the GCC and the future of recycling for the aluminium industry in the Middle East Coffee Break Session Six continued Environmental drivers Featuring presentations on the GCC smelters, the best supply partners for future generations and clean energy supplies to the aluminium sector Closing speech ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY IN THE GULF Best technology for the aluminium rolling industry in the Gulf B. Rieth, Meerbusch The aluminium industry in the GCC countries has for many years achieved impressive growth. Whereas in 2000 the production of primary aluminium amounted to around one million tonnes, today it has already reached 3.7 times as much. From 2015 when the new Ma’aden smelter in Saudi Arabia and the third potline of Emal in the UAE will come into production, the region will have capacities of almost five million tonnes a year. In contrast, no such dynamics can be seen where the further processing of aluminium into semis is concerned. Here, growth has until now been governed by need. However, a new impetus has been provided by the objective of no longer just converting the available oil and gas ‘into solid form’ as aluminium, but achieving at least some value addition in the region by virtue of further processing, for example to make rolled products. of a rolling slab casting unit and hot and cold rolling mills, but relatively high for the alternative possible use of twin roll casting machines. Accordingly a different solution was decided upon: the molten aluminium will be delivered via holding furnaces to a twin-belt caster and solidified into strips 2,032 mm wide and 13 to 21 mm thick. The solidified strip will go directly to a hot mill where it will be reduced down to a thickness of 1 to 2 mm in an in-line hot rolling process, and then coiled. This will then be followed by the usual cold-rolling process on a four-high reversing rolling stand with the necessary intermediate and final annealing operations. The capacity of such an in-line hot rolling unit, for a cast width of 2,000 mm, certainly amounts to 250,000 to 300,000 tonnes a year. This means that when the cold rolling and finishing capacities are increased accordingly, the plant can be adapted for future market developments with relatively little effort and costs. Specialised slitting and coil coating operations are provided in the finishing area. Major project in Saudi Arabia A further aluminium rolling mill is at present being built as the first construction stage of an integrated mining, smelter and rolling complex together with the aluminium smelter in Saudi Arabia’s Ras Az Zawr at the northern end of the Arabian Gulf. There, at present the US producer Alcoa Inc. and the Saudi Arabian mine operator Ma’aden (Saudi Arabian Mining Company) are together implementing an ambitious smelter project as a joint venture, Ma’aden-Alcoa. The aluminium smelter built as the first stage celebrated in December 2012 the successful commissioning of the first of 720 smelting pots – a key step towards commercial production at the smelter. © Fata Until now the aluminium semis industry in the Gulf region has been developing at various rates. Whereas the building boom of previous years encouraged the creation of numerous extrusion plants since the 1990s, other aluminium semis and finished products were previously produced only by a few plants. Among others this applies to rolled products, of which the GCC countries have always been a net importer until now. Aluminium flat products have until now been produced in the region only by Gulf Aluminium Rolling Mill (Garmco) in Bahrain. That plant was set up in 1981 as part of the aluminium cluster around the smelter of Aluminium Bahrain (Alba). Garmco operates hot, cold and foil rolling mills which have repeatedly been modernised and brought up to the latest state of the art. They produce cold rolled coils and sheet in 1xxx, 3xxx, 5xxx and 8xxx series alloys for a wide range of applications, from food containers and stylish up-market hollow-ware to high-profile architecture and paint industry in gauges from 0.25 to 3.2 mm and up to 1,560 mm wide. From next year onwards there will be two more major aluminium rolling mills in the region, which will steadily boost the quantity produced over the coming years from its present level of around 200,000 tonnes up to about one million tonnes a year. A new supplier of aluminium flat products is arising with Oman Aluminium Rolling Company, LLC (OARC). This company, 100%-owned by Takamul Investment Co., is currently commissioning a USD387 million aluminium strip-rolling plant with a production capacity of 160,000 tonnes a year. The main supplier is Fata EPC in Italy, which is also acting as the general contractor. OARC will be the largest purchaser of molten aluminium from the neighbouring Sohar Aluminium smelter. The plant is designed for the production of strips made from alloys of the 1xxx, 3xxx and 8xxx series, in widths up to 1,950 mm and in the thickness range of 0.075 to 1.5 mm in the form of semi-finished coil products, i.e. foil stock for converter and packaging foil, and cable wrap. In addition it will produce finished coil products such as semi-rigid container foil, for example for aluminium food containers and fin stock for the air conditioning and automotive heat exchanger markets. Further products planned will be tension-levelled industrial sheet for building products in the thickness range 0.3 to 1.5 mm. The concept of the plant is worthy of particular attention. The capacity of 160,000 tonnes a year is lower than the economically viable limit of a conventional plant consisting Hazelett caster from Fata Hunter… 34 … and cold rolling mill for OARC ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 SPECIAL ARABAL The hot-rolling mill will be fed with rolling slabs, for the production of which Wagstaff Inc., USA, will supply cutting-edge ingot and billet casting systems with integrated automated controls, which have been shown to deliver improved recovery rates as well as higher levels of workplace convenience and safety. The casting facility will also feature Alcoa’s advanced proprietary ingot casting technology which provides rolling ingots with a highly improved surface finish with consequential gains in rolling efficiency and product quality. The rolling slabs will be heated in two pusher-type furnaces from Ebner Industrieofenbau, Austria. The two ‘Hicon’ pusher furnaces each hold 30 aluminium rolling slabs of maximum dimensions 635 x 2,100 x 9,000 mm. Besides the tried and tested Ebner-specific Hicon plant components, which are decisively necessary in order to achieve great temperature uniformity in the slabs and high energy efficiency, the most up-to-date process control has been called for. In that context the twodimensional temperature computation model TREATperfect developed by Ebner suits the purpose admirably. In this, each rolling slab is computationally divided into individual ele- ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY IN THE GULF ments. Within these elements the heat transfer in a particular time frame are determined mathematically. Throughout the annealing process TREATperfect compares the pre-calculated temperature variations with those actually taking place, and can therefore react to perturbations or changes of circumstances and adapt the planned annealing time. Besides the furnaces, the equipment supplied by Ebner includes the complete slab handling system, from slab reception to transfer of the heat-treated slab onto the roller track of the hot mill. The integrated rolling complex, currently being assembled, consists of a hot-rolling mill with capacity 650,000 tonnes a year and two cold-rolling mills. The first cold mill, with a capacity of 400,000 tonnes of aluminium strip, serves to produce food-grade can stock which has many applications including the manufacture of beverage cans. The second cold mill has a capacity of more than 150,000 tonnes and mainly produces high-grade strip for the automobile industry. The new plant will not just boost the creation of a local further processing industry. Thanks to its geo-strategi- cally favourable position the investors surely also have their sights on growth markets for aluminium flat products which are capable of development, e. g. in the Middle East. The main supplier of the complete integrated hot and cold rolling plant, including its electric and automation systems, is SMS Siemag. For the hot-rolling plant SMS Siemag is supplying the complete 1 + 4 pre-rolling and finishing line. The pre-rolling section consists of a quarto preliminary stand which rolls down the in-coming aluminium slabs up to 635 mm thick and weighing up to 32.5 tonnes. The preliminary line also includes a heavy and light hydraulic cropping shear for intermediate cropping and for removing the leading and trailing ends of the preliminary strip. The quarto-designed four-stand hot finishing line rolls the preliminary strip coming in with a thickness of about 30 mm, down to final thickness of 2 to 7 mm in a single pass. In the run-out area of the finishing line the finished strip is trimmed and taken up by a hot-strip spool with belt wrapper. After the hot mill the plant has two coldrolling lines, designed for the production of various strip qualities. ➝ © SMS Siemag ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY IN THE GULF 3D layout of the SMS Siemag aluminium cold rolling mill… The first plant, with a rolling capacity of more than 400,000 tonnes a year, produces mainly can stock. For this, SMS Siemag is supplying the complete cold mill and coil preparation station in the run-in area and an off-line strip inspection facility in the run-out area. The efficient, four-stand tandem line of quarto design rolls the in-coming aluminium hot-rolled strip up to 2,100 mm wide down to a minimum final thickness of 0.15 mm. The tandem line is equipped with tried and tested control elements such as hydraulic positioning, positive and negative working-roll bending and CVCplus technology. The control systems ensure optimum strip flatness, strip thickness tolerances and a perfect strip surface. The hot mill and tandem cold mill are equipped with all the control and regulation systems needed to ensure reliable process management of the fully automatic rolling process. For this AluControl is used, an automation system matched to the process requirements of aluminium rolling, which is part of the ‘X-Pact’ electric and automation system of SMS Siemag. In both plants Alu-Control covers the levels from Level 0 to Level 2. After leaving the cold tandem line the coils go on to a fully automatic coil-coating line supplied by BWG Bergwerk- und Walzwerk Maschinenbau GmbH in Germany. In addition to the clearing and coating sections this has a drying oven which, like the 36 complete electric and automation systems of the plant, is also included in the BWG technology package. The line is designed in accordance with the most up-to-date specifications as implemented many times over in similar units recently supplied by BWG to other Alcoa companies. A second cold rolling mill will enable the Ma’aden Alcoa joint venture to include capability for producing about 150,000 tonnes of a wide range of products suitable for further downstream manufacturing in the complex’s product lines. They include automotive heattreated and non-heat-treated sheet, building for Saudis, as well as enabling the replacement of a wide range of imports with cost-effective, highquality domestic products, and encouraging the expansion of the national industrial base,” says Khalid Mudaifer, Ma’aden’s president and CEO. The order for SMS Siemag comprises a single-stand cold-rolling mill with an annealing and coating line that is especially suitable for automotive grades of aluminium. Feedstock for the new plant will be coils up to 2,100 mm wide and weighing 30 tonnes and these will be supplied from the hot-rolling mill of the first phase. The new line will be equipped with a 4high rolling stand with CVC plus, working roll bending, multi-zone coiling and a dry-strip system in order to meet the requirements for the automotive grades of aluminium to be rolled. An annealing and coating line with an annual production capacity of 50,000 tonnes of 5000 and 6000 series alloys will adjoin the cold-rolling mill. Cold-rolled strip up to 2,100 mm wide in the thickness range 0.8 to 3.5 mm will be annealed and coated in a continuous process. This line is built in col- … and annealing and coating line for Ma’aden and construction sheet and foil stock sheet. An order has been released to SMS Siemag for the supply of the mill equipment and heat treatment line. “These new capabilities will help establish downstream industries in Saudi Arabia using aluminium that has been mined, refined, smelted and rolled in the Kingdom. It is also fully compatible with the national strategy of developing national resources to create sustainable wealth and employment laboration between the Strip Processing Lines and Thermal Process Technology divisions of SMS Siemag. One of the core elements is the GATV floater furnace with high-performance water quenching. Uniform mechanical properties such as a grain size and hardness will be obtained in a reproducible manner over the whole length and width of the strip. High cooling rates immediately after stress reliev- ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ing are one of the prerequisites for producing the quality demanded by the automotive industry. To achieve these, the unit will be equipped with a high-performance air-cooling facility and water cooling. Besides continuousthroughput strip treatment Ma’aden-Alcoa will also be able to heat treat single strip coils individually. This unit is particularly suitable for being able to fulfil annealing contracts flexibly and costeffectively with a demonstrably controlled heat treatment, as is often called for by the automobile industry. To achieve that objective Ma’aden-Alcoa has ordered from Tenova LOI Thermprocess in Germany a complete line of single-coil lifting hearth furnaces. A number of individually loaded and operated furnace chambers together form a furnace battery. The overhead arrangement enables space-saving charging by an automotive transport system, from below. This line allows adapted heat treatment according to the specific needs of the individual strip within a short time, instead of heat treatment in batches of several coils, which would require an average heat treatment or the assembling of a batch of identical strip coils. The heat treatment including cooling can be carried out under a protective atmosphere. The system works fully automatically from taking the coil out of the storage area until the heat treated coil is placed into the storage area again. Tenova LOI Thermprocess was the first to invent and design this type of furnace. The first unit was installed in 1998 by Constellium (formerly Alcan) in Singen, Germany, for automotive sheet applications. By now the company has built 68 such single-coil lifting hearth furnaces in batteries up to 17 units. Before the rolled, heat-treated and surfacetreated coils are sent for dispatch, they must again be trimmed and cut to the dimensions specified. Danieli Fröhling in Germany, one of the noted suppliers for aluminium coldrolling mills and a market leader for aluminium cutting machinery, already supplied for the first cold mill two technologically sophisticated cutting units and two associated packaging machines. These units are designed for the strictest quality and quantity demands. For the second cold mill the company is also supplying a longitudinal slitting machine with downstream packaging of the finished coil, specially designed for automotive needs. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY IN THE GULF © Danieli Fröhling SPECIAL ARABAL Danieli Fröhling line for Ma’aden from run-in side to packaging The plant’s structure and special features re- in the development of the first fully integratlating to strip movement and equipment were ed aluminium complex,” says Ken Wisnoski, developed in close collaboration with the end president of Alcoa’s Global Primary Products customers, in order to satisfy all the special Growth business. customer requirements. This process was greatly influenced by the wealth of experience gained by both Alcoa and Fröhling from Author previous projects. The plant includes the complete range of Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Rieth is a marketing specialist and freelance technical journalist. As proprietor of equipment supplied, beginning from the run- Marketing Xpertise Rieth in Meerbusch, Germany, in side: the conditioning machine for reducing he advises equipment partners of the NF metals the coil-set, inline strip preparation by means semis industry on marketing-related matters. of drum shears, the cutting zone with CNC shear and exchange station, the strip braking zone and the electrostatic oiling unit, as far as coil winding and transfer to the packaging unit. Within the downstream packaging unit, depending on the programme the coils are isolated, weighed, packed in foil and stacked on pallets. The work steps throughout 7KH3UR+'LJLWDO&DPHUD6HQVRUFRPELQHV the plant take place KLJKSHUIRUPDQFHWULDQJXODWLRQWHFKQRORJ\ automatically, with ZLWKDOOWKHFRQWUROIXQFWLRQV\RXQHHGWR PDLQWDLQDQDFFXUDWHPROWHQPHWDOOHYHO attention paid to maximum efficien7KH3UHFLPHWHU*URXSGHYHORSVSURGXFHVDQG cy in the design of VHOOVVROXWLRQVIRUPROWHQPHWDOOHYHOFRQWURO each unit. :HRIIHUDZLGHUDQJHRI HTXLSPHQWLQWKLVLQGXVWU\ The completion 3OHDVHYLVLWRXUKRPHSDJHIRUPRUHLQIR of the new plant ZZZSUHFLPHWHUFRP is anticipated with 35(&,0(7(5&21752/$% great attention not gVWUD+DPQHQ6(+|Q|6( only in Saudi Ara3KRQH)D[ PDUNHWLQJ#SUHFLPHWHUFRP bia. “The rolling mill will be a significant milestone Molten Metal Level Control 37 ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf Kizad aluminium cluster taking shape B. rieth, Meerbusch theport,KizadislinkedtotheAbuDhabito Dubaihighway,thustothewholeoftheGulf region’s road network. Three international airports,AbuDhabi,AlMaktoumandDubai, canbereachedquicklyviathisnetwork.An impressive rail link is also currently under constructionthroughEtihadRail,thatwillsee lines eventually running from Khalifa Port toseveraltradelinksthroughouttheregion. Thanks to Kizad’s outstanding geo-strategic location, goods produced at this industrial zone can be shipped quickly and cheaply to thegrowingmarketsoftheArabianPeninsula, WesternEurope,AfricaandEastAsiawhere over4.5billionpeoplearelessthanfourtime zonesaway. Theplannedindustryclustersarevertical- ly integrated and organised according to industrysectors.Ananchortenantwillproduce the necessary raw materials, which will be supplied to downstream processors in the respectivevaluechain.Thisaddedvaluewill notonlybecreatedduringproductionofthe basic materials, such as aluminium, but also alongthewholevaluechain. © Kizad A large part of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi’s 2030 economic vision is based on diversification of the economy. Several ambitious projects have been initiated in the emirate to broaden and diversify its economic base. The Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi, or Kizad as it is better known, is aimed at establishing an additional source of economic activity in the form of light and heavy industries together with related trading and services. The emirate wants to attract not only domestic investors, but also top-class foreign companies wishing to locate there. By developing Kizad, the emirate is also aiming at providing suitable employment for its growing workforce of young and well-educated nationals as well as attracting experts from other countries to work in the Gulf region. Khalifa Port, a modern deepwater port that has been fully operational since September 2012,isamajorassettotheinvestorsinKizad; designedandownedbyAbuDhabiPortsCom- Aerial view of midstream aluminium industries with Hot Metal Road pany (ADPC), it is the only semi-automated portintheregion.Kizadcoversanareaofover 417squarekilometres,splitbetweenAreaA andB,andincludesseveralsector-orientedindustryclustersaswellasresidentialandcommercialareas.Besideshavingdirectaccessto 38 TodayKizadcaterstothefollowingindustrial clusters:aluminium,steel,engineeredmetals, glass, paper, print and packaging, trade and logistics,aswellasmixedusessuchaspetrochemicals,chemicalsandplastics,construction and building materials, pharmaceuticals and medical products, high-tech and clean tech, andfoodprocessing. Besides the purely vertical integration within the individual clusters, it is also conceivablethattherewillbesynergiesbetween theclusters.Forexample,aluminiumfoilfrom thealuminiumclustermightbeusedbyconverters from the pharmaceuticals, food and packagingclusters. efficiency through vertical integration Thealuminiumclusterisagraphicexampleof Kizad’sinnovativeimplementationofitsverticalclusteringconcept.Plansweremadeatan earlystagetoestablishaluminiumprocessing plantslocallyandthusincreasetheaddedvaluegeneratedlocallytoensurethatthecheaply producedaluminiumisnotmerelyexportedin theformof’solidifiedenergy’.Thefirstsuccessesarealreadytangible.Companiesfocusingonfinishedaluminiumproductsforlocal and regional markets are moving to locate here,partiallyasaresultofthehighlevelof imports of such products in the Gulf region. However,theprimaryattractionforproducing finished aluminium products in the Gulf region and supplying the world market will becostbenefitsforenergyandlabourcoupled withtheextensivefacilitationofinvestments forforeigninvestors. At the centre is Emal, Emirates Aluminium,withoneofthemostadvancedaluminiumsmeltersintheworld.Emalistheanchor tenantforKizad’saluminiumcluster.Itsmost modern aluminium smelter has a capacity of 800,000 tonnes a year and has been on stream since 2010. At the end of 2011, the companyannouncedthatithadcreated2,000 new jobs. Emal supplies its products – sows, standardingots,sheetingotsandextrusionbillets–primarilytoEurope,theUSAandAsia. Thesiteincludesa2,000MWpowerplant,a carbonplantandacasthouse.Rawmaterials are transported directly from the sea to the smelterviaanexclusivepurpose-builtwharf atKhalifaPort. Theproductioncapacityiscurrentlybeing expanded to 1.3 million tonnes a year with fullproductionisexpectedbymid-2014.This will make Emal the fifth largest aluminium producerintheworld. Aspecialfeatureofthealuminiumcluster, referredtoinKizadastheHotMetalRoad, is a unique and innovative supply route for ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 “Wouldn‘t it be great if we could get our plant back to working temperature in less time?” “Sure – no problem!” Faster plant availability thanks to intelligent refractory technology? Perfectly feasible. For example by using mixes based on our pioneering cement-free Nanobond binder technology, which permits much faster heat-up after repairs – plus a simultaneous increase of temperature resistance. Let‘s talk about your goals. We‘ll find the right way. Results first. Intelligent RefractoryTechnology REFRATECHNIK Refratechnik Steel GmbH Schiessstraße 58 40549 Düsseldorf Germany Phone +49 211 5858 0 ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf taineddirectlyfromEmalasextrusionbillets. WiththesupportofEmalandKizad,Talex will contribute further to the diversification plansetoutinAbuDhabi’sVision2030.MajidAlGhurair,CEOofAlGhurairGroupand managingdirectorofGulfExtrusions,isvery positive about the joint venture with ADBIC: “It is another step towards positioning ourselvesasaleadingregionalplayerinthe aluminiumextrusionindustry.Thelocationof TalexinKizadisveryimportantintermsof being closer to our raw material supplier(Emal)as well as close to the Khalifa Port. With its state-of-theart equipment, Taweelah Aluminium Extrusion Company will be a world-class company competingwiththe best extruders in global marketsbyoffering premiumqualThe Emal smelter is the anchor tenant for Kizad’s aluminium cluster ity products. This reaffirms our commitment to further New downstream additions strengthen the region’s reputation as a leadto aluminium cluster ingsupplierintheextrusionmarket.” Cast Aluminium Industries (CAI), a midSeveral aluminium processors have already recognisedthebenefitsoflocatinginthealu- stream aluminium producer and recycler, is miniumcluster.Extrudedprofilesareatypi- another company planning to settle in the cal downstream product and Taweelah Alu- aluminiumcluster.Ona33,000squaremetre minium Extrusion Company (Talex) will be site,thecompanyiserectingaplantforrecyproducing them in the aluminium cluster in clingaluminiumdrossandotheraluminiumfuture.TalexisajointventurebetweenSenaat bearingwastematerialsproducedbysmelters. andGulfExtrusions.Thelatterhasbeenop- CAI will be the first to represent ’horizoneratingamodernextrusionplantwithseveral talintegration’inthecluster.Thereisazero wastetargetwithCAIalsointendingtoplayan presslinesinDubaiforseveralyears. At the end of 2011,Talex signed a long- instrumentalroleinthewaste-recoverymanterm agreement with Kizad for a 200,000 agement of other investors in the cluster. square metre site. The company will be in- CAIhasawidearrayofclientsinprimaryaluvestinginitiallyintwonewpresslines,which miniumsmeltersacrosstheUAE(Dubaland arecurrentlybeingengineeredandbuiltinEu- Emal) and the wider region including Alba, rope.Thecompany’saimistoproducehigh- Qatalum and other secondary smelters. CAI qualityextrusionproductstomeetthespecific isexpectedtocommenceoperationsinKizad needs of the automotive market; end prod- inthethirdquarterof2014. CAI is Kizad’s first recycler and also the ucts will also include transportation and in- dustrialmaterials,electricalandsolarequip- firstcompanythatrepresentshorizontalintement, road furniture and architectural mate- grationinthecluster.Kizadhasazero-waste rials.Emalwilldelivermoltenaluminiumto targetandCAIisintendingtoplayaninstruTalexviatheHotMetalRoad.Specialalumin- mental role in waste-recovery management iumgradeswillbealloyedandcastatTalex’s forothersinthecluster.KhaledSalmeenAl own casthouse; standard grades can be ob- Kuwari,CEOandmanagingdirectorofKizad, © Emal thewholesite.Theroad,whichhasbeenspecificallybuilttohandleheavygoodsvehicles, willlinkthesmelterwiththeprocessingplants. Moltenaluminiumwillbetransportedincrucibles on special vehicles directly from the smelter’scasthousetotheenduser.Besides just-in-time delivery, this allows savings in energycostsforremeltingand/orreheating; furthermore,userscanspecifythealuminium alloyneededtomeettheirindividualrequirements. 40 said:“Recyclingisnotacommoninitiativein thelocalindustrialbusiness,thereforesecuringCastAluminiumasapartnerwhowillplay aleadingroleinwaste-recoverymanagement willchangethenatureofthisbusinessinthe UAE.Byencouragingthis,Kizadisworking towards two of our economic vision’s core pillars:economicandenvironmentalsustainability.” CAI already operates three tilting rotary furnaceswithacombinedcapacityof32,000 tonnesayearatitsDubaiplant,withoxy-fuel burnersfromtheUSandUK.Awasteminimisation programme initiated in 2004 successfully reduced flux usage from 28 to 13 per- cent; investment in a so-called ’alchemizer’, whichinvolvesamechanicalsegregationprocesstoenrichthealuminiumdross,hasresultedinfurtherreductiontoninepercent.CAI is also working with different companies to utilise the alumina-rich dust from the alchemizer,sofarwithpromisingfeedback. Opportunities still available for investors The new investors mentioned above are a promisingsignforthesustainabilityofKizad’s aluminiumcluster.Negotiationsarealsotakingplacewithotherpotentialinvestors.One importantmissinglinkisarollingmillforflat aluminiumproducts.Eventhoughsuchplants are currently being built in Saudi Arabia and Oman,theUAEoughtalsotobeaninterestinglocationforforeigninvestors.Besidesthe possibilityoferectingaconventionalhotand coldmillthatprocessessheetingotssupplied by Emal, the Hot Metal Road also opens up the opportunity to produce small quantities economicallyusingastrip-castingmachineinsteadofahot-rollingstand.Foilstockforaluminiumfoilcouldalsobeproducedinsucha plant,possiblybyanadditionalinvestor. The Hot Metal Road might also be interesting for the construction of an aluminium foundry,forexampleforcarwheelsforboth thedomesticmarketandexport. Giventhediversityofpossiblefinishedaluminiumproducts,onecoulddrawupapracticallyendlesslistofpossibleinvestments.But onethingiscertain:therewillsoonbeother investorswhoappreciatethebenefitsoffered bylocatingintheKizadaluminiumcluster. Author Dipl.-Ing.BernhardRiethisamarketingspecialist andfreelancetechnicaljournalist.Asproprietorof MarketingXpertiseRiethinMeerbusch,Germany, he advises equipment partners of the NF metals semisindustryonmarketing-relatedmatters. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf ePCM – a vital activity in the world of aluminium The construction of aluminium production facilities ranks alongside the biggest of world projects, rivalled only by major chemical process plants, city infrastructure schemes, new underground transport systems, harbour facilities and the like: all huge enterprises elaborated on a massive scale and involving a tremendous complexity of operations – and of course, associated multi-billion dollar costs. eringprojects–fromconceptdesignthrough tobeneficialoperation.Thisincludessuccessfully overseeing all elements of project and construction management services, requiring dedicated expertise at the cutting edge of a diverserangeofactivities,including: Feasibility studies and front end engineering design:EPCMcompaniesmustensurethat their imperatives of innovation, efficiency, building capability and safety are embodied intothefullyintegratedfeasibilityanddetailed design services offered, ensuring that all the involved services are complementary. Cost- effectivefeasibilitystudies,embracingallsectorsandprojectlocations,whichtakeintoaccountthemyriadoflocalandregionalinfluencingfactors,ensurethatprojectsareevaluated accurately prior to the decision being takentoprogresstothenextstageofdesign andconstruction. Project and risk management:Projectmanagementandanalysisofriskisakeyelement oftheservicesprovidedinallphasesofEPCM work. Experienced project management per- agementservicesarenaturallytailoredtothe uniquedemandsofboththeclientandproject. In all cases, construction health, safety and environmentaresomeofthekeyconsiderationsviewedtobeofparamountimportance. Construction management teams are responsibleforensuringthatbuildingworkon siteisinaccordancewiththeprojectspecifications, drawings and relevant standards indicatedbytheintegratedmulti-disciplinedesign team. The main considerations here include quality assurance, project site management andprojectcostestimating,controlandprocurement Once the EPCM gets the green light for the proposed project, it is crucial that the concluded work meets the stated objectives and is delivered within the agreed cost and time frame parameters. This requires robust systems such as for value engineering and analysis, cost estimating, reporting, managementandforecasting. Multi-discipline engineering, detail design and 3D modelling: Essentially,EPCMcompa- © Emal The work required in building a major alu- miniumsmelter–greenfieldorbrownfield– oranupgradeofdownstreamfacilities,isinvariably on a massive scale, involving many considerations,activitiesandcomplexcomponents.Thenecessaryworksinvolveextremely closeandcarefulcoordinationofalltheindividualkeypartsoftheprojectleadingtocompletion of the whole. Certain organisations specialiseinthisvitalworkbasedessentially onaccumulatedexperience,knowledge–and globalreach. EPCM – Engineering, Procurement and ConstructionManagement–isacommon form of contracting arrangement within the aluminium/construction industry. InanEPCMarrangement,theclient,in order to involve an experienced player inlargeprojects,selectsamaincontractorwhomanagesthewholeprojectonits behalf.TheEPCMcontractoressentially ensuresthatthewholeprojectiscompleted as required to the client’s specificationsandontime.Normally,thisinvolves theEPCMcontractorcompletingthebasic work such as site surveys, obtaining clearancesfromauthorities,undertaking thebasicengineeringandalsopreparing thesitefortheEPCcontractors.Further, themaincontractorchoosesthevarious EPCcontractorsandensurestheelaborationoftheprojectasplanned. An EPCM contract is a natural progression for an EPC contractor since, if thecontractorhasthecapabilitytohan- Construction work at the Emal Phase I smelter in spring 2009. SNC Lavalin was EPCM contractor for the Phase I dletheEPCworkrequiredinaproject project and is also handling the EPCM services contract for the Phase II expansion. thensecuringawiderroleviaanEPCM job is advantageous.This helps to exploit its sonnel focus on developing an intimate un- niesworktoaddvaluetoaclient’sbusiness, currentcompetencieswhilealsoensuringbet- derstanding of the client’s strategy, culture through creative and innovative thinking in ter control over the project.Also, the value andprojectneedsfromconceptionthroughto engineeringdesign.Integratedmulti-discipline engineeringexpertiseacrossallrelatedfields of the project managed through an EPCM completion. contractisfargreaterthantheindividualEPC Aluminiumindustryprojectscanrangefrom is deployed to deliver an optimum solution, small-scalestudiestomulti-milliondollarnew baseduponbestpracticeandtheverylatest contracts. projectfeedbackavailable. A range of specialist EPCM companies is builds. A range of recent EPCM projects in the Construction management:EPCMorganicalledupontooffertotalflexibility,andboth nationalandinternationalexperienceindeliv- sationsmustensurethatitsconstructionman- worldaluminiumsectorreflectthehugescale 42 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 NEW 2013 NEW GENERATION OF VEHICLES Reduced size and weight Latest-generation electronics Reinforced components for increased lifting capacity Long-comfort suspension cabin and swivel seat Mobile alarm and data acquisition/ transmission system Micro-controller management system and on-board shock sensor Smoother steering Low maintenance costs Check it out at the CIAC from October 21 to 25, 2013, in Montreal (booth B02) and at the ARABAL conference from November 5 to 7, 2013, in Abu Dhabi (booth #16). ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf oftheindividualtasksinvolvedforthesemain contractingcompaniesandalsofortheirdelegated contractors down the line in meeting the customers total plant requirements and specifications. Middle east projects © Qatalum SNC Lavalin: Montreal,Canada-basedSNCLavalinisoneoftheleadingengineeringand constructiongroupsintheworldandamajor playerintheownershipofinfrastructure,and in the provision of operations and maintenanceservices.Thecompanyishandlingthe EPCMservicescontractfortheEmiratesAluminium(Emal)PhaseIIsmelterexpansionin AlTaweelah,AbuDhabi.Thecontractcovers the work to build a new aluminium facility, includinga1,000MWpowerplantanda1.7 km-longpotline,thelongesteverbuilt.Once completedandfullyoperationalin2014,the newfacilitywillproduce525,000tpyofaluminiumusinganupgradedversionofDubal DXtechnology,whichallowsforgreateroperatingefficiencies. ThislatestcontractfollowedSNC-Lavalin’s successfulcompletionofitsEPCMmandatefor PhaseIoftheEmalsmelter,whichhasapro- on maintaining long-term relations with our clients.WevalueEmal’srelationshipandtrust, andwearedelightedwiththisnewopportunitytoworktogethertobuildthislandmark projectfortheUnitedArabEmirates.” Fata EPC:FataEPC,adivisionofItaly/US outfitFataHunter,wastheEPCMcontractor forthecasthousebuildprojectattheQatalum primaryaluminiumsmelterinQatar,anequal joint venture between Qatar Petroleum and HydroAluminiumofNorway.Thecasthouse technologywassuppliedbyNorskHydrodelivering an extrusion billet VDC capacity of 350,000tpyand275,000tpyfrom10and20 kgcasters.Hycasthotmetalalkalineremoval andin-linefiltersanddegasserswereinstalled alongwithautomaticcastingsequencing.The installationensuresthatallequipmentfumes aretreatedbydustcollectors. Inaparallelcontract,FataEPCalsohandledworktobuildananodebakingplantat theQatalumfacilitywithtechnologysupplied byPechineytoprovideatotalplantcapacity of 368,000 anodes per year. The plant uses sevenfireswith116sectionsandisfuelledby natural gas with fume treatment employing dryscrubbing.Storageprovisionwasrequired for 18,000 green anodes and 13,000 baked Fata EPC was EPCM contractor for the casthouse project at Qatalum ductioncapacityof800,000tpyandincluded theconstructionofa2,000MWpowerplant. “SNC-Lavalinisaworldleaderinthedesignandconstructionofaluminiumsmelters, andweconsiderthisnewawardasaclearacknowledgementoftheleading-edgetechnical capabilitiesandexperiencewedemonstrated withPhaseIoftheproject,”declaredRiadh Ben Aïssa, executive vice-president, SNCLavalinGroup.“Justasimportant,itreflects theeffortandimportanceSNC-Lavalinplaces anodes–andstorageandretrievalisviaautomaticcraneandtransfer. Further,FataEPChasalsoelaboratedaseriesofdownstreamprojectsinthealuminium industry including others in the Gulf region, such as the one currently in construction at Oman Aluminium Rolling Company in Sohar.AsthemainappointedEPCMcontractor to build the planned 160,000 tpy greenfield facility, Fata EPC is managing the activities involvedtoprocureandinstallcompleteroll plant systems to feature the latest available technologyincasting,rollingandfinishing.The newfacilityincludesaHazelettcasteranda hot rolling mill along with world-class cold rolling and finishing equipment supplied by Fata Hunter, the equipment division of Fata SpA.For further project details, see report on pages 34-37. In Iran, Fata handled the second potline expansionattheAlmahdiAluminiumSmelter inBandarAbbaswithkeytechnology(providedbyImidro).Theplant’sPotline2comprises twopotroomsbuilt32metresapart,each750 metres long and 20 metres wide. A total of 228 pots, with 20 anodes per pot, employ DubalD20celltechnology,operatingat240 kAand13.6kWh/kgAlandusingafluidflow aluminafeedingsystem.Productioncapacity is147,000tpyofaluminium. Bechtel: Also in the Gulf, major EPCM organisation Bechtel is extending its long heritage of mega projects in the region by managingthegreenfieldconstructionproject in SaudiArabia for what is slated to be the world’slargestaluminiumsmelter.Thescope ofworkinvolvedinthisUSD4billionproject, handled by Bechtel’s Mining & Metals division,coversoverallengineering,procurement, andconstructionmanagement. The new smelter, a Ma’aden-Alcoa joint venture, is the cornerstone of the Ras Al KhairMineralsIndustrialCity,whichwillbecomethecountry’saluminiumandphosphate centre, north ofAl Jubail in the Saudi EasternProvince.Thisispartofanewintegrated USD10.8 billion aluminium complex, which inadditiontothesmelterwillincludeamine, aluminarefineryandrollingmill.Thesmelter facilitywillhaveacapacityof740,000tpyof aluminium. Bauxite feedstock will be transportedviaapurpose-builtraillinefromanew mineatAlBa’ithaforrefiningandreduction atRasAlKhair.Firstcommercialproduction fromthesmelteranddownstreamrollingmill isscheduledfor2013.For further project details, see separate report on pages 46-47. AgainintheGulfregion,Bechtel’sCanada operationhasreceivedaLetterofIntent(LoI) fromAluminiumBahrain(Alba)toconducta BankableFeasibilityStudy(BFS)forthesmelter’splannedPotline6expansionproject,valued at some USD2.5 billion.The study also includes an economic analysis for the constructionofafifthpowerstationrequiredfor theplantexpansion.Alba’sLine6isexpected toproduceanadditional400,000tpyofaluminiumaddingtoitscurrent881,000tpy,with DubalDX+celltechnologybeingusedasthe basisofthestudy. Bechtelhasconsiderablespecificindustry A Th an R C 44 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf © Bechtel sPeCIAL ArABAL Construction work at the Ma’aden-Alcoa joint venture early this year, with Bechtel the EPCM contractor. From left to right: field engineers Fadi Elmourad, Muthukumaran Kuppusamy, Mohamad El Samad and planner Lamont Berry. experience in the region having operated as the EPCM contractor for the previous Line 4 and 5 expansions.The BFS is expected to be completed by the third quarter this year, Fluor Corporation’sGreenville,SouthCarolinaofficeiselaboratingadesignandprocurementcontractawardedbytheaforementioned Ma’aden-Alcoajointventuretobuildanintegratedautomotivesheetmanufacturingplant that forms part of the aluminium complex. ThescopeofFluor’sworkwillincludedesign, constructionandcommissioningoftheplant, which will have the capability to produce a range of products suitable for further downstreammanufacturinginthealuminiumcomplex. Oncecomplete,theautomotivesheetfacilitywillproducelightweightaluminiumtobe usedinvehiclemanufacturing.Theseproducts willincludeautomotiveheat-treatedandnonheat-treatedsheet,buildingandconstruction sheet,andfoilstock.“Thisnewmanufacturing facilitywillhelpmeettheglobalautomotive industry’s growing demands for new, lighter materials,”saidFluorheadofMining&Metals businessRickKoumouris. andAlbaprojectsthatthenewlinecouldbe further ePCM projects completedbyearly2015.AlongsideBechtel, BNPParibasisactingasthefinancialadviser HRV Engineering / Hatch: In Iceland, Rio fortheproject. Tinto Alcan is updating equipment, increas- ANODE BAKING FACILITIES The Riedhammer anode baking facility is a key component in a modern anode production plant. Our plants offer many advantages such as: Customised design Excellent anode quality Extended furnace lifetime Low energy consumption High productivity Flexible equipment supply Safe operation RIEDHAMMER CARBON BAKING TECHNOLOGY RIEDHAMMER GmbH Klingenhofstraße 72 90411 Nürnberg Phone: +49 911 5218 0 Fax: +49 911 5218 231 ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf ing production capability and improving the production process at its smelter casthouse inStraumsvik.Theprojectisaimedatboostingproductivityby20%,toaround230,000 tpy, along with increasing the effectiveness of air purification equipment and increasing operational security by updating the electrical equipment. Iceland outfit HRV Engineering,inco-operationwithHatch,managedthe IsalproductionupgradeprovidingfullEPCM services in a project costing some USD500 million. The plant’s operational reliability will be increased with the upgrade and installation of new HRV equipment and rectifiers. Plant productionisboostedby40,000tpy,involving anamperageincreaseandanupgradeofthe twopotlines,bathrecyclingplantandrodding shop. New additional gas treatment centres areincluded,alongwithaluminahandlingand anupgradedgeneralplantinfrastructure. Theoutputisalsobeingchangedoverfrom rollingslabtoextrusionbillet,whichrequires modificationofcastingequipmentandinstallationofthreenewcontinuoushomogenising furnaces. Ausenco: Australian project contracting companyAusencoisprogressingtheInnovate andCreatephasetowardsprovidingdetailed engineeringdesignandconstructionmanagementservicesfortheexpansionandupgrade ofacarbonandpasteplantatRioTintoAlan’s aluminiumsmelterinKitimat,BritishColumbia,Canada.Thisnewworkisscheduledtobe completedbySeptember2013andbuildson Ausenco’spreviousearlyphaseworkonthe projectduring2008. Ausenco’s CEO Mimi Make sums up his company’s role in another huge aluminium industry project, and also the importance of EPCMorganisationsacrossthesectoringeneral:“Thesecontractawardsdemonstratethe depthofourserviceofferingandgeographic reachofourbusiness.OurProcessInfrastructurebusinesshasachievedstandoutearnings growththispastyearandtheselatestwinsfurtherdemonstratethebenefitsofourdiversificationstrategyandourglobalreputationfor projectdeliverytounderpinfurthergrowth.” Ken Stanford, contributing editor Bechtel keeps building history Recognisedinthe2012BechtelCorporateExcellenceAwards as the Project Management TeamoftheYear,theentireprojectteamis achieving some remarkable feats in this demandingenvironment. setting the standard for safety attitude and performance As of year-end 2012, the project team had achieved32millionjobhourswithoutalost timeincident,withthecustomerteamcalling Bechtel’s safety performance ‘world class’. Manycontractorshavenotedthattheproject representsaturningpointintheirrespective firm’ssafetyattitudeandperformance. “We’ve had exceptional success in buildingastrongsafetycultureamongmorethan © Bechtel Engineering challenges do not come much bigger than building the world’s largest greenfield aluminium smelter project – Ras Al Khair – located on the Arabian Gulf, approximately 125 km north of Jubail in the isolated north east corner of Saudi Arabia. This location presented all the usual challenges, including workforce, equipment and permanent material logistics. The USD4 billion project for the Ma’aden-Alcoa joint venture is a key element of the new Ras Al Khair Industrial City – a showcase of Saudi Arabia’s industrial diversification. It is all part of an overall USD10.8 billion Ma’aden-Alcoa investment that, in addition to the smelter, includes an alumina refinery, rolling mill, automotive mill and bauxite mine. Smelter alumina silos overlooking potrooms D to A north 46 13,000workersfromaroundtheworldwith differentlevelsofexperienceandexposureto thistypeofwork,”saysBobSabo,Bechtel’s RasAlKhairsitemanager.“Wemustneverget complacentaboutsafety,though.Everyday, wehavenewchallenges,newcontractors,new disciplinesandnewworkerscomingontoour site.” “Oursuccessesinsafetyhavebeengained through a one-team, compliance-driven approach with each stakeholder providing full supporttoourzeroaccidentsphilosophyand programmes,”saysTerryLyons,Bechtel’senvironment,safetyandhealthmanageratRas AlKhair.“Iamalwayspleasedtobeableto discussanissueorproposedinitiativeandsee itputintoactiondaily.” Within budget, ahead of schedule “We have to-date safely achieved all of our milestones ahead of schedule and within budget,” says Denis Garrity, Bechtel project director. “However, we cannot lose sight of thefinalmilestone–thatallpotsarereadyto startbyendof2013.Itistheabilitytosafely deliveraquality,well-engineeredproduct,on time and to budget, that has critical import- ancetoourcustomer.” Unlike large, single potline aluminium smelter projects previously completed by Bechtel,suchasSoharinOmanandFjardaal inIceland,theRasAlKhairsmelterincludes two high-amperage potlines and, at 740,000 tpy,willhavenearlytwicetheirtotalcapacity. Bechtel’sworkalsoincludesacathodesealing facility,acarbonplantforanodeproduction ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 sPeCIAL ArABAL aswellasportfacilitiesforhandlingalumina,cokeandliquidpitch, andtheworld’slargestintegratedcasthouse. founding success Bechtel’srelationshipwithMa’adenbeganwhentheywereawarded thefeasibilitystudyfortheAzZabirahAluminiumProjectin2003. ThecompanywasthenawardedthefeasibilitystudyfortheRasAl Khair Project’s bauxite mine and alumina refinery.That study was expanded to what will now be the world’s largest greenfield – and SaudiArabia’sfirst–aluminiumsmelter.Bechtel’sCivilbusinessunit isalsoperformingmasterplanningfortheoverallRasAlKhairMiner- alsIndustrialCityandservingasprogrammemanagerforthenearby JubailIIProject–aUSD10billionmajorexpansionofthecity’sin- dustrialandresidentialareas,togetherwithamajorportaddition. ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf W E C O N V E Y Q U A L I T Y Defined Cooling of Hot Bath Material strong, predictable performance Bechtel’sperformanceatRasAlKhair,SoharandFjardaalisreplicatedinalonglineofsuccessfulgreenfieldandbrownfieldalumin- iumsmelterandaluminarefinerydevelopments. TheYarwun 2Alumina Refinery Upgrade Project in Gladstone, Australia was completed in 2012 on schedule, under budget and ramped-up on plan. The project expandedtheoriginalrefineryBechtel completed in 2004(which,atthe time, was the first greenfield alumina refinery constructedanywhereinthe worldin20years). Bechtel shares a long, successful history with Gladstone’saluminaindustry,havingalso builttheBoyneIslandsmelterinthe early 1980s. This facilitywasalsoexpandedbyBechtel in1996. The company is also currently Gas treatment centre No. 1 and potrooms A and B in operation with the green anode plant in the backcompleting the ground feasibility study fortheLine6ExpansionProjectinBahrainforAlba,andmodernising the 60-year-old Kitimat aluminium smelter in Canada for Rio TintoAlcan(RTA).ModernisingKitimatwillcreateanenvironmentally superior, safer and more productive plant, elevating RTA’s BritishColumbiaOperationsentitytoaworld-classaluminiumproducer. WithRasAlKhairdueforcompletioninlate2013andKitimatdue toproduceitsfirstaluminiuminlate2014,Bechtelhasanexciting fewyearsahead.Taskedwithdeliveringtwodemandingprojectsin twopolaroppositeenvironments,Bechtelisonceagainmeetingthe challenge. ■ ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 For the Primary Aluminium Smelting Process s #OOLINGFROM²#DOWNTOBELOW²# s 2EDUCTIONOF(&EMISSION s #LEANANDENVIRONMENTALLYSAFECONVEYING ANDCOOLING AUMUND Foerdertechnik GmbH 3AALHOFFER3TRs2HEINBERGs'ERMANY 4ELq&AX EMAILMETALLURGY AUMUNDDEqWWWAUMUNDCOM ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf Company profile: Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. One of the largest aluminium smelters in the world Alba’searlysuccessestablishedablueprintfor othernon-oilindustriestofollow,includinga thrivingdownstreamaluminiumindustry.Today, the company is a major contributor to the social, industrial and economic developmentoftheKingdomofBahrain,employing over3,000people,ofwhomaround90%are Bahrainis. The entire plant operates to the Environmental Management System standard ISO 9001:2000 and the casthouses and marketingarealsooperatingtotheISO9002Quality Management System. Recently, the casthouse was upgraded to the 2008 version of ISO9001,enablingAlbatobethefirstmetals manufacturingcompanyinBahraintoreceive thismajorupgrade. Thecompanyhaswonanumberofawards includingtheinauguralShaikhKhalifabinSal- It supports numerous community oriented programmes and social activities that have underlineditsstatusasoneofBahrain’sleadingindustrialorganisationsthatremainscommittedtowardsupholdingitscorporatesocial responsibilities. Alba’s inception marks the beginning of Bahrain’s strategy to diversify itseconomicbaseandreduceitsdependence on oil.The aim was to establish an industry that would provide valuable export earnings, develop the country’sresourcesandcreate training and employment opportunitiesforalargenumber of Bahrainis.Alba was therefore incorporated by Charter in 1968 and officially commencedoperationsin1971as a120,000tpysmelter. Albatodayproducesmore than890,000tpyofthehighest grade aluminium, with productsincludingstandardandTingots,extrusionbillets,rolling slab,properziingotsandmoltenaluminium.Around50%of outputissuppliedtoBahrain’s downstreamaluminiumindustry, with the rest exported to regionalandinternationalcustomersintheMiddleandFar East, South EastAsia,Africa, EuropeandNorthAmerica. The Alba plant comprises five reduction lines, three casthouses,adedicatedcarbon plant,a550,000tpycokecalciningplant,awaterdesalina- Aerial view of the Alba site tion plant, eleven fume treatmentplants,amarineterminal,anda2,225 man Al Khalifa Award for Industrial ExcelMW power plant, consisting of four power lence,theInternationalMillenniumBusiness stations.Theplantalsofeaturesatenhectare AwardforEnvironmentalAchievementfrom ‘green’oasis,withmorethan7,600treesand the United Nations, safety awards from the shrubs,afruitandvegetablegarden,andan BritishSafetyCouncilandTheRoyalSociety forthePreventionofAccidents,andaGCCartificiallake. 48 wideawardforhumanresourcesdevelopment andnationalisationoftheworkforce. The shareholders of Alba are Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company (69.38%), SabicInvestmentCompany(20.62%)andthe GeneralPublic(10%). Main highlights Line 6 expansion project: Alba is progressing to become one of the largest single site aluminiumsmeltersintheworldthroughthe Line6expansionproject,whichisexpectedto add400,000tonnestoAlba’scurrentproductioncapacityof890,000tonnes,bringingthe totalannualproductiontoaround1.3million tonnes. A major phase in Alba’s growth history, theLine6expansionprojecthasgainedsignificant momentum with the launch of the Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) in December2012.BechtelCanada hasbeenawardedaLetterof Intent (LoI) to perform the BFSfortheLine6expansion project,andDubalDX+technologywillbeusedasthebasis for this study.The BFS is expectedtobecompletedbythe firstquarterof2014. Continued focus on safety: SafetyisregardedasanintrinsicpartoftheworklifeinAlba and the company is committed to continuously providing asafeandhealthyworkenvironmentforeveryone. To strengthen the company’sfocusonsafety,theAlba SafeWay Programme was launched in the second half of 2012 with three main objectives: ownership of safety is everyone’s responsibility; working safely is a condition of employment; and all workrelated injuries and illnesses are preventable. In addition, activities and programmes to increase safety awarenessinallaspectsoftheemployees’life, both at work and at home, were conducted andimplementedonaplant-widebasis.Some ofthesearehighlightedbelow: • ThefirstHSEWeekwaslaunchedfrom25 © Alba Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba) consistently ranks as one of the largest and most modern aluminium smelters in the world. Known for its technological strength and innovative policies, Alba enforces strict environmental guidelines, maintains high track record for safety and is widely regarded as one of the top ten performers on a global scale. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 sPeCIAL ArABAL Aluminium billets, ready for shipment Februaryto4March2013andaimedatcreatingacultureofzeroaccidentworkenvironment ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf tion, heat related illness, proper food habits, road safety, contractor safety awareness,etc. • The eBehavioural Observation programme, a key leadership activity, wasfurtherenhancedandimplemented acrossdepartmentstoincreasesafebehaviouramongstemployees. Other significant achievements: Alba increaseditssalesforthefirstsixmonths of 2013 by 1.9% year-on-year thanks to a focused marketing strategy while productionforthesameperiodroseby 2%y-o-yonthebackofstrongoperationalimprovements. The company’s physical premiums remainedstrongandvalue-addedproducts accounted for 66% of total ship- mentsinthefirsthalfof2013. Potline 5 was up-graded using inhouse expertise and technical skills to operateat370kA. Successful completion of USD169 • ThesecondHSEWeekfrom30Juneto4 million local bond facility refinancing in the July2013highlightedsummersafetyaware- firstquarterof2013. ■ nessbyfocusingonheatstress,heatexhaus- It‘s a pure waste of time ... if you make do with anything less! All the very latest information in a single publication, 10 times a year, excellently researched, direct from the source! Test it now! YES, I would like to receive regular information on the latest trends and technologies! Please send me a sample copy at no obligation. I wish to subscribe to INTERNATIONAL ALUMINIUM JOURNAL The subscription price is EUR 297.00 a year incl. p&p and VAT (Outside Europe: US$ 393.00). INTERNATIONAL ALUMINIUM JOURNAL is published monthly with double editions in January/February and in July/August. Subscriptions are initially valid for a year. Subscription service | Fax +49 (0)511 7304-233 Company Number Name, first name Cardholder Street, No. Valid until Postcode, town Q The price is to be debited from our account (only possible within Germany) Tel. Bank Fax Bank code Email Account no Q The subscription price is to be paid by credit card: Q VISA Q American Express Q Euro-/Mastercard Q The price will be remitted on receipt of the invoice Date Signature ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf successful start-up of the fume treatment centre at ras Al Khair aluminium smelter J. de Weerdt, P. Klut; danieli Corus Two FTC’s were built in Ras Al Khair, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as part of the Ma’aden aluminium complex. These FTC’s treat the fumes of two anode bake furnaces that supply anodes to the 740,000 tpy aluminium smelter. FTC 2 was commissioned in October 2012 and is currently running at full capacity. The cold commissioning of FTC 1 was done in January 2013, and hot commissioning took place in June 2013. As with all startups, there were some challenges to overcome, but currently FTC 2 is fully operational and FTC 1 is running at about 50% of its capacity because not all fires at the anode bake furnace 1 are in operation yet. Both FTCs are performing satisfactory. FTC 2 performance tests have taken place in the first week of July 2013. client requirements in terms of ease of operation, high online reliability, maintenance friendlinesswhileperformingtocomplywith thestringentlocalenvironmentallegislations onairborneemissions.Thefumecomposition and maximum emission levels are listed in Table2. TheRasAlKhairaluminiumsmelterproject is a USD10.8 billion joint venture between Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma’aden) andAlcoa.Theaimofthesmelterprojectis to realise world’s largest and most efficient aluminiumcomplexwithayearlycapacityof 740,000tonnes.Theproject’saluminarefinery,aluminiumsmelterandrollingmillarelocatedatRasAlKhair,90kmnorthofJubail. Thealuminiumsmelterconsistsoftwopotlinesof360potseach,usingAP37technology. There are two anode bake furnaces, ABF 1 havingfourfiresandABF2havingthreefires, that produce anodes for the potlines. Both ABF’shavetheirowndedicatedFTCtotreat the fumes from the fires. FTC 1 consists of sixbaghousesandfourmainexhaustfans(of which3dutyand1standby)treatingthefumes ofABF1.FTC2consistsoffivebaghousesand threemainexhaustfans(ofwhich2dutyand 1standby)treatingthefumesofABF2.Table 1summarisestheprocessdesigndataforFTC 1andFTC2. TheobjectiveoftheFTC’sistomeetthe Themostnotableachievementinthisproject wastheshorttimerequiredfortheengineering andfabricationofbothFTC’s.Thetotaltime fortheengineeringoftwocompleteFTC’swas Process Variable FTC 1 Fume composition [mg/Nm3] Maximum emission [mg/Nm3] Gaseousfluorides 0–200 <0.5 Particulatefluorides 0–50 <0.6 Totalparticulates 0–200 <5.7 Condensedsolubletars 0–200 <1.7 Table 2: Fume composition and maximum emission levels © Danieli Corus the ftC design Fig. 1: Modular design, left – preassembled baghouse, right – fully fabricated cooling tower FTC 2 245,000 180,000 Fumevolume(Am3/h) Fumetemperature(°C) 220 220 UnderpressureatABF(kPa) -2,000 -2,000 Numberofbaghouses 6 5 Numberofmainexhaustfans 3+1 2+1 6 4 Aluminautilisation(t/hr) Table 1: FTC 1 and FTC 2 process design data 50 Type of pollutant onlyninemonths,whileonlyfivemonthafterplacementofthepurchaseordersthefirst FTC2equipmentarrivedonsite. DanieliCoruspurchasedequipmentworldwideandtransportedittositeinordertomeet the tight schedule. Despite the sometimes challenging custom clearance, availability of material within KSA, working pressure and deadlines that had to be met, all equipment arrivedatsitewithinarelativelyshortperiod oftime. Furthermore,theequipmentwassupplied in large module delivery which had a major impactonsitelabourrequirementssinceless siteweldingwasrequiredcomparedtocombining a series of smaller components.Also, thecompletepipingsystemwasprefabricated inordertoreducesitelabourrequired. This type of modularisation in combina- tionwiththesplitofresponsibilitiesbetween manufacturing and the erection could only be accomplished with a detailed 3D model toavoidinterferencesonsite.Adetailed3D modelforbothFTC’swasmadeinwhichthe Fig. 2: Modular design, left – preassembled stack section in laydown area, right – installation of preassembled stack section ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf vironmentforallemployees. This was achieved by implementinganextensive Lock-out Tag-out (LoTo) system.This LoTo system made it possible to conductbothconstructionand commissioningatthesame time in a safe manner. In addition,theLoTosystem didnotdelayconstruction work, while still ensuring a safe working environment. Constructionwasdone in cooperation with DC’s affiliate company Inbesco,withasolidbaseandextensiveexperienceinthemiddleEast.Duetothissuccessfulpartnership,itwaspossibletocompletethe constructionworkforbothFTC1andFTC2 in an effective way from quality as well as safetyandtimingpointofview. Also client engineer Bechtel was closely involvedinthedesign,constructionandcommissioningphases.ThecooperationwithBechtel was very fruitful and sped up the whole process as Bechtel took care of issues that couldhaveledtodelays.Also,weeklycommissioningmeetingwereinitiatedbyBechtel inwhichpotentialconstructionandcommissioningissueswerediscussedandresolved. theperformanceandforfuturereference. Safety:Aswitheveryconstructionproject, safety was given paramount priority. For everystageofthecommissioning,athorough checklistwasmadeincorporatingacomplete anddetailedsafetyanalysis.Allaspectsofthe safety plan were discussed with all contractorsandtradedisciplinesandmutuallyagreed to comply with the project safety standards. Also,DanieliCorusmaintaineditsownLoTo systemtoensureasafeworkingenvironment forallemployees. Cold commissioning Start-up/cold commissioning is the process ofplacingasystemorportionofasystemin operation for the first time under ‘live conditions’toensurecorrectplantfunctionality. 