Volume 90 · July / August 2014 International Journal for Industry


Volume 90 · July / August 2014 International Journal for Industry
Primary aluminium activities in the first half of 2014
Riedhammer at 90: Well
equipped for the future
© Riedhammer
Ma’aden Aluminium celebrates first saleable coil
Volume 90 · July / August 2014
International Journal for Industry, Research and Application
What will drive the
aluminium price in H2?
Visit us at
Hall 9, Booth No. 9C20
October 7 to 9
Düsseldorf, Germany
Hertwich Engineering supplies innovative
solutions for the production and processing of aluminium billets. The newly developed batch homogenizing plant is yet
further evidence of this: The furnace is
designed for extra fast heating of logs.
Due to the reversing air concept and regulation by flaps, some 20 % faster heating is
achieved as well as improved temperature
uniformity. Energy consumption is reduced
accordingly, which is why the batch homogenizing plant was awarded the ecoplants
mark as a particularly sustainable solution
from Hertwich.
Batch homogenizing furnace
Hertwich Engineering is a one-stop
supplier for state-of-the-art aluminium
casthouses. We offer customer-focussed
service throughout your project and beyond - for the lifetime of the machine.
Within the SMS group, Hertwich is part of
the SMS Meer Business Area, a leading
international company in heavy machinery
and plant engineering.
Open-air rolling ingot storage facility
Stack of extrusion billets
Volker Karow
Editor in Chief
Nachhaltige Erholung
der Aluminiumpreise
nicht in Sicht
No sign of
sustainable recovery
in aluminium prices
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Die Aluminiumpreise an der Londoner Metallbörse LME haben sich in jüngster Zeit
leicht erholt – Mitte Juli lagen die Dreimonats-Notierungen bei 1.960 Dollar je Tonne –,
doch ist aus heutiger Sicht unklar, wohin die
Reise geht. Große Hüttenbetreiber haben ihre
Produktion in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich zurückgefahren, teils auch Werke komplett geschlossen, andererseits nehmen neue
Kapazitäten aus der Golfregion derzeit ihre
Produktion vollumfänglich auf. Ein ähnliches
Bild ergibt sich für China, dem weltgrößten
Aluminiumproduzenten. Dort wurden seit
Anfang 2013 rund zwei Millionen Jahrestonnen aus dem Markt genommen, doch sollen
in China neue Kapazitäten in ähnlicher Größenordnung allein in der zweiten Jahreshälfte
2014 die Produktion aufnehmen. Und nicht
zu vergessen: Die Bestände in den Lagerhäusern der LME und anderswo sind nach wie
vor exorbitant hoch und werden auf den
Markt drängen, sobald die Aluminiumpreise
ein attraktives Niveau erreichen. Ein Preis
um die 2.500 Dollar je Tonne dürfte den Produzenten wieder ein Lächeln auf die Lippen
Die große Hoffnung für eine Erholung der
Preise ruht auf der Entwicklung der Nachfrage. Der Ausblick für das Leichtmetall ist seit
Jahren positiv, die Nachfrage nach Aluminiumprodukten wächst stetig und überproportional zum allgemeinen Wirtschaftsgeschehen.
Vor allem der Automobilsektor macht Hoffnung. Die Nachrichten häufen sich, dass mehr
und mehr Automobilhersteller das Leichtmetall in immer mehr Modellen, und vor allem
in volumenträchtigen Modellreihen, einsetzen
wollen. Dabei sollte aber nicht übersehen werden, dass dies erst in einigen Jahren marktwirksame Spuren hinterlassen wird. Aluminiumpreise um 2.500 Dollar, die der Vorsitzende der Japan Aluminium Association jüngst in
Aussicht stellte, wenn weitere Autohersteller
dem Beispiel von Ford mit seinem neuen F150 Pickup folgen, dürften noch einige Zeit
auf sich warten lassen.
Der reine Aluminiumpreis ist eh nur die
halbe Wahrheit. Die hohen Prämien von teilweise 400 und mehr Dollar je Tonne machen
vielen Produzenten das Leben nicht ganz so
schwer. Auch hier ist nicht absehbar, wohin
die Reise geht. Ein weiterer Anstieg der Prämien, die sich in den letzten zwei Jahren fast
verdoppelt und in den vergangenen fünf Jahren verfünffacht haben, ist nicht auszuschließen. Das freut die Produzenten, während die
Verarbeiter des Metalls das Nachsehen haben,
weil es häufig schwierig ist, diesen Kostenblock im Markt weiterzureichen.
Aluminium prices on the London Metal Exchange (LME) have shown a slight recovery
recently – in the middle of July the threemonths price was USD1,960 a tonne – but it
is still not clear where prices are heading.
Major smelter operators have curtailed production markedly in recent years, even closing plants completely, while new production
facilities in the Gulf region are currently
moving towards operating at full capacity.
It is a similar picture in China, the world’s
largest aluminium producer. There some two
million tonnes of annual production capacity
have been removed from the market since
the beginning of 2013 but new capacity of
the same order of magnitude is due to go on
stream in the country in the second half of
2014 alone. And one should not forget that
stocks in LME warehouses and elsewhere
continue to be excessively high and will enter the market as soon as aluminium prices
reach an attractive level. A price around the
USD2,500 a tonne mark should conjure up a
smile on producers’ lips.
The major hope for a recovery in prices
rests with the development in demand. The
prospects for the light metal have been positive for years; demand for aluminium products is growing continuously and disproportionately higher than the economy in general.
The car industry in particular offers grounds
for optimism. Reports that more and more
carmakers want to use the light metal in evermore models, and above all in high-volume
models, are becoming more frequent. One
should not overlook the fact, however, that
this will first have an impact on the market in
a few years’ time. The chairman of the Japan
Aluminium Association, Takashi Ishiyama,
recently raised the prospect of aluminium
prices around USD2,500 a tonne if other carmakers follow Ford’s example with its new
F-150 pickup, but this could take some time
to materialise.
The price of the aluminium is only half the
story anyway. High premiums, which are as
much as USD400 and more a tonne at present, are making life a little less difficult for
quite a number of producers. It is not possible to predict where premiums are heading
either. One cannot rule out a further increase.
Premiums have almost doubled in the past
two years and increased fivefold over the last
five years. This pleases producers but makes
life tough for metal processors because it is
often difficult to pass on these costs in the
market place.
N a chh a l t i ge E rh o l u n g de r Al u mi n i u mp re i s e n i ch t i n Si ch t
N o s i gn o f s u st a i n a b l e re c ove ry i n a l u mi n i u m p ri c e s........................... 3
A KT U E L L E S • N E W S I N B R I E F
Tr i m e t ü b e rn i mmt Al u mi n i u mh ü t t e i n Vo e rde
Tr i m e t a c qu i re s a l u mi n i u m s me l t e r i n Vo e rde ................................. 6/7
Ko r re k t u r a n E E G-N ove l l e e n t l a st e t Al u -Bra n ch e ................................ 6
A l e ri s Z h e n ji a n g a ch i e ve s N a dc a p a c c re di t a t i o n fo r
a e ro s p a c e p l a t e p ro du c t i o n ............................................................ 7
I n n ova t i ve W ä rme b e h a n dl u n g b e i Al u n o rf st e i ge rt E n e rgi e ef f izienz ...... 8
N e w b o o k : Be st P ra c t i c e s i n Al u mi n u m Me t a l c a st i n g .......................... 8
Hyd ro t a ke s c o n t ro l o f Søra l a l u mi n i u m p l a n t ................................... 9
A l c o a b u s i n e s s dri ve n b y c o n t i n u e d p o rt fo l i o t ra n s fo rma t i on ............... 9
A l - P re i s e , P ro du k t i o n s da t e n de r de u t s ch e n Al u mi n i u mi n du strie ....... 10/12
A l e ri s -St a n do rt Ko b l e n z vo rb i l dl i ch
b e i R e s s o u rc e n - u n d E n e rgi e e ffi z i e n z .............................................. 14
S M S gro u p : Au ft ra gs ve rga b e z u rü ck h a l t e n d, Al u mi n i u mge schäf t
we i tge h e n d st a b i l / Vo rh e rs a ge mo de l l e a u f Gru n dl a ge gro ßer
Da t en me n ge n • SMS Gro u p : Cu st o me rs e xe rc i s e re st ra i n t
w i t h re ga rds o rde r, b u t a l u mi n i u m l a rge l y st a b l e .............................. 16
Fuchs -Gru p p e i n ve st i e rt i n hydra u l i s ch e Sch mi e de p re s s e
O t t o Fu ch s Ae ro s p a c e Gro u p i n ve st s i n fo rgi n g p re s s i n t h e USA ......... 19
9 0 Ja h re O t t o Ju n ke r ...................................................................20
Ko b e St e e l a n d To yo t a Ts u s h o l o o k i n g
t o p ro du c e a u t o mo t i ve s h e e t i n t h e U S ........................................... 21
Wh at wi l l dri ve t h e a l u mi n i u m p ri c e i n H2 ? .....................................22
Ca p i t a l ch a rge – To o l fo r e c o n o mi c s c re e n i n g p u rp o s e s .....................26
Latest News
Pr i m a ry a l u mi n i u m a c t i vi t i e s i n t h e fi rst h a l f o f 2 014 , Pa rt I ...............28
9 0 J a h re R i e dh a mme r Gmb H: Fü r di e Z u k u n ft gu t ge rü st e t
R i e d h a mme r Gmb H a t 9 0 : We l l e qu i p p e d fo r t h e fu t u re ....................34
Qatalum well underway to become one of the world’s top smelters ......38
E m al c o mp l e t e s st a rt -u p o f P h a s e II p o t l i n e .....................................39
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
U ni prom new ow n e r o f K A P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................40
T. T. Tom or row Te ch n o l o g y e qui p me n t
f rom It a l y t o s l o t an o d e s i n A ust ral i a . . . . . . ....................................... 42
SH L A u t om a t i s i e r un g st e ch n i k : A l umi n i um a l s
Tre n dwe r k st of f f o rd e r t h o h e B e ar b e i t un g sko mp e t e n z ........................43
M a’ a den A l u m i n i um f e i e r t e r st e s ve r ka uf s fä h i ge s Co i l :
Ei n e V i si on w i rd Wi r k l i ch ke i t • M a’ a d e n Al u mi n i u m
c e l e bra t e s f i r st s a l e ab l e c o i l : A vi s i o n b e c o me s re a l i t y ......................44
I n t e r v i ew w i t h A b d ul az i z A l Ha r b i , p re s i d e n t o f Ma’a de n Al u mi n i u m:
“ We of f er ou r c ust o me r s h i g h p ro d uc t qua l i t y a n d re l i a b l e de l i ve ry” ....47
Si e m e n s a l u m i n i um ro d m i l l s o l d t o
Sou t hw i re f or e n d us e r Dub a i Ca b l e . . . . . . . ........................................49
Reimann GmbH – mittelständisches Stahlbauunternehmen saniert
Industrieöfen und setzt auf kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung •
T he m edi u m - s i z e d st e e l e n g i n e e r i n g c o mp a n y re n ova t e s i n du st ri a l
f u r na ce s a n d c o m m i t s i t s e l f t o c o n t i n uo us fu rt h e r de ve l o p me n t ..........50
S ch we i ßve r f a h re n De l t a S p o t p un kt e t m i t n e u e r Z a n ge n ge n e ra t i o n .......53
D i ode l a se r pro c e s s i n g e x t e n d s re a ch o f a l u mi n i u m fa b ri c a t i o n ...........54
R u ndu m - La ger m o d e r n i s i e r un g f ür S ap a B ui l di n g Syst e m ....................56
H u l a m i n wei t e t E i n s at z d e r Q ui n t i q - S o f t wa re a u s ,
u m P l a n u ng spro z e s s e t ra n s p are n t e r z u g e st a l t e n ..............................57
Ma gn a u nd Fo rd e n t w i cke l n M ul t i ma t e r i al -Le i ch t b a u -Ko n z e p t fa h rz e u g
Magna and Ford collaborate on multi-material lightweight concept car . .58
B a u x i t e a n d a l um i n a ac t i vi t i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................59
R ecycl i n g a n d s e c o n d a r y s me l t i n g . . . . . . . . . . ........................................59
Al u m i n i u m sem i s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................60
O n t h e m ove .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................62
Su ppl i e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................63
Pa t en t e . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................65
Vor scha u • P re vi e w / I m p re s s um • I mp r i n t ......................................82
L I E F E R V E R Z E I C H N I S • S U P P L I E R S D I R E C T O R Y .............68
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Inserenten dieser Ausgabe
List of advertisers
ECL, France
Didion International Inc., USA
Dubai Aluminium, UAE
Hertwich Engineering GmbH, Austria
Innovatherm Prof. Dr.
Leisenberg GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Inotherm Industrieofen- und
Wärmetechnik GmbH, Germany
Norsk Hydro ASA, Norway
Reed Exhibition Deutschland
GmbH, Germany
SDV-Santioli AG, Switzerland
Storvik AS, Norway
Die Trimet Aluminium SE hat Ende Mai die insolvente Voerde Aluminium GmbH (Voerdal)
mit 280 Mitarbeitern übernommen. Voerdal
stellt Primäraluminium und Kohlenstoffanoden her, die im Elektrolyseprozess zur Metallgewinnung eingesetzt werden. Trimet wird
die Aluminiumhütte (Jahresproduktion rund
100.000 Tonnen) und die Anodenfabrik am
bisherigen Standort am Niederrhein weiterführen und alle Mitarbeiter übernehmen.
„Wir freuen uns, dass wir den zukunftsfähigen Produktionsstandort weiterführen und
die bestehenden Arbeitsplätze erhalten können“, erklärte Heinz-Peter Schlüter, Inhaber
und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der Trimet Aluminium. Eine Voraussetzung für die Übernahme sei gewesen, dass die EU-konforme
Entlastungsregelung für die stromintensive
Industrie im Rahmen des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes bestehende Rechtsunsicherheit
beseitigt und Planungssicherheit geschaffen
habe. „Wir setzen darauf, dass diese Rechtssicherheit Bestand hat“, sagt Schlüter.
Trimet setzt mit dem Standort Voerde seinen Wachstumskurs der letzten Jahre fort und
erweitert seine Produktionskapazität für Pri-
märaluminium auf insgesamt rund 500.000
Tonnen. „Die europäischen Schlüsselindustrien haben großen
Bedarf an Aluminium.
Mit dem Standort Voerde können wir die
wachsende Nachfrage
bedienen. Die Mitarbeiter und die technische Ausstattung passen hervorragend in
die Ausrichtung der
Trimet als Anbieter
Lösungen“, sagte der
Trimet-Vorstandsvorsitzende Martin Iffert.
An acht Standorten
mit insgesamt 2.700
Mitarbeitern betreibt Anodenfabrik Voerdal
das mittelständische
Familienunternehmen Produktionswerke für
Herstellung, Guss und Recycling von Aluminium. Erst jüngst, im Dezember 2013 hatte
Korrektur an EEG-Novelle
entlastet Alu-Branche
schraube des neuen EEG angezogen, die bei
der Industrie, den Umweltverbänden und
mehreren Flächenländern auf Kritik stößt:
die EEG-Umlagepflicht für die Eigenstromproduktion. Das betrifft sowohl Industriebetriebe mit eigenen Kraftwerken als auch Privathaushalte mit Fotovoltaikanlagen auf dem
Hausdach. Neue Anlagen zur Deckung des
eigenen Verbrauchs sollen künftig je Kilowattstunde 50 Prozent der EEG-Umlage zahlen,
bisher waren 15 Prozent vorgesehen. Die Bagatellgrenze für Kleinanlagen soll fallen.
Die abschließende parlamentarische Behandlung des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes hat
eine Korrektur gebracht, von der besonders
die energieintensiven Aluminiumhütten profitieren: Auf Initiative von Nordrhein-Westfalen und mit Unterstützung durch Hamburg
und Niedersachsen wird die Deckelung der
EEG-Umlage nun doch nicht auf 0,1 Cent je
Kilowattstunde verdoppelt, sondern auf dem
bisherigen Niveau von 0,05 Ct/kWh verbleiben.
Dieser sogenannte „Super-Deckel“ soll
die internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von
Unternehmen mit Elektrolysen und anderen
extrem stromintensiven Prozessen sichern. In
Berlin sieht man den Ländervorstoß als strukturpolitische Maßnahme, um energieintensive
Standorte absichern und die endgültige Schließung einer Aluminiumhütte am Niederrhein
(Voerde Aluminium, siehe Meldung oben) abzuwenden.
Um die fortfallenden Einnahmen im niedrigen zweistelligen Millionenbetrag wieder
hereinzuholen, wird dafür eine andere Stell-
Hydro: Auftrag für neue
Automobillinie vergeben
Das 130-Mio.-Euro-Projekt der dritten Fertigungslinie für Aluminium-Karosseriebleche
im Hydro-Walzwerk Grevenbroich schreitet
voran. Inzwischen wurde das Hauptgewerk
für den Maschinenbau der Großanlage vergeben, und zwar an die BWG Bergwerk- und
Walzwerk-Maschinenbau GmbH, Duisburg,
als Generallieferanten. BWG entwickelt und
konstruiert Bandanlagen, Maschinen sowie
Sonderkonstruktionen. Hydro hat mit BWG
© Voerdal
Trimet übernimmt Aluminiumhütte in Voerde
Trimet zwei Produktionswerke in Frankreich
von Rio Tinto Alcan übernommen.
bereits in früheren Projekten zusammen gearbeitet. Die neue Produktionslinie wird die Jahreskapazität für Karosserieblech von 50.000
auf 200.000 Tonnen steigern. Die Linie soll im
zweiten Halbjahr 2016 in Betrieb gehen.
Recyclinggruppe Scholz
veräußert Alu-Geschäft
Die Scholz Holding GmbH (vormals: Scholz
AG) hat wie geplant die beiden Nicht-Kerngeschäftsfelder Aluminium und Edelbaustahl
veräußert. Dies ist ein weiterer Schritt der Recyclinggruppe zur Restrukturierung und Neuausrichtung der Gruppe. Kurz zuvor war der
Einstieg der japanischen Toyota Tsusho Corp.
(TTC) vollzogen worden. Die 39,9%-ige Beteiligung von TTC führt zu einer deutlichen
finanziellen Stärkung der Scholz-Gruppe.
Im Geschäftsfeld Aluminium wurden für
die Handelsgesellschaft MMG Aluminium
AG und die ScholzAlu Stockach GmbH (SAS)
jeweils Management-Buyouts vollzogen. Die
Erlöse aus den Verkäufen sollen dazu beitragen, die Nettoverschuldung der Gruppe bis
2015 auf rund 700 Mio. Euro zu senken.
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Trimet acquires aluminium smelter in Voerde
Trimet Aluminium in Essen, Germany, has
acquired Voerde Aluminium and all 280 of
its employees. The company, which has been
in bankruptcy proceedings, manufactures primary aluminium and carbon anodes used in
electrolysis for metal extraction. Trimet will
continue to run the aluminium smelter (with
an annual production of around 100,000
tonnes) and anode factory (see photo on the
left) at its location on the Lower Rhine and will
take over the full staff.
„We are pleased that we can continue to
run Voerde Aluminium as a viable long-term
production site and secure existing jobs,” said
Heinz-Peter Schlüter, owner and chairman of
the supervisory board of Trimet. The acquisition was contingent upon an EU-compliant
asset relief scheme for the energy-intensive
industry under the Renewable Energy Sources
Act. This has removed any existing legal uncertainty and created planning security.
With the Voerde site, the materials specialist has expanded its overall production
capacity for primary aluminium to around
500,000 tonnes a year, continuing the positive growth demonstrated over the past years.
“Key European industries have great demand
for aluminium. With the Voerde location, we
can meet the growing demand. The staff and
the technical equipment are perfectly aligned
with Trimet’s orientation as a provider of customised solutions,” said Martin Iffert, chief
executive of Trimet.
The medium-sized family enterprise employs a total of 2,700 people at eight production sites which manufacture, cast and recycle
aluminium. In December 2013, Trimet acquired two production plants in France.
Aleris Zhenjiang achieves Nadcap
accreditation for aerospace plate production
Aleris expects to begin shipments of aircraft
plate in the third quarter of this year. Once
the qualification process is complete, Aleris
Zhenjiang will be one of the first facilities in
Asia Pacific to produce aluminium plate for
the major global aircraft manufacturers.
The company’s USD350 million hot rolling
mill unveiled in early 2013 was designed to
meet fast-growing
national and global
demand for technically advanced
aluminium plate
products for global aerospace and
commercial plate
customers. Since
opening last year,
Aleris Zhenjiang
has been shipping
orders to commercial plate customers globally. These
Aleris Zhenjiang – largest investment in the company‘s history
products serve a
end uses inNadcap requirements for heat treating and
non-destructive testing. “Nadcap accreditation represents one of the final major hurdles and air separation units. As a prerequisite for
in the qualification process for the production these end uses the Zhenjiang plant has also
of aircraft material at our new facility in Zhen- received approval from many certification sojiang,” says John Zhu, president of Aleris cieties to supply products into ship-building,
silo, pressure vessel and other industries.
© Aleris
Aleris has attained Nadcap accreditation for
its new rolling mill in Zhenjiang, China. Nadcap is an industry standard for the production
of aircraft aluminium plate and a prerequisite
for inclusion on the Qualified Product List for
major aircraft manufacturers. The certification
follows audits performed by the Performance
Review Institute in May 2014, with respect to
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Brandtzæg to leave Hydro
to become Yara CEO
Svein Richard Brandtzæg, president and CEO
of Norsk Hydro, will leave Hydro to take over
as president and CEO for Norwegian fertilizers
group Yara International from 1 February
2015, at the latest. Brandtzæg joined Hydro in
1985 andtook over as CEO in March 2009. He
has led the company “through tough times
and weak markets, taking forceful actions to
ensure that we are positioned for a bright
future as a leading, global aluminium company,” said Hydro’s chairman of the board of
directors, Dag Mejdell.
Dubai’s Ducab to
build manufacturing
plant in Abu Dhabi
Ducab Aluminium has announced plans to
set up a AED220m manufacturing plant in
the Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi, also
known as Kizad. Ducab, a provider of cable
and wire solutions in the UAE and wider GCC
region, has signed an agreement to secure
a 546,070 square feet plot of land in Kizad’s
aluminium cluster. The plant will be Ducab’s
sixth in the UAE, alongside its three facilities
in Musaffah and two in Dubai. Ducab also
owns AEI Cables in the UK which was purchased earlier this year.
Ducab’s facility in Kizad is expected to be
operational by 2015 and will focus on the production of aluminium rods and conductors for
overhead transmission lines, and will supply
mainly the cable manufacturing industry and
utility sectors. Khaled Salmeen, CEO of Kizad,
said: “Ducab’s manufacturing facility will integrate perfectly into our aluminium cluster and
function as a downstream producer next to
Emirates Aluminium.”
AMG cuts global
aluminium alloys capacity
AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group is curtailing its aluminium alloys capacity by 5,000
tonnes, or about 10% of global demand. As
a global supplier of aluminium master alloys
and grain refiners, the company’s decision
was driven by overcapacity and low market
prices. This is part of AMG’s efforts to lower
its cost structure, improve operations, increase
return on capital employed (ROCE) and create
long-term shareholder value.
Innovative Wärmebehandlung bei Alunorf steigert Energieeffizienz
© Alunorf
Mit Hilfe einer neuartigen Wärmebehandlung
senkt die Aluminium Norf GmbH (Alunorf)
ihren Energiebedarf um rund 31.000 Megawattstunden pro Jahr – das entspricht dem
jährlichen Stromverbrauch von mehr als
8.800 Privathaushalten. Für das erstmals in
der Industrie eingesetzte Verfahren erhielt das
Unternehmen einen Zuschuss aus dem Inno-
Aluminium-Großcoil bei Alunorf
Best Practices in Aluminum Metalcasting
Respected industry expert Geoffrey Sigworth
has compiled a lifetime of experience (academic and practical) into this one book dedicated
to the best practices in aluminium metalcasting. The book is organised into five sections:
• Introduction to Aluminium alloys and
their Quality
• Melting and Melt Treatment
• Fundamentals of Solidification
• Solidification and Mold Design
• Post Solidification Processing
The main body of each chapter focuses on the
important scientific mechanisms behind metal
casting. Sigworth’s educated and practical approach offers guidance to the best practices
in aluminium metal casting available and can
lead to new product or process improvements
for the reader. He shares much of his personal
experience and knowledge of the industry in
this book and also includes additional valu-
vationsprogramm des Bundesumweltministeriums. Unterstützt wurde es dabei durch die
Finanzierungsberatung der Effizienz-Agentur
Alunorf fertigt Aluminiumbänder in unterschiedlichen Materialdicken, Durchmessern
und Bandlängen. Beim Kaltwalzen erwärmen
sich die Bänder auf bis zu 190 °C. Um die gewünschten metallurgischen Eigenschaften zu
erzielen, werden die gewalzten Bänder anschließend bei ca. 480 °C in Glühöfen wärmebehandelt.
Die bereits durch den Walzprozess in die
Bänder eingebrachte Wärme konnte der
Betrieb mit der bis 2011 bestehenden Anlagentechnik nicht für die Wärmebehandlung
nutzen. Die Bänder mussten vor der Wärmebehandlung auf unter 60 °C abkühlen, um für
die bestehenden Zeit- und Temperaturprogramme des gesamten Ofenraumes prozesssichere Bedingungen zu schaffen.
„Wir wollten diese Restwärme aus dem
Walzprozess nutzen, um den Energieverbrauch der Wärmebehandlung nachhaltig zu
senken“, so Alunorf-Projektleiter Olaf Trepels. „Dabei setzten wir auf ein innovatives
Ofenkonzept.“ Die nun zum Einsatz kommende Wärmebehandlung besteht aus einer energieeffizienten Ofengruppe mit fünf Aggregaten, in der der thermische Zustand jedes ein-
zelnen Bandes genau online geregelt werden
kann. Die Öfen verfügen über eine 4-Einzelzonenregelung mit einer Onlineprozesssteuerung, die das individuelle Glühen von vier
Einzelcoils erlaubt. „Dies ermöglicht es, die
Coil-Temperaturen während des gesamten
Glühprozesses online zu erfassen und zu regulieren“, erklärt Trepels. „Mit Hilfe der neuen Technik können wir erstmals walzwarme
Coils direkt wärmebehandeln und so die Restwärme aus dem Walzprozess in den Glühöfen
Darüber hinaus setzt Alunorf die heißen
Ofenabgase zur Vorwärmung des im Ofenraum genutzten Schutzgases ein, was ebenfalls Energie einspart. Auch die innerbetriebliche Logistik konnte verbessert werden, was
zu verkürzten Durchlauf- und Bearbeitungszeiten führte.
Insgesamt ergeben sich durch die neuartige
Wärmebehandlungsanlage Energieeinsparungen von jährlich 45 Prozent im Vergleich zur
Altanlage, was 31.000 MWh pro Jahr entspricht. So können bei einer Jahresproduktion von 180.000 Tonnen etwa 8.500 Tonnen
CO2-Äquivalente im Jahr vermieden werden.
Das Vorhaben wurde mit 1,5 Mio. Euro aus
dem BMU-Programm gefördert. Insgesamt
investierte Alunorf 7,5 Mio. Euro in die neue
able resources that augment the information
presented within.
Best Practices in Aluminum Metalcasting is
unique in that more than 60 technical papers
are contained within the CD-ROM included
with this publication, a total value worth almost USD2,000 (if each paper was purchased
individually.) In addition, Excel-based calculators are also included to assist with sprue
calculations, furnace energy models, etc.
This new reference book is the perfect addition to your library, office or lab environment.
It will be an invaluable resource in helping to
produce consistent high-quality castings.
Product No. NF1400/Hardcover
Published and distributed by the American
Foundry Society, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA.
Tel: +1-800/537-4237, +1-847/824-0181
Member Price: USD225.00
Non-Member Price: USD300.00
Number of Pages: 296
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Hydro takes control of Søral aluminium plant
Hydro and Rio Tinto Alcan (RTA) have signed
an agreement for Hydro to take over RTA’s
share of the aluminium smelter Sør-Norge
Aluminium AS (Søral) in Norway. Following
the closing of the agreement, the plant will
become Hydro’s fifth fully owned aluminium
smelter in Norway.
Søral is a primary aluminium plant situated in Husnes at the Norwegian west coast,
with a production capacity of about 180,000
tonnes a year. The plant, which has been operated as a standalone unit, idled one of its
two production lines in 2009, and is currently
producing around 90,000 tonnes a year. Søral
has 230 employees, and has prior to the agreement been owned by RTA (50%) and Hydro
„We believe in the Norwegian aluminium
industry. Søral is a well invested plant, which
on a comparable basis has a cost position in
line with the rest of our Norwegian smelters.
A change in ownership makes it possible to
contribute even stronger in strengthening
operations,“ says Hilde Merete Aasheim, ex-
ecutive vice-president and head of Primary
Søral’s financial situation will be improved
through short-term relief in costs. With these,
and certain system effects of the Hydro ownership, the company sees a more robust financial
situation for the plant going forward. Closing
of the transaction is pending, including approval from relevant competition authorities
in Norway and France, and is expected in the
course of 2014. Until closing Søral will be governed by the current board of directors.
Alcoa business driven by continued portfolio transformation
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
tive impact of energy sales, and higher regional
premiums due to robust aluminium demand.
Alcoa continues to project 2014 global
aerospace growth of 8-9% driven by robust
demand for both large commercial aircraft
and regional jets. Automotive growth is forecast to reach 1-4%, with packaging growth of
2-3%, and building and construction growth
of 4-6%. The company increased its 2014
estimate for the commercial transportation
market in North America to a range of 10-
market with a surplus declining from 2.257
million tonnes in the first quarter to 824,000
tonnes in the second quarter.
In Alcoa’s GRP segment, the automotive
expansion in Davenport, Iowa, is complete
and will continue to ramp up production in
Q3 to serve growing demand for aluminium
intensive vehicles. Alcoa’s automotive expansion in Tennessee is on schedule for completion in mid-2015. The amount of aluminium body sheet content in North American
vehicles is expected to quadruple by
2015 and increase tenfold by 2025
from 2012 levels. In addition, the
rolling mill at the Ma’aden-Alcoa
joint venture in Saudi Arabia produced its first production-grade coil
on schedule (see our report on pages
This joint venture is also integral
to the company’s strategy of increasing the cost position of its commodity
portfolio. The start-up of the Saudi
Arabia smelter, one of the lowestcost aluminium production facilities
in the world, was completed in the
second quarter this year.
The company continues to execute previously announced portfolio actions to lower
the cost base of its commodity business and
take further decisive action to optimise its
portfolio. In Q2 Alcoa completed the curtailment of 147,000 tonnes of smelting capacity
in Brazil at São Luís (Alumar) and Poços de
Caldas. In August Alcoa will permanently
close the 190,000-tonne aluminium smelter
in Point Henry, Australia. These measures
will help the company to improve its position
on the world aluminium production cost curve
to the 38th percentile.
© Alcoa
Alcoa is stepping up the process of transforming its portfolio. Commenting Q2 2014
figures, chairman and chief executive Klaus
Kleinfeld said: “We are taking the downstream business to new profitability heights,
capturing midstream demand as auto lightweighting accelerates, while continuing to
relentlessly improve upstream performance.
Our strategy of building a lightweight multimaterial innovation powerhouse and a highly
competitive commodities business is driving
compelling and sustainable shareholder value.” The company now
speaks of itself as a leader in “lightweight metals technology, engineering and manufacturing”.
Alcoa’s strategy to build out its
value-add businesses took a major
step forward in Q2 with the signing
of a definitive agreement to acquire
Firth Rixson, a global leader in aerospace jet engine components. The
USD2.85 billion cash and stock acquisition will further strengthen Alcoa’s aerospace portfolio,positioning
the company to capture additional
aerospace growth with a broader
range of multi-material, value-add jet engine
All of Alcoa’s business segments were profitable during the second quarter. Engineered
Products and Solutions, the downstream
business, achieved its best ever results. The
midstream business, Global Rolled Products
(GRP), continued to capture increasing demand for automotive sheet. The upstream
business, comprising Alumina and Primary
Metals, improved performance for the 11th
consecutive quarter. Primary Metals’ results
reflect a more competitive business, the posi-
Alcoa headquarter in Pittsburgh
14%, from a previous range of 5-9% in the
first quarter. The higher estimate is based
in part on rising truck orders and backlogs.
Globally, Alcoa continues to expect a steady
commercial transportation market in 2014 of
-1 to 3% due to weakness in the European
market. Overall, the company reaffirmed its
7% global aluminium demand growth projection for 2014.
For 2014, Alcoa sees a global aluminium
deficit of 930,000 tonnes, an increase from
a deficit of 730,000 tonnes estimated in Q1.
Alcoa also sees a tightening of the alumina
Aluminium im Monatsrückblick
Ein Service der TRIMET Aluminium SE
Ende Juni konnte die Aluminiumnotierung weiter zulegen und bewegte sich
um die Marke von USD 1.900/t. Den Anstieg begründen Analysten in der guten
konjunkturellen Stimmung in der Welt-
wirtschaft und der starken Nachfrage
nach Aluminium in den Industriestaaten
bei zeitgleich geringerer Produktion.
Auch die Prämien setzten ihren Aufwärtstrend der vergangenen Monate fort
und erreichten wöchentlich neue Rekordniveaus. Eine Entspannung ist vorerst
nicht in Sichtweite.
Auf- bzw. Abschlag für 3-Monatstermin
Letzte 6 Durchschnittswerte LME
25,28 Euro
27,89 Euro
26,09 Euro
31,36 Euro
30,07 Euro
33,32 Euro
Aluminium High Grade, Kasse
Letzte 6 Durchschnittswerte LME
1.352,55 Euro
1.273,46 Euro
1.309,93 Euro
1.233,10 Euro
1.240,21 Euro
1.231,77 Euro
Aluminium Lagerbestände
Letzte 6 Monatsendwerte LME
5.046.200 t.
5.194.425 t.
5.352.900 t.
5.381.900 t.
5.311.300 t.
5.423.550 t.
Alle Angaben auf dieser Seite sind unverbindlich.
Quelle: TRIMET Aluminium SE – aktuelle LME-Werte unter www.trimet.de oder per TRIMET App auf das iPhone.
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Rotary Carbon
Separator / Thimble
Cleaners thoroughly
clean carbon from cast
iron thimbles, including
recesses. With all the carbon
and fluorinated waste removed,
the melts are cleaner, thereby
reducing slag and furnace fumes,
while increasing furnace lining life.
The patented multi-chamber design
with segmented alloyed wear-liners
provide lower noise and superior wear
resistance. Cost savings include the
elimination of shot blasting altogether,
saving equipment, shot consumption,
wear parts, maintenance time, floor
space, and energy costs.
Aluminum smelters worldwide also enjoy:
Simple,, smooth drive system with
low energy consumption and very
low maintenance
Precision laser alignment of main
support bearings for long life
Reduced noise levels and dust-escape
due to containment in the drum
Very low dust collection due to small
open area
Fast and easy installation
Produktionsdaten der deutschen Aluminiumindustrie
Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm
Press- & Ziehprodukte**
(in 1.000 t)
+/in % *
(in 1.000 t)
+/in % *
(in 1.000 t)
+/in % *
(in 1.000 t)
+/in % *
Jan 14
* gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat, ** Stangen, Profile, Rohre; Mitteilung des Gesamtverbandes der Aluminiumindustrie (GDA), Düsseldorf
Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm
Press- und Ziehprodukte
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Emirates Global Aluminium, born from a union between DUBAL and EMAL, is the combined
incarnation of these leading, global aluminium producers under a new name. Already experts
in high performance aluminium, excellent service and sustainable practices, we will continue to
create a lasting legacy for the UAE and promote new industry standards in a brand new world.
Global Excellence in Aluminium
Aleris-Standort Koblenz vorbildlich
bei Ressourcen- und Energieeffizienz
Die Geschäftsführerin der WirtschaftsVereinigung Metalle, Franziska Erdle, betonte, dass
die NE-Metallindustrie ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Energiewende ist. „Unsere Metalle
machen Produkte leichter, durch sie verbrauchen Motoren weniger und in Gebäuden wird
weniger Energie benötigt. Wer auch in Zukunft CO2 einsparen möchte, kommt am Einsatz von Nichteisen-Metallen nicht vorbei.“
Die rheinland-pfälzische Wirtschaftsministerin, Eveline Lemke, anerkennt, dass die
Energiekosten für Unternehmen wie Aleris ein ganz zentraler Kostenfaktor sind. Sie
zeigte sich beeindruckt von den Maßnahmen,
die das Unternehmen für mehr Energieeffizienz und Klimaschutz umsetzt. Ihr sei es ein
zentrales Anliegen, die gesamte industrielle
Wertschöpfungskette im Land zu halten. Sie
äußerte sich kritisch zur Novellierung des
Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes (EEG): Die
Reform weise Mängel auf, weil sie Unternehmen wie Aleris zunehmend Kosten aufbürde,
obwohl das Unternehmen beim Energiesparen
vorbildlich handele.
Lemke spielte damit auf das Eingangs-Statement von Baan an, der darauf verwies, dass
Aleris Koblenz in den vergangenen Jahren
massiv in Maßnahmen zur Energieeinsparung
investiert habe, dem Unternehmen jedoch
gleichzeitig durch die EEG-Umlage massiv
Kapital entzogen wurde. Allein 2013 habe
das Werk Koblenz bei einem Nettoergebnis von 36 Mio. Euro rund 12 Mio. Euro an
EEG-Umlage gezahlt. Für 2014 erwartet Bann
eine ähnlich hohe Umlage erwartet. Durch die
stetige Heraufsetzung des Schwellenwertes
für die Stromkostenintensität, ab dem Entlas-
mit der neuen Legierung
bei der Rumpfkonstruktion von Verkehrsflugzeugen Gewichtsvorteile von
bis zu fünf Prozent erzielen.
Die Gewichtsreduzierung wird über eine geringere Dichte des Werkstoffs erreicht, indem das
„schwere“ Kupfer (Dichte
8,92 g/cm3) als Legierungsbestandteil durch das
(Dichte 1,738 g/cm3) ersetzt wird. Der Einsatz geringer Mengen Scandium
Flugzeugrumpf-Testpanel aus Aluminium-Magnesium-Scandium-Legierung
sorgt für besonders gute
tungen bei der Umlage erfolgen, würden Bearbeitung und Festigkeit des Materials.
die erfolgreich durchgeführten Maßnahmen
Die Entwicklung der neuen Legierung am
zur Energieeinsparung wirtschaftlich bestraft, Standort Koblenz hat etwa zehn Jahre gedauweil man dadurch in den vergangenen Jahren ert. In umfangreichen Tests und Simulationen
stets knapp unter dem Schwellenwert für die haben Entwickler und künftige Anwender die
Besondere Ausgleichsregelung geblieben sei. Eigenschaften der neuen Legierung geprüft.
Den Kostennachteil gegenüber ausländischen Aleris geht davon aus, dass in den kommenStandorten bezifferte Bann auf sieben bis den 20 Jahren etwa 30.000 neue Verkehrszehn Millionen Euro bzw. 100 Euro je Tonne flugzeuge benötigt werden, um den wachsenHalbzeug gegenüber Wettbewerbern. Auf- den Bedarf zu decken und ältere Fluggeräte
grund dieser Kostennachteile seien dem Un- zu ersetzen. Mit Drop-in-Lösungen wie der
ternehmen bereits Großaufträge von Flug- neuen Aluminiumlegierung lassen sich im
zeugherstellern verloren gegangen, so Baan.
Rahmen der Modernisierung und des Ausbaus
Aleris präsentierte drei Projektbeispiele, der Luftfahrtflotten signifikante Effizienzsteidie zeigen, wie am und durch den Standort gerungen und Umweltverbesserungen umsetKoblenz Kohlendioxid eingespart wird.
zen. Bei Mittel- und Langstreckenflugzeugen
können bei Einsatz der neuen Legierung über
die Lebensdauer von rund 20 Jahren pro FlugLeichtere Flugzeuge
zeug mehr als 500.000 Tonnen CO2 eingedurch innovative Legierung
spart werden, betont Aleris.
Beispiel 1: Wie im Verkehrssektor insgesamt
gilt auch für die Luftfahrt, dass moderne Ver- Abwärmenutzung für
kehrsflugzeuge leicht und kraftstoffsparend benachbarte Mälzerei
sein müssen, um am Markt erfolgreich zu sein.
Mit sogenannten Drop-in-Lösungen versuchen Beispiel 2: Bei Gieß- und Walzprozessen werdie Flugzeughersteller erfolgreich eingeführte den erhebliche Wärmemengen freigesetzt. Die
Modellreihen leichter und effizienter zu ma- sinnvolle Nutzung dieser Abwärme aus der
chen, ohne tief und kostenintensiv in beste- Produktion ist ein wesentlicher Aspekt in der
hende Konstruktionen eingreifen zu müssen. Effizienz- und Klimabilanz eines Standortes.
Nach langjähriger Entwicklungs- und In der Praxis ist es jedoch nicht immer leicht,
Testphase bietet Aleris Koblenz jetzt eine geeignete Wärmeverbraucher zu finden.
innovative Aluminium-Magnesium-ScandiIn unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zum Alerisum-Legierung, die es der Luftfahrtindustrie Werk in Koblenz betreibt die Avangard Malz
künftig ermöglicht, sowohl neue als auch be- AG eine Produktionsstätte, in der jedes Jahr
reits entwickelte Fluggeräte deutlich leichter rund 80.000 Tonnen Malz aus Braugerste herzu machen. Im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen gestellt werden. Für den Trocknungsprozess
Aluminium-Kupfer-Legierungen lassen sich benötigt das Unternehmen erhebliche Wärme-
© Aleris
Ressourcen- und Energieeffizienz sowie
Klimaschutz sind gelebte Praxis am Aleris-Standort Koblenz. Im Rahmen der
Unternehmensinitiative „Metalle pro
Klima“ stellte das Unternehmen mehrere
Best-Practice-Beispiele vor, mit denen
deutlich Energie eingespart und die
Emission von Klimagas reduziert wird.
Roeland Baan, Executive Vice President
bei Aleris, sagte in Koblenz, Klimaschutz
beginne vor Ort. „Wir versuchen immer,
mehr Energieeffizienz am Standort zu erreichen und durch unsere Arbeit werden
wiederum die Endprodukte effizienter.
Unsere Werkstoffinnovationen verdeutlichen, dass die Grundstoffindustrie die
Basis für modernes Leben schafft.“
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Warmwasser von 2.500 Ein-Personen-Haushalten. Für das Projekt haben die Partner jeweils etwa zwei Millionen Euro investiert.
Digitales Überwachungssystem für
temperaturgeführte Metalltransporte
Die Abwärme aus der Aleris-Gießerei wird zur Trocknung von Grünmalz bei der Avangard Malz AG genutzt
mengen. Wärme ist damit für Avangard ein
wichtiger Produktions- und Kostenfaktor. Um
die Wärmeversorgung der Mälzerei langfristig
auf eine sichere und wirtschaftliche Grundlage zu stellen, wurde zunächst der Bau eines
eigenen Biomasse-Heizkraftwerkes erwogen.
Als Alternative bot sich an, Avangard mit
Wärme aus den Schmelz- und Halteöfen der
Aleris-Gießerei zu versorgen. Die Kooperation zwischen Aleris und der Avangard Malz
AG bietet für beide Unternehmen Vorteile.
Die Abwärme aus dem Aluminiumschmelzprozess wird mittels Wärmetauscher in bis
zu 96 °C heißes Wasser überführt. Über eine
Fernwärmeleitung wird die im Wasser gespeicherte Wärme zur circa 1,2 km entfernten
Mälzerei transportiert. In der Mälzerei wird
dem Wasser die Wärme wieder über Wärme-
Die Aleris-Gruppe beschäftigt weltweit rund
7.000 Mitarbeiter an 40 Produktionsstandorten. In Deutschland ist das Unternehmen
seit mehr als 50 Jahren tätig. Hier sind rund
1.400 Mitarbeiter an sechs Standorten tätig. In
Koblenz betreibt Aleris ein Walzwerk (nebst
Gießerei und Umschmelzanlagen) mit einer
Jahresproduktion von 150.000 Tonnen Aluminiumhalbzeug. Hier werden Platten, Bänder
und Bleche in über 100 unterschiedlichen
Legierungen gefertigt, unter anderem Platten
für die Luftfahrtindustrie sowie lotplattierte
Bleche und Bänder für Wärmetauscher. Rund
70 Prozent der Fertigung in Koblenz sind für
den Export bestimmt.
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
tauscher entzogen und für den Trocknungsprozess von Grünmalz zu Malz verwendet.
Im abgekühlten Zustand fließt das Wasser
dann in die Gießerei zurück und der Prozess
beginnt von Neuen. Rund 80.000 Liter heißes
Wasser werden so bis zu zweieinhalb Mal pro
Stunde hin und her gepumpt. Es handelt sich
um ein geschlossenes, korrosionsgeschütztes
Rohrleitungssystem, in dem voll entsalztes
Wasser zirkuliert.
Mit den Baumaßnahmen die bei Aleris
und Avangard überwiegend während der
laufenden Produktion durchgeführt werden
mussten, wurde im September 2012 begonnen. Der Einbau der Wärmetauscher in die
Abgasleitungen der Gießerei erfolgte während
des alljährlichen Werksstillstand zum Jahresende 2012.
Für beide Unternehmen bringt das Projekt
Vorteile: Aleris kann die Abwärme aus dem
Gießereiprozess einer weiteren energetischen
Nutzung zuführen und erhält eine angemessene Vergütung für
die Wärmelieferung.
Avangard spart Investitionen in eigene
wird keine zusätzliche
Primärenergie benötigt und zugleich der
CO2-Ausstoß jährlich
um 5.000 Tonnen verringert. Das entspricht
durchschnittlichen Jahresverbrauch
an CO2 für Heizen und
Beispiel 3: Aleris beliefert Kunden bundesweit
mit Flüssigaluminium. Dabei werden Strecken
von bis zu 400 km zurückgelegt. Bei der Ankunft muss das Flüssigmetall eine Temperatur
von mindestens 780 °C aufweisen – ganz
gleich, welchen (Umwelt-)Gegebenheiten es
während des Transports ausgesetzt war. Sommer und Winter, Regen und Sonne, Transportzeit, Verkehrslage usw. haben einen direkten
Einfluss auf die Metalltemperatur. Daher
wurde die Aluminiumschmelze bisher häufig
über das notwendige Maß hinaus erhitzt, um
sie so sicher und innerhalb des erforderlichen
Temperaturbereichs an den Zielort transportieren zu können.
Im Rahmen des vom Bundesministerium
für Bildung und Forschung geförderten Projekts „Smith“ wurde ein multisensorisches
System zur Speicherung und Übertragung von
transportrelevanten Daten entwickelt. Das
System misst eine Vielzahl von Informationen
wie die Transportdauer, Temperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit, Niederschlagsdichte und andere
Einflussfaktoren. Diese Informationen werden verarbeitet und zur Prognostizierung der
richtigen Temperatur zukünftiger Transporte
genutzt. Mithilfe der erhobenen Daten wird
die optimale Abfahrtstemperatur individuell
für jeden Transport festgelegt, um die richtige
Ankunftstemperatur des Flüssigaluminiums in
jedem Fall sicherstellen zu können.
Dank dieser Technologie kann Aleris nun
auf die Überhitzung des Metalls verzichten und
damit seine Energieeffizienz steigern und die
CO2-Bilanz des Unternehmens um mehr als
zehn Prozent senken. Denn mit jedem Container werden 750 kg CO2 eingespart, was einer
jährlichen CO2-Reduktion von 3.131 Tonnen
Transport von Flüssigmetall durch Aleris
sMs group: auftragsvergabe zurückhaltend,
aluminiumgeschäft weitgehend stabil
Wie bereits ein Jahr zuvor war das Markt­
umfeld für den metallurgischen Anlagen­
und Maschinenbau 2013 schwierig und
durch eine niedrige Investitionsbereit­
schaft vor allem der Stahlproduzenten
gekennzeichnet. Die erwartete leichte Er­
holung stellte sich nicht ein. Positive Im­
pulse kamen vornehmlich aus asiatischen
Entwicklungsländern und vor allem bei
Anlagen zur Erzeugung von NE­Produk­
ten wie Aluminium. China war auch 2013
der größte Einzelmarkt für metallurgische
Anlagen. Die Marktaktivität in Europa
und Südamerika blieb bis auf wenige
Projekte verhalten. Entsprechend ver­
halten entwickelte sich das Geschäft der
SMS group. Auch für 2014 erwartet der
Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der SMS
Holding GmbH, Burkhard Dahmen, keine
grundlegende Trendumkehr.
As already a year previously, the market
for metallurgical plant and mechanical
engineering in 2013 was difficult and
characterised by a reluctance by steel
producers to invest. The expected slight
recovery did not materialise. Positive im­
pulses came mainly from Asian develop­
ing countries, above all with plant for the
production of nonferrous products such
as aluminium. Again in 2013 China was
the largest individual market for metal­
lurgical plants. Market activity in Europe
and South America remained limited
apart from a few projects. The business
of the SMS group developed in a cor­
respondingly limited manner. Burkhard
Dahmen, spokesman of the managing
board of SMS Holding, does not expect to
see any fundamental reversal of this trend
in the current year as well.
As Mr Dahmen explained at the annual press
conference of the SMS group, in 2013 order
intakes rose to 3.3 billion euros. However, that
increase by 17 percent was largely based on
the inclusion on Paul Wurth for the first time.
Turnover was up to 3.5 billion euros (+9%).
In contrast, the group’s pre­tax profit, at 178
million euros, was 31 percent lower than in
the previous year. Profit margin on turnover
amounted to 5.1 percent. The group’s order
stock fell to 5.0 billion euros (­8%). “This
value no longer provides a sufficient basis for
full utilisation of our capacities,” said Mr Dah­
In particular the business area SMS Sie­
mag – consisting of the divisions coke ovens,
sintering plants and blast furnace plants from
Paul Wurth as well as metallurgical technol­
ogy, continuous casters for flat products, hot
and cold rolling mills, aluminium plants, strip
© SMS group
Wie Dahmen auf der Jahrespressekonferenz
der SMS group erläuterte, stieg der Auftrags­
eingang 2013 auf 3,3 Mrd. Euro. Der Anstieg
sMs Group: customers exercise restraint with
regards order, but aluminium largely stable
Six-high cold rolling mill
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
processing lines, furnace technology, electrical
equipment and automation and services – is
directly affected by the reluctance of custom­
ers to place orders. The tendency is to award
contracts initially for the engineering and to
make the subsequent ordering of equipment
depend on further market development. This
makes it difficult to plan the utilisation of ca­
pacities in the group.
Although the design and production capaci­
ties in the main areas of the SMS group are
still occupied until the third quarter of 2014,
there is expected to be underemployment in
some sectors. Above all, the management of
SMS Siemag expects the volume of business to
be substantially lower in the next years than
in previous ones. Against that background a
cost­cutting programme has been initiated in
the areas of administration, engineering and
production, which entails staffing cuts.
Whereas steel business is not doing well,
business related to plants for the hot and cold
rolling of aluminium and for strip treatment
remains largely stable. “Apart from continued
investments in plants for packaging material
and beverage cans made of aluminium, we
expect a continued period of strong demand
in the vehicle manufacturing and transport in­
dustries. Clearly, the lightweight material alu­
minium is set to play an even more important
role in the manufacture of ships, autos, trains
and aircraft in coming years. This will further
reduce fuel consumption and environmental
impacts,” explained Mr Dahmen.
Besides investment in new plants, the mod­
ernisation business is also becoming more im­
portant. An example of this is the modernisa­
tion work carried out at Aluminium Norf in
Neuss, Germany, the world’s largest alumin­
ium rolling plant. SMS Siemag was contracted
to modernise the rougher of the hot mill No. 1,
supplied by SMS in 1967. Following the suc­
cessful revamp at the end of 2013, the first
billet was rolled at the beginning of this year.
Then, in April 2013, SMS Siemag was also
awarded the contract for the second stage of
the upgrade. A new edging stand will be in­
stalled on the rougher in late 2014 to reduce
SMS Siemag plans to satisfy the growing
market demands in its aluminium business
with innovative technological solutions: take
for instance the development of new processes
that ensure exact control of the rolling tem­
peratures in tandem cold rolling. This makes it
possible to influence the metallurgical behav­
iour inside the strip to create better textures.
This development reduces earing in the deep­
drawing process for cans.
The business area SMS Meer comprises
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
um 17 Prozent basierte jedoch weitgehend auf bedeutendere Schlüsselrolle bei der Herstel­
die erstmalige Einbeziehung von Paul Wurth. lung von Schiffen, Autos, Zügen und Flug­
Der Umsatz stieg auf 3,5 Mrd. EUR (+9%). zeugen spielen und zu einer weiteren Reduk­
Das Gruppenergebnis vor Steuern in Höhe tion von Treibstoffverbrauch und Umweltbe­
von 178 Mio. Euro lag dagegen 31 Prozent lastungen beitragen“, erklärte Dahmen.
Neben Investitionen in neue Anlagen wird
unter dem Vorjahreswert. Die Umsatzrentabi­
lität betrug 5,1 Prozent. Der Auftragsbestand auch das Modernisierungsgeschäft an Bedeu­
der Gruppe sank auf 5,0 Mrd. Euro (­8%). tung gewinnen. Ein Beispiel dafür ist die Mo­
„Dieser Wert bildet keine ausreichende Basis dernisierung bei der Aluminium Norf GmbH
mehr für die vollständige Auslastung unserer in Neuss, dem größten Aluminiumwalzwerk
der Welt. SMS Siemag wurde mit der Moder­
Kapazitäten“, so Dahmen.
Besonders der Unternehmensbereich SMS nisierung des Vorgerüstes der 1967 von SMS
Siemag, der sich in die Bereiche Kokereien, gelieferten Warmstraße 1 beauftragt. Nach
Sinteranlagen und Hochöfen von Paul Wurth dem erfolgreichen Umbau Ende 2013 konnte
sowie Hüttentechnik, Stranggießanlagen für Anfang dieses Jahres der erste Barren gewalzt
Flachprodukte, Warmwalz­ und Kaltwalzwer­ werden. Im April 2013 erhielt SMS Siemag
ke, Aluminiumanlagen, Bandanlagen, Ther­ auch den Zuschlag für die zweite Stufe der
mische Prozesstechnik, Elektrik und Auto­ Modernisierung der Warmstraße 1. So wird
mation sowie Service gliedert, spürt die Zu­ Ende dieses Jahres zur weiteren Senkung der
rückhaltung der Kunden bei der Vergabe von Nebenzeiten ein neuer Staucher am Vorgerüst
Aufträgen. Tendenz ist, dass zunächst nur installiert.
Mit neuen technischen Lösungen will SMS
das Engineering in Auftrag gegeben wird und
die wachsenden Marktanforderungen
die sich daran anschließende Bestellung der
erfüllen: So werden
Ausrüstung von der weiteren Marktentwick­
eine gezielte Steu­
lung abhängig gemacht wird. Dies belastet die
Planungssicherheit hinsichtlich der Auslegung
der Walztemperaturen beim Tandem­
der Kapazitäten.
kaltwalzen ermöglichen. Die metallurgischen
Obwohl die Konstruktions­ und Fertigungs­ Vorgänge im Band können so gezielt beein­
kapazitäten in den tragenden Bereichen der flusst werden, um die Texturausbildung vor­
SMS group noch bis ins dritte Quartal 2014 teilhaft zu prägen. Die Entwicklung reduziert
ausgelastet sind, wird nun in einigen Berei­ die Zipfelbildung beim Tiefziehen von Do­
chen mit Unterbeschäftigung gerechnet. Vor sen.
Die SMS Meer gliedert sich in die Ge­
allem für die SMS Siemag geht das Manage­
ment für die nächsten Jahre von einem deut­ schäftsbereiche Stahlwerke und Stranggieß­
lich niedrigeren Geschäftsvolumen als in den technik für Langprodukte, Rohranlagen, Pro­
Vorjahren aus. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde filwalzwerke, Schmiedetechnik, NE­Metallan­
mit Blick auf die Verwaltung, das Engineering lagen, Wärmetechnik sowie Service.
und die Fertigung ein Kos­
eingeleitet, das auch Per­
sonalkürzungen nicht aus­
Während das Stahl­Ge­
schäft leidet, verlief das
Geschäft mit Anlagen zum
Warm­ und Kaltwalzen
von Aluminium sowie zur
Bandveredelung weitge­
hend stabil. „Neben anhal­
tenden Investitionen bei
Anlagen in den Bereichen
Verpackungsmaterial und
Getränkedosen aus Alu­
minium erwarten wir wei­
ter eine hohe Nachfrage
im Bereich Fahrzeugbau
und Transportindustrie.
Der Leichtbauwerkstoff
Aluminium wird in den 32/35-MN-Kurzhub-Frontlader-Presse
nächsten Jahren eine noch 32/35-MN short-stroke, front-loading press
the divisions steelmaking plants and continu­
ous casting technology for long products, tube
plants, long products plants, forging technol­
ogy, nonferrous metals plants, heat treatment
technology and services.
The forging technology sector is benefit­
ing from a stable market situation. Among
others, this relates to hydraulic presses, ex­
trusion presses and closed­die forging plants.
Whereas the high price of copper has led to a
distinct downturn of investments by customers
in the NF­metals plants sector, the worldwide
demand for aluminium plants has remained
In 2013 Sapa Profiles in Hungary commis­
sioned SMS Meer to supply a 32/35­MN ex­
trusion press, which achieves short idle times
and high productivity thanks to improved hy­
draulics. Further extrusion presses have been
ordered, among others, by Aluminium Laufen
(Switzerland), Indalum (Chile) and Altaiseer
Aluminium (Saudi Arabia).
The business of Hertwich Engineering in
Austria, which belongs to SMS Meer, has also
developed very successfully with its range of
melting and recycling furnaces and homog­
enising units for billets, which include fully
automatic ultrasound testing equipment and
handling systems. As the only complete sup­
plier in the field of aluminium foundry equip­
ment, SMS Meer can offer complete aggre­
gates – whether for vertical or horizontal con­
tinuous casting – all from the same source.
During the past business year the market
for heating technology has maintained its up­
swing, which has resulted in increased order
intake. As before, demand from the automo­
tive industry for inductive heating plants re­
mains high. With the takeover of I.A.S., SMS
Meer offers an even wider range of attractive
technologies such as aluminium billet heating.
Companies such as Aluminium Laufen and
Wilhelm Schulz rely on Temp­Pro heater tech­
nology to generate exact temperature profiles
in aluminium billets.
outlook in the current business year
As recently as the beginning of this year the
SMS group expected a boost to its business due
to the customer’s hopes that the steel market
had bottomed out. Those expectations were
not fulfilled, so that customers are still reluc­
tant to make investments. Furthermore, politi­
cal uncertainty in the sales markets of Russia,
the Ukraine and Venezuela, which are impor­
tant for SMS, are affecting its business.
Against that background Mr Dahmen ex­
pects a further downturn of order intakes, and
of the company’s profits as well, in the current
business year.
Vorhersagemodelle auf Grundlage großer Datenmengen
Bei der Erzeugung und Verarbeitung von Stahl
und NE-Metallen laufen teilweise sehr komplexe
Vorgänge ab, die nicht nur über die Güte des
Erzeugnisses, sondern auch über die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Verfahrens entscheidet. Im Rahmen
einer Fachpresseveranstaltung präsentierte die
SMS group ein Lösungsbeispiel, bei dem aus
großen verdichteten Datenmengen die komplexen Vorgänge in einem Stahlkonverter in Echtzeit analysiert und zur Steuerung des Prozesses
und Vorhersage des Ergebnisses eingesetzt werden. Entwickelt wurde das Modell im Rahmen
der Initiative „Industrie 4.0“ in enger Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Lehrstuhl für Künstliche
Intelligenz der TU Dortmund, der AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke als Betreiber des Konverters
sowie der SMS group als zukunftsorientiertem
Anlagenbauer. Die Anwendung kann im Prinzip
entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette von
Aluminium- oder Stahlprodukten sinnvoll und ergebnisorientiert erfolgen. Der Einstieg in die Anwendung des Modells wird dadurch erleichtert,
dass für die Analysen nicht nur neu gewonnene
Datenmengen verwendet werden. Vielmehr be-
steht die Möglichkeit, auch vorhandene Daten so
aufzubereiten, dass sie für die Steuerung eines
Prozesses aussagefähig werden.
Neben der Prozesssteuerung vor Ort bietet
das Modell auch die Möglichkeit, die jeweilige
Produktionsanlage „ins Büro zu holen“. Damit
können Prozesse in Echtzeit am Bildschirm abgebildet, variiert und letztlich optimiert werden.
Mit ihrem „Plug & Work“-System ist SMS Siemag
bereits einen wichtigen Schritt in diese Richtung
gegangen. Hiermit kann zum Beispiel der Kunde eines Walzgerüstes den Walzvorgang aus
verschiedenen Blickwinkeln in einem virtuellen
3D-Raum zu Trainingszwecken in Echtzeit erleben und dabei lange vor der Montage in seinem
Werk auch Einfluß, etwa auf die Gestaltung des
Steuerpultes, nehmen.
Die SMS group als Anlagenbauer sieht in der
Anwendung des vorgestellten Vorgehens die
Möglichkeit, ihren Kunden neben der Expertise
in Mechanik, Elektrik und Automatisierung
künftig auch die Verwendung der beim Prozess
anfallenden Datenmengen zum erweiterten Nutzen anbieten zu können.
Das Segment Schmiedetechnik profitierte von
einer stabilen Marktlage. Dies betrifft unter
anderem die hydraulischen Pressen, Strang­
pressen sowie Gesenkschmiedeanlagen. Wäh­
rend der hohe Kupferpreis bei den Kunden
des Bereichs NE­Metallanlagen zu einer deut­
lichen Investitionszurückhaltung führte, war
die Nachfrage nach Aluminiumanlagen welt­
weit stabil.
Sapa Profiles aus Ungarn hat SMS Meer
2013 mit der Lieferung einer 32/35­MN­
Strangpresse beauftragt, die dank einer ver­
besserten Hydraulik kurze Nebenzeiten und
hohe Produktivität bietet. Weitere Strangpres­
sen wurden unter anderem von Aluminium
Laufen (Schweiz), Indalum (Chile) und Altai­
seer Aluminium (Saudi­Arabien) bestellt.
Sehr erfolgreich entwickelt sich auch das
Geschäft der zur SMS Meer gehörenden
Hertwich Engineering GmbH aus Österreich
mit ihrem Angebot an Schmelz­ und Recy­
clingöfen sowie Homogenisierungsanlagen für
Rundbarren einschließlich vollautomatischer
Ultraschall­Prüfeinrichtungen und Handling­
systeme. Als einziger Komplettanbieter auf
dem Gebiet der Aluminium­Gießeinrichtun­
gen kann SMS Meer sämtliche Aggregate – ob
für Vertikal­ oder Horizontalstranggießanla­
gen – aus einer Hand anbieten.
Der Markt für Wärmetechnik hat im abge­
laufenen Geschäftsjahr seinen Aufschwung
fortgesetzt, was sich in einem gestiegenen
Auftragseingang niedergeschlagen hat. Nach
wie vor herrscht von der Automobilindustrie
ausgehend große Nachfrage nach induktiven
Erwärmungsanlagen. Mit der Übernahme der
I.A.S. bietet SMS Meer zudem interessante
technische Lösungen wie die Aluminiumbol­
zenerwärmung. Firmen wie Aluminium
Laufen und Wilhelm Schulz setzten auf die
Temp­Pro­Heater­Technologie zur Erzeugung
exakter Temperaturprofile in Aluminiumbol­
ausblick auf das laufende Geschäftsjahr
Noch zu Jahresbeginn hatte die SMS group
aufgrund der kundenseitig erhofften Boden­
bildung des Stahlmarktes positive Auswir­
kungen auf ihr Geschäft erwartet. Diese Er­
wartungen haben sich nicht erfüllt, sodass die
Investitionsbereitschaft der Kunden weiterhin
verhalten ist. Zusätzlich belasten politische
Unsicherheiten in den für SMS wichtigen Ab­
satzmärkten Russland, Ukraine und Venezue­
la das Geschäft.
Vor diesem Hintergrund erwartet Dahmen
für das aktuelle Geschäftsjahr 2014 einen
weiteren Rückgang des Auftragseingangs und
auch des Ergebnisses.
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
fuchs-Gruppe investiert in hydraulische schmiedepresse
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
über Schmiedeaktivitäten in Nordamerika,
Europa, Südafrika und China, im Wesent­
lichen für die Automobil­, Luftfahrt­ und Bau­
industrie sowie den Anlagenbau.
otto fuchs aerospace Group
invests in forging press in the Usa
© Otto Fuchs
Mit dem Spatenstich auf dem Gelände der
US­Tochter Weber Metals in Paramount,
California, hat die Fuchs­Gruppe im April
dieses Jahres den ersten Schritt zur größten
Einzelinvestition in der 104­jährigen Firmen­
geschichte vollzogen.
Die Otto Fuchs KG investiert fast 122 Mio.
Euro in eine hydraulische Presse mit einer
Presskraft von 60.000 Tonnen (550 MN).
Die Presse ist für die Herstellung von Luft­
und Raumfahrt­Produkten aus geschmiedeten
Aluminium­, Titan­ und Nickelwerkstoffen
vorgesehen, die unter anderem in der Flug­
zeugstruktur, in Fahr­ und Triebwerk und bei
Hubschraubern zur Anwendung kommen.
Erste Lieferungen inklusive der erforderlichen
Zulassungen sind für das zweite Halbjahr
2017 geplant.
Die jüngste Großinvestition unterstreicht
die strategische Ausrichtung der Fuchs­Grup­
pe auf den weltweiten Luft­ und Raumfahrt­
markt. Rechtzeitig zum Hochlauf wichtiger
Flugzeug­ und Triebwerksprogramme in der
zweiten Hälfte dieses Jahrzehnts bietet das
Unternehmen seinen Kunden Wertschöpfung
im Dollarraum, Präsenz in Nordamerika und
erweiterte Kapazitäten. Bereits heute beste­
hen zahlreiche Langzeitverträge mit Lauf­
zeiten weit über das Jahr 2017 hinaus.
Die neue Anlage ist die größte Schmiede­
presse, die je in Privatbesitz errichtet worden
ist. Schon 1964 übernahm das Unternehmen
eine Pionierrolle durch die größte private
Schmiedepresse der Welt, mit einer Press­
kraft von 33.000 Tonnen (300 MN) seiner­
zeit auch die größte Presse in Westeuropa.
1982 wurde diese Position durch die 38.000
Tonnen­„Mesta“­Presse bei Weber Metals in
USA erweitert, die vor wenigen Wochen von
der ASM International als „Historischer Mei­
lenstein“ ausgezeichnet wurde.
Auf der Basis bestehender Weiterverarbei­
tungskapazitäten in der kalifornischen Luft­
und Raumfahrt­Zulieferindustrie und den
vorgelagerten Prozessstufen wie der neuen
Aluminium­Lithium­Gießerei, dem Ringwalz­
werk und dem F&E­Zentrum in der Meinerz­
hagener Firmenzentrale bilden Otto Fuchs
Meinerzhagen und Weber Metals die Otto
Fuchs Aerospace Group mit der klaren Aus­
richtung auf zukünftiges „Wachstum oberhalb
des Marktdurchschnitts“, so das Unterneh­
Otto Fuchs mit Sitz in Meinerzhagen ist
eine Firmengruppe in Familienbesitz, mit
9.000 Mitarbeitern und einem Jahresumsatz
von 2,5 Mrd. Euro. Das Unternehmen verfügt
In front from left to right: Hinrich Mählmann, CEO and managing partner Otto Fuchs; Lucille RoybalAllard, Member of Congress, US House of Representatives; Rick J. Creed, president of Weber Metals
In a ground­breaking ceremony at the Weber
Metals facility in Paramount, California, in
mid­April, the Otto Fuchs Aerospace Group
took the first step toward the largest single
equipment investment in the company’s 104
years history. The USD170 million investment
will result in the establishment of a 60,000­
tonne (550 MN) hydraulic press, producing
forgings of aluminium, titanium and nickel
alloys for the aerospace market, specifically
for commercial and military airframe, landing
gear, helicopter and aero turbine applications
as well as super­large forgings required in
other industries. Production is planned to start
in late 2017, following required qualifica­
The massive investment continues a 10­
year strategic trend during which the Otto
Fuchs Group has invested heavily to expand
its service to the worldwide aerospace market.
The press will be operational in time to coin­
cide with the ramp­up of the major airframe
and aero­engine programmes in the second
half of this decade, and will be supported by
numerous long­term contracts with customers,
extending well into the next decade.
The new press will be the largest forging
unit of its kind on the American continent. As
early as 1964, Otto Fuchs pioneered the Eu­
ropean forging industry by erecting a 33,000­
tonne (300 MN) hydraulic press in Germany,
at that time the largest press in Western Eu­
rope and at the same time the biggest press
installed with private investment. This was
repeated in 1982 with the installation of the
38,000­tonne (350 MN) ‘Mesta Press’ at We­
ber Metals, which was recently designated as
a ‘Historic Landmark’ by ASM International.
Supported by downstream operations in
the California aerospace supply chain and up­
stream capabilities such as a new aluminium­
lithium casthouse, ring rolling capability and
an R&D­Centre in Meinerzhagen, Germany,
Otto Fuchs and Weber Metals (forming the
Otto Fuchs Aerospace Group) are positioned
for future “growth well above market aver­
age,“ according to the company.
Headquartered in Meinerzhagen, family­
owned Otto Fuchs Group employs around
9,000 people; annual turnover amounts to 2.5
billion euros (USD3.5bn). Weber Metals is a
California Corp. and wholly owned subsidiary
of Otto Fuchs KG. The Otto Fuchs Group has
forging activities in four continents including
locations in the USA, various European coun­
tries, South Africa and China.
Die Otto Junker GmbH feiert 90­jähriges
Jubiläum. Der renommierte Hersteller
komplexer Industrieofenanlagen für die
Metallurgie und Lieferant einbaufertiger
Edelstahlgussteile wird zu diesem Anlass
am 5. September eine Ofenbautagung
durchführen, die am Vortag mit einer
feierlichen Abendveranstaltung eröffnet
wird. Dabei stehen die Verdienste des Fir­
mengründers und die erfolgreichen tech­
nischen Entwicklungen des Unternehmens
nebst Ausblick auf die künftigen Heraus­
forderungen im Mittelpunkt. Im Rahmen
der Ofenbautagung werden Kunden und
Partner mit Vorträgen über Neuentwick­
lungen und Trends informiert. Ergänzt
wird das Tagungsprogramm durch Vor­
führungen und Demonstrationen an Hand
von Versuchseinrichtungen und Modellen
sowie einer Betriebsbesichtigung.
Weltweit befinden sich mehrere tausend In­
dustrieöfen von Otto Junker im Einsatz. Die
Anlagen zum Schmelzen, Gießen und für die
Wärmebehandlung von metallischen Werk­
stoffen werden überall dort benötigt, wo pass­
genaue Schmiede­ oder Gussstücke sowie
hochwertige Halbzeuge aus den verschiedens­
ten Metallen gefragt sind.
Schon die Anfangsjahre des 1924 in Lam­
mersdorf in der Eifel gegründeten Unterneh­
mens standen ganz im Zeichen der Metallver­
arbeitung. Otto Junker rief den Betrieb ins
Leben, um die von seinem Vater erfundene
wassergekühlte Kokille zu vermarkten. Enga­
giert hat sich der Firmengründer in der Folge­
zeit beim Ausbau des Unternehmens um die
Entwicklung und Fertigung neuartiger Maschi­
nen und Anlagen eingesetzt und dabei eine
enge Beziehung zur RWTH in dem Bewusst­
sein gepflegt, dass die ständige technische Ent­
wicklung für ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen
unverzichtbar ist.
So war es nur folgerichtig, dass die 1970
von ihm gegründete Stiftung, die nach dem
Tod von Otto Junker als alleinige Eigentüme­
rin der Otto Junker GmbH fungiert, die För­
derung von Wissenschaft und Technik sowie
des Ingenieurnachwuchses an der RWTH als
Stiftungszweck hat. Die enge Kooperation mit
den Bereichen Elektrotechnik und Hütten­
wesen der Hochschule in Aachen ist nach wie
vor Basis für wichtige Innovationen.
Die Anforderungen an den Industrieofen­
bau sind hoch. Neben der exakteren Einhal­
tung der Prozessparameter und dem Druck
nach stetiger Leistungssteigerung rücken zu­
© Otto Junker
90 Jahre otto Junker
Die Geschäftsführung der Otto Junker GmbH, v.l.n.r.: Frank Donsbach, Atilla Somuncu, Markus D. Werner
(Vorsitzender), Elmar Westhoff.
nehmend Fragen rund um die Energieeffizienz
in den Vordergrund. Schließlich werden etwa
40 Prozent des industriellen Energiebedarfs
von Industrieöfen verbraucht und fast 70
Prozent des Energieverbrauches einer Gie­
ßerei werden für den Schmelzprozess ver­
wendet. Otto Junker hat mit der Entwicklung
und dem Einsatz energiesparender Ofentech­
nik sowohl auf dem Gebiet der Schmelz­ als
auch der Wärmebehandlungsanlagen einen
wesentlichen Beitrag zur Energieeffizienz
geleistet. Die erreichten Einsparungen gegen­
über konventionellen Technologien und Anla­
gen können bis zu 30 Prozent betragen.
Die Produkte unserer Zeit erfordern teil­
weise neue metallische Werkstoffe bzw. Werk­
stoffe mit wesentlich verbesserten Eigenschaf­
ten, für deren Herstellung spezielle Industrie­
öfen notwendig sind. Diesen Anforderungen
stellt sich Otto Junker mit erfolgreichen Ent­
wicklungen: Beispiele sind Induktionsöfen für
die Raffination von Silizium für die Fotovol­
taik und Anlagen für das qualitätsgerechte
Vergüten von Bauteilen aus neuartigen Alu­
Die Erschließung neuer Anwendungsge­
biete, die technologische Optimierung der
Stahlgussfertigung sowie der weitere Ausbau
der mechanischen Bearbeitung kennzeichnen
die Arbeit der eigenen Edelstahlgießerei. Sy­
nergieeffekte werden durch die Zusammenar­
beit zwischen den Anlagenbaubereichen und
der Gießerei des Unternehmens erzielt.
Die Grundstrategie hat sich seit der Firmen­
gründung nicht geändert: Innovationen zur
Weiter­ und Neuentwicklung der Produkte
und Investitionen zur Stärkung der Ferti­
gungsbasis am Standort Lammersdorf. Dabei
stehen der Kundennutzen und die Kundenzu­
friedenheit im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit.
Chargierung von Bundglühofen der Bauart Otto Junker mit Aluminiumcoils
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Kobe steel and toyota tsusho looking
to produce automotive sheet in the Us
The proposed venture would be a collabora­
tive effort between Kobe and Toyota Tsusho,
a trading arm of the Toyota Group. The key
objective would be to begin production of
aluminium sheet for automotive body panels
– and also heat exchangers – in the USA in
In the envisaged joint venture scheme,
Kobe Steel would be responsible for produc­
tion, quality assurance and business opera­
tions while Toyota Tsusho would undertake
Toyota Motor Corp. is following its American
rivals Ford and GM in their striving to significantly expand the use of aluminium body
panels and structures. It is reported that the
Japanese automaker has already launched
an aluminium-intensive design programme
for the 2018 Camry model. This would be
another major step in the global shift toward
increased aluminium usage in cars and trucks.
The current Camry model already uses aluminium sheet for the hood and roof but starting
in 2018 a large majority of the body panels,
including the doors and trunk, will be made
of aluminium too.
The planned joint venture between Kobe
Steel and Toyota Tsusho to produce automotive aluminium sheet in the US can be read as
the first step in the Camry transition to aluminium. The mid-size model Camry has been
the best-selling car in America for eleven of
the past twelve years, according to Toyota.
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
the important
role of market­
ing the prod­
ucts. The two
companies say
that the equip­
ment involved
in the venture
will mainly cov­
er downstream
production op­
sourcing of the
the aluminium
Steel is cur­
rently in discus­
sions with US
company Wise Kobe Steel is considering a plan to penetrate the US market for aluminium automosheet via a joint venture with a Toyota Group holding. The auto industry is alAlloys, based in tive
ready encouraging new capital investment from established sheet producers, includMuscle Shoals, ing Novelis’ recently announced USD100m programme in the USA to expand at OsAlabama, a ma­ wego, New York. The photo shows aluminium coils at Kobe’s Moka Plant in Japan.
jor US producer
of aluminium can stock for the beverage and also their leading American and European
food industries.
counterpart hold Kobe Steel in high regard
This business initiative comes at a time for its automotive aluminium products.
when more automakers are increasingly turn­
Capitalising on this strength, Kobe Steel is
ing from steel to aluminium for developing accelerating its global expansion to meet the
lighter vehicles to meet increasingly stringent growing demand for aluminium panel mate­
fuel­economy standards.
rial. In June 2013, the company announced
For example, in the USA alone, corporate that it had entered into a technical coopera­
average fuel economy (Cafe) standards have tion agreement with Germany’s Hydro Alu­
become increasingly stringent in recent years. minium Rolled Products GmbH for aluminium
Cars will be required to achieve a 25% im­ sheet used in automotive body panels. In Sep­
provement in fuel efficiency by 2016, com­ tember 2013, Kobe Steel reached a decision
pared with 2011, and by 2025, fuel efficiency to establish Kobelco Automotive Aluminum
will be required to double. With this back­ Rolled Products (China) to produce sheet for
ground and market incentive, automakers are automotive body panels in Tianjin, China.
rapidly taking steps to make lighter cars. One Construction of the plant is on schedule with
effective way is through the increasing use of operations to begin in early 2016.
The new manufacturing facilities would
aluminium panel material. North American
demand for aluminium body panels is antici­ expand Kobe’s existing aluminium production
pated to increase substantially from the cur­ network, which comprises operations in Japan
rent level of around 100,000 tonnes a year to and its metal forming business already estab­
lished in the USA.
over one million tonnes in 2020.
Kobe Steel claims that it is looking to fur­
Kobe Steel maintains more than a 50%
share of the Japanese market for aluminium ther strengthen its automotive aluminium
panel material. Since the 1980s, the company business around the world by continuing to
has been providing total solutions covering meet the global procurement requirements of
materials development, analysis and design, its customers.
together with processing and joining tech­
Ken Stanford, contributing editor
nologies. Not only Japanese automakers, but
© Kobe Steel
The markedly increased appetite of world
auto manufacturers for aluminium car
body sheet is being driven by demands
for vehicle trends of lightweighting and
fuel efficiency. In turn, this has encour­
aged significant investment in aluminium
BiW sheet production by industry majors
around the world, as previously reported
in ALUMINIUM. In another new move
Japanese companies Kobe Steel Ltd and
Toyota Tsusho Corporation are looking
to establish a joint venture to produce
and market aluminium sheet for automo­
tive body panels and heat exchangers in
the United States. The two companies
plan to conduct further studies with the
aim of concluding an agreement for the
joint venture by the end of September
this year.
What will drive the aluminium price in h2?
The principal questions among those
involved in the aluminium business are:
when will the aluminium price rise and
where will premiums head for? Almost all
industry participants expect the alumin­
ium price to rise although they are un­
certain, when this trend will begin. With
regard to premiums, opinions are more
divided: there is good reason for either
direction, up or down.
In general, opinions about the aluminium price
have improved: more and more industry ex­
perts and company representatives forecast
that the market will turn to a deficit this year, at
least outside China. Base metals traders keep
a close eye on the LME price and a possible
breakout above USD1,900/t. Yet, there is not
much sense in talking about a deficit knowing
that exports of semis from China exceed 4m
tpy and thus negatively influence the demand
for primary aluminium from manufacturers in
the rest of Asia and the world. If the market
was in a real deficit, then no doubt the LME
price would be much higher than today.
However, many analysts are not optimistic
and far from being bullish. They argue that
the deficit should persist for years to reduce
high inventories. Furthermore, any significant
price increase is likely to be capped because
there is huge idle smelter capacity around the
world. Current global capacity utilisation is be­
low 80 percent, providing much scope for the
restart of closed potlines. “There are about one
million tonnes of idle capacity outside China
that could restart if prices rise by USD300/t,”
says Eoin Dinsmore, senior consultant at CRU.
China will see another year of surplus due to
new capacities, especially in the north­west­
ern province of Xinjiang, that overcompensate
production cuts in other regions. Moreover,
new capacities, some 1.5m tonnes, mostly in
the Persian Gulf and India, will (or have al­
ready) come on stream this year, and that will
also put pressure on the price in the second
half of the year.
Market trends – better times ahead
European market participants are preparing for
a further increase in premiums before a sea­
sonal slowdown this summer. Persistent metal
flow into financing deals and long queues at
the two predominant LME depots in Detroit
and Vlissingen saw premiums at record highs
in the USA, Europe and Japan (USD400/t);
Brazil even saw USD600/t. Metal Bulletin’s
European duty­paid aluminium premium
amounted to USD405­435/t towards the end
of June, while the duty­unpaid premium was
The export ban on bauxite from Indone­
sia, China’s main supplier until January 2014,
has had no influence on the production and
price of aluminium so far, due to huge accu­
mulated bauxite stocks which are sufficient for
the entire production of aluminium in China
this year. Indonesia accounted for more than
10% of the global bauxite supply before the
government imposed a ban to foster a local
refining industry, according to analysts at
Goldman Sachs. Although many market par­
ticipants see this issue as the main support for
higher aluminium prices within the next six to
...supported by continued strong premiums
Source: LME, Macquarie Research, June 2014
All-in aluminium has been buoyant in 2014...
twelve months, that is not quite certain. China
is increasing its own bauxite production and
looking for an alternative sourcing in Australia
and elsewhere.