3D models of the steel structure, equipment Thecoldcommissioningstartedwhenpre-opand piping layout were combined into one singlemodelfortheentireFTC. erationaltestingactivitieshadbeencompleted Someadditionalitemsrequestedbytheclibythecommissioningteam.Itwasscheduled to minimise interference with bake furnace ent were implemented in the Danieli Corus start-up. design,includingaburnertoreheatthegases from theABF in order to prevent acid conFTC 2:ColdcommissioningofFTC2went satisfactory and was completed in time for densation. thedry-outofABF2.Duringthedry-out,the No substantial design modifications with respecttotheprovenandtestedDanieliCorus FTCwasoperatinginbypassmodeandfumes designFTC’sweremade,butnumeroussmall withhighmoisturecontentbutnopollutants modifications were introduced in the design wereextractedfromtheABF. andfabricationprocessinordertoreducethe FTC 1:ColdcommissioningofFTC1took requiredtimefromthestartoftheprojectunplace in January and February 2013 and tookaboutfourweeksintotal,includingall til mechanical completion and to supply the pre-commissioningactivitiesandturnoverto FTCsmeetingclient’srequirementsandspeciclient. Because both FTC’s are identical and fications. In addition, design and constructa- Preparations some issues that had been found during the bility improvements that were identified in previous FTC’s designed by Danieli Corus Commissioning checklists: During the engi- commissioningofFTC2hadbeenaddressed were incorporated in these two FTC’s. This neering phase of this project, a commission- for FTC 1 already, the cold commissioning includestheFTCcompacdesign,inwhichthe ingmanualwasmadeandapprovedbyBech- wentverysmoothandnomajorissueswere stackandcoolingtowerareinstalledadjacent, telandMa’aden.Thismanualwasusedasa found. DuetoefficientcooperationwithInbesco, leading to structural advantages and more guidelineforthisjob.Thisincludedbasicmeconvenient access for daily operation and chanicalequipmentchecklistsforconstruction itwaspossibletoresolveallpunchlistitems completionandpre-commismaintenance. Due to these features, the time between sioning. Process parameter the start of the installation preparations and tables such as pressure and the mechanical completion of the two FTCs amperagevalueswerenoted wasonlyoneyear. on the checklists as means ofreference. During any future reOperating environment commissioningactivities,the The construction of FTC 2 was nearly com- original parameters would pleted at the end of August 2012, and cold be useful in re-establishing commissioningstartedatthistime.Oneofthe thesuccessfuloperation. On site, these basic major challenges during the commissioning ofFTC2wasthatconstructionworkonFTC guidelines were refined in 1wasstillongoing,whileFTC2wasalready closecooperationofBechtel completedandbeingcommissioned.Thisre- andMa’adentodevelopthe quiredstrictsafetymeasuresandcarefulco- best hand over package to ordinationofconstructionandcommissioning the owner.The documentaworktocreateasafeandsecureworkingen- tion was used to evaluate Fig. 4: FTC 1 (front) and FTC 2 (back) Fig. 3: 3D model for FTC 1 (front) and FTC 2 (back) 52 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 sPeCIAL ArABAL waste A L U M I N I U M I N d U s t r y It‘s I Na pure the G UofL time f ... if you make do with anything less! forFTC1aswellasFTC2andleavesitewith tosub-systemsforwhich,aftercarefulinspecthebothFTC’shandedovertotheclient,FTC tion,alistofpunchlistitemswasprepared. Once a sub-system had been completed, 2 in full operation and FTC 1 ready for hot the client was invited for a walk-down to fumes. identify any additional punch list items and to verify the punch items that had been refirst ‘hot fumes in’ solved.Whenall‘A’punchitemshadbeenreFTC 2: Dry-outofABF2startedinthebegin- solved,thesub-systemgainedthepurple-tag ningofOctober2012andcontinuedforabout status (mechanical completion), after which fourweeks.Duringthistime,FTC2wasoper- the commissioning could start. During comatedinbypassmodeandonlyprovideddraft missioning, the remaining ‘B’ and ‘C’ punch totheABF,butnofumesweretreated.On5 list items were resolved and after a second December, the first hot pollutant containing walk-down with the client, the sub-system fumesweretreatedbyFTC2.Atthistime,the was grey-tagged (practical completion) and FTC was operated with only two baghouses officiallyhandedovertotheclient. AlongwiththehandoveroftheFTCitself, andoneMEFbecauseofthelowamountof also an extensive handover document packfumes. age was prepared including construction and engineering documents, specifications, as well as test procedures, commissioning documents, and manuals. Once these documents and the punch listshadbeensigned-offbytheclient,theFTCwasofficiallyhanded over and operated by Ma’aden employeesfromthatmomenton. Guarantee measurements Atthetimethisarticleisbeingissued,theguaranteemeasurements for FTC 2 just have taken place. Fig. 5: DC lock-out Tag-out system with equipment locks (red) and personal locks (green) GuaranteemeasurementsofFTC 1 will take place whenABF 1 is Excessairhadtobewithdrawnthroughthe runningstablewithallfourfiresinoperation. ABFdilutionairdampertoensuresufficient Currently,onlytwofiresareinoperationof airflow at the MEF.This situation continued whichoneisfordry-out. for about four weeks and the operation becamemorestablewhenalsothesecondand Conclusions thirdfiresoftheABFweretakenintooperation. Thestart-upofbothFTC’sonMa’adenABF Currently,FTC2isoperationatfullcapac- 1 and ABF 2 was successfully completed to ity and performing excellent. The fresh alu- thesatisfactionofallparties.TheFTCincor- minarateofabout1.5tphandcarboncontents porated new design features from Danieli arewellbelowmaximumacceptablelevel. Corusthatenhancethesafetyandoperability, FTC 1: BecauseABF 1 was not ready to maintainabilityandemissionsperformance.It start producing anodes when the cold com- was a clean start-up with the new furnace, missioning of FTC 1 was finished, hot com- thankstotheclosecoordinationofDC,Inbes- missioningofFTC1tookplaceinJune2013. coandBechtelduringhotandcoldcommisLikethecoldcommissioning,thehotcommis- sioning. There were minimal by-pass events sioningofFTC1wentsmoothandcouldbe whichmeantemissionsweremaintainedeven duringthecommissioningphases. completedwithinoneweek. Test it now! YES, regular I would like to receive information on the latest trends and technologies! Please send me a sample copy at no obligation. I wish to subscribe to INTERNATIONAL ALUMINIUM JOURNAL The subscription price is EUR 297.00 a year incl. p&p and VAT (Outside Europe: US$ 393.00). INTERNATIONAL ALUMINIUM JOURNAL is published monthly with double editions in January/February and in July/August. Subscriptions are initially valid for a year. Company Name, first name Street, No. Postcode, town Tel. Fax Email Q The subscription price is to be paid by credit card: Q VISA Q American Express Q Euro-/Mastercard Number Cardholder Valid until Q The price is to be debited from our account (only possible within Germany) Bank Bank code Account no handover Authors Handovertotheclientwasorganisedthrough an extensive procedure which involved mechanicalaswellaspracticalcompletion.With- inthisprocedure,bothFTC’sweredividedin- Peter Klut is senior process engineer at Danieli CorusB.V.,Velsen-Noord,TheNetherlands JandeWeerdtisprocessengineeratDanieliCorus B.V.,Velsen-Noord,TheNetherlands ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 All the very latest information in a single publication, 10 times a year, excellently researched, direct from the source! Q The price will be remitted on receipt of the invoice Date Signature Subscription service Fax +49 (0)511 7304-233 ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf high performance of ‘eolios’ pitch fume treatment system at Qatalum paste plant neverreachedbeforeforsuchinstallation. With 1 mg/Nm3 of PAH 16 (according to the NS 9815 NorwegianStandard),itcanbeconsidered anewbenchmarkintheGulf. © Fives Solios Coal tar pitch – the source of PAhs emissions RTO plant at Qatalum Since the introduction of paste-coolers in the anode manufacturing process, the amount of volatile compounds has drastically increased; in parallel, standards of emission levels became more stringent. Consequently, the technologies to treat such emissions must cope with more concentrated streams at inlet and lower emission requirements at outlet. Solios has developed the ‘Eolios’ system which is an optimised combination of a dry scrubber based on the adsorption of PAH on coke fines, and a RTO (Regenerative Thermal Oxidiser) using oxidation technology. This combination minimises the energy consumption while maximising the treatment efficiency. ThefirstEoliossystemwasinstalledattheAlcoaMoesjenanodeplantinNorwayin2007 totreatthehigherconcentrationstreamscomingfromthepaste-cooler.Soliosobserveddestructionefficiencyfrom97to99%onPAH. In2010asecondEoliossystemwasimplementedatQatalum.InJanuarythisyear,Solios successfully completed the performance tests for the pitch fume treatment system at theQatalumgreenanodeplant.Withaproduction capacity of 60 tph, it is the world’s largestsinglelinegreenanodeplant. ThePAHsamplingandanalysis,donebya thirdparty,demonstratealevelofemissions 54 PAHs are the main components of coaltarpitch,whichisusedasabinderforthefabricationofanodes.Coal tarpitchisasolidmaterialatambient temperature;tobeusedinthemanufactureofanodesitmustbeheatedto becomeliquidandtobemixedwith aggregate(calcinedpetroleumcoke) toobtainahomogeneouspaste:this stepisdoneatapprox.160-200°C. Atsuchrangeoftemperature,the coaltarpitchreleasesahighamount of CoalTar PitchVolatiles (CTPV), whicharemainlycomposedofPolycyclicAromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH). Some of these molecules are known or suspected to be highly carcinogenic.The PAHs can be dividedintotwogroups:thelightandheavy fractions. This classification depends on the numberofaromaticringspresentinthePAH molecule.WhenthePAHiscomposedof,at least,threearomaticrings,wecansaythatit is a heavy PAH. Depending upon their molecularweights,PAHsexisteitherundersolid form(particulatePAHs)orgaseousform(gaseousPAHs),orboth. Theadditionofwatertocooldowntheanode pastelowersthepartialpressureofthevapour generated by the paste, which displaces the equilibrium towards production of the light fraction; so all the PAHs with a low partial pressure (the light fractions) are released in gaseousform. Consequently, the addition of water into thepaste-coolerhasdrasticallyincreasedthe amountoflightPAHs.Thisphenomenonwas confirmed in the Deschambault paste plant before and after the installation of a pastecooler:thePAHemissionsincreasedbyafactorof6. Pitchfumesaregeneratedinallequipment wherecoaltarpitchisusedathightemperature (160-200 °C). It was observed that the pitchvolatilesconcentrationisdoubledwhen thetemperatureoftheliquidpitchincreases by20°C.Sothemixingtemperatureisalsoa parameterwithimpactonthePAHemissions. Conventional coke dry scrubbing system Thedryscrubbersystemisderivedfromthe potlinealuminadryinjectionscrubbingtechnology.Itconsistsininjectionofcokefinesin a gas stream loaded by pitch fumes.An adsorptionphenomenaoccursbetweenthecoke and the pitch fumes: the large specific area (6,000to7,000Blaine)andoppositeelectricalchargeofthecokefinesallowadsorption ofpollutants. The fines fraction of coke readily availableforthepreparationoftheanodepasteis injected counter-currently to the fume-laden stream.Turbulence and highly efficient contactbetweenthepitchfumesandaerosolsare Coke + Pitch Paste mixer + Water Paste cooler Coke fines injection Anode former area Fig. 1: Dry scrubbing process ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 sPeCIAL ArABAL promoted in the Venturi reactor. Pitch loaded fines arethencollectedbyadust collector(bagfilter)andare reintroduced into the anodepasterecipe.Theclean gases are then released to theatmosphere(Fig.1). The pitch loaded fines arethenrecycledandused into the recipe for the anode manufacturing process:thereisneitherwaste streamnorproductloss. The global capture efficiency of dry scrubbing for PAH is about 95%; this efficiency is higher forheavyPAH(upto99%). The dry scrubbing system philosophy is based on the ability of PAH to condensate: thisallowstobeadsorbedonthefinescoke surface.So,theefficiencyisbetterwithheavy PAH that condensate easily. For the lighter PAH, mainly emitted from the cooler as noted above, the efficiency of this technologyislimited:ifthereisnocondensation,no adsorptionwilloccurandthepollutantspass throughthebagfilterwithoutbeingcaptured. Thecondensationdepends,obviously,ofthe ambient temperature: in cold countries the captureefficiencyofthedryscrubberisbetter(upto98%). Forthisreasonnewtechnologiesbasedon oxidation reaction are used in order to improvelightPAHstreatmentefficiency. rtO – an effective method of destroying PAhs The Regenerative Thermal Oxidation (RTO) isbasedontheoxidationprinciple.PAHsare mainly composed by C-H bonds which are easilycrackedbyoxidationaccordingtothe RedOxreaction(combustionreaction): CaH2b+(a+b/2)O2→aCO2+bH2O+Heat AllPAHsareconvertedintocarbondioxide andwatervapour. TheRTOisacompactequipmentcomposed ofthreemainelements: • Thecombustionchamberwheretheoxidation reaction occurs.The temperature in the combustionchamberisabout850-900°C. • Theceramicsbeds,whichareusedasheat exchangers. The aim is to store heat and to recoverifforpreheatingtheinletgasflow,and thussaveenergy. • The valve box: two valves for inlet and outletducts,andonevalveforpurgeforeach chamber. The raw gas (1) is introduced via the valve ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 ALUMINIUM INdUstry IN the GULf A set of FID (Flame Ionisation Detector) measurements were performed in order to estimatetherelationshipbetweenRTOtemperature and destruction efficiency. The gas sampleiscontinuouslysampledintotheFID which measures the concentration of total volatilesorganiccompounds. TheFIDmeasurementsdoneattheQatalumplantshowthathighertemperaturecombustion creates an improved RTO efficiency due to the increase of organic compounds destruction: Fig. 2: RTO – schematic diagram box into the tower B, and pre-heated passing through the ceramics (5) to achieve the required temperature for the combustion of PAH(atleast850°C).Theresidencetimein thecombustionchamber(6)isabout1-2sec, this time will do to destroy PAH.The combustionofPAHgeneratesheatwhichreduces theconsumptionoftheburner(7).Theclean gasisconveyedfromthecombustionchamber intothesecondheatexchangerA,andisthen releasedthroughtheexitstack(9).Thethird heatexchangerCisinpurgemodeinorderto removetheremainingrawgasresidues(Fig.2). eolios at Qatalum paste plant – an innovative solution for optimum emission performances At the Qatalum paste plant, the highly concentratedfumes,whicharecollectedfromthe pastecoolerandwhichcontainmainlywater vapour and light PAH fractions, are specifi- callytreatedbytheRTOunit.Toavoidcondensationoftarintheduct,itisnecessaryto heat up the fumes with hot air in a mixing pot,situatedonthepastecooler.Aftermixing, dilutedfumesenterintotheRTOunitatatemperatureof150°C.AftertheRTOtreatment, thecleangasisrejectedtotheatmosphere. Allotherssuctionpoints(mixer,vibrocompactorarea,etc.)aretreatedbythedryscrubbingsystem(Fig.3). RTO efficiency 840°C 870°C 91.2% 96.2% ThePAHsamplingandanalysis,doneinthe commonstack,confirmthehighefficiencyof theoptimisedcombinationofadryscrubbing system and RTO with a level of emissions never reached before for such installation, andwhichisnowconsideredasanewbenchmarkintheGulfat1mg/Nm3ofPAH16accordingtotheNS9815NorwegianStandard. Environmental emissions are becoming more and more stringent, especially for carcinogensubstancessuchasPAHsfrompitch vapour.Eolios,whichcombinesdryscrubbing andRTO,allowstooperatethegreenanode plantwhilemaintainingthePAH’semissions at stack below such stringent requirements. Eolios leads to lower operating costs and a smaller carbon footprint than alternative technologiessuchasfullRTO,forinstance. The first industrial implementations of EoliosattheMoesjenpasteplantandrecently at the Qatalum paste plant confirm the performance and benefits associated with this ■ technology. Stack Dry scubbing system Calcined petroleum coke + liquid pitch Paste mixer RTO combustion temperature Coke Fines Injection Others suctions point (anode forming area mixer....) RTO + Water Paste cooler Fig. 3: Eolios system at the Qatalum paste plant 55 teChNOLOGy Shipped all over the world from the Eifel region Köllemann GmbH from Germany is engaged in every industrial sector where there is a need for bulk solids to be conveyed, heated and cooled in a continuous process. For the aluminium industry, the company designs and builds petcoke preheaters, which are used in the production of anodes. Köllemann preheaters are among the largest on the market. They are designed to ensure optimal mixing of the petcoke, with minimal deviations in temperature and a long service life that requires little maintenance. isASMEandISO9001certified;pressurevesselsaremanufacturedinaccordancewithAD 2000regulations. Thecompanysuppliesitsmachinesworldwidetoanumberofrawmaterialsprocessing KöllemannGmbHwasfoundedinthe1960s sectors,suchasthechemical,petrochemical, andisbasedinAdenau,Germany,nearthefa- cement and metal industries and the power mousNürburgringmotor-racingcircuit.Origi- sector, as well as for wastewater treatment nallyowner-managed,thecompanyisnowin plants,tonamebutafew. the hands of financial investors. It has been undernewtechnicalandcommercialmanage- “We want to intensify ment since the middle of last year, although contact with end-users” corepersonnelengagedindesignandmanufacturing are still with the company. “The For the aluminium industry, Köllemann dechangeofmanagementhasgiventhecompany signsandmanufacturesthepetcokepreheatanewimpetus,”explainsGuidoFiedler,head ers, used in anode-making. The preheater ofDevelopmentandDesign.“Wearework- heatsupthepetcokeandmixesitthoroughly ingintensivelytofurtherimproveourwork- toahomogenousmass.Thismixtureissubseingproceduresandtoadoptamoreproactive quentlyblendedinakneaderwithhotpitch approachtomarketingourproducts.” andanodebuttstoproducegreenanodes.This Thecompanyisactiveinallsectorswhere isacontinuousconveyingprocess. thereisaneedforacombinationofconveying, Thepreheatersusescrewflightsasthemain heating and cooling of bulk solids in a con- heat-transfersurface;thesearebasedonthe tinuousprocess.Importantkeywordshereare hollow-flightprinciple.Thermaloilactsasthe thedosing,sealing,metering,mixing,heating, heattransfermediumandflowsthroughthe hollowflights.“Withourlargestunitswecan conveyingandfeedingofbulksolids. Köllemann’sstandardportfoliocoversro- heatupto60tonnesofpetcokeanhourtoa tary valves, screw heat exchangers, petcoke temperatureof220°C,”saysprojectmanager preheaters and contact dryers.The company MatthiasGinster.Fourwormshaftsareused. The heat-exchanging surface is 300 Product level square metres or more and the units weighsome80tonnes. Köllemannregardsitselfastheundisputedmarketleaderforpetcokepreheaters:“Wesupplysomethree-quarters of the global preheater market,” says Mr Ginster. “Nevertheless, we rarelydealdirectlywithplantoperators. This is because we don’t usually supply totheend-user,buttothesupplierofthe plantthatmakesthekneadersfortheanodepaste.Fromaprocessengineeringpoint ofview,kneaderandpreheateroperateasa Hollow flights singleunit.” Tube with annular gap Köllemann is a hidden champion, so to Double-walled trough 56 © Köllemann Köllemann Gmbh – market leader for petcoke preheaters Köllemann preheaters are of modular design, with easy access for maintenance speak.However,infuturethecompanywants togetmoreinvolvedinthemarketanddeal directlywithend-users.“Wewanttoboostour businessstillfurtherandgrow.Toachievethis, we want to intensify contact with end-users andbecomemoreinvolvedinthemarketing of our preheaters.We think that it will also be beneficial for the operators of our plant tohaveclosercontactwithourcompany,for exampleinordertoobtaindirectsupportwith- outhavingtotakearoundaboutrouteviathe supplierofthekneaders,”saysMrFiedler. WhenaskedwhatdifferentiatesKöllemann machines from those of its competitors, Mr Ginster replies: “Our machines are particularly durable, require little maintenance and areeasilyaccessible.Thewholeunitisamodularconstruction.”Allpreheaterssuppliedby Köllemannareconstructedinaccordancewith thecustomer’sspecification,startingwiththe machinesize,connectionsandotherproductrelated aspects. “On request we can supply turnkeymachineswiththepipeworkalready completelyinstalled.Ourdesignsarebasedin principle on the German industry standard. Thismeansweonlyeveruseplanetarygears forpetcokepreheatersthathaveaservicelife thatisatleastequaltothatofthemachineitself.Ifcustomerswantdrivesystemsormeasuringequipmentfromspecificmanufacturers, theycanhavetheseaswell.” Köllemannguaranteesthesupplyofspare partsformanydecades.Thecompanystillhas details of machines it supplied in the 1960s, fromthedayswhennobodyhadevendreamt ofPCsandCAD. special design features of coke preheaters TherearethreeidenticalKöllemannpreheatersintheanodeplantatEmiratesAluminium (Emal):twopreheatershaveanhourlycapacityof40tonnesandathirdunitoperatesasa cooler,coolingtheanodebuttsaftertheyhave beencrushedintosmallpieces. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 teChNOLOGy whichthusincreasesitsservicelife.Wealso useadoublebearingsothatthetoothedgears mesh accurately, which is also very maintenance-friendly.” The preheaters are also characterised by very good insulation and thanks to which there are hardly any heat losses. The thick insulation does not only ensure high energy efficiencythough:aboveallitisimportantfor occupationalsafety.“Ourpreheatersareonly lukewarm on the outside even though there isthermaloilat300°Cflowingthroughthe shafts.Wethusconformtothelatestmachinerydirectiveeventhoughthepreheatersare usedincountrieswheresuchrequirementsdo notapply.” Theinsulation(rockwool)isalsoofmodular designandcanberemovedandinstalledagain withoutdamage.Itiscassette-typeinsulation withclipsholdingthecassettestogether. fit for the future Köllemann is already undertaking developmentworkforanewgenerationofpreheatersinordertobewellpreparedwhenhightemperaturepitchisincreasinglyusedinafew years’time;suchpitchdoesnotmeltuntilit reaches300°C,incontrasttothe180°Cthat isthecasewiththestandardpitchcommonly used today.The reason for this change is thatanewenvironmentaldirectivethatforbids WWW.BUSSCORP.COM Thestandardpracticewithsuchlargepreheatersistohavetworight-handshaftsandtwo left-hand shafts, with only one shaft being motor-drivenandtheotherthreeshaftsbeing drivenbytoothedgears.“ForEmal,theshaft drivenbytoothedgearsisidenticalinconstructiontothemotor-drivenshaft.Althoughthis requiresmoredesigneffort,aswellasmore material,itreducesthesparesthathavetobe keptinstockshouldafaultoccur.Therefore only one right-hand shaft and one left-hand shaftareneededforallthreeunits.” MrGinsterpointsoutthatthelargestmachinesavailablehavealwaysbeensuppliedby Köllemann.Forexample,thereisapreheater withacapacityof50tonnesanhouratAlcoa MosjøeninNorway.Köllemann also recently supplied a 60t/hunittoananodeplantinChina –thelargestpreheatercurrently availableonthemarket. Köllemann preheaters have anumberofdistinguishingfeatures.Smallmixingpaddlesare attached to the outside of the shaft to better loosen and mix theproduct,andensurethatthe kneadercanthoroughlywetthe petcokewithpitchwithoutdifficulty;thisresultsinoptimal,homogenousmixingofthepetcoke andavoidshotspots. Thepreheatersaredesigned so that they are very easy to service:allpartsoftheunitare readily accessible to maintain the shaft exits and the sealing elements.Furthermore,theseals where the shafts exit the machine housing can be removed completelyfromthetopwithout having to dismantle the whole console. The worm itself does not require any maintenance and is characterised by a long service life, measured in terms ofdecades. Thebearings,too,havebeen speciallydesigned.“Ihaveseen competitive products which havetheriskiestdesignsofbearing possible,” says Mr Ginster. “However, at the ends we use maintenance-free high-temperaturebearingsmadefromspecial graphite; these allow the shaft to be swivelled slightly and to movefreelyalongitslength.This means thermal expansion does notexertanystressontheshaft, ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 The leading Mixing Technology for Anode Pastes For over 50 years BUSS KE and CP series Kneaders have been the benchmark for reliable, cost-effective compounding of anode pastes. Now we go one step further. teChNOLOGIe Köllemann recently supplied a 60t/h coke preheater to an anode plant in China – the largest machine currently available on the market theuseofstandardpitchwillcome intoforceinChinain2016/17. “Fortheuseofhigh-temperature pitchonerequiresheat-transfermedia that can reach temperatures of upto400°C.Wearecurrentlyevaluating various heat-transfer media with respect to their suitability and arealsoworkingonaspecialproject with an external institute,” says MrFiedler,addingthathedoesnot wish to reveal any further details at the moment for competitive reasons. ■ Integration der Gattierungsrechnung macht recycling noch effizienter Um Aluminiumschrotte effektiv und qualitätsgesichert in der laufenden Produktion einsetzen zu können, ist eine optimale Gattierungsrechnung unerlässlich. Sie wird jedoch oft als Insellösung betrieben, was Zeit bei der Einstellung der gewünschten Qualitäten kostet. Durch die intelligente Integration in ein Produktionsmanagementsystem können Aluminiumrecycler ihre Prozesse nun an zentraler Stelle optimieren. Und entscheidende Wettbewerbsvorteile erlangen: Da alle Informationen zu jeder Zeit an jedem Ort in Echtzeit zur Verfügung stehen, kann mit einer schnellen und präzisen Analyse der Schmelze die Zahl der Nachlegierungszyklen deutlich gesenkt werden. In der Praxis werden damit Raten zwischen 1 und 1,5 erreicht. Das steigert nicht nur die Durchsatzrate, sondern optimiert auch Lagermanagement, Energiebilanz und Einkauf. Das Ergebnis: ein transparenter, maximal produktiver Regelkreislauf und hochwertige Endprodukte mit zuverlässiger Rückverfolgbarkeit. Integrated charge and alloy calculation makes recycling even more efficient In order to effectively use and ensure the quality of aluminium scrap in ongoing production, optimum calculation of charge and alloy materials is crucial. This is often operated as an island solution and takes time when it comes to setting the required qualities. Thanks to intelligent integration into a production management system, aluminium recyclers can now optimise their processes at a central point, thus giving them an edge over competitors. Now that all the information is always available everywhere in real-time, a fast and precise analysis of the melt can reduce the number of alloying cycles significantly. In practical applications, average rates between 1 and 1.5 were in fact achieved. This not only boosts the throughput rate, it also improves warehouse management, the energy balance and purchasing. The result is a more transparent loop with maximum productivity and high-quality end prodStändig steigende Energiekosten und der ucts with reliable traceability. Wunsch nach optimaler Ressourceneffizienz habensortenreineProduktionsabfällezueiner Thepersistentriseinenergycostsanddemand wichtigenRohstoffquellefürdieMetallindus- for optimum resource efficiency have made triegemacht.DiesgiltinsbesonderefürAlu- sorted produced waste an important source miniumschrotte, denn mit einem Anteil von ofrawmaterialforthemetalssector.Thisapetwa20ProzentanderweltweitenGesamt- plies particularly to aluminium scrap which, produktionhatdasRecyclingvonAluminium accounting for around 20% of total global einen beachtlichen Stellenwert erlangt. Das production, has made aluminium recycling liegt insbesondere am enormen Einsparpo- extremely important. This is largely due to tenzial:VerglichenmitderPrimärherstellung theenormoussavingspotential.Comparedto brauchtmandortimSchnitt90Prozentwe- primaryproduction,recyclingusesonaverage 58 90% less energy; far fewer difficult residual materialsareproducedand,intermsofquality,thefinalproductcannotbedistinguished fromnewlyproducedaluminium. On the other hand, it must be noted that recyclingscrapmetalisaverycomplexprocess that calls for outstanding organisation along theentireprocesschaininordertoarriveat a high-quality, profitable and safe product. ThisorganisationhasbeenpickedupbyPSI Metals, an IT company based in Düsseldorf, Germany,thatspecialisesinproductionmanagementsystemsforthemetalsindustry.By integratingthecentralchargeandalloycalculation, the entire production process can be optimised. the optimum combination of input materials makes all the difference Regardless of the different sizes, alloys and soilingofthealuminiumscrap–whetheritis externallypurchasedscraporscrapmetalfrom yourownproductionwastewhichistoberecycled,theaimistoproduceamaterialthat featuresthealloyrequestedbythecustomer andwhichpreciselymeetstherespectiverequirements and properties. What’s crucial here is efficient organisation of the alloying processbasedonthechargeandalloycalculation.Atthesametime,thechemicalanalysis ofthealloysinthemeltingfurnaceisadecisivefactorfortheefficiencyoftheentirepro- ductionprocess.Thatisbecauseprecisemeasuringresultsthathavebeengeneratedquickly ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 teChNOLOGy © Hydro Aluminium effizienterkanndiegesamteProzessketteorganisiertwerden. GroßesOptimierungspotenzialliegthierbei ineinerintegriertenGattierungsrechnung,die PSIMetalsmitdemAlloyCalculatoranbietet. DieserregeltnichtnurdieLegierungsanalyse, sondern ist in das ProduktionsmanagementsystemvonPSIMetalssointegriert,dassvon derAnlieferungdesSchrottesüberdasLagermanagementbishinzurSchmelzealleorganisations- bzw. produktionsrelevanten Daten inEchtzeiterfasstundaufoptimaleWeisedie Gattierungüberwachtundgesteuertwird.In diesemSystemistsomitdieGattierungsrechnungalszentraleBezugs-undRegelgrößefür alleorganisatorischenundstrategischenProzesse der Produktion etabliert. Die Abfolge einzelnerArbeitsschrittewirdalsdynamischer Kreislaufbegriffenundvisualisiert,mitjedem Der integrierte Monitor liefert in Echtzeit alle relevanten Informationen ArbeitsschrittwirddergesamteKreislaufakThe integrated monitor supplies all relevant information in realtime tualisiert,undalleInformationensindzujeanddirectlyarewhatmakeitpossibletoor- nigerEnergie;esfallendeutlichwenigerpro- demZeitpunkteinszueinsabrufbar.Solassen ganisetheentireprocesschaininamoretrans- blematischeReststoffeanunddasEndprodukt sichgeradeankritischenSchnittstellenwieLaparentandefficientmanner. ist qualitativ nicht von Hüttenaluminium zu germanagement/Produktion/LaboroderEinkaufUmwege,MissverständnisseundFehler Integratedchargeandalloycalculationof- unterscheiden. DiesenVorteilenstehtdieTatsachegegen- vermeiden.NotwendigeEntscheidungenwerfers considerable potential for optimisation and PSI Metals offers this in the form of its über,dassdieWiederverwertungvonSchrot- denanhandjederzeitaktuellerInformationen Alloy Calculator. This not only controls the tensehrkomplexistundentlangdergesamten schneller,flexiblerundpräzisergetroffen. alloyanalysis,ithasbeenintegratedintothe ProzesskettehöchsteorganisatorischeAnforPSI Metals production management system derungenstellt,wennamEndeeinhochwer- der erste schritt: eine so that all data related to organisation and tiges,rentablesundsicheresQualitätsprodukt lückenlose Materialverfolgung production, from the delivery of scrap to stehensoll.PSIMetals,eininDüsseldorfanwarehousemanagement,arecapturedinreal- sässiges IT-Unternehmen und Spezialist für InderPraxiszeigensichdieVorteilederPSItimeandthenusedtoperfectlymonitorand Produktionsmanagementsysteme in der Me- Lösungsehrkonkret.ZunächsterfasstdasSyscontrolchargingandalloying.Inthissystem, tallindustrie, setzt genau hier an: Durch die temalleSchrotteimMomentihrerLieferung thechargeandalloycalculationservesasthe Integration der zentralen Gattierungsrech- oderihrerEntstehungindereigenenFertigung centralreferenceandcontrolvariableforall nung wird der gesamte Produktionsprozess (interner Kreislauf); so kann im nächsten organisationalandstrategicproductionproc- optimiert. SchritteinesaubereSortierungundVisualisieesses.Thesequenceofindividualworksteps rungderLagerbeständeerfolgen.Dielückenis understood and visualised as a dynamic die optimale Kombination der loseMaterialverfolgungermöglichtauflange loop.Witheachworkstep,theentireloopis einsatzstoffe macht den Unterschied SichteineOptimierungdesLagerplatzes:Vom updated and all the information can be acZeitpunktderLieferunganerfolgteineklare cessedatanypointintime.Thisrulesoutun- Unabhängig von den Stückigkeiten, Legie- ZuordnungnachLegierungen,sodassspätere necessarytrips,misunderstandingsanderrors, rungen und Verschmutzungsgraden des zu Umsortierungen,diezuVermischungenoder especiallyatcriticalinterfaces,suchasware- verarbeitendenAluminiumschrotts–obüber- zusätzlichenVerunreinigungendesSchrottes housemanagement,production,laboratoryor wiegend fremder Schrott oder werkseigener führenkönnen,vermeidbarsind. Vor allem aber erleichtert es das zügige purchasing. The necessary decisions can be Fabrikationsabfall verwertet wird: Produktimadefaster,moreflexiblyandmoreprecisely onsziel ist ein Werkstoff, der die vom Kun- Auffinden des gewünschten Materials. Geht onthebasisofthelatestinformation. den jeweils gewünschte Legierung aufweist eine bestimmte Legierung in Produktion, so und die entsprechendenAnforderungen und hat der Staplerfahrer schnellen Zugriff: Ein Eigenschaftengenauestenserfüllt.Dreh-und in den Gabelstapler integrierter Monitor inthe first step: continuous Angelpunkt ist hierbei die effiziente Organi- formiert online über die benötigten Legiematerial tracking sation des Nachlegierungsprozesses auf der rungen.PerTouchscreenkannsichderFahrer In practical application, the advantages of GrundlagederGattierungsrechnung.Zugleich dann eine Übersicht über die Lagerbestände PSI’ssolutionbecomeveryclear.Firstofall, istdiechemischeAnalysederimSchmelzofen verschaffen und erhält den entsprechenden thesystemrecordsallscrapmetaltheminute befindlichenLegierungeneinentscheidender Schrottlagerplatzdirektangezeigt.Zielgerichitisdeliveredorproducedinyourownpro- FaktorinBezugaufdieEffizienzdergesam- teteTransportaufträgeundderenexakteVerduction (internal loop); in the next step, the ten Produktion: Je präziser die Messergeb- folgung senken die Fehlerquote und sparen scrapmetalissortedandstocksarevisualised. nisseausfallen,jeschnellerundgezieltersie definitivZeit.DerFahrermussnichterstlanInthelongrun,continuousmaterialtracking generiert werden, desto transparenter und genacheinemirgendwovermutetenMaterial ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 59 © Hydro Aluminium teChNOLOGIe Die Schmelze: Präzision beim Kernprozess zahlt sich aus The melts: precision in the core process pays off suchen,sondernkannsichdurchdievisuelle Lagerdarstellung schnell orientieren und sofortdierichtigeBoxanfahren. Eine ebenfalls in den Stapler integrierte Waage verkürzt den Transport- und Chargiervorgang – so geht keine Zeit durch eine Extrafahrt zu einer Wiegestation verloren. EinwichtigerAspektderexaktenMaterialverfolgungistzudemdieKlassifizierungeigener Reststoffe (z.B. Kopf- und Fußschrotte, Besäumschrotte), deren Zusammensetzung bekanntistundsichdahernochschnellerinden Recyclingprozesseinbindenlassen. Best Practice: ein durchschnitt von 1,2 Nachlegierungszyklen Je schneller die richtige Legierung erreicht ist,umsowenigerNachlegierungszyklensind erforderlich,destowenigerEnergiewirdverbrauchtundumsobesseristdieAusnutzung der Schmelzöfen. Zur Optimierung der Legierungsanalyse liefert der Alloy Calculator schnelleundpräziseErgebnisse,diewiederum unmittelbar im Produktionsmanagementsystemumgesetztundgenutztwerden.Nachnur etwa15MinutenliegtdasAnalyseergebnisim System vor, sodass unmittelbar entschieden werdenkann,welcheElementederLegierung noch zugefügt werden müssen. Diese Information geht online und automatisch an den Staplerfahrer,derdadurchinnerhalbkürzesterZeitdierichtigeMengedesMaterialsanliefert, das zur Optimierung des Produktes benötigtwird.WertundGewichtdesgelieferten Materials werden im System registriert, die Verringerung des Lagerbestandes wird 60 automatisch gebucht. Auch der Zeitverlust durchÜbertragungsfehlerbeimanuellerSteuerungentfällt. PräziseAnalyseergebnisse,dieumgehende Neukalkulation des Materialeinsatzes, InformationeninEchtzeitsowiederdirekteZugriff auf das Materiallager ermöglichen es, den Gattierungsprozessdeutlichzuverkürzenund die Zahl der erforderlichen Nachlegierungszyklenzusenken:EineZyklusdauerzwischen 45Minutenund2,5Stunden(jenachLegierung) sowie ein Mittel von 1,2 Zyklen pro Produktionsvorgang–dieseZahlensprechen fürsich.DerentscheidendeGewinn:diesignifikanteSteigerungderDurchsatzrateunddie damit verbundene deutliche Energieeinsparung pro Schmelze. Denn durch dieVerkürzungderZyklenverringertsichdieRuhezeit derÖfen,indenendienochunfertigeSchmelze auf Temperatur gehalten werden muss. Durch die bessere zeitliche Planbarkeit aller Abläufe lässt sich zudem der Produktions- planinsgesamtstraffenundeinebestmögliche AuslastungderÖfenimSinneeineseffizien- tenEnergiemanagementserreichen. strategischer einkauf und effizientes Lagermanagement AuchLagermanagementundEinkaufprofitierenvonderintegriertenGattierungsrechnung undeinerpräzisenMaterialverfolgung.Durch die Transparenz der Lagerbestände und der jeweils vorliegenden Legierungen kann der Einkaufpunktgenauermitteln,welcheZukäufeerforderlichsindbzw.zueinembestimmten Zeitpunkt der Produktionsplanung erforder- optimises space in the warehouse because from the time the scrap metal is delivered it is clearly allocated according to alloys, so that later sorting, which could result in mixingoradditionalsoilingofthescrap,canbe avoided. More