Moreover, Indonesian alumina projects
may well be put on hold until a legal challenge
to the ore­export ban is ruled on some time in
August or September. The court is expected
to resume the hearing after the presidential
elections in July. It is not excluded that the
export ban will be suspended by 2015, at least
partially, and deliveries to China will be re­
After all, the so called ‘all­in’ price (LME
+ premiums) is substantially higher than the
LME cash price, thus enabling all major pro­
ducers to be cash­positive at present. The
premiums could continue to rise unless the
availability of LME stocks improves. Another
characteristic for all major producers is that
they are competing to reduce aluminium pro­
duction, in contrast to a few years ago when
they were struggling to become the world­
largest producer – a race that UC Rusal prides
itself on having won in the end.
The reduction in LME inventories to 5.1m
tonnes, some 360,000 tonnes down year­to­
date, rather shows a repositioning of alumin­
ium from higher­cost LME warehouses to
lower­rent, off­warrant warehouses as banks,
hedge funds and financial institutions involved
in the stock and financing deals look to reduce
their costs and maximise returns. Global in­
ventories, both monitored and unmonitored,
will amount to a record 15.8m tonnes by the
end of 2014, compared with 13.8m tonnes last
year, Wood Mackenzie estimates.
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The average primary aluminium output ex­
cluding China was 67,500 tonnes per day in
May, compared with an output of 67,300 t/d
in April, and 68,100 t/d in May 2013, latest
IAI data show. The total world production
(ex China) during May amounted to 2.093m
tonnes, almost 3.6% higher compared with the
previous month when production amounted
to 2.020m tonnes. Production in May 2013
was 2.111m tonnes. The primary aluminium
output during the first five months of the year
totalled 10.108m tonnes. The average produc­
tion during the five­month period was 66,900
t/d. The total output during the correspond­
ing five­month period in 2013 was 10.312m
tonnes at an average rate of 68,300 t/d.
The recent case of missed aluminium stocks
in China put banks on red alert for future
lending. China’s leading commodities trad­
ing company Citic Resources said that it was
missing 123,000 tonnes of aluminium prod­
ucts and more than 100,000 tonnes of alu­
mina (among other metals and raw materials)
held in Qingdao port, in a fraud debacle that
threatens to pummel confidence in the coun­
try’s vast non­bank lending market. A Chinese
mining group allegedly used the same com­
modity stocks as collateral for loans of more
than USD2.5 billion from different banks,
state­run media reported, with its other lend­
ers also including Standard Chartered, HSBC,
and BNP Paribas. Using the same assets to
secure loans from multiple lenders has been
common in China, with borrowers taking ad­
vantage of banks failing to share information
on collaterals, a bank manager said. It is not
clear whether this case will have an impact on
the aluminium price, though even just men­
tioning that some 123,000 tonnes of alumin­
ium is “missing” may at least psychologically
cause reaction by traders. On the other hand,
investigation and strict control in future may
cause distrust and loan restrictions, resulting
in less trade and possibly a negative impact
on the price.
In conclusion: the LME aluminium price has
reacted to macroeconomic trends, particularly
to China’s economic trend. Premiums, how­
ever, react more sensitively to current market
developments (supply / demand). They rise,
apart from ongoing financing deals and ware­
house queues, due to production cuts and/or
increased demand. In view of the recent in­
crease in oil prices due to turmoil in the Middle
East and Ukraine (Brent over USD110/barrel),
there is limited scope for economic improve­
ment in China and elsewhere in the second
half of 2014, despite stimulus measures. The
same applies to the LME price.
The aluminium deficit in South America
has a supportive effect that will keep premi­
ums high in H2, and possibly even higher for
some time than at present.
The general market climate will be more
upbeat in H2 than in H1, mainly due to some
stimulus measures in China (even if they have
only modest economic effect in the near term)
and rising demand for aluminium, particularly
from transport (automobile and airplane) in­
dustries. But that would be rather a psycholog­
ical effect than a real and sustainable improve­
ment this year. The economic improvement
in major economies and rising aluminium
demand may gather pace in 2015.
china – continuing growth
The Chinese Prime Minister, Li Keqiang, said
that the government would not allow eco­
nomic growth to fall below 7.5% in 2014. To
achieve this target, fixed asset investments,
among other measures, will have to improve
in H2, which should give impetus to demand
for metals and raise prices. Accounting for half
of the global aluminium production and con­
sumption, China is the key for future market
and price developments and trends.
The production of primary aluminium
inched up 0.2% to 1.898m tonnes in May af­
ter falling 4.5% month­on­month in April. The
May production rose 5.7% from a year earlier.
In the first five months of 2014, aluminium
production increased by 7.9% to 9.588m
tonnes, according to the National Bureau of
Statistics. A higher price in June prompted
aluminium smelters to stop closing high­cost
smelters. Some smelters even restarted idle
capacity, industry sources said. More restarts
are expected in the south­western province
of Guizhou after the provincial government
agreed to grant a subsidy on electricity to
aluminium smelters in order to boost the lo­
cal economy. At least two large smelters in
Guizhou reopened shutdown capacity at the
end of May / early June, sources quoted by
Reuters said.
Chalco estimates that China’s aluminium
capacity was 32m tonnes at the end of 2013,
and expects further capacity of 3m tonnes to
come on stream in 2014. With industry uti­
lisation below 80%, oversupply will persist.
Chalco estimates that 1.5m tonnes of capaci­
ties have become idle this year. Of this total,
0.6m tonnes were from Chalco due to poor
economic performance and an attempt to lob­
by for local government support (e. g. cheaper
power tariffs). Chalco forecasts China’s alu­
minium demand to grow by 10% based on a
7.5% GDP growth, but it sees downside risks
to demand in view of slowing property sales
(35% of China’s aluminium consumption) and
a tight credit environment. That said, Chalco
expects a stronger H2 than H1, as mini stimu­
lus policies take effect.
Aluminium capacity growth and utilisation
Source: IAI, Wood Mackenzie, CRU, BNP Paribas estimates and forecasts
america in deficit
Demand for the metal in North America will
exceed production by 1.255m tonnes in 2015,
up from an estimated 1.13m tonnes this year,
partly because of increased shipments to the
region’s auto industry, Jorge Vazquez, the
managing director at researcher Harbor Alu­
minum Intelligence Unit, said at a conference
in Chicago in June.
The physical market in America is stead­
ily tightening. So far, this has been more due
to supply problems, given the ongoing cuts in
North America and the more recent curtail­
ments in Brazil. The North American deficit
is expected to grow to 2m tonnes this year.
South America, previously in surplus, will
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
move into deficit this year, so providing a
new destination for aluminium coming from
the Persian Gulf and Russia, putting additional
pressure on even higher premiums in Europe
in H2.
US service centres shipped 669,900 tonnes
in the first five months of 2014, up 8.6%
from the year­ago period, Metals Service
Centre Institute reported. Shipments stood at
136,300 tonnes of aluminium products in
May, up 3% compared with the same month
in 2013. Inventories of aluminium products at
the end of May stood at 387,500 tonnes, up
5.3% year­on­year. This represents 2.8 months
of aluminium inventory at the current shipping
rate, flat from a year earlier, MSCI said.
Chicago­based MSCI also noted that Ca­
nadian service centres shipped
14,100 tonnes of aluminium prod­
ucts in May, down 2.6% year­on­
year. Canadian shipments for the
first five months of 2014 totalled
66,900 tonnes, a decrease of 0.2%
year­on­year. Canadian service
centre inventories of aluminium
products were 38,700 tonnes at
the end of May, up 4% from a
year ago. At the current shipping
rate, Canada’s aluminium distribu­
tors were carrying 2.7 months of
supply in inventory, up from 2.6
months a year earlier.
high content of aluminium will enter the mar­
ket only in 2018 and 2019 (GM, Fiat­Chrys­
ler). Most delivery / supply contracts between
aluminium sheet producers and carmakers
have been agreed several years in advance,
both for quantities and prices.
Accordingly, this sector of demand will not
necessarily have much influence on the LME
aluminium price at least until 2018. However,
a LME price increase over USD2,500/t will
prompt automobile producers to look for al­
ternative solutions such as high strength, ultra­
light steel. In the long run even carbon fibres
might become an option as they are extremely
light and their currently exorbitant produc­
tion costs will not stay that high forever.
The trend in North America and Europe
may spread to Japan in the meantime, helping
revive consumption of the metal in the trans­
port sector. However, lower fuel consump­
tion standards in the rest of Asia (including
China) will most likely encourage the use of
aluminium in cars more slowly and to a lesser
extent. This may be partially compensated (in
quantity of aluminium used) as more vehicle
units are produced in Asia.
Goran Djukanovic is an aluminium market analyst
located in Podgorica, Montenegro. He is a speaker at
the Aluminium 2014 Conference in Düsseldorf on
the sidelines of the ALUMINIUM 2014 trade fair in
October. Email: gordju@t­com.me.
Projected global growth for primary aluminium
Demand for automotive
sheet on the rise
All major producers of aluminium
sheet for use in the automobile
industry expect a strong boost
of demand in the coming years.
Novelis for example expects glo­
bal demand from carmakers for
aluminium sheet to grow annually
by 30 percent until 2020. Other
companies such as Amag are more
cautious, at least for the next few
years (see graph, though it refers
to rolled products altogether).
Whatsoever, there will be no
significant influence of such de­
mand on the market and price in
the next two to three years. Sev­
eral years will need to pass before
the use of aluminium in automo­
biles spreads to more types of
mass vehicles and not only in lux­
ury models. The new Ford 2015
F­150 pickup truck is a break­
through and ‘game changer’ but
other high­selling models with a
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Projected global growth for rolled products
capital charge – tool for economic screening purposes
P.-h. ter Weer, tWs services & advice
1. Background
A comprehensive economic analysis of a
(bauxite and alumina) project requires de­
veloping yearly Discounted Cash Flows
(DCF – refer section 4) for the lifetime of the
project, accounting for operating and capital
costs (opex and capex), construction period,
production capacity build­up, alumina price,
plant depreciation period, tax rate, discount
rate for the calculation of the Net Present
Value (NPV), etc. However, when an assess­
ment of the economics of a potential project in
its early phase or a preliminary comparison of
several project options is required, the neces­
sary time to execute such an exercise is often
not available and / or its accuracy not needed.
This article describes a useful tool to screen
a (list of) potential project(s), e. g. test it against
a target IRR (Internal Rate of Return) hurdle
rate, when (indicative) capex and opex val­
ues are known, without generating a full DCF
In other words, annual cash flows of USD
100/yr starting after three years of construc­
tion during an operating period of 30 years
represents the same value as USD496 to­
day, when applying a discount rate of 10%.
Stated differently: at a discount rate of 10%
an expense of USD496 today is compensated
by annual cash flows of USD100/yr during
an operating period of 30 years starting af­
ter three years of construction. It would be
tempting to assume that the same applies
to a capital expenditure of USD496 today.
However this is not the case because a capital
depreciation period is included (applicable to
most projects). During this period the capital
investment is generally equally spread and
tax deductible (refer section 4). In the current
analysis a depreciation period of 20 years has
been assumed (typical for many bauxite and
2. net Present Value (nPV)
and capital charge
The NPV is the sum of a project’s annual cash
flows at a selected discount rate which depends
on the industry and includes the cost of capital
and a risk element (refer section 4).
As illustration Table 1 shows at three dis­
count rates the NPV of the sum of discounted
cash flows of USD100/yr based on the follow­
ing assumptions:
• Project construction time: three years,
starting next year.
• Full production from operating year 1
• Capital depreciation period: 20 years.
• Project evaluation period: 30 operating
years after construction.
• Corporate income tax rate: 30%, no tax
NPV of USD100/yr cash flows
over 30 year period2
Representing project hurdle rate (e.g. minimum IRR),
After three years of construction, and after 30% tax
Table 1: Net present value of USD100/yr
cash flows over a 30-year period
(= 100/676*100%), expressed in USD/t
product to its average annual opex, a full cost
is obtained providing a practical method to
check if the project meets (in this example)
a hurdle rate of 10% IRR based on the above
mentioned assumptions.
The capital charge (expressed as percent­
age of project capex to be added to the opex
– both expressed as USD/tA) required to test
a project against a target IRR (project hurdle
rate) is shown in Table 2, which also includes
an approximate range of the capital charge,
reflecting the following variables:
• Project evaluation period (25­30 yr)
• Investment capital phasing (1st yr / 2nd yr /
3rd yr – 20% / 70% / 10% and 33% /
33% / 33%)
• Capital depreciation period (15­20 yr)
• Tax rate (25­35%)
Target IRR
Capital charge to be added to opex for
screening purposes (% of project capex)
Approx. capital charge range1
(% of project capex)
Reflecting different evaluation periods, tax rates, depreciation periods, capital phasing, etc.
Table 2: Capital charge as function of targeted IRR
alumina projects), meaning that 5% of the
capital investment per year is tax deductible
for this period of time. The consequence is
that a capital expenditure of USD676 may be
made (instead of USD496), and still achieve
an IRR of 10%. Along the same line capital
expenditures of USD843 (instead of USD626)
and USD557 (instead of USD401) may be
made, and still achieve IRR’s of 8% respec­
tively 12% (compare numbers in Table 1).
Or putting it differently, and express­
ing everything per tonne of product: if
opex USD/t plus USD100/t ‘capital charge’ =
‘full cost USD/t’ of a project were exactly
equal to the (assumed) unit price of the prod­
uct sold, for instance USD676/t, the IRR of
the project would be 10% based on the above.
And if the full cost were less than the price
for the project’s lifetime, the IRR of the project
would be more than 10%, equal to saying
that the NPV (10%) would be positive.
In other words by adding a ‘capital charge’
in this example of ~15% of the capex
The full cost (in USD/tA) arrived at by add­
ing the opex (in USD/tA) of a project to the
relevant capital charge (expressed as USD/tA)
may also be used for screening purposes to
compare with full costs of other project options
obtained on the same basis.
Fig. 1 graphically shows the capital charge
as function of target IRR.
3. example
Assume a screening hurdle rate of 8% IRR
and a long­term alumina price of USD360/tA,
with other assumptions as above. Will the
following bauxite and alumina projects of 1
million tpy of alumina production (see Table
Average annual opex
($/annual tA)
Table 3: Project examples (numbers per tonne alumina)
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
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Fig. 1:
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3) meet this hurdle rate and which one is the
most attractive?
Applying the above approach a ‘full cost’
can be calculated as shown in Table 4.
Table 4 shows that only projects A and C
meet the hurdle rate of 8% IRR minimum (full
cost of both is less than the assumed alumina
count rate depends on the industry sector and
ordinarily includes the cost of capital and a
risk element. Risks in this context include tech­
nical risks (e.g. geological, operational), eco­
nomic risks (e. g. deteriorating fiscal climate),
and political risks (e.g. political stability of a
country). In the bauxite and alumina industry
Average annual opex
Capital charge at 11.9% of capex1
Full cost
Table 4: Full cost comparison
price of USD360/tA). And project A ranks
higher than C because its full cost is less than
that of project C.
4. Glossary
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis is a
method to evaluate the attractiveness of an
investment opportunity by estimating future
cash flows and taking into consideration the
time value of money (also called capitalisation
of income). The DCF analysis estimates future
cash flows and discounts them to arrive at a
present value which is used to evaluate the
potential for investment – the sum of all fu­
ture cash flows, both incoming and outgoing,
is the net present value (NPV), which is tak­
en as the value or price of the cash flows in
question (see below). If the value arrived at
through DCF analysis is higher than the cur­
rent cost of the investment, the opportunity
may be attractive.
Net Present Value (NPV, M$) is the sum
of a project’s annual cash flows at a selected
interest/discount rate, e. g. NPV(8%). The dis­
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
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To meet the 8% IRR hurdle rate – refer Table 2
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the discount rate typically ranges from about
5­12%. The NPV measures how much value
is added or lost and is often used as prime cri­
terion to assess the attractiveness of an invest­
ment. It is a central tool in the DCF analysis
and is a standard method for using the time
value of money to appraise long­term projects.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR, %) is the dis­
count percentage at which NPV equals zero.
The IRR may be considered a measure of the
‘quality’ of an investment.
Capital depreciation: the gradual reduc­
tion of an asset’s value. It is an expense, but
because it is non­cash, it is often effectively a
tax write­off; that is, a company usually may
reduce its taxable income by the amount of
the depreciation on the asset, thus providing a
source of free cash flow.
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Primary aluminium activities in the first half of 2014, Part I
Rudolf P. Pawlek, Sierre
This review covers the activities of the
primary aluminium industry during the
first half of the year from December 2013
including June 2014. In many regions
some higher-cost smelters have closed
and some new projects have been delayed
or abandoned due to the prolonged low
price of aluminium. Meanwhile, China’s
output continues to rise despite financial
losses and tighter regulations. With world
metal stocks equivalent to nearly half
a year’s production, not even the rapid
growth of aluminium’s use in vehicles can
revive optimism. Part I of the overview
focuses on the regions Africa, America,
Europe and Australia. Part II, to be published in our next issue, will cover the
Gulf, Middle East and Asia.
South Africa: In January BHP Billiton had
started talks with employees at its Bayside
aluminium smelter about possibly closing the
operation because the operation has been under significant and ongoing financial pressure.
Then, in April, BHP announced the cessation
of aluminium smelting activities and associated services at Bayside starting from the
end of June 2014. The casthouse will stay in
operation; it will receive potroom metal from
BHP’s Hillside smelter. The idled capacity will
be 100,000 tpy.
coa’s share of production at the facility was
268,000 tpy, which means the company will
have 86,000 tpy once the cuts are implemented. Alumar, formed in 1984, is a consortium of
Alcoa, Rio Tinto Alcan and BHP Billiton. The
owners each have their own share of capacity.
Accordingly also BHP Billiton cut its respective part of production in the smelter.
At the end of May, Brazil’s competition
regulator, Cade, approved, without restriction,
the sale of Novelis’ energy assets in Minas Gerais to CEI Energética Integrada. The deal includes the sale of seven small working hydropower operations (Salto, Caboclo, Prazeres,
Funil, Fumaça, Furquim and Brito) and of the
Brecha plant. The sale also includes two preoperational companies: the expansion project
at Brito plant and the project to construct a
small hydropower plant in the city of Mariana,
in Minas Gerais state. Novelis generates energy that is used at its own primary aluminium
plants, where production has been falling.
Brazil: At the end of March, Alcoa announced
plans to stop smelting aluminium at its first
plant in Brazil, and will further cut production at another smelter. In detail: Alcoa, which
cut 34,000 tpy capacity at its Poços de Caldas
smelter in Brazil in 2013, now plans to idle
the last three potlines, which have capacity of
62,000 tpy. The company also intends to curtail production at the plant’s alumina refinery,
but it will not be idled. The Poços de Caldas
bauxite mine, aluminium powder plant and
casthouse will continue normal operations.
The Poços de Caldas plant, established in
1965, was Alcoa’s first operation in Brazil.
Alcoa also plans to reduce annual production at its Consorcio de Aluminio do Maranhao (Alumar) smelter in Sao Luis, Brazil, by
85,000 tpy, after slashing 97,000 tonnes of
capacity there in 2013. Before the cuts, Al-
© Alcoa
Alcoa has entered into a new long-term power
supply contract for the Deschambault and BaieComeau plants. The photo shows the casthouse at
Canada: In January Rio Tinto Alcan (RTA)
inaugurated its Arvida aluminium smelter in
Quebec, the first of its kind to be based on
the company’s newly developed AP60 technology. Each production cell of the smelter
will produce around 40% more aluminium
than previous generation technology. The
USD1.1bn smelter, located in Saguenay-LacSt-Jean, has an installed capacity of 60,000 tpy
of aluminium.
Phase I of the AP60 smelter consists of 38
pots, and it includes the infrastructure required
for the subsequent phases, which could bring
total production capacity to 460,000 tpy. The
new AP60 technology platform will allow for
the development of a series of next-generation technologies, permitting further improvements in productivity as well as reductions in
energy and environmental footprint.
AP60 technology was first developed at
Rio Tinto Alcan’s R&D facilities in the RhôneAlpes region of France. Now that the plant is
operational, the Arvida R&D Centre in Jonquière, Quebec, will lead ongoing activities
towards commercialising AP60 technology. It
will also be supported by R&D teams in Voreppe and Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, France.
In January RTA signed an exclusive agreement with Pluri-Capital to purchase the aluminium producer’s casthouse and smelter in
Shawinigan, Quebec. The Shawinigan smelter,
which has a capacity of 100,000 tpy, was idled
in November 2013. RTA confirmed that it will
run the casthouse through the end of 2014.
While other billet production facilities may
produce five to seven diameters of between 7
and 12 inches, the Shawinigan casthouse produces as many as 30 diameters between 3 and
10 inches, with many focused on the smaller
end of the spectrum. Key markets for the products from the Shawinigan casthouse include
hot and cold forgings as well as small-diameter
billet used to make aluminium oxygen tanks
and small propane tanks.
RTA suffered from logistical problems due
to an unusually harsh winter in North America. Cold and snowy weather has made it difficult to get rail cars to and from Quebec on
time, and to replace lost rail car capacity with
trucks. The difficult weather, however, did not
hit the company’s production.
In February Alcoa and the Government
of Québec reached an agreement to improve
the competitiveness of its three smelters in
Québec, securing around 3,000 jobs. Under
the agreement, Hydro-Québec will renew Alcoa’s power supply contracts for the Becancour and Deschambault facilities until 2030,
and for the Baie-Comeau plant through 2036.
The agreement enables Alcoa to proceed with
USD250m of planned investments at the
smelters over the next five years to further im-
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
prove their competitiveness. As part of that
investment, Alcoa will increase production of
aluminium used for car manufacturing, and
reduce production of commodity-grade aluminium at the Baie-Comeau casthouse, so as
to capture demand from carmakers as they
turn to aluminium for more fuel-efficient vehicles. According to carmakers, aluminium body
sheet content in North American vehicles is
expected to quadruple by 2015, and increase
tenfold by 2025, from 2012 levels.
The previously planned modernisation of
the Baie-Comeau facility, through which Alcoa would have constructed a new potline to
replace the two Søderberg potlines it closed
in 2013, is not included in this agreement, and
will no longer be pursued.
In April it was reported that aluminium
producers in Canada must boost capacity to
serve markets in the USA and Europe ahead
of a free-trade agreement between Canada
and the European Union. Canadian aluminium now faces EU tariffs of 2-7%, but those
barriers will be removed once the agreement
comes into force, likely by 2016. If Canadian
producers do not expand capacity, then they
can serve Europe only at the expense of customers in the USA.
But to expand production – all of it likely
at brownfield facilities in Quebec – aluminium
producers will need to receive lower power
rates to compete with Middle East suppliers
that benefit from low-cost energy and with US
companies that take advantage of cheap shale
gas. That means power rates will have to drop
from 4.7 to 2.7 Ct/kWh or less.
Higher prices might justify maintaining facilities, but would not allow for adding new
capacity. There is unlikely to be any new capacity added before 2016 – and perhaps not
even in 2017 – given forecasts of low aluminium prices for two to three years, together with
big warehouse stocks. That means the task at
present is to get electricity agreements in place
to make future expansions possible.
The expected growth likely would happen
at Aluminerie Alouette in Sept-Îles, Quebec –
the largest aluminium plant in the Americas –
and at Rio Tinto Alcan plants in the Saguenay-Lac Saint Jean region of Quebec. Alouette could boost capacity to 900,000 tpy from
about 600,000 tpy currently if a favourable
power deal is reached. Rio Tinto Alcan owns
dams that provide the company with hydroelectric power, but new capacity would require
it to buy electricity from outside its system,
underscoring the necessity of securing a lower
power price.
Paraguay: In December Rio Tinto Alcan
called off talks on a multibillion-dollar aluminium smelter project in Paraguay. A small
team from the Montreal-based aluminium
producer has for the past five years been
conducting studies and discussions with Paraguayan authorities about a potential smelter in
the country. The proposed aluminium smelter
in Paraguay had been forecast to produce as
much as 670,000 tpy at a cost of more than
USD3bn. Ground would have been broken
on the project in 2014, with production slated
for 2016.
USA: In January Alcoa said it will permanently close the remaining two potlines at its
Massena East smelter in New York in Q1 2014.
The decision was made because the potlines
are no longer competitive. One of three potlines at the facility was permanently closed in
August 2013. The closure will reduce Alcoa’s
Streamline your operations
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We will maintain that focus now and in the
Primary aluminium smelters of Africa, America, Europe, Russia & Oceania:
Nameplate capacities and shutdown capacities on a temporary basis
Compiled by R. P. Pawlek, June 2014
South Africa
Nag Hammadi
Ikot Abasi
Richards Bay, Bayside
Richards Bay, Hillside
Puerto Madryn
Poços de Caldas
São Louis
Santa Cruz
Grande Baie
Baie Comeau
Sebree, KY
Mount Holly, SC
Evansville, IN
Massena, NY
Rockdale, TX
Wenatchee, WA
Columbia Falls, MT
Ferndale, WA
Hawesville, KY
New Madrid, MO
Hannibal, OH
Ravenswood, WV
Puerto Ordaz
smelting capacity by 84,000 tpy. The Massena
West facility will continue to operate.
Alcoa’s review of its primary metals operations is consistent with the company’s 2016
goal of lowering its position on the world
aluminium production cost curve to the 38th
percentile, and the alumina cost curve to the
21st percentile. In 2013 Alcoa met its goal of
lowering its cost position in both aluminium
smelting and alumina refining, having reached
the 43rd percentile on the global aluminium
cost curve, and 27th percentile on the global
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
New Zealand
alumina cost curve. These shifts represent an
eight point movement and three point movement, respectively, since 2010.
Including the closure of the remaining two
potlines at Massena East, Alcoa announced
closures or curtailments representing 361,000
tonnes of the 460,000 tonnes placed under
review in May 2013. Once the Massena East
potline closure is complete, Alcoa will have
total smelting operating capacity of 3,950,000
tonnes, with around 655,000 tonnes of capacity idle.
St. Jean de Maurienne
St. Nicolas
Ziar nad Hronom
La Coruña
San Ciprian
Fort William
Sayanogorsk II
Point Henry
Boyne Island
Bell Bay
Tiwai Point
Alcoa will demolish the two potlines at its
Massena East smelter in New York. The demolition of the potlines, which use older Søderberg technology, has begun in Q2 2014. It
should be complete in 2018, with remediation
of the sites in 2020. The move cost the company between USD90-100 million in restructuring costs in Q1 2014.
In February Ormet Corp. started seeking a
buyer for the assets at its Hannibal aluminium
smelter in Ohio. The sale process is conducted
in connection with bankruptcy proceedings
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
and the company is seeking to identify a
stalking horse bidder, upon which basis it will
complete an auction process. Calibre Group,
the company’s investment bank, has begun to
reach out to prospective purchasers and investors, and is assisting the company with other
strategic initiatives that may add value for a
potential buyer. In June Ormet sought court
approval to hold an auction to sell its Ohio
smelter after securing a stalking horse bid of
USD15.3m. CCP ORMT, based in Wilmington, Delaware, was established on 30 May.
But at the end of June Niagara Worldwide
secured the right to purchase the assets of
bankrupt Ormet for USD25.3m following a
private auction. Niagara Worldwide acquires,
manages, markets and sells for final disposition idle industrial property and assets both
domestically and internationally.
France: In December 2013 the EU Commission approved the acquisition of two Rio Tinto
Alcan plants in France by the Trimet Aluminium of Germany and Electricité de France
(EdF); the latter will hold a minority stake.
The acquisition would not raise competition
concerns, because the overlaps between the
parties’ activities are moderate, stated the
Commission. One of the two production facilities is the aluminium smelter Saint-Jean
de Maurienne in eastern France, which has a
capacity of 140,000 tpy. The smaller Castelsarrasin plant for high-grade wire rod is located in the southwest of France. Both plants
together employ some 500 people.
Germany: At the end of May Trimet also
took over insolvent aluminium producer
Voerde Aluminium GmbH, saving 280 jobs.
The smelter will continue to produce primary
aluminium as well as prebaked anodes.
Iceland: At the end of January the Icelandic
company Klappir Development Corp. (Klappir) announced plans to build a 120.000 tpy
aluminium smelter at Bakki industrial park
and the town of Husavik, Iceland. The company expects production to start in 2016/17,
depending on energy agreement and financing. The smelter will be a state-of-the-art operation with excellent energy efficiency, using
the latest Chinese NEUI reduction technol-
ogy, proven in over 20 smelters today.
Members of Klappir have been working on
the smelter project for the last two years in
cooperation with local Icelandic and foreign
consultants. The municipality of Nordurthing
has been kept informed on the development
of the project. The company should be able to
soon whether to proceed to the construction
phase, as the Bakki site is a well documented
industrial area. A few years ago an environmental impact study was completed for a
346.000 tpy aluminium smelter at the site,
however the Klappir smelter is much smaller.
The Klappir smelter would employ 280
people for the operation and would use the
existing Husavik harbour. Early in January
Klappir initiated discussions with Landsvirkjun (National Power company) for an energy
contract, and it plans to continue the negotiations with the industrial site at Bakki. Financing of the project is in progress, and Klappir
Development expects to decide on the buildup of the project during first half 2014.
The Klappir smelter will produce valueadded products, these being less dependent
on LME commodity prices. Total investment
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European Free Trade Association’s surveillance authority ESA.
The pilot plant is planned to have a capacity of 70,000 tpy of aluminium, and could
begin production in 2017. The project is projected to cost Nkr3.6bn (USD600m), of which
Nkr1.5bn comes as support from Enova. Hydro’s goal is to realise a new technology that
can further reduce energy consumption and
emissions from Norwegian industry. The support from Enova makes it possible to continue
to put all the elements in place before potentially making a final decision on the project
and starting construction.
Hydro’s technology centre in Årdal, Norway, is a global leader in developing new and
more energy-efficient electrolysis cell technology. It is this technology that Hydro wishes to
test in the pilot plant. Thus, Karmøy could host
the world’s most energy-efficient aluminium
production, at the earliest in 2017. The pilot
plant would employ around 50 people, when
in operation.
Romania: In May Alro announced it will
continue its strategy of increasing the energy
efficiency, by testing new technologies in the
© Hydro
cost are estimated at USD400m. Icelandic and
foreign companies have shown interest in the
project but the exact owner structure will be
released in coming months.
Montenegro: The biggest industrial employer in Montenegro, the bankrupt aluminium plant KAP, was sold to a local firm for
€28m in June. Uniprom, the new owner of the
aluminium smelter, promised to invest a total
of €76m in the KAP plant in the next four
years. In 2013 KAP had cut 500 jobs but even
with its remaining around 700 employees it
still remains the biggest industrial employer
in a country of around 660,000 people. The
new plant owner will cut down the employee
count by 400. For detailed information see
article on pages 40-41.
The Netherlands: At the end of 2013 Aluminium Delfzijl (Adel) filed for bankruptcy.
The primary aluminium smelter has been
struggling with high electricity rates and low
aluminium prices. The company has 300 direct
employees and another 300 contractor employees. The production capacity amounts to
170,000 tpy of which 50,000 tpy are produced
by remelting and recycling.
Test cells at Hydro Årdal in Norway
Norway: In May and June Norsk Hydro signed
several long-term contracts with energy suppliers (such as Agder Energi, Lyse Energi and
Axpo Trading) for power supplies to Hydro’s
aluminium plants in Norway.
In June Enova, a public enterprise which
supports new energy and climate-related technology development, decided to contribute
Nkr1.5bn (USD250m) toward Hydro’s full
scale next-generation electrolysis pilot project
at Karmøy, on the west coast of Norway. This
contribution is subject to approval by the
electrolysis sector. These could decrease the
energy consumption by 100 kWh/t of aluminium produced. Alro’s R&D team developed
the ‘profiled cathode’ for its electrolysis cells.
The company commissioned a pilot cell which
uses the new type of cathode design. Alro Slatina aims to to increase pot life, so reducing
overall production costs. Once this new technology is in production it should lower the
specific energy consumption by at least 100
kWh/t, according to the company. Further, the
aluminium level in the pots could decrease by
at least 10%, thus decreasing the capital costs
and also decreasing the revamping costs per
tonne of aluminium.
Alro reported that during the past ten years,
it reduced the energy consumption per tonne
of flat rolled products by over 75%, while the
natural gas consumption decreased by more
than 90%. The direct electricity consumption
for the entire smelter process was 10% lower
in 2012, compared to 2003, while the total
natural gas consumption was 30% lower.
In March UC Rusal announced the implementation of EcoSøderberg technology at the
Krasnoyarsk (KrAZ) and Bratsk (BrAZ) aluminium smelters. Until 2020, Rusal plans to
switch nearly 2.1m tpy of its aluminium capacities to EcoSøderberg (ES).
The first experimental ES cells were
launched at KrAZ back in 2009. Since 2010,
286 of the facility’s cells have been switched
to the new technology, including 89 cells in
potrooms 3-6 in 2013. The amount of aluminium produced at the plant’s ES cells was
160,000 tonnes in 2013, or 16% of the total
output. In 2013, KrAZ emissions were cut by
3% year-on-year, according to preliminary
estimates. 2014 will see cell retrofitting start
at KrAZ potrooms 1, 2, 9, and 11-23, while
BrAZ will continue ES introduction at its experimental potroom 8.
Commercial operation of the technology at
KrAZ has confirmed the environmental and
economic effectiveness of introducing the ES
technology. The use of this technology allows
cell retrofitting with no more than USD300/tAl
of capital cost. It also reduces the volume of
aluminium in the cell (the technology reduces
the metal pad in the cell by 30%) that leads
to a decrease in working capital. Moreover, it
improves a number of technical indicators, in
particular, higher energy efficiency decreases
production costs by nearly USD4.5/t.
Colloidal anode contains a much lower
amount of pitch, which is the main source of
tar substance emissions. Improved gas evacuation system in the cells’ structure results in
substantially loss of emissions.
The target to develop ES technology was
set in 2002, and in 2005, the ES R&D programme was officially launched. Investments
in the project from 2005 to 2014 totalled
USD28.9m (VAT included). Investments in
ES introduction programme from 2010 to
2020 are expected to reach USD122m.
At the end of March Rusal announced
the status of the RA-400 cell modernisation
project. The cell’s upgraded design and pro-
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
© Rusal
Potline at KrAZ where Rusal plans to switch aluminium capacity to EcoSøderberg technology
cess parameters should reduce electricity consumption to less than 12,900 kWh/tAl with a
current efficiency of better than 95.5% and
an amperage of 435 kA. The total project investment, including the testing in a pilot area,
is estimated at USD70m.
The RA-400 cell is Rusal’s own technology
developed by the in-house Engineering and
Technology Centre. The project aims to create an innovative cell with unique upgraded
7.– 9. Okt. 2014 | Messe Düsseldorf
10. Weltmesse & Kongress
Organised by
features: it would operate at 400-440 kA with
the cell capacity of 3,300 kg/day and total fluoride emissions less than 0.2 kg/t. 16 RA-400
cells have been tried at the testing centre of
the Sayanogorsk smelter. The engineering of
the RA-400 upgrade project is expected to be
completed by late 2014.
In March Rusal also decided to suspend
the construction of the 750,000 tpy Taishet
smelter due to unfavourable market conditions and in an effort to rationalise capacity.
In May Rusal and Rosneft signed a longterm agreement for the supply of petroleum
coke and natural gas to Rusal’s plants. The
agreement forecasts the supply of a total
of 2.65m tonnes of petroleum coke and up
to 12bn m3 of natural gas to Rusal’s plants.
Through this cooperation, Rosneft creates a
guaranteed market for its petroleum coke and
natural gas, and Rusal secures the continuous
supply of raw materials to its aluminium facilities.
Both companies have also signed a partnership agreement for the supply of other petroleum products, which will provide Rusal with
a range of high-tech lubricants and fluids. In
addition, the partnership agreement will permit the joint research in the development of an
extended range of lubricants required for the
aluminium industry.
In May it was reported that the Boguchany
aluminium smelter, with a total capacity of
588,000 tpy, will start in stages. The first startup complex, with a capacity of 147,000 tonnes
is planned to start in the second half of 2014.
It consists of the start up of one potline (168
of 672) and includes an electrically operated
foundry, anode assembly, warehouse, alumina
plant, factory management, and other ancillary facilities and associated infrastructure.
In February Alcoa announced it will permanently close its Point Henry smelter and
two rolling mills in Australia. The aluminium
smelter and an adjacent rolling mill are located
in Geelong, Victoria. The second mill and a
recycling facility are located in Yennora, New
South Wales. The smelter will close in August
and the rolling mills by the end of 2014.
The Point Henry smelter was placed under
strategic review in February 2012 due to challenging market conditions. A comprehensive
review found that the 50-year-old smelter has
no prospect of becoming financially viable.
The two rolling mills serve the domestic and
Asian can sheet markets which have been impacted by excess capacity. Alcoa of Australia
operates the smelter where around 500 employees work. Alcoa operates the rolling mills
which employ around 480 people.
The Anglesea coal mine and power station
that currently supplies approx. 40% of the
power needs for the Point Henry smelter has
the potential to operate as a stand-alone facility after the smelter closes. Alcoa of Australia
will actively seek a buyer for the facility.
The Portland Aluminum smelter in Victoria
will continue normal operations, as will Alcoa
of Australia’s bauxite mining and alumina refining operations in Western Australia.
The closures will reduce Alcoa’s global
smelting capacity by 190,000 tpy and reduce
the company’s can sheet capacity by 200,000
tpy. Including the closure of Point Henry,
Alcoa has announced closures or curtailments
representing 551,000 tpy of smelting capacity, exceeding the 460,000 tpy placed under
review in May 2013. Once the Point Henry
closure is complete, Alcoa will have total
smelting operating capacity of 3.760m tpy,
with 655,000 tpy, or 17%, of high cost capacity offline.
In May Hydro decided to permanently
close the Kurri Kurri plant, which was in
maintenance mode since 2012. The decision
to cease production at the Kurri Kurri plant
in 2012 was based on the overall market
situation for aluminium, that is low metal
prices, uncertain market outlook and strong
Australian dollar relative to the US dollar.
The costs of closure are expected to be offset
by the sale of land and equipment.
In May BHP Billiton created a new aluminium firm through the Australian securities
regulator. The creation mainly comes as a part
of BHP’s decision to spin off the noncore asset into a new firm worth USD20bn, which
would be given back to its shareholders. The
company’s sole shareholder is Coal Holdings,
but this is the company which has the ultimate
holdings, and it is unclear if the new aluminium company keeps any physical assets.
The company has also secured tax exemption from the Australian Tax Office. After
years of acquisitions ahead of any strategic
decision, BHP has believed to be undergoing
a thorough review of its corporate web and
legal substructures.
90 Jahre Riedhammer GmbH
Für die Zukunft gut gerüstet
Seit vielen Jahrzehnten bietet die Riedhammer GmbH eine breite Produktpalette von Industrieofen-Anlagen, unter
anderem für die Geschäftsfelder Keramik
und Sanitär. Die Ursprünge des Unternehmens liegen in der Entwicklung und
dem Bau von industriellen Brennöfen für
Kunstkohle, speziell für die Stahl- und
Aluminiumbranche. Schon 1924 wurde
der erste Anodenbrennofen für die damals
noch junge Aluminiumindustrie gebaut.
Das Geschäftsfeld Carbon mit seinen
Sparten Anoden, Elektroden / Kathoden
und Special Carbon ist auch heute noch
eine tragende Säule von Riedhammer.
Die Vermarktung von Anodenbrennöfen ist
ein zyklisches Geschäft. Boomt die Hüttenindustrie, weil sich die Notierungen an der Londoner Metallbörse LME auf über 2.500 Dollar
je Tonne Aluminium hinentwickeln und neue
Hütten sich mehr oder weniger von selbst
finanzieren, werden automatisch auch neue
Anodenfabriken und Anodenbrennöfen ge-
Riedhammer GmbH at 90
Well equipped for the future
Riedhammer GmbH has been offering a
broad range of kiln plants for decades, including for its Ceramics and Sanitaryware
business units. The company’s origins go
back to the development and construction
of industrial baking furnaces for artificial
carbon, in particular for the steel and
aluminium sectors. The first anode-baking
furnace for what was then still a young
aluminium industry was built as long ago
as 1924. Today the Carbon division with
its Anodes, Electrodes / Cathodes and Special Carbon sub-divisions still represents a
key pillar of Riedhammer’s business.
The marketing of anode-baking furnaces is
a cyclical business. If the smelter industry is
booming because aluminium prices on the
London Metal Exchange have moved above
USD2,500 a tonne, and new smelters are
more or less self-financing, new anode plants
and anode-baking furnaces will automatically
be built as well. If the price of aluminium is
under USD2,000, the willingness to invest is
low even though at such times one can negotiate particularly favourable conditions for
the construction of new plant. From a medium
to long term point of view, there is no question
that additional smelters will be needed: the
demand for aluminium will continue to grow
significantly in the decades ahead because of
the trend towards lightweight construction in
the transport sector, especially in road and
air traffic, which will increase still further.
At present the price of a tonne of aluminium is between USD1,800 and USD1,900 and
business for suppliers of equipment to aluminium smelters is rather restrained. “Nevertheless we at Riedhammer can look to a number
of projects in the carbon business,” says Tho-
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
© Riedhammer
Anode baking furnace No. 6 at Hindalco, Renukoot
mas Janousch, head of the company’s Carbon
Division. An order was received recently for
a closed-type baking furnace for electrodes. In
Europe an order for a shaft calciner project is
due to be awarded shortly. And occasionally
there is a baking furnace here and there that
needs repairing or a plant that was temporarily shut down that needs to be modernised
and put back into operation.
Riedhammer started in the carbon business in 1924. The former Erftwerk in Grevenbroich (now Tokai Erftcarbon GmbH)
was its first client for an anode-baking furnace. The French company Pechiney was also
already one of the company’s clients at the
end of the 1930s. The aluminium smelter at
Rheinfelden ordered an anode-baking furnace in 1942. Norsk Hydro began aluminium
production at Ardal, Norway, in 1948 and
ordered a baking furnace. The Rheinwerk
in Neuss (now Hydro) began aluminium
production in 1961, and the anode-baking
Anodenbrennofen Nr. 6 bei Hindalco, Renukoot
baut. Liegt der Aluminiumpreis unter 2.000
Dollar, ist die Investitionsbereitschaft gering,
obwohl man gerade in diesen Zeiten günstigere Konditionen für den Bau neuer Anlagen
verhandeln kann. Das auf mittlere und lange
Sicht weitere Hütten gebraucht werden, steht
außer Frage: Die Nachfrage nach Aluminium
wird in den nächsten Jahrzehnten weiter deutlich steigen, weil der Trend zum Leichtbau im
Transportsektor, vor allem im Straßen- und
Luftverkehr, noch weiter zunehmen wird.
Derzeit, bei Notierungen zwischen 1.800
und 1.900 Dollar je Tonne Aluminium ist das
Geschäft für die Ausrüster von Aluminiumhütten eher verhalten. „Nichtsdestotrotz können wir bei Riedhammer auf einige Projekte
im Carbon-Geschäft blicken“, sagt Thomas
Janousch, Leiter der Carbon Division. So sei
jüngst ein Auftrag für einen geschlossenen
Brennofen für Elektroden eingegangen. In
Europa steht ein Projekt für einen Kalzinierschachtofen kurz vor Abschluss. Und hier und
Table 1
Aluminij Mostar
Dubal ABF 1
Emal Phase 1
Dubal ABF 2
Hindalco ABF 6
Dubal ABF 4
Rusal Taishet
Dubal ABF 3
Tabelle 1
Mostar, BiH
Bandar Abbas, Iran
Dubai, UAE
Al Taweelah, UAE
Hamburg, Germany
Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
Dubai, UAE
Renukoot, India
Dubai, UAE
Taishet, Russia
Dubai, UAE
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
New construction
New construction
ABF conversion
New construction
New construction
New construction
2 x 64
2 x 64
da muss gelegentlich auch mal ein Brennofen
repariert oder eine vorübergehend stillgelegte
Anlage wieder in Betrieb genommen und modernisiert werden.
Mit dem Carbon-Geschäft hat es seinerzeit,
1924, bei Riedhammer angefangen. Das damalige Erftwerk in Grevenbroich (heute Tokai
Erftcarbon GmbH) war der erste Kunde für
einen Anodenbrennofen. Auch die französische Pechiney gehörte schon Ende der 1930er
Jahre zum Kundenkreis. 1942 bestellte die
Aluminiumhütte in Rheinfelden einen Anodenbrennofen. 1948 beginnt Norsk Hydro in
Ardal, Norwegen, mit der Aluminiumproduktion und ordert einen Brennofen. Das Rheinwerk in Neuss (heute Hydro) nimmt 1961 die
Aluminiumproduktion auf, auch dieser Anodenbrennofen kommt von Riedhammer.
Bis in die 1970er Jahre gehörten sowohl
offene wie geschlossene Brennöfen zum Produktprogramm von Riedhammer. Dann spezialisierte sich das Unternehmen auf geschlossene Systeme, weil man sich so mit leichter
regelbaren und effizienteren Anlagen vom
Wettbewerb abheben konnte. Fortschritte in
der Regeltechnik führten jedoch dazu, dass
offene Brennöfen mit der Zeit wesentlich
produktiver wurden und sich für das Brennen
von Anoden durchsetzten. Die Übernahme
der offenen Ofentechnologie von Alcan Alesa
Engineering im Jahre 2005 hat Riedhammer
den Wiedereinstieg in die offene Brennofentechnologie insofern erleichtert, als damit
aktuelle Referenzprojekte vorzeigbar waren.
Tabelle 1 listet die Projekte auf, die Riedhammer seitdem umgesetzt hat. Dabei handelt es
sich um Neuanlagen ebenso wie um den Umbau und die Modernisierung von bestehenden
Das 2011 zum Abschluss gebrachte Projekt KAS (Kazakhstan Aluminium Smelter)
ist das größte Tiefofenprojekt der Firmengeschichte – eine komplette Brennofenanlage
inklusive Engineering, bei dem Riedhammer
als Generalunternehmer agierte und in dieser
Funktion auch für das Feuerungssystem, die
Kräne, das Anoden-Transportsystem und die
Rauchgasreinigung verantwortlich war.
Für Dubai Aluminium (Dubal) hat Riedhammer bei deren Produktionsaufnahme
1979 die Anodenbrennöfen geliefert. Dies
waren anfangs geschlossene Öfen, die später
zu offenen Systemen umgebaut wurden. Seit
2006 hat Riedhammer die Modernisierung für
die Öfen 1, 2 und 4 durchgeführt. Abschließend wird der Ofen 3 Ende dieses Jahres von
Riedhammer renoviert.
Ein Großteil des Feuerfestmaterials wird
bei diesem Projekt erneuert. Die Seitenwand
und die Bodenisolierung bleiben bis auf be-
schädigte Teile bestehen. Die Ofenwanne
wird mittels Fertigteilen entsprechend den
neuen Anodendimensionen erhöht. Auch
die „Kassettenwände“, in die hineingefeuert
wird, und die Gurtwände werden neu aufgebaut. Der Feuerfestanteil eines solchen Modernisierungsprojektes entspricht in etwa drei
Anodenbrennofen nach Renovierung
Vierteln des Volumens eines Neuprojektes.
„Während des Umbaus wird ein Feuer abgestellt, während das zweite in Betrieb bleibt.
Der Ofen wird dann kammerweise abgerissen
und wieder aufgebaut“, erläutert Janousch.
Produktivität der Öfen gestiegen,
Energieverbrauch gesunken
Tabelle 2 verdeutlicht die technologische
Weiterentwicklung seit dem Wiedereinstieg
in die offene Brennofentechnologie und auch,
wohin die Reise bis Mitte dieses Jahrzehnts
geht: Die Produktivität der Brennöfen ist seit
2005 weiter gestiegen, und zwar deutlich.
Gleichzeitig konnte der spezifische Energieverbrauch je gebrannte Tonne Anode merklich reduziert werden.
Der spezifische Besatz (Pit Usage) in der
Tabelle zeigt das Verhältnis zwischen Anodenbesatz und Kassettenvolumen. Heute sind
rund zehn Prozent mehr Produkt in einer
Kassette als vor zehn Jahren. Die Produktionsmenge je Stunde und Pit hat sich um den
Faktor 1,5 erhöht. Momentan lassen sich ca.
82.500 Jahrestonnen je Feuer produzieren,
dieser Wert wird sich jedoch zukünftig noch
auf über 90.000 Jahrestonnen erhöhen. Und
die Brennöfen werden immer größer: Wurden
sie früher typischerweise mit 32 oder 48 Kammern und sieben Pits gebaut, geht der Trend
inzwischen in Richtung 64 oder mehr Kam-
mern und neun Pits. In Kombination mit einem
schnelleren Feuerzyklus wird so je Kammer
ein deutlich größerer Durchsatz erzielt.
Die Leistungswerte RH 750 spiegeln den
Stand der Technik zur Zeit der Alesa-Übernahme wider, wie er bei Aluminij Mostar und
Hormozal zur Anwendung kam. Mostar betraf
Anode baking furnace after refurbishment
den kompletten Umbau eines bestehenden
Ofens, während Hormozal die Konstruktion
eines komplett neuen Ofens umfasste.
Der Status RH 850 mit bereits verbesserten
Leistungswerten wurde bei den Brennöfen für
die erste Ausbaustufe bei Emirates Aluminium
(Emal) 2007 realisiert – ein Großprojekt, das
aus 2 x 64 Kammeröfen bestand.
RH 1050 spiegelt die Leistungswerte bei
Hindalco und dem Brennofen 2 bei Dubal
wider. „Mit dem Umbau des Ofens 3 bei Dubal Ende dieses Jahres streben wir natürlich
eine weitere Effizienzsteigerung an“, sagt Janousch.
Welche Faktoren liegen der Leistungssteigerung zugrunde? Janousch verweist darauf,
dass es gelungen sei, die Strömungsverhältnisse bzw. den Druckverlust in den Fluewalls
zu optimieren. „Ferner wurde der Falschlufteintrag, der durch Undichtigkeiten im Feuerfestmaterial entsteht, minimiert. So muss entsprechend weniger Volumen aufgeheizt wer-
furnace here was also from Riedhammer.
Up until the 1970s Riedhammer’s product
portfolio included both open-top and closedtype ring pit furnaces. The company then decided to specialise in closed-type systems because it could set itself apart from its competitors with more easily controllable and more
efficient units. However, advances in control
engineering led to open-top baking furnaces
becoming significantly more productive and
establishing themselves as the standard for
baking anodes. The acquisition of Alcan Alesa
Engineering’s open-top furnace technology in
2005 facilitated Riedhammer’s re-entry into
the open-top baking furnace market in so far
as it enabled the company to present current
reference projects. Table 1 lists the projects
that Riedhammer has completed since then.
It includes new constructions as well as the
revamping and modernisation of existing baking furnaces.
The KAS (Kazakhstan Aluminium Smelter)
project, which was completed in 2011, is the
largest ring pit furnace project in the company’s history – a complete anode baking facility
including engineering for which Riedhammer
acted as general contractor and for which it
was also responsible in that capacity for firing
system, cranes, anode transport system and
flue gas cleaning.
Riedhammer supplied the anode-baking
furnaces to Dubai Aluminium (Dubal) when
the latter commenced production in 1979.
At first these were closed furnaces, but they
were converted to open furnaces later. Since
2006, Riedhammer has carried out the revamps of Furnaces 1, 2 and 4 at Dubal, and it
will round this off by modernising Furnace 3
at the end of the year.
A large part of the refractory material will
be renewed in this project. With the exception of damaged parts, the sidewall and the
bottom insulation will remain intact. The
height of the furnace tub will be increased
using prefabricated parts to accommodate the
new anode dimensions. The flue walls, which
are fired into, and the head walls will also be
rebuilt. The refractory content of such a modernisation project corresponds to about three
quarters of that of a new project. “During the
Tabelle 2
Pit usage
Production factor
Production per fire
Anodes per p it
Pits per section
Energy consumption
Table 2
RH 750
~ 60
~ 20
7- 8
< 2,3
RH 850
~ 62
> 22
< 2,1
RH 1050
~ 65
> 26
< 1,9
RH 1200
> 67
> 1200
> 94,000
> 28
< 1,8
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
revamp one fire will be turned off while the
second will remain in operation,” explains Mr
Janousch. “The furnace can then be demolished section-by-section and reconstructed.”
Increased furnace productivity,
reduced energy consumption
Table 2 clearly shows the technological advance that has taken place since Riedhammer’s re-entry into the open-top baking furnace market and where the company will be
heading until the middle of the decade: the
productivity of baking furnaces has increased
still further since 2005, and markedly so. At
the same time it was also possible to reduce
the specific energy consumption per baked
tonne of anode significantly.
The specific pit usage given in the table
shows the relationship between anode pit usage and the volume of the pit. Today there
is about ten percent more product in a pit
than there was ten years ago. The hourly production per pit has increased by a factor of
1.5. At the moment, one can produce about
82,500 tonnes a year per fire, but this figure
will increase to over 90,000 tonnes a year
in future. And baking furnaces are becoming larger and larger: whereas it used to be
typical to build 32 or 48 sections and seven
pits, the trend is now towards 64 sections or
more and nine pits. Together with a more rapid
firing cycle this means a significantly greater
throughput is achieved per section.
The RH 750 performance figures reflect the
state of the art at the time of the Alesa takeover and correspond to those used at Aluminij
Mostar and Hormozal. Mostar involved the
complete reconstruction of an existing furnace, whereas Hormozal comprised the construction of a completely new furnace.
The RH 850 already showed improved performance figures that were achieved with the
baking furnaces for the first expansion stage
at Emirates Aluminium (Emal) in 2007 – a
major project that comprised two 64-section
RH 1050 shows the performance figures at
Hindalco and the Baking Furnace 2 at Dubal.
“With the revamping of Furnace 3 at Dubal at
the end of this year we are of course aiming to
achieve a further increase in efficiency,” says
Mr Janousch.
What factors are responsible for the increase in performance? Mr Janousch points
out that it has been possible to optimise flow
conditions and pressure loss in the flue walls.
“Furthermore, the ingress of false air that occurs as a result of leaks in the refractory has
been minimised. So a smaller volume has to
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
be heated up and the energy consumption
falls. The higher specific pit usage is beneficial
here as well, of course.”
den und der Energieverbrauch sinkt. Von Vorteil ist hier natürlich auch der höhere spezifische Besatz im Pit.“
Russia and India remain
interesting markets
Russland und Indien bleiben
interessante Märkte
There are no immediate prospects of new aluminium smelters being built outside China at
the moment and new anode-baking furnace
project business is correspondingly restrained.
The only major expansion currently in the
course of preparation is Potline No. 6 at Aluminium Bahrain (Alba), the implementation
of which is currently being clarified. A decision
is expected in the third quarter.
Besides the Middle East, Russia and India
also remain interesting markets for Riedhammer. In addition to the numerous Søderberg
Der Bau neuer Aluminiumhütten außerhalb
Chinas ist derzeit nicht in Sicht, entsprechend
verhalten ist das Projektgeschäft für neue
Anodenbrennöfen. Die aktuell einzig größere
Erweiterung in Vorbereitung betrifft die Ofenlinie 6 bei Aluminium Bahrain, für die derzeit
die Realisierung geklärt wird. Eine Entscheidung wird im dritten Quartal erwartet.
Neben dem mittleren Osten bleiben auch
Russland und Indien für Riedhammer interessante Märkte. In Russland gibt es neben den
zahlreichen Søderberg-Hütten auch eine Rei-
Anode baking furnace at KAS
smelters in Russia there are also a number of
smelters that use prebaked anodes. As soon
as there is a sustained rise in the price of aluminium, modernisation projects could be activated again.
In India, Riedhammer is hoping to score
with its reference project at Hindalco in Renukoot as soon as any new projects materialise.
There is also a need for modernisation in
South America but this has not yet happened
because of financing issues.
Despite this, Mr Janousch is looking to the
coming years with confidence. “One needs
staying power in this business,” he says and
sums up by adding: “With our highly efficient
furnace technology, the reference projects of
recent years and our competent engineering
team we are well equipped for the future.” n
Anodenbrennofen bei KAS
he Elektrolysen, die vorgebrannte Anoden
einsetzen. Sobald der Aluminiumpreis nachhaltig anzieht, könnten Modernisierungsprojekte wieder anspringen.
In Indien erhofft sich Riedhammer mit dem
Referenzprojekt bei Hindalco in Renukoot zu
punkten, sobald dort neue Projekte spruchreif sind. Auch in Südamerika gibt es Modernisierungsbedarf, der bislang an Finanzierungsfragen scheiterte.
Janousch bleibt dennoch für die kommenden Jahre zuversichtlich. „In diesem Geschäft
braucht man einen langen Atem. Mit unserer
hoch effizienten Ofentechnik, den Referenzprojekten der vergangenen Jahre und einem
kompetenten Engineering-Team sind wir
für die Zukunft gut aufgestellt“, resümiert er.
© Qatalum
Qatalum’s production site
Qatalum well underway to become
one of the world’s top smelters
Qatalum stepped into 2013 with the
goal of becoming one of the world’s top
ten smelters, by surpassing a number
of targets set out in the company’s improvement programme. This programme
among others, aims to improve the cash
cost of aluminium production over the
next five years. By the end of 2013 the
company surpassed its improvement
target by 50 percent. The increase in efficiency was done without compromising
safety as part of its ongoing mission towards zero harm.
According to Deon Earle, Qatalum’s HSE
(Health, Safety & Environment) manager, a
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) of 0.69
per million working hours, including directly
supervised contractors, was achieved for the
year 2012 amounting to a considerably better performance than the year’s target of
0.85. “This indicates how serious the Qatalum
management is about HSE and shows their
continued commitment to safety,” he said.
In comparison, the TRIR figures achieved by
Qatalum is the best among GCC and Hydro
smelters. Total recordable injuries at Qatalum
are at 12.5 percent of the total recordable injury rate published by the International Aluminium Institute (IAI) for 2012.
In regard to the Qatalum Improvement
Plan, Tom Petter Johansen, chief executive
of Qatalum, urged employees to build upon
the 2013 results and set new industry-leading
standards in operational excellence, innovation and sustainability. He said that over the
coming year, Qatalum expects to meet ten
strategic objectives, which include meeting
shareholder expectations on financial returns,
further improving its costs, fulfilling its CSR
obligations, providing opportunities for Qatari employees, and enhancing the Qatalum
He stressed that the production system at
Qatalum is instrumental in reaching the objectives and values which represent a solid platform for leadership at Qatalum.
The Qatalum Improvement Programme
(QIP) initiates quarterly management meetings to evaluate and commend progress. The
last meeting held in February 2014 included
the Qatalum Annual Excellence Awards to
recognise individuals and dedicated teams
who made significant contributions to the company’s performance with outstanding commitment to the Qatalum Production System.
The Excellence Awards covers four categories:
HSE, cost improvement, quality and innovation.
Khalid Laram, deputy chief executive of
Qatalum, reiterated the company’s commitment to achieving its QIP targets over the next
five years by increasing productivity, growing
production volumes and achieving continued
reductions in cash costs. Compared to 2012,
Qatalum reduced its fixed costs by eleven percent. However, he remained cautious about
the challenges ahead related to additional
production and the ensuing negative impact it
will have on the LME.
Global customer service levels rose by 16
percent reflecting very good product quality
and customer relationships compared with
other producers. On-Time Delivery (OTD)
was significantly improved due to impressive
efforts by the logistics team.
First year as a supplier
of local industries
Qatalum also celebrated it first year as a
supplier to local industries. So far domestic
consumption is marginal as the Qatari aluminium downstream industry is in its infancy.
Nevertheless, Mr Laram remains positive:
“We would like to encourage local customers to buy our premium products regardless of
quantity. Qatalum has the capability of selling
liquid metal as well if required.”
Since January this year, the company has
taken clean process scrap retrieved from its
customer’s process to reclaim a casthouse
product of the same quality as a conversion
service initiated by the marketing and sales
department. The result is to establish a longterm relationship with its customers and make
Qatalum the preferred provider of casthouse
value added products in the Gulf region.
Led by a precision culture, Qatalum’s casthouse produces more than half of its alloys
for the automotive industry. The resulting
productivity gains are world class which stand
as a testament to stringent manufacturing
standards and robust marketing strategies.
Qatalum’s quality production process was
reinforced by completion of the third periodical ISO/TS 16949 audit wherein the scope
was extended to include the production of primary liquid aluminium (potlines and logistics)
and extrusion ingots production (casthouse).
The auditors, Det Norske Veritas believe, the
entire production loop within Qatalum is worthy of certification.
Mr Laram added that various management
and organisational changes will be taking place
in 2014. He emphasised that these changes will
herald new opportunities in the form of new
ideas, experience, competencies, energy and
speed. Amidst the low metal prices, Qatalum
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
has chosen to boost efficiency and improve
performance through the use of its employee
knowledge base in order to improve its business processes and efficiency rather than resort to redundancies and cuts.
Commenting on HSE improvements over
the past year, he said: “We take great pride in
being a world class smelter with our current
safety performance. We encourage innovative
environmental approaches within our smelter
and are uncompromising towards maintaining zero harm to people within our boundaries. Safety is the responsibility of the individual towards others and all we do at Qatalum should go a long way towards showing
Qatalum as sustainable and highly modern
industrial entity.”
At the beginning of 2013, Qatalum signed
the Mutual Aid Agreement with the Industrial
Cities Directorate. This was put into practice
via successful Mutual Aid Exercises held at
the carbon paste plant and at the pitch facility
area in the port and recently at the rectifiers.
On respective evaluations by invited independent observers, positive comments were
made with progressive actions underway.
A company-wide business resilience system has been implemented in order to manage risks effectively and secure sustainable
operations at Qatalum.
To further alleviate physical stress on employees encountered within the aluminium
industry, the company conducted several
health programmes including a Heart Awareness campaign, in which blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar checks were conduct-
ed on 174 employees, and the annual Heat
Stress Awareness campaign at the beginning
of the summer. Looking forward, HSE is working towards attaining two major certifications:
ISO 14001, pertaining to environmental management, and OHSAS 18001, pertaining to
health and safety.
Sustainable improvements are underway
at Qatalum with the mission to raise its position on the global industry cost curve. However, no change is so small that they compromises on environment, health and safety.
Qatalum is deeply committed to a sustainable
approach in achieving its ambitions. Therefore, the company is capitalising on its organisational competence and leadership practices.
World class performance requires world class
people, says Qatalum.
Emal completes start-up of Phase II potline
The milestone was reached three months
ahead of schedule. As a result, the new potline is expected to produce a total of 471,000
tonnes of molten metal from start-up in 2013
to the end of 2014 – some 77,000 tonnes more
than the original FEED (Front End Engineering
Design) studies.
Speaking at the cell start-up, Saeed Al Mazrooei (CEO of UAE Operations at EGA) said:
“Following the completion of Phase II, the
smelter at Emal will have a nameplate capacity
of 1.32 million tonnes a year. By energising the
cells ahead of schedule, Emal is expected to
produce 1.2 million tonnes in 2014. This will
catapult EGA (editor’s note: Emirates Global
Aluminium) into a leading position in the global industry. We are very proud of our Emirati-lead project team utilising Emirati smelter
technology to achieve this mega smelter, which
has placed EGA among the top five smelters
in the world outside China, by tonnage; and
ranked the UAE as the fourth largest aluminium producing country in the world.”
Al Mazrooei added that the commissioning
of Potline 3 was fast-tracked from the start.
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
“The first cell was energised on 9 September
2013 with the first hot metal being delivered
to the casthouse a week later on 16 September
2013 – three months ahead of schedule,” he
said. “This allowed a return on the investment
in Emal Phase II to begin earlier, too.”
Emal Phase II also comprised an upgrade
of the 756 cells (housed in two potlines) built
during Phase I, which raised the plant’s initial
production capacity to 800,000 tonnes.
ate at 460 kA, yielding greater productivity at
lower specific energy consumption levels and
with reduced environmental impact.
Reflecting an on-going quest to be bigger
and better, the completion of Phase II has secured Emal a long list of industry accolades.
These include the world’s largest gas treatment centre; the world’s biggest anode baking
furnace; the biggest single-site captive power
station (3,100 MW); the highest single-line
capacity green anode manufacturing plant
(1.08 million tonnes a year); and the largest
single-site casthouse (capacity of 1.65 million
tonnes a year).
EGA ready to serve
growing demand in Europe
© Emal
On 10 June Emirates Aluminium (Emal)
energised the last cell of its new 444-cell
potline known as the Phase II project that
expands the smelter’s production capacity by 520,000 tonnes a year. Not only
is the new Potline 3 the longest in the
global aluminium industry with 1.7 km in
length; but also the highest-ever start-up
rate across the Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC) region was achieved with six pots
per day energised for 21 days straight.
Ingots, ready for shipment
Phase II incorporates DX+ technology, the
top-class reduction technology developed by
Dubai Aluminium (Dubal), another operating
subsidiary of EGA. Operating at 440 kA (the
highest amperage in the GCC region), DX+
cells at Emal are ultimately designed to oper-
According to Walid Al Attar, head of marketing at EGA, Europe is a major target market for
aluminium produced by Emal and Dubal. At
the Metef 2014 in Verona in mid-June, where
EGA was an exhibitor, he pointed out that
the European Union needs to import around
60 percent of its primary aluminium requirements. In 2013, EGA shipped nearly a quarter
of its production to the region (that is some
500,000 tonnes, mainly billet and foundry
remelt products), and this is set to grow in the
coming years. “Our products are used extensively by the EU’s automotive and aerospace
industries, and demand is on the rise,” he said.
EGA used its exhibition stand at Metef to highlight its ideal location to serve Europe and presented its specialised portfolio, much of which
comprises value-added products. EGA has already opened offices in Zurich and Milan. n
Uniprom new owner of KAP
G. Djukanovic, Podgorica
Almost a year after the Montenegrin
government declared bankruptcy at KAP
(Kombinat Aluminijuma Podgorica) and
took over the insolvent company from
the previous owner Central European
Aluminium Company (CEAC), a whollyowned subsidiary of EN+ Group, KAP
was taken over by a new owner in June.
Uniprom is a small local recycler who
signed a contract with the bankruptcy
manager and the Commercial Court on
1 June to buy KAP assets for €28 million.
As Uniprom has no experience in primary
and downstream production, it plans to
restart downstream production at KAP in
partnership with foreign companies. “We
will find one, two or three product types
for the beginning to commence production of semi-finished aluminium products,“ said Veselin Pejovic, the owner of
Uniprom. Aluminium wire for electricity
transmission cables and also sheet and
plates have been mentioned among future products, to be manufactured in cooperation with companies from Turkey,
Poland and Italy.
Despite the government’s hope that the tender
would attract a “renowned foreign company”,
Uniprom was the sole bidder after repeated
tenders for the sale of KAP’s property in February. KAP’s total debt was €360 million, accepted by the manager in bankruptcy, but it
T-ingots at KAP’s casthouse
was cleared by
the Commercial
Court so that
the new KAP
can restart from
zero. The total
of beneficiaries’
claims against
KAP amounted
to over €460 million. The biggest
creditor is the
state, accounting
for €148 million
of the debt, while
the Russian side
EN+ Pot cells at KAP – obsolete and in poor condition
©: KAP
Group and VTB
Bank Austria). According to the settlement nated as a business zone, which was one of
agreed between CEAC and the government the main preconditions by Uniprom, and the
in 2010, the government issued some €130 new KAP will be exempted from paying commillion in bank guarantees and has obliged munal taxes.
Uniprom requested a €38 per MWh electo subsidise KAP’s electricity costs with a
total amount of €60 million for a period of tricity tariff for the next five years from the
four years, in return for half of the KAP and local electricity supplier Elektroprivreda
bauxite mine shares owned by CEAC (29.4% Crne Gore (EPCG). The company threatened
and 31.8%, respectively). When the bank- to close pot cells and import the required
ruptcy proceedings were launched, the gov- quantities of primary and secondary aluminernment paid off the activated guarantees ium for the downstream business. However,
(VTB Bank Austria, OTP Bank, and earlier EPCG, majority-owned by the Montenegrin
government but under the management
Deutsche Bank).
The total value of the Italian company A2A (43.7% ownof the property ership), is only willing to supply KAP for
offered for sale €45/MWh until the end of this year. From
estimated January 2015 KAP will have to pay the full
at €52.4 million market price subsidised by 5.5%. According
by the Commer- to the latest news Uniprom is currently negocial Court last tiating electricity supplies in the neighbourNovember. The hood (Serbia and Bosnia) and has no plans to
property, includ- close electrolyses, at least this year. The casting premises and house and the anode plant are also expected
equipment, en- to continue operating.
The new owner plans to cut the workforce
compass an area
of around three to 300 from around 720 after the takeover
square on 1 July. The social programme (redundancy
metres. Howev- pay-off, €15,000-20,000 per worker) will be
er, the property covered by the government. The electrolyses
bought by Uni- plant manager, however, claims that the miniprom
occupies mum number of workers must be 500 to make
some 1.9 million sure that the production process runs smoothsquare
metres. ly. Uniprom says the number of workers will
The entire area gradually increase in parallel with investhas been desig- ments and could possibly reach 2,000 within
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
three years. In its bid the company committed
itself to invest a total of €76 million by 2018,
out of which €20 million will be invested this
year in the overhaul of potlines and €6 million in the alumina plant, which has been out
of operation since 2009. Some €10 million is
needed for the general overhaul of around
120 obsolete pot cells. Production of primary
aluminium this year is planned at 60,000
tonnes but only if the electricity tariff is €38/
MWh, which, as discussed above, is rather unlikely. Uniprom envisages gradually increasing production to 110,000 tonnes per year by
KAP reached a maximum production of
123,000 tonnes in 2007. It currently produces
around 3,000 tonnes per month of primary
aluminium (T-ingots), and has been paying
€27.5/MWh for electricity. The gap to the
market price of around €20/MWh has been
paid by the government. So far, Uniprom has
not announced an alternative plan in case
the electricity tariff increases to €45/MWh.
However, the company said that if electrolyses cells have to be closed, invest-ments in
downstream production would amount to €50
million until 2018. The new owner has also
requested that a gas power plant at KAP
should be taken into consideration, with investment costs of some €100 million. This is
related to a gas pipeline planned to pass
through Montenegro in some years (coastal
area, connecting Albania and Croatia).
The Receiver also accepted an offer of
‘Politroupus alternative’, a Montenegro-registered company with international capital, for
a part of KAP’s property. The company offered €450,000 for the two red mud basins
(by-product of the alumina plant), the building
of the former institute for research and development of aluminium, and 54,510 square
metres of land in the nearby town of Spuz.
For Kovacnica, KAP’s former forging plant,
a bid worth €701,000 has been accepted from
a local company, Neksan. Neksan also signed
a contract with Bauxite Mines Niksic to buy
17,000-19,000 tonnes of bauxite per month
at €24/t, to be exported mostly to Hungary.
Kovacnica was KAP’s newest plant, built
in 1986 and designed for the production of
wheels for tanks and other products for the
needs of the former Yugoslav army. In recent
years it has produced some cast aluminium
billets, though in insignificant quantities.
It is not a secret that the government has
paid a high price, spent much time and made
great efforts to solve problems related to KAP
and its future. However, the job is far from
over since the government will have to deal
with the arbitrage procedure and the previous
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
co-owner of KAP, CEAC, which submitted a sations coming from some opposition leaders
lawsuit requesting €93 million to cover dam- that KAP has no prospects and that the new
ages from the Commercial Court in Podgor- owner will soon close the plant and start buildica, based on the violation of the settlement ing apartments and other facilities on the land
agreed between KAP and the Montenegrin located some six kilometres south of PodgoriGovernment in 2010. CEAC also initiated an ca, the Montenegrian capital, Mr. Pejovic said:
arbitrage procedure before the International “I see KAP exclusively and only as an aluminCourt of Arbitrage in Frankfurt with a total ium production complex. I am ready to return
claim of €600 million. Moreover, CEAC has KAP back to the government ownership as a
threatened that the sale of KAP to Uniprom gift if it comes to buildings and hotels to be
(without consulting CEAC) may increase the built there.” On the contrary, he promises:
number of lawsuits at the International Courts “We will return the old shine to KAP.”
of Arbitration. The Montenegrin government
has denied any responsibility for contract vio- At the time of going to press the situation was
lations, stating that it is ready for the arbitra- that Uniprom took over the management of
tion and accusing CEAC of negligence and bad KAP as from 19 July 2014. The payment of
management that resulted in enormous debts €28m is due on 10 September instead of 10
and finally in the bankruptcy of KAP. CEAC July due to a judicial dispute at a district court
was responsible for managing KAP from De- in Nicosia, Cyprus, where EN+ Group has demanded protection of its assets in KAP.
cember 2005 until July 2013.
It seems that the government is firmly determined to keep KAP operating, despite suggestions by some internationally renowned
institutions (World Bank and IMF) last year
to close KAP. As was the case with the pre- Goran Djukanovic is an aluminium market analyst,
vious privatisation in December 2005, the located in Podgorica, Montenegro. Email: gordju@
government expects KAP’s new owner to t-com.me.
take all obligations and
investments upon itself
and plans no further
subsidies or any financial support for KAP in
future. However, since
• has no energy source
(a power plant) of its
• Montenegro is in
deficit, and
• the electricity price in
the region can only rise
in coming years (due to
a 1,000 MW undersea
electricity transmission
cable to connect with
Italy from late 2016),
it is not clear how KAP
and its new owner will
avoid losses, nor how
they will be covered
(i.e. by whom). It is also
unexplained why, in all
those years, the government did not find a
partner to invest in a
hydro power plant or
other energy source for
KAP, as it is so keen to
avoid closing KAP.
(PDLOVWRUYLN#VWRUYLNQR &(57,),('$&&72,62
Responding to accu-
T.T. Tomorrow Technology equipment
from Italy to slot anodes in Australia
Anodes slotting technology is providing major
economic and operational benefits. It is now
well proven that slots in the bottom of anodes
help to reduce anode cathode distance, improve pot stability, increase current efficiency
as well as to accelerate alumina dissolution.
After the recent installations of automatic
anodes slotting machines in Europe, now also
the equipment delivered to Australia is fully
in operation with its capacity to cut slots 450
mm deep.
The following testimonial was recorded
from the customer area leader after completion of the project: “We are happy for you to
mention that BSL was extremely pleased with
the overall project, especially the functionality around the saw blades (adjustable cutting
Anode with deep slots
© T.T. Tomorrow Technology
High energy and material costs worldwide are forcing the aluminium industry
to focus its attention on cost effective solutions. Being one step ahead of competitors in R&D, and by paying continuous
attention to finding the most advanced
technology, T.T. Tomorrow Technology
provides practical solutions for a fully integrated system. Easy and fast installation
and start up were also key factors for the
Italian company to be awarded the contract to supply a fully automatic anodes
slotting machine at ‘the other end of the
world’ in Australia at Boyne Smelter.
T.T. Automatic Anodes Slotting Machine
depth). We were also impressed with how you
fully constructed and tested the saw in your
workshop. This reduced our on site commissioning time considerably compared to other
projects. Tomorrow Technology’s willingness
to work with BSL, so as to meet our mechanical and electrical standards, this was also another positive.”
In Australia the anodes slotting machine, originally designed by T.T. with a ‘passing through’
concept, was customised as ‘end line equipment’. This means that the machine fits into
the very narrow space available on site, allowing the slotting of anodes in a very congested
‘brownfield’ context.
Like all the equipment manufactured by
Tomorrow Technology, the automatic anodes
slotting machines are fully tested and finetuned in the workshop in Italy, where anodes
provided by clients are slotted at design capacity to positively pass the Factory Acceptance
Test. After equipment has been successfully
tested, it is dismantled and delivered to the
erection site. This reduces the time needed to
commission the slotting machines on site to a
couple of weeks only, thus limiting the impact
on ongoing production.
Several further contracts for new automatic
anodes slotting machines are already under
discussion, highlighting the commitment of
T.T. Tomorrow Technology for innovation
and high performance level to serve aluminium producers with energy-efficient solutions,
from anode production to cast houses.
T.T. Tomorrow Technology will be exhibiting
at the forthcoming ALUMINIUM 2014 Exhibition in Dusseldorf from 7-9 October, Stand
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
SHL Automatisierungstechnik: Aluminium als
Trendwerkstoff fordert hohe Bearbeitungskompetenz
unmöglich. Abhilfe schafft hier die Anlage von matisch aus der Zelle gefahren. Nachdem das
SHL. Durch das Schleifen, Entgraten und Po- Werkstück in der Anlage an Roboter 2 überlieren entsteht die gewünschte, durchgehend geben wurde, holt sich der erste Roboter
hohe Oberflächenqualität auch an Teilen mit bereits das nächste Teil. „Damit ist ein kontinuierlicher Bearbeitungsprozess gewährleiskomplexen Geometrien.
In der zuletzt ausgelieferten Anlage arbei- tet“, sagt Wilhelm Tillinger, Vertriebs- und
ten zwei Sechs-Achs-Industrieroboter. Die Anwendungsspezialist bei der SHL AutomaKarosserie-Alustrukturteile werden sorten- tisierungstechnik.
rein automatisch auf einem Palettenförderer
an die Anlage geführt. Roboter 1 greift das Hohe Prozesssicherheit
Werkstück und führt es an die erste Bearbeitungsstation: eine SHL Bürstmaschine vom Die SHL-Lösung weist mehrere AlleinstelTyp P 550 mit lungsmerkmale auf, die dem Endkunden die
Drahtbürste. Hier entsprechende Prozesssicherheit, Stabilität
werden die ersten und zukunftsweisende Technologie bieten.
fünf Zonen am Ka- Die Anlagen sind so konzipiert, dass ein länrosserieteil bearbei- gerer autonomer Betrieb problemlos möglich
tet. Danach fährt ist.
der KnickarmroboJe nach Geometrie und Größe – die Anlater zur nächsten ge bearbeitet Karosserieteile bis 1,50 Meter
Station mit der Länge – laufen bis zu 360 Werkstücke pro
Schleifma- Schicht durch die Schleif- und Entgratanlage.
schine, Typ FKS In der Bearbeitungspraxis gibt es unterschied250/450. Ein 3,5 liche Anforderungen an die Bearbeitung von
Meter langes Band Aluminiumteilen. Entsprechend bietet der
schleift das Aluteil Spezialist für automatisiertes Schleifen, Entan zwei weiteren graten und Polieren seine Lösungen als moduZonen. Anschlie- lares Baukastensystem an. „Manchmal muss
ßend übergibt der die Zugänglichkeit oder die Art der BearbeiBlick in den Innenraum der Anlage: Die Teile (Vordergrund) werden sortenrein
auf einem Palettenförderer zugeführt
erste Roboter die tung berücksichtig werden. Dann sehen unKomponente
an sere Lösungen entsprechend anders aus und
die Anzahl der Maschinenstationen variiert“,
Manches Unternehmen, das AluminiumdruckMaschine
so Tillinger. Wenn beispielsweise Teile nur
guss in Low-Cost-Ländern herstellen oder
von einer Seite bearbeitet werden müssen,
verarbeiten ließ, musste schon gravierende
reicht ein Roboter aus. Das ist bei FederbeinQualitätsmängel hinnehmen. Mit einem hoist.
Drahtelementen oder Längsträgern der Fall.
hen Anspruch hingegen näherte sich die SHL
Automatisierungstechnik dem Thema Aluminiumbearbeitung. Das Unternehmen mit Sitz Zonen aus dem ersten
im schwäbischen Böttingen entwickelte eine Sektor weiterbearbeitet.
automatische, robotergestützte Schleif- und Anschließend schwenkt
Entgratanlage für die Bearbeitung von Struk- der Roboter kurz nach
turteilen aus Aluminium für Fahrzeugkaros- links und führt das Teil
serien. SHL lieferte solche Anlagen bereits an präzise an ein Schleifrad,
mehrere namhafte Hersteller von Druckguss- an dem ebenfalls die Weiterbearbeitung
teilen im In- und Ausland.
Was früher aus Blech gefertigt wurde, entsteht heute vielfach im Aludruckguss. Bei der ist eine Schleifmaschine
Bearbeitung gibt es jedoch eine spezielle He- gleichen Typs wie oben
rausforderung: Je nach eingesetztem Werk- genannt, mit Schleifband.
zeug reagiert das Material und die Gussteile Auch hier werden vorgeverändern sich. Es treten dann Brandrisse auf, schliffene Bereiche weiter
die negative Auswirkungen auf die Geometrie behandelt. Anschließend
haben. Die Oberfläche wird immer rauer und werden die Karosseriedadurch wird eine saubere Weiterverarbei- teile auf einem Transport- SHL verwendet Schleifbänder zur Aluminiumbearbeitung. Das erhöht die
tung der Teile etwa durch Kleben oder Nieten band abgelegt und auto- Standzeiten und reduziert den Verschleiß.
Aluminium ist mit seiner Vielfalt an
genormten Legierungen für die verschiedenen Anwendungen ein bewährter industrieller Werkstoff. Im Sog des verstärkten Trends zum Pkw-Leichtbau wird die
Bedeutung von Aluminium in Zukunft
weiter steigen, und auch der Flugzeugsektor bleibt auf das Leichtmetall angewiesen. Aus Sicht der SHL Automatisierungstechnik AG fordert die effiziente
Bearbeitung des Werkstoffs unterdessen
viel Erfahrung und Knowhow.