importantly, however, the required materialcanbefoundmuchfaster.Ifacertain alloyistobeusedinproduction,thedriverof theforklifttruckwillhavenotroublefinding it. That is because a monitor integrated into the fork lift truck informs the driver online ofthealloysneeded.Usingthetouchscreen, the driver can then view all the stocks and directlyknowsthelocationofthescrapmetal inquestion.Targetedtransportjobsandtheir precise tracking reduce error rates and cer- tainlysavetime.Thedrivernolongerhasto searchformaterialthatisthoughttobesomewhere,insteadhecanquicklyfindhiswayusingthewarehousedisplayanddrivedirectly totherightbox. A weighing device also integrated into theforklifttruckshortensthetransportand chargingprocesssincenotimeislostduetoan extra trip to a weighing station. Another important aspect of precise material trackingisalsotheclassificationofyourownrest material (e.g. head and foot scrap, trimming scrap)whereitscompositionisknownandcan hence be integrated faster into the recycling process. Best practice: an average of around 1.2 alloying cycles Thefastertherightalloyisreachedthefewer alloying cycles are needed and this means lessenergyandbetterutilisationofthemelt- ing furnace. In order to optimise the alloy analysis, the Alloy Calculator delivers fast andpreciseresultswhichcanthenbeimplemented and used directly in the production management system. After just a quarter of anhour,theanalysisresultisavailablesothat the operator can immediately decide which elementsofthealloystillhavetobeadded. Theinformationgoesonlineandisautomaticallysenttotheforklifttruckdriverwhocan then quickly deliver the correct quantity of materialneededtooptimisetheproduct.The valueandweightofthematerialdeliveredis recordedinthesystemandthereductionin stocksisautomaticallyposted.Thisalsomeans nomoretimelostduetorecordingerrorswith manualprocedures. Preciseanalysisresults,immediatere-calculationofthematerialinput,informationin real-timeaswellasdirectaccesstothematerials warehouse make it possible to shorten ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 teChNOLOGy thechargeandalloyprocessandhencereduce thenumberofalloyingcyclesrequired:One cycle of between 45 minutes to 2.5 hours (depending on the alloy) with an average of around 1.2 cycles per production process – thesefiguresspeakforthemselves.Themost decisive benefit is the significant increase in throughputrateandthehugeenergysavings foreachmelt.Thatisbecausethefewerthe cycles, the less idle time for furnaces where theunfinishedmelthastobekeptataconstant temperature.Thankstoimprovedplanningfor all steps of the process, the production plan itselfcanbestreamlinedinordertoachieve thebest-possibleutilisationofthefurnacesin theinterestofefficientenergymanagement. strategic purchasing and efficient warehouse management Bothwarehousemanagementandpurchasing also benefit from integrated charge and alloycalculationandprecisematerialtracking. Thankstotransparentwarehousestocksand the alloys available, purchasing can identify precisely which purchases are necessary or willbecomenecessaryatacertainpointinproductionplanning.Doubleorincorrectorders duetoapooroverviewofstocksandofwhere material is located can now be largely ruled out.Ontopofthat,allofthescrapmetalstored inthewarehouseisrecordedwithitsspecific alloy values and can be quickly found. This meansthatitiseasiertocalculateproduction costs more precisely and the necessary productionworkflowscanbeoptimallyplanned. Isitadvisabletouseyourownscrapmetalor doescertainscraphavetobepurchased?Isit cheapertoaddpureelementsorwhichscrap price is acceptable? Strategic questions like thesecanbespecificallyansweredonthebasis ofindexdatasuppliedbytheproductionmanagementsystemandtheAlloyCalculator. Better traceability Thetraceabilityofthematerialsusedisacriterionthatisbecomingincreasinglyrelevantdue tothetighteningofproductliabilitylegislation. Productionmanagementmakesitpossibleto ensurethatmaterialcanbetraced.Asadigital archive,itdocumentsthecompositionofthe materials produced right down to the scrap metal used, thus providing a long-term, reliableandcontinuoushistory.Andthisiswhere theloopcloses:themoreyouknowaboutyour scrapstocksthankstopersistentmaterialtracking,efficientwarehousemanagementandpreciseanalysisvalue,themoretransparentyour productwillbeandthebetteritcanbetraced. lich sein werden. Doppel- oder FehlbestellungendurchmangelndenÜberblicküberdie BeständeundüberdenVerbleibvonMaterial lassensichweitgehendvermeiden.Und:IstjederimLagervorhandeneSchrottmitseinen spezifischenLegierungswertenhinterlegtund schnellauffindbar,solassensichdieProduktionskosteneinerLegierungpreislichwieorganisatorischbesserkalkulierenunddienotwendigenProduktionsabläufeoptimalplanen.Ob es ratsam ist, eigenen Schrott zu verwenden oderobbestimmterSchrottzugekauftwerden muss;obesgünstigerist,reineElementezuzufügenundwelcherSchrottpreisakzeptabelist – solche strategischen Fragen lassen sich anhandderKenndaten,diedasProduktionsmanagementsystem inklusive Alloy Calculator liefert,konkretbeantworten. Bessere rückverfolgbarkeit Conclusion: huge potential for optimisation all along the line Die Rückverfolgbarkeit eingesetzter Materialien, ein Kriterium, das angesichts der VerschärfungendesProdukthaftungsgesetzesim- mer relevanter wird, lässt sich mithilfe des Produktionsmanagements besser gewährleisten. Als digitales Archiv dokumentiert es langfristigundzuverlässigdieZusammensetzungderproduziertenMaterialienbiszurück zum eingesetzten Schrott in einer lückenlo- sen Historie. Auch hier schließt sich ein Kreislauf:JebesserdieKenntnisdereigenen SchrottbeständedurchkonsequenteMaterialverfolgung,eineffizientesLagermanagement und präzise Analysewerte, desto transparenter das eigene Produkt und desto besser seineRückverfolgbarkeit. © Fotolia Theproductionmanagementsystemwithintegratedchargeandalloycalculationisthekey to efficient planning and control of production based on the latest actual situation and requirementsandthusopensuphugepotentialforoptimisation. Fromanoperatorperspective,itbecomes clear that integration means huge benefits: greaterefficiencyforchargeandalloycalculationhasimpactsontheentireprocesschain; thepotentialforoptimisationcanbedirectly passedontoallareasupstreamordownstream from the core process of the melt. Further, thealuminiumindustrycanshapeitsprocesses in a more flexible manner so that it can respondfastertomanydifferentdemands.The fazit: hohes Optimierungslattermeanssavingsinthemostimportantre- potenzial auf ganzer Linie sources,i.e.material,timeandenergy. ■ DasProduktionsmanagementsystemmitintegrierter Gattierungsrechnung ermöglicht die effizientePlanungundSteuerungderProduktionaufderGrundlagetatsächlicher,aktueller GegebenheitenundAnforderungenundsetzt großesOptimierungspotenzialfrei. AusAnwenderperspektivezeigtsich,dass gerade die Integration den hohen Nutzen bringt: Die gesteigerte Effizienz der Gattie- rung wirkt auf die gesamte Prozesskette zurück; das Optimierungspotenzial lässt sich auf alle Bereiche, die dem Kernprozess der Schmelze vor- und nachgeschaltet sind, unmittelbarumlegen.ZudemkanndieAluminiumindustrieihreProzesseflexiblergestalten und schneller auf unterschiedlichste Anforderungen reagieren. Letztlich bedeutet dies Einsparungen der wichtigsten Ressourcen: Produktionsabfälle und Schrotte – Ausgangsmaterial beim Alurecycling Material,ZeitundEnergie. Starting material for aluminium recycling: production waste and scrap ■ ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 61 TECHNOLOGY Turla targets equipment quality and performance for customer success Gutmann Group buys Turla new extrusion press – complete with all upstream and downstream equipment ALUMINIUM: Turla is well known as a major world player in extrusion production systems – but can you outline some of the history and heritage related to the business that have led up to your enviable position in the industry? Turla: Initially founded in 1967 in Brescia, Lombardy, Northern Italy, the company was first involved in heavy steel machinery. Subsequently we began working in the aluminium extrusion field in 1972, manufacturing wrapping machines and complete packing lines for extruded aluminium. The plant progressed to designing and manufacturing single machines for the extrusion process, including pullers and walking beams. Within just a few years Turla’s product catalogue covered the entire extrusion production line, from the billet heating furnace through to the ageing oven. By the second half of the 1980s Turla had established a reputation in Europe for the quality of its products. During the late 1980s and early 1990s we also progressed to become one of the major suppliers of handling systems to Hydro Aluminium, having built some 28 installations for this major organisation, and in fact, the 29th is in the pipeline for delivery to Hydro Nenzing, Austria in 2014. Today Turla is a well recognised partner of other major international aluminium extrusion companies, such as Constellium and Sapa amongst others. We think that our work approach over these 40 years has been firmly supported and improved by the continuous cooperation with these companies. In fact, we consider our customers’ production managers, plant operators and maintenance crew to be our own engineers. This is because in reality, it is through several years of cooperation with these qualified professionals, that we have been positioned to improve machines year on year in terms of operation, maintenance and reliability, all aimed at a short payback period, 62 © Turla Italian company Turla Srl, for more than 40 years a specialist in building aluminium extrusion systems, has progressed to be a world leader in this field. ALUMINIUM was most privileged to meet recently with the company to learn more about the past, present and future of the well-known enterprise, together with its continuing business success in securing further project contracts. Extrusion press entirely pre-installed at Turla facilities greater productivity and a long service life. What are your present locations and extent of operations? Turla is currently active at its two production sites and further expansion is currently underway with a new building – all three are located in the Brescia region of Northern Italy. 100% of our products are engineered and manufactured in-house by experienced Turla personnel. This also includes all related hardware and software, designed and manufactured by our daughter company TF Automation. Turla site number 2, located in Paderno Franciacorta, has been in operation since 1996 and hosts the headquarters, together with engineering activities, sales, administration offices and manufacturing of handling systems. With a generous floor space of over 9,000 square metres, this facility houses all the work to build machinery for aluminium extrusion handling systems, including all manufacturing stages such as engineering, welding, machining, assembly and dry testing. Turla’s third site was completed in 2008 to provide additional production capacity and its launch coincided with the start of the company’s extrusion press manufacturing. The ground floor of the new facility was purposely designed to enable building complete extrusion line installations and including dry testing. This is a practice we use to start and test the machines before we ship them to our customers. This provides a great benefit both for us and for clients by significantly minimising the start-up phase at customers’ sites. The new facility is also home to our daughter company TF-Automation, which is active in the production of hardware and software for our extrusion systems and employs more than 30 people covering different activities such as electrical cabinet preparation, electrical schematics, I/O list engineering, PLC programming and even customer care. In fact TF-Automation, through our Teleservice connection to other Turla installations is able to monitor our machine parameters 24/7 as well as adjust and modify working cycles to ensure optimum performance. This feature is appreciated by our customers since technical parameters can readily be viewed and possible problems directly solved without need to be physically at the extrusion site. Could you summarise the company’s overall philosophy underpinning your success? Our company policy can be simply summarised by our motto: Only quality generates quality. The word ‘Quality’ for us is not only a mere word to be included in promotion or certificates. Quality is not related to machines but solely to professionalism – in ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 TECHNOLOGY people, resources, methods, tools and knowledge. This presents the complete picture of what we can offer. It is only possible to be truly productive and satisfy customers when real quality is cultivated every day and in every activity that is carried out in the company. We deeply believe in this motto and we continue to work towards constant improvement. And this is true also in an extrusion plant, because quality profiles are not produced through quality machines alone, but also by quality people. We are truly confident that all the passion, the care and the preci- Press main cylinder forged as a single part, without welding sion that we put in to our everyday work produce the real essence of the top- and not standard production solutions – particularly those that can meet the needs of adquality machines that we design and build. At the same time, we strongly believe – and vanced customers in delivering the maximum this is confirmed by the conversations that we productivity and the optimum profitability have every day with our customers – that high from their production lines. This approach to quality profiles can only be produced through design has resulted in innovative machines high quality machines and this is our daily being built primarily for ‘non-standard’ aptarget: making outstanding extrusion handling plications, and in turn have become high persystems that will produce defect-free, high formance standard machines for primary extruders, which we can now offer to the market quality extrusions. In conclusion, quality has always been a as longtime proven solutions. For example, our air and water quenching very important factor for Turla and it is very important to highlight that we were the first systems represent a must-have product for and the only Italian company active in manu- every extruder involved in leading automofacturing extrusion handling systems to obtain tive production. This is also the case, however, ISO 9001 certification, which we did in 2003. for other equipment such as billet heaters, hot Could you outline typical examples of billet saws, presses, pullers, stretchers, finishing saws and basket transportation systems. At Turla’s extensive product range? Our machines have proven their ability to the end of the day we are one of the few supguarantee minimal or zero equipment down- pliers able to supply a complete turnkey solutime. Construction details and quality are not a minor issue for us. This is why Hydro, Sapa, Constellium and other major world players have continued to select Turla systems for their extrusion projects. Why buy a cheaper machine, when a sixmonth delay in production start-up can cost you up to ten million euros in production losses and then after five years most of the equipment is ready to be scrapped? We are open and ready every day for transparent technical discussions with our customers to consider relative machine comparisons, which consistently show that Turla is the most convenient choice that a customer can ever make for their new machines. In other words our machines are the least expensive in terms of global and life cycle costs. Additionally, we have always been known for being able to ‘tailor a suit made-to-measure’. This capacity derives predominantly from working with clients who need customised Water and air spray quench model QAH ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 tion, from billet through to profile finishing, including the extrusion presses. We offer all types of extrusion systems, from ultra-light profiles to those involved in the production of large components, such as for structural, railway and aircraft applications. Turla’s after-sales services and customer care activities are supported by our Teleservice mentioned earlier and the company’s capacity to ship spare parts promptly around the world is well recognised. How have the company’s evolution and developing technologies continued to support the business? Turla has organised itself to accomplish continuous improvement both in designing and manufacturing point of view, trying to get the best value from the professional growth of its employees and the best practices applied in the manufacturing operations. For example we have developed very powerful calculation tools for profiles cooling simulations and now this technology is definitely a major competitive advantage when offering quenching systems all over the world. Another significant improvement in the last ten years is the particular care we devote to the electrical hardware and software preparation of the machines. These activities represent for Turla a point of strength in the engineering and consolidation of machines reliability. The fact that everything is made, inspected and proved in-house before shipment to the 63 TECHNOLOGY Stretcher tailstock customer is a further indication of our quality, in operation. We have been frequently chosen in recent years by customers looking for spirit and dedication to our systems. Importantly, we ensure that safety and products to help them in dramatically reducing reliability of our machines are in-built and their environmental impact. In just one examcritically linked. A reliable machine cannot be ple, a STeP5 billet heater installed to replace unsafe, and a safe machine cannot deliver a an old heater has resulted in a reduction of low productivity for customers. All of our ma- CO2 emissions of around 380 tpy, equivalent chines are therefore supplied with automatic to a reduction in emissions from 150 medicontrols that maximise their reliability and the um-size cars! This figure clearly illustrates the safety in operation. huge potential for lowering atmospheric polluHow important are new ideas, innovations tion. and developments to Turla, in both technolThe Turla website – translated into English, ogy and business? Russian and German languages – enables all Turla’s main thrust in design work involves customers to calculate the annual tonnages of continuous improvement of our existing ma- CO2 emissions that can be avoided by installchinery range. Regular interfacing between ing a Turla STeP5 in their extrusion lines. our own engineers and customers provides Intensive quench QAH Air / Water spray: vital feedback for us to understand how ma- Over the past decade this equipment has been chines can be improved and even more closely installed with success in the most advanced aligned to individual customer needs. Over- extrusion facilities in Europe, where the proall, the most significant innovations in the duction focus is mainly on automotive profiles. past ten years have centred on three prod- This machine, greatly appreciated for its high ucts that have been very well received by the extrusion industry: Turla’s STeP5 gas-fired billet heater offers the lowest gas consumption and atmospheric pollution levels possible worldwide: This heater, with a proved thermal efficiency of 81%, is by far the most efficient device of its type on the market in terms of operational costs, maintenance and CO2 pollution. Our customers have to deal every day with rising energy costs and new carbon taxes that clearly disadvantage less efficient extrusion plants where old and excessively polluting equipment is Flying cut double puller, model DPC-TV 64 cooling power and flexibility, using both water spray and air, is designed to suit the most demanding cooling cycles required by specified profile tolerances. Extrusion press: The recent order from Nordalu, a plant in the Hermann Gutmann Group Neumunster, Germany, marks the start of Turla’s penetration in central Europe, including the supply of extrusion presses. The Turla 18FR7 model, denoting 18-MN press force with front-loading design and 240 bars for 7-inch billets, requires no special foundations since there is no force on the ground due to precise engineering design and tolerances. All main parts are forged and the whole machine is delivered pre-stressed to the customer. The press will be equipped with the Turlaengineered ‘Eco + Logic’ package which delivers a considerable energy saving of some 90,000 euros worth of electricity per year. Only the energy required for extrusion will be used, the rest will be saved as a result of a smart software program entirely developed by Turla through five years of investigation in SW development. All systems will be fully pre-installed at Turla: the STeP5, the HLS-7 hot billet saw and 18FR7 extrusion press model will be fully assembled at the company’s Brescia facility in early 2014. Hot profiles will actually be extruded in the works, prior to shipment of the machinery to the customer in Germany for on-site installation. Turla is also organising a ‘Press Open Week’ at this time, when interested world-class extruders will be invited to attend. Does Turla enjoy any special partnership relationships with its extruder customer base? Leading extrusion operations have recently chosen Turla as partner for their most strategic projects. Orders from such well-known companies as Constellium Singen and Nordalu in Germany, Hydro Nenzing in Austria, Sapa Profiles Kft in Hungary and Bonnell Aluminum in the United States, show clearly that high technology extruders are seeking high technology suppliers. But, one of the things that we pride ourselves on even more in our day by day business is that our customers return to us for every new project, and this is absolute proof of true customer satisfaction. We are really proud to have customers that have purchased our products repeatedly for more than 25 years. In some factories it is easy to see, in the space of just a few ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 TECHNOLOGY square metres the complete history of Turla machinery – equipment built in the late 1970s and early 1980s is still working perfectly alongside latest solutions we have installed in recent years. What new marketing innovations does the company exploit? Turla employs all the modern communication means available but we try to avoid impersonal communication since the very valuable information involved must be properly communicated securely to our customers and potential customers. We have also made available in the secure area of our website a series of interactive tools Finishing saw that provide useful and interesting tips for customers when they are considering of the press, to be supplied with an innovative and unique intensive air / water spray quench, a new extrusion handling system. Could you point to any specific recent flying cut puller, 120-tonne stretcher and finproject references in Europe that particularly ishing saw. The installation project has been concluded with complete success for which we stand out? Amongst examples of recent projects Turla received compliments from the Constellium has carried out in the European region, we Singen management. Hydro Nenzing: We were awarded an orcan highlight four in particular. Constellium Singen: In what is probably der earlier this year for a 16-MN press extruthe most important project in Germany to sion handling system. This project is an endate for Turla in the last ten years, we have dorsement of all our previous first-class work recently concluded the final commissioning with Hydro Nenzing where we installed the of the extrusion handling system for the cus- first Turla system in 1995. Originally equipped tomer’s new 44-MN press, entirely dedicated with the Pinze System, invented by Turla, to the production of automotive parts. Turla the system is still perfectly operational. Since was awarded the contract in March 2012 for then we have always been a reliable partner the supply of a complete system downstream for this plant that is one the most produc- The most efficient and least polluting billet heater ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 tive facilities in the entire Hydro Group in terms of productivity and quality. Sapa Profiles kft Szekesfehervar: We recently received an order for the modernisation of the 35MN extrusion handling system at Sapa’s biggest extrusion plant in Europe. The contract will mainly comprise an intensive air and water spray quench system (model QAH) and a double puller flying cut machine, all with very stringent requirements in terms of productivity and final product quality. Nordalu Neumunster – Gutmann Group: As reported above we have recently received the order for a complete extrusion handling system consisting of our low consumption billet heater SteP5, a Turla 18-MN extrusion press and a complete handling system through to the profile stacker. We are very pleased that an important company such as Gutmann has honoured us with such an important order that represents a critical development point for the group’s Nordalu site in Neumunster. Looking to the future – how do you see the current status and trends in aluminium extrusion? We think that in the coming years the entire extrusion market will undergo an extensive reorganisation. As part of this, unfortunately, increased competition will lead to the shut-down of non-competitive sites. This could be viewed generally as a negative thing due to contraction of the market but we are totally confident that companies that have invested considerably in terms of new products and new machines will grow their business – and, of course, we will be there to support them with our innovative products. Does the company have any other points or observations on the industry in general that you would like to stress? Our company is medium-sized and familyowned and in fact the owners take an active part in the management. We bear a great responsibility in proudly displaying the ‘Turla’ name on all our machines – presses, pullers, heaters and handling systems – the same kind of responsibility taken in the past by worldfamous Italian makers of beautiful, handcrafted cars, such as Ferrari, Lamborghini and Maserati. This is Turla and our passion is profoundly interwoven with technological improvement on a daily basis, each and every day. Many thanks for your time and most interesting information. ■ 65 TECHNOLOGIE Belte AG – Spezialist für die Wärmebehandlung von Aluminiumbauteilen „Wir sind ständig bestrebt, Prozesse weiterzuentwickeln“ Die Belte AG ist fast ausschließlich für die Automobilindustrie tätig. Praktisch alle deutschen Autohersteller zählen zum Kundenkreis, wenn es um die Wärmebehandlung von Motoren, Fahrwerks- oder Strukturbauteilen aus Aluminium geht. Gegründet hat Markus Belte seine Firma 1998 – praktisch als EinMann-Unternehmen und mit dem Knowhow der Polymerabschreckung von Kurbelgehäusen, die seinerzeit für einen Premiumhersteller im kleinen Rahmen erprobt werden sollte. Heute beschäftigt das Unternehmen rund 180 Mitarbeiter. Markus Belte kommt ursprünglich aus dem Bereich der Produktentwicklung. Für einen amerikanischen Konzern entwickelte er chemische Produkte für die Wärmebehandlung von Stahl (Härteöle, Polymerlösungen) und Kühlschmierstoffe zur mechanischen Bearbeitung von Aluminiumteilen. Anfang der 1990er Jahre wurden dann erste Produkte für die spannungsarme Wärmebehandlung von Automobilkomponenten aus Aluminium entwickelt. Ziel damals war es, Probleme mit der Rissbildung bei Kurbelwellenlagersitzen zu beheben. Dazu wurde für den Abschreckprozess nach der Wärmebehandlung ein wasserlösliches Polymer entwickelt. Belte erläutert die Vorteile: „In dem Moment, wo das Bauteil in diese Lösung eintaucht, verdampft das Wasser an der Oberfläche und der Polymerfilm legt sich praktisch wie Honig auf die Oberfläche. Der Film ist an den dünneren Querschnitten dicker als an den dickeren Querschnitten. Die Wärme im Bauteil versucht zu entweichen, der Film wird abgesprengt und bildet sich in Bruchteilen einer Sekunde sofort wieder neu. Dieser sich kontinuierlich wiederholende Prozess sorgt dafür, dass die dünnwandigen Bereiche ähnlich schnell abkühlen wie die dickwandigen. Man erhält so während der Abkühlphase einen Temperaturausgleich 66 Belte AG – Specialist in the heat treatment of aluminium components “We constantly strive to develop our processes further” © Belte AG Die Belte AG aus Delbrück ist ein anerkannter Spezialist im Bereich der Wärmebehandlung von Aluminiumbauteilen. Das Unternehmen agiert als reiner Dienstleister und zeichnet sich durch seine hohe Kompetenz bei der Entwicklung innovativer Wärmebehandlungsverfahren und Abschreckmedien aus. ALUMINIUM sprach mit dem Gesellschafter und Vorstand, Markus Belte, über die Entwicklung des Unternehmens. Wärmebehandlungsanlage für Gussteile Belte AG in Delbrück is a recognised specialist in the field of heat treatment for aluminium components. The company is active as a pure service provider and is noted for its high competence in the development of innovative heat treatment methods and quench media. ALUMINIUM spoke to the managing proprietor and CEO, Markus Belte, about the development of the company. Almost all of the activity of Belte AG relates to the automobile industry. Virtually all the auto manufacturers in Germany are among its customers when they need aluminium engines, chassis components or structural components to be heat treated. Markus Belte founded his company in 1998 – virtually as a one-man company, and with know-how about the polymer quenching of crank-cases, which at the time were being tested for a premium manufacturer on a small scale. Today the company employs around 180 people. Markus Belte originally came from the sector of product development. For an American company he developed chemical products for the heat treatment of steel (hardening oils, polymer solutions) and coolant lubricants for the mechanical machining of aluminium components. At the beginning of the 1990s Heat treatment plant for castings the first products were developed for the low-stress heat treatment of aluminium auto components. The problem at the time was to eliminate crack formation in crankshaft bearing seats. For this, for the quenching process after heat treatment a water-soluble polymer was developed. Mr Belte explains the advantages thus: “At the instant when the component Markus Belte ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 TECHNOLOGY is immersed in the solution, the water evap- im Bauteil. Durch die sehr gleichmäßig Aborates at the surface and a polymer film forms kühlung ist das Spannungsniveau im Bauteil almost like honey over the surface. The film sehr gering, wodurch sich eine große Reserve is thicker over thin cross-sections than over zum Beispiel auf die Streckgrenze bezogen thicker cross-sections. The heat in the com- ergibt.“ Beltes Ziel seinerzeit war, das Polymer an ponent tries to escape and the film becomes Wärmebehandler zu verkaufen. Da es damals detached but re-forms again in fractions of jedoch keinen Dienstleister gab, der die Wära second. This continually repeated process mebehandlung von Aluteilen mit Polymer ensures that the thin-walled areas cool at a durchführen wollte, entschloss er sich nach similar rate to the thick-walled ones. So duranfänglichem Zögern und dem Zuspruch von ing the cooling phase the temperature in the Autoherstellern, in die Wärmebehandlung component is equalised. Thanks to this very uniform cooling the stress level in the compo- einzusteigen. Die Entscheidung dazu und die nent is very low, so there is a large margin, for sich daraus ergebenden unternehmerischen Anfänge wären eine eigene, zum Teil abenexample, in relation to the yield strength.” At the time, Belte’s aim was to market the teuerliche Geschichte wert, auf die hier jedoch polymer to heat treaters. However, since at verzichtet werden muss. Waren die ersten beiden Jahre nach Firthe time there were no service providers who wanted to heat treat aluminium components mengründung noch von kleinen Anfängen mit with polymer, after some hesitation and with encouragement from some car manufacturers he decided to begin heat treatment himself. The decision to do this and the resulting inception of the company are another, partly adventurous story we cannot go into detail here. The first two years after the company’s foundation were still marked by small beginnings with very few workers, and with orders mainly from Audi (for the A2 model of Charge mit Gussteilen vor Abschreckung im Polymerbad that time) and BMW; Batch of castings, ready for polymer quenching over the next few years from 2003 Belte expanded by works enlarge- wenigen Mitarbeitern geprägt, und von Aufment, new production locations and company trägen vor allem für Audi (für das damalige takeovers. As is known the financial crisis of A2-Modell) und BMW, expandierte Belte in 2008/09, which seriously affected the auto- den Folgejahren ab 2003 durch Werkserweimobile industry, was also bad news for foun- terung, neue Produktionsstandorte und Firdries and other supplier industries – and Belte menübernahmen. Die Finanzkrise 2008/09, too experienced from one month to the next die die Automobilindustrie massiv erfasste, an extreme collapse of orders and payment zog bekanntermaßen Gießereien und andere default because of insolvency on the customer Zulieferindustrien arg in Mitleidenschaft – side. However, thanks to a capital increase by und auch Belte erlebte von einem Monat auf bringing in financial investors from Bahrain den nächsten einen extremen Auftragseinand to the sale of companies acquired only a bruch und Zahlungsausfälle aufgrund von few years earlier, Belte AG was able to over- Insolvenzen auf Kundenseite. Dank einer Kapitalerhöhung durch Einbeziehung von Ficome the financial and economic crisis. At present the company is working at full nanzinvestoren aus Bahrain und des Verkaufs capacity, running four shifts seven days in the der wenige Jahre zuvor erworbenen Firmen week, and this despite the declining registra- konnte die Belte AG die Finanz- und Wirttion figures in Europe for passenger cars. This schaftskrise jedoch überstehen. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 Derzeit arbeitet die Firma auf Hochtouren: vierschichtig, sieben Tage in der Woche – trotz der in Europa rückläufigen Zulassungszahlen bei Pkw. Auch ein Zeichen dafür, dass der Aluminiumleichtbau im Automobil weiter auf dem Vormarsch ist – nicht zuletzt dadurch, dass der Gießprozess mit anschließender Wärmebehandlung komplexe, multifunktionelle Bauteile ermöglicht, die früher aus vielen separaten Einzelkomponenten teuer zusammengefügt werden mussten. „Aufhängung und Chargierung der Bauteile von großer Bedeutung“ Kerngeschäft und Kernkompetenz des Unternehmens sind heute wieder die Wärmebehandlung und Entwicklung innovativer Wärmebehandlungsverfahren. „Punktuell kommt auch die Legierungsentwicklung mit ins Spiel, weil Legierung und erfolgreiche Wärmebehandlung zwei Seiten einer Medaille sind. Darüber hinaus bieten wir auch mechanische Bearbeitungen an, zum Beispiel bei Strukturbauteilen. Bei Fahrwerksteilen führen wir neben der Wärmebehandlung auch eine Röntgen- und Rissprüfung durch“, so Belte. Bei Strukturbauteilen ist die mechanische Bearbeitung am weitesten fortgeschritten. Die Teile kommen aus der Gießerei, werden bei Belte entgratet, lösungsgeglüht und abgeschreckt, automatisch gerichtet, warmausgelagert und mechanisch bearbeitet, schließlich werden Helicoils (Drahtgewindeeinsätze) und andere Elemente montiert. Die Bauteile werden noch KTL-beschichtet (KTL = kathodische Tauchlackierung), anschließend verpackt und verschickt. Bei der Wärmebehandlung inklusive Abschreckung geht es immer um die Faktoren Streckgrenze, Bruchdehnung, Zugfestigkeit, Eigenspannung und vermehrt auch Korrosionsbeständigkeit, die sich durch Wärmebehandlung beeinflussen lassen. Neben der Anlagentechnik, Temperatur- und Zeitführung sowie Abschreckung spielen die Warenträger eine wichtige Rolle für die optimale Wärmebehandlung. „Wenn ich Strukturteile oder Druckgussteile auf 460 bis 490 °C aufheize, nähere ich mich einem Temperaturbereich, wo die Bauteile anfangen, sich plastisch zu verformen. Daher kommt ihrer Aufhängung und Chargierung eine große Bedeutung zu. Wir haben uns viel Knowhow im Bereich der Warenträger erarbeitet und Lösungen entwickelt, wie die Bauteile im Ofen beschickt und fixiert werden müssen, sodass ein möglichst geringer Verzug auftritt“, sagt Belte. Wie oben bereits skizziert, ist auch der Abschreckprozess wichtig, damit die Bau- 67 TECHNOLOGIE teile möglichst gleichmäßig abkühlen. Als Abschreckmedien kommen Luft, Wasser und Polymer infrage. Welche Abschreckung gewählt wird, hängt vom Bauteil ab, von seiner Geometrie und den mechanischen Eigenschaften, die erzielt werden sollen. Die Polymer-Abschreckung ist beispielsweise für komplexe Bauteile wie Kurbelgehäuse interessant. Strukturteile wie Längsträger, die eine große Oberfläche bei vergleichsweise geringer Masse aufweisen, lassen sich gut mit Luft abschrecken. Luftkühlung bei Belte heißt HISAQ (High Speed Air Quenching), also Luftabschreckung bei hoher Geschwindigkeit. Belte hat diese Entwicklung für die Wärmebehandlung von Kokillenguss- und Druckgussteilen im Jahr 2003 zum Patent angemeldet. Entwicklungsarbeiten mit Strahlungswärme statt Luftumwälzung Typischweise wird bei der Wärmebehandlung mit Konvektion gearbeitet. Die Öfen sind so aufgebaut, dass der Ofenraum per Luftumwälzung aufgeheizt wird und die Bauteile mit der heißen Luft in Kontakt kommen. Das Unternehmen erprobt derzeit ein neues Verfahren, bei dem die Bauteile direkt durch Infrarotstrahler bestrahlt werden. „Auf diese Weise lassen sich die Bauteile mit sehr hoher Geschwindigkeit punktgenau auf Temperatur bringen. Praktisch in wenigen Minuten“, so Dan Dragulin, Leiter F & E bei der Belte AG. Mit solchen Versuchen für Audi wurde bereits vor drei Jahren begonnen. Bei der Wärmebehandlung geht es immer um mechanische Eigenschaften, aber auch um Kosten. „Bei einem großen Ofenraum mit Konvektionserwärmung dauert die Aufwärmphase 45 Minuten und länger, zum Beispiel auf einer Durchlaufanlage für Zylinderköpfe. Mit der Infrarotaufheizung haben wir es in Versuchsanordnungen geschafft, solche Bauteile innerhalb von sieben Minuten auf Temperatur zu bringen. Ich kann so nicht nur die Verweilzeit im Ofen verkürzen, sondern habe durch die schnellere Aufheizung noch bessere mechanische Eigenschaften“, hebt Belte hervor. Zu den Versuchsergebnissen an einem Strukturgussteil für Audi siehe nachfolgenden Bericht. Mit diesem Verfahren befindet sich Belte noch im frühen Versuchsstadium. Ob und in welcher Form diese Methode in Zukunft marktfähig wird, ist noch nicht ausgemacht. Die Entwicklungsarbeiten daran aber zeigen, „dass wir nicht der klassische Dienstleister sind, der Wärmebehandlung nach Vorschrift macht, sondern ständig bestrebt sind, Prozesse weiterzuentwickeln“, betont Belte. ■ 68 Überwachung der automatischen Prozesse der Belte AG Controlling automatic processes at Belte AG is yet another sign that lightweight construction with aluminium in automobiles is advancing. Not least, because the casting process with subsequent heat treatment enables the production of complex and multi-functional components which previously had to be expensively assembled from several separate individual components. chassis components, besides heat treatment we also carry out X-ray and crack testing,” says Mr Belte. Mechanical machining is most advanced in the case of structural components. The parts come from the foundry, they are deburred at Belte, then solution-annealed and quenched, automatically straightened, artificially aged and mechanically machined. Finally helicoils (wire-wound inserts) and other elements are “The jigging and charging of the fitted. The components are then CIL-coated components is very important” (CIL = Cathodic Immersion Lacquering), The company’s core business and competence packed, and sent off. In heat treatment and quenching the critiis still today heat treatment and the development of innovative heat treatment methods. cal factors are always yield strength, fracture “Now and then alloy development is also in- strength, tensile strength, internal stresses volved since the alloy and its successful heat and to an increasing extent also corrosion retreatment are two sides of the same coin. sistance, all of which are influenced by heat Moreover, we also offer mechanical machin- treatment. Besides plant technology, teming, for example of structural components. For perature and time control and quenching, the supporting jigs also play an important part for optimum heat treatment. “When we heat structural components or castings to 460 to 490 °C, we are approaching a temperature range in which the components begin to deform plastically. So the way they are jigged and charged is very important. We have developed a great deal of know-how about the supporting jigs and worked out solutions about how to load the components into the furnace and fix them in it, to ensure the least Bearbeitung eines Strukturbauteils Machining a structural component ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 TECHNOLOGY possible distortion”, says Mr Belte. As already outlined earlier, the quenching process is also important if the components are to cool as uniformly as possible. The quench media used are air, water and polymer solutions. Which quenching media are chosen depends on the component, its geometry, and the mechanical properties to be produced in it. For example, polymer quenching is interesting for complex components such as crank-cases. Structural components such as longitudinal support members, which have a large surface area with only comparatively low mass, can be effectively air-quenched. At Belte air cooling is called HISAQ (High Speed Air Quenching), i.e. quenching in air at a high rate. In 2003 Belte applied for a patent for this development for the heat treatment of gravity and pressure diecast components. Development work on radiated heat instead of air circulation Typically, heat treatment is carried out by convection. The furnaces are designed so that the furnace chamber is heated by air circulation and the components come in contact with the hot air. At present the company is testing a new method in which the components are irradiated directly by infra-red radiation. “In this way the components can be brought to temperature very quickly and with pinpoint accuracy: almost in a few minutes,” says Dan Dragulin, head of R&D at Belte AG. Such tests started for Audi already three years ago. The important factors in heat treatment are always mechanical properties, but also the cost. “In a large furnace chamber with convection heating the heat-up phase takes 45 minutes or more, for example in a continuous-throughput unit for cylinder heads. With infra-red heating, in test runs we managed to bring such components to temperature within seven minutes. In this way I can not only shorten the dwell time in the furnace, but achieve even better mechanical properties due to the rapid heating,” stresses Mr Belte. For the test results on a structural casting for Audi, see the following report. This process is still at an early stage of testing. Whether and in what form the process will in the future become marketable, is not yet clear. However, the development work so far indicates “that we are not a classical service provider which carries out heat treatment according to specification, but that we always strive to develop our processes further,” stresses Mr Belte. ■ Infrared heat transfer for thin-walled aluminium automotive castings A novelty in the field of aluminium high pressure die casting demonstrating the high versatility of aluminium as all around material Fig. 1: Casting exposed to IR – between arrows: the zone under direct exposure to radiation; distance between casting and IR-module: left: 10 cm, right: 30 cm Preamble The use of infrared radiation in the field of aluminium processing enables easier automation and control of the heat transfer processes and contributes to productivity enhancement. The electrical hardware of the infrared module allows for drastic improvements in the efficiency factor of the industrial equipment used for aluminium processing, while also reducing the pollution degree. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 © Belte AG D. Dragulin, M. Belte, Belte AG Fig. 2: Inappropriate position of the casting within the IR-module Dr. Dimitrie Popescu, Associate Professor, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA its corresponding mechanical properties. All experiments were realised using Audi-structural castings. Abstract The application of infra-red radiation to heat treatment of thin-walled aluminium high pressure die castings is a process that is in the early stages of its development. The objective of the experiment presented here was to analyse the heating rate of the casting and to study Experimental conditions The casting process was realised by Trimet. • IR module Ground coverage: 108 kW • Casting • Weight: 2.5 kg 69 TECHNOLOGY IE Fig. 3: Influence of various operating conditions on the heating rate – not coated red: warm start in a encased module – 3.39 °C/s between 40 °C and 470 °C green: warm start – 2.39 °C/s between 40 °C and 470 °C blue: cold start – 1.84 °C/s between 40 °C and 470 °C black: cold start and an inappropriate position of the casting within the IR-module – 0.78 °C/s between 40 °C and 470 °C • Weight of the zone under direct exposure to radiation: 1.5 kg • Surface of the zone under direct exposure to radiation: 0.078 m2 per side • Wall thickness of the zone under direct exposure to radiation: 3-5 mm. Fig. 2 presents an inappropriate position of the casting within the IR-module; this leads to a massive loss of the heating rate (see Fig. 3) and as consequence to a corresponding reduction of the productivity. The influence of various operating conditions on the heating rate is shown in Fig. 3. After the heating process the castings were submitted to both a forced air and water cooling and to a subsequent overaging (see Figs 4-5). Experimental results Under the oversimplification: merely the zone under direct exposure to radiation will be taken into consideration. Instant power consumption was 8.42 kW per side The mechanical properties (average of four tests) are presented in Table 1. Fig 4: Influence of the state of the surface on the heating rate; warm start in a partially encased module red: not coated – 2.85 °C/s between 40 °C and 470 °C green and blue: two different coatings – 3.84 °C/s respectively 3.94 °C/s between 40°C and 470°C Conclusion and future prospects The obtained mechanical properties are more than encouraging. The design of the IR-module is very important for the optimisation of the heat transfer process. Modern IR equipment can be adapted to the casting geometry. Fig 5: Overaging (convection kiln) Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank Audi, Heraeus, LOI-Italimpianti and Trimet for their support. as cast Rp0.2 [MPa] Rm [MPa] At [%] 154 301 7.6 References [1] C. Samoila, L. Druga, L.Stan, Cuptoare si Instalatii de Incalzire, EDP, Bukarest, 1983. air cooling water cooling 120 214 12.6 223 300 7.2 Heating regimes correspond to the red curve in Fig. 4 Table 1: Mechanical properties Authors Dr. Dan Dragulin is head of Research and Development at Belte AG, Delbrück, Germany. Markus Belte is CEO of Belte AG, Delbrück, Germany. y Suppliers Directory – for your benefit On pages 84 to 97, leading equipment suppliers to the aluminium industry present their product portfolios and ranges of services. Take advantage of this useful information. 70 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 3Ú GB_D TECHNOLOGY Euroguss 2014: „Anmeldestand der Vorveranstaltung bereits erreicht“ Vom 14. bis 16. Januar kommen erneut DruckgussSpezialisten aus ganz Europa zur Euroguss-Messe nach Nürnberg, um sich über Produktneuheiten und Trends zu informieren. Zum aktuellen Stand der Anmeldungen und zur erwarteten Ausstellerzahl erklärt Heike Slotta, Leiterin Veranstaltungen bei der Nürnberg Messe GmbH: „Die Akquise läuft sehr gut. Wir haben den Anmeldestand der Vorveranstaltung jetzt schon (redaktionelle Anm.: Stand Juli) erreicht. Viele Unternehmen haben ihre Standflächen vergrößert, weil die Euroguss für sie eine wichtige Plattform zur Kontaktpflege und zum Aufbau von neuen Geschäftsbeziehungen ist. Ich rechne mit rund 400 Ausstellern auf der Messe im Januar. Auch die internationale Beteiligung auf Ausstellerseite entwickelt sich sehr erfreulich, zum Teil auch aus Ländern, die bisher noch nicht so zahlreich auf der Messe waren, wie die Türkei. Besonders stark vertreten sind Unternehmen aus Italien und Schweden, die mit je einem Gemeinschaftsstand dabei sind. Zu den Angebotsbereichen, die auf der Euroguss zu sehen sind, sagte sie weiter: „Das Messeangebot bildet die gesamte Druckguss-Wertschöpfungskette ab – von der Technik über die Prozesse bis hin zu den Produkten. Die Aussteller sind Druckgießereien, also die Hersteller von Gussteilen und Komponenten, sowie deren Zulieferer, Ausrüster und Dienstleister. Sie zeigen Druckgusstechnologie, Angebote zur Nachbehandlung von Gussteilen, Trenn- und Betriebsstoffe, die im Herstellungsprozess notwendig sind, Möglichkeiten der Qualitätskontrolle, Steuerungsund Antriebstechnik sowie das weite Feld der Software.“ Die Euroguss findet 2014 zum zehnten Mal statt. Zu den Highlights der Jubiläums-Veranstaltung sagte sie: „Dieses Messejubiläum möchten wir zusammen mit allen Ausstellern und Besuchern feiern und organisieren aus diesem Anlass eine Sonderschau, die die Entwicklung des Druckgusses beleuchtet und den Bogen von der Vergangenheit bis in die Zukunft spannt. Sie ist während der Messe im Eingangsbereich zu sehen. Dazu feiern wir natürlich eine ordentliche Geburtstagsparty und planen noch ein paar weitere Jubiläumsaktionen. Darüber hinaus gibt es natürlich wieder die beliebte Sonderschau „Forschung, die Wissen schaf(f)t“, den Internationalen Deutschen Druckgusstag mit spannenden Fachvorträgen von Experten für Experten sowie die Verleihungen des Internationalen Aluminium-Druckguss-Wettbewerbs und des Zinkdruckguss-Wettbewerbs. ■ Euroguss 2014: “Level of applications for previous event already reached” From 14 to 16 January 2014 die casting specialists from all over Europe will be visiting the Euroguss trade fair in Nuremberg to update on new products and trends. Regarding the current level of applications and the expected number of exhibitors, Heike Slotta, director Exhibitions at Nürnberg Messe GmbH, said: “The acquisition of exhibitors is going very well and we have already (editorial note: in July) reached the level of applications for the previous event. Many companies have enlarged their stand spaces because Euroguss offers them a major platform for cultivating contacts and establishing new business relationships. I expect around 400 exhibitors at the exhibition in January. The number of international exhibitors is also developing very encouragingly, in some cases also from countries that have not previously sent so many firms, such as Turkey. Companies from Italy and Sweden, each present with a pavilion, are particularly strongly represented. Regarding the product segments that will be on show at Euroguss she continued: “The product spectrum reflects the whole die casting value chain: from technology and processes through to products. The exhibitors are die casting foundries, that is the manufactur- ers of castings and components, and their component suppliers, equipment suppliers and service providers. They show die casting technology, products for after-treatment of castings, parting agents and operating materials that are necessary in the manufacturing process, quality control facilities, control systems, drive technology and the broad field of software. Euroguss will be taking place for the tenth time in 2014. What are the highlights at the jubilee event? “We would like to celebrate this anniversary with all exhibitors and visitors and are organising a special show to mark the occasion. This will examine the development of die casting and span the period from the past to the future. The show takes place in the entrance area during the exhibition. The occasion obviously calls for a real birthday party and we are also planning a few more anniversary specials. In addition, the popular special show ‘Research for Knowledge’, the International German Die Casting Congress with interesting presentations by experts for experts, and the presentation of awards for both the International Aluminium and Zinc Die Casting Competitions are naturally on the programme again. ■ you‘re in good hands ... EMO Hannover 16.09.-21.09.13 Hall 11 Stand E48 ... we have all the pieces. BDA5024K58=8B78=6KUKB7>CK1;0BC8=6 Innovative solutions from the world‘s leader in surface finishing 3ÚTMFS0CFSGMÊDIFOUFDIOJL(NC)t6OUFSNFS[CBDIt(FSNBOZt5FMt'BYtJOGP!SPTMFSDPN GB_DE_2C_210X79.indd 1 05.08.2013 09:41:05 TECHNOLOGIE Gießtechnisch verbunden: Hybride CFKAluminium-Fügeverbindung für den Leichtbau Für die unterschiedlichsten Branchen können integrale Übergangsstrukturen zwischen Aluminium und CFK gewünschte konstruktive und fertigungstechnische Möglichkeiten bieten: eine Reduzierung von Gewicht, Bauraum und Fertigungsschritten. Einsatzgebiete sind nicht nur in der Luftfahrtindustrie zu finden, auch bei Windkraftanlagen und im allgemeinen Maschinenbau steigt die Nachfrage nach leichten Bauweisen. Im modernen Automo- Glasfasern oder Titan bestehen können, ist die bilbau setzen Fahrzeughersteller bereits kom- fertigungstechnisch einfache direkte Integraplette CFK-Karosserien in Serienfahrzeugen tion in Aluminiumbauteile mithilfe des Aluein. Der Fahrzeugrahmen, der als separates miniumgusses, der im Bereich der GießereiBauteil hergestellt wird, ist dabei aus Alumini- technologie am Fraunhofer Ifam untersucht um gefertigt. Zur Montage beider Bauteile ist und erarbeitet wird. Unterstützt werden diese wiederum eine Verbindungstechnik zwischen Arbeiten durch die Abteilung Plasmatechnik dem Alurahmen und der CFK-Karosserie erforderlich, die hier meist über eine kombinierte Verbindung aus Nieten und Kleben erzielt wird. Wissenschaftler am FraunhoferInstitut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung haben neue Lösungsansätze für verschiedeneVerbindungsarten im Druckguss entwickelt. Alle untersuchten Systeme verfolgen dabei die gemeinsame Strategie einer sogenannten Übergangsstruktur zwischen den zu fügenden Materialien Aluminium und CFK. Dieser Übergang Hybridverbindung zwischen einem Aluminium-Druckgussvom Metall zum Faserverbundwerkstoff bauteil und CFK wird unter der Berücksichtigung von fasergerechtem Design sowie – im Vergleich zu und Oberflächen am Fraunhofer Ifam. Hier konventionellen Verbindungstechniken – re- werden geeignete Oberflächenmodifikationen duziertem Bauraum und Gewicht entwickelt. der Übergangsstrukturen entwickelt, die die Das eingebrachte Verbindungselement führt mechanischen und korrosiven Eigenschaften zu einer galvanischen Entkopplung zwischen der Verbindungen verbessern. Das Projekt „Bauweisen für CFK-Aluminiden Werkstoffen und verringert somit das Korrosionsverhalten des Werkstoffverbundes um-Übergangsstrukturen im Leichtbau“ wird Aluminium-CFK. Besonderer Vorteil dieser durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Übergangsstrukturen, die aus hitzebeständigen (DFG) gefördert. ■ © Ifam Leichtbau gilt als Schlüsseltechnologie. Wo immer es um geringes Gewicht geht und Massen bewegt werden müssen, sind sie gefragt: Leichtmetalle, aber auch Faserverbundwerkstoffe. Eine Methode, die besten Eigenschaften verschiedener Werkstoffe miteinander zu verbinden, ist die Hybridbauweise. Sinnvolle Kombinationen unterschiedlicher Materialien sind zum Beispiel CFK und Aluminium. Derzeit erfolgt das Verbinden dieser Komponenten über ein adhäsives oder mechanisches Fügen. Mit Blick auf gewichtsoptimierte, integrale Strukturen mit verbesserten mechanischen Eigenschaften sind jedoch neue Konstruktionsbzw. Fügemöglichkeiten von Interesse. Wissenschaftler am Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung haben neue Lösungsansätze für verschiedene Verbindungsarten im Druckguss entwickelt. ACTech nimmt Stoßwellenanlage zur Entkernung komplexer Gussteile in Betrieb Die ACTech GmbH, Entwickler und Hersteller von Gussteilprototypen mit Hauptsitz in Freiberg / Sachsen, hat eine neue Anlage mit Stoßwellentechnik zur Entkernung von Gussteilen in Betrieb genommen. Mit der flexibel einsetzbaren Technologie kann die Produktionszeit von Gussteilen mit anspruchsvoller Innengeometrie deutlich verkürzt werden. ACTech ist nun bestens gerüstet für die Fertigung von Bauteilen mit zunehmend komplexer werdender Kerngeometrie, zum Beispiel von Hochleistungs-Zylinderköpfen. Derartige Teile waren bislang nur mit extremem Aufwand realisierbar. Dank der neuen Technologie muss das Bauteil nicht mehr mehrere Tage in den Glühofen, wenige Minuten im Wasserbad genügen. Die Stoßwellentechnologie ersetzt neben ther- 72 mischen auch mechanische Entkernverfahren wie das Entkernungsstrahlen und das damit verbundene Risiko einer Beschädigung des Bauteils. Außerdem reduziert die neue Anlage die notwendigen Endoskopien zur Kontrolle des Reinigungsfortschritts. Nach Abschluss eines viermonatigen Testlaufs mit mehr als 200 entkernten Teilen ist die Stoßwellenanlage bei ACTech nun im Regelbetrieb im Einsatz. Vor allem Kunden aus der Automobilbranche profitieren von den verkürzten Produktionszeiten. ACTech kann Gussteilprototypen nun noch schneller und kostengünstiger ohne Qualitätseinbußen herstellen. Bei der Stoßwellen-Entkernung wird das Bauteil in einem Wasserbad vor zwei Elektroden positioniert. Über die Elektroden werden hoch aufgeladene Kondensatoren schlagar- tig entladen. Das löst eine hochenergetische, hochfrequente Schockwelle aus, die das Gussteil durchläuft, vorhandene Kernreste zerstört und die Verschmutzungen ins Wasser spült. Neben der Entfernung von Gusskernresten lässt sich die Stoßwellenanlage auch zur Beseitigung von keramischen Kernresten bei Feingussverfahren und von festsitzenden Spänen nach der mechanischen Bearbeitung einsetzen. Die positive Kosten-/Nutzen-Rechnung sowie die Flexibilität der Stoßwellentechnologie und die guten Ergebnisse vorangegangener Tests führten dazu, dass ACTech bereits ein Jahr nach den ersten externen Tests eine eigene Stoßwellenanlage in Freiberg in den Regelbetrieb nimmt. ■ ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 TECHNOLOGY Automated band saws for precise linear cuts terised by convenient tool changing and highly ing clamp features plastic plates to achieve reliable operation. Following the separation effective clamping of packages, for example process the profiles are transported onwards with rectangular tubes. via the roller conveyors either to the packing location for dispatch or into an intermediate High efficiency and maximum precision storage area for subsequent processing. A second HBP800-1201 of aluminium with The HBM540ALU automatic band saw ena cutting range of sures high performance machining with enorup to 1,200 mm mous precision. “The cutting performance is in height and 800 many times higher than with conventional mm in width oper- band saws,” testifies Mr Müller. A servo drive ates independently and ball screw enable point-precise, rapid inwithout connection feed to the band saw as well as a highly conto other systems. stant and precisely adjustable saw feed rate. This is equipped Constant cutting feed rate or constant cutting with a 25 metre- force can be optionally specified, and this enlong feed and dis- sures an optimal service life of the tool and charge roller con- optimal separation results as well. veyor, and loading Sawing and retracting is also dynamic with of the machine is the HMB540ALU. As with the HBP800-1201 via a hall crane large band saws, the benefits are optimal cut from a blank piece edges with the separation of tubes and profiles storage area. Fol- as well as protection of the band. The high eflowing the separa- ficiency band saw has an extended supply axis tion process the and the stroke length of the feed gripper is crane takes up the 1,440 mm. With this version the feed gripper Integrated in an existing roller conveyor system, the HBP800-1201 aluminium bandsaw from Behringer ensures fast, high-precision cutting of the lightweight cross-cut profiles is configured permanently for linear directions material and deposits them and the fixed jaw automatically moves away for subsequent dispatch. from the stop edge during the return stroke. With an annual volume of 500,000 tonnes, Both large band saws feature a saw band A hydraulic vertical tensioning device enables the company is one of the major processors inclined by four degrees for efficient cutting economic sawing of packages and layers. A for aluminium. Window and door profiles of grouped, square hollow sections. Controlcutting channel extension means the saw band are mainly manufactured for the private led by computer, the feed function and cutting can be freely retracted following the separaand industrial sectors as well as components speed of the saw band are adapted automatition process. for ships, aircraft and for the energy sector. cally to the input material width. A cut moniWith this investment in the new saw maProcessing is usually with profiles and tubes toring system controls cutting progression of chines the company has not only planned for but also solid materials with highly diverse the material to be cut. Dynamic sawing and rethe moment. “A further expansion of produccross-sections and diameters. In the past years tracting achieves increased band service life as tion capacity is expected, and the currently Behringer from Kirchardt in Germany has well as optimal cut edges. The ejection height existing machine park readily permits such an supplied a total of four partly automated band of the chip container is 1,200 mm due to the increase,” summarises Mr Müller. saws that with their highly precise linear cuts ■ large volume of chips produced ensure ready-to-mount sections that are postduring aluminium sawing. processing redundant. Both HBP800-1201 aluminium saw systems also feature First pressed, then sawn a hydraulic vertical tensioning Two of the saw systems are each connected device with a wide thrust piece to large aluminium presses for bringing the installed to the machine. The profiles into form prior to sawing. “The horizontal tensioning device HBP800-1201 and HBP410-923N straight cut and this supplementary vertical aluminium band saws are not isolated solu- tensioning device enable sevtions but were integrated into an existing pe- eral tubes in a single position riphery consisting of diverse roller conveyors or package to be cut up to the and cross conveyor systems,” explains Achim height of the fastening clamps. Müller, head of Sales at Behringer. They take All fastening clamps have a the place of two large circular saws that were smooth, hardened surface for previously integrated in the peripheral setup avoidance of imprints into the Aluminium profiles with different diameters are cut with maximum and ensure problem-free processing, charac- material. The movable fasten- speed and precision on Behringer bandsaws © Behringer Four modern band saw systems from Behringer GmbH separate parts for largescale industrial and private constructions, subway and aircraft construction and the machine construction and energy sectors for an Asian customer of Behringer GmbH. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 73 TECHNOLOGIE Innovative Lösungen für das Strahlen von Gussprodukten Die Strahltechnik zählt in der Gießereibranche zu den unverzichtbaren Verfahren, um erforderliche Oberflächenbeziehungsweise Produkteigenschaften herzustellen. Dabei ermöglichen neue Entwicklungen für das automatisierte Strahlen eine deutlich wirtschaftlichere sowie qualitativ hochwertigere Bearbeitung von Gussprodukten und erweitern das Einsatzspektrum. Geht es zum Beispiel um die Bearbeitung und das Oberflächenfinish von Gussteilen für die Automobilindustrie, sind die Anforderungen an Qualität, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Durchsatz extrem hoch. Dies waren auch die Vorgaben eines süddeutschen Automobilherstellers bei der Auswahl eines Strahlsystems für das Restentsanden und Oberflächenfinish von Zylinderköpfen an verschiedene Strahlanlagenhersteller. Gefertigt werden die 510 x 320 x 150 mm (L x B x H) großen und 18,8 kg schweren Werkstücke im Schwerkraft-Kokillenguss. Die Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH entwickelte ein entsprechend den Kundenanforderungen ausgelegtes Anlagenkonzept auf Basis des Roboblasters – einer für unterschiedliche strahltechnische Bearbeitungsverfahren vom Entgraten, Entsanden bis zum Verdichtungsstrahlen (Kugelstrahlen) einsetzbaren Kombination aus Strahlanlage und Sechsachsroboter. Mitentscheidend beim Zuschlag für dieses System RROB 800/750-4 waren auch die guten Erfahrungen des Autobauers mit einem bereits eingesetzten RoboblasterStrahlsystem aus Untermerzbach und die Einhaltung der vorgegebenen Werkstückdurchsatzmenge. Innovative shot blasting solutions for foundries In the foundry industry shot blasting is a key surface treatment technology for producing the required surface finishes. Recent developments in the automation of shot blast processes have contributed towards significant improvements in the cost effectiveness and quality of the surface preparation function, at the same time they have expanded the range of applications for this technology. ety of applications: from bur and sand removal all the way up to shot peening. Key factors in the customer’s decision for the Rösler RROB 800/750-4 were the excellent performance of a similar Roboblaster shot blast system from Rösler running at one of the car manufacturer’s facilities and the supplier’s compliance with the capacity requirements. A 16 second shot blast cycle time The Rösler shot blast system consists of two machines and one robot alternately loading parts into the two blast machines. This concept complies with the ‘redundancy’ requirement, that is in case one shot blast machine becomes in-operational, the manufacturing process does not have to be stopped. The specified cycle time limit of only 16 seconds was met with a dual gripper allowing the robot to pick up two parts at the same time. The cylinder heads are transported to the robotic shot blast cell with a roller conveyor equipped with a cross transfer unit. There the parts are precisely positioned for pick up by the robot gripper. In the blast chamber the duplex gripper places the cylinder heads on parts-specific work piece fixtures and, subsequently, moves out of the blast chamber. After the blast chamber door has been closed, the hinged turbine flaps open to initiate the flow of blast media, whilst at the same time the work piece fixtures with the mounted cylinder heads start rotatStrahlen im 16-Sekundentakt ing. This rotational movement ensures a homogeneBei dieser Lösung beschickt ein Roboous and complete coverage ter abwechselnd zwei Strahlanlagen. of the part surface without Dies ermöglicht die geforderte redunany ‘shadow’ effect. dante Auslegung des Strahlprozesses The blast media consists of und verhindert, dass es beim Ausfall stainless steel shot with sizes einer Anlage zum Produktionsstillof 0.5 to 0.8 mm. After the stand kommt. Die vorgegebene, enge blast cycle the turbine flaps Taktzeit von nur 16 Sekunden pro are closed to stop the media Werkstück realisierte der Anlagenbauflow. The work piece fixtures er mit einem Doppelgreifer, durch den continue rotating until the der Roboter jeweils zwei Werkstücke chamber door is completely gleichzeitig aufnehmen kann. Das Bearbeitungsspektrum dieser Hochleistungsstrahlanlage mit Einarmroboter open. This allows the initial Die Zuführung der Zylinderköpfe reicht vom Entgraten über Oberflächenfinish bis zum Shotpeening schlagempfindlicher Werkstücke unterschiedlicher Dimensionen. / The operating scope of this removal of residual blast zur Roboterzelle erfolgt über eine high performance blasting system ‘Roboblaster’ with one arm robot comprises demedia and core sand from Rollenbahn mit Seitentransferein- burring, surface finishing as well as shot peening of impact sensitive components the parts while they are still heit. Dort werden diese von einem of various dimensions. © Rösler For example, when it comes to the quality of the surface finish and cost efficiency of high volume production castings for the automotive industry, the technical and cost requirements are extremely challenging. This was also the case with the specifications for a shot blast system for the removal of residual core sand and general blast cleaning of cylinder heads which a car manufacturer in Southern Germany presented to various shot blast equipment suppliers. The products with dimensions of 510 x 320 x 150 mm (L x W x H) and a weight of 18.8 are produced by gravity die casting technology. In compliance with the customer specifications the German company Rösler developed a blast system concept on the basis of the innovative Roboblaster; the combination of a shot blast machine with a 6-axis robot that can be used for a vari- 74 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 TECHNOLOGY in the blast chamber. Each blast machine is equipped with four high performance turbines, type Hurricane H42, with a diameter of 420 mm and an installed drive power of 15 kW each. The optimum placement of the turbines with their required tilt angle was determined by the Rösler engineers using a 3D simulation of the shot blast process. To minimise the equipment wear caused by the high blast intensity, the blast chamber and work piece fixtures are made from extremely wear resistant manganese steel. In addition, the inside of the blast chamber is lined with easy to replace overlapping 12 mm thick manganese steel plates. The challenging task of removing residual blast media The stringent customer requirements did not only apply to cycle time and precision of the automated process but also extended to the allowable residual blast media/core sand in the cylinder heads. The specification of only 0.5 grams per part required a highly sophisticated solution: After the shot blast process the robot transfers the cylinder heads in pairs of two into a blast media removal system comparable to a Ferris wheel. The parts are moving in a precise orbit while at the same time being rotated in different, pre-defined directions. In addition, a vibratory motor mounted to the wheel frame induces vibrations in the cylinder heads which help shake out blast media from the difficult to reach areas in the water channels. The small sand quantity in the blast media (only residual core sand) did not require a magnetic separator. It was possible to handle the media classification with a more economical dual stage air wash separator. This cleaning system ensures full compliance with the specified residual contamination in the blast media of less than 0.1 % of the media volume and media loss of less than 1% during the media classification process. When it comes to space requirements, the Roboblaster could also fully meet the customer’s expectations, including an all-around noise protection cabin the complete system could be placed in an area of only 10.4 x 8.6 m. To allow maintenance work on the shot blast machines during the 3-shift operation, the work area of the robot is enclosed with a safety fence. The complete shot blast system was installed on the first floor of the customer’s foundry. The system components were broken down so that they could easily be transported in the on-site heavy duty elevator with dimensions of 6 x 4 x 3 m. ■ ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 Ausrichtsystem positionsgenau auf die Übernahme durch den Robotergreifer vorbereitet. In der Strahlanlage positioniert der Duplexgreifer die Zylinderköpfe an teilespezifisch gestalteten Werkstückaufnahmen und fährt wieder aus der Strahlkammer. Nach dem Schließen der Kammertür geben die TurbinenSchotts den Strahlmittelzufluss frei, gleichzeitig werden die Gussteile über die Werkstückaufnahmen in Rotation versetzt. Diese kontinuierliche Lageveränderung gewährleistet, dass die Zylinderköpfe allseitig gleichmäßig, ohne Schatteneffekte gestrahlt werden. Als Strahlmittel kommt Edelstahl in einer Korngröße von 0,5 bis 0,8 mm zum Einsatz. Nach der vorgegebenen Strahlzeit verschließen die Schotts wieder die Turbinen, während sich die Werkstückaufnahmen bis zum vollständigen Öffnen der Strahlkammer weiter drehen. Dies bewirkt, dass die Werkstücke bereits im Strahlraum vorentleert werden. Ausgestattet ist jede Strahlanlage mit insgesamt vier Hochleistungsturbinen vom Typ Hurricane H42 mit 420 mm Durchmesser und einer Antriebsleistung von jeweils 15 kW. Die optimale Platzierung und erforderlichen Neigungswinkel der Turbinen ermittelte Rösler in der Konstruktionsphase durch 3D-Simulation des Strahlprozesses. Um der starken Beanspruchung durch die hohe Strahlintensität vorzubeugen, sind die Anlagengehäuse und Werkstückaufnahmen aus extrem verschleißfestem Manganstahl ausgeführt. Zusätzlich sind die Arbeitskammern mit 12 mm starken, spaltfrei verlegten Manganstahlplatten ausgekleidet. Herausforderung Strahlmittelentleerung Hohe Anforderungen galt es aber nicht nur hinsichtlich Taktzeit und Präzision zu erfüllen, sondern auch beim Restsand-/Strahlmittelgehalt. Die Vorgabe von lediglich 0,5 Gramm pro Werkstück machte hier ebenfalls eine sehr ausgeklügelte Lösung erforderlich: Nach dem Strahlen übergibt der Roboter die Zylinderköpfe paarweise in eine vergleichbar mit einem Rhönrad gestaltete Entleereinheit. Die Werkstücke bewegen sich in einer ex- akt festgelegten Bahn, wobei sie in definierte Richtungen gedreht werden. Hierbei werden über einen Unwuchtmotor am Drehgestell Anzeige Vibrationen in das Werkstück geleitet, durch welche das Strahlmittel auch aus schwer zugänglichen Stellen des Wasserraumes gerüttelt wird. Der eher geringe Restsandgehalt machte es bei dieser Anlage möglich, auf einen Magnetseperator zu verzichten und die Strahlmittelaufbereitung über eine kostengünstigere Doppelkaskadenwindsichtung zu lösen. Sie gewährleistet, dass sowohl der geforderte Restschmutzwert kleiner 0,1 Vol.% im Strahlmittelfluss als auch die Vorgabe hinsichtlich des Strahlmittelaustrags bei der Aufbereitung von kleiner 1% eingehalten werden. Das Roboblaster-Strahlsystem auch hinsichtlich des erforderlichen Platzbedarfs sehr wirtschaftlich: Es wurde auf einer Fläche von nur 10,40 x 8,60 Metern untergebracht und ist komplett in eine Schalldämmkabine eingehaust. Um die Strahlanlagen während des Dreischichtbetriebs warten zu können, ist der Arbeitsbereich des Roboters zusätzlich mit einem Schutzgitter abgegrenzt. Aufgestellt wurde das Gesamtkonzept im ersten Stock der Gießerei des Autobauers und war dabei auch so flexibel, dass es im Lastenfahrstuhl (6 m x 4 m x 3 m) transportiert werden konnte. ■ Engineering, construction and revamping reva re vamp mpin ing g of m melting elti el ting ng and holding g furnaces for the non-ferro industry y 75 ANWENDUNG Aluminiumtube feiert 100 Jahre Erfolgsgeschichte Der erste Weltkrieg stoppte zunächst den weiteren Markterfolg der Aluminiumtube, doch war der Grundstein für den Aufbau der modernen Tubenindustrie gelegt. Die Entwicklung der massenhaften Produktion der Aluminiumtube erfolgte schließlich in den 1920er und besonders in den 1930er Jahren in Deutschland. Bis dahin dienten zur Herstellung der Metalltuben ausschließlich Zinn, Blei und verzinntes Blei. Zinn war jedoch sehr teuer, kostete Devisen und unterlag ebenso wie Blei zeitweise der Zwangsbewirtschaftung. Die Verwendung von Blei für Tuben war zudem durch das Lebensmittelgesetz beschränkt. So übertraf bereits 1939 die Produktionsmenge der Alutuben diejenigen aus Weichmetall. Der Siegeszug der Aluminiumtube hatte begonnen und setzte sich auch nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg fort. Auch heute noch stehen die Tuben aus Aluminium mit ihren Produktionszahlen an der Spitze aller hergestellten Tuben. Die Mitgliedsfirmen der etma (european tube manufacturers association), die für über 80 Prozent der gesamten europäischen Tubenproduktion stehen, meldeten für 2012 ein Rekordergebnis von über zehn Milliarden produzierten Tuben. Davon waren knapp über 40 Prozent aus Aluminium, mit jeweils circa 30 Prozent am Gesamtvolumen teilen sich Kunststofftuben und Tuben aus Laminat die restliche Produktionsmenge. Genau 100 Jahre nach den ersten Anfängen hat die Alutube offensichtlich nichts an ihrer Attraktivität eingebüßt. Ganz im Gegenteil: Der rasante Fortschritt in der Druck- und Veredelungstechnologie macht sie heute optisch so interessant und vielseitig wie nie zuvor. Dazu kommen ihre bekannten Vorteile wie das leichte Gewicht, die einfache Handhabung, ihre exzellenten Hygienestandards, die hervorragenden Barriereeigenschaften und ihr optimaler Produktschutz, um nur einige der wichtigsten Aspekte zu nennen. Aluminiumtuben werden daher heute vor allem im Lebensmittelbereich, in der Pharma- 76 zie und in der Kosmetikindustrie eingesetzt. Und die ausgezeichnete Recyclingfähigkeit der Alutube macht sie auch 100 Jahre nach ihrer Erfindung gerade in der heutigen Zeit, in der Ressourceneffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit ganz oben auf der Agenda stehen, besonders aktuell. ■ Aluminium tube celebrates centenary Eine Erfolgsgeschichte – die Aluminiumtube Exactly one hundred years ago a new technical development made the industrial-scale production of aluminium tubes feasible, and marked the start of a unique success story. In 1913 Alfons Mall, who was 28 years old and living in Baden in Germany at the time, developed and constructed a range of machines for the mass production of tubes. In the same year, tests were carried out to manufacture tubes from aluminium, first in Switzerland and then in Germany. The First World War then put a temporary stop to any further market success of the aluminium tube. However, the foundation stone for the modern tube industry had been laid. The large-scale production of aluminium tubes took place in Germany after the war, in the 1920s and particularly in the 1930s. Metal tubes had previously only been made from tin, lead or tin-plated lead. However, tin was very expensive and required foreign currency; and just like lead, it was subject to controls for a time. Further, food legislation limited the use of lead for tubes. By 1939, more tubes were produced from aluminium than from the soft metal. The triumphant advance of the aluminium tube had begun, and it continued unabated The aluminium tube – a success story © etma Vor 100 Jahren wurden die technischen Voraussetzungen für die einzigartige Erfolgsstory der Aluminiumtube geschaffen: 1913 entwickelte und konstruierte der damals 28-jährige Alfons Mall in Baden (Deutschland) ein Maschinenprogramm eigens für die Massenproduktion von Tuben. Nahezu zeitgleich fanden in der Schweiz und bald darauf auch in Deutschland erste Versuche statt, Tuben aus Aluminium herzustellen. after the Second World War. Production figures for the aluminium tube still top the list of tubes produced even today. The member companies of etma, the European tube manufacturers association that represents over 80% of all tube production in Europe, reported a record result in 2012, with over ten billion tubes produced. Of these, slightly more than 40% were alu tubes, with plastic and laminate tubes accounting for the remaining production, each with a share of roughly 30% of total volume. As it celebrates its centenary, the aluminium tube has lost none of its attractiveness. On the contrary: rapid developments in printing and conversion technology have made it visually more interesting and versatile today than it has ever been. On top of this there are the well-known benefits like light weight, easy handling, its excellent standards of hygiene, outstanding barrier properties and optimal product protection. Alu tubes are now used primarily in the food and pharmaceutical sectors and in the cosmetics industry. And particularly in today’s world, where resource efficiency and sustainability are right at the top of the agenda, the aluminium tube’s excellent recyclability means it is still a highly modern form of packaging that is very much in keeping with the times. ■ ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 APPLICATION Opel stellt neuen Vollalu-Dreizylinder auf IAA vor Der deutsche Automobilhersteller Opel wird auf der Internationalen Automobilausstellung (IAA) in Frankfurt im September seinen neu konstruierten Vollaluminium-Dreizylinder vorstellen. Der direkteinspritzende Turbobenziner mit einem Liter Hubraum sei nicht nur umweltfreundlich, sondern zeichne sich auch durch eine vorbildliche Laufkultur aus, betont Opel. Das 85 kW / 115 PS starke Aggregat liefert ein beachtliches Drehmoment von 166 Nm über von Verbrauch und Emissionen. Wir wollten zeigen, dass ein Dreizylinder mindestens ebenso viel Laufkultur an den Tag legen kann wie Triebwerke mit vier und mehr Zylindern“, erklärte Opel-Ingenieur Matthias Alt. Der Motorblock aus Aluminium-Druckguss ist nicht nur leicht, seine Konstruktion dämmt auch die Abstrahlung strukturbedingter Triebwerksgeräusche ein. Die Hochdruck-Einspritzanlage ist vom Zylinderkopf isoliert, um die Übertragung von Schwingungen zu vermeiden. Die Integration des Auspuffkrümmers in den Alu-Zylinderkopf ist ein Beispiel für Präzisionsarbeit: Der Krümmer ist unmittelbar mit dem agilen, wassergekühlten Turbolader verschraubt. Diese kompakte Konfiguration fördert das spontane Ansprechverhalten des Laders bereits bei niedrigen Drehzahlen. Das maximale Drehmoment von 166 Nm liegt ab 1.800 U/min an. Damit hat der neue Dreizylinder bei gleicher Drehzahl 30 Prozent mehr Durchzugskraft zu bieten als der 1,6-Liter-Motor. ■ Opel presents new all-aluminium 3-cylinder at IAA © GM Company The German car manufacturer Opel will be celebrating a new all-aluminium threecylinder at the Frankfurt International Motor Show (IAA) in September. The 1.0-litre turbo gasoline engine is not only climate-friendly, it also represents a new benchmark for refinement in three-cylinder engines, says Opel. Der neue 1-Liter-Dreizylinder von Opel Opel’s all-new 1.0-liter direct injection engine ein breites Drehzahlband von 1.800 bis 4.700 U/min hinweg. Damit generiert der 1,0-LiterTurbo mehr Durchzugskraft als viele größere Triebwerke in der gleichen Leistungsklasse. Gleichzeitig sei der neue Motor ein Fünftel sparsamer als der aktuelle 1,6-Liter-Saugbenziner von Opel mit gleicher Leistung. Sein Debüt feiert der Dreizylinder zusammen mit einem ebenfalls neu entwickelten, manuellen Sechsgang-Getriebe in Leichtbauweise nächstes Jahr im Opel Adam. Mit 37 Kilogramm Trockengewicht ist es rund 30 Prozent leichter als die aktuelle Ausführung. Der 1.0 SIDI (Spark Ignition Direct Injection), mit zwölf Ventilen ist das erste Mitglied einer neuen, modular aufgebauten Motorenfamilie von Drei- und Vierzylinder-Benzinern im Hubraumspektrum bis 1,6 Liter. Schlüsselmerkmale dieser Familie sind modernste Technologien wie SIDI, variable Ventilsteuerung und der Leichtbau-Motorblock aus Aluminium. „Bei der Entwicklung dieses Motors erreichten wir weit mehr als die Reduzierung ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 as well as reduce weight. The high-pressure fuel rail and injectors are also structurally isolated from the cylinder head to minimise the transmission of pulsing, while the fuel pump and fuel line are acoustically treated. The integration of the exhaust manifold inside the aluminium cylinder head is another example of precision engineering. The exhaust manifold is bolted directly to the lowinertia, water-cooled turbocharger. This compact installation contributes to the delivery of a fast boost charge for strong, low-end power. Maximum torque of 166 Nm from just 1,800 rpm is almost 30% higher than the 1.6-litre engine generates at the same rpm. The 1.0 SIDI Turbo is mated to an all-new, six-speed manual gearbox specially designed for medium torque applications. With a dry weight of only 37 kilograms, it is about 30% lighter than its current counterpart. ■ Developing 85 kW / 115 hp, this pocket powerhouse also delivers high low-end torque of 166 Nm all the way from 1,800 to 4,700 rpm. The 1.0 SIDI Turbo (Spark Ignition Direct Injection) generates more torque throughout its operating range than equally powerful, higher displacement engines, while fuel efficiency is improved by 20% compared to Opel’s current 1.6-liter naturally aspirated power unit. To be launched in the ‘Adam’ small car next year with an all-new six-speed gearbox, the 12-valve, 1.0 turbo is the first in a new, modular family of three and four-cylinder gasoline engines in the up to 1.6 litres class. Stateof-the-art technologies such as direct injection, continuously variable valve timing, and a lightweight aluminium cylinder-block, are key efficiency enablers. “In developing this small engine, we not only set out to minimise fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, we also wanted to demonstrate that three cylinders can be just as refined as four or more,” says Opel engineer Matthias Alt. The cylinder block made of Der 1.0 SIDI Turbo ist an ein neu konstruiertes Sechsganghigh pressure die-cast aluminium Schaltgetriebe gekoppelt is designed to reduce radiated The 1.0 SIDI Turbo is mated to an all-new, six-speed manual and structure-borne engine noise, gearbox 77 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E © Dubal Aluminium smelting industry Alcoa starts modernising Massena plant Alcoa has officially broken ground on work to upgrade its operations in Massena, New York, including the planned construction of a new potline at its Massena East facility. The project is supported by a USD10m loan from the North Country Economic Development Loan Fund, and a power agreement with the New York Power Authority (NYPA). New York has committed to supply 478 MW of low-cost electricity to Alcoa’s Massena complex, a step that led the company to move forward with its modernisation plans and allowed it to retain 1,000 jobs at the facility. NYPA, the largest state power organisation in the USA, and Alcoa have agreed to a hydropower contract until 2045, with an option for Alcoa to extend the agreement until 2055. Under the terms of the contract, agreed to in 2009, Alcoa committed to making capital investments of at least USD600m, of which USD42m is represented by the potline expansion. Alcoa to further cut smelting capacity Alcoa will close or curtail 164,000 tonnes of aluminium smelting capacity in the US and Brazil as part of its review announced in May. One potline representing 40,000 tonnes at the Massena East plant in New York will be permanently closed. In addition, the company has started to temporarily curtail 124,000 tonnes at its smelters in Brazil. The measures will be complete by the end of September. Bob Wilt, president of Alcoa’s Global Primary Products, commented: “Aluminium prices, including premiums, have fallen to four-year lows and we continue to operate in 78 an uncertain, volatile market.” To date, Alcoa has announced closures or curtailments representing 269,000 tonnes of the 460,000 tonnes placed under review in May. This includes the permanent closure of 105,000 tonnes of capacity announced earlier at Alcoa’s Baie-Comeau smelter in Canada. In addition, the company is to close its Fusina smelter in Italy representing 44,000 tonnes that was not part of the May review. Once the Massena and Brazil closures and curtailments are complete, Alcoa will have 646,800 tonnes or 16% of smelting capacity idle. Alcoa’s review of its primary metals operations is consistent with the company’s 2015 goal of lowering its position on the world aluminium production cost curve by ten percentage points and the alumina cost curve by seven percentage points. the signing of a long-term electricity agreement. New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Ltd (NZAS), the company that operates the smelter, signed the deal with Meridian Energy Ltd after 12 months of negotiations. The previous contract, which came into effect from 1 January 2013, had included price increases which threatened the future of the smelter in the face of falling aluminium prices and the strong New Zealand dollar. The revised contract sets new reduced pricing from 1 July 2013, though details were not disclosed. Separately, the NZ Government has provided a USD30m payment to NZAS on finalisation of contractual negotiations to secure the medium term future of the smelter, one of New Zealand’s largest industrial facilities. Rio Tinto Alcan curtails aluminium production in Quebec Rio Tinto Alcan will immediately curtail 50,000 tonnes of production at its Shawinigan smelter in Quebec and will progressively curtail the remaining 50,000 tonnes of capacity by the end of November 2013. The company refers to dated smelter technology and continued weakness in aluminium prices. Located in Quebec, Canada, the Shawinigan smelter was commissioned in 1942 and employs 425 people. Rio Tinto Alcan will provide any employees impacted as a result of the curtailment of production with re-training and job-search assistance through the company’s employee assistance programme and through collaboration with regional and provincial partners. Alcoa to close Fusina aluminium smelter Alcoa is to permanently close its Fusina primary aluminium smelter in Venice, Italy, removing a further 44,000 tpy from its 4.2m tpy global smelting system. The plant has been curtailed since June 2010. The Fusina rolling mill operates separately from the smelter and is not affected by the closure. Total restructuring-related charges are expected to be between USD30-35m after-tax of which about 50% is non-cash. In November 2012, Alcoa curtailed its Portovesme smelter in Italy too. NZAS signs new electricity agreement for Tiwai Point smelter The future of New Zealand’s Tiwai Point aluminium smelter has been secured through Ormet curtails half its operations At the end of July, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio denied the timing of Ormet’s request for relief from the current power rate with Ohio Power and affirmed the matter has been set for formal hearing at the end of August. Ormet was forced to file for bankruptcy in February due to low metal prices and exceedingly high power costs. The Ohio Power industrial rate which establishes the base rate for Ormet to procure power has increased from USD39.66/MWh when the Unique Arrangement was established in 2009 to USD62.83/MWh in June 2013, which is an increase of some 58%. The Unique Arrangement was created as an incentive to maintain and create jobs, which Ormet has successfully ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E 2012, up 1.8% from the year before. done to date. In 2013 these rate increases will virtually eliminate the benefits provided by the Unique Arrangement. The consequence of this decision is Ormet must immediately begin the shutdown of half of its existing operations to conserve cash. This means three out of six potlines or a capacity of 135,000 tpy will be shut down. Vendanta restarts alumina refinery Vedanta Aluminium Ltd has restarted its alumina refinery at Lanjigarh in Odisha, about seven months after the company had shut down the plant due to shortage of bauxite. The company has revived its plant by procuring bauxite from Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat. The refinery has a nameplate capacity of 1m tpy, but will initially run at 60% of its capacity. ■ Secondary smelting and recycling Bosnia’s primary aluminium smelter Aluminij Mostar has secured a power contract with Slovenian GEN-I on the supply of 100 MW for a 5-month period as from 1 August. The power contract offers better conditions than the previous one with Croatian HEP, especially when transmission costs are taken into account, says CEO Ivo Bradvica. The new price scheme, however, was not disclosed. Aluminij’s need of electricity amounts to 225 MW. The remaining 125 MW will be supplied by Elektroprivreda HZ Herceg-Bosna. The smelter was under threat of closure due to high electricity prices paid previously. © Hydro Aluminij Mostar secures power contract until year-end Alumetal doubles capacity at secondary aluminium plant EU Commission approves merger of Emal and Dubal The European Commission has approved the merger of Dubal and Emal into the newly created joint venture Emirates Global Aluminium. The deal would not raise competition concerns in the EU because of the very limited overlap between the parties’ activities and the presence of other competitors, which are not capacity constrained. ■ Bauxite and alumina activities Vale mulls divesting stake in Brazilian bauxite producer MRN Miner Vale is considering selling its stake in Brazilian bauxite producer Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN). Vale SA is currently MRN’s main stakeholder with 40% shares, followed by BHP Billiton (14.8%), Rio Tinto Alcan (12%) and other stakeholders. Vale’s strategy is to have a smaller portfolio, focused on its more profitable divisions. Iron ore remains Vale’s main business along with coal. MRN produced 17.1m tonnes of bauxite in ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 Foundry alloy producer Alumetal has doubled the capacity of its Nowa Sol facility in western Poland to 66,000 tpy with the launch of a second production line. Alumetal operates three production sites in Poland with a total capacity of 170,000 tpy of aluminium alloy, following the latest expansion at Nowa Sol. The company expects to produce 120,000 tonnes of aluminium alloy in 2013 as the new production line is ramped up to full capacity. Its two other facilities are in Gorzyce, in south-east Poland, and Kety, in southern Poland. MRT invests in new automated die casting cell UK-based company MRT Castings has commissioned a new advanced die casting cell that further enhances the high quality of its die casting facilities. The Colosio PFO 250 die casting cell’s innovative features include: • Real-time shot control: by monitoring and storing process data, the advanced control system of the new machine affords MRT accurate repetition of all the injection parameters, pressures, speeds and strokes to ensure consistent high quality casting at all times. • Fully integrated two-axis automatic die sprayer – enabling fast, effective and consist- ent lubrication of even the most complex die forms. • Robotic casting extractor with integrated cooling conveyor – increasing productivity and improving repeatability. • A new Ramsell-Naber gas-fired melting furnace with recuperative burner technology, thus reducing energy consumption and emissions. The Colosio PFO 250 delivers a locking force of 250 tonnes, making it suitable for aluminium components up to 3.5 kg. Alupro: That calls for a Carlsberg! The UK Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation (Alupro) has announced that Carlsberg UK has become its newest member and has also joined the funding partners of the ‘Every Can Counts’ recycling programme. Carlsberg UK is the first brewer to join Alupro and its membership marks the company’s commitment to increase the recovery and recycling of its aluminium cans used across its portfolio of beer and cider brands. Through its funding partnership of the Every Can Counts programme, Carlsberg aims to take the ‘away from home’ recycling message directly to consumers, in particular at outdoor events such as music festivals. Already this summer Carlsberg UK staff have been supporting recycling promotions under the 79 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E Every Can Counts brand at Latitude Festival in July and at Leeds Festival in August. Matt Winterburn, head of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Carlsberg UK said: “Joining Alupro and in particular working with its Every Can Counts programme, helps us to engage with our customers, suppliers and consumers on a variety of CSR initiatives, specifically on the aluminium recycling message. We aim to demonstrate leadership in social responsibility and this partnership with Alupro further underlines our commitment to being engaged with society.” Constellium is to sell its Sabart plant in France Constellium N.V. is exploring the potential sale of its plant in Sabart, France. The plant is a European supplier of hard alloy billets, and has only limited synergies with Constellium’s core businesses. With 34 employees, the facility generated about €16m of the €3.6bn of revenue Constellium generated in 2012. The company only recently announced that it is seeking a buyer for its precision castings operations in Ussel, France. Befesa sold to Triton Abengoa has closed the sale of its subsidiary Befesa to funds advised by Triton, following the approval by competition authorities. Spain-based Befesa specialises in the integral management of industrial waste – steel dust and salt slags recycling – with plants in Europe, Middle East and South America. Befesa had signed an agreement in April with rolling mill company Novelis to manage the scrap from its new USD250m aluminium recycling centre in Nachterstedt, Germany. Befesa is going to build a new €30m 50,000 tpy aluminium recycling plant in Bernburg, which will come on stream by the first quarter of 2014. ■ Aluminium semis casting complex dedicated to rolling slab production, where it delivered safety and quality improvements and increased casting capacity. The second project replaced a pusher furnace, dedicated to homogenising and preheating slabs before rolling. This should decrease energy consumption while increasing throughput and optimising quality. Two new similar projects, also involving the modernisation of an additional casting complex and the replacement of another pusher furnace, have been launched for start up in 2014. Noranda to invest USD45m in aluminium rod mill Noranda Aluminum will invest USD45m to expand its operation in New Madrid, Missouri. The expansion will allow production of redraw rod for electrical infrastructure applications. Tennessee-based Noranda will receive a package of incentives from the state of Missouri if the company meets job-creation and investment criteria. Novelis opens aluminium rolling operations in Brazil © Hydro Novelis Inc. has opened its expanded aluminium rolling facility in Pindamonhangaba, Brazil, as it looks to meet growing demand for flat-rolled products in South America. The USD340m expansion should boost capacity at the plant by approx. 