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Ma’aden Aluminium feiert erstes verkaufsfähiges Coil
Eine Vision wird Wirklichkeit
B. Rieth, Meerbusch
„Als ich vor fünf Jahren zum ersten Mal
Ma’aden Aluminium celebrates first saleable coil
an diesem Ort war, gab es noch Kamelherden und viel Sand – heute feiern wir
an gleicher Stelle die Fertigstellung des
B. Rieth, Meerbusch
ersten Coils aus hochwertigem Aluminibe one of the most modern
umband, das soeben auf eiin the region and, as it were,
ner der weltweit modernsten
the core of a new ‘Industrial
Anlagen erzeugt wurde.“ Mit
City’. From that ambition the
diesen Worten umriss Klaus
slogan ‘Mine to Metal’ facility
Kleinfeld, Chairman und
soon emerged, the first such
CEO von Ma’adens Jointin the Middle East, and today
Venture-Partner Alcoa eine
that can be broadened to say
beeindruckende Leistung,
‘Mine to Product’.
welche die beiden Partner
What had been achieved
Ma’aden als saudi-arabischer
at Ras Al Khair so far can
Minenbetreiber und Alcoa
only be described using suInc. als einer der weltgrößten
perlatives, but without exagAluminiumkonzerne erbracht
geration. From the unloading
haben, und dies innerhalb
station for railway wagons
einer für den Projektumfang
Klaus Kleinfeld, chairman and chief executive of Alcoa, at his ceremony speech
the bauxite is transported to
äußerst kurzen Zeitspanne.
and from there to a refinMit „Ort“ meinte der Alcoa-Chef Ras Al
“When I first came to this place five
end of 2014 will be proKhair am Rande der saudischen Wüste,
years ago, there were still herds of camels
of alumina a year.
wo die Temperaturen im Sommer schon
and a lot of sand – and today, in the same
which with 720
mal 50 Grad Celsius erreichen.
place we are celebrating the production
of the first coil of high-grade aluminium
aluAm Beginn stand die Vision von Ma’aden, das strip, just produced in one of the world’s
Bauxitvorkommen aus der eigenen Mine Al most modern plants.” With those words
Ba’itha im Zentrum Saudi-Arabiens mit einer Klaus Kleinfeld, chairman and CEO of
produces primary products and slabs, which
Kapazität von vier Millionen Jahrestonnen zu Ma’aden’s Joint-Venture partner Alcoa,
are delivered via autonomous GPS controlled
erschließen. Allerdings nicht für den Export, summarised a truly impressive achievelift trucks to the rolling mill where the high
sondern 600 Kilometer entfernt für den wei- ment by the two partners, the Saudi Araquality aluminium sheet will be rolled. Prodteren Aufschluss an einem neu zu errichten- bian mine operator Ma’aden and Alcoa
ucts from the rolling mill include body, end
den Standort im Nordosten des Landes. Ras Inc., a lightweight metals technology,
Al Khair liegt in der Nähe zur Industrieregion engineering and manufacturing company, and tab sheet for the production of beverage
cans. The project’s time schedule is noteworvon Al Jubail, die seit vielen Jahren durch Öl- created within an exceptionally short
und Gasfelder sowie Stahlwerke geprägt wird.
• 19 June 2010: first ground-breaking,
Die neue integrierte Anlage zur Aluminiumer• 12 December 2012: first molten metal,
zeugung und -verarbeitung soll zu einer der
and at the same time the first groundtemperatures
modernsten in der Region werden und damit
breaking for the automotive rolling mill,
gleichsam der Kern einer neuen „Industrial reach as much as 50 °C.
• 24 June 2014: the first coil of saleable
City“ mit Schwerpunkt Aluminium. Aus diecan stock is produced.
sem Anspruch wurde bald der Slogan geboren, What started it all was the vision of Ma’aden,
erste „Mine to Metal“-Anlage im Mittleren to make use of the bauxite yield from its Al The following figures shared by Mr Kleinfeld
Osten, der nun erste „Mine-to-Product“-An- Ba’itha mine in the middle of Saudi Arabia, during the event give an idea of the size of the
lage lauten kann.
with a capacity of four million tonnes a year. plant as a whole:
Was in Ras Al Khair bisher entstanden ist, But not for export; rather, at a distance of 600 • 130,000 m2 of covered area, correspondlässt sich ohne Übertreibung in Superlativen kilometres, for further processing at a newly
ing to around 12 football fields,
beschreiben. Von der Entladestation für die Ei- developed location in the north-east of the • 31,000 tonnes of structural steel, or about
senbahnwaggons gelangt das Bauxit zu einem country. Ras Al Khair is close to the industhree and a half times as much as in the
Lagerplatz und von dort zu einer Raffinerie, trial region of Al Jubail, which has for many
Eiffel tower,
die ab Ende 2014 jährlich 1,8 Mio. Tonnen years been the home of oil and gas fields and • 167,000 m3 of concrete, or more than 3
Aluminiumoxid erzeugen wird. In unmittel- steelworks. The new integrated facility for
and a half times the Empire State Building.
barer Nachbarschaft befindet sich der Hütten- aluminium production and processing will • 185,000 m2 of cladding or almost one and
© Ma’aden Aluminium
A vision becomes reality
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
a half times more than on the Burj Khalifa
in Dubai.
The electrolysis plant is now close to reaching
its capacity of 740,000 tonnes a year. Since it
has already been described in various publications, no more detailed description will be
given here.
The casthouse, designed to meet the needs
of the attached rolling plant, casts rolling slabs
weighing up to 32 tonnes and up to nine metres long. In addition, however, it has casting
equipment for ingots, T-bars and extrusion
logs. The last-mentioned casting equipment
is used for processing surplus quantities not
needed by the rolling mill, to make saleable
formats which are supplied to outside further
A world-class rolling complex
The rolling mills are integrated parts of the
Ma’aden Aluminium facility as a whole. Their
layout is determined by the requirements for
rolling the main products, namely can stock
and automobile applications. In addition aluminium strips for architectural applications
and foil stock can also be produced. When
presenting the plant, Ma’aden Aluminium
stresses that the layout and the choice of suppliers was governed above all by the principle
‘Highest product quality and maximum plant
The rolling equipment supplied by SMS
Siemag constitutes the core of the plant. Its
layout and structure are predominantly di-
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
betrieb, der mit 720 Elektrolysezellen und
einer Jahreskapazität von jährlich 740.000
Tonnen Primäraluminium einer der größten
der Region ist. Das Casthouse von Ma’aden
Aluminium produziert Primärprodukte, die
mittels GPS-gesteuerten Hubwagen zum
Walzwerk transportiert werden, wo sie zu
hochwertigem Aluminiumblech gewalzt werden. Beachtenswert ist der zeitliche Ablauf des
• 19. Juni 2010: der erste Spatenstich
• 12. Dezember 2012: das erste flüssiges
Metall und gleichzeitig der erste
Spatenstich für die Automobilbandlinie
• 24. Juni 2014: das erste Coil verkaufsfähiges Dosenband
Die Dimensionen der kompletten Anlage verdeutlichen folgende Zahlen:
• 130.000 m2 überdachte Fläche, das
entspricht etwa 12 Fußballfeldern
• 31.000 Tonnen Baustahl, das ist etwa das
3,5-fache des Eiffelturms
• 167.000 m3 Beton, das ist mehr als das
3,5-fache des Empire State Buildings
• 185.000 m2 Fassadenteile, das entspricht
fast der 1,5-fachen Menge am Burj Khalifa
in Dubai.
Die Elektrolyseanlage ist derzeit dabei, ihre
Leistung von 740.000 Jahrestonnen zu erreichen. Da sie bereits Gegenstand von Veröffentlichungen war, wird hier auf eine detaillierte Beschreibung verzichtet.
Das Casthouse gießt, ausgerichtet auf den
Bedarf des angeschlossenen Walzwerkes,
bis zu 32 Tonnen schwere, und bis zu neun
Meter lange Walzbarren. Daneben verfügt es
aber auch über Gießanlagen für Masseln, Tbars und Strangpress-Stangen. Auf den letztgenannten Gießanlagen werden Überschussmengen, die das Walzwerk nicht benötigt, in
verkaufsfähige Formate gegossen und an externe Weiterverarbeiter geliefert.
Ein Walzwerkskomplex der Extraklasse
Die Walzanlagen sind integrierter Bestandteil des gesamten Werkes von Ma’aden Aluminium. Das Layout wird bestimmt von den
Erfordernissen zum Walzen der Hauptprodukte Dosenband und Automotive-Produkte.
Außerdem besteht die Möglichkeit, Aluminiumbänder für Architekturanwendungen und
Folienvorband zu erzeugen. Ma’aden Aluminium betonte bei der Vorstellung des Werkes,
dass das Layout sowie die Auswahl der Anlagenbaufirmen in erster Linie nach dem Grundsatz „Höchste Produktqualität und höchste
Zuverlässigkeit der Anlagen“ erfolgt ist.
Die von SMS Siemag gelieferten Walzwerke sind das Herzstück des Werkes. Ihre
Anordnung und Bauweise sind vornehmlich
auf die Erzeugung von Dosenband bzw. Automobilblech ausgerichtet. Hervorzuheben ist
der hohe Automatisierungsgrad, der die hohe
Produktivität der Walzwerke ebenso sicherstellt wie einen gleichbleibend hohen Qualitätsstandard der Erzeugnisse.
Die Sicherstellung der endgültigen Qualität der gewalzten Bänder beginnt bereits vor
dem ersten Walzvorgang durch das Abfräsen
der beiden Kaltwalzwerke. Dosenband wird
in einer viergerüstigen Kalt-Tandemstraße mit
einer Kapazität von 380.000 Jahrestonnen
bis auf eine Dicke von circa 0,2 mm reduziert.
Den Anforderungen einer Dosenbandlinie
entsprechend sind alle vier Gerüste als Quartogerüste ausgeführt. Sie besitzen die neueste
Generation von Stellgliedern, wie hydraulische Walzenanstellung, positive und negative
Arbeitswalzenbiegung und CVC plus-Technologie. Diese Einrichtungen gewährleisten
optimale Bandplanheit, engste Banddickentoleranzen und eine perfekte Bandoberfläche.
Die Steuerung des Walzvorgangs ist für einen vollautomatischen Ablauf ausgelegt und
sichert damit die hohe Zuverlässigkeit der
Abläufe und eine gleichmäßige Produktqualität. Eingesetzt wird das von SMS Siemag für
die Erfordernisse des Walzens von Aluminiumbändern entwickelte Prozessmodell „AluControl“ in den Stufen Level 0 bis Level 2.
Das Vorband für Dosendeckel und Aufreißverschlüsse durchläuft nach dem Walzen eine
von BWG Bergwerk- und Walzwerk-Maschinenbau gelieferte vollautomatische Beschichtungslinie für die Oberflächenbehandlung.
Neben dem Reinigungs- und Beschichtungsteil
verfügt sie über einen Trocknungsofen, der
ebenso wie die Elektrik und Automatisierung
der Anlage zum Technologiepaket von BWG
gehört. Die Linie ist nach modernsten Gesichtspunkten ausgelegt, wie sie mehrfach in
vergleichbaren Anlagen realisiert wurden, die
rected toward the production of can stock and
automotive strip. Worth stressing is the high
level of automation, which ensures that the
rolling plant’s productivity is high and also that
the quality standard of the products remains
Ensuring the final quality is a process that
starts already before the first rolling process,
by scalping off the oxide skin from the ingot
surfaces. For the subsequent preheating and
homogenising of the ingots the company Ebner Industrieanlagen has supplied two pusherpreheat furnaces. The furnaces are noted for
their energy efficiency and for the reproducibly high uniformity of the heating. The latter
is an important prerequisite for reproducibly
high precision during rolling.
The first rolling mill, supplied by SMS Siemag, is a hot-rolling mill in 1+4 configuration,
with a capacity of 650,000 tonnes a year. The
first stand works as a reversing breakdown
mill. It rolls the slabs down from 630 to around
25 mm and so produces a transfer strip 2,200
mm wide and more than 200 metres long. For
quality reasons the strip ends deformed by
rolling are cropped off by two shears between
individual rolling passes. The finished transfer
strip then passes on into the four-stand hot
tandem line, which it leaves with a thickness
of 2 to 7 mm. All five hot-rolling stands, with
a 4-high roll arrangement, have control elements that enable automation in accordance
with the most modern standards from Alcoa.
© SMS Siemag
der Oxidhaut der Barrenoberflächen. Zum
anschließenden Anwärmen und Homogenisieren der Barren lieferte die Firma Ebner
Industrieanlagen zwei Stoßöfen. Die Öfen
zeichnen sich durch ihre Energieeffizienz und
die reproduzierbar hohe Gleichmäßigkeit der
Erwärmung aus. Letzteres ist eine wichtige
Voraussetzung für eine reproduzierbar hohe
Genauigkeit beim Walzen.
Die erste von SMS Siemag gelieferte Anlage ist ein Warmwalzwerk in der Konfiguration 1+4 mit einer Kapazität von 650.000
Jahrestonnen. Das erste Gerüst arbeitet als
Reversier-Vorgerüst. Es walzt die Brammen
von 630 auf circa 25 mm herunter und erzeugt dabei ein Transferband – 2.200 mm breit
und über 200 Meter lang. Aus Qualitätsgründen werden die sich durch das Walzen verformenden Bandenden zwischen einzelnen
Walzstichen auf zwei Scheren geschopft. Das
fertige Transferband läuft anschließend in die
viergerüstige Warm-Tandemstraße ein, die
es mit einer Dicke von 2 bis 7 mm verlässt.
Alle fünf Warmwalzgerüste in Quarto-Walzenanordnung besitzen Stellglieder für eine
Automatisierung nach modernstem AlcoaStandard. Somit wird bereits in der Vorstufe
ein Band erzeugt, das ohne weitere thermische
Behandlung höchsten Qualitätsansprüchen für
die Herstellung von Getränkedosen genügt.
Je nach weiterer Bestimmung gelangen
die Warmbandcoils, die auf einem zentralen
Lagerplatz zwischengelagert werden, in eines
Testlauf des Warmwalzwerks, mit Coil auf der Auslaufseite (kleines Foto)
Test run of the hot finishing mill, with coil at the exit side (small photo)
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Thus, already in the preliminary stages a strip
is produced, which without further heat treatment meets the strictest quality demands for
the production of beverage cans.
Depending on what they are then intended
for, the hot strip coils, intermediately stored at a
central storage point, then go to one of the two
cold-rolling mills. Can stock is rolled down to a
thickness of around 0.2 mm in a four-stand cold
tandem line with a capacity of 380,000 tonnes
a year. In accordance with the requirements
for a can stock line, all four stands are 4-high.
They are equipped with the latest generation
of controls, such as hydraulic roll adjustment,
von BWG in jüngster Zeit an andere Werke
von Alcoa geliefert wurden.
Für die Herstellung von Automobilblech
sowie von weiteren anspruchsvollen Qualitäten hat SMS Siemag ein weiteres Kaltwalzwerk mit einer Kapazität von 150.000 Jahrestonnen geliefert, das derzeit montiert wird
und 2015 den Betrieb aufnimmt. Es handelt
sich um ein eingerüstiges Kaltwalzgerüst in
Quarto-Bauweise. Dieses ist ausgerüstet mit
CVC plus, Arbeitswalzenbiegung und Mehrzonenkühlung. Damit erfüllt es alle Voraussetzungen zum Walzen von Automobil- und
Architekturbändern in höchster Qualität im
Dickenbereich von 0,8 bis 3,5 mm.
Die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Bänder sowie deren endgültige Oberflächenbeschaffenheit entstehen in einer nach dem
Kaltwalzwerk angeordneten Vergütungs- und
chemischen Vorbehandlungslinie, die ebenfalls von SMS Siemag als Systemlieferant der
gesamten Automobilbandlinie geliefert wurde (Details dazu in ALUMINIUM 6/2014, S.
Für alle Warm- und Kaltwalzanlagen lieferte SMS Siemag auch die gesamte Elektrik
und Automation auf Basis der leistungsfähigen X-Pact-Systemtechnik. Ein wesentlicher
Ma’aden Aluminium – ‘First Coil’ Celebration
“We offer our customers high product quality and reliable delivery”
Exclusive interview with Abdulaziz Al Harbi, president of Ma’aden Aluminium
© Ma’aden Aluminium
ALUMINIUM: From the very beginning our
journal has followed the Ma’aden Alcoa project
with great interest and kept our readers continually informed about its progress. Today, with the
symbolic rolling of the first production-grade coil,
the original vision has been brought to life. On
behalf of all our editorial staff we congratulate
you and your team on this special occasion.
Al Harbi: In fact, this day marks a true milestone
in the achievement of our targets, about which
we are very proud.
ALUMINIUM: This integrated aluminium complex, from the mining of the bauxite and the
production of alumina, through metal production
and all the way to the manufacture of rolled
coils, is unique in the world.
Al Harbi: You’re right. Two unique and distinctive
features have a bearing on the implementation
of this project. First we will not, as many other
aluminium smelters do, import the bauxite and/
Abdulaziz Al Harbi, president of Ma’aden Aluminium: “After opening up the GCC market, we want
to extend our deliveries beyond the GCC market
to areas where we believe we can bring value to
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
or alumina from other countries but we use the
native resources of our own country. Secondly,
our rolling mill can rely on rolling ingots produced by our own casthouse with metal from
our own smelter or our own recycling facility. We
produce the ingots ourselves, and this indeed, in
one of the world’s most modern rolling plants, to
produce high-grade aluminium for the regional
demand in the Gulf.
ALUMINIUM: What are the advantages of that
way of working?
Al Harbi: We consider the main advantages to
be the security of supply and the consistency of
quality to our customers.
ALUMINIUM: What cost advantages stem from
your plant concept?
Al Harbi: Compared with other aluminium smelters the small distance over which the pre-material
is delivered has notable cost advantages. However, and this is even more important: all the production steps up to the finished aluminium take
place here, in our own country. For us this means
independence from outside transport means and
political developments in supplier countries. Both
of these aspects – greater efficiency on the one
hand and reliability of supply for our customers
– are cornerstones of our business.
ALUMINIUM: From the standpoint of the technologies used the two main products of your
rolling plant, namely food-grade can stock and
automobile strip, present a major challenge for
any aluminium rolling plant. As a newcomer, how
will Ma’aden cope with that challenge?
Al Harbi: We are fully aware of the challenge
and we base our confidence on two strategies:
on the one hand, our strategic partnership with
Alcoa, a lightweight technology, metals engineering and manufacturing company and one of the
most experienced aluminium producers in the
world. Alcoa has been advising us, and not just
on the design of our plants. Alcoa has also made
it possible to train our employees in its plants all
over the world and will moreover continue standing by us beyond the time of commissioning,
with all its know-how.
ALUMINIUM: And the second strategy?
Al Harbi: To make products that conform qualitatively to world standards, we have equipped our
new rolling plant exclusively with machinery and
technologies from the world’s best suppliers, such
as SMS Siemag, Ebner, BWG and Danieli Froehling, to name only a few. That ensures for us
high productivity, and for our customers, besides
the high quality of the rolled products, the greatest possible delivery promptness and reliability,
which also represents added value.
ALUMINIUM: In the short term, where do you
see the future markets for Ma’aden Aluminium?
Al Harbi: Bearing in mind the product quality we
aspire to achieve with Alcoa’s support, we can
offer our products in any of the world’s markets.
However, that is not our primary aim. Rather, to
begin with we want to supply high-grade can
stock to beverage can manufacturers in the GCC
area, which until now they have had to import
from far afield. For that reason we have invited
representatives of those companies to our celebration today.
ALUMINIUM: And what marketing plans do you
have in the medium term?
Al Harbi: After opening up the GCC market, we
want to extend our deliveries beyond the GCC
market to areas where we believe we can bring
value to customers.
ALUMINIUM: Mr Al Harbi, many thanks for this
Bestandteil davon ist die sogenannte „Plug & in den Produktionskreislauf zurückführt.
Work“-Einrichtung. Das gesamte Automati- Ma’aden Aluminium sieht sich zudem als treisierungssystem der Walzgerüste wurde lange bende Kraft bei der Rückführung von SchrotZeit vor der Montage und Inbetriebnahme in ten (hauptsächlich für gebrauchte GetränkeSaudi-Arabien im Testzentrum von SMS Sie- dosen), die derzeit von unabhängigen Recymag in Deutschland installiert, von den Steu- clern gesammelt werden. Die Aufbereitungserpulten bis hin zur Software. Mittels eines und Schmelzanlagen mit einer Kapazität von
Simulationssystems auf Basis der relevanten 120.000 Jahrestonnen werden im Herbst in
Konstruktionsdaten wurde die Elektrik und Betrieb gehen. Sie umfassen fortschrittliche
Automation auf Herz und Nieren getestet, wo- Sortieranlagen, eine Entlackungsanlage, zwei
durch das System bereits vor der Inbetriebnah- Schmelzöfen sowie einen Drehofen zur Aufme optimiert werden konnte. In dieser Phase bereitung von Krätze.
konnten sich auch die künftigen Walzwerker
von Ma’aden Aluminium als Bestandteil ihres Umfangreiche Infrastruktur
Trainings vorab und realitätsnah mit ihrer
künftigen Anlage vertraut machen.
Über den Minen-, Oxid-, Hütten- und WalzHinter beiden Kaltwalzlinien sind High- werkskomplex hinaus ist Ma’aden an Projektech-Scherenlinien von Danieli Fröhling instal- ten der Stromerzeugung und Meerwasserentliert. Einlaufseitig besitzen sie eine Vorricht- salzung beteiligt. Rund die Hälfte der gesamtmaschine zur Reduzierung des Coil-Sets, eine en 2.600 MW Kraftwerksleistung am Standort
Inline-Bandvorbereitung mittels Trommel- dient der Versorgung der Aluminiumanlagen.
schere, den Schneidbereich mit CNC-Schere, Das Kraftwerk ist mit einer Meerwasser-Entden Bandbremsbereich und die elektrosta- salzungsanlage verbunden, mit einer geplantische Beölung bis hin zum Aufwickeln und ten Aufbereitungskapazität von 1,025 Mio.
zur Übergabe an die Verpackungsanlage von Kubikmeter pro Tag, wovon künftig rund eine
SMS Logistiksysteme.
Außerdem hat Danieli
Fröhling eine Hochgeschwindigkeits-Längsteilanlage geliefert, die
mit 1.800 m/min (oder
108 km/h) läuft – das
ist weltweite Benchmark.
Innerhalb der angeschlossenen Verpackungsanlage werden
die Ringe je nach Programm vereinzelt, gewogen, mit Folie ver- Das fertige Transferband läuft in die viergerüstige Warm-Tandemstraße ein
packt und auf Paletten The finished transfer strip passes on into the four-stand hot tandem line
gestapelt. Alle Arbeitsgänge erfolgen automatisch.
Million Kubikmeter über eine Pipeline in die
Die Schonung der Bandoberflächen vor Hauptstadt Riyadh geliefert wird.
Beschädigungen spielt bei allen Transporten
Außer dem Aluminiumwerk betreibt
innerhalb des gesamten Walzwerkes eine Ma’aden im Industriegebiet Ras Al Khair
große Rolle im Hinblick auf die Qualitätssi- eine Phosphatanlage. Neben der Erschließung
cherung. Neben automatischen Krananlagen über Schiene zum Bauxittransport und Strawerden im gesamten Walzwerk führerlose, ße verfügt Ras Al Khair über einen Hafen am
automatisch gesteuerte Coiltransporter, soge- Arabischen Golf – gute Voraussetzungen für
nannte ACT eingesetzt.
die Entstehung einer „Aluminium Industrial
Aufbau einer Recyclingindustrie in Saudi-Arabien
Bemerkenswert und für die Region ungewöhnlich ist die Integration einer AluminiumRecyclinganlage in den Verarbeitungskomplex, die in Zukunft neben eigenem Prozessschrott auch Kundenschrott einschmilzt und
Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Rieth ist Marketingspezialist
und freier Fachjournalist. Als Inhaber der Marketing Xpertise Rieth in Meerbusch berät er Ausrüstungspartner der NE-Metall-Halbzeugindustrie in
positive and negative working-roll bending and
CVCplus technology. This equipment ensures
optimum strip flatness, the closest strip thickness tolerances and a perfect strip surface.
The control of the rolling process is designed
for fully automatic operation and so ensures
that the sequence is very reliable and that the
product quality remains uniform. The process
model ‘Alu-Control’ developed by SMS Siemag
for the demand of aluminium strip rolling is
used at the Level 0 to Level 2 stages.
After rolling, the preliminary sheet for can
ends and tabs passes through a fully automatic coating line supplied by BWG GmbH, for
surface treatment. Besides the cleansing and
coating sections, this line has a drying oven
which, like the electrical and plant automation equipment, is also part of the technology
package supplied by BWG. The line is designed
in accordance with the most modern concepts,
already implemented many times in comparable plants supplied by BWG to other Alcoa
For the production of automotive sheet
and other demanding grades, SMS Siemag
has supplied another cold mill with a
capacity of 150,000
tonnes a year, which
is currently being assembled and will begin operating in 2015.
This is a single-stand
cold-rolling mill of 4high design. It too is
equipped with CVCplus, working roll
bending and multiple-zone cooling. Accordingly, it satisfies
© SMS Siemag
all the prerequisites
for rolling automobile and architectural strips of the highest
quality in the thickness range 0.8 to 3.5 mm.
The mechanical properties of the strips and
their final surface condition are produced in a
annealing and chemical pre-treatment line arranged after the cold mill, which was also supplied by SMS Siemag as the system supplier of
the entire automobile strip line (for details, see
ALUMINIUM 6/2014, pp. 72-76).
For all the hot and cold rolling mills SMS
Siemag also supplied the complete electrical
and automation systems based on high-performance X-Pact system technology. An essential constituent of that is the so-termed ‘Plug &
Work’ equipment. Long before assembly and
commissioning in Saudi Arabia, the entire rolling stand automation systems were set up at
the test centre of SMS Siemag in Germany,
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
from the control pulpits to all the software.
By means of a simulation system based on the
relevant design data, the electrical and automation systems were thoroughly tested so that
already before commissioning they could be
optimised. During this phase the future rolling mill operators from Ma’aden Aluminium
could familiarise themselves with their forthcoming equipment in advance, as part of their
Beyond the two cold-rolling lines, hightech shearing lines from Danieli Fröhling are
installed. On the inlet side these have a levelling machine to reduce the coil set, an in-line
strip preparation unit that uses drum shears,
the cutting zone with CNC shears, the strip
braking zone and the electrostatic oiling system before winding and transfer to the packing plant from SMS Logistiksysteme. In addition, Danieli Fröhling delivered a high speed
slitter capable of running at 1,800 m/min
(or 108 km/h), a worldwide benchmark. Inside the enclosed packing plant the coils
are isolated in accordance with the production programme, weighed, packed in foil and
stacked on pallets. All these steps take place
During all the transport operations through-
out the rolling plant, careful treatment of the
strip surfaces to prevent damage plays a major
part for quality assurance purposes. Besides
automatic cranes, driverless, automatically
controlled coil transporters, so-termed ACTs
(Automatic Coil Transporters) are used.
Inception of a recycling
industry in Saudi Arabia
A noteworthy feature, unusual for the region,
is the integration of an aluminium recycling
plant in the processing complex which, in addition to reprocessing internal trim, will in
future melt down scrap from customers and
return it to the production cycle. Ma’aden
Aluminium also sees itself as a driving force
for the country-wide expansion of scrap reclamation, increasing the used beverage cans
(UBCs) volumes currently being collected by
existing recyclers. The preparation and melting plant, with a capacity of 120,000 tonnes a
year, is commissioning this autumn. The Can
Reclamation Unit (CRU) includes sophisticated sorting equipment, a de-lacquering unit
to remove coatings and brand-decoration,
two melting furnaces and a rotary furnace for
dross recycling.
Ras Al Khair’s extensive infrastructure
In addition to the mine, refinery, smelting and
rolling facility, Ma’aden is also involved in
projects for electric power generation and seawater desalination. Around half of the power
used at the site, namely 2,600 MW, goes to supply the Ma’aden Aluminium facility. The power station is linked to a seawater desalination
plant with a planned output capacity of 1.025
million cubic metres per day, of which in future
about one million cubic metres will be delivered to the Capital, Riyadh, by a pipeline.
Apart from the aluminium facility Ma’aden
operates a phosphate plant in the industrial
zone of Ras Al Khair. Besides being accessible
by rail for the bauxite transport and by road,
Ras Al Khair has a port on the Arabian Gulf
– excellent prerequisites for the creation of
an ‘Aluminium Industrial City’.
Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Rieth is a marketing specialist
and freelance technical journalist. As proprietor of
Marketing Xpertise Rieth in Meerbusch, Germany,
he advises equipment partners of the NF metals
semis industry on marketing-related matters.
Siemens aluminium rod mill sold to Southwire for end user Dubai Cable
Siemens is responsible for the engineering,
manufacturing and commissioning of the rolling mill and coiler equipment for a Southwire
SCR AL 3650 rolling mill to produce EC and
6201 electrical alloy. The contract scope includes a 500 mm entry shear with crop discharge table, a 3-stand roughing mill, a 7stand finishing mill, dual reel coiler, automatic
strapping and coil unloading equipment. The
new mill will run 8 t/h, and is rated to produce annually 50,400 tonnes of rods that are
9.5, 12 and 15 mm in diameter. The dual reel
coiler allows Ducab to produce coils with two
different diameters to meet different customer requirements, and the automatic strapping
and unloading features will increase efficiencies in the coil handling process.
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
© Southwire
Siemens Metals Technologies has won an
order from the Southwire Company in
Carrollton, Georgia / USA, to supply an
aluminium rod system for wire and cable
producer Dubai Cable (Ducab). The new
mill will be located in Taweelah, Abu
Dhabi, with commissioning expected in
summer 2015.
An aluminium rod mill with dual reel coiler system. Siemens will supply
a mill to Southwire for the cable producer Dubai Cable.
Ducab, founded in 1979
by the government of Dubai as a joint venture with
BICC cables, is one of the
leading manufacturers of
energy cables in the Middle East, and is now equally owned by ICD (private
investment of Government of Dubai) and Senaat (private investment of
the Government of Abu
Dhabi). They supply a wide
range of power cables and
accessories to customers
in more than 40 countries
across the globe.
Southwire has worked
together Siemens for more
than 50 years. During that
time, the company has
built more than 100 nonferrous mills for Southwire
customers, in addition to
completing nearly 30 upgrades.
Reimann GmbH – mittelständisches Stahlbauunternehmen saniert
Industrieöfen und setzt auf kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung
„Die Neuanfertigung inklusive der kompletten Montage des Tiefofens ist das größte Projekt unserer Firmengeschichte“, erklärt Kreutzer im Gespräch mit ALUMINIUM. Um die
Dimensionen des Projektes zu veranschaulichen, genügt ein Blick auf die Maße des gefertigten Ofens: 16 Meter Breite, acht Meter
Tiefe und acht Meter Höhe lassen die mühevolle Detailarbeit erahnen, die die Montage
der circa 10.000 Einzelteile bedarf. Der 390
Tonnen schwere Tiefofen hat zwei Kammern;
in jeder Kammer können elf Walzbarren eingesetzt werden; jede Kammer kann, je nach
Legierung und Zielprodukt, mit unterschiedlichen Temperaturen gefahren werden.
Der Auftrag mit einem Gesamtvolumen
… und Innenansicht
Reimann – the medium-sized steel engineering
company renovates industrial furnaces and commits itself to continuous further development
© Reimann
Anfang dieses Jahres vermeldete die Reimann GmbH mit Sitz in Mönchengladbach, dass sie erstmals den mechanischen
Teil eines Vorwärmofens (Tiefofens) für
ein namhaftes Unternehmen der Aluminiumindustrie gefertigt und am Kundenstandort montiert hat. Für Reimann
handelte es sich um den größten Auftrag
seit Firmengründung. Der Kunde war
offenbar höchst zufrieden mit der Projektausführung und hat Folgeaufträge zur
Sanierung von drei weiteren Ofenanlagen
zur Wärmebehandlung von AluminiumWalzbarren an Reimann vergeben. Für
Geschäftsführer Jürgen Kreutzer sind
diese Großprojekte Bestätigung und Ausweis dafür, dass sich sein Unternehmen
in den vergangenen Jahren entscheidend
weiterentwickelt und kontinuierlich neue
Geschäftsfelder erschlossen hat.
Fertigung des Vorwärmofens…
At the beginning of this year Reimann
GmbH, located in Mönchengladbach,
Germany, announced that for the first
time it had built the mechanical parts of
a preheating furnace (pit-type furnace)
for a noted company in the aluminium industry and assembled it at the customer’s
location. For Reimann that has been the
largest project since the firm’s foundation. The customer
was clearly very satisfied with the way
the project had been
carried out, and followed up by awarding Reimann the
project to renovate
three further furnace
units for the heat
treatment of aluminium rolling ingots.
For managing director Jürgen Kreutzer
these major projects
confirm and certify
that in the past years
his company has
… and interior view
Manufacturing of the preheating furnace…
decisively developed further and continuously opened up new fields of business.
“The building of the pit furnace from new,
including its complete assembly, has been
the largest project in our company’s history
so far,” explained Mr Kreutzer in a talk with
ALUMINIUM. To illustrate the scale of the
project, it suffices to look at size of the finished furnace: 16 metres wide, eight metres
deep and eight metres high allow the ambitious
detailed work to be imagined, which entailed
the fitting of around 10,000 individual components. The pit furnace, weighing some 390
tonnes, has two chambers in each of which
eleven rolling ingots can be accommodated.
Depending on the alloy and the target product, each chamber can be operated at different
The project, worth a total of several million
euros, was completed over a project period of
just under a year, and for the new-build about
350 tonnes of partially heat-resistant material
were processed. The furnace is equipped with
recuperating burners, its throughput is substantially greater than the old plant and, as
Mr Kreutzer stresses, “it has been operating
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
since March without any problems”.
von mehreren Millionen Euro wurde über ei- möglich wieder aufzunehmen. Und mit neuer
With the three follow-up orders Reimann nen Projektzeitraum von knapp einem Jahr Brennertechnik und neuer Isolierung arbeitet
now will be increasing its size by building a abgewickelt, für die Neufertigung wurden der sanierte Ofen vergleichbar effizient wie
new, 1,000 square-metre production shed rund 350 Tonnen teilweise hitzebeständiges ein neuer.“
on the company’s land. The shed is currently Material verarbeitet. Der Ofen ist mit rekuDie technische Isolierung spielt eine zentraunder construction and will enlarge the total perativen Brennern ausgestattet, schafft deut- le Rolle bei der Sanierung. Schließlich dürfen
production space available to almost 5,000 lich mehr Durchsatz als die Altanlage und, wie keine großen Wärmeverluste beim Anlagensquare metres. “Including our new cranes we Kreutzer betont, „läuft seit März dieses Jahres betrieb entstehen. Je älter der Ofen ist, umso
will then have the necessary capacity for im- ohne Probleme.“
mehr bricht die Isolierung weg. Die Öfen arplementing major projects professionally to
Mit den drei Folgeaufträgen ist Reimann beiten dann energetisch sehr ineffizient. Eine
the satisfaction of our customers”, Mr Kreut- nun dabei, sich auch räumlich zu vergrößern hohe Energieeffizienz ist heute jedoch aus
zer is glad to report.
und eine neue, 1.000 Quadratmeter große Kosten- und Umweltgründen das A und O im
The renovation of heat treatment furnaces Fertigungshalle auf dem Firmengelände zu betrieblichen Alltag. Zur Ermittlung von Wärhas already for five or six years been an im- errichten. Die Halle wird derzeit aufgebaut meverlusten hat Kreutzer ebenfalls geschultes
portant pillar of Reimann’s activity. The first und vergrößert die Fertigungsräumlichkeiten Personal: „Wir ermitteln mit Wärmekameras,
aluminium projects concerned the renovation auf fast 5.000 Quadratmeter. „Inklusive un- wo Wärmeverluste am Ofen auftreten.“
of pusher-type furnaces. In that context the serer neuen Krananlagen haben wir damit die
Kreutzer sieht einen Trend dahin, dass viele
complete furnace was in each case dismantled, notwendigen Kapazitäten, Großprojekte pro- Betreiber von Wärmebehandlungsöfen die Sabuilt up from new and re-assembled – with fessionell zur Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden nierung einer Neuinvestition vorziehen. Für
new insulation and new burner technology, so abzuwickeln“, freut sich Kreutzer.
Reimann, die in diesem Geschäftsfeld ihre
that only the outer shell remained the same.
Kompetenz in den letzten Jahren
Compared with other renovation projects,
für eine Reihe von namhaften
in which the floor or the cover are often
Halbzeugunternehmen der Alukept, this is a novelty.
miniumindustrie unter Beweis
Mr Kreutzer considers that the renovagestellt haben, sind das gute Pertion of existing furnace units is an economispektiven. Dieses Jahr konnten
cally rational alternative to new investment.
über die oben erwähnten drei
“Renovation, even complete renovation,
Projekte bereits weitere Firis essentially less costly for the customer
menaufträge zur Ofensanierung
and the furnace can be brought back into
verbucht werden.
operation much sooner than if a complete
Bis Mai 2016 ist die Firma
new furnace is built. We are talking about
mit der Sanierung von Öfen
renovation times of about six weeks. For
gut ausgelastet. Die Projekte
the customer it counts in plain cash to be
erstrecken sich auf Tief- und
able to resume production as soon as posStoßöfen, Bundglühöfen und
sible. And with new burner technology and
Durchlaufanlagen. Über die ponew insulation the renovated furnace oper- Renovation of a pusher-type furnace
sitive Entwicklung im GeschäftsSanierung eines Stoßofens
ates with an efficiency comparable to that
feld Ofensanierung ist Kreutzer
of a new one.”
Die Sanierung von Wärmebehandlungsöfen erfreut: „Wir erweitern kontinuierlich unser
Technical insulation plays a central part in ist bereits seit fünf, sechs Jahren ein wich- Leistungsspektrum und haben in den verrenovation. Ultimately, there must be no se- tiges Standbein für Reimann. Bei den ersten gangenen Jahren eine sehr dynamische Entrious heat losses during plant operation. The Aluminiumprojekten handelte es sich um die wicklung vollzogen. Wir sehen uns in erster
older the furnace, the more the insulation Sanierung von Stoßöfen. Dabei wurde jeweils Linie als Ofensanierer.“
breaks away and furnaces then operate with der komplette Ofen abgerissen, neu gefertigt
Seit über 40 Jahren ist Reimann am Markt –
very low energy efficiency. Today, high energy und montiert – mit neuer Isolierung und neuer ursprünglich eher als Schlosserei mit vielen
efficiency during day to day operation is the Brennertechnik, lediglich die Außenhülle blieb Aufträgen aus der Bauwirtschaft. Als KreutAlpha and Omega for both cost and environ- stehen. Das ist gegenüber anderen Sanierungs- zer 1996 zur Firma kam, waren 15 Leute bemental reasons. For the determination of heat projekten, bei denen oft der Boden oder die schäftigt. 2004 wechselte er in die Geschäftslosses Mr Kreutzer has also trained personnel: Decke erhalten bleiben, ein Novum.
leitung, seit 2007 ist er auch alleiniger Gesell“We use thermal cameras to determine where
Kreutzer sieht in der Sanierung vorhan- schafter. Seitdem fokussiert sich die Firma
heat losses are taking place from a furnace.”
dener Ofenanlagen eine wirtschaftlich sinn- mehr und mehr auf Industrieprojekte wie beiHe perceives a trend for many operators volle Alternative zur Neuinvestition: „Die spielsweise die Ofensanierung. Der Stahlbau
of heat treatment plants to prefer renovation Sanierung, auch die Komplettsanierung, ist und stahlorientierte Projekte spielen heute
to new investment. For Reimann, which has wesentlich kostengünstiger für den Kunden, nicht mehr die dominante Rolle früherer Jahin recent years demonstrated its competence und der Ofen lässt sich deutlich schneller wie- re. Inzwischen beschäftigt die Firma 65 feste
in that field of business for a series of noted der in Betrieb nehmen, als wenn ein neuer Mitarbeiter plus ein bis zwei Dutzend freie
semis manufacturers in the aluminium in- Ofen komplett aufgebaut wird. Wir sprechen bzw. Zeitarbeitskräfte, je nach Auftragslage.
dustry, this bodes well. This year, besides the hier von Sanierungszeiten von etwa sechs WoIn den vergangenen Jahren ist kräftig in
three projects mentioned above other orders chen. Für den Kunden zahlt es sich in barer den Maschinenpark investiert worden. So
from companies for furnace renovation have Münze aus, die Produktion so schnell wie wurde für 700.000 Euro eine hoch moderne
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Fertigungshalle mit der Laserschneidanlage im Vordergrund
Production shed with laser cutting machine in the foreground
Laserschneidanlage angeschafft, mit der ein
erweitertes Spektrum innerhalb der Blechverarbeitung angeboten werden kann. Nun lassen sich auch große Stückzahlen an Dick- und
Dünnblech verarbeiten. Ein automatischer
Düsenwechsler und ein integrierter Plattenwechsler garantieren dabei den Wechsel der
Blechtafeln in Sekundenschnelle. Die Anlage
ist derzeit aber rein für hitzebeständige Bleche
ausgelastet, mit denen Ofenanlagen ausgekleidet werden.
Darüber hinaus wurde für mehrere Hunderttausend Euro in eine neue CNC-gesteuerte Abkantbank investiert. Eine hydraulische
Vier-Walzen-Rundbiegemaschine speziell für
den Behälterbau sorgt für höchste Präzision
beim Biegen, Zylinder- und Konusrunden.
Die Aufträge kommen, noch, weitgehend
aus Deutschland, doch ist in den letzten Jahren mehr an Europageschäft hinzugekommen.
Sogar bis hin nach Russland, Afrika, in die
Golfregion und nach Asien wurden vereinzelt
Aufträge abgewickelt. Und natürlich ist Reimann auch außerhalb der Aluminiumindustrie
mit Projekten für industrielle Großkunden beauftragt – zum Beispiel aus der Lebensmittelund Chemieindustrie. Kesselfertigung, Rohrleitungsbau, Blechverarbeitung und technische Isolierungen sind weitere Geschäftsfelder
der Firma. „Die Ofensanierung und Ofentechnik sind Geschäftsbereiche, die in den
kommenden Jahren auch weiterhin eine Bedeutung für die Weiterentwicklung der Firma
Reimann haben werden“, erklärt Kreutzer
or part-timers, depending on the order position.