50% to more than 600,000 tpy of aluminium sheet. The project also represents Novelis’ biggest investment in South America in the past decade. The project included installing a third cold-rolling mill at the Pindamonhangaba complex as well as Mitsubishi Aluminium to boost capacity in USA and Thailand Mitsubishi Aluminium Co. will spend ¥1.7bn (USD20m) to increase production capacity in the US and Thailand. The company plans to spend nearly ¥950m on Thermalex, its subsidiary in Alabama, to install a new press for processing heat exchanger parts. The factory’s capacity is expected to rise from its current capacity of 10,000 tpy to 13,000 tpy by November 2014. The company will also spend ¥790m by August 2014 to boost output at its Thailand plant by 50% to 7,200 tpy. Demand for heat exchangers has been growing as a result of brisk car production in 80 North America and Southeast Asia, with output in the two regions expected to continue growing at an annual rate of 4-6%. Constellium invests in plant modernisation at Neuf-Brisach Constellium N.V. has finalised modernising its rolling and recycling facility in Neuf-Brisach, France. The plant is a major supplier and recycler of rolled aluminium products to the beverage, food packaging and automotive markets. Two major projects, representing a total investment of €23m, upgrade the NeufBrisach facility. The first project modernised a The Author The author, Dipl.-Ing. R. P. Pawlek is founder of TS+C, Technical Info Services and Consulting, Sierre (Switzerland), a service for the primary aluminium industry. He is also the publisher of the standard works Alumina Refineries and Producers of the World and Primary Aluminium Smelters and Producers of the World. These reference works are continually updated, and contain useful technical and economic information on all alumina refineries and primary aluminium smelters of the world. They are available as loose-leaf files and / or CD-ROMs from Beuth-Verlag GmbH in Berlin. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E On the move Constellium N. V. appointed Paul Blalock as head of Investor Relations US. He will be responsible for managing the company’s communications and relationships with investors, analysts and shareholders in the USA. Alcoa promoted Roy Harvey to COO for the company’s Global Primary Products (GPP) business, effective immediately. He will focus on the day-to-day operations of Alcoa’s 22 aluminium smelters and nine alumina refineries worldwide, as well as bauxite assets. Succeeding Harvey as GPP CFO is Leigh Ann Fisher, who had been group controller for GPP. Aditya Birla Group flagship Hindalco Industries has named Satish Pai the next CEO of its aluminium business in India. Alcoa appointed Libby Archell vice president of Corporate Affairs. Reporting to Klaus Kleinfeld, Alcoa chairman and CEO, Ms. Archell will be a member of Alcoa’s executive council and have responsibility for communications activities that impact Alcoa’s reputation, relationships with the media and employee engagement. Former Marc Rich & Co. and Glencore executive Isaac Querub has joined Michael Armbruester on the board of BlueQuest Resources. Trading firm BlueQuest Resources was known as JB Commodities until early July 2013, when ex-Glencore aluminium trader Josef Bermann ended his association with the company. Production of rolled aluminium in Japan down 5.3% Japanese production of rolled aluminium products for the first half of 2013 decreased by 5.3% from the previous year to 952,406 tonnes. According to Japan Aluminium Association the result for the first half of calendar year decreased for the first time in two years. ■ Suppliers tion site in Harbin, in the Chinese province of Heilongjiang, Northeast Light Alloy now has an installed production capacity of 85,000 tpy of aluminium cold strip. The rolling mill features latest equipment, designed to produce premium-grade strips. Technological features of the mill include CVC plus, hot edge spraying and DS systems. The up to 1,900-mm-wide strips are rolled to minimum final gauges of 0.1 mm to be used, among others, as input material in foil production. In addition to the rolling mill, SMS Siemag also supplied the equipment for coil preparation and coil transport as well as the media supply system. Potroom insulation measurement VHE’s enhanced ohmmeter can measure the electrical resistance between points of different voltage potential. Conventional ohmmeters do not have this capability. Much of the equipment installed in aluminium smelter potrooms has significant electrical potential to earth (or ground). The series connection of the pot busbar system means that pots frequently have a potential to earth of 1,500 V dc, and in the most recent systems this can exceed 2,000 V dc. Alumina dust and metallic objects can compromise the installed electrical insulation, and so it is necessary to monitor insulation performance on a regular basis. SMS Siemag cold rolling plant for Nela rolls first strip The new six-high cold rolling mill at Northeast Light Alloy Co. Ltd. (Nela) successfully rolled its first strip at the end of May. At its produc- Luoyang Wanji grants FAC for two SMS Siemag rolling mills Following the smooth and efficient commissioning of two new CVC plus six-high cold rolling mills, Chinese aluminium producer Luoyang Wanji Processing C. issued the Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) for both mills to SMS Siemag, Germany. On cold rolling mill No. 1, the first strip had already been rolled in 2012. The FAC was granted before the end of the year, marking the successful completion of the hot commissioning phase, with the rolling mill becoming an integral part of production operations. This success was repeated at the end of March this year, when the FAC was also granted for cold rolling mill No. 2. Luoyang Wanji’s new production facilities in the province of Henan in East China now boast installed production capacities totalling 260,000 tpy. The commissioning of these © SMS Siemag an ingot casting centre and a pusher furnace for the operation’s hot-rolling mill. The investment bolsters Novelis’s position in the beverage can and aluminium packaging markets and should allow the company to take advantage of expected growth in the automotive sector as well. That’s because Brazil has set carbon dioxide-emission reduction targets that should see carmakers looking to make lighter weight and more fuel-efficient vehicles. Pindamonhangaba already has the biggest aluminium recycling centre in South America and plans to expand further, increasing the use of aluminium scrap and developing new alloys that contain more recycled content. Brazil recycles 98% of all cans sold compared with slightly more than 50% in the US. The expansion comes as Brazil prepares for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics, which should see increased beverage can consumption in the country. Exit area of the new cold rolling mill at Nela ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 81 PAT E N T E plants is a milestone in Luoyang Wanji’s entry into the production of premium aluminium cold strip in widths of up to 2,150 mm and final gauges of up to 0.1 mm for a wide range of applications. Traditional instruments for this purpose have been large and cumbersome. VHE’s enhanced ohmmeter is portable, lightweight and fitted with comfortable shoulder straps, freeing both hands to use the measuring probes. The instrument has a clear digital display and Patentblatt Juni 2013 Fortsetzung aus ALUMINIUM 7-8/2013 Aluminiumlegierungsband mit verbesserter Oberflächenoptik. Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH, 53117 Bonn, DE. (C22C 21/00, GM 20 2012 012 549, AT: 17.07.2012) Konditionierung eines Lithobands. Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich, DE. (C23G 1/12, PS 60 2006 029 941, EP 1896631, WO 2006/122852, AT: 05.04.2006, EP-AT: 05.04.2006, WO-AT: 05.04.2006) Schneckenextruder zum kontinuierlichen Extrudieren von Materialien mit hoher Viskosität. Norsk Hydro ASA, Oslo, NO. (B21C 23/21, EP 2 086 697, WO 2008/063076, AT: 19.11.2007, EP-AT: 19.11.2007, WO-AT: 19.11.2007) Flügelrahmen einer Schiebetür oder eines Schiebefensters, der einen verdeckten Pfosten umfasst. Norsk Hydro ASA, Oslo, NO. (E06B 3/263, EP 1 953 326, AT: 30.01.2008, EP-AT: 30.01.2008) Halteprofil für ein Rahmenprofil sowie rahmenintegrierte Absturzsicherung. Gutmann AG, 91781 Weißenburg, DE. (E06B 7/28, GM 20 2013 101 629, AT: 17.04.2013) Kolben eines Verbrennungsmotors. Honda Motor Co., Ltd., Tokyo, JP. (F02F 3/02, EP 2 184 477, WO 2009/028128, AT: 20.05.2008, EPAT: 20.05.2008, WO-AT: 20.05.2008) Kolben für Brennkraftmaschinen. KS Kolbenschmidt GmbH, 74172 Neckarsulm, DE. (F02F 3/16, OS 10 2011 088 066, AT: 09.12.2011) Gießform eines Kolbens. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (B22D 15/02, OS 10 2011 082 935, AT: 19.09.2011) Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Zylinders für einen Zweitaktmotor sowie Gusskern hierfür. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F 1/22, EPA 2591223, WO 2012/010144, EP-AT: 05.07.2011, WO-AT: 05.07.2011) Feueraluminiertes Stahlblech mit hervorragender Beständigkeit gegenüber thermischer Schwärzung und Verfahren zu seiner Herstel- 82 works just like any other ohmmeter but with the added ability to measure live conductors. Batch homogenising plant from Hertwich commissioned at Dubal Hertwich Engineering, Austria, has commissioned a batch homogenising facility and a cooling station at Dubai Aluminium. The homogenising plant is the third of its kind that lung. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Tokyo 100-8071, JP. (C23C 2/12, EPA 2584059, WO 2011/161833, EP-AT: 21.06.2010, WO-AT: 21.06.2010) Aus welligen Metallrohren geformte Metallabschnitte. Novelis, Inc., Toronto, ON M8Z 1J5, CA. (B65D 19/24, EPA 2585379, WO 2011/160224, EP-AT: 20.06.2011, WO-AT: 20.06.2011) Rahmenkonstruktion für Fenster und/oder Türen. Gutmann AG, 91781 Weißenburg, DE. (E06B 3/30, GM 20 2007 005 388, AT: 12.04.2007) Verkleidungsmaterial. Showa Denko K.K., Tokio, JP. (C22C 21/00, OS 10 2012 223 048, AT: 13.12.2012) Patentblatt Juli 2013 Al-Cu-Li-Legierungsprodukt, das für eine Luftfahrzeuganwendung geeignet ist. Aleris Rolled Products Germany GmbH, 56070 Koblenz, DE. (C22C 21/12, OS 11 2008 002 522, WO 2009/036953, AT: 16.09.2008, WO-AT: 16.09.2008) Verfahren und Werkzeug zur zylindrischen Verformung einer Al-Hülse auf das Kernmaß des innen liegenden Kunststoffverschlusses, als Vorbereitung einer diffusionsdichtenden Pressverbindung innerhalb der beiden Bauteile. Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, 55218 Ingelheim, DE. (B21D 39/04, PS 50 2009 003 891, EP 2340134, WO 2010/040791, AT: 08.10.2009, EP-AT: 08.10.2009) Verfahren zum Erreichen verbesserter epitaxialer Qualität (Oberflächenstruktur und Defektdichte) auf freistehenden (Aluminium, Indium, Gallium) Nitrid ((Al, In, Ga)N)-Substraten für optoelektronische und elektronische Vorrichtungen. Cree, Inc., Durham, N.C., US. (C30B 23/02, EP 2 290 136, AT: 27.06.2001, EP-AT: 27.06.2001) Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Verbundprofils. Constellium Switzerland AG, Zürich, CH. (B60M 1/30, PS 10 2006 009 604, AT: 02.03.2006) Cordierit-Aluminium-Magnesium-TitanatZusammensetzungen und keramische Artikel damit. Corning Inc., Corning, New York Hertwich supplied to Dubal. The batch homogenising facility is designed for extra-fast heating of billets. A reversing air concept and regulation by flaps accelerates the heating by an estimated 20%, and achieves improved temperature uniformity. The plant is fully automated and regulated via measured air and metal temperatures. The same concept also provides more efficient cooling in the air-cooling station. ■ 14831, US. (C04B 35/478, EPA 2594543, EP-AT: 27.06.2007, WO-AT: 27.06.2007) Baustoffteil aus Si-reicher, Mg-haltiger Al-Legierung und Herstellungsverfahren dafür. Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning, CN. (C22C 21/02, EP 2 172 572, WO 2009/003365, AT: 30.06.2008, EP-AT: 30.06.2008, WO-AT: 30.06.2008) Verlötbarer Fluidkanal für einen Wärmetauscher aus Aluminium. Behr GmbH & Co. KG, 70469 Stuttgart, DE. (B23K 35/28, EPA 2593269, WO 2012/007452, EP-AT: 12.07.2011, WO-AT: 12.07.2011) Hochtemperaturbelastbarer, mit Scandium legierter Al-Werkstoff mit verbesserter Extrudierbarkeit. Airbus Operations GmbH, 21129 Hamburg, DE. (C22C 21/00, EPA 2598664, WO 2012/013185, EP-AT: 25.07.2011, WO-AT: 25.07.2011) Kathodenblock für eine Aluminium-Elektrolysezelle und ein Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung. SGL Carbon SE, 65201 Wiesbaden, DE. (C25C 3/08, EPA 2598675, WO 2012/013772, EP-AT: 29.07.2011, WO-AT: 29.07.2011) Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Kathodenblocks für eine Aluminium-Elektrolysezelle und einen Kathodenblock. SGL Carbon SE, 65201 ALUMINIUM veröffentlicht unter dieser Rubrik regelmäßig einen Überblick über wichtige, den Werkstoff Aluminium betreffende Patente. Die ausführlichen Patentblätter und auch weiterführende Informationen dazu stehen der Redaktion nicht zur Verfügung. Interessenten können diese beziehen oder einsehen bei der Mitteldeutschen Informations-, Patent-, Online-Service GmbH (mipo), Julius-Ebeling-Str. 6, D-06112 Halle an der Saale, Tel. 0345/29398-0 Fax 0345/29398-40, Die Gesellschaft bietet darüber hinaus weitere Patent-Dienstleistungen an. ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 PAT E N T E Wiesbaden, DE. (C25C 3/08, EPA 2598673 u. EPA 2598674, WO 2012/013767 u. WO 2012/013769, EP-AT: 29.07.2011, WO-AT: 29.07.2011) Gerippter Rohrwärmetauscher aus Aluminium. Carrier Corp., Farmington, CT 06034, US. (F28F 19/00, EPA 2598821, WO 2012/018536, EP-AT: 21.07.2011, WO-AT: 21.07.2011) Aluminium-Strangpresslegierung. Aleris Aluminum Duffel BVBA, Duffel, BE; Aleris Aluminum Koblenz GmbH, 56070 Koblenz, DE. (C22C 21/ 14, PS 600 43 605, EP 1059362, AT: 07.06.2000, EP-AT: 07.06.2000) Heizkörper aus extrudiertem Aluminium. Siemens AG, 80333 München, DE. (F03D 11/00, EPA 2599999, EP-AT: 02.12.2011, WO-AT: 02.12.2011) Elektronische Einbruchsicherung für Haustüren, Wohnungseingangstüren aus Aluminium, Stahl, Holz und Kunststoff. Nahrson, Wilhelm, 26219 Bösel, DE. (E06B 5/11, GM 20 2013 002 875, AT: 25.03.2013) Wasserreaktives, Al-basiertes Verbundsmaterial, wasserreaktiver, Al-basierter, thermisch gespritzter Film, Verfahren für die Herstellung eines solchen Al-basierten, thermisch gespritzten Films und Bestandteil für eine Filmbildungskammer. ULVAC, Inc., Chigasaki-shi, Kanagawa, JP. (C23C 4/06, WO 2012 026349, AT: 12.08.2011, WO-AT: 12.08.2011) Al-Si-Gusslegierung und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung. TU Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, DE. (C22C 21/02, PS 50 2008 007 369, EP 1978120, AT: 31.03.2008, EPAT: 31.03.2008) Anordnung zum Kontaktieren eines Aluminium enthaltenden elektrischen Leiters. Nexans, Paris, FR. (H01R 4/52, PS 50 2008 007 537, EP 1968161, AT: 16.02.2008, EP-AT: 16.02.2008) Verwendung einer Eisen-Chrom-AluminiumLegierung mit hoher Lebensdauer und geringen Änderungen im Warmwiderstand. Outokumpu VDM GmbH, 58791 Werdohl, DE. (H05B 3/12, PS 50 2008 007 580, EP 2127472, WO 2008/092420, AT: 15.01.2008, EP-AT: 15.01.2008, WO-AT: 15.01.2008) Vorbehandlung für Aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen. The United States of America as represented by The Secretary of The Navy, Patuxent River, Md., US. (C23C 22/05, EP 1 585 848, WO 2004/065642, AT: 21.01.2004, EP-AT: 21.01.2004, WO-AT: 21.01.2004) Verfahren zum Laser-Lichtbogen-Schweißen von metallischen Werkstücken, die eine Beschichtung aus im Wesentlichen Aluminium und Silizium enthalten. L'Air Liquide, Société Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude, Paris, FR. (B23K 26/14, EP 2 168 710, AT: 22.06.2007, EP-AT: 22.06.2007) Kolben. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F 3/00, OS 10 2012 200 749, AT: 19.01.2012) ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 Zusammensetzung der Korrosionsschutzbeschichtung für eine Zn-haltige Aluminiumlegierung. United Technologies Corp. (n.d.Ges.d. Staates Delaware), Hartford, Conn., US. (C23C 22/40, PS 60 2008 016 288, EP 2011899, AT: 24.06.2008, EP-AT: 24.06.2008) Dichtungsvorrichtung für einen Mittelstoßbereich einer Schieberahmenanordnung sowie Schieberahmenanordnung mit einer Dichtungsvorrichtung. Alcoa Aluminium Deutschland, Inc., 58642 Iserlohn, DE. (E06B 7/22, EPA 2599946, EP-AT: 01.10.2012, WO-AT: 01.10.2012) Filter zur Gießung von Teilen aus Al-, Mg-, Cuund ähnlichen Legierungen. Saint Jean Industries, Saint Jean d'Ardieres, FR. (C22B 9/02, PS 60 2009 007 347, EP 2274451, WO 2009/122048, AT: 16.02.2009, EP-AT: 16.02.2009, WO-AT: 16.02.2009) Verfahren zum Stanznieten von Aluminiumlegierungsblech. Aleris Aluminum Duffel BVBA, 2570 Duffel, BE. (B21J 15/02, EPA 2514537, EPAT: 20.09.2011, WO-AT: 20.09.2011) Gerillte Anode für einen Elektrolysetank. Rio Tinto Alcan Intl Ltd., Montreal, CA. (C25C 3/12, EP 2 459 777, WO 2011/015718, AT: 21.07. 2010, EP-AT: 21.07.2010) Legierung auf Mg-Al-Basis mit Kornverfeiner. Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH, 21502 Geesthacht, DE. (C22C 1/03, EP 2 481 822, AT: 01.02.2011, EP-AT: 01.02.2011) Sandgießverfahren zur Herstellung von Bauteilen aus Magnesium- oder Aluminiumlegierungen. Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co KG, 15827 Blankenfelde-Mahlow, DE. (B22D 27/08, OS 10 2010 025 061, AT: 25.06.2010) Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Formkörpers aus Aluminiumlegierung und Formkörper aus Aluminiumlegierung. Showa Denko K.K., Tokio, JP. (C22F 1/043, PS 60 2004 038 235, EP 1716265, WO 2005/059195, AT: 17.12.2004, EP-AT: 17.12.2004, WO-AT: 17.12.2004) Rohrmaterial aus hochfester Aluminiumlegierung mit langer Lebensdauer und hoher Durchhangbeständigkeit. Sapa Heat Transfer AB, Finspong, SE. (C22C 21/00, EP 1 580 286, AT: 11.03.2005, EP-AT: 11.03.2005) Verfahren zur Herstellung eines mit mindestens einem Hohlraum versehenen Leichtmetall-Bauteils. Martinrea Honsel Germany GmbH, 59872 Meschede, DE. (B22D 21/04, OS 10 2012 100 458, AT: 20.01.2012) Magnesiumlegierung. Cast Centre Pty., Ltd., St. Lucia, Queensland, AU. (C22C 23/06, PS 60 2006 030 303, EP 1866452, WO 2006/105594, AT: 04.04.2006, EP-AT: 04.04.2006, WO-AT: 04.04.2006) Magnesiumlegierung und Herstellungsverfahren dafür. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho, Kobe-shi, Hyogo, JP. (C22C 23/06, PS 60 2009 007 905, EP 2264200, WO 2009/123084, AT: 30.03.2009, EP-AT: 30.03.2009, WO-AT: 30.03.2009) Verfahren zur Herstellung geschmiedeter Bauteile aus einer TiAl-Legierung und entsprechend hergestelltes Bauteil. MTU Aero Engines GmbH, 80995 München, DE. (C21D 1/00, OS 10 2012 201 082, AT: 25.01.2012) Kolben für einen Verbrennungsmotor. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F 3/02, OS 10 2011 115 639, AT: 28.09.2011) Verfahren zum Verbinden von Aluminiumlegierungsblech. Aleris Aluminum Duffel BVBA, 2570 Duffel, BE. (B21J 15/02, EPA 2514538, EPAT: 07.10.2011, WO-AT: 07.10.2011) AlMgSi-Band für Anwendungen mit hohen Umformungsanforderungen. Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich, DE. (C22F 1/05, EP 2 270 249, AT: 30.06.2009, EP-AT: 30.06.2009) Kantenversiegelter Spiegel und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung. Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich, DE. (G02B 5/08, OS 10 2012 100 293, AT: 13.01.2012) Verfahren zur Verbesserung der Umformbarkeit bei der Herstellung von Bauteilen aus Leichtmetallband. Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich, DE. (C22F 1/00, PS 196 19 034, AT: 30.04.1996) Modularer Sonnenkollektor. Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich, DE. (F24J 2/20, EP 1 811 245, AT: 15.01.2007, EPAT: 15.01.2007) Korrosionsbeständiger Aluminiumverbundwerkstoff für eine Fahrzeugkarosserie. Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich, DE. (B23K 20/04, EP 2 302 086, AT: 15.09.2009, EP-AT: 15.09.2009) Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Kühlkanalkolbens für Brennkraftmaschinen und derart hergestellter Kolben. KS Kolbenschmidt GmbH, 74142 Neckarsulm, DE. (B21K 1/18, EPA 2595771, WO 2012/010285, EP-AT: 18.07.2011, WO-AT: 18.07.2011) Plattenförmiger Wärmeüberträger für eine mindestens eine Wärmeübertragerpaket aufweisende Kühleinrichtung. Behr GmbH & Co. KG, 70469 Stuttgart, DE; Mahle Behr Industry GmbH & Co. KG, 70469 Stuttgart, DE. (F28F 1/32, EPA 2601474, WO 2012/017044, EP-AT: 04.08.2011, WO-AT: 04.08.2011) Verfahren zum Abtrennen von Kühlschmierstoff aus Lagerschmiermittel. Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich, DE. (C10M 175/00, OS 10 2012 000 588, AT: 16.01.2012) Verfahren zur Herstellung von Aluminiumkristallen. Umitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd., Tokio 105-8716, JP; Tohoku University, Sendai-shi, Miyagi 980-8577, JP. (C30B 29/38, EPA 2594666, WO 2012/008545, EP-AT: 14.07.2011, WO-AT: 14.07.2011) ■ 83 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 1 Smelting technology Auto firing systems Automatische Feuerungssysteme Hüttentechnik 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.1 Raw materials Rohstoffe 1.2 Storage facilities for smelting Lagermöglichkeiten in der Hütte 1.3 Anode production Anodenherstellung 1.4 Anode rodding Anodenschlägerei 1.4.1 Anode baking Anodenbrennen 1.4.2 Anode clearing Anodenschlägerei 1.4.3 Fixing of new anodes to the anodes bars 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 Befestigen von neuen Anoden an der Anodenstange Casthouse (foundry) Gießerei Casting machines Gießmaschinen Current supply Stromversorgung Electrolysis cell (pot) Elektrolyseofen Potroom Elektrolysehalle Laboratory Labor Emptying the cathode shell Ofenwannenentleeren Cathode repair shop Kathodenreparaturwerkstatt Second-hand plant Gebrauchtanlagen Aluminium alloys Aluminiumlegierungen Storage and transport Lager und Transport Smelting manufactures Hüttenerzeugnisse Protective Clothing Schutzkleidung RIEDHAMMER CARBON BAKING TECHNOLOGY RIEDHAMMER GmbH D-90411 Nürnberg Phone: +49 (0) 911 5218 0, Fax: -5218 231 E-Mail: Internet: Hydraulic presses for prebaked anodes / Hydraulische Pressen zur Herstellung von Anoden LAEIS GmbH Am Scheerleck 7, L-6868 Wecker, Luxembourg Phone: +352 27612 0 Fax: +352 27612 109 E-Mail: Internet: Contact: Dr. Alfred Kaiser Anode Technology & Mixing Equipment Buss ChemTech AG, Switzerland Phone: +4161 825 64 62 E-Mail: Internet: Mixing Technology for Anode pastes 1.2 Storage facilities for smelting Lagermöglichkeiten i.d. Hütte FLSmidth MÖLLER GmbH Haderslebener Straße 7 D-25421 Pinneberg Telefon: 04101 788-0 Telefax: 04101 788-115 E-Mail: Internet: Kontakt: Herr Dipl.-Ing. Timo Letz Paul Hedfeld GmbH Hundeicker Str. 20 D-58285 Gevelsberg Phone: +49 (0) 2332 6371 E-mail: Internet: Unloading/Loading equipment Entlade-/Beladeeinrichtungen FLSmidth MÖLLER GmbH see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 Bulk materials Handling from Ship to Cell ALUMINA AND PET COKE SHIPUNLOADERS Contact: Andreas Haeuser, Solios Carbone – France Conveying systems bulk materials Förderanlagen für Schüttgüter (Hüttenaluminiumherstellung) FLSmidth MÖLLER GmbH Internet: see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 84 1.4 Anode rodding Removal of bath residues from the surface of spent anodes Entfernen der Badreste von der Oberfläche der verbrauchten Anoden 1.3 Anode production Anodenherstellung mailto: Buss AG CH-4133 Pratteln Phone: +41 61 825 66 00 E-Mail: Internet: Anodenanschlägerei Bulk materials Handling from Ship to Cell Mischtechnologie für Anodenmassen GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH Hornstraße 19 D-45964 Gladbeck Telefon 02043 / 9738-0 Telefax 02043 / 9738-50 Rodding shop Storvik AS Industriveien 13 6600 SUNNDALSØRA/NORWAY Tel.: +47 71 69 95 00 | Fax: +47 71 69 95 55 | ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY 1.4.1 Anode baking Anodenbrennen Open top and closed type baking furnaces Offene und geschlossene Ringöfen Stopinc AG Bösch 83 a CH-6331 Hünenberg Tel. +41/41-785 75 00 Fax +41/41-785 75 01 E-Mail: Internet: Degassing, filtration and grain refinement RIEDHAMMER Entgasung, Filtern, Kornfeinung CARBON BAKING TECHNOLOGY RIEDHAMMER GmbH D-90411 Nürnberg Phone: +49 (0) 911 5218 0, Fax: -5218 231 E-Mail: Internet: 1.5 Casthouse (foundry) Gießerei Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26 D 65582 Diez/Lahn Telefon 06432/607-0 Telefax 06432/607-52 Internet: Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 MOBILE EQUIPMENT Phone: +31.315.683941 · Solios Thermal UK Metal treatment in the holding furnace Metallbehandlung in Halteöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Dross skimming of liquid metal Transfer to the casting furnace GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26 D 65582 Diez/Lahn Telefon 06432/607-0 Telefax 06432/607-52 Internet: Abkrätzen des Flüssigmetalls Furnaces casting machines transport crucibles Sistem Teknik Endüstryel Firinlar LTD. STI. TOSB – TAYSAD OSB 1.Cad. 14.Sok. No.: 3 Gebze, Kocaeli / Turkey Tel.: +90 262 658 22 26 Fax: +90 262 658 22 38 E-Mail: Internet: Furnace charging with molten metal Ofenbeschickung mit Flüssigmetall Überführung in Gießofen GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Ingot Casting Line GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Bartz GmbH see Casthous (foundry) 1.5 Transport of liquid metal to the casthouse Transport v. Flüssigmetall in Gießereien HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH Maschinen und Industrieanlagen Weinbergerstraße 6, A-5280 Braunau am Inn Phone +437722/806-0 Fax +437722/806-122 E-Mail: Internet: INOTHERM INDUSTRIEOFENUND WÄRMETECHNIK GMBH Konstantinstraße 1a D 41238 Mönchengladbach Telefon +49 (02166) 987990 Telefax +49 (02166) 987996 E-Mail: Internet: Bartz GmbH Melting/holding/casting furnaces Schmelz-/Halte- und Gießöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 see Casthous (foundry) 1.5 GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Treatment of casthouse off gases Behandlung der Gießereiabgase Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 1.6 Casting machines Gießmaschinen see Equipment and accessories 3.1 Hampshire House, High Street, Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 8AW, UK Tel.: +44 (0) 1384 279132 Fax: +44 (0) 1384 291211 E-Mail: ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 INSERTEC-INGENIERÍA Y SERVICIOS TÉCNICOS, S.A Avenida Cervantes Nº6 48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain Tel: +34 944 409 420 E-mail: Internet: GAPCast TM: the Swiss casting solution see Casting machines and equipment 4.7 see Smelting technology 1.5 85 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Pig casting machines (sow casters) 1.9 Potroom Masselgießmaschine (Sowcaster) Bartz GmbH see Casthous (foundry) 1.5 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Rolling and extrusion ingot and T-bars Elektrolysehalle Heat treatment of extrusion ingot (homogenisation) Formatebehandlung (homogenisieren) Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Formatgießerei (Walzbarren oder Pressbolzen oder T-Barren) Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Horizontal continuous casting Horizontales Stranggießen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Phone: +31.315.683941 · T.T. Tomorrow Technology S.p.A. Via dell’Artigianato 18 Due Carrare, Padova 35020, Italy Telefon +39 049 912 8800 Telefax +39 049 912 8888 E-Mail: Contact: Giovanni Magarotto Anode changing machine Anodenwechselmaschine Vertical semi-continuous DC casting / Vertikales Stranggießen GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Anode transport equipment Anoden Transporteinrichtungen GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Wagstaff, Inc. 3910 N. Flora Rd. Spokane, WA 99216 USA +1 509 922 1404 phone +1 509 924 0241 fax E-Mail: Internet: 1.8 Electrolysis cell (pot) HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH MOBILE EQUIPMENT Elektrolyseofen Bulk materials Handling from Ship to Cell Bulk materials Handling from Ship to Cell Crustbreakers / Krustenbrecher GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Dry absorption units for electrolysis exhaust gases Trockenabsorptionsanlage für Elektrolyseofenabgase Solios Environnement Scales / Waagen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 mailto: Calcium silicate boards Calciumsilikatplatten HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Sawing / Sägen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Promat GmbH High Performance Insulation Scheifenkamp 16, D-40878 Ratingen Tel. +49 (0) 2102 / 493-0, Fax -493 115, Exhaust gas treatment Solios Environnement Beschickungseinrichtungen für Elektrolysezellen see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 86 Tapping vehicles/Schöpffahrzeuge GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Abgasbehandlung Pot feeding systems HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH Pot ramming Machine FLSmidth MÖLLER GmbH see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 1.12 Cathode repair shop KathodenreparaturWerkstatt Cathode Sealing Bench Eingießen von Kathodenbarren Sermas Industrie see Smelting technology 1.6 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY 1.14 Aluminium Alloys 2.2 Extrusion equipment Aluminiumlegierungen Strangpresseinrichtungen see Coil transport systems 3.4 RHEINFELDEN ALLOYS GmbH & Co. KG A member of ALUMINIUM RHEINFELDEN Group Postfach 1703, 79607 Rheinfelden Tel.: +49 7623 93-490 Fax: +49 7623 93-546 E-Mail: Internet: 1.15 Storage and transport SMS Siemag AG see Smelting technology 1.5 1.17 Protective Clothing Oilgear Towler GmbH Im Gotthelf 8 D 65795 Hattersheim Tel. +49 (0) 6145 3770 Fax +49 (0) 6145 30770 E-Mail: Internet: see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Schutzkleidung Lager und Transport 2 +27 (0)11794 6040 +44 (0)1133 507651 see Extrusion Equipment 2.2 Strangpressen 2.1 Extrusion billet preparation Pressbolzenbereitstellung extrutec GmbH Fritz-Reichle Ring 2 D-78315 Radolfzell Tel. +49 7732 939 1390 Fax +49 7732 939 1399 E-Mail: Internet: • Log/Bolzenlager Handling • Bolzensäge, Bolzenfügen ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 Pressensteuersysteme Oilgear Towler GmbH Extrusion 2.1 Extrusion billet preparation Pressbolzenbereitstellung 2.1.1 Extrusion billet production Pressbolzenherstellung 2.2 Extrusion equipment Strangpresseinrichtungen 2.3 Section handling Profilhandling 2.4 Heat treatment Wärmebehandlung Press control systems 2.5 Measurement and control equipment Mess- und Regeleinrichtungen 2.6 Die preparation and care Werkzeugbereitstellung und -pflege 2.7 Second-hand extrusion plant Gebrauchte Strangpressanlagen 2.8 Consultancy, expert opinion Beratung, Gutachten 2.9 Surface finishing of sections Oberflächenveredlung von Profilen 2.10 Machining of sections Profilbearbeitung 2.11 Equipment and accessories Ausrüstungen und Hilfsmittel 2.12 Services Dienstleistungen Billet heating furnaces Öfen zur Bolzenerwärmung see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: Heating and control equipment for intelligent billet containers Heizungs- und Kontrollausrüstung für intelligente Blockaufnehmer MARX GmbH & Co. KG see Melt operations 4.13 2.3 Section handling Profilhandling CTI Systems S.A. Z.I. Eselborn-Lentzweiler 12, op der Sang | L- 9779 Lentzweiler Tel. +352 2685 2000 | Fax +352 2685 3000 | H+H HERRMANN + HIEBER GMBH Rechbergstraße 46 D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11 E-Mail: Internet: Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH Stadtseestraße 12, D-74189 Weinsberg Tel. +49 7134 52 220 l Fax +49 7134 52 222 E-Mail Internet 87 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Packaging equipment Verpackungseinrichtungen Section transport equipment Profiltransporteinrichtungen 2.4 Heat treatment Wärmebehandlung see Coil transport systems 3.4 • Automatik Verpackung • Packtische, Profilpaketheber • Spacerhandling und Konzepte see Coil transport systems 3.4 see Section handling 2.3 Section saws Profilsägen • Kurzlängensäge automatisiert Nijverheidsweg 3 NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands Tel.: +31 315 641352 Fax: +31 315 641852 E-Mail: Internet: Sales Contact: Paul Overmans Hier könnte Ihr Bezugsquellen-Eintrag stehen. Rufen Sie an: Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34 Dennis Ross BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH Kammerbruchstraße 64 D-52152 Simmerath Tel. 02473-9277-0 · Fax: 02473-9277-111 · Ofenanlagen zum Wärmebehandeln von Aluminiumlegierungen, Buntmetallen und Stählen INSERTEC-INGENIERÍA Y SERVICIOS TÉCNICOS, S.A Avenida Cervantes Nº6 48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain Tel: +34 944 409 420 E-mail: Internet: see Equipment and accessories 3.1 Stackers / Destackers Stapler / Entstapler Section store equipment see Smelting technology 1.5 Profil-Lagereinrichtungen see Section handling 2.3 • 7 und 14 m De- u. Stacker • Kombianlagen Transport equipment for extruded sections KASTO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG Industriestr. 