In past years a lot has been invested in mechanical equipment.
Thus, for 700,000 euros a top-class
laser-cutting unit was acquired, with
which a broader spectrum can be offered for sheet processing. Now, even
large production runs on thick and
thin sheets can be dealt with. An automatic nozzle exchanger and an integrated plate exchanger ensure that
the sheet panels can be replaced in
a matter of seconds. However, that
plant is at present used exclusively
for heat-resistant sheeting with
which furnaces are clad.
In addition, a few hundred thousand euros were invested in a new,
CNC-controlled folding press. A
hydraulic four-roll round-bending
machine designed specially for container production ensure the greatest precision during bending or the
rounding-off of cylinders and cones.
Orders still come mainly from Germany,
although increasingly supplemented in recent
years by business from elsewhere in Europe.
Individual projects have even been fulfilled
in Russia, Africa, the Gulf Region and Asia.
And of course, Reimann is also entrusted with
projects for major industrial customers outside
the aluminium industry – for example, from
the food and chemical industries. Boiler manufacture, pipeline construction, sheet processing and technical insulation are other business
fields of the company. “Furnace renovation
and furnace technology are business sectors
which in coming years too will continue being important for the further development of
Reimann,” explains Mr Kreutzer.
been booked. The company is well occupied
with furnace renovation until May 2016.
The projects extend to pit and pusher furnaces, strip annealing furnaces and continuousthroughput units. Mr Kreutzer is extremely
pleased about the positive development in the
furnace renovation business sector: “We are
continually extending our performance range
and have achieved very dynamic development
in recent years. We now regard furnace renovation as one of our main activities.”
Reimann has been in the market for more
than 40 years – originally as a metal-working
company with many orders from the building industry. When Mr Kreutzer joined the
company in 1996, there were 15 employees.
In 2004 he joined the
company management,
and since 2007 he has
been the sole managing
proprietor. Since then
the company has focused more and more
on industrial projects
such as furnace renovation. Today steelwork
construction and steelorientated projects no
longer play the dominant role of earlier
years. Meanwhile, the
company has grown to
employ 65 people fulltime as well as one or
Die Laserschneidanlage erweitert das Spektrum der Blechverarbeitung
two dozen freelances
The laser cutting unit offers a broader spectrum for sheet processing
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
DeltaSpot punktet mit neuer Zangengeneration
Die Kernelemente der zweiten Zangengeneration sind ein neu gestalteter Grundkörper
und grundlegend überarbeitete Zangenarme
sowie Antriebsmotoren. Während in der Vorgängergeneration die Auf- und Abspulvorrichtungen für das Prozessband, der Zangenausgleich und der servoelektrische Hauptantrieb in die Konstruktion des Zangenkörpers
integriert waren, haben sie ihren Platz jetzt
direkt auf dem Grundkörper gefunden. Durch
diese Entkopplung konnten die Fronius-Ingenieure die Zangenarmkonstruktion vereinfachen und gleichzeitig noch stabiler auslegen,
was beim Aluminiumpunktschweißen ein absolutes Muss darstellt. Bereits in der Standardversion verfügen die Zangen nun über einen
leistungsstarken MFDC Trafo, der mit 1.000
Hz betrieben wird. Dies führt auch dazu, dass
während der Schweißung das System in jeder
Millisekunde nachregelt, um perfekte Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Der Trafo und die Gleichrichter sind zudem näher an die Elektroden
gerückt, sodass weniger Leitungsverluste auftreten.
Im Rahmen der Überarbeitung der Mechanik hat Fronius außerdem die Schnittstelle
zwischen Grundkörper und Zangenarmen
noch modularer gestaltet. Bei einer indivi-
duellen Anpassung der Zange an die Fügeaufgabe ist deshalb wesentlich weniger Konstruktions- und Materialaufwand erforderlich. Des
Weiteren lassen sich Zangengeometrie und
-fenster dadurch flexibler gestalten. Merklich
schneller geht außerdem die Instandsetzung
und Wartung der neuen Zangen von der Hand:
Baugruppen wie Trafo, Motorsteuerbox, Bandantriebe und Hauptantrieb verfügen über
hochwertig ausgeführte Steckverbindungen
und lassen sich bei Bedarf mit wenigen Handgriffen austauschen.
Auch den Tausch des Prozessbands hat
Fronius weiter vereinfacht, ohne dass sich am
Prinzip des Schweißverfahrens etwas geändert hat: Das jeweils zwischen den Elektroden und dem Schweißstück geführte und
speziell beschichtete Metallband schützt die
Elektrodenfläche vor Verunreinigungen. Es
bewegt sich nach jedem Schweißpunkt in die
nächste Position, wodurch die Elektrodenkontaktfläche anders als bei konventionellen
Widerstands-Punktschweißsystemen immer
sauber bleibt und für jeden Schweißpunkt die
identische Ausgangssituation sichergestellt
ist. Das führt zu einer wesentlich geringeren
Verschmutzung der Elektroden und gewährleistet bis zu 10.000 Mal pro Band
eine gleichbleibend hohe Qualität des
Schweißpunktes ohne Elektrodenrei-
nigen mittels komplexen Elektrodenfräsern.
Der Prozessbandmechanismus wurde auf
Basis der mit der ersten DeltaSpot-Generation
gewonnenen Erfahrungen überarbeitet. Dabei
wurde die Bandförderung noch robuster ausgeführt und die Auf- und Abspulvorrichtung
zu einer kompakten Einheit zusammengeführt. Darüber hinaus können nun neben den
12 mm breiten Prozessbändern optional auch
16 mm breite Varianten eingesetzt werden.
Diese Maßnahme erweitert das Anwendungsspektrum von DeltaSpot zusätzlich.
Die Antriebe der neuen Zangengeneration
sind zudem mit einer Ruhestrombremse ausgestattet. Für den Betreiber hat das unter anderem den Vorteil, dass der zeitaufwändige
Referenzzyklus nach einem automatischen
Zangenwechsel entfällt und die Produktion
schneller wieder aufgenommen werden
Dank dieser Neuerungen steht Anwendern
des DeltaSpot-Verfahrens künftig eine Zangengeneration zur Verfügung, die bis ins
Detail für den Einsatz in der Großserienproduktion konzipiert wurde. In Verbindung mit
der grafischen Steuerungssoftware Fronius
Xplorer bildet sie eine optimal abgestimmte
Lösung für das spritzerfreie Widerstands-Punktschweißen
von Leichtmetallen mit
gleichbleibend hoher
© Fronius
Fronius International, Spezialist für
Schweißtechnik, hat die Zangen für sein
erfolgreiches Widerstands-Punktschweißverfahren „DeltaSpot“ zusammen mit
Anwendern aus der Automobilbranche
weiterentwickelt. Mit der jetzt erhältlichen zweiten Zangengeneration wurde
die Technologie des Systems verbessert,
was zu kürzeren Produktionsstopps beim
Kunden führt. Damit konnten parallel
auch die Betriebskosten weiter gesenkt
werden, sodass sich Leichtmetallbleche
jetzt noch wirtschaftlicher mit höchster
Güte und kontinuierlich hoher Qualität
fügen lassen. Die Zangen zeichnen sich
durch eine besonders robuste Bauweise
und ein einfaches Schnittstellen- und
Wartungskonzept aus. Der breiten Einführung von DeltaSpot in der Großserienfertigung steht damit nichts mehr im Weg.
Anwendern steht zukünftig eine Zangengeneration zur Verfügung,
die für den Einsatz in der Großserienproduktion konzipiert wurde
Bezugsquellen sinnvoll nutzen!
Auf den Seiten 68 bis 81 präsentieren führende Ausrüstungspartner
der Aluminiumindustrie ihr Angebot. Nutzen Sie diese wertvollen Informationen!
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Diode laser processing extends reach of aluminium fabrication
metals to surface treat- dustry to longitudinal seam welding of tubes.
ment and cutting. Here,
Laser joints are characterised by high weldthe company draws on ing speed, high levels of stability and very low
its capability to select a distortion. At the same time excellent weld
specific focus and laser seam surfaces can be obtained. If the requireoutput power from a ments are strict with regard to process stability
wide range tailored to and consistent product quality, the laser deliva specific application. ers the optimum solution.
The laser is optimised
Lasers are well suited to applications in seby suitable additional ries production, such as the automotive manucomponents for differ- facturing sector and have consequently been
ent application tasks in applied in various uses in this field. Particumaterials processing. larly, due to its short wavelength close to the
Due to the continuous aluminium absorption peak, the automotive
improvement of beam industry has selected high brightness diode laVarious welding and brazing operations, including many across the automotive industry, are successfully carried out with diode lasers
sources across a range sers as the tool of choice in aluminium welding
of output power and for body-in-white (BiW) applications.
with advanced process
Appropriate for these applications are the
Once only a laboratory curiosity, lasers
laser systems LDF and LDM, with power
are now well established across a wide
of 1,000 to 10,000 watt, work distances
range of industrial processes, not least
mm, weld speeds of multiple metres
in fabrication operations – whether for
and capable of welding material in
welding and brazing, cutting and cladding
from around 0.1 to 10 mm.
– or even more specialised tasks. The use
deliver extremely stable laof diode laser equipment offers a further
a ‘Top Hat’ beam prodimension in this field and extends the
achieves a very high
possibilities of aluminium fabrication. As
a leading manufacturer of diode lasers for
metal welding and
material processing, German company
brazing, cutting and
Laserline and its products have become
synonymous with this innovative technol- profiling, cladding and
a range of various cusogy. Diode lasers are currently employed
tom solutions.
in production processes worldwide and
Optimised systems:
prove efficient and reliable in a wide
Both conventional and
range of applications.
standard production
Founded in 1997, Laserline of Mülheim-Kär- processes that lend
lich, was a pioneer in the world of diode lasers themselves to laser apfor industrial material processing, and within plications can be optia short time the company established itself mised through the use
as a technology leader in this field. Laserline of high efficiency diode The application of robotics in the laser joining process further extends the
continues to maintain a prominent position lasers. For example, possible areas of aluminium fabrication
in the industry, and the company’s newly Laserline’s equipment
welding seam quality paired with high welding
expanded headquarters will allow for future range offers:
growth: now with a total area of 7,400 m , • High electrical/optical efficiency of up to 45%; speeds, avoiding porosity and recesses.
Illustrating the benefits of applying of diode
over a fifth of the plant is a clean room.
• Low investment and maintenance costs;
systems, Laserline quotes a case study of
The company maintains a keen focus on • Outstanding reliability and robustness;
from the automotive industry involvthe creative and disciplined transformation of • Mobility and compactness;
of visible body sheet surfaces.
new ideas into industrial innovations, and has • Easy integration in systems for production;
positive experience employing dia stringent policy of operating to the highest • Excellent beam quality;
brazing of zinc coated car bodies
standards of quality. This enables the company • Low maintenance design;
a renowned customer, Audi,
to develop customised system solutions that • Ease of use and service, and
the same proven lasers for
work economically and reliably, even under • Highest performance and reliability due to
The task set for Laserline
the toughest and most demanding production
innovative, active cooling.
A weld that was smooth
Welding: Diode lasers are used in a wide range
The material was 1.2
Essentially, Laserline designs and engineers of sheet metal welding applications in highmm
and the weld speed
laser equipment systems for a variety of indus- volume industrial manufacturing – from heat
trial uses, particularly ranging from welding of conduction welding in the consumer goods in-
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
The welding equipment used for this process
comprises largely the same industrially proven
system components as those used in the brazing process, but an AlSi filler material is additionally required to prevent hot cracking of
the weld and this is added using tactile seam
tracking optics. Three years of process optimisation on various generations of lasers and
cars enabled Audi to clearly define the best
characteristics required for the laser source.
The Laserline LDF 4000-40, initially developed in 2007, offers a beam quality and an
output power that completely fulfilled all the
requirements necessary for this high quality,
class A aluminium welding operation.
The resulting aluminium weld produced
with the Laserline system met the highest
specifications for the optical quality of a visible joint without further post-processing. Excellent process stability, reliability and cost advantages realised since its installation in 2008
have resulted in diode lasers subsequently being installed in many new additional aluminium welding applications at Audi.
Keyhole welding: With a brightness comparable to lamp pumped Nd:YAG lasers, fibre
coupled diode lasers are now also performing keyhole welds, not possible ten years ago.
Keyhole welding applications include parts for
power generation and transmission components.
Brazing: Brazing and welding with filler
wire are well-established methods of joining
metal components. Diode lasers are particularly suited to applications such as the brazing of car body components in industrial mass
production, because they are virtually maintenance-free. Their low space requirements,
mobility, high efficiency and process stability make diode lasers the most efficient tool
for such applications, for example in the auto
industry. And their further potential in wider
BiW applications is yet to be realised.
In addition to the requirements of high
strength and a small heat affected zone, particularly high demands are made on the appearance of the weld seam in the case of visible
seams. Therefore, in the automotive industry,
laser brazing is used for joining the visible,
external components of vehicles, for example
boot lids, roof seams, doors and C pillars.
Greatest process stability and high availability of equipment in three-shift production
are requirements in the automotive industry,
which are ideally met by the diode laser that
is considered proven technology in many applications.
The diode laser is clearly superior to other
laser beam sources because it is almost maintenance-free with a lifetime of more than
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
30,000 operating hours and delivers excellent
efficiency. As a comparison, lamp pumped Nd:
YAG lasers require lamp changes by trained
maintenance personnel approximately every
1,000 operating hours, resulting in considerable down time.
In addition, increasingly, floor space reduction has become a an imperative when designing new production lines. One advantage of
diode lasers is their small footprint, which is
below 1 m2 footprint compared with other lasers in the same performance class.
Being compact and robust allows for the diode lasers to be mobile, enabling entirely new
backup strategies. For maintenance work or in
the case of a malfunction, the laser can simply
Diode laser systems are well suited to cladding and
coating operations
be exchanged and replaced. Maintenance or
repair can be carried out in the maintenance
area instead of on the production line, avoiding production downtime and enabling a more
flexible approach to service by either the customer or Laserline service personnel. Here,
the company cites a typical production example, that of brazing a roof seam to a side panel
of a vehicle using a diode laser system, which
uses far lower power levels than required by
a conventional laser system.
Cladding: Diode lasers have increasingly
become the preferred innovative technology
for cladding and coating applications. The advantages offered by diode lasers compared to
conventional technology can be summarised
simply as higher quality and productivity.
The diode laser achieves an optimum connection at a low dilution rate and with low heat
input, which further boosts productivity.
Cutting: One of the first applications of
lasers in the field of sheet metal fabrication
was cutting and amongst the range of thermal
beam procedures, laser cutting represents the
area of greatest industrial importance. Sheet,
tube and other 2D or 3D metal components
with thicknesses up to 25 mm, in exceptional
cases even thicker, can be cut with lasers.
The laser beam is focused in a cutting head by
means of lenses to a focal spot size of a few
tenths of a millimetre, and in general melts the
metallic material. A coaxial gas jet ‘blows’ the
melt downwards, generating the kerf. If the
material or the cutting head moves during the
process, any required contours can be formed
in two or three dimensions.
The most commonly used gases in diode
laser processing are oxygen and nitrogen.
The movements can be produced by means
of axis (CNC controlled) robots, or in some
cases by using a combination of the movement
of the material coupled with the motion of the
axes, termed a hybrid system.
Depending on the material thickness, laser
power and type of material, laser cutting speeds
can now extend from a few metres per minute
to beyond 50 m/min in a linear motion. Laser
cutting has the highest requirements regarding
brightness compared to other applications and
in this respect diode lasers from Laserline have
been optimised over several years for robotcutting production applications.
The advantages of diode laser cutting in
comparison to other methods include contactfree and force-free operation; low heat input;
no burrs, and no tools are required – all in
addition to high cutting speeds.
The diode laser exploits its greatest advantages when the same beam source is used for
other applications in addition to cutting, such
as welding and brazing in automotive body
fabrication. Here other laser sources and alternative process technologies are often not
Laser optic system: For even more specialised and customised applications, Laserline
offers a specialised laser optic system. Essentially this comprises an engineered device
centred on a six-axis robot where the laser
beam is delivered by means of a flexible optical fibre. In its wrist, the robot includes cutting
optics with a capacitive height sensor, which
ensures that the essential ‘nozzle stand off’
parameter, which is crucial for the quality, is
kept constant. The movements of the robot
are precisely matched to the required cutting
contour. The absolute accuracies are ±0.15
mm, meeting BiW application specifications.
Laserline offers a range of solutions for robot
applications, which feed the media to the robot
hand; therefore the use of lasers and optical
fibres present no problems.
Overall, diode lasers currently offer the
highest efficiency of all lasers that are used
in materials processing, and as a result they
continue to increasingly broaden their application range.
Ken Stanford, contributing editor
Reduzierte Energiekosten – erhöhter Durchsatz
Rundum-Lagermodernisierung für Sapa Building System
tät rechnen, nicht zuletzt wegen der geografischen Nähe beider Firmen. Darüber hinaus
konnte Egemin eine weitere Anforderung
problemlos erfüllen: Die komplette Modernisierung musste innerhalb von zwei Wochen
im Dezember durchgeführt werden, um die
Betriebsferien von Sapa zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr für die Arbeiten nutzen zu
können. Nach einer Planungszeit von nur
knapp drei Monaten konnte das Modernisierungsprojekt starten.
© Egemin
Energieeffizienz im Fokus
Modernisiertes Regalbediengerät
Wenn die Lagertechnik in die Jahre
kommt, Ersatzteile für Anlagen nicht
mehr verfügbar sind und die Wartung
der Geräte und der Software nicht mehr
gewährleistet werden kann – spätestens
dann ist es Zeit, über eine Lagermodernisierung nachzudenken. Auch bei der
Sapa Building System in Landen, Belgien,
häuften sich die Probleme mit der alten
Lagertechnik. Deshalb entschied sich der
Spezialist für Aluminiumsysteme für ein
komplettes Retrofit. Ein Schwerpunkt lag
auf dem nachhaltigen Umgang mit der
eingesetzten Energie. Den Auftrag erhielt
Egemin Automation. Das Unternehmen
modernisierte die Lagertechnik und die
Steuerungssysteme sowie die Lagerverwaltungssoftware innerhalb von nur
zwei Wochen. Das Ergebnis: 20 Prozent
weniger Energieverbrauch und eine Kapazitätssteigerungen von ebenfalls rund
20 Prozent.
Die schwedische Sapa Group produziert und
vertreibt Aluminiumprofile in ganz Europa.
Die Kunden kommen unter anderem aus der
Bauindustrie; Just-in-time-Lieferungen sind
an der Tagesordnung. Das betrifft gerade
auch die Sapa Building System in Belgien,
denn die ist schwerpunktmäßig für die Lagerung und Distribution der individuell angefertigten Produkte verantwortlich.
Entsprechend hoch sind die Anforderungen an die dortige Logistik. „Die Technik in
unserem Automatiklager ist allerdings seit fast
15 Jahren in Betrieb und so nahmen Ausfälle
und Stillstandzeiten ständig zu“, erklärt Stefan Brepoels, Operations Superintendent bei
Sapa Building System. „Hinzu kam, dass Reparaturen sehr kostspielig wurden und die
Geräte, die auf dem technischen Stand von
1996 waren, nicht mehr ausreichend gewartet
werden konnten. Eine Lagermodernisierung
war unumgänglich, um weiterhin den Ansprüchen unserer Kunden gerecht zu werden.“ In
dem fast 1.000 m2 großen Hochregallager in
Landen befinden sich 4.032 Kassettenplätze
für die Bevorratung von Aluminiumprofilen
mit einer Länge von jeweils bis zu sieben Metern. Zwei Regalbediengeräte sorgen für das
Ein- und Auslagern der Materialien mit entsprechend sieben Meter langen Ladeträgern.
Mehr als 200 verschiedene Artikeltypen finden dort ihren Platz. Pro Tag werden bis zu
50 Tonnen Aluminium umgeschlagen. Um
dieses Volumen täglich zu bewältigen und
Lieferengpässe zu vermeiden, ist eine hohe
Verfügbarkeit der Anlagen unerlässlich.
Maßgeschneidertes Konzept
Für die Modernisierung des Automatiklagers
bot Egemin eine integrierte und durchgängige
Lösung komplett aus einer Hand: von der
Beratung über die Planung bis hin zur Installation der Anlagentechnik inklusive eines umfassenden Lifecycle-Service. Das überzeugte
Sapa. Das belgische Unternehmen kann bei
zukünftigen Reparaturarbeiten außerdem mit
kurzen Reaktionszeiten und hoher Flexibili-
Mitte Dezember wurden zunächst die beiden
Regalbediengeräte (RBG) auf den neusten
Stand der Technik gebracht. Deren Modernisierung nutzte Sapa Building auch dazu,
die Energieeffizienz im Lager zu verbessern.
Dazu wurden die Motoren der RBG mit einer
Technologie zur Energierückgewinnung ausgestattet. Diese speist durch Rekuperation,
also die Umwandlung von Bremswärme in
Strom, Energie in die Hauptstromversorgung
der RBG zurück. Während der Installation
wurde je eine Lagerhälfte stillgelegt und das
RBG dort modernisiert, während das andere
RBG in der Zeit weiterarbeitete. So wurde gewährleistet, dass Sapa nicht den kompletten
Betrieb unterbrechen musste.
In die Steuerung der Geräte wurde ein
Umwandler eingesetzt. Die erzeugte Energie
wird so für interne Prozesse in der Steuerung
genutzt. Darüber hinaus werden die Fahrbewegungen der Geräte sowie die Auf-undab-Bewegungen der sieben Meter langen Lastaufnahmemittel mit der neuen Technologie
so gesteuert, dass sie zusätzlich für Energieeffizienz sorgen. Dazu wurden die RBG so
konfiguriert, dass immer dann das Lastaufnahmemittel bewegt wird, wenn es gerade abbremst. Durch die Kombination aus Fahrkurvenoptimierung und Rekuperation ergeben
sich Energie- und somit Kosteneinsparungen
von rund 20 Prozent. Außerdem profitiert
Sapa dank der Egemin-Technologie von indirekten Einsparungen, etwa bei der Klimatisierung und Belüftung des Automatiklagers.
Diese entstehen durch die verringerte Erwärmung der Bremsen der RBG.
Neben der Antriebstechnik tauschte Egemin
in einem weiteren Schritt die kompletten S5-
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Modernisierung eines RBG bei Sapa
Sieben Meter lange Aluprofile werden umgelagert
Steuerungen der RBG und der angrenzenden
Arbeitsstationen gegen neue Steuerungen der
Serie S7 aus. „Das sorgt bei Sapa zukünftig
für eine hohe Anlagenverfügbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit in der Auftragsbearbeitung“,
erklärt Stephan Vennemann, Geschäftsführer
von Egemin in Deutschland. „Die Ausfallrate
konnte im Vergleich zu vorher spürbar gesenkt
und der Durchsatz deutlich gesteigert werden
– die Fehlerquote liegt bei nahezu null.“ Die
neue Technik sorgt für kontinuierliche Prozesse im Lager. Standen vorher in den Pausen
der Lagermitarbeiter alle Anlagen still, laufen
diese heute auch dann weiter, wenn sich kurzzeitig niemand im Lager befindet. So kann die
Ware ohne Unterbrechung im 24-StundenBetrieb verwaltet werden. Das führt zu einer
Kapazitätssteigerung um rund 20 Prozent.
Das gewährleistet nicht zuletzt auch das
Warehouse-Management-System E’wms von
Egemin. Der Austausch der Lagersoftware
war erforderlich, da das alte System schwer
bedienbar und wenig flexibel war. Viele kleine Details passten nicht mehr zum Hostsystem von Sapa. Mit E’wms ist es nun möglich,
mehrere Aufträge gleichzeitig zu bearbeiten,
sodass der Ladungsträger der RBG nur einmal beladen werden muss. „Wenn zehn
verschiedene Kunden ein Aluminiumprofil
bei uns bestellen, legt E’wms diese Aufträge
automatisch zusammen. Dadurch sparen wir
enorm viel Zeit bei der Auftragsbearbeitung“,
so Brepoels.
Sapa profitiert zudem von einem integrierten Monitoringsystem. Tritt ein Fehler in einer
der Anlagen auf, meldet das System diesen
unmittelbar und ortet den Defekt. Vor der
Implementierung der Software verbrachten
die Techniker viel Zeit mit der Fehlersuche.
Stillstandzeiten werden dadurch nochmals
reduziert. Insgesamt erhält Sapa eine zuverlässige Lagertechnik sowie eine bediener- und
wartungsfreundliche Lagersoftware, die die
Produktivität im Lager zusätzlich steigert. n
Hulamin weitet Einsatz
der Quintiq-Software aus,
um Planungsprozesse
transparenter zu gestalten
Mobilgeräten überprüft und Entscheidungen
bzw. Änderungen in Echtzeit vorgenommen
werden können.
Hulamin hat sich im weltweiten Markt für
Aluminiumwalzprodukte eine Nische geschaffen und beliefert sowohl lokale als auch internationale Kunden. Das bisherige Planungssystem des Unternehmens war nicht automatisiert und berücksichtigte auch keine Leistungskennzahlen. Mit diesem System wurde
ein realisierbarer Plan bereits als „gut genug”
erachtet, was jedoch zu Produktionsengpässen und einer Lücke zwischen Auftragsplanung und -ausführung führte.
Um diese Lücke zu schließen, benötigte
Hulamin eine integrierte Planungslösung für
seine Warm- und Kaltwalzwerke sowie Veredelungslinien. Um eine nahtlose Integration
von Softwarefunktionen aus früheren Jahren
zu ermöglichen, war die Planungstechnologie
von Quintiq die perfekte Wahlfür eine ganz-
heitliche Supply-Chain-Planungslösung.
Hulamin veranstaltete eine einwöchige
Demo-Challenge, um seine Planungsoptionen
zu prüfen. Quintiq war in der Lage, in dieser
Woche die Softwareplattform entsprechend
den firmenspezifischen Restriktionen zu konfigurieren und die Pläne deutlich zu verbessern. Mit der integrierten Planung „werden wir
über die Supply-Chain-Transparenz verfügen,
die wir brauchen, um die Bedürfnisse unserer
Kunden in Südafrika und auf der ganzen Welt
erfüllen zu können”, erläutert die Leiterin
Produktionsplanung, Lydia Gertenbach.
„Durch unsere Expertise in der Metallbranche in Kombination mit unserer bisherigen
Zusammenarbeit mit Hulamin besaßen wir
optimale Voraussetzungen, um herausfinden
zu können, welche Prozesse das Unternehmen in seinen Warm- und Kaltwalzwerken
optimieren könnte”, erklärt Koen Jacobs, Geschäftsfeldleiter bei Quintiq.
Der südafrikanische Aluminiumverarbeiter
Hulamin wird seine Planungsprozesse künftig mit der Softwareplattform von Quintiq
optimieren, indem Produktion und Planung
für die gesamte Supply-Chain in sämtlichen
zum Unternehmen gehörenden Warmwalz-,
Kaltwalz- und Veredelungsbetrieben aufeinander abgestimmt wird. Hulamin verspricht
sich davon Verbesserungen in der Lieferperformance, der Steuerung des Umlaufbestands
und der Supply-Chain-Transparenz. Künftig
wird Hulamin seine Planung kennzahlenbasiert vornehmen können. Ergänzend wird der
Quintiq Mobility Server implementiert, mit
dem die relevanten Leistungskennzahlen auf
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Magna und Ford entwickeln Multimaterial-Leichtbau-Konzeptfahrzeug
Möglichkeit einer Volumenproduktion bietet.
Dabei sollte es dasselbe Level an Sicherheit
und Belastbarkeit und die gleiche Lebensdauer bieten wie die Autos, die wir bereits auf
die Straße gebracht haben”, sagt Matt Zaluzec,
technischer Leiter bei Ford Global Materials
and Manufacturing Research. „Beim Leichtbau gibt es kein Universalkonzept. Das Konzeptfahrzeug bietet uns eine Plattform, auf
der wir den richtigen Materialmix und seine
Anwendung in künftigen Fahrzeugmodellen
erforschen können.”
Die MMLV-Studie ist Teil des Leichtbaumaterial-Projektportfolios des Technology
Office des US-Energieministeriums. Sie ist
eine Antwort auf die künftige Gesetzgebung
hinsichtlich des Flottendurchschnitts beim
Kraftstoffverbrauch. Vehma International,
eine Abteilung für Engineering und Entwicklung von Prototypen innerhalb der MagnaEinheit Cosma International, verantwortete
die Produktion und Integration der Multimaterial-Rohkarosserie, Schließsysteme, Chassis
und Stoßfängerkomponenten. Ford lieferte
die Fahrzeuge, den gewichtsoptimierten Antrieb, Reifen / Räder, Aufhängung, Innenverkleidung, Scheiben und Sitzkomponenten, aus
denen die Testfahrzeuge montiert wurden. n
Magna and Ford collaborate on
multi-material lightweight concept car
Magna International and Ford Motor have
unveiled a multi-material lightweight vehicle
(MMLV) concept that uses advanced material
solutions to achieve a nearly 25% weight reduction compared to the current production
© Magna
Magna International und Autobauer Ford haben ein Leichtbau-Konzeptfahrzeug (MMLV)
vorgestellt, mit dem sich durch den Einsatz
neuartiger Materiallösungen fast 25 Prozent
Gewicht gegenüber einem vergleichbaren Serienfahrzeug einsparen lassen. Die unter der
Federführung von Magna entwickelte Studie
wurde in Kooperation mit Ford umgesetzt und
vom US-Energieministerium mitfinanziert.
Neben der technischen Konstruktion und
Fertigung des Prototyps umfasste das Projekt
die gezielte Erprobung einer Fahrzeugarchitektur, die stark auf den Einsatz von Aluminium setzt. Das Design ermöglicht den großflächigeren Einsatz modernster Leichtbau- und
hochfester Materialien, die den Kraftstoffverbrauch und damit auch umweltbelastende
Emissionen verringern helfen.
Das aus Leichtbaukomponenten unterschiedlicher Materialen gefertigte Konzeptfahrzeug basiert auf der aktuellen Serienversion des Ford Fusion und definiert den Einsatz von Aluminium in der Pkw-Fertigung
neu. Das einzigartige Konzept reduziert das
Gewicht des Fusion auf
das des 2013 Ford Fiesta
Modells. Damit fällt das
Gewicht einer typischen
Limousine in etwa auf das
Niveau eines kleinen Kompaktwagens: das heißt zwei
Fahrzeugsegmente leichter,
ohne Leistung einzubüßen
oder Abstriche bei der
Insassensicherheit zu machen.
zu Kraftstoffeinsparungen
und Crash-Sicherheit sind von größter Bedeutung für die Autoindustrie. Als Automobilzulieferer nehmen wir unsere Schlüsselrolle
wahr und entwickeln gemeinsam mit unseren
Kunden Leichtbaukonzepte, die auch die
höchsten Ziele in puncto Kraftstoffeffizienz
erreichen und zeitgleich alle Sicherheitsstandards erfüllen”, sagt Swamy Kotagiri, technischer Leiter bei Magna. „Durch eine frühe
Zusammenarbeit in der Entwicklung, wie bei
diesem MMLV-Projekt, sind wir gut aufgestellt, um unsere Kunden bei der Optimierung ihrer Produkte zu unterstützen. Wir
begleiten sie und helfen ihnen dabei, die hohen Anforderungen zukünftiger Mobilitätslösungen zu erfüllen.”
„Unser Ziel war es herauszufinden, wie
man ein Leichtbaufahrzeug aus verschiedenen Materialien konstruiert, das auch die
vehicle. The Magna-led R&D activity, in cooperation with Ford, is co-funded by the US
Department of Energy (DOE).
The project includes engineering, prototype
vehicle build and selected validation testing
associated with a new aluminium-intensive
passenger vehicle design architecture, facilitating an extensive use of advanced lightweight and high-strength materials, resulting
in environmental and fuel economy benefits.
The lightweight vehicle concept is based on
the production version of a 2013 Ford Fusion
and defines a new aluminium-intensive passenger car structure. The concept reduces the
weight of the Fusion to that of a 2013 Ford
Fiesta, making the weight of a C/D segment
family sedan approximately equal to that of
a subcompact B-car – two vehicle segments
lighter – without compromising performance
or occupant safety.
“Government mandated fuel economy
and crash standards are big topics in the automotive industry, and as a supplier we play a
significant role partnering with our customers
to achieve fuel efficiency goals through lightweight vehicle structures that meet such safety standards,” said Swamy Kotagiri, chief technical officer at Magna. “Through early collaborative involvement, like with the MMLV
project, we are better positioned to assist our
customers in optimising their products and
meeting the challenges of future mobility.”
“Our goal was to investigate how to design and build a mixed-materials, lightweight
vehicle that could potentially be produced in
high volume, while providing the same level
of safety, durability and toughness as our vehicles on the road today,” said Matt Zaluzec,
Ford technical leader, Global Materials and
Manufacturing Research. “There isn’t a onesize-fits-all approach to light-weighting. The
research vehicle gives us the platform to continue to explore the right mix of materials and
applications for future vehicles.”
The MMLV concept vehicle is part of the
US DOE’s Vehicle Technologies Office lightweight materials project portfolio, addressing
future Cafe fuel economy legislation. Vehma
International, an engineering and prototype
division within the Cosma International operating unit of Magna, manufactured and
integrated the multi-material body-in-white,
closures, chassis and bumper components.
Ford supplied the vehicles and weight-optimised powertrain, tires / wheels, suspension,
interiors, glass and seating to build drivable
vehicles for test and evaluation.
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Aluminium smelting industry
For latest news from the aluminium smelting industry, see our report on ‘Primary aluminium
activities in the first half of 2014’, pages 28-34.
Recycling and
secondary smelting
Latasa to set up recycling plant in Brazil
Bauxite and alumina activities
Novelis casts first ingot at new aluminium recycling centre in Nachterstedt
© Norsk Hydro
Alcoa to go for production cut and layoffs in the bauxite sector of Suriname
Alcoa reportedly plans to reduce bauxite production at Suralco and hence to lay off 1,000
workers, including 800 contractors. Since
1916, Suralco has remained active in Suriname, mining bauxite for feeding the Paranam
refinery. With a total output of around 2.2m
tpy, bauxite mining is the main earner of Suriname. Alcoa will have to cut down the total
production to around 360,000 tpy of refined
bauxite in order to maintain their presence in
Rusal starts developing of
Dian-Dian bauxite mine in Guinea
UC Rusal has started the Dian-Dian project in
the Republic of Guinea. The first stage of the
project involves the construction of a bauxite
mine with a production capacity of 3m tpy,
with the potential for a further increase of up
to 6m tpy. To transport bauxite from the mine,
a new road, 25 km long, will be built. The investment for the first stage of the project will
be more than USD220m. A significant part
of this budget is reserved for infrastructural
measures in Guinea, such as railway and port
development. The right to develop Dian-Dian,
which is the world’s largest bauxite minefield
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Brazilian aluminium recycler Latasa plans to
build a new plant in the state of Paraná with
aid of the local state government. The company will invest 30m Reais (USD13.3m) in
the plant in the city of Centenário do Sul, targeting a monthly recycling capacity of 2,0003,000 tonnes of scrap. The company signed a
letter of intent in early June. Latasa already
has a scrap collection centre in Curitiba and
processes over 200,000 tpy of aluminium in
three foundries in the state of São Paulo. The
company also has 20 scrap collection centres in
11 Brazilian states and one in Miami, USA.
with confirmed reserves of 564m tonnes, belongs exclusively to Rusal. The mine will be
operational in 2016.
China Hongqiao to acquire
African bauxite company
China Hongqiao Group, the largest non-state
producer of aluminium of the nation, has
agreed to buy an African company developing bauxite deposits for USD120m. Winning
Logistics (Africa) Co. and Hongqiao signed an
agreement to buy a not so popular company
developing a mine in Guinea, said Shandongbased Hongqiao. The target company is capable of developing and producing bauxite for
25 years from their deposit with a total resource of 2.2bn tonnes.
Novelis has cast the first production-sized ingot – almost 10 metres long – at its €200m
aluminium recycling and casting centre in
Nachterstedt, Germany. Located adjacent to
the company’s existing aluminium rolling mill,
the new plant will produce up to 400,000 tpy
of aluminium sheet ingot from recycled material, and is projected to be the world’s largest
aluminium recycling centre. The company is
still in the process of actively recruiting qualified candidates to fill the centre’s 200 new
After laying the first stone in March 2013
and installing the first equipment in November 2013, the project continues to progress on
schedule. Successful casting of the first fullsized trial ingot represents another important
milestone leading to the planned production
of full commercial volumes, and to the official opening in autumn 2014. The centre will
process cans as well as numerous other forms
of aluminium scrap from across continental
India to increase export duties on bauxite
It is reported that India will raise export duties on bauxite to support local aluminium
producers, which are facing a shortage of the
raw material because of mining curbs. Export
taxes on bauxite will be doubled to 20%, according to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. The
higher levy will improve local availability for
smelters, including those of Sesa Sterlite, Hindalco Industries and state-owned Nalco. n
Garmco plans to invest in
remelt and casting facilities
Gulf Aluminium Rolling Mill Co. (Garmco) in
Bahrain plans to invest USD50m for expanding its remelt and casting facilities in parallel
with Alba’s Potline 6 expansion. Plans are finalised, feasibility studies have been completed and all necessary permits are in place, CEO
Graham Bruce told a local newspaper. The new
casting facility will add 120,000 tonnes of production capacity. The mill’s current capacity is
165,000 tpy. Garmco meets a third of its raw
material requirements through the remelting
of scrap, which will also be expanded.
Chalco to invest USD9.25bn
in Shanxi before 2020
Aluminum Corp. of China will invest 57bn
yuan (USD9.25bn) in Shanxi before 2020 to
build an advanced aluminium recycling industry base. In accordance with its cooperation
framework agreement with the provincial
government of Shanxi, the company will develop a 2m tpy aluminium capacity via capacity replacement, build a 10m tpy-coal mine
and coal washing plant, a 3.5m kW low-calorific value coal-fired power plant, and a 1m
tpy high-end aluminium fabrication plant.
plant is optimised to produce 178 mm diameter extrusion ingots. The plant was commissioned in 1985 and mainly serves the UK
market with products based on post-consumed
scrap and conversion scrap from extruders in
the region. With an production capacity of
63.000 tonnes per year, the Deeside recycling
and remelt plant employs 39 people.
Alumetal to build
€32m plant in Hungary
Polish aluminium casting alloys manufacturer
Alumetal plans to build a €32.5m plant in
Hungary. Production of the first line at the
new plant in Hungary is expected to begin
operation in the first half of 2016 and of the
second production line in the first quarter of
2018. Alumetal will pay the construction of
the plant using the company’s own resources,
but also hopes to receive financing from the
European Union and from the government of
Hungary. The primary buyers of the company’s products are automotive companies.
Alumetal, which currently operates three
plants in Poland, had net profit of €8.6m on
revenue of €243m in 2013. The company plans
to increase production capacity to 210,000 tpy
from currently 165,000 tonnes. Alumetal is
owned by Luxembourg-based private-equity
fund Abris CEE Mid-Market Fund.
Aluminium semis
Hydro’s remelt and recycling plant in Deeside, Wales, has opened its new sawing and
homogenising line. The new equipment cuts
the plant’s annual energy consumption and
enables the plant to better serve its customers
by introducing new product dimensions.
Thanks to the new sawing and continuous
homogenising line, the Deeside recycling plant
can offer extrusion ingots in a length of seven
metres, which is the standard length of such
products in Europe. “The old equipment limited the length of our product to 6.4 metres,
and the old batch homogenising furnace consumed significantly more energy than the new
equipment. Thus, we expect to cut our energy
consumption by 100 kWh per tonne, approximately 6.3 GWh per year,” says Sue Bairstow,
managing director of the plant.
She also points to health and safety benefits
with the new equipment: Due to a more automated process, the risk of operators crushing
a finger between logs while rolling them has
been removed, and at the same time the noise
level is reduced.
The next project step is the expansion of
the plant’s scrap yard, with extra bins so that
sorting the different types of scrap the plant
utilises is more efficient. “Our ambition is to
significantly increase the share of post-consumed scrap in our products. Good segregating of the scrap is crucial when the quality of
the end product is a top priority,” says Wayne
Clifton, works manager at the plant.
In Hydro’s recycling business, the Deeside
© Constellium
Hydro plant in Wales commissions
new sawing and homogenising line
GM to build aluminium
engines in Argentina
General Motors has announced a USD240m
investment to build a new engine plant in Argentina in addition to its recent investment of
USD450m for the production of a new global
model in the region. Argentina will be responsible for manufacturing a new Euro 6-certified
aluminium engine. The plant will have an output of 90,000 engines per year, with 10,000
units going to the European Union annually.
Constellium invests in new casthouse
and extrusion line in Czech Republic
Constellium N.V. has finalised a €15m investment at its Decin site, Czech Republic, to step
up production capacity of specialty alloys for
the European automotive market. The investment includes a new casthouse and extrusion
line that will increase production of hard alloys
extrusions by almost 10,000 tpy. The existing
extrusion line is running at full capacity in order to meet growing demand for ESP and ABS
aluminium blocks, parts for automatic gear
boxes and car suspensions, among others.
Constellium’s investment is critical to
fully capitalise on the growing demand for
aluminium automotive structures and components that is mainly driven by light-weighting.
This investment also paves the way for a new
recycling facility at the Decin site. The facility will process and recycle aluminium scrap
from Constellium’s key automotive customers
in Europe.
Showa Denko completes acquisition
of Vietnamese aluminium can maker
Showa Denko along with its wholly owned
subsidiary Showa Aluminum Can Corp. has
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
completed all the procedures for taking control of the shares in Vietnam’s Rexam-Hanacans Joint Stock Co. (Hanacans). Hanacans,
an aluminium beverage can manufacturer, became a member of the Showa Denko Group
at the end of May. This acquisition represents
the first overseas investment of Showa Denko
in the area of aluminium can business.
World Cup fans in Brazil push
sales of aluminium cans
The 2014 Fifa World Cup is history – with
Germany the lucky winner. Another winner is the aluminium beverage can which,
according to recent news from Novelis, has
seen extraordinary sales in Brazil. The leading supplier of aluminium can stock for the
beverage can market in South America estimates that thirsty soccer fans in Brazil have
pushed sales of aluminium beverage cans past
the two billion mark over the four weeks of
the World Cup, representing a 35% increase
over the same period last year. The estimate
is based on studies which imply that, during a
typical World Cup, the consumption of beer
alone could reach 20% above normal levels
in households where people are watching the
games. Combined with record consumption of
soft drinks and other beverages, Novelis estimates total can consumption will surpass the
two billion mark.
“The World Cup has caused an unusual uptick in our winter sales, adding the equivalent
of a peak summer month’s sales and creating
our highest winter sales season on record for
beverage can sheet,” said Tadeu Nardocci,
president of Novelis South America.
The period from 12 June to 13 July is expected to increase overall beverage can sales
in Brazil by 4% for the year. That is in addi-
tion to the 6-9% projected growth for the can
market overall in Brazil. During the entire
year of 2013, 21.5bn cans were sold in Brazil,
according to the Brazilian recycling association Abralatas.
In order to meet the growing demand for
aluminium into the next decade, Novelis recently completed a USD340m expansion of its
aluminium rolling and recycling operations in
Brazil, increasing its annual production capacity of aluminium can sheet from 400,000
to 600,000 tonnes. The investment represents
the largest expansion of Novelis in South
America over the past decade.
Maxion will up aluminium wheel
capacity to 800,000 per year in Brazil
Maxion Wheels has unveiled plans to build an
aluminium wheels factory in São Paulo state,
Alcoa acquires Firth Rixson to grow global aerospace portfolio
Alcoa has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Firth Rixson, a global leader in aerospace jet
engine components, from Oak Hill Capital Partners, for USD2.85bn in cash and company stock
and an additional USD150m potential earn-out.
The acquisition positions the company to capture
additional aerospace growth with a broader
range of high-growth, value-add jet engine components.
The Firth Rixson acquisition offers significant
benefits to Alcoa. Firth Rixson’s revenues are
expected to grow 60% over the next three years,
up to USD1.6bn, and contribute USD350m Ebitda
in 2016. Firth Rixson’s sales are expected to grow
12% annually through 2019, a rate more than
double the expanding global aerospace market.
About 70% of Firth Rixson’s growth is secured by
long-term agreements.
Firth Rixson grows Alcoa’s annual aerospace
revenues by 20%, from USD4bn in 2013 to
USD4.8bn, and is expected to increase the contribution of the high-growth aerospace segment
to Alcoa’s value-add revenues from 30 to 35%.
Alcoa’s aerospace business is the largest contributor to Alcoa’s value-add businesses, which in 2013
comprised 57% of overall revenues and 80% of
segment profits.
While the two businesses are highly complementary with limited product overlap, the company also expects to realise significant synergy
cost savings, primarily driven by purchasing and
productivity improvements, optimising internal
metal supply and leveraging Alcoa’s global shared
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
services. These cost savings are expected to reach
more than USD100m annually by year five. The
transaction is expected to be neutral to earnings
the first year and accretive thereafter and will
generate a return in excess of cost of capital.
Strategic rationale: Firth Rixson has a strong
portfolio of world-class assets. It has gained share
in each successive generation of engine platforms
through its strong market position in rings and
significant investment in isothermal forging.
The company currently holds the number one
global position in seamless rolled jet engine rings,
engineered from nickel-based superalloys and
titanium, and is a major supplier of jet engine
forgings, expanding Alcoa’s presence into the
full range of global aerospace engine forgings.
It is also one of the world’s leading suppliers of
vacuum melted superalloys used to make aerospace, industrial gas turbine, oil and gas products
and structural components for landing gear applications.
Through Firth Rixson, Alcoa enters into a
highly specialised segment of jet engine forgings that require isothermal forging technology.
Isothermally forged parts are increasingly required
in jet engines that use elevated turbine temperatures to maximise power output, drive fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Demand for large
isothermal aerospace engine disks is expected
to triple in the next eight years driven by strong
aerospace build rates.
Firth Rixson recently entered this segment
with the development of the Savannah facility
in Georgia, which includes a 19,500-tonne isothermal press and a 33,000-tonne conventional
forge press for other large aerospace components. About 75% of Firth Rixson’s revenues in
2013 were from the aerospace industry, with
the balance split between other markets such as
industrial gas turbine, commercial transportation
and oil and gas, complementing Alcoa’s growth
This transaction is expected to enable Alcoa
to capitalise on strong growth in the commercial
aerospace sector. Alcoa projects a compounded
annual commercial jet growth rate of 7%
through 2019 and sees a current 9-year production order book at 2013 delivery rates. Alcoa’s
aerospace business holds the number one global
position in aluminium forgings and extrusions,
jet engine airfoils and fastening systems and is
a leading supplier of structural castings made of
titanium, aluminium and nickel-based superalloys,
produced by its downstream business Engineered
Products and Solutions (EPS). Alcoa has increased
adjusted Ebitda margins of its EPS business from
9.2% in 2003 to 21.5% in 2013. The company
also holds leading market positions in aerospace
aluminium sheet and plate produced by its midstream business Global Rolled Products.
The transaction, which has been approved by
the boards of directors of both companies, remains subject to customary conditions and receipt
of regulatory approvals. Alcoa expects to obtain
all required regulatory clearances and close the
transaction by the end of 2014.
Brazil, to supply the high domestic demand
for automobiles with this type of wheel. The
plant will be installed in the city of Limeira,
where the company already has a Fumagalli
steel wheels unit, and is due to be opened in
the second half of 2015. The initial capacity
of the plant should be 800,000 aluminium
wheels per year. The company aims to continue increasing capacity to 2m wheels per year.
Over 40% of the automotive plants in Brazil
are located in São Paulo state.
Alcoa boosting aerospace
capabilities in Virginia
Aerospace manufacturer Alcoa is expanding
in Virginia to capture demand for next-generation aircraft engine parts. The company
is investing USD25m at its Alcoa Power and
Propulsion facility in Hampton, Virginia to
scale-up a breakthrough process technology
that cuts the weight of its highest-volume jet
engine blades by 20% and significantly improves aerodynamic performance. Alcoa will
add equipment for a new production line and
modify existing machinery at the Hampton
facility to produce the blades.
The company will use the latest in advanced
manufacturing technology such as robotics
and digital x-ray for enhanced product inspection. The expansion is expected to be complete
by the fourth quarter of 2015. Alcoa will receive about USD2m in state and local incentives and an additional USD1.3m exemption
on sales and use tax for selecting Hampton for
this investment.
Sapa investing in MPE
and tube capacity in India
Sapa is investing in an aluminium extrusion
press in Kuppam for the production of multiport extrusions (MPE) and drawn tubes for
automotive and HVACR heat transfer applica-
tions. The company will become the first local
manufacturer of such products in India. Sapa
currently serves MPE and tubing customers
in India from the company’s plant in Suzhou,
China. The new capacity will be directed spe-
cifically toward these customers. The new operation will have production capacity of 6,000
tpy and will offer value-adding services such
as drawing, level winding and cut-to-length capabilities. Production will begin in late 2014.
Sapa is experiencing high growth in India, both in automotive and in the heating,
ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) industry. In automotive, with
more than 3.6m vehicles produced annually
and forecasts calling for 6m vehicles by 2020,
India is one of the areas with major growth.
Sapa aims to take the lead in India’s automotive market for aluminium-based heat transfer solutions and fluid lines. In HVAC&R, the
substitution of copper by aluminium is occurring at a fast pace. More customers are choosing aluminium over high-priced copper in
their heat transfer applications.
Sapa is already established in India with
activities for aluminium building systems,
general extrusions and welded tubes. The new
press for aluminium tubing is being installed
on the same site as the extrusion plant, in Kuppam, about 100 km from Bangalore in India’s
southeastern region.
Sapa will double capacity in Vietnam
Sapa is doubling production capacity at its
joint venture in Vietnam to support the growing local demand of high-value extruded aluminium products and solutions. The investment by Sapa Ben Thanh Aluminum Profiles
(Sapa BTG) in Ho Chi Minh City covers a
second extrusion press, including installation, building and construction, and auxiliary
equipment. The new press will be larger than
the current press in operation at the plant,
thereby broadening the range of products that
the company can deliver. The joint venture is
expected to start work on the expansion in
mid-2015, with press operations scheduled to
start one year later. The new facility will be
built adjacent to the current plant.
Sapa BTG delivers aluminium solutions to
customers in Vietnam and in other markets in
Southeast Asia. The new capacity will be directed toward customers who require added-value
services – the higher-end industrial segment
is an example. Sapa owns 65% of Sapa BTG,
with Benthanh Group owning the remaining
35%. Benthanh is a state-owned company
managing interests in commerce, real estate,
tourism and industrial production.
In addition to Vietnam, Sapa is present in
Asia with operations in India and with three
plants in China. Vietnam has a young population and a fast-growing economy. Aluminium
consumption is growing in step with the country’s development. “Our figures show that
aluminium consumption in Vietnam has been
increasing by 15 to 20% annually. It is used
in many of our most important industries and
industrial applications,” says Nguyen Van Thu,
president of the Vietnam Association of Mechanical Industry (VAMI).
Rusal to invest in new
casting line at KrAZ
Rusals has begun design work on a new casting line at the Krasnoyarsk aluminium smelter
(KrAZ). The project aims at increasing the
share of alloys in total aluminium output.
Completion is expected in 2016. Total investment in the project is estimated at USD45m.
The new casting line will produce a new size
range of billets, including billet diameters up
to 460 mm. Currently, Rusal produces billets
with a diameter of up to 200 mm. The capacity
of the line will be 120,000 tpy.
On the move
Aluminium Bahrain has appointed Hassan
Noor the new manager for Carbon 3.
Kaiser Aluminum promoted Peter S. Bunin
to executive vice-president of Strategy and
Keith A. Harvey to executive vice-president of
Fabricated Products.
Orbite Aluminae has appointed Diane
Néron its new director of Engineering.
Century Aluminum has appointed Rick
T. Dillon executive vice-president and chief
financial officer.
The British Metals Recycling Assn (BMRA)
has elected Shane Mellor of Mellor Metals its
new president.
CFO Jürgen Muth has notified his departure from the management board of SGL
Carbon as of 30 June by mutual agreement.
His successor is Michael Majerus.
Yvonne Zhang has joined CME Group as
director metals products in Singapore.
Paul Lennon has been appointed chairman of Australian Bauxite Ltd following the
retirement of John Dawkins.
Glencore appointed Patrice Merrin an
independent non-executive director with immediate effect.
Rio Tinto has appointed Alfredo Barrios
chief executive of its Aluminium division,
effective 1 June 2014. He succeeds Jacynthe
Cote who left the company for personal reasons to pursue other interests.
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
The new project is part of the company’s
strategy to increase the share of value added products in total output. By the end of
2014, the share of VAP is expected to increase to 45% thanks to the modernisation
of casthouses at the Sayanogorsk (SAZ) and
Khakass (KhA) aluminium smelters. Modernisation works at the second casthouse at
SAZ will be complete in November 2014 and
total investment is expected to reach
USD22.8m. A further USD4.6m will be invested in the modernisation of the casthouse
at KhAZ.
Rusal qualifies high-end rolling
slabs for BiW applications
UC Rusal has launched 6xxx series rolling
slabs for automotive BiW (body in white) applications. This is a new high-end product for
the company which was successfully qualified
by one of Europe’s major rolling companies.
The slabs will be produced at the Sayanogorsk
aluminium smelter (SAZ) in Russia. Rusal
has been supplying 5xxx series rolling slabs
for application in automotive structural parts
for more than three years and has now complemented the product portfolio with 6xxx
series to be able to supply into the growing
BiW market.
Rusal is currently investing USD23m at
SAZ to rebuild one of the casting centres fully
dedicated for 5xxx and 6xxx series automotive alloys. This is in response to the investments by all major rolling companies to install
heat treatment capacities to serve the growing
demand for BiW sheet.
Rusal’s modernisation of SAZ will be complete by November 2014. The capacity of a
modernised casting pit will be 100,000 tpy of
rolling slabs.
Alcoa announces 10-year supply
agreement with Pratt & Whitney
Alcoa has announced a 10-year, USD1.1bn
agreement with Pratt & Whitney, a division
of United Technologies Corp., for jet engine
components. Under the deal signed at the
Farnborough Air Show, Alcoa will supply key
parts for Pratt & Whitney’s engines, including the forging for the first ever aluminium
fan blade for jet engines. The forging was developed for Pratt & Whitney’s PurePower engines using an advanced aluminium alloy and
a proprietary manufacturing process. Also for
the PurePower engines, Alcoa is developing
a fan blade forging using its most advanced
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
aluminium-lithium alloy. Alcoa will deliver
not only aluminium fan blade forgings but
also a range of other advanced product forms,
from blades and vanes to structural castings,
for some of Pratt and Whitney’s best-selling
Novelis completes sale
of consumer foil business
Novelis has completed the sale of its North
American consumer foil products business to Reynolds Consumer Products for
USD33.75m. The transaction includes foil
manufacturing plants in Toronto and Vancouver, in addition to sales offices and distribution facilities located in Montreal, Mississauga, and LaGrange. The consumer foil products does not fit into Novelis business strategy
anymore, says the company.
KSPG establishes JV
with Chinese partner
International first-tier automotive supplier
KSPG AG is strengthening its aluminium castings operations by entering into another partnership. KSPG has set up a 50/50 joint venture with Huayu Automotive Systems (Hasco),
which is part of the Chinese SAIC Group.
The JV will be located in Neckarsulm, Germany.
Since 1997 KSPG and Hasco have been
cooperating in a Chinese joint venture for pistons. Further joint ventures have since then
been founded such as Kolbenschmidt Pierburg Shanghai Nonferrous Components in
2001 or most recently Pierburg Huayu Pump
Technology. These 50/50 Chinese JVs, for
which annual growth rates of up to 30% are
anticipated for the coming years, generated
aggregate sales of around €500m in 2013. ➝
Fata Hunter plant and machinery
under Final Acceptance
Fata Hunter has announced that number of
plant and machinery delivered to Chinese companies has been or is being commissioned. For
example, the new continuous coil coating line
(CCL) for Shandong Weiqiao New Material Co.
Ltd has started production, and Final Acceptance
is scheduled for August 2014. The first coated
coil has been produced successfully at the end
of May with the application of a transparent
varnish 3-5 g/m2 for can lid application. The
CCL will process aluminium strip ranging from
0.15-0.80 mm in thickness and from 980-1,880
mm in width. With an operating speed of 300
m/min, this is the fastest CCL in China and one
of the fastest worldwide. It is equipped with
in-line side trimming and tension levelling using
the Fata Hunter multi-rolls amplifier, dry-in-place
chemical treatment, dual lacquer coater for quick
coating change, an indirectly heated flotation
oven followed by a flotation air cooler and a
waxer. All of these items are directly designed
by Fata Hunter in its offices in Torino, Italy, and
Riverside, California. The line is also including an
electrostatic oiler for DOS oil application.
The new 6-high Opti-Six cold rolling mill for
Luoyang Wanji Aluminium Processing Co., Ltd,
was commissioned in June. Final Acceptance is
scheduled for September 2014. Fata’s Opti-Six
technology incorporates the ‘h-System’ for process control, including AGC, AFC, Mass Flow and
Feed-Forward; maximum strip width to be pro-
duced on this mill is 1,900 mm with a maximum
entry gauge of 10 mm and a finished minimum
thickness of 0.2 mm. The mill includes an automatic coils handling system with pallets conveyor, capable of handling coils from the plant’s
high storage bay; spool management is also automatically integrated on this mill. The Opti-Six
maximum speed of 1,500 m/min is necessary to
reach a production capacity of 90,000 tpy.
The two tension levelling lines supplied to
Luoyang Wanji Aluminium Processing Co., Ltd,
have been commissioned too, and Final Acceptance will be achieved soon. The Tension
Levelling Line 1 is designed to process aluminium
strip with a max. width of 2,150 mm, a thickness
range from 1.20-0.12 mm and a max. processing
speed of 300 m/min. The production capacity of
this line is 60.000 tpy with a product mix of the
alloys series 1xxx, 3xxx and 5xxx. The Tension
Levelling Finishing Line 2 is designed to process
coils with a max. width of 2,150 mm, a thickness
range from 3.50-0.12 mm and a max. processing
speed of 300 m/min. The production capacity
of this line is 70.000 tpy with a product mix
of alloys series 1xxx, 3xxx and 5xxx. Both lines
are equipped with a multi-rolls amplifier with
entry/exit bridle rolls to elongate the material up
to 3% and a 5-stages cleaning section to clean,
brush and rinse the strip, plus a side-trimming
machine. Line 1 is also equipped with a electrostatic oiling machine.
KSPG regards its Castings business unit as an
important component of its future corporate
strategy and its aim is for the companies forming the joint venture together with Hasco to
evolve into a foremost international manufacturer of vehicle components in aluminium
castings over the years ahead. This objective
will be achieved through the combination of
existing production capacities in Germany and
China as well as future expansion into other
Hydro to invest in advanced
casting technology
Hydro will invest in new casting technology
for its sheet ingot casthouses in Høyanger and
Årdal, Norway. The Nkr80m (USD13.1m)
investment in casting tables with adjustable
flexible moulds (AFM), and new liquid distribution systems will enable the company
to better serve customers in the automotive
industry. The AFM technology was developed
by the Hydro-owned casthouse technology
provider Hycast together with the researchers at Hydro’s technology centre at its Sunndal
plant, Norway.
The technology represents several advantages over the previous casting technology:
Hydro is now able to cast a wider range of
alloys. The technology improves the geometry
of the ingots. The surface will be flatter, and
that will reduce the amount of milling the customers will have to do in order to get a level
surface before rolling.
Also in terms of safety, the new technology outperforms the previous one. The new
system includes a new process control function, automating the start and end of a casting
The Author
The author, Dipl.-Ing. R. P. Pawlek is founder
of TS+C, Technical Info Services and Consulting,
Sierre (Switzerland), a service for the primary
aluminium industry. He is also the publisher
of the standard works Alumina Refineries and
Producers of the World and Primary Aluminium
Smelters and Producers of the World. These
reference works are continually updated, and
contain useful technical and economic information on all alumina refineries and primary
aluminium smelters of the world. They are
available as loose-leaf files and / or CD-ROMs
from Beuth-Verlag GmbH in Berlin.
operation. That means the operators will be
less exposed to the potential dangers of molten
In order to test out the technology and gain
experience, a pilot study has been run in the
casthouse at the Høyanger primary smelter.
The new technology is under qualification at
customers. The feedback regarding surface
quality, geometry and microstructure is very
positive, says Hydro.
Since the new casting tables are both flexible and adjustable, one AFM table can replace
up to seven standard moulds. As a result, the
number of mould changes will be reduced significantly. Implementation of the AFM casting
technology will start during the first half of
2015, and the project is expected to complete
by the first quarter 2016.
Yinbang Aluminium awarded
Mino SpA new foil mill contract
Following last year’s contract for the supply of
a 2,500 mm 6-high cold rolling mill, Yinbang
Aluminium Co. Ltd has awarded Mino SpA
of Italy one more contract for the supply of a
new foil mill, to be installed in the new Wuxi
production facility.The new foil mill gives evidence of the customer’s focus on thin gauge
rolling for high-tech strip applications, including thin-gauge clad material.
The new foil mill will be provided with
the latest Mino technologies developed for
foil rolling, including its advanced AFC/AGC
process control system and its hot edge spray
system that has been specifically designed to
relieve high tensile stress at the strip edges.
This latest system has been developed by Mino
for high-speed rolling mills and has been successfully tested in previous foil mill projects.
The complete foil mill will be manufactured
in Italy and pre-assembled and tested before
delivery in the Mino workshop in Alessandria,
making this an example of the capability of
the company to act as ‘under-one-roof’ supplier for the entire scope of equipment, including high quality manufacturing. Key data of the
new foil mill are:
Type of alloys: AA1xxx, AA3xxxx, AA5xxx,
AA6xxx, AA8xxx series
Max. entry strip width: 1,500 mm
Max. entry strip thickness: 0.6 mm
Min. exit strip thickness: 0.03 mm
Max. coil weight: 18 tonnes
Max. rolling force: 800 tonnes
Max. rolling speed: 1,500 m/min
Yinbang Aluminium, established in 1988,
is today specialised in the production of aluminium clad and non-clad material as well as
multi-metal clad material for the automotive,
aircraft, power plant, machinery and home
appliance industries.
Mino selected for Bridgnorth
Aluminium cold mill expansion project
Bridgnorth Aluminium (BAL) has selected
Mino SpA to modernise and re-install their
recently acquired cold rolling mill for their
Bridgnorth works in Shropshire, England.
The contract forms part of a larger plan which
BAL has embarked upon to expand their cold
rolling facility. This award involves the use of
a used cold rolling mill, purchased from Spain
by BAL specifically for this project. The mill
was removed from its previous site in Spain
and relocated to England. It is now subject of
a major redesign of its entry and exit arrangement along with its modernisation. The upgrade will allow it to roll high quality products
such as lithographic print sheet, up to a strip
width of 1,700 mm. BAL is one of the major
producers of high quality lithographic plates
for the printing industry and holds a significant
market position in this segment.
The mill will be completely re-configured
and given a substantial upgrade with Mino
designed equipment throughout. The mill will
be installed in an existing factory unit which
will also undergo substantial upgrade and refurbishment. Installation and start-up supervision will also be part of Mino’s scope of work.
Mino has provided a multi-disciplined team
that has been chosen to work closely with the
BAL project management from project conception to final acceptance.
The order follows other successful projects
won in Italy, China, South Korea and Bulgaria
in recent years confirming Mino as a market
leader and key provider of rolling mill technology around the globe.
Hindalco Industries orders continuous
homogenising and sawing plant
Hindalco Industries, based in Madhya Pradesh, India, has placed an order with Hertwich
Engineering for a continuous homogenising
and sawing plant for extrusion billet. With this
plant, perfectly uniform metallurgical properties of all billets are achieved due to the precise
and reproducible temperature regime during
heating, holding and cooling. The new plant is
part of a production expansion being undertaken at its Mahan site.
The continuous homogenising plant has a
capacity of 64,000 tpy of aluminium. Billet
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
diameters range between 178 and 229 mm.
Production is scheduled to start in February
Amag orders largest Ecomelt melting
furnace in Hertwich’s history
Amag from Braunau, Austria, has placed an
order with Hertwich Engineering for the supply of an Ecomelt PS-250 melting furnace and
a casting furnace. The furnaces will be installed
at Amag’s Ranshofen works. The Ecomelt
PS-250 is the largest aluminium melting furnace with preheating shaft built by Hertwich
Patentblatt April 2014
Fortsetzung aus ALUMINIUM 6/2014
Stoßstange mit Halterungen. Constellium Switzerland AG, Zürich, CH. (B60R 19/24, EP 1 880
905, AT: 19.07.2007, EP-AT: 19.07.2007)
Mindestens zwei abwechselnde Modi, die jeweils eine Vorschubgeschwindigkeit aufweisen,
verwendendes gepulstes Reibrührschweißverfahren, wobei sich die mittleren Vorschubgeschwindigkeiten deutlich unterscheiden.
Constellium France, Paris, FR. (B23K20/12, PS 60
2009 014 649, EP 2318173, WO 2010/004109,
AT: 16.06.2009, EP-AT: 16.06.2009, WO-AT:
Fenster- oder Türkonstruktion in bevorzugt
wärmegedämmter Ausführung. Norsk Hydro
ASA, Oslo, NO. (E06B 7/10, GM 20 2010 016
800, AT: 18.12.2010)
to date. The capacity of the furnace plant is
roughly 76,000 tpy. The billets are generated
by a continuous casting machine which was
supplied by SMS Concast.
Hertwich Ecomelt furnaces achieve a particularly low energy consumption and low
metal losses. The specific energy consumption of the PS-250 is roughly 550 kWh/t at a
melting capacity of up to 230 tonnes per day.
The casting furnace has a maximum capacity
of 120 tonnes. With its preheating shaft, the
PS-250 melting furnace is capable of also melting scraps with organic impurities, using the
inherent energy from the contaminants for
preheating charged material and for heating
Herstellverfahren für AlMgSi-Aluminiumband.
Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH, 41515
Grevenbroich, DE. (C22F 1/05, EP 2 570 509, AT:
15.09.2011, EP-AT: 15.09.2011)
Gebauter flüssigkeitsgekühlter Kolben. Mahle
International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE.
(F02F 3/00, PS 50 2006 012 659, EP 1922478,
WO 2007/028364, AT: 02.09.2006, EP-AT:
02.09.2006, WO-AT: 02.09.2006)
Verfahren zur Unterdrückung der Reaktion
von schmelzflüssigen Metallen mit Feuerfestmaterialien. Novelis, Inc., Atlanta, Ga., US.
(C04B 35/22, EP 1 692 083, WO 2005/056492,
AT: 25.11.2004, EP-AT: 25.11.2004, WO-AT:
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Entfernen
von Kühlflüssigkeit aus bewegten Metallbändern. Novelis Inc., Atlanta, GA 30326, US. (B21B
45/02, EPA 2697004, WO 2012/126107, EP-AT:
13.03.2012, WO-AT: 13.03.2012)
Außenverkleidung mit integrierter Wärmedämmung. Gutmann AG, 91781 Weißenburg,
DE. (E06B 3/30, EP 2 045 431, AT: 19.09.2008,
EP-AT: 19.09.2008)
Patentblatt Mai 2014
Kolben eines Verbrennungsmotors. Honda
Motor Co., Ltd., Tokio, JP. (F02F 3/02, PS 60
2008 023 902, EP 2184477, WO 2009/028128,
AT: 20.05.2008, EP-AT: 20.05.2008, WO-AT:
Al-Legierungsfilm für Halbleitervorrichtungen.
Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho (Kobe Steel,
Ltd.), Kobe-shi, Hyogo 651-8585, JP. (H01L
21/28, EPA 2711973, WO 2012/157688, EP-AT:
16.05.2012, WO-AT: 16.05.2012)
Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Zylinderkurbelgehäuses. KS Aluminium-Technologie GmbH,
74172 Neckarsulm, DE. (B22C 9/10, OS 10 2012
110 258, AT: 26.10.2012)
Verfahren zum Erreichen verbesserter epitaxialer Qualität (Oberflächenstruktur und
Defektdichte) auf freistehenden (Aluminium,
Indium, Gallium) Nitrid((Al, In, Ga)N)-Substraten für optoelektronische und elektronische
Vorrichtungen. Cree, Inc., Durham, N.C., US.
(C30B 23/02, PS 601 47 979, EP 2290136, AT:
27.06.2001, EP-AT: 27.06.2001)
Kolben für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und
Verfahren zum Herstellen der Oberflächenarmierung eines Kolbens. KS Kolbenschmidt
GmbH, 74172 Neckarsulm, DE. (F02F 3/10, PS
199 41 626, AT: 01.09.1999)
Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Kühlkanalkolbens und zugehöriger Kolben. KS Kolbenschmidt GmbH, 74172 Neckarsulm, DE. (F02F
3/00, EPA 2705238, WO 2012/150288, EP-AT:
03.05.2012, WO-AT: 03.05.2012)
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Gegenüber Wasser reaktiver Al-Verbundwerkstoff, gegenüber Wasser reaktiver Al-Film, Verfahren zur Herstellung des Al-Films und Bauelement für Filmabscheidungskammer. ULVAC,
Inc., Chigasaki-shi, Kanagawa, JP. (C23C 4/06, EP
2 281 915, WO 2009/133837, AT: 27.04.2009,
EP-AT: 27.04.2009, WO-AT: 27.04.2009)
the furnace. Commissioning of the plant is
scheduled for the first quarter of 2015.
New 24 section closed-type
furnace for baking of electrodes
Riedhammer has been awarded a 24-section
closed-type ring pit furnace for baking of electrodes. The scope of Riedhammer includes the
complete engineering package for the electrode baking furnace and the delivery of a
state-of-the-art Riedhammer firing system. A
detailed company report is given in the Special section, pages 34-37.
Baustoffteil aus Si-reicher Mg-haltiger Aluminiumlegierung und Herstellungsverfahren dafür.
Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning, CN.
(C22C 21/02, PS 60 2008 024 605, EP 2172572,
WO 2009/003365, AT: 30.06.2008, EP-AT: 30.
06.2008, WO-AT: 30.06.2008)
Unterdrückung der Formierung von Neigungsdefekten und Erhöhung einer kritischen Dicke
durch Siliziumdotierung von Nicht-C-EbenenAl-Ga-In-N. The Regents of the University of California, Oakland, California 94607, US. (H01L
49/00, EPA 2710647, WO 2012/158593, EP-AT:
14.05.2012, WO-AT: 14.05.2012)
Al-Mg-Li-Legierung mit erhöhter Zähigkeit.
Constellium France, 75008 Paris, FR. (C22C
21/06, EPA 2710163, WO 2012/160272, EP-AT:
16.05.2012, WO-AT: 16.05.2012)
System und Verfahren zum Einspritzen von
halbfestem Aluminium in eine Form. Freni
Brembo SpA, 24035 Curno (Bergamo), IT. (B22D
17/00, EPA 2709781, WO 2012/160479, EP-AT:
15.05.2012, WO-AT: 15.05.2012)
Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Aluminiumoder Al-Legierungsstreifens mit einer Wärmeversiegelungslackierung auf einer ersten
Oberfläche und einer epoxidbasierten Einbrennlackierung auf der zweiten, zuvor mit
einer chromfreien Konversionsbeschichtung
beschichteten Oberfläche. Amcor Flexibles
Kreuzlingen Ltd., 8280 Kreuzlingen, CH. (C23C
22/02, EPA 2718479, EP-AT: 01.06.2012, WOAT: 01.06.2012)
Form- und / oder Strukturteil aus Aluminium
oder einer Al-Legierung und Verfahren zu deren Oberflächenschutz. Alcan Strojmetal Aluminium Forging GmbH, 78224 Singen, DE. (B05D
7/14, OS 10 2009 037 928, AT: 19.08.2009)
Kühlkörper für Elektrogeräte als Sichtteil in
Form eines Schriftzuges oder Bildes ausgeformt
per Extrudierung aus Aluminium (ausgeführt
als Strangpressprofil). Maestro Badenia Akustik
& Elektronik GmbH, 74847 Obrigheim, DE. (H05K
7/20, OS 10 2012 022 667, AT: 21.11.2012) ➝
Tür, insbesondere Aluminium-Haustür, und
Türprofilsystem. heroal – Johann Henkenjohann
GmbH & Co. KG, 33415 Verl, DE. (E06B 7/16, OS
10 2012 111 005, AT: 15.11.2012)
Monolithisches Aluminium-Zylinderkurbelgehäuse für hoch beanspruchte Dieselmotoren.
BMW AG, 80809 München, DE; KS Aluminium-Technologie GmbH, 74172 Neckarsulm, DE.
(F02F 7/00, PS 103 57 096, AT: 06.12.2003)
Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von hochfesten
und schwingungsresistenten Aluminium-Präzisionsrundstangen und Aluminium-Präzisionsrundrohren harteloxalbeschichtet mit hoher
Verschleißfestigkeit. Müller, Gerald, Dipl.-Ing.,
50169 Kerpen, DE; Raue, Rolf, Dipl.-Ing., 50259
Pulheim, DE; Fels, Stephan, Dipl.-Betriebsw.,
50739 Köln, DE. (B21D 31/00, GM 20 2005 017
340, AT: 07.11.2005)
Aluminium-Clips-Schild. Mabeg Kreuschner
GmbH & Co. KG, 59494 Soest, DE. (G09F 7/08,
GM 20 2006 009 798, AT: 21.06.2006)
Durchsichtige Aluminium-Titanoxid-Beschichtung und / oder Aluminiumoxid-Beschichtung
mit einer Rutil-Struktur. Philips Deutschland
GmbH, 20099 Hamburg, DE. (C03C 17/245, OS
60 2004 005 571, EP 1590305, WO 2004/067791,
AT: 21.01.2004, EP-AT: 21.01.2004, WO-AT:
Vorbehandlung für Aluminium und Al-Legierungen. The United States of America as represented by The Secretary of The Navy, Patuxent
River, Md., US. (C23C 22/05, PS 60 2004 042 102,
EP 1585848, WO 2004/065642, AT: 21.01.2004,
EP-AT: 21.01.2004, WO-AT: 21.01.2004)
Verbundbauteil aus Kunststoff und einer AlLegierung sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung.
Taisei Plas Co., Ltd., Tokio, JP. (B29C 45/14, EP
2 572 876, AT: 07.12.2006, EP-AT: 07.12.2006)
Verfahren zum Laser-Lichtbogen-Schweißen
von metallischen Werkstücken, die eine Beschichtung aus im Wesentlichen Aluminium
und Silizium enthalten. L’Air Liquide, Société
Anonyme pour l’Etude et l‘Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude, Paris, FR. (B23K 26/14, PS
60 2007 030 390, EP 2168710, AT: 22.06.2007,
EP-AT: 22.06.2007)
Schweißbare rostbeständige Nickel-EisenChrom-Aluminium-Legierung. Haynes International, Inc., Kokomo, Ind., US. (C22C 19/05, EP 2
072 627, AT: 13.11.2008, EP-AT: 13.11.2008)
Verfahren zur In-situ-Bildung von Silizium-,
Aluminium- und Titanchloriden bei der Herstellung von Titandioxid. E.I. du Pont de Nemours
and Co., Wilmington, Del., US. (C01G 23/07, EP 2
539 279, WO 2011/102863, AT: 09.11.2010, EPAT: 09.11.2010)
Zylinderkopf eines Verbrennungsmotors aus
einem Gussteil aus einer Aluminiumlegierung.
Nippon Light Metal Co. Ltd., Tokio, JP; Nissan
Motor Co., Ltd., Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken,
JP. (C22C 21/04, EP 2 395 118, AT: 04.07.2008,
EP-AT: 04.07.2008)
Legierung auf Mg-Al-Basis mit Kornverfeiner.
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH, 21502 Geesthacht, DE. (C22C 1/03, PS 60 2011 001 569, EP
2481822, AT: 01.02.2011, EP-AT: 01.02.2011)
Vorrichtung zur Entfernung von Kurzschließungsblockierungen bei der Inbetriebnahme
einer Elektrolysezelle zur Herstellung von
Aluminium. Rio Tinto Alcan International Ltd.,
Montreal, Quebec, CA. (C25C 3/16, EP 2 585
624, WO 2012/001242, AT: 23.06.2011, EP-AT:
Vorrichtung zur Entnahme von Kurzschließungsdistanzscheiben für die Inbetriebnahme einer Elektrolysezelle zur Herstellung von
Aluminium. ECL, Ronchin, FR; Rio Tinto Alcan
International Ltd., Montreal, Quebec, CA. (C25C
3/16, EP 2 585 625, WO 2012/001243, AT: 23.06.
2011, EP-AT: 23.06.2011)
Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Aluminium/
Keramik-Verbundsubstrats. Dowa Metaltech
Co., Ltd., Tokio, JP. (C04B 37/02, EP 1 403 229,
AT: 29.09.2003, EP-AT: 29.09.2003)
Gitterartiger Gegenstand aus einer Aluminiumlegierung und dessen Herstellungsverfahren.
Progress Eco S.A., 28-147 Tuczepy, PL. (B23K
11/14, EPA 2712696, EP-AT: 06.08.2013, WOAT: 06.08.2013)
Fahrzeugreifen aus einer geformten Aluminiumlegierung mit stilisierter Struktur, Verfahren zur Herstellung eines derartigen Reifens
und bei diesem Verfahren verwendete Form.
Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA, 78140 Vélizy
Villacoublay, FR. (B60B 1/08, EPA 2714424,
WO 2012/164185, EP-AT: 09.05.2012, WO-AT:
Aluminiumlegierung mit hervorragenden
Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho, Chuo-kuKobe-shi Hyogo 651-8585, JP. (C22C 21/12, EPA 2719784,
WO 2012/169317, EP-AT: 14.05.2012, WO-AT:
Aluminiumlegierung und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Extrusion damit. Aisin Keikinzoku Co., Ltd., Toyama 934-8588, JP. (C22C
21/10, EPA 2716780, WO 2012/165086, EP-AT:
24.04.2012, WO-AT: 24.04.2012)
Verwendung einer Aluminiumlegierung zur
Herstellung von Druckgussstücken. Nippon
Light Metal Co. Ltd., Tokio, JP; Denso Corp., Kariya-city, Aichi-pref., JP. (C22C 21/04, PS 10 2005
061 668, AT: 22.12.2005)
Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Motorbauteils,
Motorbauteil und Verwendung einer Aluminiumlegierung. Federal-Mogul Nürnberg GmbH,
90441 Nürnberg, DE. (C22C 21/02, OS 10 2012
220 765, AT: 14.11.2012)
Rohrmaterial aus hochfester Aluminiumlegierung mit langer Lebensdauer und hoher Durchhangbeständigkeit. Sapa Heat Transfer AB, Finspong, SE. (C22C 21/00, PS 60 2005 039 448, EP
1580286, AT: 11.03.2005, EP-AT: 11.03.2005)
Aluminiumlegierung vom Typ AlZnMg und Verfahren zur deren Herstellung. Aluminium Lend
Gmbh & Co. Kg., Lend, AT. (C22C 21/10, PS 50
2007 011 702, EP 2061912, WO 2008/028208,
AT: 03.09.2007, EP-AT: 03.09.2007, WO-AT:
Verfahren zum Schweißen von Bändern aus
Aluminiumlegierung. Constellium France, Paris,
FR; Constellium Rolled Products Ravenswood,
LLC, Ravenswood, W.Va., US. (C22C 21/02, PS
60 2004 007 034, EP 1687456, WO 2005/061743,
AT: 24.11.2004, EP-AT: 24.11.2004, WO-AT:
Aluminiumlegierungen. Questek Innovations
LLC, Evanston, IL 60201, US. (C22C 21/10, EPA
2714954, WO 2012/162226, EP-AT: 21.05.2012,
WO-AT: 21.05.2012)
Direktschmieden und -walzen von L12-Aluminiumlegierungen für Panzerungsanwendungen.
United Technologies Corp., Hartford, Conn., US.
(C22C 1/05, PS 60 2010 006 542, EP 2253725,
AT: 31.03.2010, EP-AT: 31.03.2010)
Anlage zur Herstellung stranggepresster Bauteile und Halbzeuge aus Leichtmetall oder
Leichtmetalllegierungen. TechMag AG, Schaffhausen, CH. (B21C 23/21, PS 10 2011 112 559,
AT: 08.09.2011)
Magnesiumlegierung. HelmholtzZentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und
Küstenforschung GmbH, 21502 Geesthacht,
DE; Technische Universität Clausthal, 38678
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, DE. (C22C 23/02, PS 10
2008 020 523, AT: 23.04.2008)
Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Magnesiumlegierung und eine danach hergestellte
Magnesiumlegierung. TechMag AG, Schaffhausen, CH. (C22C 23/06, OS 10 2011 112 561,
AT: 08.09.2011) sowie (C22C 23/00, WO 2013
034134, AT: 07.09.2012, WO-AT: 07.09.2012)
Vorrichtung zum Verbinden von Profilelementen. Alcoa Aluminium Deutschland, Inc.,
58642 Iserlohn, DE. (E04F 10/06, EPA 2716836,
EP-AT: 04.10. 2013 WO-AT: 04.10.2013)
ALUMINIUM veröffentlicht unter dieser Rubrik regelmäßig einen Überblick über wichtige, den Werkstoff Aluminium betreffende
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Interessenten können diese beziehen oder
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Die Gesellschaft bietet darüber hinaus weitere
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ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Karosseriebauteils aus einer Magnesiumlegierung sowie hiermit hergestelltes Karosseriebauteil und Fahrzeugkarosserie mit solchem Karosseriebauteil.