14, D-77855 Achern Tel.: +49 (0) 7841 61-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 7841 61 300 / Hersteller von Band- und Kreissägemaschinen sowie Langgut- und Blechlagersystemen see Coil transport systems 3.4 see Section handling 2.3 88 Transporteinrichtungen für Profilabschnitte see Section handling 2.3 SECO/WARWICK EUROPE S.A. ul. Šwierczewskiego 76 66-200 Šwiebodzin, POLAND Tel: +48 68 38 19 800 E-mail: Internet: Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: Heat treatment furnaces Wärmebehandlungsöfen INOTHERM INDUSTRIEOFENUND WÄRMETECHNIK GMBH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 • Skip Handling, Spacer • Kettenförderer see Section handling 2.3 ERNST REINHARDT GMBH Güterbahnhofstrasse 1 D-78048 Villingen-Schwenningen Tel. +49 (0) 7721 8441-0, Fax -44 E-Mail: Internet: ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY Homogenising furnaces Homogenisieröfen 2.10 Machining of sections Profilbearbeitung Billet saw see Heat treatment furnaces 2.4 Bolzensägen HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Sermas Industrie see Smelting technology 1.6 see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 2.11 Equipment and accessories Ausrüstungen und Hilfsmittel Nijverheidsweg 3 NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands Tel.: +31 315 641352 Fax: +31 315 641852 E-Mail: Internet: Sales Contact: Paul Overmans Ageing furnace for extrusions see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Auslagerungsöfen für Strangpressprofile 2.6 Die preparation and care Werkzeugbereitstellung und -pflege Die heating furnaces Werkzeuganwärmöfen see Extrusion billet preparation 2.1 3 Rolling mill technology Walzwerktechnik see Extrusion billet preparation 2.1 schwartz GmbH see Heat treatment 2.4 Nijverheidsweg 3 NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands Tel.: +31 315 641352 Fax: +31 315 641852 E-Mail: Internet: Sales Contact: Paul Overmans Hier könnte Ihr Bezugsquellen-Eintrag stehen. Rufen Sie an: Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34 Dennis Ross 2.9 Surface finishing of sections Oberflächenveredlung von Profilen Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: 3.1 Casting equipment Gießanlagen 3.2 Rolling bar machining Walzbarrenbearbeitung 3.3 Rolling bar furnaces Walzbarrenvorbereitung 3.4 Hot rolling equipment Warmwalzanlagen 3.5 Strip casting units and accessories Bandgießanlagen und Zubehör 3.6 Cold rolling equipment Kaltwalzanlagen 3.7 Thin strip / foil rolling plant Feinband-/Folienwalzwerke 3.8 Auxiliary equipment Nebeneinrichtungen 3.9 Adjustment devices Adjustageeinrichtungen 3.10 Process technology / Automation technology Prozesstechnik / Automatisierungstechnik 3.11 Coolant / lubricant preparation Kühl-/Schmiermittel-Aufbereitung 3.12 Air extraction systems Abluftsysteme 3.13 Fire extinguishing units Feuerlöschanlagen 3.14 Storage and dispatch Lagerung und Versand 3.15 Second-hand rolling equipment Gebrauchtanlagen 3.16 Coil storage systems Coil storage systems 3.17 Strip Processing Lines Bandprozesslinien 3.18 Productions Management Sytems Produktions Management Systeme 3.0 Rolling mill technology Walzwerktechnik Siemens plc, Metals Technologies see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 • Strahlanlagen ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 Sheffield Business Park, Europa Link Sheffield S9 1XU Phone: +44 1709 726500 Fax:+44 1142 611719 89 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Melting and holding furnaces Schmelz- und Warmhalteöfen Bartz GmbH SMS Siemag Aktiengesellschaft Eduard-Schloemann-Straße 4 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-0 Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-4902 E-Mail: Internet: Geschäftsbereiche: Warmflach- und Kaltwalzwerke Wiesenstraße 30 57271 Hilchenbach-Dahlbruch, Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 2733 29-0 Telefax: +49 (0) 2733 29-2852 Bandanlagen Walder Straße 51-53 40724 Hilden, Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-5100 Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-5200 Elektrik + Automation Ivo-Beucker-Straße 43 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-5895 Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-775895 Graf-Recke-Straße 82 40239 Düsseldorf, Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-0 Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-4902 Ein Eintrag (s/w) in diesem Format kostet pro Ausgabe + Stichwort 110,00 € + MwSt. Weitere Informationen unter Tel. +49 (0) 821 / 31 98 80 - 34 Annealing furnaces Glühöfen see Casthous (foundry) 1.5 Gautschi Engineering GmbH Konstanzer Straße 37 CH 8274 Tägerwilen Telefon +41 71 666 66 66 Telefax +41 71 666 66 77 E-Mail: Internet: Kontakt: Sales Departement INSERTEC-INGENIERÍA Y SERVICIOS TÉCNICOS, S.A see Heat treatment 2.4 EBNER Industrieofenbau Ges.m.b.H. Ebner-Platz 1, 4060 Leonding/Austria Tel. +43 / 732 / 6868-0 E-Mail: Internet: Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 schwartz GmbH LOI Thermprocess GmbH Am Lichtbogen 29 D-45141 Essen Germany Telefon +49 (0) 201 / 18 91-1 Telefax +49 (0) 201 / 18 91-321 E-Mail: Internet: Solios Thermal UK Melt purification units Schmelzereinigungsanlagen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 see Heat treatment 2.4 Solios Thermal UK Bar heating furnaces Barrenanwärmanlagen EBNER Industrieofenbau Ges.m.b.H. see Annealing furnaces 3.3 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Metal filters / Metallfilter 3.1 Casting equipment Gießanlagen see Smelting technology 1.5 Electromagnetic Stirrer Elektromagnetische Rührer Solios Thermal UK Filling level indicators and controls Füllstandsanzeiger und -regler Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 3.2 Rolling bar machining 90 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Plate saw Plattensägen Sermas Industrie see Smelting technology 1.6 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH Slab saw schwartz GmbH Sermas Industrie see Smelting technology 1.6 Solios Thermal UK see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 see Heat treatment 2.4 Barrensägen Walzbarrenvorbereitung see Casting machines 1.6 Homogenisieröfen Walzenbarrenbearbeitung 3.3 Rolling bar furnaces Wagstaff, Inc. Homogenising furnaces BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH see Heat Treatment 2.4 Roller tracks Rollengänge Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY 3.4 Hot rolling equipment Warmwalzanlagen Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, Internet: see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 Rolling mill modernisation Walzwerksmodernisierung MINO S.p.A. Via Torino, 1 – San Michele 15122 ALESSANDRIA – ITALY Telefon: +39 0131 363636 Telefax: +39 0131 361611 E-Mail: Internet: Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri 3.6 Cold rolling equipment Kaltwalzanlagen Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, Internet: ANDRITZ Sundwig GmbH see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Coil transport systems see Rolling mill technology 3.0 SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Stephanopeler Str. 22, D-58675 Hemer Telefon: +49 (0) 2372 54-0, Fax -200 E-mail: Internet: BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH see Heat Treatment 2.4 Bundtransportsysteme see Section handling 2.3 SMS LOGISTIKSYSTEME GMBH Obere Industriestraße 8 D-57250 Netphen Telefon: +49 2738 21-0 Telefax: +49 2738 21-1002 E-Mail: Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: Spools / Haspel stehen. Rufen Sie an: Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34 Dennis Ross ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 schwartz GmbH see Heat treatment 2.4 MINO S.p.A. Via Torino, 1 – San Michele 15122 ALESSANDRIA – ITALY Telefon: +39 0131 363636 Telefax: +39 0131 361611 E-Mail: Internet: Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri Hier könnte Ihr Bezugsquellen-Eintrag Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 see Section handling 2.3 see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Bundglühöfen see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Warmwalzanlagen/Komplettanlagen SMS Siemag AG Coil annealing furnaces SMS Siemag AG Hot rolling units / complete plants Drive systems / Antriebe see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Coil transport systems Bundtransportsysteme see Section handling 2.3 see Rolling mill technology 3.0 SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Surface finishing of sheets and coils H+H HERRMANN + HIEBER GMBH Rechbergstraße 46 D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11 E-Mail: Internet: Oberflächenveredeling von Blechen und Coils DEMIS Wide Belt Processing Systems see Process techn./Automation Techn. 3.10 see Coil transport systems 3.4 91 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Rolling mill modernization Walzwerkmodernisierung Feinband-/Folienwalzwerke see Section handling 2.3 Cold rolling units / complete plants Kaltwalzanlagen/Komplettanlagen 3.7 Thin strip / foil rolling plant Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, Internet: Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, Internet: see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 MINO S.p.A. Via Torino, 1 – San Michele 15122 ALESSANDRIA – ITALY Telefon: +39 0131 363636 Telefax: +39 0131 361611 E-Mail: Internet: Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri MINO S.p.A. Via Torino, 1 – San Michele 15122 ALESSANDRIA – ITALY Telefon: +39 0131 363636 Telefax: +39 0131 361611 E-Mail: Internet: Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri Coil annealing furnaces Bundglühöfen Slitting lines-CTL Längs- und Querteilanlagen see Rolling mill technology 3.0 see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Could not find your Drive systems / Antriebe „keywords“? SMS Siemag AG Please ask for our complete see Rolling mill technology 3.0 „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. Heating furnaces / Anwärmöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Process optimisation systems Prozessoptimierungssysteme Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Process simulation Prozesssimulation Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 E-Mail: Strip shears/Bandscheren Walzenwechseleinrichtungen SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 92 schwartz GmbH see Cold colling equipment 3.6 Heating furnaces Anwärmöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 INOTHERM INDUSTRIEOFENUND WÄRMETECHNIK GMBH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Surface finishing of sheets and coils Oberflächenveredeling von Blechen und Coils DEMIS Wide Belt Processing Systems see Process techn./Automation Techn. 3.10 Trimming equipment Besäumeinrichtungen Roll exchange equipment see Equipment and accessories 3.1 see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 INSERTEC-INGENIERÍA Y SERVICIOS TÉCNICOS, S.A see Heat treatment 2.4 schwartz GmbH see Heat treatment 2.4 Thin strip / foil rolling mills / complete plant Feinband- / Folienwalzwerke / Komplettanlagen MINO S.p.A. Via Torino, 1 – San Michele 15122 ALESSANDRIA – ITALY Telefon: +39 0131 363636 Telefax: +39 0131 361611 E-Mail: Internet: Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY SMS Siemag AG Surface finishing of sheets and coils see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Hier könnte Ihr Bezugsquellen-Eintrag stehen. Rufen Sie an: Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34 Dennis Ross Rolling mill modernization Walzwerkmodernisierung Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, Internet: MINO S.p.A. Via Torino, 1 – San Michele 15122 ALESSANDRIA – ITALY Telefon: +39 0131 363636 Telefax: +39 0131 361611 E-Mail: Internet: Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri 3.10 Process technology / Automation technology Prozesstechnik / Automatisierungstechnik Process control technology Prozessleittechnik SMS Siemag AG Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, Internet: SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Strip thickness measurement and control equipment see Casting machines 1.6 Strip flatness measurement and control equipment Bandplanheitsmess- und -regeleinrichtungen ABB Automation Force Measurement S-72159 Västeras, Sweden Phone: +46 21 325 000 Fax: +46 21 340 005 E-Mail: Internet: ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 Wide Belt Processing Systems SDV-Santioli AG Industriestrasse 10 | CH-8157 Dielsdorf | Switzerland Tel. +41 44 854 0908 | | Roll Force Measurement equipment Walzkraftmesseinrichtungen Banddickenmess- und -regeleinrichtungen ABB Automation Force Measurement S-72159 Västeras, Sweden Phone: +46 21 325 000 Fax: +46 21 340 005 E-Mail: Internet: ABB Automation Force Measurement S-72159 Västeras, Sweden Phone: +46 21 325 000 Fax: +46 21 340 005 E-Mail: Internet: Strip Width & Position Measurement equipment Bandbreiten- und Bandlaufmesseinrichtungen Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, Internet: SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Strip Tension Measurement equipment Bandzugmesseinrichtungen ABB Automation Force Measurement S-72159 Västeras, Sweden Phone: +46 21 325 000 Fax: +46 21 340 005 E-Mail: Internet: 3.11 Coolant / lubricant preparation Kühl-/SchmiermittelAufbereitung see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Wagstaff, Inc. Oberflächenveredeling von Blechen und Coils ABB Automation Force Measurement S-72159 Västeras, Sweden Phone: +46 21 325 000 Fax: +46 21 340 005 E-Mail: Internet: see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 Rolling oil recovery and treatment units Walzöl-Wiederaufbereitungsanlagen SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Ein Eintrag (s/w) in diesem Format kostet pro Ausgabe + Stichwort Filter for rolling oils and emulsions Filter für Walzöle und Emulsionen 110,00 € + MwSt. Weitere Informationen unter Tel. +49 (0) 821 / 31 98 80 - 34 Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, Internet: 93 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 3.16 Coil storage systems Coil & Colour Coating Lines Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, Internet: see Section handling 2.3 Bronx International Pty Ltd Email: Internet: SMS Siemag AG H+H HERRMANN + HIEBER GMBH Rechbergstraße 46 D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11 E-Mail: Internet: Rolling oil rectification units Walzölrektifikationsanlagen see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Bundlagersysteme „keywords“? our complete „Supply sources for the see Strip Processing Lines 3.17 SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Could not find your Please ask for Bandlackierlinien Lithographic Sheet Lines see Coil transport systems 3.4 SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 Lithografielinien see Strip Processing Lines 3.17 aluminium industry“. see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 E-Mail: see Section handling 2.3 3.17 Strip Processing Lines Streckrichtanlagen Bandprozesslinien see Strip Processing Lines 3.17 3.12 Air extraction systems Abluft-Systeme Stretch Levelling Lines see Cold rolling equipment 3.6 Strip Annealing Lines Bandglühlinien see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 Exhaust air purification systems (active) Abluft-Reinigungssysteme (aktiv) Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, Internet: SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 BWG Bergwerk- und WalzwerkMaschinenbau GmbH Mercatorstraße 74 – 78 D-47051 Duisburg Tel.: +49 (0) 203-9929-0 Fax: +49 (0) 203-9929-400 E-Mail: Internet: REDEX Zone Industrielle F-45210 Ferrieres Telefon +33 (2) 38 94 42 00 E-mail: Internet: 3.14 Storage and dispatch Lagerung und Versand see Coil transport systems 3.4 SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 94 see Strip Processing Lines 3.17 SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 3.18 Production Management systems Produktions Management Systeme PSI Metals Non Ferrous GmbH Software Excellence in Metals Carlo-Schmid-Str. 12, D-52146 Würselen Tel.: +49 (0) 2405 4135-0, Anodizing Lines Anodisier-Linien SMS Siemag AG see Rolling mill technology 3.0 see Coil transport systems 3.4 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY 4 Foundry Gießerei 4.1 Work protection and ergonomics Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie 4.2 Heat-resistant technology Feuerfesttechnik 4.3 Conveyor and storage technology Förder- und Lagertechnik 4.4 Mould and core production Form- und Kernherstellung 4.5 Mould accessories and accessory materials Formzubehör, Hilfsmittel 4.2 Heat-resistent technology Feuerfesttechnik Refractories / Feuerfeststoffe 4.6 Foundry equipment Gießereianlagen 4.7 Casting machines and equipment Gießmaschinen und Gießeinrichtungen 4.8 Handling technology Handhabungstechnik 4.9 Construction and design Konstruktion und Design 4.10 Measurement technology and materials testing Messtechnik und Materialprüfung 4.11 Metallic charge materials Metallische Einsatzstoffe 4.12 Finishing of raw castings Rohgussnachbehandlung 4.13 Melt operations Schmelzbetrieb 4.14 Melt preparation Schmelzvorbereitung 4.15 Melt treatment devices Schmelzebehandlungseinrichtungen 4.16 Control and regulation technology Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik 4.17 Environment protection and disposal Umweltschutz und Entsorgung 4.18 Dross recovery Schlackenrückgewinnung 4.19 Cast parts Gussteile Promat GmbH High Performance Insulation Scheifenkamp 16, D-40878 Ratingen Tel. +49 (0) 2102 / 493-0, Fax -493 115, H+H HERRMANN + HIEBER GMBH Rechbergstraße 46 D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11 E-Mail: Internet: see Coil transport systems 3.4 see Section handling 2.3 4.5 Mold accessories and accessory materials Formzubehör, Hilfmittel Fluxes Flussmittel Solvay Fluor GmbH Hans-Böckler-Allee 20 D-30173 Hannover Telefon +49 (0) 511 / 857-0 Telefax +49 (0) 511 / 857-2146 Internet: 4.6 Foundry equipment Gießereianlagen HENCON MOBILE EQUIPMENT see section Casthouse 1.5 see Smelting technology 1.5 Casting machines Gießmaschinen Refratechnik Steel GmbH Via Brallo, 2 – 27010 Siziano (PV), Italy Tel: +39 0382 6671413 E-mail: Internet: Schiessstrasse 58 40549 Düsseldorf / Germany Phone +49 211 5858 0 Fax +49 211 5858 46 Internet: INSERTEC-INGENIERÍA Y SERVICIOS TÉCNICOS, S.A Avenida Cervantes Nº6 48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain Tel: +34 944 409 420 E-mail: Internet: 4.3 Conveyor and storage technology Förder- und Lagertechnik HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 Heat treatment furnaces Wärmebehandlungsöfen INSERTEC-INGENIERÍA Y SERVICIOS TÉCNICOS, S.A see Heat treatment 2.4 Paul Hedfeld GmbH ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 Hundeicker Str. 20 D-58285 Gevelsberg Phone: +49 (0) 2332 6371 E-mail: Internet: see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 95 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 4.7 Casting machines and equipment Gießereimaschinen und Gießeinrichtungen GAPCast TM: the Swiss casting solution Casting Technology / Automation Tel.: +41 27 455 57 14 E-Mail: Internet: see Smelting technology 1.5 Mould parting agents Kokillentrennmittel Schröder KG Schmierstofftechnik Postfach 1170 D-57251 Freudenberg Tel. 02734/7071 Fax 02734/20784 Ostra Hamnen 7 SE-475 42 Hono / Sweden Tel.: +46 31 764 5520, Fax: +46 31 764 5529 E-Mail: Internet: Sales contact: Jonatan Lindstrand Ein Eintrag (s/w) in diesem Format kostet pro Ausgabe + Stichwort Weitere Informationen unter Tel. +49 (0) 821 / 31 98 80 - 34 4.10 Measurement technology and materials testin Messtechnik und Materialprüfung Wagstaff, Inc. ratioTEC Prüfsysteme GmbH see Casting machines 1.6 Hier könnte Ihr BezugsquellenEintrag stehen. Rufen Sie an: Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34 Dennis Ross Continuous ingot casting lines and aluminium rod lines Kokillengieß- und Aluminiumdraht-Anlagen Burner System Brennertechnik 110,00 € + MwSt. Precimeter Control AB see Extrusion 2.4. In der Au 17 D-88515 Langenenslingen Tel.: +49 (0)7376/9622-0 Fax: +49 (0)7376/9622-22 E-Mail: Internet: Büttgenbachstraße 14 D-40549 Düsseldorf/Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 5 00 91-0 Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 5 00 91-14 E-Mail: Internet: Heat treatment furnaces Wärmebehandlungsanlagen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 INSERTEC-INGENIERÍA Y SERVICIOS TÉCNICOS, S.A see Heat treatment 2.4 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 Holding furnaces 4.11 Metallic charge materials Metallische Einsatzstoffe Warmhalteöfen Bartz GmbH see Casthous (foundry) 1.5 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 INSERTEC-INGENIERÍA Y SERVICIOS TÉCNICOS, S.A see Heat treatment 2.4 Recycling / Recycling Chr. Otto Pape GmbH Aluminiumgranulate Berliner Allee 34 D-30855 Langenhagen Tel:+49(0)511 786 32-0 Fax: -32 Internet: E-Mail: 4.13 Melt operations Schmelzbetrieb INSERTEC-INGENIERÍA Y SERVICIOS TÉCNICOS, S.A see Equipment and accessories 3.1 Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: see Heat treatment 2.4 Via Emilia Km 310 26858 Sordio-LO Italy Tel. +39.02.988492-1 . Fax +39.02.9810358 . 96 Melting furnaces Schmelzöfen see Smelting technology 1.5 Bartz GmbH see Casthous (foundry) 1.5 ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 5 Werkstoffe und Recycling HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 INSERTEC-INGENIERÍA Y SERVICIOS TÉCNICOS, S.A see Heat treatment 2.4 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 MARX GmbH & Co. KG Lilienthalstr. 6-18 D-58638 Iserhohn Tel.: +49 (0) 2371 / 2105-0, Fax: -11 E-Mail: Internet: 4.14 Melt preparation Schmelzvorbereitung Degassing, filtration Entgasung, Filtration Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26 D 65582 Diez/Lahn Telefon 06432/607-0 Telefax 06432/607-52 Internet: 4.15 Melt treatment devices Schmelzbehandlungseinrichtungen Metaullics Systems Europe B.V. Ebweg 14 NL-2991 LT Barendrecht Tel. +31-180/590890 Fax +31-180/551040 E-Mail: Internet: Materials and Recycling Granulated aluminium Aluminiumgranulate Chr. Otto Pape GmbH Aluminiumgranulate Berliner Allee 34 D-30855 Langenhagen Tel:+49(0)511 786 32-0 Fax: -32 Internet: E-Mail: 6 Dust removal Entstaubung NEOTECHNIK GmbH Entstaubungsanlagen Postfach 110261, D-33662 Bielefeld Tel. 05205/7503-0, Fax 05205/7503-77, ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 Ausrüstung für Schmiedeund Fließpresstechnik Hydraulic Presses Hydraulische Pressen LASCO Umformtechnik GmbH Hahnweg 139, D-96450 Coburg Tel. +49 (0) 9561 642-0 Fax +49 (0) 9561 642-333 E-Mail: Internet: Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete Machining + Application Bearbeitung + Anwendung 6.1 Equipment to produce castplate Ausrüstungen für Gussplattenproduktion Slicing saw & Milling machines Folienschneidmaschinen Fräsmaschinen Sermas Industrie see Smelting technology 1.6 6.2 Semi products „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: 8 Literature Literatur Technical literature Fachliteratur Taschenbuch des Metallhandels Fundamentals of Extrusion Technology Giesel Verlag GmbH Hans-Böckler-Allee 9, 30173 Hannover Tel. 0511 / 73 04-125 · Fax 0511 / 73 04-233 Internet: Technical journals Fachzeitschriften Halbzeuge Wires / Drähte DRAHTWERK ELISENTAL W. Erdmann GmbH & Co. Werdohler Str. 40, D-58809 Neuenrade Postfach 12 60, D-58804 Neuenrade Tel. +49(0)2392/697-0, Fax 49(0)2392/62044 E-Mail: Internet: 4.17 Environment protection and disposal Umweltschutz und Entsorgung 6.3 Equipment for forging and impact extrusion Giesel Verlag GmbH Hans-Böckler-Allee 9, 30173 Hannover Tel. 0511/8550-2638 · Fax 0511/8550-2405 Ein Eintrag (s/w) in diesem Format kostet pro Ausgabe + Stichwort 110,00 € + MwSt. Weitere Informationen unter Tel. +49 (0) 821 / 31 98 80 - 34 GDMB-Informationsgesellschaft mbH Paul-Ernst-Str.10, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Telefon 05323-937 20, Fax -237, 97 VORSCHAU / PREVIEW IM NÄCHSTEN HEFT IN THE NEXT ISSUE Special: Die internationale Aluminium-Strangpressindustrie Special: The international aluminium extrusion industry Wir berichten über Unternehmen und Ausrüster der Strangpressindustrie, über Anlagentechnik und neue Projekte. Themen unter anderem: : We will report on companies and equipment partners of the extrusion industry, with emphasis on plant technology and new projects. Topics include: • Entwicklung der europäischen Strangpressindustrie 2013 • Development of the European extrusion industry in 2013 • Innovatives Pressenkonzept HybrEx von SMS Meer ermöglicht deutliche Energieeinsparung • Innovative extrusion press concept HybrEx from SMS Meer enables significant energy savings • IAS weltweit erfolgreich mit induktiver Erwärmungstechnologie • IAS worldwide successful with induction heating technology • Neue Strangpresse sichert Gutmann-Standort Neumünster • New extrusion line for Gutmann subsidiary Nordalu Weitere Themen Other topics • Die Rolle der Finanzakteure in Rohstoffmärkten: Verzerren die LME Marktpreise statt Referenzpreise abzubilden? • Geschichte der Aluminiumindustrie in Russland • Understanding the role of financial operators in commodity markets: Is the LME distorting instead of making reference market prices? • History of the aluminium industry in Russia Erscheinungstermin: 02. Oktober 2013 Anzeigenschluss: 18. September 2013 Redaktionsschluss: 09. September 2013 International ALUMINIUM 89. Jahrgang 1. 1. 2013 Journal Verlag / Publishing house Giesel Verlag GmbH Postfach 5420, 30054 Hannover Hans-Böckler-Allee 9, 30173 Hannover Tel. +49(0)511 7304-0, Fax +49(0)511 7304-157, Postbank / postal cheque account Hannover, BLZ / routing code: 25010030; Kto.-Nr. / account no. 90898-306, Bankkonto/bank account Commerzbank AG, BLZ/routing code: 25040066, Kto.-Nr./account no. 1500222 Geschäftsleitung / Managing Director Klaus Krause Redaktion / Editorial office Dipl.-Vw. Volker Karow Chefredakteur, Editor in Chief Franz-Meyers-Str. 16, 53340 Meckenheim Tel. +49(0)2225 8359643, Fax +49(0)2225 18458 Dipl.-Ing. Rudolf P. Pawlek Hüttenindustrie und Recycling Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Rieth Walzwerkstechnik und Bandverarbeitung Ken Stanford, Contributing Editor Objektleitung / General Manager Material Publication Dennis Roß Tel. +49(0)821 319880-34, Anzeigenpreise / Advertisement rates Preisliste Nr. 53 vom 1. Oktober 2012 Price list No. 53 from 1 Oct. 2012 Druckunterlagen / Print documents Tel. +49(0)511 8550-2625, Fax +49(0)511 8550-2401 82 98 Date of publication: Advertisement deadline: Editorial deadline: Vertrieb / Distribution Tel. +49(0)511 8550-2638, Fax +49(0)511 7304-233 Jahresbezugspreis EUR 297,- (Inland inkl. 7% MwSt. und Versandkosten). Europa EUR 297,- inkl. Versandkosten. Einzelausgabe EUR 29,80. Übersee US$ 393,– inkl. Normalpost; Luftpost zzgl. US$ 84,–. Einzelaus-gabe US$ 39,30. Preise für Studenten auf Anfrage. ALUMINIUM erscheint zehnmal pro Jahr. Kündigungen jeweils sechs Wochen zum Ende der Bezugszeit. Subscription rates EUR 297.00 p.a. (domestic incl. V.A.T.) plus postage. Europe EUR 297.00 incl. surface mail. Single copy EUR 29.80. Outside Europe US$ 393.00 incl. surface mail, air mail plus US$ 84.00. Single copy US$ 39.30. ALUMINIUM is published monthly (10 issues a year). Cancellations six weeks prior to the end of a year. Die Zeitschrift und alle in ihr enthaltenen Beiträge und Abbildungen sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzulässig und strafbar. Das gilt insbesondere für Vervielfältigungen, Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und Bearbeitung in elektronischen Systemen. Der Verlag übernimmt keine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit der in diesem Heft mitgeteilten Informationen und haftet nicht für abgeleitete Folgen. Haftung bei Leistungsminderung durch höhere Gewalt oder andere vom Verlag nicht verschuldete Umstände (z. B. Streik) ist ausgeschlossen. This journal and all contributions contained therein are protected by copyright. Any utilization outside the strict limits of copyright legislation without the express consent of the publisher ist prohibited and actionable at law. This applies in particular to reproduction, translations, microfilming and storage or processing in electronic systems. The publisher offers no guarantee that the information in this volume is accurate and accepts no liability for consequences deriving therefrom. No liability whatsoever is accepted for perfomance lag caused by force majeure or by circumstances beyond the publisher’s control (e.g. industrial action). ISSN: 0002-6689 © Giesel Verlag GmbH 02 October 2013 18 September 2013 09 September 2013 Verlagsrepräsentanz / Representatives Giesel Verlag GmbH Büro Augsburg: Gögginger Straße 105a, 86199 Augsburg Dennis Roß Tel. +49(0)821 319880-34 Claus Mayer Tel. +49(0)821 319880-37 Stephan Knauer Tel. +49(0)821 319880-19 Fax +49(0)821 319880-80 Austria, Scandinavia, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg Giesel Verlag GmbH Büro Augsburg: Gögginger Straße 105a, 86199 Augsburg Dennis Roß Tel. +49(0)821 319880-34 Claus Mayer Tel. +49(0)821 319880-37 Stephan Knauer Tel. +49(0)821 319880-19 Fax +49(0)821 319880-80 Switzerland JORDI PUBLIPRESS, Postfach 154, CH-3427 Utzenstorf Tel. +41(0)32 6663090, Fax +41(0)32 6663099, Italy MEDIAPOINT & COMMUNICATIONS SRL Corte Lambruschini – Corso Buenos Aires, 8 Vo piano – Interno 7, I-16129 Genova Tel. +39(0)10 5704948, Fax +39(0)10 5530088, United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Africa, GCC countries etc. Marketing Xpertise Rieth, Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Rieth Strümper Berg 10, D-40670 Meerbusch Tel. +49(0)2159 962643, Fax +49(0)2159 962644 France DEF & Communication, Romain Linguanotto 48 boulevard Jean Jaurès, F-92110 Clichy Tel. +33(0)147307181, Fax +33(0)147300189 Angeschlossen der Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern (IVW) Druck / Printing house Gutenberg Beuys Feindruckerei GmbH Hans-Böckler-Straße 52, 30851 Langenhagen Der ALUMINIUM-Branchentreff des Giesel Verlages: ALUMINIUM · 9/2013 5/2012 Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction technische universität dortmund International Extrusion Event 2013 Retrospect INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EXTRUSION AND BENCHMARK th th October 8 -9 , 2013 Dortmund, Germany Organized by the DIEM Department, University of Bologna, Italy, and the Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction (IUL), TU Dortmund University, Germany, the last International Conference on Extrusion and Benchmark (ICEB) was held in Bologna in September 2011. More than 150 participants from more than 27 different countries worldwide attended the conference. 2/3 of the participants were from industry comprising global players in aluminum production and extrusion as well as small and medium sized companies specializing in die building or software development. Program th Wednesday, October 8 , 2013 Conference „Latest Advances in Extrusion Technology and Simulation“, invited keynotes, oral presentations of papers Thursday, October 9th, 2013 th 5 Extrusion Benchmark, presentation of the experiments, presentation and discussion of the simulation results, oral presentations of papers Benchmark die 2013 Scope The demand for distinct properties and qualities of extruded profiles pushes extrusion experts and die makers to the limits of their potential: increasing complexity of sections, hard alloys, emerging technologies, and microstructure control are just some of manufacturers’ everyday concerns. Key factors for innovation and competitiveness are skilled engineering analyses and reliable software; however, no reference community exists for the extrusion analyst and there is no common base for evaluating commercial code capabilities. This two-in-one event provides a unique opportunity: • to learn about the state-of-the-art of emerging technologies, innovation and simulation capabilities in the extrusion of light alloys; • to acquire guidelines for best process analysis and product optimization; • to understand the potential of your current simulation tool; Participants • Extrusion experts (R&D division, production, managers) • Academic and industrial researchers • Die makers (project managers, R&D) • Software houses, software distributors • Press and equipment builders Conference website Features: • Extensive temperature monitoring • Pressure in the die cavity • Deflection of the mandrel Registration th Registration (until October 7 , 2013): Authors and coauthors: 450 € ; delegates: 650 € th On desk registration (after October 7 , 2013): delegates: 700 € Organizer Conference chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. A. Erman Tekkaya Contact: Dr.-Ing. Andreas Jäger Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction (IUL) Technische Universität Dortmund Baroper Str. 301 D-44227 Dortmund E-mail: Phone: +49 231 755-6923 Fax: +49 231 755-2489