Audi AG, 85057 Ingolstadt, DE. (C22C 23/02, OS
10 2012 021 634, AT: 02.11.2012)
Magnesiumlegierung und Werkstücke hieraus.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover,
30167 Hannover, DE. (C22C 23/06, OS 10 2012
108 089, AT: 31.08.2012)
Magnesiumlegierung mit hoher Festigkeit und
hoher Duktilität und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung. National Institute for Materials Science,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JP. (C22C 23/06, PS 11 2005
001 529, WO 2006/004072, AT: 28.06.2005, WOAT: 28.06.2005)
Legierungen für ein Wärmetauscherrohr mit
Innenschutzschicht und gelötetem Disruptor.
Constellium France, 75008 Paris, FR. (C22C
21/00, EPA 2710162, WO 2012/160267, EP-AT:
03.05.2012, WO-AT: 03.05.2012)
Verwendung einer Nickel-Chrom-Eisen-Aluminium-Legierung mit guter Verarbeitbarkeit.
Outokumpu VDM GmbH, 58791 Werdohl, DE.
(C22C 19/03, OS 10 2012 015 828, AT: 10.08.
Schweißbare rostbeständige Nickel-EisenChrom-Aluminium-Legierung. Haynes International, Inc., Kokomo, Ind., US. (C22C 19/05, EP 2
072 627, AT: 13.11.2008, EP-AT: 13.11.2008)
Befestigungseinrichtung für ein Sonnenschutzelement. Alcoa Aluminium Deutschland, Inc.,
58642 Iserlohn, DE. (E04F 10/06, EPA 2716836,
EP-AT: 04.10.2013, WO-AT: 04.10.2013)
Vorrichtung und Verfahren für selbstgesteuertes Rührreibschweißen. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh,
PA 15212-5858, US. (B23K 20/12, EPA 2714320,
WO 2012/162606, EP-AT: 25.05.2012, WO-AT:
Mehrlagiges lötbares Blech. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., US; Kobe Steel, Ltd., Kobe, Hyogo, JP.
(B32B 15/01, PS 60 2006 036 115, EP 2015932,
WO 2007/133286, AT: 21.11.2006, EP-AT:
21.11.2006, WO-AT: 21.11.2006)
Verfahren zur Herstellung von Behältern. Alcoa
Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., US. (B21D 51/26, EP 2 035
166, WO 2008/002899, AT: 26.06.2007, EP-AT:
26.06.2007, WO-AT: 26.06.2007)
AlMgSi-Band für Anwendungen mit hohen
Umformungsanforderungen. Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich,
DE. (C22F 1/05, PS 50 2009 007 197, EP 2270249,
AT: 30.06.2009, EP-AT: 30.06.2009)
Befestigungsvorrichtung. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., US. (B63B 25/24, EP 2 464 562,
WO 2011/090542, AT: 18.11.2010, EP-AT:
Verfahren zum Auswechseln einer verwendeten Anode sowie Halter und System zur provisorischen Aufbewahrung einer derartigen ver-
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
wendeten Anode. Rio Tinto Alcan International
Ltd., Montreal, Quebec, CA. (C25C 3/06, EP 2 507
413, WO 2011/067477, AT: 19.10.2010, EP-AT:
Gießen von Nichteisenmetallen. Alcoa Inc.,
Pittsburgh, Pa., US. (B22D 11/06, PS 603 43 943,
EP 1545812, WO 2004/018124, AT: 13.06.2003,
EP-AT: 13.06.2003, WO-AT: 13.06.2003)
Aluminiumverbundblechmaterial. Aleris Aluminum Duffel BVBA, Duffel, BE. (B32B 15/20, EP 2
015 934, WO 2007/128390, AT: 19.04.2007, EPAT: 19.04.2007, WO-AT: 19.04.2007)
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Wärmebehandlung eines Aluminiumwerkstücks und
Aluminiumwerkstück. Hydro Aluminium Rolled
Products GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich, DE. (C22C
21/00, EPA 2712942, EP-AT: 27.09.2012, WOAT: 27.09.2012)
Schneckenextruder zum kontinuierlichen Extrudieren von Materialien mit hoher Viskosität.
Norsk Hydro ASA, Oslo, NO. (B21C 23/21, PS 60
2007 030 223, EP 2086697, WO 2008/063076,
AT: 19.11.2007, EP-AT: 19.11.2007, WO-AT:
Flügelrahmen einer Schiebetür oder eines
Schiebefensters, der einen verdeckten Pfosten
umfasst. Norsk Hydro ASA, Oslo, NO. (E06B
3/263, PS 60 2008 024 250, EP 1953326, AT:
30.01.2008, EP-AT: 30.01.2008)
Erbslöh Aluminium
GmbH, 42553 Velbert, DE. (F28F 1/02, GM 20
2006 005 013, AT: 29.03.2006)
Kolben für einen Verbrennungsmotor. Mahle
International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F
3/00, OS 10 2008 035 697, AT: 30.07.2008) sowie
(F02F 3/18, OS 10 2012 014 193, AT: 18.07.2012)
sowie (F02F 3/18, OS 10 2012 014 200, AT:
18.07.2012) sowie (F02F 3/22, OS 10 2012 017
217, AT: 31.08.2012) sowie (F02F 3/00, OS 10
2012 022 913, AT: 23.11.2012)
Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Zylinderkurbelgehäuses. KS Aluminium-Technologie GmbH,
74172 Neckarsulm, DE. (B22D 15/02, OS 10 2012
111 521, AT: 28.11.2012)
Kolben für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und
Verfahren zum Herstellen der Oberflächenarmierung eines Kolbens. KS Kolbenschmidt
GmbH, 74172 Neckarsulm, DE. (F02F 3/10, PS
199 41 626, AT: 01.09.1999)
Aluminiumlotzusammensetzung auf Wasserbasis und Lötverfahren. Sumitomo Light Metal
Industries, Ltd., Tokio, JP; Harima Chemicals,
Inc., Kakogawa, Hyogo, JP. (B23K 35/363, PS
603 43 940, EP 1533070, WO 2003/106102,
AT: 16.06.2003, EP-AT: 16.06.2003, WO-AT:
Aluminiumgusslegierungsstrang und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung und Vorrichtung
dafür. Showa Denko K.K., Tokio, JP. (B22D
11/00, PS 103 92 959, WO 2004/009271, AT:
22.07.2003, WO-AT: 22.07.2003)
Außenfassadenblech mit hoher Oberflächenrauigkeit. Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products
GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich, DE. (C22F 1/047,
GM 20 2012 012 923, AT: 13.01.2012)
Patentblatt Juni 2014
Knetprodukte aus einer mit hohen mechanischen Eigenschaften Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Legierung
und Strukturbauteile für ein Luftfahrzeug.
Constellium France, Paris, FR. (C22C 21/10, PS
603 24 903, EP 1492896, WO 2003/085146,
AT: 04.04.2003, EP-AT: 04.04.2003, WO-AT:
Stabilisierung der Grenzfläche zwischen TiNund Al-Legierungen. Teledyne Dalsa Semiconductor Inc., Waterloo, CA. (H01L 21/285, OS
697 34 447, EPA 0902968, WO 1998/024116,
AT: 26.11.1997, EP-AT: 26.11.1997, WO-AT:
Chemisch behandelte Stromableiterfolie aus
Aluminium oder einer Aluminiumlegierung.
Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH, 41515
Grevenbroich, DE. (H01M 4/66, EPA 2724405,
WO 2012/175301, EP-AT: 30.05.2012, WO-AT:
Hitzebeständige Eisen-Chrom-Aluminium-Legierung mit geringer Chromverdampfungsrate und erhöhter Warmfestigkeit. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52425 Jülich, DE. (C22C
38/00, EPA 2723910, WO 2012/175067, EP-AT:
06.06.2012, WO-AT: 06.06.2012)
Online-Detektieren von Aluminium-Ionen.
Voith Patent GmbH, 89522 Heidenheim.(D21H
23/06, OS 10 2012 223 368, AT: 17.12.2012)
Elektrolysevorrichtung und Verfahren zur Erzeugung von Aluminium-Ionen. Voith Patent
GmbH, 89522 Heidenheim, DE. (D21F 1/66, OS
10 2012 223 574, AT: 18.12.2012)
Aluminium-Stahl-Verbundpfanne. Ningbo Katemaker Cooker Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang,
CN. (A47J 36/02, GM 21 2011 100 155,
WO 2012/051837, AT: 08.04.2011, WO-AT:
Verfahren zur Ausbildung einer Aluminiumdiffusionsschicht zum Oxidationsschutz. RollsRoyce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG, 15827 Blankenfelde-Mahlow, DE. (C23C 10/04, PS 50 2008
010 064, EP 1959026, AT: 29.01.2008, EP-AT:
Flussmittel zum Löten von Aluminium. Behr
GmbH & Co. KG, 70469 Stuttgart, DE. (B23K 35/
36, PS 503 14 817, EP 1485227, WO 2003/
076123, AT: 24.02.2003, EP-AT: 24.02.2003,
WO-AT: 24.02.2003)
Schweißbares Strukturbauteil aus einer Aluminiumlegierung. Aleris Aluminum Koblenz GmbH,
56070 Koblenz, DE (B32B 15/01, PS 600 46 579,
EP 1169177, WO 2000/054967, AT: 17.03.2000,
EP-AT: 17.03.2000, WO-AT: 17.03.2000)
Fortsetzung in ALUMINIUM 9/2014
Smelting technology
 Anode Technology &
Mixing Equipment
1.1 Raw materials
1.2 Storage facilities for smelting
Lagermöglichkeiten in der Hütte
1.3 Anode production
1.4 Anode rodding
1.4.1 Anode baking
1.4.2 Anode clearing
1.4.3 Fixing of new anodes to the
anodes bars
Befestigen von neuen Anoden
an der Anodenstange
Casthouse (foundry)
Casting machines
Current supply
Electrolysis cell (pot)
Emptying the cathode shell
Cathode repair shop
Second-hand plant
Aluminium alloys
Storage and transport
Lager und Transport
Refractory products
Protective Clothing
Buss ChemTech AG, Switzerland
+4161 825 64 62
Internet: www.buss-ct.com
 Auto firing systems
Automatische Feuerungssysteme
D-90411 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0) 911 5218 0, Fax: -5218 231
E-Mail: thomas.janousch@riedhammer.de
Internet: www.riedhammer.de
 Hydraulic presses for prebaked
anodes / Hydraulische Pressen zur
Herstellung von Anoden
Am Scheerleck 7, L-6868 Wecker, Luxembourg
+352 27612 0
+352 27612 109
E-Mail: info@laeis-gmbh.com
Internet: www.laeis-gmbh.com
Contact: Dr. Alfred Kaiser
 Mixing Technology for
Anode pastes
1.2 Storage facilities for
Lagermöglichkeiten i.d. Hütte
Haderslebener Straße 7
D-25421 Pinneberg
Telefon: 04101 788-0
Telefax: 04101 788-115
E-Mail: moeller@flsmidth.com
Internet: www.flsmidthmoeller.com
Kontakt: Herr Dipl.-Ing. Timo Letz
Paul Hedfeld GmbH
Hundeicker Str. 20
D-58285 Gevelsberg
Phone: +49 (0) 2332 6371
E-mail: verkauf@hedfeld.com
Internet: www.hedfeld.com
 Unloading/Loading equipment
see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2
Bulk materials Handling from Ship to Cell
Contact: Andreas Haeuser, ha@neuero.de
Solios Carbone – France
 Conveying systems bulk materials
Förderanlagen für Schüttgüter
Internet: www.flsmidthmoeller.com
see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2
1.4 Anode rodding
 Removal of bath residues from
the surface of spent anodes
Entfernen der Badreste von der Oberfläche der verbrauchten Anoden
1.3 Anode production
mailto: info.cc-mh@coperion.com
Buss AG
CH-4133 Pratteln
+41 61 825 66 00
Internet: www.busscorp.com
 Bulk materials Handling
from Ship to Cell
Mischtechnologie für Anodenmassen
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
Hornstraße 19
D-45964 Gladbeck
Telefon 02043 / 9738-0
Telefax 02043 / 9738-50
 Rodding shop
Storvik AS
Industriveien 13
Tel.: +47 71 69 95 00 | Fax: +47 71 69 95 55
www.storvik.no | storvik@storvik.no
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
1.4.1 Anode b aking
 Open top and closed
type baking furnaces
Offene und geschlossene Ringöfen
D-90411 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0) 911 5218 0, Fax: -5218 231
E-Mail: thomas.janousch@riedhammer.de
Internet: www.riedhammer.de
 Degassing, filtration and
grain refinement
Entgasung, Filtern, Kornfeinung
Drache Umwelttechnik
Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26
D 65582 Diez/Lahn
Telefon 06432/607-0
Telefax 06432/607-52
Internet: www.drache-gmbh.de
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Dross skimming of liquid metal
Abkrätzen des Flüssigmetalls
Could not find your
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
E-Mail: anzeigen@giesel.de
1.5 Casthouse (foundry)
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
 Furnace charging with
molten metal
Ofenbeschickung mit Flüssigmetall
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
 Ingot Casting Line
Bartz GmbH
casting machines
transport crucibles
see Casthous (foundry) 1.5
Sistem Teknik Endüstryel Firinlar LTD. STI.
TOSB – TAYSAD OSB 1.Cad. 14.Sok. No.: 3
Gebze, Kocaeli / Turkey
Tel.: +90 262 658 22 26
Fax: +90 262 658 22 38
E-Mail: info@sistemteknik.com
Internet: www.sistemteknik.com
Solios Thermal UK
 Metal treatment in the
holding furnace
Metallbehandlung in Halteöfen
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Transfer to the casting furnace
Überführung in Gießofen
Drache Umwelttechnik
Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26
D 65582 Diez/Lahn
Telefon 06432/607-0
Telefax 06432/607-52
Internet: www.drache-gmbh.de
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
 Melting/holding/casting furnaces
Schmelz-/Halte- und Gießöfen
 Transport of liquid metal
to the casthouse
Phone: +31.315.683941
info@hencon.com · www.hencon.com
Transport v. Flüssigmetall in Gießereien
Corneliusstr. 36, 40215 Düsseldorf
Tel. +49 (0) 211-38425-0, Fax -20
E-Mail: welcome-maerz@andritz.com
Internet: www.andritz.com/metals
Maschinen und Industrieanlagen
Weinbergerstraße 6, A-5280 Braunau am Inn
Phone +437722/806-0
Fax +437722/806-122
E-Mail: info@hertwich.com
Internet: www.hertwich.com
Konstantinstraße 1a
D 41238 Mönchengladbach
Telefon +49 (02166) 987990
Telefax +49 (02166) 987996
E-Mail: info@inotherm-gmbh.de
Internet: www.inotherm-gmbh.de
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Bartz GmbH
see Casthous (foundry) 1.5
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
 Treatment of casthouse
off gases
Behandlung der Gießereiabgase
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
1.6 Casting machines
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Avenida Cervantes Nº6
48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain
Tel: +34 944 409 420
E-mail: Insertec@insertec.biz
Internet: www.insertec.biz
GAPCast TM: the Swiss casting solution
see Casting machines and equipment 4.7
 Heat treatment of extrusion
ingot (homogenisation)
Formatebehandlung (homogenisieren)
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Sawing / Sägen
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
 Horizontal continuous casting
Horizontales Stranggießen
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
 Vertical semi-continuous DC
casting / Vertikales Stranggießen
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Bartz GmbH
see Casthous (foundry) 1.5
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Rolling and extrusion ingot
and T-bars
Formatgießerei (Walzbarren oder
Pressbolzen oder T-Barren)
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
T.T. Tomorrow Technology S.p.A.
Via dell’Artigianato 18
Due Carrare, Padova 35020, Italy
Telefon +39 049 912 8800
Telefax +39 049 912 8888
E-Mail: gmagarotto@tomorrowtechnology.it
Contact: Giovanni Magarotto
 Anode changing machine
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
Wagstaff, Inc.
3910 N. Flora Rd.
Spokane, WA 99216 USA
+1 509 922 1404 phone
+1 509 924 0241 fax
E-Mail: info@wagstaff.com
Internet: www.wagstaff.com
 Pig casting machines (sow casters)
Masselgießmaschine (Sowcaster)
Phone: +31.315.683941
info@hencon.com · www.hencon.com
1.9 Potroom
1.8 Electrolysis cell (pot)
 Bulk materials Handling
from Ship to Cell
Bulk materials Handling from Ship to Cell
 Anode transport equipment
Anoden Transporteinrichtungen
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
 Crustbreakers / Krustenbrecher
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
 Dry absorption units for
electrolysis exhaust gases
Trockenabsorptionsanlage für
mailto: info.cc-mh@coperion.com
 Calcium silicate boards
Promat GmbH High Performance Insulation
Scheifenkamp 16, D-40878 Ratingen
Tel. +49 (0) 2102 / 493-0, Fax -493 115
verkauf3@promat.de, www.promat.de
Solios Environnement
Could not find your
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
E-Mail: anzeigen@giesel.de
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
 Exhaust gas treatment
 Scales / Waagen
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Pot ramming Machine
Solios Environnement
 Pot feeding systems
für Elektrolysezellen
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2
 Tapping vehicles/Schöpffahrzeuge
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
1.14 Aluminium Alloys
Postfach 1703, 79607 Rheinfelden
Tel.: +49 7623 93-490
Fax: +49 7623 93-546
E-Mail: alloys@rheinfelden-alloys.eu
Internet: www.rheinfelden-alloys.eu
1.15 Storage and transport
SMS Siemag AG
 Billet heating furnaces
1.16 Refractory Products
Am Großen Teich 27
58640 Iserlohn
Tel. +49 2371 43460
Fax +49 2371 434643
E-Mail: info@ias-induction.com
Internet: www.ias-induction.com
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
Refratechnik Steel GmbH
Schiessstrasse 58
40549 Düsseldorf / Germany
Phone +49 211 5858 0
Fax +49 211 5858 46
Internet: www.refra.com
Lager und Transport
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
1.17 Protective Clothing
see Coil transport systems 3.4
+27 (0)11794 6040
+44 (0)1133 507651
2.5 Measurement and control
Mess- und Regeleinrichtungen
2.6 Die preparation and care
und -pflege
2.7 Second-hand extrusion plant
Gebrauchte Strangpressanlagen
2.8 Consultancy, expert opinion
Beratung, Gutachten
2.9 Surface finishing of sections
von Profilen
2.10 Machining of sections
2.11 Equipment and accessories
Ausrüstungen und Hilfsmittel
2.12 Services
see Section handling 2.3
Fritz-Reichle Ring 2
D-78315 Radolfzell
Tel. +49 7732 939 1390
Fax +49 7732 939 1399
E-Mail: info@extrutec-gmbh.de
Internet: www.extrutec-gmbh.de
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Oilgear Towler GmbH
Im Gotthelf 8
D 65795 Hattersheim
Tel. +49 (0) 6145 3770
Fax +49 (0) 6145 30770
E-Mail: info@oilgear.de
Internet: www.oilgear.de
 Heating and control
equipment for intelligent
billet containers
Heizungs- und Kontrollausrüstung
für intelligente Blockaufnehmer
MARX GmbH & Co. KG
see Melt operations 4.13
 Press control systems
Oilgear Towler GmbH
see Extrusion Equipment 2.2
2.1 Extrusion billet preparation
extrutec GmbH
2.2 Extrusion equipment
2.1 Extrusion billet preparation
2.1.1 Extrusion billet production
2.2 Extrusion equipment
2.3 Section handling
2.4 Heat treatment
Öfen zur Bolzenerwärmung
Hier könnte Ihr
Bezugsquellen-Eintrag stehen.
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
2.3 Section handling
CTI Systems S.A.
Z.I. Eselborn-Lentzweiler
12, op der Sang | L- 9779 Lentzweiler
Tel. +352 2685 2000 | Fax +352 2685 3000
cti@ctisystems.com | www.ctisystems.com
 Transport equipment for
extruded sections
I - 20142 Milano, Tel +39 059782817
Email: info@dimasimma.com
Internet: www.dimasimma.com
Rechbergstraße 46
D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11
E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de
Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de
see Section handling 2.3
KASTO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Industriestr. 14, D-77855 Achern
Tel.: +49 (0) 7841 61-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 7841 61 300
kasto@kasto.de / www.kasto.de
Hersteller von Band- und Kreissägemaschinen
sowie Langgut- und Blechlagersystemen
für Profilabschnitte
see Section handling 2.3
see Coil transport systems 3.4
see Section handling 2.3
MFW Maschinenbau GmbH
A-4813 Altmünster, AUSTRIA
see Section handling 2.3
Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH
Stadtseestraße 12, D-74189 Weinsberg
Tel. +49 7134 52 220 l Fax +49 7134 52 222
E-Mail intralogistik@vollert.de
Internet www.vollert.de
 Packaging equipment
see Coil transport systems 3.4
see Section handling 2.3
see Section handling 2.3
Nijverheidsweg 3
NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands
Tel.: +31 315 641352
Fax: +31 315 641852
E-Mail: info@unifour.nl
Internet: www.unifour.nl
Sales Contact: Paul Overmans
BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH
Kammerbruchstraße 64
D-52152 Simmerath
Tel. 02473-9277-0 · Fax: 02473-9277-111
info@bsn-therm.de · www.bsn-therm.de
Ofenanlagen zum Wärmebehandeln von Aluminiumlegierungen, Buntmetallen und Stählen
Hütte GmbH
Hüttenstraße 33, D-52355 Düren
+49 (0) 24 21 591 507-0
+49 (0) 24 21 591 507-99
E-Mail: info@huette-tpt.de
Internet: www.huette-tpt.de
 Stackers / Destackers
Stapler / Entstapler
Avenida Cervantes Nº6
48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain
Tel: +34 944 409 420
E-mail: Insertec@insertec.biz
Internet: www.insertec.biz
 Section saws
see Section handling 2.3
 Section transport equipment
see Coil transport systems 3.4
see Section handling 2.3
2.4 Heat treatment
see Section handling 2.3
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
 Section store equipment
Could not find your „keywords“?
Please ask for our complete
see Section handling 2.3
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
E-Mail: anzeigen@giesel.de
ul. Šwierczewskiego 76
66-200 Šwiebodzin, POLAND
Tel: +48 68 38 19 800
E-mail: europe@secowarwick.com
Internet: www.secowarwick.com
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
 Heat treatment furnaces
2.9 Surface finishing
of sections
von Profilen
see Melting/holding/casting furnaces 1.5
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
Güterbahnhofstrasse 1
D-78048 Villingen-Schwenningen
Tel. +49 (0) 7721 8441-0, Fax -44
E-Mail: info@ernstreinhardt.de
Internet: www.ernst-reinhardt.com
 Homogenising furnaces
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Section handling 2.3
2.11 Equipment and
 Die heating furnaces
see Extrusion billet preparation 2.1
schwartz GmbH
see Heat treatment 2.4
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
 Inductiv heating equipment
Induktiv beheizte
Nijverheidsweg 3
NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands
Tel.: +31 315 641352
Fax: +31 315 641852
E-Mail: info@unifour.nl
Internet: www.unifour.nl
Sales Contact: Paul Overmans
Rolling mill technology
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
und -pflege
see Heat treatment furnaces 2.4
Ausrüstungen und
2.6 Die preparation and care
Auslagerungsöfen für
see Extrusion billet preparation 2.1
see 2.1 Billet heating furnaces
 Ageing furnace for extrusions
3.1 Casting equipment
3.2 Rolling bar machining
3.3 Rolling bar furnaces
3.4 Hot rolling equipment
3.5 Strip casting units
and accessories
und Zubehör
3.6 Cold rolling equipment
3.7 Thin strip / foil rolling plant
3.8 Auxiliary equipment
3.9 Adjustment devices
3.10 Process technology /
Automation technology
Prozesstechnik /
3.11 Coolant / lubricant preparation
3.12 Air extraction systems
3.13 Fire extinguishing units
3.14 Storage and dispatch
Lagerung und Versand
3.15 Second-hand rolling equipment
3.16 Coil storage systems
Coil storage systems
3.17 Strip Processing Lines
3.18 Productions Management Sytems
Produktions Management Systeme
3.0 Rolling mill technology
Nijverheidsweg 3
NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands
Tel.: +31 315 641352
Fax: +31 315 641852
E-Mail: info@unifour.nl
Internet: www.unifour.nl
Sales Contact: Paul Overmans
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
Siemens plc, Metals Technologies
Sheffield Business Park, Europa Link
Sheffield S9 1XU
Phone: +44 1709 726500
Fax:+44 1142 611719
 Melting and holding furnaces
Schmelz- und Warmhalteöfen
SMS Siemag Aktiengesellschaft
Eduard-Schloemann-Straße 4
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-4902
E-Mail: communications@sms-siemag.com
Internet: www.sms-siemag.com
Warmflach- und Kaltwalzwerke
Wiesenstraße 30
57271 Hilchenbach-Dahlbruch, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 2733 29-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2733 29-2852
Walder Straße 51-53
40724 Hilden, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-5100
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-5200
Elektrik + Automation
Ivo-Beucker-Straße 43
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-5895
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-775895
Graf-Recke-Straße 82
40239 Düsseldorf, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-4902
Could not find your
Please ask for our
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
 Electromagnetic Stirrer
Elektromagnetische Rührer
Solios Thermal UK
see Melting/holding/casting furnaces 1.5
Bartz GmbH
see Casthous (foundry) 1.5
Gautschi Engineering GmbH
Konstanzer Straße 37
CH 8274 Tägerwilen
Telefon +41 71 666 66 66
Telefax +41 71 666 66 77
E-Mail: info@gautschi.cc
Internet: www.gautschi.cc
Kontakt: Sales Departement
EBNER Industrieofenbau Ges.m.b.H.
Ebner-Platz 1, 4060 Leonding/Austria
Tel. +43 / 732 / 6868-0
E-Mail: sales@ebner.cc
Internet: www.ebner.cc
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
schwartz GmbH
see Heat treatment 2.4
see Heat treatment 2.4
LOI Thermprocess GmbH
Am Lichtbogen 29
D-45141 Essen
Telefon +49 (0) 201 / 18 91-1
Telefax +49 (0) 201 / 18 91-321
E-Mail: info@loi-italimpianti.de
Internet: www.loi-italimpianti.com
Solios Thermal UK
 Melt purification units
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Metal filters / Metallfilter
3.1 Casting equipment
 Annealing furnaces
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Solios Thermal UK
 Bar heating furnaces
EBNER Industrieofenbau Ges.m.b.H.
see Annealing furnaces 3.3
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Homogenising furnaces
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
3.3 Rolling bar furnaces
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH
see Heat Treatment 2.4
schwartz GmbH
 Filling level indicators and controls
Füllstandsanzeiger und -regler
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Wagstaff, Inc.
see Casting machines 1.6
Hier könnte Ihr
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
see Heat treatment 2.4
Solios Thermal UK
 Roller tracks
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
3.4 Hot rolling equipment
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
 Hot rolling units /
complete plants
3.6 Cold rolling equipment
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
E-Mail: sales@mino.it
Internet: www.mino.it
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
ANDRITZ Sundwig GmbH
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
SMS Siemag AG
Stephanopeler Str. 22, D-58675 Hemer
Telefon: +49 (0) 2372 54-0, Fax -200
E-mail: sundwig_welcome@andritz.com
Internet: www.andritz.com
BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH
see Heat Treatment 2.4
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
Hier könnte Ihr
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
 Coil transport systems
 Rolling mill modernisation
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
 Coil annealing furnaces
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
E-Mail: sales@mino.it
Internet: www.mino.it
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
see Section handling 2.3
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
schwartz GmbH
see Heat treatment 2.4
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
see Section handling 2.3
Obere Industriestraße 8
D-57250 Netphen
Telefon: +49 2738 21-0
Telefax: +49 2738 21-1002
E-Mail: info@sms-logistics.com
Could not find your
 Coil transport systems
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
E-Mail: anzeigen@giesel.de
see Section handling 2.3
 Drive systems / Antriebe
 Spools / Haspel
Rechbergstraße 46
D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11
E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de
Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de
SMS Siemag AG
SMS Siemag AG
see Section handling 2.3
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
see Coil transport systems 3.4
 Rolling mill modernization
see Section handling 2.3
 Cold rolling units /
complete plants
3.7 Thin strip /
foil rolling plant
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
E-Mail: sales@mino.it
Internet: www.mino.it
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
E-Mail: sales@mino.it
Internet: www.mino.it
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
 Coil annealing furnaces
 Slitting lines-CTL
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
Längs- und Querteilanlagen
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
 Drive systems / Antriebe
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
 Heating furnaces / Anwärmöfen
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
Hier könnte Ihr
 Process optimisation systems
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
 Process simulation
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
 Strip shears/Bandscheren
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
 Trimming equipment
 Roll exchange equipment
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
schwartz GmbH
see Cold colling equipment 3.6
 Heating furnaces
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Heat treatment 2.4
schwartz GmbH
see Heat treatment 2.4
 Thin strip / foil rolling mills /
complete plant
Feinband- / Folienwalzwerke /
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
E-Mail: sales@mino.it
Internet: www.mino.it
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
 Strip flatness measurement
and control equipment
Bandplanheitsmess- und
 Strip Tension
Measurement equipment
 Rolling mill modernization
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
E-Mail: sales@mino.it
Internet: www.mino.it
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com
Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
SMS Siemag AG
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com
Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor
Hier könnte Ihr
Bezugsquellen-Eintrag stehen.
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
3.10 Process technology /
Automation technology
Prozesstechnik /
 Plate handling/Packaging
 Strip Width & Position
Measurement equipment
 Strip thickness measurement
and control equipment
Banddickenmess- und
MFW Maschinenbau GmbH
A-4813 Altmünster, AUSTRIA
 Process control technology
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com
Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor
SMS Siemag AG
see Casting machines 1.6
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com
Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor
3.11 Coolant / lubricant
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
Wagstaff, Inc.
Bandbreiten- und
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
SMS Siemag AG
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
 Filter for rolling oils and emulsions
Filter für Walzöle und Emulsionen
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
 Roll Force Measurement equipment
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com
Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Could not find your
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
E-Mail: anzeigen@giesel.de
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
 Rolling oil recovery and
treatment units
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
 Rolling oil rectification units
see Coil transport systems 3.4
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
see Section handling 2.3
 Lithographic Sheet Lines
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
SMS Siemag AG
3.12 Air extraction systems
see Strip Processing Lines 3.17
3.17 Strip Processing Lines
see Strip Processing Lines 3.17
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
see Cold rolling equipment 3.6
 Stretch Levelling Lines
 Exhaust air purification
systems (active)
Abluft-Reinigungssysteme (aktiv)
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
BWG Bergwerk- und WalzwerkMaschinenbau GmbH
Mercatorstraße 74 – 78
D-47051 Duisburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 203-9929-0
Fax: +49 (0) 203-9929-400
E-Mail: bwg@bwg-online.de
Internet: www.bwg-online.com
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
3.14 Storage and dispatch
Lagerung und Versand
Zone Industrielle
F-45210 Ferrieres
Telefon +33 (2) 38 94 42 00
E-mail: info@redex-group.com
Internet: www.tension-leveling.com
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
3.16 Coil storage systems
Via Monte Rosa, 93
20149 Milan, ITALY
Telefon +39 02 4384 7402
E-Mail: stripprocessing@it.tenovagroup.com
Internet: www.tenova.com
Sales Contact: Stefano Marelli
 Anodizing Lines
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
see Section handling 2.3
 Coil & Colour Coating Lines
Rechbergstraße 46
D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11
E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de
Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de
see Strip Processing Lines 3.17
SMS Siemag AG
see Rolling mill technology 3.0
see Section handling 2.3
Hier könnte Ihr
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
 Strip Annealing Lines
see Coil transport systems 3.4
SMS Siemag AG
see Strip Processing Lines 3.17
Bronx International Pty Ltd
Email: sales@bronx.com.au
Internet: www.bronxintl.com
3.18 Production
Management systems
Produktions Management
PSI Metals Non Ferrous GmbH
Software Excellence in Metals
Campus-Boulevard 57, D-52074 Aachen
Tel.: +49 241 927880-0
info@psimetals.de, www.psimetals.com
see Coil transport systems 3.4
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
4.1 Work protection and ergonomics
Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie
4.2 Heat-resistant technology
4.3 Conveyor and storage technology
Förder- und Lagertechnik
4.4 Mould and core production
Form- und Kernherstellung
4.5 Mould accessories and accessory
Formzubehör, Hilfsmittel
4.2 Heat-resistent technology
 Refractories / Feuerfeststoffe
4.6 Foundry equipment
4.7 Casting machines and equipment
und Gießeinrichtungen
4.8 Handling technology
4.9 Construction and design
Konstruktion und Design
4.10 Measurement technology
and materials testing
Messtechnik und Materialprüfung
4.11 Metallic charge materials
Metallische Einsatzstoffe
4.12 Finishing of raw castings
4.13 Melt operations
4.14 Melt preparation
4.15 Melt treatment devices
4.16 Control and regulation technology
Steuerungs- und
4.17 Environment protection
and disposal
Umweltschutz und Entsorgung
4.18 Dross recovery
4.19 Cast parts
Promat GmbH High Performance Insulation
Scheifenkamp 16, D-40878 Ratingen
Tel. +49 (0) 2102 / 493-0, Fax -493 115
verkauf3@promat.de, www.promat.de
Rechbergstraße 46
D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11
E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de
Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de
see Coil transport systems 3.4
see Section handling 2.3
4.5 Mold accessories and
accessory materials
Formzubehör, Hilfmittel
 Fluxes
Solvay Fluor GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Allee 20
D-30173 Hannover
Telefon +49 (0) 511 / 857-0
Telefax +49 (0) 511 / 857-2146
Internet: www.solvay-fluor.de
4.6 Foundry equipment
see section Casthouse 1.5
 Casting machines
Refratechnik Steel GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 16
67304 Eisenberg
Phone + 49 6351 409 0
Fax + 49 6351 409 171
Email: info@ekw-refractories.com
Internet: www.ekw-refractories.com
Schiessstrasse 58
40549 Düsseldorf / Germany
Phone +49 211 5858 0
Fax +49 211 5858 46
Internet: www.refra.com
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
4.3 Conveyor and storage
Förder- und Lagertechnik
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
Avenida Cervantes Nº6
48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain
Tel: +34 944 409 420
E-mail: Insertec@insertec.biz
Internet: www.insertec.biz
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
see Section handling 2.3
Paul Hedfeld GmbH
Hundeicker Str. 20
D-58285 Gevelsberg
Phone: +49 (0) 2332 6371
E-mail: verkauf@hedfeld.com
Internet: www.hedfeld.com
 Heat treatment furnaces
see Melting/holding/casting furnaces 1.5
see Heat treatment 2.4
 Mould parting agents
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
Hier könnte Ihr
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
4.7 Casting machines
and equipment
und Gießeinrichtungen
Schröder KG
Postfach 1170
Tel. 02734/7071
Fax 02734/20784
 Heat treatment furnaces
see Melting/holding/casting furnaces 1.5
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
4.10 Measurement technology
and materials testin
Messtechnik und
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Heat treatment 2.4
ratioTEC Prüfsysteme GmbH
In der Au 17
D-88515 Langenenslingen
Tel.: +49 (0)7376/9622-0
Fax: +49 (0)7376/9622-22
E-Mail: info@ratiotec.com
Internet: www.ratiotec.com
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
 Holding furnaces
GAPCast TM: the Swiss casting solution
Casting Technology / Automation
Tel.: +41 27 455 57 14
E-Mail: info@gap-engineering.ch
Internet: www.gap-engineering.ch
Precimeter Control AB
Ostra Hamnen 7
SE-475 42 Hono / Sweden
Tel.: +46 31 764 5520, Fax: +46 31 764 5529
E-Mail: marketing@precimeter.com
Internet: www.precimeter.com
Sales contact: Jonatan Lindstrand
4.11 Metallic charge
see Melting/holding/casting furnaces 1.5
Bartz GmbH
Metallische Einsatzstoffe
 Recycling / Recycling
Chr. Otto Pape GmbH
Berliner Allee 34
D-30855 Langenhagen
Tel:+49(0)511 786 32-0 Fax: -32
Internet: www.papemetals.com
E-Mail: info@papemetals.com
see Casthous (foundry) 1.5
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Heat treatment 2.4
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
4.13 Melt operations
Wagstaff, Inc.
see Heat treatment 2.4
see Casting machines 1.6
 Melting furnaces
see Melting/holding/casting furnaces 1.5
Bartz GmbH
 Continuous ingot casting
lines and aluminium rod lines
Kokillengieß- und Aluminiumdraht-Anlagen
see Casthous (foundry) 1.5
see Extrusion 2.4.
 Burner System
Via Emilia Km 310
26858 Sordio-LO
Tel. +39.02.988492-1 . hq@properzi.it
Fax +39.02.9810358 . www.properzi.com
Büttgenbachstraße 14
D-40549 Düsseldorf/Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 5 00 91-0
Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 5 00 91-14
E-Mail: info@bloomeng.de
Internet: www.bloomeng.de
Could not find your
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
E-Mail: anzeigen@giesel.de
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
Engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Heat treatment 2.4
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
MARX GmbH & Co. KG
Lilienthalstr. 6-18
D-58638 Iserhohn
Tel.: +49 (0) 2371 / 2105-0, Fax: -11
E-Mail: info@marx-gmbh.de
Internet: www.marx-gmbh.de
4.14 Melt preparation
 Degassing, filtration
Entgasung, Filtration
Drache Umwelttechnik
Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26
D 65582 Diez/Lahn
Telefon 06432/607-0
Telefax 06432/607-52
Internet: http://www.drache-gmbh.de
4.15 Melt treatment devices
Metaullics Systems Europe B.V.
Ebweg 14
NL-2991 LT Barendrecht
Tel. +31-180/590890
Fax +31-180/551040
E-Mail: info@metaullics.nl
Internet: www.metaullics.com
4.17 Environment protection
and disposal
Umweltschutz und
und Recycling
 Granulated aluminium
Chr. Otto Pape GmbH
Berliner Allee 34
D-30855 Langenhagen
Tel:+49(0)511 786 32-0 Fax: -32
Internet: www.papemetals.com
E-Mail: info@papemetals.com
Could not find your
Please ask for our
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
6.2 Semi products
 Technical literature
Taschenbuch des Metallhandels
Fundamentals of Extrusion Technology
Giesel Verlag GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Allee 9, 30173 Hannover
Tel. 0511 / 73 04-125 · Fax 0511 / 73 04-233
Internet: www.alu-bookshop.de
 Technical journals
Giesel Verlag GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Allee 9, 30173 Hannover
Tel. 0511/8550-2638 · Fax 0511/8550-2405
GDMB-Informationsgesellschaft mbH
Paul-Ernst-Str.10, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Telefon 05323-937 20, Fax -237, www.gdmb.de
 Wires / Drähte
W. Erdmann GmbH & Co.
Werdohler Str. 40, D-58809 Neuenrade
Postfach 12 60, D-58804 Neuenrade
Tel. +49(0)2392/697-0, Fax 49(0)2392/62044
E-Mail: info@elisental.de
Internet: www.elisental.de
6.3 Equipment for forging
and impact extrusion
Ausrüstung für Schmiedeund Fließpresstechnik
 Hydraulic Presses
Hydraulische Pressen
ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2014
 Dust removal
Postfach 110261, D-33662 Bielefeld
Tel. 05205/7503-0, Fax 05205/7503-77
info@neotechnik.com, www.neotechnik.com
LASCO Umformtechnik GmbH
Hahnweg 139, D-96450 Coburg
Tel. +49 (0) 9561 642-0
Fax +49 (0) 9561 642-333
E-Mail: lasco@lasco.de
Internet: www.lasco.com
Hier könnte Ihr
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821/31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
Special: Messe ALUMINIUM 2014
Special: ALUMINIUM 2014 Show
Vom 7. bis 9. Oktober trifft sich die internationale Aluminiumindustrie auf der ALUMINIUM 2014 in Düsseldorf.
International ALUMINIUM Journal begleitet die Messe
im September- und Oktoberheft mit Ausstellerberichten
entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette von der Metallerzeugung über die Halbzeugstufe bis hin zur Endverarbeitung.
The international aluminium industry will be gathering at
the ALUMINIUM 2014 in Düsseldorf from 9 to 11 October. International ALUMINIUM Journal accompanies the
show in the September and October issues with reports on
the exhibitors, taking into account the whole value chain
from the aluminium production to the semis industry and
final processing.
Themen unter anderem
Topics, among others
• Die Primäraluminiumindustrie im ersten Halbjahr 2014,
Teil II
• Bericht über ASAS Aluminium, Türkei
• Presezzi Extrusion: ein Komplettansatz für das
Strangpressen harter Aluminiumlegierungen
• Vollautomatische Rundbarrenherstellung
• Primary aluminium activities in the first half of 2014,
Part II
• Report on ASAS Aluminium, Turkey
• Presezzi Extrusion Group: a 360-degree approach to
hard aluminium alloys
• Fully automatic aluminium billet production
1. September 2014
18. August 2014
8. August 2014
90. Jahrgang 1. 1. 2014
Verlag / Publishing house
Giesel Verlag GmbH
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ISSN: 0002-6689
© Giesel Verlag GmbH
1 September 2014
18 August 2014
8 August 2014
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You too can bring immortality to your lips. Aluminium
can be endlessly regenerated, without losing its essential
qualities. And for added allure – it has the slimmest recycling energy cost of any metal.